#he would’ve been about… 35 at the time I think? amazing
hopecomesbacktolife · 6 months
because this particular scene (and his inflection, tone, etc. when he says this) has lived in my head rent free for years, ever since I first saw tos, here’s a reaction image I made of Kodos saying “I am tired!!”
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shoutout to Arnold Moss (Kodos’s actor) for his gravitas, sheer presence, and amazing acting in this episode, too!
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wow-its-me · 11 months
Alright Mutant Mayhem post, I just got back from the movies so these takes are are all of my first un unfiltered thoughts
First off the animation style : Absolutely Amazing,
Very claymation like, and although I see the comparison to Spiderverse, I think it’s completely unique,
If anything it reminds me of The Mitchell’s Vs The Machines
Next the cast : Absolutely Amazing
The way the characters had so much energy and just bounced off of each other. The kids that voiced the turtles really did great, everything they said felt very natural, and like teenagers actually talk. It was A LOT of pop culture references, but while a little cringey, none of them felt forced.
I absolutely LOVED this version of April and she’s currently fighting IDW April for the “best april” spot in my head. Again Ayo did a great job and I can’t imagine anyone else in the role. A fresh take while still being true to the character
And of course Splinter carried the movie. Jackie Chan was incredible as always, and this is splinter is truly the best dad. He was really just looking out for his sons, and doing anything and everything he could to make them both safe and happy.
I’m never going to get over Paul Rudd as Mondo Gecko
And Natasia Demetriou was perfect (hearing her definitely through me off guard though, just cause I’m a wwdits fan, and I though her being the bat was very silly)
Overall thoughts :
If anything I found myself a bit distracted through the movie. Getting caught up comparing things to the TMNT I already know. Learning to accept that while, similar this one’s different, a new take on a beloved series.
I wasn’t comparing it as “worse or better” but seeing the similarities to certain comic issues and runs, and assuming that I knew what was going to happen based off of those. Super fly is just like Hob, Cynthia Utrom is Bishop, ect.
And while those comparisons are both interesting and fun, I was getting too into it, and overlooking what THIS movie was trying to do and say (which is a problem that I think a lot of comics fans run into)
OK critiques : I tend to be nit-picky but I only have a few this time
The Mutanimals,,,, (that what I’m calling them here y’know who I mean) their were ALOT OF THEM and I feel like they all weren’t utilized in the film, and used to cast stars who would only have a couple lines, and probably sell more toys (which, let’s be honest, is the biggest reason TMNT exists now)
Bebop and Rocksteady didn’t really do anything, I swear Leatherhead had two lines, I completely forgot about Ghengis Frog, Rey Fillet was literally just Post, and the only ones who felt like real characters were Mondo Gecko and Wingnut (and I might be bias cause I love them) and slug lady???
The way they almost immediately turned on superfly, their older brother, who was clearly like a father to them, with no hesitation?? One second their down for mass murder, and the next their helping the turtles???
Their actors and designs were cool, but the movie was only 1:35 or something, I feel like a bit more character development for them could’ve been put in
The timeline? Also a bit confusing, and implies that every mutant other than Splinter, Slug Lady, and Superfly is 15. Which I don’t think is true.
But all of the Mutanimals were shows to be babies/toddlers in the 15 year flashback?? And they all seemed like infants in Stockmans lab (other than superfly whose a couple years older) and older slug lady would’ve been tiny anyway
But I just got a little confused
And lastly the ENDING :
I really didn’t think they’d actually make it to highschool!! This is honesty super interesting and opens up the story for a lot of new plots and takes, doing things that the turtles could never do in previous iterations. It makes me very excited for what could come next for them
Their in the real world
People know them
They could have actual futures
(I’m very curious to how taxes and stuff work for splinter now, but I doubt it’ll ever get into that)
Very hyped for what’s coming next, left the theater ranting to my sister about how I hope Karai will be in the next one too.
And with the backstory loosing that tie to the Foot, I’m really wondering how things will go down
And worried for how underprepared they are for someone like shredder
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lightlycareless · 11 months
CHAPTER 35 IS HITTING LIKE ALL MY FAVORITE TROPES,, the ao3 outage earlier this week KILLED me right during my standard "rereading the latest chapter over and over" frenzy,,,
this one had me throwing my phone on my bed and covering my face w my hands like a flustered maiden. losing my fucking shit the entire time
the sudden "theres something going on that all the staff are whispering about" had me like,, what the fuck is going on,, is someone DEAD? and a momentary "HOW MANY MONTHS HAS IT BEEN SINCE THAT ULTIMATUM" and then its naoya's dumb ass getting himself sick. i'd be annoyed at him if it weren't for the incredible scenes this grants us later in the chapter
(and its also SO FUNNY *how* he got sick-- literally stranded in some cursed energy zone all pathetic and alone. just like my sad kicked dog description i keep using for him. he is embodying it fully and truly.)
when naoya's staff came up to y/n like "its about naoya's health we need you" i was like "ohh the drama is he gonna die without her there or something" and,, turns out thats exactly it he probably would've died from refusing to take medicine if she weren't there. glorious. hes so pathetic its unreal (affectionate)
THEYRE FINALLY ALONE TOGETHER AGAIN,, it feels like its been so long and it apparently has been for him-- feeling like its been centuries since hes seen her. ME TOO MF MAYBE IF YOU WERE LESS OF AN ASSHOLE WE COULDVE BEEN HERE EARLIER
"it feels like you could literally do just about anything with him and he wouldn't be able to stop it" - "you were sure you could control him" Y/N,, GIRL,, YOU WANNA TOP HIM SO BAD OOO YOU WANT TO DOM HIM SO BAD. IM CHEERING FOR YOU (she might've been thinking more about murder. but i know what i was thinking) that followed by the "holding the cup directly to his lips to make him drink" scene is killing me. im going insane for them.
she FINALLY gets to interrogate his ass and he CAN'T go anywhere or do anything about it this whole scene was AMAZING. we get so much added dimension to both of them with y/n finally getting to snap on him somewhat and say/ask all the things she's been hiding, and naoya finally showing a little bit of that vulnerability with the discussion about the records and his mother. there's SO much going on here and i can't WAIT to see how that's gonna unfold in the next chapter ft. all sorts of flashbacks
i would read like 35 more chapters of just these sick shenanigans going on tbh. naoya's pov during this kinda thing would be so interesting too-- how deliriously out of it is he actually? is he gonna be absolutely mortified at this behavior when he's more lucid? i could also imagine him pretending to be sick for wayyy longer than he really is just so y/n won't leave,,,
outstanding showstopping amazing. i cant wait to see whats next!
Hi!!!! AAAA sorry for taking a while to get back to your ask, however I must say that when I saw this pop up on my inbox I was going through somewhat of a sad moment, and this made me very happy :’) So thank you!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
Now onto the juicy details…
I’m 100% aware that I’ve been writing nothing less than indulging tropes… AND I’M GLAD ABOUT IT HAHAHAH I’M NEVER GONNA STOP
I think I might’ve been a bit dramatic when writing the reaction from the staff. But after everything that happened… there’s no other way for them to react 😂 The never-ending drama in the Naoya-Y/N soap opera has them on edge, they saw this coming and was only a matter of waiting when it would occur.
It makes me wonder what Naobito’s opinion about this whole charade was 🤔 From disappointment towards his son, to amusement when hearing that Naoya has been incessantly calling for Y/N. He probably lurked around as close as he could to get a better look of what was happening, maybe even bringing some popcorn to enjoy the show. Y/N was right to assume that his family would’ve intervened to force her into aiding Naoya, although… not because they cared but rather because Naobito was tired of things being boring.
Omg… who does he ship Y/N with? Naoya or Naoaki? WTF am I even saying lmao 😂 I need to log off.
As for the timeline… please don’t ask me about it AHAHAH I feel like after all the things that happened, if I were to sit down and determine how much time has passed since the beginning of the story… it would probably be like 5 years or so lol —well, it certainly feels like it anyways. But I will set a time frame in the following chapters to give you an example of how long it’s been, if it’s believable anyways 😂 Thank god it’s fiction AMIRITE? (excuse my lazy writing 😭)
Anyways, the way he got sick is exactly as you described: overall pathetic. There really is no better words to say, serves to show how he’s slowly losing himself 💀😂 ah, poor Naoya, but can’t say he doesn’t deserve it. I wonder what he actually did in those missing days?
I’m very surprised y/n was involved at all for there’s no way the staff didn’t know of their tumultuous relationship. This more likely than not could’ve worsened his situation… and if she was truly vengeful she could’ve taken this chance to kill him and yet, they still had faith on her, believed she would somehow ignore all the horrible things he had done to her and do the right thing. And in that matter, they don’t deserve Y/N lol. Once again if she were a bit more unhinged, she could easily be a Tomie-type of character… but where’s the fun in that? (at least for what I have in mind, not gonna say that writing that kind of story isn’t intriguing hehe)
Well, the threat of her being forced by her in-laws lingered in the back of her mind, perhaps even her main motivator, but all things considered she decided to do so because, well, she’s not completely evil. She should’ve been a bit harsher… but well, that doesn’t really align to the values she was taught with.
Talking about the alone part… wow. It has been a while since we saw them together like that; like what, 10 chapters? Lol Still, if Y/N had been that unhinged she could’ve been like “I’m taking my ladies with me AND Naoaki for my well-being” and that would’ve murdered Naoya and his staff immediately. HAHAHAH Can you imagine that though? Still, I won’t say that doesn’t sound a bit ridiculous 😂 the whole family reunited in his room lol.
But yeah!! It’s been so long, and it’s finally happening… under relatively normal conditions where Naoya isn’t terrorizing her. It does make me wonder how their time at the ryokan during their honeymoon was like… I might write about it… some snippets here and there (or if someone wants to send in an ask of what they think happened heheh) anyways, her being in this position of power is a bit unnerving to her, and within reason. From being berated almost daily, to being in a situation where she can literally do anything and who’s gonna stop her?????
Well, Y/N isn’t that crazy like Naoya, but I’m sure she’ll make the most out of this situation anyways.
AS FOR THE TOPPING IMPLICATION…. Damn. I didn’t even think about it like that hahah I was out here imagining how “Y/N wants to beat him up, make him suffer, so he can get a taste of what she’s been through………….” And then you show me the other side of the coin where she might want to top him DAMN that’s an interesting perspective of something that might happen further down the road…. AHAHAHHAHA I won’t say anything more.
Either way, not that the aspect of “intimacy” has been brought up, for me those moments that Y/N was taking care of Naoya felt… well, intimate, if that makes sense. Probably a delusion from my side, but it’s the kind of domestic things I want to see happening between the two 😭 no more drama or fighting, just the two being in a healthy, happy relationship. Like Naoya coming back injured from a mission and Y/N tending for him because she cares for him, not because she’s being forced or because Naoya was acting stupid or whatever.
But we shall see, we’re getting somewhere after all :>
The highlights of this chapter would definitely be Naoya opening up to Y/N (although a bit, and when he’s not 100% him, but it’s something…) and Y/N talking (or more like demanding) to know about the records and why he’s acting like that… even though she doesn’t believe him that much lol.
NGL I’m excited for the next chapter, it’s going to be flashbacks that will certainly affect their relationship—something I’ve been wanting to write too! Like, I hadn’t said anything about Tomoko outside of Naoaki’s perspective, but what about Naoya?! What’s his relationship with her like? How was she during her last days at the Estate? And for Y/N, HOW DID MINAKO DIE? Oof, very interesting indeed.
The following chapter, whether for the worse or for the better, is necessary for their marriage. As well as his sickness :> We’re finally getting development for the two yall!!
Anyways, thank you so much for your patience and support! We’re slowly moving forward to the “good stuff” that I cannot WAIT to post!!! There’s also a few more tropes (I guess) that I want to introduce… some that I think are very obvious (of course, because I know what’s happening lmao) 😂 but I can’t help but indulge on them!!!! It’s like an addiction, I must… have… it.
Once again, thank you so much for being patient with me during this short break 🥺❤️ I hope you like the next chapters!! Take care, have a wonderful week, and hope to see you soon!!
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zalrb · 2 years
OTH Rewatch Review - 2x23
1. This expression kills me. He looks like a toddler about to have a temper tantrum
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3. I like how Lucas shows no signs of having a heart condition. Pills would have side effects, no?
4. Peyton and her biological mother storyline. Yayyyy (that’s sarcasm).
5. I just couldn’t imagine teaming up with my partner’s teenage son to take down his biological father. I’m a whole ass adult.
6. I just think it’s hilarious that they left the portrait painted over in Nathan’s apartment. It’s SO angsty.
7. *Nathan throws away a dreamcatcher* “Giving up on your dreams?” Moving past how problematic it is that white people use aspects of Indigenous culture as props, that doesn’t even make sense in this context.
8. Man, they realllllllllllllllllllllllly tried to make me care about Keith and Karen.
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I mean, do they?
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because, ladies, if your hair is down you’re always trying to impress boys and if it’s up you’re always trying to avoid them.
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12. And Deb is just ... fine now. I mean, she was also fine when she was an addict. This show lacks so much nuance, it’s amazing.
13. “Your father can burn in hell for all I care.” FORESHADOWING.
14. Lucas having a wet dream about Brooke in her cheerleading uniform is the FUNNIEST thing ever.
15. And I know it’s also because the whole point is to trick the viewer into thinking this was actually happening before it’s revealed that it’s a dream but it’s cute he adds her Brookeisms to his dream too
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16. It’s also cute that his wet dream isn’t just about sex but it’s about him telling her he loves her.
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18. I like how they’re supposed to be broke but Karen can just ... go to New Zealand.
19. Why does Nathan still have a framed photo of him and Peyton? What is with shows doing this? And Haley would’ve freaked out if she saw it, Haley is actually pretty jealous with Nathan, which is IRONIC but anyway.
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Honestly, they should’ve fleshed out their friendship more, they’re cute.
21. I love Brooke.
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and how offended Nathan is
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22. Honestly, if Nathan and Brooke did have sex and the writers didn’t just insert that to make Peyton seem less like a horrible person, there is no way Nathan would’ve kept that from Peyton. Season 1 Nathan? The emotionally abusive asshole who left Peyton at the side of the road, got drunk, hit a car with Peyton’s and then left it at the scene not caring if Peyton would get charged? He would’ve rubbed that in her face during a fight.
23. Why would you show Deb the ledger AT the house?
24. I shouldn’t laugh at this but the delivery was funny
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25. You have one dealership, Dan.
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26. Deb, how would you NOT know that you owned the dealership?
27. “You’re playing with fire, Danny.” FORESHADOWING.
28. If Karen has a cell phone then Andy definitely has one so why wouldn’t she call that instead of the hotel? Or both?
29. I mean, he has a point, Lucas. It WAS too easy. And it would be fine if they leaned into the fact that Lucas is, like, 17 and teenagers think they’re the smartest people in the room.
30. Dan no longer paying for Lucas’ heart medication is lol, you will let your son die, fam.
31. “I’m out.” “That’s where you’re wrong, you’ll never be out.” OK but I thought this whole speech was about how you’re cutting him off, which then means, that you two don’t owe each other anything.
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33. this dialogue is KILLING me
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34. Lucas is so fucking dramatic, let’s wait till the last possible moment to kiss Brooke and tell her that I want to be with her when I was just sitting on a bench at the river court for a bit, hanging out, and I could’ve had this conversation with her then.
35. But this is it, guys, this is the scene that made me watch the show.
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me, watching this the first time:
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Narrator: He did, in fact, let her go. Again.
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40. Dan putting the ledger back in the safe is like ... why? You’re planning on pulling the exact same scheme on someone else?
41. Lol Deb has nearly tried to kill Dan twice.
42. I remember living for this scene and then being mad that in season 3 it’s a different take so Bethany’s “hi” isn’t as vulnerable
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43. “Tennessee Williams once wrote--” no one cares, Lucas.
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jodilin65 · 31 years
SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1993 I would’ve been going to L.A. tomorrow, but now it’s the 7th of June, so I’ve been told. If I don’t make it there, I’ll want to kill Scott.
He says he’s paying $200 of my rent this month and I worry about if he means it. He also says he’s gonna give me a canceled check to send to Sprint for proof that he paid $35.
I’m not saying Scott deliberately sets out to lie about stuff he’s gonna do and that he’s not busy, but he procrastinates big time.
Two months ago I sent US West a check for $88 and it’s never been cashed. I’ll have to call them about it as well as a few days of credit for when I was crossed. I also must take the phone bill I just got to the office for them to deduct the transfer fee from my rent. I haven’t gotten an electric bill yet.
Work’s been much better this week. I have about $180 in cash on me. Next week I’m working Tuesday-Thursday from 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM.
Tom’s been driving me to and from work, but Mandy took me home tonight. Tom says he can bring me to and from work tomorrow night.
FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1993 I made $86 at work tonight which was great. It sure beat last week which was so dead.
I spoke to Tammy who said she blasted Dad for the letter he wrote me. She once again went through both of our feelings. She wishes they were divorced too.
Then, Scott came over earlier and said to take a ride with him to see why he’s been so busy. We rode in a very nice mercury sable. One of his cars from Michigan. He’s having all his cars sent here. I saw them all lined up at some dealership that’s trying to sell them for him. Believe it or not, it made me wish I could afford the car and didn’t have this phobia I have with driving. I drove around the parking lot, for the first time in nearly two years, then to the grocery store, then here. I felt a little shaky but it was fun. How would I ever learn to feel comfortable enough to relax and concentrate on everything around me? Scott says everyone feels like that and it’s cuz I haven’t driven enough. Maybe 20 times since I was 19. Scott says a minivan would be perfect for someone as short as me.
THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1993 I expect to be awake for a while longer, so I’ll write. I don’t want to get backed up either.
Tomorrow I’ll mail out that letter to Bob. The one saying how Kim’s thinking of moving here. I’ve written several letters.
Scott came over earlier so naturally, the phone had to ring twice. Once with Fran, then with Andy.
Andy transferred to a closer Denny’s.
While Scott was here I played him some tapes. One of Andy, Fran and me talking to the crisis center.
I made $66 at work tonight. Amazing, huh?
Today I’ve been keeping journals for 5 years and 7 months.
Some DJ Andy spoke to wants a copy of my edits. Last night Andy and I spoke to Johnny at a local radio station and he thought they were cool. DJs are cool people to talk to. I even ended up on the radio saying, “So Johnny, when the heck are you going to be giving away courtside Sun’s tickets?” like he asked me to.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1993 I am on the phone right now with Andy and believe it or not, we’re calling machines. We’re only calling each machine once and leaving edits on them since it’s too easy to get caught.
I am very tired right now due to the sun, but I’ll do some writing another time.
I am sitting here wondering how the hell I’m gonna fall asleep. So, instead of trying to figure out that one, I figured I’d write.
Monday I slept from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Scott knocked at 8:30 PM. He’s been working on one of his cars for the last two days.
Steve called me to ask if I’d heard from Celeste. She and her son’s missing and her mom called him. She could be with anyone knowing how she is. Scott said she was with Joe. She’s like Teresa. They can never leave the men who beat them.
Before I fell asleep yesterday morning, I called Kim. We spoke for half an hour. She’s very annoyed with Bob’s obsession with her. We’re gonna play a joke on him. I’m sending a very threatening fuck off message from a “Brian R” to her and she’s gonna mail it to him. I disguised my handwriting.
I’m also gonna tell him in a letter how she’s thinking of moving out here. Then, she’ll write to me saying that. I’ll send this letter to Bob. Bob will freak with total panic.
Late last night Tom and I went to the Jacuzzi. Then, he came over here where once again I made him hot chocolate and played him tapes. He said he’ll show me how to create edits on his computer digitally sometime. He said you can control the pitch and do all sorts of things.
Later I’ll write all about the DJ that Andy and I spoke to and about my being on the radio.
MONDAY, MAY 24, 1993 I’m still wide awake as I feared I’d be.
I spoke to Tammy earlier. We both agreed that it’d be a waste of time to try to “set things straight” with my parents. Yes, it hurts that we can’t get along. What person wouldn’t want to get along with their parents? However, I’m not gonna keep on running around in circles with them. I’m not at fault or deserving of Mom’s bullshit. I’ll miss not telling them all about the good things going on, but it’s not worth it anymore.
I hope Scott doesn’t knock till 2:00 or 3:00.
Last night Tom and I went to the Jacuzzi. After, I invited him here. I had coffee and he had hot chocolate. I showed him the photo albums, drawings, and journals and played him some tapes.
SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1993 Well, I am in a great mood. Far better than I was last week. It’s so nice to know that I’ve had so few bad days or so-so days since I’ve been here. For 26½ years it was 90% miserable. Here, it’s been 98% fantastic.
I didn’t count, but I made $80 or $90 tonight. I have $97 in cash on me in bills and lots of change.
Scott stopped in for an hour or so. It was great to see him. We’re getting together Monday.
I still can’t find Kindy’s number, so I hope she calls me.
I like Sasha, but she can be annoying. She knows Scott and I are good friends and that I hardly see him, but she hogs his attention.
Till 11:00 it was dead. I said to Scott I was afraid I’d end up evicted if the club didn’t pick up or if no positive results came out of L.A. He laughed and said, “No you’re not. I’ve got tons of money coming in next month.”
We’re gonna discuss it Monday. And he also says he’ll put the ceiling fan up then. We’ll see.
I still do have an excellent feeling about L.A. Also, believe it or not, I feel a little lust in the cards too, but why the hell I do, who knows? I’m sure it won’t be with Marcella, but I sure wish it. While I’m still young I wish to hell I could have a little more fun here and there.
There’s a new dancer named Ashley at work who’s pretty, but I guess she’s straight.
The phone company fixed the lines today.
Tomorrow if I don’t get together with Kindy, and I highly doubt it, I’ll call Lorna. I’d like to meet her and see if she’ll buy my answering machine.
I sold Sammy a costume.
I think I’ll also decorate the wall stuff and type some letters. I love this apartment It’s so quiet so far. The guy below me is so quiet and I hear fewer kids. I have a few more things to write about later.
Can you believe I’m still fucking up?! This pisses me off! My schedule’s been doing well since I had that flu and cold. It’s been fine for 3 months so why it’s so hard to fall asleep now beats me.
At 6:30 yesterday evening, Tom came over and attached the sleeper to the couch. He also listened to some edits and one of the Crisis Center calls where Andy and I would play the abandoned teen siblings and I’d do my crazy act, speaking senseless, disjointed sentences.
Tom took me to work and back. He’s on vacation for two weeks. While he’s still here he can bring me to and from work. I’ll still see him and be friends with him after he moves, though. He’s gonna have a 2-bedroom house with a pool. Lucky him.
He’s a cool guy. He’s so the “married with children” type. So very mature and calm. He’s 35, but he appears a bit older. Completely opposite of me, yet never tries to change me or anyone else. Never the type to make prank phone calls, mail funny letters, swear so much or be so blunt. He is very honest, though, and can handle listening to edits and stuff like that.
Earlier I was going through all my journals and highlighting the entry dates. I’d begun doing this right before I moved to Crystal Creek. I’ve finished 1-30, but I know I have bits and pieces of 31-37 done.
Gotta dust, vacuum and run through the bathroom and kitchen a bit. I really want to keep up on this place. Don’t want to let it slide. Every two weeks is when I shall go through it. Once every 2-3 months I’ll be really thorough. No half-assing it.
Why do I feel such a strong vibe for lust? Knowing and going by my track record, I should have a year or so to go.
Now, I’m going to try really hard to fall asleep. I definitely can feel my eyelids becoming quite heavy, so bye for now.
Right now I am sitting on my patio. It is very very warm out still. A slight breeze went by, but only for a second. I wish it was windier more often. I can’t wait till we have more of those awesome thunder and lightning storms we usually have this time of year. The sound of the creek and waterfalls down below me is so peaceful. God, what beauty I live in!
I’m writing on the table I bought for $10 off that maintenance guy who was fired and moved. I have the patio light on. Thankfully, I have a patio light. I can see perfectly well.
I slept till 7:00! I was beat, but I hope I haven’t fucked my schedule up. I still haven’t done my walls either. I am doing laundry now. I’ll watch two movies I taped and do some letter writing, too.
I spoke to Andy for about 45 minutes, then went to the Jacuzzi. He’s watching TV now.
I have an appointment tomorrow at 9 AM with DES. I want to see if Tom can do me a huge favor. Of course, he can’t call them and say I can’t be up that early cuz I work. I want him to say I transferred apartments, I’m very sick now and don’t have current bills and rent receipts which is true. I’ll call them real soon and see if I can do a phone interview or mail the stuff they need.
While I was at the Jacuzzi I found a really nice lighter and it’s full, too.
I’ll have to look at the apartment map to see where Lorna’s apartment is. I’ll call her first, though, one of these days soon. I want to sell her my answering machine. I’m wary of her otherwise. I smell Ellie in her.
Tomorrow’s the day, a year ago that I left the NHA project. I was in Natchaug for two weeks. I’ve been through so much and accomplished so much since.
Scott says tomorrow he’s putting up the ceiling fan in the bedroom. I’ll believe it when I see it. I hate to say that, but it’s true. Right now, though, I’m gonna throw my clothes into the dryer and watch TV.
I’m about to watch the movie I taped. One of them. This one’s called, In the Line of Duty - Ambush in Waco. It’s all about that crazy cult leader in Texas. This video has had it. It sounds as if it were underwater. Tim Daly, the guy playing David Koresh, looks exactly like the real David Koresh.
SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1993 Still no sign of Scott. This is really pissing me the fuck off. Where the fuck is he? What the fuck’s going on with L.A., the rent, and all the other stuff!? Mark at work said to let him know when and if I find out I’m going to L.A. Is the dream over, just when I was as sure as the fact that I’m short with waist-length hair? Was this all one big fat fucking joke? Is God gonna punish me for this first whole year in all my life of happiness? Why is there always a price to pay for happiness? I’m certainly not saying I’m miserable, but am I to pay any dues? Dues for being happy? Is this cuz of my get-together with Julia?
Later I have stuff to write about Marcella (a dancer I like), money, costumes, Kindy, etc.
What the hell, I don’t have anything else better to do right now, other than to write.
Meagan says Marcella just moved in with her boyfriend. Great. But who knows just how happy she really is? Who knows if she’s gay? Sasha and I still sense she could be. She (Sasha) had agreed a few days ago to approach Marcella and tell her about me. Just as we were coming in, Marcella was on her way out. Sasha never said a word to her. She told me to just go up and talk to her or to leave her a note. She said she didn’t seem to be the type to freak out and take a shit fit if she was straight or not interested. Well, I’m not as brave as she is. Not after the Maliheh incident and many others. It’s not that I’m afraid of verbal rejection. I’m so used to it. I don’t want to have to work with her and maybe blush with a bit of embarrassment when I see her. Or have her tell the whole world and be snotty to me. It’s not that I care who knows I’m gay. It’s her running around saying, “that girl had the nerve to hit on me and I rejected her, ha, ha, ha!”
I envy those who see what they want and almost always get it.
Meagan says Marcella’s going to Florida for two weeks, but that if I wanted to write a note, she’d give it to her.
If she were bi and looking for a woman here and there, I’m sure God wouldn’t let me get that lucky. Don’t get me wrong, Ann Marie and Julia were no settlements. However, there’s a difference between, someone who’ll “pass,” versus someone who makes you think - wow! I want her big time!
Steve was telling me that he’s got another regular who’s a definite butch. However, she’s very nice, he says, with a great personality. He said she said that I must have the same problem she does cuz there are not too many feminine ones out there and that’s what she goes for. As I said, this comes as no surprise to me. Butches like fems and fems like butches. I did tell Steve he could give her my number to maybe be friends. When he picked me up after work, he said he gave it to her and she was thrilled. If she’s ugly, so-so, or on the masculine side, then yeah, I bet she’s thrilled. She’ll definitely call too, and come over. I bet I’ll have no trouble getting her over here being the butch Steve says she is.
Kindy gave me her number to call her Sunday and I lost it!
Yes! I’m psyched! When I got home I couldn’t get messages cuz of the repairs they’re doing till just now. Scott actually left a message! He said he was out cold asleep till 5 PM yesterday. His message was left at 10 PM. He said to call when I get up and that he can move Andy on the 2nd of June and not the 1st.
I made over $100 at work and this idiot blew $30 on a gorgeous black lace jacket. Also, a 1-piece black and pink combo shorts/tank top. It zips right up the front. It fits perfectly.
Andy gave Velma that $15 for that straightening iron, so he now only owes me $135.
I can’t wait till he gets over his cold. I want to show him my new stuff.
I also tipped Pete $10, Kevin the doorman $3, then there was the $7 house tip and $37 for groceries. Oh, I also gave Steve $7 for waiting so patiently while I shopped.
The cashier gave me 2 out of the 4 packs of cigarettes I got for free for my being “cute.”
This is quite ridiculous. I must go to sleep within half an hour. Due to it being Sat., I’ll put my earplug in to be on the safe side and set the alarm for 2:00. If I get only 5 hours of sleep, oh well. I need to be getting up earlier.
I called Tammy and she’s gonna talk to Dad. She offered to. I didn’t ask. I said ok, but these people are in their 60s. They aren’t gonna change now. Tammy feels the same way about both of them.
I’m gonna try to sell Sammy and Meagan each a costume for $10. I’m gonna also try to sell Lorna my answering machine for $15.
Well, I’m gonna go hit the sack. I want to be awake between 2:00 and 3:00 so I can talk to Scott.
FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1993 My Second Crystal Creek Apartment…
Well, I just paged Steve.
I got a letter from Dad today that half upset me, half pissed me off. You know, I’m really sick of their shit, his and Ma’s.
I have a half-hour left and boy do I hope I make money tonight.
As far as my folks are concerned, why is it ok for them to insult me? It’s ok for them to speak their minds, but I can’t. I never said anyone was perfect, I’m just tired of being called a liar and all their other BS. I have no respect for my father when he sides with Mom like this, but they can’t take it, so tough! I never wanted our relationship to end, but I can’t deal with Mom’s shit in between everything else. Even Andy said it makes him want to call and bitch them out.
Still no response from Scott. A simple call from a payphone won’t kill him.
I left a note on the guy’s door downstairs. I said I tried knocking to introduce myself and got no answer. I left a note saying I work late, will try to be quiet. Let me know if my music’s too loud and don’t worry if he wants to blast his.
In other news, I’ve got to call DES (food stamps) to see if I can mail the stuff they need.
I called US West and they say the problem with the crossed lines will be fixed tomorrow. I am to call back around the 29th when my bill’s printed for a credit of two days. Lorna and I are still crossed today. We spoke earlier. She told me all about last night and of course, I played dumb. She may buy my answering machine from me.
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monzabee · 1 year
Ooh and I googled it, there’s a a golden retriever too you said it’s a sad movie I hope nothing happens to the dog I would cry sm but I saw it’s on Disney plus so I might watch it sometime!!
Really damnn that’s cool that you applied!! Tbh it’s their loss, you would’ve made an amazing student there <3 and thank youu besite im happy with the subject too ! Lmaoo maybe they’re just gaslighting everyone to think the remote is actually there 😭🤣
I’m glad you’re having fun at the places you visited so far💖 !!!Omg I love rollercoasters too !! how was the rollercoaster park ? Ohh 35• Celsius ? Those are usual temperatures for us here so I’m used to it haha but do you prefer the hot / warm places or cold ones ? It was crazy like we all know the race was open p2 onwards so there were quite a few interesting moments for the points positions which were fun but the wildest thing was giving lando a penalty for “unsportsmanlike behaviour” like fr what!!?😭 my fave thing though was Alex in p7 so so happy for him 💜
1000% agree he literally always looks amazing and even his style he can pull off any look ! Again yess I think he’ll always be baby because he just is 😂💜 love him , he’s literally been the loml since 2011🤣
yes!! the dog kind of narrates the whole movie but it's so sad and i don't know i guess it's one of my faves because it has a dog, angst and also milo🤭 i also really love amanda seyfried so a win-win🥹
the whole application and waiting process was a hell, but i'm glad i didn't go there?? it wasn't meant to be apparently and i'm so much happier here in london!! i need to see this remote with my own two eyes, because i think you might be right bestie😂
the rollercoaster park was amazing, and they had a few new ones since the last time we went so we checked those out as well!! growing up in turkey, i'm also very used to high temperatures in the summertime, but i haven't been going back to turkey during the summers in the past few years so it was a shock😭 i think i definitely prefer the colder weather, what about you?? i really don't understand the penalty thing for lando, even though i read an article about it😭 and I'M SO HAPPY FOR ALEX, HE WAS SO GOOD😭💜💜💜
it's impossible not to love harry, i feel like he's just a big baby at this point but i love him so much😭💜🥹
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sheepwasfound · 3 years
dnf moments caught from within the chaos (every single one)
 march 10th george alt stream
first video:
00:11:40-00:12:30 "is that george from dreamhunt?"
00:20:37-00:21:10 g:"me and dream argue about the stupidest things"
(many good sap/gogy sibling moments! and then...)
00:26:49 dream joins in secret and george tries to figure it out
00:27:26 dream gives himself away with a chuckle
00:27:55-00:29:00 "i was watching George's stream, i didn't even know you were streaming"
00:34:08-00:34:45 lil uk travel ban talk
00:36:46 g:"'late nights in the middle of june' this is true x2"
00:37:52-00:38:10 1.5 inches elephant still on george's desk
00:40:56-00:41:12 dream chuckling going "george is so salty"
00:49:04 dream hasn't paid george the $1,000 from geoguessr
00:49:50 dream tries to get george to play geoguessr
00:50:18-00:50:45 george tells dream about dreamhunt guy
00:53:37 d:"im on literally negative sleep"
00:55:57 g:"'tell dream you love him' no."
00:56:27-00:57:00 g:"'george you're the hottest piece of ass in dreamhunt' is that true dream?", d:"maybe it is" + "you're such an idiot"
00:57:14-00:57:54 dream tries to think of who in one direction each one of them are, can't choose for george
00:59:12 d:"he's like the most annoying person on the planet" (prob cus he can't focus on chess cus of gogy)
01:17:36 sapnap doesn't reply to george, dream replies immediately
01:19:26-01:19:40 + 01:21:56-01:22:50 talking about george exposing dream for the s*x tiktok
01:24:13 g:"ok i'm gonna go get water. dream, entertain my stream."
01:29:55-01:32:00 george and sapnap argue over servers, simp dream settles it w/ a "coin flip" (rigged)
01:33:40-01:34:50 sapnap waited for dream to wake up for burger day, s:"george wishes he coulda been a part of that"
01:36:12 d:"i was actually writing lyrics this morning"
01:40:37-01:42:12 stonks talk g:"what do i invest in?" d:"me"
(dreamnap moments interval here...)
01:50:14 s:"should i tweet out a picture of your girlfriend george?", d:"it's gonna be like a picture of my yt icon"
01:52:11-01:52:43 d:"'dnf arc'? yeah maybe", g:"is it a joke to you?"
01:52:57-01:53:11 sapnap and dream don't send george good morning texts & it upsets him
01:53:13-01:53:45 george didn't laugh at dream's joke, so dream calls him out for not paying attention
01:53:51 g:"'pretty privilege is real and you have it!' is this true dream?" d:"yeah. yeah"
01:54:13-01:54:55 sapnap accusing george of having a girlfriend, g:“dream, should we just tell them?”
01:59:30-01:59:50 g:“’can you say bleepbleep dream?’ no i can’t say that”, d:”just say it. george.”
02:02:00 g:“’is it true quackity and dream constantly fight for your love?’ it’s true”
02:02:10-02:03:00 d:”we were in our, like, linked arc. except for opposites …attract”
02:03:30 dream starts going through his texts with george
02:04:30 d:”my favorite number is…one second, i’m pulling up my george contact”
02:05:35-02:06:20 dream reads out their texts about waking up at the same time & having s*x
02:06:33-02:08:00 george’s “ayo muffin man” text to dream where he asked if he could make a joke about dream’s cheating drama, d:”you were being a good friend”
02:07:02 g:”we don’t text that much” d:”we text, like, everyday, but…”
02:08:36 first video ends
second video:
00:10:35 george shoots dnf on a wall, d:”you’re so dumb”, s:”what?”, d:”george”
00:14:30 g:”dream come baaaaackk”
00:16:22 dream in the bg laughing alone “this text is so funny! this text is amazing” (note: he started going through their texts, like, 20 mins ago)
00:17:25-00:17:58 george’s first text to dream: “hi loser”, sapnap asking about his first text, d:”that’s different”
00:20:38-00:21:00 s:”maybe if you were watching my stream instead of watching george’s all the time” + s:“maybe if you weren’t in your, like, dnf arc all the time”
00:22:40-00:23:15 g:“’george and dream’s brotherly relationship is so iconic’ brotherly?”, d:”someone in chat said ‘the alabama arc’”
00:26:05-00:26:30 pickle dick g:”dick-…dip his hands in the pickle jar”
00:27:05 d:”you’re an idiot george, you’re such a, you’re such a dick”
00:30:29-00:41:45 discussion about covid travel rules and george going to florida, george heatedly going through every possible trick to get there but dream being responsible about it
00:34:00 g:”dream, get me a private jet”
00:34:56 g:”i’ll just stay”, d:”for how long?”, g:”forever.”
00:36:13 gnf charity for private jet and then george will grapple down from a helicopter, d:”you’re such an idiot x2”
00:36:51 g:”i’m not actually joking” + g:”no it’s not impossible!” *checks cost of a private jet*
00:38:20 d:”you need to double it cus you have to go back” g:”i’m not going back. i’m not going back”
00:38:38 about deportation g:”dream, you can just protect me dream, just don’t let them take me away”
00:39:29 about deportation g:”then what if i never go back, what if i just never go back?”
00:40:01 g:”wait i have an idea dream. what if you just married me?” s:”you’re not allowed to marry someone to get them in the country”, g:”well that’s not the only reason”
00:41:13 g:”’sounds like dream doesn’t wanna meet you’ yeah he doesn’t”
00:43:43 g:”to be fair you are in your silly goose arc”, d:”i’m not in any goose arc” *mutual giggling*
00:44:45-00:45:25 discussion about obama escorting george on his private jet
00:47:38 dono:“you visiting dream is not a no, it’s a not yet”
00:50:21 g:”’just admit it, you’re madly in love with dream and you’re using this as an excuse to marry him’ no. this is false”, g:”i’m in my hating dream arc right now” d:”well, i mean … it’s about to be in a different arc though”
00:50:40 finishing each other’s sentences
00:50:50 s:”i wish karl was here.”, s:”at least i would have someone to be like, in love with, jesus”
00:51:29 d:”sapnap third wheel arc” s:”you guys may flirt and stuff, but me and you have physical s*x” d:”oh my goddd, what the hell?! that’s too far!”
00:54:43 sapnap teasing george about being able to cuddle dream, g:”i don’t care, i don’t care”
00:56:27 george teasing sapnap about having a gf again, s:”you have a dream”
00:56:43 g:”should i play geoguessr?” d:”oh, yes!”
00:57:07 d:”i’m exhausted and i’m laying in bed” (but he’s still staying)
(00:58:30 geoguessr starts, they’re tired and argue a lot)
01:00:48 arguing about colors g:”well you’re wrong” d:”maybe- actually maybe i think that’s- actually you’re right”
01:03:27 george was going to do geoguessr with wilbur today, but is too tired now
01:07:55 d:”if you had asked, i would’ve told you” g:”i didn’t wanna ask, i did it myself” *sassy*
01:13:55 george missed dream’s joke and he called him out for it again
01:17:00 g:”i’m not buying a maid dress” d:*silence*
01:20:10 g:“’dream we need your support to get george in a maid dress’ what do you think dream?”, d:*silence*
01:21:53 g:”you know what dream? i trust you”, d:”no, don’t trust me!”
01:22:50 dono:”when you asked dream if you should wear a maid dress, the silence was so loud” d:*silence*
01:23:23 after george makes a dumb voice d:”why are you reading like that?”, d:”i’m about to leave” (spoiler: he doesn’t leave, just stops looking for 30 secs)
01:24:10 g:”what do you mean you’re not even looking?”, g:”why, do you hate me?”, d:”you were being in your annoying arc”
01:34:28 dono:”do you have a song that makes you think of dream?”, d:”probably heat waves”, + george saying he doesn’t think of dream when listening to songs and dream not buying it
01:36:40 dream replying for him that george’s most listened to travis scott song is goosebumps (aka “their song”)
01:39:50 george confirms goosebumps is his most listened to travis scott song
01:42:26 d:”this is the last game im playing with you”, d:”cus i don’t wanna play with you anymore” (spoiler: it’s not the last one)
01:45:52 g:”alright one more”, d:”no i said i’d-…ok fine whatever one more” (spoiler: it’s not just one more)
01:48:46 dream mishears that george is gonna kiss him
01:54:24 g:”alright here’s the last game guys”, d:”you keep saying that, you keep…leading me on”
01:57:02 d:”that was the last one”, g:”no we said we were ending on a win” (no they didn’t) g:”you can’t leeeeeave, you can’t leave! it’s not allowed”
01:58:17 dono:”what is a place you’ve always wanted to go?”, g:”idk”, d:”america”
01:59:27 g:”i just, i was like…aaaaaghhhhlldududu you know?”, d:”yeah, i do know”
02:05:00 d:”alright, i’m gonna head out”, g:”wait, wait just wait”, g:”why are you in your like salty era?”, d:”why are you in your clingy era?”, d:”i think it would make sense if i left when i want to”, g:”alright, well, leave then, see what happens, you’re gonna regret it, that’s all i know”
02:05:30 dream leaves the call but then immediately starts watching george’s stream until he ends (who’s the one in their clingy era?)
02:06:10 george talks about going to bed (dream’s already in bed so they’re synced once again) 
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band--psycho · 3 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader-I Miss You
Marvel Masterlist
Requested by my dear friend @xacatalepsyx​: I know with your challenges and life in general you might be a bit busy, but I was wondering if you’ve got the time maybe you’d consider writing me a wee imagine for me…? 🥺🙏I’ve been in a marvel mood lately, and still can’t get over Nat’s death, (cause she was bloody amazing and I wont hear any less 😭), so I was hoping maybe you’d consider doing something with Nat and a reader/oc, whatever you’re up to do!I’d like it if it could be kept to the script, (I.e. Nat’s death), but the other details of the story are entirely up to you!
This is my first time writing for Natasha Romaoff so I hope you enjoy this 
(Credit to the gif owner)
Third Person POV
“Hey sweetheart,” Natasha began, trying to work out what to say to the camera. It was Steve’s idea, Natasha refused to go to talk about the pain she was feeling about losing Y/n, but just like everyone else who lost someone to the snap, she was suffering. So this was Steve’s idea of helping, the only way he knew how. So he told her to make a video diary of sorts, for both her and Y/n. Part of her thought that this was a stupid idea, what was the point of her recording herself for Y/n when she’d never see it. But there was another part of her. A hopeful little spark in the assassins heart, that maybe, maybe one day Y/n would be able to see these videos. And if she didn’t, for now it was a form of therapy...for now at least.
“God I don’t even know what to say...a lot’s changed around here, I’m now working with some sort of space raccoon...that can talk,” a small chuckle laced her voice, but the sadness was buried deep in her eyes and she knew she couldn’t hide it. So she just continued to say everything that had been happening lately, how the world was adjusting to having half the population vanish, the meetings she’d had with al the leaders about it. Although she tried to stop her thoughts focusing on Y/n. Natasha had been on the run with Steve for two years, she didn’t think Y/n would want anything to do with her when she came back but as soon as they saw each other it was like nothing had changed. Y/n wasn’t mad. She didn’t shout. In fact the first thing Y/n did when she saw her, was hug her, so tight that Natasha thought she was gonna suffocate in the hug (not that she would’ve minded all that much). Natasha just wished she could’ve said goodbye before the snap happened. She was hoping the whole way back to the compound that she hadn’t been turned to dust, that she just had her phone on silent or something like that (Y/n was prone to doing things like that) but when the remaining avengers returned back to the compound, Natashas worst fear was confirmed. She just wished she could see Y/n again, even if it was for thirty seconds, just so that she could tell her how much she loved her, so she could smell the familiar vanilla scent of her perfume and hug her one last time...just one more time. But that wasn’t possible and Natasha knew that, though that didn’t stop the hopeful dreams of Y/ns return from flooding into her mind.
“I miss you, sweetheart, I really...really do,” Natasha breathed with a shaky breath, the tears now freely falling from her eyes. All she wanted to do was bring her back, even if it was just for a minute, just to tell Y/n how much she loved her. Just to hold her in her arms one more time, to hear her infectious laugh, to see her gorgeous eyes and her the smile that she fell in love with...she wanted to be able to say goodbye to Y/n but like everyone in the world who lost someone to the snap, she never got that chance. 
Tumblr media
Natasha tried to hide the excitement on her face when she turned on the camera, setting it down infront of her. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” She began, starting her video off the same way she’s started all the previous videos before. But this video was different than any of the other before. Natasha’s eyes looked brighter, more hopeful than any of the previous videos. 
“If you ever tell Tony I said this, I will deny all knowledge but he’s a genius,” she said a chuckle lacing her voice at the end, as she continued to explain the plan they’d all come up with. A wide smile tugging at her lips as the words,“We’re gonna bring everyone back.”left her mouth. 
“I’m gonna bring you back,” she whispered, her heart almost leaping out of her chest at the excitement of seeing Y/n again. For two years, Natasha had been on the run, never seeing Y/n until Thanos arrived and even then, the meeting between the pair was brief, no where near enough time for either of them to makeup for those lost year not with the war that was going on and Y/n understood that. She knew Natasha had a job to do, the plan was that once the war was over they’d make up for all the time that had been lost. The snap changed that all though but now, now the reality of getting Y/n back was starting to sink in and for the first time in five years Natasha found herself truly happy. 
Y/ns POV
I looked around the room, confusion racing through my brain, my eyes . I was back at the compound. I couldn’t believe it. I was back home. I never gave up hope, I knew everyone that was left behind would find a way to bring us back. I didn’t know how they were gonna do it, but they did. And now I was back. I bolted down the stairs of the compound only to be met with a mixture of confused and relieved looks. 
“Y/n...?” Steve breathed, walking closer to me.
“I don’t know how you did it, but whatever you did, it worked,” I replied, before being pulled into a hug which I gladly reciprocated. I peered over his shoulder seeing all the familiar faces that I’d missed so much (and a few new faces) but the one face I longed to see, I couldn’t. 
“Where’s Nat?” I asked, pulling away from the hug slightly. I saw a frown tug at the super soldiers face when I mentioned her name, and his eyes looked away from mine, purposely avoiding my gaze. 
“Steve? Where’s Nat?” I asked again, the confusion and worry evident in my voice as my eyes landed on Clint who was already looking at me with a solemn look. 
“Clint?” I asked as he made his way towards me. I felt the worry grow inside me when I saw his bloodshot eyes. 
“I’m sorry...” He whispered as he pulled me into a tight hug, his head resting on the top of my head. 
“I’m so sorry Y/n...” he whispered again; I pulled away slightly to see the tears running down his face.
“We needed to get all the stones from different times to...to attempt to bring everybody back,” Tony explained from behind us, causing my eyes to focus on him.
“But...the souls stone..it needed a sacrifice-“ Clint muttered, squeezing my shoulder softly. I didn’t need to him to finish the sentence, I knew what he was saying. His eyes said it all. And in that moment, I felt my heart break. I practically collapsed into Clint’s arms, breaking down completely at the truth that was now setting in. Natasha sacrificed herself to bring everyone back...to bring me back. She was gone, she wasn’t coming back...I was never going to see her again. I was never going to be able to tell her how much loved her..I’d got my life back but I’d lost her.
I left the others downstairs so that they could discuss the next steps for their plan. I went up to the bedroom Nat and I had shared before she went on the run with Steve. I noticed a few of my old jumpers lying on the bed, I picked one up, and the aroma of Nat’s perfume filled my nose. I held it close to my chest, as I fell down to my knees, the tears streaming down my eyes, wishing that I could just bring her back. 
A few moments passed and I heard a knock at the door, I didn’t answer, unable to find my voice in between the sobs. At my silence, the door opened and I saw Steve standing at the entrance. 
“Steve, I’m really not in the mood-“ I began only to be cut of by the knowing look of Steve. 
“To deal with people? I know, I’m not staying, I just thought I should give you this,” he explained with a sympathetic smile as he placed the camera down infront of me. 
“Why?”I asked sending him a quizzical look as I lightly picked up the camera. 
“Because it might help,” He said, squeezing my shoulder comfortingly before leaving the room. I looked at the camera for a few minutes, fighting myself on whether or not I should watch it or not. Tentatively I picked up the camera and clicked the play button. 
I felt my heart swell as the tears spilled from eyes when I heard the voice I longed to hear say “Hey sweetheart.” She’d changed so much, yet not at all. I saw the sadness in her eyes and I wanted nothing more than to reach through the camera and hug her as tight as I possibly could. 
“I miss you, sweetheart, I really...really do,” I heard her say and the words felt like a dagger to my heart. 
“I miss you too, baby,” I sobbed as I pulled the camera into my chest listening to her words. 
@barneswidow​ @muzzyandbusy​ @impala1967dwinchester​ @coldlilheart​ @amaryllis23​ @wild-rose-35 @rustedbridges​ @tigerf-cker​ @mesmerisedangel​ 
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letsperaltiago · 3 years
somewhere only we know
This is my entry for the B99 Summer 2021 Fic Exchange and it's for lovely Johanna aka. @amyscascadingtabs <3 I picked the prompt: "Jake and Amy going on a babymoon and enjoying some time together before everything changes for good."
It's very simple and just pure good, happy parents to be-vibes so yeah :) I initially wanted to add smut but didn't have the time to write it :(( If you feel like it's something you'd like, then feel free to lemme know! I can always add a chapter two heh. Anyways, enjoy!!
Rating: G
Words: 2.7k
Read here or on Ao3
“Jake, this is… amazing.”
This seems to be all Amy can come up with as the hotel room presents itself before her. Better or bigger words seem to be lacking from her otherwise excellent vocabulary but she blames it on the fact that she’s been carrying a tiny human for the past 35 weeks - not that she’s complaining. It’s been hard, both physically and mentally, and there are a few more weeks to go but by the end of it all, she’ll be holding her little baby boy. 
She’s tired and every inch of her body swollen and/or sore, but more importantly she’s eager and excited. Jake is too, if not even more than her, and this has resulted in the current scene: their babymoon. 
“You like it?” 
The way Jake asks her, eyes shining with innocent expectation and voice laced with childish excitement has her imagining just how their little boy will turn out to be. She can’t hold back her smile. This man will walk to the end of the earth to make her happy, essentially already has during this pregnancy, and the babymoon is just as much for him as it is for her. 
She turns on her heels to face him, showing him the bright smile that’s plastered on her makeup-free face which has gained some freckles during her pregnancy. 
“You could’ve planned a trip to a dumpster and I would still love it.”
Hands cupping his scruffy cheeks she pulls him in for a short but tender kiss that even so many years later, after thousands of kisses, has his toes curl in excitement. She truly would’ve stayed anywhere as long as Jake was with her. Although she does appreciate the fact that she’s standing in a beautiful lakeview suite at the LakeHouse Inn. 
“Should we reassess how much we refer to dumpsters and other gross locations when we declare our love for each other?” 
She chuckles at his comment, lips resonating against the corner of his grin. 
“Should we?” She slowly slides her hands to the back of her neck, entangling her fingers to keep her latched onto him even as she pulls away to flash him a pretend contemplative expression.  
Eyebrows cocked in playfulness, they share an indicative look in silence, only for them to break it in unison. “Nahh.”
“Right? It’s what makes us us.” Jake pulls her in by the hips which are carrying their son. 
Everything about Amy reminds him of their little miracle and makes him feel all tingly and excited. One look at her, one touch, and he forgets about the rest of the world and its crappiness. He has Amy and together with the tiny human in her belly, she is his entire universe. 
She closes the gap between them (as much as she can with the full-blown balloon shape of her stomach). 
“So,” she mumbles against his lips, “what are your plans for us?” 
Sadly, the 3-hour drive from home didn’t do wonders for her heavily pregnant body and even though she won’t admit it out loud, she hopes her husband’s plans for tonight will demand the bare minimum of her. She feels his lips and body withdraw, prompting her eyes open however the mischievous smile that meets her has a dimmed anxious feeling creeping over her - he does remember she’s 35 weeks pregnant, right? 
“I know that look, Peralta.” Her voice is distrustful, and after 7 years together she should know better than giving in to his teasing, but her suspicious air only fuels his fire and desire to mess with her. 
“In honor of my incredible and always so organized wife, there’s a tightknit schedule waiting for us.”
Tightknit schedule? Amy would usually be beaming at these words but right then and there, swollen legs, hungry and feeling everything but hot and fit after the drive, she aches to fall back onto the bed and sleep for days. It’s huge, king-sized, with crispy white sheets and the fluffy pillows are definitely calling her name. Although, the fact that Jake has everything planned out for their last vacation together, just the two of them, does pull on some heartstrings. He loves her so much and she loves him so much too. So much that she (almost) doesn’t turn a hair when he proudly starts listing their schedule for the evening and following day. 
“So right now it’s 4 PM which means unpacking-time. At 6 we have a dinner reservation at this cute little restaurant in a little town nearby so we’ll need to leave at approximately 5.45. At 8 there’s a showing of Die Hard at the local movie theater, which I thought we could attend?”
Okay, maybe her left eye flinches at this but very discreetly (or so she chooses to believe). 
“Then tomorrow there’s breakfast at 7, which is perfect because we have canoeing on the lake at 8.30...” 
She zones out after this. Hormones, tiredness, the fact that she can’t feel her feet- there are a thousand reasons but Amy can feel the most is tears prickling, threatening to spill. Not because she doesn’t appreciate her husband’s efforts and grand gestures, all for her, but because she can’t stand the thought of doing any of these sweet things he’s planned for them. She can’t cry though. He’s going to think something is actually wrong.
However far gone she was, the sound of Jake’s voice pulls her back in and there’s a confusing mixture of mischief and pure adoration shining from these famous deep brown eyes. Why is he almost smiling when she’s having a tiny meltdown?
“Are you crying?”
“No?” she scoffs although she’s proven wrong upon touching her cheek where her fingers are met by a thin wet streak. “I’m just,” she clears her throat in hopes of avoiding a strained voice, “so overwhelmed by happiness and everything you’ve planned for us. It all sounds… great.”
Silence dawns upon them as Amy’s fake smile tries to convince him. On his part, Jake is biting his lip in an attempt to hold back a laugh, but his wife’s panicked look and teary eyes have him failing to last and after a couple of seconds he breaks the quietness. 
“Honey, I’m messing with you,” he chuckles and quickly pulls her back in for a tight hug, as tight as the belly allows, pecking the top of her head. “I know you love a good schedule but the only plans I have for us are: staying in bed, ordering room service, and watching tv.”
“Oh, thank God.”
The moan of relief flies out of her before she can even consider how it must sound to Jake, a great deal of embarrassment hitting her upon realization. She just made it sound like she wouldn’t appreciate her husband’s effort to make this weekend of theirs the best. 
“Jake, I’m so sorry! I didn’t-”
She pulls back to look him in the eyes, ready to offer a sincere apology for her blunt exclamation. She never gets to. Instead, she’s met with a huge grin and her husband looking everything but mad or hurt. Almost as if he knew. He knew how she’d react. He wanted her to react.
“You sly sneak! You knew you’d freak me out!” 
Only her husband can trick her like this, and, on one hand, it’s very endearing... Jake Peralta is more than just a good cop; he’s excellent. Brilliant and bold, maybe even too much sometimes, although he usually gets away with it. Usually, she’s always on his heels and she hates to admit it, but her mommy brain and restless hormones are making it much harder, if not impossible, to keep up with his always upbeat pace. 
“Of course I knew, babe.”
No matter how hard she tries, she can’t even find it within herself to be genuinely annoyed with him. He’s pulled her back into his arms and is looking at her with that mischievous smile that can both infuriate and enchant her. Tonight it’s a little bit of both although mostly the latter, she has to admit and the last bit of annoyance melts away the second he leans in, offering her a soft kiss that lets reminds her of the fact that he’s the best thing in the whole damn world. 
“I love you,” she manages to mumble against his lips before he can pull too far back, her swollen fingers cradling his jaw to emphasize her words. It tampers with any kind of reasoning and her ability to remain miffed. 
“I love you too...” her husband mumbles back against her lips. 
Pulling away isn’t an option, he’s too addicted and he enjoys feeling the air coming from her nose when she chuckles. “How much?”
“At the very least enough to not make my heavily pregnant wife canoe around a lake.” 
“Peanut and I appreciate that very much.”
Although after all these months there’s a comfort and familiarity in being able to rub her belly and know her son is in there, safe and sound, knowing he soon enough will be out here in the real world with them has butterflies fluttering in her chest. Jake’s hand joining hers in stroking her belly only causes the number of butterflies to multiply, explode all over again, and her hormones are making her question whether she wants to cry or laugh - or perhaps do both. After such a long wait, from the second they decided to start trying, there’s no blaming her impatience. There’s so much to expect and patience has never been her strongest asset. Only when it comes to Jake and their son. She’s impatient to see, hear and feel it all. The life and adventure she’s created with the man she loves the most seems scarily close yet torturously far away. 
With no reason to leave in sight, Amy finds herself bundled up in a hotel bed sent from heaven, wearing nothing but panties and her favorite nursing bra. Jake is on an errand run to grab her the creme cheese-filled pierogis and Arroz con Leche their son and she are very much craving. Although she does prefer her abuela’s homemade version of the latter, even a pregnant Amy can come to terms with the fact that there are limits to Jake’s super husband-powers. He can and will get her almost anything as long as physically possible - or within a radius of 20 miles which Abuela Dolores at this given time for good reasons isn’t. 
Amy had insisted on the hotel’s room service menu being more than fine, but her husband knows her all too well and could tell she wasn’t content with the ravioli and créme brulée she’d originally settled for. Before she could even begin to protest his offer to run out and get it for her, her husband had pulled on a pair of jogging pants and a hoodie, grabbed his keys, and left her behind with a peck to the top of her head and a promise to be back in not too long. 
In all honesty, the ravioli and creme brulée would’ve been fine, and she would’ve preferred Jake to be here to cuddle her. Nonetheless, there’s no denying how loved and important Jake makes her feel. Especially when he suddenly walks in the door, multiple plastic bags hanging on his arms and car keys dangling from his mouth. The view is hilarious, to say the very least, and she wonders: how did she ever get so very lucky? 
Perhaps she will never know the answer to this. Luckily when you’re cuddled up in a soft hotel bed eating pierogis, fries, grapes, and Arroz con Leche with the love of your life, it doesn’t really matter how you got there. Being too busy talking, eating, and making out, the documentary about the history of paper Amy’s been dying to watch is mostly just background noise. 
“Can you believe we’re having a baby?”
Her husband’s mouth is filled with fries and before she can even think of answering his question, she has to reach over to wipe ketchup from the corner of his mouth. 
“Yes… but also no. In a good way.”
It’s true. She always knew she wanted kids but wanting is one thing; actually outliving it still seems surreal to her, even as she runs her hands around the curve of the skin encapsulating their very own little human being. What makes it so much more surreal is the fact that Jake Peralta is the father. Jake Peralta, the guy who she 6 years ago could only pine for. Now she’s lying in bed with him, watching him smile at her with those soft, brown eyes and warm rosy lips that she not so secretly hopes their son will inherit. He swiftly wipes oil and salt off his fingers before reaching over to place his hands on top of her belly. Placing hers on top of his happens like a newfound reflex of hers. His hand is warm and feels like home.
“This is probably the last getaway we’ll have, yanno, just the two of us.”  
His soft voice has her looking up from their joined hands on her belly to see him looking directly at her with glistening eyes, the blue light from the television casting a blue hue on the side of his head. He looks so handsome, pensive, so perfect and she can’t come to terms with the fact that he’s her’s and she his, and together they’ve created new life.
“Yeah. More likely than not.” 
“How do you feel about that? Are you scared? You know- of giving birth and how life will be after that?”
A few beats of silence go by, only the dull sound of the tv filling the otherwise silent room. His hand never slips out of from beneath hers. Does this question maybe reflect some worries of his? 
“Not scared, per se...”
She quickly makes sure that there’s no food in-between them before scooting in closer to him. Her hand slips off of his only to slide up his arm, all the way up to cup his face. There’s close to no room between them. Her thumb dances across his cheekbone. 
“... Excited, maybe a bit anxious, but I know it’ll be alright and so very worth it in the end. And yeah, our life nd dynamic might have to change a bit but it’ll always be us. But I’m not scared,” This seems to put a damper on his running mind. “And you know why?”
“Because I have the world’s best baby daddy.”
As hoped a wide smile lights up his face, pure unadulterated joy so obviously present in this little moment of theirs. Worries seem irrelevant and non-existing. 
“Are you worried, babe?” 
She sees his smile fade a bit but not enough to genuinely worry her. Just like everyone, he has his thoughts and worries. With care comes worries. He wants to do his best, she knows. 
“Maybe a bit, you know? Like not genuinely worried like I would’ve been a few years ago, but just… averagely worried.” 
“That’s okay,” she comforts, her thumb still tracing smooth lines on his cheek. “It’s normal. It just means you care and want to do good, which is all I can really ask of you.” 
“I do care. A lot. So so much,” he chuckles shyly. 
“Which is also why you’re going to be fine, I will be fine and everything will be fine.” 
She doesn’t give him the time to agree nor protest but instead leans in to place a long, tender kiss on his lips, inviting him to join in on the moment.  It’s just a simple kiss, soft, like the one they had a Shaw’s after agreeing to stop trying (which eventually lead to more trying, but that’s beside the point). With every breath, they take the kiss grows deeper, longer. It’s as if their bodies are aware of the fact that this will be the last time they get to do this without a child to get home to; without the responsibility of being a parent. All at once, it’s frightening but also, more than anything, exciting. Their lives might be on the verge of changing forever. Although lying there in bed together, feeling the soft touch of their spouse, it feels like they’ve never changed and never will. They’re always going to be Jake and Amy. 
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stylesberries · 4 years
Love On Tour
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Summary: Your parents are coming to meet him but you chose to keep it a secret.
Genre(s): fluff, a little smut
Word Count: 2.3k
Warning(s): this made me very soft, read at your own risk, peeps + mentions of sexual intercourse
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You tossed and turned throughout the whole night, not being able to focus on sleep. The man next to you was desperately holding onto your body, making it hard for you to change the position you were in.
You were waiting for your mom to text you, saying that she and dad landed safely in Rome. They’d never been in Italy before. Harry was here touring with Fine Line. He’d never met your parents.
You put two and two together and thought that this was an amazing opportunity for you to finally introduce your boyfriend to your parents.
He, obviously, knew nothing about it. You knew that if you told him, he would freak out, and you wanted him to keep it together for the show and didn’t want him to get anxious for nothing. They already loved him from hearing stories you’ve told them about him.
Taking a glance at the screen of your phone, you saw bright numbers on it. 4:35 A.M.
They were supposed to land soon, so your tried your best to keep your eyes open.
“A glass of water would be great right now.” You thought to yourself, looking over to your side. Harry’s cheek was smushed into your side, and he kept subconsciously tightening his hold around you.
You carefully pulled your arm, which was squeezed between your warm bodies, and placed in on his back. Bringing your hand to his head, you started slowly playing with his curls, making sure not to accidentally wake him up.
“He seems fast asleep. If I get out slowly, he wouldn’t notice, right?” Debating, whether you should risk waking him up or just wait until he wakes up to get water, your dry mouth decides for you.
After grabbing a pillow that was laying next to your boyfriend, you started sliding out of his tight hold, gradually replacing your body with the pillow.
The bed creaked after losing contact with your body. Your eyes moved back to the bed, checking if your boyfriend noticed you missing.
As a little frown found its way on Harry’s face, wrinkles grazed the spot right between his eyebrows. You noticed his cheek being squished deeper into the pillow, and his hold around it tighten once again.
Standing by your bed in silence, you made sure to wait for a couple of minutes, to be certain that he was not woken up by you.
Turning around, taking a last glance at him peacefully cuddled in the pillows and blankets on the bed, you made your way out of your bedroom, down the stairs and into the kitchen to get yourself that long hoped-for glass of water.
Your tranquil walk back to the bedroom, now with a glass of water in your hand, was hindered by your phone ringing, echoing though the hall.
“Shit.” You muttered to yourself.
Running into the room, you hoped to be right on time to pick up the call before it wakes your previously peacefully sleeping boyfriend.
Unfortunately, you weren’t that lucky.
As you walked into your now-sunlit bedroom, the sight of your grumpy shirtless boyfriend caught your eye. He was holding your phone in one hand as it rang and rubbed the sleep out of his eye with the other.
“Mom’s callin’.” He managed to utter with a rasp in his voice.
Harry held out your phone to you, as his eyes grew heavy.
Taking your phone out of his hold, you picked up the call and heard your mom on the other side of the line.
“We landed, Y/N. Taking a taxi to your hotel in 10 minutes. People here are so nice.” She giggled in the end.
You would’ve too if you weren’t so exhausted from staying up all night to get a text from her. You started walking out of the room, to make sure Harry doesn’t hear her as well. Through your peripheral vision you could see the sleepy man fall back onto the pile of pillows.
“My poor baby.” You thought, as your mom went on about the flight and how excited she was to finally meet Harry.
“If he only knew.”
After your parents got on their taxi, they ended the call, telling you to get back in bed. To you it meant that you can finally cuddle your grumpy boyfriend.
Walking into your bedroom, you expected Harry to be sleeping. What surprised you was not only the fact that he was wide awake, but also the fact that he was standing by the window, looking outside.
“Baby, I’m so sorry for waking you up. Why don’t you go back to sleep?” Making your way to him, you watched as he slowly turned to face you. You walked right up to him and circled your arms around his waist. Positioning your chin on his chest, you looked up into his eyes. He lazily smiled down at you.
“Is mom okay? It’s quite early for her t’call, innit?”
He looked genuinely concerned, and suddenly you felt so guilty for keeping the truth away from him. It just seemed like the right thing to do in the moment.
“She’s okay, precious. Probably got confused in the time zones. We’re in a new place every week, after all.” You tried your best to brush it off. He seemed convinced.
“Oh, okay, lovey. ‘M glad she’s alright.”
You stood by the window for some time holding each other. Moments like these were the ones you longed for when he left touring with his debut album. They were the reason you were ready to study online, just to be by his side.
“He deserves to know.” You thought. He was going to meet them today anyways. “He won’t have time to get too nervous, right?” You kept debating on whether or not you should tell him the truth.
Your brows furrowed and your lips were pressed tight together. Harry took a look down at you, and his brows creased as well.
“What’s the matter with m’angel?” He gently cooed and moved closer to your face.
You were taken aback from your mental debates and smiled up at him.
“Nothing, nothing, baby. Everything’s okay.” You tried to quickly explain yourself. He didn’t seem convinced this time.
“Oh, come on. I know y’better than I know m’self. You’re in deep though, sweetie. Something’s botherin’ you. What is it?” He pushed your head into his chest and stroked your hair.
After being together for almost a year, Harry knew that you needed to be close to him to be able to speak your heart without feeling judged. So that’s exactly what he gave you.
“I won’t judge you. I promise, my love. Tell me what’s botherin’ you. Maybe I could help in some way?”
“God, I feel like a piece of shit. Why did I lie to him in the first place? He’s gonna be so mad.” Your mind swirled full of all the awful things that could happen after you told him you’ve been lying to him for two weeks. However, before your brain could stop you, your body made a sound.
“Parents.” You carefully start.
Harry focuses his eyes on you, to hear your soft voice.
“They’re here.”
Harry’s facial expression turns to a confused one. “Why are they here?” He thought.
“I wanted them to meet you.” You explain, as if reading his mind.
“What?” Harry is full-on shocked now, wondering why on Earth you hadn’t told him before.
You were afraid to let your eyes see him full of anger, so you pressed your face deeper into his naked chest.
“Why didn’t you tell me? Why am I finding out just now?” Harry wasn’t angry at you. He was just shocked and confused, but in your head you thought he was in a rage with you.
“I-I didn’t want you to worry for nothing. I knew yo-you’d get anxious about meeting them for no reason.”
“What do you mean ‘for no reason’? They’re your parents. What if they don’t like me? Then you’ll leave. I can’t fucking be without you, Y/N. How do you expect me to be calm about meeting your parents?” He was now getting frustrated at you for thinking that lying to him was an answer. He was frustrated, but even now he wouldn’t raise his voice at you. You made an agreement after your first fight to figure out your disagreements in a civil way. No yelling. No throwing shit. You weren’t kids having fits. You were two mature people figuring out their shit without getting aggressive about it. That’s what made you respect Harry so much. No matter how mad he was, he always kept himself together.
“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you. You’d get anxious, when, in reality, they already love you. You’d get nervous for nothing. I wanted you to enjoy the tour without constantly worrying about meeting them.” You tried your best to get your point across, while still being pressed against his chest.
Harry didn’t say anything for a while, probably thinking it through. His hands found its way back into your hair and started playing with it.
“What if they won’t like me when they get to know me better?” You could feel the notes of insecurity and genuine fear in his voice. You finally ripped yourself from his body and took his face in your hands, making him look at you.
“They will only love you more, Harry. You’re the kindest, sweetest, the most loving and caring person I’ve ever met. You love me so dearly, and you always put me first. What else could they ask for in their daughter’s boyfriend?”
“Could you also add the fact that I fuck you well to the list?” Harry slowly spoke up, as his lips found their way to your neck. You were relieved to hear him joking. You laughed through a moan and pressed his head deeper into your neck.
“Do you? Sorry, I think you’ll have to freshen the memories for me to add it to the list.” You tease him, knowing exactly what follows.
Harry lets out a growl and picks you up immediately, swapping your places and pressing you against the wall.
“Let’s freshen the memories then.”
Throughout the whole day, while Harry was fidgeting around, getting ready for the concert, you were texting your mom, telling her exactly how and when to get into the concert hall.
Harry was now in his make-up chair getting his hair styled one last time. He looked at one particular spot through the mirror, while you stood next to him.
“Baby.” You mentally scolded yourself for telling him anything about parents coming to the show.
Harry kept staring at the spot, until you called out for him two more times, coming closer to his face with each time.
“Yes, love?” He asked in such a way, that made you look psychotic.
“Harry, you’re stressing out again, I’m not blind, okay?” You fold your arms and sit across his lap after the hair stylist leaves you two in the room alone.
His arms automatically find their way around your waist, just as your head does in the crook of his neck.
“You’re right. ‘M stressin’ out. Can’t help it. Want everything t’go well. It’s very important t’me. It’s our future, princess.” He spoke with such adoration that it made your heart flutter.
“They will love you. Wanna know why?” You asked.
“Why, angel?” He pressed a kiss on the crown of your head and breathed in the smell of your shampoo, closing his eyes in pleasure.
“Because I’ve never been happier.”
After sending Harry to the stage, you joined your parents in the balcony. Before doing so, you made sure to give him a good luck kiss and tell him that he shouldn’t feel like he has to act differently on stage. You gave him the old just-be-yourself speech and watched him walk onto the stage.
“Y/N, you’re finally here, we’ve missed you so much, love.”
Your mom hugged you, before letting your dad to do the same.
“Yes, dear. We took it for granted when you were back home. It’s so empty without you.” Dad kissed the top of your head and smiled at you.
“The music is so nice. Makes me want to dance.”
Your heart was full of pride in your boyfriend, who was now jamming to Golden on the stage.
Throughout the whole concert, your parents only shared a couple of words, fully mesmerized by the music playing and the young man dancing and jumping around the stage.
“What a wonderful young man that is.” Your mom said.
Your mind couldn’t find any other reason to why your mother referred to Harry as “a wonderful young man” other than the factthat she had no idea who on Earth was prancing around in front of them.
“With a great sense of humor, I must add.” Your dad mentioned.
You were so close to laughing out loud at their nescience.
When the concert was over, you made sure to text Harry straight away.
You: They love you.
Harry: It’s probably just because they know we’re already dating. They just don’t want to hurt your feelings.
You: Oh, trust me. They love you.
“Dear, the concert is over and Harry still hasn’t shown up. I know he’s a sweet boy, but it’s not polite to be so late to a meeting with your girlfriend’s parents.” Your father nagged, folding his arms.
“I have to agree with your dad.” Your mother seemed just as disappointed in your boyfriend.
“I’m sure he was busy.” You didn’t want to explain further, trying your best to keep a straight face on. It was extremely hard, especially when you were passing a huge sign with ‘HARRY STYLES: LOVE ON TOUR’ written across it.
Let’s just say, your parents’ faces were priceless when they saw you go up to the ‘wonderful young man’ they were gushing about and gave him a peck on the lips.
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© all right belong to stylesberries. do not repost or modify.
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wandaswifeyforlifey · 3 years
☞︎︎︎ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ☜︎︎︎
I've decided to use my prompt list for any request but if you have ideas that aren't on here you can always suggest them too! I've put this up in case some people want to see certain ships but they can't come up with a scenario to put them in. I will write about any marvel ships as long as they are either female x male or female x female.
How to request: Choose which list you would like the prompt from, the number of the prompt and the ship then message me!
1 - ‘why are you lying to me?’
2 - ‘forget it, you’re a fucking asshole!’
3 - ‘you’re dead to me.’
4 - ‘but it’s my fault, right?’
5 - ‘you’ve changed.’
6 - ‘any other lies left to tell me?’
7 - ‘don’t look at me like that.’ ‘like what?’ ‘like you still love me.’
8 - ‘I would’ve done anything for you.’
9 - ‘leave.’
10 - ‘I wish we never met.’
11 - ‘sorry doesn’t fix everything.’
12 - ‘how was I such an idiot to believe that you, of all people, loved me?’
13 - ‘when did you stop loving me?’
14 - ‘why does it sound like you’re leaving me?’
15 - ‘you don’t get to call me that.’
16 - ‘please don’t make me choose.’
17 - ‘don’t you remember me?’
18 - ‘I’m sorry.’ ‘for what?’ ‘everything.’
19 - ‘look me in the eyes and repeat what you just said.’
20 - ‘don’t you dare tell me to calm down!’
21 - ‘wake up! Please don’t do this to me.’
22 - ‘I'm not ready to get hurt again.’
23 - ‘it’s been years. Please give me another chance.’
24 - ‘it’s not my fault you believed everything I said.’
25 - ‘this isn’t the person I fell in love with.’
26 - ‘you were the one who walked out, not me.’
27 - ‘can you just shut up for once?’
28 - ‘am I not good enough for you?’ ‘you never were.’
29 - ‘no matter what they made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving no matter what.’
30 - ‘when was the last time you said I love you and meant it?’
31 - ‘do you love them?’
32 - ‘I don’t believe you.’
33 - ‘I trusted you.’
34 - ‘I wish I’d never met you.’
35 - ‘don’t touch me!’
36 - ‘you two deserve each other.’
37 - ‘was it worth it?’
38 - ‘I can’t even look at you right now.’
39 - ‘if you actually loved me you wouldn’t have done it.’
40 - ‘it’s not safe.’
41 - ‘he/she/they were there, you weren’t.’
42 - ‘you win, happy?’
43 - ‘how did you find out?’
44 - ‘I didn’t realise I was such an inconvenience.’
45 - ‘do you think about them when you look at me?’
46 - ‘it’s tipping it down, why are you here?’
47 - ‘I love you.’ ‘no, you don’t.’
48 - ‘so this is it? After everything we’ve been through you want to throw it all away?’
49 - ‘you don’t get a say in this, so shut the fuck up!’
50 - ‘it’s better this way.’
1 - ‘I’m not leaving. Ever.’
2 - ‘it looks good on you.’
3 - ‘maybe I’m just lucky.’
4 - ‘you fainted, are you ok?’
5 - ‘what do you remember?’
6 - ‘it’s us against the world.’
7 - ‘don’t forget me.’
8 - ‘can I play with your hair?’
9 - ‘did you just kiss me?’
10 - ‘did you paint the cat?’
11 - ‘maltesers are satanic bunny poop.’
12 - ‘stop being dramatic, it’s only a tiny cut.’
13 - ‘I’ve missed being with you like this.’
14 - ‘I’ll keep you warm.’
15 - ‘you wanna match?’
16 - ‘I brought your favourite snacks.’
17 - ‘you look amazing.’
18 - ‘marry me.’
19 - ‘your flirting is so bad it’s adorable.’
20 - ‘is that my shirt?’
21 - ‘your hair is so soft.’
22 - ‘star-gazing was a good idea.’
23 - ‘you weren’t supposed to hear that!’
24 - ‘we could run away together?’
25 - ‘are you blushing?’
26 - ‘did I say that out loud?’
27 - ‘i think I love you.’
28 - ‘don’t be sorry… it was kinda cute actually.’
29 - ‘wow… you look beautiful.’
30 - ‘what did I do to deserve you?’
31 - ‘you did all this for me?’
32 - ‘I’m happy if you are.’
33 - ‘you can always trust me.’
34 - ‘what do I need to do to prove my love?’
35 - ‘it’s already dark, you should really stay.’
36 - ‘Let me in, please?’
37 - ‘because I love you.’
38 - ‘I love your hugs.’
39 - ‘have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are.’
40 - ‘well, I am pretty irresistible.’
41 - ‘ew, that is so sappy. I think I’m gonna vomit.’
42 - ‘I love you.’
43 - ‘you’re not very intimidating.’
44 - ‘your hands are freezing!’
45 - ‘come on love, let’s get you home.’
46 - ‘you remembered my birthday?’
47 - ‘let’s stay like this forever.’
48 - ‘come lay down with me.’
49 - ‘thank you for coming over.’
50 - ‘it’s ok, I’ve got you.’
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qvid-pro-qvo · 4 years
Could I request 35 from the random prompt list and 12 from the ways to say I love you lost with Hotch please? :)
aaron hotchner x gender neutral reader.
word count: 1514
rating: teen, for the chill in the air and the warmth that the two of you build together, your own fire sparking (tw: alcohol mention, food mention). 
Your eyes scan the horizon you can see outside your window. The snowfall is normal here for this time of year, but it’s always amazing to you how much it�� builds. It looks like a new city, a new planet.
And it’s the snowfall that has you shivering, the snowfall that has your team stuck in this town for another two days. The plane can’t take off after all, when a blizzard of surprising proportions decides to camp out.
You blink, breaking away from the trance of fresh snow, before turning back to face the rest of your team. The whole group had gathered to hear the announcement from Aaron, and now there’s this moment of reckoning.  After all, the team had already dressed down for the plane, for the weather, and now the implication that work would be done for a couple more days… What to do with the sudden time off? A couple get a glint in their eye – Derek, Prentiss, and Penelope, all of whom look at each other before wandering off toward a room.
“And where do the three of you think you’re going?” Rossi calls out, only to receive a smirk from over Prentiss’s shoulder.
“Movie in Morgan’s room. We’re gonna rent The Shining.”
Just the suggestion makes a chill run down your spine. Bold of them to show something like that in a hotel that’s mainly occupied by the group of you. But Penelope and Derek just link arms, and the three of them continue their stroll. They’re joined by Spencer, who scurries after them, after going into great length about the differences between the film and the book – backed up by Prentiss, which prompts an argument between which is better.
It’s heartwarming. Good to see after a violent case. The small towns are always tough, always make your soul ache, and when you chuckle at the sound of Derek’s protests about film versus book content, you catch Hotch’s eyes.
There’s a smile on his face, too. The weariness that settles after a case, the blinking that ends up slow and steady as he watches some of his family begin their nights off with a bang, it’s there. And it makes him seem like a source of warmth in the midst of all of the chill.
“Crazy kids,” Rossi snarks, sarcasm dripping, and JJ just laughs, shaking her head.
“I’m gonna go call Will and Henry,” she tells the three of you that remain, looking at the group before smiling gently, a little bit of sadness in her eyes. “Maybe try and Skype. If you need anything…”
“We know where to find you,” you assure her, and she nods. “Go take off, JJ, spend time with your family.”
She too leaves the lobby.
Rossi starts drifting away, too. Towards the front doors, and Hotch raises his brow at the sight. “And you? What’s out there?”
“A good bottle of bourbon, and I’m sure the kids will want whatever you plebians call pizza,” Rossi calls back to his unit chief, and when he turns his smirk is very reminiscent of what Prentiss’s looked like. “I’ll be back.”
That’s the dismissal. Rossi has the keys to the van, after all. And Hotch, watching, seems unbothered. If anything, he’s amused.
And then there were two.
You turn to look at Hotch, smile at him. He looks back, and the corner of his lips twitches up, his eyes warm and bright. There’s something unspoken in the air, a realization that while the rest of the team made their way quickly out of the lobby, the two of you lingered behind. There’s been a lot of lingering, and you try to explain it away. But in the moment, within the feeling, there’s little to explain. You don’t need to.
With a glance around the space, not even the desk clerk eavesdropping
“I’m sure there are other movies besides The Shining on,” you say, almost despite your brain screaming at you to come to stop. “Sounds like that’ll be my plan.”
“Not a fan of thrillers?” Hotch asks you, and you shake your head.
“A movie about a man who attempts to murder his family in a haunted empty hotel? In the dead of winter?” With a gesture around to the empty lobby, the wintry precipitation outside, your boss lets out a chuckle.
“I see your point.” The two of you start moving towards the elevator, and you find yourself thinking about how close he’s standing, how close he’s lingering. “Well. I hope you find a good movie.”
“A sudden day off? What does Aaron Hotchner do with that?” you tease, and he ducks his head a little. Almost… bashful. It seems to light your nerve endings, your fingers tingling. When he doesn’t answer, you dare to reach with an elbow, nudge him a little. “You have a movie to suggest? One that makes the window leaking cold air disappear?”
“Maybe,” he returns, and the doors open. He moves to leave, and then glances back, calls out your name. You turn to face him, blinking as he stares.
“Did you say your window is leaking cold air?” It’s like he didn’t process the implications completely until that moment, and you find yourself squirming under his gaze.
“It’s fine! I called down for three extra blankets, and I’m managing,” you tell him. But even that reassurance doesn’t do its job, because Hotch turns to face you, raises a brow.
“You should’ve told me. We would’ve gotten you another room,” he tells you, and you simply shrug again. You open your mouth, to interject, but he shakes his head, stopping you. There’s a hint of unit chief in his gaze, but a bit of something more.
“Come on. You can stay in my room. I’ll call down, see what we can do about getting you resituated.”
So that’s how the evening starts. The two of you, in his room. He talks to the front desk, and they assure that someone will be up to look at the window, but give no estimated time for the repair. In those moments, as you sit in his space, you feel like you’re invading, but if anything he seems at ease. The way he sits on the edge of the bed, corded phone up to his ear. Some moments, he meets your gaze, offers a smile, and you find yourself smiling back, watching as he adjusts the zipper of his jacket.
Then you get a text. From Rossi. He’s back from the pizza place, needs helping carrying things inside. You get up to go assist when Hotch calls your name, makes you turn back to him.
“Here, take my jacket. It’s cold outside.”
You find yourself just staring, mouth a little agape as he slides it off of his shoulders, passes it over. You take it, your heart pounding, and he offers you another small smile before he starts talking again with the front desk. All of this for you, which he would do for anyone else. But today, he’s doing it for you, and you can’t help but notice the way he watches you slide the thing over his shoulders.
When you make it to one of the black SUVs, you try to ignore the way that Rossi’s eyes scan you, too, amusement on his features. He passes over the pizza and your grip stumbles a little, as the wind outside and the blur of snow combined with your embarrassment makes your fingers tremble.
“Whoa, whoa, easy. I’ve got you,” Rossi says, and when he shoots you a smirk you give it right back.
“Got something to say, Rossi?”
“Just surprised you emerged,” Rossi states mildly, and you shrug your shoulders at him before reaching to the first box, pulling it open to see steaming fresh cheese and dough. It looks delicious, and your stomach rumbles at the sight. The two of you start pushing inside when his comment hits you, and you’re glad the snow is making your cheeks numb, or else you’d feel the warmth flood your face. 
“Nothing happened,” you protest, but Rossi just shakes his head.
“Oh, I know. But I got an extra box for the two of you just in case another appearance is rare. The others are for… well. The others.”  
He knows what you’re thinking. That you wouldn’t mind that one bit, if the extra box was put to good use. You push that thought down, letting the mention of your friends makes you smile. “I can drop two of these boxes by Morgan’s door. I’m sure that there won’t just be one movie watched at the end of the day.”
“Especially since JJ joined them,” Rossi remarks. “I have a feeling they won’t be coming out until the morning.”
You nod. The bunch of pizzas is resting in your very capable hands, and when you make it in the elevators get another trip. But before you can step on, Rossi calls out to you, and you turn to see his eyes twinkle.
“You’re all right, kid,” he offers. “Don’t overthink it.”
It’s good advice, sound advice, and you nod, ignoring the way your mouth goes a little dry. “It’s him, though,” you manage, and Rossi just chuckles.
“And you’re you. You’ll be fine.” 
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acotartogfan · 3 years
Send a ship and #!
New year, new prompt list!
Since I getting bored of the first one, I made an entirely new one with new prompts.
Some Things to Note: [Read]
pick a prompt(s) and a ship*and send it to my ask box and i will write a drabble for you!
*i specialize in Nessian (angst) from A Court of Thorns and Roses, but I write for Throne of Glass too)
Links in case you need them: Askbox | Prompt List #1 (fluffier prompts)
If you like my work, send me more prompts! It inspires and encourages me to keep writing, and it gets the creativity juices flowing as well :)
1. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
2. “We could have had a future together.”
3. “Absolutely not. That is way too dangerous.” - “Come on, it’ll be fun!”
4. “Calm down.” - “Don’t you dare tell me to calm down!”
5. "you're not broken"
6. “You’ve changed.”
7.  “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
8.  “But it’s my fault right?”
9. “I don’t want to feel this. I want to be numb again.”
10. “You’re lying to me again. Why can’t you just tell me the truth for once?” 
11. “I can’t lose you.” - “You already did.”
12. “Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?”
13. “Maybe they were right, you never did change.” 
14. “How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?”
15. “What gives you the right to just waltz back into my life after all the pain you’ve caused.”
16. “Don’t you dare walk away from this!”
17. “Any other lies left to tell me?”
18. “Let me go.”
19. “I would’ve done anything for you.”
20. “I loved you. I loved you so so much but you hurt me.”
21. “Sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
22. “Leave.”
23. “I can’t keep playing pretend.”
24. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
25. “It’s pouring rain why are you here?”
26. “I love you.” “You shouldn’t.”
27. “Where were you when I needed you?”
28. “Take my hand. Just trust me.”
29. “You’re safe now, I’m here.”
30. “You made me a better person. Thank you.” 
31. “I’m pretty sure (you’re/she’s/he’s/they’re) my soulmate”
32. “You are my family.”
33. “Kiss me.”
34. “Can we take this home?”
35. “You look happy.” 
36. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
37. "What are you smiling about?"
38. "Do you even care anymore?"
39. “Are you ok? You sound like you’ve been gargling glass.”
40. “She/he/they was nothing to you, was she/he/they? Then prove it.”
41. “He’s the only person left! He’s the only thing I’ve got, the last good thing in my life!”
42. “I had it under control! I had a plan!”
43. “So none of it was real? You didn’t mean any of it?”
44. “I could kiss you right now!” - “You’re very welcome to do it.”
45. "Whoa. Easy, easy. I've got you."
46. “what about us?”
47. “And that makes it okay?”
48.  “How is this my fault?” 
49. “Let go of me.” 
50. “Your eyes are really pretty now that I’ve gotten a closer look.” 
51. “Can you just make a decision? Please?”
52. “Don’t look at me! I’m a mess!”
53. “If you want to leave, we can leave.”
54. “Stars pale in comparison to you.”
55. “I would give up everything for the chance to see your laugh again.”
56. “Everything about you is amazing to me.” 
57. “are you sure this is legal?”
58. “You're supposed to be washing my hair, but this feels more like a massage.”
59. "I trusted you."
60. "You're dead to me."
61. “Sleep is for the weak.”
62. “Need a ride?”
63. “You can have Manhattan. I’ll go somewhere else?”
64. “That’s a terrible book,” - “What are you talking about? It’s my favorite!”
65. “Running doesn’t matter. I’ll hunt you down if I have to.”
66. “Are you going to stop me?”
67. “Did the power just cut so?” - “I think so. Help me look for the candles?”
68. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
69. “Do you really need all that candy?”
70. “Why are you here?”
71. “I can’t keep doing this anymore.”
72. “We're falling apart and you don't even care!”
73. “Do not call your child a raisin!”
74. “I’ll choose her happiness over mine every time.” 
75. “Kind of a pretty boy, isn’t he?” 
76. “What is that?” - “A cake, obviously.” - “Does it taste like cake?” “...No.”
77. “Can we take it home?” - “It looks more like a rat than anything.” - “Please?”
78. “You and me against the world, remember?”
79. “I can braid your hair for you…if you’d like.”
80. “I will always choose you.”
81. “You can’t have her and it’s killing you inside.”
82. “Just a few…more…lines…” - “You’ve been at it all night. Take a break.”
83. “He is very dreamy, but he is not the sun. You are.”
84. “You have yourself wrapped in thorns, and then you hate everyone who tries to touch you.”
85. “You loved her…that’s not a weakness, that’s a virtue.”
86. “Being like this, it’s torture. Sometimes I wish I could just turn it off. Turn it all off.”
87. “You don’t have to carry the weight of the world all by yourself, you know?”
88. “(Name)?” - “Yeah?” - “I’m gonna kiss you now.” - “Okay.”
89. “We’re a mess, you and I.”
90. “Just stay. We can figure everything else out later. Right now, just stay.”
91. “I prefer the view from up there.”
92. “Away you three inch fool.”
93.  “Tell me a lie.” - “I love you.”
94. “Please, I am begging you. No more lies.”
95.  “You’ve suffered through enough.”
96. “You think you gave me some sort of gift? You took a messed up girl and turned her into a broken woman.”
97. “I’m eating because I’m very uncomfortable.”
98. “Here, let me hold that for you.”
99. “It’s over. They’re not going to hurt you again.”
100. “___, please come. I’m sick.” “You’re what? I can’t hear you.” - “I said I’m sick!”
Send these into my askbox and I’d be more than happy to answer them!
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chaii-lattes · 3 years
Yes, you read that right. As many of you know (or may not know), I have been a hardcore fan of JRSIH for around 4-5 years. All the couples have a very special place in my heart. I think about them daily, they creep into my thoughts at the WORST TIMES.
I LOATHED them. I loved Asahina, but I HATED Isaka. Whenever Mistake had their own episode in SIH & JR, I would skip it immediately. I thought that they brought nothing to the JRSIH worlds and were just another useless and bland couple *cough* (Junjou Animate) that Nakamura was trying to somehow fit into the storyline. When I saw that Nakamura was incorporating Mistake into the Mix Chapters, I was honestly really annoyed, because I thought that they were so bland and lacking in every department (no pun intended.)
But that all changed on March 29, 2021 at 8:35 p.m. EST. I had a revelation at that moment; I decided to give Junjou Mistake another chance, and I’m so glad I did. I kept hearing so many great things about Junjou Mistake, but I just merely brushed off peoples’ remarks about them. I was too blind and too stubborn to truly see that I was missing out on such a beautiful couple.
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From the first chapter, I knew that I was going to be hooked. What made my heart swell was that they have been together for 13 YEARS. Their love for each other had never, ever ceased during those years. Even when Isaka ridiculously thought that Asahina was cheating on him, he still proclaimed that while he would never forgive Asahina if he did that, he still loved him unconditionally. From childhood friends to lovers, their love blossomed into one of the most beautiful couples and love stories in the series (even though they are lacking in chapters.) Seeing a tiny Isaka devote himself to protecting Asahina after his father took Asahina’s family under his wing actually made tears come to my eyes.
I could go on and on about how mesmerized I was by their story, but nothing could prepare me for this scene:
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This is quite possibly one of the most BEAUTIFUL scenes in all of JR & SIH. I could literally feel the love through my phone screen. The plant that Isaka gives Asahina is an Amadokoro plant, which means "cheer up" in the japanese language of flowers. After Asahina’s family attempted to commit suicide, he gives it to Asahina after seeing his fragile and broken state. It’s during this beautiful exchange that Isaka states it was the first time Asahina had truly smiled. WHERE ARE THE TISSUES.
Reading Junjou Mistake also helped open my eyes to Isaka’s character in itself. Isaka, in all honesty, is an amazing character. Aside from his arrogance and annoyingness, Isaka is a huge sweetheart. While he lacks in the department of taking care of himself, he is so incredibly caring about other people. If it weren’t for Isaka, Akihiko probably never would’ve gotten his stories published. If it weren’t for his perseverance and determination, Asahina and Isaka probably never would’ve become a couple. Giving up on your dreams is a hard pill to swallow, especially if you’ve come to terms with the fact that it would probably never work out. Isaka’s dream of becoming an author was stopped after reading Akihiko’s stories; but even after this, Isaka held his head high and was so strong. That, in itself, is inspiring.
Isaka, without a doubt, can be so incredibly annoying and irritating at times. There was one point that I was telling my friends that I wanted “to slash Isaka’s tires.” But, whenever he’s around Asahina, his walls come down a little bit; He doesn’t hide his feelings from Asahina, he craves Asahina, not just sexually, but craves Asahina’s love, his attention. Isaka is so devoted to Asahina, even after 13 years of love, uncertainty, and misunderstandings. Mistake is truly one of the most underrated couples in the JRSIH world, and a couple I know that I will never forget.
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kanri-tea · 3 years
Jakurai dies! AU (part 4)
The veil between life and death isn't quite as solid as some believe.
OR: Jinguji Jakurai wakes up as a ghost, unable to move on and unable to interact with the world around him.
Dying feels a bit like floating - at first that is. You're lying in an endless abyss of nothingness and it envelopes you like a comforting blanket.
Your eyes are closed, you think, and you don't want to open them. It feels like taking a long nap, but like any nap, you slowly wake up.
It's gradual and slow. It starts with sounds, voices that you recognize but filled with emotions you can't quite place. It doesn't take long before you're being nudged to the world of wakefulness.
And that world that greets you is filled with misery.
When you open your eyes, the first thing you see is a grave. Your grave.
Jinguji Jakurai
21XX - 21XX
Beloved friend and doctor. Thank you for the leaving the world a better place.
You're startled. That's right, you're dead. So why...?
Why are you here, in the world of living when you should be in hell the afterlife?
You wander for a little bit, exploring the graveyard. The people there don't see you, can't hear you. You're unable to interact with anything and you float listlessly.
Why are you here? You're so, so tired.
The first of the TDD, of the people you love, that you see is Ichiro. He's blankly staring at your grave, crouching to eye-level with it.
"Hi, sensei."
You sit next to him. There's an aura of sadness that makes you want to hug the young boy, but you know you can't.
Not anymore.
"I... I don't know what to do anymore. It's like.. every night, the only thing I can think about is how useless I was."
You startle. There are tears in Ichiro's eyes, threatening to spill out at any moment.
"If only... if only I'd stayed calm... If only... god, sensei..."
The tears rain quickly and even as you try your best to comfort Ichiro, you can't get through.
The veil that separates the living and the dead couldn't have been anymore evident and painful, and even as desperation fuels your voice, as you feel yourself get more and more frantic, nothing works.
A b s o l u t e l y n o t h i n g.
It becomes a pattern, you soon notice. First it's Ichiro. Then Samatoki, Yotsutsuji, and Ramuda.
They visit on rotation, and fairly often too. Rarely together, and if it is, Yotsutsuji isn't there.
Your son in all but blood keeps away from Ichiro, Samatoki, and Ramuda, avoiding them like a plague.
You notice the anger, the pain. It hurts your soul to see him in such agony, and nothing you do ever gets through.
You watch Ichiro grow more and more tired with each passing week, a victim to his own grief. His brothers are filled with worry, both clinging desperately to Ichiro. You watch them plan out ways to distract their brother from his grief. They aren't getting through though, and it hurts to see, hurts that you can't hug Ichiro, can't tell him that you're proud of him, that it's not his fault.
You watch Samatoki break down more and more, a whirlwind of guilt and agony, burning up from his own emotions. His sister is gone, choosing the Chuuoku over him. You watch as his new teammates slyly pry and prod him for details, their worry growing with each passing day. You long to hold Samatoki's hand, to tell him that it was your choice to protect them. That it is a choice that you'd make over and over again for them.
You watch Ramuda lose more and more of himself, his grasp on reality loosening with every stray memory that resurfaces. You listen to his tales of his escape from the Chuuoku, his apologies for never telling you about himself. It warms your soul that Ramuda trusts you to tell you this, dead or not, but his airy voice and blank gaze worries you. His teammates often watch worriedly, and you're glad that he has someone watching out for him. You love him, and it's something you never realized until your last moments. You regret that you will never be able to tell him, that you'll never be able to hold him in your arms again.
You watch Yotsutsuji drown in his emotions, in his anger and his sadness. He does his best to imitate you, and while it would have been flattering had he been alive, you desperately wish you could tell him to live his own life, to live his best life. You recognize his teammates and you watch as they do their best to be there for the young boy, and you are so, so grateful. In truth, it's Yotsutsuji's agony that hurts you the most. Once upon a time, you'd promised that you'd be there for him forever, to hold him close on his worst days, to celebrate on his best days. You can't do that anymore, and you hate yourself for breaking that promise.
You stay by their side, moving from one to another. Each day is a different person, and despite how tired you feel, you're thankful for the chance to watch over them even after you've died. You'd once wished at a temple to spend your days with them, to be able to love and protect them with every fiber of your being. You can't do that anymore, but you try to watch over them, to get through to them.
Time passes, you don't know how much time, but you watch as the leaves turn from green to brown, as snow turns to grass. There are whispers of rap battles in the air and you quietly worry.
It's the only thing you can do, quietly worrying.
It's also then when you are greeted for the first time by someone that wasn't a friend nor a patient when you were alive.
Iruma Jyuto greets your gravestone on a sunny day.
"I... My name is Iruma Jyuto. I believe this is the first time we are meeting."
"You are quiet famous, you know? The saintly doctor of Shinjuku, Jinguji Jakurai."
"I should get to the point, shouldn't I? I... We..."
You listen patiently to the young man's words.
But can he really be considered a young man in comparison to you? You're 33, you died at 33. There is no 34 or 35, or any other age for you. You are 33 and you are dead.
"Please, please bless us in this endeavor. We really do want Samatoki to move on, Rio and I. This grief... it's breaking him apart. All of them, really. Aagh, this is so cheesy, why am I doing this..."
"Jinguji-sensei, if you're really there and I'm not just being an idiot and talking to a inanimate object, please let them move on. I know it's not really your fault, but they're stuck. Samatoki, Yamada, Amemura, and Kannabi. So, please, if spirits and whatever exists, please help them come to terms with their grief."
Iruma grumbles for a while longer before leaving. But even as he leaves entirely, his words linger.
You are so glad that they've met teammates that love them so much, but a part of you wonders if you can even help. Nothing you've done has gone through, and sometimes, you question your own existence.
As you ponder and question, questions unanswered by the gods, you watch Ichiro, Samatoki, Ramuda, and Yotsutsuji's teammates stage an intervention. It doesn't go well, not at first.
Of course you should continue on.
You aren't leaving me behind, you're continuing your own path. I'll be by your sides no matter what.
You all deserve the world and more. I would make my choice over and over again if it meant you all lived.
You watch as each division remind their leaders to live. That they are alive and he is not.
You know they will get better one day, someday. You see it in the way they smile, in the way they move with more energy these days. Their teammates are good for them and in turn, they love their teammates with all they have. It's a desperate love of people who've loved and lost many times.
Sometimes, you tell them of how proud you are, of you how much you love them.
You mean the world and more, and I would give everything to protect you.
You're all doing so well, you're all so amazing.
No matter what, I'll be by your side. Nothing but the gods themselves can tear me away.
I love you.
You don't know how much, or if at all, gets through, but sometimes, you like to think that maybe a whisper got through.
They're getting better. They have good days and bad days. The grief and guilt and anger is still there, but they're learning to come to terms with their emotions. Their teammates are their at every step, ready to catch them when they fall.
For the first time in a long time, you're content.
Ichiro will grow big and strong, becoming a responsible and amazing adult. He'll be a kinder man than you could ever be.
Samatoki will stand tall and proud, his strength protecting as many as he can. He'll be far stronger than you could ever wish to be.
Ramuda will shine bright and cheerful, his love will be intense and encompassing. His love will be stronger and fiercer than you could ever hope to match.
Yotsutsuji will become great, a legend in his own right. Someday, he'll find his own path and strive to become better than you, to become someone far more amazing then yourself.
You know they'll be okay, and that fact sits contently in your heart.
They'll be okay.
Had anyone been able to see him, they would've seen a lavender-haired man leaning back against the wall, watching the Division Rap Battle teams. There's a smile on his face, his eyes are crinkled. He looks happy.
Slowly, he fades away, leaving behind nothing to ever show that he was there.
He's gone, but not forever. Maybe he's moved onto the afterlife, maybe he's gone from existence. But in the hearts of those who knew him, of those who've loved him, and he to them, he still there watching over them.
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Bad Manners (S2, E5)
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My time-stamped thoughts for this episode. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:35 - Martin totally thought John Watkins abducted and killed Ainsley. Mark my words. 
0:44 - Holy. Shit. Ainsley is FIVE years old (or younger) here right? A five year old with that much determination?!?! She literally stayed silent in that clock for probably hours......and no one was concerned about this kid when Martin was arrested because...?
1:09 - Anyone else impressed with Malcolm’s aim here? Just me?
1:20 - Gil and Malcolm talking about sleep and murder is so freaking sweet. <3 Honestly, they’re acting like friends instead of co-workers and it warms my cold dead heart. 
1:29 - Does Gil become a grumpy old man when he doesn’t get 8 hours sleep? I really want to know now. 
1:39 - OMG. Gil pointing at Ainsley here is hilarious. He’s totally acting like some weird mix of a stern pissed off high-school teacher, and a step-dad trying to discipline an unruly teen. hahaha AND MALCOLM’S FACE. Look how done Malcolm is. He looks so so tired, sad, and exasperated. 
1:44 - Wow. Girl power. Ainsley has those camera guys bending to her will. I honestly would’ve thought they would just read the situation and turn the camera off themselves. 
1:47 - “It’s not a game.” Yikes. I have thoughts about this:
Malcolm is right - it’s not a game. 
Malcolm is a bit of a hypocrite for saying that to Ainsley. Although, to his credit even when Malcolm is excited/inappropriately happy about murder it’s always pretty clear that he thinks murder is wrong, and that he has sympathy for the victims and their families. 
Ainsley does not have that same sympathy for the victims. That much is clear later in this episode. 
Pretty sure the writers are trying to turn Ainsley into a serial killer this season. 
2:13 - “You know I like to share these things with my friends.” .....does this mean Malcolm thinks Dani and JT are his friends now? Last I checked (Ep 1x05) Malcolm didn’t have friends. This absolutely melts my heart. <3 I’m honestly so happy that Malcolm considers someone other than Gil to be his friend.
2:18 - “We lost Dani to vice.” .....What is vice? AND WHAT IS THE REAL LIFE REASON THAT DANI WASN’T IN THIS EPISODE?!? 
2:19 - Edrisa has a medical degree right? She has to know how dangerous consuming that much caffeine is right? Plus aren’t energy drinks super dangerous if you drink a lot of them (or maybe that’s just what adults in my neighbourhood told kids)?
2:30 - Edrisa SHINES in this episode. She’s so funny and awkward and I just love her. 
2:36 - hahaha Gil has adopted the whole team. Look at him throwing the “Dad warning stare” at Edrisa. 
3:31 - Why does Edrisa start bouncing around looking upset when Malcolm says, “rejection is a powerful motivator”?!?! Has she recently been broken up with or something? Is this a reference to how she has a crush on Malcolm (who doesn’t reciprocate)? I WANT MORE INFORMATION.
3:47 - TWIZZLERS!!! <3 Damn I love how this tiny detail about Malcolm’s character keeps coming up. 
3:55 - Ainsley is on a rampage this episode. She’s so determined ...actually she’s acting a lot like Jessica (think girl in the box bracelet). However, unlike Jessica, Ainsley’s motives aren’t about justice or the safety of her loved ones.  Ainsley is chasing personal gain (career) with a side of (a subconscious?) need to be exposed to murder and her father’s twisted world. 
4:05 - This whole interaction between Ainsley and Malcolm is really interesting. Ainsley is knowingly manipulating Malcolm to get the answers she wants. We’ve seen her do it in 2x4 and 1x19. She knows her big brother would do anything for her. It makes sense, they’re five years apart and after the trauma they experienced as children Malcolm felt responsible to protect Ainsley. He never wants to disappoint Ainsley. Not a burden he should’ve had to deal with but I digress. PLUS Malcolm looks weary of Ainsley here. He knows what she’s doing. He’s scared that she’s turning to the dark side. But he still gives her the answers because if he doesn’t - that means something has changed. He thinks that would make Ainsley suspicious and then she might remember what happened to Endicott. He’s scared of and for Ainsley. 
4:32 - OKAY. I’ll say it. The thing that annoys me the most about this episode is that it suggests that Ainsley was a debutant when in 1x6 AINSLEY TELLS MARTIN SHE WAS NEVER A DEBUTANT. She went to etiquette school - I guess that doesn’t strictly mean she also did debutant balls but it sort of suggests it in the context of this episode? Did she actually graduate from the etiquette school (there was bullying, maybe she was expelled/dropped out similar to Malcolm and Remington?)?
4:59 - “No stabbies” OMG. How is this show not classified as a comedy?!? Istg I laugh harder watching this ‘drama’ then I do watching most of the shows that call themselves ‘comedies’.
5:35 - It’s honestly kind of amazing that Ainsley and Malcolm are as ‘sane’ as they are. They were raised by a stubborn predatory psychopath and a stubborn rich meddling socialite. They had no chance of normalcy. Look at the amount of pleasure Martin is currently getting by throwing his son under the bus with regards to Jessica. 
 5:45 - “No actually, I cleaned it up.”.....does this have a dual meaning? Did Martin do something to make Malcolm dispose of the body? We already know that Martin has tried some sort of conditioning on Malcolm (remember ‘C’mon boy!’ from 1x14? The stabbing?). What if Martin said some sort of trigger word to control Malcolm and coerced Malcolm into getting rid of the body? What if this isn’t the first time?
6:05 - Ainsley is a sociopath. I’m calling it again. I called it when I first watched Q&A (1x7) because the way she treated Malcolm was more than just selfish/careless. It was cruel and she didn’t feel any remorse for literally broadcasting her brother’s private health details on television. That is messed up. I honestly won’t be shocked if the writers make Ainsley a full blown serial killers (although I’m not sure I want that because I don’t know how Malcolm would remain the main character if the story goes in that direction?). 
6:12 - Poor Jessica. I honestly feel really bad for her. Sure, she’s a headstrong alcohol dependant crazy rich woman. She also has a good heart. She’s been dealt a pretty shitty hand when it comes to relationships (minus Gil but she ruined that because she’s a MORON) and now she’s terrified that her own children have become monsters and she blames herself. She definitely hasn’t been a perfect mother but I don’t think she’s to blame for Ainsley and Malcolm’s obsession with murder. If these kids had a different bio dad, they would probably just have a low-key drug problem or some other common rich kid baggage. 
6:15 - “You know that’s not how cancer works right?” LOL. hahahaha
6:33 - Martin kind of has a point. There’s no rehab for murder. That’s why he’s been in jail for 20 years and he still wants to kill people. In my opinion, given what we’ve seen of Ainsley’s personality: as soon as she fully remembers that night - she’s gone. She’ll go full serial killer and Jessica and Malcolm will lose her forever. 
6:40 - Jessica’s little jazz hand finger twinkle as she spins on her heel and leaves Martin kills me. It’s so extra. It’s so funny. And it’s sooo Jessica. 
6:47 - Damn. Martin is pissed. I’m worried. That’s murder-level rage. If he escapes ISTG Martin is going to try and kill Gil. For so many reasons 1) because he hates Gil, 2) it’ll hurt Jessica, and 3) killing Gil will eliminate his ‘Dad’ competition. 
6:54 - Edrisa on caffeine is AMAZING.
7:43 - I love Edrisa but her blatant, unreciprocated crush on Malcolm is honestly getting a little creepy. 
7:52 - Gil spent all last season drinking out of a Yankee’s mug. Doesn’t that mean he’s a baseball fan? Why doesn’t he know this pitcher guy?
7:56 - hahahaa “Where is JT?” Because obviously JT is the team sports fan. 
8:22 - Does Gil get nightmares about cases? He always seems really uncomfortable around the dead bodies. 
8:45 - “And suddenly I’m wide awake” SERIOUSLY - is anyone else laughing every 60 seconds when they watch this show? Is my sense of humour just super dark and messed up?
8:54 - YES. The liquorice is BACK.
9:00 - I love Malcolm talking to JT about his obsession with candy. I love how Malcolm doesn’t even hesitate before giving JT an honest answer. Malcolm is acting like JT’s annoying little brother and I am here for it. One thing I did notice though - Malcolm specifically mentions candy+dopamine but doesn’t mention his depression/anxiety. Processed sugar can be a short-term (unhealthy) way to boost your mood. It’s why some people eat their feelings. I really want more backstory about Malcolm with the lollipops and licorice though. 
9:19 - “But you didn’t do anything wrong.” Awwww Malcolm is so soft here. I love how much he genuinely cares about JT. <3 I love how JT is comfortable enough with Malcolm to give him an honest answer. <3 THEIR RELATIONSHIP HAS GONE THROUGH SUCH A GLOW UP. <3 
9:32 - “Like toy dolls?” hahaha the way Malcolm perked up here. All I could think was “SQUIRREL!” hahaha. 
9:41 - Malcolm is doing better than he has been the past few episodes? I mean he’s still suffering and he’s still in a terrible mental state. BUT he also seems happier? IDK maybe he’s just entered the more manic nervous energy stage of his emotions as opposed to the depressed and scared stage. 
9:49 - “Deep childhood trauma”. So we’re looking for a debutant killer with childhood trauma who is chasing perfection? Debutant = rich lady culture. Like Ainsley. AND Ainsley went to the same etiquette school as the first two victims. The writer’s wanted us to assume the killer was Ainsley for the first 15 mins of this episode right? I’m not the only one seeing it?
10:04 - “My sister went there too.” ....why is there something super attractive about the way that line was delivered?
10:08 - I’m so done with this absolute tom foolery. Why does the team keep splitting up into two teams - where one team is JUST MALCOLM. The one who is unarmed and technically a civilian?!? This makes no logical sense to me (except for plot).
10:25 - Was Martin just about to say, “Just like the old days”?!? Is Martin referring to Endicott? OR is Martin referring to something that Malcolm’s repressed from his childhood?
10:30 - “I always root for the bad guys.” .....finally some truth from Martin.
10:40 - Soooooo I guess Mr. David doesn’t know? I promise you Mr. David has suspicions though. How could he not?!?!
11:24 - “It was brutal for Ains.” Look at how sad Malcolm is! Ugh. This hurts so much. He clearly loves his sister so so much and what she’s done is slowly killing him. I honestly think that part of the reason Malcolm helped Ainsley dispose of the body is that Malcolm doesn’t want to loose his sister. His sister is one of the only good things he’s always been able to count on. If word gets around that she’s a killer - Malcolm’s fragile world gets shattered a little more and I don’t know if Malcolm can recover mentally from that. 
11:36 - “Teasing made her capable of...stuff.” C’MON. There’s no way Mr. David doesn’t know. 
11:45 - Sooo is Martin saying that he recognized that Ainsley was a sociopath when she was a small child? Or did she just respond to his (or John Watkins’) grooming much ‘better’ than Malcolm?
11:56 - “Because she’s her mother’s” Okay. So I see the point. I can see that Ainsley is driven and stubborn like Jessica. BUT it feels like Martin is suggesting that Jessica is capable of murder? Which - I honestly don’t think she is. If anything - Malcolm is more like Jessica than Ainsley is.
11:59 - There was a look in Martin’s eyes when he was comparing Ainsley to Jessica that really freaked me out. I can’t figure out why. It makes me wonder if Martin still somehow views Jessica as ‘his possession’ (he refers to her as his wife all the time but I always assumed that was just to get a rise out of people?). Martin’s dream from 2x4 certainly suggests that he still wants Jessica romantically. I honestly think he’s going to try to escape and rekindle the romance with Jess; and it’s going to go very poorly when Jessica rejects him. 
12:06 - Preach JT. Preach. This is creepy af. 
13:00 - Ugh. Of course this creep has a history of indecent exposure. Now I understand why Gil and JT were hostile with the dude right from the start. 
13:12 - Man. People will use the Bible to justify anything. No wonder people hate Christians ( I say this as a practicing Christian).
13:18 - JT is such a good dude. I’m so glad he’s a dad now. <3 He’s going to be such a good one. <3
13:26 - “One phone call and this place will be shut down.” OH SHIT. GIL THAT IS VICIOUS AND I RESPECT THE SHIT OUT OF IT.
13:35 - I soooo thought that dude was going to sprint out of that room. 
14:30 - THIS. YES. This is why I have a problem with Ainsley’s enthusiasm for murder vs. Malcolm’s. Ainsley’s enthusiasm is centred on her nee to ‘get the story’. She’s obsessed with forwarding her career and as a result she’s treating crime like a competitive sport. Malcolm’s obsession (while it can border on creepy and reckless) is always centred on his need to find the killer and stop the murders. Malcolm is seeking justice and his heart is in the right place. I can’t say the same for Ainsley.
14:31 - “We’re brother and sister, everything is a competitive sport”.....whoever wrote this doesn’t have a sibling they experienced trauma with as a kid (and as a result was raised by a single parent). Seriously, my dad was abusive he lived with us until I was 10 and my brother was 7. Then my parents got divorced and my mom was a single parent (he didn’t pay child support or see his kids after the divorce). Are my brother and I competitive? Sure sometimes. But the way we grew up forced us to become partners. Annoyed with Mom? Let’s rant about it together. Is he struggling in math? I’ll tutor him in exchange for a Reese cup. Am I struggling at daycare because I have massive social anxiety? He’ll include me in whatever he’s doing so I’m not sitting alone in a corner. My point: siblings who experience trauma together don’t have the typical sibling relationships that are widely televised in North America. There’s a lot less fighting and competition and a lot more teaming up and commiserating. 
14:39 - “It. It’s terrible.” - Notice how Ainsley didn’t actually say how it made her feel? She gave the standard “TV response” to a murder “a terrible/horrific/tragedy has occurred”. She doesn’t feel bad that these women are dead. She’s too consumed with getting a story to even stop and let herself feel anything. I’ve been saying it since last season - the way Ainsley shows no regard for other people and their feelings when she’s obsessed with her job is concerning. 
14:50 - “Remind me of the people who cut us off after Dad’s arrest.” ...Are you kidding me?!? The whole fandom has been speculating about this since early season one and they’re not going to elaborate on that line?!? I’m going to need some more information about this and it better be in the upcoming episode where Jessica’s younger sister appears. 
15:40 - She thinks of her students as family? Sooo what does she think of Ainsley? Wasn’t Ainsley bullied at this school? Did she do anything about it? 
16:00 - this is like a ‘weekend/evening school’ right? Kids aren’t living in this house like a boarding school/summer camp?
16:01 - “Mr. Whitly” UGH. This bitch preaches etiquette and she doesn’t even have the common courtesy to call Malcolm by the name with which he introduced himself? Nah. I don’t like her. 
16:13 - Ugh. Ainsley, seriously? Why don’t you help your brother solve the case. AND PREVENT MORE MURDERS. Why are you indirectly but purposely obstructing justice?
16:37 - “Of course.” Huh. Do you think Martin might try and manipulate Ainsley into killing Malcolm? Ainsley definitely capable of it. She doesn’t actually seem to care about Malcolm nearly as much as he cares about her. 
17:17 - WTF?!? That’s creepy af. How did no one in this show think this assistant was a suspect? She has a super creepy doll that she ‘forgot’ on the floor the middle of a hallway. AND THE DOLL WAS STANDING UP. Not sitting, not dropped carelessly, STANDING UP.
17:30 - Look at Malcolm’s face. He’s definitely going to be having nightmares about that doll. 
18:25 - OMG. This was amazing. JT just totally bulldozed his way into catching that dude. Very badass. Also kind of funny (maybe that’s just my messed up sense of humour again?).
18:44 - Ugh. This dude has a thing for dolls. I don’t want to kink shame but - no. no. There’s something really gross about that.  
18:48 - I’ve seen some people say that this doll looks like Ainsley and how that’s supposed to be some sort of foreshadowing/symbolism. I kind of see it? I mean the hair colour is similar and if you pause the screen at 18:48 the angle kind of looks like Ainsley? It would be an interesting metaphor though - Ainsley played with dolls as a little girl. John Watkins gave her angel statues. She is Watkins’ and Martin’s doll’ in the sense that she was the object that murders manipulated/groomed. 
18:53 - Then again, pause the screen here and there’s something about the facial structure that looks like Dani to me. 
19:00 - Jessica lets Ainsley work in the murder office?!? No. No she doesn’t. This is garbage. Jessica would’ve forbade it. Jessica would’ve bordered up this room immediately after Watkins.
19:57 - Poor Jessica. She’s clearly terrified that she’s losing Ainsley and terrified of Ainsley. BUT Jess, sweetie, running to Europe won’t fix this. 
20:16 - “She wanted the dolls to look like her students.” AND PEOPLE SEND THEIR CHILDREN TO HER?!? WTF?!? NO. NO. NO. NOT OKAY. 
20:31 - HAHA look at Gil’s face when Trevor tells him he can make the ‘perfect woman’. Gil’s like WTF - can I arrest you for thinking you can fabricate a ‘perfect woman’?!!?
21:06 - Malcolm is having so much fun playing with Trevor’s doll head. Look at how excited he is. It’s kind of adorable but his manic energy is showing which is concerning. 
21:10 - Why is Trevor giving his doll fancy 1940s(ish) names? 
21:31 - Props to LDP. I honestly believed Gil was annoyed with Malcolm for barging in on the interrogation the first time I watched this. 
21:42 - “They got a word for everything.” hahaha OMG. This is so reminiscent of a teenager explaining some new tech to their tech-illiterate parents. 
22:00 - I can’t tell if Gil feels sorry for this creep or if he just thinks the dude is really gross. Probably a mixture. 
23:00 - Oh we’re bringing up the chloroform again. At least Malcolm knows not listen to Martin about this nonsense. 
23:25 - “It doesn’t feel fun.” - THIS. This is why I honestly don’t think Malcolm will ever become a serial killer. His guilt complex is just too big.
23:56 - Are. You. Kidding. Me? This is next level. Ainsley is so out of line here. AND SHE SHOWS NO REMORSE. SHE DOESN’T THINK SHE’S DONE ANYTHING WRONG. THIS GIRL HAS GONE DARK SIDE (she was already halfway there).
24:17 - I’m getting papa!Gil vibes when Gil is talking to Ainsley and I want more scenes of them interacting. Seriously, did Gil have a relationship with Ainsley when she was a kid? I MUST KNOW.
24:45 - Ainsley has no conscience. I honestly don’t think Ainsley has a conscience. 
25:00 - “Who is that!?” Malcolm is totally acting like he’s Ainsley’s father-figure right now. I’m here for it. 
25:22 - SORE LOSERS?!? I’m sorry. What? If you weren’t concerned about Ainsley you damn well should be now. That is seriously messed up. People are dead. This is not a game. Do you know who else thought murder was a game? Martin Whitly.
25:31 - Okay. Ainsley has a point. Malcolm lecturing anyone about being reckless is pretty hypocritical. But at least Malcolm cares about her. 
25:54 - Heart. Shattered. Look at how terrified Jessica is. Look at how gentle and reassuring Gil is. UGh. WHY DID SHE BREAK UP WITH HIM??! I mean, I know why I just think she’s a moron for doing it. 
26:00 - Poor Gil. He’s so confused and so concerned. The whole Whitly family is acting crazier then usual and he doesn’t know why. 
26:11 - “Both you and Malcolm are at an 11 and I’ve never seen Ainsley like that.” FIND YOURSELF A MAN WHO CARES LIKE GIL AND NEVER LET HIM GO. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Seriously. The love and concern he shows for this family warms my cold dead heart. 
26:16 - “Her father?!” Oh shit. Now Gil knows there’s something BIG happening. Jessica would never run to Martin unless she absolutely had to. 
26:19 - annnnd Gil’s also being a prideful man who’s feeling are hurt. “You went to him?” He’s right to be though - the woman he loves went to a serial killer for advice before going to the guy who practically co-parented with her. 
26:33 - “I’m here. Whatever you need. I’m here.” <3 <3 Gil is the definition of a good man. <3 I’m in love with it. 
26:48 - “You were right on time for me.” ....*snort* subtle Gil (and in front of JT!!)
27:08 - Edrisa is hysterical on caffeine. hahaha. This whole scene is perfect. 
27:20 - You know someone is acting manic when Malcolm Bright is concerned about their eccentric behaviour. 
27:34 - Annnnnd Tom Payne was a split second from breaking character here. I don’t blame him. hahaha
28:05 - EDRISA flipping and dropping that pencil. HAHAHAHAHAHA
29:10 - “Absolutely not.” hahaha this is funny but also really sweet. Malcolm knows that Edrisa hopped up on caffeine isn’t safe to have near an active killer. Who knows what’ll happen. I wish he’d care that much about his own well being. Looks like calling for backup last episode was a one time thing. 
30:37 - I’ll give the writers one thing - Miss Windsor makes a convincing murder suspect.
31:22 - GIL. STANDING. UP. FOR. JT. IS. EVERYTHING. Where is O’Malley’s back up? Oh yeah, they’re not brave enough to defend him.
32:00 - Huh. Bright texted for backup. This is growth. I’m proud of him. 
32:15 - YES. This JT arc was handled right. Sure JT could’ve complained. It would’ve been episodes upon episodes of bureaucratic nightmares and injustice. This show isn’t about racism. They showed enough to portray that the system is broken and they had JT act like a responsible adult. It’s not fair that JT had to go through this or that he’ll likely experience something similar to it again. But the fact that JT is acting like a bigger person is perfect. JT will protect his family. Always. That includes Malcolm. So JT avoids putting through a formal complaint because he knows that will take time away from doing his job, from protecting others, from hanging out with his wife and kid. JT’s taking the higher road, it might not be gratifying or fair but I respect the hell out of him for taking it. 
32:28 - Gil is so so proud of JT. Look at him. <3 <3 
33:40 - Look, Miss Windsor is a bit of a stuck up bitch but she has a good heart. Look at the way she immediately tells Malcolm where Ainsley is when she realizes what’s happening. 
34:14 - This confused me during the first watch - Ainsley obviously didn’t drink any tea - so why is she drugged? (obviously I know now). 
34:17 - Big brother Malcolm frantically looking for Ainsley is so so sweet. <3 
35:42 - The music, the dolls, and Miss Windsor’s speech here. There’s something about this part of the episode that is strangely reminiscent of 5x16 of Criminal Minds.
36:20 - ......does Miss Windsor have some sort of mental illness? She’s talking to herself and ranting erratically. Is this just emotional stress or something deeper?
37:00 - This is why Malcolm’s not a serial killer. Even now- looking at a killer - he’s trying to sympathize with her. He’s trying to understand why. He’s trying to calm her down, diffuse the threat, and get her mental help. 
39:00 - Oh yeah. Ainsley was definitely going to kill without remorse. Again. I’ve seen some theories that Ainsley only ever tries to kill to protect Malcolm. I disagree. I think Ainsley’s trying to protect herself. Ainsley is pissed off that this girl tried to drug her and kill her because she thinks Ainsley is wicked. Ainsley was pissed at Endicott for whatever he did to Ainsley before Malcolm got there. I think Ainsley felt threatened and scared so she reacted. I don’t think this has anything to do with protecting Malcolm.
39:41 - Malcolm isn’t a killer. Look. He smells gas but he takes the time to carry an unconscious murderer (who literally just tried to kill his sister)��out of the building. 
40:00 - The drama. Holy hell. What a weird ending to this case.
40:48 - Who gave Ainsley a police jacket and let her keep it?
41:14 - She almost died and she’s still obsessing over ‘winning’. This is seriously unstable behaviour. Way more concerning than anything Malcolm’s done since 2x1. 
41:45 - “My father was a serial killer also.” Anyone else super irritated by that phrasing?!?  Just me?!? Something about the ‘also’ feels super wrong to me.
41:53 - Oh sweetie. I’d argue that you are more messed up than Malcolm. 
42:06 - Jessica went to see Martin twice in one episode. THIS IS BAD.
42:15 - “Maybe even more so than Malcolm if that’s possible.” Jessica knows her kids. I’m on her side here. 
42:20 - Martin is way too happy about Ainsley showing signs of serial killing. 
42:30 - Jessica? You married an act. That man never existed. He’s always been a serial killer. You just didn’t know it. He’s manipulative and you were a victim to it. 
Okay....so definitely the weakest episode of the season so far. AND the fact that we got no mention of Tally and/or the baby this episode is a crime. 
BUT I’M SO SO SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT EPISODE. It’s going to be a televised fanfic and I can’t wait. 
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