#one of our school houses was named after Scott
sapphicmumrik · 10 months
what the fuck is going on with Dorothy Ruth
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ktempestbradford · 9 months
A Story for Star Trek Day
I've told this story on Twitter before. I tell it every Star Trek Day and whenever a Deep Space 9 anniversary rolls around. It's about me and Avery Brooks (aka Best ST Captain Benjamin Sisko).
The college my mother went to specifically started recruiting top Black students in the 60s. Due to this, the Black kids all mostly knew each other as they were in that same program. Avery Brooks went to the same college and they were good friends.
(She once told me he had a huge crush on her and I was like MOM. MOTHER. WHAT. HOW COULD YOU HE COULD HAVE BEEN MY DAD.)
Anyway, many of the students in this program remained friends long after college. So over the years as Avery was getting TV gigs & such we would all watch cuz he was my mom's friend & I thought that was the coolest. There was one particularly fun night when my best friend's uncle, Frankie Faison, guest starred on A Man Called Hawk. TWO people we know on TV!
When I was in middle school Avery was touring his production of "Paul Robeson" and it came through our town, so I got to see him perform in person (awesooooome) and meet him for the first time since I was a baby (which I did not remember, of course).
Now, backing up a little bit: I am a Star Trek fan because of my mom. She loved the original series and I remember being a wee Tempest in front of the TV watching The Wrath of Khan and us excitedly going to see Star Trek IV together.
I watched TNG from the instant it appeared on TV because of her. I watched all of The Animated Series even though everyone looked "wrong". (Man... it took me 4 months to realize that dude in the red shirt was Scotty cuz I'd only ever seen movie Scotty.)
Then... they announced Deep Space 9.
We heard Avery Brooks would be the commander and there was MUCH rejoicing around our house. DS9 turned out to be the best Trek ever and, of course, Avery was awesome. This was around the time my mom dropped that "he had a crush on me but I wasn't interested" bombshell.
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I'm still bitter.
I mean, I love my dad he's great. But SISKO COULD HAVE BEEN MY DAD.
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I lost my mom in 1999. She was--and I'm not exaggerating--an extraordinary woman and beloved by many. I received so many beautiful messages of condolence from her friends all the way back to those college years, including Avery. So many people remembered her fondly. <3
I kept watching Star Trek and often talked to her as if she was there during episodes. She would have LOVED Discovery. Especially since she took me to RENT the year I started college. I'm sure she would have shared my opinion of Enterprise as well. But she loved her some Scott Bakula, so she would have watched, anyway.
I got the chance to interview Avery Brooks at DragonCon back in 2013 (jeez, it's been almost 10 years omg). Before the interview, I went up to him on the Walk of Fame and I said:
Hi, I'm (name K stands for) Bradford, I don't know if you remember me...
And he looked up and said: Of course I remember you.
We talked for a bit and I asked if I could come back and interview him later and he said yes (he wasn't supposed to; his handler had A LOOK). I didn't want to hold up his line, so I said I'd see him later.
Before I could go, he reached out for my hand and squeezed it before saying: I loved your mama, you know.
And we just stayed like that for a few seconds, missing her together.
...I might have been trying very hard not to burst into tears.
That DragonCon was the last time I saw Avery. Barring an extraordinary circumstance, that's probably the last time I'll see him in person. I'm glad we got to have that moment together. And we had a great conversation!
His contribution to Trek has meant so much to me. SISKO4EVA
And I'm glad that it's another tie between me, my mom, and Trek. I can't watch DS9 without hearing her voice giving color commentary. Even the episodes she didn't live to see.
I think Star Trek is part of what gave her hope for the future. She passed that on to me. ❤️🖖🏾❤️
Happy Star Trek Day to all who celebrate.
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scottsummersevents · 9 months
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For the Sexy Days of Summers Event happening right now we've invited Scott Summers (Cyclops) fans to take part in spreading more love for him out there on the internet by creating fanfiction, fanart, fan works, etc. to celebrate our favorite X-Men leader and the possibility of what if. For the duration of this challenge so far we've received some really incredible submissions with super rare pairings that are new to us. For the month of September we'd like to share some of those and also share some various fandom creations along the way in terms of content. Some might be an old favorite pairing while others might be something in terms of shipping you've never considered before.
Today's spotlight pairing is a fan favorite pairing that still sparks passion in their fans :)
Below under the cut you can take a look at this pairing and see what fun it could prove to be!
Also if you have a favorite Scott pairing and a fanfic that you've written or that you love, then feel free to drop us a note and let us know so we can showcase it in the future!
Stay tuned for more duo spotlights coming soon!
I Follow You Deep Sea, Baby by medievalkoala (Rated M) Scott can't sleep. Emma's solution? A late-night date.
What A Diamond Desires by IAmSimplyVibing (Rated E) Scott and Emma can't even remember the last time they saw each other in person, and they're determined to make the most of this date night.
Euphoria by medievalkoala (Rated G) "I don’t think I’ve even had proper pain. It was a very easy birth. You just came out. Like you were in a hurry. Your dad cut the cord and handed you to me. You didn’t even cry, it was like you didn’t have time for the ordeal and just wanted to get it over with."
Megan Summers is born after a very easy birth.
Correction: A physically easy birth.
Or, Emma thinks about motherhood in the delivery room.
Homeflight by flightinflame for onestory (Rated M) Scott is one of the blessed. He leads a team to rescue children who are blessed from danger. He doesn't think he needs rescuing himself.
The Hellfire Orgy by Ravel991 (Rated E) Emma Frost arranges a great orgy after the main Hellfire Gala ends.
but you make it look easy by tamagorou (Rated T) "In a few years, some rebellious little kid is going to turn up at your school with me on his T-shirt. 'Cyclops was right.'"
A take on the Decimation - AvX publication period where Cyclops has been depowered due to M-Day (alongside some other changes). More tags will be added with further chapters.
This Life by medievalkoala “Ruby Summers.” I couldn’t help but let out a giggle. What a name.
Megan remembers the first time she met her new siblings.
Would You Sit at My Grave if I Killed Myself by medievalkoala (Rated G) Emma can't sleep. Literally what the title says. Takes place during Utopia.
E is for Evolution by bananabrain (Rated E) Trapped with no telepathy, but armed with the power of her incredible looks, Emma Frost visits the leader of the X-Men in his room to lift up his downer spirits amid the X-Men's recent turmoils.
Who could have thought that while Scott Summers is fighting the world, Emma Frost is fighting her own mind?
Drops of Red in the Snow by IcyDeku13 (Rated T) It's Mid winter and Scott is trans and he can feel his body being crappy. Trauma has come to bite him in the back.
i'll be getting over you my whole life by moonboy_writes (Rated T) Emma Frost's life is perfect. She's married Scott Summers, and the two have six children, a beautiful house, and well-paying jobs. But everything is not as it seems as Emma begins to realize that maybe, her life isn't perfect after all. Maybe none of this is even real...
jubilee by metabaron (Rated G) "Who told you?"
Scott sat at the foot of the bed, stroking her bare ankle. "Sage."
Written for the Krakoa Discord 50-word fanfic challenge.
This was the winner for that week's challenge
luxuries we can't afford by just_another_classic (Rated T) Emma and Scott in Savage Land, a reflection by Emma Frost. [writer's month prompt: beach episode]
the benefits of dating a superhero by cherry_lips (takemesomewherenice) (Rated E) A little Emma/Scott fun from around the time of Joss Whedon's run of Astonishing X-Men.
Cyclops Gets an Eye Exam by NotQuiteHydePark (Rated G) It is what it says on the tin.
Red on White by celeste9 (Rated T) Emma watches the blood pool on the tile.
You Missed Me (Script for GWA) by Capspandex (Rated E) Emma and Scott get paired up and I think we know the rest
Her Flawed Gem by flightinflame for onestory (Rated T) Everyone thinks that Scott Summers is perfect. But Emma knows that he isn't, and that doesn't make her any less in love with him.
Prismatic by TriffidsandCuckoos (Rated G) Scott would like to discuss soulmates. Emma would really rather not.
Just Let Go - An Emma Frost, Sex Therapist Encounter by The_Uncanny_SeX_Man (Rated E) Set during the Morrison New X-Men run, Emma Frost holds a rendezvous with Scott Summers behind his wife's back in order to help him realize some deep seated psychological trauma.
Scemma Drabbles by Paxorsym (Rated G) A small handful of scemma drabbles
Be sure to check out more Scott ad Emma fics up at AO3 here.
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girljeremystrong · 1 year
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✨best books i read in 2022 in no particular order✨ 
Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wang (2021)
This "memoir of an undocumented childhood" is a beautiful story of a family who cared for and looked after one another and of a child who had a lot of fears but was at the same time wonderfully brave and curious and determined.
My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante (2011)
This is the story of Elena and Lila, two childhood friends living in a rough neighborhood on the outskirts of Napoli. We follow their story, narrated by Elena, until they become teenagers, when their paths diverge and their friendship is transformed forever.
Persuasion by Jane Austen (1817)
Persuasion tells the story of a second chance, the reawakening of love between Anne Elliot and Captain Frederick Wentworth, whom eight years earlier she had been persuaded not to marry.
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin (1956)
This is the story of David, an american man living in Paris, living off the little money his father is willing to lend him, while his girlfriend is in Spain, On a night out he meets a young bartender named Giovanni and goes home with him.
A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders (2021)
Paired with iconic short stories by Chekhov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, and Gogol, the seven essays in this book are intended for anyone interested in how fiction works, how the mind itself works while reading, and of how the reading and writing of stories make genuine connection possible.
Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger (1961)
When Franny’s emotional and spiritual doubts reach new heights, her older brother Zooey, a misanthropic former child genius, offers her consolation and brotherly advice. These two stories offer a touching snapshot of the distraught mindset of early adulthood and are full of insightful emotional observations and witty turns of phrase.
Jazz by Toni Morrison (1993)
a passionate, profound story of love and obsession that brings us back and forth in time, as a narrative is assembled from the emotions, hopes, fears, and deep realities of black urban life.
The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers (2021)
This is the story of Ailey and her ancestor's journey in America through centuries, from the colonial slave trade to our days. We meet Ailey when she is a child and watch her grow up, until the moment when, as a college graduate, she embarks on a journey to uncover her family's past.
Young Mungo by Douglas Stuart (2022)
Growing up in a housing estate in Glasgow, Mungo and James are born under different stars--Mungo a Protestant and James a Catholic--and they should be sworn enemies if they're to be seen as men at all. Yet against all odds, they become best friends.
Real Life by Brandon Taylor (2020)
Almost everything about Wallace is at odds with the Midwestern university town where he is working uneasily toward a biochem degree. But over the course of a weekend, a series of confrontations with colleagues, and an unexpected encounter with a straight, white classmate, conspire to fracture his defenses.
The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach (2011)
This is the story of Henry Skrimshander who gets recruited by a small college to play baseball and quickly becomes the star of the team, and of Mike Schwartz, the baseball team captain who recruited Henry, and who doesn't know what to do with his life, as his relationship with Henry becomes more and more co-dependent.
Unlikely Animals by Annie Hartnett (2022)
Emma was set to start med school but her father got sick with a brain disease and she decided to go back home to New Hampshire. At home her dad and her mum are in a fight, her brother is just out of rehab her childhood best friend is missing and Emma’s dad started seeing ghosts.
This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1920)
Amory is a boy with family money who attends a private high school, and then Princeton and then gradually becomes disillusioned with life.
Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri (1999)
Navigating between the Indian traditions they've inherited and the baffling new world, the characters in Jhumpa Lahiri's elegant, touching stories seek love beyond the barriers of culture and generations.
Fight Night by Miriam Toews (2021)
It is told in the unforgettable voice of Swiv, a nine-year-old living in Toronto with her pregnant mother, who is raising Swiv while caring for her own elderly, frail, yet extraordinarily lively mother.
Scoop by Evelyn Waugh (1938)
William Booth is a young man living in the countryside, writing for a newspaper little colums about nature, and he is sent by mistake (he has the same surname as a much cooler novelist) to the fictional country Ishmaelia to cover a war for his newspaper. Various other little mishaps ensue.
Maps of our Spectacular Bodies by Maddie Mortimer (2022)
This is the story of Lia, Harry and their daughter Iris, a beautiful loving family. Iris is a teenager and has to navigate all that comes with that while, at the same time, learning to live with the fact that her mum's cancer has come back, and doctors are telling them it's terminal.
Dracula by Bram Stoker (1897)
When Jonathan Harker visits Transylvania to help Count Dracula with the purchase of a London house, he makes a series of horrific discoveries about his client. Soon afterwards, various bizarre incidents unfold in England.
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (1937)
It narrates the experiences of George Milton and Lennie Small, two displaced migrant ranch workers, who move from place to place in California in search of new job opportunities during the Great Depression in the United States.
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah (2016)
The memoir of one man’s coming-of-age, set during the twilight of apartheid and the tumultuous days of freedom that followed.
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway (1952)
It is the story of an epic struggle between an Santiago, an old, seasoned fisherman and his life's greatest catch of fish, after eighty-four days that he has set out to sea and every time returned empty-handed.
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf (1925)
One day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway. She is getting ready for a party she is hosting at her house. It is also a day in the life of a young veteran, Septimus who fought in WWI and got shellshocked: his last day. The two move around London and think back to episodes of their past.
Peril at End House by Agatha Christie (1932)
Poirot is vacationing in Cornwall, meets young "Nick" Buckley and her friends. He is persuaded that someone is out to kill her.  Though he aims to protect Nick, a murder happens that provokes Poirot to mount a serious investigation.
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foliosgirl · 10 days
Update: 2024-06-09/21:48 CET (Chapter 2)
Hey. I had loose thoughts in my mind about Folio as a drum teacher, so I don't know already where this will end (probably in smut, hehe).
I'm writing this from Folio's and my perspective.
Let's start with Folio.
Enjoy. If you want to be tagged let me know :)
Songs (as an inspiration):
Amber Mark - Mixer
Bad Omens - Malice
Drake feat. Jay-Z - Talk up
Majid Jordan, Naomi Sharon - Waiting for you
Phil Collins - Easy Lover
Zayn - Sweat
Lenny Kravitz - Again
Bad Omens - Just pretend (Live 2024)
Coldplay - Clocks
Thornhill - Nurture
Linkin' Park - Numb
Twenty One Pilots - At the risk of feeling dumb
TD_Nasty, Clara La San - Where u wanna be
Architects - Black lungs
I'll extend this :)
Teach me
It's been a sucky time since Noah, the singer of my band suffered from a burn out and nobody knew when it would go on again. Our project Concrete Jungle OST, a soundtrack to our comics, had been released a few days ago.
My cell phone beeped:
"The fans are crazy about your OST album. Some of them like it a lot, but a lot of them don't like it at all. So it's the same as always."
I didn't even read through any comments like that anymore. The message was from our tour manager Matt.
I was exhausted too. It had just been too much lately. Nicholas, our bass player, was the only one who had somehow managed to get through this time reasonably well. Jolly, the guitarist, was already composing new songs after we had canceled our dates in Europe and the UK because he couldn't stand still and do nothing. It was hard for me too, but as a drummer I couldn't write my own songs if I didn't even have a melody. I needed something to do other than spend hours a day improving my drumming. I decided to give drum lessons for the first time in my life. In the garage at my parents' house a few streets away was my current kit and the old one I'd had since childhood. I couldn't part with the old kit. Even today, I sometimes only practiced on the small old kit so that I could play in a more reduced way. Besides, it didn't bother anyone in the garage.
In my own apartment, the neighbors were too close and would never have accepted it. I went to the music school where I was taking drum lessons myself at the time to ask Scott, the head of the school, if I could put up a notice. It said:
"Offering drum lessons for beginners and intermediates ages 6 and up. Nick: +1 323 xxxx xxxx".
It felt good to be back.
"Is Scott in?" I asked the obviously new receptionist.
"Just a moment. What's your name?"
"Nick" I replied a little nervously and looked at the posters on the walls.
"Hey Nick!" Scott said and greeted me with a handshake. "How's it going?"
"That's why I'm here. I need to do something. It's been very stressful over the last few years, but Noah's burnt out and we don't know when we'll continue. Certainly not in the next six months. He has 2 therapy sessions every week and the rest of the time he hardly leaves his bed. But I can't go on making music on my own. I have a big request for you. Can I put this up here? I can make good use of the time now and give lessons in my parents' garage. You probably still don't have enough teachers, do you?"
"I'm sorry about that. Sure, put the note up. No problem. Tracy, could you give Nick some tape so he can put the note up?"
The receptionist handed me the tape and grinned.
I tore off two small strips and read through my note again. Relieved, I exhaled and gave her the tape back.
"Oh Nick, I have a really talented boy who would probably be happy if he could take a few lessons with you. I'll let him know straight away, all right?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll see you soon, Scott. Take care, buddy!"
I closed the door, grabbed my skateboard and headed back home.
After all, I'd been out for about 15 minutes today.
I put on my headphones and played my playlist (Linkin' Park - Numb).
At the intersection, my cell phone vibrated. "How are you? I'm sorry. I can't say it enough. (Noah via iMessage).
I rolled my eyes. He had already apologized 100 times. It was for the best instead of us all breaking up at some point. The mood had been very tense over the last few weeks because we were all just exhausted from touring.
"I'm giving drum lessons soon. Scott already has a student for me. I've just put up a notice. Maybe a few more will join. Otherwise, I hope you get a little better every day. And stop apologizing!"
'Where u wanna be' TD_Nasty, Clara La San
I couldn't listen to it anymore. A favorite song of my ex-girlfriend. Our relationship didn't survive all the touring. I had hardly been home in the last two years, always on the road. I missed her, but it was better that way, even though we had been in a relationship for a very long time. Since high school, 10 years. I skipped the song, no, I even removed it from my playlist for good. Fuck it.
'Architects - Black Lungs'
I put my left leg back on the board and used my right one to continue riding home.
Exhausted, I flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. Netflix and chill. Although it was sunny, I had no motivation to do anything else today.
I took my little cousin to music school for bass lessons. My aunt worked a lot and didn't have much time for him, but at least she picked him up from his lessons after work. I couldn't do much with him. He was 13, in the middle of puberty and exhausting. But not because he was loud, just the opposite. He couldn't get a sound out. Even with me, he only talked the bare minimum. Well, bass was probably the most suitable instrument for him. With anything else, he would be more the center of attention and I didn't see him there at all. "Have you got a new drum teacher by now? I'd still like to take lessons." I asked Tracy, the receptionist at the music school. "Unfortunately not, but look, someone put that note up last week. He gives lessons in his garage. He was a really nice guy who also studied with us."
'Offering drum lessons for beginners and intermediates ages 6 and up. Nick: +1 323 xxxx xxxx'.
I took a picture of the note with my mobile.
"Okay, Taylor, have fun."
Wordlessly and at a snail's pace, the teenager walked into the rehearsal room.
I rolled my eyes. "God forbid. I'm done with kids." I let Tracy know. "Until the right one comes along."
"The right one won't come along and I'm already too old."
"At 29?" she asked with a grin. "Thank you," I laughed.
I was already 34. Fucking 34. I was always estimated to be younger, which of course made me happy, but I just wasn't having any luck with men.
I didn't even want to fall in love anymore, my experiences were too bad, I preferred just to have sex without commitment.
It also suited my job as a nurse better. The constant shift work was anything but relationship-friendly.
'Hey Nick, do you still have a slot for a beginner? I'd be delighted. -Stella'
I sent the text message.
The next day I received a reply: 'Hi Stella, sure. When do you have time? Can you come tomorrow at 4pm?'
I looked at my duty roster.
'That fits. Can you send me the address?
I didn't hear back until my shift was over at 3pm the next day.
'Sorry, I hope you can still make it. I'm a bit stressed." This time, the message arrived on WhatsApp with the location stamp from Google Maps.
Now I was stressed too. I hurried home to get something to eat, packed up my dad's sticks and set off on my bike. I arrived in front of a beautiful house just in time. I couldn't miss Nick because he was already shmashing drums. I didn't see a doorbell on the garage, so I decided to call him.
"Stella here. I'm outside the garage."
A good-looking, dark-haired man opened the garage from the inside and invited me in.
"Nick. Nice to meet you. You want to start drumming?" I nodded. He was so damn attractive that it made me nervous and left me speechless at first. His hair was freshly cut and styled back. He was muscular and wore black trousers and a dark red T-shirt. I also noticed his countless tattoos. His left arm was completely full and he had one on his neck, that was all I could see.
I didn't want to come across as weird, so I tried to forget how handsome he looked and started talking.
"Yes, I have to. For my father." "For your father?" he asked, puzzled.
"My father passed away recently. I live in his house now and I'm sure he'd be happy to have his drums used." I smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry about that. Can you read music sheets?" "No. Does it matter?"
He shook his head before answering my question in the negative.
"Okay. What do you know about drums so far?" My eyes drifted to the smaller kit. "May I?"
"That's what you're here for."
I sat down and adjusted the chair. I played everything one by one and told him the names of the drums and cymbals.
-"That's right. Can you play anything yet?" I grinned and played the simplest things I could. I was amazed myself that I hadn't forgotten how to do them.
"Good, what do you want to achieve?"
What did I want to achieve? "I want to get better." "We can do better," he smiled and sat down at the other kit
In the meantime, I had just accepted my 5th pupil. Another beginner, or rather my first female pupil. I decided not to take on any more new students. It was incredibly stressful and the mother of the boy Scott had referred to me was incredibly annoying and always pushed him so hard that I had to control myself not to freak out.
Stella, my new pupil, didn't seem to be a teenager anymore. At least that's not how her message read. I liked the Italian name. It reminded me directly of my partly Italian-born family.
I listened to my band's song 'Malice'.
'No matter how long it takes. I'm going to practice 'Malice' again and destroy everything on the next tour. Anyone against us including Malice in the set again?
I wrote in the group chat of our band. Somehow I missed the guys. Hanging out together almost every day after such a long time and getting on each other's nerves, but also growing closer together and now not seeing each other for an indefinite period of time was extremely strange. In general, it was strange to be alone so much, to no longer have a relationship, even though we had all the time in the world to have this relationship now, but it was too late.
I still had our photo as a lock screen. I hardly noticed it anymore.
I played 'Malice' for the first time in many years. It sounded like shit.
I was too slow on the double bass pedal and it annoyed me. I had forgotten the time, because when I sat down at the drums, time flew by. I was very ambitious to get better at it. Stella, my new student, called to say she was outside my garage. I opened the garage door and in front of me stood a slim woman with dark hair and a plunging neckline. Her large breasts immediately caught my eye and I couldn't tell if they were real. They distracted me. I hoped she didn't notice my gaze and was covering up the fact that...fuck, she's your student!
She seemed to be a few years older than me. A strange feeling that I should be teaching someone grown up among the children and teenagers, but certainly exciting. She looked at me shyly through her green eyes as I introduced myself and I asked if she wanted to start drumming. Such a stupid question. Why else was she here?
I took the opportunity to look unobtrusively at her ass as she adjusted her chair in front of the kit.
Fuck, this was never going to go well. I liked her, but she was my fucking student.
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sarahannmartin15 · 1 year
Liam Dunbar x Y/N Martin
The awkward girl
The pack was at Lydia's house working on a plan. Lydia's younger sister was on the Deadpool but the thing is she was worth more than Scott she was multiple Supernatural creatures at once. She was a fire kitsune,which,were wolf and banshee. She had figured out the last Cypher key and had predicted Allison's death but no one listened to her. Allison was y/n best friend and even though she was 2 years younger than Lydia and 3 years younger than Allison. She had a crush on Isaac but after Scott and Allison broke up she started dating Isaac which I was a bit sad of but you know he didn't even know who I was.
I was the exact opposite of Lydia, she was more girly, extroverted and popular I was more tom-boy and introverted. I preferred reading,art and music so the only time I meet the is when they need my help which is sad but I don't mind. I was walking through Beacon Hill high and I was a freshman I walked over to Lydia who was with Scott. I said hi and asked what they were talking about Lydia said " well Scotty boy here bit a freshman and turned him into a were wolf." Then Stiles jumps into the conversation and says " who so happens to have an IED fantastic and is a walking time bomb". I was shocked and said "what do you plan on doing?" "Well that's where you come in" Lydia said "what ,what do you mean I come in ?" " Well we where going to tell you during the pack meeting but here you are so you are going to go up to Liam and invite him to my party" "why me, why can't you do it" "I'm way to old and I thought it would be a great way for you to build some social skills " Lydia said"but I don't want to " "to bad here he comes " " wait Lydia no, no Lydia stop. H h hey Liam right I I'm y/n I was wondering if you would want to come to my sister's party this Friday?" " Ya sure, what how do you know my name aren't you also a freshman?" " Yes I am but my sister is a senior and popular so she knows everyone's name". " Oh okay see you around I guess ". " Ok" you could feel yourself blush which was not quite unusual but this was different it was almost as if you had a slight crush on him. You walked over to Lydia and Scott and say he is coming. At the party you wore ( favourite outfit). You didn't have many friends but you where friends with Kira and Malia. Lydia was somewhere probably cadodaling with one of her boyfriend's our some fresh man you really didn't know anymore but your job was to find Liam and take him to Scott so you patiently waited for him then he asked why you guys where going down the stairs you just said you needed to get something for your sister. When you reached Scott he saw Scott and didn't think twice on running. For some reason Scott told you to follow him which you did but you had asthma and running wasn't the best thing for you. Soon you had to whipp out your asthma pump Liam heard your distress and dicided to stop running and help you.
You then explained the supernatural world to him he was first freaked out but slowly calmed down he asked you out which you laughed to because you thought he was joking but he wasn't so you stopped laughing " of course" it took you a while to stutter up those words. You soon went on your date a d it was perfect you exchanged numbers and you laughed at his jokes, you told him about Jackson and all that jazz. You guys where soon on your 10 date and he asked you to be his girlfriend you said yes and you guys have been dating for your whole school year and you both went to college and got married
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imaginefan · 2 years
Shared Custody *Part 2*
Scott McCall X Reader
Word Count: 1202
Requested: @emaz-0225​
Request: Hey can you do an other part for  Shared Custody where the reader hooks up with Scott and a couple weeks later finds out she is pregnant and they have to tell Stiles and their parents 😉  and they yell and then they learn to accept it
*Part 1*
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You knew that you shouldn't have done, you know that you should have told him to leave but Scott came to you when he and Allison were fighting, she had told him that they both needed a break and he came to you, unfortunately, you had no self-control and Scott was looking to blow off some steam but as usual al actions had consequences and you were pregnant again, you had both told your parents after you had told him that you couldn't get rid of it, he was angry at you for your decision but he asked that you waited until he had spoken to Allison.  Allison came to see you after Scott had told her and thankfully she was far more reasonable than you thought was appropriate and even encouraged her to be angry at you, she just told you that your parents would be angrier about this than anyone else and that you were going to need as many friends as possible.
Allison was not wrong, your father was furious and you left the house feeling a little more worried because Stiles agreed with him, there was only one thing that you could do and that was stick with your decision, you still had two little ones at home that you needed to take care of you had no time to fall apart. You got home and Scott was there, he told you that he'd watch Hayden and Claudia while you talked to your Dad because he had already spoken to his Mum "how'd it go?" He asked. "Where are the twins?" You asked. "They're in bed already." He answered before walking over, he could smell it on you, complete devastation, things hadn't gone well. "He didn't take it well." "No... Stiles was angry too." You answered softly. "This time..." You didn't even finish the sentences before you were trying to hold back tears, Scott wrapped his arms around you as you cried, you pulled yourself together after a moment and stepped away from him "you should get home Allison is probably waiting for you." "(Y/N)." He tried to stop forward again. "Please..." You pleaded as you opened the door. "Call me if you need me," Scott said before leaving, you closed the door behind him and collapsed to your knees as you cried, your head pressed against the door, and you felt two sets of arms wrap around your middle. "You two should be in bed." You said softly. "We were but your sad." Hayden asked, "you always make me feel better when I'm sad." "We will always make you feel better," Claudia added, they were both 13 years old now and probably more mature than most their age, you had carefully approached the subject of werewolves, and you had convinced Scott that the younger you told them the better, so they probably knew how you were feeling better that you did. "Come on Mum let's go to bed, you have to rest if our little sister is going to grow." Claudia cheered. "Little brother." Hayden corrected. "No."Claudia shook her head and you smiled softly. "I love you two so much." You said softly as you took their hands and headed up to bed.
Days turned into weeks and you still hadn't heard anything from your father or your brother so there was a lot that you had to do on your own, you weren't that far along yet so it wasn't too bad. You walked into the hospital for your appointment "(Y/N)?" You looked over at Mellisa who had called your name. "Hi." You waved. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Mmm." You hummed. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Scan." You answered. "No one's here with you?" She asked. "No... Scott's working and the twins are at school but they've already heard the heartbeat they told me a couple of days ago." You shrugged. "What about Stiles and your Dad?" She asked coming around the desk to stand next to you when you looked away from her. "They haven't spoken to me since they found out." You answered. "I have to go it was nice talking to you." "Hey, do you mind if I come and hear my grandchild's heartbeat too?" She asked. "Of course not." You answered.
Melissa came to pick up the twins with you and helped you guys get settled before heading out she went to see your Dad and your brother. "Melissa, what are you doing here?"  Stiles asked. "Is your Dad home?" Melissa asked. "Yeah." He answered stepping to the side and allowing her into the house, she grabbed Stiles and pulled him into the living room where his Dad was before looking at both of them. "What are you playing at!?" She asked. "What are you talking about?" Your Dad asked. "Did you know that (Y/N) has just been for her 6-week scan?" Melissa asked. "They're both healthy by the way." "I'm sure Scott's looking after her just fine." Stiles waved her off. "What are you talking about?" Melissa asked. "Scott's back with Allison, they just had a fling, she's been on her own since the beginning." "W-what?" Stiles asked. "Scott helps as much as he can but she keeps pushing him away, she doesn't want to ruin his relationship with Allison," Mellisa answered. "Are you telling me that you weren't angry too?" Your Dad asked. "I was for a couple of days and I assumed that you would be just as sensible!" Mellisa threw her hands up in the air. "You've both made mistakes before and she's never once stopped supporting you, she looked after you both from the moment that her mother died and you're both going to leave her like this? Just think about it, she's tired she's probably asleep by now anyway." Melissa left before they could ask any more questions.
The next day you were sitting on the sofa with Hayden and Claudia, you heard a knock at the door and Hayden jumped up to open it for you, you heard him talking to someone "Hayden who is it!?" You asked attempting to stand up but Claudia shook her head. "Don't get up Mummy." She mumbled as she looked in the direction of the door, you assumed listening to the conversation, Hayden growled slightly and you decided that enough was enough and pushed yourself up walking to the door. "Hayden who is it?" You asked again, stopping short when you saw your Dad and Brother standing at the door. "Go back into the living room Hayden." You said softly, he didn't move and you smiled "I'll be okay, I promise." "He's protective of you," Stiles said, scratching the back of his head. "He is." You nodded. "Is there something that you need?" "We came to say we're sorry." Your Father said and you looked at him. "Sorry?" You asked. "We shouldn't have left you alone for this long." Stiles said, "we're going to be better." "Better?" You asked. "We promise." They both said. "Do you want to come in?" You asked, they both gave varying confirmations before you opened the door and let them in to start mending a broken relationship.
*Part 3*
Requests and general question!
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hummingbird-of-light · 5 months
Happy New Year everybody ~ 🎉
It’s time! Time for… the sequel of “Against All Odds”! @thesconesyard and I wish you all the best for this new year and we hope you’ll continue to join us on the journey of Prince Leonard and his love Montgomery ~ We hope you’ll enjoy “In Our Favor”!
In Our Favor
Part 1
Leonard McCoy followed his husband into the dining room of the palace on Georgiares II. He smiled quietly to himself as his mind mulled warmly over the new difference in his name. Scott-McCoy, Leonard Scott-McCoy, no longer heir to Georgiares, married a month now to the love of his life, Montgomery Scott.
He sat down at the table next to his husband, the word still sending an extra rush to his heart, and pushed his knee against Scotty’s like they always had at meals. Scotty looked over and smiled at him.
They had spent the week of their honeymoon at the Scott’s small beach house and then had returned to Georgiares. McCoy had spent the past weeks packing and preparing his things for Starfleet Academy. In the morning they would fly to Scotland again and spend another week with Francine and Granddad. Scotty would get his things packed and from there they’d go to the Academy.
McCoy’s stomach twisted nervously at the thought. He was slowly overcoming his fear of flying, especially with Scotty at his side, but at moments it still seemed like the dumbest decision he could have made; a man afraid of flying joining an organization that functioned in space, flying.
He smiled back at Scotty and those doubts faded. Starfleet was the smartest decision he had ever made, after choosing Scotty of course. They would be together. Scotty would become the best engineer in the galaxy and McCoy hoped to become a decent doctor.
Across the table Queen Eleanor made a soft noise, and David, the king, reached to squeeze her hand.
“I just can’t believe you’re really going,” Eleanor said, looking at her son.
“You sent me away for school,” McCoy said with a grin, “it’s not that different. Except *I* chose to go this time.”
“But it’s not the same,” Eleanor protested. “You won’t be coming back this time. You’ll graduate and be posted on a ship or a station somewhere far away.”
Next to the queen, McCoy’s sister quietly passed over a handkerchief. Eleanor took it gratefully and dabbed at her eyes.
“Mother, we’ll come visit.”
“But you won’t be here,” Eleanor said with a shake of her head.
McCoy looked at his father for help. David gave a tiny shrug.
“If we hadn’t changed things it would have been Leah leaving eventually,” McCoy said. “What’s the difference? One of us was always going to go.”
Across the table Leah gave her brother a dirty look. “Just shut up Lenny. You don’t get it.”
McCoy opened his mouth to protest, but Scotty kicked him gently against the ankle. He looked at his husband instead.
“I’m sure Mum is feeling the same way,” Scotty said gently. He looked at his brother sitting next to Leah. “And in a way, ye’ve gained Robbie when we go, just as Mum will have us now he’s gone.”
Eleanor smiled kindly at Scotty. “Thank you Scotty. I’m sure Francine and I will have many commiserating calls in the coming weeks. And at least I have Amanda here to go through it together.”
Amanda’s seat at the table was empty. She and Spock and Sarek had taken a trip to Vulcan before Spock would head off to Starfleet as well. Next to Robbie, Jim looked down at his plate. McCoy could see how much he missed his Vulcan boyfriend. Jim had been invited to come back to the Scott’s home with them, but he had chosen to stay at the palace and wait for Spock.
“Just think of all the stars and worlds we’ll get to explore and see,” Scotty said in a wondering voice. They had walked out to the orchard after dinner. Scotty was sitting close to McCoy on the gazebo steps, watching the sky darken and the stars appear.
McCoy was watching Scotty in awe. Only a month ago they had stood in this spot and pledged themselves to each other for the rest of their lives. Sometimes he just couldn’t believe everything they had gone through to get to that point.
“What do ye think our fir— mmph!”
McCoy cut Scotty off, darting in quickly and catching his lips.
“Len!” Scotty laughed when he pulled back. “What are ye doing? Mad man…”
“What’s it look like?” McCoy said, snatching another kiss. “It’s just almost too much to believe sometimes,” he let out in a whisper.
“What is?” Scotty asked, pulling McCoy closer.
“This. That we found each other. That everything worked out for us. That we get to be together. That you’re my husband.”
“I’m glad it all did,” Scotty whispered back before he leaned in to steal his own kiss.
Part 2
Montgomery Scott's heart was beating out of his chest as he stared at the room's ceiling once the young couple had gone to bed.
Not too much longer and they'd actually attend Starfleet Academy and learn everything about galaxies and planets and starships. Well... not like he didn't know a lot already, of course.
Scotty had always been fascinated by ships and stars and exploring new worlds. He had read every book that he was able to get his hands on, had watched every documentary, had asked every engineer he knew various questions.
It had always been his dream to enlist in Starfleet, but during his last year of school, the young Scotsman had found yet another dream.
And that dream was lying right next to him.
Leonard and him had fallen in love at first sight and despite their different status, they had managed to become a pair and marry each other. The prince had turned out to be everything Scotty could have ever wished for.
And that hadn't changed in the slightest bit.
Scotty was looking forward to their time at the academy for he knew that together with Leonard it would be the best time of his life.
When the Scotsman eventually fell asleep, he knew that he'd dream of their perfect future. The future of his husband and him.
The shuttle was supposed to take off quite early so everyone was up before sunrise. They shared a quick breakfast together before the whole family gathered outside to wait for the car taking the boys to the shuttle port.
Queen Eleanor couldn't stop herself from crying once again when she pulled her youngest child into a tight hug. It was so hard for her to let Leonard go, but Scotty knew that eventually she'd get through it. After all, it wasn't like they were out in unknown space yet. They could always come back for a visit between semesters.
Scotty said goodbye to David first. He just wanted to shake the king's hand but that one quickly pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around his son-in-law.
"You'll keep an eye on him, will you, Scotty?"
The Scotsman smiled gently as he nodded against David's shoulder.
"Aye, of course."
Next up followed Eleanor and Leah. The crown princess promised the young Scotsman that she'd take care of Robbie, his little brother.
He was the last one to say goodbye to Scotty and both brothers didn't want to let go of each other. All their lives they had been together, fighting for themselves day by day, and it had always been their plan to go to Starfleet Academy together, however Robbie's plans had changed.
The younger Scott brother had fallen in love with Leonard's older sister Leah. And therefore, he had made the decision to stay on Georgiares. He would attend one of the best universities at the capital city while Leah was doing her best to become future queen; she was doing a fantastic job.
And Scotty was quite certain that his brother would be happy on Georgiares at Leah's side. It was just hard for him to go separate ways.
"Take care of yerself, a bràthair," Scotty whispered, pulling Robbie even closer to his chest and he heard the lump in the younger boy's throat when he answered.
"Ye too, Monty. And tell mum and Granddad that I love them and that I'll call them soon."
Robbie would have joined Scotty and Leonard on their trip to Scotland if it hadn't been for the earlier start of his first semester. In only two days his first courses would start and he needed to be ready for them.
"I will. See ye around," Scotty gently placed his hand on Robbie's cheek and wiped away the tears.
"Aye, see ye."
Both Scotty and Leonard gave Jim a quick hug. After all, they'd see him again soon enough at the academy.
And then their journey began.
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forabeatofadrum · 2 months
Just Some Guy (2/9)
Notes: Welcome back to Matty's second year at Watford! This year, he and John will meet some new friends and I am happy to introduce them to you. They were all named by @raenestee. Thank you Raen!
Year 2
It’s time for another year at Watford and I already miss the summer. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind being at Watford, but I am not looking forward to classes, especially Greek.
At least John is here. He couldn’t hang out during the summer due to ‘not existing outside the main story beats’ or something. He said he’d look into it for next summer.
Look, I like John. He’s probably my best mate at the moment, but that’s because he’s my only mate. I don’t mind. I’ve met loads of people last year, but we never became friends. Now it’s time to change that. This is going to be my year!
Sports might not be it for me, though, but according to John there is a Watford Chess Club.
“I’m joining,” he says one day, “You should come along.”
“I don’t know how to play chess,” I say, “I didn’t even know you played chess.”
John shrugs.
“Learnt it over the summer ‘off-screen’,” he uses air quotes when he says that last word. I have no clue what he means. “I can teach you. Come on, it’ll be fun!”
To everyone’s surprise, I am amazing at chess. John teaches me all his tricks but after a week at chess club, I surpass him. Chess club is huge. It’s actually quite nice to be part of something. I recognise some other members from our year. We hang out at chess club, but also outside of it.
Friends. What a concept. I had friends before Watford, but living at an exclusive boarding school does put a damper on those friendships. I saw my mates during the summer, but it’s different.
We’re sitting on the Great Lawn, eating crisps and drinking soda.
“Did you all see Agatha Wellbelove at lacrosse?” Arnold says.
“Don’t start,” John says, “You have no chance.”
“No one does,” I grumble. I admit I like looking at Agatha Wellbelove too. I think every guy in our year does, except Ryan, who is gay.
As a result, Ryan rolls his eyes in an exaggerated way.
“Please, let the poor girl live!”
“That’s because you have a little crush on the Chosen One!” Leslie teases.
“I do not!” Ryan sputters back.
Scott, his roommate, snorts. “Sure, mate.”
“You did seem to be interested during Magic Words,” Sam adds.
“Well, that’s because he was fighting that Pitch guy again!” Ryan says. He has a point. The Chosen One seems to have an ongoing rivalry with the Pitch Heir.
Politics, amirite?
Others agree with Ryan as well. You cannot ignore the Chosen One. If he’s not out there leaking magic, he’s fighting our classmate Tyrannus, or he’s doing some weird shit. The other day, the Humdrum sent counting sheep. I luckily wasn’t affected, but John was. The Chosen One broke the spell on his friend and Agatha Wellbelove and for some reason that broke the entire spell.
I’m glad he saved John, but apart from that, I do not really keep track of the Chosen One’s antics. That’s what I tell my friends when Sam asks me for my opinion on him.
“Honestly, I agree,” Luis says with a shrug, “Simon Snow can do all that saviour stuff. I just want to pass the upcoming Magickal History exam.”
I almost choke on a crisp.
Shit. I completely forgot about it.
“Aren’t we breaking the rules?” I whisper to John. The two of us are roaming the grounds past midnight.
“It’s common decency to stay in the dorms after a certain hour,” John answers with a mischievous grin, “But there is no hard rule. Look.”
He holds out his lantern in a certain direction and I see more people sneaking around. I wonder if we’re going to a party or something. John was very vague, or more vague than usual. He just insisted that we had to go outside.
“John, where are we going?”
“Shhhh,” John stops abruptly and he pushes me behind him. I look over his shoulder and I see the Chosen One. He looks like he’s been crying and he’s walking towards Mummers House.
“Do you think he’s okay?” I ask. Unlike Ryan, I do not really pay attention to the Chosen One outside of class, but he looks harrowed. It would be an asshole move to not worry about him.
John shrugs, which is odd. He’s usually so in tune with everyone.
“I think he’s going through some shit,” John answers.
“What could he be going through?” I ask, “He’s our hero.”
John raises an eyebrow, as if I said something stupid.
“He’s still a boy, Matt. I think he’s realising that being the hero is not all fun and games.”
We watch the Chosen One walk away and he does look awful and beat up. John is right. He’s my age. I can’t imagine having the weight of the world on my shoulders and being a twelve year old at the same time.
The Chosen One.
Simon Snow.
Maybe I should stop referring to him by his title and start thinking of him by his name. We will never be friends. We pass each other in the corridor of our rooms and we know each other from classes, but that’s it. Because of that, he’s always been this elusive entity in my life. The Chosen One, the Saviour of the Magickal World, the Mage’s Heir and all that jazz.
But when I see him like this, cheeks wet from the tears, shoulders hunched, I am reminded that he’s just Simon Snow.
I heard that he’s chasing two snakes for the Mage. What kind of snakes must they be? Simon Snow really looks terrible.
When he enters the building, John and I snap out of weird concentration. We look at each other and I shrug.
John shrugs too.
What else can we do?
“Well, let’s keep going,” John says and he starts walking. Really, what else can we do? “The others are waiting.”
That distracts me from my Simon Snow sadness.
John and I walk to the drawbridge. My friends from chess club are there as well. Luis is holding ice cream.
“Gentlemen, let’s indulge!” he says.
“What’s the occasion?” I ask.
“My twelfth birthday.”
My eyes widen, but it’s clear I’m not the only one who didn’t know this fact. Leslie throws her arms around him.
“Luis! Oh my God, congrats!”
Luis hands out his treats and the eight of us have an impromptu party. The Chosen One- I mean, Simon Snow is long forgotten. How can I care about him when I have my own life with great friends? I am so glad I joined chess club.
I did it!
Well, I had to bitch and moan for it, but I did it! I convinced my parents to gift me one of those fancy smartphones for my birthday. Now I can surf the internet on my phone and send memes to John in the summer. John looked into his situation and he says he exists in the summer as long as I keep messaging him, or whatever that means.
I’m just glad I have an easier way to talk to all my new friends.
Another year has gone by and we’re at our last breakfast for the school year. We’re sat relatively close to Simon Snow, and it’s noticeable. His magic is leaking, as usual, and he’s pushing scones down his throat, it’s almost grotesque. He’s eating as if he’s expecting to go hungry in summer.
Where does he go during the summer? He’s famously an orphan. He has no family to go to. But then I see his chatty friend sit down next to him. I assume he’s going to her place in the summer.
I push any thoughts about Simon Snow out of my mind. I don’t have to see him for weeks.
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maria021015 · 2 months
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“What in the name of all things holy is going on there?” Zaida’s jaw dropped open and her eyes narrowed as she and Allison turned a corner in the school corridor to see Erica draping her arms around Scott’s neck, effectively pinning him up against the lockers seductively. The blonde bombshell turned towards them with a satisfied smile as Allison averted her gaze with a crestfallen expression. Scott must have decided he’d had enough of her antics because he gripped her arms aggressively and pushed her away from him, but Allison was already walking in the opposite direction towards the cafeteria. Zaida followed after her hurriedly.
“You know it’s not his fault. He pushed her off.” Zaida pointed out once she had caught up with the girl.
“Now I know how Lydia felt.” Allison scoffed as they lined up for food - thankfully it was hamburgers today.
“Erica wanted you to see. She’s trying to drive a wedge between the two of you because they want Scott in their pack. Don’t let her get between you.” she advised with a stern arch of her brow and Allison nodded. It wasn’t long before Scott sat at the table beside them in the chair directly behind Allison and diagonally behind Zaida. Their backs were towards each other but they could still hear each other talk. It was just Zaida and Allison today (Lydia had stayed home after her freak-out at the rink the previous night) so both girl’s listened intently over the noise of the cafeteria.
“I know how it looked, but she came up to me.” Scott promised.
“I'm not jealous.” Allison stated, and Zaida had to hold in her hum of amusement. Allison was definitely jealous, whether she knew it or not.
“You're not?” Even Scott sounded surprised.
“She's with Derek now, isn't she? Like Isaac.” Allison questioned. “You can't get caught in the middle of this. Don't you feel what's happening? My grandfather coming here, Derek turning Erica and Isaac, it's...It's like battle lines are being drawn.”
“We know.” Zaida sighed deeply. “We figured it out yesterday.”
“There's always crossfire.” The taller girl continued.
“What am I supposed to do? I can't just stand by. I can't pretend to be normal.” Scott sounded frustrated. Being caught in-between it all was hard enough for Zaida, she couldn’t imagine the pressure Scott and Allison were feeling.
“I don't want you to be normal.” Allison’s eyes darted around the room, making sure no one was watching. With her grandfather as principal, anyone could be watching them at any given time. “I want you to be alive.”
Allison didn’t allow Scott a chance to answer before she got up, abandoning her lunch and walking out just as Stiles came bounding towards them. The stress was really getting to the girl, and Zaida couldn’t blame her.
“Scott, do you see that?” Stiles panted, slightly out of breath as he pointed, and Zaida turned in her chair to see what he was talking about, not being able to figure it out. The cafeteria looked normal to her.
“What? It's an empty table?” Scott frowned, just as lost as Zaida was.
“Yeah, but whose empty table?” Stiles prompted and waited for Scott to put the pieces together.
“Boyd.” Scott realised and Zaida recalled that the missing boy was a friend of Isaacs. That couldn’t be good. The bell signalling the end of lunch rang and Zaida picked up her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder and following the two boys out into the hallway.
“What’s the plan?” She asked them. “We need to make our counter move, and fast.”
“I'm going to the ice rink after school to see if he's there. You and Stiles go past his house, and if he's not at home, you call me, got it?” Scott instructed and Zaida nodded in agreement.
“Maybe we should let him…” Stiles interrupted hesitantly and when Scott and Zaida looked at him with outraged expressions. “You said Derek's giving them a choice, right?
“We can't just let Derek bite him!” Zaida insisted, taken aback by Stiles’ suggestion. “It’s not like lycanthropy is an ugly sweater you can decide to return later if you change your mind about it. It’s pretty freaking permanent.”
“You gotta admit, Erica looks pretty good. You know, the word ‘sensational’ comes to mind…” Stiles stated and Zaida glared at him as her agitation spiked.
“Could you stop thinking with the head that’s between your legs and use the one you’ve got on your shoulders for a moment, Stilinski?” She hissed at him, whacking the back of his head with a light slap.
“Yeah, how good do you think she's gonna look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head?” Scott scoffed, taking Zaida’s side.
“All right. All I'm saying is, maybe this one isn't totally your responsibility.” he defended his opinion.
“They all are.” Scott shook his head. “And you know this thing's gonna get out of control. That makes me responsible.”
“With great power comes great responsibility, right?” Zaida nodded in agreement. They couldn’t just sit around and do nothing when they had the opportunity and the means to help.
“All right, I'm with you.” Stiles sighed and hiked his backpack up higher over his shoulders. “And, I also gotta say...this new-found heroism is making me very attracted to you both.”
“Shut up.” Scott said exasperatedly and Zaida rolled her eyes.
“No, seriously! Do either of you wanna just try making out for a sec? Just to see how it feels?” Stiles kept going, which earned him another slap to the back of the head by Zaida’s hand.
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When I say the words 'Boca Raton', what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
Is it white sandy beaches, crystal clear ocean waters, fish and chips, golfing, warm sunshine? Or are you like me and think of Boca as a place people go to after they retire?
If your answer was white sandy beaches, crystal clear ocean waters, fish and chips, golfing and warm sunshine, my uncle Jeff would agree with you.
He always tells me that he loves it there and is glad he moved to Boca because it reminds him of all the holidays he and my mom would take with my grandparents when they were kids and on school break.
At first I laughed when he told me he was moving to Boca because the name alone just sounds hoity toity. Seeing how much he lit up though when showing me the pictures of his new house and telling me all the things he planned on doing, it made me feel bad. He was so excited and I made the choice to be happy for him, despite how I felt about him moving so far away from me.
Well, ok, maybe it's not that far when you fly but driving, it's 10 hours! 10....hours....! Like what?! Anyway, he has been living there for the past four years and today, I'm being 'dumped' on his doorstep while my parents take their 'well earned' holiday or at least that's what they call it.
I wanted to go on the cruise too but when I told them that, they made it their mission to make my face turn redder than a tomato when they explained that they wanted time to 'reconnect'. Yeah, that was a pretty picture.....NOT!
Oh well, they can have it and I get to spend time with my uncle doing things that we both love like fishing off the doc, eating fish and chips by the beach, taking bike rides and taking late night drives while eating ice cream and singing at the top of our lungs and very off key. I can't wait for all of that.
Anyway, before I continue, I guess I should introduce myself a little bit.
Hi, I'm Kenzie and I'm a 16 year old soccer nerd who lives in Mobile, Alabama with her parents, Scott and Tracy Maxwell. I have one cat who is cute but seems to have it out for me like any sibling would, even if they are of the furry kind. Also, I'm currently nursing a bumble bee back to health after I accidently stood on it while playing soccer in the backyard with my dad.....I was barefoot too which hurt a lot. Normally I would beg to take the bee with me but my friend Zarah offered to nurse him for me while I'm with my uncle this summer. She also said she'd send me daily updates on his health and well being.
Let's see, what else can I say, um.....Oh I know, my mom is from New York and my dad is from New Jersey. It's kind of besides the point of this story but they met during a St. Patrick's Day bar party. My dad was a bartender at his parents bar and my mom was stood up by a low life (her words) and rescued by my dad who fell in love with her from the minute he saw her walk through the door (his words).....*insert a kissy face here* *insert sick face here*
I don't think there is anything else to add right now so I should really stop writing and finish showing Zarah the ropes on how to care for the bee, otherwise we'll miss our flights and with how stressed my parents are right now, I'd hate to think of being used as gator chow as a form of punishment for making them late.
Ok, cool.
P.s: I am not looking forward to flying by myself, so wish me luck....I'll need it!
Tag List: @geo-winchester @stilessbaseballbat @astralmctive
If you'd like to be tagged as well, please let me know😊
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Thursday - sorry this is late and thank you for the tag @reyesstrand @bonheur-cafe @tailoredshirt and @welcometololaland - all your WIPs are so good omg. I cannot wait.
(Aiming to post this whole fic on Sunday!)
Carlos watches TK, smiling. The loft smells of fried onion and green peppers and grilled chicken.
“Hey, baby!” TK acknowledges him happily but quickly, concentrating on spicing up the meat.
Carlos walks over and kisses TK’s lips, lingers to the point where TK has to pull away and focus on the food.
“How’d it go after we left earlier?” TK asks. “It got real bleak for us. The guy kept begging us to let him out on the roadside because he’s got no insurance. He said he was trying his luck house-to-house to see what he could find to sell. The world is so messed up.”
Carlos feels a twinge of shame. He’d been quick to lionize Scott, without considering much about the intruder beyond the fact he’d intruded. This is unlike him – he usually spares a nuanced thought for everyone involved in a bad situation, remembers the humanity of it. It’s like Captain Strand once told him: There should be a heart behind the shield, and he’s got a good one.
“It was fine. Detectives arrived. Then I was processing at the precinct the rest of the day,” he says in a humdrum tone.
“Oh, and–” TK starts as Carlos opens the refrigerator for a cold drink, “What was happening right when we were leaving? It was like that couple knew you?”
Carlos unscrews the cap of a San Pellegrino sparkling water and swigs from it. A placebo of Dutch courage. He swallows hard, reacting to the fizz in his throat. “They do know me. Or the guy does, anyway. Did you notice their names?”
“Uh. I forget… Um… Wendy… Frin-frin-sizzle?”
“Wessley Fitzsimmons. TK, remember when we first got together, we told each other about our high school crushes?”
TK’s curious expression jumps to amazement and delight. He prods the spatula against the vegetables in the pan a little harder. “No way!”
“That was…?”
“It totally was.”
“Scott Fitzsimmons.”
“Get out of here!” TK throws a drying-up cloth at Carlos for some reason. It slaps against his chest and drops onto his shoes. “Oh wow, baby. I gotta say it – you really do have great taste.”
Carlos exhales and grins. He wasn’t sure how TK would react, and the fact that they’re laughing about it makes him warm. He picks up the cloth and folds it neatly, then walks back to TK and slips his arms around his waist from behind, rocks him gently and kisses his ear. “Well, Mr. and Mrs. Fitzsimmons are overjoyed that I’m engaged to be married, and they have invited my fiancé and me for dinner when we’re both free, which would be Saturday 25th. What do you think?”
“Do they know you’re a big homo marrying another dude?”
“I guess so. Either that, or Scott thinks I’m a very enthusiastic straight ally. Those old photos of me at Austin Pride are kinda extreme.” TK snort-laughs, because no they aren’t.
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Isabel/Rachel/Ashley meets Chenford kids 5/10 years down the line?
Ooh, this is a fun one! Thank you for this! I’ll do 3 separate posts. First up Rachel.
Seeing them in person and seeing their family dynamic is so different than looking at the growing number of smiling faces on Lucy’s yearly Christmas cards.
Rachel came back to California when her dad’s condition began to worsen and hadn’t reached out to Lucy until recently. When Rachel opened up the door, Lucy put the baby carrier on the ground and leaned in to hug her friend. They broke apart after a long hug and smiled at each other with tears in their eyes.
“Tim is hanging out in the car, he wasn’t sure you wanted to see him.”
Rachel smiles and says, “tell the fool to come inside so he can argue football. My Marcus is a 49ers fan.” Lucy laughs and texts Tim to come along and join them. A few seconds later, Tim bounds up the steps - just as Rachel’s fiancé steps behind her. Marcus leans out to shake Tim’s hand, and says “Why don’t we go sit out back by the pool? I’ve put up the umbrella so we’ll be in the shade. “
Rachel and Marcus lead them through the house. Lucy, having spent many of her college breaks here noticed the updates - that wall removed to open the space, new gorgeous hardwood floors, big bay windows, and a landscaped back yard with flowering trees, a deck, outdoor kitchen and a pool. As they sit down, the baby starts to squawk and fuss. Tim instantly reaches down to grab the swaddled babe, grabs the bag and asks where the bathroom is.
“I know, right? He does everything and dotes on the lad and me. I had a rough go when he was born. The lad did not want to come out. 42 hours of labor - it was exhausting. I yelled at Tim - a Lot. So now, he’s making up for it. He bought a mini blender so he could practice making baby food. I think he’s overcompensating for his dad being a jackass to him. Tim is continually proving to himself he is not and will not be like him. As if that were even possible.”
Rachel smiles at Lucy. She looks so calm and serene and happy. Rachel was not surprised when she heard they got together, she always had an inkling. One of the many reasons she didn’t fight too hard when she was in New York.
In short order, Tim comes back and has the lad strapped to his front. All you could see were dark curls and tawny skin. He immediately walks back to Lucy leaning down so she can kiss the baby. They then smile at each other and say “love you” and then Tim sits down with one hand on his beer and the other on the baby. He also looks relaxed, content and joyously happy.
Tim turns to Marcus and asks, “Have we met before? You seem very familiar to me. “. Marcus laughs, you maybe saw me on tv recently or you have a distant memory of me repeatedly tackling you in that state final football game. Tim’s eyes got big and he laughed… “Wait, are you Marcus Scott? (Marcus nods). Oh wow. I’m a big fan! Your college and NFL careers were fantastic. You retired well before people expected you to, why? If you don’t mind my asking…” before Marcus can answer, Tim turns to Lucy and says, not only is his football career full of record breaking stays, but he raises money and builds schools and gives back to his community.”
Marcus shyly looks at Lucy and says. “Yes, I broke almost all of my idol’s records (Deion Sanders) and my mom instilled in me a serious work ethnic and love of my community. My mom knew Rachel’s Dad from back in the day and she introduced us. Our next project is a community center in Sweet Water - it’ll be named after Rachel’s dad. “. Marcus turns back to Tim and says, I left football when it hurt to walk. My knees were destroyed. He lifts a leg and said, both were replaced with titanium. I’m bionic now. I can turn on the charm when needed, so tv announcing was an easy move that pays me a lot of money so Rach and I can continue to contribute to the community but not get sucked into the madness of it.”
Marcus looked at Tim thoughtfully and said, “you’re him. You’re the one she was dating long distance when I met her. She told me her boyfriend was most likely in denial about the feelings he had for her friend (Lucy waved) who set them up.” Marcus started laughing like a little kid and came over and hugged Tim. Then said, “Thank you so much for not fighting for her. You made it super easy for me to win!”
Just then the boy strapped to Tim started to giggle.
Tim, carefully undid the straps and handed the bundle of laughter to his wife. Rachel and Marcus, please meet Patrick Kuaile Bradford. Kuaile is Chinese for joyful because he laughs all the time. He’s 6 months old now and laughs at everything, especially his dad. Patrick a/k/a “the lad” had inherited most of his mom’s traits - curly dark hair, tawny skin, big expressive eyes, but he has his dad’s blue eyes.
Lucy grabbed Tim’s hand and said to Rachel and Marcus, “thank you for reconnecting and inviting us to your lovely home. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. “. Rachel grabbed Marcus’s hand and said, “Thank you for reconnecting and for coming to Dad’s funeral. He loved you so much. Also we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you either.” Both couples kissed and the baby laughed and laughed.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
1. 'Rise in threats': Brussels and Walloon schools shut on Monday due to bomb alerts
Several schools in Brussels and the province of Walloon Brabant will remain shut on Monday morning after a bomb alert was received on Sunday evening. Read more.
2. Europe's green future depends on saving the energy debate from a 'dogmatic sect'
Europe is on the brink of industrial ruin. For Damien Ernst, salvation lies in energy sovereignty, and wrestling the debate back from an “irrational sect” unwilling to recognise the hard consequences of degrowth. Read more.
3. Moving house? How to change your address in Brussels
Even if registering at a Belgian municipality is likely one of the more time-consuming bureaucratic procedures for internationals, changing an address officially can be almost as challenging. Read more.
4. Gault&Millau names top three Brussels restaurants in latest guide
French restaurant guide Gault&Millau captured the attention of food lovers across the country on Monday as it published its 21st edition of the Belux Guide, listing the finest restaurants in Belgium and Luxembourg. Read more.
5. 'Anything is possible': Belgium to host Europe's largest swingers party
American comedian and filmmaker Woody Allen once quipped: "I believe that sex is a beautiful thing between two people. Between five, it's fantastic." Belgians would appear to agree – perhaps excessively so. Read more.
6. 'Josephine had been dead for a year': Ridley Scott's Napoleon angers Belgian experts
Ridley Scott's new blockbuster film Napoleon has generated a wave of debate over the historical accuracy of the film, with the Belgian Napoleonic Association calling some of the changes "shocking". Read more.
7. Sunak Smashes Priceless Greek Sculptures
Le Chou is Europe's most dedicated source of news. Catch up weekly on the biggest headlines with our roundup, all with an intentionally inaccurate and satirical streak. Follow live updates on Twitter and watch Le Chou TV on Instagram. Read more.
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vintage1981 · 2 years
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Celebrating Jonathan Frid
Jonathan Frid (December 2, 1924 – April 14, 2012) was a Canadian actor, best known for his role as vampire Barnabas Collins on the gothic television soap opera Dark Shadows.
Frid was born of Scottish and English ancestry in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. His birth name was John Herbert Frid. He was the youngest son of homemaker Isabel Flora (née McGregor) and Herbert Percival "H.P." Frid, a construction executive.
Frid served in the Royal Canadian Navy during World War II. He graduated from McMaster University in Hamilton in 1948, and the following year was accepted at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London. He moved to the United States in 1954, and received a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree in Directing from the Yale School of Drama in 1957. As a student at Yale in 1956, he starred in the premiere of William Snyder's play A True and Special Friend. He went on to star in the first productions at the Williamstown Theater in Williamstown, Massachusetts and stage productions in Canada, England and the United States.
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He began using the stage name Jonathan Frid (rather than John Frid) in 1962, and made his Broadway debut as an understudy in the 1964 play Roar Like a Dove.
Early television roles with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation included parts in Julius Caesar, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Our Town, and The Picture of Dorian Gray.
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Frid is widely known for the role of vampire Barnabas Collins in the original gothic serial Dark Shadows, which ran from 1966-71 and in which he appeared in 594 episodes. He also starred as Barnabas in the 1970 movie House of Dark Shadows. In 1967, Frid had made plans to move to the U.S. West Coast to pursue a career as an acting teacher when he won the role that ultimately made him a household name. As Frid explained on his Web site, he had barely entered his apartment as the phone call from his agent came informing him that he had won the role of Barnabas Collins. He agreed to accept it after being told it was a short-term one that would provide him with extra cash while he prepared to move. As the character's popularity soared, Frid scrapped those plans.
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After Dark Shadows ended in 1971, he returned to performing in live theatre full-time with starring roles in the Broadway plays Murder in the Cathedral as Thomas Becket and Wait Until Dark as Harry Roat. Frid had previously played the role of a psychiatrist on the CBS Television soap opera As the World Turns. In 1973, Frid appeared in the TV movie The Devil's Daughter, starring Shelley Winters, and the following year starred in Oliver Stone's directorial debut, Seizure. In 1978, he returned to Canada for a time and later returned to New York City in the early 1980s.
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In December 1986, Frid joined the Broadway cast of Arsenic and Old Lace co-starring with Jean Stapleton, and subsequently spent over a year with the show on the road. Earlier in 1986, he formed his own production company, Clunes Associates, with producer Mary O’Leary to tour universities and performing arts centers in a series of readers' theatre entertainments, principally Fools & Fiends, Shakespearean Odyssey and Fridiculousness. "Frid makes the tales live with the wonderful instrument of his voice and his zest for entertaining" went one of his noteworthy reviews.
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Frid retired to his native Canada in 1994. From time to time he would perform his one-man shows for charitable and fundraising events.  In June 2000, he returned to the professional stage in a limited engagement of the play Mass Appeal, first in Hamilton, then at the Stirling Festival Theatre in Stirling, Ontario.
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In 2010, he returned to the role of Barnabas Collins for the first time in 39 years in a Dark Shadows audio drama, Night Whispers. The following year along with his former Dark Shadows co-stars David Selby, Lara Parker and Kathryn Leigh Scott, he filmed a cameo appearance for Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows film, which became his final film appearance. Just a few weeks prior to the film release Frid died at the Juravinski Hospital in Hamilton on April 14, 2012 following a fall at the age of 87.
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hahahahahangst · 2 years
Outlaws 2 (Be The Young 15)
GIANT TW which will be valid for each episode for suicidal thoughts, self-h*rm, violence, cursing, relatives dying, mentions of s*x, s*xual assault*
All chapter titles are song titles, some of them translated from Italian songs. We start from the first season and make out way through the series. I will break canon (mostly from the S2 finale) but will try to get back into it for the sake of ✨ lore ✨ .
Summary: Emily's life used to be normal. Until one day, her family died, leaving behind just one letter.
"After reading this whole letter, call John Winchester. [...] He’s your real father."
They’ll never understand the honor among these thieves.
The journey was quiet. Both Emily and Sam had a lot of things to reflect on. Emily kept going through the names Ash gave them, thinking about how she was the only one left alive of her age. “Stop reading those names.” Said Sam, about five miles away from Lafayette. “It’s not doing you any good and I can hear you over thinking about them in your mind.” “Am I the only one who finds it a little bit disturbing how you can just hear me think?” “Trust me, I would turn it off if I could, but it’s not as easy as it sounds.” “Right.” She exhaled and put the paper away. “It happened to me too, you know?” “Really?” “Yeah, back in Portland. At one point I told you to shut the fuck up and I felt your feelings getting hurt. Like the princess you truly are.” She mocked. “Fuck you man, I thought we were about to die!” “We’re always about to die.” She exhaled. “But it’s alright, just- very weird feeling.” “Yup.” “You think Dean is already on our tracks?” “Probably, we’re lucky if he’s not waiting for us at the police station.”
To their surprise, Dean wasn’t there. After gathering Scott’s family address, they headed to his house. His mother welcomed them warmly, especially after they told her they were Scott’s high school mates. “Scotty was a good boy. He changed a lot since you knew him.” Said his mother. “What do you mean?” Sam’s interest seemed roused. “It started about a year ago with these headaches. And then he got depressed, paranoid, nightmares.” Sam and Emily exchanged a quick look before he investigated further. “Nightmares? Um, did he ever talk to you about his nightmares? What he saw, or…” “No, no. He closed up with me. I tried to get him help, but nothing took. He'd just lock himself in his room for days.” “Miss Carey, I’m sorry if this is an indelicate question.” Asked Emily. “But you think maybe we could see his room?” As they entered Scott’s room, Sam started taking a look around as Emily kept the conversation going with the mother. Suddenly, Sam walked behind her and sneakily pushed something into her left pocket. From touch alone, Emily thought it was some sort of container, but she ignored it and kept talking with the woman. Suddenly, he appeared next to her. “Miss Carey, it was very nice of you to let us in today. I hope we weren't too nosy." He smiled. "No, not at all. It's nice to talk with someone who loved him."
"So, what is this?" Emily took out the mysterious container out of her pocket. "Prescription pills?" "Yeah. They have the name of the doctor who cured him. Maybe he will know something his mother didn't." As they kept walking, Emily started noticing someone was following them. You see them as well? Yup. Be ready at the next corner we pass. They approached a turn in the sidewalk and right after passing it, they turned around, grabbed whoever was following them from one shoulder each and shoved them against the wall. "Please!" Said a female voice coming from the dark figure. "Who are you?!" Sam asked, upset. "Please, listen to me. You're in danger." Sam and Emily looked at each other briefly before carefully letting the girl go. She was shaking in fear, terrified. "Why were you following us?" "I told you, I came to warn you, you- you might blow up soon!" Emily raised her eyebrows. "Blow up?!" She repeated. Sam gazed at her. "Okay, maybe it's better if we talk somewhere more private." They entered the nearby motel, where they were staying. The girl was nervous and Emily could almost recognize herself in her behaviour: she was about to lose it and it was very clear. "Why don't you take a sit, ugh- I don't think I got your name, sorry." Said Emily, trying to calm her down. "Ava." "Alright, Ava, why don't you sit down, I'll bring you a cup of water, okay?" I'll try to keep her calm, you ask the questions, okay? She looked at Sam. He nodded and sat down on the bed in front of Ava. "Okay, look, I know how all this sounds, but I am not insane and I am not on drugs. Okay? I am normal, and this is way, way off the map for me." Said she, nervous. Emily handed her a glass of water, which spilled a little in Ava's shaky hands. "All right, all right, just, just calm down. Okay?" "I'm trying, but-" "Okay, so, my name's Emily." Said Emily, standing next to Sam. "And he's Sam. Ava, why do you think we're in danger?" "Yeah, uh, okay, about a year ago I started having these, like, headaches, and just, nightmares, I guess. And I really didn't think much of it until I had this one dream where I saw this guy get stabbed in a parking lot." "When was this?" Asked Sam. Emily pulled out the paper Ash had given them and looked through the names to find Ava. She wasn't there. Not even a similar name. "Uh, about a month ago. But, anyway, a couple of days later, I found this." Answered Ava, pulling out a newspaper clipping from her jacket. It was the piece on Scott's death. Sam took it to analyze it closer. "I saw this guy die, days before it happened. I don't know why, I don't know, it's just for some reason, my dreams are coming true. And last night I had another one." "Let me guess, we die." Said Emily, putting away the piece of paper. "Yeah." "How did you find us?" "I saw you- you had motel stationary so I looked it up and- here I am." Emily tapped Sam on his shoulder. "Can I talk to you? Privately." She gestured towards Ava. Sam nodded and they moved into the bathroom. "What?!" He asked, impatient. "She's not on the list." "And?" "I don't like this, what if she's lying?" "Emily, she's most likely just as scared as we are- Look." He said, seeing how his sister was growing more nervous. He put both hands on his shoulder. "Maybe we got the criteria wrong. I mean, we have very loose information, maybe-" "I'm not saying don't listen to her, I'm saying be careful!" "Okay, I'll be careful!" Sam said, impatient. Then, he hurriedly and nervously left the bathroom. They found Ava trying to nervously close her jacket, getting ready to leave. "I'm sorry, I never should have come, I'll just-" "No, no- It's okay, we believe you." Intervened Sam as Emily also re-emerged from the bathroom, nervous. Ava stopped. "You do?" “Yeah, of course you- you must be one of us.” Sam pointed at him and Emily. “Sorry, one of- one of who?” “One of the psychics. Like us. Look, Ava, I have visions too, all right? So we're connected.” “Okay, so, you're nuts. That's great.” Ava rolled her eyes, looking even more nervous than she previously did. “That’s a way to put it.” Said Emily, sarcastically making fun of Sam. He scowled at her. “Listen, did your mother happen to die in a house fire?” He asked. “No, my mother lives in Palm Beach!” Aaaand the plot thickens… Well done, Sam. Give me a break, I’m trying to find out the truth! He quickly gestured, dismissing her. Yeah, doing a great job, champ. You think you can get her to not run away and call the cops on us? I thought you wanted to find out what’s happening! I do, but- No, you know what, Dean is right, you-
“What’s happening?” Ava’s voice brought both of them back to reality. “What is this, some kind of… twins sign language?” With a hard scowl, Emily promised Sam the conversation was not over.
A whole later, Ava begged them to leave. “Listen, why don’t you just leave town? Please? Before you blow up?” “Not happening.” Exhaled Emily, who was aggressively making coffee in the motel’s kitchenette to blow off some steam. “Oh, god, why not?” “Ava, there’s something going on here. There might be other people with our abilities, so to call them, out there.” “We might be part of something.” Added Sam. That seemed to upset Ava even more, something Emily didn’t think was possible. “Okay. you know what?” Ava stood up. “Screw you, buddy. Okay? Because I'm a secretary from Peoria and I'm not part of anything! Okay? Do you see this?” Ava showed her hand, where she was wearing an engagement ring. “I am getting married in eight weeks. I am supposed to be at home addressing invitations, which I am way behind on, by the way. But instead, I drove out here to save your weirdo ass. But if you just want to stay here and die, fine. Me? I'm due back on Planet Earth.” “Don't you want to know why this is happening?” Asked Sam. “I mean, don't these visions scare the hell out of you? Because if you walk out that door right now you might never know the truth, Ava.”
The girl looked at him intensely for a second, then turned to Emily, who did not bother giving her any display of emotion. She didn’t like the idea of involving someone who knew so little in a matter that complicated and potentially dangerous. Ava sighed and left. Sam tried to stop her, but Emily talked to him telepathically once more. Let her go, Sam. Let her have the normal life we’ve always wanted.
Ava had left two hours before and yet, little to nothing had moved in the motel room. Emily had finished making coffee, handed a cup to Sam and they both resumed their research in silence. “I do want to know what’s happening.” Said Emily, a while later. “I just don’t think we should involve anybody else. Not like that.” “We could have used her help, Emily!” Sam closed his laptop shut. “Her help? She was scared to death, Sam!” She tried to resume her reading but more thoughts came up. “Also what, I’m not enough help? You need a random girl?” “I never said that.” Emily exhaled, nervous. “Didn’t need to.” “Alright, let’s talk about this. Why do you-” Sam trailed off. “What? Sam?” Asked Emily, finally closed her book. She was expecting Sam trying to shrink her as he usually would, but he didn’t. The glimpse of an idea lit up in his eyes. “I got an idea.”
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