#one of them has to do with art analysis! it's just...not...modern art. or. well. it technically is modern art but it's not anything we've
thrassisfras · 5 months
Crazy how not wanting to do my final essays for two of my classes has propelled me to write both an entirely separate essay for fun but also to start plotting out a story idea I've had on the backburner for a couple years.
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comicaurora · 4 months
hi red!! i'm doing an analysis of sun wukong's (and journey to the west in general's) impact on modern culture for my world mythology final, and for some reason i'm having a hard time finding sources. is there anything you can recommend?
The fact that Journey to the West has contributed an enormous number of tropes to modern media is very clear when the media in question is examined, but I don't know of a specific secondary source that's already done that analysis for you. However, this IS a very good excuse for you to plow through a metric buttload of shonen manga, since the lineage is basically Sun Wukong -> Son Goku -> like a solid third of all shonen action heroes written in the last forty years.
Dragon Ball kicks things off:
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Started in 1984 and almost unquestionably the most influential manga ever made. Its first arc features the weird super-strong monkey-kid Son Goku - which is just the japanese pronunciation of the characters of Sun Wukong's name - meeting up with a wacky crew of thinly-veiled expys of the Journey to the West crew, with teen inventor Bulma filling the role of Tripitaka, Oolong the pig-man filling Zhu Bajie's role and Yamcha the desert-based bandit as Sha Wujing.
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Hijinks ensue, and while the story drifts pretty far from Journey to the West's original plot, it actually stays pretty solidly referential in weirdly unexpected ways. Several the villains of the week are JttW references, and even the later appearance of three more Saiyans lines up with the surprise reveal of three more Wukong-like mystical apes in the original story.
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The connection between Dragon Ball and JttW is very unsubtle and a frequent reference in the chapter covers and supplemental art.
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Not every subsequent JttW reference is the result of Dragon Ball popularizing it or anything, since it was already enormously popular, but I think it's pretty hard to extricate Dragon Ball's influence on anime and manga from the original influence of Journey to the West itself.
One way that a distinction can be drawn is in the differences in characterization between Goku and Sun Wukong himself. A lot of the next generation of shonen protagonists were kind of Goku-alikes - pure-hearted dumbasses who only care for the three Fs: Food, Fighting and Friendship.
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But the original characterization of Sun Wukong is not really all that similar. He's a trickster, sure, but he's far from a young, friendship-motivated goober. He's profoundly intelligent, pretty much the most well-educated entity on the planet, and routinely brings up that he's centuries older than most of his peers. The Goku-alikes from the later decades of shonen anime are tellingly far-removed from that original characterization. So you get characters based on Goku's cheerful idiocy, but it's just a small subset of the broader influence of Journey to the West on the space of literature.
In general, Journey to the West frequently shows up in very small, bite-sized tropes in other stories. It's less "this is wholly based on Journey to the West" and more "oh, I know where they maybe got this idea/aesthetic/power/weapon/villain of the week from." There are way too many to list, but some of the ones that tend to jump out at me are-
Sneaky characters with monkey motifs:
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Tricksy, highly mobile characters who fight with a staff:
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Characters afflicted with a magical restraint artifact that allows a much weaker character to stop them from misbehaving:
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Specific esoteric weapons, eg. magical fans, rakes, gourds, namedropping The Sword of Seven Stars, etc.
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Villains with prominent ox or pig design motifs:
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Characters whose primary combat strat is just making Shitloads Of Disposable Copies Of Themselves:
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Honestly it just keeps going like this. It's kinda everywhere. Finding the JttW in things is my favorite conspiracy theory rabbit hole because it's 100% harmless and more often than not completely correct.
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
Hello there! What are the pros and cons of using naginatas as a weapon specifically? Is it fairly similar to the ones for lots of other polearms? Or is it it's own unique thing? (Trying to get an accurate idea of how it would feel to use one in combat for some writing I want to do.)
Firmly encourage people to maintain social distancing.
Slice people you haven't even met yet.
Slice people riding horses or standing on low roofs.
Add ribbons and streamers as fashion accessories.
Easy to carry.
Can always find one at the right length for you.
Better leverage for your blade than if it had been mounted of a katana.
Never need to explain that you're overcompensating for something.
Amazing looking duels with fellow naginata users.
You can use it on horseback.
Try to impress the Onna-musha.
A little bit claustrophobic.
Not great in a mosh pit.
Doesn't like going indoors.
Not good against people who refuse to social distance.
No one will respect you for being a samurai, and may still make fun of you.
Still a delicate razor blade.
Fail to impress the Onna-musha, they know all your moves, are probably better at them than you, and are more interested in making jokes about the length of your shaft.
So, the naginata is basically the blade of a katana mounted on the end of a long shaft. This doesn't make it inherently bad. But it does inherit some of the weakness of a sword, combined with the range of a polearm. That said, keeping them intact is quite doable, you just need to be careful about how you strike.
As mentioned above, and as with almost all polearms, it shines in situations where you can keep enemies at range, and becomes a lot less appealing if you can't keep them off of you. This means it works really well in phalanx-style applications. As with all (or, almost all polearms), it has serious value as an anti-cavalry weapon, letting you dispatch riders.
As for it being its own unique thing, yes and no. It is a different kind of polearm, and you can probably some surviving manuals on exactly how to use them. And there is a modern martial art based on the original form. However, I don't know how much of the original Naginatajitsu martial art has been lost. As far as I know, there were at least a few decades between the, “death,” of the martial art in 1868, and it's revival sometime after 1889. Also, when it was revived, it was as a physical fitness regimen, and not as a martial art. That's enough time, to lose a lot of the technical detail, and meant that if it was preserved, it was done so quietly, which increases the risk of elements being lost.
As polearms go, the naginata is pretty light, ranging from about 3 to 8lbs. (Specifically 1.5 – 3.5kg.) Which does make it a bit more agile than you'd expect from a polearm. It's not clear how much of the flourishes you'll see from modern martial artists were actually part of the original martial art or just spectacle, but you can get some solid movement out of them. And even in its day it the weapon's agility was noteworthy. (Though, to be fully honest, I'm not sure how much of that was in the contemporary literature, and how much is from modern analysis. I do suffer from not being able to read the primary sources in this case.)
Naginatas were a very egalitarian weapon, used by the samurai, monks, peasant footsoldiers, and the Onna-musha (women warriors.) That last category has become one of its more enduring cultural associations. In fact the physical fitness revival was specifically targeted as exercise for young girls. (This is part of why the weight range is so wide, as there's a massive variance in shaft length. Anywhere from 4 to 8 feet in length. (Specifically 120-240cm.)) As a polearm, that's kinda short, but the blade itself adds another 85-100cm. This puts the total length at between 6'8” and 11'2”. And, yeah, a three meter polearm is not a joke. Even if there is an unusual amount of blade on the end of that shaft. It's part of why the naginata is immediately distinguishable from other polearms of similar sizes.
The short answer would be that it is a specific weapon, with its own identity. Some of that is a function of physics and some is cultural.
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katapotato55 · 11 months
my theory as to why doomers exist (and how to break that mentality to be a better writer)
yesterday my sibling texted me "hey can you list me what major historical events you experienced in life for an assignment? " of course I listed the big ones like COVID and other depressing shit I went through in my life but most of the ones i listed were not super depressing. here are some of them: -the rise of steve jobs and the popularity of modern OS -the rise of smartphones -new technology completely changing the world that I thought I would never see in my lifetime, like VR and self driving cars. -massive cultural impacts such as spongebob being created affecting pop culture -the start of facebook and modern social media -pluto being declared not a planet yknow stuff on the top of my head that I thought would be interesting to write about.
then my sibling came home to tell me that most of what I sent was not helpful at all and that they meant "world events" And i asked "how the hell is the invention of the smart phone and the beginning of modern social media not considered "world events" by these standards" they said "idk just not that"
I think what they meant to say was "my teacher only wants the really depressing miserable shit the media thinks is headline worthy"
You know, I think this is why my generation is full of so many doomers. God forbid we have a positive outlook on this world and try and look at the bright side of things. god forbid we try to be optimistic for both the future and our current lives. we seem to have this thin veil of maturity that depressing=mature somehow. That the only way to make anything of nuance is to basically spam "look how shit everything is! look how enlightened I am" like you are Steve cutts.
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well you know what ?
I hate art like the stuff steve cutts makes, and I hate this redundant "look how shit the world is" mentality
I plan on making an analysis post later on about Mr. Cutts, but for now let's stay on point this mentality is redundant and helps no one. yes. we do need to be aware of the bad parts of life. But being a pathetic miserable sod and ignoring the upsides is just as immature and childish as an aggressive optimist thinking the world is all sunshine and rainbows. you know why I like undertale so much ? Undertale knows when to be optimistic and has a mature take on a happy ending. Undertale ALLOWS itself to be happy. enough with the rick and morty level of writing where everything sucks and "fuck you in particular for being hopeful" only edgy 14 year olds think being depressing is the same as being mature. Maturity is understanding that there is nuance to everything and understanding that things are what they are. Do you want to be a good writer ? stop overly relying on being a sad doomer. Even the darkest writers in history like Edgar Allen Poe knew how to lighten the fuck up, because you need to understand the positives in life to effectively create dark writing.
thank you for reading this ironically negative rant, I plan to expand more on the subject later on.
ngl i was honestly scared this post would open me up to harassment. I was genuinely terrified of attracting the psycho political crowd that treats politics like religious doctrine. first of all, shout out to this person:
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I feel like this would be the perfect opportunity to talk about my struggle with depression as an artist and the stereotype behind it. the stereotype is that only the best artists are emotionally tortured people constantly struggling in agony and putting that into their art. now as someone who has been battling depression for 10 years let me tell you: that mentality is a load of horse shit. the greatest artists in history such as Van Gogh were not great artists because they were depressed they were great artists because they had a combination of passion and unique life experience. It just so happens that depression is a unique life experience to go through. being depressed does not make you deep, it just makes you feel empty and possibly sad depending on what flavor of depression you have. all the great stories about depression are not great because its about depression, but because its about the writers personal experiences and the love and hard work that went into making it. if Van gogh got treatment for his mental health issues, he would have still created art. Yes he created art as his job, but he also did it because he loved it and put his personal feelings and passion into his work. the biggest reason why I detest Steve Cutts is because there is no passion nor personal experience in his work. yes he is talented but most of his animations are just regurgitating all the bad things he could think of and nothing personal is going into it. (again I plan on making an analysis post about steve cutts sooner or later) What makes the art of Van Gogh deep and Steve Cutts as deep as a dry puddle is the fact that you can tell who put their own soul and personality into their work. heed my warning new artists and writers depression =/= deep all depression does is cripple you. Seek out life experience to be the best artist you can be.
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stuffforthestash · 6 months
Modern Academic AU pt3
All this because I couldn't stop thinking about what kinds of classes Professor Raphael would teach... He's laughing up at me from hell, I just know it.
part 1 and part 2
Kagha (by request!) - Environmental Science. Will only teach courses about political lobbying and activism. She's also a militant vegan and active member of PETA, and won't shut up about it.
Dammon - College of Engineering. Teaches "Advanced Manufacturing Processes" and "Finite Element Analysis", and runs the machining shop. Also teaches a metal sculpture class when there's room in the Art School's budget. He's one of the faculty liaisons for several LGBTQA+ orgs on campus as well, and is completely oblivious to the fact he has a fan club (which is for the best, really)
Zevlor - Campus Security. A retired Green Beret who refuses to talk about his time in the service, he's well liked by most faculty and known to be a bit of an old school charmer. LOTS of rumors and speculation about what kind of injury got him discharged, and how he got it.
Barcus - College of Engineering. He teaches classes on Thermodynamics and Process Design & Safety. Has no idea how popular and well-liked he is by both students and staff.
Wulbren - Chemical Engineering Dep't Chair. He's brilliant, but also an asshole, and is constantly trying to weasel more grant money for his research into ethically questionable chemical compound modifications. Also makes his TAs teach all his classes for him.
Lorroakan - English Dep't Chair. Thinks he's hot shit for it but really no one else wanted the job. He makes his TAs teach all his classes AND do all his admin work, so he can spend all his time (and the department's money) on schmoozing with alumni and donors.
Blurg - Environmental Science. Isn't that great of a teacher but it's required for keeping the research grants coming in. Thankfully his passion and enthusiasm for topics like Sustainability in Agriculture make up for his shortcomings.
Omeluum - They're actually Bluurg's research partner and not technically a member of faculty, though they also act as his unofficial TA because otherwise Bluurg's course work interferes with their research timelines.
Nine-Fingers Keene (by request) - School of Business. Her classes are all advanced level and titled things like "Gaining The Competitive Edge". She also runs an entrepreneurial outreach program for young women seeking to start their own businesses.
Dame Aylin - VP of Diversity and Inclusion. She's very passionate about her job and a VERY vocal advocate for social justice issues like inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility. Completely incapable of keeping her personal life separate from her professional one, as she's a devout believer in leading by example.
Isobel - School RN. Is fiercely protective of students right to medical privacy and access to judgment free care, but is much better known on campus for being Dame Aylin's wife.
The Emperor - Board of Trustees. Outwardly just an ordinary Trustee, generally pleasant to interact with and actually rather good at rubbing elbows with students, faculty, and admin alike. There's just something off about them, enough that they've had multiple audits and inquests over the years despite nobody ever being able to find any actual signs of misconduct.
Sorry this set took a bit longer to figure out. A bunch of these characters were a real challenge to fit into roles that actually exist in reality, and I had to do a bit of research to find out wtf kinds of classes or departments certain fields of study even have. Ah, the things we do for the blorbos, amirite?
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niqosblog · 7 months
Why Do People Distrust Reboots of Cartoons?
An Analysis
Root of The Trust Issues
I feel like ever since Teen Titans Go, people have lost faith in reboots of classic shows. Especially since their only basis is "this is a show for little kids", and they expect it to be immature and plotless.
You can't just announce that you're making a TV show reboot of a classic with a more simplistic art style without expecting backlash.
Just saying "I like the [insert media] reboot!" Everyone is gonna be on your back and say that it's a bad lifeless reboot. But I believe that some are actually good. They have kept up similar themes and still progress with the modern world.
The Exception
If we're really getting into this topic, may I say that Voltron: Legendary Defender is a reboot that people loved to pieces. Even with its awful ending, people still loved it. Yet no one asked for it.
No one looked at the old Voltron and said "I wish there was a reboot".
Was the show good? YES!
It performed amazing during its run. It had a strong fan following to it as well.
Was it bar for bar, character for character accurate? NO!
Keith was supposed to end up with Allura, going so far as to marry her. Pidge was actually a clumsy dwarf boy that had a crush on Allura. Hunk was some buff white guy rather than a chubby Samoan dude.
Yet, did people complain? ALSO NO. And the only reason why, was the art style.
Simplistic Art Style
Then we get to things like the My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake Reboot. These are objectively good reboots as a stand alone, without a nostalgia bias.
They have representation, life lessons, friendship themes, basically everything that the original was. But the fact it's a 'reboot' is what throws people into hysteria.
Strawberry Shortcake was always a spunky girl who would always problem solve in a kind and caring way. Always true to her friends, loved making friends.
She is such a stereotypical good girl that the show even pokes fun at it. Making jokes that she's too trustworthy and friendly. And they keep this trend in the reboot. Yet people didn't watch it.
And you want to know why?
"it looks lifeless" "it lost its spark" "the designs are ugly"
Why This Argument Sucks
This isn't a real argument. Exhibit A would be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT).
We can agree that TMNT has kept a consistent art style. Mostly consisting of the big eyes, similar body shapes, wide mouths... The only two thing differentiating them being the eye covers and weapons.
Now in the reboot, there are several differences.
Raphael - Stocky, beefy, wider, taller, snaggle tooth
Leonardo - skinner waist, broad shoulders, long head, slightly muscular arms, eye markings
Donatello - basically the same as Leo but he has skinner arms, and goggles
Michaelangelo - rounder, shorter, bigger eyes, more colors
Unlike the other adaptations, where they look like the same copy and paste character with a slight hue shift, they actually look different. But before it came out, there was a lot of backlash of the characters looking ugly.
That soon changed when clips started circling around that people gave it a shot. And guess what. They liked it! They called the characters charming and unique, and even got a huge fandom from shares on Tiktok and advertisements from the program airing the show.
Sure, people did complain about the simplicity. But they eventually came to enjoy it. So why can't people keep the same energy for other reboots?
The biggest factor of all is nostalgia. I loved Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Bitty Adventures. And I dabbled in watching the 2003 version because I loved it when I was a kid. Yet, I still love the reboot.
Berry in the Big City isn't a bad reboot, people just don't want to give it a chance because of the nostalgia factor. They grew up with the 2003-2009 version and expect no changes, and when things did change they threw a fit.
I don't know how to tell you this, but this show was made for KIDS. Not teenagers looking for a fun watch, not adults looking for a taste of classic TV, but children.
Sure, there are some teens and adults who love this show because they might be a babysitter or an older sibling. Or maybe just someone who heard it was good and wanted to give it a watch.
But if your only reason for disliking a show is that "it's not my [insert character]" is showing that you're just scared of change. If I'm really being honest, BITBC shows more personality in their characters.
Back in Berry Bitty Adventures, they all felt like the same girl just with a different goal. Here, Strawberry is more hyperactive and passionate, Blueberry is going with the flow and airhead-ish, Orange is a competitive athlete, Lemon is an emotionally closed off inventor, Lime is a nerdy fashionista.
And they all look different.
I have confused Raspberry Torte and Strawberry in 2009 more times than I can count. Even characters like Cherry Jam and Blueberry who have a different color scheme, look similar when desaturated.
And if you feel hurt by the fact that I'm saying cons about a series you loved as a kid, then you're part of the problem.
I don't expect you to say that "oh, yeah, I can see that." but instead, admit that not everything you grew up with was perfect.
And if Strawberry Shortcake isn't enough proof that people glorify the original too much, may I remind you people continuously hate the Monster High reboot.
The original had racial stereotypes, outdated jokes, sexist characters, toxic relationships (that for some reason stayed together), misrepresentation of disorders, and way more.
The reboot actually tries to be sensitive to who might be watching their show. They made Asian coded characters not yellow, they properly represent disabilities, they don't make Abbey's foreign accent a joke, they have body diversity. And g1 is apparently still superior.
Another reminder is that when g1 tried to make progress with their first gay character, they back tracked it and made it subtext. There will always be a problem with g1 Monster High, the only people who ignore it are people who are scared of change.
Are you supposed to watch all reboots from now and forever into eternity. No. This is just a thing I noticed when goons glaze on a cartoon that they (probably) didn't even watch getting a reboot.
There are bad reboots out there, (I'm looking at you Velma..), but I feel like if you just watched a couple episodes you'd find them more enjoyable. The original doesn't disappear when you watch a reboot. In fact, most of the examples I've mentioned are free on YouTube.
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reineyday · 7 months
i posted this mishanks fic where shanks takes calculus 1 as an elective for fun thinking rayleigh's gonna teach it only to be confronted with ray's TA mihawk teaching the class instead.
in the a/n i mentioned that mihawk's having a bad morning and shares an open-concept office with the other warlords, all doing their phd's in the same department, and someone asked what they were specializing in. i thought about it enough that i figured i'd just post my reply here too. 😂 i am but a humble bfa-haver, so if any of these topics seem wrong or unlikely, let me know! 🥲 it's all based on their devil fruits (if they have them).
i was thinking mihawk is probably getting a doctorate of philosophy in mathematics, inspired long ago by his swordsmanship practice (both in meditation and in analysis of movement and connection) and tendency toward logic and rational thinking. he also likes problem-solving. rayleigh has a joint appointment professor job at new world, and while he teaches mostly hard mathematics, he also teaches philosophy courses. mihawk is following a similar path of research, and thus chose him as a supervisor.
i think it might be interesting if boa was studying philosophy as related to the subject of love and logic. rayleigh is her supervisor as well, because he did his own thesis back in the day on picking apart aristotle's body of research in the modern lens, and she's focusing on aristotle's three sources of affection/types of objects that are loved and lovable (the good, the pleasant, and the useful). she probably has to be talked down from some heavy-handed metaphors on turning to stone lol.
croc is probably studying something that has to do with the physical properties and manipulation of sand, especially in its power to change topographies over time, and perhaps branching into individual uses of sand as a method of force. he probably thinks about sandblasters too much.
moria... hmm, sciography (study of shadows) and the neurological and psychological effects differently-shadowed spaces have on a person. sciography is something that mostly architects use when designing spaces, but he's interested more in the effect on one's psyche in (un)lit spaces as opposed to the art and design of it all.
kuma uuhhhh actually kuma's devil fruit is already pretty philosophical, seeing as how he can repel actual concepts. if you can repel pain and fatigue, what's stopping him from repelling something like gender, or time? so he could be doing research on human constructs in society and challenging the way society is structured, but that seems more like a humanities subject so maybe he's researching actual physics and delving into something extremely niche about how things get repelled on a molecular level, even by the human touch.
doffy's doing something in the physics field as well. something about gravity and thread and force and manipulation. no one's actually sure, they just know it always ends in him tying invisible string to literally anything and everything in the office and saying it's for his thesis whenever he pisses someone off, which is always. and yes, the worst thing about him is he's always getting good grades, which makes them wonder if it really IS for his thesis, which then makes them somehow even more pissed off, because there shouldnt be any good reason for tripping over all this goddamn thread all the time in the office. 🤦🏻‍♀️
and jinbe is studying movement in water and the human kinetics of it all, also inspired by the martial arts that he does. benefits of training in water, how it strengthens the muscles in different ways, etc. etc. mihawk is very interested to read his paper when he's finished haha.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Macaque Book Club AU
He’s the only one asides from Tang probably who has read JTTW. So in his little book club because let’s be honest, between the theatre and the graffiti lego set, he seems like the kind to have a couple modern day hobbies in the arts like your grandma who has a bunch of friends to gossip with at the knitting meet or the greenhouse. He’s the only monkey actually using his human disguise actively so, I imagine they get together at the local library, someone brings refreshments Macky is allergic to by virtue of being a monkey but they get him addicted to (insert snack/drink of your choice) and he gets into fandom discourse at the book club with someone whose like “the 6EM from the book was a one off villain who died ages ago, get over it” but to him, on the worst nights it all comes back. (And maybe this is recently right after Shadow Play so.) oh wait pff, we’re going to need a new recent trigger I forgot he gets kidnapped right after 😭 okay so maybe this person is what pushes him to write the play. I hope you know the exact like of fandom discourse I’m talking about bc I’m really pulling from people who are like??? why are you hyperfixated on this one thing? And maybe Tang eventually puts the pieces together about who this guy is. I also can’t help but start thinking about how lonely Macky might actually be, because you’d THINK he’d be the anti social one but Wukong is the one isolating himself for a thousand years with 13 cats, I mean a bunch of baby monkeys. Meanwhile, Macranberry is out there in Six Earred Hearing Hell in the city and super chatty whenever we see him. He wasn’t as chatty around the Brotherhood. Only with Wukong as needed who was full out dancing on the tables lol, things change eh? Even defeating the smoke monster feels like an attempt at catching up to your friend who got a real job while you’re just starting college. (Aka when Wukong and his shiny new hero legend status sealed the Bull King.) He says there was nobody who could stop the two of them in the Celestial Realm or on earth but we know that 1) Macky doesn’t like the Celestial Realm. 2) They definitely weren’t spending all day there back then with the overthrowing plotting and also got defeated hard. 3) They weren’t actually vigilante heroing back then if Wukong picked up his demon defeating status after the journey. 4) Would Macky ever do that on his own or was it always with Wukong until he tried it out post-resurrection like everything else presumably new about him. He probably meant “nobody could stop Wukong’s mischief that I helped him out with but he mostly did all the big things like immortal peach stealing and the book of the dead himself and I was there for uh, moral support. And baffled that he did that. But I’m going to pretend to MK that we were a cool team and equals and this wasn’t just a precursor to our eventual fall out. Sorry Mr. “yeah you always did have a sidekick kinda vibe.”
careful, anon, he could hear you 👀
but lmao i love this au!!!! also, since Tang is in the same book club as Macky (and i kinda want them to always get into “scholarly” debates when it comes to jttw because it’s Tang’s favorite book and….well, Macky has a monkey problem…..), Tang is invited by Macky to the shadowplay, so end of 2x07 is basically
and then you’ll just have Tang screaming at Macky throughout s3 about how he must answer for his “crimes” of withholding valuable academic information (3x08 is just them arguing about the content in jttw but it’s not actually about jttw rather about Macky himself and his blind anger obscuring his memories. they just use the book as a cover for the true conversation)
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heretichromia · 1 year
A (mediocre) defense of Shining and Hoshiguma.
Narrow use cases in the advanced metagame don't equate to low power.
I think we sometimes forget the purpose of tier lists, and the kind of people who most need them. Especially in a game like Arknights, where "best in slot" is an extremely loaded question compared to most other games, it's hard to really properly convey unit power.
That isn't to say that tier lists aren't helpful. There is a significant difference between the power levels of characters like Młynar and Ebenholz, and people who don't want to (or don't have the game knowledge required to) read and compare kits and try to navigate the mess that is showcase videos (which are typically not good demonstrations of an operator's utility) get pretty good information from a website generally telling them "build Pozyomka if you want a good sniper" and "don't build Vigil if you want a good vanguard."
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...But come the fuck on, man. I promise this isn't just a Gamepress rant. This is a community perception issue. Gamepress's tier list is just an illustrative example of how bad the community at large is at evaluating anything but the absolute top tier of obvious meta threat.
If you're not seeing the problem with the above, then consider this: what unit would actually be best for the kind of person who needs a tier list to build?
The tankiest non-limited operator in the game, perfectly serviceable for almost every map with good performance, who still sees routine usage in many high-difficulty maps and even the occasional Contingency Contract?
One of two units that are mediocre blockers, are significantly squishier, and have extremely few optimal use cases outside of dedicated Contingency Contract strategies that aren't realistically applicable to normal gameplay?
Why on earth is Hoshiguma ranked below Liskarm and Blemishine? Why is Hoshiguma in roughly the same tier as Croissant and Bubble? Why is Shining rated just above two units that are pretty much never used?
I feel like this is the sort of thing that happens when you let Reddit-brained "analysis" get to your head, and you forget how to evaluate units entirely. This isn't even the new player tier list! It's supposedly for endgame, trying to evaluate operators "for all game modes."
I hope they're not trying to include Contingency Contract in there, where Liskarm and especially Blemishine are in fact extremely valuable, because CC is a game mode where Cliffheart is considerably more impactful than Thorns. You just can't take into account CC in a tier list like this without having the list make no sense at all.
None of this means that these units aren't...dated, or that they don't have problems in the modern game. They are, and they do. But this is a pretty poor way of reflecting that. I could see an argument that neither of them belong in any sort of S-tier, even on Gamepress's dumb list where there's four separate grades above A+. But...if that's the case, then we still need to be honest about where the alternatives fall, because the problem with Shining and Hoshiguma isn't that they're bad at their jobs.
What are they good at?
If you understand their kits, just skip this section. That said, so many people don't. I see people talking about how Sussurro does Shining's job better than her all the time, which is true if you're only looking at raw healing numbers and not actual damage mitigation.
...Tanking. Specifically, physical tanking, though Hoshiguma's large HP pool means she's pretty decent at absorbing Arts damage too (just not as well as someone like Saria with built-in RES).
Hoshiguma has a big slab of DEF, the highest persistent value on any operator. She's good at standing there, taking damage, and reflecting damage back to enemies that hit her. That last bit is why she sees continued high-end usage today. While she can get almost 2,350 DEF with her S1 (the highest possible DEF in the game attainable by a single character, if I'm not mistaken), she's mostly used for her S2's reflect, where she can still get nearly 1,700 DEF (Mod-Y). That, combined with her 25% chance to just...completely ignore damage means she is a hilariously tanky unit compared to her competition.
If what you're looking for is someone who can stare down as much physical damage as possible and live to tell the tale, Hoshiguma is going to be one of your best options, if not your best.
Shining, meanwhile, is the best single-target ground unit healer in the game. While her effectiveness spikes when healing high-DEF targets like Saria, Hoshiguma, etc., she's simply good and effective in all scenarios where she's healing ground units taking a sufficient amount of physical damage. I've done...an embarrassing amount of math for this subject, so if any of this is wrong, I'll cry (but also please let me know).
Here's the conclusions:
With her Mod-X, Shining S2 will more or less always outpace the best-in-slot persistent healing (Lumen) in actual total mitigation, even on relatively low-DEF units.
On high-DEF units (Saria, Nian, Hoshiguma), Shining S2 can outpace Sussurro S2 in effective mitigation—on a persistent uptime skill.
Shining S2 loses a lot of value if Shining has to heal anyone but the main tank, because she could waste her shield on someone else. This can be effectively mitigated in most circumstances by proper unit placement, or drawing fire with fast-redeploys, Nightingale cages, etc., but it's something to keep in mind.
Shining S3 is completely incomparable to anything else in the game. Nothing comes remotely close when it comes to mitigating incoming physical damage.
Shining is far and away the best unit in her class at her job. Again, nobody comes remotely close.
But, yes, they do have one big issue.
...This is pretty obvious, but physical tanking isn't the premium role it used to be.
It is not useless, and for many players represents a much simpler strategy to dealing with several powerful enemies than the "canonical" strategies you'll find in video guides. It's also an almost universal utility. Surviving physical damage is something you have to do in almost every map, so bringing someone like Hoshiguma who's good at doing that is never bad. At worst, there's a small number of better options, like Saria, who can in many cases reduce Hoshiguma + Medic to a single unit, but...I don't really think we should be implying that a unit is barely better than a vanilla 4* because they're sometimes (and not always!) outshone by one of the most powerful operators in the game that not everyone is guaranteed to have.
...But I do have to emphasize that the role isn't premium anymore.
A sizable handful of modern bosses these days have ways of getting around walls. And they should. It'd be very boring if the best strategy to every encounter was to wall up and watch the enemy bash its head against your units until it dies. But between all the methods of crowd control, debuffs, teleporting, or simply walking through your operators that bosses are doing these days, you'll find that there's frequently better tools for the job than getting a really tanky guy.
Some frequently used options:
Bursting the motherfucker to high heaven before they can ever touch your operators or the blue box.
Straight-up immortality, a la Specter or Specter the Unchained.
Utilizing crowd control, be it through outright stuns, Suzuran slows, Gnosis freezes, various sources of bind (Gladiia, Rosa, etc.), or even shifting from Weedy on low-weight bosses.
We have such expansive toolkits at our disposal nowadays that we don't need to rely on operators who are "just" good. Hoshiguma and Shining are very good operators at their jobs! Their jobs are just sometimes not the best fit for any scenario, and in many cases, the worse options will still suffice, while bringing something more to the table. If you can get by with Saria + Ptilopsis, why wouldn't you opt for the higher SP generation? If Mudrock works and you don't need a healer at all, why substitute one operator for two that do considerably less damage? This won't be true all the time, especially since enemy stats have been on a steady increase—even my level 90, Mod-Y, S1M3 Saria isn't enough sometimes. Still, tankiness is definitely something that, if it's in excess, just...goes to waste.
...why are we evaluating operators under the assumption that everyone has every other operator at their disposal? Yes—if you have literally every operator in the game, and can use them proficiently, then you're likely only going to use Hoshiguma when you need her reflect. If you have Saria, then you're likely to use Hoshiguma only sometimes as opposed to almost every map.
I feel like we fall into this trap really often. If a unit isn't the absolute best in every circumstance or doesn't do something hilariously overpowered they're unplayably awful, on the same level as 4*s, and shouldn't be built. Yeah, of course, you shouldn't prioritize getting E2 Hoshiguma if you're sitting on E1 Thorns, Pozyomka, or some first-rate DPS unit, but you cannot look at Hoshiguma's numbers, then look me in the eye and tell me she's a marginal improvement at best over fucking Bubble.
It's a problem that's worse with lower rarity units, especially 5* units, as the current memetic thought is that 5*s are barely better than 4*s, despite that being demonstrably untrue in many circumstances. (Can I blame SUPAH for that?) That said, I wanted to focus on Hoshiguma and Shining here, because they're victims of the same thinking that are actually still optimal in some situations, with no one who does their job better than them.
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saskia and belialah. the empress and her shadow.
...im breaking my own rule of not posting any more original creations here but idgaf---i'll post some sketches and if there's interest i can throw this fic i'm working on up on ao3 for the monsterfuckers in the audience
so, backstory on THESE TWO:
i'm gonna go in real life order of events and talk about some of the inspos that went into some of these moments and where they were in our real life timeline of Experiencing these two
under the cut bc i must remain polite in the face of my hyperfixations
ok so, canonical order of events: saskia (matriarch) and belialah (demon lord) meet, they establish an alliance, belialah does stuff for saskia. at some point, saskia starts amassing her generals (we'll get there) and chooses belialah. somewhere in here as well, saskia splits from the empire and starts doing her Evil Deeds for her Evil Plans. I'm not sure which of the last two came first. in either case, lost later meets belialah, we haven't seen her (physically) since (but that's not a good thing i don't think)
irl order of events:
Saskia throws a Fit, kills her nephew, and withdraws from the empire at large. we make fun of her because though she's the big bad, she's also weirdly wet and pathetic. we hate her. she's so sucks. and also so sexy. its bad
time goes by, things happen, eventually there's a big party with all the matriarchs!!! yaaaaay
lost and gilt go because ofc we do, and there's a big dance where everyone keeps changing partners. at the end of the dance, lost gets belialah
...elven ish woman. obviously weird. too pale skin. black hair. disheveled appearance. ill-fitting dress. holds herself weird. talks with a tremble and a breathiness to her voice that immediately makes us uncomfortable (my mans can do some fuckin VOICES and don't get me started on the sound effects). belialah says she's a huge fan---of lost's father. the being from before creation whose whole thing is "immortal life but not in the good way" instead of "you won't die" it's "you can't die" there is no death to escape from life, no matter the suffering.
so--red flags.
she tells lost that she's one of saskia's generals, and that saskia sent her to give lost a message: saskia is so excited for her to come home, and that lost should bring her brothers (6 beings of various otherworldly heritage like lost--saskia has a type and it is monsters) when she comes home. Lost tells her to tell saskia, from her and gilt, to fuck off.
belialah goes...monstrous. red eyes start popping open all over her skin and she gets quiet and threatening about how lost is disrespectful and how--yeah, she will tell saskia that. and she leaves in a cloud of black vapor
i turn to chase. i say "oh they're fucking"
and he hits me with "...belialah would probably like to!"
and i hit the ground running. sprinting. i was off into the distance without another fucking word. little roselyn-shaped dust cloud left behind.
fic. art. works. stuff. so much. headcanons. throwing everything at the wall. attempts at first time. attempts at canon. saskia bitchiness. belialah wanting to smash despite the great danger to her personal health. weird fetish fic. modern!au. headcanons about modern!au. deep dives. analysis. narrative foils. sex. so much sex.
it's everything. they're everything
i want them to be terrible together. that's all i want. that's all i've ever wanted.
i set about creating for them in a frenzy--it's been love and war time for...since early may of last year?? some coming up on a year, now (again---150k words written in this time, with april's word count unknown but already above 10k. jan ALONE was 32k). love and war time means that it's always love and war--it's just different people inside the campaign. oh it's saskia oh it's freya it's gilt and lost let's bop over to adele what about gilt's parents-
it's been great.
Chase messaged summer and i a few weeks ago like "hey. i got a belialah meeting saskia inspo video, but i need to show you in person bc i need to get your reaction live."
he showed me this
we had a moment of "...oh my god its from a gacha game?" and then i made him play it three times in a row just Absorbing the vibes
chase: it's saskia and belialah when they first meet, with belialah thinking she has the upper hand and saskia proving that she is very, very wrong. but i don't know what a ball in the abyss looks like...
me: say no more
and i hit upon them meeting at an event where it's basically like---demons from all over gather, have a civil time---when bloodshed eventually happens (which it always does bc they're literal actual demons) it's a free for all and it's expected to be a bloodbath, that's part of the appeal
belialah's there, as you do, and saskia's there to talent scout from the pool of winners for her big evil plans. belialah's like "wtf is a stupid little mortal doing here why are you unaccosted where is your collar" kinda behavior and goes over there, they talk, they dance (also a ploy for power among demons, it's a sizing up thing instead of a fun thing), saskia reveals that she's got 1/8th of the power of a god in her soul and belialah's like "cool im fanatically devoted to you now i've never wanted to smash a mortal before can we make out"
and that's how they start their history
with me writing books about this campaign (again--pipe dream) i've been deciding on when and where i want these two to get highlighted, bc, again---we've never met saskia in person, she's spoken to lost and gilt directly once, and we've seen belialah once outside of saskia's bitchy announcement to the empire at large where she reveals she's got 12 generals and you better not try shit bc we're at WAR now (she's stupid i love her dearly)
and recently i've been working on their...first time? an epilogue for one of the books. the actual thing won't have sex in it if it gets to be part of the book for realsies, but im not stopping there bc IM ME
and i've been tinkering with like...ok how do we show in isolated little epilogues and snippet scenes that saskia and belialah have INSANE sexual tension so that when they do get together, its weird but satisfying bc again---belialah is a demon. she's got a human form. that is not her true form. i've drawn it, it's sexy to saskia, i'll post it soon.
but i need these two to snark at each other with saskia resisting belialah's advances bc "im trying to take over the world stop distracting me" while belialah's like "SASKIA LEMME SMASH. PLEASE" until eventually it happens because they're terrible and i love them and it needs to happen, frankly. im overruling my boyfriend. at the point we are at, they are fucking already. he does not have a choice. im overruling him.
chase, if you're reading this--the goal with this first time fic is to make it plausible enough that you accept it as canon. thank you.
bc like--they're terrible. they're perfect. they've both got bratty younger sibling/cocky hotshot who thinks they're invincible kinda energy and belialah has no doubt in her mind that saskia can achieve her goals and saskia is getting someone who will stroke her ego and is having the thought of "im being recognized for how amazing i am it's about time"
the generals have made deals with saskia---saskia is planning on following through with 0% of these deals. belialah is the only one who didn't--she's here by saskia's side of her own free will.
they're fucking. at this point, they are fucking. decades of sexual tension kept alive by distance and "hello old friend" energy is suddenly coming to head with Belialah Always Being Around and saskia having to plan out her evil deeds with her being nutso devoted 24/7 and listen, man. this woman has an ego the size of the planet. she's gonna smash someone who inflates her ego, it's just how she works
ok lore dump over. sketch time now.
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An Introduction !!
(or at least as close of a one as I can manage lmao)
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[pixel art by AnasAbdin]
hello there, kind stranger ! You can call me Haru, and I welcome you to my account! I am just a silly little dude who has way too many thoughts about media they like and need a place to store it. This account can be seen as a peek into my hyperactive brain. a majority of the posts on this account are mostly just inane ramblings of whatever I feel like talking about in the moment some of my interests !! - milgram - danganronpa: despair time - infinity train - lacey games - dead plate - undertale Extra Information: - I'm somewhat shy when it comes to actual social interaction, especially if it's with someone I do not know well. Don't be offended if I don't respond to messages. - If I am doing something wrong, no matter how small, please tell me. I would much rather be bluntly told to shut the fuck up instead of not being communicated with. - I make a lot of immature sex jokes. I'll make them freely on here because it's my blog, but when talking one-on-one or in group settings, please tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable and I'll try to tone it down. - Though I am mostly a fandom blog, I do not engage with, or associate myself with modern fandom discourse (example: proship/anti). Leave me out of that shit please, I'm just a guy who likes cool stories - I don't have a DNI because I think they're counterintuitive. Just don't be a cunt and we're good lmao. My Other Blogs: @allkn0wingallag0ny (my art blog. I put my drawings here, both fanart and original) @drdtappreciation (basically a positive confession-type blog where you can send in things you like about DRDT) Hyperfixation Tags: #haru chats about milgram #haru chats about drdt #haru chats about lacey games Analysis/Theory Tag: #harunalysis
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soapexclamationmark · 2 months
So i really really like one piece so ive been starting to re-read it the past few days and i just finished up orange town and i wanted to talk about it, because its a lot cooler than i remember! first of all, i really appreciate chou-chous part, i know thats a pretty lukewarm take, but its the first time in the whole series where we see luffy fight for someone else, and its the first time we see him get angry over injustice, and it does a GREAT job setting up the tone for the grand adventure that follows (note while im doing minor editing to make sure this post isnt shit, still probably is, but we also got to see luffy fight for the small girl in romance dawn, but chou-chou is cooler than her and i still think this example truly shines as an early example of this theme so im keeping it)
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as always Oda does a really good job of making luffy's anger really *feel* impactful. the scene afterwards where luffy gives chouchou the bag of dog food that he got from the burning building is also amazing and really shows that going forward its not only luffy's wrath that matters, but his love for those facing injustice. honestly this arc does a LOT to introduce luffy's character, the moment when he smashed the mayor into the wall to knock him out. him doing this still works in his what we have seen previously, but alongside his interactions with the townsfollk after the battle with buggy we can see that even if luffy sometimes struggles to understand people (its ok my autistic king, we've all been there) he is shockingly emotionally intellegent. also, the art in this arc is SO much better than romance dawn. maybe its a personal thing but i dont really care for romance dawns art style, its a bit to simple and overly round for me, but orange town has a really great mix of what the artstyle will come to be while still mainly having that older one piece charm, and oda definitally flexes his art skills more in this arc. also reference to the sunken continent?????? in my chapter 19?????
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im going to stop short of showing pictures of the art and talking about it because i dont know art that well, and if you want that you should go watch tbskyen's best panel in every chapter of one piece series because he does a much better job of art analysis than i could ever do. i remember there being more i wanted to talk about but i cant remember them right now so im just gonna end on the note that this arc was really funny! i still really like the humour in modern one piece but i found myself laughing a lot more in this arc than ive laughed at one piece in quite some time!! to end, im just gonna put a page that i thought was really funny and had quite a good laugh at.
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zodiacglimpse · 3 months
What is the Role of Venus in Astrology?
Introduction to Venus in Astrology
According to astrology, every celestial body has a unique influence on the experiences and traits of people. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and creativity, is foremost among them. Gaining an understanding of its impact can offer deep understanding of many facets of life.
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Astrological Properties of Venus
In astrological symbolism, Venus—named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty—embodies grace, elegance, and charm. It directs our taste in art, how we engage with others, and how we view love and relationships. Venus is a benefic planet that, wherever in the birth chart it is located, gives harmony and pleasure.
Venus in Natal Chart Analysis
Venus's effect is further refined by its location in various birth chart houses and zodiac signs. For example, Venus in airy Gemini may imply a more inquisitive and talkative manner in relationships, while Venus in passionate and intense Scorpio may indicate a profound, transforming approach to love.
Love and Relationships
Venus, the planet of love, represents the ways in which people show affection and find relationships. The dynamics and possible difficulties in relationships are revealed by Venus's aspects and chart placements in synastry, the study of relationship compatibility using astrology.
Art, Creativity, and Culture
Venus is a creative and artistic inspiration, not just for romance. Strong Venusian placements frequently affect the aesthetic sensitivities and creative output of artists, musicians, and other creatives. Venus has been praised throughout history as a muse and a representation of ideals of cultural beauty.
Beauty and Fashion
Venus directs our likes and inclinations when it comes to beauty and personal style. It has an impact on home design decisions, fashion trends, and the desire for physical beauty. Comprehending Venus aids people in harmonizing their outside look with their inner attractiveness.
Financial Matters
Venus also discusses material affluence and budgetary choices. Its elements may point to times of prosperity or decadence, affecting career and investment decisions. Venus's position might be taken into account by financial counselors and entrepreneurs when making financial plans.
Spiritual and Emotional Harmony
Venus is more deeply drawn to emotional and spiritual equilibrium. People can improve their well-being and develop harmonious connections with others by engaging in self-care and introspective techniques that are in line with Venusian energies.
Transits and Retrogrades
Venus retrogrades on a regular basis, encouraging introspection into previous relationships and financial choices. These times present chances for introspection and development, but they can also present difficulties with relationships and money.
Practical Tips for Harnessing Venusian Energy
Rituals that encourage self-love, creativity, and financial prosperity are ways for people to harness the positive energies of Venus. These may include doing creative endeavors, investing in happy and pleasurable experiences, or dressing in Venus-associated hues.
Common Misconceptions about Venus in Astrology
Venus is misinterpreted occasionally despite its pleasant connotations. Venus and Mars, two more significant planets linked to many facets of human character, must be distinguished from one another. Astrological readings become more accurate when these distinctions are understood.
Astrological Consultations and Venus Readings
Venus's place in people's life can be better understood by speaking with a qualified astrologer if they're looking for individualized guidance. A professional reading can provide light on certain difficulties and possibilities pertaining to creativity, love, and personal development.
Future Trends in Venusian Astrology
The astrological interpretation of Venus changes along with the ideals of society. Venus is influencing modern relationships, societal dynamics, and technological breakthroughs. Modern astrologers are discovering new aspects of Venus's effect.
Venus, with her many effects on beauty, love, creativity, and money issues, continues to be a mainstay in astrological interpretations. People may improve their life and get deeper insights into their relationships, personal style, and general well-being by embracing Venus's powers.
FAQs About Venus in Astrology
1.  What does it mean if Venus is retrograde in my birth chart?
Venus's retrograde indicates times to ponder and reevaluate one's relationships, financial situation, and moral principles. Rather than encouraging external action, it promotes reflection.
2. How does Venus influence artistic abilities?
Venus influences a person's capacity to communicate beauty and aesthetic preferences via a variety of artistic forms by enhancing artistic sensitivity and inventiveness.
3. Can Venus’s position in the birth chart affect career choices?
Indeed, a career in the arts, beauty, fashion, or other fields requiring artistic ability, social graces, and inventiveness may be indicated by Venus's position.
4. What happens during Venus transits?
Depending on the aspects Venus creates with other planets, its transits might indicate times of heightened social activity, love prospects, or financial advantages.
5. Is Venus more influential in certain zodiac signs?
Venus shows herself differently in each sign of the zodiac, impacting people's perspectives on beauty, love, and creativity according to the traits and characteristics of their sign.
Read more helpful content visit our website : Acharyaganesh.com
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Next in The Satan Seller, Mike claims that Sue invokes the blood and resurrection of Jesus to banish a demon that attacks Mike and allegedly throws him off of his bed. (Good thing the demon didn't decide to inflict more lethal damage, right?)
Then Mike soon gets sent off to Vietnam, and it's horrible, and it strains his faith. He comes home, undergoes therapy (which of course doesn't do much for him), gets back to religion (which of course does do something for him), and then for the first time he learns about baptism in the Holy Spirit. At first he resists the idea, but then he accepts it and prays for Jesus to give him the Holy Spirit.
(We're developing a bit of a pattern here - Mike Develops A Problem, Mike Discovers A New Jesus-y Solution, Mike's Problem Gets Solved.)
Also, it's More Misogyny Time:
“I LOVE YOU, honey!” I grabbed Sue around the waist and hugged her the next morning. “I forget whether I told you I loved you or not last night. I was so excited about receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. But—gee, I wish you could have, too . . .” “But I did, Mike,” she said, squeezing me. “Oh, you're putting me on, baby. You didn’t say anything.” “It was your show, Mike. Anyway, one at a time.” She giggled. “But I received right beside you. And I spoke in unknown language, too.”
So Mike and his wife Sue both undergo a vital (according to this book) religious rite together, but it's just Mike's show??? Like, either...
He basically had his own wife convinced that he's the Christian Faith's Main Character, or
He's making up shit to position himself as the Christian Faith's Main Character.
Apparently a side effect of getting the Holy Spirit is wanting to speak out about the occult even more, which again, there is literally no evidence that Warnke was ever seriously involved in. Does he show some knowledge of the occult? Sure, yeah. But it's about as much as anyone might know from some casual dabbling. The rest is all conspiracy theory that has nothing to do with actual occult practice or belief except insofar as edgelords adopted some it after the ideas entered into the public consciousness. The conspiratorial designs he ascribes to his Satanic Illuminati are lifted straight from early modern witch hysteria and antisemitic conspiracy theories.
So anyway, here's what he claimed that he and a friend went around claiming about the occult:
“The problem is that too many people think witchcraft is fun and games—completely harmless but, it is not!” I told them.
“That’s right, Mike,” Dave said. “We discovered that occult practitioners open themselves to mental derangement, criminal tendencies and possible self-destruction or the destruction of other persons.”
“Yes, you're right,” I said in agreement. “I saw that first hand when I was involved in the occult.”
“You know, many witches say that only Satanists and black arts practitioners go off the deep end and kill people or commit other crimes,” Dave added. “But we researched eleven recent major criminal cases in this country which resulted in thirty nine deaths. Occult practices were directly or indirectly linked to each case. We discovered that these cases were not traceable just to Satanists but were linked to specific occult practices, such as tarot cards, astrology, witchcraft, reincarnation, astral projection, ESP, thought transfer, and mysticism.”
“Well, that certainly debunks the witches’ case,” Sue pointed out. “But which practices are considered occult and which are not?”
“In America, about eighty different occults are practiced. Some of the more popular ones are those we just mentioned, plus Ouija boards, spiritualism, table tipping, levitation, hypnosis, clairvoyance, numerology, reading tea leaves, phrenology, colorology, water divining, automatic writing, clairaudience, psychokinesis, pendulum healing, crystal gazing, dream analysis, person programming, mind control, fortune telling, materializations, voodoo, palmistry, meditation, white — magic, I Ching, telepathy, fetishes, talismans, seances . . . ”
So essentially, if you practice literally anything that isn't Pure Wholesome Christianity™, you're a murderer waiting to happen.
Literally all modern magical practitioner take note - it doesn't matter what you practice or not, it doesn't matter if all you're doing is tarot readings, the Satanic Panic targets you. Always has.
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cocksuki2 · 2 years
Please, do rant about how chainsaw man is a masterpiece and it's going to have an impact on modern shounen
thank you so much for prompting me to talk about this. i have so much to say about it. im about to write an essay. manga spoilers are a given but here's the warning just in case.
firstly, fujimoto has such a strong grasp of visual storytelling. i know that this seems like a pretty baseline statement for a mangaka but i genuinely think his grasp on it in particular is spectacular. he works so much into his panels and even the placing of the characters in the frame is important.
it's a really obvious element of his work and it's both plot-driven and comedically driven, which makes it all the more compelling. oftentimes in chainsaw man, comedic scenes are indicative of a greater power hierarchy present within interactions (especially with regards to denji and makima).
makima plays a maternal role in the story and is, undoubtedly, a character fujimoto took a lot of care in writing and drawing. she's always in positions of power and almost always the focal point of panels and scenes she's present in. her sexuality as a woman is used as a weapon knowingly and she's presented as both mother, lover, and leader to denji and within the art of the series (which serves to highlight denji's deep-seated need for affection of all forms).
in fact, a lot of her positioning in the series is very maternal. even when she tears pochita from chainsaw man's chest, she is cradling his head as a mother would a babe. her chains come from her womb and diaphragm, often thought to be the location of the solar plexus chakra which dictates personality, ego, identity, personal freedom, choice, and authenticity. which is fitting considering her position as the control devil and her attempt to rob denji of his personhood. (honestly i could go on about makima and motherhood forever. i saw a tiktok about it a little while ago and ended up diving down a rabbit hole of thought).
it's also really interesting to me that denji serves as both comedic relief and a tragic character, as well as being the main protagonist of his story. it's not unheard of, but it is unique and it makes the story stand out within the shonen genre (naruto did something similar but with an entirely different message and theme). it makes denji compelling and incredibly human. 
that trope within itself is nothing new. it's somewhat common. however, what I've noticed about chainsaw man is that denji's comedic relief is almost always indicative of a greater theme. his motivations being purely sexual and romantic are, originally, presented as a comedic aspect of the series meant to introduce you to the type of person denji is. however, after reading the series, it quickly becomes an ominous indication of his ability to be easily manipulated, as well as the extortion of those qualities that lead to his (and makima's) eventual downfall and the climax of the story.
a lot of popular shonen media contains some levels of deeper analysis, but chainsaw man does it in a way in which the plot is actively dependent on that further analysis. i think csm kind of took the shonen genre and introduced a deeper level of thought to it I've only seen in a few other examples (jjk being one of them) and i think that what will come out of it is shonen manga with deeper symbolism and heavier themes.
i think chainsaw man's popularity in particular is gonna end up contributing to a greater shift in shonen and action manga towards more deliberate placement of themes and underlying messages.
that's not to say that other shonen mangas LACK those underlying messages, but i am saying that chainsaw man's popularity is largely OWED to that when it is usually the other way around. and chainsaw man, even in the first week of its anime release, is already HUGELY popular for those reasons.
i think that sometimes there is a belief with popular shonen animanga (and action media in general) that in order for it to be popular, you need these cash-grab scenes and characters. it seems to me that a lot of shonen maintains this idea of serving the palpable and blatantly obvious first and the darker second, whereas chainsaw man absolutely does NOT do that. chainsaw man puts the ugly (and somewhat comedic) aspect of tragedy in your face and then asks you to analyze it to find something even uglier and more meaningful underneath, which is a breath of fresh air in the shonen genre to me.
so all this to say: i think that chainsaw man's popularity is gonna lead to a greater shift in the shonen genre that brings analyzable media and themes to the forefront of what's considered "marketable". im really excited to see the works that come after this and what inspiration they take from it.
i realize that im not saying anything new about chainsaw man. all of these things have probably been said before and in greater detail, but from my perspective (as someone who really values composition in manga panels) this is how i see it. and NONE of this is to say that other shonen genres lack this deep of messaging. chainsaw man is, however, where i have noticed it the most of the shonen i have read.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 2 years
How "Eternal" is Doom?
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(The image of now is from a lost official UAC website)
Doom is "eternal" because of its longevity; Not just fans simply talking about it or playing it, but also because of the modding and creative cultures around it. The source code of the first 2 games was released some time in 1997, which extended the potential of the creative scene that the classics already had before. But what about other Doom games? Specially in an age of topics such as video game presevation, documentation, accessibility, lost media, streaming services, games seen as art and so on. Think about mods, fanmade maps, fan ports, assets ripped from games, wikis and anything that involves exploring a game from inside out.
Doom 64 and old console ports
Doom 64 took over 20 years for an official re-release. This game never had its source code released, so fans took time to reverse engineer the game and rip files to make fan ports; Doom 64 EX was the best at the time and its lead developer (Kaiser) was involved in the official new port even.
Other console ports such as PS1 had their history with reverse engineering projects.
Doom 3
Doom 3 had later ports changing and removing content to the point that fans declare BFG edition and some others as inferior versions, even if they had some parts others liked. When Bethesda and id updated the Steam listings of some id titles, users get to own both versions of some games, including the original and BFG versions of Doom 3. And while D3 has modding still, its multiplayer may still require online connections even with bots unless you use modding tools (From what i remember, at least). D3's multiplayer even had unique power ups not seen in any campaign.
Mobile games
The mobile phone games are more obscure and the RPG games do have reverse engineering projects and some documentation, even if it took years. The BREW version of D1RPG was almost lost, but the D3 on-rails shooter "Doom Resurrection" might as well be gone entirely due to modern updates of modern phones making it unplayable. (Also, cannot forget the comic made for D2RPG, which is the intro to the game but was a seperate thing for some reason).
Doom 2016
Doom 2016 eventually gave away its DLC content for free, but who knows about its multiplayer, SnapMap, scores in Arcade Mode, player deaths in Ultra Nightmare etc. I recall that even when using bots, the multiplayer still requires internet. When an online portion of a game dies, you rarely get a situation where developers let the players still use these features in some manner, like for personal matches between friends and such. Or anything that allowed players to gain control of that, for a game they've bought with 60 bucks. Let's also not forget that 2016's engine uses content that means the game will never have proper modding tools (Hence SnapMap in the first place). Modern games also receive updates, so there's always a reliance on internet connections and changes affecting historical content. Both multiplayer and SnapMap have unique assets with some appeal, be it for lore, mods or other reasons and even if some fans didn't like one mode or the other, others fans liked them.
At least SnapHak is a thing, so some fans are trying to save SnapMap from some of its limitations.
Doom Eternal
Eternal is more obvious over this because of stuff like BethesdaNet (Now gone), Slayers Club, Twitch Prime, skins, podiums, emotes, banners, icons, events in general and all those challenges etc. Even something as simple as that Doog/Korone easter egg is a piece of history that lasted for a short while (Yes, it's a meme easter egg referencing a VTuber but i also try to see things in a "less bad, more good" logic; Because even if people don't care, they still don't advocate for it to be gone). Gameplay challenges and rebalances also affect strategy videos and content around it like speedruns and analysis. At some point, Mick Gordon's main menu theme was replaced by Andrew Hulshult's before id offered an option to switch between one or the other. At least it has better modding tools (Even if still limited). Let's also not forget how the mode Invasion was cancelled and so was almost anything to do with Stadia. Or content that may have been cancelled like skins and Master Levels. There was even a Bob Ross/artist theme that never made it but people still saw it through datamining. A lot of skins ran a second time before being sold for actual money, though i think some skins are still unavailable. In general, there could be some irony with the name using the word "Eternal" when there's aspects of it that feel "FOMO/mobile game-ish". There's also that one Denuvo anticheat controversy, even if it's a thing of the past now.
Another mobile game
Mighty Doom is a modern phone game in the sense that it even has some same problems as other phone games. But regardless, it's still prone to being forgotten by history due to how it's built. In a way, it's expected for this game, even if there could be some things people will like, even if this game has more bad things in it. As of writing this, the Mars Core level in Mighty Doom is still removed.
An old UAC website
Outside the games, id Software once put up an official UAC website, which even had lore that was related to the Doom 3 novels and RPG games. It ran on Flash, so you can tell that this site is gone and available through the Internet Archive/Wayback Machine. Even Martian Buddy from Doom 3 had a site that's also gone.
Art, music, assets and so on
Then you have stuff like concept art and music, which is why i thought that in-game galleries showing art and jukebox/music playlists could work. There's always cut/unused tracks that could still be played in the game even if not from a cutscene or level. And most Doom art books still lack plenty of concept art and sketches that you can see online through Twitter or ArtStation accounts of artists that worked in the games and other places (Like art for Doom 3, cancelled Doom 4, 2016, Eternal, even stuff for Doom 64 and the classic games). Basically a way to preserve even cut/unused content. Or even details and things that EXIST in the game but are rare or unseen. In a way, id could learn something from sites like Spriters Resource or The Cutting Room Floor Wiki. Hell, a museum like in some Ratchet and Clank games could be cool. Again, even if you don't care for basic skins or lame features, it doesn't mean you want them gone and erased from history.
Also, since Doom Eternal's collectible toys exist to be turned into real merchandise, imagine the opposite: Real life Doom merch recreated in a game, so the merch is "preserved" digitally since there's obscure Doom merch too.
More comments
This also puts into prespective how videogames changed in a way that a single game will never feel "complete" in the next 20 years, if there's parts of it that could be gone or just hard to get back. It's also worth noting that John Carmack's release of the Doom source code came from a mindset inspired by "hacker culture", which is a mindset that may be different to what's going on at modern id or at least the higher ups at ZeniMax. After all, John Romero was once sharing unused assets related to Doom until ZeniMax told him to stop.
In a way, replayability is not just about a game's quality, it's about the state of its existence. Games are interactive so if there is no way you can ever play a game again, then it might not exist. Some games don't need mods, multiplayer or additional content to be replayed but can you still play or even emulate them? You might have some 6th gen/2000's game that did great on Windows XP but not W10.
id Software has proven to have higher standards than some other game companies, even if they're not perfect and still chased a few trends. But it'd be great if id does the impossible by making sure than Doom and more of it has a true longevity and its legacy gets stronger. This can also be said about Doom fans because the fans are why Doom lived for so long, so it's important that older fans make sure newer fans carry the torches and follow some traditions. Because old and new Doom fans reflect different generations, so some may have to learn things from others to ensure the series' staying power. Specially with how vocal and loyal new fans are for being into Doom, even if they're not as deep into Doom as some boomer that knows a lot about wads and weird nerd stuff.
Wiki and documentation stuff
Also, speaking of wikis and documentation: You know how the Team Fortress 2 Wiki has a Youtube channel that displays stuff like weapon stats and how taunts work? Always thought Doomwiki could benefit from having official videos where content is analyzed, specially because of that one classic Doom Youtube channel that posts videos showing off specific gameplay stuff but also secrets in some maps. Plus channels like Decino and Elysium Gaming have analysis of stuff from different Doom games. Then you have videos of stuff like old interviews or behind-the-scenes stuff like how Gregor Punchatz has an old video of a recording showing the models used for the demon sprites (Spider Mastermind and Mancubus were the focus on those videos).
Either way, i think this topic is relevant enough that i wish someone said this better than me (In case i got something wrong, am forgetting something or just my grammar and vocabolary).
EDIT: I just thought of 2 things:
If they ever make a "Art of classic Doom" book with concept art and unused/cut sprites related to D1/2/64/etc and they look into the press release stuff of Doom alphas/betas, even cut levels, the leaked D64 stuff and what Romero still wanted to share etc. I'd still see this as stuff that could show up in a game.
Because of the focus on LORE: Digital versions of manuals and booklets or strategy guides, so people get to know more of classic Doom's "little story" (Unless id really wants people to forget that D2 already covered the background of cybernetic demons lol).
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