#one of them was like complaining about how hard it was having a cameo in the new marvel film
crispfencer · 11 months
Outside on the concrete steps while I hear all my friends having a good time at the party :') maybe living is fine actually.
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papercorgiworld · 4 months
A good excuse to kiss
The requested Theo and Mattheo version of ‘a good excuse to kiss’
In order to keep your best friend’s relationship a secret you have to distract a certain slytherin.
Aria (cameo by @justdizzie ) is your Gryffindor best friend and has a secret relationship with Draco.
Read the Enzo and Blaise version here.
Not really proofread, so let me know if there's any major errors that hurt your brain. I really wanted to write and post something for my 2000 reblogs milestone so this might be a bit rushed. Anyways, here's some Mattheo and Theo content, I feel like it's been a while since I wrote for them, so enjoy and lots of love to all of you.
Damn it, Aria, where are you? It was lunch time and you still hadn’t seen your friend. You were seriously getting worried, which brought you to the door of Draco’s room. You were pleased to find the Slytherin common room empty, since Aria and Draco’s relationship was top secret you really couldn’t bring her up around his friends. 
“I think we should get up.” Draco whispers softly as his hand strokes Aria’s soft hair. With still sleepy eyes she looks up at him. “But I’m so comfy.” Draco smiles and gives her a soft kiss on top of her head, before wrapping his arms around her.  
Your fist hits the door hard. “Malfoy!” You yell and immediately you take a step back hearing a lot of noise and loud whispers. “What do we do? Quick hide.” “Where?” You roll your eyes. “It’s me!” You yell and Aria on the other side of the door relaxes her shoulders. “It’s (y/n). Thank Godric." Draco relaxes as well and can’t help but smile. “We’ve got to stop doing this.” He sighs and Aria frowns at his words. “I mean the secrecy, not the dating!” Draco immediately explains. “Idiot. Like I would ever let you go.” He mutters, before kissing his girlfriend so she can’t complain about his little insult. 
The door opens and you see Aria’s messy black hair and apologetic brown eyes. “We overslept. Keep guard for a moment, I’ll be there in sec.” You nod, but as soon as the door closes you shake your head. Being the only friend that knows of their secret relationship was an honor, but also a full time job. Luckily for you, everyone was at lunch so no one would come looking for them, except…
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You hear someone enter while cursing. “Where is that little sneaky slippery guy now?” You quickly scan the room to see if you can hide somewhere, but you don’t really see a way out and also you suddenly remember that you have to stand guard. Theo’s agitated gaze lands on you, fidgeting and awkwardly staring around the room. Things just got weirder, but also more interesting for Theo. “Why are you standing in front of Draco’s door like you’re hiding a dead body behind it?” You immediately feel caught, but you frown at the mentions of a dead body. “There’s no dead body.” You say, determined to prove to him you have no secrets, taking a few steps towards him in an attempt to keep him away from the door just in case he could hear Aria. “And how would you know?” Theo raises an eyebrow as his eyes meet yours. Gods, Theodore was the most smug and self confident guy you had ever met. 
“I checked.” You state and Theodore’s tongue wets his bottom lip while he raises his eyebrows. “And why exactly were you checking Draco’s room?” Your eyes widen a little as you fall short on excuses. “I-I-I’m I’m-I had a project… with Malfoy. I have a project with Malfoy and I came to check if he had done his work.” Despite your stammering you convince yourself you did well with your answer, but Theodore was far from buying it. 
“You’re a shit liar.” Theo snaps and shoves you aside, heading for Draco’s room. “Now let’s see what that blond’s up to!” Your brain goes blank as you panic when he walks past you, but Aria was your best friend so in an instant your instincts take over. You grab Theo’s arm and pull him towards you. Not expecting you to so violently jerk his arm Theodore turns towards you, but you give him no time to question your actions… or for you to question your own for that matter. Your hand reaches for the back of his head and you pull him in for a kiss. Theo lets you and even moves closer to you, his hands tracing from your hips to the small of your back. When you finally pull away your actions dawn on you and you’re met with a very amused and smirking Theodore. “What was that?” He demands in a soft whisper. Your mouth opens but your brain hasn’t come up with an excuse for your behavior yet, making Theo chuckle softly at your lost expression. “If you can’t come up with any good excuses your only option is to kiss me again.” His voice is suggestive, but you’re still too worried about your friend to realize he’s flirting. “I could always go check that room.” Theo suggests when he gets impatient with you and within a heartbeat you’re kissing him again.
This time Theodore meets you with even more passion and you can’t deny that he’s doing everything right. “Remind me to thank Draco later for whatever he’s got you keeping secret.” Theodore breathes in between kisses as his mouth sloppily works down your neck.
“Thank me for what exactly?” Draco’s voice has you spin away from each other to meet his smirk. Theodore doesn’t look very fazed by being caught, rather annoyed that the little make out got interrupted. When Theo looks over at you he immediately falls in love with your flustered look. You were very embarrassed, but at least you were a good friend to Aria.
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“Ey Malfoy!” You’re startled when you recognise Mattheo’s loud and demanding voice. “Get your incredibly white ass to the great hall, you’re la-” Mattheo stops and his eyebrows knit together when he spots your sheepish figure standing in front of the door of Draco’s room. “What are you up to?” He demands, suspicious as he was about everyone but his close circle of friends. You cross your arms. “Nothing.” Your answer only makes Mattheo more curious and assures him that he’ll get whatever secrets you’re keeping out of you easily since you obviously possessed no skills of lying. 
“I recognise trouble when I see it.” Mattheo calmly walks over to you, his eyes falling down your figure, taking in every detail like he was going to find out all your secrets by watching you intently. You huff and try to wave away the fact Mattheo is successfully intimidating you. “You, Riddle, are trouble, I, on the other hand, am the innocence itself.” You state, tilting your head as you make your argument. Mattheo snorts and walks around you, making you turn and narrow your eyes at him. You were not some prey he could circle like this. “You weren’t just standing here, doing nothing. So explain yourself.” You lose all focus when he says those words as you see the doorknob of Draco’s door turn behind Mattheo. 
Smiling and unaware of Mattheo, Aria appears at the opening of the door and the panic that rushes over your face informs Mattheo that something’s going on. “Wha-” He turns, but you grab his face, squishing his cheeks in your hands. “What are you doing?” He demands with his face still smushed together. Aria is still in view and you realize that she’s going to hide somewhere to get out of the slytherin common room. Your attention is brought back to Mattheo when his hands pull on yours, but you can’t let him turn around so here goes nothing. 
You hoped that Mattheo’s eyes would close, but they go wide as your lips slam against his. Knowing that Aria is going to need a few seconds to get out of this room you decide to go in for a deep kiss, all or nothing. It only takes Mattheo a moment to realize what your effort is all about and he wouldn’t be a true slytherin if he didn’t take an opportunity like this to make out with a pretty girl. No secret you were keeping was worth missing out on a little make out session with you, according to Mattheo’s book. His hands immediately slip under your skirt to rest on your thighs and you want to complain about this rather blunt move of his, but when he finally kisses you back you let him because no guy had ever kissed you like this. There was an immense fire of desire in the way he kissed that ignited a deep longing for more within you. 
When he knows he’s doing it right he squeezes your ass urging you to move against him and allowing him to pick you up and push you against a nearby wall. Aria who has by now made it to the other side of the room is shocked by what she’s seeing. Her best friend who’s always so innocent full on making out with Mattheo Riddle of all guys and this before the day had even started properly. For a split second Aria considers coming to your rescue but as a soft moan leaves Mattheo when your fingers entangle with his hair and you throw back your head allowing him to nip at your sweet spot, your friend decides it best not to interrupt this and rather tease you about it later.
Picture source: https://pin.it/1WOSNnX6U
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01zfan · 3 months
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suburbia | j. sc
husband!sungchan x wife!reader | 6.8k words
something i whipped up while taking a breather from my new seriez…happy fathers day sungchan. also funny little cameo in here IFYKYK.
contains: mental effects of “trying for a baby” and it failing a whole lot, sex without a condom, crying during sex
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sungchan put his hand on the back of the passenger side headrest and used his hold on it to look backwards. he turned the wheel with his other hand, perfectly backing up into his spot in the driveway. 
he put his car in park and brought his hand back to its original position on the wheel. he took a quick look around his neighborhood through the windshield. he looked at every single house on the street, lined up perfectly with the same build and sighed contently. the color varied with some of the houses, some were a pale green while others were white and gray. he looked at everyones lawn, all the grass was cut to the same length and looked more of less the same. he even looked at the tall brown wooden fences separating some of the lawns with appreciation. he would’ve enjoyed the fences to be white pickets but that was neither here nor there. 
the only thing that pulled sungchan from his content state was seeing the family on the sidewalk in front of his house. he wasn’t upset by any means—seeing happy families made him smile and he never missed an opportunity to crouch down to a child and ask them their name when they came up to him. 
his head was on a swivel as he watched the family head towards the setting sun. sungchan watched the youngest peddle on the big wheel as fast as he could as the older one ran behind. he could hear the two kids screaming all the way in his car, one of them yelling about how it was their turn and the other yelling not yet. he watched the husband and wife that walked calmly behind, both of them with shades on as they engaged in conversation sungchan couldn’t hear.
when sungchan saw the baby carrier attached to the woman’s front he couldn’t stop the pang of jealousy. he knew he had no right to complain, he was extremely grateful for his life. he had a job that paid him well and treated him even better, he was a homeowner of a beautiful home in a lovely neighborhood filled with young families. he had a beautiful life he shared with his wife and was the most stable he’s been his whole life in every aspect of the word. he had no right to complain. but seeing the big family reminded him of the last thing he felt like he felt like he was missing.
sometimes he felt like there were people out to get him. like priapus himself was stopping sungchan from getting his family or that he was cursed by aphrodite. his dad never missed the opportunity to tell him candidly how hard he tried for a baby each time his mother brought up how badly she wanted a grandbaby. the conversation made both you and sungchan squirm in your seats, and sungchan had to cut them off before they could get into the specifics.
regardless, ever since sungchan heard how hard it was for them to have a baby, there was some sort of cloud hanging over the two of you. even if the both of you were still so young, the idea of having a child at this time in your lives was enticing. being young and full of energy would let you be involved in your childs’ life, and the stress of giving your parents a grandchild hung heavy. both of you tried adopting an if-it-happens-it-happens attitude about having children, but it was hard to feign indifference when you had your ovulation days marked on the calendar, or when you chose certain positions based on reddit forums and psuedoscience. you two also developed the habit of buying baby clothes solely because they were ”cute”. sungchan had a wishlist of baby equipment after doing extensive research on each brand and what they offered. but yes, if anyone asked about kids they would only get a simple shrug from the two of you and stammers talking about how you guys haven’t given it much thought.
sungchan still followed the family walking on the sidewalk, even when the setting sun blinded him. he didn’t turn until he heard knocking on his window.
he turned quickly to see your smiling face. you had just gotten home from work, your still running car parked on the curb. sungchan smiled instantly, opening his door enough to hear you speak.
“do you want to back the car into the driveway for me?” you asked.
sungchan nodded instantly, grabbing his backpack from the passenger seat and pulling his keys from the ignition. he repeated the same thing he did to his car with yours, parking the two vehicles side by side in the driveway. sungchan helped you take the groceries inside after taking a peak in the bag filled to the brim with baby clothes and toys. 
“clearance rack.” you said simply.
sungchan nodded and even picked up a skirt from the bag to comment on how frilly and pretty it was. you puffed out your chest and nodded your head, going on a tangent about how cute a baby would look in it. sungchan took special notice to how you said a baby instead of our baby as he went through the front door behind you. he also took special attention to the way you paused—only for a moment—before opening up the fridge door. he handed you the perishables and you continued talking about your day. sungchan looked at your ovulation period marked on the calendar, almost scowling the last day. all it was missing was one more x and the window would be closed for another month. 
he couldn’t stop thinking about the calendar and the finality of it all. he was being dramatic, he knew that. just like every month the one or two days would circle back around and you two of you would try again without saying you were trying. the two of you would pretend like it was perfectly normal to keep your legs elevated after sex and to keep three different pregnancy tests on tap at all times. sungchan knew nothing was definite, that you two were both equally stubborn and wouldn’t stop until one of your pregnancy tests was positive. but sungchan just couldn’t shake the feeling that it was over, that the gods or another unseen force had won. he felt like a puppy that was kicked for the nth month in a row as he quietly prepped the meat for the barbecue.
he was grateful for the silence the two of you fell into as you started prepping for the night as well. he caught you occasionally looking distracted, stealing peaks at the bag full of children’s clothes that rested on the table. 
he recalled the moment you guys had a heart to heart, how behind you felt compared to your peers and their families. he imagined the two of you were thinking about baby fever and how it felt terminal and flared up everytime you had one of these friend gatherings. the kids ran through whoever’s home was selected that month. everyone would scold their children for behaving recklessly and following sungchan and you around like little shadows. sungchan welcomed the kids and gave them piggy back rides and played along with their games while you helped burp babies. sungchan often found himself with a child glued to his arms while he sat next to the grill with his friend eunseok. he would help feed kids that insisted on sitting between the two of you, assuring his friends that it was fine. he had built a reputation as “uncle sungchan,” but it didn’t hurt any less anytime he was reminded he didn’t have a brood of his own.
“you’d make a great dad. it sucks you have terrible swimmers.” eunseok said before taking another sip of his beer. 
sungchan pointed the tongs he was using to rotate hotdogs at his friend. sungchan gave eunseok a wide-eyed look, like he was warning him not to talk to loud. eunseok looked across the yard to you enveloped bouncing shotaro’s baby on your lap. after seeing you were preoccupied, eunseok went back to the conversation he was having with sungchan.
“she’s not paying attention.” eunseok made sure to drag his words out, but he still took a step closer to sungchan to inspect the grill. “the burgers are burning by the way.” he said.
that was all it took for sungchan to angrily hand eunseok the tongs. eunseok handed sungchan the beer and got to work, flipping the meat to avoid it getting burned.
“that’s why you’re not a dad, you can’t grill meat right.” eunseok joked.
when he saw the serious expression on sungchan’s face he held up his hands in defense, already apologizing for touching on the sore subject.
“i’m sorry.” eunseok said after sungchan started kicking his feet to move dirt around. “look. do you want my advice?” eunseok asked. 
sungchan considered what advice he could get from his friend. he decided to go out on a limb, nodding his head as eunseok handed him the tongs back.
“stop trying! be prepared of course, but stopped trying so hard.” when sungchan scoffed he hit his shoulder lightly. “i’m serious. we weren’t trying for a baby then suddenly nine months later our little girl came.” eunseok said.
sungchan still can’t believe it. how can something like that happen for him without being meticulously calculated and planned? eunseok knew lightly of the routine you two had—he remembers very vividly the color draining from his friends face when he told him how often you two do it. how has your dick not fallen off yet? eunseok asked with genuine worry on his face. sungchan looked back to see you playing with eunseok’s daughter. the two of you ran around pretending you were looking for korok seeds. sungchan felt his body detach from itself longing for something like that. he forced himself to focus back to the meet on the grill that was definitely beginning to char. he tried to focus on not wanting so bad as he looked to eunseok.
“enough about me. whats the deal with you and—“
“i don’t know man, seriously.” eunseok interrupts sungchan so quickly he has to hold back a laugh. “last month she came by the house super late after one of her dates and we’ve been trying to make it work.”
sungchan raises his eyebrows at eunseok’s situation. 
“super late? after a date?” sungchan presses.
“do you want me to get into the specifics?” eunseok asks, taking another sip. “cause i will. i for sure will.” he continues.
sungchan instantly shakes his head, letting the tongs clamp loudly before eunseok can get another word out.
“i hear that enough from my father.” eunseok throws his head back to laugh, recalling all the times he has heard about the infamous advice. “i’ll seriously kill myself if i have to hear about it again.” sungchan grimaces.
after the meat is done grilling, the rest of the night continues smoothly. the children stick to you and sungchan like magnets, begging you two to make their hotdogs and feed them french fries. the kids leave reluctantly with their families at the end of the night, shotaro’s toddler even gets a little misty-eyed when she realizes it’s time to go. the two of you chat about the night as you clean up, the topic always finding its way back to the cute children and how badly they wanted to ride on sungchan’s shoulders. the two of you laugh wistfully, ignoring the pain in your chests and the baby clothes that still sit on the counter.
after watching an episode of your television show the two of you start settling down for bed. sungchan lets you go first, you’re in and out of your shower quickly to free the bathroom up.
by the time sungchan is finished with his shower you are settled into bed with in his boxers and his oversized shirt. he comes into your room without a care in the world with his towel barely hanging on his waist. seeing sungchan so close to being naked never got easier with time. without fail you still feel the juvenile giddiness at the thought of him having nothing on beneath that towel. sungchan didn’t leave much to your imagination, the towel was so low and loose on his waist you thought it would fall any second. to your disapproval, it stayed secure on his waist as he looked through the drawers of your dresser. you focused on sungchan’s back and the way his muscles moved and tightening underneath his taut skin as he shuffled through the drawers. 
you put your book down on the bedside table like it was the distraction when sungchan crouched down. you were tracing the path of the water droplets trailing down his back when he put his shirt on. he was teasing you unintentionally, he left with his white towel still around his waist when he went back into the bathroom. you heard the faucet run and sungchan came back into the room shortly after that. he had his boxers on now, with his smaller towel wrapped around his shoulders. he looked at you laying in the bed and you smiled, trying to ignore the sudden feeling you got to pounce him. 
“can i turn off the light?” sungchan asked, finger on the switch.
you nodded, almost feeling guilty at you objectifying your poor husband. he nodded back, turning off the light the same time you turned on your bedside lamp. the lamp was only bright enough to illuminate the outline of sungchan’s body as he trudged to bed. he got on with a huff, laying on top of all the covers. he relaxed for a moment and stretched his body. when he was done settling in he ran the towel through his hair one last time before tossing it on the office chair. you felt sungchan turn his attention up to you.
you sunk down from leaning against the headboard, using the heels of your feet and your hands to settle on top of the covers. almost instantly sungchan pulled at you, bringing your body closer to him. you hummed contently and cleared the small space, settling beside him. almost as soon as you felt the spark it fizzled away after hearing the notification from the flo app. you have ten hours left or you’ll never be parents! your phone seemed to taunt. both you and sungchan let out pensive sighs and looked away from eachother. 
“do you want to be on top?” you said.
you hated that you made sex sound like it was a chore, like it was a job you both had to do. you remember when sex was intimate and perfect with sungchan, void of any reason other than making the other feel good. now when you guys fucked it felt like business. no other aspect of your relationship struggled over wanting kids, but it seemed like all the yearning only manifested in the bedroom. you didn’t understand how wanting something as resplendent as a family felt so gloomy.
sungchan felt his heart drop at your words hanging in the air. he remembered eunseok’s words of advice, and they stuck with him in this moment more than ever. so sungchan got up from his spot on the bed and looked down at you. you kept eye contact, pushing sungchan’s boxers down your legs to get ready. his hands went to yours, keeping them in place.
“i’m not expecting anything.” sungchan said simply.
when your let go of the waistband he shook his head, shuffling closer to your body. he cradled your face and bent down to kiss your forehead. you still looked clueless, eyes big as saucers as you waited for sungchan to explain himself. he guided your upper body from the mattress until you were sitting in front of him. he messed with the bottom of his shirt, bringing it up slowly. sungchan felt blessed that you followed his lead and lifted up your arms so he could help you out the rest of the way. he set his balled up shirt on the sheets next to your body. he looked from your eyes to your bare chest, slowly traveling his hands from your until you arched forward towards him. with the invitation he closed his hands over your supple skin, lightly pinching your areola. you drew in a delicate breath, he hasn’t teased you in so long. sungchan watched you feeling his hunger grow exponentially after finding a new purpose for the night.
“do you want me?” sungchan said, digging his hands a little deeper into your chest.
you nodded quickly, your hands traveling to his wrist to keep his hands in place. you let your body sway back and forth from sungchan’s greedy hands, becoming malleable.
“i want you.” you said, hands leaving his wrists to push the waistband of your boxers.
sungchan detached his hands from your chest and went to your shoulders to gentle guide you down. you sighed again, feeing the cold sheets against your quickly warming skin.
sungchan kissed each of your shoulders, then the valley of your chest and a straight line down. only thin did he work at your bottoms, taking all the work away from you. he lifted each leg like you were made of glass and he pressed his wet lips to each part of your leg that was newly exposed.
you guys had been fucking with the sole purpose of procreation for so long you both had forgotten what it was like to have the tension in the room become so thick you could cut through it with a knife. you had forgotten what it was like to feel sungchan stare intensely at you as he made his way down your body. you forgot what it felt like to have his timid lips press to your inner thigh gently before sucking on your skin. 
sungchan was no better, he had foolishly forgotten what it felt like to draw a tiny gasp from your parted lips and to earn a sudden twitch from your body. he had forgotten what it felt like to grab the underside of your thighs to guide your legs over his shoulders while you preened closer to him. 
what sungchan could never forget was your taste. you still laid thick on his tongue like nectar and shined on his lips like gloss. your thighs were still as soft as he remembered, closing around his head as soon as he started to tend to you.
“sungchan.” you whined.
he looked up from your pussy to your eyes, locking onto your shoulders that sagged and your head that leaned to the side each time he sucked a little harder. he didn’t have it in him to pull away from your heat, but he showed you that he was listening by pushing a finger inside of you.
your elbows slid out from underneath you, and sungchan watched your chest raise towards the ceiling as you arched your back. he already felt you clenching around his singular finger and his tongue. only then did he pull away to watch your contracting hole so he would never forget this view again. your body was begging for more and your voice was too after feeling the loss of contact. sungchan looked up to see your beautiful face already becoming wrecked. your hair was mussed but looked like a halo on your head. the longer you two kept eye contact the more he felt the seizing around his finger. you were so blissfully unaware, the only indicator that you were still with him was the wide-eyed look you gave him from the head of the bed. sungchan used his free hand to grip your thighs a little tighter and slowly pumped another finger into your heat.
“oh my god.” you said to the ceiling. 
your leg that wasn’t being held by sungchan started going rogue. each time he placed a delicate kiss to your heat you’d try to draw it in close to your other leg to stop the stimulation. when he plunged a third finger into your heat he felt a dull prod from your heel digging into his back. even though sungchan knew you only needed a gentle command of be still from him to cease your movement he gave you grace—he knew you had probably forgotten what it all felt like too. so he only flexed his back for you and pulled you closer by his hold on your thigh to give your heel a reason to dig deeper.
sungchan only had to bring his tongue to start flicking your clit before he felt your full body start twitching. he heard you fist the sheets and slightly shake your head against the pillows. he took a quick peak up as he pressed his tongue flat against your heat. he saw your chest quiver from a shaky breath as you brought a had to rest over your heart. any efforts you made to steady your breathing sungchan accidentally thwarted. just when your hand would loosen on the sheets you’d clench around him again stimulating your entire body all over again. sungchan watched you self-titillate, until your chest was rising and lowering rapidly and your quiet sighs turned into pathetic whimpers.
“it’s been too long.” your voice cracked when you spoke, like you were getting high off your own voice. “i’m close.” you said.
even though you weren’t looking at sungchan he still nodded. from his spot he could see your blinking eyes and your lip caught between your teeth. he selfishly needed more, he needed to see all of you like it was the first time again. he detached himself from your clit and gave it a gentle lick to hear a pained moan rip from your throat. he started speeding up his fingers, pleased that you were spreading your legs apart further instead of closing them in to feel all of it.
“look at me.” his voice cracked the same as yours, and it cracked again when he saw you quickly shake your head as your hips lifted from the bed. “baby please. i need to see you.” he said it desperately around the lump in his throat as he sped up his fingers.
priapus and aphrodite be damned—when you weakly propped your body up on your elbows to look sungchcan in the eyes he felt like zeus himself. nothing could’ve stopped him when he saw your glassy eyes and your swollen bitten lips. you had turned into something otherworldly in the small amount of time you spent wallowing in pleasure. your lips that were parted in a silent whine spurred sungchan on, and he ignored the tension in his jaw to duck back down to your heat again. he felt a new wave of power come over him seeing you struggle to keep eye contact. your head lulled to the side and your eyes became half closed. sungchan pulled his hand from your thigh to reach it towards you. he settled on your stomach and you leaned to one side to give him your hand. the electricity shot up his spine feeling your clammy hand clutch his so tightly. he kept burning eye contact, pressing your joined hands deep into your stomach. 
your breathing became ragged, and your eyebrows became furrowed. sungchan felt your hips preen forward into his mouth and fingers. he heard a loud moan that bounced off the walls in your bedroom and ring in his skull like a bell. your hand gripped his so hard he thought his fingers was going to break. he felt an overwhelming force from you that overpowered his entire being and then you came down. your hips stilled, your grip loosened, and the only sound that came from you was a high-pitched prolonged whimper. your voice got so high that it fell out completely and sungchan felt your ambrosia coat his tongue and fingers. he was driven by the lewd sound of it all, now it was sungchan squeezing your hand with a force to keep you there with him. your thighs shook on his shoulders but he kept going, and your cries became a siren. sungchan didn’t stop until your hand that was being held by his pressed into his forehead.
he let himself be pushed away by your weak hand, and when he pulled his fingers from you he heard a sigh of relief. he heard your upper body fall to the bed again with a dull thud. sungchan’s breathing matched yours, quick and shallow as you both tried to calm your erratic heart rate. he saw your hand weakly rest on your stomach and clasped his hand over it, shaking you slightly. sungchan guided your shaking legs down from his shoulders to rest on the bed. you still winced from the exertion, every single part of you seemed to be sensitive. when sungchan raised himself from in between your legs he watched your body shudder. he hovered above you, looking down at your sleepy eyes and parted lips. he brought his hand to run across your forehead, wicking away some of the sweat.
“how are you feeling?” he asked gently.
sungchan continued to watch his words slowly register in your mind as you slowly nodded and swallowed your spit. he felt your hand lift from your stomach to press the pads of your fingers weakly into his stomach. 
“i’m okay.” you said.
you spoke with a sniffle at the end of your words and you had fresh tear tracks smeared across your eyelids. your cheeks were hot to the touch like they were set aflame. sungchan saw the evidence of biting across your swollen lower lip. at the thought of this being you okay sungchan felt tempted to remind himself what you looked like when you were the opposite. but there would be other chances to have you inconsolable underneath him—he already had his plans set for the night. 
he brought himself down to his elbows, hovering his body even closer to yours. sungchan watched your face scrunch up a little in pain as you drew your legs up the bed. he kissed your forehead until the creases were smooth and you lifted your head  to meet his lips. once sungchan got started with the kisses he couldn’t stop, he kept kissing every plane of your face, and he wasn’t satisfied until he could see the glow from his glossy kisses catch the light in the room. sungchan smiled down at you after the final kiss, squeezing your ear gently as you smiled back up at him. your eyelids no longer hung low, they were blown out and wide once you ran your fingertips down his stomach again. sungchan felt something catch in his throat when he saw you close and open your eyes to show him you were alert. all you had to do was cast on look at the bulge in his boxers before sungchan was pushing them down his legs. you helped, lifting your body slightly until they were out of your hands reach. 
“i missed you so much.” you murmured.
you impatiently used your foot to push sungchan’s waistband down until they reached his ankles. for a moment sungchan lowered his body completely to rest against yours as he quickly took off the garment. 
“i missed you too.” he whispered back. 
he balled it up before throwing it over the side of the bed, ignoring the large wet patch he felt against his palm. he was thinking about how he was so focused on the future he was forgetting to live in the present. sungchan felt the lump in his throat he tried so hard to ignore grow larger. it took away his ability to speak, so he settled for placing a burning kiss on your lips. he hoped the things he couldn’t say were acknowledged by your hand that threaded through his hair and rested on his shoulder. sungchan let you pull him closer, until his dick rested against the sheets and his chest pressed against yours. his hips jerked when he felt your legs wrap around his waist. sungchan was weak, he stood no chance against your hand that pressed into his back to bring him closer. his hips jerked again when he heard you whine underneath his full body weight. 
you pulled away and sungchan instinctually pouted before you pushed him into the crook of your neck. he found solace there, the feeling of his breath bouncing off your warm skin helped him try to control the stinging he felt on his waterline. your hand drew gentle shapes on his back, and sungchan felt your heart thud against his chest.
“sungchan.” you said timidly.
he tried to pull his head from the crook of your neck but a hand on the back of his head kept him there. he instead kissed the side of your face and squeezed your ear again to try and comfort you. he heard you lips part and the start of your sentence three times before you finally spoke.
“i need you so bad.” you spoke with a shudder, like the weight your words caused a spike in your temperature.
sungchan nodded against your head, letting out a sigh as he wrapped his hand around the root of his dick. he felt your hand pull away from his back to wedge between your two bodies.
“you got me.” sungchan croaked, shivering when he felt your hand settle over his.
you both started letting out gasps in anticipation. sungchan took his hand away from his dick to hold onto your side, trying to be as gentle as possible. the feeling of you guiding his dick made him dick his fingers into your side. he dared to lift his body high enough from yours to take a quick peak. the sight made him dizzy, seeing you lift your legs to give him more room. sungchan shifted his knees forward and quickly pulled you down for the best position. you whimpered at the manhandling and you handled him back by running your dick up and down your folds. his precum and your cum made a slick lewd sound as you continued your ministrations. sungchan leaned his hips forward and pressed his sweaty face into the pillow to muffle his whimpers.
“please.” you begged, still teasing you both.
sungchan wanted to tell you all he needed to know was what you wanted and he’d find a way to get it to you. but hearing your voice crack sungchan realized he wasn’t faring too well himself. he could only repeat what you said, a murmur of a please barely breaking past the fluffy pillows.
only then did you finally guide sungchan’s dick lower to prod at your entrance. he felt like he was about to explode when he finally took initiative by slowly pushing his hips forward. you both let out choked gasps, bodies quaking against eachother and sungchan settled further in. he felt your hand still at the base of his dick, like you wanted to hold him until the very last second. you finally let go after your index finger and thumb that was still wrapped around his dick pressed into your clip. your hand went back to its place on sungchan’s shoulder, squeezing hard each time your walls pulsed around his dick. 
sungchan finally composed himself enough to pull away from the crook of your neck. he still felt the lump, but his need to see as much as he could overpowered every other thought in his mind. sungchan hovered above your body after kissing your cheek, enjoying the view he got from up here. he saw your spread legs, your eyes screwed shut from the stimulation. he drew his hips back slowly until his was all the way out. when he saw his dick coated in you he pushed all the way back in, going back down to his elbows sos he could press his cheek against yours. he whined feeling your clammy skin stick together, taking it as a sign you two should never part. 
“i love you.” he said quietly, scared that if he got any louder it would come out broken again.
sungchan’s hips pressed against yours and he felt you clench around him again and you wrapped your hand over his back to pull him as if he could get any closer.
“i love you too.” you said, your sentence ending with a gasp when sungchan thrusted in a little harder.
just like that, sungchan couldn’t hold back anymore. he pulled away from the side of your face to look down at you. the only difference from before was that his view was obstructed through a bracket of tears that welled in his eyes. his sniffles where covered up by your moans that were increasing in volume the harder and more languid his thrusts got. seeing you so enveloped in pleasure made the coil in sungchan’s stomach tighten the same way his heart seized. it took his breath away, going through every emotion as he looked down at your face. you were oblivious to it all, slack jawed as you looked down to where your two bodies met. maybe you were ignoring his tears for his sake the same way you ignored his shortcomings in regards to giving you a baby. 
one of his hands went to your leg, pressing it gently to your body to hit a deeper spot. you pressed your head into the mattress with your eyes screwed shut. you drew in a deep breath and bit your lip so hard sungchan was worried you might draw blood.
“i’m close again.” you said again.
sungchan felt you clamp around him as you arched your back off the bed to touch your chest to his. sungchan could only hang his head low as he continued thrusting into you at the same pace, quickly becoming overwhelmed. 
he saw the tears land on your collarbone first. some of them glided down your skin leaving a tiny trail while some caught in the dips of your body. after a tear fell on your jawline sungchan heard your noises falter, caught between euphoria and the feeling that something was amiss.
“sungchan?” he didn’t know if he wanted to cry harder or groan at the sound of your bedroom voice being laced with worry. “what’s wrong?” you asked.
when your hand tilted his chin up to force eye contact he saw your expression soften. the pace he set was falling apart as you scanned his features trying to silently find out what was wrong. 
“i’m sorry.” sungchan said tearfully, turning his head to try and hide in your hand. 
you gently turned him to face you, giving him nowhere to hide.
“what are you sorry for?” you said, voice still whiny.
“you want a baby so bad.” sungchan felt his dick pulse in your heat as he pressed deeper. “and i can’t give that to you.” he admitted.
your legs around his waist kept sungchan buried deep inside of you. without focusing on his hips sungchan felt his head try to hang low again. instead you brought his head down to you, pressing your forehead against his. you drew in a deep breath and closed your eyes, trying to not ruin the heart to heart by telling sungchan how good he felt inside of you.
“it’ll happen when it happens.” you said after a beat of silence. 
sungchan shook his head against yours, his hand digging desperately into your side.
“i need to give you what you want.” he says desperately.
you shake your head despite your walls clenching around him again. 
“i have everything i want already.” you start moving your hips again, earning a hiss from sungchan. “everything else is just a bonus.” you say.
sungchan feels another wave of fat tears break past his water line at your sincere smile. with your hands pressed to his cheeks your thumbs wipe the tears away. sungchan settles into your hands, ears drifted close as he lets out another sniffle. when he jolts he remembers the compromising positions your both in. at the same time you both realize the novelty of it all.
“i’m sorry.” sungchan says again, this time a lift to his voice.
you shake your head and swivel your hips, basking in how full you feel. you bring sungchan’s head down so his ear is right above your lips so he can hear your voice that’s barely above a whisper.
“don’t be sorry. just keep fucking me.” you lick the shell of sungchan’s ear and he lets out a breathy moan that fans your ear. “the rest will come later.” you assure. 
sungchan nods and pulls his hips back. he goes back to hovering above you, and this time you don’t pull your gaze away from his glassy red eyes and his wet eyelashes.
“you’re gonna be such a good mother.” sungchan kisses your lips and you reciprocate. “so sweet and pretty and kind.” he babbles, kissing your lips again.
sungchan frees his hand that was pressing your thigh to your chest so he can grip your hand. your leg is still in place, now just hooked over his arm. you nod through his hard thrust, trying to collect your words by squeezing his hand tightly.
“you’re gonna be a perfect dad.” you pull sungchan’s hand closer to your body so his tricep presses into your thigh harder. sungchan’s dick hits a spot deep inside that takes your breath away. “so perfect.” you gasp.
sungchan feels his air start to prickle and his skin starts to become hot. his hand grips yours so tight it causes your fingers to go straight. he begins grunting and whimpering between each hard thrust, and you start falling apart the same way. sungchan bites his lip, hoping the pain will make him regain his bearings.
“i’m close.” sungchan says, letting his head lull backwards.
“me too.” you mewl.
you start lifting your hips on your own accord and sungchan’s hold on your waist and hand becomes bruising. your lips part from the discomfort, and your throat goes dry when you realize it’s adding to the jumbled coils in your stomach.
sungchan fully rests his bodyweight on yours knowing you like the pressure. he presses his hand that holds yours into the mattress for stability as he brings his hand that was gripping your waist to rub at your clit. he’s quick with the protruding bundle of nerves, and you respond instantly. your squirming underneath him, no longer moving your hips to not interrupt sungchan’s rhythm. you start babbling incoherently against his lips in between your rushed kisses. sungchan nods through your please’s and give me a baby’s because he’s nothing if not a man that gives you anything you ask for. so he pulls in a breath the same time you do, and focuses on getting you across the finish line first. when your body seizes up again sungchan hones in his fingers rubbing quick revolutions and trades in his quick thrusts to hit deep inside of you instead. 
he follows closely behind you, and in the white euphoria of his orgasm he’s swear he can see it all. he sees the your happy family walking down the sidewalk to the sunset. you have a baby strapped to your chest and he has a toddler on his shoulders giggling uncontrollably.
sungchan drops his head to the crook of your neck and sucks harshly on your skin. you dig your fingernails into the back of his hand and his back, crying out as warmth forcibly overtakes you. you’re shaking by the time sungchan stops his hand on your clit, staying inside of you while his dick still twitches. you press your hand to sungchan’s body that rests above your stomach and he gets the hint to press his hand that was on your clit to your lower tummy. you squirm underneath his touch and he presses deeper, letting out a shaky breath as you clench around him again.
you slump finally and sungchan does too, pulling out completely to roll beside your body.
you’re both weak, covered in sweat and a newfound love you thought was previously lost. when sungchan turns on his side to face you, you do the same, thinking about the ache that’s already settling in your muscles.
his large hand rests over your cheek, moving back and forth to feel your supple skin against his palm. you turn your head to kiss his hand and sungchan’s heart lurches in his chest. when you try to move from the bed sungchan silently pulls you closer to him, drawing you close until your head rests underneath his chin. he wraps his arms around you completely and kisses the side of your face again and again, until his lips slow to a halt and your eyes drift closed.
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thank you for reading :3 here is my ko-fi if you wanted to fund your local depraved riize fanfic writer👩‍💻🕺
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erwinsvow · 3 months
ive been rereading ur bitchy reader stuffs n pleek do more of the pope cameo.. HER SAYING DICK APPT WHEN RAFE COMPLAINED ABT HER HAVING POPES NUMBER MADE ME GIGGLE OUT LOUD pretty please give us more of them 🤲
i imagine her being pissed off at rafe so she keeps giving him the cold shoulder and when he asks something she’d just go “maybe i should’ve gone to heywards instead he wont treat me like this 🙄” BUT ITS SO FUNNY KNOWING SHE DOESNT LIKE POGUES !!!!
LMFAOOO THIS IS KILLING ME!! one thing about my readers, their secret pogue crush is always gonna be pope <3
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one thing you had in common with rafe—despite the glaring differences that were so hard to ignore—was that you both didn't care much for pogues.
that was putting it lightly, rafe despised them and you just didn't like them. but some were more tolerable than others—for example, the maybank boy who seemed to you the equivalent of a toddler with sticky hands versus pope heyward, who used to tutor in math. you don't know why or how they're friends, just that you like pope enough to be friendly, or rather polite, and you definitely don't like maybank enough to even think about him.
rafe didn't like any of them, and you didn't really care. you weren't in the habit of defending pogues, and certainly not when you were constantly trying to remind sarah to stay away from them, even though she never listened.
but seeing how angry rafe seemed to get at the mere mention was enough to give you some ideas. when you had jokingly—although now you remember you hadn't really ever clarified—said that you had pope's number because of dick appointments, rafe had gotten so angry it had resulted in the best sex of your life.
you were curious to know what else you could get out of it. unfortunately, your curiosity didn't last for very long. rafe pissed you off just as much as you pissed him off, and though these thoughts were often in one ear and out the other for you.
like today. you had been waiting for twenty whole minutes at the club for rafe, who had insisted he would be on time even though you knew he would probably run late since he was coming from barry's—all the way across town.
all he had to do was admit it, and you would have come later, but instead he had told you to show up at noon and that he wasn't going to be late.
normally you would show up at half past and just tell him to fuck off, but if he really was on time you would never hear the end of it. so you showed up on time and waited... and waited.
rafe finally shows up about forty minutes later, and you stare at him with your signature look—eyes rolling back, an i-told-you-so expression with arms crossed. you could make it more withering if you wanted, but right now you just wanted to hear rafe admit he was wrong.
"shut the fuck up," he says, taking a seat the table. your half drunken diet coke has left a ring of condensation, and you move the cup towards you, wondering how you'd become the kind of girl that waits forty minutes for a guy to show up.
"first of all, i didn't even say anything. second of all, you shut the fuck up. i'm the one who was forty-fucking-minutes late."
"it took longer-"
"longer than you thought? yeah, i said that. yesteday."
"well m'here now, so just order."
you huff, scanning the menu and not sure exactly what retort to use. instead you settle for shutting up entirely, not speaking to rafe the entire time. the waitress comes and goes, the food comes and goes, and you look up when rafe speaks but don't say anything back.
rafe thinks you'll give it up once lunch is over, but you grew up in a household where an hour of silent treatment is child's play. so the car ride to tannyhill, throughout the movie you put on and when you walk away to make popcorn, you haven't said a word.
while the movie credits roll, you look down at your phone, waiting for your apology and deciding when to leave if you don't get it.
"are you seriously gonna ignore me the entire day?"
you stare at rafe, not answering. this is your withering look.
"fine, princess. your choice," rafe shrugs. "finally got you to shut up for once."
you take a moment for his words to really hit you. like any other girl in the world, that comment from your boyfriend hurts a little. it even stings. you don't like the words in the air and you can even tell it left a bitter taste in rafe's mouth. he looks like he's just realizing he overstepped a little. then, for the first time since you saw rafe that day, you speak.
"you know, it's a good thing i didn't delete heyward's number from my phone. times like this i realize how handy it can be."
"what the fuck is th-"
"i mean, really, rafe. even these pogues you hate so much would treat me better than you do. i should go call him up now-"
"okay, princess i get it-"
"bet he'd probably fuck me better than-"
"okay, enough. jesus, i get it. m'sorry, okay? can you knock it off now?"
"i'm not knocking anything off. and you can go fuck yourself if you can't apologize for a little thing like being late-"
"i'm sorry, okay? now can you stop talking about pope fuckin' heyward?" you huff, finally a little pleased he apologized.
"thank you. was that so hard?"
"oh shut up-"
"you shut up. and don't be late again. or i'll show you fuckin' heyward-"
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tumblingxelian · 2 months
The "real" Batman
I see people complain about the emphasis some people put on Batmans more negative character traits a lot.
"That's not the real Batman, that's flanderiztion, fanon, a few bad but popular adaptions, the 90's only" and the like are common refrains and it really gets to me. Cos see, while I am aware no incarnation of Batman is totally one note, I emphasize the more negative sides of Batman for reasons that aren't "Edgy, badass, GRRR, Toxic masculinity woooh" bullshit and I hate being dismissed as such.
So, here's why I do it:
First is because of general frustration at the dismissal of any incarnation of Batman, regardless of popularity, or ongoing presence in the main-line comics and timelines, being invalid. IE, the "HE's not the real Batman so he doesn't count" when he canonically is, & as done stuff like that.
60s/80s Batman smiles after sending a purse snatcher away in an Ambulance, kidnaps & others relies on torture style interrogations. Just like 90s/2000's Batman threatens people with assault in prison & looms over a Mugger he slammed so hard into a wall it left a giant blood splatter.
It is fair to ague that brutality is not all of what he is, that's valid. But that side of him is not something I feel one can just handwaved away as "not canon" & people doing so frustrate me in large part because it feels intellectually dishonest. Its refusing to engage with a metric ton of the canonical lore of a character they are discussing.
Secondly is the fact that a lot of the lore, history, character development, derailment, treatment, tone, framing and more for characters OTHER than Batman relies on him having a history of problematic behavior.
Cassandra basically living in a Bat-Cave with no civilian life or identity because Bruce is giving her what HE wants for himself even though its bad for both of them is just an example of a huge part of their dynamic. One that can be deeply damaging, self destructive and messy, but also makes perfect sense given the characters involved.
How Jason's entire shift in character and framing was done largely to insulate Bruce from criticism over his death, IE, Jason being characterized post death as violent, arrogant, not particularly bright and then coming back as a villain also ties into 20 something years of smearing his name to protect Bruce's.
Stephanie's entire character history begins falling apart if Batman doesn't treat her like the trash he did in canonical mainline comics, and leaves her with only a couple of borderline cameos at best. Hell, even 'new' stuff where he's "nicer" still has him do things like fake therapy appointments to trick her.
Hell, even Dick in a lot of incarnations as well as mainline comics at different times has a lot of issues that came from being raised/trained by Bruce. No, it isn't universal, but it is far too common & recurring of an element to just say "doesn't count!" & declare the discussion over.
& the thing is, when people say they want the "Real" batman or the "Good" Batman, they not only erase these characters histories. They don't replace it with anything worthwhile for anyone but Bruce himself.
If ignoring all that meant replacing it with stuff like Jason never died & or never became Red Hood & is a totally different character. Or Cassandra and Bruce having arcs about their obsessions with vigilantism at the expense of their personal lives, or Stephanie actually getting to be ROBIN. Then it would be something at least somewhat interesting to engage with. But they don't, instead Jason still became a supervillain & is the Red Hood, Stephanie still got fired if she was Robin at all.
They are either forgotten (Cass & Steph) or end up being warped (Jason) so their characters history, everything is different and all to better serve making Bruce look good. I really find it vexing that even in "Batman is not a jerk" stuff, he still warps the narrative to everyone else's detriments.
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sarnai4 · 4 months
The Real Deal
The Penguins of Madagascar is a great show for many reasons, but I feel like one is very underrated. Despite being a comedy, it has good villains. I have seen series where the comedy becomes a bigger part, so villains are written as playful obstacles or too silly to really be taken seriously. That does not happen here.
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Hans is a villain who not only acts as an antagonist for the show, but he also connects to Skipper's past, adding new layers to the already mysterious nature of the Denmark incident. Because of whatever happened, Hans is that type of villain who won't kill the heroes. He even mentions how he didn't want to fry Skipper in a real volcano. He just wants to make him miserable. These villains are so dangerous because death isn't their goal. In a sense, torture is.
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Dr. Blowhole is on the other end of this. He makes it very clear that he wants Skipper dead. Between making him even "most importantly" forget how to swim (as he falls into the ocean, mind you), this dolphin has a penguin-seeking middle. He has plans to make the world suffer for his pain and will destroy anyone in his path.
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Rat King is a surprisingly fun villain to me. He easily could have just been the dumb jock kind of enemy who's basically an older version of a high school bully. Despite that, he's pretty clever too, shown when he hustled the penguins out of their habitat. He's also way more ruthless than I gave him credit for being. He had a vat of acid somehow and was going to use it to kill them.
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Kuchikukan was not a villain I ever expected to see in the series. Evil spirits weren't on my radar, but this is probably the only time I won't complain about their presence. He was so much fun! He mastered the combination of "light-hearted jokester who messes with the mere mortals" and "all-powerful being who can and will destroy the Earth." That's not an easy balance to strike. It's such a great time to watch him go from an almost laughable threat due to his host body, then show how much he can still do. By the time the episode is over, I know why he was able to destroy a world inside of a cheese loaf.
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Blue Hen was a nice way to give the penguins a psychological threat. She knew how to come after them where it mattered most. Go after Kowalski's obsession with science and go after Skipper's position as leader. It's a shame that she only was in season 3 because it would have been fun to see what else she did with more time.
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Last, but certainly not least, X. Just X because he's been an animal control officer, zookeeper, exterminator, fishmonger, storekeeper, and unemployed. Of them all, he is my favorite. I love this character so much. He's also got something going for him that I feel is unique to him. You can see the downward spiral of X throughout each episode he's in. Gradually, he becomes more and more unhinged. It makes sense that he's one of the only human villains because he's so competent that he doesn't even need to know what the penguins are saying in order to stop them from doing everything they want. He just was the pinnacle of competency to the point of even freaking Skipper out because he kept failing against him in the zookeeper episode. Through it all, we see X go from this super officer of animal control, then more and more, he loses it because of the penguins. He even gets a cameo in an episode where he's just throwing chopsticks of a poster with the penguins on it and is later shown to have bowling pins painted as penguins. I almost feel bad for him since he really did want to just do his job, but there comes a point when you have to relinquish your obsessions and he's an example of why.
The other villains were also fun to me, but these were my favorites. PoM didn't have to try hard with its villains, but they still did and I really appreciate that.
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decepti-thots · 1 month
7 19 25 for Violence
"what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?"
i would not go so far as to say hate. but there was a period where very specifically megatron/minimus hardcore shippers got Really Fucking Annoying to me (shoutout to the person who claimed that rodimags shippers were "enforcing heteronormativity" and we only didn't like their ship because we were homophobes) and their interpretation of idw meg took him from a character i already have very complicated feelings about into This Guy Again Ugh territory for, idk. like a year maybe. lmao. (it was very hard for me to avoid, unfortunately, as a minimus fan!) thankfully that has largely died off now- the asshole behaviour specifically- so we're all good now. haha.
"you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…"
i am a bad person to ask this of tbh, lmao. no guilty pleasures in THIS house, baby. oh, i don't know... i suppose the most 'what' thing is that i have to mention that yes, the canon material for my niche favourite Glit is kiss players. LMAO. that one is a little 'oh god', i will admit. (and unlike rosanna and sundor, it really is just KP, a tiny cameo in Legends aside.)
"common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing"
okay this one is toy collector stuff but it's recently come up AGAIN and i gotta say it. STOP COMPLAINING THEY MAKE G1 MEGATRON TOYS THINGS OTHER THAN A GUNNNN they are not! going to release a new kids' toy in US markets! that turns into a REALISTIC HANDGUN! AND THEY SHOULDN'T. you are so dumb!!! the tank mode is FINE. just buy one of the MP megatrons they did that does turn into one and CHILL. okay rant over. (SS86 megs has been confirmed to be a tank. twitter has been mad as fuck for like two days. lmao.)
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ladybirdswritings · 9 months
Silken Webs & Pirouettes - Miguel O’Hara x Reader
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Summary: Miguel sees another side of you that he didn’t expect. Ballerina!Reader & CEO!Miguel. Alternate Universe with most of the characters included as seen in "Across the Spiderverse." Many cameos ahead. Miguel is a successful business owner but personality is canon. This is a steamy reader insert, Miguel x You! Enjoy and pls leave me lots of love and comments as it keeps me motivated <333
next chapter
nine ,, miguel’s POV
“Didn’t think you were gonna show up, hot shot.”
I didn’t either, Jessica.
The thought only exists in my mind.
The lights are a melting pot of colors and flashes, scent of hard liquor and fancy perfume tangling with my senses. Peter is DJ’ing tonight, as he does every other night of the week. I’d be surprised if he wasn’t, I pay him well.
I’m not happy about my presence in this place in the slightest. No, I don’t like this. I think it’s stupid, a waste of my time. But my girls— they think of me like I’m a god. Their god. I’m rewarding them today.
It’s a Friday. The music is the worst on Fridays. It’s cheap, predictable, unpleasant. It’s pounding in my ears. Jessica, the infuriating woman. She’s enjoying this, I know she is. Enjoying seeing me like this. Out of an element that I own, somehow.
This club, another one of my mindless money-making investments. Just the notion, the idea of my name being attached and slutty women show up to dance—wearing dresses that barely cover their thongs. It amuses me. Unclassy as it is.
Maybe they hold on to hoping I will stop by eventually. They’re lucky today. I never have before.
Pretty girls have flashed me hungry eyes just at the door. Lacy only offered them bittersweet ones back. Vicious girl.
My gaze drifts to the sunshine bathed drink in Jessica’s hand, then to her swollen stomach. I snatch it from her, allowing the cold lemon juice to tangle itself around my tongue. The same tongue that was just buried between Lacy’s legs.
It’s virgin…
The drink, not Lacy.
Jessica sucks her teeth as she grabs it back from me— coconut scented coils bouncing with each movement she makes. She orders me to get my own, and my strawberry blonde toy with a dress that is even more nauseating than the lilac number she wore last I saw her— she’s annoyed.
She’s annoyed often lately. Y me está sacando de quicio.
The girls that I fuck— or have fucked. Their job is to keep quiet. My job is to fuck them. How complicated could that possibly become? Very, with women.
Always an “I love you” or “I want more,” and if none of it? Then they’re brats. Annoying, whiny little brats. My Lacy is lucky, the last girl who sucked her teeth and complained this much got my teeth marks indented into her breasts. Purple and blue for weeks. She enjoyed it. The auburn-haired girl— forgot her name already.
I told her to behave tonight, yet she inserts herself— clearing her throat loudly so a certain COO of mine will hear.
Qué ingenuo…
Jessica only looks her up and down once, her distaste painted on her features as if they’ve been permanently needled in. She won’t say hello to Lacy, she doesn’t need to. None of them do. Yet no matter how many times I tell her that, she still expects it.
Maybe that’s it. That feeling pushing me backwards. Lately it’s as if she expects to be treated like she’s more. She’s not. She’s two heavy breasts and a swollen mouth. That’s all. That’s all they all were. I told them from the beginning, I gave them an out. A choice. They stayed, they fell, they were cut off immediately.
The frustrating thing— her eyes snap up to mine. Waiting. Expecting me to correct Jessica. Qué chistoso. I’d like to keep my balls right where they are.
I narrow my gaze at her. Testing her, speaking without my mouth.
The brat, she just sucks her teeth and tugs on my hand. I hate it. That reaction. My dick would shrivel if it could.
No, I want her to submit to my demands or defy in the sweet mischievous way she once charmed me with— not that sour attitude. But god, my Lacy. I don’t want to find another fuck. I don’t have the time and I doubt they’d be just as pretty.
“Let’s go dance.”
She is a smart girl, or rather— she likes to think she is. She brushes off her sour notes as southern sass and nothing more. Her attitude, her demands. I see her, as I see all my women. She’s daddy’s little princess who gets the world and more just by the snap of her fingers. She acts sweeter than she tastes and bats those pretty lashes at me but— it never works the same way it does on her father. I know her core, I’ve tasted it with my tongue. She’s a bitter thing behind all that beauty.
A creature who’s smarter than she acts, at least with me.
But I? I could give less of a shit so long as I have a cock attached to me, one I can shove down her throat to keep her quiet. She looks so pretty like that.
“Ve a bailar, hermosa.”
I don’t offer her an explanation as to why I won’t be going with her. Truthfully, I don’t need to. I’ve seen her dance before, she’s hopeless. Besides, being here is enough effort for me. I’d rather keep morale on a tight leash, right at the bar where I can stare angrily at Jess all night.
Lacy looks ridiculous. Her eyes searching the air for an invisible answer. I tilt my head at her.
Is she having a fucking stroke?
It’s then that I remember— she doesn’t understand me. I hear Jessica stifle her amusement beside me— and I glare at her as I take a seat at the bar. My bar. I need a drink, or seven. I’ve had just the right amount of tonight already.
“Dance.” I demand. It takes her a quick moment to realize that I mean without me. She’s got lemon on her tongue as she storms away from me. Into the sea of people grinding against each other. Nauseating. I never promised her a romantic night.
Jessica fucking Drew, she’s smirking at me as she sips her virgin lemonade.
“Cállate.” I demand. She raises a brow at that, silken skin glistening under my spotlights as she swirls the melting ice round and round in her cup. The bartender, Ben, he’s quick. That’s why he works for me. My bourbon is served swiftly and exactly how I want it to be. He’s trained to do it the way I demand. He’d be fired otherwise. Like that girl.
I take my time, sipping the bitterness from the glass with almost as much attention and care as I put into sipping the cum out of Lacy’s core before we arrived. When I’m ready, I flick my eyes toward the nuisance beside me.
“Has he embarrassed himself yet?”
If Jessica is the annoying, whiny, insufferable little bug on my left shoulder? That makes enough room for Peter on my right. He likes to have fun, to party and drink and eat— obviously. I don’t know why we’re friends. But we’ve been, for a long while. He did a trial run at my office— he lasted a week before I had enough. Now he’s here.
I wouldn’t leave him jobless.
Not after all of it.
“Not mister B. Parker. Never him. Actually, it’s been a pretty tame night I’ll say. Oh, just besides the bit where I met little miss Wolverine… y’know, the one with the curls.”
I draw another sip in, just staring at the riddler apparently as I try to decipher what she’s buzzing about now. Her annoying little eyes fall down to my wrist where four nasty marks indent.
Infuriating woman. I know she sees the curiosity glaze over my narrowed eyes because she laughs at me, like clockwork.
“Isn’t it just crazy how karma works? Always chomping someone in the ass one way or another. Ahhh yeah, I met her. I like that little vibe she has going, very “the woman freed” couture. She’s cute— looks like she needed a night out. You have that effect on people.”
The woman freed.
I repeat it in my head. It’s funny. Real funny.
Funny if she thinks the woman freed would be dolled up with ribbons and fucking pom poms then yeah— chistoso.
Qué ridículo.
I roll my eyes, downing the last bit of my drink before signaling for another.
I think I’ve had my fair share of fucking karma in my life. Maybe even just bad luck. This isn’t karma. Her being here is just…
She’s here.
Realization melts like candle wax against my mind, encasing it with ideas on how to ensure she’ll keep her mouth shut. Keep Jameson quiet so I don’t have to show up to these ridiculous functions for stupid morale.
Maybe a look at her and a tie at the end of the endless pink ribbons she’s wrapped around my brain, and I’ll finally be done with her. Finally forget about that pretty face crying because of me. And not for fun reasons.
“Nu uh tiger, I see that look in your eyes. We don’t need any drama tonight; I’m banning you officially from going anywhere near Ribbons. Sheverine. The woman freed. Her. Anyway— besides, little Lacy might have a cow if you do… maybe the whole farm.”
She sets my idea ablaze before it’s even ripe. My jaw ticks with annoyance as my next drink is slid into my hand.
“I wasn’t planning to.”
I’m lying. She knows I am.
“Oh, is that why you sat up straighter? Or did you just want to look nice and intimidating in case she walks by?”
I huff, taking a swig of the glass that might break if I squeeze it any harder. I keep control of my annoyance.
“You were the one so concerned about her running to that hijo de puta, mi amor. Not me. Just doing you a favor so you can keep your mouth shut.”
Try to keep control of it, at least.
Jessica nods through my words, mocking that she’s paying them any real attention as her fingers swirl the straw round the rim of her cup.
“Hmm, right. Whatever you say el Rico Suave.”
Dios mío. I have to deal with this at a constant.
That doesn’t even-
“That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Does too.”
“You’re just mad cause she’s pretty and you made her sad.”
“Or maybe your ego is hurt cause she took a chunk out of your wrist.”
“Pretty sure you’re mad cause she totally matrixed you.”
“Do you say anything but no?”
“No…. Yes.”
“Why can’t you just swallow your pride and admit that you were wrong.”
“You know why.”
She does. She must remember, finally— because she shrinks, shutting herself up with a sip. Gracias a díos.
I’m not wrong, not ever. I don’t allow wrong to exist in my world. I’m firm. I’m an asshole. I make pretty girls cry when they piss me off but I’m not wrong. I can’t be. Not after Gabby.
Tension wraps around our throats like a wire after my words, squeezing the air to a thin line until man of the fucking hour finally uses the mic he practically begged me to allow him to have.
I was reluctant at first. His shitty pick up lines might scare the girls away. It would be bad for business.
“Alriiiiight, that’s what I like to hear. Now listen, rumor has it that right here, right now in this very moment— there’s a dancing queen among us. Oh yeah, I’m talkin’ full blown ABBA. I’ve seen her, I know you’ve seen her— light man...”
The luminescent spotlight tracks through the shadowed crowd. I know Peter, his methods. Shining the spotlight on a pretty girl brings more business. There’s plenty, tonight. The show is boring.
The crowd cheers in waves, anticipation eating at them like ants until the waves crash against the shore. Loudly. My attention is glued onto my phone, now. Countless emails. So much to do, yet here I am with estúpida one and estúpido two. Though he’s busy on stage, out of my sight.
I scroll through the stuffed inbox with disinterest, ignoring the intense gaze proving to be a method of disrupting my peace beside me. Businessmen, men who believe they’re businessmen. Pricks proposing shitty deals they think I’m too young and stupid to not see through… oh. Something different.
My finger halts above the raven letters. I open it.
Subject: Doing Well.
Good evening Mr. O’Hara, I hope this message finds you well. Sara is well. You were right, she’s responding as we suspected she would. As always, thank you for your contributions. With gratitude,
Blove, Yekaterina
My thumbs shift to type a quick reply, but the sound of lively trumpets distracts me. Dios mío, he’s gone this far with his tactics. Most of the women in here dance like live sardines cased in a can. I doubt they can dance meren—
“No shit. Looks like Ribbons can do more than just claw assholes.”
My eyes snap up immediately, and there she is.
Jessica’s joke from earlier— it comes back to me quick. And it makes sense now.
The woman freed.
No longer are there restrictive ribbons in that wild hair. No, it's loose. Free. It’s free and it’s curly. Not straight, like I believed it was. It’s not neat either, not at all— no. There are still lightning bolts laced around each lock but it’s… belleza.
This girl, she keeps surprising me.
It flows down to her elbows, soft and golden. Why on earth was she wearing it any other way?
And her dress. It fits her snugly, sparkling under my spotlights. It shows me now. She has curves that exist under those suffocating tights— yet although I see them, it leaves room for my imagination to wander. Just how I like it. No more are those awful cardigans covering worn skirts and teddy bear socks. No. She looks— ethereal.
Ahora ha captado mi atención.
Even so far away from me, I see the pink in her cheeks. Is she drunk? She’s giggling, she’s imbalanced. But oh no, not when she begins to dance. Effortlessly, swaying her hips all over my stage— all over Peter.
“Careful, might bust a vein if you stare too hard.”
I don’t pay the mosquito next to me any attention. No, no my eyes are on her. La bailarina. The dancer.
The way she dances, it proves to me now more than ever that she is a witch. Casting a spell on my eyes because I can’t break away. I’m entranced, intrigued, encapsulated by this moment. By her curves, her dress, that hair. So long. So tug-able.
Maybe my drink has made me feel out of control. Maybe it’s each sway of her hips. But I could give less of a fuck right now about snapping my thoughts back. Because no, right now she’s not the little fawn that fell into my office. Right now she’s la mujer fue liberada and dios mío— can she dance.
It makes sense now, how she understood me when I cursed her in my own tongue. She’s flavorful, a beauty…
I am locked onto her, tracing each and every move with my gaze. Nothing else exists. Not until I feel it. This burning, not warmth— no. Heat. Burning on my skin like a wildfire that can’t be stopped. Those wide, innocent eyes. Gazing right in to mine.
She sees me.
She sees me in this abundant crowd and she looks, afraid. She stumbles, I watch every part. From her whisper to Peter to her descend down my steps.
Fuck it.
I’m up on my feet before I give myself a chance to think, before Jessica can stop me. I hear her call after me, it’s faint— it’s not important.
I don’t know what I’m doing, I just know I need her. In some way. Some fucking way. I need to feel in control again, I need to break this spell.
People part when I walk through, they respect my presence here like anywhere else— but there’s so many of them.
“Are you joking? That wasn’t even that good I mean- I could probably do much better!”
She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest like a child as her gaze unfortunately lands upon me. In the crowd, looking for another woman.
Her jaw drops, offended. Appalled.
She spots the witch before I do, and she knocks on her shoulder hard as she storms off. The pathetic, drunk thing. Always seeming to fall right into my arms when I’m nearby. She would’ve kissed the tile, otherwise.
Thank god she didn’t. What a pretty face when it’s not outshined by her lively socks.
I don’t think about Lacy. I don’t think about Jessica or even myself, right now. No. I think about her hair, it’s brushing against the wrist she made bleed.
It’s as soft as I imagined it would be.
My eyes are burning into her, devouring the sight before me. Waiting. Anxiously, excitedly as she straightens— and then?
There it is.
The realization.
Her mouth goes slack, my cock twitches.
Right now, I wanna shove it in there.
She just stares at me— baffled. Behind it? She seems expectant. Awaiting something from me. Anger, I think. It doesn’t come. It’s far from what I feel right now.
The song shifts. I don’t think twice.
I spin her around with one arm. Her back falls against my chest— lifting and falling with each heavy breath I take.
I feel like an animal, biting my tongue. Fighting all the urges I have to rip that pretty little dress off and see her truly free before me. I don’t. I’m gonna take what I can get.
She’s gonna dance with me, now.
Not Peter.
My palms, they make her look like nothing more than a muñequita when she’s in my hands. They trace her sides slow, settling on her hips. I tap them twice.
Dance, baby.
She doesn’t get it.
Oh— oh thats just fine. I’ll be more direct.
“Move.” My voice is deep, guttural. Different.
Stupid thing, maybe she’s too drunk or maybe she’s too nervous. She walks away from me. I tug her right back.
“Not like that, cariño.” I murmur into her golden hair. It smells of sweet things. Strawberries, palo santo. Qué rica…
It takes her a moment, I wait patiently. She gets it soon enough.
Good, good girl.
Those hips. Those enchanting hips follow the rhythm in a mesmerizing set of figure eights and steps forward and back. Who taught her how to do this? I want to teach her more. So, so much more.
I feel her movements with my hands upon her hips, each dip and bend— each one, I follow them. Chasing this sudden, unexpected high that she’s given me. I can’t explain it right now, nor can I understand it. I don’t need to. Not now. Not yet.
Oh, fuck.
She’s relaxed when she dances, the tension melting into nothingness as I brush my warm palms up— past those perky breasts I gaze down at from above her. Past her postured shoulders, down her arms until her hands are clasped in my own. I lead her, now. Moving in unison with her.
I’m in control.
Even so? I feel like I’ve gone fucking crazy.
Quizás me he vuelto loco— pero dios mío…
The way she’s grinding that sweet little ass back and forth against my cock? It is the perfect amount of morale that I’ve been needing.
Isn’t that her job, anyways?
The song punches bass into our ears. Not my first choice at all but right now I don’t care, it’s not in my mind. Right now I just want to dance. With her. Take out all my frustration, all my anger and annoyance with her. Her defiance, her inability to leave my mind, all the headaches she’s caused me this week— it’s melting away with each brush of her ass again my cock.
She moves effortlessly, so naturally. So good.
Qué bonita.
I need to see that pretty face. I can’t stop myself. I twirl her again, her eyes stay cast down. Avoiding.
She’s intimidated by me.
My cock twitches again.
Maybe her mind fears me, but her body just doesn’t. It responds to my hands like it’s mine.
My grasp falls to her hips, moving with them. Lost in her, lost in this. In the strawberry, the palo santo and the sways. The wild hair, the innocent eyes, the fuck—
She looks at me again.
Suddenly, the air is thick again. Filling my mind with sense as oxygen returns to me.
She comes to.
So do I.
Qué diablos estoy haciendo?
It’s the first thought I have, but it’s not enough to make me stop. It’s enough for her, though.
I’m not the first to step back, no— I’m sure I still look like I want to devour her in front of all these people. She stumbles back.
She looks sick with herself.
Another story for Jameson to run.
Her eyes scan me once over, checking to be sure I’m real I assume before she runs off. The room fades back into my sight as the song ends. As do my actions.
Dios mío— what have I done?
🏷️’s: @reirain @needybitez @migueloharastruelove @laysmt @maomaimao @daisy-artfield @poutysprouty @chorizobeets @tabalittlelong @iitangerine @dprmoon @neptunieesworld @cyd2301 | chap 9 song 🎧:
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super Movie 2: Super Hero (3/5)
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"What are any of us doing here? We're not even in this movie!"
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So the Red Ribbon Army is trying to stage a comeback with a fresh crop of new androids, and Goku isn't around to stop them, because he's on Beerus' planet training with Vegeta and Broly. While Piccolo figures out what to do without them, the movie just goes ahead and shows us what Goku is up to. For about ten minutes.
I'm pretty sure this part of the movie is a concession to Goku's fans. Let's face it, the people love Goku, and to do a Dragon Ball movie with no Goku at all would be a risky proposition, no matter how good that movie is. Looking back at the old DBZ films, Movies 9, 10, and 11 were mostly Goku-free, but he still put in a brief appearance in each one. But those are also regarded as some of the worst entries in the series, and I don't think that's a coincidence.
Now, I'm a fan of Dragon Ball in general, so the idea of a Piccolo and Gohan movie is not only appealing to me, but I'd say it's long overdue. I'd take a Yamcha/Tien movie any day. Or a Launch standalone film. I sat through GT, so it'd take a lot to keep me out of the theater. But Toei's trying to run a business here, and they can't just depend on die-hards like me to bring in the ticket revenue. So I'm sure the decision to focus on Piccolo was a controversial one in the home office. But they probably reached a compromise by giving Goku a decent chunk of screentime as a make-good.
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One thing that makes this movie so good is that they don't just toss out a character for the sake of having them in the movie. They actually take a moment to show what that character is doing these days, even if it doesn't affect the plot that much. That's important, because it lets the viewer come away feeling like they got something out of the cameo they just saw. For example, we've seen Goku and Vegeta on Beerus' planet before. This is nothing new, but this time Goku's trying to help Broly control his power. And Vegeta's trying to meditate so he can learn how to imitate Jiren's power. Goku doesn't really understand his approach, which goes to show that Vegeta's trying to push beyond the scope of the training they've done on Beerus's planet before now. Gohan is studying ants, Videl has her combat sports class, Piccolo's a homeowner, etc.
Compare this to Battle of Gods, for example. Now BoG's a good movie, don't get me wrong, but a lot of the characters who appear in the film are utterly wasted. Tien shows up but he looks and acts exactly the same as he did the last several times we've seen him. Then he shows up in Resurrection F and nothing's changed either. He says he left Chiaotzu and Yamcha behind for the big fight, but would it matter either way? If they showed up, they wouldn't do anything new with those guys either.
The trick is to not just put Ox King in your movie, but to have him mention something that he's gotten up to lately, something Ox King fans can mull over later. "Oh, hey, remember how Ox King said he was going back to school to get a sociology degree?" You can sink your teeth into that, even if that's the only thing that you find out about from him. It's a lot better than "It's Bulma's birthday, and one of the guests is Ox King, a character who certainly exists."
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Let's talk about Vegeta's revelation in this movie, since it caused some commotion among the fans. Goku complains that Vegeta had just been sitting still lately, which he thinks is a waste of time. Vegeta explains that he's been studying the way Jiren fought during the Tournament of Power. While he dominated Goku and Vegeta--sometimes both at once-- Vegeta is certain that Jiren isn't that much stronger than they are. What made Jiren so tough to deal with was that he was completely relaxed until the very moment he chose to strike, which allowed him to put all of his power into those brief offensive moments. But since Vegeta can't do that himself, he's trying to train his mind to conceptualize it before he tries to make his body learn how.
So a lot of fans saw this and concluded that the studio hates Goku, or they think Goku's an idiot, or that the studio is stupid for failing to remember that Goku has meditated before in the past. There has always been a subset of the fanbase that tries to turn everything into a Manichean conflict between Goku and Vegeta. In this case, if Vegeta figures something out before Goku does, then it means that Toei or Shueisha or Akira Toriyama himself must hate Goku.
This is stupid on the face of it, because Akira Toriyama literally created the character and he's credited with the screenplay for this movie. If he truly despised Goku, why would he even have Goku in the movie at all? He could have killed him off a long time ago. Why even make a Dragon Ball movie when he could have been working on some Dr. Slump project instead?
All this scene is... and I promise you, it's nothing more to it..., is a exploration of what the boys are doing on Beerus' planet. They train here, of course. We've seen that before, but why are they training here? Well, they need to receive instructions and guidance from Whis, and this is where Whis lives. Okay, and why is Whis so important to the process? Why can't they just stay on Earth and spar like they used to do? Because that only gets them so far. They need to learn new ways of thinking in order to surpass the level they're already at.
And what does that mean exactly? Well, they can't just do a million pushups. It doesn't work that way. There's other things they have to figure out, and that requires them to think of things they hadn't thought of before. And Whis is already beyond them in terms of power, so he knows things that they're still struggling to grasp. But Whis can't just spell it out for them. He can describe what they need to do, but it's still up to Goku and Vegeta to understand and internalize it.
And that's what they're doing here. They're basically brainstorming ways to get stronger. This time, Vegeta had an idea, and he's following it to see where it leads. Whis approves, so he seems to be on the right track. Tomorrow, maybe Goku will have another good idea, and so on.
But it's not always going to be one or the other who has the breakthrough. And it would be stupid for them both to have the same idea at the same time, just so the partisan fans won't feel slighted. Goku seems to think he can get a lot out of working with Broly, but that hasn't paid off just yet. It might prove more productive than what Vegeta is working on at the moment, but there's only one way to find out.
As far as Goku failing to recognize the value of meditation, well, he's had to re-learn that lesson several times. People will point to the time he meditated in Otherworld, or the time he meditated during his training with Mr. Popo, but they forget that this sort of focus and concentration was part of his training with Master Roshi as well. Whis scolded both Goku and Vegeta on this point when they first trained with him in Resurrection F. We can draw one of two conclusions here.
Goku's quest for greater strength is a flat circle. He just keeps re-discovering the same fundamentals, making a big gain in power, and then forgetting how he achieved that improvement.
Akira Toriyama is recycling the same martial arts hokum over and over again, because he only needs to show the characters working for greater strength. He does not need to design a genuine and internally consistent system for fantasy martial arts, any more than the writers of Star Trek need to explain how dilithium crystals make the ship go.
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Anyway, Whis proposes a Goku/Broly/Vegeta three-way match, but no one wants Broly to fight in case he flips out and wrecks the entire planet. Then Beerus wakes up and finds out he has new houseguests. Goku explains that this is a good place to hide Broly from Frieza, and before Beerus can object, he meets Lemo and samples his cooking. It's good, so Beerus decides he can stay. Then Cheelai walks by with a bag full of loot she stole from Beerus' home. But Beerus decides he likes Cheelai's looks, so he agrees to let her stay too. So that's decided.
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I've also seen some fans gripe about how Cheelai didn't spend much time with Broly in this movie, and Beerus' crush on Cheelai muddies the waters further. Look, none of these characters got a lot of screen time in this movie. This scene could be cut entirely and you wouldn't miss a thing. Half of it is Goku sparring with Vegeta, so of course Broly and Cheelai weren't going to have a whirlwind romance in this thing.
All I know for certain is that Cheelai walked by Broly and went out of her way to say he was "looking good", which is a lot more than she complimented anyone else on this planet. I mean, she's stealing Beerus' stuff, which ought to tell you how much she's into his lanky purple ass.
Moving on, Whis still wants to do that sparring match, if only so Broly can learn to appreciate a high-level battle with the fighters maintaining control of their powers. But Goku wants to eat first and so they stop for lunch.
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And yeah, then this movie up and decides to give us Goku/Vegeta III, just like that. I don't want to oversell it, but it's an excellent fight. Whis sets the ground rules to that transformations and ki blasts are forbidden, so in a lot of ways this looks a lot like the kind of battle they might have had at the 25th Budokai before Babidi's henchmen got involved. We only get to see a few minutes of it, but they're so evenly matched that the fight takes a really long time to settle, so maybe it's just as well.
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Beerus notes that Vegeta's moves have changed in an almost imperceptible way, due to his recent meditation training. Still, he loses interest in the fight and decides to get ice cream while the boys slug it out. I'm pretty sure Cheelai never cared in the first place, but Broly is enthralled with this action. He's getting to watch two of the greatest Saiyans ever put on a clinic, and he's soaking it up like a sponge.
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But the important thing, at least as far as this movie goes, is that Beerus tosses an empty ice cream carton onto Whis' staff, so no one notice it flashing when Bulma tries to call him.
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Which means Piccolo's on his own, at least for the time being. He gets the news from Bulma while he's picking up some senzu beans from Korin. The situation looks pretty bad, since Piccolo estimates that the Gammas' power is roughly on par with Goku and Vegeta's. And Dr. Hedo might know 17 and 18's weak spots, so they might not be able to help either. There is Majin Buu, though...
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.... ha ha ha! No, did you think this one was going to be any different? Buu's sleeping through this crisis too. Seriously, why did they keep him alive at the end of the Buu Saga if no one had any plans to use him for anything?
So what about Gohan? That's what Korin asks, but Piccolo just says they can't count on Gohan right now, which... ouch.
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But Piccolo does have one other idea, and so he flies up to see Dende on the Lookout and asks him to draw out his hidden power. See, the Kami of Planet Namek, Grand Elder Guru, was able to power up Krillin and Gohan way back in the day. Now, Dende is the Kami of Earth, so Piccolo figures Dende could do the same for him.
Only, no, it doesn't work that way. Turns out a Dragon-Type Namekian has to reach a certain age before they can use that sort of ability, and Dende's too young. On the other hand, Dende suggests using the Dragon Balls to solve the problem. They could simply wish away the Red Ribbon Army, but Piccolo doesn't care for that idea. Okay, well what about using Shenron to draw out Piccolo's hidden power? Can Shenron do that? Dende's like "gimme a minute."
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So Dende wheels out the cart with the model of Shenron on it, and he powers a flask of water on the model. This makes it glow, and somehow upgrades Shenron so that he can grant a wish to draw out a person's hidden powers. Piccolo remarks that he had no idea any of this was possible when he was Kami. To be fair, when Piccolo was Kami, he didn't even know he was a Namekian, so there's a lot of stuff he was out of the loop for.
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Now all Piccolo needs is the Dragon Balls, but Dende tells him that Bulma probably has them already. Ever since Frieza came back, Bulma's been gathering up the Dragon Balls every year, using the wishes up so that they'll be inactive in case any bad guys try to use them. Piccolo calls to ask her and yes, she has the whole set. In the dub, he asks her how many she has and she's like "Oh, uh.... All of them?!" I can't be sure, but I think that's a reference to the "All of them?" line from the dub of Dragon Ball, when Piccolo tried to zap Goku, but he missed all his vital organs. Anyway, Piccolo tells her to hang on to the balls until he gets there.
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So they summon Shenron and it works. Piccolo gets stronger, and the Dragon promises that he threw in "a little extra".
That still leaves two wishes to use, so Bulma asks for a nicer ass and slightly longer eyelashes. Then she realizes -- too late-- that they could have wished to bring Goku and Vegeta back to Earth. Whoops.
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"Shenron, I wish for you to bring Goku and Vegeta to Earth, so that they might bear witness to all this junk within my trunk."
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So Piccolo returns to the Red Ribbon base and just walks right back to the line of soldiers there in Magenta's command room. They're still talking, and Piccolo tells the other soldiers he had to go potty. No one suspects a thing.
Magenta's trying to figure out what to do next. He'd like to target Goku and Vegeta, but no one knows where they are. Mr. Satan is too risky, since no one seems to know what his powers are, exactly. Then Carmine suggests Gohan be the next target. His intel says that it was Gohan who defeated Cell, and he has lots of spy footage of Piccolo going to his house to visit, which suggests that Gohan is a "shadow boss" in Bulma's organization. Magenta likes the idea of taking Gohan out, but he doesn't want Red Ribbon guys operating in the city, since it's too soon to reveal their presence to the wider public.
But if they could kidnap Gohan's daughter and lure him to the Red Ribbon base, then they could fight him on their own turf. Carmine finds that to be a good idea, as it would improve troop morale. Magenta orders a two-man team go to fetch Pan, and Piccolo volunteers, saying that he lives in the same neighborhood and knows Pan's face, because she's the granddaughter of Mr. Satan.
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Dr. Hedo objects to the kidnapping angle, but Magenta tells him to mind his own business. Hmmm...
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So Piccolo will be picking up Pan from preschool after all, just a bit later than planned. I don't know why Pan can't just run home by herself. She made it all the way here from Piccolo's house, didn't she?
One thing I like about this scene is how there's one other kid here who gets picked up, and that kid's mom apologizes for being late, so it's pretty clear that it's well after 1pm. Pan's been here a while. Her teacher assures here that someone will show up soon, but Pan's still kind of disappointed.
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The other Red Ribbon soldier sent to do the kidnapping thinks this will be easy, so he just walks right up to Pan and tells her his mom sent him, but she demolishes him with a single blow.
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Then Piccolo reveals himself and Pan recognizes him by his ki and calms down. The teacher already knows Piccolo, so she's cool with him, and Piccolo explains that this was all a security drill arranged by Mr. Satan. Now, in the dub, Piccolo addresses the teacher as "Janet", implying that he knows her as well as she knows him, and I think this is what led to the genesis of the Piccolo/Janet ship. I don't have a lot to say about it that hasn't already been said, but I'm all for Piccolo and Janet getting together. Janet's a fine foxy lady, and Piccolo's reputation speaks for itself.
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Of course, Piccolo now has to fly the Red Ribbon airship back to base. He's a pretty crappy pilot, but he manages. I like to think Janet is still impressed, though. "Wow," she thinks as he flies away, crashing into a billboard. "Is there anything he can't do?"
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Piccolo's plan is pretty simple. He explains the situation to Pan, and convinces her to play along with the kidnapping. When Gohan shows up to rescue her, he'll kick everyone's ass and that'll take care of everything. Actually, that sounds a little half-baked to me. Piccolo got a power up from Shenron, but is that enough? Anyway, they bring Pan to the base and take a video of her acting scared, then Magenta sends Piccolo and the other guy back to the city to show it to Gohan. Wait, why is that Namekian chair back there? What's that about.
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Well, it doesn't matter because Pan sees some cookies and she's like "Don't mind if I do!" but then...
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Carmine takes the plate away! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
You suck, Carmine!
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Pan would probably attack him right there, except Piccolo's behind him trying to calm her down.
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So Piccolo and 15 go to Gohan's house, and Piccolo takes him to the window since he knows Gohan won't answer the door. Notably, Gohan doesn't recognize Piccolo through his disguise, even though Pan saw through it immediately. Also, Gohan hasn't bothered to change out of the clothes Piccolo put him in this morning. Those must be fascinating ants he's working on.
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15 shows Gohan the video of Pan and RIP the windowsill.
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He turns Super Saiyan and scares the shit out of 15, who promises Pan will be fine if he just returns with him to the base. Gohan gets so mad he makes a crater in the ground...
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... and the house starts to list down into the hole. But Piccolo doesn't mind because his plan is working. Gohan's back in a fighting mood and he can clobber the Gammas!
Or can he...?
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elisysd · 1 year
Us – James Bay
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
Tell me how to be in this world Tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt Tell me how 'cause I believe in something I believe in us
“Lyanna, did you know that Charles had an acting past?” asked her Pascale.
“No I did not! Why did you not tell me?” she said while looking at him.
“Mom! I told you to not say that! You’re going to embarrass me!” complained Charles.
“What did you play in?”
“Nothing serious, just commercials for sponsors. Nothing worth talking about.”
“You were voicing over in this Pixar movie as well.” Added his mom.
“No way! It’s amazing. I would love to do that one day! It’s on my bucket list. Do you know that is actually really hard, you should be proud of that! Not everyone can do it.”
“It was just a cameo. See mom. Look what you did.”
“I definitely want to see you acting.”
“I have them on a hard drive if you want Lyanna. It should be here somewhere. Wait a second.”
“Mom, please don’t!” whined Charles under the amused gaze of his brothers.
And so Lyanna and the Leclerc family sat in front of the television again, watching Charles's poor acting career, his brothers never missing an opportunity to make fun of him. As for Lyanna, her eyes were glued to the screen and nothing seemed to distract her. With an impassive look on her face, she scrutinised everything, sometimes asking to rewind. Charles, for his part, was doing everything he could to hide. If the ground could swallow him up, he would be delighted. When they had seen everything, Lyanna turned to Charles, both hands on her knees, and looked into his eyes before taking a deep breath.
“Charles, you are great at a lot of things but acting is definitely not one of them.”
“You are crushing his dreams. He would have loved to shoot a movie one day.” Said Arthur.
“Shut up. I’ve never said that!” Charles tried to defend himself.
While everyone was gathered in the living room, Charles's mother got up to fetch some coffee. Charles took the opportunity to follow her, not forgetting to place a kiss on the top of Lyanna's head.
“So” he began “What do you think of her?”
He heard her sigh before looking at him. Charles gulped. His mother was extremely important to him, her opinion matters. Not to the point he would break up with Lyanna if her mother did not approve but it would make things easier for him if she liked his girlfriend since he intended to have her around a lot.
“I still need time to get to know her but she is nice.”
“And?” he insisted.
“You make a beautiful couple, really. You both care about each other, it shows. But she seems careful with her words. I got the occasion to talk to her alone and she did not strike me as the confident type which surprises me considering her career. She is on her guard.”
“Yeah, it’s something we are working on. Her past relationship was messy. Abusive boyfriend. She went through some tough things.”
“Oh, I understand better… poor girl. No one deserves that. On the other hand, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you acting so carefree around someone. You’re relaxing when she’s here. That’s something nice to see. I’ve never though I would see you in love with someone this soon, it’s not been a long time since you broke up with Charlotte.”
“Oh wow, calm down, mom. I’m not in love, yet.” Tried to display Charles, laughing awkwardly.
“If it makes you sleep better at night, darling. But I know you, I’m your mom and a mom knows these things.”
The evening wore on, the conversations died down and everyone went their separate ways. Charles took Lyanna's hand and led her through the flat to his childhood bedroom. 
“So this is where little Charles grew up?” she asked while looking at the room.
Nothing really changed. Trophies are on the shelves with some books as well that seemed to be there only for decorative purposes. Pictures of Charles as kid, with his friends and family were displayed around the room. A single bed in the middle of the room is facing the door. It seemed so small. Noticing Lyanna’s gaze on it, Charles sat down, inviting her to do the same. He took her by the shoulder and pulled her against him as he laid back and gazed at the ceiling.
His hand traced small patterns on her arm and hip while her head his resting comfortably on his chest and under his chin.
“How are you? I hope my family has not been too overwhelming.”
“I’m good. I like your family, really. You are all so tight knit, it’s cute to see.”
“I’ve never asked but what is your family like.”
“It’s a big one. I’m an only child and it has always been my mom and I. My father is not really around he left us when I was a teenager. I’m close to my mom’s family, especially my grandparents. I love them to death. I have a lot of uncles and aunts and cousins. We are all close. One of my uncle is a big F1 fan by the way. If you meet him one day, I’m sure he’ll freak out.”
“If I meet him? Not when?”
“I mean… would you like to meet my family?”
“Well, I introduced you to mine, so I guessed that at some point you would do the same.”
“It’ just that… we both have crazy schedule and it’s in the middle of nowhere in France, so we would have to both find time to organize something. I am not opposed to it though.”
Charles nods. It wasn't the first time he'd felt that way, but today it really hit him. They weren't on the same wavelength. Charles was ready to welcome her into his life, to make room for her and build something. She was still hesitating, as if she had one foot in the relationship and one outside. It bothered him but he chose to not tell her. It would be a conversation they would have later.
On the way back to Charles's house, Lyanna couldn't help feeling a certain awkwardness between them. Charles had not spoken to her on the way home and had seemed distracted and preoccupied. When he arrived, he went straight to the bedroom, leaving her behind. She followed him and closed the bedroom door. She watched him undress, unsure of what to do.
“Charles? Is something wrong?”
He stopped and turned towards her.
“Where do you see this relationship going Lya?” he asked her bluntly.
She opened her mouth to answer before closing it again. She didn't know how to answer the question or what he was implying.
“I… what do you mean?”
“What are your feelings for me? What do you feel about us?”
“It’s not a difficult question to answer Lyanna. I have feelings for you that are getting bigger and bigger the more time I spend around you. I want to include you in my life and I want to introduce you to the world as my girlfriend. I want to proudly say that I’m dating Lyanna Michel and it makes me the happiest man in the world. That’s how I feel about you and our relationship.”
“I… I care about you. I like being with you.”
“That’s it?”
“I’m not good at expressing how I feel, Charles you know that.”
“But I need to know that we are on the same page and we are going in the same direction.”
“I’m not there yet, Charles. I like you more than a friend and I want us to work out. I just need more time.”
“I can give you all the time you want Lyanna, I just need a sign from your side that you want that too as much as me.”
The next few days passed in a strange atmosphere. Charles was often out and about and Lyanna spent her days in the bedroom working on her own. Her conversation with Charles went round and round in her head. She didn't know how to tell him how she felt. She wanted to, she dreamed of doing it, but it was as if every time she managed to summon up the courage to tell him, something stuck in her throat. She couldn't do it, and that terrified her because she knew that if she didn't succeed, her relationship with Charles would suffer. She didn't want to lose him, she couldn't. Not like this.
On the morning of Charles's birthday, she got up at the crack of dawn, wanting to start the festivities just with him. She prepared breakfast on a tray before returning to the bedroom and placing it at the foot of the bed. She slowly approached his side of the bed and knelt down facing him. He was fast asleep and it surprised her to see how childlike he looked. She touched his face with her fingertips, making him flinch.
“Hey.” He groaned still asleep.
“Hey.” She answered. “Happy birthday.”
“Thank you.”
“I prepared the breakfast. I thought that we could eat it in bed?”
Charles sighed and moved to the middle of the bed, leaving enough room for Lyanna to slip in. He picked up the tray and set it down beside them before putting an arm around the young woman's shoulder and pulling her close to him, kissing the side of her head.
“I don't want us to be estranged, Lya. Not today. And I feel like that's what we've been the last few days. I don't like it.”
“I don’t like it either��”
“Can we forget it and enjoy today?”
She nodded against his skin.
“What do you want to do today? Knowing we have to be at the hotel by 8pm for your birthday party.”
He looked at her, smirking before looking down at her lips.
“I have a few ideas.” He said leaning in and capturing her lips with his.
Charles was late for his own birthday party, which drew mockery from the guests present, and then he was pulled in all directions by his friends and family, so that he soon found himself drawn away from Lyanna. With an apologetic look he left her. The young woman managed to find Kika in the crowd, who was chatting to a young woman she didn't know. When Pierre's girlfriend saw her, she motioned for her to join them.
“Lyanna, hey! This is Carmen, George’s girlfriend. Carmen this is Lyanna, Charles’ girlfriend.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
“Same here.” Politely answered Lyanna.
“So… What did you get him? Tell us!” excitedly asked Kika.
“I bought him a book about architecture. I did not know what he could want and he often talks about architecture and art so… yeah. But actually I have something more personal planned for him.”
“Oh tell us more. If you are willing to share that with us, of course.” Added Carmen.
“I’m not good with words and I don’t know how to tell him what I feel for him so I thought that if I can’t do that with my own words might as well put it in music. I’m going to sing something for him tonight that gathers exactly what I want him to know. If I don’t throw up because of nerves before. I’ve never done that in public. Is that a good idea or is it too much? Should I keep that for when it’s just both of us?”
“I think it’s very cute. He will love it.” Reassured her Carmen.
“And it’s very romantic.”
“Oh my god, I’m sweating.”
On the other side of the room, Charles has found his friends and is soon in the middle of the circle, a shot of tequila in his hand. Pierre mockingly hands him a small present.
“I couldn’t wait for you to open it.” Explained the Frenchman.
A little intrigued and at the same time suspicious of his friend's wry smile, Charles put his glass down on the bar and unwrapped the gift. It was a large, beautiful wooden frame with a stunning photo of Lyanna proudly wearing a "Liked by Pierre Gasly" T-shirt and an Alpine cap.
“So that you never forget that she was an Alpine fan first.” Commented Pierre under the laughs of their friends.
“I expect this to be put in your living room so everyone can see it. Or even better, just above your bed. That would be fantastic.”
“I hate you so much sometimes.”
They all continued to laugh together and to drink when something caught Charles’s eyes. A brunette woman that he knew all too well had just walked through the door. What was she doing here? Who invited her? Charles started to make his way towards her.
“Charlotte? What are you doing here?” he asked.
A few metres away, Lyanna had noticed the interaction between Charles and the young woman. A very pretty young woman, she couldn't help thinking.
“Hey, do you know who the girl with Charles is?” she asked to Carmen and Kika.
“Oh… It’s Charlotte. I didn’t know she was coming.” Carmen taught her.
She had never heard of that name. Charles never mentioned someone names Charlotte to her.
“And who is she?” insisted Lyanna.
“Hum… well… she is his ex-girlfriend. They broke up at the end of last year if I reckon.”  Explained Carmen without going into details.
Lyanna observed them for a while and she could not help but feel a hint of jealousy. They were deep in conversation, smiling and laughing with each other. They clearly were comfortable around one another. Charles had his hand on her shoulder and some of his friends came to her to greet her. Not once did Charles look into Lyanna’s direction. Lyanna leapt to her feet, swallowed her drink in one gulp and turned to her two friends, surprised by the sudden change in the young woman's attitude.
“You know what girls? I think it’s time for me to give Charles his present.”
Before she changed her mind and chickened out, she walked over to the stage where the band was playing and whispered a few words to the singer, who let her take his place. As silence fell over the assembly, everyone turned towards her and she caught the surprised glance of Charles who was still at Charlotte's side, except that they had also been joined by his brothers and his mother. Lyanna sat down at the piano and adjusted the microphone before clearing her throat.
“Hi everyone. Oh my God, it’s so weird. I’m not going to take much of your time I just wanted to wish a happy birthday to the man of the day. I sometimes have a hard time finding the right words to say to express what you mean to me and every day a part of me admire you for putting up with me. I don’t know how you do to be this patient. I would have given up on me a long time ago if I were you but you’re somehow still here. So this song is for you. Happy Birthday Charles.”
I promise you salt with the kiss of my lips
I promise you honey with the touch of my hand
I promise you the sky above your bed
Flowers and lace to make your nights sweet
I promise you the key to the secrets of my soul
I promise you life from my laughter to my tears
I promise you fire instead of weapons
No more farewells, only goodbyes
I believe in it like the earth, I believe in it like the sun
I believe in it like a child, like you can believe in heaven
I believe as in your skin, in your arms that hold me tight
I promise you a story unlike any other
I need to believe again
I promise you days as blue as your veins
I promise you nights as red as your dreams
Incandescent hours and white minutes
Carefree seconds to the rhythm of your hips
I promise you my arms to carry your fears
I promise you my hands for you to kiss
I promise you my eyes if you can no longer see
I promise to be happy if you have no hope
I believe in it like the earth, I believe in it like the sun
I believe in it like a child, like you can believe in heaven
I believe in your skin, in your arms that hold me tight
I promise you a story unlike any other
If you help me believe again
And even if it's not true, if you've been told too much
If the words are worn out, as if written in chalk
You can make a big fire by rubbing pebbles together
Maybe with time you'll grow to believe in it
We can just try and see
And even if it's not true, even if I'm lying
If words are worn out, light as wind
And even if our story ends in the morning
I promise you a moment of fever and sweetness
Not all night but a few hours,
I promise you salt with the kiss of my mouth
I promise you honey with the touch of my hand
I promise you the sky above your bed
Flowers and lace to make your nights sweet
The song ended in a whisper. Lyanna's voice trembled, as did her hands. She closed her eyes to try and pull herself together before she felt two arms pulling her against a warm chest.
“You’re my most beautiful birthday gift.” Charles whispered against her cheek.
When she looked at him she could swear he was crying.
Lyanna's song to Charles
author's note: Happy Friday! I loved writing this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it as well. I can't wait to have your thoughts about it... especially now that Charlotte is introduced in the story 👀 As usual, don't forget to leave a comment here, or in the ask box or in the dms if you want to chat more about the story! See you soon for another update.
taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika @writerscurse @elijahmikaelsonbitch @leclerc13
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fallloverfic · 9 months
TGCF donghua Season 2, Episode 10 thoughts
This episode T-T T-T T-T T-T. Spoilers for the show and the book below. CW reference to suicide.
The dude being racist to An Le looks vaguely like a love child of Feng Xin and Nie Mingjue (the donghua version) roflmao. Animators have made little references to The Scum Villain's Self Saving System this season so I would not be surprised if someone snuck in a reference to the Mo Dao Zu Shi donghua, too lol And this is similar enough to at least one Meng Yao + Nie Mingjue scene that I can see why they'd do it here.
So the Xianle goons licking their lips is because, I imagine, whatever was in that pouch Qi Rong brought An Le infected them or maybe it was these actual soldiers or something. Makes it less mmm... Strange. Having seen recordings of an attempted assault on a principal government building with government officials inside and what bloodthirsty folks bent on literal murder of said officials get up to around that, I mean I guess it's not that..... strange......
Someone here let me know that the servant/friend is the same official from S02E01 who ran past Xie Lian to help Lang Qianqiu, which makes sense! I totally forgot he showed up then and wondered after S02E07 if he was An Le acting funny (though by the end of S02E09 he is clearly not). He does show up in the novel in that S02E01 scene, but he's not named so far as I can tell, and I don't think we see him in Yong'an flashbacks like we do here. It's neat to see the development of this side character, and how some officials reward people who support them in life (besides Xie Lian and Yin Yu).
Xie Lian seeing the guy nervously looking for Lang Qianqiu and then being like: -sigh- young love is such a trial. You should spend more time studying the blade!
Oh shit, we get a preview of Xie Lian's parents' suicide. Wow. Will we get the donghua that far please T-T
I'm just in love with Fangxin's cape. It's so beautiful trailing behind him.
I'm sorry but An Le screaming in the same way Nakahara Chuuya does whenever he's mid-Corruption in Bungo Stray Dogs made me laugh so hard roflmao Unexpected (and likely unintentional) cameo lol
Imma keep saying it, the animation in this episode is really good. The fight scene is wonderful. When they go back to Qi Rong cackling is good. The show is just pretty.
Qi Rong: "Why is everyone here so fond of crying!"
This man is tired. Can't you do a little mass murder and gloating in peace? Honestly. Hard times.
Qi Rong: "You want your parents? I haven't gone asking for mine yet!"
Aw Qi Rong, babe...
Qi Rong got anime slashed. Who could have foreseen??? /end sarcasm
Xie Lian having a sad moment about Qi Rong, thinking he died. I'm wondering what the crying scene is from, or if that's something new. Qi Rong did cry I think in one flashback (I think where he's complaining about something) but this looked sadder? And less "spoiled".
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Xie Lian sadly reaching out for Lang Qianqiu T-T
Xie Lian: "Is the truth so important? . . . What's the use of him knowing that? If I killed a few less people, would that make my reasons more justified?"
I really do love this so much. Just... sometimes the truth isn't important. Sometimes the truth is more painful/results in a worse outcome. Being bluntly honest isn't always the answer. You could argue that Xie Lian sacrificing himself isn't the answer either, and it's better overall that Lang Qianqiu knows things, but I love how this story brings up this idea, that maybe ignorance was better. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and Xie Lian did still intentionally murder two people, as part of a cover-up.
Also, "You'd rather be right than be loved," is something I think about a lot from personal experience. It's not Hua Cheng's intention, but this kind of thinking can lead down that path so easily.
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Hua Cheng really feeling that "fucked around and found out" part of this whole thing. Like I don't necessarily disagree with his goal here, and Xie Lian's plan is kind of well... imperfect (to put it lightly). But I do think this is a nice moment of Hua Cheng realizing that yes, he is Xie Lian's #1 fan, he is Xie Lian's strongest believer, and Xie Lian clearly cares deeply for him in return, but this does not mean that Hua Cheng understands Xie Lian perfectly, or knows all his thoughts (does Hua Cheng know a lot about him? Yes. But Xie Lian hides a lot of what he thinks, and has done so throughout his life). When thinking about Hua Cheng, I often think of Sosuke Aizen's line in Bleach chapter 170: "Admiration is the state furthest from understanding."
Unlike other people, Hua Cheng sets himself apart by not forcing his views on Xie Lian or trying to get Xie Lian to change to suit him, and he's realizing, "Oh shit, I fucked up with that here, didn't I," because in his quest for justice, to protect Xie Lian, he did just what he hates other people doing (to an extent, it's not nearly as bad as other folks). One thing I love so much about their relationship is how much they listen to each other, and learn from each other, and how Hua Cheng tries to see Xie Lian in ways other people don't. Even here, he's seeing Xie Lian (I really love that they focused so much on Hua Cheng's expressions here, even if he's not visually doing as much as Xie Lian, it's the little clear signs of upset that mean so much). He's not interrupting Xie Lian, he's not arguing his case (though to be fair, he already mostly has). He's trying to learn and be better. They recover from this because of that. And I love that about them.
Xie Lian: "I deserve whatever punishment I get and I can't die anyway. So why not put all the blame on me?"
T-T Crying in the club, folks. This man...
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Xie Lian realizing he's being mean to Hua Cheng and apologizing got me T-T He's so scared of himself and what he's capable of - and incapable of, given all his work to try and save lives and mend old anger has come to naught, and he can't fix it. He always doubts himself before others. The scars of Bai Wuxiang are all over this episode, and Xie Lian himself, figuratively and literally. All this episode I cry T-T
Xie Lian's Chinese voice actor has done such a good job. Everyone is amazing (Qi Rong's VA doing amazing), but dang, he is phenomenal this episode. You can really feel Xie Lian's desperation and sorrow.
All in all the subs were also better this episode! They still call Qi Rong the "Green Immor" for some reason, but outside maybe one slightly awkward sentence, I think it was okay! But that doesn't necessarily mean anything cause they've been good and then got worse again lol
An excellent episode. Truly phenomenal. I think one of my favorites, particularly for this ending bit with Xie Lian and Hua Cheng talking to each other.
Other episode thoughts for season 2 (didn't start till episode 3):
S02E10 (you are here)
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astralartefact · 4 months
Placeholder Name for Atarase's Media Diary
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Entry 005 - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Remake
<<Prev: Unicorn Overlord
The Only Plumber I know is made to visit Fantasy America to collect yet another set of mystical stars - and we gladly do it all over again.
How much did I know before playing?
I played the Original and I liked it very, very, very, very, very, very much. One of my favorite games ever.
Did I like it more than I expected?
It was everything I hoped for <3
If you say you like Turn-Based RPGs and own a Switch you owe it to yourself to play the Classic.
Since I liked it, here's what I hated about it
I would be hard pressed to find anything really.
I guess they could have added more things (the Luigi fight we all crave and the rest of the Paper Mario 1 cameos that were even hinted at in the game files of the original) - but I think what they added is good enough. They added Super Bosses, they added non-intrusive QoL - I don't need them to change the face of the game, I like the OG for a reason.
(and also a thought I had was - I don't know how many writers from the OG Games (both PM1 and TTYD) worked on the Remake and if there isn't much overlap I could see the Remake Devs feeling weird about putting those fanservicey kind of things in on their own)
Also the Thinking Music is punishing don't stop the banger while I'm over here being stupid navigating the UI q_q
What did this game make me think about?
Similar to what I said in my Entry on Unicorn Overlord, I kept thinking that this game - at least in this day and age - isn't even all that groundbreaking - it just does the thing you're supposed to do, the normal Turnbased RPG Overworld-to-Dungeon-to-Boss Loop really really well and it's kind of weird that people don't do it more often.
I guess Thematic Takes on RPG Staples aren't interesting enough for the Unique Selling Point Crowd anymore :/
Specific Impressions that will stick with me
the soundtrack
The Excess Express was the Progenitor of my love for Train Levels.
Specifically for this Remake - How having Vivian's Trans Moment* makes Mario's actions more heartwarming.
*look forward to hearing about this in the ramble section
Outstanding Audio
Very non-exhaustive List because Goddamn. This Soundtrack.
vs. Shadow Sirens
vs. Atomic Boo
Moon Battle
vs. Magnus Von Grapple 2.0
There is one single "bad" thing I have to say about the Soundtrack and it is... that I think Origami King's OST is still unbeaten as my favorite. The banger ratio of that game is simply unbeatable.
All the Partner Themes they're all so good and they're used like twice each
Edit: ___the bonetail theme, goodness___
Besides that they did exactly what I wanted them to do. The Paper Mario Sound Team is just amazing, they do not get enough credit. I'm so excited to see what's next - whatever it is the entire team decides and/or gets to do.
btw there's nothing quite as irritating to me than people complaining about remake soundtracks, even in the off chance that i agree with the sentiment its always voiced in the most condescending tone possible and it drives me up the walls. and sure, ppl can voice 'valuable criticisms' and disappointments or whatever, but i also can read them and be baffled why you thought you needed to share it sounding like you're the only person on earth who understood the original, especially when - like it is in this case - the remake sound team is the same as the original, they literally made the thing you like so much and you thank it by calling them names for daring to 'not get' one specific second in their own work as much as you do.
especially now that we don't really have technical sound quality to improve on there's always going to be changes you like more and less because any remaining difference is closer and closer to a lateral move and the only 'value' difference is subjective opinion. and regardless, the original keeps existing, you hear the new soundtrack in context for a playthrough at most, afterwards you can just listen to the og again.
Favorite Character
Toadette. My All Time Fave, she steals the show everywhere she goes <3
Also Mini-Yoshi, Vivian, the Rich Bob-Ombs, Kammy Koopa,...
Favorite Arc/Story Line
The Excess Express, I know it's relatively short but I just really love Train Levels
Also Glitz Pit, I guess I just like when the Dungeon is the RPG Chapter Location.
Favorite Set Piece
The Remake is so beautiful I could really put anything in here.
Honestly I love all of the Chapter 6 locations, the train in the different atmospheric lightings, the Sunset train stop, Poshley Heights,... (Bad Glimmerich in german, one of the reasons I will allow Fluffy)
Favorite Scene
The Excess Express being covered in the Smorgs (is that the name, they're called Fluffys in german which is kind of lame but I will allow it)
Best Performance
I'm leaving this in here because they didn't replace Charles Martinet for this one and they got me too often with random Luigi Dialogue sounds there's a really good one where they talk about luigi and when they show his picture he echo-ey goes 'wahoo!'
Also the new voice sounds they gave all the characters were too cute, some of them sounded really really nice.
German Localization Notes
I can happily confirm that Barbara is Trans in German too! I can't tell you with certainty how the situation was with the original but I'm pretty sure it was also removed there.
Honestly the German Localization for this Game is and was so good, you people have no idea. I don't know how similar the text between the two is (I haven't played the OG in years) but they kept all the names from the old Localization - which I was a little bit worried about since the german names are so wildly weird (in a good way) I could have seen them go back and 're-align' some of them.
The OG Localization didn't give that much of a damn about keeping in line with the source material when it comes to Character and Location Names, but also they got the Vibe so well they honestly did a better job at it in certain places.
For every weird thing like calling Petal Meadows Fire Valley (which makes more sense when coming from the japanese name but still mischaracterizes the 1-1 world of this game in a way that's honestly fascinating to think about) and boring names like Fluffy we have things like calling "The Great Gonzales" Bomba Luigi, a change I will defend with my life, that's such a funny name, it even makes that Bowser Scene with Rawk Hawk funnier when Bowser is perplexed who the fuck Bomba Luigi is supposed to be. (mini yoshi calls you bomba throughout the game and nobody remarks on you being called like your brother - not even luigi himself, which makes it funnier)
Also the Grandma Bubu (Puni) yells the phrase "Soll ich mir in der Kälte hier Gicht holen!?" (do you want me to get gout in this cold) at the Boy Bubu and that's just. I'm still laughing about it. I hope you have a similarly fun-to-shout sentence in its place.
Ugh, I love it. I know if I looked it up people would complain about how much they 'changed'.
What about this game gives me Hope for the future of gaming?
I just want this game to be a sign to let future Paper Marios break the character design regulations again. (if you didn't know, these are an actual thing and are why post ttyd has either fully unique looking npc or entirely non-unique npcs, it's for brand integrity reasons so new characters aren't confused as 'official' and like all brand integrity stuff it sucks the fun out of everything)
I'm even one of the four people in favor of letting them do whatever they want with the gameplay if they don't want to do Standard Turn-based RPGs anymore - by which I mean to say I was fine with Sticker Star - but the texture that only PM and TTYD have, the Texture we all want and crave so much, comes squarely from the unique Toads and Goombas and Koopas and Bob-Ombs..., all the ones they're not allowed to do anymore because the Brand Integrity Manager says no.
(okay so to put this a little more thought out: specifically the unique npcs make the paper mario style less about 'haha paper pun' (which, as funny as they might be once in a blue moon, not a single person cares about) and more an abstracted story book-esque depiction of the mario universe. it makes the entire thing work better by just being 'real but less detailed' - which also makes the plot work better with fewer details - instead of... well, a paper(thin) joke.)
What about this game makes me scared for the future of gaming?
The Unique Selling Point will be the end of me.
Ever since Dexit (yes i'm specifically blaming that hot mess) awakened the worst type of Gamer to the fact that complaining about Problems caused by Capitalism means nobody can disagree with you, Nobody gets to have fun anymore. Not gamers, Not devs, Not anybody.
Everything has to have Value now, everything has to have a reason to exist, a unique take and always also a quantifyable improvement on what came before. If it isn't as good as 'it should be' it's an insult to the people paying money for this! You need to fix this, I paid for this! I know what's good and need to share my intellectual opinion on this minor detail that you clearly don't have any idea about! What in god's good earth are you smoking that you thought this was acceptable?
It comes with this "Customer can do no wrong" mindset (which is often enough wrong btw, you're very much responsible for your own goddamn actions) and it always belittles the thoughts and decisions of the developers who more than likely have to fight higher-ups for those to actually end up in the video games they produce.
Sticker Star really is a good example of that, aside from the Brand Integrity stuff that made us lose unique NPCs the other thing people endlessly complain about is that the Sticker System disencourages Battles which i'm pretty sure they just heard someone smart say once and that therefore the system sucks, who could ever have thought of pivoting to something that stupid???
Well, it's actually a really creative idea on a very foundational RPG problem: Turnbased RPG Battles and the Overworld are for the most part distinctly seperated from each other. For a standard TRPG what you do in the Overworld has fuck all to do with your battles. This is an attempt to make Overworld Exploration a meaningful part in the Battle Gameplay Loop. It has its downsides and it didn't work out perfectly, but I think it was an interesting idea to put to the test!
But I guess that's not allowed. The Devs simply were too stupid to realize you would just end up doing a lot of backtracking to get good Stickers. They just simply don't know what they're doing and we have to make that clear to them by lambasting the game whenever it comes up. (and also to prove to everybody that you have very smart opinions)
There's a thing I learned in school and you might have heard that too before: You shouldn't tell people negative feedback (first). And that might sound like "a nice thing" to do, you "shouldn't hurt anybody's feelings" after all, but here's the thing why I think we should do that: Most of the time People already know what they did wrong, but they don't know what they did right - what they can capitalize on.
Maybe keep that in mind the next time you share your "Valuable Criticism" underneath an official Instagram post (btw who in their right mind does that)
The Ramble Section where I get to actually talk about what I thought about
Let's talk about 'Nintendo adds Transphobia.' I know it's just a meme. Still don't like it :) I liked that they added the Transphobia! I just don't like the meme.
It's like bnuuy. I don't get the joke. It's not fun to pronounce. If the joke is that u and n are upside down, then you could also type pnuuh, that's the entire word upside down. Why are you all finding this so funny. I just don't get it. And just for the record, it's fine you find it funny. I hope you feel validated that I'm okay with your choice of meme. I just don't get it.
But with 'Nintendo adds Transphobia' there is this undertone of "What they did is good" (that's the happy reaction gif in the background) - but the thing they added, the Transphobia, is some amount of bad, or else it wouldn't be funny to be happy about it. We would prefer if you added the Trans Character without including Transphobia after all. But would we? Would that be "better" - whatever that would even mean?
And just to get it out of the way, yes, for a lot of people it's probably haha just a joke about how it sounds funny to be happy about adding transphobia - but then i still don't know what you people think you're doing when spreading a haphazard joke about 'nintendo does a transphobia' in a day and age where nobody checks any of the news they receive when nintendo is literally doing the thing they are supposed to be doing, like come on guys i do have the moral high ground here and i am firing shots
Fully aware that I'm taking this too seriously - If this is what's resting at the heart of some these jokes then I would guess this comes from the "It shouldn't be a huge/integral part of their character!"-BS that people (on both sides) have been peddling for years (because assholes really want that and well-intentioned people rightfully don't want to be fetishized) - but regardless of what you're using that sentiment for, clearly it's not that easy. Like, it should matter to the character or else it might as well be a JK JKRO "Dumbledore is Gay" Tweet and never be talked about again.
It's not like Beldam bullies Vivian just because she is Trans, Beldam bullies everybody, she almost bullies Doopliss more than her. It's just that 'her bullying feels meaner ever since she realized she was a sister, not a brother.' You know, exactly what they state in game and exactly like somebody would probably feel about it even if Beldam's Transphobia didn't play any part in the bullying at all, Feelings don't really care about Facts after all and it creates another dimension to Vivian, a tangible relationship between her and her bullying.
Sure, everything about her story would work without her 'being trans' - but a little change like that goes a long way to color all of her interactions. Even just the simple fact that Mario is nice to her hits a little different knowing that her sister treats her differently since she lives as a woman.
But that's all kind of besides the point because while they wrote a Trans Character facing a struggle that hopefully people will at least feel a little represented by - that's not the only thing they did. They put a Canonically, Directly Stated Trans Character right next to the best plumber you know. And that's kind of the thing that annoys me the most about "They Added Transphobia." Like guys. She's a main character. She's not some weird side quest character that appears one time, doesn't even have a name and says a weird line about it before disappearing forever like that one quest people bring up to say FF14 has Gay Representation. You Can Have a Fully Canonically Trans Woman on Screen for 50% of this Game, Right Next to The Mario Man, And He's Like "You Rock Girl. Love Wins." He doesn't even wince when she implies she has a crush on him.
This is a much bigger deal than some of you make it out to be! This is a serious occassion and you made the social blunder to show up wearing "They added Transphobia"!
And for the people that missed it: Origami King also had a Trans-affirming Birdo Moment where they used her for a Secret Drag Show at the Coffee House at the Rainbow Spring. The Paper Mario Writers know what they're doing with Mario's Image and even Nintendo's Brand Identity Manager can't stop them. You look foolish and don't know who you're talking to. These people made Mario canonically visit a gay bar hiding as a coffee shop. Fix your wig.
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 year
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 made me cry three times.
Hey, that’s one per movie...Yeah, this movie’s awesome.
If you couldn’t tell, this is a very emotional film for sure, and a part of why that works so well is because it’s these characters. The Guardians are some of the most likable characters in the MCU, so seeing them go through a lot of hard stuff in this movie hits ya where it hurts because of how much you care about them. Especially Rocket, who I might not see the same way again after this movie due to his crazy tragic backstory.
Speaking of which, shit gets DARK with Volume 3! Do you like animals? Then maybe don’t watch this one, because there are scenes where animals get tortured, mutilated, mutated, and even killed throughout the film. You don’t see the REAL brutal stuff, but the implications that James Gunn puts in might actually be worse than SHOWING us. But don’t let that make you think we DON’T see any gruesome stuff in this. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is one of the few MCU projects that EARNS its PG-13 rating, having some VIOLENT imagery and deaths. For example, there’s a moment where you see what a character really looks like, and it might just be the goriest thing the MCU has ever had, which is the biggest compliment I can give.
But despite all that, it’s still funny! Like, REALLY funny! And the jokes don’t spoil and dramatic or serious moment in the film, either...Well, except for maybe one or two scenes, but that’s NOTHING compared to films where the jokes completely harm the final product like Thor: Love and Thunder. Here, the jokes are perfectly placed, are rarely forced in, and are ACTUALLY funny. Me and everyone in the theater were cackling with laughter a LOT throughout the movie. I could barely restrain myself from belting out a laugh or two half the time.
And the action. Holy SHIT, the action! These “trilogies” in the MCU really know how to save the cool stuff for the third movies. Iron Man 3, Captain America: Civil War, Thor: Ragnarok, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and now THIS FILM all feature some of the most epic, creative, and fun action scenes and set-pieces in the MCU. There’s a hallway fight that might just top Daredevil’s due to how violent and creative it is with these characters, their powers, and how they kill people. It really does feel like James Gunn wanted to give the fans a few final cool battles before leaving the MCU forever.
Which brings me to another thing about what makes this movie awesome: It is a clear send-off for James Gunn and the Guardians. The movie makes it VERY clear that this will be the last time all these characters will be together. Hell, the credits features pictures of the Guardians throughout their journies and adventures in the MCU. The most we’ll PROBABLY get are cameos, but other than that, this is the end for most of these characters. And WHAT an end it was.
If there’s anything to complain about, there’s two problems.
#1, Adam Warlock. The character isn’t...bad and Will Poulter nails the voice I always pictured this character having. But he doesn’t really nail who Warlock is in the comics and, overall, he’s kind of...pointless. You can easily write him out of the movie and make a few extra tweaks NOTHING would be missing. Honestly, it feels like the only reason why he’s here is because Volume 2 teased his appearance and James Gunn had no choice but to...bring him in for this last ride. Also, Warlock has the worst costume in the MCU. I mean, look at this:
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What even is this?
Which brings me to #2--Which is my most nitpickiest complaint: Star Lord doesn’t wear his mask. Ever. Throughout all two hours and a half hours of this film. It’s part of a bigger complain I have where characters don’t mask up as much as they should in these movies, but it doesn’t stop how distracting it is. I don’t want see Chrisp Ratt’s stupid face in this. I want to see STAR LORD.
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THIS! I want to see THIS! And the crazy thing is that Volume 3 finally gives the Guardians their comic accurate uniforms, but don’t go all the way in giving us Star Lord’s mask. Not even the original one they made for these movies. Part of the fun of superheroes are their cool and iconic costumes so it sucks that we don’t get to see enough of that. Imagine if Spider-Man: No Way Home or Captain America: Civil War didn’t have Peter and Steve wear their masks for the big and epic fights, including the finale battles. It wouldn’t be great, would it? Seeing Tom Holland and Chris Evans fight instead of Spider-Man and Captain America.
...But other than that, this movie’s a near perfect 9/10 for me.
Now, does this mean Marvel’s back on their game and they’ll be making good movies again?
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...We’ll see.
For now, I’ll remain hopeful. Because while the MCU is going through a bit of a rough patch with its films and recent shows, there’s still some fun to be had. I’ll always keep an eye out for what they have next, even if it’s not always as good as it could be, it’ll always lead me to seeing...
A fun, nostalgic thrill-ride that honors Spider-Man and what makes him so awesome.
A touching tribute to Chadwick Boseman and how much he and the character he portrayed meant to others.
And this final ride that’s fun, tragic, and complete in all the right ways.
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garfeildfanpage · 8 months
Jk anyways hot takes have always been kind of a drama-trigger for tbhk fans generally (though most takes aren’t exactly “hot” they’re either lukewarm or just bad), but most prominently on tbhktwt, which I don’t actively participate in. But I’ve noticed that every time one of those “what’s your unpopular tbhk opinion?” Posts gets popular everyone starts fighting and it’s kindof annoying. Which for a few reasons: they just like to argue when no huge announcements are happening to make sure the fan base stays alive, or someone just has a really bad opinion (ex the toxic nene post).
Now that’s not the point and has nothing to do with what I’m about to say but I thought it’d be a fun intro.
(tldr at end and also more concise points w/o the tired rambling)
Quick side note. I’m being super serious, these are all just opinions I possess but they don’t necessarily exist in a vacuum. I mostly just want to complain about a trope I don’t like, but I’m not die-hard about any of this. So take everything I say with a grain of salt
Mitsuba, Sousuke, and what makes a character interesting
(Mitsukou cameo 2 because staying on topic is hard)
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After a while, I started to develop a bit of a dislike of Mitsuba, the fake one specifically
To elaborate: During Sousuke’s introductory arc (and the only one he’s in) despite the trope-y nature of his character, his opening up during the chapters and his pre-canon connection to Kou is what, to me, made me like him more. I personally cannot stand the “cute-boy but actually he’s really mean” archetype, and it really turned me off from him in general. But I continued through it anyway. I thought the subversion of it was nice, not having him on edge and actually have a somewhat heart-to-heart was nice. And then he died whoopsie
I liked the hell of mirrors, like a lot actually. At the beginning I really liked Mitsuba, but as the series went on the traits I disliked started to shine more than the ones I liked. His stoic act around Nene at the very beginning of the hell of mirrors was the peak I strived for, but it basically never appeared again. The gruesome horror of Mitsuba lost my interest as he began to behave more human, I think. Now really all of this just comes down to personal preference. I like subversion, so I liked how Mitsuba was at the very beginning, but I never loved him. And I know that the direction his character took was always going to be the same but some part of me prayed for some kind of miracle.
He’s not human, but he wants to be, and I liked the idea a lot. But I was never able to get invested because almost every time he was in a chapter I wanted to bang my head into a wall. The the sensitivity and tact of Mitsuba isn’t lost, but I feel like a lot of it is lost when he’s around certain characters. His interactions with Nene (with a few exceptions) demonstrates how he could be if he decided to tone it down on occasion, still irritating but y’know, not as much. This falters with Kou in specific though, as he is constantly flip-flopping between defensive and annoying. If he could learn to let his guard down a little, it could really go a long way
Speaking of Kou
They are peers, they knew each other, and now only Kou remembers. Great, love it. Mitsukou, now that’s where it gets a little complicated.
As true equals, I do love them. And I know “the fandom ruined it for me” is a ballshit excuse but it genuinely does this time ‘round, and I can give a few pinpoints.
1. The constant feminization of Mitsuba
Every fandom is guilty of this at some point, and tbhk is no different. Forcible feminization of one (typically smaller or younger) male characters because they act even somewhat effeminate. And I have a right to be upset! It’s my 2nd amendment right or whatever!
2. And in tandem, the over-masculinization of Kou
His ass is fourteen!!! He ain’t buff!!! he probably still squeaks when he gets scared!! Enter that scene where Dipper is singing ABBA in the bathroom and Stan walks in except it’s Kou!!
3. General disregard of canonical characterization
Mitsuba can absolutely handle himself I’m going to kill someone
IMO mitsukou only really works if there’s an underlying understanding that 1. They’re both stupid kids. 2. They’re peers, and wether supernatural or not they are in alot of ways equals. And 3. They’re both deeply flawed.
To add onto that, Kou is indecisive about values. He wants to be an exorcist but has gotten attached to every somewhat sympathetic spirit he’s come in contact with, showing that he’s far too empathetic for the profession. He claims to understand Teru’s view on the undead yet he holds his personal judgment over his brothers consistently, for better or worse (yeah IK hanako is the title character so obviously he has to be good so why would he die but I’m just trying to think about it more literally, y’dig?). Mitsuba (the fake one) is not, and never will be, he isn’t meant to last forever. Sousuke (the dead one) Left everything unresolved, even when trying after death, nothing ever came to any conclusion, not even with his mom.
They work alone, but not yet together. But they can, it’s not too late, if given care and some intense therapy, they could totally be awkward teen romance of the summer. But the cannibalism should probably be talked about b4 that
Overall I think the general populous of Mitsukou could really benefit by trying to understand their dynamics a lil better, but what would I know I’m no yaoiologist
TL;DR (and end notes don’t forget) Basically, I wish he kept the short-lived confidence he gained in the Hell of Mirrors. I wish his cutesy-mean attitude died after as well. I also wish he wasn’t nearly as feminized as he is. (He’s not 4,9 he’s taller than Nene and would most likely be (if he didn’t die, rest in rip) the same height if not taller than Kou). Also his dynamic with Tsukasa makes me uncomfortable, like deeply so, it’s kinda really weird. ALSO(also) I think the constant comparison to Hananene is weird because the same comparison can be made to literally 90% of the other ships, why is no one ever comparing them to Terukane? Or Aoiaoi? Or Sumi6 (actually I completely understand why not sumi6 but they’re literally all human x supernatural no one is special)
Anyway the point I’m attempting to get across (while sleep deprived) is that (to me) Mitsuba as a character just doesn’t tickle my fancy and I tried my best to explain some reasons why. if you don’t agree, that’s perfectly fine! No one is entitled to agree with me.
Sorry if bad grammar I,m moments away from death Uauuughhh ninja out
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hergrandplan · 5 months
Hey Nina 💜,
I was wondering about 🌀❄️🌩️ for the writer asks.
Hope you're having a beautiful day!
Hi Sophia, I hope you're having a wonderful day too!!
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
Simply because @bigalockwood shared her end of the deal... (like hers, I am writing summary right now, no other part of this fic exists yett but... it will. this summary is a lot less long though so i apologize if you expected more sakldgj)
If there's one thing you can be sure about when it comes to a Simon Eriksson music video, it's that Wille's going to be in it, one way or another.
Or: despite growing protests of directors and producers, Simon and Wille do everything in their power to get Wille a cameo in every. single. music video
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
okay i took the longest time debating over what to share and mostly, whether im not plugging this fic that won't go up for months too much but.... have the first few passages of a fic that i'm way too excited about
“I’m going to the Oscars, of course I’m going to bring my best friend as a plus one.”
The video cut to a shot of Felice Ehrencrona, former-actress-turned-food-influencer, walking arm in arm with former Crown Prince Wilhelm, laughing at some joke the audience wasn’t privy to. Simon scrolled past it, onto the next video, the same trend but a different person. “I’m an older sibling, of course”. He closed the app, choosing to stare out the window, watching the LA skyline pass by instead.
Why the Oscars thought it a smart idea to also start inviting influencers, despite the backlash other award shows like the Grammy’s and even the MET gala had received over doing exactly that, was beyond him.
It’s not like anyone actually cared enough about them, and people would only complain about it online.
Plus, what right did they have to be there? It was an award show for actors and actresses. And sure, Felice had done some acting gigs in the beginning of her career, but that was years ago. Inviting influencers took the whole prestige out of it. And to bring the former crown prince with her on top of that? Ugh.
Simon already found it hard enough that he had to deal with actual celebrities who’d probably manage to complain about every minor detail, and now he had to deal with influencers as well? Who somehow had gotten the thought in their head that they were even better than anyone else?
And not to mention a former crown prince, who probably had everything that ever happened to him, every opportunity, just handed to him on a silver platter, and who had never been told no or what he could or couldn’t do.
Maybe Simon should also hop on the trend.
“I’m going to be working at the Oscars, of course someone is going to yell at me because I brought them a regular coke instead of a diet.”
What a glamourous life he had.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Simon sat down on the couch next to Wille, the widest grin possible on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. “I met someone. And I’m pretty sure he’s the one.”
“You said that about the previous guy. And the guy before that. And the guy before that.”
“Yeah, but this time I’m sure of it.” Simon fell back against the couch cushions, and ran a hand through his black curls. “He’s sweet, and considerate, and incredible in bed. I mean the way he–“
“Okay, okay, I do not need to hear you go on about your sexual escapades again, please. Where did you meet him?”
Simon’s hand got stuck in his curls, and he blushed. Actually blushed, and that’s how Wille knew the answer.
“Please don’t say the club.”
Simon didn’t reply.
“Simon, we talked about this. Not every guy you fuck is the one.”
Come ask me about WIPs! (and i have too many so repeats are fine)
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oceana-official · 11 months
𖥻  A FUNNY FEELING CALLED LOVE ˒ 𝐞𝐭𝐚. summer of 2022
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starring ˒ blaire & her lover
cameos ˒ ivy and her bf
warnings ˒ fluff with a little angst :]
emma says ˒ we dont know who this lover is yet... hmm blaire ruth orion what are you hiding?? :/ lmk if you like this!! also i did not proof read it so ignore any errors <33
disclaimer ˒ spam liking without any reblogs will be blocked.
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"What are you looking at?" she heard the other voice say. smiling at the source, she shook her head. "Just looking at how beautiful you are" blaire heard her voice say. looking at the soft blush coating her companion's face, she felt satisfied to know that she had the upper hand. "not as beautiful as you tho ruth…" said the other voice. feeling the soft crimson color on her cheek, she turned to the other side making the other laugh. hearing the laughter never failed to bring smile on blaire's face. just looking at the smile on her lover's face was enough to make her fall in love all over again with the said individual. traveling and creating memories has always been her favorite pastime. but she never once imagined she'd be doing it with the love of her life.
grinning to herself, she took a picture of her lover looking at the camera they had just bought together. she knew how she'd be asked to send that picture so that the other could share it with everyone but she wanted to keep it to herself. she wanted to keep them to herself. afraid if others opinions on their love would taunt her too much, she's always kept to herself. even if someone found out, they'd just think that they're just two best friends traveling together right? She was very grateful to have someone by her side who listens to her rambles without any complaints. all her past boyfriends have in one way the other once complained about her talking too much which once led her to stop all together.
but this….. this time it felt different. it was as if even if blaire was to explain the concept of rocket science, her lover would listen. she'd be urged to tell more about what she knew and not just shut up and sit in a corner. everytime she would talk about anything, she felt a pair of eyes that belonged to someone that listened. the first time she cried in front of her beloved was when she was gifted the thing that she had been talking non stop about 6-7 months ago. just the thought makes her eyes water. she was sure that she was way out of her lover's league. she was surprised to know that the feelings were reciprocated. she still remembers coming home to the members being so confused on why their blaire was acting so weird. she was so happy that day she would've kissed them right then and there. but that would mean that all her hard work of rizzing up her beloved would go down the drain. the memories they shared together would always hold a special place in her heart.
deep down, she knows they aren't supposed to last long. she knows that, but she can't help but fall in love more each passing day. she also knows her members won't say anything that might hurt her. after all sage was the one who introduced her to the love of her life. the only person who knew about this love they shared beside them was ivy. of course it was ivy, blaire remembers laughing about how ivy is saving everybody's ass every time.
ivy was the one who encouraged blaire to go for it. give her love a try instead of wilting away with sadness. she sometimes wonders if her and her lover look at each other the same way ivy and her boyfriend look at each other. she feels as if she's dreaming everytime shes with her soulmate. her friends from home would for sure tease her to death if they knew about her whipped condition now. She was always the third wheel of the friend group. Whenever her friends would get boyfriends, she always joked that she was their child and not just a third wheel. but as much as Ruth likes to forget the feeling, she did get a lot lonely in the past.
When she got her first boyfriend, he was an ass. She thinks back to it now, he never paid attention to her, never encouraged her, never showed any love or any kind of emotion. she felt so good when she finally mustered up the courage to break up with him after almost a year. Now, Blaire couldn't even think about her lover not paying attention. she's constantly showered with compliments and reassurance and just what not… she feels complete. Her heart feels content and it's as if a million butterflies are having a party in her stomach everytime her beloved looks at her.
The feeling of loneliness is long gone. She knows it's just a matter of time before the end things but she wants to savor their love until then. She doesn't know when that said moment is but she wants to slow down time. They knew what they were getting into the second they laid eyes on each other and they knew the consequences of their actions but it still hurt blaire to think about the end. how can she forget. how can she forget all the loving gazes, the secret hand holding, the secret kisses they shared… quickly thinking of their good times, blaire smiles towards no one in particular. she can think of the bad things later.
blaire is shaken out of her daydream by her beloved telling her it was time to board the plane. getting on it with high expectations to spend the summer with the person she loves, she did not in fact predict she'd come back alone with a broken heart and tear stains down her cheek.
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oceana taglist ˒ @stealanity @riikiblr @skz-libby @nohchuri (lmk if wanna be added!)
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