#one pan salmon pasta
veryveryokay · 2 years
BEST SALMON Why Salmon is a Superfood? FAST RECIPE YOU MUST TRY high in ...
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Hob is a chef; Dream, his boyfriend, is learning to cook to surprise him.
Hob is a chef -- he has thoughts on the best condiments; the correct way to filet a fish; where to get the freshest in season vegetables. He started dating his darling, Dream, ages ago. They live together, love together, and really if Hob isn't cooking in his restaurant, he's with Dream. One of the things that makes Hob happiest is that he's found food that Dream eats/craves and that Dream has put on some healthy weight since they've been together.
This is not about Hob though......this is about Dream. Dream can. not. cook. He burns water, well not water, but the pot the water is in or the kettle for tea is always burning down. But he wants to propose to his Hob and he wants to cook for him to do it.
Dream and Hob have been together for the best years of Dream's existence and Dream wants to make a proposal meal that won't put both of them in the hospital or you know is actually composed of food and not the leftover biscuits from Tesco.
So he asks some of Hob's chef friends to teach him. It goes about as well as well..... in the beginning. (So many burned pans and inedible used to be pasta.) But it only took 3 months (4 months -- shut it Joanna), but Dream can make a full 3 course meal.
He's going to propose this weekend!!
So!!!! Sweet!!!! Dream proposing to his foodie boyfriend via the medium of a nice, home cooked dinner is just the cutest thing ever. Hob would definitely cry so, so much.
Surprisingly the meal goes quite well! Dream’s first course of salmon terrine goes well, and Hob seems genuinely delighted! He even comments on Dream’s presentation! Dream is beaming with pride (while also sweating through his shirt because this is the most important and stressful night of his life).
He's done lamb for the main course - Hob’s favourite. It's taken weeks for him to understand and learn how it ought to be done. Jo and Rachel were absolutely despairing, but Dream was determined. Roasted lamb, with nice vegetables. And ok it doesn't taste as good as when Hob cooks it, but Hob doesn't seem to notice! He clears his plate and asks for more, and even pulls Dream down into his lap for a hug to say well done and thank you. Dream wants to pop the question then and there, but no! Dessert first!
If the baked alaska collapses a bit, and if the ice cream isn't home made, Hob neither seems to notice or care. He's busy showering Dream in compliments. Saying that he always had faith in Dream’s ability to cook. He's so sweet, Dream wants to marry him NOW. but first, he has to propose.
There's no funny business with the ring in a champagne glass (Hob would definitely drink it without noticing). Dream just whips out the ring box and asks before he can lose his nerve. Hob’s look of shock and immediate tearful nodding makes all that slaving away in the kitchen entirely worth it. Dream slips the ring onto Hob’s finger and they don't stop kissing for a very long while.
They fall asleep immediately after doing enough washing up for a small army. Hob keeps his hand on the pillow, so the ring is the first thing he'll see in the morning.
And Dream can't wait for another beautiful new day with Hob. But he WONT be cooking breakfast!
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afoggymirror · 5 months
반짝반짝 너와 함께 있을 때
‧ ₊ ˚ * ๋࣭ ⭑ ⚝ twinkle twinkle when i’m with you ༘ 𖤐⭒๋࣭⭑
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broke!annyeongz | smut; fluff; puppygirl!Yujin; petplay; shock collar; drunk sex; heavy foot stuff; light hypno; light overstimulation word count | 8000 ao3
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Buried several pages deep into a small newspaper, back in her old home town, she’d once read a completely inane story that, God knows why, lodged itself in her brain. It was about a local woman who, due to health complications, had lost the use of her legs, and so she trained her dog – a very pretty Border Collie mix – to fetch the groceries from the local store. Why this story just so happened to pop into her head again at that very moment, Yujin could only guess.
In total, she was carrying five bags: her purse from work balanced precariously on one shoulder, a large tote bag filled to the brim with stuff from the supermarket, and three plastic bags full of whatever couldn’t fit in the second bag. Really, Yujin wouldn’t mind carrying all this junk if it weren’t so fucking cold that day. She’d walked all from the office to the store with her hands awkwardly buried into her armpits for warmth.
She shitstepped around a corner and away from the wind. Her head sunk into her scarf and all the hair she had wrapped it around. Her breath condensed in the air, painting the view of the city around her a paler shade of gray. For a moment, something changed she felt lighter, like a weight had been lifted from her. The next moment she realized one of her bags had just ripped.
“Ah, shit,” she heard a loud, glassy thoonk against the pavement below, “fuck.” Yujin craned her neck, just fast enough to see the bottle of wine bounce a few times, before rolling to a lazy stop against a concrete bench nearby.
Waddling as fast as she could between the bags and her long fuzzy trench coat – its bottom now certainly coated in gunk from brushing against the ground – she squatted awkwardly to pick up the wine. A light pink rosé, one that they’d never tried before, but which seemed like something they would enjoy, soft and smooth, tending towards a dry. The bottle had some scratches where it hit the ground, but it looked to be intact otherwise. Thank God, who knows what Wony would have her do if she knew she’d wasted nice booze.
Maybe it was her mind conjuring Wony, maybe it was the Sun hitting the bottle and projecting pastel pink swirls onto the pavement, but the city suddenly seemed a lot less gray. Yujin saw in color. It was a Friday, and she was about spend three days with the love of her life. She wanted to hold the feeling in her hand, but instead she held the bottle tight and continued to waddle home, newly oblivious to the strain on her wrists, from where all the groceries now bounced.
Yujin arrived at their apartment building – a discreet little place, not far from the heart of the city – and fumbled taking the keys from her purse, fumbling through the front door and fumbling with the elevator button. She stood in front of the metal doors for a little while before remembering that the elevator broke that week. She took the stairs.
Entering the studio apartment, Yujin took off her shoes and her coat, before dumping all the groceries on the kitchen counter and diving onto bed. The kitchen counter and the bed were, of course, a few feet apart. Their apartment was very small.
She let herself relax, but not for long. Wonyoung wouldn’t be back for a little while, but she still had a lot to prepare before then.
Before the tiredness could get to her, she got up and got to work putting away the groceries. Her mind wandered through the minutes, taking salmon fillets from their package, laying them on a pan with oil (just a little oil, Wony was sensitive about that), setting the water to boil for the pasta…
A nice smell began to drift from the fish on the stove, and she opened the large window at the end of the studio apartment, so it wouldn’t be overbearing later. Wony was also sensitive about that. Speaking of which, was she supposed to leave the wine in the fridge? They’re meant to be in room temperature but Yujin remembered hearing it might be different for rosés?
Her mind busied itself as the Sun lowered in the sky. This evening must have cost most of her paycheck that month, and preparing it was becoming exhausting very quickly, but it didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was that Wonyoung had a really bad week at work, and if Yujin could do anything to make it better, she would, regardless of price.
Often, she would catch herself fantasizing her words, once Wony got home. Hey baby! she would say, romantic, I know these weeks have been rough for you, I hope I can help get your mind off things for the weekend. Are you hungry? The dinner in her mind tasted amazing, they ate and then went out and then danced through the night, and when they came back their shitty studio had become a beautiful refuge, shielded from the world, lit by stars and candles and fairy lights- oh yeah, shit, the fairy lights!
She plugged in the lights that hung around the far window, framing the darkening sky in a homely orange glow. The dinner was ready by then: salmon and small farfalle with a light lemon and garlic cream, which she plated all fancy, just like they’d seen that guy do in Masterchef. Wony had to have gotten off work about now and Yujin was a little behind getting everything ready – one thing, she really needed a shower.
Yujin covered their shitty, repurposed garden table in a big, Lady and the Tramp-type cloth, magically converting it into the scene of a beautiful dinner, and was halfway turning to find a candle, when she caught sight of something weird, a really ugly orange stain on the floor tiles. Oh, absolutely not, what the fuck was that? She grabbed the rubbing alcohol and some towels and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed, but the damn thing wouldn’t come off.
And so, when Wonyoung first saw her that evening, Yujin was on her knees, messy hair and work clothes, swiping at some unknown goo on the floor.
“Oh hey, the maid is here!” Wony joked, taking off her shoes at the door.
Yujin’s heart jumped. She turned around to see her girlfriend, an apparition framed in the light of the door way, long hair and winter coat trailing behind her in the air, her beauty gleaming even through the tired face of someone who’d just left a full work week.
All Yujin’s preparation faded from her mind. Through all these years, she could never get used to seeing Wonyoung. She wanted to say she loved her. She wanted to recite all the sweet nothings she’d practiced, to tell her how glad she was to see her and how lucky she was to be with her and that she gave her life meaning.
Instead, the stunned lump in her throat won, and what she said was,
“Did you like, puke on the floor here? What the fuck is this stain?”
“Language!” Wonyoung half-laughed, leaving her purse and coat on the counter and climbing straight into bed, “it’s probably something your clumsy ass spilled.”
Yujin rolled her eyes,
“My clumsy a- hey, don’t go on the bed with outside clothes!”
“You do it too!”
She literally did earlier. Whatever. Yujin turned and kept wiping at this cum stain or whatever this was. Oh yeah wait, she didn’t even say hi to the love of her life.
“Stop cleaning,” Wonyoung said in a whine, and Yujin stopped.
She looked back up at Wonyoung, puppy eyes failing to mask the expectant adoration they always held.
Wony laid back on the comfy bunch of plushies and pillows they kept propped against the the wall and, pouting, opened her arms wide, “hug.”
The word was a higher force moving her, Yujin dropped everything and jumped onto bed, scaling the pillows to lay her head on Wony’s shoulder. Wonyoung wrapped her arms around Yujin like she would any other plushie. Half her head was covered by a forearm and it was a little hard to breathe. She was in heaven.
“Good girl…”
Yujin’s cheeks turned red under Wony’s arms. She couldn’t help but smile her wide, dimply smile, before burrowing deeper into her love’s shoulder. There it was. That weird burning pride that made her want to hide her face. “Good girl,” why did she like saying that? Yujin was literally older than her.
They were both very young when they moved in together, and it had been scary for both. They’d been dating for a few years, and friends long before that, so they knew they’d always have each other. Still, things changed fast, money was tight, and work was insufferable. Since Yujin arrived in town, they’d jumped from shitty studio apartment to shitty studio apartment, frail ships braving the blinding city lights.
When everything else was uncertain, some things had to stay constant: their kiss, their arms, their love.
Wonyoung was warm. Yujin assumed she was, too. Neither had really rested all day. Wony’s wispy, flowery perfume hung now low and scarce around her slender neck. Yujin reached her head to kiss it, kissed down to her shoulders. Her eyes focused on Wony’s delicate collar bones, gentle beneath the wide neck of her blouse. Yujin traced them lightly with her fingers,
“Oh yeah I uh… I made you dinner.”
“Yeah, I can smell it.”
“Do you want some?”
“…it’s gonna get cold.”
“We can eat it cold.”
C… can we? Yujin hesitated, is salmon ok cold?
Wony’s remained stoic in her poutyness, though Yujin could see her fighting her cheek from forming a smile. Clearly she picked up on Yujin’s worries, and found them cute.
I guess salmon can go on sushi…
“Is… is the smell too strong, do you want me to go open another window?”
“Stay,” she squeezed Yujin tighter.
She stayed.
Wonyoung pet her hair. She got chills. Wony was right, they didn’t need to get up to eat right now. Or get up for any reason, really.
“Actually, go get the remote.”
Yujin got up and crawled to the corner of the bed where the remote had fallen and fetched it, immediately coming back to the pillows. Wonyoung set the TV to the most vapid thing she could find, at a volume just loud enough that they could hear the voices but not distinguish the words.
Hands weaved through Yujin’s hair, scratching lightly, drawing slow paths from the top of her head, ending behind her ear. Shivers followed where the finger tips passed. Yujin felt herself sink deeper into the crook of Wony’s neck, felt a sleepy whimper push through the lump on her throat, felt her vision blur just a little. She hadn’t noticed, but she really was tired.
Her bangs were scratching her eyes a little. Yujin liked her hair short, but these days she hadn’t had the time to have it cut, it grew to her shoulders. Moving a hand up to adjust, pushing off the weight of sleep, took considerable effort. She eyed the TV, but couldn’t make out much. Muffled sounds meshed together in a lullaby, frames blended in impressions of waves, the rhythm of Wony’s breath and the beating of Wony’s heart swayed her as the tides.
With the way things had been at Wony’s work, Yujin knew better than to ask about her day. She was somebody who knew what she wanted, so if she said she just wanted to snuggle and fall asleep to the TV, that’s what Yujin would give her.
It killed her to see Wonyoung this tired. Yujin’s mind had run in circles all day, and even now it jumped from the food which was getting cold, to the bugs coming in from the open window, to how she should clean the floor later… but she knew none of these things mattered. Meaningless gestures to distract from what really troubled her: Wony’s life wasn’t perfect, she couldn’t make it perfect, and it wasn’t fair.
Wony was radiant, blinding, the light from which all else emanated. Yujin couldn’t find the words to express her adoration. It twisted her throat into knots, filled her mind with useless concerns, filled her mouth with stupid irony. When they were younger, first falling for each other, Yujin was nervous, a giddy mess of jumbled feelings, but she somehow felt more at ease expressing herself. Now that they had set into domestic life, that habit gripped them in its jaws, she often felt that her words had dried.
Not a moment passed when she didn’t have something on her chest. She wanted to tell her all she felt, give her everything she had. She wanted to change it all, make this broken world right, make it so Wonyoung never had to work another day in her life, so she’d live life as a princess in a soft, cotton-candy cloud far above it all, away from any sorrows or worries.
And in that moment, Wonyoung twitched a little. She was falling asleep, deep amid the pile of soft pink pillows. She did not seem worried in the slightest.
Before long the arms that squeezed Yujin tight relaxed, the hand waving through her hair came to a stop. She felt the sway of Wonyoung’s breath slow further, her chest rising and falling at a measured pace. Yujin blinked lazily to focus her clouded gaze, chancing a glimpse up towards Wony’s face, and saw it still, doll-like, eyes peacefully shut and lips just a little parted, lit by fairy lights and the flickering ghosts of the TV screen.
Wony was ok. And Yujin was ok, because she was in Wony’s arms.
After chasing her tail all day, Yujin felt the exhaustion truly creep in.
She settled her arms around Wony’s stomach in a way that wouldn’t trouble her love’s breathing, and allowed sleep to take her over.
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A faint, compressed gun shot rang out from the low-quality speakers, just loud enough to rouse Yujin. Instantly she noticed something missing. Her body was submerged in pillows, but the comforting arms that held her were gone.
Sleep covered her eyes, her vision was a few large orange blots of light and the vague, blinding rectangle of whatever drama was on TV.
“This is really nice,” Wonyoung’s voice was inviting, accompanied by a slow harmony of metal cutlery on porcelain, somewhere off to her left.
Of course, looking there showed only an array of strange halos, scintillating stars that, really, probably didn’t amount to more than fairy lights hung onto the curtains. A slender shadow amid the dazzling glow sat looking back at her.
“It would be nicer if we’d eaten it warm,” Yujin’s irony woke up before she did.
“You feel asleep too!” she didn’t need to see Wony clearly to sense the laugh in her voice, “you were snoring, did you know that? You snored really loud just now, it’s probably what woke you up.”
“I woke up because you left the TV on too loud!”
“Well then turn it off and go back to sleep!”
Yujin stretched before palming around the pillows, finding the remote and turning off the TV, suddenly noticing she didn’t want to go back to sleep. She looked back at Wonyoung, still blinking mist from her eyes, as if to ask if she really had to.
“I was joking, come eat.”
She went.
Yujin didn’t know why Wonyoung’s words had this effect on her. It was Pavlovian. Her reflex was to please.
Wony’s glass was empty so Yujin filled it again.
“Is the wine good? I was a little worried it wouldn’t pair well with the fish.”
Wonyoung looked at her and smiled,
“You’re so cute,” she picked up the glass and swirled it absentmindedly, “the wine is wonderful.”
Heat creeped to Yujin’s cheeks. She sat, averted her eyes, still hazy from sleep, and began stuffing her mouth with food.
“So my day was awful, but how was yours?” Wonyoung asked, reaching out across the table and stroking Yujin’s wrist.
“I, uh…” frankly, she was drawing a blank. All memories from the previous hours were of worrying about Wonyoung. She knew she’d been neglecting her own things to care for Wony. She couldn’t just admit that, though, “I sure cleaned the house a lot for your ass.”
Wind passed through Wony’s nose faster than usual, in what could, generously, be called a laugh. A laugh, however, which clearly held less patience than it did even a few minutes ago. Sometimes Wonyoung seemed as frustrated with Yujin as Yujin was with herself.
Still, if they weren’t done teasing, Wonyoung would make the most of it.
“Oh yeah? What a good little girl…”
Yujin’s face was on fire.
“Stop calling me that, I am literally older than you.”
Wony leaned forward to rest her cheek on one hand, eyes locked to Yujin’s.
“You know, you’ve been such a good girl today, I’m thinking I might even indulge your weird foot thing.”
“I do not have a foot thi-!” Yujin felt a sock crawl playfully up her calf, coming to a stop between her thighs.
A giggle lost itself between Wonyoung’s lips,
“I’m not judging!” Satisfied with Yujin’s discomfort, she changed the subject, “anyway, you were saying about your day?”
Wonyoung pushed her heel slowly into her. Yujin made a fist, held her knuckles to her mouth, chanced a glimpse up at Wony through her bangs. She couldn’t meet her smiling face for long, her eyes closed before gluing themselves to her plate again.
She scrambled for words to say. Of course she could speak like normal, this wasn’t distracting. She didn’t even know where Wony got the idea she liked foot stuff. She began a story about someone from work who ate at their desk yesterday and so today they had ants inside their laptop or whatever.
Wonyoung pushed firmly against her. Yujin pushed her hips back against her foot. Shit. Maybe Wony didn’t notice her sudden eagerness, maybe she still had plausible deniability. Wony noticed,
“Oh you love this,” she laughed, rocking her slender leg into Yujin at a quick rhythm, “gross baby.”
“Stop…” Yujin angled herself so Wony would be pressing at the right spot.
“Do you want me to stop?” She leaned further, chin resting on both hands, her voice affecting the tone of someone being nice, “I’ll stop if you want.”
Yujin still wore work pants, but the pressure was having its effect, even through the fabric and the shame. Maybe because of them.
“Mm… mm-mmm…” she shook her head no.
She was warm. Not just her cheeks, though those burned with the fires of Hell. All of her. She was a gradient from the heat building in her core to the shame blazing across her face. The fairy lights shone on Wonyoung’s pale skin, a spotlight beaming straight at her,
“Say it with your words, baby.”
A weak moan broke through Yujin’s lips. She wasn’t even entirely sure why. Maybe Wonyoung’s taunts, maybe the fabric rubbing against her skin, beginning to make her sensitive, beginning to hurt. Maybe the confusion itself, the sleepy, shameful heat. Wony knew how to play her, make her confused, and she loved doing it. Wony loved to cause an impression.
“You don’t have… to stop…”
“Stop what?”
Yujin looked back up, a little dumbfounded. What did she want from her now?
“‘Please don’t stop fucking me with your foot, miss Wonyoung. I love this,’” she tilted her head to the side, a cat playing with its food. “Say it.”
Her obedient reflex finally found resistance. Yujin looked mortified. She had a hard time talking about her day, let alone whatever this was.
“Ah,” Wonyoung sighed, performing great impatience, crossing her arms, “I knew you wouldn’t say it,” she pulled her foot from Yujin’s thighs. There was peace under the table.
Sometimes – and for reasons Yujin found easy to ascertain after the fact, but nearly impossible to predict – Wonyoung would simply turn a key. The playful tone that lately permeated their every conversation would feel heavy, trite compared to what they could be saying, those words they both knew were stuck in Yujin’s throat. And so, to entertain themselves, Wonyoung would stop playing, and begin toying with her. Yujin was hers for the night.
“…why are you like this?” Yujin smiled, finally allowing herself to lift her eyes, half shaded by her bangs, and meet Wonyoung’s again.
“You know, I actually bought you something too,” she crossed her legs, and pointed theatrically across the apartment to the kitchen counter, deep into the recesses where the fairy lights could barely light the orange walls. “Go get it from my purse.”
Before Yujin knew it she was in the kitchen, half engulfed by darkness, fumbling through Wony’s purse. It didn’t take long to find what she needed. She pulled out the strange object, squinting to identify it in the dim light. It resembled a thin but sturdy choker, except for a large, black, plastic cube poking from one side.
“Come,” Wony waved, struggling to hide a smile.
“You’re evil,” Yujin went.
“And you’re cute.” Wonyoung pulled Yujin’s chair with two fingers so it faced the window, “sit.”
She sat.
Her heart thumped.
Wonyoung leaned in behind her, held her neck soft with one hand, moved her hair aside with the other, breathed into her shoulder. The warmth of her engulfed Yujin, scarce, stuffy perfume from yesterday intoxicating.
She tried to adjust her posture, arch her back just a little, act like she was comfortable, fully awake and present of body and mind. Like her sleep-deprived eyes weren’t blending the little fairy lights in front of her with the city lights beyond. Like Wonyoung’s fingers didn’t feel like feather pillows, tracing their way from behind her neck around the collar of her shirt, like she didn’t feel herself sinking into them just a little.
She wasn’t fooling anyone. Wonyoung knew she couldn’t think straight. That’s how she wanted her.
“You’ve been thinking too much these days, baby girl.” Oh my God I am older than you, Yujin still considered saying. “And saying too much nonsense.” She was glad not to have said anything. “Why don’t we shut you up for the night, and help you relax a little?”
Now that threw her for a loop. Wony seemed tired these days, that was evident. But did Yujin look like she needed a break too…?
Wonyoung’s breath hitched against the back of Yujin’s neck as she reached to take the collar from her hands. Wony might have been perfect, but even her poker face could slip sometimes. For a second her breathing skipped, it lacked the regal, gracious rhythm she usually projected, for just a second she exhaled too heavy and too fast, betrayed the excitement she felt having Yujin in her hands.
She snaked the collar underneath Yujin’s hair, shoulder length and airy, it moved with Wony’s fingers, reeds on a warm breeze. It tickled, Yujin shivered. She felt the collar clasp behind her, her breathing restrict just a little in its tight hold, and in a second the apprehension hit. How strong would the shock be? She’d find out soon, she guessed. The next time she made a noise. Did Wony even test this?
For what it was worth, Wony didn’t seem concerned. Petting her hair before circling around Yujin, a satisfied “ah” left her lips. An expression like she had something to share, she half turned to one side, to the other, looking for the handle on the window. She slid it half way closed, just enough for Yujin to see herself, reflection vivid against the backdrop of the dark city, framed by the tiny orange lights. She hadn’t seen clearly in what felt like hours, from sleep, from shame, apprehension. Nothing that night felt real, Wonyoung had created a dream for her. But there in front of her, her reflection was crystal clear.
Yujin looked beautiful. She would never have guessed it, the way her work shirt still clung to her with yesterday’s effort, the way her thoughts drifted directionless through the fog of sleep. But she did, she looked beautiful. Her hair, some locks stuck under the choker, bubbled in a messy volume, made her collar bones, her half visible shoulders under the crumpled shirt, glow against the night. Framed her face to accentuate the giddy loyalty she felt with Wony next to her. That Wony brought out of her.
For a moment she couldn’t tell the gleam in her eyes from the stars beyond the window. She looked to her love, golden in the half-light, convinced that the Sun herself was beside her.
“You’re so pretty,” Wony complained, eyes burning into Yujin,
“Ah-” bzzt. Dozens of pins pricked the side of her neck.
A triumphant smile spread through Wony’s face. She had made Yujin forget about the collar entirely.
“Great, it works,” still smiling, she brushed Yujin’s hair into place, delicate, “is it too strong, baby?”
Yujin gave it some thought. The shock had been a little too strong, she did feel a lot of pain, but it made Wony smile, and so she could endure a million shocks just like it. She shook her head “no.”
Wonyoung’s eyes pierced hers,
“Say it.”
Wony’s smile spread to Yujin. She pursed her lips, then, resigned, enounced,
“It’s not-” bzzt.
Seeing Yujin jump, Wonyoung’s smile widened. She moved her legs, tossed her long hair over one shoulder, straddled Yujin’s lap, sent her arms loose over Yujin’s shoulders and the back of the chair, an angel descending upon Yujin.
Yujin held her slim frame, one hand resting on her stomach, another exploring her shoulder blades, pulling her close. She caught a scent, one more personal than the flowered perfume hanging low from Wony’s neck, one just a little savory, sneaking into her with a kiss. The soft lips she loved so much embraced her senses, pulling her deeper into a dream.
Her love was weightless over her, a warm cloud, a rising air current to make her soar. Wonyoung’s kisses moved along her jaw, her head fell further to the side, allowing passage. She felt her hair be brushed back, a soft teasing bite on her ear lobe. She shuddered into Wonyoung’s shoulder, heat building up in her again. Wony’s hair brushed her cheek as she kissed her way down her neck.
Yujin opened her eyes to see herself, pretty reflection bright against the city night, eclipsed by the flowing white blouse and the flowing black hair of the girl she loved, falling over her. Just then, Wony opened the first button of her shirt, pulling it aside to expose her shoulder, before biting down. Yujin moaned, loud.
Needles traipsed around her neck. She jumped again. The sudden pain brought a spasm from her, sent her arm twitching, her hand made to wrap around Wony’s fore arm. A smile formed on Wonyoung’s face again, Yujin could feel it buried on her shoulder. Wony loved making her feel like this, confused and hazy under her, incapable of thinking straight even for self-preservation, a lucid dream Wony could turn from joyous to apprehensive to painful and back again at will.
She lifted her head, looked down at Yujin. Her smile settled into a smirk, knowing, like she had just divined a way to extend Yujin’s bliss. Tossing her hair over her shoulders, Wony stretched to reach aside, to the table next to them, and when her hand came back into Yujin’s view, it carried with it the rosé. She took a long, comfortable swig, stopping to move the wine around in her mouth a little, breathe in the after taste,
“You should try the wine, baby.”
One hand moving behind Yujin’s neck, she positioned the bottle to pour into her mouth. The wine came slow. It was nice, clearly not the most expensive, not the most complex taste or whatever, but for their standards it was nice. Yujin swallowed, a little rushed as Wony didn’t stop pouring. In fact she seemed to be pouring faster.
Wonyoung’s eyes became sharper, her smile more intent, the more uncomfortable Yujin became. Wine invaded her, she didn’t want to move her head and make a mess – really she didn’t want to deny Wony whatever she wanted with this – but it was becoming harder and harder to gulp down what she was given.
It filled her mouth, her throat already felt a little restricted from the choker, she swallowed, and swallowed, until her muscles sent a spout from the corner of her lips. She shut her eyes, shaking her head reflexively though never daring take her mouth from the bottle, and a loud whimper left her. Bzzt.
The pain contracted her throat, sent spurts of wine down her chin. Wonyoung laughed. She might have hated wasting booze, but this wasn’t wasting, she seemed very entertained. She pulled the bottle from Yujin’s mouth and took it back to her own. Yujin’s throat burned, some wine had gone down the wrong hole and she had to fight the urge to cough loudly. She felt her chin drip, liquid begin to soak her chest,
“My shir-!” Bzzt.
“That shirt was thrifted baby, it’s not the end of the world.”
I might have to buy a new one next week for work, the worry crossed her mind, before she distracted herself with an attempt to cough quietly enough that it wouldn’t trigger the collar, before her eyes lost themselves again on Wony. If she wanted Yujin to stop worrying, it was working. In her confusion, she could focus on nothing else but her.
Wony stretched to put the bottle back on the table before leaning over Yujin, half-open eyes possessive.
“My messy little girl,” Yujin’s cheeks were red for so many different reasons at this point, hearing her say that barely made a difference. She climbed off Yujin, “wait here, I’ll get something to help you clean up.”
Sounds of drawers and kitchen utensils echoed for longer than expected. Bzzt, Yujin’s neck contracted in pain despite not having said anything. She turned to look at Wony,
“Ow-!” bzzt again.
“Hey, it works!” Wonyoung beamed from behind her, pocketing a little remote. She ran a hand through Yujin’s hair, looking down in greed. She pulled slowly on Yujin’s hair, leaning her head back, pulling a handkerchief to wipe carefully at her chin. Yujin reached with one hand, grasping blind at her love’s thigh, eager to pull her closer. Wony acquiesced, grinning, coming closer to tower over Yujin, pulling her hair further back, so she’d see it fully as she reached an arm behind herself, and grabbed a chain she carried over her shoulders.
Wony leaned in to kiss her again, the side angle a little awkward, her hands wrapping soft around Yujin’s neck, a touch of the chain cold against her skin. The metal ran down her chest, crawled over her as Wony moved to attach it to her collar.
She broke the kiss a little too soon, leaned back, one hand cupping Yujin’s cheek, the other wrapping itself in other end of the chain,
“Well… this is great, but I actually want to finish my dinner.”
“Wony what the fu-” bzzt.
Wony what the fuck are you talking about, she thought, with her inside voice.
Wonyoung pulled away, walked around her toward the table, lips twisted into a smile, chain growing taut between them. She stopped, brought a finger to her lips, affecting like she was really considering what to do next, then pulled strong on the chain.
The tug on Yujin’s neck – the alcohol might have begun to set in – sent her off balance, tumbling. The little lights next to her darted fast past her vision. The floor welcomed her with open arms. Before even fully regaining her senses, her eyes followed, incredulous, the chain up to where Wonyoung stood, a satisfied smirk on her face,
“Come on, girl,” she said, tone half baby talk, “let’s eat.”
Something told Yujin she wasn’t supposed to get up again. Wony continued pulling on the leash, walking carefree to her seat at the table, it was all Yujin could do to follow on all fours.
Wony sat, legs crossed, Yujin knelt. She looked up, expectant, eyes big under her bangs, afraid of what her love had in mind. Wonyoung ate a piece of salmon, some noodles, absentminded, like she’d forgotten Yujin was there.
“Oh, why don’t you entertain yourself while we’re here?” Wony, suppressing a smirk, pushed one foot forward, as if offering it to Yujin.
Frustrated, she blinked, eyeing Wony through messy bangs, furrowed brow and pursed lips. The heat in her cheeks grew insufferable again.
“Come on,” Wonyoung mocked, pulling Yujin by the chain, bending her closer, “don’t be shy.”
Yujin sighed, thankfully too quiet to trigger the collar, laughing a little to the side so Wony wouldn’t see. The window next to them was harder to see through the lights, but the glimpse she caught was beautiful. Wonyoung, long flowing hair, pretty with her posture perfect, enjoying dinner and a nice wine, her in disheveled formal wear, bent before her in chains. This was fine.
She leaned forward, Wonyoung’s foot bobbing close to her, black sock worn with its seam a little off-center. Reaching under her sole and around her ankle for support, she leaned forward and kissed it. Wonyoung chuckled above the table, she did too. She leaned again, kissed down the bridge of her foot,
She was serious. She actually didn’t like feet – she did not! – there was just something comforting about this. Embarrassing herself in front of Wony, expressing her adoration in such a direct, if gross, way.
And adore she did, compelled, by whatever force, to pull off Wony’s sock. She heard more quiet giggling from above the table, Wony crossed her legs in the opposite direction, allowed her to pull off the other. Her feet were long, slim, her skin soft and pristine save for a vein visible when she moved, bones gentle around her slender ankles. They were pretty, she concluded – like how she would comment on a friend’s hair style, not like she would say if she was into feet, which she was not.
When Wony lowered her eyes again, Yujin was deep into a kiss, lost in the skin between two knuckles.
“Here, get the bottom, too,” she flexed her ankle, mocking, pushing her sole to Yujin, before tugging on the leash. It was all Yujin could do to keep herself from smashing face first. She wanted to pull away, take a moment to even process Wony’s words, but her neck was pulled back into place. It was alright, her soles were pretty as well.
She leaned in to kiss her heel, her arches. Her hands held up Wony’s ankle like a relic, a work of art she wouldn’t dare damage by letting go, she wouldn’t dishonor in that way. Her skin was so soft, Yujin had always wondered how Wony kept her skin, her hair, her figure, despite her hectic work hours, and, she couldn’t deny, she loved being able to enjoy it, even if it made her cheeks burn with shame sometimes.
Her kisses climbed to Wony’s toes, before her love began to pull her foot away. It rested on Yujin’s shoulder, and began to push her down. She looked up at Wonyoung, smiling down entertained as ever. Yujin had no mind to resist, wouldn’t know how to anymore, she was gone. Her body leaned forward, as if pulled by gravity, Wonyoung’s gravity. The burn in her cheeks felt nicer now. The wine must have been getting to her.
Wonyoung stepped on Yujin’s chain, pulled her down until her head was level with the ground. Yujin, fully bowed, hair falling around her and spreading on the floor, cared less about her embarrassment by the second. When it rained… Kissing one foot, the other moved to pin her head in place, her whole world was down there, the task at hand engulfed her. Wony wanted her degraded, so that’s what she would be.
Her kissing grew louder, more focused. A moan left her, met promptly by a bzzt. From above, Wony sat back, the melody of her cutlery changed tempo, slowing as if satisfied with Yujin’s eagerness. She took her time to enjoy the humiliation she’d brought out of Yujin, before moving to bring out the next,
“Hey puppy, you must be hungry,” she disentangled Yujin from her legs, leaned over holding her plate, dumped some noodles and some salmon on the ground, scraps thrown under the table.
Yujin looked up, looked at the food. She was well past shame at this point, the desire to please was the first thing on her mind. She lowered her head to the food, took it in, getting sauce on her nose, fish grease on her chin, surely draping her hair on something horrible down there. Whatever. Wony would probably find it funnier if she was messy anyway. The salmon was nice, they really should’ve eaten it warm though.
Bzzt, Yujin jumped, a bit of fish still left on the floor. Wony had the little remote in her hand, and a mocking smile on her face.
“You’re so gross,” Wony laughed lovingly. She patted her own lap, “sit, let’s wash that down.”
She began pouring another glass as Yujin got up, knees sore from being on the ground too long. Standing again felt wrong, like she’d lost the right to be a biped after the previous minutes. Thankfully, Wonyoung, sitting wide and relaxed, offered a leg for her to straddle, a safe haven to keep herself degraded.
One leg on either side of Wonyoung’s thigh, she lowered herself, her movements nearly escaping her, all just a little too long, eyes just a little too heavy. She let her head fall on Wony’s shoulder, one hand holding the other shoulder, a quiet, tired moan running through her.
“You good, baby?”
“Yeah-” bzzt. Wonyoung laughed.
Feeling Yujin’s shirt, still wet from wine, cling onto her, Wony stopped pouring the second glass, pushed her back just a little and began undoing her buttons. Her moves were utilitarian, like it had to be done and Yujin was incapable of doing it herself. Be it some leftover claim to human dignity still in her, feeling patronized by Wony’s tone, be it simple dumb desire from a dumb baby who couldn’t think straight, Yujin just had to interject.
A dimply smirk forming, she reached out her hands to cup Wonyoung’s face – so small, so pretty – and fell, dazzled, into a kiss. Her movements were, by then, noticeably sloppy. Their faces slammed together, Wony smiled, Yujin giggled, a bzzt made her jump, they smiled more.
Wonyoung allowed herself to be pulled closer. Her fingers changed pace on Yujin’s buttons, dancing with revived hunger. When Yujin’s shirt fell open, she tugged on its collar, grasping her in their kiss. Even despite the sorry state of Yujin’s mind, it was clear that behind Wony’s formality, she too wanted more with every moment. She wanted Yujin deeper and deeper under her spell.
Led by bewitched strings, Yujin’s muscles flowed heavy. Her head fell back, hair tickling shoulders as Wonyoung slipped the shirt from her arms. She felt herself move back, her whole body pushing down against the thigh she sat on. As Wony pulled her in, her hips rolled closer, then rolled away, closer, away again. Her weight drove her into a lazy rhythm.
Hands wandered her shoulders, her waist, the small of her back. Cold flowed from the half-open window and harassed her skin, a refreshing contrast to the all-encompassing warmth she’d been feeling all night. She huddled closer to Wony, riding her core higher against her thigh, lost her hands amid the folds of her clothes, hid kisses into her neck and her hair and scent.
Wonyoung held Yujin’s waist with one hand, reached past her with the other to finish pouring those glasses. She brought Yujin’s body back, brought a glass to her lips, before Yujin’s fingers wrapped around it and chugged down the wine, no mind to savor what she tasted. She wanted more of what Wony gave her, more of Wony, more of her magic.
She half-flopped backwards to leave the glass on the table, movements as careful as she could muster, before falling back into Wonyoung. Kissing her cheek, her jaw, her pretty pouty lips, waves crashing faster upon her with drunken euphoria, humping her leg like a bitch in heat.
“I lov-” bzzt. She jumped, but the pain didn’t feel bad anymore. The jolt was a discordant tone complementing the harmony Wonyoung crafted. “-e you,” bzzt.
Wony chuckled, drank a little of her own wine, pulled her back into a kiss,
“Get up,” she did, slow and awkward, hands still resting on Wony’s shoulders. Her love’s eyes burned, keeping her warm through the cold breeze. Wony reached behind her, unclasped her bra, kissed her stomach, her ribs, her chest. Yujin felt herself shake, maybe from cold, maybe from giddiness. She couldn’t stay still, she missed the thigh between her legs, she felt her hands move down by themselves. Wony caught the movement and pulled on Yujin’s pants, “off.”
Yujin moved with the finesse of a dying fish, fingers fumbling around the button until it opened, tugging it down blindly. Hands held hers, Wony looked up into her eyes, amused with her state,
She did what she could, sluggish movements charged with all the energy of the Sun, hands vibrating in nervous joy, a phantom tail wagging wildly.
With much difficulty, she shrugged off the rest of her clothes. Standing there, in Wonyoung’s hands, lips pulling light on her nipples, barely able to muster a coherent thought, night breeze cutting through her, she felt exposed, she could almost feel embarrassed again. She did not. It didn’t matter, she was not herself anymore, she was simply Wonyoung’s.
She was guided back down. Before she saw them, she felt Wony’s fingers, held up from her thigh,
“Fuck yourself on me,” Wonyoung whispered as Yujin eased down, shaking, over her. She didn’t have to ask twice – not that she ever did. Yujin gasped as Wonyoung entered her, body welcoming her, rhythm building again.
Wony leaned back, reached with her other hand to take another sip of wine, let her lips twist slightly with that perfectly crafted, immaculate arrogance, at the girl falling apart on her.
Grabbing at her blouse, Yujin let her head fall again. She couldn’t bear it. She wanted more. More of Wonyoung’s long fingers in her, more of her scent, more of the exposure, more of the state she left her in, she wanted to throw herself to Wonyoung, live and breathe for her,
“More-” bzzt. She wanted more of the pain, too, “more-” bzzt. “Pleas-” bzzt.
Another chuckle bringing out a fruity after taste in Wony’s mouth, she finished her wine. She reached behind the back of Yujin’s neck, fingers intertwining with the base of her hair. Leaning in, she worked a third finger into her.
Yujin whimpered into her mouth. She was pulled closer by the hair. The taste of wine swallowed her whole. When she couldn’t pull away anymore – when she didn’t have it in her to break their kiss – Wonyoung released her hair. Her hand crawled slow down Yujin’s skin, tracing her neck, her ribs, her waist, her thigh, leading Yujin’s pace while she clutched disoriented at Wony’s blouse.
She held on for dear life. Her mouth was lost in Wony’s. At times her tongue poked shyly inside, but her attention was elsewhere. It flowed blurry, drunk on the scent, always slurring back down her body. Wony used one hand to lead her, grinding, into the other’s fingers. Yujin’s pace was desperate now. She felt her leg twitch, her sides. She arched her back into Wony just a little, the twitch climbed all the way to her shoulders. Their kiss was interrupted by a whimper. It was all so much… Another whimper, then another, then more. Wonyoung smiled against her, curled her fingers in her,
“My good girl…” her face was so close, so pretty, her tone so encouraging, “let go for me.”
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzt… Yujin jumped, grasped at Wonyoung’s shoulders, shook her head like that would shake the pins and needles from her neck. Wony pulled her back down, fist wrapped around the little remote. Her fingers pushed deep in her. Wony wanted her to cum in pain, and so the pain felt sweet.
Yujin lost herself. She hugged Wony close, felt her shoulders, her delicate skin, bones, hair, clawed at them for a second, before she stopped herself, she didn’t want to hurt her. She just held her while enjoying her own pain buzzing down her back, her own pleasure crashing from her core.
For a second, her mind was completely empty. No words, no worries, just the feeling of pain and relief and the smell of Wony. The feeling of a job well done – Wony wanted her to be a good girl, and she was. The feeling of being well taken care of.
When Wony let go of the remote, Yujin was light headed, barely able to keep her rhythm. She slowed, grinding still, she wanted to keep this forever. Wonyoung ran a hand through her hair, petting her slowly, scratching behind the ear.
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Wony left the remote on the counter, jumping onto bed where Yujin lay exhausted. She went to unlock the clasp on Yujin’s collar, before stopping herself,
“Hmm… one last thing…” a final flash of malice crossed her face, “thank me.”
Yujin looked up, big smiling puppy dog eyes meeting hers, dimples forming deep,
“Tha-” bzzt. “-ank-” bzzt. “-yo-” bzzt. “-u,” bzzt. She could’ve said it in maybe two shocks, but she really had started to like them by now. Her head fell back on the stack of pillows, her brain really was fried.
Wony pursed her lips into a smile,
“Cutie,” she unclasped the collar, and threw it overboard off the bed. Their ship now held just Wony, her pet and their plushies.
“You don’t… want me to…?” Yujin brushed a hand on Wony’s hips.
“Later baby, after you brush your teeth.”
“Ah shit, I must have ruined your pants…” she noticed the spot where she’d sat on Wony’s thigh, still humid.
“Language!” Wony bonked her light on the head, before slipping off her pants and throwing them toward the stars. She jumped into the plush pile, “so anyway, how was your day?”
Wony, long legs bare, pulling the covers to nuzzle against her, threatened to freeze the words in her throat all over again, but she pushed past it. They were past it.
“Honestly, Wony, I don’t know what to say. All I’ve thought about these days was whether you were alright… sometimes you seem so beaten down…” she brushed her bangs from her face, before reaching under the covers to join her hands. “You’re too good to be having these problems, to be this stressed.”
“We’re too good,” she hit Yujin on the shoulder, “but we can handle it.”
It was true. With Wony, she could handle anything.
“If I could tell you how much I love you…”
“You don’t need to,” Wony touched Yujin’s head with hers, “I see it everyday.”
They lay there, enjoying soft pillows and soft covers and their soft love.
“My good girl.”
“No, really, why do you like saying that? I am literally older than you.”
“Because you like to hear it…” Wony opened her eyes quick to plant a kiss on Yujin’s forehead, “dumb ass.”
They fell asleep, aboard their soft ship, cruising through the fairies and the city and the stars.
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angelmush · 3 months
having horrific insomnia so here is what im cookin this week:
- tonight for dinner i remade an easy meal from a few weeks ago w smokey caramelized salmon, rice, and a limey mango avocado salsa
- i also made a ball of pasta dough that is chilling in the fridge for tomorrow’s dinner which will be little squiggly noodles with hot italian sausage and clams and a sort of brothy lemon wine sauce
- wednesday is my five year anniversary w my angel gf and we have a picnic planned! i am making an entire menu to bring to the park. i feel deeply in my heart that picnics are many many courses, meant to be enjoyed one at a time over a lazy afternoon. so we will start with focaccia smeared w whipped butter i made, slices of radish, + salty anchovy filets. then a bright arugula salad with crispy prosciuttto and sweet tuscan cantaloupe and mozzarella. after that, focaccia sandwiches with pan seared chicken thighs, burratta, peaches, homemade spinach basil pesto, and arugula. and finally, a cornmeal olive oil cake w a wild blueberry + lavender sauce. putting all my heart n soul into this meal. :-)
- for thursday i will make some buttermilk fried chicken sammies and french fries ! i will also meal prep a pesto asparagus snap pea pasta salad w the rest of the pesto and other green things i have laying around that can withstand sitting in the fridge for a day.
- friday my gf is going to make a puff pastry pizza w some pie dough i made and froze, mushrooms, a gorgonzola cream sauce we got, and the leftover prosciutto
- saturday i work late so will likely grab something at work
sunday - my pre-planned pesto pasta salad bc i’m a meal prepper now
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Maltosio is a restaurant located in Linkon City. It's where the protagonist and Dr. Zayne meet for a late lunch (in the Falling For You: "A Frozen Promise" Bond story). The protagonist mentions that she used to walk by this street often on her way home.
Apparently, the location was previously a pet store. From what I could see, there are two separate Honest Coffee locations right next to it (one across the opposing street and one across the street directly to the right of it). And, according to Zayne, there's a bookstore nearby.
Here's what their menu looks like:
Today's Special:
Sirloin Steak:
Sirloin Steak with Garlic Sauce, Pan Seared Asparagus. Cream of Mushroom Soup, Matcha Almond Tofu, Taro Ice Cream
Grilled Salmon:
Grilled Salmon with Morel Mushrooms, Coconut Seafood Stew, Vegetable Salad, Iced Coconut Latte, Wild Berry Cheesecake
Seafood Pasta:
Seafood Pasta with Basil Crisps, Slow-roastsd Tomatoes, Nachos with Guacamole, Garlic Bread, Caramelized Apple Tart
Lunch Special (Available 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM on weekdays):
Lunch Special for One:
…se & Egg Toast, Honey Garlic Chicken Wings, Spicy Fries, Creamy… Soup, Chocolate Mochi Cook-... Taro Ice Cream
Lunch Special for Two:
Creamy Bacon and Mushroom Pasta, Shrimp Risotto with Parsley, Fried Cod Fillet, Fried Onion Rings, Crab Salad with Green Melon, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Honeyed Grapefruit Juice, Berries Ice Cream, Taro Ice Cream
In this scene, we can see that the protagonist ordered the Lunch Special for One while Zayne ordered the Sirloin Steak.
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And for their dessert choice, they both selected the Taro Ice Cream pictured below.
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Here are some more photos of their offerings:
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The cheesecake this customer is seen enjoying doesn't look like a Wild Berry Cheesecake to me. Perhaps there's a secret menu we don't know about lol. But it still looks delicious!
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Thank you for the commission, @silcatian! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this might be the first time I've written a Swap Sans! 👀 I went the true himbo route
Huh. You perked up, at the sound of your boyfriend’s voice- he didn't usually sound frustrated when cooking. Unless his brother had walked in with takeout. You closed your work laptop, getting up off the couch and heading into the kitchen. 
“What is it?” You poked your head in. Sans was wearing his post-workout gear, fresh out of the shower, he looked remarkably handsome dressed in just shorts and a loose white top with ‘AWESOME DUDE’ written on the front in very faded black marker. He was holding a still-sealed packet of gnocchi and glaring at it; the stovetop was decorated by a saucepan of almost-boiling water, and a second shallower pan that contained some kind of pleasant smelling creamy sauce.
“... Erm...” You were trying not to laugh. You hadn’t been aware tonight was supposed to be a romantic dinner. “Explain a bit more...?”
He jabbed a finger, accusingly, at the packaging.
Oh my Stars. 
You tried not to laugh. You really did. But you couldn’t help it, a little giggle came out.
“Sans...” You said, moving over to the countertop and picking up the offending box. “I’m pretty sure it means add the contents of the box.” 
He glanced over at you, with those beautiful sky blue eyelights. “... REALLY?”
“... Yeah.” You scanned the package, and it just confirmed your suspicions. “You’ve bought a two person gnocchi serving. And you’re reading the part about ‘to serve two’. It just wanted you to use all the gnocchi in the box, boo.”
“HM.” He scratched his chin, but his happy aura didn’t lessen at all. He always took these things in stride. “WELL, I SUPPOSE THAT DOES MAKE A LOT MORE SENSE. I DID THINK IT WAS ODD.”
Your boyfriend was the smartest person you’d ever met, by no stretch of the imagination. But simultaneously, he was one of the most blunt, and easily confused.
He had multiple PhDs. That wasn't a joke, they were framed on the wall, he collected them mostly just for the fun of it. Statistics, mathematics, ‘puzzleology’ or something, a lot of space related stuff you didn’t understand. Numbers went through his head like he was a living calculator, his propensity for puzzles was absolutely unmatched and his eyelights merely had to scan something for him to make the most incredible difficult conclusions with total ease. A Sherlock in his own right. He explained astrophysics, both theoretical and non-theoretical, as easily as if he was explaining the answers to the morning crossword.
... And yet. He once asked you how to spell YMCA. On your first date, he pondered why humans got salmonella from raw eggs, because he thought it came from salmon. The two of you were watching a documentary about a lion pride and he asked if it was ‘based on a true story’.
Honestly? You just loved him more for it. It was funny and endearing. His line about salmonella had made you so giggly (much to his apparent delight) you’d thought about him all day- every Sherlock needs a Watson, right? You were not mathematically gifted, but that was okay. Sans did yours and his brother’s taxes because he just enjoyed crunching the numbers, and meanwhile, you could explain that when the recipe said the steak needed to ‘sit’ for half an hour, it didn’t mean on a chair. The two of you covered each other’s weaknesses.
Your running theory was that he was just too smart. Day-to-day stuff went over his skull, just like academic stuff went over yours. And that was okay. You knew he wouldn’t judge you for struggling with numbers, let alone for not understanding his long enthusiastic tangents about incredibly complex mathematical theories, he knew you wouldn’t judge him when he openly questioned why the plural of foot was feet but the plural of boot wasn’t beet.
... To be fair, you didn’t get that one either.
Sans opened the gnocchi and put it on to boil. It only needed a few minutes before it was already done, ready to strain. Sometimes, you just didn’t understand; he was an absolutely incredible cook, on your first date at his place he’d made seared ahi tuna steaks with some kind of delicious sweet lemony sauce, full of complicated flavours you didn’t understand, pulling out all the stops to impress you. It had completely blown your mind, especially when he openly admitted he wasn’t familiar with cooking with human food.
... And at the same time, when he made tacos for his brother, he filled them with glitter. 
Non edible glitter.
You strained the gnocchi for him. It always surprised you, how fast the stuff cooked. He added the pasta to the sauce, tossing it all together and throwing in a little sprinkle of something green, then setting it down to reduce.
You leant back against the counter.
“... You know I’m already wooed, right?” You said, softly. “And not just by your cooking.”
You felt your cheeks get pinker. “Is that one from your dating manual?”
He held his hand out. You took it, linking your fingers with his bones and giving a gentle squeeze.
“... Well. Consider me feeling appreciated.” 
He had you giggling again. He always seemed to. 
“Do you wanna eat on the couch? That new black hole documentary is on in twenty minutes.”
“Absolutely. You might have to explain some stuff to me, though. Like... the whole ‘time slowing down as you fall in’ thing.”
“WELL, IT’S VERY SIMPLE, ACTUALLY!” His eyelights flared up into stars, infectious grin spreading across his cheeks. “IF YOU WERE AN OBJECT APPROACHING A BLACK HOLE, IT WOULD APPEAR AS IF TIME WAS SLOWING AROUND YOU...”
You let him continue, allowing yourself to indulge in another of his tangents. You just liked hearing him talk about something he was interested in.
... He thought it was his cooking, good looks and dating manual advice that had won you over. And they certainly helped. But really... it was this sort of thing that had ‘wooed’ you, in the end.
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wickerfemme · 1 month
hi!! what're some easyish meals to make that fill you up? i've wanted to gain for a while & my boyfriend is finally helping me with that but i'm sort of just . bad at eating and have nooooo clue with where to start. any sort of advice would be nice 🌺 <3
Ooh, hi! Congrats!
I used to be very bad at eating consistently, and at eating enough to like; actually fuel my body properly. Truly, my first few pounds came just because I started to eat enough that I wasn't running on a slight calorie deficit most of the time. Aside from specific meals, I recommend just finding ways to make frequent + consistent eating part of your life. That can be in the form of regular meals, but if those are hard then frequent-but-informal snacking (some veggies, crackers, and dip; a few cookies; a quick simple sandwich, etc.) works too! It's all about building the habit of wanting and having food. Another big thing for me, early on, was learning to like. have a side; not just a sandwich, but some chips alongside; have a simple dessert with lunch; treating myself to takeout and getting a whole combo instead of just a burger. It's a minor thing, but it adds up!
As far as filling, easyish meals go:
I'm a pasta fiend, as you may know. So, so easy to throw together a handful of ingredients you like, combined with slightly too much pasta because you're bad at judging portions, and to come away with a hearty dinner. My go-to for a simple worknight pasta has long been garlic & chili flakes sauteed gently in oil, a couple of anchovy fillets dissolved into the oil toward the end, and then some cherry tomatoes thrown in and allowed to burst; add some chopped italian parsley right before the pasta is finished, and then toss everything together. This is good with caramelised onions in place of tomatoes (the winter variation?). Another 'too tired to cook' classic: bok choy (I like the little shanghai ones) and stir-fried chow mein; it's boring as hell! But tasty enough, and filling. This being another noodle-based dinner, I tend to make 'too much'. A go-to that requires a little more work, but can yield some leftovers: slice a shallot or a red onion into thin rings, and let the rings soak in the vinegar of your choice; add them to a vinaigrette with some dijon and capers, some dill (or parsley, maybe?); boil some little salad potatoes (halved or left whole depending on how mini they are), and add those to the dressing; pan-fry a piece of salmon/trout, break that up into pieces, and combine everything together. Roast veg (yams, potatoes, whatever) is just an easy thing you can put on rice or with salad leaves, etc. My girlfriend has just chimed in with her old standby of egg & rice, as another thing you can add endless variations to (she's a former bad-at-eating 10 PM 'forgot to have dinner and have to have something now' person); I can't add much to the egg thing, as an egg-disliker, but it's sound advice!
Anyway, I'm rambling a bit now, and have to go scrounge up something for my dinner. Hope this was even partly helpful!! <3
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frozenprocedural · 4 months
Panic Attack
Set in the Costs an Arm and a Leg (CAAAAL) AU. Alarik and Beata belong to @patricia-von-arundel.
Brought out the Whump Stick for this one. Spot the Ted Lasso reference...
Happy Birthday, Alarik!
Panic Attack
Rating: T
Elsa struggled to swallow with a dry throat, raising a shaking hand to the door in front of her. 
Knock, just knock. You know how to.
Why was she so nervous? She and Alarik had been seeing one another for a few months now, and she'd always found herself completely at ease with his company- surprisingly so when she most often felt more comfortable around horses than people. It was, however, her first time visiting his apartment. The first time she'd been to any other home in a relationship, really. 
Elsa shook her head, took several grounding breaths- in for three, out for six- and forced herself to knock.
Alarik's voice was muffled, though the clanging and crashing sounds were less so, and Elsa winced. She stepped back a second before the door swung open, revealing Alarik, his curls already springing out in all directions. 
“Hi! Come on in! It's not that big, I'm afraid, but I did clean up and tried to make some space…”
“Alarik.” She placed a hand on his arm, and he blushed. “I'm sure it's perfect. Thank you for having me over.” Somehow, seeing and hearing his nervousness made her own ease. As she stepped in, she noticed a delicious smell wafting through the air. 
“Something smells really good.”
Alarik grinned as he took her coat. “Lemon salmon pasta with asparagus and bread. Though I cheated a bit- the salmon and asparagus did come pre-seasoned. But I promise the pasta and bread are homemade.”
Her jaw dropped. “You made the bread and pasta from scratch? I can't believe- sorry! I didn't mean…” 
Alarik chuckled as he opened the oven door, grabbing a pan with a mitt-covered hand. “No worries, I understand. I really only make it for special occasions. You, of course, count as a very special occasion.” 
Elsa laughed at that. “We'll, then, I'll take your high praise. Perhaps some time you could teach me how to make those.”
“Perhaps.” Something flickered across Alarik's face, and he quickly turned back to the oven. Before Elsa could ask if anything was wrong, he turned back with a grin and a freshly-baked loaf of bread. “Well, dinner is served!”
After dinner and a movie, Alarik insisted that she take his bed and he would sleep on the couch. Despite her protests- his long frame barely fit- he refused to budge on the subject. Elsa finally relented, and was surprised to find how comfortable she was in his bed, surrounded by his faint scent. Sleep found her quickly.
She woke a few hours later, disoriented and panicky until she took a deep breath and remembered where she was. Elsa checked her phone- 3 am- and rolled over in an attempt to return to sleep when she heard a cry. 
Silence at first, then another cry, this one louder and longer than the previous. 
Elsa fumbled for the light, flicked it on, and grabbed her crutches. Within seconds she was in the main room, the moonlight revealing what she'd heard. 
Alarik thrashed and screamed, his face contorted in pain, eyes still closed. Elsa worried he might fall off given how violent his movements were. She maneuvered to the head of the couch, wary of his flailing arms, and freed a hand to touch his shoulder.
He jerked upright, eyes snapping open and flying back and forth across the room, looking for the unseen threat. His chest heaved, and she could see his entire body shake. 
He seemed unaware of her presence, still scanning the room, his breaths turning to shallow gasps. His hand clutched his chest, and Elsa knew right away what was happening. She turned on the lamp beside the couch, and then sat on the coffee table in front of him.
“Alarik. It's okay.”
He blinked, finally focusing on her, though his gasping and trembling continued. Elsa reached out and took his hand in both of hers, interlacing their fingers and squeezing tight.
“It's okay. Try to breathe.”
Alarik shook his head, still gasping for breath, his fingers tightening around hers. “I can- I can't. I can't… I don't know what's going on, I'm so sorry…”
“You're having a panic attack, Alarik. Just… breathe.”
Elsa pressed his hand to her chest, exaggerating her breathing so he could feel it. Alarik looked up, his eyes wide and wet. 
“I'm going crazy.”
Elsa rested her forehead on his. “No Alarik. No more than anyone else. It just feels that way. Here, try this with me. Breathe in for a count of three, hold it for three, out for six. Ready?”
She coached him, tapping her fingers on his until his shaking eased and his breathing settled. 
“There we go.” Elsa freed one hand to wipe the tears from his cheeks, keeping the other laced in his. “There we go. You're alright. You're safe.”
She kept murmuring reassurances until Alarik sank back into the couch, letting out a shaky breath. Elsa kept a hold on his hand, running her thumb along his knuckles. 
“Was this the first time this happened?”
“...no. I just… I didn't know what it was. I never knew what was going on when they happened.” 
Elsa kept her face neutral, even though she wanted to break down. Her panic attacks were bad enough, but at least she'd known what they were. “I'm sorry, Alarik.”
He shook his head. “Not your fault.”
Elsa sat with him in silence for several seconds, unsure how to broach what she'd witnessed. It was Alarik who spoke first. 
“I get nightmares. Reliving the accident. Not every night, but… they happen often enough. I don't know how much you know about what happened.”
Elsa lifted her shoulders in a small shrug. “I know you had an accident that ended up requiring amputation. But you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm fine sitting here with you, or giving you space. Whatever you need.”
Alarik closed his eyes, exhaling a shaky breath. “I… I wanted to tell you eventually. It's just… hard for me to talk about it. But if you're okay hearing it, I do want to tell you.”
“Of course. I'm here, and I'm listening.”
Alarik remained quiet for so long, Elsa wondered if he decided he wasn't ready to tell her. Then he spoke in a soft, halting voice. 
“I was a senior in college, using a portable bunsen burner for a field experiment. When I went to light it…”
Alarik closed his eyes, his jaw going tense. “The investigators later said there must have been some damage to the butane tank it was attached to. Whatever it was, the entire thing exploded. I'd been reaching over to grab some other supplies, and there was a flash and a massive bang.”
A shudder racked Alarik's entire body, his grip like a vice. Elsa stroked his knuckles again, but said nothing, giving him the time he needed. After a shaky breath, he continued. 
“I was knocked back, and at first I was just disoriented and confused. I remember looking down and just not processing what happened for several seconds. I was… confused. Then I realized the thing I was looking at was what was left of my hand.”
Another shudder, and she could see tears tracking down his cheeks. Elsa took the corner of the blanket and wiped them away, murmuring “breathe” as she did. 
“The pain hit then, and I don't remember much else. It just… took over. I knew I was screaming, but I could only really hear the ringing in my ears from the explosion. Everything else really is just a blur- I was either passed out or in too much pain to take anything in. And I was eventually sedated. I had to be flown to the hospital by helicopter, but the only thing I remember is waking up in the hospital room, with my hand completely gone.”
“They had to amputate it.”
Elsa hadn't phrased it as a question, but Alarik nodded.
“There really wasn't anything left. And the risk of infection- between the shrapnel and the burns- was too high. And then there were subsequent surgeries for the burns on my arm. I spent two months in the hospital, and over a year in physical and occupational therapy. During that time, that's when the nightmares started. They've gotten better over the years, but… you saw what happens.”
Alarik sagged against the couch, clearly exhausted. Elsa squeezed his hand, and he looked down for a moment, before shifting his other arm out from under the blanket. He hesitated, then placed it between them. 
It was the first time she would see his limb without his prosthetic or a sleeve. Elsa immediately looked at his face, searching for any signs of doubt. 
“It's… okay. If you want to see it.”
“Only if you're certain.”
“I am. You've trusted me to see yours. I've just… it's hard for me.”
Elsa cupped his cheek. “And that's okay. You've had a traumatic experience. I'm happy to have your trust in this.”
Elsa finally allowed herself to look. Rope-like scars twisted the skin of Alarik's arm, up to his elbow, while a faint furrow bisected the stump of his wrist. Elsa reached out, but stopped short of his arm. 
“May I?”
Alarik's eyes widened as if he was surprised, but he nodded and moved his arm towards her. Elsa traced a finger over the ridges and divots, his skin warm against hers. She could feel Alarik begin to relax, and changed her tracing to a light massage. As she did, a thought came to her.
“Was this why you seemed… hesitant when I suggested you teach me how to make the bread and pasta?”
Alarik tensed up, and Elsa sucked in a breath, afraid she'd crossed a line and broken the trust he'd given her. But then he sighed and nodded.
“Yes. I can't really use my prosthetic while baking, and I'm still self-conscious about the scars, even after all these years. I'm sorry.”
“Alarik, there is nothing to apologize for. You have every right to choose if or when I saw something, especially something so personal and life-changing. The fact you trust me in this is important to me, and I'm grateful for it.”
Alarik made some small whimpering noise, and tears began to flow freely. Elsa transferred over to the couch and held her arms open. He sank into them with a sob, and she held him close, rubbing his back and ignoring the growing wet spot on her shirt. 
Eventually, Alarik pulled away, wiping at his face. Elsa raised a hand, forestalling another apology when he eyed the stain on her shirt. 
“Don't worry about it. But I think it's time to get you to bed.”
When Alarik started to lie down, Elsa shook her head. “Bed, Alarik. Not the couch. You barely fit on that tiny thing, and that won't help you get back to sleep.” When she saw the stubborn set of his jaw, she sighed. 
“Would you be happier if I slept next to you?”
Alarik's eyes went wide. “I… yes… but, are you sure?”
Elsa smiled, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. “I'm positive. Now, come on, to bed.”
Being tucked up against Alarik was even more comforting than sleeping surrounded by his scent. Elsa rested her head against his chest, stroking his stump while he stroked her hair. She could already hear his breathing deepening, could feel his hand slow in its movements, and she knew he wasn't far from sleep. She snuggled a bit closer, letting her own heavy eyelids close.
They slept, peaceful and happy. 
Two Weeks Later
This time, Elsa didn't knock when she reached Alarik's apartment. She simply turned the knob, entering with a cheerful “Hi Alarik!” as she nudged the door shut with her foot. 
“In the kitchen!” he called back. 
She stepped in to find the counter full of ingredients- flour, sugar, salt, among others. Alarik wore an apron, his sleeves rolled up past his elbows- a sight that sent a strange spark traveling through her. 
“Oh, are you making bread? Or pasta?”
Alarik grinned, and beckoned her over.  “Actually, I was hoping to teach you how to make bread today.
Elsa came to stand beside him. His stump remained in full view, and she smiled up at him, happy to see his comfort.
“I would love to.” 
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xanadontit · 1 year
Making the sweet and spicy one tonight. Will report back.
Made this last night. It calls for 5 cloves of garlic and I think I did 12 lol. Also ramped up the Italian seasoning and chili flakes because mama didn’t raise a quitter. If you don’t have fresh tomatoes drained canned diced ones work great, too.
Trying to step it up to get on @greenekatgrey and @styro-sometimes levels. And my scam that I can’t cook is officially over. I had a good run.
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jmtorres · 3 months
im trying to figure out what i can eat now (not too much fat at one time because gallbladder yote, have been doing low fodmap and limiting lactose for a while and oh yeah i'm trying to stay kosher?) and i switched to skim milk and i have been munching on edamame packs but like overall i keep going what did i even eat before????
(pasta with white sauce: hmmm no. nachos: probably a bad idea. coconut curry: oooh that was a standby wasn't it? and yeah coconut is pretty fatty.)
it super duper sucks that i also have no appetite to speak of.
and i got some nut/seed bars (low fodmap equivalent of granola bars) to munch on through the day... just before my gallbladder made itself known. so now i'm looking at the label going mmhmm 40g serving.., 14g of fat. yeah that's probably more than i can handle in one sitting right now.
i'm living on the wild side having a sandwich containing both some smashed avocado (8g fat) and a slice of cheese (6g fat). (i will be eating this over multiple sittings, and it's mediated by sourdough bread, which is fat free.)
i used to make myself grilled cheese. four different cheese flavors plus the butter in the pan. pretty sure those days are over.
i have some preseasoned fishes i can bake with roast potatoes coming tomorrow. That'll get me through the week probably. (if i start looking closely at how much fat is in a serving of salmon, I may have to cry.)
i can't tell what's going on with my stomach literally i cannot interpret whether the signal is "eat more" (would make sense i've barely eaten at all today) or "stop immediately that's too much" (a gulp of water doesn't get that response but a bite of sandwich does. i've had like. 1/8 of a sandwich.)
i want ice cream SO bad and that's like the epitome of do not. I have been trying to eat intuitively but i feel like that's failing me. you can, technically, make ice "cream" with skim milk but i've been leaning to higher fat content for lower lactose for years and uh. now i can't. i guess i gotta make my own ice cream like i make my own yogurt.
why can't food be easy
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merakiui · 6 months
meraaaa!!!! I dare you to answer all of the questions for that about me ask!!! It's like a mini about the author page!!! Also if it isn't too much, can i also ask what your workout routine is, your fave healthy recipes and your favorite cheat meals? :D much love!!!
Hi hiiii!!! (⸝⸝⸝• ω •⸝⸝⸝) ♡ much love to you as well, sweetest anon!! I received asks for most of the questions on the ask game, so I will post those eventually! :D as for my workout routine, it varies sometimes. I like to do anywhere from thirty minutes to one hour on either the treadmill or elliptical. I also like to go running for around two hours. I do pushups and other light arm exercises to keep up good upper arm strength. I love running the most because that's one of the best times when I think of story ideas hehe. It also allows me to put on my workout playlist and spend time exercising to music I enjoy!
I'm pescatarian, and my diet is very much Mediterranean. I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, fish, etc!!! I think some of my favorite healthy recipes are chickpea salad, fresh fruit/vegetable smoothies, overnight oats, vegetarian chili, lentil soup, grilled salmon, vegetarian stuffed peppers!!!! So many yummy things!! <3 I also enjoy ochazuke when I want to eat something simple and soothing. I adore pasta dishes as well!!!!! Pasta is my beloved,,, pasta fresca, pesto tortellini, cheese ravioli, and gnocchi with tomato sauce and parmesan sprinkled on top are some of my favorites!!!!!! *chef's kiss*
Aaaaa cheat foods,,,, I try to avoid cheating even though I have a sweet tooth and adore sweet treats. OTL but on the occasions when I do cheat, I like potato croquettes, takoyaki, fruit tarts and other things found at the bakery, cream pan, gelato and ice cream, fish and chips, chocolate, pizza,,, the list can go on and on......... aaaa it's all so delicious and tempting. >w<
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airfryerburrito · 5 months
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Mix 'n' Match Meal Prep
I've been trying a different "mix and match" method of prepping food for the week. You cook a few components like proteins, vegetables, and sauces, and then reheat and rearrange them to create different meals. Here's my method, inspired by the Downshiftology approach:
Pick 2-3 proteins, a few vegetables, and at least one sauce to prepare. I also like to bake a snack.
On Sunday, do your cooking.
During the week, eat one protein, some vegetables, and some sauce with a starch. Change up the starches and proteins to create variety.
Meal plans so far:
Week 1
Cooked: Greek sheet pan chicken with roasted potatoes and vegetables (sheet pans are the ultimate meal prep hack), salmon bites, crispy air fryer chickpeas, tzatziki sauce, chocolate chip cookies.
Dinners: chicken and potatoes, salmon and fries, chicken and pasta, salmon rice bowls, chicken and rice.
Lunch: chickpeas with salad and focaccia.
Week 2
Cooked: Instant pot ground turkey, sheet pan vegetables, cubed sweet potatoes, morning glory muffins.
Dinners: Ground turkey and pasta, ground turkey and mashed potatoes, ground turkey and nachos, tinned fish and pasta, burgers from the freezer.
Lunch: Black bean and sweet potato rice bowls and burritos.
This week I made balsamic chicken (pictured) and vegetables, plus marinated tofu to air fry another day, and blueberry muffins. I really appreciate how flexible this approach is. A protein / pantry staple like black beans doesn't need cooking -- just opening a can. I can also switch to a store-bought sauce when I have less time. There's less waste, and it's a relief not to worry about what's for dinner.
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angelmush · 1 year
hiii im going to be living w my aunt over the summer and therefore buying my own groceries. I am going to be busy w summer classes and working on the weekends but I do rlly want to try cooking at least once or twice a week. I can make an egg and pasta but that’s about it. What are some of your fave recipes that aren’t super complicated that I could start with if you have any? (I am open to a minor challenge but cooking can overwhelm me so I like a challenge but not too much of one lol). I am also vegetarian (not vegan) if that matters! If you don’t get to this that’s okay !!! I hope u are well 🩷🩷🩷
now it's been a little while for me since i've had to use this model due to moving back home w my family for a time but when buying groceries for one person i found it helpful to follow this sort of structure about once a week! when i do this it feels a lot easier to 'wing it' in the kitchen and mix and match my meal components. and to preface, this is what i find to be helpful and everyone is different and finds different things to work for them!!
1-3 protein sources - i like to center my meals around this because i've found it helps me feel the most nourished and full, i always think of it as things that can be the 'star' of your dishes. i eat meat so i usually do salmon, chicken thighs, and alternate pork + beef. but for u that could b things like tofu, eggs, beans/lentils, mushrooms maybe, vegetarian 'meat' fakes lol, peanut butter if u like any peanutty noodle dishes
3-4 veggies - i love to snack on veggies so i usually get snap peas, cucumbers, + bell pepper just for snacking, and then something like brussel sprouts for roasting as a side dish w a dinner, these can also be frozen
2-3 types of fruit - i am a smoothie enjoyer bigtime so i get a combo of frozen and fresh, almost always mango, and then whatever is seasonal that i can see myself being excited to eat throughout the week
2-3 grains - pastas, premade pizza crusts, bread, rice, etc!! these rly round out ur meals!! and imo they make it simpler to make a meal on the fly. i am a huge fan of microwave rice LOL
2-3 multipurpose dips/spreads/sauces/condiments/pantry items - now here is ur golden ticket for being able to reliably make well rounded and varied meals!!! slowly building up your collection over time is the most cost effective way imo. it's helpful to stock up your pantry w things like baking supplies (flours, sugars, leaveners), spices, shelf stable canned goods (canned tomatoes, beans, vinegars, oils, soy sauces, fish sauce, cartons of things like oak milk), and 'fridge pantry' items (parmesan, herbs, lemons for juice and zest, miso, gochujang, ketchup, mayo, hot sauce, jam, pickles, etc). you can use these to season your food as you cook!
2-3 snacks/frozens - any microwave meals or chips or desserts you might want!!
using this structure makes it easier to look at what you have and be like, i have xyz and they would go together well.
EX. i have rice, tofu, and bok choy, now i can cook the rice and pan fry the tofu and bok choy with my pantry ingredients (soy sauce, miso, sesame oil, chili oil) and create a filling meal!
some of my favorites that could be made vegetarian -
ground pork seared on the bottom of a dutch oven in patties (you could sub tofu or use a fake meat replacement), broken up into smaller chunks, eaten with linguine, sliced snap peas or celery, + a garlicky peanut butter sriracha sauce
pizza w a store bought crust!! super easy, done in like 10 minutes! i like to make mine in a cast iron following this protocol
i really love to dress up ramen w sliced veggies and eggs
i like to make pasta dishes and then form a sauce w parmesan cheese, butter, pasta water, lots of lemon zest and juice and sometimes chicken stock, then adding in peas and fresh herbs at the end
idk if this was helpful at all, but i also have a recipe + recovery tag on my blog w more of these if that is helpful to you! im also on Instagram (@clementineoliveoil) and like to post what i cook there sometimes too!! i wish u all the most beautiful meals in your future!!
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mochibdsm · 3 months
cooking [recipes]
Pot Roast
Season boneless chuck roast, four to five pounds (salt/pepper/paprika), sear on all sides (optional).  Add water to cover, pound of baby carrots, three to four cups tomato sauce, and simmer in pot on stove or crock pot on high with liner for six to eight hours, stirring now and then.  Try to break apart large pieces of meat. Serve on top of boiled egg noodles if desired. 
Cut desired fillets; season with salt and pepper (and as desired—garlic powder is good). Optional: allow to come to room temperature (about twenty minutes). Heat drizzle of oil and about one tablespoon butter in nonstick skillet on medium high heat. Cook salmon for about five minutes; sear on all sides, then flip; cook on other side about five minutes.
Baked Ziti
Preheat oven 350*F.  Cook and drain one box/a pound of penne pasta (or comparable pasta of choice).  Decase, brown, and crumble one pack Italian sausage, add jar (three to four cups) of tomato sauce to heat.  Combine sauce, pasta, and sausage in 9×13 glass pan, and sprinkle on shredded mozzarella until nearly covered.  Bake fifteen minutes or so.  Serves up to five or so.  Skip sausage for vegetarian version.
Garlic Chicken
Preheat oven 400*F.  Melt quarter cup butter with about twelve cloves crushed, peeled garlic.  Dip boneless skinless chicken breasts (halved) or thighs into butter/garlic sauce, then coat in even mixture of bread crumbs and grated parmesan (with tablespoon or so garlic powder).  Place coated chicken in greased 9×13 glass baking pan.  Bake for about thirty-five minutes or until 165*F in center of chicken.  Serves up to four with two or three pieces of chicken a piece.    
Lemon Chicken
Preheat oven 400*F.  Stir together a half cup flour, two tablespoons lemon pepper seasoning, zest of one lemon, some salt and pepper.  Toss boneless skinless chicken breasts (halved) or thighs in mixture.  Heat some olive oil in an oven proof skillet. Add chicken and brown on both sides.  Add three tablespoons butter, three quarters cup chicken broth, and one sliced lemon.  Bake about twenty minutes or until 165*F in center of chicken. Serves up to about four with two or three pieces of chicken a piece.    
Pork Chops
Season boneless pork chops with salt and pepper, then coat in flour.  Heat oil in skillet, and fry pork chops until brown on both sides, and 145*F or above in their center.  Can easily cook for three to four at once.  Goes well with applesauce. 
Chicken Thighs (or Drumsticks)
Preheat oven to 400*F.  Place bone in skin on chicken thighs (or drumsticks) in glass baking dish, making sure skin covers meat.  Season with salt, pepper, rosemary, and thyme.  Cook for an hour-ish, until 165*F in center of chicken.  Serves about one person per two or three pieces of chicken.
Pan Steaks
Allow steaks to rest at room temperature for thirty to sixty minutes.  Pat dry, season generously with salt and pepper.  Heat oil in skillet on medium-high.  Sear steaks a few minutes on both sides, flip and cook to desired doneness.  Optional: shortly before done, add a few tablespoons of butter, and spoon butter over steaks. 
Stir Fry Style Chicken (or Steak)
Cut boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs (or steak) into about one inch cubes.  Heat a drizzle of olive oil in wok or skillet on medium high.  Add chicken (or steak), season with salt and pepper as desired, cook to 165*F in center of chicken pieces (or to desired safe temp for steak).  Add in some butter near the end if desired. 
Basic Chicken Breast
Pat dry, then flatten, boneless skinless chicken breasts and season with salt and pepper as desired; allow to rest at room temperature about thirty minutes.  Heat oil in skillet on medium high heat.  Cook on both sides to 165*F internal temperature.
Pork Roast
Season boneless pork tenderloin, salt/pepper, sear on all sides (optional).  Add apple juice to cover and one pound of baby carrots.  Simmer in pot on stove or crock pot on high with liner for six to eight hours, stirring now and then, breaking apart large pieces of meat.  
Garlic Parmesan Pasta
Cook egg noodles or desired pasta; meanwhile, peel and mince about one head garlic.  Drain pasta.  In empty pot, heat a generous drizzle of olive oil and two or three tablespoons of butter.  Add garlic, cook until beginning to brown, reduce heat, add pasta back in.  Add grated parmesan cheese to taste and stir thoroughly.  Serve with extra parmesan on top/on the side. 
Baked BBQ Pork
Preheat oven to 400*F. Blot boneless half pork tenderloin dry with paper towels. Rub with brown sugar, paprika, salt, and pepper. Sear on all sides in oven proof skillet. Place in oven and bake about one hour/until pork is 145*F in center. Brush with BBQ sauce about ten minutes before done. Slice and serve with extra sauce.
Crock Pot Chicken
Season boneless, skinless chicken breast to taste (salt/pepper/other). Add chicken broth or water to cover and one pound baby carrots and other desired veggies. Simmer in crock pot on high with liner for six to eight hours, checking chicken is still liquid covered now and then.
Lemon Spaghetti
Cook spaghetti/similar pasta of choice according to directions on box. Meanwhile, combine a drizzle of olive oil, zest of one lemon, and juice of two lemons in a separate skillet. When you’re about to drain the pasta, turn on heat under the skillet to medium. Drain pasta; keep three quarters cup of pasta water. Add pasta and the three quarters cup pasta water to skillet. Toss with six tablespoons of butter, cut into small pieces, and half cup grated parmesan until sauce is smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with extra parmesan.
Grated Tomato Sauce and Pasta
Cook penne/similar pasta of choice according to directions on box. Meanwhile, slice a thin round off the bottom of three tomatoes. Over a cutting board, starting at cut end, grate the tomatoes over the largest holes of a grater; discard skin/stem remaining. Transfer grated tomato to bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Peel and mince eight cloves garlic. Heat drizzle of olive oil in a skillet over medium. Cook garlic until just starting to brown. Reduce heat to medium low, add tomatoes, and simmer, stirring, for above five minutes to thicken. Remove from heat, add two tablespoons butter, and stir until melted. Combine with cooked pasta and serve.
Mashed Potatoes
Rinse and peel (if desired) potatoes (Russet, Idaho, that sort; about one or two potatoes per person; add a sweet potato if desired, cut to same size).  Cut into sixths or so.  Place in large pot on stove, well covered with salted water.  Simmer for about half hour. Drain water.  Add about 1/4 cup (half stick) of butter, cut into tablespoons or so, more if desired, small splash of milk, and salt.  You can also add minced garlic if desired.  Blend well with hand mixer or potato masher.  Add milk if needed to desired texture. 
Roasted Potatoes
Preheat oven to 400*F.  Rinse about two potatoes per person (Russet, Idaho, golden, red, whatever desired), peel if desired, chop into about one inch pieces. Toss potatoes on baking sheet with large drizzle of olive oil, about two tablespoons melted butter if desired, add salt/pepper. Cook in oven for about an hour, flipping every fifteen minutes.
Roasted Asparagus
Preheat oven to 375*F. Rinse asparagus and trim (all white, to about second knuckle). Spread on lined baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and melted butter if desired, then brush it over/toss. Season with salt and pepper. Put in oven for about 25 minutes, flip/rearrange about halfway through. Finish quickly in hot skillet.
Drop Biscuits
Preheat oven 400*F. Combine one and three-quarter cups flour, one tablespoon baking powder, one teaspoon sugar, and one teaspoon salt. Cut in half cup of cold butter. Mix in three quarter cup milk. Create about twelve scoops of dough on lined baking sheet. Brush with milk, bake until golden, about twenty-two minutes.
Roasted Cherry Tomatoes
Preheat oven to 375*F. Rinse tomatoes. Spread on lined baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and melted butter if desired, then brush it over/toss. Season with salt and pepper. Put in oven for about 20 minutes, flip/rearrange about halfway through.
Cut Out Biscuits
Preheat oven 450*F.  Combine nine cups flour, three tablespoons baking powder, three tablespoons sugar, three teaspoons salt, and two and a quarter teaspoons cream of tartar.  Cut in two and a quarter cups of cold butter.  Make well in center of bowl, add three cups of milk.  Stir.  Turn dough out onto floured surface, knead, roll to about desired thickness with floured rolling pin (about three quarters of an inch), cut with floured biscuit cutter to rounds (about two and a half inches).  Brush with milk, bake on lined baking sheet until light golden brown, about fifteen minutes.  Freeze leftover rounds until just solid on parchment paper, then store in resealable bag to pop in oven later.   Makes about three dozen. 
Mac and Cheese
Boil salted water.  Add elbow macaroni/pasta of choice.  Cook until done, maybe twelve minutes, drain, set aside.  Melt three tablespoons of butter with a splash of milk.  Stir in eight to twelve slices of American cheese if serving one to four, and small handful shredded cheddar if desired.  Add milk or cheese to desired texture, stir until smooth.  Add pasta back in, stir.
Peel, core, and chop about five pounds of apples.  Add to lined crock pot with large pinch of salt, the juice of one lemon, and one and a half cups water.  Cook in crock pot on high for about three and a half hours, stirring occasionally, or until it reaches desired consistency/taste. Store in fridge. 
Sautéed Bell Peppers
Prep bell peppers (rinse, core, remove seeds and ribs, cut into strips lengthwise). Heat olive oil in skillet over medium high heat. Add bell peppers. Season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally (allow to char), about ten minutes.
Rustic Bread
Mix three cups warm water (around 110*F), two and a quarter teaspoons active dry yeast, and one tablespoon sugar in large mixing bowl.  Let sit for about five minutes/until bubbly.  Add six cups flour and three teaspoons salt.  Mix until it forms dough.  Cover loosely with plastic wrap. Let rise about three hours.  Preheat oven to 450*F and put an upside down cookie sheet on the top rack.  Fill baking dish with water and place on bottom rack.  Sprinkle flour on counter, turn out dough, fold on itself, and divide in half.  Form two round loaves.  Cut an X on top of each ball.  Place on lightly floured pan, then put pan on top of the cookie sheet in the oven.  Bake about forty minutes.  Internal temp should be above 190*F.  Wait at least a half hour before slicing. 
Basic Drop Cookies (With GF Option)
Preheat oven to 350*F.  Combine one and one quarter cups flour, half a teaspoon baking soda, half a teaspoon baking powder, three quarter teaspoon salt, half cup butter, one third cup sugar, half cup brown sugar, two teaspoons cornstarch, two teaspoons vanilla, and one egg.  Mix in desired amount of mix ins. (Try: chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, white chocolate chips, nuts, M&Ms, Reese’s Pieces, themed candy, crushed potato chips, crushed pretzels, crushed Oreos.) Place large balls of dough on lined baking sheets. Press extra mix ins on top. Chill about fifteen minutes, then bake until golden brown, about seventeen minutes. Sprinkle with sea salt if desired. Makes about a dozen cookies.  Substitute gluten free flour for gluten free cookies. Double recipe and spread dough evenly in 9×9 greased cake pan and bake until toothpick test passed (about 20 minutes) for blondies.  Freeze extra balls of dough on parchment paper until solid, then store in zipper bag to pop in oven later.  
Poached Pears (Or Apples)
Fill a bowl with cold water. Peel, half, and core pears and place them in the bowl. In a pot, combine one and a half cups red wine (or substitute), three quarter cup sugar, two tablespoons lemon juice, zest of one lemon (optional), two teaspoons vanilla, and two teaspoons cinnamon; bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Add the pears and simmer for about ten minutes; flip and simmer for about eight minutes. Serve with ice cream and extra sauce. (For apples—cut large pieces instead of halving; reduce cook time—about seven minutes, flip, six minutes.)
Peanut Butter (Thumbprint) Cookies
Preheat oven to 375*F.  Combine one third cup sugar, half cup brown sugar, one teaspoon baking soda, half teaspoon salt, one and two thirds cup flour, half cup softened butter, three quarters cup creamy peanut butter, one egg, and one teaspoon vanilla.  Create small balls of dough, place spaced out on lined cookie sheet.  Bake until golden brown, about twelve minutes. Makes about two dozen. For “Thumbprint” (optional): Press reservoir into center of each cookie.  Add Nutella or melted chocolate to reservoir. (Alternatively: Press reservoir into center of cookie with a few minutes left to bake. Add Rolo, mini candy bar, or similar candy to reservoir, and finish baking.)
Red Wine Brownies
Preheat the oven to 350*F. Combine one cup melted butter, one and a half cups brown sugar, one cup sugar, three eggs, two teaspoons vanilla, half cup red wine, one and a half cups unsweetened cocoa powder, three-quarter cup flour, and half teaspoon salt. Pour batter evenly into greased nine by nine (ish) pan. Bake about fifty minutes/until toothpick test passed.
Cookie Butter Cookies
Combine one and three-quarter cups flour, half teaspoon baking soda, half teaspoon salt, half cup brown sugar, one-quarter cup sugar, ten tablespoons butter (softened, not melted), half cup cookie butter, two eggs, one teaspoon vanilla, and chocolate chips/desired mix-ins. Create balls of dough on lined baking sheet and chill, about thirty minutes. Preheat the oven to 350*F. Bake until golden brown, about sixteen minutes. Makes about twenty.
Preheat oven to 325*F.  Mix one cup plus two tablespoons powdered sugar, three cups flour, and one and a half cups softened butter. (For “funfetti” shortbread: add sprinkles.) Lightly grease 9×13 baking pan, cover bottom of pan evenly in dough.  Bake until very lightly brown, about twenty-eight minutes. Cut into desired shapes, prick with fork as desired.
Apple Bread
Preheat oven to 350*F.  Grease and flour a 9×5 inch loaf pan.  Mix one third cup brown sugar, one teaspoon cinnamon, two third cup sugar, one and a half cups flour, one and three quarters teaspoons baking powder, half cup butter, two eggs, one and a half teaspoons vanilla, one tablespoon Nutella, half cup milk, and two apples, peeled and chopped into small/desired size pieces.  Pour into loaf pan.  Bake until toothpick test passed, browned, about forty minutes.
(Vegan) Basic Drop Cookies
Combine two cups flour, one teaspoon baking soda, half teaspoon salt, half cup brown sugar, half cup sugar, half cup canola oil, quarter cup water, two teaspoons vanilla, and desired amount of (vegan) chocolate chips/mix ins. Create large mounds of dough on a lined baking sheet; chill for thirty minutes. Preheat the oven to 375*F. Bake about sixteen minutes. Makes about twelve.
Ice Cream Bread
Preheat oven to 350*F.  Soften four cups of desired regular ice cream.  Grease a 9×5 inch loaf pan.  Stir 3 cups of self rising flour with ice cream.  Pour mixture into loaf pan and smooth out.  Bake about 50 minutes or until done, toothpick test passed.  (Incorporate toppings, mix ins, or serve with ice cream as desired.) 
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
Preheat oven to 375*F.  Combine one cup Crisco, half cup sugar, one cup brown sugar, two eggs, one cup flour, one teaspoon baking soda, one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon vanilla, two cups oatmeal, and chocolate chips to taste.  Place balls of dough on lined baking sheets and bake until golden brown, about ten minutes.  Makes about two dozen. Substitute gluten free flour for gluten free cookies.
Slutty Brownies
Preheat oven to 350*.  Prepare cookie dough recipe or mix of choice.  Prepare brownie batter recipe or mix of choice.  Grease 9×13 inch cake pan and line bottom with cookie dough.  Place whole Double Stuf Oreos over cookie dough in one layer.  Pour brownie batter evenly over top.  Bake for about forty minutes or until toothpick test passed.  Serve with vanilla ice cream.
Chocolate Crinkles
Preheat oven to 350*F. Combine one half cup unsweetened cocoa powder, one cup sugar, one quarter cup vegetable oil, two eggs, one teaspoon vanilla, one cup flour, one teaspoon baking powder, and half teaspoon salt. Create balls of dough (optional: chill briefly) and roll in powdered sugar. Bake for about twelve minutes. Makes about twelve cookies. Substitute gluten free flour for gluten free cookies.
Sugar Cookies with Frosting
Preheat oven to 375*F. Combine two and a half cups flour, one teaspoon baking soda, half teaspoon baking powder, one and a half cups sugar, one cup butter, one egg, and one teaspoon vanilla. Create balls of dough on lined baking sheet. Bake for about twelve minutes. For frosting: combine six tablespoons butter, three cups powdered sugar, three tablespoons milk, and one teaspoon vanilla. (Adjust consistency with milk/powdered sugar as desired.) Spread on cookies with method of choice; dust with sprinkles if desired.
Skillet Brownie
Preheat oven to 350*F. Slightly warm, and grease, a 10 inch cast iron skillet. In a bowl, combine three-quarter cup sugar, one and one-quarter cup brown sugar, two cups flour, half cup cocoa powder, one teaspoon salt, three-quarter teaspoon baking soda, one tablespoon vanilla, two eggs, and three-quarter cup butter. Add chocolate chips if desired. Press evenly into skillet. Bake about thirty minutes/until toothpick test passed. Substitute gluten free flour for GF version.
Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies
Preheat oven to 350*F. Combine two cups rolled oats, two-third cup brown sugar, one-third cup sugar, half teaspoon salt, quarter teaspoon baking soda, one cup peanut butter, four tablespoons of butter, two eggs, and desired amount/combo chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, M&M’S, etc. Create balls of dough on lined baking sheet. Bake for about twenty minutes. Gluten-free; makes about two dozen cookies.
Brownie Cookies
Preheat oven to 350*. Combine one and one third cups flour, half teaspoon baking powder, half teaspoon salt, half cup dark unsweetened cocoa powder, one cup sugar, half cup melted butter, three tablespoons vegetable oil, one egg, two teaspoons vanilla, and desired amount of chocolate (and/or peanut butter) chips. Create balls of dough on lined baking sheet. Substitute gluten free flour for gluten free cookies. (Alternatively: skip baking chips. Place one chocolate-caramel candy—such as a Rolo—in the middle of each ball of dough, making sure it’s completely covered.) Bake for about fourteen minutes. Makes about fifteen cookies.
(See several recipes above as well.)
Combine one cup flour, one tablespoon sugar, one and a half teaspoons baking powder, one quarter teaspoon salt, one egg, one cup milk, two tablespoons butter (melted). Heat additional butter in pan on medium high heat. Add batter (desired size/amount of pancakes). Add any desired mix ins (blueberries, chocolate chips, etc.) Cook until light brown on bottom, just barely bubbling on top. Flip. Cook another minute or two until light brown on bottom. Serve with syrup, butter, or whatever is desired. Makes approximately pancakes for two or three. (For pancake bites: preheat oven 375*F. Pour pancake batter into greased or lined mini muffin pan. Bake about ten minutes.)
Energy Balls
Combine one and a half cup oats, half cup peanut butter (or desired nut butter), two tablespoons hemp or flax or chia seeds (more oats will also do), one third cup honey or maple syrup, half cup chocolate chips (or other mix ins). Combine, shape into balls, refrigerate in sealed container.
Hot Cocoa/Chocolate Milk Mix
Combine one and one-quarter cup powdered sugar, three quarter cup cocoa powder, one and a quarter cups dried milk, one teaspoon cornstarch, one teaspoon salt. Use about ¼ cup of powder per cup of liquid.
Chocolate Spoons
Melt chocolate chips/candy melts in microwave, about thirty seconds at a time, stirring. Pour melted chocolate into spoon mold; smooth out. Freeze. Remove spoons from mold carefully, store in airtight container in freezer. 
Peppermint Spoons
Unwrap starlight mints/candy canes/peppermint candy. Place in closed bag and crush into basically powder with mallet/method of choice. Pour crushed candy into spoon mold, overflowing a little. Bake at 350*F for about 8 minutes, until candy has melted. Let cool/harden. Store in airtight container at room temperature.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 7 months
Favorite Questions!
tagged by @autumnrose11 thank you!! :”)
favorite painter: uhh i honestly don’t know. i’m kind of daft when it comes to paintings/artists. i’m gonna cheat and say belle’s papa maurice >:3 🖕
favorite band: the beatles probably but i haven’t listened to them in a while
favorite meal and drink: i’m a simple gal. i love a meat & potatoes with some sautéed green beans or red cabbage. i love salmon. i love all breakfast food so much. mac n cheese. pasta. grilled cheese. you get the idea. and drink? idk. i had a favorite juice but it betrayed me texturally and i entirely lost interest in it. autism is fucked up that way. so now it’s probably chocolate milk. which i rarely drink but it is definitely one of the best.
favorite outfit aesthetic: uhh overalls & colorful t-shirts. oversized jackets. peter pan necklines. long-skirt dresses ala 1950s era? uhh converse. converse with dresses specifically. uhmm. chunky knit cardigans and sweaters. corduroy. denim. yeah
favorite singer: ricky montgomery
favorite item i own: my build-a-bear stitch
favorite possession: i don’t understand how that’s different than the previous question.
favorite perfume: uhh my sister-in-law brought me back some from paris a few years back and it’s still the only one i use when i wanna smell ✨fancy✨. it says “Le Réve: Nirmala” and then “Molinard” which i think is the brand. i don’t know what any of that means! :D but it smells nice.
no pressure tags: @gayassbenaffleck @freakwiththeknifecollection @roberrtphilip @gavotteangel @thavron @ariiiloves @enchanted-keys @ginnyweatherby @japhan2024 @romeoandjulietyouwish + anyone else can say i tagged them :3
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deepseamuse · 1 year
This is for one serving
While you're cooking some pasta, grill a filet of fish (ideally tuna or salmon) in a pan with hot chili oil. Doesn't need much spices, just salt and pepper
When it's done (3 minutes on each side) take it out of the pan, put some butter into the pan, and sautée a spoonful of garlic
After a minute or two of that, add in half of your pasta water, half a cup of heavy cream, and 1/4 a cup of tomato sauce (not really needed, but it's nice) Shake in some spices, I used a bourbon barrel steak seasoning blend but it's really up to you
Let it simmer for 3 minutes (or until it's at your ideal thickness), then stir in your pasta. Pour it into a bowl, saving a bit of sauce for when you put the fish in so you can pour it on top.
This sauce is so fucking good that when I made too much of it my first time I just ended up drinking it out of the bowl
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