#one piece koby smut
tinfairies · 9 months
Bounty Girl
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Koby x Female!Pirate!Reader
Summary: You're an infamous pirate with a hefty bounty on your head. The marines have caught you once again, Koby is tasked with guarding you.
Word Count: 4k
Part two
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"A pirate with a 100 Million berry bounty. I didn't think you'd be easy to catch, but I certainly didn't expect the impressive fight." Vice Admiral Garp spoke with a light amusement in his voice. A cadet with pink hair stood by his side, eyes wide as he took in your appearance. Poor thing hasn't seen many pirates, if any, you assume.
The Vice Admiral turns to the cadet, shaking him from his trance.
"Koby, you take the first security shift, you have the cell keys, and the alarm if they break free."
Without another word the Admiral exits the room, leaving you and the nervous cadet alone. It's silent for a few moments, Koby stands dutifully by the desk.
"So, Koby. What are you doing after this?" You joke with a smirk, making sure to annunciate his name, and lean against the cell bars.
Koby's face hardens at your jest. "I have no desire for small talk with pirates." He says, crossing his arms over his chest.
The Vice Admiral had spoken highly of Koby in his reports of your capture. However, Koby was clearly bitter about the assignment he had been given, regardless of the bounty on your head.
You give Koby a fake pout, "I'm just trying to make conversation, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or what?" You wrap your hands around the cool metal of the bars and press your forehead against them. You stare Koby down from his place across the room, making him shift under your gaze.
"No pirate is worth conversing with." He says coldly, his eyes locking to yours. His confidence wavers and his gaze moves to study the floor.
As you stare him down, you notice his fingers twitching. Your presence has clearly riled Koby, and you get the sense that the Vice Admiral had a reason for choosing him to oversee your capture.
You lick your lips and watch Koby's fingers drum lightly against his thigh. You look him up and down once more, deciding he'd be a fun play toy.
"Is this not how you expected things to go? You seem pretty pissed that you're down in the cell blocks like some rookie and not with your Admiral making plans for my execution." You tease, trying to get under his skin.
You push at the edges of Koby's composure, his eyes narrowing as he suppresses the flash of anger in his expression.
As you continue to goad him, his right foot begins to tap in cadence with the trembling of his fingers. The longer you push at Koby, the more you can see him struggling to maintain his cool demeanor. You smile at this.
"Unless that's all you are to him. A rookie that he uses for the boring, miniscule work he doesn't want to deal with." You walk to the other side of the cell, closer to Koby, and lean against the bars once more.
"I think that's it, every boss has that one employee they use. Make them think they're important, just so they don't complain about the work."
"I have done more in this past year than you have in your entire life." Koby says, his tone turning sharp. The mask has fallen, and Koby has lost whatever reservations he had about speaking candidly with you.
"The Vice Admiral didn't have to assign me to oversee your capture, but it suits my career goals. That being said, I'm not wasting my time chatting with you." He says, turning his back on you.
At this point, it's clear that Koby has little interest in entertaining you. The two of you stand in silence for a few moments.
You chuckle at his outburst in amusement. "Oh you really don't like pirates do you? Is it a childish prejudice, or did a pirate hurt you? Come on, you tell me." Your eyes burn into his back, but Koby ignores your continued taunts.
Silence fills the cell as he struggles to control his emotions. His hand curls into a fist, then falls open just as quickly. Koby's shoulders remain tense as he takes a deep breath.
As he regains his composure, you get the sense that he is still in a state of extreme tension. He seems ready to lash out again at the slightest provocation.
"Don't wanna tell me? That's okay, but just know that I'd never hurt you. Not unless you want me to, that is." You continue your teasing, trying to get him to come close to the cell.
Koby slowly spins in your direction. He eyes you menacingly, but he remains where he stands, out of reach from inside the cell. The tension in his shoulders seems to fade slightly at your continued attempts at flirting.
"You wouldn't hurt me, huh?" He asks. His face gives away no emotion, but he is clearly intrigued.
The smile on your face widens, happy that you've finally gotten his interest. "No, how could anyone hurt someone with a face like yours?"
Your continued flattery finally breaks through to Koby. His facial expression breaks for a moment, as he is caught off guard by your comment.
The tension that he was holding evaporates, as his shoulders drop. He looks away from you, as if not wanting you to notice how much your flirtation affected him.
"How could someone with a face like yours be a pirate?" He mumbles, returning the compliment in kind. His gaze shifts back to you, meeting your eyes for the first time since he arrived.
"Are you calling me pretty, cadet?" You feign a blush, though you can't deny the butterflies in your stomach. Your eyes lock with his, and you can finally see just how gorgeous they are; Made even bigger by his glasses, you could easily get lost in the blue.
Koby smiles nervously as you flirt back at him. The butterflies in his own stomach become a maelstrom of activity as you take in his striking eyes. He knows it's wrong, but he's enjoying the tension of your flirtation.
"Am I?" He asks, he lets out a trembling chuckle, realizing the weight of what he's partaking in.
"You never answered my question. What are you doing once you're off duty for the night?" You look him up and down again, trying not to let him notice that you're eyeing the cell keys on his belt loop.
"I'm meeting with Vice Admiral Garp. There's an event on a nearby island that requires his attention and he wants me to be there." Koby says, turning away from you, a slight blush creeping the back of his neck.
He remains oblivious to your continued glances at the keyring. His uniform looks crisp and well-maintained, however, and he seems the type of person who keeps a tight grip on everything he owns, including the keys to your cell.
"Oh? Is it a fancy event, or just a room with stuffy old marines complaining about their jobs and reminiscing about the old days." You walk to the corner of the cell, getting a better look at Koby.
"More of the latter, unfortunately." Koby says, turning back to look at you. The corner of his mouth curls in an endearing small smile.
As he turns back to you, you hear the faint jangling of the keys. He quickly and subtly covers them with the hem of his jacket as you shift and press your body to the bars.
You look down as he covers the keys. "Have you always been Garp's lap dog, or is that a new position you've taken up?" You begin to tease him again, hoping to get him closer and closer to the cell
Koby narrows his eyes at your dig. "The Vice Admiral has put in a good word for me with Admiral Sengoku." He replies flatly, not willing to rise to your continued taunting.
Koby opens his mouth to speak again before you get the chance. "If I may ask, what's with the flirtatious facade? I thought you pirates had no time for that sort of thing."
As you continue to tease him with your smile, he slowly begins to back away from your cell.
"No time for romance, but that doesn't mean we don't bring people into our beds. You'd look so pretty laid out on my bed." You smirk even wider, your words may be manipulative but they're true. Your stomach flutters at the image of him naked beneath you.
Your compliment draws a flush to Koby's face as he steps further back. Your words have cut through his barriers, and he doesn't seem to know how to respond.
"I can't imagine a pirate like you has much need for romance." He says, his voice slightly quieter than before.
His eyes flit to the cell keys hanging from his hip, but then quickly shift back to you.
"I like romance though, I just haven't found anyone I actually want to put that effort into." You tilt your head, studying Koby further. Your confession causes a flash of disappointment on his face.
"Well, until tonight that is." You glance at the keys, then back to his face. His face has a pink tint and his eyes are wide, he looks absolutely gorgeous. Your stomach turns slightly and your cheeks warm up. The plan wasn't to catch feelings for the cadet, but that's starting to change.
Koby remains silent, mulling over your declaration of interest. The tension in the air between you both is thick, the silence punctuated by your steady heartbeat. Your eyes remain on him, your heart fluttering in your chest.
Koby's eyes shift to the keys hanging from his belt, and you sense the moment of weakness in him. His breath becomes more rapid, and his eyes dart back to your face.
His words are barely a whisper as he asks "Can I trust you?"
"I'm a pirate, that's up to you. I won't hurt you though, in fact I might make you feel really good if you'd let me." A devilish glint flashes in your eyes as you anticipate his weakness
Koby's eyes lock with yours, and he seems to weigh your words. His lips begin to form a small smile as he considers your offer.
"I know you won't hurt me." He says, his voice a whisper.
He holds your gaze for a moment longer, and then quickly reaches for the keys on his belt. His hands visibly shake as he turns the lock, you can see the smile creep back onto his lips as his eyes flicker with anticipation.
You pull the cell door open, and quickly grab him by his uniform tie. His breath catches in his throat as you pull him into your embrace, holding his tie in a vice-grip. The tension of the moment threatens to overflow, your lips mere inches apart. You can feel his nervous breathing and you smile as you await his next move.
Koby's breath is labored as he leans forward, his lips parting as he prepares to meet your own. His eyes are lost in yours, and he seems intent on forgetting his position as a marine and instead meets you as a man.
You press your lips to his, he's warm and soft, unlike any man I've kissed before. You place one of your hands on his jaw as the other releases his tie and settles on his chest. He tastes like mint, and smells of bamboo. Once again, unlike any man you've been with. You can feel his heart hammering in his chest, and you hope your own heartbeat isn't noticeable.
Koby's lips mingle with yours in a slow dance, his breath coming in short bursts as he adjusts to the feeling of the kiss. It's a completely foreign feeling for him, but he loves it. His hands settle around you, gripping the fabric of your shirt. The muscles in his arms clench, as he nervously rests his hands on your waist.
As your fingers explore his chest, you can feel his heartbeat pounding against your palms. Koby seems lost in both the feeling and the passion of the moment, his eyes closed tight as he continues to embrace you.
You begin to push him back, slowly moving until his lower back bumps the desk behind him. You pull away from the kiss and look down at him, his glasses are fogged and slightly crooked. Koby's eyes open as you move away, taking in his surroundings. He seems as though he's disappointed with the reality of the situation. You giggle and reach up to fix his glasses, pushing them back up the bridge of his nose, giving him a clear view of you. He is frozen, his breathing still heavy, as he takes you in. You're chest is pressed to his and he can feel your beat against his own.
He glances down your shirt, completely entranced, and you chuckle lightly at his boyish stare. He is broken from his trance by your laughter, as he chuckles nervously alongside you. His face is flushed with redness.
"Have you ever kissed anyone before, cadet?" You trace your nail along the edge of his rank patch, using his formal title to tease him. He's so cute and innocent. You open your mouth to let your thoughts flow "I'm just thinking of all the ways I could ruin you."
"Of course I've kissed someone." He replies, clearly lying. As you stroke your finger along his chest, he shivers in response to your touch.
You watch as Koby's brain short circuits while he struggles to maintain his composure in your presence, his face glowing like a sunset.
"And just as an FYI, I'm not that green." He says defensively, his face reddening even further. He turns away from you, trying to regain some control of the conversation.
"You can't ruin me. What do you even mean by that anyway?" He asks, his curiosity getting the better of him as he looks at you again.
"Oh, I think you know exactly what I mean by that." You slide your hands lower, gripping his hips and pushing him harder against the desk. He's completely trapped by your body and you press your hips into his. A wave of shock runs through your body as you feel, or rather don't feel, what you expected.
Your grip on his hips sends a flush of arousal through him as your hands caress his body. He inhales sharply as you push yourself into him, sliding your hands back up his chest. His face goes from red to deep crimson, as the rush of blood fills his cheeks. He struggles to maintain his composure, his jaw clenching in a vain attempt to suppress his libido.
"I don't know what you mean." He finally says breathes out, but the flustered inflection of his voice belies the truth he knows inside.
"Did the person you kissed before make you feel this way? Did she make you feel this good, or are you going to lie to me again?" You whisper against his jaw, rubbing your hips harder. You narrow your eyes a bit as you study the feeling of his arousal. Your whisper has a soothing quality to it, but it also brings a wave of emotion as the moment builds between you both. The look in Koby's eyes shows that you've struck a chord within him.
He's not disinterested, there's no way his cock wouldn't be at least a little hard. Unless he doesn't...
Oh– Oh.
He shakes his head, his answer finally coming out in a rush. "No. I- No one has ever made me feel like this. O-Or kissed me." He looks down at your hands as he lets the truth spill out, his breath catching in his throat when he feels your hips grind against his sweet spot.
You kiss him again, licking at his lips, begging to be let in. He gladly parts his lips, you delve your tongue into his mouth. This drives Koby wild, and he groans quietly against you. He uses your waist to pull you in further, his legs trembling ever so slightly.
You moan against him and move your hands back up to his chest, curiously searching for the feeling of a binder. You whimper as your expectations are shifted and you feel the faint outline of what you can only assume are surgery scars. Jagged and poorly done, from what you can feel. You pull back once again, and look into his eyes. "You're such a pretty boy, you know that?"
You catch your reflection in his eyes, he looks as though he's on the verge of tears. Koby looks over your face in return, taking in your hair, your eyes, and your lips. His gaze seems almost too close, as if he is attempting to analyze every detail of you.
He blinks rapidly, shaking his head. "T-Thank you." He stammers. "But that's all I can give you." The words come out as if he is fighting them. "Please stop this."
Disappointment swells in your heart, you hide your pout and pull away from him, taking a few steps back. He begins to straighten his uniform, not daring to meet your gaze.
"If I wasn't a pirate would I have a chance at having you all to myself?" I barely glance up at him before staring at the door.
The look of disappointment breaks through the facade of Koby's emotions. His eyes are drawn back to you, his expression one of sadness.
"I'm a Marine. You are a pirate. This could never work." He says that, but you know his words have a different meaning.
"I'm not a real man, you wouldn't like me if you knew" are the true words that echo in his head.
He's trying to sound firm, but your shared moment has eroded his walls. He continues to stare at you, a faint blush still creeping across his face.
"Then I guess we'll just be a game of cat and mouse for each other." I push Koby further back against the desk then make a break for the door, striding across the room.
Your words sting, and his heart is telling him one thing, but his duty is telling him another. His lips press into a frown, as the conflict plays out internally.
As you rush for the door, Koby quickly follows after and grabs your wrist, pulling you back with surprising strength. Your movement is halted in an instant, and you feel no give in his grip. Even though you stand taller in height, you are no match for his strength.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asks, his eyes hard with resolve.
"Sorry cadet, but I have date with The Grand Line I really can't miss." You try to twist out of his grasp, trying to break free, but to no avail. He grips your wrist with unrelenting determination.
"You know that I can't let you escape," he says, his words clipped and his face neutral. The words are not empty or contrived, he truly wants to keep you here. He can see something in you that he is attracted to, and it is pulling at his heart.
"If I stay, they'll execute me at the next marine port this ship docks at. Is that what you really want?" You ask, fear seeping into your voice knowing the weight of its truth. You don't know Koby, and he doesn't know you. Though, from what you can tell, he wouldn't like for anyone to be executed, not even a pirate.
Koby looks down at your wrist in his grasp, and his resolve falters. He looks up at you, his mouth moving as if to speak before it closes again. The guilt on his face is palpable, and the conflicting feelings play out on his face. He knows that he wants you to stay, but he also knows that he has the responsibility of handing you over to justice. He doesn't have an answer for the moment, as he stands frozen.
You feel his grip begin to loosen ever so slightly, you take the opportunity to pull your hand free from his grasp and begin to make your way to the door again.
"There's no way anyone will be able to convince the Vice Admiral not to kill me, the crimes I've committed are beyond life in prison for a civilian, let alone a pirate." You speak flatly, you're not ashamed of what you've done. Being a liar, a killer and a thief is just part of the job description.
"W-Wait." He exclaims suddenly. His words fill you both with surprise, and you pause to turn back and look at him.
"The Vice Admiral is a good man. He understands that you are more than your crimes. We can work something out. Please, just… I can't let you leave."
You can see the hope in his eyes, as he is begging for you to stay. You know that you can't get much further with him standing guard over you, but your own curiosity has kept you here thus far. You need to break the sudden infatuation you have for each other. Your mind is filled with ridiculous notions that you could get you killed if you pursue them.
"Do you think that if I stay, we'll be able to have something together? Some wild fantasy where you can kiss me every night and call me your girlfriend? Koby. I'm a pirate, a criminal, the very thing that the marines swear to eliminate." Your words are sharp and Koby feels like a child being scolded. He feels stupid for letting a fantasy take control of his mind so quickly. He just met you, in a jail cell of all places.
"I... I don't know." He replies, his words weak as he struggles to form a response. His gaze shifts to the door, and then back to your face.
His voice wavers as he speaks "You're right, there's no way we can be together. Not while I'm a Marine, and you're a pirate."
His eyes search yours for something, anything he can use to keep you in this room. He doesn't want you to run, but he also doesn't want you dead. As he stares at your face, his eyes move back to the door.
You turn from him again and pull the door open, slipping out into the hall, leaving Koby alone in the cell block.
"If I escape, there's a chance I can meet with him later. Perhaps even kiss him under different circumstances." Your thoughts ramble as you sneak through the lower decks, the emergency alarm cuts through your thoughts.
"Damn, I knew he wouldn't let me leave without a trace."
You can already hear marine voices nearby, racing to the security room to find the cause of the emergency. You can barely take in the path of escape in front of you, your mind running wild as it takes in the chaos of the situation.
It's not until the voice of your beloved cadet pierces the air that you take in that your escape can't be as simple as you had thought.
"Escaped prisoner on the lower starboard deck! In pursuit!" He bellows, his voice filled with determination.
You smile at his loyalty to the marines, but you have to leave before they get any closer to Loguetown. You sprint up the steps and push through the doors to the upper deck. The marines there are rushing to prepare for a battle. It appears that Koby is not the one that sounded the emergency alarm. There, out in the water is a pirate ship. Your pirate ship, it seems your crew has come to rescue you.
The voices of the marines follow behind you as they man their stations. You are the least concern for them right now, and stare out at your large ship barreling towards the marine vessel. Your crewmates are waiting for you, with eyes shining and weapons at the ready.
This is almost routine, many times you've been captured, and many times you've escaped. You'd started to get tired of it, but when you saw that young cadet by the Vice Admirals side, you figured you could play cat and mouse a bit longer.
You rush to the edge of the ship's railing, slipping your shoes off in preparation to jump into the water. If you can swim to your ship, you'd be able to guide your crew away from the marines with little to no fighting. You won't dare sink the marine ship, you won't risk Koby like that. You want to see him again, under very different circumstances that is.
As you approach the edge of the railing, you hear a voice calling out to you from behind.
"Stop her!"
It's Koby, and he is determined to stop you from escaping. You can see the desperation in his eyes as he races for the railing, his arms outstretched in the hope that he can catch you before you can escape.
Your feet dangle above the water, as you look from him to your ship.
"I'll be waiting for you at the next port you stop in! Trust me, you can't get rid of me now, not even if you wanted to!" With that, you jump into the water. As you swim the choppy waters to your ship, you hear the marines making a commotion. They fire cannons at your ship, and your own crew fires back.
You kick out at the surface of the water, your feet propelling you forward in a quick effort to make it to the pulley rope on the stern of your ship
Finally, you break the surface of the water and emerge before your shipmates, who quickly drag your soaked body onto the deck. You laugh as you look out on the ocean, watching the marines fail to catch your ship as it disappears out of their sight.
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tofuxtea · 8 months
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𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 + 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 — 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝
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✧ 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. welcome to my 2023 kinktober! all fics will be labeled and tagged upon release, please read all warning cards for each fic before proceeding. minors and ageless blogs do not interact, you will be blocked. continue if you dare !
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𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈 — 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 + 𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙘
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 — 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚-𝙪𝙥 𝙨𝙚𝙭 + 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥
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𝐁𝐔𝐆𝐆𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐍 — 𝙘𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 + 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙮
𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊 + 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒 — 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 + 𝙘𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜
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𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐃. 𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐘 — 𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙩 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙠 + 𝙙𝙧𝙮 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜
𝐊𝐎𝐁𝐘 — 𝙛𝙚𝙢𝙙𝙤𝙢 + 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜
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𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐀 𝐙𝐎𝐑𝐎 — 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙥 𝙥𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙧 + 𝙙𝙧𝙪𝙣𝙠 𝙨𝙚𝙭
“𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃” 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒 — 𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙜𝙖𝙥 + 𝙚𝙭𝙝𝙞𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙢
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𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈 + 𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐀 𝐙𝐎𝐑𝐎 — 𝙖𝙥𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙖𝙘 + 𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙨𝙚𝙭
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gotheskin · 8 months
buggy falling in love with a psycho girl that he meets while destroying a town.
she immediately gets attached and throws herself at him, and he adores it.
she quickly becomes his harley quinn, but he cares more about her than the joker ever did about harley.
she sits on his lap while he sits on his “throne”
if anyone on his crew dare interrupt his time with her sitting on his lap, he yells at them.
she definitely has rode his cock on that throne multiple times.
they fuck a lot, both always have hickies/face paint on their necks and chests
she does circus shows with him, and will do anything for him
buggy will threaten people (mostly his crew) if anyone has upset her in any way
she becomes his little princess, anything she wants, buggy will get it for her, no matter the measures and/or people that he will have to kill
sometimes if she acts extra bratty, he will spank her, sometimes in front of his crew or unwilling “audience members”
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thevirtualvalentine · 9 months
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content warnings: afab!fem!reader, virgin!koby but it’s not vital to the plot, riding, top!reader, unprotected sex (wrap it up), cheesy “trapped in a small room” smut troupe, penetrative sex, dry humping, sex with feelings, “good boy” is used twice.
plot: your regular patient, Captain Koby, visits your office but you’re both thrown in a small broom closet during an evacuation drill! He may or may not have a crush on you and your dubious positioning on top of him will send him over the edge.
Captain Koby wouldn’t call himself a hypochondriac, but he cannot keep himself from waltzing into the nurses station on some bullshit excuse to see his favorite nurse. He’s just one of many of your admirers, and he’s more than aware of the fierce competition for your attention. While he doesn’t believe rank means anything in the grand scheme of winning your affections, one quick use of his haki has basic cadets running so he can spend alone time with you.
“And what is it this time Captain?” You whip around in your seat when he sheepishly says hello, scratching the back of his neck. You greet him with a sweet smile as he shuffles in.
“Uhhh, heart burn, yeah terrible terrible heart burn. Think you have anything for me?” He knows he’s full of shit, but it’s worth the effort anyway if he gets to see you. His cheeks tinted just as pink as his hair, you’re pretty much the only good thing left on this base and that’s why he can never bring himself to leave until Garp makes him hull ass on another adventure. The way you smile at him so sweetly whenever he speaks makes his heart flutter almost uncomfortably fast in his chest, maybe he does have heart burn…
“At your age? You’re too fit to be bogged down by all these health problems Captain.” He likes the way it sounds when you say his title, it just rolls off your tongue better than anyone else’s.
He’s quick to think of another excuse, “but what if it’s something serious!” You laugh as he sits down on your medical table removing his captains jacket. You pull down your skimpy nurses uniform before walking over to him with his chart on your clipboard, “I just wanna make sure.”
He wins another smile from you as you stand in front of him to check his vitals. You of course note how hot his face is and how he nervously twiddles his thumbs back and forth. He’s cute, too cute. Coming to your office week after week with a bosh excuse.
Koby loves the feeling of your hands on him, how delicate your finger tips skim over his shoulders and face. Of course it’s all professional, but who is he to complain? The scent of your haircare products and vanilla hovering in the air as you walk circles around him. It’s almost like a familiar routine between you two, he comes into bother you and you almost enable his deep-seated crush by not kicking him out flat on his ass.
“Well, no signs of any lingering symptoms Captain Koby, just a fast heart rate.” You shift your weight to one hip, letting your clipboard rest against your waist, his eyes following the curve of your body. “You’re good to go, will I see you next week?” Letting your red pen rest against your bottom lip you ask just to mess around with him a bit. He gets so flustered trying to find the right thing to say and you enjoy watching him gesture nervously as word vomit spews forth.
The line outside your waiting room has gotten exceptionally long during his stay and you don’t mean to rush him out, but, you do have a job to do. One cute little captain isn’t enough to distract you from your goals of helping people. “Next!” You call out down the hallway as he pulls his jacket back on.
The emergency evacuation lights start flickering before the long winded siren accompanies it. There must be some sort of drill as the overhead PA comes on. “Attention! All hands report to the dock. This is an emergency evacuation drill.” It’s been a few months since the last one, but still the obnoxious flickering and blaring alarms make your head reel in agony.
“Come with me, I’ll take you to the dock.” It’s Koby, he’s gesturing his hand forward for you to take as soldiers pour out into the hallways, he wouldn’t want you to get trampled over as thousands of people make their way outside. He’s always been sweet like this, a real gentleman.
His grip is strong and protective, yet gentle and nervous as he takes your hand in his. You’re placed in front of him while he clears the way for you both to pass through, that is until you’re both shoved into an open door connected to the long hallway.
Koby swaddles you into his chest to protect you from falling and the door is slammed shut in the process. You doubt you’d be able to get it open with the amount of people still passing through for at least a good ten minutes.
“Well shit, oh Captain Koby are you ok?” You hear groans beneath you and remember why your fall wasn’t nearly as painful as it could have been. There’s no light in the room and it’s rather cramped, barely any space to extend your limbs as you’re trapped on top of him. You push your hands against what feels like his chest while you try to look for a light, however you only find an oil lamp on a crate. You assume this was an area where people would come to smoke during work hours.
“I’m fine, are you ok? Does anything hurt miss y/n?” The concern in his tone his evident, his hands come to cup your face as he examines for any scratches or bruises. He’d never forgive himself if you were hurt on his accord.
“Hey isn’t that my job, I’m fine Captain thank you.” It finally sets in for him how he’s touching you so intimately and the precarious position you’re left in, sitting on top of him with knees on either sides of his hips.
It’s a view he only imagines late at night when it’s just him and his hand, maybe some lotion if he’s lucky to not wake Helmeppo. The lamp illuminates his flustered face as he tries his best to slide out from under you, apologizing profusely and almost knocking you in the face while flailing around.
“Koby,” you say trying to calm him down but he’s visibly panicking and you feel him stiffening under you with each passing second. While he’s been moving like a lune, you’re still on top of him; dress rising above your thighs as your clothed pussy sits above his cock, he doesn’t mean to but it’s rubbing your clit so pleasantly. “Koby, it’s ok, I’m not mad.”
“W-what—” his glasses that are typically resting on his head now lay on his nose. It’s amusing watching a Captain of the marines so discombobulated.
“I said, it’s ok, I’m not mad.” You push his glasses up his face to get a better look at all of him, he’s rock hard and only getting stiffer. “In fact, I’m flattered.”
You lean forward letting your lips rest against his parted ones, looking in his eyes for any sort of hesitation— but that doesn’t last. A hand flies to your curls as he pulls you forward by the hip, you knew he liked you but you didn’t know just how much. His kisses are inexperienced and starved, like he’s been waiting his whole life to have this exact moment with you.
Kobys trying not to bust in his pants at this ‘unfortunate’ situation he’s been dropped into. Not only does he get to be alone with you, he’s quite literally living his fantasy and you want him just as bad. He’s praying his inexperience doesn’t show but he wants to taste you so bad he’ll risk it all.
“Shirt off,” you command, it’s too stuffy for all these layers. Unzipping the top half of your uniform lets your breasts spill out, soft skin illuminated by the glow of the small lamp. He obeys without any sort hesitation, “you listen well Captain.”
The tips of his ears turn pink when you comment on his lack of reluctance, kissing his cheeks and then down the column of his neck as his baited breaths fill the small space.
He’s so pale you’re worried hickies will get him in trouble with Garp but he’s squirming under you as your lips make contact with his neck. He’s tugging on your clothes so needily as if to say, ‘harder please, I can take it,’ and goodness do you want to give it to him. What the hell, that jacket should cover it up.
He sighs pleasurably as you work on him, hissing when you scratch at his unmarred skin. His palms grab the globes of your ass as he rocks your pussy against his dick. He’s panting with his head rolled back too lost in the pleasure. “You wanna fuck me captain? That why you come to my office every week.”
He merely moans, eyebrows pinching together in concentration. The fabric of his pants rub against your clit so deliciously, dry fucking one of the navy’s top officers during a drill wasn’t in your plans today but holy fuck did it ignite something in you.
You kiss him again, slower this time, letting your hips drag harshly against his bulge just to tease him. Tongue creeping against his in a fight to slow the pace before he cums in his pants.
“Want you to fuck me Captain, please, I’ll make you feel good,” you half moan, tugging the hair at the base of his neck. If the devil was whispering in his ear right now, he’d let you take him. He trembles feeling need surge through him like a wave, all at once he needs to bury his dick in you to the hilt.
One problem, he’s never had sex before. The way your body rolls on top of his makes his mind hazy, forgetting all about the drill going on outside. “Not enough space,” he huffs, “just fuck me, I’m yours.” Quick on his feet, not missing a beat.
Now it’s your turn to swoon. He looks so honest when he says it, hearts in his eyes as he holds your hips; squeezing against your skin reassuringly.
Sitting back on his knees you pull your dress over your head, slipping your panties off as the lantern illuminates your curves in a soft glow. Koby watches enamored, forgetting that this is the part where he’s supposed to whip his dick out.
“Am I gonna hurt you? I didn’t touch you or anything.” He’s trying to not just reach out and grab you, in his deepest fantasies he gets to drill you in missionary while you call out his name. However, he knows stretching you open is an important aspect of sex (according to his books).
“You’re sweet, but we’ve gotta be quick.” Hovering over his length you use your own slick to lube his dick up before you’re trying to slink down it. He’s pretty average in length with a slight allowance in girth, and yes the curtains match the drapes.
The burn stings before it fades out into pleasure. “Oh fuck fuck fuck, that feels so good,” he whines, gripping your thighs with uncanny strength that’ll surely leave bruises. You wrap your arms around his neck as your cunt tries to swallow him, softly sighing as he fits you like a puzzle piece. Down and down you go on his thick shaft.
He almost doesn’t know what to do with himself, you sucking him in threatens to make drool spill down his chin. Never in his life did he think something warm and yet simultaneously wet could make his toes curl like this. “S’tight, keep going please.” You’re leaned over his shoulder as you try to catch your breath, ignoring the sounds of footsteps outside as you start to slowly bounce on Captain Kobys cock.
“Makin’ me feel so full already,” you whisper into his ear, digging your nails into his shoulders as you clench around his girth. The tip of his cock’s bullying your cervix with each bounce of your hips. The sound of your ass meeting his lap melds with his whines as he tries to get ahold of himself. Your pussy’s just too good.
“Ah— oh, fuck! Faster faster,” his voice sounds so vulnerable as your gummy walls squeeze him in, he hasn’t moved his hands from strangling your waist. Pushing you down further and further each time you chase his base.
It’s all so good; your hot breath, your moans for him to fuck you deeper, the way you’re holding onto him like you need him. He’s utterly melting, succumbing for some tight cunt. Maybe those navy stories he heard weren’t full of shit.
Koby’s chasing his orgasm, using your body as a toy subconsciously. Your ass in his hands as he spreads your cheeks, forcing himself in your heat that scorches him in a way he can’t get enough of. “So good Captain, don’t stop. I could cum on you just like this,” you say pushing him back against the wall. It’s so desperate and raw, his mouth chases yours in a hot kiss as your hands tangle in his hair.
He moans like a little slut each time his tresses are wrapped around your fingers, saliva connecting his mouth to yours. The fucked out look on his face is priceless. “So handsome, what a good boy you are.” Wiping excess drool that threatens to spill past the corner of his lip as he looks like he’s about to cry. His hips jumping to meet yours as that phrase leaves your mouth.
“Oh you like that?” Such a useful piece of information, “then be a good boy and cum for me.”
The whimper that leaves his throat is guttural, high pitched as it rips through the air. His strong arms work double time to slam you down over and over again like a machine. He finishes inside you as he clutches you to his chest, keeping himself tucked inside your cunny while his cock twitches n coats your walls white.
“So good Koby, jus like that baby.” You’re rolling your hips on his, trying to milk out anything remaining as he gasps from the stimulation.
“Oh no wait, what about you? I’m so sorry—” he doesn’t even let himself pull out of you before he’s speaking a thousand miles a minute. No worries, you have an idea for that.
You both get dressed as you hear the crowds returning, helping him zip up his jacket to cover the already bruising areas of his neck. Koby pulls your dress down over your ass and then some, like he’s your protective boyfriend or something, you just roll your eyes.
Stepping out into the hallway in a sea of people you hold his hand as he walks behind you, slipping into the crowd unnoticed. You forgot to smooth his hair out so he looks like he’s just slept in some crazy position, oops. He’s got this love drunk look on his face as you lead him back to your office and shut the door. Hearts buzzing around him as he follows you, not even an arrow from Cupid could replicate that look. You get some stares here and there, but your cunts throbbing for more so you couldn’t care less.
You place your “Be back soon <3! “ sign on the handle before turning around to find him sitting on your patients table, looking a bit too eager for round two.
“Now Captain, finish what you started. Nurses orders.”
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creamsickle-writes · 11 months
Bubblegum Kisses: Koby x F!Reader
Tags: nsfw, fluff, "there's only one bed" trope, dry humping, penetrative sex, accidental creampie, and accidental ruined orgasm
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Koby rehearsed the scene repeatedly in his mind as he approached the meeting room. He would attend the briefing, maybe offer a few words to his superiors afterward, and then leave.
That was the plan.
He had to follow it this time.
When he pushes open the grand doors to the meeting room, he tries his best to only look for his chair and keep his eyes down, but, yet again, he can’t help himself. As soon as he takes his seat, his eyes scan the room.
And they finally stop searching once he sees you talking with some high-ranking officers. 
His eyes rake over your features; your soft-looking skin, beautiful eyes, and fantastic figure are all he can focus on. ma
Ever since you started attending these meetings a month ago, he couldn’t help but be distracted! He would usually zone out, thinking about how he would approach you or his opening line, only for him to dip out of the meeting room and never say a word to you.
If it wasn’t painfully obvious, he had a massive crush on you. However, he knew he shouldn’t pursue it.
After all, you were a relative of Sengoku. And while he was no longer the Fleet Admiral and your relation to him was distant, it would still be messy for him to become involved with you. 
He tries to clear his head, shake it off and all that, but his heart starts to race when your eyes meet his from the other side of the room. 
He looks away quickly, trying to appear as though he is busy with something else, but when he peeks at you again, he notices you walking his way,
His heartbeat is in his ears as he perspires; surely you weren’t coming over to him. He continues this game of his, eyes glancing back and forth between you and the table in front of him. 
But as you come closer, his face grows red and his head dizzy. 
And when you finally sit next to him, well, he almost faints. 
“You’re Captain Koby, right?”
“Uh, y-yes-“
Koby almost dies of shock when you take his hands in your own, your eyes wide with excitement, “It’s a pleasure to meet such an amazing hero!”
Koby clears his throat, trying his best to be polite, “W-Well, I’m not all that special; it’s really all thanks to Vice Admiral Garp and his training-“
You hold his hands even tighter, leaning in as you heap on the praise, “You’re too modest; You saved so many lives at the Rocky Port Incident, and-!”
You’re quickly silenced by Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, who clears his throat, ordering the start of the meeting. You smile at Koby and release his hands, turning to give Sakazuki your full attention. Koby just stares at his hands in awe.
The meeting is about general things: where to deploy ships, major incidents that recently happened, and the ever-growing list of dangerous pirates.
Koby is intently listening before he feels something graze his thigh. He jumps and hits his knee on the table, causing a few eyes to glance his way. Koby gives an apologetic nod, trying to eliminate any awkwardness, but the remnants of confusion and disapproval from the others who noticed are still there.
Looking at his lap, he sees a tiny, folded piece of paper. He glances back at you, who is eagerly waiting for him to unfold it.
He gives a timid smile before picking up the paper, unfolding it before reading a simple sentence:
“These meetings are so boring, aren’t they?”
He read it a few times before finally registering what was happening. A blush creeps over his cheeks, and his chest tightens as he tries to play it cool.
Eventually, he starts mentally drafting his response. He takes a pen from his jacket pocket and begins to write back.
Folding it along its previous creases, he slides it back to you.
You two pass the note back and forth like this for quite some time, and it’s clear that some people notice this exchange. But nobody says a word, not wanting to interrupt the Fleet Admiral.
Little giggles and snorts are kept quiet as you two exchange written words, the conversation flowing naturally. You give your name, and while Koby already knew it, he didn’t want to say so for fear of sounding like a creep. 
Though, what he didn’t know was why you were attending these meetings. They were for higher-ups, and you didn’t fit that description. 
When Koby asks, you answer gladly, explaining that your role would soon be assistant to the new Fleet Admiral. These meetings were just to prepare you for everything that was to come.
After getting the topic of work out of the way, you two talked about yourselves on a more personal level. You discussed hobbies, interests, and things of that nature. 
As the meeting comes to a close, you pass the note one last time. Koby unfolds it and furrows his brow as he reads a string of numbers, followed by: “Let’s talk some time!”
Koby’s eyes bulge, and his face turns scarlet. He goes to look at you, but when he does, your attention is strictly on whoever is delivering the final words.
He pockets the letter.
That was months ago, and since then, word had spread of you two communicating outside of work often. People had spotted you both getting lunch, enjoying time by the beach, and generally being a bit too close to each other (though it was usually you initiating the close contact)
Rumors began to fly, and eventually, they made their way back to Koby. Sometimes people would say you were just friends. Other times it was lovers. And sometimes, it was partners.
Koby was greedy and wanted them all to be true. 
But he had an internal struggle; he wanted to ask you to be his, yet he was always warned to never date within the Marines. Work relationships growing romantic always complicated things, and he didn’t want to make things messy. It was something he had been mulling over endlessly, many sleepless nights caused by this dilemma.
But tonight, he knew he had to say something when he saw you under the gate of Sabaody Park clad in a cute, short dress and Mary Janes. 
He would confess to you; it was decided.
He just needed to think of when.
“Koby!” You called, waving your arms, “Over here!”
When he reaches you, you do a wide spin, your dress’s skirt twirling, “What do you think?”
“You look great!”
Koby almost leaves it there, but he gets a sudden idea.
“But you know, something’s missing…”
You tilt your head, and Koby reaches behind his head, untying his bandana before placing it behind your ears, tying it behind your head like a headband. 
“There!” He steps back and admires you again, “It matches your dress perfectly.”
Your smile radiates warmth, and your fingers hover over the new accessory, “Oh, thanks!”
Koby’s heart pounds when you reach for his hand. While you always held his hand, it never got old for him. 
“Let’s go!” You exclaim, dragging him towards the gate, “I’m gonna totally crush you at these carnival games!”
“Oh, we’ll see about that!” He laughs, following your lead. 
The day turns to night quickly. You weren’t sure how long you had been there, but the fun you shared made the time fly by all too fast. 
After riding the biggest rollercoasters and eating enough junk food for the year, you both make your way to the exit. You hug a plush that Koby had won for you in the shooting gallery and skip happily along.
Koby’s chest tightens as he watches you walk ahead, your dress swaying with the motion of your hips. His heart hammers to the beat of your steps, the clicking of your heels and his internal drum creating a frantic rhythm.
His mind races as he parts his lips and shuts them once more; he’s hesitant to say what he wants, but eventually, he works up the courage to speak.
“Hey, uh,” Koby clears his throat, causing you to slow down and look back at him. He stiffens up and stutters a bit, “I had a really fun time tonight-“
“Me too!” You say cheerily.
Koby wants to say more, to say how he wants the next time to be an actual date or that the next time you hold hands, it’ll be as partners, but your voice cuts through his hesitance.
“And,” you lean in, balancing on your heels, “There’s more fun to be had!”
You grab his hand and guide him along the path that leads out of the park. 
He decides to hold off on his confession a bit longer.
Koby laughs as you tug him, “Where are we going now?”
“Just wait; you’ll see!”
Eventually, you two approach a massive building. Koby tilts his head back to observe it thoroughly. The gigantic structure is pale, with countless arched windows and balconies. Silhouettes from the inside are illuminated by dazzling lights as they glide around the interior. At the top is a blue roof, and the corners of the building are decorated with smaller dome-shaped summits.
“Ah, what’s this?” The pink-haired man asks, following your lead as you proceed.
“A hotel!” You beam happily, “I hear they have an amazing restaurant, and I wanna get room service!”
“O-Oh,” he laughs nervously, “You reserved a room?”
“Is that bad?” You crease your brows with worry and stop in your tracks, “I thought you’d like some time away from that marine ship and the food.”
“N-No, I appreciate it!” He reassures you, and your sad-looking face brightens immediately, “I just, well, what are the arrangements like? Are we sleeping here or…?”
You nod, “Yeah! Don’t worry. Some strings were pulled, so it’s not terribly expensive or anything! And it’s only for the night; you can go back to your duties in the morning.”
As you turn back around, continuing to guide him, Koby’s mind races with varying thoughts, some more vulgar than others, as he imagines sharing a room with you for the night. Of course, you’d be in separate beds, but a man can dream, right?
As you both approach the grand doors, a man out front scurries to open them, inviting you inside. The pale floors are perfectly polished, and your images reflect across the smooth marble. The lounge has many plush-looking couches, with little wooden side tables for guests to leave their drinks and pocket-sized trinkets. Koby watches as people wander around the space, some pointing upwards to admire the large chandeliers that dotted the ceiling.
Koby appreciates the fantastical lounge while you bounce ahead to the receptionist, sorting out the arrangements and grabbing the keys quickly. When you return, you squeal happily, presenting the keys to Koby with delight, “We’ll be pretty high up, so we’ll have an awesome view! Come on, let’s go see it!”
The trip to the room makes Koby’s heart race, and his palms begin to sweat. Being alone in a hotel room with you… it was too much for his heart to handle. And, when you reach the door and unlock it, all the impure thoughts bubble to the surface because in the large room sat only one bed.
“Oh!” You exclaim, “There must’ve been a mix-up. I swore I asked for a two-bedroom suite…”
“W-Well, we should get this fixed! I can go back downstairs and-”
You walk into the room and sit on the bed, slipping off your heeled shoes, “It’s alright! I don’t mind sharing a bed.”
Koby protests but you just laugh, “It’s fine! Really! Unless the idea makes you uncomfortable?”
“I-It’s not that. It’s- well-“ Koby stutters uselessly, trying to find a way to express why he wants to change rooms. But when he sees your cute face and confused expression, he decides he can handle this if it’s just for one night…
“It’s nothing,” Koby grins reassuringly, “Let’s just order that food and get some rest, okay?”
You give a wide, toothy grin.
“Oh, that was so good!” You exclaim, throwing yourself into the fluffy bed, your head hitting the pillows.
Koby sits on the edge of the bed, nodding in agreement, “Much better than what we eat on the ship, that’s for sure!”
“But all this food is making me kinda sleepy…” you yawn, rolling over onto your side so you are looking at the pink-haired marine.
He smiles softly and rises from the bed, “Go ahead and sleep then…”
You prop yourself up on your elbows, “Where are you going?”
“Huh?” He looks at the bed and then back at you, “Oh, I’m just going to sleep on the floor. It would be rude not to give you the bed and-“
You pout and reach your arms out, “Nooooo, stay in bed with me.”
His face turns red at your words, and he laughs a bit, “No, I shouldn’t-“
“Why not?” You huff, crossing your arms, “You’d sleep next to Helmeppo if you had to share a bed.”
“That’s different.”
“How?” You protest, “I’m your friend too.”
“Well, it’s different because- well- because-“Koby stumbles through an excuse hopelessly, trying to formulate something quick. 
But you’re quicker.
“It’s because I’m a girl, isn’t it?” You whine, “C’mon, it’s only weird if you make it weird.”
“I-I’m not making it weird. I’m just, ah, well-“
“I’m not going to do anything to you if you’re worried about that-“
Knowing you, you didn’t mean that sexually, but the implication makes Koby’s face hot.
“N-No, I know that- I know you wouldn’t! That’s not- it’s not-”
“Then what is it?” 
Koby’s chest grows tight as he’s backed into a corner. He can’t lie to you, so he timidly whispers, “I just… really like you…”
His heart is in his throat as his feelings are finally released into the universe. The room feels as though it’s spinning, and Koby’s brow becomes wet with sweat as he waits for your response.
“I like you too.” You say bluntly, “But isn’t that why we should be able to share a bed?”
He shakes his head, “N-No, you aren’t understanding.”
He inhales deeply before continuing, “I… really like you, and it would be wrong if I slept next to you with those feelings in my heart.”
Koby babbles as you sit up and rise from the bed, approaching him slowly.
“It would be perverted and messed up, and I couldn’t take advantage of your trust like that-“
You press your finger to his lips, silencing him effectively, “And like I said, I like you too…”
Koby is stunned when you let out a little giggle, leaning in so your lips are mere centimeters from his.
“And I’d love to share the bed with you.”
Koby’s throat goes dry, and his lips quiver as yours are so tantalizingly close. 
And, without further hesitation, he closes the gap. 
You gasp in shock as he kisses you. It’s sudden and desperate, his lips pressed against yours with a strangely assertive force. His hands rest on your hips, and your face burns at the intimate touch. 
He quickly breaks the kiss, “S-Sorry, I should’ve asked to do that. Please, forgive-“
You cut him short with a kiss of your own, your arms wrapping around his neck as you kiss him with a fiery passion. The young man is taken aback by your boldness, but he melts into the kiss, bringing you closer. Your chest presses against his body, yet you feel you’re not nearly close enough. 
You slide your tongue over his lips, and he jolts in surprise. He parts his lips, gliding his tongue over yours. When you moan into his mouth, he feels his cock harden in his pants. 
And you feel it too.
Koby is the first to pull away again, and he looks at you in embarrassment, “Sorry about, um, that. I-I can’t really control it-“
“It’s okay.” You smile sweetly, your hands trailing down his chest.
He groans softly, reaching for your hands as if to push them off, “God, I don’t think I can control myself like this.”
“What do you mean?” You ask softly.
“When I kiss you, it makes me excited, and- and I don’t think I can trust myself to be a gentleman if we do that again, so please- please,” he pleads with you, “Tell me to stop-”
You look up at him innocently, your lashes fluttering as you say the words:
“But I don’t want you to stop.”
And with that, his restraint snaps.
In a flash, you’re lifted off the ground and pressed against the wall, Koby’s lips attacking your neck now. He licks the exposed skin, placing firm kisses along the damp trail. 
His hands are grabbing at your ass, massaging and kneading the flesh, and your legs are wrapped around his waist, drawing him closer.
You moan when you feel his growing bulge prod against your clothed pussy, your warmth growing wet. And when he begins grinding against you, you grip his shoulders tight.
Your lips find each other again, and the reunion is frantic, your mouths desperately moving against each other. Your tongues dance, and your saliva mixes, your combined sounds echoing throughout the room.
When you grind your hips against him, he bucks desperately, trying to gain as much friction as possible.
“Shit,” he hisses under his breath, “That feels so good-“
“Can we… do it without the clothes in the way?”
Koby nods, your wish sounding like music to his ears. He carries you to the bed and lays you down slowly, his hands sliding up your thighs to your panties.
He peels the garment off slowly, watching your expression to ensure you aren’t having second doubts. But you bite your lip excitedly, spreading your legs even wider.
As Koby fumbles with his shirt and pants, you slip off your dress and bra, leaving you only in his green bandana. You crawl further up the bed, your head resting against the pillows as he settles between your legs. Your eyes travel to his exposed cock, the organ twitching above your entrance.
He leans forward to kiss you again, his muscular chest and solid abs pressed against your soft body. A moan bubbles up from your chest as he hooks your legs around his waist, his cock sliding effortlessly between your soaked lips.
He grinds against your slit, his tongue exploring your mouth as he rocks back and forth, his member twitching and pulsing. 
In a sudden twist, you roll him onto his back and take charge, pinning his shoulders to the bed as you grind your hips into him. 
“Oh,” he laughs breathlessly, “You’re so bold-“
He brings his hands to your hips, guiding you as you rock your wetness against him. You press your forehead against his, your eyes flickering back and forth between his eyes and his lips. 
As your movements grow more desperate, he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you further onto him so the pressure is more intense.
Your new lover begins to lose himself, his grip growing tighter and his soft grunts turning into full-on moans as his cock aches, desperate to cum.
Though your hips grow more frantic and without meaning to, you take his tip inside.
“Oh shit-“ he gasps, “Wait, wait- we shouldn’t- I don’t have a condom-“
“You can just pull out, can’t you?”
“Mmn, but,” he weakly protests, clearly not even convincing himself, “It’s dangerous-“
“I’ll just take the tip,” you smile, “It’ll be easy to pull out in time that way.”
“Alright,” he nods, “Just the tip. T-That should be fine…”
Koby bites his lip as you slowly begin riding him, your walls enveloping his swollen, pink head. He grips your hips but tries not to force you down too much lest the whole thing slips in. 
But god, did he want you to take every inch of it.
The urge to fuck you only grows as you take a bit more than you promised, more slowly slipping in each time you move downwards. Koby knew you didn’t mean to do this, but it drove him crazy.
And when he watches your face contort in pleasure as you rub your clit, your breasts jiggling with each little thrust and bounce, he feels his self-control going out the window. 
You two move your bodies together like this for quite some time, but when you part your lips to call his name, he can’t resist anymore.
He’s only human.
In one smooth motion, he forces you down onto his cock, burying himself balls-deep in your cunt.
“Koby-!” You squeal in surprise, your eyes fluttering as he filled you up, “But you said-!”
“I changed my mind-“ he grunts, “I-I’ll still pull out, promise-“
He wastes no time destroying you, his hips slamming upwards and his hands holding your hips in place. You squeal and moan loudly, but Koby’s grunts closely rival your volume.
“So wet-“ The young captain moans out, “A-And tight- Oh god, you feel so good-“
You mewl at the praise and fall forward, your body resting against his as he fucks into you. You bury your face in his neck as he pummels your inner walls; you’re shocked at how rough he is, but you love the feeling.
“Koby! Oh-!” Your voice grows louder still, your words shakily coming out, “A-Ah, it’s so deep!”
Your squeals become louder as his hips piston in and out, his rhythm becoming less consistent and more erratic. 
Loud creaks sound out as the force of his thrusts rock the bed. Your moans and his grunts drown out the sound, though, as the headboard slams against the wall. 
His cock batters your cervix, his sensitive tip mashing your deepest walls. Your insides begin to twitch and tighten, your orgasm fast approaching. 
“I’m cumming-!” You warn him, and somehow, someway, his hips snap upwards even faster, causing you to almost faint when you finally reach your climax. 
He fucks you through it, only slowing once he’s certain you’ve ridden your high to completion.
You pull yourself off his cock, his shaft coated in your slick with a thick ring of cream built up around the base. Your legs are shaky, but you sit back on your heels, your eyes glued to his still-hard, red cock.
“You didn’t finish yet-“ 
He shakes his head, his chest rising and falling, sweat glistening over his naked body. 
“No, but I still have energy to spare,” he laughs, “if you want to keep going.”
You smile and lean forward, resting on his body as you take his lips with yours. You two kiss, his hands traveling all over your body, his thick fingers eventually settling in your hair as yours grazed his chest. 
Koby flips you over so he’s on top now, his cock rubbing against your slit as it did before. 
“Ah, wait…” he perks up, grabbing a spare pillow and placing it under your ass, “I hear that makes it feel better for you..”
You watch with curious eyes as he runs his thick head over your needy clit, your parts effortlessly slipping and sliding against each other thanks to your cum lubricating his cock. 
He prods your hole, teasing you for a moment before slowly sliding in, only stopping once his balls are pressed flush against your ass. 
You let out a pleased sound as he rocks his hips, his pace much more controlled now. His eyes meet yours, and he holds your hip with one hand, the other holding your hand. 
He dips down to kiss you, and suddenly, his hips roughly snap forward, drawing a gasp from you.
He pulls back and does it again and again, the headboard of the bed knocking into the wall once more, your moans filling the room. The creaks and lustful sounds create an intimate, filthy song that continues for what feels like hours.
“You sound so good,” he rasps against your lips as his hips more at a steady pace, “So pretty- oh my god- you feel so good- fuck, I love you so much-“
Koby leans forward and captures your lips again, his thrusts becoming less consistent and more erratic as he approaches his climax. You grip his shoulders, hanging on for dear life as you enjoy the ride. His moans grow desperate, his cock twitching eagerly within you.
“I’m close-“ He pants out, “Oh fuck, I’m close-!”
He moves to pull out, but he’s too late, his first rope of cum shooting inside your pussy. 
“Shit-!” He hisses, hurriedly pulling out. You watch as his balls tighten and his cock bobs excitedly, rope after rope decorating your lower stomach. You felt terrible as you had no doubt his orgasm was ruined by the sudden interruption.
He pants as he stares down at you, watching the white sticky seed oozing out of your cunt. It slowly starts to sink in what he’s done, and he begins to panic, running his hand through his hair as he curses under his breath.
“It’s okay,” You try to comfort him, “There’s a store downstairs in the lobby. I’m sure they have some, um, emergency contraception.”
Koby considers your words and calms himself, taking deep breaths before nodding, “Y-Yeah. Yeah- you’re probably right.”
He quickly adds, “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I promise I’ll pay for it. It was my fault, so it’s only right-“
You can only laugh, “Don’t worry so much. It’s okay. Just… hold me before we go downstairs.”
Koby smiles and takes you into his arms, his warmth, and steady heartbeat making you feel safe.
“So uh,” he clears his throat awkwardly, “The answer is probably obvious but I just want to make sure: we are officially a couple now, r-right?”
You giggle, “I would like that… Would you…?”
“O-Of course!” He says excitedly, tripping over his words, “I would love nothing more!”
And you kiss his cheek with a smile.
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thatoneoldguy · 6 months
How I Think Characters Would Be Like In Bed ig
An: I don't write often, but I hope I can do some of your favs justice💀 (mostly One Piece)
CW: kinda smut, Headcanons
Degrades the shit out of you because it makes you feel good:
"Ah fuck take it baby"
"Take it like the good little whore you are"
Trafalgar Law, Satoru Gojo, Geto Suguru, Roranoa Zoro, SABO, Nami, Nanami Kento, Aki Hayakawa, Tengen uzui, Portgas D Ace, Smoker, Shanks, Mihawk, BUGGY, Franky, Katakuri, Marco The Phoenix, Silvers Rayleigh, Yamato, Bell-mere, Koby (he would probably be too embarrassed unless he's feeling extra confident)
Degrades the shit out of you because it makes THEM feel good:
"Yeah? You fucking like that whore?"
"Fucking slut, take it all"
Donquixote Doflamingo, Douma, Sukana, Geto Suguru, Muzon, Crocodile, Ceaser Clown, Eustass Kid, Monet,
Mostly Grunts and Breathes Heavily:
Mihawk, Katakuri, Marco the Phoenix
Gentle Praises/whines Here and there:
"Yeah, just like that baby"
"You feel too damn good"
"you're so sexy"
Nico Robin, Sabo, Nanami Kento, Kyojuro Rengoku, Donquixote Rosinante, Shanks, Garp, Smoker, Buggy, Mihawk, Vivi Nefertari, Franky, God Usopp, Katakuri, Silvers Rayleigh, Yamato, Bartolomeo, Viola, Tashigi, Bell-mere, Koby
Absolutely over the top with moans and praises:
"God you're so fucking sexy"
"Oh fuck I love you so much"
"Please baby I need more of you~"
SANJI, ACE, Satoru Gojo, Buggy, Bartolomeo, KOBY
(These are all just my personal opinions on the characters) Thank you for your time 🙏
I'll probably add to this later, but for now I'm going to sleep <3
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fanaticsnail · 15 days
Dreaming of You
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,000+, 840+, 1,060+, 810+
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Synopsis: They couldn't help it. You looked so heavenly in their dreams. The way they had you wrapped around their body as a marionette in their minds, dancing for them as they awoke to sticky blankets when they jolted upright. Their thoughts got the better of them, and they are wracked with guilt. Koby, Helmeppo, Smoker
Warnings: wet dreams, afab!reader, swearing, masturbation, dub con (Using your image to masturbate to), suggestive content, feelings, all individual 'x reader' drabbles, NSFW, 18+, MDNI.
Notes: Dreaming of You Masterlist Here. Sorry for any grammatical errors, this was written on my phone and it's been formatting very odd lately. Please read the warnings.
Tag list: @sordidmusings @nerium-lil @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @indydonuts @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @carrotsunshine @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training
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“Aww, baby,” your voice mocks him, looking down from your position sitting firmly straddling his lap, “You look so cute like this.” He groans at your quip, his brows furrowing and lips parted and panting. Lifting yourself up over him, you slowly and steadily roll your hips over his cock, sucking his weeping tip into your heat. 
He drew his bottom lip between his teeth, his cheeks dusting with a shade of pink as he was held captive between your legs. Your grinding, writhing and lewd moaning had all other thoughts flee from his mind. All he wanted was to watch you bounce on his cock, spreading your slick down his shaft until he watched you shake in pure ecstasy. 
Rocking your body harder atop him, he desperately clawed at the flesh of your hips and bucks his cock into you with reckless abandon. All he can hear is your soft giggles down at him, taunting him with your joy. You coo at him, encouraging him by meeting his thrusts as he repeatedly, harshly, buries himself within you.
“Don’t… h-hah… Don’t call me cute,” he growled through guttural and feral moans, desperately chasing his high with you continuing to ride his cock. The blunt tip slams deep within you, immediate contact prompting you to see stars in your vision and cry out at his vicious momentum. Choosing to taunt him further, you pry your chest away from his and splay your fingers over his chest. 
“Why? You... mnngh… gonna show me who’s boss?” you smirk down at him, viciously riding him and prompting him to cry out in shock at your movements, “Gonna reprimand me formally, cutey? Gonna tell me to stop?”
“Don't stop. Don't stop!” He sobbed in desperation, the feeling of your grinding causing tears to form from the corners of his eyes. He sheathed himself deep within your abdomen, overcome by his need to use your body to chase his own high. 
“Feels too good, hmm?” you pout down at him before curling your lips up into a cruel smirk, “Gonna cum already? I bet you look real cute when you cum.” He growled up at you, reaching one hand up to cup your cheek and draw you down into a bruising and bullying kiss. You squeak in surprise in his mouth as he flips you onto your back in a hasty drop against the mattress below. 
He grabs your left ankle, throwing it over his shoulder and rails his throbbing cock within you deeper. You cry out at the change, his lips not leaving yours as his pace quickens. The hurried snap of his hips slapping yours had a sickening, slick sound reverberating in the room. His lips pant against your own as he feels closer to his release.
“S-Stop calling me c-cute,” he groaned, his eyes rolling back as he felt your walls contract around his throbbing cock, “I’m your s-superior officer, brat.” He bullied your body with his shaft, your cries music to his ears as he felt your body spasm and sucked him in further. 
“D-Doesn't make you any less cute, sir,” you whined up at him, looking through your eyelashes at him. You praised him, clawing at his hips and his back as he quickened his pace further, “That’s it, cutey, show me who’s boss.” He growled at your taunt, hand flying up to cradle the back of your head and tugging firmly on your hair. 
Just as he was about to bark his command to stop mocking him, his eyes went black with lust as he watched your brows rise to the peak of your forehead. Your eyes rolled back as your face contorted in ecstasy, your body sucking him deep within you with beckoning contractions.
“I’m c-cumming,” you mewl, your orgasm crashing over you in encumbering waves that had you drowning in pleasure, “I-I’m cumming so hard.” Your cries immediately prompt him to spill his own high deep within you, your body milking his cock with your rhythmic contractions. You whined his name, your praises falling freely from your lips as you began to go limp beneath him. 
“Fuck,” he barked, his movements becoming sloppy and languid as he buried himself to the hilt within you, “Fucking take it. Take it.” His expulsion of sticky cum splashed in ropes deep in your overstimulated and abused cunt. His breath caught in his chest as he groaned with every pulse of release within your body, chanting your name like a prayer.
He memorized your face, the soft dewy flush on your cheeks and parted lips in the afterglow of your high. Your smile was hypnotic, your eyes holding nothing but love and adoration for him as you looked up into his face. As he smiled and leaned down to claim your lips beneath his, the image dissipated in a waft of scentless smoke. His shock was evident on his face, his desperation to feel your body had him clawing at the position you were laying prior with his heart ringing frantically within his ears. 
“No, no, no,” he stuttered into the darkness, looking around the empty space for where you were moments prior, his heart screaming for you as he snapped his head around to search for you, “Where are you? Where are you?” 
“Where are you?” His eyes snapped open as his body sprung up from its recline. His breath was heavy and labored, his eyes wide and frantic before he realized what had happened. With a soft gasp followed by a choked, embarrassed groan, he peers down to his stomach and witnesses a damp patch of sticky cum seep into his pants. 
His cock twitched, his knob bobbing against the material of his uniform pajamas as it began to deflate beneath the fabric. Cringing with a soft tint of pink on his cheeks, he opened the waistband of his pants and growled at himself for his lack of discipline. The pearlescent release coating his cock, pooling down his shaft and leaking down his balls within his underwear, had him immediately angry at himself as he whispers a soft curse. 
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He cringes at his own cursing, shaking his head as he looks down at his abdomen before snapping the elastic back against his stomach. Drawing his fingers up to his face, he pinches his brow and huffs out a soft groan while massaging his face. He looks over to the remainder of the cots in the shared-living space at the marine base, quietly surveying the sleeping bodies for any signs of wake. 
Eyes focussing on your hammock, he notices your chest rise and fall in steady momentum. Your breathing was deep, your sleep was peaceful, and Koby was wracked with guilt at thinking about an ensign serving beneath his command as a muse for pleasure in his dreams. Your sultry cries haunted him, his mind running away with him every time he shut his eyes to blink. 
He laid back down, curling over in his cot and crossed his arms over his chest. His brows knit in a deep frown as he chastised himself for his intrusive thoughts. Tossing and turning, he was unable to fall back asleep due to the sensation of his warm release cooling in a sticky pool against his skin beneath his briefs. 
“Awe, baby,” your voice mocked in his mind, his restless slumber worsening, “So pretty, captain. Show me who's boss, Koby,” he shook his head of your voice, drawing his forearms over his ears and scrunching his eyes tightly shut. 
The image of your blissful face looking up at him with adoration and love before dissipating burnt his mind. His heart hammered in his chest as he felt the loss of your illusionary form in his arms. 
He snuck a peek at you over his shoulder, noticing you remained blissfully ignorant of his lustful thoughts as you slept soundly beside your fellow marines. His craving for you caused him to pout, his eyes round and shameful. Deciding to get up and clean himself up, he did so before relieving the night watch shift from duties to take over for himself above deck. 
The following morning, you strolled onto the deck and assumed you were to take over the duties from the cadet attending overnight. Your shock at being met by your pink-haired captain was evident in your eyes, following him with curiosity but otherwise choosing to remain professional in your stature. 
“Captain,” you stated quietly, clicking your heels together as he turned to face you, “I am here to relieve you, sir.” You could’ve sworn a subtle pink blush flashed on his cheeks, but the warmth of the sun shining on the deck may have been the cause for such a hue. 
“I-I-...” Koby stuttered over his words, his eyes wide and teeth almost chattering. You slipped your stance into ease as you awaited his orders. “...Good morning, Ensign.” Your brows furrowed, cocking your head to the side as you eyed him wearily. 
“Good morning, sir,” you responded in a low and slow tone, “I know it is not my place, but is everything okay with you? You seem… out of sorts?” A soft, sheepish sigh fell from his lips as he rubbed the back of his head anxiously. 
“I had something keeping me awake last night, couldn’t rest,” he uttered through a straight, joyless smile. His eyes opened, gazing deep into your own as his smile turned more genuine. “Forgive me for asking, just in case it’s something you’re not comfortable with,” he began to stutter and stumble over his words, “We’ve got some shore leave coming up, and I was wondering if you might be interested in sharing a meal together.” 
Your eyes widened, quickly eyeing your captain over. His gaze never left you, but his smile began to nervously twitch as he waited for your response. Your smile grew up to light up on your cheeks in immediate joy. 
“I would love to, captain,” you responded kindly, “With Helmeppo and the other officers, or just us?” 
“Just us, ensign,” he clarified with a soft wave of his hands and a warm smile, “Maybe we could drop the titles and you could call me ‘Koby’, if you’re comfortable with that?” Your smile widens and your heart begins beating hard within your chest. 
“I would like that very much, Koby,” you admitted. He reached his hand out towards you, taking your own within his palm and fingers. His hands felt warm, a soft tingle in his grip and apprehensive to show you favoritism and affection so openly. Holding his eyes over the soft touch he gave to you, the pink flush drew itself up to his cheeks once more. 
“It’s a date then,” he confirmed softly, his smile growing as he drew his eyes up to meet with yours. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it with a soft cough. “All the best with your shift,” he gulped, testing your name over his tongue as he saluted you as he walked away from you. 
“Sweet dreams, Koby,” you responded, assuming he was on his way to attempt to sleep once more.
You didn’t notice the stumble in his step and the deep crimson drawing up his neck and littering his face with it. He was immediately drawn back to his illusionary night muse, your well-wishes for his slumber having his mind repeat sections of his dream in a taunting echo.
Gulping back his shame and shaking his head to rid him of his thoughts, he continued on his shift with a pep in his step at getting to know you further over a meal together.
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He growled at himself, balling his hands into fists and thumping them down at his sides. The disgust he had in his own mind for distorting the image of you in his dreams had him livid, his heart twisting with guilt and anguish. 
“I am a swordsman!” he harshly whispered to himself, his scowl deepening as his fury rose, “I am disciplined, and I shouldn’t allow pleasures and my own desires to dissuade my mission to-.” His monologue was cut off with a small rap at his door, his eyes immediately looking up to seek out its source. 
Without thinking much of the stain lingering within his undergarments and pooling down his legs, he sprang up and hastily turned the knob and flung his door inwards. His anger was written in a low grimace, his blue eyes enraged and wide in fury. 
“What do you-..!?” his barked question was halted as soon as his unshrouded eyes met with your own, looking up at him with concern and worry, “...-oh.” His lips immediately slit against his face in a thin line, his anger dissipating and filled with concern at your presence by his door.
“What are you doing here, ensign?” Helmeppo asked you, his voice quiet and cautious, “You should be asleep down the hall in your room. Why are you-?”
“-I heard you, sir,” you immediately relayed to him, “Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but I thought it was better I checked in on you than the others.” His face immediately had a large blush spread up his face, gulping back a large mouthful of the dried lump forming in his throat. 
“Y-You heard…” Helmeppo stuttered, his lip almost betraying him in a soft quiver. You searched his eyes, leaning your body closer to him with an outstretched hand intended for comfort. His confusion knit his brows in a deep frown, his lips parting as he was shocked by the tenderness you were presenting out to him. 
Did you hear him whimper your name as he came untouched? Did you hear the way he cried for you, imagining your body beneath his as he chased his own ecstasy deep within your slick heat? Did you hear the way he mourned your loss as he awoke without you? 
“I heard you wake from your nightmare, sir,” you halted his swirling thoughts, “I assumed the worst, expected you were experiencing the trauma of being kidnapped by your father and threatened with death by his axe-hand,” you relayed to him openly and honestly, “I thought you might need a friend.” 
His expression immediately softened, unused to such kindness being shown to him other than under the traineeship of Garp and Bogard, or confiding in his friend turned Captain, Koby. As he gazed at you, his mind momentarily swelled with the illusion of your face depicting warmth in bliss - immediately shaking away those thoughts to focus on the real you. A soft smile twitched on his lips as he leaned against the wall beside the door. 
“And why would you grant me friendship, ensign?” he asked, stunned by your words, “What have I done to deserve this offer of an ear to whisper my trauma into?” He attempted to keep a straight face as he felt the slick cum begin to tickle from the corner of his uniform briefs and down the inside of his thighs, praying that you wouldn’t look at his gray uniform sweatpants and notice the trail. 
“Captain Koby is away from base without you,” you noted, flickering your eyes between his, “And the Vice-Admiral and his second in command have not been to this base in the past few months. Forgive me for assuming you would enjoy some company,” you gave him a polite nod, looking to the floor and holding your eyes there while you awaited his response. 
Clicking his tongue at you, he stepped forward and raised his hand to your chin, lifting it to meet his eyes once more. He was hoping he was oozing enough confidence in his gaze to halt you from looking at the ooze beginning to trail down to his knee. 
“I appreciate your offer, ensign. Truly,” he nodded, ensuring he held your gaze as he began to internally quiver in fear, “I have been a little…” he winced at his next few words, scolding himself before uttering quietly, “...pent up lately. I think I need to train a little harder, or go for a run.”
“I’d be happy to offer you company on your run, sir,” you admit to him with a soft smile, “I have also felt a little pent up lately. I feel like it would be more appropriate to run than to find reprieve at the bottom of a rum bottle,” you shake your head as you wince your own confession to him, “Or in the arms of an overnight lover, if I’m being truly honest with you.” 
His eyes widen at your confession, his jaw falling slack at your admittance. He took another gulp at the dryness gathering in his throat as he flickered his eyes to the floor. He argued with himself as he avoided your gaze, managing to find the words and the courage to ask you a question that was gnawing at him the moment he felt anxious at the thought of losing you when he woke. 
“If you’re looking for an overnight lover, I’d-...” his suggestion caught in his mouth, prompting a sharp cough to form behind his lips, “...I’d offer to aid you with that, if you’re interested. Unless you’d prefer a run, I could use a run after the night I had. I’m sorry if my suggestion is overstepping, I would never aim to make you uncomfortable at the base if you’re not wanting this kind of attention from me-.” 
His rambling was halted by your warm lips pressing against his, his shock prompting a whimpered gasp to cry into your lips. He immediately warmed to the kiss, ushering you into his room and slamming the door shut behind you. Your smile was pressing against his lips, your squeak of joy prompting him to smile as he lifted you up to circle your hips over his waist had him immediately smitten.
Helmeppo was then plagued with another issue that chipped at the back of his mind. How was he going to clean up the memory of his dreams leaking down his pant leg before creating new ones within your arms? As you clasped your arms firmly around his neck and deepened the kiss with your tongue, he simply no longer cared. 
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His fury down turned his lips in a rough grimace, his teeth clenching hard in a rough grind. He shook his head, immediately stepping out of his bed towards his bathroom. He filled his sink with fresh, cool water, splashing it over his face and allowing the icy droplets to pry him from his prior vision. 
“So cute, Captain,” your voice mewled at him in a playful jest within his mind's eye, “So, so pretty when you blush for me. How much cuter do you get when you cum, hm?” He growled at the image, splashing water over his neck and letting it trickle down his shirt behind him. 
“Cute?” He barked at his reflection, staring his steely orbs at his scarred face, “Cute?” His disgust at the distorted image of you giggling down at him over his lap had him ignited in fury. 
“‘M not cute,” he huffs at himself, nose wrinkling up at the thought. He looked down to his waist, his gray sweatpants beginning to dampen with his release seeping into them. 
“Gonna reprimand me, Captain?” your spectral taunt called to him, “Gonna show me who's boss, Smoker?” His cock twitched in interest, his teeth gritting tighter at the prospect of putting you in your place. 
The way your uniform clung to your body had his imagination run wild with him. You were a desk-bound marine, your ability to catalogue with expert precision and haste had your services highly sought after. He was the lucky captain that landed you in his office, seeing your smile each morning, smelling your sweet perfume and hearing your laugh throughout the day, only to see your kind wave at the end of your shift as you left. 
You had never given his mind any cause to lust for you, but it lusted regardless. He was consumed by the way your body would feel wrapped around his cock, hearing the smile in your laugh, and feeling the way your walls would beckon him within them with your slick arousal shepherding the way. 
At that thought, he turned on the shower and switched it to the coldest temperature it could go. Peeling off his clothes with a grunt of disgust at himself, he stepped into the shower and allowed the coolness to drift down his body. In a desperate attempt to cool his raging thoughts, he gripped his cock in a cruel strangle. 
Haunted by your moans and cries for him, his shaft swelled and knob shined with the hurried rush of blood. He girdled his shaft within his fist, attempting to choke back the thought of you to no avail.
“C’mon, baby,” his mind conjured your taunt within the cool steam rising from the shower, “I need you, sir. Fuck me. I bet you could make me behave if you just give in.” He began to pump his cock, huffing out pants with every rough piston. 
“Shut up, brat,” he whispered in a gruff wince, “I'll f-fucking show you.” He beat his shaft harder, feeling the veins beneath swell and protrude within his palm. His translucent cum began to bead at the slit in his knob as his jaw fell slack. 
“C-Captain Smoker, please can I cum on your cock?” Your spectral image conjured for him, his cock involuntary twitching at the thought. His nob swelled and he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth to halt his moans. 
Seeing the dewy, blissed-out sheen on your face, as your spectral form begged for him to satisfy you by answering, had him rolling his hips into his palm and picking up his pace. He squeezed at his tip, circling it down against his shaft as he pictured you asking so beautifully for permission to cum. 
“You want to cum on your captain's cock?” He huffed to his conjured mirage, “You wanna feel good, do ya, brat?” He fisted his palm harder, picturing your walls contracting with the proximity of your own ecstacy. 
“Oh, f-fuck,” he cried out your name, beginning to spill over into his palm, the water pummeling his shoulders from above him, “Oh fuck, oh fuck. Cum for me. Cum for me, baby.” He pictured your face contorting in pleasure, your lips falling into a soft, smiling ‘O’ as he finally gave you permission to cum. 
Ribbons of his hot spend splattered against the shower wall, his guilt seeping in as his bliss tapered out. He groaned for you, picturing your face as you came down from your high and chastising himself for degrading you in his imagination. 
“Fuck,” he whispered his curse, angling the showerhead over the wall to wash it clean of his shame before washing himself with his all in one shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel. 
As he concluded his shower and dried himself off with a towel, he took a mental note to do a task for your benefit to satisfy his guilt. Maybe some flowers to highlight your desk, or providing the office with a lunch on his Berry might be appreciated. 
Shaking his head at himself, he wrapped his towel around his waist as he drew out twin cigars and placed them between his teeth. Igniting the end, he smiled as he came to terms with his new infatuation. His new quest was to attempt to woo you, get to know you better, and treat you with the adoration he so desperately craved to give you.
Exhaling with a smile, he muttered to himself with a soft, crackled growl, "I have a lot of work to do."
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Reacting to you making/giving them a friendship bracelet Pt.3 Marine Edition (Issho, Koby, Smoker, and Garp)
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AN- I've had so much fun making these! I hope you all enjoy
Characters- Fujitora, Koby, Smoker and Garp
(Find part one featuring Roger, Ace, Marco, Shanks and Doffy here)
(Find part two featuring Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Bart, Sabo and Law here)
Warnings/Content- Some angst in Smokers, Garp's part is NSFW ;)
More under the cut :)
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 Issho (Fujitora)
 💜-This man is such a gentle giant 🥹
 💜- Since Issho is blind you try to gift him things that he can feel
 💜- So when you decided to make him a bracelet, you made sure to use different shaped and different textured beads
“Y/N is that you?”
 “Maybe~” You sit beside the large man and gently grab his hand “I have a surprise for you!”
 “What’s this?” His fingers run over the soft threads of the bracelet you’ve placed on his wrist. “Did you make this?”
 “I sure did!” You beam. “The base of the bracelet is a deep purple, so that it matches your outfit!”  
 “I see, any special reason why you made it my darling?”
 “It’s just like the bracelet says.” Issho was confused at first but ran his fingers over the beads of the bracelet. His smile widens, feeling that the letters spell out I love you.
 “I hope you don’t mind.” His large hands come up to cradle your face as his fingers trace over your nose, eyes and finally your lips.  “Since I can’t see it, I want to feel the kind and beautiful smile of the woman I adore.” 
 (Issho can actually see the colorful hue of the bracelet thanks to the love and kindness you put into making it)
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🌸💕-  Koby was getting ready to go on his first overseas mission as a marine captain. Meaning he was going to be gone for a few months. 
🌸💕- You knew he was going to miss you just as much as you were going to miss him, so you wanted to give him something that would remind him of you. Thus you made him a bracelet
🌸💕- When you gave it to him he turned into a absolute, blushing mess (He was internally giggling and kicking his feet)
🌸💕- As happy as he was to receive the bracelet, he felt bad knowing he didn’t have anything to give you
🌸💕- You assured him that it was okay, but seeing you walk away empty handed left a bad taste on his tongue
  “Wait Y/N!” You turn around on the dock to see your boyfriend running towards you at full speed. “Koby?” You raise your brow as he tries to catch his breath.
 “Please take this.” Koby’s pink hair falls against his forehead as he unties the bandanna wrapped around his head. “May I?” You smile and bring your hand up so he can wrap the colorful fabric around your wrist. “It’s not a bracelet, but you can at least wear it like one!” 
 “Captain, we got the go ahead from HQ!” 
 “Roger that.”
 “You better get going captain.” You reach up and give him a kiss on his flushed cheek. “Come back to me, okay?”
 “I promise I will.” Koby’s hand wraps around yours as he pulls you close to him. “Let me give you one more thing before I go….” Your eyes widen in shock, feeling his soft lips press against yours for the very first time.
 You both pull back with embarrassment flooding your faces hearing the whistles and “Get it captain!” comments coming from the ship above you. 
 “I have to go now, love.” With a cherry red face he pulls you in for one last hug. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
 “I’ll be waiting.” 
 “Where did that come from?” Helmeppo confronted the blushing boy as soon as he stepped foot on the ship. “Did she cast some kind of love spell on that bracelet?”
 “I don't know honestly.” Koby looks at the bracelet with a dopey smile plastering his face. “I love her so much.” 
 “I know that you love sick fool..... also why do you look like you're about to pass out?”
 “Because I am.” With that his unsteady knees finally gave out, sending him straight to the deck.
 Despite the fact it took him two hours to fully recuperate, he was still proud of himself for finally finding the courage to properly kiss you. (No bewitched bracelet required)
(Koby learnt a very valuable lesson that day. Love is a hurricane!! )
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💨- The second you gave him the bracelet he handed it back saying something like “I’m a grown man and I don’t wear silly little bracelets, go give it to Tashigi.” 
💨- Definitely not the reaction you were hoping for AT ALL
💨- You grab that bracelet and leave his office, but not before bitterly saying “It won’t mean anything to her….” 
Once Smoker finally got home it was already nearing midnight. He was making his way towards your shared bedroom when he noticed something colorful in the hallway trash can. He pulled it out and recognized it as the bracelet you tried to give him earlier.
 “Fuck me.” What you said before you left his office finally made sense to him. Why would you give Tashigi a bracelet that had his and your relationship anniversary date on it? “How could I not remember that it was today?”  Not only did he reject your gift, he also forgot today actually was your anniversary. Now he was feeling like an absolute asshole, but he’s dead set on making things right. 
 Smoker opens the door to your bedroom to find the comforter still in place. She’s not here. Then he checked the guest bedroom. Not there either.  He was about to freak out thinking you had left, but remembered he had one more place to check. 
  He felt a wave of relief wash over him finding you fast asleep on the living room couch. But that relief quickly turns into heartbreak, seeing the balled up tissues scattered around your curled up body. 
 “Y/N..” There was no gruffness in the way your name left his lips. “I’m so sorry.” He brushes the stray hairs out of your face and notices the puffy ring of red around each of your eyes. “My sweet girl.” He thinks back to earlier that day, how you were happy and smiling. But he selfishly stole that from you. “I don’t deserve you at all.”
 “Hell no you don’t.” You lift up from the couch and wack his hand away.
 “You're awake??” 
 “Yeah, I have been the whole time..” 
 “Listen Y/N, I don’t have an excuse for my actions and I won’t make one.” Smoker sat down next to you on the couch and took your hand in his.  “Just know I am sorry and I love you.” 
 “I thought you “wouldn’t wear a silly little bracelet” ?” You grab the bracelet on his hand with a quirked brow.
 “Well I didn’t know my silly little woman made it for me.” He replies with a smirk. “But even if you didn't, I should have accepted it.”
 “Yeah, but It’s in the past now.” You grab the blanket and place it back over your body. “I’m going to sleep, goodnight Smokey.”
 “On the couch?”
 “Is that a problem?”
 “No, I guess not.” You were hoping he’d pick you up bridal style and whisk you away to bed, but the big oaf just walked away. He never learns. “I’ll sleep right here then.” Surprised to hear his voice again, you turn around and see him throwing pillows and blankets on the floor
 “I suppose you will.” You huff and close your eyes.
 “Y/N.” You hum in response “I think you dropped something on the floor.”
 “Dropped wha-.” 
 “I may have lost track of time and forgot today was our anniversary.” You lift up from the couch in complete shock seeing the ring Smoker held in his hand. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t have anything planned for our anniversary.” You could feel tears forming in the corners of your eyes. “Will you marry me Y/N?” 
 “You jerk…” You hold your left hand up, letting him slide the ring over your finger. “Of course I will.” You jump down from the couch and tackle Smoker to the floor as you cry tears of joy.  “I'm still mad at you, but I’m also really happy.” You pull away and look to see Smoker also has tears of his own forming. 
 “Babygirl I’m happy too and all, but...” His voice strains as if he were in pain. “Your knee.”
 “What about my knee?” You look down and see he wasn’t crying for the reason you originally thought. “Oops.” During the process of jumping your now fiancée, your knee had unfortunately landed on his privates. “Honey I am so sorry!” 
 “It’s okay.” You could tell he was holding back a scream. “I deserved it anyway.” 
 “Drop the Mr. Tough guy act.” You roll your eyes. “Want me to go get a frozen bag of peas or something?”
 (Smoker may have lost his ability to have kids, but it was worth seeing you fawn over your engagement ring.)
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 Garp (NSFW)
💥- Despite your relationship with Garp being a secret (For.... special reasons) he’s all the time sneaking you small trinkets or leaving you a stack of his rice crackers on your desk.
💥-He can't help himself, he just loves giving you things. (At one point he even tried to steal Sengoku's goat for you because you said it was cute💀)
💥- But you wanted to return the favor and what better way than with something handmade
  “Garp, can I come in sir.” You knock on his office door before reviving a gruff come in. “I have something for you.”
 “Is that my Y/N?" His rough tone softens seeing you standing at his door. “Don’t just stand there, come here.” He said while patting his lap.
 “Isn’t that a bad idea considering we’re both at work?” Your cheeks heat up at his nonchalant invite . “What if you know who sees me, he’d kill me for sure!”
 “Honestly, I hope that bastard walks in here one of these days.” Garp smirks before giving you a serious look. “And you know I wouldn’t let him harm a hair on your head, right?”
 “I know.”
"Good, so come here."
“I guess it won’t hurt, but only for a little while.” You sigh before crawling into the large mans lap.
 “Atta girl.” Garps arms wrap around your back, pulling you further into his embrace. “So what did you have for me?”
 “I can’t give it to you smother me to death!” You voice strains as you lightly smack his broad chest.
 “Oops, sorry.” He pulls away letting you get some much needed air. “You okay down there?” 
 “Yeah.” You nod your head as you grab the bracelet from your pocket. “Hand please.” Garp holds his hand out, letting you slip the bracelet over his large hand.
 “Well, would you look at that?” The older man studies the bracelet with a fond smile. “What a sweet girl, making an old man like me something so pretty.”
 “You're all the time doing things for me, so I wanted to show my appreciation and ” You reach up and give him a quick peck on the lips. “love~”
 “Your love huh?” You didn't even get the chance to reply before the man had you pinned down face first on his desk. “In that case why don’t you show me just how much you love me?”
 “Garp not here, we can’t!” It was to late, his hands had already ripped away both your uniform skirt and underwear.
 “Why, worried about your daddy seeing you?” Garp mocks while landing a hard smack on your ass. “If anything you should worry about him hearing you.”
(Garp absolutely loved the bracelet you gifted him. But even with that being said, he may like the "gift" you're giving him right now a little bit better. Or maybe a lot more, because in his eyes there isn't anything he loves more than getting to fuck Akainu's precious daughter.)
AN- To all my Y/N's who read Garp's part, click me for a surprise
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stagegamer · 2 years
Getting caught with op men pt. 2
This was originally a request but that didn't work so I'm going to still try to do it
NSFW 18+
CW: Exhibitionism, nsfw, smut, afab reader, creampie, breeding, riding, forbidden, Corazon is called Cora
Characters: Luffy, Shanks, Koby, Corazon
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Your back was pinned to the railing on the deck as Luffy rutted into you
The smell of alcohol was prevelent from Luffy's previous rounds of drinking and partying
"You can handle more right?" Luffy looked up at you and as you nodded he bottomed out into you
Luffy loudly moaned before latching his lips onto yours
You could feel him stretch you out as your legs wrapped around him
You had at least wanted to make it inside but Luffy had other plans
"Ah." Your eyes locked with Usopp's who happened to be walking by
"Sorry!" He quickly ran inside
But before you could comprehend what was going on Luffy slammed himself into you, filling you with his cum
"You couldn't have chosen a better place!" You scolded Luffy who didn't know what he had done wrong
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Cannon dilf Shanks
Shanks held you against a tree as he started on the third round for that night
"You're still so tight." Shanks grunted, slamming into you once again
His cum was already dripping down your thigh but that wasn't enough
"You're not leaving here until you're carrying my baby." Shanks slammed into you especially hard which caused a sound that echoed around the forest
"Do you mind being quiet some of us are hung over!" Yasopp yelled which caused Shanks to laugh but continue his actions.
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Slowly lowering yourself onto Koby he couldn't help but moan and lean further back in his chair
Not being able to wait anymore Koby gripped onto your hips and buried himself into you
Latching onto his lips you matched his movements perfectly which made him moan into the kiss
Being you caught up in the moment you both neglected to hear the door creak open
"Nice one kid." Garp laughed before closing the door to give you some privacy
Too mortified to continue Koby hid his face against your shoulder
"Next time how about we do it in my bedroom?" He looked up at you with a slight smile as you nodded
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You leaned over Cora's desk as he couldn't help but slam into you
Not being able to wait any longer for release Cora decided to fuck you then and there
"I'm not using my devil fruit so you have to be quiet" You could feel Cora's breath down your neck as he gripped onto your hands
You couldn't risk getting caught as you weren't exactly permitted to have relations with Cora and you didn't dare even ask your boss about it
"Shit, you're clenching around me." Cora slammed harder into you as you felt your orgasm draw nearer
The blissful moment was ruined as Doflamingo opened the door
In a panic Cora pulled out but fell, still gripping onto your wrists which caused you to fall on him
The impact shoved him inside of you at a deeper than expected angle
Surprised, you let out a louder than necessary moan
"Just don't get her pregnant." Doflamingo left it at that as he walked out of the room
I liked the original version of this better but this one could be worse
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etfrin · 8 months
Drunk on you
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Warning: NSFW / cunnilingus (m. receiving) / trans! Koby x female! reader
You could hear the soft moans of Koby as you sucked on his cute cocklet. You suck harder, trying your best to make him moan louder for you. And he does. "Darling please," he whimpers and his hand snakes into your hair, gripping it tight enough to hurt. You let out a soft whine from the sudden pain and then a louder moan when he begins to rut his hips into your mouth. Fucking it effectively. A part of you wanted to choke on his cock but this was still the best thing. His fingers tugged at your locks, his hips thrusting in your mouth in such a desperate manner that was familiar to you. You let the cocklet slip out of your mouth, only for Koby to press his sopping cunt against your lips. You indulge him, licking and sucking as much as you could. You let the tip of your tongue push into his walls. He lets out a grunt and then begins to ride your face as his grip on your head keeps you in place. Your hands were on either side of his thighs, your nails digging into his skin as he used you for his pleasure. Letting go of all inhibition as he rode your tongue and came on your face. He finally lets go of your hair and you rise to his level. You part his lips and spit inside his mouth, letting him taste himself. You grin in approval as he swallows. "Good boy," you praise Koby, pressing a kiss on his forehead. You chuckled as you wiped your chin with the back of your hand. "Someone was needy," you tease him, watching his face bloom into a pretty familiar red. He replied, flushed, "I- I- you make me feel like I am drunk whenever you're around me."
- - -
this was what I was thinking about during my exam today, indulge yourself<33
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tinfairies · 8 months
YOU WRITE FUCKED UP STUFF?? Im begging of you i am on my hands and knees pleading you to write somno stuff of luffy or koby please please please (reader receiving i say as i bat my eyelashes so now you have to)
Can't Help Myself
Monkey D. Luffy, Koby x AFAB!Reader
AN: Girlll (gender neutral term) I have written so much fucked up shit. This is tame in comparison. I love dead dove content.
Warnings: somnophilia, noncon, stalking, creampie
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Monkey D. Luffy
He will sometimes wake up in the night, horny as hell. His cock aching and hard.
Luffy knows how grumpy you are when he wakes you up, especially when all he wants is a hand job or a quick fuck.
He'll usually just shove his cock between your thighs and hump until he's making a mess on you.
Other times he wants a taste of your pussy, so he'll roll you onto your back and fuck you with his tongue. He'll lap up every last drop of cum from your cunt.
He tries not to wake you up, but he fucks so rough and can't keep quiet. So it's only a matter of time before you're waking up to Luffy fucking you like an animal.
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Scolds himself everytime he sneaks into your room. Calls himself all sorts of names, but he really can't stop himself.
The way his pussy throbs when he spreads your legs open. His hands will wander all over your body.
He loves the soft sounds you make in your sleep when he pinches and sucks at your nipples.
Breathes in the scent of your cunt and kitten licks at your panties.
He never allows himself to touch or lick your bare pussy, he thinks that's going to far. (as if everything else he does is normal)
Will happily hump your thigh until he's gushing in his boxers though.
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tofuxtea · 7 months
𝐊𝐎𝐁𝐘 | 𝙛𝙚𝙢𝙙𝙤𝙢 + 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 — koby x fem!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — nsfw, femdom, begging, handjob, sub!koby, authority kink if u squint (koby calls reader ma’am), bossy reader, brief mention of spit (uses as lube), “pretty boy”, “good boy”, “baby” are used by reader
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 — 1k words, not proofread. THIS IS ACTUAL ASSFART I HAD AN IMAGE IN MY HEAD AND I WASNT ABLE TO DO IT JUSTICE IM SADDD :( but whatever EAT UP YALL!!! [ kinktober m.list ]
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“you’ve gotta be quiet, alright?”
you whispered sternly to your marine captain as you hovered over him, waiting for him to answer.
it was well into the night, the only sound for miles being the gentle swoosh of the waves against the ship. meaning it wouldn’t take much to wake the crew up.
koby knew this, but he didn’t care anymore. it had been an agonizing week without you and he couldn’t bear it anymore. your touch, your voice, your love, you. he needed you. who were you to deny him?
“baby, answer me.” your tone, slightly sharper than it was seconds ago, forced his gaze up where it had been locked on your fingers that lingered at the waistband of his pajama pants. his big blue eyes glistened behind his round glasses when they met yours. “think you can be quiet for me?”
koby nodded eagerly, his disheveled pink locks bouncing. “yes ma’am, i-i’ll be quiet.”he pleaded, trying to keep his voice as soft as possible. the corners of your lips quirked upwards at his poor attempt. it was good enough for you.
“such a good boy f’me,” you murmured before your lips landed on his, hardly muffling the whimper he let out at the contact. the tip of your nose bumped the rims of his glasses in your own haste, knocking them uneven on his face. koby either didn’t notice or didn’t care, pushing desperately into the kiss.
you felt the tips of his fingers brush against your thighs that straddled him, practically aching to feel you. so you gave him what he wanted, letting your hand slowly move down to his cock, hard in his pants. you gently palmed him at first, relishing each whine and whimper that tore from his throat.
“p-please, ma’am,” koby whispered, his voice trembling with pleasure and excitement. looking into his eyes, you knew exactly what he wanted. but you still furrowed your brows and tilted your head ever so slightly.
“please what?” you wrapped your fingers around his clothed cock, granting him the slightest of friction before he could get a proper response out. “c’mon, use your words, my pretty boy. what d’you want me to do?”
koby desperately tried to muffle his shaky moans with the back of his hand, nearly buckling in on himself from that alone. “touch me, please. wanna feel you s’bad.”
you hummed with satisfaction, admiring his flushed face and tented eyebrows when he managed to find your eyes again. they were glossed over as impatient tears started to prick at them.
“that’s it, my good boy. go on ‘n lay back for me, hm?” you aided him, easing him down onto his elbows before your lips crashed onto his again, catching him by surprise. koby whined into your mouth when he felt your hand leave, though it was back in a blink, this time tugging at his waistband to free him from his thin pants.
he was painfully hard against his lower stomach, tip red and leaking already. you held a cupped hand beneath his chin, koby not missing a beat as he spat into your hand. “good boy.” you mumbled, hypnotized by his compliance.
you wrapped your hand around his hard cock, koby shuddering at the sudden sensation. he wanted to beg you to keep going but his voice got caught in a particularly pitchy moan, at which you raised your eyebrows.
“what’d i say, baby?” your expression turned stern and your eyes narrowed slightly. koby quickly shook his head.
“‘m sorry, won’t happen again.”
the stare you gave him made him feel tiny underneath you. a soft yet uncertain hum vibrated in your chest. “no. no it won’t. can’t have anyone waking up, hm?”
you waited for him to reply, and just as he went to whisper something to you, you twisted your palm around and up his shaft, catching koby off guard.
“fuck,” he shakily hissed, bucking up into your hand. “nono, i promise i’ll be quiet.” he all but pleaded this time.
“atta boy.” you smiled down at him, only half confident in his claims. but you still gave him what he wanted, slowly starting to pump his cock while you planted sloppy kisses to his neck.
koby whined into the back of his hand, his head lulling back. “f-feels so good — fuck — don’t stop.” he begged, shamelessly rutting up into your warm, wet palm.
“so eager, hm?” you cooed. his noises were like music to your ears, lulling you into an indescribable high. your hand moved quicker, craving more of them.
koby’s legs tensed and his body writhed underneath you, and he pleaded for you to slow down in between choked moans. but you knew he didn’t mean it. his hips betrayed him, lifting to match your pace.
“c’mon, baby, you can take it.” you whispered against koby’s neck before latching onto his collarbone, painting deep purple bruises on his skin. his hand grasped at the nape of your neck with a groan, keeping you in place.
his head fell back, allowing you to press messy kisses to his throat. “‘m gonna cum.” he tried to keep his voice low, inhibitions steadily slipping the closer his orgasm grew.
“go on, baby. cum for me.” you pulled back to study his face, watching his eyes squeeze shut and his brows furrow as it hit. his lips parted with a shattered moan, though it was muffled when yours landed on his in a deep kiss.
you felt him tense underneath you as thick ropes of cum painted your hand and his stomach. you kept going, pace unrelenting, drinking in each shudder of sensitivity he’d let out. “that’s it,” you softly encouraged him.
koby rode out his orgasm, gently rutting into your fist with a whine until there was nothing left. his cries got higher and harder to hide when he found he couldn’t stop, the stimulation like a drug.
“want more, please.” koby begged, breathless once he managed to ground himself.
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actual doodoofart ending but ASK me if i gaf … also morgan davies inspired this one tbh that man has got me in the worst most vile headlock known to man rn.
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gotheskin · 8 months
something ive been thinking about is submissive!zoro. taking a while for him to get comfortable with that, but after he gets comfortable, he’s such a good boy. always listening to everything you ask of him. letting you ride him like he’s a human dildo, marking him up so everyone knows he belongs to you, encouraging him to be louder while you guys are fucking. and always praising him: “good boy, use those hips, just like that”, “my strong boy, you deserve to be taken care of, not have to worry all the time, im here to take care of you, baby”.
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animexts · 5 months
Paring: OPLA!Koby X Pirate!Reader
Warnings: This has a little bit of Smut, a little bit of angst and a little bit of fluff lol
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Koby doesn't know exactly how he ended up in this situation, he just knows he can't leave. He doesn't even know where his shirt is, she took it off him body a long time ago, the only thing he knows is that he loves having Y/n straddling his waist like that.
"This is wrong." He says pulling away from the kiss.
"And what would you do if it wasn't wrong?" Y/n says, bending down and placing a kiss on his neck.
"If it wasn't wrong... I would touch you like that." He says, putting his hands inside her blouse looking into Y/n's eyes before putting his hands inside her bra, making her moan with her eyes closed and him sigh when he feels her nipples
You can, baby you can." Y/n says holding Koby's hands on her breasts making him squeeze lightly.
"But-" Before he can respond, Y/n kisses him again, a slow and sensual kiss, she pecks his lower lip with her teeth, making him moan softly.
They separate a little and his hands return to her thighs.
"You know I can't stay, I-" He stops talking when she starts to take off her shirt, so she's left in just her bra, still straddling his waist.
"What were you saying, love?" She asks with a mischievous smile, and he swallows hard.
"I- He stops again watching her take off her bra slowly, and while looking into his eyes.
"You don't need to hold back my love." She says throwing the bra aside.
Koby looks at her breasts and feels her breathing quicken
When noticing this, Y/n takes both of Koby's hands, and places them on her breasts, making him squirm beneath her.
"You're really stressed lately, let me make you relax." Y/n says kissing his bare chest until she reaches his mouth again, kissing his mouth intensely.
Wait Y/n-" He says in the middle of the kiss making her pull away a little.
"You don't want this?" Y/n says tilting her head.
"No, I just... you're a pirate and-" And once again, Koby stops talking when he sees Y/n getting off of him and going to get his shirt.
"Wait Y/n please listen to me." He says sitting down, seeing her sitting on the bed next to him and adjusting the shirt on her body.
"I already understand Koby, you're disgusted by me, aren't you? Because I'm a pirate you think I'm dirty or something? Look, I'm not going to steal from you or anything, I just really liked you-" This time she is interrupted with Koby's lips on hers
He lays her on the bed during the kiss, this time being on top.
They pull away after a while and Koby gives her a little kiss on the cheek.
"Don't be silly, I would never think something like that about you." He says with a fond smile, stroking her cheek with his thumb.
"You have no idea how much my heart beats for you." He says caressing her belly under her shirt.
"But we can't be together, can we?" He stops and looks into her eyes, wondering if it was hurting her as much as it was hurting him.
"No, my love."
She closes her eyes and lets the tears fall.
"Please don't cry." He says feeling his eyes burn.
He lays his face on her chest, and they both just cry for a while.
Then... Koby takes her hand, and intertwines her fingers.
In a silent promise that they would fight for this relationship.
Maybe I'll make a sequel or something 👀
I would like to give a special thanks to @fanaticsnail It was this wonderful person who encouraged me to post this, thank you!! 😭😭💞
Please read her work, I promise you won't regret it.
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fuckin4sanji · 7 months
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nsfw content! minors dni
he's a whimpering, moaning mess under you:( praising you ever so beautifully as you bounce on his cock
pretty boy cant wait to just get up and fuck into your tight pussy!
he's crying out of pleasure, but then it turns into cries of overstimulation cause this is the 5th time he's came!
but he can't reject it, you feel so good around him!!
OH but imagine you guys are in his office! he has to do some work and you're feeling so needy that you just need to cockwarm him for a bit!
he starts to get whiny and those whines turn into soft movements once in awhile but that turns into him fucking you over the desk, his hand covering your mouth so others in the halls cant hear
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
It's All Okay
Masterlist here
Word count: 500+
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Summary: When submissive Koby gives in to his dominant craving, and all he's met with is support, praise and affirmation in your arms.
Notes: I watched One-Piece: Red, and I have some thoughts about this beautiful Marine Captain. I mean, I already love him. But, damn. Did they have to put him in waist chains? Did they have to dress him 'punk rock' like that? Did they have to make him so dominant. A man who is so pent up, he needs to let go?
Warnings: Mdni below the cut. NSFW drabble. 18+. Koby x gn!reader, penetration reader!receiving, rough, Koby is a switch - finally dominant after so long being submissive, pre-established relationship, little bit of angst, porn with plot if you squint, feelings, confessions of love.
Tag list: @sordidmusings (thank you for hearing my thoughts on the man) @mfreedomstuff @since-im-already-here @feral-artistry @gingernut1314
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Koby, finally giving into his feral urges and cravings, holds your hips hard enough to bruise beneath his needy, grabby hands. Roughly and ferociously, his hips snap in vicious and brutal rapidity: rutting into you with every ounce of strength he can muster.
Whimpering, whining against your neck when you only meet him with sweet affirmations and praise, telling him it's okay for him to use you like this. You support him, you adore him, you love him. And you will continue to do all of those things, feel all of those things, no matter how harshly he bruises you with his unbridled lust.
"It's okay, it's all okay," you whisper your soft moans into his ear, pressing your lips to his cheek and smoothing over his hair, "I can can take it. You're safe. It's okay to be rough with me."
That phrase only seems to cause him to strive to go harder, deeper, longer: bruising you further with his brutal thrusts while sobbing that he'll keep being so good if you let him keep going in mewling pants of breath.
All further words escape him, his usually stress-plagued mind empty of all thoughts aside from how well you're taking him and how good it feels to let go. He's bewildered that his pent up rage and fury is only met with praise, affirmation and support. He's lost, entranced by your body sucking him in, and so deeply in love with you.
He's been so good. Every day, he's so good. Internalizing his fury, withholding his urges, and only ever being kind, gentle and loving towards you.
The history he had with all decisions being made for him: control relinquished and his heart bound beneath the chains of piracy under Alvida's dominating leadership. The first decision he made for himself to become a marine was met with more decisions being made for him, more relinquishment of his bodily autonomy as he trained to serve the world government.
And now it feels so good to let it out. So good to release his primal urges and give in to taking what he wants. All he wants is to live in this moment forever, feel how tight you are wrapped around him as you moan your praises into his shoulder.
Taking a moment to remove himself from the dip in your neck, he's taken with how beautiful you are like this: writhing beneath him and so lost in your own pleasure to notice he'd almost reached his peak. The flush of your cheeks, the winced tears of bliss in your eyes, the perfect 'O' your lips form as waves of your pleasure washes over you.
He can't get enough, vigorously chasing his high while chanting repetitions of "please," "thank you," and "I love you."
His eyes become glassy as his tears weep as his cock finally leaks his release deep within you. Finally relieving his pent up energy with his bliss coursing through his body and pummeling deeply into yours. He greedily leans down, capturing your lips beneath his as he sobs against your face.
Twitches of the aftershock pulses within your abdomen, his lips soothing the burn of rough treatment with how gentle the kiss felt on your bruised mouth. His bullying thrusts halt with his cock sheathed deep within you, your body aching alongside the blissful tingle of your orgasm's aftershock.
"How do you feel?" you whisper, gazing longingly up into your lover's eyes.
"Lighter," he confessed, his lips curling up into the soft smile you fell in love with, "Relieved."
He leant down, pressing his forehead against yours and sniffed back a soft sob. His hands withdrew from your hips, elevating to your shoulders as he nuzzled against your face. He peppered your lips with a rapid flurry of pecks, chuckling as you returned his affection by circling your arms over his back.
"I love you," your unison of proclaimed chorus echoed into the faces of one another, "I love you so, so much."
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