#one piece live action mihawk vs zoro
brainrotcharacters · 9 months
rewatching episode 6: zoro's foolishisms
"we need a doctor" "last i checked we don't have one"
me in my 15th rewatch, still panicking: CHOPPER PLEASE GET CHOPPER SOMEONE FIND CHOPPER
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animedegens · 10 months
We’ll be talking about it on the podcast!
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#anime #onepiece #onepieceliveaction #zoroliveaction #mihawkliveaction #zoro #mihawk
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tredawakandan · 10 months
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Love we got the Zoro vs Mr.7 fight. Loved how they made him the stoic badass. Alvida actress actually made me like the character 💯😅
Loved the Spooky vibe Kurozu gave. Buggy was amazing 🤩.. Jacob really has the best mannerisms to me out of the strawhats 😅. Mihawk was a boss. Was worried how they would do strong attacks but loved how they did Mihawk slash and Shanks CoC. I liked the Arlong Pirates.Wonder why Hachi wasn't apart of it but besides that they were cool. I'm 100% ok with Don Krieg not being a villain of Luffy. We all know that was a zoro and Sanji arc.. But why did they keep Gin 😅.
Inaki grew on me especially within Syrup village. Jacob did Usopp amazing. Mackenyu and Taz did amazing as zoro and sanji. Sanji especially was great in love action. I feel since he's really emotional in the manga I didn't feel it would translate in live action. But it was pulled off 👌. I loved Buggy actor since Agents of Shield so it was a no brainer I would like him😅
It was smart to include Koby and Garp in the main story. Sadly since cover stories aren't adapted casual fans would definitely lose interest over Koby
The best thing about this show so far is I like that it feels like a regular show. It being one piece is just the cherry on top. As a Netflix fantasy show this is an easy 7/10 or 8/10. If a majority of people feel this way then I say mission accomplished for a good anime adaptation 💯
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The best part is then putting respect on One Piece name by stating it is in fact the Most sold Graphic Novel/Comic of all time 😤
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totalspiffage · 11 months
We have the One Piece Live Action trailer now!!!! I'm so excited. I wanna break down a few things about the possible story adaptations based on casting and what we've seen in trailers!
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So first off: Nami and Zoro both get picked up at Shells Town. I know in the anime they actually showed her stealing from Morgan so I'm wondering if they'll keep that as a reason for her to be there.
Second: Nami and Zoro vs Buggy!!! I like this a lot, I'm excited to see that play out. It looks like he had a proper circus, ring and everything! I adore what they did with the effects.
Third: Syrup. I hope it goes faster than the anime. We also got our first glance at Merry-who looks very silly- and Kuro's knives!!! I know Kuro and the two black cat brothers are confirmed as cast so hm. Interested to know how Luffy gets a glimpse at Merry, it seems like it's in a busy port, perhaps they changed the island a little?
Baratie: so this is interesting, it's slated for TWO episodes in the show (Nami gets one for comparison). But it seems like not only do we get Mihawk/Zoro and possibly a shorter? Krieg fight, but Arlong shows up? (I was wondering if they're cutting Krieg entirely but it seems they do have like a poster of him at least, so IDK how that will play out.)
My theory for this arc: Luffy works at baratie like usual, gin (I hope) gets fed, Luffy asks him to join, Krieg shows up to make trouble (if he appears at all), Mihawk/Zoro fight, Arlong interrupts- probably not to interfere but to take Nami? She does the standby betrayal bit HERE, leaves with Arlong. They finish the Krieg fight(again if he's there), Strawhats go after Nami.
I wouldn't be surprised if they cut Krieg but that would sincerely damage the Sanji feeding Gin moment I feel like cause that kindness is what made Luffy decide he was their cook.
Other stuff: Roger's execution looks fantastic. I'm delighted with the inclusion of the "wealth, fame, power". Garp being there makes me so emotional! Alvida looks great I'm an Alvida fan now. The Fishmen look funky but eh I'm not mad about it I'm kinda glad it's makeup and not cgi. The news coo looked great! Giving me hope for s2 with chopper tbh but that's putting the cart before the reindeer. Arlong Park being closer to what Sabaody Park is like is SO cool.
Regardless I'm excited and I'm so happy with how it looks so far. Hoping for more good moments!
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melonteee · 6 months
Well, more specifically Sanji tells Luffy that he's a failure as a captain for not stopping Zoro from fighting Mihawk, for letting his subordinate put their goal over their life. That leads into Sanji telling Luffy about how Zeff saved him and threw away his pirate career and dream to survive.
Sanji's flashback is changed from just being an explanation why Sanji won't fight back with Zeff's life in danger to a more on-topic discussion on the responsibility of a captain and the value of lives vs dreams.
I don't think it's better or worse than how Baratie was handled in the original, just different. Some things are lost, but other things are gained. I think the Live-Action show improved on the manga in just as many ways as it was worse. Luffy gains a whole arc about considering what the responsibility of being captain means much earlier than he did in canon, and Sanji still goes through a similar arc as in the manga.
*rubs my temples* anon I've explained this all before in multiple different asks but, at least to me, it's so much worse. Like it's worse, it's objectively worse. Taking Sanji's story away from him, and turning it into a lesson for Luffy to learn, is worse. There is not an equal amount of gained or lost because there was SO MUCH lost in terms of characters and crew dynamic.
There are a lot of things I'll be neutral on with One Piece but the live action was objectively worse in writing and character, especially when compared to the original.
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infriga · 10 months
Luffy was so perfect, they all were, but as my favourite character he had a lot to live up to and he was AMAZING
My favourite aspects/moments:
- Luffy was so tactile and physically affectionate. I'm glad they weren't afraid of having him be touchy feely with his crew and friends. Plopping his head down on top of Nami's head when she's cracking the safe, literally draping himself overtop of Zoro and hugging him when he wakes up after the Mihawk fight, clinging to Usopp when their ship gets attacked by Garp as they leave Syrup village, hugging Coby when they say goodbye the second time, even just the small moments like when he puts his hands on Kaya's shoulders while giving her his speech about his dream and the Merry during the dinner, he is so affectionate with everyone and loves his friends so much I'm gonna cry.
- him walking on the table in Kaya's house during the dinner while giving his speech then handing his glass to Kuro gkdgkdhj that scene was so funny and was such a Luffy thing to do, and everyone's reactions plus Kuro's apoplectic rage in response had me dying
- Luffy's anxiety when he's worried about Zoro after the fight with Mihawk, like all his fidgeting and not wanting to eat and talking erratically, it really reminded me of his anxiety when Nami gets sick after Little Garden, as well as when he refuses to eat for a while after Marineford. It's just a nice touch because the one thing that can get him to lose his appetite is the thought of losing someone close to him, and one of the few things that can make him openly anxious is when he's not sure if one of his friends will be okay and there's nothing he can do to help. His anxiety in that scene is portrayed so well.
- Sanji trying to get him to eat and suggesting a bunch of different foods he can make because he's trying to help Luffy feel better was also so cute and such a Sanji thing to do 🥺🥺🥺
- Sanji and Zeff's dynamic was done soooooo well, the actors had so much chemistry and the dialogue was so good between them. Also I love how much of a spitfire baby Sanji was, and his and Zeff's first meeting was actually amazing with Sanji being like "I'D RATHER DIE THAN LET YOU SEASON MY FOOD" fhkxgjzgkxgj
- so much swearing, I loved it lol. In Japanese they swear a lot but a lot of subtitles don't really translate the extent of it, and the official manga translation definitely tones it down, as does the dub, at least compared to the original Japanese. Sanji even said "shitty restaurant"! He said the line!!
- idk if this an unpopular opinion or not, but I actually like the changes they made to the Syrup Village arc. That arc in the manga/anime is probably the narmiest, and as fond as I am of earlier arcs, that one would probably not translate well to the style and pacing the live action had going for it. They adjusted quite a few of the fights to fit a live action series as opposed to a serialized shounen. But One Piece has never really been about the fights, so as long as the essence is there I'm fine with it. And tbh, turning Kuro into a slasher villain stalking Kaya through the house actually worked surprisingly well. It made for a fun deviation from what fans would be used to, and played around with the genre without sacrificing the essential plot elements or character dynamics. Also using Kaya's house instead of a random beach actually made for a nice setting and environment that I think felt more fitting to the One Piece vibe, ngl.
- I like what they did with Koby's story. Having his character development lead up to him standing up to Garp rather than Alvida actually worked pretty well, and felt really natural as his story progressed in Parallel with Luffy's. And having his story involve him confronting his ideal of what a marine should be vs the reality of what marines are fit the story really well. I love the scene where he and Luffy tell each other to become a good marine and a good pirate.
- I was shocked that they revealed Garp's relationship with Luffy so soon, but honestly, it works better than I expected. I think they actually did a really good job integrating him into the earlier arcs, and it provided a good glimpse into some of the world building that will come into play later, like the relationship between the warlords and the marines/government, while also providing a more significant marine threat early on. I am a bit sad we don't get Luffy's canon reaction where as soon as he even hears his grandpa being mentioned he gets like ptsd flashbacks lmao. But I'll admit, the "talk" Nami gets Zoro to have with him after everyone finds out is hilarious. Zoro not giving a shit about who Luffy's grandpa is and being like "ughhhhhhh fine I'll talk to him" when Nami pressures him into it, then giving the barest minimum effort and Luffy is just like being Luffy and fiddling with his hat and answering the questions so non-chalantly, then Zoro is like "good talk" and bails, they were really on that shared idiot wavelength lmfaoooooo.
- Zoro's bickering with Sanji was great. I particularly like how prickly he gets about Sanji acting so familiar towards Nami and Luffy despite only just joining, because Zoro would totally be peeved by that, like excuse u simp waiter those were my friends first and I called dibs lmao
- Zoro's goofy moments like trying to sit down with the swords and when Luffy was manhandling him after his injury lmfao, I'm glad they didn't have him be serious all the time and let him be an idiot occasionally. He was so hardheaded and proud and cocky and sassy in all the right ways. Also loved when Nami was trying on clothes and Zoro is like "I'm gonna wear black so you can't wear black" like a diva LMAO
- uh, they did NOT have to go so fucking hard with Buggy, but they did and I am grateful for it. His actor is so fucking funny, and his lines are so good, they fit Buggy so well. And Luffy constantly getting his name wrong made me laugh every single time lmfao. Also when he gets mad at Luffy thinking he said "nose" and squishes his face, and Luffy's like "well now that you mention it wtf IS up with your nose?" LMAO did I mention yet how much I loved Luffy?
- having Buggy trap Luffy in a glass box filling with water worked so well for the circus aesthetic because it's really similar to those acts where people escape from a box filling with water. It also made sense for Buggy to use that against Luffy with the sea water. Also the effects for his fruit powers looked so good and creepy.
- they didn't shy away from gore! The manga is actually super violent, even relatively early on, but I got so used to the reduced version in the anime I actually was surprised at how graphic some parts were. They straight up had Zoro slice a guy in half and did not shy away from showing his sliced meaty bits. Also Zoro casually bringing Mr. 7's torso to the marines with the hair sticking out was badass ngl.
- the main cast were all sooooo good, I can't even pick one out as being better than any of the others, they were just all perfect. They really felt like the characters. Obviously Luffy stands out to me as my favourite character, but I loved them all so much. Sanji, Nami, Zoro, Usopp, they all were portrayed so well too. Absolutely perfect casting. Whoever was in charge of casting is the absolute GOAT
- Zoro and Nami bickering like siblings the whole time was great, especially how they were only unified in their exasperation over Luffy's antics lmfao.
- "Think he has brain damage?" "I think that every day" EGHSKSCHLACHSK
- the villains were all the perfect amount of hammy, hats off to their actors they all looked like they were having so much fun and they did so well as each character. And Arlong's actor managed to include Arlong's SHA HA HA HA laugh and actually make it sound pretty natural so fucking kudos dude that's awesome.
- when Sanji fishes Luffy out of the water at Baratie and they tell him Nami is gone, he looks so sad and pathetic just laying there wet on the dock I wanted to hug him so bad 🥺 he was already anxious about Zoro and then they lost Nami too and he was so worried about his friends.
- Sanji's simping was so funny. The scene were he's like "NAMI!" with his arms open as she comes out of the collapsing building in Arlong's Park and she runs right past him to hug Zoro and Usopp instead WGHOVSHOD it was so in character. dude is mega down bad fr and they portrayed it in such a funny way.
- I was kinda shocked at how well the outfits and costumes translated to live action. Like the show was extremely faithful when it came to character designs and outfits but it managed to make them feel very natural to the setting. It was honestly so cool. Like when Gin stumbled into the kitchen and you can instantly recognize him from his outfit, but it looks so natural like they made the outfits feel like something real people would wear. And the Strawhats had some absolute fucking DRIP yo, implementing a bunch of their colour spread outfits in the different episodes was fucking inspired, and they looked so goddamn good. Oda is a fucking fashion savant I swear like the clothes he designed look so damn good in real life.
- Luffy still had his asexual vibes in full force which I'm so happy about. Like when Nami is getting dressed for their dinner with Kaya, and asks how it looks while posing, and Luffy is like "... you look like Nami", that was SUCH a Luffy line lmao.
- when Usopp and Zoro were teasing Nami about Sanji's flirting (Zoro's rapid fire "madam"s lmfao) and everybody was joking around together while Luffy watches them with the most fond look on his face it was so cute ugh my heart
- Having Zeff help to treat Zoro using fish skin grafting was a really cool addition and a great way to show his expertise as a former pirate.
- omg when Luffy gets all defensive of Sanji after only knowing him for like a day (because he's Luffy), and he tells Zeff about Sanji feeding Gin thinking he'll be all mad but instead Zeff looks proud and says "what a good kid" OMG MY HEART that was so cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 Zeff's dad vibes we're off the fucking charts. And they kept the "li'l eggplant" nickname, Zeff was so good goddamn like he was honestly one of my favourite parts. How the fuck they managed to make his mustache work so well and look so natural I will never know but god damn I was so impressed.
- holy fucking shit, the Baratie looked so fucking good. It was like seeing the manga/anime come to life. I wanted to fucking go there so bad. The little mouth balcony thing, the floors, the roof mural which didn't get any attention but was just casually made to be incredibly detailed and beautiful?!?! The colours and the bg characters, holy shit the set was just fucking amazing.
- The ships looked so good. Luffy choosing Merry 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I also liked how Usopp was introduced, it fit his character and the adjusted pacing pretty well imo
-I didn't know how to feel about Shanks in the preview images, but in motion he actually works really well. And Yasopp and Lucky Roo were so good. I love how they had Shanks mime cocking a gun and shooting it to signal to his crew to start going ham on the bandits so it looks for a moment like he shoots someone with his finger gun. Also Yasopp's trick shots were awesome, as well as Lucky Roo literally beating people with a chunk of meat lmfao.
- Mihawk was serving absolutely cunt. He was there to slay and slay he did. No notes, A+ performance.
- Zoro and Nami's actors really nailed their big emotional scenes. They captured the expressions and delivery perfectly, especially Nami screaming Arlong's name and stabbing her tattoo, she managed to match the intensity that the original voice actor had in the anime surprisingly well.
- Helmeppo's actor was so funny. His dickish goofy way of laughing worked so well for his character lmao, and having Zoro give him his signature haircut was 🤌🤌🤌 idk WHY they had him naked when he was playing with Wado Ichimonji but it was so funny.
- the scene where he convinces Koby to slack off and have a drink with him, Koby takes several shots, then blurts out that Garp is Luffy's grandfather was great lmfao.
-Zeff's interactions with Garp were great too. I love their talk about there being a new generation coming into its own now and it's getting to be the time where they should step back and let the new kids have their turn. It was a scene I could absolutely see happening in the manga.
- I like how at first Garp seems more reserved and serious than he is in canon, but as more time passes the more it's revealed how unhinged he is and how he absolutely is related to Luffy. Like when he screams after Luffy takes out their main sail, only to start laughing and act proud. Or when he gets pissed off at Mihawk refusing to capture Luffy and just has a tantrum in his office throwing shit around. Or when Zeff convinces him to stay for a meal by mentioning meat and he's like 👀👀👀. Koby saying he should have realised Garp and Luffy were related because of how much they both like meat had me laughing out loud.
- I like how Bogard got a slightly bigger role. He always had a really cool aesthetic, like an old time gangster with a samurai sword is actually really cool, so it was nice to see him a bit more than we get to in the manga/anime.
- They did a great job showing off how terrifyingly strong Garp is. When he's going after Luffy and just demolishing him as well as the environment. His hits felt like they hit hard. Also when he grabbed a canon ball and threw it at the Merry I was like YES!!! I was really hoping they'd show that if they were going to involve him in the live action series earlier than in canon.
- the show really managed to capture that fun swashbuckling vibe that comes with pirates. Also the ships and sets looked so good. And I like how they made reasonable changes to ship designs without going too far or making them too "realistic", they kept the fun aspects of the ship designs. Like Garp's ship looked damn good! Alvida's ship was still pink and covered in hearts!
I could gush for hours about everything I liked. There were like a few tiny nitpicks, some of the child actors weren't the greatest (Usopp and Kuina's being the worst ones), Usopp didn't get as many important scenes in Syrup village (though he did get a nice scene where he refuses to leave Kaya even after she slaps him and accuses him of lying about Klahador/Kuro, and they also kind of made up for not having more big scenes for him by giving Nami some extra development with Kaya in a way that fit with both their characters and storys. It was cute!), they left Hachi out of Arlong's Park which could impact his story later on (if they ever get that far 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞), which kinda sucks because I've always loved his redemption story. But aside from that honestly, I have very few criticisms. This felt like it was made by people who love One Piece and wanted to share it with both fans who have always wanted to see the world and characters they love in real life, as well a new audience that might otherwise have never gotten to see it. What few changes they made were ones that made sense for condensing the story, adjusting for the change in genre and medium, and they all still fit the world and didn't actually sacrifice the important aspects of canon. And they captured the heart and essence of the story, world, and characters so well it almost feels like a dream.
Like, we all got so used to live action adaptations falling short of that, of missing what makes the originals work. But the One Piece live action feels like it gets it, like above everything else the strawhats are a family, and Luffy is the embodyment of joy, and freedom, and the pursuit of dreams, and letting yourself just believe for once in something bigger than yourself even when you're a very small fish in a very big pond. The attention to detail, all the little references and foreshadowing and stuff in the backgrounds. The casting was mind bogglingly good, even minor characters like Sham and Buchi were so good and had so much character and life to them. Even with the characters they mostly had to leave out due to pacing and time constraints, just their designs alone were given so much attention. Like the Mayor of Orange town, or Patty, or Gin, who were only briefly shown in reduced roles, but were still so instantly recognisable. And the wacky designs of the manga were adapted to live action so well I was flabbergasted at how well they worked and how good they looked even though they barely toned down any of their weirdness or goofiness.
I was initially worried about the main characters saying or doing things that felt out of character, especially my boy Luffy, but there was never a moment where I felt like they weren't their characters. Sure, they weren't exact 1 to 1 copies since a lot of the Japanese dialogue would sound stilted in English without an adjustment, even the typical translated versions are more attuned to the sensibilities of people who are used to reading or hearing translated dialogue, so there were obvious adjustments that had to be made to the way some characters talked and the lines they said, but they made it work and feel right for this version of the story, and the characters still felt like themselves in all the ways that mattered.
Iñaki as Luffy was amazing, I am so happy with his performance. He really embodied the charm and cheer and charisma of Luffy perfectly. I got to fall in love with Luffy's character all over again with him and that is such a gift to get to experience that more than once 😭😭😭😭
God. I'm so emotional. I wanted this to be good so badly. I wanted this, of all series to escape the live action anime curse, because I knew if any could, it would be One Piece. And it was even better than I'd hoped. Was it perfect? Probably not, but I don't care. There wasn't a single moment where I wasn't enjoying myself and having fun, and that was all I wanted was to have fun while watching. It captured that feeling of the east blue arc, the nostalgia, so well.
If I gush any more this post will be way too fucking long. There are obviously more things I could talk about and comment on but I have to stop at some point or else I'll be writing this post forever lmao.
I will be reblogging stuff about the live action obviously, so reminder that my spoiler tag is gonna be "OPLA spoilers"
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make-me-imagine · 4 months
One Piece (Live Action) Requests: OPEN
I keep feeling the desire to write, but not much is sparking my creativity. So I thought I would open requests for OPLA and see how it goes.
Notes: I am writing specifically for the characters in the live action, and though ages are not mentioned in what I write usually, I write them as with the intention of them being Aged Up to over 20 years old (closer to actors actual ages vs the character ages in the anime/series).
Who I Will Write For (in preference order):
What You Can Request *I'm more in the mood for shorter easy-to-write stuff, so more plot detailed requests might not get written
Basic Rules
No NSFW/Smut
No pregnancy/child fics
2-3 prompts max please
Gn!Reader Inserts (no character x character ships)
Other more detailed rules/preferences (here)
Prompts: *these are just suggested, you do not need to use them
“Just please open your eyes.”
“Wake up. You have to wake up. Please. For me.”
“You almost died and you’re making jokes?”
“I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I’m not leaving you here.”
“I know you’re tired, but you have to stay awake.”
“You would risk letting all those people die for one person? Why?” “Because it’s not just one person…it’s you.”
“Please tell me that’s not your blood.”
“You shouldn’t be with them, you should be with me.”
“I’m so cold. Why is it so cold?”
“I just cant see myself ever living without you.”
“If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
“If I asked you to stay, would you?”
"All I’ve ever wanted was a place to belong. Somewhere I could call home. And you gave me that. Because you are my home.”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“I wasn’t sure what love really felt like until I met you.”
“Maybe if you stopped staring at them and actually talked to them, you might have a chance.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I try, you’re always on my mind”
“How long have you had this planned?” “Since the moment I fell in love with you.”
“You came all the way here for me?”
“Why are you staring at me?” “Because I think you’re beautiful.”
“I saw you looking at it last time we were in the store together, so I got it for you.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before.”
“At least it couldn’t get any worse.” “I really wish you hadn’t said that.”
“In case you haven’t heard, there is a bounty on your head.” “Is that why you’re here? To kill me and take the bounty?” “No. I’m here to protect you.”
“What happened to your hand?” “I hit my hand on something.” “On what?” “Your ex’s face.”
“What could go wrong?” *something immedietely goes wrong*
“Are you here to kill me?” “No, I’m here to save you.”
“I thought I was the one saving you?” “Then do a better job next time.”
“Why do you have that look on your face?” “I’m deciding whether or not I’m going to kill you.” Alternate response: “I’m deciding whether or not I want to kiss you, or kill you.”
“You’re not scared of me?” “Should I be?”
“Don’t ever do that to me again.”
“Did you just…save me?” “You’re surprised?” “Well seeing as you are usually the one trying to kill me, yeah, kind of.”
Scenario Prompts:
Huddled together to keep warm.
Fall asleep in same bed, on opposite sides, wake up in each others arms.
Hands brush as you stand next to each other, you think it’s on accident until their hands gentle wrap around yours.
Shielding the other with their body to save/protect them.
Caught staring too many times for it to be a coincidence.
Size difference hug; they engulf you.
You refuse to leave so they pick you up and throw you over their shoulder.
Bandaging the other and then kissing the injury gently.
A and B meet randomly, B finds out A is on an important mission or quest and decides to go with them to protect them/watch over them.
Cloudgazing or Stargazing together, as you lie next to each other, their hand slips into yours.
A and B realizing they were holding hands the entire time the moment they had to let go. (after getting scared, nervous, frightened, etc.)
Accidental confession during heat of the moment/fight.
Person A has a hidden power, Person B finds out.
Person A falls asleep, instead of waking them, Person B carries them to bed.
Person A is in love with Person B. B is also in love with A. But somehow, they are both convinced that the other is in love with Person C, who is completely oblivious to all of it.
Person A is hiding an injury, no one finds out until they collapse.
Turning around, and suddenly being met with a kiss.
A is alone and hurt badly, they can talk to B through an earpiece/phone. Eventually A stops talking and B thinks they lost them. But they find them alive.
Headcanon Prompts:
Crush: How would they act with a crush, do they pine?
Relationship: General Relationship Headcanons
Intimacy: How they show intimacy; physical and not.
Confession: When and how they admit their feelings for you
The moment(s) they realize they have feelings for you (pre-relationship)
The moment(s) they realize they are in love with you (established relationship)
Cuddling: Do they cuddle, how do they, when do they, etc
Kissing: Do they like kissing, how do they kiss, when, etc.
Love Languages: What is their receiving and giving love language (and how do they show it)
Jealousy: How they act when they are jealous, what would make them jealous, etc. (before and/or during the relationship)
Protective: Are they protective? How they show it. Etc.
Taking care of them when they are hurt.
Them taking care of you when you are hurt.
Friends > Lovers
Love: Ways they say or show they love you.
P.S: Bloodhounds Requests are still open as well.
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danwhobrowses · 10 months
One Piece Live Action - OP Fan Review
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So it's finally time.
We waited on bated breath and anticipation to see if Oda's masterwork could in fact translate to live action, much less Netflix live action. Titles such as Death Note and Cowboy Bebop have caused sincere fears that it would not go so well, but with Oda in the production there was hope, and now we see if it's rewarded.
Knowing that this is an adaptation and they were covering most of East Blue's saga in 8 episodes there will of course be differences. But whether or not they work remained to be seen, so let's talk about it.
Spoilers for One Piece, both Live Action and manga/anime because there will be overlap to discuss
First and foremost we will need to pour one out for those who didn't make the cut; Woop Slap, Ripper, Ritchie (referenced but not seen), Gaimon, Django (he had a poster but not a presence), the Usopp pirates, Johnny and Yosaku, Carne, that fly in Fullbody's soup, Pearl, Moocy, and most surprisingly Hachi. It's a shame to not see them (also 3 future-warlords in the audience of Roger's execution) but I can understand them...minus Hachi he's kinda an important connective piece in the long run. Also no Usopp Hammer or Usopp Rubber Band, the sacrilege!
So as far as adaptations go though this was really good. Opinions are of course subjective, so a lot of fans are welcome to say that Live Action has done arcs better than the manga/anime, but I'd say it's either as good or a little less, but that's nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of people who haven't watched or read One Piece get a nice introduction of almost the first 100 chapters/45 episodes, which contrary to the memes of 'yeah One Piece gets good at episode 629' should be enough to whet people's appetites to see if they wanna take the plunge.
Of course, change is scary and sometimes not accepted, so not all the changes made were ones I liked, at least as much as the original source. I kinda feel like we did a few characters dirty; Makino (no flirtatious chemistry with Shanks? come on), the Orange Town Mayor, Mohji, Chouchou (again, I get it, can't really get animals to act so easily), Fullbody, Gin, Krieg, Genzo, and Nojiko did have a bit more to do in the source material but often only got one scene or lacked the same spark they had. Also the amount of death was surprising, I get most of it but at the same time killing off Merry (and recontextualizing how the Going Merry was named by not having Merry be its creator even with the lore change that Syrup village makes ships) does kinda leave Kaya even more alone, in the original at least she had him and the Usopp pirates for company. While Buggy as a character is awaiting praise later down the line I will have to say that his role beyond episode 2 was a bit lackluster, he was never gonna help the crew for sure but it was weird for him to just saunter away from Arlong Park, I also feel like we could've better explained Devil Fruits and water's effect on DF users, because it is a very big misconception by those on the outside that Luffy simply loses his powers when hit by a splash of water, rather than his strength being sapped when more than half-submerged; rain, splashing waves, that doesn't effect DF users that way, and it's not like it's an off switch Luffy could still stretch while in water it's just harder to do so. It was also a shame not to have Shanks and Buggy's backstory shown. The CGI did have some rough moments too, I was not too much of a fan of how they did Kuro's pussyfooting (no you don't understand it's literally called the pussy foot technique) in episode 3, episode 4 was better, I felt that Luffy vs Arlong relied a bit too much on it too. Zoro's flashback was oddly placed in episode 4, given how it's more fitting as a build up to Zoro vs Mihawk, also felt like the context of Zoro losing to Kuina 2001 times in a row was sorely missed in that flashback. I will also have to admit that while the costuming is great, there is a very glaring case of it being very easy to spot the important characters from the crowd.
Some changes I was more than fine with, Alvida changing her call to most powerful makes sense since insulting her appearance wouldn't really go down too well, Zoro could've been a bit more mellow but he still played the edgy deadpan guy well...at least until Luffy eventually wears down his brain cells, and as cool as the Mr. 7 fight was it does not help debunk those 'minority hunter' memes. Changing Sham's gender worked pretty well too, the actress wore the look very well, and though people were a little let down that Benn Beckman is not super handsome I didn't have a problem with his look.
Of the changes I liked more it's probably that we saw more of Nami growing vulnerable to the crew, sure in turn we lost her fake-stabbing Usopp and grabbing a lit fuse but we got her bonding with Kaya and staunchly try to convince Zoro not to fight Mihawk - whereas in the anime/manga she had already ran off with the Merry - plus I feel like we got more friendship between her and Zoro at this stage, it's not that they didn't get along but I do feel like Zoro's dismissal in the live action is almost tied to feeling a little hurt by her betrayal. I enjoyed and was surprised with how much Garp we got, and how much he and Koby interacted with Luffy this early, since while we get the cover story of Koby-Meppo it's more it's own thing and we don't even learn of Garp's relation to Luffy until about 3 more sagas (sagas, not arcs, sagas), but it did help flesh out Koby's character more and his own character growth in parallel to Luffy. Think the change I was most approving of was confirming Kaya x Usopp, like she loves that liar so much so it was sweet to see a kiss in there, no romance my ass Oda, I also liked that they made it that Kuro was poisoning Kaya, since her original illness suddenly going away was a bit strange.
Every major character in this show translated very well to their characters in the source, even if they are a little different in some traits. Inaki as Luffy is a perfect fit, being equal parts charismatic, serious when necessary and aloof, he handled the big pressure that would've come with a character of Luffy's character in fantastic stride. The other crewmates were of course very well casted too, having wonderful chemistry with each other, as were their child counterparts, but I found myself most impressed by the villains; Morgan, Helmeppo and Kuro especially surprised me by how well they came across, Jeff Ward as Buggy was always gonna be a perfect fit in my mind too, given how much I saw of him in Agents of SHIELD. Arlong did take a bit of time to grow, but I can't deny he does the laugh perfectly. Side characters such as Kaya and Zeff also impressed me, having been given a bit more content to chew on in their stories, and Shanks did soothe my worries I had from the trailer by being jovial and true to character.
The biggest positive impression I got from One Piece was the sense of wonder and vibrancy, the settings were all wonderfully crafted with care and style fitting to Oda's vision, I particularly liked the added carnival entertainment stands in Arlong Park to better reflect its homage to Sabaody Park, the same can be said with costuming - referencing previous colour spreads - and motifs like the bounty poster introductions and the leitmotifs of characters like Buggy, Arlong and the Straw Hats, plus the instrumental of 'We Are' is wonderful. Most important is that the moments landed, especially Shanks giving the Straw Hat, the barrel scene, and Nami asking for help, but we also crafted some newer subtle moments, such as Luffy being drawn to the Merry and pitching to Kaya regarding it, and Zeff and Garp's conversation. Easter eggs were also hidden well enough to not be blatant to non-fans but rewarding to those who know.
So yeah, it was very much a huge success, one I hope will be translated in its positive reviews and viewership. If there's a second season I'd anticipate that we'd cover Loguetown and the Alabasta saga, but with that comes more castings I do not envy the team to find, because outside of campaigns for Jamie Lee-Curtis to play Kureha there are a ton of big and iconic players in those arcs that'll need perfect casting to pull off; Ace, Crocodile, Vivi, Bon Clay, and Tashigi (since you'll have to have a comparison with Kuina's actress) is tough enough but we're also gonna have to make the 'puppet or CGI' decision with Chopper and somehow cast the most beautiful woman on the planet to play Nico Robin. Then perhaps Season 4 (providing they do the Skypeia saga all in Season 3, only needing to cast one to three properly big players depending on whether they have Shanks meet a certain someone) they'll have to struggle with even more casting difficulties.
Still, if they're up for the challenge go ahead and do it, I'll be there for Season 2 if they're willing to make it.
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sillypiratelife · 5 months
Speedrunning in 1.5x the Mihawk vs Zoro fight in the one piece live action. The choreography was good, I'll give you that, but the rest?
It felt... Empty.
Not on the straw hats part. I was shouting and crawling in agony all over my room when Nami took Ussop's hand. The show did an amazing job showing how much they cared.
To be fair, there was no way to capture or even translate that scene. To see the man who cut through 50 ships in a second, to see him arrive and cut a while in half, to see him stand and say he was bored and to hear Zeff talk about him and see Zoro jump to face him—
In that moment, Luffy was not what mattered the most. For once he had to stand and watch, the enemy and the allies completely focused on Zoro. It's like everyone stopped breathing. It's also the way Zoro's reputation was a heavy thing on the East Blue, he was not presenting himself or just bragging about his abilities, random people were looking at him wide-eyed in amazement. Zoro was the protagonist for a few panels there.
He was also not only thinking about Kuina, but about the straw hats, about Johnny and Yosaku, all the people who believed he would succeed in his goal. He couldn't step back not only because of his vow to Kuina, but for all of them. Mihawk saw it and he actually smiled. Insane little man, Zoro could really do whatever he wanted if he was given the chance.
Mihawk introduction to the story is supposed to show you the real power of the Grand Line. He fights Zoro with that in mind. He asks if he's naive or ignorant, but Zoro is only ambitious. Right then Zoro learns how strong he must be, they all must be in fact, if they want to survive the Grand Line.
There's soooooooooooo much going on in that fight. The manga and the anime makes you think Mihawk is fascinated with Zoro and Luffy, later.
Compared to them... The live action felt hollow. Mihawk looked bored the entire time, even when he said Zoro was "fascinating". His focus was on Luffy from the beginning, taking away a bit of the impact of it being Zoro's moment. Zoro had to painfully present himself, he acted a bit like an asshole to Nami before and the absence of Sanji pains me, because his reaction was one of my favorite things from those panels.
I think it's the first time I can say that I didn't like what the live action did.
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karkaday · 10 months
I've watched the one piece live action and as a looong time fan i have some thoughts™
I think it generally went better than i expected. Two of the main selling points of the original show are the world and the characters. So i was really happy to see that the sets were really well made and with a lot of attention to detail. The crew dynamics were also really fun and mostly similar to canon with few differences that do quite well with the flow of the story
Before watching the show i had some concerns after the trailer with Luffy's "i sense some tension among the crew". I feared that their personalities would be too catered towards one-liners and funny quips but I'm happy with the ones the showrunners decided to add
Obviously the main constraints of the show were money and time (8 episodes are really not enough for the East Blue saga). Detailed review under "Keep reading" (WARNING: contains spoilers for the live action and references to manga events that have been handled differently)
However, i really liked the way they handled Shells Town and Orange Town. Getting Nami into the crew together with Zoro allowed for a more streamlined version of events and a better delivery of emotions for the buggy fight (the scene when Nami sees what remains of Orange Town hits hard when you know what happened to the villages in the Conomi Islands). Buggy being more twisted in the live action was an understandable choice to give us more satisfaction at his defeat
I personally am not a big fan of Syrup Village arc in the manga/anime and (maybe because of that) i liked how the live action turned it into a murder mystery inside the mansion. Maybe it's also because i enjoyed both Usopp and Kaya a whole lot more in the live action, giving them more personality other than them being just the cowardly liar and the frail girl. (Obviously Usopp gets more development later in the manga but he was not very likable in the original Syrup Village arc)
Baratie (my favorite set in the whole live action) has the amazing fight between Mihawk and Zoro and i love how they shot that. However, choosing to skip Don Krieg's fight with the strawhats undermined Sanji's conflict about chasing his dream vs staying with his father Zeff to repay his debt towards him. He kinda joins just because Luffy was the first pirate he saw rather than being hit by Luffy's and Zoro's conviction towards their dreams
I get why they removed the fight (too expensive for little payoff in terms of plot advancement) but in the manga it was one of the first moments where the audience (through Zeff and Sanji) sees that Luffy is not just a goofy guy but that his resolve and his determination can deeply move people
Instead we got Arlong invading Baratie and fighting against Luffy bringing forth one of my biggest complaints about the show: Luffy should have been a much better fighter than that. In the manga he was basically just having fun against Morgan and against Buggy but in the live action he struggled against both which didn't sit well with me. And then he gets beaten handily by Arlong at Baratie, again undermining his fighting skills
The actor for Arlong was really compelling wich was a saving grace because he didn't look that scary with the oversized prosthetic for the head (which was really well made) on top of his regular human body. They should have made his body look bigger with either practical effects or cgi. It doesn't matter how beefy a man can get, manga Arlong is gigantic by human standards and very well built on top of that. One piece characters have crazy proportions and the live action should have taken that into account when they decided to actually make the show
Then we get to Cocoyasi village where (to save time?) the showrunners decided that the people, Nojiko and Genzo in particular, didn't know about Nami's deal with Arlong to save the village. The village pretending to hate Nami because they didn't want to put pressure on her was a really touching moment in the manga and I don't think they should have removed it
I really loved Emily Rudd's performance for the "Help me" moment. It was the peak emotional point of the whole saga and she completely nailed it (even if it was undermined by the lack of Nami's realization that her village had been relying on her the whole time like i said in the previous point)
Now i have to talk about the b plot with the marines. I understand why they decided that Coby was the second main character after Luffy. He feels more like a regular human inserted into a wacky world, allowing the audience to resonate better with him than with Luffy. Personally I'm not a fan of Coby as a character, especially pre-timeskip, but it was nice to follow his and Helmeppo's growth even if they have too much screen time while basically doing nothing of actual substance for the plot.
This leads to my biggest complaint about the live action (and most of the one piece fanbase agrees with me). Whoever decided to change Garp's role and personality in the story has done a great disservice to the show. Having him being the one to lead Roger's execution was immediately a red flag for me and they followed through with the later episodes
He didn't feel neither like a legendary character nor like someone who falls asleep while on the job. By this point in the manga we didn't know who he was (Luffy's grandfather and the hero of the marines), hence why he was allowed to be a gag character without feeling weird. In the live action, his goofiness was reduced to him starting to laugh out of nowhere which felt more alienating than endearing
Then his final scene in the live action was used kind of like a plot twist to show that he was just testing Luffy. Some people would say this redeemed his character but to me it was even more annoying. He was testing Luffy to see if he was ready to be a pirate?! Garp?! (Are they planning to change the climax of the whole pre-timeskip show?!) And he sends Mihawk to do so?
I understand why they revealed him to be Luffy's grandfather in the first season but, if they are planning to make other seasons, what are they planning for the original moment of the revelation? Will Garp pop into the story again for the lore dump with the new designs for Coby and Helmeppo? Or will we follow them again?
All in all i'd say a solid 8/10 which is more than what i expected
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tori-reacts · 1 year
One Piece Live Action Trailer Review
Ok I’m gonna start off by saying I am so excited for this adaptation, and I absolutely adore the cast from the behind the scenes glimpses we’ve gotten. Anyways, here are my thoughts on the first official trailer.
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Luffy and the Going Merry! Merry looks absolutely adorable.
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I am genuinely obsessed with the Baratie design. AND seeing glimpses of this arc make me so excited for the Zoro vs. Mihawk fight, I’m really looking forward to it.
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Zoro and Nami! From the little clip of them bickering, I can say I think they captured the dynamic perfectly. And the clips of Zoro fighting actually look really cool. I will say I was worried about fight scenes going in, and the Gum Gum Pistol made me cringe just a teeny tiny bit BUT i have faith.
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Guys please don’t hate me, but I hate this. Why is he scary?? Buggy is a silly little gag character clown. Idk maybe it will grow on me, but I will say this is my least favorite bit of the trailer.
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Some Sanji pics. Although I understand casting decisions, it will take some getting used to seeing Sanji like this being he is 19 in the original story at this time. And no twirly brow :( Zoro and Sanji can’t have their gay little bickering with Marimo and Curly Brow.
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Let me just say I LOVE Usopp’s adaptation and actor. This is by far my favorite selection of the main crew, he looks so GOOD! Super excited to see him more being that he wasn’t in the trailer very much.
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Lastly, we have the iconic declaring dreams scene! Overall, this trailer has me super excited for what’s to come, and although I have some minor criticisms, as a whole I feel like it’s doing justice to the original story. On a scale 1-10, I would say this is about an 8 for me! Stay tuned for more content about this Netflix adaptation as we go on this journey through the East Blue together!
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brainrotcharacters · 9 months
rewatching episode 5: zoro's foolishisms (bold, italicized, underlined)
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they'll call you shish kebab in a second after mihawk is done with you
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tlamodblog · 10 months
Live Action One Piece
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I watched it all. Thoughts below
First: It is different. Of course. The story is condensed and something like 40-50 hours worth of anime time is squeezed into ~5 hours. However, the flow is EXCEPTIONAL. Some minor character's roles were cut for the main antagonists, for example Don Krieg doesnt fight Luffy and is replaced by someone else... but we STILL get the Mihawk vs Zoro fight.
A lot of emphasis is placed on each Strawhat's childhood, everyone gets a time to shine and it works really well. Something new they added was a "lingering" Marine threat, which the East Blue saga did not have. But you know what... it works. In the manga we do get a concurrent story narrative oh what happened while Luffy et co we're dealing with everything up to Enies Lobby regarding (the new threat). And I am glad it got this character growth concurrently with actual story, albeit complete different timings for character introductions. IT FEELS WEIRD, but I actually think it works well for a TV adaptation.
Finally... the visuals. It's pretty good. Not quite Avengers good, but definitely not Justice League or Batman vs Superman bad. I would argue the worst thing about the show is the music... it 's an original score, and bar the adaptation of "We Are" cues here and there, I could definitely do with less. It's not bad, just not the same. OP has great tension music and I just wish they used it more.
Overall I'd give it a 9/10. The casting is perfect... it really is PERFECT.
Shanks, Mihawk, Zoro, Ussop, Nami, everything is VERY well casted. And I genuinely think we have a great live action Luffy. My only really tiny tiny nitpick is Sanji not being french enough; I know it sounds weird but I really did expect a slightly more pronounced french ambience to him. Especially when he called out his big finisher in ep7, it just didnt sound right. Still good, just off.
But, thats it. Go watch it. Definitely worth it!
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findroleplay · 9 months
— hey there! i’m in search of a fandom roleplay at the moment.🤍
i am more than happy to double up for these fandoms! and i would love to also have them take place around the same time to give our ocs opportunities to interact as well. here are the fandoms i am currently looking for as well as the characters i would like to ship with my oc! (yes this is an ocxcc rp!) i am also happy to play just about any character from any of these fandoms for you :).
fandoms i am currently looking for:
Shameless (U.S.) — i’m on season 7 right now and would love someone to play Lip Gallagher for my oc! i have a wiki for her set and everything ready.
MHA/BNHA — currently on season 3 and just finished the All For One vs. All Might fight (peak fight might i add). there’s quite a few characters i am looking for in this fandom so just let me know who you feel most comfortable playing! Shoto Todoroki, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Enji Todoroki/Endeavour (don’t kill me please but i have so many ideas with Enji😩), Tenya Iida. those are the main characters i’m looking for as of right now! (i have two different ocs, both of age with their respective partners)
One Piece (Anime) — i haven’t seen the live action yet so please don’t ask for a live action version! that being said i just started the Water 7 Arc so i’ve just met the Franky Family. with that here are some characters from the OP Anime i’m looking for: Vinsmoke Sanji, Zoro, Dracule Mihawk, Portgas D. Ace.
now for some rules of mine! i write the minimum four paragraphs (AT LEAST). i love writing details and details, especially for One Piece that we can have so much world building in it. please be around the same. i know sometimes we just can’t find anything to write and that’s completely fine with me, we just talk it out then ^^.
i would love to incorporate nsfw BUT only if you are 18+ like myself; and it can’t take over the entire roleplay. a good 50/50 at least so everyone is happy.
my only trigger is sexual scenarios involving bodily fluids (blood, piss, vomit, etc) or involving animals or very young kids. other than that i am open to discussing any and everything else!
i do rp on Discord so if you would prefer to move there just tell me! like and I’ll get back to everyone as soon as i possibly can. 🤍
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melonteee · 8 months
I think you have to think from a budget perspective when it comes to OPLA. In a podcast, the showrunners and producer literally admitted that they had plans and a version of the script that included Don Krieg on Baratie and Hatchan vs Zoro fight. The show runner explained what the fight between Hatchan vs Zoro would have looked like and they literally had sketches of Hatchan’s live action design (you can see glimpses of it in the promo/behind the scenes videos) but they weren’t able to have that due to budget constraints and the amount of cgi they would have to do for Hatchan.
What are they gonna prioritize more when it comes to the use of cgi? Which fight is important? Hatchan vs Zoro or Luffy vs Arlong. I think the choice is pretty obvious.
With over 20 million dollars per ep somehow I don't think that would've been much of a problem anon, and if there were 'restraints' to add important characters in - such as Hachi - then that all the more hammers home my question of WHAT is this live action even trying to DO for One Piece apart from being an advertisement for the original? Hachi isn't a character who exists just for a fight, he exists to be a good guy caught in a bad crowd, who comes back around chapters later and holds HUGE importance for both Sabaody and Fishman Island. He's literally the one Arlong Pirate who really NEEDS to be there, and HE'S the one they removed??
And for the Baratie, they prioritised Zoro's fight with Mihawk - deciding THAT was more important - instead of prioritising Sanji's own story regarding Gin, Don Krieg and the Baratie. Doesn't that sound like they just don't CARE to tell Sanji's story because it's not 'important' enough??
The fact they originally WANTED Hachi and dropped it for 'budget constraints' feels like a "This is too hard to figure out, let's just focus on the fights" copout to me.
It seems to me like their priorities were in the wrong place, the action felt to be of more importance than character or story, and it feels disingenuous to blame the removal of characters like Hachi and Don Krieg on budget and 'cgi restraints' when this whole series is, apparently, now THE most expensive tv series ever made - beating out game of thrones. This series wasn't an indie made fan project, it was a million dollar production created by one of the biggest streaming companies in the world.
If they wanted Hachi or wanted to include Don Krieg, they could've done it easily. But let's say, if not even THAT much money can make a character like HACHI a reality, OR can't even give Sanji swirly eyebrows (???) then why is a live action even being adapted if it can't keep and improve on the original source?
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q-ueen-potato · 9 months
How I think it was the time passage on the One Piece live action.
*Episode 1*
May 5th
2 pm: Luffy's first scene
5 pm : Barrel scene
May 6th
7 am: Barrel scene and Alvida's attack
10 am: Barrel is taken from the sea
9pm - 11pm: Luffy and Koby meet and Luffy vs Alvida
11 pm: Zoro vs Mr.7
May 7th
9am: Luffy and Koby talk
10 am: Nami steals the boat
May 15th
12 am: Luffy and Koby arrive shells town
1 pm: The bar fight.
2 pm: Zoro and Morgan deal
10 pm: Luffy and Koby 2° talk
May 22th
10 am: Helmepoo provokes Zoro
12:00 : Nami break into the marine base, Luffy talks with Zoro
12:40: Nami looks for the map and meet Luffy
1:20 pm: Zoro find Helmepoo
1:40 pm: Luffy, Nami and Zoro vs Marines
2:30 pm: Luffy, Nami and Zoro leaves Shells town
Offscreen time: 15 days
Onscreen time: 3 days
Time total: 18 days
*Episode 2*
May 25th
2 am: Nami opens the safe
2:30 am: the crew is kidnapped
10 am: Luffy, Nami and Zoro woke up at the circus, Nami tries to run away.
10:10 am: Buggy starts 'torturing' Luffy.
10:20 am: Cabaji appears
11 am: Buggy put Luffy on the water tank
11:20 am Luffy woke up in the water tank
11: 30 am: Zoro and Nami escapes
11:35 am: Luffy escapes
12:00 : Garp gives his speech
2 pm: Luffy, Nami and Zoro leaves Orange town
3:10 pm: Nami fixed Luffy's hat
Offscreen time: 3 day
On screen time: 13 hours
Total time: 3 day and 13 hours.
*Episode 3*
August 20th
7 am: Usopp tells the pirates are coming, Luffy shows Zoro and Nami the flag he made.
9 am: Luffy, Nami and Zoro arrives at Syrup vilage.
9:10 am: Luffy meet Going Merry and Usopp
2 pm: Luffy meet Kaya
August 22th
12:00 : Usopp tells Kaya a story
3 pm: Kuro serves the 'tea'
5 pm: The party started.
6 pm: dinner is served
6:30 pm: Luffy's speech
8 pm: Merry dies
9 pm: Zoro wake up
10 pm: Luffy, Zoro and Usopp talk in the kitchen while Nami and Kaya talk on her room
11 pm: Zoro and Usopp find Merry, Zoro is attacked and Usopp runs
11: 10 am: Usopp tells there pirates but no one belives
Offscreen time: 2 months and 29 days
On screen time: 16 hours and 10 minutes(total, with 2 days break)
Total Time: 3 months, 16 hours and 10 minutes
*Episode 4*
August 22th
11:30 pm: Zoro wake up, Nami finds Luffy, Usopp takes the marines to the Manor
11: 40 pm: Nami knock out Sham, Usopp tells Kaya about Kuro.
August 23th
00:00: Kuro starts the attack
00: 10: Nami finds Kaya and Usopp
3 am: Zoro escapes and find Luffy
4:20 am: Zoro vs Buchi and Sham
4:40 am: Luffy vs Kuro
6 am: end of the battle.
7 am: Kaya gives them the Going Merry
11 am: Luffy, Nami, Zoro and Usopp leaves Syrup Village
11:10 am : Garp attacks them
Total Time: 11 hours and 30 minutes
*Episode 5*
August 23th
11:10 am: Garp attacks them
12:50 : they see Baratie
1:20 pm: starts eating
3: 20 pm: finish eating
3:40 pm: Luffy starts working
8 pm: Usopp, Nami and Zoro are at bar
8:30 pm: Luffy and Sanji talk about all blue, Gin appears
9:10 pm: Usopp dances, Nami and Zoro drink together
11 pm: Usopp talks with Mihawk, Zoro challenges Mihawk to a fight.
11:20 pm: Crew meeting
August 24th
7 am: Nami almost run away
8 am: Zoro and Mihawk duel
8: 20 am: Zoro does his promise
Total time: 22 hours
*Episode 6*
August 24th
8:40 am: Zeff helps save Zoro
August 25th
10 am: Mihawk talks with Garp
11 am: Sanji cooks for Luffy, Usopp and Nami
12:20: Nami and Zoro argue, Garp talks with Koby
2 pm: Arlong arrives the Baratie
2:10 pm: Nami tells them about Arlong
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm: Baratie fight
2:30 pm: Nami leaves
2:33 pm: Sanji saves Luffy
4 pm: Sanji and Zeff argue
August 26th
9 am : Zoro wake up
12:00: Sanji joins the crew, They leave the Baratie
Total time: 2 days and 2 hours
*Episode 7*
August 28th
12:00 : Buggy annoys the crew, they arrived to Conomi Island
12:30: Nami talks with Arlong
1 pm: Garp arrives to the Baratie, Luffy arrives to Cocoyashy Village
2 pm: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp talks with Nojiko
7 pm: Arlong Park party, Nojiko tells her story
8 pm: Luffy and Zoro talk, Nezumi and Arlong talk
8:30 pm: Helmepoo and Koby drink together
9 pm: Garp leaves the Baratie
9:20 pm: Nojiko finds Nami
August 29th
00:00: Nezumi steals Nami
00: 20: Arlong put fire on the village
00: 40: Nami asks for help
Offscreen time: 2 days
On-screen time: 12 hours and 40 minutes
Total time: 2 days, 12 hours and 40 minutes
*Episode 8*
August 29 th
7 am: they see the damage Arlong did
7:20 am: Bogard takes Nezumi to talk with Garp
7:40 am: Arlong Park fight
9 am: Arlong Park crumble
8 pm: Cocoyoshi Village party
11 pm: Garp arrives, Garp vs Luffy
August 30th
7 am: Nami says goodbye to Bellemere, Luffy and Koby talk
7:30 am: Luffy shows his bounty
10 am: Usopp shows the Jolly Roger
12:00: The barrel promise
Total time: 1 day.
Season 1 total time: around 3 months, 29 days, 5 hours and 20 minutes
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