#one sun one world one grid
I love how in 1999 lots of people thought the world was going to change a significant amount because of the change in tech from 19 to 20. However no one I know irl knows about what is basically the next carrington event. I think it’s like June or July of next year
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chillyfeetsteak · 4 months
I first became fascinated with it a few years ago when I noticed it out an airplane window on a flight from Texas to Southern California. In an expanse of endless desert, suddenly, a vast body of water. When I got home, I immediately looked it up on a map. The Salton Sea.
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It’s the largest landlocked body of water in California. It sits right on top of the San Andreas Fault at over 200 feet below sea level. It is more than twice as salty as the Pacific Ocean. It is completely toxic. And I had never heard of it before then.
(photo essay under the cut)
In the early 1900s the Colorado River was diverted through a series of irrigation canals in order to provide water for the farmlands of Imperial Valley. One of the head-gates broke during a flood, and the desert basin filled with water for 2 years before it was fixed. The unexpected lake soon became a popular vacation destination; it was stocked with fish, and resorts and hotels popped up along its shores. It became known as a great place for sport fishing, waterskiing, and yacht parties. Big name celebrities visited. At one point, it had more annual visitors than Yosemite.
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Salton Sea has no outlet, and is only filled via agricultural runoff. As the water evaporated in the hot desert sun, the lake became more and more saline. Chemicals began to build up from the run off causing toxic algae blooms, and mass die-offs of fish and birds started in the 80s. By the 90s, the beaches were littered with fish gills and bird bones and the resorts were abandoned. The lake began to dry up as irrigation run-off was diverted away. The exposed lake bed is also toxic, and the high desert winds kick up the dust, making the air poisonous. 
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Despite the unpleasant odor, the noxious air and the summer temperatures regularly reaching 120°, a renaissance of sorts began in the early 2010s. Artist and nomad colonies began to spring up around Salton Sea. Bombay Beach, once a popular resort destination, is now mostly a ghost town, but the folks who remain have turned the ruins on the shores into an outdoor art installation gallery where the found-art sculptures are cyclically destroyed by the elements and then replaced with new ones. Many of the houses and RVs in town are themselves art pieces.
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In nearby Slab City, a settlement of off-the-grid lifestylers, you can find even more folk art. Salvation Mountain is a manmade hill painted with bright colors and bible verses and maintained by a community of volunteers. East Jesus is a sculpture garden and art installation. 
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This past weekend my partner and I finally made the pilgrimage to the Sea. California has the benefit of being home to a huge array of biomes. In just a couple of hours you can travel from snowy mountain peaks to lush oases to endless sand dunes. Driving the hour or so south from Palm Springs towards Salton Sea is like driving towards the end of the world.
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Bombay Beach especially enamored me. The beach is crusted with salt and millions of tiny shells and bones. It smells awful, like sewage and chemicals and low-tide and rotting fish. You drive out onto the beach and park anywhere amongst the sculptures and deteriorating resort ruins. The art feels raw in a way I haven’t experienced before. It reminds me of seeing paleolithic cave art. Humans made this, with no motivation other than to create something intriguing or beautiful or sad. Not much can live out here, but what you find fills me with a great adoration for humanity. Despite the asphyxiation of the natural world, the human spirit persists.
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pinkflower2003 · 12 days
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A Family's Victory - Max Verstappen x Reader
a/n: this is basically just pure fluff, i'm in that kinda mood so hope you all enjoy! I also love writing baby/child/pregnancy imagines so if you ever want one just send a request! Also ik the images are of Max’s nephew but just pretend it’s his son!
The sun was shining brightly over the Circuit de Monaco, casting a golden glow on the thousands of fans who had gathered to watch the prestigious Grand Prix. The atmosphere was electric, the air filled with the sounds of engines roaring, fans cheering, and the ever-present hum of excitement. This race was special—it was the final race of the season, and Max Verstappen had a chance to clinch the World Championship title.
In the RedBull section, Y/N Verstappen stood holding her son, Archie, on her hip. At five years old, Archie was the spitting image of his father, with the same striking blue eyes and an infectious smile that charmed everyone around him. Archie wore a miniature version of his father's racing suit, complete with the Red Bull logo and Verstappen’s number 1 on the back. Y/N adjusted Archie's cap, ensuring it fit snugly on his head, and kissed his cheek.
"Are you excited to see Daddy race, Archie?" she asked, her voice full of warmth.
Archie nodded enthusiastically, his eyes wide with anticipation. "Yeah, Mummy! Daddy’s gonna win, right?"
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with pride and hope. "I hope he will. Daddy’s been working really hard for this."
As they waited for the race to start, Y/N glanced at the massive screens displaying the pre-race coverage. The camera panned over the grid, capturing Max as he prepared for the race. Even through the screen, she could see the determination in his eyes, the focus that had brought him to this moment. She knew how much this race meant to him and to their family.
The national anthem played, and the drivers took their positions on the grid. Y/N held Archie tightly, whispering words of encouragement. "Let's cheer for Daddy, okay?"
Archie pumped his little fists in the air, shouting, "Go, Daddy, go!"
The race began with a thunderous roar, the cars speeding off the line in a blur of colour and sound. Y/N's heart raced along with the cars, her eyes never leaving the screen. She knew Max was in top form, but anything could happen in a race.
Lap after lap, Max maintained his position at the front, skilfully navigating the challenging circuit. The tension in the air was palpable as the race neared its conclusion. Y/N's grip on Archie's hand tightened, and she could feel her own breath quicken with each passing second.
As the final laps approached, the crowd's excitement reached a fever pitch. Max was still leading, but his closest rival was right behind him, pushing hard. Y/N's eyes were glued to the screen, her heart in her throat.
"Come on, Max," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the noise of the crowd. "You can do this."
Archie, sensing the intensity of the moment, clung to his mother, his eyes wide with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. "Mummy, is Daddy okay?"
Y/N forced a reassuring smile, her eyes never leaving the screen. "Daddy’s fine, sweetheart. He’s just racing really fast."
Finally, the checkered flag waved, and the crowd erupted into deafening cheers. Max had done it. He crossed the finish line first, securing the World Championship title. Tears of joy filled Y/N's eyes as she hugged Archie tightly, the overwhelming sense of pride and relief washing over her.
"Daddy won, Mummy! Daddy won!" Archie shouted, his face lighting up with pure joy.
"Yes, he did, Archie. Daddy’s the World Champion!" Y/N replied, her voice choked with emotion.
As the celebrations began on the track, Y/N and Archie were escorted down to the podium area. The atmosphere was electric, with fans chanting Max's name and waving flags. Y/N could see Max’s car parked in the winners' spot, and she felt a surge of love and pride for her husband.
Journalists and photographers swarmed the area, eager to capture the victorious moment. One of the journalists spotted Y/N and Archie, and made his way over to them, a friendly smile on his face.
"Mrs. Verstappen! Congratulations on Max’s win. This must be an incredibly proud moment for your family," the journalist said, his microphone pointed towards her, as Y/N carried on walking with Archie in her arms, trying to get to Max as quickly as possible.
"We’re beyond proud of Max. He’s worked so hard for this," Y/N replied, her eyes shining with pride. The journalist then turned his attention to Archie, crouching down to his level. "Hi there, young man. What's your name?"
Archie looked up at his mother for reassurance, and Y/N nodded encouragingly. "My name's Archie," he said confidently, his blue eyes sparkling.
"Archie, how do you feel about your daddy winning the race?" the journalist asked, his tone warm and inviting.
Archie beamed, his excitement evident. "I really happy! Daddy’s the best, just like lightening mcqueen! I love him so much, and I want to be just like him when I grow up!"
The crowd around them erupted in cheers, charmed by the young boy’s heartfelt declaration. The journalist smiled, clearly moved by Archie’s words. "That's wonderful, Archie. I’m sure your daddy is very proud of you, too."
As the interview concluded, Y/N felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Max, still in his racing suit, his face flushed with victory and emotion. He pulled her into a tight embrace, his eyes reflecting the love and joy she felt.
"We did it," Max whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
"You did it, Max. I’m so proud of you," Y/N replied, her voice trembling with pride and love.
Max then turned to Archie, taking him out of Y/N’s arms. "Hey, buddy. Did you see Daddy win?"
Archie wrapped his arms around Max’s neck, nodding vigorously. "I saw, Daddy! You were so fast! Just like Lightning McQueen! I want a car just like yours!"
Max laughed, his eyes twinkling with happiness. "Well, I had to make sure I won for you and Mummy."
As the podium ceremony began, Max carried Archie with him, determined to share this special moment with his son. The crowd roared with approval as Max ascended the steps, holding Archie tightly.
When Max reached the top step, he lifted Archie onto his shoulders, the little boy waving excitedly at the crowd. The other drivers and officials smiled at the heartwarming sight, and the cameras captured every moment.
As the national anthem played and the trophy was presented to Max, he held it high above his head, with Archie mimicking his every move. The crowd cheered louder, captivated by the touching display of fatherly love and pride.
"Daddy, look! I’m just like you!" Archie shouted, his voice carrying over the noise of the crowd.
Y/N watched from below, tears streaming down her face as she waved back at her son and husband. It was a moment she would treasure forever, a testament to the love and dedication that had brought them to this point.
After the ceremony, Max descended the podium, still carrying Archie on his shoulders. He made his way over to Y/N, his eyes shining with happiness.
"I couldn’t have done this without you," Max said, his voice filled with gratitude and love.
Y/N smiled, wiping away her tears. "We’re a team, Max. We always have been."
Max leaned down, kissing her deeply, the cheers of the crowd fading into the background. When they pulled apart, Archie clapped his hands, beaming with joy.
"Mummy, Daddy’s a champion!" he exclaimed, his excitement infectious.
"Yes, he is, Archie. And so are you," Y/N replied, her heart overflowing with love for her little family.
As they left the track together, hand in hand, Y/N felt a profound sense of contentment. The journey had been long and challenging, but moments like this made it all worthwhile. Max had achieved his dream, and they had done it together, as a family.
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The celebrations continued late into the night, with team members, friends, and family gathered to honour Max’s incredible achievement. The paddock was transformed into a vibrant party scene, filled with laughter, music, and endless congratulations.
Y/N, Max, and Archie mingled with the guests, their faces glowing with happiness. Archie was the star of the evening, charming everyone with his animated retelling of the race and how his dad had won the championship, and how he had helped his dad lift the trophy.
As the night wore on, Y/N found herself standing at the edge of the party, watching Max interact with their friends and colleagues. He was in his element, surrounded by people who admired and respected him. She couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride as she observed him.
Max caught her eye and made his way over, a glass of champagne in hand. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close.
"You okay, schat?" he asked, his voice soft and loving.
"I’m just so happy, Max. Seeing you achieve your dream… it’s everything," Y/N replied, her eyes shining with emotion.
Max leaned in, kissing her forehead. "I couldn’t have done it without you. You and Archie are my everything."
They stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, as the celebration continued around them. It was a perfect moment, a culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and love.
As the party began to wind down, Max scooped up a sleepy Archie, who had finally run out of energy. The little boy rested his head on his father’s shoulder, his eyes drooping.
"Let’s get him to bed," Y/N suggested, smiling at the sight of their exhausted son.
Max nodded, and they made their way back to their hotel, the sounds of the celebration fading into the background. Inside, they gently tucked Archie into bed, kissing him goodnight.
As they stood by his bedside, watching their son sleep, Max took Y/N’s hand in his. "Thank you for believing in me, for standing by me through everything."
"Always, Max. We’re a team, remember?" Y/N replied, squeezing his hand.
They left Archie’s room, closing the door quietly behind them. In the dim light of their living area, they sat down together, the weight of the day finally catching up with them.
Max pulled Y/N into his arms, holding her close. "I love you so much. This championship is as much yours as it is mine."
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with love. "I love you too, Max. And I’m so proud of you."
They sat there in silence for a while, savouring the peace and contentment that filled their hearts. The journey had been long and arduous, but they had reached their destination together.
Max stroked her hair, his touch gentle and soothing. "We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?"
"Yes, we have. And I wouldn’t change a single moment of it," Y/N replied, her voice filled with conviction.
They fell asleep in each other's arms, the events of the day playing over and over in their minds. It had been a day of triumph, love, and unbreakable bonds. And as they drifted off to sleep, they knew that whatever the future held, they would face it together, as a family.
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The next morning, the sun rose over Monaco, casting a warm glow over the city. The remnants of the previous night's celebration were still visible, but the paddock was slowly coming back to life. It was a new day, filled with new possibilities.
Y/N woke up to the sound of Archie’s giggles. She opened her eyes to see Max and Archie playing on the bed, their laughter filling the room. It was a beautiful sight, one that filled her heart with joy.
"Good morning," Max greeted, leaning over to kiss her.
"Good morning," Y/N replied, smiling at the playful scene before her.
"Daddy’s teaching me how to race!" Archie exclaimed, holding a toy car in his hand.
"Is he now? Well, you have the best teacher," Y/N said, ruffling Archie’s hair.
They spent the morning together, enjoying a leisurely breakfast and reminiscing about the previous day's events. The bond between them was stronger than ever, fortified by their shared experiences and unwavering support for one another.
As they prepared to leave Monaco, Y/N felt a sense of anticipation for the future. They had achieved so much together, and there was still so much more to come.
Max wrapped an arm around her, his eyes filled with love and determination. "Ready for the next adventure?"
"Always," Y/N replied, her heart full of hope and excitement.
With Archie holding their hands, they walked out into the bright Monaco morning, ready to face whatever the future held. Together, as a family, they knew they could conquer anything. And with Max as the World Champion, their journey was just beginning.
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lilasamaaa · 1 month
Who says "I love you" first? Part One | F1 grid x Reader
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Genre | Angst, Fluff.
Featuring | Alex Albon, Pierre Gasly, Lewis Hamilton, Charles Leclerc, Lando Norris, Esteban Ocon.
Word count | 1.9K
Warnings | Alcohol consumption, mentions of jealousy, car crash, "cheating" (if you squint).
Author's note | Part two will be coming soon and will feature Oscar Piastri, Daniel Ricciardo, George Russell, Carlos Sainz, Yuki Tsunoda and Max Verstappen :)
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Alex Albon
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He says it first.
For months, you had been preparing a huge project with your team at work. Months of hard work, sleepless nights, doubts, and anxieties. Even though you and Alex didn't live together and your job, along with his repeated travels had put your relationship to the test, he had been nothing but the perfect boyfriend during this time.
You were particularly moved one evening when, leaving your office past midnight, you'd stumbled upon a taxi patiently waiting outside the building, ready to take you home safely. And when you finally got back home, only to find a box from your favorite pizza place in front of your door. Alex was like that : deeply attentive. Caring. Devoted.
You had called your boyfriend on FaceTime, praying that he would already be awake on the other side of the world.
"Hey," had come his voice, still laced with sleep.
"Thank you so much for everything," you'd said, feeling tears welling up in your eyes from fatigue and emotion. "I had the worst day and this... this is so thoughtful. It makes everything better."
"Anything for you," Alex had replied. "I love you."
The words had come out so naturally that you'd almost dropped your phone as Alex yawned, still half asleep, not fully realizing what he'd said until your sudden silence alerted him.
"Oh, my god," he'd said, now fully awake. "That's not how I wanted to tell you."
"Well, I'm glad you did," you'd replied, tearing up again. "I love you too, you know."
Pierre Gasly
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You say it first.
You'd joined Pierre in Milan for the weekend after several weeks without seeing each other. After spending nearly twenty-four hours holed up at his place under the covers, showing each other just how much you'd missed one another, the second day had been an opportunity to enjoy the Italian sun.
You had started the day with a fresh orange juice on a terrace facing the Duomo, before exploring the city, its museums, and its shops from top to bottom. The repeated absences of the driver were becoming harder to handle, and you had come to the conclusion, a few days before your departure to Milan, that you had fallen hopelessly in love with the Frenchman. At the end of your day as tourists, Pierre had invited you to dinner in a candlelit restaurant, and you'd almost blurted it all out between the main course and dessert.
Those little words that had been swirling in your head for a week.
In your previous relationships, you had never been the one to take that first step. You'd been too afraid of scaring away your partners. Of being laughed at. But you loved Pierre, you were so sure of it. And you were almost sure that he did, too. So, you had decided that for once, you'd take the lead. Just once.
After your romantic dinner, you were strolling through the city, slowly making your way back to his apartment, when you'd spotted a photo booth by the roadside. Pulling Pierre by the sleeve, you'd both settled inside, laughing, him sitting on the small worn-out stool, you on his lap. The first photo had caught both of you by surprise. But for the second one, you were ready. Just milliseconds before the flash illuminated your faces, you had said it.
"I love you."
Years later, the series of four photos was still on your fridge, and you loved looking at the last one. The one where he'd grabbed your face, pressing a kiss against your lips, whispering, "I love you, too."
Lewis Hamilton
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You say it first.
Lewis had invited you to a photoshoot for the first time. What he hadn't specified, though (he would later swear he didn't know) was that the shoot was with his ex. And not just any ex, but the one he had been with just before you, that he hadn't seen since their breakup. The model with endless legs and hair like silk. The same girl you sometimes saw in the streets, printed on five-meter-high billboards, hanging from skyscrapers as if to taunt you.
Sitting on a chair, a coffee kindly offered by the photographer's assistant in hand, you were watching as the girl positioned her legs between your boyfriend's, tilting her head back, placing her hands on his chest. You'd never considered yourself a jealous girl. But there, you were absolutely boiling.
Each pose was worse than the last.
And each direction from the photographer was worse than the last. You weren't sure how many more "Closer, Lewis," or "Look more in love, Gigi" you could endure before you snapped and someone got hurt. Preferably her.
After a particularly close shot, their lips almost touching, you had suddenly risen, returning to the dressing rooms, mouth clenched and eyes shining. Lewis had followed you immediately, closing the dressing room door behind you, holding you close against his chest.
"That was too soon, I'm sorry," he had said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"It'll always be too soon," you had replied, eyes glistening. "No one's strong enough to watch the person they love play happy couple with their ex". You hadn't realized your words then, but he had. Stroking your hair, he'd said "Good thing I'm in love with you and not her, then," making you fall even harder for him.
Charles Leclerc
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He says it first.
If Charles had listened to himself, he would have told you he loved you within a week. He was that sure. Nothing he experienced with you felt familiar : not the way his heart raced when you looked at him through your lashes, nor the way you made him feel hot just by taking off your coat. His previous relationships had made him cautious, so the words slept quietly in his mind and on his tongue.
Even though he still blamed himself for making you worry so much, fate had it that the very first Grand Prix you attended was Monza, in 2020. The crash had been particularly violent, unexpected. The cameras hadn't missed a second of the spectacle unfolding in the paddock, zooming in on your horrified face, so scared of losing the one who had stolen your heart in just a few months. Years later, Charles still couldn't bear to see those images.
The following days had been quiet, Charles being ordered to rest and stay lying down as much as possible. One night, when you'd woken up alone in bed, you'd panicked before finding him in the living room, staring at his phone.
"What are you looking at?" you'd asked, sitting down next to him.
He had turned his phone towards you, showing a series of tweets featuring the sequence of you terrified after the accident.
"I hate knowing that I did that to you," he'd confessed, head low.
"Charles," you'd started, not sure how to put it. "As much as I hated witnessing this, you drive for a living. This probably won't be the only time I'm scared for you. I'm not planning on going anywhere, so... I'll have to get used to it."
The driver had looked at you, eyes filled with love, and the words had come naturally.
"I love you so much."
Lando Norris
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He says it first.
Lando and you had... history.
You two had been friends since high school. He was the first boy you ever had a crush on. Not the little crush that makes you blush and stutter, no, the real deal. The kind that makes you fall asleep crying, wondering if that boy will ever look at you as anything other than a good friend. High school had ended without any progression in your relationship, and your paths had diverged. You'd gone to college on the other side of the country, seeing him only occasionally, as he was heavily involved in racing and you almost never went home. Your paths had crossed again at a New Year's Eve party hosted in your hometown by one of your mutual friends.
You were so happy to see him again after more than six months apart that you wouldn't let go of him, following him everywhere, mimicking his every move. You knew you shouldn't have followed Lando into that territory. That you shouldn't have drunk so much. But you had done it. And soon enough, you'd been pressed against a wall, the driver kissing you as if his life depended on it.
You were on cloud nine. Convinced that after years of hiding your feelings for him, Lando had understood, Lando felt the same way, Lando, Lando... But Lando had kissed another girl. Then another. You'd left the house in a hurry as everyone counted down to midnight, trying to put together the pieces of your broken heart on the way home.
You hadn't expected someone to knock on your parents' door at 6 a.m. the next day. Even less to find Lando behind it, hair tousled, dressed like the night before, with dark circles under his eyes. He'd been holding a sorry excuse of a bouquet in his hand. Flowers... From your own garden, you'd noticed, raising an eyebrow. Your mother would be so mad at him. You'd opened your mouth, ready to send him back home, but he'd been faster than you.
"I know you hate me, believe me, I hate myself too. But I have to say it or I'll regret it forever. I love you. And I'm so sorry that it took me kissing other girls to finally notice it. I don't want no one else... I only want you, if you'll have me."
Your friends had told you that you were stupid for forgiving him so easily, but you'd kissed him again. Six years later, lying against him on a tropical beach on your honeymoon, you knew you'd made the right choice that day.
Esteban Ocon
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He says it first.
You hadn't been dating for long, a few months at best. One evening, though, he'd surprised you by pulling out the invitation to his cousin's wedding, asking if you'd like to accompany him.
Weddings are kind of sacred in your family. You don't just invite anyone, and you don't introduce just anyone to your entire family unless you're really serious about that person. Deep down, you were thrilled, trying not to freak out, reminding yourself that not everyone sees things the same way, and that for Esteban, this wedding might be an outing just like any other.
He'd come with you to choose a dress, finding the first one "so beautiful on you," the second one "absolutely stunning," the third one "breath-taking." You'd eventually realized that the driver wouldn't be of much help to you, fascinated by everything you'd worn. This alone should have told you everything you needed to know about the man's feelings, but you'd continued to doubt. Was this wedding as important to him as it was to you? Were you ready to meet his family?
The big day had finally come, and you were sure you'd have died of stress if Esteban hadn't held you by the waist the whole time, introducing you to everyone who'd passed by you two. His parents had seemed thrilled by your presence, showering you with compliments, emphasizing that it was the first time Esteban had invited a girl to a family event. It's important for him too, then, you'd thought.
The ceremony had passed, beautiful, and you'd found yourselves on the dance floor, swaying under blue and golden lights, lost in each other's eyes.
"I'm so glad everyone got to see how wonderful you are," he'd said, making your heart race. You thought he was done until he'd added, softly,
"I'm so glad I got to show everyone the woman I love."
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adventuringblind · 10 months
i’m a sucker for anything with protective charles, i feel like he would always be looking out for his gf or wife…ugh just the thought? 🫣
Car Crash and a Ferrari Mishap
Charles Leclerc x Driver!reader
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
Request: yes and I am also a sucker for this.
Summary: even though Charles knows she drives one of the fastest cars in the world, he can’t help but worry.
Warnings: car crash, injury descriptions, protective Charles, ferrari race engineers not doing their job
Notes: written in third person
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It had become a typical thing for Charles to worry. He worried more than people thought he did. His lover, however, knee everything about it because he was mainly worrying about her.
He'd lost so many people in his life already. He struggled with separation anxiety and would panic every time she got sick.
It didn't matter that she's a driver for Ferrari. It didn't matter that she's one of the most talented athletes. He worried about her.
Their relationship was public. Mostly because Lando struggles to keep things tight-lipped. It was a great thing, though, as their team had found. Marketing and content wise, they did some things together that everyone adored.
Working in a male dominated field meant dealing with uncomfortable questions. Ones that.nade Charles' skin crawl. He didn't hesitate to jump in and answer them himself. Sometimes, he and Max would use as a way to banter with each other, effectively angering the reporter or journalist.
Races were always terrifying before he got in the car. He made sure that he saw her before every race and kissed her good luck. Reminding her not to be reckless.
This race happened to be ridiculously hot. It felt like he would melt to the floor every time he stepped into the sun.
He found her before the walked to the grid. "Mon amour, are you sure you can race like this?"
She'd already been feeling faint. She hadn't told Charles, but the team had been controlling her water and food intake. They wanted her weight exact, and she had been over that a few days ago.
He could tell she wasn't feeling well. He always knew when someway off. Regardless, she just smiled at him and kissed his cheek.
It took a few laps before she tried for water. Dissapintment flooding her veins as she got nothing.
"Is the water system not working?"
"Negative, keep pushing."
She sighs in frustration but keeps going. Pushing her hardest.
She was almost there. Fifteen laps left. Her mouth terribly dry. Her mind shut down more with each lap. She needed to finish.
She'd stopped sweating. Her body lacks the required liquids to do so. Everything seemed to move in slow motion.
Then everything went dark.
"Red flag Charles, red flag." Xavi announces from the radio.
Charles slows down the car. Hot and tired. He was excited to finish the race, and now he'd have to wait longer.
He pulls into the pits. He was expecting to see her there already. As far as he was aware, she was ahead of him.
He climbs out of the car, immediately asking about her. Nobody could give him a straight answer.
Five minutes and still nothing. Then the replay of the crash came on the screen.
Her body going limp in the car. Her foot is still accelerating down one of the straights. She hits the corner, and the car is spinning. Then nothing.
It looked bad. He knew it was bad. Words of frantic French and Italian leave his lips.
It takes Pierre, Max, and Lando holding him back to keep him in the pits. He was screaming at the race engineers. Asking how that could have happened.
He's kicking and screaming like a child as the boys drag him back to his room. His performance coach tried to get him to slow his breathing. Still fresh off the adrenaline from driving.
"I don't understand." He sobbed.
"She didn't have water." Andrea confesses.
Charles pauses. His brain fitting together all the peices. "Have they been trying to get her to lose weight?"
"Yes, which is odd, I was talking to her coach, who said she was already under what she deemed the lowest weight that was still healthy."
Oh, Charles was furious. It made sense now. Why she'd been so exhausted this past week.
He stormed out of the room. Angry words be yelled at every engineer.
Pierre was translating to the boys who don't know French. All of them also getting angry.
"I retire the car." Charles states. Grabbing his helmet and running out to the crash site.
They still hadn't gotten her out. The front of the car has been smashed in. They had cut the halo off, but her body was jammed at a weird angle. A stray peice of metal had found its way into her arm. Her neck already looked bruised.
Charles was a wreck at this point.
The Marshall's used him as a navigator. He was able to get into the cockpit and move things around. It felt like forever until he was riding with her to the medical center.
He pulled her helmet and balaclava off gently. The white fabric dotted with specks of red.
He held her hand and sobbed the entire ride.
He wasn't doing much better when people came by after the race.
He was teary-eyed and nauseous. The nurses kept refilling his water. It felt horribly ironic.
He knew he disappointed his fans. They wanted to see him race, and here he was. Crying over his lover in the hospital.
He just needed to see her.
Sebastian came to see him first. Though he was followed by the one person he really didn’t want to see. Seb and Mattia were talking in hushed voices. Seb looked two seconds away from punching him.
“I don’t want to see you.” Charles announced to his team principle.
“I came to see if she’s okay.”
Charles was going to unleash his anger on the Ferrari principal, but the doctor calling her name interrupted him.
“How is she.” Charles voice was definitely more panicked then he would’ve liked but it was to much effort to hide it and there were no cameras here anyways.
“The bones in her calves are crushed. The cut in her arm has been stitched up but we might need to open it up again to check for any missed metallic bits. Just to air on the side on caution and avoid any infections. She has a severe concussion and is severely dehydrated.” The doctor attempts to explain to him, but Charles is trying to stop himself from panicking. “For what it’s worth, it could have been much worse.”
Charles is brought back to earth by Sebs hand in his shoulder. “You should go see her.” His former teammate nods him along.
Charles sits on the uncomfortable plastic chair. His mind wanting to stay awake but his body giving out.
She looked so peaceful sleeping. Her chest rising and falling in even motions.
He almost missed her eyes fluttering open and her hand squeezing his. Charles was standing in a second, trying to stop her from moving to much.
She was panicking. Her heart rate increasing dramatically. Charles sat himself in the edge of her bed. His hand running across her hair.
"The race. Oh god- I'm so sorry."
"No, don't think about that. Just rest." Whoever told her to push so hard without water should be fired.
"Did you win?"
"No, but I don't care. I care that you're awake a safe."
She hums at him. The feeling of his hands bringing a calm sensation back.
"Charles, it hurts."
"I'll go grab a doctor. Don't try to move."
He's out of the room in a flash. Only coming back when he has a nurse in tow.
They up the pain meds and bring her some water. The IV fluids are already helping, but her mouth is so dry that she needs to drink it.
Charles is attentive. He barely leaves her side unless it's absolutely neccecary.
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angldelight · 6 months
margaret | max verstappen x fem!merc!driver x lewis hamilton.
the youngest on the grid. the biggest dreams of them all. how sad it was, watching it end.
bad crash. life changing injuries. romance between reader, max & lewis. use of y/n! age gap
“—and oh no! there is the mercedes of l/n!” to say your car was in pieces would be a lie. it was a wreck, and it was a miracle that you could even get out of it unfazed.
you stand, hands held onto the marshall’s as you wobbled around, tears streaming down your face as you gripped your helmet in your hands.
your car would have to be scrapped, it was almost unfathomable how it had happened, another driver clipped your back right tire, the driver behind you hadn’t seen that, ramming into the back of you.
immediately you were brought to an ambulance, limping like a fawn.
the sun burned. much more harsher that day.
‘I never thought id see this happen.. I never thought id have to make this. but it is with due sadness that I come out and say, I will be retiring from formula one with immediate decision.’ your voice was calm, but your hands shook.
lewis hamilton stared before you like you were a ghost coming back to haunt him.
he sat on his couch in his home, roscoe cuddled into his side as he watched the video. again and again. his shoulders slumped with defeat, a deafening sadness, a high pitch noise was all he seemed to hear.
max verstappen’s grip on his phone was so hard he could hear his assistant shudder. he, and his assistant, sat in his office. max leaned on his shoulders, watching your face, your pretty eyes.
his world crumbled, you were his greatest rival, and most definitely the love of his life.
the crash was bad, everybody knew that. but to see you crumble beneath the truth of it all— the accident had not only made life harder, but had ruined your dreams, was like witnessing a supernova.
his heart lays heavy underneath his rib cage as his eyes gather with tears.
the relationship between max and lewis was something no poet could ever fathom into words. you graced their lives, locked their hands and hearts with your own. you cradled them like lambs and loved them like flowers.
they knew they were lucky— though jealous of having to share you. they were so lucky to be loved by you.
cards of sympathy and flowers stood by your home, fans placing their own by your gates. get well soon! written in ugly fonts.
theirs was the ones you cradled like children, and loved like a constellation.
‘i—it has been an honour to have the privilege of meeting my bestest of friends, my greatest supporters and to share a track with these people is something i will keep with me for the rest of my life.’ they want to beg you to stop talking.
‘but.. when you know, you know.’
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disneyprincemuke · 7 months
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glitter * mv1
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it's the morning after a party, and you find yourself tangled up in bed with your boyfriend
pairings: max verstappen x fem!reader
warnings: fluff!! (which is rare for me)
notes: the first one for my 2k sleepover!! my requests are open for my 2k follower sleepover event!!
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“darling, wake up.”
the grip around your waist tightens and your back is pressed up on max’s chest. his lips linger on the back of your neck as his thumb traces circles on your bare waist.
you hum in response, your hand covering the back of his that laid on your waist. “good morning, love.”
“it’s 1pm. we need to feed the cats and eat something ourselves,” he whispers. the bed dips behind you and when you open your eyes, max is looming over your shoulder with a smile. “good morning.”
“5 more minutes,” you mumble. you shuffle in the bed, adjusting the duvet as you turn and force max back down into the bed. you throw your arms around his bare torso and bury your face into the pillow. “i’m too tired to get up.”
he shakes in a chuckle, making you pull away and furrow your eyebrows to glare at him. he simply grins at you and moves the stray hairs from your face. “you said that at 11am when i tried waking you up.”
you groan and drop your head onto the pillow. you put your fingers over his eyelids and force them close as you bury your face into his chest. “i’m saying it again now at 1pm. go back to sleep.”
the sun barely illuminates the room you share. you don’t know where the cats are, and while you are concerned about them, sleeping is the only way to cure the pounding you feel in your head.
max had thrown a party the night before, celebrating the end of the 2023 season with the grid. he had it in your house and invited everyone that could say yes. and he threw a raging party.
it did end at 5 in the morning, fueled to last that long with endless party games and loud laughter. you can safely admit that you drank a little too much knowing that you had nowhere to be the next morning.
you didn’t take into account how hungry the cats would be at 1pm. in your defense, though, you’d drunkenly filled up their food bowl before you fell into bed with max at 6.
“but we have to get up,” max mumbles, twirling a piece of your hair on his finger. he presses a kiss to your temple then rubs your shoulder gently. “some of the guys stayed over — carlos is making pancakes.”
you have to admit the pancakes that carlos makes is absolutely delectable. but it’s not enough to convince you to get up.
“he’ll make some for me later if i ask.”
“bold of you to assume that.”
“i know he will. he loves me.” you tighten your grip around him and yank him closer to you. “shut up, max. i’m trying to sleep.”
“then i will get up, okay?” he whispers, slowly untangling himself from your arms. “i’m very hungry and thirsty.”
you frown as the bed moves and the warmth of his body leaves you. you peek through an eye, watching him bend down to get his shorts off the ground and pull it up his legs.
“do you want any coffee? what about water? i’ll bring it up to you, if you want,” he offers, turning to you as he pulls his shirt down. “what about orange juice?”
but you didn’t want to be in bed alone. so now you’re slowly pushing yourself up the mattress, ignoring the way your world spins and head pounds with every second passing.
“darling, get back in bed. i’ll get you what you need.” his voice wavers as he rushes over to your aid when you stumble at the edge of the bed. “i’ll get you some pills for the headache.”
“i want pancakes,” you mutter as you fish for your shorts resting peacefully on the hardwood floor. “and i should help you clean. it’s my house too.”
“it was my party. you just sit back and relax until you feel better,” he says. he pats your head, grabbing the headband sitting on the bedside table peacefully.
he gently pushes your hair back and slides on the top of your head. "are you sure you want to get up now?"
you nod your head, eyes scanning the floor for the shirt you'd thrown somewhere here in the middle of the night. instead, your attention catches a picture reflecting a ray of sun onto a small patch of the wall.
you wobble over to it and pick it up, a polaroid picture of you and max from the night before. it's a tame picture from before the night had gone wild: you're in the kitchen by the fridge with a bottle of beer in your hands with his hand around your waist, and your head on his shoulder.
you're sure that there's another somewhere, later in the night when you're both flushed from the alcohol and giggling on the couch with your legs on his lap.
"there's more pictures on the coffee table downstairs," max chuckles, towering over you from behind. he holds up a piece of clothing by your side, the shirt you'd been looking for seconds ago now accounted for. "were you looking for this?"
"it's my favourite hangover shirt," you giggle, receiving the shirt into your hands. when you put it on, it rests just below your thighs, covering your shorts very slightly.
it's max's shirt from his teen years, no longer fitting him as he grew, but it fit you perfectly on days you prefer loosely fitted clothing. you tuck the hems of the shirt into your shorts and pull it out to give yourself some air.
"ah, you've got glitter all over you, darling," max laughs, his thumbs grazing over your forearm where the said glitter sits on your skin.
he squeezes you three times before he drops his hand to his side, eyes scanning your body for more traces of glitter.
"laugh all you want but you've got one on your cheek too," you tease as you lift your hand up to try and scratch it off. "this is going to be ass to get off."
"you're the one who suggested getting glittery party hats, darling, i don't know what to say," he shrugs as he turns and walks over to the door. "let's get some food and start our day."
"okay," you mutter, walking over to him. you stop by the door where he is and lift your chin. "i had fun last night. great party."
"it was only great because you helped me throw it."
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architect-2015 · 4 months
living the fast life - Alexia Putellas
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‘la reina’ and ‘il prescelto’ two women dominating their chosen sport.
Alexia Putellas a two-time ballon d’or winner Carmen Blanc the current formula one world champion.
Two women compared in the media could not be any close together.
(whenever they are speaking english besides in posts is spoke in spanish, it’s easier to write it this way than to translate everything!)
June 23rd 2024 (day of the Spanish Grand Prix)
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alexiapnews: Alexia Putellas seen walking to the ferrari motorhome a head of the 2024 Spanish Grand Prix!
Carmen Blanc (ferrari driver) and the Barcelona midfielder have been linked multiple times during the duration of the last two years, no comments have been made in these rumours.
@fanusername1: girl let them live their lives.
@fanusername2: if they are together imagine the f1 x barcelona crossovers we could have!
@ferrarixfootball: 💙❤️🏎️
January 31st 2021 (Day of El Clásico)
It was winter break for Carmen Blanco, coming off the back of another successful season in Formula One, second in the Drivers Championship and Ferrari coming third in the Constructors Standings.
Unlike the other drivers on the grid, the Spaniard like to return home to her beloved home city of Barcelona instead of travelling to all four corners of the world.
Being born and raised in Barcelona, her love for football was a big factor in her off season. The Estadi Johan Cruyff might as well be her second home during the winter and summer off season.
Due to her status in the sport community, specifically women in sport, Carmen had been invited to meet the teams after the game.
Following a staff member towards the locker rooms, the young lady began to feel her palms sweat. She would be meeting one of her idols.
Carmen had always admired Alexia, her loyalty to Barcelona mirrored that of Carmen’s towards Ferrari. Both women being part of breaking the barriers for women in male dominated sports.
Once she had reached the door, she reached up and knocked three times on the painted wood. Cheers and shouts of joy were heard from inside the changing room as the door was ripped open.
Standing face to face with ‘la reina’ was something she couldn’t believe she would be doing.
“Hola, you must be Carmen. I’m so happy we finally get to meet!”
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liked by alexiaputellas, marialeonn16 and 231,567 others
carmen.blanco: always a joy to be back home, this team has my heart. Forca Barca! ❤️💙
alexiaputellas: thank you for your support, it was amazing to meet you.
carmen.blanco: you too alexia, i was completely star struck!
carmenxf1: the two best women to do it.
Over the past three months since being introduced Carmen and the players of Fc Barcelona Femení have all stayed in touch, but specifically the spanish captain and the driver.
Having met on multiple occasions for coffee and dog walks with Alexia’s pomeranian Nala and Carmens Dalmatian Lulu. The two had grown increasingly closer to each other.
Currently laid out on a sun lounger in the backyard of her Barcelona home, Carmen was trying to soak up the last of the Spanish sun before her race season begins. A ding interrupts her peace and she leans over to check her phone.
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a delicate blush spreads across her cheeks as she rushes into the house to begin getting ready for the night, nervous for what the future holds for her and Alexia.
oops i realised that for the amount of social media posts i’ve made this is going to have to be a multiple part series.
This spans from January of 2021 to June if 2024 so we’ve got a lot to cover!
i can’t wait to get to Alexia’s first ballon d’or win and Carmen claiming for first formula 1 world championship. 
I’m a sucker for a secret romance so 🤭
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redbullgirly · 4 months
hi hi can i request a max verstappen x footballer smau but she plays for real madrid femenino and we know max is an fcb supporter (also for the sake of the smau, real madrid femenino can be just as good as barcelona femeni) and everyone going crazy when she just takes him to an award ceremony as her plus-one. no soft launch no hard launch and everyone including the grid and christian horner and madristas and everyone is shocked
Max Verstappen x footballer!RealMadridFemenino!reader
Summary: Y/N is one of the biggest rising stars in women's football, playing for Real Madrid Femenino. When she's nominated by Women's Football Awards for the Player of the Year, the last thing anybody would expect is her plus one to the ceremony being Formula One driver, Max Verstappen. Not only is he the World Champion himself, but most importantly, Max is a known FC Barcelona fan. Talk about making friends with the enemy...
Warnings: I have very limited knowledge of football, so everything in this story is based on my quick research. If you're a fan, please don't come for me! Though any advice would be much appreciated, because I have more football requests in my inbox XD.
Author's Note: Hi Anon, thanks for the request! I have to say it was quite challenging for me at the start, because I don't know many things about football, but at the end it turned out fun and good. Hope you like what I did with this social media au! :)
yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by fifawomensworldcup, alexiaputellas, maxverstappen1 and 239,022 others
tagged: realmadridfem
yourusername And it's a wrap!🥈⚽️ Thank you to the whole team for another amazing year, we fought hard and we will continue to fight for the Champions League title next year as 2023/24 runners-up. Hala Madrid!✨🇪🇸
view all 809 comments
user1 Love the way you play!
realmadridfem Hala Madrid!💪🏆
liked by the author
yourusername 💯
user2 💥💥💥
user3 Vamosssss
user4 GO GIRLLL🤩🤩🤩🤩
user5 you really deserved to win the finale, the referee was totally biased agains you!!!
user6 Yeah, even as a FC Barcelona fan I didn't think it was fair🙈
martagarcialopez19 amazing Y/N! 🫶
yourusername Thank youuu!💖
user7 wait does y/n know some people from motosport???
user8 No I think it's just girls supporting girls in sports dominated by men tbh ☺️
liked by the author and martagarcialopez19
user7 oh yeah that makes sense
user9 Buen trabajo que equipo tan bueno con todas y en lo personal muy guapa [Good job, what a great team with everyone and personally very pretty.]
marisabel_rguez The dream team 🙌
liked by the author
yourusername Yessss
user10 HALA MADRID 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
user11 literally the prettiest soccer player I ever saw😻
user12 you mean FOOTBALL?!😂🧐
user11 sry i'm american so i'm used to saying soccer
user12 well that's WRONG girly😂
user13 Princess
messages between Y/N and Max
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by maxverstappen1, realmadridfem, charlottesiine and 189,436 others
yourusername Short stop back home in Monaco before flying to London for Women's Football Awards and my nomination for Player of the Year 🤞🌷
view all 438 comments
user1 so pretty
maitetxuu_10 The nails Y/N 🤩
liked by the author
yourusername Not better than yours though 😚
user2 i don't watch football but maybe i should start bc of you
user3 Wow you're such a cutie 😍❤️
charlottesiine great work out together!
yourusername Agreed! We should definetly hit the gym together more often 😂
user4 omg wait how do they know each other?? didn't expect y/n y/l/n to be friends with ex-wags??
user5 Idk but they both live in Monaco so it's easy to know basically everyone who's your age there xdd
yourusername True user5, they don't tell you how small the country actually is 😭
user7 👏👏👏👏🔥🔥
lucybrozne Seems like the Monaco sun suits you 😁☀️
liked by the author
yourusername Oh thanks Lucy! 🫶
lucybrozne 🫶
user8 i love that despite fcb beating madrid they're still friends outside of the field🥺
user9 WOW you should be a model
user10 So sad your talents aren’t being fully appreciated in Madrid.
user11 oh c'mmon she probably wouldn't play for them if she felt unappreciated 🙄
user12 but tbh I think she should be the captain.... like she's literally the best player of them all BY FAR
user13 Nah I don't like her. Hope she'll never be a captain🤮
user12 then go away? lol
user13 damnn the 3rd picture did some unholy things to me 😩
user14 right?! I don't think I'm straight anymore🫣
user15 I have no idea who she is but let me tell you she's gorgeous
user16 ✨✨✨👑🎀🌹
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messages between Max and Christian Horner & Max and Carlos Sainz
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by gerihalliwellhorner, maxverstappen1, alexmorgan13 and 621,983 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername Turning him into Madridista duh.
viewl all 3,084 comments
maxverstappen1 Y/N I love you... but that's never happening ❤️
yourusername Liar! You complained for a week straight about how that referee in the finals wasn't fair and we should have won agains Barcelona! 😘
carlossainz55 hahaaa mate she got you😂
maxverstappen1 😒
user1 OMGGG we converted him on our side!!!
user2 A sad day to be a FC Barcelona supporter and F1 fan😓
user3 A happy day for Madridistas!😍
user4 damn I may have to start watching football
martagarcialopez19 you're glowing! also thanks god now I don't have to keep the secret anymore xd
yourusername Love ya! 🫶
user5 The IT WAG
user6 can we take a moment to appreciate how cute maxie looks here?🥹
realmadridfem You go girl! Convert new fans!🤩💪
liked by the author
user7 I'm still shocked by this whole thing 😹
user8 you're not the only one lol
user9 the second picture????
user10 Max is so lucky man🥵
marisabel_rquez ¡La pareja poderosa!😍 [The power couple!😍]
liked by the author
user11 this post murdered me and dragged me all over slaycity with how much it served 🤭
user12 exactly! her and max are so hot and pretty
user13 🤍😍💯🥳 Hala Madrid!!!
maxverstappen1 posted on instagram
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, f1, realmadridfem and 1,109,332 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1 My girl ❤️⚽️
comments on this post have been disabled
Author's Note: Thank you for reading the whole thing! I'll appreciate likes, reblogs, follows and comments, or any other way of support. Let me know what you think about this pairing and please tell me if there are any football errors, because I have another request about footballer!reader waiting for me. Have a great day! :)
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thehufflepuffavenger1 · 6 months
The Grid Angel (1/?) M.V. x reader
Y/N L/N Is Max Verstappen's new race engineer but the rest of the grid likes her too. The grids angel.
The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the paddock as the Formula 1 season kicked off in spectacular fashion. Qualifying Saturday brought an air of anticipation, not only for the teams and drivers but also for you, the race engineer for Max Verstappen. The Red Bull garage buzzed with activity, and the echoes of engines revving filled the air.
As the pit crew fine-tuned the Red Bull machine, you were engrossed in a conversation with Oscar Piastri, the rising star from the McLaren team. The two of you exchanged technical insights and shared a few laughs, completely absorbed in the world of racing strategy. Unbeknownst to you, Max Verstappen observed from a distance, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly.
Max, with his competitive spirit not limited to the track, couldn't shake the subtle twinge of jealousy. He had become accustomed to your undivided attention during race weekends, and the sight of you engrossed in conversation with Oscar stirred an unfamiliar feeling within him. The pit crew noticed Max's shifting demeanor, sensing the tension building beneath the surface.
Lando Norris, with his keen sense of humor, picked up on the atmosphere and decided to playfully fan the flames. He sidled up to Max, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Mate, looks like someone's got a bit of competition off the track," Lando teased, nodding towards you and Oscar engaged in animated discussion.
Max shot Lando a mock glare, his attempt to brush off the comment. However, the seed of doubt had been planted. The friendly banter between drivers on the grid was nothing new, but this time, it seemed like a rivalry was brewing in more ways than one.
As the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows across the paddock, the qualifying session drew near. The tension in the air was palpable, not just from the impending on-track battle but from the unspoken dynamics playing out among the drivers and their teams.
The qualifying session unfolded with its usual mix of intensity and drama. Max, fueled by a desire to prove himself both on and off the track, pushed the Red Bull to its limits. The pit crew executed flawlessly, but the lingering undercurrent of emotions added an extra layer of complexity to the proceedings.
As the day transitioned into night, the atmosphere in the paddock shifted. The pit crew, always attuned to the dynamics of the team, could sense the unspoken tension. Max, after securing a respectable qualifying position, found a moment alone with you amid the hustle and bustle.
"Everything good, Max?" you inquired, your attention shifting from the race strategies to the emotions written on Max's face."Yeah, yeah," he replied, a hint of vulnerability beneath the confident exterior. "Just focused on the race, you know?"
Little did Max know that your connection with him went beyond the technical intricacies of the race. The season had just begun, and the off-track drama promised to be as thrilling as the battles on the circuit, setting the stage for a tale that would unfold with every twist and turn of the Grand Prix calender.
The next race weekend dawned, and the paddock came alive once again with the roar of engines and the bustling energy of the Formula 1 circus. Max Verstappen, carrying the remnants of his jealousy from the previous qualifying, couldn't help but keep a watchful eye on your interactions with other drivers.
During the drivers' parade, Lando Norris pulled alongside Max, a sly grin playing on his lips. "Mate, you better step up your off-track game. I saw Y/N chatting with Carlos, and it looked like they were having a blast.
"Max shot Lando a half-amused, half-exasperated look. "I'm here to race, not to compete for attention off the track."As the weekend progressed, the competitive camaraderie between drivers extended beyond the racing realm. Carlos Sainz, always charismatic, engaged you in a lively conversation about race strategies and shared anecdotes from his experiences. Max, observing from a distance, found himself gritting his teeth in frustration.
Sergio Perez, known for his ability to read the subtle nuances of the paddock, sensed Max's unease. "Max, my friend, are you feeling a bit left out?" Sergio teased, a knowing glint in his eye.
Max scoffed, attempting to downplay his emotions. "I'm just focused on the race, like always."However, the tension simmered beneath the surface. The pit crew, attuned to the dynamics within the team, exchanged knowing glances as they continued their preparations. The upcoming race promised not only high-speed drama on the track but a behind-the-scenes storyline that captivated the entire paddock.
During a multi-team event, the charismatic charm of Charles Leclerc drew you into a conversation about the nuances of driving styles. The two of you exchanged insights, laughter, and even a few friendly challenges. Max, watching from across the room, clenched his jaw, a cocktail of emotions swirling within him.
Fernando Alonso, with his seasoned wisdom, approached Max with a pat on the back. "Max, my friend, in racing, you have to be fast on and off the track. Maybe it's time to show a different side of yourself."
The advice lingered in Max's mind as the race day arrived. The grid was charged with anticipation, not only for the thrilling battle on the circuit but for the undercurrents of emotions that had become an integral part of the season narrative.
As the lights dimmed, engines roared to life, and the cars thundered down the straight, the drama unfolded on multiple fronts. Max, focused on reclaiming his spotlight, pushed the Red Bull to its limits. The pit crew executed seamless strategies, but it was the emotional dynamics that added an extra layer of complexity to the race.
The checkered flag waved, and Max crossed the finish line with a triumphant roar. The pit crew erupted in celebration, but Max's eyes sought you out amidst the chaos. The unspoken tension reached a turning point as you locked eyes with him, a shared understanding passing between you.
The paddock, having witnessed the emotional rollercoaster of the race, anticipated that the off-track dynamics would continue to evolve. The Grand Prix season had just begun, and with each race, the interwoven threads of competition and connection promised a narrative that transcended the mere pursuit of victory on the track.
Next Chapter (don't know how to make a link if you do let me know):
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fangirl-dot-com · 6 months
Fernando Alonso - I Love My Grandpa
Wow it feels like this series is flying! After this chapter, we only have two more to go. Like – that’s crazy to me, never would have thought that one simple story idea would lead to something like a multichapter work with spin offs and extras! This one might be a little bit shorter so I apologize! I’m honestly just trying to get back onto the next chapters! 
All of you readers have helped me get to where we are with this entire work and I promise to be a good author! 
Like always, comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are appreciated! Much love <3 
You sighed as you walked around the paddock. Bored out of your ever-loving mind. Max was off in some meeting, Charles was hidden in the Ferrari garage (one you hadn’t found out how to infiltrate, the Italians are menaces to societies), Lando and Oscar are late, Alex decided to go off with Lily and NOT invite you, and Logan was sleeping. Which, in hindsight, was probably what you needed to be doing, but you were restless. 
You’d been out of the car for one of the small breaks and were just itching to get back into driver. But no. 
You were stuck in the paddock. 
You thought about bothering Mitch, but like most adults, she was working for the race this coming weekend. Boo-hoo. You knew that Christian could give you something to do, but that would mean an old lady job like filing. Or honestly, it wouldn’t but you didn’t want to give Christian any ideas. 
Now, you were stuck, scrolling through one of your multiple social media apps, on the hospitality roof. Your headphones were on, blocking out the world. You swiped out of Instagram and clicked on TikTok. 
Maybe you should have bothered the social media personnel. They seemed to always look for drivers to make new videos. You quickly stood up. If they wouldn’t find you, you would do it yourself. Glancing over the railing, your eyes danced along the grid. Who could you approach and force to make a TikTok with? 
Your eyes widened at the sight of the emerald green that flashed below. A smirk grew on your face as you quickly left the roof to go down to the pitlane. Once out in the sun, you made your way over the garage. 
You knew better than Max to wear the Red Bull clothing on days that it was not needed. So you blended in, kind of. You glanced around for the one driver that you knew would make a video with you. He wasn’t named “public figure of the year” for nothing. Even though it was only for Spain, it still counted. 
You walked up to a group of mechanics, suddenly feeling confident. 
“Do you know where I could find Fernando?” your voice echoed through the empty garage. They suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked at you. You felt small under their gaze, but held eye contact. 
One of them sweetly smiled and said that Fernando should be watering plants around the pit. You quickly thanked him and left the garage, a tight grip on your phone. You would get this video and be TikTok famous. 
Your only goal in life. 
You snorted at your thought. That was definitely not your goal in life, but it was one of them. Looking for the Spaniard was harder than you thought. You thought you had gone to every single garage on the planet, and he was nowhere to be found. 
At one point, you ran into several of the other drivers. And when you say ran into, it was quite literally. It wasn’t your fault that Max decided to step in front of you when you were speed walking past Red Bull. 
The impact was more than you thought, as you found yourself on the hot asphalt. You gazed up at the Dutchman, sun getting into your eyes. You pulled yourself up and stood next to him. Max still looked as though he was recovering from your hit. 
Before he could say anything though, you blurted out, “Have you seen Fernando?” 
Max had a bewildered look on his face. Why would you be looking for Fernando? From behind you, Charles suddenly appeared, eating what you think were some sort of chips. 
Right, Max never went anywhere without Charles and Charles never went anywhere without Max. Maybe for secret Santa, you’d get them one of those giant shirts for them to wear. 
Through his bites, Charles managed to get out, “I saw him earlier at hospitality.” 
You clapped him on the shoulders. “Good man. Thank you.” You quickly reached into his bag of snack, grabbed whatever your fingers could feel, and dashed away, stuffing your face. 
The Monégasque and Dutchman just stared as you bolted from the both of them. 
“What was that?” Max asked, as Charles looked down at his bag with whine.  
“She took the last of my snack.” 
Max shook his head. “Come on. We’ll get you more snacks. Red Bull doesn’t go over cost cap on catering for nothing!” 
The two drivers disappeared, leaving the various employees questioning what they just witnessed. 
As for you, you were still on your journey. You climbed the stairs once again, putting yourself right back where you started. And low and behold. 
There he was. In all his glory. 
Watering the plants?  
He must have sensed your presences, or heard you gasping for air since you took the stairs. But you wouldn’t talk about that. 
He sent you a welcoming smile and beckoned you over. You gingerly stepped closer to the plant that he was showering. You cocked your head, not knowing what else you were supposed to do. Your eyes were wide as you looked at the nice flowers that had bloomed. You decided to talk first. 
“Do you water all of the plants?” 
A deep chuckle escaped Fernando’s lips. He had watched you look with a puzzled face. 
“Not all of them. Just the ones that look like they need something extra,” he gave you a wink before turning back to his task. You took this moment to look around. At the opposite edge of the roof, there was a smaller plant that looked as if it had seen better days. 
You grabbed one of the water bottles that Fernando had near him and opened it as you cracked the seal. You carefully poured the water over the small plant. Watching, you noticed how the dirt seemed to just drink it up. 
This was actually pretty nice: having to share a quiet space with someone. You made your way over to a few more plants before walking back over. It seemed as though Fernando was done as well. 
You went to speak, but was interrupted with a growl from your stomach. Quickly looking at your phone, the time shocked you as it was already past lunch. Fernando quietly laughed. 
You grinned widely at the suggestion. The two of you made your way down to the hospitality cafeteria. It was pretty empty, since the lunch hour had passed for multiple people. You walked up to the line, ordered, grabbed your food, and found a nice table near the back by a window. It reminded you of the first lunch you had with Mitch. 
Fernando sat across from you. You liked his energy. 
“So,” he spoke first, “I heard from one of my mechanics that you were looking for me?” He raised his eyebrow. 
Your cheeks flushed as you bit into your sandwich. You quickly swallowed to answer. “Uh, I was bored and I wanted to make a TikTok. But everyone was busy, so I thought I’d try to find you.” Your shoulders raised in a shrug. 
You found yourself doing that quite a bit. 
The Spaniard looked at you. “You couldn’t find someone younger? I’m just wondering why you’d come to me first?” 
“Well, uh, there were some mechanics not working, but I really judge people of how I feel around them. They kind of gave off a busy vibe that I didn’t like. But you have more of a calm, grandpa kind of vibe.” You sipped your water. “I mean, if you thought that your career in Formula 1 being longer than Oscar has been alive, it’s worse with me. You’re 24 years older than me.” 
Fernando looked like his body took a screen shot. 
You quickly put out your arms, trying to console the driver. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s nice to have someone who’s older. I really looked up to you as a kid, and I still do.” You twisted your fingers nervously and Fernando could see that. 
“It’s not an issue niña. I’m honored to have someone like you that looks up to me. But let’s maybe not talk about the ages.” You giggled quietly as his scrunched face.  
“It’s kind of hard not to think about it when everyone calls me kid,” your face also scrunched, same as Fernando. “I’m glad that Oscar and Logan don’t do that, but even Lando has started.” You pretended to cry. “He’s only 3 years older.” Your head hit the table.  
He kind of just watched you go through the five stages of grief. If there was one thing he knew about kids, it was to just let them go through the motions. Your head quickly shot up as you took inhaled.  “Can we make a TikTok now?”  
A small laugh left his lips. “Sure, we can. Did you have an idea?”  
Your hands reached for your phone, unlocking it quickly.  “Uh, I had a couple of ideas, but, I think one would be really funny. I’ve been seeing some comments about how you act like our grandpa sometimes, so this audio would be funny, even if it says dad.”  
You played the video, the voice filling the space around you. “I get it you’re all fatherless…I’m not, I love my dad.”  Fernando let out a chuckle as your eyes lit up at the funny sound.  
You continued, “I’d just put words over it so that it would say ‘grandfatherless’ instead.”  
“Sounds like a good plan.”  
The two of you left the cafeteria to film the segments of the video. Because of time change and wherever you were in the world, it got a bit dark while you were eating. You carefully filmed your part a couple of times before it was deemed acceptable. You guessed that Fernando had done a lot of these because he was basically a pro.
You captioned it “Honorary Gramps” and posted it with Fernando’s approval.  
Before you knew it, Max had come to get you.  
You went to leave, before turning around and jumping to give Fernando a hug. “Thanks Grandpa-Nando.”  
You stepped back to walk away with Max, who had a smirk on his face. He called back to the older man.  
“Does this mean we get to call you that?” Max bit back a laugh.
 Fernando shook his head. “Absolutely not.”  
You whacked Max on the shoulder, “Hey, that’s only reserved for Red Bull’s golden child.”  
Max had a weird look on his face. “I thought that was me?”  
You shook your head before walking past him. “You have so much to learn Maxy. Let’s go find Christian.”
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Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @leptitlu @alessioayla @badassturtle13 @kaaale @wcnorris @cool-ultra-nerd @hockeyboysarehot @agent-curt-mega @myxticmoon @cmleitora @sam-is-lost @misartymis @boiohboii @alexander-hamilhoe @jayda12 @indesicivelyconfuzzled @fangirl125reader @itscrzy @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fionaschicken @torchbearerkyle @ineedafictionalman @loaksmuntxa @classiclitfreak @sarcasm-ismy-onlydefense @luisie @jayda12 @comfortzonequeen @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @inejghafawifesblog
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notleclerc · 1 month
Too Hot
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🤍Charles x Fem!Reader
🤍summary: in which the game „Too Hot“ challenges ones desires
🤍warning: getting a little steamy here but nothing to big
🤍a/n: I got inspired by @yuwuta with the JJK version and was like „ok slay lemme try it as well“ // English is not my first language so please have mercy on me🥺
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In the heart of Monaco, where the streets echo with the roar of engines and the glitz of the Grand Prix, a different kind of heat simmers beneath the surface. It's not the scorching sun or the adrenaline of racing that sets hearts racing, but a playful game of Too Hot. And amidst the glamorous backdrop, you find yourself entangled in a steamy encounter with none other than Charles Leclerc.
Ever since Lando started to learn how to be a Dj, he‘s been throwing parties left and right, having only VVIP‘s in the club. Models, Actors, Athlete‘s - you name it. Obviously, that means the whole Grid is always welcome to join the fiesta. Charles, being the supportive friend he is, gets ready to dress up and waits for his girlfriend.
Y/n makes sure to wear a beautful red dress. God, that dress could make the devil go weak in his knees. Charles couldn‘t help but admire her.
„Tu es très belle, mon amour“ (you look beautiful my love)
he says, his voice tender with a soft look on his face.
You smile as you feel your cheeks getting warmer, giving yourself a natural blush. You give him a peck on his chin, as you are smaller even in heels.
„Merci Cha“ (thank you)
The two of you leave his appartement and go straight to his oh-so-famous Ferrari, the one that puts everyone in awe of its beauty (or the beauty driving it). The ride was smooth and no words were exchanged as the two of them enjoyed the calm and warmth.
It didn‘t take them long to reach the club, the music already indicating that Charles and Y/n were fashionably late. Charles hands his keys to a valet since he can‘t, for the love of god, park the car right. You tease him about it way too often.
„Et ils disent que les femmes ne peuvent pas se garer“ (and they say women can‘t park)
you say teasingly.
Charles chuckles and places his hand on your waist, guiding you towards the entrance. He made sure to get down to your ear and whispered softly
„Surveille ta bouche ou je le ferai pour toi, bébé“ (watch your mouth or i‘ll do it for you babe)
As you both enter, one with a smirk and the other with flushed cheeks, Lando greets the two of you with a wave from the DJ booth and makes sure to let you both know where the others are.
The party can begin.
As the night unfolds and the party reaches its peak, you catch sight of Charles across the room, his charismatic smile drawing you in like a magnet. You were dancing with the girlfriends of the drivers and having the time of your life. Your pulse quickens as Charles suddendly approaches, his confident stride sending a thrill down your spine.
"Hey there," he greets you with a charming grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Fancy a game of Too Hot?"
You're taken aback by the invitation, but the thrill of the challenge beckons you. "Sure, why not?" you reply, unable to resist the allure of his playful proposal. The two of you love challenges no matter what the situation is.
The rules are simple: two people kiss while keeping their hands to themselves, and the first to touch their partner loses. With a shared glance and a silent agreement, you both dive into the game, the tension between you palpable.
As your lips meet in a teasingly tender kiss, the world around you fades into obscurity, leaving only the electrifying connection between you and Charles. His touch is intoxicating, igniting a fire within you that blazes with each passing moment.
"Tu es un sacré compétiteur“ (You're quite the competitor)
Charles murmurs against your lips, his voice husky with desire.
„Mais je n'y vais pas de main morte avec toi, ma petite fleur“ (But I won't go easy on you, my little flower)
he adds playfully.
You respond with a playful challenge of your own, reveling in the thrill of the chase as you dance on the edge of temptation. Each kiss becomes a daring game of brinkmanship, testing the limits of self-control.
Time loses all meaning as you lose yourself in the heated exchange, the boundaries between reality and desire blurring into a tantalizing haze. The world outside ceases to exist as you and Charles become locked in a battle of wills, neither willing to concede defeat.
But as the game reaches its climax, a surge of longing courses through you, threatening to overwhelm your resolve. With a breathless gasp, you instinctively reach out, your hand brushing against Charles's cheek in a moment of unguarded passion.
"Je gagne“ (I win)
he whispers triumphantly, a smug grin playing on his lips as he leans in to claim victory with a searing kiss.
„Je te laisse gagner parce que c'est la seule fois où tu le fais“ (I let you win because that‘s the only time you do)
You teased him again and couldn‘t help but laugh, seeing his baffled face. He puts his hand on your cheeks and squeezes them together. He looks down at me and shakes his head softly with a certain intensity to his eyes.
„Tu veux vraiment jouer à la cochonne avec moi ? Tu sais ce que les sales gosses obtiennent de mon amour.“ (you really want to play dirty with me? You know what brats get my love)
He caresses your cheek with his thumb as he tilted his head.
Ne m'oblige pas à te faire ça, ma belle. (Don‘t make me do it to you sweetcheeks)
He goes back to squeeze your cheeks together and pulls you closer to him with a warning look in his ocean eyes. As the night draws to a close and the party fades into memory, you carry with you the lingering warmth of Charles's touch, a tantalizing reminder of a fiery encounter that ignited sparks in the heart of Monaco.
As for what happens after the party? Only the two of them and maybe the neighbour will know ;).
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Now that escalted quickly👀 HAVE MERCY ON ME!! I don‘t know how to write intimate moments aka the humpy dumpty so please take this as a chance to let your mind run freely 🥹
Reblog, comments and likes are aprreciated
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10yrsyart · 5 months
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Connor needs more friends and Tron lost/ destroyed all his friends, so i think they should be buddies 😤👌 they have a lot in common, they can bond over their shared trauma hahah
(the crossover came to me in November and then i shot myself in the foot by deciding to do traditional instead of digital 😂 ...and it hasn't left me alone, so there may be more still)
DBH/ Tron AU
Connor: -nothing so far. It appears to be a library archive of ENCOM's back up files. Copies of layouts and simulations. But no location of the GRID server or current status.
Markus: Alright Connor, keep me posted. And be careful.
Connor: I will, Markus.
Connor: (A corrupted security file..? Why-)
Connor: --W A K E U P--
Connor: I'm sorry. Your updated matrix was corrupt, so I had to access your base code.
Tron: Are you a User?
Connor: My name is Connor, I'm th- I'm an android.. a detective with New Jericho.
Tron: My name is Tron. To what do I owe a super computer for the rescue?
Connor: New Jericho received an anonymous tip about the existence of ISOs in ENCOM's dormant system, and I recovered your security program during my search. Perhaps you'd be able to help me?
Tron: I cannot condone any program, or AI for that matter, actively working to harm the Users or ISOs.
Connor: That's not our intent, I promise you.
Tron: ...Very well. On one condition.
Connor: Yes?
Tron: ..I'm an old program, Connor. Would you tell me.. how the User world has changed?
Connor: (smiles)
Tron: Connor! It's good to see you.
Connor: Hello, Tron.
Tron: How are you?
Connor: I'm well. I was telling my friend Hank about you and the date of your origin. And he said, “For pete's sake, kid, what'cha doin with all us old guys? Ya gotta get out more, get some sun.”
Tron: He sounds like he would have enjoyed one of MY User friends.
Connor: Maybe if he knew who you were, Hank would feel differently-
Tron: NO... no, I'd rather keep my anonymity. It's better that way..
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hookhausenschips · 13 days
Let Death Be Kinder Than Man
500 Follower Special!!!
Summary: Y/N is the new driver for Redbull and is fighting for the championship in 2024. One fateful lap in Imola changes her destiny forever.
Warnings: Character death, graphic scenes, funeral, sad themes, life flashes, depiction of heaven, sights of deceased people from the past
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The morning sun cast a golden glow over the Imola circuit as Y/N made her way through the paddock, her footsteps echoing against the asphalt. She felt a sense of reverence as she approached the Ayrton Senna memorial statue, a towering tribute to the legendary driver whose life had been tragically cut short at this very track. Ronald Ratzenberger's memorial stood nearby, a poignant reminder of the dangers that loomed over the world of motorsport.
Y/N paused before the statue, her eyes tracing the contours of Senna's face, his expression frozen in eternal determination. She had always felt a deep connection to the Brazilian driver, his passion for the sport mirroring her own. She bowed her head in silent tribute, a gesture of respect for the man who had inspired generations of racers.
As she made her way back to the Red Bull Racing garage, Y/N's mind was consumed with thoughts of the championship battle that loomed ahead. She had worked tirelessly to reach this moment, each race a testament to her skill and determination. The championship title was within her grasp, but she knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges.
In the quiet moments before the race, Y/N's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She ran through her pre-race rituals, each one a comforting routine that helped calm her nerves. She checked her gear with meticulous care, ensuring that every piece was in its rightful place. Her helmet, adorned with tributes to Senna and Ratzenberger, was a constant reminder of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of greatness.
The atmosphere at Imola was electric, the air buzzing with anticipation. Fans from all over the world had gathered to witness the spectacle of F1 racing, their cheers and chants filling the air. The stands were a riot of color, with flags and banners waving in the breeze. Y/N felt a surge of pride as she looked out at the sea of faces, each one a testament to the passion and dedication of the fans.
In the garage, Y/N shared a moment with her car, a sleek and powerful machine that had carried her to victory countless times before. She ran her hand lovingly over the curves of the chassis, feeling a deep bond with the engineering marvel. The Red Bull Racing team bustled around her, their energy infectious as they made final adjustments to the car. They were more than just colleagues; they were a family united by a common goal.
As she prepared to take to the track, Y/N's mind was focused on the task ahead. The championship battle weighed heavily on her shoulders, but she refused to let the pressure get to her. She had trained her whole life for this moment, and she was determined to seize it with both hands. With a final glance at the Senna memorial, Y/N climbed into her car, her heart racing with anticipation for the race that lay ahead.
The anticipation before the start of the Italy E Del'Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix was palpable, the air thick with excitement and tension. Y/N stood on the grid, her Red Bull Racing car gleaming under the bright Italian sun. The roar of the engines reverberated through her body, a symphony of power and adrenaline. She felt a surge of energy course through her veins as the lights went out, signaling the start of the race.
The first few laps were a blur of motion and noise as the cars jostled for position. Y/N's focus was unwavering as she navigated the twists and turns of the circuit, her eyes fixed on the cars ahead. The pack was tightly bunched, with rivals jockeying for position at every corner. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she pushed her car to the limit, her instincts honed from years of racing guiding her every move.
As the race settled into a rhythm, Y/N found herself locked in a fierce battle for the lead. Her rival, a seasoned competitor from a rival team, was determined to thwart her every move. The two drivers traded blows, each refusing to give an inch. The tension on the track was palpable, the spectators holding their breath as they watched the duel unfold.
Y/N's thoughts were a whirlwind of strategy and determination. She analyzed her rival's weaknesses, searching for an opportunity to make her move. The radio crackled with updates from her team, their voices calm and reassuring amidst the chaos of the race. Y/N listened intently, their words a lifeline as she fought for every inch of track.
The camaraderie among the drivers was evident, even in the heat of battle. Rivals acknowledged each other's skills with respectful nods, knowing that their battles pushed them to their limits. Y/N felt a sense of unity with her fellow competitors, each of them bound by a shared love for the sport and a desire to prove themselves on the world stage.
As the laps ticked by, Y/N's determination grew stronger. She could taste victory on the horizon, her dream of becoming champion within reach. But she knew that the road ahead would not be easy. The Imola circuit was unforgiving, its twists and turns testing her skills to the limit. She gritted her teeth and pushed on, her focus unwavering as she chased her ultimate goal.
The intensity of the race was relentless, each corner a test of skill and nerve. Y/N's heart raced as she pushed her car to its limits, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She could feel the eyes of the world upon her, their hopes and dreams riding on her shoulders. But she refused to let the pressure get to her, drawing strength from the support of her team and the love of her fans.
On the fateful lap, Y/N's determination was unwavering. She was in a fierce battle for the lead, her car responding to her every command. As she approached the notorious Tamburello corner, her mind was a blend of focus and instinct. The moment before impact stretched into eternity. A slight miscalculation, a split-second too late on the brakes, and her car veered off the racing line.
Y/N felt the car twitch beneath her as she lost grip on the track. The rear end stepped out, and in an instant, she was off the racing line, headed towards the barriers at an unforgiving speed. The initial impact was jarring, the front of her car smashing into the concrete wall with a force that sent shockwaves through her body. Her helmet snapped forward, the straps straining to keep it in place. The barrier crumpled but held, absorbing some of the energy but not enough to prevent the severe consequences.
In the cockpit, Y/N's world became a blur of movement and noise. The car ricocheted off the barrier, spinning across the gravel trap in a cloud of dust and debris. Her body was thrown against the restraints, the violent motion bruising her ribs and straining her neck. The second impact, as the car came to a rest against a tire wall, was less forceful but equally jarring, leaving her dazed and struggling to catch her breath.
The safety cell had done its job, but the sheer force of the crash had taken its toll. Y/N's vision blurred, and a sharp pain shot through her chest. She fought to stay conscious, aware that every second counted. Her team’s voices crackled over the radio, desperate calls for her to respond. She could hear them, but forming words felt impossible. The world outside the cockpit seemed distant, the roar of engines and the cheers of the crowd fading into a muffled background.
The medical team arrived swiftly, their faces a mix of concern and professionalism. They worked urgently to stabilize her, their voices a distant echo in her fading consciousness. Y/N's vision blurred, the world around her dissolving into a surreal haze. She was aware of the chaos, the frantic efforts to save her, but her mind began to drift, slipping into a dreamlike state.
Inside the car, the paramedics worked with practiced efficiency. They immobilized her neck and carefully extracted her from the mangled wreckage, placing her onto a stretcher. Y/N felt a mixture of pain and numbness, her body struggling to respond to the trauma it had endured. Her surroundings grew more abstract, and the faces of the medics became indistinct shapes as her vision dimmed.
The sounds around her began to fade, replaced by a profound silence. She was dimly aware of being loaded into the medical vehicle, the urgency in the medics' movements clear. Y/N's thoughts drifted to her family, her team, and the fans who had cheered her on. She hoped they knew she had fought with everything she had, that she had given her all for the sport she loved.
As the medical vehicle sped towards the hospital, Y/N's consciousness continued to wane. She felt herself slipping into a different state, a place where the pain and chaos of the crash seemed far away. In this in-between world, she found herself surrounded by images from the poem that had always resonated with her. The deer, the moths, the mice—each appeared before her, symbols of peace and transition.
The vivid imagery of the crash, the sounds, the sensations—all began to meld into this dreamlike tapestry. Y/N felt a sense of calm wash over her, a quiet acceptance of whatever lay ahead. She knew that she had pushed herself to the limit, and in that moment, she found peace.
Y/N's consciousness flickered in and out, her mind a tapestry of memories and visions. The pain in her body was a distant echo as she found herself in a tranquil meadow, the soft grass beneath her feet a stark contrast to the harsh asphalt of the track. The air was warm, filled with the sweet scent of flowers, and a gentle breeze brushed against her skin. This dreamscape blended with the poem’s imagery, each line coming to life around her. She saw deer grazing peacefully, their eyes reflecting a serene acceptance. They moved gracefully, embodying the calm and freedom she had always sought in her racing.
As she walked through the meadow, she noticed a group of moths fluttering around her, their wings shimmering in the light of a thousand suns. Each sun seemed to taste like sugar, and as the moths danced and played, they were swallowed whole, disappearing into the light with a sense of joyous surrender. This imagery reminded her of the countless nights she had spent under the glaring lights of the racetrack, each race a moment of pure, fleeting beauty.
Her career flashed before her eyes, a montage of victories and defeats, of the camaraderie and rivalries that defined her journey. She saw herself on the podium, the champagne spray mixing with her tears of joy. She heard the roar of the crowd, felt the weight of the trophy in her hands. Y/N remembered the late-night strategy sessions, the laughter shared with her team, and the quiet moments of doubt she had overcome. Each memory was vivid, a testament to the life she had lived with passion and purpose.
Y/N's thoughts drifted to the mice in the poem, creatures often overlooked and trapped in oil and glue. She imagined them in a warm, safe place with dry fur and full bellies, their struggles behind them. This vision resonated deeply with her, symbolizing the struggles and sacrifices she and her fellow drivers faced on and off the track. She felt a profound peace wash over her, an acceptance of whatever lay ahead. She knew she had given everything to the sport she loved, and that was enough.
On the grid, the reaction to her crash was one of horror and disbelief. Fellow drivers and team members watched in stunned silence as the medics worked. The race continued, but the spirit of competition was overshadowed by concern for Y/N. The camaraderie that bound the grid was now a shared grief, a collective holding of breath as they awaited news. The commentators spoke in hushed tones, their usual excitement replaced by solemnity. 
In the medical center, Y/N's condition was critical. Doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to stabilize her, their faces etched with concentration. The team back in the paddock waited anxiously for updates, their hope mingled with fear. The fans, who had cheered her every lap, now held their breath, united in a collective prayer for her recovery. Social media was flooded with messages of support, a testament to the impact Y/N had on the world of F1.
As her consciousness continued to wane, Y/N found herself in a new vision. She was no longer in the meadow but on a racetrack in the sky. The track was lined with ethereal figures, all the legends she had admired, their faces welcoming and full of encouragement. Ayrton Senna and Ronald Ratzenberger stood at the front, their presence a comforting reminder that she was not alone. She felt the weight of her injuries lift, replaced by a sense of lightness and freedom.
Y/N's car was there, pristine and ready, its engine purring with a familiar warmth. She climbed into the cockpit, her hands steady on the wheel. The track ahead was endless, a ribbon of light stretching into eternity. She knew this was her place, where she belonged. As she accelerated, the roar of the engine filled her ears, a symphony of power and grace. The pain and fear of her final moments on the track were gone, replaced by pure, unadulterated joy.
As Y/N's spirit soared, she felt a deep sense of peace. She knew that she had left an indelible mark on the world of F1, that her memory would live on in the hearts of those who loved her. The racetrack in the sky was her new home, a place of endless possibility and eternal speed. She was free, at last, to race without limits, her spirit forever entwined with the sport she had given her life to.
The announcement from the hospital came as a devastating blow: Y/N had succumbed to her injuries. The world of F1 was plunged into mourning. Her team, her fans, and her fellow drivers were united in their sorrow. Tributes poured in from every corner of the globe, each one a testament to Y/N's impact on the sport and those who loved her.
In the real world, the grid stood united in their grief. The news broke as the race resumed, a somber tone enveloping the track. The Red Bull Racing team was visibly shaken, their faces etched with grief. Mechanics and engineers who had worked tirelessly to give Y/N the best car possible stood together, their heads bowed in sorrow. Christian Horner, the team principal, fought back tears as he addressed the media, his voice heavy with emotion. "Y/N was not just a remarkable driver but an incredible person. Her spirit and dedication will be sorely missed."
Red Bull Racing honored her spirit with a moving tribute. Her car, draped in black, was pushed to the front of the garage, surrounded by flowers and messages from fans. A moment of silence was observed before the race restarted, the grid standing together in a poignant tribute to their fallen comrade. The fans, who had cheered her every lap, now gathered in silence, their banners and flags a sea of tears. The atmosphere was one of reverence and respect, a community united in grief.
Fellow drivers shared their memories of Y/N, recounting tales of her bravery, her kindness, and her unwavering passion for racing. Lewis Hamilton, a long-time friend and rival, spoke of her tenacity on the track and her warmth off it. "Y/N was a fierce competitor but always had a smile and a kind word for everyone. She brought a unique spirit to the paddock, and her legacy will live on in all of us." Sebastian Vettel echoed these sentiments, recalling the times they had spent discussing their love for the sport. "She had a heart of gold and a passion that was unmatched. The track will never be the same without her."
Y/N's family and friends gathered in the paddock, their faces a mix of sorrow and pride. They knew that she had lived her dream, that she had pushed the boundaries of what was possible. Her legacy was secure, her place in the annals of F1 history assured. The fans, too, mourned her loss, their grief a testament to the connection they felt with her. She had been more than just a driver; she had been an inspiration, a beacon of hope and determination.
Social media was flooded with tributes from fans, celebrities, and fellow athletes. Hashtags like #RIPYN and #ForeverInOurHearts trended worldwide. Videos of her greatest moments, from her breathtaking overtakes to her joyful celebrations on the podium, were shared millions of times. Her impact on the sport was evident, not just in her achievements but in the way she had touched the lives of so many.
Y/N's metaphoric transition to her 'heaven' was a vision of a racetrack in the skies. She found herself behind the wheel once more, the engine's roar a familiar and comforting sound. The track was lined with all those she had admired and competed against, their smiles welcoming her to this eternal race. Ayrton Senna stood at the forefront, his presence a comforting reminder that she was not alone. He nodded at her, a silent acknowledgment of their shared destiny. It was a place of peace, of sweet reunion, where the spirit of competition lived on in harmony.
Her funeral procession was a poignant farewell, a celebration of her life and legacy. The world watched as her family, friends, and fans came together to honor her memory. The streets were lined with mourners, holding candles and waving flags in Red Bull's colors. The procession moved slowly through the city, her car leading the way, now a symbol of her indomitable spirit. The outpouring of love and respect was overwhelming, a fitting tribute to a driver who had touched so many lives.
At the funeral service, her family spoke of her unyielding determination and her love for life. Her father, voice breaking, shared stories of her childhood, her early fascination with speed, and the relentless drive that had propelled her to the pinnacle of motorsport. "She lived her life with passion and courage. She chased her dreams fearlessly, and we are incredibly proud of all she achieved." Her teammates and close friends shared their memories, painting a picture of a woman who was as compassionate as she was competitive.
The service ended with a final lap of honor, a parade of F1 cars following her hearse. The roar of the engines was a fitting tribute, a final salute to a beloved driver who had left an indelible mark on the sport. As the cars completed their lap, the crowd erupted into applause, a spontaneous and heartfelt farewell.
From the afterlife, Y/N watched over the sport she loved, her spirit soaring high above the circuits she had once conquered. She observed the teams bustling in the paddock, the drivers preparing for their next races, and the fans filling the stands, their excitement palpable. Each race weekend was a bittersweet symphony, a blend of the past she cherished and the future that was being shaped by those she had left behind.
She saw the future races, the new champions rising, and the spirit of competition thriving. Young drivers, inspired by her legacy, pushed themselves to the limit, their determination mirroring her own. She felt a sense of pride as she watched them, knowing that her influence had paved the way for a new generation of racers. These new champions carried a piece of her with them, their successes a continuation of the journey she had started.
Her presence was felt in every corner of the track, a guiding force for those who followed in her footsteps. During qualifying sessions, moments of intense concentration, and the crucial decisions in the heat of the race, drivers often spoke of feeling a calming presence, a sense of reassurance that seemed to come from nowhere. They would later attribute these moments to Y/N, believing that she was watching over them, guiding them through their toughest challenges.
She was a guardian of the sport, her spirit living on in the hearts of fans and drivers alike. The paddock, once filled with her laughter and fierce determination, now held an aura of reverence for her memory. Photos of her iconic moments adorned the walls of the Red Bull Racing garage, a constant reminder of her contributions to the team. Engineers and mechanics often found themselves drawing strength from her legacy, pushing themselves to achieve excellence in her honor.
The beauty of F1, with its blend of danger and exhilaration, was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Y/N's story was a reminder of the sacrifices made in pursuit of greatness, and the indomitable will that drove her and others like her. Her name became synonymous with bravery and dedication, her career a shining example of what it meant to pursue one’s dreams relentlessly.
Her legacy was not just in her victories, but in the way she lived her life, with passion, courage, and a love for the sport that transcended the boundaries of life and death. Tributes continued to pour in, from fans who had never met her but felt a deep connection to her journey, to fellow drivers who had been inspired by her tenacity. Every social media post, every tribute video, every tearful fan at the track was a testament to the profound impact she had made.
In the end, Y/N found peace in knowing that she had lived her dream, and that her spirit would continue to inspire those who dared to chase theirs. The world of F1 would never forget her, and in every race, her memory would fuel the hearts of those who raced towards the horizon, chasing the thrill of speed and the glory of victory. She was there in every tight corner, every daring overtake, every triumph and heartbreak on the track. Her spirit was the whisper in the wind as the cars roared past, the flicker of light in the eyes of every driver who looked up to the skies for guidance.
The final races of the season saw many tributes in her honor. A special commemorative logo featuring her initials and a stylized angelic wing was added to the cars and helmets of many drivers. Fans held candlelight vigils, creating a sea of light and warmth in her memory. The FIA introduced an annual award in her name, celebrating the driver who best embodied the sportsmanship, courage, and dedication that Y/N had exemplified.
In the quiet moments before dawn at the circuits, when the world was still and the air was thick with anticipation, some claimed they could almost see her—an ethereal figure standing at the edge of the track, her eyes filled with a calm, knowing light. She watched over the sport she had loved so deeply, a silent guardian ensuring that the spirit of racing remained as vibrant and passionate as ever.
Y/N's story became a legend, a tale told to aspiring drivers and fans alike. It was a story of passion, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bond between a racer and their machine. Her life, though tragically cut short, had been a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for greatness. And as the engines roared and the cars sped by, Y/N's legacy lived on, forever racing towards the horizon, where dreams and reality met in a blur of speed and glory.
F1 Taglist: @hiireadstuff, @really-fucking-tired, @donteventry-itdude, @spookystitchery, @evie-119, @dhanihamidi, @leclercdior
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angsthology · 5 months
“i am on work trip vacation” — or an alt title: what happens when a group of f1 drivers go on a getaway together
a houseboat sounds like a great idea! ...right?
a/n HELLAUR this was mostly inspired by that one mofy episode “lake life” which to me is very underrated i love that episode SO much. anyway here it is it kinda ended up not how i wanted it to be in the first place but oh well :)
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to be perfectly honest, no one really remembered whose idea it was for them to do this. theoretically, it did sound like a good idea until someone else had the amazing idea:
“what if we rented a houseboat… for all of us…”
the group blinked at the suggestion.
roo, who had been standing next to lando mumbled to him lowly, “are we that close?”
the question made the two turns to each other for eye contact, when their eyes met, lando shrugged.
their attentions were brought away when max spoke up from his seat.
“yeah, but who is paying?”
the group turned to look at each other before agreeing through eye contact and all turn to the dutch driver.
“what? why? this isn’t even my idea!”
“yeah, but…” the group turned to the first porsche driver, “you keep winning…”
he threw his hands in the air, “what?! what does that have to do with anything?”
“you make the most money…” lando answered for her, the words slowly forming in his mouth, “you bought a whole aircraft, a boat won’t hurt your wallet.”
in response, he got a look from the redbull driver.
the woman next to him walked forward, “how about this; you’ve ruled the land, the asphalt if you must; you’ve also had your reign in the air, isn’t it time for you to have something to dominate the seas…?” she carefully propositioned, eyes searching the unreadable dutch looking for any sort of answer.
until eventually, his eyes lit up looking her way, “you’re a genius!” he exclaimed.
“i know, thanks.” she smugly smiled at his reaction.
shortly after, the man speedily walked off somewhere else leaving her with the rest of the grid.
she huffed with a smile playing at her lips, “men are so easy.”
fast forward to where they are now; lando trying to figure out the concept of charles’ attempt at eggs, the latter suspected to be on some kind of edible (currently being silently investigated by george and alex), lance passed out on the couch in an interesting position with his blanket over his face to shield it from the sun, the rest out on deck or still asleep in their rooms.
just as lando did another poke of his… egg? roo walked down the steps from where all the rooms were, eyes still lidded with sleep, hands stretching with a yawn.
“mornin’.” she greeted, the rest present in the room strung along good mornings as such.
walking over to the smell of burning, she felt the ground tilt to the side, making her lose her balance following where the dip goes. the rest in the room too fully woke up at the tilt—a large horn following. lance, emerging from his blanket and sitting half up grumpily, lando quickly grabbing his plate of eggs to stop it from falling off the counter (though, he regretted doing so, he would much rather the eggs get eaten by the floor rather himself.)
the aston martin driver on the couch then snatched the walkie-talkie on the coffee table next to him and barked into it, “VERSTAPPEN!”
max, happily conducting in his captain’s deck, apologized through the walkie sheepishly, “ehe—sorry.”
from out on the deck, came the sound of the french, “honey, slow down, you are waking up the kids.” just as he put the walkie-talkie back on the table next to him, pierre heard the response coming from the same channel,
“gasly, i will throw you overboard.”
just as he grumbled that, the second haas driver stumbled down the stairs, face still a little sleepy (naturally).
“someone’s grumpy this morning.” he commented before taking a seat next to alex on the dining table behind the counter where lando hastily stared at a piece of his egg.
“fuck off.” he grumbled before covering his face with his blanket once more.
george, sat across of mick, stared at his co-worker still drifting off on the table, “‘horn wake you?”
“no, radio.” he mumbled.
the girl finally went back to walking over to the ferrari driver in the kitchen.
“what’s cookin’, mcqueen?” she greeted.
he looked back to her smiling then continuing his focus on the pan, “eggs!”
the woman looked towards the brit with a plate on the counter, raising her brows for confirmation. in response, he frowned with his eyes closed, shaking his head.
at that, she walked over to the fridge and grabbed the carton of orange juice, pouring it into a cup before walking over to where lando sat and hauled herself up into the stool.
“here goes nothing.” she heard the whisper from the side, looking over to see lando carefully putting the piece of egg in his mouth with his eyes closed.
she cringed when she heard a crunch coming from his bite.
“i think that was a shell…” he cried.
the girl beside him frowned and pat his back just as carlos walked down the stairs, behind him two large dogs followed.
she gasped at the sight, “good morning, babies,” she greeted sweetly, crouching down to pet the two dogs.
passing by, carlos smiled, “good morning, sweetheart.”
roo gave him a side-eye as he passed, snickering, she said, “sure.” her expression then turning to one of adoration when she pat her dogs once more.
her attention moved when charles greeted his teammate, “good morning, calos, how do you take your eggs?”
“like god made them,” he said before cracking an egg and pouring them straight into his mouth.
everyone turned to him in shock and disgust, roo herself shrieked at the sight.
“what the hell is wrong with you?!” she yelped in disgust.
charles, face straight, “oh, right, i forgot about that.”
from the dining table, george questioned, “you do that every day? i just do it when i have a nasty hangover…”
carlos looked at him and paused, nodding before answering, “yes.”
roo then laughed smugly into her glass.
“what are you laughin’ at sally?” asked the spaniard.
“i don’t get hangovers.” she bragged, hand reaching over to the bowl of fruit in front of her. her smug face dropped when she held the too-light banana, “what the fuck? are these fucking plastic?!”
charles then turn around and grimaced seeing the look on her face, “oh, yeah, forgot to tell you.” he the paused, contemplating on what he says next, “if you see a bite mark on the apple… no you don’t.”
george then intruded, “wait, wait. i want to go back to how you don’t get hangovers…”
“yeah—how does that even work?” alex asked next.
she shrugged, “well… how it works is that… i don’t drink. —besides champagne that is,” she added with a smile.
“wait what—”
she clapped her hands together, “conversation’s over, i’m going to take my kids for a walk—lando, stop trying to feed them your eggs they only eat things that are edible.”
the ‘cook’ turned around fully offended, “hey!”
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“please don’t try to make conversation. it’s bad enough you’re here.” again, it wasn’t like she was trying to be rude, but it often came out like that. —she really did hope lando didn’t take it like that.
he scoffed, “oh, come off it, you love me.” he said, while throwing a hand over her shoulder.
the four—lando, roo, bennie, and jet, that is—were currently wandering around the island their boat had docked to. so far on their walk there hasn’t been anything interesting in the island besides the occasional inhabitants of the island (ones that are only visible to the woman anyway).
suddenly, lando let go of her shoulder and went to check his pockets, “oh, right, that reminds me; these has been weighing my pants—”
her attention unmoving, she cut him off, “that or you need a belt.”
he rolled his eyes and continued, “whatever, can you hold this in your pocket.”
finally, that brought her out of her trance, “oh wait—”
she turned around to warn him but it was too late, lando had dropped the item in the pocket hole of her pants only to see it fall to the ground instead.
“wait what—” he grabbed the item off the floor and tried to put it back in her pocket, seeing if he had missed it before only to see it fall to the ground through it again. “what the hell?” without warning, lando put his hand in her pocket all the way through and low and behold; his hand had went through it and peaked out of the bottom of her pants.
he stared at her in confusion.
“yeah, i was going to tell you: my pockets have holes in them.”
“well, no shit, i can fit my entire hand through this—hell, i can even fit both.” he asserted almost going high-pitched. his eyes then changed, visibly remembering a detail she mentioned, “wait—pockets? as in both?”
she rolled her eyes, “yes, drama queen. now can you get your hand out of my pants, do you know how weird this looks?”
“oh, yeah, to who? the wind?” he stated sarcastically as he pulled his hand out of her pocket—if it can still be called that.
the girl was about to answer but her eyes caught something that made her eyes almost pop out of their socket. her hand immediately takes a hold of lando’s upper arm.
ignoring his complains, her eyes still trained on whatever it is she saw and started pulling on his arm.
the brit was still busy complaining on how hard her hand’s grip on his arm was to look up but he still managed to answer, “what?!”
“i think—i think we should uh—go back to shore, y’know, it’s almost lunch, they could be looking for us.”
“no it’s not, it’s only like—” he checks his watch, “—eleven am.” he continues to complain.
but when he couldn’t feel as much pain as before he looked up to see his friend already gone along with the two dogs. he threw his hands in the air, “wha— damn it, roo!”
when he made it back to the beach, she was nowhere to be found, instead he was met with the rottie instead, “oh, hey, bennie, where’s your mum, huh?” he crouched down to give the dog a scratch behind his ear, bennie barked in response.
he—the dog—then turned around and walked over to the side where a white and minty-green volleyball laid, piquing an interest from lando.
when he walked over and grabbed the ball, he heard a call from the other side of the beach.
“oi! you wanna join us for a game?” danny yelled with his hands cupped around his mouth.
without another thought, lando stood up and ran over to the group and joined them. surprisingly enough when he looked to his left, there his friend stood after ditching him in the woods.
he threw his hands in the air when he saw her, “here you are! what the hell was that earlier?”
opting for the easy way out, she replied, “saw something you can’t, you don’t want to know.”
lando—who she knew would steer clear of any further topics involving her abilities—accepted the answer quickly and went back to focusing on the upcoming game.
“so, what’s the game here?” asked the brit.
“it was gonna be two on two but since you’re here i guess, three it is. whose team do you want to be in?”
lando then mulled over his options, go with daniel and mick against roo and zhou or… the other way around. then he remembered just how strong the girl was—he got flashbacks from various sports he had played against her and ones he saw her play, he wasn’t risking it.
“i think i’m gonna stay here, what about you, though? you need one more player?”
the australian looked around until his eyes landed on the rottweiler, a grin made its way to his face, “bennie! c’mere boy!”
when the rottie obliged, roo’s jaw dropped in betrayal.
“first mick! now you too? betrayed by my own boys…”
the german shrugged.
after that, the game went on for a good few minutes. along the lines of those minutes the following had happened;
“what the hell, dan?!”
said man had done an overhand serve with the ball, accidentally aiming it straight where the woman was hitting her upper chest—luckily enough she had managed to save it. but, still, she was a little bit offended.
he couldn’t help but laugh at his own actions—which he swore he didn’t mean to do.
still laughing (all the while the game was still going on), he continues to apologize through it, “i am so sorry karen smith, i swear, it was an accident.”
after that little incident, the girl made it her number one mission to find the right timing for payback.
when she did, she gave it her all into passing that ball hitting it towards the australian’s lower region.
unfortunately for her and luckily for him, he dodged just in time letting it hit the sand instead—unfortunately giving her team a point.
daniel and mick’s eyes were still trained where the ball had landed, seeing how harshly it hit the ground—daniel looked at it more with relief than he’d like to admit.
he turned around from the ball to look at her with ‘offense’, “dude!” he threw his hands up.
without wasting another breath, she pointed at him threateningly, “you hit my boobs! —i target you.”
in return, daniel raised both his hands in surrender and walked backwards to grab the ball and resume the game.
an hour or two later the game finished with daniel and mick on the losing team, leaving the other three in a high.
after high fiving both her teammates, the girl embraced the two men in purpose of gloating, she made sure to say audibly, “so, how did it feel like scoring your first win, boys?” she asked the two, though her eyes stayed on the two opposing teammates.
zhou smiled happily, seemingly glad that he could just participate at all, “feels pretty good, i must say.”
although lando wasn’t quite impressed by her question, “man, shut the fuck up.” he said, slipping out of her embrace to make his way over to the dock with the other five following behind.
“that’s not fair, you play aggressive.” daniel complained half-jokingly.
she was taken aback, “no i wasn’t, are you sure?”
knowing her, he knew her words were genuine(ly confused).
he wrapped his hand and smiled down at her cheekily, muttering lowly, “you don’t know your own strength.”
when they arrived on the boat, the first thing she saw the moment she stepped on the last step up was pierre, still calmly perched on his sun lounger with only his sunglasses protecting him.
the girl stared at him with questioning eyes, “have you moved? like, at all?”
she all but shrugged, leaving him to burn under the sun.
when she entered the kitchen slash dining room slash living room, she was greeted with the hypnotizing smell of the food that filled the table—well, what was left of the food.
just as she was walking around said table, she heard the tapping of paws against the wooden floor and before she knew it, she was tackled by the doberman happily greeting her.
“hey, sweetheart, where have you been?” she scratched the dog’s head happily accepting her affection then suddenly being approached by a smaller collie she weren’t too familiar with, “and you… brought a friend?” she carefully stretched her hand out to pet the mystery puppy, “and who do you belong to buddy?”
“mine, actually.” the blonde thai entered the room with a water bottle in his hand. “his name’s otter, or, otto.”
“awh,” she pouted at the information before looking down at the puppy once again, “i love you.” she unhesitatingly hugs the puppy who then wags his tail with even more energy.
alex was about to comment but she beat him to it, “hey, what happened to everyone?”
“uhh—i think esteban took lance out on a boat,”
“i didn’t know ocon was capable of that.”
“not every two-people getaway is in the purpose of murder.”
“sure, tell yourself that.”
“whatever; charles is terrorizing yuki somewhere and carlos went to the bait shop in the island with george.”
“bait shop? is that a bar? there’s a bar here?”
“no– just a normal bait shop… for… fishing… you do know?”
“oh, hey, that reminds me; i’ve been meaning to ask, why didn’t fernando agree to this, again? i would assume he would jump at the chance at the first mention of lake.”
the alpine driver was currently calmly lounging on his chair doing whatever it is people his age does when suddenly two of the younger drivers on the grid appeared behind him.
he paused whatever he was doing when he felt the presence of two demons giggling behind him, he turned around quickly with a flat expression.
“what do you two want?”
they only giggled when he look at them dead in the eyes, earning raised brows expectantly from him.
the man heard whispers of “you say it”, “no you say it” bounced back and forth from the two.
“just say it.” he ordered the moment they got on his last nerve. (well, they were already on his last nerve the moment they arrived but now it was in the negatives.)
the british of the two decided to be the one to start, “we just wondered why… how—”
“we were just wondering why you haven’t turned to dust under the sun.” she cut him off.
now giggling again, lando continued, “it’s just we’re worried, this lake trip is going to have a lot of sun exposure.”
“we still like you, nan.” she finished, both of them continuing their giggling spree.
“you know what, that’s it.” he stood up from his chair, no longer feeling the relaxing peace and quiet he did before, “just like that, i’m not going. you kids are driving me crazy and i need this break.”
their faces dropped at the sudden ‘outburst’, both of them scurrying behind him to beg and plead for his mercy.
“uhh—he already had other plans.” she paused, then looking over him, “and what are you doing here?”
“trying to find a frisbee for the three of us.”
she tilted her head in question.
“me, otto, and… jet.”
“oh. alright, go nuts.” she then stands up from the ground, popping her head out the window that goes out to the deck, “mick, lan, dan, zhou, any of you eaten anything yet?”
she got a chorus of no’s and not yet’s in response.
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“i—you are seeing this, correct?”
“looking at the same thing as you are.”
after a good lunch break with the four men, they all had went their separate ways to spend the afternoon and after a lot of exploring, roo found her way back to the deck where the alphatauri driver is still lounging. though now he is fast asleep, —and sunburnt.
she didn’t say anything else opting for nodding her head and slowly moving to the sun lounger beside her—vision directly facing the burnt french.
seeing as she was no longer standing next to him, he crouched down, “what are you thinking about, cariño?”
she shrugged, “nothing… just going to relax here.”
safe to say he did not trust her answer, he squinted as he stood back up.
the spaniard crossed his arms, “can i trust you…”
at that, the woman looks up craning her neck, she then pulls down her sunglasses to bat her eyelashes at him with a sweet smile.
he couldn’t help but reciprocate her energy. with one last smile, he turned around, and by chance he was met with lance who were just passing by. he grabbed the aston martin driver and whispered warningly—all the ‘sweetness’ from his previous encounter dropped, “that is a smile of a con-woman. do not trust her, watch her.”
before lance could even react, carlos was already long gone.
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something bad had happened. he left for ten good minutes and he already heard the french-accented sound of agony coming from the deck.
next thing he knew, he was already there with the rest of the drivers all crowded there too to witness what just happened—arriving just in time for the sound of splashing on the side of the boat could be heard.
roo was already there with her hands on the side of the boat, looking down at the man overboard.
all the drivers followed where she was and where her eyes were brightly looking at with a cackle, squished together to all stand along the boat railings to see the emerging alphatauri driver from under the waters.
the girl, still laughing her ass off was getting cursed out in french, even hearing her full name coming out of her mouth.
carlos immediately snapped his head towards her direction, “what did you do?!”
she was still far too busy laughing, leaving the frenchman to answer angrily for her, “espèce de connard!” he cursed at her, “she fucking slapped my sunburn!”
that statement itself had made lando spilt a single cackle, zhou and mick covering their mouth in self-control after imagining pierre’s words.
said man give the three a large glare that didn’t really change their state.
the spaniard then turned to lance with eyes wide, “i told you to watch her!”
“i’m not her babysitter!” he defended, “—lando is! i gave him a fifty-dollar bill to do it!” he continued his defense. (which quite frankly didn’t help him much.)
“so you gave a child a job to watch another child?!” carlos fumed.
“i— well you got me there.” the canadian shrugged and let go of it.
lando, hearing his name, quickly chimed in with offense lacing his tone, “hey! in my defense; i handed the job over to charles!”
everyone then turned to the resident monégasque. he threw his hands in defense, when he spoke his tone a lot less defense-y more reasoning, “what? i am on vacation, i’m not babysitting!”
of all this happening, they all failed to notice the angry frenchman emerging from the stairs—skin red and dripping with lake water.
his wet steps walked slowly towards the culprit—the war criminal in a diy ripped clothing, “count your days.” he threatened lowly, accent thicker than usual, before walking inside the houseboat funnily, body still aching from his ‘little’ predicament.
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te1enoviyuh 🎵 Pitbull, Marc Anthony • Rain Over Me (feat. Marc Anthony)
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liked by awstenknight, f1, and 6,835,736 others
tagged: carlossainz55
te1enoviyuh D.O.G. — drivers only getaway
two notes for this one:
pierregasly i am... sorry, truly
@ all of u, youve all behaved accordingly so i gift u this picture he took when my phone went missing apparently
see all 2,836 comments.
selvnika oh this gave me a whiplash actually
dunphyrrari selvnika ure so right for this queen
thesainzist HELLO
thesainzist i thank u for ur service u are a god 🙏🏼
pierregasly die
siriuslyricciardo pierregasly NAHH I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED ON THAT BOAT
backbiteroo pierregasly tea is BOILING
te1enoviyuh backbiteroo his skin actually
pierregasly te1enoviyuh PÉRIR
mclarenovia watch them be super cryptic about this whole getaway
sixteenparx awsten at the scene of the crime once again 📸
awstenknight sixteenparx CAN YOU JUST LET ME LIVE
sixteenparx awstenknight no
aepsainz YARG
aepsainz on behalf of chillination we thank you and owe you for your service we will never forget this 💪🏿
sebastianvettel Have fun!
liked by te1enoviyuh
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taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoision @vellicora @bborra lemme know if u wanna be added &lt;3
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cheriladycl01 · 2 months
Baby It's Cold Outside - Carlos Sainz x BulgarianOlympicSkiing! Reader
Plot: You take your new husband skiing with your friends Alexandra and Charles.
Credit to bjeanesthings for the GIF
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"How do you do this as normal training baby! I can barley do it two winter breaks in a row!" Carlos shivers looking around as you strap your gloves on.
"Come on! I want to get to the big slopes early so I can practice! Then we can have fun with Charles and Alex!" you smile at your husband as you pull your snow boots on that were at the edge of the cabin.
"But Alex and Charles get a lay-in why don't i?" he complains pouting at you and giving you the puppy eyes.
"Because you decided to marry me, and that doesn't lead to lay-in's on a Ski holiday!" you giggle.
"Okay, but over the summer you are coming with me to Mallorca and we are having lots of cuddles and lay-in's and walks along the beach and lots of morning sex!" he grins cheekily making you slap his chest.
"Okay, well lets go Skapi!" you smile taking his hand.
You guys headed first to the large slopes where you could go down and practice for the Olympics that were to be held in Milan in 2026. You practiced for around an hour, going at high speed and cleaning up your turns and corners.
Then Carlos decided it was time to head back to the log cabin you guys were sharing with Alex and Charles and ask them if they wanted to join you for lunch. You took a leisurely ski through the wooded ski area that was just a general skiing area rather than the specific slopes used.
He reached out for you, holding your hand as you both used one pole to change your directions as needed.
"It's a really nice day today!" you say after pulling down the bandana you had wrapped around your mouth currently. Usually you'd wear a full balaclava but where you were skiing with friends you wanted to be able to talk to them without shouting.
"Yes, the sun is bright!" he says looking around the white snow that if you both took the skii masks off you'd for sure be blinded by the dazzling white expanse.
"Mmm, so how do you feel about the rest of the year?" you carefully ask your husband. You had tiptoed around the subject of him having to leave Ferrari. He understood why they'd jump at the opportunity to take on a 7x World Championship when this year they had a car that was consistent and contending with the Red Bull, that didn't mean it didn't hurt though. You'd only found out a few days ago from Charles himself.
He'd found a true friendship in Charles and Alex, just like he had done with Lando. It didn't mean he would no longer see Charles but they were arguably one of the best pairing on the grid when it came to team-work and wins.
"Well, Audi have said they'd like to take me on in 2026, but that would mean a year out. Red Bull have also spoke to me about removing Checo, but I want a championship and with Max as Red Bull golden boy I don't think it would be feasible. Then obviously there's Mercedes but their car was so bad this year, so it really depends!"
"Well, whatever happens you know you'll have me right?" you say, slowly coming to a halt and pull him into a hug.
"I don't know what the best decision is, but I'm just going to try perform my best this season with Ferrari!" he offers and you nod, pulling him in.
"If you do go with Audi and have an off season in 2025 that means we'll have the whole year together!" he smiles at what you just said.
"Mmmm maybe we can travel without the stress of me racing each time!" he grins pulling you in and kissing you, your masks clashing together making you both laugh.
You walk back in to the cabin to find Alex and Charles cuddles up on the sofa under a fluffy blanket.
"Hey guys, want to go get some lunch?" you ask looking around.
"How on earth do you survive with it this cold!" Alex shivers looking at the snow that falls off yours and Carlos' boots as you slip them off.
"You are all from warmer regions. Mediterranean people" you sigh with a small laugh.
"Sorry we aren't Slavic or Balkan like you and can hold up in your insanely cold winters, I'm guessing that's how you got into skiing?" Charles chuckles.
"Yeah, my dad would take me up the mountains each winter and go skiing! It's how I got into it competitively!" you smile, remembering all the memories from when you were younger.
"It's amazing what you've achieved not only for yourself but your country!" Alex smiles.
"Thank you guys! Going for Gold in 2026 though! You guys will come support me right?" you ask, already planning to give them VIP seats where they could watch from.
"Of course!" they all reply while Carlos comes behind you and picks you up throwing you over his shoulder and launching you onto the part of the sofa next to Charles.
"Carlos be careful" you laugh at him, holding one hand on your chest and another around his neck.
"Just an hour of chilling? Then we'll do lunch and more skiing?" he asks using those big brown eyes off his.
"Alright fine" you smile, pulling him in for a hug as you tune into the show Alex and Charles had on.
You could 100% get used to this life.
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Like by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and alexandrasaintmleux
y/user: Holiday with Ferrari Family! Forza Ferrari <3 also Charles stole my phone :<
Tagged 3 People
View all 567 comments
scuderiaferrari: We love our Core 4! Happy Holidays!
carlossainz55: mi amor you showed us all up, don't recommend a Ski Holiday with a Silver Medalists!
-> fan1: I was at the slopes and saw her helping Alexandra, was the cutest
-> fan2: not mans complaining about his literal wife's achievements!
formulasantander: Alex and Y/N repping the red! We love to see it!
charles_leclerc: I look good no?
-> y/user: no lol, jk don't cancel me
alexandrasaintmleux: love you my best friend! <3 thank you for the ski lessons.
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Instagram Story Caption:
Gang waiting on Carlos be like...
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