#one thing I can fault people for thinking would happen in it is sonic announcements
scruffyplayssonic · 1 year
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 36: New love interest! They get together, yet she never shows up again 
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon! Well, my last two looks at love interests in these comics were pretty cringey, let’s see how much worse things can get, shall we?
Episode 36: New love interest! They get together, yet she never shows up again 
For this one we need to turn to what is arguably the worst three-issue arc in the Knuckles the Echidna comics, The First Date, which ran from issues 26 - 28.
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This story began with the Chaotix - or what was left of them, at least - discussing the recent departure of Charmy from the team. Long story, I’ll get more into that one later. But I will just say that I thought it was lame that Penders cut him from the team, probably because he had no idea what to do with him. Anyway, Espio revealed that he’d gotten a letter from Charmy announcing his betrothal. Vector was absolutely gobsmacked and appalled at this news, clearly not a fan of being tied down to a single partner.
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Getting tired of listening to him brag about how great he is at attracting the ladies, Espio triple-dog dared him to successfully ask out anyone he could find.
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Vector accepted the challenge but struggled to find anyone willing to overlook what an annoying and badly written character he was. :P He was sulking alone in a cafe when the waitress came over to ask him if he wanted anything, and… well, this happened…
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But apparently he failed to ask this unnamed character out too, because in the following issue Mighty and Espio pointed out that he’d failed the challenge, and he brushed it off as nothing more than a temporary setback. 
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Jesus Christ, what a repulsive attitude to have. But there must have been something about Vector that the unnamed swan lady found appealing, because at the end of the story in Knuckles #28, Vector brought her to Knuckles’ surprise birthday as his date!
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…how?! What?! How?!
Now look, I’m an apologist for the ArchieSonic series’ early years, as I grew up reading them and thought a lot of this stuff was epic at the time. Heck, I even kind of like the first 21 or so issues of the Knuckles series - the political arc introducing Lien-Da and cyborg Dimitri are when I feel it took a turn for the worst. But I think these three issues are the worst of the Knuckles comics. The story is bad, the art is awful, and Vector is an extremely problematic character as written by Ken Penders. This interpretation of the character clashes violently with the Vector that we know today, although I can’t entirely fault Penders for that because in the ‘90s his only non-comic appearance had been in the Knuckles’ Chaotix game. So I get the need to come up with a personality for him, but I don’t get why this is what was decided on. It’s just plain creepy. The only redeeming factor of those three issues is the backup story where Mighty is reunited with Ray the Flying Squirrel.
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While Vector’s unnamed date is the only case I can think of where a character actually hooked up with a new love interest who was never seen again, I’ll give an honourable mention to Li Moon.
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Sonic and Tails first met her in Sonic #60, when they saved her village from the Iron King and Queen. The Iron Queen had set the nearby Mount Stormtop ablaze and let the fires rage for 100 days, causing a terrible drought for the people of Stormtop Village. Sonic and Tails took it upon themselves to save the day, putting out the fire and sending the Iron King and Queen packing with the help of Monkey Khan. Problem solved, right? For awhile, sure.
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The two villains would later return after Eggman’s defeat in Sonic #200, taking control of his forces and renaming the Eggman Empire the Iron Dominion. After New Mobotropolis was captured by the Iron Queen, Sonic, Tails, Sally, and Monkey Khan fled back to Khan’s homeland in an attempt to break off the ties she had with the four clans making up her army. While they were there they stayed with Li Moon and her grandfather, and Tails seemed to develop a bit of a crush on Li Moon.
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Sheesh, ninjas really know how to kill the mood.
Tail's crush never really went anywhere, and I don’t believe Li Moon was seen again in the comics after that arc.
Are there any other new love interests who appeared and then were never seen again that I missed? Let me know in the comments! My next blog post is probably going to be a beefy one, as the category is “Sidekick is kidnapped.” There’s plenty of material for that one in the comics!
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thebuttsmcgee · 3 years
ruh roh my friends, I woke up at 5am in the mornin, ya know what that means!
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maximons · 3 years
Tricks And Treats
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Summary: Pietro tries to get Wanda and Y/n to finally admit their feelings for each other and takes them to a haunted house. Too bad Wanda is a full on scaredy cat...or is that exactly what is needed?
Word Count: 2,915
Genre: Fluff
Requested?: Yes
A/N: Finally back with the Fluff! Here’s that one shot I promised like a week ago lmao Happy Reading!
Halloween was for sure your favorite holiday.
You knew you were in the minority with that thought, seeing most people picked Christmas as their favorite, but you didn’t care. You always loved the time of year that came with Halloween, your birthday fell pretty close to it, you get to dress up and pretend to be someone else for a day, and it’s full on spooky season! What wasn’t there to love?
Well apparently a lot, at least according to your best friend Wanda.
For someone who’s a witch, you find it very funny that she doesn’t like the holiday.
You first met Wanda during the whole Ultron situation, back then she took on a more ‘emo’ appearance. Don’t tell anyone you said this, but you wouldn’t mind if she adopted the look again cause damn, so you just assumed Halloween and all things spooky would be for her, right?
You quickly learned that Wanda was not a fan of scary. You remember asking her to go see this new horror movie with you, it was your first time hanging out alone together and you just figured it’d be something she was into.
By the end of the movie, her face was buried in her knees, and she didn’t believe you when you told her the movie was over. The poor teenager working the theater was pretty annoyed with you both.
Needless to say, you didn’t bother her about anything spooky related again.
So when Pietro came to you two asking if you wanted to go to the new haunted house in town, you were beyond shocked that she agreed without a second thought.
“Uh, Wanda are you sure?” You asked, very hesitant. “I don’t know if you’ve ever been to a haunted house before, but-”
“I know what they are, Y/n.” Wanda cut you off before you finished, seeming very enthused, which confused you more. “I think it’ll be really cool!”
“Yeah...Wands, I know this group. This isn’t your typical ‘few scary decorations with the occasional light jump scare’ thing. These guys are intense.” You tried again. You didn’t know what had gotten into the witch, but you were sure she was making a mistake here.
“Y/n/n, relax. I’m not a child, I can handle myself. Trust me, okay? It’ll be great!” The bright smile on Wanda’s face was always a sight you welcomed, but it confused you in the moment. Still, you knew once her mind was set on something...let’s just say it’d be easier to find all the infinity stones than to talk her out of it.
“Alright, if you say so.” You shrugged, deciding it was best to drop the topic. Besides, she was right, Wanda’s a grown woman who can make her own choices. You just get to wait to be able to tell her that her choice was a stupid one. “So Friday night?” You asked Pietro, who nodded excitedly.
“Friday night!” He confirmed.
“Okay, cool.” You took another quick sip of your morning coffee before setting your mug down. “I gotta get ready for training. So happy to be working with Steve today instead of Nat, he’s always a walk in the park.” You said sarcastically with a roll of your eyes. “Wish me luck.” 
The twins wished you luck as you left the room to go get ready. After they were sure you were out of earshot, the witch turned to her brother. “This is your plan? Are you crazy?”
“I know, I know, but trust me, okay?” He reassured, walking to the fridge to grab himself a drink. “Y/n loves this stuff, and as she is the love of your life-”
“Whoa, whoa, I-I never said-”
“-You should experience the things that she loves to do.” Pietro finished, ignoring his sister’s intervention. “I’ll do my best to stay out of your guys’ way, and you have the whole evening to yourselves. Sounds perfect to me.”
“Yeah, until I act like a complete, how do they say, ‘spaz’ around her again.” Wanda sighed, leaning on the kitchen counter in defeat.
“You won’t. You know what kind of things to expect now. And if you do freak out, all the more reason to be by her side. She will protect you.”
Wanda looked at her brother in confusion. “I can protect my self.”
Pietro rolled his eyes playfully. “Not what I meant. You will see, sestra.”
Friday night came before you know it, and you, Wanda and Pietro were waiting in the line to buy your tickets to enter.
“Holy shit, this is a long line.” Pietro complained, causing you to chuckle.
“Not surprising. It’s the week before Halloween, weather’s nice, and this group doesn’t come to New York a whole lot. More surprised it isn’t longer actually.” You shrugged.
“Why don’t they come to New York? I thought this was one of America’s more popular states?” Wanda asked.
“It is, but ever since Loki invaded and our merry band of misfits formed, tourism and things like this have been down a whole lot.” You leaned down to get closer to Wanda’s ear. “I guess we’ve been the scary ones all along.” You joked, but Wanda was more focused on trying to calm down and forget the feeling of your breath against her ear.
“Everything alright there, Wanda?” Pietro asked after a moment, teasing smirk on his face. Before Wanda could even fire back, a voice from in front of you spoke up.
“No way! You guys are Avengers!” The group in front of you turned around, one of the guys recognized you instantly.
“Uh, yes...we are.” Wanda awkwardly stated. You knew Wanda hated fan interactions, and to be honest you weren’t a fan of these situations either. They were unpredictable. The Avengers were either beloved or despised, and you’ve been on both ends of the reaction spectrum. Wanda and Pietro, unfortunately, have seen a lot more animosity than you and the others.
Honestly, you couldn’t even fault the ones that didn’t love you guys. You weren’t ignorant and knew your battles have caused a lot of problems for a lot of people. You could sympathize, but that didn’t mean you wanted to be on the receiving end of that anger. Especially not when you were trying to just have a fun night out with your friends. “Look guys, we’re really just here to have a good time. We don’t wanna cause a scene.” You said.
“Nah, nah, it’s cool. I think you guys are awesome!” The guy said, and it was clear to you then that the dude was baked out of his mind. “Especially you, with the red wiggly woos!” He pointed to Wanda as he gave a terrible impression of her hand movements. You smiled, happy to see a fan interaction go well for Wanda.
The joy you felt didn’t last long though, as another guy in the group turned to you, blunt in his hand. “Hey, you’re the fire one right? Can you do me a solid?” He gestured to you, asking you to give him a light. You sighed, the twins chuckling at the situation.
“Yeah, but don’t ask again.” You ignited the tip of your finger, gently placing it on the end of the blunt. The group turned around in line and continued to go about their own conversation. You felt Wanda elbow your side, and you turned to see a smirk on her face. When you heard Pietro’s snicker, you groaned.
“Shut up.”
“Look at you, helping delinquents. Aren’t you supposed to be a superhero? Bringer of justice and all of that?” Wanda teased and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“Yeah, but I’m the fun one. It’s just weed.” You said confidently, but the witch saw through it and you dropped the act. “And the last time that happened and I said no, the dude burst into tears.” You said under your breath.
“There it is.” She smiled, and you couldn’t help but smile back despite you being the subject of mockery. You loved seeing her smile, you didn’t care about the reason why.
Before you knew it, Pietro announced that you guys were next in line to buy tickets. He bought his and stepped aside so you can go next. “Hi, two please.” Wanda turned to you with her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
“Wha- Y/n, I can afford it.” She chuckled nervously, flattered by the action.
“I know, but when I have to drag you out of here cause you’re paralyzed in fear, at least you won’t regret dropping forty bucks on it.” You shrugged as you handed the cashier your credit card.
Wanda’s face reddened, something she quickly tried to hide from her brother who was enjoying this way too much. Her flustered state faded quickly when she processed what you said. “Hey!” You chuckled before thanking the cashier as she returned your card.
“Please go to the table to sign your waivers, entrance is down that hill. Enjoy your night.” The monotone voice told you that the poor woman’s been working all night. You didn’t have time to dwell on that though as you felt a panicked tapping on your arm.
“What’s wrong? We haven’t even entered yet.” You teased.
“W-what did she mean by waivers?” You chuckled at the panicked tone in the witch’s voice.
“Just means if you have a heart attack or something, you can’t sue.” You shrugged nonchalantly, but Wanda took it very seriously and turned to you with even wider eyes.
“That can happen!?”
“Well, it happened at least once if the thought of doing a waiver.” You answered, once again, nonchalantly. You looked at Wanda and could swear you saw her blood run cold. You laughed, which resulted in you receiving a glare. “Relax, Wan, you’ll be fine. You’re an Avenger, you’ve faced off against killer robots, stared death in the face time and time again!” You exclaimed dramatically as you waved your arms. You noticed Wanda start to smile and relax her shoulders. 
“Thanks, Y/n.” She gave you a sweet smile, and you couldn’t help but melt.
“Yeah, anytime.” Your eyes locked with Wanda, you were about to look away but couldn’t. ‘Wow, were her eyes always this green? They’re beautiful.’ You thought.
A blush appeared on the witch’s face as she tore her gaze from you. You were about to ask what happened, but were interrupted. “Let’s go slow pokes!” Pietro’s voice shouted, effectively breaking the moment.
“Yeah, yeah Sonic, we’re coming!” You rolled your eyes as you shouted back. Wanda giggled at the banter between you and her brother, she loved that you two were close. With that, you and her headed down the hill towards the entrance.
After about a half hour, it seemed Wanda was holding up well. The three of you walked out of the corn maze, and she had a triumphant smile on her face. “I thought you said this place was scary.” She teased causing you to roll your eyes playfully.
“Congratulations you survived the corn maze, you get to join the hall of fame with the other twelve year-olds.” As if to emphasize your point, three twelve year-olds ran out of the maze in giggles, clearly unaffected. Wanda pouted. “Aw, don’t worry. I thought you were very brave.” You teased yet again, which resulted in an elbow to the side.
“You’re a jerk.” Wanda held back a smile as she strutted forward. You laughed as you jogged forward to catch up.
“Alright, are you guys ready for the big one?” Pietro asked and your eyes widened.
“Oh, Piet, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You said as you nudged your head towards Wanda, hinting that you didn’t think she could handle that. Unfortunately, she caught on.
“Aw come on, Y/n. I’m not a baby.” 
“I know, but you can’t go from the corn maze to...that.” You gestured towards the haunted maze entrance, a giant purple demon with smoke blowing out of it’s ears looming over. You guys turned at the sound of screams, and saw a group run out of the maze in fear, which then dissolved into laughter.
“They seem to be having fun.” Wanda gestured towards the group.
“Yeah, after the screams of terror.” You shot back. “You can’t go from walking around the block to running a marathon.”
“Oh yeah? Watch me.” Wanda strutted forward towards the entrance, determined to prove you wrong.
You groaned as you looked over to Pietro, who watched the whole ordeal with a cheeky smile. “Your sister’s insane.”
“Yeah, but you love it.” Pietro said under his breath, but you still heard it.
“Nothing!” With that, the man sped forward, catching up to his sister at the entrance. You stared after him for a moment in shock before joining them.
The three of you walked the path, and everything seemed to be going well...for all of five seconds. The first jump scare happened behind Wanda. The loud screech startled her, and she jumped with a scream. She stumbled into your arms, and you wrapped them around her in order to keep her from falling. You chuckled, and Wanda looked up at you with the intention to glare. However, when your eyes locked again, Wanda couldn’t help but stare.
You, of course, had to ruin the moment. “Not too late to turn back, y’know. This is just the beginning.” Wanda groaned and pulled away from you, continuing forward. You laughed. “You can hold my hand if you want!” You don’t know what compelled you to say that, but you knew you weren’t entirely joking.
And you didn’t regret it when Wanda reached out and held your hand without another word. You smiled, squeezing her hand.
What you didn’t see was Pietro giving Wanda a thumbs up as you both walked past.
At some point, you guys lost Pietro in the dark maze. Wanda wasn’t even worried as she still held your hand tightly, and you knew the man would be fine and he’ll meet up with you at the exit. 
Wanda had been holding up better than you thought. You wouldn’t say she was good per say, seeing as she screamed and practically jumped into your arms at the slightest sound, but she hadn’t collapsed on the ground in tears yet, so you’d count that as a win.
“Gotta say, Maximoff. I’m impressed.” You said as you two walked down the maze hand in hand.
“I’m just being that super brave Avenger like you said.” Wanda giggled, and you couldn’t help but melt at the noise.
“Well you’re doing an awesome job. Even if the last three guys almost made you pee your pants.” You laughed loudly as you took in the shocked reaction the woman gave you.
“Y/n!” She scolded, but before you could even respond, the worst jump scare yet occurred. 
A large animatronic growled and lowered from the ceiling right behind Wanda. The witch turned to look briefly as she screamed loudly and jumped to you again. This time, however she literally jumped into your arms. You quickly braced your hands under her thighs, catching her, as she wrapped her legs around your waist. The force from the jump caused you to stumble back into a darker corner of the maze. Your back hit a hay wall, and you and Wanda laughed at the moment. Your laughter continued for a moment, and Wanda lifted her head from your shoulder to look into your eyes. Both of you got quiet as you continued to stare, sensing the moment shift.
“You okay?” You whispered, almost as if talking to loudly would shatter the moment. Wanda nodded, eyes still locked onto yours. After a moment of silence, she spoke up.
“Y’know...I think a distraction would help.” Your eyebrows shot up at the insinuation. You doubted you heard her correctly, but when you saw her eyes shift down to your lips, you knew what she wanted. And you wouldn’t lie and say you didn’t want it too.
“I...Yeah, I think I could help with that.” You barely got your sentence out when Wanda smashed her lips to yours roughly. You tightened your hold on her thighs as she wrapped her arms around your neck. You stood there, making out roughly against the wall of the maze. As wild and sudden as this was, you wouldn’t trade this moment for anything.
Pietro noticed you two were gone for a really long time. He was beginning to get concerned, and pulled out his phone ready to call one of you. Turns out he didn’t need to. 
You two came out of the maze, only you weren’t alone. You and Wanda each had a security guard holding your arm. After you two were out of the maze completely, they let you go and walked off. It was then that Pietro noticed both of your disheveled states. And he could swear he saw two or three hickeys forming on your neck.
“No you didn’t-” He started, but you cut him off.
“Not a word.” Your hand found it’s way to Wanda’s as you guys walked towards the exit of the park, figuring it’d be bad Avengers press if you guys stayed any longer at this point. You had an awesome night anyway, and didn’t care if it ended a little early. Besides, you had a feeling you’d get to have some more...fun when you got back to the compound.
You didn’t notice Pietro high five Wanda’s free hand.
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oswildin · 4 years
A Story of Stars {Dhawan!Doctor x Reader} (Part 2 to ‘Mowgli’)
~ There will probably be a part 3, the final part!! Prepare for it, I think it’s gonna be a sad one. Inspired by ‘Sine From Above’ by Gaga ~
PART 1 - https://oswildin.tumblr.com/post/621134360897323009/mowgli-dhawandoctor-x-reader
Summary: The Doctor nearly loses you, and he realises how every story has an end.
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When I was young, I prayed for lightning
My mother said it would come and find me
“You know, it’s funny, when I was younger I used to think the stars were close enough to touch.”
You hummed in thought as you stared up at the night sky, the Doctor by your side. You were both laying down on the grass, enjoying each other’s company. You felt like you’d been travelling with the Doctor forever. You didn’t miss home as much as you had expect to. Not that you didn’t miss your family, of course you did, but it was easy to forget everything else when you were travelling with a mad man in a box. The Doctor turned his head to look at you, a small amused smile on his face.
“And that the moon was slowly falling down to Earth.” You laughed lightly. “And one day it would collide with the world.” The Doctor raised a brow.
“You were a cheery kid.” He said sarcastically as you smirked at him.
“My mum told me that if I tried hard enough I could one day touch the stars...” You smiled to yourself.
“Sounds nice, your mum.” He commented. “She wasn’t far off either.” He added. He suddenly jumped up, grabbing your hand as he hoisted you up after him.
“Where are we going?” You asked, as he dragged you towards the TARDIS.
I found myself without a prayer
I lost my love and no one cared
When I was young, I prayed for lightning
The Doctor had his hands covering your eyes as he led you to the doors of the TARDIS, a smile on his lips. You waited, full of anticipation as you couldn’t help but wear a smile with him. Finally he released his hands from over your eyes, as you narrowed them slightly, adjusting to the sudden light that was in your eyes. When your vision cleared, you looked out to see a star... You were looking at a real life star in space. The TARDIS was hovering above it as you looked down in awe.
“Wow.” You breathed out, laughing lightly at the view. “That is beautiful.” You smiled, shaking your head in wonder.
“It’s just a ball of gas.” The Doctor shrugged, leaning against the door nonchalantly as you playfully whacked him on the arm.
“Yeah for you maybe. Bet you’ve seen plenty of stars come and go.” You commented as he hummed in agreement.
“Doesn’t mean I don’t see the beauty in them.” He retorted as you glanced up at him before looking away. You didn’t notice his eyes lingering on your face, as you allowed yourself to be fully amerced by the sight before you.
“I can see why it never gets old.” You spoke softly. “And I can see why you left your home. All these amazing things that are out there...”
“Do you miss it?” He asked. “Home?” You were taken back by his question but shrugged.
“I thought I’d miss it more than I do.” You admitted. “Time doesn’t feel real in this thing. When you’re travelling everywhere and anywhere, it all just seems to fade away.” You peered up at him. “Is that what happened to you?” You raised a brow. He shifted on his feet, tightening his jaw for a moment.
“I suppose.” He said thoughtfully. “I had only planned to travel for a while... A while became years and years became decades.” He admitted. “But I never forget a thing. I remember every one, every place, every disaster, every star that’s born...” He muttered. “And I move on.” He placed a hand in his pocket. “That’s my life.” He paused. “Are you sure you want to be a part of that?” He asked lightly, staring down at you. You looked him in the eye, thinking his words over as you slowly began to smile.
“I think I do.”
Yeah, I looked with my face up to the sky
But I saw nothing there, no, no, nothing there
You were currently on a vessel, in the middle of space as it was being dragged down towards a star. The engines were failing, and the passengers were slowly dying one by one from something draining the oxygen out of each section of the ship. You had separated from the Doctor, at the risk of it being too dangerous to go with him. However, neither of you had expected the opposite effect. Turned out whatever was draining the oxygen, was hoping for people to divide into groups, making it more effective and ‘fun’ to pick off people one by one.
You were in the underbelly of the vessel, trying to find the power to the engines, seeing if you and the engineer could get it back up and running whilst the Doctor was in the flight deck, seeing if he could try and hack the system to send for help. Of course, the easier option was to get everyone to the TARDIS and fly away, but when faced with a challenge the Doctor never turned it down.
You and Tuki, the new friend you had made, entered the engine room, rushing to the power, but as you did the door deadlocked shut. You instantly began to panic, as you reached for your mobile, luckily having service in the middle of space all thanks to the Doctor.
“Doctor!” You cried down the device. “The doors deadlocked shut, we can’t get out.” You told him as you could feel his own panic radiate through the phone. Just as he was about to respond, there was a sound like a vacuum as you struggled to catch your breath.
The Doctor’s eyes instantly went wide as he heard your struggle through the phone. He quickly turned round, going to the system as he began typing away furiously.
“What are you doing?!” One of the others called to him as he kept typing.
“(Y/N)‘s in trouble! Need to fight against the deadlock!” He exclaimed.
“We tried that! It doesn’t work!” They exclaimed in return, as he ignored them, fighting quickly against the clock.
You grabbed your neck, trying desperately to catch your breath. You looked over, seeing Tuki also struggling as you coughed. Your eyes scanned the room, desperate for something that could help. There was no use in trying to break down the metal door, it would waste what little oxygen you had left. Eventually your eyes landed on what appeared to be canisters as you scrambled towards them, trying to remain as calm as you could in the situation.
Once you made it to them, you gathered they were oxygen tanks as you felt a pang of relief in your chest. You dropped your phone as you tried to pull them towards you, feeling light headed. You ushered over Tuki silently as you looked at the gage, seeing there was only a few puffs of air left in them. It would have to do. You tried to explain to Tuki that he needed to take in air and hold his breathe for as long as he could. He seemed to understand your signing as he nodded.
You allowed him to take the first burst of air out the nozzle as he relished in the oxygen reaching his lungs. He held his breath instantly, as you followed suit, silently praying the Doctor had a plan.
“(Y/N)! I’m coming hold on!” The Doctor shouted down the phone as he growled in frustration. He soniced the computer, as it eventually turned green, as he saw the deadlock lift from the engine door. Without a word he bolted from the room, not looking back at the others as he made his way to you.
Yeah, I stared while my eyes filled up with tears
But there was nothing there, no, no, nothing
Only enough oxygen for one breathe left. You looked at Tuki as he slumped down, seeming to slowly become unconscious as you felt tears pricking at your eyes, daring to fall from the lack of oxygen in your body. The room felt like it was spinning as you made your decision. You dragged the canister to him as you forced the nozzle into his mouth, releasing the last breath of air into him. He quickly coughed, realising what you were doing before he could stop you, holding his breath.
Your body felt weak, tired as your eyes felt heavy. At least you tried to save someone. You felt your body slowly fall to the cold ground as you felt yourself slipping in and out of consciousness.
The Doctor rounded the corner, darting down the hall as he finally came face to face with the engine room door, seeing it was open as air began flooding back inside. He looked in to see Tuki recovering as you laid still on the floor. Panic flooded into his system as he shook his head. He couldn’t lose you. Not you. He was immediately by your side.
“I tried! I-I tried to stop her but I didn’t realise- I-“ Tuki stuttered as he looked defeated and worried. The Doctor ignored him as he turned you over, attempting to search for any signs of life. He leant down, putting his ear to your face to see if he could hear or feel any breathe. It was weak but there. He sighed in relief, knowing you were still alive.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered to you, although he knew you couldn’t hear him. He gently picked you up, one arm under your legs and another on your back as he hoisted you up, holding you close to his chest. “We need to leave now.” He announced to Tuki, a dark expression on his face as he exited the room.
I heard one sine from above
Your head felt fuzzy as you began to come to. Your body ached. You slowly began to open your eyes as you realised you weren’t on the ship anymore, but in the TARDIS, draped over the chair as you slowly sat up.
Then the signal split in two
The sound created stars like me and you
Your eyes instantly found the Doctor, who was stood at the console, leaning against it with his hands resting against the metal exterior. His face was dark, and gloomy as you furrowed your brows. He didn’t seem to notice you were awake as you cleared your throat. His head snapped in your direction as a look of peace fell onto his features.
“(Y/N)...” He breathed out, sighing. “I’m sorry.” He apologised, shaking his head as he rounded the console towards you. “I’m so so sorry.” You looked at him confused.
“For what?” You asked softly.
“It was my fault. You could’ve...” He didn’t dare finish the sentence. “I left you alone.” He whispered as he got closer.
“You didn’t...” You argued. “I was with Tuki.” You told him. “Besides, it’s not your fault.”
“I have a responsibility.” He stated. “I have a duty of care.” He shook his head. “Tuki didn’t have a clue!” He exclaimed slightly. “He didn’t know what to do in that situation.”
“Would you?” You asked, raising a brow. “There’s no point playing the blame game.”
“I forget how fragile humans are.” He said quietly, kneeling down in front of you.
“Excuse me.” You narrowed your eyes. “We may be fragile but we are capable of looking after ourselves.” You argued, a defensive tone coming through.
“You don’t understand.” He muttered. “I was ok, I can hold my breath longer than you. It should’ve been me in that situation.” You laughed lightly, almost scoffing.
“Yeah then what?” You raised a brow. “I would’ve been dead anyway. Stuck on a ship hurtling towards a star, with a mystery creature who could’ve easily taken away the oxygen anyway.” You said, looking down at him. You could see the fear in his eyes, the concern for his companion. You gave him a small smile. “You did what you had to do, and so did I.” You told him. “I’m not completely useless. Managed to make you some extra time to figure out a plan didn’t I?” You teased as he sighed.
Before there was love, there was silence
I heard one sine
And it healed my heart, heard a sine
“And even if I did die, it would’ve been my decision. I chose this life.” You told him sincerely, placing your hand on his shoulder comfortingly. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way, ok?” He seemed to pause for a second before reluctantly nodding at your words.
When I was young, I felt immortal
And not a day went by without a struggle
“You humans and your defiance against mortality.” He mumbled, before getting up, staring down at you. “You’ll be the death of me.” He shook his head playfully.
“Then stop worrying all the time!” You smirked, standing up. “You’re not living if you’re constantly worrying.” You told him a small smile playing at your lips. “Look, I’m fine, you’re fine. You saved them. Give yourself some credit.” He smiled lightly at you as you reached up and hugged him, holding him close. He instantly reacted, gripping you like he was scared you would fade away.
I lived my days just for the nights
I lost myself under the lights
You were sat in the library, your book in hand as you read the words on the pages. The Jungle Book. The Doctor had told you he had a copy lying around somewhere. It took you a few months but you finally found it. You were so into the book, you hadn’t even noticed the Doctor enter the room. You jumped slightly as he spoke.
“Still reading?” He asked as you smiled up at him, nodding.
“Yup. Near the end though.” You said proudly.
“Never finish a book me.” He announced. “I like to tear out the last page.”
“Why?” You raised a curious brow.
“Because then the story never has to end.” He told you softly as he sat beside you.
“But that’s the whole point of stories... They always come to an end. They have to. Otherwise there’s no point of the story.” You argued as he hummed in reply. He seemed to go quiet at your words as you watched him closely. “Besides, the ending is always the best bit.”
“You think so?” He raised a brow, leaning back in his seat.
“Yeah!” You nodded. “Find out if the guy gets the girl, if the character lives or dies, if the bad guy is defeated or wins...” You trailed off as he smiled at you softly. “And in this case, whether Mowgli stays in the jungle or goes back to his family.” You shrugged, placing the book down in your lap.
“I could just tell you.” He smirked, teasing as you rolled your eyes.
“No!” You laughed, using the book to hit him in the chest lightly. “I will not have you spoiling this story for me.” You paused, staring at him for a moment. “For someone who doesn’t seem to like stories with endings, you seem to make a lot of them.” You commented as his smile fell slightly. “All good stories come to an end.” You told him gently. “It’s just whether they last for a sequel. I mean, your life is one big adventure story. It’s sort of like a story with thousands of chapters.” He smiled softly at that.
“I suppose in a way it is.” He shrugged. “I never asked for it to be though.”
“No, but the stories that aren’t planned are always the best.” You smiled at him. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you just enjoyed each other’s company.
You knew there was still a lot you didn’t know about the Doctor, but you almost didn’t care. As long as you were apart of his story, that’s what mattered.
When I was young, I felt immortal
Taglist: @drapetxmaniia @dannighost @imagine-whatever @the-sweet-space-bi @blamerogertaylor @koschei-taylor @koschei-studies @lostshadow12 @hannahlilyyx @wonders-of-the-multiverse @ettorah @nikey-no-likey @imthedoctorlove @twentysomethingloser92 @sometimes-i-feel-like-falling @hellothedoctorisreal @tragic-and-tried @kind-sober-fullydressed @chiswicknoble @sherly-not-obsessed @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @psychobitchtess
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nothing-fancy94 · 4 years
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Soooo... You guys liked it, and asked for more, and so here I am with part 2 of my little Shadamy short, where our fav hogs have an unknown, shared past, which left one bitter and the other... well we haven’t found that out quite yet.
As always thanks to my support team, @mysuperlaserpiss @another-sonic-blog and @lonelysadblob my cove of palm trees that always inspire me.
I look forward to hearing what you all think of this next part :)
Lost Time - Part 2
Shadow smashed the door to the G.U.N. offices open with such a fury that a chill spread through the entire floor. He passed by the many cubicles lining the middle of the floor, ignoring the array of frightened and annoyed gazes. Being on the job for so long, and never failing at a mission had given him a corner office in the back, which he appreciated for its seclusion and privacy. So, on a day like today, he could simply lock himself inside with the blinds shut, and no one dared to bother him.
Just as he had finished shutting the last of his shades, he heard the click of his supposedly locked door as it opened. If possible, his mood darkened even more, for he knew only one person could pick his lock as though he'd left the key in the knob.
"Hey, hon! How's my favorite hedgie doing this morning?" Rouge the Bat announced as she sauntered into his office as though she owned it.
Shadow brought his hands to his forehead and made his way to his desk which sat in the far side and next to the large windows which looked out over the city. Once seated in his chair, he finally brought his attention back to bat who was wandering about his office and touching all of his books and decorations. 
"What is it that you want, bat?" He asked, frustration dripping in his voice. He didn't want to deal with the other crazy female in his life, not after the shit he had gone through this morning.
Rouge sighed and dropped the generic bust of a head that had come with the office, back onto it's shelf. She made her way to the other side of his desk and plopped down into a chair. She sucked the right side of her lip, and looked at him with an almost nervous gaze. However, Rouge was rarely nervous, hesitant maybe, but her personality never let her dwell long on anything.
"Well..." She started, and sat back in her chair folding her arms, "I'm throwing a party tomorrow tonight... in celebration of an old friend returning home, and I thought you might want to come."
Shadow scoffed. It was almost hilarious, this situation. He'd never seen Rouge beat around the bush before, but he supposed that was to be expected when it came to the bombshell that was Amy Rose. He grunted and folded his arms as he looked her over,
"And what made you think that I would have even the slightest interest in going to one of your ridiculous parties. Besides it's most likely for someone I don't even know." 
He almost laughed out loud at the guilt that appeared on her face. He had never known his oldest partner to feel guilty about anything, and she was the one who had stolen the Master Emerald before and almost caused the collapse of the human world with Dr. Eggman. This was certainly interesting. Amy sure had a way of bringing out sides of people that were never before seen. And not their good sides either.
Shadow rose from his chair and made his way around the desk. "Look, I was going to let you fumble around some more, since it's quite amusing to see you behave like this, but I have work to do. As I'm sure you do as well. Besides," He paused, as he leaned in close to her twitching face, "I know she's back in town. I saw her this morning."
Rouge could not hide the shock that ran through her body and laid to rest on her face. Shadow smirked and walked to the door of his office.
"Wha... What happened?" She asked as he opened the door and gestured for her to leave. He rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms.
"What do you think? She invited me to her inane party. Of course I'm not going. Nothing will make me go, not you and definitely not her."
Rouge sat for a minute, a look of pity on her face, before she got up to leave. He almost felt bad for the way he treated her, after all it wasn't her fault that Amy was a total witch. But as she was leaving, she paused, gave him a look, and said, "People deserve a second chance. Amy may not be perfect, but who is? Just come and hear her out... You'll regret it if you don't." 
Without waiting for a response, she left.
As usual, nothing of any importance or excitement happened to Shadow at work. And throughout the day he had done his best to avoid Rouge, which had been difficult since she was his partner, and was a stubborn bitch if he ever knew one. However, he’d been able to leave early after finishing all his paperwork, with the excuse of his broken bike. He headed to his favorite auto shop, all the while riding with extreme care so as not to lose more of his bike then he already had. Once he arrived he was greeted by one of the few Mobians he could tolerate, Jamie Steele, an orange hedgehog mechanic.
"Heya Shado–OH shit! What happened to Ruby?!" Jamie rushed over to the shambles of a bike that Shadow dragged behind him. Shadow rolled his eyes at the hedgehog's frantic examination of his prized possession. "Didn't I tell you not to call it that?"
Jamie stopped and stood up, his blue eyes playful, "You and I both know you like the name." Ignoring Shadow's glare, the orange hedgehog grabbed the bike, and pulled it into his private section of the garage. 
As they walked towards the back room, Shadow glanced around at all the high end vehicles and imported machines. He was still amazed at what Jamie had managed to do in just the few years that he’d owned the shop. It used to be the worst in town, but now there was a waiting list for months, just to have Jamie take a glance at a machine. However, having a rare handmade motorcycle, made Shadow’s ‘Ruby’ Jamie’s favorite client. He never had to wait for an appointment.
"So, my friend, you gonna tell me what happened to my favorite girl?" The orange hedgehog’s voice came through the door, snapping Shadow’s attention from the main garage. Shadow made his way in after Jamie, and couldn't help but let loose a frustrated growl. 
"Some shit from the past resurfaced in the most inconvenient way possible."
"Oh?" Jamie inquired, as he locked the wheels of the bike into place on a stand and took a closer look at the machine. "And this 'past,' she have a name?"
Shadow looked at him with such a bewildered expression, that it caused the orange hedgehog to laugh. Shadow’s eyes narrowed when he heard the laughter, and he scoffed,
"How'd you know I was talking about a person, let alone a female?" 
Jamie shook his head and stood up with a grin, "Not much can make a prideful male like yourself unnerved. I figure it has to be one of two things, a girl or a visit from Chaos himself. And I highly doubt the later is making trips to see a grumpy guy like yourself."
He made his way to the back of the garage, enjoying the sour look of confirmation on Shadow's face and turned off the lights. "Come on, let's go get some drinks. I don't have any more appointments today, and your bike will need new, imported parts, that won't get here for at least a couple days. Besides, you look like you need some hard liquor."
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mobius-prime · 4 years
255. Sonic the Hedgehog #186
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Mogul Rising (Part Two: Devil's Due)
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! and Matt Herms Colors: Josh Ray
Sonic struggles to fight against Mina, Mighty, and Tails at once, as Mogul speaks to him through them. He angrily tells Mogul to let them go, and when Mogul mocks him for not listening earlier that day Sonic rightfully points out that Mogul didn't even begin to explain his own position in any amount of detail, instead just basically saying "haha, surrender." Ash, alerted by the noise and the empty bed, appears in the doorway of Freedom HQ and seeing the chaos, leaps in to grab Mina, not realizing she's being controlled.
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Abruptly, all three mind-controlled friends break off the fight and run away in opposite directions. Ash is upset and confused as to why Mina would act so strange, so Sonic explains what's going on and then offers to bring him along to interrogate Mogul, something which Ash immediately accepts if it will let him save Mina. Once they get back to New Mobotropolis Sonic furiously orders Mogul to tell him where his friends are, and Mogul happily obliges.
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Both Ash and Sonic are horrified, especially with the knowledge that Sonic wouldn't be fast enough to save all of them in time, something Mogul gloats over before offering them a deal - he'll bring them all back unharmed, if Sonic brings him the Chaos Emerald currently being kept within the city. Sonic, seeing no other choice, grimly agrees, before rushing away with Ash to sneak into the castle, into the chamber where the emerald is. Nicole, realizing they're trying to steal the emerald but not knowing why, starts putting up barriers trying to stop them, but they dodge without breaking stride and nab the emerald, rushing it back to Mogul as a montage shows the three puppets coming closer and closer to their deaths…
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Nicole hysterically asks Sonic why he would do such a thing, and Sonic and Ash explain why they didn't really have much choice. Mogul, tiring of their conversation, uses his magic to force Nicole's hologram to dissipate before knocking Ash aside and telekinetically grabbing Sonic. To Sonic's shock, Mogul immediately announces that he has no further need of his new Fearsome Foursome and "releases" him from his service. Why? Well, apparently, he's realized one key rule of this universe - Sonic always wins.
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With that, Mogul teleports himself and the other prisoners away, and Sonic and Ash return to Freedom HQ, which the three formerly-enslaved individuals have returned to. Ash comforts Mina while Sonic talks to Tails and Mighty. They're both embarrassed at what happened, Mighty even admitting he now knows how Knuckles must feel, but Sonic reassures them both, saying that while the villain may have won this time, they're going to get their chance to strike back sooner or later.
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Josh Ray 
Hey, speaking of Knuckles! He's having a pretty bad time of it as he flies over Albion in secret, watching the last of his people work to rebuild the city while blaming himself for everything. He's glad that at the very least Remington has been returned to normal, but can't bear to face his own family or anyone else, believing that for now they'll be better off without a Guardian looking after them. He uses a warp ring to leave, but Kneecaps notices him and babbles, and Lara-Le barely manages to catch a glimpse of him before the warp ring disappears. Man, poor Lara-Le. I miss when she was a much more major character, to be honest. She's so sweet, and doesn't deserve any of the terrible things that have happened to her. Knuckles warps himself to the oasis in the Sandopolis desert, where the entire dingo army has set up camp. With General Kage gone, General Helmut von Stryker, who has apparently been hanging out here all this time, has once again taken control of his people, and upon seeing Knuckles curtly informs him that his people are thriving here, and expect to make their way back into the heart of Angel Island before long.
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Knuckles, I'm sorry, but what the hell are you thinking?! Look, I agree that the dingoes have been wronged by the echidnas over time, but have you forgotten that not long ago these guys turned into literal Nazis as soon as Eggman gave them a chance to? Did you completely miss the fact that they are the ones that ran the concentration camps that killed off ninety percent of your people?! I would think that that alone has completely robbed them of any chance at redemption. Like, Knuckles seriously seems to think here that Kage is the sole mastermind behind the echidna concentration camps, but meanwhile here in the real world we kind of all agreed that "I was just following orders" wasn't a good enough excuse for all of the grunts who served in the Nazi regime, and I would think the same should hold here. Do you really want to welcome an entire army of people back into the heart of the island who not two months ago were gleefully torturing and slaughtering your people? Again, we are talking about a literal Nazi allegory here, this isn't me projecting, these guys were literally modeled after the Nazis. I think forgiveness and "live and let live" is not the right choice here, especially if Knuckles is already feeling so guilty about hurting his people, because the dingo regime hurt his people far more than he ever did during his single day as Enerjak.
Jesus Christ. Anyway, Knuckles returns to the main part of Angel Island, hiding in the bushes near "Shrine Isle," which is apparently what we're calling the tiny floating island that houses the Master Emerald shrine. I guess everyone just decided that keeping it blatantly out in the open is the best plan now, so the Chaotix have worked together to build a bridge over to it for easy access. Ray had spotted Knuckles using a warp ring earlier but was unable to follow him, and Julie-Su says sadly that if he doesn't want to be found, he won't be. Knuckles, watching from within the bushes, hopes they'll go away now that the bridge is finished, but Rouge's voice from behind him interrupts his brooding, asking if he plans to just go back to being a hermit once again. He's irritated, not wanting to talk to her right now and insisting that everything bad that's happened on the island only happened because he left, but she presses on, reminding him that with Eggman's sheer power and Finitevus' unpredictability, the island likely would have been attacked and decimated anyway and it's not solely his fault. Knuckles gets angry at this, yelling that the Brotherhood's methods protected the island successfully for hundreds of years and he's the only one (besides Athair) who's really broken tradition.
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Well, good on you, Rouge! Knuckles thinks on it for a moment, watching his friends play around next to the shrine, and then concedes the point, deciding that he should protect everyone he can after all. He walks out to greet everyone, who are overjoyed to see him… and then Rouge smirks from her hiding place, murmuring to herself about how gullible Knuckles is and how she can't wait to "wrap him around her little finger." Oh come on, Ian, really? Look, if there's one character I think Ian has not at all figured out yet, it's Rouge. He seems to see her as this scheming, callous, manipulative bitch who's only interested in treasure and breaking up relationships for fun. Hell, Penders wrote her better than Ian currently does, and that's saying something. In the games, yes, Rouge is manipulative and a bit shady, but she's not at all a bad person. After her experiences with Shadow in Sonic Adventure 2, she explicitly mentions how she's been influenced to become less materialistic and to search for "something better" in life, and by the time of '06, she's nothing but a positive influence on those around her. Sure, she's still not above using shady or illegal means to get her way - she is part of Team Dark, after all - but in general her morals always end up lining up with those of the heroes, and she's intensely loyal to those she considers her friends. There's hints here and there within the games that she may have a thing for Knuckles, but to be fair, there're just as many if not more hints that she's not into anybody and only flirts at all to get an edge over others. Adding in this little bit at the end where she's acting all scheme-y while watching Knuckles just makes her seem like this terrible and insincere person when that's not what her character is supposed to be like at all. To be fair, Ian does get better at writing her later on, particularly when she finally starts being paired up with Shadow as a team, but for now, I'm definitely pretty salty at how she's being treated here, considering she's one of my all-time favorite Sonic characters across all canons.
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singledarkshade · 4 years
The Doctor And The Nurse
Summary: On his way to work, Rory Williams meets a strange man on the strangest morning of his life. So far. Author’s Note: I saw this Tumblr Gif set with Rory as the Tenth Doctor's companion and this appeared. All Eleventh Doctor canon is gone, as is River (at the moment). I intend to write more in this as I have quite a few ideas but until then, enjoy.                                ********************************************* “Hi, Rory,” Amy’s grinning face appeared on the screen, “I’m in India, not that you would know since I’m in my gorgeous hotel room,” the camera moved and panned around the room before moving to the window, “I can’t even show you the sights through the window cause I’m over the pool.”
The camera returned to her smiling face, “We’re here for a few more days, maybe a week depending on how things go then we’re heading to Peru. Can you believe it?” She paused and tilted her head, “I miss you and I wish you were here to see all this, but I know you’re too busy keeping everyone healthy.” She blew him a kiss, “I will be home for your birthday so I will see you then. Bye.”
Rory sighed as he watched Amy’s message for about the hundredth time since he’d received it six days ago. She had surprised everyone when she suddenly announced she’d gotten a job working with Clayton Gove, a well-known writer, and his wife, Julia Gove as their new assistant. He was writing a new novel, while his wife was researching a travel book, so it meant going to far-flung and exotic locations for the next year.
But that was Amy, adventurous and capricious, a whirlwind in his life since childhood but his best friend he couldn’t imagine life without.
With a sigh, Rory finished his coffee before getting his things together to go to work.
Looking around his tiny flat, Rory sometime wished he’d stayed in Leadworth but that would have meant still living at home and he had been trying to assert his independence.
The thing was he was supposed to be moving to London with Amy and sharing a flat with her, except she got her fantastic job, so he’d basically fallen on his face.
Realising the time, Rory grabbed his jacket and headed out the door.
The TARDIS landed.
Wondering where he’d ended up since he’d used the random setting, the Doctor slid his coat on and opened the door.
“Really?” he asked, looking out the door to see a sunny morning in a park in what he was sure was London, “I thought we’d be somewhere much more fun.”
Musing for a moment, he knew that when the TARDIS stopped somewhere there was usually a reason for it so, closing the door, the Doctor stepped out into the warm morning.
He would admit he was a little bored since Martha had left, and he was on his own which meant he ended up talking to himself far too much these days.
Sticking his hands in his coat pocket he strolled along the path, smiling at people as he passed them. It was a quiet day but there was something…something he couldn’t quite put his finger on but something.
“Sorry,” a young man said when the Doctor bumped into him.
“My fault,” the Doctor told him before heading away.
Continuing he frowned hearing a strange scuttering from nearby. Stopping he strained to hear the noise, getting onto the ground and pressing his ear to the grass.
“Are you hurt young man?” a woman asked from above him.
He grinned up at her, seeing the perfectly set grey hair and pink jogging suit, “Just checking that the worms are able to move around freely.”
She gave him a confused looked before power walking on.
And then all hell broke loose.
  Rory heard screaming and turned to see people running as what looked like bats rose up from a hole in the ground. The man in the long brown coat who had bumped into him was ushering people away as he pointed a strange pen at the sky.
He saw several people stumble, an older woman wearing a pink jogging suit fell to the ground with a cry. Pushing through those running in the opposite direction Rory reached the woman just as the strange man did.
“Here,” Rory said as they both crouched to help her, “Slowly.”
Helping her to a bench, Rory dug into his bag for his first aid kit as the strange man finally cleared the strange creatures.
“You’re prepared,” the strange man said as he sat on the back of the bench with his feet on the seat.
Rory glanced at him as he began to clean the cut on the woman’s arm, “I’m a nurse.”
“Good,” the man said, nodding, “Excellent. That was good luck you being here. But then I suppose this is on your way to work.”
Frowning slightly confused Rory nodded. He checked the wound and started to put some antibiotic cream on it.
“So, you’ve never seen anything odd?” the strange man asked, “No one weird hanging around?”
Rory turned to him, “Other than you?”
“Good point,” he chuckled, before continuing, “I mean it’s strange for the Chrilckingkiki to attack like that.”
Looking at the woman he was helping who shrugged back at him, Rory knew he was going to regret this but asked, “The what?”
“The things that attacked,” he explained, “But they never would come to Earth…”
“You would expect to see them on Mars,” the man continued not even acknowledging Rory’s question, “Which begs the question, why are they here?”
Finishing bandaging the woman’s arm, Rory looked up at the strange man, “My question is what are you talking about?”
The man laughed, “Never mind. You should get to safety.”
With that said he bounced away leaving Rory and the woman staring after him.
“That was odd,” Rory said.
She nodded, “Yes, it was.”
“Oh,” the man reappeared again making them both jump, “You wouldn’t happen to have any chewing gum?”
Distracted as a policewoman appeared to check on them, Rory nodded, “In my bag.”
“Thank you,” the man said as he ran away again calling back, “Get to safety.”
Rory sighed.
“What’s wrong, dear?” the woman asked as the policewoman started her moving.
“He took my bag,” Rory looked in the direction the strange man had run, he glanced at the policewoman, “Please ensure she’s checked for a concussion.”
With that said he ran after the man who had stolen his bag.
  The Doctor checked the sonic and fixed the frequency, if he could find their nest then he might be able to work out how they got there. He opened the bag to find the chewing gum and frowned that he couldn’t find what he was looking for.
The bag was snatched from his hands making him jump to see the nurse standing there.
“I told you to get to safety,” the Doctor reminded him.
“You stole my bag,” Rory told him.
The Doctor stared at him for a moment before realising, “Aww, sorry. Where’s the chewing gum?”
Rory opened the front pocket and pulled out the packet he had, “Here.”
“Excellent,” the Doctor said before realising he had no idea who he was talking to, “What’s your name?”
“Rory, look I…”
“I’m the Doctor,” he cut the younger man off, shoving a few strips of chewing gum in his mouth, “Chew this.”
Rory looked confused with two strips of gum sitting in his mouth, so the Doctor motioned what he wanted him to do. The bemused expression didn’t move as he began to chew.
Checking the signal on the sonic he began to move again, Rory following on. Reaching a large tree in the centre of a grass circle the Doctor frowned.
“The signal stops here,” he grimaced, shaking the screwdriver, “That’s rubbish. A tree.”
“That’s new,” Rory spoke up from his side.
The Doctor spun, “What?”
“I walk through this park every day,” Rory told him, “I have never seen a tree here before, especially one that looks older than I am.”
“Really?” the Doctor stared at it, “Give me your gum.”
Rory stared at him, “You want my chewed gum?”
“Why do you think I gave you it?” the Doctor rolled his eyes, “Gum, now.”
With a disgusted look, Rory took the gum out his mouth and handed it across. Nodding at the young man, the Doctor rummaged in his pockets and pulled out the atmosphere sensor he had. With the gum and the sonic he altered it so he could check for portals instead.
“What are you doing?” Rory demanded watching intently.
“The Chrilckingkiki aren’t from here,” the Doctor explained as he worked, “So they must have come through my portal. Now, if there is a portal there is someone who has created it and considering there is a tree bang smack in the middle of the park that wasn’t there yesterday then we know that there is someone orchestrating this.”
“So, I am going to do a feedback loop and close the portal,” the Doctor told him.
Rory stared at him for a few seconds before shrugging, “Okay.”
With a nod the Doctor activated the scanner, finding the frequency he glanced at Rory who was watching thoughtfully.
A high pitched squeal began to sound from the tree.
“What is that?” Rory demanded.
The Doctor winced and grabbed Rory’s arm, “Run.”
  Rory was a little surprised as the Doctor grabbed his arm and yanked him away from the tree. The Doctor skidded to a stop and snatched Rory’s bag off him again, opening it he dumped the contents onto the grass.
“Hey!!” Rory cried, picking up his stuff from the ground.
“Sorry, Rory,” he said, “I need this, the portal isn’t closing and unless I close it then it will rip a permanent hole between the worlds and…”
“And?” Rory demanded automatically taking the bag when the Doctor handed it to him.
“I need to be able to detonate a large enough explosion and need a way to deliver it without getting either of us killed.”
Staring at the other man, Rory nodded and didn’t resist when the Doctor took the bag back. Using the handle, he began to swing it in a circle around his head before letting it go.
“Allonsy,” the Doctor cried as he released the bag.
It flew through the air in a smooth arc, and Rory gripped the Doctor’s arm as he watched it hit the tree. The explosion threw them both backwards and they slammed into the ground.
  The Doctor sighed in relief that his plan had worked, he knew it had been a long shot but sometimes they worked the best.
Pulling himself to a stand, the Doctor offered Rory his hand to help him off the ground.
“You okay?”
“Ahh, yeah,” Rory sounded winded, looking around. He stared at the empty space where the tree had been, “What happened?”
“We closed the rift and made sure that it can’t open again,” the Doctor smiled, patting Rory on the shoulder, “Well, that’s us fixed everything so you should go and get to work.”
Looking a little shell-shocked, Rory nodded and holding all his things in his arms wandered away. With a smile the Doctor headed back to the TARDIS.
 Rory finished his shift, his supervisor had heard of the chaos in the park so he hadn’t received any reprimands for being late. He’d managed to get it out of his mind while he worked but now, as he wandered home Rory kept thinking about the insane morning.
As he walked along the side of the park, it was still cordoned off after this morning’s insanity so he couldn’t follow his usual route home. Rounding the corner to his street, Rory stalled as the Doctor stood in front of a police box sitting on the street.
“I thought I would check up and see how you were after this morning,” the strange man said, pushing himself off the box.
Rory stared at him for a second before asking, “Who are you?”
“I told you,” he grinned, “I’m the Doctor.”
“I know a lot of Doctors and none of them are like you,” Rory replied.
The Doctor continued to grin, “I like you.”
“Thank you?”
“So,” the Doctor said, “Where are you from? Because you don’t seem at ease here.”
Looking bemused at the questioning Rory took a moment before he shrugged, “I’m from Leadworth.”
“Never heard of it,” the Doctor mused.
“It’s in Gloucester,” Rory replied before shaking his head, “Why am I telling you this?”
The Doctor smiled, “I’m listening?”
Rory stared at him, still bemused.
"So, you've never been anywhere other than here or some tiny village in the middle of nowhere?" the Doctor asked.
Rory shrugged, "Never really had the inclination to travel much."
"Then you've never thought of another sky above your head, or different grass beneath your feet?"
"My friend Amy was always the adventurous one," Rory told him, "She’s currently in India, I think. It might be Peru by now."
The Doctor chuckled, "Since I destroyed your bag, how about I make it up to you by giving you one trip."
Pointing to the TARDIS, the Doctor waited for the young man's reply.
"In your wooden box?" Rory asked, the scepticism clear in his voice.
With a grin the Doctor opened the door, "Have a look."
Confused Rory moved closer and stopped as he saw the room through the door, turning he walked around the box, his hand trailing along the outside to ensure there was nothing there to create an illusion.
Returning to the door he stepped inside and looked around.
“Well?” the Doctor said, waiting for the normal response.
Rory turned to him, “After today, this doesn’t surprise me.”
Laughing the Doctor threw his coat over the railing, closing the door before he jogged over to the console.
“I should probably ask,” Rory joined him at the console, “Trip where?”
With a grin the Doctor pulled the lever.
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popunktomlinson · 4 years
fall ‘19 rec
Pull Me Under - zarah5 (140k)
AU. As the first British footballer to come out at the prime of his career, it helps that Louis Tomlinson is in a long-term, committed relationship. Even if that relationship is fake. (Featuring Niall as Louis' favourite teammate, Liam as Louis' agent, and Zayn as Liam's boyfriend, who just happens to be good friends with one Harry Styles.)
Tell Me When You’re Ready (I’m Waiting) - insufferablelovebirds (17k)
When Harry's love letters to his old crushes get sent accidentally, one of his old crushes, Louis offers to help him fake a relationship but it gets complicated when feelings get involved.
Or an au loosely based off to all the boys I've loved before.
your rainbow will come smiling through - hazkaban (17k)
when harry isn't working at his stepfather's cafe, he's trying to make swim captain and trying to finish all his coursework on time. when he's not doing any of those things, he's talking to the boy he met on the oxford hopefuls subreddit. when they decide to meet, he's elated. he finally gets the chance to meet the boy he's been crushing on! when the day comes to meet his prince, he learns that his online crush is none other than louis tomlinson, captain of the football team and friend of his terrible stepbrothers. now harry has to decide whether telling louis the truth is the right choice or if it's better to just let sleeping dogs lie.
I’m A Man Who’s Got Very Specific Taste - patdkitten (4k)
“Birth control is getting expensive,” Louis repeats aloud to himself, focused on the medical bill he's just opened as he blindly locks back up his mailbox. “I could just stick with suppressants and condoms.” He continued, muttering to himself as he folded the bill back up. “It's not like I have a boyfriend or a mate or anything like that to merit continuing taking them.”
“Do you normally announce your sex life in front of the mailboxes?”
There's a strange alpha in the building that Louis calls home and he thinks maybe he'll make a proposition to the alpha. It goes a bit different than expected.
Love Isn’t Always on Time - messofgorgeouschaos (45k)
Falling in love with your best friend sounds like a good idea, until he comes back from a work trip engaged to another man. A Made of Honor AU.
Sonic Sounds - glasscushion (6k)
"Harry takes a deep breath, suitably embarrassed, “I’m just really...” and he can’t say the obvious. He can’t just say really wet."
Harry loves feeling embarrassed. Louis is happy to help.
Sit Next To Me - allwaswell16 (12k)
Harry Styles of One Direction always gets what he wants. Well, nearly always. What he can’t seem to figure out is why the very fit man who comes to assist Liam’s tattoo artist seems to have zero interest in him. Is Louis Tomlinson the straightest man alive? Or does Louis showing up for every show on tour mean something more is going on?
Howls Like A Beast (You Flower, You Feast) - indiaalphawhiskey (17k)
“You don’t love me,” Louis had said, utterly blasé as he callously fractured the heart of a Harry that was just barely eighteen.
“I do,” Harry had insisted pleadingly, green eyes already watering.
“You’ll change your mind once you’ve seen more of the world,” Louis had teased, pressing a brutally delicate kiss onto Harry’s lovely, pure cheek. “Once you’ve been properly defiled.” He had whispered filthily, delighted by the gasp he heard, the frantic pink blush that had rested high on Harry’s cheeks, the power he had felt at knowing he could make the Crown Prince squirm.
red hands - reveries_passions (132k)
a dystopian au in which harry, an ex-soldier who’s escaped from his government run camp, accidentally stumbles across the biggest rebel movement in the country, and louis, one of the rebellion’s mysterious leaders who appears to hate him, seems to simultaneously have an obsession with keeping him alive. or: harry is wanted for treason, niall hasn’t changed in four years, liam is always smiling, and louis is angry. like, really angry.
My Favorite Word - lightswoodmagic (3k)
“Nah,” Niall replied, typing on his computer and gracefully ignoring Harry’s embarrassment. The grin remained though. “He has a pretty specific...type. You could go help him out, you know. Pretend to be his boyfriend.”
Harry choked on the water he’d just swigged, his face brighter red still when everyone in the library turned to stare at him.
Or, Louis’ ex boyfriend won’t leave him alone, so Harry steps in.
Welcome Back From The Friend Zone - 2tiedships2 (32k)
“As we are both aware,” Louis began. “You are continuously complaining about not having the kitchen appliances needed when you want to make some of those random recipes you find online. And your precious waffle maker died recently.”
“Where are you going with this, Lou?” Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.
“We need to pretend we’re getting married and send out announcements to rich people. Like billionaires who don’t know who we are.”
Or the one where an idea to create a fake wedding with the sole intent to receive gifts from billionaires took a turn no one, but also everyone, saw coming.
No Turbulence Please - wetdandelions (5k)
It's just Harry's luck that his rut hits right before his concert when he's stuck on an airplane with his best friend as the only omega. Luckily, Louis doesn't mind helping him out. All for a good cause, of course.
Stay Forever - allwaswell16 (6k)
For the last year and a half, Harry has spent his coffee break at the same cafe every day, not because he loves their coffee, but rather because of the gorgeous omega behind the counter making the coffees. As a beta, he’s sure he doesn’t stand a chance with him, so he goes online to find as close a substitute as possible.
A camboy au
Into Always - jaerie (4k)
Harry finds his ex's knotting dildo and gets a little curious. Louis is more than willing to help out.
The End Should Be A Good One - bannanasandboots (43k)
It doesn't feel like falling in love, the way it had felt the first time around, easy, simple, almost like floating, wrapped up in a whirlwind of touches and kisses, late nights spent laughing breathlessly into each other's skin. This feels broken, complicated, like every move carries the weight of their past. Like the floorboards beneath them could collapse at any moment. This doesn't feel good.
Or, the one where Harry loses the love of his life on New Years Eve and finds him again, six months later, ready to open some poorly-stitched wounds.
Send Me Your Pillow (The One That You Dream On) - flowercrownfemme (3k)
Harry is embarrassed to realize he's nesting but can't stop stealing Louis' things for his nest.
Hey, Mr. DJ - allwaswell16 (5k)
Harry really, really does NOT want to go out to a club tonight and be hassled by a bunch of alpha knotheads, but against his better judgement, he finds himself alone on the dance floor, barefoot, with an orange in his hand. This is all Niall's fault. At least the DJ is the most strikingly gorgeous alpha he's ever seen...
spice up your life - bottomlinson (9k)
After a conversation with his Uni friends, Harry worries that his relationship with Louis has lost it's spark.
(aka: an incredibly silly modern day love story ft. awkward boners, grumpy neighbours and Cosmopolitan sex tips.)
Falling All In You - dimpled_halo (16k)
Louis wins a contest to meet Harry Styles even though he doesn't consider himself a fan. What he doesn't expect is to win over the popstar's heart.
Floating - Snowy38 (56k)
There's places that you can go to get help. The doctor's, psychiatrists, psychologists and all that run in between. And then there's places that fall on the edge of those recognised institutions. Places that offer the kind of therapy that most medical boards would reject on the ground of ethics. That's the kind of place Louis Tomlinson needs. It's the kind of place he has found. And so he goes. To a sex therapist with an unorthodox way of curing...by actually having sex.That therapist just so happens to be Harry Styles.
Don’t Move In (Don’t Move Out) - 2tiedships2 (14k)
Only one more week and Harry would be living under the same roof. Gone would be Liam’s alpha scent, quickly replaced with Harry’s. All Harry. Louis was going to fucking die. You’d think Louis would be used to it by now, that Harry’s scent would simply fade into the background like Liam’s did. But Louis had a feeling he would simultaneously be living in Heaven and Hell once Harry moved in.
Blockheads (Building a home with you) - bitter_leaf (38k)
Louis is a no-nonsense contractor with a score to settle. Harry is an idealistic interior designer who just wants the world to be beautiful. When they decide to go on The Block, a reality TV show about renovating, they’re not prepared for what else they might build together…
Shake Me Down - AGreatPerhaps12 (206k)
Harry's new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization.
Fall Into Your Gravity - zarah5 (74k)
AU. In which Harry is an overnight pop sensation and Louis steals plants, Zayn pulls Liam's proverbial pigtails and Niall's really just pleased there are more girls for him.
And The a Bit - infinitelymint (159k)
“We’d like to give the fans what they want.” Magee states, placing his hand on the table in front of him and leaning forward. “We want to give them Larry Stylinson.”
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toasttz · 5 years
From the Tabletop X
Shit yeah! I'm totally alive! It's not that our games stopped or anything (though our D&D GM was ready to throw it all at the wall, he has decided to soldier on). Just that I've gotten wrapped up in other things. Like, uh, GM'ing! Yeah, remember, like, a year ago when I started this series and mentioned I really like Shadowrun? We kicked off a Shadowrun 5e game! So, today's special 10th-ennial extravaganza will be Shadowrun talk time, or me at the opposite side of the table. To begin, our players' runners: Troppo - an Australian who ventured to Seattle in search of work once a military injury (several lost fingers) had him on a medical discharge. His role in the party is infiltrator. Which gives him license to trivialize otherwise-challenging moments in my campaign by stealth-killing all the enemies I made for them. Later ends up dating a Johnson after a particular run. Still active as of this writing. Then there's Big Iron - our street sammy. An ex-cop who was put on indefinite administrative leave when she became known as Knight Errant's personal walking PR disaster - effectively the sixth world's version of the Demolition Man. However, as part of the conditions of this arrangement, she had to be on-call when KE needed her for anything. She became a runner to make ends meet and kind of became the Team Mom. And lastly is Clockwork. Clockwork is a decker who runs hot or cold - either hyper-compotent and hacking the planet, or getting thwarted by an OSHA-compliant stairwell (not joking about this) with no inbetweens. Rare flashes of brilliance illuminated the short and underwhelming career of a runner who, as of the most recent update, was sent to the hospital because his overweight girlfriend sat on his face. As the GM, I refuse to issue apologies or excuses. Mostly because, God damn man, you could've done SO MUCH BETTER! Oh yeah, I realize there is a canon runner named Clockwork. Well, we didn't know that going into it, so he got to fly under the radar on that. If he had actually hung in there, I planned on having the canon Clockwork troll him at some point. So, to start, we're all new and Sixth World is out of reach at the time (and debuting late at our local shops), so I decide to pitch the classic: a Stuffer Shack run. Seattle, 2080, early nostril-freezing early January. Big Iron goes into said Stuffer Shack, getting herself some snacks and condoms (in order not to look "lame"). The boy at the counter sleepily rings her up, just in time for Troppo - Spider-Manning his way up to a rooftop in order to eye a gang of elves acting shifty outside the store. This leads to the first glitch of the game - the elves glitch in their attempt to notice Spider-Troppo. Elf 3: Whoa! Look! That pigeon is fat! Elf 4: Who cares?! Focus! Troppo: Troppo sits in silence to watch these crazy elves, taking only minor offense at being called a fat pigeon. One of the elves goes around the side to start hacking the security (which isn't exactly top-notch), and the other three enter and declare themselves the "Daggerbacks" - an elven supremacy movement looking to expand the glorious empire of Tir Tangaire (and sucking at it). Big Iron attempted to take the high road and offered them a chance to reconsider this terrible decision, but they scoff at the offer and a shootout ensues. This goes poorly for the elves (and would've gone worse for them, had I properly read about how this system handles damage! Shadowrun is a ruthlessly kill-y system!) as Big Iron sends the three scattering, one diving for cover, one wounded who slumps into a wall, and the leader with a baseball-sized hole in his torso, blown backwards into the store's front door. He is then grabbed by a colossal, Troll hand, which firmly affixes to his head, causing him to drop his firearm in defeat. The owner of the hand is Oscar, a former coworker of Big Iron who "just so happened to be in the neighborhood" at the time and lent a hand in arresting them. Oh yeah, and Clockwork traced their network activity and arrived at the scene in the nick of too late. Troppo ultimately intimidated their decker into absolute surrender, lifting a coupon for "SUSHI RAINBOW - NOW WITH REAL FISH!" and his deck off him in the process, causing him to flee - claiming to never really care about the Tir - without deck but with soiled pants. The firefight inside dies down not long after. Cashier: You shot it, you bought it! Big Iron: Now's not the time! By sheer coincidence, the other elves had SUSHI RAINBOW coupons on them as well - my subtle shove towards a meet-up place. Big Iron and Troppo meet en route, having established they did work together in the past. Before long, we were all together, meeting at SUSHI RAINBOW, its owners being Japanese immigrants, Yoshi and Rinko Watanabe and their gyaru daughter, Honoka. Since we were playing with few players than normally constitutes a full runner team, I made a few NPCs to help fill any niches that needed addressing. Honoka was a technomancer and had skills like auto mechanic and gunsmith. And, due to an amusing typo (AKA: Clockwork's persistent illiteracy), a new team of runners was born: "Hey, guys! Someone's biting my runner handle!" complained Friend Octopus. "You really need to change it, dude," Observed Radical Larry. "You're one to talk," sighed Sexy Penguin. "All of you, shut up and focus. This bomb isn't gonna defuse itself and if it goes off, we'll lose the entire shipment of irridium discs!" scolds their leader, Disco Panda. Anyways, back in Seattle, we learn Yoshi and Rinko are retired runners who still have contacts throughout the city. Rinko agrees to bring the runners on on a regular basis, provided they assist with a little issue that's been plaguing them for a while: The Silver Knives. A gang of over-the-hill mostly-mages, who are going around and harassing people as of late in the area. I learned many of the foibles of GMs that day. On account the first leg of the run (a shoot-up down a narrow corridor/alleyway) was trivialized by Troppo Spider-Troppo'ing down on them and assassinating them. For reference, I use the dice that came in the Sixth World Beginner's Box - cuz they're super cool - and these geezers were glitching left and right. So, having made complete work of that, the runners got to the main event - a raid on their warehouse compound (where they would be paid for each of the gang necklaces of each head they popped) and were assigned an NPC shaman, Fallen Snow, an Amerindian Shaman who had a... very special master spirit. I used Shark from the core book as the basis and... well... Go to Youtube, and search for "Lumpy Touch Movie Sonic". Once again, as GM, I never make apologies. Except in one run. But that was only half my fault. Fucking stairs, man. Not even once. Well, I underestimated them again and, though the gangers had a numbers advantage, Troppo and Fallen Snow were stealth/assassin builds and Clockwork was given the rival in the form of the 1337 H@X0R, an elderly, experienced hacker who was learning computers before the previous Great Crash, well up to 2080. Fallen Snow then reveals her spirit as Wendigo (full name: Wendigo of the North), who proceeds to beat the hell out of and then subsequently eats the gangers as they go. Now, a small excerpt from our game: "Snow thrusts her arms out to the side as she glows dimly, as two disproportionately long, clawed hands extend up, then out, landing on the ground and pushes up a lumbering, terrifyingly large spirit. Its head is clad in a goat's skull, but its eyes still seem to bulge and protrude from the sockets, as if they are being squeezed. It has a massive set of jaws and ever-convulsing skin that paradoxically seems to hang limp off the spirit's frame. "HEY GUIYS!" the spirit announces itself in an echoing, unearthly voice, "I'm STARVIN' over here!" “Jesus fuck, Snow,” Troppo says under his breath, without taking his eyes off the sprawling enemies. "Wendigo. By our contract. Kill the Silver Knives. Oh, and don't swallow their necklaces. We need those," Snow demands. "Does that mean... WHAT I THINK IT MEANS?!" the spirit cackles. Snow sighs, rolls her eyes, and replies, "Yes. You may eat them. Don't belabor the point. We're in a hurry and outnumbered," “Jesus FUCK, Snow,” Troppo repeats, with greater emphasis this time. Clockwork gasps "Holy shit" Snow rests her eyes for a moment with a sigh. "When gangers killed my family... my magical 'spark' ignited. And I screamed for anything that would give me revenge. And I summoned a Spirit of Hunger," "OH BOY OH BOY, YOU GUYS! It's like a buffet line! Sure, the meat's tough and been under the heat lamp too long, but there's SO MUCH TO TRY!" Wendigo guffaws as his legs manifest and he rises to his full height. After Clockwork used his gun to off a guy in meatspace, Wendigo even pried, "Are you gonna eat that?!" with a sadistic laugh. Clockwork won (narrowly), just in time for the BOSS FIGHT to stomp in - a cybered-up ork with raw strength to spare. When he threw Wendigo across the warehouse, even Big Iron strongly considered the better part of valor. Boss: Well, well, well... I go out for one night on the town with the missus and I come back to find everyone in my branch has kicked their damn oxygen habit... Troppo: Well, to be fair, it's a bad habit to have. Everyone who has it eventually ends up dead. Boss: Too true. Too true. Especially in this day and age. So, you busted up my joint. Least I can do is tell you my call sign. Y'er, uh, runners, yeah? You got call signs, I wager. Mine, when I was a young man, was Wrecking Ball Big Iron: GET SOME, GRANDAD! (Proceeds to open fire wildly). Wrecking Ball: (Dodges, much to the team's horror). The old way it is, then. This was not a fight I had any intention of making easy on them. Hell, I was even going to give them the chance to use social combat to escape. But Big Iron cast the first stone and thus, the battle was underway. But with a bit of teamwork - and a review of how armor works in the game - they were able to beat him - and obtain a specially ranked insignia off his necklace with a color ranking - a green jewel. Rinko paid the team handsomely. The team then got the chance to go back to SUSHI RAINBOW and rest a while. Not long after, I assigned their next run - in what would come to be known as the COFFEE RUN. Join us there as we also DRAW DICKS ON MUSEUM WALLS! And meet a SUPERHERO TEAM! See you there!
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jubilantrose-blog · 5 years
in-depth timeline ;
while my previous post was more of an outline? this is a fully in-depth look into her timelines. this can and might change with any new information canon gives or if things come up in roleplays  ( i will not be going into full depth of the plots of these games -- just the basic jist of them. also some games will not include a summary as i don’t feel there’s a need for one. ALSO I WON’T INCLUDE GAMES AMY ISN’T A PART OF. those games happened, of course, but i’m just doing amy’s game timeline. );
( entirely headcanon based ! ) 
Amy was originally an orphan / street hog. Her original parents weren’t prepared to raise a child and left her in the hands of what they hoped was a ‘suitable’ location. Though the people she was left with weren’t ideal and Amy ran away at a very young age. Surviving on the street for a good while by herself. She became known by people for being a ‘rascal’. And, given she didn’t talk much so people couldn’t know her name, her nickname became ‘Rosie’ which is where the moniker ‘Rosie the Rascal’ comes from.
Luckily, by age 6, she was taken in by a family of travelling fortune tellers. They taught her all about tarot cards and always believed she had a true gift or ability in the art of it. She considered them the closest thing to a family she ever had. And they helped her realize there are good people in the world. They saw the good in her, a mere street hog that often swiped and stole food and acted brash, and made her realize the world isn’t as cruel and lonely as she had thought.
During their travels and home life Amy was able to see the good they brought others. Learning about true love, seeing the best in people, and that ‘even those who are bad might have some good in them somewhere’. She decided to keep her name as Amy and adopt the ‘Rose’ to the end of it. No longer going by ‘Rosie’ anymore.
With Amy as part of their family? The travelling stopped. Them wanting to give her a normal life in a town compared to dragging her place to place.
By the age of 7, Amy had learned a lot about a certain blue hedgehog. Admiring him via newspapers, stories, and tales told by others on their journeys. Hearing about Sonic passing through towns and forest to stop the ‘bad guys’. Her crush and admiration is what inspired her to announce to her family ( after doing a tarot card reading ) that she’d meet him. Her family was supportive but grew concerned about letting her be so young and heading out there. Nevertheless this willful ( and stubborn ) little lady was gone in a flash.
AGE 8 - 11 ;
SONIC CD / MANIA ( the shorts / comic series ) ;
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Amy truly had no idea what she was getting into. She was starstruck meeting her idol, her crush, and she went in without thinking. Only to soon be caught by Metal Sonic. Being kidnapped when meeting her idol was terrifying to her. Sure, her life beforehand wasn’t ideal. She got chased back on the streets, dealt with some angry individuals who she stole food from before meeting her family, but nothing like this. Nothing deadly or that serious.
Luckily, she was rescued.
And that made her crush on him grow even more.
Wanting to keep up with him, plus possibly defend herself from being kidnapped, she begins working hard using her piko-piko hammer. Continuing to chase after Sonic and join him along the way. Allowing herself to meet Tails and Knuckles in the process as they all go after Eggman.
AGE 11 - 12 ;
PRE SONIC ADVENTURE ( headcanon based ! ) ;
As the years had passed Amy found herself losing track of Sonic and the others for about a year. She decides to return home to visit her parents. She had been keeping in contact with them and visiting them on most holidays. Telling them stories about her adventures with Sonic. But when she arrived she had found the house abandoned and couldn’t get into any contact with them. A neighbor, spotting her confused, tells her that they decided to return to their traveling ways. Believing that, since Amy was so independent and had been proving herself as such, she didn’t need them as much.
Having spent the last few years chasing after Sonic, plus off on adventures, it dawns on her that...she doesn’t have a home ! So she heads off and, after looking at brochures and other things, decides that Station Square is the perfect place to find an apartment ! Plenty of shopping districts, work opportunities, and more !
She ends up getting an apartment there and happens to find work rather easily. Working at a small diner where she helped an elderly couple that ran the place. It didn’t pay much but it allowed her to keep food on the table and gave her something to do to pass the time.
AGE 12 ;
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However, while work was ‘something’ to do ? She found herself bored sitting around in the same place.  Every day she did the same thing. Wake up, get dressed, go to work, go shopping til she dropped, go home, go to bed. It was mundane compared to those years of being rescued by Sonic and following after him. With him gone, with her having nothing to do, she was bored !
That would soon change.
Little did she know her reminiscing and longing for some excitement would, quite literally, fall from the sky in the form of a Flicky. With a desire to protect it, plus a robot now chasing after her, she soon finds herself running into her hero himself ! Sonic would help her ! He would know what to do to keep this birdie safe ! He would--
Except.... he runs away.
She does manage to catch up to him, though ! And, though admittedly a little scatterbrained, she gets distracted by Twinkle Park. This leads to her being captured and taken aboard Eggmans ship in hopes Sonic would come and rescue her. But it’s not Sonic that frees her from the cell. Instead, she befriends a robot that seems to be different from the others. She would end up standing up to Sonic to protect the robot from being destroyed.
Now this is where my version sort of veers off though not by much ;
Unlike the Sonic Adventure game ? Amy witnesses Gamma’s death and the events happen similar as the show Sonic X. With Amy witnessing their final battle and seeing, to her horror, the destruction caused. While it helped reunite the family it also meant having to see a robot she befriended sacrifice itself. She was able to say her goodbyes and thank the robot. Knowing, in the end, the sacrifice had to be made to reunite the family even if it was painful.
She’s happy to see them together and walks out onto the deck with them. Only to witness the same robot from earlier ( the one that had kidnapped her ) shoot down the small Flicky much to her horror. Angered, plus not wanting Gammas sacrifice to go in vain, she challenged the robot. Vowing herself that this time she would be the one  laying down her life if need be to keep the Flicky and its family safe.
She takes the robot on with all her might. And manages to win ! Though she doesn’t celebrate much as she worries and frets over if the Flicky was safe. Fearful that it was dead. However, much to her happiness, it’s okay !  She wishes them all well and is happy to see them all together.
Amy realizes, at that moment, she did something on her own. She saved herself, she helped the Flicky, she made a friend of the robot. She vows from that moment on she would do things by herself ! No more waiting for Sonic, no more being the damsel, no more running away ! She was determined to make Sonic realize she could handle herself !
( She also ends up befriending Big & Froggy during this time ).
AGE 13 ;
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Amy is stunned to find out Sonic has been captured. She decides, at this moment, she had to free him ! For once she would be the one to save him and not the other way around ! However, it seems no matter what she’s done she’s left behind. She felt as if nobody had faith in her. Everyone kept running away, leaving her behind, acting as if she’s incapable. And she began, in some ways, to feel the same. When she’s held captive by Eggman and watches in horror as Sonic seemingly dies. She blames herself for it. She’s supposed to be strong. And, once again, Sonic saved her ! But this time he’s....dead ! He’s dead ! And it’s HER fault ! She couldn’t even help Tails fight Eggman out of her own grief ! Yet she soon realizes Sonic is alive. Thank goodness.
Amy, along with the others, listens in to the diary that’s being played. Finding out about ‘Maria’ dying, the grief of the man there, and realizing he’s signed a death wish for the Earth. As everyone goes off to help she fnds herself. again, alone. She contemplates this to herself until she sees him -- Shadow, and realizes that while everyone is fighting she’s doing nothing but standing there. She had to help out, do her best, even if it might be futille !
While the events of the game are canon, with Amy going to help out and sticking around, the only thing that differs is her interactions with Shadow.
While in the game the interaction was brief in her helping Shadow remember ? I personally prefer Amy having sort of a similar role to how they did in Sonic X. With an actual back and forth between them that’s tension filled as it shouldn’t have been so easy to trigger Shadows memory after so long.
She ends up mourning Shadows passing yet is glad he was able to fulfill Maria’s final wish. 
Amy meets Cream, Cheese, and Vanilla and begins to form a close-friendship / bond with them all.
AGE 14 ;
I’m not gonna say much about these two games. Nothing against them but I don’t feel like anything I add will be important. I do, however, dislike how Amy is portrayed in both. And I tend to view this as a time period when Amy thought if she was more ‘aggressive’ and ‘assertive’ that she’d be seen as strong. As she felt that she was seen as weak and dainty beforehand.
Luckily, she grew out of this phase.
( However, she was extremely relieved to find out Shadow was ‘alive’ and was very happy to see him again. )
AGE 15 ;
AGE 16 ;
AGE 17;
AGE 18 ;
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Amy is stunned to find out that Sonic was defeated in battle. But she believes, like always, he will show up eventually. But as time ticks by, months passing and the world under siege, she’s left with this grim realization: he’s not coming back. She ends up joining Knuckles in his Resistance along with a bunch of others. Being forced to grow up more and realize all those ‘fun adventures’ were no longer fun. With it being months after Sonics’ ‘death’ she still longed for him to be alive yet, each time she felt hope, it was dashed by the realistic explanations by the others. It was also hard as, during this time, she had to keep Cream and her mother safe and also help take care of a Tails that was visibly grieving and not in a proper state of mind.
So, upon finding out he’s alive, she’s relieved. Though, upon being able to see him, she does hug him but mostly keeps the warm welcomes for Tails who needs Sonics’ hugs and support more.
She’s a bit surprised to find out, as time passes and they defeat Eggman ( plus begin rebuilding and trying to get the world back to normal ), that her once ‘love’ for Sonic was...diminished. She still loved him. Yet she’s more quiet about it. Just enjoying the fact she has her friend back and wanting to work alongside him to help rebuild and bring happiness to others again. She recognizes that romance isn't a priority in her life anymore and realizes that, perhaps, the world should come first as it’s a place Sonic loves and a place so many people love as well.
She buries herself in work in the resistance and bettering herself physically and mentally. She may still love that hedgehog, in many ways, but she knows that she’s able to enjoy his friendship and decides that she will no longer be chasing after him and focus on herself / her work instead.
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chaosbcrne · 6 years
[text] Hey shads / I'm sorry about yesterday / Nothing can really excuse what I said to you but / Uhm yeah I'm really glad to have you back. i mean it
       As soon as things had begun quieting down, he’d made his way back to work without much thought. As inclined as he was to indulge in the unexpectedly warm welcome he’d gotten from people - or most of them, anyway - he still had a lot to deal with in terms of making up for his absence. Notably, after being effectively chewed out by the commander, he’d been sentenced to ten hours of surveillance duty for ever single call he’d missed, that he had to serve during night shifts when things were especially calm and boring, and during which any contact with his team was forbidden. 
      Not the brightest of perspectives, but Shadow knew he couldn’t expect his little disappearing stunt to be without consequences. If anything, he hoped to get this particular obligation out of the way as soon as possible, hence his prompt return to headquarters. Or so he gave as an excuse for his somewhat early arrival; in truth, his last encounter of the night had left him too stunned to think of anything else he could do with himself - not to say too hurt.
      As it turned out, doing nothing but staring at a bunch of screens depicting various locations where nothing is happening for hours on end wasn’t ideal when he wanted to avoid torturing himself with wondering what the hell it was that even happened back there. And with every few people who came into the room to share the duty for some time shooting him disapproving glances, the answer came as rather obvious: he’d done something wrong.
      A shame that he had to go and mess this up, really; he’d been in a good mood, what with having a good talk with Zero, a heartwarming reunion with Silver, and hearing from Omega for the first time in weeks. When seeing Sonic on the scene, he’d had nothing in mind but the hero’s letter and the fact that he was legitimately happy to see him - enough to forget why he’d even left in the first place.
      That had been his mistake, clearly. That blinding, momentary joy that had led him to bare his heart even after getting advice that had rubbed him the wrong way; Sonic hadn’t hesitated even one second to stab and twist the knife before running away. 
      You had it coming, he told himself repeatedly that night, flicking some black pen up the slightly inclined desk and watching it roll back down only to be sent up again. He couldn’t just ask that Sonic be honest with him, that he fully express himself around him no matter how harsh his thoughts might get, without expecting the speedster to strike at Shadow’s own faults eventually. He should have been prepared for this.
      He hadn’t been, because all this time he’d slowly let himself believe that maybe - with everything that had transpired between them recently - just maybe there was more than spite and resentment and rivalry between them. But apparently, that had been part of the hero’s act, and Shadow had actually fallen for it.
      He caught the tormented pen when his phone buzzed, and a second later gave off a light that caught both his and his current coworker’s attention. He frowned seeing the name that showed up on the screen, gritting his teeth as he flipped the device over to hide it without checking the received message. Except the vibration kept going, three more times in fact, and a bad feeling sank in. 
      When the man next to him stood up and excused himself out of the room - failing at being subtle that he was going to see his superior to probably report that Shadow was communicating with his team - the remaining agent gave in and bypassed his phone’s lock screen to see just what it was Sonic had to say to him this late at night after their earlier exchange. Surely it couldn’t make him any more miserable than he already was, right ?
      Reading the texts left Shadow more numb than he’d managed to be for a long time now. It was like they emptied him of any emotion or care he might have had left for this whole situation after picking it apart for hours. Apparently, someone had just put his mask back on and regretted having taken it off. Fuck off, he wanted to text back. But even that didn’t sound very satisfying. Not any more than ignoring it like he had everything else. Or accepting the apology like it was no big deal.
      With a sigh, he got up and headed for the door, which opened just as he was reaching for the handle to reveal his earlier coworker returning. Perfect timing. “I’m going out,” he announced without much ceremony, and slipped past the other agent before he could voice any protest or question or complaint. 
      Shadow made a detour his team’s little locker room to grab a jacket before exiting out the back door from where he could easily climb up on the roof of the building. From there it was a long walk to get to the front of it, even more so when trying to ignore his phone and those messages burning a hole in his pocket. Only upon arriving at his targeted vantage point did he aim to grab it again, except he reached for something else instead - something he’d forgotten he’d left in this specific jacket.
      Oh. Might as well, he thought, pulling out the package of cigarettes. Nicotine wasn’t nearly strong enough to affect his system in any way (and it was a damn shame - he could use its intended effect in situations like these), but something about smoking could still calm his nerves at times, even if it was very minor. And so he lit one up without further thinking, letting the sight of the exhaled clouds of smoke soothe what little they could. 
      A thought occurred to him then, one that had echoed in his mind just the same a few days ago. Everything goes away. He’d gotten what he wanted. Whatever it was that had been nurturing between him and Sonic recently, he’d effectively killed it now. By not allowing it to grow for long enough, he’d pretty much ripped it out root and stem, it seemed. Why ? Why was this what he wanted ? It certainly didn’t feel good.
      Because it was the right thing to do, he’d convinced himself. It felt wrong, but what was right never felt right to him. He wasn’t hardwired to do the right thing, it didn’t come naturally to him - at least not anymore, if it ever had. He had to believe it was right, even if his instincts and emotions and impressions screamed the opposite.
      He sat down on the edge of the roof, inhaling another puff and looking out the quiet but lit up city before he picked up his phone with his free hand to look at those messages again. How dishonest and fake those few words sounded after what Sonic had said to his face earlier. Did I ruin what we had ? Or did it never exist ?
      If anything, it bugged him that the hero would even bother sending him this. What was he hoping to accomplish ? He knew Shadow didn’t care for his act. He never had, and he did even less now that he’d gotten a glimpse of what Sonic really thought of him. Why was he pretending to care again ? Something felt off, and not just the fact that the speedster had sent him this even closer to dawn than his usual late-night texts. 
      Something was wrong, and it wasn’t the kind of gut feeling Shadow could just shake off by reminding himself his morals were questionable and that he couldn’t trust himself with his own impressions. Eyes rose to scan over the scenery again, as if he might discern some tangible reason for distress or worry if he looked hard enough. Flickering lights, an alarm going off, or just the brief flash of a blue blur - anything that could justify this undeniably growing concern of his.
      But the city stayed still, and he was forced down the path to another conclusion. To the fact that he’d made a promise, regardless of how involved he was. To the realization that he cared, even if it hurt. 
      Shadow dropped the unfinished cig, crushing it with an open palm, and with both hands now free, he texted back three simple words.
      ‘are you okay ?’
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ask-the-phan-site · 6 years
The Bond Shattering Bros of Wrath
>It’s time!
(Insert song: Life Will Change)
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Come on, everyone. The fate of Peter Parker and Harry Osborn is in our hands.
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You bet. C’mon, let’s get goin’!
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Yes. Everyone’s depending on us.
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That’s right. Once we take the Treasure and change their hearts, their bond will be restored and we’ll truly be known as the Phantom Thieves for Justice. Now let’s do this!
>We entered the Palace. In the main Arena of Wrath, the seats were packed with a cognitive audience. In the center ring, a glittering gold belt.
Announcement: Welcome to the match of the century! In this corner, The Wall Crawling Alien Suit Fiend, Venom!
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The time has come for payback. This is what happens when go against me!
Announcement: And in the other corner, The Inventing Daddy’s Boy, Hobgoblin!
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I don’t want to fight you, Pete. You were never my enemy. But I will do what I must.
Shadow Peter: Shut up! You had your chance to forgive me and you blew it. Considered this payback.
Shadow Harry: (sobbing) Please, no.
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The both of you stop it!
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You two are best friends! How could you fight like this?
Shadow Peter: Stay out of this, Phantom Thieves! This is between me and him.
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That’s not true. We heard your real thought. You both wanted more than anything is to be together and escape to make it happen. We get that. That’s why we’re here... To help you.
Shadow Harry: Help us? What’s wrong with us?
Skull: Norman Osborn, of course. From the very beginning, he lied to the both of you. He lied to everyone! He lied to Raymond Warren which lead him to become the Jackal and letting one of the spiders free to bite Peter and turn him into Spider-Man. He lied to Spencer Smythe into getting Harry expelled from Horizon High to keep the poor kid on a leash like an animal.
Shadow Peter: It’s all Harry’s fault for not realizing it sooner. And now look at us. Forced to wear a mask I never wanted to wear. Harry is now more puppet than man. What kind of son doesn’t even know his own father? I hope he never gets well from that Spider Island business.
Shadow Harry: He’s... He’s right. It is my fault.
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No, it’s not. You weren’t the one who turned Peter and the whole city into spider people. That was all Jackal and Norman.
Shadow Peter: What do you know!? You’re just some wannabe heroes.
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We never said we were. We just wanted to help everyone who needs it. That includes you both, whether you like it or not.
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We can’t just watch you two lose the thing you value more than anything... Each other.
Skull: Whatever happens to you guys effects me and Crow. I accepted and forgiven him for all the things he did for Masayoshi Shido. I don’t want all that to be undone.
Crow: And I finally let go of my past and made friends. I don’t want all of it to end like this. Not ever.
Shadow Peter: Then I guess you’ll have to be disappointed. You’ll get used to it. I know I did. Now enough talking, these people have waited long enough. Time to give them what they want!
>The crowd begins to cheer louder and louder.
Shadow Peter: Shall we, Harry?
Shadow Harry: ... Yes. I’m sorry, Phantom Thieves, but please stay out of this.
Announcement: Let’s get ready to rumble~!
>A bell rings and the two begin fighting. Webs and Pumpkin Bombs were flying along with fists and legs.
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It’s not too late, we can still stop them.
Skull: That’s right. We can save them even if they don’t want to.
Crow: We need to stop the distortion. For their sake.
Oracle: I think I have an idea. We want them to stop fighting each other... Let’s just have them fight us instead.
Panther: I guess that would work. Nothing else would seem to work.
Oracle: I’ll see what I can do about their weaknesses. Persona!
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>Necronomicon scans the two Shadows.
Oracle: It looks like Peter’s weak to Bless and Psychokinesis. And Harry’s weak to Electricity and Curse. Joker, Skull, Noir, Crow, it’s up to you.
Joker: Right. This is it. We do this together.
Skull, Noir, and Crow: Right!
Joker, Skull, Noir, and Crow: Persona!
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(Insert song: Rivers in the Desert Instrumental)
>Shadow Peter uses Skull Crater on Shadow Harry. He dodged it. Shadow Harry uses Snap on Shadow Peter. He resisted.
Oracle: It looks like he can resist Gun attacks.
Joker: Don’t worry, we know their true weakness thanks to you. Now pillage him, Arsene!
Skull: Let’s blow ‘em away too, Captain!
>Both Arsene and Captain Kidd use Eiga and Zionga on Shadow Harry. He was knocked down. Then, Milady and Robin Hood both use Psio and Kouga on Shadow Peter. And he was knocked down too.
Joker: Everyone, go!
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>After the attack, the two Shadows were still up.
Shadow Peter: Hey! Stay out of this! Did you hear!?
>Shadow Peter tries to web us, but we all dodge it. Shadow Harry throws a Pumpkin Bomb at Shadow Peter. But he dodge it. Arsene uses Masukunda to lower their agility. Captain Kidd uses Matarukaja to make us stronger.
Oracle: This one! Defense up!
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>Necromonicon uses Marakukaja to strengthen our defenses. Milady uses Psio again and knocks down Shadow Peter.
Baton Pass!
>I take up the torch and Arsene uses Eiga again. However, it missed. Robin Hood also uses Eiga, but it also missed.
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How!? Joker lowered your speed.
Shadow Harry: It’s my glider. As something you wear, it raises my agility.
>Shadow Peter gets back up.
Shadow Peter: Fine, you want us to stop fight each other... We’ll fight you instead.
Crow: Good. That’s what we wanted you to do from the start.
Shadow Harry: I’m sorry, guys. I want to make things up with Peter. This is the only way.
>Shadow Peter uses Lucky Punch on me. I was knocked down. Shadow Harry uses Maragion. Skull and Crow were burned.
Joker: Now that we have your attention, let’s do this.
>Earlier, I used a Skill Card to give Arsene Mabaisudi. He used it to heal Skull and Crow of their Burn. Captain Kidd uses Deathbound. It causes major damage to Shadow Peter, but Shadow Harry resists. Milady uses Psio on Shadow Peter. He dodged it. Robin Hood uses Kouga on Shadow Peter. It got him down.
Baton Pass!
>Crow passes the baton to Skull. Captain Kidd uses Zionga on Shadow Harry. It gets him down.
Skull: Let’s tear ‘em apart!
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>After the attack, the two Shadows were still up.
Shadow Peter: Do you think you can take me on? Try to beat this.
>Shadow Peter uses Life Drain... On Shadow Harry. It left Shadow Harry very weak.
Shadow Harry: I will... Die for him... If it means... He’ll forgive me... I’ll even... Do this...
>Shadow Harry uses a Pumpkin Bomb. Noir was badly burned.
Shadow Harry: I’m sorry.
>Shadow Harry falls into Despair. This means after three turns, he’ll fall.
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Harry, no!
Shadow Harry: I’m sorry, Ryuji, but I must do this... For the boy I love.
Joker: We know that, Harry... But if you’re too busy protecting others...
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Who’s protecting you!?
>Arsene uses Eigaon and savagely knocks down Shadow Harry. Normally, as a gentleman thief, I wouldn’t resort to this. But this called for desperate measures.
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Now that’s just brutal.
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So I’ll just have to match it.
Joker: It’s all on you, Crow.
Baton Pass!
Crow: Now to show you a light so bright, the truth will be all you know. Go, Robin Hood!
>Robin Hood uses Kougaon on Shadow Peter. It got him good.
Hold Up!
Shadow Harry: I’m sorry, Pete. I let you down. I forgive you for everything that’s happen. Please, forgive me as well.
Crow: If you want him to forgive you, you must forgive yourself first.
Skull: And if you can’t do that on your own...
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Then we’ll just have to help you.
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>After the attack, Shadow Harry was finally down. Shadow Peter, on the other hand, was still up.
Shadow Peter: Idiot. If he just appreciated what I’ve done for him, he wouldn’t have ended up like this.
Crow: Because he felt guilty for what happened. Have you truly come to hate him for what he’s done.
Shadow Peter: I’ve done everything to help him and this godforsaken city! And how do they repay me? They show that they don’t understand or really care. Why should I keep helping them?
Crow: Because you’re a hero. Everyone relies on you. They may not show it now, but they will. Even if Jameson continues to say bad things about you, at least you will know who truly cares about you. No one said it would be easy. It’s just like your uncle said, “With great power-”
Shadow Peter: Comes great responsibility!? Well let me tell you what else came with it. Great pain and misery. Great sorrow. Great disappointment. And worse, great loneliness and heartbreak. I gained these powers... And lost myself.
Skull: True, you don’t even recognize yourself when you put the mask on, but you have friends who help remind you about who you really are. That includes Harry. So please, he wants you to forgive him just as he wants to forgive you.
Shadow Peter: ... You want me to forgive him? ... Tell him I want my life back.
Shadow Harry: (berly getting back up) I... I can’t...
Shadow Peter: ... Then what good are you, spoiled brat... And you, if you want more than anything to side with him... You can die with him.
>Shadow Peter uses Desperation. As he did, he became bigger, stronger, and meaner.
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(recovering from her burns) This could be bad.
Oracle: Something tells me we’re going to need something stronger than this.
>Oracle goes Ultimate.
Oracle: PERSONA!
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>Prometheus scans Shadow Venom.
Oracle: He’s covered his weakness to Psy, but Bless skill still have an effect. You might even have luck with Electricity... Or at least the thundering sound from it. Same goes for Gun attacks.
Skull: I guess that makes sense, Peter’s Shadow is based off the V-52. Using sounds louder than anything as to create sonic vibrations will harm it.
Crow: Because the vibrations will tamper with its flexible structure.
Joker: Good. Cause it’s about to get real noisy here. Come on, let’s go all out!
>We go Ultimate.
Joker, Skull, Noir, and Crow: PERSONA!
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(Insert song: Rivers in the Desert with vocals)
>Shadow Venom uses Vicious Strike. Lucky, we all dodged it. Satanael uses Megidolaon. It was a big hit. Seiten Taisei uses Ziodyne. He dodged it, but the thundering sound still causes damage.
Shadow Venom: Ugh! The vibrations... They hurt...
Oracle: It’s working! Keep it up!
>Astarte uses One-shot Kill. He resisted, but the Gun sound still hurts him. Loki uses Kaogaon. It knocks him down.
Crow: Let’s scatter!
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>After the attack, Shadow Venom was still up.
Shadow Venom: You can’t stop me so easily. You can’t use sound to stop me... If there’s no one to make it.
>Shadow Venom uses Brain Jack. Skull and Crow become brainwashed.
Skull: I... can’t... resist.
Joker: It’s alright, Skull. Just hang in there.
>Satanael uses Riot Gun. Though he resisted, the loud sound from the attack was very painful to him. Being Brainwashed, Skull had Seiten Taisei use Megaton Raid on me. Luckily, I dodged it. Noir uses Harisen Recovery on Crow. He snapped out of the spell.
Crow: Thank you.
Noir: You’re welcome. Now let’s take him. Astarte!
>Astarte uses Psiodyne. It was nothing special, but it took a great amount of health from him. Loki uses Kougaon. It knocks him down again.
Crow: I don’t want us to attack this time. I think I know how to take him down, but it will take some time. Can you keep him busy?
Joker: We’ll buy you whatever time you need.
>Crow, after using Harisen Recovery, readies himself. Shadow Venom gets back up.
Shadow Venom: It doesn’t matter what you do, you won’t win.
>Shadow Venom uses Gigantomachia. Everyone dodged it but me. I took a lot of damage. Fortunatly, not enough to finish me thanks to Satanael’s resistance. I also equipped him with the Skill Card, Salvation. Satanael uses Salvation to completely heal us all. Seiten Taisei uses Ziodyne. It left Shadow Venom shocked. Astarte uses One-shot Kill. It was a technical hit because of the effect.
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Now for the ultimate attack. There's no escaping it. Prepare for the end. Go, Loki!
>Loki uses Laevatein. It was a major hit on Shadow Venom that it knocked him down.
Shadow Venom: No! This city needs to pay for what it did to me! What Norman Osborn did to me! ... What Ben Parker did to me.
Crow: For what Aunt May did to you? It’s only Norman Osborn who deserves the blame. No one else. If you want to really understand it... OPEN YOUR MIND!
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>After the attack, the Shadow resumes his true form. After they both removed their masks, the belt comes to us... But I have a feeling there’s more to this belt than meets the eye. So I use my Third Eye to see a hidden compartment. I open it and is surprised to see what was inside.
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(Picture originally from KK.)
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Th- That’s...
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>Midtown High, 2015. It’s the first day of a new school for a fourteen-year-old Peter Parker. He was just walking up the steps when he was noogie by a familiar face.
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Hey, Parker! Just thought I’d humbly welcome you to Midtown.
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Hey, Flash. How was your summer?
Flash: Well, I tried to find a summer job to pay for certain expenses while I’m at school, but I’ve only come up with a few measly bucks. So I’m hoping you could spot me.
Peter: I don’t know, Flash. Aunt May gave me this money for the bus home.
Flash: (now being very indecent) Didn’t you know? Walking is good exercise. I know you of all people will need it, Puny Parker.
>Peter was at a lost. He didn’t know what to do... Until...
?????: Come on, Flash. Don’t do this. Not on the first day. Just leave him alone.
Flash: (mockingly) Or what? Your father will fire my father? Or better yet, your father will sue me?
?????: (sternly) You really want to go there?
Flash: Tch. Whatever. You can’t do anything without daddy anyway... Daddy’s boy.
>With that, Flash leaves. Peter turns to face his rescuer.
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Sorry about him. He was like that to me when I started here.
Peter: Yeah, I already know him. He lives just a few blocks from me back in Queens.
Harry: I’d figured.
>Peter looked at Harry and immediately recognized him from a magazine.
Peter: Hey, I know you! You’re-
Harry: (looking down but smiling) I know. Norman Osborn’s son.
Peter: Actually... I was going to say Harry Osborn.
Harry: (a bit surprised) You... You know me by name? That’s actually a first. Well, it’s nice to meet you...
Peter: Peter. Peter Parker.
Harry: Peter Parker? ... Actually, Pete sounds good, too.
Peter: Pete?
Harry: Well, it way better than Puny.
Peter: Yeah, I guess it does. (starting to sound more happier)
Harry: Well, let me be the one to really welcome you to Midtown High School.
>The two boys smiled at each other as they walked inside... And that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
>Back in the present...
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We didn’t know it until after school, someone saw us and drew us. Not sure why she drew Pete’s hoodie red, but it still turned out good. She gave it to us. I completely forgotten about it.
Shadow Peter: Same here. We were so happy then. What happened to us?
Skull: Norman Osborn. That’s what happened. The dude will do anything to make sure the Osborn Legacy lives on. But we know what kind of legacy it is. One built on lies, deception, and betrayal.
Shadow Harry: That’s right. I should have known about this from the start.
Skull: It’s not your fault. We were all fooled. Even I believed him. It turns out he was only using my mother to store his money. After the Oz Academy was destroyed, they took the money and the stuff my mom bought with it was repossessed. We’re just lucky she only bought some stuff. Just imaged what would have happened if she got a new place.
Shadow Harry: I think I can.
Crow: So, Peter, now you see just how much Harry regrets not believing you?
Shadow Peter: ... I guess so. I was just so angry, but didn’t want to show it because I should have known something like this would happen. I know Uncle Ben was right. But it was just so hard. I know I have friends to help me, but only Miles and Harry knew who I was under the mask. But with Harry being angry with me, I felt like Miles was the only one there. But now I think I was wrong. Harry... I’m sorry. And I forgive you for lashing out at you.
Shadow Harry: And I’m sorry, too. I should have believed you. I knew my father was up to something, but I was too scared to admit it. I was scared that I would only disappoint him. But now I know, I never needed his approval. No one can tell me how to live my life but me... I forgive you, Pete... I love you.
Shadow Peter: ... I love you too, Harry. (begins smiling)
>The two help each other up. They turn to us, smiling.
Shadow Peter: Thank you. We’ll return to our true selves and confess in the real world. It’s time the us in reality forgive each other and confess the truth.
Shadow Harry: And that’s a promise. I know my father is helpless now, but knowing him, we’re gonna need to stick together.
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I couldn’t have said it better myself.
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Same here.
>The two Shadows smiled at us. Then, the two embraced each other as they faded back to their true selves and we departed as well as the Palace crumbles.
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>Cup O’Joe in the real world. We all got back safe and sound. We went inside to find Miles wait for us.
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So, did you do it?
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Take a look for yourself.
>I show Miles the Treasure. In reality, it was the picture in a gold frame.
Miles: Well that’s good, it means they’ll have a change of heart, right?
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True. But it may take a while. These were some major Shadows, so all we can do is wait.
Miles: I guess. Besides, if anything happens, Peter’s aunt or someone at Oscorp would say something.
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Well, what do we do with the Treasure?
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For now, let’s just keep it to ourselves.
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Yeah, it would cause some problems if someone saw a picture of Harry and recognize it.
Yusuke: Well, with that done, I think I could use some coffee. I am rather parched now.
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That’s good. I could use a drink about now.
>As everyone went inside, me, Morgana, Ryuji, and Akechi stayed out.
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Is something wrong?
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I’m just wondering if this will work. I’ve had recent dreams about them.
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I’ve been having dreams, too. Especially with what Otto Octavius will do and what will happen to Peter.
Ren: True. It sounds like things in that timeline are not going so well. But I’m sure things will be different in our timeline. We just have to believe and have faith.
Akechi: ... You’re right. There’s no guarantee this will end like it did in that timeline. Let’s just hope for the best.
Ryuji: Yeah, man. And if it does happen...
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You can bet your ass we’ll be there to stop it.
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Thanks, Ryuji kun.
>The two boys hug it out. We all make our way into the cafe with renewed hope and high spirits.
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sonicforcesau · 6 years
Forced AU: Genesis of the Resistance Arc, Part 1
They had successfully escaped with the powers of Silver the Hedgehog, and they were brought into a location that somehow, they never knew of before. It was a simple-looking, moderately large concrete building that served as a bunker.
When exactly did this place appear?
“This is my secret lair.” stated Silver, as they were set down onto the ground after minutes of flight. “You can all stay here. I’ll go back to City to rescue survivors.”
“No, Silver.” Espio stopped him before the hedgehog could leave. “You need to rest.”
“You do seem too tired.” added Knuckles.
Silver looked at the purple chameleon while he seemed to be in deep thought.
“Fine.” Silver decided after some time. “But you need to remember this place. Remember how it looks like - be very, very aware of its existence.”
“Why?” Knuckles chimed in to the conversation with a query before Espio could reply. “And, where are we, anyway?”
“We’re in the midsts of the dividing line between Green Hill and Sand Hill. This place is difficult to find, because it’s right between two different climates.” the white hedgehog explained, as he breathed deeply; trying to keep himself alert. “And it’s even more harder to find because I’ve used a perception filtering device to keep this place safe.”
“Perception filtering device?” Tails breathed. “Such a device exists?”
“What does that mean?” Charmy asked as he flew around in the air.
“In other words; you can’t see this place unless you are very aware of it.” Silver elaborated. “It’s the reason why nobody knows this place exist.”
“Perfect place for a hideout, then.” Vector deduced.
Espio, meanwhile, stared once more at the hedgehog trying his best to stay awake - If Silver didn’t go to bed soon, he would knock him out himself; for if any unexpected situation arises, the hedgehog needed the energy and focus to react to danger.
“Silver, I insist you rest.” the purple chameleon spoke sternly. “We will take care of rescuing the survivors.”
“... Tails will stay here with you.” Knuckles added, looking at the depressed young fox, who did not argue against the idea.
Sighing, Silver had no other choice but to comply - he was extremely sleep deprived, and he cannot really function properly anymore. To make things worse: the large usage of his psychokinesis several minutes earlier didn’t help his case, either.
“Fine, I’ll go to bed.” he announced as he walked through the entrance of his secret base with the yellow fox, revealing a staircase leading into a basement underground while the others stared at his tired, retreating form.
Silver gave one last look to the others leaving the base before he went through the door.
With Espio in the lead, Knuckles and the Chaotix had begun to make their way towards City once more - which wasn’t far away - with a entirely different goal in mind: to rescue as many survivors as they possibly can.
But they had so many questions to ask, such as:
Who was that mobian?
What was that power?
When did Eggman manufacture so many robots?
How did Sonic lose?
… What was Shadow doing, fighting for the other side?
“You guys don’t think that was really Shadow, do you?” Knuckles asked after they had walked some distances away from the base.
“We all saw him - it definitely was the guy.” Vector replied with a sigh. “Can’t believe that he went off with Eggman again.”
Espio stayed silent.
“I don’t think it was him!” Charmy commented with some indignity. The bee believed firmly that Shadow the Hedgehog wouldn’t do such a thing, as he had admired the black hedgehog as a heroic figure.
“But you saw it with your own eyes, Charmy!” argued the crocodile. “If you don’t think it was him, you have to proof it! Show your evidence!”
“Well, if you think it was him, you have to show your evidence too!”
“Enough.” Espio chided, loud enough for both parties arguing to hear; effectively breaking apart the verbal fight. “This is not the time to argue; we must hurry to rescue the survivors in City.”
“Well, you heard him.” Knuckles walked ahead with the chameleon by his side.
The two behind gave each other a disappointed sigh while shaking their heads before following the two leaders.
The ninja was very used to the two’s bickering; the Chaotix had their own internal fights very frequently - especially between Charmy and Vector; those two just found topics to have verbal conflicts on practically all the time.
And a few minutes later - with no further arguments breaking out - the four mobians had approached City for the second time that day. It was already evening; and the sun had begun to set. They had to hurry with their rescue before robots could take mobians hostage.
The thing was: Eggman had preferred for his robots to not kill civilians; with the excuse being that he needed people to rule over. However, this preference of his was not always completely understood amongst his creations; caused by several negligence in their artificial intelligence coding.
Which was what they were worried about.
To make things more uncertain; they had no idea how that new henchman of Eggman’s operated: Does he spare lives, or is he ruthless?
The uncertainty is the main worry. They had literally no information regarding this new, powerful foe that somehow; had the abilities to defeat Sonic the Hedgehog - the Hero of Mobius, one of the strongest living being.
Espio made a mental note to talk to Silver about his duel against the masked mobian after they return to the hedgehog’s base.
And speaking of the time-traveller…
Silver the Hedgehog was currently laid in his bed, as he stared at the small device held in his hand.
Why did the device malfunction?
It made absolutely no sense; it had never did that before ever since he first used it. The time machine should have been calibrated to the timelines of the physical universe a long time ago.
Although; he did not know exactly how the thing worked, because he had acquired it by accident one day - but the thing was: He did not remember when, and where he had first gotten this gadget.
He sighed.
“... Tails.” he softly called out, and the fox had responded by slightly turning his head in his general direction. “I need your help with something.”
“... with what?” the young fox had stood up slowly and walked to Silver, and the white hedgehog had handed him the device that was in his hand.
The device was a strangely lightweight object, that seemed to be designed to be able to be worn around the wrist. It had a numerical keypad on the main panel, and it had small, metallic spikes - receivers? - poking out of the edges of the panel.
“What is this?” Tails asked, curious of this new gadget of which he had never seen before.
“It’s a time machine.” Silver replied, causing the fox’s eyes to widen, and his jaws to gape slightly. “... I know what you’re thinking, but you can’t go back and save him.”
Tails’s shoulders visibly sagged, as his two tails lost their energy once more and touched the ground.
“I’m sorry.” apologised the white hedgehog. “I did try to reach before the invasion happened; but the time machine had somehow miscalibrated, and sent me to the wrong time - I think using it might be dangerous.”
“... it’s not your fault, Silver…” Tails replied, as he stared down at the gadget in his hands. “I’ll try to take a look at it, and figure out what’s wrong.”
“I guess I’ll tell you what I know about it first...”
Meanwhile, the four mobians had reached, and stared at the area of civilisation.
City was in a really, really bad shape: Buildings that burnt previously had already turned into ashes - even with the firefighters working overtime while having to deal with robots - and there were more instances of rubble from damaged structures that they could count.
“Let’s split up.” Espio suggested, which earned nodding heads from the others.
“Follow me, Charmy.” Vector ordered, causing the bee to fly in his direction.
They had dispersed in an instant; with the purple chameleon deciding to make his way down to Park Avenue to start off his search.
Focusing his senses; the ninja chameleon kept his hearing peeled as he walked down the street for any sounds that could help him locate any survivors that still remains in the concrete jungle.
Right now, City was a hostile, dangerous place that no one should be in.
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woah-imagine-that · 6 years
fem!genos x fem!reader civilian who she keeps having to save? Or perhaps fem!Sonic x fem!reader? I'm sorry, I'm a big lesbian.
No need to say sorry hun, this is a great request. Thank you for sending it :) I’ll do fem!Genos if that’s okay with you. 
In a world where giant monsters could attack and kill millions in an instant, you’d think a normal human being like yourself would be more careful. But no, you get attacked, kidnapped and just plain tormented by all kinds of monsters, seemingly on the daily. In truth, it wasn’t all your fault, you just had a bad habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s become such a problem, you were certain some kind of curse had been put on you, you even went to the local fortune teller to check. But there was no curse, it was just you and your dumb luck.
But don’t worry, there’s a silver lining to this sad tale. No matter how much trouble you were in, there was always someone there to save you. You see, on this earth, there are people who have been blessed with supernatural powers and take on the role as earth’s protectors, keeping it from going extinct. The heroes were ranked from C class all the way up to S class. Naturally, you admired the S class heroes more. They were, to put it simply, the best of the best.
Among these heroes was a peculiar cyborg named Genos, she always seemed to be around whenever you were in danger. Not that you were complaining, it was nice to have someone around to save you. You know, for a cyborg, she didn’t look half bad. In fact, she looked pretty attractive. You were rendered quite nervous whenever she swooped in to save you.
Take today for example. Another monster you didn’t care to know the name of decided to swoop in, trying to take the city for itself. Of course, you were around the area at the time, so you were caught up in it all. The monster decided to take you and a bunch of other people hostage, declaring that if the city didn’t surrender to it, it would take the lives of everyone in its possession. You weren’t really threatened by the monster’s announcement or the monster in general. In fact, you were pretty agitated, you were only out because you wanted to get some vegetables from the grocery store, and of course, you got wound up in this. Just your luck.
Well, no use complaining about it, all you could really do was sit and wait for the heroes to come. As you had a look around, your eyes ended on a person who looked scared out of their wits. Their body was shaking pretty badly. Guess they weren’t used to being held hostage. As someone who’s been kidnapped and held hostage millions of times, you felt it was your duty to console this person. “Hey,” you called out to them, shuffling your form over. When they noticed your presence, you put your hand in theirs, trying to calm them. “It’s going to be okay. Any moment now someone is going to come and save us, I promise.” Your reassuring words seemed to calm them, bringing them back to their normal state.
“Oi.” The bellowing voice of the monster called out to you. It growled before inching closer to you menacingly, asserting itself as it stared down at you. “Be quiet! Did I say you could speak?” You silently scoffed at him. Not only was his voice annoying but he was just a downright brute. As much as you wanted to give him a what for, you kept your mouth shut, knowing better than to talk back.
“Do you even know who I am?” Unfortunately, you didn’t get the chance to answer, because the monster was suddenly shoved to the side. The force caused the monster to smash into the nearest wall, causing fatal damage to the monster, rendering it helpless. There was a silence in the area, most people had one thing on their mind: “what the hell just happened.”
Not too long after that, the cyborg hero appeared before you. “Is everyone alright?” She asked everyone. The crowd erupted into a cheer, delighted that they’ve been saved. As for you, you simply stared ahead at the robot before you. What a beauty she was, standing there like the goddess she was. You could almost make out her form getting closer to you…
Hold on a moment.
“You,” Genos appeared over you, looking down at your form. You were quick to react, standing up so hastily you almost fell over. “Um… Yep… It’s me,” you stuttered under her gaze.
Her stare, while serious, turned you on more than you cared to admit. Oh, you wished you could see that stare more often. Her voice brought you back to reality. “How many times have I found you like this? You really should be more careful, a young lady such as yourself can get hurt very badly.”
“Hey, sorry to correct you but have you seen me? I go through this stuff every day. There’s no need to worry about me,” you scoffed, brushing her concern off.
“That still doesn’t mean you should be reckless and get yourself into trouble.” You sighed at her, not wanting to admit she was right.
“I don’t know why you’re so worried about me,” you suddenly got defensive, “I’m just a normal human.” Genos was quick to correct you. “It is my duty to protect all citizens from harm, that includes you.”
You blushed at her words, your nervousness kicking in, just like it did whenever you were around her. “You shouldn’t think so lowly of yourself,” Genos came up to you and put her metal arm on your shoulder, comforting you. “But I’m not a hero. I can’t even protect myself.” You whispered solemnly, breaking eye contact. The cyborg only caressed your chin, bringing your face up to see hers. “Well, that’s why I’m here, aren’t I?”
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kinkyacademia · 7 years
*ears perked up when Mod SourPatch suddenly appear* can I ask for a fluffy scenario with Shindou Yo? He and his s/o were dating for a long time and meet again at the place where the exam took place? Like Shindou's face lit up when he saw his s/o and both schools were confused with the sudden fluffiness roaming into the air~
In this mighty need, I must ask for forgiveness. This request is actually a part of something I already wrote personally and it matches your request perfeect so I figured I would share! It was originally with my OC, but I changed it to be fem! reader but kept the quirk, the only difference is that their marked as ‘friends’ but i think you would like it either way. 
You can read the original (as with Himawari), here. I’ll be making a part two for Himawari and if this is liked, I can always put part two here being reader eccentric.
- Mod SourPatch ☕ ☕ ☕
He couldn’t believe it, was this her he was seeing? It felt like forever and he just couldn’t wrap his finger around this scenario. Watching closely, he saw that another school had come up to her class, seeming to be cause some problems with other students but she seemed unfazed. As soon as she gave her smile at something dumb and probably silly, he knew it was her.
For a moment, he was thankful that Mrs. Joke invited them over to see up close. He was right, there was a light in his eyes his classmates had never seen before. Tatami Nakagame didn’t look to pleased.
“(Name)!!” Quickly, he walked over to the class before anything else could happen, he had to say hello. The giant smile on her face grew and had his heart skip a beat, he couldn’t help but smile back, wrapping his arms tightly around her chest and stomach.
“What the fuck, (Name). Who’s this loser?” Bakugo commented, seemingly upset that some rival school is getting up close and personal with his classmate, or his school in general. He was gonna kick all their asses anyway.
“Yo, Shindou. He is an old friend of mine who went to another school.” Her (eye color) never left his black eyes, a small red tint on her cheeks.
He walked around, pretending to be nice and greet all of class 1-A. He had a couple reasons to doing so, one to impress (Name) the other was to get up close and personal with the rival school. That was until he reached Bakugou, with a scowl on his face, “Don’t patronize me, your words don’t match your eyes.”
“It’s been awhile, since last summer right?” Shindou commented, turning fully towards his friend, and long time crush completely ignoring Bakugou. “You never called me back last week, or even told me about your license exam?”
“Like you’re one to talk! You didn’t tell me either, and I had to study. My homeroom teacher loves to hand out expulsions apparently.” She shrugged, that long (hair color) hair resting on her shoulders. There was a hair tie on her wrist, and as soon as she started brushing her hands through her hair he replaced her hands with his own.
“Yeah yeah, it’s always my fault.” He laughed a little, seemingly soft and gentle with her hair putting it into a braid on her shoulders instead of a ponytail. “I can never do anything right.” She giggled, turned around and putting her hands on his cheeks. Her hands were so warm, just like he remembered.
“You are perfect.” She stood there like that for a moment, and he couldn’t help but smile, blush, and speak. It only lasted a minute, before she was taken away to start their exam.
It was super crowded, to the point many people didn’t feel too comfortable with the amount of people. Murmurs and shuffles switched with every person in the room trying to get comfortable, (Name) herself was standing close to Momo, one of the new people she felt most comfortable around.
“This is almost unbearable.” (Name) played lightly with her braid that Shindou had done for her just like when they were younger. “There are a lot of people here, I wonder what the task will be… what if I don’t pass?”
“You’ll be fine (Name).” Denki was standing by, putting a hand on his classmates shoulder. Mina popped up as well.
“Besides you have to impress that cutie from the other school!” Mina held her hands to her chest, almost squealing her words. As the two of them barely finished their conversation, before the announcer had begun to explain the exam. (Name)’s heart felt like it would stop, her quirk, she didn’t have anything for this. The first phase of the exam each person was given six rubber balls, and they had to a hit three targets on a single person in order to pass.
Her quirk: Sirenism, her quirk allows her to manipulate vibrations with her own voice to attack, defend or somewhat hypnotize anyone willing to listen to her voice. She could also manipulate emotions, feelings within oneself, but she would never do that. Being one of the girls in the middle, she was one who would attack last. She stood behind Mina, and unfortunately next to Mineta.
It was going on faster and harder than she was able to keep up, Jack Amplifier, Acid Veil, Black Anhk… the last thing she remembered was trying to inhale enough air to produce a massive gust of wind, but then she had blacked out to a rough, shake of vibrations in the earth below her feet. She knew what quirk this was, it was Shindou’s Shakeup.. He had caused an earthquake, getting her stuck.
By the time she awoke, she was on her own and hidden by the rubble. Pain shot through her body causing her to scream slightly before biting her hand to muffle the sounds. Her leg was stuck under rubble and some pieces were just too heavy to move. If she tried her scream, it would break the rubble but she was in no shape to run if someone was near by.
A scream left her lips as she tried one last time to move the rubble. She would have take her chances, but instead of screaming for attention, she would call for it.
The sound that came from her lips was much like the stories of myth and legends.
Ahhh~Ahh~aaaahh~  Slowly males started to turn, and just as slowly walk towards the sound. Others did of course too, women of curiosity. She was surrounded by more than she presumed. “Damnit..” deep breath left her lips, if she didn’t act soon she would have lost in the first part. Her classmates would have been so disappointed, her teachers, everyone would be. “Forgive me Hera.” She muttered, taking in a deep breath before covering her own ears.
“I know that sound…” Shindou was standing there, facing off with another school when he heard (Name) calling, the other male feeling enchanted, slowly sulking off to the sound as well. Moments later when he heard the massive scream that would have been from a banshee, a siren even did he learn what that meant.
“Yo, wait! What are you doing!? The finish is that way”  Tatami called out, watching her crush run towards the sound. No one else other than the other school was going towards the sound.
“It’s (Name)! She’s in trouble!”
“(Name)!” There were two voices who called out to her, something she didn’t expect to hear so soon after letting out a sonic cry, leaving several who had followed on the ground, their lights black and in a daze.
“W-What the!?” Iida had soon made it to the top of the rubble, taking a look around at the scene where the other school boy had reached as well. Sharing an unpleasant stare at each other for just a second until they realized what had happened.
“Iida! Shindou!?” Their names were a cry of relief from the sound of her voice, “I’m stuck under the rubble!”
“How…I never noticed!” Iida was quickly down, pulling off the rest of the little rubble. “I left you alone, and as a class president, this is simply unacceptable!”
“I’m so sorry (Name).. I didn’t think you would get stuck.” Shindou put his hand on her forehead, resting his against hers.
“Get away from her, you are from a rival school!” Iida demanded, only to be shut up by an angry glare from his younger classmate.
“He is my friend. Leave him alone, and get me out from under here! If they wake up, they’re gonna be mad and come after all of us!” (Name) pointed around to the men on the ground, “I used my voice to trick them into knocking themselves out for me, but then I only had a second to use my scream to paralyze them. We don’t have much time.”
“You have completed, but I have yet to do so. There is only a little time left.. I’ll take you the finish and try to finish on my own as well.” Iida looked around, noticing that many were still around over the hide of the rubble. Shindou used his quirk to break the large rock on her leg into dust.
“I’ve already completed, I was on my way to the finish room when I heard her. I’ll take her with me.” Iida looked like he was going to respond but the look in (Name)’s eyes changed his mind. Nodding, watching Shindou pick up the (hair color) with a look of love and trust in her eyes, pulling her out of the rubble and onto his lap.
“I leave it to you.” Iida snuck out, nodding again to the two. (Name) was still resting against his leg, unaware of Tatami watching closely.
“Let’s get you to the infirmar-” Shindou was taken off guard, when she put her hands lightly on his cheeks, brushing her lips onto his. It only took a minute for him to return the kiss, wrapping his arms around her and holding her closer while her hands moved to the back of his neck to support herself, and one arm around his shoulder. Tatami’s heart broke into pieces, tears poking her eyes.
“My knight in shining armor as always Shindou.” She averted her eyes, feeling his smirk and smile all in one against her blushing face.
“As always. Let’s go.” He too avoided her gaze, but not after one last comment. “I’ve been waiting 12 years for that kiss. Think I could get another?”
“Maybe for round two of the exams. I’ll need a little help.”
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mobius-prime · 4 years
173. Sonic the Hedgehog #105
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You Say You Want a Revelation?
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Ron Lim Colors: Josh and Aimee Ray
We're finally back to the main series plot! Sonic is disheartened to see Nate's things being moved out of his house, knowing that by leaving Nate behind in Robotropolis they consigned him to the fate of roboticization. However, he's not content to leave him in there without at least trying to rescue him, and so leads Tails and Uncle Chuck to the castle in the hopes of talking to Elias, unaware of his disappearance. In Robotropolis, Hope goes to her step-father along with her grandmother to voice her concerns about the Robians she saw escaping the city, stating her beliefs that her uncle created them. Colin initially refuses to believe her, but Eggman steps out of the next room with Snively, grinning evilly as he informs them that she's totally right. Back in the castle in Knothole, King Max is experiencing true regret for perhaps the first time since we've seen him come back from the Zone of Silence.
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Sorry, Alicia, but I have to wholeheartedly disagree. A lot of this is Max's fault - he refused to listen to either his son or daughter, and picked someone who was clearly not cut out to be a leader to put in charge of everything, over his daughter who was trained her whole life to lead a kingdom. In Robotropolis, Eggman airs an announcement over every screen in his city that he's "discovered" that everyone is infected with toxic waste poisoning, and must come to him for treatment immediately lest they succumb and die. Colin is outraged, pointing out that Eggman should be infected as well then, only for Eggman to reveal his true colors - literally - as a robot.
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Uncle Chuck and Sonic both explain their plan to use the sword to King Max, who seems somewhat apathetic, upset not only at the loss of his son, but the loss of Nate as well. He's uncertain, as he only knows of two people who can even use the sword's abilities: himself, and –
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Max reluctantly agrees to Sally's plan, ordering her to take Sonic with her as an escort. Sonic is pleased, but finally notices Sally's somewhat lackluster responses to everything he says, asking her if he did something to upset her. Before she can respond, Mina suddenly rushes up, hugs Sally while thanking her profusely for saving her mother, and then races off again, leaving her speechless. Meanwhile in Robotropolis, Hope runs for her life through the streets, trying to hide in a back alleyway with Eggman's voice following her the whole way. He finds her through a hidden screen in the alley, and tries to manipulate her into surrendering by saying he'll spare her grandmother. Agnes, of course, yells for her not to listen, and as Hope watches…
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Hope is surrounded by shadow-bots, but Sonic suddenly appears, smashing them up and ushering her over to Sally for protection. Eggman is furious to see her being rescued, until he hears Sonic's voice behind him, Sonic of course having run at light speed all the way into his headquarters. Eggman tries to grab hold of him to roboticize him, but Sonic smashes the floor underneath him, sending them both plummeting into the room below. There, Sonic is horrified to find a familiar, frozen face staring back at him.
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Eggman gloats that the sword doesn't seem to affect roboticized Overlanders, and then, with the rest of the city's Overlander population gathered within the room, offers them a demonstration. He calls Snively forward, informing him that he, too, is poisoned from the toxic waste, and while Snively is upset, having thought that as his lackey he would have been protected, Eggman offers him a deal - take his hand. You see, apparently Overlanders only become frozen after roboticization if they're unwillingly turned, but if they take the offer of their own free will, they retain their ability to move and act… and with a grin, Snively takes his uncle's hand.
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And that is the awful true scope of Eggman's plan. He let everyone live within his city for two months, ensuring that they'd become sick, and then offered them supposedly the one thing that could save them, making sure that they'd have to take his offer willingly and become his slaves. Of course, we just watched this backfire, but Eggman knows that by rejecting his offer and going with Sally and Sonic, all the Overlanders are likely to get even sicker and stretch the already strained resources of Knothole. However, we know that Sally is smarter than that, and there's already a hidden city of Overlanders - or sorry, humans - out there that might have some room…
Before we move on to the conclusion of Myth Taken Identity, we have another character file to peruse - this time, for Snively! Unlike the previous couple, this one actually contains some new information about his life - but first, the technical info. Calculating his real-world height gives us the absurdly-short height of 97 cm, or 3'2". For reference, someone is considered to have dwarfism if they're anywhere below 147 cm or 4'10" tall, so Snively definitely qualifies. (Nate Morgan probably would too, but we're never actually given any information on his measurements, so there's no way to say for certain.) Snively also weighs 38.4 kg or 84.5 lbs, and his birthday is on May 14. Interestingly, his birth year indicates that he's actually only thirty years old! He definitely looks a lot older due to male-pattern baldness, but if you think about it it makes sense - after all, he's Robotnik's nephew, and the original Robotnik was likely in his late forties or early fifties at the time of his death.
What really makes this entry noteworthy, however, is his life history. He was born Colin Kintobor, Jr., which is an ordinary enough name, and his mother died giving birth to him. He was treated terribly by his father Colin Sr., who is actually the one who gave him his nickname. You'd think it would have been Robotnik who stuck him with such a humiliating nickname, but no, his own father called him Snively because of his lack of social skills. He compensated all throughout his childhood by immersing himself in the world of technology, and found a way to take advantage of every friend he made. He was kicked out of the house as a teenager, and with nowhere to go, turned to his uncle Julian, whom he helped seize power over the Kingdom of Knothole. However, he soon found himself being mistreated by his uncle as well, and as we know, eventually grew so resentful that he rigged the Ultimate Annihilator to target only Robotnik so he could be free of him once and for all.
While one could argue that these are the actions of a sociopath, or a narcissist, I'm gonna go ahead and say that Snively would have had a very different personality had he actually grown up with a family who loved him and looked after him. All this poor kid ever knew was bullying and emotional abuse. He's been taught, by life and by the actions of those around him, that the only way to look after himself is to be selfish, and to latch onto those more powerful than him for security. I touched on once before that Snively seemed to be basically in an abusive relationship with Robotnik, and didn't know how to go on after he thought he was dead, but this page confirms that things are only sadder than we originally realized. It was this page, plus some other events further into the comic, that made me realize that I actually liked Snively as a character, and wanted to see him break free of Eggman's control and come into his own. Unfortunately, having just allowed himself to be roboticized, that's not likely to be happening any time soon…
Myth Taken Identity (Part III)
Writer: Mike Gallagher Pencils: Nelson Ribeiro Colors: Frank Gagliardo
Guru Emu, upon discovering the dam from last issue, has found himself with rekindled hope that he can find and save his friends who have been kidnapped by the bunyip. He descends into the dam, discovering that it was originally constructed by Crocbot, who of course used it to power his various weapons and detention camps. It turns out that this dam is behind the strangely dry riverbeds and the disgusting lake, as it's been disrupting the local ecosystem, even more so now that it's abandoned and not being maintained. But what of Walt, Barby, and Bill? Well, as it turns out, they're also inside the dam, protected by an airtight compartment with a window through which they can see the bunyip gazing in at them. Barby, apparently, speaks many languages, including whatever ancient language the bunyip speaks, and convinced it that they're no threat. She gets it to explain its plight, as well as why it's been attacking everybody.
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I mean, that hardly seems like a good excuse for just attacking random people on the street who clearly aren't Crocbot, but the Downunda Freedom Fighters want to help anyway. While Barby informs the bunyip that Crocbot was defeated some time ago, Guru races down the hallway toward them, having overheard everything. He has discovered a room full of explosives elsewhere in the complex, and so…
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The bunyip is grateful, and leaves to spend its happy days in the clean water, and though the D.F.F. briefly consider inviting it to join their team, they ultimately decide that they'd rather stay as a four-person group from now on, knowing that no one can replace Stu.
And now we have one last character file to look at for the issue, this time for Dimitri! Dimitri is actually the tallest individual so far, at a height of 133 cm or 4'4". That's a full foot taller than Sonic! He weighs 39.9 kg or 87.7 lbs, and his birthday is on September 28. He's 378 years old, finally giving us a clearer idea of exactly how long the Brotherhood has existed, considering earlier issues were very unclear and inconsistent on the matter. Like Sally and Julie-Su, however, his character file doesn't give us any new information, merely recapping the previous events of the comic as well as history we've already been shown. Still, in a way, having such inconsequential information as his height, weight, and birthday really kind of serves to humanize him in a way - or, er, "Mobianize"? Eh, whatever, you know what I mean.
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