#one time jack came to the bridge and spot (cat) was just. in his chair and it was a Time
walkman-cat · 6 months
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newsies star trek au. you agree
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miss-dr-reid · 3 years
This is calm, and it's, Doctor #9
TW, there is some DV in here and a hospital visit.
As we pulled into the street where the icecream shop is, I saw someone I recognised and my stomach churned. It was my ex. I hadn't told anyone at work about him, yet.
"What's up?" Derek asked. I didn't even realise I had gone stuff until I breathed, glancing at Derek quickly.
"My ex.. he's over there with a mate..." I said quietly, looking in the direction of the one person I hoped to never see again.
"We don't have to get icecream of you don't want." He reassured, placing his hand on my upper arm, rubbing lightly with his thumb.
"No- um- actually... I have a plan. I'll need you guys to help though, if that's okay?" I devised a plan with the boys after finding a park. They both willingly agreed, eager to help out a friend with some pretty revenge.
I got out of the cat and headed to the icecream shop, where my ex was, sitting at a table outside of it. As I got closer, he made a comment, just as I expected.
"Damn, Y/N, you want me back that bad you followed me all the way out here?" Cain retorted, tapping his mate on the arm.
"Well no, actually. Last I heard of you was from the girl you cheated on me with. She told me you kept yelling my name while you guys did the dirty in OUR bed." I clapped back. I whipped my hair behind my shoulders, signalling the boys, I knew what I said would run Cain the wrong way.
He pushed himself up, to get out of his chair when Derek's hand pressed him back down by his shoulder, Spencer's arm draping over one of my shoulders.
"Is there a problem here?" Derek said, staring straight in to Cain's eyes, his mate shifting uncomfortable in his seat.
Cain was not a big guy by any means, bigger than me, but tiny next to Derek.
"Who are you, her boyfriend?" Cain demanded, basically a spitting in Derek's face.
"I'm more to her then you'll ever be. If you cause her any more trouble, I'll make you regret everything you've ever done to her. I can promise you that." Derek's voice stern and low, his grip tightening slightly on Cain's shoulder.
Seeing Cain so uncomfortable was quite pleasing. He didn't say anything, Derek squeezed his shoulder one last time before nodding, releasing him and walking over to us, linking elbows with me. We walked inside the shop and everyone let go. I thanked both of the guys and insisted on paying for icecream, as a thanks for helping me out.
They insisted it was no big deal, defending their family is what they do. I loved hearing that o was becoming part of the B.A.U family.
I ordered the icecream, paid and we each connected our own and headed back toward the car. We sat on the curb, eating our delicious desserts. We didn't say much, just sat and ate. I felt so small sitting between these two guys. I was so happy to just be there with them.
Suddenly, I was going face first into my icecream, which was splattered all over the side of my car as a sudden jolt came through my back. I didn't realise what had happened. I could hear Derek yelling as hands supported my head while I laid back. Spencer's voice filled my ears as everything went dark.
I woke up, rocking slightly. I monitor beeping and people talking. I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids were so heavy, they felt glued. My hand felt funny, I tried moving it and discovered that it was encased by another hand. I squeezed as hard as I could.
"Y/N!" Spencer's voice filled my ears once again. I managed to half open my eyes, softly smiling up at him. "We're on the way to the hospital. Your ex kicked you while we were eating icecream and Derek chased after him." His voice soft and full of concern.
'Now I owe them double, of not triple for the shit they've dealt with today' I thought to myself, forever grateful that these two are in my life.
We arrived at the hospital not long later. Spencer wasn't allowed in for the x-ray, so he was left in the waiting room. After the x-ray was done, I was moved to a room. After a few minutes, a doctor came in, Spencer in toe, who stood next to the doctor, listening to his every word.
"You'll need to be careful with your nose over the next week, it's broken. Otherwise, your head and spine are fine and you'll be able to go after you've been patched up and kept for observation." He removed the c-collar from my neck and sat the bed up, "A nurse will be in soon to fix your nose." And with that, he left.
Spencer sat in the chair next to the bed and handed me his phone with the camera open.
I took it and looked at myself. I was a mess. There was crusted blood staining under my nose, around my nostrils and mouth.
"This is going to look so bad tomorrow." I said quietly to myself. Even though there wasn't much of a bruise right now, the second day is always worse. Spencer sighed at my comment as I say there still checking myself out. The phone started vibrating, Derek's name popping up on the screen.
"You're on speaker, Mr. Hero." I said to the phone.
"Hey buddy, it's good to hear your voice," he started, "I'll be there in a minute. Just finished giving my statement to the police. I'm see you soon. Also, I told the rest of the team and they're also coming. See you soon, kiddo." He hung up.
The doctor came back with a nurse. Spencer was allowed to stay for the packing and fixing of my nose. The laid the bed back, Spencer on one side of me, the doctor in front of him and the nurse on the other side. Being laid out in front of people touching me made me feel so uneasy, I didn't realise I was tense until Spencer placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Stay as still as you can, this will be quite uncomfortable." The doctor mentioned, and the nurse picked up some gauze off the tray they'd brought in. I grabbed Spencer's hand off my shoulder and held it in mine. I closed my eyes and breathed out through my nose as one set of fingers pressed on the bridge of my nose while gauze was being stuffed up my nostrils. The nurse finished up and I breathed out deeply, I had become so tense while being under her hands that my whole body had basically seized. They sat up the bed and left, going to organise my discharge papers.
Almost as soon as they had left, the whole teamed walked in. Everyone had looks of concern on their faces, giving my sympathetic smiles. Spencer stood up and moved away as Garcia was making her way over to me.
"You gave us a scare, chook." She said, pulling me into a hug. JJ came down the other side of the bed and pulled me into a hug once Garcia had let go. She offered me a wet wipe, which I graciously accepted. I carefully wiped the bottom of my nose and around my lips, trying to remember where the blood had crusted on my face.
"As much good as they do, it wouldn't hurt to clean up a little bit..." She commented, seeing the stained blood on various parts of my face.
"Glad to see you're alright." Emily called from her spot between Hotch and Derek.
I thanked everyone and tried out my most convincing smile, which only got sympathy smiles in return.
"You wouldn't be okay if Pretty Boy was there. He caught your head before you fell back onto the concrete." Derek commended, gesturing at Spence, who's face started glowing red. I mustered up the best thanks I could for him, I was genuinely grateful. "Although, someone had to chase the bad guy...." Derek continued, detailing about what happened.
He told us that I was kicked in the back of the head, my icecream being thrown onto the side of my car, with my face following - thinking back, I remember the crunch my nose made when my face slammed into the side of my car.
HE told us that he immediately dropped his own icecream to jump up and start chasing the guy who had decided to leg it (not surprised). He chased the guy into an alley, yelling at him to stop.
'Stop! FBI!' he had shouted. The guy had managed to get himself cornered and stupidly turned to Derek and tried to fight him. Derek recognised the guy as Cain. As a punch was thrown, Derek dodged, grabbed Cain and pushed him to the ground, holding him there until police arrived.
Hearing the story, I was surprised to hear Cain didn't pull a knife out, it was his go-to weapon of choice. I was happy to hear he was finally arrested. After some more questions, Hotch went home to be with Jack.
The doctor came back with the papers and I was allowed to go. Even though I insisted that I was fine to drive, no one was letting that happen. I also had to have someone stay with me for the night, to make sure everything was alright, apparently. JJ couldn't, she had her family. Derek insisted he was busy with 'things'. Garcia had to get back to Kevin, Emily to Sergio, which left Spencer. It was agreed that he would drive me home in my car, and we had to take Derek back to his car on our way.
I felt weird climbing into the passenger seat of my own car. It was nighttime and it made me wonder,
"How long was I out for?" I quizzed, really wanting to know.
"If I had to guess, I'd say like ten minutes." Derek guessed.
"More like twelve minutes and thirty-seven seconds. I was timing to the paramedics." Spencer's voice matter-of-fact. I thanked him for being there for and with me the whole time, and both of them for dealing with everything today.
"I just don't understand how you could let anyone treat you that way, let alone date it." Spencer scoffed, "I've seen the scars you've got, I'm guessing aren't from 'accidents', they show when you're vulnerable, which isn't your fault at all, it actually shows just how trusting you are, which is great, but obviously can get you into trouble if you're not careful. What I'm trying to say is, vulnerabilities need to be taken care of, trust needs to be earned and time heals all wounds." he finished.
"Love also heals" Derek added.
I had tears stinging the corners of my eyes, Trying to escape.
Spencer pulled in to the car park of the Cafe we had been at earlier that day and pulled up in the spot next to Derek's car.
Derek got out and stood next to my door, I rolled my window down. He caressed the back of my head and guided it towards him, leaning over to kiss the top of my head.
"Take care of yourself." His head lifted to look at Spence, "And each other." he finished before turning to get into his own car, leaving to go home.
Spencer didn't move, he just sat in silence.
"What's wrong?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.
"I don't know where you live." He said, giving me puppy dog eyes.
With a giggle, I directed him towards my place. He stopped in front of his place on the way so he could grab a few things, ready to spend the night at mine. He insisted that I go in with him, because he's 'not allowed' to leave me alone.
"Doctors orders. That's me, I'm the doctor." He laughed at me, finding himself amusing.
"Well, I'm also a doctor, doctor, and I said no such thing. But if you insist, I'll come in with you." I said climbing out of the car, he followed and we went inside up to his place.
We walked in to his apartment and I sat on a stool at the bench, so I didn't get comfy.
Spencer wandered off to his room to pack. I pulled out my phone to see some missed calls and a few messages from a number I didn't recognise. I unlocked my phone and opened the messages from the unknown number.
'ur gonna pay 4 wot u did to Cain' Read the first one.
'u dum bitch' read another, the next few that followed were along the same lines.
When Spencer came out, I showed him the messages, not because I was scared, but because I didn't want to keep secrets. It's also probably a good idea to have as many people as possible know, in case anything were to happen. He sighed, reading the messages. He cupped my face with both hands and looked my in the eyes.
"Y/N, nothing is going to happen to you. Even if we have to have someone with you all day and all night. We, the team, will keep you safe - I'll do it by myself if I have to." he pulled my head against his chest and cuddled me, seeing the tears which had started pooling in my eyes. I let the tears come out, my body was gently shaking as I quietly sobbed into Spencer's chest, "You're okay. You're safe with us."
I cried, thanking him, wrapping my arms around his waste. He rubbed my back for a bit before placing his hands on my shoulder, pulling back a bit. His hands were firm, but gentle, he came down to my eye level. His eyes were so warm and welcoming, I admired all of his face while he was there.
He suggested leaving, and his hands trailed down my arms, to my hands. He took my hand in his and I hopped off the stool, following his footsteps to the door.
Not much was said on the car ride to my place. I didn't bother with the radio, only looking out the window, watching everything pass by, giving directions when necessary.
We finally arrived. I have a stand-alone house, on the outskirts of town. Spencer pulled into the driveway and got out. He rushed around to my door and opened it, just as I had started to. He helped me out and draped his arm around my shoulder as we headed inside.
OMG guys, I am so bad at keeping updated
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Ahhh I loved your suggestions on the favourite Disney movie headcanons and now I wanna ask what you headcanon the newsies (musical) favourite Taylor Swift album/song would be
Ahhh I’m glad you liked them!
Omg omg omg ok ok so I’ve thought about this a lot and legit spent way to much time thinking about it. (PSA It’s modern times cause- Taylor Swift existing lmao)
Albert claims All Too Well. “The lyrics are perfection- SHUT UP NO! THE RAGE! THE EMOTION! THE HURT!! *screams into a pillow and lowkey almost cries cause he’s just so into it*” He will literally defend it with his life.
Race likes 1989 a lot, he likes something he can groove to. His favourite is probably Out Of The Woods and when that bridge comes on Elmer kinda hides because once Race got super into it and threw a chair across the room... it hit Elmer. He’s been scarred. Race also once performed the 1989 tour version on the table and used a hot dog as a microphone... hair flips and everything. 13/10 performance.
Katherine adores Dear John. Once she was singing it and since she’s a good actor she started crying as she sang. She was in the car with Jack and he started freaking out asking if he did something wrong. She told him to shush because that long note at the bridge was comming on. As soon as that part finished and the song was over she was back to normal, siting calmly and smiling. Was Jack scared? Absolutely. Did he learn that Kath just likes depressing songs? Also yes. Since Evermore came out she’s streamed Champaign Problems so much it’ll probably be her top song of 2021. Once again, Jack is scared.
Jack likes Cowboy Like Me. He isn’t too much into Taylor Swift, but when everyone didn’t shut up about Evermore he took a liking to Cowboy Like Me purely for the title. But in terms of his favourite that he does love, he loves ‘that one about burning?’ Aka, Picture To Burn.
Spot likes Coney Island. Not just for obvious reasons (well Coney Island) but he thinks it slaps and sings it with Race all the time. He thinks it’s satisfying “how’s they all kinda overlap? Like ya know when they’s kinda... OH YA KNOW!”
Les likes ME! He sang it around the house and drove Davey insane. After watching the music video he wanted a cat but Davey is allergic and refuses.
Davey likes all the super lyrical songs. He wrote many essays on them in class, especially since there’s a lot of metaphors. He takes a liking to Lover because he actually has taste and thinks it’s got some of the best pieces, especially Cornelia Street and It’s Nice To Have A Friend. Folklore though- oh he loves folklore. Les made a Daisy crown for him and they froliced around the living room together humming and singing.
Specs likes New Years Day. Sometimes he hums it softly to himself when he concentrates which everyone thinks is adorable.
Crutchie also appreciates Lover, he doesn’t like sad songs too much... they make him sad (wow shocking). Cruel Summer he will screech the Bridge, I Forgot That You Existed he enjoys. But his all time favourite is You Belong With Me “ya can’t beat the classics!”
Elmer thinks Super Star is fun. He also likes the whole Speak Now album. It’s just “spicy” and has a lot of ‘layers’.
Finch thinks Fifteen is a bop. He’s not sure why but he just resignates with it.
This is kinda all I got? I hope this answered the questions lmao, if you have anything to add please do!! Honestly I’ll probably think of more at 4am rip
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willowistic22 · 3 years
The pleasure’s all mine... Prince Romeo
A grand party is held in the palace tonight, but one of the royal family member isn’t in the mood to indulge in it like how they’d usually be. Luckily, a stranger comes to save them. It just so happens that this stranger is so dangerously handsome. 
Word count : 4688
Part : -
Warnings : light mentions of alcohol, cursing, and that should be it. it’s nothing too serious. 
A/N: HIIII this is my gift for @s9da (well technically for paranormalsoup... i think you can piece in together why i asked you abt paranormalsoup in the wormsie discord server hehe) for the @newsiesgiftexchange i had fun making this bcs i absolutely love newsies royal au, so i hope you don’t mind i wrote a somewhat self indulgent fic for your gift hehe. it was still spromeo like you asked, but uhh idk i hope you like it bcs half of me think it’s not as great as i thought it was in my head. But anyways enjoy!!! :D
“Romeo! Get your ass out of there!” 
“How long does it take for you to get dressed?!” 
The two muffled voices turned into banging on the door. Romeo rolled his eyes, deciding to ignore his brothers and continuing to adjust his tuxedo in front of his full length standing mirror. 
His bedroom door swung open with no warning. In turns, two boys formally dressed came storming in. 
“Race! Crutchie! You could have at least waited for me to let you two in!” Romeo protested, adjusting sleeves under his dark blue blazer. 
“My God, Ro! You’re not even ready yet!” Crutchie commented, walking over as fast as he could with his crutch to get to where Romeo is standing. He takes the silver tie from the dresser and slings it around Romoe’s shirt collar, “The party is supposed to start right now and you know dad would want all of his sons to be present!”  
“He was probably too busy talking to the cat, weren’t you?” Race flops on the big bed, causing the dozens of velvet pillows to jump. It also seems to have awakened a huge white fluffy cat in the midst of the pillows. 
“Racetrack! Snowy was getting his beauty sleep!” Romeo protested, seeing the scene unfold from the mirror. 
Crutchie flipped both of his brothers off, telling Race to be careful so he doesn’t mess his own outfit up and making Romeo stand still while he helps him get ready. In under five minutes and Romeo is properly dressed just like his brothers. 
Crutchie places Romeo’s crown on top of his black locks, the magnificent silver object goes perfectly with the intricate silver curlicue designs on the shoulder and back of his dark blue blazer. With the tiny silver crown lapel pin and its tiny chain draping on the fabric to wrap up the dashing outfit. 
The three head out of the room. They strut through the grand hallway like it’s a fashion week runway, feeling confident with every step following the red velvet carpet till they reach the grand ballroom decked to the nines just like them. 
A huge chandelier hanging above the open space. A few tables and chairs neatly organized for the awaiting guests but still leaving enough space for a dance floor. The huge glass doors wide open to make use of the huge balcony for the party, also letting the evening breeze through the door. 
“About damn time you three show up!” Jack, the oldest brother exclaimed. 
“Jack! Do mind your language!” Their father protested. 
His three younger brothers walk up onto the podium, greeting their father who’s sitting on the only throne present. 
“It was all Romeo’s fault. He didn’t know how to tie his own tie!” Race joked. 
The brothers have their little silent squabble as they stand behind the throne. Crutchie decides to not get himself involved in it and tries to break it up, “Oh, grow up you guys!” 
Those words did nothing to help. In turn, Crutchie turns to their father in hopes to ignore those three. 
“Jackie-love! Listen to your brother, please!” A different voice chimed in. 
The three turn their focus away towards it and see Jack’s husband already fully dressed up. In a classy dark purple suit with a grey tie in the same shade as Jack’s own suit. 
“We’re celebrating our sixth anniversary and Sarah is finally home from her travels. The least you could do is to keep yourself presentable!” 
Jack pushes aside the squabble, switching on his loving smile for Davey. Romeo and Race pulled away from the squabble right after Jack. Their father silently sighed in relief to see his sons finally deciding to act like fully grown adults. 
He tells the royal guards to let the guests in. In under five minutes, the ballroom was instantly filled with guests in formal attire. Some fill their assigned seats for the dinner that was promised in the invitation while others mingle with each other. The band, playing lovely tunes loud and clear but it wasn’t time for the guests to get up and dance. 
The princes have also indulged themselves in the party. Jack and Davey can be seen mingling with the guests they’ve invited, listening to their congratulations on their sixth anniversary. Crutchie has gone to god knows where, which is surprising because he’s wearing a flashy yellow and black suit in the midst of all the mostly dull colored outfits in the ballroom. Race had gone off to fulfilling his promise to their father of introducing his new lover, the future king of Brooklyn. 
Romeo is left to slump on the round table with leftovers sitting idly on his plate. An odd thing for him to do, and he’s quite aware of it too. Romeo adores mingling, making new friends, or even catching up with some old friends that he has indeed spotted somewhere amongst the crowd this evening. Though, his energy to do so doesn’t seem to be there in this particular moment. 
The young prince watches from afar as his big brother finally introduces Spot Conlon to their father. Spot’s dark red suit is really contrasting to Race’s own outfit, a bright blue suit with golden curlicue designs on the shoulders and back which is a bit like Romeo’s. It matches perfectly with his blond messy curls and electric blue eyes. 
Romeo smiles, seeing his brother’s face lighting up as their father seemingly approves of the dashing Brooklyn boy that he has so helplessly fallen in love with for the past two years. Romeo doesn’t linger on it though. He returns his focus towards his empty table and plate, a sad smile painting his face as he observes his own reflection on the ceramic. 
“Well, aren’t you the life of the party!” A voice interrupted his thoughts, causing him to lift his head up, “But if I do say so myself, and I mean no offense to his royal highness, you’re quite the tragic sight sitting here all alone” 
His eyes landed on a gentleman standing proud and tall in a maroon suit, a black tie neatly tucked under his blazer. His complexion reminded Romeo of the topaz rocks in some of the castle’s intricate decorations, rich with brown but always glowing bright with the rest of the gems. In this case, his glow comes from the simple smile and the lovely brown eyes behind the silver framed spectacles. 
The initial comment brought a smile to Romeo’s face and a little laugh along with it. He fixes his sitting posture, eyeing the stranger with a head tilt while his head tries to figure out who this guest could be. 
“And you’re what? Here to be my savior from my little slump?” Romeo replied to match with the stranger’s cleverness. 
Seeing the success his opening line has brought, the gentleman pulls out an empty chair next to Romeo and sits himself down, “Well, you’re the prince here. Whatever it is you command me to be, I’m pretty sure I need to follow” 
Romeo lets out a small fit of laughter through his smile, looking away from the man’s eyes. It also makes the stranger laugh along with him. 
Romeo returns his sight back to the man in front of him. He walked right into a gaze-off he cannot look away from. In no means for intimidation, but a brief yet firm infatuation through the art of eye contact with the man he just met. Only now did Romeo realize how dangerously handsome this stranger is. 
“Romeo!” The call of his name pulled him away from the gaze and back to the world around him. 
He spots Crutchie zipping through the crowd. A smile painted on his face, just as bright as the yellow and black suit he’s currently rocking in. Romeo stands up to give his brother a hug. 
“I see you’ve met one of my friends from the lab!” Crutchie gestured back to the stranger Romeo was just previously speaking to, already slightly bowing his head to pay his respects to the two members of the royal family. 
“Oh, you work in the lab!” Romeo concluded, turning back to face the stranger who’s already on his feet. 
“Yeah. We call him Specs!” Crutchie giggled, making the other man laugh along while Romeo looks back to where he’s currently standing, “And Specs, this is my brother, Romeo!” 
Specs pulls up a simple smile for Romeo and a firm head nod. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you two!” Crutchie apologized, a few moments after remembering they were previously having a conversation. He adjusts his crutch to get ready to leave, “I’ll leave you two to it, okay?” 
Romeo watches as his brother walks away to mingle into another group. It leaves him with the previous gentleman he was talking to. The only differences now, he’s not much of a stranger anymore. 
“So... That’s what they actually call you? ‘Specs’?” 
“Well, it’s because, if you can’t already tell…” 
Specs gestures towards his spectacles that rests on the bridge of his nose. Romeo chuckles, playfully rolling his eyes. But the smile tells Specs he’s still in the clear from offending a royal family member. 
“What’s your actual name? Unless you don’t have one” 
He laughs, parting his lips to let it out before saying, “It’s Julian. But now people mostly refer to me as Specs” 
Romeo nods, staring directly into his sparkly brown eyes. Whatever is gleaming under it is very inviting, and Romeo isn’t opposed to this mysterious invitation. He’s rather pleased by its presence. Before he knows it he’s already engaged with it, letting his own obsidian gemstone eyes linger in the gaze. 
“A pleasure to meet you... Specs” 
“The pleasure’s all mine... Prince Romeo” 
Soon enough the sun has fully set. The night sky takes over the heavens above, thread by sparkling pearls to break up the deep blue. But the party didn’t stop. The royal family’s favorite performer, Ms. Medda Larkin, has finally arrived in the most fashionably late way. Her grand entrance was welcomed with warm arms by King Denton himself. 
With the presence of the superstar, the band picked up its lack of entertainment as Ms. Medda picked up the microphone after a quick dinner. The jazzy upbeat tune sends all the guests roaring for the dance floor. 
Romeo though? He has his own entertainment, in the huge balcony by the bar with his own partner. 
“No dance?” 
Romeo pries his eyes away from the dance floor he’s observing from outside. He glues them onto Specs, leaning his shoulder on the shiny bar top while twirling his glass of scotch. 
Romeo shakes his head, making a semi weird face, “Not really up for it” 
“Huh, you’re nothing like what Prince Charlie says” Specs commented, taking a gulp from his glass to finish his drink off, “He says that you’re very energetic and flirty” 
The comment makes him scoff through his smile, “I can’t say that he’s wrong. But… I’m just not feeling it tonight” 
The little silence between them is giving Romeo the impression that he should explain even further. But he takes this chance to finish his own drink and change the subject, “So, you work in Crutchie’s lab?”  
The subject of Specs’ profession quickly did the trick. It also reveals some basic facts about him. As it turns out, Davey was the one that pushed him to work in the royal lab. He’s been friends with Davey since college and has been partners in crime ever since. Davey was first to get the job as a chemical engineer at Crutchie’s lab after a year of switching jobs to match his preferences, while Specs was still continuing his studies for a masters degree. Since he’s been an A+ student at a young age, the first application he sent got him the call for the job interview and got in quickly. 
Romeo was very impressed by the story. Half way through it he starts to question as to why he’s been given the honor to talk to Specs. There is no way Specs is anywhere close to Romeo's league. 
Regardless, Specs doesn’t seem to question all of that. While there’s a noisy ballroom in the background, they’re having a party of their own. Smiling, laughing, and basically having a great time in their private little universe. Romeo is very much infatuated by the gentleman and wouldn’t want anything in the world to ruin the moment. 
“Y’know, you should probably just drop all the formalities at this point” Romeo lightly mentioned, between sipping his third drink he had only touched after half an hour upon asking the bartender for one, “It’s just me” 
“Just you?” Specs questioned, lips wrapping up into a warm smile that makes Romeo’s heart melt. 
He froze in place, admiring the wonder to behold. It makes Romeo smile wider as he slowly nods at the question. 
Before he could say anything else, the loud sound coming from inside took over their center of attention. A loud cheering of guests over something neither Specs or Romeo knows about, as the view was blocked by dozens of backs. 
Romeo turns his head away from it, focusing back to where he is currently at. He glances over at Specs and says, “Let’s get out of here” 
Specs looks back at Romeo, a little confused with his offer, “And go where, exactly?” 
Romeo sips the remaining liquid in his glass, setting it back with a loud clang against the bar top. He spontaneously grabs Specs’ hand and drags him away, leading him to the stairs on the side of the huge balcony. With every step down, the twinkling Manhattan view slowly fades away from their eyes. 
It was soon replaced by the view of the royal garden in the dark. A cobblestone path stretching to as far as the eyes can see in the dark, pass the green trees with overgrowing plants hanging over it, and various shapes of bushes strategically placed all around the settlement. The smell of the grass is so fresh and different, unlike anything Specs has ever encountered before. 
However, Romeo drags him to the other direction. They walked under a dimly lit tunnel, under where the balcony and the ballroom is. They can barely see each other in this kind of lighting, though Romeo’s crown was able to let the tiniest ray of light reflect on its figure. At the end of the tunnel, they can see an opening which would lead them to the center of the palace where another garden is located. 
“Where are we going, if I may ask?” Specs returned to his previous unanswered question. 
“Just… around, I guess” 
The two smile at each other, Specs nodding along to whatever bullshit he was just fed but still getting entertained by it anyways. 
“So… are you gonna tell me why you decide to detach yourself from the party?” 
So he noticed. Well, it isn’t like Romeo has been sneaky about it but he was hoping it wouldn’t be brought up. 
“That party isn’t for me so…” Romeo started, fiddling the hem of his blazer, “... It didn’t felt right if I were to mingle in there” 
“Because that party wasn’t for you?” 
Romeo stops in his tracks, realizing how wrong that sounds, “Okay, wait, I take that back umm…” 
“No, it’s okay if you’re a little… self centered” Specs half teased. 
Romeo scoffs at that, playfully shoving his arms with his shoulders that sends the taller boy laughing. He recollects his composure and re-explains himself, “I mean… Jack, Race, and Crutchie are up there because they have…’something’” 
The two continue to walk through the tunnel, Specs fixated to Romeo as he explains himself. 
“You see Jack, already living up to his reputation from being a good leader. Charismatic, fearless, all of that. He’s just waiting for our father to step down from the throne so he can unleash his full potential” Romeo started out, which made no sense to Specs question but he kept listening anyways, “And then you got Race. However big of a dumbass and a troublemaker he is, he’s smart! He doesn’t work full time at the lab but you’ve seen him there a few times, right?” 
Specs nods, recalling the memory of him seeing prince Anthony while he was working. 
“A great problem solver. Despite being the one that causes the most problems in the castle” Romeo added, making Specs chuckle a bit. He lets himself smile at that but it didn’t linger long. 
“And you know Crutchie. He’s smart and wants nothing more than to help others. Hearing the voices of the little people” Romeo continued. 
He stops walking, causing Specs to do the same. They’ve almost made it through the tunnel, just a few more steps away. The moonlight can reach just far enough to illuminate their faces and highlight their main features. 
Romeo looks up to the other boy, “I’m almost 23 and I haven’t really done shit” 
Specs fully turns his body towards Romeo, his words from before finally clicking in his head. 
“I thought you were a performer” Specs said, “Isn’t that something to be proud of?” 
“It is something I’m proud of. But people talk, Specs” 
His older brothers are famous for what they’ve achieved that are viewed as ‘useful’ with their title as royalty. Romeo, on the other hand, is a famous Broadway performer. Whether it’s playing the lead role, a side character, or just a part of the ensemble, no one will deny his talent. But people still talk badly about his title mixed with his love for theatre. 
Specs stays silent while waiting for Romeo to continue. He let’s Romeo walk out the tunnel first, letting the glow of the night illuminate his whole body along with the garden he’s in. Though, his heart doesn’t seem to be enjoying it the way that he should. 
Romeo turns around to face Specs, already slowly stepping out of the shadows of the tunnel. He takes his crown off his head, letting it dangle freely in his right hand, “Living here has its perks. But the downside is people expect you to be a leader of some sort” 
The taller boy stands next to Romeo, observing one side of the castle. The bright lights from the chandeliers clear as day through the huge windows. 
“So you’re really going to let the stupid comments old people say about you affect the rest of your life?” Specs questioned, letting a small smile creep up his face, “I mean, you’re the one that gets all the girls drooling” 
“I guess, but I prefer guys anyways” Romeo half chuckled, his smile yet to return. 
“Then it looks like the odds are with me” Specs said in a cheeky manner, taking a few steps ahead of Romeo. 
It caught him off guard. He dumbfoundedly stared at the boy for a good few seconds while his back was facing him. Heart beating very fast. Heat rising up his cheeks. The corner of his lips picks up on the tiniest bit of joy and excitement his heart is indulging in. 
Specs turns around and Romeo shakes away any obvious adoration towards the boy, pretending to admire his crown in his grasp. 
“I mean, I think you’re a very talented actor” 
“So you’re a fan?” Romeo asked cleverly, looking up to meet his eyes again while placing his crown back on his head, “Is that why you came up to me in the first place?” 
“Among other things… yes” 
Well, that’s something to know. 
Romeo and Specs roam around the garden in the dark, though they stay quiet in fear that other people might hear their presence. The laughing felt more personal and heartfelt when it’s secretive like this. Somehow Romeo is falling out of his usual confident nature, getting shier with every giggle that escapes their lips or clever remark Specs added on to the conversation. 
Romeo brought up the idea for the two to head to his bedroom after spotting a glimpse of his balcony on the second floor. Well, from the ground it’s three floors up. Regardless, they were still able to utilize their environment to work in their favor on climbing to the balcony. 
Romeo avoided entering his bedroom because it was embarrassingly messy. So they stayed where they are, carefully sitting on the balcony railing and continuing their conversation. They picked it up so easily that they’re soon laughing together like before. This time, they get a view of the garden below, a glimpse of Manhattan, and closer to the night sky. The warmth of his bedroom through the open balcony doorway defeats the freezing temperatures from outside. 
Specs was interrupted mid sentence after an odd feeling came by his leg. Fluffy and warm, like it’s a living being. 
“Who’s this?” Specs looks down to see a white fluffy cat looking back up to him. He gently picks up the white furball and cradles it close to his chest with a loving smile. 
“About time he decides to wake up from his nap” Romeo commented, scooching closer towards Specs so that they��re shoulder to shoulder so he can pet his little feline companion, “His name is Snowy” 
Snowy purrs at the love he’s receiving, giving the two boys long and slow blinks with every pet they provide. 
“Do you have any pets, Specs?” Romeo asked. 
“My apartment doesn’t allow pets. It actually sucks because it can get a little lonely” Specs replied. He lets Snowy go after the cat starts stirring in his grasps. Specs cleans any excessive fur that got stuck on his blazer before turning back towards Romeo, “I’m glad I get to have my own space after needing to live in a foster home for the majority of the time. But I got used to having lots of people around so…” 
“Not courting anybody?” Romeo asked again, “You look like the kind of guy who’d win a lot” 
Romeo you fucking idiot. His mind was yelling at him for saying that. No one with common sense would blatantly say that to someone they just met that day. 
Specs chuckles through his smile, staring at Romeo with a little twinkle hidden in his brown eyes. It could just be the stars from the sky reflecting in his eyes, but it’s not possible because there was a meaning behind his glimmer. 
“Not really my style” Specs replied, a flirtatious smirk making its way up to his face, “Though, I met a guy recently and… I’m trying my best to impress him” 
Oh. My. God. 
Romeo didn’t realize how close their faces were getting. Hot breaths circulate the small gap between their faces. Romeo diverts his eyes away from Specs’, but it absentmindedly went to stare at his lips. He imitated the way Specs has his lips slightly parted. 
“A-and how’s that going for you?” Romeo dared to ask, stopping the gravitational pull towards each other. Any closer and Specs might know how fast his heartbeat is going. 
“Not sure” He replied breathlessly, “You’ll have to tell me” 
If stomach butterflies could explode then that is definitely how Romeo is feeling right now. But they stayed still. Neither quite seem to have the courage to take the next step. 
Specs took the initiative, slowly guiding his hand up to cup Romeo’s cheeks. He then whispers, “Can I-” 
“Romeo!” A muffled voice interrupted their little moment. They quickly pull apart and stare at Romeo’s bedroom door inside the dimly lit bedroom. Violent knocking followed after the voice and it continued, “Romeo, are you in there?” 
It didn’t take long for Specs to catch on to what’s happening. He scrambles himself away behind the brick wall of the balcony, just next to the doorway. Romeo fixes his suit and answers the door. 
Just as he expected it, it was Race. No one in the family knocks as violently as he does. 
“My God, Race! Can I ever get some time alone in my room?” Romeo answered the door. 
“Why are you even in here? You’re supposed to be at the party!” Race said, “Dad was looking for you, y’know” 
“I just needed a little air but I’ll be right there, I promise” 
He flips Race away and turns around, seeing the previous boy he was with coming out of his previous hiding spot. He smiles sheepishly at Specs, which was met with his own chuckling. 
“Guess, we better head back” Romeo said, looking up to meet Specs’ eyes, “But you’re gonna have to use the balcony” 
“I figured” 
Specs sits back on the balcony before swinging both legs over the railing to climb down. Romeo leans his body against the railing, held up by his arms. It’s only polite to wait for Specs to climb down before he leaves to get to the ballroom himself. 
“By the way… thanks for keeping me company” Romeo felt like he owed him a thank you. After all, Specs could’ve had some fun or gained more than just a casual get-to-know-me conversation if he were to fully participate in the party. 
Specs looks up from minding his steps down, back up to Romeo’s eyes with a loving gaze towards him, “Of course. When else will I get the chance to be this close to you?” 
Rome looks down to his hands to hide away his blush and bashful little smile. He notices Specs hands are still on the railing, placed quite close to his own. 
“But how did I do? Were you impressed?” 
Romeo looks up, finding the other boy’s face is already two inches away from his own. The exact same position they were in before getting interrupted by his brother, just this time Specs is hanging on the balcony.
“Is that something you want to know?” Romeo questioned back with a little giggle following it. He thought it would be fun to tease him around before they finally part ways. 
“It’s not usual for me to straight up ask but… “ Specs caught on with the teasing, “... technically you were the one that ask” 
Romeo giggles along with him. He nods to his question and answers properly, “Yes. I was very much impressed by you, Specs” 
The next seconds were filled with silence. The high from their little banter turned into adrenaline to do something with how they’re positioned now. They both realize it, as both smiles slowly fade to parted lips with hot and heavy breaths hitting each other’s faces. Romeo glues his eyes on Specs’ lips, he could only imagine the other boy did the same. 
“Do I get the permission to kiss you?” Specs asked, barely above a whisper while his hands traced up Romeo’s arm until it reached his cheek once again. 
Romeo stuttered through his next few words before replying with a little giggle, “Permission granted” 
Specs wasted no time, softly crashing his lips on the other boy’s. Fireworks set off in their heads as the feelings developed for each other from this short period of time are released in one gentle kiss. Romeo moves one hand to hold his neck, as a means to deepen the kiss and to secure Specs from falling. 
They part with heavy breaths escaping their lips. The heavy breathings turned into giggles and giggles turned into goodbyes. 
Romeo watches as a giddy looking Specs makes it to the ground and walks towards the previous tunnel. Before finally escaping his vision, Specs glances back up to Romeo. Despite the distant Romeo can see a stupid grin on his face, which only made him laugh. 
As Specs finally escapes his view, Romeo lets out a long and adoring sigh and melts into the moment. Lowering his body and placing his head on top of his hands that are gripping on the balcony. 
He hears his beloved fur ball meow near him, but he’s far gone for that boy to even care what the cat wants. 
“I know, Snowy,” Romeo said, as if understanding the language his cat speaks, “He’s such a dream…” 
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dancerlittle006 · 4 years
Two Roads - The Many Adventures of Sammi & Race
First things first, I don’t own anything related to Disney or Newsies. I do not own the poem that is mentioned in the later half of this section - that would be Robert Frost. Second of all, this is a continuation of my “The Many Adventures of Sammi & Race” series. You may want to read the others in the series but it’s not necessary!
October 18, 1904 3:00pm
“Is think Spots gonna break up with me.” The door wasn’t even closed before the words were out of his mouth.  
Katherine looked up from her typewriter and gave Race a look. “What do you mean? He’s head over heels in love with you. What happened?”
Leaning against the door, Race let the worry he had been feeling for the past few days consume him. Pushing off the door, he made his way through the living room, collapsing on the couch, burying his head in the pillow. “Race, Spot’s not going to break up with you. Talk to me; what happened?”
His response was muffled by the pillow his face was buried in. Kat rolled her eyes, going to sit beside him on the couch. “Try saying that again . . . this time without the pillow translation.”
Rolling over, he threw his arm over his eyes. “Hes really distracted and withdrawn. He barely says completes sentences to me. Is worried about him.” 
“Is everything okay at work? Maybe he’s got some things going on there? How long has this been goin’ on?” Kat suggested giving his back a rub. “I’m sure in a few days it will be fine and everything will go back to normal.”
He gave his older sister a look. “Yous sure? He ain’t like himself, Kat. Hes talkin’ to himself; Spottie ain’t never done thats. It’s been for da last week o’so” 
“Trust me, if he’s not by himself by the weekend, then we’ll pay for your next date night.” Kat grinned, giving his shoulder a shove. “Besides, maybe his heads up in the clouds thinkin’ of something.” 
Race gave her a look. “Yous know something?”
“No! He hasn’t come talk to me.” Kat mentioned, not really meeting Race’s eyes. Her fingers were more of interest to her than looking at Race. 
He studied her. There were very limited times, twice in fact, that Kat couldn’t look him in the eyes and talk with him. She was very proud of the fact that when she talked with someone, she intently listened and made eye contact. “Yous lying, Katherine Kelly. You knows something.” 
Her jaw dropped at his accusation. “How dare you, Racetrack Higgins. Accusing me of knowing something when in fact I know nothing.”
“Yous awfully confident that everything will be cleared up with Spot by this weekend . . . so what did the little bugger tell you?” Race gave her a look, daring her to lie to him once more. 
Biting her lip (another one of her tells), she looked over at her brother. “All I know is that he came and spoke to Jack about a month ago. I took Samantha out to the park and left them to their conversation. Jack didn’t tell me what the conversation was about.” 
“Truth?” Race bit his lip in worry and concentration trying to figure out what his boyfriend was up to. “Yous know nothing else?”
Taking his hand in her, she squeezed it. “I know nothing else, Race. But I know that when I came back, Jack was in a pretty good mood and excited. I don’t think the conversation was bad. Maybe something good will happen.”
“Oks.” He nodded his head before giving her a look. “Next time you want to try lyin’ to me, remember I used to kick your butt at poker and I know all yous tells.” 
Kat grinned, thinkin’ back to those nights in the lodging house and the rowdy poker games. “Deal, Race, deal.” 
“Unka Race!” Heavy footsteps were running down the hallway, and plowed into his legs before he could get a word in. “Whens you here?” A big smile crossed his lips as he tugged the little girl up to sit on his lap. “Hi munchkin. Is here to see your mumma. Hows you doing?”
“Good. Miss you.” Sammi buried her head into his chest and sighed in contentment. 
He gave Kat a look, which she merely grinned at. “I heard yous, mumma, and daddy went to thes park last night and yous got ice cream.”
Popping up her head, she grinned at him. “Yes! Is got straw’erry.” 
“Was it good?” 
Pushing her hair off her face, she nodded her head. “Mumma got ‘nilla and daddy got ‘holate.” 
“Unka Race, guess what?”
“What munchkin?”
She gave him a look. “Is no munchkin! Is Sammi.”
“What Sammi?” He chuckled at the almost 3 year olds seriousness. 
“Is saw a doggie. Me wants doggie.” Her eyes went wide with pleading, hoping her uncle would give into her wants. 
Race’s face brightened. “Yous want a dog? What does daddy say about that?”
“He says no. But he says baby’s comin’.” Sammi shrugged her shoulders, not getting what the big idea was. 
Race’s eyes flew up to Kat’s, who had a hand over her mouth trying to hide her grin. “Baby?”
Tears rushed to her eyes before nodding her head. “Spring time.” 
Picking up Sammi, he crossed the room pulling Kat into a hug. “Congratulations, Kat. That’s fantastic. Yous gonna be a sister, Sammi.” Breaking the hug, he looked at the little girl who had a pout on her face.
“No sister, no baby.” Sammi pushed away from him, making him put her down. She crossed the room to sit on the couch, pouting. 
Kat smiled sadly at him as he pulled her into another hug. “She’s not used to the idea. She’ll get there.” 
Going to sit next to Sammi, he pulled her onto his lap and faced her to him. “Sammi, whats really goin’ on? Being a big sister is a good thing.” “Not uh!” She argued, sticking her tongue out at him. 
“Yous wanna know something?” He paused for dramatics. Knowing he had her attention at the prospect of a secret, she gave him a look that she was listening. “Yous mumma is my big sister.”
Sammi’s eyes went wide. “Is thinks daddy was your ‘rother.” 
“He is but yous mumma is mys big sister. And shes a wonderful big sister.” Race ran a hand through her hair. “And Is know yous gonna be a great big sister.” 
Putting a finger in her mouth, Sammi looked wide-eyed at him and a hint of a smile was on her lips. “‘Eally?”
“Yous, Samantha Anne Kelly, are going to be a wonderful big sister.” He whispered. “And Is and all yous uncles will be here to help yous along.” 
The gentle shut of the front door caused them all to look over. Jack smiled seeing his little family there. “So I guess the cat’s outta the bag?”
“Yous daughter was the one to do it this time.” Race smiled, standing up with Sammi to give his brother a hug. “Congrats Jackie! Is very excited for you guys.”
“Daddy! “Uess what?” Jack took Sammi from Race’s arms as she threw her arms around his shoulder in a hug. 
She grinned, giving her uncle and dad a look. “Is gonna be a ‘ister.” 
“Yous? A sister?” He gave her a look of unbelief. “Since when?”
“Unka Race told me.” 
Jack looked at Kat who merely rolled her eyes. “Oh, since Uncle Race said it’s okay, it’s fine but when mumma and I said yous gonna be a big sister, you pitch a fit and cry. Hmmm. . . betrayed by my own child.”
“Oh grow up Jackie. This is whats being an uncle is all about. Telling your niece that it will be okay and reassurin’ her.” Race grinned. 
Jack gave his younger brother a look. “Shuddup. Just wait until yous have kids one day; you’ll be feeling the pain, Is currently feeling.”
“Sure, that’ll be the day.” Race grinned. 
Talking with them for a bit longer, he left Kelly House and started his path back towards Brooklyn.  His head was swarming with the information he had gathered at the Kelly House along with Jack’s nonchalant when Kat mentioned why Race had come over. Jack hadn’t contributed anything that Katherine had already provided. 
He crossed the bridge, stopping in the middle, letting his thoughts float as he watched the rushing waters of the river below. He and Spot had talked about marriage, both of them wanting to make it official and spend the rest of their lives together. They talked about being a family, something neither of them had growing up. The Newsies had become both of their families over the years and both of them vowed to hold close the mismatched group of friends they had.  But the thought of marriage never scared him but he knew Spot wasn’t in a place to jump into marriage. He knew that if either of them were to proposed, it would be him. He did have a ring that was kept at Jack’s for safekeeping and out of their own apartment - he had that ring for over 2 years waiting for a sign that Spot was even remotely ready to settle down.
Sighing, he pushed off the barrier and continued his walk home, mind still swarming with thoughts. Before he knew it, he was at the apartment and walked up the stairs. Reaching the front door, there was an envelope taped to the door with his name written on it.  
Tonight wes eating out. Take a shower, put on some clean clothes, and meet me right here at 6pm. 
Love you, 
Grinning, Race opened the door, half expecting Spot to be waiting for him. The apartment was empty and quiet as he made his way to their bedroom. There was the shirt he had thrown on the bed this morning but other than that, their room was in pristine condition, nothing out of the ordinary. 
He took a shower, making sure his hair was perfect for whatever Spot had planned. Taking careful measure to dress up a bit, he saw that he still had 20 minutes until he was to meet Spot. Sitting on the couch, he put his shoes on and tapped his feet, trying not to let the anxiety creep up but really looking forward to whatever Spot had up his sleeve for the evening. 
A knock on the door caught his attention. Making sure there were no wrinkles on his shirt, he crossed the room, smiling and opening the door. Spot was standing on the other side of the door with a single red rose and a big smile on his face. “Hi sweetheart.”
“Hi honey.” Race took the rose from his hand before pulling into a searing kiss. “You look handsome.” 
Spot winked at him. “So do you snookums. Ready for a night on the town?”
Quickly putting the rose in some water, the two headed out to a local diner. Spot helped him with his chair before grabbing his hand. They made small talk while waiting for their waiter to take their order - spaghetti for Spot and lasagna for Race. 
“So a little birdy told me yous were worried.” Spot raised an eyebrow at Race as he took a sip of his beer. “Why didn’t yous tell me?”
Race hung his head and felt Spot squeeze his hand. “At first Is thought I did something but yous not acting like yourself. I went over to Kat’s to sees if shes noticed anything.”
“Of course yous went to Kat’s.” Spot shook his head. “Did yous learn anything from her?”
“All shes told me is that yous saw Jack a month ago but shes didn’t know what yous talked about.” Race smiled. “She eased my mind a bit.”
Spot grinned. “Goods. Alls will be revealed soon.”
“So yous is hiding somethin’?” Race’s eyes met Spot’s with a grin. “So Is was okay for worryin’.” 
He squeezed their conjoined hands. “Yous has nothing to worry about. Alls will be okay.”
Their dinner soon arrived, both of them eagerly digging in. Conversation was minimal as they enjoyed the richly good Italian food. The bill was settled as Spot suggested a walk to end the night. 
Loosely holding hands, they simply let their feet guide them throughout the city. Night had settled on the city as electric lights had clicked on, giving the city a warm glow. Pulling on Race’s hand, Spot led them towards the familiar bridge. 
Pausing in the spot Race had stopped earlier, Spot sighed. “This seems to be a favorite spot of ours, huh?”
“Old habits die hard.” Race leaned against the barrier, feeling the slight breeze on his face and listening to the rushing water below. He felt Spot settle in beside him. Sighing in contentment, Race looked beside him not seeing Spot. Looking down, Spot was on one knee with a shaky smile.  Race shot a very confused, shaky smile in his direction. Clearing his throat, Spot grabbed Race’s hand. 
“Robert Frost once said ‘Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.’ and Is feel like that sums up ours relationship. Wes never followed the paths set forth by others - wes went our own way and it led me to yous.  Anthony Higgins, wes been together for the past 5 years, everyday betters than the previous. Yous make me the happiest man in the world and I love yous with every fiber of mys being. Will yous marry me?” Spot finished with a shaky voice and a watery smile. 
Race had tears in his eyes, knelt down beside his boyfriend, nodding before pulling Spot up and into a kiss. “Yes, Sean Patrick Conlon, I wills. I love yous too, jerk.” 
“Surprised?” Spot pulled him into a hug, letting the stray tears flow from his eyes onto Race’s shoulder. He felt Race nod, opting to give him a few minutes to reveal in the happiness that surrounded him. “I talked with Jack about proposing to yous a month ago. Jacks was so happy but Is told him he couldn’t tell Kat ‘cause hows close you twos are. Is carried the ring around for the month tryins to figure how to propose to yous.” 
Pulling back from Spot, he gave him an excited look. “Ring? Is get a ring?” 
“Thats typically hows this work, idiot.” Spot grumbled shaking his head, reaching into his pocket to pull out a hammered silver ring. “Marry me?”
Tears clouded Race’s eyes once more. “Yes, you sap, Is marryin’ you.” 
Pushing the ring onto Race’s ring finger, Spot pulled Race into another kiss, as hoots of encouragement erupted around them. Pulling back, Race and Spot gave thumbs up to the passerbyers. “Just fors the record, Is your idiot now, Mr Tough Guy Conlon.”
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Sealing the deal with a kiss, Spot laced their fingers together. 
The next few minutes was silent between the two, each lost in their own thoughts. “You knows, I stood in this spot earlier thinking about marriage and proposing to yous.”
“Really?” Spot raised an eyebrow in his fiancé's direction. “What were yous thinkin’ about?”
Race squeezed their intertwined hands. “Just how Is never could tells if yous were ready for marriage. Is knew I wanted to spend my life with you but I couldn’t tells if yous felt the same. And Is was okay with that. As long as yous were in my life, I was okay.” 
“That was partly what Is talked with Jack about. He told me that as long as I was in yous life, you were happy but I wanted more.” Spot squeezed their hands. “Figures Is surprise you; Is sorry I made you worry.”
Race grinned at him, reaching over and kissing his forehead. “Lets make a pact now. Wes don’t keep anything from the other from now on.” “But what if its a really good surprise?” Spot negotiated. Race considered it for a moment before nodding, seeing Spot’s point. 
“Birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas are the only surprises, Conlon!” Spitting into their hands, they spit-shook on it sealing the promise. “Love you Conlon.”
“Love you too, Higgins.” He heard the distant church bells toll. “Now comes on. Wes got somewhere to bes.” 
Giving his fiancé's a look, Race’s jaw dropped. “Thought wes just agreed no more surprises?” 
“This has been planned for a month. Now no more questions.” Spot tugged on their hands. “Let’s go.” 
They finished crossing the bridge before Spot led him further into the burb. Soon they were standing in front of the hotel Race worked at. “What wes doing here?”
“Come on.” 
Leading him into the restaurant at the back of the hotel, he squeezed Race’s hand before opening the door. “CONGRATULATIONS!” 
Race stumbled backwards at the sound that escaped from the opened doors. Spot glanced behind him and grinned. “Surprise!” 
Peeking his head into the room, Race grinned seeing all of his friends standing there with glasses of alcohol. “What’s this?”
“Possibly celebratin’ something.” Jack stepped forward giving both him and Spot a look. “A little birdy said something was happenins.” 
Race grabbed Spot’s hand and squeezed it. “Fellas, Is like to introduce you to my fiancé, Sean Patrick “Spot” Conlon.” 
The noise level went up considerably after Race’s announcement. Kat appeared at Race and Spot’s side with two glasses of champagne. Handing them each a glass, she grinned. “Congratulations, you two.” 
“Yous knew.” Race looked at her with a grin. “Yous knew this afternoon when Is came to yous house.”
Kat held her hands up, biting her lip. “I only knew after you left. Jack told me.” 
“That’s fair.” Race nodded. “Coffee date this week?”
Kat nodded. “Absolutely. You can fills me in.” 
Sammi came running up to Spot with her arms raised. “Unka Pottie! Congr’ts.” 
“Thanks Sammi. You’ll have to tell Uncle Race too.” He walked over to where Kat and Race were talking. “Unka Race!” 
“Hi Sammi!” Spot deposited the girl into Race’s arms grinning. “Long time no see.”
“Daddy say yous and Unka Pottie are ‘gage.” She said putting her arms on his shoulders. “Whats that mean?”
Race looked over her shoulder at Jack and Kat and grinned. “Know hows mumma and daddy are married and theys live together?” 
“Uh huh. Is thats what you and Unka Pottie will be?” She tilted her head in thought. “Yous still my unkas?”
Race snuggled the girl in his arms. “Is always will be your uncle and so will Uncle Spottie. That’s not changing. Yes, wes--” 
He was interrupted by Albert standing on a chair, grabbing the room’s attention. He felt Spot come up beside him and grab his free hand, giving it a squeeze. Jack came up beside him and grabbed Sam from his arms, giving him a wink and a cheeky grin. 
“I wanna welcome everyones to Race and Spot’s engagement celebration.” Albert grinned as hoots and hollers erupted around the room. “This has been a long times comin’ and Race, the fellas couldn’ts be more excited for yous two.” 
Spot gave Race a look, which caused the man to throw his head back and laugh. “Yous sure you wanna marry a ‘Hattan boy?”
“Yes, besides yous a Brooklyn boy now.” Spot growled, pulling Race into a kiss. “Besides, wes don’t dos stuff like this in Brooklyn.”
Race chuckled, knowing Spot was uncomfortable in a setting like this but willing to do it for Race’s sake. “It’ll be overs soon, snookums, and we can go home.”
Albert cleared his throat, a few chuckles sounded around the room. “Before I was interrupted by our lovebirds, Is just wanted to say congratulations and Conlon, you hurt our boy, it’s your head! To Race and Spot!”
“Race and Spot!” 
Jack stood up on the next chair, raising his beer, a cheeky smile to the couple. “Race, Is will never forget the day I met 6 year old you. It was barely 5am and yous already had a mouth on you. Yous were the little pest that didn’t shut up but yous followed me wherever Is went, wanting to knows all about papes. Yous turned into the brother Is lost many years ago. Somehow, under some influence, you grew into the man you are today. Is was proud when I made yous second, but Is might been even more prouds of yous today. Race, yous and Conlon be happy.  Conlon, Albert’s threat is the truth and wes will have yous head if you mess with Race, because Brooklyn boy or not, he’s always a ‘Hattan boy. To you both, Race and Spot!” 
“To Race and Spot!” 
With the speeches out of the way, Race kissed Spot before walking over to Jack. Pulling the older man into a hug, Race cleared his throat. “Thanks Jackie.”
“I meant it Race. Is proud of you.” Jack put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. 
Race cleared his throat, smiling looking out at all of their friends that had gathered. “Yous the reason Is me. Yous realize that?”
“Me?” Jack’s eyes widened at the possibility of that concept. 
Race chuckled at the surprise tone of Jack’s voice. “Absolutelys Jack. Yous took me and the fellas off the streets and thoughts us how to survive. Looks arounds the room, Jackie. Yous is whys wes all grew up. And when Is marry Spot, yous marriage is the one Is looking at for guidance.” 
Jack stayed quiet, which was rare for the man. Race squeezed his shoulder, causing the man to look up at him. “Wes love you Jack. Grateful as hell but wes love you and yous ours brother, simple as that.” 
Pulling Race into a hug, Jack let the few tears that had built up at Race’s sincere words fall onto his brother’s shoulder. “Loves you man.”
“Loves you too.” Race cleared his throat. “Will yous stand next to me when Is marry Spot?” 
Jack smiled and nodded. “Absolutely. No other place Is rather be. I thought yous ask Kat.”
“Thought crossed my mind but Is want her to reads something durin’ the ceremony.” Race smiled. 
Jack nodded, pinching his lips together. “Is so happy for you Race. Yous deserve all the happiness in the world; yous and Spot.” 
“Thanks Jackie.” He gave him one more hug before moving across the room to the group of Newsies that had congregated together. 
“There’s the man of the hour!” Albert yelled, as Finch, Albert, Specs, and Crutchie all raised their glasses in a toast to him. 
Race bowed as they all laughed at him. “Congratulations, man. Welcomes to the engagement club.” 
Albert had asked Marie to marry him in August and they were set to get married in early 1905. Finch and Elmer were an on-again/off-again couple that none of the Newsies could keep up with.  Crutchie was working at the Lodging House, taking over a couple of years ago for Kloppman, who had had enough and finally retired. 
Race grinned. “Thanks fellas. What’s new?” The next few minutes he caught up with all of them before asking to talk with Albert. He gave his best friend a look before nodding and walking over to the corner of the room. Not realizing that the entire room was watching the two, Race folded his arms across his chest. 
“Is have a question for you.” Race shuffled from foot to foot. Albert hadn’t seen Race this nervous since the strike - Race was always calm, cool, and collected one of the Newsies. 
Al gave his friend a look before putting a hand on his shoulder. “What’s that?”
Looking elsewhere but his friend, only then did he notice the entire room looking at him and Albert. “Yous think yous never seen two fellas talkin’.” Race loudly said, waiting a minute until everyone went back to their own conversations. 
“Race, just spits it out.” Albert was pretty patient but having Race stall was gettins annoyin’. 
“Willsyousbemybestman?” Race spit it out in one sentence, feeling his nervousness disappear as soon as the sentence was out of his mouth. 
Albert heard the words but Race had said it in such a rush that he didn’t comprehend the words. “What? Says that again?”
“Will yous be my best man?” Race bit his lip as he repeated the sentence. Him and Albert had been best friends since Jack brought Al into the lodging house when he was 6 and Race 7. Thick as thieves, they would almost sell everyday together until Race discovered Sheepshead Bay Racetrack. In fact, Albert was the one to give him his nickname. Race would calm Albert’s fears while Albert did the same for Race, especially after his days in the Refuge. 
Albert smiled. “Really? Is thought yous want Jack to be yous best man.”
“Hes in the lineup but best mans spot, that’s all you. Yous my best friend. Thick as thieves, ‘member?” Spitting in his palm, Race held it out for Albert.  “Will yous be my best man?”
Spitting in his own palm, Albert grinned shaking his head. “Deals.”
“Loves you Albert.” Race pulled Albert into a hug, patting him on the back. 
“Loves you too, Race.” Albert was facing the wall but grinned. “The rooms looking at us, huh?”
Race laughed loudly pulling away from the hug. “Theys just jealous. Wishin’ theys be in our pact.” 
“Hey Race?” Albert put his hands in his pocket, giving his best friend a look. Race raised an eyebrow in question. “Nothin’s gonna change is it? Wes still have lunch and hangs out?” 
Pulling Albert into his arm, he reached out and messed up his head. “Is writing that into the vows - yes, wes still will have lunch and hangs out. Wes just will be old married men now.” 
Albert laughed at that. “Sounds like a plan.” 
12 pages, 4300 words and a baby on the way and an engagement! 
So many emotions in this chapter!!! What did you think? Come talk with me and gush about Race and Spot’s engagement and another Kelly baby on the way!! Send me all of your name recommendations!! 
Note- Robert Frost didn’t pen “The Road Not Taken” until 1915 but I feel like it fits our two lovebirds perfectly. I took some artistic liberties with this to make it work for their engagement. 
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snow-lavender · 5 years
Hey @beerecordings​ @florenceisfalling​, you remember that silly conversation you guys had a few days ago? I did a thing! 
“Do we plan to have a bonfire tomorrow?” Henrik asked, glancing up from his book.
“Huh?” Sean replied. “I mean, I guess we could. Any reason?” 
 Henrik looked confused. “Did I not get the date correct? It is the thirtieth tomorrow, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, and?”
Henrik sat up, closing his book. “Do you not do Walpurgisnacht in Ireland?”
“What, like the big baddy from Madoka Magica?” Jackie piped up from the couch. 
Henrik pinched the bridge of his nose in reply. “Gott gibt mir kraft.” he muttered. “No, Jackie, not like the anime. Saint Walburga’s feast. Hexennacht. Whatever you want to call it.”
Sean shook his head. “Never heard of it. But yeah, sure, I’m always down for a bonfire. What exactly are we celebrating?”
“Ah, I have not been to church in awhile, but I believe she battles against sickness and pests. I vaguely remember something about oil. Today it is mostly an excuse for hoodlums to make problems for everyone. Graffiti, vandalism, you know.”
“Oh, so like how Halloween is back in the States?” 
Sean glanced at Chase. “I thought you guys just did the candy thing?”
Chase scoffed. “Hell no, Halloween is all about eggs and toilet paper once you’re old enough.”
Henrik shook his head. “You Americans. But yes, I suppose it is similar. For a select few.”
Sean raised an eyebrow. “Careful, all that condescension will get to you one day. I still don’t see what any of this has to do with bonfires.” 
“Sean, I thought you were raised Catholic? How do you not know this?”
Sean threw his hands in the air. “There’s a bajillion saints, Hen. No one person can memorize all of them. Why the fire?”
Henrik frowned suddenly. “Ach, my brain is shorting out. Hexen. What is that in english?”
“Hexes? Spells?” Chase supplied.
“No, no, the people.”
“Yes!” Henrik leaned back. “Witches. The bonfire is because in the old days, they would burn...ah…” he turned awkwardly to the corner of the room by the bookshelf.
Marvin had a shit eating grin spanning ear to ear. “No, Schneep, by all means, continue.” he said teasingly.
Jackie sat up with a gasp. “We should have a witch hunt tomorrow!”
“Uhh, it won’t be much of a ‘hunt’.” Marvin said. “You all know where my bedroom is.”
“And technically the actual feast isn’t until Sunday.” Henrik added.
“Okay then, so we make some rules. Like, not until after breakfast. And no hiding in your room all day.”
Marvin stood still for a few moments. Then he shrugged. “You know what? Fuck it, sure. First one to hug me on Sunday gets...I dunno, I’ll take you out for drinks or something.”
“Wait, first one?” Sean asked. “Are we all doing this? Why?”
“Family bonding!” Jackie yelled.
“Sure, ‘cause nothing says ‘family bonding’ like trying to tackle each other for an entire day.” snorted Chase. 
Jackie turned to Marvin, grinning even wider than the magician had been moments before. “I’m gonna hug the shit out of you on Sunday.”
“Try it, spandex.”
When Jameson walked into the kitchen with the breakfast dishes, Jackie and Chase were using the breakfast bar to stretch. He shook his head, dropping the dishes in the sink. 
“Is there any reason for the calisthenics, gents?” he signed.
“It’s May first.” Chase replied, his voice muffled by his thigh.
Jackie bent backwards to face him. “We do this thing for Wali- Walspi- fuck.”
“Walpurgisnacht.” Chase said.
“Right. That.”
“I’m sorry, I still don’t follow.” Jameson signed. “Isn’t that the German May Day? When they have campfires?”
“We do it different in this family. We’re having ourselves a good old fashioned witch hunt!”
Jameson blinked. “What?”
Chase stood up from his spot on the floor. “First one to hug Marv after breakfast wins. No serious damage or drawing blood. No weapons, super strength, or bribery. Other than that, all bets are off.”
“Jack won last year on a technicality, but this year, I’m ready!” Jackie declared.
Chase rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t a technicality, you’re just a sore loser.” He glanced back at Jameson. “Marvin shifted into a cat for most of the day. He was hanging around out back, and Sean went to cuddle the cat without knowing who it was.”
“...I see.” Jameson signed slowly. “Well, what about me? I can do magic as well.”
Chase and Jackie froze. Then their faces broke into matching smiles. “New rules,” Chase said. “First person to hug Marv and Jamie wins.” 
Jameson’s eyes widened, then in a blink, he vanished.
“Hey!” Chase yelled, running into the living room. “No time jumping! That’s cheating!”
Jackie’s laughter coming from behind him was borderline maniacal. 
“Aah!” He lurched forward as the sudden noise woke him up. “Was?”
Chase and Jackie were standing in the doorway. Jackie winced as he saw that Henrik was still in bed. “Shit, sorry Schneep, I forgot you had a late shift last night.”
Henrik waved a hand. “It’s alright, I slept enough. Is everything okay? What do you two need?”
Jackie plopped onto the bed while Chase pulled over his desk chair. “We need a game plan.”
“....for what, exactly?”
“The thing! Waluigi night! Witch hunt!” 
“Neither of us managed to win last year,” Chase added. “We need to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
Henrik blinked a couple times. “You did that without me?” 
“Is that bad?” Jackie asked.
‘No, no, I’m just surprised. I didn’t think..” He shook his head. “Game plan. Right. Did you change any of the rules while I was gone?”
“Jamie counts now too, you need to get both of’em to win.”
Henrik sat up straighter. “Alright, so first things first…”
By the afternoon, all three of them had managed to hug Jameson, who was now reading in the living room. But no one had seen Marvin since breakfast. The others figured he’d just upped the ante this year, but personally, JJ was starting to worry a bit. Marvin had seemed impish when they talked yesterday, like he was planning to spend the day taunting them. Popping in and out, always vanishing at the last second. Not disappearing completely. Jameson finished his cup of tea and stood up. Marvin’s room wasn’t off limits to him, so what was the harm in checking on him? 
He passed Chase on the stairs. The American was whacking his cap, trying to brush cobwebs off it. He smiled at Jameson. “Nothing in the attic. You two really brought it this year.”
JJ smiled back. “I’m just going to see if Marvin’s in his room,” he signed.
“Gotcha. If you find him, could you give him one of these for me?” Chase asked, flipping the bird. Jameson laughed, and climbed the rest of the stairs. 
He passed Jackie’s room, which had loud music and thumping sounds coming from within. Sounded like he was working out to let off some steam. 
Jameson knocked thrice on Marvin’s door, the signal he used to identify himself when out of sight. There was no reply. He frowned, trying again. On the third knock, the door creaked open, with no one behind it. 
That was definitely worrying. Marvin never left his door unlocked. His room had too many unstable spells and in-progress potions, it was dangerous for any of them to randomly burst in. 
Jameson carefully stepped in. He continued knocking, to no avail. The only light source came from an open laptop. The light wavered as the screen glitched and shifted. Jameson’s eyes widened as he read the message. 
D͇̖o̼͍͚ ͘I̪ ͙̭w͇͈̺̘̭͓̻͞i͚̲̫̪͙n̛̦͍͎̣͚͔ ̙t͇̱ḫ͇̖͝e̹͕̣͕̭͓̞ ̹̹̩͍̲ẉ̣i̙̪̪̤t̲̱̱̱̞͈͖͡c̸͖͚̦̼h̟̻͕̙̙͕ ̷h̘̩͕̭̤͎͖un̸̘̖̰͇ț̯?̰
He grabbed the computer and ran downstairs.
After that, the hours flew by in a flurry. Jackie managed to track the signal provided, but it took him until after supper to do so. Chase spent most of that time comforting an (understandably) distraught Henrik, who had numerous panic attacks and more than one shutdown. That left Jameson to do nothing but pace and fret, caught up in his thoughts. 
“How? How did he manage to subdue Marvin, of all people?!” Henrik yelled from the living room. 
“I don’t know,” said Chase.
Jameson didn’t know either. 
The next thing he knew, the four of them were standing in front of an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. Jackie checked his phone. “This should be it. Okay, we’ll pair off. JJ, you and Schneep try and find Marvin while Chase and I distract Anti. Got it?”
Jameson nodded, slightly perturbed. He hadn’t seen Jackie this serious in months. 
Jackie turned back to the building. “Alright, so first things first…” He paused, then his eyes widened. “Get down, now!”
It looked like a bomb had gone off. The windows were simultaneously blown out as fire poured out of them. Sparks filled the air. It might have just been shock, but Jameson though the embers floating around them looked like feathers. 
The entire building was ablaze in a matter of seconds. All of them just gaped, frozen on the spot. Eventually, Chase snapped out of it and ran toward the entrance. “Marvin!”
Out of the door stumbled a figure. He walked a few steps, then swayed forward into Chase’s open arms. Chase slowly walked him over to where the rest of them were standing.
Marvin was a mess. His hair was haphazardly chopped into different lengths. Most of it was singed, and there were still a few small flames that Jameson patted out for him. His clothes were torn, and bruises were visible through the holes. There were a few nasty looking gashes on his chest. His tattoos were still glowing from overuse. 
He smiled dazedly up at the group. “Sorry guys, I think I got the day wrong for the bonfire.”
Henrik made a noise that was halfway between a sob and a laugh. “You’re right, the bonfires were supposed to happen yesterday.”
“Ah well, never was very good with dates.” He leaned further into Chase’s shoulder. “Congrats, man. Where d’you wanna go for drinks.” 
Chase’s grip on Marvin’s arm tightened. “Let’s focus on getting you better first, okay?” He motioned with his head for Jackie to support Marvin’s other side. “Jameson, go bring my truck around.” he whispered.
JJ nodded as Henrik rushed forward with his bag. The doctor leaned in, feeling around for breaks and assessing the cuts. Marvin slowly nodded along to what he was saying, clearly out of it. 
The drive home was somber. Marvin started dozing as soon as the truck got moving, and the rest of them sat in silence.
Eventually, Chase spoke up. “Aw, don’t look so bummed Jackie. Maybe you’ll win next year.”
There was another stretch of silence, then all of them burst out laughing.
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thewoildis-yaerster · 5 years
Abusus Non Tollit Usum
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four: Maps
Description: The one where we learn more about Jack and the main plot is introduced.
Warnings:  Swearing (like, maybe one??? maybe??? one swearing???), homophobia.
Notes: I based this chapter a little off of the section of the musical where they find out Pulitzer brought up the price of papers and I had my phone propped up against the laptop screen so I could look at the script. I'm surprised my keyboard still works from the number of times my phone fell and hit it.
“I couldn’t sleep at all last night.” Race mumbled tiredly, his face buried in Spot’s chest.
“Neither could I. I’m nervous.” Smalls uncomfortably shifted in her computer chair and adjusted her cap to where it was backward.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine, guys.” Specs commented, not sounding entirely sure.
“Specs, c’mon. You’ve been going here as long as the rest of us have. You’re nervous, too.” Buttons replied, attempting to distract himself by watching Cats. Specs huffed and started picking at the exposed wood of the table.
“I wish Albie and Jack would hurry up and get here.” Elmer was sprawled out across both her seat and Albert’s seat, her cap covering her face.
“We could always, you know, work on the newspaper. We are the newspaper club, after all.” Mush suggested.
“Yeah, you can have fun trying to focus on your column.” Finch had their feet propped up on their table and was picking at the skin around their fingernails. Mush rolled their eyes and turned on their computer.
Everyone nearly jumped up when the door to the club room opened. It was David. “Hey, everybody. Sorry, I’m late. I got a little lost again.”
“Has no one given you a map?” Henry questioned.
“We have maps?” Mike and Ike asked in unison.
“I don’t recall being given a map,” David answered.
“I don’t recall there ever being maps.” Katherine joined in.
“Just get Jack to draw you one. He knows this school up and down. He’s had to hide in just about every crevice of this dump.” Henry checked his watch and sighed.
“Hide? Why?”
Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at him in confusion.
“Wait. You don’t know?” Spot scoffed.
“I guess not.” David raised an eyebrow in equal confusion.
“Jack’s a legend around here! Everyone knows who he is. He was always the one the popular kids would turn to for answers to homework and for paper or pencils, but one summer he came back to school and his entire personality had just flipped. When they discovered they couldn’t just push him over anymore, they started to just not like him. But then he stopped caring about not getting in trouble, and that’s when all hell broke loose. He isn’t the type to just get in trouble for no reason, but if it’s to defend people who can’t defend themselves, then he’s all for it. Hardly any of the students, teachers, and the staff likes him, other than his and Spot’s mother and the ones that agree with his views, so he’s often running away from other kids or adults with nothing better to do.” Crutchie explained excitedly. Whispers broke out through the room and David heard something about “Snyder the Spider.”
“You and Jack are brothers?” David asked Spot.
“Adoptive, yeah.”
“Ah.” You learn something new every day. “So, how has everyone been doing today?”
“Ask me after Albert and Jack get here.” Tommy Boy’s leg was a blur as he bounced it anxiously.
“Where are they?”
“They’re down in the office trying to convince Pulitzer to let us have a GSA,” Sniper answered.
“Is it going to work?”
“Not likely.” Race groaned, turning to face David. He had light bags under his eyes, his piercings weren’t in, and he didn’t have eyeliner on. The others had seen him like that, but it was definitely new to David.
“Come on, guys. We can’t lose hope. I’m sure they’ll come busting through the door any minute now, smiles on their faces, saying-” JoJo got cut off by the door being thrown open.
“It didn’t work!” Jack exclaimed.
“What’d you say!?” Mush jumped out of their chair, nearly knocking Finch over in the process.
“He hardly let us talk!”
“What’d he say?” Specs questioned.
“He said, and I quote, ‘I will not allow that kind of filth contaminate my school. It is disgusting, vile, and sickening. Now, get out of my office before I give both of you detention.’” Albert made his voice deeper to mock Pulitzer.
“He can’t just say that, can he?” Finch then rose out of their chair and walked up to Albert and Jack. One by one, everyone followed.
“Why not? It’s his school.” Race whined hopelessly.
“Don’t we have rights!?” Henry shouted.
“We have the right to suffer. We ought to just get back to work and forget the idea.” Crutchie gestured to his computer.
“After all of that!?”
“Do we have a choice!?”
“Hold on! No one’s forgetting anything.” Jack sat down on a chair at the front of the classroom.
“Do you have an idea?” Tommy Boy threw his arms out.
“Keep your shirt on and let me think!”
“I have my shirt on!”
“Aha! What if we don’t show up to school? That has to hurt them somehow!”
“What? Like a strike?” David spoke up.
“Hey, you heard Davey. We’re on strike!”
“Whoa. I didn’t say-”
“We’re quite a big number here! We could do it!”
“My father wouldn’t even think about letting me stay home for no reason!” Finch argued.
“This isn’t ‘no reason’! Right, Davey?”
“Leave me out of this. I didn’t ask to be here.” David turned to look out of the window.
“Oh, and the rest of us chose this? Just because we’re different doesn’t give anyone the right to treat us like that!”
“It doesn’t matter. You can’t strike.”
“And why is that?”
David let out a laugh in disbelief. “We’re students! Sure, it might put a dent in their perfect system, but if we’re out too many days, our parents will be sent to court! I don’t know about the rest of you, but I personally don’t want that happening! I’m already lying to them about my ribs. I don’t need them going to jail.”
Everyone sighed and thought in silence.
“You have to have an idea, Davey.” Hot Shot’s voice was soft like it was when they saved him from Oscar and Morris a few days before.
David groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “…We could protest.” He suggested.
“What’s the difference?” Race raised his hand and asked.
“When you go on strike, you usually stop working altogether, but like I said, we can’t do that. A protest can occur before or after working hours. Hell, you could even protest while working.”
“How do we do that?” Jack questioned. David didn’t respond. “Davey?” David cursed, then walked over and joined the group.
“Here’s what we do. We start out small. We need people on our side. We need adults and kids. We quite literally wear our pride on our sleeve. Head to toe in nothing but pride colors. If any of us can’t safely wear anything like that around our families, then we help each other out. We make a petition. If none of that works, we get the entire neighborhood involved. We show Pulitzer that he can’t just walk all over us. We have rights!”
“Yeah!” Everyone agreed in unison.
“Alright. We might as well start now. Does anyone know any adults we can get on our side?”
Everyone aside from Katherine, Race, Buttons, Romeo, Spot, and Jack shook their heads. Those six smiled at each other, then turned to David. “Miss Medda.”
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~Whiskey Lullaby~
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~Chapter 9~
||Previous Chapter||
Image Credit: Me. Pictures not mine obviously, but the collage is.
Rating: Mature/18+
Warnings: Alcohol and drug abuse, violence, suggested sexual/physical abuse, kidnapping, sexual content, angst.
Chapter Warnings: Explosion, blood, angst, cat fight ((is that a thing?)) Idk but a certain somebody gets punched lol
A/N: Sorry it’s been a while guys...I suck these days. I’ve had an insane case of writers block that has been kicking my ass. A reminder that Tawni, introduced last chapter is portrayed by the lovely @jacksonroth, who has  her own SOA fic that is going to a cross over with this one! So hop on over and check out ‘This Charming Life’ and show her some love! Also as always, a huge thank you to her for saving my ass from writers block! Enjoy!
Teagan rolled up to the auto store and got her part quickly, damn near hauled ass back to the garage, giddy as all hell to get started on her car. But when she rolled back into the lot, she saw Juice and Tawni had beaten her back, hiding behind the van as they talked...a little too close for Chibs’ taste, most likely. Teagan smirked to herself and got out of the truck, giving a short, sharp whistle to get Tawni’s attention. Tawni jumped and turned, giving a sigh, thankful it wasn’t Chibs. Tegan snickered as she approached the two.
“Well, well. Don’t we look cozy.” She teased. Tawni smirked and shrugged.
“We’re just talking.” Tawni said, batting her eyelashes in a fake innocence. Teagan laughed and wiggled her way between them as she said, “Then you wouldn’t mind if I just-Excuse me-Slip in here.”
Teagan sighed as she leaned against the van, looking between Tawni and Juice, who had taken two steps back. Teagan winked at him and said, “Good call, Juicy. Always gotta leave room for Jesus.”
“Oh, Christ, Teage.” Tawni laughed, shaking her head and pinching the bridge of her nose. Teagan snickered as Juice rubbed the back of his head and mumbled, “Um, I’m gonna bring the rest of these bags in.”
Juice tried to grab as many of the bags from the van as he could, taking his time to walk back and put them away, hoping Teagan would be gone by then.
“God, Teagan, you are so much worse than when we were kids.” Tawni teased, grabbing the rest of the bags, passing some off to Teagan, since she insisted on crashing her party. Teagan simply shrugged her shoulders and walked with her as they headed to the clubhouse.
“What can I say? It’s a gift.” She said. Tawni laughed and shook her head as they headed to the kitchen.
“Do you remember how to make this?” Tawni asked, pulling out the big chili pot and setting it on the stove.
“Tawn, baby, I love you, but do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been here?” Teagan asked, unloading the bags. Tawni giggled and gave a shrug, grabbing a box of chicken stock and pouring it in.
“True. But you don’t just forget Gran’s Hangover Stew.” Tawni said. Teagan hopped up onto the counter after clearing a place for her to sit. She plucked an apple from one of the bags and bit into it.
“Right, so, can we talk?” Teagan asked. Tawni glanced at her, confused, as she started chopping up veggies.
“About?” Tawni prodded. Teagan smirked and pushed her hip with her foot, lightly. “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Tawni. Don’t play dumb. I’ve always been better at it than you.”
A blush spread across Tawni’s cheeks as she tried to hide her smile. Teagan laughed and gave a small wiggle, glad to see her best friend so happy about it.
“I knew it. Alright, hun, spill. How long have you and Juice been hot for each other?” She asked, taking another bite of her apple.
“Jesus, Teagan!” Tawni said, giving her a look. “First of all, I didn't even know he liked me. Second...We’re not exactly hot for each other. We just really get along and we like each other.”
Teagan groaned and said, “Come on, Tawni! I’ve been gone for 12 years. You’ve got to give me something better than that!”
“Teagan, aren’t we a little old to swap sex stories?” Tawni asked.
“Hardly.” Teagan snorted with a roll of her eyes as she hopped down off of the counter. “But mark my words, I’ll get it out of you sooner or later...or maybe I’ll drag it out of Juicey boy?” She added with a devious smirk. Dodging the carrot that Tawni hurled at her face as she leveled a glare in her direction.
“You wouldn’t dare?!”
“Maybe...maybe not.” Teagan shrugged. “But for the time being, I believe I have a date with a bottle of Jack and an engine that needs unboxing.” She wiggled her eyebrows, giggling as she watched Tawni’s face scrunch up at the mention of alcohol so soon.
“I feel sorry for your liver.” She groaned.
“You wouldn’t be the first.” Teagan shrugged. “Call me when the soups ready, yeah?”
Not bothering to wait for an answer she turned and all but skipped out the back door where she found her engine crate had been unloaded and neatly placed inside the storage unit beside her car. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she shook her head, glancing over to where Opie and Chibs stood, unloading a Van from the bed of the tow truck. Chibs throwing her a grin as he finished unhooking all the chains from the vehicle, securing them back to the flatbed and giving Opie the signal he was all good to pull away and park the truck.
Meanwhile, everyone else had slowly begun to gather around the tables that sat outside the clubhouse, laughing and sharing a few drinks as another day of work came to a close. That was when Gemma caught her attention, waving her over from across the lot where she sat with Tara and Abel. Teagan didn’t think twice as she clicked off the lights inside the unit and rolled the door down before turning to cross the lot. She had waited this long for her engine, waiting one more day to unbox and get started wouldn’t hurt...especially when things seemed to be looking up for a change.
The slow steady thud of her boots against the pavement filled the air as she walked, turning to steal another glance at Chibs who now sat in the driver's seat of the Van, she tried to hide the smile that tugged at her lips as her eyes fell back to the ground; hands in her pockets. It was then that a distinctive click sounded and a sharp, high pitched tone filled the air.
Time almost seemed to slow down, Teagan barely having enough time to glance up as she heard Chibs yell before she was suddenly knocked off her feet by the concussive force created by the unexpected explosion. Her ears rang loudly and the world seemed as though it were on a tilt as she tried to get to her feet. Screams falling on deaf ears at the horrific sight that now lay before them as she stumbled forward to where Chibs lie unconscious on the pavement, blood slowly beginning to pool beneath his head as she and Jax collapsed beside him.
Jax’s voice sounded so distance in all the chaos as he shouted for Tara; Teagan reaching out to stop him from moving Chibs as she approached and began searching for any sign of a pulse. Sirens began to wail in the distance, approaching fast, and suddenly she was being pulled away by a strong pair of arms as paramedics rushed into view.
Whoever was holding onto her suddenly caught an elbow to the face as she screamed to be let go, struggling against the strong grasp that kept her firmly rooted to the spot where they stood, watching as Chibs was loaded onto the stretcher and put into the waiting ambulance.
“Jesus Christ, Teage! Calm the fuck down!” Tig ground out through clenched teeth as he tightened his grip on his sister. “Stop.Struggling.”
It was at the exact moment that world seemed to suddenly slam back into motion. The ringing in her ears almost deafening now as her head started to spin, that all to familiar tightness gripping at her chest as she struggled to catch a breath. Suddenly gasping for air like a fish thrown out of water as the edges of her vision began to blur...
“Woah, hey?! Tara!?” Tig called out as Teagan’s legs suddenly gave way out from underneath her. Everything fading away as the world suddenly went black.
When Teagan finally came to everything was quiet, save for the steady pounding in her head that made her groan as she pressed a hand to her forehead. That was the first time she noticed the blood that was matted against her hairline and dried to her skin above her left temple. Her whole body ached as she pushed herself up onto her elbows, taking in her surroundings as she squinted against the dimness of the room.
“Shit…” She whispered to herself as she sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, now fully aware of where exactly she was. St. Thomas. Which meant that as much as she so desperately hoped for the images that seemed to play on a loop in her mind to be nothing more than a nightmare; that they weren’t.
Sliding off the bed carefully she shivered as her bare feet hit the cold floor, and after a few minutes of searching she was finally able to locate her boots. Pulling them on before opening the door to her room.
“Oh good, you’re alive.” Gemma stated from the chair that beside the door. The sound of her voice startling Teagan almost half to death as she jumped and spun towards her, hands clutching her chest as she doubled over.
“Jesus, Gem.” She breathed out. “You’re gonna kill me one of these days.”
“Guess it’s a good thing you don’t have heart problems then.” Gemma replied dryly, a small smirk tugging at her lips as she stood and placed a hand on Teagan’s shoulder as she stood up straight, swaying a little bit as wave of dizziness washed over her. Gemma frowned.
“You shouldn’t be outta bed yet.”
“I’m fine, Gem.” Teagan dismissed the comment with a wave of her hand. “Probably just need something to eat…”
“Mhm...tell that to the Doc.” Gemma replied while pointing behind her. Teagan turning to find Tara approaching with a stern expression.
“You shouldn’t be up yet.” She stated, pointing at the chair in which Gemma had been sitting in a minute ago. “Now.” Tara added in a stern tone when Teagan didn’t budge.
“I assumed I was fine, given I wasn’t hooked up to anything.” Teagan sighed as she took a seat, giving an eye roll as she watched Tara pull the light pen out of her coat pocket and ordered her to look straight ahead.
“Aside from the concussion and the panic attack you had; yeah, you’re fine. But you need rest.” Tara replied, returning the light pen to her pocket and placing a hand on her hip. “You’re lucky Tig had a hold of you, else the concussion you sustained from the blast could’ve been a lot more serious.”
Teagan nodded but remained quiet as she stared at the floor, bringing a hand up to rub at the back of her neck, which ached like a Mother, leaving Gemma and Tara to briefly share a concerned glance before she looked back up.
“How is he?” Teagan cleared her throat quietly as she continued to stare at the floor.
“Critical…but stable.” Tara replied. “The force of the explosion and his head hitting the ground caused a cranial bleed...they’re doing surgery to relieve the pressure.”
“But he’s going to be ok?” Teagan added quietly.
“He’s not out of the woods yet...but best case scenario, yes. Filip should be alright.” Tara tried to reassure softly without getting her hopes up too much, as he wasn’t quite out of the woods yet.
Teagan gave an understanding nod before drawing in a deep breath and rising out of the chair slowly. “I’m gonna, um...step outside for a bit...get some air.”
“Want some company?” Gemma called after Teagan as she started down the hall, but Teagan ignored the question and kept walking until she had disappeared from sight. Making her way through the maze of halls until she finally found the reception area and exit.
Stepping out into the cool evening air she walked a little ways down from the main door before leaning against the brick wall, fishing around in her pockets for her pack of smokes and lighter; sparking one up and inhaling deeply as she closed her eyes. Leaning her head back as she savored the much need rush of nicotine before letting the smoke trail past her lips slowly as she became immersed in her own thoughts, starting to regret her choice of returning back to Charming in the first place. Not that she had much of a choice in the matter.
It seemed as though it had been one thing after another since her arrival. Except now it was somebody else’s life at stake, not just her own, and even worse? It was someone she was slowly beginning to care about quite a bit. Even after she swore that she would never become involved with another one of the Sons. Not ever. So many promises that she had made to herself years ago.
Letting out a sigh she took another drag from her cigarette and opened her eyes, the sound of the automatic doors opening catching her attention as several nurses walked out, chatting casually as they passed by. But out of the corner of her eye she could see one more person walking out. Turning her head towards the entrance of the hospital, Teagan saw Tawni approaching her where she stood, propped against the wall. Tawni was wrapped up in a SAMCRO hoodie that was two sizes too big for her; arms hugging it tightly around her body as she walked.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?” Tawni asked as she snatched the cigarette out of Teagan’s hand, taking a couple drags off of it before stamping the last of it out. She looked exhausted and her brows were pulled together tightly with worry.
“Tara said I was fine. I just...needed some air.” Teagan shrugged lightly, even though her eyes told a different story as she glanced back towards the door.
“Hospitals never were your thing.” Tawni added with a frown. “You don’t have to stay.”
“I’ll be alright. Besides, I wanna be here.” Teagan dismissed the comment, eyes fixed on the sidewalk as she kicked a small rock with the toe of her boot. Ignoring the intense gaze from beside her that felt as though it were about to melt through her skull.
“But not for me though, right? You’re staying because of my Uncle.” Tawni shot back in a harsh and unforgiving tone. The look on her face sending a twinge of guilt through Teagan as she looked up at her, briefly confused before the realization of what she was saying hit her.
“Come on, Tawn, not now.” Teagan rolled her eyes as she pushed herself away from the wall and made to move past her best friend, only to find her steps matched as Tawni blocked her path. Planting a hand against her chest and pushing her back to stop her. “Seriously Tawni, what the hell?!”
“I dunno, why don’t ye tell me, Teagan!” Tawni snapped back, the faintest hint of her accent coming out as her temper started to slip through. “Cause it seems to me there’s somethin’ y’er not tellin’ me!”
“Don’t ‘Tawn’, me!” She bit back, taking a step forward.
“Seriously Tawni, now really isn’t the time to have this conversation…” Teagan tried to reply calmly, even though she could feel her own temper rising to the surface.
“And what conversation is tha’?!” Tawni snapped. “The conversation where ye tell me tha’ y’er fucking m’Goddamn Uncle? Is tha’ the conversation y’er referrin’ to?!”
“Excuse me?” Teagan huffed. “First of all, I’m not fucking anybody--”
“Stop fuckin’ lyin’ to my face, Teage!” Tawni, nearly screamed; the action taking Teagan by surprise and causing her to take a step back as she stared at her best friend in shock.
“I fuckin’ saw it with my own eyes, ok?! How ye fuckin’ reacted when the paramedics we’re tryin’ta take Filip away in the ambulance! Ye punched y’er fuckin’ brother in the Goddamn face for Christs sake, Teagan; and yet ye have the balls to stand there an’ tell me there’s nothin’ goin’ on between the two of ye?! Bull.Fuckin’.Shite” Tawni took a few steps back and ran a hand through her dark hair in frustration as she turned away, trying to hide the tears that had built and threatened to spill down her cheeks in anger.
“I’m sorry, Tawn. But I swear, there’s nothing--” Teagan spoke softly, all the anger in her voice from before replaced by a tone of guilt as she tried to give an explanation before being cut off.
“Save y’er fuckin’ apologies.” Tawni spat as she angrily swiped away a few stray tears that had slipped out, with the sleeve of her hoodie. “I thought ye were my fuckin’ friend...but as it turns out, y’er still jus’ the same backstabbin’ whore ye were twelve fuckin’ years ago!”
“Oh, I’m the whore?!” Teagan gave a bitter laugh as she got in Tawni’s face. “Well at least I’m not fucking another Member behind my Uncle’s back.” She had barely finished her sentence before Tawni’s fist was connecting with her jaw and she was suddenly on the ground, hand pressed to the left side of her face as she tried to regain her bearings as she watched her friend storm back towards the entrance.
“Go fuck y’erself!” Tawni yelled just before disappearing through the front doors of the hospital. Leaving Teagan on the sidewalk, alone with her thoughts as she attempted to figure out where the hell she was going wrong in her life…
‘Not being honest with your best friend, for starters.’
But that was the obvious one.
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TAGLIST: @jacksonroth @cole-winchester @stacie-marie-bloom @journeyrose @penny4yourthot @rosepetalsandfandoms
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crazyauntjanequilt · 7 years
It's been a while since I posted.....life just seemed to get in the way....and a terrific trip to see  my brother Don and his family in Nova Scotia in July slowed me down enough to enjoy every moment.  The weeks seemed to fly by and I can't believe it is already September.
My dear friend Trudy has been here over the last few months helping me get organized and do some of the jobs I promised myself I would do over last winter.  (Trudy is the friend that took me to every doctor's appointment 10 years ago when I was going through breast cancer treatment.....she is smart, and funny and incredibly organized.  We met at work 18 years ago and when we get together all we do is laugh.....and drink......and purge 'stuff'  from my apartment.
 After going through my bookcases and letting go of plus-thirty years of books and magazines, cleaning closets and tossing unused items, we decided  to paint my bathroom and my kitchen.  Let me reword this....I watched as she painted - after she made several trips to Canadian Tire and the $ Store for supplies....she bartered with Canadian Tire to get paint half-priced, days before their sale...After she left, I had a nap as watching someone work is very tiring.
I sat in my red chair (what I refer to as 'master control' )  and tackled the chest of drawers  that contained  letters, notes,  postcards and travel journals  I had saved over the past 50+ years.  A huge endeavour as a I have been travelling every year since I was 19. 
In one of these drawers I found an e:mail I sent to Don after the funeral of our Mother's sister...Aunt Pat.
To give you a 'head's up', Mother had 3 sisters and 2 brothers.  My mother Rita and Uncle Ken Kitchen were the only ones that married and had kids.  The household was half English and half Irish....half Catholic and half Protestant.....guess which one ruled?  IRISH CATHOLICS.
  It was 1997 and Don and his family had just moved to Nova Scotia so he wasn't able to make the funeral.  Stories of funerals in our family were legendary.....according to my mother and her mother, it's wasn't always a requisite  to even know who died....you usually  knew the family and the lunch was always very good.
So here is the letter I sent Don.....on 12/9/97
Dear Don;
Well, we buried Pat yesterday.  The sun came out in the blue sky just as we started to say prayers at the graveside.   A lone plane slowly made a turn and vanished out of sight.   I had the feeling that was Pat on an extended holiday....probably to get away from the rest of us to a more peaceful existence.
It has been quite  the family experience over these 3 days...it sure felt like more.   But,  you know me, I have to see the funny side of everything and this was no exception.  I did miss you being there and many people asked about you and your family.  If you had been here, the four of us would have been in fits of laughter more than once.  You just have to sometimes stand back and pretend it's not your family and see the funny side...and at times it was very funny.
You will be glad to know nothing has changed in our family with time.   Mother and Mary are still trying to upstage each other and mixed in with all the prayers and masses were rapier-sharp jabs, given just when the other thought all was going well.
All the sisters had agreed to a closed casket...Mother  said she wasn't voting but if she had to it would be NO.  Noreen and Mary didn't think it looked like Pat  (as if someone  had made a substitute),  so it was closed.  No one liked the flowers Mother had ordered on behalf of the 'sisters', including Mother...so she was calling the florist today to get her money back.   However, our flowers which Paul ordered were simply beautiful and stole the show....If flowers could steal the show from this motley group.
The second bone of contention came when we put up a 'collage' of pictures of Pat and various members of the family.  Mother had not asked Mary if she had any pictures of her and Pat (Mary had been in the Convent for 25 years so there were few recent photos with family members)...so she was upset at being left out.  It probably didn't occur to Mother to ask her for pictures...as she was organizing this funeral like she organized my sister's wedding....I tried to get a plane to Japan that day but all flights were booked.....
The next thing I heard from Mother was that she couldn't do anything right and no on appreciated her.   Mary was saying the same thing at the other end of the room.  I was looking for an open window from which to escape....as we were on the first floor, I knew I could probably make my get-a-way without anyone noticing and without breaking any bones.   All the while poor Noreen,  who had failed health-wise so much in the past few months, sat at the door and welcomed family and friends.
All the Kitchen cousins were there at one time of another.  Mary Majidi and Therese were both there...always great to see our first cousins...so much fun with great senses of humour...well, you have to have a good sense of humour to survive this family.  Mary and Mike were there too.. their 3 girls would be at the funeral...Mike's wife Mary doesn't drive and has her girls on  the roads driving to work each day, she listens to the traffic reports then calls and tells them what roads to avoid.  In case you are confused, at one time there were 3 Mary Kitchens in the family.
Tim and Gloria as well as  Frank and Chris were there...Frank with two  of his red-headed, freckled kids....definitely Kitchens. Their grandfather Ken was a red-head.   At one point I thought they had left but Barb told me that Frank was down in the coffee room...face down on the floor where Barb's husband Wayne was adjusting his back....right beside the embalming room.   She said he always hugged people so he could see if their spines were aligned.   Lord help me!
Mother's Sheedy  cousins Jack & Lucy, Redmond and Marilyn were there too....Red says he's bored with retirement so he is walking dogs when he is not playing Tennis....looking better than ever.
Between the 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm Visitations, we had dinner upstairs.  It's the first time I have ever had dinner in a Funeral Parlour....food was good....an outside caterer...thank goodness....by then I wasn't questioning anything...I figured anything I didn't know wouldn't hurt me.
After dinner we said the Rosary...well,  Mother and Mary vied to see who could demand what family member would say the next decade...in their  best 'sergeant' major voices...you had to be there Don........I looked at Paul once and Barb another time and we nearly all lost it...
After we survived the Rosary game, Glenda and I spotted an open door on the way to the ladies room.  It held an assortment of caskets and urns for sale.....so we did a little window shopping....if I go first, I want one in the shape of a flower planter so I can be on someone's garden deck or balcony.
That was it for the visitation...we just had to get through the actual funeral.
The day of the funeral the family was waiting in the car for the casket to be carried into the church.   A black and white cat (Pat did not like cats), tried to get into the front door of the church.  Barb was close and spotted it so she tried to shoo it away but it only turned over and let her rub his tummy....which she did and his collar tag said he was 'Oliver'.
Well, my last glance back out the doors of the church, as we started up the aisle behind the casket, was to see 'Oliver' jump up into the open back door of the hearst.
I had visions of the cat popping up out of the flowers at the graveside ....now that would have sent me screaming down the road in fits of laughter.   By the way, that was the same roadway that Bertha and I went down the day we accidentally got into the 70 cars funeral procession and didn't know we were in it.
That was my weekend.....how was yours?
My love to the family....email me if you get a chance and don't ever let Mother or Mary see this email or I'll be playing bridge up in Heaven with Pat, Ken and Ed...well before my time.
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piratethornton · 7 years
Pirates of the Clawribbean
Chapter 2: Pirates!
Fandom: Zootopia
Sleek, dark wood, three masts, and a black flag with a canine paw outlined in white. It looked every part a classic pirate ship, and it was swiftly heading towards the Cloverleaf.
The cheetah and rabbit stared at it open mouthed as the lemmings hurried this way and that to prepare defences. If she hadn't been so distracted, Judy would have been amused as the once highly-organised crew scattered about the deck in panic. Then the cannons started.
Clawhauser was the first to wake up to reality. "Lady Judy! We need to get below deck!"
Judy was transfixed. The pirate ship glided closer and closer, puffs of smoke lining its side each accompanied with a loud BANG! The Cloverleaf jolted as it was hit again and again. The lemmings ran frantically in an attempt to dodge the debris. It was as if she were in the middle of one of Jack's stories. She could practically hear his voice narrating the chaos surrounding her. She was pulled out of her stupor when a paw grabbed her arm and dragged her below deck.
Just as Clawhauser shut the door behind them, the cannon fire mercifully stopped, though this was probably because the pirates were now close enough to board the merchant vessel. They placed wooden planks to bridge the two ships and charged across, swords flashing in the sun. One of them, a female honey badger with a single golden hoop earring and bright red hat, raised her weapon straight into the air and addressed the merchant crew.
"Listen up, you knaves! Surrender or die!"
The lemmings froze, looked at each other and as one raised their hands.
"Clawhauser! We can't just hide!" Judy struggled ferociously against the cheetah who was now carrying her towards the galley.
"We don't have a choice!" he replied, not stopping. "Those are pirates! Real pirates! With swords! All I can do is file paperwork and - no offence, but you don't really have much experience."
She managed to wriggle out of his grasp. "I have a weapon. It's in my cabin. I'll go get it -"
"You have the box, right?"
Clawhauser patted his jacket. He made sure to have it on him at all times.
"Then go hide. I'll be back soon." She was off before he could argue.
She ran as fast as she could towards her cabin, trying not to grow anxious at the fact that it was now much quieter than a few moments ago. She had to focus on collecting her pistol and rejoining Clawhauser. Once she was at her destination, she quickly and silently opened the door and pulled out one of her suitcases stored underneath her bed. Just as she was about to open it, she saw a long piece of metal enter her vision and settle across her throat.
"Alright sweetheart, I'm sure you know the deal here. Do something I don't like, and I'll do something you really don't like."
Her entire body froze, except for her heart which pounded wildly against her chest. She was too terrified to even shake. She looked down and along the sword hovering an inch from her neck to see that it was being held by a dark red paw, and the body heat behind her told her that the mammal the voice belonged to was somewhat larger than her.
"Let's make this nice and simple. Where's the cheetah?"
Cheetah? Clawhauser! The box! Judy took a deep breath and summoned all her courage. She would not betray her friend and the Navy.
"Cheetah. You know...yellow, cat, covered with spots, wider than he is tall."
The insult made her stiffen her resolve further and she stood up straighter.
The stranger gave an annoyed sigh. "Fine. We'll do it the hard way."
His other paw grabbed her left arm and he led her out of the room, his sword still under her chin. Just before they left Judy caught a sight of her captor in the mirror.
A fox.
A red fox.
A red fox holding a sword and wearing a pirate's hat on his head.
Her father would be having a heart attack.
Panic quickly grew back inside her and her breathing became quick and shallow. If only she had gotten to the pistol in time. If only she had stayed with Clawhauser. And now she was in the clutches of a fox that could easily kill her, sword or no. She swallowed, hoping she wasn't drawing attention to herself.
The fox walked through the bowels of the ship, sniffing every so often, his eyes scanning every inch they passed. Judy prayed that her friend had found a good hiding spot, and she had a pretty good idea where that was.
It seemed the pirate had come to the same conclusion; when they reached the galley he stopped.
"Alright, Mister...Clawhauser, is it? I suggest you come out so we can have a little chat."
"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt ya. This cute bunny on the other hand..."
There was rustling and clinking of jars. Between some shelves two cat's eyes shone through the gloom.
"OK, I see ya. Come on out. Don't be shy."
Slowly but surely, Clawhauser shuffled out of his hiding place, knocking over some plates as he did so. He was shaking like mad and had his paws curled into his chest. Judy tried to send him a silent apology with her eyes, but she couldn't be sure it got through.
The pirate smiled. "Let's cut to the chase. You got the map?"
"M-m-map?" Clawhauser stuttered.
"Don't play dumb," said the pirate, rolling his eyes. "You know what I'm talking about. Where is it?"
Clawhauser's eyes darted to Judy before he moved a shaking hand towards his pocket.
"Clawhauser! Don't -!" Judy's pleading stopped when she felt the sword press closer to her neck.
Eventually the box was withdrawn and held out so the pirate could see. "I give you the map, you let Judy go," said Clawhauser, managing to put some authority in his voice. "OK?"
"Actually..." the pirate replied, feigning embarrassment, "you're gonna have to come along, too."
The cheetah's eyes widened in horror. "What?" he asked in a small voice.
"Don't worry, you'll like my ship." The pirate gestured to the small chairs stacked in the corner. "It's furnished for mammals larger than rodents."
Clawhauser gaped at him, any bravery regained completely vanished. Judy could practically see his mind racing as he desperately tried to think of a way out, but he looked at her again and his face crumpled in defeat. He quickly gathered himself and stared down at the fox.
"Fine," he said, "but you have to let her go."
The pirate gracefully stepped aside, still holding Judy. "Lead on."
Clawhauser glared at the fox for a moment, ignoring Judy shaking her head frantically, then walked past them through the doorway, pocketing the box again. The pirate followed close behind.
Judy started struggling, though all this accomplished was the fox wrapping his arm around her body so that he was almost carrying her. Kicking his shins seemed to have no effect either. As they got closer to the deck they started to hear the rest of the pirates roaming the ship, clearing the cabins and cargo hold of anything they thought would be valuable. Outside the lemmings were ordered to the row boats, where they sat in neat little rows without so much as a squeak of complaint as they waited patiently for the boats to be lowered into the water. One of the pirates, a male kudu, then used a large pole to push them away from the ship.
The other pirates were loading their vessel with the goods they had found, supervised by the honey badger. A cougar caught Judy's eye as he walked along the makeshift bridge between the two ships carrying a couple of suitcases she recognised.
Clawhauser hesitated when he reached the edge of the Cloverleaf, but a quick poke from the fox's sword had him crossing over to the pirate ship. He threw several nervous glances to the fox and rabbit behind him as he was coerced to the belly of the vessel, and gave any other passing pirates a wide berth. The inside of this ship was much gloomier than the merchant vessel, though was still fairly clean, and as the fox promised the passageways were indeed larger so as to accommodate the large mammals that made up the crew. This offered little comfort as the rabbit and cheetah went further and further below until they reached the brig, the darkest and dankest room in the entire ship, lit by only one lamp swinging from the ceiling. The lone cell was marked by an old but sturdy metal barrier, and the only items within were a small wooden bench and bucket.
Clawhauser gave one more look to the pirate who gestured with his head towards the open cell door. The cheetah complied and then turned around.
"Now, if you could just slide the map over here, that'd be great," the fox said with a smile.
Dutifully the box was brought out and pushed out of the cell. The fox's smile grew. He then walked up to the door and roughly pushed Judy through, Clawhauser barely catching her in time.
"Hey! You said you'd let her go!" he said, angrily.
"I did let her go," replied the fox, closing the door and locking it. "Into the cell. You need to learn to be more specific, Spots." He leaned against the metal bars and smirked lazily at his prisoners. "Welcome aboard the Black Paw, the fastest ship on the sea. I am Captain Nick Wilde, and I hope you enjoy your stay, however short it may be." He turned around, picked up the box and walked away.
Judy's rage had reached a point where she felt she had to yell something at the fox's retreating back. "You won't get away with this!"
"Already have, Carrots," came the reply just before the fox was out of sight.
"Carrots?" exclaimed Judy, confused and insulted.
"Ohhh!" Clawhauser moaned, sinking to the floor, his head in his paws. "Bogo's gonna kill me!"
"It's going to be OK," reassured Judy, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
"'Protect it with your life,' he said." Clawhauser was now rocking back and forth. "'It cannot fall into the wrong hands,' he said."
"We'll fix it," insisted Judy. "What was so special about that map anyway?"
Clawhauser sighed and leaned against the back wall, his hands falling limp at his sides. "I guess you may as well as know. It's a treasure map."
Judy's ears pricked and her eyes widened. "A treasure map?"
"Yeah," he replied, thoroughly depressed. "Apparently it was found in some ruins west of Bunnyburrow. They think it belonged to the pirate Captain Maul."
Judy took a sharp intake of breath. Captain Maul was a legendary pirate, thought to have ruled the seas for a great deal of time before disappearing about fifty years ago. Very little was known about him, as any vessel lucky enough to find him was quickly obliterated. Even Jack Savage had no personal encounter with him. It was said that he was pure evil, and had possessed some super natural powers that aided his exploits. Thanks to his success he amassed a great wealth that would rival all the kings in the world put together.
"They hoped it would lead to his treasure trove," Clawhauser continued. "It would be worth millions. Thing is, no one can read it. That's why I was taking it to Zootopia. To find a translator."
"It's in a foreign language?" asked Judy.
"I think so. There were all these weird markings."
"Do you remember what they looked like?"
Clawhauser reached over and used his finger to draw on the grimy floor, his brow furrowed as he tried to recall what he had seen on the map.
Judy studied the symbols below her, her mind running a mile a minute as a plan began to form in her head.
"I think I might have an idea."
"HEY!" shouted Judy again as Clawhauser hit the bucket against the bars. They had been doing this for several minutes.
"I know you're out there!" Judy called. "I can hear you shuffling around. Rabbit ears, remember? I demand to see the Captain!"
"SHUT UP!" The kudu pirate finally revealed himself. "You're not seeing the Captain until he wants to see you."
"As his guest I have a right to see him," said Judy firmly, folding her arms.
"You're not his guest, you're a prisoner!" replied the kudu. "You don't have rights!"
"I am currently residing on the vessel he is in charge of," stated Judy, primly, "and therefore he is responsible for my wellbeing. He needs to be aware of and respond to any problems I may have, and I have a problem."
"Uh - wha - huh?" The kudu gaped at her, then shook his head to right himself. "Tough! You're not seeing him!"
Judy narrowed her eyes slightly at the kudu, then turned her head and nodded to Clawhauser, who cleared his throat and took a deep breath.
"Non voglio rinunciare, no, non voglio cedere!"
"Ah!" The kudu clapped his hoofs to his ears in a vain attempt to shut out the cheetah's screeching. "Make him stop!"
Judy simply smiled back as Clawhauser kept singing, his eyes closed and his body swaying to the aria.
"Please!" the kudu implored when Clawhauser reached a particularly high note. "OK! OK! I'll take you to him!"
Clawhauser's jaws snapped shut. Both he and Judy grinned in triumph. With a scowl on his face, the pirate opened the cell and stepped aside to let Judy out. Clawhauser sat down on the bench to wait, feeling more hopeful than he thought he would be having been kidnapped by pirates. He watched Judy follow the kudu out of the brig and sighed softly to himself.
"I knew Gazelle would save me someday."
The Captain's Cabin, like the rest of the ship, was lined with dark wood though was brightly illuminated thanks to its many windows and candelabras. The room was divided into two by a large red curtain, behind which lay the captain's living quarters. The other side was taken up by a long wooden dining table, though instead of food it was currently covered by several maps and navigational charts. Studying these were three pirates: the Captain, a fennec fox and a honey badger. Captain Maul's map lay straightened out in the middle, its box having been easily broken into, and was the primary focus of the pirates' attention.
The honey badger sighed. "Sorry, Cap. I haven't seen any of these markings before."
"You're supposed to be the expert on these things!" replied the frustrated Captain.
"I'm an expert on curses and legends, not codes," she argued back, putting her hands on her hips. "We all knew it was supposed to be difficult to read when we stole it."
"That's why we brought the cat, right?" The fennec fox gave a small gesture with his head towards the door.
"Yeah, maybe it's time to see what he knows." Captain Wilde made to get up but raised his head sharply when some knocking was heard.
Captain Wilde huffed in annoyance. "Kinda busy, Pronk."
"Whatever. Can it wait?"
"...Not really."
The Captain rolled his eyes. "Alright. What is it?"
The door opened just enough for the kudu to poke his head through. "The - er - rabbit wanted to see you."
The fox blinked, confused. "What?"
"The rabbit," Bucky repeated. "She's very insistent. She wouldn't shut up about it."
"And you would know all about that," the honey badger muttered under her breath.
The Captain was sitting ramrod in his seat, thoroughly taken aback. He quickly relaxed in his chair and replaced his hat on his head. "Send her in."
The door widened further and Bucky stepped aside to let Judy through. She entered the room with her back straight, her head held high and her hands folded exactly the way her Aunt Margaret had taught her. She tried not to flinch when she heard the door close behind her, and she surveyed the three pirates before her. The small white fennec fox on the right had a brown hat squeezed between his huge ears and a scowl on his face, the honey badger on the left had her head tilted, making no effort to hide her confusion, and the Captain in the middle was leaning luxuriously in his chair, wearing a huge smirk.
"Good afternoon, Miss," he welcomed. "What brings you to my cabin this fine day?"
"I have something I wish to discuss with you," she answered, thankful that she managed to keep her voice level.
"Well, I'm very busy right now," he said, condescendingly. "I am Captain of an entire ship, you know. I'm sure whatever problem you have we can sort out later."
Judy narrowed her eyes and decided to jump straight to the point. "Having trouble reading that map?"
The Captain wrinkled his muzzle in response, his jovial manner disappearing. "I fail to see how that's any of your business."
"May I see it?"
He gave an exaggerated eye roll and lifted the map with one paw so she could see it. The map itself was made up of a few smaller maps, each containing different parts of the sea and covered with arrows and markings similar to those Clawhauser had drawn in the cell. Judy's eyes raked over them and she smiled.
"As I thought. Lapine."
"La-what?" asked the Captain, confused.
"Rabbit language," Judy explained. "It's very old, and not used much anymore, however my grandmother was insistent that we remember our heritage."
The badger's ears pricked in surprise, but the fox snorted. "Yes, a fearsome pirate would write his map in bunny."
"It is kind of ingenious," mused the badger. "No one would associate rabbits with pirates, and it's rarely used nowadays..."
"Ingenious," agreed the Captain, "and convenient. You're saying you can read this?" he asked Judy, dubiously.
The rabbit nodded, still smiling. "I look forward to you navigating U Zornhain. It's sounds like lots of fun."
The Captain stared at her, then at the map. He slowly turned back to Judy and put the map down.
"I assume you have some sort of deal in mind," he said, leaning back in his chair again.
Feeling much braver, she stepped closer to the table. "In return for reading the map, I want a share of the treasure."
The fox opened his mouth to argue, but she interrupted him before he could say anything. "Just enough to get me £100,000. Plus however much Mister Clawhauser would like. Don't worry, he's not greedy."
The Captain raised an eyebrow.
"Not when it comes to money," she reassured, sighing softly in exasperation. "It's a fraction compared to what the entire trove is worth. I also insist that while both Mister Clawhauser and I are on this ship, we are treated with respect and given proper meals and beds. And we'll more than willing to help out with the chores."
He studied her for a moment, still suspicious. "You want to join the crew?"
"Only temporarily," she answered. "Then you can drop us off on the coast near Bunnyburrow and enjoy your new found wealth in peace."
"Or...I could threaten to throw the cat overboard if you don't read the map right now."
Judy's breathing hitched. She forced herself to keep calm and thought fast.
"I could give you false information. By the time you find out the Navy will have caught up with you."
"Ooh, the Navy." The fox was smirking again. "I'm sure we'll run into them out on the big, wide sea."
Judy's anger flared. "I am Lady Judy Hopps, daughter of the Governor of Bunnyburrow and fiancée to the future Sir James Buckington, member of the Royal Court. They'll be looking for me. And the map."
"Oh, I apologise, milady," the Captain responded, tipping his hat. "I had no idea we were hosting for nobility. I'll be sure to notify the cook serve our finest gruel. Do you need us to curtsey?"
The badger and fennec fox beside him tried to stifle their giggles.
Judy was seething. "You need me."
"Are you the only rabbit who knows lapine? No, no you're not." He leaned forward and rested his head on his hands. "You should have given this a bit more thought, Carrots."
Fear had been completely replaced with rage, and Judy fought to keep her paws from shaking. She took a deep breath and tried to think. What was it her mother said? If you want something from a male, let him believe he is the smartest mammal in the room. But looking at his smug face, knowing he was the reason for her current situation and that he was flat out refusing to take her seriously, she couldn't do it. At least, not directly. Her eyes trailed to his scabbard.
"How about a challenge then?" she asked.
He raised an eyebrow, confused. "Challenge?"
"Yes. If I win, then you accept my deal. If you win, then I'll read the map for you and you can dump us on the first rock you come across, or wherever you wish. How does that sound?"
The Captain thought for a moment. "What sort of challenge did you have in mind? Embroidery? Carrot farming?"
"Well, I - er - had a couple of fencing lessons when I was younger," she suggested, smiling weakly.
There was a roar of laughter from the three pirates. Nick pounded his fist against the table, and Honey wiped tears of mirth from her eyes.  Judy barely managed to fight off a scowl. Calm down, she told herself. Play it naïve. Play it cute.
"Are - are you sure, Fluff?" asked Captain Wilde, still trying to recover.
"Yes, yes I am," she said pleasantly, with the air of a kit who didn't need help from their parents. "When shall we do it?"
"Right now if you're still serious," he replied, chuckling. "Just give me a moment and I'll meet you on deck."
"Very well." Judy held out her hand to the fox. He stared at it for a second, then smiled and shook it.
"Finnick, please escort the young lady out," he said, standing up. "Honey gather some swords. Nothing too heavy. Oh, and bring out Spots. He has a right to watch this."
Judy let the fennec fox lead her out of the cabin, glad that she didn't have to look at the Captain's smirk anymore. Though she held her head high and her expression was one of serenity, inside she was a bundle of nerves. Had she been too impulsive again? Would her plan work out? Did she really have a plan? She quickly went through all the sword fighting tips that Jack had told her, choosing which ones would be the most appropriate for her upcoming duel. Judy had only ever sparred with Captain Savage, and while he had been a strong opponent, she was now about to face someone much younger, fitter and a completely different build. She didn't know what Captain Wilde was like in a fight, and if she lost she and Ben would be worse for wear. Thinking of her friend, she stiffened her resolve and told herself that she would not fail.
She blinked several times when they arrived on the open deck. The afternoon sun was shining brightly and there was a strong breeze blowing in the black sails hanging from the tree masts. The timber seemed old but in very good condition, strong and sturdy. There were only two mammals on deck: the cougar Judy had spotted earlier and a gemsbok. They sent questioning looks as the fennec fox led the rabbit to side of the ship and leant against the railings, folding his arms and waiting. Judy was bemused by the tiny crew, but reminded herself she had more important things to worry about. She looked out to sea and was not surprised that they had sailed far enough for the Cloverleaf to be out of sight. The feeling of isolation only added to her nerves.
The door that led below deck opened and out came the honey badger, Pronk the kudu, Clawhauser and a polar bear that Judy couldn't help but feel she recognised. He was holding a chest which she presumed contained the swords for the duel.
Clawhauser was looking around, clearly nervous and confused, and soon his eyes landed on Judy.
"What's going on?" he mouthed to her from the other side of the ship.
She tried to give him a confident smile to reassure him, but unfortunately it came out as a grimace.
Every head turned as the door opened again to reveal Captain Wilde. He had left his hat and coat behind, wearing only his breeches and a white shirt opened at the collar. He was still smiling smugly, and confidently strode to the middle of the deck. The badger took the chest from the polar bear and made her way to join the Captain, who was looking expectantly at Judy.
She gulped. This is it. Back straight and head high, she walked over and stood next to the badger, opposite Captain Wilde. He grinned down at her.
"It's not too late to back out now," he told her.
She narrowed her eyes at him and turned to the badger, waiting for her to start proceedings.
"OK, everyone," the badger began, "I want a nice clean fight. This isn't one of those 'to the death' type of duels. First one to be incapacitated or surrender is the loser. The fight will be confined to the deck and you are not allowed outside help. Understood?" She looked to the fox and rabbit who both nodded. "Great. Choose your weapon." She opened the chest and inside were several swords of various sizes and types.
Captain Wilde gestured to the swords. "Ladies first."
Judy scanned the chest's contents and was pleased to see there were swords just her size. She chose a long narrow one, similar to those she had used when training with Captain Savage, and even though it was a good weight for her she put on a show of fumbling with it when she pulled it out, causing the pirates to chuckle. Captain Wilde picked a similar sword, slightly larger to suit his build.
"Face your opponent," ordered the badger, backing away.
The duellers positioned themselves accordingly and raised their swords.
"And... GO!"
Judy expected the Captain to attack immediately, however he remained in his starting position, smirking and quirking an eyebrow. He wanted her to make the first move. So she did.
Very soon the air was filled with the sounds of clashing steel as Judy and Captain Wilde swung their swords at each other. They moved across the entire deck as they dodged lunges and parried blows, neither one quite getting the upper hand. Captain Wilde had more power thanks to his weight, but Judy's speed and small size meant that he couldn't get a hit in. Even then, Judy could tell the Captain was holding back, and she started to panic. It didn't help that the kudu and gemsbok were hollering and offering a colourful commentary. She focused on Jack Savage and his teachings, and suddenly she could hear him as if it were another of their lessons.
Swinging your sword is all well and good for defence, but don't forget your attack. Otherwise you'll just run out of energy.
He's right, Judy thought, barely moving her ears before Captain Wilde's sword sliced them off. She needed to attack, to find an opening. She increased her ferocity and tried to get closer to the fox's body. She ducked under his sword again and made a wild swing towards his midriff. He easily dodged this by turning, which she anticipated and responded by spinning so she could reach his back. He turned around completely and used the added force to push Judy's sword away, with Judy along with it. She felt herself falling, so quickly turned her stumble into a roll and struck a defence pose, panting slightly.
Captain Wilde was looking down at her, sword poised to attack. "Do you want to surrender yet, sweetheart?"
"Do you?" she asked back, suddenly grinning.
Nick Wilde felt his clothes shift and looked down. His trousers had fallen to his ankles, the waistband having been cut by Judy's sword. He was too busy gaping at the material covering his feet that he failed to prevent his own sword twist out of his grip to land in Judy's free hand. She pointed both weapons at him, looking as if she had done this a million times before.
There was a long moment of silence.
"She hustled you."
Nick turned his head to Finnick who was walking towards him and laughing heartily. He reached up and grabbed Nick's shirt so he could shout in his face.
"She hustled you good!"
The small fox then made his way to Judy. "You're part of the crew now!" he told her. "You're gonna need one of these!" He took off his hat placed it upon the rabbit's head. He rejoined the crowd who had started laughing as well.
Scrunched up in irritation, Nick's face glared at his highly amused crew, before finally settling on to Judy. She was leaning on her sword, wearing a smirk that he had only seen when he looked in a mirror.
"So, about that map?" she asked, expectantly.
Nick's scowl deepened even further. He pulled up his trousers and turned on his heel, heading towards his cabin with his snout in the air.
"Right this way, milady," he replied, lightly.
As a smug Judy followed him, Ben cheered loudly, "Woo! You go girl!"
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