#one-horned oni brothers
madmarchhare · 7 months
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yeonban · 10 months
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While hunting for caps for Soma's ethnicity headcanon post from earlier I found this panel too, and something I never noticed during my prev rereads is how the first man the Obsidian Goddess fell in love with and made a contract with was a Date member...
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xiao-come-home · 11 months
Genshin + HSR men as dads;
✰ Characters:
↳ Genshin: Ayato, Itto, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Zhongli, Xiao.
↳ HSR: Blade, Jing Yuan, Luocha.
✰ Words: 3,5k.
✰ SFW ; afab!reader, because pregnancy mentions. fluff.
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Warnings: established relationship, the characters are reader's husbands, mentions of pregnancy, babies, ayato always ends up kinda horknee????? slight spoilers about blades past, not beta read THERES NO TIME FOR THAT
A/N: this is my first time writing for hsr and kaveh, but I tried my best </3 also I have work in 2h and I haven't slept yet. this is more important. pog also give me feedback if you like hsr pieces ;q;
Ayato Kamisato:
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he's such a girl AND boy dad you can't convince me otherwise. i just can't get that out of my head: imagine just chilling with your husband, you two enjoying some tea or coffee, while watching your children happily yell and play outside; ayato plays with your palm slightly, switching between rubbing it with his fingers and interlocking it, giving you occasional glances and tiny smiles.
ayato's definitely a strict parent, but wants his children to feel freedom - he does not force them to practice something they don't like, but teaches them necessary stuff they need to know if they are to be the future of the Kamisato clan.
he DEFINITELY had a boy first. and his son DEFINITELY looks like a perfect mixture of you two - he has ayato's eyes and hair type, but your hair color and smile.
your daughter, on the other hand, is exactly like ayato's copy, except with your personality - and he's extremely whipped for her. his little girl wanted to practice a new hairstyle with multiple pink hair clips? oh well, looks like he goes like this to his important meeting.
though, your son is just as mischievous as his father, if not worse - has probably trolled Itto more than once by the shy age of just three. he's also definitely interested in ayato and ayaka's battle styles, like hello??? HOW DO YOU JUST DISAPPEAR LIKE THAT??? AND TURN INTO SNOW??????
even though some fights between his children happen, as it's a thing you can't avoid - the big brother is very protective of his little sister and would do anything to make her happy! even if it means princess tea time. it reminds ayato of his, though not as fortunate, childhood memories with ayaka before she grew up to be the strongest woman and best auntie we know.
ayato probably teases you about wanting a third one, so they look like you this time. "say, darling, how about we get another little one?" feeling his smile, ayato whispers into your ear, "think about it, love," he wraps his arms around your waist from behind, "you just look so perfect I can't resist you."
Arataki Itto:
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i do nOT care, his child is just as hyper as him. they're his absolute best buddy, partners in crime, you name it. but there's a plot twist - thank god your child thinks more often than their father AND stops him sometimes.
listen. absolute boy dad. his son is his pride and joy,he bragged so much about his boy to the point that Raiden Shogun herself heard about him.
so, remember itto being severely allergic to beans as an oni? his son absolutely loves beans and could eat them with no side effects. but itto being itto, prepares him meals with beans and takes it as a challenge. he just might cry, or throw up at worst. but hey, everything for his little sunshine.
^^your son absolutely cheers when he's making him dinner and suffering like?? "go dad! you're so awesome!" "yummy!" and itto's screaming back with tears dripping down his cheeks, "yes, YES!! THE BEST COOK OF INAZUMA, ARATAKI ITTO!"
itto prides himself in creating the most perfect small person to ever exist. your son inherited itto's golden heart and your brains (thank god). he's truly a ball of sunshine, and possibly the happiest and polite boy in Inazuma. with a pair of red horns just like his dad, red streaks in his hair and markings, itto's pupils and your eye color.
hear me out: total best pals with ayato's son. they love playing board games and battle onikabuto with each other, and much to itto's delight, his son is usually the winner, but the boys always politely thank each other for the game and move on.
your son is actually such a smooth talker to ayato's daughter to the point that he considers giving them a blessing and suffering being in-laws with itto.
he's also (great)grandma oni's favorite child now... he loves baking, cooking and sewing with her, and showing her his favorite onikabuto that you and itto let him keep as a pet!
itto's actually VERY down to have a few more kiddos if your pregnancy went well. he'd love a little girl to spoil his long hair, or maybe two. and two more sons so he wouldn't be lonely..
that time itto caught ushi sound asleep with his ball of sunshine next to him was the day he'll never forget. with tears in his eyes, he covered them in a warm blanket and let them snooze for a little more before bedtime.
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literally no one, not even one soul knew that alhaitham has a child until they saw him walking a three-year-old. and the said child is probably the most behaved child that has ever been born.
seriously, your son is probably the smartest child ever. alhaitham, despite some worries, did and still does very well as a father - he began teaching him to talk earlier, he also seemed to have taken a liking to some instruments when he got older. the scribe's little one also enjoys it when his dad reads with him! be it alhaitham's books or fantasy ones, they have a special routine just for reading.
your son absolutely looks up to his father. when he sees him drafting some documents, his eyes shine with curiosity and adoration. alhaitham, can't help but smile slightly when he isn't looking.
nahida promoted alhaitham as the Acting Grand Sage. he promoted her as his babysitter.
^^but in a more serious tone, I genuinely think Nahida would be somewhat interested in your child - not in a negative light in any way, but.. it does make her wonder how a small child could be so smart. though his son has a long way to go and grow up, each year he manages to surprise her.
when his son is too bothered by the attention of other people, alhaitham gives him his noise-canceling headphones; they're a bit too big on him, but he appreciates it anyway.
alhaitham makes sure your son remembers his late grandmother, despite having not met her. even if the scribe does not consider himself a very emotional person, he wants the memory of her to live on.
he encourages his child to make his own decisions, too - just like he had that choice as well; if his son wants to break the ice and become more outgoing - alhaitham will not stand in his way. he wants him to grow up as the person he truly wants to be.
he definitely explained some god-tier science to his toddler son while holding him in his arms, receiving only some confusing "blah blag bwwwug" in return, watching him bite his tiny hand in happiness. he continued.
if there's something that alhaitham shares with his son, it's his love for naps. sometimes you all sleep together, and when it's time to wake up - both of them whine and your son snuggles up to his dad, to which your husband responds by getting his arm over the little one and giving you a small chuckle with one eye open, shortly before falling back asleep.
kaveh is your child's godfather. no, it wasn't his choice.
after a bit of hesitation and a lot of thoughts, he wouldn't mind to have another one; genders don't matter to him by any means, but I see him with yet another son :)
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kaveh and his twins could rival itto and his son's enthusiasm - it's what kaveh wants his kids to always remember - he wants them to enjoy every single bit of life, even if it's something simple.
the famous architect has decided to work hard to provide for you and the baby when you told him about the pregnancy- or, rather, about his future children; some of his work truly shone and got him quite a bit of attention, and therefore - a bunch of well-paid commissions.
kaveh has fought his empathy many times and tried not to overly spend money, which resulted in him being able to create and build your house that you share together; each of the twins has their own room, decorated according to their tastes.
your children have great emotional intelligence, just like your husband; if there's ever any conflict, they rather talk about it, than pout for hours, similar with you two. kaveh teaches them to always be honest, especially to themselves. they're also talented, but in different ways - your daughter seems to be fascinated by the role of the architect as well, but your son, regardless of what he's doing - he always makes sure it's perfect and polished as much as possible.
you cannot tell me this man doesn't do some kind of weekly family time - kaveh loves his family to the bone and would risk his life to protect you and your children with no hesitation. he's very involved in his children's lives and wants to be considered as their friend as well, not just a father; kaveh wants to know what they are interested in the moment, who they had their last beef with and who their crush is. he just really wants to gossip with them lol.
contrary to what a lot of people think, the twins and alhaitham's child(ren?) get along very well, and are aware they're just mirrors of each other. they can't however, understand how they managed to live together under one roof for so long... they never complain if they visit uncle alhaitham though, as he lets them search through his library so they can find out more about their interests.
in revenge, alhaitham is the godfather of the twins, just so you know.
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not only did he fall in love with you, but after hearing the cry of his little girl after she took her first-ever breath - zhongli fell in love once again.
he's so, so overprotective of his baby, regardless of her age. he's swooned by her - how tiny her fingers are compared to his when she finally grips them for the first time, how every month she looks even prettier than last one - he's always by her side, making sure she's the happiest she could possibly be.
since he has to sleep only once for a few days, he's willing to spend every second with her, especially after birth - zhongli also wants you to rest as much as you can, so you can both create memories together.
he most certainly takes her on a lot of walks with you when she gets older; not only around liyue harbor, but places dear to him and her only, if they discover one.
when your daughter grows up and begins to show interest in zhongli's hobbies, he smiles at her gently and sits her in his lap, only to start explaining it and feeding her curiosity; sometimes he has to stop himself for a moment to admire her twinkling eyes.
oh he DEFINITELY does her hair every morning. he's practiced on you before, having learned many new hairstyles to later on perform on your daughter; he carefully strokes her hazel hair with golden tips with a brush, feeling as he's almost watching his own in a mirror. sometimes, he adorns her hair with his own hairpin.
xiao was definitely the first person to know about your daughter. knowing that archon blood runs in her veins, he's less worried about being around her, therefore always more willing to spend time with her. both grow from this interaction - the little one knows how to protect herself (or to call uncle xiao when she's in trouble), and xiao understands small humans just a bit better.
zhongli's thrilled to know what her favorites are - no matter if it's tea, food or fabric, he has to know! perhaps they share the same favorites?
with the help of kamera, he's now able to immortalize the sight of you and your daughter. each birthday, he takes a picture and cherishes the young years of your baby, knowing they won't last long; erosion be damned, as long as he has the pictures - he'll always remember.
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xiao was clueless. clueless and frightened. he wasn't supposed to have a child - with a mortal on top; albeit he tries to stay calm for your and baby's sake, he wants both of you to heal well.
it took quite a bit of time for xiao to fully embrace that he's a parent - and he adapted very well, having you by his side; the only worry that hasn't gone away is the thought of harming his daughter with his karmic debt.
but so far, the little one hasn't shown any signs of it, which makes xiao more than happy. she's yet another reason to warm his cold heart up, which he always compares to being engulfed by comfy scarf in the winter.
he automatically turns his head around whenever he hears her tiny little "tap taps" with her feet; not only does he find it adorable, but he knows she once again managed to lose her slippers and socks.
listen. she inherited the same diamond mark on her forehead - and he finally understands why you always insisted you liked kissing it for no reason.
he always. ALWAYS shares his almond tofu with his baby girl.. and she always makes a mess while eating it.. but it's worth it.
your daughter seemed to have taken a liking to watching finches from a distance; they always look for a nice spot in liyue plains, make a small picnic and feed the leftover bread to the birds. she finds them so adorable to the point that xiao was looking for a finch plushie for WEEKS. that made her good friends with qiqi, whom she tries to remember as "the finch friend."
Zhongli never says it out loud, but thinks of Xiao as his son. therefore, he finally earned a title of a grandpa (though unofficial). he's very proud to see Xiao stand up in a role of not only a protector of liyue, but the ones closest to him.
yes, your daughter actually calls morax himself, grandpa. (he doesn't correct her. ever)
imagine xiao with baby carrier. now you don't have to imagine it anymore.
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don't even say he isn't a girl dad. HE IS.
he thinks he's a mere blade whose humanity has been lost hundreds of years ago - it's nothing more but a delusion in his mind. if that was the truth, why would he stay near his daughter's crib and watch her sleep peacefully, flinching when he saw her stir in her sleep?
she's absolutely not afraid of his cold, death stare, in fact - she looks at him back, waiting him to break first. just imagine a tiny baby eating a rice waffle, blade next to her and he just.. stares at her. but she stares at him back and eats the waffle like it's nothing.
your baby girl inherited blade's hair- or rather, yingxing's pearly white hair. he often pats her head gently and goes his hand through her hair, his eyes holding a tinge of bitterness and anger; not at her, however, but at the one he's after.
since blade spends most of his time on various missions with the stellaron hunters, he tries to make it up to your daughter by giving her gifts; hairpins, stickers (ekhem, silver wolf), coloring books, you name it. he slowly warms up to the idea of spending more quality time with her - after so many missions and the thought of his family waiting for him at home, his heart longs to see you again.
sometimes.. you can catch a faint smile on his lips when he plays with her. it's a sad smile - a smile yearning for it to happen back in simpler times, before getting reduced to a weapon, or perhaps in another lifetime.
he never admits it out loud, but he gets used to the new routine a bit too comfortably. before, when it was just you - in contrast to now, when he barely closes the front door and hears his daughter sprinting to him and clinging to his leg; he picks her up and feels her squishing her cheek against his while grinning. "welcome home, daddy!" are the first words he hears - and hopes to hear until it's his time to leave.
at times, blade becomes genuinely terrified - terrified of no longer craving death and wanting to stay. it sends him in so much emotional turmoil he starts to shake; how else do you process this? after so many years of attempting to look for that one thing that finally stops your breath, only to get swarmed by the thoughts of not wanting to leave your daughter behind? what if something happens to her and there's no one to help her?
there's a thing that I can't stop thinking about: I want to leave it up to you how you name your daughter, but I feel like blade would truly like the name Mari.
he lets her decorate him with stickers. it was silver wolf's idea.
Jing Yuan:
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he was blessed with a daughter, as well. and then again. and then... again.
he absolutely adores his three little girls, hellO?!?!? but if you think about it, it makes sense - almost all of them took after his personality.
there is a mandatory nap for him and his girls that no one can disturb, unless the planet is on fire or someone got you mad. they all snore quietly while cuddling their dad, one of them on his chest, second on his stomach, and last one has her face somewhere next to his hair. makes you wonder how they got in these places, considering they started sleeping beneath a pink blanket decorated with lions.
speaking of lions, mimi claims your daughters as her cubs and does not let jing yuan take them away. she loves being pet and getting small kisses from them, there's no way she gives him that amount of attention back.
jing yuan loves your daughters to death and spoils them with absolutely EVERYTHING. new plushie? will be here in a few hours. a damned rock that's stupidly expensive, holds no value but one of them liked it? he'll take five. hell, he might even buy them a dog or another lion and hope for easy consequences from you.
he's slightly scared of how fast his oldest got so good at chess.
the girls get very upset when someone mentions they have no older brother - after all, how could they forget about yanqing?
there is a high chance of him losing one of them at home. they're walking, he turns around and.. suddenly the math doesn't add up..
if it's princess tea time, it is princess tea time. fu xuan either becomes a princess or comes back later.
even though they sometimes bring a lot of trouble, jing yuan always tells them to appreciate you - when it's mother's day, they all sit down and prepare a gift for you, same for your birthday; your special days will never go unnoticed.
probably wouldn't mind having another child, but is fully prepared for another girl lol.
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he fathered a beautiful boy and girl a few years after. none of them were planned, but very welcome by both of you.
he's.. such a doting father. he always takes care of his children well, shows them affection - especially as small babies, he can't get over their chubby cheeks and peppers them with kisses, so he could hear them giggle.
in general, I think he just. can't get enough of them when they're toddlers or even younger. he loves holding them. he loves seeing his tiny babies get curious when he prepares medicine. he loves when they extend their hand to him for seemingly no reason, so he has an opportunity to give it a kiss. ARGH
he's thrilled to share his medical knowledge with his kids, if one shows interest in it!
luocha's definitely the one to style his babies' hair, I mean have you seen this man's gorgeous locks???? he's also the one to cut it if they don't like it long.
this isn't really about the children themselves, but.. he's just so grateful that you brought them into this world?? and he makes sure you know it every day, be it through actions or words. when you gave birth to your daughter, he held her in her hands and approached you from behind, leaning down and planting a chaste kiss on your cheek. "love, she's so wonderful, thank you for your hard work. I can't stop looking at her, and I wouldn't have that opportunity if I didn't meet you. I've never been more happy to meet such a person like you."
just like kaveh, he wants to be very involved in their lives. he always asks them about their day in school, if they made any friends. luocha also tries to be stern and has only one expectation as a father - he wants them to have a good, comfortable life, in which he'll assist in achieving as long as they need.
your son is very, very talkative with his dad and they could converse for hours. like for real. he's so smart, luocha is more than happy to broad his horizons, even in topics of lesser importance.
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
NSFW Headcanons for Elijah Mikaelson being married? Can reader be a short and some kind of supernatural creature? Perhaps a Japanese supernatural creature? Thank you I just love your Headcanons for Elijah
Yes and yes starting off with SFW Headcanons
Warnings: Fluff, NSFW, Short protective wife
You met Elijah back in 1756
Your first meeting wasn't on the best terms, you tried to kill him and for Elijah it was love at first sight
Elijah learning how to court an oni, this man loves a woman that can kick his ass
Noble loving vampire and angry small oni courting is a surprise to everyone
Having a very traditional Japanese wedding, Elijah wanting to give you a piece of your homeland
Elijah finds your small horns cute and careful to not touch them seeing how sensitive they are
Elijah braiding your hair or helping putting it up
Your oni form is just gorgeous to Elijah finding your ligh blue tone lovely against his
You beating the crap out of those who threaten your husband and family
"Oni are kinda violent but my wife is a sweetheart, Hayley." "Your wife laughed while watching vampires bleed out."
Elijah is blind to whatever violence you had done not because he is foolish but because he loves you too much
Elijah will spare with you, just so you could throw him around or pin him down
This man's biggest kink is being suffocated by your thighs and he doesn't care how or why
"Will you yield?" "No." Elijah would answer muffled by your thighs
Elijah finding out just how sensitive your horns are in bed, watching you melt under him when he gently rubs a horn
Elijah takes great pleasure in seeing how small you look under him
Finding out you have bit of a size kink and Elijah is more that happy to indulge you
Elijah making you ride his face for hours since he adores being between your thighs
Choke him, Elijah will be so submissive so fast
Elijah feeding from you while in bed there is something hearing you cry out in pure pleasure when biting you
Elijah willing to go whatever pace you want, fast and rough or slow and sweet
Elijah favorite position is any one that let's him see your face
Now Elijah doesn't do public sex but if there is someone flirting or undermine him as your husband, Elijah is pulling you into the nearest room
Elijah has a small breeding kink after the birth of Hope
Call him Sir in the bedroom and watch him just lose it
Jealous primal sex when any of his brothers playfully flirts with you or if someone tries to steal you away from him
Elijah marking up your thighs both fingers prints and hickies are on your skin
"Look at you Princess, tears running down your face."
Elijah has a goal of making sure you are teary-eyed and shaking at the end of the night
You choking on him is his favorite sound other than your screams
Elijah will and has fucked you on any surface
Wearing his shirts is a sure way to turn him on
Lace and thigh highs? Yes Sir his new favorite on you
Making you ride his thigh when he is busy with paper work
You pulling his hair to make him go faster
Elijah tried tieing you down but you broke free leading to a wild night
You pouncing on Elijah if he had been gone for too long
You pinning Elijah down feeling jealous of Hayley's flirting
"Is my Princess going to cum again?"
Overstimulation is Elijah favorite thing to do to you something about seeing you so desperate was just delicious to him
You making Elijah beg to touch you when you take control
Elijah has a secret praise kink that you learned by accident
Elijah buying you French lingerie only fair seeing how he would tear off the others
Elijah just adoring you and you just loving your husband more than anything
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hawkflame999 · 3 months
Someone please draw my OC (This Includes My Headcanon #1)
My OC's name is Arcturus, but he prefers being called Arc.
He has ice-blue-white wings, a night fury tail that is also ice-blue-white, ice-blue-white ears, and deep ice-blue blue eyes. He has dull dark gray horns that are somewhere between Oni horns and Dragon horns. His hands are clawish (Like his hands look normal but they have all the claw abilities and all). Otherwise, he looks human with white hair, wearing white stuff because somewhere along his bloodline there's an Ice dragon.
So this is an AU where there are more Oni-Dragon-Human hybrids, but the FSM fam is one of a kind, they're also Elementals but they stay low profile... But the ninja-elemental clan has no qualms about taking in orphans or runaways or rescuing kids that are mistreated (kidnapping in extreme cases, like abuse), no exceptions, all species. Including Dragoni pups.
in this AU, Some Dragoni go through this thing called the Oni phase- where their Oni blood controls them, and they are more aggressive in short bursts for some time, the length of time and when in a Dragoni's life -or if it even happens to them- varies from Dragoni to Dragoni.
Arc's father, Azymondias (I stole that from the Dragon Pince, sue me) looks just like him but with bigger wings, those claws-talon things at the wing joint like some dragons, Oni horns, a spiked tail, darker blue eyes, silver-blue scales that run down from his hair in a straight line to between his eyebrows, Oni fangs, and he's really big.
Arc has two older brothers, Adam, six years older than him, who is completely their father's spitting image except he has dragon horns and teeth, and a rare Oni tail.
His other brother is Asher four years older than him, who looks exactly like Arc except his scales are brown his eyes are purple (Oni trait) and he has Oni horns.
When Arc was born was around the time Azym went into the Oni phase. thanks to this, he horridly abused his youngest son, Arcturus, while his two other sons, Adam, and Asher, could just watch.
But one day, when Arc was almost 4, his father was, well, chasing him, and this other Dragoni-Elemental, who was a younger Garmadon, crashed into Azym, and started trying to fight him off, away from Arc, while another Dragoni-Elemental, a younger Wu, grabbed Arc and flew while Garmadon unsuccessfully tried to get Adam and Asher.
Arc was pretty badly hurt, and by the time Garmadon and Wu got him back to their clan's hideout, the monastery, he was barely alive.... but somehow, he lived.
Now, there was another young ninja at the monastery- Zayde, Ice ninja, the one who later chose Zane. Zayde (Zay for short) was just three years older than Arc. He saw when Wu and Garmadon brought Arc in and hung around the room he was in before sneaking in once the adults left. He and Arc got pretty close, so Zay's father, Zack, took Arc in.
Arc trained to be a ninja and learned Spinjitzu (because why not)
He and Zay got to the point of referring to each other as their brother, Zay will actively call Arcturus his little brother.
Nowadays Arc lives on a mountain near the monastery and generally just helps with training and is a friend. He’s pretty close to the six.
I will or already have released a poll on whether i should have Arc run back into his reformed father and brothers, and have them reconcile. Here is the link to the poll
(@the-ninjago-historian @nyaskitten @senseiwu @s0ull3ss-p3rs0n @tellsfromninjago @owlrabbit09 @rainbow-lust,) (I'm interested to hear what y'all think of this,)
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nanabansama · 6 months
The seven wonders are based on real legends in real life like hanako I have feeling that the other seven wonders were inspired by real life legends
This appears to be somewhat true, though I haven't found links for all of the Mysteries myself yet. And certainly none quite as on the nose as Hanako-san.
For one, the Mysteries in Hanako appear to be a combination of both tales from Japanese folklore and "The Seven Mysteries", a common urban legend found in Japanese schools. Exactly who or what the mysteries are differ depending on the school, but they will often have a lot of overlap, especially in regards to the "Hanako" legend.
For example, Yako is based on a fox statue, like those found in shrines dedicated to the god Inari. But the Misaki Stairs also has its roots in many variations of the Seven Mysteries of the School legend, since a lot of them involve staircases. Some also involve moving statues, which fits very well with her origins. So Yako is like a mix of several different things--with AidaIro's own twists thrown in, of course.
And then we have a case like Hakubo, who has more profound links with folklore but weaker links to urban legends.
He's likely based on the Ushioni, a race of Japanese yokai. Ushioni would translate to something like "bovine demon/oni," which clearly comes across with the signature cow skull he wears.
On top of this, the backstory of his oni family being slaughtered by Minamoto no Yorimitsu is a clear reference to the myth of Shuten Douji.
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Not only that! But Hakubo is probably based on the legend of Ushi Gozen, a member of the Minamoto Clan. There are varying accounts of the story, but he was apparently born to Minamoto no Mitsunaka, who was the father of Minamoto no Yorimitsu. Because Ushi Gozen was born with bull horns and an oni's face, Mitsunaka wanted him killed. His mother couldn't stand this, however, and secretly whisked Ushi Gozen away to someplace safe, where he would grow to adulthood.
Once his father learned his son wasn't dead, he angrily sent Yorimitsu after him, leading to an epic battle between the two brothers. At the end of the grueling fight, Ushi Gozen fell into a river and met his end, but this did not stop him from bringing disaster to the neighboring people for years to come.
...Anyway, that's just my retelling of the story, but elements like him being a member of the Minamoto Clan and being defeated by Yorimitsu are interesting, aren't they? Especially when you factor in how Kou was named after and greatly resembles Yorimitsu...
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Anyway, as for his link to the seven mysteries... well, there's this one legend I found about people hearing an instrument that no one was around to play. Apparently, whoever heard it died. This is remarkably similar to the rumor Aoi tells Nene about Number 6.
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So... as I was saying, none of these are quite as simple in their origin as Hanako-san. Which is great! AidaIro is doing a fantastic job of drawing upon both Japanese folklore and urban legends to craft a familiar yet unique story for all of us. And I think it'd be boring if I could just google 学園七不思議 and get spoiled on the story, don't you?
If anyone wants to share their own research on the Mysteries' ties to urban legends and Japanese folklore then I'd love to hear about it! And if you all are interested, then maybe I could make a bigger post touching on this subject again later.
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blu3cl0v3rs · 7 months
Guess what I gott!
A) something actually useful for my future
B) diagnosis I've been meaning to get for multiple years now
C) new Morro AU
D) finished day of Morrotober
If you guessed C, YOU'RE CORRECT!
Yeah, so in scribbling my Day 25 prompt and doing a little bit of research (looking at a fandom wiki page) on Euphrasia, I stumbled upon the line of her hiding her wind powers so she won't get exiled.
Now I, someone who has not watched Dragon's Rising because I hace yet to finish Crystalized (I'm so scared based on other's reviews), immediately went "but why??? Why would she fear being exiled??? Unless, someone else * cough Morro cough * who also had the Element of Wind * cough cough hack Morro cough * got exiled as well?" So, of course I had to remember that one person whose user I can't recall who had a theory/AU that Morro was exiled from Cloud Kingdom and I took that, shoved big brother Morro into the mix, and shook that bitch until some word vomit came out.
So, now I've got my thought process out on how I got here, let the brainrot speak!
Morro was created. Yayyy!
Since I'm delusional, all Destiny Writers are part dragon because I said so, they just hide their ears, horns, and tails under robes (well, not necessarily hide bc they don't care abt being part dragon, but they're all covered by the robes). Also, dragons can reproduce asexually, because I also said so!
Mama made a biiiig oopsie, and the punishment was her son's exile, marked by the distinctive dark green streak in his hair.
Specifically, the punishment she got was "Lifetime of Guilt", which takes the most cherished person in the offender's life and essentially puts it through hell until they are dead, forcing the offender to feel a literal lifetime's worth of guilt for causing all of that pain.
Baby Morro is set free in the world of Ninjago, in which the Destiny Writers make a pointed effort to make his life miserable, as is the punishment.
However, destiny rewrote itself, throwing the kingdom into a panic. Morro defied destiny and started leaening under Wu.
The Writers tried for years to fix this mishap, which failed again and again and again.
Until, one day a decision the Writers could control came upon them; the choosing of the Green Ninja. They rejected Morro without a thought, and lead Morro to his burning painful death in the Caves of Despair. Since he was exiled by the Cloud Kingdom, he was sent to the Cursed Realm.
At this point, Mama had died, so the Writers ignored Morro until he defied destiny again by escaping the Cursed Realm.
Season 5 happens, but I make it better because I can. Oh yeah, and Garmadon fucking lives because fuck canon.
Morro lives, and tensely lives with the Ninja until post Season 7, where he ditches because Wu is lost to time.
In the time that Season 8 and 9 would take place, Morro sneaks around in Cloud Kingdom to learn why his life sucked so much. Insert him discovering what Mama did and her punishment.
He gets angry and is about to destroy all of the Destiny Scrolls, but meets little tiny Euphrasia.
Poor baby was abandoned by her parent and no one wanted to take her in.
They talk and bond and Morro decides she's now his younger sister, but due to plot convenience, he discovers Season 10 spoilers.
When the Ninja are debating what Garmadon meant by his whole cryptic ass warning, Morro bursts in being like "holy shit these evil smoke Oni things from the First Realm are gonna try to destroy everything" and shoves the scroll in their face for proof, completely ignoring the like 7 year old girl clinging around his neck
They kick ass, and Morro rewrites destiny for Lloyd because I don't care about Lloyd's little trip to grandpa's and decided I'm gonna do something more meaningful, like Morro yet again sticking it to Cloud Kingdom, this time to help the Ninja.
The Ninja, Morro, Euphrasia, Wu, and Garmadon do the bonding thing over the months between Seasons 10 and 11.
Speaking of Season 11, the Ninja fuck around and find out, Zane kinda dies like in canon, the Ninja all kinda kill themselves like in canon, Season 11 basically just plays out like it would if Morro and Euphrasia were chilling there as well and on Pixal and Wu's plotline.
During Season 12, instead of being fucking hunted down like the Ninja, Morro and Euphrasia are just vibing in some wholesome area, roleplsying and playing dress up. They're having the time of their lives, then they leave the game and talk with the Ninja and holy shit that's why there was a bounty on your heads???
During Season 13, Euphrasia does some windy stuff, and while the Ninja are busy stopping slavery, Morro teaches her some basic control of her powers (to him. It's actually decently complicated, Euphrasia's just a fast learner and Morro can teach well). They show up with Vania last minute to kick ass.
In Season 14, Morro's powers go out of wack, Euphrasia kind of lost her powers, and Nya's are over amplified. It is not fun for them. Morro is questioning his worth and all that jazz, but this time he has a bit of a support system (Euphrasia. Also the Ninja kinda all go "dude, you have worth outside of your powers. Been there, done that, it's fine," just nicer). Ends with Morro and Nya merging with their elements, but due to Morro's precise control of his element he can return, but Nya loses herself and joins the sea.
I will add another post here that covers Crystalized because I haven't watched it yet 😋
Also, I'm calling this AU "Cursed by Destiny"
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senseigrace · 6 months
Take These Broken Wings and Learn to Fly (Part Two)
I did NOT expect the story to blow up on here the way it did. I'm so glad you all enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy part two!
(TW for referenced past torture.)
Lloyd slept for most of the day. The exhaustion from being unable to sleep and from being in pain made him sleep much later than he ever would have wanted to. 
When he woke up, Kai was still sitting beside him. He had a book in his hands, something that Lloyd knew that Nya had probably brought to him. 
“Hey, sleepyhead,” Kai said as Lloyd sat up. “How are you feeling?” 
Lloyd ran his tongue over his teeth. The fangs were still there… He wondered if they were there to stay instead of being retractable like the claws.
“A bit better,” he answered, then reached up to feel if he still had the little horns that his hair mostly covered. 
He did. 
And he knew he still had the wings. Even though his back didn’t hurt as much anymore, he could still feel the new limbs. 
He moved them slightly, still weirded out by the new sensation. It wasn’t often when he grew new limbs. 
“The others got back from their mission,” Kai said. “Zane made some food if you want any.” 
Lloyd nodded, but he wasn’t really hungry. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass for now,” he said. “Um… Do you know if Uncle Wu is around?” 
If Lloyd was being honest with himself, he didn’t really want to talk to his uncle. It wasn’t anything personal, but there had been something about Master Wu earlier that had felt off. 
“You know you don’t have to go talk to him yet if you don’t want to,” Kai told him. “I’m not gonna tell him that you’re awake and avoiding him.” 
Lloyd looked up at Kai, his mouth falling open for just a second. “I’m not avoiding him!” he protested, even though he knew his brother was right. “I’m just…” 
Kai laughed. “It’s okay, Lloyd,” he said. 
Lloyd rolled his eyes, then stood up. As much as he didn’t want to talk to his uncle, he definitely didn’t want Kai thinking that he was avoiding him. 
“I’m gonna go talk to him,” he said. 
Lloyd didn’t give Kai a chance to react, he didn’t give himself a chance to chicken out. 
He opened the door to his room and walked to his uncle’s room. 
When he reached the door, he knocked on it with a shaky hand. 
He didn’t understand why he was feeling like this. His uncle had always been kind to him, he had never judged him for who, or what, he was. There was no reason to be scared. Especially when it was something that he couldn’t even control. 
“Come in.” 
Lloyd swallowed harshly at the sound of his uncle’s voice, but opened the door and walked in regardless. 
When he shut the door behind him, his uncle smiled. 
“How did you sleep?” Master Wu asked. He was sitting on the floor, an incense burner in front of him. He looked like he always did, a kind and gentle old man who was wise beyond his years. 
Still, Lloyd hesitated by the door, his arms and wings pulled behind his back. “I slept well,” he said. “Um… You said you wanted to talk to me, Master?” 
Over the years, Lloyd had begun using Master and Uncle interchangeably. Neither one of them were wrong, but sometimes he wanted the distinction. Sometimes Wu was his master, not his uncle. 
Master Wu nodded. “I did,” he said. “Come sit down, Lloyd. Join me.” 
Lloyd obediently walked over and sat across from his uncle. His heart was beating at a hundred beats per second from the anxiety of whatever his uncle was about to say. 
So he spoke first. “Did I do something wrong?” 
A look of shock flashed in Master Wu’s golden eyes. “No, of course not,” he said. “Lloyd, you haven’t done anything wrong.” 
Lloyd let out a sigh of relief that he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding in. He knew that he had no control over what his body did, but he knew that taking the form of an Oni could never be a good thing… 
“But I do want to talk to you about your new features,” he said. 
Lloyd looked up at him. He didn’t know what to say, so he nodded. What else was there to do? 
Master Wu cleared his throat. “I owe you an explanation,” he said. “And an apology.” 
Lloyd’s eyes widened and he shook his head. Why was he trying to apologize to him? He was the one who randomly turned into some sort of hybrid freak. “Uncle?” 
“I had known that this day would come for a long time, however the Tomorrow’s Tea changed my timeline quite a bit,” Master Wu said. “I should have prepared you for this, and yet I did not. I kept it to myself and I never should have done that to you. I’m sorry, nephew.” 
Lloyd looked down at his hands. Earlier, there had been claws instead of fingertips. They had been sharper than swords… “I don’t understand.”
“Lloyd, you are so much more than meets the eye,” Master Wu said. “You are an Oni, Dragon, and Human hybrid. It means that you will go through changes to represent all three sides of your heritage, you’ll live a longer life, and you’ll have the powers of creation and destruction as well as your element of Energy.” 
Lloyd swallowed. “I already knew that I was a hybrid,” he said. “But why did it show up? Why am I like this now?” 
Master Wu sighed. “I’m not sure,” he said. “As I said, the Tomorrow’s Tea changed a lot for you.” 
He hated thinking about the Tomorrow’s Tea. It hadn’t ruined his life, but it was a fair source of trauma that he didn’t like to think about. He had tried to make peace with the fact that he had been aged up so unfairly, but whenever he thought it was okay, something brought it back up. 
Lloyd looked up at his uncle. “Will anything else change?” he asked. “I’m not… I’m not gonna end up like Garmadon, right?” 
At the mention of his brother, Master Wu flinched. “Lloyd…” he said softly. “His Oni genetics were not the cause of his evil, that was because of the venom of the Devourer. Yes, the man that was brought back is all Oni, but he is also only the evil side of your father.” 
Lloyd felt his eyes begin to burn. He had been told that all of his life, but when Garmadon had been brought back… He couldn’t help but wonder if the evil was caused by more than just venom from an evil snake… 
“I’m sorry, Uncle…” he whispered. 
Master Wu sighed. “Don’t apologize,” he said. “I did not mean for this to become a lecture on your father. Even if he does possess many of the Oni characteristics that you perhaps will inherit.” 
Lloyd nodded and looked down at his hands. “I just don’t know what to do, Master Wu…” he said, and he hated himself for the way his voice cracked. “I don’t know if I need to hide this part of me or if I should… I dunno…” 
“It is perfectly acceptable not to know things, nephew,” he told him. “I certainly didn’t know what to do when I had my first experience with my Dragon side.” 
Lloyd looked back up at Master Wu and tilted his head. In the midst of everything else, he had somehow forgotten that his uncle was also not a human. He was just as supernatural as he was, if not more. 
“May I see your wings?” Master Wu asked. 
Lloyd nodded his head. He had no problem with his uncle inspecting his wings. After all, he was probably the only person in all of Ninjago who had any idea what wings on a human should look like. 
Lloyd sat up straight and allowed Master Wu to extend his wings all of the way out, to inspect the newly formed joints on his back, to touch the sensitive scales… 
His touch was the same gentle one that had cleaned many wounds and wiped so many tears out of his eyes, but Lloyd couldn’t have been more relieved when the poking and prodding was finally done. 
“They look healthy and strong for a pair of new wings,” Master Wu said as he sat back down. “If they continue to grow like they are, then I have no doubt that you’ll be able to fly by your next birthday.” 
Lloyd couldn’t hold back a gasp at that. Of all of the things that he would be able to do, flying had always been one of his favorites. Of course, he used to be able to summon an elemental dragon, but after everything that had happened… 
That wasn’t important. 
He had wings now. He could fly. 
Well, not yet, but one day. 
Then a thought popped into his head, one that wasn’t related to him, but to his uncle. 
Master Wu was more Dragon and Oni than he was, and yet… He didn’t look like it. Not in the same way that Lloyd did. 
Lloyd leaned forward towards his uncle. “Do you have wings, Uncle Wu?” 
For a second, the question seemed to shock Master Wu, his expression completely unreadable for a second. And then he smiled sadly at Lloyd, his golden eyes filled with a sorrow like Lloyd had never seen before. 
“I did.” 
It took a second for Lloyd's brain to register what his uncle meant, but then his eyes widened. “You mean..?” 
Master Wu let out a shuddering sigh. “I had them when I was your age, and I was so proud of them. After all, they were stronger and brighter than Garmadon’s were. But then…” he stopped and a dark expression took over his face. 
Slowly, two and two were being put together and Lloyd’s stomach flipped. 
“Nephew, we’re in a unique position. Our heritage is what makes us strong, but it’s also what makes people hunt us down,” he said. “They took me and I… I couldn’t fight them off.” 
Master Wu frowned and looked down. “They cut them off,” he said. “There was nothing my father could do to fix them.” 
Lloyd heard a strangled cry come out of his throat, but he hardly processed it. 
Someone had cut off his uncle’s wings. Master Wu had been hunted down and tortured. They had taken something that he loved away from him. 
He could feel the tears burning his eyes as his mind began to spiral. 
Lloyd had been captured so many times before, but would he be targeted more now? He no longer had the protection of looking human. He couldn’t blend in anymore now. 
“I.. I,” he stuttered as he pushed himself away from his uncle. “I don’t wanna lose…” 
Master Wu reached out and grabbed both of Lloyd’s hands. He held them tightly in his own warm hands. “Lloyd, look at me.” 
Lloyd looked up at his uncle’s gentle golden eyes. He didn’t say anything though, he couldn’t even come up with any words to say. 
“I will never let that happen to you, nephew,” Master Wu told him. “I promise.” 
Lloyd wanted to protest. He had been kidnapped by snakes, had his Power Drained by The Overlord, possessed by Morro… There was so much more too. 
No one could truly protect him, not even himself. 
However, Lloyd found himself nodding at his uncle’s promise. The idea of blissful ignorance to the truth was much more appealing than the reality. 
“If you wish, I can teach you more about your heritage,” Master Wu told him. “And even though I cannot fly anymore, I can teach you when the time comes.” 
Lloyd wiped the tears out of his eyes and nodded at his uncle. His uncle had been there for him for so long. He had been the first kind person who had interacted with him in years after he had taken him in. 
“Really?” he asked. 
Master Wu nodded. “Of course,” he said.
A smile found its way onto Lloyd’s face, and he knew that his newly acquired fangs were probably showing, but he didn’t care. “I’d love that.” 
Master Wu grinned, and Lloyd noticed that his teeth were more pointy than normal for the first time. “We’ll start first thing in the morning then.”
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symphonic-scream · 8 months
Anyways since I'm writing an au for once I think it's the perfect time to post about another
Persona 4 Magic au
So those of you who follow me or recognize me (hi!! Welcome back!!) Well you might say "Scream"- that's me, -"you have a Persona 5 Magic au, is this the same universe?" And my answer is
Uh. Sure. It can be I guess
Anyways let's talk about shit
Yu Narukami is a witch. His parents were both magic users, but had outer sources of magic. As a witch, Yu can cast spells and shit with the magic within him. His parents are going abroad for a year and send him to live with his uncle in Inaba, with a catch
His uncle knows nothing about magic, so Yu had to pretend to be a normal human for the whole year
He's never had to hide his magic before, so it'll be a real challenge for him. But, he's willing to try
...yeah it doesn't go well
When he shows up, he can already feel magic within the town. There are magical beings present and almost immediately, someone turns up dead in a mysterious fashion. No one else can see the gills on the woman's neck but him, or so he believes
Yu becomes fast friends with a few kids in his class that really stink of barely-hidden magic.
Yosuke Hanamura, with his prominent canines and his suspiciously homemade juice boxes
Chie Satonaka, with her boundless energy, knowledge of the moon, and her love of meat
And Yukiko Amagi, who stares so oddly. He doesn't have much evidence for her yet, but he will
Then, a third year turns up dead. Yu sees the little horns on her head when he sees her on TV the night before. Another magic person is dead.
Then, Yukiko goes missing, and everything gets started
Okay that's it for me talking like that I'll lay out what the plot is and what everyone is and shit
So basically. Adachi is a seer, a human who can tell when someone's magic, and he finds out that the entrance to Mirror Inaba is in the TV. Plus, every monster he tossed in, died. So he sets up a plot to get monsters kidnapped and shit cause "they're subhuman anyways, I should be allowed to have fun with them"
Yu Narukami is a witch, as I said
Yosuke Hanamura is a vampire! He was a born vampire, but his mom is human so. His traits are real watered down. He's fine in the sun and can eat small amounts of garlic, but he still drinks blood
Chie Satonaka is a werewolf! There's a small werewolf pack that's been in Inaba for generations, and she's a member. Born a werewolf, she's really connected with her animal self, and is in control during full moons
Yukiko Amagi is a Fox Selkie, but her coat is an abnormal colour due to the fact that her grandfather was a Kitsune. As a fox she's mostly dark red with a white belly, eyebrows, and tail tip, but her paws are black, as are the tips of her ears. She can make vague illusions, and her coat stays locked with her mother's at the inn
Kanji Tatsumi is half Oni. His mom is human, but his dad? Full Oni. He has an older brother that lives with his dad, since both of them can't hide their demonic traits. Kanji looked human enough as a kid, but he's just started sprouting his horns and his teeth are a little larger. Plus, he's real tall and big
Rise Kujikawa is a daughter of Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of Love, beauty, music, dancing, pleasure- you get the gist. Her mother is her birth parent cause I said so. Her grandmother is a potions master, and Rise has decided to learn the craft as well
Naoto Shirogane is the youngest of the Shirogane Animal Shifters. The bloodline has been watered down over the years, to the point where the only animal form Naoto can take is a snow leopard. His markings are closer to blue shades than whites and blacks, and there's a little butterfly spot right on his chest
And Teddie is from Mirror Inaba. He is the only conscious being there, and grants protection to the team when they go to save people. He's not sure what he is, but he looks like a bear. Maybe.
Anyways yeah. Monster crew. Please ask me about this I'm proud of it
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Any general headcanons about Kai, the lovely ninja in red
Kai the beloved!!! Happy to supply!!!!
- It's practically canon but saying it anyways; Big Brother Bear. Fuck with his siblings, get a fireball to the face. Applies mildly to the others, yeah, but mostly Nya and Lloyd. He was ready to fight Destiny itself each and every time Lloyd suffered for being the Green Ninja.
- Was the first person to see Lloyd's Oni and Dragon features when they first started showing; convinced the kid to talk to Wu about it after having a tiny bit of a freak out. Proceeded to make fake horns and wear them around for like, two weeks until the others stopped looking at Lloyd funny
- Has rampant authority issues. It took a long time for him to stop prickling every time Wu spoke to him.
- Transmasc but can and will rock a dress. Nya's favorite dress is a hand-me-down from him. Kai initially pretended all his 'feminine' clothing was Nya's actually, but grew comfortable with the others pretty quickly and started wearing them again.
- Constantly runs hot, man's a space heater. Runs even hotter when angry or using his fire- Lloyd and Nya love cuddles from him but sharing a blanket for more than ten minutes is just asking to sweat bullets
- One of those people whose emotions need a physical outlet. Used to take it out via blacksmithing, but now just trains or fights. This includes affection, he's a big hugger!! Also loves hair ruffling but Does Not Love having his own ruffled
- Shit Emotional Regulation ADHD. Doesn't know what stimming is until Jay brings it up casually one day. He's a physical stim-er, particularly with temperature and pressure and pain
- The love of red came before knowing he was the Master of Fire
- Fireproof, but also can't really get burned period. Grabs pans straight from the oven with no protection, can stand comfortably inside fire, and actually can't sun burn (or tan)!
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survivalshipping · 11 months
(BELATED) Ninjago Fic Rec Week Masterpost
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Hey people! I’ve been working on this all week but unfortunately was too busy to really post any of it while the week was happening, so I’m posting all seven days late. I combed my entire bookmarks for this :3
o.k. overture by newnins
For the Lloyd prompt! I just Really Like this Lloyd fic, man. If you read the stuff i write you know how much I love deep introspection into Lloyd struggling with normalcy and his identity/purpose. Also any Skylor + Lloyd friendship is a WIN for me and is sorely underutilized
Chain Reaction by TeuthidaRegina
For the Canon and Lloyd prompt! One of multiple fics on here written by my bestie! I love beast Lloyd so so much and this fic is So Good. Let my man be more creature. I love dragoni Lloyd
Lloyd Gets a Ransom Note by BumblebeeEnby
For the Lloyd prompt! A fic where Lloyd gets to have a meal with Garmadon and Vinny. I’m absolutely obsessed with this fic for several reasons (see: my URL) and it feels so in-character and organic. Would love to be a fly on the wall for this one, honestly.
Who Said You’re On Your Own? by Subpar_Samurai
For the AU prompt! This is for an AU that I remember seeing posts of by the author/artist prior to the fic being published and being immediately intrigued by it. It’s a story where Ronin is the one who takes Lloyd under his wing and raises him. I really like Ronin. I haven’t seen updates on this AU in a while but I still love it dearly
Prodigal Prince by TeuthidaRegina
For the AU and Movieverse prompt! Another fic written by my bestie. An AU where movie!Lloyd is raised by Garmadon instead...but is still the Green Ninja! The dynamics in this fic are so good. It has everything. Papa Garmadon, Very Much Oni Lloyd, and so, so much drama. Please read this I beg of you
Survivors by Finn_M_Corvex
For the Jay prompt! This was a fic I found relatively recently and it’s...super good? It deals with the survivor’s guilt that both Jay and Lloyd feel due to certain experiences. Jay is written really well in this. It’s also incredibly heartwrenching.
The Catboy-ification of Lloyd Garmadon by jays-supersonic-dynamo
For the Movieverse prompt! THEEEEEE movie fic. THE TLNM FIC EVER. Everything about this fic is absolutely perfect and it’s such fun writing for every movie iteration of the characters involved. I don’t care that Lloyd hates the term, I love dragoni Lloyd in this fic. Catboy is Real
a day in the life of a fatherless child by holographicknife
For the Angst prompt! This fic upsets me in a good way. Lloyd deals with his trauma by himself, including a certain somebody showing up. It’s incredibly heartwrenching. Totally recommend.
An Impromptu Little Brother by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21
For the Kai prompt! One of the absolute holy grails of Kai + Lloyd fics, showcasing the development of their brotherly relationship following young Lloyd joining the ninja and living with them. Super good, and Kai’s written great here. 
Off the Deep End by Kiss_The_Cook
For the Angst and Kai prompt! I don’t have a ton to say about this, but the way Kai is written in this is impeccable. Read it.
Dancing in the Rain by K1ngtok1
For the Fluff prompt! Super cute fic starring Lil Lloyd and Kai. Incredibly sweet. This fic just feels like a warm hug. 
Let’s Dye this World by PeachPopFizz
For the Fluff prompt! Lloyd dyes his hair. Chaos ensues. Don’t have much to say, but this fic is so much fun and I love it
hate to say i love you by lloydenthusiast
For the Fluff prompt! Lloyd struggles to tell his found family how much he loves them. Incredibly bittersweet and overall a great read.
Devil’s Horns by TeuthidaRegina
For the Multichapter prompt! Fic #3 on this list written by my best friend. Even though not everything by them is on here you should read everything by them. S10 divergence fic featuring a whole lotta oni Lloyd and also a whole lotta oni in general. What more could you want? This fic is perfection and I honestly forgot that that wasn’t what happened canonically because I like this way better
Perfect Gardens by northpen
For the Multichapter prompt! Post S10, Lloyd becomes a child again. SUPER long, SUPER angsty, and overall just super super interesting. northpen is a phenomenal author in this fandom. The interactions between Garmadon and Lloyd are so complex, too. I can’t wait for the next chapter of this fic. 
Line of Position (author has since orphaned this fic)
For the Nya prompt! Takes place during Hunted. Nya’s thinking about her family while she’s stargazing. Going to be real this fic made me so damn sad. I feel like there aren’t enough Hunter Nya works out there
Meet Again by northpen
For the Multichapter prompt! I don’t remember if I found this, or somebody recommended it to me, but when I started reading I think I read all but one chapter instead of sleeping. And then I proceeded to wake up the next day and finish it. SUPER good future fic involving reincarnation of sorts, Cole and Zane excluded since they’re still alive. This fic genuinely had me at the edge of my seat as it developed. I don’t want to spoil much but it’s worth the read.
Piggyback by Echo_K
For the Dynamic Duos prompt! Two different scenes of Lloyd and Kai! Very cute, falls into hurt/comfort territory, but overall is a sweet story. Shows off the development of Kai and Lloyd’s bond well.
You Give Me the Strength I Need (To Cry) by fruitcasket
For the Dynamic Duos prompt! To say that this fic is incredible is an absolute understatement. It focuses on Kai and Lloyd, taking inspiration from The Splinter in the Blind Man’s Eye, and every part of it is amazing. Both perspectives are used. It’s also a multichapter! Seriously, I can’t recommend this enough.
thaw by lloydenthusiast
For the Dynamic Duos and the Zane prompt! A post-S11 fic involving dealing with the repercussions of the Ice Emperor. Really goes in-depth on both how it affected Zane and Lloyd. I don’t see a TON of fics about the two of them so this is always nice to see.
You’ve Got Your Transmission and Your Live Wire by Spinchip
For the Zane prompt! In which Zane experiments with their gender after a technical difficulty. I love seeing peoples’ takes on the identity of the characters in this series and this is honestly one of my favorite in that category. The author is also like, the CEO of Zane to me in general so that adds to how well this is written.
brick by brick by lloydenthusiast
For the Gen and the Team prompt! A post-s10 fic dealing with Lloyd’s trauma and how he’s handling (or not handling) it. I love love LOVE the dynamics shown in this and how a connection is shown between everybody and every separate pair. It also feels incredibly organic and realistic, especially in terms of the dialogue.
The Candy Aisle by VioletPixels
For the Gen and the Team prompt! Takes place pre-Child’s Play when Lloyd is still a kid being raised by the ninja. Super cute, super heartfelt, and I love how the thought processes of Lloyd are shown. He’s truly a kid in this.
I’m Here by SenseiGrace
For the Gen prompt! After S3E5, when Lloyd is able to escape Pythor + the Overlord’s clutches and Sensei G comes to his aid. Something about fics involving Sensei Garmadon hit different. I especially liked how this fic was from Garmadon’s perspective. Makes me miss him so much.
a compass to lead you home by aura_w
For the Gen prompt! I don’t want to spoil this fic, but it’s Garmadon-focused (post-reincarnation) and deals with him rediscovering himself and dealing with his identity. Probably one of my favorite Garmadon-centric fics out there. Give it a read!
All I’m Asking For by lloydskywalkers
For the Gen and the Team prompt! I know this has probably been on like, everybody’s rec lists, but it’s worth it. Everything lloydskywalkers wrote is totally worth checking out on their ff.net page. It’s a long (26 chapter) fic which I recommend sitting down and reading fully. There’s a LOT I could say about this fic, but I don’t want to spoil people. Every character from the ninja to Wu and Garmadon are written so goddamn well in this. I think I cried reading the last few chapters. Please read this
Once again, very sorry that I’m like, three days late to posting for the Fic Rec week. I have been very busy 😭 but I really wanted to get my recommendations posted and out there for you guys to see!
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gotafewtricks · 8 months
Omg hellooo!
Hc's for an oni reader? The shimadas (plus kiriko) meet such a muscle mommy reader as she's taller and obviously has mad muscles as well as horns. I imagine it like the demon hanzo and oni genji and maybe witch kiriko?
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★ Meeting an oni
Aww, hey !! & thank you for the request !! I'm unsure what you meant on the last sentence, but I presume you meant an oni reader with demon!Hanzo, oni!Genji, and witch!Kiriko? Or just referring to how similar they are, in essence? I'll try to write both versions:3
But, this request is so unique; I hopefully do it justiceee<3
★ Hanzo
Hanzo was no stranger to the spirits, considering his clan found pride in their kinship with dragons. The superstitious essence that enriched the Shimadas' family life feels as if it was something straight out of a fictitious reality for them, but the idea of such was not outlandish. Occupations within the more religious communities of Japan were reliant on someone's belief, for reasons that do not need to be explained. Even if Hanzo was not one to study among the field in his own leisure, ghosts, and among which of those are yōkai, have owned a special place of respect in his heart.
I like to believe that the dragons expressed in his ultimate, and in Genji's, are spirits themselves—even though there are popular theories surrounding that they may just be a channel of energy through technology; I just want to look cool and make the story more interesting by introducing another very well-known idea that they are actually sentient. Think of Kiriko's kitsune companion, in a way.
Although, Hanzo was not exactly ready to meet such a hulking figure before him.
I do not write Hanzo the best as I do with his brother and Kiriko, but I do believe that his reaction would be rather varied. He is extremely used to the spirits, as he has grown accustomed to them, and it feels natural, almost. I'd say that, due to his upbringing within his family, being rather forced into such a position to be made comfortable with those ideas.
Upon your arrival, Hanzo did feel his breath hitch at just how tall you were. It wasn't a foreign concepr for him to be shorter than a person, even if he was of a formidable height—many, many others were vast in their stature. With your strong appearance, he knew that you could've easily have bench pressed triple his weight. Hanzo doesn't know either to be flustered with the thought, or intimidated. He takes it as his cue to feel both.
If we are talking more in terms with a more demonic Hanzo, the archer would still feel those very same emotions. In one hand, he knew to take you seriously—given that you could easily overpower him in a physical scenario. In the other, he was reassured by the safety of his range, knowing his excellence in his bow was an advantage. There was something nagging at him, however, for always thinking about those more violent outcomes. The more he would look over your well-built body, the more he could feel his face flush; lying to himself that he's just trying to study his opponent.
★ Genji
Similar to Hanzo's scenario, Genji is no stranger to the world of yōkai. Him and his dragon companion held a very, very tight bond together; not viewing the lessons and morals the male had to learn over all of those years as boredom, however, a better understanding of the spirit. As Genji would practice further sparring in the comfort of a training session in the comfort of his own solitude, the philosophy he has earned from sharpening his mentality has later enriched his relationship with the dragon.
On occasion, he would also see the fox spirit trail alongside Kiriko, knowing that it was taking care of the girl. Even if most of Genji's interactions with the apparition were of mischevious intent, he knew better not to underestimate the power of the kitsune; their wisdom spanning across multiple generation's length of centuries.
Upon meeting you, the ninja would take a moment to study your physique, and depending on if he was truly in the mood to jab a few playful sayings here and there, Genji would ask for your exercising routine. He's seen how people in the modern times have grown to be so exponentially tall; and with the amount of muscles you have, he couldn't help but feel rather jealous over the fact you were in such great shape. Plus, being seen as smaller was something Genji would often laugh at to himself, but it was something you could always tease him about it later.
Regarding yōkai and their mystical properties, Genji ought to know better than to view it as anything different. He was a cybernetic ninja, after all—he is still human, and still Genji, but he did not choose this body of his. As much as he would be taken aback, considering you do not meet the demons that horror movies love to accentuate every day, he would make a genuine effort to get to know you better. You couldn't help but notice how he would be fascinated with your horns.
If he is an oni himself, however, things would be different, in the sense of meeting another one of his kind. Also, different in the sense that the author knows jackshit about writing Genji in this form, so please forgive them for whatever out of character mess this could escalate to. You cannot see it behind his mask, but the smile in both his eyes and on his face could tell a person that he's very interested—and would love to see what you could really do. He'll try to paraphrase his words to make it seem as if he isn't begging you to spar with him; his tone giving away his true emotion laced through his dialogue—his eagerness.
★ Kiriko
With her background with her grandmother introducing her to the ideas of the spirits, and with Kiriko being familiar with the work that shrine maidens have such high responsibilities of—she has substantial knowledge about the subject. Through performing specific rituals, either that is studying how the ancient Japanese would go about them, or guiding these events herself; the woman would then have a better awareness in regards to the yōkai. As she does surround herself with friends who have kinship to these mythological legends, it's difficult for Kiriko to be surprised with these sorts of events.
As she knows that there are malicious spirits out to target the good will of other's, thus, that being another reason why she is trying her hardest ro train, not to better herself—but for the people that she has sworn to protect. Whenever she laid sights on you, however, she tries to gauge her reaction based on the actions that you were to lay out, at first. Kiriko knows a thing or two about judging others based on their looks alone, considering she gets underestimated with her being a young adult in such a high-stakes type of environment nearly 24/7.
She would be more openly joking about it, not in a way to ever be derogatory or to be offensive ok any shape or form. Rather, making verbal comments to herself. These would mostly be her voicing her opinions on your build, and she would be lying that if seeing your form does make her a bit self-conscious of her stature. Kiriko would be very interested, and she would try to see it as more of a challange to try and best you out of different regimens—either in sports, exercising, etc.; Kiriko knew damn well that if she ever wanted to each the top shelf of anything, she'd need to as for your assistance—making herself feel as if she was a child all over again.
With witch Kiriko (rather, fortune teller), the girl would be pleasantly surprised to come across an oni; it's not the most outlandish thing that she's seen. The familiarity with your kind would somehow put Kiriko at ease, as she can easily predict what coukd happen next with you. She says that it's because of her expertise in her abilities as an oracle, trying to boast her skills in front of you. You may think she is trying to get another customer to pay for a vague, "foretold" explanation of their time ahead. However, she just wants to try to show off in front of you; as she needs to do something to distract her mind—Kiriko knows it's rude to stare, after all. Even if she could look at you for hours, at least.
Though, rest assured, Kiriko already knows what lies ahead in store for her; as the future certainly has you in it.
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donutsupremacy · 1 year
Muscle head
"After the Vision Hunt Decree's sucessfully abolishment, your dear beloved big brother has the opportunity to see you after what felt like decades... It sure is a surprise to see you with someone else."
Reader is Arataki Itto's little sibling
Fluff fluff fluff very fluffy
Reader having a vision is not mentioned, but can be read as still having one or not anyway
Protective but still goofy itto
A/N: I started playing HSR, I'd write fics for my lovely Gepard or soon to be husbando Luka, but I didn't pay attention to the lore enough lol
Your romance begins here
"He should be here..." You muttered, your clawed fingers rapidly tapping against the surface of the smooth wooden table. "Soon?... Maybe? Hopefully?"
You leaned outwards from your seat to scan the streets once more, frantically looking around for the familiar white haired male you knew as your older brother. However, the bustling streets of Port Ormos had no signs of the red Oni anywhere.
An annoyed sigh erupted from your lips, slumping onto your wooden chair in defeat. "I hope he didn't get caught in the storm... or the boat sunk..."
"Haven't you heard of the word 'Jinx' before?" The grey haired man sitting across from you asked, setting his book down and crossing his arms. "If you keep naming each and every negative outcome that had a reasonable chance to actually occur—"
"Yeah, yeah... It might happen..." You sulked, moping in your seat like a kicked puppy. And that was exactly his image of you, a sad, cute and lost puppy wimpering in it's seat across from him.
Alhaitham planted two fingers on the hard covered book, sliding it over to you. "Your brother will arrive eventually. If it helps to calm that endlessly chaotic mind of yours down, occupying it by reading something to your preferences will help greatly."
You took the book, flipping it to see the title. "Eh? Since when were you into Inazuman related stuff?" You asked, seeing the familiar picture of a purple and green baring it's sharp fangs at eachother, the title above written as; 'The Serpent and Drakes of Tokoyokoku'.
"Don't you remember? Back when you first arrived in Sumeru's Akademiya?" He asked, prompting you to recall that fateful encounter with the male.
The tall bright ceiling towered over you with lights that could blind anyone if they stared at it too long, rows of bookshelves displaying a variety of reading material, students either standing next to said bookshelves or sitting by themselves, engrossed in their studies.
The interior design was no laughing matter. It was so simple, yet, modern compared to your usual Inazuman designs that you were used to. So much plant life... and books.
You blinked in confusion, you didn't think the House of Daena would be this big. You felt like a small insignificant spec of dust in this room, and quite lost too.
"Eh... how in the world am I going to find that—"
"Standing around here and whining about getting lost instead of asking around for help isn't the best idea." A stoic voice spoke behind you, causing you to jump before turning around. "Oh. You're an Oni."
You touched your horns, but the markings on your face were pretty obvious too. "Uhh, yeah, i'm an Oni! My name's [Full Name]!" You chirped, offering him a handshake.
He stares at it for a second, with a blank expression, before eventually giving you a single firm handshake. "Alhaitham. You're from [Darshan], aren't you?"
"Eh? How'd you know?" You asked in shock, only for it to dissipate into embarrassment when he pointed at the book held closely to your chest, which had the Darshan's logo imprinted on the cover.
"Isn't the Vision Hunt Decree still ongoing? How did you get past Inazuma's borders?" He asked, crossing his muscular arms. He was way more muscular than your kin. "And you dropped this on the way in the House of Daena."
He hands you 'The Serpent and Drakes of Tokoyokoku', you thanked him before explaining your decision to leave Inazuma was long before the decree was implemented. You dearly missed your brother, but he respected your decision nonetheless. It was your dream to enter the Akademiya, after all, why would he want to crush it?
And as you continued to explain it, you weren't aware of his focused gaze on you.
You were cute when you ramble endlessly.
You giggled fondly to yourself, your legs swaying back and forth childishly underneath the table. "Yeah! Yeah! I didn't think you'd... ah..." You felt your cheeks flare up, hiding the bottom of your flushed face with the book.
"Didn't take a romantic interest in you because of our personalities clashing? Let's be bonest, no one would. But..." He reaches over and holds your hand, smiling affectionately at you. And he rarely smiles. "Your little ramblings weren't the only thing attracting me to you."
You melted when he brought your hand up to kiss your knuckle, something he knew would make you swoon without fail.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Port Ormos, stood a white haired male and his pet bull. "Uhhhh, hey, did we take a wrong turn near that rock we saw? I feel like we should've taken a left instead of a right... I don't see little [Nickname] anywhere, and we are in Port Ormos, right?" Itto asked, the little bull responding with an equally confused 'Moo'.
"Eh, we'll find our way there. There's a sibling out there waiting for us! Let's roll, Ushi!" Itto marched towards a random direction, his head held high despite receiving many confused looks.
Alhaitham stared at the white haired man walk by without realizing he had accidentally ignored his little sibling, who also didn't realize he was here. 'Certainly related.' He thought as you continued to descrive your brother's appearance, all the while neither of you realized the other was nearby.
He didn't bother using his words, only leaning across the table and held your chin. Flustered, you stumble over your words and froze in your seat. "A-Alhaitham?..." You whispered softly, your heart pounding against your ches—
"Oh! Itto!!" You cried as soon as he turned your head to face the said male nearby. Hearing your voice, the Oni turned around to see you enthusiastically waving at him. "Little [Nickname]!! Hah! See, Ushi? I told you Oni can sense eachother nearby!" He exclaimed proudly before running towards you,
With the grey haired scribe behind you, you ran towards your brother and jumped into his arms. "How's my lil' [Nickname] doing? It feels like an entire decade went by since I last saw you! You've grown so tall!"
"Speak for yourself!... Oh, hi Ushi!" You greeted, giving the little bull a chin scratch. "Man, I have so much I wanna talk about! But how's the gang? Any new rare beetles you caught? Is miss Shinobu still taking good care of you?" You asked, bombarding him with one question after another.
All the while, Alhaitham was silently reading the book and standing behind you, wondering how you could tolerate that boisterous laugh of his since birth.
"Relaaaaax, my lil' compadre. I know you wanna know all about my super cool adventures and how the Arataki "Shogun Slayer" Itto took on the Almighty Raiden Shogun all by himself!" Itto boasted, basking in your praises.
Alhaitham stared at you in disbelief for actually believing in this obvious lie. Then again, there's a reason why you're both related.
"If I recall, it was the traveller who defeated the electro archon. They're also the reason why the Vision Hunt Decree was sucessfully abolished and lifted Inazuma's border." Alhaitham suddenly spoke, closing the book and crossing his arms.
The white haired male's eyes widened at his built figure, his arms were far more muscular than his, the suit he wore hugged his body tightly and showed off his abs. Who in the world is this guy and what kind of training regiment did he go through!?
"Ohh, right! Taki', this is Alhaitham! My boyfriend—"
"BOYFRIEND!?" He yelled, his voice echoing loudly in the air.
Alhaitham only blinked, unfazed by the Oni's sudden outburst and the many eyes staring curiously at the scene. All the while you shrank under their gaze, smiling sheepishly at the grey haired male who gave you the usual blank expression.
"Hold up, hold up, hold up. Since when did you start dating!?... And why him!?" He asked, his eyes hurt and betrayed. You winced internally, you haven't seen those puppy doll eyes since you left Inazuma.
"T-Taki', don't get upset. We... just got together pretty recently, right, haitham'?" You asked, your eyes gazing into his for help. Alhaitham, though knowing that was an obvious lie, only sighed and lazily nodded in agreement.
He doesn't care if your relationship with him was publicly announced, so as long as he doesn't end up getting more work just because he's taken. But, it seems like this would be a tiring reunion for him.
"As for why we... starting datin—"
"Is it because of his muscles!?"
Alhaitham barely flinched when the white haired male suddenly grabbed his wrist, lifting his arm up and gesturing to his biceps. "Look at him! He's absolutely beefy! As a preeeetty buffed dude myself, it ain't a surprise when there's a fan club dedicated to the One and Oni! Everyone loves a dude with muscles!... How did you get so buff anyways? You better not lay a hand on my lil' [Nickname]!"
"[Name]'s dating me for a reason. They wouldn't have continued our relationship if it they held no romantic feelings towards me. Besides, it doesn't benefit me whatsoever if I harm them. There's a reason why I chose them as my [S/O]... because I truly do love them.." Alhaitham stated, his eyes— though normally cold and unfeeling, was full of affection and love as he stared at you.
Itto stumbles over his words, waving his clawed hands around frantically. "Benefit this, benefit that, yeah, yeah, whatever. What if they run into some... I dunno, some dangerous dudes!? You—"
"Well then, what can I do to reassure you that I won't?" Alhaitham interrupted. "I don't exactly need to seek for your approval of our relationship, nor would I let them be harmed in any way. But if it helps to ease your mind, let me know how I can 'prove' myself to you."
Just to make you happy, he'll satisfy this... guy.
The white haired man blinked, processing his proposal. His eyes stared at his muscular figure for a minute, tapping his chin with squinted eyes as he thought of an idea. "Heh, well, you said you would protect em', right? Wanna make a bet on that?"
Itto cracks his knuckles, his arms bulking up slightly while showing a toothy grin. Despite having smaller biceps compared to Alhaitham, the male thought of him as a small fry. "I challenge you to an Onikabuto Battle Royale!"
He presents the brightly coloured bug in his fingers, small legs swimming in the air aimlessly. Alhaitham blinked, raising an eyebrow at the obvious fact that he doesn't have an Onikabuto.
"Ohh, hi there lil' guy! What's his name?" You asked, playing with it's legs. A giggle left your lips as it's nuzzles your finger, seemingly showing you affection.
"Say hello to my new compadre; The Sibling-Oni-Bonder-Boyfriend-Breaker!" Itto announced, presumably making up the name on the spot, you only continued to play with the bug while your boyfriend smirked a little.
"Aww, he's adorable!... Except Haitham' doesn't have one... We're in Sumeru, not Inazuma." You sheepishly stated.
"Bah!— Pssh, yeahahaha! I know. I know. And since he doesn't have one, he forfeits! And i'm the forever unbeatable champ of Onikabutos!" The Oni exclaimed, puffing out his chest proudly and smirking to himself.
"How about this—" Alhaitham walks back to the table, removing one of his sleeves before rolling his shoulder. Your face flushed, his muscles flexing at every movement almost effortlessly. "—Lets just get this over with. Fairly and quickly."
Propping his elbow on the table, Alhaitham nods at his opened hand, gesturing at the seat for your brother. "Oh! An arm wrestle, huh? Hah, rookie mistake! I'm also known as 'The Undefeated Arm Wrestling Champion'! Get ready to lose!"
To be fair, Alhaitham disliked physical challenges, opting for more intellectual-related games. But to not upset you and your brother, he decided it would be more fitting for something small and physical.
Without missing a beat, he takes his seat across Alhaitham, locking hands and fingers with the male. You jogged over excitedly, taking a seat in the middle as to not upset either one of them. You loved them equally and dearly, it kind of hurts to see your brother acting so dramatic about your love life.
But you understand, after all, you've only got eachother.
You hold their locked hands, deciding to be an unbiased referee. Itto smirks confidently, gripping the table for stability with his other hand as Alhaitham did the same. "Ready?~ Three, two, one... go!"
Letting their hands go, it (unsurprisingly) came as a shock when Itto's hand was slammed onto the table with a soft but audible thud. "Gaaah!" The Oni yelped, nearly thrown off his chair.
Alhaitham released the male's hand, his muscles twitching a little under your gaze. It never fails to make you flush, and that blush never fails to make him amused.
"Wah?? Heyheyhey waitwaitwaitwait... you were by like— one second early! That's not fair at all! C'mon, let's go again. And this time; I won't be going easy!" He rubs his wrist and goes back to the same position earlier, waiting for your boyfriend to accept his rematch.
Alhaitham looked at you with bored eyes, he didn't want this pointless shenanigan to drag on endlessly. You grinned sheepishly, mouthing 'One more round?' to him.
He stared at you, brows furrowed and wanting to decline... but, it seems your puppy dog eyes never fail as he begrudgingly locked hands with the Oni once more.
And he sure regrets agreeing to this rematch.
"Best out of 57!" The white haired Oni exclaimed once more, gripping his sore wrist and rotating his near tired hand, the faint sound of his bones cracking made you cringe.
Alhaitham, on the other hand, leaned back and rolled his eyes. "How long do you want this to drag on for?" He asked, voice a little dry.
You gave him a cup of water, guilt eating you up for asking your boyfriend to accept every rematch. You looked at your still determined brother, who's still begging for one more round. "Itto..." You moved your chair closer to his, wraoping your arms around his slightly muscular ones. "Haitham's tired... C'mon, just let this go? For me?"
"Seriously, why'd you pick this dude to take care of you?... Am I not good enough?" He asked, voice growing softer at the end as he stared at you with glossy eyes.
You sighed, enveloping him in a hug. "Now, when did I ever say that? You're my one and Oni big brother, you have a special place in my heart because we've been through a lot."
You heard a quiet sniffle, his shoulder shaking a little. "There, there... You can let it out." You reassured softly, patting his back. It bring you memories of when he'd do the same, the days where you'd trip over a rock clumsily and bawled our eyes out as he cuddled you while reassuring he'd 'Take revenge on the rock'.
"I... I'm not gonna cry. I'm a man!" He croaked out, you pulled away and already seeing tears streaming down his face. "I just miss you, lil [Nickname]... I don't wanna lose you to this weirdo!"
Alhaitham coughed into fist, before taking another sip of water whilst you pout at him. "You won't, big bro... And he won't do anything bad, I guarantee it!... Besides, if I ever get a vacation, i'll always visit you in Inazuma!... If Alhaitham joins me?...."
You slowly turned to Alhaitham, showing him the best puppy eyes you could muster. Which— you didn't need to out much effort in anyways. "A vacation is a vacation. Less work for me, more time to be with you. As long as I can rest in a quiet, solitary place with you. You may be a handful, but at least you know how to handle yourself well and I don't have to bother cleaning up any mistakes you might've left for me."
Itto visibly narrowed his eyes, but noticing how happy you looked when he agreed and how he doesn't hesitate in doing whatever you want— You both truly love eachother.
Even if Alhaitham sounds stern, cold and unpleasant, you don't seem bothered by it at all.
"...Fine, i'll let him be your man. But you better take good care of them if i'm not around! This Oni's got a lotta work goin' on with the gang back in Inazuma, so I can't always visit you in Sumeru." Itto said, puffing up his chest proudly.
"No problem! Since the decree's been removed, we can write letters more frequently! But we'll worry about that later... I wanna show you some mushrooms we can play with!" You exclaimed, tugging your brothers arms, your eyes filled with childlike excitement.
"No way! You talkin' about those bouncy mushrooms! Wnat are we waiting for? Let's roll!" Itto yelled, punching the air with a fist while you looked at Alhaitham.
"...Sitting this one out, my energy is needed for some paperwork back at home." Alhaitham explained, dreading the loads of unnecessary projects asking for approval. Most of which might've come from his blonde roommate.
You shrugged, running over to his side and pecking his cheek before dragging your brother away to a spot where there were plenty of bouncy mushrooms. "If you're too tired, you can share the workload with me!" You exclaimed, before running off with Itto.
As Alhaitham stared at the two of you running off to who knows where, the corner of his lips slowly tugged upwards. "Have fun, love. Reliable as you are, there's no need to worry about the paperwork, i'll handle them all today. Just prioritise on your happiness and his."
Perhaps that contagious smile of yours was another thing he was attracted to.
A/N: Ahahrhquabix I had this sitting in draft for a while and wanted to finish this once and for all. Took a break for my mentality after losing another 50/50. (5 Losses back to back to back to back to back ;-;) Spent 145 wishes and only got 1 Kazoot, AND HERE I THOUGHT THE RNG GODS WOULD THROW ME AND BONE BECAUSE I WANTED C2 KAZOOT BUT GOT C1 KEQING INSTEAD—
Gl and may all of you [Desired character] wanters be [Desire character] havers <3
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rui-ayaki-lower5 · 11 months
So because mod can't find the original tally post heres a new one that has been updated... "X" means there are none on here yet...Also mod insisted on using first and last names to avoid confusion among those from alternate dimensions and timelines, if either is unlisted it is because it has not been revealed yet...And for those that are Un-named mod has been coming up with names for them and will be listed in parentheses.
Kamaboko squad:
Tanjiro Kamado: /////-//// (9)
Nezuko Kamado: /////-// (7) (how the-?)
Zenitsu Agatsuma: /////-/ (6)
Inosuke Hashibira: /////-/ (6)
Murata: / (1)
Kanao Tsuyuri: ////- (4)
Genya Shinazugawa: /////- (5)
Giyuu Tomioka: /////-/////-/// (13) (nopenopenopenopenope-)
Shinobu Kocho: /////-/////-/////- (15) (NOPE)
Kyojuro Rengoku: /////-/////-// (12)
Tengen Uzui: /////-// (7)
Mitsuri Kanroji: /////-/////-///// (15)
Muichiro Tokito: /////-/// (8)
Obanai Iguro: ///// (5)
Sanemi Shinazugawa: /////- // (7)
Gyomei Himejima: /////-/ (6)
Former Hashira:
Sakonji Urokodaki: / (1)
Jigoro Kuwajima: / (1)
Kanae Kocho: ////- (4)
Shinjuro Rengoku: / (1)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni: /////-///// (10) (oh HELL NO)
Kakushi & Other demon slayer core adjacent:
Sabito: //// (4)
Makomo: /// (3)
Kiriya Ubuyashiki: X
Kanata Ubuyashiki: X
Kasugai crows: / (1)
Hotaro Haganezuka: /// (3)
Yushiro: X
Tamayo: /// (3)
Chachamaru: / (1)
Ukogi/ "Chuntaro": X
Kakushi: / (1)
Kagaya Ubuyashiki: /////- // (7)
Sumi Nakahara: X
Naho Takada: X
Kiyo Terauchi: X
Aoi Kanzaki: // (2)
Kozo Kanamori: X
Makio Uzui: // (2)
Suma Uzui: /// (3)
Hinatsuru Uzui: /// (3)
Amane Ubuyashiki: X
Kotetsu: X
Kaburamaru: X
Hinaki Ubuyashiki: X
Nichika Ubuyashiki: X
Civilians/Slayer's Non-slayer Family Members:
Kie Kamado: X
Takeo Kamado: X
Hanako Kamado: / (1)
Shigeru Kamado: X
Rokuta Kamado: X
Udon salesman: / (1)
Tanjuro Kamado: / (1)
Ruka Rengoku: / (1)
Senjuro Rengoku: /////- (5)
Sumiyoshi Kamado: X
Suyako Kamado: X
Sumire Kamado: X
Kyogo Shinazugawa: X
Shizu Shinazugawa: X
Sumi Shinazugawa: X
Teiko Shinazugawa: X
Hiroshi Shinazugawa: X
Koto Shinazugawa: X
Shuya Shinazugawa: X
Yuichiro Tokito: / (1)
Mr.Tokito: X
Mrs.Tokito: X
Uta Tsugikuni: // (2)
Tsutako Tomioka: / (1)
Kotoha Hashibira: // (2)
Muzan Kibutsuji: /////- /////-/ (11) (i didn't say it mod did)
Kyogai: / (1)
Rui Ayaki: //// (4) (including myself)
Kamanue: / (1)
Mukago: / (1)
Wakuraba: X
Nakime Otokawa: /////- (5)
Rokuro: X
Enmu Tamio: /////-/////- / (11)
Akaza/Hakuji Soyama: /////-/////- / (11)
Daki/Ume Shabana: /////-/////-/////- (15) (how are there more of daki than gyutaro??? Im not complaining but-???)
Gyutaro Shabana: /////-/ (6) (how???)
Douma: /////-/////-/////-// (17) (why tf are there so many?!)
Gyokko: //// (4) (UGH as if one wasn't bad enough)
Hantengu: /// (3)
Kokushibo/Mitchikatsu Tsugikuni: /////-/////-//// (14)
Sekido: /////-// (7)
Karaku: /////-// (7)
Aizetsu: /////-// (7)
Urogi: /////-// (7)
Zohakuten: /////-/ (6) (how????)
Urami: // (2) (how?????)
Kaigaku Inadama: //// (4)
Hairo: X
Ubume: X
Temple demon: X
Hand demon (Takumi): X
Swamp demon: X
Susumaru: / (1)
Yahaba: X
Tongue demon (Shun): X
Horn demon (Ryōta): X
Spider mother (Miu): // (2)
Spider father (Taiki): X
Spider brother (Masami): X
Spider sister (non-ponytail) (Rini): / (1)
Spider sister (ponytail) (Oni): / (1)
Slasher: X
Snake demon: X
Flute demon: X
Demon adjacent civilians & Family:
Mrs.Ayaki (Tori Ayaki): X (😭)
Mr.Ayaki: X (😭)
Koyuki Soyama: / (1) (akaza-san please remember there are a lot of you and only one of her and all of you love her equally)
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What's the deal with Kaoru?
Welcome to the “I should be working on my fic but instead I think about Kaoru” of the day!
I do not hide it, Kaoru is my poor little mew mew, my pathetic wet gremlin. He makes everyone’s life harder in Hakuouki (when allowed) and it would be the understatement of the century to say that there is something wrong with him. But, this is not what I want to discuss, or at least I don't want to discuss what's wrong with his mind. No, I want to discuss what is wrong with Kaoru as a oni. Kaoru is a pure blood oni in Hakuouki, and yet no one in the story seems to acknowledge this fact and the worldbuilding itself seems to ignore it.
So what's the deal with Kaoru? (there might be a following post later, once I have finished my playthrough of Hakuouki: Fleeting blossom of the dawn, for now I am basing this mainly on the movies and the anime)
Let's start with the basics of what we know. Kaoru is Chizuru's older twin (and seeing how much they look alike I really doubt they are the third secret kind of twins that can have different parents).
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(I mean look at this: Souji is demonstrating it for us)
This means that Kaoru is a pure blood oni as much as she is. Yet, in both anime and movies we never seen him turn into his oni form before drinking the Ochimizu. It could be that he never had any good reason to do so. Indeed, other pure blood onis do not turn often and Chizuru herself does not turn at all (not even a beginning of transformation) in the anime. Besides, we see him use oni powers: healing abilities, supernatural speed (or mild teleportation?), wind control?, etc. Yet, you get this feeling that contrary to Kazama who is naturally superior/on even field with the best/most motivated of the rasetsu in his oni form, Kaoru needs to take the Ochimizu to catch back to both Kazama and the best rasetsus. The only time we see him transform in a "oni" form in the movies is after he drank it and he has characteristics of both oni (horns) and rasetsu (red eyes).
Furthermore, Nagumo Kaoru was born Yukimura Kaoru and yet no one seems to recognize him as the heir to the Yukimura legacy despite him being Chizuru's older twin brother. No one ever calls him Yukimura Kaoru! And to this I must add that apparently Chizuru's blood is necessary for Kodo's little rasetsu kingdom, yet he has Kaoru's active support (or are they partners? I personally headcanon that Kaoru thinks of each other as partners without really trusting Kodo and Kodo is manipulating Kaoru). True, fraternal twins are not closer genetically than any other siblings (and generally speaking brother-sister twins are fraternal except if they are the fourth kind of secret twins) so Kaoru might not just have what it takes, but still it is odd to see this three things together.
So, to go back on our original question let’s propose some hypothesis on what's the deal with Kaoru. These hypothesis are that, hypothesis, and they are not mutually exclusive. Also do not hesitate to tell me your thoughts on the matter:
The Yukimura clan is matriarcal (I don't know if Toki no Kizuna: Sekigahara Kitan gave extra info on this?), meaning that Kaoru is not considered the heir because he was never the heir. It is not impossible but seeing how Kazama treats Chizuru in the original anime I going to make a not so wild guess and say that not all demon clans are matriarcal.
Kaoru was officially adopted by the Nagumos and he can't just be a Yukimura again. Besides, after killing apparently everyone/most people (☺️) in the Nagumo clan, he became its new official head so maybe the oni world does not accept plurality of offices.
Not all pure blood onis are equal in their gifts and powers. Kaoru is just naturally weaker than some (one the headcanons I am following in my fic).
Oni powers must be trained to develop properly (an other headcanon I am following in my fic) and no one bothered to teach Kaoru or he was purposely sabotaged by the Nagumos.
The Nagumos clan did something pretty bad (understatement of the century) to him that eventually made him weaker. I am thinking experiments here.
Here are the potential answer I have found for what's the deal with Kaoru. What do you think of them? Do you have other hypothesis?
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q-ueen-potato · 1 year
Thing I made for my Stolen Throne AU.
There are the 'extinct' species that lived on the Red Line during the void century on my AU.( 'extinct' is written like that because some still there descendents until the current time bit not 'pure-blood'. Also not added the Lunarians because they are canon species)
SOLARIANS: The solarians are the species that lived alongside the lunarians, they had big wings and horns. There discussions about the origins of they, some saying they are the results of the mixing of Lunarians and Onis and others that they are the precursors of said species. The main family are Drayce family, ancestors of the clan of D . Head at the time: Queen Moh-Key Drayce of Marijoise.
PHEONIX: The pheonixes are humanoid beings with feathers for hair and around their faces and limbs, they could also turn into a full bird form. They are taller than an average human and their bird form are at the side of the imperial eagle. Head of the time: Queen Amara Kafsi of Oreas. Another important person was Caleb Kafsi, Queen's Amara half brother and Moh-key's future husband
VAMPIRE: The Vampire are pale(not white, pale like a corpse) beings, they had a slow heartbeat and are know for their yellow eyes. They drink blood and eat raw meat. Are agile and sensible to sunlight(wouldn't kill them but make they sick). They also had a Island in the granline as part of their domains. Their life span was around 200 years old and they didn't age too much after some age. Head at the Time: Empress Persephone Sângerare of Sangria.
FEY: The fey are fairy like beings. They are small but taller than the tontatta being around 120cm–140cm. They are really know for their precision in shooting and their ability to hide. They had insect wings with the royal family having butterfly ones. They all could talk with the nature using the voice of all things. Head at the time: King Realta Bryn of Ardeen.
MUSE: The muses are a music, stories and science guied people, they are know for their bright red hair and purple eyes. They are not all female as some believe. They come after their founders the nine muses and for that they chose a path. Like if some are science aligned they said that 'they follow the path of Urania' or if they are music aligned that "they follow the path of Euterpe/Erato'. They are aways rulled by a triad. Heads at the time: The triad Lyric Aria( follower of the path of Erato), Cosmos Ananta (Follower of the path of Urania) and Opera Miseri (Follower of the path of Melpomene) of Helikon.
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