#onenote studyblr
a-fox-studies · 4 months
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Feburary 23, 2024 • Friday
I revised a little bit of my PyQt notes, hoping to make more progress tomorrow.
I've decided to just look up free courses out of my knowledge base on the internet and read them like encyclopaedias like I used to in my childhood with actual encyclopaedias lol. I love acquiring knowledge.
I unearthed a premade planner that I got as a gift for my 17th birthday, covered in fungus (eek) so I had to fix that. I used it to plan my daily things and its a lot easier to have it on paper rather than trying to remember it all.
Hoping for more productivity tomorrow :)
🎧 So it goes — Taylor Swift
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p-m-chiroro · 2 months
Things to do during short a study break
Get some water
Scroll through tumblr
Eat a fruit
Imagine yourself giving a speech after winning a prize
Stand in the sun
Interact with your pets
Make some coffee
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himmelstudies · 2 years
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24 November 2022
Brain dumping as i cram for my imaging paper. It works really well for me and I am better understanding how the medical devices work to perform their specific function.
P.s. this is in my head cos of the flipping of spin components using a 180 degrees rf pulse, this resonates with my current cramming topic so well 🥲
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8-bitdyke · 10 months
i wanna digitalise my notes this year but idk which program 2 use … if anyone has any recommendations hmu !!
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silverfroot · 3 months
12 Y.O. Samsung tablet and notes on a train.
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Physiology notes on #OneNote
Had to change the android version to a pirate one and it's running easily everything except adobe pdf reader (SHAME ON YOU! AGAIN AND AGAIN!). Proving programed obsolescence is a THING, even the battery life improved.
This tablet is completely okay and was given to me because apps wasn't running on it. My pirate android proved that the tablet is still good. Big tech corporations are the ones that blocks the user from accessing technology without constantly spending money and resources on it.
God, I HATE capitalism...
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gusustudies · 2 years
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As school fast approaches, I've started organizing everything I need to make the transition a little bit easier. I've decided to use Notion as my primary organization system this year, though I'll keep using OneNote for all notetaking purposes. Setting everything up on Notion was really fun, and I'm loving the layout so far.
I also started putting together and organizing everything for our Martial Arts club. As vice-president, I help manage things like our student organization fair, lesson plans, and budget/wishlist planning. I'm super excited for this year, especially now that the club has found its feet after our first year.
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studentbyday · 9 months
ugh i literally just updated my computer yesterday why is it still so laggy
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sad-academicgirl · 2 years
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centerogravity · 1 year
i just spent like 2 hours making and decorating my ipad notion and then making a oneNote notebook for my next semester and i should feel productive but i dont lmao my head just hurts from looking at screens :(
i generally just write everything down in one notebook for classes and stuff but since im studying abroad i don’t wanna buy a bunch of stuff so im just gonna do ipad notes.
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Good Morning
Good Morning!
I know it’s the weekend, but i still try to study a bit everday because of my ADHD and chronic pains. 
The course I have this semester (and every semester until I graduate) has something I call “mini-courses” in them. This one has 12. In swedish we call them Delprov which basically translates to part-exams? So mini-courses sound better. 
Today (and yesterday) is going to be focoused on Mini-Course 8, Anatomy & Physiology. Seeing as Anatomy & Physiology is such a big topic, our teachers has decided to slpit it into two mini-courses ( 8 & 9). 
So right now, I have about 3 hourse of online lecture to cover about 
- The Cell 
- The Skin 
- Body tissues 
- Protein, Carbs & molekylies, lipids, enzyms 
And I want to try and get this over and done with today, and also see if I can combine some of my lecture notes in it. 
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Picture from yesterday when I began studying about the cell. 
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a-fox-studies · 1 year
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10th April 2023
Finally mastered the concept of Recycler View after rewatching, annotating and rereading for hours on end. My brain is exhausted lol.
Every day is a low-motivation day due to fasting, so I'm making sure I don't use up all my energy. I'll probably remarry the grind next month XD
Things I want to do today:
Finish Section 7 of the course and get an early headstart on Section 8
Work on my WIP a little
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b-courageous1010 · 11 months
Day 19: Digital Decluttering
So I am long overdue for digital decluttering. I recently mass-deleted emails for 2 of my older email addresses, and I’ve been unsubscribing to emails daily.
I also have been going through my photos and deleting useless screenshots. I started with over 3k pictures, and now I'm down to 1400. I went through this phase where I would screenshot every time I caught an Angel number, and the photos stacked up over time. I still want to get my pictures to a reasonable number. I also want to make use of sorting them into different folders so I can keep up with what I have.
Work Desktop
On my work computer, I archived all my old folders and started fresh with the PARA method, and I did the same thing with my OneNote. Archiving the information was helpful, especially with my OneNote, because I can retrieve old details as needed.
Outlook folders
So I went through my action folders to clear out useless emails and combine folders to simplify my system. While doing this, I identified folders that I could do without and started deleting ad emails. This made my inbox much more manageable, and I am confident I can find what I need.
Tumblr following
I’ve been on tumblr for over 10 years and at one point I was following 750 accounts. I started using the blog subs to start my dash over because I didn’t want to delete this account. I decided to reclaim my dash so I went through all the accounts I follow and it was interesting to look through all my phases. I went through an intense studyblr phase as well as being active in the cheer community (RIP, iykyk).
It was also interesting to see accounts I follow that have not been updated for years.
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iPhone storage
So I cleared out my browser history and deleted Tidal because it took up to 25GB?! Also thinking about upgrading my phone just for storage purposes. Plus, the back of my phone is cracked up, so it s a win-win.
Before decluttering, I felt like I was suffocating digitally. I had so many files that I had no idea what I had or who I was following, and it took up a good amount of my storage. My digital life now feels manageable, and I’m implementing habits to clear out my phone regularly. My world is in my phone and other electronics, so clearing it out feels like I can breathe again… digitally.
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monsterastudies · 2 years
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16 February 2022
Up bright and early for a family member's birthday and trying to get back into the swing of things with studying. I've been terribly slack over the past six weeks due to trying to figure out my health.
Started the morning with more summaries of notes for my Values and Ethics unit. Twelve days until the semester starts
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matuklas · 3 years
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life lately
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silverfroot · 3 months
OneNote! On my face all this time
I liked Notion, it has a design more Note-like than google docs (WICH I ABSOLUTELY LOVE, GOOD BLESSES)
But the lack of drawing tools was making me feel like I wasn't absorbing content. I've always studied by drawing a lot.
Then I saw a video of someone defending OneNote and when I opened it, it has drawing tools! FOR FREE!
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So I am just testing this tool about it's sync function. If it turns out fine, I am ready to incorporate advices I received here on Tumblr (THANK YOU GUYS, #Studyblr is the best!)
If not, well, I may do my best on Notion, whatever... It's getting late.
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melaschnie · 3 years
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Thursday, 15/04/2021
It's been a long, long time since I've been awake and ready to work at this time of day. A lot to do today, so let's hope waking up early was worth it!
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