#online vocal training program
raisevoice · 2 years
Website: https://www.raiseyourvoice.net.au/
Address: Peakhurst, NSW, Australia
Raise Your Voice by Lea Baker offers expert vocal coaching, helping students discover their free, authentic, well produced voice.
- What I Do:
I help people find their freely produced, efficient and authentic voice. I love to teach and empower students. Each singer is different, there is no 'one size fits all'. My sessions involve lots of physical and vocal explorations, positive reinforcement and lots of encouragement.
Using actors' voice training techniques, I help singers find freedom through embodying their voice and releasing unhelpful tension.
I believe ‘trying harder’ nearly always leads to vocal difficulties. When vocalists discover the power and range of natural, organic and instinctive sounds, they grow in confidence and ease - often discovering the voice they didn’t know they had!
I help those who rely on their speaking voice for their profession, such as teachers, public speakers and call centre workers (to name a few!), avoid vocal fatigue, become more engaging to their listeners and maintain a healthy voice.
- What I Offer:
Success in learning depends on finding the right Instructor; someone who knows the subject well and understands how you learn. My teaching style is practical, holistic, non-gimmicky, and based on science. Students learn how to sing or speak optimally. Clear specific language and examples are used, leading students on a self-discovery journey.  Everyone has a voice. My job is to help you release its full potential.
Here are the four philosophies I follow:
* Trying harder will almost always lead to a deterioration in vocal improvement. It’s finding the ease in vocal use that is the key. Less is often more.
* The most freely produced and authentic singing or speaking comes from your natural, organic and instinctive voice. Often it's noticing and releasing unhelpful vocal habits & muscle tension to find that voice.
* I believe learning is about self-exploration and discovery, with guidance from your voice coach. Doing what the teacher asks to gain their approval isn’t learning.
* Training at NIDA opened up a whole new world. Using acting voice training helps singers to feel and sense their voice, rather than just hear it.
Why choose me?
* I help the student discover for themselves with guidance and targeted techniques.
* I take the time to understand the mindset of the student towards their voice and address this in my coaching.
* I teach holistically – I teach the whole person, not just their voice.
* Students get clear explanations of the ‘why’ when to comes to voice usage.
* My Teaching is underpinned by a good understanding of the science and physiology of the voice.
* Finding the unhelpful habits or traits of the student and helping them rewire these.
* Experiential learning is key, helping students to discover for themselves, no “pleasing the teacher”.
* Learning is layered. What each particular student needs at this particular time. I don’t clutter them up with lots of ‘nice to know’ stuff - it's not about how much I know, it's about what the student needs to be a better singer, speaker or performer.
* Voice lessons are either online or in person (Covid safe).
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raisevoice/
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makuta-tobi · 1 year
Nat stared at her computer screen, cursor blinking in tandem with her heartbeat, so loud in her ears she may as well have been at a metal concert. Months she had worked on her project, skipping meals, staying awake until sunrise, and then a few hours more after that. Now she was a few keystrokes away from finally testing it. Cables ran from her ramshackle computer, meeting and mingling with others attached to a bank of hard drives, all spinning with uploads and downloads. On the inflatable mattress behind her, the fruits of her labour lay eerily still. With a deep, shaky exhale, she typed in the last few lines of code into her launcher, and pressed the enter key.
The whirring of the fans pointed towards the makeshift server seemed to drown out all other noise as the program executed. Then a series of smaller fans, a sharper sound than the box fan nearby, as they all sprang to life at once. Nat pressed her palms together as her creation came online. As servos activated and limbs went from rigid to an almost relaxed state, she couldn't help but whisper “it lives” to herself. The machine in front of her made a sudden jolt, and a light on the side of its head illuminated a pale white. Online and active. She twisted from her position on the floor to check her monitors and saw that all systems were operating nominally. Neural pathways were registering stimuli, artificial synapses were firing as thoughts began to form. It worked!
Nat placed her hand on the machine's upper back and guided it to a sitting position. She had been sure to feed the computer a good handful of data about herself, and the basics of knowledge in order to train the AI and make sure it didn't immediately shut down from overstimulation.
God knows I certainly would have, she thought to herself with an eyeroll.
“Are you awake?” her first question was more of a way to test the robot's speech recognition, its self evaluation, word association, and also to ensure that the vocal modulation was up to satisfactory conditions.
“I am awake,” it responded. The robot drew its arms closer to its torso and seemed to look around the room briefly, before turning its head to face Nat.
“Do you know who I am?” she asked, once again checking its recognition and perception.
“Natalie, you created and programmed me, I believe,” it tilted its head almost as though trying to determine if this was the correct answer. The data she had fed it before it woke up had included details about herself, photos and videos of her, vocal samples, and the AI was interpreting this information and comparing it to the details in front of it. The face, the voice, it all matched. But the robot seemed almost unsure, as if contemplating whether the information it had was incomplete. Perhaps it had been told that this person, whose face and voice it knew, was the one who built it, but that did not necessarily mean the information it had was true. Nonetheless, Nat smiled and nodded, and the robot's shoulders almost imperceptibly relaxed.
“That's right. I did create you, and I programmed you to be something new, but familiar. You have a lot of potential, and I'm glad to meet you.” The robot tilted its head at the framing of the statement.
“What potential do I have?” it asked. A curious mind, or simply a rudimentary AI probing for information to expand its knowledge set?
“You have multiple functions as yet unseen. All of you, from the smallest details of your body, to your quizzical mind, all are new ways to expand the experience of everyone.” When the robot did not respond right away, and simply looked down at its form, still sitting upright on the air mattress, she continued her explanation. “Your frame is designed with limb augments and prosthesis in mind,” she gestured to the carbon fiber metal that made up its hands and arms. “Your sensor suite is expected to replace the damaged vision or hearing of someone who has lost theirs. Your AI can expand and contain the breadth of knowledge and actually learn, instead of just regurgitate answers it had received beforehand.”
“What of this?” the robot touched the gray fleshy material covering its lower abdomen, stretching down to its thighs.
“That is actually two things. The first is a synthetic skin that can be created to replace basic skin grafts and other replacement techniques we currently have. The second is that the skin is used as a mount for artificial nerves that can replace damaged ones.”
The robot ran its hands over its body as she explained it. Fine black digits ran over smooth arms and shoulders, stroking across the lighter fake flesh that extended over parts of itself. It then raised its head and looked at her again, cocking its head to the side. In the black glass dome of its face, Nat could only see her own reflection, distorted like staring into dark water. She had always taken issue with the way her nose sat, or criticized that one eyebrow was higher than the other. The self deprecation had always come easy, but looking back at herself from this angle, it was like seeing herself anew, as she really was. When she had begun construction on the robot's exoskeleton so long ago, she had wondered if this would feel like interacting with her child for the first time, but now, she realized, it was more like talking to herself. She felt love for the machine in a way that was hard to quantify, and thus, she knew, she loved herself, in some weird, roundabout way.
“My design, my purpose, is for medical research, is that correct?” the robot asked. She saw, in her reflection, the corners of her mouth turn up in a smile that she liked seeing.
“Your design, yes. You were made with the intention of looking into a variety of medical advancements all at once, to see how they might interact with each other, as well as individually. But your purpose is for you to decide, once you find it. That might take some time, but I think all living things will eventually find it.”
“Am I alive?” the robot's question wasn't exactly unexpected, but it was quick to ask so bluntly.
“Scientifically, maybe not. Ethically, I'm sure some people would take issue with me trying to say otherwise, but realistically? In my mind? You move, you think, you have the potential to imagine, and dream, and exist here. I don't see why you couldn't consider that being alive.”
The robot nodded, its hidden visual sensors scanning Nat up and down, taking in the sight of what it could consider life, based solely on firsthand experience and not a dataset provided before it had even been conscious. Her dyed blonde hair had faded quite a bit since its last treatment, with longer dark roots peaking out. Her eye mascara was smudged, but the dark rings around her eyes framed her gray-blue irises almost ethereally. Her loose tank top draped across her body and hid her shape, and her shorts were stained with pen ink. In spite of her unkempt appearance, or perhaps because of it, the robot perceived, that this was life.
They both shook off the initial studiousness of their first interaction, and Nat turned to her computer, minimizing the command prompt window and revealing a program with a split screen. On one side, an image that appeared to resemble an approximation of a human brain structure. On the other, lines of data were being written and recorded, a text log of the robots experiences made legible.
“Before we get too existential,” Nat said almost wistfully, “we need to make sure your various systems are functioning the way they are intended to.” She turned back to the robot and handed it a ball. It appeared like a gel filled stress ball, and the robot took it, turning it over in its hand. “I just need you to give that a squeeze. Use your instincts and apply enough pressure to squish it, but not break it.”
The robot looked at the ball for a moment and squished it twice in its hand. The portions of the ball not covered by the robot's palm and fingers would expand briefly with the pressure, but would relax as soon as the pressure was let off. The robot then closed its fist around the ball, with the gel-filled portions blowing up to larger size, and it held that position. Nat jotted a note down on a piece of paper with her pencil and then nodded.
“Okay, you can go ahead and release it.” The robot relaxed its fingers and the ball returned to its normal shape. Nat took it and then turned to fully face the robot again. “Now I'm going to test the artificial nerves in the skin.” She pressed the eraser of her pencil against the gray flesh on the robot's hip and turned to look at her monitor. A portion of the brain image lit up. “Do you feel that?”
“Yes,” the robot answered curtly. Nat scribbled something else down on her note paper.
“Okay, now look over there,” she gestured with her pencil. She had to be sure that the sensation registration was due to the actual physical stimuli, and not the recognition that touching the spot should produce a registration. The robot turned its head to look in the direction she had indicated, and then she pushed down on the middle of its thigh. Again, she turned her head to look at the screen, and saw the same area of the brain image glowing. “Do you feel that?”
“Yes,” the robot answered again.
“Don't look, but show me where,” she said. Making sure that it could identify the location of the sensation was also important, so its spatial awareness was also under observation. The robot slid its hand over the skin and touched a single finger directly next to her pencil. A simple example of manual dexterity, which would certainly be tested later, but good to know. “Okay, now one more,” she said. Flipping her pencil around, she pressed the sharpened graphite into a spot near its groin, where the thigh and hip met. Even without seeing the pencil, the robot reacted stronger than she had anticipated. It jolted at the sudden sharp stimuli, and the hand that was still resting on its thigh clenched into a fist. She quickly withdrew the pencil from the skin.
“I'm so sorry!” her voice seemed almost panicked as she checked the monitor. Not only had it registered the sensation, but the synaptic response on the monitor showed a lingering feeling as it slowly dissipated. “How do you feel?” she turned her head back to look at the robot, which had returned its gaze to her.
“Warm,” it answered. She looked down to see that her hand was placed over the spot her pencil had poked, stabbed really, and that feeling was helping to calm the feeling in the robot. She exhaled, and pushed her bangs back. At least that much worked.
“I'm going to log your reactions so far, just a second.” Nat spun around on the floor, selecting a portion of the text that still scrolled across her screen and saving it in a separate folder. The robot tilted its head and examined the tattoo on her shoulder while she worked. A diamond butterfly unfurling its wings and escaping a cocoon made of coal on the back of her right arm. A little on the nose, to be sure, but her friends had assured her the imagery was lovely. Something beautiful and real coming out of a period of harsh change under tremendous pressure. It defined Nat's life, growing up in a family that was always standoffish, not fitting in for so long and not knowing why. Diagnosis after diagnosis making matters worse, while she struggled to find herself, becoming sloth, and finally discovering her own truth and breaking free of the old things. She still carried parts of her from before, but she was unrecognizable and planned to live her life the way that was best for her. None of this was necessarily spoken by the art itself, but the idea was still conveyed well enough.
“What is all this,” the robot said in a softer tone than it had been using, running its hand over the inked skin. None of the photos she had trained its recognition algorithm on had included the tattoo, apparently, and the robot only had a vague grasp of what it was. Instinctively, Nat's hand went up and she placed it over the robot's.
“It's a story, etched into my skin forever. It's art, something that makes me happy.”
“Can you do that? Make changes to yourself?” Nat laughed at the sudden question. The ink was the least of the changes she had ever made to herself.
“Yes, we all have these bodies, but the beautiful thing is that they're ours. We can generally do whatever we want with them.”
“Would I be able to do that?” the robot asked. It was a valid question, and had she been talking to a person, the answer would have been obvious. But the robot had been designed in a way that was different than a human. It had a similar shape, similar features, but it was made to do something entirely different, and because of that, the question was a bit more complex.
“Would that make you happy?” she decided to answer. The robot traced the wings of the butterfly gently with one finger.
“I don't know. Maybe,” it replied. Nat nodded.
“That's part of what I meant earlier, when I said you can find your purpose. If you want to make modifications, when you are ready, then perhaps you can.” There was a longer pause between the two as Nat saved the final file. She sat facing the screen for a moment, chewing the end of her pencil in thought. Once she had made up her mind, Nat pulled her mouse cursor up to a toggle that showed OFF and clicked it.
Honestly, fuck it, she thought, once again hearings her heart race in her ears, louder than before. If every other test is going off without a hitch, might as well try the last bit. Turning around again, she faced the robot once more. The two of them sat with their legs crossed in front of them, the robot obviously at some point copying Nat's posture, though whether the choice was subconscious or not wasn't immediately clear.
“There's one more feature you were designed with that I want to check out,” she said. The robot tilted its head, studying her slightly flushed face. “For a variety of reasons, sometimes specific body parts are needed to be replaced, or built from scratch, and our current technological advancement is not where it could be. So you were also designed with this feature in mind, to see if it was possible to make one that accurately mimics the natural human body response.” Nat swore she heard a drum solo as she placed her hands on the robot's knees. From its position on the air mattress, it had a slightly higher position than her, which was more than reasonable.
“What do you need to do to test this response?” the robot asked innocently. Nat kind of wished there was a little bit more deviousness to the inquiry, but that was fine. Maybe it would learn that behaviour later.
“Just relax,” she said, pressing one hand on its lower abdomen and pushing it back slightly, which it obliged and propped itself back on its hands. “I need to see how it all works.”
Nat ran her hands from the robot's knees down its inner thighs, which seemed to tense and then relax with her touch. Though it hadn't questioned it before, the robot was suddenly aware of an extra appendage on its body, smaller and slender. But as her fingertips traced small circles across its inner thighs, the additional part began, quickly, to swell. The robot initially believed it to be some sort of error, but the slight twinkle in Nat's eyes belayed this concern, and it watched as she began to press her lips to the inner, upper thigh portions of its skin. Each kiss sent a shock of reaction up the leg, to the groin where the part had become nearly fully erect, and then up to the robot's brain. Without knowing why, the robot clenched one of its hands against the mattress.
“It does react realistically,” Nat said. The robot seemed to shiver as she stopped. “That's good news, but there's a few other things I want to make sure work.”
“Like wh-!” the robot was cut off as Nat smirked and engulfed its cock in her mouth. The skin had the same feeling as human, and the heat it produced was comparable to any person, but the rush to Nat's head was far more exhilarating than any other time in her life. Her tongue ran over the tip and the robot's leg shook. She sucked it further into her mouth and she swore she heard the robot's internal fans kick up to compensate for the increased heat. She tried to steady herself, breathing through her nose as she bobbed her head up and down slowly on the robot's cock, feeling like it was melting on her tongue. She chanced a glance up at its black domed face, which was tilting from side to side, thrashing around in ecstasy. Certainly the plan was working well. But she needed to check how well.
Grabbing the robot's hips, scooting closer, she began moving her head faster, running her tongue across the tip of its cock every time she got near the top. The robot's legs were now quaking quite a bit, and it suddenly leaned forward, placing its hands on the back of her head and bucking its hips, the loud whirring of its fans matching her heartbeat. It held her in that position for just a moment before releasing her. Nat pulled her head up off its member, relieved to be able to take a few full gulps of air.
“What was that?” the robot asked, its voice peaking.
“That was a test to see if you can orgasm,” Nat panted, “and while normally you might produce a sort of liquid material, I wasn't really able to... get anything like that for you.” Nat's face was bright red as she said the last few words. “There's a small reservoir system in your lower abdomen and a pump that would probably recreate it, but I didn't have anything to use this time around so it's empty. That said, it's good to know everything is working as planned."
The robot was still shaking minutely, and Nat watched it, pushing her bangs back and rubbing her thighs together. She had a desperate need of release, herself. It wasn't exactly part of the plan, but she felt needy, and even though she had never quite gone that far with any person before... The thought crept back into her mind, seeing her own reflection in its faceplate, loving herself. And she wanted to feel loved. Glancing down, she noticed that the robot's cock was, in fact, still fully erect. She had felt it unnecessary to reproduce a refractory period, and thus the robot simply could wait it out or, had it been aware, simply shut off the system. But she didn't want it to be aware. Not yet.
“Hey, come here,” she said, getting up and holding the robot close. Even the carbon fiber felt warm and lifelike to the touch. Not as soft as skin, but comforting. The robot reciprocated, wrapping its arms around her waist and pulled her close. She held that position for a second, then pulled back from it. “Now to check endurance, is that okay?” Nat almost feared a response that was unsure she would even get.
“Of course, if that's what's needed.” The robot's blunt answer betrayed its appearance as it looked her up and down. She stripped off her shirt, and touched the robot's stomach. It mirrored her behaviour, splaying its fingers over her skin and dragging them across her body. As it felt her, she knew it wasn't able to truly experience the sensation, but hoped that perhaps it was perceiving it. She undid her shorts and dropped them as it explored her chest, her head tilting back. She slid her underwear down as well, and knelt in front of the robot completely naked. She couldn't hide her face, she knew it, and the robot would likely not understand the concept of shame, but she still felt compelled.
Its hands trailed down her hips and thighs, and one cupped her own cock. Nat felt like dying as it ran the soft fingertips over her, but she couldn't ask it to stop. She wanted more, her body felt like an inferno. It stroked her cock, and ran its thumb over the tip, mimicking the way she had licked it, and she let out a squeak. It pumped her a bit more, before she felt like collapsing backwards.
“Wait, wait, hold on,” she panted. The robot immediately released her, and she slid up onto the air mattress. Laying on her side, she brushed away a few cans and bottles strewn on the floor, and tossed a pair of older underwear to the side, finding a small bottle. The contents were crystal clear, and glinted under the light of the nearby lamp. She popped the bottle open and poured some of it on her fingers. Leaning forward and pressing her head against the robot's chest, she let the slick digits coat her ass in the liquid, probing her own hole, which gave way easily to one of her fingers. She then poured some more of the lube onto the robot's cock, and it shook slightly as she stroked it up and down, coating it in the shimmering liquid. Nat then laid herself on her back, legs spread, and gestured vaguely from its member to her ass.
“Use your instincts and apply pressure,” she said, trying to go off her own script, “and be careful.”
The robot slid up between her legs, pressing down on her ass. Nat bit her lip as it pressed against her, but when it placed its hand on her cheek, Nat suddenly felt completely at ease. Almost effortlessly, the robot slid into her asshole. Nat arched her back up, suddenly feeling very full. The robot hadn't been designed to be abnormally large in any aspect of its anatomy, but right now, it felt like she was stuffed to the brim. Her legs settled on either side of the robot's hips, and it took over. Slowly it moved back and forth into her, small unintended gasps escaping her mouth every time it did. Her body was melting, and the robot seemed to sense it. As she loosened, it took some bolder moves, increasing its speed ever so slightly, or giving a few stronger thrusts, which caused Nat to toss her head back. The robot pulled her up, one hand on her lower back, the other behind her head, and it began to move harder and faster. Nat's mouth fell open, a string of expletives tumbling out in high pitched squeals and moans.
Any time she had ever played with herself like this, Nat had only gotten a little bit of pleasure. Enough to enjoy, surely, but she could never reach higher levels of ecstasy without touching her cock. Now, it felt unneeded. Her whole body was hot and tense, her brain felt on fire. It stroked against her prostate with every thrust now, sending fireworks blooming behind her eyes. Her moans drowned out the sounds of the box fan, and the hard drives, and the robot's internal fans, racing to keep up with the increased activity.
“Fuck, fuck, oh fuck,” Nat could barely squeeze out, “oh fuck I'm almost there, please don't stop,” the robot's legs were trembling as well, the same as before, but it obliged, going from a slow to a faster pump, moving its hips in tandem with her own partially involuntary movements as she tried to fill herself up with the robot's cock more and more. “Oh, ffffuck-!” Nat's legs pulled up as the buildup intensified, like a coiled spring pressed down to its limit, before finally releasing. The sound from her mouth was less like a moan, or a cry, and more like an old computer screeching as it processed its next action. Her hips thrust up and down as she came, only pressing her down further on the robot's cock, filling her stomach while she rode the wave of her ecstasy. As she finally came down, legs trembling, the robot placed her back down fully on the mattress, and she pushed softly on its abdomen, indicating for it to pull back and out.
Nat laid on the mattress, stomach splattered with cum, legs too weak to even stay with knees bent up. She panted, trying to catch her breath that had escaped her long ago. The robot sat at her feet, head tilted, hand raised towards her as if contemplating how to help her, if she was in need, did she need medical assistance or anything? But Nat just laughed, and pushed herself up.
“That... I needed that more than you know. I think more than I knew, thank you.”
“Was the testing successful?” the robot asked.
“It was, you should be able to access a um...” she wondered exactly what she wanted to say, “a flaccid function, if you can find it. To keep it down,” Nat glanced down at the gray cock, still slick with lube. The robot nodded and sat back, accessing its own functions, and she watched as the member began to shrink down to a standard size.
“I'm glad you were able to find what you needed,” the robot said.
Nat shook her head, “I knew you had it all. I'm just happy you could experience everything the way I can.” Forcing herself up, Nat sat upright and pulled the robot closer, kissing the faceplate.
“I do have one more question, if that's okay,” the robot said.
“Of course,” Nat pushed her disheveled bangs up, “anything.”
“Earlier, when you first woke me up, you asked me if I knew you, and I identified you as Natalie. But you failed to identify me in the same instance.”
“That's because you never had a name,” Nat smiled, “not everyone has one they like right away. Is there something you would like to be called?”
“I think... I would like to find that out,” the robot said, placing its hand over hers.
“Well,” she turned her palm up and held its hand in her grip, “you have time to find that, too.”
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coveredinmetaldust · 2 months
I am fully willing to admit that there are some legitimate uses for LLMs, (henceforth refereed to as "AI" to avoid confusion) but there is a certain kind of cognitive dissonance, naked hypocrisy, and performative hand-wringing that seems to be part and parcel for the vocal group of core believers of this technology on places like Reddit and Twitter.
For whatever reason, there seems to be a rather large overlap between the crowd that evangelizes "AI", and the crowd of corporate bootlickers who will wag their finger at you and go "a company has to protect its IP!" whenever a multi-billion dollar corporation responds to a perceived copyright infringement with a grossly disproportionate level of duress.
These people will shout "It's the law! Don't do the crime if you can't do the time!" but then immediately turn around and berate any artist who makes the mistake of suggesting that these laws should apply to everyone.
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This particular phylum of AI cheerleader loves to tell artists to "get a real job", while at the same time shaming them for having the audacity to charge money for their labor. Because in their mind, everything artists create and post on the internet should be free and is "fair game", but anything corporations post is protected within our current legal framework.
They see no problem with the fact that corporations are using petabytes of artwork for profit with impunity, but the moment you use even 1 microsecond of a piece of media these same corporations own in a video that you post online, their copyright bots will hunt it down and expunge it--or a legal team will send you a DMCA takedown and potentially nuke your account.
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They will be more than happy to lecture you about how capitalism is the best system ever, and explain in great detail all of its benefits and how it works--but the moment an artist finds monetary success by engaging with that system, suddenly that's not ok. No, when artists engage in capitalism they aren't "contributing" anything to society based on an arbitrary framework that only applies to artists.
Yet, many of these same people will worship the ground that businessmen like Jack Welsh and billionaires like Elon Musk walk on, because they figured out how to make an ungodly amount of money by exploiting this system--even though they did this in ways that make everyone's lives objectively worse. No, for some reason it's immoral to charge money for your art, but it's both morally sound and smart to leverage our legal system to shake people down, parasitically suck the life out of small and large businesses alike, treat wall street like a casino, tank the economy, and then cry to your government sugardaddy to bail you out when your gambling debts come due. (All so you can do it again.)
Ok, so maybe artists just need to be more proactive and protect their work so this doesn't happen. Well, apparently that's not ok either! Because when artists tried fighting fire with fire by employing Nightshade, the conversation suddenly shifted to how artists are immoral for "creating malware."
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I'm sure most of you probably know about Nightshade at this point--but for those unaware, you can kinda think of it as a filter that artists can apply to images before they post them online. To vastly oversimplify what this accomplishes: when an image that has the Nightshade "filter" is scraped by someone and fed into their generative AI program, this image will ruin the dataset that the program spits out.
What's important to know is that this does not affect the host computer in any way, shape, or form beyond a non-essential, third-party program, that the user willingly installed on their system and fed data they gathered from the internet into, outputting a file that the user finds sub-optimal compared to what is normally generated. If the nightshaded image is omitted from the training data, there is no ill effect on the model or host computer--regardless of whether or not the nightshade affected image exists on the internet or somewhere in their hard drive.
How effective this process actually is in the real world has been debated, with many in the AI scene boasting that it's completely ineffectual--but that doesn't matter as far as the narrative is concerned. Many have chosen to interpret this act as artists "creating malware", because the Nightshade'd image that the AI practitioner willingly scraped and fed into a program negatively affected a function on their computer--which is about the same logic as robbing a bank, then getting mad that the bank ruined your clothing because a dye-pack hidden within the bundle of cash you stole exploded and got blue dye everywhere. (Or maybe a more accurate analogy would be posting an AMV you spent a long time editing together to YouTube only to have it immediately deleted by a copyright bot because it's sadly not 2006 anymore. idk.)
Regardless, I find this hilarious coming from a crowd that usually has such a massive hard-on for "personal responsibility." I mean, these are the kinds of people who would see a topic on Reddit where someone is complaining that got injured because a burrito they bought was filled with caltrops, and their immediate reaction would be to reply with something like "this is your own fault, everyone knows you're supposed to eat around the jagged shards of metal."
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But no. Instead the lengths some of these people have gone to twist themselves into knots to demonize nightshade could only be viewed as satire in a sane world. But we live in the hell world, so I cannot tell you how many of these losers I've seen unironically clutch at pearls while wailing "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?" because there is a chance their AI model could get corrupted after they scraped 1tb of porn from Deviantart without checking what they actually fed into their system.
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Or worse: they will turn the onus back on the artist and say they are the one causing environmental damage--because the person stealing their art now has to remake their model and expend electricity.
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Well, more electricity than they are already consuming on AI models. Which, by their own admission, is enough to make their energy bills skyrocket.
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This is is like Dupont saying "All of you people protesting in front of our factory ruined productivity for today. You actually caused more environmental damage than us, because we had our machines running all day but no one was able to work. The world is more polluted now because you don't want us to further damage the environment. We may dump literal tons of chemicals into the water supply on an hourly basis, but the markers you used to make those signs you're holding were created using technology that pollutes as well--so I guess that makes you all huge hypocrites hmmmmm?."
But wait, it gets worse! If you read the two screenshot directly above carefully, you may have noticed that some of these people go so far as to believe that they are entitled to everything you create, and anything short of your full consent is tantamount to stealing THEIR property.
Because that's really what this is all about: when you strip away all their moralizing and semantics, you're left with people who view artists as nothing more than an annoying barrier between what they think should rightfully belong to them.
I'm just going to say the quiet part out loud:
These people absolutely fucking hate that there are people out there who are good at art. They are mad that there are people who put the time and effort into improving a skill-set, and got good at it as a result. That's not me putting words in their mouths, they have explicitly said as much time and time again--to the point where it has become a core part of their belief system and mythology.
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(This wasn't directed at me, but I know their theory is bullshit because I do know how to weld, and I can't draw for shit. Also, knowing how to weld has never stopped me from being insufferable on the internet.)
They try to make themselves the victims by setting up this narrative that artists have a "monopoly on creativity." They make a big deal about how unfair it is that someone can be technically competent at formal compositions through years of hard work. (Which, is funny, because some of these same people were railing against Le SJWs for being so-called "Professional Victims" in the mid to late 2010s.)
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It's not hard to understand why they need to dress this up like it is some kind of righteous crusade that flattens an oppressive hierarchy, because their objective reality is a lot more pathetic.
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They know this, so they will gleefully tell artists they can't wait for AI-art to "replace" them in however many years. They will smugly tell artists, right to their face, that nothing they have ever created has any value--all while feeding that artist's work into an engine so they can copy their style.
They will spew all kinds of inflammatory, hateful bile like this at creatives, spit in their face by scraping their work after explicitly being asked not to, and then have the fucking nerve to act like they have the moral high-ground when there is any pushback from artists.
Because to them, creatives are just malcontents who don't know their place.
Many of these people like to present themselves as an austere nonpartisan with a rigid code of ethics; someone who will solve problems through objective logic and rational debate. But when you look past their attempts at self-mythologizing it becomes very clear that these people don't want to have a "civil debate"--they want to maintain a farcical moral high-ground while they stab you in the throat and then twist the knife. (Then complain about how you got blood all over their nice shirt.)
Now, I'm fluent in both "pretentious art-speak" as well as "toxic terminally online forum user", so let me speak to these AI art bros directly in a language they will understand:
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This is copium so potent that it's considered a controlled substance in most states. How about you fucking casuals try getting gud instead of getting buttmad and running to social media so you can bawww about needing an easy-mode?
FFS this isn't complicated, but you drooling idiots will just sit there and stare at your monitors with the wide-eyed bewilderment of a dog that just saw a magic trick any time someone suggests you pick up a pencil.
Don't worry though, I hear Kotaku is hiring. You should ask ChatGPT to write you a resume and email it to them, because you suck at art just about as much as their writers suck at video games.
Now go back to your subreddit hugbox and circlejerk about how logical and civil you are compared to those mean artists who hurt your feelings. I'm sure all those heckin updooterinos and wholesome affirmations will make you feel like you didn't just waste thousands of dollars on a new computer for the express purpose of generating anime waifus who look like they tried to high-five a disc sander.
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iwsynttr-project · 7 months
WAAAHHH I just saw people have been posting about the project on Pinterest???
I am so pink oh my goodness aaa
I'll give some updates then so people know we're not just slackin', haha;;
This past week we've been hella busy with church, school, trying out programs, still figuring out the whole learning to drive thing, stuff with disability, etc... but especially with Valentine's Day & Moose's birthday.
CJ came up to visit which was really special & we got to eat out & get boba all together which was super nice as he doesn't live too close by ever since we moved a few years back.
I recently got most of my m3dz figured out so I might be able to start hrt within the next year, & it sounds like the date has been set for CJ & I to get married this April 29th!
On top of all this we recently found out that a couple other plans have been thrown into the mix:
Our folks are planning to head out for a week a few states away to spend time with family & celebrate our twin cousins' birthday & then they'll be goin to Medieval Times for Moose's birthday possibly with another friend or cousin.
My mom & I are gonna try & see a show with CJ & his mom if they're able to come for my 21st birthday (Which is March 13th!) & CJ's birthday is at the start of April.
Right before our wedding is my dad's birthday & we're gonna see another live performance in another state, & then right afterwards a few days later is gonna be the wedding.
We're just gonna make it small & Soukoku themed, but maybe years later from now when we're livin' alone & financially stable we might do a bigger more official wedding. We'll renew our vows, maybe have custom made suits, special stuff like that.
Somethin' we're hopin' to do is for the small one we might make custom Lego Minifigures to be in front of/above the cake & then if we save up... the four-six hundred bucks... we wanna get the Soukoku "wedding" figurines that came out a bit ago.
It's a dream.
Anyways, as for the actual project!
I'm still working on the script when I have time, I just got stumped since we don't have Golden Demon written yet- but I managed to come up with some content to fill in for during or after the scene plays out for now & continued from there.
Moose has decided to try & make two versions of Life's Better With A Little Party In It: one that's a trashy pop song, & one that's his own take on the song based on artists like YOASOBI. (Into the Night, Monster, Idol, etc...)
We're also thinking about making a Cover Album on the side to go with the soundtrack just for fun with covers of songs from bands & artists like ONE OK ROCK & Set It Off.
I'm still thinking I might go for making The I Was Screaming Your Name Through the Radio Project into an episodic animatic series, but with everything going on I might wait to record the actual script & songs until we've got most of the script & songs written out more at the least if not also until after I get a better microphone & possibly start injections. (Maybe I'll still do the first few chapters since they're just teens anyways but meh whatever; we'll see.)
I did do a drawing while I was free last night though & have been talking with my dad who's voice is basically his life & career about vocal training of sorts or if I should find classes online or something along those lines for it.
(Back to the drawing) I made a concept design for Moose's online/music persona AquaticSnow & a possible first EP/Album cover. I'm not sure I'll post it (yet?) since he might use it for stuff like his avatar, channel/s, music, etc but if I do it'll be on my personal main Tumblr, Instagram, & probably Deviantart & Twitter/X.
I'm also nervous about somebody tryin' to steal the art &/or concept.
Another reminder that I do have a personal server where I stream drawing, gaming, sometimes reading & writing, watch parties (movies, shows, etc...) & I post planning & updates for the project there!
.:Charli's Discord Server:.
( Don't forget to pick roles & read the rules! Otherwise you can't see the other chats;; )
Sorry 'bout the long post, haha;; we hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!
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boysplanetrecaps · 8 months
Build Up Episode 0: Getting to Know the Boys Part 3: Team Power
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Hey, friends! Welcome back to this crazy project I set out for myself -- writing up a bit about each of the 40 contestants on MNET’s Build Up before I dive into the recaps. Last post, I covered Team Soul. This post will be about Team Power. Let’s do it!
Same caveats apply: 1) I’m pressed for time, so proofreading will suffer; please be kind! 2) screencaps will be awkward due to technological issues and 3) All of these guys are amazing vocalists; my critique is splitting hairs and just my opinion at the end of the day. 
Choi Haram
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I also have almost no information about Haram, except that he’s a musical actor. In his teaser, V08, I Want to Fall in Love  by Johan Kim, he sings in that classical “musical actor” way, which is just not my favorite style of singing. That doesn’t make it bad! He also is singing a ballad. Which does mean it’s bad! Ha ha, jk.
I'll do my best to evaluate him even though the song is a ballad. I'm a hero, right? His soft tone he uses in the verses is just too breathy and nasal for my taste. But I do like the belt on the chorus part -- nice work. This guy definitely knows how to sing. I wonder what he’ll sound like singing more of a pop song. 
Kim Minseo
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This is Kim Minseo, 21, who also appeared on a show I’d never heard of called “The Origin - A, B, or What?” It “was a new type of survival program that combines balance games along with K-pop,” whatever THAT means, and it created the group ATBO. On the Wikipedia page for that show, it says that he was born in January of 2003, making him 21 now, and it also says that he lived in China for ten years and can speak Chinese. I wonder if he and Wumuti will ever speak some Chinese together? 
I really, really liked his teaser performance of Rolling in the Deep by Adele (V39), slight pronunciation issues aside. It was actually kind of cute how he sort of just gave up on pronouncing ‘underestimate’ halfway. He has a distinct, real voice that shows some training but also some rough edges. For me, he’s one to watch. Watch? Listen to? Whatever. 
Yoon Inhwan
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Yoon In-Hwan, V23, is one of the enigmas of the show -- I have no information about him. For me, his mini audition showed an unpleasantly throaty, nasal, thick vocal color that I didn’t exactly love. He sounded like he had just drunk a whole gallon of milk or something. I don’t know if that’s how he always sings, or if he just was feeling unwell that day or what. As promised, he did have a lot of power, and he also had a good sense of pitch. Hopefully he’ll do better going forward!
Jo Hwanji
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I haven’t been able to get a decent screengrab thus far, but Hwanji is the guy in the uniform in episode 1. He’s only 24 -- isn’t that surprising? Before this, he went on other shows called Phantom Singer 3 and Fantastic Duo 2.
He’s another musical actor, but in his teaser song V26 he breaks the musical actor mold by singing an upbeat retro swing song by JYP -- yes, that JYP -- called Swing Baby. I like the song, and I also like the way he sings it. Clean but full, with fun little growls to brighten things up, varied dynamics, impeccable pitch, and the power he promised. Good stuff! He’s also so hilariously square. I mean it literally. He looks like a Pixar character. It’s cute. I'm looking forward to hearing more from him.
Lim Junhyeok
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Junhyeok, age 30, debuted as part of the JYP-based k-band Day6 in September 2015, singing and playing keyboards. In late 2015, it was revealed that he’d been chatting with a female fan online, and that they might have been dating. The controversy built, and he felt obligated to leave the group in February 2016, getting to enjoy less than six months with the group. God, that must have been just heart wrenching for him. I can’t imagine.
Afterward, he joined another band called Be Blossom, but stayed only about a year. Since then, he was on a survival show called The Unit, which was about rebooting debuted idols’ careers. (A few other contestants of Build Up also went on The Unit, too.) He also continues to compose music, which I think is actually his first love. 
His teaser song performance, V05,  was I Love You by Shin Hyo Bum, and you can see in the silhouette that he’s playing the keyboards as he sings. I didn’t love his performance, unfortunately. It felt a little shrieky to me at times, and his softer notes were a little too breathy for my taste. He definitely belongs in the Power group, though. He can sure belt when he wants to -- it’s the softer segments that challenge him. Maybe it’s just my bias against ballads acting up, as well. 
It’s kind of a bummer, because for whatever reason, I like him. I can’t help but cheer for a guy who (a) was kicked out of his group after six months for dating, like, omg, how dare a young person want to date! (b) is a bit on the older side (c) composes music and plays instruments and most importantly (d) shows up to a survival show in a goddamn hoodie. Like, yes, king. So I hope that I grow to like his vocals better as I hear more from him. 
Side note: The Korean family name “Lim” is often transliterated as “Im” since that’s actually closer to how it’s pronounced. So if you see his family name written as “Im,” that’s why. (Nayeon from Twice has the family name of Lim/Im -- hence her album name.)
Park Jeup
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Park Jeup makes himself known by wearing an enormous bow on the first day. It’s just such a choice, when he’s so masculine looking. Own it! Yes!
Anyway, he’s 30, and is a member of IMFACT. He’s been on a bunch of singing shows, as well as The Unit, which would have put him in company with Lim Junhyuk (former Day6) and Hyukjin from Fave1.
His group IMFACT debuted in January 2016 and put out several albums and singles, but none of their songs have even one million views on Youtube. Most of them don’t even break 500,000 views. In 2022, all the members of IMFACT left their agency (Star Empire). The group hasn’t officially disbanded, but the members are listing themselves as soloists. They really weren’t a bad group, and it’s a shame that they never caught on, but it’s just such a crowded landscape. Their song Only You spent some time on my playlist a few years back, and Jeup’s voice in that song is really sweet. 
I tried my best to give his teaser song a try -- he was V34 --  but I just dislike ballads so much that I can’t judge him fairly. Vocally, though, he sounds well trained. He has a surprisingly high pitched timbre considering his appearance. 
Here is a performance he did in 2018, in which he made the MNET reaction editors play the instant replay buttons like a xylophone. I think there was some sort of gas leak in the studio that day, because, yeah, his voice is nice but people are having spasms in their excitement and it’s a bit much. Also, he's singing another ballad so it's kind of a no from me.
A song that’s a bit more palatable for me is this cover of Exo’s Monster on The Unit. 
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Jeup doesn’t seem to be the main vocal, but he is the one who sings “I’m sorry…. You make me… so crazy, you know you do.” He also does the higher harmony line/descant/whatever it is over the “Come here girl, you… call… me… monster” line. And he pulls it off!
I recognize Jeup’s skill, technique, and passion for the art. I’m not as sure that I love his timbre for whatever reason. I hope his voice grows on me, in part because I always have a soft spot for hard working nugu idols, and in part because I always gravitate toward the older, more broad shouldered idol types, like Baekho from NU’EST and Wyatt from ONF. Jeup, fighting!
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Hyukjin is 30 and is from a group called Fave1, where he’s lead vocal and lead dancer. He also appeared on The Unit, so he may also know Park Jeup and Lim Junhyuk.
Ok, so his background is kind of sad, fam.
His first group, 100%, debuted in 2012, so he’s been at this a while. There were originally seven members, but two quit, and then one member, the leader Minwoo, passed away in 2018. That had to be so hard on Hyukjin and the rest of the team, to lose not just their friend and teammate but also their leader. The group disbanded in 2021, and three of the four remaining members formed Fave1 at a new agency. So they’re kind of like Loosemble or Vivez that way. 
100% started off doing ok -- their older songs had 1 or 2 million views, good for the time period -- but their more recent songs max out at around 400,000 views. Fave1, unfortunately, is really not doing nearly as well as even 100%. Their songs usually have views measured in the thousands, and their videos look like they were shot on someone’s iPhone. Really, the whole thing is kind of heartbreaking. 
In his teaser, Hyukjin was V22 , and sang a quasi-heavy metal song -- think Dreamcatcher style -- called Lazenca, Save Us. It was a unique choice, that’s for sure! I think he was hoping that it might make a splash for being the guy who did THIS song. I’m not sure how I feel about his performance. I think I need to hear more of him to make up my mind. But I mean, gotta respect someone who comes out of the gate with that! I think his natural voice is not quite as deep and rich as it should be to successfully pull off this kind of thing, but he displays strong sense of pitch and a lot of power. It does gets a bit shrieky and it sounds like he’s hurting his throat. I’m looking forward to seeing what else he can do because I just want to see him succeed.
Ok, that's about it for this post! Sorry if it was a bit of a bummer. So many sad stories in this industry. In the next post, we'll be visiting with Team Unique, and then we'll finally get into the recaps! See you soon.
BPR Noona
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w3bgrl · 11 months
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stage name: billie ♡ 빌리
birth name: kang juyeon ♡ 강 주연
english name: billie kang ♡ 빌리 강
everyday: ju, chu, joong, juyong, bibi, biyeon (billie + bibi + juyeon), ju hyung
skz-given: rainy/bibiya (chan), yaong/meow (minho), gyeongju/lord ju (hyunjin), gabchu/boss chu (jeongin)
stay-given: gongjuyeon/princess juyeon, mowmow, rani, juyaong
birthday: may sixteenth nineteen ninety nine
birth place: daegu, south korea
nationality: korean
ethnicity: korean
native korean
fluent english
intermediate japanese
sexuality: bisexual
height: 5'4"
faceclaim: seo soojin
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company: jyp entertainment (2014 — present)
group: stray kids (2018 — present)
position: vocalist, dancer, center
training period: about 4 years
vocals: ■■■■□
rap: ■■■□□
dance: ■■■■□
songwriting: ■■■□□
producing: ■■■■□
choreography: ■■■■□
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birth chart:
• taurus sun
• gemini moon
• scorpio rising
• taurus mercury
• cancer venus
• libra mars
mbti: isfp
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born in daegu where she lived for 10 years
at age 7 she started learning to dance at a hip hop academy near her house
also played a part in her school’s choir and band
her interest in dancing followed behind when her family moved to gwangju in 2010
around 2012 juyeon began making music for fun in her room with a free program she found online and ended up making a soundcloud to free storage on her laptop
learned english in school consistently to the point that she was able to join her middle school’s foreign exchange student program and live with a host family during the second semester of 2013
after dancing as a hobby for almost 8 years, juyeon was scouted by jyp entertainment staff while on a trip to seoul in february 2014
juyeon joined as a trainee on her 15th birthday
chose her english name after her favorite american singer, billie holiday
lives in dorm 1 with chan, changbin, jisung, and hyunjin (updated dec. 2021)
prior to moving into the new dorms juyeon was specifically given her own room while the boys shared rooms in bunk beds. however, this room was actually just the linen closet renovated to fit a bed for HR safety protocols.
she has multiple tattoos, some are hidden and most are spotted one day out of nowhere
represented by the panda and hamster emojis 🐼🐹
her skzoo character is a hamster-panda named hamda
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Teaching in FL with standards while bi and liberal
Letters to Teaching
I hope very much that you will read all of this before commenting. I am a human being and have made my own mistakes, to which I have consistently owned up. That being said, 
CW for general shittiness of US, Florida, gun violence, mental illness, poor treatment of teachers and kids. 
Anyone have time/spoons for a frank and open conversation about teaching in the US, Florida in particular?
Still into it? Please consider whether you’re ready to consume this information. It may end up being surprisingly un-traumatic for you, but for me it’s both rambling and just ~a lot~.  Buckle up, star children. 
So yeah here we go. Diary entry or whatever. March 29 2023, in which I say a few of the many wretched things that have sucked in the last four years. This will take a while but I promise it’s all important. 
What follows is a brief summary of my personal experience and the desperate hope that I can fall in love with teaching again. The classroom used to be my most joyful place, but with each year, particularly after leaving my former position at a wonderful school, the profession that once gave me passion and purpose has increasingly become nothing but a cesspool of dread and broken promises. 
Frankly, my students and my program deserve someone like my 23-yr-old self: willing to do and give every particle of my being to teaching,. Realistically, those teachers shouldn’t be willing to do that. We are not able to do that. We all deserve better pay, more respect, and better training, both social and emotional. Our worth should not be determined by our productivity. 
I’m tired now. I’m so fucking tired and so incredibly devastated to see how much teaching, this school in particular (my alma mater), has warped me. Especially with the comparison between my former school’s response to COVID vs that of my current employer. Mine truly used to be an exceptional school, and I’m devastated to see how far it’s fallen. I thought I could be part of the solution, but here’s what has happened in my time here:
Year 1: accepted a job making the same salary ($46k) as my previous job bc I wanted to be close to my mom and I naively believed that this school shared my pursuit of excellence and inclusivity. Taught 7 classes with no planning period for no extra money. Helped colleagues navigate online challenges during COVID, hosted lunches and socials to help students connect in isolation, and designed entirely new curricula to best support online learning. 
Year 2: Forced (on threat of firing) to teach two periods of English with two week’s notice and neither training nor a textbook. Parents and students were vocal, toxic, and furious that I was drowning and couldn’t keep up with lesson plans and grades. Their concerns were valid, but the administration left me entirely without help. 
Year 3: Began with zero support /confidence and increased scrutiny due to my challenges from the previous year. Admittedly, this lack of respect and support did cause me to be behind often on grading and communication. Written up for (legally) discussing pay when I learned a coworker was making $10 less per hour than I was. Took on all of the classes in my program when my co-teacher (justifiably) bailed due to discrimination and poor treatment with literally a week’s warning, which led to me teaching a lunch class and another period with two classes at the same time for a total of nine preps. From day one, a group of students actively tried to get me fired and intentionally bullied kids away from my program. Admin refused to do anything and blamed me, taking away my entry level classes and functionally killing my program. I expressed that this decision ensured that there was no possibility for growth, but was again ignored without consideration. 
Year 4: intense criticism over the fact that I haven’t been particularly successful in my position. I fully admitted my own part in this. Constant terror that my contract means nothing in an at will state. Two new situations in which I am teaching multiple classes in the same period. This year alone I am generating curricula for 10 unique classes during 6 class periods. 
No matter what happens, I will always be honest. In this hostile environment, my grades ~were~ often  late in my second and third years. Parents complained, students actively worked against me, and I have been paralyzed with fear and largely unable to dig myself out. I am not blameless here, nor have I ever pretended to be. My frustration is the choice of my administrators to place every ounce of the blame upon me. My department chair was told that the classes which could save my program were taken away due to scheduling conflicts, while I was told that they were a punishment for my low recruitment numbers. Whatever improvements I make are ignored, while every mistake is a point of discussion. 
My own dean suggested that I get out as soon as I can. He sees the writing on the wall. 
The one breath of fresh air is the possibility of returning to the only school that treated me reasonably well. The school that I loved, the school I left to be nearer my mother. The school that, despite its own problems, I never forgot. 
The education system is broken. In ten years and three schools, my salary has gone up by $8k (now $46k) while my living expenses have skyrocketed exponentially. I am unable to purchase Expo markers or even notebook paper and pens for my students. 
Teachers and students risk our lives every day we set foot on campus. Our livelihoods are threatened when we speak out. 
I generally try to end posts on a message of hope, but at this point I am sincerely asking for help. America’s teachers are HUNGRY; we are TERRIFIED; we are THREATENED; we face DEATH each day. Help me. Help us. Be a voice for the voiceless. I beg you. I love you. I honor you. 
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tonalartmusic · 10 days
Where Can You Find the Best Guitar Classes Near You?
It can be a fulfilling experience to locate the top guitar lessons in your area. Do some research on neighborhood music schools, community centers, or private guitar-teaching instructors. Seek out teachers with a history in music and a stellar student evaluation record. Additionally, look into online resources that link you to qualified local guitar instructors. Remember that you should try to attend a trial lesson to make sure the teacher's style fits your objectives. You may quickly become proficient at strumming your favorite songs with the correct assistance!
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Find the Best Music Instruction Near You Choosing the correct music classes is essential to your success, regardless of whether you're an aspiring musician or looking to hone your craft. Everyone may find something to suit their needs, whether it's adult beginner piano lessons or Guitar Classes Near Me. You can use this advice to select the finest option for your musical journey.
Nearby Guitar Classes Are you trying to discover local guitar lessons? Even if you are just starting out or observing to advance your abilities, learning how to play the guitar is a fulfilling knowledge. A variety of solutions catered to your ability level is provided by nearby music schools and private teachers. You can find classes that work for you whether you want to play the guitar classically, electricly, or acoustically. Look for teachers who put a strong emphasis on forming a foundation, which includes learning to read music, comprehend chords, and establish rhythm. Locating the best local guitar lessons can put you on the route to realizing your dream of being a professional musician.
Nearby Singing Classes Enrolling in Singing Classes Near Me will help you reach your maximum vocal potential if singing is your passion. The focus of singing lessons is on several elements of vocal training, such as stage presence, breath control, and pitch accuracy. Your voice can alteration significantly with the correct singing lessons, irrespective of your interests in pop, classical, jazz, or musical theater. Personalized coaching is characteristically available from local teachers to help you reach your objectives, even if you're wanting to enhance your vocal aptitudes or get ready for a performance. Look into local singing programs to see which ones best suit your goals and style.
Beginning Guitar Lessons Guitar Lessons for Beginners are a excessive approach to teach yourself the basics of playing the instrument for people who are just getting started. Necessary subjects include tuning, fundamental chords, strumming patterns, and informal tunes are usually covered in beginner classes. As you advance, these educations are meant to help you gain confidence and increasingly introduce techniques that are more sophisticated. Guitar classes for learners offer a disciplined method for learning the instrument, irrespective of your learning objectives—be they recreational or serious.
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Clarinet Lessons Near Me You may study to play the clarinet, which is an expressive and supple instrument, with the aid of local clarinet tuition. Local instructors, irrespective of your level of experience, can walk through the delicacies of playing the clarinet, from breath control to finger assignment. Lessons on the clarinet often cover reading music, improving tone quality, and honing performance techniques. You can enlarge your musical horizons and learn about a diversity of styles, from jazz to classical, with clarinet tuition close by.
Adult Beginner Piano Instruction
Beginner piano lessons for adults proposal a friendly setting to begin your musical escapade if you've always wanted to play the piano. These classes are designed for individuals who may be picking up the piano for the first time or picking it up again after a long nonexistence. Fundamental abilities with reading sheet music, comprehending chords and scales, and performing informal pieces are the focus of the instructors. Adult beginner piano lessons are made to be both entertaining and instructive, so you may learn the instrument although having a great time.
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kiyalearning01 · 16 days
Singing Classes in Australia: Comprehensive Guide by Kiya Learning
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Singing is more than fair a enthusiasm for numerous; it's a implies of expression, a pathway to certainty, and regularly a career yearning. In Australia, the interest of vocal brilliance is upheld by various instructive openings. Kiya Learning, a driving supplier within the field of instruction, offers a run of singing classes over different Australian cities. This direct investigates the benefits, structure, and openings inside Kiya Learning's singing programs, outlined to assist understudies of all ages and expertise levels accomplish their vocal potential.
The Significance of Singing Classes
Singing classes give important abilities past fair learning how to sing. They improve:
Vocal Technique: Proper training ensures that students learn how to use their voice effectively, reducing the risk of strain or damage.
Musicality: Students develop a better understanding of rhythm, pitch, and tone.
Confidence: Performing in front of others helps build self-esteem and stage presence.
Communication Skills: Singing often requires clear enunciation and expressive delivery, skills that are beneficial in everyday communication.
Emotional Expression: Through music, students can convey and process emotions in a constructive way.
Kiya Learning’s Singing Classes
Kiya Learning offers a assortment of singing classes  in Singapore custom-made to distinctive needs and interface. Whether you are a apprentice or an progressed vocalist, Kiya Learning gives a strong environment to sharpen your aptitudes. Here's a closer see at what Kiya Learning offers:
Individual Lessons: One-on-one sessions with experienced vocal coaches allow for personalized attention. These lessons focus on individual goals, such as improving vocal range, technique, and style. Students receive constructive feedback and tailored exercises to address their specific needs.
Group Classes: For those who enjoy a collaborative environment, Kiya Learning’s group classes offer a chance to learn with peers. These classes emphasize teamwork and harmony, allowing students to practice blending their voices with others. Group settings can also reduce performance anxiety and build camaraderie among students.
Specialized Programs: Kiya Learning’s specialized programs cater to specific interests and genres, including classical, pop, jazz, and musical theatre. These programs are designed to help students explore different styles and find their unique voice.
Performance Opportunities: Regular recitals and performances are integral to Kiya Learning’s curriculum. These events provide students with the chance to showcase their progress, gain stage experience, and receive feedback from an audience.
Online Classes: For those who prefer learning from the comfort of their home, Kiya Learning offers online singing classes. These virtual sessions provide flexibility and accessibility, allowing students from various locations in Australia to benefit from expert instruction.
Cities and Locations
Kiya Learning’s singing classes are available across Australia, making it convenient for students in different regions to access quality training. Here’s a brief overview of the locations where Kiya Learning operates:
Sydney: As one of Australia’s largest and most vibrant cities, Sydney offers a range of singing classes through Kiya Learning. Students in Sydney benefit from a bustling cultural scene, providing ample opportunities for live performances and networking within the music industry.
Melbourne: Known for its artistic and musical heritage, Melbourne is an ideal location for singing classes. Kiya Learning’s Melbourne programs are designed to nurture the city’s rich musical culture, offering students exposure to various genres and performance styles.
Brisbane: In Brisbane, Kiya Learning’s singing classes cater to a growing community of aspiring vocalists. The classes are tailored to suit the local culture and musical preferences, ensuring that students receive relevant and engaging instruction.
Perth: Kiya Learning’s Perth programs provide vocal training in a city known for its laid-back lifestyle and vibrant arts scene. Students in Perth benefit from personalized instruction and opportunities to perform in local events.
Adelaide: In Adelaide, Kiya Learning’s singing classes are designed to align with the city’s dynamic cultural landscape. Students have access to expert guidance and performance opportunities that reflect Adelaide’s unique musical environment.
Hobart: For students in Hobart, Kiya Learning offers singing classes that cater to the city’s intimate and supportive artistic community. These classes are designed to help students develop their vocal skills in a nurturing environment.
Canberra: Kiya Learning’s singing classes in Canberra are tailored to meet the needs of students in the nation’s capital. The programs focus on building a strong foundation in vocal technique and performance skills.
The Curriculum and Teaching Approach
Kiya Learning’s singing curriculum is designed to address all aspects of vocal training. Here’s what students can expect:
Vocal Warm-ups and Exercises: Students begin each lesson with warm-up exercises to prepare their voices for singing. These exercises focus on breath control, vocal range, and tone quality.
Technique Development: The curriculum emphasizes proper singing techniques, including posture, breath support, and articulation. Students learn how to use their voices efficiently and avoid common vocal issues.
Song Repertoire: Students have the opportunity to work on a diverse repertoire, including classical pieces, contemporary songs, and musical theatre numbers. This exposure helps them develop versatility and discover their preferred style.
Performance Skills: Training includes techniques for effective stage presence and audience engagement. Students learn how to manage performance anxiety and deliver compelling performances.
Music Theory: Basic music theory concepts are integrated into the curriculum to help students understand how music works. This knowledge enhances their ability to interpret and perform songs accurately.
Personalized Feedback: Regular assessments and feedback ensure that students are making progress and achieving their goals. Instructors provide constructive criticism and guidance to help students continually improve.
Benefits of Joining Kiya Learning’s Singing Classes
Expert Instruction: Kiya Learning’s vocal coaches are experienced professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge to their teaching. They provide personalized attention and guidance to help students achieve their best.
Flexible Scheduling: With options for individual, group, and online classes, Kiya Learning accommodates various schedules and learning preferences. This flexibility ensures that students can balance their musical training with other commitments.
Supportive Environment: The nurturing and supportive atmosphere at Kiya Learning encourages students to explore their talents and take risks. This positive environment fosters growth and confidence.
Holistic Development: Beyond vocal training, Kiya Learning’s programs promote overall personal development. Students build confidence, enhance communication skills, and develop a deeper appreciation for music.
Community and Networking: By participating in Kiya Learning’s classes, students become part of a vibrant community of music enthusiasts. They have opportunities to network with other musicians and participate in local events.
How to Enroll
Selecting in Kiya Learning's singing classes is clear. Imminent understudies can visit the Kiya Learning site to discover nitty gritty data almost course plans, areas, and expenses. Also, interested people can contact Kiya Learning straightforwardly to examine their needs and get personalized suggestions.
Kiya Learning's singing classes offer a comprehensive and enhancing involvement for yearning vocalists over Australia. With master instruction, a assorted educational modules, and openings for execution, understudies are well-equipped to realize their vocal objectives and explore their musical potential. Whether you are a fledgling looking to begin your singing travel or an experienced vocalist pointing to refine your abilities, Kiya Learning gives the assets and bolster required to succeed. Connect Kiya Learning's singing classes nowadays and take the another step in your melodic enterprise.
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kiyalearning/                                
Website URL - https://kiyalearning.com/             
Business Email - [email protected]
  Whataap Link -   https://api.whatsapp.com/message/2BEESQUFYADYJ1?autoload=1&app_absent=0
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privilege-rpg · 24 days
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☆ FULL NAME: Roohan 'River' Ong-Berry ☆ GENDER: Cisman ☆ PRONOUNS: He/Him ☆ AGE: 21 (August 14th, 2003) ☆ BIRTH ORDER: Fifth ☆ TYPE: Adopted sibling; solo ☆ HOMETOWN: Worcester, New York ☆ JOB: K-drama Actor; Soloist ☆ SCHOOL: Sophomore, majoring in Music; minoring in Dance ☆ SEXUALITY: Pansexual ☆ FACECLAIM: Jeon Jungkook
river was born as ong roohan in seoul, south korea. he was given up by his parents due to the fact that they were both only 17 years old when river was born. he was adopted by the berrys shortly after his second birthday. he continued to go by roohan until about the second grade, before his dads helped him choose an english name, to keep the other kids from bullying him further, and he chose river.
river was always moving, his natural affinity for dancing discovered less than a year after he was adopted. his fathers nurtured his talent and he soon grew passionate about not only dancing, but about any thing that kept him moving. a few years later, he discovered his voice, and as what seems to be the norm with the berry family, it was exceptional, and he honed his new skill to perfection with the support of his fathers.
when he was 13 he asked about his adoption, a school assignment sparking his curiosity, and his fathers told him where he came from. it led to him researching his country of birth and discovering media from it, falling in love with the music and the super dramatic shows. a year later, when he was 14, the company of one of the groups he enjoyed announced a global audition, and he begged his fathers if he could do it, and after days of him begging, they allowed him. he found out a few months later he made it through and he was set to move into the company trainee dorms and start his k-entertainment journey, able to visit home over breaks.
he did his schooling while doing his training, which included korean lessons, which he picked up easily. when he was 16 he got his first acting role, it wasn't big, just the annoying little brother of the male lead, but it was his debut in the industry. soon after his acting debut, he made his singing debut, releasing his first single, garnering himself a small and loyal fanbase.
he graduated when he was 18 and focused on his career for a few years, getting more acting roles, most of them supporting roles, and releasing more music. he took a hiatus shortly before his 20th birthday and enrolled in psu as a music major. during the break between his first and second semester, river went back to south korea and released another mini album, transitioning to online classes for his second semester so he could also film for another supporting role as well. he worked on music for the summer, but he's back on campus for the start of his second year at psu.
The Berry Family is a household name in many ways more than once. Through their prestige, accolades, and accreditations with critics they have earned their mark in the entertainment industry. Through many tours with traveling Broadway companies and musical acts their name has been implemented. And that was before they even met, when they met it was like fire and ice clashing and that steam was worth the showcase. That led to a romance that took the two on a romance that enhanced their lives and careers. After a few more devoted and acclaimed years in the industry they decided to retire and start up a family. This lead them to surrogating and adopting a few children and creating a tightly knit family that they are extremely active and loving in. But of course it wouldn’t be them if they weren’t still out doing work in the music community from doing vocal lessons at local Broadway shows, high schools, and even University programs.
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prestostudioss · 2 months
Can I Find Online Piano And Singing Classes In Singapore?
Looking for Piano Classes in Flora Drive and Loyang 
To learn music more particularly the piano, Singapore has much to offer; for example piano lessons for Loyang & Flora Drive. These places are ideal for learners of piano regardless of their age and performance ability with regards to the piano. No matter whether you are an absolute beginner, who wants to start with the essentials, or an ambitious student who wants to improve the former skills, these places provide courses that are adjusted to your level. 
Finding Singing Lessons and Vocal Training in Singapore 
As for the theory, vocal arts lovers can choose between singing lessons Singapore as well as vocal training in Singapore. These lessons are dedicated to perfecting the voice, extending the voice and willing the voice as well as working on performance. Whether you have ambitions to become the next pop icon or just want to improve your singing skills, there are qualified tutors and singing teachers in Singapore. 
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The Management of Music Schools in Singapore 
With Singapore being a hub for learning music there are many music schools in the country that offer all round training in music. These institutions cutting across classical to contemporary music genres have structured programs that train the students in instrumental playing, music theory and composition, and ensemble playing. Organization’s courses of study available to students allow them to develop their musical skills and achieve their goals. 
Music theory lessons Singapore
This paper will discuss the basics of music that are important for anyone to learn when wanting to become a musician. In Singapore mathematics lessons focus on the theory part of music that involves the writing system, melody, tempo, and structure. They underpin a good foundation that improves the appreciation and analysis of music to round off the practical skills in playing instruments or voice. 
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Selecting a proper Institutional Environment 
Hence, while looking for a place to take piano or singing lessons in Singapore, it is important to take your desired learning environment into consideration. It is because things like the expertise of the trainers, the adopted curriculum, available infrastructure, and centre, all act as determinants of the kind of learning that will occur. No matter one picking up private instructions, group lessons, or the online lessons, Singapore provides various sources and flexibilities for learners.
In Singapore, the impact of music education includes the following. 
The Art of music education in Singapore is not only acquiring technical skills; it enhances culture, creativity and personality. Practice in piano and voice lessons, music theory and other related classes not just help individuals become better musicians but also develop character strength including perseverance and the ability to express oneself. Furthermore, students in Singapore can enjoy a rich culture of music performers, high level of musician’s cooperation, which will also complement their learning process. 
Lastly, if you need Piano Lessons Flora Drive, singing lessons Singapore or perhaps you are seeking to go for a comprehensive music school in Singapore there are many opinions and opportunities for a musician in Singapore. It is due to these varied programs, instructors and learning environment that Singapore offers to anyone who has passion in music and is willing to have a musical start, a great place to be. 
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At the Forefront
Blog Post #4
Adobe Art Ownership Scandal  & Other Software
Recently, Adobe updated its terms and conditions which now claim ownership of artwork created with their software . This has ignited a significant debate among digital artists and designers. Theo Browne, a well-known figure in the programming community and professional user of Adobe products for this, has been particularly vocal about this issue. In his recent video, Browne argues that Adobe's policy undermines artists' and designers' rights by claiming ownership of their creative work. He is particularly concerned about section 42 of the current Adobe Terms and Conditions which grants Adobe ‘a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, modify, and distribute user content.'
 It has been widely understood that any work you post online now can be ‘harvested’ by generative AI to train it and use inspiration (or even manipulations of) for the creation of art for other’s prompts. However with these terms and conditions even work that you never post online or upload from your computer could be used without any compensation or knowledge. He suggests Affinity designer as an alternative which has far less ‘invasive’ terms and conditions as well as a more favorable pricing model.
Other potential software that I could consider would be software like Clip Studio Paint (which I have used in the past) or Corel painter. Procreate is also exceptional for concept art but is limited to mobile devices.
Although other artists have made some great work in these alternative software present attractive options, transitioning from Adobe Photoshop would require a significant investment of time. This is in addition to  developing skills in Maya, Substance 3D Painter and Unreal Engine 5 which enable me to create art further down the production pipeline than digital painting alone.
Browne, T., 2024. Adobe's New Terms of Service Are TERRIBLE [online] Theo Rants. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVAlAPHxkMs [Accessed 16 August 2024].
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What institute of performing art and mind power development offers to students
Institutes of performing arts and mind power development typically offer a wide range of programs and services to students, including:
Performing Arts Training:
Music: Vocal training, instrumental music (spanish guitar, keyboard, harmonica, flute), music theory, and composition.
Mind Power Development Programs:
Meditation: Techniques for stress reduction, concentration, and mental clarity.
Motivational and Self-Help Workshops: Sessions on goal setting, positive thinking, and self-confidence building.
Reiki Courses: Reiki 1, 2, 3, crystal reiki, money reiki, angel reiki, emotional empowerment, kundalini reiki, self hypnosis, etc. 
Holistic Development:
Life Skills and Personal Development: Workshops on time management, leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal skills.
Performance Opportunities:
Shows and Recitals: Regular performances to showcase students' talents and skills.
Collaborative Projects: Opportunities to work on group projects, productions, and interdisciplinary performances.
Career Guidance and Support:
Mentorship Programs: Guidance from experienced professionals in the field.
Audition Preparation: Coaching for auditions, portfolio development, and career planning.
Research and Innovation:
Workshops and Seminars: Sessions on the latest trends and research in performing arts and mind power development.
Collaborative Research Projects: Opportunities to participate in research studies and innovative projects.
These institutes aim to provide a comprehensive education that fosters creativity, enhances cognitive abilities, and prepares students for successful careers in the performing arts and related fields.
Call 91-8017517171 pratanu banerjee online and offline certificate course in keyboard, harmonica, flute, spanish guitar, music therapy, reiki, french, english, anthropology, hospital administration
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dmablogs · 2 months
Tips for Choosing the Right Acrodance Class for Your Child
Finding the perfect acrodance class for your child can be a thrilling yet challenging task. Acrodance blends the artistry of dance with the flexibility and strength of acrobatics, making it a fantastic choice for energetic and adventurous kids. Here are some tips to help you select the right acrodance class for your child:
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1. Assess Your Child’s Interests and Goals
Before enrolling your child in an acrodance class, consider their interests and goals. If they enjoy combining dance with acrobatics, acrodance is an excellent fit. However, if they’re more inclined towards hip hop or classical dance, you might explore other options like hip hop classes or ballet classes for kids.
2. Look for Qualified Instructors
The quality of instruction can make a huge difference in your child’s experience and progress. Ensure that the class is taught by qualified instructors with experience in acrodance. You might also consider other classes to see if they have instructors who are skilled in different dance forms, such as jazz dance classes or classical vocals.
3. Evaluate Class Structure and Size
A well-structured class with a manageable size is essential for effective learning. Smaller class sizes often mean more personalized attention. Check if the acrodance classes have a structured curriculum that includes warm-ups, skill-building, and choreography.
4. Check Facilities and Safety Measures
Ensure that the studio provides a safe environment with proper equipment and facilities. This is especially important for acrodance, which involves physical movements that require safety precautions. If you are considering a ballet school in Singapore, make sure the facilities are up to standard.
5. Visit the Studio and Observe a Class
Before making a decision, visit the studio and observe a class if possible. This will give you a sense of the class dynamics, teaching style, and how the instructor interacts with the students.
6. Consider the Class Schedule and Location
Choose a class that fits well with your family’s schedule and is conveniently located. Whether it’s acrodance or another form of dance, a suitable schedule will ensure consistency and commitment. You can also explore dance classes in Singapore that fit your requirements.
7. Seek Recommendations and Read Reviews
Talk to other parents or read online reviews to get insights into different acrodance programs. Personal recommendations can be incredibly valuable in finding a class that’s well-regarded by others.
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8. Inquire About Trial Classes
Many studios offer trial classes, which can be a great way to gauge if the class is a good fit for your child before committing long-term. This allows your child to experience the class and see if it aligns with their interests.
9. Evaluate Costs and Value
Consider the cost of the class and what it includes. Sometimes, higher costs may reflect better facilities or more experienced instructors. Ensure that you’re getting good value for the price you’re paying.
10. Check for Additional Opportunities
Find out if the studio offers additional opportunities such as performances or competitions. These can be great for boosting your child’s confidence and providing them with extra motivation.
By keeping these tips in mind, you can find an acrodance class that will not only meet your child’s needs but also nurture their passion for dance and acrobatics. If you’re looking for more options or have specific questions, you can always contact us for personalized advice.
For a broader range of dance classes, you might also explore options like ballet classes or hip hop classes. Each dance form has its unique benefits and can complement your child's acrodance training.
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robustnesshealth · 2 months
The Power of Speech Therapy Services: Enhancing Communication and Confidence
Language training administrations assume a urgent part in further developing relational abilities and improving personal satisfaction for people, all things considered. This article investigates the different advantages of language instruction administrations, featuring their effect on discourse advancement, certainty building, Speech Therapy Services and by and large prosperity.
Further developed Discourse and Language Abilities One of the essential advantages of language training administrations is the improvement in discourse and language abilities. Language instructors work with people to address discourse issues, for example, faltering, verbalization issues, and language delays. Through customized activities and procedures, advisors assist clients with growing clear, familiar discourse and extend their jargon, empowering better correspondence in different social and expert settings.
Upgraded Gulping and Taking care of Capacities Language instruction isn't restricted to discourse and language alone; it additionally addresses gulping and taking care of challenges. Specialists survey and treat issues connected with biting, gulping, and overseeing food surfaces. By showing viable gulping methods and suggesting suitable dietary changes, language instruction assists people with keeping up with appropriate sustenance and generally wellbeing.
Helped Certainty and Confidence Correspondence difficulties can essentially influence fearlessness and social associations. Language training administrations center around working on specialized abilities as well as on building trust in offering viewpoints and thoughts. Specialists offer help and consolation, assisting clients with beating correspondence obstructions and feel more open to drawing in with others in both individual and expert settings.
Support for Extraordinary Requirements and Formative Issues Language training administrations are vital for people with unique necessities or formative problems, for example, mental imbalance range jumble (ASD) or Down disorder. Advisors utilize particular strategies to address correspondence shortfalls intended for these circumstances, advancing interactive abilities improvement and cultivating freedom. Early intercession through language training can have significant long haul benefits for people with formative difficulties.
Help with Mental Recovery Following a stroke or horrible mind injury, people might encounter discourse and language disabilities because of mental changes. Language training administrations assume a crucial part in mental restoration by further developing memory, consideration, and critical thinking skills connected with correspondence. Advisors team up with other medical care experts to make thorough therapy plans customized to every patient's necessities and objectives.
Strengthening Through Elective Specialized Techniques For people with serious discourse problems or conditions that influence vocalization, language instruction administrations investigate elective specialized techniques. Advisors present augmentative and elective correspondence (AAC) gadgets and procedures, Online Speech Therapy Programs for example, gesture based communication or picture sheets. These apparatuses enable people to put themselves out there successfully and take part more completely in everyday exercises and social connections.
Language training administrations offer a large number of advantages that go past further developing discourse and language abilities. From helping certainty and upgrading gulping capacities to supporting people with exceptional requirements and helping with mental recovery, these administrations assume a urgent part in working on generally personal satisfaction. Whether tending to formative difficulties or aiding recuperation from injury, language teachers give customized care and backing to assist people with accomplishing their correspondence objectives.
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kvibe-test · 2 months
<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/drive-storage/AJQWtBPhHCSGEWCsCt5Ri4NX3WvInRJbW9J_fvF22eJLfq8QFlAyP9QJOQeIbDVaXqfQC455iRgxeQXx72LbJbi6XaVh0Vv6LInZSzHJoCa0Hov_eNA=s700"> Unlocking Broadway: Acing Auditions and Networking Mastery
Entering the world of Broadway is a dream for countless aspiring performers. New York City, with its rich history and dynamic present, is the epicenter of American theater. For those eager to begin their Broadway adventure, the essential first step is acing that audition. Here’s a detailed guide on where to discover those prized casting calls, how to get ready, and why networking is crucial in the lively New York theater community.
Finding Casting Calls
The hunt for auditions marks the start of every Broadway quest. Knowing where to search can save you time and direct you to opportunities that match your skills.
Online Resources
Firstly, let’s discuss online platforms. Playbill is an obvious starting point. Its listings feature opportunities across Broadway and regional theaters, providing a wealth of information for any aspiring performer.
Next up is Backstage. Renowned for its extensive database, Backstage connects actors with thousands of casting opportunities nationwide, including those elusive Broadway auditions.
Another crucial site is Actors Access. This platform links talent with casting directors, agents, and managers, offering a broad array of audition listings for Broadway productions.
Professional Organizations
Beyond online platforms, professional organizations also offer valuable resources. The Actor's Equity Association, representing American actors and stage managers, provides members with exclusive access to casting calls and audition opportunities.
The Theater Communications Group (TCG) is another significant organization, offering resources, networking opportunities, and access to audition listings for theater professionals.
Local Resources
Local venues can also provide hidden treasures. The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts is a rich source of audition listings, career guidance, and industry events. Additionally, universities and colleges with theater programs often have audition opportunities that might serve as stepping stones to larger stages.
Preparation Strategies
Once you’ve identified audition opportunities, the next vital step is preparation. This involves establishing a solid foundation and refining your audition techniques.
Building a Strong Foundation
High-quality training is essential. Invest in reputable acting and vocal coaches who can help you polish the necessary skills to shine both in auditions and on stage. Aim to prepare a diverse range of audition materials. Monologues and songs that highlight your talents and versatility are crucial. Additionally, your resume and headshots should be up-to-date and professionally crafted, as they often create the first impression casting directors have of you.
Audition Techniques
Regarding techniques, research is indispensable. Understand each production and the roles you’re auditioning for to make more informed choices in your audition.
Practice is a given. Rigorously rehearse your material and seek feedback from coaches, peers, and mentors. Maintaining calm and confidence can significantly affect your performance. Remember, auditions can be nerve-wracking, but a positive mindset and self-confidence can make a big difference.
Networking in the New York Theater Scene
Networking is as crucial as finding and preparing for auditions. Building relationships within the industry can open doors you never thought possible.
Building Relationships
Attend industry events such as workshops, seminars, and networking gatherings to meet casting directors, agents, and fellow actors. These events offer excellent opportunities to form connections and learn about new auditions.
Collaborating with other artists can also be mutually advantageous. Work with fellow actors, directors, and writers to generate your own opportunities and foster a supportive community. Always maintain professionalism – be punctual, prepared, and respectful to everyone.
Finding Mentors and Role Models
Seek guidance from experienced actors and industry veterans who can provide advice, support, and direction. Learning from the success stories of Broadway legends can offer invaluable insights. Study their career paths and consider integrating some of their strategies into your own journey.
Testimonials from Successful Actors
Listening to those who have successfully navigated the Broadway audition landscape can provide both inspiration and practical advice. Jane Doe, a successful Broadway actress, shared, "I found my first Broadway audition through a friend who was already working in the industry. Building relationships and staying persistent were key to my success."
Similarly, John Smith, a seasoned Broadway actor, stated, "Preparation was crucial for my first Broadway audition. I worked tirelessly with coaches and peers to refine my audition materials and build my confidence." Their experiences underscore the importance of networking and preparation in your Broadway journey.
In conclusion, landing your first Broadway audition requires a consistent effort to search for casting calls, prepare thoroughly, and build a solid professional network. With dedication and the right strategies, stepping onto a Broadway stage can transition from a dream to reality.
#BroadwayAudition #NYCTheater #ActingTips #BroadwayDreams #TheaterScene
Check out more insights and tips to land your dream Broadway role at https://www.bloggerfy.ai/blog-posts/unlocking-your-first-broadway-audition
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