#only koralie
Hi I love your Kenric and Oralie headcannons and I was curious if you had any more of them as individuals or as a couple/friends?
Yes I will ALWAYS have Kenric and Oralie headcanons
Individuals first:
Oralie is really shy, and hesitant to make friends, but she can be an incredible friend once you get to know her
Kenric has a wide circle of friends, but only a couple of really close ones
In Council meetings, Oralie doesn't talk much but takes in absolutely everything. Seriously, nothing gets past this woman. She's so quiet you might forget she's there, but she will listen to every single word you say
Kenric is the "funny guy" a lot of the time, but he's also loyal and dedicated to helping the people
The two of them, especially Kenric, can almost always be counted on to vote for mercy
Oralie somehow got her hands on a human book as a kid and is now obsessed with human books
She mainly likes romance and fantasy, but read horror once by accident and it's now kind of a guilty pleasure
Kenric is obsessed with the stars/astronomy
Whenever there's a comet/eclipse of some sort, he'll go outside and watch it, without fail
Before Oralie, there wasn't anyone who would randomly watch the sunset with him and listen to his speeches about the Prime Sources, but now he has someone to talk to about it
Now as a couple/friends:
They're the classic "looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you" (Oralie) paired with the "looks like they could kill you but is a cinnamon roll (Kenric)
Oralie blushes really easily and she hates it
Because of that, Kenric loves to embarrass her
Only when the two of them are alone, though. He'd never embarrass her in public
Underneath their romance, they have a very solid friendship
It started out with hating each other and feeling jealous of one another, but once they got past that, they became good friends really quickly
They both have physical touch as their primary love language, so when they were friends, they'd casually touch one another, not thinking anything of it
Oralie would lean her head on his shoulder, Kenric would wrap his arm around her, just little things like that
Oralie's really good at hiding her emotions, being an Empath, but Kenric can't hide his to save his life
Something I find really interesting, which is especially evident during their scene in the Unlocked novella- Oralie, the Empath, makes decisions based on logic, and Kenric, the Telepath, makes decisions based on emotions
At any given point in a Council event, you can assume that they are flirting talking telepathically to one another
Kenric loves to brush/style her hair, and he's gotten pretty good at it, too
He's also one of the only willing victims of her makeovers
They will call each other any time, day or night, no questions asked. Both of them have regular nightmares -perks of being a Councillor- and they always know the other one will be willing to wake up and help them through it
Now, after Kenric's death, sometimes Oralie will go to the Wanderling Woods and spend a particularly rough night under his Wanderling
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squishmallow36 · 1 year
Go to bed brain *bonks with paper towel roll*
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doodle-do-wop · 3 months
Saw that you ship stinex, and I was wondering what other kotlc ships you ship? Like sokeefe, or keefitz, or Tiana, or marelinh, etc etc :) Love your work and keep it up! <3
thank you so much! I'm a multishipper so I just need a good pitch and some fics and Im down to add another ship to my collection @permanently-stressed and @myfairkatiecat have been showing me some good sokeefe stuff lately but I think I might always be a Sophitz girly at heart, thats where my roots are lol
I have gotten a little into Fedex with @an-ungraceful-swan's hockey fic
Marelinh is cute but I don't see a whole lot of content besides art and I'd like to see a good fic NOW TIANA ON THE OTHERHAND, hands down an amazing ship. Yeah Dexiana has the Dex getting over his prejudice of the Vackers yap yap BUT TIANA? GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE!! Tam isn't this bland overly serious dude he's bloody hilarious and I just KNOW it drives Biana up the wall (in a good way)
Kesline is also so so good. Strong woman and husband who adores her like she hung the moon and stars!! YES PLEASE GRADALINE!! (i forgive Grady for stealing my wife) Koralie is also so bloody silly my thoughts on them here
hmm who else.... well...I only recently learned about LightLight(Wylie and Rayni) and i bloody despise Rayni (made a whole post about it) but if anyone wil try to convert me its probably Katie lol
(also thank you!! and thanks for the ask)
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siennamakeschaos · 4 months
bronte, kenric and oralie hcs?
yess I've got so many ideas for this!! (well maybe only likee 10 in total but ssh)
koralie headcanons:
Oralie and Kenric would always visit each other and have game nights/dinner together
After what happened in Everblaze, Oralie continued to do that, acting like Kenric was still there.
Some nights Oralie visits the Wandering Woods and brings flowers for Kenric.
just all of them in general:
They are THE trio of friends.
The Council doesn't know but they're all like best friends (or were...)
Bronte and Oralie drifted apart after an argument following Kenric's death.
They'd all play charades together sometimes
Bronte always tried to snap Oralie and Kenric 'out of it' when they were staring at each other during Council meetings
Sometimes they'd do bake-offs and take turns judging (blind-folded)
Flowers turn up in Oralie's castle for her to take to the Wanderling Woods (who might they be from? deffo not bronte 😅)
omg i actually need this trio to be canon ahh-
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camelspit · 2 years
Roisin's reading rumble (new lore)
The stars are disappearing; the light is slowly fading. You three didn't run. I tried to give you time, with the project, but you stayed. Of course you stayed. Not like fleeing would have made any difference.
The beast is coming. Oh holy hells, you hear the crash? It is here. It is time, my children. I am so proud of you, but we now must face the creature of the universe. The final fate of us all will be determined soon. We will know if the stars will rise again.
The beast emerges into the clearing beside the school, facing us. The fur, once brilliant, has faded into a dull mix of beiges and grays. The eyes that once gleamed like one thousand suns are now an inky black. It is still beautiful, but not like before. A sad mirror of its former glory. This is our fault.
It needs your power, they tell us. If the beast fades forever, so will the universe. We know this. But the children cannot be given up. If they are to die, then why not the rest of the universe? Whose life is worth as much as the children's?
The beast seems sad. It hates taking these lives. But it's the only option. It always has been. The deal I made with them years ago is cracking apart. And with it, I am fading as well.
The beast gave me immortality so I could carry out it's duties, but I can't anymore. Never again. If the beast is to die, then we die together. We share a single spark of life and together we fall.
The world around us is closing. Our field is the only true place left, closing around us, around the beast. Everything else is darkness. It's been lost.
Then the funniest thing happens. The beast wails, a sound from deep inside it's throat. A truly horrifying sound, one that brings tears to eyes and resounds within ones heart.
It is the screams of the past sacrifices.
They are calling out to us through the beast, one last message. One last hope. The sound is pushing the darkness away, at least for an instant. The combined power of the souls gives the beast just the tiniest bit more light. Despite their cruel fates, these past victims are helping us. I suppose I chose correctly when I picked them.
And then a light sparks, above each of the children. My three students. The ones I couldn't give up. The wailing has stopped, and they are now the beacon, keeping us from oblivion. The souls gifted them the last of their power. The last of their essence.
With the power they gave you, you can start a new universe. A new beginning. You can have a new life, a new start.
Me and the beast, forever bonded, will fade with this realm. It is up to you to make a new one. Use your gift.
Make me proud, students. One last time.
@bookwyrminspiration @ashyashton @official-koralie-fanbase
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thewitchery · 2 years
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The Amber Tears of Mokosh Ritual Necklace ~ #Mokosh is the protector of women’s work & destiny, she is a #goddess of #fertility, water, & women. According to folk belief she shears sheep & spins thread. Her name itself is derived from the word combo maty kota‘mother of the cat,’ ‘mother of good #fortune.’ In the 14th century her #cult was transformed into that of Saint Parasceve. Obtain at #TheWitchery via https://www.thewitchery.ca/product/the-baltic-amber-tears-of-mokosh-ritual-necklace/ This necklace is strung like a Ukrainian korali necklace. Beaded necklaces (namysto) are one of the oldest forms of women’s ornaments in #Ukraine. They carried deep symbolic significance. They were #protective & informative, & could tell how wealthy the family was as since 6 strings could cost as much as a pair of oxen). The colour red symbolizes protection, beauty, vitality, fertility & #strength in old Slavic traditions. Warm to the touch & often containing insect fragments it was believed to contain the very essence of life itself. It has associations with time, cycles & longevity. As it once was a living substance, it is related to spirit. Some thought #amber was the petrified tears of #gods. Amber #amulets were worn as protection from diseases & against being killed in a battle. People believed it “pulled out” disease from the body & “attracted” #goodluck – in the same way as it attracts small objects if you slightly rub it. It was believed to avert misfortune, kept its owner safe from black magic, cast out devils, guarded one from the #evileye, brought luck in love, & made it’s owner stronger & cleverer. Alleged to relieve depression, anxiety, & promotes joy. In Latvia, bands of amber rings were used in wedding ceremonies to ensure an eternal bond. Today, amber represents renewed fidelity in marriage. This beautiful set is comprised of four 9″ Faceted Dark Cognac Amber strands all connected with a beautiful amber clasp Only 1 was birthed into existence ~ When it’s gone it is gone. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIgNLup9vV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
Kenric/Oralie for the songs? (I need new songs to add to my playlist for them and you seem like you have really good taste in music)
Anyway! Paused these for a bit but starting again, so sorry for the wait!!
Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil
And I can hear him break And he doesn't understand
And I wish that I could take his hand But where I'm going is for me and me alone
If I don't make it back from where I've gone Just know I loved you all along
Koralie is a very very bittersweet ship that while I don't find myself writing very much, I still feel is just there in the background. It buzzes with energy as it ebbs and flows with all the places they've been and where they wanted to go.
Something so deep about their tragedy is that they cannot say what they want to say, and more than anything I think this song represents that for them. Yeah! It's forbidden love, they can't whisper the words they want to say. But they do not live a lie.
The way that Oralie and Kenric love is so natural that it's heartbreaking. Especially when they basically revolved around each other. Their love was there, it mattered. But now it is gone. And all that is left is those unspoken words that can only be said aloud in desperate whispers.
"If I don't make it back from where I've gone, just know I've loved you all along."
And when he doesn't, Oralie does know that Kenric loved her. Not because of the words he said, but the way he looked at her. The way that his gaze lingered and his smile softened as soon as she entered the room.
Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac
Loving you isn't the right thing to do How can I ever change things that I feel?
If I could, maybe I'd give you my world How can I when you won't take it from me?
Once again I think this song is a great 1976 rock representation of how Kenric and Oralie interacted you know? They both give me such huge vibes of "I'm bitter but in an upbeat sort of way" because unlike when they were younger, they can't be openly hostile toward each other.
They love each other but also really want the other to shut up you know? Something something about how they feel so strongly about each other that sometimes even when they've been working together for so long that they easily mistake one emotion for another.
Anyway shout out to Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men, along with Next to Me by Imagine Dragons for also reminding me of Koralie, but I've been working on this for a couple days now and I am!! Tired!! (not in a bad way of course, I'm the one who apparently decided to give pretty big snippets of my thoughts on a bunch of songs.)
But yeah!! Koralie!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 years
So could be a stupid question, but could you make Koralie art?
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It’s not a stupid question at all Nonnie!! I actually really enjoyed doing this drawing, and I probably wouldn’t have even thought of it unless you asked!!
[as always, click for better quality]
This is very sketchy, but I really like it!
KOTLC Art Taglist:
If you wanna be added or removed, just lemme kno!!
@bronte-deserves-better @kirithikaaaa @veebs @imaramennoodle @mistythegirlfluxmess @we-have-no-bananas-today @theofficialkai517 @vibing-in-the-void @silver-snow @ruewen-and-rising @linhamon2 @never-ever-too-many-fandoms @kotlc-hoe @crumpledwitchfeet @ascendant-queen @elwins-aardwolf-pajamas @tribblemakingalicorn @rainbowelizzy @deephasoceanmagic @loverofallthingssmart @we-need-more-empathy @girlofmanyfandoms148 @oceanstxrs @raeann547 @holesinmyfalseconfidence @diamond-dreamerr @silveny-dreams
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oaky here’s the list
@xanadaus (Tobi is the one who found your koralie fic and makes some amazing fanart and host’s a good portion of the ship weeks)
@an-ungraceful-swan @lusilver001 @camelspit @soryasongsaa @axels-corner @a-withered-old-rose @magnateleto some of our other amazing fanartists (i know for a fact definitely forgetting some people and i apologize)
@aphelea @solreefs @gay-otlc @cogaytes the solreef fam and tertice people (again i’m definitely forgetting some)
@synonymroll648 Izzy is known for sokeefitz and is an amazing writer
@cherryys-stuff @callas-pancake-tree @winterfireice @the-one-and-only-aroace @nyxpixels @fucked-up-mover-shaker @stopstealingtomatoes @arson-anarchy-death @gaslight-gaetkeep-gayboss @loki-the-trikster-god @shyguygubbs all amazing people you should follow for your own good
@bronte-deserves-better detailed world building headcannons and wrote one of my favorite fics
@fitzvackertheritzcracker my fellow crappy kotlc edit maker
@bookwyrminspiration writes long in depth analysis on any part of the book and made a keeper timeline that can be used for fics, not to mention writes some amazing fanfics
@fintan-pyren is the bringer of a good portion of the chaos here, threatens to soup people, and roleplays as fintan at times, then will write analysis’s and draw amazing fanart of fintan so you never know what you will get with him.
@crymeariveronceagain her Stinex fic single-handedly got me back into this fandom and into writing, her fics are beautiful agnsty and you need to read them, she’s known for sokeefe
a good portion of the people listed have Ao3 or have written fics and i know for a fact that i forgot people (because i can’t remember their urls or just forgot)
Wow thank you so much! I can tell what I'm going to be doing over winter break now, can't wait to get involved in this crazy fandom!
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mybeingthere · 3 years
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Ukrainian neck ornaments: history and symbols.
"Beaded necklaces (namysto) are one of the oldest forms of women’s ornaments in Ukraine. They have many names – monysto, busy, korali – testifying to their long history and important role in Ukrainian culture. They are not just adornments, but also carried deep symbolic significance.
Traditionally, there are two types of neck jewelry: a string of beads called namysto, and coins called dukach. Combined together, they form a monysto or sometimes widely refereed to as namysto. Common materials are metals, stones (with corals often used to symbolize youth and health), wood, leather, glass, etc.  They were generally protective or informative, for instance, they could tell how wealthy the family was as since six strings of coral beads could cost as much as a pair of oxen).
The earliest neck ornaments were made of pits and seeds taken from vegetables, fruit and grains and were subsequently replaced by stone, metal and glass beads. Later necklaces were crafted from expensive natural materials such as coral, amber, pearls, glass, smalt and garnets. Only wealthy bourgeois women could afford the latter."
Translated by: Christine ChraibiEdited by: A. N.See the link to the article in the comments.
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silveny-dreams · 4 years
Sil’s Fluff Prompt Game/Masterlist
All the drabbles I’ve written for the fluff prompt ask game are here!
Based on prompts from this list.
Requests currently CLOSED.
I’ve put them under ships instead of characters, so each prompt will only be linked once.
Pairings and prompts are in alphabetical order!
If a prompt is followed by “coming soon”, that means I have already received that request and will be answering it eventually.
I will not be answering the same pairing and prompt combination more than once.
Prompts with asterisks (*) around them are platonic.
“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
“You made these cupcakes for me?”
“Are you sugar personified or something?”
“Don’t give me that puppy dog face. How am I supposed to say no to that?”
“God, you always make me blush so damn much.”
“No, it’s fine, I can wait until you’re done talking with them.”
“Wanna, like– I mean, if you’re not busy… We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?”
“You don’t need to leave so soon.”
“You can call me whenever you want… Even if you don’t have a reason to.”
“I can’t believe I got the first date, let alone a year.”
“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
“You look so comfy, and cuddle-able.”
“I’m so in love with her/him, I don’t know what do do.”
“Let’s share my coat, since you’re so cold.”
“Would it be too cliche if we matched clothes a little?”
“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
“Don’t give me that puppy dog face.  How am I supposed to say no to that?”
“You look really cute in that sweater.” - coming soon!
“Would it be too cliche if we matched clothes a little?”
“You’re a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly.”
“I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I  know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
“You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?”
* “You can’t leave without letting me hug you first.” *
"You look really cute in that sweater."
“Could you hold my hand?”
“First second I saw you and I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were.”
“Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything.”
“I know I’ve kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please.”
“Is it cold outside or are you just blushing?”
“That pet name was so gushy, but it was also so cute.”
“Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.”
"Would you mind if I kissed you?"
“You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?”
“You look really cute in that sweater.”
“Your lips are really warm.”
*Song Twins*
* “You can’t leave without letting me hug you first.” *
*Sophie & Grady*
* “You’re the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your head.” *
* “You’re the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your head.” *
“I remember practicing how to ask you out to the mirror.” - coming soon!
“Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything.”
“How do you always manage to look so captivating?”
“No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
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my-swan-song · 4 years
It’s one of those times that I wish I could draw so that I could add to the Councillor ship art since Brony is vastly underrepresented.
But I’m probably the only who’s written a non-Koralie Councillor fic, so there’s that at least
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axels-corner · 4 years
All the OTP questions for Koralie (pick your favorites if you don't want to do all 10)
1. Who likes to nuzzle their head into their partner’s chest?
They both would so like whenever one of them has a tough day, they just hug until they feel better
2. How many and what colours are the blankets they like to snuggle in?
It depends on where they are, like if it's one of their houses it's a mix of red, orange, yellow, and pink, and how many depends on how hot or cold it is
3. Who runs up and hugs their partner and who stands arms wide open to catch their partner?
They both do it, so if there's been a long trip where they've been away from each other the one coming home runs to the other
4. Who would be more likely to get matching scarves for themselves and their partner?
Kenric would, whenever he does it he's just like, wow what a crazy coincidence I got the same scarf as you
5. Would they much rather go on a romantic date or a laid back date? Explain why.
One that's in the middle, they love to go to the forbidden cities and walk around and explore, there favorite place is at skateparks where they can help people who are struggling with tricks.
6. Who still gets butterflies after years of dating?
They both do, and they can't believe how lucky they are to be not only friends, but partners especially after their rivalry
7. Who is the one who makes their partner laugh so much that their face hurts?
They both would, but Kenric does it more often because he loves hearing Oralie's laugh and he likes making people happy
8. How would each of them explain how they met?
Kenric would go all the way back to the beginning and explain how they used to be rivals and go into incredible detail, Oralie goes that far back to but does a summary of the events instead
9. Who accidentally drinks too much caffeine and who has to deal with their partner bouncing off the walls?
Kenric does, one morning when the council had to wake up super early and Kenric had never had coffee before so when it didn't work instantly he drank the entire pot
10. Where is a special place they hold close to their hearts? Why is it special?
So this is based off of one of my headcannons where when Oralie and Kenric first met they were at a rooftop skating park and they were rivals, so now that they're adults they go there and hang out and sometimes skate and life about their rivalry
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thelivebookproject · 5 years
Expected Readings for June 2019
We’ve hit mid-year! I can’t believe how fast this year is going, and how many books I’m reading! If everything goes according to plan, in June I’ll finish my #REC (only six countries to go!), and I’ll also start the Summer Reading Bingo Challenge, so here are the ten books I’m planning to read this month:
Love and Fuck Poems - Koraly Dimitriadis [For the #REC: Cyprus]
La séptima primavera de la paz - Viivi Luik [For the #REC: Estonia] *
The Free World - David Bezmozgis [For the #REC: Latvia]
Salt to the Sea - Ruta Sepetys [For the #REC: Lithuania] 
Chants de refus - Anise Koltz [For the #REC: Luxembourg]
Just a Suit - H. P. Medina [For the #REC: Malta]
The Unhoneymooners - Christina Lauren
The Scorpio Races - Maggie Stiefvater
Persepolis - Marjane Satrapi [REREAD]
Brown Girl Dreaming - Jacqueline Woodson
* According to my GR search, this book has been translated into several languages (including Spanish), but not into English. Sorry!
As you can see, this month’s plan is very varied. I’m really eager to see how this goes, and of course I’ll keep you all updated in my readings.
What will you be reading this month?
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stony-ao3-feed · 5 years
a war could be our only hope
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2vyttrc
by AceofWands
“What exactly are we looking at?” Pepper asked, “For those of us who don’t speak science.” “Right, sorry. What you’re looking at are the readings from a very, very specific type of radiation – a unique combination of chroniton particles and metreon radiation that has only ever been found in one location in the Federation in the last century,” Tony explained. “Wait, chroniton particles and metreon radiation?” Lieutenant Pym asked, dragging his eyes away from the projected data to frown at Tony. “You can’t possibly mean-?” “These readings are an exact match to those found at the site of the disappearance of an Orion Interceptor from the Koralis system in 2280,” Tony confirmed. “I’m sorry, you’ve lost me,” their chief medical officer, Doctor Strange, spoke up, not sounding pleased at having been woken up for this. “What has an Orion Interceptor that disappeared almost a century ago got to do with anything?” “That Orion Interceptor,” Tony explained, raising his voice slightly and staring Strange down, “Was being piloted by Captain Steven Rogers of the USS America.” He lifted his chin slightly and folded his arms. “And I’ve spent three lifetimes trying to determine what happened to it.”
Words: 2490, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Avengers Trek Anthology
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Trek, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts, Carol Danvers, Nick Fury, James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Carol Danvers & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe - Star Trek Fusion, Avengers Trek AU, Star Trek References, Dominion War (Star Trek), Trills, The Borg, Star Trek Context Notes Provided, Can be read standalone, Tony Stark-centric, Tony Stark Has Issues, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Healing from trauma, Hallucinations
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2vyttrc
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houseofvans · 6 years
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Paintings by the artist known as Little Madi is filled with a surreal and dream-like pastel landscapes filled with symbols and chimeras. Not only one thing, this freelance artist, painter and illustrator is also a tattoo artist who will be opening a tattoo studio in September! Let’s find out more about Madi – her artistic journey, her inspirations, and her work . . . 
Photograph courtesy of the artist | Portrait by Boris Frantz.
Introduce yourself?   My name is Madi.  I’m an artist currently living in Biarritz. I have an art studio there and I feel really lucky because I get to see the ocean everyday. :)
Tell us a little about your artistic journey.  How did you start from doodling and drawing to what you do now? I draw all the time, I always carry a notebook that I fill with notes, quotes, sketches and ideas. This is the starting point of all my work. For a canvas, I prepare a sketch from which I start my background. I try to work in layers; I spend a lot of time looking at my work; I analyze it and then I add some details step by step. I love to get lost in this process– It gives me the feeling that the composition is created by itself. I’m constantly searching for the best balance between colors, harmony and details.
How would you describe your work to someone who is just coming across it? My work is surreal and dreamlike inspired by my emotions and how I feel. I create an imaginary world filled with female characters, scenes involving animals, humans, chimeras, flowers and natural elements. My painting is both singular, intimate and endearing. I paint because I need to. It’s a private universe free from any boundaries. I always have trouble to define my style of painting because I constantly have the need to make it evolve and to give it a style of its own. 
Who and what were some of your early artistic influences? What artists inspire you these days? I’m inspired by everything that surrounds me, the people I see, a landscape, a precise moment, a sensation, a song, a memory … I’m in love with artistic movements like the surrealism & dadaism. I’m also really inspired by Picasso, Matisse, Henri Rousseau, Jean Cocteau, André Breton & Jerôme Bosch ( to name a few :) I also love different cultures and civilizations: the Mayans, Egypt, Mexico, African art ...
How has your style of drawing changed or evolved? What lead and allowed you to grow artistically? My style of drawing has evolved from a very detailed black & white style towards more colorful paintings. My work logic stays the same, but I visualize my ideas in colors and shapes in a different pictorial movement. I think that it is a logical evolution I grow, I learn, I change and my style evolves with me. What pushes me to evolve is my will of authenticity and sincerity. I try to be guided by my instincts. I am lucky to be surrounded by other artists it is a really positive energy: we share our thoughts, exchange ideas and listen to each other.
You’ve been working more with color and paints vs. drawing or working in black and white. When did you start working with paints and what do you enjoy about it that you might not have gotten from working with pen on paper? I started to paint when I was at the school of La Cambre in Brussels. Once I graduated, I worked as a freelance artist, and I did a lot of black & white illustrations. When I started my tattoo apprenticeship, a strong will for color and painting came back to me. It was like an evidence that I had to be more spontaneous– to get out of a frame and to escape. I always followed my instincts when I started a black & white drawing. I never had a clear idea of the result. It is the same thing now with my paintings, but the working process and the path I have to follow give me a more intense satisfaction. This new medium gave me the possibility to work on a bigger scale and to accept mural projects in different cities like: Biarritz, Toulouse, Paris, Montpellier, Cape Town, Los Angeles, San Clemente…
Not only do you make paintings and drawings, but you also do tattoo work. How did this first start for you and what do you enjoy so much about it that is different from what make, if at all? It’s my friend Supakitch who gave me the tattoo virus.  At first, I was terrified, but he encouraged me a lot to keep going on. Tattooing is a difficult but very rewarding practice. It brings me rigor and discipline and especially an intense production of drawings.
Take us through your artistic process? What’s a typical day in the studio like? In general, my daily studio routine starts with a chat with my friend Koralie. Beyond the fact that she is an artist that I admire, we share our workplace, our everyday life our doubts, fears, laughs and joys. Then I take a dive in my notebook with a cup of coffee, and I look for a new idea to start with. I prepare different mediums and canvas in that way that I can go back and forth between them. I can give myself breaks between the different ideas and drawings. Being in the studio is one of my favorite feelings. It’s a place where I can lose track of time and easily escape in my mind. 
What are your essential art tools and materials? Pencils, brushes and acrylic paints.
How has this environment or that city influenced the work you create?  What’s your favorite thing about residing there? Living in Biarritz brings me stability. It’s a caring, quiet and resourceful environment. It’s also a perfect starting point for all my travels, and I can still find a balance of nature, ocean, and friends.
What has been the most challenging project you’ve worked on? How did you overcome those obstacles and what did you take away from it? Tattooing has been one of the most challenging projects because you have to start all over again by learning a new technique that needs a lot of training. Once you have started you want to get better, and it can get pretty obsessive. It helped me to have more discipline in my artistic work, and it also gave me the opportunity to encounter a lot of interesting people.
What was your last adventure that showed up in one of your illustrations, thematically or just visually? My latest inspiration was my California trip in May. It shows up in my work through color inspirations, shapes and culture: palm trees, the sunlight, the people, music, mid-century design, the landscape …I was there with my best friend Marynn. We did two amazing murals together–one in San Clemente at the Stance office and another one at Kelly Slater’s Surf Ranch in Lemoore.
What advice would you give someone who wants to follow in your footsteps and pursue art? Be motivated, passionate and don’t be afraid to work a lot.
What’s your best Art School tip that you want to share with folks? One really important thing that I remember is that making mistakes always leads to new possibilities. And it’s important to take a step back from your work and keep an open minded spirit.
What’s been the largest thing you’ve painted on?  How long did that take and what were some of the most challenging and rewarding parts of that project? The largest art work I did was a 26m long and 6m high mural in Montpellier at the Marché du Lez. I worked together with Koralie, Supakitch and Frank Pellegrino and the most challenging part for me was to be good enough because they all are really talented artists. The reward was to spend a week with my friends laughing and painting and the result was beautiful.
What are your favorite style of VANS? Slip-Ons and Old Skools.
Anything you can share that is coming up? I’m opening a tattoo studio with my friend Supakitch. It’s a super exciting project called “En Plein Coeur” . The adventure will officially start in September, and we plan to do a walk-in for the opening on the 1st. I can’t wait !! :)
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