#only to get handed over to the Jin at the end of the war
mikkeneko · 2 years
Why do my self-indulgent emotional fictional scenarios require so much BACKSTORY. I’m not INTERESTED in hashing out the details of a post-sunshot  political landscape where the Jiang parents survived but Wei Wuxian was working on the side of the Wens, I’m INTERESTED in a story where Lan Xichen gets custody of a post-war fucked up WOMD Wei Wuxian entirely on the strength of his principles alone and gradually makes the transition from teeth-gritted “human life is the priority” to “oh holy shit this kid has been so fucked up and betrayed by literally every authority in his life”
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy holidays!!! Some Lady Mo would be amazing :)
a continuation of 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
The banquet finally ends, half the attendants significantly more drunk than is wise considering the competitions scheduled for tomorrow. Oddly, Jiang Cheng is among them. Lan Wangji has seen him drink often enough, but this is the first time he's seen him properly drunk in over a decade. Li Shuchun drags him back to his room with his arm slung over her shoulder.
One of Jiang disciples wolf whistles and Xuanyu sends them a glare that has him shrinking back and ducking his head, then frowning and giving her an odd look which Xuanyu misses since she's already turned away.
Lan Wangji is glad to finally have Xuanyu back at his side as they walk to their assigned room. He closes the door and Xuanyu instantly slumps, tugging on her belt and shrugging off her thick, heavily embroidered outer robe so it's only her thin white inner robe. He leans down, picking it up and folding it as she goes over to the mirror and starts pulling out pins. "Finally! Yanli-jie went way too far with this. My hair would have stayed in place with even half of these."
Xuanyu wears her hair simply and struggles with the more complicated Lan styles and ornaments the few times she's bothered. But her hands move smoothly and easily as she unpins the Jiang style, picking out each pin and unwinding the complicated braid.
There is so much he wants to say, so much he feels like he should say, but it's all tangled and confused and he's older than her, has scene more than her and endured the horrors of war she escaped due to her age, but just then he wants to bury his head in her skirts like he once did to his mother until the throbbing behind his eyes eases.
Xuanyu catches his gaze in the mirror, one side of her mouth quirking up in a smile. "You okay, Wangji?"
"You did not know?" he asks, because that feels less fraught than everything else he wants to say.
She lowers a hand to rest on her stomach. There's no hint of the child she's carrying there, not yet. "No. Yanli-jie figured it out almost immediately, though. In my defense, I've never had a child before."
He does not want to be indelicate, but, "You did not notice when your bleeding stopped?"
An odd look crosses her face then she shrugs. "It, um, never really started?" He stares and she adds, "I was really skinny, Wangji."
He remembers. She's still small, but there's muscle and fat where before she'd been angular plans of skin and bones. The robes she'd wore had disguised a lot and then when she was living with him and couldn't help but notice he'd try to ignore her even still, leaving her to her own training and her own devices until he couldn't anymore.
He can't decide who he hates more just then. Jin Guangshan, the Mo family, or himself.
"Come on," she says softly, "let's get some sleep, yeah? It's been a long day."
He nods, silently disrobing. By the time he's brushed out his hair and changed, Xuanyu is already in bed, curled on her side and her hair in an unbrushed, haphazard bed and in the same white underrobe.
She looks even younger, face relaxed and breathing even.
It takes him a long time to follow her into sleep.
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terabyteturtle · 6 months
hey!!! Can I have Jin Kazama x Pregnant wife (who happens to be a model) Reader headcanons. An idea I have is what if they have to keep the pregnancy a secret from Kazuya due to a fear of harm??? Make it fluff with a bit of angst
Jin Kazama x Pregnant Model Wife Headcanons
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Once again, I apologize for taking so long! I tried my best to encapsulate everything you put in the request. Hopefully, it's what you wanted!
- It takes him a while to process the fact that you're pregnant. When you first break the news to him, he's just in shock. He experiences so many emotions at once that his mind just stops working. You better have a chair ready because Jin will need to sit down and process everything for a few moments.
- Once it sets in, he becomes angry with himself. He took every precaution to prevent this from happening, and yet somehow, it still did. It's his fault. It has to be. Jin blames himself for burdening you with a child potentially capable of mass destruction, and although he's tried to separate you from his family feud, you're bound to get dragged into it anyway, and it's all because of him.
- The fact that you're a model only makes matters worse. You already get a ton of publicity and exposure on a daily basis, but now that you're pregnant, that'll increase tenfold. With help from Lee and Lars, you and Jin have managed to keep both your relationship AND your marriage a secret so far. However, with a child on the way, it'll be impossible to keep that secret any longer. People will ask questions about the father's identity, and it's only a matter of time before the paparazzi find out the truth.
- Upon realizing this, Jin launches into full-on panic mode. As soon as he's revealed as the father of your child, his face is going to be all over the media. And Kazuya will be the first one to see it. Jin isn't entirely sure what his father would do, but he has his suspicions. He can only imagine the sheer horror of G Corp soldiers busting down your door, hunting you down like hound dogs trying to take you and the kid. If those suspicions are correct, then you'll likely be forced into hiding until the war is over. As long as Kazuya retains his powerful position, there's no telling how much danger you'll be in.
- Additionally, the people closest to him are sure to freak out. Xiaoyu and Hwoarang would panic, and he already knows Lars won't take kindly to it. He's not sure how Lee or Alisa would react, and that uncertainty only makes him more nervous. Jin knows that he should tell his loved ones before they find out through the media, but the mere thought of mentioning it makes his heart skip a beat.
- To top it all off, Jin's main mission is to exterminate his bloodline once and for all. The fact that you are now pregnant is pretty much the opposite of what he wanted.
- His course of action was to take Kazuya's life, then take his own. He was ready to sacrifice himself so that the Devil Gene would no longer exist. As much as he loved the people closest to him, as much as he adored and cherished every moment with you, he knew deep down that the world would be better off without people like him.
- But now, this complicates everything. He doesn't want to take his own life and leave you to raise the kid by yourself. Sure, friends and loved ones might help you out, but at the end of the day, you're going to have a lot of responsibility on your hands. Additionally, Jin knows how it feels to have grown up without a proper father figure, and he'd seen how difficult it was for his mother. He knows how it feels to have lost a parent, and no matter how much time passes, it will always hurt. Does he really want his child to witness those same struggles? To feel the same pain? Does he really want to leave you behind, after everything you've been through?
- Beneath that cold, edgy exterior, there's a soft spot in his heart that truly wants to settle down with you, but he doesn't believe it'll be possible.
- As he tries to solve his dilemma, a million questions race through his mind. Like, what if the kid has the Devil Gene? Will he have to kill his own child? But it's not just his child; it's your child too, and he can't bear to imagine the pain you'd feel if that were to happen.
- But then, what if the kid doesn't have the Devil Gene? What if they turn out to be a normal kid? In that case, he'd care for them and love them until the end.
- But that's when a thought strikes him.
- Why does it matter whether they have the Devil Gene or not? They're still human, after all. They still deserve love and compassion and nurturing. Just because they have the Devil Gene doesn't mean they're inherently evil; they still deserve a chance. Hell, Jin himself has it, and although he's done some terrible things, he's trying his hardest to atone for them.
- Maybe Jin could help teach them how to control it. Not that he really has control over it himself, but that's okay. Maybe they could learn together. Maybe that could be their way to bond.
- That's when he starts to realize how happy this truly makes him. He loves you more than life itself, and the fact that he's going to have a child with you is one of the greatest blessings life can give him. Being a father will come with a lot of responsibility, but Jin is willing to bear it and do the best he can for his kid. He realizes that he is willing to undergo the trials and tribulations that loom ahead, and he will fight to the ends of the Earth to keep you both safe.
- Jin will try and convince you to take a break from modeling and lay low for a while, as any publicity will become more dangerous as time passes on. You think it would be suspicious to just drop off the face of the Earth, which is why you let your agency know beforehand that you're going to be taking a hiatus for personal matters.
- As the baby starts growing and it becomes progressively obvious that you're pregnant, you will be heavily discouraged from going outside at all. For the baby's safety as well as your own, it's best that you refrain from going out in public where the paparazzi are bound to catch you.
- Naturally, Jin becomes very protective over both of you. He starts treating you like a glass vase because he's scared of hurting you somehow. He also gets slightly paranoid around the others and sticks by your side to make sure nothing happens to you.
- He still blames himself a lot for everything that's happening, and he's sorry that you can't just have a normal pregnancy. You have to reassure him that no one's at fault for this, and you're just as willing to fight for the baby as he is. If you have to break away from your normal life to keep them safe, then so be it. It'll all be worth it in the end.
- With a lot of encouragement from you, Jin confides in his friends, starting with Lee, who is happy to help you guys out. As the CEO of a well-known company, he can try to pull some strings and get the press to leave you alone. While it's no guarantee that they'll be gone completely, Lee will try his best to hold them off for a little while. He'll also give you a secret place to stay, stocked with plenty of food and water.
- Lars almost freaks out but manages to keep himself composed. He congratulates both of you and agrees to help you out in whatever way possible. If there's anything you need, be it more food, more water, or just more paper towels, he and Alisa will go out shopping and get it for you.
- Alisa and Xiaoyu are super excited and happy for you. Although the circumstances are not ideal, they still want to make sure that you enjoy yourself and celebrate your pregnancy. In fact, they've already started planning your baby shower.
- Hwoarang also ends up being super supportive. Though he makes himself out to be a tough guy, he has a big soft spot for babies. Rest assured, he will fight tooth and nail to keep this kid safe. Also, Hwoarang has officially proclaimed himself the child's godfather, and there is nothing you or Jin can do about it.
- If Jin's stressed out, you let him lay down and press his ear to your belly. Listening to the baby and being physically close to you has become the most calming feeling in the world to him.
- If Jin doesn't know what to do in certain situations, he'll stop and ask himself what Jun would do. He loves his mother deeply and thinks very highly of her. She was a loving and nurturing woman, so when it comes to taking care of you, he tries his best to emulate that kindness. Jun was a wonderful parent, as well as an excellent role model. When the baby arrives and he officially becomes a parent, Jin deeply hopes he'll turn out to be half as good as she was.
- He will constantly ask you if there's something he can do better. From this point forward, Jin will always be questioning whether or not he's doing the right thing. Your input is valuable to him, and if there's any advice or guidance you have to give, he'd greatly appreciate it.
- At the end of the day, Jin wants to be the best father he can be. Your child's happiness, as well as your own, mean the world to him. No one can take either of you away from him, and Angel have mercy on those who dare try.
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adonis-koo · 2 years
wicked • 15
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↳ Summary: In a desperate hope to stop war from breaking you are a serviced to wed the most vile man alive, the one who has committed atrocities and war crimes beyond comprehension, he who is responsible for the fall of many nations, the wicked prince who’s heart is made of stone. You are to marry a man who challenges every belief and moral you stand for, all while being faced in a foreign land with nobody but yourself too trust…But are you both truly that different? Or is hate not too far from love?
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/reader
↳ Genre: arranged marriage AU, enemies to lovers, it’s kind of a period AU??? Historical but also technically not? prince!AU, eventual smut
Word Count: 13k
Previous | Next | Masterlist
tags: jungkook really loves grabbing mc’s throat, dirty talk, breath play, dom!kook, possessiveness, clit play, multiple orgasms, overstimulation (m & f), vaginal fingering, squirting, wet humping...?  is that a thing? slight size kink
Note:I’m so excited to announce chapter 15! I hope you all love it as much as I do, inbox is open for asks and I would love to hear everyones opinions bc im sure yall are gonna be feeling some type of way by the end.
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“How dare you accuse my maid of such a thing!” You hissed out from your seat, glaring into Di Jin with a venomous glare, “She is no such thing as an assassin and you should be utterly ashamed of yourself for even thinking of such!” 
Di Jin slammed his hands on the stable snarling at you, “Then tell me why she’s been missing from several of her shifts the last month? The only person who would be able to get into your room late into the night with guards posted would be her? There was a second attempt, was there not?” 
You shook your head, trying to not let your jaw slackened at the blatant disrespect, “Because I authorized it! Her mother has been deathly ill over the last month and I’ve given her time to be away from the castle to tend to her!” 
Di Jin’s nostrils flared as he leaned back in his seat, as he stared at you for a long moment as if a predator sizing its prey, “What a convenient cover, tell me Princess, have you ever seen this sickly mother?” 
“Have you taken the time to track your servant’s whereabouts when she had stayed out even later than you authorized?” Di Jin growled. 
“I will not have my wife being interrogated,” The doors opened once more, Jungkook who had barely been held back on the other side had managed to break in once more, his father still arguing with him, “Not if I have anything to say about this.” 
Dae Seong had yanked him back by the shoulder, “You’re going to listen to me boy! Let him do what he needs to if you value her safety at all.” 
Jungkook had retaliated by grabbing him by the collar, yanking him closer as he snarled quietly, “If you value anything we still have then you’ll let me be by her side.” Jungkook shoved him away before swiftly walking up to the table. 
Di Jin didn’t even attempt to watch their squabble as he stood up from his seat, hands on the table as he leaned in, “Or have you knowingly let her do this?” 
“Oh yes,” You sneered standing up as well, challengingly glaring back, “It makes much sense that I’d be the orchestrator behind my own attempted assassination. I may be an outsider and I may not know all the in’s and outs of Penumbra but I will not sit here and let you dictate to me who I am or who my servant is!” 
Jungkook puffed a breath in satisfaction at the tongue lashing you were giving the old codger as he went to wrap and arm around you, “We’re going, if you’re finished.”
Di Jin’s nostrils flared at the interruption as you took Jungkook’s hand which had been extended in an offer to help you out of your seat.
“This isn’t over Princess.” 
Your eyes burned into his, “You’re right,” You placed your hands on the table as you leaned in closer to him, your voice deathly quiet, “This is just the beginning Di Jin, tread carefully where you walk in these halls.” 
Jungkook’s arm found its way around you once more as you allowed him to guide you out of the room, anger visibly trembling off your body as you tried with every breath to calm yourself down. 
“We need to speak to the others.” You forced your voice to quiet as you both stepped out of the frigid room. 
“I’ve already asked Taehyun to retrieve them all, we’re meeting in Namjoon’s quarters.” Jungkook answered steadily, “We’ll get her back Y/n.” 
“I can only hope.”
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“It just doesn’t make sense,” Namjoon shook his head as he looked through the records that covered the small table of his office where everyone sat, “It does look incriminating,” He frowned at your pitiful state as you rubbed your forehead, “And it doesn’t help that you’ve given her unsupervised access outside the gate’s Princess.” 
You sucked in a harsh breath as you shook your head, “Had I known Di Jin was going to do this I would’ve had someone go with her…Is Taehyung’s word nothing? He helped her mother after all.” 
“Seer’s are not allowed into politics and worldly affairs.” Jungkook shook his head, his hands resting on the arm’s of his chair but seemed to twitch at the way you restlessly shifted in your seat, sitting a hair too far away for his liking, “Even though Taehyung can consort with us in private, his words would be seen as invalid to the court.” 
This made your lips quiver into a frown, the one person who could possibly save her was considered…invalid?
“Not only that but Taehyung could potentially jeopardize his position on the Guiding Hand if he tried to speak to court.” Hoseok chimed, leaning back in his chair in thought.
“And if Di Jin snoops about and Taehyung chooses to speak out regardless, he could accuse Taehyung of being another accomplice of hers, putting him in a cell right next to her.” Jimin seemed painfully sullen, his hand resting on his cheek as he frowned.
“What about her mother? Surely we could speak to her?” Hoseok asked.
“They’ve taken her into custody as well,” Jimin replied once more looking as though the whole situation disturbed him, “By possible accomplice of her, and since her mother has been cured of blood rot Di Jin suspects it was never there to begin with.”
Just his words made your hands curl in anger, “This is ridiculous!” Everyone looked at you as you hissed the words out, “What is the meaning behind this? Truly? There has to be an ulterior motive from Di Jin to accuse her of such a thing.” 
It was silent for a long time before Namjoon sighed, “Many things are hidden to us right now, perhaps for a reason. All we can do is focus on freeing Wheein.” 
“Still,” Yoongi grabbed his chin, “It would be worthwhile to see Wheein’s mother, and someone should speak with Taehyung about this, I’ve yet to see him since the whole incident.” 
“I’ll speak with him,” You volunteered yourself, “I’m sure he’s taken the news hard, and I’d like to see too it personally to assure him that we’ll find a way to keep her safe.” 
“I’ll go with you then.” Jungkook also spoke up, “Taehyung has likely not taken the news well, and knowing him he’ll want to speak with me directly. 
You frowned at this, your heart dully aching at the thought, “The least I can do is apologize to him for letting this happen.” You looked away from Jungkook as you heaved a deep sigh, “This is my fault after all.” 
You just wanted to be kind…especially when it was something you could help with, how could it end this way? Wheein had been nothing but kind to you the moment she introduced herself, and this is what she got in return. 
Had you been looking at Jungkook you would’ve seen the way his fist curled, aching to reach out to you, to do something, anything to try and ease the severe stress and guilt you were under right now. 
It was silent for a long moment before Jungkook spoke, thinking over his words carefully before he redirected himself to the men at the table, “Namjoon, I want you to look back in past schedules of who was on rotation during the nights Wheein went out and I’d like you to speak with them if you feel they’re allegiance is with the Jeons.”
“Hoseok I want you to keep track of Di Jin from now on, try to be covert about it and Jimin…” Jungkook looked across the table at Jimin who seemed to be staring at the wall, as if purposely ignoring the prince, “I know…your relationship with him is distant at best…” Jungkook frowned, “But if there’s any way you could talk to him, make him believe you're on his side…we need to figure out why he’s doing this.” 
“Jungkook…” Jimin sighed softly, looking at war with himself and for a brief moment you were confused until you remembered the words Wheein ushered to you many months ago. 
‘Jimin was the bastard son of the Head of the Guard’
The pieces were all slowly fitting together, Di Jin having been the old head of guard, which meant he was Jimin’s father…You sunk in your seat, oh dear what a mess things were quickly becoming…
Jimin relented, “I’ll see what I can do.” 
“Thank you.” Jungkook’s words were sincere, “There’s nothing else to discuss at this time, don’t let me hold you all from your duties.” He waved to them all as everyone stood up, yourself included as you made your way to the exit. 
Yoongi opened the door for you as you quietly thanked him before stepping out, an odd absence filling your chest at the realization that Wheein was no longer escorting you to where you went, nor would she stay with you when you asked her too.
The rest of your day felt like a void, you still had your duties to attend to the project in the Market, you had to talk and be social with various businesses, walking them through their future new stores and making arrangements with various vendors about what to get for each shop. 
The day had passed before you knew it and yet all you could think about was Wheein, her tear stained eyes and whimpers when you saw her. 
It snapped your heart like a twig to even think about, out of everyone, why did Di Jin have to choose her as his target? It just didn’t make sense. And you firmly believed you were not being fooled here, Wheein had been easily the kindest person you had ever met in Penumbra. 
Arriving at your and Jungkook’s room it was quiet and chilled in the room making you tremble as you shut the door, only a few candles lit making it difficult to see as you glanced around, realizing you had nobody to help you change. 
Your eyes glossed over as you inhaled sharply, you could call for another maid, you should call for another maid. But your stubbornness wouldn’t let you as you stretched your arms towards your back, trying to haphazardly undo the back making your muscles begin to ache and twitch as you huffed. 
This went on for several minutes before you finally stopped and frustratedly dropped your arms letting out a quiet sob as you pressed your hands on your eyes, the one person who you trusted with your entire being was being falsely accused of your own attempted murder. 
Stress filtered your body once more as you hurriedly tried to push back your tears at the sound of the door opening. 
Jungkook had a handful of papers he was reading through when he walked in at the unsightly mess of you halfway dressed and the unmistakable look you always had when you were crying. 
He lowered his papers as he looked at you for a long moment.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Your eyes filled with tears once more before you finally gave up trying to hold them in, closing your eyes as you defeatedly let the warm tears trickle down your cheeks. 
Jungkook sighed, setting the papers down at the desk before he walked over, “You look pitiful.” Standing in front of you he gently cupped your cheek, pushing the tears from your cheeks, “You should’ve called for a maid.” 
“I have a maid!” You hissed out, “And she’s in a dungeon right now for something she didn’t do!” This made you weep once more as you shook your head, “Why would they do this Jungkook? Why? I don’t understand! There isn’t a soul sweeter than Wheein, why would they claim the assassin was her?” 
“I don’t know,” Jungkook frowned, “But if I had to take a guess, it’s because they want to place distrust among us from the inside,” Jungkook replied steadily, “If we can’t trust even our most loyal servants, how can we trust each other? The seed of doubt eventually blossoms in its own time. I’m not sure how, but the Rosewood’s are most likely the cause of this.” 
He gently turned you around before he began to undo the back of your dress, albeit a bit clumsy, but with patience the material slipped off. 
“Not only this but if we let this distract us they might be stirring to do another attempt soon.” Jungkook frowned as you turned to face him, “If you die in Penumbra it’s going to trigger a shattering throughout the entire continent. War will be all we know until we’re the last kingdom standing.” 
“If that's what it takes for Wheein to live I will gladly die.” You inhaled sharply. 
“You will not.” Jungkook grabbed your chin harshly, his eyes glaring into you at your words, “I know you miss her, but crying about it and being unnecessarily self sacrificial isn’t going to get her back.” 
His words stung, and the prick of hurt they caused made you shove his hand away, “You may be right but you don’t have to be so cold about it.” 
Jungkook tucked his tongue into his cheek as he scoffed, “Well princess, somebody needs to tell you, otherwise god only knows what you’ll do.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” You snapped back, not appreciating his bluntness right now, you had come to terms with the fact that Jungkook was nothing like that last love you had known, Seokjin was always dripping in honeyed words and sweet nothings. 
He loved to coddle you and dote on your feelings. Jungkook did no such thing, you had for the most part become accustomed to this, but in these moments of vulnerability it stung having your feelings coldly told to stop. 
“It means the last time you let your feelings overcome your logic this happened.” Jungkook snapped, grabbing your hand and lifting it as he shook it, the marks on your hands still freshly healed and scars evident, “You were unconscious for two days Y/n. Two days! If you hadn’t been so emotional you wouldn’t be wearing gloves every time we step out of this room.” 
It was silent for a long moment as you snatched your hand from his grip as if he had been the one to burn you, eyes watering now but they were glaring at him in hurt and anger and he let out a long sigh, as if realizing he perhaps, went too far. 
“As a Eunoian, we are kind and expect no kindness in return. You might look at me as nothing more than an emotional woman, but I would never turn anyone away who needs my help, that is not who I was raised to be, that’s not who I am. Yes it scarred me and no I may not remember all of those events, but I know I helped, I know I made a difference even if it was only for a few people and I will not let you stand here and chastise me over it.” You stared at him for a long moment indignant. 
How could he stand here and insult you like this? 
Jungkook looked away from you with a briefly strained expression, and you were familiar with it because he always made that face when he was holding his tongue, it made you scoff, “Well you might as well say what you want too, go ahead, get it off your chest since I’m being so emotional.” 
“You know what you sound like right now Y/n?” Jungkook chucked bitterly, “You sound like a martyr,” He pointed a finger low at you, “Nobody is asking you to do that here, not a single person. Whether you like it or not you’re the Crowned Princess, your life does matter more then a peasants because the whole fucking world decided to weaponize the little Eunoian Princess nobody would dare hurt as a political tool to make us heel like a bitch.” 
Your lip twitched at his words, “Oh I’ve been well aware for the last three damn years what I am to the world! Don’t stand here and try to educate me on that, I knew from the moment I was told I had to marry you that my life didn’t matter more than just being a good bitch to the crown!” 
Your eyes watered once more, “That’s what you said on our wedding night and you were right. But it doesn’t change what I believe or how I feel and if that makes me a martyr then so fucking be it! I watched as my own people sent me away with smiles on their faces all pretending as if they hadn’t exiled me from my own country as if I hadn’t given up my studies as a young girl to aide as a healer during the five year war as if I wasn’t allowed to eat if the people were hungry and when we were supposed to celebrate our holidays, we stopped to mourn the burning piles. I knew since I was a child that my life didn’t matter to anyone aside from what I could do or what I could give.” 
“It fucking matters to me!” Jungkook’s patience had finally worn, you were suddenly pressed against the wall, his hand wrapped your throat with the most delicate grip as his forehead pressed against yours, “Don’t you get it you stubborn, hard headed woman? Your life matters to me, I don’t care about any tradition or belief you have if it has anything to do with dying. I just got you, I’m not letting you go.” 
It was silent for a long moment as you felt his thumb tenderly trace against your windpipe as you sniffled. 
“You could’ve just said that without picking a fight. And you didn’t have to be so mean,” Your eyes stung with tears, “Your words do hurt, I know crying won’t get Wheein back, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m terrified of what they might do to her.” 
Jungkook’s expression softened ever so slightly as you closed your eyes, a few stray tears trickling down your cheeks, “I would never cry with anyone else like this, so let me do it with you, let me share the deepest parts of my heart with you, my deepest fears and concerns, my doubts and insecurities. You say you want me, that you don’t want to lose me, then show me you want me, all of me, even the parts you don’t like, even the parts you hate.” 
“I could never hate you.” Jungkook ushered out quietly, his hand moving from your throat to your cheek, “I’m sorry.” 
He kissed your tear stained cheek somewhat hesitantly, “I’m not used to navigating feelings, or emotions, or women…” This made a small smile tug on your lips, one he mirrored briefly as his hand moved to your chin with a little squeeze, “But you talking about willingly letting yourself die makes me upset, anxious and angry, the rest of the world might look at you as nothing more then I tool but I don’t. So value your life, because I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, Wheein would be the first to agree with me.”
It made your lips quiver painfully as you glanced down, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be a martyr, but I would do anything to get her back Jungkook,” Your throat strained painfully “Anything.”
Jungkook kept having these impulses every time he looked at you when you were sad, and he hadn’t noticed it until today, but finally, he caved into the feeling of just wanting to hold you. 
His arms wrapped around you, letting your head bury into the crook of his neck, your body relaxing into him as he pressed a kiss against your head making your arms squeeze around him tighter, “I know.”
You were already scared and upset with the whole situation, you didn’t want things to be worse if you and Jungkook couldn’t settle your own arguments in the process. 
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You had hoped maybe a good night of rest would make you feel better, but opening your eyes had only made you feel worse and Jungkook had taken a bit more of a gentle approach today at trying to get you out of bed. 
“We’ll need to speak with Taehyung before the morning is over.” Jungkook laid beside you as you tugged the blanket back over your head, rolling your back to him, “He’ll be busy tending to whatever the Seers do during the day. Y/n,” He sighed in exasperation, “I don’t mean to sound like a cunt when I say this but sulking is not going to help. And refusing to talk isn’t helping me.” 
Your hands curled around the blanket as you relented with a sigh, “I just…feel overwhelmed by everything, life has to continue on even if Wheein is in the dungeon and even if Di Jin keeps harassing the castle.” 
You turned back to face him, “It’s not that I don’t want to do something about it, it’s that I have so many other things I don’t want to do that I have to do, that so many people are counting on me making sure I get it done. It’s hard to be enthusiastic about starting the day knowing I can’t dedicate all of my time to finding a way to help Wheein.” 
“There’s only so much you can do about that situation regardless princess,” Jungkook wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest as he buried into the crook of your neck, “I’ll make sure everything goes accordingly with Wheein.” 
You still let out a sigh, curling a little at his hand dragging from your waist down to your thigh as he whispered in your ear, “You wanna know what will make you feel better princess?” 
“What?” You mumbled, your curiosity peaked at his tone. 
“An orgasm.” 
“Jungkook!” You immediately sat up right as you twisted around at the cheeky grin on his face, “This is what you want to focus on when we’re in a situation like this!?” 
Jungkook shrugged, “Well I don’t see anything wrong with it, as you said before, life has to continue on and I’m being honest,” He sat up with you, “The first step to getting anything done is letting yourself relax, this is stressful enough as it is, you shouldn’t make yourself anymore taxed then necessary.” 
His lips attached to your exposed shoulder, your thin slip that you seemed to wear more often to bed these days didn’t do you much service as the thin strap fell off your shoulder. He moaned softly into your skin as his hands slid to your waist, “Let me make you feel good. Consider it another apology for last night if you must.” 
You felt obligated to say no, feeling guilty for even feeling desire at the moment when you were in such a perilous situation, but your head betrayed you, slowly tilted upward to expose your neck as his kiss traveled up, leaving a small trail of love bites along the way. 
“Is it…really okay to do this?” You whispered. 
“Only if you’re comfortable.” Jungkook pressed a small kiss on the lobe of your ear, “We don’t have too, but I do think it would make you feel better.” You glared at him playfully as he winked. 
You shifted a little before you sighed, “Well, what would you have us do?” You shifted a little nervously, there would never be a perfect time to get further intimate with Jungkook, and you would admit, something to take your mind off of things would do you some good, even if for a few minutes. 
Jungkook sat up before letting his back rest against the headboard as he gestured you closer, confused you scooted a little closer to him only for his hands to attach to your hips making you squeak in surprise at the way you were suddenly jostled. 
You were roughly manhandled into his lap with your back pressed into his chest once more as he pressed another tender kiss to your neck, “Tell me Y/n, have you ever touched yourself before?” 
The question caught you off guard making you sputter, “I- what?” You could hardly focus at the sight of his hands resting on top of your thighs, how could you be married to him for nearly nine months and only just now realize how big his hands were. 
His fingers were long and thick and his palms were rough and calloused against your soft skin, his fingers curled around your inner thighs, “Have you played with yourself before,” Jungkook let a wicked smirk curl on his lips, “You can’t tell me you haven’t ever been curious about your body.” 
Had it always been this warm in the room? Because it felt like you were burning up at the moment, “I mean yes but- I wouldn’t…Call it playing.” You tried to not squirm in his hold as he suddenly parted your legs, your night slip hardly covering your panties. 
You had been curious about your body in the past sure but you had never really understood the idea of sexual interest, and therefore you never took part in it, not understanding what the big deal was about. 
Jungkook let out a hum as he let his hand stroke from your inner thigh that had you twitching, to your night slip hooking a finger against the fabric as he lifted it, it didn’t take but a small movement to reveal your panties, a shameful damp spot revealing how much your body was receiving him. 
“You like this?” He teased lightly, a hand wrapping around your throat, squeezing lightly making a breathy noise escaping you and your legs instinctively parted further for him, “You like putting your cunt on display for me?” 
“Jungkook…” You had to shut your eyes at the lewd sight, your shoulders scrunching in embarrassment, why did he have to be so crass?
“Take your panties off.” Jungkook’s voice a few tones deeper and a little raspier than normal as his grip on your throat tightened making a more strained moan escape you shook your head, “No?” He snorted at your defiance, his free hand stroking your thigh down to your cunt making you jump before he cupped it, his palm digging into your clit making you whine out sharply. 
Your hips lifted immediately, trying to grind into his hand unsuccessfully. 
“If you want me to play with this pretty clit you have to take the panties off sweetheart,” Jungkook said, amused at the sight. 
“Jungkook, this is embarrassing!” You whined quietly to him, “What if somebody were to walk in right now?” 
“Let them.” He scoffed, “See if I give a damn who watches. In fact I hope somebody does,” Jungkook’s grip suddenly tightened on your throat making you wheeze a heady moan as he growled in your ear, “So they can see who you belong to. I wasn’t lying when I said this was my cunt, so take off the fuckin’ panties and show me who it belongs too.” 
The sudden guttural demand in his voice had you scrambling to obey as you shaky fingers curled around your panties, peeling them off before you awkwardly kept your legs closed. This however changed quickly at Jungkook’s hands, once more finding their way to your thighs as he pried them out making you whimper out at the cold air seeping against your cunt. 
“Fuuck.” Jungkook moaned against your skin and you could feel his heavy, thick cock harden against your lower back, “Your soaked baby. Look.” He didn’t give you a choice as he grabbed you by a thick chunk of hair making you whine as he forced you to look down. 
Your face felt like it was on fire at the sight of your body contorted in such a lewd position, your cunt was indeed on display and for a brief moment you couldn’t think of something more unsightly than this. 
This was what men were attracted to? Your lips were puffy and parted covered in stickiness, pubic hair sticking out unfrayed and your clit was engorged, throbbing at just the fact you were actually able to look at it.
Jungkook’s lips pressed in your neck with another moan, “Fuck princess, you have such a pretty cunt, and nobody has ever played with it at all?”
“No,” You whined out, “I already told you Jungkook, I’ve never been with someone intimately, at least for myself. Do you have to..stare?” You felt self conscious on display like this. 
“When it looks good enough to eat how can I not?” Jungkook scoffed, his free hand unable to resist the urge to drag along your sticky slit, your cunt puffy and wet as his fingers reached your clit.
A moan suddenly strangled through your parted lips, whining softly at watching his digits circle your clit as your hips buckled into him with another whimper as he moaned, “Fuck baby, you’ve never touched your clit?” He said it as if he was genuinely in confusion at how you possibly couldn’t have touched yourself before.
“I have,” You whimpered out, “It just didn’t feel good.” It didn’t feel like this, that was for damn sure, just watching his fingers skillfully glide over your clit at your back trying to arch, before they quickly started rubbing back and forth, playing with your clit like it was a little toy.
Jungkook switched from that to suddenly squeezing it between his pointer finger and middle finger, making another raspy, desperate noise escape your hips started to lift up to chase after the friction, “Jungkook please! Please don’t tease me.” You whimpered out desperately. 
Jungkook chuckled at this, releasing your clit from his fingers just to pinch it once more with his thumb and pointer finger, “You’re so needy, every time I try something new you moan even louder.” 
He pinched it even harder making you yelp at the painful pleasure that washed over you before he roughly circled it again, “Keep moaning sweetheart, it lets me know what you like and what you don’t.” 
That's when you realized he meant what he was saying, his eyes were low but inquisitive, as if trying to figure out what made you tick, what made your body squirm the hardest, what made you moan the loudest, your body was a map he was determined to not only study but memorize. 
Your hand frantically found his as you whimpered, “Right there! Kook, right there! Please.” The pleasure had your muscles clenching as the pad of his finger kept rubbing that sweet spot on the side of your clit that had your back arching and whines becoming increasingly loud. 
Jungkook chuckled in your ear, “Look at you, using my hand to make yourself cum, that’s a little greedy for a Eunoian. Are you gonna cum princess?” 
He watched, mesmerized by the way your body contorted and bounced as you grinded against his fingers, which were completely soaked in your arousal as he feathered his pad over your sweet spot. 
The straps to your slip had finally fallen to your shoulders, causing your top to finally slip down, making your tits fall out as you fell apart on his fingers, your eyes squeezing shut and your body convulsing at the pleasure that was blossoming so quickly in your cunt. 
“Cum baby, I know you want to.” Jungkook teased, “I know that little clit feels good, let yourself cum princess.” 
Jungkook let out a grunt at the sight of your lips falling slack, moans suddenly ripping from your throat as you whines became high pitched, hands suddenly clawing at his neck, yanking at his hair as you came. 
“Mmm what a good girl.” Jungkook moaned into your neck, his cock throbbing so hard he felt like he could pass out, it was one thing to imagine these types of moments with you, but to actually be able to experience them was a different kind of pleasure he didn’t even know could exist. 
Your mind was so hazy from your orgasm you hardly noticed his fingers stroking your cunt before a single digit circled your entrance, playing with it a little as Jungkook carefully coated his finger in your arousal before he pushed in it. 
“Ow!” You suddenly yelped in a very unsexy way, jolting up right and out of your hazy post orgasm feeling as you whimpered out at the sight, “Jungkook! Ah…! It hurts!” You whined in complaint, his finger felt foreign inside of you and just like you knew, it was thick and bigger then your own and the stretch made your cunt dully ache. 
“Wow, so Seokjin really never touched you?” Junkook said it as if he was examining to see if you were actually telling the truth. 
You lip curled as you snapped, “Did we not establish that I was a virgin on our wedding night? Why are you so hyperfixated on this?” 
“Because,” Jungkook rested his chin on your shoulder, pulling his finger from your cunt making you sigh in relief as he dragged it back up to your clit, tapping it, “The idea of anyone- let alone him getting to see this makes me want to travel all the way to Kimhae and fucking kill him.” 
He pushed his finger back in but much to your surprise it didn’t hurt, you seemed almost taken aback by this, watching in morbid fascination as his thick finger sunk deeper into your cunt, your legs parting a little further for him. 
You moaned quietly at his finger testingly pushing up before he thrusted it a little inside you making you whine as your hips lifted and lowered a little to chase the feeling. 
“Just the idea of him getting to see this pretty little fucked out face makes me livid,” Jungkook whispered, unable to even be angry at the moment before of the expression your wore, your pupils were blown out and your lips parted at the sight of his finger now rhythmically pumping into you before he pushed a second one in.
It made you wince at the uncomfortable fit, before Jungkook pulled both fingers out and pushed them back in making your lips tremble at watching them sink deeper and deeper into your cunt, your walls clenching around him as he buried them both until his knuckle were flush against your skin.
“Fuck…” You whimpered out, closing your eyes at the overwhelm of being able to feel his fingers so deep inside your cunt, Jungkook, “‘s not fair, wanna make you feel good too…” 
“Sweetheart, shit, you are so fucked out on my fingers, imagine what it’s gonna be like when you’re taking my cock.” Jungkook moaned in your ear, feeling your walls wrap tight around his fingers at his words as he pumped them in a little rougher, making a point to rub his fingertips against the top of your walls.
It felt as if he was searching for something and you didn’t realize what it was until you felt it, his fingers pushing particularly deep this time, hooking as pleasure suddenly shot through your body making you lurch and a loud moan rip from your lips. 
“Fuck there it is, that’s it sweetheat.” Jungkook’s fingers viciously began to attack this spot, rapidly lifting into the spot as his thrusts began short and rough. 
The pleasure had you contorting in painful positions as you whined slurred words out, “Wanna make you feel good too, Kook! Please, please!” 
“Dammit sweetheart, this is supposed to be about you.” Jungkook growled in frustration at how hard his cock was because you kept moaning about this. 
“Wan’ it.” You whined out moaning loudly, his fingers unforgivingly hooking into that spot roughly, you could feel his other arm against your back maneuvering in awkward ways and though you were very pleasured it was difficult to not notice. 
You didn’t understand what he was doing until you saw it, or more like it saw you. His cock suddenly appeared just inches below your cunt, it bobbed a little, smacking against you making you jolt in shock, even with pleasure still blossoming in your body your mouth dried. 
It was so…big
You had felt it before but you had never seen it, and it was so thick and fat, just like his hand, his cock had the prettiest thick vein and it curved just slightly, his head was fat and bulbous, a painful shade of red showing just how hard he had been this whole time and precum kept dribbling from his slit. 
“You wanted it that fuckin’ bad.” Jungkook grabbed your hand before, guiding it past your cunt to wrap around his cock, “Wanna’ feel that wet little cunt.” He guided your hand to give it a few tugs, before he lowered your body a little, your cunt pressing against the top base of his cock, making you let out a breathy moan. 
His fingers started properly thrusting into you once again as you body twitched, eyes nearly rolling back into your head at the stimulation of the feeling of his fat cock being covered in your arousal, your hand giving sloppy, frantic tugs against his cock making him moan into your shoulder.
Your hips quickly start trying to rut into his as you grabbed his hand, forcing his fingers out of your cunt as you rubbed it against his shaft, letting your clit press against it with a loud whine, reaching down to squeeze his fat balls. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck baby, ‘m gonna cum.” Jungkook moaned into your neck as his hips started to rut into you, his eyes hazily watching his cock slide between your glossy lips, arousal messily covering his cock as his tip roughly dragged over your clit making slurred moans escape you. 
“Wan’ you to cum.” You mewled out watching in desperation at the idea of this being inside of you, how would you even be able to take it without being torn in half? His fat tip reached your belly button. 
Your hand wrapped around his cock, holding it against your cunt as Jungkook’s hips became more frantic, “Gonna fuckin’ cum all over you if you keep saying that sweetheart.”
“Cum! Cum, cum please! Wan’ you to cum all over my cunt.” You whined and begged at the sight of precum dripping from his tip.
Jungkook swore out with a growl, his hands digging into your hips, “Bet you wish this was your cunt right now I was fucking, this little cunt is so tiny I don’t even think you could take half of my cock sweetheart.” 
“Kook!” You whimpered out at his forceful, frantic thrusts, one hand lifting your leg up further as his fat tip rubbed past your clit once more. 
“Oh don’t worry baby, I’ll fuck you in this exact position.” Jungkook smirked wickedly against your neck, “I’ll make you watch every fuckin’ second of it too. Fuck princess,” He moaned his hips began to slow, eager to drag out the last moments before he’d finally cave, his cock sliding through your lips once more, he could feel your engorged little bud as he bulbous tip rubbed against it making you whine before let out a deep moan. 
Cum spewed from his tip as your mouth dried at the sight, his thrusts stopped in nirvana but your hand kept tugging his cock in awe, wanting every last drop he had to offer as he moaned wetly against your skin. 
His thighs clenched as he moaned, “Fuck princess, that’s it, yeah fuck, just like that.” He moaned encouragingly in your ear as you stroked his shaft, causing another gob of cum to spill from his tip, this time dribbling down onto your stomach as you reached down further to play with his fat soft balls while using your other hand to tug at his base.
“Fuuck baby.” He moaned into your skin his cock trying to soften but he showed now signs of stopping you despite the increased sensitivity before a spurt of cum shot out before he started swearing out, biting his lip as the pain and pleasure heightened. 
Jungkook let out a breathy moan at the pain of your hand wrapping around his cock, roughly thrusting as he jolted and jumped but at no point did he stop you, in fact he seemed to enjoy the pain and just like magic, you watched his cock start to harden again.
Growing just as monstrous as it was before.
You moaned raggedly before you shifted a little, setting yourself upright before dragging your cunt along his shaft, your hips dragging against it with a loud moan as Jungkook growled out, “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum again baby, relax.”  
You let out a breathy giggle, collapsing your back against his chest as you spread your legs once more, resuming your original position as you pressed his cock back against your cunt, pumping it rapidly, his muscles twitched rapidly before his hips caved. 
Roughly thrusting up into you again as his cock slid between your cunt once more before cum suddenly spurted once more, covering your already messy stomach in even more cum as you moaned, gently tugging his cock to coax more cum, it dribbled and leaked, not nearly as big of a load this time as Jungkook moaned his hips swiveling to prolong his orgasm. 
His cock began to soften and his hand suddenly grabbed your wrist to stop from trying to get it up again, “This was supposed to be about you,” Despite his post orgasm haze he still growled in displeasure, “Fucking brat.” 
One moment his hand was wrapped around your wrist, the next it had released it and shoved two fingers inside you, suddenly fucking you hard and fast making you whine out loud, his thumb somehow managing to rub into your clit causing your back to arch and a loud moan to escape. 
“Yeah? Doesn’t fuckin’ feel good after the first one.” Jungkook taunted you as he roughly thrusted his fingers inside you, his thumb teasingly circling your sensitive clit as your thighs twitched, your eyes glued to the way he was buried knuckles deep into your cunt. 
“Fuck, fuck, kook, ah…! Ah.” Your whines were getting louder and louder much to his delight, your walls getting tighter and tighter each time his fingertips jammed into your g-spot and his thumb found that sweet little spot on your clit with each pass. 
“Doesn’t feel nice cumming so fast does it?” He growled out, “Go, cum like you made me. Get it everywhere. Can feel this little cunt squeezing around me, you gonna squirt all over the bed? Bet you don’t even fuckin’ know what that is babydoll.” 
The pleasure was becoming so strong it started to become uncomfortable in your cunt, your walls suddenly began to rapidly relax and squeeze at each of his fingers thrusts, his fingertips rubbing into your g-spot and his thumb dragging over your clit.
“Feels weird! Kook’ ah..! You whimpered out, body frantically contorting and your cunt blossoming in a weird pleasure. 
“I got you sweetheart,” Jungkook moaned in your ear, “‘s gonna feel so good princess, c’mon ‘s gonna feel so fuckin’ good.” 
You rapidly shook your head, your walls rapidly clenching and your muscles spasming as Jungkook’s thrusts became short and rough, his thumb rubbing rough circles into your abused clit, “Cum.”
The single word made a scream rip from your throat, tears tricking down your face as you came, liquid suddenly spewed from your tiny hole as Jungkook moaned, “Good girl, fuck, get it everywhere baby, fuck yeah, that’s it.” 
The pleasure was so intense you were in tears, sobbing out moans as his fingers pulling out of you, to rub your clit making you throw your head back against him before his fingers shoved back inside you rapidly thrusting making more liquid spew from your hole as your body convulsed, “F-fuck!” You cried out loud. 
You were positive you blacked out for one blissful moment before Jungkook released his fingers from you with a long moan, his hands comfortingly rubbing down your waist. 
“Fuck princess,” He kissed your neck with feathery kisses, “My good girl did so good. Good girl.” Your eyes felt heavy at the feeling of his kiss. 
Just his words drew a whine from you, his hands coaxingly rubbing your thighs as he pressed a wet kiss against your neck, “Mm, we need to get dressed.” 
“You can’t just do this to me and then leave me.” You whimpered out, grabbing hands to wrap them back around you once more. 
Jungkook snorted at this, another kiss traveling further up your neck, “We’ll be leaving together in case you forgot.” 
“I don’t think I can walk.” 
“You are, without a doubt, the most stubborn women I’ve ever met.” Jungkook mused, “And possibly more than I ever bargained for.” 
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You could indeed walk, though a bit awkward at first while Jungkook helped you dress, it didn’t surpass your eyes, the tug on his lips in amusement with every wobble or need to grab his shoulder to stabilize yourself. 
If this was the aftermath of him only using his fingers, you can’t possibly imagine when he…Just the thought made you suck in a deep breath. Jungkook eyes flickered to your form, your arm hooked around his as you both made your way through the castle. 
“Have you noticed?” He asked, eyes lingering on you only for a moment longer before looking ahead once more. 
You could only assume he was insinuating at everyone’s stares and whispers.
“It’s rather difficult to not.” You muttered.
After exiting the courtyard and passing through the meadow to the entrance of the forest, only after you passed through the tall oak tree’s, did you feel you could breath. The sound of birds trilling and the sun lazily peaking through the naked branches gave you a sense of peace you had nearly forgotten about it.
Leaves crunched beneath your feet as your eyes wandered over the vastness of the forest that seemed to stretch on and on, now that the tree’s were naked it seemed the forest was so much more barren than before. 
“Does it look like this? In Eunoia?” Jungkook asked, noting your gaze that seemed to wander. 
“Somewhat,” You admitted, “Winters are mild at best in Eunoia- at least in comparison to Penumbra. The most we get is a bit of a frost on the coldest days, just enough for leaves to fall- not all though. Many still stand their ground.” 
“Frost on the coldest days?” Jungkook’s head snapped to look at you as if you said something bizarre.
This caused a reluctant smile to tug on your lips as you curled your arm around his further, “Yes, some have called Eunoia the capital of the Sun. Our days are always sunny and warm, we’ve never known a true winter.”
“I can tell,” Jungkook replied, his eyes drifted from yours to your attire, “Is that why you’re dressed like it’s already snowed?” 
You looked down at the thick warm sleeves of your dress,they were dramatically long, going far past your hands though a slit made it easy to use your hands if needed, the color a deep maroon that could be mistaken for black if one didn’t pay attention.
“There was frost on the ground this morning.” You replied, a huff escaping your lips, “I suppose the odd looks the servants gave me when I requested my winter wardrobe make sense now.” 
You were too embarrassed to admit you were still cold, even in a winter gown, your dress even collared around your neck, making you feel admittedly strangled but any warmth was welcomed. 
“How will you survive winter here if you can’t make it past the first brisk frost without one of the thickest gowns in your wardrobe?” Jungkook mused, making you glare at him, a pout sporting on your lips. 
“Thickest gowns? This?” You gestured to yourself making him chuckle as he shook his head, “Well that simply won’t do at all, I’ll go to the seamstress myself if I must, I may be married into Jeon royalty but I don’t carry your northern blood.” The pout was still prominent on your lips, “Your brisk day is one of Eunoia’s coldest days, need I reiterate?” 
Jungkook shook his head but the smallest of smiles tugged on his lips, “As if you didn’t have enough gowns as it was, I’ll be sure to let the seamstress make your request known.” 
“Well you’re the one that handles my wardrobe,” Your pupils narrowed, “Now that I think about it, why shouldn’t I be the one in control of it? After all, I am the one wearing them.” 
“Because i’d like to think in someways-” You gasped at suddenly being pushed against the thick, tall oak that stood proud, “You enjoy giving me control.” Jungkook’s hand snaked around your head, grabbing a fist full of hair as he gave it a small yank, “If your display this morning was anything to go by.” 
It was not your voice who said his name however, within a second Jungkook had let you go, the air around you both sobering by the second as Jungkook looked over his shoulder, “Taehyung.” He nodded, a frown setting on his lips as you somewhat flusteredly brushed off your dress.
Just seeing the look on Taehyung’s face made a tidal wave of guilt wash over you. How could you stand here and act like a girl with a crush when someone’s life was at stake?
You peered from behind Jungkook and one look was all it took for the sickening feeling to rush back into your stomach once more, Taehyung looked vehement, his eyes tired and anger evident if his icy glare was anything to go by. 
“Have you both come to celebrate? Now that you’ve finally captured the assassin.” Taehyung’s lip twitched as his eyes burned into you. 
“Celebrate?” You echoed in hurt, immediately stepping past Jungkook, “Taehyung I would never celebrate this! We are doing everything in our power to get her back I-” 
“Well you were the one who let her go to begin with,” He hissed out lowly, his glowering from his hooded figure, “How am I to know that maybe this wasn’t just a calculated tactic?”
You felt your throat dry at his words, it was one thing to handle Jungkook when he was being unfair to you, but how would you deal with another? Let alone one of the first of Penumbra’s kin to show you kindness. 
“Calculated tactic?” The hurt in your voice was evident, making Taehyung’s nostrils flair. 
“Yes, after all rumors of you-”
“Enough.” Jungkook’s voice cut through the air like ice, an arm wrapped around you pulling you closer to his side, “We’ve come in grief and sobriety to apologize this is happening and that we are going to get Wheein back. I understand you’re upset, within reason to be,” 
Jungkook’s pupils narrowed as his voice grew as cold as the chilled wind that blew by, “But heed your words to my wife and your future Queen.” 
You were too stunned to even speak, hurt still expressed on your face at the insinuation that you had purposely done this to her, you would never! 
Taehyung’s lip twitched, “Is that a threat, Your Highness?” 
“My words are plain,” Jungkook replied, his eyes cutting low, “Take them as they are, we’ll leave you to be.”
“That would be for the best.” Taehyung’s hood lowered if only a little, those gray eyes glaring into you and even when you walked away from him you could feel his gaze burning into your back. 
To say you were horrified, was an understatement. 
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While Jungkook did not wish to depart with you he had reluctantly done so, but not before trying to ease your distraught at Taehyung’s words, what was he going to say if Jungkook had let him finish? 
It made you anxiously pick at your nails, hardly able to even focus on your book as you heard a voice clear making you glance up. Namjoon gave a small bow and a sad smile, “How have your studies been coming along Princess?” 
“Terribly,” You admitted with a sigh, “How do you not let something consume you Namjoon?” 
It was a rhetorical question you had been asking yourself all day as you stared up at the ceiling, murals of battles painted in glorious displays, ones you had seen while walking in but had never paid attention to until now. 
“I think,” Namjoon paused as if to gather his thoughts, “Love is a worthy contender to be consumed by.” 
This made your gaze shoot back down at him as you cocked your head to the side as he smiled wryly, “Apologies, I enjoy a good tragedy every now and then. Love can consume, but it can also save, you should honor your emotions where they’re at. These are unprecedented times.” 
“That is a particular choice of words.” You mumbled staring down at your book but no matter how hard you tried, words were simply words, not a sentence nor a passage that gave your mind any relief to its occupied thoughts. 
“They are, but it’s the truth,” Namjoon frowned as he looked away, “Princess…” He paused as if debating his words, “Many things are afoot right now, the expansion on the East has officially been put on hold, the west is stirring with restlessness, and now Di Jin has been enlisted to reopen a fresh wound of Mabon.”
“What is it you are trying to say Namjoon.” You sighed as you looked up at him, you wished everyone would stop speaking to you in riddles, why was it you could not hear Taehyung’s full words? Even if they were hurtful, you had the right to know. 
“I am saying…that though we may not fully understand why these things are happening, to be prepared Princess.” Namjoon gave you one last smile before he stood up and gave you a small bow before departing. 
You sank further into your seat as you let out a small sigh, “Fucking hell.” 
“That kind of language is not befitting of a Princess.” 
You jumped upright in your seat once more at the voice that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, your eyes darted to your right where the beautiful- yet ugly sight of the Rosewood Knight Claudin appeared from. 
“Are you here to just mock me?” Your voice grew cold as your eyes glared at him, time may have moved forward but his attempted assault on you and siding with Seohyun was not easily forgotten. 
This made a thin, snake like smile tug on Claudin’s lips, “Anything but, Your Highness.” 
Your hands slowly curled into fists as your patience wore thin, you had been known by your family to have a temper your whole life- this was without a doubt true, but to consider violence? This was a first, and right now Claudin’s face was looking more and more like a punching bag each time he spoke. 
“You’re tired of everyone speaking to you in riddles? Isn’t that right?” Claudin strolled closer to you making you frown but did not speak further. He paused for a moment only to smile once more, your curiosity was piqued. 
“Then let me speak plainly to you Princess,” He kneeled down in front of you, “Penumbra’s trust in you is failing, immensely with each passing day. They no longer trust you. Dare I say some never did.”
It was an ugly truth that made you want to vehemently deny it, “What have I done to warrant this!? I have done nothing but try my best to become a Penumbrian.”
“I know Princess,” Claudin’s voice is oddly soft, as if laments for you, “But it is not what you’ve done, it is what Eunoia has done.” 
“...What of my homeland?” You frowned, your gaze weary and catious, could you truly trust anything that came from this man’s mouth?
Jungkook hadn’t mentioned anything about Eunoia to you. 
Claudin frowned at this, “I thought you would’ve heard Princess…” He paused for a moment as if gauging your reaction, “Eunoia has enlisted their kingdoms people into fortifying an army with Kimhae.” 
“Eunoia would never-”
“I am merely telling you what’s been running rampant on the streets,” Claudin replied calmly, still kneeled at your feet, “Telling you what nobody else dare does, you want plain words, here they are. It’s come across to Penumbra, that Eunoia is conspiring with Kimhae. Why else would they need an army?” 
“What source did you get this from?” Your lip twitched in anger. 
“Source?” Claudin smiled in humor, “This is common knowledge Princess. Or has the Prince just really kept you this in the dark? And from your own kin at that...” 
You don’t even know what possessed you in the moment but your temper had finally gotten the best of you, slapping him right across the face, “Enough! I won’t listen to any more of these lies of your weaving,” You stood up, towering over him as you glowered, “I don’t know what game you’re playing Rosewood, but it’s going to get you killed.” 
“But these are not lies Princess,” Claudin gritted his teeth, his hand grabbing your wrist making you try to yank away, “If you do not believe me, then perhaps you should go out into the streets yourself. Learn the truth nobody else in this castle will tell you.” 
You only managed to escape his grip from wringing your hand from the silk black glove you wore. The material still in his hand as you briskly walked out of the room. 
What did he know anyways? Eunoia, conscripting an army? Only the coldest day in hell would see that through. 
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Even long into the night you still laid awake, mind restless as you shuffled in bed, laying down as you glanced at the dark hair of your husband who had been exhausted from the day, soundlessly sleeping beside you. 
His hair was darker then you remembered upon first meeting him and it was a fair bit longer too, now brushing over his lids as he slept, moving a little as if discontented, his hands extended out in reach of something. 
Your eyes stared at his hand, only an inch away from where it had been resting on your waist previously before you had shifted for a little space to move about without disturbing him. 
Just because you couldn't sleep didn’t mean he didn’t deserve too. 
Had he really been withholding information about Eunoia from you? You had been aware from the beginning that being in the castle kept you isolated to a certain degree, and that you would slowly become out of the loop of politics of the outside world due to being an outsider and Jungkook’s wife. 
But you…something swelled in your chest, there was no denying you and Jungkook had grown close over these last few months, if you both sharing a bed willingly every night was any assumption to go on. 
So surely he would’ve told you this information had he known it, and he would have to know this, because he was the Crowned Prince, heir to the throne, which meant, Claudin was surely lying. 
Yes, Claudin was simply lying to get under your skin and weasel his way to further his agenda, whatever that was. 
You closed your eyes contented, intending to shuffle a little closer to Jungkook once more, who’s brows were pinched, still in a sign of discontentment. 
‘Meet me in the Fool’s Barrel at past 2 if you seek the truth’ 
Your eyes snapped back open at the memory of the single sentence left on a piece of parchment at your nightstand earlier before you finally got up, quietly standing before you glanced back at Jungkook, the night was long after all, and surely he wouldn’t miss you in the time you’d be gone. 
With that you shuffled through your wardrobe for something suitable for the occasion before going over to Jungkook’s side of the bed, grabbing the sheathed knife from his stand before pressing a gentle kiss atop of his head. 
The parchment was rolled tightly in your grip and your dull brown hood was pulled low as you managed to sneak out during the guards rotation and Yoongi was talking with a fellow guard at the corner of the corridor.
The halls were dark and dim and just as this morning you felt stifled here, at the gates of the courtyard did you finally consider that this was reckless, if not entirely stupid.
Did it truly matter whether you knew or not? 
Your hand nearly crumpled the paper in anger, it did matter to you, it was your right to know what people thought of you, good or bad, and nobody had the right to keep that from you.
Your hand ghosted over the dagger strapped to your waist before you fixed your hood once more stepping outside the gate. 
The tavern was lively and bustling, unshocking for this hour, nobody paid you any mind with your hood as low as it was, unsuspecting that they were amidst their princess, searching through the tavern, the very same one you had made a total fool of yourself in earlier in the year, you found the person you were looking for. 
Claudin was leaned against one of the wooden beams, a hood on himself and a cat like smirk coiling on his lips as he held up your missing glove, “Here to take my offer Princess?” 
You snatched it from his hand, “If you so much as even put a hand on me, I will slit your throat.” You whispered to him.
This made him chuckle as if amused, “So the Eunoian bitch really does have a temper to match the title. Follow me Princess.” 
The Eunoian Bitch.
You weren’t that familiar with the title until you had come to Penumbra and your husband had made you well acquainted with it, and though you never inquired further about it to Wheein it wasn’t difficult to tell how the title had come about. 
You wouldn’t deny your temper, Jungkook had gotten to see it in full force when you first married, the title once upon a time insulted you but you had grown past it at this point, you wouldn’t be insulted, it seemed men loved to call you a bitch because you were not a pushover. 
Men were allowed to throw tantrums all the time without the blink of an eye, Dae Seong was living proof of it and yet nobody gave him a title for it.
You had followed behind Claudin closely as he exited through the backside of the tavern and led you down the increasingly narrow halls of the city that you didn’t even think existed, it was as if he was leading you to something of secret. 
And after Claudin had weaved and webbed his way through these increasingly dark and unsettling alleyways did you realize, this was exactly what he was doing, you heard the commotion before you saw it. 
Exiting the alleyway to reveal a well lit area of what looked like a crowded market place, though the stalls could hardly be seen as such. 
Claudin looked up from his hood towards ahead and then at you, “Welcome to the Underside. If you want information, this is where you shall find it.” 
Your eyes had gone wide at all the spectacles as you followed beside Claudin, fixing your hood a little lower as you watched a man breath fire from his mouth and the loud cackling of women before the shouts of a thief that shoved between you both. 
It was clear, you were in the belly of Penumbra’s criminal activity, just the thought made your hand ghost over the wickedly curved dagger strapped to your hip. You had never shed blood other than your own before,  you had taken an oath to never kill when you had first become a healer during the five year war, not only this but as a part of the royal family of Eunoia you had to vow that not only would you never kill but you would never devour as your earlier predecessors once did.
You could hardly stomach the sight of watching someone be killed, let alone killing someone yourself, but Penumbra had a certain way of hardening you these days. After all, you did just threaten to slice Claudin’s neck open if he tried anything on you. 
This was unsafe, and surely reckless, but you wanted answers and you wouldn’t back out now to get them. Claudin seemed delighted by the sternness in your expression, refusing to back away from the danger of this perilous situation as he guided you through the rowdy streets. 
Rounding the corner there was a crowd ahead making you tilt your head as you glanced at Claudin who only nodded ahead, both of you coming closer to the spectacle that you immediately deduced was a mockery of…you.
Your lip twitched in simmering anger at the mockery dress and hair of a man who’s voice pitched high, annoyingly so as he flounced about with the narrator, vacillating between ditsy and vexing.
“This is how they view you,” Claudin leaned in at your side as the crowd cackled at the man, “A predator dressed as prey, a Eunoian spy, here to cause our downfall.” 
“Now whatever shall our Bitch do!? Attempted murder afoot but wait! What is this between her breasts!” 
Your expression was deadpan as you watched the man grab a scroll from between his fake set of breasts, one even falling out revealing a bundle of cloth making everyone gag, “Ahem!” He coughed out high pitch, unrolling it as he read, “Oh dear husband! It appears my kingdom is on our borders! How could you not have seen? This was my plan all along!”
They placed a crown on his head which warranted boo’s from the crown, “Down with The Eunoian Bitch!” Someone cried from the crowd. 
You shook your head unable to watch any longer as you brushed past Claudin, eyes darting between the various sights on the streets, a group of four men continuously kicking a young boy, the prostitute against the wall with a man, and on the far side a crowd of people cheering as they threw darts and knives at wall, a poor imagine of your face as the target. 
“You’re upset.” Claudin followed after you with a remark.
“Of course I’m upset!” You hissed out, whirling around, “I’m being accused of something I didn’t do! My entire country is being accused of something we didn’t do- haven’t even done! Take me back to the castle.” 
Claudin shifted his foot with exasperation but was cut short with the cold metal pressing into his neck, “I said take me back to the fucking castle, now.”
Claudin held up his hands in a mock of surrender,  “You and your husband share an odd similarity of barbarously threatening me.”
Your lip twitched and your grip on the blade didn’t relent, “Maybe if you weren’t such a cunt that wouldn’t happen to you. Castle. Now.” 
“If you so wish, my Princess.” Claudin resisted no more as you sheath your weapon following stiffly behind him the whole way home. 
A spy…they thought you were a spy sent by Eunoia? You had learned to ignore the slanders thrown your way, but to have your whole kingdom’s credibility question? As if Eunoia didn’t house the fallen kingdom of Seoul? As if Eunoia wasn’t held responsible and damn near torn apart by the continent when Penumbra raised?
It was beyond just an insult, it was treasonness to even think about it. 
The castle was…much busier than when you had left, Claudin departed with you at the gates as you dismissed him, arriving by yourself only to swear at the sight of your knight walking towards you with hell's fury. 
“Where the hell have you been Princess!” Yoongi hissed out, grabbing your arm vehemently, “Do you want the Prince to kill me?” 
“Shit,” You ushered out, “What’s happened?” 
Yoongi gritted his teeth, “You mean to ask what’s going on after you snuck out past hours without telling me or anyone else, let alone your husband, what’s going on?” 
You deserved to be reprimanded, you knew that much but that didn’t mean you wanted to deal with it, you groaned, “Did he call for a search?” 
“Of course he did, Jungkook nearly had my head on a pike when I told him I thought you were with him,” Yoongi ran a hand through his hair, “Where were you?” 
“...” You said nothing for a long moment, your expression troubled as you sighed, Jungkook was not supposed to wake up to find you missing, how were you supposed to tell him you went into the depths of a crime ridden area only to discover many ugly truths tonight, ones he had most likely kept hidden from you. 
“Where did you go Princess?” Yoongi ushered, now concerned. 
“I went to the Underside.” 
“Fucking hell!” Yoongi ran a hand through his head again, “Do you know how incredibly stupid that was! Without anyone to protect you!? Penumbra may not be as pious as other kingdoms but rumors still run rampant.” 
“Yes,” Your gaze grew cold, “I’ve become aware as much.” 
Yoongi frowned at this, and you could tell by the look on his face he knew, they all knew, didn’t they? “Come along Princess, let’s get you into the parlor, the others are trying to keep Jungkook from ripping the city apart to find you.” 
You felt a stab of guilt at his words as you followed alongside him into the castle where residents all gawked at you as you kept your hood up, covering your face from their judgmental looks. 
Yoongi weaved his way through the corridors before the doors of the parlor were opened, the first person to whip around being the distraught figure of your husband. 
Your hood was pulled down before he immediately embraced you, his muscles which had been previously tensed had relaxed as he pressed a kiss against the top of your head, “You worried me sick,” He chastised you, “Where did you go? You should’ve told Yoongi- better yet taken him with you!” 
Jungkook cupped your cheeks as he pulled you away a little to inspect your face, making sure you were uninjured, “I’m sorry,” You mumbled, lips quivering only a little in both hurt and confusion at everything you were digesting. 
“Where did you go, Y/n?” Jungkook asked you once more, this time his voice was a little more calm, releasing you upon hearing you try to clear your dry throat. 
Walking over to the table where a pitcher of water was, you poured yourself a glass, glancing between your husband to the two other figures in the room, both his aunt and uncle, Areum and Jeong Dae as the least wanted person at this time walked into the room.
“Ah what coincidental timing.” Di Jin had walked in behind you, everybody's eyes staring at him for a long moment, “Because I just received word that the Princess was spotted coming out of the Underside.” 
The room erupted into worse chaos then you could have expected. “My wife would never step foot in that pit you caused.” Jungkook snarled out.
“It’s true.” You muttered, unable to see the two men baring teeth at one another and despite your low tone it caused silence throughout the whole room.
“Out. The lot of you, these are matters for the family only.” Areum’s voice followed after you as her eyes narrowed on both your friends and servants alike and with that everyone departed.
“Feeling honest, are we Princess?” Di Jin looked haughty at you.
“Y/n,” Jungkook’s voice was wrought with anger, though it was obvious he was trying to keep himself calm, “Why?”
It was like the dam you held your anger in snapped out, rushing out and into every vein in your body as you slammed your cup down, “Why don’t we talk about how everyone’s been keeping me in the fucking dark!”
Everyone looked taken aback by your heated glare, “Talks of Eunoia raising an army and sending me as a spy while consorting with Kimhae!?” You spat out glaring at all of your in laws.
And the oddest thing happened, it could’ve been a trick of your eyes, but you could’ve sworn you had seen Jungkook visibly flinch at the words. 
His eyes were like steel as you glared at him.
“And you knew it! Didn’t you?” You pointed an accusing finger at him as he looked away from you.
Di Jin let out a loud laugh bringing your attention to him, “Well let’s be honest here dear, everyone in this room has suspicions of you being a spy.” 
“Stay out of this.” You snapped, “My affairs with my husband are no concern of yours.” 
“Oh but it seems they are.” Di Jin had a sneering smile on his face as he held up the paper he held in his hand.
“Di Jin.” Jungkook’s voice was low in warning.
You snatched the paper from his hand before Jungkook could even stop you walking away from him and closer to the fire, the only noise being the snaps and crackles as everyone looked at you tensed. 
The more you read the tighter your grip became as Di Jin spoke, “Interesting, how even your husband assumed you were a spy? Was it not?” He hummed innocently, “I’ll be watching you very closely from now on girl, lest a case of treason be opened against you.” 
Your eyes only glared down at the paper, Jungkook’s royal emblem no mistake and the date an even harsher blow to your heart as tears of wrath began to blur in your vision, “Leave. Now.” 
Di Jin frowned at this, perhaps hoping for a more expressive reaction from you, as if he was trying to get you to dig yourself a hole, but you would not submit yourself to that, you would not allow him to weave his little web of instigation any further. 
“You heard her Wolf.” Areum frowned deeply, walking to stand in front of him as her eyes burned like coals, “Your duties are done for the evening..” 
“You're welcome.” Di Jin sneered one last smile before exiting. 
The door shut quietly behind him as your lips quivered and your nails nearly torn through the paper, trying to calm your breaths down but truthfully, you were rendered speechless. Everything you had become accustomed to, the delicate, tender blossom that was slowly growing between you and Jungkook felt as if it had been abruptly yanked from the ground and stamped under a boot. 
Jungkook had grown anxious at your expression, you were abhorrently livid, if your body language was anything to go by, “Y/n,” He finally sighed out, “What did you expect me to do? It’s no secret that the court has doubted you from the very moment-”
“This isn’t about the fucking court!” You hissed out, every ounce of self restraint thrown out the window as you marched over to him, “This isn’t about Di Jin, this isn’t about anyone but you! What the fuck is this!?” You cried out shoving the parchment into his chest, pain wrought in your expression, eyes glaring with rage and betrayal, “After everything we’ve been through together!?”
You ran your hands though your hair trying to calm down your rapidly beating heart, tears vehemently stinging your eyes as you shook your head, “I’ve have bared my soul to you, again and again, I- I have tried my best to understand Penumbra, your culture, you. For months! And I…” 
You closed your eyes, letting the defeated tears trickled down your face, “I genuinely believed that you…” You couldn’t even bring yourself to say the words that squeezed too tightly in your throat, a sob finally bubbling from your lips, “Why!?” You whimpered out, finally staring at him, “Why did you not tell me about Eunoia? Or the rumors, or…or any of it!” 
It would be one thing if he had this investigated when you had first arrived in Penumbra, but he didn’t, this was recent, too recent. All of your fresh memories with him spiraling in your head, the intimacy you had nervously shared with him.
“Because, what if it was true?” Jungkook’s jaw clenched, “I don’t take any pleasure saying that Y/n! But I needed to be sure that you weren’t playing a game with me.” 
Your lips trembled in disbelief as warm tears dripped down your face, “No I said those words to you!” You pointed an accusing finger at him, “I asked you those same words and you looked me in the eyes and lied to me!”
“I wasn’t lying to you!” Jungkook immediately hissed back, “I’m not in a forgiving position! I needed to know you were on my side for certain and those words I said were not a lie! I don’t expect you to understand, nor do I expect your forgiveness, but I did what I had to do!” 
You stared at him for a long moment in disbelief, tears dripping down your chin as Jungkook sighed, cupping your cheeks as he brushed the tears away, “I’ve meant every word I’ve said to you, and the feelings I have, it’s all real.” He pressed his forehead against yours, “But you can’t expect me to have zero doubts in your credibility, you were going to marry the Prince of the kingdom that took great pleasure in slaughtering my people.”
“That isn’t fair Jungkook!” You tried to bite back your sob, your heart as if it was being torn to shreds, “Everything you’re saying isn’t fair! You know it isn’t!” 
“Life isn’t fair and it isn’t kind Y/n,” Jungkook frowned at the new tears that dripped down your face, “I’m only sorry that I’m the one having to tell you this.” 
“Fuck you!” You spat at him, shoving him away, “Paint it how you want, but it doesn’t change what you did, you choose to not trust me. You choose to have me investigated and you choose to look me in the eyes and tell me this was not a game to you.”
“No.” You snapped sharply, looking up at him as your voice trembled softly, “Me and you, we’re done. You’re right, you don’t deserve my forgiveness nor my understanding. The only thing we have left is the fact that we’re both bitches serving the same crown. You are nothing more than a liar Jungkook.”
“You don’t mean that.” Jungkook shook his head, his jaw clenching. 
“I mean every fucking word.” You seethed.
You turned around, shoving the doors open to the room as you shoved the tears from your eyes, everyone had looked at you in baited breath but you only walked over to Yoongi, “Take me to my room. My room, please.” 
Yoongi had parted his lips but said no more, doing as you asked as you shoved the tears from your eyes, trying to pick up the broken pieces of your heart that laid cracked and shattered from Jungkook’s heartless words. 
He really was as wicked as they said he was. 
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faulty-writes · 5 months
[ Hello followers, and or fans! I am back with a Part II/Follow-up to the piece I originally wrote for the Hawks Big Bang. This was inspired by this image created by pepepecoooooo which is so so cute. Please note this piece contains MAJOR manga spoilers. ]
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[ As a support specialist, you were used to receiving attention, and it wasn’t just because you were the child of Endeavor, a fool. Trying to adjust to your new life after the war was hard, but it was even harder knowing what happened to a certain winged hero man that you knew. It was clear the two of you had lost things you could never get back, yet this could be the key to finally moving forward hand in hand. ]
The tension in the air was beginning to make you sweat. ‘This is so awkward…’ you thought, mindlessly staring at the plastic container you were helping Keigo go through. It was filled with his hero memorabilia and merchandise.
‘Why did I agree to this again?’ The ache that coursed through your chest served as enough of an answer and your hands tightened around the edge of the container. The fingers of your newly created mechanical arm whirred in response to this.
You could only assume that it was still getting used to its functioning, and it served as a reminder of what you had lost during the war against All For One and the former members of the Paranormal Liberation Front. Ironically enough, your father had also lost his arm, and although you had offered to craft a new one for him, he refused.
You assumed he believed this was a way to atone for his past sins and thought he was foolish but tried to respect his decision, especially given the now delicate state of your family. Despite this, you knew that the heroes and hero students alike had lost something during the war as well.
The ache in your chest increased when you looked at Keigo who was crouched over another container across the room. Most would think that being in the former number two hero’s house would be a dream come true, but considering the events that led to this moment, it was more of a nightmare.
Despite now being a retired hero, he was currently dressed in his former hero attire which consisted of a black shirt with a repetitive golden pattern, a tan jacket with a high collar lined with white fur, and black gloves. Much like before the war, the only thing that was missing was the beautiful bright red feathers that made up his wings.
However, there was no chance of recovering them this time. Sure, the heroes won in the end, but Fierce Wings had been stolen by All For One, and upon the villain’s death, the stolen quirks died along with him. This, of course, is what prompted Keigo’s abrupt retirement.
Although there were many casualties, he considered himself one of the lucky ones because he could at least walk away from the war alive. Sure, a part of him was missing. But hell, he was never whole to begin with and part of him felt guilty for having made it out alive given that he took Jin Bubaigawara’s life.
At the same time, however, he assumed being alive was worth it if he had you. Although a part of you was missing as well, or a semi-part? Guess you were both equally messed up. He was slightly amazed that Endeavour had even allowed you to help him go through his things given what happened last time.
Of course, he didn’t give a damn if Endeavour knew he had feelings for you, especially now that he was retired. Being the person he was, however, he tried to laugh it off and say that now he had plenty of time to catch up on the things he wanted to do.
This included getting rid of or donating most of his possessions. However, you couldn’t help but notice that the merchandise he wanted to get rid of was related to his previous career as a hero. Still, you tried not to judge and knew that like before, this little task he requested your help with related to his desire to spend time with you. 
This was evident because he knew you had recently relocated with your family and while you missed Musutafu, the rural environment you now found yourself in wasn’t so bad. Yeah, it would be ideal if you got to work constructing a new development studio.
However, when you tried making blueprints for it, you struggled. At first, you thought it was a fluke and that you were still in shock from the war. ‘All I need is some rest to recharge, then I'll make those blueprints.’ Yeah, that’s what you foolishly thought.
That a small break from your passion would fix everything. It was only later that you discovered that said passion you felt for creating support items, among other things, had all but disappeared. Your family tried to remain positive and told you that your creativity would return when the time was right.
You weren’t sure if you believed that, and this only added to your frustration. But as usual, you tried to keep yourself distant from them and well everyone until you could sort out your emotions. However, just as in the past, this self-made rule didn’t apply to Keigo.
Just as before, your troubles seemed to be staying with you even in his presence. “Hm?” He paused, feeling your eyes on him. Guess he still had some of his hawk senses, but that was hardly a reason to celebrate. He frowned and focused his attention on the box in front of him again.
The very same box, that yes, bore the weight of his memories as a hero. The rustling of aged papers and faint crackling of outdated newspaper clippings echoed through the room. But among these was something from his childhood that was associated with skyrocketing his dreams of becoming a hero.
When his fingers brushed over something soft and plush, he knitted his eyebrows and leaned over the box. Carefully moving a few more items out of the way, he notices the red and orange coloring, accompanied by a cool blue undertone.
As he pulled out the Endeavour plushie, he noticed it was a little worn, and had a few stitches here and there. Still, it carried with it a sense of happiness, and memories came flooding back to him accompanied by a bittersweet smile.
He tentatively squeezed it and looked over his shoulder at you. His eyes naturally drifted to your artificial appendage that, like your previous metal fingers, gleamed the faintest blue and had a sleek metallic surface. In addition, precisely articulated joints mimicked the motion of the human body.
The metal fingertips were equipped with sensors that allowed you to perform tasks that surpassed normal human capability. There was a subtle space along the sides of it, that allowed that soft luminescence to emanate from its core, this was the source of the gentle blue glow that made it stand out.
Underneath the surface of your arm was a complex network of wires and circuits that was nothing less of the sophistication only you were capable of crafting, or so he believed. He imagined that like your mechanical fingers, the arm worked in tune with your quirk which made it the life force of the technological masterpiece.
It served as a reminder to him that you never said no to a challenge, no matter how difficult, and that was a quality that set you apart from other support item specialists. It was also what made him interested in you in the first place.
Not many freshly graduated support specialists could make a name for themselves as fast as you did and you were already popular at Yuuei because of your outstanding grades, and equally outstanding inventions. So, he had heard of you even before meeting you face to face. If only he knew the arm was indeed not crafted by you.
The smile fell from his face, and his chest ached softly. Although he tried to convince himself it wasn’t his fault that you had lost your arm, he felt responsible. However, this didn’t change the fact that you were still the child of his favorite hero.
The same favorite hero whose likeness was modeled after the plushie he was currently holding. He glanced at it, taking note of the synthetic fibers that made up the flames that Endeavour used as a makeshift mask and beard, and the bright turquoise color of the plushie’s eyes.
“Hm…” he perched his lips and grasped his chin, tapping it with the tip of his gloved finger. His gaze once again shifted to you, and he noticed that you had taken a few items out of the box you were rummaging through. They lay on the floor in organized piles, and he chuckled softly.
It was just like you to organize what you saw and make sense of it. “Hey,” your head turned when you heard his voice and tried to push down the fact that it made your heart race. Yes, the relationship you had with Keigo was…strange if anything.
This was especially evident given the last time the two of you were alone you almost kissed. That’s also when you realized just how strong your feelings for him were, and although you wanted to follow said feelings, something was holding you back. 
Regardless, Keigo had a history of pushing his luck with you and distracting you from your work whenever he damn well pleased. While you wanted to finish the task, he had given you, a sigh passed your lips. “What?” you replied, your voice flat as you placed a hand on your hip.
He smirked, happy to see that despite everything, you still had that fierce attitude. No doubt that was something you inherited from your father. “Check it out,” he said, approaching you. “He’s waving at you,” with a snicker, he proceeded to take the plushie’s arm and move it.
He had his hopes that his misguided sense of humor would make you smile. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Instead, you scowled at him and glared daggers at the plushie before grabbing it. Luckily, you used your flesh hand to do this, as opposed to your mechanical one which would have surely ripped the stuffed companion apart.
After you chucked it across the room, it bounced on the floor a few times before hitting the side of the wall where it lay askew. The smile on his face faded, leaving behind a frown as he stared at his precious childhood friend who was now laying face-first against the floor.
He then glanced back at you, taking note of your heavy panting and the whir of your mechanical arm that again, seemed to be straining to move. In this case, it struggled to make a fist, but he assumed this was ignored by you.
Still, he had faith you’d be able to tinker with it until it reached the flawless level of complexity and functioning that was usually associated with your inventions. The tension in the air was obvious, as was the awkwardness that lingered between the two of you.
It was no surprise that his mind once again drifted back to the kiss the two of you almost shared and the look on Endeavour’s face when he barged in to see you in his arms. He also recalled the way your father forcibly dragged you away from him. It all seemed so unfair.
Yeah, he had told you on that day that he wasn’t a good guy. But hell, he deserved love, right? He didn’t give a damn if he wanted it from the child of his favorite hero. That was part of the reason he insisted you help him with his much-needed task.
While things had just seemed to turn sour, he was determined to finish what he had started. “I don’t need to be greeted by a plushie of my Dad!” You snapped, pointing a mechanical finger at him. “Jeez,�� you said, turning your back on him.
You knew that you might be taking your frustrations out on him, but for the moment, you were too stubborn to apologize. “D-don’t be weird, okay?” You muttered, making his frown deepen. ‘Hm…’ he narrowed his eyes, ‘weird, huh?’
If that wasn’t the greatest instance of the pot calling the kettle black, he didn’t know what was. But he had been dealing with you for too long, and he wouldn’t rest until he had destroyed every wall you tried to put up. Furthermore, since you were already at your weakest point, it was the perfect time.
Yeah, maybe that was a little…villainous to do. But hell, if his hero career taught him anything, it was that you needed to use whatever you could to your advantage. ‘Maybe Dad was right…’ you thought as you resumed looking through the box, taking a few items out of it to place in the piles you had created.
Of course, your father didn’t trust anyone who tried to get close to you, let alone pursue you with romantic interest. He had grown suspicious enough the last time you and Keigo were together, and it only heightened when Keigo requested your help after the war.
Part of you thought your father finally agreed because of your mother’s assurance that you would be alright, despite him having resentment toward Keigo. In his mind, he believed the once-winged hero was the one responsible for you having lost your arm.
This, at least in your opinion, was an illogical conclusion because Keigo was too injured to even move, let alone save your arm from getting severed at the time. You had tried your hardest to explain that after your family had stopped Touya’s reign of terror by working together, you searched for other heroes.
You were also the least injured one of your family thanks to your specialized combat suit. It was like that of a robotic suit that old superhero cartoons would depict, be it more advanced. However, it had received great damage from Touya’s flames and as a result, was weakened to the point of just barely functioning.
Despite this, your stubborn attitude made you determined to protect others. That’s unfortunately how you got caught up in the brigade of Himiko Toga’s doubles that had attempted to attack Keigo with a large knife. Without thinking, you jumped in front of him.
Of course, you didn’t anticipate just how much damage that knife would cause. It ended up shredding through the combat suit, and effectively through the flesh and bone of your arm, severing it completely. You certainly were a fool for doing what you did, but you also felt some pride knowing you prevented him from further injury.
Yeah…maybe you loved Keigo, whatever. If you were being honest, you were disappointed that your mechanical fingers got destroyed as well. But your original opinion still stood strong, countless individuals chose to have certain body parts or limbs replaced with robotic ones. Only this time, you felt different.
You couldn’t necessarily explain why, but maybe that’s because you were still processing everything that happened and dealing with more emotions than you wanted to. Jeez, there had to be a way to distract yourself from how you were feeling.
Your father only added fuel to the fire by acting protective and had initially refused and furthermore, forbade you from helping Keigo. Of course, he hadn’t explained why. But much like you, your father had a difficult time articulating his emotions.
You assumed it was because he didn’t want you to be romantically involved with anyone, maybe the fear of someone taking you away from him struck a nerve. The members of your family almost losing their lives during the war and Touya ‘dying’ for the second time likely added to this.
You could understand that no one wants to lose their child either in death or from someone else taking them away. But your mother managed to convince him to allow you to help Keigo, saying that she wanted her children to be able to be happy. Guess you could thank her for that, but your relationship with her was strained at best.
Still, you were beginning to wonder if you should have come here at all. “You know there, you don’t have to take your frustrations out on your father,” he said in a joking manner, crossing the room to pick up the Endeavour plushie before once again cradling it in his arms. “That’s not funny!” You snapped, pointing an artificial finger at him.
He seemed to recall the last time you had done that and like before, his body stiffened out of instinct. But instead of the memories of the flames that had stolen his wings away, the scene of when you jumped in front of him and the blood that splattered when your arm was cut off came to mind.
The blue hue of your finger reflected off the golden color of his eyes and you took a deep breath, letting out a sigh as you lowered your hand. Once again, it gave a loud whirring that made you smack it. “Shut up and work properly already!” You snapped, making Keigo raise his eyebrow.
While your mechanical arm was certainly a marvel, it wasn’t one of your designs. In the weeks following the war, and your attempts to make blueprints for a new Development Studio, you also tried to come up with blueprints for a new arm. Several. The only thing this confirmed was that your passion for invention and technology had now become a sizzling flame. Your frustration began here. It was like an author having writer’s block. There was potential for something beautiful to be created, and yet the mind remained blank, unable to convey the correct words for a heart-capturing story.
You were unable to do anything about your brain’s lack of creativity. Even when you had attempted to make your robotic limb, believing that baby steps would reignite your abilities, you found yourself struggling yet again.
This eventually led you to contact a promising Department of Support student named Mei Hatsume, who was the only one who challenged the legacy you had left behind at Yuuei. She was the one to thank for constructing your arm based on the blueprints of your once mechanical fingers.
Of course, this didn’t change the fact it was embarrassing to have someone craft something you should have easily been able to create. Although Mei had warned you that your new arm would struggle at first given that she had set limitations on it and would gradually increase them which would allow it to work more efficiently.
You knew it was important to get used to the strength of your mechanical appendage at first, and further knew that Mei was following safety precautions which was almost amusing given the stories you had heard about her inventions spontaneously combusting.
“Taking your frustrations out on inanimate objects now?” He questioned with a chuckle, but it died quickly when he noticed you were glaring at him. “That’s not funny either,” you said before walking over to the nearby wall and sighing as you slumped against it.
You frowned as you slid onto the floor and pulled your knees up to your chest. The frown on his face remained as he watched you, guess he should have expected this. Although you still looked like the same little firecracker he had always known.
“Mm…” he hummed and turned the Endeavour plushie in his hands. His eyes focused on it for a long moment as if he expected it to come to life and give him advice on how to deal with you. He took a breath as he lowered his hands and looked at you.
For the first time, it seemed that the illusion you were the child of his favorite hero was broken. Instead, he just saw you. Someone who needed comfort because they had so much frustration built up they were liable to burst at any moment.
At the same time, he also saw someone so intelligent when it came to crafting support items and other inventions yet didn’t stop to see their own success. You sacrificed everything for your passion, even if you didn’t receive as much as a ‘Thank you’ from your customers.
Someone like you didn’t deserve to be this…glum. More importantly, he saw the person who had saved him from the painful sting of a knife cutting into his flesh. Maybe he was seeing you as his new hero. The only difference was that he was no longer chasing a childhood dream.
He was pursuing the next stage in his life, the period when he’d settle down with the one, he had adored for quite some time. His eyes once again drifted to your artificial arm, and he walked toward you. “How does it feel to be without your arm?” He asked, his voice flat and an absent tone accompanied it.
Of course, having been trained under the Hero Public Safety Commission, he had, unfortunately, mastered the ability to numb his emotions. This didn’t last long around you and as he came to stand in front of you, he could see the anger brewing inside you, and the small hint of hatred dancing in your eyes.
He knew his question would make you angry, this was evident by your slanted eyebrows and scowl. You balled your hands into fists, and once again the sound of your artificial appendage permeated the air. Your lip twitched, and although you knew it was wrong, your anger and stubbornness got the best of you.
You leaned forward, and growled, “How does it feel to be without your wings!?” His facial expression dropped, and although most couldn’t tell. A look of sadness filled his eyes and an ache coursed through his chest. He knew that he had done good things during his career as a hero, it was something he was born for.
Ever since he saved all those people when he was a mere child, he had his hopes of becoming a hero. The rest followed when he found out about Endeavour, who unintentionally saved him, and the Hero Public Safety Commission was responsible for creating him into the person who stood before you today.
But it seemed that despite his best efforts, you were yet again trying to put up walls. He glanced toward the ceiling, rubbing the back of his neck. You raised your eyebrow, noticing his change in demeanor and guilt filled your heart, making your chest feel heavy.
You drew your bottom lip into your mouth, glancing away. ‘Okay…maybe I shouldn’t have said that…’ you thought, almost feeling sick for having come to that realization. Your eyes drifted to your mechanical arm. ‘We both lost something…’ you glanced at Keigo once more.
‘What he lost was more personal…’ and after the tragedy he went through before, you couldn’t fathom how he was feeling or how he could even smile. Images of his bandaged-up face and fresh scars came to your mind, making you tense up.
He raised his eyebrows, noticing this. He was keen to know what that meant thanks to his years of training as a spy, and frankly, he didn’t like the way it looked on you. So, he made the bold move to sit down next to you.
He stretched one leg out in front of him while the other was bent so he could rest his arm against it. Laying the Endeavour plushie on the floor next to him, he faintly smiled. If a little comfort is what you need, then he’d gladly give it to you. Although he could use some in return, he always put others before himself.
Maybe that’s part of the reason why he could shut off his emotions at any given time but as he looked at you, he was quickly reminded why that was impossible around you. He took a deep breath and focused his attention forward.
The awkward tension in the air continued to grow and sweat began to drip down the sides of his head before he let out the breath he was holding. “Guess it’d be crossing the line if I asked why you did that, eh?” He said, finally shattering the silence.
“Did what?” you replied, he noted that your voice was slightly strained indicating that you were still frustrated. He gave a half-smirk and leaned over, knocking on your mechanical arm. You stiffened as a result and quickly jerked your arm away, but its movement was slow and clunky.
A loud thud came when the elbow of it hit the wall. “Mm, again taking your frustration out on inanimate objects, huh?” Keigo said flatly, brushing his gloved fingers over the small indent you had now created in his wall. You grumbled and crossed your arms.
“Again, you’re asking stupid questions,” you hissed back, looking away from him with your anger boiling. Ironically, the temperature around you dropped which was unfortunately a side effect of your quirk. He wanted to reach out and touch your shoulder but decided against this given that your cold flame quirk was dangerous.
Although he didn’t believe you’d hurt him, at least not physically. He frowned and glanced up. “You know you could have lost your life trying to save mine, and despite being a devilishly handsome man, even with these scars…” he paused, and his eyes looked glossed over and void, almost like his soul had been ripped out.
“But damn if my life is worth more than yours,” he said, making your eyebrows rise and your lips part. He would have thought the look of surprise on your face was amusing if it wasn’t so sad. The weight on your chest seemed to double at his words, and you couldn’t help but wonder how the hell he could even think that.
Your eyes scanned his face, noting that his scar had gotten better, and you swallowed heavily before hesitantly lifting your hand. It hovered in the air for a moment, and you chewed on your bottom lip as second thoughts came to mind, but you pushed them away.
How could he think that your life was more valuable than his? His heart beat wildly when he felt the subtle cool touch of your hand against his cheek. Ironically, a heated warmth rushed through his body like the connection between two souls finally forming.
His eyes widened, unlike before your flesh and blood hand felt so at home, and he couldn’t resist placing his hand over yours. Your eyes locked, and when your thumb grazed over his scar, he hitched his breath. Silence lingered between the two of you and the tension in the air shifted.
Uncertainty and anticipation replaced the awkwardness in the air, making you lean forward. Keigo lowered his eyebrows, and his gaze lingered on your lips. He too, leaned forward expecting you to finish what the two of you started but-“You’re an idiot,” you said, removing your hand from his cheek. His eyes widened before he glanced away.
You sighed, and once again brought your legs up to your chest and wrapped your arms around them. “The world needs you,” your gaze turned to the ceiling, then drifted to the boxes that still needed to be emptied. You couldn’t admit that you needed him too.
A lump formed in his throat, and he lowered his head, sighing. “Heh, that’s the funny thing about the world,” he replied after a few minutes of silence. “The world thinks it needs heroes to save the day…” you knit your eyebrows.
“But it’s a bit different when someone is your world,” you hated the way your stomach filled with butterflies at his words. You clenched your jaw, pressing your teeth together. Once again, your mechanical arm struggled to move, and your fingers to close, causing a subtle creaking to echo through the room.
“You’ve protected even ungrateful people, you’re the number two her- ” you hissed when he grasped your chin. “Yeah,” he said, locking eyes with you. “I’m also the guy that wanted to sit on his ass and make the world an easier place for heroes,” he explained bluntly.
“And now that I’m rendered useless to the world I used to protect, I’m starting to see things a little differently.” A small ting of pain enveloped your heart when he described himself as useless. “Namely that little support specialists like you are the brains behind the operation,” a growl rumbled in your throat.
He wasn’t wrong, without support specialists the world would be in chaos, and the heroes without the proper means to fight. “That little stunt you pulled could have caused the world to lose someone that is actually needed,” he said, his eyebrows slanting, and his lips slightly pulled back in a snarl.
It was rare to see him angry, at least outside of his previous hero work and to know that anger was directed at you was a little off-putting. You looked at him with a dropped jaw, frozen for a minute before wrapping your metal fingers around his wrist.
In response, he tightened his grip on your chin almost as if silently conveying you weren’t going to make him let go. “You give hope to people who need it, and those who can’t control their quirk,” he said firmly. “You gave me hope when I needed it,” he added, hoping you realized he was referring to the feathers you created for him.
Another wave of sadness crashed over you; damn you hated feeling this much. “Why does that matter when you don’t have a quirk anymore?!” You knew you were rubbing salt into the wound but couldn’t help yourself.
A spark of blue fire erupted from the corners of your eyes, and the atmosphere around the two of you dropped again. However, just as with your father, he remained unintimidated. “E-even if I died…” you hesitated to speak and latched onto your bottom lip to prevent it from quivering.
Honestly, you would have happily died if that meant Keigo could get his quirk back. Moreover, you’d give up your quirk for his if you could. It didn’t really matter considering that since you were little, you knew your quirk wasn’t the ideal one your father was looking for.
Although you had since learned to cope with that, it didn’t make it any less true that your quirk wasn’t practical for anything except your previous mechanical fingers. Eventually, if you ever got the motivation to craft support items again, maybe you could improve your artificial arm so it could work in tune with your quirk again.
He sensed your frustration and watched his breath evaporate as he sighed. He released your chin before fisting his hand into his hair, contemplating his next words. It seemed you wouldn’t listen to reason, so he said something he knew would catch your attention.
“Endeavour needs you.” Even though it hurt him to say that because he also needed you. Your mouth grew dry, and his words made your chest ache again, although you knew he was right. As much as you hated to admit it, your life as a support specialist was the very thing that caused you to grow distant from your family.
After everything your family has been through together, everyone was trying their hardest to get along and you knew you needed to do your part by spending time with your parents and siblings. So maybe in that sense, it was selfish that you had risked your life to protect Keigo. Yet you remained with no regrets.
Why was this such a big deal to him in the first place? The two of you were still here, you had both lost something, and yet gained something at the same time. Silence filled the space between the two of you, except for the soft humming of your mechanical arm.
Why did he have to mention that your father needed you? “Mm…” you rested your chin on top of your knees, a blank expression in your eye. Your mind replayed the look on your father’s face when he and Best Jeanist stumbled into your Development Studio and the almost threatening conversation he had with you in the car afterward.
‘So, it was Hawks who initiated it then.’ Your bottom lip quivered. ‘I’ll have to have a chat with him later.’ Your arms tightened around your legs, something that caught Keigo’s attention. He then noticed the distant look in your eyes.
‘What could they be thinking about?’ He wondered before you hitched your breath. “Be honest…” you said, feeling your stomach twist with the soft flutter of butterfly wings. ‘And don’t make me regret asking this, okay?’ you thought before continuing.
“If…if my father hadn’t interrupted us on…that day,” you emphasized, knowing he knew exactly what you were referring to, “would we have…kissed?” Your heart thumped heavily in your chest, and although you hated it, the faintest warmth spread through your cheeks. You expected him to give a smart answer, and he did. 
Smirking, he locked eyes with you and said, “Depends.” You knit your eyebrows, and he chuckled. You almost looked cute when you were confused. “Would you still kiss an attractive but devastated former hero who lost his quirk in a freak accident with one of the most dangerous villains alive?” he asked, making you glance away.
Well, that was certainly a question. You frowned, and silence lingered in the air again. Even after learning that he killed Jin Bubaigawara, you still liked him even if you acted like you didn’t. After that day in your Development Studio, you realized how much your feelings for him had grown.
This injured former hero, who had tried to do good all his life only to meet failure in the end, was also someone you loved. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. “I…” Your bottom lip trembled, causing you to sink your teeth into it briefly before you sighed.
“I think…I would,” you admitted in a whisper before looking at him. He met your gaze, a small smile playing on his lips. No words were exchanged as the two of you closed the distance. The world around you faded away the moment your lips met, and the gentle warmth of his kiss sent a wave of bliss through your body.
The kiss was soft, but filled with passion that spoke the volumes of affection you couldn’t convey through mere words. All your worries and fears seemed to get lost in this moment. Another growl passed his lips as he paced back and forth, his mind dancing with thoughts of you and Keigo.
He regretted allowing you to travel back to the city to help the former hero. Then again, given his condition and state of mind, he didn’t have the energy he previously had. He felt tired, exhausted even. Yet, there remained a burning flame that desired to protect you and had him conflicted.
Rei frowned as she watched him, a sad and anxious atmosphere lingering. She knew it would take a while for everything to feel normal again and that she had been absent for most of your life. To think that one of her children became a successful support specialist made her heart swell with pride.
Although you were having trouble finding your passion again, she had confidence that you would be inventing wonderful things again soon. That was a part of her reasoning with Enji to allow you to help Keigo despite his disapproval. “They’ll be okay,” she said, her voice soft but still holding a tinge of annoyance to it.
Enji halted, and another growl passed his lips. He turned, glaring at her. However, she remained standing tall and narrowed her eyes. Much like him, her skin was healing and more than likely would scar due to being in the heart of Touya’s flames. He noticed that strong and determined look in her eyes, and his shoulders slumped.
After everything he had put her through and the regret he had to live with, he was a changed man. He didn’t want to lose any more members of his family, and despite knowing it would take a long time to regain everyone’s trust, he was willing to put in the work. 
That was the reason why he backed down and instead sighed. Pressing his hand to his forehead, he grimaced. “I still can’t accept that they have feelings for-” Rei nodded, understanding where he was coming from. It was natural to be defensive and worried when your children were involved romantically with someone. 
Still, she knew neither of them could interfere. “Let him prove himself first,” she said, her voice holding a calm yet motherly tone. “If Y/n trusts him, then I’m certain he knows better than to break their heart,” once again she narrowed her eyes on Enji.
A moment of silence lingered, and although a sad expression enveloped his features, he turned to stare out the window. “I suppose that’s true…” he said, folding his hand behind his back. He then glanced at his opposite arm, which had been severed by All For One.
Guilt swelled in his heart as he thought about your artificial fingers and newly crafted mechanical arm. He knew he should have been there for you. No child of his deserved to get injured so gravely. Yet, he also knew it was too late to change anything.
His throat tightened, forcing him to swallow hard as he raised his head and stared out the window again. His hand then curled into a fist. ‘Yes...’ he thought, ‘I will give him a chance to prove himself.’ If Keigo did end up hurting you, he would ensure the former hero had wished he had died during the war.
Soft pants filled the air, but neither of you dared to break eye contact. That is until Keigo chuckled, feeling higher than his previous quirk could get him. “Hm?” You raised your eyebrow, wondering for a moment what he was laughing at.
Seconds later, you jolted when he wrapped his arms around you, embracing you in a warm hug. You trembled at the unusual contact, and in response, he tightened his arms around you. There was no way he’d let you push him away now.
Your heart was racing, this was all new to you. Yet, it felt welcome, like it was meant to be. You slowly wrapped your fingers around one of his arms, hoping the cool metal touch of your artificial fingers wouldn’t bother him too much.
You sighed in contentment, finding his embrace to be comforting, and leaned closer to rest your head on his shoulder and close your eyes. Eventually, you knew you’d have to leave, that you’d have to return to your family and although Keigo had stated that your father needed you, it was easy to read between the lines.
Your family would be fine without you for the time being, because even if they needed you...there was someone else that you needed more. That was the same man that embraced you now, and the one you had unexpectedly fallen in love with. 
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smolwritingchick · 14 days
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 94- MAMA Awards 2016 Part 1
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Summary: BTS win their first Daesang! Tensions run high when Jen's friendship with Hyuna ends abruptly due to sneak dissing and a scrapped performance. BTS attends the Mama Awards making iconic moments that leave the world shooked.
Words: 13,000+
Genre: Big Jungkook Fluff. A little chaos never hurt anybody :)
Click here for PART 2 of this chapter
Author's note: OK the 3rd Muster chapter isn't done yet, I'll post that next since this was done. The 3rd Muster chapter is basically a filler chapter anyway. So once I come back from taking a smol break I will start writing that and then the following story chapter. This was done and I didn't want to keep it waiting. Kind of been anxious to release it. 
As I addressed during the Bon Voyage season 1 chapter, this should be the last time I write about Hyuna. This idea came up recently and I rolled with it. My ideas changed a bit but I wanted this to just be chaotic af. I wanted to think outside the box and I like what I came up with. Again this smol girl ain't that much of a lyric writer but A for effort. Decided to combine the chapters and make it into the Mama Awards chapter.
I would like Jennie to always have a cool stage for the MAMA Awards. And have fun moments. It's only 2016 in the story and Jennie still has a lot of growing to do but I think this moment I have planned for this chapter is an interesting start to how she speaks up for herself. We got 2017, 18, 19, and the rest of the years for even more character development, wins and failures along the way for her.
Hope you enjoy it! I'd say Beyonce's 7/11 is the inspiration for her stage at MAMA. I love the song so much and the instrumental. Especially the Coachella version. Always a banger. I also loveeee Beyonce's laugh at the end of the Coachella version. So I had to add it for Jennie. It might just be her signature. 
Whenever there are scenes with BlackPink and BTS' Jennie (My character), I'm going to keep BlackPink's Jennie as Jennie during the dialogue while BTS' Jennie will just be called Jen. Hope that won't be too confusing.
Throwback to this funny video when they won at MMA 2016. I remember this video like it was yesterday. Timeless. As I continue to write, I get a little emotional. It was so fun seeing all this in real time.
Again this chapter is split into two parts because I couldn't fit all of it in one post. So this is part one.
Have an awesome day! Super excited for Jin to return from enlistment! Not much longer now!
'BREAKING! MAMA 2016 Collaboration with Cube's Hyuna and Big Hit's Jennie scrapped!'
Jennie frowned at the article as she sat by her desk in the Smartie Factory. It was crazy how things abruptly changed. Lately, Jennie and Hyuna weren't on speaking terms and issues have been occurring for a while.
It all started with the sneak dissing that Jennie had found out on her Tumblr. She loved scrolling through the tag of her name and came across a fairly popular post regarding Hyuna attending a few variety shows and interviews.
"Unlike the others, I don't need to repeatedly say I'm the best from head to toe. You already see it," made ARMY think about Jennie's War of Hormone lyrics.
"Some rookies can be a bit much. Some like to try to overshine a veteran,"
"Some girls in this industry are a bit too fragile. I don't need to call myself bulletproof,"
"You mean the original version of How's This,"
These were just a handful of statements said by Hyuna and ARMY immediately speculated she was throwing shade at Jennie.
'Uhhhh did Hyuna just sneak diss, Jennie? Am I freaking out over nothing? That bulletproof and glass line was SUS,' one comment said.
ARMY went on to do more research and they immediately figured out that there was some sort of animosity in Hyuna's words and it caused confusion in the fandom.
"The hell...?" Miss Bangtan murmured as she read about it and even saw her and Hyuna trending on Twitter.
Her stomach dropped and she felt hurt by the words. It confused her as to why she would say these things. Deciding to go straight to the source, she messaged Hyuna on KakaoTalk.
Jen: Ummmm what's going on sis? We got a problem or something? If so let's address it now. Call me when you're free
But hours later, still no reply. What officially solidified the fact that there was an issue was when Jennie facetimed Hayoon about it.
"I'm trying to contact her so we can settle this shit now instead of over the internet. But I haven't gotten a response. I don't know how this happened. I didn't even do anything. I know we haven't talked in a while, but damn,"
And that was when Hayoon informed her what was going on from what she heard. She and other people have been overhearing her talking about how upset she was that she would be sharing the stage with Jennie for How's This. She wanted to perform it alone and on top of that felt bothered by the fact that the duet music video with Jennie started to get way more views than the original video.
"I mean it got more views because ARMY loves to support every member of Bangtan. They were bound to have the views boost," Jennie exclaimed on Facetime while Hayoon nodded. "That's one of the amazing things about them. They watched that video for me and I'm grateful but damn, is it that deep? So, she doesn't want to share the stage with me and is feeling some type of the way that her original music video didn't have that many views? Ma'am, if that was a problem, instead of throwing shots, why not talk to me face to face and express yourself? All this childishness for what?"
"I know. It's ridiculous," Hayoon said with a frown. "I had to distance myself from her. I didn't like the things she was saying. And I even talked to her about it but she blew me off and said she didn't care,"
Jennie sighed and shook her head. "Annoying...thanks for telling me...wow...the switch up is crazy...I just don't understand,"
"Of course. Still no reply?"
Jennie went to check back on the app and scoffed. "Did this bitch block me?!"
"What?! No way!"
"Wowwww. So, it's like that? Okay. I can't even contact her anymore...this is making me start to have trust issues a little bit. Like we were so close. We would hang out and talk often...I trusted her with a lot of shit, too. I hope she doesn't spill anything personal. Because now I'm thinking about my relationship,"
"As much as I dislike her attitude, I don't think she'll spill anything especially when she is dating E'Dawn privately,"
"Yeah...I'm not going to air her dirty laundry and talk about how she got a rookie boyfriend and shit. That's unfair to E'dawn and his future career as an idol,"
"Agreed. No need to get him involved. I believe she won't involve Jungkook as well, so no need to worry,"
Jennie sighed. "When I see her at one of these award shows I'll confront her. This is ridiculous,"
"Some kind of girl's girl she is. So close to award season, too? She should not be trying to paint you as this bad person,"
"Yeah...I just don't know how long it's going to take for the public to understand how grimy she is,"
As the news of her performance with Hyuna wasn't happening anymore, Cube Entertainment and even Mnet made the excuse that they felt like Jennie was not ready to perform with Hyuna and was a bit difficult to work with. Which was a load of bull and lots of fans saw through the BS. However, Big Hit responded in defense of her saying that she was ready, was very easy to work with and it was their loss on the collaboration.
It warmed her heart to see the company come to her defense and say she would prove doubters wrong on BTS' stage at the MAMA Awards. Hearing the news that the collaboration was scrapped made her feel down since she had been so excited to perform with someone she looked up to for many years. G-Dragon's words still rang through her mind that not everyone is your friend in the industry and the switch ups are crazy.
Now back to reality, Jennie continued to sit by her desk, deep in thought about the situation. All she wanted to do was speak to her like an adult and squash whatever issue she had with her. But with her being blocked, it was clear she wanted nothing to do with Jennie.
It had been days since the first set of disses along with lyric changes to throw shots at her and the lack of response from Jennie had everyone talking.
People commented:
'Unbothered. I like that,'
'Hyuna cooked you!'
'Everything she said about Jennie was true,'
'Rookie! Hyuna is better than you!'
'So, are you going to respond to HyunA?'
'Damn, still no response?'
'Jennie is known for her impressive stage presence at MAMA. They could have been a powerful duo if egos didn't get in the way. Something ain't right,'
'LOL Hyuna won by default. She is taking forever to respond. Is she scared?'
'Get in the booth, Jennie. Or are you taking the L?'
'So, you just gonna let her talk shit about you like that?'
'Jennie doesn't have to respond to anything.'
'I hate how you guys are instigating this drama.'
'No response is a response, Jennie!'
'Does Miss Bangtan need her bulletproof boy scouts to help her with this one?'
'I bet Jennie is the problem. Because she and Hyuna were great friends. She must have done something wrong...'
'Time to stop hiding behind your boys, woman up and respond to your senior.'
'Respect queen Hyuna!'
'You should be lucky she even asked you to collaborate.'
'ARMY gets on my nerves. They like to spam and stream everything for bragging rights. That music video didn't deserve to get higher views than the OG!'
'Yikes...going after one of the chillest people in the K-Pop industry is not wise because if Jennie responds I bet not hear shit that she was disrespectful when Hyuna started this first. And don't try to say respect your seniors.'
'Y'all are a little too comfortable being rude to Jennie on her page...'
'Hyuna started it and Jen will finish it. Watch!'
'Hyuna is being a bit too bold running her mouth.'
'Of all people when you have Bangtan backing her? And other idols who are close friends with her? I don't understand the logic.'
'Hyuna is untouchable in the industry, no idols will come to her aid,'
'I doubt any idol will defend Jennie from Hyuna. She should handle this herself.'
'Bangtan shouldn't always have to fight her battles. She should handle this by herself,'
'Jennie handles business. She'll respond,'
Still, on social media, she saw herself getting tagged in a lot of Hyuna stuff. Come to find out she was still sneak dissing and her stans were eating it up and defending her. However, ARMY was not too happy about the abrupt attitude change and shade thrown at Miss Bangtan.
"Do you want me to say something?" Yoongi asked, who sat next to her, ready to defend her honor.
"Yoongi...no," she firmly said as she turned to him.
"The situation is so grimy. Like damn, the bitch can't share the stage with you on her song that she wanted you to be on in the first place? Why bother asking to collab?" Angelina spoke up, sitting on the couch with Namjoon. "Did she think it wasn't going to go well? She underestimated the power of ARMY's support and your talent as an artist. Those comments on that YouTube video were mainly about you, Jennie. You outshined her in the music video and she was mad about it and has been holding it in for a while. The bitch is jealous,"
"I'm just confused and thrown off by everything. Like I thought we were friends—"
"Well, she's not your friend," Angelina firmly cut Jennie off, getting upset about Hyuna. "A friend doesn't sneak diss. Fuck her,"
"Are you going to let her just bash your name like this in public?" Namjoon asked.
"She is South Korea's IT girl. Everyone loves her. And if I respond...I have a feeling I'll be public enemy number one. You know how the media is gonna twist this and make me the bad guy," Jennie reminded.
"Jen, I love your calmness. You know I'll be ready to fight somebody if someone did that to me. Diss tracks would already be on standby to release," Angelina added. "I wish I had your calmness, right now, as we speak. But stop being nice,"
"I'm not trying to be! I'm not! I'm not being nice, I'm trying to wrap my head around being blindsided! I'm getting annoyed, now..." she sighed out of frustration.
"Good. Write about it,"
"Listen, I shouldn't cause Bangtan any drama. Award season is coming up...I can't be taking the attention off of us at the award shows. I don't even want to be involved in this drama...why can't I just have some genuine celebrity friends, that won't get mad over petty shit, like this? I'm getting PTSD from Hailey and that took a while to heal from,"
"Munchkin, you're not causing drama for us," Hobi spoke up with his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall, next to the couch. "I know you're thinking of the negatives but the positives outweigh it. You should respond,"
"And you know that people love you, too. She is not the only beloved K-Pop idol, in the world," Yoongi affirmed. "You've been making a positive name for yourself with us as BTS. ARMY and us will not stand for the slander. I want you to write about it all,"
"Turn this negative into a positive," Namjoon reminded.
"Diss track incoming?" Angelina smiled.
Jennie let the rappers' words sink in as she glanced at all of them. They had a point. She couldn't just let her bash her name like this out of nowhere. On top of that, she didn't want to hear anything about being respectful to her seniors when she was getting disrespected unprovoked. It bothered her when people think they can talk to younger people in any type of way. Respect should be a mutual thing.
"For now, don't bother engaging in the drama on social media. Don't respond to any of it online. Continue to go about your day like normal," Namjoon suggested.
"Yeah...okay. You're right. All of you," Jen replied. "I can't let her just get away with talking shit and not saying it directly to my face. Especially when she didn't even want to respond to my messages and blocked me. She needs to get checked,"
"Good. I'm looking forward to this," Hobi smiled.
"You and I both," Yoongi revealed his gummy smile.
Jennie chuckled and turned to Namjoon. "This reminds me a little bit of the Bobby situation and your diss at MAMA 2014. But yours was more of entertainment. Unlike this,"
The leader chuckled at that and nodded. "Yeah. Well, what are you going to do, now?"
"Handle it," she firmly responded and grabbed her notebook.
"Best news I've heard all day. Get writing," Angelina broke out into a big smile, as the others agreed.
"Mama Awards 2016. Speak your truth, there. Let's talk to the staff later about everything," Namjoon recommended.
"Okay," Jennie nodded, liking that idea. "I'll show you what I have when I'm done. Can I be alone, please? To work?"
The boys respected her decision and left her to work while Angelina stayed behind with Namjoon waiting for her outside the studio.
"Word of advice? Try the 8 Mile method. The stealing thunder strategy. You remember the movie and the final rap battle with Eminem?" Angelina asked as she got off the couch.
"Yeah. I've watched it a few times. That's not a bad idea. I'll work on it,"
"Good. Happy writing. Just make sure you eat, okay? Don't be stuck here, all day. I'll be with the others,"
"Don't worry, I'll take breaks. See you,"
After Angelina left, Jennie got started with writing. She also began going through her vault of music files she created over the years to pick which one to perform her rap with.
Rapping…kind of scary to think that this is what it would come to. Yoongi had been an amazing mentor. If Hobi could learn how to rap when he had no background in it, she could too. The amount of faith the rap line had in her to encourage her to respond to Hyuna in this way was a big deal. It was a deal that she could not mess up.
As she proceeded to work, her dog Tony slept quietly on the dog bed in the corner, tired out from playing around with the members a few hours earlier. Jennie occasionally glanced at the adorable dog with a smile while she worked. Miss Bangtan worked for hours, doing research, writing, and analyzing Hyuna's recent interviews regarding her. So engrossed in her work, she jumped slightly when she heard a series of knocks at her door.
"Who?" she asked out loud.
"Your Golden Boyfriend. Jeon Cena!"
"Enter my realm, my love," she smiled and turned her seat around to see him walking in with a few bags of food. "Hey!"
"Hi. I figured you were hungry so I bought food for us," he set the bags on the desk and grabbed a seat to sit next to her.
"It smells so good, thanks," she kissed him sweetly.
Getting a good look at her, he noticed she was wearing one of his hoodies which made him smile. The way it was oversized on her made her look even more cute.
"Any time. And your package of Smarties came. I grabbed a few bags so I can fill up your bowl,"
"You are the best!" she squealed happily and kissed him again before planting multiple kisses all over his cheek, making him giggle.
After he filled up the bowl, he gently grabbed her hand to stop her from reaching out to grab a few pieces.
"Ah-ah! What are you doing?" he called out.
"Helping myself to my smarties?"
"Nah. Food first. Let's eat,"
"What? Oh, come on. Babe, don't do that,"
"Food first. Smarties after," he released her hand.
"They're small, they're not going to spoil my stomach,"
"Food, honey," he grinned, opening the platter of chicken for them to eat. "Take a break,"
"Fine. I should take a break, anyway," she stretched and closed her notebook, placing it to the side. "Game of Thrones?"
"Yeah, we stopped at Season 5, right?"
"Hm hm. The first episode," she set everything up on one of her monitors.
"Hyung told us what you're working on. I'm glad you're going to go through with it. It's not fair,"
She smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah…I just wished she talked to me,"
"She'll realize the mistake she made when you respond. I'm looking forward to seeing what you say. You always have a way of showing off your craft during the MAMA Awards. ARMY will be in for a treat,"
"Thanks. I hope to do it justice. I've been thinking about a lot…especially with the new year coming up. I think my New Year's Resolution for 2017 is to…be more cautious of who I trust and who I open up to. To see my childhood friends again when we go on tour and write songs in a more positive light. I think that'll be a pretty good start,"
He leaned over to kiss the side of her head. "I like that. That is a good start,"
The day of the Melon Music Awards was finally here and backstage was lively as everyone went through rehearsals. Jen was excited to see familiar faces again as she strolled backstage. She let out a deep breath when she finally saw Hyuna who had finished talking with a staff member. Jen had been seeing her all day but whenever she'd get close, Hyuna would rush off.
Not anymore.
As Jen approached her, she knew people were watching her every move, wondering what might happen. Keeping her head up high, she finally came face to face with her.
"You got something to say to me?" Jen questioned as she looked at her with a frown.
Hyuna looked a little surprised and took a step back.
"Nothing at all," she replied with a fake smile.
"Are we going to talk like adults or are you gonna run, again? Where's that energy when you were taking shots at me on that variety show?" she asked and tilted her head to the side when she didn't reply. "If you don't want to be friends anymore, that's cool. I don't care. But I don't appreciate you going out of your way to talk shit about me and lying on my name. Blocking me so we can't speak on the phone? That is mad corny,"
"Jennie, you're causing a scene," she brought up as noticeably more people were being nosy and watching the confrontation.
"I do not care, stop trying to change the subject. What is with you throwing shade like ARMY and I wouldn't notice? Even talking about how difficult I am to work with? The fuck? Do we have a problem?"
"Do we?"
It took all the strength Jen had to not pop her in the head right then and there with the way she sarcastically responded. Hyuna was playing games and it was getting harder for Jen not to put her hands on her. MAMA Awards couldn't come fast enough.
"Keep my name out of your mouth. I'm not telling you again. Are we clear?" Jen demanded with a glare.
After walking away and calming down, Jen informed the members about the nonsense. It annoyed them with the way Hyuna responded and highly anticipated Jen's performance at the MAMA Awards to set her straight. It was going to be worth the wait.
As the show was about to start, Jen went to the women's bathroom and as she came out to wash her hands, she saw BlackPink primping in the mirror and talking amongst themselves about how excited they were for the show.
Jennie gasped in happiness and turned around with a bright smile. "Hi! Oh my gosh, we've been looking for you!"
The sudden burst of excitement surprised Jen as she stood by the four girls who were happily smiling after she dried her hands. Once it officially registered that she was in front of BlackPink, Jen grinned widely.
"Hey! You're BlackPink! Wow! Hi! Oh my gosh, wow, y'all look so beautiful!"
"So do you!" Jisoo beamed as they all bowed.
"Hi, I'm Jennie. Jennie Walker," Jen introduced herself.
"Nice name. Hi, I'm Jennie. Jennie Kim," Jennie giggled with her and held her hands.
"Thank you. Nice name!"
"Thanks! It's nice to catch you before the show. It's really nice to meet you,"
"It's nice to meet you, girls, too!"
"Hi~! I'm Rosé!"
"I'm Lisa!"
"And I'm Jisoo!"
After releasing Jennie's hands, Jen spoke, "You girls are amazing! It's great watching you ladies thrive. I love your songs and I can't wait to see you perform, tonight,"
"Thank you! We've seen your dance videos of our songs. You perform it so well. Maybe you should be the fifth member," Jisoo giggled.
"I'd love to but Bangtan would be upset," she teased, as the girls laughed.
They were all so sweet. Their friendly energy matched so well with Jen's as they all vibed and immersed themselves in bathroom girl talk. As Jen had her eyes on Jisoo, she pointed out that her beauty was on a whole new level. Photos and videos didn't do her justice.
"Can we hug? Are you ladies ok with that? I'm like such a hugger these days but I like to ask before touching," Jen asked kindly.
"Of course!" Lisa beamed and went right in to embrace her with the rest of the girls.
"Are you ladies excited for tonight?" Jen asked.
"Nervous! But very excited. It should be a fun show. The dress rehearsal went well," Rosé replied.
"You ladies are gonna kill it. Have fun with it! Go out there and show them that BlackPink ain't playing around,"
Jen's encouragement seemed to have pumped them up as they smiled brightly and thanked her.
"You're close with Bam Bam, right? He's one of my good friends," Lisa spoke up.
"Yeah! I love him! He's the best and one of the funniest guys ever. He's a piece of work, huh?" Jen chuckled.
"He is! I hope we can all hang out sometime,"
"Yeah, I'd love that. We have a 97 Liner group chat we can add you and Rosé in! We're trying to see when we can have another get together. Even if it's just a handful of us. I have the WINGS tour coming up so it'll probably be a long while until Jungkook and I can participate in any hangouts. But we'll be there in spirit if the group plans something in our absence,"
"Being in the group chat sounds like fun. It'll be nice to get to know the others who were born in the same year. You'll introduce us?" Rosé asked.
"Yeah! I got you! You have to meet Hayoon. She is one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet. So down to earth. She can be a little shy but give her some time and she'll open up to you. When you see her show off her real personality she gets very intense when playing games. Especially card games,"
Lisa and Rosé giggled at that.
"G-Dragon speaks highly of you. I always see him at YG and when we catch up he always brings you up," Jennie added.
"He talks about me to you?" Jen's eyes lit up.
Jen remembered that Jennie worked with G-Dragon before, being in one of his music videos. And Rosé even worked with him, on a song. It made her heart soar that he spoke highly of her. She hoped that one day she could collaborate with him as well. They brought it up a few times but she wanted to continue to improve her craft as an artist before working with him on music. She wanted to be at her best to sing with someone as legendary as him.
"Yeah! He told us he took you under his wing. I remember him saying how determined you looked when you approached him at K-Con. He admired your drive to take action. The way you did not hesitate to ask for advice on how to be a better performer. He also told us you are someone he trusts and that you are authentic," Rosé added.
"Wow...I am honored, my gosh," Jen let out a breath and placed her hands over her heart.
"Can I just say I love the move that you do with Jungkook during Blood, Sweat and Tears!? That flip and spin? It's so good!" Lisa said excitedly. "I want to try to do it during a dance practice but your chemistry with him is something that cannot be duplicated. I've studied dance covers of your little duet and it's clear that the move was meant for you two. I admire your passion when dancing,"
"Aw really? Thank you! I admire your passion for dancing, too! You be killing it on stage! You move with such grace and power, I get blown away every time, girl. I need to learn a thing or two from you,"
"We should practice together, sometime!"
"I'd be down!"
Their conversation was cut short when they heard an announcement that the show was about to begin.
"Before we go to our seats, can we take a selfie?" Jisoo suggested.
"Yeah! Let's do it!" Jen cheered.
Jisoo took out her phone and held the camera up high while the girls crowded around Jen. With all of their face cards on point, the selfie turned out beautifully as they posed with peace signs, kissy faces, and bright smiles.
"Oh, we cute, cute! Send this to me!" Miss Bangtan requested.
After exchanging numbers with the girls, the five of them went to their seats with fansites filming and noticing them together. Seeing the sight made ArmyBlinks excited that they finally met and hoped they take pictures.
As the show began, Jennie sat with Bangtan as the camera occasionally caught her exciting reactions which would make Armies cheer. Jennie happily cheered and lip synced Blackpink's lyrics with fans noticing how Rosé biased she was.
When it was time for Bangtan to perform BST, audience members and idols anticipated JenKook's signature move but they didn't perform it this time and did different choreography. The disappointment was evident on some idols' faces as they whispered amongst themselves about them not doing their move as well as fans.
"No~! I wanted to see the spin," Lisa whined. "Why didn't they do the spin?"
"I know! I wonder why they decided to change the choreography," Jisoo pouted.
"Damn, no spin?" Zico wondered.
"Darn, they didn't do it? What changed?" Kai wondered with EXO.
Fans tweet:
'Are you fucking serious!? Jennie and Jungkook wtf!? I am PISSED!'
'JenKook y'all had ONE JOB!! ONE!! We wanted the spin!'
'I know these damn babies did not skip their highly anticipated dance move of BST,'
'I stayed up all night only for them not to do the spin!? Big Hit, I'm about to sue! Count your MF days!'
'Who scrapped the spin!? I wanna fight! #BringBackTheSpin'
'LISTEN!! If it ain't broke don't fix it! Nothing and I mean NOTHING needed to be changed in JenKook's duet. Keep it like it is! It was perfect! #BringBackTheSpin'
Backstage after their performance, Jungkook laughed at the flooded tweets from Armies and other fans. They all were complaining about them not doing the dance move and it surprised him to see how much viewers enjoyed the unique move. The couple wanted to do something a little different for the Melon Music Awards but clearly, their decision did not sit well with everyone which amused them.
Jungkook tweeted for damage control, 'Ah...we didn't do the spin this time. Sorry ARMY. We will do it next time,'
Immediately fans replied:
'Y'all better! That move is generational!'
'What were y'all thinking switching it up!? We better get nothing but sexiness the next time y'all do it! I am so serious!'
'Bullying works guys!!'
'Y'all know better!'
'OH ARD! That's what I thought. You two better raise the bar next time!'
'GOOD! It better be sexy af the next time you two perform it! I need my JenKook crumbs!'
'I hope the next time they do the move they take it up a notch. Their chemistry has me glued to my screen!'
As the show was drawing to a close, she sat in between Yoongi and Taehyung while they watched the presenters call the nominees for album of the year. In Jennie's mind, she assumed EXO was going to win it. EXO had been powerhouses for their albums and the big 3, JYP, SM, and YG always swept these big awards. However, it was an honor to even be nominated in the category for The Most Beautiful Moment In Life: Young Forever album.
She sat, relaxed, already ready to applaud EXO for winning the award as she waited for the presenter to say it.
"2016 Melon Music Award Best Album of the Year goes to...BTS!"
The sound of the group's name caused Bangtan to widen their eyes, looking at each other in utter disbelief.
Did they REALLY just call BTS the album of the year winners!? WHAT!?
Idols around them stood up, equally surprised that a group not from the big 3 won the award as they applauded them. GFriend cheered happily, bouncing up and down as Hayoon yelled cheerfully for Jennie. Namjoon immediately stood up, stunned by the announcement.
"Oh s—" Hobi shouted in shock.
Jennie sat in her seat dumbfounded as she looked around, glancing at the members who equally had the same shocked expression.
"What the f—" she stopped herself as she covered her mouth, trying to process the news that Bangtan had just won their first Daesang.
Daesang...they won a Daesang!
"We won? We won!?" she slowly stood up once the rest of the boys did.
Armies around the venue cheered and screamed as they waved their ARMY bombs in celebration.
"Ahhhh Jennie looks so surprised!" Hayoon giggled to her group before quickly rushing over to embrace her.
It started to become a tradition for these two to find each other to hug, high five, or do something whenever they won an award. Hayoon grabbed her hands and jumped up and down excitedly with her.
"BTS did it! BTS won! I'm so happy for you!" she beamed, pulling her in for another tight hug.
"Holy shit, what the hell is happening!? Is this real!?" Jennie exclaimed, hugging her tightly.
"Yes! Go up there!" she laughed and lightly pushed her forward after pulling away.
Jennie adjusted herself and began walking up to the stage with the rest of the group as they bowed to everyone. She walked with Hobi and Suga as a bright smile came across her beautiful face, feeling her heart pound. As they made it to the stage with Namjoon holding the award, she stood in between Jin and Hobi.
"ARMY! Thank you!" Namjoon shouted on the mic with a big smile as he tried to control his overwhelming emotions.
Seeing Jin start to cry made Jennie begin to rub his back to comfort him. She did her best not to cry herself as she soaked in this moment with the boys. Noticing Hobi looking like he was about to cry, she went to rub his back too, comforting him.
"We have received the best award since our debut here at the Melon Awards. Bang Sihyuk PD-nim, Big Hit Entertainment, parents and friends who have helped us, I want to thank them again and ARMYs, I love you! ARMY, I LOVE YOU!" Namjoon shouted with elation.
After he finished his speech, the members all went in for a big group hug. They all had big smiles on their faces, feeling euphoric from this victory. When they make it backstage, they are still stunned and thrilled that they won the award with a Bangtan Bomb camera filming them.
"Wow really...wow," Namjoon spoke, still processing everything.
"I was so surprised," Jungkook said on camera.
"We weren't anticipating it. We really weren't expecting it. We weren't even expecting it one bit,"
"Thank you so so much. We were so shocked,"
"We won! We won~! I still can't believe it!" Jennie squealed and shook the camera. "Thank you so much!"
Noticing Hobi's tears running down his cheeks with the foundation running down too, Jennie embraced him tightly while the camera filmed them.
"I know...I know..." she murmured. "I'm so proud of us,"
"Army, thank you so much!" Jin said on camera with his tear stained face while Jennie released Hobi. "Thank you, Army! Thank you, Army!"
"Bring it in," she outstretched her arms for Jin and he immediately kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly.
"She gives the best hugs," he told the camera.
After they returned to their seats, Jennie sat in between Hobi and Jin to continue to watch the show while pulling themselves together. As EXO closed the show, she watched their performance in admiration.
"I wonder what it would be like to close an award show," Jennie wondered out loud with a smile.
Jin listened and began to speak as she looked up at him. "I believe that one day we will get the opportunity. If we can get this Daesang then this is just a step forward in achieving more as a group,"
"Yeah. We will, for sure,"
After the show, they took photos with the trophy and hugged the staff members as they continued to celebrate. Once Angelina found Jennie, she ran and jumped on her, making them both fall to the floor as they laughed.
"Ah~! I am so proud of you! BTS did it! BTS won album of the year!" she began giving Jennie multiple kisses all over her face as she continued to laugh.
After they got up, they embraced tightly, getting emotional.
"Wow, look at you! Thriving in BTS! That album deserved album of the year! It has bangers on top of bangers. This is your motherfuckin' moment, sis! Enjoy it!"
"Thank you! And thank you for being here to support us," Jen murmured against her shoulder.
"You know I'm always going to be there for you just like you are with me. You're stuck with me for life, sis. This win is only the beginning. Watch Bangtan soar to new heights after this! You better enjoy the damn ride, it's gonna be a fun one!"
After pulling away, Angelina wiped Jennie's tears.
"I'm not gonna lie, I thought EXO was gonna win it. When they said BTS I was like what!?" Jen continued to ramble as the camera person for the Bangtan bomb began to film the other members to get their thoughts.
Later on, Jennie sat down on a chair and took in some deep breaths to pull herself together while Jin and Jimin rubbed her back.
"I'm okay...I'm alright...wow...this feels like a dream. This feels like a freaking dream," she sighed.
She shook her head and started praying, thanking the Lord for this moment as emotions came over her again. Tears ran down her cheeks as she whispered to herself, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
After she was done praying, she looked up and smiled at the guys when they all went to comfort her. "We did it. We really did it. This is amazing. Wow...over the big frickin' 3!? Blessed! I am so proud of us! Thank you. All of you for making this experience so fun and rewarding,"
"Your family is on the line!" Angelina beamed and handed Jen her phone to reveal her parents and sisters on facetime.
It was wholesome hearing them scream and cheer for Bangtan. The boys even jumped in to say hello and thanked them for their support.
"Ok now that we got the celebrations out of the way, why in the hell didn't you and Jungkook do the spin!?" Jennie's mom complained causing Bangtan and Angelina to laugh.
"Yeah! We were looking forward to it!" Alani frowned.
"You guys need a redo! ASAP!" Vienna added.
"I admit I was looking forward to seeing it and felt my world crashing down when it didn't happen," Jennie's dad spoke up.
"You are so dramatic!" Jennie laughed. "Not you all mad we didn't do this spin, tonight,"
"We'll do it next time," Jungkook grinned. "We promise!"
"You two better. I'll be watching," Jennie's dad pointed at them.
Days later, Namjoon was in his studio doing a V-Live to catch up with ARMY. As the live went on with fun and engaging moments, he then started to talk about Jennie. A proud smile appeared on his face as he thought of her.
"Jennie is the best. She has been improving a lot behind the scenes and continues to keep a good head on her shoulders. When I first saw her, I was watching the audition for the Bangtan Girl for BTS. She stood out to me because of her outfit choice." He chuckled. "She looked like she was going to wreck someone. I had my head down, so I would listen closely to each person's lyrics created for bulletproof, while V was next to me. As soon as I heard her verse, I had to look up. I know she was probably a bit stressed getting hit with a bombshell of creating a verse for the song over a weekend and presenting it on a Monday but she made it work and she impressed me. When I met her, I thought she was very determined and cute. She's like a little sister to me. And I feel like a proud big brother watching her improve every day in her skills. Ah...I'm getting too personal, am I? Sorry,"
His eyes scanned the comments flowing in.
'Awwww keep going, it's okay! This is so cute!'
'NamJen forever! Best bond in Bangtan!'
'Awwwww he looks like a proud big brother!'
'Thank you for always taking care of Jennie!'
'My baby Jennie and the best leader Namjoon! Thank you for being there for her!'
'Thank you for being a great leader to her!'
"I just want to be the best leader for her. And I want to be that strength she needs to keep pushing forward. She has improved so much over the years. She was so timid when it came to filming music videos, but after filming videos like Dope, Fire, and Blood, Sweat & Tears, I've seen her confidence and charisma grow. I may not understand what it's like to move and work in another country like she did but she has really opened up and become more comfortable here. She's fully adjusting to South Korea. And I'm very proud of her. All of Bangtan is,"
As he continued his live, someone knocked on his door and he turned around. Announcing the person to come in, Jennie strolled in with a bright smile and a plate of cookies.
"Hey! Here, I just made them. I'm going around delivering cookies before working in my studio,"
"For me!? Really!? Oh, this is a great surprise. I'll help myself to these now," he thanked her and took the plate to place on his desk. "You need to open up a bakery,"
"I want to! I wouldn't mind going to culinary school or something. I'd love to make my own business and open up a bakery, one day. We'll see what the future holds. Oh, you on live? Hey, ARMY! I miss you, guys! How are ya?" She waved and read the comments.
'Hi, mom!'
'She baked again!!'
'Jennie, I love you!'
'Do the spin with Jungkook!'
'Do the move with Kookie!'
'JenKook spin for MAMA!'
'JenKook move!'
'Why didn't you do the move at Melon!?'
'Ma'am we want answers about Melon! What happened to the spin!?'
"Yo...." she began to laugh out loud at the comments. "Not y'all roasting me again for not doing the spin. It's been a week! Is it that serious? Oh my gosh,"
Namjoon started to laugh at the comments too, amused that this has become such a big deal in the fandom. When he heard even idols were asking about the spin, it was clear that JenKook had a chokehold in the industry with their strong chemistry.
"ARMY has been a little upset about that," he brought up.
"A little? They spamming my Instagram, too. I didn't think it was going to cause this much of a fuss. You guys really like our signature move?"
Comments rushed in:
'The way you two dance together are goals!'
'I can't with her lmfao.'
"Look forward to MAMA, okay? I gotta go but cheer us on at MAMA. Everything will be worth the wait. See ya!" she beamed and left.
The day of the MAMA Awards was finally here. The day Jennie anticipated the most. She had a good feeling about this show and was excited to show off her hard work with what she had planned. The morning of the show, she decided to tweet one simple word along with an eyebrow raising hashtag.
'Bet. #GonBeAnInteresting24Hours #Jen' 
Jennie had been a trending topic on Naver and various K-Pop news outlets, which caused people to anticipate the MAMA Awards even more to see what might happen and if she may respond to Hyuna. Her silence on the matter had been a hot topic and now with her tweet going viral, fans stirred in a frenzy.
People tweeted:
'Uh oh!'
'Woke up and chose violence I see. Now I have to stay up and tune in. What time does the show start again EST time??'
'She broke her silence!'
'She's about to get her lick back!'
'Hyuna has not realized what she had done and is about to face the consequences,'
'Aw, shit...'
'She is about to piss people off and I'm going to love every second of it,'
'No matter what happens and no matter what you do, we will always love you, Jennie!'
'You about to respond!?'
'Hyuna is attending the show, too!! Uh oh....'
'Guys...I think something big is about to happen. Bigger than what we may think. Something is gonna go down tonight,'
'I'm so scared for tonight. Jennie, what are you about to do?'
Already in her short ruffled white dress, her hair was put up in a bun with hair on the side as she sat to get her makeup done. She also wore a small daisy pin for good luck thanks to G-Dragon gifting it to her on her birthday.
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"Jen, what can viewers anticipate from you, tonight?" J-Hope asked with a grin as he was getting filmed for their MAMA 2016 Bangtan Bomb.
Glancing up, she smiled. "Expect the unexpected,"
As the members got out of the car for the Red Carpet, they were met with loud screams, photography, and cheers with the MCs announcing their arrival. Jimin held out his hand for Jennie to take and he aided her out of the car.
"Thanks, Chim," she smiled warmly.
It was awesome to see international fans travel to the MAMA Awards. She tried to wave and make eye contact with every fan she could. Peeping some of her fansites made her heart soar. The dedication they had for her did not go unnoticed. Miss Bangtan heard her name get shouted, making her turn to who it was as the fan giggled excitedly and waved. She waved back and grinned as the fan was happy to have caught the moment on their phone.
The group proceeded to walk and made it to where the MCs were, standing on the stage.
"It's BTS, who are taking the world by storm, that is entering, right now. They're a group with perfect performances and won an award for producing their own albums,"
No matter what, Jennie didn't think she'd get used to all the screaming and cheering. It was like each event they attended, the screams got louder and she came to realize Bangtan was really moving up. It was a beautiful thing.
As Jungkook walked closely behind her, he caught a whiff of her perfume. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, smiling softly, enjoying the scent.
"You smell nice," he murmured, opening his eyes.
She glanced back at him and smiled. "Thank you. Hayoon got me some new perfume for my birthday. I like it,"
"I like it, too. You should keep wearing it,"
"I will,"
She stood in between Jimin and Jungkook as the group did their greeting and struck a pose just for the fans.
"Today since we are here at MAMA, we personally would like to hear some good news," Namjoon said on the mic.
"We are just one month away from 2017. Can we ask what plans you have?" The MCs asked.
"We're planning a fanmeet in Japan," Jin answered. "And we're working hard on music production so please look forward to it,"
Just a short while away before the show began with idols heading to their seats, Hyuna made her way to the stage and sat in her seat which was front row. There was tension in the air as anticipation filled to what Jennie might do as a response. Everyone was interested to see how this was going to go and idols were living for the drama. Gossip went all around the idols as they had private discussions on what might happen and who might win this.
"Where is Miss Bangtan?" Chanyeol wondered as he looked around, seeing that she wasn't sitting with the rest of BTS.
"Probably still getting ready?" Sehun assumed.
"I just want to see what she has planned tonight. Hyuna is already seated," he pointed out.
With Jennie, being the social butterfly and eager to meet her favs, she had strolled backstage to find the three men she wanted to meet. First up was Timbaland. He had been invited to perform with Eric Nam and to receive an award. Timbaland had worked with so many artists and was one of the many inspirations to her. She still believed he, Nelly Furtado, and Justin Timberlake were one of the best trios ever in music. They mixed so well.
He was so chill in person and they took a few photos. He even looked pleased to see a black woman here as she thanked him for all his work. Perhaps one day she'll get a chance to work with him. She shared that she DJs and has been making songs for herself that are not quite ready to be released. He encouraged her to keep at it and gave her advice on making music which she took to heart, feeling grateful for his words. One day she will share her passions with ARMY. 
Meeting Wiz Khalifa was a fun experience, with them sharing a hug and him having a big grin on his face. She expressed her admiration for his song with Charlie Puth and that she couldn't wait to see him perform tonight.
Meeting THE Quincy Jones had her starstruck. One of the greatest music producers of all time was in front of her as they shook hands. Her face warmed when he called her gorgeous and it was sweet of him to take time to talk to her. He listened to her talk about making music and he gave her lots of words of wisdom on creating.
She could listen to Quincy talk all day. He had a way with words that made her feel like she could do anything her creative mind envisioned when producing. But what stuck out to her the most was when he told her some of the best advice he had gotten.
"Your music will never be more or less than you are a human being,"
And it stuck with her. Being an idol is exhausting at times but she loved the work and the way it paid off. She wanted to remain happy. She wanted to continue to thrive with Bangtan and enjoy life. She wanted to speak her truth. She had to be vulnerable tonight when she got on that stage for her solo. She truly needed to dig down deep tonight when responding to Hyuna.
After tonight, she wanted to remove all negative thoughts and move forward with everything. And to take a break from social media. A break from social media was needed. Breaks were good and she could always see it assisting her mentally.
After speaking to these men, she felt a fire light in her and felt even more musically inspired. She posted the photos on Twitter with the caption, 'An honor to meet these amazing & talented black men! Night has been made! Thank you for your kindness and words of wisdom! #Jen'
After going to the bathroom, Jennie made her way to the stage, earning loud cheers from fans when they saw her. She smiled and waved, heading over to where Bangtan was sitting. She ignored Hyuna's presence as she walked past her and acknowledged her idol friends sitting around. Fansites filming her caught some reactions of some idols watching her in awe, admiring her look for the night as she took a seat next to Jungkook at the end.
"Welcome back!" Jungkook grinned.
"Yeah, glad to see you smiling, brighter. Did something happen?" Hobi asked.
"Thanks! And yeah, I got to meet Wiz, Timbaland and Quincy Jones! My heart was racing a bit! They were awesome! I took photos with them. You'll see on our Twitter," she beamed.
The members were surprised and happy as she talked about the interactions she had with each of them. They could tell she was creatively moved by their words of wisdom. Soon after, the boys were all immersed in their own conversations while Jennie tried to adjust her bracelet which was put on a bit too tightly. She accidentally dropped the bracelet and both her and Jungkook aimed to kneel to grab it.
"Thanks, I got it," she glanced at him with a smile, grabbing it first as they both rose, still sitting quite close.
Jungkook got caught in 4K with the way he kept his eyes on her while her focus was on the stage and audience members as the show was preparing to start soon. The way he glanced at her up and down as a small smile came across his face with his lingering gaze did not go unnoticed with fan sites filming them.
Feeling his eyes on her, she turned and looked at him up and down, with them both occasionally glancing at each other's lips. Then they began to smile as she found herself getting lost in his blue contact colored eyes.
No wonder things felt like something was missing. The two of them realized they hadn't kissed each other all day. They'd been so busy preparing for the show and making sure their dances were fine that they didn't even get a chance to share one kiss today.
"Do you two need to be separated?" Yoongi asked teasingly while covering his mouth to avoid getting his lips read by fans watching them. This became a reoccurring thing to cover their mouths so they could speak more freely at these shows.
Jimin and Taehyung started laughing since they had been watching the couple this whole time.
"They haven't kissed at all, today. Jungkook might just go feral," Jimin giggled.
"Yeah, you two need to be separated," Yoongi advised with an amused smirk, making the 95 Liners laugh again.
"We really don't," Jen replied. "We'll be on our best behavior,"
"Are you sure? You two are distracted by each other," Taehyung teased.
"Do you remember where we are?" Jimin added to the teasing.
"Did we fail to mention we caught Jungkook's pleased expression when smelling her new perfume? He can't get enough,"
"Hyung!" Jungkook glared, feeling his face warm.
"We've moved to you two enjoying each other's smells and scents you use? You two need to relax," Hobi laughed.
"Oh my God, can you leave us alone and stop watching us?" Jennie exclaimed, feeling her face flushed.
"Should I be concerned?" Jin asked, listening to the conversation. "Maybe you two should switch seats," 
"Seriously?" Jungkook frowned.
"We'll be on our best behavior, Jin," Jennie reassured.
"Are you sure? Because I do not believe that,"
"Neither do I," Namjoon spoke up with a light laugh.
"You guys are exaggerating!" Jennie exclaimed. 
"This time, I don't think we are," Jin chuckled and let out a sigh, already knowing they were going to drive him nuts tonight. "Just please try to behave yourselves and stay professional tonight,"
"Sir, yes, sir!"
Once the show began, Jennie jumped for joy and found herself getting emotional when IOI won Best New Female Artist. Cameras caught her looking proud and ecstatic for the girls with her eyes getting watery.
When GFriend and Seventeen performed for their collaboration, Hayoon was paired up with Vernon. The synchronization of the two groups blew Jennie's mind as she had her jaw dropped at their dancing. When Gallant performed, she smiled over at Taehyung since he was a big fan and cheered loudly with him, overjoyed with his performance.
As Baekhyun and Suzy performed Dream, Jen watched him, mesmerized as the camera caught her singing along to his parts. The members would glance over and smile at her being so into the song, knowing how much she adored him. It caught a lot of attention from Exols and ever since Jennie started meeting the EXO members, Exols took a liking to her. They loved how vocal she was about her admiration for the group and how highly she spoke of them. The EXO members would always have nothing but good things to say about her and enjoyed their sweet moments together. Armies and Exols wondered if they'd share another moment tonight.
Later, Bangtan managed to win Best Dance Performance. However, Jin and Taehyung weren't with them when they announced them as the winners, causing Jennie to laugh. They were probably in the bathroom. Nonetheless, she stood up with the rest of the boys, bowing and thanking everyone with big smiles.
"Yeah! Go, Jennie! Congrats guys!" Bam Bam shouted and approached them with Yugyeom.
The two Got7 members high fived her, Suga, and Jimin before they went up to the stage. Rapmon gave the award to Hobi and stood behind him so he could do the acceptance speech. Jennie smiled proudly as she stood next to him and listened to him speak.
"Wow! Thank you so much for such a huge award," Hobi said on the mic. "And since it's the best performance award for us, there is a larger meaning behind it. Thank you so much. And to the ARMYs who are always supporting us, thank you so much. And I would like to thank Teacher Son Seung Deuk who created this best performance,"
Jennie chuckled once Taehyung and Jin rushed on stage to join them. They both gave her a look as the three of them tried not to burst out in laughter. The trio smiled at one another while Jin placed his hands on Jungkook and Rapmon's shoulders, smiling at them.
"Thank you so much!" Hobi ended his speech, earning loud cheers.
"Thank you, ARMY!" Suga shouted.
"I love you!" Jin added with Taehyung and blew a flying kiss.
As Zico performed Boys and Girls, Jen sat in between Hobi and Taehyung, vibing and doing the choreography. Once he made his way over to where Bangtan was sitting, the members danced in their seats while he took a seat near Rapmon on the arm of the couch. When Bermuda Triangle came on, she stood up with Hobi and Taehyung, getting hyped as they watched Dean and Zico back on the main stage.
"This is my shit!" she started dancing and vibing to Dean, singing along with Hobi and Taehyung.
Don't let 'em in, let 'em in
Get out my zone
We, we, we never know
We, we, we never talk
'Cause we, we, we criminal
Don't let 'em in, let 'em in
Get out my zone
She laughed out loud when Taehyung began dabbing and she followed his movements, making him happy. Once Zico summoned Crush, Jennie immediately turned and locked eyes with Jungkook who was still sitting as they pointed to each other and lip synced his verse.
Nuul jaril jedaero bogo nuwoyaji
Y'all fake bitches tryna act like me
Anjaseo meongman ttaeryeodo nae sopa wie (ssodajineun)
Mula, mula, we gon' pour up
Murder, murder, sumeul jungnyeo
Sangkwaehae ne meori wie gonggi
Nobody can't come over here
Dean, Crush, and Zico killed it on stage, hyping up the crowd. It was one of her favorite performances of the night. Later on, Jen switched seats again and found herself sitting at the end with Jungkook. She grinned as the next act consisted of a collaboration between Got 7, Monsta X, and NCT 127.
Get it lifted
As soon as NCT's Firetruck began to play, Jennie began nodding her head to the beat, enjoying the song. This song was a banger and one of her absolute favorites.
"Firetruck," she mouthed, beginning to lip sync the song while dancing in her seat.
"Ey, yea, yea, yea, yea!" She fan chanted with the audience and Jungkook.
The camera showed Jennie and Jungkook both on the screen as loud cheers occurred and they looked at the camera, headbanging. Bangtan giggled at their enthusiasm and so did some other idols who peeped them on screen.
Fans tweet:
'Why they matching each other's energy so loudly?'
'Their face cards!'
'They're making the same facial expression, so cute'
'I think she does a little bit too much at these award shows. Just sit and enjoy the show, not all the excessive dancing, taking attention from the artists on stage,'
'These two are so beautiful. Wow!'
'Lmfaoooo they are a mood!'
'I'm really happy Mnet is showing Jennie on screen. Her reactions are always so lively instead of others just sitting there,'
'I love how excited she gets about all these groups. Still a K-Pop fan at heart. I'm happy she still reacts this way at shows,'
After NCT performed, Jennie cheered on Jooheon who rapped with Taeyong. His flow and attitude were amazing and she paid close attention to how he performed. Once Monsta X began to perform Fighter, she ended up cheering for Wonho when he was shown singing. She passionately sang his lines while fans had tweeted how Wonho biased she was. After their performance, it was time for Got7 as they performed Hard Carry with her dancing along.
As the show went on, she was proud to see Seventeen win the World Performer Award as she was the first to stand and applaud. Seeing The8 made her smile widely and wave as he waved back.
"Gosh, I hope one day I'm chosen to present an award at one of these shows. It would be fun," Jennie thought out loud.
When the presenters began to announce the nominees for best female vocal performance, Jennie jumped in her seat and cheered loudly when Ailee was shown on the screen. Bangtan glanced at her with knowing smiles, loving her excitement for the woman she had admired for years.
Once Ailee was announced as the winner, she applauded, jumping up and down, excitedly. Just before going up to the stage, Ailee caught a glimpse of Jen and smiled widely, waving at her. When she gave her acceptance speech, the camera caught Jennie watching her with admiration. The angle of where Jennie was filmed caused Twitter to geek over how beautiful her face card was and point out the love in her eyes as she watched Ailee.
With the show getting ready for the next segment, Jennie suddenly received a few packs of smarties from Jungkook.
"How'd you know I was about to ask?" she happily accepted them with surprise in her voice.
"I brought some with me just in case. I was paying attention to your facial expression. When you're about to ask for smarties or say that you wish you had them, you make this cute face. It's like you're pouting,"
"What? I was not pouting..." She turned away, feeling her face warm as he giggled.
"You just did it again,"
"Stop looking at me," she playfully pushed him away, making him laugh harder.
Lately, with the members, her smarties are always on standby. Over the years of getting to know her, they started to understand and know exactly when she wanted the candy and managed to always hand them to her before she opened her mouth to ask.
"Still, thank you," she added and began eating them.
As she ate her smarties, she ended up tossing them up in the air to catch and eat. Wanting to challenge her, Jungkook decided to do it too with his pack of smarties to see who could catch more in their mouths. In the end, Jungkook won as he grinned victoriously while Jennie caught any smarties that she missed from her mouth with her fast hands.
Rule Number One: Do NOT waste Smarties
Next up on the show was Twice and IOI performing. Jennie looked and felt like a proud mom watching IOI perform Pick Me. Fansites caught her entire reaction to the girls performing and thought it was wholesome seeing her get emotional. Being a trainer at Produce 101 to seeing the girls thrive as a group made her heart feel complete. Whenever Jennie was shown on screen, loud cheers would occur and sometimes idols reacted positively when they saw her on screen, with some smiling and commenting that she looked nice.
Once IOI began to perform Very, Very, Very, Jennie began to do the choreography while lip syncing.
nal neomuneomuneomu
neomuneomuneomu neomuneomuneomu
neomuneomuneomu neomuneomuneomu
After they performed, Twice was up to perform Cheer Up and then TT as she watched happily, cheering her friends, Mina and Jihyo, on.
"Just like TT! Just like TT!" she performed the choreography with Taehyung.
It was time for Hyuna to perform, as some idols were anticipating if anything was going to happen. They hadn't found something this entertaining in a while and hoped something would go down between her and Jennie. Hyuna strutted on stage and performed U&ME. Then she performed How's This with her backup dancers.
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Jennie thought it was extremely petty of Mnet to keep a camera right in front of her to film her every reaction but she remained unamused and watched with her head up high. Bangtan didn't even like the fact that the camera was basically in her face nor did Armies.
Suddenly, Hyuna had changed some of her lyrics, not looking Jennie's way as she danced.
Not a high and mighty girl scout in the club behind some fake bulletproof glass. How boring.
Some idols widened their eyes while others glanced over to where Jennie sat.
Yet another diss? This was getting out of control.
Bam Bam cringed and glanced at Jennie with worry, hoping she'd be all right. Hayoon frowned at the diss and shook her head slightly.
However, Jennie only smirked as she continued to watch, knowing that all eyes were on her to see how she'd react. Bangtan glanced at her and as she met their eyes, she gave them a nod. They nodded back and remained calm as they continued to watch the performance.
Suddenly a switch flipped in Jennie's demeanor as she rolled her neck and stared at Hyuna.
'This bitch got me fucked up...' she thought as she kept her cool.
Fans tweet:
'Not again!! Enough already!'
'Is she trying to provoke Jennie?'
'Don't be mad if Jennie catches her in an alley to stomp that ass!'
'The neck roll! I repeat! The neck roll! Jennie just did the neck roll! That is BAD! She got something planned! Get ready!'
'I don't like how she's acting. This is bullying at this point. Hyuna needs to chill,'
'Jen better than me because I would have ran on stage and popped her shit,'
'From the looks of it, Jennie is so bitter and jealous,'
'That smirk means business. I'm not ready,'
'I wish people would stop judging Jennie,'
'Jennie looks like she's plotting,'
'Why does she look so hot when she's upset?'
'Bangtan knows something that we don't because they don't look bothered at all,'
'Bangtan isn't even phased?! What is Jennie planning tonight?'
Little did they know Jennie was listening closely and analyzing what she was saying to use it against her.
'High and mighty...' she thought, making a mental note.
Timbaland arrived on stage to perform with Eric Nam.
And boy was it...awkward.
She sat next to Namjoon during this performance and covered her mouth to murmur to him, "Yo, Timbaland looks so confused. This whole performance is hard to watch,"
And he agreed. It was hard to watch. And she wished the crowd was more excited for Timbaland. It was THE Timbaland and the audience wasn't that loud for him in comparison to Eric Nam. No offense to him.
After being told they were needed backstage, Bangtan got ready for their performance. She changed out of her dress to wear black pants and a long-sleeved ruffled white shirt that hugged her body nicely. With her hair out, she wore a black suit jacket with some silver designs around it, and the daisy pin was placed on the jacket for good luck. As she got ready, she watched on the monitor to see that EXO had won best group and Twice won best female group.
Waiting to get on stage, Jennie ended up posting G-Dragon's iconic diss on the MAMA Awards on her Instagram story, which sparked even more interest in what was going to happen tonight.
"I got a little solo stage. It's going to be pretty fun. I hope everyone likes what I have in store," she beamed at the Bangtan Bomb camera after warming up her voice.
She looked ahead to see Jin checking out the special effects makeup on Taehyung's back to show off his broken wings. He went on the touch it but began to freak out, causing her to giggle.
"It feels like pudding!" Jin exclaimed.
"Why is Jin Hyung so childish?" Namjoon wondered, causing Jennie to laugh again.
The laughter loosened her up and made her less on edge about tonight's big performance.
She was ready.
After everyone was ready and went over last minute rehearsals, the eight of them gathered around and put their hands in the middle.
"All right, fellas! Let's make it a memorable one!" Jennie cheered.
"Indeed! Mama 2016, let's make it a legend. Bangtan! Bangtan!" Namjoon shouted.
"Bang-Bangtan! Fighting!" the group shouted and pushed their hands down.
Backstage with the rest of the boys, Jennie watched with a smile as Jungkook looked ethereal while hanging from the ceiling on stage. He really did his thing. And it was harder than it looked.
She turned to the backup dancers who were patiently waiting for their cue to come out after they performed BST. She greeted them happily and asked if the cookies she made for them yesterday tasted fine. They raved over their love for her baking and appreciated her kindness. She wanted to thank them for being such a great support system for Bangtan and wanted to give them something nice.
"Let's have some fun! See you out there!" She beamed and bowed at them.
On stage, next up was J-Hope performing Boy Meets Evil, hyping up the crowd with a blue background. Then Jimin was revealed on stage, featuring a red background as he danced to Lie while blindfolded.
"The camera work though~?" Jennie watched in awe while the camera did a full circle as he danced.
Then the two had an epic dance collaboration on stage while performing the rest of the choreography for Boy Meets Evil. After they were done, the rest of the group met up on stage and began to perform Blood, Sweat, & Tears as the audience cheered loudly.
wonhae mani mani mani mani
wonhae mani mani mani mani mani mani
wonhae mani mani mani mani
wonhae mani mani mani mani mani mani
Here we go, the most anticipated part. The audience had been waiting to see a MAMA Award version of their duet. As the rest of the members were on the floor, only Jen remained standing with Jungkook. Like always, Jungkook stared at her with love and desire as he slowly made his way toward her from behind. With his presence behind her and face near her neck, he held her in his arms. She leaned into his arms as she began to sing with her mic.
How much longer before you consume me?
No matter how much I resist, I can't fight what you're doing
He turned her around and tried to get closer but she backed away. Persistent this time, he pulled her straight into his chest as he smirked and held her gaze with the audience screaming at their closeness.
My mind is telling me to break free but my body is freaking out
No, I can't want you, get out of my head
As you love every inch of me you see that I want it too
They continued to dance sensually with him mirroring her movements.
Breath on my neck, I bit off more than I can chew
Reflecting on my choices, I'm wonderin' if there's any way out of this
"Here comes my favorite part!" Yugyeom pointed out with the rest of Got 7 agreeing.
"Are they about to do the spin, this time?" Somi asked the IOI members as they were hopeful.
"Are they gonna do it?" Baekhyun wondered.
"The part is coming~!" Yuji giggled with the rest of GFriend.
"The spin coming?" Mingyu asked in anticipation, leaning forward, studying their movements.
"Let it be the spin," Mina had her fingers crossed.
"Here comes the spin!" Wonho cheered.
The idols got excited and so did the crowd as they began screaming and cheering when JenKook did their signature move. Everyone watched in awe at how they moved and thought about the amount of trust that was needed to pull it off. They weren't called The Golden Duo for nothing.
Jennie was pulled back into his arms as she continued to sing.
I'm losing this battle, I just can't resist. 
The music changed slightly from the original instrumental of BST. Jennie and Jungkook were supposed to dance a little more for this instrumental but they remained close and pressed up against each other with her in his arms. They held each other's strong gaze and suddenly their lips met as they drowned out the loud pandemonium around the venue.
With their eyes closed, Jungkook gently lifted her chin and turned his head to deepen the kiss as they both smiled into it.
With the idols, Bam Bam began shaking Jackson while their jaws were dropped, looking shooked. Jay B and Mark widened their eyes while the rest of Got7 acted chaotic as they all enjoyed every bit of the surprising moment.
"What!? What!?" Jackson shouted as he fell dramatically.
The boys laughed at his reaction. Yugyeom grinned immediately once he saw them kiss and let out a chuckle. It made him proud to see Jungkook be so open about Jennie like this. The amount of guy talks they had about girls and how Jungkook's eyes would light up whenever he mentioned her made Yugyeom understand that these two were serious about each other.  
The kiss fit so well with the performance and her lyrics. But there was no denying the love in their eyes as they looked at each other and how they kissed.
With IOI, various reactions occurred as some dropped their jaws, widened their eyes, covered their mouths, and giggled to themselves. Some filming them even caught a few of them mentioning how happy and cute Jennie looked with Jungkook. With EXO as they watched the kiss unfold, Chanyeol covered his face, giggling at the sight. Baekhyun smiled genuinely, watching Jennie kiss the man she loved dearly.
"Full of surprises," Sehun chuckled.
"Very," Xiumin added.
Twice looked at one another, surprised at the sudden kiss. They were excited to see their signature move but a kiss on top of that? Blown away. Mina and Jihyo glanced at each other with big smiles, happy for their friends.
"Did you think that was going to happen?" Jihyo asked.
"I didn't think it would but look at them. So cute! Jennie truly loves him. She smiles so brightly with him,"
"Mm hm!"
With Monsta X, the boys reacted dramatically and were in awe at their chemistry.
"I was waiting for a kiss!" Hyungwon pointed out.
"Me too, I was like, they have to do something big," Shownu chuckled.
"I wasn't expecting that at all, like damn!" Jooheon exclaimed.
All of GFriend gasped and then began jumping and squealing in their seats after seeing them smooch. Hayoon giggled with the girls and pointed out the kiss.
"It's happening! It's happening! I cannot stay calm about this! Finally~!" Hayoon cheered and began clapping with Yuji and Eunha.
"They kiss so passionately, my gosh," Sowon looked on, amazed.
Seventeen looked surprised while Mingyu and The8 happily smiled, enjoying the fact that their friends kissed openly on stage.
Meanwhile, Hyuna rolled her eyes as her reaction was filmed and she began to frown. She had her fair share of kisses on the MAMA Awards stage but the way the audience was screaming and cheering was a much louder reception than hers over the years.
With Bangtan, the boys were caught by surprise by their kissing. No one said anything about a kiss on stage. Jimin and Taehyung did their best not to freak out as they focused on the performance. The way they grinned and glanced at each other while they remained on the floor. Their hearts felt full to see their ship this open with each other in public. They especially loved how the kiss was a deep and passionate one and not just a short and sweet one.
Yoongi had enlarged his eyes a little at the bold move, wondering if this had been planned privately in advance. Getting over his initial shock, he became amused.
'These kids...' he thought.
Namjoon wasn't too surprised about it. He knew Jennie and Jungkook loved to be extra. He felt proud to see them show affection to each other on stage, not having a care in the world. They looked happy and that was all he wanted for them. To be happy like this privately and publicly. He found himself getting amused as he glanced at their passionate lip lock.
Mnet was having a field day with this. Ratings were definitely through the roof now with this shocking moment along with them raising the bar on this passionate kiss.
Jin and Hobi screamed internally when they saw them smooch. They weren't expecting it and thought they'd go along with their routine. After getting over the shock, it pleased them to see them be this bold in public and thought it fit well with the performance.
Back with Jennie and Jungkook, they pulled away as she bit her bottom lip lightly, returning his smile.
But then...reality set in.
'Oh...oh shit,' They both thought and realized what just happened.
They both remained "In Character" for their performance although it was pretty clear their feelings were showing out. It was bound to happen. The kiss was not planned at all but they moved to each other by instinct. And it felt good. So good. She kissed her boyfriend in front of the entire world, solidifying a MAMA Awards moment.
Remembering her last line, she finally sang the end of her verse.
Only a matter of time before you screw me up and I'll be stuck reminiscing. 
Jungkook had to refrain from kissing her again as they both leaned back in which caused more screaming from the audience to occur. Then they reluctantly pulled away as he blew out air and shook his head a few times, trying to control himself from making out with her on stage.
'We're on stage. We're on stage,' Jungkook reminded himself as he kept backing away from her and went to the next dance position for the song.
With the screaming still occurring around the venue and fansites of Jennie and Jungkook catching their every facial expression, this moment was on its way to going viral.
People on social media were going crazy over the timeline with memes and various tweets:
'It wasn't even a quick kiss! That kiss was longer than anticipated!'
'My man did NOT want to let her go.'
'They both looked like they didn't want to let each other go. They were both in a trance!''
'We said spin not kiss wtf wtf AHHHHHH!'
'Oh...OH! They playing this BST sexy persona a little TOO well!'
'The way he had the GRIP on her?! Jungkook PLEASE!'
'The way he backed away!? She got him straining!'
'Jungkook saw an opportunity and took it! That smile into the kiss!? Oh, my man wanted to do that for a LONG time!'
'Why is he kissing Jennie!? Why!?'
'I'm fine...I'm totally fine...'
'We shipped the right ship! They kissed! They fucking kissed in front of everybody!'
'Were they acting!? Because that looked too real!'
'Jennie looked so dazed after kissing him!'
'Rookie King Kiss on STEROIDS!'
'That kiss was too American!'
'Do you see how happy the 97 Liners are looking?! Something is up!'
'Cries in Taennie!'
'The kiss that was meant for Taehyung nooooo!'
'And to think this was supposed to be Taehyung in this position instead,'
'How to be Jennie? Had sexy scenes with Taehyung and now gets to kiss Jungkook on stage? Lucky!'
'It's happening! Everybody stay calm! Stay fucking calm!'
'That tension is something that cannot be replicated because I was going crazy watching them on my screen. I was like KISS! And when they did I screamed! I didn't think they would do it!'
'How can I be Jennie in this moment?'
'A stage kiss!? Is this a stage kiss!? This looks so real!'
'Jennie's acting lessons are paying off. She is playing the part well of slowly giving in to temptation. Jungkook is hard to resist!'
'I have no choice but to Stan. Jennie show me your ways. First it was Taehyung, now it's Jungkook!'
'We got a man down! Jungkook get up! He is obsessed!'
'The way I felt like a third wheel I–'
'Jennie STAND UP! Ma'am you're supposed to be resisting temptation!'
'He down baaaad! What is happening!?'
'They taking it to a whole new level!'
'Lives are about to be CHANGED!'
'Y'all can stop being in denial now! JenKook forever! Better than your other ships!'
'They are stressing me out! Can they PLEASE confirm it!?'
'Do you know how long we've waited for a kiss!?'
'JenKook stans we up!'
After performing the rest of the song and heading backstage while Jin and Taehyung do their final act together, Jungkook pulled Jennie into his arms and looked down at her.
"No turning back now," he grinned.
"I know," she grinned back. "I feel relieved and happy,"
"Me too. Kill it out there. I'll see you, soon. I love you,"
He cupped her face and pulled her in for a deep kiss, followed by multiple short kisses.
"I love you, too,"
"Was that planned?" Namjoon laughed.
"It just happened. I don't know who leaned in first," Jennie admitted.
"I don't know either but I'm not complaining," Jungkook added.
Jimin and Hobi jumped excitedly with Yoongi.
"JENKOOK~!" Yoongi shouted, making them all laugh as he started shaking the couple.
"Oh my God..." Jennie chuckled.
"JENKOOK~!" Jimin shouted. "Do you know how happy Tae and I were!? Our ship is soaring! Finally! That kiss was everything! You two know how to make us proud, huh?!"
The staff members had to step in to get them to separate so they could get them to their next location for the main stage while Jennie remained where she was. She waved goodbye and got ready.
She turned to see Yoongi.
"Control your emotions out there and wreck her life. You got this," he nodded in reassurance.
"Thanks, I will. See you out there," she nodded and saw him walk away, only leaving Namjoon.
Namjoon smiled down at her and held her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze.
"Jennie, you are undeniable. You are so good that they can't ignore you. This is your moment. Show them who Miss Bangtan is,"
Her eyes got glossy as she looked up at him and broke out into a grin.
"Thank you,"
He pulled her in for a big hug, kissing her forehead.
"I am so proud of you. And I am proud to be your leader. I'll see you out there,"
Once he left, she let out a deep breath and waited for her cue as she gripped her mic. The backup dancers were currently on stage, some in white cloaks and black cloaks while a Bangtan Bomb had been filming her all this time.
'Why did you and Jungkook kiss on stage?'
She was asked as a smile crept up on her lips at their lip lock. Turning to the camera she responded with a wink, "I did say no matter how much I resist I can’t fight what you’re doing. I officially fell into temptation. It was worth it though,"
Once the staff told her she could go on stage, she touched her daisy pin, thinking of G-Dragon. As soon as she got back on that stage...she knew everything was about to change.
"I hope I continue to make you proud," she murmured.
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nozomijoestar · 5 months
Here's my initial analysis and thoughts on Asuka's ending (character episode) in Tekken 8
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caught yearning in 1080p
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thinking abt getting students now that the Zaibatsu ate shit (btw you don't find out the Zaibatsu is pretty much on track to being done with no leader again, which is why they continue the tournament presumably after the final battle unless you look through the character episodes, not the main story, for some fucking reason)
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Asuka finally smiled at her accepting her and the feeling is mutual, this ending had great role reversal in the sense instead of previously only getting clear insight into Lili's feelings and thoughts now we're openly getting them from Asuka in response- she also felt tempted to give in to her old reaction first think later ways but here she's finally thinking before deciding it doesn't matter why, she enjoys fighting Lili and she finally seems to recognize what Lili's schemes are about on a level (wanting Asuka's attention and getting back at her for having lost), this is the closest so far we've ever gotten to a "I like you too"
this is on top of the teasing and compliment she gave Lili's ability in the same scene, and also correcting Lili on the Kazama Motto Asuka learned, which only Asuka could have told her at some point suggesting further closeness
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"Softness overcomes hardness" you two are (HOPEFULLY) starting to change your relationship to be softer (also the hilarious hypocrisy of Asuka BARELY being a person living by any softness in practice)
I love that she even refers to Lili as "That noble (rich) girl", an ojou-sama, which is far better than calling her by nothing or using a rude form of You (anta) as in the past (and generally she's given up calling Lili by rude terms be it in the story mode or otherwise including Shaheen's ending, which is honestly more about AsuLili than him lol, it's also incredible seeing Asuka glad Lili's life was protected and joking about Lili being a handful with someone else)
And despite provoking Asuka in a very shitty way reminiscent of Feng, the premise of this ending is Asuka beating Lili at the tournament so Lili will honor her word of putting Asuka's dojo back the way it was before she bought it- which Lili does after losing rather than refuse out of spite, even if she then uses taking it in a fight to provoke Asuka again, it's nice that she IS willing to listen to Asuka when it comes to promises
honestly if you cut the entire scene into only my screenshots here it still looks so fucking gay
Video source ( @ 1:03 )
This is the de-facto best Asuka ending yet, at last she's happy, hopeful, not confused, and at some form of peace and connection in her life
Plus Asuka might finally get the dojo back up and become the next leader with Jin's image being fixed and thus how people would see Asuka since they're related, as well as the current war being over- though Reina's new devil bullshit will probably ruin this in the future
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I doubt these are Jun's birds specifically it's more likely just symbolic of Asuka and Lili if it means anything at all. Also doesn't have to specify meaning lovebirds, in general their characters will always be put together. But it is funny how Jun's birds always appear to show her connection to someone she loves, so there could be a parallel here that Asuka's bird imagery would represent the same sense of connection. If it is a visual metaphor for lovebirds though by the time we get Tekken 9 then, the cinema of it all.
ALSO Harada has said Jun attracts animals because of her spiritual mastery over martial arts. She's at a level of power where animals don't run because of sensing her aura; she can suppress her fighting spirit. With how at peace AND in control of herself Asuka is in this ending, maybe the birds imply she can move in a similar direction from here on. And it makes sense too because Asuka has returned to a state of equilibrium now that she doesn't have the stress of the world being in chaos affecting her. As a person who prefers being in control, she's back to feeling some control over her life.
1. It's great that the tone of their relationship is now friendlier, but like in story mode and other places they appear as a pair, we're never shown anything on how they started transitioning from fighting all the time to agreeing to listen and partner up in general, nevermind during a global war they're supposed to have their own personal stakes in beyond not wanting to die (those personal stakes ended up being entirely irrelevant anyway which is it's own problem)
There's a problem present where you're shown the end result of an emotional shift with none of the journey or even a simple scene explaining how they got there, much like the main story and other characters in general many plot points and character changes are resolved off screen showing only the results with no explanation the majority of the time. In the main story this gets even more egregious because even how a character knows specific information usually doesn't get explained at all either unless it relates to Jin understanding the devil gene. This writing makes a lot of things simply happen like it's checking off a list.
In essence, WHERE is a scene connecting Asuka who did nothing but fight Lili and get pissed with her to the Asuka who's tolerant of her, is more catty and accepting than outright angry, is now willing to joke and play around with her, who taught Lili the Kazama Motto she learned (though I guess this one you can say Lili found it while looking up Asuka's family, something we ALSO don't get Asuka's thoughts on beyond surprise) and so on
2. The fact this scene ends with provoking another fight, as much as I like that it's friendly now, isn't the best direction. This fits again into problem 1; there's no on screen room to let these characters breathe and illustrate what made them change now to the viewer. There's no fresh angle given about their relationship outside fighting or even a new approach on their relationship within it. There's no pause in the formula which many people are tired of (and people are already back to calling Asuka a useless piece of shit who's a complete fucking joke, and I can't really blame them entirely because on a surface level all they see is the exact same situation as it's been for twenty years of cutscenes).
Also the logic of having this scene exist is confusing in itself. Nothing in the game story clarified if Asuka sat the tournament out or did participate but was eliminated and decided to follow Lili's progress in Rome as a spectator. A scene explaining either of those would give better weight and context to this one.
3. Zero mention of Asuka's father or his current condition
4. Having Lili imitate what Feng Wei did to dojos like Asuka's is the cruelest way she's ever provoked her. Whereas before it was often ridiculous, silly, and teasing, involving an event that led Asuka to spiral adds something uncharacteristically spiteful toward her from Lili's end. Insofar as what Lili has previously used to get her attention anyway. Keeping Asuka's trauma out of it has always seemed to be a line Lili was willing to respect. And it's off too because this is happening when they're supposed to be becoming friends/are friends now. It's too personal to be brushed off the way it is.
The only way I can rationalize it is if Asuka has let go of her anger towards what Feng did in part (but she still has a special intro where she wants to attack him on sight saying they finally meet so, I don't fuckin know, that may as well have been included as an easter egg if they're gonna do nothing with it) or she never really gave enough of a shit about the entire thing in the first place. You can make a loose argument using prior games to show Asuka never really cared about the revenge aspect as much- but her behavior sorta contradicts this at the same time. So really who fucking knows. Based on how she reacts here I guess it's not a big deal at this point cuz she doesn't get mad and jumps into messing around with Lili like a friend anyway.
Maybe this could be explained too by whatever made them act friendly now in the first place, but again we never saw that. So instead it comes out worse than if we knew.
We also never see them discuss what Lili knows about the family in any depth between themselves
Viva le sex gay I guess but now I have more questions than answers and that's a problem when the game acts like I've been given answers it never provided. I got something I wanted but with nothing to show for it.
EDIT 1/27/2024 : However that won't discount that I do love what I received and the potential it represents; I adore this shit.
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acenolee · 1 year
Request: Can you write one with ot7!BTS × reader, where they are having an argument and the boys all pick at the reader's insecurities and the reader is hurt with happy ending?
A/N: I screwed up trying to figure out how to respond to this with the results still able to be visible, sorry! But anyways I’m glad you enjoyed my previous post and I had a lot of fun writing this one. I’m not exactly sure if I correctly portrayed the events like you wanted but I hope you like it!!
Pairing: OT7 x Reader (Gender Neutral)
It wasn’t how you expected to end the day, but somehow you’d ended up crawling on the floor to try and plug in the cord for the camera charger so the boy’s could review the finished product of a performance video for their new title track. You’d thought it’d be easy when they asked, but the task was proving to be more difficult as their instructions were becoming sloppy from all the fatigue.
“Which one do you want me to pull?”
“The black one.”
You closed your eyes and stifled a sigh of irritation. “They’re all black, Yoongi. You have to be specific.”
The exhaustion was clear in his voice as he called back, “It has a silver insignia on it with the HYBE logo.”
“How hard can it be to pull out one measly cord?” You heard Jungkook mutter, and felt a stab of frustration - along with a drop of embarrassment - course through your body.
For their sake, you didn’t push it.
As you carefully inspected each of the cords knotted tightly together, you found that nearly all of them had the HYBE logo in big, bold letters carved into their surface. Sighing inwardly, you reached into your pocket to grab your phone, flipping on the flashlight in case there was something your eyes couldn’t pick up in the darkness.
But you were only greeted with the same identical, impossibly tangled wires.
“They all look the same, Yoongi.” You called, already imagining the exasperated expression on the rapper’s face.
This time, however, it was Jin who responded. “No they don’t Y/N. Stop being difficult and just pull out one of the dam cords.”
You felt your patience thinning.
“Pull out the one at the top.” came Yoongi’s voice. “It’s not connected to anything important.”
“Shouldn’t be too hard.” Jimin added. “It’s the one closest to our desk.”
You faltered. The was a cord that was closer to the desk but farther down than the one that was higher than it. Both Yoongi, Jin, and Jimin had said things that contradicted one another - how on earth were you to choose which one to listen to?
"It's just the one near the monitor."
"We're on a time crunch here."
"Be more specific!" You hissed, your words coming out harsher than intended.
"For crying out loud!" Taehyung exclaimed, and the shuffling of shoes echoed through the room as he got up and startled you by suddenly getting on the floor and ripping the cable from your hands. "The cord near the monitor! Do we have to walk you through this entire process? Should we give you some candy to if you ever manage to pull out the cord? It's like walking a child through tying their shoelaces step by step!"
Some of the boys laughed and you felt embarrassed. You knew that they were all tired and probably weren't thinking everything through thoroughly. Still, the dig hurt and clawed at some of your insecurities.
Taehyung held the cable up to your face. "Look Y/N. You see this here?" He made an overexaggerated gesture to the cable, whilst you bit your lip and watched quietly, cheeks flushing and heart thumping. "'And this wire over here? I'm just going to - and look at that! Plugged in just a few seconds! Amazing right?"
Without waiting for your response, Taehyung crawled out from under the table. Eventually, you followed him out to be met with a couple of irritated glares from the others. You looked down at your shoes, a mixture of embarrassment, shame, and frustrated warring through your body, and excused yourself, hurriedly walking towards the door.
"Seriously, if hyung could do it then why couldn't Y/N?" You heard Jungkook mumble before you'd fully left, and Namjoon or Hobi replying with another nasty remark about your "incompetence".
And that was your last straw.
Shoving the door open forcefully and whirling around to face the startled members, you snapped bitterly, "It's not my fault that some of you can't come to an agreement about the location of a plug. They all look the same and were tangled - I'd like to see you try when the instructions are half-backed and coming from a bunch of unpleasant people."
Some startled gasps came from staff nearby, whilst the members expression's morphed into pure anger and shock.
"Who are you calling unpleasant?" Namjoon snapped in defense of his members, the anger in his eyes so evident as he leaped up from the couch that you took a frightened step back. "It was a less than a pleasant experience with you here."
"And I could say the same for you." You huffed, trying to mask how much his words hurt.
Namjoon's face twisted into a scowl, and Seokjin put a hand on his shoulder as though restraining him, the two sharing a brief look that you couldn't decipher.
“Look, Y/N,” said Jin tiredly, his tone indicating that he wanted this argument over. “We’re tired, your tired, we get that it would’ve been easier if the instructions were a bit clearer, but we’re just-”
“You’re just what?” You demanded before you could stop yourself. “Looking for an excuse for dragging me here and just using me for the crap your to tired to do?”
And then Namjoon shrugged Jin off and started berating you, the rest of the members soon jumping on the bandwagon of criticism. Soon both parties were shouting angry insults at one another, striking nerves and wedging an even deeper wound than it initially was. By the time the staff decided to separate you and the boys, you and Namjoon had been reduced to tears after a screaming match and some of the boys had extremely hoarse voices.
As you packed your keys and threw your belongings into the car, it suddenly became very clear that this incident wasn’t going to be cleared up anytime soon.
The next few weeks were rough.
Neither you nor the rest of the boys wanted to talk about what had happened before, and the anger simmering just underneath the surface was evident. A simple collision was enough to incite anger, and you found yourself getting into various mini arguments with the boys.
To make matters worse, you had no choice but to stay with them, as your parents were away and you didn’t have enough money to rent a hotel. Even with the tension between the two groups, the boys wouldn’t stoop as low as to make you homeless. But still, the next weeks were utter hell.
“Do you want me to give you instructions for that too?” Jin said bitterly when you struggled to cook dinner and got in the way of his own cooking.
“Oh just shut up.” You snapped.
When you went up to your room you bumped into Namjoon, who was more than happy to snap some remarks.
“Watch where you’re going,” he practically snarled. “In addition to being unable to understand simple directions, are you incapable of seeing as well?”
The two of you ended up in a screaming match, and come morning you’d gotten into a heated argument over waking up Yoongi after he’d fallen asleep in the living room.
Hoseok exchanged small pleasantries with you, but that was about as far as you too went in the light of this new tension. Both Taehyung and Jungkook were happy to avoid you, but you did have your mini scrapes with the maknaes occasionally, and Jimin ignored you entirely.
By the end of the second week, you found yourself hurt more than you thought possible and crying into your pillow as soon as you were in the privacy of the guest room. You’d been excluded from social outings like going to restaurants, hanging out at the park, binge watching series and going to parties, something that you’d all planned to do together before the argument.
You finally snapped one night, the three weeks worth of hurt coming out in an flow. The boys were more than startled, perhaps from the sheer harshness of your tone or the abrasive language you were using, either way, you didn’t care. You weren’t even aware of what you were saying - heck, you didn’t even remember how the night ended or how you’d gotten to your bed, you just remembered breaking down into tears later, your voice raw from screaming, your body physically exhausted, and heart aching.
A Week Later
It was so cold.
You lay on the ground, shivering and curled up in a ball, watching a video of your dog playing with your siblings. It was the only comfort, the only thing that could take your mind off of the fact that your friendship with Bangtan was probably over.
You were considering rooming with a friend in their collage dorm when a knock came to your door.
“Go away!” You shouted, voice trembling as you were haunted by guilt and hurt.
“Y/N!” Taehyung called from the other end of the door. “Please just let us in. We want to talk.”
“Find someone else to be your punching bag,” you snarled. “I’m not in the mood for it.”
“Y/N please-”
You closed your eyes and tuned them out.
It was just too much work to get into another argument.
You didn’t know how much time had passed, only that you were still on the floor when you heard the sound of someone wiggling the doorknob and then - pop! - it was open.
Footsteps echoed in the room and you heard a voice calling your name.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
“It’s so cold in here…”
You rolled over and were met with the concerned looks of the boys. Groaning inwardly, you mumbled,
“Just leave me alone.”
“Y/N don’t push us away.” Hoseok pressed, and you opened your eyes when you felt a hand on your shoulder. “God - you’re shivering.”
He grabbed your arm gently and turned you around so you would face him, rubbing your arms in an attempt to warm you up.
“Just leave me alone.”
“Please will you talk to us?” Jungkook pleaded, holding your shoulders gently.
“Y/N.” Jimin murmured, trying to drape a blanket over your shoulders. “Have you eaten? Your so cold.”
“I’m fine!” You hissed, shoving them away.
“Y/N please I don’t want to fight anymore.”
This time you actually did pause - the person speaking sounded close to tears. When you glanced over Hobi’s shoulder, you saw that Namjoon really did look like he was about to cry.
Surprise rippled through you. “Joon-”
And then the two of you burst into tears.
“I’m sorry!” You gasped, clenching Hobi’s shirt as he two started to tear up and rubbed circles into your back. “I was so mean and I said such awful things! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any of it-” You were just blabbering things at this point, overwhelmed with emotion. It took away your physical strength and left you weak. “You guys work so hard and you were probably just tired-”
“Shh.” Jungkook had started to run his fingers through your hair. “It’s okay. Of course we know you didn’t mean anything.”
“We’re sorry as well.” Yoongi added, he extended his palm and you held it as Jin lowered himself to the ground and started wiping away your tears. “We took the argument too far and we’re sorry for exploiting your insecurities.”
Jin lowered himself to the ground and brushed the hair out of your face so he could look into your eyes. “I’m sorry Y/N. I can’t take back what I said but I hope you know how sorry I am. I’lll make you what ever you want after okay?”
Sniffling, you said, “O-okay.” And he smiled softly, reaching up to wipe away you tears.
You only cried harder as Jimin and Taehyung soon joined the huddle, cuddling you and whispering tearful apologies.
“I’m sorry.” Jimin apologized. “I-I really don’t know what else to say but how sorry I am and how much I regret what I said.”
“It’s okay.”
“But it’s not.”
You beckoned him closer and he slipped his arms around you. “Let’s just put this behind us, yea?”
Jimin nodded. “Okay.”
Namjoon still hadn’t moved and was just watching you and Bangtan, tears in his eyes.
“It’s okay,” Hobi said into your ear, noticing where your gaze had flitted to. “He’ll come around soon - he’s felt really guilty.” This time you couldn’t stop the onslaught of tears and started to break down again. “Don’t cry, don’t cry. You’re okay, you’re okay.”
“H-Hobi,” You choked out, leaning into his chest as another way of crushing emotions overwhelmed you. “I-” You worrried that you might hurt him asyou grabbed his shoulders, but if he felt any pain, he didn’t react. “I-I’m so-don’t go-”
“It’s okay,” Hobi repeated, patting you on the back. “Just breathe Y/N, I’m not going anywhere.”
You closed your eyes, the last of your strength ebbing away. Jungkook’s strong arms wrapped around you to support you. Jin passed you some tissues and Yoongi switched places with Hoseok in an attempt to calm you down. You’d known Yoongi since middle school and although the rapper was often seen as a cold person, he really was more on the calm side. Something about his gentle nature never failed to soothe you, and it worked now as well.
After a while, you sniffled and looked around for Namjoon. He still hadn’t moved but his tears had dried.
“Joon?” You whispered, and his jaw clenched. “I’m sorry, please don’t-”
You couldn’t continue due to the sudden onslaught of tears as Namjoon rushed over, pulling you from Yoongi’s arms and wrapped you up in the tightest embrace you’d ever felt. He buried his face in your shoulders.
“Oh my god,” he kept repeating. “I’m sorry - oh god I’m so sorry.”
“Me to.” You sniffled. “I’m sorry.”
“Shhh. You have nothing to he sorry for.”
You felt a blanket being draped over your shoulders and a hand ruffling your hair.
He squeezed your hand, tears clinging to his eyelashes and said, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Y/N. Please forgive me?”
“I already have.” You whispered. The rest of the boys had circled you, Namjoon, and Taehyung and had begun snuggling. They handed you tissues and said they would bring you food later, they just wanted you to warm up right now and settle down, they were concerned by how much crying seemed to take out of you.
After you’d all moved to the couch and you’d managed to calm down, you looked at them and said. “I don’t ever want to fight again - I missed you all so much.”
“We missed you too.” Namjoon replied, rubbing your head. “From now on let’s try to settle arguments in a more…reasonable manner. Yes?”
You and the boys quickly agreed, and you all fell asleep like that - you in the middle and the others cuddling you.
I hope this was okay, I might go back and edit some because I’ve been writing this on a plane. Once again I apologize for any cringe and feedback is always welcomed.
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bnhaobservation · 5 months
What do you think the todofam will be like after the war?
It's something I've been wondering as well.
Let's start with a premise.
This story is aimed mainly to a Japanese audience which sees things according to their culture. Some things that for them are a given aren't for who's not Japanese and vice versa. So, it gets twice as difficult for us to follow the message Horikoshi wants to deliver.
Also... this is going to be long and actually should have been longer. I tried to keep it as short as I could but this might have caused to make it not perfectly clear so I apologize in advance.
Lastly, what follows are just my two cents, feel free to disagree.
Said so let's tackle the matter from a realistic perspective.
If BNHA were not a story but the real world, the Todoroki family is finished. Not because Enji abused his family, but because one of their members (Tōya) is a murderer.
A seinen manga "Theseus no fune" (テセウスの船) digs with what happens to a family of 5 after the father, Sano Bungo, was accused of murder.
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The mother, who was at the time pregnant, was denied hospitalization to give birth to her child.
They had to hide their identity because each time it was discovered they were forced to move. People would also refuse to hire them if they were to know of it. The main character, the youngest child of the man, the one that was born AFTER his father was accused of murder, and who should have been named Seigi (justice) is named instead Shin (heart) because "there's no justice for the son of a murderer", has to take his mother's surname (along with the rest of the family), have to wear a mask to hide his face to work, so that he won't be recognized, had to give up on becoming a teacher and, although he managed to marry, his wife's relatives refused to accept the marriage. When the wife dies during childbirth, her parents attend tot he funeral but claim they couldn't tell anyone about it because otherwise people would know she married the son of a criminal. They also demand their grandchild to be handed to them because she can't grow up with the son of a murderer.
Note that said son of a murderer, never had any contact with his father as the man had been arrested before his birth, and therefore Shin clearly couldn't be responsible for his father's crime.
We see something similar happening in BNHA for people who're involved in minor crimes.
Tobita tried to help someone but failed and was accused of preventing a Hero from saving him.
He was expelled from school and his family was implied to be targeted with bullying (see the graffiti with insults on the gate?)
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It got so bad even his family chased him away.
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Jin goes through something similar. Due to being involved in an incedent he's fired and no one wants to hire him ever again so he ends up homeless.
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It's implied the same happened with Himiko, though we don't know if she ended up on the run just after attacking Saito, knowing her parents wouldn't want her back, or after trying to go back home and being rejected.
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While Himiko's house might have been further devasted AFTER she joined the league, we can see that the gate was already damaged when her parents still lived there just after she had attacked Saito.
Note that none of the three over mentioned characters had yet committed murder. Tobita wanted to help, and the man who he had been unable to save will recover in 6 months, Jin ended up running over a guy who ran in the street without warning but only broke his arm and, as far as we know, Saito didn't die due to Himiko's attack.
Yet, they're shunned by society and with them their families who turn their back to them.
Now picture how much worse this would be for someone who committed murder.
Tōya/Dabi himself touches upon how bad they should have it now.
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'Hitotsu kikitēnda ga Shōto… omae ittai donna tsura shite? Obieru shimin to issho ni U.A. ni komotteiraretanda? ENDEAVOR no musuko Dabi no kyōdai yakusai no nikogori mite~e nate me ~e ga!!'
「一つ聞きてえんだが焦凍… おまえ一体どんな面して 怯える市民と一緒に雄英に籠っていられたんだ? エンデヴァーの息子荼毘の兄弟 厄災の煮凝りみてぇなてめェが!!」
``I have to ask you one thing, Shōto... What the hell kind of face were you wearing? Were you able to stay holed up in U.A. with the frightened citizens? Endeavor's son, Dabi's brother, it's like a broth of calamity/disaster/misfortune! !”*
*okay, technically he says 'yakusai no nikogori' (厄災の煮凝り) which litterally is a "jellied broth of disaster/calamity", but the fact he chose the nikogori is also due to how the kanji used to write it are 'ni' (煮 "boil, cook") and 'gori' (凝 "freeze").
The people in U.A. should have wanted Shouto in it as much as they wanted Deku when he first showed up there, not even a bit, even though Deku did nothing wrong...
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Something many fans often miss of this scene is that when Deku enters in U.A. all his classmates are there, except for Shōto, and that Heroes supporting Deku like Present Mic and Best Jeanist are there, but not Endeavor and Hawks.
Where are they? Just outside.
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It will be Ectoplasm who will call them in when all is finished.
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Why Shōto isn't with his classmates supporting Deku? Why Endeavor and Hawks remain outside?
It's not because they don't care but because they would make matters worse.
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And Shōto, poor kid, is completely innocent, Enji might have responsibilities for what Tōya did but Shōto? Whatever he did wrong?
Yet, same Tamura Shin from "Theseus no fune", he's likely hold accountable for his brother and father's crimes as well as the rest of his family.
The story glosses it over, we see nothing being done against Shōto or the rest of his family, and his classmates act mostly supportive so he doesn't seem to have it bad, but the story likely doesn't show it because, for Japanese people, it's a given Shōto would have it bad, it's unnecessary to esplicitly show it and it would probably be too dark of a subject so Horikoshi skims on it, as in Japan it's public knowledge.
That's why Natsuo said all that awaits them is pure hell.
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It was bad enough Tōya had killed people before but now he had attempted to nuke Japan and the Todorokis don't expect they will be 'forgiven' because they actually stopped him almost getting themselves killed in the process.
In a way Tōya has cornered them, their best option was actually to die with him.
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So if we go for a realistic ending Enji will have to drop his job and the same goes for Fuyumi and Natsuo, Shōto should leave school, the family should live in hiding, being bullied and ostracized and this regardless of them having saved the day and of Tōya's fate (if he dies or lives, if he gets jailed, sentenced to death or spared due to his body condition being so disastrous he might end up needing permanently hospitalized... assuming they'll be willing to hospitalize him).
They would probably do better change name and country and attempt to start a new live under another identity and away from Japan... if the likely scarring burns they gained will allow them to live in hiding.
Now... this is a realistic fate for them.
BNHA however is a story, and it's a story which is also making a point of criticizing society. It doesn't hold just the Todorokis but also society as accountable for what Tōya did.
It's a story with a moral and if society doesn't get 'punished' or 'redeemed', or, more specifically 'atones', the moral ends up being that society can do any sort of thing to people and it will never be punished and if you retaliate you'll be squashed down. Not exactly an uplifting moral.
The League of Villains is born by society's sins. Generally for me the most meaningful thing is this scene.
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Why? Because in my country if you are and adult and find on the streets an unsupervised kid of 5 and turn your eyes away, it's a crime even if he doesn't look in such a poor shape like Tenko.
All those people pretending not to see him would get in troubles. In Japan they aren't so strict but for me the scene looks particularly strong because it's basically a crime.
So I've really no sympathy for those people and, if the story wants to have an uplifting moral, society has to change, hold itself accountable for how it hurt Tenko and the others and atone toward them.
In the same vein society should reform and not mistreat the Todorokis the way it did with Tobita or Himeko's family but support them.
This however narratively presents some huge problems.
Society is a broad concept and BNHA didn't offer us one or more characters that could work as stand in for it.
The characters we get familiar with, often represent the best part of society.
For example we know there were corrupted Heroes, we know the HPSC had Lady Nagant kill corrupted Heroes but... did we ever met them? Nope.
Stain, who wanted to change society and erase corrupter Heroes who ended up attacking?
Some Hero who abused his power to commit crimes? Some Hero who actually was in league with criminals? Some Hero who actually was negligent in his work? Some Hero who, at least, throwed trash on the streets?
Nope. He attacks Īda's brother and Native... who overall seemed two decent guys.
This creates a clash of our perception in the story, the League attacked society but the characters we were presented with were usually great people.
The League undoubtedly perceives society as evil and worth being wiped out because they met the worse of it but... we didn't.
That's why many readers feel like the League should be jailed for terrorism but no one thinks the "Star Wars" rebels in the first trilogy should met the same fate for... the exact same crime.
In "Star Wars" first trilogy the empire is always represented as evil, all its soldiers are represented as evil and we've zero sympathy for them when they get wiped out.
But in BNHA society is not the empire, society is common people who've families and feel... innocent enough not to deserve what the League unleash on them, especially since BNHA had too few 'bad guys' among the good guys and, conveniently or not so conveniently, wiped out the HPSC before it could take the blame for many problems and we are instead way too often presented with 'good guys' characters.
So Horikoshi has to find a way to deliver the message that if said society ended up under attack, it was actually due to its shortcomings.
Tōya told Enji the past never dies and you reap what you sow...
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...but this applied to society too.
In response later on Enji will realize he'll have to atone to him and apologize to him.
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In theory society should do the same... so that the story could have an uplifting moral of society learning from its errors and never again repeating them so that people will be better and the League of Villain will never be reborn in the future... however... it's much easier for us to apply all this to Todoroki Enji than to the BNHA society.
It's very fairy tale to assume that society will say "hey but if we didn't mistreat those guys first, they wouldn't have done what they did, shouldn't we also make amends?"
I don't really know if Horikoshi will be able to pull this off in a convincing manner, or if he'll be allowed to do it because one of the problems in his story is he can't allow to come to pass the idea that what the League did was an acceptable response.
We see it in the attack at Central Hospital.
In theory the story should end with a similar situation.
Shōji acknowledged that the Heteromorphs were hurt and persecuted but turning to violence wasn't acceptable
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...and then somehow the Heteromorphs changed their mind and stop fighting and the people said they heard their voices today and they're sorry for not realizing it sooner and everyone cries and all's well that ends well and many readers hate this arc (for which SO MUCH could be written) and label it poor writing and it's actually a very minor bit so...
I don't know if Horikoshi now has used the people's response to it to perfect his ending in a way that won't have backlash.
So back to your question, what about the Todorokis?
Hopefully since Horikoshi wants to go to a positive and uplifting ending, the Todorokis will be spared from a fate that will be hell.
After all they made a big deal of how things were being recorded on videos. Society might be impressed by how this family came together to save everyone and might feel bad for them as well as partially responsible.
If society will come together instead than ostracizing and mistreating people, the Todorokis might not be end up driven into a corner.
In the same vein the Todorokis will likely come together as a family.
That is because I'm assuming that the idea Horikoshi wants to come to pass is that you've to PREVENT people from going bad, not punish them once the deed is done and by coming together they prevent the situation from worsening.
So, I'm willing to bet the plan is that Natsuo is wrong and no, it won't be hell for them from now on, though it likely won't be easy.
I don't know if Tōya and the rest of the League will survive, because it would be damn convenient for Horikoshi to have them die, so that he won't have to face the whole punishment thing.
If they're dead they can't be punished nor society can be asked to atone to them for what they did to them, and so Horikoshi can focus on society coming together and supporting the people who're less 'cuplable' and reforming itself easily enough in such a way that would fit the kind of fairy tale nature of BNHA.
At the same time killing the league off is such a goddamn easy solution for the problem I really pray he won't go for it... but I recognize with the League he kept the bar really very high.
So I would love for Tōya to survive and heal and be given another chance and this time, with support from his family and society, become a better person, and the same goes for the rest of the League, but I don't know if Horikoshi can, is willing and will be allowed to pull this off.
We can only wait and see.
For now, I think it'll probably be safe enough to assume that at the end the Todoroki family will come together and they won't be in hell but Fuyumi will be allowed to continue to work as a teacher and Natsuo will be allowed to continue to study and will marry his girlfriend. I aslo think Shōto will be allowed to become a Hero. As for Enji he might retire. I know people would want to see him jailed for his family abuse but since no one in his family is willing to file charges against him I'm pretty sure this won't happen. Likely he also won't divorce from Rei.
Tōya's fate through remains a mystery.
I'd like for him to end up hospitalized and for his family to stay and support him, for Enji to atone to him and finally look at him but well, we can only wait and see for this.
As much as I hate the idea we were told Tōya (who shouldn't have managed to survive away from Garaki's support) survived till now due to his grudge to his family, if he were to let it go he might just die... albeith in that case he would probably die in peace because he would finally feel loved by his family. We'll see.
Thank you for your ask!
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jaimebluesq · 5 months
always found it interesting that despite the fact he clearly wants the sect to remain in the family, nie mingjue literally never made any attempts at continuing his bloodline, foisting it off on huaisang instead along with the sect leader title. what if it was he couldn't have had kids even if he wanted to, because taking up baxia too early caused him to become sterile? and admitting as much would have been too humiliating? anyway, brotherly scene where he's forced to come clean about it, and whether it ends in a decision to adopt or huaisang agreeing to take up a political marriage in the future just for heirs or whatever is up to you.
Oh Anon, you have no idea how close this idea is to my heart because of my own life experiences. I love that you came up with it, and thank you for sending it to me... now let’s see if I can do it justice.
~ ~ ~
Nie Huaisang stood outside his brother’s office, his hands twisting upon his closed fan. He’d been anxious for days, trying to figure out how to broach a particularly sensitive topic with his brother – had practised with both Nie Zonghui and Jin Guangyao to try and get his words just right. Oh, it was something he’d tried asking many times before, but his brother had always brushed him off and directed him to the training field for saber practice.
Not today. Today, he would get an answer whether his brother liked it or not.
Before he could talk himself out of it, he knocked on the door and entered when his brother called out. He was careful to close the door behind himself before approaching his brother’s desk.
“What is it?” Nie Mingjue asked tiredly, his fingers rubbing at his temple. “Isn’t it time for-”
“Saber practice was this morning,” he replied, “and I actually attended today.” He’d attended only to leave one less thing to anger his brother on the day he came to seek answers – though Nie Mingjue’s fatigue made him wonder if he should have chosen a different day. But then, his brother looked tired most days since the end of the war.
“If you’re asking about-”
“Da-ge?” He waited until his brother finally looked up at him. “I... wanted to talk to you. About something important.”
Nie Mingjue looked him over, then picked up his papers and set them aside. He sat back in his chair, hands on the arms and fingers drumming along the cherry wood, waiting for Nie Huaisang to speak.
The first thing Nie Huaisang did was sit down to face his brother. “I heard from Zonghui that you received a request for an alliance from Yao-zongzhu,” he began, wanting to ease into the subject he wanted to address.
His brother sniffed. “He’s trying to pawn off his sister to anyone who’ll have her, all to tie himself to one of the great sects. I’ve no desire to ally with the Yao.”
“But what about the He,” Nie Huaisang prodded. “Or the Lan – Er-ge told me he has a younger cousin that’s quite lovely and kind and would make a wonderful furen. Or the Jiang – I know Jiang-xiong doesn’t have any blood relatives, but he has some promising lady disciples that would-”
“We don’t need another alliance,” Nie Mingjue ground out through gritted teeth. “Is that why you’re here? To harass me about getting married? Leave it alone – it’s none of your business.”
It was the same answer he had given Nie Huaisang before – but it was one he could no longer accept.
“But Da-ge... it is my business,” he said with a shaky voice that grew stronger with every word he spoke. “It’s my business because this is the reason I’m your heir, and I have the right to know why.”
Nie Mingjue narrowed his eyes, his face turning dark. “If this is just another argument to get out of saber practice-”
“I don’t want this!” Nie Huaisang’s voice broke mid-sentence. He tightened his grip on his fan. “I don’t want to be sect leader one day, you know this. And the Elders don’t want me either – you’ve heard what they say about me when my back is turned.”
“If you would only practice your saber more-”
“It won’t do a thing, Da-ge, because I’m not meant for this!” He took in a shaky breath. “Please, Da-ge, don’t make me do this anymore. You, me, the sect, we all deserve better, don’t we? Please don’t tell me you genuinely think me being heir is the best thing for Qinghe Nie?”
“This sect must be led by a member of our family’s main line,” Nie Mingjue insisted.
“Then why haven’t you started a family to inherit the sect?”
“Because I can’t!!!”
Nie Huaisang felt glued to his seat. There was something in the tone of his brother’s voice... it wasn’t anger, not just anger, but it was painful to hear. And then his brother’s shoulders dropped and he brought a hand to rub at his temple, and Nie Huaisang could have sworn he saw a glint of wetness in his brother’s eyes.
“I can’t,” Nie Mingjue repeated, slower and a little calmer.
When Nie Mingjue looked up, their eyes met. The two of them breathed heavily for several moments, broken only when Nie Mingjue picked up a document and threw it across the room. Nie Huaisang heard a rattling nearby; he glanced over to where Baxia trembled lightly in her stand.
“When one of us becomes sect leader,” Nie Mingjue explained, “there are many different rituals and sect secrets we learn from the Elders and other sect officials. And one of the very first things they tell us is that we need to work immediately on birthing an heir. Because our lives are so short, and one never knows when we’ll be taken out by a Yao or a qi deviation, or some tyrannical sect leader who doesn’t like being opposed.”
Nie Huaisang swallowed hard. His brother had only been fifteen when their father had died... he couldn’t imagine being told he had to become a father when he was only fifteen.
“None of the other sects helped me try to bring evidence against Wen Ruohan for what he did to A-Die, and I certainly wasn’t going to ally with any of them.” Nie Mingjue grimaced. “It was suggested to me that we find someone outside the sect, someone completely apart from the cultivation world, who wouldn’t have known enough to vie for power. I... I had no idea what to do, who to look for. All I’d ever done before was train, and when I did have tender thoughts, they weren’t about the girls they brought before me.”
This didn’t surprise Nie Huaisang – he’d seen the looks exchanged between Nie Mingjue and his ‘sworn brothers’. He nodded.
“So we finally settled on someone to try with,” Nie Mingjue continued. His voice already sounded lighter than when he had first begun explaining, and Nie Huaisang wondered if his brother had ever told this story to anyone else before – if Er-ge and San-ge even knew. “She was kind, and patient. The agreement was that if she became with child, then we would officially bring her in as a concubine. But after a year of trying once a week, every week... nothing happened. And then the Elders insisted on trying with another woman because the problem ‘obviously’ wasn’t with Nie-zongzhu, and before I knew it, I had four women I didn’t want that I had to lay with, all to try and do my duty to my sect.”
By this point, Nie Mingjue was no longer looking at Nie Huaisang, but rather staring out the nearby window. A part of Nie Huaisang wanted to tell his brother to stop, to tell him he didn’t have to say anything more – but the other part of him really wanted to hear the answer, to understand what had gone wrong, both for his brother and himself.
“After another two, three years of nothing, the Elders called in a highly respected physician. He looked me over, did a few tests, and then the Elders discussed the results. And then they told me that I was a rare case – that training so aggressively from such a young age may have made me stronger than anyone else in our sect, but it also had the side-effect of rendering me... barren, so to speak.” He sighed. “We called off the women after paying them handsomely for their efforts, and we helped them find husbands who would honour them properly. And then I named you my heir permanently.”
Nie Huaisang’s shoulders felt heavy even as he tried to roll one of them back. “Why didn’t you tell me, Da-ge?” he asked softly.
Nie Mingjue snorted. “Your voice hadn’t even begun to change when all this happened. The only things you knew about such matters were from spring books – and yes, I know you’ve had them since you were twelve, I’m not an idiot. There was no way I was going to lay this on you.”
“I may have been young, but so were you.” Nie Huaisang tried to offer a smile when his brother finally faced him again. “And... this is something we’ve needed to discuss, for the good of our sect. After all, I’m not a boy anymore.”
“You’ll always be a boy,” Nie Mingjue countered with a wistful smile. “The tiniest little thing that Xiao-Niang brought out to me and told me to protect it for the rest of my life.”
“Da-ge,” Nie Huaisang whined, mostly to break the seriousness of the moment.
Nie Mingjue let out a chuckle. “Well, you know now.”
Nie Huaisang nodded. “And now we can figure out what to do about it.” His brother’s eyebrow lifted. “Because the way I see it, the moment you die – which you’re not allowed to do, by the way, not without my permission – this sect will immediately undergo a challenge to leadership, because there are far too many people who don’t see me as a proper leader. And quite frankly, they’re right. So... I’m presuming adopting is out of the question, or else you would have done it already...” As he spoke, he began counting off fingers from his hand.
“Ideally, the leadership would remain in the main family line,” Nie Mingjue explained tentatively.
“Well, I suppose that leaves us with only one option left,” he concluded with a nod to the growing confusion on his brother’s face. “The only question is, do we work to ally with another sect, or find someone outside the Jianghu? Because I don’t mind getting married or taking a concubine, but I do not want anything to do with Yao-zongzhu’s sister. Just because I enjoy pretty ladies does not mean I want a part of that mess>”
“You can’t be serious!” Nie Mingjue huffed. “You’re just a boy!”
“I’m the same age as Jin Zixuan,” he countered, “and he’s marrying Jiang-guniang in a few months.” He absently chewed on his bottom lip. “And just the other day in Lanling, I was chatting with Madame Qin – she is very much not in favour of Qin Su’s little crush on San-ge, by the way – and she was trying to encourage me to ask her to walk in the gardens. She is rather pretty, and-” He paused at the stare his brother gave him.
“You don’t have to do this,” Nie Mingjue sighed. “Just because I can’t do this, it doesn’t mean you have to give up your life like this.”
He met his brother’s gaze in a way he never would have done as a boy. “I’m a Nie,” he explained, “and we both know we have had to fulfill our duties to our sect. I know I can’t fulfill mine on the battlefield – I was never meant to be a soldier or even a cultivator – but I can do this.”
The corners of Nie Mingjue’s eyes crinkled, and he nodded. “Qin-zongzhu’s daughter does seem like a good choice,” he finally agreed, “but the girl is still enamoured with A-Yao no matter how he has tried to dissuade her.”
“Then I imagine San-ge would have a vested interest in helping her get over him,” he grinned, “don’t you think?” Nie Mingjue nodded. Nie Huaisang stood up and stretched out his back. “I’ll go write him a letter and see what he has to say, and we’ll go from there.” He began walking to the office door, but stopped at his brother’s voice.
“But for the record,” Nie Mingjue announced, his tone steady and strong, “you and the Elders are wrong. You might not be meant for the battlefield, but... a sect needs a different kind of leader in peace-time, and you would make a good one.”
Nie Huaisang swallowed through his suddenly tight throat. He made no sound, nothing to indicate he’d heard his brother’s words, and continued on his way out the door.
But his heart flooded with warmth at one of the few compliments he’d ever received from his brother.
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pynkgothicka · 1 year
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Types of Yanderes BTS Would Be
Synopsis - Pretty simple, a set of hcs describing BTS and their tendencies as Yanderes
Warnings - Acts of violence, branding, mentions of kidnapping, Literal murder.
Authors Note - I'm going to be constantly filling my queue with headcanons just to keep you guys fed with more content, most of it will be fandoms I want to write for yet don't really have the time for a full fledged fic
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
Jin - Delusional
He will actively treat you as if you'd been together for years
Somewhere deep in his mind he knows that you two are not actually together but why would he face that reality when he could just change his own
Slowly as time progresses and he has you stuck in his clutches he's going to drive you to the point of believing the fantasy he's been living
When Jin kills he makes up some excuse that's he'd had in his head, like a guy you'd known for a while the entire time was stalking you and waiting for the perfect moment to kill you! He swears!
He'll begin change memories and things you for sure know about yourself
It's all in a futile attempt to change his reality to be yours as well
Namjoon - Overprotective
Joon will go to war over you
If anyone dares to touch you he's instantly onto them, attacking, yet he picks his fights well
Being connected to money knows men in both high and low places, willing to do anything for a buck
Joon will never get his hands dirty messing with shit like that. He's too busy pampering and protecting you to worry. Unless it's a instant thing that he can't wait to maliciously organize. He will take that risk to make you safer
Yet his overprotection is smothering, he'll lock you away and make you believe that your in danger 24/7
The world is dangerous and under his care you'll be safe and loved!
Yoongi - Possessive
He loves making the world aware of how yours his and his only
You belong to Yoongi.
He'll show that possession based on how you act, be good and he'll leave a few hickeys and what not, nothing too big of a deal
Yet act out of line and that turns into more permanent means such as tattoos, which he will gladly pay for
This possessive side of him also comes out when it comes to the people you surround yourself with,Yoongi often picking your “bad” friends off one by one claiming that he knows what's best for you
In the end your utterly alone, Yoongi controlling every aspect of your social life, always seemingly upping the stakes everytime you act out of line
Hoseok - Clingy
He can't live without you
So anytime you get iffy and are about to leave he makes threats to not harm you but harm himself keeping you trapped in this perpetual loop of not leaving him out of pity for him
This man will spend every second with our and if he doesn't he swears he's dying
If you aren't living together, he will blow up your phone 24/7 and even a couple of minutes late he goes into a frenzy and blows up your phone even more, then using that as an excuse to come over
Once he sees that your fine he just kind of stays there not wanting to leave, and he will find the smallest task to do in your house
When it comes to him actually taking out people he sees as bad for you, he does that in complete secrecy. He didn't want to scare you away
The one thing about him is that he rarely gets mad because by him getting mad he can scare you away and why would he ever want that
Jimin - Manipulative
Jimin can lie like a mf.
He's probably done it straight from the start, using his persuasion to make himself more appealing to him
The worst part is that Jimin remembers his lies, so he keeps up with what's he's told you and what he hasn't
A prime example is that he's told you that Wednesday nights he gets busy with hanging out with his friends, a form of designated him time. That was a cover up only used once while he killed a perv that came on to you constantly at work, but Jimin kept this up always leaving Wednesday nights, having that be some sort of allotted time for him to get his anger out and fuck up anyone who fucks with you
He's also always painted others a villian when you find out about some of the things he'd been doing, like telling your friends off and demanding for them to leave you alone
Hed claim that they'd hurt him or were planning to hurt him, and how could you say he was wrong, he was the most honest man you met your entire life
If you only knew how often he'd been lying just to keep you around
Taehyung - Obsessive
He has a shrine. That's right a shrine.
That's how obsessed Taehyung is.
His shrine is filled with little things he's kept as a form of remembrance to you. Like a strand of your hair or a pair of your panties he'd kept after snooping around in your room
And he will not let up his obsessive stalking and spying when you eventually decide to get with him and be official
When it comes to murder he has no qualms with doing it, plus he can just keep on hiding and hiding it
He just hides it better, and most his behavior is seen as romantic to you since well, you are a couple
He just doesn't know how to act in a relationship… right?
Jungkook - Self Indulgent
Literally everything he does with you or too you is for his own gain
Being with you, all apart of his own gain. Not only are you attractive but you will stay with him no matter what he does out of fear! That's perfect for him
He's a creepy dude, and won't shame you for thinking that, he's powerful too. His status just speaks for itself
Even when he kills for you, he makes sure that he gets some gain from it too, without that gain for the both of your or the couple as a whole, why would he even worry about it
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justaghostingon · 11 months
Lan Qiren’s Funtime Adventure
Or, Lan Qiren’s mid-life crisis’ vacation
Based loosely off the headcanons of @robininthelabyrinth
After the sunshot campaign, Lan Qiren wakes up one day and realizes he hasn’t done a thing for himself since he was his nephews age.
He’s been father, sect leader, teacher, all things he’s had to become to fill the gap his brother left and to be there for his nephews. And sure, he loves teaching, but it wasn’t what he wanted to do with his life.
He wanted to become a traveling musician!
And now, the war is over, and lan xichen is sect leader. He doesn’t need his uncle anymore! He’s lead a war! Secured an alliance with both the jin and the nie!
He can handle himself while his Uncle takes a few months off.
So Lan Qiren bids his nephews goodbye, dons traveling clothes, and sets out with only a handful of instruments and a song in his heart.
Now life on the road isn’t as easy for a middle-aged man as it is for a young one. Lan Qiren has many aches and pains to prove it. So he starts staying at any place that will take in a wandering musician.
This means he’s no longer staying at high end inns, but local taverns as well.
And while those high end places might like the soothing and elegant classical music lan qiren is gifted at, those in the taverns want something a bit more…bouncy.
So lan qiren is forced to make new songs to appease the masses. And although he loves crafting music, he’s a bit at a loss on what to make thr lyrics.
That is until one drunken guest demands a love song about those fancy cultivators and lan Qiren is so outraged he freestyles an entire song about how bad his peers are at love
The song is an instant classic, and Lan Qiren realizes something huge: He can just rant about all the problems he kept inside and people will eat it up!!!!
And its not like he’s hurting anyone, no one knows who he is! He’s just got to make sure he doesn’t put any names in any of it!
He says like a middle-aged man who refuses to take off his lan forehead ribbion could be anyone but a lan
Thus his career as a radical singer/song writer begins
Highlights include:
“The Way of the Heart” (popular name “You All Suck at Love”) - his first and greatest hit, where he lists off the failings of the couples in his generation, from unfaithfulness (jin), wishy-washiness (jiang), lashing out in jealousy (madam yu), possessive behavior (his brother), and terrible choice in partners (Lao Nie).
“My Nephew has Terrible Taste in Friends” (popular name “The Cutsleeve’s Ballad”) - in which he rants about both his nephew’s friends from anger issues (nie mingjue), two faced (jin guangyao), and everything ever about wei wuxian.
“Beware Powerful Men” (popular name “The Many Bastards of Jin Guangshan”) - in which he warns young ladies of getting with a man who does not provide for his children, who does not keep his promises, and who will never marry you whatever he says. (Lan Qiren met second lady mo and her child and got really, really mad at how young she was)
“A Well Mannered Young Woman” (popular name “She’s not Flirting with You She’s Just Being Polite”) - Lan Qiren had to deal with jin zixuan’s behavior towards Jiang yanli in the cloud recesses, he heard about the soup incident from lan zhan, and about jin guangshan failing to reengage them. He’s not impressed with the rumors that say jiang yanli is hopelessly persuing jin zixuan, and he has things to say.
“The Many Faults of Wen Rouhan” (popular name “I Have so Many Problems with Wen Rouhan and Now I Can Finally Talk About Them!”) - in which lan qiren recounts all the times wen rouhan drove him nuts at sect conferences. Not the big things mind you, but the little things that lan qiren just had to swallow because he couldn’t risk insulting him as only an “acting” sect leader. The world will hear about how wen rouhan set the table wrong actually, that bowl was supposed to be a little more to the left and he Knew it!
Naturally songs insulting the leaders of the cultivation sects do not go over well in the main clans. “The Way of the Heart”/“You All Suck at Love” is banned from the Jin, the Nie, and the Jiang. The only reason its not banned from the lan is because it was Lan Qiren’s song, and lan Xichen knows it was Lan Qiren even if its technically “annoyamous”
Technically its banned in the lower sects as well, but they are absolutely all listening to it in secret and chuckling at all the spilled tea
The Cutsleeve’s ballad is not banned, but its not looked upon very positively, except to smirk and gossip about the lan’s “inclinations.” Jin guangyao wants it banned, as its implications against the sworn brothers are detrimental to him, but his father has it played whenever he wants to humiliate him.
Lan Xichen reassures Jin Guangyao that the song is just proof that Lan Qiren has excepted them, which is a good thing really!
“He’s given us his blessing,” lan xichen trails a hand down jin guangyao’s arm. “Shouldn’t we celelbrate it?” He winks at nie mingjue.
Lan Xichen is absolutely under the impression that this sworn brotherhood is more than a brotherhood and is using this “permission” from his uncle to make his move.
Meanwhile the jin are all up in arms when “Beware Powerful Men” comes out. It takes all of jin guangyao’s persuasiveness to convince jin guangshan not to go to war. Arguing that no one could prove it was him. If they make a move people with know its about him, see? Thus jin guangshan is unable to do anything except sit there and grit his teeth. Madam jin however, loves it.
Jin Zixuan does not pick up that “A Well Mannered Young Woman” is about him. He does grow to hate the song however, as both Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng will sing it loudly anytime he tries to talk to jiang yanli. (The brothers absolutely know the song is about jiang yanli and are very proud of how praised she’s become)
Finally the many faults of Wen Rouhan is a hit all across the cultivation world, with sects big anf small singing it to themselves. It is quite possibly the only reason that Lan Qiren is not exiled from the cultivation world like his songs.
So Lan Qiren continues his traveling musician journey, completely ignoring all politics, and thus missing the wen going missing and wei ying defecting.
Until that is, he wanders into yiling, and encounters Wei ying with a-yuan and wen ning, selling radishes.
Lan Qiren is horrified at what wen ning has become, but even more horrified that there is a child in wei wuxian’s care of all people! How will little a-yuan live?
Being an uncle used to having to step up, he refuses to leave until he sees where a-yuan sleeps.
To which wei wuxian finds himself escorting lan Qiren up to the burial mounds, and introduces him to the wens
Lan Qiren is beyond horrified. A child! In the burial mounds?!!! With elderly farmers???? How could the sects allow this???
The sects are the reason we have to stay here,” wen qing explains. “Because we’re wens”
And Lan Qiren…lan Qiren has always been a rule follower. He hated the wen for taking his home and trampling on his beliefs. But…there were half a dozen rules, important ones! About allowing injustice and the treatment of civlians and prisoners.
But what’s more, Lan Qiren lost his entire life taking care of anothers burdens because he had to. It was filital, and his duty as a brother. But when he looks at wei ying, who hated the wen more than anything, who shares no blood with these people and yet is willing to throw his own future away anyways, and he sees himself.
No. Not himself, a better version. Someone he had always striven to be. And he got there without rules.
So Lan Qiren stays for a little bit, uses his money to help them get more supplies, but he can’t stay long, the burial mounds cant afford another mouth to feed
So lan Qiren goes to the inn, and he writes, and writes, and when he’s finished, he has a new ballad to spread around
“The Yiling Patriarch” - is a bit different from his usual songs. It has some pretty strong criticism of wei wuxian, like “a child needs structure u can’t just let him run around all day” and “what idiot tries to grow lotus on a mountain” but they are specifically chosen to make him seem far less scary, even relatable. For most of it, the yiling patrarch is portrayed as noble, someone giving up his own future and reputation to take on the burdens that the sects neglected.
The true criticism of the song goes to the great sects, for mistreating the weak, poor, and young. For punishing civilians for crimes they did not commit. And how exactly are they different from wen Rouhan?
The song when first heard is met with silence. The audience confused and not quite willing to accept it yet.
But lan Qiren doesn’t give up, singing it loudly where ever he can, using names for the first time ever, just to make it very clear where he stands.
And slowly, people start to listen. The civlians believe first, terrified that the great sects could turn on them like they turned on the wen.
Then those of lower clans, who fear the power and abuses the great sects might turn on them.
Finally lan Qiren goes before the sect conference itself, and angrily sings his song. Then stops and proceeds to lecture each and every one of them about exactly how they screwed up.
And here’s the thing. Lan Qiren had a lot of influence, far more than he realizes. He’s taught the majority of the younger generation, and three of the four sect leaders. They owe him feital piety.
So when he stands up, people listen.
Not all of them, jin guangshan never does, but enough do, and the rest see the way the tide is turning and don’t want to be left behind.
And both nie mingjue and jin guangyao have a new boyfriend and they really don’t want to disappoint their new in-law.
Thus Lan Qiren saves the wens and gets them put up in a nice valley near cloud recesses, saving the day with the power of disappointed teacher face, music, and vacations!
The end
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shanastoryteller · 28 days
Happy happy birthday 🎂🎉🥳 As always, I’d love some more of thee MDZS Identity Porn (with the masks and LWJ getting jealous of all of his husband’s “husbands”) (Or JC traveling back in time?) Thanks!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lan Wangji wouldn't have categorized Jiang Yanli as chatty, but tonight there's really no other way to describe her. She talks at length about Lotus Pier, about the Jiang clansmen and her immediate family. That would be one thing, but she seems to forget that they don't have the same familiarity with these subjects that she does, mentioned names and places carelessly, as if they already have context for these things.
He doesn't know why Wei Wuxian would care about the minutia of Lotus Pier, but Jiang Yanli holds his complete attention. More than that, there are several moments when he has to bite his cheek to keep from laughing and at various points his smile can only be equaled to what he looks like when he's holding his children. If his husband looked at him with a tenth of that adoration, Lan Wangji doesn't think he'd have a complaint.
He prompts her to continue whenever she trails off, because as much as he wishes that he held Wei Wuxian's heart, he can't deny him the bittersweet happiness that conversing with Jiang Yanli seems to bring him. Lan Wangji should not be greedy. He knows the Patriarch's face, his voice, his affection. He's his husband and helping raise his children. It is not appropriate for him to want more than the abundance he already has.
It's nearing the end of the banquet, where mingling and drinking will take place and propriety won't allow Jiang Yanli to hold Wei Wuxian in place. She looks at him with a desperation that makes Lan Wangji feel bad for Jin Zixuan. "You know," she says softly, "years ago, before the war, before - a lot of things, I lost my younger brother."
Wei Wuxian goes completely, utterly still. Lan Wangji stares - as far as he knows Madame Yu has only ever had two children and Sect Leader Jiang is notoriously faithful, regardless of the state of his marriage.
"He wasn't mine by blood," she continues, as if answering Lan Wangji's thoughts. "But we grew up with him and A-Cheng and I couldn't think of him any other way. He was our first disciple and he and A-Cheng used to go off together all the time - but on our way to Cloud Recess, they got in trouble, and he led that trouble away so Jiang Cheng could escape and we never saw him again."
Lan Wangji remembers now. He heard about this then, remembers how Jiang Cheng's attitude had been near intolerable that summer. His heart sinks.
His husband can reanimate the dead, but not like this, there's nothing he can do for Jiang Yanli's long dead little brother.
"I'm sorry for your loss," he says to her.
She glances at him for only a moment, but when Wei Wuxian maintains his silence, her shoulders drop and she says, "Thank you," but it comes out more subdued than anything else had tonight.
Later, when they've retired to their room and he hopes Wen Qing and Meng Yao have done the same, and they're lying in the same bed with the darkness and the quiet between them, Wei Wuxian says, "He wasn't Jiang Cheng's younger brother."
Lan Wangji, just on the cusp of sleep, blinks several time until he feels more awake. "Excuse me?"
"The - the first disciple, of the Jiang," he continues, sounding very awake himself as he lies with his hands behind his head and stares at the ceiling. "The way she said it, it sounded like he was younger than Jiang Cheng, but he wasn't. He was older. Jiang Cheng was the youngest one."
"Ah," Lan Wangji says finally, "I see."
"Yeah," Wei Wuxian answers nonsensically, then looks over and offers him a weak grin. "Sorry. Never mind. Get some sleep, we have a long day tomorrow."
"Yes," he says, but it takes a long time for either of them to get to sleep.
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youhideastar · 9 months
Fit for Purpose Deleted Scenes II: Alternate Version, Second Half
Yesterday I posted the first batch of deleted scenes from Fit for Purpose: the first half of a backstory chapter that I ultimately deep-sixed as a distraction. For more explanation, please read that first-half post! Today I'm sharing the second half of that backstory chapter. Again, I'm going to try to keep my commentary on the scenes to a minimum so as not to make this post longer. Other deleted scenes posts are linked in the masterpost. I hope you enjoy!
We pick up during the Sunshot Campaign, with a scene that I've always found perplexing in canon - WWX promising to let LWJ help him with the demonic cultivation. It's not clear in canon whether he ever actually does that. Here, I decided he would.
On another rooftop in the moonlight, eyes dark and urgent, Lan Zhan says, “Wei Ying. You are trying to snatch grain from a roaring fire.”
Because without that grain, I’ll starve, thinks Wei Wuxian. For a moment, he imagines telling Lan Zhan about his core. It’s a wild thought, quickly smothered.
“Wei Ying. Let me help.”
Wei Wuxian knows what he should do: call him “Lan Wangji” again. Smile like a knife. Shove him away.
But the end of the war is coming, and Wei Wuxian knows he’s unlikely to survive it. A few months doesn’t seem like too long a time to pretend that he can be fixed—that what he’s missing is something Lan Zhan can give him.
He says yes. Lets Lan Zhan play pretty songs for him. Spiritually, they do nothing for him.
But the lie makes Lan Zhan feel better.
They’re at war. Lan Zhan could be hurt or killed at any time. Wei Wuxian doesn’t want the last thing he said to him to be cruel. That’s all.
In the end, they win. He wins.
The other sects make the omega Meng Yao—Jin Guangyao, now—the hero. What he did, they understand. One short, sharp thrust.
It makes A-Cheng and Lan Zhan angry on Wei Wuxian’s behalf; for his part, Wei Wuxian couldn’t care less. He did what he needed to do. He fulfilled his purpose. He didn’t do it for the glory.
They go back to Lotus Pier.
A-Cheng and Jiejie want everything to go back to the way it used to be. They treat him like Yunmeng Jiang’s head disciple.
So he tries to act like it.
But there’s a hole inside of him. And so, there are things he can’t do. Things he can’t give, because he gave them already, and there’s no getting them back.
He can’t teach sword cultivation—can’t even draw his sword. And no one wants to hear about his talismans; the ones he writes in blood. The ones that draw evil in, rather than repelling it. Any of a half-dozen others would be a better head disciple than he would.
There’s only one part of his job he can really do anymore. And even that is… harder than it used to be. They want to touch and be touched, but his skin still crawls with the touch of the dead. And he doesn’t want to put his mouth on them. He never wants human flesh in his mouth again.
He’d thought he’d be dead for this part.
He was supposed to be dead for this part.
Maybe he is.
A-Cheng lays into him for failing in his duty. For not giving enough. Wei Wuxian places his hand over his incision scar and keeps his silence. He knows it’s true. No matter how much he gives, it could never be enough.
That previous scene is probably the one that hurt the most to cut. I really liked it. But DAMN did it bring down the vibe of the fic. It's so bleak in tone that it really could not coexist with the cute banter in the Jingshi.
Next is my first crack at the Baifeng Mountain scene.
Come to Gusu with me, he says. Let me play for you, let me help you, he says. I am the one who knows you, he says. Better than you know yourself.
For a moment, he imagines it. Going to Gusu with Lan Zhan. Letting Lan Zhan take care of him, letting Lan Zhan imprison him—he can’t tell anymore what it is that Lan Zhan wants to do with him, but he’s not sure he cares. At least he’d be with Lan Zhan. At least Lan Zhan understands that he’s changed. At least Lan Zhan isn’t expecting him to pretend he’s still the laughing boy on the rooftop.
Ah, but it’s a selfish, selfish thought.
Yu-furen saw it in him all along.
For him to cling to Lan Zhan—brilliant, perfect, unparalleled Lan Zhan, who has never needed or wanted anything from Wei Wuxian, not even his body—is just another symptom of his weakness.
No. Wei Wuxian knows what he is. What he is meant for. He is meant to be of use. That is what he was made for. That is why he was saved from starvation on the streets – so he could be of use. To Jiang Cheng, and to Jiejie.
He ignores the voice murmuring in his head, But what use are you to them, really? Except as a mascot, and a whore.
But that didn't really address what I consider the main point of the Baifeng Mountain sequence in this AU, and an incredibly overlooked moment in canon, imo: Jin-furen's assertion that people are starting to believe that WWX and JYL are sexually involved. To me, this is THE turning point of this arc for WWX. The only way he'd ever leave Lotus Pier is if he thought it was better for JC and JYL if he did. I think by this point in canon, he's long ago decided JC would be better off with a different head disciple, but JYL is keeping him hanging on. He doesn't feel like he's failing her. Until this moment, when Jin-furen supplies him with a reason to believe that his presence is hurting JYL, too. At that point, he feels he has to leave. I think if he hadn't found Wen Qing in the street, he might have just wandered out of Lanling and noped out of the whole cultivation world at that point.
None of Yu-furen’s lectures or Jiang-shushu’s stories or A-Cheng’s threats taught him what to do when the very people he’s supposed to live for are better off without him.
He’s a useless head disciple to Yunmeng Jiang Sect. Everything he does makes A-Cheng angry. Whenever Jiejie sees him, she looks worried. Even Lan Zhan—according to Lan Xichen—is working himself to the bone in a futile quest to purify Wei Wuxian’s nonexistent core and bring him back to the sword path.
Then, on Baifeng Mountain, he learns that it’s so much worse than he thought.
“You shouldn’t be alone with him, A-Li,” Jin-furen says firmly.
Jiejie flinches. “A-Xian is my didi. There’s nothing improper—”
“With your mother gone, there is no one who will tell you what you need to hear,” Jin-furen interrupts. When she looks at Jiejie, her face is kind; the look she flicks at Wei Wuxian is like a knife. “But I will. A-Li, didi or no, people are talking. An unmarried omega who turned down an advantageous match to a powerful alpha to stay with her brother…”
“Yes,” Jiejie says, cheeks pale. “My brother, Jin-furen. Will you tell me to stay away from A-Cheng, too?”
Jin-furen waves her fan. “Of course not. That’s different. A-Li.” She barely bothers to drop her voice when she says, “You know what betas do. You know what they’re for.”
Wei Wuxian doesn’t know what Jiejie says to that. He doesn’t stay to find out. And he doesn’t plan to come back.
If he drinks himself to death, it’ll reflect poorly on Yunmeng Jiang. But if he flashes enough gold in the right parts of Lanling City, he thinks he can probably get himself knifed pretty easily, and bleed out fast enough that no one will wonder why his core didn’t save him.
Then A-Cheng can find a better head disciple, and Jiejie’s reputation will be safe.
And Lan Zhan—
Well. Lan Zhan will be fine. He won’t have to try to save Wei Wuxian anymore. Once the first shock is past, it’ll probably be a relief.
But in Lanling City, Wei Wuxian doesn’t find a knife in the dark.
He finds a woman in a red cloak, starving and bruised, searching for her beloved brother.
And some part of him that he thought was dead roars back to life, like a new-fed flame.
He remembers standing side-by-side with Lan Zhan, remembers the vows they made. He can’t be a good brother or a good beta. He can’t be head disciple, or cultivate the sword path.
But he can stand with justice. He can defend the weak. He can live with a clear conscience.
For the first time since his body was shattered against the death-soaked earth of the Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian feels alive.
Lan Zhan doesn’t see it that way. Lan Zhan, sheltered under his pretty umbrella, tries to call Wei Wuxian back to the path of orthodoxy.
But Wei Wuxian has just walked away from a valley of corpses. He has seen what the path of orthodoxy is paved with. His hands are shaking. Behind him are those few he managed to save – cold, dirty, half-drowned, frightened, sick. He cannot walk away from them. He cannot believe Lan Zhan would ask him to.
PISSED-OFF AND INCREDULOUS. “We promised we would devote our lives to fighting the wicked and defending the weak!” he shouts, while the thunder rolls. His eyes sting as rain drips down his face. “You tell me, Lan Zhan: who is strong, and who is weak? Who is right, and who is wrong?”
Lan Zhan has no answer.
It rises in Wei Wuxian, then: the same smooth-polished calm that came upon him in the Xuanwu Cave, when he thought the moment had come for him to die for A-Cheng. A quiet but powerful peace.
Yes. He could die here. Now. Not knifed in an alley by some thief, trying to slip unnoticed from a world where he was no longer needed, but in battle against the mighty Hanguang-jun, defending the innocent. That would be worthy. That would be right.
As he raises Chenqing between them, Wei Wuxian can feel himself smiling. His belly churns with joy and sorrow, fear and anticipation.
“If there has to be a fight,” he says, very steady, “then let me fight to the death with you. If I have to die, then let it be at the hands of Hanguang-jun. It would be no injustice.”
But in the end, Lan Zhan steps away.
So Wei Wuxian rides forward. To Yiling, where Jiang-shushu rescued him all those years ago. To Yiling, where he dragged his body back from broken death.
He’s been reborn in Yiling twice. Maybe he can do it one more time. He can only try.
Here is an alternate version of WWX's decision to go with Wen Qing. I'm ultimately not sure which one I like better.
It would be monstrous of him to follow her. To turn his back on his family. His purpose.
You live for them. Die for them, if you have to. Don’t you dare keep anything for yourself that could go to them.
A perversion; a rebellion against nature, from which there could be no return and no redemption.
He thinks about the prisoners shuffled out in chains before the targets. Thinks about the screaming of the women, at Nightless City, as the blood ran from under the doors. Of the old men shot down from behind by golden arrows as they fled on the road, sobbing.
He swore, once, to live with a clean conscience.
He should never have made that vow—his conscience, like the rest of him, belonged to Yunmeng Jiang. It was not his to dispose of.
But he did. He did make that promise.
And even though it makes him ungrateful, and unfilial—even though he knows there will be no coming back from this—he finds he can’t break it.
This one thing, in the end, is his.
Either way, we pick up with this bit covering WWX's second stay in the Burial Mounds. Honestly, this is mostly me getting high on my own worldbuilding.
In the Burial Mounds, every moment reminds him of his time in hell. Resentful energy courses through his veins. His stomach growls with hunger. He wakes every morning with the knowledge that he has turned his back on the whole reason for his existence; that he is an ungrateful, unfilial disgrace.
And still, it is easier to breathe here than it was in Lotus Pier.
The things the Wen refugees need from him are things he can actually give: protection, and they don’t care that he uses methods other than the sword; labor, and for the first time since Wen Qing cut him open, he is not the weakest of the group; and money.
Most prostitutes are claimed omegas; safe enough, since a person can only be claimed once, but clients complain about the smell of a foreign claim, vinegary-sharp and off-putting.
A beta, then, can command a high price – even a skinny, dirty one, who can only ply his trade in alleys and teahouses, rather than silk-sheeted brothel beds.
Wei Wuxian doesn’t mind it. After all, it’s not like it’s so different.
This is what he was made for. People have always told him that. It’s just that, now, they give him money when they say it.
Then there's the "LWJ visits Yiling" section, which made it into the finished fic. We pick up with:
After Lan Zhan leaves, Wei Wuxian doesn’t expect to see anyone from his old life ever again, unless it’s at swordpoint.
But he’s always been loved too well – loved more than he deserves.
“Jiejie,” he whispers, eyes full of tears, as she stands before him resplendent in red.
“I wanted you to see me in my wedding clothes,” she says gently. “Do you like them?”
“You look magnificent,” he tells her, throat tight.
It’s almost more than he can bear, to sit around a table with Jiejie and A-Cheng eating pork rib and lotus root soup, being asked—at A-Cheng’s urging, how?—to give a courtesy name to Jiejie’s firstborn. He thought this was gone for good, and now, it’s—
It isn’t like he never left. It doesn’t feel that way. Wen Ning is waiting outside; the rest of the Wens up on the mountain; his stomach is growling despite the soup, because it’s all he’s eaten all day; black curls of resentful energy fill the ugly hole where his core used to be.
But it feels like, maybe, he could find a new way of belonging. Like, maybe, he could have both: be true to his family and his sect and be true to the vow he made with Lan Zhan.
He’s so stupid. He never learns.
And every time he falls into the delusion, people die.
But when he gets Lan Zhan’s invitation to Jin Rulan’s 100-days celebration, it seems like a sign from the heavens. Confirmation. He can have both, and the proof is right here, in his nephew’s name written in Lan Zhan’s perfect calligraphy.
He works in a frenzy on his gift for the baby. Night and day, applying new protections, refining those that are already there. Every mo, yao, gui and guai he can think of will be repelled. Curses, too – every curse he ever learned about, and some he invented himself.
This is how he’ll make up for it – how he’ll pay the Jiangs back for what he owes them. Every disappointment, every time he wasn’t there for Jiang Cheng or Jiejie when they needed him, will be made right. He pours his time, his ingenuity, his expertise, and his literal blood into these beads.
They’re not fine jade or lustrous gold. Probably a kid raised as the heir to Lanling Jin won’t want to wear it. But Jiejie can make him, when he’s little. And when he’s older, he can carry it with him in a bag or in his sleeve – that will be enough. Wei Wuxian takes care to make the protections strong enough for that. He doesn’t want to overlook anything. It has to be perfect. This is his chance.
You do anything your jie needs, Yu-furen’s voice echoes, every time Wei Wuxian’s eyes start to close under the weight of his exhaustion. And her children, someday.
I will, Yu-furen, he promises silently, rubbing his eyes and returning to his work. I swear it. I will.
And then, there is the ambush.
The box falls from his sleeve.
Jin Zixun closes his hand and—
Wei Wuxian doesn’t completely remember what happens after that.
The dust that used to be lotus-seed beads, pouring from Jin Zixun’s fist like sand through an hourglass – he remembers that very well. It replays in his mind, again and again.
But afterward. That’s when he loses the thread. Loses control.
Jin Zixuan.
Wen Qing and Wen Ning.
Wen-popo. Fourth Uncle. All of the Wens he fought so hard and gave so much to save.
Lan Zhan – his enemy now.
Jiejie, widowed and grieving. Jiejie, wounded. Then—
There’s no point, after that.
Lan Zhan takes his hand, holds on, won’t let go when Wei Wuxian tells him to. He looks at Wei Wuxian like he sees something worth saving.
But then A-Cheng is there; Wei Wuxian smiles. Good. This is how it should be. His life is A-Cheng’s to take. It always has been.
Everything happens very quickly, then.
And then there’s nothing at all.
Okay, that's all very depressing... future deleted scenes posts won't be so bleak, I promise! Stay tuned for tomorrow's installment.
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if the possibility of a core-transfer ever breached containment, the consequences would be....
they find the the laboratory months after fact. at first, they don't know what they've found until wei wuxian finds a hidden cache and inside the cache wen qing's notes. he recognizes the words but not the writing. jin guangyao is the first suspect. but then a-yuan goes pale when he sees what wei wuxian found.
poor boy. he wanted to preserve wen qing's genius, her greatest achievement and so without anyone knowing he recorded it for the lan archives.
they must report it. another tally on the long list of things the lan sect will be blamed for. nie huiasang and jin ling are concerned. but the minor sect leader on whose land the lab was found protests, "a report was made and the matter dealt with."
"we went directly to sect leader jiang, of course. no use in wasting time."
nie huiasang who so often seems to know everything repeats, "sect leader jiang?"
"everyone knows that sect leader jiang is the one to call upon when dealing with the fo." the sect leader's eyes fall on wei wuxian and he changes the word to "demonic cultivators." the jiang sect is not anymore helpful and jiang cheng is missing out on this discussion conference.
in the end, it's sect leader yao who finishes the discussion. "it's always been on the jiang sect to do away with the consequences of their sect leader's fancies. so why should this be any different?"
this leads to nods all around, even among the nie and the lan elders who travelled to the conference. yunmeng jiang accepts this without protest.
jiang cheng is indeed quite busy. he has got the doctor, the man who hired him and the surviving test subjects in for an interview.
to the surviving test subjects, he offers shelter, a new identity, a new life within or without the jiang sect if only she permits them to study her. but what convinces them is the promise that in the end they get to finish off the good doctor.
the doctor is questioned not tortured madmen always want to talk so it is unnecessary. jiang cheng only needs to hint at having been treated by wen qing during the war and the man is all over him. "you were the one to kill wen zhuliu too?" he asks, while his hands press against jiang cheng's stomach. they are sweaty. "such a fascinating person. a genius, a visionary one might say." jiang cheng recalls how his arm shook while wen zhuliu kicked and struggled and lets the doctor talk.
the man who made all of this possible jiang cheng teaches about the many downsides to having a body supported by a golden core. yunmeng jiang sect has always prided itself on attempting the impossible and its research team is an example of that. jiang cheng watches over every procedure. he is there when the first qi deviation happens.
jiang cheng's team informs him that unless he permits them to test on human subjects, this is as far as they go. jiang cheng puts a stop to the research. lets his new disciples have their way with the doctor.
once knowledge is out, it's out. eventually a new monster will think themself more clever than the rest of the world and jiang cheng will welcome them to lotus pier. and maybe some day, jiang cheng dismisses the thought, it bears no thinking about, he's behind on his correspondence.
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thebiscuiteternal · 2 years
Sooooo, my brain has been chewing on that larger-age-gap Nies idea some more.
Since Nie Huaisang is now an additional 8/9 years younger than his brother, the size gap is gonna be even bigger too, especially since this Nie Huaisang retains his canon counterpart's problem of being a little undersized and sickly due to his rough start in life.
Like, by the time you get to the arc of the other heirs being at the Cloud Recesses, this is roughly what you're looking at:
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And it's only around a year-ish or so after that that the Cloud Recesses burn and the Wen sect demands the heirs and disciples be handed over for "re-education".
It's really so lucky in canon that all the heirs were within roughly 1-3 years of each other at the most, because....
Imagine how far off the fucking handle Nie Mingjue would fly to find out that despite Huaisang's age and health, they're expecting him to be sent to Qishan too. It would take a whole lot of disciples to keep him from immediately beheading the soldier who delivered the order.
They can't afford all out war yet, not when the Lans are laid low and the minor sects, the Jiangs, and the Jins are still refusing to choose a side.
All the Nies can do is swear to their sect leader that they will do their damnedest to keep any harm from his baby brother.
He hates it. They all hate it.
Imagine when all the "students" start arriving and the other sect's heirs see this small shaking child surrounded by adults who are glaring murder at any Wen soldier who so much as looks at him funny.
Imagine Wen Chao, being exactly the kind of asshole who would hold the teachings of the other sects over their heads, says that he will be generous and not force little Nie Huaisang to toil in the fields with the others. He will be kept safe in the fortress and work the kitchens instead! ... But there must be a "compromise".
If there are any attempts to escape or other displays of flagrant disobedience, the punishment will be meted out on Nie Huaisang.
And they, as good and noble cultivators, wouldn't want to risk having a small child suffer in their places, would they?
Wei Wuxian thinks he's bluffing. Who goes around just saying shit like that without realizing they sound like a stage villain?
The Nies make it clear they're not about to let him test that hypothesis.
In the end, the Wen Tenets scene still happens, and it's only by luck that Wen Chao is so enraged at Wei Wuxian specifically that he forgets his earlier threat and focuses punishment on him. (Jiang Cheng lets him verbally have it for pressing that luck, but gives him the vegetable buns Nie Huaisang sneakily left at their cell on his way back from the kitchens.)
When the order for that last monster hunt goes out, Nie Huaisang is brought along against the protests of the older Nie disciples.
It'll be good for his education, Wen Chao insists, fooling literally no one.
On the plus side, being as small as he is, when it becomes evident that Wen Chao intends to (likely against his father's directions) use Nie Huaisang as bait, it's easy to hide him, and even easier to bring him along on the escape, one of the older disciples just tucking him under an arm as they swim for safety.
(And then weeks later, when Wen Chao arrives in Lotus Pier and little sixth shidi is killed over a fucking kite before the massacre even starts, Wei Wuxian is sick with horror at the realization that he wasn't bluffing and absolutely would have hurt Nie Huaisang.
The next time they cross paths, after the Burial Mounds and the retaking of Lotus Pier, he gives Nie Huaisang the fancy guan cut from Wen Chao's hair as an apology.)
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