#ooc daemon they say....
itsoretsev · 2 years
watching daemyra shippers & daemon stans crying screaming throwing up bcs they can't believe a toddler killer, ex wife brutal murderer, groomer, careless father and overall psychopath would be an abusive man
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
i think it’s really annoying silly when people imply rhaenyra would have ever disowned the velaryon boys when she spends over a decade digging in her heels about jace being her heir even after she’s had true born sons by daemon. she could have disinherited joffrey after the oldest two died, might have even been able to use the reasoning that as laenor’s only son, she wants him and baela/rhaena to have driftmark together as a way of slyly putting her true born son on the throne. but she doesn’t and there’s a really obvious, in your face reason for this and if your reading of rhaenyra is that she would EVER concede on this point or that coming to the throne uncontested was more important than jacaerys succeeding her in the line of succession, you just have a reading of rhaenyra that is fundamentally at odds with the way i see her and also with the way she’s written
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velcryons · 20 days
fucked around with what they were doing with d.aemon and found out 😔
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masquenoire · 1 year
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Not me wondering at work what Roman’s Chinese Zodiac happens to be. Lo and behold, it’s the Pig, specifically Metal Pig.
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artemis-73 · 2 years
Listen I love Daemon as a character, but the man has done bad things!!! For bad reasons!!! He didn't abandon Rhaenyra in a brothel in Flea Bottom after revealing her identity because he loves her sooooooo much. He didn't kill his wife as a mercy (I mean, come on, him menacingly approaching her and spooking her horse was such an obviously calculated, evil play.) He didn't peace out of the wedding, leaving Rhaenyra to be caught in a crush, because he couldn't stand to see her marry Laenor. He is a complex character and to reduce him to an uwu lovestruck puppy is silly. Yes, he loves Rhaenyra. Yes, he loves Viserys. But he is also a very selfish person. And that makes him interesting!
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dowagergreen · 1 year
so i really have to explain why alicent asking for the eye of the child that took her son's eye is different than daemon ordering assassins to kill a child that had nothing to do with luke's death but somehow I am the one who is being unreasonable/biased ???
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dastardlydaemon · 1 year
au where viserys dies from a broken heart/guilt after killing aemma and losing his heir and DAEMON BECOMES KING SINCE HE WAS THE HEIR this is before viserys decided to name rhaenyra heir obviously and then she ends up being his ward ig???
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skxrbrand · 1 year
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Daemons can speak and understand any language. Dialects, however, are a whole different ballgame.
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daekarys · 1 year
noticing that a lot of daemon hate comes at the expense of rhaenyra and it kind of makes me sick lol like why do you think rhaenyra would not care if daemon was a bad father to his/her/their children?  why do you think, if she became queen and he her consort, rhaenyra would let daemon control her to the point that he is the one making decisions?  and don’t get me wrong, daemon is absolutely awful, but these kinds of things are subject to interpretation unlike other things he has done.  people should really dissect why they want rhaenyra and their children to be treated horribly when there’s no legitimate recourse to fall back on, unless the reason they believe so is because they actually also hate rhaenyra (which...yeah is also likely!)
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velcryons · 12 days
Actually now i am thinking of the implications* of a matrilineal marriage between Daemon and Laena
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lcfthaunted · 3 months
I just think cal having visible scars is fucking delicious.
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congregaticn · 2 years
 hey guys i made a sideblog for rhaenyra that i’m still working on but if any of u are interested u should give her a follow
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Unexpected News and Welcome Additions
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Character: Aemond Targaryen (HOTD)
Warnings/notes: swear words, mentions of pregnancy, pregnancy, aegon being an ass, aemond being a sweet baby, daemon flipping his shit, protective momma rhaenyra, happy alicent, your rhaenyras daughter u can choose adopted or not, ooc daemon? Slight ooc aegon?
Taglist: @introverbatim, @neobanguniverse,
Part one.
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“We have some news.” Aemond grins, standing abruptyly silencing the chatter at the table.
All eyes direct towards him and you can see the confusion on your mother’s face, her eyes darting between the two of you. Never the less you accept his hand allowing him to pull you up next to him.
“We, well..” you pause looking at daemon how his eyes seem to stare into your soul. “We are engaged!” You cheer awkwardly.
You can see otto smiling with a nod, while alicent seems to be piecing everything together and u know she knows with the dart of her eyes towards your stomach. Helaena smiling softly at you seeming excited to have someone to talk to about married life.
On the otherside if the table you see your family, your mother gaping at you while your brothers hold blank faces and you can see the clenched jaw of daemon. Yet, the king seemed to be joyfull. “Wonderful news my dear! You have made me a very proud grandsire!” He chuckles.
Thats when shit breaks loose, aegon just had to speak up. He snickers rolling his eyes saying “Dear brother is such a pushover isn’t he mother?” You see her give him a look to shut up but as always he pays it no mind “I mean fucking the whore is one thing but to marry her once pregnant? God what kind of hold has she on you?”
You’re eyes water when all eyes turn to you, closing them and flinching into Aemond’s hold when Daemon stands. Slamming his hand on the table claiming you must have been forces that the greens were taking u hostage that it was all a plan.
It seems your mother had had enough of the dramatics, sending the children to bed including Helaena and Aegon. Before clearing the room of her husband and the hand stating this was a matter for her, Alicent, Viserys and the two of you to navigate.
“So.. you are to be married then?” Your mother asks tentatively causing you to bow your head in shame.
“I planned to explain to you.. But we didnt know how to tell everyone and-“
“Its okay sweet child,” the queen hums grabbing your face and kissing your head. You can’t help relax in her hold, “I can’t say i am upset to be made a grandmother again!” She grins.
“And i a proud grandsire of another fine knight or beautiful princess” the king adds, looking at your mother as if to ask for her opinion. It’s only then that you realise shes crying, the sight making you well up to.
“My baby is all grown up” she chokes out wrapping you in her arms and leaving several firm kisses to your head. Her hand unconsciously rubbing your stomach.
“Your… not mad?” You ask cautiously and she chuckles and says “how, my sweetone, could i be mad at you for falling for a mischievous second son thats also your uncle” and you cant help chuckle at the similarity between you.
“I cant! I can’t! FUCK! OW! Make it stop-“ you screamed squeezing your mothers hand tight as the maesters told you to push again. Your body felt like it was on fire. But your mother and Alicents soothing words lessoned your fear, slightly. You had been in labour for almost the full day and the babe seemed to refuse to be born and despite your please they seemed reluctant to let Aemond in.
Well, your mother was. You knew why deep down she was afraid that if the choice was given he would sacrifice you to save the baby. You however, knew that he would not. The thought would never cross his mind. So you begged and plead once more for him stating you would not give girl until he was with you. A task they knew you very well might do so they sent for him and the second he held your hand kissing your head and telling you he was there, was the most safe and relaxed you had felt all day.
Your son came quickly after that, a heavy and healthy baby your mother had remarked kissing your head and leaving with Alicent after she muttered her own praises of her newest grandson.
“We should call him Aemond.” Your husband grinned, causing you to slap his shoulder.
“No, I’m not calling him after you.” You groaned.
“And why not!?” He huffs clearly disappointed and you give him a look, “do you want me to be moaning our son’s name while we fuck?”
He shudders audibly gagging at the thought. “Perhaps not.” He sighs.
The two of you had been arguing over a name for hours, your son sound asleep in his arms as he gently rocked him.
“We could call him after someone else though”
You muse, the thought making him look up at you quizzically. “Who?”
“I was thinking Laenor…” you whispered afraid he may reject the idea but he hums nodding in approval. “A fine name from a honourable namesake, a fitting name for our little knight.”
You smile up at him, thanking the gods you got such a loving gentle husband.
“Should I let the maesters know then?” He asks, setting Laenor in your arms gently. “Yes, and could you send my mother in on your way? Id like to tell her first.”
“LAENOR GET BACK HERE!” You hear from your place by your husband, both of your turning to see the young prince holding what seemed to be a dragon egg while your Aegon chased after him.
The sight making you laugh, especially when Aegon reaches for the egg only for your son to dodge and throw the egg at his father. Aemond catching it with ease.
“Bested by a 3 year old, brother?” He taunts him, Aegon rolling his eyes in response snatching the egg back and placing it into the pot of hot coals by your bed side.
“Well excuse me for picking an egg out for my future nephew!” He defends, rolling his eyes when Aemond corrects him saying that he is to have a girl this time. The notion making you smile, hes always wanted a daughter to spoil.
Your silence is broken when your son pulls Aegons pants down running off in a bout of laughter.
“She’s beautiful” your mother coos, her finger moving to softly stroke the babes cheek. “That she is” Alicent joins placing a kiss to your head as she congratulates you.
“Have you thought of a name?” She quizzes looking at her son and then you.
You smile, telling them that their was really only one name that came to mind when you found out you had a daughter. You smile at your mother as you say it, “Visenya.”
She lets out a soft gasp, leaning over to kiss your cheek her heart touched that you would name your daughter that. You embrace her softly before placing the babe into her arms letting her and Alicent fawn over her as you lean back into your husbands arms.
“She’s Perfect” he whispers kissing you sofly. “Plus… Aegon’s gonna be pissed” he chuckles.
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ANNNNNND DONE! i doubt there will be a part three :)
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afro-hispwriter · 2 years
A Good Wife (Part 2)
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gif by @vera-kozhemiakina
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(Can you guys guess whats going to happen by the gifs;)
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader
Aegon ii Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader
(Daemon and Laenas daughter)
Warnings- angst, mentions of Aemonds past cheating, 69, y/n gives Aemond a taste of pain, Aegons voice, Aegon is ooc big time
Part 2 of A Good Wife
part 3
After you left, Aemond couldn't sleep, there was so much guilt weighing on him. He thought about everything he did wrong and everything he could have said to make it better. Why was it so hard? Why was it so hard to say he loves you? 
When the sun came up he decided it would be his off day, a day to spend with his sons and think about how he was going to talk to you. He got ready, not bothering to wear his patch. He walked into this sons' room and saw Aerys, already awake and squirming in the bed. 
"Hello my little prince." He says and grabs his son from the crib. Aerys giggles and places his hands on his fathers face. The jewel in the place of Aemonds eye had always intrigued the toddler, never scared him. Aerys then looked up at his baby and put on a goofy smile. He remembered when you told him what that means. It means the baby found something funny or they have soiled their pants. Aemond felt has arm grow warm and he groaned. He laid Aerys back down and took the tunic off of him, the cloth that covered Aerys beneath was clearly no longer able to use. Aemond scrunched his face and slid the cloth off.
"Father?" Rhaegar asked and he rubbed his eyes. 
"Morning." Said Aemond has he cleaned Viserys. 
"Where is momma?" Aemond turned to his first son.
"Your mother deserves some time to herself so im taking the whole day to spend it with you two." 
"Yes my little dragon." Aemond helped Rhaegar get ready and grabbed Aerys. He stepped outside the room, he turned a corner and almost knocked someone down. He expected it to be a servant but it was you. "My lo-."
"Oh my little dragons, did your father wake you." You cooed at your sons, completely cutting Aemond off. Rhaegar wrapped his arms around you thighs and Aerys reached out for you. 
"Yes but he said he's taken the day off for us." Rhaegar looked up with his violet eyes. 
"Oh has he." You look up and him. Aemond takes you in, you're wearing the nightdress from the previous night, you looked relaxed and your hair was frizzy and slightly sticking out. 
"Yes im going to take them around the Keep, let you relax." He squinted his eye slightly.
"Hmm." You kissed Aerys’ cheek making the baby giggle. "Rhaenerya wants us all in the dinning hall for breakfast." 
"Would you like to walk together?" He asks and waits for an answer. You pass Aerys back to him and lean down to kiss Rhaegars head.
"No, but I'll see you three there, I need to make myself decent."
"You always look decent." 
"I still need to get ready." You say and scratch your neck, your hand pushing hair out of the way. Letting Aemond see the red, purple forming mark. His fist tightened and so did his jaw. You watched him tense up completely. "I'll see you." You walked past him and to your room. 
Your sobs were getting louder and louder. Your throat was raw and eyes were blurry. You were hurt, even more hurt when he didn't go after you. 
You reached the hall where your father, Daemon, slept along with his Queen wife, Rhaenyra. The Queensgaurd saw you coming and immediately stepped in your path.
"No one is to disturb the queen at this hour princess." 
"N-No im here for my f-father, p-please let me t-talk to him." You wiped your face and the snot that was running down. 
"No." He says and your about to try and reason with him but the door opened revealing Daemon.
"What in the seven hells is happening?" He pushed by some of the guards until he saw you. "Y/n?" He took in your state and immediately grabbed your face. "What happened? Are you alright?Where's Aemond? The boys?" He bombarded you with questions but you just closed you eyes and pushed your body against his and wrapped your arms around his torso. 
"Aemonds been unfaithful." You say and Daemon wraps his arms around you. 
"Whats going on?" You hear Rhaenyra say and you look over your father's shoulder. "Oh Y/n, Daemon bring her in."  She steps out the way and Daemon pulls away before wrapping an arm around your shoulder to lead you into the large room. Rhaenyra cleared a chair and you sat down in it.
"How many do I need to kill?" Daemon says and grabbed the Dark Sister sword, Rhaenyra slapped her husband softly on his side. 
"I don't know how many whores he's fucked, but the one I want dead isn't in KingsLanding." 
"What is her name?" You look up at him and shake your head.
"Are you going to kill her?" Daemon laughs and grabs your hand.
"Daughter, you know me better than that, and if you want her dead who am I to deny you?" 
"The one I truly want dead is my husband." 
"I will gladly take his life as well." You looked at him and raised your eyebrow. 
"I don't want him dead, I love him, even if he doesn't love me." You say sadly and Rhaenyra rubs your back. "I want him to hurt." 
"What do you need?" Asks Rhaenyra and you look at him.
"I just ask for no judgement or interference." 
"Of course not." 
"Well, I guess I'll see you in the morning." You kissed Rhaenyras cheek then stood up and did the same to Daemon. You said you goodnights and you walked out the door. 
You strolled down the halls, trying to find someone to devise your... plan. All the walking around the keep was tiring, you needed sleep. Especially after everything you've gone through. You on your way to the hall where guests usually stay when you heard clanging. You walked around the corner to see Aegon. Drunk. Vulnerable. Clumsy. Most likely coming back from a brothel. Ever since getting his annulment from Helaena granted, the prince is now free to do what he wants.
"Aegon, dear cousin do you need assistance?"  Your older cousin turned around to see you.
"Oh cousin, what are you doing out here?" He chuckled deeply and tried to lean against the walk hut stumbled. "Your husband not satisfying you?"
"No." You say and that shocks him.
"No? Well I assure you if you opens the night with me, you will surely be, satisfied." With every word Aegon took a step forward towards you. You seemed to give it a thought and Aegon expected you to turn him down(as you always do). 
"Take me to bed then." You say and grab his hand and try to tug him but he pulls you back.
"Are you serious?" You places your hands on his chest and push your face close to his. 
"My husband has been unfaithful to me, fucking around and having fun, while I have to stay behind take care of our children, and uphold an appearance. I deserve some fun to." With your words you pushed your lips against his. They were soft and tasted like wine. 
He turned you around and pushed you against the wall, never breaking the kiss. He reached down and grabbed your ass through the thin material of the dress. He then bent his knees and pulls you up to signal to jump up. He pushed his crotch against yours letting you feel his growing hard on.
Aegon was sobering up as the moment went on. He slowly started walking away in the direction of his chambers. You realized it would be faster if you both just walked, so you hopped down. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you along with him. 
He practically kicked his door open when he got there. He started kissing down your neck and you unbuckled the hood he had on. Aegon sat down and started taking his boots off while you went back to the door and made sure it was closed and locked. You turned back to see him taking his shirt off, to say you did gawk at his bare chest and stomach is an understatement.
"Who would have known the whorish prince looked like this under his clothes?" You say and place two fingers under his chin and tilted his head up, making him look up at you with his purple eyes. His hands started to come up to your waist and just as he was about to set them on you, you shoved him  back on the bed. You then climbed on top of him and sat down. 
"Aemonds going to kill me." Mumbled Aegon and you placed your hands on his chest before starting to grind on him. "Aemonds going to kill me." He was now completely sober, aware of everything.  He tried to scramble away from you but you grabbed his arms and pinned him down. 
"He's not going to kill you, I'll make sure of it." He stopped struggling and looked you in the eyes. Then watched you sit back and grab the fabric of your dress. You pulled it up and over your head. Aegons eyes almost popped out of his head as he watched your breasts move up and down. 
He's not sure what came over him. He suddenly flipped you over so you were on your back. He fumbled with his pants before tearing them off. 
His cock popped out, it was leaking precum already. He was long and thick, but not longer than your husband. 
Aegon grabbed your leg and brought it up to his hip before grabbed his cock and jerking his wrist. He brought the tip to pass between your folds but before he could push in you stopped him.
"I will not be treated like on of your whores. Lay down." You instruct hum and Aegon looks at you in confusion. When he sees you are serious he draws back before climbing in the bed next to you. You went onto your knees on the bed and shuffled over his body. Your cunt just above his mouth. 
At this point Aegon knew what was going to happen. His tongue pushed its way out of his mouth, waiting. You rested your hands on his stomach and sat back on his face. You instantly felt his tongue protrude through your folds.
"Ooo." Your mouth slacked as Aegons tongue swirled around. He grabbed your hips and held you down tighter against him. Your eyes wondered to his lower body, his cock would jump ever so often. You reached out and grabbed the base. Aegon lifted his hips into the air at the feeling of your cold hand. You started moving your hand up and down his shaft, brushing your thumb over the head. 
"Fuck." He said into your cunt. He then shook his head, pushing his nose right in. You leaned forward, resting your chest on his stomach. You wrapped your lips around the tip then engulfed the whole thing. You gagged as the tip hit the back of your throat but you didn't pull back. Aegon pulled his face away and smacked your ass. "Taking my cock already." You hummed and pushed yourself back down on his face.  He opened his mouth widely and grabbed your thighs.
You started playing around with his balls. Aegon immediately tensed his stomach and pushed his hips up, forcing his cock farther down your throat. You gagged loudly, tears running down your face along with saliva running down Aegons cock. 
He lifted his legs and his feet firm on the bed. He closed his thigh against your head and when you tried to pull back he started thrusting roughly into your mouth. The obscene noises coming from you was music to Aegons ears. It spurred him on to go faster. 
A knot in your belly started forming. You started grinding back on his face, practically riding it. He opened his mouth wider and slipped his tongue inside your hole. You smacked a hand on his thigh and the other hit the bed. You moaned around his cock as you came, rolling your hips around. 
Aegon drank all of the juices that flooded his mouth. You kept grinding down on his face, he felt himself get lightheaded. He sloppily thrusted in to your mouth until he came, hard. Spurts of his cum filled your mouth and you swallowed all of it. Aegon patted your thigh roughly and you moved off, he took in a big breath.
"Not the worse way to go out." He says and you pull yourself off his cock. 
"I underestimated your skills to make a woman finish." You leaned back on your hands and Aegon shuffled over to rest against the headboard. You go to stand up but he grabs your hand. 
"Stay." You look at him in disbelief. 
"Since when did you ask a woman to stay?" You ask and sit back on the bed. He lets out a chuckle and wraps an arm around your waist and tugs you towards him. 
"You did say you underestimated me." You smiled and settled in next to him. He caressed your waist with his thumb and you slowly gained confidence to lay your head on his shoulder.
"Aegon." You say.
"Did you know about Aemond?" You ask him and he shifted. 
"I did, I saw him a few times in the brothels." He confesses and your heart clenches. "And I followed him to Harrenhall one time." 
"Why didn't you tell me?" You lifted your head up and look at him with glossy eyes. 
"I like seeing you smile." He says and you let put a breath. "Im not sure what's wrong with my little brother, he was the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros and this is what he does." 
You couldn't help but let out a smile. 
When you woke up you were cuddled up into Aegon. The sun was shining through the curtains, flashing you. You brought your hand up to his bare stomach and dragged and traced your fingers along the muscles. You then slowly lifted your self up and stretched. Aegon shifted and opened an eye.
"Leaving already?" He asks and grabs your hand and places a kiss on it.
"Yes, I must tend to my sons."  You say and grabbed your nightgown. You look back at him to see him watching you. "I'll see you again, don't worry." You lean down and kiss him on the lips.
You thought about the previous night as you walked through the halls. Part of you felt guilty but the other part of you felt relieved in a way. But when you bumped into Aemond, you couldn’t help but feel conflicted if you should tell him right then and there. 
So, you gave him an idea of what had happened. You pushed your hair to the side and watched him immediately dart his eyes to the mark. The mark his brother made. 
Everyone was already seated in the dining hall, minus Aegon but that was to be expected. The kids has their own table but Aerys sat with his father. 
You went down the steps and your father opened a chair for you but you took a seat next to Aemond. He turned his head to you and reached out for your hand but you pulled away. You reached for Aerys and plucked him out of the lap of Aemond. The baby immediately grabbed the top hem of your dress and tugged on it. 
“Y/n can we please talk?” Aemond leans over to you but you continue looking away. “I know that I was unfaithful, but I promise you my love it will stop. I will dedicate my self to our family.” You shifted in your seat. 
“Can we please not talk about this right now.” You whispered, Aemond drew back.
“Will you at least tell me you were safe last night?” 
“I was.” The next question Aemond wanted to ask was not appropriate for the setting but he needed to know. 
“Were you with anybody?” 
“Nephew, why don’t you leave your wife alone, she clearly doesn’t want to speak to you.” Says Daemon from across the table. Aemond glared at his uncle before looking away. 
“My apologies.” He whispered to you but you don’t look at him. Breakfast was quiet, you had loosened down your dress slightly so you could take your breast out for Aerys to latch onto. When he finished your handmaid took him away so you could finish eating in peace. 
As you were finishing your bread the doors opened, Aegon walked through them. He looked clean?
“Aegon, how nice of you to join us?” Asks Rhaenerya but she was just as confused as everyone else. 
“I just wanted to spend some time with my family is all.” He walks to the table, to your side. There was an open chair next to you and you instantly knew where he was going. He pulled the chair out a plopped right down next to you. He grabbed a plate and started serving himself some eggs and sausage before leaning over to you. “I truly hope you come by my chambers again.” 
Aemond couldn’t help but glare at his brother. But he also couldn’t help but notice that you didn’t move away from him like you usually do. It made him tighten his hand around his fork. 
Aegon leaned back in his chair and slowly his hand rested on the back of your chair. The look Aemond gave him was enough for Aegon to know to back off, but he wanted to know how fat he could take it. 
“Get your hand off my wife’s chair.” Warned Aemond and all eyes went to him. 
“I think your wife would enjoy my hands all over her, just as she did last night.” Aemond slammed his hands on the table and kicked the chair back. He took his dagger out from god knows where and held it to his brother. 
“Get the children out.” Orders Rhaenerya and the maids rush the children out and into the hall. Aemond takes long strides to his brother and holds the blade to his neck. 
“You forced yourself upon my wife? Give me a reason I shouldn’t slit your throat now.” He says and pushes the blade harsher against Aegon. 
“Forced? Your wife came to me.” Aegon says and Aemond breathes out a shaky breath before looking at you. Tears were running down your cheeks and you refused to look at him. Aegon took the opportunity and pushed his chair back against his brother giving him enough time to make a run for it. But Aemond was too quick and tackled him into the hard ground. Everyone gasped and Rhaenerya yelled orders to separate her brothers.
Aemond dragged Aegon across the floor and punched him in the face. You ran to them and grabbed Aemonds shoulder.
“Aemond stop it.” You tried to pull him off but he pushed you back making you stumble. Daemon walked over and roughly grabbed his nephew’s arm and pulled it hard towards him. Aemond stumbled and fell on his ass, he ripped his arm away from Daemon. Aegon scrambled to his feet and held his jaw. Aemond tried to go after his brother again but this time you stepped in front of him and placed a hand on his chest. “Don’t.”
“Brother you truly fucked up, you have the most beautiful girl in Westeros, she gave you two children and you decide to fuck whores and take a mistress.” Aemond tensed his jaw, knowing he was right. Aemond looked down at you and swallowed. 
“Hmm.” He let out and walked away. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath.
“Aegon-.” You started but he held his hand up and waved you off.
“Don’t worry about me, go to your husband.” He says and winces before walking past you and back to his spot at the table. You ran out of the hall and expected to see Aemond down the hall but it was empty already.
You ran to your chambers and burst through the door. 
“Aemond?” You look around the large room and you were about to check the bathroom when he spoke.
“Outside.” You walked out onto the balcony and see him leaning against the railing. “Im sorry for what I have done.” 
“The adultery or fighting your brother?” You ask and take your place next to him. 
“All of it.” Aemond turned to you grabbed your hand.  “I have clearly not been the best husband, or father.” You looked down at the ground. Aemond then slowly dropped down onto one knee. “I am going to make this promise to you. I will stop going to brothels. I will cut ties with Alys. I will dedicate my love to you and our sons, because my love you do not deserve the pain I have caused you, and I know understand the pain you are going through.” He places his free hand on his heart. “And im sorry that it was so hard for me to say that I love you.”
Tears streamed down your face and you tugged Aemond up to his feet and placed a hand on his cheek.
“Oh Aemond, I love you too. You get one more chance and don’t think for a second im just going to fall at your feet instantly, you need to work for it.” You tell him and he nods. “And I want to take Aegon as a lover.” Aemond looks down and bites his lips. 
“Tis only fair.” He sighs and rests his forehead against yours. “Enough of that. May I kiss you?” You nod immediately and Aemond wasted no time to press his lips against yours. 
A/n- sorry for any errors
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Hii!! Could I get Daemon Targaryen with your prompts 2, 13 and 44?
Sure, I can try! I haven't written for him before so he may be OOC. I don't quite know what to do for plot... so here's Daemon trying to propose an arranged marriage and you turn it down. For self indulgence, this is female darling.
Yandere! Daemon Targaryen Prompts 2, 13, 44
"It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you!"
"So what if a few people have to die? It'll only bring us closer!"
"Your tongue is so sharp... wouldn't it be a shame if I had to silence it?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Attempts at an arranged marriage, Manipulation, Murder, Threats, You and Daemon had a thing in the past, Violence, Some intimacy implied, Forced relationship.
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"Your father would love for you to marry me... a Targaryen would bring power to your family." Daemon encourages, a grin on his face as he watches your unamused look. You shake your head with a sigh.
"You often come to my House's castle to suggest such a thing. My father would never let me run off with some rogue prince." You answer sternly, Daemon then frowning at your words.
"Dearest..." The prince sighs. "It's an honor for someone such as me to take you in and love you! I am the best knight and prince there is."
"Keep your honeyed words to yourself." You hiss. Such an outburst catches the prince off-guard. Whatever happened to the sweet princess he met months prior?
"Oh... now what has changed your mind?" Daemon hums, leaning closer to you. "A few months ago and you would've jumped at the chance to marry me."
"Plans have changed." You say simply. Daemon has a feeling he knows what you mean... but presses on anyways.
"Really? What plans?" Daemon continues, noticing you grow nervous under his intense yet cold gaze. A dragon should always get what he wants.
"I am betrothed. My father disliked your attempts at courting and finally decided to silence it." You admit, wanting the conversation to end. "From this point on, we should not converse."
Daemon pauses his flirtatious movements, moving away. You could see conflict in his eyes... but conflict quickly changes to mischief. Fear begins to run through your veins....
"That old man really thinks he can take you away from me, hm?" Daemon chuckles as if what you said was a joke. "My love... you don't really think I'd let you go that easily, do you?"
"Daemon... we've had our fun, you really should-" You try to reason, only for Daemon to lean closer to your ear.
"Wouldn't you rather I just kill them both? Your father and that rotten man you're betrothed to?" Daemon whispers, a quiet proposal to win your hand. He expects you to go for it... after all, you should love him like you did months ago...
But you push him away with anger sparking in your eyes.
"You're insane...!" You shiver, keeping your distance. "I'd have you executed if you dared to touch them! Why won't you let go of such meaningless flings!?"
"Meaningless? Princess... our time together meant everything to me." Daemon purrs, although you are not blind to the anger in his own eyes.
You freeze when the prince grabs your chin, tugging on your jaw slightly.
"Your tongue is so sharp... wouldn't it be a shame if I had to silence it?" Daemon growls into your ear, a hint of a threat evident in his tone. "It's upsetting you'd let other men get in between us."
Daemon then pulls away when he sees you stop arguing. Enticing Daemon was a curse at the start. Denying him your hand and heart might as well be the final nail in your family's coffin.
"So what if a few people have to die? It'll only bring us closer!" Daemon continues. "With those two dead... you'll rule with me and be pleased endlessly. My princess..."
Daemon hums, grabbing your hand and putting it to his lips while staring you down.
"Enticing a dragon is a dangerous game... if you want them to live, my love... there's only one thing you have to do."
Daemon yanks you closer to him, making you collide against him as he nips your earlobe playfully.
"Anull your betrothal..." Daemon whispers, kissing your neck.
"Pledge yourself completely to me."
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lumi077 · 9 months
jealous jealous girls and boys~
You’re gorgeous, everyone knows this. Your partner, bless their heart, are very crudely aware of just how jaw dropping you are when their insecurities mingle with their protectiveness when they see, or hear, you get hit on. It wasn’t something you were unused to, and they know you love and want only them, but can they really help it if they…overreact?
Warnings; Unwanted advances, , possessive themes, hotd/got canon incest, infidelity (Loba), potential ooc.
Characters (multifandom): Walden Darling (WH), Astarion (BG3), Daemon and Rhaenyra targaryen (HOTD), Scaramouche/Wanderer (Genshin), Leliana (DA; I), Loba (Apex)
A/N: Take this as a peace offering till I can get the next chapter of Winters’ Servants out T^T I’ve been busy, I got a new job and my dog died bc of my other dog and my mom is crazy :( Also, Baldur’s Gate 3 y’all I’m getting it and I’m so excited! I mayhaps rushed Loba’s part so sorry not sorry 😛
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Rainbow Factory Wally (Walden) | (Welcome Home AU)
It was a normal day in the factory for all intents and purposes, making your daily rounds and supplying your husband with your infamous coffee whenever you needed to. And that’s why you found yourself in the breakroom, making a fresh pot of coffee for your caffeine addict of a spouse. 
Your name was spoken softly from behind and you blinked, moving your head to peek over your shoulder to see the owner of the voice smile sweetly at you. Jeremy was an infamous flirt in the office, but you were spared due to the fact your husband very much owned this factory. “You look gorgeous today, you know.” He hummed, eyes raking over your body.
You raised an eyebrow. You were wearing a black turtleneck, a lab coat with your name, and leggings. You looked exactly like you always do, and it’s not like any curves you possessed could be seen over the baggy lab coat. Deciding to just play it off, you laughed. “I look how I always do.” You point out good naturedly, shooting him a rather amused look as you turned your body to look at him. 
“Exactly.” He almost purred out the words, slinking closer to you with a sly smile. You have to admit the new found proximity did nothing but amuse you more. Jeremy was 5’5, rather bland, and wasn’t even the brightest. You found it absolutely amusing to think that he believes he can compete with your husband in anything.
“I see. Then thank you for the compliment.” You mused, turning back to pour the coffee into the “world’s most decent boss” mug you got him as a gag gift last christmas. Mixing in just the right amount of sweeteners, you turned. “Now, is there something I can do for you Jeremy?” you asked as you began to walk out, hearing his awkward footsteps signaling that he was following you.
“I know about you and the boss…” He trailed off, and you hoped for his sake that he wouldn’t say what you knew the next few words were. “But me and you could still happen.” Seemed he was dumber than you thought. 
You were now outside Wally’s office, an amused smile painting your lips. “Oh, is that so?”
Jeremy must have been oblivious as to where you were, because he gently put his hand on your shoulder and proclaimed rather boldly “I’ve been in love with you, for a very long time now. Dare I say, longer than that man you call your husband.” 
You sputtered then. He basically yelled that! Right outside Wally’s office. “I-”
A loud bang resonated as the door to the office swung open, effectively interrupting you, the hinges almost breaking at the sheer force he used to open the door. “What. Did. You. Just. Say.” Wide angry eyes met scared downcasted ones.
Jeremy looked like he regrets his decision very much right now, and you very dully felt a small tinge of sympathy but it was gone faster than it came.
“Nothing! I was just say-” Jeremey sputtered, trying to find a defense only to be interrupted crudely.
“Get your goddamn hand off my wife, and I’ll consider this as your letter of resignation.” He growled, grabbing his forearm and forcefully yanking the arm you weren’t even aware was still touching you off.
Jeremy, upon getting his arm released from a death grip that was sure to leave him bruised, ran away.
You couldn’t help but let laughter bubble out from your throat before clearing it. “Oh, that was something.”
Wally turned to you and growled again, grasping your jaw softly but roughly at the same time, angled your head up, and kissed you. The kiss left you breathless, your hand squeezing the coffee mug in surprise as he pulled away.
“You’re mine, dollface. And only mine.”
Astarion (BG3)
The tavern was bustling with life, music, and song as they normally do, and happiness threatened to suffocate you and your party as soon as you all stepped foot into the establishment. Mead, wine, and an assortment of other alcoholic beverages were held tightly in almost every person’s hand. You shrugged when your party gave you a questioning look, looking back over the tavern with a keen eye.
“Have fun?” Was all you supplied before walking to the barkeep for the first time of what would be many. 
Karlach wasted no time in going to mingle with the other patrons, eager to relieve the stress of battle by telling tales of them to strangers who watched with eager eyes and ears.
Gale was never one for all this merriment, so he politely claimed a table in one of the few secluded corners as he normally does. That table would soon be taken up by Astarion as well, who was content to just watch you mingle with the people of the tavern.
Time flew by rather quickly, the drinks making it hard for you to truly grasp just how much had gone away from you. Astarion was readying himself to get up and cross the tavern to get to you, tell you that you and your party had spent a sufficient amount of time here, and that it was time to head back to camp for some rest.
But he was quickly blocked from you by two drows. Tall, dark, imposing, yet handsome in their own right. Nothing that compared to Astarion, not even your alcohol muddled mind thought so.
“Hello gorgeous.” The woman spoke, tone smooth with lust and desire. This weirded you out, as you did nothing to suggest you were wanting *that* kind of relief. You really just sat at the bar, talking with the barkeep and the man next to you.
“What’s a delicate flower like you doing with no company at a place like this?” She asked, hand moving to rest on top of your own that was laying on the solid surface of the bar.
You wrinkled your nose at the unwanted touch, but the female drow seemed to not notice or simply not care. You’re unsure which one was the truth, it could even be both for all you know at this point. Alcohol made it hard to discern anything really, and you found yourself craving the presence of your beloved. 
The male spoke this time, his tone gruff despite him trying to sound sensual. “Perhaps we could keep you company for the night?”
Astarion’s blood boiled as he heard what those two heathens were saying to you. It took him months of carefully crafted flirts for you to even get comfortable with HIM flirting with you. And he was someone you had trusted enough to be a traveling companion and to watch your back. He knows that surely, when he sees your face it will be riddled with tell tale signs of uncomfort. 
You cleared your throat, hoping to rid it of the bile that crept up it the more and more they talked and crudely flirted with you. “Ah, no.” You mumbled, eyes searching for your sanguine lover. “I’m taken.” you managed to slur.
The female drow cooed “That doesn’t have to mean anything, not for tonight at least.” 
Astarion finally emerged right next to you, red eyes boring into the female drows. “Excuse me.” His voice, normally smooth and flirtatious, was anything but now. “I see you met my partner, exquisite aren’t they?” his tone softened as his hand went up to caress your cheek, cherishing the way you leaned into the touch immediately.
The female and male drow looked to each other before looking back at Astarion and smiling. “Why yes, yes they are.” 
Astarion hummed, rubbing his thumb on your cheek absent of mind, before remembering these people dared to flirt with what was his. “How unfortunate for you that this masterpiece is all mine, yes?” He sounded calm and almost teasing, but his eyes showed just how much he wanted to murder them.
Deciding that words weren’t enough he delicately moved your head up so he could plant the sweetest kiss on your lips, which you eagerly returned with drunken enthusiasm that made his heart swell with love. 
“See how eager they are for me?” He cooed, rubbing your cheek after pulling away. “That’s something you couldn’t even dream of receiving.” Picking you up bridal style for fear you drunk yourself into a stupor, he turned and left.
“That’s enough tavern for tonight my sweet.” He hummed softly as you laid your head on his shoulder
“Astar-” You mumbled sleepily, nuzzling your face into his neck “I love you- so so much.”
He chuckled, placing the softest kiss to your cheek “I know my darling, I love you too.”
Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen (HOTD)
Your family, the true Targaryens, were visiting the red keep for the first time in so many years. The difference of it all from the red keep you grew up in startled you to your core. It makes your mind ill to think this was only allowed to happen because of a usurper of your family’s rightful throne. 
Really the entire castle makes you ill, absolutely sick to your stomach truthfully. So you were trying to find comfort in the place where you resided most of your innocent years. The garden. But even that was different now, the flowers you used to pride yourself on had all wilted and been changed. The color green makes you sick now.
While you were preoccupied in your musings of sadness and trepidation, a man had slinked his way beside you and broke the silence you relished in. “Good morrow, sister.”
You blinked and looked to your right, being met with Aemond. He was only your half brother, sharing your father’s genetics while looking all Hightower. His last name should have been hightower, yet you cannot claim to hate or even dislike him. Just a faint feeling of mistrust that had been planted since the night his mother had left a scar on your arm. “Aemond.” You greeted slowly, almost defensively. “Good morrow.”
His one eye scanned the garden ahead before going back to focus on you, a delicate and almost faux looking smile on his face. Or perhaps it was just too real. “How are you? It has been many moons since I last saw your beautiful face.”
You blushed despite yourself, compliments always left your cheeks the faintest of reds, even if you mistrusted the person who spoke them. “Kirimvose” You muttered, changing to High Valyrian. You don’t know why, it just felt too right in this situation. And instinctual gut feeling that you have long since learned you should heed.
“You are welcome.” He hummed, eye suddenly showing keen interest “Do you normally use High Valyrian interchangeably like that? What a smart lady you are, Mandia” 
It was your turn to be surprised, he knows of the language of your family? Even being half bred like he is? “Yes, mostly for my children to pick it up better.” You stressed the word children to him, as if he could forget. One of your sons did give him that painful affliction afterall.
“Ah yes, my nephews.” He mused, not looking at you anymore but through you. “How are they doing these days?”
You smiled, your first genuine one not born of needing to be respectful to a lord or lady. Aemond thought it looked beautiful on you, like the finest dress. “Wonderful. My boys Luke and Jace are bonding excellently with their dragons.” You hummed, motherly love oozing from your tone. “And little Joffery is quite taken with the babies.” you put a hand on your stomach “Especially our baby Visenya. I think he likes having a baby sister to protect.” 
He was surprised “You were with child?”
You nodded “Maybe she’ll grow up to steal Vhagar from you.” You chuckled, hand over your mouth.
Aemond laughed as well “I’m sure she’ll be a brilliant rider, just like her Muña”
“You flatter me.” Your blush grew a tad bit redder. Aemond felt a pang of affection that he was able to make that happen. You were too good for his sister and uncle, deserving of someone more well read with a dragon to match the size of your own. 
The sound of a throat being cleared interrupted his musings of what he could have had with you, had his father stepped up and demanded you wed him. “Is this a small reunion?” Daemon joked, leaning on a wall. His eyes looked anything but full of mirth, annoyance and possessiveness shined brightly in his eyes like dragon fire.
“Uncle.” Aemond scoffed out the word like it meant little to him. And it probably did, you know he was never close with Daemon. Jealousy slithered in his veins like blood did, burning him.
“What are you and my wife talking about, hm?” He asked casually, walking leisurely to you before wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a soft kiss to your temple, looking down with fondness Aemond could never imagine being gazed at with. “Hello my love.”
“Hello Daemon.” You giggle gleefully, resting your head against his own while your arms go to rest on top of his. Aemond’s veins burned worse.
“Simply catching up, it’s been quite a while since she has been to the red keep.” He spoke, jealousy dripping from his words like venom, eye glaring at his uncle’s arms that was wrapped where he longed his to be. Daemon tightened his grip slightly. “I was just about to offer a tour of the grounds, much has changed.” he smiled twistedly at Daemon, using that as a taunt.
Daemon narrowed his eyes, and somewhere you could hear the roar of Caraxes and Vhagar. You hope that they aren’t fighting because their riders have bad blood. “That won’t be needed. She grew up here just as you did Aemond.”
You soon grew uneasy, eyes shifting to the side, “I have.” You assented.
Daemon smirked unbeknownst to you, smug because it was him who you would always back. Always Daemon, never Aemond.”Of course my lady, apologies.”
You smiled uneasily “No need for apologies Aemond. It was a kind offer.” That soothed the burn within his veins slightly. You thought he was kind.
You felt yourself almost suffocating before your lovely wife walked into the garden with Alicent “Ah, my beloveds.” Nrya smiled kindly at you two, eyes shining with love before she nodded to Aemond respectfully. 
“It is almost time for the feast, you two would be wise to get ready.” She looked at you knowingly and winked.
Daemon let out a hearty groan “yes yes my wife, very well.” he let his arms fall from you and stepped back, offering you his hand.
“Shall I help you get ready, my darling?” He asked teasingly, eyes glinting with lust as you laughed and took his hand. Rhaenyra already has an excuse for both of your tardiness, rest assured. Cannibal will have to take blame for your lack of proper walking.
Wanderer (genshin)
Wanderer was stuck wandering, as one does, around the bustling streets on Liyue. It was the lantern rite, something you had continuously told him you had wanted to go to many times and he decided there was no harm in it. How crudely wrong he was, as soon as he entered the city of contracts with you, the crowd had swept you away from him. 
So here he was trying to find you like a puppy separated from their owner, and it continuously made him more and more irritated as more time passed that you were not in his eyesight. His hands, that were balled into fists, relaxed immediately upon hearing the soft sound that was your laughter. It was quiet, barely heard above the chattering of these imbeciles that surrounded him, but he was able to follow the sweet sound where he found you with some man.
The man was short, close to Wanderer’s own height, with white hair with a red streak. He looked to hail from Inazuma. Anger boiled deep within his veins, eyes glaring at the man who dared to talk to you.
“Your eyes shine like the lanterns in the sky, your skin as smooth and unbroken as the purest piece of porcelain.” he mused, smiling softly at your red face. Wanderer has never said anything close to that to you, always just quick grumblings about how you looked decent. And it didn’t bother you much anymore, you grew to love him after all. But having this kind of attention on you was thrilling simply because it was new! Kazuha’s eyes bore into yours with a soft intensity that oddly fit in this moment. But he was simply supposed to help you find your beloved, not make poetry about you. No matter how lovely it made you feel.
Wanderer barged over, not sparing the man a glance as he grasped your wrist in his hand and dragged you away. He could barely hear you say your goodbyes to the traveler from Inazuma over just how angry he felt. Were you going to leave him? Go to someone who he just witnessed really could treat you better? No, he won’t allow it. You're his, you’ve been his for centuries now, and if you could remember and love him despite all he has done in his past then you must be his soulmate.
He hissed out your name, stopping in a darkened alley before pushing you against the wall, trapping your head between his arms as he leered at you. “What do you think you were doing, you idiot.” this wasn’t the way he wanted to do this, not at all. He wanted to have a softer approach but for some reason he just can’t. He loves you, he promises he does. He just can’t show it.
“Scara…” you cooed, hands going up to cup his face “I was looking for you.” You assured gently, thumb massaging his cheek as he ever so slightly leaned into your hold. “Kazuha offered to help me find you since I’m so unfamiliar with Liyue Harbor.” You could always see through his brass actions, being able to see the softer side through all the boundaries he put around himself to hide in.
“Is that so?” His words lacked his mocking bite that it would have for anyone else “Then why was he flirting with you?” He asked, pressing a chaste kiss on your thumb.
You giggled, a sound that made him relax more. “Maybe he just thinks I’s pretty. But you're the only one for me.”
He smiled then, liking the concept that you knew you were only “Yes, yes I am.” He hummed, cupping the hand you had on his face with his own. 
“You’re mine, not even the gods could take you away from me.” He sighed happily as he felt your lips start pecking around his face, closing his eyes in bliss. “They could try, but I would move the very heavens to keep you by my side. Always.”
“And forever.” You finished as Scara finally connected his lips with yours, savoring the rare softness in which he kissed you with.
Leliana (DA; I)
The sky was clear, not a cloud dotted the open sky of Skyhold and the sun beamed down in soft warm rays. You were sitting on the railing of the balcony that belonged to the upper tower that housed your partner Leliana, as well as her ravens and spies. It was a cool day, which wasn’t abnormal seeing as this stronghold was built into the mountains. Construction was going very well, the ramparts were now open to patrol and the rooms were looking better and better.
The inquisitor was running around down on the lower level, and you watched from your vantage point with amusement. You were unsure why they were in such a hurried state, seeing as there wasn’t really anyone rushing them in the least. But you’ll leave them alone about it for now. 
Looking up as you heard the door clank open, a scout you had never seen before stepped out and joined you on the terrace. Turning your body to face him, you tilted your head in confusion. Normally Leli’s spies were too busy to do all that much around Skyhold. Perhaps he was just recouping after a tough mission.
“Hello madame, nice evening ain’t it?” He had a strong Fereldan accent, so he was from there and arguably is mostly stationed there because the accent hasn’t faded even a bit.
“Yes, it is.” You spoke skeptically, normally one scout isn’t stationed at one nation for too long, lest they be found out and compromise the entire spy network your lover has spent years perfecting.
“The nightingale wishes me to look after you.” He saluted, before going back to ease and leaning on the wall.
You raised a brow, why would you need to watch over here of all places? Leli was right through that door, and there isn’t many places of entry here that aren’t very loud.
“I see.” You doubt grew, but you would give him the benefit of the doubt. Your Leli was very paranoid, and with good reason you suppose. It must be hard to have all those enemies, those known and unknown that are hiding in the shadows with a dagger or poison. 
“You're beautiful, you know.” He broke the silence again, your lack of an answer must not have been deterring at all for the spy. “A true masterpiece.” he mused.
“Thank you.” You were starting to get bored now, eyes lidding due to boredom. Any second now.
With tactful grace the door opened silently, you could hear the faintest of footsteps take 3 steps before pausing. Another minute of the spy not noticing her, she coughed. It was fake and sounded way too smooth and dull for it to be real.
That made the man jump, his attention snapping to your lover. “Lady Nightingale!”
“Charts.” Her smooth voice riddled with Orlesian accent was sour sounding now. Like she ruined her new pair of shoes in the blood of darkspawn. “At ease, were you?”
His eyes looked everywhere but her as his body froze up under her intense scrutiny “Forgive me, lady nightingale.”
“I’ll see what to do with you.” She stated dismissively, waving him away with her hand “Now run along, I’m sure Charter will find some use for you in the meantime.”
He did not need to be told twice, quickly exiting the balcony with a loud slam to the door. “Lousy company, my dearest?” she teased gently with a small, walking next to you and letting you lean on her.
“Somewhat.” You agreed, resting your head on her shoulder and you looked to the mountains. “Seemed tired. Have him running?”
“He’s new.” She shrugged gently as to not disturb you. “Fresh out of redcliff.” 
“I could tell he was Fereldan, his accent is very noticeable.” You hummed, hand coming out to trace random little patterns on her arm. “Strong.”
“It is.” She agreed. “We will have to rid him of it before we send him out in the field.”
You raised a brow “He’s that new?”
“Yes. he is training under Charter at the moment, and hopefully she will be able to help.” Leli slowly removed herself from you.
“I have to go my beloved. Work is neverending when you’re trying to save the world.” She hummed and kissed his cheek delicately.
You sighed but nodded “I know my love. I’ll see you tonight?”
She smiled sadly “I’ll see you tonight.”
You sighed again as she walked away.
It was duos day! A glorious chance to win with whoever you shall get teamed with to achieve glory and fame. On a bigger note then being a legend already grants you.
You were paired with one of the newer Legends. New Castle you think his name was, but you can’t be bothered to remember.  He seemed to be quite sweet on you, much to Loba’s irritation. You were hers goddamnit! Why couldn’t he see that.
So here you were, on the dropship talking to your duo as wells as your other friends like Lifeline, Octane, and Bangalore.
“Are you excited, amigo? I mean you are with the newbie, so me and Lifeline will take it easy on you if we find you.” Octane laughed, patting you on the shoulder affectionately. 
“I’ll be the one taking it easy on you, tane!” You protested with a giggle.
New Castle clasped his hand onto your other shoulder and laughed deepily. “I promise I won’t be any dead weight to a beauty like them.” 
High heels clacked against the iron flooring of the ship, you were approaching your destination and would soon have to prep to get ready to drop and land for the games to begin. You assumed it was Loba, so you two could have your usual good luck kiss but was surprised when it was Wattson. Loba’s partner.
“Hey.” She smiled and waved “Loba wanted to say she’s too busy to see you before the drop, so she’ll be looking extra hard for you on the ground.” She spoke cheerily.
You blinked. This was the first time she’s done something like this. Was she really so jealous that she’s taking it out on you now? Does she think that you’re too receptive about it? Was that the problem.
Wattson frowned “Are you alright?”
You shook your head and offered your best reassuring smile that you possible could. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little disappointed ya know? But you get heading back Wattson, I don’t want you to miss drop.”
She looked at you, calculating and unsure before her frown only deepened. But she nodded “Yeah ok. See you around, yeah?” and with that she left as quick and out of nowhere as she came. 
Finally it was time to drop, the arena was Olympus. Easy enough, it was your personal favorite because your abilities served you every well here. You don’t how New castle was going to fare though, so you kept an eye on him. Even if he is part of your relationship problems, he was still your duo and you still wanted to win.
“I’m the jump master.” You called out, laughter bubbling in your throat “Hope you brought an extra pair of pants newbie.”
“Wh-” he was cut off as you unexpectedly jumped, a yell bubbling out from his throat and into the air that you two were descending in.
You chose a little area that you knew has enough supply bins to give you both some weapons and a few syringes. Maybe a better evo shield too, hopefully.
“So.” he started “How do you prefer to fight?” he asked as he picked up a Hemlock Burst AR.
“I’m a sniper.” You spoke quietly and hushed, hoping he’d take the hint and do the same. Enemies can be anywhere, and with Wraith’s abilities you wouldn’t even see her coming till she was here guns blazing. She was smart, and has good hearing.
He hummed “So I’ll need to man the front. Can do.”
You rolled your eyes, picking up a wingman and some sniper ammo. “You better. Though you probably won’t see enough action. I’m a damn good shot.”
“Better be.” he laughed quietly, loading his burst.
“There’s a care package near us.” You reported, looking to where it was going to land. “Let’s head over.”
And so you did, you getting your favorite gun ever the Kraber, and New Castle getting a\\ prowler. With these new found weapons and some new Evoshields after some kills, you two quickly climbed the latter till it was the last 3. Only six other legends at most. 
You were kill leader with a stunning 12 kills, and perched high up as you looked through the enhanced scope on your Kraber. You killed Octane and Lifeline before they even knew what happened, same with bloodhound and Fuse. You killed Ash but Revenant got away, and Bangalore and Valkyrie left as soon as they heard a shot from your Kraber, knowing that with your aim it would be a death sentence. 
Caustic and Mirage were easy to pick off when they got distracted arguing with one another, and you killed Wattson as well. 
So it was probably Loba and Revenant still out there. New Castle was antsy before you heard it. Revenant’s totem and gun shots. He must have found Loba in one of the buildings, and given their history it’s unsurprising he would waste his ult on her. 
Clicking a button, a visor was put over your eyes and you could clearly see that Loba was the victor. 1 squad left, it was just her. You felt bad about this, of course. But as soon as she poked her head out, you were the victors.
The follow up party was the usual, and you were looking for Loba and of course you found her. You were the best sniper ever seen, your senses honed completely. So when you heard her and turned the corner to apologize, you saw the last thing you had ever wanted to see.
Loba and Valkyrie were kissing.
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