helenofblackthorns · 1 year
(this got way too long i'm sorry lol) don't even get me started on the timeline there's so much that doesn't make sense!! i've tried to map it out because i am insane but i am definitely putting more thought into this than cc herself. like, in the days past 1900 chapter cordelia mentions that she's 13, when it's literally impossible for her to be 13 that year ????
and lowkey i am just very excited to see someone else mention the mess that it is the timeline because i've been thinking about when alastair and thomas must have gone on their travel year (and also during that travel year when thomas must have gone to paris because they wouldn't just give him a holiday immediately right, like it must have been december 1902 they met, yes i am overthinking this) for years lol
my best guess is that charles arranged to marry ariadne in early 1901 but it wasn't officially announced?? it was just an arrangement/promise and then he went to paris and met alastair later that year (though i think they'd already met yikes) and they dated sometime in 1901 (where alastair would have been 16-17 /yikes/), for any of this to work i think we just have to accept that shadowhunters can go on their year abroad before they turn 18, or maybe alastair wanted to get out of the house :( and then maybe charles told alastair of the engagement a little bit into their relationship?? don't even get me started on thomas' travel year, we know it lasted 9 months, was from 1902 to 1903 and he had come back fairly recently in august (and tbh i'm gonna stretch that definition of recent and just say the thieves are all being dramatic when they're still toasting him coming back at the beginning of chog). but he also took two weeks holiday in 1902 and saw alastair (who i have to assume was secretly visiting charles since if he was still on his travel year, he could have just said that instead of being cryptic and hilarious lol) anyways in conclusion the timeline is a mess
i thought cordelia's birthday must be really late in the year but i did not realise this means it would be impossible for her to have her parabatai ceremony lol, okay i can't work out that one unless everyone's straight up lying or don't know their own birthdays
anyways i clearly think about this way too much, sorry for rambling in your inbox, you did not ask for this lmao i have just had many thoughts about timelines from like two years ago that all bubbled up to the surface when i saw your post
okay I am finally answering this, I am so so sorry about the wait </3
honestly when it comes to timelines, I think cc just kinda says things vaguely enough that it makes sense as long as you don't think about it too hard lmao. Also I did not know Cordelia said she was 13 in 1900... In order for that to be possible she'd have to be born in either 1886 or 1887. I wonder if cc just forgot she had said Cordelia was born in 1885? that seems like the only viable option here 😭
Paris 1902 is so bad because a lot of the things that contradict it are in the same book 💀 like with other stuff at the very least you can give cc the benefit of the doubt that she forgot between writing short stories and whatnot. but the same book!! insanity!!
I don't think there's any way to twist it in order for it to make sense? like something has to be wrong. best I've got is Thomas turned 18 in Jan, went on travel year for roughly 8 months meaning he gets back to London right before the start of ChoG in August. He met Alastair in Paris in like, March or April 1903 when he was finishing up his travel year and Alastair was being cryptic just because. Charles and Alastair met in Sept. 1902 when Alastair went on his travel year to Paris; Charles and Ari are already engaged by this point (technically) and every other conflicting detail gets throw out the nearest window lmao. for me at least, shadowhunters going on their travel year before turning 18 defeats the purpose, which is to go on patrol and fight demons in a different country. and if they were able to at 17, I think there's several characters who would be currently on their travel year, like James and Matthew, and who obviously aren't.
The parabatai ceremony thing is annoying because cc actual reconned it :) in the codex it says you have be in childhood to become parabatai, and this is supported by Jem in clockwork prince. however, in tfsa, Simon is still able to become parabatai with Clary despite already turning 18, so now shadowhunters are considered children up until 19 but this only applies to the parabatai ceremony because in every other aspect of life they become adults at 18. this makes sense (not). personally i am of the option that Cordelia turning 18 and being unable to become parabatai with Lucie would have been more interesting, and added some stakes that chot desperately needed. plus it would be funny if they still became parabatai in the end because Will and Jem pulled some strings (the benefits of nepotism 😌)
the timeline of tlh is one of my great enemies at this point and I've held my tongue about it for far too long, so don't feel bad about rambling! (even if it takes me 3 months to reply 🫣)
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panlight · 2 years
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
Do u think Emmett likes sports? Because I get the vibe that he hates all sports except the ones he invented. LiKE the moment emmett sees a basketball rulebook he will become a serial killer
ooh GOOD question. agreed 100%; he doesn't like traditional sports. Emmett DOES enjoy competition, feats of strength, contact sports like wrestling, etc. so there's good reason to believe he enjoys games
if he DID play traditional spots, they would all have ~vampire flavor~ to make them more difficult. e.g., i could see him liking basketball if he, say, raised the basket to be above a vampire's jump vertical, redrew the court lines, made it a contact sport á la rugby, & replaced the basketball with a stone or a greased pig or whatever. for many traditional sports, i think Emmett would modify the rules until the "new" sport is vaguely reminiscent of the model
as a man with a thirst (hah!) for competition, i see Emmett making a sport out of anything. from something as simple as "race you to the ___" or "how many cougars can i bag in an hour," to something complicated with point systems & referees, Emmett channels the natural competitive drive of vampires into something healthy & fun. his games are a way to pass the time, bond with the fam, & channel any tense dynamics into a more cretive (nonviolent-ish) outlet.
while many of these games are one-offs, the Cullens likely play several original sports that they've refined over the decades. i could see them playing modified versions of wrestling, baseball, American football, capture the flag, ghost in the graveyard/kick the can, & some fucked-up complicated-ass Calvinball that always ends in fighting & the destruction of one or more load-bearing walls
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sergeantpixie · 9 months
how exactly did you get the idea for "all I know is a new found grace"? it's my favorite of your stories!
Thank you so much, anon! It was a lot of fun to write :)
So I think I said in the author's note that I started writing it as a way to make it through a day of classes after I pulled an all-nighter back in college (and that it took me an entire year to write!) but the idea of Dean and Elena meeting in high school was something I'd been playing around with for awhile even before that.
See, originally I wanted to write an AU where Dean is Elena's ex in the tvd pilot instead of Matt. However, I just couldn't figure out how to make that work (I have since figured that out - stay tuned 👀) so eventually it struck me that it would be fairly easy to slide Dean in as the other new guy because the Winchesters were hunting the Salvatores.
I was also interested in the idea of sort of doing the same thing I did with Addendum and adding Elena to spn but instead trying to get as close to possible to a canon with the Winchesters in the tvd pilot. I didn't go quite as strict with the dialogue on plot in tvd because that's like half of why Addendum is such a miserable write - there's really not a ton of room for creativity or spontaneity - but I tried to really think about it in terms of adding to canon instead of diverging from it. Plus I was really missing writing certain tvd characters - particularly Caroline and Bonnie! - with where I was at in Addendum so it was a fun excuse to write them.
The sequels on the other hand are a bit less interested in canon, in part because of how much Damon and Stefan drive the plot in season 1, and also because I thought it would be fun to see an alternate route to getting to where the show was heading in those first two seasons!
And that's pretty much it tbh. It was a fun easy idea and at the time it struck me as a fairly quick write (16k words later I was definitely laughing at myself, but it was fun to write!) and engaging enough that I wouldn't embarrass myself by falling asleep in any of my classes (and it was!)
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calamitydaze · 2 years
i think why people are defensive about the word neutral is because especially on twitter people are saying they are neutral but also actively spreading misinformation/victim blaming rhetoric on top of it, and so there's this notion and active history of neutrality being used to sweep this under the rug entirely and hate on the victims which is not what youre doing at all but that's sort of the way i see the defensiveness come in.
But i also will say that from my perspective regardless of what happened which we dont know for sure dream did admit the dms were real and in those dms were inappropriate messages to people who were minors and also admission that the priv snapchat was given to said minors (amanda). I think yes its okay to stay open minded and wait for more information but i do believe theres at least enough solid ground that the behavior was inappropriate. Even dream called his behavior "cringe flirting" which i took as admission he recognized his messages were flirtatious and those people were minors, so that i find to be inappropriate.
This is not negative towards you just thought id offer some perspective and such i dont think youre a victim blaming hater im sorry people are misinterpreting what youre saying but i hope this perspective helps.
it does, thank you for sending it in! i worry about this blog coming across as an echo chamber when it’s not meant to be that at all, so i really appreciate hearing from people who don’t like, 100% agree with me
you definitely have a point with “neutrality” being used to hide a lot of stuff that definitely Isn’t Neutral (i know i’ve seen it on both reddit and twitter, and i’m sure i could find it on tumblr too). i think for the most part, people don’t do it on purpose? i think because the reaction on one end of the spectrum has been so extreme, people think they’re being neutral by virtue of not being That and don’t notice when they’re slipping back around to victim-blamey rhetoric. not that it’s excused, people should be critically examining their own reactions as well as those of others, but yeah. i hope i made sense. and i’m really glad you don’t think i’m guilty of that! but if i do start spouting weird shit pls definitely call me out because i do actually want to be neutral i’m not just trying to cover my ass, and while i’m doing my best to keep it in check when i analyze the situation i won’t pretend i’m not internally biased
per your second paragraph though, i think you’re mixing up the facts of the case (understandably so, there’s a lot to keep track of)! the cringe flirting messages were from anastasia’s thread the day before, and dream explicitly said those Cannot have been him because he uses a google voice number that doesn’t have imessage. one could disbelieve him of course, but across both threads he has not confirmed anything except friendly and outwardly innocent conversations, and by extension the giving of a snapchat to amanda, but nothing that happened on it. to say he admitted to flirting with minors is active misinformation. (i could be pedantic and say amanda’s weren’t even fully confirmed, just that he “believes them to be true”, but eh that’s kind of irrelevant here). ymmv on the existence of the snapchat and that’s fine! personally, i think i’ve settled on the opinion that there was nothing wrong with the ig dms but moving to snapchat does cross a line that should be in place, regardless of what may or may not have happened there. inappropriate? for sure, and something that should be corrected (although according to his twitlonger, it already was). predatory? not inherently, and there’s nothing we know for certain that inclines me to apply that term
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findinghomes · 2 years
google says you can thaw a frozen pizza before cooking it so maybe. thaw it out to make the cutting easier and Then cook it ?
I’m actually dying that you googled this oh my god😭😭 you’re seriously a lifesaver
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sivyera · 7 months
Hii! Can I make a request please? Jacob Black and the fem imprint reader. The reader is a human.~ Thanks in advance if you write <3
ofc! i don't know any specific details so i'm just gonna write headcanons.
dating headcanons
jacob black x fem!imprint!human!reader
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when jacob found out that YOU are his imprint, he completely forgot about bella
it was indescribable feeling, when his eyes met your
he of course started spending a lot of time with you and the rest is history
he's overprotective, he knows how vampires (the cold ones) are dangerous and it's also a wolf thing (yk what's his, is his)
he hesitated from the start when you suggested to see his wolf form but it took you few seconds and you had a giant puppy in front of you
he lets you ride on his back as he runs through the forest
he's extremely warm so you don't have to worry about being cold, he's always right next to you, ready to hug you and warm you up
he'd make you a bracelet with a tiny wolf attached to it from wood (ofc) it was precise and beautiful work, he put a lot's of love in it which makes it much special
you often help him with his father like when jake is not around and has to do some things like when he's out on patrol or when he's helping fix someones motorcycle, doesn't matter
so you often cook for his father (and for jacob also) or clean his house or just talk
but be prepared for a LOTS of cooking, because they eat a lot!
billy, jacob's father has a special place for you in his heart, you are very kind to him and you make his son happy, he really appreciate you a lot
others from the pack also loves you, especially emily
baking with emily every sunday became a tradition and jacob always makes sure he's first one to taste your baking
but they also tease jacob a lot, paul does it a lot and sometimes it's too much so you have to separate them
the pack is your new family, they protect you a lot, because you are a human plus much younger then emily so
jacob often finds himself drained from the night patrols he sometimes has to take, so all he wants to do after them is lay down on his bed, wrap his arms around your waist and hide his face into your neck, which also happens pretty often
overall he's a real cuddle bug, he's like a baby sometimes; more like a puppy
you are his passenger princess and whenever you two are in his truck, his hand always finds it's way to your thigh
he loves forehead kisses, it's his way of saying 'i love you and you are safe'
whenever you have a sleepover, you will make pizza and eat it while watching some stupid romantic movie like the notebook, but he secretly loves it
while cuddling his arms has to be wrapped around your waist and your back has to be against his chest, that's the only position he feels like he protects you
...and he can reach your every body part
sometimes he teases you by slightly pinching your but and it always makes him laugh when you squeak and then hit his biceps
he rides you to school on his motorcycle and always picks you up after
sometimes you two ride on his bike through Forks at night, just enjoying the moment
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halarealmadridd · 2 months
she’s an icon
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pairing. jude bellingham x model!reader genre. smau + written warnings. none request. hey can you pls write something about jude with a model reader. She’s super successful and ‘brought supermodels back’. shes over all just so amazing and confident. and jude is like- OBSESSED with her. he loves her so much, she loves him too but, he is soooooo in love and adores reader. thank you lovely ❤️❤️❤️🎀 face claim. bella hadid author’s note. i’m sorry for being inactive ☹️ hope you enjoy this 🤍🤍
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liked by gigihadid, judebellingham and 2.192.342 others
itsjustyn should i change to a country singer
view all 103.882 comments
gigihadid yes?? except you wouldn’t be successful cause you can’t sing
↪️ itsjustyn the shade????
↪️ itsjustyn i won in life by dating a gremlin
↪️ judebellingham are you cheating cause i’m not a gremling
↪️ itsjustyn you very much are one xx
jennaortega off topic but where is your top from
↪️ itsjustyn honestly i forgot
↪️ jennaortega happens 🤷‍♀️
user1 she brought modeling back, change my mind.
↪️ user2 she didn’t lmao 😂😂
↪️ user3 jealous of her much??
user4 can you sign my hand so i can get it tattooed and flex on my friends
↪️ itsjustyn the problem is idk where you are
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liked by judebellingham, charlottetilbury and 1.673.928 others
itsjustyn thank you for this opportunity @ charlottetilbury 🩷🩷
view all 97.562 comments
charlottetilbury it was a pleasure to work with you 🤍
↪️ itsjustyn 🫶
judebellingham i love you so much it’s cray-cray
↪️ itsjustyn i love you too
↪️ judebellingham seriously, just i love you too ☹️??
↪️ itsjustyn okay i’m sorry i love you till my death you are my ride or die you are my everything if you have 0 fans i am dead
↪️ judebellingham better
judebellingham you are perfection, still can’t believe i’m dating you liked by creator
↪️ user1 down bad much?😂
user2 she is so pretty what the hell
adrianalima mas que beleza 😍 (what a beauty)
↪️ itsjustyn 🩷🩷🩷
“babe, did i ever tell you how much i love you and how beautiful you are?” jude interrupted the comforting silence, looking at you, slightly tilting his head.
“yes, many times” you chuckled, burying your head deeper into the warmth of your boyfriends chest.
you loved nights like this, where you would find comfort in each other and slowly fall asleep in the dim light from the fake candle on the bedside table, laying in bed, laughing like fools.
jude would remind you for your success on multiple times of the day. you could almost say that you were suffering from success. was it annoying sometimes? yes. but is it heartwarming to see that your lover cares a lot about you and keeps up with your recent collaborations? also yes.
you shared one last kiss and then you both dozed off, tangled in each other.
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justagalwhowrites · 6 months
Stranger in a Bar - Part One
A DBF!Joel Fic
You meet a stranger in a bar, one who is fun and sexy and makes you wonder if the single life is all it's cracked up to be. But there's one big problem: you probably shouldn't be fucking your dad's best friend.
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Pairing: DBF!Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: This is smut, OK? Just a lot of smut. Protected P in V sex. Oral sex (m and f receiving). Age gap of 20 years. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI, 18+ only.
Length: 6.8k
AO3 | Fic Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N: So this was supposed to be a one shot and then it started getting out of hand. It's going to just be two parts for the moment, this is going to be a very little baby fic, OK? Small. Lil baby story. Also. there's a hefty age gap and it comes up because logistics but no power imbalance. Thanks for always putting up with my shit, y'all are the best ❤️
Bar None, Present day
One of your friends had just put Single Ladies on the jukebox when you saw him across the bar. Bar None, the place you’d picked for the night, had one of those stupid app-powered ones and the three girls you had kept in touch with from high school had been abusing it all night long. But the man across the bar was so distracting that you hardly noticed. His eyes were locked on you, so tight and hot that it would send a chill up your spine if it was from the wrong set of eyes. But they were his eyes. Dark and molten and set into a sculpted face with patchy scruff and shaggy curl streaked with gray. 
No, you thought, he couldn’t spark anything but desire. 
“We should do the dance!” Your friend Emily slurred, tugging your arm. “C’mon! Now that you’re a single lady again, you have to own it.” 
She flashed her empty ring finger as Beyonce sang, a cocky - if half drunk - look on her face as she did. 
You smiled at her. 
“He did put a ring on it,” you twisted the stem of your martini glass. “That’s why there was a problem when he put his dick in someone else. I think I’ll pass on the Beyonce. But thank you.” 
“Come on drunky,” your friend Dana looped her arm around Emily’s waist. “Let’s go dance.” 
“Woooo!” Emily threw her arms in the air and Dana gave you an exasperated but happy smile over her shoulder as she guided her to the dance floor. 
“Jesus, is it that late?” Parker looked at her Apple watch. You half smiled and took a small sip of your drink as she rifled through her clutch for her phone and let out a relieved sigh. “Thank God, Kevin hasn’t been texting with a ton of stupid questions. Why did I think letting a baby get totally attached to me was a good idea? The fact that she only said mama for two weeks was great at first but now that she refuses to do bedtime without me, I’m having regrets…” 
“Do you need to go?” You asked, brows raised. 
She winced.
“Would you hate me if I left you with the party animals?” 
You laughed. 
“No,” you said. “Go home, see your husband and kid. I really do appreciate the warm welcome back, you have no idea.” 
“See?” She reached across the small table and gave your arm a squeeze. “I told you, just like old times.” 
“Did you go back home at 10:30 to make sure a baby was properly put to bed when we were 18?” You teased. “I forgot that part…” 
She rolled her eyes. 
“Almost old times,” she said. “Besides, you love Bella.” 
“I do love Bella,” you said. “And I love you. Go home, I’m good.” 
“You’re sure?” 
“Positive. Text me when you get there?” 
“Of course,” she slipped off the bar stool and came around to give you a hug and kiss your cheek. “I really am glad you’re back. Even if it’s because Reid was a dumbass.” 
You just smiled a little and watched her leave, Parker pausing to wave to Dana on her way out the door. 
“This seat open?” 
The man from across the bar stood beside you, nodding to the seat Parker had just vacated. You smiled a little and nodded once. 
“You have very convenient timing.” 
“Well,” he shrugged. “Leaving a pretty girl all alone at the bar seems like a crime. Trying my damndest to stay on the right side of the law.” 
“And how’s that going for you these days?” 
He smirked a little. His cheek dimpled. 
“Well enough.” 
You looked at him, tracing the creases in his face with your eyes, the streaks of gray catching the low light of the bar. He was probably the oldest man there but damn, did he wear it well. 
“You in town for a visit?” He asked, turning his beer bottle in his fingers and nodding to your friends on the dance floor. “Seeing friends?” 
You cocked a little smile at him. 
“No, actually. Just moved back.” 
He raised his eyebrows, a look you couldn’t quite place passing over his warm features. His eyes drifted to your ring finger before he seemed to catch himself and look back at your face. You saved him the trouble, lifting your bare left hand and turning it so he could see. The indentation from your three carat engagement ring was still on your finger but your hand was empty. 
“I think we should talk, Joel.” 
Bar None, 10 years earlier 
The man across the bar had no damn business being that good looking. 
It was almost pissing you off how good looking he was. Tall, broad, with golden skin and thick, dark hair, he had the kind of face you wanted to explore intimately, in the way you could only do when someone was inside of you. The way men couldn’t control their expressions then was almost addicting. The way their eyes would roll back and their mouths would fall open, the way they stopped fucking around with pretense and just let themselves feel something - even if it was just your cunt - was beautiful and fascinating and almost elemental. It was like you could look into the very core of them for a moment, the way they always seemed to be able to look into you with just a glance. You wanted that with this man, whoever he was, this man who you caught glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. 
“Aww,” Parker pouted happily at her phone. “Kevin misses me!” 
“Misses you?” Emily snatched the phone from her grasp, gaping at the screen. “You’ve been gone like two hours!” 
“Will you just…” Parker snatched the phone back and looked at the text again. “And I think it’s sweet.” 
“You’re ditching us, aren’t you?” Emily sighed. 
“I think so,” Parker winced. “Is that OK?” 
You just smiled a little. 
“Go see the guy who’s got you all crazy,” you said. “But I’ll see you again before I leave town, yeah?” 
“Course!” She came and gave you a hug. “Good luck getting rid of me. Have fun at that thing tomorrow!” 
“Yeah,” you laughed. “I’ll try.” 
Emily rolled her eyes and judged Parker for a bit but it was less than an hour before she was leaving, too, with a man who’d asked her to dance and bought her a beer. 
“You sure you’re alright?” She asked as she went to leave. 
“Babes, I know how to be at a bar on my own. And my hotel is two doors down. I think I can figure it out.” 
She kissed your cheek. 
“Love you,” she said. “Try to have some fun!” 
You watched her go, thinking about just how long you wanted to be sitting by yourself at a bar versus in a Holiday Inn Express standard room when a voice appeared beside you. 
“This seat open?” 
The man from across the bar nodded to the seat Emily had just abandoned. You smiled a little and nodded once. 
“You have very convenient timing.” 
“Well,” he shrugged. “Leaving a pretty girl all alone at the bar seems like a crime. Trying my damndest to stay on the right side of the law.” 
“And how’s that going for you?” 
He smirked a little. His cheek dimpled. 
“Well enough.”
You smiled and introduced yourself before holding out your hand. He took it. 
“Joel,” he said. “Don’t think I’ve seen you here before.” 
“Because I’ve never been here before,” you smiled. “I’m in from out of town, my hotel is a few doors down. This was convenient and hey, the Yelp reviews weren’t the worst.” 
“What brings you to the great city of Austin, Texas?” He asked, settling in on the seat beside you. He was older than you but you kind of liked men that way now that you were in your mid 20s and exhausted by every man you’d dated in college. You liked them a little older, more established, men who knew how to cook their own damn food and give you your own damn orgasm. “Business or pleasure?” 
“Neither,” you smiled a little, taking a sip of your drink. “Family event.” 
“That’s not pleasure?” 
You laughed once.
“Not the way my family does it.” 
“That why you’re in a hotel and not stayin’ with them?” He asked, brows raised. 
“Bingo,” you replied. “I get in, I get drunk, I get out.” 
He nodded slowly. 
“Good system.” 
“Worked well enough for me over the years.” 
The two of you ended up talking about music and books and UT football until last call - far later than you’d intended to stay out. 
“Mind if I walk you back to your hotel?” Joel asked. “Not tryin’ to be a creep but… I’d sleep a lot better tonight knowin’ you got back safe. Promise it’s not a ploy.” 
“Damn, it’s not?” You asked, tucking your purse on your arm and heading for the door. “Because I was going to ask you to come up to my room if it was.” 
“Well shit,” he said, catching up with you. “Maybe it is a ploy then.” 
You found yourselves drawing out the walk back all the same, pace more of an amble than a brisk walk, but the hotel was so close that it really only added a few minutes to your walk all the same. 
“Well,” you smiled at the door to the lobby. “This is me.” 
“Yeah,” he nodded once, looking inside for a moment before looking back at you. “Look… you don’t owe me anything, alright? I’m not the kind of guy who wants to force something. I can just head on back to my truck, no hard feelings…” 
“Well maybe none for you,” you teased a little. “But I might have some. Unless you really don’t want to fuck me.” 
“Oh, I want to,” he said. “Trust me on that…” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he laughed. “Been at the top of my list since you first walked in that place, baby, lemme tell you.” 
“Well then,” you jerked your head toward the door. “Why don’t we cross it off the list?” 
You took his hand in the elevator, his palm so broad, his fingers thick and long and callused in yours. You pressed your back against the wall and pulled him onto you so his hips were on yours and his nose brushed your own. His eyes ranged over your face, hungry and soft and open. 
“You sure about this?” He asked, looking down at the rest of your body for a moment before going back to your face. “Sure you don’t have something better to do than some old man?” 
“I’m sure,” you smiled at him, draping your arms over his shoulders. “Besides, I like old men. How old are you, anyway?” 
“Forty-five,” he said. “How old are you?” 
You snorted. 
“I’m not sure I should say,” you said, holding him a little closer all the same. “Since you’re all hung up on age…” 
“Not hung up on it,” he rolled his eyes. “Just… don’t need to be some youthful mistake is all. Wait, Jesus, please tell me you’re at least out of college, tell me you’re not a teenager…” 
You laughed. 
“No,” you shook your head. “Not a teenager. And I’ve been out of college a few years, I’m 25.” 
“God,” he closed his eyes and shook his head once, like he was trying to shake the idea of you loose. “Still, that’s… you’re…” 
You pressed your lips ever so slightly against his, more a quick brush than anything else, giving him every opportunity to pull back. 
He didn’t take it. 
Instead, he pressed his lips to yours, his hands going to your waist and tugging you tightly to his body while he pushed you back against the wall. Your arms got tighter to him and you opened your mouth, his tongue licking into you almost immediately. Joel didn’t need an engraved invitation, all he needed was a sign that you wanted him and fuck, you wanted him. More and more, each passing second, you wanted him. There was heat in you that was starting to flare so molten and hot that you pulled at his clothes, forgetting that you weren’t alone, not really. 
The elevator dinged and he all but sprang back from you, both of you panting for breath. 
“Fuck,” he breathed, looking you up and down, pupils blown. 
“C’mon,” you took his hand. “I’m down the hall.” 
You pulled him along behind you and fumbled to get your room key out of your bag. Joel’s wide, thick hands slipped around your waist as you did, tugging your ass back against his growing bulge and fuck, but he was huge. Thick and long and you knew his zipper had to be fucking killing him, cock that big and hard restrained by mere fabric and a slip of metal. His lips found the hinge of your jaw, your neck, down to your shoulder and you groaned a little as you clumsily forced the keycard in the door, the little beep the mechanism gave one of the best damn sounds you’d heard all night. 
The two of you practically fell into your hotel room. You dropped your purse on the first table inside the door and started stepping out of your heels as Joel turned you around to face him, manipulating your body to put you right where he wanted you and the fire in you sparked higher, brighter as he manhandled you. Every touch he gave was loaded with need, the air thick and heavy with it as he pawed at your clothes and skin, licking into your mouth at every opportunity, taking your chin firmly in his heady grip to tug you open further for him, all but forcing you to give him everything. 
You were as rough with his clothes as he was with your body, pulling so hard and fast at the buttons of his shirt that two popped free, pinging off the glass of the mass produced art that hung on the wall. 
“Shit,” you panted, looking around the dark of your room for the buttons. 
“Don’t give a fuck,” Joel replied, breathless, clutching you close and tight before you could pull away. “Didn’t really like this shirt, anyway.” 
You shoved it down and off as he tugged your dress down your body, leaving it in a pile on the floor before turning you so the backs of your legs were against the bed. He deftly unhooked your bra with one hand then, ripping the straps down your arms but almost reverently lowering the cups, panting for breath as he exposed your breasts to his gaze. Joel tossed your bra to the side before taking the soft weight of your tits in his hands, cupping them, brushing his thumbs over your hardening nipples as he looked down at you with a look of near awe on his face. You half expected him to shove you back down onto the bed after his race to get you undressed but instead, his arm went around your waist, his hand splaying wide over the smooth skin of your back and he pulled you tight against him, making you gasp. 
He moaned, deep and low, and dropped his head to your bared shoulder before trailing his nose over you to your neck, the wet heat of his breath on your skin. 
“Fuck, you’re so goddamn soft,” he groaned, almost pained, and pressed his lips to your throat, making your breath catch. You clung to the broad expanse of his back, fingertips pressing into him, trying to get at every inch of his skin that you could find. 
His mouth found yours and he gently, delicately, lowered you back onto the bed. He cradled your body against his own, keeping the firm line of him taut to you as he kissed you. Joel rested you on the mattress and you let your legs fall open so he could settle between your thighs, the heady weight of him pressing against your clit and making you moan. 
“You got a problem if I explore this pretty body of yours?” He asked, his lips still brushing yours when he spoke. “Because fuck, baby, seems like a sin to not touch every goddamn inch of you.” 
He rocked his thick, hard, still clothed cock against your core, as if to make his point, and took your responding moan as the yes it was. He trailed his lips slowly over your body, down your throat, your breast bone, your stomach, your navel. His nose brushed against you, his breath covering you in warm and needy pants. When he reached your underwear - the last thing still on your body - his fingers looped through the band before he paused, looking up at you over your stomach and between your breasts. 
“You still with me, pretty girl?” He asked, mouth so close to your skin that the wetness of his lower lip had caught on your stomach. “Still good with this?”
“Yes, Joel, please,” you were practically squirming. He was so close to precisely where you needed him it seemed like you might melt with the want of him. “Fuck, please…” 
“Fuck, you’re even prettier when you beg,” he said and started to pull your panties down over your hips. You lifted yourself up off the bed to help and it wasn’t long before you were naked below him. He knelt in front of you and took your knees in his hands, parting your thighs for him and groaning when he did. 
“Goddamn,” he breathed, so quiet you weren’t sure you were meant to hear it or if he’d meant to say it out loud at all. “Just… fuck.” 
He opened your legs enough to lay between them, settling with your thighs over his shoulders. His thumb traced a slow, tender path over your slit, brushing your clit and making you gasp when he did. 
“Swear you’ve got the prettiest fucking pussy I’ve ever seen,” he said before he pressed his lips to your leaking hole. He moaned as he did and you couldn’t help but thrust against him once. He pulled back from you just a little, his nose barely touching your clit as he did. “Needy little pussy, too, huh?” 
Your fingers knotted in the bedspread and Joel’s mouth found your clit, softly sucking the sensitive nub between his teeth to tease with his tongue. You fought the urge to rock your hips against his face, trying to remember that this man was practically a stranger, not a lover whose tastes you knew intimately. But that was hard to remember as he worked his way lower, his tongue slipping inside of you with a deep groan. 
Joel ate you like you were a delicacy he longed to savor. He started slow, tasting and teasing you open, before delving deep like he couldn’t resist it, his thick tongue exploring and finding the soft and tender places inside you. His thumbs spread you open wide to him, his nose against your clit and you couldn’t stop yourself, you rolled your hips against him. He moaned into you and you forced your hips down on the bed, trying to clear your head enough to be still. 
“Sorry,” you panted. “I didn’t mean to do that, you’re just… really fucking good at that.” 
He stopped and pulled back from you enough to look up your body again, a frown on his face, your slick glistening on his beard in the light from the parking lot outside. 
“You think I don’t want you fucking my face?” He asked. “Fuck, baby, I want nothing more than for you to take exactly what you need. Want you to make yourself come on my face, you understand?” 
You swallowed and nodded. 
“What are you going to do?” He asked, voice almost stern. 
“Make myself come on your face?” You more asked than answered. 
“Better sound more sure than that,” he said, fingers moving to your clit. You gasped and moaned at the contact. “Come on baby, what are you going to do? Say it. Own it.” 
“Come on your face,” you panted. “Fuck, Joel… I’m going to come on your face, I’m going to make myself come on your face, please…” 
“Good,” he said, going back to eating your pussy. 
It was like he’d been holding back before but had nothing stopping him now. His tongue pressed deep, his nose nestled in your slit to nudge your clit, his arms looped over the thickness of your thighs to keep you open for him while also pressing the softness of you to the sides of his head. Your orgasm built quickly, the heat in you sinking to your core, everything inside you there going taut and tense. You were just on the edge of it, whimpering below his tongue and his touch when one hand left the warmth of your thigh and moved to your slit, his finger sliding inside you alongside his tongue. He pressed into the soft, tender place inside you that seemed to elude other men, finding it with an almost practiced ease and moaning when he did, sending the sparks of your climax shooting through you. 
He groaned, needy, as he ate you through it, not letting up, not even for a second until your orgasm had subsided and your head was swimming. 
“Fuck you feel amazing,” he pulled himself from you, sucking the finger that was inside you clean before wiping your slick from his beard while his other hand traced over the smooth softness of your inner thigh. “Should’ve asked this sooner but… please tell me you’ve got a damn condom. I wasn’t exactly lookin’ for this tonight, not until I saw you, so I’m not exactly prepared.” 
“I do,” you propped yourself up on your elbows, trying to remember where the hell you left your suitcase in the dark. You spotted it on the dresser, thankfully still mostly organized since you’d arrived that afternoon. You nodded to it. “Suitcase, top zipper pouch inside the lid.”
He got one, the crinkle of foil strangely loud in the silence of the room. 
“Here,” you sat up and reached for him as he came to stand between your legs at the edge of the bed. “Let me do it…” 
He gave you the packet and you opened it before palming the condom, holding it tight in one hand while slipping the other into the open zipper of his jeans and into his underwear to find his thick, heavy cock. 
You moaned as you wrapped your fingers around his length, hard as steel wrapped in silken skin, and you stroked him, just half way up his cock at first before going from root to tip. He was dripping there, his arousal making his head slick and wet. You brushed your thumb over his leaking tip, the smooth skin making your mouth water. You looked up at him through your eyelashes as you leaned forward to lick him before taking just the very end of his cock between your lips. You suckled at him gently, lapping up his precome, Joel’s breaths getting heavier and faster as you did, before you took him into your mouth. He moaned as you sucked him, his hand going to the back of your head and holding you against him, your nose brushing against the base of his stomach. You took his head into your throat and moaned around him as you sucked him, making him hiss in pleasure, his grip on your skull tightening. 
“Fuck, woman,” he managed as you kept sucking him. “Gonna make me come if you keep doin’ that…” 
You pulled back from him slowly, his hold on you easing as you did, until he slipped from your mouth, still slick with your spit. 
“Should probably stop then,” you said, a little breathless. You took the condom - warm now from the heat of your hand - and put it over his head before rolling it over his thick shaft. You stroked him once, twice and leaned forward again, sucking his tip for a moment when it was in place and his head tipped back, staring at the ceiling as he groaned. 
“Jesus,” he panted. “Fuck, you gonna let me inside that soft little pussy of yours or make me come in your mouth?” 
You laughed once, needy and low, before pulling yourself backwards on the bed, Joel’s eyes hungry on your body as you went. He shucked his jeans and underwear off before crawling, finally naked, between your thighs. His head brushed against your sex and he took the base of his cock in his hand, trailing his tip up and down your dripping slit before spreading you open for him, your pussy swollen and tender as he did. He put his tip against your dripping entrance, pressed just the very end of him inside, barely opening you to him. His hands moved to your thighs, brushing over them to your knees before trailing back toward your center, his fingers splayed wide over you soft flesh. 
“You ready, baby?” He asked, needy. 
“Yes,” you breathed. You’d passed ready a long time ago. You were desperate now, aching and all but begging for him to take up every empty space inside your body. 
“Good,” he pressed forward until his head was fully inside your tight channel and you both moaned with it, one of your hands finding the smooth skin of your breast and squeezing it. He groaned at the sight as he started fucking just the tip of him into you, rocking in and out of you in short, sharp bursts. “Fuck, there you go baby. Just like that.” 
He started feeding you more of his cock then, driving further into you with each stroke until he fucked all the way into you, his hips flush to yours, his thick length stretching you open, the burn of him meshing with the heady pleasure of being so utterly full. 
“Goddamn,” he breathed, his cock buried inside you totally. “This pussy… fuck me.” 
One of his hands went from your thigh to over your hip coming to rest and the soft swell of the base of your stomach. He spread wide over your skin, his palm swallowing the space over where he was inside of you and pressing down, making you moan as the tight fullness inside you got more intense. His thumb stretched down toward your clit and he started working you there as he just held himself within you, making your cunt throb once around him. He groaned at the feeling. 
“That’s right,” he said. “So full of this cock ain’t you baby? Taking me so damn well…” 
He kept working your clit for a minute, not moving inside you, just pressing into your skin until you were practically writhing below his touch. He was so big, you were so full, the pleasure in your body so tight. It made your head spin. 
“Joel,” your fingers scratched at the blankets. “I need you to move, please, please, please…” 
“Please what, pretty girl?” His voice was dark, low. 
“Please fuck me,” you begged. “Please, please fuck me, please…” 
He drew back then, achingly slow at first, watching where his cock was pressing into you with a hungry look on his face, before thrusting back in, deep and firm. 
This, you thought, was why you liked fucking older men. Joel knew what he was doing. He worked your body with expert skill, grinding his cock deep inside so his head pressed against the most sensitive parts of you, the thick drag of him making your back arch and toes curl. He kept rubbing your clit with his thumb, the pressure and pace keeping your pleasure building and building but never quite cascading over the edge. 
He kept fucking into you that way until you were desperate, your whole being drawn tight and achy around his cock. He’d stopped watching where your bodies were joined and had moved to your face, his gaze drinking in your desperate little moans and the way your eyes would scrunch closed as you got so close to coming but didn’t quite make it, whimpering as your climax fell just out of reach yet again. 
“Got you so tight and needy, hm?” He said, breathless. You just nodded, trying to rock your hips up against him but held in place by his hand on your stomach. “Why don’t you tell me what you need? Tell me exactly what it is you need.” 
“To come,” you whimpered. “Fuck, I need to come, you need to let me come, please let me come…” 
“Think I’ve been keepin’ you on the edge too long?” He asked. “Think I should let this little pussy come? Let her just milk me dry?” 
“Fuck, please,” you begged, not caring if you sounded pathetic. It’s not like you’d see this man again after tonight, anyway. 
He took his thumb off your clit but before you had a chance to whimper in protest, he adjusted your legs to drive somehow deeper and leaned over you, pressing his bare skin to yours before kissing your neck, sucking and licking at the tender skin there as he fucked into you, making you whimper, your nails scrabbling over his back. His lips moved from your neck to your ear, his large hand coming to cup the crown of your head, his pace never relenting. 
“Come for me,” he whispered, low and needy. “You can come, want you to come, want to feel you come. Just let go for me, just give in to me.” 
His hips rocked against your clit, his cock buried so deep and you saw stars for a moment before you cried out, your orgasm hitting you hard after being on the edge of it for so long. It broke your whole body down, muscle clenching desperately, blood rushing, fingers clinging. You felt it everywhere, starting at your core and radiating out in hot, aching waves. 
“Goddamn, that’s it,” he fucked you through it as your core fluttered over him. “Just keep comin’ for me, just like that, feeling so damn good baby just…” 
He pressed deep as your orgasm started to fade and moaned, the sound going straight to your raw, fucked out cunt. The pulsing of his cock, in you to the root, rolled you into another orgasm, this one less intense but still making your pussy grip him close and tight as he spilled into the condom. 
He collapsed on you for a moment as both of your climaxes eased, his chest heaving. Before his weight became too much, he adjusted, rising up enough to kiss you as he slid his softening cock from your body and falling flat on his back on the bed beside you. 
“Damn,” you panted after a moment, staring up at the ceiling. 
He laughed lightly beside you. 
“Know the feelin’.” 
You lay there next to each other, listening to each other as your breaths came back into a normal, steady cadence. Goosebumps started to pebble over your skin, the air cold as you were naked without his body on yours, the air conditioner below the window humming along. 
You turned your head to look at him and he did the same. 
“Should probably go…” his voice trailed off but he sounded reluctant. Or maybe you just hoped he did.  
“You don’t have to,” you said, probably a little too quickly for a man you’d just met. Even in the dim light of the moon and the parking lot lights out your window, you could tell he raised his eyebrows. “I’m just… you can stay, if you want. It’s a big bed. Think we can manage it.” 
“Wouldn’t want to impose…” 
“You’re not,” you said. “You can leave, too, if you’d rather but… don’t feel like you have to rush out.” 
He smiled a little. 
“Then I’ll stay. I’d like to stay.” 
You smiled back, that blissed out and relaxed feeling you had after you came settling over you.
The two of you settled far across the bed from each other at first but drifted quickly, until your head was on his chest and you were curved around his side as his arm wrapped around your shoulders, his fingers trailing up and down your arm until you fell asleep. 
He was somehow even more beautiful in the light of day. 
You realized it as the two of you went about the strange intimacy of getting ready for the day side by side with someone you didn’t know. He blinked sleep from his eyes when first woke up and stretched his back before getting out of bed, his curls haphazard and messy and his body soft and warm. He got dressed and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to tame it. You offered him your travel toothbrush as you got dressed and he watched you pull on your jeans as he leaned against the bathroom doorframe. 
“Been a while since I’ve done this,” he said, a little hesitant. 
“Just how long?” You asked, teasing as you pulled on your shirt. 
“Longer than I want to admit,” he said, small smile making his cheek dimple. “Long enough that I don’t remember exactly how this is supposed to work but… I’d like to take you to breakfast. If you want.” 
You smiled. 
“Sure,” you said. “I’d like that.” 
Joel walked back to the bar and picked up his truck before taking you to a diner not too far from your hotel. You laughed with him about menu typos and the questionable song choices coming from the speakers over greasy eggs and toast soaked in butter. 
“Know we just met,” he said as you were on your fourth cup of coffee and you were both avoiding the fact that you’d have to leave this table and go your separate ways soon. The remains of your hashbrowns had long gone cold, ketchup smeared across the plate and you weren’t ready to say goodbye to him yet. “And that you’re in town for some family thing but… if you’re not busy tonight, would you want to come with me to this party? Buddy of mine is throwin’ in, supposed to be nice. Think he gave me a plus one in hopes I’d actually use it.” 
“Damn,” you winced a bit. “I really wish I could but the thing I’m in town for is tonight.” 
“Damn’s right,” he smiled a little. “Think you’d be my best shot for a good time at that thing.” 
“Yeah, back at you for my thing,” you laughed.
“Here,” he pulled his phone from his pocket and unlocked it before handing it over. “Put your number in. Maybe we could still get together later…” 
You took it but hesitated, thumb tapping on the side of his phone case. 
He frowned.
“I live hours away,” you said. “Is this really smart?” 
He shrugged. 
“Don’t really care if it’s smart or not. Just want to see you again. If you’ll let me.” 
You smiled a little and shook your head before putting your number in his phone. 
“There,” you said, handing it back over. “Let me know when you’re done with your thing. I can think of a few more ways to get some good use out of my hotel room.” 
Two more cups of coffee later, Joel dropped you off at your hotel. You kissed him goodbye in the cabin of his truck, moaning against his mouth before pulling away. 
“Alright, go before I come back in with you,” he said playfully, reaching across you to open your door.
You laughed. 
“Don’t tempt me,” you got out and paused before closing your door, taking one last chance to look him over. “If we don’t see each other again… It was good meeting you.” 
“Good meeting you, too,” he said. “But don’t worry. I’ll see you again.” 
You went inside, looking back over your shoulder once you were in the lobby, Joel’s truck still sitting near the doors as he waited to make sure you were safely inside. 
There was an odd sense of loss in you as you got ready for your parents’ big anniversary party. You hadn’t expected to meet anyone when on your trip back to your hometown, let alone someone you liked so much. You’d been single for a while, doing things alone didn’t really bother you. But now, you felt this tug of desire to have him getting ready beside you where you could help him with his tie and he could zip you into your dress. 
But that was stupid. You knew it was stupid. Your job had taken you to Memphis and you liked it there. You weren’t in a rush to move back to your hometown. And Joel had a business here. It wasn’t going to happen. It’d be a lot easier in the long run if you just accepted that now. 
You showed up early to the party, your older sister wanting help to get things set up in the tents outside. 
“Who all is coming to this shindig anyway?” You asked as you put pictures of your parents out around a guest book near the entrance of the tent. 
“Oh, you know,” your sister waved you off. 
“Not really,” you said. She gave you a look. “What! I haven’t been home for a family party in… well, it’s been a minute.” 
“Yeah, and I’ve been the one doing all the work to help with those for a while,” she said. 
“And you’re definitely not bitter about that…” 
“Not one bit,” she teased. “But the usual people. The closest neighbors, the aunts and uncles, Mom’s book club, church people, Dad’s friends…” 
“Dad has friends?” You gaped at her. “Since when?” 
“He’s had friends for years!” 
“OK, he’s never had friends,” you said. “Where is he finding friends? Shit’s unnatural…” 
“Don’t let them catch you saying shit,” she said. “And there are a few from work, one from this basketball league he joined…” 
“Ew,” you crinkled your nose. Your sister laughed. 
“Definitely not ew,” she said. “At least not the basketball friend one, he’s weirdly hot, it’s disturbing…” 
“Well, there’s no accounting for taste, is there?” You teased. 
“You’ll eat those words when you meet the guy,” she said. “Just wait.” 
“Whatever you say,” you rolled your eyes, skeptical. You and your sister had never had the same taste in men, you didn’t see any reason for that to have changed. 
But still, you were keeping an eye out for this mysterious hot friend of your father’s as people started to arrive for the party. Or trying to, anyway. You kept getting pulled away by distant relatives you hadn’t seen since your cousin’s wedding or to do a favor for your mom as she frantically rushed around trying to take care of everyone while also trying to have fun at the party that was being thrown in her honor. 
Everything was in full swing when you heard your father call your name from across the large, increasingly full tent. He waved you over, leaning around a man he was talking to, and you worked your way around the dance floor, trying not to think about how much you’d like to have a date at this damn thing - how much you’d like to have Joel as your date at this damn thing - when you froze beside your dad. The man standing next to him was devastatingly familiar, even from behind. Tallest man in the room, broad shoulders, thick curls. Your heart beat faster. 
“Hey honey,” your dad said, tugging you closer. “Want you to meet my friend. Joel, this is my youngest that I’ve told you so much about.” 
He turned around, a beer bottle in his hand a smile on his face that fell the moment he saw you. Your dad was saying something else but you didn’t hear it, too busy staring at the man who had been inside you less than 24 hours earlier. 
The man who had you thinking about what life alongside another person would be like. 
The man who was apparently your father’s friend. 
“Hi,” he said after your dad had stopped talking. You hadn’t noticed. 
“Hi,” you said, still staring at him. 
Fuck, you were in trouble. 
Part 2
A/N: Here's whatever this is. He's unhinged, I don't know what's happening to the Joels who live in my head lately but they're just going crazy up there. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Love you!
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prxnce · 4 months
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The Love Letter Save V.2 from: Prxnce
finally... its been just over a year since v.1 and just about 2 years since i started crafting this what is the love letter save? the love letter save is... a love letter to my childhood which mainly revolved around the sims *shocker* and various shows/movies etc. this save file embraces the idea that the sims 4 takes place on an alternate timeline... combining and altering the storylines from previous sims installments. i brought a TON of families from all previous sims games with some of their original lore and some twists of my own.
in the save bella goth is still missing... or she was... the beakers have a test subject, except it's claire ursine's love child with jared frio in this timeline. the caliente sisters are still up to no good! and the monty's still hate the capp family! and sooooo much more... i want to give a special thanks to LifeSimmer, who permitted me to use the Fenderson family in this save. i have been playing the sims since i was 9 years old and all these years later that family is just as special to my inner sims child as the goth family.
i made separate posts for pictures of the towns which you can find HERE same for the townies through the series of ten posts pt. 1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | pt.5| pt.6 | pt.7| pt.8| pt.9| pt.10
before you download!!!
i highly recommend going into your MCCC settings and TURNING OFF sim culling. what this will do is prevent the game from deleting unplayed sims as you play. which i didn't until after v.1 and was confused why i had to start from scratch around 9 months ago.
what packs are required?
all of them! (sorry)
no cc!
when you load in!!!
all households will be marked as played... simply because i wasn't taking my chances with sim culling
autonomy and aging are off, it is up to you if you would like to turn this back on
finally i am sure that i missed some things or relationships or maybe even forgot a mailbox somewhere... that is bound to happen with every save file. let me know if you would like i plan on only adding as the sims 4 goes on and would to get to near perfection
and with that that... i am sending all love... please enjoy V.2
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imyourbratzdoll · 5 months
Can you please make a part 2 to "I can be a better boyfriend than him" and can you elaborate on what the green monster is towards the reader please and thank you I really love this short drabble🩶
hello! so, this turned out longer than I expected, and I hope you enjoy it, thank you for requesting this! also, I forgot it was green-eyed monster and not green monster when it comes to jealousy haha.
part 2 of i can be a better boyfriend than him.
summary - ever since you met rosalie, you had felt this pull toward her. but when she stopped speaking to you, it was as though a part of you became obsessed. will she ever be yours or will you stay broken?
warning - lots of angst, swearing, bad thoughts towards self, thoughts of breaking up a relationship, jealousy, some fluff though.
the gif I use isn't mine and divider by @newlips
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It had been a week since you got caught staring at Rosalie, your mind was going crazy, it would go from how beautiful she was to how to get rid of her boyfriend, wondering how important he is to her to how you’d never be good enough for her. Even though you’d die for her, it felt as though you were in over your head.
After that day, it seemed as though the Cullen/Hales were watching you, waiting for you to try something. You blink, coming out of your thoughts when you hear her laugh, your eyes slowly drift over, skipping past the many golden eyes that watch you and land on her. Aphrodite herself in the arms of Hercules, her smile beams up at him as he holds her, whispering in her ear, probably smelling her unique scent of vanilla and strawberries that only she could pull off. You can feel your heart twist and squeeze before shattering into your stomach, your throat closes up and your mouth becomes dry as you stop breathing.
You feel the familiar green-eyed monster creeping beneath your skin, your very own jealousy. The thing that makes you think you could take Emmett in a fight to get to his girlfriend. A laugh breaks you out of your stare, this time closer. You turn slightly and look up, your mouth opens and closes, brows furrowing as you see who is standing beside you. Next to you is Edward Cullen and for some reason you feel as though he’s laughing at you or something you’ve said. But you hadn’t spoken, had you? Did you let slip of your slight obsession with his adoptive sister? No one could’ve figured it out, everyone stared at the Cullen/Hales, it wasn’t news to them. So how did he know?
You huff, cheeks puffing out as frustration seeps in next to your neverending jealousy. “What are you laughing at, Cullen?” It didn’t take a genius or an empath to know people were staring at the two of you with jealousy (an emotion you knew so well), envy, curiosity and more as none of the Cullen/Hales talked to people outside of their family, let alone laugh with at them, well with the exception of Bella Swan of course. The woman so bland that it seemed to attract the weird. They weren’t your thoughts but things you picked up from around the other students. 
“If you stare any harder, she might burst into flames.” You sigh.
“Not my fault your sister looks like a goddess. It’s a good thing you are all adopted because no one would believe she’d be related to you. Your face is even an insult to dog shit.” Edwards brows furrow, head whipping your way so fast that you’d think he’d break his own neck. His mouth opens but before he can give a comeback, a booming laugh fills the hall and your head turns, seeing Emmett on the floor laughing with one hand on his chest and the other slapping his knee so hard you feel he might end up breaking it. The others seem to laugh more quietly, you’d be confused thinking that they somehow heard you from all the way over there if you weren’t so captivated by Rosalie’s smile, her eyes trained on you in a lighter way. Something you hadn’t seen since her first day. Her smile is so beautiful.
“Well, that was rude.” Edward once again breaks your thoughts as he mutters with a frown on his face. 
Your eyes flicker between Rosalie and Emmett, a question on your mind. “Are her and Emmett serious?” They had to give it to you, you had the guts even when you didn’t know they could all hear you. 
Edward raises a brow. “They are, our parents already love him.” Your eyes roll.
“You’d hope so or they’d be asking for a refund.” You were already looking in their direction so you didn’t miss Emmett’s offended face or the fact the other three were now laughing at him. Could they hear you from all the way over there? You turn with the serious look still on your face. “You think your parents will adopt me? I’d be a great daughter, I cook, I don’t clean though, but I can pretend. I can be quiet, mostly because I’m hoping my mouth will be kept busy.” He chokes, you don’t know what on. Maybe air dick? He chokes again. Definitely air dick. Another choke, couldn’t he at least get a room? You stare annoyed as he interrupts with his noises. “Excuse me, I’m trying to give myself a good review to pass onto your parents, so stop choking on Casper’s dick and be quiet. Now.” You clap your hands together. “When should I start calling them mum and dad?” 
Edward focuses on your thoughts, trying to see if you were serious. All he’s met with is Rosalie and wanting to be loved. Through his annoyance, he decides to let you down harshly. “Y/n, I’m sorry but Rosalie is happy with Emmett and she’s never going to end it with him for someone like you. You’d have better luck finding someone in your league at a Dollar Store.”
From across the hall, Jasper could feel your emotions, even though you don’t need to be an empath to know how you felt as Edward said those words. Speaking of the crystal ball, he tries to read your mind again wanting to know if you were finally going to let whatever this is for his sister go. His brows furrow even more than they were before, confused as to why he suddenly hears nothing. It was as though you had shut yourself off completely. Not even allowing your own thoughts into your head. 
You blink, nodding to the wake up call. “Okay” They can hear it in your voice, you sounded like someone who was just told they’d never achieve their dream because they weren’t good enough and in this situation Rosalie was your dream and you were never going to be good enough for her. This was only one of the worst things that could’ve happened, not only did you finally realise that your crush knew you liked her but her family had stepped in and basically told you that your feelings don’t even matter, no. The worst was the fact that all of the students stuck around because they wanted to see what a Cullen wanted with you. 
They heard everything, they heard about your crush on the woman, they heard that her family didn’t approve and that she’s happy with Emmett, they heard the harsh words poured onto you like a cold bucket of water. They heard EVERY word.
Reality finally sets in as you take in the situation around you. Not wanting to give anyone anything, you straighten your back with your head held high and you turn, walking past the Cullen/Hales without a glance. Deep down Rosalie would always have your heart even though you could never have hers. The confusing part was you don’t know why you felt so strongly about her, it wasn’t like you two spent time together. The only memory you have of talking to her was when they first moved to Forks.
The town was buzzing with gossip about a new family moving here. You had heard snippets of the family, but you weren’t that interested in partaking in gossip. You yawned as your first class was about to begin, your notebook and pen lying in front of you on the table. The door to the classroom opened and gasps were heard, followed by the room erupting in chatter. You kept your head down, just wanting to get this day over with so you could go home and try to sleep your life away. 
“It’s a pleasure to have you in Forks, Miss Hale. Please take a seat next to Miss L/n.” You heard your last name, causing your brows to furrow. There were many open seats, why did you have to be chosen to sit with the new kid? “Miss L/n. Please raise your hand so Miss Hale can find her seat.” You don’t bother looking up, your hand raises, hearing a quick thank you from the teacher. It felt like the universe was trying to bring you together.
It was as though everyone had stopped breathing as she walked toward the back of the room, all you could hear were the click of heels before a body slid gracefully into the seat beside you. “Alright, look up front please! I’d like to start this lesson without any disruptions.” The students immediately took their eyes off the woman beside you, turning their attention to their teacher. “Thank you.” 
You open your notebook before hearing a slight huff to your left. You ignore it, hoping that whatever was the issue that they wouldn’t need you. You weren’t a people person, you didn’t really have friends because you liked to keep to yourself. Maybe that’s what made you two the perfect match, your mutual dislike for people.
“Excuse me.” You hear a soft elegant voice and you grow confused as to why your heart has started beating so rapidly. You push the odd feeling away as you turn, only to be met with the most gorgeous woman you have ever seen. You hold back from widening your eyes, knowing that she’s probably gotten that everywhere she goes and is possibly sick of the attention– You didn’t know that she thrived on attention, on being the most beautiful woman in the room. Sure she wasn’t particularly that fond of the male gaze as she once was, but she knew she was stronger now and enjoyed every bit of attention she could get. “I’m sorry for bothering you, but I seem to have forgotten my pen and I was wondering if you had a spare one that I could borrow?”
You nod but in your mind you wonder who forgets their pen? Neither of you knew that a certain pixie-sized seer had something to do with it. You reach into your bag and pull out another pen and hand it over. You watched as her perfectly manicured fingers wrapped around it.
“Thank you.” She smiles and you begin to wonder if you were dreaming because no one could look this perfect. Rosalie tucks her hair behind her ear, holding out her hand. “I am Rosalie. Rosalie Hale.” 
Before you can stop yourself, you find your hand in hers. The cold not bothering you like it would others, “I’m Y/n. Y/n L/n.” After you introduced yourself, it seemed as though everything fell into place. The empty feeling you used to feel in your chest is now gone and replaced with warmth and a pull. You both spent the majority of the class talking as if you had known each other for your whole life. When the bell rang and she said goodbye, you didn’t know that would be the last conversation you were ever going to have with her. 
You walked out of class, heading to your next one when voices stopped you. “Did you meet her?! Did you?! Do you like her?!” A hushed squeal comes out of someone, claps could be heard from their hands and shoes bouncing off of the ground.
“Yes, I met her. Why are you so excited about this, Alice? You know how I feel about humans.” The voice you recognised as Rosalie’s responded. 
Alice lets out a huff. “You’re mates, that’s why! Didn’t you feel the pull? You’ve been waiting forever to find yours. Why aren’t you as happy?” 
“Mates?! I can’t be mates with that! She is human, innocent! She can’t live this life, she can’t be cursed.” Rosalie responds so harshly, it was as though her words were knives. “You will not meddle at all, do you hear me? I will even go as far as making it seem like Emmett and I are together and in love.” She growls and that’s the end of it, you hear footsteps echo throughout the hall as she walks off. Rosalie didn’t know that the minute she spoke to you, the mate bond activated within you. Spreading throughout your body and making you unable to forget or move on from her. You would say that would be the reason you had become so obsessed.
You pull yourself out of that memory. After that day, she stopped talking to you. She moved seats, became cold. The only thing that made you know that you weren’t going crazy into thinking if you two speaking on her first day was real or not was your pen. It was the only evidence, the only thing keeping your belief alive as you’d watch her twirl it between her fingers or write notes down with her flawless handwriting. 
A few weeks later the couple had graduated, which meant you could finally breathe. Even though whenever you heard her name your heart would break a little. It was a relief that you could go to school without having to force yourself not to look at her.
After a few months everything slowly got better, people no longer talked about you and because of that you finally decided to eat in the cafeteria again. Thankfully, everyone was now focused on Bella Swan and how she had run off to Italy to be with Edward. People theorized that they eloped or she was pregnant. But she was only gone for three days so unless it was some weird hybrid baby that theory was crossed off immediately. You should probably send her a fruit basket as a thank you for getting the attention off of you.
You grabbed some food and took a seat in a corner, away from everyone but that didn’t stop you from hearing whispers of a graduation party being thrown at the Cullen house and hosted by Alice Cullen. Apparently everyone was invited but you weren’t going to go. It would be too weird, you’d feel like a stalker and you were sure that Mr and Mrs Cullen would kick you out from what their children could’ve said about you. You were so tuned into your thoughts that you didn't notice a tiny person sitting next to you, followed by her boyfriend. 
“Hi!” A pixie-like voice broke you from your thoughts, causing your brows to furrow as you looked between Alice and Jasper. What was with the Cullens breaking you from your thoughts? It was like they couldn’t allow you to think for too long. Maybe she knew something you didn’t.
“Hi?” You reply in question. You weren’t that special to have any of these god-like people talk to you. So why were they? Were they going to pull a Carrie on you and drench you in pig's blood? Were they going to make you think that they liked you before turning around and laughing in your face? 
“I wanted to personally invite you to my graduation party and before you say no, please know that none of us think ill of you. I have a feeling we are going to be sisters!” She said it so surely, like she had seen it. You sat there speechless for a few seconds, mouth slightly open at what she said. “Please at least consider!” Alice reaches into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. “Here is our address, in case you decide to come.” She places the paper into your hands, closing your fingers around it and giving your hand a soft pat. 
You didn’t even see her write it down, she had it stuffed in her pocket like she had prepared for this to happen. As if knowing what you would decide. “Bye!” Before you can utter a word, she and Jasper disappear. You stare at the piece of paper, gulping. 
Your graduation came by the end of the week, a sad moment as you stared out into the crowd and no one stood, clapped or cheered for you when you received your diploma. You were truly alone, never seeing the golden eyes watching from outside, cheering you on silently that only her siblings could hear. Your head lowers and you walk off the stage, not even waiting for the ceremony to be finished. You head straight home, still wondering if you should go to this party since you’d probably be alone either way. 
The worst kind of loneliness is when you are surrounded by people but you feel alone. 
A few hours go by and by now the party has started, you’ve been having an internal battle with yourself. Your eyes drift over to a dress you had bought ages ago with only one woman in mind but you never got the chance to wear it. It just hung there, collecting dust. With a little push to yourself, you get up from your bed, what’s the worst that could happen? You quickly shower and make yourself smell amazing with some of your favourite lotions and perfume.
You slip into the dress, the material hugging your figure perfectly. You wore black tights underneath and a thick jacket with fur elegantly coming out of the holes. You head over to your mirror and apply a small amount of make-up, swiping a bold red lipstick against your plump lips. You straighten and stare at yourself, judging all of your flaws and you sigh. No matter how much you tried, you’d never be pretty enough. With a shake of your head, your soft styled curls brush against your cheeks.
You walk over to your knee high boots and slip them on, once you grab everything you need you leave, locking the door behind you. You get into your car and take off, driving to the Cullen house, trying to push all of your feelings away. You release a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you pull into their driveway, thanking whoever decided to build here for putting the large car space. From inside your car you can hear the music thumping, lights flashing and people hanging around and dancing. You turn your car off and step out, beginning to walk toward the house. Your eyes move around as you check out the place.
“Y/n! You made it!” You barely have time to register who it is as a tiny figure flies towards you and pulls you into a tight hug. Alice pulls back slightly and looks down, checking out your outfit. “Oh my god! This dress is beautiful! You look gorgeous!” She squeals, bouncing on her feet and thankfully not letting slip that she had already seen and knew who else would enjoy it. “Come, come! Some of us are hanging out in a different area of the party.” You look at her kind of shocked. Alice pulls you by your hand, the cold didn’t bother you. “Oh! Sorry, I had a feeling you wouldn’t want to be around the bigger, wilder crowd.” 
You nod, appreciating the gesture. “Thank you.” You both arrive in a lounge room that was decorated the same as the other section where the party continues on. The only difference was there were fewer people, meaning you could move and breathe freely. 
“Look who finally arrived!” Emmett yells, a large grin on his face. 
“Hello, I hope I’m not too late.” Your hands lock together as you smile, but it feels so forced. You were so busy pushing all of your emotions back that you forgot how to act.
“You’re fine! Sit, sit! You’re right on time!” Emmett replies, so friendly that you feel as though you walked into a trap. Was this where they would kill you? “Don’t worry, we don’t bite.” It seemed like you missed the joke when a few of them chuckled. 
“Emmett, shut up.” You knew that voice, you pushed harder against the wall holding your feelings inside. It felt like it was going to snap at any minute and you couldn’t have that. You didn’t know that Jasper could feel your struggle, making him look at you like he was in pain but it wasn’t his. 
God, She’s gorgeous. No, shut up, Y/n. You can’t be thinking this, remember what Edward said. You don’t want to open that can of worms, you’ll only end up getting hurt. But she’s so beautiful and you were so fucked. 
Edward could hear your internal struggle and from what he hears from Jasper, you weren’t just pushing your thoughts away. Maybe he messed up, he knew that he had when Rosalie threw him through a few trees when they got home. Jasper and Emmett had to literally use all of their strength to hold her back with how angry she was and even then there were foot marks from her pushing against them, he was lucky Carlisle got home when he did or he’d be a dead man. 
You quickly look away, deciding that the floor looked more interesting. Maybe you shouldn’t have come, this was a bad idea. But before you could turn and run, a voice stopped you. “Y/n. Is it okay if we talk?” You’d think the voice belonged to an angel or a siren if you didn’t know the person attached to it. You lift your head slightly, ensuring she was talking to you even though she had already said your name. But how were you to know that it was you? For all you know, you could’ve begun to walk to her only for someone behind you with the same name to push past. Embarrassing you.
But when your eyes locked with hers, you knew there was no one behind you with the same name and with a small nod. You slowly walk toward her, your heart skipping as she puts her hand out, willing you to grab it and when you do. Oh god, you think your heart exploded. She gently pulls you along and outside, taking you a bit further from the house so no one could interrupt you, she leads you to a small clearing that has a log with a blanket over it and a perfect view of the moon, a few fairy lights hung from some of the trees. Like someone had set it up that way.
You sit when she does, knowing that the feelings and thoughts you were pushing back were no use, you had lost to them the moment your eyes met hers. “I’m sorry.” You weren’t expecting that, she spoke so softly, looking up at the moon like it was hard to look at you, but you didn’t know that if she looked at you, her frozen heart would hurt from the pain she’s caused you. “I put you through so much for no good reason. I made you think and feel horrible things about yourself because I was scared.” 
You stay silent, scooting a tiny bit closer. Your heart warms when she grabs your hand gently. Rosalie finally turns to look at you and it was at this moment that she fully accepted the mate bond, she was stupid to think she could just forget you and move on. “I’ve lied about many things, kept secrets from you. But I don’t know if I can anymore. I want to try. But only if you want that as well.” 
“I… I know I’d forgive you easily and that scares me too. Because I want to be angry with you, I–I don’t want to… I want to know everything so that I can understand and that hopefully we can start over. But for my sake, I need it to be slow so I don’t hate myself for forgiving you so easily.” You finally let it out, you knew that your heart had already forgiven her but your mind hadn't. Of course you wanted to try, especially if it was with her. You didn’t care about the lies and secrets, you probably should’ve, but somewhere deep inside it was as though something wouldn’t allow that. It was weird because you’ve had people lie to you in the past and you held a grudge over it forever. Yet, you couldn’t with her.
Rosalie had already spoken to her family about this, Alice having already known was ecstatic. She helped her sister prove to the family that this would be a good thing and that they’d no longer feel so broken and dark. 
If Rosalie was human, she’d swear she would have a heart attack by how fast her heart would be beating. She’d probably be drenching her clothes with sweat as she prepares herself for this. “I will start from the beginning, I guess.” You nod, squeezing her hand softly to let her know that you were listening. “Emmett and I, we were never together. My family and I are different, so we tend to move around a lot and because of how we look, it sometimes attracts unwanted attention. So, we agreed to act together until we found…” She pauses, trying to find the right word. “Until we found the person meant for us. You may have noticed Alice is special, that she tends to know things before you’ve even thought about it. She saw you, before we moved here. She told me that you were human… I couldn’t handle it. I didn’t want to bring you into this world and I have spent so long keeping a distance from your kind, but I knew the moment I spoke to you that I’d never be able to let you go, not without giving us a chance and you a choice.” She seemed to choke up as she said the last part, as if she were dreading what your choice would be when the time came. She wouldn’t want you to lose you, wouldn’t want to watch you grow old while she stayed young as you died. But she also didn’t want you to become like her, stuck for eternity. 
Your mind seemed to work overtime with how fast it was thinking. Human? Alice saw me? Your kind? What world? Choice? You weren’t going to interrupt, but you were confused. You knew they weren’t entirely human, because no human would look like how they did. But you never thought to dig deep, it wasn’t your secret to uncover. 
Rosalie huffs, bringing herself out of her thoughts as her eyes focused back on the moon and you couldn’t help but think that she wore moonlight like lingerie. The next words took you out of your thoughts, though. “My family and I are vampires.” You guess this took the cake over the whole Emmett dilemma, it also explained why everyone laughed when he said they don't bite. You sat still though, watching her as she watched the moon. 
“Our eyes have meaning of what kind of vampire we are. If they are red, it means that they feed on human blood. But if they are gold, like mine and my family. It means we feed on animal blood. You’d probably call us vegetarians in a sense.” You make an ah sound, not really meaning to but you couldn’t help it. Rosalie shakes her head, not really understanding how you could still be here. “You should be running scared, you should hate me. We are killers, Y/n. We have killed and we could kill you if an accident were to arise like with that human.” She sneers and you put together that the human she’s referring to would be Bella.
You squeeze her hand. “I don’t want to run. It probably sounds idiotic for a human to stay after hearing that the person they like is a vampire. But you don’t scare me, something inside of me tells me that you’d never harm me. For some reason you’ve made me feel safe and whole the moment we locked eyes. You might’ve been killers before, but I don’t think you’ll kill me because if you or your family were going to kill me or anyone else. You would’ve done it by now. Especially since you have me all alone.” You pout, not liking that her smile had left. “Plus, you aren’t really that special in the killing department. I’m sorry to tell you this, but. Magic can kill. Knives can kill. Even small children launched at great speed could kill.”
This was the second time you heard her laugh. Her head falls back as an angelic laugh falls from her lips, her luscious blonde hair resting against her back. You felt warm knowing you brought her smile back, an added bonus that her laugh followed.
You felt hypnotized as you watched her. “You have a nice laugh.” 
She looks at you, happiness swirling in her eyes. “A nice laugh?” It felt good to be complimented, especially when it came from you. The air felt lighter, now that everything was out in the open.
“Mmhm.” You lean forward and tuck a stray hair behind her ear. “I like it.” She was still the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, nothing could compare to the beauty in front of you. You turn away a bit, causing a frown to slowly appear on her face. “I can’t look at you…”
Rosalie hesitates, thinking that maybe this was where it would end. “Why not?” She never hesitates, never sounds so unsure of herself but you do that to her. 
You turn back again, a subtle smirk on your lips. “Too pretty.” Rosalie huffs, hitting your arm softly as she laughs with playful anger. Unbelieving of how fast she had fallen.
Your eyes connect again, a spark igniting between you. “Did you think about me?” Her question so light, so quiet, so shy. So unlike her.
You blink, releasing a breath you had been holding. “Sometimes it felt like I thought about you every minute.” She moved closer, her hands slowly moving to rest gently on you. Her eyes flicker over your face, knowing that if she could dream it would be about you. About this. Her hand slowly moves up, cupping your cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” It was so quiet that you barely heard it, but you did. The question kept repeating over and over as you nodded.
And with your permission, she crashed her soft cold lips against your plump warm ones. One hand resting on your cheek while the other rests on the back of your head, trying to bring you closer. Rosalie had never tasted something so sweet, so perfect. Your lips moved together, her tongue swiped across your bottom lip, gaining access, wanting to feel more of you, taste every bit of you. It felt as though you could finally breathe, that the missing puzzle piece was finally connected. You were her forever as she was yours.
Finally, fucking finally mine. They both thought.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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rizzyu · 3 months
▵▿— Flickering Candle Lights
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— Dazai Osamu x gn!reader
Category: Yummy scrummy fluff, susggestive
Synopsis: You help Dazai let loose after the most tiring two weeks on his special day with a nice little bath :)
CW: Nudity, making out ayo 🤨
A/N: Happy birthday Dazaaaaiiii <3333
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The front door to Dazai's dorm room creaked open and the man sluggishly strode into his mess of an abode. His hair was messy and there were bags under his tired eyes. He hasn’t been sleeping for almost two weeks now, and as much as he hate to admit, he's tired of everything. For now he just wished to slump himself onto his worn out futon beside the empty bottles of cheap sake and cans littered all around the floor.
Though, looking around, the empty bottles and cans were no longer scattered on the floor. In fact, the floor was for once actually clean. If not for his completely not-functioning brain, Dazai would've figured everything out long before he entered his room. But the answer to his curiosity came flying to him the moment you jumped out from around the corner. “HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY” You yelled out as you leaped forward, not even caring whether people from the other dorms could hear or not. You embraced him into a tight hug and snuggled yourself into his chest.
The man was overjoyed to see you after so long but couldn’t help but be slightly confused. “Huh?” He tilted his head to the side as his gaze lingered on you. “It’s your birthday, have you forgotten?” You looked up upon hearing his noise of confusion. Dazai sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. “Noo…? Of course not.” You stared at him with a deadpanned look on your face.
“Alright fine, I forgot. I was so busy lately though… You can’t blame me, right bella? Besides, it’s not that important anyway.”
You dramatically gasped at his remark, feeling absolutely flabbergasted. “What?? Don’t say that! I promise I’ll make you cherish your birthday and look forward to the next one!” Dazai found himself softly smiling at your words as you pulled away slightly and grasped his hand in yours. “Have you seen the bathroom yet?” You watched as Dazai slightly shook his head before dragging him to the bathroom.
Dazai’s eyes widened at the sight. You really have overdone yourself this time, haven’t you? The bathtub was filled with steaming water with fresh crimson rose pedals floating on it, creating perfect ripples. Meanwhile, lit candles are placed all over the side of the tub. Refreshing scents filled the warm steamy room while the flickering candle lights set a comfortable atmosphere. The corners of Dazai’s lips curled up into a soft smile before he leaned down to press a quick and fleeting kiss on your cheek.
“You did all this for me? Heheh thank you my bella”
He cradled your face in his palms ever so tenderly, his thumbs gently caressing your cheekbones, as he leaned forward to press another kiss to your forehead. “Shall we get in bella?” You nodded and began helping Dazai shred of his layers, gently pushing his coat, his waistcoat and his shirt down his shoulders. You press a kiss to his bandaged neck before helping him unwrap the ribbons of bandages off his scarred body. You let Dazai help you unbutton your shirt and slip your slacks off before letting you guide him into the bathtub.
A pleasant sigh escaped Dazai’s lips as he felt the warm water envelop his body. You hands trailed up his torso and found refuge on the smooth surface of his shoulders, kneading gently down onto his tense muscles to release the built-up stress. Dazai’s hands held onto your hips as you let your hands trail down again and your lips pressed soft kisses on his neck and shoulders. Trails of soft whimpers escaped his pretty lips at the sensation he hadn’t felt for so long.
Unable to hold back, he cupped your cheeks and brought your face to his, clashing his lips to yours. You gasped softly when he pulled you into that passionate kiss. His tongue dragged along your bottom lip, asking for access before slipping in when you gave him permission. Your tongues danced together before you pulled away, gasping desperately for air. You pressed another chaste kiss to his lips and buried my face into the crook of his neck. The candles on the side illuminating your bodies embraced together in a warm yellow light, as you whispered:
“Happy birthday ‘Samu.”
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williamswifey · 1 year
hiiii! i have been loving your bella fics and i was just wondering if you take requests? just imagine bella playing on the playstation or switch and being mesmerized by how their hands and fingers touch the buttons and then getting oddly turned on by it? and they notice you get a certain way watching how their thumb rolls over the joystick just like how they do it to you 🫣
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pairing ; bella ramsey x fem!reader
summary ; bella gets a ps5, and you can’t help but get carried away watching their skillful fingers play.
content warnings ; sexual themes, minors dni !!!
a/n ; 18+ content !! while there is no smut, there is definitely suggestive themes so if please sit this oneshot out if this type of content isn’t your thing <3
bella had mentioned wanting to play the last of us recently. you, being the wonderful girlfriend you were, decided to surprise bella one morning.
with the help of your friend, you had hooked up a brand new ps5 to your tv in you and bella’s living room, and you had the last of us game wrapped in wrapping paper, an adorable little bow against the gift.
bella had been busy lately, and you let them sleep in. you were still in your pajamas, cooking breakfast; the heavenly smell of french toast wafting in the air.
you were humming to yourself, jumping slightly when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. bella placed their head into the crook of your neck, a hum slipping past their lips.
“breakfast smells delicious, babe,” bella murmured, pressing a kiss to your jaw.
you smiled.
mornings with bella were your favorite. the silence of the day still hung in the air, along with soft conversations held over breakfast.
you and bella were just finishing your meals, when you jumped to your feet. bella looked at you, afraid something was wrong, but they quickly saw the smile that graced your cheeks seconds later, and awaited to see what it was that had you so excited.
“i almost forgot!” you began, “i have a surprise for you.”
bella tilted their head.
“is that right?” they said, as you grabbed their hand and led them to the living room.
bella took a seat on the couch as you slipped the wrapped gift into their hand.
“wow, it even has a fancy bow,” bella giggled out.
you sat on your heels as you awaited their reaction.
they looked at the game in their hand, speechless. they glanced at you, then back at the game, not saying anything.
you sighed, running a hand down your face at their reaction.
“crap. you hate it.”
bella looked at you with wide eyes, shaking their head as they suddenly grabbed you into a bone crushing hug.
“not at all. i love it, you remembered!” bella gushed, “thank you, thank you, thank you!”
it had taken a little over twenty minutes to set up the game, and you and bella had set up camp on the couch.
there was a small bowl of popcorn as you rested your head against their shoulder, and they were immersed in the graphics of the game. you breathed in bella’s signature scent of cinnamon and musk as you bit down on your bottom lip.
something else, however, had caught your eye. your eyes were focused on their hands, their ring-cladded fingers that were ever so delicately grazing over the controller’s button.
you noticed the way the veins in their hands popped out every time they flexed their thumb, their slim fingers holding the controller so effortlessly.
your brain wandered to a place of not-so-innocent thoughts, where those fingers had been before…and you knew all too well of what they could do.
you let a sigh slip past your lips, one bella took notice of.
“you alright there, darling?” bella asked, their tone light hearted as they chuckled, but you could hear the undertones of concern in their voice.
“hm?” you said, trying to get rid of the blush on your face, “yeah.”
just thinking about our late night shenanigans. your skilled fingers. no biggie.
“you sure?” bella asked again.
you nodded.
“mhm,” you said, tone going hazy as bella’s attention was no longer on the game, but you instead.
you had that look in your eye, one that bella would recognize anywhere. your bottom lip was puffy from biting down on it, and your pupils were larger than normal.
“i think there’s something in your mind, yeah?” bella said, briefly detaching themself from you as they adjusted your position.
your blushed deepened, and you shook your head.
“no,” you squeaked.
“tell me, love,” bella began, voice husky and low, “what’s on your mind?”
you didn’t reply, and felt bella hook their finger beneath your chin.
“what was that? use your words, darling, and tell the truth.”
bella’s words made your core flutter. you loved when they were demanding, yet still so gentle.
“iwasthinkingaboutyourhands,” you mumbled, and bella chuckled.
“didn’t quite catch that, y/n/n.”
this was bella’s game with you. it had begun, and it was your turn.
“i said…i was thinking about your hands.”
“ah, i see,” bella flexed their hands, veins popping out as you bit down against your lip, “these old things?”
you nodded.
“my naughty girl,” bella scolded tauntingly, suddenly leaning forward to whisper in your ear.
“thinking about where they’ve been, is that right? how they’ve made you feel? how they’ve made you come…undone?”
you nodded pitifully.
“mhm.” you replied, head going to the crook of their neck.
bella chuckled once more, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. they cupped your face in their hands, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“you’re needy,” they commented, “let me help you out.”
it’s safe to say the game was long forgotten after that.
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calamitydaze · 2 years
are there any other c!quackity fans on here that won’t reblog posts about why im a horrible person 5x a day for liking a guy that their favorite streamers are BFFs with?
yes! my good friends jules gogtopia and iny quackybara :] sorry i know that's not a lot we are a very... very small subsection but they exist!
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chaeonlyknows · 2 months
Casual - Jasper Hale
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A/N: i know that jasper would NEVER, this is just for the sake of my angsty imaginations okay? he’s a gentleman and so so inlove. how could he? just bare with me in this alternate universe okay? anyways, please tell me if you hate it lol this is my first time publishing so forgive me if its shit. i tried my best, if this doesnt work out, maybe writing isnt for me… enjoy! and thank you for reading!
also, this is inspired by chappell roan’s casual, i just love her!!
edit: just fixing my grammatical errors.
Warnings: a little angst and mentions of sex, i think there were curse words? 18+!
my friends call me a loser cause im still hanging around
“y/n? what’s wrong with you?” angela asks you, jessica has been talking on and on about her and mike, so much that you unexpectedly drown in your own thoughts about you and jasper. “she’s thinking about jasper again.” jessica says, rolling her eyes. you turn your head around to sneak a peak at the cullens. “ugh, what are you guys anyway? what? edward got bella now his brother wants to mingle with you as well? like, come on people, im losing my friends to the cullens!” jessica keeps on rambling but your mind seems to be elsewhere. bella gives you that look that says “are you okay?” and you nod, ignoring jessica’s comments, once again, getting drowned in your thoughts. “—plus i heard that he had some type of thing going on with another girl. didnt emmett and rosalie talk about that?” and suddenly, upon hearing this, you turn to jessica with the look of confusion. angela and bella noticed this and angela spoke up. much to your dismay, you were so stupid. stupid enough to actually think that jasper hale would ever like you for you.
i’ve heard so many rumours that im just a girl that you bang on your couch.
“im really sorry to be the one to tell you this, y/n..” alice says, confirming what angela has told you. “i heard that jasper brushed off the rumours of you and him by saying you were only fucking, not so much as a relationship or bond. you guys were only casual.” angela’s words never left your mind.. you try to hold back your tears and nodded at alice, you thanked her for her honesty and left immediately.
i thought you thought of me better someone you couldnt lose.
how stupid are you y/n? why? why did you let yourself fall for such an arrogant boy?? you thought to yourself whilst walking on the way home. he didnt even feel the same way, he didnt feel what i felt whenever he calls me by those weirdly lovey nicknames, he didnt feel what i felt when he kissed me on my cheek. he never did. and you were just stupid to think that he’d actually reciprocate your feelings. you kept beating yourself up for falling in love with a cullen. unfortunately, you weren’t as lucky as bella. she fell inlove with a cullen that loves her back and you fell inlove with… well… a boy.
you said “we’re not together” so now when we kiss i have anger issues.
“hi darlin’, i missed you.” jasper greets you with a kiss as he sits beside you during your shared class. you pull away quickly and he could feel the irritable emotion that you’re feeling and immediately catches this. “what’s wrong baby?” he asks you searching your eyes for clues. you dont look at him and hum in response. “nothing, jas… im fine.” you respond without looking at him. it hurts, it just hurts. but i cant let him go.
you said “baby no attachment.”
“what’s happenin’ to you y/n? i thought we were on the same page? no attachment, remember? honey?” he asks. you feel rage creeping in you, how dare he? no attachment? and then he calls you honey? “i know, jas.. sorry” you apologise, finally looking up at him “no attachment… right, i forgot.” you said bitterly. you two had argued when he picked you up for a “date”, because he tried to kiss you as if nothing happened, you brought up the fact that he was seen with another girl and he got defensive which lead to this. he kisses your cheek and promises to make it up to you.
but we’re knee deep in the passenger seat and you’re eating me out, is it casual now?
“i’ll make it up to you sweetheart” he says as he adjusts himself on his knees whilst you’re in the passenger seat. he fiddles with your skirt and underwear as his lips start tracing the inside of your thighs. his grip on your thighs are tight and you feel your climax coming down. he continues, inserting his tongue in and out of you while his other hand losens it’s grip on your thigh and rubs on your clit.
two weeks and your mom invites me to her house in long beach, is it casual now?
“hello y/n!” rosalie greets you on your way to history class which startled you and made you jump a little. “uhm… hi rosalie.” you greet her awkwardly, taken aback by her sudden kindness to you. maybe she felt pity. “i just wanted to let you know that we’re having a quick trip next week, esme wanted to let you know that she wants you to go with us.” she says as emmett walks towards you both. “yeah, esme really misses you both, jasper will be there” emmett gives you a wink which you try hard not to roll your eyes at. “i’ll think about it, i might be busy though. thanks rosalie, emett” glancing at the both of them and walking away. you definitely dont want to get caught up with jasper on a trip, with his family. remember, it’s casual.
i know what you tell your friends, it’s casual.
“jasper!” emmett calls him, “esme wanted to invite y/n over next week at the beach house, we already invited her… so… just wanted to let you know.” emmett says as he and edward smirks at this. “you invited y/n?” he asked, very much clueless. “yeah, carlisle wanted her there too, he said she was a nice girl.” edward adds. “i might not come with you guys then.” jasper states, clearly annoyed. “what’s wrong with her coming with us, jas?” emmett asks sarcastically. “oh right! you two are just casual.” edward answers the question for jasper and the two snicker at this. jasper shakes his head and walks away before they could taunt him further.
if it’s casual now, baby, get me off again.
jasper kisses you, hard. he loves doing this to you. overstimulating you. making you come, again and again, and again… he loves how you feel, clenching around him when you’re about to come. his grip gets tighter and he fucks you harder. kissing your neck, chest, everything. and after you guys are done? every praise, assurance, word that he said vanishes. discarded. once he gets his pants on again, he leaves, giving you a peck on the cheek. and that’s all.
if its casual now, if its casual now then.
it’s saturday and the girls wanted to hang out, and you decided you wanted to go with them. you guys planned a sleep over for next week and you talked about boys, movies, and prom. which you didnt know whether or not you’d be going to attend. “y/n?? y/n!” jessica basically shouts your name to get your attention. “yeah, huh?” you say cluelessly. “didnt you hear what angela said?” jessica asked, you shake your head no and angela repeats herself. “as i was saying, this boy… andrew.. what’s his last name again?” she asked the girls, “andrew jones?” bella answers. “oh right! andrew jones! anyway, he was asking me for your phone number. he wanted to ask you out!” angela tells you and her and jessica squeal in excitement. you felt weird though, going on a date while you’re with jasper? “oh come on, y/nnnnn! dont tell me that you’re thinking about that jasper again?” jessica rolls her eyes. “i am, dont you think it’ll be weird? going out with someone else while you have a —thing— with another person?” you state.
dumb love i love being stupid, dream of us in a year, maybe we’d have an apartment and you’d show me off to your friends at the pier.
“so? jasper did the same to you, with multiple girls. plus i thought you guys were clear on no attachment? remember? it’s just casual.” jessica argues. “she’s right y/n, you shouldnt settle for a casual fling.” angela agrees with her. you look at bella and she says “im with them on this one, y/n. im sorry but you have to be honest with yourself.” feeling bad for you. you nod your head and gave andrew a chance the next week.
i know “baby no attachment.” but we’re…knee deep in the passenger seat and you’re eating me out is it casual now?
jasper told you to meet him by his car because he “missed” you, and you reluctantly agreed. you couldnt stay away from him. he then opened the car door for you and same old story, he kisses you, you fight, he “makes it up to you” and you let it go, not wanting to argue any further.
two weeks and your mom invites me to her house in long beach, is it casual now?
declining the cullen’s offer, you didn’t say why or explain your reason. you just told rosalie that you couldn’t come and she understood. but, bella accidentally mentioned it to edward and alice because alice told her that you were supposed to be there with them and bella mentioned you and your date. “what?! y/n’s going on a date???” alice squealed in excitement which grabbed everyone’s attention. “who’s going on a date?” emmett asks, which made rosalie and jasper look at the three of them. as alice was about to speak, bella cuts her off by saying “no one! alice just got excited, you know..” widening her eyes at alice to contain herself. “y/n is.. you know? the y/n that jasper has a fling with?” he sneers and bella nudges him rather aggressively and he groans. “i told you not to tell them, it was supposed to be a secret!” bella whispered-semi yelled. “oh.” was all edward said and smirked at jasper who seemed a bit mad but oh well, it’s just a casual fling.
i know what you tell your friends, it’s casual..
andrew gets out of his car and knocks on your front door with flowers in hand, your dad opens the door and he gulps. “hi sir, i’m here to take your daughter, y/n, out on a date. i promise that i’ll take good care of her and bring her home before 8pm. we will just be going out, to the theatre, nothing else. we will be watching (your favourite movie) and after that, i’ll bring her straight home.” he offers your dad a smile and your dad is taken aback by this and hesitantly lets you go with him. before you leave he gives andrew a strict look and tells him “before 8.” and closes the door.
you and andrew had so much fun, he asked if he could kiss you on your cheek and you agreed. you asked him questions about himself and he answered them quite nicely and he let you speak about your interests. before escorting you to your doorstep at 7:48… he opens your car door for you. “let’s do this again sometime? i’ll see you on monday y/n.” he smiles at you and kisses your hand. he walks to his car but doesnt leave until you got inside safely. you were daydreaming about him a lot now, he was so dreamy. you thought. he was a gentleman and from what it looks like, he’s the perfect match for you. he treats you the way you want to be treated… but..
if its casual now then baby get me off again, if it’s casual…
andrew picks you up more frequently after your first date, he became your ride to school the past few days and you guys had talked back to back, jamming to your favorite songs… you never experienced this with jasper. when you both arrive, he opens the car door for you and almost everyone at school stops to look at you both. even the cullens.
“oh my god.” angela says in shock. she’s happy for you and andrew. she’s proud of herself because this was her doing.
“no way!!” jessica exclaimed. “bella are you seeing this?” she calls, the three girls smiled at you as you and andrew walk up to them.
what you didn’t notice was, jasper looking at you both. more like glaring into your souls. if he was alive, his blood would be boiling right now.
its hard being casual when my favourite bra lives in your dresser.
he unclips your bra while making out with you, both of you shirtless and his lips start tracing your neck and chest, he throws your favourite bra on the floor, discarding every piece of clothing you two had on. he couldnt wait to feel you again.
it’s hard being casual when im on the phone talking down your sister.
alice wanted your help on throwing a party, she called you because she was in distress about it. “i cant think properly y/n! it just seems like something is missing!” alice exaggerates as she rambles about what theme or what color she was going to use for the party.
definitely casual. you think to yourself.
i try to be the chill girl that holds her tongue and gives you space.
“it’s not fair jasper! you’ve been going out with girls, you were seen last night by MY friends! do you not know how embarrassing that is for me?” you yell at him not being able to take it anymore. “baby… baby… calm down. they were nothing. look, i dont know why you’re acting up again, i thought you agreed? casual? honey?” he reminds you.
i try to be the chill girl but honestly im not.
“what the fuck? that’s all you have to say?” you couldnt hold off your anger anymore and opened the car door and you left. jasper chased after you, “baby… come on… i’ll make it up to you, i promise.” he tries to convince you, being the pathetically inlove girl you were, you agreed.
knee deep in the passenger seat and you’re eating me out.
same old, same old. his fingers play with your skirt and adjusting your underwear so he could insert his two fingers inside you. you moan at this and he begins to fasten his fingers’ pace, making you cry out his name. he kisses your thighs and removes his hands, replacing them with his mouth.
two weeks and your mom invites me to her long beach house.
“oh hi, y/n! we weren’t expecting guests…” esme trails off, looking at you and jasper. “hi mrs. cullen, no worries, i was just passing by.” you greet her with a smile and she smiles back. “well, do you wanna maybe stay for dinner? we’re having italian..” she offers you and you look at jasper who nods at you, well.. how could you refuse? you smile at esme.
i know what you tell your friends.
“wow jasper, that was unexpected.” rosalie jokes, “what is?” jasper asks. “the way you let her stay for dinner!” emmett adds snickering at jasper. they all know that he’s falling for her. jasper ignores their comments and went up to his room, where you were sitting on a chair, with a box full of your stuff that you’ve left behind. jasper had a plan, he wanted to talk to you and make it official before andrew beats him to it. he wanted to let you know how much he cherished and needed you.. he agreed to give back your stuff, but he wasn’t giving up without a fight.
baby get me off again.
“baby, what’re you doin’ there?” he notices you checking your stuff, polaroids and letters you’ve sent to him that he never bothered to open. “nothing, jasper. just checking.” slightly cringing at the nickname. he reaches for your hand and pulls you closer to him, making you stand up. he leans closer to you and you pull away, “what are you playing at, jasper?” you ask him and you laugh at his attempt. realizing that he isnt joking, you feel annoyed. “stop. dont even start.” you spoke. “start what baby?” he asks innocently. “dont.” you said sternly. he pulls you closer and kisses you, you melt in his touch. you know that it isnt right, you know that this is not what you should want… but you cant stop.
i fucked you in the bathroom when we went to dinner..
(you guys didnt fuck okay, just kissed)
you got the strength to pull away and push him off. “whats wrong, darlin’?” he asks. “stop it jasper. im with andrew, i cant do this. i came here to get my stuff back and end things. i cant do this anymore.” you told him. “baby, we can talk about this.. please. i need you.” he responded. before he could do anything else, you walk away.
your parents at the table..
esme and carlisle hear you and jasper walking down and as esme was about to update you on the cooking, you bid your goodbye. “im sorry mrs. cullen, i have to take a raincheck… thankyou though.it was nice of you to think about me.” you say in a rush. carlisle and esme found this unusual. “well.. atleast bella and edward are on their way.. no food went to waste.” carlisle spoke.
you wonder why im bitter,
jasper runs after you and he pleads for you to talk to him. “baby please. i was dumb to ever think that this was only casual. i dont want this to end, please. dont go with him. i’ll treat you right, i’ll treat you better.” he says while holding onto you.
bragging to your friends i get off when you hit it,
shaking your head, you dont say anything, it seems like you’re lost for words at the moment and you break his hold on you, running to your car as fast as you can and starting it. jasper stands still, if he had a heart, it would be breaking right now. he feels regret, and heartbroken.
i hate to tell the truth but im sorry dude you didnt.
driving off, you finally felt free.
jasper on the other hand, he felt frozen in time. wondering why he took you for granted. wondering why time is such a pain.
i hate that i let this drag on so long, now i hate myself. i hate that i let this drag on so long, you can go to hell.
part two?
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agaypanic · 6 months
Hey! Could you do Charlie Swan x wife fem!reader where she own a bakery and they first met there (sort of flashback) and their journey through their relationship. And please add Bella (as someone nice & she accept her). Tag me later! Thank :)
Black Coffee and a Bagel (Charlie Swan X Baker!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Chief Swan coming into your bakery for breakfast one day turns into a life full of love, baking, and coffee.
A/N: this took forever to write holy shit. i usually dont add the word count to the actual fic, but i feel like i should tell yall this is over 5k words… when i read the twilight books (its been so hard getting through them bc they’re lowkey boring guys…) i envision charlie as billy burke but with kinda curly hair bc that’s what he has in the books, so that’s how he looks in this lol reader’s age isn’t specified so she can be read as charlie’s age or younger (legal obvi). maybe a bit ooc charlie but idc
It was a usual cloudy day in Forks, Washington. Like most other town residents, you didn’t really mind the gloomy weather. As long as your heaters worked and you had a decent jacket, you didn’t really care.
You were always the busiest in the morning. You owned a bakery in the middle of town, the only one open at six in the morning. Almost everyone came through your shop for breakfast or a drink before heading to work or school. 
But every now and then, you had a first-time customer.
The bell above your front door jingled, and you heard footsteps enter with a bit of hesitancy. You looked up from the espresso machine you were cleaning to see a man with curly dark hair, a mustache, and a badge.
“Chief Swan,” you smiled, moving to the counter. He was looking around the bakery with mild curiosity. “Haven’t seen you here before.”
“Yeah, I uh… I forgot to grab a coffee before I left the house.” He sounded like he was a bit embarrassed by his mistake. Then he finally looked up, chocolate brown eyes locking with yours. “And a lot of people talk about this place, so I figured it’d be a good opportunity to check it out.”
“Well, I’m glad to have you here. Welcome to Bear Claw Bakery.” You smile at him, maybe a bit too cheerfully for how early in the morning it was, but it was all part of your brand. Seeing such a handsome face also helped. “I can make any coffee you’d like.”
“I can see that.” Chief Swan said, gesturing to the convoluted drink menu on the wall behind you. He seemed a bit intimidated by all the choices.
“How about a black coffee?” He lit up, seemingly relieved by your suggestion.
“Yes, please. Large.”
As you made his coffee, you fell into a comfortable silence. You became focused on his drink, and he decided to peruse your display cases of baked goods. After all, this was a bakery.
“See anything you like?” You ask as you put the lid on his cup, remembering to add a sleeve so he wouldn’t burn his hand.
He hummed, staring at a tray of bagels for a few seconds before looking at you. He straightened up, pointing to the baked goods.
“Could I get a bagel? Plain.” 
“Of course!” You slid the glass door open and grabbed a bagel with your tongs, putting it in a goody bag and folding the top a few times. Chief Swan watched you for a small moment before fumbling for his wallet, keeping his eyes on the counter in front of him. You watched him pull out a bill and waved your hand. “Oh, no. On the house.”
“What?” He looked up at you in surprise, and you just smiled at him.
“Think of it as a first-time discount.” You shrug as you push his coffee and bagel towards him. 
He folded the bill but didn’t put it back in his wallet. Instead, while maintaining eye contact, he dropped it into the tip jar beside him.
“Thanks, uh…” He said as he pocketed the wallet and grabbed his coffee. It was then that you realized that he didn’t know your name.
“Oh! Y/n.” You stuck your hand out without thinking. But before you could pull it back, he shook your hand with a polite smile. “And you’re obviously Chief Swan.” You said with an airy laugh.
“Please, call me Charlie.” He punctuated his name by squeezing your hand before letting go. There was a softness to his tone that you didn’t suspect, but you enjoyed it.
“Charlie,” you repeated, liking the sound of it. “I hope you like the coffee and the bagel.”
He nodded once, grabbed the goody bag still on the counter, and left with a small wave. You didn’t have much time to think about the interaction because a group of high schoolers soon came in, chattering loudly about different things. One thing you knew for sure, though, was that you hoped he’d be back sometime soon.
You were surprised to see Charlie back at the bakery the next day. You were unlocking the front door when he pulled up next to your car in his police cruiser.
“Right on time.” You laughed as he exited the car. “I’m just starting to open.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know your hours,” he said, checking his watch. The sun was barely starting to peek out from the clouds. “I have to go to the station early today, was hoping I could get coffee and a bagel.”
“Of course! Come on in,” you say, holding the door open just long enough for him to catch as you rush to behind the counter.
You started on Charlie’s coffee before going to the back to get a bag of fresh bagels. At the front, he was leaning against the counter, waiting for you.
“So I’m guessing you liked it?” You asked with a smile as you bagged up a bagel for him, putting the rest in the display case. “The coffee and bagel? Since you came back.” You added after a moment of silence.
“Oh, yeah!” He said, sounding as if he was a bit distracted by something. “Both were delicious.”
“I’m glad.” You placed his bagel and coffee on the counter.
“Now I’m hoping to actually pay this time,” Charlie said, raising his brows, and you couldn’t help but giggle. You told him the total, and when you gave him his change, he dropped it into the tip jar. “Thanks again. And sorry for coming so early.”
“It’s no problem, Chief-” You cut yourself off, receiving a knowing look from him. “Charlie. It’s really no problem. Hope you have a good day.” 
“Same to you, Y/n.” 
Charlie grabbed his things, waved at you, and walked out. After watching him drive away, you continued to open the bakery for the day. As you served the people coming in, you wondered if Charlie’s coming in would become a regular occurrence. Deep down, you hoped so.
Charlie Swan coming to the bakery became a daily habit. It pleased you not only because you were proud to have such a loyal customer, but also because the man was handsome and very nice, despite his usual awkward demeanor. He’d be one of the first people to come in, or the first if he had to go to the station early. You always savored the small talk you shared with him, silently begging for no one to come in when he talked because then he’d stay a little longer, no matter how many times he said that he should really be going.
You were really starting to like Charlie Swan, both as a friend and something more. Of course, you kept that part to yourself.
“Black coffee and a bagel.” It was more of a statement than a question as Charlie opened the door. He ordered the same thing every day; honestly, you admired his consistency.
“Yup.” He responded, pulling out his wallet before he even reached the counter. “Oh, by the way, I was wondering if you did like, deliveries? Or something like that?”
“Depends.” You answer. “I do catering and delivery for parties and stuff.”
“Ah,” Charlie clicked his tongue, seeming a little disappointed. “Was just wondering because I’ve been having to work a lot of late nights with all those bear attacks.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard a bit about those,” you sighed. “Poor people.”
“Yeah, I know. And anyways, if I’m being honest, your coffee’s better than the stuff we have at the station. But I get it if you don’t do that sort of thing.”
“I can do it!” You decide before even thinking about it. But when you gave it some thought, you remembered that you were the boss. If you went while one of your employees was working, they could surely hold down the fort for the ten minutes you’d be gone. “I, um, I can do that for you.”
“Really?” Although his expression didn’t change much, you could tell that Charlie’s eyes were lighting up. He must’ve really loved your coffee.
“Yeah! Perks of being your own boss.” You laugh, grabbing a piece of paper and writing down your number. “We don’t have a phone for the bakery yet; I just keep forgetting to do that. So this is my number.” You slid the paper over to Charlie, who grabbed it without letting his eyes leave you. “Just call me, and it’ll probably take me five to ten minutes to get to the station. We close at nine, but I stay way later than that most nights, so feel free to call whenever.”
Charlie pocketed the piece of paper like it was a precious item he didn’t want to get wrinkled or crumpled. 
“I’ll do that,” he said, reaching for his breakfast. “I’ll see you later, Y/n.”
“See you later, Charlie.” You watched him leave, and once he was out the door, you finally realized that you had just unabashedly given the cute Chief of Police your phone number. Telling him to call you anytime. 
And he did. At around eight that night, you got a call from an unknown number, and a somewhat groggy Charlie was speaking on the other end.
“Y/n?” He asked, as if he was unsure whether or not you had actually given him your number.
“Hey, Charlie!” you responded, clearly more awake than him. “Need a coffee?”
“Please.” He sounded desperate, and you were a bit embarrassed by the fact that his tone needed you to take a moment to recompose yourself. The way he said it was a bit whiny, but his voice was husky, probably from his tiredness. A long sigh came from the phone. “I feel like I’m going crazy over here.”
“Then I’ll be over soon.” 
You and Charlie said quick goodbyes to each other, and you went to the counter to make his coffee. You told Maddie, who was working the closing shift with you, that you’d be back soon, but she could lock up without you if needed. Then you were on your way to the police station.
The parking lot was empty except for one cruiser, which you guessed was Charlie’s. Walking into the building to find it empty and dark, aside from an office at the far end, confirmed your suspicions.
“Delivery for Chief Swan.” You say, knocking on his office door, which was cracked open the slightest bit. Charlie looked up at you from his desk, and you wouldn’t be surprised if your presence had awakened him from an unplanned nap. His dark curly locks were a tousled mess, probably the result of his hands constantly running through them, and his eyelids seemed heavy.
“My savior,” Charlie grumbled, sitting up the slightest bit and reaching for the large cup. You stood in silence as you watched him gulp down the hot liquid, wondering how he didn’t immediately stop in pain. You guessed that his fatigue made him immune somehow, or less caring about burning his throat. “Good stuff.”
“Maybe instead of drinking it and scalding yourself, you should head home?” You suggested with a small laugh.
“Too much to do,” Charlie said with a sigh, leaning back in his chair. “Too much going on for me to stop.”
“Well, it’s better to stop before you reach your limit, or you might be stopping for good.”
Charlie thought about what you said with a slight hum. His half-lidded eyes scanned his messy desk, cluttered with reports and other papers. To be completely honest, he was starting to doze off a little by the time you came, and words were starting to jumble together when he tried to read. 
“M’kay.” He sighed, taking another sip of coffee, this time wincing a bit at the heat. “You got a point there.” 
You watched as Charlie somewhat sluggishly got ready to leave. He threw on his jacket and turned off the lights, gesturing for you to leave the office first. When you got to the station’s front entrance, he held the door open for you.
“Thanks for the coffee.” He said after walking you to your car. “And drive safe.”
“Anytime,” you respond, opening the door and getting in the driver’s seat. “And the same goes for you.”
Charlie smiled, patting the top of your car as a farewell before walking over to his cruiser. Although he had turned on his car before you, he didn’t start driving until you left the parking lot.
A few months later, you were at your absolute busiest. Graduation was just around the corner, and almost every senior’s parent in Forks called asking if you could cater or do pick up orders for graduation parties. Although it meant your business would be booming for a while, you were slowly losing your sanity.
“Just a second!” You yelled from the back room after hearing the bell above the door ring. Carefully, you slid a large tray filled with cupcakes into one of your fridges and closed the door.
“Take your time!” Charlie yelled back, making you want to be as quick as possible. You wiped your hands on your apron and ran to the front, where Charlie greeted you with a smile. “Hey, Y/n. You busy?”
“Always am,” you laughed, leaning against the counter. “But I always have time for you, Charlie. Black coffee and a bagel?”
“You know me so well.” Charlie watched as you moved around, making his hot drink and picking out a bagel from the stack you had made this morning. “How are things?”
“Hectic.” You answer, rising from your crouched position to bag up the bagel. “But it’s nothing I can’t handle. Almost every parent has been ordering at least seventy-five cupcakes for their kids’ graduation parties, and there’s at least three parties happening every week.” You grabbed Charlie’s coffee, putting a lid on the cup before handing it to him. Despite it being scalding hot, he took a sip while he listened. “I’m grateful, obviously, but if I have to frost another cupcake, I think I’m gonna get carpal tunnel.”
“I forgot graduation parties were a thing,” Charlie said with a slightly embarrassed laugh. “I don’t know if Bella would want one, though; she kind of hates being the center of attention.”
“Well, if she decides to have one, you know who to call for the baked goods.” You say with a smile, taking Charlie’s cash and watching him put the change in the tip jar. You loved the familiarity and routine that you had with Charlie. Every day, he ordered the same thing without fail, asked how you were doing, used a bill that was anywhere between a few dollars more to over twice the amount needed, and put the change he got into your decorated tip jar. 
“I’ll ask her about it.” To most, it looked like Charlie was wearing a straight face. But you could tell that there was a slight upward curve to his lip. “Kinda hoping she says yes. I think it’d be fun.”
“Have a good day, Charlie.”
“Have a good day, Y/n.”
Later in the day, the bakery was crowded. School had just gotten out, and most of the kids came for a little pick-me-up, whether it was some kind of caffeinated drink or a sweet treat. Plus, some parents came by to pick up their party orders.
You didn’t expect to see Charlie in the crowd today, accompanied by a girl who seemed around high school age. You assumed that this was Bella, his daughter.
“Hey, Y/n.” Charlie greeted you once they reached the counter. “Place is packed.”
“Yup! I think finals are just around the corner, so these kids need all the help they can get.” You looked over at the young girl who stood next to Charlie. “Is this your daughter?”
“Yeah. Y/n, this is Bella. Bella, this is Y/n.” You greeted each other before Charlie spoke again. “I asked Bella about the whole graduation party thing, and she said it sounded like fun. So I decided to meet her here on my break so we could set up an order.”
“Awesome!” You grinned, grabbing an order form. Usually, you would be slightly dying on the inside if someone was making an order like this. But there seemed to be something about Charlie that diffused any annoyance or dread you would normally feel. “So, what were you thinking? Cupcakes?”
“Actually, we were thinking of a cake.” This answer made you perk up. Bella nodded, confirming the decision, which you quickly jotted down. While the three of you talked, Charlie’s radio on his shoulder sounded. “I gotta take this, I’ll be right back. Bells, just tell Y/n what you want, and I’ll pay for it. And if you want a drink or something, go ahead and order. Oh! Could I get a-”
“Black coffee?” You finished, giving Charlie a knowing smile. His usually pale cheeks seemed to turn pink, but you just chalked it up to the slightly warm and crowded room. “Of course, now go take your call.”
You waved Charlie away, who fought against the small crowd of students to get out of the building. You asked two of your employees to get on the register and start taking orders before turning back to Bella. As you wrote down what she wanted, she spoke somewhat timidly, as if she was saying something that was supposed to be a secret.
“He talks about you sometimes.” You looked at her with slight confusion. “My dad.”
“Oh?” Your heartbeat quickened at the information. It surprised you that Charlie thought of you outside of the bakery, let alone talked about you. “Really?”
“Yeah.” She bit her lip, trying to keep more from spilling. But it didn’t work. “Half of the time, he’s raving about your coffee.”
“It’s just black coffee,” you said with a shrug, flipping the pen around with your fingers to release your giddy energy.
“Yeah, but you’re the one who makes it. And the other half of the time, he’s talking about how nice you are.”
“He thinks I’m nice?” You were glad your employees were taking care of the other customers because you were now completely distracted from the task at hand. Bella nodded, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Well, I think he’s nice, too.”
“Who’s nice?” You and Bella jumped at Charlie’s surprise return.
“Uhh, no one.” You brushed off, quickly filling out the rest of the paper before turning it around and handing Charlie your pen. “Sign here, and we can get started on the order. Oh, did you want to do pick up or delivery?”
“Delivery,” Bella answered before Charlie could, eyes darting from you to her father. Neither of you opposed, so when you got the paper back, you marked the delivery option.
“Delivery it is.” You said, putting your pen in one of your apron pockets. “Charlie, I’ll get you your coffee. Bella, did you want anything?”
“No, I’m fine, thanks.” You nodded and quickly made a large black coffee. After checking them out and Charlie putting his change in the jar, you waved goodbye to the two Swans. “See you next week, Bella. And I’ll see you tomorrow, Charlie?”
“Of course.” He said with a smile before guiding Bella out of the shop.
You couldn’t wait to see Charlie Swan again.
A week later, you loaded Bella’s finished graduation cake into your car. After telling Maddie you’d be back soon, you got in the driver’s seat and drove to the Swan house. Everyone knew where everyone was in this town, but you still had your eyes glued to your map when they weren’t on the road, too scared to miss a turn. 
Soon, you pulled up to a white two-story house. You were confident that it was Charlie’s place when you saw his police cruiser and a red truck, which must have been Bella’s. There were a few cars scattered up and down the street, but you found a free spot right in front of the cop car. When you got out and grabbed the two-tiered cake, Charlie emerged from the front door.
“Y/n! You made it!” He jogged over to you as you closed the car door with a swing of your hip. “Here, lemme get that for ya.”
“You’re sweet, Charlie.” You carefully handed the cake to him and followed him inside. The place seemed to be packed with teens and their parents. Some stood out, and you knew exactly who they were from their pale complexions and beautiful features.
“Did you wanna stay for a bit?” Charlie asked as he set the cake down on a table. He scratched the back of his head, growing a bit shy. “You, uhh, you could taste your masterpiece. Mingle and stuff.”
“I should probably be getting back to the bakery…” You looked down at your watch. You supposed you could spare a few minutes. After all, you were the boss. Maddie was responsible; she would call you if she had any problems. “Well, I think I could stay a few minutes.”
“Great.” Charlie put on a large grin, one that you had probably never seen before. But it suited him nicely. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”
Charlie laid a hand on the small of your back to guide you through the small crowd. You already knew most of the people here, either regulars of yours or having recently become well acquainted with them because of delivery or pick-up orders. But then Charlie took you to a small group of people that you don’t remember every meeting, but you knew of them well.
“Y/n, these are the Cullens.” Charlie introduced. “Doctor Carlisle, his wife Esme, Bella’s boyfriend Edward, and his sister Alice.”
“It’s nice to meet you all.” You said kindly, shaking each hand that reached out to you. Their hands were cold, but that didn’t bother you. It was actually a bit refreshing after having your hands in and out of ovens for the past few weeks.
“Y/n made Bella’s cake,” Charlie said, proudly pointing to your creation on the table. “She owns Bear Claw Bakery. She’s… pretty amazing, at what she does.”
“I see that,” Carlisle said, looking at the cake. “Amazing detail, I bet it looks even better up close. You’re quite talented.”
“All you need is a steady hand.” You said, not used to compliments or attention like this. 
“Well, I know a thing or two about that,” Carlisle said with a laugh. You laughed along, and you couldn’t help but notice Charlie’s hand move to wrap more around your waist.
“Thank you for making Bella’s cake,” Edward said, his voice cool and even. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
“She will,” Alice said with finality, as if she had already seen Bella’s reaction to the cake.
“Thank you.” You couldn’t help but lean slightly into Charlie; he was just so warm and comfortable. He seemed a bit surprised but didn’t reject your actions. Instead, he welcomed them with a squeeze on your waist. “I was happy to do it, really.”
“Do you want a drink?” Charlie asked, leaning close to you to ask.
“Sure.” As Charlie guided you to the kitchen, you looked over your shoulder at the Cullens. “It was nice to meet you!” They all gave similar and polite responses. And then they were out of view, and you and Charlie were alone in the kitchen.
For a while, you and Charlie stayed in the kitchen, watching people pass by to talk to others or get a refreshment. This was the first time you were around Charlie in a non-professional environment. You were both nervous and ecstatic.
“So, how’d you get into, uh, baking and stuff?” Charlie asked, taking a swig of his beer. You took a sip of your Coke before responding.
“My mom, I think. Every birthday or special occasion, she always insisted on making a giant cake or cupcakes or whatever, instead of buying it from the store. I liked to help her, mainly because she’d let me eat the leftover frosting and pour the batter in the pan.” You leaned on the counter, smiling fondly at the memories that ran through your head. “Even when you’re by yourself, I think it’s really special. I dunno, that’s kind of a sappy answer, but-”
“No, no.” Charlie shook his head before smiling at you. “I think that’s really sweet.”
After a brief moment of eye contact, you both took a sip of your drinks, lifting them to your lips and setting them down simultaneously.
“Are you doing anything this Saturday?” The question surprised you and Charlie, even though Charlie had asked it. But he didn’t take it back. Instead, he waited for a response while anxiously tapping his fingers against his beer bottle.
“Maybe.” You said with a shrug. “Why do you ask?”
“Well…” Charlie’s fingers smoothed over his mustache, which you had noticed to be a habit of his when he was thinking. “I’ve never really baked before, I think. And you make it sound like a lot of fun. So… I dunno, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come over or something, and we could make something?”
“I’d love to.” You said, butterflies filling your stomach. 
“Really?” Charlie seemed relieved by your answer, and you nodded swiftly to solidify it. “Great! Maybe this time, I can make you a coffee.”
“I’d like that a lot.” You took a sip of your Coke to contain your growing smile, but it didn’t help much. Your giddiness was infectious, Charlie feeling the exact excitement you were.
When Saturday came, you had an extra pep in your step. You made sure to put a slight bit more effort into your appearance before you left. You knew you didn’t have to impress Charlie in any way, but this felt like a sort of milestone. You were going to spend time with him outside of work, doing one of your favorite activities together.
“Bella’s out with Edward,” Charlie said as he let you into the house. “So we’ll have the house to ourselves.”
“Sounds good to me.” You responded, setting your bag on the kitchen counter and pulling out a recipe card.
“So, what are we making?” He asked, clapping his hands and rubbing them together as he looked over your shoulder.
“Black Forest gâteau.” You answered, looking down at the card and then up at Charlie. He seemed slightly confused, but looked like he didn’t want you to know he was confused. You laughed lightly. “Basically, a chocolate cake with cherry filling.”
“Ah.” Charlie nodded in understanding. “Sounds delicious.”
While you started taking ingredients out of your bag, Charlie made a pot of coffee for the both of you. After pouring himself a plain black coffee, he asked you what you wanted in yours. When he was finished, he handed you the warm mug, and you both simultaneously took a sip. You sighed in delight.
“Delicious.” You said, giving him a wink before turning back to your ingredients. Charlie took another gulp of coffee to hide his flusteredness before moving to stand next to you.
You guided Charlie through the recipe, working together to measure ingredients and mix them. While pouring the batter into a few cake pans, you made light conversation about your days since Bella’s party. After the pans were put in the oven to bake, you made the cherry filling to put between the layers. 
“This is really nice.” You said, slowly dropping down to sit in front of the oven to watch the cake layers bake for the next few minutes. Charlie dried his hands and walked over to you, looking down at you curiously. “Thanks for having me over.”
Charlie crouched next to you and sighed, probably because he wasn’t used to sitting on the floor. He mirrored your position, legs crisscrossed and elbows resting on his knees.
“No problem.” 
The two of you watched the cakes slowly rise through the small oven window. Basking in the quiet and comfortable moment, you couldn’t help but lean over and rest your head on Charlie’s shoulder. 
“This is really nice.” You repeated, albeit quieter, even though there was no need to whisper. Charlie’s head tilted to rest on yours, lifting his bent right leg and planting his foot on the floor to be more comfortable.
“Yeah…” Charlie’s hand drifted towards yours, and in a moment of bravery, you grabbed it and intertwined his fingers with yours. “It is.”
Over the next two months, you and Charlie grew closer than you ever thought possible. He still came to the bakery every day for his coffee and bagel. But almost every weekend, you’d go to each other’s house to make some kind of treat, and Charlie always insisted on making coffee for both of you. 
Getting closer to Charlie meant you also got closer to Bella. She was a bit reserved, spending most of her time with her boyfriend and his family. But you were able to make conversation with her whenever you were both at the Swan house. It was usually only a few minutes, the sweet spot where you had arrived and Bella was about to leave. But it was special to you.
You were a bit shocked when you found out that Bella and Edward were getting married in August, just under two months after they had graduated high school. Bella hadn’t even turned nineteen yet. But you knew love when you saw it, and it wasn’t like you had a say on the matter. Bella was grateful, however, for you being able to calm Charlie down when he found out about it.
When she told you she was getting married, Bella asked if you could make the wedding cake. You didn’t even think before saying yes, feeling honored that she wanted you to do it. After some talking, you both decided on a green triple-tiered cake covered in fondant flowers to resemble a meadow.
“You did amazing.” Charlie had snuck up behind you during the reception, the two of you looking at the cake you had worked so hard on.
“Thank you, bear.” You don’t really remember how Charlie’s nickname came about, but it fit him so well that you started to refer to him with the nickname more than his real name. Although you weren’t together, it was said with all the affection and love you held for him.
Music echoed throughout the Cullens’s backyard, where the wedding and reception were held. It was a beautiful forest, lit by fairy lights strung around tall trees. 
“Do you wanna dance?” Charlie asked timidly, looking at the dancefloor littered with people for a moment before returning to you. “I mean, I’m not much of a dancer. But if you want to, I-”
“I’d love to.” You cut him off with a bright smile, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the crowd.
Despite saying he wasn’t a dancer, Charlie moved well. He kept one of your hands in a gentle grip while his other was planted firmly on your waist, radiating warmth. As you listened to the music, you rested your head on his chest, sighing contently. 
“I love you, Charlie Swan,” you said softly, too relaxed and in the moment to keep your filter. You felt Charlie stiffen under you briefly before he, too, relaxed. He held your hand tighter, keeping it to his chest.
“I love you too, Y/n L/n.” You lifted your head just enough to look at him. The soft look he gave you made you weak at the knees, but you found the strength to reach up to kiss him. 
“Alice,” Bella said softly to her new sister-in-law, the two girls watching you and Charlie closely, unbeknownst to you. “Do you think this’ll last? Them, I mean.”
Alice turned to Bella and smiled before looking back at the two of you. You broke apart from the kiss and continued to dance.
“I’ve had the same vision of them since I met Y/n. They get to grow old together.”
“So Charlie will be happy? And Y/n?” Alice placed a comforting hand on Bella’s shoulder, knowing why she was asking these questions. The Cullens knew what Bella wanted, and Bella knew it would probably kill Charlie when she got what she had been chasing after for so long.
“The happiest. Whatever it is they have, it’s special. You won’t have to worry about either of them.”
Bella sighed in relief, patting Alice’s hand.
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