#oof besties this one will have three parts
nikatyler · 4 months
✨ Ross Goes to Baldur's Gate ✨
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step aside that's my new wife to collect. that's right i'm collecting wives and boyfriends
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if evil why "🥺"
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ayyyyyy new bad bitch on the team! <3
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yearning and lust, he just like me fr
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Why does everyone want my boyfriend smh. I mean I know he's a snack but come on
"hardly a challenge" *rolls 1* I'm sorry, were you saying something? 😒
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Me the entire time Gale was yapping: oh god forget about your toxic goddess ex-gf Shart: get a new toxic goddess! 🥰
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her voice does something to me
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Yes I could give her back her armour but…no ♥ it's my boyfriend's now
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I love her already
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Well one of us will have to change
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Pookie she basically called you useless five minutes ago, idk if I should tell you that
Original thread.
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eisforeidolon · 2 months
Don’t know if relevant but found it incredibly funny. Noticed a gifset of this weekend is going around and hellers screaming cockles, where misha basically asked jensen to sit closer to him as he does with Jared, and Jensen came closer, made some jokes to allure the audience and went back to his space (I don’t know if he sat closer after that though). It is such a lol moment for me, and seeing hellers excited for this is hillourious. It feels to me like Misha and his minnions are so adamant to take the place of Jared in Jensen's life. They push for the things which comes most normally between jared and jensen.
I am always amazed at the extent to which tinhatters are able to convince themselves that actors doing things they're being paid to do means they're ~*in lurve*~. OMG, I paid them to hold hands in a photo op and THEY DID! OMG, they're being paid to banter together on stage and THEY DID! Like do you seriously not understand the concept of actors, or ...
I think full videos of the panels went up earlier this evening, but I saw clips previously which included the section of the panel you're talking about and it was so obviously a bit? Part of the reason it's so funny with J2 is that while sometimes they do pointedly do it as a joke, they can make it come off spontaneously. Not only that, but there's also a large portion of the time they don't even seem to notice they're doing it.
This was so painfully staged to warm up the audience at the beginning of the panel that it's embarrassing to compare the two. It was actually Jensen moving closer to Misha after asking why he was sitting so far away IIRC, and then them both exaggeratedly scooting across the stage. Then Jensen moves his chair back as far away as it started with such a blank look, very, 'Okay, checked that off the list, on to talking about the city'. Twue lurve!
I have pointedly said before that I don't think Jensen needs to treat Misha like he has a communicable disease just because some nutcases on the internet are going to fantasize every second they breathe the same air into an epic romance. I would also be very surprised if Jensen has heard even a fraction of the queerbait-y objectifying shit Misha has said and continues saying behind his back. It's also relevant that they're being paid to perform for an audience who are likely mostly GA fans who want to believe the whole cast are super close besties and want to see them goofing around - like they do on the gag reels!
Meanwhile, the cockless weirdos desperately want believe Jensen performing during panels with Misha means that Misha will oh-so-easily take Jared's place - and beyond! The problem is, if you compare the onstage dynamics between the three of them? I haven't ever seen a truly awkward panel between Jensen and Jared or Jared and Misha. But Jensen and Misha? Oof. It's not always terrible. But Jensen is the most reserved and least open while Misha is constantly flippant, raunchy, and overshares. It's not just that Jared is more adaptable, it's that they're genuinely an awkward personality match. Then you add the whole known issue of belligerent overstepping D/C shippers who may try to slip in an awkward bomb of a question on top of it. So in the same way that I assume you don't know what a romance actually looks like if you think D/C is one at all, let alone an epic one? If you're insisting Jensen and Misha are the ones that must be fucking given their onstage chemistry, I assume that you also don't understand chemistry is more than who you personally get off on imagining having sex.
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konnosaurus · 5 months
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ttte as incorrect quotes part two of.. an as-yet-undecided number! this time my bestie jame is here hehe though... not having the best time oof.
part one | (this is part two) | part three
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idontplaytrack · 5 months
Redeeming Win
AJ Campos x fem!reader
Warnings: coarse language, attempted assault, violence, hospitalisation. Reader discretion is advised.
In which reader tries to beat her own timing lately for the run, Coach Murray lets her & Paige wasn’t too happy about it- and anything else.
Part 2 to Watch You Sleep
“Okay, team. Gabi you go first, AJ goes next, then Evans, and y/l/n, you’ll be taking the last stretch.” Coach Murray decided. Great, even in track, Paige was coming in between you and AJ.
“y/n, focus.” Coach reminded you, “You were still two seconds behind.”
“Okay.” You took a deep breath, nodding.
“Don’t just tell me. Prove it- let our team place this time.”
AJ squinted at the guy, coming closer to you to give your shoulders a squeeze. “You got this okay? Just do your best- don’t think about anything, and run.”
“Yup, okay.” You answered, warming up as did Paige and AJ.
“Okay, ladies. We have five minutes to go.” Coach announces.
Paige groans, distracting you from your little moment of meditation. You whipped your head around to look at her talking to Dylan while looking at you. “Babe? Look at me. Ignore her.”
“Believe me, honey. I’m trying.” You huffed, stretching your arms.
Before you two could say anything else, Coach asks the three of you to go get ready on the track. The rest of the team gathered on the bleachers and by the sides of the track to watch. The starter pistol goes off, Gabi began to run. She hands the baton to AJ, then she was off too.
“That’s Miller High’s co-captain, AJ Campos. Currently well ahead of Rivers High. Looks like they’ll place again this year.” The commentator said. “Now, she’s passing it over to Paige Evans, newcomer who is…keeping up. Go Miller High. Oh- she’s nearly tripped.”
“Oof- that can’t be good.” Commentator number two chimed in. “Last stretch- y/n y/l/n who won Miller High their first place two years ago at this very place.”
Now you had to go the fastest you’ve ever had.
“Will she manage to do it again after her performance last year?” Commentator number one mentioned.
What a jerk. The anger you felt made you run even faster.
“It’s very close Rivers High is nearly catching up. Oh! y/l/n is speeding by. Okay here we go- last few feet to go. And y/l/n has redeemed herself. Miller High! First place!”
The commotion that the team made, cheering and whooping when they heard the announcement. AJ was the first one to hug you, damn near spinning you around and making you more dizzy than ever. “Congrats, y/n. That was freaking impressive- I was clearly wrong about you-” Coach walked up to you and stuck out his hand so you shook it quickly. “Fuck.” You muttered, facing away from him, “Oh, my God- I’m gonna p-” You pushed her away and made a mad dash for the bathroom and you barely made it.
“It’s alright, you’ll be okay.” AJ was apparently right behind you and rubbing your back, “Oh my gosh- why did you push yourself so much?”
“I don’t know, I saw Paige nearly trip then the crap that the commentators said about me? I just- channeled my anger and energy to sprinting, I guess.” You stood up straight again, AJ hands you a tissue paper. Once she pushed the bathroom door open, you were met with a bunch of confused and concerned faces. “I’m fine.” You said dismissively.
“That sounded vile.”
“No shit.” AJ rolled her eyes. “I’ve had enough of you being a little shit you’ve been, Evans. Keep your negativity to yourself. y/n and I have been dating for more than half a year. It’s not my fault or hers that you can’t be mature and deal with a loss like this.”
Gabi handed you a bottle of Gatorade which you gratefully accepted and immediately drank some of. “Thanks.” You told her and she smiles.
“You knew?” Stacey asks.
“Yeah, so?” Gabi shrugs, “How is it any of my business who my sister’s seeing if there’s no reason for me to be concerned about her safety and whatnot?”
“I didn’t.” Stacey chuckles, “I just thought you two were besties.”
“Well, we were.” You answered.
“Cute.” Stacey grins. “Do you still feel-”
You cut her off, “A little. Um- I’m gonna go back to the room first?”
“Sure, we’ll order in some pizza later. Stacey’s room. Say, 7?” Dylan suggests.
“Yeah, sounds good. I’m gonna go with just in case.” AJ nods.
“Go straight ahead behind you two, cut through the garden. It’s way faster than going across the whole track.” Stacey told them.
“Okay, thanks. Come on, baby.” AJ puts her arm around you and walked back to the hotel with you.
“We’ll bring your bags to your room for you. Just head back to the hotel and rest.” Dylan called after the both of you.
“Alright.” AJ answers, “Do you want anything?”
“To sleep. Finally redeemed myself and won the school the first place trophy after I failed last year.”
“Because you fell and fractured your ankle.”
“And I still could’ve pushed through.”
“Babe, please- it’s not worth it to talk about that now. If you’d hurt yourself more seriously by finishing the race, you wouldn’t be running today- trust me.”
“Why the hell did he have to remind me of it.” You exhaled harshly.
“We cannot change the past, but we’re in charge of our own future. You did amazing today, okay? Be proud of that. And everything else you’ve ever set your heart to because you did your best.” AJ pecks your lips softly, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Do you think she actually almost tripped?”
“Who knows? That girl is fucking clumsy. Coach made me train her so she wouldn’t tank our ranking. He only accepted her because he needed extra people on the team.” AJ laughs.
“I’m running us a bath, then once we’re not sweaty as heck, we can take a nap till it’s time to go eat with our friends.” AJ decided. You were looking around anxiously even after the door was shut. “What’s the matter, babe?”
“I just feel like- someone’s following me. Following us.”
“What?” Being a bit of a distance away from you, she couldn’t hear you that clearly. Just then, someone knocks on the door before you could repeat yourself. You looked through the peephole. “Paige.” You gasped, running away from the door and joining AJ in the bathroom. The door swings open, Paige barges in, “I hate you.”
“So? I hate you too, but you don’t see me going around being a bitch to you. I’ve had enough of being nice to you-”
“What the fuck- Evans, get the hell away from her.” AJ rushed out.
Paige grabs your shoulders and tried to kiss you. On reflex, you swung and hit her jaw. “That is assault.” Paige spat, a hand on her cheek.
“Self-defence. You assaulted me.” You shoved her away. “Fuck you! What the hell’s the matter with you? Life’s not fair- deal with it. You don’t go around doing whatever the fuck you please just ‘cause you can’t get what you want.”
“My Mom didn’t raise a quitter.” She got up, “Burn in hell.”
“You’re not helping your case here.” AJ stood in between you and her. You hear running coming from down the hall. “What on Earth is going on-”
Before you could register what was happening, AJ was shoved out of the way and a fist was slammed into your eye. No one saw that coming. No one caught you so you fell and hit your head on the corner of the bed frame. “Oh, my God!” Everyone screeched in horror. “I’m calling 911.” Coach Murray hurriedly fished out his phone. Within seconds, your vision blurred, the searing pain jabbed through your head, “Is she bleeding?”
“Oh, no. No, no. Stay awake, baby. Please. Stay with me.” AJ pleaded, falling to your side.
“AJ, don’t- don’t move her.” Coach stops her. “Yeah, no she’s- okay she just went unconscious. Thanks. 5 minutes. Everyone, step away.”
“Are you happy now? You just hurt someone that hasn’t done anything to you.” Gabi scoffs, “I don’t care what problems you have, don’t you dare do anything like that ever again to my friends and my sister. And thank fucking God, because you just made her hate you forever. And that girl’s a saint.”
“Gabs, come on.” Stacey put a hand on her shoulder and took her away from Paige.
“Evans. You’re off the team, expect a letter of suspension when we’re back at school. This is unacceptable behaviour.” Murray walked up to her. She didn’t respond- she just stood there as Coach continued walking around the hallway.
“I wasn’t able to contact either of her parents- any idea where they are?”
“They’re in Bali to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary.” Gabi answers, rubbing AJ’s back in the meantime.
“That explains it. The time difference.” Murray sighs. “I’ll try again later. Once the doctor’s out here, I’m gonna have to head back to the hotel to make sure the rest of team isn’t wrecking havoc.”
“Yeah, we’ll be fine here together.” Dylan told him.
“Call me if you guys need anything. Gabi has my number.”
Later, the doctor informs Coach and the team that you had a fracture in your cheekbone, a concussion and a superficial tear in your skin that resulted in the bleed. “She’ll be okay but she really has to take it easy throughout the healing process for the concussion. We stitched up the wound on her head and did some tests to make sure her brain’s not swelling and that she’s alert. But as with any other head injury, no strenuous activities, no activities that require a lot focus, and plenty of rest- day and night. She also seems to be extra sensitive to noises and lights, is nauseous and has thrown up once. That’s all expected but could persist while she heals. Her eye and vision are both fine, so no worries about that.”
“Can we go in to see her?”
“Preferably in pairs. She seems to remember what happened leading up to her injury but still, it’s best not to overwhelm her.”
“Very well, thanks doc.”
“No problem.” With that, the doctor leaves. Coach took Paige with him and left as well. “Okay, Gabs, AJ you two go in first.” Stacey decided, “Me and Dylan can wait.”
AJ quietly opened the door and she walks in. It felt a little strange not to knock because she always had the habit, but remembering what the doctor said, she didn’t. “I’m alive, don’t worry.” You joked. “Good to see you smiling.” Gab revealed, nudging AJ to go ahead while she herself sat down. “That was the scariest moment of my life.” AJ said in disbelief. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?” You sighed, “I’m in pain, but I’m okay. I will be - the doctors made sure of it. I just need to take it very slow for the next I don’t know, couple months maybe?”
AJ caresses your (uninjured) cheek as she gave you a teary smile, “I know, baby. I just got so scared but I’m so glad you’re alright.”
“I thought you two oughta know that she-who-shall-not-be-named has been kicked of the team, awaiting suspension.” Gabi announced.
“That’s nothing. I would’ve got her expelled.” Evidently, AJ was still fuming. “I get it, but with this on her record, it’s bye-bye CalArts for her.” Gabi reminded, “I reckon that punishment should suffice, for now. Karma’ll get her.”
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delcakoo · 2 years
no but a dual palace with the yang and nishimura families, where Riki and Jungwon aren’t too keen on honouring and sharing the throne. however, they will honour and share reader as their town bestie WITHOUT hesitation. I picture the trio similarly to your prince!jungwon imagine, their interactions would be seen as controversial because cross-class friendships aren’t really a thing. plus the next kings just so happened to confide in someone who’s from the lowest class. I want to add more, but my thoughts are all over and I’d prefer if you would add your ideas 😭 and how you picture this trio (a lil headcanon), IF you are comfortable.
oof the tags didnt work on this one so i hope u see it still anon :(
mini part 2
ANON OMF PLS BE ONE OF MY ANONS PLSPLSPLSJDNDBJD ur so creative i love this?!? ofc i will add some of my thoughts >:D it kinda ended with 800+ words and a poly relationship so if you didnt want that just ignore the end jehdjdb 😭 tysm for the fun request ily <33
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despite being a mere baker smack in the middle of town with your parents, you just happened to be best friends with the two young princes of your home
it all started when your family were assigned baking a 5 layer cake for jungwon’s 18th birthday
and as a thank you, your family was invited to join the party despite being lower class
giving you the chance to hang out with the two princes, who ended up getting along with you more than well :D
neither jungwon or niki had plans to share their crown or find any friends beside each other but !!
you guys truly became peas in a pod
your days usually went like this:
wake up, have breakfast and head downstairs to start rolling dough n’ make pastries with your parents
then at 9 on the dot, the shop opens and customers start flooding in :’)
if you were lucky, niki or jungwon would sneak out and come visit you even though it was deFinitelY forbidden for princes to be wandering around the town without at least a bodyguard 🧌
but once you were finally off your shift, you often went to spend the day with the boys anyway
the guards at the palaces entrance definitely know and love you by now
“hi y/n!” the guard you’ve come to know as taehyung waves cheerfully
“hi tae! have you seen won or niki?”
inwardly he was just shocked at how casually you addressed the princes
the boy ponders for a moment, “i think they’re playing soccer in the back garden? not sure.”
they were definitely playing soccer
and forced YOU to be their referee while they have a ridiculous 1v1 🧍
“y/n! did you see that? he literally puLLEd my shirt! that’s not allowed right?” niki barks
meanwhile you were just picking weeds out of the ground
“huh? oh uh..yeah! yellow card jungwon!!”
“what!? no fair! niki literally shoved me to the ground earlier!”
“yeah, well thats ‘cause i’m her favorite, idiot.”
jungwon gasps in disbelief, “now that’s just a lie.”
both of them look at you in desperation for an answer, only to see you off in your own world on the grass
so much for being their referee
“fine, whoever scores the next goal is y/ns favorite!”
they were menaces but YOUR menaces <3
contrary to the palace guards, both jungwon and niki’s parents have been on the verge of banning you from seeing their sons on multiple occasions, claiming you were a ‘bad influence’
if only they knew 90% of the pranks the three of you pulled were mr nishimura’s ideas 🤨🤨
however you weren’t really phased since a lot of the maids around the castle also frowned upon seeing you with their princes
you’d be absolutely rACING around the castle on niki’s back, won running next to you guys while a poor woman that you’d pranked chased the three of you down 😞
another thing
as the three of you got closer, the boys became extremely protective over you
there was a pretty town boy that had recently moved nearby, and he started visiting the bakery more and more after he was introduced to you by your mother
your poor parents just wanted you to have a friend that wasn’t literal royalty 💀
but this did NOT please either of your best friends
it made you wonder if they saw you as more than friends, considering the way they’d handled the situation:
“oh yeah, and you might won’t believe it, but i think i’m actually making a real friend besides you guys!”
the speed in which they looked at each other like: 😃😨😧😱😐😐😐
“—like no offence, you’re both my best friends still, but it’s kinda hard when—“
“who? who is this friend?” niki interrupts
jungwon looked much more calm, but he was definitely sending you a glare even harsher than the younger prince
“his name’s jake, he’s a bit taller than jungwon, brown hai—“
one of them sprung up from his seat dramatically
the other nearly fainted in jealousy at the words ‘taller than jungwon’ ☹️
“does he know i’m 6’2?” niki demands
jungwon is fidgeting like a toddler, “jake..” he mutters with a pout, “what a lame name!”
“wh— you guys haven’t even met him! why’re you being so mean?!”
you were a little oblivious
literally the day after that it just so happENEd that jungwon and niki strolled into your bakery just as jake had a few minutes ago
for some reason the two idiots are wearing their CROWNS ???
poor jake is just 🧍 as they walk over to give you a hug
which also gives you the chance to ask them what the hell they’re doing
“we’re asserting dominance y/n,” niki explains
jungwon facepalms but still nods in agreement when you look his way
jake tries his best to offer a smile “so.. who’re you guys?”
“they’re the princes of the yang and nishimura family!” you announce to him proudly
“yeah, her boyfriend,” niki wraps his arm around your shoulder, eyes squinted in intimidation
“boyfriends!” jungwon corrects quickly
jake was never seen in your bakery again 💔
this was supposed to be soft hours for 1.8k followers but jshjdnc guys send more fantasy aus like this its so fun
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landinrris · 6 months
(same anon as the one who yapped about early norrix)
i know a lot of ppl headcanon them as quick, instant connection, fast and furious kinda love. met in 2022 and could not be separated since. my counter-offer: slow burn.
think about how lando was listening to martins music for a while now. think about them being moots before they met in 2022. (i....think. not 100% sure but LET ME HAVE THIS.) think about how their in-between mutual friend was probably max v, who we all know is a close friend of both martin and lando. THINK about the ANTICIPATION. THE LONGING. THE WATCHING EACH OTHER THROUGH SCREENS. THE BUILDUP TO THEIR FIRST MEETING.
like to me nothing will ever be as slow burn-y as being internet besties. maybe they were friends and then they saw each other in person and BOOM. fell in love. used the winter break as their honeymoon. wrote songs about him. soft launched on instagram. stole his shirt. the rest is history.
Hello for part 2! 😅
Oof yeah, I do love a good slowburn. If you will allow me to add my two cents into the (fictionalized) shippy side of things. The slowburn of when they met is great especially when you consider that Lando was still in a relationship in August Ibiza 2022. They stay friendly, Lando throws himself into DJing because Martin encourages it and it's an excuse to hang out together outside of race weekends.
When they go to Finland/Ibiza in January 2023, that's when things start to slowly shift. Maybe they start something casual? But by the time they get to New York/Canada, they're on the downward spiral to giving in/acknowledging actual feelings. Up until recently, I liked to headcanon that Spa 2023 was the breaking point. When you consider Lando sits as close as he can get backstage during the Tomorrowland set while Max sits like 5 miles away with Kelly and the rest of the family. Then following the set, Martin and Lando go out together, and then the next morning/afternoon Lando's in Amsterdam posting views from Martin's balcony. Cue summer and the rest of the season. The way Lando (and Jon) is so over-the-moon to see Martin in Vegas... [I've talked about my thoughts on this scenario in a little more detail here]
And then I spent the last three months rotting with Josie about the prospect that maybe somewhere in these last months is a better timeline. Maybe in Vegas they were on the precipice-- aware of their feelings but unsure how to act on them yet. Martin making the effort to show up in France for the ski trip in the middle of his busy end to the year was pretty significant, and it's been history ever since.
And now post winter holidays, they're comfortable enough in who they are and their relationship that they don't mind toeing the line that much more until it gets to an "if you know, you know," type thing.
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clay-cuttlefish · 1 year
Finally we've arrived at 52, the series that turned me from a casual reader of a few comics into a full-on DC fan and Question enthusiast. This is the reason I set out on this project in the first place. I love it so much.
This is my fifth time reading this in full, I think, and I still get hyped at this opening issue. Look at my guys.
It's a miracle this came together as well as it did. The omnibus is great for giving some insight into that construction process.
There's just so much in 52 and I can't believe they pulled it off. Part of that is that it's thematically coherent, despite how different the plots are. Grief, reinvention, self-destruction as a means to cope with loss... it all feeds into itself.
In a slightly different timeline I came out of 52 fixated on Booster Gold and stumbled back into the Question later through Blue Beetle, instead of the other way around.
It took 416 issues but they're interacting! They're together! It's paying off!
Renee's heartbreaking spiral into self-destruction is interrupted by this massive dork. I love them.
I really need to read Steel. Captivated by these two.
Skeets nudging the gyro cart owner out of the way is a very good panel. Catlike behavior.
Booster and Bea's conversation is so. Hhh.
In the omnibus, Mark Waid calls Vic and Renee's scene "one of the high points of the entire series", and I'm with him.
Renee and Maggie...
The metahuman hospital's a really cool piece of worldbuilding.
The only plotline I don't care much about is the spaceguys. I still like them, but the bar's really high here and I want to see other characters more.
Wish this was less creepy about Starfire.
Kind of obsessed with Bob the theatre teacher and villain-for-hire, conceptually.
It takes a while for the Black Adam plot to pick up steam so this part isn't quite hitting yet.
Booster having a normal one.
Renee hasn't talked to her mom in three years by this point. Oof.
The exes of all time!
Booster... Ralph blaming him for Ted's death is brutal.
Oh cmon girl you're smarter than this. It's Lex Luthor, when has he ever had anyone's best interests at heart.
At least Ollie's still doing his thing.
Clark hating Booster is so good.
"Smart-ass." "Consistency is everything." He is so annoying!
The John and Natasha fight is great.
Clark taking a page from Lois' book is so good. Ridiculous.
I like Will and Professor Morrow a lot, nice that they're back in focus.
Supernova time :)
His anti-smoking rant...
"I don't owe you anything." Oof ouch my soul.
Big talk here from a guy who spent a decade hung up on Myra.
The one superheroine ass shot I respect is in the "that's a Batwoman" panel because Renee deserves to appreciate Kate's ass.
Besties moment.
Black Adam's plotline is gaining speed.
Oh Ralph.
Oh NO, Ralph.
They both look so good here. Love his stubble.
Desperately want to hear Tot's side of their conversation, and also their previous phone calls, because I'm sure he'd have Opinions about Vic deciding to become a mentor.
Shaking him. You are so annoying!
"There's no such thing as crazy, just behaviour that society has deemed unacceptable." SO true bestie.
Oh god, Renee.
Billy officiating Black Adam's wedding is very sweet.
Luthor's superteam is one of the series highlights.
Still very funny that there's just a guy named Hannibal on it. Zero subtlety here.
Oh Lobo. I do not care about you.
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He's so silly.
Renee is having truly awful time falling back into old coping measures and he's out here getting scooped and being made fun of for cockblocking.
Booster's shitty funeral still fucks me up. Choosing to believe Skeets intentionally didn't invite people for evil reasons because the idea nobody showed up is too much.
Once again, oh no Ralph.
A backup with Vic's origins. It's about right, though I prefer him starting as the Question before moving back to Hub City.
It lists his "essential storylines" as Mysterious Suspense, The Question 1987, and Cry for Blood, which I mostly agree with. Mysterious Suspense is less important but reading a pre-DC story is useful background for the 87 run and it's his only solo option.
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noodleblade · 8 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game (stolen title <3)
thank you bestie:3 @searchingfortheuniverse I'll be working on this while im on and off phone calls~
A band you don’t like that many others do: UM idk...my music taste is all over the place and I really only know the bands i think?? oh- maybe Mother Mother, only because I have not bothered to listen to their music past Junkrat hype videos and that's probably tainted my view a little. For better or for worse.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly: during a summer in greece, idk how, but I got roped into selling watermelons off the side of the road. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7, but I remember I would put the watermelon in a plastic bag and the farmers thought it was really funny because that's such a...united states thing...to bag 1 whole watermelon in plastic. Anyways, they paid me in cucumber slices with salt.
Least favorite animal and why: HUH LEAST. I'm not a huge fan of like reptiles? Specifically those smaller than a bread box. Too fast, too squirm. Im worried I'll crush them in my hands. (im thinking of specifically florida geckos...idk they are cute but i freak out trying to hold them).
Hot fandom take: just because something is popular and fandom-wide accepted doesn't mean it is good. and not agreeing with it/wanting to engage in it doesn't mean you or your own opinions are bad. the monopoly on accepted 1 true canon is boring.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece: I try an rotate my jewelry around but I'm usually wearing a few rings, a necklace and a pair of earrings. My favorites are the rings. They are my mom's old ones and I typically wear the same two every day. One is a gold key of greece and the other is a thin black bar but the sides have really small thin heart cut outs.
A movie others liked but you didn’t: HMMMMM probably the new star wars trilogy. felt unnecessary and i just didn't like it? big shruggies
Three things you love about yourself: my writing- its something that I enjoy the most in the world and something that I can claim as mine. I also think I'm pretty funny in a sillay way which is poggers. I like my openness to trying things. Think that's helped make me more well-rounded. I hope so at least.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why: HMMMMM. I want to visit Japan again. For a new place, I want to go to South America. Peru maybe??? Mexico would also be nice. So that's what I'm gearing up towards next.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why: Uh Matt Smith? No reason behind this. but I see his block head and kind of just look away.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future? I have a lot of little house projects I finally feel like tackling which is exciting. Ive lived in my house for almost 2.5 years and still havent felt like parts of it are complete yet.
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in: oof I lowkey kind of hate saying things I don't like on here. bad experiences in the past when people were upset I didn't like a thing they did and got mad at me. But uhhh not the biggest fan of most rodimus ships? but I think mega/rod is my least favorite of them. sorry!
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in? hahaahahahhahahah can you believe Game of Thrones wasn't the most toxic???? it was jjba. I got put on a ban list which was kind of funny. I also got kind of show-ponyed in a toxic discord server for a while which has completely ruined me in the ability to act normal on discord outside of my irl friends. that account is deleted but the ao3 is still circling around.
List three things you find beautiful about life: Friends and family- sometimes I want to kill but I really do love them so so much. I like creating things and creating things with people. I also really like my area as far as nature goes. the beach to swamp ratio sings to me.
Any dreams for the future? I want to go on a really long hike. Maybe like a 2 day one? (< says the person that has gone on a max 2 hour hike before). Also just working on my original fiction again. I miss those fellas.
How are you really feeling today? Motivated!!!! Im a little groggy still, but I've been really excited about life and betterment lately so its overcoming my sleepy brain.
Tags: feel free to do or not: @honkytonka, @elmonstro, @huanted-dennys, @feral-birb-husband, @solarstormstuff @anyone else who wants to!! I'd be happy to read them:3
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destinygoldenstar · 18 days
☀️HOW DID WE GET HERE?!?!☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 9 “Don’t Open, Campers Inside”
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Okay, this italicized part is an EDIT after the reaction. I need to put up a trigger warning for this episode as a reason why I might not show as many images as usual.
I don't think it's as bad as it could've been, otherwise I think OddNation would get demonetized. But to be on the safe side, THIS EPISODE/THIS POST IS NOT FOR THE HEMOPHOBIC.
I WILL put a TW in the tags as well so they don't see the post. But in case your account doesn't have the filter for this sort of thing, HERE'S YOUR WARNING.
I have a gut feeling that we're gonna start losing besties in these next few episodes. If anything last episode was to go off by.
I said this last episode, but in terms of who I think are gonna win at this point... Finalists, Ellie, Fiore, and... I guess Jake. With Ellie winning.
Ellie just has the most understanding motive to win out of all of them and it would be satisfying to see her achieve her dreams.
No I guess Alec does too, but I can't see the scenario in my head. I BARELY react to the Alec scenes, I realize. But I looked back last episode and realized Alec said he "Wished his son was like Fiore" which... OOF, I wish I had a reaction to that. Because holy shit, you're a bad dad if you think that.
He just doesn't have as much emotional range as some of the others. So I don't gravitate towards him as much. I do think he's okay though.
I think that's my takes: Alec's... okay. Fiore's the villain so naturally I don't route for her. Grett's a bad bitch and we stan but also she's not winning. Miriam's great. Tom's great. I love Jake. MAKE UP GOSH DARN IT. And Ellie... I do like her, I admit. She's growing on me.
Yeah...idk what to expect this time. Other than I THINK another idol should come into play. Cause the heroes are outnumbering the villains and the show can't eliminate all the villains before the finale. That's plot armor for you. (I made a post about this topic. Plot Armor is not a criticism.) So with Fiore exposed, ain't no way anyone's flipping. So the only other way is to find an idol. One of the villains gets it, they nullify the votes, and one of the heroes gets the boot.
If I had to predict, probably Tom. Tom's a threat. Plain and simple.
Plus with his kind of character, I know Tom is NEVER winning anyway.
I know I said vote off Jake last episode, but that was because you could gain Ellie's loyalty from that. Well you lost the chance. Even if you do boot Jake it ain't gonna put Ellie on your side. Ya should've booted him when it was convenient and you had the chance.
"Tom & Miriam would ditch Ellie after the villains were out"
By then it'd be the FINAL THREE. So what does that matter?
God I said I didn't have a lot to say and here we are. Let's just get into it.
"What the hell was that bullshit in the elimination?!"
"You mean the way we were exposed?"
No I was talking about your choice on voting.
Nope. I'm not validated.
"Golden, that's the thing with us villains. We don't need your permission to slay. We do it anyway."
"You don't understand kid! I can't lose!"
Trauma dump?
👏Trauma dump👏 Trauma dump 👏Trauma dump👏
"I can't go home without the money!"
"Are you in debt?"
"No, it's not the money itself. It's what it stands for... If I win, my parents will finally be proud of me."
"Why does everyone think money can solve their personal problems?"
Then... why are you here Fiore?
Also Ellie would like a word.
"Alec thinks winning will fix problems with his wife and you think winning this will make your parents love you. I'm gonna be honest Alec, that marriage is a divorce waiting to happen."
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"What experience can a six year old have?!"
"Well let's see, my parents abandoned me in the woods. Clearly they hate me."
"My mother never loved me and I know her life would be much better if I never existed. She's told me she thinks I'm a monster..."
God, am I starting to feel bad for her now?!
"...I know she's right, but it still hurts to hear."
So she's just kinda accepted that she's awful.
"The adults in my life think I'm a demon with no redeeming qualities, so that must be true. Might as well live off that."
Does that imply that Fiore was an accidental pregnancy...?
I mean I'm not a mother, but I know that's something that can happen if you don't, you know, control yourself.
"But you know what? After awhile, the hurt starts to hurt less, and you start taking ownership of who you are."
I mean she's a pretty static character. BUT I think that works in this favor.
"If you want to win, do it for yourself. Prove to those that didn't have faith in you. Prove it to yourself that you're worth it."
See Grett? You found your place as a monster too.
"I couldn't care less about Grett's pathetic insecurities-"
Yeah, she cares about literally nobody.
She WILL ditch these guys on the bus the moment she has the chance.
And she's gonna show no remorse doing it.
And when that happens I'm gonna be HOWLING.
Oh not these two again.
"Hey Tom, I know I said this a dozen times, but I really am sowwy. Can you forgive me?"
"Jake I just learned I have cancer. And for some reason I'm gonna say that's your fault. Get out of my life."
"I've been thinking about what you've told me..."
Oh wait.
Are they actually gonna make up now?
"Maybe you weren't the only selfish one. I attacked you without thinking about how you were feeling..."
Oh yeah they are!
So he just needed to cool off after the news. I get it.
"You don't have to apologize."
"It's all me. It's always my fault. I'm the one who always has to take the blame for things like this."
"I want us to be friends again."
"But lets both try to be better. For our sakes."
I'm okay with them just being friends. I think that is healthier that way given they're... messy.
So I'm actually really happy about this.
"Where are Jake and Tom?"
They're 'hanging out' if you know what I mean...
I'm sorry.
"Maybe they're making up."
Up or out?
"For some reason, Golden is whispering in my hear and urging me to kiss the boy."
"Sorry for attacking you so much in the previous challenge."
Is she trying to be allies with these guys now? I called it.
"It's okay. It was also my fault. I judged you too soon without knowing if you were with them or not."
Well she was, but she's not anymore.
She's a redeemed girlie
"I do that a lot."
"Do what?"
"Judging people without knowing their true intentions."
Yeah I can see that.
"It's fine. We can't change the past. We have to look towards a better future."
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"Maybe I was wrong to think badly of these young-ins."
"Except Fiore. She's just as bad as I thought."
"Any update about your job?"
He got FIRED. I don't think you get an update after that.
"Anyway, I haven't been sure for awhile if this is what I really want..."
You didn't want to be a spy?
"...or if I'm even good at it..."
Yeah, you weren't, I'm gonna be brutally honest.
You can find a new job. One that you love. One where you can work AND maintain relationships.
"You think you weren't meant to be a spy?"
"I don't know. But it's not like I have a choice anymore."
Yeah... that's a hard situation. I can relate to that.
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"I don't work there anymore... I don't need this..."
So he WAS wearing that for his job! So he's ditching his career?!
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Oh THAT'S why...
I was thinking awhile it would be that he had a scarred face, but I wasn't sure. AND I was joking about it this whole time. God I feel awful now...
I'm trying to look at this properly. What happened? Was he in a fire or something? I can't tell cause it's a cartoon, but that MIGHT be burn scars?????
I don't know, maybe he's gonna explain it.
"My first job was a couple months ago. I was sloppy and I got found out. Things went wrong, and my captors... gave me this..."
Holy god, I can't even imagine. I don't want to imagine Tom getting tortured like that.
"The boss wasn't happy. I was tasked to come onto this show as a contestant to investigate it. This job was my last chance, and I blew it."
"Were you using that mask to hide your identity or... were you...?"
"That's just an excuse. The truth is I... I felt ashamed..."
"But you look good, Tom."
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*I got out of my chair and paced around for a minute*
*I'm giddy and out of breath*
I didn't expect them to kiss today... oh my god...
Oh my god, Tom Face Reveal. AND... ship name kiss, IN THE SAME SCENE. That's too much for the feels.
Jam. It's Jam isn't it? I don't have jam on me right now.
I actually don't like eating jam. I'm not a jelly person.
Okay okay okay, I'm sorry. I'll keep going.
"...I'm not."
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Aw 💗
"Attention campers! Challenge time!"
Oh screw you!
They're good for each other. They're actually good for each other.
I HAD MY DOUBTS. But they do work.
*I had to get water* (Y'all keep your dirty jokes about that)
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Gosh darn it, I KNEW Chris McLean was here!
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How are you all sleeping sitting up?
Is this a "Escape the chamber" challenge?
"The hosts are clearly screwing with us."
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Cause that situation was HELL
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Where'd you get the hats from?
"What happened to the sky?"
"It's covered in grapes and strawberries, and idk why that is-also why is part of the forest blocked off? Why can't we get out?"
"Fiore I don't think you're supposed to be playing those games."
I still headcanon Fiore is a Mortal Combat fangirl.
"Where'd you get that hat?"
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"Alright gang, grab every weapon in this place you can find and start SMASHING!!!"
Why does the cabin have so much weaponry?!
"Fiore, I think I know what's happening."
"Don't freak out... but a bear is gonna pop out in a minute and force us to kill each other."
"It's the only explanation. Don't tell anyone."
"Uh, we are right here and in hearing range."
"What happened with your mask?"
Oh yeah they don't know...
God it's SO WEIRD seeing Tom without the mask now.
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UM, HELLO?!?!?!
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“What the hell is that?!”
My thoughts exactly Ellie!
"It looks like a-a-a person..."
"Like a dead person?!"
Tom, you killed a guy!
If you asked me what my predictions were for this show: "Let's make a PLOT TWIST in the middle of the show and turn it into a zombie apocalypse 'The Walking Dead' show" Would NEVER be on my list.
I mean if you know me, you know I like death game stories...
But surprisingly, I don't actually like zombie apocalypse stories. It's not just my cup of tea.
Because zombie apocalypse stories are just so bloody hopeless and there's absolutely no way out of inevitable fate. It's just "This is hell, wait till it's your turn to die."
And I just naturally find that less compelling than stuff like Hunger Games, Squid Game, and Danganronpa, where there IS a possibility to escape your fate, even if it's really small.
With these kinds of stories, I'm just waiting for everyone to die. So I get less attached.
That's just my opinion.
"Did you hear that?!"
"Sounded like gunshots!"
"Don't worry guys! It's just Tom killing a man! It's fine!"
I mean, I WOULD say this is all a stage show. Like these are just people wearing makeup.
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"I don't care if he's a serial killer! HE'S MY LOVE! WE'RE LETTING HIM IN. WHAT'S THE WORSE THAT COULD HAPPEN?!"
"What's going on?!"
"Ellie why do you have ketchup splashed all over your face?"
"They looked like people, but they're not!"
"I would never kill a man! I swear!!"
"What if it was a woman?"
"Is that... a bite?"
They're not gonna KILL Ellie, right?!
Cut off her arm, and she might be saved!
"...well, one step closer to winning."
I mean I'm not surprised. BUT WTF?!
"I think we... have to... cut off your arm."
"Isn't this just a silly challenge?!"
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"So... this ISN'T a challenge?"
"I think I'm gonna faint."
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I mean it's good reason, but who gave the child a gun?!
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"The show is over... we're just lucky to be alive..."
You know what's crazy? I made a DUMBASS THEORY about the Total Drama Reboot that never happened cause it was too insane.
I said that Chris McLean was planning to take over the world and was using the show to turn people into robot slaves and start an apocalypse. And the Season 2 ending of the reboot would be just like this.
"Wow Miriam, how'd you learn to do that?"
"Back in my day, I was secretly a serial killer!"
"Are there really knife throwing contests?"
I would be CONCERNED if there were.
"Grett and Alec got bit... we got attacked... I was the only one who made it out..."
This is a trap.
Tom is probably the most equipped for surviving this.
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"I'll put one right between your eyes."
Tom, you're done.
Tom is NOT fucking around!
"Tom! Are you okay?"
"No worries. I got a body count in the double digits now. Cool, huh?"
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"Miriam, stay with me!!"
"Don't leave me!!"
He's losing another grandma! 😭
"Coming to this camp was worth it... I didn't think my last days would end like this... but I'm happy they were with you... you are the grandchildren I never had."
"Not again!!" *cries*
Don't Make Jake Suffer Challenge. Level: Impossible.
Yeah lets just cut to a six year old driving a bus. Why not?
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Yeah. Sure. One Month Later.
I don't even care anymore.
"Remember last month? Before all this? What you said about my parents?"
"You want to ask if I think they're alive? Well I got bad news."
"They're in Mexico right now."
"Being alone out here this last month has taught me that I don't need them. I never did. They were never there for me."
Well good for you for getting development queen.
"I know where to get a map to the nearest city."
*I get a body spray ad*
...I don't even know how that translates to what they just said.
Oh yeah I forgot Alec died too!
Fiore did not give a SHIT, did she?
*rewinds to look back*
Yeah she doesn't give a rats ass about you Alec.
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Awww, these two...
Hey wait.
*look at Jake's neck*
Why does Jake have a hickey?
Guys, I'm not supposed to be reading too much into that, am I????
What have you boys been doing this past month?!?
"Every day it's the same. Go out and find supplies, run away from these creatures and DO IT all over again..."
I'm sorry, my mind is in a dirty place now. He said "DO IT all over again".
"I don't know... I don't think this will ever end..."
Can we give Jake a hug? PLEASE?
"Hey... at least we have each other."
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“Hey guys! I got another trick I wanna show you. It’s called: ‘BURY YOUR GAYS’”
*Jake gets killed too*
"I'm sorry Grett, but I need this immunity."
Wait what-
*Murders Grett*
This is how we got here.
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A six year old is celebrating among her victims.
"See that's my secret Golden. My mask protects me from getting killed, so I'm just faking my death."
"...oh wait I'm not wearing my mask anymore. SHIT-"
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HOW DID WE GET HERE?!??!?!?!?!
"Oh my gosh, my arm! I have my arm!"
"Oh my gosh, I've been in a coma for a MONTH! Cause I died on the first day!"
"Victory is mine! MIIIIINNNNEEE!!!"
All Fiore cares about is winning.
When a six year old is an even worse psychopath than Grett.
"Am-am-am I dead?!"
Jake. Honey.
EVERYONE is going to need SERIOUS THERAPY after this.
I can't even blame Jake one bit. He watched his friend get turned into a zombie and die. He watched his surrogate grandma die. He watched his boyfriend die. He watched HIMSELF die. AND IT WAS IN THE SPAN OF A MONTH
...nah, therapy ain't fixing him.
"A few hours ago, you fell asleep, and we put you through our hyper realistic VR simulator."
You guys are fucked up.
Even Chris McLean is saying that's fucked up.
"I'm just glad I have both my arms again."
Ellie's just done.
"Yeah TOM! Don't cut a woman's arm off! I'M VOTING YOU TONIGHT."
Watch it actually be Tom that's going and that's Ellie's reason.
I feel like Tom's story is done anyway.
"The challenge was to survive the zombie apocalypse."
You can't survive a zombie apocalypse. Either you DIE, or you DIE.
"Wait, so you KILLED ME to get immunity?!"
If THAT doesn't prove to you that Fiore is FUCKED UP BEYOND REPAIR, idk what does.
"Weren't we in an alliance?"
"We were. But we got exposed last round."
Idk why I'm asking at this point. These villains plans have been stupid these past two episodes.
I mean, it's not THAT bad here because there was no other option after they killed Tom & Jake. So...
I won't rant this time.
"You'll be distorted for a few more hours, adjusting back to our time, getting back to your body, all that kind of stuff."
"And you'll probably need YEARS of therapy."
"What do we do? We have to decide between Alec or Grett."
Yeah, obviously.
At least Ellie doesn't hold beef about the arm thing.
*Grett Voted Alec*
Aaaaannnndd the villains are turning on each other.
*Fiore Voted Grett*
Wait what are you doing?
"That game is the closest I'll ever get to legally shooting someone in the face."
Fiore you are a psycho.
*Alec Voted Grett*
"Now that we're exposed, we don't need you anymore."
Welp. Grett's gone.
Unless the heroes voted Alec...
We know.
...wait what?
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Wow. Didn't even need to read all the votes.
Who threw their vote on Alec then?
*thinks about it*
Jake, why'd you do that? There's no reason.
"I might be thinking about turning on the heroes, you know?"
*sigh* Queen's time to go.
"Fiore, Alec, even though you betrayed me, I won't lie. I had a good time with you."
At least she's taking this well.
"It will be difficult, but I'll try and take what you said to heart. I'll stop trying to prove anything to anyone. In fact... that includes you."
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Queen Queen Queen Queen QUEEEEENNNNN
Oh my god... what an episode...
Um... so how did we get here? That was... crazy.
Idk how I feel about it. Honestly. Maybe it's just cause of my taste for zombie apocalypse stories. But also, this is DEFINATELY gonna be something these people are gonna have nightmares about.
I mean, okay, two things,
...there's no jam emoji
At least they worked things out and they're happy together.
I feel like one of them is going next episode. From an idol, like I said. But hey, at least they worked things out and they're happy now and they can work through each other's baggage together.
"Screw you VR Simulator! We're not going to Mexico! We're going to CHINA! And we're eating dumplings!"
I'm happy for them.
And Grett.
Queen. What can I say?
Okay it's not a secret I like her. But I also think she's interesting as an antagonist with her more human story about her family life and wanting to prove herself, but not knowing *how* exactly.
And she found her place with the other villains. Before, you know, they betrayed her. But what do you expect? And at least she took it well.
I admit, I feel like these last three episodes of her were a BIT rushed, but I can't say I would swap her elimination to later until I finish the season and see what the other eliminations are.
I knew she was never winning anyway. Like I said last time, I don't hate it when these shows eliminate my favs, cause I know that's something they HAVE to do. So I fully expected her to get eliminated, and I'm fine with it.
Prediction next episode: Fiore or Alec find an idol and they pull one on the heroes, and with it they get Tom out. That's what I think is gonna happen.
If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know.
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walkawaytall · 9 months
Fannish Year Review - 2023
snagged from @diplomaticprincess
1. your main fandom of the year: Star Wars -- after like three years of feeling way-too-sensitive about the series, I decided to take that whole Marie Kondo approach to fandom: keep what brings you joy and throw the rest into an active volcano (or...something like that. It's been a minute since I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, but I'm sure that's an accurate synopsis that Marie would be totally fine with on her book's dust jacket). And then I started writing fanfiction, which has been fun.
Though...though...I did revisit The Hunger Games this year and made my bestie into an HG fan, so that series has certainly played a part.
2. have u watched a film this year: I've only been to theaters twice this year -- once for the Return of the Jedi 40th anniversary rerelease, once to see Barbie. I don't think I've watched many new things this year, to be honest. Mainly rewatches.
3. your favorite book this year: Oof, my reading list is embarrassingly short this year. Probably Nine Liars by @maureenjohnsonbooks. It's the 5th book in a YA mystery series and love that entire dang series so much.
4. your favorite album or song this year:
Album: Stick Season by Noah Kahan
Song: Probably "Happier Than Ever" by Billie Eilish, but I'm honestly not certain
5. your favorite tv shows this year: I think I rewatched Severance twice this year, so...Haaaa...
6. your favorite tumblr community this year: Han/Leia, but I also follow some Little Women accounts that I've quite enjoyed.
7. your best new fandom discovery of the year: I did start watching Ted Lasso, but kind of forgot about it, though the show is delightful. I feel like I've been very hyperfocused on Star Wars stuff this year tbh.
8. your biggest fandom disappointment of the year: You know what, I rarely hate on specific ships publicly, but having one of my posts in which I was spitballing a headcanon involving Tarkin and Leia having an absurd rivalry while she was like 16-19 years old that was similar in tone to Jack Donaghy and Kaylie Hooper from 30 Rock (a relationship that is entirely not sexual on account of Kaylie being fifteen when she first pops up on the show) reblogged multiple times with Leia/Tarkin shipping tags might just have been the most disappointing fandom-related thing to happen to me personally this year. I don't even know if this is the type of answer the question was looking for, but uh...it was definitely the most disappointing.
9. your tv/movie boyfriend and/or girlfriend of the year: I'm...not entirely sure how to answer this tbh.
10. your biggest squee moment of the year: I've received a lot of really nice comments on my stories this year, but there have been a handful left where I really felt...seen? if that makes sense. Like, the commenters wrote something where I felt like someone fully understood what I was trying to do, which doesn't always happen, and those have definitely been exciting moments for me.
Self-service tagging today!
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nikatyler · 12 days
Zeph 1.0
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Almost there…yes I closed the game so I could get the 69 hours played screenshot…almost got it! 😅
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I'm such a stupid 13yo at heart
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did i mention i love him
Oof besties I think it's Moonrise time
Moonrise time over because ya girl is going to work tomorrow and it's getting late 🥲 but I so didn't want to quit the game today ugh
Need to incorporate "let's not do anything hilarious" into my vocabulary because it's the biggest realest mood
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no way he approved lmao
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oh... OH
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forevermore? as in you and me forevermore? don't read the last page but i stay when it's hard or it's wrong or we're making mistakes omg a taylor swift reference!! 🤭🤭
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Zeph is looking so good in their new armor 😩
Oh I'm gonna be reloading this fight a million times huh
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Dude never thought I'd say this but Shadowheart carried this battle. I'm going to bed in game and irl because two intense battles back to back are too much for my anxiety 😭
This game is gonna wreck me isn't it
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So in the battle I had yesterday, Jaheira was killed, but I thought, well, it would be a shame to leave her stuff behind and she doesn't need it anymore, might as well take it…now I loaded the game again and notice she's there in just her underwear 😭 I'm sorry 😭😭
Yes I loot everyone and everything shamelessly, I learned from the best 🤭
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hole hehe
hole not hehe this is disgusting jfc
"I could fix him" "I could make him worse" well I personally hope that *he* will make *me* worse
We're not gonna talk about this party kill Nailed it! Took me three tries though 😂
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Big brain time
The f u c k?
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well i may have a few ideas how to use this one 🫢
Well. I think I'll be starting act 3 tomorrow? 😬
(I'm excited but also nervous. Oh man this is exactly why I've never played this kind of games before 😂)
I think I fucked up…I was going to do the crèche and the mountain pass stuff later but I can't anymore, I completely skipped it 😭 without too many spoilers, are there going to be bad consequences maybe?
I could pull up an older save but I've done so many other things already…I'm not sure if I want to replay them at the moment 🥲 Think I might just have to leave it for my second playthrough but it sucks that I completely skipped such a big part
And I know at some point it told me some things wouldn't be available if I continue but I didn't think it would be this 😭 I need clearer instructions y'all, I'm a dummy
This is ridiculous but I'm about to cry bc I missed such a huge part, I think I might go back to an older save and just redo everything idk 🥲 idk what to do 😭 overthinking this too much
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"magnificent bastard" is a wonderful gender tbh
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dude i'm not some fucking pokémon 💀
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oh god i love him 💀 is he wrong though?
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she's serving too much cnt to handle i'm afraid
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A fellow clown hater! 🤩
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ohhh i was looking forward to this line 😂
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omg Zeph really went "so aren't you worried about that old master of yours? yeah? anyway wanna smash tonight?"
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KJLFGKSJFGKLJL BRO??????? the fuck did i do to you
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hello ?????????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??????? no genuinely i don't know what i did/did not do 💀 idgaf I'm handing his ass to Cazador
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me and Zeph both rn
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delivery not guaranteed? that's so Česká pošta coded
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bears in the closet you say? what was halsin doing in your closet? 🫢
not me actually accidentally making Zeph jump off of a very tall something
and right after the second short rest and the idiot took so much damage 💀
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Oh we're playing Among Us now, how fun!
I fear this will be another full night of playing...not a good idea considering we're going on a family trip tomorrow but eh whatever
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We did it again besties, let's hope I'll get my sleep schedule back on track before I return to work 😂
But it was definitely worth it, I had so much fun playing today. Aside from essentially being dumped but I'm gonna clown and hope all will be well (no spoilers pls)…I promise I will be normal and not actually irl cry about it 🫢😂
Gotta love that rejection hypersensitivity that kicks in no matter what 🤩 real person, fictional, who cares, it hurts 🤩 (no really I'm okay, I'm exaggerating, you know me)
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Next time I go "hehehe I won't sleep tonight, it's gaming time", stop me please. I'm not built for this
And daylight savings are kicking in today? fk me rip my sleep schedule
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hehe god i wish
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I'm getting overwhelmed with all the quests jfc 😭 can we just skip to the part where I romance the vampire again
I also (and this is me overthinking again) can't help but feel like I'm playing the game wrong and that I'm ruining everything as I go and we will not reach a nice ending 💀
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What the actual f u c k was that
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betrayalbracket · 2 years
Is there any funny explanations?
oh, quite a few! we'll post our favorites under the cut! they'll include both full descriptions and pieces of descriptions that we found funny! as a fun game, try to guess who they're describing.
- "Mindy is an NPC who will offer to trade you her Haunter for a Medicham. Now, Haunter is a Pokémon that evolves by trade into Gengar, a popular Pokémon that’s hard to get if you’re like me and have no friends. So you trade with her and get the Haunter and does it evolve? No. Because MINDY tricked you. She put an everstone on that Haunter. She has no reason to do so other than pure malice. Mindy is easily the most villainous character in the Pokémon multiverse. Worse than all the crime lords and child abusers and guys that try to kill god." (just this entire submission is pure gold. you're so right. fuck mindy) - "You just shot your son asshole." - "Also when I was writing a high school au he literally could not be on screen without commenters squinting suspiciously at him even though the worst he ever did on screen was be a bad kisser and kind of a douche and that is still the funniest thing to. I was trying to play a long game and lull my audience into a false sense of security and I just couldn't get them to relax with him." - "Also he has dimples! He’s so cute! Evil baby" - "like 2 weeks later he robs and then tries to murder them. ow oof owie" - "in jcs canon: judas sees his best bud/maybe boyfriend jesus getting super popular and worries that it’s all going to backfire on them! so he tries to help by going to the authorities and having jesus arrested so that maybe jesus will get knocked down a peg or two. BUT instead they beat and crucify him and judas is like oh fuck maybe that was a bad idea. then he offs himself and comes back to life one song later to sing a baller 70s pop ballad. and the most fun part is that jesus KNEW the whole time judas would betray him so it hurts even more!! in bible canon: uhh idk he sells out jesus for 30 silver pieces just because :/" (i never thought anything would make me want to see a musical about jesus but here we are. anyways i love "just because :/") - "look at his big fucking eyes . ok now hes killed his teammates numerous times." - "Cask of amontillado-ed the soul of the planet Earth" - "and then he tried to execute all three of them. e rated video games." - "10/10 betrayal georg" - "She also has multiple charges of manslaughter/j" - "also he totally failed at the godhood thing" - "attempts to stab the main character in the back (and I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theorecally or in any other fancy way, he had a knife)" - "But oh, he's just so precious while he does it, such a silly little bastard who deserved that punch in the face from Stan 😋"
- "tricking kirby and friends into helping him repair his ship and beating the shit outa landia to get the master crown and then he steals the master crown and becomes god for a good 10 seconds and then kirby beats the shit outta him and sends him to hell. Is basiclly catboy Judas" - "oh you know. tricking a little inspiring scientist named ford build a little doomsday device. making him go insane and lose trust in everyone and completely destroy his life. almost ending the entire universe for a frat party. yknow. just silly things" - "Bitch fucking used Kirby and pals to fix his ship while he sat back and drank mamaosas before then tricking them into committing a coup on another world’s head of state bEFORE STEALING THE MASTER CROWN!!!! HE’S A LITTLE BITCH!!!!" - "Pretended to be my friend only because he wanted to execute me and my lizard bestie multiple times. He then tried to become friends with said lizard bestie only to betray him AGAIN. I have trust issues because of this man." - "I just know someone will drop the whole stitch but there's a reason he's paired with Sans from Undertale, theoretically betrays the players, I digress, in "Fingers up your ass" for no reason." - "Promised us the first female doctor. Ended up shattering the lore in half, spitting in our faces and then fucked off. Fuck you Chibby your Torchwood episodes aren't even that good" - "claimed to be scared of being murdered and asked to switch rooms with the protagonist, when really she planned on killing somebody and pinning the blame on him. girlboss swag!" - "Made deals, but instead of the cliche soul thing he KIDNAPPED PEOPLE STRAIGHT TO HELL." - "was actually from an alternate universe (where everyone is evil, don’t worry about it btw)" - "Bro. Buddy. Need I say more. My man straight up kidnapped a glasses girlboss, Oprah Winfrey, my actress lookalike, and a human duck. What an icon." - "idk man I’m agnostic and was raised atheist, I’m pretty sure he was once an angel and got demoted and stuff???" - "Killed me while i was doing a download (the most awfullest crime, worse than killing someone normally)" - "like. she kills so many people that are her friends and . i mean. what wasn't her betrayal?" - "Was literally just A Guy but it turns out he Was Not and was actually Evil The Whole Time" - "she didn’t do anything i just hate her (this is /j don’t include her in the bracket/lh)" (she's not going in the bracket but she's being immortalized here) - "Betrayed both the villain and the protagonist (i think, i just know his theme slaps)"
- "The entire plot of How Bad Can I Be really. Look me in the eyes and tell me im wrong" - "Put me in the fucking character betrayal pole the fruity little twink /lhj/j/j/nsrs" - "Cheated on Perry the Platypus with Peter the Panda (season 1 ep 7 it's about time"
- "he pissed on Eggman’s wife (and fucked her but the entire cast did tbh so)"
- "he promised raf he’d bring him back a snowball and he fucking didn’t"
- "Slept in my brother’s bed last night instead of mine >:("
- "That fucker voted me out AFTER SEEING ME SCAN. Bitch"
- "He was so nice and them bam 💥 sicced Giratina on us"
- "Borrowed a 20 and never gave it back. Pay up"
- "wouldn't you like to know weather boy /ref"
- "He stabbed that old man right in his pussy"
- "Nice-guying at Mabel, terrible hair" (tbh though i'd argue this wasn't even his betrayal- more something about him convincing the entire town he's just a harmless little psychic, or him telling dipper oh there's no issue this sort of thing happens and then trying to fucking kill him)
- "got jesus killed innit" - "Jesus"
and also, as a bonus, one that isn't a description but was still very funny: "that one motherfucker who killed me with the ultra stamp when I was trying to go for the ultra signal even though we're technically on the same team you fucking bastard"
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deadlysoupy · 7 months
(For the fic writing)
thank you for asking bestie!!! muah kisses
Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
i plan every chapter and if i want to change some things or extend them i do so! i am a planner, i need to know where the story begins, where it goes, the important moments inbetween, and how it ends. i cannot write without a plan bc i will explode
On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
usually about a thousand. if inspiration hits in the process - very good, now i've got an additional five hundred. but sometimes it do be very difficult and the demons came back so five hundred is fine too. the key is to just write consistently, the amount doesn't really matter
What’s your revision or editing process like?
if its a one shot: read normally, mark vague moments with a highlighter, read the second time and adjust, read again and think if anything needs fixing. i do leave it alone for at least a day to let my brain re-set during those stages, and i know that realistically it should be a longer period, but i'm impatient lmao
if its a long fic: i write two or three chapters and edit the first one while i write the second or third one, then just repeat the process and edit previous chapters. it helps for the process to not get repetitive (a bit contradictory but it works trust me bro) and to have a backup chapter in case i get burnout (exactly how i wrote Fluctuating Temperatures)
What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
oof. the outline and analysis, probably. since there's no actual writing involved and i can just imagine the scenes for now, their potential still locked in my mind. although... my second favourite one would be confrontations. emotional scenes that impact character's relationships. not necessarily dialogues, too, just the tense moments that highlight backgrounds, prejudices, traits and etc
Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished?
it depends! as i've said before, i edit as i write during long pieces and chapters. though sometimes, in one shots, i do edit as i write, even if i try not to
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mrkis · 1 year
this is a submission written by ellie (@thetypingpup). you don't understand how fucking much i enjoy these reactions and how she feels reading twlg LMFAO. i have already read through and responded to her via discord (as she was kind enough to send this as soon as the final dropped) please enjoy reading this as much as i fucking did LMAO
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The last federalist paper (for now lmao)
Good lord this is nerve wracking and emotional. I’m literally shaking as I’m typing this. But we’re here. We’re at the last part, and I’m writing my last condemnation of that man (unless i come up with more to say bc i probably will lmao). I’m gonna do the same thing as last time where i’m gonna write the reaction as an essay while I read, so somewhat intelligent, lots of screaming. *deep breath* ok here we go
Full disclosure, I have trust issues with these types of stories so I did skip to glance at the end first to see where this went, and so far all I have to say is huh…I did not see that coming.
Ok now to see how we got there.
Omg what’s this? Actual thoughts…ABOUT MC? Positive thoughts that aren’t just about sex?? What the fuck???? Omg i’m really taken aback by this so far holy shit. And omg not him being worried for mc? Is that worry on your face sir? Where’s all this coming from holy shit this is what i’ve been waiting for from him the whole time what? Fuck better late than never for that man, better late than never. Jeno’s right tho he is spending an awful lot of time with eunbin. Might wanna…might wanna address that sir.
I will say tho that scene with jeno is the first time we’re seeing the exclusive thing be acknowledged from mc’s side. Again better late than never. Treading a lot of ground in this part wow. Jeno’s the number one best friend so far here. 
This is just the chapter of surprises bc not that man is the one to be like “we need to talk”. Not mc being the avoidant one. Not me almost crying at that kiss scene. Which is crazy bc I read the spoiler, but in context it's a gut punch. This has been nothing but surprise after surprise so far. Wheeeeew that was a clusterfuck of emotions omfg why do I feel for both of them WHAT THE FUCK CAS WHAT THE FUCK???
"Jaemin feels conflicted." Bitch I feel conflicted bc there were some egregious bumps in the road before getting to this point with that man. I would know I wrote about them at length lmao. And I be if he had a gun to his head he still couldn’t list five of mc’s personality traits. Welp, let’s see how he atones for all that. 
“I wish I could pull an Eunbin and leave on a trip.” AND I OOP. ANNA OUUUUU. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW WHAT THE FUCK WOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Ok wow. Just….wooooooow. I can’t even say anything intelligent. The words are on the tip of my fingers, but all I can type is just….wooooooooow.
I’m loving the dynamic with the three besties too. Like yes mc is the main character, but i’m so glad the others have established storylines and the dynamic btw them is really fleshed out, and it’s all displayed so seamlessly through their interactions. It’s giving euphoria in the best ways.
“You hardly know anything about him, and that’s because he doesn’t let you” YES EXACTLY THANK YOU. oof there we go some acknowledgement. At the very least tho, mc knows some things. Surface level things, but still some things, things we've seen, which is still more than i can say for that man at this point. So far what do we got from him? Uhm…he likes the sex, he likes the emotional support, thinks you’re pretty, and…that’s what we got so far. Ah well, we’ll see how that changes leading to the end.
OMG YANGYANG MY MAN. MY BOY. the way i was internally screaming throughout that whole scene. Poor guy I feel bad for him, but i’m glad it was a blurting out of ‘hey actually i like you and i wouldn’t do that shit to you that he did’. As much as i personally would’ve loved to see that, i am glad that he respected her enough to keep that part to himself and just comfort her. Once again proving that he cares so fucking much about her omg. In another universe this would be a different canon event and these two would be together bc the tenderness? The care? The heart wrenching confession of ‘i love you’ whispered so quietly it could easily be lost to the wind? The tug on the heart strings? The way we got so much more of how he actually feels about mc than we ever got about that man in tens of thousands of words? The way all of this affection for her came through in a few paragraphs? *big sigh* in another universe. In another universe. Alright let’s see what’s going on with that man again fack.
Yeeeeeeees. This yangyang confrontation yaaaaaaaaaaaas. Bring it oooooooooooooon. Ah damnit he doesn’t beat his ass. He should’ve had one good punch in. nah but on some shit, dramatically, this is a perfect follow up to the previous scene. Yes he technically betrayed mc’s trust, but fuck it someone had to get the ball rolling, so it makes perfect scene. 
Ok i’ll admit, when that man’s heart sank when eunbin finally admitted her shit, i smiled. I smiled real big. I had a grinch smile on my face. Serves him fuckin right after everything that’s happened. Oh we cheered. Oh we cheered and clapped. More pain more heartache for that man he needs to suffer. I still don’t know why that man was spending so much time with her to begin with after he claimed to be done with her before, but at least that time is over. Oh wait a minute now what’s this? Acknowledgement? Self awareness? He finally figured out the problem with having eunbin around? Just surprise after surprise this chapter wow. 
“Do you realize you were the one that broke the rules first?” “Enough with that fucking name” GET HIM AGAIN FOR ME. GET HIM. WHACK HIM. DRAAAAAAAAG HIM. Wheeeeeew my head is spinning omfg. GET HIIIIIIIIIM. FINALLY oh my god you have no idea who cathartic this is. The way it still wasn’t her verbally agreeing at all, at any point, and just that man decided “hey we’re exclusive now” and still going along with it. Like what now she’s saying she agreed to this? Where was this before?? That does still bother me quite a bit I cannot lie. But still GET HIM AGAIN.
Ok here’s his apology. Hmmm…I feel like he’s got a lot more to apologize for (see previous essays lmao), and again besides the sex, the emotional support, and now a more apparent attraction, still don’t know what it is about her that he’s drawn to. Can he name those personality traits or do I need to grab the revolver? What is it that he likes as a person? As a human being? I guess that’s gonna be one of those unanswered questions. I guess that’s the way life goes.
The ending is very sweet tho don’t get me wrong. The love making is very sweet. The epilogue is very sweet. It’s very cathartic and really made me emotional to read. Now, is he still that man? Am I still his parole officer? What’s the verdict? Well I just finished the chapter and so far I have to say hmmm…I guess Jaemin is in the clear FOR NOW. He’s done his prison time. We’ll call this probation then. But I will be watching for him in the upcoming parts of this college series, and I’m more than prepared to make a citizens’ arrest if I have to I will be the first one to jump his ass.
Fuck this was…such a journey. This was such a fucking journey. And honestly this journey even transcends this work. Like yes this work is masterfully done, one of the most enriching immersive experiences I’ve ever had with a fic, but I already told you that lmao. Through this I joined the discord, met some incredible people and made some incredible friends. Through this I met you, and you’ve become such a special friend to me and I value our friendship so much. I appreciate the fuck out of it (see what i did there please clap). I’m proud of you Cassie, for putting in all this work, for seeing this through to the end, and for cultivating an incredible community with your amazing work. 
 I was going to end this with something cheesy like "the real way life goes was the friends we made along the way", but i'm moreso sitting there like the fish in bags in finding nemo all like...now what? Lmao will be tuning in for your future work!
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dalkyeom · 2 years
I WAS TOLD U LIKED FIRE EMBLEM TOOO AHHH THE BESTIES ALL HAVE TASTE anyways happy Halloween Chia! ILY! I hope you're having a fun and safe holiday beloved ~
I loveddddd your latest dokyeom drawing btw if that wasn't evident. I've looked at it 10 times again in the past hour. Mwah <3333 🦇🎃🍬 👻 🕸️🍂
ELV MY FAVE KYEOM KYEOM LOVER HELLOOOOO! Happy halloween 🎃 my halloween was pretty chill, i think the only cool thing that happened was that I closet cosplayed SVT’s iconic ready to love zoom live (bc i used the same backdrop lmao) while I was in class today. Thought I wouldn’t be the one to present but alas, my homework was chosen to be representative so I had to speak so my picture of Cheol made its class debut. I hope your halloween went well too <33 shall be consuming the spoops later!
AMG YOU LIKE FE TOO?! 😭 catch me running to you and xan bc of fire emblem solidarity. It’s just so good oof oof— and awww I heart you too 🥺💕 asdasd—amg I’m so glad you like the House That Eats!Kyeom fa istg I sing that fic to praises like it now has 3 ghosts from how I can’t move on so I linger and think about it every 3 weeks or something. Jackie did such a good job I’m always in tears even after my 5th re-read (also shoutout to jackie ily! :(( consuming your fics again) the power of that fic possessed me istg!
Thank you for ringing the doorbell! You receive… another short blurb!
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SEOKMIN IN FIRE EMBLEM AU; a headcanon list
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While it doesn’t have a specific game from the series in the title, i’ll be using Three Houses as my main inspiration since it’s the one I recently played. Will not follow the game’s plot directly bc i’ll be focusing more on the school and daily life parts more lol.
Lee Seokmin, the second child and next in line to be the head of House Lee, one of the five great houses of the Leicester Alliance. His family is known to possess great vocal ability so most of them became singers and bards and well acquainted with the opera
I think he fits a class that can wield a sword the best (this is me going off on vibes alone and based it off arthur!kyeom). Personally, i’d put him as either a soldier or hero class but being part of the cavalier is good too. The thing is, Seokmin is just as skilled with a bow. Much like the other kids from the leicester alliance, he’s been trained to be able to use one with great accuracy but after trying a sword, he found it much more comfortable to use.
Final verdict — his starting class is hero.
Seokmin is a protector. He will, instinctively, gladly take the hit for you. The type to subtly pull you behind him when on the battlefield bc he’d rather have you out of harm’s way. You know that look when he’s super focused? He eyes his enemies like a hawk, he’ll be ready to counter and block whoever is daring enough to make the first move.
But like that’s what makes it his biggest weakness too, the emotional side that comes out especially when he’s so riled up. he was once chastised by Seungcheol, after a mission went awry. He got riled up so bad, emotions blinding him that he failed to notice a teammate get tag teamed by one of the enemy soldiers. Had Jeonghan been a second late, it could’ve ended with one of them dead. They were lucky to get out alive, gravely injured but alive.
Seokmin vows never to let his rage blindside him again.
Ok but can you imagine his support dialogues? The s-support dialogue?? Gonna go insane thinking about it bc i bet it’ll be so sweet. Instead of the usually loud and energetic seokmin, we are greeted by the softer and gentler side of himself. The lover; the one who looks at you with so much affection that it manifests in the way he treats you. He talks in whispers bc he fears that any decibel higher than 40 will shatter the fragile atmosphere he has with you. Goddess forbid.
He’ll take your hand gently in his, his thumbs rubbing small circles on the back of your palm like a promise that he’ll keep the world safe for you because he’d rather go to hell first and suffer if it meant keeping the love of his life safe.
Why did I do that to myself. Plus one for shared heart clenching for a Lee Seokmin [+1]
Anyways, you’ll find Seokmin usually by the stables or the dining hall. He has an affinity with horses and often volunteers to help with the horses and pegasi. Oftentimes, you’d find him making pizza with Mingyu. The entire monastery now knows the second and third wednesdays of the month are unofficiall ‘pizza nights’.
Seokmin naturally gets along with students from the other houses. his bright disposition and easy going nature making it easy to befriend those around him. He’s kind of like a magnet? Also he sings really well, and he sings everywhere at anytime, it’s hard not to ignore him (bad thing or not).
He’s also in the choir with Seungkwan and Joshua. Jeonghan joins from time to time.
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Trick o’ Treat 2022 mini event [closed]
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butterflyintochains · 2 months
Best With Three: Part Three
Gabriella ''Ella'' Lemieux is a 23 year old tennis star from Montreal. A devoted cat mom, lover of the hard courts, and tennis history nerd to her atoms. Best friends with just about everyone, she courts no controversy. Beloved and admired for her elegance on court, as well as her charity work off court. One of the icons of the young Canadian King Cup Team. With her besties, Leylah and Bianca, at her side, she's unstoppable.
That is, however, until a wild Christmas in Vancouver while visiting family out west before going to Australia. When she meets two local hockey stars.
TW: some sexism, social media au, press being stupid, and allusion to bigotry.
part one / part two
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liked by: _eliaspettersson, _quinnhughes, leylahannietennis, and 30k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Hola, Madrid! Good to be back on clay, not my best surface, but I hope that can change soon! Had a nice couple of weeks off in Vancouver with my boyfriends. But, the work begins again! 🍁💖
MapleFam: You had a couple of weeks off with the boys, and didn't show us anything?
Gabriella.Lemieux: Social media detox.
_quinnhughes: Can't wait to catch your highlights, flower!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Go and show Nashville who's boss, honey! And, tell our boyfriend to stop being so hard on himself all the time for me? _quinnhughes: It's easier to get blood from a stone, but I'll try. _eliaspettersson: Why are my boyfriend and girlfriend vaguing about me on insta? Gabriella.Lemieux: Because, sweetheart, you're a martyr for no reason.
leylahannietennis: Love seeing the three of you loving on each other in your feed, angel.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Oh, I know, this is probably the happiest I've ever been. 🥰
bboeser: Finally met your cats! So cool of you to get them moved in early.
danielnestor1: Let's get this title for you, kiddo.
felixaliassime: Team Canada dinner tonight?
biancaandreescu: You bet! leylahannietennis: 👍 denis.shapovalov: Count me in, Felix! Gabriella.Lemieux: I'll be there.
BelieveInBlue: Are you Canadian WTA number one yet, Ella?
Gabriella.Lemieux: Not quite, Leylah is still quite a bit ahead of me, but we're closing the gap. (the friendship is more than safe, though)
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liked by: _quinnhughes, Gabriella.Lemieux, bboeser, and 70k others.
_eliaspettersson: Our four adorable companions while mommy plays tennis. They miss their mom so much, and hope that she wins this tournament. Top left: Arwen. Top right: Atticus. Bottom left: Legolas. Bottom right: Daenerys.
_quinnhughes: Normally a dog person, but these four own me now.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Oh, my children! Stop making me miss the six of you more than I already do. As soon as I'm done at Wimbledon, and moved in properly, we're getting you guys your dog.
NuckForEver: Ooh, good time for an origin story on the Lemieux Cats, Ella!!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Atticus is my first cat, I rescued him from a box in the alley behind my apartment building a couple of years ago. Some idiot just abandoned him. I got Arwen a couple of months later. From a shelter in Sorel. Someone told me to get Atticus a friend. Gabriella.Lemieux: Legolas was also adopted from that same shelter. Daenerys is the baby, I got her from a family who had a surprise litter. Now, I'm a mom of four cats!
BelieveInBlue: Oof, Atticus does not look pleased about something!
_eliaspettersson: I think that was when Brock brought his dogs over one day! _quinnhughes: Milo and Coolie were super well behaved, though. bboeser: Sorry, Atticus.
leylahannietennis: God, I miss the Lemieux Cats!
MapleFam: The Whistler Trio are about to have a zoo! Four cats and a dog! Wow! 🐾
That's an early exit in Madrid for the Canadian number two. A straight set loss to Yulia Putintseva 6-2, 6-2. With a nice chat at the net, Lemieux's Madrid campaign comes to an end. In her post match presser, Ella said: ''I've always struggled on clay, so I'm proud of the last few days. I didn't expect to make it this far, so, in a way, I surprised myself.'' 1/3
@/WTA_updates: Gabriella said that she doesn't feel as though the time off upset her game, more just her opponent coming out swinging. 2/3 @/WTA_updates: Lemieux also said she was optimistic for Rome since the clay there is a bit more forgiving to play on. 3/3
The Whistler Trio gc 🤍💚💙
AngelElla: I know this is gonna sound super strange, but I'm proud of myself for that run in Madrid. Caldersson: So you should be, clay has always been your weakest surface. So, even a third round is good. HuggyBear: What's next for you then? Roland Garros? AngelElla: Rome, then Roland Garros. AngelElla: Glad the press have been leaving me alone at last. Caldersson: Same, it's been so annoying for us too. Sports media should probably just stick to the sports. HuggyBear: Could not agree more, as a captain, it's just fucking annoying to deal with when I'm already dealing with enough. AngelElla: If I could do my job without talking to press, that'd be literal paradise.
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liked by: NHL, WTA, Gabriella.Lemieux and 900k others.
canucks: All Together, All In! With our 6 game victory over the Nashville Predators, we are second round bound. Up next: Edmonton. 💙💚🤍🏒
Gabriella.Lemieux: That's my guys! Bring this cup home for us! Also, love seeing my boyfriends doing well. 💖
_eliaspettersson: Let's get this, boys! 💪
_quinnhughes: All Together, All In 🐬
bboeser: Just you wait, Edmonton, we're coming for you!
tdemko30: Wish I could actually play these games rn 🙁
j.tmiller9: You'll be back, Demmer.
wta: Here's to a cup, boys!
conor.garland8: Wait, since when did the WTA follow us on insta? Gabriella.Lemieux: You're welcome!
BelieveInBlue: Can't believe we're actually experiencing this again! It's been so long.
MapleFam: Ikr? And, with Ella's amazing season, the Whistler Trio are flourishing.
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liked by: canucks, _eliaspettersson, _quinnhughes, and 40k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Ciao, Roma!! Ready to get going in Rome, I always miss Rome when I'm away, there's something very inspiring about this city to me. Hope someday we can all be here, but never at the expense of the playoffs. BTW, Go, Canucks, Go!! 🍁
leylahannietennis: Can't wait to see the draw this time.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Tell me about it, same half for four events this season? Cruel and unusual punishment, sunny. cocogauff: All of us were in the same section in Melbourne, I smell a fix tbh. leylahannietennis: They said 'we can't have three pretty besties succeed can we?' and did... that. 🙄
danielnestor1: Training was super good today, Ella, you are coming on leaps and bounds on clay. Only a matter of time now.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thank you, Danny!
felixaliassime: I still can't believe you're a Canucks fan now.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Neither can I, Feli! But... Quinn and Elias are there, y'know?
denis.shapovalov: You mean; 'Go, Leafs, go'?
Gabriella.Lemieux: Nope, your sister is a Canucks girlie now, DJ. 😉 biancaandreescu: We can suffer together, Deni.
MapleFam: Not the Canada Family arguing about hockey on main! 🤣
Gabriella.Lemieux: Yeah... we may be pro tennis players, but we're still Canadians. 😄 The only one who doesn't follow hockey is Leylah (but, she really likes Mitch Marner)
Easy as you like it! Gabriella Lemieux claims a dominant start to her Italian Open campaign with a 7-6, 6-1 win over France's Clara Burel. The Dubai champion will face nineteenth seed Marta Kostyuk in the second round.
@/EllaLemieux: Happy to get going in Rome at last!
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liked by: leylahannietennis, _quinnhughes, _eliaspettersson, and 15k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Big win over Marta Kostyuk today, no sets dropped yet! Very pleased with my play so far! Had a quiet evening, chilling out with a book. And, some of you may have noticed this, but: new nails! 💅
MapleFam: So that's what that was? All I saw was the blue!
leylahannietennis: Love the nails, angel! Will you keep them for the rest of the season?
Gabriella.Lemieux: If I win, and if the guys win, I might just. Good idea, sunny!
denis.shapovalov: felixalissime, you've lost her, bro, she's gone over to the dark side.
felixaliassime: I know, 😥 Who's gonna suffer through the Habs rebuild with me now? Gabriella.Lemieux: Uncle Toni? felixaliassime: His eyes glaze over when I talk about hockey, Ella.
canucks: Love them, Gabriella! - HS and DS
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thank you, Mr and Mr Sedin!! #alltogetherallin
_eliaspettersson: You got Canucks nails?
_quinnhughes: And, didn't tell us about it? Gabriella.Lemieux: Surprise? _eliaspettersson: We love you so much, Ella. 🤍💚💙 Gabriella.Lemieux: I love you guys too. 💖
BelieveInBlue: I love how much a part of the family Ella is already, it's so sweet.🥰
Am I the only one so nervous for Ella and Dasha's match today? The literal only openly poly tennis player in history and one of few lgbt players on the tour? Idk, I just hope there's no bigotry from anywhere after all is said and done.
@/MapleFam: Omg, same... like, I love Ella so much, and Dasha is an icon. I just am praying that no one is weird about this match. @/BelieveInBlue: I know, I hope no one sends hate to the boys or Dasha's girlfriend. @/WhistlerTrio_Beloveds: Is Ella the first openly poly tennis player? @/Canada_Family: As far as we know, yes.
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liked by: canucks, _eliaspettersson, _quinnhughes, and 30k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: A solid win over Dasha today! Still no sets dropped, very happy with myself. Such an amazing week so far, and I hope it doesn't end here. Looking forward to the fourth round, and can't believe I'm actually going this far on clay of all surfaces. I'd also like to shoutout the crowd who was so supportive of two women with lives some may deem unorthodox. 🍁
canucks: Congrats, Gabriella!! - PA
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thank you so much, Mr Allvin.
bboeser: Making the difficult look easy, 💪
j.tmiller9: The boys were gushing about your highlights in the dressing room, Ella!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Love to hear that, Millsy! I'm officially caught up with your games now too!
_eliaspettersson: Keep it up, darling! 💙
Gabriella.Lemieux: Right back at you, sweetheart! 🤍
_quinnhughes: So proud of you, flower! 💚
Gabriella.Lemieux: I'm proud of you both too, honey! 🤍
_tylermyers_: Never liked tennis until this year, this sport is crazy. 🎾🏒
tdemko30: Right? We'll have to go to Wimbledon now! This sport is insane! conor.garland8: Boys' trip to Wimbledon? Count me in!
MapleFam: Wimbledon is about to be invaded by the whole Canucks roster, omg. 🤣
And, the Cinderella run ends in the fourth round. Gabriella Lemieux falling in straight sets to China's Qinwen Zheng, who won the match 6-2, 6-4. Next stop for the Canadian Number two: Roland Garros.
@/BelieveInBlue: Oof, that gap to Leylah is miniscule now. They're within hundreds of points of each other! When will Ella take over? @/MapleFam: Earliest possible is week two of Roland Garros, or week one of the grass season. Latest is week one of Wimbledon. Let's see! @/BelieveInBlue: Will this affect their friendship any? @/Canada_Family: Nope! Ella and Leylah have been friends since they were kids, they adore each other.
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liked by: _eliaspettersson, Gabriella.Lemieux, bboeser, and 600k others.
_quinnhughes: So many memories from this season, so little time. First as captain, first real playoffs for us, first nomination or the Norris. Found the two loves of my life at last, got to skate with one, now we support our lady through the summer! Can't wait for next year already, well done, Edmonton!
_eliaspettersson: Glad to see I'm still your favourite teammate, Q.
_quinnhughes: Well, I'm not dating the others, am I? Gabriella.Lemieux: I'm your favourite tennis player, right? _quinnhughes: Obviously, flower.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Only came into this season halfway through, but I would never have followed any other team. I love you both so much, and hope you get that cup next year.
tdemko30: Rude, no pics w/me in this post...
_quinnhughes: Sorry, Demmer, but my boyfriend is so pretty, y'know?😍 bboeser: Glad to see you're still down bad for him, Huggy.
conor.garland8: We'll get them next time, captain.
j.tmiller9: So proud of this team #gocanucksgo
canucks: An honour to have you as a captain, Quinn.
Oh, my God. Can they stop putting the besties in the same damn draw section when there's a fight for Canadian Number One! We want a final to decide that, not some lame fourth round or something!
@/BelieveInBlue: They did it again?! What?! @/MapleFam: They did it again! Gabriella and Leylah are in the same section again. @/WhistlerTrio_Beloveds: They hate to see two pretty besties winning, ffs. @/Canada_Family: This smells like a fix imho... 🤔 @/BelieveInBlue: Could not agree more.
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liked by: _quinnhughes, _eliaspettersson, leylahannietennis, and 50k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Bonjour, Paris!! My ancestral home, I'm so incredibly honoured to be here again! This city is easily one of the best in the world. Ready to fight for this title, ready to rock. Also, Edmonton Oilers - it's on sight. And, yes, there's a fight for National number one, but Leylah and I are more than secure together. 🍁🥰
wta: Ella, don't go threatening an entire hockey team on your main account, please.😨
Gabriella.Lemieux: They beat my boys, but, okay... leylahannietennis: You tell them, angel! biancaandreescu: Edmonton - you've just pissed off a tennis player, how d'you feel?
canucks: Thank you for the support, Ella 😁😂 - PA
Gabriella.Lemieux: Happy to be of service, Mr Allvin! The Oilers are such a boring team anyway. #alltogetherallin
WhistlerTrio: Girlie's media training went out the window as soon as Quinn and Elias lost, huh? #iconic
Gabriella.Lemieux: Mess with my boyfriends, mess with me. Gabriella.Lemieux: Also... love that everyone's calling us the Whistler Trio.
danielnestor1: Ella, please don't antagonise the Oilers. We've got a title to win, kiddo.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Sorry, Danny. 💕 MapleFam: As soon as Daniel gets involved, Ella just folds lol!
_eliaspettersson: We'll be with you in a couple of days, darling!
_quinnhughes: Then, I'm off to Vegas for the awards! Gabriella.Lemieux: Can't wait! I've missed you guys so much!
leylahannietennis: Same section again, fork found in kitchen, I guess. 🙄
The battle for Canadian Number One begins in style! Leylah Fernandez beating local Jessika Ponchet 6-2, 6-0 to advance to round 2. And, Gabriella Lemieux claiming a maiden French Open match win against Tatjana Maria 6-2, 6-3.
@/BelieveInBlue: I'm new here, what do our scenarios look like? @/MapleFam: Ella needs to make it two rounds further than Leylah. So, if Leylah loses in the next round, and Ella wins her fourth round, the ranking switches hands. @/NucksForever: What if they both make the fourth round? @/Canada_Family: Then, Ella has to win and make the semi finals. If Leylah wins at all, she keeps it.
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liked by: bboeser, _eliaspettersson, _quinnhughes, leylahannietennis, and 80k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Into the second round, and my boys are finally here!! So happy to have my boyfriends come to see me for the first time.💖 Hope I can give them a good show against Ostapenko! Gonna be interesting🍁🍁🍁
WhistlerTrio: Oh, my God, stay calm! Stay calm! It's finally happening! Someone sedate me!!
BelieveInBlue: Ella's on Chatrier!! Elias and Quinn will be in her box! On Chatrier!
Canada_Family: Hey, can you guys adopt me? I love you three so much!
felixaliassime: So cool to finally meet you guys properly, you're the coolest!
denis.shapovalov: Just, take care of our Ella, plz. _eliaspettersson: Cool meeting you guys too, even cooler getting to see you guys train. _quinnhughes: We'll take care of her, don't worry.
rolandgarros: Bienvenue, Elias et Quinn!
_quinnhughes: Merci!
leylahannietennis: Happy to finally put names to faces, angel, you are so lucky. 💖
Gabriella.Lemieux: I know, it's great!😍 biancaandreescu: Not a Canucks girl, but they're my favourite non-Leafs for sure!
danielnestor1: Glad to have you here, boys, just don't put Ella off her tennis too much, okay?
_eliaspettersson: Got ya, coach. 👍 _quinnhughes: We're just her habs this week, don't worry.
Oh, there they are!! This is real life, people!! The first ever poly tennis player has both of her boyfriends sitting with her coach! Quinn is in a simple polo shirt and jeans, Elias is dressed much the same, too hot for a hoodie methinks. Daniel is seemingly teaching them about how the match is gonna look. 1/7
@/WTA_updates: And, the players take to the court for their match! A huge roar of cheers for the 2017 champion, and an equal roar for the Canadian number two. Lemieux has opted to serve first 2/7 @/WTA_updates: Oof! Big first set here, we're all square at six games all, and heading into a tiebreak. Elias and Quinn are cheering encouragement for their girlfriend, they look so proud of her! 3/7 @/WTA_updates: Gutsy tennis from Gabriella in this tiebreak, she takes the set 7-6(7/4), Ostapenko looks unsettled. Lemieux, however, smiles up to her box, and takes her sit down break. 4/7 @/WTA_updates: Ostapenko reels it in to take the second set 6-4! We're going to a decider on Chatrier! Quinn and Elias seem to be deep in conversation during the break, they're clearly as crazy for each other as they are for Gabriella. 5/7 @/WTA_updates: Lemieux breaks to love! 5-3, and she will serve for the match! Can she get this done? The crowd are going nuts for her! 6/7 @/WTA_updates: Eight points in a row! With a comfortable hold to love, Gabriella Lemieux is in the third round against Sofia Kenin. Her boyfriends are in tears, and so is she. 7/7
Best Roland Garros women's match I've ever seen, holy hell!
@/BelieveInBlue: I know! I was biting my nails like crazy! @/Canada_Family: The comms were so funny too! Kept on having to correct themselves over the relationship between the Whistler Trio! Like; ''Her boyfriend, Elias Pettersson.'' ''Oh, no, her boyfriends, plural: Elias Pettersson and Quinn Hughes.'' @/MapleFam: I had that too! ''They're hers and each other's, Mats.'' ''Oh, okay, interesting.''
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liked by: leylahannietennis, _quinnhughes, _eliaspettersson, and 15k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Movie night with my boys! Thank you, Jelena, for that epic match, my first against you, and first on Chatrier! Here's to many more in the future. I still can't believe I'm only 190 points off of Canadian Number One. Two more matches to win, and I've achieved one of my dreams. 🍁🍁🍁
_eliaspettersson: Keep on pushing, darling!
_quinnhughes: I was blown away watching you, you're incredible! Gabriella.Lemieux: So happy to have you both here!
leylahannietennis: Here's to our fourth round (I hope)
biancaandreescu: Only right that we all have the position at some point, huh?
felixaliassime: So cool having two hockey icons at our tournament still! 🤩
denis.shapovalov: Will we have the rest at Wimbledon?
_eliaspettersson: Maybe...
bboeser: Just caught your highlights in Minny, and... wow!
tdemko30: So excited for the rest of the tournament already if Ella's playing like this!
conor.garland8: Her forehand to win the tiebreak, oh my God! 🤩
_quinnhughes: Ikr? I swear, I felt it in my bones! _eliaspettersson: My fave was her backhand passing shot to win the match!
danielnestor1: Can't wait for the next one already, easily your best match of the year, kiddo.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thank you, Danny! 🥰
canucks: Keep it going, Ella!! #alltogetherallin - RT
bboeser: Coach?? Gabriella.Lemieux: Thank you, Mr Tocchet.
One match win left to secure her Nation's number one WTA spot! With Fernandez's straight set loss to Ons Jabeur and Lemieux's 6-2, 7-5 win over Sofia Kenin, a quarter final will see the ranking change hands.
@/MapleFam: Exciting times, people! @/BelieveInBlue: Can't believe it's so close already! Just one more match win, and it's hers. @/WhistlerTrio_Beloveds: Wonder how Ella's feeling right now?
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liked by: bboeser, _eliaspettersson, _quinnhughes, leylahannietennis, and 60k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thank you for the great match, Sofia! Always a pleasure to face you, babes! Some pics of the city I took on day one as well! I currently am one match win away from achieving one of the many dreams I've had since I first picked up a racquet at age five. I am so thankful to be here, with the two men who I love so much, and the best coach in the world. 🍁💖
leylahannietennis: You deserve it after the amazing first half of the year you've had, angel!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thank you, sunny!
danielnestor1: One match left, kiddo, let's get this done!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Could not agree more, coach!
_eliaspettersson: We're with you, alskling, every step of the way! 💙
_quinnhughes: And, there's nowhere we'd rather be! 💚 Gabriella.Lemieux: I love you both so much. 🤍
felixaliassime: Let's go, Ella!
denis.shapovalov: Rooting for you, sister!!
biancaandreescu: You've got this, Ella!
mirjambjorklund: So proud of you already, Ella!
canucks: Keep it going, Gabriella! - JR
bboeser: Let's do this, Ella!!!
tdemko30: Lexie, Dawson, and Delilah are rooting for you, Ella!
The ranking race is on hold for now, as Jabeur takes down Lemieux 6-4, 6-4 to advance to the quarter finals! With a short hug at the net, Lemieux's clay season comes to an end. Next match for Jabeur: Gauff. Next stop for Lemieux: Rosmalen.
@/BelieveInBlue: How many matches are needed there, then? @/MapleFam: A quarter final maximum. But, I think she might just do better than that.
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liked by: _quinnhughes, _eliaspettersson, canucks, and 90k others.
Gabriella.Lemieux: Not the result I was after, but so happy with my progress on clay and in the rankings. It's been a long road so far, and it's only getting started. Rosmalen is next, and I can't wait for the grass season. 💖🍁
_eliaspettersson: We're proud of you, and we can't wait to see you on grass after all the good things Danny has told us.
_quinnhughes: You'll win the next one, flower! Gabriella.Lemieux: Here's hoping!
leylahannietennis: Onwards and upwards, angel!
felixaliassime: Hated seeing you cry like that on court, hope the boys are holding you extra close tonight. 🥺
Gabriella.Lemieux: They are, I'm just... angry at myself.
danielnestor1: We'll get there, kiddo, promise. 💕
liked by Gabriella.Lemieux
_quinnhughes: I've never cried at a sports thing like that, seeing our girlfriend so close to her dream, and not getting it. 😥
_eliaspettersson: Yeah... sucks. And, Ella sobbing her way off court, and we couldn't be there for her until after press. 😭
MapleFam: Most painful tennis match I've ever watched, and Ons acting like she'd won the title pissed me off.
canucks: Rest up, Gabriella! - JR
Gabriella.Lemieux: I'll try, Mr Rutherford.💙💚🤍
denis.shapovalov: Hate seeing my sister upset like that, but, I know you've got Rosmalen in the bag.🙏
biancaandreescu: You so deserved better this week, angel. A straight set loss like that doesn't represent the warrior you've become.💖
cocogauff: I'll avenge you, angel! Don't worry!
Gabriella.Lemieux: Thanks, cookie. I'm just so angry at myself.
Just ran into the Whistler Trio at the hotel! Got to chat with them for a bit. They are all so sweet and kind! Quinn is so funny, Elias is such an intent listener. Gabriella wasn't up for much talking, but she is just the nicest person ever. She remembered me from Australia and everything!! A match made in heaven, istg.
@/MapleFam: I know, right? I met her in Montreal last year when she was out with that burnout, she was out on a run in the park and let me join her! @/Canada_Family: Perfect future world number one material, it'll come, I can feel it. @/BelieveInBlue: I'm so glad she has them through that heartbreaking loss yesterday.
Hi, all! Long time since I used my twitter. But, I just wanna thank everyone for their support! The best is yet to come, and I'm far from done yet this season. There's so much I wanna get done, and I hope you're all on the ride with me.
Okay, part three finally done!! This has been such a fun story to work on so far! I don't know how many parts this will end up having, but that's fine for now. Very pleased with how things are going.
As for the Whistler Trio: They're all dating each other. No idea if Gabriella is the first ever poly tennis player, but she is probably the first openly poly tennis player, for story purposes at least.
0 notes