#ooh poem after months! who knew she had it in her !
sk8termikey · 5 months
Chapter 6 of 21 questions
better interface on wattpad
Matt was currently smiling at his phone. To be honest, Matt had been smiling at his phone a lot these past few days. The only reason why: a girl called Lily whom he had been texting for almost two months. Their game of 21 questions started by the girl in early March had quickly become random conversations about their days, hobbies and thoughts. Although it had been nice several weeks, Matt was still careful not to say too much to the girl as he was afraid that she might discover his identity. He felt like he was safe for now, but that didn't mean he would start lowering his guard – she was still a stranger after all. However, at this moment, he was just happy to see that she had texted him.
I have no idea what time your plane is but you said in the morning so
Have a safe flight :)
He noticed that she had sent it a couple of hours ago, meaning that she was either a very early bird, or simply living on the East Coast – the latter made more sense. He quickly texted back to thank her and put his phone in his pocket before joining his brothers that were arguing as always.
As the three were going to Hawaii for their friend's birthday, they decided to vlog their trip and so they were filming themselves on the way to, as well as at the airport.
Matt, his brothers Nick and Chris, plus his friends Nate and Madi – the birthday girl – had finally arrived in Hawaii. The first thing they wanted to do was explore the surroundings and they obviously had to record the beautiful place.
As Matt was now holding the camera after Nick had filmed for a bit, he tried to tease him when they were nearing a market where birds were. See, Nick had a fear of birds and this felt really funny to Matt when he pointed out the parrots to the group:
"Nick, loot at that. Oh my god, there's millions of them!" Matt was trying to sound dramatic as he then called his other brother. "Chris, there's hundreds of them."
"I'm not as scared of big birds like this," Nick said as he was explaining that only tiny birds were scaring him – ok, weird much but it's valid.
A couple of days later, the group was still enjoying Hawaii as they were now playing baseball near the hotel. Although the trip was supposed to be in honour of Madi, she was just chilling and sitting on the grass while watching them.
It was now Matt's turn to throw the ball at Nick while Nate was holding the camera. After several successful hits from Nick to Chris – who was trying to catch the ball dozens of metres behind Matt, Nick failed at hitting the ball Matt threw to him. This led to the middle triplet bending down in front of Nate, who couldn't resist a comment:
"Ooh, got a nice angle of your ass Matt".
Nate was definitely Matt's hype man as he kept cheering on him.
Even though Matt's focus had completely been on his brothers and friends since the beginning of their Hawaii trip, his thoughts went to a certain someone. He realised that with the timezones being twice as far away, he barely spoke to Lily as they had a six hour difference. They had only exchanged a couple of texts regarding Pokemon and Gravity Falls as it was their main common points.
However, when he saw the gorgeous landscape they were in front of, he couldn't help but take a picture to send to Lily. He knew she loved taking pictures of whatever she would see, but she had made it clear a couple of times that she especially favoured the beach and the sky. Those two gifts from Mother Nature had always looked breathtaking to the girl and she had even sent some of her favourite photos to Matt, who had to admit that the way the moon or the sea could be depicted by Lily was something people wrote poems about.
This is the reason why Matt kept comparing his texting companion to his older triplet, as he could only find similarities between them the more Matt talked with Lily. And what he appreciated the most about her was how she looked at the world with such admiration: to Lily, Earth was a museum waiting for people to come and discover the art hidden all around.
As Matt was quickly skimming through his gallery to select a nice picture of the sea, his brother Nick couldn't help but look at him and how focused he was on his phone. The older triplet being the most observant of the three had noticed that Matt had been spending more time on it lately, but he knew not to say anything about it – Matt would talk about it on his own terms if it really mattered and if he wanted to share this with his brothers. For now, Nick would leave Matt alone and pretend like nothing was happening – close to how Chris was acting although he actually had no clue.
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Wow you seem to really like it
Ig you’re growing on me bc the landscape made me think of you
Bro i’m gonna cry, that’s so thoughtful
It makes the picture even more special
Thanks again 🫶
You're welcome :)
How's the vacation going btw?  
Honestly it’s going incredibly well 
I’m spending most of my time exploring with my brothers and our friends
So yeah it’s going pretty great
Good to know :))
I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip and don’t hesitate to send more pics bc it looks GORGEOUS
Thanks, and will do!
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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sapphowhispers · 4 years
Silent girls
Hush now, you do it so well -
didn't you know, you're made to serve?
You were taught to obey
and then came the day
you taught it all again,
the silence, the pain.
You gave it to your daughter -
she must learn not to bother
with her big and bright ideas,
she should choke them with her tears.
Tell her words can be spoken
only when she's finally softened
under all of your wills.
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yejiroh · 4 years
Runaway Bride
Yandere! Chrollo x Fem! Reader
Part 3
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Authors note: Hello everyone! Thank you for being here for the (most likely) final part of the Runaway Bride story!
Tag list: @yanderes-are-the-best @ejeeart @misskuudere-chan @fatherrrora
It was a race against time. As the news reported false information, Chrollo and his subordinates continued to search for the Nen user they needed. Meanwhile, Y/n continued to change her appearance, running farther and farther away. 
A rough hand slammed against the table, a chewed bullet resting beside it.
Gripping his hair, Uvo screamed in frustration as they had lost another person. It was amazing how many people had such a good sense of smell, yet died the second they smelled Y/n’s belongings. 
“How many does that make?”
“I think that was the 19th person. “
“You’re kidding.”
“Uvo, there’s literally bodies behind your chair. “
Kortopi walked in, messy hair hiding his face like usual. He did not say anything, but a curt nod to the two made them stand up and follow him out of the hotel room. 
Feitan stood in the hallway, knife in hand.
“Anything new?”
Shalnark shook his head ‘no’ with a sigh.
“The boss isn’t going to like this…”
Scratching his chin, Uvo pondered aloud “Why doesn’t he just take their Nen and use that? Doesn’t he take Nen abilities that he likes?”
“Doesn’t work like that, and Uvo, how come you’re the one coming up with all the ideas?”
‘I’m not sure. All I did was drink a case of beer this morning.”
“What are we gonna tell the boss? It’s already been some time- oh god, what if Y/n, you know- committed-”
“She wouldn’t do that unless it would be fun. It’s not fun when you’re scared.”
“Maybe she’s not scared? Huh, what about then, Uvo?”
“Would you two please shut u-”
“Call the boss now, I just figured it out! Ooh, Y/n is smart!”
“No shit Shalnark.”
“Just call Chrollo.”
Dark eyes stared back at each other, the only thing separating the pur reflection was the spider web cracks of the glass mirror. Phone ringing, a gloved hand went to pick it it up, pressing the speaker icon.
“Any new-”
“Explain Shalnark.”
A deep breath was heard in the other side of the phone, and the younger man began to speak rapidly.
“Okay, so basically, everyone- besides us, or people who have generally been close to Y/n for a while, are either passing out or dropping dead like flies right? It’s her! A part of her Nen- I think. Some sort of precaution since she was always on the move, ya know?”
“How does that help us find her?”
“Well, we just need someone who can sniff her out without any damage- so back to our original idea, we just need to smell her out! We had the wrong scent cause we were tracking her by her stuff, not her!”
Chrollo looked at himself, mouth slightly open. Of course! How had he not seen it before? Hadn’t Y/n mentioned something like that before? Smacking his head, he began to laugh, a wicked smile plastered on his face.
“Oh god, thank you Shalnark, I can do this on my own now- let everyone know to return to the hotel, and clean up the mess. My runaway bride is coming  back.”
Hanging up, the man hurried out of the bathroom, grabbing a black bag, laughing maniacally. 
Now all Chrollo had to do was get ready.
Sweat dripped down the side of her nose, hitting the countertop. It was to be expected that running from Chrollo of all people would be difficult. Y/n shook her head, refusing to think of why it was a bad idea to run. The bastard had too much control over her already. A hand in her hair, Y/n looked up, having forgotten that she had cut quite a bit off earlier. Eyes on her hair, Y/n inhaled deeply, calming herself as she tried to stop the tears before they could come.
Gray eyes shone like jewels, boring into her own, soft strands of ebony hair framed his face beautifully as he looked down on Y/n, arms around her, a smile on his face.
“You’re so beautiful love, smile for me?”
“Chrollo, I’m nothing special- we both know that.”
“Ah, but you are; to me, you always look like you’ve just fallen from the heavens, just for me!”
A playful chuckle from Chrollo as he blushed. It was a cold night, and the secret visits he would make just for Y/n were treasured. Holding her closer, he moved a stray strand of hair from her face, pecking Y/n’s nose. Ticklish as it was, she let out a giggle.
“Will you stay? At least until I fall asleep?”
“Anything for you love.”
Y/n hit the table, grabbing her keys. If she was going to dream about the man, it wasn't going to be now.
Various parts of red roses lay scattered on the floor thorns, petals, leaves, and if you looked very closely, pollen.  Various gifts lined the walls, all wrapped up nicely. Soon, guests would be filling the seats, and Chrollo would once again stand at the altar, and once again he would expect Y/n too walk out those doors oh so bashfully. But this time he would take her hands into his own, tell her how utterly beautiful she looked, and skip the vows- the faster, the better. 
Why was he even going through with marriage if he already had Y/n tightly wrapped around his finger, under lock and key? It’s not like they pay taxes, and he never wanted to marry- and Y/n didn’t care for it. 
‘Because it’s poetic you fool.’
This whole ordeal, just to add another story to his vast collection? Chrollo let out a laugh; to think that he had wasted precious months for the sake of poetry amused him. 
Sliding off one of the silver bands off his ring finger, he set it on the pedestal, messing up his silky black hair. 
“Why waste time slicking your hair back if you have such pretty locks?” Y/n looked up, eyes wide as her hands raked through his just washed hair.
“Gets in my face too much. And it gives me a cool vibe when I slick it back.”
Y/n stopped, bursting into laughter as she uncoiled the hair dryer’s wire. Plugging it in, she sat on the couch, grabbing a comb.
“Let me dry it properly- you're gonna get sick!”
“If you insist- there’s no need to though.”
“Sure there is! Now come on, sit here.” 
Between her legs, Chrollo hummed in content as the hair dryer blew hot air all around and the comb’s teeth raked through all the little knots. 
“I seriously can’t believe you're this pretty, Chrollo. I feel like seeing you like this is illegal!”
“Well, thank you.”
Chrollo leaned back, head hitting the couch cushion. Grabbing Y/n’s thighs, he lifted her legs onto his shoulders, basking in the soft warmth.
Heaving a sigh, Chrollo adjusted his tie, and headed out to retrieve his bride.
The T.V. blared as the flashy icon of the station appeared, the host and hostess of the night smiling proudly as they set their papers down on the prop desk. 
“It’s 10 o’clock, do you know where your children are?”
“Hello everyone, I’m Raiyah Ourani,”
“And I’m Bobby McOkazawoo.”
“It has now been 4 months since the disappearance of Y/n L/n. In that time authorities have been conducting investigation after investigation, but no new news has yet to be released. However, the Grungingham Ball House assures the people of Yorknew that their organization is completely safe, and for any future customers to not be shy as they have updated the security, granting the safety they desire as well as the fun time they want.”
“Coming up: Are DonaldMc’s really everywhere within 5 miles? Now, a word from our sponsors.”
“NEW! Scrubbing bubbles foam tastic-super mega ultra is THE cleaning solution to all of your dirty needs! Skin safe to use as a lubricant, and a natural cleanser! You can use it on windows, counters, and so much more!”
Y/n turned the T.V. off, rubbing her temples. Looking at the clock on the wall, it was now 0:45 p.m. Who knew so much time would pass by just from a commercial? About to grab her phone, Y/n suddenly froze; her phone was on, a text notification on the screen. 
‘Where are you, darling?’
A hand on her mouth, she quickly grabbed her jacket. There was no time, she'd have to leave everything behind now or never. It’d be too risky to go out the door- there could well be innocents or perhaps Chrollo himself.
“Please tell me he sent Uvo…”
After the first escape, she couldn’t possibly go out the window; they’d expect that. The door, or  the window?
She looked around the room: too big to go into the vents, too risky to go out the window or door. So how do you escape?
Another ping from the phone, but Y/n didn’t dare look at it. Paranoid, she steadied her breathing; can’t have them sniff her out too easily. 
If Chrollo wasn’t at the door, then she could use her Nen...everyone would either die or pass out, but it would be a better fate then having to deal with Chrollo’s or any of the spider’s blood lust.
A deep breath,  she released her ability, and opened the door, running as fast as she could, not bothering to see who would have been near the door.  She could hear laughter, crunches, dancing feet- all innocents, but there had to be someone, anyone. There was no way Chrollo wouldn’t have sent someone. 
‘It’s like last time…’
Pulling her hoodie over her face, she scanned the crowd before turning around. About to scream, she covered her mouth, looking up at the man who she had bumped into.
Chrollo smiled kindly.
“Nice hair. Where have you been?”
"Chrollo, please n-"
With a flick of his wrist, he had knocked his former fiance unconscious, putting her on his back as if she had just fallen asleep- not like the locals would know. It wouldn’t matter anyways. 
He had gotten his runaway bride back, and this time, he would have his wedding and poem complete.
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Word Count: 161 for the poem, 2,558 for the fanfic!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: firework-induced panic attack descriptions, maybe some anxious thoughts, but there’s a lot of fluff in the end i promise! 
A/N: Instalment #6 in @wxstedhexrt​​‘s and my Falling collection! Series Masterlist can be found HERE. Please read the poem first as it is the whole centrepiece of the fanfic :) If you need or would like a typed out version of the poem instead of the photo below, here’s the link to it on Destiny’s blog :) I hope you guys enjoy this one as much as I loved Destiny’s poem for this <3 (Sorry for how late this one is! I’ve been so swamped with writer’s block and homework haha)
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фейерверк (Russian): fireworks (pronounced feyyerverk according to Google Translate)
 It didn’t really matter that Steve had insisted that he didn’t want a big party. His concerns fell on deaf ears and Tony made an offhanded remark that he had been preparing for this party for 5 months now.
“Can’t have our very own American veteran not be celebrated on his ultra-American birthday! The party will be grand. No, grander than grand! You are America’s Sweetheart, after all,” Tony had scoffed and Steve had face-planted onto the table in front of him, groaning like he was getting his teeth pulled out.
And it was grander than grand. Y/N couldn’t remember a time in her past that she had been around so many people before. She wasn’t even sure she had ever heard of the brands of the top-shelf liquor that Tony insisted on serving, or that she had ever seen an ice sculpture in person before. It was very well crafted, even capturing Steve’s side grin that made all the girls who were attending the party swoon. Y/N was grateful that Wanda and Nat were around, hooking arms with them so she didn’t trip over her floor length evening gown. It didn’t help that the press were so eager to hear from her, being the newest team member that is, about what it was like to be working with Steve Rogers, always asking if they could quote her on what she had said and making her wonder if she had said something that was going to be taken out of context later.
But a couple of champagne glasses and top notch whiskey thrown back and Y/N was humming along to the songs the live band played like she hadn’t been anxious at all. Bucky had even joined her for a dance to a slow song, whispering sweet nothings into her ear about how gorgeous she looked tonight as if he hadn’t been the one to pick out the dress. He himself was looking very well put together, and Y/N was glad that her bobby bins had helped to keep his long hair back into a bun.
Hours filled with somewhat boring conversations and stolen giggles with the girls flew by quickly, and now, the party was finally coming to a close. Tony insisted that since every party had to have a good ending so that it was not easily forgotten, so near the end of the night, he quickly ushered everyone outside. The cool evening breeze made Y/N and a few other women shiver, her fingers rubbing gently along her exposed skin to keep her warm, but the look on Tony’s face insisted that whatever was going to happen was going to be worth it.
He stood up on a stage, grinning and posing for a moment before inviting the birthday boy onto the stage and clapping a hand on his shoulder saying, “Thank you, Cap, for everything you’ve done for us. Truly, I’ll never have anyone else be so helpful. Seriously ‘cause no matter how old I get, I always remember, that you’re so much older,” Tony grinned and Steve rolled his eyes with laughter, chuckles pouring out of the audience. “Now to celebrate my favourite Captain, I have asked a very special man to help me with some very special fireworks. But first, Birthday Boy, would you like to give a speech?” Tony held out the microphone but Steve waved it away. No matter how hard the crowd cheered, Y/N laughed a little knowing that Steve’s ears were turning pink with embarrassment, knowing he didn’t really like talking in front of large groups.
“Tony, just get on with it,” Steve tried to beg, cheeks flushed as all eyes turned to him.
“Fine, anyone else want to talk about the birthday boy?” Tony offered, holding out the microphone in the crowd’s direction.
“Oh! ME! Mr. Stark, Tony! Me! Please, pickmepickmepickmepickmeeee!” sang a voice from the very back of the crowd. Much like everyone else, Y/N turned to see who was yelping from the very top of their lungs and she burst into giggles noting Scott Lang’s eager hand waving to grab Tony’s attention.
“Really, anyone at all,” Tony was saying, as if there wasn’t a man jumping up and down like a 4 year old. “Anyyyyoneeee?”
“Mr. Iron Man! Me! I promise it’ll be good! It’ll be like the best speech you’d ever heard!” Scott was pleading and Y/N realized that the flush in his skin was probably due to the alcohol in his blood. He tried to wave around both hands, forgetting that one of them was filled with some whiskey and it splashed around to the people around him. “Oops I’m so sorry, I totally didn’t mean to do that, I’m so very sorry-”
“Fine. Get up here, Regular Sized Dude,” Tony groaned, rubbing his forehead gingerly as Scott whooped and hollared excitedly, dashing through the crowd clumsily to get to the stage.
“Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!” Scott started as he yelled into the crowd. Tony rolled his eyes and shoved the mic into his hands, probably adding into Scott’s ear that he didn’t need to yell. “Alright. Whew. Here we go,” Scott grinned, wiggling out his joints like he was getting ready for a fight. He turned to face Steve’s direction, who was turning bright red at the second hand embarrassment.
“Mr. Captain, Captain Steve, Mr. Rogers, Captain America, Mr. America, Steve- if I can call you Steve. Steve!” Scott howled out the last one, grinning from ear to ear as if his words weren’t slurring together and his body wasn’t fumbling around the stage. “Mr. Steve, you are one of the coolest people I’ve ever met and I need you to know just how amazing I know you are like seriously, did you guys see that news story where he just lifted like three cars?” Scott asked with wide eyes, looking to the crowd for some sort of agreement. “Seriously, like I think you’re a really cool dude and you’re always super nice and- no no, I swear I’m almost done- you’re like my biggest hero so thank you so much for letting me join your team.” Scott waved away Tony who continuously tried to take the mic away, still going on his love confession to the Captain.
Murmurs in the crowd with fake smiles plastered on had everyone wondering how long this speech was going to go on. Hope managed to get through the crowd with a forced and apologetic smile on her face, climbing the stage and tugging on Scott’s arms to drag him down slowly.
“I LOVE YOU CAP!” Scott yelled out once more before Hope finally managed to tug him down, Tony grabbing the microphone and trying to salvage the audience’s attention.
“Uh, thank you Scott, for that really desperate attempt of a speech. Thank you for not letting the audience suffer anymore, Hope. Anyways, on to our grand finale! The fireworks!” Tony proclaimed and a feeling of relief washed over the crowd as they cheer, Y/N clapping along as a few workers helped to prepare the first few. The dark sky was quickly lit up with red, white, and blue. Flashes and bangs popped up into the atmosphere and the guests were all ooh-ing and aww-ing at the sight of them. All in a row, the lights popped up into view with loud sounds and then dissipated back into the black nothingness.
Y/N’s lips were worn into a tired smile as she watched the sky, tired of both talking to her friends and socializing with people who seemed awfully familiar but she couldn’t quite place where they had met. She was utterly exhausted, though to be honest, she expected nothing less from a Tony Stark party.
For just a moment though, there was very little chatter, and everyone stood together all staring up at the sky, mouths open just slightly as they watched art made by some famous firework maker light up the sky. Steve’s face sparkled against the dark sky, his shield popping up next to him with a loud bang.
Then out of nowhere, it was almost as if there was a quick whisper in her ear, as if some deity had kneeled down to her height and wondered aloud, “Where’s Bucky?”
The thought pulled Y/N from her sky gazing, eyebrows furrowing when she didn’t catch his eyes immediately. The two of them had been unhappily torn apart from each other for the majority of the night, Y/N having been pulled by reporters and esteemed guests while Bucky tried to stay out of the limelight due to his reputation. But even though they had been apart physically, Y/N always found herself able to catch his eye even from across the room, and a quick shared smile between the two of them was all Y/N needed to feel comfortable in the room again.
She finally caught sight of his frame, his dark hair pulled into a bun and tall demeanour making him easy to spot over the crowd, and for a moment, her nerves were relieved. But there was a look in his eyes that made her stomach turn. She wasn’t quite sure from this distance, but something was wrong and she knew it. “Excuse me, ladies,” Y/N gave a short smile to the women around her, pushing through the crowd around her in an eager attempt to find him. She had to get to his side, she had to help, she knew something was going wrong.
When she finally got close enough to note his facial expression, another firework went off and she noticed just how quickly the blood was draining from his face, his eyes wide and trained on the flashes of light in the sky. “Sorry, gentlemen, I’m going to steal Bucky for a moment,” she spoke quickly, giving a smile to Sam and Clint who chuckled, not noticing the panic in Bucky’s face and assuming the couple were just disappearing for some alone time.
Y/N placed her hands gently on Bucky’s chest, gently pushing him backwards, looking up at his eyes as his gaze slowly fell to hers. She watched as his dry lips parted slightly, eyes widening some more as no sounds came out. “It’s okay. Just come with me inside, Bucks,” Y/N whispered to him, taking his hand and walking briskly to the doors. Firework after firework crackled into the sky and Y/N realized as they so quickly burst behind them, just how much it sounded like a war. Her heels clicked underneath her as the two of them scurried off past the party room that was once filled with far too many people, and soon found themselves in Y/N’s room. She closed the door quickly behind them, keeping the lights off and rushing over to the window to shut the curtains.
When she returned to Bucky’s side, she noticed the clamminess of his hands, the sweat beading at his brow, the bloodshot in his eyes. “Bucky?” Y/N called to him gently, waiting for his eyes to meet hers. “Hey, it’s alright. Just focus on me okay? I’m gonna take this tie off alright?” Y/N told him and waited for his head to slowly nod before her fingers pried the knot away from his throat, slipping it onto the floor. She remembered just how happy he looked earlier today, staring at himself in the mirror and commenting to her how he hadn’t felt this happy in so long.
Now here he was, standing there like when she had first met him. Broken emotions heavy in his eyes, fingers curling into fists as if ready to defend himself. Her fingers gently pulled apart the first few buttons of his shirt and reached behind her to find a small face towel she normally used for her skincare routine. With gentle and soft presses to his face, Y/N patted away the sweat that stuck his loose hairs to his forehead, gently reminding him to “breathe in…. okay now breathe out…,” as she went.
Bucky’s eyes seemed so hollow as he watched her, his breath still jerky and heaving, as if he was unable to grab the oxygen he needed. “Here,” Y/N offered softly, taking his hand and pressing it to her chest, keeping his eyes on her. “Copy me,” she whispered, slowly breathing in and out, dramatizing the movement of her chest and shoulders so he could see. Bucky nodded after a while, his breaths slowly becoming calmer, more fluid. “I’m here, don’t worry,” she whispered to him softly, reaching up with one hand and tucking his hair behind his ear. “I promise they won’t hurt you anymore.”
There was a moment here and Y/N would wonder later if Bucky felt it too. A sort of serene minute where the muffled sound of fireworks in the distance stopped and the two of them just stood there, breathing and looking at each other.
“Will you stay with me?” Bucky asked quietly, feeling how eager his panic was to seep back in. He needed to control it, he wanted to fight it, and yet it felt like he was swinging his arms at a losing battle.
Y/N nodded slowly, reaching up to kiss his nose, “Of course. Want to watch some cartoons?” She offered and grinned as the suggestion lit up his eyes. He nodded quickly, trying not to wince as another firework went off somewhere.
In a few moments, old reruns were playing on Y/N’s laptop and she had pulled out her speaker too so the noise was a little louder than the fireworks going off. She waited for him to settle on the bed, for his breathing to slow down and his body to relax, before prying off her dress and pulling on some comfier clothes.
“Can I come cuddle you?” She asked him in a hushed whisper as she crawled back into bed with him, as if they were going to get caught and scolded if they were any louder. Bucky nodded quickly and opened his arms for Y/N to crawl into, and pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
Scooby and his gang caught the thief, the Road Runner still managed to outrun the Coyote, and Tweety outsmarted Sylvester the Cat, and Y/N and Bucky were still half watching, their eyelids heavy with the full exhaustion of being social hitting them.
Y/N’s eyes closed for a moment and she felt Bucky’s fingertips trace gentle shapes into her arm. She kept herself awake as she felt his finger start to make more deliberate lines, slowly spelling out what felt like… I LOVE YOU.
Her heart fluttered for a moment and she couldn’t help but shift in her nervousness. She felt Bucky’s breath hitch, as if worried that she really was still awake and wondering what she would think. Had she really felt what she thought she felt? Was it real? Was she just dreaming?
“Y/N?” Bucky whispered gently, his thumb now stroking her arm. “Are you sleeping?” He murmured.
“Mm?” Y/N hummed, turning further into his chest as the next cartoon episode started to play.
“Just… wanted to thank you for tonight. Thank you for being there for me.” Bucky’s voice sounded like music, floating in the air like a dream.
“Always,” Y/N yawned softly, a small smile on her lips as she felt him press another kiss to her brow.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
WE LOVE A WHOLESOME COUPLE. I love these two so much. A big thank you to Destiny for the idea of a drunken Scott speech (so much fun to write honestly) and a thank you to my IRL bf for being my muse for the whole ‘tracing I love you’ thing (fun fact: he did that to me before the boy even got the nerve to ask me out LOL) 
Anyways, as always, we love to hear from you lovelies! Please feel free to comment any feelings!!!
MASTERLIST // Destiny’s Blog! <3
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Last thing you bought online? Did you like it? OMG OMG so I got Angela an Army Bomb!!!!!! for her birthday!!!! It was HELLLL looking for sealed ones that were already onhand, but fortunately I was able to find one from this really nice seller a few days ago and the shipping was quick as well. I’m just a little worried because the outbox has a little dent on it :( but it was the best onhand offer I could find so I got it before anybody could call dibs. I still hope she likes it! I got her batteries too so that she can try lighting it up as soon as she has it. :D
Could you date someone who didn’t drive (and didn’t show an interest in ever getting their license, either)?  I feel like this is such a petty thing to make a big deal about...if they knew how to commute or any other way to get to their destination, I don’t think this should be a problem. It would only be an issue to me if they refused to get a license in a very I-generally-lack-ambition kind of way.
How would you react if your artwork became famous?  I don’t have any to show off to begin with. I love appreciating art, but creating it was never a forte of mine.
Would you get your nipples pierced?  No, I don’t plan on getting any piercings. How many people know your birthday?  Outside of my family, my best friends. I think everyone else relies on Facebook to be reminded, which is fine with me.
Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?  No. Quite the contrary, really...I was sometimes informed about red flags taking place, which of course my stubborn ass ignored.
Have you ever watched a whole hour long infomercial?  Probably, as a kid. The channel from which I used to watch WWE aired these really long infomercials so I would watch those while waiting for like Raw or whatever show was going on after.
What is your current MySpace song?  I never hung out on Myspace. I had an account, but I was too young for it so it wasn’t long before I got bored.
What is your favorite kind of meat to put on your sandwich?  Pulled pork or fried chicken.
Which one of your exes do you feel like you have the most chemistry with?  I only have one ex.
How do you feel about people who make Facebook profiles for their pets? I find it really cute. But I personally wouldn’t put in as much effort lol.
Have you ever personally known a pair of conjoined twins?  Hmmmmmmmm I don’t think so.
What was the most disturbing thing you have ever heard your mother say? She threatened suicide in front of me and my dad in a very calm way when I was around 11, I think? Maybe 12, idk. I haven’t actually thought about that moment in an extremely long time until this question. I’ll move on now and shove the memory at the very very back of my head before I get sad.
Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it?  Aside from members of BTS (lol), interior design inspirations.
Chewy chocolate-chip cookies: like or dislike?  Ooh, love. When I bite into a cookie it hassssss to ooze chocolate, otherwise I would be underwhelmed.
If your boyfriend/girlfriend wanted to dress only in the opposite sex’s clothing, would you support that? If not, would you leave them?  Support.
Do you think your grandmother is/was beautiful?  They both are.
Which of your fields of interest are you a total expert on?  Anything that has to do with writing (except poems), I guess? I like being able to give people advice and tips when it comes to that.
When was the last time you got all dolled up?  Last July when we had a big PR media launch thingy and I couldn’t afford to look like shit on Zoom.
Do you ever name objects? (i.e. mp3 players, guitars, cars, etc.)  Never.
Do you have a criminal record?  Not criminal but it’s possibleeeee that I have some kind of record on my license from the time I got stopped by an officer in Alabang, lmao. It was a minor offense from a tiny part of the town so I don’t actually know if they filed it, but it’s possible.
Last person you took a nap with?  I don’t really nap with other people. I hate falling asleep in front of others to begin with.
Does seeing your mother cry automatically make you feel sad as well?  No.
Do you think someone likes the same person you like?  I don’t like anybody.
Do you want your life to stay the way it is right now forever?  No, I do not want to stay in a pandemic and not get to maximize my life the way it’s supposed to be enjoyed forever.
Have you ever been to craigslist.com?  I’ve never checked it out; idk if we have that here?
What about eBay?  I also dunno if they operate here so no, I’ve never bothered.
Have you ever used Nair?  Not Nair, but I’ve used Veet before.
Are you medicated?  Nope.
Do you shape/fill in your eyebrows?  I never do stuff to my eyebrows except shave them.
Have you ever stolen/borrowed clothes from an ex?  Several articles of clothing were left behind here, yeah. I never had the chance to give them back because I stupidly thought we were going to get back together eventually. By the time I moved on the timing was already off, so the clothes stayed with me untillll...just a few days ago, actually – when I finally cleaned up my room and got rid of a bunch of knickknacks that accumulated here over the years, including all her shirts and sweaters and stuff.
Could you make a statement about anything political?  The 2022 presidential election landscape looks like complete shit and I’m nearly at that point where I want to stop giving a fuck about this country’s future.
Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate?  No.
Do you get the feeling something good will happen in your life soon?  I think I’m already living in it, haha.
Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche?  Sure, but cliché is also hit and miss for me. I love Titanic and Love Actually, but I cannot stand movies like Me Before You and The Notebook. I guess it depends on certain executions, like the acting, screenplay, casting, etc.
Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month?  No, not inside. We did drive-thru within the last month, though.
Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house?  Not at Andi’s, but I have at Angela’s.
How often do you go bowling?  Extremely rarely. I can’t tell you the last time I went bowling.
Last time you were in an apartment?  Like 2007 when I visited my aunt back when she still lived in one. None of my friends have their own apartments.
Have you ever seen a live seahorse?  I don’t think so.
Would you like to have your own yacht? I mean I wouldn't say no if you offered it to me for free, but I'm not exactly interested in one. < Same.
Winnie the Pooh or Tigger?  Tigger always made me laugh as a kid.
What’s the unhealthiest thing you’ve eaten today?  Luncheon meat, I think? I didn’t go overboard with the junk food today.
Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink?  Hm, not that I can recall.
What is something you’d be happy to receive as a gift, that doesn’t cost a lot?  A bag of the salted egg chips that I really like costs like 30 bucks, or roughly 60 US cents.
What kind of music does your significant other/crush like to listen to?  I don’t have any irl crushes, can I use a celebrity crush instead? HAHA he’s heavily into jazz and whenever he gets asked for music recos he always gives jazz artists from like the 50s and 60s.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were?  Gab. Dark brown.
Are there any themes from TV shows that you like to sing along to? The Big Bang Theory and Friends; and then I also liked humming to the themes of Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and BoJack Horseman. The Phineas & Ferb theme was also a lot of fun to sing along to.
Do you eat dessert after dinner? No, I never do that. I’m usually already full after dinner, and we don’t always have sweets at home anyway.
Have you ever had too much to drink and felt embarrassed about your behavior the next day?  Sure.
When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink?  Cocktails. I very rarely go for hard drinks/shots, especially if I brought my own car.
What was the last animal that you saw?  Dog.
What was the last thing that you said to one of your siblings?  I just told my sister I was done using her laptop so she can have it back. My Memories of 2020 DVD turned out to be region-locked so I have to use her laptop every time I want to watch it :(
What is the most expensive thing that you’ve purchased that you paid for:  My Map of the Soul photobook cost me around 5k in total.
What is your favorite messaging program?  Messenger.
Do you eat fast food more than 5 times a week?  Wow no. Aside from being extremely unhealthy, that’s also a LOT of spending??
Have you ever almost drowned?  Yes.
Have you ever learned something shocking about someone through Facebook?  I mean I’ve had to learn about more than one family death through my Facebook feed, which sucks but is nothing I have control over. Otherwise the most shocking thing I’ve seen is probably classmates from high school having their own kids, but at this point I’m used to it already.
What’s the scariest living animal that you’ve petted?  I’m not really afraid of carrying/petting animals especially if there’s a guide or expert nearby, but the most daring one was probably the crocodile I volunteered to hold in Palawan.
Do you remember the first conversation you ever had with the person you currently have feelings for?  Not at all.
Do you dread certain days of the week? If yes, what day/s and why?  I hate Mondays for obvious reasons lol. I don’t know anyone who is actively cheery about reporting back to work.
If you eat oatmeal, do you have it plain or do you have certain toppings that you like to add to it?  I never eat oatmeal. I had that every single day for breakfast from like kindergarten to 4th grade and I vowed never to take a spoonful of it again.
What is the funniest or strangest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say in their sleep?  I dunno. I used to keep a log of the things my ex used to say in her sleep and a great deal of them were hilarious, but obviously I deleted that note a long time ago.
Choose one - Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers:  Butterfinger.
Do you use Mozilla Firefox? Nopes.
Who is your favorite person to hug? Angela and Laurice.
Have you ever had to have a mug shot?  Nope.
What was the last thing you carried to your room?  Kimi.
When was the last time you had a late night phone call?  WELL over a year ago.
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reinhartiisms · 4 years
Cole: had just washed his hands and was beginning to knead the pasta dough that he'd just made. Well he'd made it earlier in the day and it had been resting while he and Lili went out shopping. "What kind of sauce do you feel like? I can make spaghetti, carbonara, alfredo? Any requests?" He asked Lili, getting out the pasta maker from the cupboard and beginning to turn the dough through it. The living room almost looked like a bomb had gone off in it with all the baby items they'd bought during their shopping trip and with that it really made it feel real that they were going to be having a child in just a few months. The onesies and clothing was tiny and they could add it to the tiny bunny that he and Lili had brought at christmas time. "Do you want something to drink?" He asked Lili.
Lili was busy putting away the bags her and Cole had collected over a long day of shopping when she heard Cole's question. "I'm not really in the mood for a specific noodle or sauce," she smiled at him. "Surprise me." She was too focused on trying to notate down what all they had and what all they still needed to get. It was funny how with all these bags, it looked like they had everything they needed but Lili knew they hadn't even scratched at the surface. Babies needed a lot. "Wine," she answered him wryly but let out a wistful sigh. Wine. God, she missed wine and she wasn't even a big drinker. "Water is fine." Closing her Notes app on her phone, Lili straightened up and made her way into the kitchen to join them. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked, swinging her legs over the counter and sitting up on the top.
Cole: "Ooh fun, I could go really out there then" He probably wouldn't though. Lili was a bit of a pickier eater and he wanted to make something that she would actually want to eat, especially since she was pregnant and he knew she needed to keep her calories up, although not by too much. Once the pasta was finished and into nice long lengths of spaghetti, Cole put it into the bubbling water so it could cook. He pulled the ingredients out of the fridge for pesto sauce and began making that. It wouldn't take too long and hopefully Lili would like it. It had parmesan in it and you couldn't really go wrong with cheese. He looked up when Lili answered his next question and Cole gave her a smile, pushing a glass of water towards her. "You can probably have non alcoholic wines, we should try some one day if you want"
Lili wrinkled her nose and gave Cole a pout. "Oh please, there's no point of wine if it's non-alcoholic. That's like sugar free candy or dairy free ice cream. It's a crime." She picked up the glass and sipped from it, watching as he cooked. With the sleeves of his shirt rolled up and his dark hair all frizzy from the heat of the kitchen, he was painting an attractive picture. It was pretty unfair. Lili squeezed her legs together at the thought and took a more vigorous swig of water. Damn baby hormones. If she wasn't crying while reading sad poems, she was getting all hot and bothered about her very unavailable ex. "So seriously, nothing I can do to help?" Lili asked, needing a distraction. "No stirrer needed? Cheese grater? Pepper shaker?"
Cole: "I mean, it'll still taste the same, it's just not got the same effects. But I get what you mean" Cole told her. She was right. It was sort of pointless, especially since most people liked the buzz they got form alcohol. Once the pasta was cooked, Cole put it to drain in the sink and then got out two bowls, the sauce was ready and he was just going to add the two of them together. "Nope, i'm all done" he answered, putting a bowl in front of the two seats at the island and then offering Lili a hand so she could get down and they could sit next to one another and eat dinner together. "What do you think?" He asked, starting on his own bowl of pasta.
Lili "Ah, once again, I am useless," Lili joked and took Cole's hand as he helped her off the counter. The dinner smelled delicious, as always. Before she could sit down, she poured herself some water and then grabbed some bread that Cole still had saved from a previous grocery store venture. It may not have been freshly baked, hot out of the oven in Italy but it'd pair nicely with the pasta. She dipped her bread in the sauce and took a bite, nodding her head. "Delicious, as always. I really need to up my cooking game." Lili had gotten a lot better over the years but she didn't get too experimental in the kitchen and tended to stick with safe dishes. "Thanks for cooking for me," she gave him a smile. "Otherwise I would've eaten something really shitty from Postmates and felt awful afterwards."
Cole: "Oh stop it, you are not. I just didn't have anything for you to do is all" Lili most definitely wasn't useless. Cole just often didn't need too much help. Pasta was easy to make and it didn't take long to cook so there really hadn't been much for anyone to do. "Welcome. It's pretty easy and most food isn't hard, you just have to be ready to fail the first few times you make a dish until you get it right" Pasta was really the only thing that Cole was super good at cooking, everything else was a bit of a gamble on whether or not it would turn out right. "Well I'm glad you stayed for dinner then. Although postmates isn't too bad, I don't think. Depending on what you get"
Lili "I don't typically get healthy food." Lili was doing a lot better eating wise when it came to being pregnant, but it was hard to avoid fries and milkshakes when they were so readily available to you. Her biggest craving lately had been chicken wings washed down with some orange soda and that wasn't exactly what the doctor recommended. She twirled some pasta around her fork and after taking a big bite of it, swallowed with her water. "Maybe you can teach me some," she asked Cole, taking another bite. "You won't always be here to cook for Brooklyn and I'd like to give her some of Dad's favorites when it's my night to have her."
Cole: Cole just continued eating his pasta as Lili spoke. At least she was aware she wasn't eating the best food and it probably wasn't enough to really do anything. "Yeah? I could definitely do that. It's really easy so i'm sure you'd have no trouble making them" Cole had learnt most of his pasta making skills from his dad who made the best pasta Cole had ever had. His Dad had learnt in Italy when he'd lived there before Cole was born so it was no wonder his Dad's skills were that good. "Yeah we're definitely screwed if she doesn't like pasta" Cole joked, drinking from his cup of water. "Not that we have to worry about that for a while at least"
Lili "Sounds good," Lili smiled at Cole. As helpful as Cole was being throughout her entire pregnancy, Lili knew that eventually she'd have to stop depending on him. They were going to be parents together, but she was going to be a single mother nevertheless. She couldn't lean on Cole to provide everything for her or for Brooklyn. "As long as she's not vegan, that's all that matters. Mads keeps telling her that meat is evil and if our baby comes out wanting only organic mush, I'm gonna make Mads change every dirty diaper." Lili smirked at Cole as she said this and took another bite. "But I'm guessing the only thing she'll want is milk for a while so you're right, we've got time." Lili just hoped breastfeeding wasn't the nightmare it seemed to be for other women.
Cole: "It does. Although I don't think babies can be vegan anyways right? If you're breastfeeding then they're still getting milk from something. Unless they have soy formula or whatever" So long as Brooklyn was happy and healthy then that was all Cole could really have wanted and he was just going to support whatever Lili wanted to do as best he could. This was a whole other ball game that they'd really have to learn about, pregnancy was one thing but everything that came after Brooklyn was born was something else entirely. They could just take it all as it came. After his bowl was finished and Cole had drained the last of the water from his cup, he stood up, stacking the dishwasher with whatever he could fit inside it. "So, do you want me to walk you home? Or..you could stay? You can borrow some clothes and we can sort though the bags we got earlier?" He offered.
Lili "Sshh." Lili placed her hand over Cole's mouth, dramatically widening her eyes. "No more v word around this child. Too much damage has been done already." She gave Cole a little wink and as she saw him standing to collect the dishes, handed hers over. She felt comfortably full. Draining the last of her water, Lili stood up and watched as Cole bent down to put away the dishes. Domestic. So domestic. Daddy Cole vibes already..it really wasn't fair. She let out a little sigh and pointed towards the bathroom as he began to ask her a question. "I think I'm just gonna freshen myself up." She wanted to brush her teeth so she didn't have pasta breath and her cheeks could use some cold water to wake her up to reality. Her and Cole were /friends/. Just f r i e n d s. She shut the bathroom door behind her, splashed her face with some water, and squeezed some toothpaste on her finger as she scrubbed her teeth. Stupid Cole being so sweet and charming and sexy and domestic.
Cole: "Alright" Cole chuckled and filled the dishwasher with Lili's dishes before turning it on and beginning to give the hand wash only dishes a quick scrub to put onto the drying rack. "Okay" He nodded at Lili's next words and watched her leave. He still wasn't sure if she was planning on going anywhere or whether she wanted to stay over. Something that seemed to be happening more and more lately. Cole didn't mind. It was a lot nicer than being alone in bed all the time and Lili seemed to sleep well at his place so he was happy that she seemed to be getting some rest which was always a good thing. Walking into his own room and shutting the door, Cole changed out of his jeans and into some sweats, swapping his jumper for a plain singlet. The heater was blasting in the apartment so Cole didn't feel like he needed much else. He left some clothes out that Lili could change into if she wanted and then moved into the lounge room. Most of the baby things were sorted by where they'd been bought but Cole was going to make piles of what they had, clothes, blankets, gadgets etc just so they'd be able to sort them easily later.
Lili didn't immediately leave the restroom. She snooped a little. Opening up Cole's bathroom cabinet, she snorted at the pack of condoms, unscrewed some tops of colognes and smelled them, and nodded approvingly at the skincare products Chrissy had sent him. He was keeping up with his skin care regime, good boy. It wasn't until Lili figured Cole would think that she fell into the toilet that she finally washed her hands one last time for good measure, and opened the door. She could see into Cole's bedroom and saw that he had laid out some clothes for her. Sweet. Incredibly annoying that he was being so attentive and sweet and emotionally unavailable to her but..sweet. She shed her clothes and slipped on his shirt, seeing that it fell mid thigh and deciding to skip the sweats. It was too hot in his apartment anyways. She ran a hand through her hair and tousled it before coming back out to see Cole looking through the bags. "Whatcha doing?" She asked him, leaning against the doorframe of his living room.
Cole: "Cole hadn't even realised Lili had left the bathroom so when she spoke from just to the side of him, Cole just about jumped out of his skin, placing a hand on his heart "You gave me a heart attack" He told her with a smile, "And I'm sorting making piles in the bags of what we have. I figured if we had a different bag for a different category then when we got shopping later, it'll be easier to sort through that way as well. We're definitely going to need some more clothes probably but I think we did pretty good today" At least they had a few of the basic necessities. He looked up to Lili as he spoke his last few words, taking note of her outfit. She looked...hot in his t-shirt. She always had. Lili being in his clothes had always been a turn on and it had been endless when they had been dating. It was different now, especially that she was pregnant but she still looked just as good in his shirts, bump and all.
Lili bit her lip, laughing. "Sorry, scaredy pants," she teased. She hadn't known Cole was that deep in concentration. She straightened up and went to go sit down next to him, seeing the careful piles and arrangements he had already made. It wasn't something she was very interested in but she still perused through them, remembering what they had bought. "I feel like clothes are tricky because who knows how big she'll be and how much she'll grow," Lili told him as she carefully folded a onesie she had picked up and then placed back in the bag. "And some stuff we can order. I saw a few cribs I liked and bookmarked, I'll show you later. But I think we got a lot of essentials." They had almost everything that was needed on the 'baby's first checklist' PDF Lili had found and printed. She glanced back up to see Cole staring at her and she smiled. "What are you looking at?"
Cole: “Yeah we don’t know how big she’ll be but I don’t think she’ll be huge. Maybe long” Cole was pretty tall and Lili wasn’t super short so it was probably easy to assume that Brooklyn could possibly fall somewhere in the middle. His cheeks flushed when he realised Lili was looking at him and Cole had been too intent on looking at her to realise. He could’ve said ‘nothing and waved off an excuse but it felt like Lili had already caught him. “Just you” he told her honestly and moved closer to press a kiss to her lips. When he pulled away, his cheeks were redder still. “Sorry, just ignore I ever did that” Cole didn’t really think Lili would mind but it was a dangerous game to play with both their feelings.
Lili closed her eyes as Cole moved in to kiss her. It was both expected and unexpected; she recognized his soft looks, but he didn't normally go past more than sweet words when it came to them lately. Cole was much more restrained than Lili was. When he pulled back, she licked her lips and shook her head. "You can't apologize for kissing me," she told him with furrowed brows and then moved into kiss him again. "You either want to kiss me or you don't. Make up your mind, Cole." Lili's tone was teasing but they both knew the serious undertone of her statement. It also didn't help that Cole smelled really good and was really warm and that Lili's fingers were now moving through his longer strands of hair as she got closer to his face than she had in a while. "But if you're not going to kiss me, I'm going home because I am so damn horny and you're not helping by being..you."
Cole: “Yes I can. I just did” Cole smirked and shut his eyes as Lili moved to kiss him again. It was a struggle constantly for Cole to not kiss Lili, especially as he always wanted to, much much more than what he ended up acting on. “I always want to kiss you” He told her. One of his hands was moving down her back, the soft of his shirt coupled with the warmth of her skin was making it hard to stop. “Don’t worry, I intend on finishing what I started” He replied, moving in to kiss her once again.
Lili "You're talking too much," Lili said before Cole shut her up with his mouth. As much as Lili loved what Cole had to say, she wanted less talking, more kissing. His hands pressed against her and the feeling of him going to take off the shirt she was wearing made Lili moan and she just kissed him that much harder. /Finally/. It had been so long since they had last done this and the relief Lili felt at just being touched by him made her want to cry. Nobody made her feel as good or as loved or as wanted by Cole and consequences of hooking up be damned - she had an itch to scratch and Cole was finally going to make it go away.
Cole: Lili’s shirt or rather Cole’s shirt that Lili had been wearing had come off rather quickly and once his mission of taking it off had been accomplished, Cole moved to pulls his own singlet off, tossing it amongst the bags they were sorrounded by. His mouth still attached to Lili’s, Cole got up and tried to move both himself and Lili into the bedroom. Dylan wasn’t home yet, at least Cole didn’t think he was but he still didn’t feel like being interrupted in the living room either way. The door had slammed noisily behind them and it was a bit of a stumble but they made it to Cole’s bed. Afterwards, happy and sated, Cole moved his arm around Lili, his eyes beginning to droop shut “I love you” he told her sleepily.
Lili laid stretched out on Cole's bed after they were finished, staring up at the ceiling. She couldn't move due to Cole's arm being on top of her and she didn't want to. She probably should pee - she definitely should brush her hair - but there was something about this moment that she just wanted to stay in and soak in. She had been sleeping alone for some time now and just being this close to Cole was everything. When he spoke, her eyes pricked with tears. It was hard to hear, but she knew he meant it. "I love you too," she whispered back softly and sighed, rolling over so that she was resting her head against his chest. She wasn't tired - far from it - but in bed with Cole, in their own little world, is where she wanted to be.
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darktammy · 6 years
New roses in my womb (Part 4)
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tag @sassybrose @instantbouquetdestinysblog @purpleskiesandcherrypies @drxcleaner @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @bluepunkrock @instantbouquetdestinysblog @thelonelunatic @cosmic--daydream @clown-dean @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @missdonna18
Negative you look at the test that said negative on it, you got up walking out of the bathroom showing Kenny. “Babe I don’t think I can give you a baby.” Kenny stop watching you sit on the sofa. “Don’t say that yes you can maybe we're not trying hard enough.” You look up at him as you shook your head, “No Kenny we’ve been at this for three months now nothing maybe that trying hard stuff is not the right way to go.” Kenny sat right next you on the sofa as he hugs you really tight. “Oh where going to have this baby one way or another ever if we do an IVF babe.” You got mad at him when he said that. “No fucking way Kenny that this again.” You said laying your head on his chest. Kenny rolled his eyes as he started to rub your head. “Look i’m sorry babe, but three months and nothing I think we should just take a look.” You shook your head again. “I’m sorry Kenny, but my answer is no.” You said as you got up heading to the bathroom.
You drove Kenny off to the airport just so he can catch his flight to a house show. Once you saw Kenny booked his flight you wave him goodbye once he got on that plain. You start to walk to your car then you stop to see Renee walking into the airport. You smiled as you ran up to her, “Hey Renee!” She stop to smile at you. “Hey Y/N how’s everything?” You both gave each other a hug. “I’m fine it’s been a hard time for me, you know trying to start a little family you know?” You laugh as you help her with her bag into the airport. “So your trying with Kenny now?” You nodded your head. “How long?” You look at Renee, “We’ve been trying for three months and nothing. I think I just can’t have any kids.” You said putting her bag down at check out. Renee shook her head. “Maybe your guys are trying to hard ever thought about relaxing when your both getting it on?” You shook your head, “no Kenny likes it rough, I mean there’s nothing wrong with that.” You and Renee start walking to her flight as you both talk. “Maybe if you both slow down and just make love then maybe it would work.” Renee look at you with a smile. You nodded your head at her. “Believe me it will work, and besides you both can make it work your a writer and his wrestler, you both have it easy.” You laugh as you look at Renee, “Oh Rene, oh yeah where's Dean? I thought the both of you would be together right about now.” You look around.
Renee look down as you both got coffee together. “Well that one is for another time Y/N.” You look at her confuse. “Renee what’s wrong?” You both sat down as you waited for her flight to come. “You see Y/N me and Dean we didn’t work things out. I moved out because I just couldn’t with him.” You took her hand and squeeze it a bit. “Oh Renee I’m so sorry why did you call me about it. I would have let stay with me.” You said She shook her head as she smiled at you. “No I moved back into my old apartment so I should be ok.” You shook your head as you both start there talking about what your going to to for the rest of the week.
You went back home to pack up somethings just so you can surprise Kenny to Monday night. You had everything ready even your red nightgown you just bought. You know he was going to love it.
You made to where Raw was going to be airing for tonight you walk into the arena with your mini skull purse in hand. You wave at a few people you knew like Lana, Becky, Charlotte, Bayley most of the women really. They all pulled you into their locker room so you can all talk about what was going on. You walk out with Ember just to get some bottles of water for the girls, then out of nowhere Ember said hello to someone. “Hey Seth, Dean.” Ember nodded her head them as Seth, and Dean look over to you and her together. “Ember, hey.” Seth said as Dean walk over to you putting his arm around you. “Hey Y/N I’m in shock that your here does Kenny know?” You shook your head, “No I’m going to surprise him Dean.” You said moving his arm off of you. “Hey you guys can you help us bring this water bottles back to the locker room with us Ember look up at Seth as Seth pick up the cooler with bottles in it. All four of you started to walk back to the locker room until you felt Dean’s hand rubbing you back. “Do you mind?” You said looking at him. He smiled at you. “Sure baby girl just try not to get turn on after I leave.” Dean whispered into your ear turning you on a little. Dean grab your ass and squeeze it tight making you bite your lower lips. “I knew you would like that I have a thing I need to do with Kenny I’ll see you around.” You turn your head only for your lips end up meeting Deans. Seth whistle at the both of you while Ember giggled. “I think they make a great couple right Seth?” You moved away from Dean walking into the women's locker room.   
You watch the show from the gorilla stand because you knew Kenny had a match with Dean so there you are waiting for Kenny to come around. You saw Dean took the mic and held it close to his mouth. He started to think before he said anything. “You know there’s so much that’s going on here. First we got this guy EC3.” The crowd booed at his name. “Then you got Brock lesnar who’s not even here again.” Again the crowd boos. “Then you got Kenny Omega.” The crowd cheers him on. “Yeah yeah but he needs to understand this is our yard, this belongs to the shield, this belongs my brothers. But don’t get me wrong I mean how cool would it be if we add someone else in it.” The crowd cheered on while Dean had a smirk on his face. “Guess who I saw in the back today? Y/N!!” You look up at the tv monitor as you heard your name being called out. You look over at Vince who told you to walk out into the ring right now. You did what you was told.
You walk out just to hear the crowd yelling out your name. You smiled as you walk down the ramp then your smile drop as you just remember. Dean was in the ring he sat on the ropes just to let you in. You enter the ring as you look at Dean. He got up as he walk right next to you. “Now Y/N welcome to the wwe it’s nice to meet you.” As he took your hand then plant a kiss. You smiled at him as you pulled your hand away from him. “Well we all know what you do for a living which is nice that you make love poems.” You nodded you head as you look at him.
“Now then how about the next book are writing are you writing it?” You look at him as he move the mic to you. “Yes i’m working on my new one.” Dean nodded as he licks his bottom lips looking at you. “Oh so what’s it about?” You look at him confuse, “Well the one book is about…” Dean walk away from you. “It’s about me right?” You shook your head, “Oh yeah doll face it’s about little old me, on how much you think about me when you walk around, how you think about me when you go shopping, eating, drinking, sleeping.” Dean looks at you with smile on his face. “You do think of me when you go to bed at night right?” The crowd ooh as you look around at them then back to Dean. “Uuhh…. I...I…” Dean move in front of you with smile on his face. “You know you think about me all the time doll face. Don’t lie.” The crowd started to laugh while the others ooh the whole time. You look around then back at Dean who’s now very close to your face. “Tell me Y/N,” He puts one arm around your waist as he pulled you close to him making you moan a bit. He heard it making him smile. “Do you think about this ever night.” Dean drop the mic as he pulled you face to his lips connecting. Dean kissing you, and you kissing him back moaning into his kiss.
Kenny ran so fast down that ramp when Dean look to the side he push you out of the way just so they fight. Feel elbow first onto the mat. “Ouch!” Was all you can say as you move to the corner of the ring seeing the fight breaking out in front of you. The referees all came down just to try to break up the fight between the two while you felt someone pulling you out of the ring. Roman, he pick you up caring you up the ramp while you held onto your elbow. Kenny look around to see Roman was carrying you to the back. Kenny rolled from the bottom ropes he start to walk up the ramp until Dean jump on him making the fight even worse than before.
You sat in the back as the medical team look at your elbow, Kenny walk into the room and told them to leave. They ran out of the room. “Kenny.” “Shut the hell up Y/N! What the hell are even doing here?” Kenny’s face was already red. “I wanted to surprise you that’s all.” You said looking up at him. “By what? Having Dean kiss you? Uh? By him putting his hands all over you?” You look up at him. “One he didn’t put his hands all over my body. Two I came here to surprise you by the gorilla post just to give you a kiss before your match. And three it was all Vinces idea he was the one who told me to walk out there.” You said. Kenny started to rub both hands over his face. “You see this is why I didn’t want you to come here in the first place, because of stupid shit like that. You know what Y/N my Ex Cara was way better than you.” Kenny walk out of the room leaving you in shock. Your eyes widen after those hurtful words made you finally cry.
Roman walk into the room hear what Kenny said. “Cheer up baby girl don’t let that asshole’s words get to you.”  You look up at him as you shock your head. “No, it was Dean’s fault why did he do that? What he thought it was funny?” Roman shook his head as he sat next to you. “No because that man really really loves ya.” You suck your teeth at his words while Roman laugh. “Nah it’s true Dean’s been talk about you since he read your first book about life or something like that.” You laugh due to the fact that the first one was when you graduated from college. “That was a long time ago Roman I’m in shock that he even read it.”You look at him. “You mean he still has it.” You shook your head and you giggled. “No way he does?” Roman nodded his head as he laugh. “Yup hey look whatever happens just remember you can always give me a heads up ok?” You nodded you head as you gave Roman a hug.
You made it back home as you unpack all your belongings and putting them away. You laid in your bed looking at the your phone watching some videos only for one to hit media everywhere. “Are you kidding me?!” You saw the pictures and video of Dean kissing you in the middle of the ring. Some saying ‘New love with Dean Ambrose?’ or another one said that ‘Kenny and Y/N are over!’ Or this one ‘Dean and Y/N are lovers and Kenny is now gone.’ You shook your head as you read most of the things that they said. “Oh my god really? I hate reporters.” You said getting up from your bed. You headed to the kitchen just to make a blow of your favorite cereal. Then you see your phone a text from Roman. You had a smile on your face.
Roman: Hey baby girl I see you and my bro are in love. ❤️
You: No Ro stop it were not, I hate the media.
Roman: I know what you mean. Besides all that how you feeling?
You: I’m ok just eating my cereal, how about you
Roman: 😕 cereal really? I thought you'd be a little to old for that, but hey whatevea
You: smh really you're never too old to eat cereal Ro.
Roman: 😂 yeah your right, hey i’m glad you are right get some rest because I know you have a lot to do in the morning goodnight baby girl.
You: Goodnight Ro
You ate you nighttime snack while you read what most of the wrestling news was saying about you with Dean and Kenny.
The next Morning you was out and about doing what you love shopping for you. Then you head for the supermarket to get some food then you felt strong arms wrap around your waist. “Can you believe it doll face, you and me all over the news.” You pulled Dean’s arms off of you as you look back. “One don’t touch me, it’s bad enough I got in trouble with Kenny about that kiss. Two don’t you say hello?” Dean smiled at you as he took your shopping cart then start to walk down the aisle with it, you start to follow him. “Yeah about that I’m sorry Roman told me about the fight you and Kenny had.” You nodded your head at Dean as you grab some things to put in your cart. “Thanks but I haven’t heard from Kenny since I got home last night. I tried calling him no answer. I even ask one of his friends if they heard from him nothing.” Dean gave you a tight hug.
“Hey everything is going to be alright I mean it. Maybe his with Cara.” You stop as you look at Dean. “Cara? You mean his ex girlfriend?” Dean nodded as you both started walking, “yeah I mean one night me and guys was at bar and we saw Kenny walking in there with her.” You look down because one you know Kenny don’t drink not at all. “What happened after Dean?” He look at you with worried look on his face. “I rather not say.” You pulled Dean close to you, “Please Dean tell me what happened after the bar? I know Kenny he don’t drink.” Dean had sad look in his eyes because he knew what was going to happen if he says it. “Kenny took Cara up into her hotel room and well he…” You got the idea you knew what he did. No wander Kenny said what he said. “Hey Y/N look at me I don’t really know what happened but think bad not right now.” You nodded as you and Dean finish food shopping.
You drop Dean off to his place as you think him for everything. You headed home taking everything had up to your place. You tried calling Kenny again, but no answer. You really do hope he’s not with Cara because you really can’t take anymore heartache. It was almost midnight when your cell rang Kenny. You answered it so fast that you almost drop your phone. “Kenny? Kenny where are you?” You hear him laughing with a few friends. “Hey babe I’m good right now I’m just with the bucks and Cody right now I’m fine.” You shook your head because you knew there was no way Cody or the young bucks where there with him, plus there was no way they can sound like girl ether.  “Alright Kenny cut the crap what’s going on?” Before Kenny could say something you heard her in the back. “Kenny it’s time for your check up.” You sat up as you know who that could be. “Hey Cara not now I’m talking to my girl here.” You ended the call as you got up from the couch. You grab your bag as you start to pack up some clothes. “I can’t believe him!” You took all you had in your bag.
You was out the door and into your car as you drove straight to Dean’s place, and to make things worse it start to rain. Once you park your car you grab your bag then headed to his door you knock on it a few times. You stood here crying as you look up in the sky then you heard the door open to see Dean. He was standing here shirtless with his shorts on. You look at him with tears running down your face. “Y/N? What happened?” He said pulling you in then closing his door. “Please Dean can I talk to Renee for few.” Dean sigh as he look at you. “Renee moved out after what she did.” You look at him then you just remembered she told you that she moved. “Oh god I forgot she told me that.” Dean grab your bag out of your hand as he tosses it to the corner. “Hey first thing first let's get you you dried up and we can talk about whatever is bothering you ok.” You nodded as Dean pulled you up the stairs to one of the guest bedroom.
You sat on the couch with one of Dean’s old shirts on, he gave it to you because most of your clothes was wet when he pulled it out. You thank him as he gave you a cup of tea. “Ok tell me from the top what happened?” You nodded as you explained to him what happened from the phone call you had with him. You told him how right he was Kenny was seeing Cara, and it broke your heart because you thought you was his only one. Dean held your hand while you keep on talking about everything you and Kenny did together. You start to cry again making Dean hug you. You told him that you’ll stay on the couch because you just need some time to think. Dean nodded as he want up stairs to head to bed. You laid on the couch as you thought about everything you and Kenny wanted to do. You look over to your bag to see your clothes then you saw your red nightgown you got up just to put it on.
You walk up the stairs just so you can go to bed, but instead you walk right up to Dean’s bedroom. You look in just to see him fast asleep. You smiled at him as you walk in, you softly pulled the sheets back as you carefully slept in his bed. She pulled the sheets back up as she laid close to him. She inhaled his scent putting a smile on her face. You felt his arm cross over to your body pulling you close to him. “Your not carefully Y/N.” You laugh as you look up at him. He look down at you with his sleepy eyes. You was so emotionally unstable at the moment so much emotions running through your mind that you just lean up and kiss him. Dean so surprise that it took him a moment to process that he kiss you right back.
Dean pulled on top of as you both deepen your kiss. You felt his rough hands sliding up your body. You hands starting to slide down his chest. You felt Dean ripping your panties right off of you. You gasp as you look down at him. “Now now doll face.” Dean said. “You can keep the nightgown on I like.” You laugh as you kiss him again. Dean start to move his hand down your back until he feels your ass smacking it making you moan. “Oh you like that don’t you.” He does it again making your bite your lower lips. “Please Dean I want you so badly.” Dean turn you making you lay on your back. You keeps your eyes on him as you watch him open your legs wide. You sat up on your elbows watching Dean’s head lower down into your core. “Dean?” You felt his tongue start to rub your bud making you gasp once again. “De...Dean! Oh god yes baby yes.” You bite your lower lip again as you moan with pleasure. Dean look up at you while he start to bit down on your bud making you moan even more. Dean lick two fingers as he slid them inside you making you throw your head back yelling out his name. “Oh god Dean!” He start to pump his fingers while biting down your bud. You look back down at him seeing his eyes now full of lust. You keep on moaning as he was now a wild animal. It was not to long that you felt a tight knot coming. Dean knows because you just tight yourself around his fingers. “Oh Dean please!” He pumps faster as his tongue rubs your one last making you scream out his name as your orgasm hits you hard.
Dean jumps up as he pulls you making you kissing him hard. You wrap your arm around him as you pulled his shorts feeling his cock sprung out. You look down to see how hard he was. He was thick just a little shorter than Kenny. You look up at Dean then smiled as you lowered yourself down to him with a smile on your face. You grab his hard cock in your hand you lick the tip of his head making him moan your name. “Oh doll face!” You smiled as took him whole in your mouth. Dean start to moan as you bob your head fast. “Oh yeah baby girl keep sucking.” Dean keep his eyes on you while you keep your eyes on him. You tried to swallow him every time your down goes down his cock making him once again yell out your name. You felt him twitching in your mouth you knew what you had to do. You bob your head feaster until Dean grab your hair pulling you back. “Oh no baby not yet if i’m going to come it’s going to be inside ya, now get on your knees.” You did as you were told.
You now in the position of doggy style, you bit your lower lips as you waited for Dean. “Oh Y/N, I can’t believe this is happening. I mean us here in my place right now.” Dean lean his head close to your ear. You felt his tip rubbing your core. “I know baby I didn’t think this was going to happen. Please Dean stop teasing me and just fuck me.” He laugh as he slowly enter you making you moan his name. “Last time I check I’m not gonna fuck ya I’m going to make sweet love to ya. You see that night when you first came to Raw me and guys heard ya with Kenny.” Your eyes widen because you remember that night. “He fuck you, only pleasing himself no fun right there. I’m gonna make love to ya I’m going to make you say my name until you come.” Dean slam inside you hard making you yelp loudly. His cock was inside you and it felt great just like it was in your mouth. You felt him excited then entering you again slow this was his speed nice and slow with passion in it. You moan to the feeling as he keep up with it. You close your eyes with smile on your face enjoying it. “Oh daddy yes.” Dean start to move faster once he heard those words making you moan louder. “Oh baby why did you say that as he whisper into your ear. “I’m..not...sorry.” You look back at him.
He pulled out making you turn this time he pulled your nightgown off tossing it someone in room he made you lay on your back opening your legs again. Then time entering you once again as you both moan again now thrusting you hard. You both start to moan as you both look in each other eyes. You want to keep this up for ever, but your body was saying something else. Tightening around Dean he speed up a bit. “Oh yeah baby come for me come for me.” Dean lean in kissing you once again, you felt your orgasm hit you hard as you moan into both your kiss. Dean thrust started to get sloppy as you try to say something, but couldn’t after a few more Dean finally comes inside. He pulled away as he said a few curse words. You look up at him as you shook your head with a smile. “Dean...I think….no I’m in love with you.” He look at her with a smile as he kiss you once again. “I love you more Y/N I love you so much.” That night you and Dean made love once again after that you both feel sleep.
Kenny came home look around the place only to find that you was gone. He knew he mess up because now he has to worry about a new problem Cara is now pregnant with his baby.
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itgraphsandcharts · 6 years
My Trashmouth - Chapter Two
Chapter One - Chapter Two
Word count: 2185
“So which one of your friends is picking us up?” I asked, suddenly curious who I should be expecting to meet. Bev had told me a little about each of them. Maybe it would be Ben, the boy who had a crush on her and wrote her a poem. Or it could be Eddie, the hypochondriac with asthma. Although, based on Bev’s description of her, probably not. It could be Stan, the Jewish boy with the curly hair that loved birds. It might be Mike, the boy that lived on a farm and hated killing animals. Or it could be Richie. Bev had refused to tell me anything about him, despite my begs and pleas. I hoped it was him and I also hoped it wasn’t. Bev not telling me had me curious and hesitant at the same time. I knew my cousin well enough to know that she was either planning something or hiding something.
I knew that it probably wouldn’t be any of them, it would probably be-
“Bill!” I heard my cousin scream almost at the top of her lungs, confirming my suspicions, and making almost the entire airport, including me, look over at her. She started running through the crowded airport, pushing past people to jump on someone’s back. I struggled after her with our luggage to see Bev and what I assumed to be Bill in a pile on the ground. Bev was giggling ridiculously, and Bill was pulling himself off the ground, before extending a hand out to his giggling friend. She took it and pulled herself up, snickering all the while. Bill gave her a warm smile and pulled her into a hug.
After a few moments, I tapped on Bev’s shoulder awkwardly, interrupting their hug, making them both turn their attention to me. I looked over at Bill and took in his features. Well, more like I looked up at him. He was at least six foot tall, towering over my mere five foot and two and a half inches. He had short red hair and a thin face. He had warm chocolate eyes that were studying me the same way I was studying him. Reaching his hand out, he introduced himself in a low voice.
“Hi, I’m Bill Denbrough. I was a friend of Bev’s when she lived here in Derry.” I shook his hand, feeling very small. I hoped that not all of Bev’s friends were this tall.
“I’m Y/N Marsh. I’m Bev’s cousin. She’s told me a lot about you, it’s nice to finally meet you.” I practically squeaked out, my shyness getting the better of me. He chuckled a little at that and looked over at Bev.
“So you talk about me a lot?” Bill said, turning to Beverly, who blushed a little and nodded sheepishly. “Nice to know you miss me, I missed you too!” He picked her up and slung her over his shoulder, causing her to laugh out protests. Finally putting her down, he took all of the luggage right out of my hands with a quick “Excuse me, let me take those for you,” and led us out of the airport. I trailed along behind him while Bev skipped next to him, her mouth going a mile a minute.
“Bill, what happened to your stutter? It’s gone! I mean, I know I’ve been gone for a few years, but you’re not even stuttering a little bit!” Bill shrugged, but a grin was evident on his face.
“He thrust his fist against the post and still insists he sees the ghost.” This left me utterly confused, but it made Bev elicit another string of giggles. Once she quieted down he continued, “Speech therapy. Now I only stutter when I get really nervous. I guess I’m not the St-Stuttering Bill you knew anymore.” Bill joked, his proud smile getting bigger all the while.
“Oh that’s great Bill! I’m so proud of you! How have the others been? I’m so anxious to see them. It’s been way too long.” Bev was practically vibrating with energy and excitement.
“The others are really good. They all really miss you.” Bill walked up to an old beat up minivan and stuffed our suitcases in the trunk. “Not much has changed, Eddie is still short, Stan still birdwatches, and Ben is still a poem fanatic.” He walked around and opened the passengers side doors for Bev and I. She quickly climbed in the front, leaving me to sit in the back by myself. Bill closed the doors behind us and got in the drivers side before continuing. “Mike, well, Mike got buff from working on the farm and that got him on the football team. Let’s see, who am I forgetting? Oh Richie!”
My attention picked up at that. Up until then I had only been half listening, now I was fully attentive, even leaning forward to hear what Bill was going to say about the mystery that is Richie. “Richie is still Richie. You know how he is.” I sighed a little, disappointed. Bev looked at me in the rear view mirror and started cracking up. Bill looked at her curiously, waiting to be let in on the joke that was so funny to her. She tried to tell him, but it was too late. She was laughing so hard, no noise was coming out of her mouth and she had tears in the corners of her eye. I groaned and covered my face, embarrassed about how funny Bev thought this was.
Looking back to me for an answer, Bill had a bewildered expression on his face. “You want to let me in on the joke, Y/N?” I uncovered my face just enough to look into his puzzled face. Sighing again, I pulled my hands all the way off my face.
“I don’t really know what’s so funny, but Bev won’t tell me anything about this ‘Richie’” I made quotation marks with my fingers before continuing. “Apparently she thinks maybe I’ll ‘meet someone’ this summer and I think her plan is for that someone to be Richie. So will you please please please tell me who Richie is?” I begged Bill, who was my only other source of who Richie was. But it was looking like he wouldn’t be much help. He had started to laugh almost as hard as Bev. I blushed again, still upset nobody was telling me anything, and went back to covering my face. For about five minutes I was surrounded by the sounds of their laughter before it started dying down.
Finally, Bev spoke up, still stifling her giggles. “He’s perfect for you. Don’t you think Bill?” She turned to Bill, who was barely calm enough to choke out a “y-yeah”. Not quite stuttering, but still laughing way too hard to speak properly. “See, even Bill agrees. You’ll love Richie.”
“Whatever.” I grumbled, turning a whole new shade of red. “Can we go now? I’m tired from the flight.” It took a few minutes, but once Bill was calm enough, he started the car and started driving to his house, where we were going to be staying for the next three months. Bev and Bill talked animatedly the entire ride, while I sat silently in the back wondering who the hell Richie was. By the time Bill parked the car in front of his house, I was ready to burst with questions. I quickly got out and put all of my weight on Bev’s door, so she couldn’t open it.
“What are you doing? Move out of the way, I have to get out!” I shook my head and held the door as she tried to get out.
“Not until you tell me who Richie is! I wanna kno-Whoa!” I suddenly saw the world from much higher up as Bill picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Hey put me down!” I shouted and pounded on his back, trying to get him to let up.
“Nope. Bev needs to get out of the car, and you will meet Richie soon enough. Now come on, you said you were tired.” Bill carried me into his house, Bev quickly getting out of the car and following us. He passed a woman who looked like his mother and her face lit up when she saw Bev.
“Bev, honey, it’s so good to see you! You’ve grown so much!” She turned to Bill, I think. He was facing her so all I could see was the hallway behind him. “And Bill, sweetie, why are you carrying Bev’s cousin like a dead body?” I snorted, quickly covering my mouth in horror. Bill turned so I could see if I turned my head.
Bill quickly answered in defense. “She wasn’t listening to me.”
“What? That is so not true!” I protested, still pounding on his back. I looked up at his mother. “Could you tell Bill to put me down, he’s the one who’s not listening to me, and Bev is no help.” I shot Bev a quick glare before turning a pleading gaze towards Bill’s mother.
“Of course. Bill put her down. I can see all the blood rushing to her face. Put her down before she gets a headache!” Bill reluctantly put me down, slowly, as if to tease me. A knee in the stomach sped it up. He groaned and dropped me the rest of the way. I landed with a thud, almost toppling over. Steadying myself, I fixed my hair, which sure liked being upside down, before extending a hand out to Bill’s mother.
“Nice to meet you. Thanks. Now nothing is upside down.” She shook my hand and laughed a little.
“It’s nice to meet you too Y/N. Feel free to knee him as hard as you see fit if he picks you up again.” She looked pointedly over at Bill, who seemed to shrink under her gaze. “I’ve told him many times that just because he’s tall and strong, that doesn’t mean he should be manhandling people against their will.” I gasped a little, glad to finally have somebody on my side.
“Yeah Bill. I’m glad somebody agrees with me. Could you make him tell me who Richie is too? He listens to you and they’re not saying zip.” I looked up at Bill, sureI had won by the expression on his face. He couldn’t say no to his mother! Right?
Then, I heard a soul crushing sound behind me. His mother disagreeing with me. “Well I’m sure there’s a reason for that, but don’t worry, I think you’ll find out soon enough.” I groaned, and seeing Bill’s smirk only made it worse. “In fact, Bill, don’t you have plans with everybody tomorrow morning?”
Bill nodded, his smirk widening, “Yeah. They’re coming over. They don’t know Bev is here and I wanted to surprise them.”
For the thousandth time that day, Bev squealed. “Ooh, I can’t wait to surprise them! Can we go to the Barrens too? I haven’t gone there in forever!” Bill nodded along to everything she was saying enthusiastically.
“That’s what they think they’re coming over for anyway, we always meet up at my place before we go anywhere. It’s sort of become tradition.” Bev smiled sadly, and I knew she was thinking about how much she missed. Reaching over to comfort her, I put my arm around her shoulders and gave her a grin.
“Hey Bev, why don’t we start unpacking and settling in? Bill, stay here.” He looked at me with a wounded expression on his face.
“But I can-” Bill started.
“No. Stay here. Bev and I need some cousin time. And it’s not like you’d do anything if you stayed. You’d just tease me about Richie, which I still don’t understand, but that is besides the point. We’ll come back down when we’re done. Promise.” I giggled a little at his defeated pout, but nonetheless, walked upstairs with Bev, leaving Bill all alone downstairs. “Come on, let’s unpack, then you can go downstairs and continue catching up. I couldn’t stand his comments anymore.”
“That may be true, Y/N, but we still need to know which room we’re staying in.” She snickered.
I rolled my eyes and called down the stairs, “Hey Beanstalk! Which room are we staying in?” Once an answer was called back, we made our way to our designated space for the next few months.
While we unpacked, Bev talked my ear off about her summer plans with her old friends. I didn’t mind though, I was just happy that she was excited. Truth be told, I was excited to meet the rest of the famous Losers Club. And Richie. But that was a mystery to unpack tomorrow. For now, Bev and I will hang out with Bill, and then go to bed. We were both exhausted from the long flight.
We didn’t even finish unpacking, before we were both passed out on the two small beds provided for us, dreaming of what was to come the next day.
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stan-and-the-newbie · 6 years
A kpop newbie’s reaction to MAMAMOO
Alexa: bold
Alex: italic
today you’ll react to Mamamoo even though you technically already know them
i mean, i don't know all that much about them, really. so this should still be interesting
well, as before, first thing that comes to mind
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should i do the top one or
they’re in the same order. we love consistent queens.
hmm... wheein? then uhhh, s-solar..? then moonbyul and of course my queen.
did you guess them or. you got two of them right !!
i did in fact guess them. oh. fuck it, i'll take it
hwasa and solar, m-my baby. the first one is moonbyul and the third one is wheein
i figured
and apparently this is their formation in every group photo ever
oh, good to know
so, the first one is moonbyul. how old do you think she is and what’s her personality
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she's 23 or 24, and she's a lovable goofball
is she a singer or the rapper
f uc k uhhhuuhhhhh singer
smol baby child. yeah, she's born in 1992, so she's around that age in this photo i think. i’m not sure when it was released. she's the rapper in the group, so her image on stage is cool
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i knew it was either her or solar, smh.  i remember it distinctively from that height song.
but irl she's greasy and flirts with everyone, tomboy-ish and probably gay idk
alright, so she's the cool one
yeah, she's also the tallest, staying proud at 165 cm
that image was misleading smh. she looks like a silly nerd in it/ are you trying to sabotage my score, miss <-<
i mean, she Is a silly nerd. she usually makes lives with solar and flirts with her all the time and gets herself some slaps on the arm. and she gay panics on stage every time hwasa is in her close vicinity. and she's known for having heart eyes every time a girl talks and she's also the Girl Crush of the entire industry lmao
first we had heart smile now we have heart eyes soon enough you'll be describing a monster from soma. a walking blob made of exposed, beating hearts.
*then i showed him the Wonderful Confession Immortal Songs performance*
that middle aged lady fangirling after hwasa goes "look at me now" lmfao
sadfrghgfdsDFGHJK ME.
this is fokin great. i just got to the rap part. fam they're genuinely talented don't @ me
mamamoo are known for making every show their concert lmao
pff. it do be like that, and i wouldn't have it any other way. a bunch of girl dancers suddenly appeared and i thought my vision was going blurry and i was seeing double. anyway, the rap works surprisingly well, considering the general tone of the song.
moonbyul also has two tattoos. i don’t know what one of them says, i think its just her family portrait.
w h o l e s o m e
but the other one says “N'oublie pas de t'aimer”
alrighty my grill next up is your bias
give her an age
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i'll say 24. and she's a singer
she is 27 :)
oof, can you really blame me tho
i can’t. she has an actual baby face. what’s her personality?
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i imagine she's sweet and soft, but can be jokingly sassy and teases the others sometimes
oof, she wishes. she’s the oldest, and the leader, but the other members always bulli her. she’s the mom friend though, and the best at english, even tho her english isn’t all that good anyway sdfghds. and shes a complete goofball
awh ;; is she the short one, then?
nop, shes the second tallest
wait hold up how can the leader be the one who gets bullied this doesn't add up
*then i showed him this marvellous video*
2 seconds in and i've seen enough
*then i showed him the Passion Flower Immortal Songs performance*
solar doesn't have any tattoo but she's scared of bugs so there's that
wholesome. she's a quality idol i like her. this song is dope yo.
the one wearing a hat there is wheein
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the wheeout puns are overwhelming ngl
,,,,,,,,,,they fucking are. once u wheein u cant wheeout. she's the same age as hwasa, but a few months older, so hwasa is considered the actual "maknae" (which means youngest member
that much i know. mainly because i googled it a while ago
and here's wheein with short hair cuz fuck yeah
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whats her personality?
she's uhh the Short One (tm)
yes, that too. she is Evil
idk, she seems like a sassy singer, but that's just a shallow impression. does she tease the other members a lot, or..  <<
tbh, she is pretty sassy. she's also very carefree and a derp. but she does tease the other members a lot and laughs when something funny and unfortunate happens to them. she's been friends with hwasa since middle school, and they have a couple tattoo
ooh, noice
on their ankle, they both have "resonance"
i've seen a picture of that somewhere, if i recall..
she has two other tattoos. one she drew herself, and one that says "la vie est courte l'art est long"
what's with the french affiliation. should i be learning french instead of korean?
*i showed him that infamous “mamamoo sold their friendship for ice cream” video*
"hyejin-ah, you know your thighs are the size of your face, right?" i told you, wheein is evil
c r i t i c a l   h i t
hwasa :) what do you think her personality is like lmao
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she's the serious one (sarcastic humor <<3), the lead rapper but also sings (i noticed this by watching some performances)(edited)i also know that she cooks for them, so extra mom friend points there and she's very independent, but also warm 
omf u really are whipped for her
apparently she really likes beyonce, so some fans call her ahn-yance
yep, shes also a big rihanna fan, and work is her hoe anthem
that's dumb, on one hand because it kinda sounds like "annoyance", and on the other because bey-ahn-ce is a much better pun. i would perform umbrella for her like tom holland, don't @ me
oh, also, hwasa has four tattoos. the "resonance" one, one on the back of her neck, with "maria", her christian name, cuz she is Holy
oh shiet. that name fits her well actually ;;
one on her arm saying “Paradise is where you are”
if she's in your immediate vicinity, then obviously
and one right above that one, that’s a triquetra
mamamoo are well known in korea, and most of their fans are girls!! i think theyre the group that appeals the most to girls there actually
oh, that's interesting
and here are some songs
*i showed him “Words don’t come easy”*
this is what we call  s m o o t h   g u i t a r. and that sexy sax, oh boye (and here is where alex’s inner Shiverbert Creepstein came out, god bless, the only writer i stan) this one's really nice, i'd love to listen to it in a cafe. there's this really nice mental image that you'll never achieve, but it's nice to think of anyway. just sitting alone in the corner of a dimly-lit cafe, watching the performers on the stage sing as you down another shot, people taking quick glances in your direction and wondering what it is you're thinking about, when in fact you're just listening to the music mix in with the raindrops hitting against the windows. i got carried away, oof
o damn, mister shiverbert
<-< hey, nobody clapped
its a nice lil image, though
anyway, that was a great song
*and here i showed him “Decalcomanie”*
oh, this one's more i n t e n s e. the translated lyrics without any rhyme sound like some sort of strange poem
i know;;
noh-noh is apparently knock knock. the vocals are fokin great
:(((((( stop slandering them, theyre trying
i'm not roasting them, i just find it cute ;;that was a nice song. in fact- (he pinned it)
so, last thoughts on mamamoo?
god bless them best kpop idols out there hwasa please sit on my face
ayy, that was this week’s reaction!! alex was actually more excited this time because it’s his ultimate bias’ band
there are some things i (alexa, cuz alex never edits these posts) didn’t mention, im sorry if i missed anything important;; i decided to focus more on what alex thinks and says this time, rather than ramble about stuff y’all already know
i hope y’all enjoyed this reaction and if you want, you can leave suggestions!! buh-bye~ ^ω^
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hiphopscriptures · 4 years
Fresh Artist Fridays: Brave Williams
Don't Tell Me No, is an unapologetic assertion of vulnerability. It gives you permission to not let your ego make decisions for your heart and a reason to say yes to love. "To me, my song Don't Tell Me No, has a timeless sound. It's Classic. I really wanted to channel that feeling in the video; so I decided to pay homage to an era that represents that to me, the jazz era," mentions Brave. "I wanted something simple, elegant, clean and classic. A beautiful black piano, a talented pianist (Johnnie "Smurf" Smith), and an old school mic," she adds.
The song was written by Brave Williams, Brittany Barber (John Legend, Ty Dolla), and Kristal Tytewriter Oliver (Diddy, Chrisette Michele) and produced by Ivan “Orthodox” Barias (Mary J Blige, Phony PPL, Chris Brown) and the classic visuals were directed by Zack David. "Don't Tell Me No" music video was globally premiered on Bossip.com and is available on all streaming and download platforms now.
Brave Williams Bio:
Call it her parents’ prophetically-ordained choice of first names for a baby girl or divinely inspired coincidence - as per textbook definitions which encompass everything from “a bit daring” and “ready to face and endure” to “without showing fear” – singer/songwriter/SAG-AFTRA actress BRAVE WILLIAMS has been nothing less than courageous, spirited, determined and dauntless in her whirlwind rise to notability within the worlds of music and entertainment over the course of the past few years. Having quickly and effectively established herself as that simultaneously “sultry and edgy while everyday relatable” songstress whose “Oooh Luv Ya” and “Road Trippin’” 2015 singles set off buzzworthy online presence and fast-growing download support, in definitively brave fashion, BRAVE WILLIAMS more than lives up to the meaning of her name as she precedes her audacious, anticipated self-titled full-length debut set (a Brave New World/SRG ILS/Universal Group release) with the recent release of her oh-so-sultry R&B beat-ballad latest single, “Don’t Tell Me No.”
With her now signature self-assurance paired with a heavy dose of vocal temptress; the lovelorn, “old-school-slow-grind-meets-slinky-paced-modern-R&B” flow of “Don’t Tell Me No” finds the vocalist noted for championing her girls actually addressing the fellas this go ‘round, all while examining relationship “goings-on” and vulnerabilities both genders can easily relate to. “It’s completely relationship-driven,” Brave explains, upon sharing the inspiration for the song, “based on conversations I’ve had with my sisters and best friends. Men always have this idea that they have to be strong and powerful with whatever it is that’s going on. And men are just as scared as women to fall in love. So to me, it was like a declaration to men like ‘I know you’ve been through some things that have your protective wall up, but don’t let that heartache or disappointment become your permanent identity. You can still be open to fall in love, but fear will keep that blessing from happening.’ Because there’s so much noise happening – like politics, the social climate and things on the news – I want people to be reminded that love can slice through all of that…and kill all the noise. I want that to be welcomed, and I want people to be invited to always go back to love despite everything’s that’ going on.” Though attitude-laced, ladies’ anthem-styled singles like 2017’s bouncy, head-boppin’ “U Tried it” and early 2020’s deep-bouncin’ “Options” may have empowered the ladies, she’s ultimately a fair and equal opportunity (musical) communicator. “I am so pro-women, like I am always here for my girls,” she ponders upon the mention of feminism, “but I never want anyone to think or take my interpretation that I’m anti-man, because I’m not anti-man. I love my men, which is why I wrote ‘Don’t Tell Me No,’ because I wanted to speak to my men like ‘I know you’re scared. I know that you can be feeling some type of way about love and relationships. But let’s do this together; don’t tell me no.’”
Largely produced by Ivan Barias (Musiq Soulchild/Mary J. Blige/Chris Brown) while Brave handled songwriting alongside co-writers Brittany Barber (John Legend/Ty Dolla/Love & Hip Hop Hollywood) and Kristal Tytewriter (Diddy/Chrisette Michele), multifaceted Brave’s anxiously-awaited Brave Williams full-length LP aims to make good on the promise and hoopla generated by the release of her Fearless EP (2015) and its breakthrough singles. “Ivan is part of my Philly team whom I’ve known for several years now,” she shares. “He actually produced a lot of my records on Fearless. Once we met through [our mutual manager] Michael we just clicked. So it’s actually Ivan and Tytewriter [I worked with]; she’s a Philly-based songwriter who’s worked with Diddy, Ledisi and Estelle…and she’s also an engineer. So she engineers all my sessions.”
Hence, beyond the independent woman-themed “Options” and the love introspection of “Don’t Tell Me No,” the BRAVE WILLIAMS contemporary hip-hop/R&B music listeners have come to know musically and melodically elaborates and narrates an everyday love journey with a debut set that manages to tell a full-fledged story. “This new album is me being totally transparent about relationships; so I’m taking you through the beginning, the middle and the end of relationships,” says the sassy siren of her Brave Williams debut. “Whatever those emotions are, it’s telling a complete story. So in the beginning, when you’re extremely happy and have that full love feeling, is something I wanted to capture with the uptempo songs. Or going in the middle when you realize ‘Ok wait a second; the person I met six months ago has left the building’ and it’s like “Who is this guy? Let’s not forget that I still need you to treat me like you treated me in the beginning.’ And it takes you all the way to the end, whatever the end might be; if you’re happy, there are happy songs on there. And if it’s a breakup or even some of my own trials and tribulations that’s I’ve experienced in relationships, I’ve definitely penned those songs. It’s kinda like a diary…..a relationship diary [which is a bit scary].”
As it turns out, the seeds for her talent and penchant for storytelling can be traced to her early Baltimore, Maryland-based childhood…more specifically in the back-seat of her Mom and Dad’s red Chevy, on a day she vividly recalls hearing legendary rapper Tupac’s “Keep Ya Head Up.” “I remember it like it was yesterday; I was mesmerized,” Brave recounts. “I know that I had heard hip-hop before that moment, but that was the first time that it really resonated with me and I started writing. I really just started writing poems. I had no idea I could sing because I started out rapping.” Always quick to showcase her rapping and spoken word skills at open mics, she confesses that she stumbled onto the notion that she could sing upon trying to turn one of the raps she’d written into a song. That epiphany spurred a newfound exploration and appreciation of the R&B of her generation (“I love Faith Evans, Jill Scott since her first album and ‘What’s the 411?’ by Mary J, because she was like the perfect marriage of hip-hop and R&B”), as well as more classic R&B from the likes of Stevie Wonder, Bobby Caldwell and one of her idols, 80s singer/songwriter/musician Patrice Rushen.
Armed with her newfound appreciation of soul/R&B and burgeoning songwriting talent while honing her singing chops, characteristically ballsy go-getter Brave ventured and dared to develop her craft partaking in countless local open mics, one of which permanently changed the direction of her life and fast-forming music career. “Someone in the crowd pulled me aside after I got off stage [one night] and said ‘I wanna introduce you to a producer in D.C. who’s looking for an artist,’” she recounts. “From that, I was introduced to [producer] Rich Harrison (Beyonce'/Amerie), I signed a solo deal with Columbia Records and I never let them know that I had just learned how to sing two weeks before.” Thus the spirited determination which defines her very name arose, in which case she admittedly “faked it. I was like ‘Yeah, I could sing’ and once I got in the studio they could tell I was undeveloped. So once ‘the cat was out the bag’ I knew I didn’t want to lose my deal, but I needed to put myself around singers so I could grow. So that’s how I came up with Richgirl.” Signed to Jive Records, though the female quartet (which also included fellow siren Sevyn Streeter) captured the attention of an immediately awestruck urban audience with their mad-tight Harrison-produced “He Ain’t Wit Me Now,” which fans concluded should have been huge and remains a multi-million-viewed VEVO music clip, the group never quite got off the ground.
However, when you’re the living and breathing synonym for the word “brave” – in fact, indomitable – you move one, following your creativity and passion where fate takes you. In the case of BRAVE WILLIAMS, that meant persistently pursuing her dreams, adeptly learning from her experiences and exposure and seizing opportunities presented until that eventual “right place, right time” scenario. “It was because of that experience [with the group] that I got the knowledge to start my own label,” admits Brave, “just to learn the administrative work a major label actually does. To learn the type of work that’s required of an artist…like the long hours and tour life. It gave me tools to really navigate and properly start my own label (Brave New World). That’s what I did after the group disbanded and then that’s when I put out my first song, ‘Ooh Luv Ya.’ Then I hired everyone I needed [like a street team], the PR and ‘this and that’ to get that song on radio. And so when that started playing on radio, that’s what got the attention of R&B Divas (TV-One reality show).” Like a fast-rolling, momentum-building snowball, Brave commenced to not only recording her Fearless EP with subsequent singles and landed noted acting roles in VH-1’s CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story biopic, BET’s Angrily Ever After, her first leading role in Netflix’s Love Dot Com and BET’s The Christmas Lottery (alongside Greenleaf’s Asia Epperson and Family Matters’ Reginald Vel Johnson), but embarked on her passion for philanthropy though hands-on work and involvement with Associated Black Charities, the Baltimore area’s St. Francis Mentorship Program and City Women’s Shelter, acting as Ambassador/lead lrainer for the Steve & Marjorie Harvey Girls Who Rule The World girls’ mentorship program (for 200 young girls from around the world); and advocating health, fitness training and wellness through her very own Brave Williams Fitness Club. The club’s specialization in weight loss, diet nutrition, personal training, tailored fitness plans and increasing muscle mass is a personal passion she takes quite seriously and a source of great pride given its results in her local community. “In the last two years I’ve transformed 3,200 bodies,” proudly shares ISSA-licensed (International Sports and Science) certified trainer, Brave, “from women who were morbidly obese and those who’ve suffered from diabetes, to heart palpitations and other illnesses. It’s always my goal to get them off the various medications and another thing that I’m really passionate about.”
In the meantime, music listeners can also rest assured that same exact level of creative passion was invested into every song that comprises her curiously-awaited Brave Williams debut collection. “I wanted to be transparent in my moment and that was the moment of writing this album and reflecting on everything. I want people to relate to it. I want to be able to inspire the people who hear the songs. And if they’re in that type of relationship at that time, they can use some of my records as navigation on how to handle what they’re feeling. My whole purpose is to inspire.” Sounds to me like the musical mission taken on by beautiful and multi-talented BRAVE WILLIAMS was much more than accomplished.
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whimstories · 7 years
Grocery time flirt
A/N: I knew I wanted to do another fluff month piece and I suffer with dialogue so I did a pure dialogue exercise! I rewrote this four times and now I put it on queue and I have until it posts to edit it. 
Comments and critiques are super helpful!
“Handwritten grocery list. I didn’t know adults were allowed to do that publicly anymore.”
“Adults aren’t allowed to make bad puns without children around either.”
“Well, I guess neither of us are adults.”
“Oh shoot, now how will I buy all this alcoho—OOH HELLO!”
“Um, hi? I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
“You—nah! I S-saw you and realized you’re more intoxicating than my basket of liquor. No, wait—I mean.”
“Wow, that was a fast recovery.”
“Girls tell me  that in more intimate settings. No, shit, I did not say that.”
“Nuh-uh, I heard you loud and clear. Do you wait in this aisle just to test out new material on strangers?”
“What? No way! I don’t usually blurt those out, I’m sorry. I’m a well behaved French citizen, man’s honor.”
“No, no, I’m afraid your cover is blown. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while, I have to thank you.”
“You didn’t find it cheesy?”
“Oh it was completely cheesy, but it takes guts to say that out loud. In a grocery store. In the wine section.”
“I was surprised…”
“By my intoxication?”
“Hey! You’re sassier than I thought.”
“I may be short, but I am fierce with my words.”
“You’re not short, you’re—.”
“Fun-sized? I’ve heard that before.”
“I wouldn’t mind having some fun with you.”
“Oh brother. When I pass the last stack of beer bottles will your flirting powers magically disappear?”
“Well then we’d enter the baking aisle, and you’d turn from intoxicating to a cutie-pie.”
“Are my powers too much for you?”
“Not at all. In fact, this is a very educational experience.”
“On what?”
“Which isle will it take to make a man stop flirting?”
“The wedding aisle?”
“Cute, tomcat.”
“Wait, where are we going? The store suddenly turned a particular shade of pink.”
“I’m guessing you’ve never had a serious girlfriend before. Such a shame.”
“What are you implyin—oh I see. Hey I’ve bought my share of feminine items before.”
“Like what?”
“Your feminine charm.”
“Isn’t that more like an insult?”
“You bought my charms. Like I tricked you?”
“You know what they say, with a trick comes a few treats.”
“I don’t feed stray tomcats.”
“You don’t chase them away either.”
“Well, you’re not the worst I’ve seen. And don’t look over my shoulder as I pick up tampons. Only the strays I find in the lingerie aisle are that special. ”
“I’m not special yet?”
“They say special is subjective.”
“I’ll take whatever you give me, princess.”
“Don’t you need to finish your shopping? I have two men calling my name in the frozen section.”
“I didn’t realize I was making you too hot.”
“Direct me to your off button.”
“Oh, princess, I’m hurt.”
“It’s Marinette, tomcat.”
“And I’m Adrien. I knew you were eager to learn my name.”
“Kissing my hand is blocking the aisle.”
“And a kiss from you would silence me forever.”
“Oh so, thats the off switch.”
“Would you like to test it out?”
“You’re cute, but not that cute.”
“But I am cute?”
“You have to have something going for you.”
“I made you laugh! You admitted it earlier.”
“You’re occasionally funny.”
“I’m also a physics professor, fyi. Smart, funny, and cute. I’m too good to be true.”
“Maybe a bit. I almost think my friend planted you here…making asian food tonight?”
“Huh? Oh—uh, yeah. It’s for someone special, actually.”
“Oooh? Smart, funny, cute but not available. There’s the catch.”
“What? It’s not like—well it is, but its—“
“Don’t freak out. I’m joking with you. We had fun. I have to head home anyway. It’s my only day off and my friend is waiting for her booze. It was nice meeting you, Adrien.”
“Umm, yeah…I’ll see you later, maybe?”
“Yeah, it’s possible.”
“Hello, Miss. A message left for you at the front desk.”
“Thank you.”
“Mari, what’s that?”
“Maybe a client. The doormen always have something for me when I get home.”
“Oh my gosh, it’s your day off. You’re not allowed to even think about work.”
“Hey, Alya! Give that—”
“No way! You only get to read it if it meets my approval. Lets see—well look what we have here.”
“Gurl! I did not know Adrien Agreste lived in your building!”
“Who? Adrien…Agreste. Like Gabriel’s son, Agreste?”
“Yes! You’re the luckiest girl I know, how did you even snag him. He sounds head over heels for you.”
“Wait, what are you talking about? Give me that.”
“You said you met an Adrien at the store…holy shit, was that him? How did you not know it was THE Agreste?”
“You know how focused I get on design. I honestly forgot Gabriel had a son…”
“He was completely home schooled, but his face was still plastered all over Paris for the better part of his teen years. Did his face fill out from angel to sex-demon or something? I swear, you are so scatterbrained sometimes.”
“You’re the journalist, not me. Wow, look at this poem though. He says he wants a date at his apartment. What should I say? I wasn’t ready for this.”
“Look, he said, ‘Never a second glance, but love takes a chance’. He’s kept tabs on you living here and you never noticed?”
“It’s a big building. Give me some credit.”
“Well, you met him. You said he was pretty great earlier.”
“Yeah, but when I left he said he had someone special—“
“Catch up! It was you!”
“You think so?”
“Oh gosh, you’re killing me. It’s you. He’s asking you out; say yes. Easy? How are you going to respond?”
“It’s for tomorrow so…I can respond with a message too I guess? A response poem?”
“That’s my girl.”
“You know, even with your letter, I was scared you wouldn’t show.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Hmm, we’ve lived in the same building for almost a year? I’m the son of the biggest fashion brand in France while you’re a fashion designer, yet you didn’t recognize me once? My face was once plastered all over France? If I didn’t have your attention back then, what’s so different now.”
“Ehh, to be fair, I’m surrounded by beautiful people all the time. I’m more focused on the finished product.”
“Well, I certainly feel special now. You know, I was really surprised to see you at the store.”
“I remember.”
“No, I mean, really surprised. You know that list on my hand? One of the doormen on the front desk wrote it down for me right after talking to you.”
“Well, I know you have a habit of ordering a lot of takeout. The doormen happen to mention it. I thought ‘maybe she would be impressed by a guy that can cook for her’.”
“No way.”
“Yeah. So, please, act overly impressed by my considerate gesture.”
“You really do like me.”
“You’re just catching on, princess?”
“I didn’t think—-well I had no idea. I know I can be slow at times but, how did I not know?!”
“I don’t mind. You’ll be falling just as hard in no time.”
“Are you saying I’m fast attracted to your magnetic pull, Mr Physics Professor?”
“See, we’re already speaking the same language. You can’t deny science.”
“How about I experiment on that off button of yours, for a start.”
“I’ll take what I can get, princess.”
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an-anaemic-pen · 5 years
Project Phoenix Chapter 8
The God of Mischief
The Manifestation || The Power Play || The Green-Eyed Fly || The Middle of The Night || The Alternative || The Attic || The House
Summary: Kate’s a normal teenage Midgardian girl; except there’s a Loki in her attic, and now S.H.I.E.L.D.’s after her, and also, she has powers. Apparently, she’s meant to save the world.
She just wanted to finish school and maybe fall in love—at least she’s accomplishing one of those.
Relationships: Gen, F/M (Loki/Original Female Character)
Rating: M (Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage if you squint bit—nothing occurs while characters are underage, Sexual Content)
Mood: Prelude to a Nightmare, Illumina Anthology
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Loki's breath cut off in surprise. He juggled the thing, ultimately dropping it on the plywood flooring. The strange photo was a character Kate had told him about in a previous timeline—a morphing of two people into something she called Voldebean—but he had never actually seen it. Although Loki had witnessed much carnage and beasts that would undoubtedly give Kate worse nightmares than those already plaguing her sleep, that thing was horrifying.
Thankfully, there was no damage done to the box that Loki could see. Words indicated he should ‘press home to unlock,’ so he pressed the little button again. Numbers and a passcode greeted him. The last he checked, the code had been 5-2-4-7. He pressed the Midgardian numerals (gently, of course) and the box opened to reveal a hub for all of Kate's applications.
Of course, he already knew what was in the box—he had seen it before in other timelines. Mostly it was just poems and little ideas that Kate could incorporate into the secret ballads and songs she hid at the end of a maze of folders. If he could remember correctly, the way to get to her songwriting was Writing, Misc., Creative Writing, Stupid Stuff, Poetry, then finally Songwriting. He only knew that because he went snooping one day when Kate had left the box on Asgard.
She wasn't going to be coming back for a week, and Loki was bored, so he went looking around her quarters. The shriek Kate had produced when she found a two-headed mouse with bleeding eyes upon her pillow would always sit fondly in his memory.
Loki scrolled through her music then looked at the useless time-wasting games Kate had. One thing he did find interesting, however, was her pictures. Mostly, it was just stupid pictures of her and her friends, things called “life hack,” for when she was older, or images of her domestic beasts, but something Loki found interesting was a screenshot of a link.
The link was relatively simple. Loki took the painstaking effort of copying each character one-by-one into an internet browser. There, he found a chatroom. “Well, what secrets do you hide, little Kitty?” he muttered to himself.
The chatroom was private, a small label in the top even showing that the privacy was paid for. Loki's lip twitched. Throughout every timeline, he had never found anything like this, whether it be while sneaking around or while talking to Kate.
The slightest chill ran across Loki's skin as he scrolled up through the chats. There were hours and hours of conversation going back for months. In an archive, he found it went back over three years. Loki's eyes ached slightly from the screen, but he began reading through the chats.
Kate was talking to a man—not a boy, or a ‘guy,’ as she would call it, a man. A full-grown man.
There were photos. There were photos Kate should not have sent—photos she should not have taken in the first place. The archive revealed the raunchy images were going back those three years. This man had seen her when she was a mere 12-year-old who hadn't even begun to mature.
A stair creaked.
Loki jumped the slightest bit and slammed the box down, hoping it would enter sleep mode before whoever it was saw him. He transformed into a small fly, hiding on the ceiling and observing.
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Kate stopped right before she opened the attic door. You’re about to take your phone back from the most powerful sorcerer in all the realms. Get a weapon, the voice in her head advised. The fact she hadn’t thought of it before worried her.
Kate hurried downstairs and went into the kitchen. Sneaking a knife upstairs unnoticed would be a bit of a challenge, but she knew she could do it. Kate opened the drawer and slipped a large, sharp knife out. Commonly, her mother used it when preparing meat, so she knew it would be sharp.
As she was about to leave the kitchen, she noticed a few oranges sitting in a bowl. She took one out and began to cut it with the knife. After quickly eating the orange (making sure to coat the knife thoroughly with the juice) and throwing away the scraps, she made her way back upstairs.
Kate snuck over to the attic door barefoot, avoiding the spot where the floor always creaked and silently opened up the door. She stealthily made her way up the stairs and used a mirror kept in storage to check the room as best as the tight angle would allow. Kate swallowed and leaped up the last few steps, brandishing the knife and her teeth in preparation.
There was nothing.
Kate blinked twice and relaxed. A bit of orange juice dripped off of the knife, hitting the floor and soaking into the plywood unnoticed. Her phone was sitting on the floor, screen down, with Loki nowhere to be seen.
Kate's eyes flickered across the attic and into shadowy corners. She snuck across the floor, checking in hiding spots for him with the knife held up in defense. He was nowhere.
"Praise the Lord Almighty," she sighed and picked up her phone.
The screen glowed to life as she accidentally tapped it with her knuckle. It revealed the chatroom archive. Her stomach dropped.
No, her stomach utterly left her body. Heat swept through her torso in an anxious flush, and her breath left her chest. He knew. Nobody knew. It was her best-kept secret, and he knew! She should have fought him off and taken her phone back sooner!
Kate fled the attic, scrambling down the stairs with her heart skipping a beat when she almost fell. Just as she was about to slam the door shut and shove a box in front of it, something grabbed and pulled her back in.
Kate tried to scream. Tears threatened to leave her cheeks. Her throat felt thick.  Her voice didn't work as she shrieked behind the hand over her mouth. Although she knew she was yelling as loud as she could, it felt like she was in one of those dreams where in real life she couldn't breathe because of the position she was laying in, so her mind was trying to tell her to wake up and move.
But, she could breathe. She could breathe in through her nose as she was dragged up the stairs against her will.
He knew. He knew! Who would he tell? What leverage would her exploit? A droplet of saline tears ran down Kate’s cheek and onto Loki’s pale hand.
"Stop fighting me, you dumb girl!" Loki hissed.
Kate tried to bite him, even tried licking him again, but it didn't work this time. Firstly, Loki knew she would; secondly, he was not going to let her run. He probably wouldn't let her run ever again.
Perhaps he was going to kidnap her away to another one of the Nine Realms, and someone would have to save her. How would she possibly explain this?
Loki threw Kate against the floor, and a splinter jabbed into her hand. She coughed, tears falling down her face now. The two trails joined at her nose and dripped down at the tip. Her arms were shaking, and she felt weak. She hated feeling weak.
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Loki winced the slightest bit when he heard the girl whimper. How had this happened? It didn't happen in any other timeline; in all the others, she had gotten away before anything could occur.
Before he could say anything, Loki used his seiðr and cast an enchantment to keep anyone outside of the room from hearing them. "Who is he!" he then yelled.
Kate fell the rest of the way to the ground, sobbing now.
“Don't try to worm your way out of this, veslingr! I demand an answer!”
Loki moved in front of her and grabbed her by the shoulders. She was forced to look at him with tears falling down her face. She attempted to sniffle in some bit of dignity, but her nose was already too stuffed up.
Her grey eyes couldn’t meet him, and the golden flecks within her irises were blurred and mutated from her tears. Her hair fell in her face, some chunks of it wet from the mess she was creating.
Loki reached up to dry her eyes, and Kate weakly smacked his hand away. He had meant to scare her, but not like this. This was far beyond what he had intended.
“Alright, alright, I'm sorry. Just—just tell me who he is.”
“Why the heck would I?”
Loki laughed. “Ooh, you said ‘heck!’ I suppose you're being serious now, aren't you?” It was a lousy attempt to lighten the mood.
She gave him a hard glare.
Kate wiped away tears with her sleeve. “His name is Michael Smith. Now go away.” She shook Loki’s hands off of her shoulders. Loki practically let them fall.
The mortal shall pay, he thought. He would have said it aloud, but Kate had such a compassionate gaze upon all life she saw that she most likely would have hated him more than she already did.
“Why are you speaking to him.” It was a command rather than a question.
“I wanted to.”
“No, you do not, Katherine. We both know that.”
Kate couldn’t meet his gaze as she bit her lip. Loki tried to take her hand, but she pulled it away. “I didn’t know who he was. I thought he was who he said he was.”
“Why not walk away?”
Kate swallowed and sniffled again. Her chin still quivered, and her voice cracked every few words. “I can’t. I need an excuse, and I can’t get one without telling my parents.”
“Stop talking to him. It is easy.”
Kate looked at him. Her eyes were tired. “Says the God of Lies.”
“He is not safe. You must see that.”
Kate chewed her lip until it bled. Loki watched her lick away the slit of blood, pretending he didn’t notice her cringing the slightest bit at the taste. “He's been with me through thick and thin. I can’t just leave him.”
For the first time in a while, Loki spoke nothing but the truth. “How can you not ‘just leave him?’ He wants you. He's been using you to get to what he considers to be a need.” He couldn't understand her thinking process. Her mind distorted the situation to see the good in this man—it was quite naïve of her.
She began to cry again. “I’d feel guilty.”
Loki tried to comfort her, but she rejected his advances with ease. What was it with her and emotional connections? Whether it be she despised them or was scared of them, it took forever to break her barriers truly in every single timeline—granted, Thor's teasing in half of those didn't help anyone, but the point still stood.
“To Hel with guilt! He is taking advantage of you!”
Kate shook her head. “I won’t allow us to meet in person. I’ve rejected him on that front. As long as we stay just online, I’m safe.”
“Safe? Safe?” Loki's voice rose loud enough for Kate to shrink away. “You have sent images to him! He has seen you! He's most likely willing to kidnap you by now! And you just sit here, acting as if all is well?”
Kate whimpered something. Her voice was so quiet Loki could not hear her words.
“Speak up, child.”
When she spoke again, her words were too garbled from crying even to attempt to understand. Loki summoned a handkerchief and handed it to her. “Here. Wipe away your pitiful tears.”
Kate sniffled again and wiped her eyes, blowing her nose afterward. She awkwardly looked at the handkerchief, then around for someplace to dispose of it. Loki simply whisked it away and back to Asgard. If Thor saw it, he would undoubtedly ask if Loki was helping someone—perhaps a woman. Loki would easily be able to lie his way out of it.
There was someone more important to deal with at the moment. “Now speak,” Loki commanded.
Kate swallowed and coughed a bit. “If I leave, he’ll release them.”
“Release them?”
Her voice was so quiet, Loki could once again barely hear her. “The photos, he’ll release them to his… friends.”
Even when she was this young, too young for her to be truly attractive to him, he felt the need to protect. “He has stated so?”
Loki gritted his teeth. “Where does he hide?”
Kate looked up at him. Her eyes darted wildly across their sockets. “What? Why?”
“Tell me.”
Kate shied away once more. “I-I don’t know.” She shrugged. “He never told me.”
“Have you told him your location?”
Kate shook her head. “I could probably find him or get him to tell me.”
“Very well. Go.”
Kate sat up, her eyes still wet with tears. “Where?”
“Go find where he is, girl, then tell me immediately.” Loki relaxed his conscious, passively entering her mind without her noticing.
There was twisted conflict unlike he had ever seen before. It was like a distorted version of a place called Wonderland, which Kate had told him about during her little obsession towards 2-dimensional animation in the third timeline.
The majority of her being wanted to do away with this man and go on with her life in peace, but another subtle part of her wanted to see what would become of her secret adventure.
Her mind connected the situation to her feelings towards Loki; she wanted to be in control and scream until he disappeared forever. Yet, once again, there it was—the smallest bit of restraint that prevented her from moving on. It was quite the annoyance, and yet it was what Kate was listening to.
The child was foolish.
At that moment, Loki realized that he should stop calling her child. Children did not experience something as dangerous as the situation she was currently in. She didn’t even seem to realize the peril she was in.
The worst part was, Kate would not listen to him. She had already made that decision, he knew, as she shut the attic door behind her. Loki let out a growl and slammed his fist against a storage bin. The thing cracked and toppled, clothes spilling out.
With a swish of his hand, he cleaned up the mess and put up a ward. If Kate re-entered the attic, he would know. He then whisked himself to a more private location and called on Heimdall, who brought him back to Asgard.
“The girl is uncooperative once again, Sire?”
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