#we tried this rhyme thing today lads
sapphowhispers · 4 years
Silent girls
Hush now, you do it so well -
didn't you know, you're made to serve?
You were taught to obey
and then came the day
you taught it all again,
the silence, the pain.
You gave it to your daughter -
she must learn not to bother
with her big and bright ideas,
she should choke them with her tears.
Tell her words can be spoken
only when she's finally softened
under all of your wills.
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kingsshilling · 2 years
okay stealing some q's from those posts but for both of the lads:
If they had a theme song, what would it be?
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
this got REALLYYYY long sorry oh my god so I’m gonna put it under a read more, thank you soooo so so much though I really, really loved answering these :]
If they had a theme song, what would it be?
I have a spotify playlist for songs I associate with the story (very very haphazard messy self indulgent and extremely unfinished, every song so far has been thrown in with no rhyme or rhythm beyond that it relates to the story somehow) but it’s so hard to choose just one for each of them...
Keeping in mind that I would probably change this answer at a moment’s notice if I had to choose JUST one for each right now (links go to youtube):
Éamonn: Night of the Swallow - Kate Bush
Give me a break!
Oh, let me try!
Give me something to show
For my miserable life!
Give me something to take!
Would you break even my wings
Like a swallow?
Bedwyr: Time - Pink Floyd
Tired of lying in the sunshine, staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
but because I can’t actually choose just one...  War Baby - Tom Robinson (the live acoustic version cus it has an extra verse that kills me) (to be interpreted with Bedwyr as the subject of the song rather than the narrator.. we know who the narrator would be)
AND the song which I consider The song for Éamonn and Bedwyr, The Chosen One - Bread (“I was the blues and you were my sunshine friend” “You are the sea and I am the sailor, riding the perfect wave, I could've drowned but you came around and saved me” AAAAAAAAGH)
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Bedwyr tries to be as patient as possible but if he was already in a bad mood to begin with it can be hard for him not to be sharp with people that are annoying him big time, for the most part he’ll make himself laugh it off but if someone he already has issues with is purposelly trying to get a rise out of him depending on the situation he might either tell them to fuck off or hit them a box lmfao. He’s not above apologising if he thinks he was in the wrong though and will feel bad if he doesn’t but again especially with someone he didn’t like to begin with he can be stubborn as a mule
Éamonn will just silently seethe KJDSNG it actually takes a fair bit for one person to really, really annoy him and piss him off but his usual method of dealing with it is just to get up and leave if there’s an opportunity to do so without making things worse, so he’ll usually just avoid people he dislikes if he can. He doesn’t have Bedwyr’s strength or stature so he doesn’t let himself lash out physically but he can and Will absolutely slaughter someone with his words if they get to him that badly, but also he’s fairly used to being slagged for numerous reasons so especially if he already has a few drinks in him if someone is purposely trying to vex him he might just openly laugh in their face cus he thinks it’s genuinely funny (which depending on the situation either makes them give up or makes it MUCH worse)
these ended up not really being especially specific to people they dislike JNDFJDNG but for the most part there isn’t really anyone they really don’t like no matter what (Kay is kinddd of that but it’s complicated for Bedwyr and Éamonn again just ignores/avoids him if he can, or finds his attempts at trying to get a rise out of him funny cus he’s already heard everything under the sun) and unless someone is purposely trying to cause harm they just get on with it like most anyone else and have a little complain about it later
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
MMMMM this is a very very interesting one.... I think Éamonn really just doesn’t think about it at all or tries not to at least. He’s not especially religious and wouldn’t have been going to mass much as an adult because he was nearly always at sea or otherwise just not able to but he does go occassionally... Naturally though being how he is he takes it all with a huge grain of salt
If you were to ask him directly he would give the easy and cynical answer of “hole in the ground bye” but I think he does believe in some form of an afterlife, he just doesn’t try to go into details about it and doesn’t really think it’s Worth spending much time thinking about it. For much of his teenage years & 20s he believed & had essentially accepted he would either be drowned at sea or just like be found dead in some port town away from home and maybe never be identified or mourned (whereas Bedwyr always had & was aware of the promise of a big family and community who’d look after him) so in terms of if death scares him... I’d say it doesn’t Really scare him so to speak but he doesn’t really like to think about it too deeply either
Bedwyr isn’t really very religious much the same as Éamonn and for many of the same reasons but he still goes to services regularly (more as a community thing than anything) and I think he definitely would’ve believed in the stereotypical image of heaven when he was younger but he kind of ended up a bit like Éamonn (just not to extreme an extent) in that he’s not as definite about how it would be. He still believes in an afterlife where you get to be reunited with your friends and loved ones (including animals lol) and believes in things like your loved ones looking down on you because that brings him a lot of comfort, in contrast with Éamonn who loathes the thought of anyone looking at him ever
Definitely when he was younger after witnessing the death of his father he would’ve been absolutely terrified of the thought and spent many many hours wondering about it all, but as he got older he came to accept it a bit more. He’s still a bit afraid of it but especially after meeting Éamonn and hearing his view of death as something not really worth worrying about because there’s nothing you can do to control it beyond keeping yourself healthy, it’s not something that really, really bothers him to the extent it used to anymore
thank you so much again for these!!! and sorry for the length JDGJJND I answered a lot of questions that weren’t actually here I think but hopefully my answers are somewhat interesting......
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thewreckkelly · 4 years
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‘…… radio plays that forgotten song ……’
 The big English speaking radio station here on the sunny southern coast of Spain is ‘Talk Radio Europe’ – or; ‘Tea… dada …… R ….. dada …..Eeeee’, as the annoying jingle goes - and is pretty much the only thing I listen to when Marconi’s instrument is all I have to play.
The station itself, to all intents and purposes, is a spoken version of the ‘Daily Mail’ with a touch of the ‘Sun’ and the odd nod to the ‘Telegraph’.
For the most part its presenters are those who can’t make it on BBC World Service but do their best to get over such failure with forced laughter and sycophantic bonhomie. Topping all that though is the news service which is culled from diverse sources - with SKY News providing a right leaning slant and the BBC weighing in with whatever form of ‘ism’ it brings to the party - the local stuff tends to emanate from Elsie in El Faro, or ‘Pissed off’ Previously of Penge.
Having said all that, it is in English, it’s mostly talk and doesn’t succumb to a constant loop of sanitized Hip Hop or wishful angst ridden ‘Ballad de Sheeran’ stylist wannabe’s. No, most of the time it’s acceptable background noise for when and while I negotiate what I still believe to be the wrong side of the road.
Sometimes though, one gets a decent snippet to colour the monotony.
Not long ago an ‘expert’ guest on a bland topical show asked and answered a question as to the rhyme or reason for members of royal families unilaterally donning military uniform on state and other ceremonial occasions.
After giving a brief and well considered background to the historical significance of Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses’ historical role of ‘commanding’ troops, the man with the answers went on to detail why the wearing of braid and medals by the ruling inbred of Europe was still, possibly, important.
When in 2014 Juan Carlos abdicated his position as King of Spain after 39 years of ‘service’, his greatest, (and probably only real), achievement was heralded as being an event of 33 years earlier and 6 years into his reign.
(Juan Carlos was the first King of Spain since the abolition of the monarchy in 1931, just prior to the declaration of ‘The Second Spanish Republic’. 
Following the death of Franco – who had tried on several occasions to re-establish the monarchy – the grandson of Alfonso XII, Spain’s previous king – took his seat on the throne.
The Spanish Communist leader of the time; Santiago Carrillo, nicknamed him ‘Juan Carlos the Brief’ following his coronation, predicting the monarchy would soon be swept away with the other remnants of the Franco era. This prediction came within an asses bawl of being something if not wrong)
On 23 February 1981 there was an attempted coup d'état in Madrid.
Its most visible figure, Antonio Tejero, led a group of 200 armed officers of the Guardia Civil into the Spanish Congress of Deputies during the vote to elect the country’s new Prime Minister. Such rebellious action was prompted by a fervent dislike of the new democratic direction Spain was heading in and an equally fervent wish to return to the old Franco days of civil order through a caring dictatorship.
The ruling big wigs and captains of industry were on tenterhooks - alongside the vast majority of the population – and not a soul was sure what was going to happen.
Next thing you know is the King appears on TV that very same night, all dolled up to the nines in military gear and, in the uniform of Commander in Chief, denounced the coup and ordered Tejero and his men to stand down …… or else!
And like good soldiers ……. they did!
Way too quickly after the dust settled, Cute Commie Carrillo changed his tune regarding the life expectancy of the monarchy and issued a statement saying: ‘Today, we are all monarchists’. 
It is also significant the military garb was rarely seen on the Kings back, in public, after that.
Before 1981 the plain people of Espanola’s support for the monarchy – particularly among democrats and leftists - had been limited to say the least. Following the above, lightly detailed, command performance, Big Juan ‘C’ changed the mood of the nation resulting in the ‘Old Man’ making way for his eldest son, lots of non-eventful years later, to a practically universal applause and appreciation for his reign.
(The Spanish apparently have little or no problem with a figurehead lad who did little for the majority of his tenure other than apologize for his children and their spouses while using tax Pesetas and Euros to spend a heap of time killing wild elephants and any other big animal that got in the way of this big bazooka while on Botswana safaris – not to forget some millions more from a mysterious Syrian businessman to cover private jets, plantation accommodation, an army of servants, broken promises and the endless supply of ammunition.)
Anyway, I leave it to an early eighteenth century English poet to sum it up:
‘A king may be a tool, a thing of straw; but if he serves to frighten our enemies, and secure our property, it is well enough ……’
Alexander Pope
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Moment with little queen; Queen x child reader
*Author’s note*
After the AMAZING success of “baby queen’s first word and steps” I’ve been putting a LOT of work and effort into this little head cannon (first time doing one) plus combined oneshot just to show you all what I’ve had in mind.  Just so that I could save some time trying to write a oneshot for every single member of Queen when I’m trying to get through not only requests but my two current running series “Rock angel” and “Mother dragon” so I decided to do this till I can get up a real oneshot with the reader starting to date (as some of you have suggested I do).
Okay so not really much warning EXCEPT for Roger’s that deals with some serious stuff cause of the SOB P**l P**nter so just expect some serious stuff to go on in that. But other than that FLUFF ALL THE WAY FOR ALL 4 HC AND ONESHOTS.
John Deacon:
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·       As you know our Deacy is the peacemaker of the three Queens.
·       But also the sassiest little shit ever (cause c’mon let’s be honest).
·       But when it comes to our little baby Queen, he’s a pile of mush and will do anything she asks.
·       Even after becoming a father up to this point with two boys, he can’t help but dote on his little niece.
·       He’s always there to help her out, especially when the three other men are arguing or too busy.
·       He’s her advice giver, her comforter, and is always offering his shoulder or chest to cry on when she gets scared or feels lonely.
·       Next to Roger, Deacy is practically the KING of playfully teasing her. Whether mixing up her words, or threatening her with the appearance of a certain ‘monster’ coming to get her.
·       More or less you could say he’s a protective doggie around her. Soft and cuddly around her but mess with her, watch out! He’ll lash out in the best verbal way he is known for to cut you down to size if you threaten or mess with his beloved baby girl.
·       Nicknames for her: Love, bumblebee (when she’s really sad or frightened), dearie, bear cub (for their games), sweetheart.
*Jan. 17th, 1978*
John was by himself in the corner trying to perfect this one song he had planned for the upcoming album “News of the world”.  He wanted to make this song superb to what he envisioned and something that the lads could get on board on, but of course even if they didn’t he had a secret weapon to help convince them.  A weapon that was actually taking her afternoon nap in the other room of the studio on the couch.
Wanting to see if she was still asleep (because cheeky little thing sometimes wakes up in the middle of her nap), he decided to go in and do it himself since the other three were too busy with the current song they were trying to find the right levels too.  He walked into the other room hoping to see the little five year old napping peacefully.
But instead the first thing he heard were her whimpers of distress and fear and he saw her thrash her head from side to side.  Deacy raced in and knelt down by the couch and said to her.
“(Y/n), (y/n) wake up.” The five year old shot up panting frantically as she looked around in fear. “It’s okay, it’s okay it’s me. It’s just me.”
“Uncle Deacy?”
“That’s right love. Are you alright?”
“What was it? Why am I so scared?”
“Sweetheart, I think you just had your first nightmare.”
“What’s a nightmare?” she asked innocently. Her eyes still brimming with tears.
“Well, a nightmare is another word for a bad or scary dream.” Deacy explained as he sat down beside her and wiped the tearstains from her cheeks.  She cuddled into her uncle’s side and whimpered.
“It was scary uncle Deacy.”
“I know bumblebee, I know.” He cooed as he brought her onto his lap and allowed her head to rest over his heart, hoping that the sound of his heartbeat would calm her down.  Just like he does with his two boys.  “But it’s over now. I’m here, I’m right here my little bumblebee. You’re safe and nothing can hurt you now.”
“You promise?” she whimpered.
“I swear it. Here give me your hand.” He extended his hand out with his palm facing upward and she immediately placed her hand in his.  He adjusted her so that he could now replace her head with her index finger and he made an X shape as he vowed, “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“But I don’t want you to die!” She exclaimed.
“Don’t worry, I won’t die for a long, long time love.” He said as he stroked her father inherited long black hair.  Deacy brought her back close to his chest as he now began to rock her softly from side to side as he leaned up against the couch.  “Do you want to tell me what your dream was about?”
“It was dark—and—and scary. A monster he…..he was taking daddy away from me.”
“Aww love~”
“It was awful uncle Deacy. I ran and ran but no matter how fast I ran they were too far away.”
“It’s okay love. It was just a dream. Your daddy’s fine, he’s just in the next room working as usually with uncle Brian and papa Roger. Wanna see?” she sniffled and nodded.
Deacy then picked her up and held her close to his chest as her arms wrapped around his neck and the two of them went over to the door and peeked through the window, and when (y/n) saw what her uncle said was true, she began to relax.
“See?” she nodded. “You want to try and go back to sleep?”
“But what if the monster comes back and tries to take him away from me again?”
“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to your dad. He’s well protected by the three of us, including your mum. Okay?” she nodded softly and whispered.
“Okay.” Deacy then brought her back to the couch and tucked her in and said.
“Besides, I think I’d be more concerned about yourself.”
“Well—you didn’t hear that?”
“Here what?” she asked inquired as she sat up and looked around.
“Something just appeared under the couch.” He crouched down to look under the couch, “It—uh-oh it’s your favorite monster.” Deacy teased as he now slowly rose up with his hands up as he wriggled his fingers and grinned devilishly at his niece.
She shrieked and instantly dove right under the covers.  Deacy chuckled deviously and said.
“Aww where’s my little dearie? I heard she was sad so I came along to cheer her up. Hmm, where could she be?” He began poking and prodding around the blanket which made her squirm and giggle. “What’s this? Why’s this blanket giggling? What a weird blanket. I’ve never seen anything like it, what happens if I do this?” he wriggled his fingers into her side. “Oh-hohoho. This blanket seems to be ticklish, hmm?”
(Y/n) couldn’t contain her laughter as her uncle kept teasing her with the infamous tickle monster.  She was laughing and fidgeting so much that by the time she realized that she had now exposed her feet out of the blanket, it was too late.
“Ohh what have we here? Cute tiny fairy feet?”
“No!” she laughed out as she tried to pull her feet back in but Deacy had a strong but gentle grip on them.
“It talks! I wonder…..” soon the blanket was removed exposing (y/n)’s head and when she was revealed, Deacy gasped and said, “There’s my favorite bear cub. I thought I recognized these feet. Tell me do you think you can help a little mouse find his house?”
“Nohohoho!” she laughed out trying to break free.
“No? Why my baby bear cub why must you be so rude? All he wants is to find his home so he can be safe and warm. Well if you won’t I will.” He then began to lightly tickle around her feet as he recited a little ‘tickle rhyme’ as he and Roger liked to call them. “There was a little mouse, looking for his house; Not here,”
“Uncle Deacy! Plehehehease!” He then moved to her exposed neck and began tickling around there making her tense up giggling as he continued, “Not here,” he then suddenly threw the blanket aside exposing her entire body as he now went for the kill and began tickling her most ticklish spot, her tummy. “But here, here, here!”
“Nohohohoh! Not thhehehere!” Deacy kept tickling her for a couple more seconds before finally ceasing his attack.  She was in post giggles as Deacy just grinned down chuckling at her.
“You okay there love?”
“I’m fine, thanks uncle Deacy.”
“Anytime love. I figure there’ll be no more nightmares from now on.” He took back the blanket and tucked it back around her and settled her down back against the couch and lay her head on the pillow. “No more nightmares?”
“No more nightmares.” She said determinedly.
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
“Good because who know whose gonna come back if you break that promise.” He teasingly threatened as he wriggled his right fingers in a tickle fashion making her shriek and him laugh.  “Alright, time to go back to sleep. Your dad will come check on you in an hour, okay?” she nodded and he kissed her forehead but before he could stand up she said.
“Uncle Deacy?”
“What is it love?”
“Will you—will you sing me a lullaby?” he softly groaned and said.
“Oh love, you know I would if I could but, you know I can’t sing.”
“Please? Pleeease?” she extended the E cutely as she looked up at him with the famed puppy dog eyes.
“Ahh don’t make that face. Who even taught you how to pout like that? Your mum?” she nodded and he muttered, “I knew it.”
“Pwease uncle Deacy?” he sighed heavily and said as he leaned his forehead against hers making his nose touch hers.
“One of these days that face won’t work on me. But today is not that day.” She quietly cheered happily as Deacy sat himself down once again but this time she lifted herself up and rested her head in his lap as he stroked through her hair, “This is a new one I’ve been working on for the album actually. It’s not finished but I hope you like it.”
He then softly began to sing his new song that he has called ‘Spread your wings’. It was a nice ballad like song that soon sent (y/n) back off into dreamland.  When he finished singing what he had, he looked down to see his niece sound asleep.  
He softly smiled and very carefully put her back on the bed and brushed away the black strands of hair away from her face.  “Goodnight my little bumblebee, dream sweet dreams.” He kissed her forehead and quietly left the room allowing her to continue her nap.
And dream sweet dreams
Brian May:
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·       If you want a teacher, look no further.
·       Brian May to our beloved little Queen is the best teacher she could ever ask for.
·       He’s always teaching her about the stars in the sky.
·       But of course to a child using all those big words she either doesn’t get it or understand so little headaches come with Brian as a teacher.
·       Like Deacy, Brian’s calm demeanor is like a warm blanket surrounding her.
·        He’s always the first one she goes to whenever it comes to singing a lullaby to her unless he’s busy but nine times out of ten she’s preferred Brian’s voice) because of the gentleness and warmness of it. (can’t explain it any further but you get the picture.)
·       Whenever she feels lonely or homesick, he’s always the first one to notice a change in her aura.
·       He’ll just hold her and have her talk about what’s bothering her in her own way in her own time.
·       Nicknames: Star (anything having to do with the word star like my bright star or my shining star, etc.), darling, sweetie, my bright aurora (like the aurora borealis), love, poppet.
*Nov. 25th, 1981. Montreal, Canada*
It was after a very successful concert in Montreal.  It was also a relief because now it meant that the ‘filming concerts’ were finally over.  It sometimes would affect the boys’ performance or it just made some of the audience members uncomfortable as they now had deal with a camera hanging over them or turning towards them and they felt like they’d rather watch the camera than the band.
But thankfully it was finally over and done with and now the guys could focus back onto just performing before the audience.  Everyone was backstage doing a successful after show party in celebration of that (mostly because of the success of the future film hits it would make).
Since things were starting to get a little hectic in the building, Brian decided to step out just for some fresh air when he noticed a small figure sitting against the building. Through the lamplights near and above the stadium, he could see that leaning up against the building was his niece.
“(Y/n)?” she looked up and said.
“Oh hey uncle Brian. The show was awesome, you all were wonderful.”
“Thanks darling, but why are you out here alone?”
“Just needed to clear my head is all.” He was skeptical at first but he said.
“Alright, would you mind some company?” she shook her head no and gestured for her uncle to take a seat beside her. “So you really enjoyed the concert?” she nodded with a soft smile. “What was your favorite performance?”
“Why must you make me choose?” she whined out.
“Because we want to see what our little Queen has enjoyed the most about each performance. As long as you don’t say ‘I’m in love with my car’ then we’re good.” They both laughed at Brian’s teasing comment and (y/n) finally answered.
“Well, I think this rendition of ‘Somebody to love’ will forever be my favorite from now on.” Brian nodded in agreement.  “Then again it’s always been my favorite Queen song.”
“And there’s no shame in that. Your father definitely came through with that song. Even if most record charts don’t say it’s in our top ranking, the only opinion that matters is yours.” He gently ruffled her head making her giggle softly.
The two of them looked back up at the sky and could see the faint glimmer of the stars, but due to all these streetlights, they couldn’t see them all.
“You wanna head for that park just down the road from here?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” They stood up and Brian managed to get one of the drivers that drove them all to the concert hall and asked him to take them over to the park for some quiet time together at the park.
When they arrived, immediately (y/n) took off running for the first thing that caught her attention in the park; the swings.
Out of anything in all playgrounds or parks if there was a swing, you bet you will see 8 year old (y/n) Austin-Mercury right on the swing.
“Uncle Brian can you push me on the swing?”
“I would be honored your royal majesty.” Brian teased with a mock bow with his hand over his chest.  She playfully rolled her eyes at her uncle’s antics but soon felt him gently push her on the swing.  As this continued on for a little while longer, (y/n) soon spoke up.
“Uncle Brian?”
“Do—do you miss home?” Brian gripped the rails of the swing and slowly stopped it before coming around to kneel before his niece.
“Sometimes, do you?”
“A little. Mostly I just miss mum. I wish she could come to every show like she used to. But now she doesn’t anymore because her and dad split up, I—”
“Oh love,” he gently wiped away a tear that had slipped out of the young girl’s eye. “Being on the road is hard at times. Trust me, when our first tour in Japan began, I was homesick to the max. I knew I wanted to keep going for the band’s sake but I couldn’t help but miss my own home. It’s natural for you to feel that way coming on the road with us.”
“I didn’t want to tell dad because I thought he’d get mad. Prenter said that’ll happen if I try to go back home.”
“First of all; never listen to that twat. He doesn’t know anything. He’s not as smart as you are.” He said as he gently bopped her nose which made a smile come across her face, “Second; you don’t always have to come if you don’t feel like it. We’ll understand if you would just rather watch us on the telly. God knows that’s been happening a lot lately, especially with this tour. If you ever feel like you want to stay at home with your mum, that’s fine. We’ll call every night when we can.”
She nodded but still looked a bit sad as she now stared down at her hands which now sat in her lap.  Brian looked up at the stars then back down to his niece and said.
“Come with me (y/n). I want to show you something.” He picked her up from the swing and the two of them walked up a nearby hill underneath a tree that gave the best clearing for stargazing.  
Brian set himself down before guiding (y/n) to sit between his legs and he wrapped his arms around her.
“You remember all those lessons I taught you about the stars and everything regarding the universe.”
“Oh no this isn’t one of those long lectures again is it?” Brian playfully scowled at her and said.
“No not this time yah little ankle bitter.” He lightly pinched her cheek before continuing, “What I’m going to tell you is that no matter where one is in the world, whether here on earth on this side of the Atlantic or the next, or even into the depth of outer space, the stars never change. Everyone looks up at the same sky, the same stars. Some even believe that the stars are there to help guide lost souls back home.”
“Do you believe that theory?”
“I’d like to think that’s one of the many theories we have stars. So you see (y/n), even though we are far from those that we love for a time, so long as we look up to the stars, we find ourselves home again. For our loved ones look up at that same sky, no matter what.” (Y/n) and Brian kept their focus on the sky and saw each star twinkle and shine in the pitch black sky.
“Oh darling look!” Brian exclaimed as he pointed outward and to their surprise they saw a shooting star.
“A shooting star!”
“Hurry and make a wish love.” She closed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest in an X formation as her two fingers crossed.  “So what did you wish for?”
“Uncle Brian, you know that if I tell it, it won’t come true.”
“Right of course, silly me.” He teased.  Brian then leaned his forehead against (y/n)’s and softly whispered, “I love you my shining star.”
“Love you too Uncle Brian. Will you—sing your song 39 for me?”
“Hadn’t done that song in a while, but for you anytime.” She then lay her head across her uncle’s lap and as he stroked through her hair, he teased, “First time doing this acapella really. But I hope you enjoy it either way poppet.” He then began humming the first few bars before finally beginning to sing.
If (y/n) was honest, out of her four family members, she always favored her uncle Brian’s voice. Sure her father’s voice could go into ranges most people can’t hit because of his additional incisors, and her godfather definitely had that voice that can either break glass or send shivers as he would give it that growl affect but also sound so soft.
It was Brian’s voice that was that feel-good feeling of the high-low range. It almost sounded angelic whenever he sung alone.  It just made her feel so good inside and she could just listen to her uncle sing forever if she could.  As the song was drawing to a close, (y/n) had managed to fall asleep.
When Brian took notice of his now sleeping niece, he couldn’t help but smile softly and lightly kiss her nose and he whispered.
“Goodnight my little stardust, sail through the cosmos in your dreams my darling.”
Roger Taylor:
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·       Okay let’s be real here.
·       As said before from day one Roger has absolutely gone GAGA OVER THIS LITTLE GIRL.
·       Spoils her to no END.
·       NO RULES
·       Well of course he had to set some rules with her, otherwise she’d walk all over him, but I’m not lying when I say he spoils her.
·       Even when he ever has a girl on his either arm, if his goddaughter needs him, he’s off like a shot even if it’s just for a glass of water.
·       Like Deacy, he’s also the KING of endless teasing and playing around with her, especially when it comes to their favorite game “Lions on the Savannah”.
·       Cause ever since he bought her that stuffed lion at 1 year old, lions have always been her favorite animal. So much so that she even named her stuffed lion after her godfather.
·       And for warning, you ever hurt, harm or even give this baby girl the wrong look, you’ll be facing the wrath of a true Leo. Deacy is the verbal attack, Roger won’t hesitate to get physical and he don’t mind going to prison for it. NEVER. MESS. WITH. THIS. LEO’S. GODCHILD.
·       Nicknames: Lovie, lovely, lion cub, dearie, my true beauty.
*May 1st, 1983*
It was a lovely spring day in London.  Queen was currently on break from touring and just spending quality time at home with their families after being away for 7 months.  In the backyard at Garden Lodge, something was moving through the tall grass of the garden, a stuffed lion was sitting there in the open fields of the backyard.
Silently stalking through the grass was 10 year old (y/n).  She was down on all fours as she crept up towards her stuffed lion. She waited patiently as she stalked a little closer and waited once more before finally roaring out and tackled her lion, roaring like a lion that just caught its prey.
“Well, well it would appear her majesty has taken on the rival threat and single handedly won to protect my kingdom.” At hearing that voice she immediately shot up and turned around to see her beloved godfather on the ground just a few feet away from her.
“Papa!” she raced up towards him and tackled him down to the grass.  The two of them laughing and rolling around in the dirt.
“Oh my lion cub you’re getting so big. Please stop growing.”
“Not even if your king commands it.” He proclaimed with a wave of his hand like a king making a proclamation.
“Especially that.”
“Ohh little rebel are you, does that make you my rival then? Have you turned rouge you cheeky little thing?”
“Maybe, you never know when I can strike out.” She mocked as she got into a pouncing position on all fours.
“I wouldn’t go bragging about it though love, you never know when you’ll be punished by your treachery!” Suddenly he lunged at her and took her in his arms as he gave her a playful noogie making her cry out as she tried to get out of her godfather’s arms.
“Hey no! No! Gah grr!” once she got out of his strong grip she pounced on him. “Come here!” Roger quickly got up and began racing around the garden as he laughed with his goddaughter chasing after him.  When she finally caught him by jumping onto his back, Roger slowly tumbled down onto his knees.
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The two rolling around once more laughing as (y/n) had her godfather pinned.  She lay across his back, having her arms crossed over his shoulders as she said.
“Papa Roger,”
“We’re pals right?” He smiled and said.
“And we’ll always be together, right?” He got up which caused (y/n) to slide off his back and he picked her up to sit her between his legs as he said.
“Right till the end lovie. No matter what you’ll always be my true beauty.” He placed his forehead against her temple, allowing his nose to press against her cheek as he nuzzled her lovingly, like a lion does with his cub.
“I would’ve thought by now she’d outgrow these childish games? When will you both act like actual human beings for once.” An Irish tone spoke up.  (Y/n) looked up while Roger glared hatefully at the man that now stood before them.
Paul Prenter.
“Your father wishes to see you (y/n). I suggest you love your actual father and not someone who isn’t even related by blood.” She narrowed her eyes and clung onto Roger while Roger now spoke up.
“Do you mind pissing off Prenter? By law I am required to love her as I am her godfather.”
“An irresponsible, sex-addict like you taking care of a child? The day that happens is the day that I find myself dead on the ground.” With all his might he wanted to beat the shit out of Paul.
“You can’t talk to him like that!” snapped (y/n).
“Never talk back to your elders lassie. Now clean yourself up you’re absolutely filthy like a dirty mutt.”
“Talk to her that way again and I’ll throw you over the bloody house!” Roger snarled. As Paul glared at the two and walked away, Roger suddenly got an idea. “Lovie, how well is your stalking?”
“I’m as quiet as a mouse. Roger 2 never suspects a thing. Why?” Roger smirked mischievously as he whispered.
“I think I’ve found you some live prey to practice on.” He turned back to Paul and called out, “Oi Prenter?”
“What now?”
“You know; if you want to impress Fred he always loves it when he’s given roses.” This got Paul intrigued.
“Oh yes, he especially likes the red ones. They’re just over there.” Paul then went over to the roses and knelt down to try and find the best and beautiful roses to give to Freddie.  “Okay my little lioness, get ready.”
Already getting at what her godfather was wanting her to do, she got into position. She got down on all fours into her pounce position.  “Stay low to the ground.” Roger whispered as he placed his hand on her lower back telling her to not have her butt sticking in the air.
“Yeah okay stay low to the ground, right got it.”
“Shh, not a sound.” He whispered deviously.
As Paul continued to browse through the rose bushes he was completely oblivious to what was going on behind him.
Suddenly he felt a force pounce on him and a roar from behind making him scream out and he fell face first into the rose bushes.  Roger was in complete hysterics as tears filled his eyes and his sides began to hurt.
(Y/n) let out a victorious roar as she got off of Paul trotting smugly back towards Roger.
“That was better than I could imagine!” he laughed.  He held his hand out for a high-five to which she gave it to him and he hugged her and kissed the top of her head.
“Did I do good?”
“Oh lovie you were amazing. A true lioness of the savannah. C’mon champ, let’s get you a victory ice cream.” He picked her up bridal style and took her back inside for her just reward.
It was a few days after that day in the garden, and right now (y/n) was continuing her piano lessons since she promised her dad that she’d practice before her big recital coming up in a few weeks.  Using the techniques that both her father and uncle Brian had taught her, she lost herself into the music and let the piece take her away so that the piece had more meaning and emotion behind her playing.
But her concentration was broken when the door was forced open.  She stopped playing and her heart began racing.  She didn’t hear any voice and she was afraid it was a thief coming to rob them, so she did the best thing she could.
She raced outside next door to her mum’s place.  She banged on the door but there was no answer.  It wasn’t until she realized that her mum was at work right now and wouldn’t be back till later this evening.  
She suddenly felt a hand grip her hair and when she looked up to see who it was, she was now looking into the piercing red eyes of Paul Prenter.  His face covered with band-aids still trying to heal all the rose thorns that went into his face that day.
“You think this is all fun and games? You’re an insane, mental case. And if you don’t come quietly to be put away forever, then you can have your father as well as the rest of your ‘family’ kiss their Rockstar dreams goodbye.”
“Let go of me!”
“Think you’re so tough now? Well you aren’t without your godfather to back you up. You’re weak, pathetic.” He threw her down to the ground with such force that she heard a crack in her wrist as she had landed on it.  She let out a cry of pain as she cradled it in her other hand.
(Y/n) crawled towards her father’s garden and Prenter merely followed behind her with a smug look on his face.
“They never really loved you, yah know. Especially Roger. He’s just using you. Like he does with all his girls. He’s pampering you lass, till you’re old enough to shag and then he’ll leave you hot and dry. Just like all the others.”
“Shut up you faggot!” She roared out.
“It’s true. He’s not what you think he is. Once a womanizer, always a womanizer.” She then let out as best as she could just to drone him out, her best and fiercest lion roar.  “You think you’re a lion? Then prepared to get treated like one.” Prenter now stood over her ready to treat her like how some humans treat lions in the circus or zoos.
But before he could even touch her, a sucker punch was thrown across his face. The collar of his shirt was gripped and he was forced to look up and glaring down at him was a furious and beyond pissed, Roger Taylor.  
A fist was raised in the air before he sent a punch across each cheek before forcing him backwards to uppercut him in the gut.  He then sent a Spartan kick against his chest sending Prenter down to the ground.
Like a lion attacking a rival predator, Roger proceeded to beat the living shit out of Paul, giving him a few well deserved punches and kicks before finally pinning him down and choking him, his eyes burning with pure hatred while Paul’s shown nothing but absolutely fear.
“Roger….Roger please I wasn’t going to hurt—”
“SILENCE!!” He roared. “I heard what you planned on doing to her Prenter. If you ever come near my goddaughter again, I’ll show you just why I’m a leo. I assure you.”
“Please I’ll—I’ll do anything.”
“Get out!” Roger hissed before standing up, lifting Paul up and threw him aside. Paul coughed trying to regain some air as he just stood there frightenedly.  Then Roger did something that was absolutely primal, he actually roared at Paul like the true Leo that he was which caused Prenter to tuck tail and run as fast as he could away from Freddie and Mary’s property.
With Prenter finally gone, his angry demeanor ceased as he now turned to his goddaughter who was on the ground cradling her hand in pain, trembling in fear. He slowly walked up to her and knelt down beside her.  Very gently he brushed the hair away from her face and when she looked to see her godfather now hovering over her, she tried to sit up but by putting pressure on her right hand, she cried out in pain.
“Shhh, shh. Let me see it lovie.” She sniffled and held out her hand as she felt the gently calloused fingers of her godfather stroke around her wrist.  But even the slightest touch caused her to cry out in pain.  “I think it’s broken, I’ll take you to the hospital and have it checked out, c’mon dearie”. As he slowly picked her up, the slightest jostle of her wrist caused her to cry out in pain.
Tears began running down her face as she held her right hand trying to dull the pain.
“Shhh I know lovie, I know. It’s okay. It’s okay I’m gonna take care of you. You’ll be alright.” Roger comforted her as he took her to his car and drove off as fast as he could to the hospital.
Unfortunately she had broken her wrist and she was forced to wear a cast for the next 8 weeks which sadly meant she couldn’t do her piano recital and by missing a recital in her school, it meant automatic disbandment so she was kicked out of her piano school.
After hearing what Paul had done, he was immediately fired as Queen’s band assistant and officially kicked out of EMI as well as any other record company again. Of course witnesses who saw part of the story, tried to claim an assault case against Roger but based off the testimony of (y/n) and the evidence against Prenter, no charges were placed against Roger because he reacted in pure self-defense.
(Y/n) was currently in her room looking down at her newly cast arm that was supported by a sling that she needed to use for the next few days. A knock was heard and peeking in was Roger.
“Hey, can I come in?” she nodded and Roger came into her room and shut the door behind him.  He slowly walked towards her and asked her, “You doing okay?”
“Yeah just fine.” (y/n) spoke solemnly.  Sensing there was something wrong with her, Roger sighed and knelt down in front of her.
“Love I can tell when you’re lying. So c’mon out with it. Is it what Paul said to you? Because you know whatever he said isn’t true, whatever he said about you isn’t—”
“It’s not that papa. It’s not about anything that he said. I know he’s a liar and a cheat. It’s just that……” she trailed off as she looked away from her godfather. Roger waited patiently as he took her uninjured hand in his giving her silent encouragement to tell him, to show her that he was listening.  “With my wrist busted like this, and now being kicked out of the school I—I feel like I failed dad. He worked so hard to get me into that school and I wanted him to be proud of me, I wanted all of you to be proud. But I guess I’ve disappointed all of you.”
“Oh love you could never disappoint us.” He gently cupped her chin between his thumb and index finger as he had her turn to look up at him. “That school was always too strict with their rules anyway, you’re better off without them. Your mum and dad can always find you a new school, or you can have private lessons with both your dad and Brian. I personally would go with the latter cause that means I get to spend more time with my best girl.” As he said the last statement, he wrapped his arm around her hugging her.
(Y/n) softly smiled and nuzzled into her godfather’s shoulder and he pressed a kiss on top of her head and said as he looked down at her.
“Now don’t you worry love. Soon you’ll have that cast off of you and you can go back to being the lion queen I know you to be.”
“Thanks papa Roger, I love you.”
“I love you too my little lion cub.” The two cuddled up to each other giving each other lion snuggles as they both liked to call it.  “Besides, there’s one good thing that comes with having a cast.”
“What?” Roger stood up and went over to her desk and grabbed a sharpie before returning back and knelt down in front of her.
“Signatures filled with get well notes that you can look down at every day till it comes off. Now give me that arm.” She took it out of the sling and Roger delicately held it in one hand as he wrote something down on her arm, along with his signature.  It read;
To my beloved lion cub,
Get better soon for your next hunt. I love you beyond time and space and always will. Never change lovie.
XOXO Roger Taylor aka papa lion.
He even grew to the best of his ability a picture of a lion’s face right next to his nickname she would sometimes call him.
“Can the others sign it as well?”
“Absolutely, c’mon let’s go.” The two of them stood up and headed downstairs and she got signatures from her family including her aunts, some of her dad’s trusted friends like Phoebe and Terry his driver, all filling her arm with good wishes and fast healing.
Freddie Mercury:
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·       Like all fathers, this man is the KING OF SPOILING HIS DAUGHTER.
·       He always takes any chance to dote on his favorite girl (besides Mary of course).
·       Ever since the day she first walked and talked, Freddie has tried everything to get his girl to be on her side.
·       He tried to be the first one to teach her an instrument or how to sing.
·       Whenever he’s home, he’s always the first one to sing her a lullaby or tell her a story.
·       Have I mentioned that he really loves to spoil her to no end?
·       In case it’s not clear, he does. Both he and Roger even sometimes have competitions to see who gives her the best gift.
·       Which of course never works cause she loves them both so much and just can’t choose. AWWW 😊
·       Nicknames: Darling, dear, lovely, princess, baby girl, sweetie pie, little kitten, angel.
*Feb. 11th, 1976*
It all began when she was just 3 years old.  By watching her father, godfather and uncles ever since she was born, she’s always had an eye and ear out for music.  Some pictures have shown that when she was just a few months old, either Roger or Freddie would have her sit in their laps with a toy piano or guitar, or when Roger would actually have her in his lap by his real drumkit with his sticks in her hands.
Even though she wasn’t quite ready to learn just yet, as Mary believed it would be too much pressure on her still developing brain, but it didn’t stop her when she saw her father at the piano-bed and she heard her dad humming what might’ve been a new song.
She quietly walked towards the bed and pulled herself up onto her mum and dad’s bed and crawled up towards him.
“Ahh there’s my little angel, have a good nap?” she nodded and asked him.
“What are you doing daddy?”
“Oh just fumbling about with the old piano bed. Had an idea for a song so I figured it needed to be played so that I could decide whether to keep it or just toss it aside.”
“It’s pretty.” She said.
“Thank you my darling, I think it has potential too.” She scooted herself closer to the piano and couldn’t help but stare at the black keys in front of her. She watched as her father continued playing, his black painted fingernails seeming to blend in with the keys as he played the song once again.  As she heard the beautiful music come from the keys, she couldn’t help herself as she reached out and poked one of the lower note keys.
Freddie stopped playing and turned to see his daughter looking at the piano with pure fascination and awe but when she heard her dad stop playing, she looked up at him and he asked her teasingly.
“And just what do you think you’re doing princess?”
“Being like daddy.” Hearing that made Freddie smile proudly.
“Say darling, what would you say to me teaching you what I know?”
“Really?” she asked hopefully, her wide (e/c) eyes glowing with excitement.
“Absolutely. That way I can even rub this in your godfather’s face.” He muttered the last part to himself.  “Come here dear.” She came up to her dad and he placed her on his lap.  “You ready?”
“Ready daddy!”
“That’s my angel. Okay so first we start with the basic note. Let’s start off with C.” He then played the Middle C note. “Think of this as the heart of all the keys, set right at the middle and you can guide yourself by always finding the C chord. Try it my dear.” She lifted her hand and tried to find the Middle C but already she had forgotten since the keys were all similar. “Right here darling, it’s this key right here.” Her dad pointed out.
She then pressed the C note a couple of times and she smiled.
“Ahh excellent darling, now let’s try a scale up with three notes. We’ll go up the scale like this.” He then played the C, D and E chord.  “You remember that movie mummy made us watch. The one that plays the scale song.” She nodded.
“That’s my favorite movie!”
“I know dear, now each key as said in the movie is a note of the scale. What you just did was play Do.”
“A deer, a female deer.” She sung along making Freddie chuckle.
“Exactly, now let’s try Do Re and Mi. Like this. Using your first three fingers to play the keys.” Freddie showed her first and then he allowed her to do it next. As he watched his daughter try to do the notes, he noticed she was struggling in using her tall finger and ring finger together.  “Here darling, like this.”
“But it’s hard.” She whined.
“I know darling but you’re doing so good, here try it again.” It took awhile but she finally managed to use all three fingers instead of just one or two.  “Oh princess, soon enough the band will replace me with you!” he praised as he picked her up and held her over his head.
As the minutes ticked by, she slowly began to master the basic scales of the piano.
“I did it daddy! I really did it!”
“Oh darling I am so proud of you, you truly are a master pianist. Just like me!” Freddie proclaimed as he embraced and rapidly kissed all over her face making her giggle.
“Does that mean I can play one of your songs now?”
“Ohh not yet princess, it takes years and years of practice before you can be able to play one of our songs.”
“Aww! But I wanna learn now!” she pouted.
“Okay little miss pouty face.” He teased as he began tickling her making her release her pout and squirm in her father’s lap as he laughed evilly at her.  After getting rid of her pout, he held his daughter close and said again, “I’ll tell you what, put your hands on top of mine.” Freddie then placed his hands on top of the keys and his baby girl placed her tiny hands on top of his large ones.
He then began to play “In the lap of the Gods revisited”.  (Y/n) kept her hands on top of her father’s and slowly slide her fingers till they sat over his as he played the song before starting to sing the song.  Having heard the song many times before, (y/n) softly sung along to the words that she could understand, mostly the vocalization part of it.
Hearing her sing and ‘play’ along with him, Freddie couldn’t help but feel utter pride and warmth within him.  Never did he imagine himself to be a father just when his music career was finally exploding off the charts since last year when ‘A Night at the Opera’ hit the charts. But he wouldn’t have it any other way as his little girl, the apple of his eye was taking an interest in learning to play from him.  Not from her godfather.
“Oi Fred you in here!?” he suddenly stopped playing and hearing that voice (y/n) immediately perked up and raced on out of the room.
“Well it was nice while it lasted.” Muttered Fred as he got off the bed and walked in to see his daughter race up and hug Roger’s legs.
“And just who is this hugging my leg?” Roger teased.
“It’s me papa! (Y/n)!”
“No you can’t be (y/n), my (y/n) is surely not this big just yet.”
“Yes I am!” Roger knelt down and got into her face making her giggle and that’s when Roger picked her up and tossed her in the air and said.
“Okay you are her. Only my lovie can giggle like that. Jesus you’re growing so fast, stop it!” he said as he attacked her cheek with kisses.
“What’s going on guys?”
“Well if you’d answer phone, you’d know already.” Brian said as he saw that Freddie’s phone was once again off the hook.
“Reid wants us in his office to discuss our next tour in a few months, as well as to talk about our next upcoming singles.” Roger spoke as he kept his goddaughter in his arms.
“You’re going away again?” she asked sadly.
“Afraid so love, but it won’t be for another 3 months. You’ll have us until then.” Deacy spoke as he came over and gently ruffled his niece’s head.
“Well I guess I better call Maria.”
“No need, bring her along. She’s a blast to have with in the studio.” Roger said. He turned to her and jostled her lightly so that her legs now hugged his waist instead of his hip, “What do you say lovie?”
“Can I come daddy? Please?” Freddie knew he couldn’t win.  Every time she’d use the puppy dog eyes of hers, he always fell for it.  They all did.
“Oh why not.”
“Yay!” Both she and Roger cheered as he spun her around.
“And while we’re there, I can finally teach you the drums. Oh you’re gonna be the next best drummer next to me.”  At that Freddie couldn’t help but grin and softly chuckle wickedly.
“Why are you smirking?” Deacy asked.
“Hate to disappoint you Roger darling, but she’ll learn the piano first.”
“Please, who did she take her first steps for, hmm? Oh and umm what was her first word again I can’t seem to recall oh that’s right, my name. Hate to break it to yah daddy dearest, but this girl will follow in her godfather’s footsteps, isn’t that right my little lion cub?” At asking her that, Roger teasingly tickled her ribs making her squeak and bury herself into his neck.
“Oh I wouldn’t go saying that Roger. See before you three barged in, my darling princess and I were having a very important lesson. Would you like to show them darling?” Freddie said as he scooped his daughter out of Roger’s arms and into his own.  She nodded enthusiastically and he carried her into the bedroom.
The guys stood around the bed as Fred placed her in his lap and he said to her.
“Alright darling, just like we’ve been practicing.” She got her right hand into position one and played the Middle C chord a few times before slowly scaling up, her fingers easily gliding up as they hummed each note of the scale.  When she reached the last Do, Brian and Deacy both applauded while Roger stood there in shock.
“Wow love that was incredible!” Praised Deacy.
“Excellent work my shooting star, soon enough we can boot your father out and replace him with you.” Teased Brian.
“As much as I resent that comment, that’s what I told her would happen.” She looked up to her godfather who looked awful mad about something.  She cautiously crawled up to him and asked him.
“Are—are you mad with me papa Roger?” he immediately snapped out of his daze and said as he picked her up.
“No lovie I could never be mad at you. Never. That’s impossible for me to even do such a crime. No you played wonderfully. Elton John better watch out. There’s a new prized pianist in London town!” She giggled and hugged her godfather as he said to her, “But I would like to talk to your father really quick about something, kay?” he kissed her forehead and set her down and turned towards Freddie.
With a gleam of murder in his eyes.
“No Roger she’s my daughter and she deserved to know the piano first!” Freddie claimed.
“Just come here for a second Fred.”
“Hell no darling I don’t trust you!” he then raced out with Roger right on his tail. Soon the sounds of broken glass, thumping, cat’s crying and yelling came up.
“Did I do something wrong?” (y/n) asked innocently.  Deacy picked her up and said.
“No darling. Your father and godfather just suffer from their own hystericalness. Trying to see who can win your affection more.”
“I do that?”
“Oh darling if only you could remember they day you took your first step and said your first word. Your father destroyed the entire studio trying to get a hold of your godfather.”
“I wish they wouldn’t fight though.”
“They can’t help it love, you’ve got them wrapped around your tiny little finger. That goes for all of us, I might add.” Brian said as he walked up and stroked her hair before lightly bopping her nose at his last statement making her giggle softly.
“Should we at least try to stop them?” asked Deacy.
“I say we just let them work it out. Now then love, did your dad teach you anything else about the piano?” Brian asked as he took her out of Deacy’s arms.
“You play piano too Uncle Brian?”
“Of course. Your father’s not the only one gifted with the keys on piano. And I wouldn’t mind showing you a few shticks I’ve got up my sleeves when it comes to piano playing.”
300 notes · View notes
Hey lads, here is the transcript for the second episode of the podcast. 
Hello and welcome everyone out there listening to this program.
Thank you for tuning in once more for another episode on songwriting tips & tricks
Have you ever been searching for a better way to rephrase an idea, or maybe you've been looking for a word that fits the meter or beat or paints a more beautiful image in the audiences head? If that is the case, then today's episode will help you with just that.
Today's episode is dedicated to a powerful weapon that should be an essential tool in your songwriting. Of course, we are talking about synonyms.
What is a synonym? Or instead, what is the definition of the word synonym.
1 one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses
2 a word or phrase that by association is held to embody something (such as a concept or quality) a tyrant whose name has become a synonym for oppression
So close your eyes for a minute, or think back to the last song you have been working on. Are you there? Great. Now try to remember writing the lyrics and what you have been thinking about. Did you write the words straight from your mind? Did you contemplate the pictures and how you could clarify or rephrase it more colloquial? If you did, then you are already implementing this powerful tool. If not, don't worry, it is rather tedious work and may take a lot more time than your usual writing.
But how do we use a Thesaurus properly, and what is the intention behind it.
So in general, firstly we open our Thesaurus, may it be digitally or analogue. Then we search for a word we want to get a synonym for, so you search for the entry like you would in a dictionary, or you type it in a digital option. Let us simulate this for a second. So given we are looking for a sharper word for the rather common word heart. In the right context, that word could be compelling on its own, and maybe your style of writing could be based on an everyday style of speech. However, perhaps you want to re-illustrate the picture.
So we search for the entry heart in our Thesauruses. Type it in on MacMillan.And on the left, I have already searched for the word in the rather heavy book (which may be the significant disadvantage of an analogous one). And from here it is quite easy. When we have found the word, we have to think about the meaning we want it to convey. In this case, heart does not only stands for an organ in a body but has various meanings depending on the context. So in the internet version, in our case, the MacMillan dictionary, this is quite easy and well-organised. We search for the right meaning, and just beneath the definition of the word, there is a button for the Thesaurus. As easy as that. Then there is an array of general terms about the concept behind the word heart. So as some of you might know there is a theory in linguistics or language studies in general which is called the semiotic-triangle. This triangle tries to explain the cognitive work when we read, write or speak a word or vice versa. So when we think about a picture we want to convey may be the heart, in this case, we might immediately know the word in our native language. Still, if you are writing in your second language, it might take some more time. So the logic behind this triangle is that the word heart, of course, is just defined term in your language. At the same time, in another language, like in German, there is a different word for the concept behind this. Anyway, you get the point. A word is not bound to the picture. And of course, both the idea and the word are not the real thing.  
And this is excellent news for us songwriters. This means that writing has seemingly endless possibilities for rephrasing and conveying pictures. So rephrasing is an essential and essential part of speech.
So let's get to work. We have found the Thesaurus online an see where the internet comes in handy, not only do we have it at hand at any location, but it is easy to handle. The offline version of this is not as fast as the online one. However, we might get more information and an interesting choice of words that are not available on some platforms and has a special sophisticated touch to it. But that depends on your choice of Thesaurus.
Now you might ask, where do you get neat synonyms and how can you use it in your songs?
Perhaps just have a look in a nearby library, book or antiquities shop or do a little online research for a suitable Thesaurus. For my taste, MacMillan, Merriam-Webster or the Oxford dictionary are reliable sources with high esteem. Analogous Thesauruses should also be adequately collected and published by a renowned publisher. If you are a student at a university, there may also be a table in the linguistics faculty giving away old books that and if you are lucky like I was with my Oxford Thesaurus, you get a tremendous Thesaurus for free. Having one at home comes in quite handy when you are writing.
So there is a little poem we are going to write together now. It intentionally is not sophistically well written nor rhyming, as we think about the synonyms to rhyme it with.
The pain I try to drown in bottles.
The hole it left me with alone
The broken heart lies down in pieces
You swept away so easily
So well, not much of a story, it is quite open and un-rhyming. However, some pictures could be coherently connected. So, we need to look for the nouns adjectives and adverbs, as they convey the most pictorial meaning.
The nouns are the most critical conveyors in language, as they determine the verbs that follow it and also have specific attributes. So in order, we will look up nouns first, then think about the verbs and then have a look for the adjectives and adverbs. In this case, I will be using the MacMillan Thesaurus.
A suitable noun for pain would be agony or distress, I find as it paints a picture of great pain and is more specific.
Next up Alcohol, MacMillan does not have the word I am searching for, so I head over to Merriam-Webster. I like the bottle, as it is quite illustrative and fits the broken pieces in the next line.
Another word for HOLE would be crack, and I like this one as it has a delicate touch to it.
Heart, we had earlier, and a suitable word which is quite the contrary to the picture is virtue. And if the protagonist is a man, it leaves the impression of weakness and weariness. Let's try this once and change the to my as well as it is more personal. To my mind, I'm going to drop the is. We are also going to stick with pieces in this case as I cannot find a suitable word that is of my liking.
So this far we have got:
The distress I TRY to DROWN in bottles
The cracks it LEFT ME WITH alone
My broken virtue down in pieces
and you SWEPT AWAY so easily
The last line is mainly verbal and adverbial, so we're going to proceed with the verbs.
For verbs, I prefer Merriam-Webster, as there is a whole section between a noun synonym that find synonyms for the verb.
To try, we are going to trade in to strive, as it also has the same sound as try but has a more zealous feeling and in this context seems more vulnerable. Drown is left the same. The next line is also staying just as it is for now. The next line is without a verb, and the next line suits the picture of shattered glass and erasing all evidence.
So far, we have:
The distress I strive to drown in bottles.
The cracks it left me with alone.
My broken virtue down in pieces.
And you swept it away so easily.
So next up adjectives and adverbs.
The first line has none, the second one only has the alone. And the Thesaurus has on one's own as a suggestion. And thus I'm rephrasing the line to The cracks I'm left with on my own. The broken virtue could also be sinking to pieces as it gives an exciting connotation to the act of falling and cracking open. Perhaps a slow-motion memory or a submerged feeling of shock. The easily is quite dull and common, so the Thesaurus also suggests naturally. In this picture, I find it rather suitable, as he/she appears to be emotionally cold and perhaps a notorious heartbreaker. I'm adding a pronoun in the last line, and we are about done.
So eventually we end up with something like this:
The distress I strive to drown in bottles.
The cracks I'm left with on my own.
My broken virtue sunk to pieces.
And you swept it away so naturally.
Well, it is not a Shakespearean masterpiece. However, this is the first synopsis perhaps, from where we can continue with the next part of the story.
So for now, I think this is a great start. Maybe some of you want to try using my poem with your Thesaurus and start telling your own story from there. I'd be thrilled to hear some of your own interpretations that have different twists.
As you can see, you can find synonyms for nearly every word you might be searching for. Maybe you understand now, how powerful this tool can be. An interesting exercise is using a verse or chorus from one of your favourite songs and try rephrasing it. It opens up a whole world of opportunities, as suddenly there are so many words you can choose from. While pop-music today sometimes is somewhat stodgy in its choice of words, maybe you can go this extra mile to add appealing pictures to your lyrics.
So if you have a few minutes, look up your favourite song and rephrase a few lines from the song. If you like, just send me a message with your poem, and I read it out in the next episode.
Okay, just one more thing that pops up in my mind right now. I guess that most of you listen to music in the language you are using in songwriting as well. An inspiring approach to new inspiration or idea could be to use a song in a language that you are not writing in, in my case that would be German, roughly translate it and do the same thing we did earlier. You might come to entirely different ideas and pictures that lead to a number one hit while telling the same story with different words.
So thank you for listening to this episode. There is more to expect in the next month, and I am so thrilled to continue this program.
I want to leave you with a song recommendation today, and I am really inspired by the style of writing that is implemented. An artist I discovered a few weeks ago. Boy In Space, if you haven't heard of him, has heartbreaking lyrics that are so illustrative. His song Drown is a touching ballad and really well-written. So not only the song is really catchy and flawlessly performed, but the lyrics in themself carry a lot of meaning and fit the music so beautifully. He has recently been the opening act for Alec Benjamin, and his social media is really down to earth and fun to follow. Give it a listen and note down some pictures, rephrase his songs if you want to as well and happy songwriting.
So long I hope you enjoyed today's episode and stick around for another round next time. If you like the format, please feel free to support it by subscribing to it and marking it 5 stars. More tips are available on the Tumblr-blog on songwriting tips & tricks. I wish you all the best and see you next time.
Have you ever been searching for a better way to rephrase an idea, or maybe you've been looking for a word that fits the meter or beat or paints a more beautiful image in the audiences head? If that is the case, then today's episode will help you with just that.
We are about to discuss different reliable Thesauruses, be it digital or analogue, rephrase a sample poem and devise a scheme on how to rephrase a line. In the end, you'd be fully aware of using synonyms properly, finding new approaches to writing original lyrics and getting new ideas from rephrasing your favourite songs.
If you like the format, leave a quick review and subscribe to the show. If you know friends who are searching for a program just like this, just let them know as well. If you have any suggestions or feedback, leave it in the comments or send me a message on any social media platform.
Until the next episode, as always, happy songwriting.
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thegirl20 · 6 years
Vanity Ficlet
In lieu of a Vanity Christmas morning scene in yesterday’s episode, here’s a little something. (Also on AO3 if you prefer.)
There’s more light than there should be in her bedroom in the middle of the night, that’s the first thing that comes to mind. The next thing is that there’s talking happening, very close to her bed. Charity opens one eye and sees Johnny and Moses standing by the bed, deep in conversation. Moses has his elephant under his arm and is holding Johnny’s nightlight in his hand. His other hand is clutching Johnny’s. The sight, at any other time, might have melted her heart. Right now, she just wants to get them back to bed before they properly wake up.
“Boys.” They both jump when she speaks. “It’s too early. Go back to bed.”
“But I heared Santa on the roof,” Moses confides, in a whisper. “I fink he’s ‘livered the toys.”
“It’s still too early,” she murmurs. “Go back to bed for a bit, yeah?”
They just stand there, gawping at her. She rolls her eyes. “Fine, get in with us.” She lifts the duvet and Moses takes a running jump, clambering over her to get in the middle of her and Vanessa. Johnny needs a bit of help getting up and over. Charity takes the nightlight from Moses and sets it on the bedside cabinet, turning to face the kids so it’s not shining in her face. Vanessa’s shifted so that her arm is across Moses’ waist, but she’s stayed asleep during the invasion, looks like.
“Right, now, cuddle in and go back to sleep for a little while. And then we’ll all go down and see if Santa’s been, okay?”
Moses shuts his eyes, elephant dangling from his mouth, arms poker straight by his sides, in a parody of sleep. Johnny, obedient little thing that he is, immediately puts both of his arms around her neck in what feels like a chokehold, his face pressed right against hers. She rubs his back, tickling the back of his neck gently, which usually sends him right to sleep. Not today, it seems.
“Charity?” He’s trying to whisper, but he hasn’t quite got the hang of it yet.
She rubs her thumb over the base of his skull. “Yes, babes?”
“What if Santa taked my toys to my old house?”
She tries not to smile at his concern, realising that it’s very real. “Remember when we went to see him at the shopping centre?” He nods against her face. “Well, I gave him a little letter telling him about you and mummy coming to stay here with me and Moz and Noah. So he definitely knows this where you live now.”
“Okay.” There’s a brief pause where she thinks he might be dozing off. But then his voice comes again. “Charity?”
She fights very hard not to sigh. “What is it, baba?”
He pulls back enough that she can see him in the dim light. His eyes are huge and worried and immediately her body is on alert to find whatever it is that’s making him feel that way.
His voice wavers a little when he continues. “What if he’s still here?”
She frowns. “What if who’s still here?”
Pressing her lips together, she manages to keep her face straight. “Would you not like that?”
He shakes his head rapidly. Thinking back, he did hide behind Vanessa’s legs for most of the visit to Santa’s Grotto. Moses was right up there on his lap, rhyming off any number of toys he’d see in adverts. But Johnny hung back and it was only when both Charity and Vanessa coaxed him and held his hands that he got close enough to speak to Santa and get his little gift from him. He wouldn’t sit on his knee, though. Clever lad, Charity thinks, not wanting to be forced into sitting on old men’s laps just because they’re wearing a red coat and a beard.
“Right, well, Santa’s magic, i’n’t he?” She stifles a yawn. “So, the minute he hears a kiddie’s footsteps coming down the stairs, he disappears back up to the roof with the reindeer and pops off to the next house. So there’s no way he’ll still be there when we go down. Okay?”
After taking a moment to think this through, he clearly decides it seems logical and he smiles and nods. “Okay.” Once again, he snuggles into her arms. She holds him a little tighter than before, suddenly hit by a wave of protectiveness for this little mite who’s not hers, but who trusts what she says and  believes her unconditionally. She kisses the top of his head.
“And anyway,” she continues, even though she should just let him settle down and go to sleep. “Me and Mummy wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you, you know that, don’t you? That’s our job; keeping you safe. You and Moses.” Unlike her own father, who not only failed to keep her safe, but actually exposed her to bigger and greater dangers. She closes her eyes and kisses Johnny’s forehead. “We’ll always keep you safe.”
He lifts his head again, happy to keep the conversation going. “And Noah, at the park. So I don’t fall off the slide.”
She lets out a watery laugh, nodding. “Yeah, and Noah keeps you safe at the park.”
“Can we go to the park today?” Moses voice pitches up. She sighs. She’d thought he was sleeping.
“We’ll see,” she tells him. “But it’s time for sleeping now. We’ll wake Ness and you know how scary she is in the mornings.”
“Oi.” Vanessa’s voice is muffled by Moses hair. “You take that back this minute, Charity Dingle.”
Charity widens her eyes at the boys. “I’m mainly talking about your hair, babe.” Moses giggles.
“Mmmhmm.” Vanessa’s hand lands on her arm and slides down to find her hand, linking their fingers. “What time is it?”
“Dunno. Middle of the night, I think.” Charity reaches over and picks up her phone, squinting at it in the low light. “Oh, it’s just coming up for six...that’s not as bad as I’d thought.”
Moses sits up immediately. “Can we go down?”
Johnny copies him a moment later. “Can we?”
Charity groans and rubs at her face. They’re definitely not going to go back to sleep now. She looks to Vanessa and finds her smiling in that way she does that makes Charity’s chest feel too small for all the feelings it contains. She sighs.
“Yes, we can go down and see if Santa’s been.”
The words are barely out of her mouth but Moses is commando crawling over her and Johnny and is on his feet, bouncing with anticipation. Johnny follows him, his little sharp knees digging into her belly as she helps him over and down. Moses grabs his hand and they start babbling to each other about trains and dinosaurs and cars. A gentle hand touches her face and she turns to meet Vanessa’s smiling lips with her own.
“Merry Christmas, babe,” she whispers.
“Merry Christmas to you too.” Vanessa pecks her lips again and then nods to the boys. “C’mon, we better go before they spontaneously combust with excitement.”
Charity sits up and swings her legs over the edge of the bed, stretching and yawning before pushing to her feet and grabbing her dressing gown from the back of the door. She gets Vanessa’s down too, still getting that little tingle of excitement from all of Vanessa’s things being here, and hands it over with a smile.
They head out onto the landing, Charity has to right herself after almost tripping over the boys when they make an abrupt turn, Moses dragging Johnny behind him. Vanessa comes up beside her, sliding an arm around her waist and leaning into her. Charity wraps an arm around her shoulders and kisses her temple. They realise at the same time, and just a second too late, what’s about to happen. Moses starts pounding on Noah’s bedroom door, ably assisted by Johnny.
“Noah! C’mon! Santa’s been!”
Vanessa darts forward and grabs their little fists while Charity has to stifle a laugh. Noah’s going to love that.
“Uh, boys,” Vanessa says, gently guiding them away. “I think Noah probably wants to sleep in a little bit longer, okay? He’ll come down in a little while.”
Just as they reach the top of the stairs, Noah’s door opens and they all turn to find him standing in just a pair of boxers, one eye open, the other squinting against the light. He rubs his face. “What is it?”
“Sorry, love,” Vanessa tells him. “The little ones were excited about Santa.”
He grunts, but can’t hide his smile when Johnny and Moses run to him, clinging to a leg each and begging him to come downstairs with them. He ruffles their hair and sighs. “Fine. Wait here a minute.”
The boys chorus their approval and Charity turns to Vanessa with wide eyes. “Well, if ever there was a Christmas miracle, our Noah voluntarily getting up before six o’clock is it.”
Vanessa takes her hand and squeezes. “He loves them boys,” she murmurs. “Even if he sometimes pretends otherwise.” She smiles up at Charity. “He’s a good kid.”
A lump forms in her throat as she nods, squeezing Vanessa’s hand in acknowledgement of the constant support and encouragement she provides. It never feels false, either. It never feels like she’s just saying things to make Charity feel better. Everything Vanessa says feels like the truth.
Noah reemerges wearing a hoodie and his footie socks. Moses takes his hand and tugs, Johnny latching onto the other one as they move towards the stairs.
“Happy Christmas, babe,” Charity says, as they pass by.
Vanessa sways against her, reaching out to touch his shoulder. “Happy Christmas, Noah.”
He rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling. “Merry Christmas.”
As they follow the kids downstairs, moving slowly as the toddlers clomp down every one, Charity tightens her hand around Vanessa’s.  “Did you ever think, this time last year, that we’d end up here?” She laughs, a little nervous of the answer. “Living together...kids clambering into bed with us…”
Vanessa pulls her to a halt in the middle of the stairs, turning to look into her eyes. “D’you know what?” She tilts her head. “Yeah, I did.”
Charity’s chest grows warm and she can’t fight her smile. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Vanessa nods and rolls her eyes. “Even when you were telling me you’d soon be bored of me and that we were just a bit of fun...I knew.” Vanessa brushes her thumb over Charity’s lips and smiles. “From the first time you kissed me, I knew it was different. That you were different.” She shrugs. “So...yeah, I had an idea we’d end up here.” A grin breaks out over her lips. “Completely and utterly in love.”
Charity shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “Come here.” She pulls Vanessa closer and they meet in a warm, soft kiss and only draw apart when Noah huffs loudly. Charity looks down at him, eyes narrowed. “What?”
“If you can stop snogging for two seconds, Johnny wants you to come down and open the door.” Noah smirks. “Says you’re gonna protect him from Santa or summat.”
Her cheeks fill with warmth which she’s sure Vanessa must feel when she kisses one of them. Vanessa’s eyes are dancing and she pats Charity lightly on the bum. “Go on then, Santa slayer. Go and keep our kids safe.”
“Shut up,” she murmurs, but she heads down the rest of the stairs, stepping in front of the boys and giving Johnny a wink. “Ready?”
He takes hold of her hand and nods.
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buggyness101 · 7 years
Yellow Ribbon
Pairing:  Edxwin
triggers:  none except fluff
Christmas gift for @f-u-l-l-m-e-t-a-l
done as part of @fmasecretsanta
Inspired by an old song on the Stranger Things  soundtrack and something I think a lovesick dorky Ed would do.
The young man's stomach rumbled announcing to all patrons in a two meter radius his readiness for high tea.   He could travel a few streets south and get a proper meal in a restaurant, but Edward Elric rather enjoyed The Lucky Duck Pub's simple five o'clock working-class suppers not to mention his rented room hovered just over the kitchen.   The precarious placement of cook Bob's oven right under his bed allowed the smells of cooking savory pastry and meats infiltrate his nose letting him know when the good stuff was done and ready to be served.  He was often the first person at the bar requesting the meal of the day.  
“Hey Ed, good to see you again today.”   Margaret, Bob's wife worked the bar with another hired man during high tea, she smiled, missing a few molars here and there.  “I don't have to ask do I?”
“No ma'am.”   The former alchemist returned her smile.   He truly enjoyed talking to both Marg and Bob when they had the time in between customers as they made him feel at home here in Britannia, over a thousand miles from the big yellow house in Resembool.   Suddenly, the image of the rolling hills of his hometown took his mind right back to that yellow house, then up the front porch steps and into the waiting arms of woman who held his heart.
"You ok, love?"   Marg noticed the young man's far off stare.   "Ed?"   She snapped her fingers in front of his eyes bringing him back to rainy Londinium.   "There you are!"
"Sorry, just got a little homesick for a minute."  
"How long has it been?"
He sat straight back on his barstool before answering.  "About a year."  
Edward thought about all the places that he'd traveled in that year that finally lead him to the farthest west he could go without getting on an ocean liner to Columbiana far across the sea.  Truth be told, he'd thought about traveling there to learn of the alchemy in the New World, but this creeping hurt in the middle of his chest kept him from purchasing the tickets for the trans-Atlantis voyage to North Columbiana.   He felt the first tinge of pain when he was lost in the dry desert canyons of central Creta. Thinking it a medical issue, he actually found a doctor in a border town for a checkup which resulted in a totally healthy diagnosis-save for some wear and tear on his left leg's stump for lack of maintenance.   Soon, the young man's thoughts went again to his hometown and the girl who cared for his automail and he knew she'd murder him for neglecting the limb.   The pain returned as he sat on the doctor's examination table and without saying another word to embarrass himself in front of the physician, Edward knew exactly why he was hurting.   He missed Winry.
"One steak and kidney pudding!"  Bob yelled to his wife as he placed a plate of steaming cone-shaped suet pastry next to a pile of mashed potatoes on the kitchen counter.  Marg left the young patron to retrieve his meal and returned, placing the savory dish under the boy's nose with hopes of bringing him out of his doldrums.  
Ed took one whiff of the food and for a moment, the pain in his stomach overruled the pain in his heart.   He found a fork and began to dig in.  
"Well, if you ask me..."   Marg put her hand on her hip as another patron sidled up to the bar next to Ed.  "I think that it's a year too long, love.  All this..."  She waved her free hand to the rest of the Lucky Duck.  "...will still be here, you know."   She gave a final sigh at the young man, seemingly not paying attention to her before she left him to his meal so she could attend other customers.
Ed heard Marg's words crystal clear.   He thought of what he'd actually accomplished on his journey and other than meeting loads of new people and exciting new places, not much in the way of new alchemy did he discover.  Marg was right.   He'd been here for weeks at the Lucky Duck and nothing had changed – no new discoveries, nothing.   If anything, he'd gotten a little pudgy around the middle from all the mincemeat in the pudding.  
Still, the problem remained.   Did Winry still feel the same?   Did her heart hurt with missing him too? He scoffed in his head, surely the girl was tougher than pining after him.   She had automail customers and loads of friends to keep her busy.   Although he thought she understood and agreed to wait for him when he last saw her at the train station, he'd not been the best at corresponding or even calling since that day over a year ago.   He couldn't even remember when he last wrote her and realized he was scared to death to confront her now – petrified of rejection because she was so goddamned perfect.  Why in the world would she wait for someone as broken as Edward Elric?
Edward realized he'd finished his meal.  He waved at Bob and left money on the counter before scooting off the barstool and making his way back to the tiny little room above the kitchen.   Once in his humble cell, the former alchemist made his way to the teeny writing desk under the sole window and pulled out a sheet of paper.   There, as the aroma of baking steak and kidney puddings engulfed his space, nearly making him ill, he made the decision to end his silence once and for all.  As he finished and checked his penmanship, his stomach churned again.  He knew it was more nervousness than from the smell of the bar food.    
The young alchemist placed the letter in the post to leave the next day.   On his way back from mailing the letter to Resembool, he purchased a train ticket traveling East and hoping he timed it correctly for his letter to arrive well before he did.  
Soon, he'd know if the pain would stop or if he'd have to live with it.
The wind howled and blew something fierce across the Resembool meadows and tossed with it any leaves or dead grasses that made it this far into December.   Despite the cold and the dreary weather, the postman dutifully made his rounds I the tiny little burg.   He pulled out the bundle of letters going to the Rockbell residence and mentally reprimanded himself for being nosey, but smiled when he saw the letter addressed to the young Miss Rockbell...and it wasn't from one of her automail clients.  Everyone in Resembool knew the young woman's heart belonged to that Elric boy, the elder one who just couldn't stay still for too long.   The old women in the village quit trying to play match maker with Winry as she rebuffed any suitor who foolishly tried to woo her and everyone knew it was because of Edward.   The letter carrier waved at Pinako and ignored the big barking dog as he handed her the letters in person instead of leaving them at the mail box.
"He's a moron."   The young automail mechanic moaned as she finished reading the letter from Edward.   "Does he think I'll forget him so easily?"   She stomped around the kitchen, leaving the letter on the table.  
"Give him a break, Winry." Granny took the letter and smiled as she read it.   "It's sort of romantic for him, you know?"   The old woman smiled.  She was happy Ed was returning home.   Despite the little fit her granddaughter was throwing at the moment, Pinako knew Winry was happy too.   The old woman read the letter again:
I know it's been too terribly long since I've written to you.   So long now, that I'm scared of what you think of me by now.  
I'm coming home.  I've done my time.  But I've just got to know what is and isn't mine.  
If you received this letter telling you I'd soon be free, then you'll know just what to do
If you still want me:
Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree, (you know the one I can see from the train.)
It's been a very long year; do you still want me?
If I don't see a ribbon around the old oak tree, I'll stay on the train and won't complain – you can put all the blame on me.  
I know some of it rhymes and I know I suck.    But seriously, I can't face you unless I know first so, if you'll humor me with the tree thing, I think I'll have enough courage to come home.   And, if it's over, I'll know that too and I'll call you from Central to be sure (in case you didn't get this letter.)
With Love,
He didn't realize he'd be arriving in Resembool smack dab on Solstice Eve.   Poor planning on his part meant that the train was full of city folks coming home to their families to celebrate.  Crowded as it was, the mood remained jovial and thanks to a free helping of rum infused eggnog, most of the people in his car maintained an extra happy attitude.   Despite all this, the young alchemist's stomach knotted and his chest pained him.  He felt he could be sick any moment as familiar landscapes came into view and he knew he got closer and closer to his hometown.  
"Do you think she'll do it, lad?"  The old mustachioed gentlemen in the seat across from him asked.   Ed wished he'd not had any of the holiday spirits else he'd kept his lips buttoned.   As soon as he told his story to his seat mates, the tale of true love soon spread around the train car.
"Of course, she will!"  The young woman in the seat behind the old man chimed in.  "Look at him!  He's a cutie!"   Ed felt his ears burn.
"Aren't we coming up on Resembool?"  A voice called out.
"We are!   We'll find out!"  
He felt like he could bury himself inside his boots, disappear and die right there.  
"Is that the tree?"  
"No, that's not it, it's bare."
His heart fell.
"Oh my god!  Look, boy, look!"  The old man practically pulled the boy out of his seat to the window.
As the train started to slow as it approached Resembool station, Edward's golden eyes beheld an amazing sight.   The old oak tree, the very tree he, his brother and Winry had played under as children stood there in the meadow and dusted with snow.   However, wrapped around every inch of that barren tree was a vibrant yellow ribbon – every bough, branch and the whole trunk covered in yellow.
"Horray!"   The car burst into cheers for the young man and his nervousness turned into the warmth of pure joy.    
Edward knew.    He knew where he stood with her and he could finally face her in person and tell her how he felt...and hopefully she'd not hurt him.  
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Mary Poppins Prequel: Ch 4 where ever the magic may take us
ch 1 When we were just a little Lass and Lad  Ch 2 destination cloud 9  Ch 3 Somewhere on cloud 9
ch 5 The End is just the Start of a New Beginning
Warning: fluff, romance, comedy I included my own little whimsical rhyming tune in this chapter because there has to be a song lol. Not a great lyricist but I tried. Just think of the dragon flies actual baby dragons & them along with the cows are cartoons. You will know the scene with you get to it.
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 I do so love when the days are perfectly long, sunny and bright. Those days you wake with adventure on your mind as the birds sing your favorite melody outside your window. I think of what great things can happen on such a day. And Bert always supplied me with endless adventures of all kinds when we finale set our sights on each other and no one else. 
Bert came trotting happily up to Mary's stoop with flowers in one hand and paintings he had done under his opposite arm. He awkwardly knocked on the door with the hand that helped hold the paintings almost dropping them. Mary pushed open her window just as her father opened the door.
 "Hello, Mr. Poppin's," Bert said cheerily. "Is Miss Mary ready for our outing today?"
 Mary's Father patted Bert on the shoulder with a smile on his face," Just put your art againt the side of the house. My daughter will be down soon enough young man. I do hope you have her home at a reasonible hour tonight. Her Mother and I did fret when she didn't get home until early the next day the last time you ventured out. I do not expect you will let us feel that way again." 
"No, I am sorry we got so carried away counting all the stars in the heavens." Bert said as he walked in the house. "Did you know there are 5,000 stars that can be seen with the naked eye? It took us ages to count that many.”
 "I see," He chuckled. "Counting stars is a tedious time-consuming project. Just don't spend the night doing it again. You understand? I know you and my daughter are adults but I expect you not to take advantage of her innocence."
 "I would never," Bert stood straight and looked right in Mr. Poppin's eyes as Mary came bouncing down the stairs. Bert looks to her with a big goofy smile on his face holding out the flowers of baby's breath and poppies. 
"Here you go Mary. Poppies for a Poppins." He chuckled. 
"Very thoughtful, Bert" Mary took the flowers and placed them in a nice vase with some water. "Shall we go see what adventure awaits?" 
"As long as that adventure doesn't take you overnight, have a wonderful time." Her father warns. 
Mary hugs him, "As you have told me many times, you can never put a time limit on adventure." 
He was unable to argue his own words spit back to him in such a logical way. "Stay safe, Mary." 
"Always," She took Bert's hand leading him out of the house as her Mother was coming in from a late morning walk.
 "Have a whimsical day, kids." Her Mother waved happily.
 "We will," Mary merrily replied as she started to pull Bert away from the house. 
"Wait," Bert held back. "Our adventurers." He went back to get the paintings from the side of the house. "Now we are ready for a day of adventures." 
Mary walked hand in hand with Bert to an open park. Many other couples lay among the vibrant flowers talking of their love. Some just walk the path along the small lake.
 Bert laid out his art by the edge of the side walk. "Where would you like go, dear Mary?" He walked around his works. "I could roe us down the Tames to a carnival just a few miles down river, the countryside is always nice with the best outdoor cafe and a merry-go-round perfect for a Mary like you. Or back to the circus where we haven't visited since we were wee." 
Mary pats her index finger on the corner of her mouth as she looks at the pictures with great thought. Bert comes around behind her. He wraps his arms around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder.
 "There seems to be a lot of residual foot traffic on the countryside," Mary points out to Bert. "All the Ladies..." 
He stops her chatter. "It is a popular place to visit." 
Mary shakes her head in disgust. "I did so love the circus." 
"I did also," Bert kisses her cheek and smiled. "But that would be oh so childish for us to try to recapture a memory that is so perfectly engrained in our minds." 
Mary stepped in front of the picture of the couple in shadow on the Tames. "You know how to row a boat, so we keep afloat?"
 "I certainly do Mary," He stands up straight. "I can get us safely through the calm waters and rapids. Down, around, left and right wherever the rive has laid her course for she is a lady that like others holds me i high esteem. Her lusty waters will only want to push us happily down river to a peaceful end point." He is very theatrical with his body and hands as he explains this to his love.
 "Should I be jealous of you and the Tames, Bert?" Mary smirks.
 Bert Chuckles, "You are the only wild wet waters I love with my full heart dear, Mary." 
She giggles, "Good, you are all the magic I need to brighten my day dear Bert. Now your hand please so we can get on with it." 
They jump into the scene on the banks of the Tames. They walk among the foliage to a perfectly sizable canoe. Bert takes Mary's hand to help her to sit.
 "The fairest lady on the Thames dear Mary." Bert compliments.
 "Oh Bert, Such a flatterer." Mary blushes.
 "Oh I believe others are in agreement with me," Bert starts to paddle them down the Tames. Dragon flies flutter scorching Burt's nose. He swooshes them away. 
Yes these baby winged dragons fly alongside the canoe to greet Mary. "Lovely day for a canoe trip, Fairest Lady Mary," 
"Yes, it is my friends." Mary seems to sing when they land on her hand as she puts it palm up in the air. They scorch her nose like they did Bert. "You must control that." She pats her nose with some powder from her dress pocket."
 "Sorry, Mary." They fly into the breezy day. 
Bert starts to hum. Then makes up a little tune as they go along. The cows out for their morning drink sing along. Mary blushes as if she doesn't enjoy the song in her honor. 
      "rowing along the Tames with Mary, 
       The day is quite beautiful and Airy. 
        We have the whole day to enjoy no hurry. 
        When Mary is with us there is no worry." 
The cows and dragon flies sing repeating,
       " We have the whole day to enjoy no hurry. 
        When Mary is with us there is no worry..." 
Bert and everyone sing, 
        "It is no wonder it is Mary that we love." 
Mary Begins her own verse to the tune.
        "It is always an adventure with you, Bert. 
         A girl could get caught up in your Flirt. 
        Floating along the Tames, feels so grand.
        My heart is aflutter, I know there's no demand.
        We have the whole day to enjoy no hurry. 
       When Bert is with me I have no worry." 
The cows and dragon flies, Bert and Mary sing, 
       "We have the whole day to enjoy no hurry..." 
A cow on the banks of the shore interrupts, "rough waters a head. Better hold steady and row quickly through. Good luck." 
"Sure, will," Bert rows harder as the water gets choppier. "Hold on to your seat Mary. I think it is going to be a bumpy ride." 
The canoe is rocked, tossed and turned over the rapids. Bert does his best paddling so they clear the rocks. There are some close calls, but they finally get through the rushing waters. Just as Bert sits to relax a moment they his one tiny rock that jolts Mary in the air and flips the boat upside down tossing Bert right into the water. His white linen suit clings to his body. Mary's skirt flares as she floats down to splash near him. He swims over to her quickly. 
"Are you alright?" He puts his arms around her keeping them both a float. "Sorry I didn't see that little bugger rock." 
She put her arms around him smiling as she reached her feet down to see how deep it was until the hit the bottom. "Bert stand up." She laughed as her toes touched, so she knew he could touch the bottle perfectly well. 
Bert stood turning red with embarrassment from not realizing they were in the shallows now. "Well, then I should pull the canoe to the side before it float off too far." He reaches out, grabbing it easily. 
"Oh look, Bert," Mary points to the Ferris wheel in the distance. "We must go take a ride in to the great blue."
 "Of course my dear," He takes her hand helping her out of the water. His other hand pulling the canoe onto the shore. As soon as they are on shore Mary twirls in her dress. This dries her completely. Her hair even ties back in a yellow and pink ribbon that matched her dress perfectly. Bert marvels at her before she looks to him sternly to do the same to dry off. He does and stumbles from dizziness when he is done. 
She catches on to his bicep to steady him before he falls. "Shall we?" She smiles up at him.
 "We shall," He stumbles a little more. But they eventually dance along the path to the Ferris wheel. As they get closer there is also a merry-go-round with majestic white horses racing in a circle. They bound up to the wheel operator who bows to them both as he opens the seat door.
 "A very charming couple you make Mary and Bert. Enjoy your time in the sky." The operator emotes.
 "Thank you, Sir," Mary curtsied before Bert picked her up by the hips to plop her on the seat. 
"Thank you my dear man," Bert tipped his flat cap to the Carney before hopping on the seat next to Mary. 
Mary swings her feet while holding the bar when it's closed in on them. Bert can touch until they are swooshed off the ground. He puts one hand behind her and the other over one of hers on the bar. His nose nuzzles the back of her neck up to behind her ear. She giggled. 
"Mary, when can I be with you again," He breathed gentle on the back on her ear. She turned her head to look in his beautiful blue eyes, 
"I'm not sure what you mean, Bert," She said coyly. "We are together right here." 
The Wheel stops them at the top. Bert takes her chin with his thumb and two fingers after. His eyes search hers, "I mean I want to pleasure you more, Mary. I want to have sex with you again." He kisses her lovingly yet coaxes her lips open with his tongue to enter her mouth toying with hers.
 Mary closes her eyes as they kiss. She pulls away as the Ferris wheel starts up again, "You are so insatiable." 
He leaned back with a soft almost inaudible groan. When they get to the bottom the ride operator opens the bar. Bert steps off and picks Mary up putting her on the ground to stand. She takes his hand walking towards the cotton candy booth. 
"Perhaps another ride is a good idea," Mary teased.
 Bert pulled her into him, "When ever you want me, Mary." 
She patted his chest with her hand, "Take me to the real London and you can have me. But for now dear Bert, some cotton candy and the merry-go-round." 
She pulls him over to the ride after they get pink and blue cotton candy. They bob up and down on the ride as whimsical music plays. The music continues as their horses gallop off through the little amusement area and down the banks of the Tames. 
Mary laughs waving a hand at Bert as her horse passes his. He catches up to her just as they reach the point they entered. He hopes off his stallion. And helps Mary off hers. 
"I should get you home before it gets much later than was your Father's wish." Bert smiles holding both of her hands. "But we will have our next outing in London."
 "That will be some magic," Mary looks in his eyes, and they are back home in the park..
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