#ooooh im HYPE
rebelwithoutabroom · 1 year
Some doodles for my upcoming fic for the fairytale exchange :)))
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throwaway-settings · 10 months
i gotta start using more colors in my art…. i also need an orange paint marker….
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urhoneycombwitch · 5 months
ive never really been into happy trails until I saw Eddie fanarts, esp ones that draw it thick and pretty under his navel and I just 🥴 ooooh when he's reaching up for a mug or tying his hair and his shirt rides up and you catch a glimpse??? swoon.
im gonna confess something to you... i ALSO never really understood the hype around happy trails. until I saw Eddie's portrayed. and a flip in my brain switched
and it's so dark against his pale skin, like so OBVIOUSLY waiting for you to press your nose into it. he's tying up his hair across the room and you walk over and bend down to wrap your hands around his waist and just rub your soft cheek against the pudge of his tummy and the scratchy hair
and he freezes at first, hands still in his hair, then he's chuckling and rubbing a hand down your back saying "should I get you and my stomach a room, or..."
and you're like "hush. I'm saying hi to my source of happiness." and you give his tummy a little nibble ☺️
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idiocracyisreal · 2 months
HELP- I just asked my sister to name/ guess the name of jd characters 😭😭😭😭 (SHES 13 AND HYPED ON LOLLIES) AND THIS IS HOW IT WENT DOWN. Jackson was the best reaction ever so I saved him for last 🩷🩷🩷
EXER Her: “…he looks like an egg”
me: *dies
her: “his name is egg”
me: *while dead* “half point…”
her: “ooooh he looks like walker scobell!”
me: “is that his name or-“
her: “-yes”
me: “MOVING ON-“
her: “he looks like he goes around playing rock music and being scary but he actually listens to Disney music like princess songs, and gets his nails painted”
me: attempting to stay calm and failing* “so what’s his name?”
her: “…flounder.”
me: 💀💀💀
her: “she’s prettyyyy”
me: “and her name is…”
her: “Erica.”
me: “why Erica?”
her: “I don’t know she gives an Erica vibe”
me: …
her: “she’s emo but actually pulls it off damn”
me: …
her: “she’s… ✨PETUNIA✨”
me: *im having way too much fun rn*
her: (with no hesitation) “Gerald.”
me: “… can we give her a girl name?”
her: “nope :)”
her: (full minute of silence and then out of nowhere…)
me: *actually I cannot with Ken being called barbie*
her: “her name is lady sparklepants”
me: “…can it be Mr sparklepants?”
her: “THATS A BOY!?”
and now… the moment you’ve all been waiting for:
her: “Trick question- that’s just fanart of Ryder from paw patrol”
me: *fucking dies*
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heyjude19-writing · 1 month
Your recent drarry fic was such a highlight for my Mondays!! And it made me a drarry believer (or reader lol) and I thank you for opening my eyes to this wonderful fandom! I would love any and all fluff, domestic drarry, nottpott, ronsy, and dramione fics that you have enjoyed or heard good things about. I’m currently researching Tonks and Remus fanfiction, and I hyped for the coming weekend and all my readings😂😂😂 hope you are doing well and happy belated birthday
aww anon, thank you for the birthday wishes and appreciation for my fic, i miss it so much already. mondays are just mondays now, ew.
and ooooh anon. i'm literally just a pile of fic recs in a trench coat, so here you go, links to all my recent rec lists by ship:
drarry starter guide II part 2 II part 3
i dont have a post specific to nottpott but here are my faves: -Rendezvous Receipts -Chaperones -Proper Pronunciation (self-rec) And I have read exactly one remus/tonks (im more of a wolfstar girlie) but i did enjoy this one: Flying Colours
happy reading anon!
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stonyponyofficial · 10 months
oh shit? whats that skanking this way? are those some more summer songs? are those some summer songs spliced seamlessly alongside some ska since Skaugust started? seems interesting, maybe u should pick em up and take a listen if u get the chance... might be the rudest sounds of the SKAmmer...
🎺spotify link ⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜ yt link🎺
notes on each ⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛ below the cut :3
Remember Summer Days - Anri: my city pop kick has not ended as you will continue to see. its the kinda shit that makes me wanna be taken on a warm evening drive. yeahh bitch i control the music and im not even driving >:3 sorry. umm also the horns make the song fit our skankin tone this time around so very well. they are like sisters <3
Car Song - Danny L Harle, MC Boing - speaking of drives! if, say, you are ever driving in a car, or perhaps playing music in a car this would be the track to signal to those around u that u are doing those things. i just love mc boing also. so much dumb hype that i cant help but follow his lead and bounce along. check out his like three other songs if u get the changce soun
Death Grips is Online - Death Grips: i was looking at my 'summer rewind' on spotify and this was apparently a death grips song i had listened to a lot a few years ago just without getting into any more death grips after that? it makes sense tho i was listening to a lot of igor of tyler the creator fame around that time. i was probably like ooooh this has that hard cunchy igor bass i like. and was like 😂 what the heck is the rest of their stuff tho seriously tihs is craazy 😂. probably is how i was like back then. tch. fool.
Flaunt It/Cheap - Rae Sremmurd: amen break waveform tattooed on my forehead running up to u voice HEY U SHOULD LISTEN TO THIS SONG THEY. HEY> THEY RAP OVER AN AMEN BREAK ITS GOOD. okay thats misleading they only do that for a bit but after that the flow is very amen break inspired..but then beat switch thats still very good i love a good beat switch and all.... i just wish he kept spitting over that pure amen break sample. paws in pockets kicking the dirt as i walk away.....
Helium - Ecco2k (Drain Gang Archives): comes back excitedly to talk about draing gang ^w^. this time around our drain gang entrance is actually a bootleg posted by a drain gang leak aggregator on spotify. in case u were wonering this is probably the best of those unreleased/leaked songs ........... ecco's voice fits this song so well with all his falsetto stuff (get it it's like helihey it's like a helium balloon get it his voice it's hifh) but he also does that on his other songs bc he's a beautiful angel. GOd and his pouty fucking sighs in the chorus god i just wann[
Merlin's Staff - Ski Mask The Slump God: as i posted about before i love me some ski mask :) i hadnt listened to a lot of his new stuff until i watched his most recent interview with nardwuar. it is from here that i found this song bc ski mask references nardy on the track. HOWEVER. i would be remiss if i did not talk about my favorite lyric from this song that ive refrained from just posting as is. makes me GIGGLE every goddamn time.
"On the go like Mario, drive in a kart
Lisa Simpson, her head sharp"
now he does bring this back around to be a joke about her "giving brain" but just that line alone with the cadence gets stuck in my head. Li. sa. Simp. son. Her. Head. Sharp.
Morning Bell - Radiohead: speaking of... head? been catching up with ol mr. head recently on account of people i know whose music opinions i trust liking his tunes a lot (hai :3) this is My preferred morning bell btw.... for u music perverts out there who wanna know (hai :3) .... the drum groove is irresistible and the piano feels so cooold. cmon its in 5/4.... like im sorry to those whom i may have disappointed i do like amnesiac morning bell it feels a lot eerier.. yet brighter with all the bells? and the 'release me's in that one are very pretty but. kid a morning bell 👍
your clothes - Jane Remover: still havent listened to new jane BUT i have gone back to revisit old stuff i hadnt listened to in a while. upon listening to this one i was reminded Wow! Jane just doesn't miss! so congrats to Jane the Remover on being the only artist to have never left some songs thus far. may ur reign be long.
Last Summer Whisper - Anri: i leave you with this. the last whisper of summer. the last whisper of my city pop kick. the last whisper of some songs until fall right guys? do u guys hear a train?
Train to Skaville (Live) - The Selecter: ALLLLLLLLL ABOOOOOOOAAAARRRD. THIS TRAIN. IS BOUND. FOR. SKAVILLE!!!!!!!!! wait oh shit i can't leave yet i have a train to catch 😳someone made a joke to me last year about this song (i believe it was in September they said 'the train to skaville has left the station') and i straight up didnt get it at the time bc i was kind of a poser skahead when i made my skaugust post eheh nervous laughs bc i pretended to know it in that post ehehe ^^ . i do believe in ska fans beliefs (that ska is good, and anticapitalism probably) i just didnt know much about it besides like stupid horse did it that one time and that post about a kid getting an extra mozz stick.. anyway fast forward one year this fucking song is the idle music in my head. i pretend to be that funky ass bass on this song a lot too hehe. there are MANT live versions of this song on yt so i chose the most fitting one for the playlist but the one ive been listening to is the spotify one -w-
Superman - Goldfinger - this is the archetypal ska song to me. and u know why. that fucking post about that kid getting an extra mozzarella stick and ska plays in his head. from uo there ^. this is the song on that post. this is like capital s Ska to me. u know how people associate dnb with really slick games u grind on rails and skate/snowboard in. make the main character 12 and sucking ass on his first shitty skateboard rolling around his neighborhood and the soundtrack is now ska. only this song actually. it is good tho is the important thing
Never Meant - Skatune Network, JER:
I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - Skatune Network, JER:
Come on Eileen - Save Ferris:
Take On Me - Reel Big Fish: what can i say im a sucker for a ska cover? SKA-ver. heh so true
Old SKrAp - Jeff Rosenstock: i believe jeff rosenstock has done other things which i will get to eventually like all things but i know him specifically for having made an album called No Dream (that i... havent listened to :/) which released in 2020 (05/20 specifically). and then.. on 04/20 of 2021 (!!!!!!!!!!! WEEED WEED ITS WEED) he released Ska Dream, which, of course, is a complete reworking of No Dream but to be Ska instead. the original title of this song is Old Crap which they still sing in the song i just love how they put SKA into the title. all of them are like this btw.
stupid horse - 100 gecs: the OG. also s/o aimkid amv. s/o all aimkid amvs but thats beside the point. there was a point in 100 gecstory that there were maybe only a few interviews they did after 1000 gecs and ofc not many live performance videos besides minecraft festival screen recordings and maybe one video of a show from the secret tour. but there was an interview from skullcandy of all places with an accompanying live performance of stupid horse that i rewatched sevreal times :) ......... i thought the neon green and yellow set pieces and outfits were cool ok??? anyway fucking stupid horse yeah a swordfish dancer spend my money on a fishnet carousel go go go go goin so fast now go go go go goin so fast now.
Frog On The Floor - 100 gecs: and then they did it again :)
I Got My Tooth Removed - 100 gecs: and did it again :)
Two-By-Four-And-A-Half - Thee Goblins: as i said before ive been narding it up recently with some nardwuar interviews. my favorite thing about him is his elusiveness as like. a guy who does things besides being nardwuar. and my favorite story about him doing other things is that on his quest to interviewing kurt cobain, he tried talking to dave grohl and somehow dave recognized nardwuar from a band he's in (this band Thee Goblins :3). but the band wears masks when they perform so u cant see its nardwuar. and he still knew it was him without the mask and i guess felt enough respect for nardwuar in that moment to decide to get him an in with kurt, which did come to fruition BTW. anyway this song is a SKA SONG by NARDWUAR himself.... this isn't on the yt playlist unfortch but there is a good video of the nardman himself and others as thee goblins.
Ska Sucks - Big D and the Kids Table: found this one while just ska-ouring ska-tify for more ska. and idk theres just something in a good subversive title (and lyrics if u venture to take a listen >w< ).anyway this ska doesn't suck its quite good actually :) this is a theme in ska if u could not tell. being quite good not sucking. sorry if that was unclear.
yyyaWWWn ummmmmmmn.. okay This is ewher i leave u.. with all the skanking ive been doing i believe ive kicked up a month long ska storm... but i hear there are some pretty rude winds forecasted to come in later today so oerhaps keep ur ears to the wind on that front 😳... um anyway peels off in my car i am sooooo licensed to operate leaving u behind with this helpful guidento steer your path. and this, thjs last SKA-mmer whisper, is how ill leave u until fall music fans :3 <3
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*clears throat and pulls up with a powerpoint* (/jk im making this uo as i go and spilling whatever comes to my brain)
Peter/Sirius *jazz hands*
1) Plant. Dads. There is no other way around this ok? They're plant dads. Peter got Siri into it and now they're both obsessed and are at the top of the class in Herbology along with Alice.
2) They would such a beautiful dynamic omg like Sirius "I say whatever that comes to my mind/ I blatantly flirt" Black and Peter "I have a hard time coming to terms with my feelings/ I can't flirt at all but if someone flirts to me I'm dying on the spot" Pettigrew mhmm mhmm
3) The heartbreakkkk Peter pining over Sirius. And Sirius "I'm in my denial phase I'm not gay" Black going around hooking up with every woman in sight
4) ooooh wait no let's switch things up. Peter is very upfront about his feelings. It takes him time but he gets there eventually. He'll go to Sirius straight up and say "I fancy you. Do with that what you will" and Sirius is just standing there dumbfounded.
5) Sirius would make the first move tho, he would kiss Peter and then he'll move away unsure and Peter will just be like JSKSKDLSMDKDNDKNF externally and internally
6) they'll have picnic dates after they raid the kitchen and its all cute and cottagecore and fluffy
7) the betrayal oooh just imagine how heartbreaking it'll be omg like watch as Sirius spends his time in Azkaban being in denial and then slowly becoming a being of pure rage
8) he leaves Azkaban half cause he wants to hunt down Peter and make him pay but also cause a part of still believes in Pete and wants to hear it from him that he was under a spell or that it a mistake. Something. Anything.
9) ok also thinking about this now I feel like if Startail had happened then the betrayal would have happened? Cause like Peter's flaw was that he kept feeling left alone even tho he actually wasn't as much as his brain led him to believe. He felt left alone with James being Sirius's other half and Remus being Sirius's love of his life right? So now it's like- I don't see a point in the betrayal
10) oooooh wait Dark Pete mhmm mhmm. He is jealous of James because as long as James was there Sirius could never be fully his so he does what he has to for love. In his eyes, he did the right thing.
11) But he miscalculated and ended up losing everything. (And that's why he helps Harry in TDH2)
12) soft top Peter and trying to be bratty but incredibly failing cause of all the softness and care bottom Sirius
I rest my case, your honor.
welcome back to my inbox. I'm glad to see your ideas are still incredible
1) YES!!!! they have so many plants. sirius doesn't get the hype at first (he thinks it's dumb that peter named all of his plants), but then one day the love for the plants hits him like a punch to the face. he hasn't been the same since
2) delicious. they're perfect, for eachother and in general
3) yeah, poor petey :( james tries to support him through it but he doesn't help all that much. marlene tells peter to get over it bc sirius isn't worth the heartbreak (she has one-sided beef with sirius bc of it) (Sirius doesn't know why she suddenly hates him)
4) hsisbidurbo you can combine those two. peter at first waits for sirius to realise that he's not entirely straight... but then he gets tired of it and just tells sirius. the flabbergasted look on sirius's face was an extra
5) bright red peter bc sirius just kissed him. finally. only took him seven thousand years or something
6) yesss. hc that peter is an honorary hufflepuff, and the house elves LOVE him (almost as much as sirius does)
7) the hurt he must be feeling :( he probably refused to believe that peter framed him. there was no way his peteyboo would do that to him, right?
8) yeah. he'd be sure that there must've been something. peter would never do that to him. not his peter
9) maybe sirius and peter go through a rough patch and voldemort or someone else (cough cough jealous ex-lovers rosekiller cough cough) is in peter's ear telling him that sirius is going to leave him if he doesn't do something about it
10) + 11) hdbdoebaobe9ebeos sod o eow e9rbekwze9eb9r dark!peter omg I love this sm. yes, that terrible terrible miscalculation. costing peter both his childhood friend and lover
12) personally I view peter more as a bottom... they're switches. that's how easy that is. but yes, soft dom peter is so real. my boy could never be mean (he murdered people) he's a total sweetheart (he was part of a murderous and pretty much racist cult)
this amazing. I'm excited for the next time you stumble into my asks
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how in the world do you do it? i sent that ask yesterday and i'm still making my way through your masterpost kind of reeling- almost every moment i paused the show (s2 especially) and thought, that's weird, but couldn't put my finger on why, you've talked about, and expanded on, and it's all so well put. you're slowly curing the countless little ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ bouncing around in my head. it's so satisfying, too, to see all those asks with LWA disagreeing with popular fanon. i'd been thinking it was only me.
i'm curious about your interpretation of the bullet catch, specifically aziraphale's motives. i scrolled through a few of your tags and didn't find much about it, but i might have missed something.
i've seen people say it was retaliation for the holy water request (ooc?), or some deliberate test of crowley's willingness to go through with it (and so go through with their relationship, in spite of the danger, or something). then, of course, there's the generally accepted afaik "elaborate trust fall, general aziraphalean ridiculousness" version, but convincing somebody to nearly shoot you seems like a lot (understatement), even then.
it comes across to me as a bit cruel, if that makes sense. this isn't reliant on crowley not wanting to shoot him, or just doing well under pressure. if he's never even shot a gun before, this is almost entirely luck, and i don't buy that the only thing at stake is paperwork, however much they repeat it to themselves. crowley's hands wouldn't have been shaking so badly. if he messes up, he's gonna hurt aziraphale, or have to watch his human body die. it's so fucked.
maybe it could be said that, without their miracles working, they knew they were being watched, and had to continue, but i don't buy that either. aziraphale didn't act like he felt threatened afterwards until furfur showed up- was doing the complete opposite.
that's all i've got for now, but yeah. this blog is awesome and i'm so here for your sideburn theories. have a nice day pls
oh anon✨ you're so sweet!!! i really dk about all that, i just like chatting shit and trying to spot patterns/contradictory stuff/things that don't make sense beyond the script (if that makes sense), so whilst you all might not get Smart out of me you will at least get Passionate🤌
(also YES for LWA appreciation, they deserve it 💕 - still dont know why they do it but im just happy to be involved)
ooooh okay bullet catch. couple of thoughts from me:
aziraphale was happy to go on stage and try to ameliorate the situation between crowley and mrs h (my beloved), but reticent to scope out any Showy-Offy tricks from goldstones shop
crowley hyped aziraphale up enough to go into the shop and find a new trick to perform; hes the angel who fooled nefertiti and is performing on the West End Stage, after all!!!
aziraphale is taken in by the bullet catch trick upon seeing it, but was previously happy to consider another trick. he also, presumably, wasnt aware of the element of trusting a stooge until it was told to him
aziraphale persuades crowley to perform it, even when crowley is obviously uncomfortable, and crowley isn't truthful with him re: firearms experience
crowley agreed, providing that they make use of their miracles if it goes tits up
aziraphale doesnt inform crowley on any of the plan; crowley is notably caught unawares when called out in the audience
miracles don't work, neither of them stop the performance. crowley once again still very uncomfortable, literally shaking on stage, and yet seems to calm at aziraphale ploughing on ahead.
so okay, yeah, ive basically just recited the scene - but a few conclusions:
aziraphale doesn't want to let crowley down or embarrass him by backing out of the act, or indeed by messing it up
i think there's probably some element of aziraphale doing it for himself (self-esteem), but in a way that, post-Realisation, he is showing off a bit... it strikes me that crowley wasn't fully cognizant of this little hobby of his, and aziraphale is taking a moment to do something that (bless him, he thinks) he's good at, and wow crowley as a result
i don't think the holy water request came into his motivations at all, for the same reasons you said. however, it is an appropriate mirror to the holy water request narratively; i think it will come back up in s3, and i think the bullet catch will at least emotionally inform aziraphale on whether to give crowley the water or not
as for crowley's motivations in going along with it; i think to some extent he's paying back the favour, but mainly that it's truly just to make aziraphale happy. a step beyond that; to him, aziraphale is in need of something, and that is something aziraphale is only trusting crowley to deliver. crowley of course assumes miracles will be their safety net, so agrees to be aziraphale's knight in shining armour (*cough* playing hero)
when the miracles fail, aziraphale still has trust in crowley to do it properly. crowley however is left to trust in aziraphale's trust in kind. he still wants to do this for him, but the stakes are a bit higher in that he could shoot his best friend (?) in the face and not see him again on earth for any number of years (imo, it's never, ever been about the paperwork). but aziraphale isn't backing down; is crowley about to disappoint him? of course not.
tl;dr: they're both arseholes for their respective lacks of transparency with each other, deliberately put themselves in harm's way, and it was by sheer luck that they pulled it off. but it is a huge seismic shift in how they see each other, and i don't think we've been shown/suggested the full implications of the whole thing just yet.
thank you so much for your kind words, they honestly make my day!!! hope you have a lovely day too!!!✨💕
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Plain box
Milk/White Chocolate
(Sasunaru..? QwQ)
Oops this got long oh well
CW BELOW THE CUT: This do have some tickles in it, ngl. Spoilers about Sakura’s character arc!
𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑜𝑥 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑦 𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑦 ❤︎
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Ever since the two were paired up on team seven, Kakashi couldn’t recall a time where Naruto and Sasuke weren’t fighting, whether it was physical aggression, hurling insults at each other, or just passive aggression and sarcasm, the two were always at each others’ throats.
As kids, the two were classic rivals. They were the run-of-the-mill adolescents, who only wanted to beat the other at anything and everything.
Now as teenagers, the two are strong in their own ways. But, this doesn’t stop them from continuous bickering and small tantrums.
Eventually, their Sensei had enough.
One lunch… it’s all Kakashi wanted. Just one hour to celebrate his three students and their accomplishments. He was saving up his ryo to be able to treat them for weeks, and of course his two problem children just had to be themselves.
“If you don’t shut up right now I swear I’ll-“
“You’ll what, Naruto? Make a shadow clone and have it yell at me? Ooooh so scary.” The raven-haired shinobi rolled his eyes as he held his hands up in mock defense. “If you start throwing lethal jutsu at me right here, we’ll get kicked out and Kakashi will have to pay for the entire restaurant!”
“You’re such a jerk!” Naruto barked as he narrowed his eyes and stood up to lean toward Sasuke.
The other shinobi matched his action, and the two were now standing with their faces only about six inches apart. Sakura swore she could see the lightning bolts that shot between both of their eyes.
“You two are insufferable!” The pink-haired girl hissed as she pulled on both of their jacket sleeves, “Sit down before you give Sensei an ulcer!”
“He started it!” Naruto whined, knowing he’d been defeated.
“You’re such a toddler.” Sasuke mumbled coolly, accenting his quip with an eye roll.
“Sasuke I swear to-“
“Naruto, Sasuke, look at me right now.”
The two bickering shinobi froze in place as angry their faces dropped. They slowly turned toward their Sensei…
“Sasuke, you’re going to tell me what you would like to eat, since I already know Naruto’s order by heart. After that, I’m going to order your lunches and you’re going to go outside and fix whatever the hell is making you two act up. Do I make myself clear?”
The blonde genin nodded fearfully, while Sasuke only replied curtly, “crystal.” Sakura, on the offhand, was thrilled that she had never pissed off her Sensei before. She couldn’t help the chill that ran down her spine at the thought of what might happen if she did.
“Glad we’re on the same page.” Kakashi’s once terrifying demeanor had retreated, and he wore his signature close-eyed smile once again.
Sasuke pointed to an item on the menu, then stood up from the booth. “Come on, idiot.”
“Well now I’m not going because you’re being a dic-“
“I said come on.” The black-haired shinobi dragged Naruto by the back of his jacket collar, “You know damn well how I feel about repeating myself.”
As the two left wordlessly, Kakashi turned to his remaining student. “So, Sakura. If you would be so kind as to enlighten me, what was training with the Hokage like?”
When Naruto and Sasuke arrived outside, the black-haired shinobi dropped a cross-armed Naruto into the grass, then sat down adjacent to him. “What’s got you so pissy?”
Sasuke couldn’t help but snort at how easily the word flowed from his teammate’s lips. The answer was curt and nonchalant, and yet Sasuke found it so amusing. “Reason in particular?”
“Nope. You’re just stupid.”
“And I’m… jealous of you.” The boy sighed, turning away from his teammate with a dejected sigh.
Sasuke blinked, closing his mouth to prevent a snarky comment from coming out.
“I know, I know, it’s stupid but…” the blonde shinobi sighed, “I just wish that I knew what it was like to have a family at a point in my life. The closest I have is Iruka and Kakashi Sensei, but it seems Kakashi Sensei likes you better.”
With a sigh, Sasuke stood and plopped down next to his teamm- no, Naruto was his friend. That’s what Sasuke had to be in this situation: a friend. “Naruto, Kakashi knows your order by heart for any restaurant you go to. I know you can’t tell, but he always is there to catch you when you pass out from chakra exhaustion.”
“Does he really?” Naruto asked, turning to face his friend.
“Every time, without fail.” Sasuke placed a hand on the blonde shinobi’s shoulder. “And I wish I could tell you it was pleasant to have a family, but it wasn’t always as fun as it cuts out to be in your head.”
“I guess so.” The blonde sighed again, “I’ve always wanted to know what it was like to have a brother.”
The black-haired shinobi tensed, exhaled, and spoke. “Itachi was… he was a good big brother, so I thought. He always made sure to remind my dad that I was important too. It felt good to feel appreciated, but he was also a menace. He would hide my stuff in high places, flick my forehead all the time, and don’t even get me started on how many times he tickled me it was-“
Naruto chuckled gently, “I can’t even imagine you being ticklish.”
“Uhhh ignore that part.” Sasuke cursed himself internally. Why did he include that piece of Itachi’s antics out of all of them?
“Oh? Just ignore it, huh?”
Within an instant, Naruto’s dejected mood disappeared and was replaced by his sunshine-y attitude once more. He dove onto his friend and held one of Sasuke’s arms above his head.
“Don’t you dare, Naruto.” Sasuke spat, trying to put up a front through his apprehension.
“Is someone scared?” The blonde teased, bringing a hand down to squeeze his friend’s side.
Sasuke’s body abandoned him as he involuntarily jerked away from the touch. With every squeeze, his torso flinched away from it. Truth be told, Sasuke hadn’t been tickled in so long that his body was preparing for pain. “D-dude stop!”
“Oh man no way, this is so awesome!” The shinobi teased as he began to flutter his fingers on his friend’s side, “I’m not stopping until you laugh!”
“G-guess you’ll b-behehe- BE here a while.”
Naruto gasped, “Did I just hear you laugh? The Sasuke Uchiha giggled?” He smiled and dug in a little harder, sending shockwaves through Sasuke’s body.
“Sahahahasuke!” The blonde teased.
Sasuke covered his face and whined as giggles poured from his lips, “Yohohou ahahare suhuhuhuch ahaha- AGH NOHOHOHO.”
Poor Sasuke had made the rookie mistake of covering his face, this is common information. But he left his upper ribs wide open for Naruto’s attack. The jinchuriki boy couldn’t help but giggle as he watched his stoic friend fall apart.
“And yet I don’t hear you asking me to stop!” The blonde sing-songed, “I know it’s been some time since someone tickled you but man, even I would’ve given in by now.”
Upon hearing those words, pale skin turned cherry red, and Sasuke finally had the idea to move his hands down. Unfortunately, that only trapped Naruto’s wiggling fingers. “NAHAHAHARUHUHUTOHOHO.”
“You done?”
The black-haired shinobi smacked at his friend’s arm, signifying he was tapping out. Naruto immediately stopped and flopped down on top of his friend’s stomach, giggling alongside him. “Man it’s been a while since we had fun like that. Consider that revenge for April Fool’s day.”
The two sat in a comfortable silence, allowing Sasuke to catch his breath. They wordlessly watched the clouds roll by, enjoying the peace shared between them. They were only interrupted by Sasuke’s stomach rumbling, causing Naruto to laugh at the sudden vibration against his head.
“I think we should head inside.” The black-haired shinobi mumbled, lifting the blonde head off of his stomach and standing up. He offered a hand to his friend, who took it with a smile. “And by the way?”
“Mm?” The blonde shinobi asked, turning toward Sasuke.
The other shinobi squeezed his hand with a shy smile. “You don’t need a brother to know what it’s like to have one; you have me.”
❣︎𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒’𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡❣︎
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rebuke-me · 2 months
5 14 21
5. Is there any scene you're excited about writing?
i'm answering for the final punk au fic- i'm at the point of the fic where the parts i was super excited for are. written already. but i do have scenes that i'm looking forward to!! but most of the big good scenes are written, its just filling in blanks rn
14. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you planned on doing, but now you're feeling like you're gonna scrap those ideas?
ooooh. see no idea is entirely scrapped in my head? but i think my paper girls au is staying in the drafts, mostly because no one really jumped at it when i posted snippets. and im not as fixated on paper girls anymore anyways.
21. Is there any unwritten fic that you don't know if you ever will write?
the only real reason i wouldnt write a fic is bc a) i talked about it to friends and they werent super hyped or b) i'm so busy all the goddamn time. so like. yes but not a specific Example.
(also, bc im still doing this thing- 6,600 words in the punk au fic now!)
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goodmorningnona · 2 months
All these little tidbits you’ve been dropping about your new fic have me so hype to read it 👀 I will be seated
HEHEHE im so glad ive been trying to promo a lil bit bc it's the most of anything ive ever written and even though it's neither edited nor finished im already really proud of it!! also because im going so so insane and can only think about the fic rn so everything reminds me of it :)
anyway here's a sneak peak of part one :p
"It was a warm February afternoon when Harrowhark Nonagesimus had finally fucking had it. “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Ho— Gideon fix it NOW!” Harrow whipped around in her seat at the lunch table in the corner of the canteen to see Gideon Nav holding a pair of scissors and a fistful of her hair. Gideon was doubled over with laughter. Harrow pushed her, “No, fuck you! Fix it!” “How am I going to fix what’s already been done, dumbass?” “Why don’t you just crawl back to Ianthe? Why did you have to stay for lunch today?” Harrow felt like she was going to angry-cry. “All for you, sweetcheeks.” “Fuck. You.” Harrow was dead serious, her voice coming out from deep in her throat. “Ooooh she’s maaaaad,” Gideon taunted. Harrow stood up and pushed Gideon hard in the solar plexus. “Tryin’ to touch my tits, precious?” Gideon said a little winded in that same mocking tone that drove her insane, though she barely moved with Harrow’s touch. “Gideon Nav you fix my hair right the fuck now or I will punch your lights out,” Harrow said as she got closer and closer to Gideon, threatening finger pointed in her direction. Gideon chuckled, “You really think you can rock my shit?” “Do you want to fix my hair, or do you want to find out?”'
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thatgirlwithasquid · 11 months
tag game: stranger things edition 👻
tagged by @ratbastardbilly and @intothedysphoria (ty guys xx)
1. ride or die ship (your otp): CUNNINGWAY!!! They’re my girls. Chrissy and Heather my beloveds. I have never been so hyped for a ship before and this is the first time I’ve put this much effort into one, but if I don’t advocate for this rarepair then who will? (the answer is bambi. bambi will. but whatever, you get the point)
2. most annoying ship: there isn’t really a ship i find WHOLLY annoying. stancy maybe. i also think jancy and mileven have ran their course and jopper gives me a lil bit of the ick. obvi no hate to the ships or those that ship it!!
3. second favourite ship: ima have to say harringrove, but there are others i like a lot too!!
4. favourite platonic relationship: heather, chrissy & billy. the chaos trio. more should be done with them <3
5. underrated ship: there are so many!! argyle/chrissy (which i am lovingly referring to as pompompinapple, just try and stop me)? byergrove (billy/jonathan)? calicheer (billy/chrissy)??? how can i possibly choose????
6. overrated ship: uhhhh this feels dangerous. but steddie. dont get me wrong, i love this ship, but the boom in works for them was INSANE cause i dont think they have TOO MUCH chemistry in canon (tho there 100% is a good bit and it makes sense)
7. one thing i would change in canon: the blatant lack of care the main cast have for characters outside their group. no empathy for billy, barely anyone looking into heather, characters dying that no one mentions again…
8. something canon did right: I really liked steve and dustin’s dynamic. like, a LOT. they cocked it up a bit in s4 for the sake of ‘haha, dumb steve’ but yeah. theyre sweet :)
9. a thing i’m proud of creating for the fandom: my sideblog @poolsidepanic . i know that its a niche ship but i hope i help other people who love them as much as me actually be able to enjoy their ship and not just… be disappointed when they come up empty handed. the art and little fics and such i make over there make me so happy <3
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldnt change a thing): heather. sassy, bitchy, yet kindhearted lifeguard? yes. the only thing id change is the DISSERVICE THE DUFFERS GAVE HER WHEN THEY KILLED HER AND IGNORED HER EXISTENCE.
11. the character i relate most to the most and why: steve. just how he responds to the offhanded comments the people he cares about make to him, that they never seem to realise hurt.
12. character i hate most and why: neil, karen, brenner. no explanation needed
13. something ive learned from the fandom: idk. ive always wanted to be a positive person but seeing some of the toxicity in the fandom has made me really want to keep my little blog as positive and safe as i can for everyone. some things we see SUCK but if i can make someones day a lil better id like to? so not really a learn but an encouragement to be nicer wherever i can
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: i dont read a lot of st fanfiction, actually. i havent been in the mood for it for AGES!! but in general im a slow burn, hurt/comfort, angst kind of person. i love the occasional, agonising right person not enough time or some character bashing for the sake of compelling suffering (if done right!!!)
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: ooooh fun!!! ‘Groan’, ‘Wet’ and ‘Maggot’ by Dazey and the Scouts are so Billy. ‘Drunk Walk Home’ by Mitski gives me Chrissy vibes, and ‘Maggot’ again for her tbh (billy and chrissy, my sad beloved blorbos). there arent any songs i associate with cunningway yet tho 😔
tagging: @bigdumbbambieyes @hargrove-mayfields @billyhargrovesupsidedownshadow @every-dayiwakeup and anyone else interested in sharing :)
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omoriboii · 1 year
I'm already really looking forward to reading future chapters, but from a game dev standpoint I am DEVOTED to learning more about this setting, because it has some lovely ✨implications✨
For the developers running and maintaining the game, are they well known among the public, or is it only the most dedicated of the players say with confidence who's behind their most loathed update? Is their QA dep just one dude with a tub of popcorn watching the flood of bug reports coming in knowing he aint paid enough for this shit? Are there rouge devs who figured out how to clone players into custom NPCs a while back and kept it a secret so the party won't end? Gosh I love thinking about Dreamscape and I'm very hype to see the new chapter (even if you never go into detail about the company that runs the in-setting game, it's all good to me)
I never thought anyone would be interested enough to know about the dev team this early on!!
So here’s the info I can give that’s uh..spoiler free.
DreamScape was conceived alongside the VHS console, and both were made by the same group of people. Think- Wii Sports and the Nintendo Wii. While the internet ‘was’ fairly active during that time period, being able to interact with game devs was still fairly unknown. Most people didn’t really know about the devs, other than a select few dedicated players who were around enough to see one of them occasionally pop in. Because of the state of the machinery, and the way the cartridge and later updates work, players eventually learned how to mod the game, creating the healthy population of sellers who ‘sell’ their assets so regular players to use, forming the online economy. All of this, however, has been completely under the Devs’ noses, but it doesn’t seem like they care. The game, despite limitations, seems fairly open source. The Devs only prioritize with making special seasonal events, and slowly adding onto the map of DreamScape. Some say that one of the devs watch the players ominously from above, but that’s only speculated.
People who make some of the most ‘game breaking’ mods usually have met one of the mods at some point, or know somebody else who did. Usually those people end up leaking future updates as well, though considering the uniqueness of the game, it doesn’t deter anyone.
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gayemeralds · 8 months
score: 6.5/10
pros: the costuming fucked (specifically whoever did kori), and the cinematography was really good. lots of shows suffer from not having good lighting espeically in dark scenes but i think this show actually did pretty well in that regard. the concept behind the show was interesting, i liked the focus on raven. seeing all of the secondary characters, like doom patrol or donna troy, was probably kinda baiting but I liked it so whatever. i loved kori so much the concept behind her story of being an amnesaic assassin who befriended her target was SO good and she was so fun. the actress for raven was phenomenal. honestly i think all the actors did a pretty good job considering this show is… well d-rated for a reason. the mythos of Gotham was really well done, i don’t know how to explain it tbh but i did like it.
cons: WAY WAY WAY WAY TOO ROBIN FOCUSED. season one could have easily been condensed into being about trigon but they dragged the entire season on forever- it did not need to be split into two seasons. episode two and nine were entirely unneeded im sorry the hawk and dove thing was so stupid they offered NOTHING to the storyline. they genuinely weren’t connected to the plot in the slightest. they brought nothing to the table. edgy takes on superheroes are almost always done badly and this one wasn’t great. robins identity crisis was so stupid they should have either made it like 6 months since he left being robin or let him already start out as nightwing. i love beast boy but it was clear they didn’t know what to do with him, he was just kinda there. bringing trigon into earth was SUCH a boring ass scene im still so pissed about it. all that hype for nothing. kori’s backstory honestly should have been explored more i feel like it was still pretty underutilized. raven was fighting for her life trying to be the main character this season against dick. the shadow of batman always being mentioned but never seen was cool except they brought him up in quite literally every scene- it felt like a batman spin off instead of just a dc show. it was kind of borishly violent sometimes. trigon being just some guy design wise sucked so bad.
i think it had a good idea behind it but they tried WAY too hard and made it over the top edgy. some of it was unbearable. a batman that focuses on vengeance instead of the victims is interesting but it’s never done well and they didn’t do it well here either. they seemed very wishwashy over vigilante justice but not in an ethical debate way just a “ooooh the systems broken” vague way but also “ooooooh if i start killing i won’t be able to stop” way too. i wouldnt watch this season again except for the jason episode and that’s only because i like jason todd and not because i thought the episode was good.
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jeju-tangerine · 8 months
had my first class with the professor whos gonna be my supervisor for my thesis today and i had no idea what to expect bc when we were choosing the profs the uni didnt even tell us what their classes were about so we had to just kinda gamble and go based off of who we liked from previous courses.. but.. turns out im in a gender studies and discourse (like academic discourse not tumblr discourse hehe) class....... im SO EXCITED.. literally had no idea what this was gonna be and i was starting to get worried that id end up being forced to write my thesis on some strictly linguistic topic which is not for me at all but ooooh my god literally this is perfect. i am so so hyped for this course and for writing my thesis and choosing a topic in this realm now. literally happiness and beauty on earth.
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mememan93 · 10 months
you're like the ONLY person ive seen so far who doesnt like totk and ooooh my god that was so refreshing to see. it was such a HUGE let down and so empty and the story was so weak. i miss real dungeons and puzzles and if botw/totk becomes the new 3d zelda norm im gonna scream
<3 glad to be a hater in these times
But im so with you, how do they add 2 new overworlds and they're so emptyyyy. like. especially the main overworld. you have your shrines, and your koroks, and your sign guy, but it's been canon years after botw, and they haven't started making any new towns? hateno was the most changed place and its bcs it had mushrooms and an interesting quest
The story really just suffers from the memory format, which like i say abt botw, made sense for that game, bcs its an amnesia story. But in this case, why? why couldn't it have been Link helping ppl in the present with those stories, while learning abt the imprisoning war, and stumbling across a chance to go back himself and meet the characters too and play a role. There are ways to tell a compelling (or at least sensible and strong) story in an open world game. I could talk abt oblivion's storylines for hours.
And the puzzles... man what the hell. They showed parts of the fire temple in a trailer and i was so hyped for a complex dungeon that builds on itself and it was once again... turn on the four terminals/fans/batteries/whatever. I can't with these puzzles, I really hope in the next game they stop with shrines and give at least good dungeons, and maybe more items than just what's given at the start of the game...
If you have an NSO subscription, i highly recommend the oracles games. I've been playing ages and oh my god the puzzles are spectacular. I haven't been this stumped in a while. Haven't played seasons yet, and ppl say ages is more puzzle based and seasons is more combat based so play whichever one sounds more fun. (and if you don't have an NSO subscription i may know a website where you can play them in your browser)
Anyway, thanks for sending this ask and letting me ramble. I so feel you. if i ever get too negative for you (or anyone) i always tag the posts "[what im talking abt] neg" (like this will be tagged "Totk neg" so feel free to blacklist it
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