#open Assistant
soibhandoyle · 8 months
Catalyzing Conversations with Open Assistant: Your Trailblazing Chat AI Companion
In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital interactions, the emergence of Open Assistant has marked a paradigm shift in the way we engage with AI-driven conversational agents. Open Assistant, with its cutting-edge capabilities and innovative design, is not just another chat AI; it's your trailblazing LLM (Language Model Leader) that stands at the forefront of natural language understanding and interaction.
As we delve into this exploration of Open Assistant, we'll uncover the transformative potential it holds in catalyzing conversations across a multitude of domains. Whether you're seeking assistance, information, or even a friendly chat, Open Assistant is here to be your dependable LLM companion, empowering you to navigate the ever-expanding world of AI-driven conversations with ease and precision.
Join us on this journey as we delve into the myriad possibilities, applications, and the unparalleled conversational experience that Open Assistant, as a true Language Model Leader, brings to the table. It's time to embrace the future of digital conversations, guided by the ingenuity of Open Assistant.
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emasters · 11 months
AI Reading List 7/6/2023
What I’m reading today. Researchers from Peking University Introduce ChatLaw: An Open-Source Legal Large Language Model with Integrated External Knowledge Bases — This includes links to the article and Github repo Why Embeddings Usually Outperform TF-IDF: Exploring the Power of NLP Fine-tune an LLM on your personal data: create a “The Lord of the Rings” storyteller Open Assistant — In the same…
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mysocial8one · 1 year
Get to know OpenAssistant, the innovative open-source chat AI that’s transforming the way we communicate with technology. Read all about it in this article.
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hackeocafe · 1 year
OpenAssistant - ChatGPT's Open Alternative (We need your help!)
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who-is-page · 1 month
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The Alterhumans in Relationships Survey is collecting data on alterhumans and queerplatonic, sexual, and romantic relationships. This survey asks questions about your current and past relationships, and how you feel about relationships and alterhumanity. This survey was made for otherkin, therians, fictionkin, systems, and other people who may call themself alterhuman. But even if you don't use any of those terms, you can take still this survey.
This survey is being organized by Who-is-Page, an alterhuman scholar who has been in the community since 2014. The data collected in this survey will be used for research purposes and may be presented at an online convention (OtherCon 2024) later this year. Depending on how much you write in the write-in questions, this survey takes about 15 minutes.
Survey Link
Your physical body must at least 18 years old to participate in this survey. The survey will close on July 6th.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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At rest, your lungs wish to deflate, and your ribcage expands outwards.
#better drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#yiling laozu#Happy Friday the 13th!#This is scientific fact btw!#Ventilation operates through a series of active and passive forces#The active forces being muscular contraction with inhalation and exhalation having their own set of muscles.#but the interesting part is the passive forces at work:#The lungs have a certain level of elasticity to them - meaning the more they expand the more the those elastic forces are functioning-#-to try and return the system to rest (exhalation passive forces). Your diaphragm is the main force - pushing against the lungs at rest.#Your ribcage on the other hand is under a state of being pulled outwards. It *wants* to be as open as possible.#These to contradicting forces create a constant push and pull which assists in the ebb and flow of air. Most significantly with exhalation.#Now that being said - the primary action of inhalation ventilation is through control centers in your brainstem.#If you lose connection to that due to trauma you're going to need ventilation assistance.#Small note: Respiration is the cellular event of chemical exchange in the alveoli. Ventilation is airflow and pressure.#They are both important but also very different things. Sadly used interchangeably.#My anatomy nerd brain is screaming over the inaccurate ribcage...but its...recognizable. I will get it right one day.#Okay nerd rant over (I cut out a lot of stuff about pressure gradients. They are cool. To me.)#This is a redraw of an mspaint doodle I made back in april. I yearn to make the Yiling Laozu eerie as he deserves#Tear that bitch (affectionate) apart!#Been playing around with hatching for a while and its amazing how many styles there are! Not sure I'll stick with this one (but it was fun)
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opendirectories · 10 months
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the-meme-monarch · 5 months
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i love liking video games that are difficult to play assuring that i will never actually play it. i love making my siblings play it for me
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p---l---c · 4 months
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mr missed thunders
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hauntedhotel · 2 years
Finally got around to a re-listen of TMA and with the benefit of hindsight Jon’s initial hostility towards Martin is so ridiculous! In the very first episode he says he doesn’t even count Martin as an assistant as he's "unlikely to contribute anything but delays" but based on what? They barely know each other at this point so is his entire vendetta against Martin - to the point where Jon idly wishes for him to get chopped up by Angela the jigsaw witch - just because of The Dog Incident?
There's no way Martin is so terrible at his job that Jon could have valid criticism of his work that early on, and Martin came down to the Archives from the library, he’s probably the only person down there with the vaguest idea of what archivists are supposed to be doing! He's been working at the institute for 10 years or so and no one other than their mind-reading, eldritch horror boss ever twigged that he wasn't qualified, so there's no way he wasn't at least capable.
And if Jon does already think he's useless, it's probably because he's acting as though he's still in research and Martin is actually doing something adjacent to archiving.
Martin gets the transfer and he's kind of nervous cause a new boss means someone else to potentially be scrutinising his CV but he figures - it's archiving, it's cataloguing and filing and documenting, it's not so different from what he’s been doing in the library for a decade, he can handle this. It's only when he meets Jonathan "wtf is an archivist?" Sims and hears "okay so Tim is sleeping with the lead police officer on this murder case and Sasha has already hacked the guys home and office computers, I need you to harass this witness to make sure they don't want to refute their statement" that he thinks he might be in over his head.
It really only gives you three possible options:
1. He really is determined to never get over The Dog Incident.
2. He actually recognises that Martin seems to know a fair bit about archiving and is so afraid that at least two, possibly three of his assistants might actually be better qualified for the job than him that he’s lashing out.
3. He took one look at Martin and thought, "I've got a jam-packed schedule of stapling priceless documents, bitching about statement-givers on tape and running away from the spiders in my office, I cannot afford to get distracted by that guy's cute face and big sad eyes" and immediately did everything possible to push him away.
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kirborb · 10 months
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teehee swap au!! feat king meta and the unofficial royal knight sir dedede
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c-kiddo · 15 days
also canNOT believe ikithon got away with being like "omggg we found the missing beacon so thats great we can return it what perfect timing haha" . king dwendal is stupid as hell
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blade-that-was-broken · 2 months
John hardly said a word on the plane ride home.
He barely said anything for the entire time leading up to the plane ride either.
There had been quite the process to get his brother out of there and Bruce heard so many different things he could barely keep track of them all.
They explained about different resources for Bruce's brother, the medications he needed to take, the exercises that he needed to do. They told him to make sure he got involved in a group and a hospital and he should probably continue some physical therapy. They tried to tell him a bit about the adjustment that this could be and a bit on what he could possibly expect. They explained a bit about John's history, although not much, most of the file he was given was kind of blacked out.
He had been a lot of places.
There were commendations too, although Bruce wasn't entirely sure what each of them were. John didn't look at the file and Bruce didn't ask.
He had a smaller bag and a large duffle and that was it. That was the whole of his possessions. Ten years and that was pretty much all he had. Bruce was told that if John didn't stay on base for trips and leaves home, he was staying with one of his squad mates or disappeared. He always came back when he was supposed to so no one seemed to care where he went.
Bruce thought he'd have to contact some of his squad mates at some point. It would probably be good for them. He hoped that some of them were still alive, at least. He saw a few pictures. There was a retired sergeant, Pete. Maybe Bruce could find him. Bruce wasn't sure how close John was to any of these people. There was a young man in his squad that barely looked older than Branch.
Bruce didn't know how to feel about that.
Bruce was warned that he might not talk much, although it would come in bouts. Pretty much everything was up in the air. They also told him that it was likely he was very, very happy to see Bruce. Every one of the nurses and attendants pretty much knew how much John loved his brothers. Apparently, he had pictures of them as children. It made Bruce feel worse. They tried to assure him that it was mostly chalked up to the shock of everything that had happened, the sudden changes - in both his life and mood swings - and depression in general. Everything had changed for him.
John mostly slept during the flight but seemed to awaken the moment they started their descent. Or at least, that was what John told him. "We are landing," he muttered under his hat.
"We are starting to land," John repeated, taking the hat off of his eyes and placing it in the pocket of his jacket.
He wasn't wrong.
Brandy was waiting at the airport for them to take them home. John didn't seem to realize who she was until they were standing right in front of her. Probably Bruce's fault; he hadn't really told him or showed him what she looked like. They had barely talked at all and he didn't really know how to talk to him anymore. Bruce kept telling himself that the nurses and therapist warned him about that. That for a bit, he was going to be pretty quiet and he wasn't going to want to talk about personal things.
"Hello, hello!" Brandy greeted, giving her hand for a shake but then hesitating. "I'm Brandy! You're John, right?"
"Yes, ma'am," he nodded, shaking Bruce's wife's hand with a surprising ease despite his unsteady balance.
Brandy flushed and chuckled. She glanced at her husband, almost proudly. "You hear that, Bruce? He called me ma'am."
Bruce tried not to roll his eyes but let out an amused smile.
"I won't be any bother," John promised, making Bruce's expression fall a little. He was worried about that, for some reason, although Bruce wasn't entirely sure why. It was like John felt he had to make sure that he wouldn't be considered a nuisance or was worth keeping around. "And I can pull my weight... so to speak. You can put me to work and I can be a help."
Brandy glanced at Bruce, a little confused. "Well I'm sure... we can find somethin," she replied slowly. She always seemed to understand what Bruce was trying to get across. "It's good to meet you, John. I am very glad you are here. Let's get you settled at home, alright? I hope you don't mind a little mess. Our kids are... they can be rambunctious."
John shrugged lightly before following the couple towards the doors, Bruce insisting on taking his bag. "I don't mind at all. I have a surprising amount of experience with kids... not including the buncha boys in my platoon that could barely get up at a decent hour."
Brandy laughed. "Our boys can get up at an hour... well, it might not be considered decent. Perhaps pre-decent."
"I can probably fix that."
Bruce coughed. "What?"
Brandy just looked over at John curious and amused as they headed to the car. "Oh? Do tell!"
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yayroos · 6 months
the thing google wants you to forget in this ad blocker war is that what happens on your hardware is entirely under your control, if you know how to make it happen. you have absolute and complete control over what software runs, what that software calls itself, what network requests it makes, and what those requests say.
you don't even need to know how to do this stuff yourself because there are whole communities of free and open source software makers building stuff to help you control your hardware. from a pi-hole to a user agent spoofing firefox extension to a vpn to wireshark to userscript to just opening the console and running some shit. you are in control the second the data hits your hardware. google would like you to forget this, and give in and surrender to whatever their next horrible plan is for making the internet worse, but you don't have to play their game.
use firefox
block ads
make the internet work for you
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sryim · 3 months
COMMISSIONS OPEN! I have 3 available slots!
Flat Color $60
Full Render $80
Backgrounds that are complex will be $20 Extra Characters are $10
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morbid-critter · 2 months
Alright so I’ve wanted to say this for awhile and it is actually my primary reason for creating this account lol. Just to clarify first though, I love horror, and more importantly I love unrealistic horror so please take everything I say with a grain of salt and do not think I’m trying to tell anyone how to write as that is not the case, I simply am really interested in this kinda thing and believe in the sharing of knowledge.
Embalmed bodies don’t really rot.
Embalming is the preservation of the body by replacing the blood with embalming solution and some formaldehyde, it makes the body a unfavourable food or nutrient source for any kind of bug or microorganisms which would cause decomposition.
If someone in your story is dead and you want them to be a rotting corpse then most realistically they’d have had a direct burial since embalmed body’s arnt supposed to decompose and typically if there was an open casket an embalming would have had to have taken place.
Again this does not mean you have to change your story or how you write in anyway at all, just wanted to share the reality for anyone interested.
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