#open starter for you !!
Why doesn't the justice league know about Amity Park?
Okay so it's been a bit sonce I watched the show but one of the things in DpxDC is the anti-ecto acts, which I love, but correct me if I'm wrong, I THINK ??? they only show up in reality trip? SO: What if Danny, when using the gauntlet to undo everything, also got rid of the Anti-Ecto acts? but this is babys first time editing reality so he uh Fucks Up A Lil'. As a result when Danny used the reality gauntlet to wipe the AEA from existence he accidentally wiped Amity Park from perception. A big 'nothing matters over here' jedi mind trick, and now no ones looking at Amity. So, the Justice League actually WERE looking into and monitoring the situation in Amity, but when the perception filter closed them off, all of that suddenly went ignored.
This is noticed when someone (Alfred, Dick, Tim, literally anyone) realises theres just. A BIG dusty pile of case files semi abandoned somewhere in the cave when going through a (time period)ly cave cleaning.
They put it down because it's Not Important.
They come back to finish the cleaning the next day and do the exact same thing, but there's nothing to actually distract them this time and it pings as weird. Because why would case files be not important? They are by definition important, because only things flagged as important go into case files.
They try to get someone else to read it, because as long as they don't read the information in the file, they don't put it down.
That person goes to read it, gets a line in and then says something like 'that isn't important' and goes to leave. Person A pushes it and person B ALSO catches on.
Que the Batfam trying to figure out hey, what the fuck actually?
Meanwhile, how is Amity fairing? Canon compliant everything's going alright? Or have knock on effects to No One Look Here started to show?
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little-worm-grant · 5 months
How They Loved You
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Moonboys x You (Reader)
730 words / 18+ only, no minors
If you like what you see, leave a like or reblog and follow me ♥
Summary: Who fell in love with you first? How do they behave around you? Some ramblings of how each of the alters likes to love you.
Warnings: No smut but suggestive.
Dedicated to @lunaselena - ♥
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Steven thought it the moment he met you. The way you talked. The way you smiled at him. How kind you were. Didn’t show him any sign of being sick of his rambling. He was smitten. Didn’t take him long to blurt it out. He wanted to please you in every way he could think of. He learned fast. Intuitive towards you. Empathetic to your needs. He listened. Searched for ways to gently push buttons he never knew existed before you.
Simply having you existing gave him all the motivation he needed to try and make you happy. You let him explore and find his confidence. In turn, he’d find ways to surprise you. Always with that dopey grin on his face and that eagerness like you wouldn’t believe.
He’d be the one that’d spend a whole movie massaging your back. Cuddling or staring at you that little bit longer or until he couldn’t any more. He’s easily flustered and still bashful at times. Eyes quickly cast away as you strip the last of your clothing. His gaze would always return.
Once he was comfortable in your space? He’d be sneaking up to try and surprise you. Playful in his kisses and bites against you. Knowing exactly what he was doing but feigning innocence. More giggly in his flirting and teasing. Checking in when he can to make sure everything he’s doing and you’re doing is okay. He’d worship the ground you stood on if he could.
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Sure, he liked you for a while, but it took Marc getting to know you before it came down hot and heavy. Suddenly there was no air to breathe unless it was yours. You were his thoughts day and night. He needed all his time with you. Felt he was missing out anytime the others were with you instead of him.
Years would pass and he’d still be the same way. Utterly devoted. Not loud in his affection or words like the others sometimes were, but he made sure you knew he loved you. Gentle in all the right ways. Rough in the ways you both needed. He’d be the one doing the most to make sure you were cared for. Feed you. Drag you into baths and showers with him. Pull you into his arms to nap with him.
Marc loves you and only you. You’re more important to him than himself. He’d be the kind to burn the world down just to keep you safe. He’d kill for you. He’d be the most unstable if you left. A kind of obsessiveness he knows can’t be healthy but can’t help himself.
Took the longest time for him to express his feelings. Even if he felt it, he never expected it to be reciprocated. Marc’s good at putting on a show of being stoic and decisive. Deep down he still felt undesirable, like he wasn’t worth you. How lucky he was to have such a person to orbit around. You were his sun. His planet. And all the stars around him.
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Took him the longest to come around to the idea of loving you. Told yourself it was because he wasn’t out much and when he was he’d tried to avoid you and the others. Too used to his own bubble. Worried you’d hurt him if you got the chance. By being in constant proximity to the others, you caught glimpses of him. And in those glimpses, you seemed to like what you saw.
Jake’s moment of falling in love wasn’t hard and fast like Steven’s, or hot and heavy like Marc’s. It was an “awww fuck. Shit.” Kind of moment. Him standing there rubbing his gloved hand over his face because he realizes he really does care about this spicy little dumbass. You drive him crazy and he couldn’t understand until now why he wants you to keep doing that.
He wants to excite you. Take you out to see and do things you’ve probably never seen or done before. Enjoys the company in those long drives he loves to take. You catch him off guard with being okay he’s more his own person. He likes to be around and indispensable to others. Likes that you like seeing him like that. Marc’s bold, but Jake can be bolder. He’s possibly a little more on the competitive side. Isn’t one to back down.
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that-girl-cupid · 6 days
*Rosalie sat near the strawberry fields on a blanket, sketch book in her lap, she decided to draw one of her new friends and she was going to surprise them with the drawing later*
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
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2nd batch of sourdough! Lots better than the first, actually got some crumb structure this time (bc the starter is finally ready for bread)
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springbandit · 2 months
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"Sorry to bother you at this late hour, but, as I'm sure you can imagine in times like these it's important to keep our ears to the ground as best we can." Though no longer a sheriff, F.P. still felt it important that no matter where he was, he made some kind of effort to keep order and bring some kind of community spirit during troubled times. "I was just wondering if you'd seen or heard anything unusual the past little while, that's all. Well, anything more unusual than what we're all having to be witness too right now."
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radicheart · 5 days
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"You may touch them."
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neverwholelahey · 5 months
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"I'm a pretty prince."
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radicheart-a · 5 months
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Both halves of his broken staff are clutched tightly in either hand. His ears are pinned back. Blood gushes from the injury slicing across his chest, staining his suit an even darker shade of red, as well as trickling down from his mouth.
The sound of footsteps draws his attention, making the Radio Demon force his smile a little higher before he lifts his head to see who's approaching. He's assuming it's Adam, so before he even realizes who it really is, he speaks, the radio filter on his voice missing.
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"If you're going to finish me off, at least show a little more class."
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godzexperiment · 4 months
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Internally he knew his reaction was uncalled for attitude. Yet the state of emotional exhaustion paired with immortal horrors level of tiredness had won the duel. Only option for control being in acting out to cover for the fiberglass sensation of vulnerability gracing his nervous system. "Who me? If that look is about me, I can gladly show you I'm operating just fine."
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jawbrkrs · 2 months
open to f someone he's protective of . thinking best friends / will they wont they / skinny love type plot.
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"  if  you  keep  doing  stupid  shit  like  this  ,  you're  going  to  get  yourself  killed . you know that right ? "
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forestofstarlight · 7 months
Open Starter: A Very Special Present (Male, Female or Futa)
The snow falls in gentle flurries outside of your muse’s home as it neared closer to the holiday season. The lights inside were already on as your muse steps inside. How strange. As they walked inside, they noticed a large present underneath their Christmas tree.
It was decorated with green and gold wrapping paper with a gold bow on top. The tag attached reads “A special treat to celebrate the holiday and new year! Enjoy! - Mun”. After reading, the box starts to move around a bit and muffled sounds could be heard from within.
What will this mysterious present be?
@erikwolf1998 @nightmare-the-mercenary @shawty-after-hrs @askkagethevizard @thecrazyone1990 @1-king-many-queens @hellforestrp @the-hunky-fighter @lewdest-dungeon @rp-series @ask-uro-and-lizz @a-den-of-demons
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ursanazyalensky · 6 months
confession | open starter
for: open! ( @vievecorcitystarters ) location: Church of Hedon
In the early afternoon hours, the church was relatively empty. There were a few parishioners coming to pray on their lunch breaks so the demon made sure to welcome them inside. On days like this, he would rather be in his office, working on a Sunday sermon or the bookings for the Punch Cage. Instead he sat on a pew, knee bouncing up and down impatiently. Perhaps he was just hungry, he mused, glancing down absently at his stomach.
As he glanced up, someone stepped through the door, the sunlight shadowing the figure for a moment. He stepped forward, his mind still in his appetite. "Can I help you?" he asked, a kind smile slipping on his face. It was the smile of a deity and not the demon he had become. "Are you hear for prayer? Or the confessional booth can be opened to you if you're in need to get something of your chest."
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little-worm-grant · 5 months
Spicy Jake: Aftercare
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Jake Lockley x You (Fem!Reader) 1,532 words / 18+ only, no minors Masterlist. If you like what you see, leave a like or reblog and follow me ♥ Summary: What if Jake took care of you after Marc had his way with you? Focusing on the aftercare, you find there's a gentler side to his rougher counterpart. Notes: Don't ask me what this is. You'll never take me alive. Warnings: Aftercare, post-rough sex, overstimulation, bondage/restraints, bruises and marks, creampie, established relationship, all the pet names, affection, comfort, fluff.
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Jake was yanked all too violently to the front, taking a second to try and fight for some air back into his lungs. Eyes wildly scanning his surroundings. Expecting to be amidst some kind of fight, he discovered it was something else entirely. That last orgasm had sent Marc to the clouds and drawn Jake into the fray. Hadn’t been the intention of either of them, but Jake accepted it was what it was.
Couldn’t really complain when you were beneath him, your knees propped up with your back to him. Your face shoved into the sheets and your hands tied behind your back. His hand had been gripped around your waist and holding onto the ties of your restraints.
His cock spent but still buried deep inside of you. Any movement was sending your oversensitive cunt into a new spiral. Watching the mess spread out around where you both connected. It was spilling all down you both. He’d deducted you’d been at it while.
“Oh chica…”
His words came out in a soft drawl. Hips readjusting to watch you whine for him as he kept his movements slow but continued to thrust as deep as he could take it. His eyes trailed over the red marks and forming bruises the other brute left behind. Jake knew exactly which one of him had done this.
Always Marc who got his rocks off from controlling and using you to take out his frustrations. Steven was too desperate to please you. As for Jake? Well. Jake just wanted to treat you better than anyone else ever could. Most importantly, he wanted nothing more than to dote on you.
At the sound of his voice, you look over your shoulder up to him. If he thought your behind and ass looked bad, your face wasn’t looking much better. Red angry fingerprints scattered where he’d forced your jaw open and held it in place. Smeared lipstick and puffy red lips. The evidence of why your lipstick was like that remained at the base of his dick.
Mascara had streaked down your cheeks. Rosy from being slapped a few times. A dazed content smile spread across them. Jake couldn’t think of anything more beautiful than the sight of you like this. You looked happy, satisfied and ready for a little tenderness. He could do that.
Taking care of others wasn’t new for Jake. On those darkest of nights when Marc had gone looking for answers in the bottom of a bottle, it was always Jake taking over in the end. He stumbled to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Downing as much water from the sink as he could keep down.
Somehow he’d navigate the spinning fun house while hauling their asses back to bed. All so Steven could suffer the consequences more comfortably the following morning. Jake couldn’t always be there to take away the pain. Sucks to suck, Grant. He’d probably feel this in the morning too.
Jake reached for the knots around your wrists. Undoing the restraints. Pulling himself out from inside you. Hearing your softer groan turning into a whine and huffing in amusement.
“Mi amor. Went overboard did we? A little too oversensitive now, si?”
“Shut yourself up.”
You try to bite back. Sounded more exhausted than threatening. You sounded proud of yourself too. As you should. Jake wasn’t looking much better himself. Hair was all tussled and out of place. Sweat dripped down his chest.
“Ah, and so she still knows how to hiss.” Jake said to himself and laughed.
Gently he nudged your hips to bring you to lay down on your side. Shifting to lay down beside you. His face looking back at yours. You were too content to feel embarrassed that he got to see you in this state. Jake didn’t seem to mind at all. He reached up to stroke your face. Licking his thumb lazily to wipe some of the smears away.
“You’re going to have to be a lot fiercer than that to get me to shush, mi pequeña leona.”
“Mi pequeña leona.” You test the words on your mouth. “My little what?”
Much too tired to be doing anything about him. You always liked the way he looked so proud when you practiced more of your Spanish for him.
“My little lioness.”
He leaned in to press a kiss against your head. His hand reached down to stroke over your ribs and down along the side of your body. You shiver and try not to move much.
“Lioness? Why? Because I bite first?”
“Si.” Jake smiled a little more. You loved seeing the way the corners of his eyes creased. How relaxed and content he looked. Took a long time to bring his guard down.
He leaned up on his arm and looked around. Dropping his head back into the pillow beside you with a dissatisfied sigh. You gave him an expectant look. You knew what he was about to say, and so you waited for him to say it anyway.
“He never brings you a towel before he fucks you, does he?”
And there it was. Same old, same old. You smile knowingly. Would have laughed better if you had more energy to. It comes out quiet and distant.
“Would you get me some water too?”
“For you? Anything.”
He started to get up, but dipped back down quickly to kiss against your temple. Muttering the words close to your head.
“Should I run you a bath too?”
“No, it’s okay. Think I should sleep it off.”
“Sure thing, chica. Back soon. Don’t go anywhere.”
As if you could. You hummed your amusement as Jake disappeared off past the bookcase and beyond. You moved to roll onto your back and winced. The uncomfortable tingling sting along your rear had you rolling back onto your side again.
You took solace in knowing Marc would be just as hurt to find out he’d not been there to take care of you after. As rough as he could get, he always did love relishing in the after care. Stroking your body, making you a meal, or massaging you where you needed it.
You smile when you see him coming back through the doorway. Carrying a glass of iced water with a silicone straw. There was a damp towel folded and draped over his bare shoulder. Carrying himself differently. You could tell by the way he sauntered to your side it was still Jake.
His knee came up on the bed and leaning over you, he helped you to lift your head up enough to drink. A firm hand held you until you nodded a signal you were finished drinking. The cold of it was refreshing and needed after how long you’d gone without. He brought the glass to his own lips to drink the rest, narrowly avoiding the straw in his eye. You hear a crunch of ice between teeth. He chewed while placing the glass on the bedside table behind you. Moving in to curl up behind you. Light kisses along your shoulder.
“Gonna clean you up and get you under the sheets. Tell me if I’m too rough.”
“Please, I’m not fragile.”
“If you say so.”
Jake reached for the damp towel and tugged it off his shoulder. Bringing it down in a slow rub down over your ass. You breathe in sharp and tensed up to the wet cloth. It’d been ran under warm water but left cold in its wake.
“Okay okay. Gentle. Please.” You breathe.
“Si señora.” Jake mutters. Dipping in for another kiss against your shoulder.
He cleaned you up. Manipulating your leg to hold it up while he wiped down between your sticky folds. You making a noise for him, but Jake knew better than to play into your mood of wanting more. You needed to rest. He was tired too.
Soon enough he was moving again, getting the sheets from under to help bring them over the both of you. You helped, kind of. Rolling over to face him in the move.
“My turn.” You say.
“Not tonight. You need to-”
“No not that. Roll over.”
“I want to cuddle you for a change. Roll over.”
Jake gave you a hard stare, you half-expected him to refuse or talk his way out of it. Instead, his features relaxed and he leaned in to chase your lips for one last kiss before turning his back to you.
Your leg hitches up to wrap around his waist. Arm under his neck. Chest against his back. You kiss into his hair. Feeling Jake’s hand wrap around your wrist for his thumb to stroke.
“Mi pequeña mochila propulsora.” He snickered and you hummed in confused amusement.
“What am I this time?”
“My little jet pack.”
You were both breaking into laughter. Jake turned to catch another kiss of yours. A little messy but he seemed to need the contact, so you lifted your head to meet him. You cuddled up into him and before long, sleep soothed any aches that remained. Jake didn’t move. Lay there for the longest time listening to you breathe before sleep caught up with him too.
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fcdcdmcmories · 8 months
open starter for @walstarterblog!
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"OH, DAMN. YOU LOOK ALMOST AS MISERABLE AS ME AND.. THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING," parker had a way with people . a way with people that allowed him to connect to them , to make them feel at ease around him , almost as if they .. could trust him. which was something that had , in no doubt , served him very well in his past job , but .. right now , he was attempting to be different . better . to make some ... actual friends and not just people that were important for a purpose . that wasn't who he was anymore . "tell you what - sit down, keep me some company and the drinks are on me . completely . got some money to spend and .. well , why not ?"
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munofmanyminds · 5 months
Closed starter for @ncrthernaura
Ezra's fist knocked firmly against the front door to Jacqueline's home. Contracts in hand, he was just about ready to let her in on his most recent project. She was a last minute addition to the pool of investors, and while her addition wasn't exactly necessary, she'd been very adamant about wanting to be a part of it. As a man very much driven by his own ambition, he had to admire anyone with that kind of purpose. Besides, he had a feeling if she didn't get what she wanted, he'd never have another moment's peace.
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springbandit · 7 months
"Y'know, I ain't here to be y'friend!" Rocket barked, a hand outstretched in both equal parts exasperation and optimistic anticipation. "You and I both know you ain't gonna eat that whole thing. Why are you so afraid of a mutual transaction? I get what you don't eat and you get - whatever I'm holding behind my back here. Honestly, the mystery is ninety percent of the fun. C'mon."
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