#ophelia ... nero
josephine-zeppeli · 12 days
La Squadra Given Names HC
My headcanon names for La Squadra
Risotto Nero
His name would still be Nero because it works as a given name and I quite enjoy the idea of Nero being named after the Emperor. I’d probably adjust it with a middle name like Nero Valerio to distinguish him.
When picking a name I chose Achille, the romanized version of Achilles since the character was dipped in the River Styx to protect him from death and Prosciutto’s character embraces death in a similar manner. Since I also enjoy Fem-Prosciutto I also chose the name Priscilla to work for her.
Pesci’s given name would be Paolo and I chose this based off of Paolo Gucci and his eccentric persona but also the fact that he was kinda the butt of the joke in his family. I thought it fit for him
His given name is Marcello because I think the name is very pretty and fits his personality.
I chose the name Gianmarco since I also thought it fit him well.
Raffaele was the name I landed on since I felt that the painter Raphael works well with Illuso.
I went with the name Florentino because I liked the contrast of the name meaning to be in bloom or to flower and his code name meaning cheese. He always struck me as a guy with a girly name that he tried to hide.
Squalo and Tiziano
Squalo is named Romeo and Tiziano is named Aurelio.
I thought Aurelio worked well because in the anime he has golden eyes and the beautiful platinum blonde hair.
I chose Romeo purely for shits and giggles but also because the two of them were a doomed pair of lovers.
I personally did not include Sorbet or Gelato since we did not get much of their personalities and I don’t have much connection to them but I’m all for making up names for them if someone wants them.
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outofthiisworld · 4 months
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@grandgrief is about to witness the horrors.
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Oh. Huh. Something felt off, be it the sudden chill in the air or the noticeable LACK of the usual giggles that followed such a sickly, sweet smile.
She hadn’t answered Nero, not right away— instead, she floated further on down the corridor, before Ophelia turned back around: that sickly sweet smile still on her face.
“Silly little space pirates smuggled themselves into storage and torched my quarters.”
Ah, alright! They interrupted her nap! … and, you know, illegally snuck aboard the interplanetary vessel. That raised some MAJOR concern for the crew, but most importantly: her poor bed!
Finally, Ophelia giggled, but one might wish she hadn’t.
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grandgrief · 3 months
"THAT SON OF A BITCH squealed! He's tryin' to bring me in!--" A sudden BANG erupted and fired gunshots followed after from the other end of the call! 🧪Doc was in a pickle, and from the sound of it, one of the boss’s bases just got ratted out on…
Just then. The boss's third-in-command came crashing through a concrete wall just to get at someone. The lone pig caught by vise-grips that the bone broke beneath.
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As the smoke cleared, it was apparent he was circling the remainder of their ranks. Business as usual.
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Gloved crimson fists gave way to a clawing grasp as he lunged for a man, colliding, and then lifting the uniformed nuisance overhead with both hands, before tossing him into his fellows. No hopped up off-the-books assassination of the old man tonight. He was too valuable to the syndicate-- to Direlash's eventual takeover.
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haellen-o · 1 year
34. What do they do when the other is stressed?
Original ask game here
honestly haellen is probably the one who gets the most stressed out of the two. nero's way too confident to be stressed out by his own stuff, but gets stressed out by haellen and her worries. so helping her de-stress is essentially his form of de-stressing (least if you ask me. nero seems like the type who's impossible to stress out by work or social life but gets stressed out by the stress of the people he cares about)
just simple stuff like a nice comfort meal dinner. Relaxing in bed with a book, going out and spending time together. Anything like that helps take her mind off of what ever was stressing her, especially if tea is involved
Ophelia is too broken to be stressed out by anything Ophelia doesn't really get stressed anymore. so its the same kinda deal there with helping ysayle to calm down and feel comfortable if she gets stressed out, often times ophelia will sing to her while cooking up a nice little comfort meal or while baking snacks. Since ysayle finds ophelia's singing voice very calming. singing in general while doing something is ophelia's go to solution for helping de-stress ysayle
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hinganskies · 1 month
What would nagisa think of Haellen and/or Ophelia?
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After being connected through Nero and Cid, Nagisa stands ready for a tutoring session from Haellen. Nagisa is honestly blown away by how pretty Haellen truly is and no vivid descriptions from Haellen's husband Nero do proper justice.
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Not much to add here, I don't think. We continue with the new 6-option model on the polls. The submission form has closed again, with around 1,400 total submissions. Thank you all for your patience with me over the past week or so, and I hope you enjoy this week's lineup as well.
Jae-ha - Yona of the Dawn
Vanitas - Vanitas no Carte
Noé Archiviste - Vanitas no Carte
Jeanne the Hellfire Witch - Vanitas no Carte
Dominique de Sade - Vanitas no Carte
Yoite - Nabari no Ou
Miharu Rokujo - Nabari no Ou
Tobari Durandal Kumohira - Nabari no Ou
Uriel - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Yoo Joonghyuk - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Han Sooyoung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Yoo Sangah - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Biyoo - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Jung Heewon - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Lee Gilyoung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Shin Yoosung - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Ib - Ib
Garry - Ib
Mary - Ib
Daniil Dankovsky - Pathologic
Artemy Burakh - Pathologic
Clara - Pathologic
Kenzo Tenma - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Eva Heinemann - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Johan Liebert - Naoki Urasawa's Monster
Nana Osaki - Nana
Nana Komatsu - Nana
Nervous Subject - The Sims 2
Pascal Curious - The Sims 2
Ophelia Nigmos - The Sims 2
Tank Grunt - The Sims 2
Loki Beaker - The Sims 2
Ren "Nero" Atsushi - The Boy Who Fell
Henry Jekyll - The Glass Scientists
Jack Twist - Brokeback Mountain
Ennis del Mar - Brokeback Mountain
Alma Beers - Brokeback Mountain
Lureen Newsome - Brokeback Mountain
Nurm - Minecraft Story Mode
Felisin Paran - Malazan Book of the Fallen
Antarcticite - Houseki no Kuni
Aechmea - Houseki no Kuni
Dietfried Bougainvillea - Violet Evergarden
Aragaki - Megalo Box
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Tsuchigomori - Jibaku Shonen Hanako-kun
Shun - Saint Seiya
Camus - Saint Seiya
Junpei - Jujutsu Kaisen
Mikoto Suoh - K Project
Hoid - Cosmere
Zakuro Oshigiri - The Ones Within (ナカノヒトゲノム【実況中】)
Jesse Ditley - The Raven Cycle
Wybie Lovat - Coraline
Dameon - Obernewtyn
The Gray Man - The Raven Cycle
The Cabbage Man - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Mindy St Claire - The Good Place
Michael - The Good Place
Shawn - The Good Place
Toph Beifong - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Benoit Blanc - Knives Out/Glass Onion
Miles Bron - Glass Onion
Kagura - Inuyasha
Mikage - Gen'ei EP -Envy Phantom-
Hikari - Arcaea
Jack Torrance - The Shining
The Quangle Wangle - The Quangle Wangle's Hat
Benten - Uchouten Kazoku
Lorem - Angels With Scaly Wings
Noble Heart Horse - Care Bears
Ryan Goldsmith (Golden Ryan) - Tiger and Bunny: The Rising & Tiger and Bunny 2
Elfo - Disenchantment
Jack Merridew - Lord of The Flies
Noah Czerny - The Raven Boys
Courtney - Dead End Paranormal Park
Coraline Doll - Coraline
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
Shinya Oedo - PriPara
Akira - Wii Sports
Bouncer - Stardew Valley
Wario - Super Mario
Clark Kent - My Adventures With Superman
Linus van Pelt - Peanuts
Pearl - Splatoon
Romeo Montague - Romeo and Juliet
Mr Bobinsky - Coraline
Nimona - Nimona
Goldenloin - Nimona
Megan - But I’m A Cheerleader
Steve - The Owl House
Fiver - Watership Down
Sundew - Wings of Fire
Micheal Falk - The Onion
B. F. Bugleberry - Jermaverse
Jerma - Jerma Dollhouse
Earthworm Sally - Flamingo
Sammy the Strawberry - Flamingo
Filipe - Flamingo
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weissaddams · 1 year
Date with Death
Chapter 3
Wednesday Addams rarely failed at anything in her twenty-two years on this massive rock called Earth.
She failed to save Nero.
She failed to uncover Tyler as the Hyde before things became exponentially worse.
She failed to stop her heart from falling in love with Enid Sinclair.
The raven refused to add anything more to that list. Specifically anything even remotely related to waking up a nocturnal vampire. She was sorely tempted to stuff a roll of garlic bread into the vampire’s mouth, but that would surely hinder the girl’s ability to walk down the aisle as the maid of honor.
Enid would be sad were that to happen. Wednesday was left with no other choice when the vampire refused to get up yet again. 
She set the bed on fire.
Well, she would have liked to. Instead she had to settle for pouring ice water all over Yoko’s face. Only slightly making sure she didn’t drown herself somehow.
“What the fuck!”
“Welcome to the land of the living, Tanaka.”
“I’m going to kill you!”
“You would be surprised how easy of a feat that would be today.”
Wednesday gave a quick nod to a very amused Divina before promptly walking back to the suite’s kitchen to return the glass she borrowed for the water. She could faintly hear the siren’s chuckles as she calmed down her nocturnal girlfriend. 
All was well.
For now.
She was left with nothing to do or anyone to talk to as Enid was called on by one of the photographers. The raven idly wandered into the music room. Acoustic plywood, soundproof panels and sound curtains. Ah. Maybe she should have brought her cello for one last performance.
She settled for the grand piano. Steinway & Sons. Shiny but dusty.
Wednesday sat behind the keys as she opened the lid. There was nothing sadder for an instrument than to be displayed instead of brought to its full potential. She had no doubt that most visitors who could afford the penthouse suite would be able to play some music, but an instrument of this quality deserved more than just dust and the occasional love song. 
She let her hands do as they please, pressing into the keys, no actual piece in mind when Bianca Barclay emerged from another room, all dressed up and ready for the make-up team. Though, the raven wondered if anything more could be done to enhance a siren's naturally alluring features. 
“I didn’t know you could play the piano.”
“My mother taught me. I just happened to resonate with the cello more.”
“Couldn’t fit one in Ophelia Hall dorms?”
“The floor would have collapsed under the weight.”
“Just like you’re trying not to now?”
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Happy human beings don't play Kreisler’s Liebesleid, Addams.”
Oh. Was that the piece she was playing? How... appropriate. 
“I do not consider myself happy or human, but your curiosity begs the question, why do you know the piece?”
Deflection. What were the lyrics Enid kept singing at godawful hours in their dorm? Ah. Conceal, don’t feel.
“This doesn’t seem like you at all.”.
"And what exactly do I seem like?”
“Like the love of your life is getting married, but not to you.”
Wednesday chuckled darkly but continued to play. Bianca seemed content to listen. No, Enid was not getting married to her and that, decidedly, was best for everyone. Wednesday had long since made peace with it.
The siren often forgot that Wednesday was only human. A formidable and feared outcast, sure, but still quite human though she didn't consider herself as much. It seemed even ravens weren't immune to heartbreak. The piece ends and Bianca feels her own heart clench painfully at the sad smile on Wednesday’s face. 
“You’re many things, Wednesday, but you’re not a coward. You still have at least a few hours to tell her.”
“There is nothing to tell, Bianca. I was simply passing the time.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“When have I never?”
“Today’s a good a day as any to start being wrong, Wednesday.”
Wednesday knew Bianca easily saw through her poker face, but there wasn’t much she could say to keep the siren from pushing. It would be best to reply with silence. It was fortunate that Enid walked into the room when she did.
“Hi, girls!”
The dour mood immediately changed thanks to the sunny werewolf and Bianca quickly followed her lead. What was that saying? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink?
“Enid, did you know Wednesday could play?”
“The piano? Oh yeah and she’s really good! She always plays me a few songs whenever I visit the Addams’ Manor during our breaks.”
Bianca raised an eyebrow and all but gloated in front of Wednesday upon hearing this little snippet of information she so conveniently kept under wraps. She never should have even asked. Enid always spent a few weeks over the year at the Addams’ manor. Personally invited by Wednesday and/or her family. Of course the werewolf knew about Wednesday’s apparent ability to master just about any instrument. 
“Why aren’t  you preparing?” Wednesday intervened as the blonde werewolf sat beside her on the stool, close enough that they were pressed against each other even though there was plenty of space on each side.
She was now dressed in what seemed to be a loose, white dress that ended at her knees, blonde hair softly dried and with the new bracelet very noticeable on her wrist. Along with the engagement ring from Ajax, of course.
“They said they’d prepare me last. Divina is first up. Yoko is taking a bath so I think Bianca’s next. They took a few photos but they said I’m free until then.”
The siren eyed the way Enid’s hands started pressing down on the keys. Wrist up and loose as her fingers flew about the piano. Another piece Bianca recognized. Salut D’Amour.
“Didn’t know you could play, too.” Bianca leaned in slightly.
Wednesday and Enid certainly looked good together. She couldn’t keep convincing herself otherwise as Wednesday liked to do to herself and everyone else. Ajax was a good guy, but how did he ever hope to match up to this?
Only Enid Sinclair could enthrall Wednesday Addams like this. Like she plucked the moon from the sky and gave it to the raven when all she was really doing was playing the piano.
“Wednesday taught me.” Enid smiled at her as she continued playing, even giving the raven a slight nudge to get her to join in.
“Really?” Bianca inquired.
“Yes. Enid was certainly dedicated to learn some sort of music during our last two summers at Nevermore.”
“Why? I always thought singing was more your thing.”
“Singing is fun, but I saw Mrs. Addams accompany Wednesday when she played the cello. I thought it would be neat if I could do that for Wednesday, too. Turns out I still need to put in a few more years of practice for that.”
“That’s not true. You’ve accompanied me plenty.”
“I don’t think it counts as plenty when I only learned on piece, Wends. I was only able to play so much because you practiced with me for hours every day during those summers.”
Well, Wednesday could argue that it did, in fact, count. Their rendition of Salut D’Amout was certainly nothing to scoff at. She'd personally witnessed the effort Enid put into learning to play. There were days she would not stop until Morticia encouraged her to rest or Wednesday invited her for a walk.
“I think I’ll go make sure Yoko hasn’t fallen asleep in the bath. I’ll come get you when it’s your turn, Enid.”
Bianca gave them a small smile before walking away. Enid gave her a quick thumbs up and Wednesday nodded and gave her what seemed like a grateful look. It was hard to tell.
Saluit D’Amour was literally French for “Hello, my love.”
Enid and Wednesday apparently accompanied each other for Salut D’Amour. A piece originally written as the composer’s gift to his future wife for their engagement. 
They were even dressed in black and white and Bianca would have been blind not to notice the matching Es on Enid’s new bracelet and Wednesday’s signet ring. It made no sense and at the same time it made so, so much sense.
Bianca could only conclude one thing. They were hopeless.
She wasn’t one to interfere, though. Maybe a little bit? At least?
Sure, this was something they had to figure out by themselves, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask the hired photographer to take a few candid shots of Enid and Wednesday at the piano.
For... the wedding album. Surely.
Date With Death master post
All the chapters are in the master post up there!
This fic is really just me indulging myself. I’ve always been an angst writer because it’s very easy to draw from heartbreak. I can’t promise any consistency but I have ideas in mind that I will certainly be writing out. Still on the fence about making an AO3 account. I love reading and discussing in comments, though, so I might actually make an account.
I linked Liebesleid and Salut D’Amour. Try to start listening once the piece is mentioned in the fic. It adds angst, I promise!
Saluit D’Amour isn’t a beginner piece but for the sake of the plot, let’s say Enid managed to accompany Wednesday by the end of that summer. I’ve read the sheet music for the piano and it would take a lot of practice for a beginner but it’s very doable.
Also, watch how the women in the video play. I imagine Enid and Wednesday’s movements to be about the same. 
And yes I got Liebesleid from watching YLIA. It’s Kousei’s rendition in the anime. Go watch it, too, if you haven’t already! Full of angst.
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annachum · 3 months
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A collage of how I imagine Lyanna Stark in the GOT books' fashions to look like
Lyanna, to me, seem to have associations to ' ingenue ' like characters like Juliet Capulet, Ophelia from Hamlet, and Gretchen from Faust
She really deserves better
I imagine GOT books! Lyanna's fashions to have nods to the fashions of Juliet Capulet, Ophelia from Hamlet, Gretchen from Faust, Persephone ( MCU ), Poppea Sabina ( Nero's 2nd wife ), and Elizabeth Woodville
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books I've read in 2023!
I love doing these (3rd year running!) so these are the books I've read this year! as always, the numbers in brackets indicate a ranking out of five points (with 5/5 being the highest ranking and 0/5 being the lowest)!
Delilah Green Doesn't Care - Ashley Herring Blake (3.5/5)
The Tower of Nero - Rick Riordan (4/5)
Never Ever Getting Back Together - Sophie Gonzales (4/5)
Solitaire - Alice Oseman (5/5)
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman (4/5)
Mrs Dalloway - Virginia Woolf (4/5)
Even Though I Knew the End - C. L. Polk (2/5)
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V. E. Schwab (2.5/5)
System Error - Solveig Engel (4/5)
Und ich leuchte mit den Wolken - Sophie Bichon (2/5)
Die Brandstiftung: Mythos Reichtagsbrand - Uwe Soukup (4/5)
The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot - Marianne Cronin (4/5)
Lark & Kasim Start a Revolution- Kacen Callender (5/5)
Rebecca - Daphne du Maurier (3/5)
Ophelia After All - Racquel Marie (4/5)
Imogen, Obviously - Becky Albertalli (5/5)
Blood & Ash - Jennifer L. Armentrout (2/5)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky *re-read* (5/5)
Sorry, Bro - Taleen Voskuni (2/5)
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages - ed. Saundra Mitchell (4/5)
The House on the Cerulean Sea - T. J. Klune
Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie (3/5)
Girls Like Girls - Hayley Kiyoko (2/5)
Last Night at the Telegraph Club - Malinda Lo (4/5)
The Guest - Emma Cline (3/5)
The Gravity of Us - Philipp Stamper (3/5)
Under the Whispering Door - T. J. Klune (4/5)
A Scatter of Light - Malinda Lo (3/5)
Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender *re-read* (5/5)
Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail - Ashley Herring Blake (4/5)
Wie Wellen im Sturm - Alicia Zett (3.5/5)
The Sun and the Star - Rick Riordan (4/5)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins *re-read* (5/5)
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins *re-read* (5/5)
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins *re-read* (5/5)
The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall - Ali Standish (4/5)
Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins *re-read* (5/5)
Meet Cute Diary - Emery Lee (2/5)
Old Enough - Haley Jakobson (4/5)
The Chalice of the Gods - Rick Riordan (4/5)
Going Bicoastal - Dahlia Adler (2/5)
The Bones Beneath my Skin - T. J. Klune (3.5/5)
James - Percival Everett (2/5)
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If the RO's were given a choice, which characters from other interactive fiction stories that you follow or like would they choose as a role model to follow or as a mentor?
Oh man it's been a while since I played any IF's recently, so forgive me for not including This IF or That IF. And apologies in advance for those being tagged!
Also also check out the IF's mentioned here! They're great, I love them. Kiss 'em on the head while you're at it.
Weylyn: B from Golden (@milaswriting)
Fleur: Morgana from The Bastard of Camelot (@llamagirl28)
Zephyrine: Ashheart from Vespertines (@mondaysandwich)
Eliseo: Grey from Sinners (@sinners-if)
Cooper: Nero from Seven's Deadly (@sevensdeadly-if)
Ophelia: R from A Tale of Crowns (@ataleofcrowns)
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helluvahell · 6 months
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 By the way, here's Nero and his bodyguard Ophelia for the masquerade!
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outofthiisworld · 3 months
. ✦ ݁ ˖ @grandgrief Silver-Age Squabbles !!!
[🧪💜] When the remote control of the SUCK-A-TON (bad name, baaaad name) was slapped out of his hand; Doc had turned his head to scold Ophelia (it wasn’t funny the 1st time and it wouldn’t be funny the 20th time).
Yet, to the mad doctor’s surprise, he was instead nose-to-nose with none other than—
— Doc sputtered, why even spluttered, and maybe almost peed his pants!!! He flung himself back, a quick tumble and stumble to get as much distance between him and America’s #1 Crimefighter (why couldn’t one of those other chumps show up; he had a whole can of raid for Wo-mutant-is and everything!)
With a few key inputs scrambled into his SCRAPYARD ARM 2.3: robotic rats skidded out from the depths of the sewers! Their wheels aflame and hot just like the toys they were based off of, and they charged at Night-Thing with massive mechanical chompers! (w…were they ticking, too?!)
Ophelia on the other hand, opted to watch instead, for now. Doc got himself in this mess— he should try to get himself out of it, too!
“Hiiiiiiiiii~ Night-Thing,” she still waved; this ghoulish girly wasn’t resurrected with NO manners now, come on.
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haellen-o · 9 days
i love the dichotomie between nero "Why is that man dancing with a corpse?" scaeva and his wife haellen "The corpse" Orestes dancing vs ophelia and ysayle dancing like its their last day on earth
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whalehouse1 · 4 months
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voidfragments · 9 months
extended bio - ritsuka fujimaru
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general information
basic info
name: ritsuka fujimaru age: 16-24 (depending on point in timeline; defaults to 22) gender: fem-aligned nonbinary pronouns: she/they orientation: pansexual + polyamorous species: human nationality: japanese ethnicity: yamato japanese birth date: june 25th, 2001
height: 166cm / 5'5" build: leanly muscled hair: bright orange, cut just past the shoulders with locks framing her face. usually keeps a section in a side ponytail, held up by a scrunchie. eyes: yellow-orange, sometimes with bags under them scars: many.
in 2017, ritsuka was just an ordinary person when they were suddenly recruited to chaldea, a secret organization that works to preserve humanity. they were brought in as one of 48 master candidates--people who have the potential to summon and form contracts with servants, the spirits of legendary figures summoned as familiars--but as they aren’t a mage, people had low expectations of them. they were even prevented from joining the first major mission, a rayshift to “singularity f” in fuyuki, japan, 2004, after accidentally pissing off the director, olga-marie animusphere. turned out, that was a stroke of luck. the command room was blown up with all 47 other masters inside. they managed to survive, but in such critical condition that they’d need to be kept in cryostasis, leaving ritsuka as the only operational master. they, along with chaldea staff mash kyrielight, rayshifted to fuyuki. there, mash came into her own as a demi-servant--a living human fused with a servant and imbued with their powers--though she couldn’t say who the servant was, and ritsuka became her master. together, they solved singularity f and restored history to its proper course, only to learn of a horrible truth: the incineration of humanity. the past creates the present, which secures the future. seven disruptions at key points in history--seven singularities--had destroyed the present, which in turn prevented the future. the present, simply put, no longer existed outside of chaldea. for the next year and a half, ritsuka and mash worked to solve the seven singularities, guided by acting director dr. romani archaman, genius inventor leonardo da vinci, and the rest of the remaining staff. they went to france in the hundred years war, rome during emperor nero’s reign, the high seas in the age of exploration. in industrial revolution london, they learned who was behind it all. they won an american war that should never have happened in the first place. in camelot, they learned more about mash; in uruk, they learned of the seven beasts, the evils of humanity. and then, finally, in the last week of 2018, after so much sacrifice, they defeated the source of the problem. the present returned to normal. they took back their future. the problems, however, only persisted. the rest of the world had to deal with their missing time, and the un no longer found chaldea trustworthy. moreover, while they were being investigated over the next year, four sub-singularities popped up and had to be dealt with, and mash was no longer operational as a servant. in the end, chaldea was sold to a mage by the name of gordolf musik. its entire staff was to be laid off and replaced by the beginning of 2020, but even that couldn’t go smoothly. gordolf had been manipulated. chaldea was attacked by 3 servants: a shockingly deceptive pink-haired woman, a priest masquerading as kirei kotomine, and a woman who radiated cold, cold, cold. chaldea’s core team--now consisting of da vinci, ritsuka, mash, sherlock holmes, and gordolf--as well as a handful of staff members barely managed to escape, only to see that the outside world was now a blank white nothingness. among the masters who had been frozen were the a team, a carefully selected team consisting of the best of the best: kadoc zemlupus, ophelia phamrsolone, hinako akuta, “scandinavia peperoncino”, beryl gut, daybit sem void, and their leader, kirschtaria wodime. in their revival, they’d made a deal with… something. now each crypter, as they’re called, has a lostbelt--an alternate timeline that should have been pruned, but wasn’t--to manage, with the ultimate goal of one of them overwriting proper human history. seven crypters. seven lostbelts. can ritsuka take back our future a second time?
ritsuka is, by and large, an upbeat person. they roll with the punches and accept whatever comes their way--by this point, it’s nearly impossible to shock or faze them, with everything they’ve seen. of course, that’s not to say they don’t have feelings; the events of the last few years have deeply affected them, and they’re constantly grieving over those they’ve lost. but they can’t let that keep them down. they have a job to do--and they’re the only one who can do it--so they just have to suck it up and deal with it, and let the tears come later. while on the job, they’re quite stern and serious, but in their off-time, they can be very silly. work hard, play hard, as they say. ritsuka approaches everything with equal levels of passion, whether it’s an end of the world scenario or making a last-minute doujin for knock-off comiket.
combat information
ritsuka is, technically, a mage, and thus able to use magecraft. that said, they're one of the weakest mages around, with very little magical energy. most of their ability comes from mystic codes and other forms of assistance.
personal abilities
command seals - three seals formed of highly concentrated magic on the back of their right hand. these are the proof that they’re a master. they can be used to cast powerful spells or give their servants orders, and once used come back at a rate of one per day. poison resistance skill (temporary) - as part of their contract with mash kyrielight, they have a resistance to poisons & toxins, high magical energy concentrations, and certain charms. high physical capabilities - though not enough to keep up with a servant, their strength, speed, and stamina are all far above the average. berserker translation - berserkers are known for being nearly incomprehensible, and many of them are outright nonverbal, only communicating in roars or grunts. that doesn’t stop ritsuka from understanding them--not quite as if they were speaking plainly, but close to it. this extends to other characters with similar communication styles!
mystic codes
physical objects--in ritsuka's case, outfits--imbued with magecraft. she has a wide variety of them, each with its own set of skills. a full list can be found [here].
ooc information
my ritsuka follows the north american server's timeline! i myself don't actively seek out translations of chapters/events before they reach na (though i don't avoid spoilers either), so this works best for me. she is assumed to have been 16 when the game began and ages up on na's anniversary.
canon includes...
all events up to the present day are included in her canon EXCEPT for prisma codes and kogetsukan. they simply never happened. <3 agartha is technically included in her canon, but i, the bedo, did not read it and only vaguely know what happens in it.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 11 months
Weekly Roundup: Prompts (May 25-June 02)
someone try's to tinker with arthur's saint graph in order to give him as many alts as artoria does . it's the prompt filler's call on whether or not this is porn with plot.
Fate/Stay Night
after pulling an all nighter playing legend of zelda :TOTK , shirou is rudely awoken by the sound of rin & luvia brawling over something stupid yet again. much to his horror , the red & blue brutes have demolished a fair amount of the kitichen. still speechless from the sight that was caused by the duo , rin & luvia are still fighting , unaware of shirou's presence . until a green light overtakes their vison , and they find themselves quite literally joined at the hip & face to face with shirou , who now has Rulebreaker in hand. the duo are given a choice , either pay for the kitchen repairs out of their own pockets , or he leaves their fate in the hands of artoria (who , unbeknownst to the terrible 2some will become artoria alter the second she sees their faces) Oh yeah I forgot to mention, the thing holding Rin & Luvia together is the green goo from the fuse ability in TotK
Smut, incest, I humbly request anything PHH Morgan/Artoria related, especially in the 'middle' stage of their lives, early enough for the two to have diverged but not quite into the burning hatred yet. Still fucking roughly, though. I'll fill whichever Morgan prompt I can get my hands on next.
incest, i was encouraged to send this concept as a prompt over here! anyway — rin and sakura sharing a joint and commiserating over fucked up trauma. then they make out over it. 😌
bro i just need 1k words of rin malding about how shirou grows up to have a bigger bust size than her.
Dubcon, knockarena is in need of a new guard dog , and her first choice is beryl gut. tags : pet play , femdom , Dub-con, mind-break (caused by hearing mash & morgan have sex) ,NTR .
Smut, Smut: Magical girl Shirou Amakusa against the forces of evil. Aka Amakusa being forced into a very frilly outfit and getting fucked by Dantes
Age gap, I come humbly asking for mash/morgan. specifically i want mashmorgan with an emphasize on the age gap. Mash is SO young and inexperienced compared to Morgan, barely even just reached adulthood by human standards. You get an extra kiss on the forehead if you play it as corruption, specifically as MASH corrupting Morgan, trying to get Morgan to fuck her good even if it can't be a good idea.
Yamanami and Okita finally meet again! At first, Okita cannot speak to Yamanami, avoiding him for the most part. One night, however, Okita comes up to Yamanami and the two have a talk to catch up. Then Okita proceeds to vent on how ever since he died, everything fell apart for her, then she remarks how being at Chaldea made her feel like herself again.
I would like some mash and gudao, please and thank you
Kirschtaria gets Daybit and Pepe to beat the SHIT out of Beryl.
The crypters going on vacation somewhere. Chaos ensures
instead of killing beryl for his treachery & being a garbage boyfriend to her daughter , morgan decides he'd be more useful to her as a court jester . naturally , that fool would need to be trained properly. (tl;dr , beryl gets force fem'd into a big titty clown girl named Spinel)
Crossover sort of, Hakuno gets a hold of the Roseate Desire from Limbus Company and ties up Nero and Tamamo in horny pink ribbon bondage
gudako brings kirshtaria , ophelia & pepe back from the dead via mad science. 2 out of 3 of the test subjects are rin & luvia , & it seems like shirou sold 'em out to gudako.
AU - Instead of the Matou, Tokiomi instead sells Sakura to One Direction
Any fandom
Servants who aren't technically dead (Merlin, Fionn, Charlemagne, etc) discussing their weird summonings
Morgan (berserker) is summoned by luvia , and within 2 minutes of luvia being luvia , morgan is utterly fed up with that haughty mage & she promptly bimbofies that foolish woman & later employs her as her maid. ah , yeah , before i forget , morgan now has the command seals.
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