#opposition meeting in mumbai
khabarwala247 · 1 year
Lalu Yadav: अपने पुराने अंदाज में नजर आए पूर्व सीएम लालू यादव
बिहार के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री लालू यादव (Lalu Yadav) ने शुक्रवार को INDIA गठबंधन के मंच से संयुक्त प्रेसवार्ता में केंद्र सरकार और भाजपा पर जमकर निशाना साधा। उन्होंने अपने अलग ही अंदाज में चुटकी लेते हुए अपनी बात रखी। इस दौरान वहां मौजूद लोग ठहाके लगाते हुए दिखाई दिए। लालू ने अपने संबोधन में गठबंधन में शामिल सभी दलों के मिलकर लड़ने की बात भी कही।
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itsprashimusic · 7 months
Wildest Dreams Warm Realities
"Say you'll remember me"
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Summary - A Formula 1 driver is on vacation in Goa with his family. A woman and her friend group are also on a vacation in Goa. Is this destiny?
Pairings - Charles Leclerc x indian!fem!Reader
Warnings - hindi words with english translations at the end, your best friend has a name (Sarah), mention of animals getting harmed, reader has hair. Happy reading🩵
W/C - 2.6k
A/N - the train is from Mumbai to Goa. Let me know if I missed anything.
Navigation | "Say you'll remember me" | "Standin' in a nice dress" | "Starin' at the sunset" | ..babe"
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The horn sounded nice and loud, it could be heard by the people who stood on the road outside the station. It indicated that the train was now leaving CSMT and heading to its final destination. You had this trip planned out with your friends since the beginning of the year. All hotel reservations were made and all tickets were booked since this was the busiest time of the year to travel. 
It was the middle of December. You had 3 different invites to 3 different weddings, an invitation to meet one of your good school friends, and a desire for a true Goa trip with your friend group. But all of that was about to go down the drain because you were standing on the platform hearing the train engines start and watching it slowly pull away. You went out to grab some hot samosas for everyone but were now panicking, “Bhaiya jaldi karo, train jaa rahi hai!” you yelled at the poor dude who was trying to hurriedly wrap the piping hot samosas. You got the black thaili, gave him a 200 rupee note, and ran off, “Chhutta rakh lena!” you said over your shoulder. 
This could not be happening. It looked cute in YJHD when Naina was running behind the train, unfortunately you were not Naina. You were running after the train with your hair tied in a weird bun from the morning and were holding onto a black plastic bag with samosas in it, very much the opposite of how she looked. But then you saw it, more accurately, him. He was tall and had fluffy hair, like Bunny. But his hair was brown and he had green eyes, eyes which were filled with concern, eyes that were looking at you. 
This distracted you, but when you realised the train was moving away faster, you started to sprint. Never in your life had you run faster. His one had held onto the railing, while the other was stretched out and gesturing to you. You grabbed onto his outstretched hand and jumped. This is where you mentally prayed that he would catch you, if not, you were surely gonna get jammed in between the train and the platform, get injured, or die on impact. Thankfully he did catch you. When you jumped, he reacted quite fast and pulled you with one hand and caught you by your waist with the other. 
The both of you stood at the door standing incredibly close, breathing and processing what just happened. 
You managed to recover and pulled away from him, his hands dropping from your wrist and waist. However, you did not notice his slightly disappointed face, which he quickly covered up. 
“Thanks for..the help.” you weren’t really sure what to say. He didn’t say anything, he just kept looking at you. You started to worry that he didn’t speak English, right when he replied, “Sure, it was no problem.”
God that accent. He was definitely from Europe, maybe France. But just that one sentence got you craving for more. You wanted to hear him talk, it didn’t matter what the subject was. 
The silence turned awkward, so you mumbled a final ‘thank you’ and ‘see you around’ before entering the first class A/C compartment. 
You and your group of six(excluding you), had booked the train tickets separately. Two of your friends who were dating booked a coupe for themselves, and then gradually everyone else also got their tickets. You were the last to book and ended up in a cabin with 4 berths. You just hoped that whoever you would be sharing a cabin with would not bother you or make you uncomfortable.
You made your way to your friends’ compartment and gave everyone their samosas. By now it was no longer hot, just warm, but it was enjoyed nonetheless. You fell into the lively conversation and temporarily forgot about the brunette with capturing eyes and an alluring accent who saved you from missing a train. Once the clock hit 11 pm, everyone started getting ready for the night. You and your best friend went to brush and wash up for the night while the others got their beds ready. That is when you remember the mystery man. 
Sarah was in the middle of brushing her teeth when you came out of the smelling washroom saying, “I nearly missed the train while getting you guys your food.” 
“Wha id u o?”
“I ran like a mad woman and got saved by a stranger.” the second you finished speaking, she spit the foam out of her mouth, looked up at you, and asked you to elaborate. “Was it a guy?” you gave her a look, “Was he cute??” you gave her a more pronounced look and she started squealing. You had to cover her mouth with your hand. The train staff member who was in the other train car gave you a weird look. 
You just smiled at him and dragged your toothpaste-covered friend into the a/c compartment. You gave her a towel to wipe her mouth with while she whisper-yelled more questions at you. 
“The bhaiya was still wrapping the samosas, the horn went off, the train started leaving and I ran. I saw this guy, this gorgeous guy standing at the door. He held out his hand and I-” you weren’t even able to complete your sentence. ‘You had your DDLJ moment!’ Sarah squealed, jumping up and down with excitement. One thing you were glad to have in your life was Sarah. She was always happy for you, got excited for you, and uplifted you. And that is what she did. It took her five minutes of convincing before she left for her cabin with your 3 other mutual friends. 
You headed back to your cabin, but this time it was not empty. A man and a woman were sitting on the berth below yours. They looked like a couple, foreigners. They looked at you, smiled, gave a nod of their head, and continued their conversation in what you guessed was French. As you shuffled around getting your bed ready another man walks, dressed in sweatpants and a tight-fitting t-shirt. It was the brunette who ‘saved’ you a few hours earlier. 
Not knowing what to do, or if you should say something, you just continued making your bed in the upper berth. You realised that he also was sleeping in the upper berth when he tossed a few items up there. Once you were done, the couple’s talks died down and the woman asked, “Hi, we don’t mean to be a bother but we were wondering if you could just guide us on how to get the beds sorted. We are not exactly sure what to do.” 
The brunette man had left the room, seemingly to make a call. You smiled at the woman, “Oh, no worries.” you gave her your name and she replied, “I’m Charlotte, this is my boyfriend Lorenzo.” You smiled at him and then turned your attention towards Charlotte and began explaining what to do. Both lower berths were done and soon enough the green-eyed man returned. 
Charlotte said something to him in French. They knew each other. She turned to you, “and this is Charles, Enzo’s younger brother.” Even his name sounds regal. Before you could get a word in he said, “We’ve already met.” with a smile that seemed genuine. His brother gave him a questioning look and asked him in French. Charles gave a reply. It was now nearing midnight and you wanted to sleep soon. You were getting off at a station in the north of Goa, meaning you had to wake up early. Before you could head up to your berth, Charlotte asked if you could help Charles with his bed. She thanked you and then pulled her boyfriend out of the cabin and walked away, not really giving you an option. 
You looked at him and he looked at you, confused. “Do you know how to set the bed?” you asked with a smile on your face. “Not really, no,” he said with a laugh, “I could use some help.” So you helped him set the bed. In the meantime, you both spoke about different things. You told him about the weddings and plans to spend as much time on the beach as possible. He told you about how one of his co-workers told him about Goa’s splendour and fun and how he and his family are spending their holiday together. 
By the time the bed was set, you were sitting on your berth while he opted to stand, his height making it difficult to sit on the upper berth. It was now way past midnight. You were getting tired, though it seemed that he was wide awake. Charlotte and Lorenzo finally returned. Your conversation died down. You said that you had to get up early and were now going to sleep. They promised to keep quiet. You put your eye mask on and turned to the side letting the swaying motions of the train put you to sleep. 
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With the amount of excitement inside of you, you were not able to sleep for very long. You were well rested but woke up at 6 am. The three Monegasques were fast asleep (i have no idea of Charlotte’s nationality so let’s just say she is from monaco). You sat up in bed and for a good five minutes just admired the sleeping body opposite of you. You checked your phone and found out that the train was delayed by 3 hours. This was ridiculous. Apparently, a large group of animals were crossing the tracks when a train was approaching and it caused an accident. 
You got out of bed and went to see if any of your friends were awake. Everyone was sleeping, except Sarah whose bed was empty. She was probably in the washroom. You decided that it was too early to do anything and so went back to your cabin, fetched your toiletry bag, freshened up, went back to bed, wrapped yourself in the itchy blanket, and opened Subway Surfers on your phone while your other hand held a cold sandwich. Your headphones played some music you had downloaded. An hour passed and you set a new high score for which you were proud. Charles woke up. 
You didn’t notice at first, but he saw you as soon as his eyes opened. You looked adorable wrapped up in the cocoon of the blanket. It was when he sat up that you saw him and gave him a smile and a small wave. His cheeks turned red and he waved back. His thoughts of you at that moment ranged from pure and soft to vulgar and wild, and it all lasted for less than a second. He got up and went out. You decided that you should go and check if Sarah is awake. When you reached her cabin, her bed was still empty. Feeling lazy, you made the decision to stand by the train door and hopefully catch some cold morning wind. 
Your hair went in a plait and you opened the train door which was left unlocked. The toilet door opened and out came the dreamy Monegasque. He came up to you, "Are you sure that is the safest thing to do?” 
“Not really, but that’s the fun in it.” there was a sparkle in your eye when you turned your head to look at him. 
“Are you even allowed to open the door?” his laugh made it clear he was fooling around with you.
“Technically no. But it wasn’t locked, so it's on them.” Your laugh sounded angelic to him. The hair which escaped your braid framed your face so beautifully, Charles could do nothing but stare at you. It took him a second to realise you were asking him something.
“Slept well?” he shook his head. “Not quite. The constant shaking made me restless.” “That happens. But eventually, you get used to it.” He asked how you slept and you answered ‘pretty good.’ He stood opposite of you resting on the wall behind him watching the wind blow your hair around as the sun began to rise. The pair marinated in comfortable silence until a staff member came and told you to move away and shut the door. The tranquil moment was broken, but neither of you wanted it to end. Without speaking a word, the two of you went inside the compartment but stayed outside your cabin. 
“Well, we did speak last night but I do not know much about you.” 
“In that case, what would you like to know?”
He leans against the train wall, his arms crossed, your pose mimicking his. He thinks for a second and proceeds to ask, “How often do you travel?” “Not very often,” you respond, “I sometimes go for a weekend trip to nearby hill stations, but that's usually the max I travel.” 
“So no foreign trips?” 
“I don’t exactly have the funds for it,” you chuckle, “between getting a visa organised, praying that my leave from work gets approved, to finding flights, I just find it not worth the effort. I would be spending three months of my salary for just 10 days of vacation which I would rather spend finishing work which equals more money.”
He seemed perplexed by your answer, confusion evident on his face. “And would I be right in assuming that you travel abroad very often?” you ask, a bit of a smirk showing. He smiles and looks down, his hair moving due to this movement. Your eyes were fixed on this as he answered, “You would.” “And why do you travel the world, Charles?”
He smiles, that lovely smile, “I-uh, I drive expensive cars for very wealthy people around the world.” You smiled, but something about that answer felt false. Like he wasn’t telling you everything, but it didn’t seem like he was lying. “Does that mean you know much about cars then?” “I’d like to think I do.” 
The smiles never left either of your faces as the conversation continued. You mentioned how your brother works with different types of cars and how they are his life. “I should meet him then, test my knowledge about cars,” Charles said. 
“Trust me you don’t, he gets very excited when someone mentions anything about cars. Once he starts, he does not stop.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t mind, I am a good listener.”
"Tell me something you like." the driver asked after a while of the train being halted. You looked out of the hazy window and replied, "The sun." He cocked an eyebrow. "I could go on and on about it." "Well, I did say I am a good listener," said Charles.
The conversation went on for what felt like hours. But soon enough you felt the train start to finally move. You both decided to head back to the cabin, but you were stopped when one of your friends called out to you to join them. You were disappointed, gave Charles a short apology, and followed behind your friend. 
By the time you were able to go back to your cabin, the train had reached the final platform where you were getting off. You were hoping to catch a glimpse of Charles before leaving, but sadly when you returned to your cabin, it was empty save for your luggage and belongings. You gathered all of your items and met your group on the platform. The two cars which were rented for the next two weeks were there waiting for you. Everyone got in and drove off to the rest houses. You were the designated driver for Car 1, which gave you very little opportunity to think about not getting to say goodbye to Charles. 
Little did you know that you would meet him once again, very soon. 
Bhaiya jaldi karo, train jaa rahi hai! - Brother hurry up, the train is leaving!
Chhutta rakh lena! - Keep the change(money)
thaili - bag (in this case it is a black plastic bag)
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A/N - i had so much fun writing this. i already have part 2 in the works. if this fic is well received, i'll post the next part. Hope you enjoyed reading🩵
If you want to find out more about me or my works, you can head to my navigation.
@sam-is-lost @juleswrites223
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srbachchan · 6 months
DAY 5871
Jalsa, Mumbai Mar 15/16, 2024 FRi/Sat 2:19 AM
🪔 ,
March 16 .. birthday greetings to Ef Kalpana Kakade from Bengaluru .. and Ef Bharat Gupta from Kutch - Gujarat .. 🙏🏻🚩❤️
Birthday EF - Kalpana Kakade Saturday, 16 March .. all good wishes for this day and the love of the Ef ..🌹
A loss in the FINALS .. at the ISPL .. sad but on the day the other team played a better game .. so we resolve that the next season of the game we shall endeavour with greater effort and WIN ..
The FIGHT is more valuable when defeat has been initiated , for when there is no defeat .. victory shall never be highlighted .. you have to win against an opposition , else how does one register a win ..
So we give the credit to the opposition .. it is their due .. resolve our spirits and prepare for the next fight ..
Got stuck at the entrance gate for over an hour .. just immobile .. crowds in their enthusiasm and mobbing did not give us even an inch to move .. and by the time compromised security could get us through our batting innings was over .. and we knew the score was dismal ..
Maybe the presence and the encouragement , like the game before could have enthused them .. but just not our day .. we take it on the chin and get ready to punch back soon ..
However .. the spirit of sportsmanship should never be overshadowed by defeat .. and the grace shown by Abhishek in meeting all the players soon after the game was over , was hugely appreciated .. not just our team but congratulated the Kolkata team as well ..
BUT .. what a joy and an experience to have spent some precious time with the GREAT SACHIN ..
It is impossible to express what a huge amount of knowledge he has over the game .. his predictions on what the bat should do next , the field placement , the bowling and the anticipation of what shall happen next is just INCREDIBLE .. it is not incredible it is magical ..
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Effort should never wane .. one day it shall open the doors to what is sought ..
"Victory and defeat stand as polarities in the tapestry of human experience, defining the essence of life's struggles. Victory, the pinnacle of achievement, embodies triumph, perseverance, and accomplishment. It celebrates perseverance, resilience, and unwavering determination. In its glow, we find validation, pride, and the sweet taste of success. Conversely, defeat casts a shadow, teaching invaluable lessons in humility, resilience, and growth. It tempers egos, fostering introspection, and igniting the flame of renewal. Yet within defeat lies the seed of future victory, for it is through setbacks that we unearth the strength to rise, resilient and renewed, toward greater triumphs."
My love
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Amitabh Bachchan
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lol-jackles · 2 months
Hey, Aamir Khan fan. I was wondering if you enjoyed the movies I recommended. If you liked them and Aamir's acting I have more movies for you to see!
Watched Dhoom3 and holy gamole guilty pleasure galore! Aamir Khan is a movie star of the bygone Hollywood golden era but still well and alive in Bollywood. That Dhoom3 took place in "exotic locale" Chicago was not lost on me.
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Aamir Khan is a force of nature as the antagonist, and the movie only pretends to try to resist Aamir's gravitational pull as he's on an obsessive revenge mission to destroy a bank whom he blames for the death of his father. By day he's a brazen bank robber, by night he's the star cirque du solei performer.
I'm unfamiliar with the Dhoom franchise but I get the sense that #3 essentially turned the antagonist into the protagonist and side lined the heroic Mumbai cop Jai Dixit and his goofy sidekick Ali Akbar. It's only in the 3rd act that Jai finally has an arc that involves cat-and-mouse chase of switch-a-roo magicians and why cops and thieves could never be friends not just because they are on opposite side of the law (in the U.S it's not unheard of for felons to marry police wo/men).
There's high-octane actions and crazy stunts with motorcycles that makes me wish there is a crossover with Fast & Furious just to see motorcycles vs cars war. Dhoom 3 fully embraces the insane, the zany, the complete disregard for logic, and slo-mo action scenes that extends the movie's running from 2 1/2 to nearly 3 hours. But what makes this movie stand out among action movies is the highly emotional storyline of Aamir’s character, which requires spoilers ahead.
While I saw the twist coming during the glitzy cirque du solei scene, the reveal that Aamir's Sahir has a twin name Samar was very satisfying, helped by the soundtrack that is unapologetically bombastic throughout the movie, providing vital emotional hook for scenes that otherwise would have fallen flat.
I feel that Aamir borrowed from Dustin Hoffman's Rainman to portray the autistic math savant Samar who is hidden from the world and only brought out to take over second half of Sahir's role in bank heists and circus performances. Nobody outside their late father knew that there are two men instead of one.
Due to isolation and his mental disorder, Aamir plays Samar as a slouching wide-eyed innocent with complete trust in the perfectly postured Sahir, whose scowl reflects his relentless ambition and revenge mission that has prevented him from romantic pursuits in the lovely Aaliya, the cirque du solei lead female performer. Even though Sahir is the public face of the circus and has many interactions with his cast and the police men on the case to catch him, he is just as isolated and insular as Samar.
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Before the twin reveal, Aamir tries to drop hints to the audience when he is playing Samar, mainly by showing his puppy love for Aaliya during the cirque du solei performance from their switch-a-roo act, contrasted with Sahir's indifference towards her when the curtain drops and the show ends. It is this reason why Aaliya was able to avoid the Lois Lane trap and figured out she has been singing and dancing with two different men.
Then the movie throws another twist when Jai meets with Samar to convince him to help turn in Sahir, only to turn out to be Sahir in another satisfying reveal that I didn't see coming. One of my favorite acting scenes is the flashback of Sahir taking Samar's place by switching clothes and when he starts walking, he morphs into Samar's physicality on his way to meet Jai, who is sympathetic toward the brothers but the law is the law. Jai wants to help the brothers by having turn themselves in and plea for mercy. Sahir eventually agrees after failing to kill Jai by rollarcoaster (trust me, just go along with it) and makes a deal by taking the full blame and leaving Samar free and to be with Aaliya.
But in the final twist, the faithful Samar refuses to follow Sahir's plan and instead choose to follow Sahir to his death. I admit I wasn't sure if they would go this route because it would be too heartbreaking, and yet I was still surprised that the dual deaths happened even when it makes narrative sense. The brothers lived as one person all their lives would die together in the end, clutching hands. It's also a genius call back to the movie's first scene of Sahir running down the side of the bank he just robbed.
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Score: 8.5 out of 10. Very entertaining high-octane movie with very strong emotional heart. I think if the story didn't take place in Chicago, a city I'm very familiar with, I might have rated the movie higher.
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A dream of a lifetime will now become a "Trip of a Lifetime"!
Original blog posted - 19th January 2013
It is Patrick’s dream and I have been listening about it for almost 3 and half years now….. Some dreams remain dreams but ours is about to become a reality!
Not sure when Patrick’s dream turned into our dream but similar to his little unit in a quaint suburb of Sydney that became our home and his family became mine, his dream is now my dream.
I sailed in my teens and it took a bit of a fight to get an entry into the dinghy sailing scene in Mumbai with the organisation that first introduced me to sailing. We used to sail small dinghies called Cadet Class for under 18 year old. Every Sunday became my favourite day of the week, only because I could sail. Sunday! Who doesn’t love them? But I think I had more to look forward to than most other average 14 years old.
Sunday started with a wake up at 4.45am in the suburbs of Mumbai. Rain hail shine, exams or holidays, for five years of my life I never missed the Sunday parade. Then a journey on the Mumbai local train to Churchgate Station with the fisherwomen for company in the designated ladies compartment, followed by a bus ride to Afghan Church! The parade started at 7.30 am. Sailing started at 10.30am. As the only girl in the team I felt both privileged and discriminated at the same time. One thing was sure I had fun… the elated feeling of the wind on the water racing with the fellow sailors was worth everything, including my mother’s wrath at the end of every Sunday for getting home tired and “dark”! She was certain that no one would marry her tanned, tomboy of a daughter, who went sailing on Sundays instead of staying at home like other girls and helping in the kitchen or focusing on her HSC studies. I was not interested in boys then, I just wanted to sail.
I then sailed dragons (another type of sail boat, a vessel similar to the Mumbai Seabirds) in Hong Kong, but that was exactly opposite, I sailed in the hope of meeting a nice boy. I even went on a Tall Ship’s race from Okinawa to Osaka on Ji Fung an Outward Bound Adventure and my only offshore sailing experience till date. That experience taught me a lot about myself and my reaction when pushed out of my comfort zone.
Finally I met Patrick, in Sydney not on a sailing boat but on an Internet dating website, he loved sailing, cooking and eating “what I cooked”! And he dreamt of buying his own “Cat” (catamaran) and sailing it back from the Caribbean one day. What more could I ask for!! I knew from day one he was my soul mate.
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And here we are in Sydney about to fly out in a month’s time to St. Maarten to pick-up Hestia….. A Lagoon 440 by Beneteau with 4 cabins with ensuites. Our dream boat!
Ecstatic, elated and even a little bit anxious!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain
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mariacallous · 2 years
In 2010, Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan starred in a film called My Name Is Khan that served as a critique of Islamophobia in the United States in the post-9/11 era. In the movie, Khan goes on a journey to the United States to meet the American president and tell him that having an Islamic last name doesn’t make him a terrorist. In real life, however, his name has made him a target at home.
A year after Narendra Modi became India’s prime minister in 2014, Khan said there was a climate of intolerance in the country that “will take us to the dark ages.” Two days later, a senior leader of the governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and an acolyte of Modi, Yogi Adityanath, said Khan spoke the language of terrorists and equated him to the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terrorism attacks. Adityanath threatened Khan, saying he would be out of business if a “huge mass” of Indians, implying Hindus, boycotted his films. Since then, fringe political outfits linked to the BJP—and even some BJP leaders—have repeatedly attacked Khan.
The latest attack began when the trailer of Khan’s latest film, Pathaan, was released last month. Hindu nationalists of the BJP and those linked to the party expressed three major objections. First, that actress Deepika Padukone should not have worn a saffron-hued bikini in a song titled “Besharam Rang” because saffron is a sacred color in Hinduism. Second, the bikini was a few centimeters too revealing to be approved by the far right’s cultural police. And third, and more tellingly perhaps, they slandered Khan for his fitness, questioning whether the 57-year-old’s chiseled “six-pack” abdomen could possibly be real.
The charges were ludicrous. Bollywood actresses have worn saffron in sensuous songs before, but it’s never been so controversial. Moreover, Padukone wore a green skirt and several other colors in the song. The attack didn’t make sense, but it was nonetheless vicious. One protester on air, who was later revealed to be an actor himself, dared Khan to dress his daughter in a green bikini instead of Padukone, a Hindu actress. Green is a sacred color in Islam, and Khan’s wife is also Hindu.
“Had Deepika worn a saffron bikini opposite a Hindu actor, there would have been no controversy,” Hartosh Singh Bal, political editor of the Caravan, told Foreign Policy from Delhi in a phone interview. “It is all because [Khan] is a Muslim.” Several male Indian actors have flaunted abs before, and rare have they met with such ridicule.
Many people believe that the insidious campaign to discredit Khan emerges out of Hindu nationalists’ broader effort to humiliate minorities into accepting their secondary status in a country they want to claim for themselves. There have been frequent calls by the BJP to turn India into a theocratic state—a Hindu rashtra or a country predominantly of and for Hindus. As part of that bid, they hope to control Bollywood itself, the country’s biggest cultural force and its most effective messenger.
After #BoycottPathaan trended on Twitter, #BoycottBollywood soon followed. There were several well-crafted tweets, as if coordinated with one another, calling on directors to change their scripts and fall in line—or risk a total boycott. But this was not the first time Bollywood came under attack. Scholars who studied the trend between August 1 and September 12 discovered thousands of ghost accounts created over these months that solely tweeted with the hashtag #BoycottBollywood. More than 300 accounts each tweeted over 1,000 tweets on Bollywood over that nearly month and a half, “suggesting organized behavior,” said Joyojeet Pal, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan who conducted the study. Junior politicians of the BJP and of its affiliates were also discovered to be pushing the content.
Outrage on social media was to a large extent manufactured, but it is hard to say how many Indians genuinely approved of the sentiment. An investigation by news website the Wire revealed that many of the news stories that defamed Khan and called for Pathaan’s boycott reflected the views of political partisans rather than genuine protesters. Meanwhile, Pathaan has enjoyed enormous ticket sales, a resounding rejection of the calls to boycott Khan’s movies and Bollywood more generally.
Fans thronged cinemas in cities across India and at screenings abroad to see Khan return to the screen after a four-year hiatus. The controversies instigated around him—including outright falsehoods about how he had supposedly donated millions of dollars to Pakistan and was caught spitting at the funeral of Indian singer Lata Mangeshkar—did little to dampen public enthusiasm for his movie.
As Khan hopped between buildings, dived off planes, and walked on the facade of a skyscraper, all to save India from a terrorist attack, Indians across faiths seemed proud that Bollywood could also produce its own version of Mission Impossible and were eager to applaud Khan’s reinvention from romantic heartthrob to action hero. Even Indians abroad, who are arguably among the biggest believers in Hindu nationalism, rushed to screenings in the United Arab Emirates, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. The movie has reportedly smashed box office records in India, and in the first 16 days since its release, it earned nearly $10 million.
Meera Rizvi, a professional scriptwriter whose maternal ancestors were ethnic Pashtuns like Khan’s, said she had little interest in watching the movie but attended a screening as an act of resistance to bullying from Hindu nationalists. “Bullies have been empowered by the right-wing government, and they think they can do whatever they want,” Rizvi said. “I went to see the movie to stand up against the bullying Khan has been subjected to.” Many others said they believed it was all a useless controversy. Anju Dhawan, an interior designer, said she didn’t understand why there was controversy at all. “Shah Rukh is an actor. Hindu, Muslim has nothing to do with it,” she told Foreign Policy from Karnal, India.
The crowds, however, did not indicate a rejection of political polarization. At least two highly educated professionals FP spoke to believe in Hindu nationalist propaganda, making unsubstantiated allegations against Khan. Political analysts told FP that Pathaan’s success did not indicate a change of mood in a nation still in thrall of Modi and the BJP’s broader political agenda. “It showed that Hindu nationalists still do not have the ability to wipe out the appeal of a celebrity who is a Muslim, just like Indians would cheer a Muslim cricketer,” Bal said. “It didn’t mean the mood of the country has gone a certain way.”
Last week, Indian press reported that Modi called on his ministers to refrain from making unnecessary comments that overshadow the government’s developmental work. But that message has come far too late to rein in the mob, said filmmaker Anurag Kashyap. “It was about controlling their own people. Things have gone out of hand now,” Kashyap said. “When you stay silent, you empower prejudice and you empower hatred. It has now got so much empowered that it is a power in itself. The mob is out of control now.”
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nix-whythisfilm · 2 years
Movies and Shows to watch this Women's History Month
Coming from a culture where women are only celebrated selectively, and worshipped as a goddess but also are the majority of victims in the crimes here, I hope we can take back our power and find equality in this world that's meant for us all. From naive young girls to wise older women, from tomboys to prep girls, from emo girls to it girls, from straight girls to lesbian women, from ciswomen to trans women; a very happy women's day, including the identities I might have missed out on.
You are all valid. You are all worth it. You are all powerful. You are all more beautiful than any words can describe. You are more than what you look like. You are more than what other people see you as. You are so much more than any wild imagination. 
Bridgerton (2020)
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With a new upcoming season about the fictional Queen from the first two seasons, the series has everyone biding time in anticipation. The series is based on the books written by Julia Quinn, eight books for the eight Bridgerton siblings. The show is said to be adapted a little differently, focussing on different details and following a different narrative. The first season is set like a typical chick flick, with the oldest daughter having regal confidence and feminine finesse with everything expected of her. The second season takes on a bolder tone, showing us the perspective of the older brother, known to be a rake, looking for a gentle wife, only to meet a pair of siblings opposite in their natures, both challenging his opinion of love.
I initially found this series through the buzz on social media and the modern aesthetics it appeals to despite being set in Regent England. The music was what drew me in, being classical adaptations of modern songs, but what kept me was the way women were not shown in any distinctive way but as themselves. The show highlighted the little details people forget are a part of being a woman, such as not being educated on the duties of a marriage or the quiet strength we all possess through our social capabilities and gossiping skills. It was amusingly empowering to watch how the women took power by not doing anything special but only by being a typical women.
Gangubhai Kathiawad (2022)
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Based on the story of Gangubhai Harijeevandas, this film involves a girl running away with her lover only to be sold to a brothel and forced to work there. While the story is all too common to an Indian and gives us a chill every time we hear of something similar, this film brings us a side of the story that is often shunned and not accepted. Gangubhai was a prominent figure in Mumbai in the 1960s, fighting for the rights of sex workers and orphans rising from the red light districts. She has been shown to change as her life demands and took charge of the brothel she was sold to and was very well known in Kamathipura.
Chilling and raw, this film gave us the reality of sex workers in a barely romanticized narration. Alia Bhatt's performance is startling, and by the end of the film, we can find ourselves having a different opinion of the women in that profession. They have made it widely clear that she not only promoted their commercial prospects but also highlighted the confidence and sense of power in the women there to give them a choice in their lives. She fought for her life, her freedom, and the freedom of choice for other young girls who found themselves in her place. While many others would say that the film glorified the dangerous space that women and children could be stuck into, I will go ahead and say that things that cannot be erased or changed should at least be provided with the space to adapt as required.
Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung (2019)
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Set in Joseon, this series is about the historians who worked in the Royal Courts of Korea, noting everything that happened, from simple interactions to actions taken concerning state matters. They were to be present at all places, documenting silently, around the King and the Court Officials. While politics and patriarchy were present nearly everywhere in that era, this show features a fictional prince who presented the idea of having female historians who would record everything that happened around the Queen while also providing challenging work opportunities to women of that era, who were always held back from higher education.
This series is remarkable for anyone interested in Journalism and gender equality. The main character is a modern thinker who goes out of her way to make people have uncomfortable conversations. Another thing that stood out to me from this show was the way they resolved the major conflict using non-violent methods, and the strike of honest intellectuals was justified from their perspectives. The series highlighted the importance of honesty and the way history is recorded. It focuses heavily on dramatic politics and simple romance, but they equally discuss the importance of literature and history, in the process.
Tribhanga (2021)
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Another jewel is this list, this film was written and directed by women, with a story involving mothers and daughters. The movie appears to break the fourth wall, where the characters seem to be talking directly to the audience, but as a start, the story begins with a prominent self-made dancer who hears of her mother being in the hospital. The scenes quickly cut to her hurrying there with her newly married daughter to the hospital, where her estranged mother has slipped into a coma. The film continues with Milan, a follower of Nayantara's work, pleading with everyone to talk more about her story as the mother, who was an author, was in the process of writing her autobiography.
The movie was entertaining, to say the least, and a caressing memoir at its best. Through tears and yelling, fights and hardships, the entire story of three generations of women comes to light in the span of this film. It starts with the mother who separated from her family to be a writer and raised her daughter as a single mother, who then grew up through her hardships to become an accomplished dancer and celebrity. Anuradha was a single mother who raised a confident, poised daughter who then chose to marry into a large family to have the life her grandmother had abandoned. The story picks and talks about the nuances of being a woman while feeling like a personal story to every woman who watches it.
Happiness (2021)
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An unlikely genre for this list, this series is a horror-thriller show involving a fast-spreading disease that turns humans cannibalistic. Set in South Korea, this disease spreads much like Covid and the authorities take quick action to control the spread. The story mainly focuses on an unusual couple who move into an elite gated community of apartments. With their jobs being a challenge and being discriminated against for their job benefits, the show quickly focuses on the disease and the ripples of fear it has in the community. I put this show here in this list because the character Park Hyungsik plays, who is an unwavering feminist who goes above and beyond for his wife.
With not much buzz about this show, I discovered it in my interest in watching Hyungsik's work and was pleasantly surprised by the way they captured people's reactions to their epidemic. It was accurate with how the Covid pandemic happened and the trauma a disease can bring to any community through its horror elements. While there are numerous female characters in this show, some antagonistic in nature and others part of the complete story, the series can easily be categorized into a work that captures the story through the female gaze. It's a surprise how well the movies and series can be perceived differently when the perception of the director is guided by their gender.
Bell Bottom (2019)
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A Kannada film set in the 1980s, the story follows a man struggling to be recognized as a detective and finally finds a crime that seems like a mystery. Rishab Shetty and Haripriya come together to show us a fresh story that scratches the back of our necks until the end. With their romance bringing an easy laugh and dynamics around the small town that keep us engaged, this film is sure to leave the audience thoroughly entertained.
Curious about the actors' work, I found this film a unique slice of entertainment. The cultural details of this story are highlighted excellently, and the feminist factors need to be dug into passionately. But through it all, the film can be called an easy and entertaining watch. Interesting with narratives that audiences are unfamiliar with, this quirky film brings us a unique set of feminists and characters that cannot be put into stereotypes.
Wheel of Time (2021)
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Honestly, underrated for the breathtaking show that it is, this series deserves a much bigger audience. Following a prophecy that was foretold and fighting wars that are beyond humanity, this show is filled with beautiful visuals and meaningful narratives. It starts with one woman guiding five others through the trials for the people they are predicted to be and the story takes us through a journey beyond our imagination. With simplified concepts of fantasy and a world of politics, this show is ruled by the many women who control the stories of numerous others in the show.
A show that was exhilarating and left me wanting more, it was led by women in places of power who decided the fate of people with magic. A unique concept of only women having magic, this series brings us a tale that was written decades ago and gives us characters of various cultures coming together to fight against unfamiliar darkness. With every character holding the potential to be a game changer and everyone hustling to be in places of power, this series presents us with an intimidating world, quite similar to the one we are living in right now. And through it all, it also shows us women finding themselves and bonding with other women in ways that are not highlighted in reality nearly enough.
Kahaani 2: Durga Rani Singh (2016)
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Raw and magnetic, this film is about a woman who defies odds thrown in her direction that are beyond ordinary. It starts with a haunting accident and leads a police officer to investigate it, only to find a woman he never expected to see with a daughter. With her daughter missing and criminal charges against her that make no sense, this film takes us on a sombre journey of her past and the things she faced. The movie has a grip over us with Vidya Balan playing Durga Rani and Arjun Rampal playing the police officer. This film is a slap of honesty and mostly focuses on the various women involved in this story who might not always be loyal to their gender.
Shocking me beyond imagination when I first watched it, this story managed to grip me even today with the narrative of a terrified woman facing the world by herself while also taking on responsibilities that were not hers to begin with. With dangerous people always around her, Durga Rani manages to do the right thing by herself and everyone who depends on her. This film empowered me on the struggles of being a survivor and ways one can push themselves to be more than their ruinous experience. Rooted in India and navigating the clutches of patriarchy, this film is a wake-up call to the silent bystanders and people who believe ignorance is better.
How to get away with Murder (2014)
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Following the story of Annalise Keating prominently, this show is a dynamic punch for any audience. The show focuses on murders every season, involving the diverse characters of the show, who all grow through the six seasons. While the first season starts off with a student's narration, the following seasons involve the lives of the main characters and conclude with a full-circle story of Annalise. An intimidating woman to most, and a terrific teacher and lawyer to the rest, Annalise is a complex character who can be studied through various approaches. This show was unique with the narration having a feminist approach and having main characters that do not belong to the mainstream crowd.
I began this show hesitantly, expecting it to be a slow watch that would take me aeons to finish. Instead, I finished the entire series in three weeks and was left reeling on how they managed to involve a plethora of ordeals the characters experienced. From losing loved ones to doing the right thing, from being a single mother to experiencing health complications, from menopause to the struggles of being a part of countercultures, this show has managed to put it all together. Women in this show have been shown as the people they are, with their faults and quirks. Women from all stereotypes have been a part of this show, and somehow, the show manages to empower us with its dark truths and dangerous struggles.
Pieces of a woman (2020)
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A heartbreaking film on the experience of losing a child, this film focuses heavily on the woman who lost her baby after birth due to complications. While movies exist about the loss of a child and the many labours of miscarriages, a film had never been made before about the experience. The directors, a couple who experienced this personally, brought out this script after surviving the struggle that was never spoken aloud about. Vanessa Kirby has played the character so beautifully it leaves us speechless on the woes a human being could go through.
Having found this film through a friend, we later wrote a paper on this and nuances that would be commonly missed out. The film is incredibly insightful on the details of motherhood and the changes a woman's body goes through post-pregnancy. It focuses on the way loss can affect a woman and a man, and how both adapt to it differently. The most important element highlighted throughout is the way a woman is expected to cope after a miscarriage. While we all hear the numerous pressures a woman goes through in her life, this film sheds light on the way a woman is expected to behave a certain way even through uncertain, hopeless times.
Bombay Begums (2021)
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Starting with women in powerful positions this mini-series takes us on a ride with the stories of four women at different times of their lives. They belong to different social classes and have different aspirations, but they all are shown to have challenges that only someone would experience as a woman. While some are struggling for power and money, others are grappling to hold on to relationships and personal-social ties. Some women here are stumbling to balance everything as women are always portrayed to be doing, while others are exploring their options and finding themselves in the midst of everything.
I was confounded when I finished this series, only having imagined it to be a dramatic show with a plot carried by women. It had nuances to their struggles that couldn't have been explained in mere words and brought out their personalities in ways a male director could never. The series humanized the women to the people they were while also shedding light on the experiences that women are privy to. I recommend this show to every woman as it has captured something that has never been done before. The dialogues hit home as the story moves in an unpredictable direction leaving us with a sharp sting of reality over 6 episodes.
Easy A (2010)
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A very typical American chick flick, this film is light-hearted and packs a powerful message. It starts with Olive, a seemingly normal high school girl, making up one lie about having a college boyfriend to appease a nagging best friend. The story then spins out of control quickly with wild rumours about her spreading all over her school making her a subject of gossip and school scandals. Being the good-hearted girl she is, she helps out anyone she can with the attention that she now commands, and once again the narrative is taken for a spin to paint her as a girl with loose characters and a nympho.
I watched this film years ago on television and thought about how people could miss the entire point of the film and only focus on the romantic ending of her story. Having "Scarlet Letter" as the prescribed text in the film, the students all witness their scandalous woman, when she starts dressing as they painted her in spite and to claim her power. A film aimed at teenage girls, this film can easily be watched by anyone who enjoys humour. We see a perspective that is often missed out in chick flicks and a main character who takes power in the stereotype she is pushed into. All in all, time spent watching this would be well entertaining.
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killeroos · 28 days
Well well well. Dear Vk. The drama is yet to start, my friend.😉
indeed! 😂
vk is busy freaking out over his current predicament, when pat swears loudly. "what happened?" vk asks curiously.
"I missed my flight!" pat groans. "our team was supposed to leave for mumbai half an hour ago."
"yeah same here," vk sighs unthinkingly, before his eyes widen comically in horror. oh shit. pat doesn't know who he really is. he still thinks the guy he's dating is nick. why would "nick" miss a flight this morning?
fortunately for him, pat is too busy packing his stuff to offer anything more than an absent "you had a flight too nick? where were you going?"
"not a flight, er a meeting." vk invents wildly.
this gets pat's attention. he straightens up, taking a break from his haphazard packing to frown suspiciously at "nick." "it's a sunday today." he replies quizzically. "surely you don't have a meeting on a sunday?"
vk turns red. "an online meeting," he improvises quickly. "with, er, a potential foreign client. from america. it would be around 3 in the afternoon there," he supplies, before pat can question why on earth he's having a meeting at 8 in the morning.
"ah," pat nods in understanding. "no fuss to reschedule that though. my flight though... ugh my manager's going to kill me."
vk chuckles. "haha, i should probably get out of your hair. I'll go home and freshen up before I call these clients." he gets up, clutching the side table for support as pain shoots through his legs and his back.
"should I drop you off?" pat looks at him with concern.
"no, no," vk waves a dismissive hand. "i live on the opposite end of town. you'll miss your flight again if you drop me all the way to my house. I'll just call an uber."
"okay," pat smiles. "but i'm definitely coming over to your house one of these days."
"definitely," vk echoes. "bye, love." he kisses pat in goodbye before leaving.
"where to?" the bored uber driver asks him as he gets into the cab.
"um..." vk is in a fix now. he's still dressed as nick. he can't tell the driver to drop him off at the indian team's hotel or at one of his own lavish bungalows. it wouldn't be easy to explain. so he tells the driver to drop him off in an area near to one of his own houses. he'll walk to his mansion from there, he reasons.
the ride home is agony, his bum is so sore. then the twenty minute walk to his own house is another painful experience. damn pat, he thinks furiously, as he limps down the street, wheezing, holding his aching thigh.
when he arrives at the house, his own security doesn't recognise him. glancing around for any cleverly concealed paps and finding none, he removes his wig, and the hazel contact lenses he's put on. the guard's eyes widen in realization, and he lets him inside, apologizing profusely.
inside, the first thing vk does is run a hot bath. he sighs in relief as he sinks into the steaming water, his stiff muscles immediately relaxing. then he undertakes the daunting task of calling rohit.
"are you mad? how can you just miss your flight?" rohit booms, picking up on the second ring.
"im so sorry," vk apologises quickly. "i-- er-- i lost track of time yesterday. can you ask the manager to book another flight for me?"
"he says the best one he can find leaves in two hours. can you manage to catch that one, or will you be too busy taking a cock up your arse?" rohit snarls with venom.
"hey that's not fair!" vk snaps. "you know I didnt miss the flight on purpose!"
"yeah I know I'm sorry." rohit sighs. "just please get here soon? we need you for the match tomorrow."
"I don't know how useful I'll be though." vk warns him, and he's only half-joking. god, pat had been so rough with him last night. just thinking of it makes him twitch with arousal. experimentally, he presses a finger into a large bruise spread over his hip, shivering in excitement, when it smarts painfully.
he's less pleased about pat's roughness about two hours later when he's making his way to his seat on the plane. sitting down for two minutes feels unbearable, how on earth would he survive a flight of two hours?
"ouch..." he groans as he lowers himself into the seat tenderly. he's never ever going to sleep with pat before a match, he decides. god damn it. his bum feels as if it's on fire. and he's actually begun to suspect his back is fractured, that's how much it hurts.
he asks the airhostess for some cushions, as he wiggles around, trying to find a position where his bum doesn't hurt so much. that's when another man appears in the aisle and begins making his way to the seat next to him. vk stills immediately. great. the added humiliation of an audience. that's exactly what he needed today.
"can you please move your bag?" the man gestures to vk's kitbag, which is lying next to his feet, blocking the way to the seat.
vk doesn't feel up to bending down right now, but he does nonetheless. as he heaves the bag onto his lap, he turns to look up at his seat partner. his eyes widen. blue eyes, floppy brown hair and chiselled features. it's pat.
"you!" both of them cry at the same time, pat in irritation and vk in utter horror.
"just my luck," pat mutters mutinously as he takes the seat next to vk.
vk's face flames red as pat sits down next to him. all he can remember about the other man is the devilish smirk pat had sported last night as he pounded "nick" mercilessly into the mattress. and his hands grabbing his hips, leaving behind bruises that would last for days. and the taste of his lips against his own.
he has to spend this entire flight next to the man responsible for his current condition, hardly able to sit down, ass throbbing, back aching, lips swollen. vk is near-tears with shame.
poor vk just cannot catch a break 😭
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isomumbai · 1 month
What is the cost associated with obtaining ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai?
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Analyzing the Expenses Associated with ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai
ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai. is a critical step for agencies within the meals enterprise in search of ensuring their merchandise meets worldwide food safety requirements. In Mumbai, a bustling hub of trade and industry, obtaining this certification can considerably decorate a corporation’s credibility and marketability. However, many corporations are concerned about the charges related to ISO 22000 Certification. This comprehensive guide will stroll you through the various factors influencing these prices and provide insights into what you may anticipate when pursuing ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai.
What is ISO 22000 Certification?
ISO 22000 is a global preferred that specifies the requirements for a meal protection management gadget (FSMS). It is designed to ensure that businesses across the meal delivery chain — from production to intake — meet rigorous food protection requirements. Achieving ISO 22000 Certification demonstrates a commitment to meal protection and first-rate, which can be a significant aggressive benefit within the global market.
Critical Components of the ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai Process
The method of acquiring ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai involves numerous vital steps:
Gap Analysis: Evaluating your contemporary systems and processes in opposition to the ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai necessitates discovering regions needing development.
Implementation: Make essential modifications to your meal protection management gadget to comply with ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai requirements.
Internal Audit: Conduct inner audits to make sure that the revised machine meets the ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai necessities.
Management Review: Review the modifications and ensure that they’re powerful and aligned with the same old.
Certification Audit: A 1/3-birthday party audit performed via a certification frame to assess compliance with ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai.
Certification Issuance: If the audit is a success, the certification frame will be problematic for the ISO 22000 Certification.
Factors Influencing the Cost of ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai
The value of ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai can vary widely primarily based on numerous factors:
Size and Complexity of the Organization: Larger companies or those with complicated operations typically incur better costs due to the vast audit and implementation requirements. Conversely, smaller companies may revel in decreased charges but want to fulfill the equally rigorous requirements.
Current System Readiness: Organizations that already have a well-mounted meal safety management gadget may need lower prices as they’ll need fewer modifications to satisfy ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai necessities. Those beginning from scratch may additionally incur higher fees because of the want for comprehensive machine development and implementation.
Consultancy Fees: Many groups pick out to hire specialists to manual them via the ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai technique. Consultant expenses can vary based on their knowledge and the complexity of the mission. While consultants can help streamline the method and doubtlessly reduce certification time, their costs will contribute to the general price.
Training Costs: Training employees on ISO 22000 certification in Mumbai standards and necessities is an essential factor in the certification method. Training prices can vary depending on the wide variety of personnel and the intensity of schooling required.
Certification Body Fees: The certification frame prices fees for conducting audits and issuing certifications. These fees can vary based totally on the business enterprise’s length, the complexity of the audit, and the certification frame’s pricing shape.
Ongoing Maintenance Costs: ISO 22000 Certification calls for periodic audits and recertification. Organizations need to set a price range for these ongoing prices to hold their certification.
Estimating the Costs
While exact fees can vary, here’s a rough estimate of the costs concerned in obtaining ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai:
Consultancy Fees: Approximately INR 50,000 to INR 2,00,000. This relies upon the consultant’s expertise and the task’s complexity.
Training Costs: Training can range from INR 20,000 to INR 1,00,000, depending on the number of personnel and the kind of schooling required.
Certification Body Fees: Initial certification expenses generally range from INR 1,00,000 to INR five 00,000. This consists of the value of the audit and certification issuance.
Implementation Costs: If significant adjustments are needed, implementation costs can vary widely. Budgeting around INR 1,00,000 to INR three 00,000 for adjustments and upgrades is cheap.
Ongoing Costs: Annual surveillance audits and recertification can be priced between INR 50,000 and INR 2,00,000, depending on the corporation’s size and complexity.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
While the charges associated with ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai can also appear great, it is essential to take into account the long-term advantages:
Enhanced Credibility: ISO 22000 Certification can improve your business enterprise’s credibility and trustworthiness in the meals industry, which could lead to expanded enterprise opportunities and client loyalty.
Regulatory Compliance: Achieving certification ensures that your agency complies with international meal protection guidelines, reducing the threat of criminal troubles and the ability to remember.
Improved Efficiency: Implementing a sturdy food safety management machine can result in stepped-forward operational efficiency and reduced waste.
Market Advantage: Certification can provide a competitive part within the marketplace, differentiating your business enterprise from the competition and attracting more clients.
Global Recognition: ISO 22000 Certification is identified the world over, establishing doorways to international markets and export possibilities.
Tips for Managing Costs
To manipulate the costs related to ISO 22000 Certification, remember the following hints:
Conduct a Thorough Gap Analysis: Identifying and addressing gaps early can save you highly-priced surprises all through the certification manner.
Choose the Right Certification Body: Obtain charges from multiple certification bodies to find one that gives aggressive pricing and aligns with your desires.
Leverage In-House Expertise: Utilize inner assets for education and implementation wherein viable to lessen consultancy charges.
Plan for Ongoing Costs: Budget for ongoing surveillance audits and recertification to make sure you are organized for future costs.
Continuous Improvement: Foster a tradition of constant development to hold compliance and keep away from expensive non-conformities.
Obtaining ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai entails various expenses, from consultancy expenses and schooling to certification frame prices and implementation charges. While the monetary investment can be huge, the advantages of certification — which include enhanced credibility, regulatory compliance, and progressed efficiency — can provide significant returns in the long run. By focusing on the factors influencing prices and planning, organizations can correctly navigate the certification manner and achieve the rewards of ISO 22000 Certification. Whether you are a small commercial enterprise or a significant employer, investing in ISO 22000 Certification can be a pivotal step towards achieving food protection excellence and gaining a competitive facet within the worldwide marketplace.
What makes Factocert the best ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai?
We provide the best ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai. We are knowledgeable and provide the best solutions. To get ISO certification in Mumbai, kindly reach us at [email protected]. A Mumbai ISO 22000 consultant helps organizations implement ISO certification with proper documentation according to ISO 22000 standards.
For more information, visit ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai.
Related Links:
· ISO Certification in Mumbai
ISO 9001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 45001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 13485 Certification in Mumbai
· Ce Mark Certification in Mumbai
· Halal Certification in Mumbai
RELATED ARTICLE  How to get ISO Consultants in Mumbai
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mousumi03 · 2 months
Trusted Fire Door Manufacturer in Mumbai: Quality and Reliability You Can Depend On
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In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, ensuring the safety and security of buildings is a top priority. Among the crucial components of a robust fire safety system are fire doors, which are essential in preventing the spread of fire and smoke, thereby safeguarding lives and property. Choosing a trusted fire door manufacturer in Mumbai is vital to ensure quality and reliability. This article explores why partnering with a reputable fire door manufacturer in Mumbai is crucial for optimal fire safety.
The Importance of Fire Doors
Fire doors are specially engineered to withstand high temperatures and prevent the spread of fire and smoke. Their primary functions include:
Protecting Occupants: Fire rated doors provide critical time for occupants to evacuate safely during a fire. Containing Fire: These doors help contain the fire to a specific area, reducing the spread and minimizing damage.
Supporting Firefighting Efforts: By containing the fire, these doors provide clear pathways for firefighters to access and extinguish the blaze effectively.
Why Choose a Trusted Fire Door Manufacturer in Mumbai?
Selecting a trusted fire door manufacturer in Mumbai comes with several benefits that ensure the highest levels of safety and reliability:
Local Expertise and Compliance: A reputable manufacturer is well-versed in Mumbai’s specific building codes and fire safety regulations, ensuring their products are fully compliant with local standards.
High-Quality Materials: Trusted manufacturers use top-grade materials that offer superior fire resistance and durability. This guarantees that the fire doors will perform effectively in the event of a fire.
Advanced Manufacturing Techniques: Leading manufacturers employ cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques to produce fire doors that meet the highest safety standards.
Customizable Solutions: Understanding that every building has unique needs, a trusted manufacturer offers customized fire door solutions tailored to specific architectural and safety requirements.
Comprehensive Services: From initial consultation and design to installation and ongoing maintenance, a reputable manufacturer provides end-to-end services to ensure the fire doors are always in optimal condition.
Key Features of High-Quality Fire Doors
When choosing a fire door manufacturer in Mumbai, consider the following key features that denote high-quality fire doors:
Fire Resistance Rating: Ensure the doors have a certified fire resistance rating, such as 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes, depending on the building’s requirements. Effective Smoke Seals: Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. High-quality fire doors come with smoke seals to prevent the spread of smoke, ensuring safe evacuation routes. Durable Construction: Fire rated doors should be constructed from robust materials like steel, aluminum, or fire-resistant wood to withstand extreme conditions. Thermal Insulation: Proper insulation prevents heat transfer, keeping the side of the door opposite the fire cool enough to be safely touched.
Ensuring Proper Installation and Maintenance
Professional Installation: Certified professionals ensure the doors are installed correctly, adhering to all safety standards and regulations. Regular Inspections: Routine inspections help identify any wear and tear or potential issues that could compromise the door’s effectiveness. Timely Maintenance: Regular maintenance ensures that all components of the fire door, including hinges, seals, and latches, are in optimal working condition.
Choosing a trusted fire door manufacturer in Mumbai is essential for ensuring the highest standards of fire safety. By partnering with a reputable manufacturer, you benefit from local expertise, high-quality materials, advanced manufacturing techniques, and comprehensive services. Investing in superior fire doors not only protects lives and property but also ensures compliance with safety regulations. Prioritize safety and reliability by selecting a trusted fire door manufacturer in Mumbai, and secure peace of mind for all building occupants.
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synapsespine · 2 months
Effective Low Back Pain Treatment in Mumbai: Find Relief with Synapse Spine
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Low back pain is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, often causing discomfort and disrupting daily activities. If you're seeking effective low back pain treatment in Mumbai, Synapse Spine offers specialized care designed to address the root causes of your pain and restore your quality of life. Led by Dr. Aditya Raj, a renowned spine specialist, Synapse Spine provides comprehensive treatment options tailored to meet your specific needs.
Understanding Low Back Pain
Low back pain can stem from various issues, including muscle strain, herniated discs, or degenerative spinal conditions. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, often accompanied by stiffness or reduced mobility. Identifying the underlying cause of your pain is crucial for effective treatment, and that’s where Synapse Spine excels.
Why Choose Synapse Spine for Low Back Pain Treatment in Mumbai?
At Synapse Spine, we understand the complexities of low back pain and offer a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Dr. Aditya Raj, a leading spine specialist, employs advanced diagnostic techniques to accurately pinpoint the source of your discomfort. His expertise in both conservative and surgical treatments ensures that you receive the most appropriate care for your condition.
Synapse Spine is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to providing personalized care. Our approach combines the latest medical technologies with compassionate care, focusing on both immediate relief and long-term recovery.
Treatment Options at Synapse Spine
1. Non-Surgical Treatments: For many patients, non-surgical options are effective in managing low back pain. These include physical therapy, pain management injections, and lifestyle modifications. Dr. Aditya Raj develops customized treatment plans that incorporate these methods to relieve pain and improve function.
2. Surgical Interventions: In cases where conservative treatments are insufficient, Dr. Aditya Raj may recommend surgical options. These procedures are performed using minimally invasive techniques to ensure quicker recovery and reduced risk of complications.
Success Stories
Our patients have experienced remarkable improvements through our tailored treatments. Whether it's a busy professional struggling with back pain or an elderly individual dealing with chronic discomfort, low back pain treatment in Mumbai at Synapse Spine has made a significant difference in their lives. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the positive outcomes and testimonials from our satisfied patients.
Contact Us
If you're looking for effective low back pain treatment in Mumbai, look no further than Synapse Spine. Dr. Aditya Raj and our dedicated team are here to help you find relief and get back to your daily activities without pain. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us at:
Veetrag - 2, opposite Jain Mandir Road, Devchand Nagar, Sripal Nagar, Road, Mumbai, Mira Bhayandar, Maharashtra 401101
+91 93726 71858
+91 93211 24611
+91 74998 98303
Stay connected with us through our social media platforms to learn more about our services and get tips on managing back pain:
Experience relief from low back pain and regain control of your life with expert care at Synapse Spine.
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vimalkumar · 3 months
Legal Requirements for Patent Registration in Mumbai
Patents are crucial for protecting intellectual property and encouraging innovation. If you're looking to register a patent in Mumbai, India, understanding the process is essential. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the patent registration in Mumbai:
1. Understanding Patents:
What is a Patent? A patent is a legal right granted by the government that allows the patent holder exclusive rights to their invention, preventing others from making, using, or selling the invention without permission.
2. Types of Patents:
Utility Patents: Protect functional aspects of inventions.
Design Patents: Protect the ornamental design of functional items.
Plant Patents: Protect new varieties of plants.
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3. Criteria for Patentability:
Novelty: Your invention must be new and not publicly disclosed.
Inventive Step: It should not be obvious to someone skilled in the field.
Industrial Applicability: It must have a practical use.
4. Patent Registration Process:
Step 1: Patent Search
Conduct a thorough search to ensure your invention is novel and hasn’t been patented before. This can be done through the Indian Patent Office's online database or with the help of a patent attorney.
Step 2: Preparation of Patent Application
Draft a detailed patent application including:
Description of the invention.
Claims defining the scope of protection.
Drawings (if applicable).
Step 3: Filing the Application
Submit the patent application to the Indian Patent Office either physically or online. Ensure all required forms and fees are included.
Step 4: Examination
The patent office examines the application to determine patentability. This includes assessing novelty, inventive steps, and industrial applicability.
Step 5: Publication
If the application meets all criteria, it is published in the official patent journal after 18 months from the filing date or priority date.
Step 6: Opposition (if any)
After publication, third parties have an opportunity to oppose the patent within a specific period.
Step 7: Grant of Patent
If no opposition is filed or successfully defended, and all formalities are completed, the patent is granted.
5. Duration and Renewal:
A patent in India is valid for 20 years from the filing date. Renewal fees must be paid periodically to maintain the patent.
6. Costs Involved:
Costs vary depending on the complexity of the invention and the services of patent attorneys. It’s advisable to budget for filing fees, attorney fees, and maintenance fees.
7. Benefits of Patent Registration:
Exclusive Rights: Prevents others from exploiting your invention without permission.
Commercial Value: Enhances the marketability and value of your invention.
Legal Protection: Provides a legal basis for pursuing infringers.
8. Seeking Professional Help:
While it’s possible to file a patent application independently, consulting a patent attorney or agent can streamline the process and increase the chances of success.
Navigating the patent registration in Mumbai requires diligence, understanding of legal requirements, and adherence to timelines. By securing a patent, inventors not only protect their innovations but also contribute to the advancement of technology and society.
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5676
Jalsa, Mumbai Sept 1/2, 2023 Fri/Sat 12:15 AM
EF Moha Mehta Birthday
Friday, 1 September .. greetings and love from us all .. and apologies again .. the timings of my schedule and the pressures of work caused this miss .. 🌹
Birthday - EF Ashfaq Khatri Saturday, 2 September .. all good wishes fro this day and happy birthday .. from the Ef family .. ❤️
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.. still running on to KBC ..
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a few thoughts for the DAY and then on to the job ..
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the agility of the contestants .. their life stories and their determination all are filled with wonder and emotion .. they come from remote regions of the country .. they have hardly any facility to become knowledged enough to be on the seat with the most .. and they accomplish this feat with immense credibility and reach the summit of all they desire ..
it changes their life in a few moments, from nothing but expectation to the ultimate .. not just a sea change but an entire Universe .. their ability is jaw dropping, their demeanour simple servile and just so so endearing .. and their responses to the most incredibly difficult questions of the day stump you and you are aghast with the kind of confidence and accomplished sensibilities they exhibit ..
this land is my land and this land is the bed of fertile humans in every walk of life .. some of them one has the privilege to meet on the platform called KBC and their be in impress of their acumen ..
the surge of cheer and applause at each turn of event has given proof of the steadfast belief in the show and the kind of intensity it provides for the entire family ..
at the end of the show the opportunity I get to take some pictures for the record with the audience is turning out to be the most enlightening moments of the day .. the variety of the mass, the 'janta janardhan' their beliefs and dreams as well leave me stumbling for answers , which I find very hard to digest and expand too ..
of course my worthiness is limited .. and it becomes extremely embarrassing to be told quite the opposite .. so one digests it, without the belief of belief , and stumbles along the path ..
I must stumble on to my bed .. for the day of work is ever taxing and energy consuming ..
I shall be with you again .. later
my love and prayers ever ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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baeskinclinic · 3 months
Fractional Radio Frequency Treatment in Borivali, Mumbai |B.A.E Skin Clinic
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Experience the transformative power of Fractional Radio Frequency (RF) Treatment at B.A.E Skin Clinic in Borivali, Mumbai. Led by the esteemed Dr. Krupa Modi, our clinic offers cutting-edge skin rejuvenation treatments that deliver exceptional results, helping you achieve a youthful and radiant complexion.
What is Fractional Radio Frequency Treatment?
Fractional RF Treatment is an advanced non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to penetrate deep into the skin layers. This innovative technology stimulates collagen production and tightens the skin, effectively reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and other skin imperfections.
Benefits of Fractional RF Treatment:
Skin Tightening: Improves skin elasticity and firmness, giving you a youthful and lifted appearance.
Wrinkle Reduction: Minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for smoother, younger-looking skin.
Scar Treatment: Effectively reduces acne scars, surgical scars, and stretch marks, promoting smoother skin texture.
Even Skin Tone: Addresses pigmentation issues and uneven skin tone, enhancing overall complexion.
Minimal Downtime: Enjoy the benefits of a powerful skin treatment with minimal downtime and quick recovery.
Why Choose Dr. Krupa Modi at B.A.E Skin Clinic?
Expertise: Dr. Krupa Modi is a highly skilled and experienced dermatologist dedicated to providing personalized care and the best possible outcomes for her patients.
Advanced Technology: Our clinic is equipped with modern technology to ensure safe and effective treatments.
Customized Treatments: We tailor each treatment plan to meet the unique needs and goals of every patient, ensuring optimal results.
Comfort and Care: At B.A.E Skin Clinic, we prioritize patient comfort and provide a welcoming environment where you can relax and feel at ease.
Our Process:
Consultation: Begin with a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Krupa Modi to discuss your skin concerns and treatment goals.
Customized Plan: Receive a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
Treatment Session: Undergo the Fractional RF Treatment in a comfortable and professional setting.
Aftercare: Benefit from expert guidance on post-treatment care to maximize and maintain your results.
Transform Your Skin Today
Rediscover your skin’s natural beauty with Fractional Radio Frequency Treatment at B.A.E Skin Clinic. Trust Dr. Krupa Modi and her team to provide exceptional care and outstanding results.
Book Your Appointment
Don’t wait to achieve the radiant, youthful skin you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a more confident you.
B.A.E Skin Clinic
Location: A-Ground Floor, Lancelot Apartment, Opposite Kalyan Jewellers S.V. Road, Borivali West, Mumbai
Contact: +91 86573 55999
Website: https://baeskinclinic.com/
Experience the best in skin care with Fractional Radio Frequency Treatment at B.A.E Skin Clinic. Your journey to beautiful skin starts here.
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sahaniautozonellp · 3 months
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drritamodi · 5 months
Dr. Rita Modi, a leading fertility specialist in Thane, Mumbai
Welcome to Dr. Rita Modi's practice, where hope meets expertise in fertility treatment. Dr. Modi is renowned as the foremost fertility specialist in Thane and Mumbai, with over two decades of experience dedicated to helping couples achieve their dream of parenthood. Specializing in a comprehensive range of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), including IVF, ICSI, semen analysis, and IUI, Dr. Rita Modi offers personalized care tailored to each patient's unique needs. Her commitment to excellence, coupled with her compassionate approach, has earned her the trust of countless families seeking solutions to infertility challenges.
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About Doctor 
Dr. Rita Modi is a distinguished consultant fertility specialist and reproductive endocrinologist with a stellar track record spanning 20 years. She holds prestigious qualifications, including MBBS, MD (obstetrics and gynecology), DNB (obstetrics and gynecology), MNAMS, FICMCH, and FNB (reproductive medicine). Dr. Modi's expertise extends beyond fertility treatments to encompass the management of recurrent miscarriages, pediatric and adolescent gynecological, and endocrinological disorders.
Credentials and Experience: 
Dr. Modi's journey to becoming a leading fertility expert is marked by rigorous training and invaluable experience. After completing her MD and DNB in Obstetrics & Gynecology, she pursued a 2-year post-doctoral fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (FNB) from the National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Dr. Modi honed her skills further as an infertility consultant at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Kolkata, under the guidance of Dr. Baidyanath Chakravarty, a pioneer in fertility sciences in India. Additionally, her proficiency in obstetric, gynecological, and fertility ultrasonography from Mediscan Systems, Chennai, enhances her diagnostic capabilities.
Commitment to Excellence: 
Dr. Rita Modi is committed to implementing the best practices in her field, including advanced laboratory techniques to maximize success rates. She is a prolific researcher, with numerous original papers and book chapters published in national and international journals. As a dedicated educator, Dr. Modi imparts her knowledge to post-graduate and post-doctoral students, ensuring the next generation of fertility specialists is well-equipped to serve. Her passion for continuous learning is evident in her participation in medical education programs and workshops, where she shares the latest advancements in fertility treatment.
Philosophy and Approach: 
Dr. Modi's practice is guided by the principles of 'do no harm' and 'sarvebhavantusukhinah,' reflecting her ethical and compassionate approach to patient care. Beyond her professional endeavors, Dr. Modi is deeply spiritual and actively involved as a volunteer with the 'Art of Living' organization. Her holistic approach to fertility treatment encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, empowering her patients on their journey to parenthood.
Google Business Profile: 
You can find Dr. Rita Modi at Currae Gynaec | IVF | Birthing Hospital, conveniently located at Rosa Vista, MH SH 42, opposite Suraj Water Park, Thane, Maharashtra 400607. For those seeking fertility treatment in Mumbai and Thane, Dr. Modi's clinic is easily accessible. Simply input the coordinates 19.25565360 and 72.97186530 into your GPS for precise directions.
Phone number: 09619710185
Social media links 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drritamodi/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.RitaModi/ 
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5sTUSY3Ec1s8tlB1jhWvsQ 
Pinterest: https://pin.it/46ZjKfoSk
If you're grappling with infertility and seeking expert guidance, Dr. Rita Modi offers tailored hope and solutions. With her extensive experience, dedication to excellence, and compassionate care, Dr. Modi is your dedicated partner in realizing your dream of parenthood. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards building your family with confidence. Dr. Modi is renowned as the best infertility doctor in Thane, specializing in fertility treatment in Thane, and recognized as the best for IVF treatment in Thane and the best ICSI specialist in Thane.
This Blogger site is managed and marketed by Hopeland Healthcare
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