#or Aof is lying
respectthepetty · 5 months
Night is going to be the best dad!
Night, in full dad mode, immediately sensed that DAY was the issue at the start of the fight, so he spoke TO Day rather than asking Mork who had already shut down.
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And Dad Night, trying to ease the tension, smiled and asked Mork why he would lie even though he already guessed it was due to Mork's concern for Day.
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Then establishes that Night is there for BOTH of them. He can take care of Day AND he can do that FOR Mork while Mork goes abroad. No problems. Easy peasy!
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He tries to reason with Mork, but Mork quickly shuts him down.
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And the look that Mark Pakin gives here deserves an award because Night looks hurt like he is being reminded of why Day is even in this situation, but also sad that Mork is expressing his disbelief in Night's ability to keep Day safe.
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But Mork keeps going because Day's mother has constantly harped on Mork taking care of Day. This woman has been a broken record about this, and Day told Mork not to disappear. Day was upset at the race at the mere thought of Day quitting for another job, and was just upset the prior episode that Mork was quitting, so here is Mork stating that HE AIN'T LEAVING!
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And, once again, Dad Night tries to reason with Mork unlike the other two people in the room who are surprisingly quiet even though they have only exacerbated Mork's need to be there for Day every damn second previous to this exact moment.
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And Dad Night has finally touched on the real issue!
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Day and Mork have been playing 21-questions since the first episode to get to know each other better, yet it's Dad Night trying to reassure Mork that gets Mork to finally confront his biggest fear - he is the reason his sister died - and he won't let that happen again.
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Mork is looking AT NIGHT! Night is the only one having a conversation WITH Mork about his reasoning for lying. Night and Mork were having the conversation Day and Mork should have been having.
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Yet immediately after Mork's confession, Day promptly decides to finally have this conversation with Mork, but chooses to say this.
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And this is the conversation they have. A conversation ABOUT DAY instead of Mork's belief that his sister died because of him, which is ironic since Day is arguing that Mork is pitying him and thinking he is incapable of being independent while Day is making this entire argument ABOUT HIMSELF!
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It's not wrong that Mork doesn't want to leave. It's wrong that he lied. Instead of telling Day that he got the job offer but declined it, he told Day he never got the offer. Yet Day is making this about him and his blindness, so Dad Night, again, tries to ease the tension so both men can see reason.
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But unlike Mork who listened, Day interrupts Night.
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Just so he can break Mork's heart.
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Which he does.
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It's the fact that Mork still respectfully bows to Day's mom (who doesn't deserve it) as he is essentially being kicked out of the house and Day's life BY Day.
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It's the fact that Night looks between Day and Mork.
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And actually questions Day's decision.
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While Day calls out to their mom instead of answering the question!
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And It's the fact that Night defended Mork AND DAY when they weren't even there when the mom was so determined to lock her son in his room to "keep him safe" and expel Mork from their lives when he was the only one who got Day out of his room.
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So next week, when he gets married to Phojai (*fingers crossed*), which will allow him to adopt their child, I will be celebrating because Night deserves the honor of being a father. He has earned that right by putting in the work with his little brother, his mother, and his future brother-in-law. He might have been a party boy once, but in the background, Night has been quickly growing into being a reasonable man who tries to see the good in people especially because he knows what it feels like to be the black sheep and have his mistakes constantly be used against him. He is a caring man who understands that people are misunderstood but taking the time to question and listen helps more than yelling, and he will teach that to his daughter.
Dad Night is the best Night.
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heretherebedork · 5 months
I have not been so disappointed by an episode 11 in ages. Because Last Twilight was a show I loved. I adored the characters, the growth, the relationship, the growing communication, everything. They weren't perfect but things were coming together and we were seeing external issues and, sure, Mhok's grief was being neglected but the show was focusing heavily on Day and his journey with his sight and I can deal with that.
But this?
This episode 11?
The one where Mhok finally admits he's carrying a lot of grief and guilt and blame on his shoulders and that it makes him worry for the people he loves and leaves him feeling like he should take responsibility and care for them because he literally lost his sister to suicide after not answering his phone call and is met with Day twisting that into pity and a reason to break up with him? The part where this supposedly loving relationship where Mhok has again and again shown Day how to be independent and supported him in learning his new life and has been at his side including literally sneaking him out of the city ends with Day breaking up with Mhok for struggling with feelings of guilt over grief?
An episode that literally starts with Day begging Mhok not to leave, to stay at his side, and ends with Day sending Mhok away to cry outside, alone, without any consideration for the fact that he genuinely admitted to his own struggles for the first time ever?
An episode that ends with a preview that shows Day adjusting happily to his new life surrounded by love and Mhok alone and dark and dismal and miserable because apparently Mhok is the one to suffer and now Day is just going to do better?
An episode where Day's mom started out telling Mhok she was 'just a mom with a disabled son looking for someone to take care of him entirely' and ends with her declaring that Day can totally take care of himself and Mhok is the one with the problem with that?
How the fuck did this show destroy over 10 episodes of confidence in the characters and trust in Aof as a director in under 10 minutes? How and why?! What even happened? Why is this the penultimate episode and how is this what we built up this whole time?
To Day refusing to do any emotional labor for Mhok? To Day deciding that if Mhok wasn't willing to literally live a world away from him after very traumatically losing his sister to suicide that meant he pitied him and couldn't possibly love him? To Day sending Mhok away knowing he'll be alone after he literally bears his soul to him desperately trying to explain his love?
This is what we built to? This is the conflict the show thought was going to make us want to come back?
How are they going to fix this? How can the next episode possibly make this pain feel worthwhile or make it feel like Day can support Mhok? Or are we supposed to take away a different message from this that I don't understand?
I am so, so frustrated because the show was so good and now it feels like it was all a waste, like the rest of the show that was leading us here was lying to us.
Why did we have the big speech at Aon's wedding about supporting each other if the first time Mhok needed support from Day he was met with being dumped?
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bengiyo · 5 months
Last Twilight Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last week, August tried to make up with Day after standing him up on their date. Aon also showed up that day and mentioned that he is participating in a race with his new girlfriend. Day and August started practicing together, making Mhok a bit jealous. August organized a surprise party for Day with the rest of the badminton folks and kissed Day. Unfortunately, August only sees Day as a friend and walked off. Mhok confronted August and then took Day to a rooftop where he then kissed Day as well.
Oh hell yeah! I am so glad we’re not skipping over the kiss aftermath. Mhok is his caregiver, so this is going to immediately change things.
I love Porjai. Got her all worked up just to tell her what she already knew. These two are my favorite exes of the year.
“I didn’t say it.” Well he’s technically not lying.
This show is excellent. August is leaving, so we’ll deal with his mess and then eject him in the first part!
Despite being mad at August last episode, I’m really glad these two get closure. Friend break ups are worse than romantic ones.
They used “delulu” as a translation! Who is on the sub team for this show?? I want to send them flowers!
“That’s so fast.” I love Gee.
“About last night…” Don’t get me started, y’all.
Alright. That rejection in the car hurt my feelings.
Ope. I’m back. Day told on himself and Mhok is back in the game.
Mhok fixed the headband. I love you and your unsubtle metaphors, Aof.
Okay, I love Mhok blaming the shoes August picked for them not being able to sync.
I’m glad Sea is actually an athlete, so he doesn’t have to fake a cramp.
Night definitely notices how comfortable these two have gotten with each other.
This bed scene was probably super easy for them. Sea is always falling asleep easily on set.
OMG they’re stayin gat Mhok’s place before the event.
Porjai said, “Really, in front of my sardine salad?”
Namtam is actually so good. I like the way she uses her eyes.
Mhok planted jasmine at his house!!
She’s naming the baby Mee because Mhok has been practicing reading the book! I’m going to explode.
This show is doing a great job of making me miss Rung.
We have hit on a rare trope I love: Two people who are working out their feelings for each other are sharing a bed and hearing others go at it through the walls.
I’m glad we’re seeing more of Night. Mark is so good at communicating without saying much.
Oh, Day, don’t read too much into that conversation. Mhok’s friend is just looking out for him.
Shoot your shot, Porjai!
I am with Mhok. That’s enough games. Let’s make it clear.
Aof, please continue to be unsubtle. I love you.
Porjai and Night begins! Look at me rooting for hets in BL again.
I’m gonna lose it. Mhok is acting out Aon’s proposal for Day.
I see we were having too much fun. Let’s crank up the angst.
Look at them trying to assuage us with this PPL.
Beach trip next week! This was a lovely episode. It’s so smooth.
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jinokai-chan · 1 year
Toshiro Lee Father Backstory
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Eight years ago (Lee is seven, Toshiro is five)
Mama died when I was five. I cant really remember her that well. Toshi doesn't really realize though. She barely knew her. But I always tell her about her so she doesn't forget her. But, Papa doesn't really seem to worry that much. He just says "it's just life, people die its normal." which always Makes me confused. But I don't let it get to me.But then, when it started, when Papa started drinking, it all changed. Everyday was the same, I'd go to the academy, Toshi'd stay at home, Papa would go to work, or wherever he'd go. When I got home, he would seldom be there. But we didn't really need him. I'd get some Ramen, we'd eat that for dinner and hope he comes back soon. But then one day when he came back, he was different. He was walking weirdly, he would be muttering to himself. I assumed he was drunk. He'd come back like that more and more often, so often Toshi and I knew that we should stay out of his way when he was. But it wouldn't be that simple. He'd often beat the crap out of us if we disobeyed him or made mistakes. There was a certain time where he came to my school to check on how I was doing, but got so mad when they told him I couldn't do ninjutsu, he locked me out of the house for the while night. One night, it was very late and I was up because I couldn't sleep. He walked in yelling, he saw me lying on the couch staring at the ceiling. When I looked at him, his eyes were red, he walked straight toward me. I jumped up and stood with my head to the ground as he stood in front of me. His breath reeked of beer, and his clothes were filthy."Boy, why are you still up?" he demanded as he let out a beer smelling burp. Normally I would have laughed, but not right now. I bit my lip, "I-I couldn't sleep Father. I w-was having nightmares." I answered shakily. He continued to stare at me, he burst out laughing like a psycho, "Gah, weak, useless boy! Tell me- where's your sister?!" he said pushing me back down on the couch. Tears started welling in my eyes, "Sleeping," I murmured. He stomped off toward Toshiros room and burst into the room.I followed him and he went over to her bed holding a kunai knife in his hand. "Father! What are you doing?" I asked, he wore a sick grin, "She reminds me too much of her bitch of a mother, and I can't live with that." he said raising the knife above Toshi's head. Before he could stab my sister, I jumped on his back and bit into his neck, causing him to stagger back. He flung me off him and by then Toshi was awakened by the noise. I sat in the corner of the room as he staggered toward me with the same intensity. I shut my eyes as I prepared for him to end me. At least I'll see Mama again, I thought. Then, a Loud thud was heard and I look to see my father standing in front of me, his eyes lifeless and blood dripping on the sides of his mouth.His lifeless body fell to the ground as I caught sight of my sister holding a shuriken in her hand, the tip bloody and the edges of the star cutting into her palm. I got up and slowly walked to her. She dropped to her knees and started crying. I took the shuriken from her and put  hand on her back, rubbing her back in a circular motion. She cried on and on, not once taking her eyes off the body.An hour later Jonin ninja arrived because the neighbors heard the racket and called. They asked us about what happened and we told them it was out of self defense. They understood and said the only way we wouldn't be charged with murder, was if we both become ninj aof the Leaf as soon as we graduated from the Academy.The very next day, we locked the door to the room, the Jonin had taken the body away. But we never opened the door to the room where he tried to kill my sister ever again. 
From my book series on Quotev, it's in Rock Lee's pov and Toshi is my oc who is his sister
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
Some shall be pardon'd, and (none) punished Bad Buddy Episode 12
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Hold, daughter: I do spy a kind of hope, Which craves as desperate an execution. As that is desperate which we would prevent. If, rather than to marry County Paris, Thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself, Then is it likely thou wilt undertake A thing like death to chide away this shame, That copest with death himself to scape from it: And, if thou darest, I'll give thee remedy.
Oh they got us GOOD. If I ever in life meet Aof in person I'm gonna smack the back of his head. But when I think about it, the only twist left to twist in this romcom Romeo and Juliet AU is to make the fake death plot actually WORK. In this episode, we catch up with Pat, Pran and the whole gang 4 years in the future, in the softest, fluffiest, most low-stakes middle-ending EVER. Everything isn't rainbows, but it's good enough for the moment, and there are signs that better days are coming.
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O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.
Yea, noise? then I'll be brief. O happy dagger! This is thy sheath...
I really didn't expect them to return to being a secret...but they weren't really? All the important people knew this time, which must have made things easier. And as we realise by the end, their parents pretty much know as well, and...well they aren't fine with it, but they won't interfere, which is where I originally thought things might land before I went full clown off last week's preview. They do love their children and don't want to lose them, but they are also still saving face. And Pat and Pran get what they want, which is to be together without lying to anybody they care about.
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I will raise her statue in pure gold; That while Verona by that name is known, There shall no figure at such rate be set As that of true and faithful Juliet.
As rich shall Romeo's by his lady's lie; Poor sacrifices of our enmity!
In the end, I think Aof tried to thread the needle between a totally happy ending and a realistically happy one, and mostly stuck it, though I think some won't like the solution. The rift between their parents is an old, deep wound, and it won't easily be healed, but the parents DO love their children enough to let them be happy together, and maybe try to make some baby steps toward each other. There are signs that forgiveness will come eventually, things can't and won't stay at this detente forever. Ming drinking the liquor that is obviously from Pran, and crossing the line to deliver Dissaya's mail, and Dissaya leaving the guitar on Pran's bed, and both parents knowing the two are sneaking around at home to be with each other and just letting it go are tiny, tiny things, but they're not nothing. They still can't reconcile, but they've at least stopped putting it on their kids. Things work for now because Pran is away, but when he returns something will have to shift, I think that's clear. It's an ending to the story, but not the ending.
Commentary from the Chorus
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This really was more like a special ep after the finale feeling of last week.
The fakeout lasting 2 parts was just cruel 🤣
Pran really rubbed that tee ON HIS JUNK and gave it to Pat to sniff, I can't.
I'm so glad they didn't do Wai/Korn. Wai remains bitchmade.
Ink and Paa when is the wedding?
They found a way to do the end of the novel without doing the end of the novel and I kind of love that.
Pat's mom and Pran's dad definitely have a 4 year WhatsApp chat going where they roll their eyes at the stubbornness of their respective spouses and keep each other up to date on their sons-in-law.
The chaos of the ending scene...these two are just FERAL and I kind of love it. Pran climbing up on the counter...I CACKLED. Get yours my Virgo son!
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Ep 8 rewatch
Pat's dad being a hypocrite about lying.
Dude the way Ohm acts like it physically hurts me seeing his sad puppy face. It's legit something you want to protect.
Also fuck wai. I feel like it needs saying all the time because you best friend literally mentioned something about having a boyfriend from a rival faculty and it's so easy to connect the dots but you decided your feelings were more important.
Also how the hell did Ohm and Nanon pull that cringey scene off. Like if it was any other actor I'd probably have fast forwarded or skipped it but these amazing actors kept me glued to the screen. again.
One last thing, and this is Aof's brilliance, when the curtain falls it feels like the world is coming to an end for even us as audience, and even the preview is disheartening. But then when the next episode comes along you see the world is still continuing as always. People who accept you will accept you no matter what. The others mostly don't care, and you are better off without having certain toxic people in your life.
Just. This show is so so amazing i am constantly short of words 😭
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dramadeewani · 3 years
A Tale of Thousand Stars ep 6 part 4:
- I mean he’s not lying when he’s saying the kids asked him to ask but...
- Me and Tian at the same time: What about you?
- How has that anything to do with you Phupha??? Are you kidding???
- “Because you’re duty is to take care of me” Aaahhhh!!!! He said it so softly too
- Also I thought they were supposed to be counting stars in this show not tea
- Awwwww Tian made Phupha a tea satchel 
- Of course it says green giant what else would it say
- I’m too soft for this
- Oh no the school and the tea satchels! I’m crying! And the flashbacks are not helping!
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the-bl-road · 3 years
Counting Stars
Summary: a fiction of what I think happened when Mix had his fainting spell on set. 
Characters: Earth Pirapat, Mix Sahaphap
AN: based on real events, as seen in behind the scenes footage. Some bits in this is from those videos, while others are my own fiction. 
The weather was cold; colder than they were used to, and the constant rain didn’t help either. The crew was wrapped in layers of clothing and the cast were stood, as chills ran down their spines. Earth was standing just off screen, and Mix was on screen, filming his solo scene at the top of the mountain; the most important scene out of the whole series. Everything was going well despite the weather conditions, but not so much for Mix.  
Since this was his first main role, he didn’t want to cause any trouble, even though his body was telling him to take a break. He did his best to ignore the chills and the slight throbbing in his head, and he kept on filming, pushed through to finish the scene, but he shouldn’t have…
It was the scene everyone was waiting for, the one where Tian finally got to count the stars. The scene itself was already hard for Mix as it required him to stand in the cold wind, staring up at the sky and counting over and over again, his body was weakening but he kept going, determined not to mess up. His vision was clouded around the edges; dark orbs danced around and messed with his mind. By the time Earth came into the shot, Mix felt like he couldn’t stay upright anymore, so he was thankful that the scene had Earth holding him.  
As soon as Earth held onto Mix and was saying his lines, he knew something wasn’t right with him. His face was pale, his eyes were glazed over, and he could tell that something bad was going to happen. He didn’t say anything because he too wanted to get this scene done right the first time and not have to be up there any longer than they should.  
The last thing Mix remembered was Earth saying his line and pulling him in to hold him tight. Mix’s eyes closed and the darkness engulfed him, his whole body going limp in Earth’s arms.  
“Tian? TIAN?!” Earth called out, but Mix himself wasn’t responding. When he called out Tian’s name once more and still Mix wasn’t responding, Earth’s heart dropped.  
“MIX? MIX!” he shouted as all the crew stood confused. Earth pulled Mix away from him slightly and his heart dropped; Mix’s eyes were still closed and he was limp…Mix had fainted. The whole set were in panic mode as filming stopped and Aof and some crew members rushed in to help. Earth was in shock and his hands were shaking, tears were in his eyes as he tried to wake Mix up. His eyes frantically looked around and landed on Aof.  
“P’AOF!!” his tears had fallen and he didn’t know what to do, he felt so lost.  
“N’Earth, let me help him,” Aof had said before he gently pried Earth from Mix and a crew member had taken him into their arms, as he cried.  
“He’ll be okay, he’s going to be okay,” they had whispered to him but he wasn’t listening.  
“Someone get me blankets! Mix! N’Mix!” Aof by this time had Mix lying down on the ground and was tapping his cheeks to wake him up. More blankets came and Aof covered him up as best as he could with Mix lying down.  
When Earth’s crying had died down, they helped him to sit down and wrapped him in a blanket, standing by for support. He watched with fearful eyes, his mind not stopping from chanting and hoping that Mix was alright. His eyes were still filled with tears and his body was shivering. In all of six years that they’ve known each other, he’s never seen Mix this badly sick before and it was scary.  
“I-is he okay? What’s happening?” he had whispered out into the cold air.  
“Looks like he’s waking up,” a crew beside him had answered. His eyes widened at that, as he unconsciously leaned forward to see. For Mix, it was pure darkness, like he was sleeping but with a sense of dread. Slowly, his darkness became lighter and lighter…until he came to consciousness as his eyes opened and tears fell. There was hushed whispers surrounding him, and his whole body felt like it wasn’t working.  
“N’Mix…can you hear me?” he blinked a few times and frantically looked around until his eyes landed on Aof on his right. He tried to say something but his voice was lost and all that came out was the smoke of breath.  
“No-no…don’t speak or move yet…we’ll get you to sit up in a bit so we can cover you with more blankets," Mix spent the next however many minutes, just laying there, a blanket laid over him and he vaguely noticed that his feet were propped up. Everyone was telling Earth that Mix was awake, but in his eyes, his friend wasn’t moving.  
“M-Mix…” his voice was shaky and his breath was smoking up.  
“P…Phi…” Mix whispered out, his voice was also shaky. He was super shocked that he had fainted (and on set no less), he’s never fainted before.  
‘Did I just faint? I couldn’t have…’
His silent tears turned into sobs as his body shook.  
“N’Mix…oh…okay, let’s get you up,” Aof said before he helped Mix to an upright position, then motioned for someone to hand him another blanket. They wrapped him up tightly as he kept shaking and crying. Aof was rubbing his hands up and down Mix’s arm and rambling encouragements to him to try and calm him. He looked behind him to where Earth was sitting and he had to make a quick decision. It was really late and really cold.  
Aof was seen speaking in hushed whispers to an assistant, who in turn walked over to Earth.  
“P’Aof said he’s cutting filming short today, he wants you both to go back,” Earth nodded, relief washed over him as he too didn’t want Mix to continue like this. From there, the assistants were quick to help the cast get into vehicles, to get going back to their accommodation. Earth and Mix were still wrapped in blankets and jackets when they entered the warmth of the vehicle. Earth climbed in and sat at the window seat, and next to him was Mix. He opened his arm and engulfed Mix in a tight hug, hand busy running fingers through his hair.  
The rest of the cast wanted to ask if Mix was okay, but they wouldn’t dare when they see how shaken up Mix was. The ride back to their accommodation was quiet, and when they arrived, everybody had left with Mix and Earth the only ones in the car.  
“Mix…” Earth looked down at him. Mix was still in his arm, his own arms wrapped around Earth’s middle and griping his shirt tight. Earth carefully manoeuvred Mix so that his legs were across his lap and he could carry him bridal style once they were out of the car.  Thankfully, it was late in the night, so there weren’t many people about to cause suspicions. He carried Mix all the way to their shared room and settled him on the bed. Mix was still shaken up and was being unresponsive physically, but Earth knew that his mind must be going in overdrive.  
“Mix…you need to drink some juice okay? A doctor will be here soon to check on you” Earth said as he went to get the juice box for Mix. He poked the straw in and thankfully got Mix to drink it while he went around the room to get Mix a change of clothes and to double check the message he got from his P’Aof about the doctor. Just as he got the clothes all set out, there was a knock on the door.  
He went to answer the door, and wai’d to the doctor as he let him in. When the doctor came around the corner, Mix looked up and wai’d too.  
“Hello N’Mix… I’m going to check on you quickly then you can rest okay?” the doctor was nice and gentle as he checked Mix over and asked him simple questions. Earth sat nearby and watched as Mix was slowly coming back to responsiveness.  
“Looks like there’s nothing serious going on, I would say a case of overwork and some exhaustion. He needs plenty of rest and make sure that he keeps hydrated and eating well,” the doctor told Earth.  
“I’ll make sure he does doctor…thank you,”  
“I’ll let Aof know as well, get some sleep N’Mix, you should feel better in the morning,” Mix quietly thanked him and Earth walked him to the door. When he walked back inside the room, Mix was sitting on the edge of the bed, ready to get changed. Earth sat down next to him and gave him a side hug.  
“We can talk about this when you’re feeling better, for now, let’s get you changed and get some sleep. Did you finish your juice?” Earth whispered to him.  
“I have just a little bit left,” he answered. Earth reached over and got the juice from the side table and handed it to Mix, who quietly finished the remaining juice.  
“Want me to help you change?”
Earth helped him change into his sleep clothes as much as he could and into the bed, under the covers.  
“Thank you…”  
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longinglook · 4 years
Oh what did Aof say? :( Sorry I am not up to date with this :( I really like both Saint and Zee, they really do looked close in the past, Zee said multiple times he was Saint's fan and Saint has always been his sweet self with him, I felt they had a really good chemistry even in moments where they didn't need to do fanservice :((
Well the whole recent issue started because Saint mentioned in an interview that Zee hasn’t been replying to his texts and calls, but to be fair that’s something that he used to say even when they were very close, Zee just seems like the forgetful type who doesn’t really pay attention to his phone so I didn’t really see it as mean spirited.
A lot of fans got upset at Zee though, so Aof decided it was his time to fix things by going live and saying that Zee doesn’t have any unanswered texts or calls (first of all how does he know, and then he’s basically implying that Saint was lying) and even if he did, well Zee is very busy so he doesn’t have time.
People started being mad either at Saint or Zee because of this and it’s very sad because the truth is likely that they just drifted apart and Saint was making a joking (but maybe true) remark, and he didn’t think anyone would be upset by it.
They’re still supposed to have a live together for Medent, so we’ll see then if it looks tense or if there’s nothing going on and it’s just a misunderstanding
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winterflash-2019 · 5 years
It was you pt 8
Warnings: None
Pairings: Barry x reader
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“Barry, can I talk to you for a second?” Caitlin asked. She had a strong feeling that this wasn’t Barry.
“Uh sure why not” he follows her over to the other side of the scene. No other officers were around.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“Cait I told you I’m fine no need for another-“
“No Barry, I’m serious. You’re acting kinda strange. Iris is dead and you barely have a reaction towards it”
“Well, I’m just trying to keep my head clear right now. We don’t know who killed Iris nor do we know who almost froze y/n to death I’m fine okay?” The sincerity in his voice made her sigh. She’s going to get down to the bottom of this.
You’ve been waiting for Barry to come back for 5 hours now. The clock on the wall ticking annoyingly. You rewatched all seasons 1-5 of supernatural and currently on 6. You just wanted to be in his arms again, feeling safe.
You’ve wanted to be with Barry for a very long time and now that you have a chance he’s gone 24/7 but you don’t hold that against him. He’s good at what he does and his job knows that hince the reason they call him everytime they need something done because they can count on him.
You rub your tied eyes and pause Netflix. It was quite chilly so you wrapped the blanket around you before going into the kitchen to make another bowl of popcorn. Just as you closed the microwave you hear a thud coming from the back room. Barry’s room. It was just you in the house and you were in the living room so who could that be?
You grab a knife and slowly make your way back to the bedroom. It was quiet now but you swear you can hear your heartbeat clear as day. You scan the area for any signs of a threat and then something catches your eye. You go to the other side of the bed and see Irises body on the floor, blood everywhere. You let out a scream of terror before a hand finds its way over your mouth. Savitar.
You retaliate back by swinging your arm down and you stab him in his thigh and he lets out a groan aof pain. He lets go of you, giving you a chance to run out the room and you do. You run out as fast as you could, you can only get so far before a speedster catches up with you. Next thing you know a gust of wind pushes you forward and you hit your head on the glass table, knocking you out cold.
Savitar grins as he looked down at your unconscious form. Seems like he had to take matter into his own hands. After Iris screwed up he made her death a distraction to take you and it’s all going to plan. Perfectly executed. He ties your legs together along with your hands before putting a bag over your head. Throwing you over his shoulder he flashes out to the roof of star labs, strapping you to a chair. He’ll come back for you later.
Barry walked inside his home with a sigh, rubbing his eyes he calls out for you but he gets no response and the hairs on the back of his neck stands up. He flashes around the house and stop when he sees blood everywhere.
“She’s gone” Savitar says from behind him, leaning against the closet. He had removed Irises body and left the blood stain to make it look as if he killed you.
“Where the hell is she?!”
“She’s dead! I won this time Barry!”
“You’re lying!”
“Am I? The blood stains prove it. Just like that knife covered in blood next to your foot.” Barry looks down to see the knife is indeed next to his foot.
“Now what would happen if the ccpd gets a emergency call from poor little y/n at this very location?” He smirks. “They’ll come here to see blood and all this evidence that has your fingerprints on them and Barry goes bye bye to Iron heights”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Oh yes I would and you know it. 70% of my plan is complete all I need is for you to be gone so I can take over and be the God that I am!”
“I swear if y/n is actually dead you’re gonna pay!! To hell with you!!” Barry charges at savitar and knocks him into the wall, punching him repeatedly. He wasn’t going to let him win this time.
Not ever.
Taglist: @onceuponateenpanwolfian @ebonyqueen-1 @wooseokssi @rachelscosplay @twilight-loveer @snowxbarryxendgame @sebbaevans @kateyliz @multifandoms916 @flashettewrites
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bengiyo · 5 months
Last Twilight Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Day and Mhok went home to face the music, and Mhok made the appropriate choice to quit. Day's mom then isolated Day by taking his phone and Internet connection away, locking him away at home. Night brought Day a secret phone, and the two brothers reconciled over soup. Mhok struggled to find work as a mechanic, and now works in the restaurant with Porjai, who is also seeing Night on the side (Night has claimed the baby to the nurses, even if he and Porjai haven't talked about what they are). Day and Mhok are still dating, and we left at the mom crashing the date to say they had a date for the surgery.
Mark is so good at building rapport. Night and Day feel like they're reclaiming their brotherly relationship.
Now, Mhon, I'm gonna need you to get it together. At least you're working through this away from your son.
Sea has such a reliable smile. I've liked it in every character he's played.
I knew the surgery had to fail for dramatic reasons, but I still feel disappointed for everyone.
Crying with the sunglasses on was a good choice.
Months later? Oh no.
So Night gets to name the baby, but he and Porjai still have an undisclosed and non-specific relationship?
I don't necessarily mind skipping over the mom's development in the intervening months, but it really deflates a lot of the drama involving her.
I was wondering when we'd get a random cameo from Au.
Is Day gonna leave the room on this trip?
Ah, Mhok had a nightmare about missing Rung's call and now we're getting a scare about Day being hit by a car.
Mhok's outfit just gave me a jump scare because I thought he was wearing a priest's collar.
Why is Mhok getting scared about Day leaving the room on his own like Mhon now?
Day using his cane and navigating what it means to interact with people who want to him him/pity him feels like an important step for him.
They want Mhok to work on Hawaii?? Oh boy. At least they didn't sit on this and he told Day when they met up after he got the news about the opportunity.
These two and the leg touching. I'm a fan.
Mhok, why are you making that face during an I Love You smile? What are you not telling us?
Damn, Day found that contract so quick!
Mhok, why did you have to lie??
I don't like them bringing the Rung stuff back up this episode to have Mhok act out like this. He's believed in Day so much that Day keeps bringing it up. He mentioned the job and Day was enthusiastic about it. Why is Mhok now lying? Why is he suddenly being overprotective?
Day reacts in the extreme, but I'm with him on the offense.
This mom flashback is doing a lot of heavy lifting to explain her own character and to try to justify Mhok's behavior here, and I'm not really feeling it.
I'm encouraged by Day finishing his degree in the preview, but are we looking at a multi-year separation? Aof, why are you always like this with the finale previews?
Man, I just don't know. I don't really like this overprotectiveness expressing in Mhok like this. I can see how we could have gotten here, but it feels so rushed. I also don't like him hiding this from Day. It's a bad look all around and a really frustrating point to end on. This tried to be a soft landing episode 11, but I'm not impressed.
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purposelynana · 2 years
A Tale of Thousand Stars, An Essay
Well, it's the first in a thousand moons.
In my searching for an answer on "why can't I enjoy a tale of thousand stars to the fullest?", I came across a question on Quora. How will you define a good film editing and a bad film editing? Personally, of course, I'm going to answer I don't know because I never went to film school. One of the answers that have been given is that...
a great edit is an edit you don't see.
To me, emphasizing 'me', this is my opinion, the thing about ATOTS is every scene makes me wonder. Why do I have to see this? What did this scene mean? Why did everyone keep moving statically as if they were programmed to behave like that? Why sometimes in a frame there were just 2 people and they did nothing? Why there's so much silence and everyone seemed confused? Why the silence has to be there for the sake of showing us sadness? Why do we need the whole forest shooting scene whatever that is just to push the conflict forward, meanwhile you never show us Phupha on his job in the initial episodes, instead of making him just be there for accompanying Tian? Why do I get a headache every time I think about it more?
Based on Patrick Gregston's answer on that Quora page,
“Good” film editing is experienced by being able to watch the complete production and never be aware of it. Your attention flows easily from shot to shot, scene to scene and you have a sense of what the flow or story was at each moment.
Bad film editing is a great number of things, which keep you from having that experience.
My attention was always switching every single scene. I felt detached whenever sad scenes played. Like I couldn't care less more in the later episodes. There were so many scenes in which two characters were standing across each other, sometimes immersed in their thoughts, mostly doing nothing. I as an audience was kinda forced to join them, waiting for something to happen. The editor purposely to do that instead of cutting them, to make the audience know shit about to go down. Maybe the first time it will succeed, but the second time and so forth, it was exhausting and dragging the whole scenes.
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episode 6 1/4 11:49 to 11:55
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ep 8 4/4 14:42 to 14:51
Whereas the build-up was very great on the early episodes. They had banter and flirts, typical EarthMix.
I kept asking the most unusual question and the answers probably lying on the whole shoot happened on Covid restriction. And that lead to not having enough shots to cover an entire episode, so they had to be creative and use everything that has been already shot. There was no way they were going to do another reshoot without prolonging the time of production.
It feels that it was only me to feel this way. Because all I see across social media everyone praises ATOTS, mostly because of the main actors' chemistry and the angst that came with it. I do love the premise, and how the first half served true to the premise. But the way they chose to cut the scenes, making my cinematic experience unbearable to watch.
It's kinda a little bit like the reason why you broke up, it's me, it's definitely me, not you-kind of situation. Now with the success of Bad Buddy, I hope P' Aof knows how to work on Midnight Kitchen, because damn that mock trailer is tempting.
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bitercih-blog · 5 years
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Kyk yurtlarında internet kullanımında 16 GB kota getirildi. #tyt #ayt #kpss #dgs #lys #lisans #önlisans #tercih #egitimsistemi #meb #aof #lise #kyk #meb #aof #türkiye #isabetokulları #bahçeşehir #özelokul #üniversite #burs #kyk #türkçe #kimya #matematik #biyoloji #geometri https://www.instagram.com/p/B2EDicyDgLA/?igshid=1u9v4aarikwnt
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
Now that you're saying the show runs in parallels and I've been thinking about it this whole time. Ep7 has two themes, starting with the time skip and of course the whole pet going on between them while others are clueless. I of course don't know how it's going to parallel this but the starting with time skip doesn't look like it's happening? Because we have scenes that happen directly after last ep and that's making me wonder?
The parallels appear to be 1-6 and 7-12, but they're not neatly lined up exactly. Like 5 and 11 are parallel because they both spend the majority of the episode dealing with dawning realisations, end in joy followed by heartbreak, and make a shift in their relationship. But 6 and 11 are also parallel because of the beach and what it represents for them and their relationship, 'a place for us'. And 7 and 11 are also parallel because the bet and the honeymoon are parallels, that theme of giving each other time and space to sort out their feelings, and that going on slightly too long and one of them realising it has to end.
What might 12 parallel? I have some ideas as to what it COULD parallel. It could parallel 7 by catapulting us into a new normal. It could parallel 6 by picking up right after the relationship shift and then showing us the impact over time. It could parallel another ep entirely depending on which particular clown theory you subscribe to.
My position is always that the previews are lying liars that lie in some way, and that Aof's storytelling style is to take you down a breadcrumb path that you can't see until it's all laid out. He tells COMPLETE stories, there's no point (for me anyway) of judging them in the middle.
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vankoya · 6 years
AOFS Yoongi, what do you feel and think when oc is lying asleep next to you?
Her breathing is paced and relaxed, giving gentle rises and falls to her chest. From where the black silk of her camisole neckline dips, the pearly, half-moon scars on her throat and just above her breasts shimmer with the glow of the city lights. To his hypersensitive ears, the sound of her heartbeat thrums rhythmically around the bedroom, lulling Yoongi into a state of placid observation. A soothing lullaby that melts the tension from his limbs and has him softening beside her, close enough to touch, yet he cradles his fists to his chest and dares not let them venture.
Nevertheless, she reaches for him, still strung in the clutches of sleep. Her figure languidly rocks to the side, facing Yoongi, and he bites down on his tongue. Fragile fingers curl around his wrist; a leverage that she, in her unconscious state, uses to draw her warmth closer to his cold, cold being. He allows his clenched hands to slacken, and does not disturb her when she pulls the left to her velvet lips, nuzzling her nose against the knuckles with a satisfied sigh.
Yoongi imagines that, if he had not already died once, his heart would be stirring into a symphony of its own right at this moment.
Ask my muses a question!
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lolonolo-com · 5 years
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93https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/12/anatomiyaz8/2019-08-26T05:43:03Z 94https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/12/anatomiyazi9/2019-08-26T05:40:05Z 95https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/13/anatomiyazi10/2019-08-25T21:23:31Z 96https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/13/anatomiyazi11/2019-08-25T21:18:22Z 97https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/sosyoloji/2019-10-15T07:04:24Z 98https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/psikoloji/2019-10-14T17:09:55Z 99https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/sosyal-hizmetler/shtarihi/2019-09-02T19:53:33Z 100https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/yokshizmet/2019-09-03T16:31:27Z 101https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/16/shtyazi1/2019-08-25T21:16:12Z 102https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/16/shtyazi2/2019-08-25T21:12:42Z 103https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/16/shtyazi3/2019-08-25T20:52:20Z 104https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/sosyalpolitika/2019-10-08T12:58:01Z 105https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/17/tiityazi1/2019-08-25T20:47:57Z 106https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/aiitarihi/2019-10-08T12:04:32Z 107https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/istatistik/2019-10-14T08:03:53Z 108https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/18/psikolojiunt1yazi1/2019-08-25T20:43:27Z 109https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/18/psikolojiunt2yazi1/2019-08-25T20:34:18Z 110https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/18/psikolojiunt3yazi1/2019-08-25T20:32:04Z 111https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/19/psikolojiunt4yazi1/2019-08-25T20:26:58Z 112https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/19/turkdilivize1/2019-10-08T12:40:42Z 113https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/turkdili/2019-10-08T12:33:06Z 114https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/20/aiityazi2/2019-08-25T10:01:52Z 115https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/21/psikolojiunt5yazi1/2019-08-25T20:21:22Z 116https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/bat/2019-10-08T12:11:31Z 117https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/22/batyazivize/2019-08-25T20:20:08Z 118https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/23/aiityazi3/2019-08-25T20:18:27Z 119https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/23/auzekayityazi1/2019-09-02T20:34:03Z 120https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/24/aiityazi4/2019-08-25T20:15:24Z 121https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/24/aoltakvim/2019-08-25T20:13:27Z 122https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/25/psikolojiunt5yazi1-2/2019-08-25T10:11:22Z 123https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/25/psikolojiunt6yazi1/2019-08-25T11:09:07Z 124https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/26/psikolojiunt7yazi1/2019-08-26T10:42:49Z 125https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/27/batunt1yazi1/2019-08-29T09:33:32Z 126https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/27/turkdili1final/2019-08-30T16:05:33Z 127https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/27/dshuyazi1vize1/2019-08-27T18:15:29Z 128https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/28/batunt2yaz1/2019-08-29T09:31:37Z 129https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/28/2-universite-yatay-gecis-ek-yerlestirme-dikey-gecis/2019-08-29T11:31:34Z 130https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/28/auzef2unv/2019-10-05T18:59:18Z 131https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/28/shkariyer1/2019-08-28T19:49:46Z 132https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/29/batunt3yazi1/2019-08-29T08:54:02Z 133https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/29/sosyal-hizmet-uygulamalari-8-14-unite/2019-08-29T08:55:52Z 134https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/08/30/bshvize1ve7/2019-08-30T16:04:49Z 135https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/ryvemt/2019-10-08T07:52:58Z 136https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/yyvesh/2019-10-08T08:50:24Z 137https://www.lolonolo.com/english/tenses/2019-09-09T12:09:48Z 138https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/02/sp1ve7yazi1/2019-09-02T08:17:16Z 139https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/02/sps1ve7yazi1/2019-10-08T11:53:49Z 140https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/04/batunt4yazi1/2019-09-04T08:58:05Z 141https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/sosyalpsikoloji/2019-10-14T18:07:58Z 142https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/yabancidil/2019-10-08T08:41:54Z 143https://www.lolonolo.com/bshizmet/2019-09-03T14:12:22Z 144https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/shgiris/2019-10-08T13:06:51Z 145https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/shmevzuati/2019-09-17T08:13:34Z 146https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/santropoloji/2019-09-03T15:49:03Z 147https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/sguvenlik/2019-10-08T19:25:05Z 148https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/shkuramlari/2019-10-08T08:08:27Z 149https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/tshuygulamalari/2019-10-08T08:32:11Z 150https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/kyshizmetler/2019-10-08T07:35:31Z 151https://www.lolonolo.com/shyonetimi/2019-10-14T10:37:48Z 152https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/ihshizmet/2019-09-03T18:46:44Z 153https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/dshuygulamalari/2019-09-03T19:11:56Z 154https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/ysshizmet/2019-09-03T19:27:45Z 155https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/04/batunt5yazi1/2019-09-04T08:56:46Z 156https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/05/batunt6yazi1/2019-09-05T09:02:41Z 157https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/07/isttvize2019/2019-10-14T06:20:20Z 158https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/07/cocukgelisimezuniyet/2019-09-07T19:56:51Z 159https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/08/istatistikfina2019/2019-10-14T07:37:41Z 160https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/08/acb2019vize/2019-09-08T16:11:21Z 161https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/cocukgelisimi/annecocuk/2019-10-13T18:47:37Z 162https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/09/batunt7yazi1/2019-09-09T13:51:15Z 163https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/10/acbvize/2019-09-10T09:33:46Z 164https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/10/shgirisvize/2019-09-10T09:45:14Z 165https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/10/acbfinal/2019-09-10T13:55:54Z 166https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/11/shgfinal8ve14/2019-09-17T06:47:44Z 167https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/11/yasambvize/2019-09-11T11:35:49Z 168https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/yasamb/2019-10-13T20:12:55Z 169https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/12/muafiyeti/2019-09-13T10:21:34Z 170https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/13/kayitucret/2019-09-13T10:44:28Z 171https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/13/shkvize1/2019-10-08T08:57:09Z 172https://www.lolonolo.com/sertifika/isg/2019-09-17T11:12:11Z 173https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/14/hscisg/2019-09-14T12:30:53Z 174https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/14/isgyetki/2019-09-14T14:03:23Z 175https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/15/pomodoro-ve-power-nap-teknigi-ile-nasil-ders-calisilir/2019-09-15T10:52:38Z 176https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/gelisim-psikolojisi/2019-10-14T11:56:34Z 177https://www.lolonolo.com/sertifika/isg/isgc1/2019-09-16T18:56:14Z 178https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/auzefsosyoloji/2019-10-11T08:46:05Z 179https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/17/shminalyazi2/2019-09-17T07:51:32Z 180https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/18/ghsosyolojiyazi1/2019-09-18T12:15:17Z 181https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/18/psikoloji2yazi1/2019-09-18T12:37:30Z 182https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/psikoloji2/2019-09-30T12:21:58Z 183https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/ghsosyolojisi/2019-09-18T12:18:02Z 184https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/19/auzef180kurali/2019-09-23T05:20:53Z 185https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/19/felsefegiris1/2019-09-19T09:13:15Z 186https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/felsefegiris/2019-09-29T19:46:54Z 187https://www.lolonolo.com/news/2019-09-20T07:01:36Z 188https://www.lolonolo.com/sertifika/ymm/2019-09-22T19:11:29Z 189https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/22/smmm2019/2019-09-22T19:02:23Z 190https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/23/auzef1920kayit/2019-09-23T06:14:53Z 191https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/23/fgiris1/2019-09-25T11:06:58Z 192https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/23/kmantikv1/2019-09-23T11:22:27Z 193https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/kmantik/2019-10-10T08:03:36Z 194https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/24/modern-mantik-vize/2019-09-24T12:06:25Z 195https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/24/modern-mantik-soru-cevapvize-2/2019-09-24T12:08:37Z 196https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/24/kent-sosyolojisi-vize/2019-10-01T09:40:55Z 197https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/modern-mantik/2019-10-10T08:13:46Z 198https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/kent-sosyolojisi/2019-10-01T09:42:26Z 199https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/25/aile-sosyolojisi-1/2019-09-25T12:23:53Z 200https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/25/aile-sosyolojisi-2/2019-09-25T12:22:04Z 201https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/25/siyasal-dusunceler-1/2019-09-25T13:39:39Z 202https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/aile-sosyolojisi/2019-10-10T10:00:02Z 203https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/siyasal-dusunceler/2019-09-29T19:01:49Z 204https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/26/modern-mantik-f1/2019-09-26T18:48:57Z 205https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/adalet/2019-09-30T14:08:20Z 206https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/anayasa-hukuku/2019-10-09T18:43:21Z 207https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/genel-muhasebe/2019-09-28T19:03:39Z 208https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/hukukun-temel-kavramlari/2019-10-10T12:32:21Z 209https://www.lolonolo.com/medeni-hukuk/2019-09-27T09:25:04Z 210https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/cocuk-edebiyati/2019-09-29T10:40:50Z 211https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/29/klasik-mantik-final/2019-09-29T16:46:07Z 212https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/29/klasik-mantik-sorular/2019-10-10T07:33:56Z 213https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/30/adalet-psikolojisi-vize/2019-10-07T11:37:54Z 214https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/adalet-psikolojisi/2019-09-30T13:08:29Z 215https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/idare-hukuku/2019-09-30T14:06:21Z 216https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/09/30/anne-cocuk-beslenmesi-sorular/2019-10-10T07:53:49Z 217https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/01/felsefe-tarihi-sorunlari-1/2019-10-01T10:05:30Z 218https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/01/felsefe-tarihi-sorunlari-2/2019-10-01T11:04:53Z 219https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/felsefe-tarihi-sorunlari/2019-10-01T11:40:32Z 220https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/01/felsefe-tarihi-sorunlari-final/2019-10-01T11:38:31Z 221https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/02/yasam-becerileri-vize/2019-10-02T08:41:59Z 222https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/02/psikoloji-vize/2019-10-02T09:52:39Z 223https://www.lolonolo.com/sertifika/yan-dal/2019-10-02T12:22:39Z 224https://www.lolonolo.com/english/yokdil/2019-10-06T13:42:48Z 225https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/03/sosyoloji-vize-sorulari/2019-10-14T14:15:55Z 226https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/03/yds-ingilizce-2018/2019-10-03T12:28:21Z 227https://www.lolonolo.com/english/yds/2019-10-03T13:40:03Z 228https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/04/sosyal-politika-vize/2019-10-04T10:23:38Z 229https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/05/yokdil-2019/2019-10-05T21:03:20Z 230https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/06/sosyal-psikolojiye-giris-2/2019-10-06T21:02:30Z 231https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/07/sosyal-psikoloji-vize/2019-10-07T09:52:08Z 232https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/fiziksel-buyume-ve-motor-gelisim/2019-10-15T19:02:12Z 233https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/07/fiziksel-buyume-ve-motor-gelisim-sorular/2019-10-07T17:36:17Z 234https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/08/istatistik-final-sorulari/2019-10-08T09:31:16Z 235https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/08/sosyoloji-tarihi-1-vize-sorular/2019-10-08T10:58:01Z 236https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/sosyoloji-tarihi-1/2019-10-09T08:26:10Z 237https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/08/sosyal-guvenlik-vize/2019-10-08T19:32:59Z 238https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/08/sosyal-guvenlik-final-sorular/2019-10-08T18:00:27Z 239https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/09/sosyoloji-tarihi-i-final/2019-10-09T08:24:42Z 240https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/ozel-egitime-giris/2019-10-09T11:12:28Z 241https://www.lolonolo.com/anne-cocuk-sagligi/2019-10-09T11:57:12Z 242https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/erken-cocukluk-egitimine-giris/2019-10-09T12:18:40Z 243https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/oyun-ve-oyun-materyalleri/2019-10-09T17:10:37Z 244https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/10/hukukun-temel-kavramlari-vize/2019-10-10T12:11:57Z 245https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/cagdas-psikoloji-akimlari/2019-10-10T09:06:32Z 246https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/felsefe-tarihi-sorunlari-1/2019-10-10T09:17:56Z 247https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/turkiyenin-toplumsal-yapisi/2019-10-10T09:50:03Z 248https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/degisim-sosyolojisi/2019-10-10T10:10:35Z 249https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/din-ve-toplum/2019-10-10T10:24:52Z 250https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/hukuk-suc-ve-toplum/2019-10-10T10:39:39Z 251https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/iletisim-sosyolojisi/2019-10-10T11:04:54Z 252https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/11/psikoloji-unite-1-ders-notlari/2019-10-11T13:00:27Z 253https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/kultur-sosyolojisi-ve-kulturel-calismalar/2019-10-11T07:04:19Z 254https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/kuresellesme-caginda-goc/2019-10-11T07:19:39Z 255https://www.lolonolo.com/istanbul_auzef/nufus-ve-toplum/2019-10-11T08:32:17Z 256https://www.lolonolo.com/siyaset-felsefesi/2019-10-11T08:44:16Z 257https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/11/gelisim-psikolojisi-vize/2019-10-11T13:26:04Z 258https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/12/ders-ekle-birak/2019-10-12T22:08:17Z 259https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/13/anne-cocuk-beslenmesi-vize/2019-10-13T19:23:40Z 260https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/13/yasam-becerileri-vize-sorulari/2019-10-13T20:03:06Z 261https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/14/sosyoloji-final-sorulari/2019-10-14T09:29:15Z 262https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/14/istatistik-vize-ve-final-cikmis-sorular/2019-10-14T08:28:42Z 263https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/14/sosyal-hizmet-yonetimi-vize-soruliari/2019-10-14T10:28:32Z 264https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/14/gelisim-psikolojisi-final/2019-10-14T11:49:59Z 265https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/15/sosyoloji-unite-1/2019-10-15T08:52:44Z 266https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/15/vize-sinavi-hakkinda/2019-10-15T08:33:56Z 267https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/15/fiziksel-gelisim-ve-motor-buyume-unite-1/2019-10-15T18:49:47Z 268https://www.lolonolo.com/2019/10/15/fiziksel-gelisim-ve-motor-buyume-unite-2/
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