#or accurate
electr1cityy · 8 months
foam shower (toby fox for reference)
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avnasace · 9 months
having actual brainrot over the xianzhou timeline rn
5749- Shuhu attacks Yuque
6300- Shuhu destroys Cancheng
7250- 7300 (approx) HCQ formed
7379- Sedition
7380- Jingliu & Jing Yuan Fight
8096- Yanqing becomes Lieutenant
so present day must be 8100+?
HCQ worked together for over a century so Jing Yuan is at least 1000 years old but most likely quite a bit more
plus when you add in the Shuhu Upheaval line (which ive seen is possibly mistranslated?) which occurred anywhere from 5749 to 6300 or possibly after but i doubt
then Jing Yuan could be anywhere from 2000+ to 1500 years old...
makes you also wonder how old jingliu is, she was definetly around before year 6300 because of the cancheng
if jing yuan is over 2000 years old then he most likely knew/knew of at least one other incarnation of imbibitor lunae, (the one after yubie most likely as he was towards the start of the shuhu events) otherwise either dan heng is close to the end of his lifespan now, or he was an egg for multiple centuries before hatching otherwise the timeline makes no sense
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ginumo · 2 years
Dehumanization au please
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YOURE ONE OF THE MANY TO REQUEST THE DEHUMANIZED AU WBAHAHAH i dont have any better ideas atm but here
( @ecto-hazard psst. hi :] )
(Requests are open!)
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manster-guy · 2 years
Sorry for not posting in a while :( (have some angst as a treat)
Angst idea where Jason finds photos Tim took of him as Robin from years and he freaks because it hurts him that he's not that person anymore. The kind of person Tim and other kids can look up to.
So he and tim argue and stuff and it probably ends with Jason breaking down or smth and leaving so tim decides burn the pictures of his once hero but leaves one uninjured
A few weeks later Jason sneaks into Tim's room (not learning his lesson at all) and finds pictures of him as red hood. Some were from when he first started but others are recent (like really recent wtf tim) and there's only one picture of him as Robin.
It's only him in the picture, no Batman or Nightwing taking the focus away from him.
He's leaping off of a building and the still picture makes him seems as if he's flying.
Tim was still the same kid who looked up to him even now.
Jason looks over at the (really) recent pictures of red hood.
He was also the same creep.
(feel free to add to this I wrote this like a week ago and I'm still not editing it's really bad sry)
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smokeygrayrabbits · 10 months
darker than black is criminally underrated and I'm taking it personally. the following will be a list of headcannons that I might expand on later but probably won't because summer work is kicking my ass.
hei and November 11 have an awful frenemy relationship. November thinks Hei is adorable and so fun to tease. Hei wouldn't spit on November if he was on fire, and regularly shoves him off of any roof they find themselves on. everyone thinks they're in love. but they're both shady, emotionally constipated morons so who knows.
despite his insistence that he hates his team, Huang makes a point of always having snacks for them in his bag. protein bars for hei, tuna for mao, and those little water jelly cakes yin likes. he carries rubber gloves too, for when hei is a little too zappy to touch
Heis landlady is an overbearing saint who has made it her life mission to spoil poor little Li who's all alone in a different country! poor baby reminders her so much of her own son, who's moved out by now. she hopes that someone is looking after her boy the way she looks after Li. she also thinks Li eats way too much take out, and gets in the habit of leaving him homemade meals and having him over for dinner at least once a week. Hei has no idea how to handle this. nobody has taken care of him like this since, maybe ever. Mao gives him shit for it constantly, but if the landlady's cookbooks are often found suspiciously open on the counter displaying some of Heis favorites, then Mao certainly had nothing to do with it. nope.
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kyofsonder · 2 years
WIP Title Tag Game
I was tagged by @writingpotato07 in the @marinesocks open WIP Title Tag Game. Thank you for the tag!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder (or equivalent WIP storage space) regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous they are. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it. Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Original WIPs I've summarized:
To Be Honest
A Place to Return
Love as Intended (or The Indicator Concept Chronicles)
Fanfic WIPs I've summarized:
Revival is Overrated
Lingering Scars
Original WIPs I haven't summarized:
The Archivists
Aiden's Isekai
Stray Identities
Cotton & Thread
The Dreamily AI Cat Story
Riverside Ink
Puddles & Lakes
Wandering Consciousness
Ambivalence (?)
Fanfic WIPs I haven't summarized
Gifts of War
The Only Way
Mentorship (WT)
Present Tense
Natsume's Heart
Love & Greed
Juno Steel & The Family Affair
True or False 
Flipping a Switch
Figure it Out
Worthy (YoG Rewrite)
I have too many WIPs, so since this is an open tag game anyway I'll offer this up to any follower who wants to join in & tag 1 specific follower per WIP category: @midnights-melodiverse, @aohendo, @italiangothicwriteblr, & @leave-her-a-tome, tho there's no pressure to play if anyone doesn't feel like it.
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jellyjamheadobb · 2 months
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charlesoberonn · 4 months
Tell me you know nothing about history without telling me you know nothing about history
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 8 months
Thinking about... Grieving the undead.
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victusinveritas · 5 months
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skankhunt44 · 10 months
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markodragic · 4 months
I dont think anything on this earth tickles me so hard as how busted white people look in the yakuza franchise
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its so dhsjdjfjxjfjgk
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syn0vial · 9 months
[Astarion] is a cat. He's a black cat. There's a stray that comes into my house called Red... and he's quite feral. It took me three years before I could pick him up and hold him. He's totally cool with me now. Three fucking years. He gave me a lot of inspiration about Astarion.
- Neil Newbon, on developing Astarion's physicality and mannerisms
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Happy FNAF movie day!
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souperluminal · 1 year
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Every day Road Work Wizard fills in potholes and every night Dark Road Work Wizard crafts new ones
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