#or birthday Man.. cause Adult lol
gallusgalluss · 1 year
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the birthday boyyyyy 🎉🎉
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bloodybreakupscene · 1 year
I had sent a request like yesterday- and AAA IM SO HAPPY TO SEE IT DONE ALREADY!! IT WAS SO CUTE >^<
I had another idea, cause my brain has been absolutely filled with different thoughts! Once again, earth 1610! Miles morales- but this time with a very well off partner who tends to spoil him alot. Like gift after gift, as soon as Miles is saying he likes or wants something- they're getting it for him!!
It's just something they really enjoy doing and they love seeing the smiles they get from Miles when he sees the gifts!!
-> 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐇.
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miles morales x reader
-> u like to buy ur cutie patootie bf miles expensive gifts and he's like aw :(
-> btw guys i do other characters LOL i kinda wanna try writing for hobie!! i've been trying to research british slang but i can't stop laughing (it's the AMERICAN 🤓🇺🇲🔥🔫 in me i swear)
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you and your boyfriend miles were walking along the streets of brooklyn, occasionally stopping for snacks or to observe the stores placed amongst each other. you held his hand and he held yours. this was just another after school thing you two would do.
". . . and when i walked in he was wearing my shoes! like what the hell man." miles ranted, slightly shifting the story because if he told you what actually happened he'd reveal his identity as spiderman, and that wasn't a path he wanted to go down just yet.
"pfft, that's funny. you know, if it bothers you so much i could just buy you another pair of shoes." you reply, nonchalantly.
"huh? no way! that's your money, besides, you already bought me enough stuff."
"i gifted you stuff," you corrected, before joking once more, "you deserve it anyway! i mean, c'mon miles be grateful."
"i am grateful! i just feel bad, you know, they're all so expensive." he defends.
"name ONE gift that was expensive."
"the ohuhu marker set!"
it was miles' birthday and you were at his dorm for a small celebration, just the two of you [ ganke left because he didn't wanna third-wheel. ] so, you two were just sitting on the floor as he opened the carefully wrapped gift.
"so, how's being fifteen so far?" you make small talk, while a pit of happiness boils inside of you as you can't wait for his reaction to the gift you got him.
"totally fun. can't wait to do adult stuff." he laughs, and just as he finishes his sentence he sees a black bag with markers in them, specifically 216 markers. it was a set that cost roughly $170.00.
"oh my god!" he stands up, that's the reaction hoped for, "these are so cool." he rushes to pull you up, kissing you on your lips, holding a side of your face with his hand.
"how much were they?"
"don't worry! it's your birthday you deserve it." you pull him into your arms, embracing him.
"i looked it up when you left and they were almost $200!"
"you're worth more than $200 miles."
"aw," he leans his head on your shoulder as you both continue to walk down the street. "wait! what about that other time, when you got me a camera.”
it was summer time, you and miles walked into a random electronics store. as you both observed the different assortments of cameras, miles picked one of them up, a small, old digicam.
"my uncle used to have one of these." he says, as he moves the camera around in his hand to look at the many details on the camcorder. over the few months you've been dating, you noticed the admiration he had for his uncle, he even mentioned going down under the subway tracks to graffiti on the walls.
"do you wanna get it?"
"nah, it's $40. let's go get lunch, i'm starving."
"wait! but you like it right? i could get it for you, if you want."
"what! no way, i should be the one spoiling you." he wraps his arm around your waist.
you both eventually walked out the store, but later, for christmas that year, you gave it him as an early gift. miles felt like crying, not a sad cry, more like, 'i've never felt more appreciated in my life i love you so much' kind of cry. he couldn't stop hugging and kissing you that day.
"the camera was a gift for both of us." you rolled your eyes, "i just gave it to you to hold, indefinitely!"
miles gives you a look, "whatever, you know i'd love anything you give me, regardless of price."
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itsstrange · 1 year
Pool Party
Fandom: Supernatural / The Boys
Relationship: Jensen Ackles x Reader
A/N: Had this idea when I woke up from bed lol idk I sometimes be getting the randomness ideas either in the shower or waking up from a dream, but I’m not complaining because they turn out to be loved by so many of you 😆
Summary: “Wanna go for a swim?” Just a harmless offer right? Nothing dangerous right?
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: Smut, 18+, Pool Sex, Fingering, Confessions, and once again 18+
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(Y/n) walked back and forth in her home gathering everything she needed for the party and loaded them into her car. Extra bags of chips, couple gallons of sodas, some juice boxes for the little ones, cases of beers for the adults, her famous birthday cinnamon roll lasagna cake, and finally the gift for the birthday girl. Once she was sure everything was packed and ready to go, she grabs her keys, phone, a lollipop and is finally out the door.
The drive to his house was probably 15 to 20 minutes away from her, which was good for many reasons. If he needed a favor she was there in a matter of minutes, if she needed a favor he was there in under 10, maybe 15 if he had the little ones in his truck. Point is, the distance to his house from hers was perfect.
Finally arriving and pulling into the beautiful home, she notices how multiple cars were neatly parked inside the driveway. Some she recognized where some she didn’t, however, she did spy Jared’s red 2021 Ram parked near the entrance of the home and noticed how a reserved sign was near the truck, causing a scoff to escape from her. Of course he’d save a spot for her, he always made her park inside his home rather than out in the streets, said he felt ‘much more comfortable’ knowing her car was visible. Although, despite his dramatic-ness, (Y/n) couldn’t help the way her chest warmed up every time he cared for her. Even if it was the smallest things, her chest warmed up, as well as her heart fluttering uncontrollably. He just had that effect on her.
Once parking, she opens the trunk to start unloading the bags, however, just as she was about to grab the third bag a familiar voice settles beside her before another pair of hands is helping her with the dessert plate.
“Thanks Alan,” She tells Jensen’s father as he walks with her towards the entrance of the home,
“No problem kiddo, figured you needed a hand,”
“You saw me coming in?” She asks as they both make their way towards the kitchen,
He shakes his head, placing the plate on the counter, “Was actually heading towards my car to grab some sunglasses. Suns’ bright today,”
A chuckle leaves her lips as she places the bags on an empty space, “Sure is, heard it’s gonna be a hot one today,”
He shakes his head with a scoff, “It’s aiming for the 90’s,”
(Y/n) chuckles in disbelief. It wasn’t even summer yet and they’re already heading towards a heat wave. Gotta love Austin, Texas.
Heading back towards her car, she shuts the trunk and opens the back seat where the birthday present laid. Which literally engulfed her whole car from how big it is. She’s actually surprised she was even able to see from her rear mirror from how big the damn present was.
“Jesus Christ, you hunt down a bear or somethin?” Alan comments after watching her struggle in taking out a large, really large stuffed bear,
She chuckles as she pulls on the large foot, “Something like that. Went to five different places for this damn thing,”
The older man only chuckles at her with a shake of his head when she finally frees the stuffed bear from her small poor car. How exactly did she manage to stuff a 6 foot bear into her 8 series BMW? She wasn’t sure either, but she made it to the party, which was all that mattered. Locking her car and taking the stuffed bear, that nearly engulfed her, she heads back towards the home. Obviously she had help, Alan grabbed a hold of some part of the bear to prevent it from blocking her sight, otherwise she’d either walk into a wall or tripped over some stairs.
After convincing Alan she’d be able to make it to the living room without killing herself, he chuckles as he makes his way to the backyard just as she carefully makes her way down the small stairs that lead towards the living room, where she planned on leaving the bear for now. As she semi struggled to place the stuffed animal on the ground, that deep familiar voice she loves hearing, rings beautifully in her ears.
“Oh god, you actually got it,” It wasn’t even a question, it sounded more like if he was shocked but not shocked that a 6 foot bear was now being laid in the center of his living room,
A wide smile spreads on her face, even if the large stuffed animal hid it from him as she carefully placed it on the carpeted floor. Turning around with a wide smile, she excitedly points at the teddy.
“Pretty cool huh?” She looks back at the monstrosity, who had a large black bow tie around his neck,
Jensen hums in agreement, even if he definitely did not think so.
The moment JJ had asked for the bear Jensen knew her wish was gonna come true, because knowing (Y/n) all too well he knew she would happily deliver. Especially when she knew Jensen was against the whole idea, but even then, Jensen was never able to say no to either one of them.
“They actually had a bigger one, but that one wouldn’t have fit in my car,”
“How tall was the other one?” He furrows his brows at her, already having a horrifying picture of its height,
She shrugs her shoulders, “About 7 or 8 inches taller,”
Jensen only scoffs in disbelief, shaking his head with a smile tugging on his lips. He will never get tired, or use to her wild imaginations. She was unique, and he loved it.
Slightly grinning at the present she turns around to face the Texan, only to feel her smile widening when she realizes what exactly he’s wearing. A light blue short sleeve with pink mermaids and dolphins laid on top, with black cargo shorts and converse on his feet. He looked absolutely adorable, yet handsome at the same time. He could honestly slay any look without any effort.
“Cute shirt,” She tells him with a smirk,
Sharing the same look on his lips, Jensen looks down at his shirt before looking back at her, “The girls picked it out, so I had no other option,”
A chuckle escapes from her as she walks towards him and lets a forefinger gently prod at a pink mermaid that’s on his stomach, “Don’t lie, you wanted to wear it,”
When she averts her (E/c) eyes up to his apple orbs, she hadn’t realize just how close she was to him. Only a couple inches stood between them as they stared at each other, and it was up to either one of them to reach out to close the gap, but neither made the first move, even if they both shared the same thoughts without even knowing.
As Jensen hovered over her, bright green eyes staring straight down at her own beautiful (E/c) orbs, he had the biggest urge to touch her, taste her lips, he has been for a while now, but restrained himself from doing so. He didn’t want to ruin their friendship for having feelings she most likely didn’t have towards him. But she did. He just didn’t know it.
She’s been sharing the same feelings since the day they first met, which made her feel guilty at first since he was married at the time, but even after he got divorced she didn’t indulge or press on the feelings. It wasn’t the right time nor it was appropriate. The man had just ended his marriage, he was hurt, healing, what he needed was a friend, not someone who was taking advantage of the moment to express her feelings or tell him she ‘was the one’ it would just be selfish and absolute heartbreaking if he’d reject her if it had happened. So instead of letting her feelings take over, (Y/n) became what Jensen needed the most, a friend, and has been ever since.
Nothing changed after that, yeah she still loved him and wished for more, but she also still loved being friends with him. Before (Y/n) even realized her feelings towards the man they were good friends, and now after a couple months later of the divorce their friendship still held strong, which is all she wanted for them.
“Hey Ackles!” The sound of Jared’s voice coming into the room causes them both to break eye contact, “Oh hey (Y/n),”
She smiles at him as he quickly engulfs her small frame with his large arms and pecks the top of her head before pulling away to direct his eyes at Jensen, “Your old man needs more pepper,”
Jensen nods his head, “Alright I’m comin,”
Gently punching his shoulder with a nod, Jared leaves the room. Leaving the space around them to be extremely difficult to breathe for some odd reason, but Jensen was quick to avoid the unsettling tension.
“C’mon,” He motions his head out the living room, “I’m sure the kiddos are dying to see you,”
At his words he lets his fingers interlock with her own, causing her body to go rigid, definitely was not expecting that but shrugs it off by allowing the man to lead her out the room, even if she can walk around his house with eyes closed she still lets him guide her out the house. Once making a quick stop to grab some pepper from the kitchen he leads them out the house, fingers still interlocked with each other until he lets her go out the doors first before following after. He wasn’t going to lie, he was freaking the fuck out when he interlocked their fingers, he thought she’d push him away, curse at him, but watching as she didn’t do anything only made him freak out even more. Did she like it? Or was she uncomfortable that she just allowed it? Or did she actually like holding hands with him? Question after question appeared in his head as he made his way over to his father who was preparing the burgers.
Turning around after giving him the pepper Jensen turns around at the perfect time, from where he stood he watches as she engulfs a squealing JJ into her arms before spinning them both in the center of the yard, causing his heart to flip in his chest at the sight. What makes a smile appear on his lips was the moment she walks towards his other two kids, Zep and Arrow, who also run towards her with wide smiles and open arms. Just the sight alone of her interacting with his kids, treating them as if they were her own and giving them so much love was enough for Jensen to realize, he was madly in love with her.
If only she felt the same way right?
10:30 pm
After eating multiple burgers, drinking multiple beers and juice boxes, singing happy birthday to the birthday girl, opening her presents and surprising her with the large Teddy, the day was finally coming to an end. Once it had hit 9pm, a lot of the kiddos were absolutely drained from running around the house, or just being in the water all day, that’s including Jensen’s little ones. Once they were all tucked into bed, it was pretty soon when a lot of family members began leaving the party. A couple people still remained, like Jensen’s family, Jared’s family, Misha and his kids stayed for a while before heading off to their hotel since they had an early flight the next day, and other good friends stayed. But once it hit 10pm everyone began parting their ways, only leaving Jared, Genevieve, Jensen’s parents and (Y/n) at the house, where they soon began picking up trash from left to right.
Even if Jensen told everyone to leave it alone and he’ll clean up tomorrow, everybody continued picking up trash from tables and the floor. Causing Jensen to let out a soft chuckle when (Y/n) only shoves him the plastic black bag to hold as she throws in empty beer cans and bottles. Making it look less a mess and easier to deal with the next morning. Once the backyard looked semi decent, and Jensen’s father finished cleaning up the grill, both his parents, Jared and Gen give their farewells before leaving. Once he walked them towards the entrance of the home, Jensen makes his way back to the backyard, where (Y/n) remained piling the trash bags together in one corner.
“Hey c’mon leave that there, I’ll do it myself tomorrow,” Jensen stops her by her wrist as she reaches for another trash bag,
she gives him a smile, “It’s the least I can do, I mean we did trash your house,”
Jensen softly chuckles with a shake of his head, “You already do so much for us.. for them,”
A warm, shy, smile spreads on her face, a smile that Jensen has grown to love.
With the smile still plastered, she shrugs a shoulder, “I love you guys,”
Oh how those words made Jensen feel as if he was floating in the air, like some cheesy romance movie with hearts surrounding them. But even if those words weren’t exactly meant the way he’s taking it, it still sounded absolutely amazing to hear those words fall from her lips. However, little did he know she did mean her words, and she was honestly freaking out when she finally admitted to him.
Green eyes stared into (E/c) ones in silence. Only the sounds of crickets chirping around them was heard. It was honestly peaceful, they both felt at ease as they stared at each other. If it wasn’t for the small fear riding at the back of his head, he would have had her lips on his by now, but the fear still lingered the more he wanted to give in to the urge. Yet, he already was giving into it, he hadn’t realize he still held onto her wrist nor did he realize his thumb was gently rubbing circles on her skin, but once he did, he still didn’t let her go. He craved for her touch, but he wanted to do more than touch her, he wanted to hold her in his arms, feel her warmth day and night.
Which gives him an idea.
“Wanna go for a swim?” He says after a while of silence, motioning his head towards the pool,
(Y/n) chuckles, “At this time?”
Jensen causally shrugs his shoulders, “I don’t see why not?”
A scoff leaves her lips when she watches him walk backwards towards the pool as he keeps their gazes locked with a smirk. He eventually turns and stands on the edge of the pool before discarding his clothes. First his shirt revealing his muscular shoulders, then his shoes, socks, and finally his shorts. (Y/n) should definitely look away, but she just couldn’t. Her eyes were locked on the man’s half naked frame, feeling the way her mouth goes dry the longer she stares. (E/c) eyes roamed his muscular back and down towards his ass that we’re sadly covered by his black briefs.
Slowly, very slowly, she averts her eyes from his bottom to his shoulders once again, but just as she rises her eyes they immediately lock with his. She feels herself go stiff when he catches her staring, causing her face to grow hot. Although, instead of teasing her with a smart ass remark, he just sends her a smirk before diving into the pool. Giving (Y/n) a couple seconds to catch her breath before he emerges from the water. (Y/n) remained standing in her spot as she watches the way droplets of water cover his perfectly shaped face, and the way it had flattened his hair, and definitely not being able to push aside the feeling that forms in between her legs when he slicks his wet hair back.
“C’mon, water feels great,” Jensen tells her, smile slightly tugging on his lips as he keeps himself up float,
Aside from feeling the way her core begins throbbing for this man, she still sends him a scoff, “You’re crazy,”
And making me horny. She mentally thinks to herself.
“You can wear my shirt,” Even if I prefer nothing on you right about now. Jensen thought to himself, still keeping that welcoming smile on his lips,
(Y/n) intakes a deep breath through her nose and let’s it back out through her nose while slightly tilting her head to the side. She hates how he can easily convince her without even trying. With hesitating steps, (Y/n) toes off her shoes along with her socks before making her way towards his shirt. Picking it up she stares at it in her hands and then towards Jensen, who only sends her a wide grin before turning around to give her some privacy while she changes. The moment he does, she quickly slides her jeans down her legs, not catching how he sneaks a glance at her and not knowing how quick his member jolts in his briefs. However, right when she stands from removing her jeans he turns back around and waits patiently until she allows him to look.
Speechless is what happens when his green orbs land on her frame. His shirt was rather large on her frame, making it look like a dress on her, only her smooth legs were exposed to him. She looked absolutely fucking beautiful, breathtaking under the moon light, if it weren’t for the fear and respect he had towards her, he would’ve already had her in his arms.
The look that settles on his face was visible as day, earning a shy smile to form on her lips as she shyly places a strand of hair behind her ear, cheeks burning as he continues to stare at her. Observing her, admiring her frame.
Eventually, she slowly walks towards the edge of the pool where Jensen swims to meet her halfway. Her feet were the first to make contact with the water as she sat on the edge of the pool, it really did feel amazing against her skin, fresh and just the right temperature.
Without a word, Jensen swims towards her, keeping himself upright in front of her, her knees touching his chest as he reaches towards her hips. Gripping onto his firm shoulders as he carefully and effortlessly carries her into the water, not once did they avoid gazes. Bright green and glistening (E/c) orbs kept a firm lock on each other, never parting away from each other, not even after she made it into the water.
“Feel good?” Jensen suddenly whispers, voice laced with thickness, eyes still staring deeply into her own,
A small smile tugs on her lips as she too couldn’t seem to avert her gaze, “Feels good,” she responds to him small smile tugging on the corner of her lips,
Still smiling at her he slowly lets her go, allowing her to swim freely around the pool, green eyes not once averting from frame not even when she dives under the water for a split second. Hell, when she emerges from underneath it was a goddamn sight for him, her beautiful hair slicked back, the moons light shining off her beautiful skin, Jesus.. she is fucking breathtaking. He honest to god doesn’t understand how her previous dickhead of an ex thought it’d be a great idea to go ahead and cheat on her, that stupid idiot doesn’t know what he lost, however, what he will know is she has been found by someone who will most definitely love her like she deserves to be loved, cared for, spoiled and not discriminated.
“You building something back there?” Her soft voice breaks him out of his thoughts, noticing how she leaned against the edge of the pool and staring straight ahead where his next project was under construction,
A soft chuckle leaves his lips as he slowly swims towards her, bare shoulder touching her own, “JJ and the twins want horses,”
He tells her with a defeated sigh, earning a surprised look from her along with a heartfelt chuckle.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up having a whole farm out there,”
Jensen groans with a shake of his head, “Don’t.. don’t encourage them please. I definitely won’t survive, especially when you four gang up on me,”
Another chuckle escapes from her, “I don’t influence nor do I encourage them into anything,” she says as she splashes him,
“Oh yeah?” He raises a brow at her as he continues, splashing her back, “So you didn’t influence them into having a full blown war with those mini nerf guns?”
“Hey, you gotta admit. That was a fun day, besides if I remember correctly you were also apart of that war,” She points out, splashing him once again with water only this time it reaches his face, causing him to close his eyes with a deadpan look,
When he slowly opens his eyes, they lock with her own, a smile slowly spreading on her face as she mumbles an apology to him, but instead of accepting it he lunges at her, causing a small yelp to leave her lips. Yet, before he can wrap his large arms around her she uses her feet to push against the wall to escape from him. Loud giggles are shared as they chase one another in the water, splashing each other, pushing each other until eventually as she was focused on rapidly splashing him with water she didn’t notice how he dove underneath and swam towards her. In matter of seconds another loud yelp with a giggle leaves her lips when she feels the way his large arms wrap around her waist that slightly lifting her out of the water before bringing her back inside.
She emerges from the water throwing profanities at him as she removes wet strands of hair from her face with heartfelt giggles. Displaying a wide grin and letting deep chuckles escape from his lips, Jensen helps removing hair from her face. However, just as he tucks a wet strand behind her ear they lock eyes, bright green emeralds stare straight into her orbs, smile slowly fading as he observes her features, feeling the way his chest becomes heavy, a feeling he can no longer hold in anymore. A feeling he’s been pushing aside for what seemed like ages, a feeling he’s been trying to hide, but now, with her in front of him, skin soaked and illuminating beautifully underneath the moonlight, those eyes he’s fallen dearly for, and that smile that he can never get tired of has him losing the battle.
So slowly and hesitant he cups her cheek with the same hand that tucked a hair behind her ear, and lets it rest there as he continues to stare into her eyes in silence. Waiting for her to say or do anything to stop him, but when she doesn’t and only stares up at him with now widen, pleading eyes, he slowly oh so slowly begins bending down. He hovers over her lips, giving her the opportunity to push away, to stop, when she doesn’t he finally allows their lips to collide with each other in a soft, gentle manner.
They share two, slow, lasting pecks before he slowly pulls away. Green eyes observing her own, trying to read any regret, any doubt, but when he only reads reassurance a small tug can be seen on the corner of his lip before he once again bends down. Letting their lips mold together much firmer. The kiss slowly begins escalating, becoming more heated as they share their warmth, their hidden feelings, their love. No words were needed, the way they both desperately kissed one another was enough for either one to know how the other felt.
Being completely lost and focused on the way his lips fitted perfectly with her own or the fact that his tongue would smoothly and perfectly dance with her own, (Y/n) hadn’t realized Jensen was slowly guiding them backwards, until she feels something firm settling on her back and feeling the way he easily lifts her from under her legs which she automatically wraps around his own waist. The kiss never falters, not even when he pins her against the wall of the pool or when their hips meet in the middle, causing a groan to rumble in his throat where a broken moan escapes from her mouth. However, after the fourth thrust she couldn’t bare it no longer, she wanted him, she needed him now.
“Jensen,” She breathlessly whispers his name against his lips as he once again rubs his covered member against her aching core,
Slightly pulling away to look into her eyes, his words fall breathlessly from his mouth, “You sure?”
Damn him and his well-mannered side. It shouldn’t turn her on at the fact that he’s asking for her consent, but fuck does it ignite her emotions even more for this man.
Breath coming out harshly through her mouth she nods her head, (E/c) eyes looking directly into his green orbs, “Yes. Please..please,”
The last beg came out a little more desperate and whiny but she could care less at this point. Hell, he could care less because as soon as those words came out he pecks her lips one last time before averting his lips to the side of her neck. His hands that were placed underneath her bottom, make their way down her body to the hem of his shirt before pulling it off her frame. Tossing it somewhere outside the pool he lets his lips explore, as he lavished the new piece of revealed skin he lets one hand travel behind to undo her bra. Placing it outside the pool he slightly angles his head to look at her completely.
And ohh did she look absolutely gorgeous. Skin beautifully slicked with droplets of water falling down her entire frame, lips raw and swollen, eyes completely dilated, chest displayed to him and only him. She looked absolutely breathtaking.
“You’re so beautiful,” He whispers as he bends down to latch his lips onto hers,
A small broken whimper can be heard in between them as he ghostly begins traveling his fingers against her bare stomach until he reaches the waistband of her underwear, where he then slowly begins sliding the garment down her legs. Once off he places them above her head, near the edge of the pool.
A small shiver travels through her body as he leaves feathery kisses throughout her chest, yet, the same time a shiver rolls through a moan escapes from her when she suddenly feels the way his thick digits begin circling against her clit. Then a gasp when two fingers slowly push past her folds.
“So fucking perfect,” Jensen whispers against her parted lips, sinking his digits deeper, earning another whimper from her,
“Fuck baby… you’re so tight,” He whispers again just as his finger is knuckle deep into her aching core,
Her hips begin moving the same time he starts moving in and out in at a slow pace, which drove her mad. As much as she wanted him to take his time in prepping her, teasing her, cherishing her, making her cum with just his fingers, she wanted more. She needed more. So with another broken moan, a pleading tone and a desperate thrust of her hips she hoped he would read on what she truly yearned.
Which he must’ve had because his breath fans hotly against her lips as he gently retrieves his fingers from her mound, leaving her empty for a couple seconds as he quickly shoves his briefs down, far enough where his aching member is free. Panting against her lips he easily guides her down until he feels the tip of his cock rubbing firmly against her folds, earning another moan to rip out from her as he rubs on her a few more times. Then, with a gentle swift motion he slides right inside causing a loud gasp to escape her parted lips.
A groan rumbles in his throat as he stills inside of her, taking long steady breaths through his nose as he focuses on not reaching the end right there and then. Because fuck, she felt absolutely heavenly. Her walls hugged him tightly as she too grew accustomed to his girth, taking slow breaths through her nose with eyes closed.
When she slowly parts them open, she immediately locks with dark, hooded green eyes. Only a sliver outline of green can be seen considering his pupils have dilated, it was then she took in his appearance, despite his hungry look in his eyes, his lips were also raw and swollen, shades of red tinted his cheeks to the tips of his ears, droplets of water slid beautifully on his skin, hair damped and disheveled from her fingers constantly running through them. He looked absolutely magnificent, everything about him shined beautifully underneath the moonlight.
“I love you,” She finds herself whisper, hand reaching to cup the side of his cheek,
A large hand also cups the side of her jaw, long fingers cradling the back of her neck before slowly and gently guiding her face closer to his.
“I love you,” He whispers back, gently latching their lips once again,
A small choked whimper vibrates against his lips just as he begins grinding his hips against her, then a gasp when he pulls out of her only to push back in with a little more force. He keeps the pace up for a few minutes, just luxuriating and getting lost in the way they both feel around each other, the way he feels her tightening around him with every thrust, the way she feels him inch by inch. It was such a delicious rich feeling. A such beautiful intimate moment.
However, after a heavy sigh and breathlessly saying his name against his lips he picks up the pace. Waves beginning to flow around them as his speed slowly increases, soft moans fall from her parted lips, eyes closing when the familiar pooling sensation begins to build at the bottom of her core from the way his speed only picks up. The waves forming stronger around them from his pace, but only calming for a second as he quickly maneuvers them towards the ladder. Snaking both arms beneath her knees and pinning her against the ladder, where she manages to grab some grip on the rails, a breathless groan falls against his lips as he fastens his pace. Waves now splashing around them, moan after moan slipping from her mouth at the change of speed. Eyes closing shut from pleasure when his hips meet with her own, his cock hitting and stretching deliciously along her aching walls.
Due to his change of speed and his hips hitting her clit with each thrust he gives, she quickly begins reaching the end of the line. What finally makes the dam break would be him gripping onto her hips and slamming her down in time with his brutal thrusts, his cock repeatedly hitting that one spot that has her seeing stars right before feeling her vision goes dark for a few seconds.
Grunting from the sudden tightness that engulfs him, Jensen breathlessly groans on the side of her neck as he continues to fuck her through her orgasm, quickly feeling his own rising. Which after a couple thrusts later a heavy breathless groan slips from the man as he finally stills inside of her, feeling himself twitch inside her raw and abused walls right as he feels the way his thick seed paints her insides.
“Oh.. fuck,” He pants against her neck, body slightly twitching from the intense orgasm,
They both remain holding on to each other for a few more minutes. Riding both their high’s together and catching each others breath. After minutes passed, Jensen slowly lifts his head from the crook of her neck, green tired orbs meeting with her own, feeling the way his lip tugs upward at the sight of her and the fact that she was finally his. The three words repeating over and over in his head, feeling the way his chest expands knowing she was finally his.
Not being able to contain himself, he lets the word fall freely once again before gently latching onto her lips. They shared a few, long, loving pecks before pulling away from each other to climb out the pool and get dressed. Despite their clothes being soaked to the brim, they still slipped them on before making their way inside the home hand in hand, not once parting from each other, not even when Jensen nearly fell on his ass when he slightly slipped along the wooden floor as they made their way towards his bedroom. A couple giggles erupted from them as they carefully walked towards his room.
Once inside, they quickly shed their soaking clothes before hopping into the shower, where they remained standing under the shower head until the water that was once warm turning cold against their skin and leaving them with pruned fingers. After drying their bodies with a towel, Jensen slipping into a pair of clean briefs and (Y/n) shrugging on one of his clean t-shirts along with some sweats of his, they both climb into bed where their limb’s perfectly tangle together.
They stayed awake, softly talking to one another, enjoying each others warmth, sharing various stories about everything and anything until eventually (Y/n) slowly starts dozing off. Cheek resting heavily against his chest, his heartbeat softly soothing her to sleep.
“God I love you,” He whispers, pulling another warm, happy, smile on his face,
Gently, he pulls her closer towards him, leaving a long kiss on the crown of her head before finally letting sleep overpower him. Despite feeling relief now that he knows she too shared the same feelings, that she is finally his, he still can’t help the small voice at the back of his head. He knows this will be challenging, there will be days where it will be difficult to get through, but as long as she held on to him through the obstacles he knew they’d be okay. He knew she’d never let him down, and he knew she knew he’d never let her down. He loves her, and he will damn sure fight for their love, because except for his kids she is also his reason to keep going in life. To keep pushing.
Because she’s worth fighting for.
-> Alright y’all hope you guys liked this one, it has been dusting away in my drafts and it’s about time it sees the light!
-> Just wanna say, writing smut is not my strong suit, still trying to make it better for y’all so I do apologize if it’s not good enough 😌
-> Lastly, thank you to everyone who continues to read my crappy posts Much love! 🫶💗
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kwanisms · 2 years
Kinkuary 22 Chris & Seungmin — cuckold // voyeurism
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➥ dom!Seungmin x sub!Reader w/ Chris watching summary: For Seungmin’s birthday, Chris decided to give him a gift he’s never considered giving to anyone else: a night with his own girlfriend, Y/N. wc: 4.6k warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, established relationship (Chris), sexual content (minors dni!): hard dom!Seungmin, sub!Reader, oral (f receiving, m receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (use protection! Reader is on birth control, Seungmin doesn’t use a condom), cuckold (Chris), degradation (mainly towards Chris from Seungmin), panties (are getting shoved in someones mouth but you ain't hear it from me), rough sex, spanking, voyeurism (Chris watches), use of pet names (baby mainly but babe and princess at the end. Seungmin calls the reader a slut a few times). I think I got everything but let me know if I missed any warnings! a/n: when I first paired these two together, I knew I wanted to do a cuckold scenario with Chris and Seungmin. Don’t ask why ‘cause I can’t answer that. I just did lol I hope you enjoy this part and thank you for reading! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms. Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped @dejavernon Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @drunk-on-dk @violagoth @mixling-blog @kosmoreads @yourfavoritefreakyhan Stray Kids taglist: @niktwazny303 @g4megirl @rapmonie2047 @indigo35 @witherednotes @cixrosie @fay-ebrahim Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. Join the taglist!
“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” Chris whispered nervously as Seungmin tightened the ties to the chair.
The younger man stood back to admire his handiwork. “You want to back down now?” He asked, crossing his arms and fixing the elder with a concerned look.
“If you really don’t want to do this, we don’t have to,” he added, moving to untie Chris’ wrists. The older man shook his head. “No,” he replied. “I made a promise not only to you but to her as well. I can do this,” he said, nodding.
Whether he was trying to convince himself or Seungmin the latter would never know. Instead of replying, he moved to the desk, picking up Chris’ phone that was connected to the bluetooth speaker. “And it’s this playlist?” Seungmin asked, holding up the screen for Chris to see.
Squinting at the screen for a brief moment, Chris nodded finally as the bathroom door opened. Both men turned as you entered the room, wearing a simple black silk robe. Your cheeks burned under their gazes as you stepped further into the room, stopping feet from the bed.
Chris allowed his eyes to roam your body, sweeping over every curve and exposed bit of skin. His eyes shifted to Seungmin who was also looking at you, eyes exploring your figure. Chris suspected it wasn’t the first time he’d done so.
When he suggested this entire situation, he’d be lying if he didn’t say he’d had a bit too much to drink but he wasn’t lying when he said he gets off to the idea of his girlfriend, you, being fucked by another man while he watches.
Until now, Chris didn’t really trust anyone else to touch you until he saw how you and Seungmin got along and more importantly how Seungmin acted around you.
It was clear the younger man was into you, especially sexually.
Which is when Chris got the idea to let Seungmin have sex with you while he watched. You weren’t sure at first, feeling as if you would be crossing many lines of your relationship.
Chris assured you that as long as nothing remotely romantic happened between you and Seungmin, it was okay. He just wanted to watch you get off with another man and he trusted Seungmin more than the others.
So when the younger man’s birthday approached, Chris took him aside to put his plan into action. Seungmin, like you, was afraid of crossing lines. Chris assured him there would be boundaries and as long as neither you nor Seungmin cross them, all was okay.
After talking to each of you, Chris sat you both down together to discuss the boundaries to be set and make preparations. Obviously this couldn’t happen at the dorm. Too many people were around.
You decided you would rent a hotel room under your name but Chris refused to let you pay and Seungmin refused to let Chris pay for everything but Chris reminded Seungmin this was the letters birthday gift.
The plan was set. The three of you went out for dinner under the guise of you and Chris taking Seungmin on a special birthday dinner, something you’d done for the other members before so it wasn’t entirely out of the ordinary.
But this? Getting a hotel room was definitely not something they’d done with the others.
“Remind me again,” Seungmin said, pulling Chris from his thoughts and drawing your attention.
“What’s your safeword,” Seungmin added, crossing the short distance between you, eyes moving up from your body to your face. “We use the traffic light system,” Chris answered from his seat near the edge of the bed.
Seungmin turned to look at him, eyes narrowing. “I didn’t ask you,” he said in a low tone before turning back to face you. “Traffic light system?” He asked to which you nodded. “Green for all good, yellow for slow down, and red for stop?” He asked again, reaching up to caress your cheek as you nodded once more.
“Good,” he said, thumb brushing over your bottom lip. “Open,” he said softly, watching as your body reacted, obeying his words and the way your eyes fluttered shut as you sucked on his thumb.
“I’m really going to enjoy this,” he whispered with a sly grin.
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“Ah! S-Seungmin,” you whimpered, thighs trying to close on his head as his tongue ravished your clit. “Too much,” you cried out, body squirming as you tried to get free from his grip. “Feels too good.”
He'd already made you cum twice; once with his tongue and again with his fingers and now he was working you back up to a third orgasm at that point. It was overwhelming and you couldn't think straight. Your mind was full of just him. Just Seungmin.
Seungmin let out a chuckle, pulling back to glance up at you from between your thighs. “Feels too good, baby?” He asked with a smirk. “You want me to stop because it feels too good?” You shook your head, mind clouded and clearly not knowing exactly what you wanted.
Seungmin scoffed but went back to attacking your clit with his tongue, teasing and toying with it as he held your hips in place. “If you want him to stop, you know what to say, baby,” Chris said from the chair, his eyes fixated on your figure as you writhed and squirmed.
Seungmin smirked, lips still against your sex. “Yeah,” he said softly. “You know exactly what to say, baby,” he said, mocking Chris’ pet name for you. “Watch it, Seungmin,” Chris warned. “I let the first one go, but I won’t be so understanding next time.”
Seungmin pulled back and sighed. “You just gonna run your mouth the whole time, man? If so, it’s really gonna ruin the experience.”
Chris gaped at the boldness of his friend. “Maybe I should silence you,” he suggested. “Make you close your mouth.” You started to stir, having been given a reprieve from Seungmin’s relentless torture.
“What do you think, Y/N?” He asked suddenly. “Do you think Chris is talking too much?” You couldn’t form a proper sentence but even if you could, you knew antagonizing your boyfriend would only end in punishment for you the next time he had you alone.
You shook your head. “Ignore him,” you murmured, pushing yourself up. Seungmin turned his attention back to you. “Where do you think you’re-?” He started but you cut him off, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him towards you, connecting your lips and tasting yourself on his tongue as yours slipping into his mouth.
“Ignore him. Just fuck me,” you said breathlessly so only Seungmin could hear you. “He’s just here to watch. This isn’t about him. This is about you.”
Seungmin let out a groan, one hand grabbing the back of your neck and connecting his lips with yours again. One of your hands moved to undo the buttons of his shirt, one by one until you could push the material off him.
He wasn’t as built as Chris, but you could still see he spent his free time in the gym with his hyungs. Your hand moved down his shoulder, stopping to softly squeeze his bicep as your free hand moved to start unbuttoning his pants.
“You that eager for my cock?” Seungmin whispered, moving to kiss along your jaw. “Want it inside you that badly?” You nodded, moving your other hand to continue messing with his pants until you got the zipper down.
You slipped one hand into the opening, palm resting against his erection and groaning at the size. He was definitely larger than Chris, that much you could tell and you wondered if this was still a good idea.
Your mind cleared as you felt Seungmin’s lips kiss down the side of your neck, stopping to bite into the spot where your neck and shoulder met. You let out a whine, wrapping a thigh around his waist as he laid you back onto the mattress.
“I hope you don’t mind me marking you,” he whispered as his lips moved lower, kissing down your chest and stopping to glance up at you.
You stared down at him as his fingers undid the front clasp of your bra, pushing the material off and cupping your breasts in his hands. You sighed, back arching and pressing into his touch.
You let out a gasp as his tongue swirled around your raised nipple, taking it into his mouth and teasing it while he squeezed and massaged the other, rolling the nub between his fingers.
You could feel Chris’ eyes on you from his seat. He’d fallen silent, watching the way your body reacted to Seungmin’s touch. He was unbelievably hard in his jeans but he couldn’t take his eyes off the scene before him.
Usually, he was very dominant with you but he was much softer than Seungmin was being right now and while it turned him on to watch another man pleasuring you, he wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about how rough Seungmin was being.
“You doing alright?” Chris asked softly, drawing your attention to him. You nodded as you made eye contact, cheeks burning in embarrassment as you let out another moan feeling Seungmin’s teeth gently pinch your nipple before he let it fall from his mouth. You whined as he kissed back up to your lips, taking you in a searing kiss.
Your hand in his pants started to stroke him slowly. “Keep doing that,” Seungmin groaned against your lips. You slipped your hand past the waistband of his underwear, your palm finally making contact with his hard cock and Seungmin let out a low hiss.
He pushed you full onto your back, pulled back and removed his pants and underwear in one motion. You let out a whine as he knelt between your thighs, letting his cock rest against you.
“You look so pretty like this,” he said with a smirk. “Makes me wish I’d gotten to you before Chris.” You heard a choked sound come from where Chris sat. Seungmin turned his head to look at his friend.
“Don’t act like you’re the only one out of all of us who was into Y/N,” Seungmin said, rolling his eyes. “I’m pretty sure Felix and Han would have jumped at the chance to do this, too.”
A moan escaped past your lips as Seungmin slowly started to rut against you, letting the bottom of his cock drag against your clit. “You want this?” He asked teasingly. You nodded frantically, willing to take anything that would get you closer to relief.
Seungmin had already spent a great amount of time working you up slowly, playing with your pussy, teasing it with his tongue and fingers to the point you were ready to explode from the lingering tension.
“You want my cock inside you, baby?” He asked, his voice dropping lower as his eyes darkened. “Want me to fill you up?” You let out a choked sob, nodding again. “Yes,” you whimpered. “Please, Seungmin.”
Seungmin let out a dark chuckle. “I need you to do something for me first,” he said, his movements halting as he looked down at you.
He wasn’t lying earlier when he said you were pretty. He really did like the way you looked under him, hair a mess, skin flushed, the pretty lace that decorated your tits and left nothing to the imagination and your lower half completely bare.
The way your thighs were spread, letting him be so close and so intimate was something he’d never even imagined. He’d be a liar if he said he’d never fantasized about you before. He wasn’t the only one either. Han and Felix and even Hyunjin had admitted to having had inappropriate thoughts about their leader’s girlfriend before.
But fantasy and reality were much different and this was better than any fantasy he could dream up.
“What do you need me to do?” You whispered, looking up at him with doe like eyes. It made Seungmin want to not only ruin you but also take care of you. He pushed those softer thoughts from his mind and gave you a smile.
“Come here,” he said, taking your hand and pulling you up as he sat back. You sat up, resting your ass on your heels as you waited for him to speak. To instruct you on what he wanted you to do.
Seungmin leaned in, lips brushing against your ear and spoke.
“I want you to show your boyfriend how well you suck another man’s cock.”
Your eyes widened and you glanced briefly at your boyfriend sitting in his chair and watching the whole scene with attentive eyes. You looked back to Seungmin and nodded. You took his cock in your hand and gave it a few slow strokes before leaning over and taking the head in your mouth.
Chris watched as you lowered your head and had to turn away for a second to compose himself before turning back to watch as your head moved, taking Seungmin’s cock further and further into your mouth, filling the room with wet sounds.
He was already painfully hard in his jeans and wanted so desperately to touch himself but he promised himself to wait. It was clear that Seungmin wanted to be in charge here and he knew he’d have to wait until the younger man said it was okay, if he even said it at all.
Seungmin’s head fell back as you gagged when the tip hit the back of your throat but made no attempt to pull away. One hand stroked your head while the other kept him prompt up, fingers digging into the plush mattress.
“Fuck, so good,” he groaned, gently pushing your head down. “Come on,” you heard him whisper. “I know you can take more than that.”
You gagged again as his cock pushed into your throat, restricting your airflow. “That’s it,” Seungmin gasped. “You do this for him?” He asked, referring to Chris. Knowing you wouldn’t be able to speak since he had his dick in your throat, Seungmin turned to Chris.
“She ever done this for you?” He asked, nodding down to where you were currently deepthroating him. “Let you fuck her throat?” He added, bucking his hips and thrusting into your throat.
“Hey, be careful with her!” Chris suddenly barked at Seungmin.
Seungmin pulled you off him, watching as you gasped and coughed, air filling your burning lungs. “Too much?” He asked, studying your face. Despite the fact that you were a mess, Seungmin couldn’t help but find a certain beauty in it.
The spit coating your lips and dribbling down your chin, your eyes watering and makeup ruined. The redness in your face leaving as you slowly returned to your natural tone. On anyone else it wouldn’t be as nearly attractive as it was on you.
Everything looked good on you.
You shook your head. “S’okay,” you rasped, your voice hoarse. “‘M okay,” you added to Chris who looked worried. “I’m okay,” you added with a nod.
Deciding he was done stalling, Seungmin guided you back to lay on the bed, making sure you were positioned for Chris to be able to see your face. “Please Seungmin, please be careful with her,” Chris said as Seungmin repositioned himself between your thighs. He let out a heavy sigh and looked around until he saw your panties left discarded on the bed from when he removed them earlier.
A wicked smile formed as a thought crossed his mind. He leaned over, face inches from yours. “Do you want me to silence him? I can’t focus,” he whispered. You studied his face. “How?” You whispered back. Seungmin’s eyes looked to the side and you turned your head to see your panties in plain view.
You turned your head to meet his gaze and nodded once. Seungmin’s smile widened and he grabbed your panties before getting up and walking over to Chris.
“You’re distracting me,” he said plainly. Chris looked from you back up to Seungmin. “Okay and what exac-AH.” Chris’ words were cut off as Seungmin grabbed his chin, keeping his mouth open and shoved your panties inside.
“There, now you’ll be quiet,” Seungmin said with a light chuckle before returning to the bed. “Finally,” he said softly as he guided the tip of his cock, pressing against your wet slit. “Some goddamn peace and quiet.”
It wasn’t quiet for long as he pushed into you, the stretch of his cock more than you’d ever experienced with Chris making you gasp as he gave you each inch. “Fuck,” you cursed, ending in a moan as Seungmin bottomed out.
Your cunt squeezed around him, making his eyes flutter shut. “Holy shit,” he whispered. “This is better than I could have imagined,” he added, giving you a small thrust to make sure he was fully buried inside you.
“Ah, M-Minnie,” you whimpered. His cock twitched inside you, stomach twisting at the sound of the nickname you normally used on him. It would have a much different meaning for him after tonight and he would only be able to think about this night whenever he heard it now.
He started at a slow but steady pace, moving in and out of you carefully. Seungmin wasn’t a mean guy and he didn’t want to hurt you intentionally or unintentionally.
He kept his eyes on your face, studying it for any signs of discomfort. Experimentally, he gave you a much harder thrust, making you gasp in shock. When you looked up to meet his gaze, he gave you a cheeky grin. “Green?” He inquired, waiting for your response. You nodded. “Green.”
That was all he needed to begin a new, faster pace, thrusting into you harder. “God you look so fucking hot,” he groaned, keeping a firm hold on your hips. “Lying there and taking my whole cock. what a good little slut you are, baby,” he smirked.
You let out a loud moan, walls clenching around him as you lost yourself in your pleasure. Seungmin was probably the biggest cock you’d ever had. It wasn’t like the others were small, and especially not Chris. Your boyfriend was more than average in both length and girth but this was more girth.
In short, yes, he had a fat cock and you were taking it like a champ.
Chris kept his eyes on your face, watching your brow furrow and your teeth sink into your bottom lip. It was a look he’d seen many times. You were enjoying yourself and Seungmin was making you feel good.
His eyes trailed down your body, watching the way your chest bounced with each thrust. He continued down your body until his eyes landed on where your body and Seungmin’s connected.
He focused on the sound and sight of skin hitting skin as Seungmin fucked you. He knew his underwear probably had a stain on it and he really wanted to touch himself.
“He’s watching you, baby,” Seungmin called out softly, forcing your eyes to open, searching for Chris.
You turned your head and met Chris’ gaze. The sight of him sitting tied to the chair, your lace panties shoved in his mouth made your walls clench and you moaned, cumming on Seungmin’s cock as your eyes fluttered shut.
The sight of you cumming nearly drove Chris mad, wanting nothing more than to break his restraints and jerk himself off until he came all over his stomach.
Seungmin pulled out of you, grabbing your hips and rolling you over onto your stomach. “Come here,” he said softly, guiding you to lay on your stomach, facing Chris as Seungmin pushed his cock back into you from behind.
“Fuuuuck,” you hissed. Seungmin let out a grunt, pulling your hips up and resuming the same pace from before. His goal was to make you cum a second time before he finally finished.
This new position allowed him to sink even deeper, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix and making you moan and cry out with each hard thrust. “Doesn’t she look so good?” Seungmin asked, glancing up at Chris who had his eyes on your face.
He looked like he so desperately wanted to ask if you were okay. Chris was that kind of man. He needed to ask and confirm your comfort and pleasure. Seungmin went based on your body language.
And your body reacted well to him. Walls clenching as he pounded into you. You let out a loud yelp as Seungmin’s hand smacked your ass. “Color?” He asked, waiting for your answer. “G-green,” you whimpered, making Seungmin’s lips twitch at the corners. “Of course you like being spanked. God you really are a slut,” he scoffed, giving your ass another spank.
You cried out, the stinging pain overshadowed only by the pleasure of Seungmin’s cock filling your pussy. “You gonna cum for me again, baby?” You nodded, whimpering pathetically as your thighs shook.
“Good girl,” Seungmin groaned. “Does he make you cum multiple times, too?”
You nodded again. “Y-yes,” you sobbed, the pleasure starting to overwhelm you as your orgasm started to wash over you. “How many times?” Seungmin asked, watching as your back arched, pressing back against him as you came again.
“I asked you a question,” Seungmin growled, giving your ass another sharp smack. You cried out, cunt convulsing around his cock as his thrusts helped you ride out your high. “Here’s an easier question,” Seungmin said, taking hold of your hips again.
“Who has given you more orgasms in one night? Me or him?”
When you didn’t answer, Seungmin gave your ass another sharp smack, your body jolting from the impact and the pain. Chris watched your body tremble and writhe and wanted to check on you like he usually would at this point. He pulled against the restraints, muffled curses leaving his mouth.
“Answer me, baby,” Seungmin growled. “Y-you!” The word left your mouth in a choked sob, tears falling freely as the pain and pleasure mixed together. Your body jumped as you felt Seungmin’s hand rub your ass soothingly.
“Good girl,” he replied, driving his cock back into you at a relentless pace. “You’ve been so good for me tonight,” he added. “For that, I’m gonna reward you.”
You let out a whine as he chased his high, pounding into you from behind. “Chris said you’re on birth control, is that right?” Seungmin asked. How he was able to form coherent sentences, you’d never understand.
Here he was, drilling your cunt mercilessly with his cock and asking you simple questions like it was tea time on a Saturday. You nodded silently, unable to form a proper sentence as your mouth hung open wordlessly. Only mindless moans and whines left your lips with a small amount of spit as you drooled.
Seungmin was quite literally fucking you dumb.
“Good. Then you won’t mind if I finish inside you?” He waited for an objection from you. Chris already knew this was his plan, having spoken intensely about boundaries, though Seungmin had already pushed a couple of those by calling you ‘baby,’ something Chris called you daily.
You shook your head, still unable to speak. “I need to hear you say it,” Seungmin groaned. “Tell me you want me to cum inside you.”
You licked your dry lips and whimpered before finally speaking.
“G-give me your cum, Minnie!”
Driven over the edge by your request, Seungmin stilled, cock buried deep in your cunt as he came with quite possibly the hottest moan you’d ever heard, cock twitching as he emptied his load inside you.
The only sounds that could be heard were your labored breaths as you both came down from your respective highs. Chris’ eyes flickered from you to Seungmin and back. He couldn’t move and was waiting to be released.
Finally Seungmin pulled out of you with a hiss, looking down to watch his cum drip out of you and onto the sheets. “That’s not nice,” he murmured, using two fingers to push his cum back inside your cunt. “Keep that in there,” he added.
He got off the bed, grabbing his underwear and disappearing into the bathroom.
You wanted to move but you were afraid you’d make a mess all over the bed.
Seungmin returned a moment later, half dressed. ‘Where did he get pants from?’ You wondered as he walked over to Chris and pulled the panties out of his mouth. “Sorry about that,” he murmured sheepishly as he moved to untie Chris’ wrists.
Chris shook his head. “Don’t be. That was a nice touch,” he answered and you finally realized how much you missed your boyfriend’s voice. Chris rubbed his wrists and Seungmin disappeared again.
You felt Chris’ hands on your body, checking you over. “Are you alright, babe?” He asked softly. You leaned into his touch and nodded. “I just don’t want to make a mess on the bed,” you replied breathlessly.
Seungmin reappeared wearing a plain tee shirt and brushing his teeth. “Bathroom is free,” he murmured, a bit of toothpaste dribbling down his chin. Chris nodded and scooped you up, carrying you to the bathroom and helping you sit on the toilet. “Do you want to take a bath?” He asked, kneeling in front of you, brushing some of your hair out of your eyes.
You shook your head. “Tub’s too small. I’ll take a shower though.”
Seungmin entered the bathroom and finished brushing his teeth and packed up his stuff. “I’m gonna head back to the dorm,” he said softly. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked Chris who nodded, standing up. “I’ll be right back,” he said to you, giving your head a soft pat and followed Seungmin out of the bathroom.
You finished your business, taking care to wipe gently as you were still sore before you got into the shower and cleaned off.
You were getting into the bed, having already pulled off the top cover that Seungmin’s cum had undoubtedly already stained, when the door opened and Chris returned.
He entered the bedroom and smiled as you cuddled up under the blankets.
He quickly stripped, putting on his own pajamas and going about his routine, brushing his teeth before getting into the bed with you.
You curled into his side, sighing in content as his strong arms wrapped around you, making you feel safe and protected. “Seungmin said thank you again for tonight,” Chris said softly. “He also told me to apologize for calling you a slut.”
You snorted a laugh and shook your head. “He has nothing to apologize for. Tonight was about him,” you answered. “Are you okay though?” You asked, looking up at him. Chris nodded, looking down where your head lay against his chest. “Yeah,” he answered. “I’m okay.”
You shifted, moving your arm and brushed against your boyfriend’s crotch by accident and quickly sat up, pulling back the covers. “You’re still hard?” You asked, glancing up at him. He reached out to grab you.
“It’s fine,” he said dismissively. “It’ll pass.” You sat up again, shaking your head. “Let me,” you said, undoing the ties on his sweats. Chris tried to stop you, reaching for your hands. “Really, princess, it’s okay,” he replied.
You slipped your hand into his underwear, pulling his cock from inside, making him groan. “You’re probably tired,” Chris commented, inhaling sharply as you gave the tip of his cock a lick. “I’m fine,” you answered, taking his cock into your mouth.
“Shit,” Chris groaned. “How are you still able to go? After all that?” He asked. You pulled back, pulling his cock from your lips with a small pop. “I’m always ready for you,” you answered cheesily.
“Really,” Chris groaned as your hand worked up and down his length. “You don’t have to do anything.” You leaned forward kissing him softly, tongue tangling with his. “Shush,” you finally said.
“Seungmin got his turn. Now let me make you feel good.”
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pacthesis · 1 year
our vietnamese tea ceremony
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some may or may not know i just got engaged to a weird guy i met in college that (to put it lightly) i wasn’t too fond of but after like 2 years of snubbing him he somehow won my heart i guess
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i scribbled a comic about it cause whenever people ask how i met him they sometimes get invested haha
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some people also may have seen him on america’s got talent or cbs news or jimmy fallon or on tiktok doing his pizza man shenanigans lol
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people often ask if he pulled me with his dough skills and i have to clarify i didn’t even know about the dough spinning hobby until after we started dating and he didn’t do the tv/media appearances until like 6 years into our relationship 🤣
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my parents were both boat refugees from vietnam (they fled during the war when they were teenagers and met as adults) and i’m american- but we’re not really that “traditional” i guess
i think many viet people don’t get married or commit without having a tea ceremony haha
a hetero buddy asked who were my bridesmaids and when i told him i don’t have any he asked why and i just said “i like my friends” 🤣 (my childhood friends were there as guests though!)
i also didn’t want/ask pizza man’s family to bring the customary gifts cause i didn’t wanna cramp my style
basically the purpose of this event was for people to witness us getting engaged and be an opportunity for our families to meet one another!
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5/23/2015 is when we started dating
for our first anniversary i got our initials and anniversary date stamped onto a penny and pizza man still carries it around 🥺
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so 8 years later we got engaged on 8/5/2023
8 for august (8 years later)
5th of august (5 for the month we began dating)
year of 2023 (23 for the day we began dating)
i think people often go to a fortune teller or someone who knows what they’re doing to schedule important dates using the stars and other factors but my grandpa doesn’t believe in that and the rest of us aren’t really superstitious
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we wore áo dài- it’s a vietnamese ensemble consisting of a tunic with a long front and back panel that is worn over pants
áo means “shirt/clothes” and dài means "long"
a lot of the time the bride wears red and the groom wears blue i guess but i wanted my outfit to look bridal when i imagine an american bride or a vietnamese bride!
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i also wanted to wear a gold khăn đóng headpiece and to incorporate pearls to resemble what my mom wore when she got engaged to my dad
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sunflowers are also my fav
(after we started dating i thought pizza man was tall and sunny like a sunflower haha 😭)
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my makeshift shoebox altar- or as i like to call it: my “spirit pager” 😤
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the double happiness symbol is two copies of the chinese character 喜 (xǐ) which means joy/happiness and red symbolizes luck for the couple
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my mom asked if we should put up pictures of our deceased and i was like i don’t wanna make pizza man’s parents go out of their way to bring photos 😭
i think we were supposed to ask our ancestors for permission to get engaged or married or whatever but since my mom raised me to believe my life is mine to live i just announced it to em
as far as i know it’s not really a buddhist thing- ancestor worship is more of a vietnamese thing apparently
my mom said vietnam is a country with a lot of war and death in its history- so imo it makes sense how they incorporate the dead into their culture and traditions
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after introducing each of our family members and friends- we lit a couple of incense to (casually) announce the news to our deceased grandparents and relatives
apparently burning incense is an invitation to ancestral spirits and to deliver wishes to predecessors
smoke from the burning incense guides people to safety or safe passing when they die- it also guides em back home on days like these
the spirit(s) depart when all of the incense has burned
next month is my grandma’s "deathiversary” (giỗ) so we’ll be paging her again soon
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we used a tea set that was used to celebrate my 1st birthday to pour and serve (my pick) of vanilla caramel black tea to my grandpa and our parents
pizza man’s mom doesn’t like tea so i was happy i picked something she did enjoy!
but when my mom brought her family to america from vietnam- she asked them if they could bring a tea set specifically for me
my mom said it’s meant to be used to celebrate any of my special occasions
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then me and pizza man said some nice words to each other and exchanged rings
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my ring was pizza man’s grandma’s- his grandpa initially proposed with a smaller diamond but after he saved up enough he got her this bigger one
i don’t listen to any comments that suggest or imply this carbon rock is not humongous 🤣
pizza man paid to get it resized and to repair its prongs (it was well worn by grandma mercedes 🥺)
also found out my ring size is 3.25 (US) haha 😭
he also decided to get his grandpa’s ring resized and to wear it too!
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my mom put this necklace on me- she says it reads “happiness” (i can’t confirm lol) but she received it from her mother-in-law when she got engaged to my dad
my mom was too scared to wear it after their tea ceremony cause it’s 24 karat gold and she didn't wanna wreck it
she said 24 karat gold hasn't been combined with other metals so it’s soft
i guess couples at viet tea ceremonies often get 24 karat jewelry- the idea is they can quickly sell it/melt it down for hard times
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my mom also passed down her favorite jade bracelet and my grandma’s favorite diamond earrings to me 🥺
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and on my 1st birthday my mom got a special ring made to celebrate my birth- she put it on a chain so the person i marry can wear it close to their heart
my mom also got a special ring necklace made to celebrate my sibling’s birth and gave it to their fiancée during their tea ceremony
it’s just the two of us so no more shiny token trophies up for grabs! 😤
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i laughed when pizza man had to squat down so low so my mom could put the necklace on him 
after the ceremony i asked him if he wanted me to help him take it off (my sibling's fiancée keeps theirs in a safe cause she’s too scared to wear it daily) but pizza man was like "no i like it 😄" and wore it to sleep and showered with it and hasn’t taken it off since 😭🤣
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at the end of the ceremony we lit the candles on the altar to represent the union of our families!
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then we ate lots of food haha
my parents both cooked! egg rolls, fried rice, lo mein, bột chiên (fried taro rice cake)
my mom was excited because she knew many of our guests weren’t very familiar with vietnamese food and wanted to share that with them 🥺
and my dad was just so excited for me and pizza man and had so much fun getting the supplies and decorations 😭
my aunt and uncle and sister-in-law brought vịt quay (peking duck), heo quay (roast pork), gỏi tôm (shrimp salad), bánh hỏi (rice vermicelli), xôi gấc (sweet red sticky rice topped with coconut, peanuts and salt)
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and pizza man’s mom and family brought lots of desserts
we have always been so amazed with how good their sweets taste and look! 🥺
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we also got an ice cream cake
i wasn’t thinking and asked em to write “nicholas and amy lễ đính hôn” and they called me and were like wtf is this and i was like oh no it’s ok haha don’t worry about it! 😭🤣
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we had some photos displayed but my sibling took lots of nice pictures of the whole thing!
i was happy i actually got the chance to spend time with and talk to everyone who came!
it went so well and we had so much fun that we’re thinking of doing something similar for our wedding- probably a backyard wedding haha
i was telling pizza man apparently some tea ceremonies have the first half take place at the bride’s home and then the later half is at the groom’s home 🤔
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anyway reminder that leftover egg rolls can be reheated in the toaster
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numbuh · 8 days
Man Decom got to be the crazy thing to think about from the point of view of someone not affiliated with the knd. Like if your the parents are sibling just one day they have a complete different personality almost like they’re a different person.
i have had a lot of fun approaching decom from almost a horror lens. i believe this kind of thing scares knd kids too. becoming a teen doesn't make you evil or boring by default, and even though a lot of operatives believe it does... it's no fun to consider that memory wiping is to blame. sure, you forget a lot about being a kid, but why does the "old you" have to go? how much are you truly sacrificing? is it guaranteed your personality will change a lot, or is it unpredictable? how different would you be as a teen if you never joined the knd to begin with?
kids and adults alike hate the unknown. they hate not having all the answers. i don't think that the average operative knows every single thing about decom, just as we the viewers don't. it would be easier to sway fugitives if there weren't questions you could ask about the science And ethics of it. someone else takes away your memories. it's knd tradition. it protects knd secrets and proves your loyalty to the cause. what more do you need to know?
it's no surprise that some operatives would have a lot of questions or try to avoid their fate at the expense of everyone else. then there's those who know they'd end up going traitor if they think about it further... so they just act like it's Totally Not Scary and "i just don't get it, why would they do this? teens, am i right? lol"
meanwhile, as you brought up, the friends/family of decommissioned operatives may be very, very confused. there's no reason why they would just forget (xyz) over night. did something happen? previous birthdays were never as jarring.
which is scarier: not knowing what happened to your friend or kid, or not knowing what happened to you?
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coltrainbat · 2 years
✨Masterlist ✨
Please note I don’t write anything that is illegal or borderline inappropriate. This includes sibling smut, adult baby kink (I dont even know what its called), teacherxstudent relationships and anything else I deem off. I also havent been to high school for many years so even if it’s innocent fluff I do not write HS AUs. If you’re unsure just ask! Can even be anon and if you don’t get a reply to your request then it’s a no. I’m fine with Daddy kink and most sex stuff as long as it doesn't cross lines into over infantilising, acting like an actual baby. 
As much as I’d love to sit in my bed all day and write fics... I have a big girl job and answer my requests in order I receive them (lol OCD tings) and I cant start one until the other is done (again sorry OCD tings). So please note there is a 3 week ish turn around for requests at max. And sometimes if I get a good idea I’ll write my own first cause I have to get it out of my head. But if you want updates feel free to message me or I’ll post an update if I get caught up in life! 
I’m always up for a chat and am pretty active on here so you’re welcome to talk to me about whatever, ask questions or just chat! Please note it’s an 18+ account and if you don’t specify that I won’t reply. 
Ty x
Clover ☘️
Dividers from the brilliant @firefly-graphics 💕
Gifs and images are not mine! 
☁️ - Fluff 🔥 - Smut/NSFW 🌤 - Platonic 
🌧  - Tear Jerker / Sad
🌪 - Angst
COMING SOON: Third Times A Charm | A Chris Evans X RDJ Sister!Reader (description here)
Take Me Home | Nick Vaughan X Reader:
Part 1 -  Meet Cute ☁️
Yes, No, Maybe | Chris Evans X Curvy!Reader:
Part 1 - Chris meets you and has to have you. ☁️🌪
Part 2 - your first date. ☁️
Part 3 (Virgin!Reader) - Chris takes your virginity 🔥☁️
Bubba | Dad!Chris Evans X Pregant/Mom!Reader):
Part 1 - You tell Chris he’s going to be a dad for the first time. ☁️🌧
Part 2 - Protective!DadChris ☁️
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Chris Evans
You’re Mine (Curvy!Reader) - You’re Chris’s FWB and you wonder if you’re the only one 🔥☁️
All Worth It (Curvy!Reader) - You and Chris go public with your relationship. ☁️
Chris Evans Alphabet (Curvy!Reader) - smut implied but mainly fluff. ☁️
Chris Evans Alphabet NSFW - 🔥
What A Girl Wants - You’re a str!pper and Chris wants you for the night. 🔥
Happiest Man Alive - You’re a florist and Chris proposes at the Oscars ☁️
No One Disrespects Chris’s Girl - A journalist insults you to Chris’s face. 🌪
Best Birthday Ever (Curvy!Reader) - You usually dread your birthday but Chris has a surprise in stall. ☁️
Bed. Now. - Finals week has hit but Chris wants you to sleep. ☁️
Boston Boy Documentary - Your segment in Chris’s documentary. ☁️
Can’t Believe They’re Real - Chris is an ass guy but with tits like yours he cant help be obsessed.  🔥
Favourite Pillows - Chris’s favourite pillows are conveniently on your chest. ☁️
My Angel (Model!Reader) - You’re a Victoria Secret Angel ☁️
Because I Want You - Your bestie, Chris gets a bit jealous...  ☁️🌪
Cookie - Baking cookies doesnt go as planned.  ☁️🔥
High On You - You and Chris enjoy a joint together. ☁️
I’m in Chwarge (Blurb) - No one tells you whhat to do besides Chris ☁️🔥
Tik Tok Leggings - You could say Chris likes your new leggings… 🔥☁️
Eat Shit Ransom - You’ve got a huge crush on Ransom 🌪☁️
Pork or Pasta? - You meet Chris for the first time but arent so sure about him... 🌪☁️
Mint Condition - Captain America Roleplay  🔥
Sexiest Girl Alive (Curvy!Reader) - You get hate for your body and Chris comes to your defence. 🌪☁️
Headcanon!Chris Evans - Chris start to cheer his gf up. How? With stupid cheesy pick up lines ☁️
Steve Rogers 
I’m The Captain Now - Taking Steve’s virginity 🔥
Off to College - You & Steve send your little girl off to College ☁️🌧
Family Matters - Steve’s sister dies 🌧🌤 
Roped Up - Steve ties you up 🔥
Soxs - You get Steve a cat to help with his nightmares. ☁️
Prettiest Girl In The World (PreSerum!Steve X Plussize!Reader) - Steve thinks you’re the best even if you don’t. 🔥☁️🌧
Get A Life - Shortsized!Reader working for Bruce Banner as a lab assistant and Steve has a total crush on her. ☁️
Frank Adler 
Disneyland - You and Frank take Mary to Disney ☁️
Put It On My Tab - Frank introduces Female Bartender!Reader and introduces her to his niece. ☁️
Andy Barber
What To Wear (Curvy!Reader) - Andy helps you find a shirt that fits for your date night. ☁️
Sparks Fly - Soulmate AU ☁️
You’re Sick (Blurb) ☁️
Our Home - Laurie shows up unannounced. 🌪☁️
Knock Knock - You surprise Andy at work. 🔥
Lloyd Hansen
You’re Not Sorry - You act like a brat but Lloyd is going to make you pay for it. 🔥🌪
Ari Levinson
I’ll Take Care of You - Ari is married to your sister but he has you on on his mind. 🔥
Neighbours - You get very friendly with your neighbour, Ari.  🔥
Ransom Drysdale
Good Bunny - Ransom wants to explore the hole God can’t see... 🔥
Liam Hemsworth
Nostalgia - You and Liam reunite but its a little different now. ☁️🌪
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enam3l · 2 years
rockstar!dad eddie is definitely not immune to the claims that dads baby the pets that they didn’t want in the first place .. the girls begged & begged the two of you for a dog and eddie was probably vehemently against it because all of you travel too much or he knew the two of you were gonna be stuck caring for it till the girls actually just showed up one day with one & now that’s his best friend for life
yes. just yes. so fun fact, i used to be a foster mum for dogs so i am definitely breed bias. idk if you know the actor joe manganiello but he's married to sofia vergara (gloria from modern family) and he is this huuuge man but has this tiny chihuahua he dresses up and insists on taking everywhere. i love that for him and eddie.
anyway i dedicate this one to my favourite foster child marnie who i got have for six months! it was her birthday the other day and she is finally living her best life 🫶
ps: if you want your parents to get you a dog, try what the daughters do. this is exactly how i got my dogs when i was younger lol.
there's something about marnie (rockstar eddie munson x reader) ficlet / fluff / smut
you can see all rockstar eddie x reader stories and lore at #enam3ls rockstar eddie or the masterlist! and check out my new series love, lola
'Dad, I want a dog.' Eddie is certain that is the only thing his daughters have said to him in the last two years. All of them are teenagers, all of them are hormonal, all of them are getting on his nerves, all of them refuse to speak to him... unless it's to ask that one question. Sloane was now eighteen and in a constant panicked frenzy over finals. Iris was sixteen and was convinced she was an adult. Maeve was fourteen and at the peak of puberty and peak of being a pain in the ass. 
Personally, Eddie had felt his reasoning on refusing their pleas for a dog had been very fair. Although he was not used to being bad cop and he didn't like it. You were always the firm parent and he was a soft touch who was wrapped round the fingers of his girls - you included. On multiple occasions he had given his daughters his reasons. 
Now the girls were all teenagers, Eddie was finally beginning to start touring with Corroded Coffin again. Something he chose to stop doing once the kids had been born. 
Even though you mostly worked from home, sometimes you did have to go away for work. He didn't want you to be left with the responsibility of the dog all the time whilst the girls were at school. 
Within the next five years, all of the kids would be out the house and at college, leaving the dog behind with you and Eddie. He had planned on using a child free house to his advantage and taking you away all the time. 
Yet clearly, his reasons continued to go in one ear and out the other as tonight he was victim to a well coordinated attack. All three of the girls cornered him as Eddie sat watching a film. His protests ignored as Maeve snatched the remote and turned the TV over. Iris plugged in a laptop causing a PowerPoint presentation to appear on screen. Sloane stood next to the screen like a weather lady as she began her perfectly rehearsed argument. Those damn girls are trying to convert me, he thought. 
Often at his own expense, Eddie realised all three of his children inherited the best of both you and him. Taking his street smarts and tactical logic and your academic skills and charm - it was a ruthless combination that he's certain if wielded incorrectly could be used for world domination. Once they'd finished, Eddie sat there gobsmacked as they filed out the room to go about their Saturday evenings. Sloane leaving him a printed copy of the presentation for him to as she described it, 'peruse at his own leisure.' Eddie scoffed at her sass, knowing Wayne would've whacked him round the head with a newspaper had he used a line like that when he was a teenager and probably now. 
That night, Eddie lay on his bed flicking through the papers. It's not that he thought they were incapable of looking after a dog. They'd babysat Steve and Marissa's dogs plenty of times and were great. It was just that life would be changing constantly over the next few years and that made Eddie nervous. His fretting was interrupted by you bursting through the door and jumping on top of him. You ripped the papers from his hands, chucking them across the bedroom, before pinning his wrists above his head. 
'Hey, what's this all about sweetheart?' he questioned, still slightly startled. But his question was quickly answered by your lips attacking his neck and bare chest. 
'Empty house,' you grinned between nips and kisses, 'want you Eds.' 
And who was Eddie Munson to refuse his wife? 
All the questions that had been plaguing his tired brain all evening were long forgotten. The only thing on his mind was you. What else could he think about when the love of his life was between his legs, plump lips tight around his throbbing cock. You'd been together for twenty-five years now and still Eddie felt like a horny teenager around you. He was putty in your soft hands - literally in this case. Your hands cupped and played with his balls as his thick cock hit the back of your throat as he chased release. The way the bedside light caused your wide eyes that stared right into his soul to twinkle, made his pulse quicken. The light also caught the ring he'd slid onto your ring finger twenty years ago. Eddie couldn't believe this was really his life now. 
'U-uh fuck, sweetheart...' he groaned, 'Bout to cum baby.' 
You could feel his balls start to tighten in and cock begin to twitch - he was seconds away from cumming. So you pulled your mouth away and retracted your touch. 
'AGH! What the fuck,' he whelped. 
You looked your husband right in the eyes. Eddie's big chocolate eyes, wider than ever in shock at the loss of touch. Letting him know you meant business, your face fell deadpan and nails dug into his hairy thighs. 
'You're getting them a dog, Edward.'
He spluttered in disbelief, hands waving around aimlessly. 'WHAT! I cannot - you really doing this to me right now?'
'Yes,' you smirked, 'and you'll never cum again if you don't do it.' 
Eddie knew you weren't lying so that's why he finds himself two weeks later stood in the dog rescue shelter. He couldn't deny it made him happy seeing the joy on his girls faces when he told them the news. His only condition which you'd also agreed upon was that the dog needed to be a rescue. The charity had thoroughly vetted you all and checked the house. Eddie couldn't believe he was just allowed to pop out as many kids as he wanted without approval and yet he had to go through so much to be allowed a dog. 
Shuffling along behind the rest of you, he peered into each occupied space, reading the little biographies of each dog. Eddie had always seen himself as more of a cat person. Cats were weird and a little spooky, something he could relate to. Plus, he had happy memories feeding the strays at the trailer park growing up. Today, he'd expected to simply be the chauffeur and bank, letting the girls choose their new friend.
Then his feet ground to a halt as he caught sight of a little presence in a cage he'd thought was empty. There in the corner was a tiny pile of dark fuzz, brown eyes blinking back at him expectantly. The little creature looked as if someone had drew a scribble and stuck a pair of googly eyes on it. Eddie approached the cage and the dog followed his move, coming closer towards him. It was a little dog of a thing, little legs sticking out of scraggily fur in varying shades of black and grey. The dog could've been mistaken for the animalistic form of a wise oracle from a game of D&D. 
'This one,' Eddie called out, surprising you and your daughters. You all double backed, not having noticed how far behind Eddie even was. Your gaze followed to what his finger pointed at. Instantly your heart melted. 
'It's this one. We're getting this one,' he insisted again. Iris squinted at the paper attached to the cage as she read it aloud to you all. 
'My name is Marnie. I look older but I'm only two. Please take a chance on me, I'm a quirky girl but full of love.'  
You let out a little sniff, your hand finding Eddie's to squeeze it. Immediately you could recognise exactly why he'd find her, she was a tiny dog version of your husband. It was meant to be. 
'Okay, Dad's word is final. Marnie is the one!' You exclaimed. Eddie's face lit up with glee, heart full that without him explaining it, you just knew why she was special. 
'Thank you sweetheart,' he mouthed silently.  
'Are you sure Dad? Did you not want something a bit bigger?' Sloane questioned. 
'She kind of looks like an ancient wizard...' Maeve remarked, bending down with her hand out, her fingers immediately being licked thoroughly through the metal bars. 
'I'm sure. She's perfect,' Eddie grinned. 
Marnie Munson was inseparable from Eddie. All of his previous concerns went straight out the window the moment he saw her. She fit perfectly into your lives. Completely unbothered by travelling or loud music, Marnie became an honorary roadie for Corroded Coffin. Eddie had her perfectly accessorised, frequently returning home from the shops with a new purchase for her. Matching him perfectly, she wore a studded pink collar and a pink and black bandana. And you're still clueless as to where he found it but in the winter Marnie was kept warm by a knitted Metallica Christmas jumper. Utterly spoilt rotten like all the women in Eddie's life. Clearly, Eddie's title of girl dad was not limited to human daughters. 
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ps: i don't know if these books were only in the uk and new zealand but anyway this is how i picture marnie
my taglist angels: @whoahoney @lukewearingbeanies @esme-viridian @elysian-chaos @munsonology @mseddiemunson @kreepja
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kanmom51 · 2 years
How do the other members even post their birthday wishes after this????😂
At least Hobi got his in early!
I have no idea.
The only way would be a bland Happy birthday, like Suga likes to do, lol.
I can also see them going into 'damage control' mode here. Trying to play it off. But I hope they don't, cause I do think JK was sending a very clear double message here today.
One to his partner:
"Come get your birthday present babe";
And one to the rest of the fandom, and mainly to anyone that might have thought he's involved with someone else:
"THIS is the MAN I'm inviting to my bedroom (I don't have to be the adult to explain to you what for, right?), live with it or suck on it".
And them playing it off would dull the message, which I think is long coming to this fandom.
Although, even this, just like the ear sucking or the hickey showing, is going over the heads of many of these imbeciles, and you know exactly who I'm referring to.
Cause bedroom eyes, lip licking, hair playing, all preparing to say "Jjyaman Happy birthday" with that face he's making, yeah, no seducing going on there.
I mean, and I don't want to get all gross here, but there were all kind of feels going on for those gals (maybe guys too) in certain body parts...that is until he opened his mouth and the second shoe dropped..."this message is not meant for you gals/guys, it's for my life partner, maybe even husband, who knows...only we do...joke's on you".
So, I don't hope this message is belittled by the others having a laugh.
I guess we'll wait and see.
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marvelsfavoriteuncle · 4 months
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of? - Marvel AU
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Pairing: JJ & Elizabeth Stark, Howard & JJ, Rick & Luna, Ethan & Liane
Established niece & nephew: Tony & JJ
Extra characters: Pepper, Maria Hill, The Avengers, The Young Avengers and etc
Note: May 29th, happy birthday to iron man himself Tony Stark lol
A blonde walked up the sets of the tower, as if the light was shining through the window and the sky was clear as day. She entered the elevator wearing an elegant black vest with dress pants to match, her hair was lush and glimpses of blonde lights peaking through, bouncing off her shoulders. She held her suit jacket in hand.
JARVIS blinked on his bright blue light in the elevator wings, as if announcing her presence. It seemed like JARVIS glitched for a moment then reloaded to the mainframe, working in an orderly fashion like always.
“Good evening, Ms Underwood.” He said, in his trademark British accent.
“Heh, good evening, JARVIS.” She replied, with a light smile, “What’s on the agenda for tonight?”
“Well the young ones are in the main area, Ms Potts is out shopping as always. And one of your kids was supposed to go to a briefing but it was cancelled, so now he’s in his workshop.”
“As for my work wife?”
“Ah yes, Ms Hill is at a meeting for SHIELD and will be seen later. Dr Banner is on his way back home after a trip to the grocery store. How was your day, ma’am?”
“Decent enough, thanks for asking. However I will need to push back a little dinner with Mr. Smith about prices for his wife’s new jewelry shop.”
“And the kids?”
“Open the doors and find out.”
“You got some humor, Ms. Wood.”
As the doors opened to the main area, Jen walked out only to be treated to the sounds of yelling and screaming.
“Oh dear..” She muttered, squeezing her eyes shut then reopening them.
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Her gaze fell on Rei and Rick who were standing in front of the shout shouting over one another over the stupidest thing.
“Yo, Thing 1 Thing 2, where’s the fire?” She asked, looking between them with her hands on her hips.
“Ask your grandson.” Rick remarked, narrowing his eyes that flashed an unusual tone.
“Oh real mature, Banner.” Rei exclaimed, rolling his eyes and pointed, “He decided to go ahead with the presentation for our meeting and now they went along with his stupid ideas.”
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
“Our presentation was supposed to be about telescopes like technology. But he decided to be all father-like and make it seem all child-friendly! It’s supposed to be for adults dimwit.”
“Oh I’m sorry that some of us rather not want a proud product that won’t blow up in their faces!”
“Again, it’s for adults not children!”
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Jen held up her hand and curled it into fist waving it around, as she raised her tone a bit causing both young adults to pause. Doesn’t matter what age, kids tend to stop whatever they’re doing if a parent-like figure is near.
“Wow, surprise that still works…” Julie muttered then clear her throat and turned to face them, “First off, your project seems very promising. And secondly, you can reschedule this presentation to rematch your ideas.”
“Yeah sure, like that would work.” Rei murmured crossing his arms.
“We called them and they told us they were busy working, saying our stuff is in review.” Rick added.
Jen thought for a long second and flipped on the phone, pressing a button as the line rang quick.
She wondered and waited, as she spoke, “Hello, yes this is Mrs. Stark…or Ms.Woods, whichever you prefer dolly. Two young men wanted to reschedule for another chance at their presentation, I understand your concerns and revisions but—you do realize their work can bring you a lot grand success and rewards, right?”
Another a few more minutes of speaking on the phone, she handed the phone to both Rick and Rei, telling them to behavior. But most importantly, compromise on a decision. With that she moved on, pressing a kiss to Ava her first granddaughter and well behaved who was heading to band practice, right after dance class.
She headed to the kitchen, kicking off her heels and sled into across the floor finding crackers in the back shelf along with peanut butter. She hummed in delight at the sight before her eyes. Liane and Luna were still on the kitchen table with their eyes focused on watching Season 3 of Bridgerton.
She snorted and grinned as she asked, “Is the show good girls?”
Liane looks up, “Hell yeah! Anthony is a good husband and..”
Luna cut her softly, “Shhh don’t spoil anything! Someone might be listening..and hi, JJ.”
The blonde smiled, “Hi Luna. Well you girls, enjoy yourself.”
She turned around opening the fridge, sneaking around behind a set of beer bottles, to find a small set of cupcakes she baked beforehand waiting for her arrival. She was surprised no one took a handful of them yet, nonetheless she sighed in relief.
She knew the rest of the cupcakes and the sheet cake she’d ordered to arrive later on were for the young heroes anyway.
Without a second to ponder this matter, Jennie took the first step of grabbing a cupcake and a candle, stuffing a lighter in her pocket and headed downstairs to the workshop.
She slid open the door, making sure to hush JARVIS before he spoil her mini surprise, trying to make little to none noise possible as she entered the room. She flicked the lighter as a tiny flame covered the candle that was placed on the cupcake as she started to humming the song ‘Happy Birthday’ to her first silly goose.
Tony turned around, removing his headset he was currently wearing at the sound of a certain blonde humming and singing softly that silly little song for May 29th. A smile lip up his face at the sight of his aunt, who looks damn younger than she should be, holding up a picture perfect cupcake and a candle placed right in the center.
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He chuckled. Hell, he giggled and snorted.
Many years later and his aunt is still keeping up the same routine of a little candle placed on a cupcake. His favorite color frosting too for added warmth and comfort.
“Make a wish and blow out the candle.” She said, softly moving the candle near his face.
Tony closed his eyes making a joke about this is rather funny as he wished on a nice evening at the tower, without nothing blowing up in his face for the 3rd time this week. Hey, the man was getting older and wanted something simpler this year! He blew out the candle and grinned.
“What’d you wish for?” She asked, removing the candle and handing the cupcake over to her nephew.
Tony took a large bite, licking his lips and hummed, “Can’t tell ya. And thank you for the little treat.”
“It’s your birthday, of course I was gonna do something for you. I can’t believe, you’ve grown up and became someone kind and supportive. I did a decent job raising you.”
“You did a good job raising me, auntie. I don’t say it enough. Dad well…not so much. But you’re pretty great. So, am i getting a big bonus surprise tonight or what?”
“I did plan on having a movie night with the family, have some drinks, ordering pizza and a huge cake.”
“What, no confetti cannons or fireworks with my name in the sky?”
“I love you but I’m not going to explode your ego. You can do anything other day of the week, mister.”
Tony just laughed at that as he hugged his mother figure. She gave him a tight squeeze and a kiss on the forehead.
The rest of the evening went as follows, the heroes, agents and welcomed guests all gathered around the common room to watch movies, discuss and eat pizza.
It was rather nice to not have a grand slam party on Tony’s birthday for once. Especially since his birthday fell on a Wednesday, instead of a weekend like it always does. But knowing her kid, he would try to throw himself a party this weekend anyway and she wasn’t going to stop him.
Afterwards, everyone stood around the kitchen as a large sheet cake was brought out in front of Tony. Everyone sang and chanted as he blew out his candles, allowing for the young heroes to get their hands on the cake first before the older ones did.
They definitely enjoyed it more than expected. Especially when Rick found cupcakes in the freezer just sitting there and brought it as Bruce rolled his eyes. Natasha hushed the doctor and brought him to the dance floor with Maria Hill following behind them, as Natasha dragged her and Steve into the fun. Ethan and Liane were already there chatting and dancing with drinks in hand.
Luna and Rochelle were trying to finish the movie playing on the large screen tv, meanwhile Rei and the others were playing video games next door.
Jennie stood against a wall chuckling at the sight of it all.
“So, how are you holding up?”
She turned around to find Pepper holding a glass of champagne and smiling softly, handing the blonde one.
“Honestly not so bad.” She responded with a smile, taking a gulp of the champagne.
“Glad to see you smiling too.” Pepper added.
“Yeah, how was your shopping spree?”
‘Oh amazing! I got the best deals.”
Pepper went on and on about the things she brought, how she loved having the opportunity to get the day off to do so and etc. Jennie just smiled and nodded at her friend.
Yeah, today wasn’t so bad in her opinion.
Ahh that’s all folks! And yup that’s auntie JJ, I hope you like her. Might even do a Q&A week for her 😉
Anyways let me know what you guys think!
Tags: Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @ask-starrk @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @luna-d-marsh
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storiesbyjes2g · 11 months
Remembering my legacy story...
That tag has me thinking about my legacy story and how the story was shaped by my discoveries and ignorance while learning about this game. The first few generations were kind of tragic. I played vanilla and on normal life, and it took me until the day before X's birthday to get married. I was so scared he was gonna die without children, causing me to fail the challenge on the first try lol. He actually was engaged before, but his fiancé showed up the night before the wedding as an elder!! My boy had to start all over. UGH! He eventually found someone, but he had to propose to her three times! FINALLY he got married and had two children before he croaked.
His wife died on their son's teen birthday, leaving both children an orphan! I was terrified social services was gonna come and take them away! 🤣 I didn't know yet that teenagers were just baby-faced adults. 😑 But man, that period was hard. Those poor kids had to grow up way too fast. They got jobs to pay the bills, and they had almost zero free time. They were tired ALL the time because all they did was work. They had their jobs, but they also had a garden they had to take care of because the flowers paid the lion's share of the bills. They stopped doing their homework because it took up too much time. Their grades plummeted, and the principal called every day. But somehow I discovered you could have their birthdays at any time, so I aged the oldest one up like 4 or 5 days early because those poor kids needed a break!
(more generations under the cut)
At the end of generation two and through three, I felt like I had a good handle on the game and what it could do, so my curiosity came out and so did Stories By Jes2G lol. That's when this story started to get real messy LOL. My heir had a girlfriend, but the relationship wasn't really going anywhere so he started seeing this other girl. But he didn't know girlfriend #1 was pregnant! He fell all the way in love with girlfriend #2, moved her in (learned my lesson from gen 1!!), married her, and knocked her up. They had a happy little family for a while. No sooner than he forgot about girlfriend #1, the bastard son showed up at his door all casual like my mama said you're my daddy...nice house! 🤣 That did not go over well. As a matter of fact, his wife was very upset and tried to burn off some steam on the treadmill. But she was an elder and... RIP Adalynn.
Generation four was when I learned just how much you can learn about your characters just by letting them be autonomous and watching them go. The tragedy of this generation was what happens when two horny teens get married out of high school lol. Those two had nothing in common and led two separate lives under the same roof. That was partly because I was focused on making them complete their aspirations, but also they rarely interacted with each other when they were autonomous. The wife was a career woman and was not interested in having a third child. But the first two were girls, and this legacy was a strict patriarchy and I needed a son. That caused a lot of drama in the story, but he found a way to make her give in. But things were never the same, and she eventually divorced him and left the kids which of course affected the next generation.
Every generation up til like...seven had some kind of drama/tragedy, and I didn't realize it until I stopped and read the story myself. I was like WHOA! This is so much! This is what I put my readers through? LOL I made sure to tone things down in the second half of gen 8 because we needed the break. We had peace and happiness for a while followed by a veeery slow burn. Then I kicked the drama back up and ended on a hopeful tragic note, bring back the fall out from the gen 3 mess. It was a great ride!
I used to love building in The Sims 3, but something about this game's building mechanics completely turned me off. To be honest, I don't quite know what it is about building that just infuriates me. So the generations two through like...eight(???), my legacy house was made up of styled rooms lol. I honestly don't know anyone else who even used those things. I'd just piece together those rooms and close them in with walls lol. Needless, the legacy house was very odd and much bigger than it needed to be because of all these oddly shaped blank spaces. 😅 I made use of every single one of them too!
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chickensoup1025 · 5 months
Onto Bubbler...
Before it starts I wanted to say I have beef with Nino in this episode cause he makes his best friend's birthday about his hurt feelings and it's annoying and he didn't even get him a present
It was actually pretty nice of Plagg to try to give him that present
We love Sabine on this blog
Did Nathalie not even try to get him something herself??? She practically raised him!
Y'all should throw a small party at school if a house one isn't gonna work
Marinette is beyond thoughtful for MAKING him a gift.
Are you seriously telling me Paris's Teen Sweetheart didn't have a fan club that is celebrating his birthday at all? He's not getting letters in the mail? Or fans coming up to him at school? Or MORE people telling his dad to throw a party/throwing one for him??? This episode is just. Idk man.
Marinette has been a called a push over in the last two episodes (and this is the SECOND EPISODE) so it's amazing to see how far she's come!!!!
Bro. Nino says he's gonna go to Adrien's house and Marinette and Alya are in the background. Cut to only Marinette and Alya at Adrien's house. Did Nino get lost????
Alya can you please tell Adrien later that it was from Marinette?
Wild how Gabriel really did come out to talk to Nino. Ohhhh he wanted to make Nino an akuma. Gotcha.
DONT SIT ALONE AND BE UPSET NINO. THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU. BE WITH ADRIEN. HE WAS JUST TOLD ON HIS BIRTHDAY THAT HIS BEST FRIEND COULDNT EVER COME AROUND HIS HOUSE AND YOURE JUST GONNA WALK AWAY??? GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOGETHER AT LEAST????? Speaking of, that photoshoot was super quick? And why was he dropped off at his house? No way lunch break is that fast???? Go to school??????
Ugly ass akuma
Gabriel seriously made an akuma who specifically hates and is mad at him 🤦🏽‍♀️
What even counts as an "adult" here? 18+ or like out of university or like old enough to have kids or-
I'm a Nathalie hater I dunno yall I can't believe her this episode.
Just a weird ass akuma
This being his first party makes me wanna cry.
I think Ladybug should be allowed to use her power selfishly like this more often.
Did no one hear when Ladybug said "yours truly"??? It was pretty loud
No one knows how old ladybug and chat noir even are so people might be imagining they're also just stuck in bubbles lol. Oh god, if Adrien and Marinette were adults then they wouldn't be able to transform like that out in the open and THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH A GOOD PLAN TO TRAP THEM OR FIND OUT THEIR IDENTITIES HAWKMOTH JESUS. What you have to do is: Bubbler brings all the bubbles together so you can see them all in one spot. Have Bubbler WATCH, not just throw a party. If someone inside transforms then great! You know who they are. But if LB and or CN show up anyway then you know they're not an adult and that whittles down your search BY A LOT.
Girl is pretty brave for writing "Love, Marinette"
Nathaniel has some Shuichi energy hm
Cool moves...
"But adults keep children, safe, and protected. They care for their kids, they love them!" "Most adults do, anyhow." JESUS CHRIST WAY TO GO STRAIGHT FOR THR HEART
Him throwing his staff for her to swing her yo-yo around was completely unnecessary-
You can really see how the stakes change between the beginning and end of the show. "Oh I'm stuck in a bubble for awhile and just have to wait an hour at most to go back to my normal day" to "oh the world is ending"
Adrien is such a good boy...
One day- NO ONE HOUR of no adults and suddenly every thing everyone is trying to mail will be late for another week. Huh
Marinette didn't take the credit 🥺
"You're amazing Marinette, someone Adrien will see that too." Cut to not even a full season later Adrien leaning back in Marinette's desk chair, "You're amazing, Marinette."
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A thought.
Retired Magical girl (boy? Man? Words hard moving on) Jim. He teaches at Kadic because he knows something is going to go down.
This would literally change nothing, but I like the idea.
Especially in a magical Odd AU, because he literally holds several answers but has no idea he should give them.
(Aka I just like Jim being a supportive adult as soon as he knows something is up and kind of think it'd be funny if he pulled out magic and refused to talk about it. He'd tell Odd how things work and what's a bad idea but. Jim? Give context? About why he can glitter magic robots to death? Its funnier if he doesn't.)
(Odd learns the most and it is literally just variants of don't try the cool triple flip to dodge. It doesn't work.)
Just. Jim. He has such a wild backstory and so many past jobs that can be used and messed with.
Jim is the protag of a series that never happened I swear.
Magic (person? would it be right to categorize it as that or just stick with the trope name regardless, mmm that's up to the writer I feel haha) Jim is also a pretty hilarious concept ngl
I honestly wish more fics would juggle Jim around more cause it feels like there's potential, but then you get into the struggle/conflict of if he'll keep the secret, having an adult actually involved for once being a whole different can of worms, etc.
Jim involved in the Magic Girl (calling it the tropesake here lol) AU would be fitting to give a sort of mentor vibe, as well as a way to jokingly let Odd get away with keeping Kiwi around in this particular-verse
Odd wants to weasel more information out of Jim but Jim instantly deflects off the topic and goes into "rather not talk about it" mode... I can see the vision now lol.
Thank you for the ask anon! Sorry it's been long, riding out another birthday and juggling stuff has been interesting to say the least
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i-fondued · 2 years
ghesties i actually got out of work at a real hour!!
mainly because our directer of ops (fancy term for the lady who deals with the budget of our branch, shes my supervisor's boss' boss i guess??) saw I was at 32 hours after 3 days and thought that maybe it was a miss-punch and when she found out it wasnt she was like gtfo and now i'm going home at 3pm tomorrow because she was so pissed i had so much OT
this lady, who leaves the office at like 3 when she is in the office and not working remote mind you, had the balls to ask my supervisor if i was really working when i stayed till 7/7:30pm every day prior and she was like "...of course she is?? like shes the one who works the hardest???" so we love that for me ahaha
anyways!!! now i get to work on my little stories while my first nice home cooked meal in like two weeks is in the oven ehehehe
also mom moment below the cut cause this is already long enough lol and i know not all of you care about children, let alone someone elses <3
when i walked in the door, after every day this week not getting home till almost 8pm, the twins were so so so excited to see me. like huge smiles, giggling and screaming mama as they both came running over for a hug.
they are just getting so big and its so bittersweet that ive been working all the late nights to be able to give them christmas and keep the roof over our head while my husband is on medical leave but man it stings to know that these little people miss me this much. my husband said that bedtime hasn't been this smooth all week while hes been by himself.
it makes me feel guilty about getting the second job but like by getting the extra hours and extra income in, it means we can actually get caught up on bills and put some money aside to be able to go away with the twins this year. we want to take them to disney world for their late birthday present and it just wouldn't happen without a second income source for one of us adults. i told myself ill only do it for a year, three days a week max and sundays for that sweet sweet time and a half.
one year and i'd be able to pay off all my debt, put aside savings for us for emergencies and ghost vip tickets ehehe and take my kids to the most magical place on earth where they were 1000% conceived and wished for but thats a story for another night
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mejomonster · 2 years
Silent Reading chapter 51.
1. I love how priest writes Luo Wenzhou. He's gay and in his interactions with women he of course is not charmed or particularly soft for them, he's nice as a public figure responsible for lowering danger but like clearly compared to playboy Fei Du he's rather indifferent to women, compared to Tao Ran he's not as innately warm. In this scene the fact he IS a bit soft on men, especially men who seem to be being friendly and nice, and handsome. We knew this vaguely cause he's kind to Tao Ran more than the other colleagues but he has a "crush" on Tao ran and Tao ran is his decades old best friend. So far the other men he's interacted with are potential enemies, suspects, etc. At most he's flirtatious in a dangerous "fuck you" mocking way (also incidentally he's initially that way to fei du but softer lol). This is a nice bit of Luo Wenzhou recognizing he really is too easily swayed by a sweet, pretty man asking him for a favor. It's cure.
2. I love how it's also Fei Dus response in a way to Luo Wenzhous birthday lecture of "Do something with your life!" Like a kid who went off and accomplished some stuff, then came back to their parent to rub it in how busy and successful they've been so stop looking down on me as directionless, Fei Du showed up and listed "I'm enrolled in school, got an article published, I'm quite a novice making my way with Talent" (haha dad fuck you I DO have direction, direction you'll be impressed with, I even picked the same field as you!). Which. Wow I think about fei dus actual dad and.... (I mean in a way he did this with his actual dad too but not to impress him but to prove he's better stronger and can control and destroy him and his accomplishements). Fei du wouldn't want to be like his father by choice, it's a necessity for him to have the money power and influence to investigate. But fei du DOES wanna be like Luo Wenzhou and help people too, does want to brag to him. It's sweet and a nice follow through.
Can you sneakily get me in to talk to Su Luozhan?” asked Fei Du.
Luo Wenzhou came back to himself and thought, Isn’t that nonsense?
He was planning to flatly refuse, looked up, and saw Fei Du leaning on the wall of the corridor opposite him, eyes lightly focused on him. He very rarely noticed Fei Du’s eyes, because among adults, unless they were planning to fight or date, they wouldn’t constantly be looking into each other’s eyes; and in his impressions, all the looks Fei Du gave him were mocking, cold, satirical…each raised eyelash shouting in chorus, “Looking at you is displeasing.”
Never before had his look been this peaceful and harmless; accompanied by that “sneakily” Fei Du had just spoken, Luo Wenzhou imagined he tasted a trace of softness. He went still, the “Bullshit! What are you joking about?” he’d been about to blurt out not leaving his mouth.
Such is the inherent weakness of a man!
Luo Wenzhou internally lamented, but his tone involuntarily softened a great deal. “I’m afraid that won’t work. It’s against regulations.”
“Didn’t you let me listen in on an interrogation last time?”
“Our leader specially authorized it.”
“Then have him authorize it again. I’ve already talked directly to Su Luozhan, anyway.” Fei Du displayed his habitual, somewhat irreverent not-quite-smile. “And moreover I’ve written a little article concerning studies of ‘victims,’ which fortunately happened to be read by a certain teacher some little time ago and collected in the third edition of an academic text on a related topic. Oh, on that note, this April I was enrolled into Yan Security Uni’s applied psychology post-graduate program. Come September, I’ll be halfway to being an insider in your system.—Captain Luo, how about you call and ask that very quick and able leader from last time?”
Luo Wenzhou: “…”
When the fuck had all this happened!
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Headcanons of my Danganronpa OT8-9
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Firstly, Shuichi is I believe canonically bi but I could be wrong
He works as a detective after the events of Danganronpa, working along side Makoto and Hajime and Kyoko
He's married to Kokichi Oma to the public eye
Will wear suits but often wear more comfy sweaters or hoodies when he's not in the office or impressing anyone
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Not the biggest fan of his edit but whatever
Was raised in the foster system after his parents were deemed unfit to raise him
His D.I.C.E. goons are actually fellow foster kids or once foster siblings who swore to protect the little gremlin without fail, they all lived a life like Robin Hood and Lil John or better yet like Peter Pan and his Lost Boys
This is their songs
Is ftm transgender and often all his clothes were stolen by one of his "henchmen"
Fell for Shuichi and Rantaro at first sight
Is bi but has a male preference that never stopped so he just says gay "with some exceptions"
Shops at Clair's
Works in a found business selling things with Miu
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Is gay
Has known she he was REAL young
Actually does have a lot of siblings just knew of the twelve we got in the game
Is the second most in love out off the whole poly pile
Has scars he hides from his adventures and surviving Danganronpa now and before, his newest is the scar where the ball crushed his head in V3
Takes pictures of his partners a lot
Is the stay at home husband who cooks and cares for all of them
Looks damn good with grown out hair he says
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Canonically Pan-tastic (lol)
Is nonbinary who uses mostly he/they pronouns
Married to Angie by law and public
The second big spoon when cuddling happens
After talking with everyone after the killing game sought help from his trauma and cut his family out his life officially when he began to date Angie
In real life his sister was alive but was the clear golden child who didn't get punished for what she done to Korekiyo
Works as a real anthropologist as an adult
He wears his wedding ring around his neck to make sure he doesn't lose it or it breaks
Does wear his mask and bandages still out of comforting habit as the killing game made him feel comfort in a weird way cause, as he says it, "Without it I would never met my beloveds" so he does it as a reminder
But also cause he still has anxiety related to the mask
Cut his hair with help from Kokichi a month after the game ended
Refused to touch rope for a while but would use it as an anxiety calmer after a bit
Had Himiko saved as "mummy" as a joke on his phone (based off this fic) and had to change it after a coworker saw it
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Like Korekiyo she wears her ring around her neck
When they got married she cut her hair shorter for him
Does have the best relationship with her family but won't cut them out unless they say something about her dears
Owns a art studio where she does online and physicals art classes with paint and clay
Is kind of like Tamaki from OHSHC where she's a bastard affair child from a wealthy Japanese man who only came to Japan after he wouldn't produce an heir with his wife
Her school was down the road from Korekiyo's and they met before the killing game
Very opening and unapologetically pan
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Like Angie she is out and proud of her being pan
Will publicly talk about her being poly
Works as a workshop turned co-owner with Kokichi in their business
Loses her shit the fastest when her partners are cute or doing something cute/amazing
She's a kiss attacker, hide your cheeks if she's near cause she will kiss attack
Is as openly dirty talking as in the killing game but was embarrassed half the shit she said and done especially towards Kiibo
"It's your birthday we are doing what you want GET IN THE CAR!"
Wants kids badly
Was raised by just her dad
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Demisexual biromantic KING
Has bug related nicknames for all his loves
Is autistic
Actually never met his family, they left him at a young age but was taken in by a nice elderly couple
Is a real life entomologist as a job
is that husband who shoes coworkers his phone of his family while praising then to no end
Does talk like how he talks in the game and got shit on it growing up but now praise, just pure praise
Has a whole rack of weird ties and socks
Innocent roll baby TwT
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Bi Queen!
Loves her single mama to bits!
Kind of is like Will from W.I.T.C.H. with Irma elements
Is writing fantasy novels in her free time
Was first to marry out of the married groups
Married to Gonta by law
Tall husband short wife adore!
Is a clingy gremlin when she's tired or needy
Has all the Percy Jackson and Harry Potter books
Randomly quotes Hermine at sudden times
Loves her dears deeply
Sneezes like a kitten
Actually had a cold during the killing game so her being tired was cause of that
Was iffy being around korekiyo after the game but fell for him fast after they talked
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Joined much later
Is bisexual and nonbinary but doesn't care about pronouns
I like to think he's based off a real boy like Astro Boy and Ortho so he has some memories of that time
Talks about his partners a lot the most with Gonta
As years go by both his creator and Miu helped him add thinks he wants like certain functions and feelings
Likes My Life As A Teenage Robot (yall remember that shit???)
Wants to be a parent with his partners
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