#or downgraded really depends
duskforged · 9 months
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Kelas adopted the name Stormborn after the nautiloid crash - it's their surname, or at least, they think. There's not much rattling around in their head besides the tadpole, and a gnawing worry eats away at them. Who will they kill in their sleep this time?
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Equipped with little more than a rotten mind and an illithid tadpole, Carnage named themselves after the glorious wreckage left behind. And they have nothing left to lose - so, why not live up to that new name of theirs? It's a beautiful world for the taking, after all...
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blessphemy · 6 months
was seeing some tumblr post about wage stagnation and cost of living increase
you know I was feeling a little bit of “should I be ashamed?” about myself for not sticking with 1 job for more than 2 years (a combination of circumstances, the fields I’ve worked in, mergers, etc) and not having a Career but then I remembered that in the process of my skipping around I have on two occasions doubled my prior salary (not an exaggeration) so like
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Personal Musing: In most fantasy fandoms I really enjoy modern / human AUs, but when it comes to Good Omens Aziraphale/Crowley I’ve discovered that while I absolutely support people writing what makes them happy, I have absolutely no interest in even opening those fics because it’s like if they haven’t been pining over each other for literally six thousand years then what is the point
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carp-esh-ove-lem · 2 years
there’s something to be said for the amount of times i have had a “wow i should honestly be seeing a professional about this like immediately” moment in the past month (it is comedic the amount of times, i think it’s quite funny actually)
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sinsirellaxx · 25 days
hi!! could i request the slytherin boys reacting to you moving on after breaking up w them bc of all the shit they pull… like they didnt believe her when she said she was done with them but they see her with another person who maybe treats her better?
Slytherin boys – Seeing you with another person that treats you well
Warning: Toxic boys. Not proofread.
Mattheo …
… thought you’d be back in his arms within a month. You’d live through the different stages of a break-up before realizing that your life was meaningless without him – he was sure of it.
… is in denial when he sees you with someone else. He’ll think you’re just trying to make him jealous – to bring him crawling back to you and beg for you to take him back. That must be it.
… will stalk you and your new partner and is speechless when he finally realizes that you have moved on.
… he’d be absolutely livid if you were together with one of his friends. He’d probably tackle them to the ground before throwing the first punch – betrayal and jealousy clouding his mind.
Theodore …
… scoffs when he sees you with someone else.
… would be all “What a downgrade.”, while trying to stroke his wounded ego. Because how dare you? How could you move on, while he still had hope – while he still had feelings for you.
… would start ‘hating’ you, from that day on. He’ll deny having feelings for you – or having ever loved you, to make himself look less weak and avoid the pitying yes of the other students. But he was as transparent as glass.
… glares at you whenever you pass him with your partner and will wait for any moment to find you alone, just to say, “Where’s that new boyfriend of yours?”.
Lorenzo …
… immediately looks for a new girlfriend just to make you jealous. At least, that’s what he is aiming for: He wants to hurt you. Break your heart and have you beg for him to take you back. He’s sure you’ll be back in his arms within days. But he’ll make you wait and work for it.
… is utterly pissed when you don’t pay him any attention at all. You are so happy and distracted with your new partner – it makes him want to vomit.
... will quickly get rid of his new girl.
… thinks of a plan to destroy your new relationship: He’ll brew a love potion and has someone else slip it into your partner’s juice. Soon, your partner will be obsessed with someone else, and you’ll realize how much of an idiot that new partner of yours is.
Draco …
… is so cocky. Did you really think you could ever find someone better than him? Please. He’d smirk whenever he saw you two together.
… is humbled very quickly when he realizes that you are truly happy with your new partner and his whole attitude changes.
… grows increasingly sad and depressed – disappointed with himself and feeling utterly empty.
… just wants you bad but does not actively do something to get you back, thinking he doesn’t deserve you.
Blaise …
… watches you from afar, his chest tight as he thinks of all the times your laugh was directed at something he had said.
…would be too proud to actively do something at first.
… might spread nasty rumors about your new partner though.
… tries to orchestrate a situation in which he comes to your rescue after a while – because he has finally had enough of watching you lovebirds.
Tom …
… mocks you for your poor choice in men.
… knows that he is better than your new thing and watches you in contempt.
… will – depending on whether he really loves you or not – get rid of your new partner: He won’t tolerate someone else touching or loving you.
… will call you his slobbery seconds if he does not have any real feelings for you. You didn’t deserve him anyway.
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jordynbreeloa777 · 4 months
”If you affirm to much, then that implies lack because if you really had your desires you wouldn’t be robotic affirming and persisting.” STATES VS AFFIRMATION RANT.
OKAY LMFAO whoever makes this up is getting on my nerves and I would love to have a conversation with them. Now why is y’all spreading these fake lies. AFFIRMING IS JUST TO REMIND YOURSELF OF WHAT YOU WANT. How does that imply lack? I think that implies very much lazy if you don’t even feel like persisting for what you want. If you want to only do states and “feel the feeling of your desire already here.” or maybe “feel what it’s like to be a millionaire.” Then go right ahead. But some people don’t like to try to force emotions and I think it’s often misunderstood because how am I suppose to feel what it’s like to be a millionaire when I been broke and poor my whole life. Let’s be fr. But to be in the state of acceptance, and having full certainty that your desires is already yours.
You can only do states and knowing your desires are yours, and sure no method. Whatever works, and is serving you go ahead but don’t bash people who do basic A+P because it works. We know it works freaking fast because affirming and persisting, plus saturation is the fastest way to impress your subconscious. Neville even said this, what ever you dwell on most manifest. Good or bad, so why not just think thoughts in your favor? It’s not like you can just stop thinking like it’s some sort of off switch. So stop bashing people who choose to a+p instead of just get in the state. Who told y’all that “dominant thoughts don’t manifest states do” because hold up. I literally manifested while crying, life was hell, angry, upset, spiraling, and I promise you I wasn’t in the state of wish fullfilled. It’s PERFECTLY FINE TO GET INTO THE STATE but fr stop demonizing, and downing people who use there time instead of letting circumstances take control they affirm and freaking persist! If the law is all about persistence why is the people who use states keep downgrading affirming.
“The law isn’t about respecting and affirming” it’s about just assuming, yeah but it’s also not something that needs to be done depending on what mood or “acceptance/satisfaction” state your in. I mean please cut it out. That’s literally some law of attraction with the “high vibration mess” which I won’t be apart of. Robotic affirmation works ! And it works freaking fast! If your more of an affirmation girlie then DO THAT! If your more of a “states” person then DOTHAT! But stop saying it’s stupid..please. Honestly EVERY METHOD WORKS! You literally just have to assume it does! Repetition with affirming works so stop making it seem like it doesn’t. Ever since I stopped worrying about “oh I need to be in the state” but instead just AFFIRIMING THAT IM IN THE STATE, I have been getting everything I want.
Say if I was manifesting beauty would I not be repeating everytime I see myself “I’m so pretty” would that not be your thoughts? Like really please watch this video because I’m done with the bashing affirming. If you don’t want to affirm when it’s literally your thoughts..
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I think people have a misconception of emotions in regards to people who take testosterone, and it's really affected the way we're treated.
For instance, take the idea that we're unfeeling beasts on testosterone - fueled only by our anger. This is misplaced precisely because it implies that those taking testosterone fundamentally change, from our emotions to our personalities. It implies that we have downgraded in some way since taking testosterone, because let's be real, who enjoys enraged people? Who wants to be an enraged person all the time?
I can only speak from personal experience, but testosterone has made me happier than anything. I can't cry as easily, but the emotions that make me cry are still there. Just because you can't physically see emotion through crying or whatever doesn't mean they don't exist. Testosterone has given me pause to actually feel - before I was just responding to stimulus, I didn't feel alive. Even when I'm angry or upset after starting testosterone, I feel alive. It's a hard feeling to convey, but I feel alive. Testosterone has not changed who I am, it's just made me happier and healthier. It's made my skies clearer.
Testosterone is a (morally) neutral hormone - we all need some level of it in our systems (this level obviously depends person-by-person), so it's weird to specifically single out those of us who take testosterone. You are absolutely entitled to say that testosterone in higher levels isn't right for you, and I respect the position. Estrogen in high levels made my life miserable, I can empathize. But please remember not to overgeneralize and say that who you are fundamentally changes, because that isn't accurate.
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princessleechan · 6 months
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Imagine wanting to climbing up the social ladder with coworker!Wonwoo’s help.
How do you get with the in-crowd of the most prestigious networking organization in the country: set up their chairman with the hottest guy in your department. AKA one of the most eligible bachelors of the literary world, Jeon Wonwoo. Your setback: how were you suppose to do that when all he can think about is you? So he says.
You think it’s a joke since he could possibly get with anyone he wanted, why would he want to get with you? The person still getting coffee for your shared supervisor while he was already in the acknowledgment pages of his actual clientele, You thought it was a downgrade, and you knew that he would be punching down his league if he was actually pursuing you.
What you really think is that he’s just trying to get you off his back by pretending he wants you to be on yours. You aren’t dumb enough to be even enticed simply because of the intimidation. Although, you’d be lying if you hadn’t imagined it once or twice on a whim.
Of course, you have. He’s attractive (an understatement), an academic (another understatement), he rides a motorcycle to work everyday (hot as hell), and somewhat a decent human being (proclaimed by 99% of the women in the the office that most certainly want to get in his pants). It’s a mystery why he stays working in midsize workplace getting paid half of what he could be earning at high level facility.
“Just do it, please.”
“Depends, what do I get in return?”
“Uh a sugar mama that makes six figures a year?”
“I’d rather have you though.”
Admittedly, his words made you shudder. Once in a while they do. “No, you don’t. You’ll be doing us both a favor. This is an opportunity once in a lifetime.”
“Not interested.”
Through days of persisting, you somehow managed to do it. You’ve worn him out. You’ve convinced him to do you this small favor and let himself be set up. For once, things are looking your way, and you see a light at the end of that tunnel. Your name in brights lights, your town Ted Talk, the fan signings. You are a step closer to your true destiny.
But Wonwoo looks too well put. Too handsome for words. Too irresistible to not stare.
Lucky for you, he stares back, and impish gleam in his gaze. Walking towards you, one foot of the other, he stands tall before you with hands tucked in both pockets. “How do I look?”
That Cheshire smile on his face, dark pupils staring back at you in curious anticipation, and he catches the seize of your breath before you expel it out of your lungs in the deep exhale. You nod back at him, saying he looks agreeable. Just perfection for this kind of situation.
When he walks out the door, you didn’t expect the sinking feeling in your stomach, nor the squeeze of your chest. But you settle back down in your chair blinking back at the door the had just closed shut.
A split second later that same door opens, and the man that walks through it once reappears from the other side. “I forgot something.”
You start back at him puzzled. “Forgot what?”
He grins before his hand closes around your wrist, pull you up from your seat and pulling you towards the door, “the date I wanted have to dinner with.”
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fanbun · 8 months
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Choosing to make my own post instead of reblogging because I don't want to bother OP. All respect to them though.
I like looking back at posts like these because of how much current Rick’s character development has made him resemble this pre-season 3 fanon Rick. Of course he doesn't talk exactly like that but the overwhelming impression of the character is the same.
We no longer see him insulting and beating up on Morty like we used to. Instead there have been a lot more heartfelt scenes between them and many instances where Rick's protectiveness over Morty has been purposefully emphasized.
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It's astounding really. There were momentary glimpses into this loving side of Rick in seasons 1 and 2, which is what fans were picking up on, but that's all they really were at the time. Crass jokes and abusive behavior used to be his default. Now it has practically flipped and the clearly abusive moments are the rarity.
This may actually be why the show's comedy has changed too. The Smith family as a whole has gotten healthier and more considerate of each other so the writers can't rely on insult humor and biting sarcasm between the main characters as much. I think it's a good thing in the grand scheme of things. The show is evolving along with the characters. But it certainly contributes to the most recent seasons feeling noticeably different, and that's either an upgrade or a downgrade depending on what type of fan you ask.
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uesp · 5 months
hi! i saw the guide to make sure Skyrim doesnt update, and i have to thank you very much for that!
unfortunately, im running out of space on my pc and have to get uninstall skyrim and all my mods. is there any way to guarantee that, if i ever reinstall, it wont install the lastest version?
i really dont care about having the latest version even months from now, i just wanna make sure ill have an easy time getting mods back when i do reinstall
thanks for any and all help!
I'm not aware if you can prevent a fresh install from being the latest version (my assumption is no, but if anyone knows more please feel free to add on your knowledge), but you can downgrade to any previous version. And here is an older guide I've written on how to do this for Starfield, but the general instructions on how to do this are the same:
How to Revert Updates on Steam
There may be times where you wish to revert an update. For example, there may be mod conflicts from an update, the update may have caused unintended issues for your save, or you may simply wish to experience an earlier version of the game again. Doing so simply requires you to replace the updated files with their earlier version, and disable future updates until you wish to progress to the updated version. However, this will require more work unless you regularly backup your game files. Also, you will likely want to back your game files before you attempt to revert to an earlier version.
It is possible to download the necessary files to downgrade your game version from Steam. First you will need to access the steam console. Using the Run program on Windows and input:
This will open a normally hidden tab of the Steam browser, the Console tab. At the bottom of the page will be a command line. The general format for the command is:
download_depot [App ID] [Depot ID] [Manifest ID]
For Starfield, the App ID is 1716740, and the Depot ID for the updates is 1716741. The Manifest ID is for the specific patch you wish to download. The Manifest IDs are documented on SteamDB. For example, at time of writing they currently are 4447793252473787578, 8383043874900915235, and 3276175983502685135. If you wanted version 1.7.29, you would input:
download_depot 1716740 1716741 8383043874900915235
If you wanted the files for the initial release, you would input the command:
download_depot 1716740 1716741 4447793252473787578
Once the command is inputted, Steam will download the depot. You will be able to tell it worked by this appearing in the console log after your command (this example being for the initial release of the game):
Downloading depot 1716741 (27 MB) ...
Followed by:
Depot download complete : "[Steam Download Path]Steam\steamapps\content\app_1716740\depot_1716741" (21 files, manifest 4447793252473787578)
Note that the exact location of your download location will change depending on where you installed Steam, but as the log helpfully tells you where that is it should not be hard to find. Go to the folder listed there, and extract its contents to your Starfield install location. Replace all files with the files from the depot, and you will have successfully reverted to a previous version of the game. When you start the game, it will be this earlier version once more.
Keep in mind that reverting to a previous version on a save that was created on a more recent version is likely to cause issues, if it works at all.
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cookinguptales · 10 months
I just keep thinking about the way that Silvia and Nandor mirrored each other in this episode. Both of them represented Guillermo's two families and how he's really failing them both.
Both Silvia and Nandor love Guillermo and know him well enough to know that something's up. They both know that he's distracted and self-involved and absent -- and won't tell them why. And it's hurting them both.
They're both starting to get angry.
Silvia and Nandor both get pieces of Guillermo that the other doesn't, and both treat him very differently, but... they're both very similar in this episode.
Like, Silvia rarely sees her son. He barely took any time to see her for thirteen years, even though they lived in the same city for most of it, and has missed at least three birthdays in a row. Then he suddenly starts wanting to repair their relationship. He's not just showing up at her house every so often or crashing on her couch in a depression for a week without telling her why. Now he's actively trying to be with her. Be there for her. He's giving her lavish gifts and making time to visit with her.
But even before that, she still loved him. She still supported him. Even now, she's happy for any scrap of attention he gives her. But... she's finally losing her patience with him in 5.05, and you can understand why. She's finally got him there at her birthday physically, but mentally he's not there at all. He's constantly on the phone, constantly ignoring her, didn't even bring a token gift. He keeps trying to make this night about him.
And her Guillermo has always been distant, has never been entirely honest with her about his life -- but he's never been cruel or selfish towards her.
Until now. So for the first time, he's truly disappointed her.
Then, on the other hand, we have Nandor. Nandor has always had all of Guillermo's time, but he's only started to have the emotional intimacy that Guillermo's shared with Silvia very recently. He's become addicted to it very quickly, though. He doesn't just enjoy Guillermo's attention; he's addicted to it. And he's come to really depend on him. He's become used to Guillermo being there for him, protecting him, hyping him up, getting him out of trouble. Loving him.
And now, like Silvia, he's coming to realize that his Guillermo is pulling away. And like Silvia, he doesn't know why. Silvia doesn't know that he became a vampire familiar 13 years ago, and Nandor doesn't know that he's been bitten by a vampire now.
Nandor has sort of been downgraded to where Silvia was for most of the series, hasn't he? He had all of this love and attention from Guillermo, and then he was very abruptly ghosted without any straight answer why.
But he's not like Silvia. He's not gentle and understanding and long-suffering. Nandor, like Guillermo, is fairly selfish. So while Silvia is only becoming disappointed with Guillermo now, Nandor's speedrunning it. lmao
Guillermo betrayed his biological family with his physical and emotional absence, but this episode showed that he's starting to do that to the vampires, too. And while we may laugh at the vampires' antics and it's harder to feel bad for them when Guillermo isn't there to clean up their messes, we understand keenly how badly Guillermo hurt his family by messing up his mother's birthday.
By the end of the episode, though, it's made really clear that to Nandor, the two feel like one and the same. It was an important event in his life and Guillermo, who promised to always be there for him when he needed him, was not. And he was deeply, deeply disappointed.
Compare Nandor's reaction here to his reaction in s2 with The Curse. (I could write an entire meta post just comparing those two episodes, lmao.) He would have liked Guillermo's help in The Curse and seemed a little cross that Guillermo was off "having fun" at a concert or something (read: killing vampires) but he was largely okay with figuring things out himself.
In Local News, though, he was constantly reaching out for his right hand, who was no longer there. Guillermo has become something reliable and depended on and necessary to Nandor -- and he's not here. While it irritated Nandor in The Curse, it seemed to actively hurt him in Local News. He felt betrayed by Guillermo's absence, just like Silvia did.
For both of them, though, it's not actually about physical distance. (Though that obviously bothers them, too.) It's about the emotional distance that Guillermo is putting between them. Guillermo might physically have come to Silvia's birthday, but he was emotionally a thousand miles away. Guillermo's physical absence was felt by Nandor, but it was that he wasn't there to depend upon emotionally that really seemed to fuck him up.
(Even though Nadja and Laszlo disagreed on methods, they both comforted and supported each other in a really scary time here. Nandor kept reaching out for that from Guillermo, but never got it. Ouch.)
So both Silvia and Nandor are getting this sense that they're not really important to Guillermo anymore, and that's killing them. Both of them are feeling abandoned -- and for Nandor in particular, who has several hundred years of abandonment issues, that's devastating.
Guillermo, for his part, doesn't seem to realize how much his actions are driving them both away. He's trying to have it all, but he's on the fast track to having nothing. He won't be a full vampire, he won't be a full slayer, he won't have his biological family, he won't have his vampiric family. He'll be all alone, and he'll have no one to blame but himself.
The vampires didn't make him forget his mother's birthday. The slayers didn't prevent him from helping the vampires. Guillermo is just prioritizing his own hopes, fears, and desires, and he's alienating everyone.
It's good to prioritize yourself sometimes, especially when you're a person like Guillermo who's always suppressed his own desires so he could fulfill others', but it's almost like he's swinging too far the other way now. He's letting down the people who depend on him, and he's hurting their feelings in ways that will be very hard to fix.
Guillermo has, up until now, been a very dependable person. Guillermo's mother couldn't depend on his presence, but she could depend on his love and care and kindness. Nandor couldn't depend on his openness, but he could depend on his presence and unconditional support.
But he's not dependable anymore, is he? And that really seems to have thrown both of them. They don't know what to make of this new Guillermo, but they don't like it.
They're both so, so disappointed in him.
And I think Guillermo is, too. : /
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 month
⚡️ News Flash ⚡️
On the dysfunction criteria
Harm should not be a necessary criterion for mental disorder: some reflections on the DSM-5 definition of mental disorder, 2019
(Full PDF download if you scroll down)
Fun tidbits
First, the definition [a mental disorder] indicates that a mental disorder “reflects” a dysfunction. This means that dysfunction, which may be understood as a proximal or underlying pathological cause, is taken to be a necessary requirement for qualification as a mental disorder: no mental disorder can be correctly recognised as such without a dysfunction underlying it. Second, the definition goes on to say that a mental disorder is “usually associated with” significant distress or disability. This means that the occurrence of distress or disability, which may be dubbed the harm requirement, is taken to be merely usual, and thus not necessary: a mental disorder—either as a specific occurrence or as a type of condition—can be correctly recognised as such even if there is no harm at all.
Departing from previous editions of the manual, DSM-5 downgraded the harm requirement from a necessary constituent to a frequent or typical characteristic of mental disorders—that is, from a prescription of what should be regarded among mental disorders to a description of what mental disorders usually look like: ‘Mental disorders are usually associated with significant distress or disability in social, occupational, or other important activities’.
The DSM-5 endorses this line of thought and, in fact, contains an explicit claim that the concept of mental disorder and the concept of disability should not be conflated with one another...
Disability is generally considered to be an intrinsically relational concept, which involves an environmental and social component. A person with a certain pathological condition (mental or somatic) can be either disabled or nondisabled by such condition, depending on where she lives, what she does for work, and how she acts more generally.
And more!
It is ESPECIALLY interesting in discussing the removal of homosexuality from the DSM, how the harm criterion really works, and its current use.
10/10 good article
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snapscube · 11 months
I saw your twt post promoting rift apart and followed by another post saying its steam deck verified and now im curious, when you get a new pc release, do you try it out on steam deck right away (or after trying it on desktop) to see if it run good? I always find it really exciting to see how far I can push a brand new game on steam deck to get it to run the 40-60 range. Especially if it comes out with an unknown status.
It depends on the game but I usually try it on desktop first! My rig is like.... pretty damn great, and I'm an absolute sucker for gorgeous games, so what I like to do is boot up a new game and see if I can get it running as smooth and beautifully as possible while sitting below 70-80% GPU usage. If a game is more graphically intensive I'll often just lock it to 60 cause my GPU can usually handle 4K60 like a dream at very low GPU utilization percentages if the game is optimized well enough and/or if it has DLSS.
BUT if I buy a game in which my main intent is to play portable on Steam Deck, I'll try it there first and make sure that's my first experience with it so if I ever decide to play on desktop for a bit it doesn't feel like a downgrade going back to Deck! That's what I did with Persona 4 and it worked out awesomely.
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slasherbat · 22 days
Rating werewolf designs from movies because I really fucking love werewolves alright let's go:
The Cabin In The Woods (2011 or 2012, depends on how you see it)
I FUCKING LOVE THIS DUDE. I love this guy, one thing about me is that I think these kind of werewolves are peak design. They're a perfect balance between human and wolf, and although it's no big surprise I love this movie more than anything else, this werewolf is a huge factor as to why. It's such a well done design, and I just love it. Sigourney Weaver I understand you, I'd wanna work with this werewolf.
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An American Werewolf In London (1981)
A classic, a beloved favorite for a lot of people, and of all the werewolf designs I've seen that are far more wolf heavy, this is my favorite. The transformation scene in this movie is my favorite part, and this movie and design simply cannot be defeated. Absolutely perfect.
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An American Werewolf In Paris (1997)
What the actual fuck am I looking at? This is a disgrace of design, I hate it. It looks like it's been run over by a truck and someone who has never seen a werewolf before in their life made one. What went wrong? The downgrade from London is incredible, I've never seen anything like it. Why does it have human ears?
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Ginger Snaps (2000)
I love this movie, it's phenomenal and simply a cult classic. I love the take this film had with the slow and gradual transformation. It built up a lot of excitement for me to see the final result! Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed, there's a lack of fur and the arms feel to human for me. Yet I still do like the design, I think it's trying it's best and I can applaud it.
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Cursed (2004)
Everytime I saw this werewolf it looked so incredibly different. This films history is something fascinating to me with all the changes it's had. Including the storyline, R-rated to PG-13, going from Pratical Effects to CGI. I've got mixed feelings about these designs, and truly wish I could one day get to witness what Wes Craven himself had in mind. Anyway, sum it up. Mixed feelings, I prefer the design it has in the first image out of all 3 pictured.
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Van Helsing (2004)
Before I watched this movie, I loves this werewolf design. It was really great, but after actually having seen the film, my feelings have faltered. It's not the best here, but it's not the worst. I think it could look a little bit better, but hey, it made me watch this film, and compared to what so many people say. It was enjoyable, not really re-watchable, but still the film and design were fun
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And that is the end for me and this post. Perhaps I will get to reviewing werewolf designs from TV shows. I will leave you all with this photo I have saved of the Cabin werewolf and Kristen Connolly, I bid you all farewell.
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djsherriff-responses · 3 months
Personal opinions and general character design critique regarding the Nymphs from Rayman (spoiler: they all suffer from having same face/body syndrome and the designers being too horny to consider other design elements)
Betilla: I feel her origins redesign was a downgrade from her whimsical style in the first game, but I also do understand why they wanted to change her, as origins was meant as a reboot of the franchise and they wanted Rayman to be the only limbless in the Glade of Dreams. But since origins ended up not being a series reboot (with its plot only existing in code) and Rayman having skins/costumes who are meant to be different limbless characters anyways , changing Betilla drastically was already meaningless in the long run , much less the choice to make her be a basic hot nymph
Outside of it being impossible to Google her name in front of family , I personally don’t mind how she looks in Origins as the red hair contrasts really nicely with the greens, if you really wanna push some symbolism imagery here you can make arguments the red + green is meant to be reminiscent of flowers or berries. Ultimately though it is just a green bikini outfit with thigh highs and the only real connection to her role as the nymph of the forest/jungle area of the game is the colours, and maybe the odd stitch work pattern
Which is a bit of shame as you can easily replace the blue stars of her old design with an actual star-ish looking flower called Bletilla (literally one letter off from her actual name) or other flora
I don’t think the issue was they wanted to give Betilla a redesign that had sex appeal , I just think they went in the wrong direction with it. Considering that she played a large role in the old educational games and she was a sort of mentor figure to Rayman (if not just straight up his mother depending on one’s headcanons), they could’ve given Betilla a personality and sex appeal by making her a hot teacher type character (who may or may not count as a milf), hell give her signs of age like small wrinkles to really get the point across she’s older than most of the player characters, and she’s aged like spicy fine wine
Her design in the first game is adorable while giving her the vibes of a mature fairy god mother type mentor, but I don’t think it would work in the more modern Rayman games without some updated tweaks. It is pretty though and does has more personality than her origins design, and the other nymphs for that matter
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Holly: I like that there’s some actual details on her and some colour variation compared to her sisters, even if she’s 3 out of 6 nymphs whose main colour is some shade of blue
Besides giving her an outfit that isn’t a skirt and bra, I think her design could better reflect that her domain is the desert of dijiridoos by having some musical elements to her design. It’s kinda odd her tattoos/body paint (which do look good on her and her skin tone) don’t reference musical notes at least, wasted opportunity there
I have this issue with Edith and Annetta as well, but I’m a bit confused about why dead animals seems like a popular fashion choice for these ladies , especially since (in the origins game) none of the nymphs are shown as fighters (not saying they’re incapable, the game just doesn’t show them as such) and we’re not giving lore hints about it? I’ll talk more on this issue when I get to the other two , but it’s odd that Holly’s domain is populated by birds and she’s wearing a bird skull
Was it a nightmare and she kill it? Is it a beloved pet and she couldn’t part with them even after death? 🤷‍♀️
I can’t really think of any alternatives for her or the other two animal hat sisters atm, but at least it’s looks badass even if it doesn’t do much personality wise, so points for looking cool at least
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Edith: Edith I think is the worst design of the sisters , hands down, no competition. I mean , what is there to really say about her? “Oh we have a level based around a combination of spicy food and ice drinks with dragon butlers , how should we design this chick?”
“Just put her in red with a lizard hat”
Almost nothing about her design reflects her domain besides that she’s blonde and wears red , and that’s only half of the domain she’s meant to be part off. Her outfit pattern could’ve at least have some reference to the ice levels, or give her literally anything to connect her to those ice levels
I also don’t like how her hair is styled, the colour is fine but the shape looks ugly
Incredibly morbid Edith walks around with a dead butler on her head, especially considering the final boss/king of her level is also a dragon. Unlike Holly and Annetta, I can’t even give Edith credit for looking cool because it’s just more red on a very red and bland design
…… do you think Edith uses her corpse hat as a hand puppet?
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Annetta: While I think it’s a weird choice to have nymphs of nature walk around with corpse head gear (much less ones of their domain’s general population) I think Annetta is the most justified of the nymph sisters to be wearing a hat made of a dead animal
Considering that her domain has a notable fishing population and she’s already dressed in fish scales, Annetta wearing a fish skull does actually contribute to showing the lore of her as a character and her connection to her domain. Unlike Holly and Edith , I don’t need to come up with some theory about their fashion choices when Annetta’s reflects already existing lore in origins (what little of it at least)
I personally do think the outfit looks ugly and plain uncomfortable, but I will give this design some credit for having one of the more visually detailed designs by virtue of her scales alone, and it actually makes sense for the nymph whose domain is the literal ocean to be in a skimpy outfit, even if her shell bra has to be glued on to her boobs
Unlike Edith’s outfit colour which is just red, Annetta’s has various shades of blues and teals that are reminiscent of the sea. It’s pretty I like it
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Helena: Much like Edith there’s not that much to say here but what I can say is mostly positive
Helena’s a pretty standard design of “blonde chick in cool blues with white fluff details” and yeah that’s generic usually, but here I really like her. I think it’s how the fur and cloth looks textured along how her hair front is styled that makes her incredibly cute to me
Yeah, Helena is a simple but cute character design
Weird that a mountain nymph who has to live through cold weather wears a skimpy outfit with her bare thighs out , but I’m gonna assume that’s because she , much like her sisters, was designed to be sexy first and given aesthetics after they made the body model
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Fée de la Mort/VooDoo Mama/Big Mama: As cool as she looks, when compared to both her monster form and the other nymphs , you can tell she wasn’t planned to be one of them, especially when you look up Mamma Hite
I bring that up because while Fee has a good design, she is also a visual metaphor that reflects Origins’ identity: a failed series reboot whose plot was scrapped in favour of goofy extremism (or sex appeal in the nymphs case)
So about Fee’s actual design: I personally don’t like the pink used on her and would’ve liked her Nymph form to reflect the monster form besides the hair
probs to the fact she’s the only nymph with her own pose which already gives her a lot of personality , but the combination of her tattoos, bone jewellery and her baggy looking eyes really sells the fact she’s from the land of the livid dead and thus sticks out amongst the other fairies, even if you ignored the bat wings she has
visually she does work as a undead fairy of the underworld who likes to rock and roll, so job well done with that
I kinda do wish they stuck with the frog though
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stargazing15 · 2 years
That ain’t an upgrade
Pairing: ex!Hangman x civil!reader; mystery man x reader
Summary: After Hangman breaking up with you 6 months ago you had to get away from him for a while thanks to an opportunity on your job. Now you're back, and how.
Warnings: Hangman has a new girlfriend, mentions of alcohol (what can you aspect at the Hard Deck), surprise at the end; for everyone’s safety 18+
A/N: got inspired while listening to Jessie Murph’s Upgrade, a short fic. I hope yo like it!
“Hey you fuckers, guess who’s back!” You shouted at your friends as you entered the Hard Deck and a secret wink to someone special. You were ready to be back after being in San Fransisco for the last 4 months for your job. 
“Y/N! How have you been?” Payback asked, followed by Phoenix and the rest of the group hugging you “Girl, I’m so happy to have you back! Feeling better? He’s not here, so no worries.”
“I’m good, I’m in a good place. I’m over him for a while now, so I don’t care if he shows up.” 
“Good to hear. I’m sorry about my boy, I really thought you guys were for the long run.” Coyote said apologetic. 
“Nah, it’s alright, not you fault Coyote that he’s an ass. And as I said I’m over him” you said without doubt, you had said it earlier before you left for San Fransisco, but this time you meant it, a new start.
“He - uh - he’s got a new girlfriend, she’s very not you. You might recognise her…”
“Good for him and I don’t care.” You smiled.
“Speaking of the devil.” 
“Jake” you greeted him, and his bimbo girlfriend. Yeah, she seemed familiar, she was the reason you broke up. You and Jake were living together for over a year after being together for 3 years and even getting ready for the next step, when he slipped up and cheated on you with her while being very drunk. Ever since the two of you lived together, she arrived in Fightertown with her hotshot rich contractor-dad and desperately tried to get between you and Jake, eventually she succeeded. It completely broke you and Jake knew well enough you wouldn’t give him another chance. When you looked at her, you couldn’t see what Jake saw in her, she was just like Coyote said, nothing like you, she was fake from head to toe, (hopefully she ain’t completely like she looks) she looks dumb and is used to getting what she wants. In this case, she got what she wanted, which was Jake. You only couldn’t help to wonder if she could handle Jake. Everyone got to see the joyous squad when they hit the bar, but never when they got home from deployment. You never knew which Jake you got back, the extremely horny one or the completely broken one which you had to fix piece by piece, all depending on how deployment went. She had no idea what lifestyle she has gotten herself into.
“Y/N, you’re back, you look good.” Jake noted.
“Thanks, I am good.”
“Baby, why are you talking to her, she the past, remember?”
 “Brittney, baby, I’m just being nice.” Oh God those two were awful together, you couldn’t help yourself to laugh at them at the inside. In the next hour, as you were catching up with the rest of the dagger-squad, you could hear them bickering or her talk about how awesome she was and that she didn’t need to work because of how rich here parents were. It was pathetic.
After her second glass of wine, as ladies don’t drink beer so she said, she excused her self to the toilet.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry about Brittney, she usually isn’t like that, I think she got a little jealous.”
“Jake, I don’t care about her, just learn her some fucking manners.”
“I, I missed you.”
“Jake, jeez, what, she can’t handle you? You choose her, remember. I’ve never expected the one after me to be such a downgrade, that actually hurt me. I just never imagined you to replace me with someone like her. I truly hope you’re happy.”
“I’m sorry with the way things went, I still do love you, I don’t know wh-”
“You made it clear that day, I wasn’t enough.”
“Jake, baby, is she harassing you?” She’s back and still annoying as ever.
“Barbie, don’t worry honey, he’s all yours. I would never want him back after choosing you.” she looked at you, as if she’s seen some sort of alien. Which gave you the time to get yourself ready to leave.
“Come on babe, let’s go” You said, everyone looking at you with an open mouth and some whispering “Ooooh, she’s got a boyfriend, who?”
“What guys, we’ve been dating for a month now” you smiled as Bob joined you, giving you a sweet kiss on the lips. "I'm the one who got an upgrade." you whispered in Bob's ear. The group was still in awe and Jake in disbelieve that it was sweet Bob.
“See ya Bagman.” Bob said waving goodbye and holding your waist as the two of you were leaving. 
@jakexfmc hope you're kinda feeling better after this. My household got me a bit too busy.
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