#or even just switching between traveler variants
cannolicorgi · 1 year
tysm to the Kazuha and Bennett in co op that made my Diona do 53k charged attacks and tysm to Angel for switching characters that was so sweet of you and tysm Tighnari for returning your gear to it’s rightful owner and tysm Mika for not showing up so that I would get c0-c6 Diona ig and no I don’t have a video to show for it because I didn’t think to record it and when I did I fucking died
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shinobushaori · 2 months
A/N: Reader is inspired by Sumiyoshi's(Tanjiro's ancestor) wife(Sayako), who I think likes to sleep a lot. I maxed this habit and created dear reader! Enjoy!
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- kochou shinobu x female!reader
warnings: none
word count: 1.4K
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"Aoi-chan, have you seen [Name]?"
Kochou Shinobu sighs for the 4th time today. It was exhausting enough to switch between Hashira duties, looking over wounded patients, and carrying out her own personal research. To make matters worse, her lover and only source of comfort seem to hide herself within the confines of the huge Butterfly Estate.
Aoi, who was carrying a basket of newly folded washed sheets, stopped on her tracks. Her brows furrow in deep thought, "Actually, now that you mention it, Shinobu-sama.. I haven't seen her since last night."
Hearing this, the pain in her head intensified tenfold but her external demeanor remained unchanged. Simply, Shinobu nodded her head, thanking the young girl and allowing her to go back to her tasks.
She walked around the estate for a little while, her steps slow and deliberate as her eyes keenly scans each corners as well as some rooms hoping to find the familiar stiff sleeping body in one of the unoccupied space.
Alas, every room was thoroughly checked and you were nowhere in sight.
Seriously, that girl. She rubbed her forehead. You had a particular habit, one that frequently induced a headache or two from Shinobu, something that you seem to not remove despite the many efforts to enforce healthy routines to you in order to temper this potentially dangerous, otherwise foolish, habit.
And it's sleeping absolutely everywhere.
At first it was fine, cute to Shinobu even. She sometimes found you in the daytime asleep on the engawa, limbs sprawled out on the open, so relaxed and comfortable. Then, she'll kiss your cute face till you wake up. Other times, she would find you in a random corner, snoring and hugging yourself and she would smile seeing the marked drawings on your face.
Then, weeks passed and it quickly transformed into a worrisome habit.
It started at the early stages of the romantic relationship between the two of you, Shinobu noticed that you surrender to sleep quite early, eyes watering and mouth suppressing a yawn. No problem, she thought at that time, kissing and bidding you goodnight as she stays up late to conduct her study. Then, the drowsiness came to her and she went to your shared room to sleep as well.
She pauses on her steps when you were visibly absent from her sight. Confused, she ruled it to you getting either water or fresh air, she herself was guilty of that much.
And with a new objective in mind, she travels towards the kitchen, trying to find you sneaking around and wanting to tease you for it.
You weren't there, that's fine. You were probably just outside!
Not there either. That's when her heart starts to race. Just as she was about to voice out her concern, a familiar groan entered her ear and she jolted before instantly bolting from her spot towards the noise and she stops. Lo and behold, there you were up the tree. Body folded on a branch, in a rather uncomfortable way, Shinobu adds. With a half bitten peach on your mouth and another two on each palm.
And when she asked you why, just why in the absolutely fuck, were you folded on a fucking branch in the middle of the fucking night?
You sheepishly smiled, "Well, I got hungry and climbed a tree to get some peaches. I wanted to get you some too so I got more and then I thought wow it's really chilly and accidentally slept. Woops!"
Woops? She'll woop your ass, that's for sure.
(She didn't, she was too weak for your apologetic kisses and touch.)
She wondered how it was even possible. Sure, you were an experienced slayer with a body built for battles. But sleeping for possibly hours with your body folded on a hard branch without risking your ribs breaking? You were a unique variant, she says that in the most lovingly way possible.
Since that fun, so fun, night. She would always need a whole ass search team just to find where you were hidden away from prying eyes. (Lately, she feels like she'd have to make that to reality)
And this is a continuous problem till now. Where she's currently crawling every hidden hole you could possibly be in. Gods, give her strength.
"Shinobu-sama! Shinobu-sama! We found [Name]!"
Hearing the loud exclaim of the triplets, she immediately left her place and emerged from under the engawa, effectively scaring the three kids with her dark aura.
Shinobu patted their heads with a tight smile, "Where is she?"
Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo gives you their prayers and pointed on one of the rooms.
Shinobu didn't waste time and slid the door harshly. Kanao and Aoi flinching in place, quick to stop bandaging your hand.
Noticing their pause, you whine loudly. "Aoi-chann, hurry up.. it hurts!"
Shinobu scans your being and breathes in seeing you not fully injured. With only a bit of scratches and dirt on your arms and knees, she notes. Aoi, who sense the danger, immediately tries to shift the blame to you.
"Shinobu-sama! Can you believe how we found this stupid girl!?" She pinches your arm and you wince.
"She was sleeping in the proximity of a wild bear!" You tilt your body to avoid her pinching you, rubbing the red spots on your arm.
"How was I supposed to know bears lounge around that spot!? I just finished a mission and was sleepy!"
Kanao tries her best to keep Aoi still, who was visibly fuming on the spot. She sends a troubled look to her sister but Shinobu only stood still with clear veins popping on her face.
Aoi takes you by the collar, "And your first thought was to sleep in the middle of a secluded forest and not come to the Butterfly Estate which was a five minute foot distance!?" You look away, sweating.
"It was a very exhausting mission, okay!?"
"Why, you-?!"
A clap gets the attention of the three of you. You perk up at the sight of your beautiful lover but quickly cower seeing her well-concealed, but one you could recognise from a mile away, anger.
"M-My beloved..-"
Shinobu quickly cuts you off. "Kanao, Aoi. Be a dear and check up on the recently admitted patients, yes?"
The two girls didn't have to be told twice and bolted at the right moment. You grip your fists on their direction in betrayal. When did you raise them this way!? Etched on your face. Aoi simply scowled while Kanao didn't give two fucks and left.
While you were still grumbling, Shinobu took advantage of your distracted state and quietly took a seat behind you. You flinch when two strong arms hold you in place. The familiar aroma of wisteria and floral fills your nose, seemingly melting you to a puddle with a flushed expression.
Shinobu feels the sudden weight and smiles, her fingers hooking around your waist as her head slithers next to yours. She stares at you with a smile and you look away with a protruding bottom lip.
"..are you mad at me, 'nobu?"
Shinobu sighs, holding you closer. "If I had the ability to, I would, dear."
Suddenly, you leave her embrace and face her. Your arms sneaking around her neck, head inches apart from each other and Shinobu feels the heat creep up her ears to see your guilty face upclose.
"I'm sorry.."
She could never resist you, can she?
Shinobu caresses your cheek and slowly pulls you in a kiss. One that always reminds her of the love that still exists within her. Despite the walls of mistrust and rage she had attentively grown, you, without a sweat, successfully break the nearly exploding dam of love and care. She feels you smile and hum into the kiss as both lips respectively move on its own.
As it breaks off, she lays her forehead on yours, panting. "..you worried me."
You simply smile at her, interwining your fingers with hers. "I know, I'm sorry.."
Shinobu closes her eyes, "I forgive you." Like she always does and always will.
Her eyes then flutters open and you blush at the intensity of her stare.
"But you have a lot of kissing and cuddling to pay off~"
"Eh?! Since when did I have such a big debt!?"
"Since now!"
Shinobu concludes that no matter how eccentric your habits and traits is, it doesn't make you less of the person she loves and adores.
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eh conclusion but its 1am and im abt 2 pass out so
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pokestudentjune · 6 months
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In all honesty I'm pretty new to this whole rotomblr stuff, and I'm not all to osure how to work it that well.. But I'd still like someplace to document my life and experiences, as well as share my knowledge about pokemon and plants! Got plenty of cute pics of my pokemon and the ones I meet as well! Please feel free to reach out with asks about myself, my pokemon, or anything in general-- I'll do my best to answer to the best of my ability :)
Here is my current travel team!
Lotus the Ivsaur
Modest, highly persistent. A water lotus variant Ivysaur with a water/grass typing, and practically my soulmate. My first officially owned pokemon, gotten from my grandmothers venusaur as a child. Lotus has grown and matured with me through the years, and is always looking out for me! Shes trained in battle and performance, but we have since retired from coordinating and she'd rather sit back and experience life as it comes.
Scout the Lopunny
Sassy, likes to fight. One of my first wild-caught pokemon, and both me and Lotus's best friend. Shes quite a fan of my more feminine interests, often asking to share my clothes and music. Shes definitely one of my more battle + performance savvy pokemon, and we're working on learning mega evolution together! She wears a light blue letterman jacket I bought for her once, she wanted to dress similarly to an idol group we saw online once!
Grim the Joltik
Jolly, very finicky. He is literally the sweetest little baby ever. He was an unexpected capture, having hopped onto my phone one day and refusing to leave. He loves to suck out the battery life from practically my devices which drives me insane, but I wouldnt trade him for the world. Despite being small for the past few years, I think he doesnt want to evolve which is fine by me! I think he enjoys riding on my head or shoulder.
Jasper the Typhlosion
Rash, quick to fight. A large, bulky, fluffy, shiny typhlosion with a scar across his muzzle. Rescued from a "backyard zoo" situation, it took a long long time to fully gain his trust, but it was worth it. Hes very standoffish but protective of me and the team. Lotus was a big help in calming him during the beginning, and now he enjoys battling to blow off some steam.
Harlequin the Banette
Quirky, impetuous and silly. Perhaps my first ever pokemon friend. We met when I was a small child and he was still a shuppet. Its a bit of a long story, but he stuck through with me during some negative times within my early years even as a wild pokemon, and would frequently visit to keep me entertained through the years. I didn't catch him for many years, but one day after being a trainer for a while, I asked him if he'd like to join my team and has stuck around since. He wears a chunky bandana on his neck thats practically the size of him.
Jade the Noivern
Adamant, alert to sounds. One of the newer additions to the group, i had caught her within a cave and she showed fighting spirit right off the bat. I took the time to train her in between my studies and she evolved into a speed demon. She absolutely LOVES flying and I myself had always wanted to ride on a flying pokemons back, so its a win-win. She looks up to Jasper, and they often spar together.
I have plenty of other pokemon back at home that I'll introduce when the time comes, but these are the ones I think are best suited to help me during my studies! Perhaps I'll switch around the team, maybe I wont. It takes a while to transfer pokemon across regions but who knows where life will take me!
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// OOC
Hello hello! Just like June, I am very unfamilliar with tumblr as its been years since I last used it, but I've been religiously stalking rotomblr for years now and i figured its my time to make a blog! Heres a few things about how I'll be running this blog :3
• This will be a mix of anime and game, keeping it semi realistic as I love biology and science but still want to keep some magic from the pokemon games included!
• June is basically a self insert so no weird stuff!
•For Junes universe, fakemon, sentient pokemon, or pokemon/human hybrids or anything similar to that doesnt exist-- again, I'm keeping it a bit semi realistic. Pokemon crossbreeds are fine though!
• This is very casual!! Just for fun slice of life blog :3
• In this world, legendaries are gods and greatly affect the environment, so June may not interact with those who "own" legendaries because she greatly frowns upon messing with the natural order of things.
• Feel free to dm me or send me asks ! I'd love to get to know the community more :)
• Also i might not do many fully pieces and more colored sketches because I am very busy irl unfortunately
• Im okay with interactions from other OCs and canon characters !
If you want to see my art look at #june pics ! working on tags for informational stuff but #june talks will have some fun pokemon info + junes story so far!
• Pelliper Mail is : OPEN
• Magic Anon is : CLOSED
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hamstermastersamster · 8 months
I really wish I knew what to feel about FFXVI! Have a bit of a jumbled mixed-feeling very wordy word salad about it.
I've finished it, including available DLC. I liked it, overall (excepting the ending, which was . . . egh). I can confidently say there were no times that I LOVED it. Most of the time it was just kinda all right?
It took about half the game to feel like I wasn't in the tutorial area anymore, which I think is a consequence of its very linear and didactic construction. A great deal of forward momentum is driven by people telling you to go and talk to so-and-so, go here, do that, running through connected areas in a short sequence and then back to the 'hub'.
Lots of games are like this, under the hood. But FFXVI does a bad job of hiding its bones, somehow. It feels linear and, unfortunately, sometimes tedious and repetitive as a result.
BUT . . . the game's simplicity, straightforwardness and forgiving nature make it such a stress-free gaming experience that I can kinda appreciate it for what it is. Unlike big overwhelming open worlds with a million parallel objectives and map icon vomit, I didn't have to think very hard about where to go and what quests to do in what order:
you always just do new sidequests and marks pretty much as soon as they appear, and before you progress the main plot; they get predictably spoonfed to you in small doses between big plot events and are basically unmissable because they get highlighted on the map (to the point that the Alliant Reports function for finding quests is basically redundant).
You can, in a limited fashion, explore the big areas that are currently open to you but the game won't let you off-path until it wants that. Fast travel is available and free.
You can't fuck up your character build because you can reset and rebuild at any time for free, ability-by-ability, as often as you like.
Gear choices are limited to no-brainer best-in-slot decisions and, while accessories can apply different effects, they make almost no noticeable difference to 99% of combat.
It's impressively accessible - even if you don't play on 'story' difficulty, there are accessories you can choose to equip that give you an easier time of e.g. dodging in combat
If you die (which, honestly, should be a really rare occurrence on normal difficulty), you can come back with all your potions and high potions refilled at no cost.
You get big warnings if you're about to advance the plot to the point that you will miss stuff.
Lots of people will hate this, I guess, but as someone who can find overwhelming busy complex games a bit ennervating at times, I have enjoyed completely switching off my brain after work to play this one. You don't have to make any decisions.
Still, it does lead to a game world that feels designed for the player and the game, instead of something that lives and breathes on its own. You can explore and find potentially-interesting locations but until the game says it's allowed to be interesting, you'll find nothing there. One of the worst examples is finding a memorial to a very important person to Clive in normal world exploration, but until the end of the game, you can't read it or interact with it at all so you (the player) don't know what it is. But it was there all the time! USE YOUR PRETTY BLUE EYES, CLIVE-
The combat, which at first I thought was fun (and at its best/toughest, still can be fun), rapidly becomes very repetitive. Once you've killed one type of enemy variant, you've basically killed them all. One giant guy with an axe/hammer is much the same as every other, strategically.
My mind boggles at the fact that you're given all this diverse elemental power and . . . none of the enemies even have elemental strengths/weaknesses? :\ You can kill a bomb with fire attacks! I mean . . . come ooooon xD There's also no concept of a status effect besides a brief stun, which completely neuters malboros/"morbol"s. Man, if they had let you switch between all your eikons and given enemies elemental attributes . . . feels like it would have been exciting.
Along with a half-baked, barely-there crafting system that really only upgrades your one basic sword and 2 armour slots in terms of Numbers Go Up, it means there isn't a lot of depth to, well, anything combat oriented. There's also no incentive to really swap and change your ability loadout for different fights since you can find 3 eikons and 9 abilities that work for you and just spam them for the whole game in the same rotation with plenty of success. Being limited to 3 equippable eikons makes it too much effort to experiment.
There was one fight against a notorious mark that I attempted underlevelled and was difficult because of the damage output, and I had to really learn the enemy moveset and dodge and parry at all the right times, and that was the closest to a Good Time in a late-stage fight that I got. Makes me think a playthrough on the harder difficulty might actually make the game more engaging.
(Also I'm really bored of stagger mechanics, there MUST be something else out there Dx Game Devs, please save us!)
Soundtrack has a few nice tunes (the 'dark' Prelude/crystal theme is poignant) but most of the ambient stuff was forgettable. I really loved some of the combat themes - On the Shoulders of Giants and No Risk, No Reward in particular! Unfortunately they got stuck in my head at the same time I came down with a virus that put me in a high fever and I spent one delirious night with them playing at max volume constantly in my addled brain which would not sleep. This has given me some uh, complex associated feelings about the tunes >_>; Not the game's fault though.
I liked a bunch of the ideas and vision for the world of Valisthea, but I'm not totally sure they pulled off the grimdark Game of Thrones vibes they wanted (just throwing blood spatter on everything makes you look like DA:O, not GoT xD). It was like they wanted to be soooo dark, but it only ever felt like they scratched the surface of all these horrible events they were trying to portray, and sometimes it was hard to take seriously.
The dedication to non-RP British accent VAs was a delightful treat, however! Hearing JRPG characters say 'ta ra' gave me warm fuzzies. (It is so weird hearing Cid when Salvage Hunters is on TV though, lmao - there is simply no mistaking that deep, rough Yorkshire accent xD).
I did really warm up to most of the main cast by the end, even if I think most of the characters in this game have the most boring designs I've ever seen. It took a long time, but the Hideaway folk became fond friends. I started to enjoy running around listening to all the updated conversations with people after major plot events - one of the few player-directed explorations you can really initiate.
I would die for Gav >:[ Every game protagonist should have a little geordie sidekick who primarily exists to be wide-eyed and say "fuck me" when shenanigans are afoot.
I enjoyed soft-spoken raspy-voiced himbo Clive a fair bit, too. I will keep him. He can be a blorbo, as a treat <3
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accidentalslayer · 1 year
💗 Comfort Shows 💗
Thank you @elegantsplendour for inviting me to join in on the fun! Plus, it kind of helps me break the ice of my deep lurking/rabid reblogging LOL. I don't actually know 10 people on Tumblr yet so I'll just tag the people I do know~
@rosecentury @closetedwh0r3 @ren-drake @brandyovereager @leonorasbabygirl @catmikaelson20 @green-eyedshooter-blog @margueritetheduchess05
Rules are as follows: post 10 of your favorite comfort TV series and then tag 10 people. ♡
1. Once Upon a Time. (I used to be super heavy into watching/interacting with the fandom. Tbh, it was mostly because I simp for Rumplestiltskin and Belle/Lacy. Oh, to be a single piece of straw that Rumple spins into gold...)
2. Versailles. (I am a HUGE fan of period pieces & disaster brothers. The chaotic dynamic between Louis the 8th, the Sun King, and his brother, the Duke du New Orleans really had me hooked! Plus the cool polycule that the Duke, the Chevalier, & the Princess Palatine was 🤌🧂👩‍🍳)
3. Bridgerton. (Do I even need to expound the joy and excellence of Bridgerton? They recently dropped some teaser pics of Season 3 with Penelope and Colin and I am literally frothing at the mouth. It exists now to torment me in the back of my conscious mind. 🙃 😭)
4. The Originals. (Around the same time I got into OUAT, I was also addicted to the Originals! Klaus was my immediate favorite because of his BIG YANDERE energy but also because we're both artists. I also paint and create visions that I'd like to see in the world. Recently re-watching it again so I can write Dawn Misplaced, I began to switch allegiances to Elijah. I love his classy, polished "business man" vibe. I wonder how he'd fair against Rumplestiltskin...?)
5. The Vampire Diaries. (I realized that I had never seen this show before I watched the Originals and I'm currently blazing through Season 2. I love Damon and Stefan. More so Damon. I have a bad boys thing, I know. Tbh, I don't trust Stefan for some reason. I also think I'd enjoy sitting and writing in the same room as Elena. And I would Homer Simpson fade into the bushes whenever Katherine is around.)
6. Shadow and Bone. (Ngl, I was only in it for The Darkling and no one else. I do not care about the Sun Summoner or her whole entire character arc and would have happily watched the series if it'd centered around Kaz and Kirigan fighting for the destruction or expansion of the Fold. I also found the main protagonist super annoying. But she is a light magic user and the common trope or dark side of the light is righteousness and hypocrisy.)
7. Hotel Del Luna. (I LOVE K-dramas! This series is an amazing, quirky story that tackles themes like death, trauma, and shedding the past in a way that makes you laugh & and feel vindicated. Plus, the female lead is super confident, cool, & empowered throughout the narrative and has a lot of yandere traits without being too ridiculous. Also, I just love the concept of a hotel for ghosts in the afterlife. There's so much potential in that trope.) 8. Mr. Queen (Another quirky K-drama about time travel that takes place in the austere land of Joseon. There's time travel, sarcastic and witty banter. Gender swapping through crazy awesome Korean magic. And a clever, irreverent protagonist who slowly redeems himself over the process of the whole series from asshole to best boy. At least imo. Also, the outfits, and the background of the whole show is just really well-done. I can tell a lot of love went into those hanboks.) 9. Hannibal. (Okay so not exactly a comfort show as much as it is a "Yandere Crave". When I'm writing villain or misunderstood characters I sometimes just start binging on this show. I love Mads Mikkelsen. I guess I just have a thing for the last name "Mikael's son" and variants of it. The dynamic between Hannibal and Will was maddening and intense and I love how obsession and finding yourself reflected in another person plays a part of it.) 10. The Untamed (Have you ever watched a TV series that moved you to tears both in it's narrative, setting, outfit, and actors? Have you ever burned with longing for two characters to embrace each other while they both fought on opposite sides of philosophy and politics? Have you ever burst out in tears crying ugly sloppy happy and sad tears at the end of it and felt an emptiness so profound in your soul upon completion of it? Number 10 wears the crown in my list. It has no equal.)
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13urningstars · 1 year
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into worlds / au's? what au's would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
MAN YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW EXCITED I WAS TO ANSWER THIS. I've been enabled. I LOVE au's so much you don't understand it. So i have many au's/variants for cherr, both with canon stuff (show variants including TFP, TFA, Shattered glass, ect) and just basic au's (fantasy, mermaid, ect) so this will be a VERY long post hehhehehe This list doesn't include Cherr's main verse (IDW post war) or her live action verse since i don't know where I'm going with that yet, as well as show variants that i have finished watching but may be added later (including : G1, The unicron trilogy and the prime wars trilogy). I included Beast wars purely because while i might not have finished the series, i already have a pretty solid idea for this variant.
Put under a read more because this is a LONG post
TFP : Same backstory as her main verse. Went on a personal mission to find Optimus prime and his team, eventually finding them after crash landing on earth after her ship got caught and damaged in an asteroid storm. Crash landed in France, and had time to fix up the majority of her ship before ruining into the team while they were on a mission. The teams permanent demolitions expert since wheeljack isn't the kind to stay. The guardian to two human children, Jennie and her babysitter Vera
Rescue bots academy : Would be included as a guest teacher occasionally. She drop's in to bother Joyride (My rescue bot oc), and to give lessons on general safety business (due to her.. experience with explosives), but most of the time she just likes visiting the kids, and teaching them about niche earth things.
Robots in disguise 2015 : Travel's between earth and cybertron, spending most of her time on earth despite the opportunity to go back "home". She travel's around, and ends up coming around to occasionally bother bee and his team once she got word that he was back on the planet. Jennie is 12 and vera is 20 and in college.
While pretty similar to her other verses, cyberverse cherry holds on a bit more to what she was like before the war. A bit more cheeky and mischievous, and just slightly more bitchy and bright. She's as can be and still holds all her normal traits, but she's also just also slightly more willing to dance the line of danger.
Pretty similar in terms of everything compared to her main verse. Lore accurate storewide, Cherr stays behind with elita and her team to defend cybertron and dies during the process, but her Beast wars variant would be in this verse as well.
One of the pods that fell from the maximal ship, cherr ends up adopting the form of a Galah (pink and grey cockatoo) as her alt mode. She has no original name in this verse, or if she does, no one knows what it is, instead calling her "cherry". Quick and light on her feet, she the maximals eye i the sky along with airazor, and just a BIT of a pyromaniac. [This one's iffy, since i haven't actually finished the series. Im just really attached to bird cherry]
Fun fact! Earthspark was originally her main verse before i switched it to tfp (and then switched that to her post war IDW verse). While the same as most of her other verses in term of personality, Cherr's role is what changes the most in this one. SURE, she's still a demolitions expert, but after having given a proper chance to explore earth after the war, Cherr took it. She travels around the world as basically a tourist, keeping an eye out for any bots making trouble. She knows something's up with G.H.O.S.T, and makes an effort the make things better for the trapped cons whenever she visits any of the detention centers, even if she's breaking the rules to do it. Extra rations, gossip, general company. At one point she got roped into one of the fighting rings in France and became its champion for a year or two before busting out. She's on a personally fueled vendetta to find and shut down any ring she can.
A singer high on the charts who's mysteriously gone missing. Early on in her life, cherry took rossana under her wing, and taught her everything she knew. She holds no preference for sides, a true neutral in this verse. However, something happed, and she fled the planet. She lives in hiding on earth, having stolen some tech and making herself a holoform projector, continuing her music career there. Constantly mistaken for an Autobot.
Instead of staying on cybertron and finding work in the body guarding business, the moment rodimus sent out the invite to join the crew, cherr jumped at the chance. In this verse, she's practically the same as her main, since this is a bit of an "alternate timeline" thing, but she does have more chances to find cool spots to herself. She wander's around a lot, unless she's at swerve's or mirage's. [Haven't actually finished the MTMTE/LL comics, so things may change later on who knows]
This is the verse where she's the most different in every sense. She starts out the same of course, minus her paintjob, which instead of pink white and blue, is dark grey purple and red. But over the years, especially during her music career, she gets twisted. A Yearning to be known, to be loved, adored. In this verse, many of the rumors about her in her normal verse ARE true. Yes, she purposefully killed her producer, and yes, her vocal mod is illegal. In this verse, instead of merely projecting her voice, her voice is able to lure in most bots that hear it like a siren, cue the alias (although, whether or not it'll affect a bot, changes on their amount of will, as well as a few other factors). She never left Cybertron in this verse, and thus has a modified version of her design during the contract. Siren in confident and a flirt and just a bit of a pyromaniac, but also cruel to those who earn her displeasure. Her collections are a bit more... morbid here. Your safe really, as long as she likes you enough
Au where Cherr never got into the music industry, and thus, learning about the war earlier in this verse, joined the side of the cons. She's an under cover spy within the autobot ranks, due to her deceivingly sweet nature. An amazing liar, with many skill's acquired from the streets and unlost during her (non-existent) career, the femme is not one to be underestimated. Due to not having entered the contract, All of her mods are illegally acquired, and her name changed. Here she isnt cherrybomb, no. Here she's known as Incandescence, but most call her Des.
Cheryl Benoit. An orphan adopted and raised by her parents, Reyna and Richard. A good life to the beginning on her life, after having been offered a music contract a year of two after graduating, Cheryl, unaware of the consequences, accepted only to be roped into an abusive contract. After a fire burned down the main studio, the girl took her chance, and is currently on the run, travelling the world with some other worldly femme (Swap au Thalia, who's a transformer in this verse)
In an au where cybertronians aren't really aliens at all, and instead an advanced species that live deep in the earth's oceans. I have three variants for this au in terms of designs. 1) the classic mermaid, with human upper halves. Simple and basic. 2) Where still human-ish, merfolk are more alien in nature. Extra limbs, unatural eyes and skin colors, antenna's and coming in variant sizes. (An offshoot of this is a mer versions of the classic cybertronian softbody art style). And finally 3) Where ocean living, cybertronians are still somewhat mechanical. In this au, cherr's story has many variants, but the current fav is one where she's captured by humans, and her voice is used at entertainment at a classy exotic restaurant.
Simple fantasy setting? Cherr is definitely a fairy of some kind. Delicate, but also with her own genre of danger. Able to change sizes due to magic. Pink little gal. Not much on this au in general yet other then the very basic concept.
A story of a simple maiden girl, married into a lavish life against her wishes, who runs away to become a knight. Not much on this au in general yet other then the very basic concept.
Montserous in nature at first glance, cherr is hard to spot. A creature of flames and embers, who's crackling voice is rumored to lure human's to dance around her form, to revel in an prison like happiness. She doesn't mean harm, just for friendship. Nevertheless, if you're ever to spot a mysterious flame like glow moving around the dark, paired with enchanting songs that seems to seep into your thoughts. Do not follow it. Cover your ears and hide. [She doesnt really trap those, but many of the friends she have gained are ones who have run away from home, or a bad situation and never seen again, and well. Rumors spread]
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demonfox38 · 2 years
Completed - Pokémon Violet
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I’m usually good at not giving into peer pressure. Usually.
Here’s the problem, though. I want to be people’s pals. I wanna be the person people can rely on. And, you know, maybe I can say "no" or "wait" to one person. But, when a couple people are getting back on that Pokémon horse—Mudsdale, whatever—and they need a backup partner for trading…Well, shit. I'd like to pretend I'm useful to someone, anyway.
So, hell. I bought and beat "Pokémon Violet." And man, was committing the crime the punishment on this one.
"Pokémon Scarlet"/"Violet" takes place on Paldea, a Spanish (and weirdly, Chinese?) influenced country known for its major Pokémon academy. It also has a huge, gaping hole in its center called Area Zero, where researchers go in, but don't necessarily come back out. As a new student at the aforementioned academy, you're charged with solving a series of problems including defeating a bunch of rowdy cohorts, pile-driving giant monsters, healing a puppy, and doing the standard Pokémon League journey nonsense. Aiding you in your travels is the box art's legendary sandwich thief, which serves less as your fighting buddy and more as your mount. But, hell. When the time is right, you'll get to use it.
I'm guessing you're not as much interested in that as you are in knowing how many times I fell through the map. (Zero, by the way!) Definitely saw some Pokémon get stuck in the walls, though.
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Like the "Pokémon Diamond"/"Pearl" remakes before it, "Pokémon Scarlet"/"Violet" has a notorious reputation for being a graphical and gameplay mess. And yes. Shit's rough. I never had a full lock-up or clipped myself out of bounds, but I did see some hot garbage. (No actual Garbodors, but I don't think many are crying over that one.) The distance rendering for this game is real busted. Like, "should have covered this up with a "Silent Hill" fog" level busted. I had Pokémon models snapping from low to high quality variants mid-fight, as well as constant landmarks flickering in and out of existence. Some areas slow to a crawl, particularly if a bunch of ground textures and Pokémon have to be rendered at the same time. Hell, some textures dropped so low that it looked borderline Nintendo 64 in quality. Which, hey! I love that console. But, Jesus Christ.
Worse than that for me was whatever was wrong with the lighting engine. The game has little protection going from dark to light. Often, quickly. Repeatedly. Even on occasion, flashing in and out based on what I did in the goddamn fighting menu. This one really gets me because…say. You know that one Pokémon episode that triggered so many seizures that they literally had to remove it from circulation? Wouldn't you think the company responsible for that would be a little more sensible when it came to its goddamn lighting engine? Just saying.
Speaking of compliance issues! Good luck playing this game with the audio off and attending the language professor's class! The later classes rely on you to pick up on a Pokémon mood based on sound alone. Which, guess what? I play this game around others, and often on mute (because I was raised with some fucking manners, thank you very fucking much.) The game has more than one animation set for Pokémon. Maybe use them here? Also, why don't the Pokémon play the stunned animation when initially hit on a back attack? It's like, right there in the following stalled turn. Shit, the previous dev team had this nailed for "Pokémon Legends Arceus." Was nobody sharing notes?
(Although, when I did have the audio on, the music tracks were somewhere between alright to good. So, there's a plus.)
Weird as it is to say, this game sometimes feels like it wasn't meant to be on the Nintendo Switch. Like, in a world where pandemic shutdowns and crypto miners didn't fuck up the production of technology, there would have likely been another Nintendo console announced by now. I'm wondering if, at some point, this was meant to go on some hardware that hasn't seen the light of day. And honestly, some of the alpha textures on the higher-res Pokémon models are really better than I anticipated. I just wonder if that was a hint at something greater, you know?
Something better than this, anyway.
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Getting past all of that—and I know, that's a lot—there are some gameplay executions that feel like a downgrade. Particularly, the targeting system and ball tossing mechanics felt soft and mushy. "Pokémon Legends Arceus" was so cool in the way you could aim and fire balls, often using different arcs and levels of power to nail targets. In this one, it's always a weak toss. And I know this isn't the same programmer pool, but goddamnit. This is the company that made that snappy Z-targeting system from "Ocarina of Time." I know they can make something better than a weak, drifty lock-on.
Okay! Time to take a breath. Relax. Be a little more professional. Not bitch about 3 of my 5 favorite Pokémon being AWOL. (Although, really, I've given up on seeing Furfrou ever again.)
Good things! Yes! I can name some of those.
It was nice not to be locked into a particular path in tackling events. You're generally allowed to free-roam, limited only by the level of your own Pokémon. Granted, changes to the obedience system mean that you'll want to mark off your gym badges as soon as you can. (It now adds the burden of what level you caught your Pokémon at into the obedience ruleset, so there's another pain the ass for ya.) It also helps to tackle Damián's quest line as it comes up, as that unlocks abilities for your legendary mount.
Who's Damián, you ask?
To challenge myself this round, I played through "Pokémon Violet" completely in Spanish. That's right, baby! It was "Pokémon Púrpura" all along for me! But, hell. I've been wanting to do this since "Pokémon Sword"/"Shield" opened this possibility up. Helps with spreading the Masuda Method love to my friends! Was it wise to do this with so many academic responses on the line? Eh, it wasn't that big of a problem. I've got the reading comprehension of at least a five-year-old in Spanish, so I was able to follow along well enough. I didn't pick up on every last minutia of Team Star's plot, but again, I was able to beat it with relatively few issues.
Now, I can't critique the quality of the translation directly. It seems to be more of a European dialect here (Castilian, I'm guessing?), and I'm more versed in Latin American styled Spanish. Granted, that's about the same difference between UK and US English. It was just a few more vosotros forms being tossed around than usual. The biggest hang-up I had with the game is how it translated names and locations to hold puns. Which, hell. That's been a thing since Gen 1. It just makes it a bit more difficult to talk about where I was and who I was talking to with other players.
Would I try this language challenge again? Hell yes. I think I can bluff my way through an Italian or Japanese translation. Maybe French, too. I did learn a few new vocabulary terms, as well as why bocadillos were chosen as the game's customizable food of choice. Definitely would recommend this for other players! It's a hell of a lot more educational than doing a Nuzlocke run, anyway.
God, if they make an Italian Pokémon themed game and they don't use pizza as the customizable food, I'll have to riot.
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In terms of new Pokémon designs and regional variants, I wasn't too excited about this game's offerings. I appreciated the game's attempt at making more birds, particularly with ostriches, peacocks, storks, and flamingos. I wasn't hype for them, but I do agree, those animals needed representation. From this new block, the one I formed the most attachment to was a shiny Houndstone that I picked up in the Sierra Napada. I mean, that was a gift. Destiny.
Also, how messed up would it have been if Damián's Mabosstiff died and changed into a Greavard / Houndstone? Hard to find a Hallmark card for that. Then again, it's hard to find a Hallmark card for "Sorry your parent is an asshole, dead, and an asshole robot" too.
Shiny generation, despite allegedly being 1 in 4000, does seem to happen way more naturally in this game. It could be due to the sheer amount of creatures being generated that helps with this. I haven't gotten to shiny charm status yet, but even so, I've been able to get a shiny Houndstone, Venomoth, Orthworm, and Blissey. Definitely no slacking there!
The battle odds seem to be screwy as well. I've seen one tweet stating that the seed for each battle is always the same, which puts it about on par with a 1986 Nintendo Entertainment System game in terms of consistency. Not exactly what you want with a "random" number. I mean, hell. Even the old "Fire Emblem" strip of numbers is better than this. The side effects I personally witnessed resulted in unorthodox balls being more useful than your standard Poké/Great/Ultra Ball line. (You'll definitely want to keep stocked up in Quick, Repeat, and Timer Balls, when you get the chance to buy them.) I've also heard that attacks with a 90% rate of accuracy tend to fail more often than they did before, so keep an eye on that.
But, hey. Uh. More female Eevees than I've seen before in the wild? That's definitely a bonus. The "Let's Go" mode where you toss your lead Pokémon out to auto-mow creatures down was also nice. It trades experience for time, but sometimes, you just need to hurry the hell up.
I guess I should talk about Teracrystallisation, too. It's the game's new "oh, big super move time!" thing. The interesting twist here is that it can shift your Pokémon's type to a new type, as well as offering boosts to that type's attack. I never saw any of the game's opponents use that to good use, though. Like, you run a certain gym type, and you don't use Teracrystallisation to punish with a counter-offensive type? Like, if you could switch a Pokémon from Bug to Ground to counter an obnoxious Fire user, wouldn't you do that? Eh, whatever. I'm no Pokémon professor or gym leader or whatever.
Trainer customization is also available in this game. It's a bit of a split in terms of quality. Like, above the neck? It's some of the most personalized customization I've seen in these games. Below? You're stuck in one of four academy uniforms, only able to buy accessories. (RIP to Naranja Academy students and their stripy orange shorts. Good luck color-coordinating that shit.) But, I guess you can get a custom cellphone, so…You know what? Still boo.
Honestly, the best moments in the game were when the game left me the hell alone to just explore and hunt. There was one excellent moment where I was standing on top of a mountain as the sun was rising, and man, that was pleasant.
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I was able to make one Union Circle link-up, and that was nice to do, too. The Area Zero stretch felt like the game's thesis statement, like what it wanted the game's experience to feel like this entire time. And I get that. That sense of adventuring with your friends and their little critters. Hell, that's why I put myself through this, right? To have some kind of connection to others.
Why did 10 million people buy this game if it was such a trainwreck, after all? We're not all idiots. (Okay, I might be a dumbass. Fair enough.) A fair amount of those players are people in college, people with jobs, people just trying to find a way to be with their friends or family. The world's miserable, and we want to find a way to escape it and have fun. Sometimes, Pokémon offers just that. So, there we are, spending money on a crunch-developed franchise and watching it fall apart like so many polygonal shards between our fingertips. Because we want to be with someone. Do something with or for those we care about, no matter how far away they are.
Because we're suckers.
If you're gonna buy a Pokémon game this year, pick up "Pokémon Legends Arceus" instead. It's like $40 USD on the used game market, and it's a way better product than this. If you have to have this, give it a couple of months. Or, hell! Wait for a DLC pack. (I'm assuming there'll be DLC, anyway. There's something fishy going on in the upper-right corner of Paldea's map, anyway.)
Go play "Arceus." Go play a 1986 Nintendo Entertainment System game. I don't know. Go say "Hi" to your parents, if you're on talking terms with them. Find something better to do. At least, until the trash fire has cooled a bit. Or even better, someone gets a trade bot built. Hell, the best part about a Pokémon game is when someone breaks it!
Let's face it. Pokémon games really haven't ever been the most technically sound things on the planet. It's just, ya know. How much fun you can get out of what's busted.
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locobebe · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to Instant an Oatmeal Cups Quaker
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, the need for quick yet nutritious meals has never been more apparent. Quaker, a household name synonymous with wholesome oats, has stepped up to the plate with their Instant Oatmeal Cups, revolutionizing the way we approach breakfast and snacking. This blog is an exploration of the marriage between convenience and nutrition, as Quaker's Instant an Oatmeal Cups quaker join forces with Locobeb to bring a touch of health to our hectic lives.
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Understanding Instant Oatmeal Cups:
Instant an Oatmeal Cups quaker Cups are a game-changer for those who crave a nutritious breakfast without the fuss. These cups are pre-portioned, containing a blend of hearty oats, delicious flavors, and a medley of wholesome ingredients. Designed for ease of use, these cups only require hot water or milk, making them an ideal choice for breakfast at home, in the office, or even during travel.
The Locobeb Touch:
Partnering with Locobeb adds an extra layer of distinction to the Quaker Instant Oatmeal Cups. Locobeb, a brand known for its commitment to quality and curated selections, brings these cups directly to your doorstep, ensuring that the goodness of Quaker oats is accessible wherever you are.
Variety of Flavors:
One of the standout features of Quaker's Instant Oatmeal Cups is the array of flavors available. Whether you have a penchant for classic maple and brown sugar, the richness of apple and cinnamon, or the exotic allure of mixed berries, there's a flavor to suit every palate. Locobeb ensures that you have easy access to this variety, allowing you to switch up your breakfast routine without sacrificing nutritional value.
The Nutritional Powerhouse:
Beyond the enticing flavors, the nutritional benefits of Quaker's Instant Oatmeal Cups are a compelling reason to make them a staple in your pantry. Oats are a rich source of fiber, providing a sustained release of energy throughout the day. The cups are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to a well-rounded and balanced diet. Plus, they are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, making them a filling and satisfying option for breakfast or a quick snack.
Convenience Redefined:
The beauty of Instant an Oatmeal Cups quaker lies in their simplicity. The cups are portable, requiring only hot water or milk to transform into a wholesome meal. This convenience is a game-changer for those with hectic schedules, as it eliminates the need for elaborate meal preparation. Whether you're a busy professional rushing to a morning meeting or a parent juggling the demands of family life, these cups offer a nutritious solution that doesn't compromise on taste.
Health-Conscious Choices:
For individuals mindful of their health, Instant an Oatmeal Cups quaker cater to various dietary preferences. With options for gluten-free oats and no added sugar variants, these cups align with the diverse needs of health-conscious consumers. Locobeb's commitment to providing health-focused choices ensures that you can make decisions that resonate with your well-being.
Environmental Responsibility:
In an era where sustainability is paramount, Quaker and Locobeb make conscious efforts to contribute to environmental responsibility. The packaging of the Instant Oatmeal Cups is designed to minimize waste while keeping the oats fresh and delicious. Additionally, Locobeb's eco-friendly shipping practices align with the growing demand for businesses to prioritize the planet.
User-Friendly Experience with Locobeb:
Locobeb takes the user experience a step further by providing a seamless online platform to explore and purchase Quaker's Instant Oatmeal Cups. With a user-friendly interface and prompt delivery services, Locobeb ensures that your favorite oatmeal cups are just a click away, simplifying the process of incorporating healthy choices into your routine.
Testimonials and Reviews:
User testimonials and reviews paint a vivid picture of the positive impact Quaker's Instant Oatmeal Cups have had on people's lives. From the convenience factor to the delectable flavors and nutritional benefits, individuals across the globe share their experiences, adding a personal touch to the narrative. Locobeb, as a trusted distributor, plays a crucial role in ensuring that these positive experiences continue to reach new audiences.
Recipe Innovation:
Instant Oatmeal Cups also serve as a versatile base for culinary experimentation. From adding fresh fruits and nuts to incorporating them into smoothies or yogurt bowls, the cups open up a world of possibilities for those who enjoy culinary creativity. Locobeb encourages this exploration by providing a diverse range of Quaker products, inspiring users to elevate their oatmeal experience.
In the marriage of Instant an Oatmeal Cups quaker and Locobeb, we witness a beautiful synergy of convenience, nutrition, and responsible choices. These cups not only redefine the breakfast game but also contribute to a lifestyle where health and well-being are at the forefront. As we navigate the complexities of our daily lives, having a reliable, nutritious, and delicious option like Quaker's Instant Oatmeal Cups is a beacon of comfort and nourishment. Thanks to Locobeb, this wholesome revolution is just a doorstep away, making health-conscious choices an effortless part of our routines. So, let the warmth of Quaker oats and the efficiency of Locobeb be your companions on this journey towards a healthier and more convenient lifestyle.
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rex101111 · 2 years
hey remember that one post where i spit balled a concept for a Baiken action game? Yeah I’m done with exams so I’m just gonna ramble off a few more ideas about it because non of you can stop me. anyway:
general gameplay: An action game in the PS2 God Of War games with a bit of DMC weapon switching with Baiken’s demon tools. She has all of them; the claw the chain the huge sword the mace the cannon the gun from xrd the tether from strive all of it i don’t care im not actually designing anything and restraint is for people paid to do that.
She can only equip up to three at a time along with Baiken’s sword (which has a few variants you can unlock more on that later), each one has a couple of moves that can be strung together with each other and normal attacks.
Has a meter for either super strong Overdrive like moves or a DT like mode where she does more damage.
Baiken has both her counters. Azami from Xrd with all its follow ups, generous frame window and works on every attack including boss attacks, but doesn’t do much damage and is mostly a combo tool. The counter from Strive works only on melee attacks and only has the one slam and has a really narrow window, but does a ton of damage and works on bosses that aren’t “huge”.
general story: still like i said, the whole plot is a flashback to Baiken’s days wandering the earth after the attack on Japan told by Baiken to a curious Anji while they go through their day in the colonies fixing the damage from the final battle in Rev2 or alternatively told to Delilah and Anji while they travel together after Another Story.
Anji provides the tutorial by waking Baiken up from a hangover by letting her stretch her legs by beating on him for a bit. 
now for some flavor text on miscellaneous things because more games should have some extra things even on functional stuff and i get to stuff a few references in here, cookies will not be given upon a correct guess but have fun anyway;
Difficulty (i miss when people gave little descriptions with these it adds a lot of flavor):
Vagrant (Easy): You are a fool and a stoner, and are allowed to make mistakes. For those who simply wish to enjoy the story.
Samurai (Normal): Your sword arm is steady and combat is a common sight for you. For those more comfortable with action games.
Warlord/Onna-Bugeisha (Hard): You seek a challenge worthy of your skills, and the enemies you face will offer no mercy. For those confidant in their skill and reflexes.
Warrior Of The Six Paths/Rokkon Shojo (Very Hard): Yours is a blade that severs Karma, and the path you walk is fraught with deadly foes possessing insatiable bloodlust. Only for those of supreme tenacity and unmatched fury.
Instant Kill: Bad news: You are only one hit away from death at all times. Good news: So is everyone else. Have fun!  
Road to Naraka: Bad news: You are only one hit away from death at all times. There is no good news. Good luck.
Swords (unlocked through both story progression and beating the game on various difficulties.):
Katana: A simple iron forged sword. Sharp and easy to use. Perfect for a warrior with a simple mission. (base weapon, no special attributes)
Broken Katana: A sword shattered in a moment of despair, caked in dried blood. Only used by those with no other options, or those driven to the brink of madness and desperation. (Beat the game on Easy, One potential story chapter has Baiken ambushed by a bunch of bandits while starving and exhausted both mentally and physically. They break both her arm and snap her sword in half. She goes crazy with desperation and delirious from blood loss, wielding the sword between her teeth. Equipping it gives you an alternate moveset with no access to your demon tools or counters and halves both our range and damage but makes you way quicker. Beat every chapter in the game with this weapon to unlock some really good shit.)
Reforged Katana: Sharper than before, its edge carries the weight of anger and revenge a century old. If one puts their ear to the flat side, you could almost hear it demand for blood, more blood, always more blood... (Beat the game on Normal, increased damage and attack speed.)
Regret: A sword given to a warrior seeking a new path, given by a child seeking a new home, maintained by a man seeking a new name. Not meant to cut people down, but for cutting them free. (Beat the game on Hard, increased damage from counters and demon tools, but less damage from normal sword attacks.) 
Bokken: A wooden practice sword. In anyone else’s hand this weapon is nearly a joke, but Baiken can turn even a joke into something deadly...provided she swings it enough times. Note: Not be used on dogs, thank you. (Beat the game on Very Hard. Reduces damage across the board but massively increases defense and meter gain. Makes a Bonk! sound with every hit.) 
Demon Slayer Okami: A sword from a world different from this one, meant to be wielded by a warrior with no name and no destiny beyond killing. A weapon meant to cut down world eating snakes and Beasts made of shadow. As such, few things in this world will survive more than one strike from it. (Beat the game on Road to Naraka or beat the game on Very Hard using the Broken Katana, increased normal attack range and kills every normal enemy in one hit and does MASSIVE damage to bosses.)
 added ideas:
* Each demon tool was given to Baiken by a different mercenary/bounty hunter she met on her journey before they kick the bucket. Whether she’s given the tool as a dying gift or taken from their dead body after they try to kill her for her bounty depends. 
* Extra Bosses ideas that give you special skins when you win: Dizzy (beat the game on Instant Kill with the Broken Katana, classic Baiken Skin), Sol (Beat the game on Hard with the Broken Katana, Holy Order Baiken), Serious Anji (Beat the game on Hard with the Bokken, Casual/Just Woke Up Baiken briefly seen in the beginning), I-No (Beat the game on Road To Naraka with the Broken Katana, the games warns you that this boss hates you personally and will actively cheat, Neon Blue Arcade Skin)
that’s what i got cheers :p
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shihalyfie · 3 years
Kizuna drama CD: Detail spotting and nuance analysis
02 involved displaying its group dynamic through mundane interactions and wacky hijinks, and the circumstances of an eight-year block of time between Kizuna and 02, plus the fact that Hikari and Takeru operate separately from the others due to the movie’s circumstances, mean that the drama CD centering around the group is actually our most reliable source of info regarding how they’re doing at this time and how their group dynamic is going. Much like 02 itself, getting a lot of this nuance requires reading between the lines, so let’s take a closer look!
Since this is a drama CD and not animated material, I’ll be going through this in bullet points instead of screenshots.
The fact that the drama CD itself deliberately uses the same format as a 02 episode carries a very strong implication that, unlike their seniors who are going through an existential crisis about how much of their childhood experiences they can bring with them into adulthood, the 02 group is still roughly able to recreate the same atmosphere they had eight years ago. Noticeably, the ending song chosen for this is the first ED (Tomorrow My Wind Will Blow), the more lighthearted one used for the first half, before a lot of really emotionally vicious things started happening to them.
The phrase “it’s been a while” and variants thereof come up between this group a lot within this drama CD (and once in the movie itself, from Hawkmon to the others). Look closely at the circumstances of this drama CD and how everyone seems to be very intimately aware of each other’s situations, and the fact that this story obviously takes place only a short time before the movie itself -- so it really hasn’t been a very long time at all, but apparently even that much is considered a “long time” for them. (It also seems like they’re going out of their way to make sure they’re still keeping in regular contact even when they can’t actually meet up.)
Daisuke says, very clearly, that Iori was the one he intended to approach “first” because he was so busy -- but he’s shown walking in with Takeru, meaning that the two of them are on very good terms now and seem to have been hanging out independently.
Daisuke wanted his plan to be a “surprise” reveal to the others, and the actual practical purpose of his plan (it being a career study trip for him) seems to have been very low on the priority list to the point it takes the CD’s entire half-hour runtime for him to finally bring it up. Before then, he’d been cheerfully fantasizing about all the fun things he’d get to do with them, and it even says a lot that he’d also wanted to discuss this at a karaoke bar of all things, so, really, in his head, “hanging out with friends and having fun with them” is the actual priority (especially since there’s basically no reason he needs to have the others on his ramen research trip, he just wants them there because he does).
The fact that the boys have to sneak in the Digimon to avoid getting extra charges means that society will now recognize them as patrons to be regularly charged.
Daisuke is asked by Iori which people he intends to bring to his trip, which implies that the 02 group isn’t technically an exclusive club or anything...but then Daisuke proceeds to list off the 02 group by name, implying that this group does indeed have a particularly elevated level of importance to him.
Look carefully at the nuances surrounding whom Daisuke wants to invite to his trip: he wanted to invite the seniors as well, but resigned himself to the fact it’d probably be impossible because they were too busy...only for the others to point out that the rest of the 02 group is also busy, but everyone is confident that they’ll make it work, and Daisuke wants them there to the point of listing them by name. So in other words, Daisuke likes everyone and would like everyone around in the ideal situation, but when push comes to shove, the rest of the 02 group is whom he really wants to have around, and said group can be reliably counted on to do whatever it takes to make it work.
The way everyone casually describes each other's circumstances (and in specific detail, not just generally describing what they're up to) says a lot; Armadimon's still talking with Hawkmon about Miyako (meaning Miyako and Iori are still regularly in contact), Takeru's up-to-date with Ken's life to the point of knowing his upcoming schedule, Daisuke's fully aware of how busy Iori is, and, later, the one to affectionately greet Hawkmon is none other than Wormmon, who, back in 02, used to only really be close with Ken himself and V-mon. You can see that everyone’s still constantly involved in each other’s lives, including their own partners being up-to-date on each other (compare the more distant relationship their seniors are portrayed with in the movie itself, both with each other and with their partners), and you can also see that Ken and Wormmon have fully integrated themselves into the group to the point it’s a completely casual affair (Iori, the one who infamously had the longest and most drawn-out process in accepting Ken, is the one to personally ask him about his preferences).
That said, note that Takeru and Iori still seem to be on surname basis with Ken, even despite obviously being much closer with him than they were before; unfortunately, it seems that having been on surname basis with him so long in 02 became a habit, leaving Daisuke and Miyako as the only ones currently known to have switched to given name basis with him.
It’s interesting that Ken, not Daisuke, is the one explicitly stated to be keeping up with soccer to the point of having schedule commitments, whereas no mention of this whatsoever is made with Daisuke, and it’s entirely possible that Daisuke actually quit playing it in an organized fashion. This is, however, consistent with their personalities, in that Ken would likely want to keep up with organized extracurricular hobbies, whereas Daisuke may enjoy soccer as a hobby, but not enough to continue committing to a high-level team. (Remember that Daisuke took a while to get a regular position even back in elementary school; as much as he liked the sport, he also wasn’t particularly outstanding at it, and especially not in comparison to Taichi, Sora, or Ken.)
Miyako leaving for Spain seems to have been a recent thing, since it has to actively be brought up in conversation as a reminder (and Daisuke seemed to initially have not taken into account that she wouldn’t be easily able to join the trip in that case, since the issue of the D-3 hadn’t come up yet). When she shows up later in person, everyone’s shocked, as if it’s unnerving for her to be back in Japan already.
Daisuke still seems to have a thing for Hikari, but note that this doesn’t really go beyond “wanting to hang out with Hikari a lot”. Also, he says this in plain view of Takeru without bringing him up at all, and Takeru himself has nothing to say about it (not even awkward laughter), meaning that he really has no object in this whatsoever.
It’s interesting to see that Armadimon, who used to have to ask about how human society works quite often in 02, is now well-versed enough in Japanese culture to be really passionate about it.
As usual, Iori does not mince words (when it's about Nagoya specialty food, at least).
Also as usual, Ken is surprisingly academic about his interests and a huge nerd.
Note Takeru's awkward "I don't really want to insult you, but also, that's weird" reaction to Ken’s speech about the hot springs -- very classic Takeru, not quite being honest for the sake of keeping the peace and awkwardly trying to be nice about it -- in contrast to Daisuke, who just honestly goes straight for the commentary. That said, regardless of how unusual of a hobby everyone around him clearly finds it, note how they all still decide to accommodate it anyway and support his interest in it.
Hypocritically, V-mon calls Daisuke out for being “embarrassing” regarding his fixation on Hikari, only to suddenly get caught off-guard by Tailmon shortly after...
Hikari's behavior has the most clear-cut contrast from herself in 02, consisting of her very assertively stating what she wants, for herself -- very important because her problems in 02 revolved around her compulsively being unable to voice her own thoughts if it meant putting a burden on others. Here, Hikari gets argumentative about what she, personally, wants to do. Given that she doesn’t quite act like this in front of her seniors in the course of the movie, and is depicted as being particularly in-sync with Miyako here -- and given how Miyako was instrumental in reaching out to her during the events of 02 -- it’s pretty easy to see how Hikari became able to assert herself like this.
Similarly, much like how Tailmon was portrayed as lightening up a bit between Adventure and 02 thanks to her new, happier life, here, she seems to be exactly on the same page as Hikari in terms of wanting to fight people for something materialistic.
Hawkmon says that it's "only natural" for them to show up whenever this group is getting together, and, indeed, Miyako was technically uninvited because everyone thought she was busy in Spain -- but was clearly in contact with them (or at least Hikari) to know that this meeting was happening. (There’s probably a group chat.)
This is implied to be the first time the 02 group has seriously considered using D-3 gate exploitation to visit each other and to travel. The group had already made use of this exploitation during 02 itself (to have Palmon delivered to New York back in 02 episode 38 and to meet up in the Digital World), but it is true that they hadn’t been necessarily using it even when it arguably would be more convenient than Tokyo transportation and Imperialdramon. So in other words, for the last eight years, through all the meetups they seem to have been having with each other (and remember, Ken lived in Tamachi, not Odaiba, at the time of 02, and there’s no guarantee that nobody in the Odaiba neighborhood didn’t move at some point), they were perfectly fine with using the inconvenience of Tokyo transportation to meet each other, or to meet up in the Digital World instead -- but then Miyako found herself in another country, and decided that she wasn't going to stand for being separated from the others for too long.
As usual, Hawkmon still has to be Miyako’s concerned minder when she’s on the verge of going out of control.
Miyako had already been implied to be in Barcelona thanks to the scenery outside her window and the movie end credits, but her speech about Spain drives it in even further with the Gaudí references.
Despite Spain being possibly the one of the worst possible options for what's later revealed to be Daisuke's motive for this trip (ramen research), it seems that Miyako baiting him with mention of the soccer league was enough to get him momentarily distracted (and also indicates that Daisuke still clearly has an active interest in soccer even if he may not be regularly playing anymore).
Speaking of which, it’s pretty obvious that Miyako knew exactly what to bait Daisuke with in order to do this.
Takeru, the group's resident moderator, is of course the one to step in and prevent Tailmon and Armadimon from wreaking too much havoc (Daisuke is mostly just slightly intimidated) -- but you might also notice that he's otherwise not saying anything about the group's chaotic antics, and in fact is guilty of enabling them even further...
Daisuke continues to have his penchant for pointing out the elephant in the room -- he's exactly right, how is Wormmon supposed to put on skis?
It is, of course, only natural that Miyako would be sensitive to knowing about currency exchange and the use of American dollars in the Digital World, given that she presumably hasn't forgotten the Digitamamon incident from 02 episode 14.
For the first time in 19 real-life years, we finally learn what Daisuke’s original motive for wanting to get into ramen making was: in true Daisuke fashion, he himself has no idea (but he just really likes ramen).
Daisuke "credits" his friends for giving him insightful advice and helpful resources in thinking about his career and future plans, but, as it turns out, everyone else wasn't thinking nearly as much of it -- either they hardly remember it, or it wasn't actually supposed to mean anything insightful. It's obviously not to say that they're not fully supportive of him (the events of this drama CD blatantly indicate otherwise), but rather that Daisuke attributes everything important and helpful in his life to his friends to ridiculous degrees, even when it's something completely ordinary like a train ticket that anyone should know about.
As always, Daisuke is very realistically aware of his own limitations, admitting freely that he was actually lacking in experience and insight to follow his dream (especially since he took the "advice" from his friends very, very seriously).
Note how quickly everyone changes their tune and immediately decides to unequivocally support Daisuke the moment they realize there's actually a very important reason to him that he wants to go on this trip.
Also note that when Hikari compliments Daisuke, Daisuke is completely at a loss -- yet again, Daisuke's been so busy rolling around for Hikari's approval that he hasn't accounted for what to do when he actually gets it.
Daisuke picking New York, of all locations, as his stop to research ramen certainly explains why Ken has to ask "why ramen?" during the movie itself -- as this drama CD indicates, and as per the events of 02 episode 50, he absolutely knows why Daisuke would want to get ramen, but ramen in New York, which isn't exactly the cultural center of ramen making, is a different story.
The fact that this was a planned multi-day trip also explains why the group changes clothes and is in New York for multiple days over the course of the movie (because they probably had a hotel, too). It also further contextualizes the likely reason Miyako felt like dealing with Menoa’s request was too much work -- she wanted to be on this trip instead -- and says a lot about how she’ll dump a request on her seniors when it’s too much hassle for her, but accept that same request back if it’s something she gets to do with her friends.
Takeru and Hikari are explicitly stated to be scheduled to join the trip on the second day, meaning that them operating separately from the quartet during the events of the movie was sheer scheduling circumstance -- and since we find out in the movie that Takeru was the one to inform Yamato about Daisuke's whereabouts, this CD here clarifies that Takeru has this knowledge because he himself was set to be on this trip (and would have been, if the events of the movie hadn't gotten in the way).
Probably the most interesting take-home from this narrative is how absurdly close the 02 group is portrayed as, and in very, very stark contrast to their seniors in the movie itself -- who are said to be drifting apart as they all find their individual paths. Here, the 02 group is the opposite; while they do seem to have their own goals (Hikari and Daisuke are outright identified as having some of the clearest ones), it’s obvious that those goals are secondary to being able to hang out with and support each other (in other words, they still have those goals, but they’re much lower priorities for them). This is consistent with how these dynamics were portrayed back in 02, since the Adventure group had been portrayed as being prone to drifting apart as early as Our War Game!, whereas the 02 group was built from the ground up as needing each other’s mutual support much more deeply -- it’s just that, now that they’re all much older, this distinction in group dynamic is much more prominent.
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bananacreamphi · 2 years
Okay so I’m gonna ramble more about my legends orre au again. There’s a lot of stuff jumbled all out of order beneath the cut:
Remember when I said protags weren’t time travelers? Yeah I lied. Now they’re Wes and Rui sent through a portal into the past (or possibly even into another dimension that happens to be a while in the past instead of synced up to the present). Whoever you don’t choose as the protag ends up working with the villains. I’m gonna go ahead and default to Rui when I’m talking about the protag because I feel it’s more interesting and I love her. So when I’m talking about Wes he’s the distressed dude in the game.
So the main bad guys in this game would be the evil Cipher railway company who treats their workers and pokemon like garbage, and have control over all of the railways in orre. An amnesiac Emmet works for them at first, and he doesn’t remember his name, so he goes by “tumbleweed” or something because idk he was drifting until Volo found him. He switches side later in the story as he regains his memory, though.
Also, he has all of his and Ingo’s pokemon, including both their Klingklangs. Since they compliment each other he uses them at the same time in double battles at the start.
Volo is the head of the railway company (at least in the potential first part, I’ll detail a sub-au I have in another post). Of course you don’t meet him until later. He’s using his power to try and summon Arceus (again) using the power of [insert title pokemon here]. He also somehow finds a way to harness the shadow energy, except instead of using it on pokemon, he actually uses it on people. And their pokemon too, obviously.
I mentioned my idea in another post but shadow pokemon might be related to mega evolution. Obviously not all shadow pokemon can mega evolve but it still harnesses the bond between trainers and their pokemon. It would also be a way to bring mega evolution back and even add more forms.
There are more fallers! In fact there are also space-time distortions/portals. This is later revealed to be Volo’s fault (again) because idk he needs to use them to build up his shadow army with brainwashed trainers or whatever. I didn’t really think this through it’s just kind of a cool idea lmao
In fact the player might be tasked with trying to save these trainers and their pokemon from themselves. This would be especially poignant with Rui since she can sense shadow pokemon.
Rose could be a faller who works for the Cipher railway company willingly, he sees through Volo’s manipulation and is only missing small parts of his memory. Unfortunately, these gaps in his memory caused him to become a worse person, going from having semi-reasonable goals to being a greedy asshole who just wants money. Players would hate him way more than Volo because he’s a jerk, the same way they hated Kamado more than Volo.
A rock/ghost beldum line variant would show up, with levitate as its ability if abilities are a thing in-game. Or just one of its abilities, or maybe it even has a signature ability. Idk. Also you can probably sit on Metagross as it floats around, I don’t think it would be used for transportation. You can also give it brushie brushies when it gets itchy.
On that note you can also groom, feed, play with, pet and walk with you pokemon. The petting part is VERY important WHY ISN’T THIS A THING ALREADY OH MY GOD
The artstyle would be cel-shaded instead of the realistic style we see in Scarlet and Violet, but the pokemon might have a bit more detail to them.
Ditto’s beta evolution from the GSC demo is now an actual thing. I’m not sure how it would work but it might have a different ability. Perhaps it optimizes or alters the stats or nature of the pokemon it copies, changes into a different pokemon, has its own signature move, or some other thing that sets it apart. Naturally, this would be extremely divisive. But of course this au is all about pissing players off so it would be hilarious to me lol
The professor is implied to be Laventon’s kid and does a little trolling by stirring up shit and causing arguments as to whether or not fairy types actually exist.
The setting would actually be towards the tail end or even after the Wild West era, in the equivalent of the early 1900s-1910s. Cars and movie theaters both exist and are semi-common (though mudsale is obviously still used for much of the rough terrain). The region is still recovering from a bloody war of independence from unova (with some not-so-subtle implications of it also involving the same racism from the real life civil war). There’s also the distant threat of the equivalent of WWI mentioned in newspapers.
There would also be a focus on how Orre has its own native population, possibly including Wes as a descendant of them, and immigrants from all parts of the world fleeing racism, war, and poverty to make a life there. It’s pretty melancholy to see traditions being lost and pristine environments slowly being destroyed by the time of the modern day.
The under is just starting to be constructed, and again contains tons of immigrants. There’s also at least one area based on the mesa verde cliff dwellings.
Perhaps instead of the starters I mentioned in my last post, the protag might be gifted two new eeveelutions at first, with a second part/sequel that has the starters. Idk, that’s assuming that it’s a two part story, otherwise they get the regular starters. Again the two-part story would probably be in my sub au I’ll go through in another post.
I think it would be hysterical if the title was legends celebi because a celebi is known to have lived in orre at one point. Fans would get SO mad. You want to see the tower burning in Johto? Too bad, orre time.
The other idea I had was legends Hoopa, because portals and stuff. Hoopa would be actively malevolent then, working with Volo for its own ends (or even just for shits and giggles) and it’s up to the player to stop it.
I thought there was an area with a ship stuck in the desert but apparently I misremembered. Still I had an idea for a place that was a swamp that had since dried up by the modern day. Instead of being super poisonous though, it’s actually considered a pristine environment since not many people live there. There’s actually very few poison types here; it’s mostly grass, water and bug types. The grass/bug type Carnivine I mentioned can be found here. Or it’s just regular carnivine lol. Either way plenty of bug types. Lots of lotad/lombre/ludicolo here as well.
Also a lush rainforest with a grass/fairy bellsprout line based on tropical pitcher plants. Regular Carnivine can also be found here.
I mentioned ludicolo above so I think it would be cool if it got a mega evolution either with water pouring over the rim of its hat or the top of it blossoming into a big flower, or maybe even both.
Lapras are plentiful in the rivers of Orre. Plus a baby pokemon because they’re cute. They’re also a ride pokemon.
I feel like the fairy/fire chandelure would be a reverse zoroark situation—as in, they started out being fairy/fire, but eventually died out and were reborn as the ghost/fire chandelure we know today.
Trains are a key part of transportation which is why dealing with Cypher is so frustrating.
I haven’t decided if I should stick with team snagem being a group of outlaws, or maybe they’re a union forming to beat back the evil Cipher railway corporation and protect its workers.
The implications of snagging pokemon are explored further, forcing the player to really question whether or not snagging can really be done in the name of good. Some bad guys truly do care for their pokemon. Is it really ethical to steal them in that case? Especially if the shadow trainers are actually still bonded to their pokemon and that’s why they’re both brainwashed. At the end of the day, snagging pokemon may be a necessary evil, but it is still evil, and there has to be a line somewhere.
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nerdypanda3126 · 3 years
Playing with Fire – Ch. 8
So two things: first, I did write a little interlude between last chapter and this one, and you can find it here.
And second, in the part with Luka's journal, he's in a dark place at that point in his life and there's some suicidal ideation in there. If you'd prefer to skip over it, you can jump over the italicized parts, and as far as I know that's the only time it'll pop up in this story 💖
Read on Ao3 
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
“You want to find my family?” Luka asked incredulously as he held a branch aside for her to walk past. 
He was tired, and so was she; they’d been walking all night, but Luka had insisted they needed to put as much distance as they could between them and the tower while they still had the cover of darkness. By the time the sunlight was able to filter down to them through the canopy, she suspected it was closer to mid-afternoon and they’d been up for a full twenty-four hours. He’d been stuck in his mostly-human form for the longest he’d ever had to endure it. Maybe not an ideal time to bring up her plan, but…  
“We’re already running for our lives, we don’t have a home to go back to, at least not for a while, so… While we’re out wandering anyways, I thought…” 
“We’d lead an angry mob straight to my mother and sister?” 
She rolled her eyes at him. Definitely not the best time to bring up her plan. “You’re cranky when you’re tired,” she noted, letting her own irritation slip into her tone. He grunted back, but it was more of a challenge than an assent. 
“Besides,” she pushed on, ignoring the way he bristled, “it might take a while to find them. How long do you think the townspeople will follow us, anyways? My guess is they get to the tower, see it’s empty, and turn around and go home.” 
“I’m not worried about them,” he grumbled. “There’s a certain friend of yours who didn’t seem ready to give up anytime soon.” 
If he had venom, he’d injected it into the word “friend.” She winced at his bitter tone. 
“Okay, so what’s your plan? We wander the wilds aimlessly chasing our tails for the rest of our lives?” 
He faltered and glanced over at her. The way he seemed so unsure made her realize he’d never had a plan. At least not past “stay alive and wait.” This was all new to him; he didn’t know what he was doing or where he was going. They’d traveled in as much of a straight line as was possible away from the tower, but other than that… he was lost. 
She drew closer to him and threaded her arm through his as an apology. He laid a hand over hers as he took her meaning and sighed. 
“Where would we even start?” he asked, his voice small in the quiet of the forest around them. 
“There have to be other towns nearby, and I’m sure someone would remember seeing dragons flying around 18 years ago.” 
“More townspeople…” he grumbled again. “Great.” 
She squeezed his arm in sympathy and they walked in silence for a while. She could feel the weight of the plan starting to fall on his shoulders, the idea of asking around, relying on humans, how long it might take. In truth, she hadn’t realized the enormity of the undertaking until she’d proposed it to him and now she could agree that it sounded impossible. 
“Maybe they’ve been waiting for you, too,” she dared to say. 
He let out a quiet laugh. “Ma wouldn’t, her treasure is the open skies and she wouldn’t wait for anyone.” He paused to think, then sighed. “Juleka might, though.” 
“Your sister?” 
“Mhmm. We were close when we were young. Before…” His eyes slid over to her and he let it drop. “She might’ve followed Ma at first, but I’m sure she wasn’t happy with the decision to leave me behind.” 
“What’s she look like?” Marinette asked, her curiosity overtaking her. He’d never talked about it before, but for once he seemed open to the topic. He smiled wistfully as he tried to remember. 
“A lot like me, I guess. Except, you know…not...” He gestured to himself, to his human form. “Unless she made the same mistake, but I doubt Ma would’ve let that happen again. And she’s taller than me, or at least she was when we were little. Maybe it’s changed a bit, but she was always kind of a lanky thing. Ma’s pride and joy, though, if I’m honest. It’s her fire. Most dragons have some variant of red; it’s rare enough to get blue fire, but Jules…” He shook his head, that wistful smile growing as he remembered. “Jules had violet fire. Unheard of, really. You’ll see when you meet her, she’s—” He caught himself then as he realized what he’d said. “If, I guess,” he amended quietly. 
She squeezed his arm again and smiled over at him. “When,” she agreed. “When I meet her.” 
He half-shrugged, but his smile warmed when he looked over at her. Before she could stop it, she yawned loudly and he laughed as one took him over, too. 
“First things first,” he said when it subsided, looking around at their surroundings. “We need to find a place to camp.” 
Later that evening they found a cave. 
Marinette had laughed a little at the prospect. Dragons, caves, towers, curses. Her life was sounding more and more like a fairytale turned inside out. Wasn’t there supposed to be a shining knight that rescued the damsel in distress from the terrible, fire-breathing dragon? 
But she didn’t feel very “in distress” as Luka joined hands with her to remove his stone and sighed with relief when his transformation took hold. She didn’t feel very in distress as he blew a small ring of fire into the floor of the cave, patting it down as he went to create a smooth, warm, bowl-shaped indent for them to curl up in together. And the only distress she felt as she tucked herself into his coils was her racing heart and trembling hands as the kiss they'd shared came back to her. He blinked up at her, sensing her hesitation, and uncurled a bit as if he intended to stand. 
She shook her head and laid her hand on his back, reassuring him, then took a moment to run her fingers over his scales, admiring them in their full splendor. Even though they were pitch black, they caught the bare light of the cave and glinted back at her like he was wearing a solid coat of jewels. They turned softer towards his belly, finer, more like the scales of a snake that she was used to as opposed to the armor he wore on top. 
As she continued to touch him, he let out that noise again, a small satisfied hum, and laid his head over his claws as he closed his eyes. 
His wings fascinated her. There was a solid joint of muscle on each side where they met his shoulders, as thick as both her fists put together, but the wings themselves seemed so fragile—she could see her hand through the delicate skin stretched thin between the bones. And yet they were able to hold not only his weight but hers, too. 
She felt it when she hit that sensitive spot that had made him ticklish before. Something like a chuckle rumbled through him and his wing flinched away from her reflexively, but he didn’t pull it out of her hands. That spot was along the side of the bone she’d been tracing, the longer one that nestled into his side when they were furled. She did it again out of curiosity and a shiver ran through him. 
She tried to remember what she’d read about dragon anatomy. But instead she was imagining how it must feel to him. Maybe something like if she were tracing the ridge of his shoulder blade when he was human. 
When she looked back at him, his eyes were still closed, like he was pretending to be asleep. She knew better, though; his breathing was uneven. As much as he was trying to hide it, he was hyper focused on her every move. 
She let her hand trail down his arm until she found one of his huge, rough hands. She picked it up despite his small grumble as his head shifted, and marveled at the largeness of it. The pad of what would be his palm was as big as her face, and the curved ebony claws reminded her so much of the hawks she’d seen in her life that she knew they were deadly. But his were each as long as her entire hand. 
As she set his hand back down, he opened an eye to look at her. She watched the slit of his pupil as it dilated to capture as much light as it could in the gloom of the cave. And the fiery blue that surrounded it was the same as the tuft of hair along his neck and at the tip of his tail. 
She should be frightened. Luka in this form was danger personified. Everything about him should have made her adrenaline spike. Should have made her want to run away or try to fight for her life. 
But as he blinked at her again, probably trying to understand what she was thinking, all she saw was… Luka. The same soul who had promised her mother he would take care of her, who had offered his life to her, who had saved her when she was too small to even know to be afraid. 
No wonder she’d still had dreams of sleeping curled up next to him. When she looked at him, at all of him, all she saw was safety and home. And as he tucked his wing around her like a blanket, she couldn’t imagine a safer place than right next to him. 
She grumbled awake when the light hit her eyes the next morning. She’d have to talk to him about getting curtains or something to cover that damn opening while they slept. She curled away from it, trying to press her face into Luka’s scales, but her nose was hitting something warm, and breathing, and...smoother than she expected. 
Her eyes flew open as she realized her lips had touched skin. 
It was later than normal and they’d already switched. Luka was human beside her. His arm was draped around her waist, she was curled up against his chest, and she had just nuzzled into his neck and brushed her lips against the hollow of his throat. She froze, but he was still solidly out, snoring lightly every so often, his arm a heavy weight around her. 
The night before rushed back to her. Fleeing the tower, their long walk, the cave they’d settled into for the night… and Luka. His dark hair was falling over his eyes, and those dark circles had returned after only one night of missed sleep. His lips were parted slightly as he breathed and he looked so peaceful she almost wanted to reach out and touch him if only to make sure he was real.
But she didn’t want to wake him. So as carefully as she could she extracted herself from his embrace and stood to stretch, realizing that all their walking from the past few days had caught up to her. Before she did anything else, she retrieved his stone from where he’d left it and slipped it around his neck so her flames didn’t attract any attention. Or worse, set anything in their temporary shelter aflame. 
They’d need to find food and water, but exploring their new area would have to wait until Luka woke up. For now she settled on taking inventory of what they’d brought with them, munching on a piece of bread from her parents’ bakery as she did. She froze when his lyre fell out, making an awful twang against the cave floor, but Luka only muttered in his sleep and rolled over. 
When she continued searching through the bags, her fingers caught on the leather of his journal. Another glance at Luka proved that he wouldn’t be awake for a while yet; losing sleep as they traveled had hit him harder than her. She walked as close to the entrance of their cave as she dared and sat in the light to read. 
The first few pages were mostly unintelligible. Scribbles and squiggles as Luka struggled with the quill and ink. Then came pages of the alphabet, unsteady at first, and traced over what must’ve been Jagged’s handwriting. The letters got stronger, more confident, and then on the next page, his first written word. Just his name, but she could almost see the pride he must’ve felt in accomplishing that one word. It stood alone on the page. She imagined a young Luka running out to show Jagged his hard work, beaming with the joy of learning a new skill. 
Then other words started to fill the pages. Jagged Stone, fire, bond, wings, rabbit, trap, tower. Naming things around him, sometimes with little drawings that accompanied the word. 
But then she saw the word “bakery.” Her breath caught. That wasn’t a word that Luka would be familiar with unless… 
Underneath that was a sentence. “My bonded lives in a bakery.” 
And as the pages went, she found more little tidbits about her life interspersed between Luka’s practicing. “My bonded has blue eyes.” “My bonded has black hair.” “My bonded likes the color pink.” “My bonded likes flowers.” 
It seemed he’d tried to learn as much about her as he could, but either Jagged never told him her name or Luka never asked because every one of them started with “my bonded.” She wondered if he did it on purpose. It seemed like something he would do. Waiting not only to meet her but to hear her name. 
He’d filled the next page, and it looked like a letter. Addressed to her. She glanced back at him, but he was turned away from her and she couldn’t see his face. She remembered how he’d stiffened when she asked if she could read it before he’d brushed it off as nothing. But he did say she could read it… 
So she did. 
To My Bonded,
You probably won’t ever get the chance to read this. I’m not sure why I’m even writing it other than I guess if the worst happens maybe there will be a small piece left of me that I can hope you would come to know.
From what I know of you, I think you might be someone who would listen.
Firstly, I don’t blame you if you’re angry with me. It probably hasn���t been easy on your end and I don’t know how much you’ve been told about our situation. Which is the worse curse, I wonder, knowing everything and waiting to see how it unfolds or knowing nothing and having to make a decision. Either way, I guess it’s really my fault anyways.
As for the second thing. I don’t know that I’ll have the chance to show you so I want you to know. I do care for you. Deeply. Sometimes that scares me because I don’t even know your name. The only thing I remember is seeing your eyes that day I rescued you. When they opened, when I knew you were okay, I was so relieved that I hardly even noticed your eyes were blue until Jagged reminded me years later. But they are, aren’t they? I wonder if they were like that before, or if maybe that’s another part of me that stayed with you.
I’m both dreading and hoping for the day I get to see those eyes again. Maybe when that day comes I can explain myself and apologize and tell you all this in person. Until then.
Yours, Luka
I didn’t think I’d write to you again. But Jagged told me today you had a ‘crush’ on someone in your village. A taylers boy, although I don’t know what that means. He told me about the fire too. He didn’t really have to. I felt it. I felt how your heart hurt and I wanted to go to you. Maybe I should have. I was afraid. 
Jagged said you were fine, that you would be fine. But next time I feel that, I’m coming to you. Scared or not.
Yours, Luka
I am sick of this place. I’m sick of this tower and sick of the waiting and sick of feeling like I’ll be stuck like this forever. I thought you’d come for me. Aren’t you curious about me? Don’t you know by now what’s happening, why I’m still here, that I’m waiting for you? Or maybe you’re staying away because you know. Maybe you want it to be this way, maybe this is your choice.
I don’t mean that. If you knew I’m sure you’d be here already. I guess I wish I knew how much longer it’s going to be like this. How much longer I’ll be waiting for you.
Yours, Luka
Dear Bonded,
I keep writing to you for some strange reason. It’s a sort of comfort, knowing that you’ll probably kill me before you get to read any of this. I’m sure that’s your answer now because your village has started sending men to kill me instead. They come up from your village anyway.
It’s okay. I get it. You’re probably scared of me. The rest of them have been so I can only assume you think the same. I haven’t let them win yet. For now there’s still a small part of me that hopes you don’t know anything about this. That it has nothing to do with you. For now anyways.
Yours, Luka
I hate the taste of blood.
Yours, Luka
Dearest Bonded,
This is my last letter to you. I can’t keep doing this. The men keep coming. I’ve tried everything to get them to leave me alone, but nothing seems to work. And I’m tired. I know you’re probably not coming. You won’t come. Even if you did, you’d be here to kill me. And I had every intention of giving you that choice, but I’ve made my decision. The next time those men come I’m not fighting anymore.
If you do find this. If you do come for me. I’m sorry. I’ve loved you with every breath.
Yours, Luka 
Dearest Bonded,
I’m a coward. Or a fool in love. Either way, I’m still here. I have to have faith in you.
Yours, Luka
She jumped when a hand landed on her shoulder. Luka laughed as he sat down behind her, wrapping his arm around her waist to press his chest against her back and lay his head on top of hers.
“Dramatic, wasn’t I?” he asked, still chuckling. As much as she could she swatted at his hand with the journal. 
“You scared me! You shouldn’t come up behind someone like that!” 
“We’re the only ones here, who else did you think it was?” 
Damn him, she could hear his satisfied smirk in his voice. She swatted him again for good measure, even as he pressed a kiss to her hair, but his last two letters were still sharp in her mind. 
“Why’d you stop writing?” she asked, flipping through the many blank pages that were left. She felt him shrug behind her. 
“I didn’t see much point to it, really. Either you’d come and we’d live happily ever after and I could tell you everything myself or… not. And it wasn’t like I ever expected you to want to read it if things went badly.” 
“How long after this…” she started, but she lost her voice halfway through. She had to swallow hard past the lump that was forming to find it again. “How much longer did you have to wait for me?”
He was quiet for a moment and he rubbed his hands up and down her arms, probably trying to soften the blow. 
“It doesn’t matter,” he said softly. 
“It does to me. Luka, if I’d known any of this—why didn’t you let Jagged tell me?” 
He let out another of those soft laughs behind her and his breath ghosted across her neck. “He wanted to. We fought about it a lot. But I figured that would only make you feel… obligated.” 
She thought about that while she stared at his last entry. Of course it was impossible to think what she might’ve done, or how she might’ve felt because she only knew what had happened. The series of events that led her to him. The nightmares and the flames and thinking she was a curse to her family and her village. And up at the tower Luka was dealing with his own nightmare. He’d almost given up hope and when she did come to the tower she’d almost proved him right. 
His arms tightened around her as if he could sense where her thoughts had gone. As if to prove he was okay and it turned out alright. She pressed back against him and could feel his heartbeat thudding steadily through her own chest. Maybe he was right. Maybe it didn’t matter. They were together now. That’s what she’d told him. To stop blaming himself for what happened. She didn't blame him for anything and at the very least he'd already forgiven her, too. 
She turned in his arms and slid her hand behind his neck to pull his face down to hers. As she pressed her lips to his, it felt like a promise. A promise that he’d never have to be apart from her like that again, bond or not. 
He melted against her and for a moment they were both lost in each other, in the knowledge that in this moment they were safe and together and that was all that mattered. 
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corvus--rex · 3 years
So, to start off with, these are a little rough. Mostly cleaned up for spelling/grammar, but there are things that are more like placeholder notes in exposition form that would be written out if I went back to it.
This one's working title is Quantum Fracture, is "in universe" non-canon compliant, and is set both near the end of s.2 after ep.9, and a few years post s.8. It's also only semi-abandoned. I like it and want to keep going with it, but I've hit a wall and just can't do anything with it right now. It has (sort-of) time travel and "Galra genetics are weird" resulting in Klance kids. It does also switch between times, but those sections have punctuation separators.
“Lance, Pidge, keep watch on the area. Keith, Hunk, and I will go down to check it out,” Shiro said over the comms.
“Got it.”
“Copy that.”
Green and Blue split off from the V-formation, flying over the asteroid while Black, Red, and Yellow landed on its surface. Lance and Pidge kept a visual track on their friends while keeping their scanners active for anything in the area. Team Voltron had been on their way back to the Castle after liberating another planet from the Galra Empire when Pidge’s more finely-tuned scanners picked up on what looked like an abandoned Galra base embedded in an asteroid. Shiro made the call to check it out and let Allura and Coran know what was going on, keeping Lance and Pidge on watch. The Black Paladin took point, with Keith right behind him. Hunk brought up the rear, man-portable cannon ready for whatever might try to sneak up on them. The facility was powered down, a layer of dust on every surface.
“Looks like it really is abandoned,” Keith said, “I don’t think there’s anyone or anything left here.”
“Agreed, but I want to complete a sweep of the facility. Never know what might have been left behind,” Shiro replied.
They continued on, not making any real effort at stealth, but only made it about another 20 feet before a side door creaked and flew open, Keith finding himself blown out into space, despite Hunk’s effort to prevent it. Keith tried to use his jetpack to redirect himself and head back to the facility, but there was just enough gravity generated by the density of the asteroid field to pull him toward the nearest surface. He bounced off the next asteroid, damaging his jetpack in the process. It sent him away from the asteroid field and into open space.
This isn’t how this was supposed to go, Keith thought as he floated in the void, then realized just how much Lance was rubbing off on him. His back hit a second, smaller asteroid, and he bounced off into the nothingness. Come on, Red. Where are you?
He felt the shift in the vacuum an instant before the sensors in his armor picked it up. The short chirp announced the sensors’ findings, bringing it up on the HUD. The display’s minimal capabilities showed the slight variant, a faint ripple in the fabric of space.
“The fuck is that?” he asked the void of space.
He hadn’t expected an answer, and didn’t get one. What he did get was the familiar mental pressure of the red Lion, immediately followed by the equally familiar golden glow of the robotic cat’s eyes. Red swallowed the paladin’s free-floating body, and he rolled through the slowly pressurizing corridor before the artificial gravity activated. He had only just taken his seat in the cockpit when he heard Pidge shouting across the comms.
“Keith! Are you ok? There was a spatial-temporal fluctuation right next to you.”
“Yeah, I felt it, but I'm ok,” he answered, exhausted from the mission and subsequent launch into space.
Green came up alongside Red, guiding them back to the Castle, Blue right behind them. Once the three Paladins were back aboard the Castle of Lions, Pidge insisted that Keith go to the medical deck, just in case.
“Ok, fine, Pidge. But I'm fine. Really,” Keith protested while simultaneously giving in.
She didn’t trust him to really go, but she was also concerned with the anomaly she found, so didn’t question it when Lance volunteered to make sure Keith went.
“Keith, what were you thinking?” Lance asked when they were alone.
“I don’t know what happened. It wasn’t anything I did and Hunk and Shiro will figure it out. Pidge is more worried about the space-time ripple we encountered. But I'm fine. Really.”
Blue’s Paladin stopped in the middle of the empty corridor. “You scared me, cuervo. I saw you get ejected into empty space without Red or any of us nearby. Pidge said she was going after you, but still…it scared me.”
“I don’t think we should hide anymore. I think it’s time to let the team in on our secret.”
The pair had been dating secretly for a month at that point, intentionally keeping their relationship from the rest of the team. Keith didn’t think they would have been taken seriously to begin with, and Lance agreed. After a late-night talk, they both decided to give it time and let themselves settle into their budding relationship. But it was beginning to make them behave differently, especially on missions. They became focused on where the other was and it was causing mistakes. This last mistake could have been deadly, although Keith was right, he hadn’t done or not done anything that led to the deserted Galra base’s small side door opening and pulling the Red Paladin into the cold vacuum of space.
“Yeah, I think you might be right,” Lance admitted.
Keith took his boyfriend’s hand, linking their fingers together, and headed toward the medical deck. Coran met them there, no doubt having been called by Pidge. Keith was thoroughly checked over by way of the Castle’s scanners, and as far as they could tell, not a molecule was out of place. After finding out that Keith was at least partly Galra, Pidge and Hunk had thrown themselves into a reprograming project to the medical deck’s scanners, integrating human biological standards. They were surprised to find that the scanners were already programmed with Galra standards, and that was when Coran told the entire team about the original Paladins, Zarkon included.
Instead of the lounge or one of their bedrooms, Lance and Keith instead went to one of the Castle’s many observation balconies. Once they were alone, Keith let himself crumble, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and holding on as tightly as he could. Lance gently returned the physical connection, understanding that the events of the morning had affected him more than he would let on in front of anyone else. He waited until he could feel the tension drain and knew that Keith was just sneaking middle of the day snuggling.
“You better now?” Lance asked.
Keith sighed softly against Lance’s neck. “Yeah, I think so. We should probably go see what Pidge found before anyone wonders where we went.”
“I don’t wanna,” he protested, holding on tighter.
Keith laughed and pulled away. “Well, if we stop keeping all this a secret, we won’t have to worry about where and when anymore.”
“Ugh. I guess.” Lance’s tone was overdramatic as usual, but his blue eyes sparkled with excitement at the idea of being open about his relationship.
Stepping backward out the door, Keith led the way toward the Lions’ hangars and Pidge’s lab. Halfway down the second to last corridor, Keith tripped over the smooth floor. He caught himself mid-stumble and stopped completely.
“Keith?” Lance asked, “Mi cuervo, you ok?”
“Keith! What the fuck was that?” Lance called over the comm.
“Dunno, but my speeder’s sensors caught it. Heading back now,” Keith answered from inside his modified speeder.
Modified, that was, by Pidge, who had retrofitted all of the Lions’ speeders to be able to fly in space. They were still fairly short-range, not capable of straying far from the Lions. It meant that Keith was still in visual range of Red when the Lion’s sensors spiked with the anomaly’s fluctuation.
Lance was waiting at the door to the cockpit when Keith came in. The tail of the raised French braid that normally ran halfway down his back was draped over his shoulder. Lance had insisted on braiding his husband’s hair that morning. Keith had groaned and asked why, seeing as it was just a simple recon mission. “Because you’re pretty, the twins are at school, we have time, and I felt like it,” was the list of reasons Lance rattled off as he made Keith sit. He didn’t mind it, but they usually saved more complex braids for diplomatic missions, not “drive down the street for space readings” missions.
Keith had had his second puberty while in the Quantum Abyss with Krolia, and it ended up being a good thing she was there. Alone, he would have assumed that the abdominal cramping, chills, fever, nausea, and full-body pain meant that he was dying. Krolia, however, recognized the symptoms of the shift in her son’s body to that of a Carrier and becoming physically capable of conceiving and carrying a baby. She told him that his half-human status may well have rendered him infertile, but they didn’t have the resources to look into it at the time, and the middle of a war wasn’t the time to worry about it. So it surprised both Keith and Lance when he found himself pregnant not long after the war ended, and they welcomed their twins Andra and Ori five and a half months later after a normal Galra-length pregnancy. The twins birth records had their names down as Andromeda Artemis and Orion Fenris Kogane-McClain, names that were called with increasing frequency now that the twins were five.
Keith sat himself in the pilot’s seat, pulling up the sensor readings from both Red and the speeder. They looked the same to both himself and Lance, but Pidge would be able to make better sense of them. But something about the anomaly was bothering Keith. It took a good minute of staring at the readings to realize that it was similar to how spacetime behaved near the core of the Quantum Abyss. And something about thatbothered him even more.
“You ok, cuervo?” Lance asked, leaning against the edge of the display panel.
“Yeah,” Keith sighed, “Just something about that anomaly reminds me of the Quantum Abyss. We’ll get it to Pidge and figure it out.”
The trip back to the new Castle was short, Red bypassing the reconfigured IGF-Atlas and heading directly for his hangar on the original Castle of Lions. After the end of the Galra War and the brief, but intense, war with Honerva, the Voltron Coalition needed a permanent – and mobile – base. The Atlas reshaped itself, wrapping around the Castle like the defensive walls of an ancient castle around its keep. Its completed size rivaled that of Galra Central Command, now the seat of the newly-formed Galra Collective.
Team Voltron’s power couple – beating out Shiro’s marriage to Adam – crossed the distance to Green’s hangar, where Pidge still maintained her personal lab. They found her buried in her multi-screen setup, one screen dedicated to the call she was on with her long-distance Olkari girlfriend Malyn, the others covered in technical readouts, diagrams, and blueprints.
“We’re back,” Keith announced when they walked in.
“Oh good. Anything weird happen out there?” Pidge said, taking Keith’s comm.
“The anomaly is behaving like the core of the Quantum Abyss.”
Pidge shoved the device into her computer a little harder than she intended. Except for her ongoing call, she wiped everything off the other screens, replacing what was on them with the readouts from both Red and the speeder. Her amber eyes flicked from screen to screen, already analyzing.
“I’m really sorry, Malyn. I have to call you later.”
“Of course. Is everything all right?” Malyn asked, concern laced in her voice.
“I’m not sure yet. We found a spatial-temporal anomaly, but it’s behaving differently from anything similar I’ve seen. Maybe…there was one…nah, that was different…”
Malyn laughed, she always found her girlfriend’s analytical mind adorable. “I’ll let you get to that. We’ll talk later.”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, Malyn. We’ll talk again later, promise,” Pidge apologized again, but Malyn waved her off, still laughing, and cut the call.
“So, you'll let us know when you’ve found something?” Lance prompted.
“What? Yeah. Right. This is weirder than anything I've ever seen like this…”
Lance and Keith shared a look, knowing that Pidge was fully invested in the data and that she wouldn’t leave her computer unless she was physically removed. Deciding on the tactical retreat, they left her to it, heading back to their apartment on the Castle.
The Atlas hadn’t been the only thing to be reconfigured. The Castle of Lions had undergone its own renovations, the old single rooms turned into apartment-like suites. Shiro and Adam maintained Garrison positions onboard the Atlas, but retired to the Castle at the end of every day. Lance and Keith settled into their apartment after their two month long honeymoon. Hunk was splitting his time between the Castle and Balmera, sharing his space with Shay when they were there. Pidge mostly used hers as an excuse for more tech and a separate workspace, but Malyn stayed there with her when she could get time away from rebuilding Olkarion under Ryner’s guidance. Coran had decided to keep his old room the way it was, and Allura felt that her own rooms didn’t need the upgrade. The rest of the rooms stayed the same for the new Altean crew running the ship at a proper capacity.
It wasn’t until they got back that Keith realized Pidge still had his comm. “Well, shit. I’ll be back,” he said, heading for the door.
Lance decided to follow him out into the corridor.
“Because,” Lance answered, “I have nothing better to do and I can watch you walk away all day.”
“What the fuck, Lance?” Keith groaned in mock frustration.
“No, that’s after we get your comm.”
Keith turned, intending to call Lance out on exposing him like that, but stumbled, relieved that Lance was close enough to catch him.
“You alright, cuervo?”
“Yeah, I'm fine. Just tripped,” he said, but stopped. Something was wrong. He could feel the braid hanging over his shoulder from when he stumbled, felt the strength in Lance’s arms. No, this was wrong. He looked up. There was a small scar he didn’t remember being there, and the blue Altean marks were definitely new. His own body felt foreign. It was shaped differently, taller and broader than it should be. His voice was different, a little deeper, a little huskier than it should be. “Lance?”
“Keith, love, are you really ok?”
“I…I don’t know.”
Lance helped him to stand, leading him back to their apartment. Once inside, he sat Keith on the couch. “What happened? Exactly,” he asked.
“What does – is this about the anomaly? I told you before that I'm fine. We had Coran check me out. There was nothing wrong. Where are we anyway?”
“We didn’t have Coran check you out. There’s an entire medical crew for that anyway. We’re home, on the Castle. What do you remember from this morning?” Lance’s entire tone was cautious. Something was very wrong with his husband, but he wanted to have at least some answers before bringing it up with anyone else.
“We were coming back from a mission and stopped to check out an abandoned Galra base in an asteroid field. One of the side doors opened and I got blown out. There was a ripple in space-time, and I got close to it in nothing but my armor before Red came to get me. But I'm fine. I told both you and Pidge that.”
Lance remembered that mission. Overall, it was unremarkable. The base didn’t have anything useful. But there hadn’t been any temporal fluctuations. Yes, Keith had ended up floating through the void, but nothing happened other than that. The only reason he remembered that mission in particular was because that was when they decided to tell the team that they were together. It had been ten years since that mission.
“Ok. I do remember that. But, that was ten years ago. That was when we decided to tell the team that we’d been dating for a month.”
Keith’s face flickered between shock, bewilderment, and terror. Ten years? There was no way that could be right. But the evidence was right there. His own body and voice were different. He could see and feel how long his hair had gotten. And then there was Lance. He was beautiful as ever, and it certainly seemed that they were still together, but he was different. The scar, the Altean marks – how and when the fuck did that happen, and why? – and there was the fact that he was broader, more muscled, not slender and willowy like he had been. He processed everything in real time, not saying a word in that time. It had apparently been longer than he thought, because Lance was looking up at him from where he’d tilted his head to the side.
“Keith? Mi cuervo? What is going on?”
“You…you still call me that? It really has been ten years?”
“This has to be related to that anomaly,” he muttered. “Yeah, it’s really been ten years. And, yeah, I do still call you that. A lot’s changed in ten years, but not that. Stay here. I need to show you something. It might help.” Lance stood, leaving the room for their bedroom, coming back in less than a minute. He extended his free hand, bringing Keith over to the table where they both sat. Lance placed a ring of smoothly twisted and woven silver metal and carved crystal that shifted between blood red, cobalt, and vibrant violet on the table between them. “Do you remember this?” he asked softly, “Do you remember when I gave you that?”
Keith stared at it like if he could untwist it mentally, he could remember what it was. But he couldn’t, because Lance had never given him anything like it. It was definitely something he could see Lance picking for him, but as far as Keith knew, he never had.
“No, I don’t,” he had to admit.
Lance sighed, a tinge of sadness to it. “Ok. Something happened with the temporal anomaly we found earlier and that Pidge is still analyzing. I know you’re really Keith, but I don’t think you're my Keith. What you said happened this morning happened ten years ago for me. We need to go check in with Pidge and see if she’s figured anything out yet.”
“Ok,” Keith agreed, rising to follow Lance, “I shouldn’t know anything else. Not yet. But at least I know we’re still together.”
“We certainly are,” Lance agreed, taking Keith’s hand, “We’ll figure this out. That anomaly might have fucked with your memories somehow, but we’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah, fine.” Keith stood on his own, suddenly realizing that they shouldn’t have been a corridor and a half away from Green’s hangar, they should have been close to their apartment in a completely different part of the castle. Everything seemed ever so slightly bigger, except for himself and Lance. His braid was gone, and he was wearing clothes he hadn’t seen in years. And Lance looked so young. This was the thin, wiry boy he’d fallen in love with more than ten years before. The one without the Altean marks he’d gotten when Allura revived him after saving her from an energy blast. But he heard Lance call him by that familiar pet name. That alone left Keith with more questions.
“We need to see if Pidge’s gotten anywhere with that anomaly,” Lance said.
“Yeah,” Keith agreed. When had his voice gotten higher?
Keith stopped when they walked into Pidge’s lab. It wasn’t what he was expecting. This was the lab of a decade earlier. The one with the laptop she’d brought from Earth along with the equipment she had either repurposed or built from scratch. It startled him, and he froze in place.
“Keith, seriously, are you ok?”
“I…I don’t know anymore. Everything is wrong. Where is everyone else?”
“Hunk and Shiro are heading back from the abandoned base now. That door just malfunctioned after going so long without maintenance. And there was absolutely nothing important there,” Pidge answered, still focused on her computer screen. She realized part of what he said and turned around. “Wait, what do you mean ‘everything is wrong’?”
“You’re looking at a spatial-temporal anomaly, but it didn’t happen now. There shouldn’t have been one here. I…I think I might be from your future. Or, at least, sort of. I don’t look any different to you, do I?”
“No. You don’t. Get back to the part where you think you're from the future.”
“I don’t know how much I should tell you. I don’t know if it could upset the timeline. But I know when I am now.” He turned to Lance. “It’s been about a month now, right? And we had that talk?”
Lance nodded, trying to understand just what his boyfriend was saying about the future. “Yeah, and we did talk about it. Just a few minutes ago. But if you're from the future, I don’t know if talking about that now will help. It also doesn’t answer the question of if you’re Future Keith, what happened to Present Keith?”
“I don’t know. Best case, he switched places with me. He’ll be confused and probably a little scared, but I know he’s in good hands there. Fuck it feels weird talking about myself in the third person. Have you found out anything about the anomaly here?” he asked Pidge.
“Well, I think so, but I've never seen anything like this before.”
Keith came up behind her, looking over their temporal disruption. It was identical to the one he’d found in his time. He had no question now that he had switched bodies with his 18-year-old self. But at least there were a few things he didn’t need to worry about hiding. He knew he was at least partly Galra at this point. He wouldn’t meet Krolia for a little while, so he would have to keep that one to himself. But it also meant that he hadn’t been through the Quantum Abyss yet. There was no way he could tell them about that without explaining everything. He would have to be subtle with asking about the war.
“I have, but I can’t tell you anything specific. Like where, why, or how. And even knowing what it is, I don’t have your science brain, Pidgey. I have no idea how it works.”
Both Pidge and Lance were staring at him. Not because of what he said, but how he said it. He’d picked up a lot of linguistic quirks from Lance over the years, and no longer gave it any thought at all.
“You sound like Lance,” Pidge said finally.
“We’ve all spent a lot of time together over ten years,” Keith replied, avoiding the real question.
“Sure. What canyou tell me about this?”
Keith pulled Hunk’s usual seat over, sitting beside her. Lance perched on an empty spot of desk space, suddenly wanting to be closer to his boyfriend, or whatever he was at that point.
“It’s specific to a single point in space, but not this one. But that’s the problem. I can’t tell you anything about where it is or what it is because you haven’t gotten there yet. All I can say is that space and time work very differently there due to massive fluctuations in gravity, which is why this doesn’t make any sense.”
“Because there’s something there that affects the gravity in a way that it doesn’t where we found it.”
“Basically. It’s more like what affects gravity there doesn’t exist anywhere else, especially where this anomaly was found. It’s also far smaller here than it should be. Like the difference in scorch marks between Lance’s rifle and Hunk’s autocannon.”
“So, this anomaly is a precise shot, and where it should be is a huge mess,” Lance said.
“Pretty much,” Keith agreed, “But I really can’t tell you about it because there’s something vital to the war there and I don’t know how it would change things if you found out about it now. It wouldn’t be good. There are other players you don’t know about yet.”
Pidge continued typing away at her laptop, the 3D render of the anomaly rotating on the screen. Lance wanted to watch the progress, but he couldn’t focus on it. His attention was solely on Keith. Except for his earlier phrasing, he didn’t think Pidge had picked up on just how different he was. Body language, mannerisms, almost everything had changed in some way except for his physical appearance. And there was one thing Lance had noticed almost immediately after Keith started talking about the anomaly. He was pretty sure Keith wasn’t aware of it, but he had been running his left thumb across the ring finger of the same hand, like there was something missing. Lance thought about bringing it up, but decided not to, heavily suspecting Keith would just say that it was something else he couldn’t talk about.
Links to the rest of the series:
1 | 2 | 3* | 4 | 5* | 6* | 7 | 8 | 9* | 10 | 11 | 12* | 13 | 14 | 15* | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19*
14 notes · View notes
lokigodofaces · 3 years
list of variants/timelines i want to believe exist (and probably canonically do now)
this got long so i'm putting in a cut
a world where all of the events that happened in the Framework are real
bonus if the Framework world has their own version of the Framework that is like the real world in aos
Steve fell off the train, not Bucky. bc of the crap Zola did to Bucky, he survives in ice and well, and everything happens the same but Steve and Bucky's roles are reversed
Coulson doesn't bother to keep it a secret that he's alive, and the mcu is mainly just aos but with all the main characters as well (in other words, there's mainly good writing)
also in that world Steve and Bucky love Lola
Steve doesn't go back in time to live with Peggy
to all the people claiming aos isn't canon: Sylvie just made everything canon y'all. aos absolutely happened, and while i will argue that it happened in the main timeline, if you don't want to believe that it still happened in a timeline
Bucky didn't remember Steve soon enough, not until he killed Steve
Steve killed the Winter Soldier and didn't know who it was until he removed the mask
Hydra didn't hunt down Jiaying and by extent Daisy, so Daisy was raised by Jiaying and Cal who are not crazy bc they didn't have the same experiences they did in the main timeline
Thor never takes the others to Jotunheim, so Loki never learns he is Jotun
Fitz didn't survive almost drowning
Ward wasn't recruited by Garrett, but by literally any non-Hydra agent so he is a good guy
Coulson and May listened to the agent telling them to not send May in at Bahrain, heaven knows what happens there
the government gives the Avengers more than a week to go through the Accords, so they all get to the enhanced-people-have-to-wear-trackers, giant-underwater-prison, enhanced-operatives-can't-investigate-politicians, no-trial-for-enhanced, no-investigation-for-enhanced, etc sections so they all decide to not sign and just don't care what the government says
this is random, but i feel like Bucky as Ghost Rider would be a cool aesthetic.
the Avengers meet Robbie bc he keeps assassinating their targets bc they're targets of Ghost Rider's
Daisy dies instead of Lincoln
Daisy kills Lash before he can save her
Loki never "dies," so he is sent back to Asgardian prison after tdw
Radcliffe never reads the Darkhold, he just gave it to AIDA, so most of s4 doesn't happen
Dreykov comes after Natasha between Avengers and CACW, leading to the Avengers beating his *ss (like Yelena said, the god from space doesn't need an ibuprofen after a fight)
everything's the same but no Joss Whedon going on and on about Natasha not being able to have kids
whatever ship scenario you have is canon now
Loki gets all panicky after the Hulk beats him to a pulp, having now realized what he's done. Thor believes him, and this leads to Thanos being killed in 2012-13
Deadpool sits in the back of everything, shouting comments like "Yay! Superhero landing! But don't do that, it's bad for your knees!"
Peter Parker's parents never die
the Cavalry is an Avenger
Yondu brings Peter Quill to Ego, causing the universe's destruction
Gamora and Nebula get along their entire lives
Gamora and Nebula switch roles (Gamora becomes the cyborg, Nebula the guardian and Thanos's favorite daughter)
Heimdall actually bothers to look for Loki, seeing if they can find his body for a funeral, to find that he is being tortured by Thanos. Odin refuses to send anyone to save him, making Thor realize just how awful he is. Thor, Sif, and Warriors 3 go with the help of Heimdall to save Loki
Odin and Frigga are actually good parents, creating the most iconic trio ever
tw suicide for the next bullet point
Bucky commits suicide between TWS and CACW (Sebastian said in an interview once that Bucky was suicidal)
Loki keeps coming back as DB Cooper for fun or bc he keeps losing bets
the Eternals did interfere
the shrapnel kills Tony
this one thing i made about Mr Rogers adopting Loki
Robbie is part of the Avengers in 2012, but when he sees Loki he immediately says that Loki isn't the issue and goes off to fight Thanos single handedly (and wins)
for whatever reason Coulson and May do legally adopt all the Bus Kids
Hunter and Bobbi both go to break Fitz out of prison, and they stick around for the rest of the season
Fitz and Jemma never meet (saddest of sad days)
Loki for some reason is in FFH and he sees Mysterio's illusions and just laughs bc he's such an amateur
everything's the same, everyone's just obsessed with classical music and it's constantly playing so i get happy watching it
Asgardians are like the elves in LOTR (books, not the movies), so they're constantly singing and dancing and all
Loki is shown playing a Norse flute-like instrument (we know they exist, we've found them, they're different than your typical flute and we don't really know how they sound but i want Loki to be a flautist and no i'm not not projecting (note the double negative) and yes i headcanon Loki to be a flautist i don't care what anyone says)
everyone gets therapy
someone (Monica or Jimmy) hits Hayward on the head, knocking him out (the same way Gandalf knocked out Denethor in ROTK when Denethor told everyone to flee) and the rest of SWORD works with them because clearly Hayward has issues
Stephen commits to not texting and driving
somehow Luis becomes He Who Remains just for one timeline so the entire story is told like how he tells his flashbacks
Coulson doesn't help Fury and Carol escape
T'Challa does not survive and M'Baku becomes Black Panther
the suit in Iron Man 3 is not garbage the entire movie
Tony doesn't find a way to save himself in time
Ross dies in Incredible Hulk
Loki has a pet flerken he just always carries around
by the same logic, Bucky has a kitten he meets between TWS and CACW that he always carries around. said kitten attacks people when they attack Bucky
Bucky becomes Captain America instead of Sam
when Thor goes back to 2013 Asgard, he drags Loki with him back to 2023
Clint tests the time travel by going to Sokovia and drags Pietro back with him
Steve comes back an old man, but they use Bruce's attempt at time travel to turn him back into the 30 something Steve he was
literally anything happens other than Thanos killing Loki bc Loki only used knives when he isn't even tall enough to reach Thanos's neck
Sam and Bucky straight up kill Walker
Daisy never goes through terrigenesis
Loki somehow ends up a tutor for Daisy
Bucky joins the aos team after they find him on the run from Hydra
Bucky plays baritone saxophone bc bari saxes are awesome and it adds nothing to the plot but he spends at least half an hour in each movie playing bari sax
everything's the same but John Williams is the composer
S.H.I.E.L.D. uses GH-325 to revive a bunch of composers (Mozart, Dvorak, Beethoven, Bach, Bizet, Holst, y'know, all my guys) because they for whatever reason have their bodies because of some wack mission. and now they have a bunch of classical composers alive who insist on writing more music. and what are you going to do, tell Bach to stop composing?
by that same logic, someone working at the Guest House decides to steal Freddie Mercury's body so that they can revive him bc he just loves Queen that much
Thor realizes how awful Odin is and makes it his goal to get revenge for what Odin did to his little brother
Thor meets a bunch of Loki variants (most notably gator Loki) and just decides to stop questioning anything ever
Mobius teaches Loki how to ride a jet ski
Loki arrives at S.H.I.E.L.D. and informs everyone he wants to go to school and learn about politics and run for president and S.H.I.E.L.D. is like "okay whatever just don't tell anyone you're a literal god" but have no way to stop Loki from telling anyone
y'know the "shot heard 'round the world" thing from the Battle of Lexington (first battle in American revolution, if you don't know what it is, we have no clue who made the first shot & both sides were telling their troops to not fire. once that shot was fired the battle broke out)? yeah well that was Loki i'm pretty sure
Loki comes to Earth and becomes an Avenger and all but only ever introduces himself as DB Cooper. Thor doesn't ever come to Earth, so everyone just thinks DB Cooper found the secret to not age and just showed up to save people. he disappears for stretches of time & everyone stops being confused bc he was in hiding for decades of course no one's gonna find him (he is actually on Asgard)
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9worldstales · 3 years
MCU Loki Ep 2 “The Variant” intensive analysis
So, the 2nd “Loki” episode come out and, again, I couldn’t stop myself from talking about it.
Beware about spoilers!
After a brief summary that’s basically made by showing us the most relevant scenes of Episode 1 we’ve the Marvel opening, this time with its usual music… though the Marvel studios logo is still in green and gold.
We start this episode in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1985, the year of “Back of the future”, only there’s no Martin or Doc or the DeLorean, but just some sort of medieval fair.
Anyway Minutemen get on the place and didn’t care at all about how they’re attracting the general attention with their look. We know why, because they think to reset the timeline before leaving so it’s not like their magical apparition might change something.
They believe they’ve detected the Variant so they enter in a tent thinking they can capture them… only to fall straight in a trap, as the Variant was waiting for them, starting a registration as soon as they are where the Variant wants them to be.
Yeah, the registration was meant to be for the show that should have taken place there but the Minutemen are smart enough to get it’s a trap.
After a recorded message that seem to imply in that tent there was meant to happen some sort of contest or show about saving a princess…
My lords, my ladies, welcome and thank you for joining us, here at the castle. Please, settle into your seats for a great battle is about to commence. The prize? Our princess. Will evil prevail, or are we holding out for a hero?
…the song by Bonnie Tyler “Holding Out For A Hero” starts and, as it does Hunter C-20 gets possessed by the Variant (we can see a hand touching her head, green magic on the tip of its finger, and then Hunter C-20’s eyes take an odd green colouring for a moment, a sign she’s possessed) and starts murdering out her own men in a joint effort with the Loki Variant. However while she fights she suddenly drops unconscious and a figure in a cape, clearly our Variant, stabs with her sword the last minuteman. Then, as usual, the Variant steals from the Minuteman what she needs and, this time, also kidnaps Hunter C-20 before disappearing.
Many have seen in the scene a reference to the Shrek 2 scene in which Shrek and his friends storm the castle in order to stop Fiona from kissing Charming, disguised as Shrek.
Me, I would just want to know if the princess is meant to be Hunter C-20 or this Loki Variant.
We’ll see.
Well, anyway we get the Loki title and them we find ourselves with Loki reading a jet ski magazine when Miss Minute would want him to review what he had learnt instead. She tries to quiz him but, although Loki seems to know the answers, he’s not interested in being quizzed, defining it boring.
His attention focuses on Miss Minute, asking her if she’s a recording or alive. She explains she’s both.
Loki looks around then tries to test it, rolling the magazine and attempting to use it to hit Miss Minute, who jumps around in an effort to avoid his blows. He seems to have fun. If this is idea of venting for the mistreatment he suffered at the hands of the TVA or he’s just being playful that’s up to speculation.
Miss Minute escapes inside the pc, complaining he’s being a jerk.
Mobius joins him and from his dialogue we discover the magazine is actually Mobius’ not Loki’s. The guy gives him a package, telling him they’ve to go and that he has to wear what’s inside it, which is actually a jacket, which Loki wears.
They join the others and Hunter B-15 explains how C-20 and her team disappeared in 1885 and they expect it to be an ambush by a Loki Variant, although they don’t know which kind of Loki Variant it can be. Loki suggests they’re the lesser kind, lesser than him, of course.
Hunter B-15 demands to see the back of his jacket on which we can see the writing Variant. She laughs seeing the writing, mockingly, the way one would when he has managed to put an insulting sign on someone’s back without them realizing.
Loki points out she was very subtle in it and she explains she doesn’t want anyone to forget who he is… which, I guess, means Hunter B-15 found yellow, star shaped badges too subtle or maybe not fitting to everyone they deemed a less human to prune away.
Still Loki asks her back if she means they shouldn’t forger he’s their only hope of capturing a murderer.
B-15, who never believed him to be capable of something, correct him saying they should never forget he’s ‘a cosmic mistake’. In short the writing is there to make him recognizable, to ostracize and to humiliate him. He’s not like them, he’s a Variant.
She’s not doing this because he’s dangerous and they should be wary of him, just because he shouldn’t exist.
Mobius states that this is enough… which hints he’s not enjoying this, but he allowed it to happen and didn’t even warn or prepare Loki about it.
Long story short he’s clearly different from B-15 who relishes in all this (and mind you, this is not a critic to Wunmi Mosaku, who’s awesome in the part, just to her character) but he still doesn’t really take a big stance against it as he stopped it only when it dragged on too long.
Mobius brings them back to business, telling everyone they’re looking for a Loki, a variation of the guy with them. He reminds them they should be familiar with Loki because they had pruned more Loki Variants than any other Variant and they’re all different, in appearances.
As Mobius speak we’re shown some Loki Variations with their numbers. Our Loki is the Variant L1130.
I wanted to check the numbers near the Lokis but it seems there had been a mistake in the handling of the numbers
Jotun Loki appears to have first the number L1247 but in the close up it switches to L6792
Cyclist Loki is L1247 and the hulking one is L6792 while the green dressed one is L8914 and the last one with the big helmet is L7803.
Long story short Jotun Loki has probably 2 wrong numbers pasted on himself as they belong to other variations but all the Lokis’ numbers has in common the letter L at the beginning which I guess, stands for Loki.
The visual makes something interesting, projecting the various variants on Loki, which makes us immediately aware of the differences but also reminds us they’re all still Loki.
What leaves me perplex is how those Variants became so different from the original Loki. I mean, our Loki was caught few minutes after he escaped. Unless those Loki managed to escape to the TVA for a while (which would risk the timeline to reach a red line so it seems unlikely it happened) how did they manage to deviate so much from how they were meant to be in the Sacred Timeline?
I mean cyclist Loki would have needed the time to take part to a race to in that cup!
It’s true that in this episode it will turn out the TVA worries only of deviations that impact the timeline, so maybe the TVA started worrying late in their case but it’s still weird.
Anyway Mobius starts digging into the powers they’ve in common which are shape-shifting, illusion-projection, duplication-casting and Mobius’ favourite, which we don’t get to hear as Loki interrupts Mobius saying he got one of the names of his power wrong, it’s Duplication-casting, not Illusion-projection and explains the differences between the two, finishing with:
“But you already knew that.”
… which they didn’t. In short it’s Loki’s turn to point out they act as if they know him when they don’t know him and his powers as well as they think and that he’s actually of some use.
On a sidenote there’s to wonder which one is Mobius’ Loki’s favourite power and if it’s meant to be relevant. This Variant showed it could posses people, and I wonder if what happened to Selvig at the end of “Thor” is a hint our Loki can as well. Our Loki could travel through the secret paths… in “Thor” he could spell his knives, which we know he can make appear out of nowhere. In deleted scenes we learn he could cause mist to appear. “Thor: Ragnarok” said Loki turned Thor into a frog. I wouldn’t mind if he were to start turn people of the TVA into frogs.
Anyway Mobius accepts his explanation and tells the others they’re gonna break in two teams, one of which will include himself and ‘professor Loki’.
B-15’s words about Loki being a cosmic failure clearly made an impression as one of the minutemen question the idea and Mobius is forced to admit since they can’t find this Loki Variant they need an ‘expert’.
Loki takes his chance to remind everyone that by expert Mobius means him. He’s there because he has a use, an importance, a role and they shouldn’t look down on him.
The scene switches.
Loki and Mobius are walking toward the door that will bring them in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1985.
Loki, repeating a pattern seen in “Thor: The Dark World” asks for a weapon…
Loki (Thor: The Dark World): “You could at least furnish me with a weapon. My dagger, something!”
Loki (Loki): “Do I get a weapon?”
…which Mobius refuses to give him. Loki though points out once out of the TVA he’ll have his magic back and asks Mobius if no one is worried he’ll betray them.
Loki: “Well, I'll have my magic back. Is no one concerned about that?”
Mobius: “Of what?”
Loki: “Me betraying you.”
This also is something we saw in “Thor: The Dark World”.
Loki: “You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?”
Mobius can’t say Frigga did trust him or that he promises him vengeance in exchange of loyalty so he tries to go for something he knew Loki wanted, a meeting with the Time-Keepers. Considering Renslayer, who’s above Mobius, couldn’t grant Loki that, if I were in Loki I would genuinely doubt Mobius can. He just tries to dangle in front of his eyes something Loki might want to win him over.
Loki pauses as Mobius mentions he could meet the Time-Keepers and asks if that’s what’s on the table. Mobius doesn’t really give him a straight answer, just a ‘Keep that focus’.
I wonder if Loki really wants to meet the three space lizards or he just let Mobius believe so because, by acting that way, he made clear he’s interested.
Oh, now that I look at it behind the helmets of the minutemen there are codes which could be their identification codes or names, since they don’t seem to use names.
B-15 has obviously written B-15 while other minutemen had much longer codes.
The group arrives in 1985 and Loki makes a relevant question:
“Let me ask you this, why don't we just travel back to before the attack, when the Variant first arrives?”
It’s something many viewers have been wondering and it turns out that the answer is:
“Nexus events destabilize the time flow. This branch is still changing and growing, so you gotta show up in real time.”
In short the authors knew this could feel like a dumb plot hole so they made a rule to explain why this couldn’t be done. It’s still not perfert… I mean, what it means to show up in real time? They aren’t in the same time as 1985, when itìs real time for them? But whatever, it’s nice they tried to fix this problem.
Mobius asks Loki if he watched all the explicative videos he was supposed to watch and Loki replied only as many as he could stand because he find that their ‘TVA propaganda is exhausting’.
I’m glad Loki and I see things in the same way. Most of the TVA babbling is propaganda meant to brainwash people’s mind.
A Minuteman then asks Loki what ‘these’ (these being the Time Charges) do.
Loki knows perfectly and gives us the confirmation to the thing I, and many others, suspected in the past episode.
Time Charges…
“Reset charges prune the affected radius of a branched timeline, allowing time to heal all its wounds. Which sounds like a nice way of saying disintegrate everything in its vicinity.”
So yeah, it’s genocide or total destruction of that timeline and all the people in it.
But also yeah, Loki studied all he was supposed to study although he insists he watched only some of the videos. I’m not surprised though, a wizard had to be good at studying things and Loki clearly wanted to know how that world worked so of course he would have watched the video even if he’s downplaying it.
They reach the place in which the TVA fought Loki and discover the Loki Variant kidnapped C-20. It turns out that it’s the first time that Variant kidnapped someone. A minuteman suggests the Variant might have pruned (aka killed but the TVA doesn’t use that word) C-20.
B-15 acts defensively, saying a Loki couldn’t have beaten C-20. She clearly views the Lokis, the whole of them as this time she’s not even saying Variants, as inferior. She should probably remember she got collared by one Loki.
Loki tries to warn her saying she’s underestimating the Variant… which she’s doing as the Variant could have very well ‘pruned’ C-20 had the Variant wanted to.
B-15 isn’t interested in hearing him out as she interrupt him and tells the other to fan out and starts searching for C-20 fast as they’re approaching the red line.
Loki stops them, telling them if they’ll leave the tent they’ll end up killed. B-15 thinks it’s a waste of time but Mobius is willing to hear him out.
Loki launches himself in a long explanation, the gist of it being he thinks there’s a scheme behind the Variant’s actions, that they should be aware of their surrounding, listen more (like he does) and less prone to underestimate him or the ‘lesser Loki’.
Now… he’s not completely wrong, the TVA underestimates him, and they has underestimated the other Loki Variant, which we saw lead to some of their losses.
Loki claims the Variant wants him because they know he’s the stronger Loki and so wants to join forces with him to overthrown and rule the TVA. I’m not sure how the Variant would have known there’s a Loki working with the TVA but let’s assume they do and that Loki’s reasoning could make sense… or could be explained with him trying to paint himself as more important than he is.
But then he goes saying that this isn’t what he wants as he’s now a servant of the Sacred Timeline… which is patently untrue and hard to believe… who can hand them the Variant but what assurances he won’t be disintegrated once the job is done.
And okay, his own is a legitimate worry and a legitimate request.
It’s actually clever to ask for reassurances the TVA won’t dispose of him once the job is done… though it’s not like there’s an actual bargaining ground because, if Loki isn’t cooperative and therefore is useless, the TVA will dispose of him anyway.
It’s not so clever he would try to pass himself for a servant of the timeline when he clearly didn’t play the part well. Of course since he said Asgardians were fundamentally naïve, maybe that’s the kind of people he’s used to deal with… but he has experienced distrust in Asgard in “Thor”, proof his own people isn’t so naïve… and he should have figured out Mobius isn’t either.
And then he presses for urgently meeting the Time-Keepers saying they’re in grave danger… and this jump isn’t smooth.
Mobius knows Loki wants to meet the Time-Keepers, so of course if Loki pushes the issue in this way he’s going to be prone to assume it’s a trick. The speech doesn’t even keep a logical flow because Loki first presented himself as better than the Variant and capable to handle it but reluctant to do so for fear of being erased… but now he’s presenting the Variant as a grave threat that requires them to urgently talk with the Time-Keepers.
So from one side it’s pushing for too much when he hadn’t even shown himself to be useful yet and for another it makes for a weak argument if he’s really as superior as he claims to be.
So… hum… the speech seems to tumble down in an unsatisfactory manner, ‘seems’ being the operative word because, if there’s a goal behind its weak points, then they still have a reason to exist.
I’m actually not quite sure which game Loki is playing with the TVA.
He’s for sure trying to survive but then what else does he want to get? I don’t believe he aims to control the universe but I’m pretty sure he’s not swallowing the TVA propaganda and he doesn’t enjoy to be there.
His timeline was pruned so he can’t go back there. Does he want to save Frigga? Is that what he aims to do? Does he want to go into the timeline after… let’s call it ‘canon Loki’ died so as to replace him?
Prior to it?
I don’t know.
Is he saying all those things for the Loki Variant’s benefit? He hopes the Variant is out there hearing him and his speech would make the Variant interested in joining forces?
I don’t know. We’ll see.
Anyway as expected Mobius figures it’s a trick and, since there’s no more time to do anything else, they just reset the timeline and leave.
On another note I like how Loki uses an Asgardian way to say. Way too often in movies even aliens feel compelled to use English ways to say instead than way to say from the world they belong to.
We also see how a time charge works. Loki hurries to move away as soon as he sees them starting it.
They… do something with the top part of it, I’m not sure if they push a button or pulled some sort of safety pin. We see something yellowish being released in the fluid inside the time charge which then turns purplish. The purple colour expands to the whole glass of the time charge until from below it something like a coloured expanding pool comes out. Everything that gets touched by that pool ends up being disintegrated.
At the TVA the monitors show that the ‘reset’ (read ‘disintegration’) of the timeline is done and that C-20 ended up MIA.
A music that’s half sad half… disquieting, start being played and we move into Renslayer’s office.
Mobius is complimenting for her office, pointing out how there’s a new snow globe in it and how he doesn’t remember bringing it to her.
She replies he’s not the only analyst working for her, which seems to imply analysts working for her are meant to bring her souvenirs from their missions. Or better… not quite. Mobius asks her why she gets to keep all the trophies from his cases, which seems to imply they weren’t given willingly.
Still, he tries to get her to admit he’s her favourite analyst.
I’m not really sure what’s going on between these two. They don’t seem to be in a relationship and I’m not sure if Mobius’ attempts at flattering her are because he’d like to be in a relationship with her but doesn’t dare to push the issue or because he’s currying her favours.
We’ll see.
Renslayer moves the discussion to the mission Mobius just botched and I don’t know if I would define it as such. Okay, so they didn’t find C-20 nor the other Loki Variant but chances here are two:
- the Loki Variant was out there using C-20 as bait as Loki said, setting a trap for them, and they successfully avoided it
- the Loki Variant wasn’t out there and so wasn’t C-20 and therefore was nothing for them to find.
Either way the mission wasn’t botched as they came back and successfully disintegrated… pardon, the TVA doesn’t like that word, they prefer ‘purged’ the branched timeline and any living being inside it.
Renslayer, referring to Loki as just ‘this Variant’ complains he’s insubordinate, stubborn and unpredictable like Mobius.
Honestly I think the whole series is trying to draw parallels between Loki and Mobius, where Mobius is however the one who chose to submit to the system where Loki just can’t stand it and wants to break it down.
So, although Mobius should be ‘all lawful’ we can see there’s a bit of ‘chaotic’ inside him.
It’s probably worth to remember that ‘lawful’ and ‘chaotic’ are nothing else but the two opposite extreme on the Ethical axis used for RPG alignment where Lawful represents obedience to the law and Chaotic leans toward personal freedom, without regards to the law.
There’s another sign Mobius isn’t fully lawful, the fact he has the bad habit to leave the glass rest on Renslayer’s furniture, leaving rings, and then insisting he’s not who caused them as they were already there… when Renslayer points out they’re all there due to him.
I know a part of the fandom loves Mobius but I wonder if he’s in the story not only to interact with Loki but also to work in contraposition to him. There are two paths for him, either he chooses the same path as Loki or the opposite. We’ll see.
Mobius tries to blame the ring on Renslayer’s other favourite analyst. I wonder if such person exists and is meant to have a relevance in the story. It’ll be interesting if it’s the other Loki Variant in disguise.
I mean… the other Loki Variant knows plenty of things about the TVA which hints at how they should have a previous and prolonged contact with them because the TVA explains nearly nothing about how their things work to their captives but the other Loki Variant knows what Reset charges are and how they work or how to use a TemPad to open Timedoors.
Yet Mobius doesn’t seem to have info on when they captured that Variant, carried it to the TVA and then let them escape, so again, how did the Variant learnt so much about the TVA?
From another escaping Variant?
Hard to say?
Did they saw the TVA and tailed them till the TVA unnoticed?
I can’t really tell, we’ll see.
Anyway, back to their conversation, Renslayer points out the issue isn’t Mobius’ methods with Loki, but the fact he towed a dangerous Variant into the field… meaning they consider Loki dangerous.
Mobius claims that from that they had learnt ‘the Variant’ likes to stall for time, so the other Variant might end up doing the same, because, to Mobius, understanding one Loki leads to understand the other.
And I’m:
- actually you didn’t need to bring Loki to the field to learn this, didn’t you notice that’s what he did in other circumstances?
- if the two Lokis are different, no, understanding one doesn’t mean understand the other. I mean you had a Loki who was fine living as a Jotun while this one was traumatized by the idea he was a Jotun, Loki can be pretty different about them, enough to be complete opposite so no, nobody said they’ll surely share that particular trait.
Whatever, let’s go on.
Renslayer says Mobius has a soft spot for broken things (which Mobius denies because he’s a bit like Loki and doesn’t want to show weakness), which acknowledges this Loki is broken… but gains him no sympathy from Renslayer as she said that ‘Loki is an evil, lying scourge’. Because he attacked New York? Nope, just because this is the part he plays on the sacred timeline and he can change only if the Time-Keepers decree so, not because he wants to.
Renslayer is big on the predeterminism when it’s about Loki (who’s a Variant by the way and therefore already out of the Sacred Timeline) but why doesn’t she apply it to the TVA as well? They’ll take the Variant only if the Time-Keepers will so.
I think the TVA’s faith in the Time-Keepers has plenty of weak points and is hypocritical. I wonder if the show will explore this.
Mobius switches topic asking how the Time-Keepers are and it turns out he NEVER met them. So he basically can’t even be sure they exist or not, yet he’s pouring all his faith in those three space lizard.
Mobius seems kind of glad he hadn’t met them, which seems to hit they’re either dangerous to meet or he doesn’t have a good opinion of them.
Renslayer says:
“The Time-Keepers are monitoring every aspect of this case. I've never seen them so involved. They want that Variant caught.”
…which seems a way to put Mobius under pressure but really, if they decide the flow of time, shouldn’t the decide if Mobius will catch the Variant or not? They can decide if a Variant Loki can change or not but they can’t control the other?
Anyway Mobius signs the event report Renslayer already signed. We can see Renslayer signs R Slayer while Mobius signs M. M. M.
Mobius notices the pen he used for signing has the writing ‘Franklyn D. Roosvelt High School’ on it and complains that pen too should be from the other analyst Renslayer favoured. And I wonder again, who they are? They’re meant to be relevant? Or they’re only a plot device to make Mobius jealous?
Renslayer only tells him to stay focused. As he’s about to leave though, she stops him asking him if he believes in that Variant. Mobius doesn’t confirm this, saying Loki believes in himself enough for the both of them, complaining Loki is really arrogant and that he will delete him himself if this doesn’t work.
Of course these might be just words he tells to Renslayer but we saw him taking part to erasing timelines and even if he showed sympathy and kindness to the French boy he met in the cathedral in the very first episode, he let him be reset.
“Don't worry, that devil's afraid of us. We're gonna take care of him. And we're gonna put you back where you belong.”
This apparently kind sentence meant they disintegrate him and his timeline so the place the boy belong is basically oblivion.
But I’ll dig on Mobius and Loki in a moment.
For now let me pause a moment on the pen, another gift of Renslayer’s mysterious over analyst, with written on it ‘Franklyn D. Roosvelt High School’.
Franklyn D. Roosvelt, ex-president of the united state is also relevant for the MCU.
In 1940 Roosevelt ordered the formation of the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) to fight the Nazi Party, even though the United States was still at peace with Germany. To ensure that only the greatest scientists work for the SSR, Roosevelt ordered Chester Phillips to recruit Howard Stark into the agency. SSR works in the creation of the Super Soldier Sierum, which ‘gives birth’ to Captain America then it is the re-tasked to fight Hydra. Later it will become part of S.H.I.E.L.D.
So yeah, maybe it’s a coincidence but it’s interesting.
Back to the story.
Mobius leaves Renslayer and we discover Loki has been left outside Renslayer’s office to wait.
Mobius whistles and also motions to Loki to follow him.
Some has compared this with how one would act to a dog. It’s possible they’re not so off track.
The TVA is a world that discriminates Variants and find them worth only being erased. They shouldn’t exist, they’re cosmic jokes, no one should forget someone is a Variant.
Mobius too in his discussion with Renslayer referred to Loki as just “the Variant”. Yet Mobius also feels some sympathy for Loki. Renslayer says he has a soft spot for broken things, if can mean she acknowledges Loki was broken by his experience… but she might also refer to the mere fact he’s a Variant and Variants, in a way, can be seen as ‘broken’ as they didn’t function properly but followed their own path instead than the one the Time-Keepers traced for them.
So the idea Mobius sees Loki as some sort of pet can be fitting. Mobius is growing fond of Loki… but he’s still imbued in all the TVA’s beliefs and teachings about predeterminism and how Variants are bad.
He doesn’t want to be needlessly mean to Loki, but the latter isn’t equal to him, he’s a tool, as everyone reminds him and as he has to remind to everyone else.
Variants has no rights in the TVA, they just exist to be pruned, reset, or, in less pretty but more realistic words, disintegrated.
And Mobius is a guy in the middle.
While he doesn’t want to be a jerk to Variants… or to people in the Sacred Timeline who’re going to die, he’s not really willing to fully fight against the system because he has faith in the system and a side of him he thinks Loki should just accept his place.
We see it in their discussion.
Loki is somewhat nervous… which, I’ll be honest, feels a little weird to me because he’s being openly nervous when usually Loki can keep controlled and hide this sort of things.
He had played a high risk bet during the mission and lost, he had time to think at what to say to Mobius while Mobius was discussing with Renslayer yet what he comes up isn’t really worth of someone who’s supposed to have a silver-tongue.
Okay, so it’s not like we were shown him using his silver-tongue in the movies, as people tended to do the opposite of what Loki asked them or not listen him at all, with the exception of Malekith and the Grandmaster… but we don’t get to see how Loki won the Grandmaster over.
Whatever, maybe there’s a reason, maybe not, we’ll see.
When facing the Variant later, Loki will say he kept the TVA vulnerable at the Renaissance Fair for some time and also that he has been working on gaining their trust. Presenting himself as openly insecure to Mobius, instead than hiding it as he would usually do, might be part of winning him over. As I said in the past commentary for ep 1, sometimes there are more benefits in being honest than in lying, so it can be that it’s not that Loki isn’t nervous, it can be he sees more benefits in showing it to Mobius.
We’ll see.
Mobius is in a bad mood. Although it didn’t seem Renslayer had given him a earful for his failure, it can be his failure burns. He tells Loki to show up, reminding him in the elevator he said he didn’t like to talk… which is something else that makes me think Loki is trying to give Mobius EXACTLY what Mobius asked for, so as to fulfil his expectations and lower his guard.
The following conversation is relevant.
Mobius: Okay. Just shut up! Please. What happened to the guy I met on the elevator? Who didn't like to talk. Remember him? Now I'm stuck with this guy who won't stop yacking away about what makes a Loki tick!
Loki: What? Isn't that precisely why I'm here?
Mobius: No. I don't care what makes you tick. You're here to help me catch the superior version of yourself. That's it!
Only Mobius in the previous episode told him he wanted exactly this from him.
Mobius: I'm serious. All I seek is a deeper understanding of the fearsome God of Mischief. What makes Loki tick?
This is the problem of an unequal partnership like their own. Loki isn’t there because he’s Mobius’ partner and equal, Loki is there to serve a purpose, capturing the other Loki. Renslayer might be right and Mobius might have a soft spot with him, but in the end Mobius ends up reminding Loki his place in the TVA, he’s there to be useful.
Loki takes offence by Mobius calling the other Variant “superior”.
Mobius gives us a slice of his mind… and Loki calls him out on his attempt of manipulation.
Mobius: See? There it is. Right there. I believed, stupidly, that insecure need for validation would motivate you to find the killer. Not 'cause you care about the TVA mission or bein' a hero, but because you know this Variant is better than you and you can't take it.
Loki: Very nice. I mean, it is adorable that you think you could possibly manipulate me. I'm ten steps ahead of you. I've been playing a game of my own all along.
But there’s something else worth pointing out. Mobius clearly believes working for the TVA equates at being a hero… and also that Loki would be so prideful he would serve the TVA merely to show them he’s better than the other without caring of how the TVA then might dispose of him.
And again Loki shows his cards way too openly so Mobius calls him out.
Mobius: What, charm your way in front of the Time-Keepers, hustle them, and seize control of the TVA? Am I getting warm? A double cross by history's most reliable liar.
Is really this what Loki aims at? This is what he’s telling around but is really this? Maybe but it seems so obvious, even Mobius could guess it in 5 minutes so… I don’t know, it seems too predictable for someone who’s supposedly smart.
The discussion goes on. Loki has figured since Mobius didn’t have him erased after that failure he is sticking his neck out for him so he asks him why.
Mobius: I'll give you two options, and you can believe whichever one you want. A, because I see a scared little boy, shivering in the cold. And you kinda feel bad for that ice runt. Or B, I just wanna catch this guy, and I'll tell you whatever I need to tell you.
I think both options are true, although usually, when proposing two options, the implication is the speaker is telling us to chose the last one… and it makes sense because this is the main motive Mobius is helping Loki. He could do nothing for him if it wasn’t because Loki could be useful… but this doesn’t men Mobius has no sympathy for him.
On another note it’s the second time the scripts hints at Loki as being young
Loki: I was young (in 1971), and I lost a bet to Thor. Where was the TVA when I was meddling with these affairs of men?
I really wonder if the idea is that Loki is young for Asgard standards.
Anyway Loki points out he doesn’t need Mobius’ sympathy, at which Mobius replies that’s good because he’s running out of it.
And again in itself there’s a problem. Mobius probably sees himself as a good person, because the fact he’s using Loki also means he’s sparing Loki from being pruned but, of course, if he has no use for Loki, this wouldn’t save him any longer.
If sympathy is tied to personal convenience, it’s not really sympathy.
As soon as they caught this Loki Mobius ran there to get him for himself because he thought it would be useful. He could have grown fond and it’s fine because it happens… but the key is still Loki has to be useful to him in order to be kept. So he’s not a really selfless act.
That’s why Mobius is no hero, who selflessly sacrifice for Loki, because he hopes in personal gain and… and it’s absolutely human. Mobius might have studied Loki but he basically just met him. Mobius has his own life. Why should he sacrifice it for Loki?
He’s planning for their allegiance to offer mutual benefits, Loki helps Mobius to wipe another Loki out of existence and Loki gets to live a little longer even though, being a Variant, Loki should have been already disposed of.
Mobius probably feels very kind and the other at the TVA would probably agree with him, because he’s giving a chance to someone who is lesser and has no right to chances and this is how their world work.
But we, viewers should be capable to understand their world works in the wrong way.
Loki: What's this? Next step of your manipulation...
Mobius: This is the final step. Your last chance.
Loki: Oh, and what does my desperate last chance require?
At this point Loki has moved back into keeping distance. He calls what’s Mobius is doing as manipulation and sounds flippant as he talks of his ‘desperate last chance’.
Mobius might have sympathy for him but Loki has likely figured out Mobius wouldn’t save him from the TVA beyond a certain point. The very best Mobius can offer him is to remain there working for the TVA to catch other Lokis, all while wearing a jacket that points out he’s a Variant as well, a cosmic joke.
Maybe Mobius might manage to have him dismiss wearing that jacket. Still, all this is tied to how much useful he can be. Mobius though can’t offer him freedom or a way back home.
Anyway Loki’s last chance is to work, to go over each and every one of the Variant's case files, and then, give him his unique Loki perspective and find something. All this while Mobius goes to eat something and keeping in mind his life depends on him proving to be of some use.
Again we’re reminded that Loki isn’t free to drop this work, he’s forced to cooperate, his life depends on it.
Loki starts looking through the documents which basically cover the various cases in which the Variant ambushed the Minutemen and stole their reset charge, clearly not finding them interesting. A woman hush him and he hush her back.
Loki tries going to the one who seems a librarian… but who’s actually so mechanical she feels more like a robot who can’t stop typing to pay attention to those who call her if they don’t ring at her first.
Loki asks her for more files. No, not files on the case, files pertaining to the creation of the TVA… but they’re all classified. The same goes for files pertaining to the beginning of time and the end of the time.
Exasperated Loki asks which files he can have and he’s handed a handful of them which, merely cover his case as a Variant and the life of his alternate self in the sacred timeline.
Loki reads them anyway and discovers of the destruction of Asgard.
As he does he can’t help but shed a tear for his former planet, before noticing the TVA also noted that during the event there was zero variance energy detected.
This causes him to connect some important dots and so he rushes to join Mobius to the restaurant.
At first Mobius doesn’t want to listen him, claiming he told him not to bother him until he read all the files which Loki claims to have done.
Honestly he didn’t seem particularly interested in them but he might have done it as someone who practices magic should have been good at studying. Mobius insists and Loki points out  what they’re searching isn’t in the files but in the timeline as the Variant is hiding in the apocalypse.
Mobius asks which one and Loki mentions Ragnarok, asking him if he’s familiar to it. And I wonder if Loki wanted an answer to this one question, if he wanted to know if Mobius knew his homeland was wiped away, that this is something the TVA allowed.
Mobius confirms he knows about it and apologizes to him.
Loki pretends not to care and goes on discussing how a Nexus event is the result of someone doing something he’s not supposed to that causes a chain reaction of things that aren’t supposed to happen.
Mobius confirms.
At this point Loki steals the salad Mobius was eating for his example and decides in his metaphor that salad will represent Asgard.
And tell me whatever you want but, as far as I’m involved this is Loki paying back Mobius for letting him to work while he went to eat.
Mobius gets immediately that his lunch is going to meet an abrupt demise but Loki doesn’t let this deter him.
Loki suggests if he were to go on Asgard before Ragnarok he could do whatever he wants, even push Hulk off the Rainbow bridge, and to prove his point, he adds more salt to the salad. He then says he could also set fire to the place. I don’t know what he adds to Mobius’ salad as he says so, maybe pepper, but this is enough to make Mobius beg not to set fire to the place, which I find hilarious. Loki continues to put salt and… pepper? Into Mobius’ salad commenting that he can do whatever he wants without going against the dictates of the timeline.
He then picks up Mobius’ drink only to find it empty so he goes to get the drink from the nearby’s table, Casey’s table. He then pours it into Mobius’ salad, likely making it impossible to eat, explaining how the drink represents Surtur who will destroy Asgard no matter what Loki does so what he does doesn’t matter.
In short, in addition to making his point, Loki let Mobius too without lunch.
Fair since Loki didn’t have lunch at all.
Mobius still doesn’t get it so Loki goes further on explaining if they have an apocalypse of whatever kind it doesn’t matter what one would do in it because everything would get destroyed so the Variant has to be hiding in an apocalypse, doing whatever they want without them noticing.
Mobius is forced to admit it’s not a bad theory and Loki tells him to bring him to an apocalypse and he’ll show him.
Mobius accuses him of wanting to run back to his homeland and Loki says whatever apocalypse will do. Mobius makes clear he’s afraid to bring Loki around and Loki insists they’ve to test his theory. Mobius makes clear he’s afraid Loki would want to test how stabbable is his back.
Loki complains stabbing someone in the back is a boring form of betrayal. Mobius said he has done it 50 times… which is really not much for someone who lived as long as Loki especially since most of those stabbing if not all took place during battle, because Mobius is talking of literal stabbing here, not metaphorical one.
Loki is not really interested in arguing this one though and just says he won’t do it again because it got old which causes Mobius to laugh. Loki insists that he understands Mobius doesn’t trust him but he should trust something else, Loki loves to be right… and this seals the deal.
So the guys are at Pompeii, Italy – 78 AD, though it would be more correct to say they’re at Pompeii, ROMAN EMPIRE – AD 78 or 78 CE.
Eruption day.
While Mobius is absolutely scared they might mess up the timeline Loki is as overexcited like a kid on a sugar rush.
Loki cried reading of the destruction of Asgard but here he seems pretty giddy.
To Mobius scolding him because ‘it’s just not in good taste’ he replies ‘they’re gonna die anyway’.
And in itself is interesting. Mobius said he’s sorry for Asgard destruction, now he worries about ‘good taste’ but in the end he’s not going to do anything to spare those people’s lives.
The dead count will be of over 2.000 a good part of it dying a horrible albeit fast death as they’ll be literally vaporized by the heat of the pyroclastic flow.
In face of so many people about to die Mobius worrying Loki’s behaviour isn’t in good taste feels hypocritical, a mere care for the form, in fact he agrees with Loki it’s ‘cool’ the whole city will be wiped off the planet and his main worry is they shouldn’t create a huge branch.
Anyway, while Mobius insist they should start creating only a very small disturbance, Loki ends up freeing animals and announcing the eruption and the following death of everyone to the people.
Loki making all that chaos feels as if this is way to distance from the apocalypse that hit Asgard. Honestly I don’t think he wanted to go there during Ragnarok if there was nothing he could have done to save it.
However his speech is also an interesting way for Loki to try and pry info from Mobius about the TVA
Loki: ( Speaking latin ) You’re all about to die. That volcano is about to erupt! I would know, because I’m from the future. ( In english ) We are from the future, right? What is the TVA? I mean, it's from the future. It sounds from the future. It's pretty future-y.
Mobius won’t reply to him but the eruption will start right there, the Tempad continuing to sign zero variance energy, proving Loki was right. I wonder if this was also Loki’s way to try and see if an apocalypse could be prevented.
Oh, Loki talks Latin here but I’ve already talked about the language problem in the MCU and how the TVA seems to have a tv series version of Allspeak which, evidently passed to Loki too as he showed he previously couldn’t talk to Mongolian people.
On another note… the eruption, as depicted in the show, is not historically accurate.
Around 1:00 p.m., Mount Vesuvius violently erupted, spewing up a high-altitude column (the column supposedly as high as 30 km) from which ash and pumice began to fall, blanketing the area. Rescues and escapes occurred during this time.
It’s only much later, in the night or during the day after that the pyroclastic flows began and it Pompeei 4 minutes later, murdering everyone there.
The show instead seems to mix up the first eruption with the beginning of the pyroclastic flow (which is the one we see approaching from behind Loki), skipping the fall of ash and pumice.
Of course from a storytelling point of view it works a lot better, so it’s not a big deal and it’s just artistic freedom, it’s just my history lover’s heart which is bleeding.
If you want to enjoy how the eruption looked like there’s a nice video on Youtube “A Day in Pompeii - Full-length animation”.
The switch between Pompeii and back to the TVA feels a little abrupt, as if the Pompeii scene was meant to last more and they cut it.
Anyway they’re back on TVA and Mobius is summarizing Loki’s theory. Loki tells him he’s welcome, which, I take, is Loki’s clue he’d like to be thanked for his contribution. Mobius though is more focused on the mechanics of their new discovery.
He believes for Loki’s theory to hold the disasters have to be naturally-occurring, sudden, no warning, no survivors. So Ragnarok wouldn’t be okay because Loki and Thor triggered it and there were survivors. That is unless the TVA retconned “Thor: Ragnarok”.
Anyway, they decide they’ll have to find out how many of those natural disasters there are… but in the end Loki falls asleep on all the documents they’re checking.
I know there’s a debate if this proves he trusts Mobius or not… but the point is, he just proved himself he was of great help, so Mobius who has shown to have some measures of sympathy toward him despite his strict adherence to the TVA code and that make him capable to disintegrate him should need arise, has really no reason to harm him, quite the opposite.
Also he’s likely quite exhausted, both physically and emotionally otherwise he clearly wouldn’t fall asleep on an uncomfortable position over a stack of papers.
And differently from Mobius he supposedly didn’t even had lunch.
Mobius yawns which shows he’s clearly worn out as well, wakes him and tells him they’re going for a walk. So no bed, they’ll only take a small break.
I take they end up in the TVA version of a cafeteria where Loki asks Mobius about the jet ski magazine. Mobius ends up showing his total love for jet skis.
“Yeah. You know, some things... Actually, most things in history are kinda dumb, and everything gets ruined eventually. But in the early 1990s, for a brief, shining moment, there was a beautiful union of form and function, which we call the jet ski, and a reasonable man cannot differ.”
Actually he sounds like a fanboy, dismissive of everything he doesn’t like and imposing his own likes claiming no one could have a different opinion from him. It’s not a complain, it’s human. I like how the TVA members, despite their dystopian setting and their fanatic faith to the TVA religion have characteristics, both good and bad, that made them human.
However, at Loki’s question if he has ever tried a Jet Ski, Mobius admits he never been on one because if a TVA agent were to show up on a jet ski that would create a branch. It’s a poor excuse since they show up in timelines in their everyday clothes in time periods in which those clothes aren’t appropriate and anyway, who cares since they reset the branches so they could even show up naked and everything would get erased?
In this Mobius is the opposite of Loki, although he too has wishes that make him similar to Loki he doesn’t dare to fulfil them, he completely focuses on his work, he claims to read the magazines because they remind him what he’s fighting for… jet skis appearing in the Sacred Timeline in early 1990s apparently.
Okay, it’s more that he believes if the Sacred Timeline gets destroyed everything would but people who were believing to be heroes like he does would say they would fight for people, not for a beautiful vehicle that could be enjoyed only for a brief amount of time.
Mobius in a way is disconnected by the people on the sacred timeline, maybe because he never met them, he met the Variants, which are considered something to be pruned and nothing more and he actively help in pruning them.
So maybe he can’t work for people, because as soon as those people become variants, bang, they need to be wiped away. I think Mobius would like to be a decent person, I think he doesn’t want to harm people so he keeps distance and blindly swallows the TVA teaching and this discussion further proves it.
Loki asks if he really believes in all the TVA preaches and Mobius replies:
Mobius: I don't get hung up on, "Believe, not believe." I just accept what is.
It reminds me of a discussion he had with Loki in the past episode:
Loki: So that had the Time-Keepers' seal of approval, did it?
Mobius: Well, I wouldn't think of it in terms of approval and disapproval. That's sort of a... Let's get back to escapes...
Mobius just accepts things as they are presented. But why he accepts them?
Loki goes on summarizing how  the TVA’s beliefs are that three magic lizards created the TVA and everyone in it including Mobius, which for Loki is clearly something dumb to believe.
Loki: Every time I start to admire your intelligence, you say something like that.
Mobius tries to retort it by turning tables on Loki.
Mobius: Okay, who created you, Loki?
Loki: A Frost Giant of Jotunheim.
Mobius: And who raised you?
Loki: Odin of Asgard.
Mobius: Odin, God of the Heavens. Asgard, mystical realm, beyond the stars. Frost Giants. Listen to yourself...
Loki: It's not the same. It's completely different. No. It's not the same.
Mobius: It's exactly the same thing.
The HUGE problem in Mobius’ reasoning is that he’s mixing up what Loki has experienced, his skin turning blue, proving he’s a Jotun, living his whole life with Odin, believing him to be his father, with Mobius merely believes as Mobius has no knowledge of what the Time-Keepers are since he never met them and likely doesn’t even remember when he was created or things like that.
Loki believes in what he lived though because he touched and sampled it and, in fact, he had a breakdown when he discovered part of it, the part he had no memory about but embraced out of faith was a lie (Loki couldn’t remember his Jotun heritage or his birth so he accepted what he was told, that Odin and Frigga were his parents). This likely makes even harder for him to accept that Mobius would just blindly believe in something he hadn’t experienced in the slightest.
Mobius had said:
Mobius: I don't get hung up on, "Believe, not believe." I just accept what is.
But at the end of it what motivates him is blind belief.
Mobius: Because if you think too hard about where any of us came from, who we truly are, it sounds kinda ridiculous. Existence is chaos. Nothing makes any sense, so we try to make some sense of it. And I'm just lucky that the chaos I emerged into gave me all this... My own glorious purpose. Cause the TVA is my life. And it's real because I believe it's real.
The TVA is real because he believes so. It has to be or his own ‘glorious purpose’ would mean nothing. Loki got burned by the truth. Mobius doesn’t want to end up the same, he doesn’t want to think at the absurdity the TVA feds him, he doesn’t want to question if what he does is right or wrong because the truth might disappoint it, it might be ridiculous, in bad taste, like being excited as Pompeii is about to be buried by the volcano.
The TVA is Mobius’ religion, and, to paraphrase Karl Marx faith in the TVA ‘is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.’
But this kind of mindset is also the mindset of whose who represent the ‘banality of evil’ of those who indulge in the capital vice of Acedia, whose who do not care, who do nothing to stop evil empower it and support it.
“...morally speaking, there is no limit to the concern one must feel for the suffering of human beings, that indifference to evil is worse than evil itself, that in a free society, some are guilty, but all are responsible.” ― Abraham Heschel
And, after all, Mobius works to support it, to support the TVA as they prune/reset countless lives.
There’s something else that’s interesting.
Mobius is supposed to be a lawful character… yet he doesn’t believe existence is order. Existence is chaos. And, in the same way as he’s afraid to try out a jet ski and making excuses for why he doesn’t do so, I think Mobius deep down is scared by chaos. Fascinated by it but scared by it as well. In fact he’ll later says that he believes when it all will end and the Time-Keepers will have finished untangling the timeline all that will emerge will be order.
Loki: Ah, I see. So, when they're finished, what happens then?
Mobius: So are we. No more nexus events. Just order. And we meet in peace at the end of time. Nice, right?
Loki: Only order?
Mobius: Mmm-hmm.
Loki: No chaos? It sounds boring.
Mobius: I'm sure it does to you.
Order is reassuring, it gives people a sense, a purpose, order is explainable. Order follows laws so it’s lawful. But order, like Loki points out, is also boring, predictable.  No bad surprise would come out of it, true, but no good surprise either. No change. No possibility to get worse… but no possibility to get better either. Order is static where chaos is always changing. You need a mixture of both to make a worthy life.
Besides the idea they ‘meet in peace at the end of time’ to me feels more like an attempt to use a different wording to say ‘we’re all dead’ or ‘we’ll be all pruned/reset’. So not particularly encouraging.
But I’m running ahead a bit. When Mobius says Loki that the TVA is real because he believes so, Loki accepts it. For the moment.
Loki: Fair enough. You believe it's real.
And I wonder if, in a way, Loki can understand. Because the chaos, the unpredictable, is what made him discover he wasn’t an Odinson. If he hadn’t questioned Odin’s words, if he hadn’t gone and taken the Casket of Ancient Winters in his hands but just turned his eyes away when his skin turned blue, if, like Mobius said, he hadn’t thought to hard at it, or at how bad Thor could be as a kind, if he just had shrugged everything off and said ‘yeah, I’m sorry Thor will be a poor kind but that’s what meant to be, who cares?’ and ‘yeah, it’s weird my skin turned blue but Odin said I’m his son so who am I to question him?’ he would have spared himself many unpleasant things.
He would be at Asgard, thinking to be Odin’s son, trying to help Thor, who prior to his banning to Earth was completely unfit to rule, not ruin completely the planet. That would be his own glorious purpose. Nothing more.
And while it wouldn’t be a great purpose… well, it would have spared him of a lot of pain so I think Loki can see the charm of it… but at the same time he can see the danger of it. If we’ll blindly follow the rules we give up on our free will.
Loki: So everything is written. Past, present, future. There's no such thing as free will.
Mobius: Well, I mean, you know, it's an oversimplification...
Mobius thinks it’s an oversimplification but it’s not. He’s probably telling himself since he submits to the rules willingly, well, that’s his free will. But we’ve seen that the other option is being reset. The Variants are nothing else but people who didn’t follow the dictation of the Time-keepers, a dictation they didn’t even know existed, but merely followed their free will. And the TVA erases them.
It’s true, the ones that follow the Sacred Timeline, not knowing they’re following the dictation of the Time-keepers, are still, in a way, following their free will, but it’s actually a pretty tricky situation because their options get pruned by the TVA.
People don’t exist in a vacuum. We take decisions according to what happens around us.
Now think to a world in which Odin tells Loki the truth right from the start. This would lead Loki to get very different decisions… only that Odin, if it ever existed, got pruned.
Think to a Thor who’s ready to rule when he’s about to be crowned so that Loki doesn’t have to disrupt the coronation. Well, think twice because that Thor got pruned.
Think to a Frigga who hands the crown to Loki but also sits next to him instead than next to Odin to support him while he’s going through his worst crisis. Pruned again.
Think to the Warriors Three and Sif not attempting to go fetch Thor after he’s banned. Sorry, they got pruned.
Think to Heimdall not allowing Thor to go to Jotunheim. Never mind he got pruned.
Loki made his choices. It was his free will. But his choices were tied to all that happened around him, and since all that happened around him was decided he was channelled toward certain decisions, everything working to make him take such decision.
Actually, each time he tried to take a different decision he too got pruned.
The resulting Loki that inhabits the Sacred Timeline, more than the result of his own free will, is the result of manipulation of the events and TVA selection. Which is kind of creepy.
But okay, it’s interesting how, in a way, Loki tries to connect with Mobius.
Maybe it’s Stockholm syndrome as Loki was someone held captive and sentenced to death and then Mobius came in and made clear that Loki’s survival depended on him, maybe it’s just that Mobius showed him some measure of kindness and appreciation and it doesn’t matter if he was being manipulative or not, Loki was so starved for it he fell for it, or he caught up on some similarities between them.
Sure, it can be that by connecting with him he can better use him but I don’t think that’s just it.
Mobius is someone Loki can connect with on an intellectual level, where Thor was just ‘let’s hit things’ and the Warriors Three and Sif were just, let’s do what Thor says.
And after Thor and his friends there were Thanos and the Other and clearly Loki couldn’t connect with them. So it doesn’t matter how screwed up the situation is and how Mobius manipulated Loki in their first meeting and what he told him, fundamentally Mobius is the only one Loki, who’s forced to go around with a jacket saying ‘Variant’ because no one has to forget he’s a cosmic joke, has in that setting.
So yes, it’s VERY screwed up but it makes sense Loki would partially latch on him. It’s human.
On another note I’m not really fond of the idea of Mobius using the French ‘au contraire’ while talking with Loki. Maybe it’s an ad-lib but since there’s already enough mess on how the TVA can talk all the languages and Asgardian somehow don’t have Allspeak, I would have preferred if they hadn’t mixed English and French now. Whatever, maybe that’s just me.
Loki goes on.
Loki: You called me a scared little boy.
Mobius: I called you a lotta things.
I wonder what Mobius means here, if he’s just telling Loki he shouldn’t focus on that (as calling him as such was Mobius’ attempt at showing him sympathy), but Loki nails another relevant topic.
Loki: You did. You're wrong, though. You see, I know something children don't.
Mobius: What's that?
Loki: That no one bad is ever truly bad. And no one good is ever truly good.
It’s interesting it’s coming from Loki because it means, differently from how sometimes Marvel movies seems to depict a world in black and white, Loki could see the shades of grey.
In his family. In the Avengers. In Thanos and the Other. Maybe even in the TVA people. And this means in himself as well.
And we go back to what he said in Ep 1:
Loki: I can't go back, can I? Back to my timeline. I don't enjoy hurting people. I... ( Sighs ) I don't enjoy it. I do it because I have to, because I've had to.
Mobius: Okay, explain that to me.
Loki: Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear.
Mobius: A desperate play for control. You do know yourself.
Loki: A villain. ( Sighs )
He painted himself as a villain, as someone all black, to show as if he was someone in control… in “Thor” when he was in an emotional storm, in “The Avengers” when he actually was working for Thanos.
But if we consider Loki’s words solely for their tie to the present discussion, he’s trying to tell Mobius that the black and white vision Mobius is trying to adopt doesn’t work. If there’s good in bad and bad in good, the perfect world Mobius thinks he can archive doesn’t exist and his glorious purpose is not so glorious.
Nothing is perfect and so no perfect order or perfect chaos can exist and trying to paint things or people black and white as the Time-Keepers are doing and the TVA as well, is a mistake.
Loki’s words though cause Mobius to remember the boy he met in the cathedral before going to Loki’s trial and how he had a candy box left by the Loki Variant. And I’ve always wondered WHY did the Loki Variant left that candy box behind? Is like she’s leaving breadcrumbs for the TVA or someone working with them to track her down.
Kablooie was only sold regionally on Earth from 2047 to 2051. While it wouldn’t be easy to track the Variant with just this, the Variant limits the place they’ve to search for them to only 4 years.
On an interesting note although Mobius claimed to know everything about Loki’s life he evidently had no idea if Asgardians had candies or not. So yeah, I think Mobius didn’t exactly knew EVERYTHING about Loki’s life, only what the TVA deemed relevant.
Anyway Mobius decides since they now know the Variant is hiding in an apocalyptic event in which Kablooie are involved they can cross-reference the two things.
Mobius has probably more clearance than Loki as he gets the files and then gives Loki a half, encouraging him to search fast through them by making it a competition… which actually is dumb, because the Variant can only be in one place so only the one who got that file among them can find it, no matter if he’s fast or slow… but whatever, Loki is motivated enough by this because he likes to win.
However, although Mobius asks him if he wants to bet on something, then he demands they’ll play for pride.
Anyway, as Mobius realizes it’s one apocalyptic event after another (all in 5 years) Loki finds what they’re searching for in an apocalyptic event in Alabama, 2050.
This gains him Mobius’ praise as he tells him he’ll take his job if he’s not careful.
I remember reading some interviews suggested Loki and Mobius had a mentor/student type of relation. Well, Mobius definitely feels like the mentor, one who takes care of Loki and teaches him how it works at the TVA, completely not focusing on how Loki was basically kidnapped by the place, doesn’t aim to stay there and people look down at him and is always ready to dispose of him because he’s a Variant… and what’s worse, the Variant of someone who, according to the Time-Keepers is meant to be ‘an evil, lying scourge’.
On the other side… working for the TVA is Loki’s only option to survive in that setting so Mobius likely sees it as Loki having to stop ‘thinking too hard’ and also make the TVA his life. In short he should just be like him and submit to the Time-Keepers.
So yeah, his point of view make sense but… it’s terrible, it’s actually telling people not to resist to wrong conditions but submit to them. It’s the typical mindsetting of a bureaucratic huge corporation or system, where no one matters and everyone obeys without worrying to much about what they’re obeying at.
But back to the story Mobius goes to Renslayer to asks her ‘to approve deployment of a fully-armed task force to the Variant's potential hiding spot’.
By the way said hising spot is in ‘Haven Hills, Alabama, corporate town owned by Roxxcart until it's wiped out by a hurricane’.
The name Roxxcart might remember to who read the comic or watched “Agent Carter” of the Roxxon Corporation, one of the world's largest conglomerates, founded in the 1940s. It also appeared in Marvel “Cloak & Dagger” and “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”, with vague references at it in “Iron Man”, “Iron Man 2”, “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer”, “Iron Man 3” and the MCU comic “The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week”. It’s hard to say if this will be another vague reference or there will be more.
Renslayer is prejudiced against our Loki as she continues to call him a Variant and tries dismissing the whole thing merely because HE suggested it and the other time he ‘blew up’ the previous mission. Which he didn’t but of this I’ve already talked.
Mobius is all happy Loki proved himself useful and his idea to use him was right but Renslayer instead insists on not trusting him, even though he just discovered a huge hole in their security system.
Now, okay, Loki isn’t to be trusted blindly, but Renslayer isn’t really giving a rational reason why this theory, which actually makes a lot of sense and is supported by some evidence Mobius collected, would be wrong. If they’re going to shot down any theory Loki comes up just because he’s Loki then she shouldn’t have even given him to Mobius.
In fact when Mobius point out how Loki HELPED discovering the hole in the security she’s only more worried.
Anyway Mobius is so excited he manages to get her to agree, although she warns him she won’t be able to help him if this doesn’t work out.
They kind of repeat something that was included in the video/commercial of the TVA Miss Minute showed Loki in the previous episode.
Mobius: For all time.
Ravonna Renslayer: Always.
I wonder if this is actually meant to be the TVA catchphrase.
Anyway Mobius leaves Renslayer and we see Loki is out of the room, nervous, waiting for him. He seems quite satisfied when Mobius says they’ve got permission.
Mobius is still all excited… and make a vague promise that amounts to… basically nothing, to Loki.
Mobius: I'm tellin' you. You actually help us catch this Variant, and who knows, my friend.
Loki: What, good enough for a face-to-face with the Time-Keepers?
Mobius: I didn't say that. One step at a time.
Loki: All right. One step at a time.
He actually promises nothing to him, because, as he said, he said nothing. ‘Who knows’ can mean anything, even that after they catch the Variant they’ll prune him, or they’ll merely allow him to live at the TVA, forcing him to work for them. Who knows what ‘who knows’ mean!
Loki tries to have some more solid confirmation and basically gets nothing, which is not very promising.
As far as I’m involved I think Mobius is doing this promise more because he’s trying to keep Loki loyal than because he has something solid to offer to him. In fact he hadn’t bargained with Renslayer for this. Loki is there to catch the Variant, catching the Variant would end their need to use Loki but, as soon as Mobius got permission for the mission he left without insuring if they were to succeed he could keep him.
Does Loki really want to meet the Time-Keepers? What he aims to get from them?
Anyway Mobius is so excited he tries to give knives to Loki.
Enters Hunter B-15, who strongly despise Loki who takes them away from him (I wonder if Loki managed to steal them back unknown to her. I would love if he did). She briefs her men for the mission, which also allows us viewers to get some info and orders them to prune Loki at sight. Clearly she doesn’t even believe in putting him to that mock trials the TVA offers to its captive Variants.
Loki makes present they should preferably prune the bad Loki, not him and then the scene moves to Haven Hills and I love how this time they had introduced it not by writing it on the screen but by showing us a sign saying we’re in Haven Hills, Alabama… before having it destroyed.
I really love this scene.
The TVA arrives at Roxxcart and they’ve the good sense to open their Timedoors outside of it.
It’s interesting how Loki looks up at the storming sky. I wonder if he’s searching for thunders (we saw one hitting the ground before the TVA appeared) as a way to check if Thor is around, even though it’s clear Thor wouldn’t cause such destruction.
To Hunter B-15’s surprise Loki uses his magic to dry up, which somehow seems to make her even more suspicious of him. Because yeah, drying yourself is such a sinister act.
Mobius would like to go with Loki at the Green House but Hunter B-15 forbids it, wanting to part them. Mobius has to go with Hunter D-90 while Loki has to stay with her.
And I’ve the personal suspicion that’s because she hopes in a not to obvious chance to prune him too away from Mobius’ eyes.
B-15 tells Mobius if he’s not fine with it, he can go argue with Renslayer about it.
It’s interesting how they’re arguing. I wonder if Hunters and Analysts actually form two different and opposite classes in TVA who argue against each other despite a poster depicting them as working together.
Anyway Loki gets in between and tells Mobius it’s fine, that he can trust him and that he’ll understand trust has to be gained so he’ll gain it.
Honestly the way Loki puts it makes him even more suspicious for me, but I wonder if the key is it has to work for B-15.
Mobius complains about how is always the people you can’t trust that tell you ‘trust me’. Well, the people you trust wouldn’t need to ask you your trust so they won’t tell it to you.
Mobius though at this surrender as well, he’s so excited to get the Variant he doesn’t consider he could ask to stay with B-15 as well, or that he could say B-15 is asking this because she wants to try to harm Loki. He just let the issue go after a jab about how the past time B-15 ended up wearing the Time Collar.
Meanwhile the Loki Variant has noticed they’re in thanks to all the cameras in the place, as if they were waiting for the TVA. Again I wonder if the Loki Variant has someone supporting them in the TVA because they seem to know too much, later they’ll even show knowing the other Loki was brought in by the TVA to capture them.
We see the Loki Variant leaving down a tempad on which there’s a countdown that’s at 20 minutes.
Back to Loki he’s in the greenhouse with B-15, trying to chat with her… which could be a genuine attempt at communication or an attempt at warning the Variant they’re there. I’m not sure on which side Loki is… but I wonder if his goal is to stall things.
He might suspect if they get the Variant he’ll be disposed off so his aim might be to show he’s useful but also to stall the capture of the Variant. This might be what he was trying to do in the previous mission as well. So it’s not exactly he’s trying to help the Variant, he’s trying to gain time for himself.
B-15 doesn’t feel like talking with him but then they find a guy who claims to be shopping for plants despite the hurricane.
B-15 asks Loki if the guy could be him and Loki points out he ‘probably would have worn a suit, but, yes, maybe’, hinting at how Loki cares about how he looks.
B-15 gets too close to the guy who manages to grab her. We see some green magic pass to B-15 and then the guy faints. Loki asks if he’s dead but ‘B-15’ tells him ‘they usually survive’, making clear she’s no more B-15 but the Variant possessing her, who also recognizes Loki for who he is:
“So, you're the fool the TVA brought in to hunt me down.”
As I said this sentence gives me the feeling the Variant knew the TVA brought him someone to hunt them, in short they’ve inside intel about the TVA and I would love to know how.
Now possessing B-15 is a good move as she’s a good fighter with a weapon in her hands and this also leaves Loki on her own.
Loki recognizes the speaker for what they are, the Loki Variant possessing B-15, in short himself.
The Variant points out:
“Please. If anyone's anyone, you're me.”
Implying the Variant saw themselves as the better/original Loki version.
Wunmi Mosaku does a good work at playing the Loki Variant here, really.
Back in the shelter people is clearly in deep distress and a guy thinks the TVA is there to help them.
I think Mobius is torn, a side of him would just search for the Variant, the other is being affected by the situation but he tries to suppress it.
D-90 instead doesn’t care and pushes the man away as if he didn’t even exist. Which he doesn’t for him.
Mobius: What are you doing? Hey! These people are scared.
Hunter D-90: They're about to die. They should be scared.
Mobius: Okay. Not of us.
Even though those people aren’t Variants as they’re going to die the TVA doesn’t acknowledge them right. Like the Loki Variant they don’t care what they do because everything will be erased, either by a reset charge or by the apocalypse.
Mobius doesn’t like this… but again it’s not like he’s trying to save those people, he’ll let them die because the Time-Keepers dictate so.
Hunters in the TVA are somehow all jerks. Again they would work well as stand in for police brutality but I don’t know if the series wants to go this way.
Mobius and D-90 are interrupted when a Minuteman informs them they had found a tied C-20 who’s in state of shock and repeating over and over ‘it’s real’.
So C-20’s role isn’t to be a bait, I think it’s possible the Variant wants to use her to deliver a message to the TVA.
Back to Loki he comments on the spell used.
“Enchantment is a clever trick. Cowardly, a bit amateur-ish, but clever.”
The fact enchantment was used seems to be a nod to how the Variant might be Sylvie Lushton, who also went under the alias of enchantress.
In the comics Sylvie is not the original enchantress, that one was Amora, sister of Lorelei who appeared in “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”. Sylvie was supposedly a human created by Loki who also gave her her magical powers.  Although she has no training she has amazing magical powers and moved from wanting to be an Avenger to trying to become a Villain.
We’ll see what this Variant will turn out to be.
Anyway the Variant blames Loki of being the coward one because he works for the TVA. She mocks this asking him if he really believes that, which he confirms so she dismisses him:
Hunter B-15 (possessed): ( The variant chuckles ) And here I was worried that they'd found a better version of me.
And this again seems to imply the Variant KNEW the TVA got themselves a Loki but who told them? They just discovered it at the fair?
A person, Randy, appear and B-15 touches him then faint. Loki almost hurries to help her before realizing what had happened.
Well, the Variant could have disintegrate Randy instead she preferred to transfer themselves into him. This is interesting because it seems although they’ve no hesitation in killing TVA people they’re against harming normal people.
Loki still go to check B-15… or can it be he placed something in one of her pockets? Like a message for Mobius? Loki touches his jacket before bending down on B-15 and this time we don’t see what he touches as she’s cut off the screen which is odd.
The Variant thinks he’s trying to search a transmitting device to call the others for help. Loki tails the Variant, challenging them to face him and then explaining how he had gained the TVA confidence.
The Variant is not that much impressed but they continue to give Loki their back. Not that it matter as that back isn’t really the Variant’s back.
Loki explains his plan… which I don’t know if it’s really his plan or a trick.
Loki: I'm going to overthrow the Time-Keepers. And, uh, cards on the table, I could use a qualified lieutenant.
It’s relevant how Loki, talking with the Variant, uses a more polite and Asgard like language.
The Variant is clearly not interested in working for Loki but what hits me is that they don’t want to be called ‘Loki’ which could be because they aren’t Loki after all.
Loki: What say you... Loki?
Randy (possessed): Ugh. Don't call me that. You can call me... Randy.
I love how this meeting helps Loki to realize why Thor found these techniques annoying.
Loki: God. Now I understand why Thor found this so annoying.
Loki claims he has helped the Variant at the fair so yes, apparently he has played that risky bet back then for a reason. I really would love to know which game Loki is playing.
Loki: Listen. Enough with your games. I've been trying to help you. I kept them vulnerable at the Renaissance Fair for some time.
The Variant still isn’t interested in joining him as they don’t care about ruling the TVA.
We see that there are Time charges placed all around, partially hidden from sight which don’t promise anything good and someone, likely the Variant, is tweaking with them while ‘Randy’ keeps Loki distracted. So yes, this Variant too is good at stalling.
C-20 is still babbling, while Mobius tries to get something out of her.
D-90 just waves her off saying she’s off the dial and showing a worrying lack of a care for a companion.
Although C-20 says she wants to go home when Mobius offers to send them back she says she can’t as she gave away the position of the Time-Keepers.
Oh, so C-20 knew it? Did she, differently from Mobius met them?
D-90 tries to contact B-15 causing her to wake up.
Loki tries to get what the Variant wants but the Variant refuses to explain themselves saying Loki is too late. Loki counters he’s ahead as he found the Variant’s hiding place, then notices the Time charges and thinks the Variant lead them there to blow the place up.
As he turns his gaze Randy has disappeared and the Variant has possessed a big guy who starts beating Loki. Loki is not really fighting back. Are possessed people really so powerful or Loki is trying to pass himself for weak?
Anyway, after pointing out:
Loki: I would never treat me like this.
Which might be our clue the Variant isn’t really a Loki but someone pretending to be one, Loki starts more actively to try to avoid blows and even use his magic to get something he can use as shield.
The Variant’s language is nowhere near as polite as Loki and the possessed guy manages to send Loki on the ground. The idea of a toy dachshund bumping against him is cute.
B-15 manages to find Mobius and she’s forced to confess she lost Loki. Likely she thinks it’s due to Loki but doesn’t know how to explain it while D-90 just says  Mobius’ favourite Loki betrayed him as they run to search for him.
The possessed guy is using another tempad connecting it to another mechanism. Although Loki couldn’t move he hadn’t tried to kill him and now Loki wakes up and demands to know what the Variants wants from him and what is this about. He’s clearly angry.
The possessed guy stands up and then tells him to brace himself before fainting, a sign the Variant isn’t possessing him anymore.
A recording keeps on repeating Loki’s last two sentences ‘What do you want from me? What is this about?’.
I’m not sure why the Variant would record those two sentences and play them over unless we’re to assume they’re actually only playing in Loki’s head.
The Variant appears, removes their hood to reveal it hid a blond woman face then in an unfriendly tone she states:
“This isn't about you.”
Loki’s surprise lasts only few seconds before he says ‘right’.
Meanwhile the countdown has reached 0, the light shot down, the time charges, tons of them, turn on but then below them timedoors appear, sending them away.
Mobius notices what’s going on and worries about where the Time charges are going.
Back at the TVA we assist to the sudden formation of LOTS of branches. The Analysts come to the conclusion someone ‘bombed’ the Sacred Timeline.
Renslayer, who has a hunter helmet that starts with A-25… which might mean she was one of the first hunters of the place, grabs her weapon as Minuteman spun to action.
Loki sees the Variant grabbing the Tempad again and using it to open a human size timedoor as she watches him. She waves at him the way he did at the Hulk when he went on the lift and goes through the Timedoor. Loki considers following but stalls for a moment. Mobius is running there, telling him to wait. Loki sees him but decides to go through the timedoor anyway and, as he does the timedoor disappears, leaving Mobius and the hunters outside.
The episode ends here.
People had been wondering what was Loki thinking when he went through the Timedoor and Tom Hiddleston explained it in an interview:
There's a very big moment at the end where Loki steps through that portal. From your perspective what is going through Loki's mind when he looks back at Mobius and then decides to go through the door anyway? Is he feeling any remorse there at all?
I think certainly there's conflict. I think he… you know, Mobius is someone who, perhaps for the first time in his life, he thinks he might be able to trust, and perhaps trusts him, and he doesn't want to betray that trust, but at the same time he has to go and see what that's what's going on, he has to do that. I think it was he can't help himself but follow… uh… because it's too strange and to, you know, provoke so much curiosity within him. So there is a huge conflict there, he thinks “I probably shouldn't do this, maybe there can be repercussions down the line, but I have to see what that's about”. ['Loki' - Tom Hiddleston & Owen Wilson Talk Ep 2 Twist! _ TVLine Interview]
Now this might be not the full truth because Tom might have been forced to withhold information in order not to give away the plot of future episodes but it’s worth considering it.
Undoubtedly following the other Loki is a risk. It’s clear the other is challenging him to follow… and he knows next to nothing about the other Loki so, if the TVA is bad for him, the other Loki could be worse and he might be trading a bad place for a pure hell. Who says the other Loki doesn’t work for Thanos for example?
In the TVA he has Mobius as some sort of interested ally, with the other Loki he has no one. You know, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know". At the same time it makes sense he wants to try following the other Loki because he’s not the type to stagnate and remain there. He has to see, he has to try. Where Mobius wouldn’t risk, Loki does. I hope for him the bet will be worth it.
Last but not least it’s worth to mention in the ending theme they’ve replaced two photos of Loki with one of the Loki Variant and another with just a different image of Loki with the TVA jacket.
So anyway we’ve gotten to the end of it. I still wonder if the Loki Variant as an insider in the TVA passing her info and if she’s really a Loki or she just pretends to be. How she came to make all this big plan? Why she had looked like she wanted Loki to tail her?
We’ll see.
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luckykatsranch · 3 years
Cast Info
This post is for folks on mobile to see my character roster. It will be updated as regularly as I need to/can.
Bailey the Gardevoir
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The original main character of this blog, a male gardevoir who was told my his mother he was destined to be a great warrior. He had always assumed this meant he was going to become a gallade, and so trained to use weapons to be that much greater. Needless to say he was very disappointed when he became a gardevoir.
It’s been some time since then and he has come to terms with not evolving into his form of choice. During a winter event, he had an encounter with a mysterious lucario that nearly killed him. This somehow caused his trevenant genes from his father to kick in and grow wood-like armor on his body.
Skipper the Electivire
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Experimented on as an electabuzz in an attempt to create a shadow pokemon immune to purification, poor Skipper lacks the ability to facially or vocally emote unless in his ‘Shadow Mode’, resulting in a permanent ‘resting bitch face’ and calm tone of voice. To hide the former, he let his fur grow out to hide his facial features.
In ‘Shadow Mode’, Skipper reverts into being a Shadow Pokemon for a great boost in speed and power at the cost of his stamina, like an amped up Life Orb. Needless to say, he avoids entering this state unless it is needed.
Katsuya Urakawa
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Known more commonly as ‘Kats’, he is a veteran trainer hailing from Azelea Town whom has the mysterious ‘Power of Bonds’. In the past, he was the champion of the Johto region, but quickly ‘retired’ to travel the world. When not traveling, he has a large plot of land in western Johto called ‘Lucky Kats Ranch’, where all his pokemon live so they’re not all stored in a PC.
Due to an incident during his initial gym challenge, he has a very strong dislike for Lance.
Also comes in typhlosion flavor for ‘no-humans’ poke blogs.
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Molly the Granbull
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An oddly-colored granbull who seems to specialize in fire-type attacks. Formerly a champion fighter, she currently enjoys a ‘quiet’ life as a mother and home-maker at the ranch. She usually keeps a serene smile, but can and will flip back into a fighter to intimidate others, particularly when the safety of young pokemon is at stake.
Nike the Victini
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Hailing from Unova, Nike is the self-declared Goddess of Victory. Technically not one of Kats’ pokemon, she caught herself in one of his pokeballs to escape from particularly nasty humans who sought to use her power for personal gain. With her being ‘caught’, she freely flits around the world without worry of getting captured.
Stitch the Banette
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Stitch is a strangely passive banette who doesn’t seem particularly full of spite or cursed energy. He enjoys making different ‘skins’ for him to switch between for different occasions.
Jaws the Feraligatr
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Kats’ starter pokemon, Jaws is surprisingly massive. Years ago when Kats became champion, he was a more normal size, however he simply continued growing. Due to this, he doesn’t like being on land too much as he is just incredibly heavy.
Amaku the Primeape
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A mysterious primeape variant who originally lived near Mt Mortar. He seems strangely calm, and his eyes always appear to glow with murderous intent, regardless of his actual intent.
Sunny the Raichu
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The first pokemon Kats to join Kats outside of Johto, and his usual travel partner when visiting new regions as they tend to allow pikachu evolutions to enter, regardless of whether they are native or not. Much like her name suggest, she’s a very cheerful individual who always looks to the positive side of things. She also takes great pride in her soft fur.
Ace the Absol (needs art update)
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A blind absol who was Kats’ pet before becoming a trainer, having been found half-drowned in the Slowpoke Well before the trainer even began his journey, and joined the team when Kats came to claim the Hive Badge.
He is calm a calm strategist with sharpened hearing and smell to make up for his lack of sight.
Dandan the Ludicolo (needs art update)
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A ludicolo with traits from his golduck father. He is always full of energy and dancing, and is a bit of a glutton as well.
Munchkin the Bewear
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A bewear with a high-pitched voice and an artistic streak, befitting of him being part smeargle. While he is decent enough as a fighter, he vastly prefers carving wood and stone or shaping clay. Whether or not he can actually use Sketch is currently unknown.
Franky the Snubbull
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Molly’s oldest daughter and a spitting image of her mother when she was younger. She’s still losing her baby teeth to grow her adult teeth in. She’s loud, boistrous, and enjoys playing with the other young pokemon on the ranch.
Spike the Jolteon
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A jolteon that is the result of a crossbreeding attempt with boltund. When he evolved from an eevee, his yamper traits didn’t properly evolve with him, resulting in his stumpy figure, and the breeder he belonged to releasing him into the wild, where he met Kats.
‘Excalibur’ Arceus/Cal the teddiursa
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The recently-reincarnated Arceus of this universe, referring to themself as ‘Excalibur’ when visiting other universes to converse with others of their species. They are pretty much a little kid with vast amounts of knowledge. The reason behind their small, humanoid figure is unknown.
When going ‘incognito’, they take the form of a teddiursa called ‘Cal’, appearing normal aside from the heterochromia and white cane and top hat to the normal passerby. To those more sensitive to the supernatural (moreso than the pokemon world tends to be), they appear with their true colors.
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