#or having any sort of repercussions for online activity at any point
h0neyfreak · 10 months
Not to dropkick a hornets nest or anything but I think a lot of you have really lost the plot on the whole internet privacy thing.
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This isn't a religious based question but more about social activism and the commodification of it. Recently I had a conversation with a friend who considers the likes of Jameela Jamil as an "activist". I disagreed and said there's a difference between being a vocal & active supporter of something vs being an activist. Frankly I feel posting things on social media sites doesn't make you an activist, no matter how much time you spent on Canva. I mentioned it's sort of pandering, especially if you have something to gain by stating your political opinions online. She thinks making things on Canva is work - which, sure, but as someone who is in the graphic design field, I don't consider it activism in the slightest. To me, activism and design would mix when you bring in making things easier for people with disabilities (i.e. colourblind optimization, ergonomic keyboards etc) - not just a gradient image that says something most folks would agree with.She doesn't really understand what I'm trying to say & I'm curious to know if you have any opinions on this.
It's not activism if there isn't risk or anything at stake.
Civil rights activists and gay rights activists risked arrest, violence and social repercussions. I'm not saying that you're not an activist if you don't get beat up, but more like you're not an activist if you don't have anything on the line. If your livelihood, social or legal standing aren't threatened by speaking up.
Jameela Jamil is not an "activist" because she's just echoing fashionable talking points. Worse, ones that are the reigning orthodoxy. It's more risky to speak against what she's rambling about than for it.
The only risk she takes is when she doesn't echo those talking points sufficiently on-script. Of course, this happened on Twitter after she already made a big deal of quitting Twitter, so she's not really committed to her principles. When Sam Harris quit Twitter, he just deleted and was gone. Unlike Sam, Jameela needed to be seen. And I think that says everything. The only thing she has at stake is being mauled by the same mob she's acting on behalf of. She's not an "activist" because she doesn't stand up for - or even seem to have - her own principles or values - she just does what the mob tells her to, because she's looking for approval.
Even if she did though, she's not an "activist" when she's repeating the same fashionable rhetoric that's already approved and promoted by entertainment, academic, government, social media, tech, industry and other sectors that have either been ideologically captured, or are toeing the line to maintain their business. Who is her audience? As far as I can tell, the same people she's parroting. Which doesn't seem any less performative or more meaningful than Xians waving their hands at a church service.
She's not "speaking truth to power" when the only people who will come after her or challenge her are those on "her" side. She's speaking on behalf of power.
If it isn't obvious, I don't have much regard or respect for her. There are people I disagree with but respect for having a considered point of view and for sticking with their values and being consistent about them. But she doesn't have any.
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Guidelines and Rules
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I'm not really one for rules so I'm gonna call them guidelines for interaction.
This blog is mostly active via mobile for the time being.
On This blog I am highly selective and mutuals only for threads.
Selective follow. I prefer a dashboard that is current and relevant to partners who interact with my muse, so please don't take it personal if unfollowing occurs at some point due to lack of interaction. Follow status always has the ability to change if interactions occur through inbox.
Content. Things here will be 18+/25+ meaning content may at any given moment include topics that are not suitable for minors, such as but not limited to violence, gore, cannibalism, blood, death, alcohol use, drug use, and other mature-related themes. Anyone familiar with the source material: Hazbin Hotel &&Helluva Boss would be well aware of the correlations. Expect nsfw. By following this blog you agree to acknowledging possible explicit content and explicit themes that may or may not be tagged. I will do my best to tag accordingly but if something doesn't appear excessive in my perspective there is the possibility it will not get a tag. Apologies in advanced for any possible triggering content but please consider yourself warned and please request tags if needed. I shouldn't need to state this but blogs posting content such as racism, bigotry, discrimination, hate of any kind, lgbt+ phobia or hate, incest, noncon ect. will be instantly unfollowed for my own wellbeing and mental health.
Frequent posts of ooc drama or callout culture related involvement will lead to immediate unfollow or Block. Also any posts, comments or replies expressing derogatory commenting towards others or noticeable passive aggressive behavior will lead to unfollow or Block. Vague blogging will not be tolerated, be mature and talk things out or learn to block and move on, respectfully.
Interactions. Some muses here are rude and some are flat out dangerous. If they are approached with lack of caution I will not sit by and be accused of God-modding/Meta-gaming. Please do not prod/provoke or instigate muses into action unless ready for the repercussion. I do not god-mod or meta-game (unless it comes up in crack-posts/jokes on dashboard) and I also don't accept it from others during threads. This has happened to me before, and I'd rather avoid it. I'm always willing to chat about/discuss actions that occurred if outcomes are upsetting or uncomfortable in hindsight so there's always the possibility for a do-over, just ask.
Uncomfortable situations. Sometimes uncomfortable dialogue or actions may occur between muses, should this happen please reach out and express the discomfort and we can quickly agree to amend it/change it. Maybe a muse gets too mean or aggressive during chatter or they use possible flirtatious advancements when that sort of attention is unwanted. Talk to me and it won't happen again. Just gotta let me know if something isn't being enjoyed and it will immediately stop.
Replies will be done when I have time, should any need to be dropped a courtesy discussion attempt will be made as notification. Activity will be sporadic, but my aim is to be online often. This is a hobby, and I do it to de-stress. If you at any time find yourself not wanting to drop an interaction, reach out and let me know. Should the opposite be true, and you find you want to drop any threads then same would apply. Asking about certain threads or interactions to get an idea of whether they are being continued or dropped is perfectly acceptable but please do not repeatedly ask/spam or hound me, that could result in an unfollow from me.
Any Anon hate will be promptly discarded and will result in an automatic block. This includes Policing anons. Do not go on anon to police what I post on my blog. Please consider unfollowing. Egotistical Anons who decide to abuse the anonymous function on my blog run the risk of being blocked on sight. I will not apologize or explain my posts or my opinions to anons who disagree with me or those who seek to be some sort of authority on what I choose to post on my blog simply because they disagree with me or my point of view or believe I should be "educated" by their standards. Do not impose yourself onto me. Please unfollow if it gets to that point. I would never intentionally offend or insult anyone, but I do reserve the right to formulate my own opinions and to thereby express them as such should I feel the need. I understand that doing so could possibly result in unintentional offense or misunderstandings and so should anyone deciding to follow this blog after reading the guidelines/rules outlined within this post. If you find this unacceptable, please consider either unfollowing or not following to begin with.
Friendly, neutral, or curious Anons are always welcomed.
Manipulation between muns ooc. Do not do it. If I find out it's your intention or you have actively persisted in certain behavioral patterns I will block without warning or explanation. Let's be transparent, direct and mature about things, please. Open and Direct Communication works best.
Writing. Micro, One-liners, Para, Multi-para and Novella are all welcome. I will be honest, I prefer shorter rather than longer when things have not been plotted. I will be putting my best effort forward but I will not be struggling to match length and hopefully writing partners will not either. Please don't ever feel pressured to write more than motivation will allow, it's completely understandable. I'm the flexible type when in comes to rp here.
Shipping. Please don't force it on my muses. Please don't write on behalf of my muses during replies. This is a cooperative endeavor, and consent should be at the forefront of interactions. I ship for chemistry, please be respectful if it just isn't there between muses. Multiship and multiverse. Love it, can't get enough of it but I do ship and write for chemistry. I'm not likely to autoship. The only exceptions will be the ones I agree on during plotting discussion ooc with other muns. Will not be shipping with minors.
Portrayal. Please don't press personal headcanons onto my muses. Don't press on about inferred or implied assumptions from canon material, don't use knowledge derived from source material to tell me through your muses about my muses, it may seem like a fun idea, but it ends up feeling redundant. Especially if we've just begun interactions. [Example: "Oh hey, don't you LOVE ducks???, you're so in LOVE with ducks, I bet you've got some under your bed! Right?
Multi-verse. Multi-ship. All ships will be treated as though occurring in separate universes unless discussed between writers/muns and/or stated otherwise.
Blocking, &&Unfollowing. If I, at any given point sense that my guidelines or personal boundaries are ignored too many times, I will unfollow and/or block with no warnings or explanations. Please respect my decisions and do not choose to harass me, thereafter, thank you.
Cross-over enthusiast. Open to writing with characters from various outside fandoms.
OC friendly. I am always open to writing with ocs provided it isn't only done with intention to ship. I enjoy interactions with some ocs but I do not prioritize ocs over canon. I prefer for there to be some believable explanation behind how the ocs are fluidly integrated into the universe and for them to be fully aware of their place within it prior to beginning interactions as well as awareness of my muse's status and the overall "established world/verse/reality rules". If not please ask.
Mains, &&Affliates. I don't mind adding associated or affiliated rpers/blogs if we've known each other awhile and have been writing together regularly and communicating ooc frequently, and for a long time. If we have a shared formed continuity, it's fine. I'm not likely to take on mains or any 'status' such as married due to being multiverse and multiship. Each relationship is in it's own separate universe unless discussed between writers/muns. Now, I will be transparent here, when I see these things on other blogs: "mains" or "married to" I will be less likely to initiate any interactions as I take it that those blogs prefer to default to their "mains" or "spouses" as priority, so I prefer to either be tagged directly or prompted via inbox in those situations, thanks for understanding.
Duplicate friendly. This means I am interested in writing with duplicates as though they are multiverse variants or clones of some sort, plotted or not. Usually in cases of multimuse blogs. But I will unfollow or block if duplicates of single-muse blogs never interact.
Gaphics and icons. The majority are made and edited by me. Please do not use them without permission. Thank you. Any that are not made by me will be credited if needed.
I'm here to have fun. I'll basically be doing my best to enjoy myself and bypass any drama.
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cobblepottery · 2 years
Can i ask what's your opinion on ai generated art?
I’ve put off answering this ask for a while because I have a lot to say AND I have a lot of conflicting feelings, but I’m beginning to get in fights about it online now so I guess this is the time to finish off this disorganized ramble lol
Tl;dr I think AI art is a very cool and useful tool, and I don’t really think it’s theft, but as with many new technologies, it has terrible repercussions and is going to be used by corporations to the detriment of workers.
I think AI generated art is very cool, in concept-- I mean, I love AI in general (that’s probably why you asked me), and I especially love creative AI. That said, I don’t think the results LOOK that good most of the time (at least not without substantial tuning). Plus I very much enjoy making art myself, and am unlikely to commission others, man or machine, if there’s an image I want to exist. I am fairly interested in the creative process of how other artists use AI art as a supplementary tool, which is often pretty fascinating.
I definitely dismiss any complaints about AI art that come down to “it’s not true art because AI doesn’t have a soul” or “true art has to be difficult to make”. The first argument is meaningless (a camera doesn’t have a soul either, it’s about where you, the human, decide to point it). The second argument is actively harmful to artists and has been used repeatedly throughout history to bash new forms of art. There are far better reasons to hate AI-generated art than either of these: like art theft!
This is an argument I’m very sympathetic to, because it’s very difficult to define whether using pre-existing art as training data is theft or not, I think. My gut tells me that it is theft, but I’m actively going against my gut on this one. AI art doesn’t trace bits and pieces of other people’s art or edit it together like a collage; rather, it learns from other people’s art what art is supposed to look like (i.e. portraits often have a squiggle in the right-hand bottom corner) and then creates an entirely new image according to the guidelines it has learned and the prompt it is given. If we decided that training a model on data is theft, then we would have to rethink what's allowed when humans create art, because it’s really very similar to how humans work when looking at other artworks as inspiration. (I know I’m going to lose a lot of people here, because a lot of people are going to think this is art theft no matter how little of their art is recognizable in the final product, and I get that. It somehow feels different than someone just using your art for inspiration, even if practically the final result is the same, and software automatically scraping a database is a lot less flattering than an individual coming across your art and deciding they want to emulate it.)
I think the biggest problem with AI generated art isn’t about AI at all, but is really a combination of two distinct issues unrelated to AI. The first of these is copyright infringement, and the second is job security.
On the subject of copyright infringement, I’m gonna be brief, because admittedly I don’t know a ton of law and I don’t want to look too stupid. The courts consider copying art to be “fair use” if the art is transformative in some way. When I’m using other art for reference in my own art, I’m transforming it in some way that leaves the final result very different from its references. How different does it have to be? Hell if I know! Andy Warhol’s estate is currently facing a lawsuit over this! More restrictive definitions of “transformative” tend to help corporations more than they help individual artists (you can see this in the music industry, which has much stricter copyright laws). So I don’t think making stricter copyright laws is the answer here, but I like having some sort of social etiquette revolving around crediting major inspirations. If you’re actively specifying stuff belonging to a certain artist or group of artists (i.e. if you specify “in the style of artist x” or “in the style of animation studio y” in the prompt for the AI), it would be a dick move not to credit artist x or studio y, less so if they’re incredibly well known (like Disney) and much more so if they’re relatively unknown. I don’t think this is as important for something like “in a comic style” because the number of artists used as training data is going to be so large that any individual influence will come out so diffused as to be barely noticeable. Of course, feeding in a single image to be slightly altered in some way and then claiming it was entirely made by you is utterly unconscionable.
Alright, now for the job security part.
I have a relative who is a concept artist. He's being put out of work by AI generated art, because why hire a concept artist when you can just use a free AI? (To be clear, there are many reasons why, and those reasons are why human artists are always going to be wanted... but the fact remains that they won't be wanted quite as much, and existing artists' careers will be negatively affected.)
I also have a relative who is a virtual reality artist, primarily working in 3D. She tends to commission other artists to work on smaller parts of her project when she doesn’t have time to do it herself, but that’s very expensive. She's very excited for AI generated art to extend to 3D models because it would make her artwork cheaper and quicker to produce overall. Her artistic career will likely be positively affected as these AI improve.
Some artists are hindered and some are helped. A lot of non-artists are also helped, like writers who want to create a webcomic but lack the ability to fully create visual art for their story by themselves, and can’t afford to commission it either. Corporations are very much helped, which I certainly don’t consider to be a good thing. It’s easier to create, and it’s also easier to take advantage of people.
When cameras were invented, the number of professional painters went down, but it became cheaper and easier to obtain visual representations of life. When digital art software was created, the number of traditional media artists went down, but again, it became cheaper and easier for aspiring artists to create art. As AI generated art improves, we will also see the numbers of professional artists go down. This is always the problem with technology that makes a task easier-- there's always someone out there whose livelihood depended on that task being difficult. BUT we will also see an increase in art overall, just as the invention of cameras-- the accessibility and convenience of cameras to the average person-- made it possible for ordinary people to start experimenting with photography and videography without needing to hire professionals. It's absolutely a horrible tragedy, and its been a tragedy every single time a similar automation has pushed workers out of jobs over the centuries.
So what do we do about it?
That’s where I’m stuck. Because I want to eradicate the cons, but I want to keep the pros, as well. I wouldn’t want to go back 200 years and destroy the camera. I don’t want to go, “it’s all capitalism’s fault!” but it’s all capitalism’s fault. If we had, say, universal basic income, then artists wouldn’t need to rely on art being difficult in order to make enough money to survive. But like, I fully acknowledge that UBI is a distant dream right now, and will not be a solution to the immediate real problem many artists are facing currently. I don’t know! I don’t know. I think you can probably tell from this post that I lean more towards the side of “AI art good”, but this part keeps coming back to haunt me. Fully hand-drawn art very well could be largely replaced by AI-made art, the way that so many artisan crafts have been largely replaced by mechanized versions of themselves, and it’ll probably happen much faster this time since AI image generation is SO fast. I really really really don’t want that to happen.
I guess probably one of the best things to do is to support and commission non-AI artists as much as we can? Push back against corporations relying on AI art and laying off their human workers? Try to encourage the use of AI art as a tool for human creativity, not as a replacement for it? Any and all of these.
Sorry if you thought this would be more coherent!
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criticalcrux · 2 years
I'm not really one for rules so I'm gonna call them guidelines for interaction.
This blog is mostly active via mobile for the time being.
Content. Things here will be 18+/25+ meaning content may at any given moment include topics that are not suitable for minors, such as but not limited to violence, gore, cannibalism, blood, death, alcohol use, drug use, and other mature-related themes. Anyone familiar with the source material "Bleach"(as well as the other various fandoms I'm known to write for) would be well aware of the correlations. Expect nsfw. By following this blog you agree to acknowledging possible explicit content and explicit themes that may or may not be tagged. I will do my best to tag accordingly but if something doesn't appear excessive in my perspective there is the possibility it will not get a tag. Apologies in advanced for any possible triggering content but please consider yourself warned and please request tags if needed. I shouldn't need to state this but blogs posting content such as racism, bigotry, discrimination, hate of any kind, homophobia, incest, noncon ect. will be instantly unfollowed for my own wellbeing and mental health.
Frequent posts of ooc drama or callout culture related involvement will lead to immediate unfollow or Block. Also any posts, comments or replies expressing deragatory commenting towards others or noticeable passive aggressive behavior will lead to unfollow or Block.
Interactions. Some muses here are rude and some are flat out dangerous. If they are approached with lack of caution I will not sit by and be accused of God-modding/Meta-gaming. Please do not prod/provoke or instigate muses into action unless ready for the repercussion. I do not god-mod or meta-game (unless it comes up in crack-posts/jokes on dashboard) and I also don't accept it from others during threads. This has happened to me before and I'd rather avoid it. I'm always willing to chat about/discuss actions that occurred if outcomes are upsetting or uncomfortable in hindsight so there's always the possibility for a do-over, just ask.
Uncomfortable situations. Sometimes uncomfortable dialogue or actions may occur between muses, should this happen please reach out and express the discomfort and we can quickly agree to amend it/change it. Maybe a muse gets too mean or aggressive during chatter or they use possible flirtatious advancements when that sort of attention is unwanted. Talk to me and it won't happen again. Just gotta let me know if something isn't being enjoyed and it will immediately stop.
Multi-muse. There will be multiple muses written on this blog. The roster is subject to change on an unforeseeable basis due to various reasons. I will do my best to notify followers of any changes as soon as possible.
Replies will be done when I have time, should any need to be dropped a courtesy discussion attempt will be made as notification. Activity will be sporadic but my aim is to be online often. This is a hobby and I do it to de-stress. If you at any time find yourself not wanting to drop an interaction, reach out and let me know. Should the opposite be true and you find you want to drop any threads then same would apply. Asking about certain threads or interactions to get an idea of whether they are being continued or dropped is perfectly acceptable but please do not repeatedly ask/spam or hound me, that could result in an unfollow from me.
Any Anon hate will be promptly discarded and will result in an automatic block. This includes Policing anons. Do not go on anon to police what I post on my blog. Please consider unfollowing. Egotistical Anons who decide to abuse the anonymous function on my blog run the risk of being blocked on sight. I will not apologize or explain my posts or my opinions to anons who disagree with me or those who seek to be some sort of authority on what I choose to post on my blog simply because they disagree with me or my point of view or believe I should be "educated" by their standards. Do not impose yourself onto me. Please unfollow if it gets to that point. I would never intentionally offend or insult anyone but I do reserve the right to formulate my own opinions and to thereby express them as such should I feel the need. I understand that doing so could possibly result in unintentional offense or misunderstandings and so should anyone deciding to follow this blog after reading the guidelines/rules outlined within this post. If you find this unacceptable please consider either unfollowing or not following to begin with.
Friendly, neutral, or curious Anons are always welcomed.
Writing. Micro, One-liners, Para, Multi-para and Novella are all welcome. I will be honest, I prefer shorter rather than longer when things have not been plotted. I will be putting my best effort forward but I will not be struggling to match length and hopefully writing partners will not either. Please don't ever feel pressured to write more than motivation will allow, it's completely understandable. I'm the flexible type when in comes to rp here.
Shipping. Please don't force it on my muses. Please don't write on behalf of my muses during replies. This is a cooperative endeavor and consent should be at the forefront of interactions. I ship for chemistry, please be respectful if it just isn't there between muses. Will not be shipping with minors. The most that will occur for minor, underaged muse with another minor muse would be hints of a crush. [For example: Jinta may blush or stammer with words when overwhelmed.] Shipping for any high school aged au will be kept to an appropriate standard for interactions and not explicit.
Portrayal. Please don't press personal headcanon onto my muses. Also please don't press on about inferred or implied assumptions from cannon material, don't use knowledge derived from source material to tell me through your muses about my muses, it may seem like a fun idea but it ends up feeling redundant. Especially if we've just begun interactions. [Example: "Oh hey Mr. Urahara, you're so mysterious, I bet you've got something hidden under your shop! Right? Isn't that right? Look! I see a trap door!"]
Multi-verse. Multi-ship. All ships will be treated as though occuring in seperate universes unless stated otherwise. Open to Alternate Universes. Duplicate/Variant Friendly. Original Character Friendly. Cross-over Friendly.
Cross-over enthusiast. Open to writing with characters from various outside fandoms.
Gaphics and icons. The majority are made and edited by me. Please do not use them without permission. Thank you. Any that are not made by me will be credited if needed.
I'm here to have fun. I'll basically be doing my best to enjoy myself and bypass any drama.
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Hi, ive been reading your posts and I love the way you explain vedic astro and its impact on the person. I was wondering if you could provide some insight on what my chart or even what my soul is here to do vs what my path to monetary gain is? Thank you so much
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Hello fello Vishakha Lagna ;)
Lesson for the future, pay attention to your Lunar Nodes. I deducted from your placements, that you have Rahu in Magha in the 11th house and Ketu in Dhanishta in the 5th. The nodes are particularly important in pursuing your goals, because they explain what motivates you and what gifts you bring with you.
When it comes to finances, my advice for everyone regardless of their chart, is to tap into their Ketu gifts, go through the process of individuating (there is an article about it in my masterpost) and live their authentic life. Then, money, opportunities and abundance manifests as a byproduct on being on the right path.
Personal storytime, I come from a poor family and started working very early not out of greed but simply out of a desire to have independence and freedom my family never had. I was obsessed with working long hours, but I never quite managed to put away enough and the burnout just lead to depression. After I stopped trying to act like a cyborg and just stepped into the correct path, I saw more money than I ever earned, travelled a lot and upgraded my life the way I never have despite all the hard work. The right things come to you, when you do the right thing.
For you, I see a possibility of making money with some creative talents you have. You could easily advertise/sell any art you create. Also, creativity can mean many things. What matters is your authentic self expression, coming from a place of passion. Come out of your shell and share it, you will see how far it can bring you.
My guess is that the current transit of Ketu in the 2nd house and Rahu in Taurus activates these practical concerns for you. However, you have Sun conjunct Mercury in the 12th house in Hasta. I can easily help with that, because I have Jupiter placed exactly there myself, and with the same Lagna as you. Your Venus is also in the 12th house. With a 12th house stellium, the best thing to do is trust the Universe, that you have enough at any given point, because there is an element of being carried by the currents of fate. It's hard to do in our physical reality, because it defies logic, but you need to learn how to let go, even if things are hard.
To give you a practical example and show you I'm not just spouting cliches, 2 years ago my ex partner and I had a comfortable life and a decent pool of money. It wasn't super luxurious, but it was enough to invest in substantial items, like my work laptop that I'm still using, that allows me to do youtube work, and also for travel, although we played with the currency and chose poorer countries on purpose. I actually mourned that a lot, because I wanted to do travel vlogs and post them online and make income this way, and the idea fell through due to what I'm about to describe next.
Unexpectedly, it turned out the apartment that I own where we lived together started to fall apart to the point, that emergency renovation was necessary, because our pipes started to flood the cellar that is common to all the inhabitants of the building, where they keep the prams, bikes etc (I live on the ground floor right above it). I knew my apartment was old, but I wasn't hurrying with the renovation, hoping to accumulate more money long term and do it in the future. Suddenly, we were threatened with serious financial repercussions from the housing cooperative if we didn't fix the issue. So we had to spend all our savings on that apartment, and our living standard plummeted. In addition, the renovation incurred all sorts of unexpected costs, even though we tried our best to ration the budget well.
Eventually, we managed to bring the apartment to the lowest manageable standard, but 2 years later we still don't have a functioning kitchen, because the place still needs work. I've spent these 2 years first being really depressed about the place, then eventually surrendering to the fact, that everything will happen at the right time, and I will finish the place the moment the Universe decides the timing is right. I could lose sleep over money, but I know that the same way the income appeared unexpectedly, the same way it can go, regardless of the hard work I put in. This is the reality of the 12th house. It defies logic, so you have to reach for deeper understanding.
I can tell now, that if it wasn't for that redirection, I would have still been in that relationship, which wasn't good for me. I also wouldn't have had the courage to start my youtube channel or pursue my spiritual career. I wouldn't have discovered very important gifts that I carry with me, I wouldn't have developed the way I have. Money will always come back, but the journey is the point. The 12th house teaches you that. Whatever financial issues you have, they are only a part of a bigger picture. You need to learn to see it with these placements, and trust that you will see the reason for it in time. The 12th house is slow and long-term, so you won't have the results straight away. Also, exercise your intuition. During these 2 years I spent practicing my spirituality, I made certain intuitive predictions without meaning to, and as time unfolded they are all coming true. Try not to panic about the practicalities, and just believe that they will be sorted out. I know it's hard to do, from my own very painful experiences, but I also know it's possible, and with a 12th house stellium it's necessary. Plus, you have a heavy Jupiter and Ketu energy, which will amplify the element of the unpredictable in your life. Understanding of higher reasons for why things happen will always go above practical solutions in your life. People with more materialistic planets and houses will have a different focus and a different way of operating, but your soul signed up for something else, embrace it.
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À une époque où les monstres parcourent la Terre, et alors que l’humanité lutte pour son avenir, Godzilla et King Kong, les deux forces les plus puissantes de la nature, entrent en collision dans une bataille spectaculaire inédite. Alors que Monarch se lance dans une mission périlleuse en terrain inconnu, et qu’il découvre des indices sur les origines des Titans, un complot humain menace d’éradiquer ces créatures — qu’elles soient bonnes ou mauvaises — de la surface de la planète.
Durée: 120 minutes Genre: Action, Science-Fiction Etoiles: Alexander Skarsgård, Millie Bobby Brown, Kyle Chandler, Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry Directeur: Terry Rossio, Eric McLeod, Sarah Halley Finn, Owen Paterson, Michael Dougherty
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Sci-fi is like dream, aside from stories in this classification utilize logical arrangement to explain the universe that it requires place in. It for the most part incorporates or is focused on the assumed impacts or repercussions of PCs or machines; travel through space, time or imaginary worlds; outsider living things; hereditary designing; or other such things. The science or innovation utilized may or probably won’t be completely explained on; stories whose logical components are sensibly point by point, well-informed and viewed as generally conceivable given current information and innovation are regularly known as hard sci-fi. Writing that objectives posses, criminal associations that give a degree of association, and assets that help a lot bigger and more specialized criminal exchanges than an individual criminal could accomplish. Criminals will be the subject of a few motion pictures, especially from the period somewhere in the range of 1930 and 1960. A restoration of criminal sort films happened since the 1990s with the blast of hip-jump culture. Dissimilar to the sooner hoodlum films, the more current movies share comparative components to the more established movies yet is more in a hip-bounce metropolitan setting. An experience story is around a hero who excursions to epic or removed spots to perform something. It could have a considerable number of other classification factors included inside it, since it is an open type. The hero incorporates a mission and faces hindrances to get to their objective. Additionally, experience stories as a rule incorporate obscure settings and characters with valued properties or highlights.
At first proposed as a classification by the makers of the pretending game Children of daylight, dieselpunk alludes to fiction propelled by mid-century mash stories, predicated on the style of the interbellum period through World War II (c. 1920–45). Like steampunk however especially observed as a the ascent of oil power and technocratic discernment, fusing neo-noir factors and sharing subjects more clearly with cyberpunk than steampunk. Despite the fact that the striking quality of dieselpunk as a classification isn’t totally uncontested, portions which range from the retro-advanced film Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow to the 2001 Activision computer game Return to Castle Wolfenstein have been recommended as quintessential dieselpunk works of fiction. A style when an entertainer acts before a live crowd, talking straightforwardly to them. The entertainer is generally alluded to as a comic, professional comedian, professional comic or simply a hold up. In stand-up parody the entertainer ordinarily discusses a relentless progression of amusing stories, short jokes called “pieces”, and jokes, which comprise what’s regularly called a discourse, routine or act. Some professional comics use props, music or sorcery stunts to improve their demonstrations. Stand-up satire is regularly acted in parody clubs, bars, neo-vaudevilles, schools, and theaters. Outside of live execution, stand-up is typically circulated monetarily by means of TV, DVD, and the web. like customary activity; instead of utilizing hand drawn pictures, stop movement films are made with little puppets or different articles which have their image taken regularly over a grouping of little developments to make liveliness outlines. Models are The Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, and Corpse Bride.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time.[1][2][3][4][5] The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itsDemon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train.[6][7][8] A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States.
Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders.[citation needed][9][10][11][12] These rights frequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution.[13]
Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights are inconsistent.[14]
Typically, the public law duration of a copyright expires 50 to 100 years after the creator dies, depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries require certain copyright formalities[5] to establishing copyright, others recognize copyright in any completed work, without a formal registration.
It is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity. However, Parc argues that contrary to prevailing beliefs, imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further. This argument has been supported by many examples such as Millet and Van Gogh, Picasso, Manet, and Monet, etc.[15]
Sarah Paulson is my top choice, yet this film isn’t her best. I trusted that months for this will come out and I’m left asking why I was so energized. The trailer parted with everything. You knew the entire story before it even began. There was practically zero character improvement and everything just felt like it was 0–100 with no pacing at all. Likewise, the cosmetics office for Sarah’s last look-the hellfire would you say you were folks on when you thought of this? I really snickered when I saw her. It was an alright film. One that you’d be pissed on the off chance that you burned through cash on. Nothing new, normal, worn out acting. Additionally, no one realizes the proper behavior an asthma assault. This film had so many plot openings that it seemed like a parody. The mother can simply take an infant from the clinic? She harms her little girl for quite a long time and no specialist actually sees this during her regular visits? How did she manage the postal carrier’s vehicle? No one minded the postal carrier was absent? For what reason did the girl never get one of the numerous sharp or gruff articles around her and hit her mother? The mother leaves all her significant reports in a container sitting out and marked? For what reason would she tie up her girl’s wheel seat and not her girl? This is the means by which the entire film goes. The main redeemable nature of the film was Sarah Paulson’s very frightening acting. Likewise, this story has been done so often. I would not burn through my time watching this. Run is unsurprising and not extraordinary. The acting is phenomenal, while the story is fair. The story makes a magnificent showing of being exciting, yet it chiefly doesn’t go anyplace. I knew all that planned to happen despite the fact that I knew nothing. Nonetheless, There was one scene I appreciated where Clare says, “you need me.” The acting was only exceptional in that particular scene. In general, it’s a one time watch that you’ll most likely fail to remember. This is another film on Hulu by Aneesh Chaganty (and co-composed by Sev Ohanian), following up their realistic presentation Searching (2018) with a spine chiller including a mother and her 17-year-old little girl brought into the world with a few confusions (arrhythmia, hemochromatosis, asthma, diabetes, and most effectively loss of motion).
I will say that it’s conceivable this film is superior to I preferred it, yet in the event that so it would be for its coordinating and acting, and less so about the composition. I felt like there were openings all over the place, and maybe an excess of is tossed at us too early for us to appropriately think about the characters and their circumstance. This sort of film has been done previously, absent a lot of new added to the table short the wheelchair perspective. There were a ton of components set up for what might have given a more grounded finishing conveyance and punch, yet the greater part of those beats were one-note and spent prior in the film as opposed to associating a solid inward weaving as Searching had the option to do. I went in visually impaired, and it’s possible better that I did given that the trailer is fairly uncovering. I don’t think it had a sufficiently high roof in any case to overshadow any wild absence of desires I previously had. My solitary desire was in the possession of the makers, and the most saving grace this film will probably have on crowds is I expectation they become mindful of Searching and see it sooner or later… which is the thing that I expectation the greater part of all of you can detract from this. That was my #1 film of 2018, and Run will tumble to the wayside as fairly convincing yet totally forgettable. The story and pre-assembled relationship just needed more squeeze once the credits rolled. This film was average, best case scenario. Try not to accept individuals giving it 8 or 9. The plot has been seen ordinarily, it was excessively unreasonable, and the closure failed. They attempted to showcase it as a loathsomeness/spine chiller however nothing about it is exciting. It’s a dramatization completely. I will say however, the entertainers did astounding with what they were given. Sarah Paulson was her standard sDemon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train, great, not honor commendable. Be that as it may, Kiera Allen truly captured everyone’s attention. She made the film (which delayed for what seemed like 2 hours) watchable. In the event that you appreciated The Act or have nothing else to watch, give it a go. What’s the point of messing with this poop. It resembles a low lease endeavor at a spine chiller yet you definitely know the closure. The faltering endeavors at tension are more irritating than anything. It’s a terrible lifetime film to be straightforward. Furthermore, I like lifetime motion pictures! It’s additionally excessively coordinated, the music is exhausted and the acting isn’t incredible.
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dearmrsawyer · 5 years
attempting a bit of looking back and looking forward!
work stuff
wow. last year. what an unanticipated RIDE? good? bad? spectrum? my supervisor spent the first half of the year alternating between working from New Zealand and taking unpaid leave, both to stay with his elderly mother, and was deliberately very hands off during that period. I’ve always worked with very little oversight, but there were regularly decisions to be made that i considered above me. i spent a lot of this time floundering, mostly because he had indicated to me that he was going to resign, but didn’t do so until three months after telling me this, so i was never sure if i should defer to him, whether he cared, whether it was worth it since he would be gone shortly after making a decision, or whether i should wait because i didn’t want to be bound to a decision that may end up hurting the work i would need to do after he was gone. 
it felt like six months of frustration and inaction on my part, and by the time he officially resigned in June i didn’t have time to deal with much of the decisions left pending through all this, because we were due to launch an online course that sucked up the second 6 months of the year lol. I knew it was coming but i had no idea of the timeline. i was brought in about 2 weeks before the course needed to go live, NOT ideal since i was the one responsible for all content on our online learning platform. which we upgraded! and so i had to relearn! and the course content was all modified from the face-to-face version i’m familiar with! All i remember from June/July is downloading all the apps i used at work onto my phone so i could keep adding things to my to-do lists from bed at 1am. i remember not sleeping much and editing online content at 9pm and having the Head of Health email me back to take the rest of the night off LOL. i am the kind who needs to finish a task in one sitting/have only minor loose ends to tie up because if i come back to it the next day i need to go over everything i did yesterday, since the act of sleep performs a full memory wipe on all my mental systems. 
anyways it calmed down after July but it still took up the bulk of my workload for the rest of the year, so the rest of my duties (i.e. everything else that happens in the library because i am the one (1) library staff member D:) were really shafted. I feel really bad about that because i know the library suffered, but i also know there’s nothing i could do about it.
however i was also promoted to my supervisor’s old position so i’m officially Head of the library now!!!! i do feel like i earned it, and to be honest it won’t really change my role at all, my opinion will probably just be asked for more often. as i said, i always had very little oversight, partially because my supervisor trusted me to work independently, and partially because he split his role as an academic, so being head of the library was only 10% of his role. so thankfully there was no learning curve involved in this new role, its just business as usual! which is great because i truly didn’t have time for a learning curve lol! i got a bit of a raise, and i’ll be more involved in decisions that impact the library. i anticipate i will still be left out of the loop at times, purely because myself and the library live on the ground floor, and everyone else works on level 2. so the library falls into the trap of out of sight, out of mind very often, not through any malice, but because its just forgotten. in the last year though, maybe as a result of my supervisor leaving, i feel like the colleagues i’m closer to have put great effort into reaching out to me anytime they know a conversation that will affect the library is being had. this has really made me feel like i’ve got people looking out, so i still expect the library will be forgotten semi-regularly but that’s out of my control, and i will just do what i can with the help of friends!
so, goals: try to give all areas of the library equal attention, um perhaps convince someone to let me hire a second staff member lol??, maybe get a standing invite to one of the committees with executive staff so i can be in the loop on what’s like... happening generally, oh god sort out the ebook situation (currently: non existent and confusing to consider)
me stuff
due to a combination of factors (a few months of nausea, unbearable outdoor conditions, laziness) i didn’t start my usual six months of exercising before i once again switch off all movement for the winter months lol. since no longer having a dog, going on walks/jogs became really un-fun, but in the last few years i’ve found a new routine. i didn’t get back into this routine when i normally would, and my holiday ends this week, but i’m thinking i might loosen my plan this year. i’ve been good at eliminating any sense of guilt attached to ‘fitness’ the last few years, and replacing it with a satisfaction in feeling the capability of my own body. so my plan is, use the structure of a work week to build up my exercise routine, use more work mornings to try and fit in some exercise, go into work a little later when i want to because there are no repercussions on me or the library, and once winter hits try to go back to morning walks/jogs because they’re more bearable at that time of year. just to keep up some kind of activity year-long instead of stopping altogether. 
my success in finishing killjoys last year taught me i should really trust in myself to write something i don’t think i’ll be able to write. i’ve got another idea (less ambitious) that i feel would be best written by someone else, but i’m eager to write it anyway! courageous writing! i was also successful at writing more casually with all the tiny pokemon pieces, and hope to continue writing casually. yesterday i listened to a BBC reading of Neil Gaiman’s short story Chivalry, and it reminded me why i love Gaiman’s short stories so much. i’ve always found short stories fairly unpalatable for my own tastes, because of the dissection involved, the hidden messages that take me back to critical reading in university. and critical reading is a GREAT thing, but when i just want a story? i’ve always found short stories impenetrable. But Gaiman’s short stories are so ‘i had a neat idea, here’s 1500 words, thanks for your time’. LOL like they don’t GO anywhere? there are still often layers that critical reading will pull out but sometimes its just like ‘here’s a concept, enjoy’. and i love that idea of no pressure writing! just here’s an idea! i got nothing else, i just like the idea! so here’s to more of that!
also i remember at the start of the year i said i wanted to be more engaged in the community i have on here, and for the first few months of the year really felt like i was failing. a lot of it was a side effect of all the uncertainty at work bleeding into my general state of being, my own emotional state in other areas, working through being a living person etc lol, but as the year wore on i really felt like i did do that! i’ve met more of you on here, interacted either a) more widely, or b) more deeply with some of you, and i feel like i’ve ‘played’ more, and i’ve loved it. 
oh also my 2019 reading mission was to pull out any books i’d owned for 5-10 years, bought at another point in my life journey, and try as many as i could with the goal to get rid of any that no longer appealed to me. and i culled a healthy number of books! so this year is going to be about reading books i’m most excited to read. we’re following passion this year!
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somniatcr · 5 years
      character study series--- o.rihara i.zaya
let us first begin with what may be, perhaps, one of the most important questions regarding my personal portrayal of this character--- do i genuinely view and / or write izaya as being sociopathic in nature?
essentially, yes, i do. mostly. izaya, inherently, is complex, impossible to specifically narrow or pigeonhole into any one particular category. that’s not him, it isn’t how he works. does he tend to fit or to display certain sociopathic behaviors or tendencies? he absolutely does, yes.
izaya has shown himself to be absolutely masterful in the arts of manipulation and conning; there’s zero room for doubt or question here. he, at times, displays a grandiose sense of self, namely in regard to his high level of intelligence  ( which is fair and we’ll touch on that later ).  he frequently displays a lack of remorse for his actions; he doesn’t feel shame nor guilt for the things that he says, that he does, nor is he bothered whatsoever by the consequences or repercussions that follow--- this is blatantly displayed during his initial introduction to the series in which he manipulates, drugs, and kidnaps a girl who, following a conversation and his taunts, attempts to leap to her own death; an action which, ultimately, doesn’t affect him in the slightest  ( it’s also implied that he may have been responsible for multiple suicides under similar circumstances in the same locale, though he of course denies this--- note; this is based strictly on izaya in the anime as the manga portrays this scene very differently ). 
his emotional range is, for the most part, shallow; this can be argued at points, but ultimately he lacks warmth, compassion, isn’t capable of the sort of love felt or experienced by most  ( a fact to which he, himself, more or less attests to ),  and remains unmoved and lacks both sympathy and / or empathy where most people otherwise wouldn’t. which leads us to the following point, he lacks empathy for others--- if anything, he’s amused by the distress, the pain, and / or the anger that he causes others and, furthermore, frequently goes on to take advantage of it, as is shown time and time again to be his nature. he has a near constant need for stimulation; this can be seen in both his chaotic behaviors  ( his scheming, the games in which he plays with others, the creation of chaos amongst others, his constant conflicts with shizuo, etc )  to his frequent playing of chess in his downtime  ( even if only with himself, as he admits to he, himself, being his greatest opponent ).  he’s incredibly versatile in his criminal activities, i.e. changing his identity at will or as needed to avoid being caught or to manipulate and deceive others  ( each and every last one of his online personas is an absolute testament to this ). 
he also doesn’t necessarily have what i would consider to be any sort of particularly realistic life plans or goals, ultimately being hyper-focused on supplying himself with mental stimulation, wreaking havoc about the city that he claims to love, proving shizuo to be the monster that he resolutely believes him to be, and finding companions who meet this strict, almost impossible, criteria of his  ( again, something we’ll be touching on shortly ).
that said, do i believe him to be an absolute sociopath? almost, but no.
regardless of however i may happen to talk about izaya, however i happen to, at times, write izaya, i don’t believe he’s entirely what he seems to be.
izaya is, without a shadow of a doubt, phenomenal at what he does, but not because of any sort of mental disorder, it’s because he has built himself up to be the person that he is. izaya is nearly one hundred percent self-made. he’s easily the most highly intelligent character within his respective series, so much so that he actually laments the fact that he has no intellectual rival  ( told you we’d be coming back to this ).  izaya is a rare form of genius, a large portion of his intelligence being rooted in his own form of observational proficiency; in the way that he takes in, absorbs, visual, auditory, and sensory information and in the way in which he happens to categorize and log away all of this information, forming patterns and creating his own mental files. furthermore, he never forgets things, not anything. he may, at times, pretend to or feign ignorance, but he absolutely doesn’t forget. he also has an eidetic memory and is capable of recalling faces or images from memory, even if only having seen them once and for a short amount of time.
it’s essentially this, his mind, his overall intelligence that initially sets him on the path that it does, that leads to izaya becoming the person that he is today. during his youth, it’s remarked upon that his parents were actually quite concerned for him as it’s stated that he disliked interacting with other children or, later in life, with people his own age  ( perhaps, even, people in general ).  there are two very plausible reasons for this. the first being that as a child, he was likely ostracized due to his level of intelligence. he was, simply put, on a much different level intellectually which made it difficult for him to interact with his peers and vice versa. which, in the end, led him to then remove himself from these social interactions entirely--- which happens to be our reason two; if he’s going to be shunned or excluded anyway, then why bother trying to include himself in the first place. at least in removing himself from the situation of his own accord he has a sense of control. something that he needs.
inherently, he’s actually quite lonely. it isn’t as though he’s above human interaction as a whole, nor is he incapable of wanting or forming connections with other people altogether  ( although i don’t believe him to be capable of forming and maintaining healthy relationships with others ).  but, rather, it’s that he has, thus far, been incapable of forming such connections with the people that he’s met. no one rivals his mind save for him. he wants stimulating conversation, he wants to be surprised and to be challenged, and no one supplies this, no one provides him with what he needs  ( the closest that he’s canonically come to this is shinra, who spiraled so deeply into his obsession with celty that he, more or less, cast his relationship with izaya to the side ).  and, so, ultimately he’s left bored and wanting. which then leads him to create his own stimuli  ( something that rarely bodes well for anyone else ).
ironically, his shallow emotional range and incapability of effectively understanding and processing the emotion that he does feel is also largely part of what has led izaya to become the person that he is now. he’s lonely, yes, but lacks a full and true awareness of the fact that he is so, deeming such feelings to simply be boredom. he feels empty, a sort of void, and immediately jumps to that one particular conclusion time and time again--- he must be bored. there, as far as he is aware, can be no other logical explanation.
he also has experienced jealousy, primarily notable when shinra essentially ditched him for celty, which triggered a whole series of unhealthy coping mechanisms ranging from obsession  ( which he has another of in shizuo )  to him flagrantly casting aside what little remained of his capabilities in regard to vulnerability and emotional expression. he was unable to properly form and maintain one human relationship and, so, naturally would refrain from making the same mistake again. izaya, if nothing else, is consistent and learns his lesson the first time around  ( even if, perhaps, the takeaway that he gets from it is very, very wrong ).
in his own twisted way, it’s this deep seeded, misconstrued loneliness that leads him to his self-proclaimed human loving behavior  ( always plural, always collective, and never the singular person ).  this is where these emotions / behaviors and his sociopathic tendencies begin to intermingle, where the lines begin to blur, izaya walking this odd line of claiming to love humans unilaterally due to being unable to find and connect with that one person and loving humans due to simply finding them to be fun and for his own enjoyment, their nature and behaviors fascinating to him. it’s all at once disturbing and depressing and indicates this bizarre simultaneous mental instability and frightening level of self-awareness and control.
as a result, the only connections that he’s since been able to form are of a superficial level, people only wanting to get to know him, to become close with him, due to a facade, a fabrication of his own self that he’s used to lure them in, to use or to manipulate them for his own personal benefit. this, however, is something of a double-edged sword; he’s granted, albeit temporarily, with the mental stimuli that he craves, that he desperately needs, but in jumping from one person to the next  ( enacting numerous mind games, collecting people and drowning himself in these near constant social interactions ),  he’s overfilling those aforementioned mental files of his, he’s interacted with so many people, experienced so many interactions, that, over time, everyone begins to become predictable. he becomes more and more difficult to entertain and so, oftentimes, is left at least vaguely disappointed. which, in turn, causes him to continuously up his game, to up the stakes, leading to further and further consequence--- even going so far as to put his own life at risk, to risk death, for the sake of satisfying his own personal agenda or to prove a point  ( case and point, his final fight with shizuo, which leaves his body utterly destroyed and leads to him being stabbed and near death; he’s ultimately fine with being killed if it’s at shizuo’s hand just so that he can finally prove that shizuo is, in fact, the monster that he’s constantly touting him to be--- note !!  this particular scene / interaction is one that i don’t entirely maintain as canon for my particular portrayal of izaya ).
izaya is, without a doubt, the great villain in his respective series, but in becoming so has found himself becoming his own great villain as well. his inherent problematic qualities coupled with misconceived loneliness and emotional repression has led to him being his own greatest vice. he’s incapable of relinquishing control, banishes all signs of vulnerability  ( however few there may be ),  and views others as being beneath him, none capable of being or becoming his intellectual equal.
long story short, izaya is one part sociopath, one part self-made enemy number one  ( both in regard to those unfortunate enough to cross his path and to himself ).  and though i strive to bring out the best of both worlds, there’s only so much that i’m capable of in writing for a character quite so interesting and complex as this.
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Printer Security – What To Do?
When taking a gander at big business security, we ordinarily allude to and think about firewalls, Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), Virtual Private Networks (VPN), encryption and confirmation. When we consider verifying our information, we consider verifying basic servers and databases. Once in a while do we consider printers. Billions of dollars are spent worldwide on security every year, except what amount did your association spend on verifying their printers this most recent a year? On the off chance that you addressed zero, you would be in by far most.
Printers have made considerable progress since their across the board appropriation in the late 1970's and mid 1980's. Some time ago, every printer was associated with an individual framework and could just process a solitary print work at once. Today, printers have developed into multi-utilitarian gadgets that uncovered little similarity to their inaccessible starting points. Printers in the 21st century perform many undertakings including, yet not restricted to, printing, examining, photocopying, faxing and notwithstanding messaging reports. What most clients, and even framework, system and security directors don't understand is the thing that truly goes on inside a printer and what usefulness they genuinely have. Most clients still think about the printers of 30 years prior; unintelligent gadgets that just have the capacity to print reports. This view is far expelled from reality.
While examining printers in this article, we are not just discussing the behemoths you see in most expansive endeavors, yet in addition your low-end multifunctional printers you presently discover basic in customary family units. Uncommon is it to discover a printer, regardless of how little, that just plays out the single errand of printing. Most, at an extremely least, furnish faxing or examining and with these come expanded memory prerequisites. Checking a full archive in readiness to print, examining a report to be spared as a PDF or comparable record, or filtering a report to permit faxing all require the capacity to support the information inside the gadget. A cushion is fundamentally an area of memory that permits the putting away of transitory information. Printers utilize this cushion to store a computerized form of the report you are printing, examining or faxing. Contingent upon the gadget, this cradle can extend from a little bit of Random Access Memory (RAM) to a Hard Disk Drive like the sort found in your work area or workstation phone. In bigger undertaking printers, this support isn't the main memory store found inside the printer. A bigger, non-unpredictable memory region is given to store semi-changeless or perpetual data. For instance, a few printers permit examining of a report and sparing it inside the printer as a PDF. The client may then associate with the printer as though it were a system drive, or by means of a website page, and download their archive.
So where are we running with this? The spillage or robbery of delicate and classified corporate data. Expansive endeavors may have created and executed information maintenance and devastation strategies yet seldom do these incorporate, or even notice, printers. Organizations take a gander at printed versions of reports, CD's, DVD's and workstation, PC and server hard drives when building up their information devastation strategies. While it is clear they recognize hard drives as a wellspring of touchy data, once in a while do they consider the hard drives contained inside their printers, on the off chance that they even know about their reality. Printers are likewise normally neglected when security strategies, methodology and rules are created and executed. Brief period, assuming any, is spent taking a gander at printer security or the ramifications of not verifying the corporate printers. All the all the more irritating this moves toward becoming when you mull over the regular sorts of archives that go through printers in a professional workplace. Contingent upon the business or the office inside the association, archives can fluctuate from touchy budgetary records, individual client information or point by point organize outlines, to give some examples.
To see how delicate information is spilled through a basic printer to the outside world, it requires a comprehension of the professional workplace, security controls inside that condition, and the general stream of data between clients, printers and record frameworks that house confined information.
In the perfect, secure professional workplace, a client has confined access to records that relate to his or her activity work. The records dwell on a safe server inside the corporate system and are ensured by solid access control approaches requiring a client to verify before being enabled access to documents. In our model, a client requires a touchy monetary record for a gathering he is going to visit. The client confirms to the server, access to the document is approved by the entrance control approaches set on the record and the client opens the document in Microsoft Word. He taps on the print symbol and sends the archive as a print employment to his closest printer. With this basic demonstration, we have taken a safe record that exceptionally constrained clients approach, and have made two duplicates that are never again ensured by any type of access control. The first is the self-evident; the paper duplicate our client requires for their gathering. The second is a duplicate housed in the cradle on the printer. In the perfect world, our client will guard the printed duplicate consistently and pursue the association's information demolition strategy and annihilate the duplicate of the record when they never again require it. With respect to the virtual duplicate made on the printer, the client has no genuine authority over this, nor presumably realizes it even exists. On the off chance that we are fortunate, the record is overwritten when the following print work comes through, yet this is reliant on the brand and model of printer and how the printer was at first set up by the chairman.
In both of these situations, ill-advised transfer of a decommissioned printer could have calamitous ramifications for an organization. Rented printers might be come back to the renting organization for resale. Obtained printers are disposed of in the junk or sold at closeout or online by means of sale destinations, for example, eBay. In any case, innumerable touchy records could go under the control of terrible people. While the spilling of certain archives could monetarily influence associations, releasing individual data relating to hundreds or thousands of clients or customers could have notoriety repercussions that could devastate an organization.
Most associations don't understand the maximum capacity of their printers or the usefulness they have accessible. While much usefulness is non-security related, these capacities have significant effect on the security of the information inside an association and should be comprehended and tended to. These incorporate, however are not constrained to:
1. The capacity to duplicate documents to Windows or Unix SMB record servers
2. The capacity to email filtered records to a client
3. Functionality that enables printers to get faxes and after that forward the fax onto predefined clients by means of numerous strategies, for example, email or as another fax, and
4. The capacity to store records which have been checked, printed, messaged or transferred locally on the printer
While most printers have the capacity to validate both printer heads or ordinary printer clients, most of the time, this usefulness is incapacitated or left in its default state; crippled. Five minutes on Google and an aggressor will probably discover the default secret word to practically any printer. When executive access is picked up to a printer, it takes brief period and even less capacity to make changes to settings that could be disastrous to an association. While it would be little yet irritating to wind up bolted out of your printer, or the interface changed to another dialect so nobody could control the printer, if the assailant was to divert your printing or duplicate reports to an area outside the inward system, contingent upon the substance of the document, it could be the ruin of an association.
So how does an association ensure itself against assaults against printers and spillage of delicate information?
A couple of basic advances:
1. Disable pointless usefulness. In the event that any capacity inside the printer isn't required inside your business, incapacitate it. The less administrations or capacities a printer has running, the less roads of assault or spillage the printer has.
2. Add printers to your information maintenance and transfer approaches. Ensure all memory inside printers is discarded by means of secure demolition or secure cleaning when printers are decommissioned.
3. Ensure information is overwritten following printing. This needs the printer being used to help this usefulness, however in the event that your information is exceedingly delicate, this ought to be a need when taking a gander at new printers.
4. Print from memory as opposed to hard plate drive if accessible.
5.Use the protected printing alternative, if accessible, so printouts don't begin before you achieve the printer and enter your secret key. How frequently have you hit print, strolled to the printer and your printout is not a single where to be seen, just to turn up lying on a table days or even weeks after the fact?
6. Examine where printers are coherently situated inside the system. Printer the board interfaces ought to be limited and just open from characterized the executives IP's. Guarantee printers are never open from the Internet. Evaluate whether a few or all printers ought to be situated inside their own zone of trust.
7. Use the inbuilt security inside the printer to confine who approaches, what get to they have and where they may access from.
Verifying printers ought to be an indispensable piece of verifying your information. Security arrangements should exist that address the dangers and characterize how printers ought to be verified. Create printer security rules and methodology for usage of new printers and pursue these guidelines to guarantee all printers are verified and don't turn into a high hazard to your association. By verifying your printers, you are adding to your by and large layered security demonstrate and ensuring your association's basic information alongside
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daisy-oreilly-fti · 6 years
An In Depth Analysis on Articles 13 and 11 - Part 1
This is going to be the first in a series of posts attempting to shed some light on the potentially disastrous implications of the new EU Copyright Directive articles 11 and 13.
Unfortunately, these laws have so many implications that I can’t actually put everything into a single post and still keep it somewhat structured, so I’m going to break it up.
The biggest problem with article 13, you see, is how incredibly vague it is. There are things we know for certain it will do, and things which it might or might not do. Article 11 suffers from the same problem, to a lesser extent, but I’ll go into specifics separately.
I’ll deal with article 13 for now, as that one holds a host of problems.
The immediate and clear effects it will have on hos the internet works as of now.
Ways it can and will clash with previously established freedoms and render them null.
Repercussions of painfully vague wording and things it might or might not affect.
As people have been saying up and down, the point to this article is to basically force every website that ‘allows users to post  text, sounds, code, still or moving images, or other copyrighted works for public consumption’ to implement filters to automatically veto any and all content that users try to post for copyrighted material.
The definition of copyrighted material in this situation is a problem in and of itself, but I’ll delve deeper into that in the next post of this series. For now, I’ll deal with the internet as a whole.
You see, what the article is trying to force is the biggest threat to the internet as we know it.
“Information society service providers that store and provide to the public access to large amounts of works or other subject-matter uploaded by their users”
This is the wording the article uses. Basically, any website that admits user-generated content becomes responsible as the provider of said content. Forcing every website in existence to become responsible for the content that users upload, instead of the other way around, will force the entire business model that these sites have adopted for years now to completely turn on its head. That combined with the investments needed to put in place filtering systems that will be able to sort through not only video and audio, but any photographs, text, and any type of possible content, means that many smaller platforms might simply not be able to hold up financially and have to shut down.
Creating new platforms will also become an option which just won’t be viable for many, for the investments that would be needed. Already, this is a threat to the internet as we know it, making it harder for spaces where people can share content and information to exist.
Beyond that, there’s an issue that needs to be faced. If websites will be held directly responsible and punishable by law for the content that users upload, they’d be hard pressed to stay on the side of caution. If there’s even the slightest ambiguity about whether or not something is an infringement, websites will have to err on the side of caution and get rid of the content. This might sound harsh, but it’s a hard truth. Works which should not be deleted, will be deleted, in an effort to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks.
Taking this a step further, the word ‘hosting’ could be taken to mean that this is applicable to not only platforms like Google, Facebook, ao3, tumblr, Deviantart and others, but even storage servers like cloud and google drive could fall under this blanket term.
TL;DR: Fewer websites allowing less content means a huge decrease in possibilities for user-generated content, of any type.
Do you want to know the worst part, though? The grossest repercussion of this article they’re trying to pass?
This means a continent-wide surveillance system that governments and huge corporations can use to monitor and control any and all online activity of the citizens.
These filters need to be in use by any and all websites, and their job is ultimately to read through every bit of content that goes through a platform. There is nothing that will be left untouched.
And this comes on the tail of the GDPR legislation (privacy laws) which is supposed to protect the personal information of citizens from being used by any company or corporation - personal information which includes names, ID information, phone numbers, where you live, email address, etc.
But not online activity.
So, yeah. This law is gross and horrible, but I haven’t even scratched the surface yet.
I’m going to let y’all chew on this for a bit. I’ll have two more individual posts at least:
- on how the ambiguity of the wording will cause it to affect works it should not and infringe on previous Fair Use laws (how exactly it might or might not affect fan content like fanfiction and fanart)
- as well as how automatic filtering machines are shit and will cause a huge loss of content for the internet (and how that in turn might affect fandom culture)
As well as a separate one on article 11 which is another dumpsterfire entirely, which is aimed to control the type of information we have access to until they’re able to control what the public believes by controlling what we get to see online.
These next posts will more clearly accentuate the reason why I’m trying to push for a preventive movement in creating mailing lists in order to share content and information more freely in the eventuality that these laws pass.
The body of the law (scroll down to chapter 2, article 13): 
Websites will become legally responsible for the content we upload:
(this one in particular will be more relevant in one of the next posts, but I’m not going to stop you from reading ahead)
Effects of ambiguity, surveillance, and the loss of legal content for the safety of responsible websites:
(Their entire spreadsheet on article 13 is very thorough and tries to explain every possible repercussion while quoting the proper text of the law (which I’ve linked above) so feel free to study this in depth explanation and run it by the text of the law. Have fun!)
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beyerwilder05-blog · 6 years
Red Dead Redemption two Is The Video Game Embodiment Of The Great American Novel
The original Red Dead Redemption is a fascinating, instructive point in the evolution of video game publisher Rockstar Games. This additional level of depth that's added to the globe and its inhabitants did often give me a sense of conflict when playing the game, but in a excellent way of course. See, you're not specifically taking on the role of the ‘good guy' in Red Dead Redemption two, so you can anticipate Red Dead Redemption 2 download to do a lot of things that are not precisely sort. This is some thing I've accomplished a lot of in games like Grand Theft Auto in the past and it really is anything I've in no way worried about that a lot, so I thought it'd be the identical here. Time and once again I was struck by how seriously this game's writers took their characters, themes, and subject matter. Abstract or no, Red Dead 2's America is still a nation reeling from the Civil War, where women are not allowed to vote, and where Native Americans and their cultures are being systematically eradicated. Every little Red Dead Redemption 2 download thing in the major narrative is treated with acceptable weight and humanity, and never did I encounter a lapse into the sort of haphazard satire and 'śeveryone sucks'ť cop-outs embraced'”by some of the exact same writers!'”in Rockstar's depressingly misanthropic Grand Theft Auto series. Though initials on the mini-radar beckon you to progress the story as is trademark in Rockstar titles, almost everything you do in-game feels like it carries weight. Even the individual favours asked of Arthur that don't have any bearing on the group's wellbeing really feel like they are worth seeing by way of. Performing very How to Download Red Dead Redemption 2 good by your fellow man in Red Dead can net you a spoonful of honour which can be beneficial in currying favour with these cut from finer cloth who may well look down their nose at a cowboy like Arthur. It is an sophisticated morality gauge that actually has the stones to enforce repercussions on the player. On the entire, Rockstar don't do negative games. From Midnight Club to Bully, by way of all the GTA editions and covering the original Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar are synonymous with quality. But their most recent infant, that of Red Dead Redemption 2, is their most ambitious project yet, one that blows the juggernaut that is GTA V out of the water with a script that doubles previous how to download red dead redemprion 2 efforts, and functions a lot more than ten times the quantity of custom animations noticed in the huge San Andreas adventure. For any individual who has played GTA V will know, that is a lot of script and a ton of animation. Every action and selection that the player makes as Arthur ends up affecting the way that other characters perceive him out in the planet of Red Dead Redemption 2. From violently shooting up neighborhood sheriffs or robbing civilians, to giving help to a woman out on the road following where i can download red dead redemption 2 her horse has died, the Honor system not only serves as a way to indicate the path that Arthur is taking morally — regardless of whether he's a ruthless outlaw or a more compassionate cowboy — but also has a lot more tangible effects on the game's globe on a larger level. Anything comparable can be stated of a lot of the realistic” characteristics that had been hyped prior the game's release. Stuff like getting to cook your food, consume properly, clean your weapon, shaving, wearing proper garments and so red dead redemption 2 download on., are all neat, but never ever felt super important either. You can safely ignore most of that stuff for a lot of the game and barely even notice. Properly, except for the occasions exactly where your beard starts to appear way too considerably like a skilled baseball player from 2018 Shave that ASAP. Red Dead Redemption two is the result of the refinement of a genre that Rockstar Games is the master of, and it should not be missed by anybody who has any interest in video games, Westerns, or compelling stories with equally compelling characters. There is not one particular how to download red dead redemprion 2 report that could possibly cover the scope of gameplay that is offered in Red Dead Redemption two with the nuance it deserves. As with any video game, it's the gameplay that genuinely matters although, and Red Dead Redemption 2 excels there, as well. You are going to locate your self engaging in all manner of activities all through the game, from shovelling manure to robbing banks. At times you will employ stealth to achieve your purpose other instances you will go in all guns blazing. Really usually red dead redemption 2 license key download have a decision amongst a single Red Dead Redemption 2 download or the other. The game's story balances its high-octane moments very nicely, interspersing them with missions that create your expertise of the planet and its characters, giving specific events far more effect when they play out. And while there is 1 section of the game that ultimately devolves into a protracted firefight, its sense of urgency propels you along until factors can lastly get back to standard. Red Dead Redemption 2 also involves Red Dead On-line, although the multiplayer element is not available at the moment and will enter Beta at some point in November Rockstar did not reveal considerably about it however Red Dead Redemption 2 download, but right after playing the single player I'm confident that the slower pace of Red Dead Redemption two, if maintained in multiplayer, could be really properly suited to attract even these who disliked GTA Online's typically chaotic action. Red Dead Redemption two puts you in the shoes of Arthur Morgan, a extended-serving member of Dutch Van Linde's gang. Right after a robbery goes incorrect in the town of Blackwater, the gang finds themselves on the run in the snowy mountains, and with camp morale at an absolute low thanks to the death of some of the gang members and the deadly weather where i can download red dead redemption 2 conditions, items are not hunting too sweet.
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