#or he'd suffer through it anyways if he was in a good mood but he'd complain a lot
scaramutuall · 8 months
anyways good morning ^_^ I think I'd make him tea and he'd spit it out immediately because I only drink it if it has like 10 sweeteners in it
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adore-laur · 7 months
— just harry being a doting dad & husband 🍓
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Saturday nights haven't been this peaceful in a while. Harry and your daughter left home about an hour ago to attend a father-daughter dinner organized by a group of parents at the daycare, so you're left by your lonesome to enjoy a relaxing time without your child's newly developed and daily tantrums. She's two-and-a-half years old, meaning it's out with the newborn bliss and in with the "Terrible Twos" phase every mom has warned you about. 
She was always an easy baby; she never cried for too long or was fussy too often. There's no doubt that she's still the sweetest little thing, but some days, it can be a nightmare to deal with her. You're thankful for her otherwise reserved nature, but even then, a toddler will do anything to get what they want, and your daughter is no exception. 
Nonetheless, you and Harry handle it as a team. Both of you choose to deal with her sudden outbursts by using a calm and understanding approach. She listens most of the time. If she got one trait from her father, it's the ability to be an annoyingly good listener and hang on to every word you speak. With Harry, it's always complete eye contact, well-placed affirmations, and asking all the right questions. You suppose it's because of his job, but he claims he was just naturally born with it. 
Having been together for seven years, you and Harry have lived a beautifully intimate life on the coast of southern California, consisting of no neighbors, a secluded beach, and your little family of three. Harry works as a sous chef at a restaurant on the outskirts of town. He used to be the head chef before your daughter came into the world, but the wearisome hours he worked then would have never worked out with being a new father. He still hasn't accepted his old title back, much to your secret dismay. When he decided to demote himself, he suffered from a salary decrease and disappointed comments from co-workers. He didn't care, though. He told you that if it meant he had more time to spend with you and the baby, he would selflessly accept the consequences. 
During your postpartum days, he promised never to have a shift that had him arriving home after five in the evening unless necessary. It was a promise to always be with you for dinner, to watch the sun dip down the horizon, and to fall asleep next to you. He sometimes comes home in a palpable mood of frustration after a hectic shift, but as soon as he walks through the door and sees his girls, it's like magic the way his visibly tense shoulders sag with relief. 
There are instances when both of you need an independent getaway, but most of the time, it's the three of you together in your domestic bubble of love. You've never known a man quite like Harry. Nothing compares to his heart or drive to be the best possible husband, dad, and son. Also, you appreciate how he's so attentive and gentle with every part of your lives and how he'd go against that gentleness if needed to fight tooth and nail for his family. You've built a life worth living with him. He's yours entirely. 
And yes, his daughter has stolen some of that love, but each night before you fall asleep, it's like he can transfer every ounce of love in his precious heart to you with a simple touch. Or a single glance topped off with the softest kiss. 
As you sit alone by the blazing fire, you realize that nights spent by yourself no longer appeal to you. You want your family next to you all the time. You want your daughter to ask a million questions, mostly incomprehensible blabbering, but it melts your heart anyway. You want to watch Harry cook dinner, always putting on his actual chef coat and reading a recipe in a terrible French accent, just to make your daughter laugh. You want to watch him put a spaghetti noodle below his nose to act as a mustache, or watch him keep your daughter on his hip while letting her add an ingredient to a dish. Then, when she does, he looks at her with faux surprise and tells her she's better at his job than he is. 
Yet when your chef husband isn't home to make delicious food, you're stuck making frozen pizza. You considered having a glass of wine with it but decided not to because waking up on a Sunday morning with a pounding headache and a cranky toddler at the breakfast table is not something you want to deal with. 
With a reminiscent glint in your eyes, you finish the last slice and think about what they could be doing now. It's a little after seven, so you assume they're done eating dinner and socializing with the other dads and kids. Harry had said the restaurant was connected to a botanical garden, so they might be walking through it. Your daughter is probably exhausted. She woke up at five this morning and has been hyper all day, asking if she could go to dinner now, even if it wasn't lunchtime. 
You decide to text him and ask if he could take some pictures in the garden. Your and Harry's camera roles are filled with images of your daughter. 
I hope you guys are having fun! Please take some pictures of you both at the botanical garden. Miss and love you. Get home safe. 
You shut your phone off and stare at the moonlit water, waiting for your favorite people to come home. 
Harry is waiting for the check when he gets your text message. His phone screen lights up, displaying his lock screen, which is a photo of him and his baby girl on a hotel bed in Italy. They're both wearing fluffy white robes and are passed out from a long day of swimming under the sun and eating a boatload of food. 
That family vacation was six months ago. It was her second birthday, so he wanted to go somewhere special. Let's just say that being a chef at a nice restaurant has its perks. He had saved a lot of money after he started working more hours. Then, one day, he secretly bought three plane tickets to the Amalfi Coast.
Harry wants to go back more than anything. He has never felt more content and full of love (and carbs) anywhere else except for Italy. He swears he gained ten pounds from that trip alone, and he blames it on his daughter, who begged for raspberry gelato and ciabatta bread every chance she got. He had wanted to go back to the gym to lose weight, but you changed his mind when you told him on the last day in Italy that you found his new body attractive. You had also whispered in his ear that his thighs were thickening, and it was making you hot in the face. 
So, naturally, he took you into the shower, had you ride his thigh, and then made you come twice in twenty minutes. 
But that's beside the point. 
Harry reads your text, smiles, and then types out a response. Of course, love. We'll be home soon. We're full of spaghetti and love you very much. 
It's getting late, so he settles on taking the little rascal for a stroll through the gardens before she zonks out. He untucks his black shirt from his trousers, leans back against the chair, and rubs his hands over his stomach. It was a spaghetti dinner with seemingly endless garlic bread, so they are both now feeling the after-effects. 
Harry lets out a dramatic sigh that catches his daughter's attention. "Are you full?"
She mimics his position while nodding with a pout on her face. He laughs and starts folding his sunglasses in his shirt pocket, which he wore before it started getting dark out. He pushes their dirty dishes toward the middle of the table to make things easier for the busser. He then leaves a fifty-dollar bill as a tip. 
Reclaiming his credit card from the checkbook and putting it between his teeth, he grabs the coloring sheet the restaurant supplied and tucks it under his arm. He knows she'll want it on the fridge. 
He returns his credit card to his wallet and asks, "Ready to see the pretty flowers before we leave?" She hums a yes, and he can't help but reach across the table to pinch her cheek fondly before standing. "Let's go, sleepy girl." 
She lifts her arms in a request to be carried, and Harry picks her up with a groan. He's only thirty-one, so he really shouldn't be struggling to carry his daughter, who weighs the same as a sack of potatoes. He supposes that working in a kitchen and hunching over counters all day for the past decade might have something to do with it.
He hikes her up on his hip while she snakes her arms around his neck and rests her head on his shoulder. She'll be asleep in a matter of minutes. 
After he pushes their chairs in, he waves goodbye to the other daycare fathers before making a beeline for the commercial kitchen to bid adieu to the staff. He's friendly with some of them since he's a local chef himself, and he always tries to show his appreciation to chefs. He knows firsthand the hard work and stress of successfully running a restaurant behind the scenes.
Harry pushes the door open using his elbow and quickly catches the gaze of the head chef, whom he has talked to a few times at past culinary conventions and events. He takes his free hand and covers his daughter's exposed ear since it's noisy in the kitchen, with metal clanging and orders being shouted.
"Hi," he says, smiling politely at the head chef. "We're heading home, so I just wanted to give my thanks. The food and service were excellent." 
"Harry, it was good seeing you!" he replies cheerfully, reaching under a stainless steel countertop. "Stop by again soon. We love having your family here." 
"Will do, man. I'll bring my missus next time." 
Harry plans date nights every other week, usually finding restaurants he's never visited in the SoCal region. You've told him he gets endearingly talkative when explaining certain establishments' different cuisines and recipes. The restaurant he's at tonight has always been a favorite because he's taken you there a handful of times when the both of you were still in the early stages of dating. He even worked there as an assistant chef for two years. 
On the third date he took you on, if he remembers correctly, he may or may not have convinced his boss at the time to let him take you back to the kitchen so he could show you how to make chocolate-covered strawberries. You'd told him you had made them before, and he blushed while mentally facepalming himself; he thought he was being clever. That didn't stop him, though, because he ended up pulling something out of thin air. Turn up his charm, so to speak, by saying that his version of the classic recipe was extra special. 
Well, he had lied. 
They were just regular chocolate-covered strawberries, but he pushed up his sleeves (metaphorically and literally) and used fancy chef jargon to try to impress you. It worked—at least he thought so. Later, you admitted that you were actually just ogling his biceps every time he dipped the fruit into the melted chocolate. 
Once the strawberries were finished, Harry wrapped them up nicely and drove you home from the date. He fed you one before you got out of his beat-up Subaru, the only thing he could afford as a broke assistant chef. He will never forget you walking to your front door, half the strawberry still in hand, and then seeing you suddenly turn around to return to his window to feed him the last half. He had taken it in his mouth, chewing after taking a strangely erotic bite. He smirked at you and glanced down at your lips, which were stained a glistening red from the tart juices. 
"You're something else," he'd said sincerely, his voice raspy from work. 
"And you just scored another date with me."
From that moment on, he was gone for you. 
After shaking hands with the other chefs, Harry leaves the restaurant and walks to his Bentley. He rationally decides to skip out on the botanical garden tonight because he wants her to be fully awake to see the blossoming flowers. 
He unlocks the back door and gently straps her in, tucking her favorite blankie under her chin as she sleepily blinks at him. His heart melts into a puddle. "Let's go home to Mama, okay?" he murmurs, brushing her wispy hair back with a delicate sweep of his fingers. "I had such a fun time with you tonight." 
She yawns as ferociously as a toddler physically can, then lunges her arms forward for a hug. Harry hugs her the best he can with her in the car seat. He inhales her apple-scented shampoo while pressing kisses to the side of her head and then pulls away, poking her button nose with his thumb. 
"I love you this big," he says, spreading his arms as wide as possible. 
She giggles and copies his gesture. "Love big too," she replies brokenly with her sweet voice. 
Harry puckers his lips and kisses the air before sliding into the driver's seat. He takes out his phone to send you a quick update: She's in a spaghetti coma, so we're coming home now. We can go to the garden as a family next weekend. 
Pressing send, he smoothly pulls out of the parking lot and drives along the coastal highway with slightly cracked windows. He listens to his daughter's soft snores and thinks of you the entire way home with a dreamy smile.
You're still sitting by the fire, its flames dying with flickering embers, when you hear the garage door grinding open. You grin, immediately feeling warmer now that they're back home.
You had briefly gone inside to get a juice pouch for your daughter, just in case she came back awake. You also spontaneously decided to make chocolate-covered strawberries since you felt sentimental while reminiscing about the honeymoon phase of your relationship with Harry. 
The sound of footsteps sifting through the sand makes you turn your head. You find your husband with a sleeping angel clung to his side, his shirt untucked, and no shoes or socks on; he probably didn't want sand in his loafers. The shadow of scruff on his face is more noticeable, and the orange light from the campfire dances off his features. He looks at you, a soft smile gracing his lips as he carefully treads through the beach grass to reach you.
"I've got a delivery," he whispers, sitting next to you on the blanket you spread out. "She's unconscious and full of spaghetti, so I don't think she'll be useful to you." 
You laugh quietly and stare at your baby, who is sleeping peacefully. Your knuckles stroke her round cheeks as you ask, "How was it?"
"Good. I ate my weight in pasta and bread, but it was worth it. We had fun." 
You sling your arm around his waist and pat his stomach. "I'm glad you guys spent some time together." 
He hums thoughtfully, unbuttoning his trousers to release the strain. "I need to start watching what I eat and cut down on the carbs. Otherwise, I'll look like Santa in five years." 
He says it like he's joking, but you know he's been insecure about his weight since you were pregnant. He naturally put on sympathy weight during the nine months you carried the baby, and then afterward, it simply reached a point where he never had time to work out, whether being too busy working or spending his free time with you and the baby. He ate healthily, but some nights, he caved and ate carbs like there was no tomorrow. Plus, he's a chef, so you can't necessarily blame him for enjoying food.
When you met him seven years ago, he was twenty-four and had skinny legs and a slim torso. But if one thing hasn't changed about his body, it's his strong arms. They've held you through several situations — hugging you whenever you needed a companion, feeling the natural warmth radiating from him. Or holding your baby girl for the first time, his black tattoos beautifully contrasting the precious pink blanket that swaddled her. He could easily cradle her in one arm, fitting perfectly in the crook of his elbow like she belonged there. She still does. 
Or, arguably, your favorite, which is when he holds your body up, your back pressed against his chest, as he fucks you like no one else can. His bicep across your collarbones, his hand gripping your shoulder like he's physically claiming you, and his other hand gripping your hip, your inner thigh, your stomach...
You're getting carried away. 
The point is that his body is lovely. He still has abs from being generally fit and strong thighs that can chase after your daughter during playtime. His back muscles are masterfully sculpted from the physical exertion that goes into being a chef. His flawless face, too, but that goes without saying.
"I love your body," you say, wanting him to feel good about himself. "No matter the changes it's gone through, I adore all of your soft parts." 
He looks at you, trying to hold back a smirk. Of course, his mind immediately went to a dirty place. 
"I'm being serious. You're allowed to have insecurities. Remember when you felt bad eating all those carbs in Italy? What did I tell you?" 
Harry gazes at the ocean tide. "I was thinking about that at dinner tonight. When I saw my lock screen, I thought about that trip." He sighs and adds, "I don't know why I'm insecure when you're the only one I try to impress." 
You stare at him with nothing but adoration swimming in your eyes. "Are you feeling these insecurities because of the dinner? With all the dads there?"
He leans forward and kisses your forehead. "Why are you so fuckin' smart? I swear you're too good for me," he says with a breathtaking smile.
"I just want you to talk through these things," you explain, touching his neck. "I know how miserable it can be to keep those thoughts bottled up until the bottle breaks." 
Your thumb strokes along his jaw as you continue, "You're thirty-one. It's never too late to realize those insecurities and either come to peace with them or work on them. You know I'll always help you with whatever you decide." 
Harry exhales through his nose and settles his forehead on your shoulder. "Never stop talking to me," he says sincerely, kissing your skin tenderly.
You pinch his chin with your thumb and pointer finger. He moves his head to gently nip the pad of your thumb before kissing it. "I love you." 
"I know it," he whispers. "I just compare myself to rich, douchebag dads that own literal corporations and would probably ask me to be their personal chef in their ridiculous mansions if they knew what I did for a living." 
You offer him a sympathetic smile. He shouldn't look down on his career. It pays well, but it's nothing compared to the So-Cal dads who own Lamborghinis and have a million different job titles. 
"Harry, don't make me use my mom voice," "you say in a scolding tone. 
He grins delightedly. "I don't mind." 
"I've been with you for seven years. I was your girlfriend, married you, and pushed out a baby because I wanted a family with you. Your job doesn't matter to me in the way you're thinking. I love that you're a chef. When you first told me, I told my friends how hot I thought it was. I still find it hot." 
He's full-on blushing now. You continue, "You come home and are in such a good mood most days. Do you know why? Because you love what you do. You love the people, the food you make, and the environment, which matters most. Not money or how many cars you own. Without hesitation, you made the difficult decision to step down from being in charge so we could start a family together. You have no idea how much that meant to me. Now you have a daughter who watches you cook her favorite meals and loves you insanely. That's what you should be proud of. And that's what all those other dads should be jealous of." 
Harry's gaze flicks between your eyes before he kisses you with so much passion that you feel dizzy. You kiss him back, and he inhales like he's breathing you in. Your daughter is still asleep, so you pull away before it escalates. 
He finishes with a big kiss on your cheek, then rests his cheek against yours. "I love you so much," he whispers into your ear for only you to hear. "I'm pretty sure you just gave me a love boner." 
You laugh, feeling his dimple form against your cheek. He leans back to look at you and shakes his head. "No joke," he says, infectious laughter crawling up his throat. "You just made me hard by telling me how much you love me." 
You roll your eyes playfully before standing and stretching your back. "Yeah, yeah. Let's get her to bed." 
Harry stands and hikes up your daughter a little. With a frown, he glances down at his pants when he realizes they're still unbuttoned. He obviously can't button them with one arm preoccupied with sleeping beauty, so you help him. You lift his shirt an inch to kiss his soft stomach first, then rest your chin on it and look up at him with a smile. After admiring his handsome face for a moment, you button his pants.
Your daughter is carefully passed from his arms to yours for a brief cuddle session before she has to be tucked into bed. Harry throws an arm around your shoulders and guides you inside the house. His steps falter when he retrieves a coloring sheet and gives it to you. It's a simple one that restaurants provide, and this particular one has a scene of two bunnies frolicking in the grass. It is what it is for a toddler with no concept of artistry, and you smile proudly when you take it from him. You'll hang it on the fridge with her other scribbled creations. 
Harry opens the porch door and lets you inside first before locking it. He turns on the lamp in the living room. Then, as if reading your mind, he grabs tape from the junk drawer and attaches the drawing to the fridge. While he tidies the kitchen, you head in the opposite direction toward her bedroom.
After a few minutes, you see Harry in your peripheral vision and pat the floor in invitation. He kneels beside you, his knees cracking. He dramatically lets out a fake cry of pain, and you silently laugh while flicking his chest. He opens his mouth in offense, acting as if you just insulted him, to which you just shake your head and gesture zipping his mouth shut. He slyly smacks your ass, and you give him a warning glare before standing and kissing your daughter goodnight. 
Before you leave the room, you get revenge by tickling Harry's sides from behind and then quickly running out of the room. You know how much he hates being tickled, but you were feeling the mutual playfulness that always trickles around bedtime. You reach the bedroom, hearing his heavy footsteps down the hallway. He pokes his head past the doorway to the master bedroom. You look at him with wide eyes and sit at the edge of the bed, waiting for his next move. 
Harry saunters through the doorway while looking around and nonchalantly whistling a tune with his arms behind his back. He walks to the connected master bathroom, your eyes trained on him the entire time. He turns around to close the sliding door just enough so that you still have a partial view of him.
"What?" he asks innocently, catching your eyes in the bathroom mirror. He's messing with you. And making you sweat.
"What are you doing?" you retort, crossing your legs partly to act unaffected and to ease the ache between your legs. 
He casually leans against the jamb. "Let's see... someone left me with quite a problem, so I thought I'd take care of it before bedtime like the gentleman I am," he says smugly, maintaining a stellar poker face. 
"What do you suppose I do while I wait?" you reply, confident enough to play his game. 
He deeply hums while standing straight and removing his trousers. With his thighs on display, you admire the tattoos there—a tiger on one and your name on the other. "I suppose you could get some sleep. Perhaps read. Whatever you'd like, darling, I'm not picky." He now stands in black boxers and a loose T-shirt. So cocky. 
"And what will you be doing if I decide to sleep or read?" you challenge, sliding up on the bed to lean against the headboard. 
Harry lets a smirk take over his face as he says, "What would you like me to do, honey?" 
"I'd like you to not be in there alone." 
"Will you be a good girl while I take care of the little problem you gave me?" 
"Of course, baby. You know I always am." 
One side of his mouth tugs up as he slowly nods, seemingly agreeing with you. "Always so good," he whispers, just loud enough to hear. He inhales deeply before turning around frustratingly slowly, finally pulling his shirt and boxers off. He's tan from the daily sunshine, and his back muscles flex with each subtle movement. Your mouth quickly goes dry. 
He disappears to turn the shower on but leaves the door open, which you know is an invitation. You had already changed into your silk pajama shorts and a tank top while he was in the kitchen, so you shut your bedroom door before entering the bathroom. 
The sight has your breath hitching. Harry's silhouette is behind the steamed, see-through shower door. One hand on the wall, the other... well, he didn't even wait for you. He has already started. You hear his quiet groans being stifled by his mouth buried in his arm, causing hot and bothered tingles to prickle your skin. 
You don't think he sees you yet, so you take your pajamas off and quietly close the bathroom door. For some reason, you suddenly remember you have chocolate-covered strawberries in the fridge. You leave him to his fun and quickly grab a towel to wrap around you before walking to the kitchen. You open the refrigerator, grab two strawberries, and then shuffle back into the bathroom. As you drop the towel, you realize he's still going. You didn't think you got him worked up that much just by talking about how good of a person he is. Each to their own. 
After hastily eating one of the strawberries, you gently knock on the glass. Harry stops abruptly and rests his face on his arm. He slightly cracks open the door to see and hear you. It takes everything in you to not look down. 
"Hi," you say quietly. "I'm here." 
He's breathing heavily, water dripping down his slick body. Wet strands of hair fall over his forehead as his eyes bore into yours. "You are, aren't you?"
You subtly glance down at the problem you gave him; it's throbbing and needs assistance. You're sure he will disapprove of you interrupting his session with a dessert offering. 
With your eyes focused on the floor, you absentmindedly draw a heart in the steam evaporating on the glass shower door and say, "I made dessert when you guys were gone." When spoken out loud, your sentimental baking idea seems stupid. "I almost forgot about them and then remembered they were in the fridge, so I brought you one. I was reminiscing about when we started dating and thought about the strawberries. Anyway..."
You're rambling too much. He was pleasing himself, and here you come, waltzing in with dessert while stumbling over words like you just met him. You need to get it together. 
Harry is still looking at you with his chest heaving, his left arm taut, and his large hand pressed against the shower wall, while his other hand still grips his cock. His piercing eyes have become darker, and they peer down at your hand holding the strawberry. The chocolate at the tip is gradually melting. His eyes travel even further down to your bare legs, then to the heart you drew. His lips twitch. 
When his gaze meets yours again, his tongue presses into his cheek before he straightens his posture. He steps toward the crack in the door and leans slanted against the shower wall, his naked body shamelessly in full view. 
You wait for him to interact with the Strawberry of Nostalgia, but he just looks at you smugly. Jutting your hand further, you indicate that he should take it again. It feels like he's secretly judging you. He's barely said anything, and now he's gazing at you like he wants to eat you for dessert. 
"The chocolate might melt off since it's pretty steamy in here," you mention with a nervous and breathy giggle. 
Harry regards the strawberry again before moving his head toward you. "Yeah?" he says with a wicked smirk. 
"Yeah," you reply, refusing to look into his eyes. "They haven't been in the fridge for very long." 
He laughs huskily, then clears his throat. "Well, I'm waiting right here, darling. I'm not a huge fan of melted and mushy chocolate-covered strawberries." 
So, he wants you to feed it to him. Like you did all those years ago when you first realized you were so gone for him. Good lord.
The steam in the bathroom is not helping your feverish body temperature. You take a few deep breaths before touching Harry's swollen lips, which you assume he's been biting on to suppress his noises. He maintains intense eye contact with you as he slightly opens his mouth. You guide the strawberry into it, and he bares his teeth while sensually biting the fleshy fruit. 
Once half of it is in his mouth, he tilts his head and chews slowly. He groans, his eyes rolling back. "So fuckin' good." 
You eat the other half to move the tension along, then throw the leafy stem on the ground. On trembling legs, you step away and admire the water droplets on Harry's lips that turn pink from the juices. 
His thumb and pointer finger wipe the creases near his mouth. He then reaches through the door's crack and brushes his slick thumb across yours before sucking on it. In desperate need of relief, you clench your thighs and shakily exhale. 
"I'll be good," you plead, utilizing your angelic eyes to get him to give in. "I won't touch you, but please let me watch." 
Harry tuts. "Are you sure you'll just watch? Or are you going to be a brat like you were with that little stunt you pulled earlier?" 
It's no surprise he's still hung up on the tickling. His ego can't take what he dishes out. God forbid he teases you because you know his precious pride will be crushed as soon as you do it back.
You bite your tongue and promise yourself to be good for him. "I'm sorry for doing that. I didn't mean to be a brat. I swear I'll behave this time." 
He beckons you by curling his fingers inward. "Come here, then."
You slide open the door further until you can squeeze through, then shut it tightly before standing across from him. The shower is spacious with a built-in bench--both of you have done your fair share of indecent activities on it. 
"Hey," Harry says lowly. "Be my good girl and sit. No talking or touching, okay? Watch me until I finish."
Nodding, you obediently sit on the bench and cross your legs to relieve the subtle pressure growing between them. You glance at Harry with innocent eyes that you know will weaken him. He gives in for a split second when he leans down and places his hands on either side of your thighs, nudging his nose against your cheek before kissing it roughly. You try not to smile at his momentary infirmity. 
"Stay put, or I'll walk out of here and go straight to bed," he warns, resuming the position you walked in on, except this time he's right in front of you. His palm on the shower wall is closest to you, with his other hand gripping his cock. 
This is going to be torture.
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Being Oikawa's Little Sister and Iwa's crush
😡 Oikawa Is Mean To You 😡
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Oikawa 'the jerk' Toru featuring Seijoh x fem! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Oikawa being mean
AN: This is an Anon request
You want to punch him Yn?
I have no problems fighting men 😒
Seriously tho, I think you've suffered enough being the baby sister of the infamous Toru Oikawa 🙌🏻
Did you guys hear that? The gates of heaven opening, the birds singing and the sun shining 🥰
Yeah me neither 🙃
Oh well, back to your life plight
Being the sister of Toru had its pros and cons
The cons vastly outweighing the pros but nevertheless
It's not like you could help who you are biologically related to YN so you just have to deal
You played many different rolls as Oikawa's sister including (but not limited to) bodyguard, warden, comforter, and PR Manager
Seriously the amount of times you had to tell his fan girls he already left for the day just so he could escape the bathroom alive 🙄
YN's out here doing God's work
The one good thing is that your work never went unnoticed 🥰
Well by Toru it did but we aren't talking about him rn
Because Iwaizumi Hajime, 18, Wing-spiker/Seijoh Ace has our FULL attention 😏
This sweet angel istg-
He is so smitten with you YN and yet you haven't noticed
Or maybe it's because you never through you'd grab the attention of THE Iwaizumi
Probably too busy running errands for Oikawa 😒
Anyways, Iwa has had a crush on you for literal years
Like since him and Oiks became besties!
You use to follow them, trying to play volleyball
Iwa would often ignore you, too worried he'd mess up and say something stupid ☹️
But Oikawa (always saying something stupid) told you to just bug off
The amount of times you told your mom and Toru got in trouble 🤣
If that didn't solidify Iwa's feelings for you, I don't know what did
Of course, Oikawa knew of Iwa's crush on you 🙄
Mans used it at every turn to save his ass
"Ah ah Iwa-chan, would YN-chan want you to cause her brother more grief?"- Oikawa would say just as Iwa was about to pelt him with a volleyball
Makki, Mattsun, Kunimi, Yahaba, Kyotani, Watari and Kindaichi 👉🏻 I'm sure YN will forgive Iwa 😐
Oikawa 👉🏻😱 THE SLANDER
Iwaizumi 👉🏻 🧑🏻💥 🏐
Everything was going right in the world, until it wasn't 🙃
Because that's what we do here
It was a particularly rough day, Seijoh had just lost to Shiratorizawa 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 and everyone was in a mood
Especially Oikawa
Please when Oikawa is in a mood, stay clear 😒
Unfortunately you are too much of a sweet angel to do this
Thinking you can cheer the boys up during the practice is what we do 🥰
You arrived in the gym, seeing the boys setting up
Makki and Mattsun greet you in their normal way, probably with head pats 😍
Kyotani waves at you and you wave back
Kunimi and you text constantly so no need for a physical exchange of words YN ✋🏻
You see Iwaizumi and smile at him, watching him blush and return a goofy smile in return 🥺
Please he's got it SO bad for our bby YN
Then you lay eyes on the demonic creature that is your brother
He's practically boiling with rage at this point, probably muttering about how much he hates Ushijima
"If you would have just come to Shiratorizawa... blah blah blah" he says repeatedly
"Hey bro, what's up-" you say coming up next to him
Toru looks at you then looks away, completely ignoring you
But we will forgive him, so you try again...
"Toru, hey I came to help you guys today. What would you like me to do?" You said, perky and happy, trying to change the mood from glum to fun
Toru ignores you yet again, as you figure out your next course of action
At this point all of Seijoh is watching, waiting to see what's gonna happen
You snap back at your brother's shouting, eyes widening
"ENOUGH"- Iwaizumi shouts, running towards you and Toru
Your eyes burn with tears as you back up, trying not to let the damn break
"YN hey-" Makki says as him and Mattsun approach
You and Toru look at each other, tears now spilling down your eyes
The realization of his words hit him
"YN, I'm sorry- I-"
"TORU OIKAWA, FUCK YOU"- you scream as you turn, running out of the gym
Kyotani gets up, running after you with Yahaba and Watari
Toru watches as the rest of the gym falls silent
Iwaizumi is PISSED
Like seriously PISSED
Like it's death con level P I S S E D
He's balling his fists up, steam coming off of him
It's so bad that Makki and Mattsun back up
"Kunimi, Kindaichi you guys should probably leave-" Mattsun says as Kunimi and Kindaichi run 🏃‍♂️ towards the gym doors
"Iwa, I know I fucked up ok, I- I'll go and apologize right now"- Toru says as Iwaizumi reaches for a ball, gripping it hard
"Oikawa you better pray Kyotani can talk her down or I swear to GOD you won't be leaving this gym ALIVE"- Iwaizumi growls
Outside of the gym, you sink to the floor, crying as the words run through your head
You and Toru had fought may times but never had it hurt this bad
He had said many mean things to you in the past but saying those things and in front of the whole team, how embarrassing 🥺
You felt someone slide down besides you as you looked to see Kyotani and Yahaba along with Watari surrounding you
"I'm not going to forgive him" you said, wiping your tears
"Nah we don't expect you too"- Yahaba said
"We were just checking on you kid"- Kyotani said as you smile a little, you're friends making your situation a little lighter
"Besides Iwaizumi has probably already murdered him and Makki and Mattsun are trying to hide the body" Watari added, making you belt out a laugh 🤣
"Come back with us, don't let him get to you" Kyotani says as you nod and stand up
You walk back into the gym and see Kunimi and Kindaichi waiting outside the doors, peeking in 👀
"What's wrong?" You said, coming to see
"Iwaizumi is so pissed off YN, seriously I've never seen him so mad"- Kindaichi said
"Yeah, pretty sure Makki and Mattsun are afraid to move because it might set him off"- Kunimi
Inside you see Oikawa on his knees, Iwaizumi standing with a volleyball at the ready, anger radiating off him
"Please Iwa-chan, I didn't mean to hurt YN! Please I know you like them and I really messed up!"- Oikawa pleaded
You stopped, walking into the gym at hearing that Iwaizumi liked you
"Oikawa!! I should kill you for hurting them! You knew how I felt and seeing them cry" Iwaizumi said, his face heating more
You walked up behind Iwaizumi and stopped
"Y-You like me Hajime?" You say, eyes wide and a smile sneaking on your face
"I-uh I- uh" Iwaizumi says, tone instantly shifting from rage to nerves
"Haji" you say, coming closer to him
You stare back at him, smiling before you lean in and kiss his lips lightly
Iwaizumi looks at you and pulls you into a hug, swinging you around the gym
"I like you to Haji" you say before he kisses you again
The team watches in silent, all gushing at how happy you two are 🥺
Until Oikawa ruins it 😐
"This has all gone according to plan" Oikawa said, standing up and dusting himself off
Everyone just looks at him, confused 🤨
"Shut up Oikawa you didn't plan any of this"- Makki says
"Yeah you are just lucky it worked out"- Mattsun added
Iwaizumi is now growling at Toru who jumps back and screams a little 😅
You approach your brother glaring as he lowers his head in shame
"I'm sorry Yn, will you please forgive me" he says
You look at him, then to Hajime who nodds at you
"I'll forgive you on one condition" you say
"Anything yn"
"I get to hit you with a volleyball"- you say, smirking
Oikawa looks up and smiles
"Yeha ok, I'll take that" he says, probably thinking you can't throw with shit
But it's a good thing you've been studying the Iwaizumi Hajime technique all these years yn 🙃
The ball pelts Oikawa right in the back of the head, sending him flying forward as he starts to whine
"YN CHANNNNN" he cries as everyone laughs
"Nice arm sweetheart" Iwaizumi says, skipping your cheek as you smile back at him 🥰
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gaybananabread · 4 months
I might be forgetful or just obsessed, but I don't think anyone's asked for headcanons about our Spider Gang: Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie. >w< Or just your favorites, of course. I admit I'm most curious about Gwen and Hobie.
-Panda/Black Feathers
🕸️Spider Gang Tkl Headcanons☆
~What's wrong with both? But yeah, I've yet to do headcanons with these goobers. I don't know this “consistency” people speak of, so expect none of it. I do wanna add some other spider peeps to these, but we'll keep it to the Gang for now. Expect some more food, probably within the next few weeks. Thank you for the request!~
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We can all agree that he's a massive dork about this, right?
He's a lee-leaning switch, though it's close.
Loves tickling both ways, but can admit neither.
Boy gets squirmy every time the word is even mentioned. You bet he practically dies when any scene comes on TV
Lee moods for him are quite frequent.
His friends have a system for detecting them at this point. Checklist and everything if they feel like being goofs.
Nervous giggles, extra knee bounces, higher voice, showier clothes if he's bold, easy blushes and jumpiness. They've got him down to a T at this point (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
Super squirmy lee, you almost definitely need to pin him if you wanna live. Known for his donkey-kicks.
Worst spots are his armpits. He will screech if you even try to get him there. Not a spot for the weak-willed.
Melt spot is his neck. A few fluttering fingers, maybe gentle scritches under his chin, and you’ll have a giggly puddle of sleepy mirth.
Real easy to fluster. Say the t-word a few times, compliment his inevitable blush, maybe incorporate the Itsy Bitsy Spider. Immediate results!
He feels like he'd be super air-ticklish. Can not handle any wiggling fingers or sneaky teases.
Doesn't ask for what he wants, like, ever. Gotta use your detective skills around him (the checklist above is very helpful (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠))
Such a shit, even though he can't handle a fraction of what he dishes out-
Absolutely webs people up to help himself (only if they're comfy with it ofc)
Very playful and teasing. You blush? Get ready for him to point it out at least seven times. Snort? Good luck.
“Your cheeks are all red, gigglebox. This fluster you that bad?”
“Aww, you snort? No, don't hide your face! I wanna hear it again!”
“What d’ya think happens when I go here? Yeah, right there. Only one way to find out~”
Once he gets a handle on his venom power, he learns that very small shocks can be quite effective in wrecking his lee.
So, Miles being Miles, abuses that knowledge at the most inopportune times.
Little jolts during training, walking through the halls, studying, you name it. By the end of the day, people are either ready to kill him or want him to just get it over with. He's happy either way.
Has high respect for boundaries. Before starting, he'll make sure the safeword is remembered and clarify what they're comfortable with.
Super nice aftercare. Cuddles, snacks and maybe listening to some music and napping on him while he sketches.
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I’m gonna go with ler-leaning switch. Like Miles, it’s pretty close. These kids just love to laugh ¯\_(´꒳`)_/¯
A bit better in terms of confidence. If it’s a good day and the mood isn’t too severe, she can ask one of her close friends. Other than that, suffering until someone notices.
When she gets lee moods, everyone is almost immediately alerted.
Either she has the courage to ask, or in the more likely event that she doesn’t, she’ll provoke everyone.
Snippy comments, crop tops, hair up, sarcasm for days, and THE SASSSS
If they don’t realize she’s in a lee mood, they’re gonna wreck her anyway for getting on their nerves.
A squirmer for sure, though not quite as bad as Miles. Careful of her legs, though. She was a dancer; that kind of strength combined with spider-power won’t feel very good to the jaw.
Worst spot is her navel. A few raspberries and she’ll be a cackling, snorty mess.
Melt spots are her back and ears. She loves light traces and scratches along her back, and a feather on the shells of her ears would be heavenly.
Adores cheer-up tickles. You’ll make her entire week if you gently trace her belly or squeeze her sides when she’s upset.
She’s got a really pitchy, bubbly laugh. You get her to belly laugh, and you’ll be rewarded with lovely snorts.
VERY sassy and playful. Will tease the living hell out of you and giggle while she does it.
Anything she can tease you for, she will. Usually teasing-compliments, but she shakes it up.
“Such an adorable belly! It’s like it was made for me to poke and squeeze. Can’t deny its purpose, can I?
“It’s so easy to fluster you! I just need to say that one little word, and you can hardly breathe~”
“It tickles, does it? Sucks to be you. Now, onto those ribs…”
Gwen likes doing her nails with her friends, so those babies are always nice and tickly. The boys can never manage to keep theirs like that, no matter how hard they try.
She likes blowing raspberries if it’s someone she’s close to. Loves the silliness, and their reactions are just too cute.
Very good at giving cheer-up/comfort tickles. If someone’s upset, they go to Gwen for some special pick-me-ups.
Wondrous aftercare. Back rubs, praises and a movie night. She’ll even braid your hair if that’s something you’d enjoy.
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The switchest spider to walk the Earth, I dare you to fight me on this/j
So chill on both fronts. He just goes with the flow.
Has magic “can say the t-word whenever” powers, loves abusing them.
Absolute menace in tickle fights. He’ll either kick your ass, or fluster the hell out of you while you attempt to wreck him.
If anyone’s in a mood, lee or ler, Hobie’s their best bet.
Okay, so…he definitely is open to being wrecked by his friends.
One of them has a killer ler mood? Hobie’s here to help. He’s gonna be all teasy about it, but it’s quickly replaced with giggles.
When he’s just straight-up in a lee mood, he can ask with next to no problems. Coincidentally, he “accidentally” flusters his ler more often than not.
If he just doesn’t feel like asking, he’ll put on a crop top, rest his arms behind his head, and wait for someone to get a ler mood or try something.
We can all agree that this smug bastard would try to fluster his ler, right?
Holding his arms up without being asked, telling them to keep going, how good they’re doing, “Ready when you are~”, teasing them for “staring,” the list goes on.
Worst spots are his feet, followed by his underarms and hips. He’s not always in the mood for footer tickles though, so the pits are your best shot.
Melt spots are his calves and palms. Mr. Guitar would adore some hand tickles, and the tall prick deserves some draw-backs.
Rumbly, base-sounding giggles if it isn’t that bad a spot. If it is, you’ll get loud, boisterous, scraggy laughter. Very fun to find and point out the differences to him, he’ll definitely appreciate it! ( ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )
He has two sides, one very different from the other.
The first is gentle, comforting tickles. He won’t go too fast or vigorous, only upping the ante if you ask or seem ready.
“Those some cute giggles ya got there, mate. Glad you’re sharin’~”
“You’re adorable, ya know that? All blushes an’ squirms, but you ain’t said ‘stop’ once~”
The other is the one you should be terrified of.
Evil teases, immediate worst-spot tickles, keeps you laughing until you’re in tears (unless you tap out beforehand)
“Wha’s that? Oh, tickles, does it? Good, ya needed a laugh.”
“Man, you’re laughin’ pre’y hard. Blushin’, too. I didn’ know any better, I’d say yer enjoyin’ yourself~”
Either way, he listens to boundaries and stops whenever you ask/seem like you’re done. Boy is all about respect, in this sense anyway.
He definitely plays the lee-guitar game. Your ribs are now his strings. Might even get his pick out if he’s feeling really evil.
Changes up his methods for each lee (let’s stick with the gang’s regular moods here before I go on a tangent)
For Pav, he’s a smug asshole. Lots of fake-outs before he actually starts, continuously calls his reactions “fuckin’ adorable” to see him blush. No mercy until it’s needed.
With Miles, he’s a bit less evil. Mainly just teases him for being so ticklish and his blushes.
For Gwen, he’s rougher. She usually likes to forget her name, and he’s more than happy to help. Raspberries, teases, the whole nine. Whatever gets her cackling.
Amazing with aftercare. Will pull you into his lap for cuddles, and he gives incredible massages and back rubs. Praise for days if you need them, and even if you don’t, he’s happy to supply them.
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Suuuuuch a sunshine boy I swearrrrrr ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
He gives lee-leaning switch. Loves getting his ass handed to him, but occasionally loves making his friends giggle and squeal.
Can admit that he likes both sides, though he can only say the t-word itself if he isn’t flustered.
Always up for helping one of his friends if they’re in a ler mood, and sometimes ready to wreck them for the greater good (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Loves being tickled, especially if he’s in a really bad lee mood.
Most of the time, he’ll whine to either Hobie or Gayatri that he’s “feeling fuzzy” and they’ll get the message. If he isn’t that worked up, he’ll flat out ask.
Very squirmy little worm, though he doesn’t flail like some of the others. Has accidentally headbutted before though, so careful if you’re messing with his neck.
Decently easy to fluster, though it takes a while to wreck him. You’ve gotta know exactly what you’re doing to really get him good (just ask Hobie or Miles, they’re loving narcs)
Worst spot is his belly, specifically his navel. Raspberries are killer for him there. Him and Gwen share a death spot and both torment each other with that knowledge.
Melt spots are his forearms and under his chin. Adorable to trace a few inches up from his pits and watch him dissolve. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t love some gentle tickles under his chin, can you? (answer: no)
Bright, bubbly, almost boyish giggles. Things get a lot pitchier when you really wreck him, squeaks and squeals coming in no short supply.
Surprisingly formidable ler when the mood strikes him.
Most don’t suspect it to be that bad and give him full reign. They’re quickly proven wrong.
He respects boundaries of course, doesn’t ever go overboard. Takes breaks to check in and let his lee breathe every few minutes.
Loves to tease with compliments and praises. This is where he abuses his powers.
“Aww, your laugh is so cute! Who knew you’d be so ticklish?”
“That blush is just adorable, friend. You really have to show it more often!”
“I know, it really tickles here, huh? You’re doing great!”
If he’s feeling like a goober, he’ll play “Tickle Monster” and blow little raspberries on your belly. Might even make little “nom” noises while he does it to be a menace.
Loves giving tickle hugs. He’ll sneak up behind someone, koala-hug them and start wiggling his fingers into their sides. (Being short actually helps him there)
If one of his friends is upset or stressed, he’ll talk it out with them before suggesting a tickly cheer-up. If they don’t legitimately object, he’ll sweetly tease them until they’re all giggly and happy again.
SUPER sweet with aftercare. Cuddles, snacks, praises, and just general conversation. If you want to, he’d even be open to a nap.
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molly-ghuleh · 11 months
Could you possibly do “one more kiss? Please?” With Secondo? :)
Kiss Prompts: "One more kiss? Please?"
Secondo x reader
SFW! Contains: Grumpy Secondo, fluff, kisses (obvs), coffee, use of 'piccolina'
Of course anon! Thank you for requesting <3
You could tell Secondo had woken up on the wrong side of the bed from the moment you opened your eyes. Something about him is off. The steam rising from the shower and flowing through the crack in his bathroom door in wispy tendrils seems to emanate a negative aura, despite the his sweet-smelling body wash.
Your Papa needs a pick-me-up, and you know just the thing.
Being as silent as you can so as to surprise him, you dress in the shirt he'd hastily discarded last night and your underwear which had been torn off you even faster. You pad your way over to the kitchen and begin to prepare him a cup of coffee.
Secondo is a very particular man about his coffee--only the best whole beans from Colombia, freshly ground for every cup he makes, and a splash of his favorite sweet cream from the local farmer's market. He owns the best coffeemaker in the entire Abbey--better than the ones in the kitchens, and far better than the Keurig in the Clergy's break room. In desperate situations when he makes himself a cup from a coffee pod, he always grimaces at the taste. What do they put in these things, eh? Dirt?
You smile when you hear the shower turn off. He'll be out of the bathroom soon, dressed in only his pants and a crisp white shirt, unbuttoned. That outfit is your favorite of his. It makes you so hot for him that he might as well just walk out completely naked.
The coffee begins to brew into a plain black travel mug.
You wish you could make him breakfast, too. But Secondo never has time for it, preferring instead to hold you for a little longer after his alarm goes off, rather than get out of bed and leave you to wake up alone.
"That smells good," Secondo says as he emerges from the bathroom. His voice is groggy and low and his footsteps drag as he strides into the kitchen. As you predicted, you can see a stripe of skin from his collarbones to the waist of his pants. A dark line of hair trails down from his navel and disappears below his belt. Despite his shirt blocking most of the light, you can see a few lingering drops of water glistening on his skin.
Satan, give me strength, you pray.
You bring your gaze up to his face. "It's for you," you tell him. The coffee finishes brewing and you remove the mug from underneath the nozzle. Moving towards the fridge to find the glass bottle of sweet cream, you continue, "I can tell you're not in the best mood this morning." As you move back towards the mug, Secondo intercepts you. He gently takes the cream from your hand and places it on the counter with a clink, then brushes the loose hair away from your face. He tilts your head up towards him with gentle hands. "What would I do without you?" He says, softer than is usual for him, and something inside you screams that he's saying the words he has yet to tell you since you began seeing each other.
"Suffer, probably," you quip with a little grin.
Secondo releases a huff that's supposed to be a laugh. He leans down and kisses you, still cradling your face in his hands. The smell of his cologne mixes with the aroma of the coffee to create a blend of just him. "Thank you, piccolina," he mutters against your lips.
He tries to pull away but your fists clutch his open shirt. "One more kiss? Please?" You practically beg. Not because you need it (although you cherish his kisses more than anything), but because he does.
He is in a very strange mood, you decide, because he doesn't hesitate to grant you one more kiss. And then another, and another. Usually Secondo would grumble about being late, and then kiss you anyway. But this morning he showers your lips in little pecks and smooches with no regard for how late he may or may not be.
Eventually though, he does pull away, and you let him. His coffee will get cold if you don't put the lid on the mug.
As Secondo turns to screw the lid on, you wrap your arms around him and press yourself against his back. "Try to have a good day, okay?" You mumble against his shoulder blade.
Secondo unwraps your arms so he can turn around in your hold. "What would make my day go well," he says lowly, placing his lips against the sensitive skin below your ear, "is if you visited my office at lunch."
You chuckle despite your legs suddenly feeling rather weak. "Yes, Papa."
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
Really random, but I think Barbatos would be very good at calming down paranoia. It's pretty obvious why; his calming presence, his calming tea, his overall comfort. While all of that is fine and dandy, I think it would also be in an "I'm the most terrifying thing in this house" type of way!
Mc being paranoid about the cursed paintings in the Demon Lord's Castle and Barbatos is just like "You need not worry about them. I am far more dangerous, and you have me on your side." This makes sense, right??? Idk, it makes sense to me.
Maybe it's because he practically raised Diavolo. Maybe it's because he's practically raising Luke, but he just has that supportive vibe!!
Same thing with anxiety. You're anxious? There's a delicious tea for that! You're not in the mood for tea? Well, I've heard mearly having someone else's presence with you could help! You don't want me near you right now? That's alright, I'll wait for you!
He definitely keeps things to help with nerves on his person at all times. He pays attention. He learns through trial and error and observations the things that help you and the things that don't. He's always there looking out for you.
Even if you're just feeling a bit down. He'll either be upfront about it and give you something to cheer you up, or out of nowhere, your favourite treat has magically appeared next to you! Or if you'd like, tell him what's wrong. He's always up for listening.
Honestly, you don't even have to be upset for him to do these things! He'd just go above and beyond whenever you are.
But really, it wouldn't take much for him to calm me down or cheer me up. Just imagine chilling in bed together, not actually doing anything yet still loving the moment. No words even need to be spoken to appreciate the romance of the moment. Just being near him would make me feel so incredibly peaceful and relaxed, I'd most definitely fall asleep.
Anywhoosies, I know this is probably a very popular thought, but I wanted to share silly style anyway!!
Also, I'm happy you think my sleep purring is adorable, I was giggling about that for awhile djwjdwk You're really fueling my late-night-scenarios-to-fall-asleep-to
This is exactly why I love Barbatos so much.
I have a lot of anxiety and I have a lot of shame and guilt around that anxiety. So I don't usually tell people when I'm anxious. I try as hard as possible to hide it.
But Barbatos is observant. And if you spend enough time with him, he'll be able to tell when you're dealing with a lot of anxiety, even if you don't say anything.
The idea that someone is paying enough attention to notice these things about you even when you try to hide it is just... top tier romance for me.
And Barb's whole thing is taking care of people. He wants people to be happy and comfortable. So I can just imagine him doing exactly what you say - kind of trial and error figuring out what works best for you when you're struggling with something.
Add to all that the fact that Barbatos is considered one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom and you've got no reason to feel anything other than calm and safe in his presence.
There's just something about knowing that the person who is being all calm and comfort with you is actually extremely dangerous and everybody else should be wary lol.
And I think it would help with any kind of issue along those lines: anxiety, paranoia, depression, etc etc. Anything where your mind is the culprit and it feels like nobody could possibly understand because they can't be inside your mind with you. Barb can see how it changes you, he can tell when you're suffering, even if you do everything you can to keep it in.
And he's going to be able to give you the space you need to be honest about it. He would sit with you, like you said, he would listen to you if you needed to just rant, he would let you cry on his shoulder if that's what helps.
He isn't afraid of your emotions. He's not going to judge you for them. He's just going to help you however he can.
So yes, I fully agree with you on all of this!
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larcenywrites · 1 year
Hii. Glad to know you're taking requests. Could you maybe write something about how Tony (young or not, it's up to you) takes care of his girl when she's on her period? Totally okay if you don't feel like writing it or don't feel comfortable or something!! Thank you anyway!
Ugh, I had awful periods growing up! Men could never 🙄 But absolutely! I wasn't sure how I wanted to do it, so I hope it's okay D:
Warnings: typical period stuff
💠Tony isn't exactly a stranger to blood and pain, so he knows what you're going through! Right?
💠Wrong! He figures out real quick that it's not the same, mostly because his not-so-supporting words are quickly thrown out the window, and now for the first time ever he's googling everything about periods and realizing wow, that's pretty fucked up you have to deal with all of that
💠He's never felt so powerless, especially when it comes to you
💠He feels bad about thinking it wasn't a big deal, but now that he knows what he's working with he can plan ahead and make you feel better. That's what he's good at! Kind of!
💠"Shit," you can't help but swear, your movement having already stirred up the light sleeper on his side of the bed. He picked up the frustration in your voice, already alert. "What happened?" Tony asks, looking over at you standing next to the bed and pushing the comforter back. You can't decide what to do first, and the sight is always a little degrading. "It's okay, I'll take care of it," he reassures you once he notices, sending you off to the bathroom. He'd rather you take care of yourself first than feel worse trying to deal with an accident.
💠He's changing those sheets, no questions asked and no complaints besides jesus, that's a lot of blood, are you alive? And he knows you feel like shit so he'll also do laundry for you, and he even already knows to rinse with cold water! Besides, he can just replace anything that's stained. "No big deal, okay?" He'll tell you softly, a hand wiping a stray tear or two. ❤️‍🩹
💠Also don't feel embarrassed about any acne. Plus, he can get you the best products on the market to try out if you want!
💠He's definitely figuring out what medicines or products you prefer to use so there's always plenty on hand. He tends to overprepare for everything so he's putting them in the car, in the offices he's barely even in (much less you), and always makes sure there's some in any bags you carry around.
💠Ngl he's looking at any better brands/versions of said products/medicines and then doesn't understand why you don't want to change the products you've used for your whole life and know work best for you 🤨
💠He just wants to make your already bad experience as manageable as possible. And he always has to butt in and be apart of every experience you have
💠If you don't use medicines and/or products, he's going to have a harder time because buying things is a big part of how he's always taken care of you. So now he's probably trying to figure out what types of things are comforting for you from snacks to jewelry
💠He's also having a harder time with it because Here, if you just take this it'll surely make you feel better! Right?? Hates seeing you suffer, especially if he thinks he can do something about it. And yet you refuse
💠Do your boobs get sore? Can he help with it 😏
💠If you're usually the one doing most of the housework he's trying to do it when you're not feeling good. Trying is a key word, but that's really all that matters. Sure, he doesn't have too, but you deserve to be in a clean and tidy space!
💠But that's just taking care of the physical stuff.
💠For once, he's keeping his own attitude in check during this time to avoid making you feel worse. You'll hardly hear a sass out of him! Instead, he's attentive and mindful
💠Even if you're in a bad mood he's probably not leaving you alone (even if he's making it worse). Do you need something? Here's a heating pad. He also made food!
💠His dedication is sweet and he's trying his best. If you snap at him he won't hold it against you, though you may get an annoyingly playful "Oh, don't be like that."
💠If you need your personal space... you probably won't be getting it as long as he's home. It's just... he can't leave you like that :(
💠He's not used to all the lights being off when he comes home. He's calling your name, but he already knows what's up. You're never in the bed this early unless somethings wrong. The sight of you curled up alone and in the dark breaks his heart. He's already grabbing the heating pad, and a bottle of water to keep nearby. The lights are still off when you hear him shuffling around, and then feel that familiar dip in the bed. You can tell he's cozying in right behind you, but the only contact being a rub on your back and a kiss to the top of your head. Just to let you know that he's here now. He's relieved when you roll over to curl into him, and when you're eventually falling asleep against his chest.
💠If you're weepy and overthinking things he's panicking, but he's there. He hates seeing you cry, and especially if he can't do anything about it. But he is glad you want him around to cuddle! Whatever position makes you the most comfortable! He'll talk you're ear off with random bullshit or sweet nothings to try and get your mind off of it. And if he can make you laugh, he's gonna feel pretty good about himself.
💠He'll try to lay with you in bed for as long as he can, though eventually there are things he has to go do. He'll ask if there's anything else you need before he goes, feeling guilty when you just shrug and the happier mood he worked so hard on is already fading
💠You'll always get kisses across your cheeks before he goes
💠And when he's away you always get check-in texts, but those are a thing even when you aren't feeling shitty
💠He won't ever tell you this if you didn't give him permission, but if you use any cycle tracking apps or a calendar he's up to date with it or he's recording what he can himself 😐
💠It does help him to help you! Maybe you've been a little off this week, but now he knows it's because you'll start next week and he can prepare. He can know which days are worse for you. Now he knows when your period is late or early (and while it's nothing in many cases he still freaks out)
💠He knows that you can still take care of yourself at the end of the day, but he wants to take care of you too! And while he's not perfect at it, he does make those weeks a bit more bearable 🥰
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mythvoiced · 2 months
-. anyways patrick-core pt. 1 (shitpost energy)
would probably get even luckier in casting him if i looked at manhwa's instead of animanga, but whatever
blonde men/masc-presenting folks need to be BASTARDS -slams hand on table- BASTARDS I TELL YOU
"i don't care" (cares so much it makes him physically sick)
he's just a mother without a child, stop being mean to him
just because he's a mother doesn't mean he isn't that bitch, he very much is
patrick is fun to have around if you sic him on the patriarchy
patrick is not fun to have around if he genuinely fears for his life, he will bite through anything to get out (including friends)
is not inherently violent, doesn't mean he can't be violent
if he has to crane his neck to look at you, he's out
is really weird about tyr and his relationship to him
is actually really weird about everything, there is NOTHING he can be normal about, absolutely nothing
don't initiate casual physical contact out of nowhere it'll be like in the sims when you fuck up so bad it fills out the relationship bar all red in one go
doesn't eat around others
like... really weird about eating around others he just simply won't, you'll have an easier time getting him to hold your hand then you will getting him to eat around you
a few fun facts about how he eats because no one will ever see it lmao: tiny bites, chews the appropriate amount of time (??? dfkjgkfldg), makes the funniest faces when something gets stuck in his teeth he hates that he stops eating all-together if it pisses him off too much, if something is too big and he'd have to bite into it sideways (like a burger) he'll break it into smaller pieces
do you know just how big fenrir was? how dangerous? the norse all-father pissed his pants every night thinking about him, do you understand--... patrick misses this more than he lets on
if you suddenly grab him for whatever reason, try to hug him all of a sudden or pull him out of the way or do the thing where you're running and try to drag him along, unfortunately for you, you will get hit
he's genuinely so fking funny if you just let him make faces at you because he makes them a lot, he's just very good at hiding them/making them whenever no one's looking
like, deadass, he doesn't comment even on the wildest bullshit, but the absolute range of expressions he's secretly performing behind the back of whoever is spouting said bullshit, artistic, almost
patrick's character resolves solely around a very composed character suffering under intense self-imposed self-control where nearly every aspect about his being is purposefully portrayed as such, all while, hidden beneath this control, hide two wolves: the part of patrick who wants to steal a cop car and drive it into a tree, and the part of patrick who wants to be kissed very softly on his cheekie
if you tell him a very stupid, dangerous idea, patrick will very calmly suggest you absolutely do not do that, but depending on your relationship, he will actively sabotage the situation until you end up forced to enact that idea and then he'll pretend he's not having the time of his life
like, i cannot stress how much of a bastard he is if you get on his bad side, and i don't mean the bad side where he'll just violently avoid you (he's more avoidant than prone to conflict) but the part where he thinks you're just sort of shitty and because you are, he's absolutely within his rights to openly fuck with you
he's loki's eldest, mind you
doesn't even resent loki & angrboda, didn't even know those guys, whatever
my lovely wolfie here has range~, meaning you can damsel-in-distress-ify him easily, but if the mood strikes he's the dragon you should run from
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poppyseedfics · 2 years
i have been having thoughts
nazuna and his s/o going on an ice cream date when its like 100 degrees f outside
ice cream sweet and refreshing like him...
i'll stop before i start adopting my irl best friend's absurd jokes /pos
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Idk how I managed to make Nazuna a side character, but this is Y/ns world, he’s just living in it.
Anyway topical cause it was warm today I got ice-cream. It slapped, it was like chocolate brownie.
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On an Ice-Cream Date
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Nazuna Nito
In your defense, it was not summer. So, realistically, it was not your fault that you weren't prepared for the hottest day you think you've ever felt. 8am in the morning and it was already warm beyond belief. You'd kicked of your sheets during the night, the first thing you did when you got up was change into short and a tank top, you'd blasted the AC for a few hours now- closing the doors around the house so it only had to work to keep one room cool- but even that wasn't working quite well enough.
You'd taken to just sprawling out on the floor. Limbs spread out like a starfish and every few minutes you'd shuffle around a bit in attempt to feel the fresh, crisp coolness of an untouched floor space. You always made sure a leg or arm was touching one of Nazuna's though. He had joined you on the floor. Suffering in solidarity.
At first the two of you had tried to keep up a conversation, but it quickly dwindled into just loafing with some music on in the background.
"Nazunaaaaa, could you get us some ice water? I've already drunk mine…" You trailed off, staring at the large glass that had once contained your salvation. Nazuna only hummed for a moment. He didn't stir for a moment and you began to wonder if he'd heard you- soon after though, he heaved a sigh and began to peel himself off the floorboards. Meandering over toward the kitchen, he paused before opening the door that connected the rooms- dreading the sweltering air that was sure to greet him on the other side.
"I will face the heat for the both of us." He puffed out his chest and swung the door open, vanishing inside.
You could hear the sound of the fridge, a couple of glasses too, before you were blessed with a perfect idea.
You chirped his name and he appeared back in the doorway. He smiled as he watched your head appear from behind the couch as you craned your neck off the floor.
"Could you grab us some ice cream?"
"Sounds perfect to me!"
He vanished again and you laid your head back on the floor, eyes lazily trained on the ceiling.
It wasn’t long before Nazuna returned. He placed the new glasses of water on the coffee table before seating himself beside you and pouting.
"We're out of ice cream."
The words struck your heart; sharp as a knife, cutting through the layered defense of your emotions and leaving you utterly dejected.
Nazuna had to stifle a laugh as you dramatically deflated on the spot.
"Would you like to go get some ice-cream?"
You sprang upward immediately, rejuvenated with life. "Can we?" You asked, clasping your hands together with such excitement in your eyes it looked as though you'd just won the lottery. He laughed, nodding his head as he helped you to your feet. "It does mean we'll have to go outside in the heat…"
"A worthy sacrifice!"
Outside wasn't actually as bad as you'd first assumed it would be. There was a breeze, at least, and Nazuna had opted to grab an umbrella to keep the direct sun off you during your little walk. You had bottled water to satiate you on the way there too. The scenery was also quite pleasant; beautiful lush trees, arrays of colorful flowers, flittering birds and the quiet hum of the outer city. A good mood had befallen the both of you, you'd even taken to swinging your intertwined hands as you walked.
 Soon enough, however, you had reached your destination. As soon as the ice-cream truck had come into view you'd bounded off toward it, Nazuna not far behind. Only a few people were in line, more milled about but it seemed most had decided the heat wasn’t worth bearing for a treat- or perhaps they'd had the forethought to stock up…
Nazuna turned to you, asking what flavour you'd like. You hummed for a bit, reading over the menu multiple times before just deciding to go with your favourite. Nazuna ordered for you and paid. You couldn’t keep the grin off your face as you watched the man scoop your ice-cream and set it in a cone. As soon as they'd placed it on the holder you'd reached up with a cheerful 'Thank you!' and taken your reward.
After Nazuna had gotten his, the two of you found a tree nearby and taken a seat under it.
"What flavour did you get?" You asked between licks. Nazuna hummed for a moment.
"I thought I'd try the Mango one- It's quite good!"
He smiled for a moment- just a moment, before he realized the trap he'd fallen into. You bat your eyes at him. He sighed, holding out his ice-cream toward you. With a cheer you leant over and took a sample of his sorbet. You did have to agree that it was quite nice. It was refreshing- it reminded you of summer… of which was not the current season, but to be honest, this left you almost missing it.
"Here, try some of mine! It's only fair." You held out your ice-cream as Nazuna had done and he smiled, leaning forward to try some. As he did so, you leant forward too and planted a kiss on his cheek.
Nazuna flushed red. His eyes went wide and all he could do was blink owlishly at you. You burst into laughter. He gingerly raised his hand to touch where you had kissed him and once he finally processed, he offered only an adorable pout.
"Careful! Your ice-cream is melting!" At this Nazuna let out a little yelp and quickly went to inspecting his ice-cream, switching hands and trying to lick the melted mess off his fingers. You dug into your pocket and produced some napkins you had stashed away and offered them to him. He accepted them quickly and cleaned up, cheeks still tinted pink.
 You spent the rest of the afternoon lounging under that tree, laughing and chatting- you even dozed off for awhile, content with the peace of the day and comfort of your beloved.
Facing the heat really hadn't been so bad.
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liusaidh-writing · 2 years
So... Going to share this blip of a story/idea I've had for awhile now. It's never been anything but this and maybe a little bit more. It use no names, so isn't specifically OL, but I definitely had Claire and Jamie in mind when writing.
** Fair warning: it's rather dark and depressing, so if you aren't in the mood for that sort of thing, please skip. it involves memory loss in a fictional world. **
Anyway... Enjoy!
The dark was solace. It was peace, all black and gray, except for the stars behind her eyelids. She could feel him next to her, his breathing running through her, his heartbeat a thrum in her own veins. She took a deep breath, glad he was still there and not… 
She scratched an itch on her arm, reaching across with her right hand to touch her left, but instead meeting his fingers, wrapped as they were around her left hand. She hadn't even felt his touch, and it worried her. Was she forgetting already? 
No, not yet, she pleaded. They'd promised one another that when the time came, when the memory lapses came for them, that they'd let the other go, if only to salvage what good was left, instead of wasting away in that decrepit place full of suffering. They could choose to stay together, watch one another waste away until their souls left their bodies, or they could go alone, take the easier way out, a sip of a drink, then eternal sleep.
The thought of either one was terrifying, but she thought perhaps dying alone with her memory somewhat intact was better than the alternative. 
She would never forget his face, she knew, but it was the little things she agonized over. 
The feel of his fingers against her wrist as he felt her pulse, strong and sure; the smell of his hair just after he'd showered; the way he'd hum off tune as he worked, remembering some long ago song. 
This wasn't the life either of them had imagined, all that time ago. The water wars were raging at the time of their first encounter, and he'd shown up bloody and injured at the front gates, begging for help. 
She'd been on duty that night, thank God. Anyone else and he likely wouldn't be alive. As it was, she smuggled his large form back to her house, under cover of darkness, had given him food and water, and tended his wounds. 
He'd been on his own before then, surviving day to day at his farm before it was raided, the belief that he had a hidden well making him the target of an attack. He'd wandered, alone and desperate, finally coming to her, as though their stories were written beforehand, as though she had always known he'd show up one day. 
They'd been waiting for one another, he said later, their hushed voices nearly too much for the quiet room, their bodies slick with sweat and desire, their hearts fiercely entwined. She'd do anything for him, and he her. They survived together, eeking out a life that wasn't much, but the two of them together were simply enough. 
She'd nearly lost him more than once, supply runs giving her such anxiety that she'd beg him not to go, would cling to his middle like a child, shaking and crying, always fearing the worst. 
He'd come back, always. Sometimes injured, but always relieved to see her face as she stood at the gates, her eyes searching for his. She wouldnt fully relax until she had him inside again, survey his body for anything that needed medical attention. 
Years would go by, things would change like the seasons, their hold on their reality getting stronger as things improved. 
Water flowed again, food was abundant, and the small community in which they'd survived had begun breaking off. 
Then came the memory illness. It didn't have a full name, was never researched or examined under a microscope. It was only known to have come from the water - the very stuff that sustained them. No one knew where it had come from. 
Yet, people began forgetting. 
Their names.
Their ages.
Where they lived.
Who they loved. 
They both knew their time would come. That one day they'd look upon each other and see a stranger. They both figured that though their deepest desire was to die together, it wasn't possible, not if they wanted to remember one another even in death. 
So, as she lay next to him on this single, solitary night, she gripped his wrist, tightly; a reminder that they were still together, that all of this was still real, that they would wake up in the morning to see the other, smiling, their skin warm with sleep.
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originemesis · 10 days
@deathinfeathers xxx
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Stay. Does he even have to ask? The cradled prosthetic stands as a testament to her willingness to tear herself asunder to stay by his side. A great many things have changed, between then and now, but this fact holds as true as it has ever been. And she would give the other one too. What good are arms if she cannot hold him, anyway? What good are legs if she cannot walk with him into the horizon of an increasingly uncertain future? Superfluous garbage, this body, if it is not stationed at his right. She would give it all up, just to stay a second, a minute, an eternity longer. It'll never be that simple, of course, but she is happy to pretend, for this precious moment. It has become all too apparent that they are not guaranteed another, after all. The finely tuned gears inside the ornate, metal casing of the prosthetic appendage whir to life, as segmented fingers splay to capture the contours of his jaw inside their feather-light grasp. A thumb touches the supple flesh of his lower lip, tracing the delicate arch into the corner of his mouth, where the digit halts, and gilded hues spring upwards to peruse the centermost sliver of light suspended in his tenebrous reservoirs. There is a stark difference, in the way that she looks at him now as opposed to before his supposed departure from the land of the after-living. Like he's something ephemeral that might slip out of her grasp at any given moment. She missed him. She missed him so horribly, terribly, much. Even now she cannot help but ache down to the marrow with the fear that she might loose him again if she were to pull away for just a second. "What is left for me, up there?" Curling into him, knees tucked in tight to her chest, as if to gauge whether she might be able to fit beneath his rib-cage if she made herself small enough and shimmied her way under his skin. "I don't want to be where you are not. It is miserable...I'm tired of being miserable, Adam." Arms encircle the juncture of shoulders and throat, fingers interlacing at the back of his head, ushering him into the doting caress of her lips, carefully applied against his brow, his temple, his forehead, anywhere where there is flesh to be adored. "...You were the only thing that made suffering through their bullshit worth it...don't you know that?...don't you know how lost I am without you?"
She had once asked him to stay with her before- even as he lie split apart with every deeply seeded deception spilled like piñata spoils tinted with the gold of his blood. He figures he owes her the same sentiment in return now...at least while she isn't pinned between him and the couch and her option to opt out of the request is still very much intact, much as he missed their professional relationship and the mask it provided so often to the softness shared between them in the hushed corners of a dimmed apartment. After all, what good was like company that didn't want to be? The kind that felt good in the moment until it ran off with him far too broken and unable to follow it, either over a gate with a busted rib, or out of hell itself with half a pair of wings and a soul heavy enough it had caused even heaven to tip as if to rub the council's high held noses in the fact that they were wrong to disturb the balance as they had and not expect the consequences under the rug pull of his so called death.
He'd tried to convince himself that she was simply doing as all that knew him did- leaving him to his self inflicted rot, but since they'd reconnected without the severance of his head (luckily), and even before then when only the sound of her imprinted in his voice mails could factory reset his mood to one not altered by blue screen, he knew...her purpose as an angel to serve him had not died with the idea of him. It's hard for him to imagine that now, given his current state so far flung from what she agreed to protect, but the careful grip she instills along his jaw is convincing as it is comforting.
He gives her a moment with her inspection of the chapped edges of his lips, noting the careful crawl of her gaze to find his as if any sudden movements might send the pinpricks of light in the darks of his hell tolerant eyes blinking out before blowing a short, non committal raspberry against the palm of her paused touch. A playful reminder that he wasn't going anywhere else tonight, except maybe between her legs if she felt so inclined. Her question is met with a considering roll of eyes that end with his gaze pinned skyward, but settles for ceiling. What was left for her up there?
"Oh- y'know... Sera's cunty sermons. Possible daddy issues. Taco Tuesdays-" It's not like he wants her to leave her a wreck when she inevitably has to take the skyward hike home. If she called it that anymore- that apartment they once shared with its copious amounts of blanket nests they still hadn't gotten around to tidying with extermination being so close to his recuperation efforts. She'd always been so stoic ever since he'd taken her on and the hundreds of years they served together had been crammed with his oft impossible attitude and unsolicited absurdity that he knew her to be above this dreary bedside manner she had going on now. But he liked to think he knows the strings of her heart enough by now to stir up scoff- maybe even a slap on the wrist.
As she huddles in place, half sunk into the softest groove of his flank as if she were submitting her application as a replacement rib, he fans his talons at her sides to keep her steadily secured in her peculiarly sought profession as she vents her frustrations like they both had so many a time on a couch in heaven. "Of course it's miserable up there without us to shake shit up. Major snooze fest, I tell ya. Well, I guess I don't have to tell you, do I? My fucking condolences, babe." A rumbling warble escapes him when she lavishes her own wistful worship against his brow, and he's careful not to jar her too much as he flips inward towards the backboard of the couch to carefully tuck her between it and his bulk, tail feathers serving as an awning against the light he left on in the kitchen- a beacon late in the night for her to find his balcony.
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"You're here is what you are." He remarks simply to the claim she was lost, interrupting one of her devotional pecks with his mouth and a pressure more tender than the rumble in his throat. He breaks the exchange reluctantly, tongue pinned to the tip of a canine as if that were all that was holding it back from tracing the length of hers. "So ~ why don'tcha just stay the night, and we'll see how long it takes for them to get your face out on a milk carton, mmk? Have to get a photo of you up somewhere around here with all this...long distance shit."
0 notes
Sonia freetime commentary part 2
Under a readmore because it's lengthy. Obviously Danganronpa spoilers, but if you're on this blog you probably should expect untagged spoilers.
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Monokuma voice: "No :("
this is so much...this whole situation is traumatic for all of them, but she is hiding so. much. pain.
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OOF oh no!
Ohhhhh no wonder her reaction in the end of the game, when she found out she was on tv and her people all saw her being afraid and emotional and acting, y'know, like a kid. And possibly...doing things with Gundham, though now I feel bad for making that assumption because I would need to look at that line again to see if that's really what was implied or if I just made assumptions after my playthrough.
Anyway, yeah. She was hiding pain and fear. This probably makes it harder for her to relate to characters who simply can't hide their emotions (Kazuichi). She might even have resentment stemming from a subconscious jealousy that other characters can act without being held to a high standard.
And now I'm noticing a parallel between her and Kazuichi with Raven and Starfire from Teen Titans, so that will likely become fan art soon.
Not that Kazuichi was taught to show her emotions, other than boy-boasting. Kazuichi should have gotten more guidance. Sonia was raised on high expectations.
And I'm still wondering if Sonia is autistic or not. I like to think she is, but then again I like to think a lot of characters are. I can definitely relate to any character with the stranger-in-a-strange-land/fish-out-of-water vibe. And she self-described as "cold" when she is trying to act the right way and be considerate, which is such an autistic mood. Neurotypicals are never pleased, are they? You get emotional, you're too emotional, but if you lack an emotional response or learn to mask, you're too cold. There's no winning.
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Ah, I read this line on TV Tropes and saw it in fan art so I knew it was coming. Sad. What can be said about it? Way more than I have the energy for at the moment. But yeah, that shit hurted.
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Good Hajime. (Now please stop saying "I don't deserve it, but I grew closer to Sonia today.")
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Yes. Unquestionably Yes.
I know you want everyone to be friends, Sonia, but Nagito is Not a Friend. I get very confused when I see fan art that treats Nagito like One of The Pals (not angry or upset, just...confused). The guy bothers me on a visceral level. Kazuichi, even at her worst, is a good person who is trying to help people. Most of the kids in this game are, except Nagito. Nagito said that the Ultimates and their struggles are his entertainment and he'd put them through Hell if it gave them a chance to let their hope shine, at least if I'm understanding that correctly. I admit, I don't see any good in his philosophies. He talks like a school sh**ter trying to sound deep and complicated like "you can't understand my logic" but he just looks like a stupid, smug asshole. I know he has some mental illness, but I just can't afford much sympathy for him. I enjoy his character like an iredeemable bad guy, I don't think he could be better. That's my opinion on him.
I get that Sonia would be different though. She's researched serial killers, she wants to be sympathetic to different perspectives even if they are strange or scary. But like, there's a limit. Still, I'm not judging her harshly, I'm just saying I support anyone tying up that guy and stopping him, and I felt like that before he blew up Kazuichi and caused the mayhem that was second-to-last trial.
Anyway, Kazuichi had her heart in the right place and my only problem with her plan was when she put Chiaki in the middle as "the bait" and yelled at her when Chiaki didn't want to do that. That was bad. All the kids were on edge and suffering a lot in this part of the game.
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Heh, more likely than that, she's going to make Hajime be in a creepy cult ritual
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relaxed?  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
Okay, so mood change: she talks about how she's adjusting to taking care of herself and didn't even know you were supposed to turn off the shower water and flooded the bathroom. Oof. I laughed.
And then she talks about how she had a nightmare and...
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At the end of the day, she is not just a princess. She is a scared child and she wants to go home.
Hajime says what I was thinking: "She's been holding it in for so damn long."
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The ahoge*= antenna xD
(*side note: thank goodness I looked up this word! I almost wrote this as "ahego" and...that is NOT the word I was trying to use! I had the letters correct but in the wrong order)
Hey wait, can her description fit Akane as well?
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Never mind xD
Agh, you can't say "Never mind" with this character, it becomes an unintentional joke
Anyway, she's basically saying "thanks for comforting me! Btw, you're so boring-looking that you can be the chosen one." Wow lol
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Oh my.
The visual that gave me...
Anyone remember Rad Repeatin' Tarzan?
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The doll that was infamous for its hand-movement where it just... bobbed its hand up and down near his crotch while doing a Tarzan yell....you don't have to imagine what it looked like, an old youtube video shows you.
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So yeah, because she mentioned the Makango, I pictured them surviving in the wildnerness and then pictured Hajime whipping out...okay I'm tired I'm overexplaining...let's move on ...
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whoa there pard'ner slow yer horses
(I realized it was faster to use the wikia page for free time events since I'm on the last one anyway lol)
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okay I was joking about slow yer horses bc I thought this was leading to another joke but she's actually serious??
I think... I think that's a bad idea. I assumed Gundham was her boyfriend, and he died not too long ago. Sonia, sweetie, marriage proposal to a guy you weren't even dating and you're still in the danger zone?? Not a good time for this.
Besides, Hajime is kinda boring! Well, I guess she wants an escape to be "normal" and Hajime does provide that... still, this is a bit much!
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Callback to "we should do our best" from the end of the first trial!
Also, that was a great plot twist. Sonia was just trolling. Or like, half-hearted trolling. If someone actually accomplished all of that just to be her husband, then she'd have to consider. Good job Sonia, keep your standards high!
Why does he need to know diagnostic medicine?
Okay so that was basically the end.
I feel like I got to learn a lot about Sonia, and I'm more confident with the version of her that I've been writing.
I once saw someone make a post about how Sonia is the worst written character and you learn basically nothing through her free time events, and I'm really glad to say that that was a load of crap! Sonia has a lot of character to her, and yes I'd like to know more, but that's always the case with all the Danganronpa characters that I like. That's just where you have to fill in the blanks, because you know the Danganronpa writers certainly wont do it lol.
Anyway, I gotta sleep.
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emissaire · 3 years
forbidden you ∫ s. geto x reader
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warnings/includes: mdni, nsfw, porn with slight plot(?), pseudo-incest, stepbro! geto, innocent & sheltered! reader, but a reader who doesn't take shit from people, angst, fluff, afab reader, talking in third person, multiple orgasms, vaginal fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), squirting, spitting, piv sex, loss of virginity, legal aged reader, unedited
synopsis: suguru loves you so much, he spoiled you to the brim and now he's suffering the consequences– he can't even say no to you.
word count: 8.1k (i didn't expect this tbh???)
notes: this isn't as good as what i came up with first because the draft got deleted for some reason. i swear i'm still frustrated about it hdksksjd. also i suck at endings i know i know. leave me alone bahaha. anyway tell me what u think!!!
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When you first came into Suguru's life, he wasn't ready. After all, he was still in his rebellious, teenage years and the news of his father getting married to another woman displeased him. He couldn't do anything about it though, he was a student that needed his father's financial support so he sucked it up. He learned to live with it and accommodate the new Mrs. Geto and her daughter.
Dealing with you was never a problem, he found out. Throughout the years of living under the same roof with you, you were very nice, sweet. Always so thoughtful, offering him poorly made sandwiches or cheering him up when you sense his dampened mood. He found himself genuinely caring for you, scared that other people might take advantage of your innocence. You became a sheltered girl, your brother always stepping in if he thinks that something might exploit your purity.
In turn, you trusted him wholeheartedly. You only do the things he tells you to do and avoids the ones he says that are bad for you. You depend on him so much that you grew up never having to lift a finger, never learned to do things on your own.
"Sugu-nii, I can't reach it. Can you get it for me?"
"Sugu-nii, help me tie my shoelaces please?"
"Sugu-nii, wash my hair for me please!"
"Sugu-nii, I'm cold. Come cuddle!"
Everything you need, expect for your older brother to provide for you and help you get it. He never complains, he adores you too much. The simple smiles, warm hugs you give him and the occasional kisses pressed on his lips are enough to satisfy him.
He doesn't ever tell you to stop with the kisses– he did once and you got upset, thinking that he hates you for some reason so he just let it be, never questioning your actions anymore, knowing that you can't really give him a sensible answer, what with your innocence and childlike mindset.
He knows he's to blame for that, he babies you so much and gave you everything you want and need without much of a thought but he doesn't regret it, never. You deserve all the best things in the world and if he could, he'd give you the world itself.
...But then again, nothing is forever. You're bound to make new friends and discover things on your own. He can never really keep you away from the sins of the world when he's a sinner himself.
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It is a stormy night, the loud rumble of thunder and the noisy droplets of rain disrupts you from your slumber. You never liked it when it rains, scared of the lightning that flashes through your windows and the terrorizing sounds of thunder.
In a haste, you get up from your bed to seek comfort from your dependable brother. The fast beating of your heart is ignored as you pad down the dimly lit hallway towards his room. At this point, you don't even think about the possibility of him sleeping or if he is even at home, the impending fright in your mind is too much for you.
"Sugu!" You knock on his door with intent, voice loud enough so he can hear you from the inside and battling with the continuous loud rumbles of thunder.
"Suguru-nii!" You desperately cry his name, sobbing quietly when you don't even hear a response from him. You know he's inside, there's a light shining through the cracks of his door and there are weird sounds coming from his room.
Getting impatient, you twist the knob of his door only to find it unlocked. With a sigh of relief, you hastily pushed it open, not expecting the sight of your naked brother hovering on top of a very much naked woman too. They don't seem to have noticed your presence yet as your brother continued to hump the girl on his bed.
What is going on? Why is the woman crying? Is she really crying? What are they doing? Why are they naked?
"Suguru..." You trail off, watching as your brother jumps off the girl when he hears you, desperately covering his nakedness, as well as the woman on his bed. You've never seen him act this frantic before, hearing him cursing under his breath.
"What's going on?" You tilt your head, looking at the pair through your wet lashes.
"Shit– sweetheart, can you wait for me outside?" Suguru asks you so gently, using the tone he only reserves for you.
"Sweetheart?" "But I'm scared." You and the girl on his bed speak at the same time, your eyes immediately falling on her flushed countenance, burying herself on your brother's sheets.
Sighing, your brother quickly pulls back up his discarded boxers and putting on a shirt so he can tend to you, ignoring the fact that he's still rock hard and you can see the entirety of his built body.
"Geto, where are you going?" The girl asks, pulling on the male's hand with an exaggerated pout on her lips, silently pleading for your brother not to leave her.
"I'll talk to you later." Suguru shrugs her off without even looking at her, his eyes only on your still shaken form with the gentlest expression on his face.
"Come on, baby." He offers you a smile once he's in front of you, his large hand placed on the small of your back as he leads you out of his room.
"Who was that, Sugu-nii?" You blink up at him once you're tucked in your bed, your brother sitting on the edge and stroking your hair.
"No one important." He answers you, his eyes darkening for a moment at the mention of the girl he brought home. It's true, for him she's unimportant, nothing but another body to help him relieve his stress and pent up sexual frustration.
"Then why is she on your bed?" The bitterness in your tone is pretty evident, you don't even try to hide it as you narrow your eyes at your brother. You watch him stiffen, rubbing the middle of his forehead with his thumb to stall time, thinking that if he takes a little while to answer you'll drop the subject. "You said not to let anyone inside the bedroom unless you really trust them. Then why is someone unimportant on your bed with you? Naked?"
Suguru sighs, finding it difficult to answer your question. He knows that the time would come when you'll start questioning him but he never thought it would be this early, besides he never actually thought you'd catch him in the act of indulging in a sexual affair especially with someone he's not even emotionally invested with. "It's late, princess. Let's talk about it tomorrow when you wake up, okay?"
You nibble on your bottom lip as you study his face. "You're going to leave me." You accuse him after a minute of silence.
"Of course not, why would I leave my precious baby?" He coos in order to pacify you, slowly leaning down to pepper kisses across your face. Always weak whenever your brother showers you with affection, you giggle and happily accept all the soft smooches he gives you.
"You'll sleep here with me?" You hopefully tug at his shirt, peering up at him with the best puppy eyes you can give him to which he only chuckles at. With a nod of his head, he rounds the bed so he can lay beside you, pulling you to his side and making you lay your head on his chest, the girl in his room totally forgotten as the both of you bask in each other's warmth.
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"Sugu-nii? You can feel the panic slowly rising within you when you wake up without your brother on the bed, the space he occupied just last night long cold and empty. You know it's bad that you depend on him so much but he's everything you need and more– you can't live without him now.
You make your way downstairs, hoping to find him in the kitchen where he usually would be but you find the house empty. There's no one there but you and the loneliness that swallows you, the house too quiet for your liking. Maybe if your parents are there with you then you won't feel so alone but they're gone on a weekend trip too and are expected to come back on Monday.
This feeling, you hate it. You don't want to feel this way and drown in the endless pit of disappointment but everytime you remember your brother's words last night, it only gets worse.
Of course not. Why would I leave my precious baby?
You sniffle and hastily wipe the annoying tear that wets your cheek. In the midst of not wanting to make a big deal out of the situation, you end up invalidating your own feelings and wallow in self pity in your room as you try to focus on studying instead.
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You don't see Suguru the following days too, even after you feel lighter about what happened. He seems to be avoiding you, exiting the room whenever you come around, locking the door to his room if he's home or most of the time, he spends his time outside. When your parents hand you the phone so you can talk to him, knowing how close the both of you are to each other, he will magically fall sick or will come up with a lame excuse just so doesn't have to talk to you.
You're filled with a bunch of emotions as you try to decipher what's going on and try to think of a reason as to why your brother would continuously avoid you. It's not like you did something that might have upset him, you're always in your best behavior when he's around because he taught you to be a good girl no matter how bratty you are sometimes.
The confusing actions from your brother, as much as it hurts you, drives you absolutely furious too. So, when he finally comes around, you're adamant to show him just how upset you are and how much he wronged you.
Wednesday evening, a week and a half and he's finally talking to you, acting as if there isn't a long week gap between the both of you. You miss him, sure, he's still your favorite person after all but the annoyance overpowers everything you're feeling after being bottled up for so long.
"Hey, princess." He grins at you cheekily, softly closing the door to your room. He had just gotten off university but he wanted to surprise you with your favorite snacks to make up for lost time, so there he is, tall figure hovering behind your slouched body in front of your study table, a bag of snacks in his hand as he watches you drown on your notes.
After the incident, Suguru always makes sure not to bring any of his toys home again or let them meet you. In his mind, they're not special enough to introduce to his precious sister and he doesn't want to taint you any further. With that in mind, he kept chastising himself for letting you catch him in the act of fucking a random girl whose name he doesn't even remember.
He didn't know how he was going to approach the situation at hand so he ran away like a coward, still not quite believing that he's the reason why you witnessed such an indecent act and still pretty much upset with himself.
He's getting real busy with studies and practicals as well since he's in his last year in medical school, he doesn't really have that much time to be frivolous anymore. He rarely sees you nowadays too, because aside from avoiding you, he's usually stuck in his room studying or attending school while you're on your own, doing academic stuff.
He didn't notice the changes at first but he's pretty sure it might have something to do with what happened and what he did. You're slowly drifting away from him and he hates it. He's actually surprised that you can manage to be on your own now, barely seeking for his presence and as much as it makes him proud, the feeling of loneliness without you constantly asking him for help or for affection is slowly getting to him.
"Hi." You greet him, sounding so tired and disinterested. You only look at him briefly over your shoulder to nod at him before turning back on your endless pile of notes.
"I bought you your favorites." He tries to engage you again in another conversation and even planting several kisses on the side of your head but you still don't give him the reaction he's been wanting to get from you.
"Thank you." Monotonous, that's how your tone sounds to him but what adds more insult to the injury is the way you flinch away from him. It's subtle, you, leaning on your left to get away from his kisses and wiping the side of your face from where his lips landed. "I'm kind of busy right now, Suguru. Can you leave?"
Fucking cold. That's how he feels. He momentarily stops to stare at you, his mind running through millions of thoughts because what just happened? Did you just call him by his name? It's not something new because you call him that sometimes just to mess with him and you usually say it with so much adoration, when he feels like it, he makes you call him just by his name too because he simply wants to hear it sweetly rolling off your tongue.
You're never one to turn him down too especially if it means you get to spend time with him. Even if you're studying for an upcoming exam, you never say no to his cuddles. "My favorite pastime is cuddling with Sugu-nii!" Your words echo in his head, do they mean nothing now? Is it anything but a distant memory to you and him? He really messed up, didn't he?
"You're mad at me." It isn't even a question, it's a statement because he knows it. This time, he turns your chair to face him before crouching down in front of you. He carefully removes the pen on your fingers before he takes both of your hands in his and places them on the sides of his face so you're cupping his cheeks.
You only stare at him with your lips pursed, watching as his face contorts into that of an upsetting pout and letting you know that he's not liking the way you've been acting around him. "Talk to me, please?" He turns his head to place a peck on your palm before looking at you again.
You continue to look at him with an empty expression, willing yourself not to fall for his act and reminding yourself of how he didn't keep his words and then proceeded to ignore you like you were nothing to him. "How is it fair that you want me to talk to you now when you decided to disregard me just a week ago?"
Quickly, he scrambles down to his knees so he's facing you better, pulling your chair closer to his body before dropping his head on your bosom like a child getting reprimanded. You swear, right at this moment, you want to forgive him and run your fingers through his soft locks but you keep your resolve and remain unmoving in your seat.
"I'm sorry," he starts off in a mumble, his arms snaking around your waist to hug you, "After what you saw, I didn't know how I was going to explain it to you. I didn't want you to know that your brother was the kind of man who uses women for his own pleasure. I wanted to set a good example for you but I..." He trails off, followed by a sigh. He can't seem to continue his words any further, trying to keep his explanation vague. Maybe he's still trying to save face but he doesn't want you to see him in a negative light.
Ever since you came to his life, all he's ever wanted was to impress you and make you smile. Hide you away from the world and keep you all to himself but nature has its own way of refusing him. He's a man with urges and seeing you everyday, looking so beautiful and always smiling at him so brightly, those innocent thoughts slowly turn into something tainted... impure... lewd. He needed an outlet, he needs an outlet.
"I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" For thinking about you in a way a brother shouldn't. For seeing an ideal woman to love and cherish in you. For selfishly indulging in my dirty thoughts about you.
You let out a sigh, not really one to hold grudges against people especially if it's your brother. You know that sooner or later, if he still didn't talk to you like he did, you'd break and seek for him yourself. You're a simple person, if someone treats you good then you will return the same treatment you get from them and if someone does something to hurt you, you hurt alone and wait for them to come around on their own– if they don't, then so be it. You can live with that but if it's Suguru, always the only exception and even if he's the one at fault, you'll always go to him and forgive him, with or without apology.
"If I ask questions right now, are you going to dodge them again and run away?" You ask him softly, your hands gently prying his arms off you so you can look at his face.
He removes his limbs from your body, now leaning his entire weight on his haunches. "I'll try my best to answer them. No more running away from my princess."
You nod, satisfied with his answer but you don't inquire about anything, you just give him a small, sincere smile this time before it turns into a grin, lifting your hand and pinching his left cheek which makes him release a relieved laugh. "I missed you." Finally admitting that makes your heart feel lighter.
He's a little confused but more so relieved that you didn't ask for any more information in regards to what happened between you. He knows that he didn't have to explain further because you understand. You're his smart girl after all, you pick up on things easily despite being sheltered by your strong, older big brother.
"I missed you too, my princess." He coos, gently pulling you out of your seat as he stands to his full height. Without warning, he grips the back of your thighs, which earns him a squeal from you, lifting you up and making you wrap your legs around his hips to carry you.
You feel the initial negative feelings drowning you slowly flush away the more your brother showers you with affection– the love you've been craving for but limiting yourself to. You're not a kid anymore, you know that being this intimate isn't normal between adult siblings but is it so bad if you want to keep it this way? Getting babied by Suguru, receiving all the adoration from him– it's what keeps you going.
Without another word, he climbs on your bed, his back leaning on the headboard as you straddle his lap, your arms slinging around his neck and playing with the stray hairs that managed to slip out of his usual bun. "I love you, Suguru." Those words, you said them with utmost sincerity, conveying everything in that simple phrase as you stare at him, waiting for a reaction. You hope that your intentions are clear and that he fully understands what you truly mean. You love him with all your heart– more than a family.
Your brother hums, rubbing his thumb over your cheek and seemingly deep in his thoughts. You don't want to overthink and assume that you've just gotten rejected so you close your eyes and enjoy the way he's caressing your skin. It takes him a full minute to respond but once he does, the tears streaming down your face is inevitable.
"I love you, too. I love you so much," he murmurs, pulling your head down a little so he can press a light kiss on your forehead, "I'm sorry it took me this long to admit that." He whispers against your skin, his other arm curled around your waist to pull your body closer to his. He always tells you he loves you but now you know that this time, this is different. He's not just telling you that as a brother but someone who's confessing.
You stifle all the sobs wracking through you, feeling the sudden outburst of uncontainable happiness and overwhelming joy fill your entire system. Suguru doesn't say anything anymore, he just hushes you gently, reassuring you that he's there with you, your head nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
The two of you stay in that position for quite some time until you're calm enough to talk again. When you lift your head to kiss him on the lips, soft and chaste, the smile on his face is unmatched. He's happy– so happy.
Never in his life did he think he would love someone this much, to the point that his heart would break out of his chest and lay itself on your palm as if to literally say that you have his heart. It's inappropriate but he can't find it in himself to call his and your love as a mistake. He believes that you were born to be his and it was fate itself that decided to bring you to him.
All those women he met can never compare to you– they were just there to serve as a distraction to him and keep himself from dragging you down to the abyss of sin... but then again nothing is forever. You're bound to understand and feel things on your own, he can never really keep you away from the sins of the world when he's a sinner himself. It gets tiring too, suppressing himself from showing you the ways of expressing love on a much deeper level. One day, one day he'll show you and he'll make sure you crave that kind of loving from him every waking day.
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It's silent as you fidget on your bed uncomfortably, waiting for Suguru to say something– anything but he just continues to stare at the book he caught you reading. It wasn't a bad book per se and it was actually an educational one. He just finds it so surprising that you have a copy of a book such as that.
"Where did you get this again?" He finally speaks, looking at you with the most stern expression you've ever seen him use. It makes you nervous so you end up stuttering when you give him an answer.
"My... my friend told me to read it." You explain, your eyes going back and forth between his face and the hardcover of the book. The Girls' Guide to Sex Education.
"And why are you reading it?" Another interrogational question from your brother, his fingers flipping through the pages and his eyes skimming on it now.
"I'm a big girl now, Sugu-nii. I have to know about things like that, you know?" You huff defensively, throwing your body on your bed to lay on it and not even concerned about your skirt riding up on your thighs and possibly exposing your panties to the eyes of your brother.
Said man clicks his tongue when he sees you sprawled out on the sheets, hitting the side of your knee with the book. "Come on, sit up. Big girls don't just lay like that, it's unladylike."
"Really?" You shot up from your position with a loud gasp.
He chuckles at your reaction, clearly amused as he watches you fix your skirt and pull your top to look more presentable. "Are you sure you're ready to be a big girl? You know, big girls don't need their brothers to sleep with them or accompany them to the toilet at night," he sits on the bed next to you and brushes your hair, "They don't need help to tie their shoelaces nor do they ask for cuddles and kisses." He adds on to his mental list, a teasing smile on his face.
The look of despair on your face makes him laugh even more, finding you so adorable dealing with the inner conflict with yourself. "So I'm not a big girl?" You whine at him.
"I don't know, princess. Are you a big girl? Do you want to be a big girl?"
"I'm already in college, I have to be a big girl," you huff, quickly positioning yourself on the bed so you can lay down again, your head using his lap as a pillow, "Did you know that my friends laughed at me when I told them I've only kissed my brother? They also told me to stop acting like a virgin. What does that even mean?"
There's a slight furrow on his brows as he listens to you talk, getting annoyed as you talk about the way your friends treat you. He's never met any of them but by the looks of it, he's already not liking them. "It's fine if you want to be independent, you're an adult after all, but if that thought forces you to do things you're not comfortable with, then is it really worth it? Besides, I'll always be by your side. I will take care of you. Don't I already?"
His little speech makes your heart stutter. God, you love him so much.
"And about kissing me... I think it's better if we don't tell anyone. You know the reason why, don't you? You're my smart baby girl after all." He pokes your cheek this time, giving you an apologetic smile. If he's being honest, he wants to be seen with you, he wants everyone to know that you belong together but the circumstances just won't allow it. In the eyes of everyone, you are siblings.
You nod your head as a response, burying your face on his stomach before speaking, your words getting muffled by his shirt. "Can you return the book to me now?"
"Hah," he scoffs, throwing the said book across your room, "No. I don't know why you have to learn that, it's not like you're going to have sex with boys." He sounds so bitter and it makes you giggle a little. Is he jealous?
Quickly, you scramble to plop down on his lap, taking him by surprise. "I wasn't reading that for other boys, you know? Sometimes, you really are dumb-dumb, Sugu."
He pats your thigh in a chastising manner, doing his usual way of playfully intimidating you by tilting his head back with an eyebrow raised. "Who are you reading it for then?"
"Myself of course." You roll your eyes, enjoying the way his face scrunches in slight dismay. "I'm kidding, of course I want to learn about it for you. You're my boyfriend!"
At the declaration, his eyes light up before he brings your face closer to his with a hand on your nape. He slightly brushes his lips along the plump of your pillows then pulls back to see your reaction. The way your eyes are half closed as you patiently wait for him to kiss you makes him smirk in content before finally slanting his lips against yours. He knows this is your favorite kind of kiss and you are always eager when he gives it to you because he rarely kisses you like this, reason being, he wants you to anticipate for it, he wants to take you by surprise, he wants you to go crazy because he loves the way you react to it.
One of your hands travels down to his clothed chest, caressing his pec sensually as you kiss him back. The kiss is slow and deliberate, full of heat and passion as he presses himself closer to you. You nibble on his lower lip before you part your own, letting him explore your warm cavern while releasing soft and needy whimpers whenever his tongue would brush against yours.
It's tickling, it feels good and it's exhilarating to kiss Suguru like this. You love the way he takes his time as if the both of you have all the time in the world and when he's satisfied, he always pulls back with a string of spit connecting both of your lips, an evidence that you just kissed the person you love the most.
You sigh dreamily, looking at him with a needy haze clouding your mind and he watches you lose yourself. You're probably not even aware of it but you're rubbing yourself on his crotch, hips moving back and forth on the strain on his pants that makes him groan.
"How was that?" He chuckles breathlessly, losing all inhibitions and getting drunk with the way you move your body. His hands are on the sides of your hips, guiding you so your movements are more precise and pleasurable for the both of you.
You're panting on top of him, grip on his shoulders tight as you enjoy the feeling of your untouched cunt rubbing on his clothed manhood, pure instinct working and seeking for that relief. All you know is that there's something slick drenching the material of your panties and it's uncomfortable in a way.
"Suguru-nii." You mewl, doubling over in pleasure when your brother bucks his hips up all of a sudden. The tent on his pants digging in your pussy and pressing on your clit.
"That's enough." His hands on your hips are tight this time, completely halting your movements. It makes you whine in disappointment, already searching for that certain type of pleasure, a completely different feeling compared to the kisses you share with him.
Not liking his decision, you start bouncing on his lap in a fit, whines falling from your lips as you continue to demand for him to give you what you want. "Sugu-nii, more! I want more! I want to feel it again!"
Even though his cock begs for him to give in to you, he believes it's not the right time yet. He wants you to understand that sex isn't just that, he wants to drill inside your pretty little head that once you give yourself to him, you're going to be his forever as much as he is yours.
"No, princess. I said it's enough, now get off." He rubs your back before patting it, his mind already made up about not touching you.
But you're stubborn, he should've known that. Years of living together and spending almost all of your time with each other, there's no one who knows you better than him. Still, it stuns him when your huffy figure remains seated on his thighs as you shake your head. "You have to make it up to me for being mean!"
This isn't new to Suguru, you, throwing a literal temper tantrum when you don't get what you want. Whenever you get like this, it always puts him on the edge between spanking you until you cry or fuck you, face down on the bed until you cry and it frustrates him because he couldn't do anything so he ends up just giving you what want in the end. If his baby is happy, then he's happy.
"I am not mean." He ruffles his hair, his other hand on the bed to support his weight when he leans back a little so he can look at you better. You were about to rant again about him ignoring you when his index finger presses up on your lips to shut you up. "You really want it?" This time, his voice takes a sudden dive, going an octave lower seductively. The finger on your pretty lips now tracing your bottom pillow, purposely tugging on it sensually before letting it snap back to it's place with a slight pop.
Without hesitation, you nod your head and bring his seeking hand down to your crotch, inviting him to finally delve into you. "Really need you here, Sugu..."
"Fuck." Your brother groans, his hand lifting your skirt to expose the frilly panties you're wearing. There's a damp spot that can be seen on the crotch of your underwear when you raise your hips a little, making him breathe heavily, almost panting in arousal. He pauses for a while, thinking of his actions until your needy whine breaks him out of his thoughts.
"More huh?" He raises his eyes to stare at your face, his finger moving the crotch of your panties aside to give him access to your cunt. He knows he's going to berate himself again the next day after this but he can't find it in himself to care right now. Not when you're offering yourself to him so prettily. Besides, you'll be with him this time when he admonishes himself. He can always just fuck away his worries with you.
He doesn't know how he even managed to last this long without touching you but he guesses he just needed a push to finally give into the sweet temptation that is you. Who would've thought that you're going to be the same one to encourage him?
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"Oh Sugu-nii, too much! 's too much!" You wail in desperation, trying to get away from the relentless assault of your brother's fingers, going in and out of your sopping cunt.
You think it's been an hour since he laid you down on your bed, kissed you like never before and touched you in ways you've never even dared to. The first time you came on his fingers, he was gentle and soft. So attentive to every reaction you make, listening to the kind of moans you emit and making sure that you're comfortable and alright.
The second time, he used his mouth on you, nipping on the sensitive folds of your pussy, licking and teasing the sensitive pearl in between your puffy lips and sometimes penetrating your tight hole with his tongue. He couldn't describe how arousing it was whenever he dips the muscle into you and he would feel you clamping down on him while lifting your hips to press your womanhood closer to his face. On a few occasions, he would spread your folds apart just so he can admire your glistening clit before spitting on your nub, using his thumb to spread his saliva over your pussy lips and watching the slimy drool leak down into your clenching hole.
You're on to your third orgasm and it's driving you crazy, the way he's hitting that bundle of nerves inside you with just his long and thick fingers. Every curl and every thrust, they're so precise that you can't do anything but moan and grind back on him to alleviate the pressure on your lower stomach. You're practically gushing, your slick of arousal and the remnants of your cum coating his digits.
"You're so fucking pretty." He praises, lathering kisses on the inside of your thigh with your legs still dangling on his shoulders and keeping them apart. He's never talked to you like this but you like it, the swearing and the soft grunts coming from him only makes him ten times more desirable in your eyes.
His hair is completely out of its bun, the result of your relentless pulling and tugging on them. Despite that, he never once complained, it only makes him groan in satisfaction. His raven locks fall over his shoulders, framing his handsome face so perfectly. "You gon' cum for me again, pretty baby? I know you are, your pussy's spasming on my fingers right now. Go ahead and give Sugu-nii another. Be a good girl and show me how much you want to be mine, my love."
You gargle out a response, attempting to respond to him coherently but your thoughts seem to fly away and out of the window. The burning passion in his eyes as he looks down at you only makes you a whimpering mess. "Sugu, Sugu, Sugu!" You chant his name like a fucking mantra and he revels in it, savors the drunken syllables off you because he knows he's the reason you're like this.
And then it blows in, crashing on you like tidal waves as your body arches off the bed, legs shaking and your eyes rolling to the back of your head. It feels like liberation when you yell out his name with a desperate cry as you cum, once again, on his fingers. Clear liquid flowing out of you in a stream when he pulls his fingers off, wetting the bed and your brother's exposed chest.
"Fucking hell," Suguru laughs in amazement, watching as your body twitch after the intense stimulation and the biggest orgasm you've had yet, "Shit." He continues, his cock stirring inside his boxers achingly and begging for attention. He only seemed to grow harder after the sight of you squirting on him, looking so gorgeous with your head thrown back and your wet pussy in display.
He waits for you to come back down, rubbing your sides soothingly while peppering kisses across the expanse of your sweaty chest. He watches the way your breasts move up and down as you catch your breath, getting mesmerized by the way your nipples harden in the open air. He captures one of your mounds in his mouth, his tongue swirling around your nub and occasionally biting on it just so he can feel you react to his ministrations.
"Ahh Suguru– oh please stop, 'm sensitive there!" You weakly push at his shoulders and he only laughs before pulling back to stare at your disheveled form. Naked, sweaty, hair matted to your skin, eyes lidded, looking so damn beautiful and pretty fuckable.
You close your eyes for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts but is interrupted when your lover starts tapping the head of his cock on your glistening pussy, his boxers pushed down just enough to expose his manhood and heavy balls. He's beautiful– long, thick with the pinkish tip leaking precum. There's a purplish vein that runs along the side of his rigid length, making it look even more intimidating and yet you still want him. Want him to split you in half, ram his cock deep until he's balls deep inside you and paint your walls white with his thick cum.
"I need to know if you want to continue this, princess. Can you answer me?" He asks breathily.
You bob your head yes, running your hands along his arms and whimpering when he slides the length of his member on your pussy, your folds hugging his girth greedily. "Please... please Sugu-nii, I need you."
Happy with your answer, he places a kiss on the side of your knee when he lifts your left leg up to his shoulder to gain better access to your anticipating hole. Slowly, he guides his tip lower until he's prodding your well prepped hole, his breath hitching when he feels your walls contracting in an attempt to keep him out of you.
"Fuck– relax for me, sweetheart. Can you do that?" He chokes out before brushing some of your hair out of your face. As much as he wants to just slam his entire length in you and relish in the heat, he doesn't want to hurt you. You're not one of his lazy fucks or one night stands, you're his girl and he wants you to enjoy your first time.
He lets a small smile of pride take over his face when he feels you loosening up, your body laying lax and pliant under him. "That's a good girl."
You mewl, loving it when Suguru showers you with praises and tells you how much of a good girl you are for him. It's like you were born for the sole reason of pleasing him. You feel him maneuvering your other leg and pushing it sideways when his hips push forward, his dick sinking deeper into you with less resistance now that he's halfway inside you. "So– s'big, Sugu-nii..."
He chuckles on top of you, thumbing on your clit as he finally thrusts in the rest of his member, filling you to the brim. "God, you're so tight."
With his every move, you respond with a loud garbled moan as your body writhes in both exhaustion and arousal. You don't know where you're getting this extra energy, after all he already made you cum three times prior to this, but you don't have any plans on stopping him. "Love you, Sugu." You reach up to grab him by the back of his neck so you can kiss him.
In that position, he proceeds to move his hips back and forth while devouring your mouth in his, swallowing all the pathetic sounds coming from you. This is so intense compared to what he gave you earlier, the bliss heightened when his tip kisses your cervix with no delay. Your teeth are clashing, tongues brushing against each other in a heated kiss. It's messy, it's hot and it makes you keen louder for him, especially with the way he's expertly moving and easing himself in and out of your cunt.
Running out of breath, you pull back with a quick lick on his lips to break the spit connecting your mouths to each other. The action makes him groan as he sits back up on his haunches, pulling your lower body with his to meet his cock halfway. This makes you want to close your eyes but you keep them open, prefering to see your brother's body move with yours in a hypnotizing wave.
"I can't– no, s'too much now!" You shake your head fervently, overstimulation finally crashing down on you and making you curl your toes. Your legs twitch, wanting to close in on Suguru's body but he won't let up, his grip on your thighs strong to keep you spread open for him.
He watches you thrash on the bed, arching your back in a sexy curve as you fist the sheets. In the midst of the sensual heat, he finds himself appreciating you more, taking in the cute little moans you make, your pulsing walls around his cock, your flushed state– he's never seen a more beautiful scene.
"Just a little more, baby. You can take more, can't you?" He brings one of his hands to cup your lower face, turning it towards his when he leans down. He makes you part your lips by pulling your chin down with the same hand before you see a clear liquid dripping down from his mouth to yours. Surprisingly, you find it so hot that you stick your tongue out once you've swallowed his spit, wordlessly asking him to do it again.
"Nasty baby." He comments with an amused chuckle and then he's spitting inside your mouth again and again and again, and you swallow it every single time.
It's so lewd, filthy even and he enjoys the fact that you just take whatever it is he gives you. The simple knowledge that you go whichever way he leads you brings him that sense of euphoria, pushing him close to orgasm.
You yelp when he suddenly picks up the pace, making you wrap your legs around his hips and placing both of his arms on each side of your face to fuck you at a better angle, his cock reaching even deeper and constantly hitting your most special spot that has you ascending to heaven. "'m gonna cum again, Sugu-nii, gon' cum again– please!"
"Yeah?" He pants down on your face, his breath hitting your cheek. "Go ahead, baby. I'm close too." He says with a grunt, thrusts getting sloppy as he desperately chases for his and your highs.
It doesn't even register to him when it happens, too drunk in the way your cunt grip his cock. It's devastatingly good and he savors it when you release around him again, coating his dick with sticky white and forming a ring on the base of his cock while he paints your inside with his seed. All he knows is that he's finally reached that satisfaction after years of pining for his little sister.
He weakly pushes himself up on his elbows to support his weight so he doesn't crush you beneath him. You're resting your head on your shoulder, head tilted cutely as you bask in the aftersex glow with your brother's softening dick slowly slipping out of you. "You alright?" He nudges you with his nose nuzzling on your cheek before moving down to press kisses on your jaw.
You giggle at the ticklish feeling before answering him. "Yeah... that was amazing, Sugu."
He smiles, placing a final peck on your skin before rolling off of you and occupying the space beside you. It hasn't even been a minute with your skin not touching before he gathers you in his arms again, hugging you to his side and tucking your head under his chin, still with that contented smile splayed on his lips. "I love you so much."
You wrap your arm around his torso, lifting your leg to lay it on top of his, hugging him to you like a bolster. "I love you, too."
With that, you let sleep take over you, feeling more than comfortable in the arms of your brother– no, boyfriend with a small smile.
The next day, you wake up in a tangle of limbs, Suguru's lanky figure draped over you, his head resting on top of your chest. You think he's still sleeping, his breathing steady and peaceful so you let it be. You start playing with his hair, reveling in the softness of his locks on your fingers.
"Mhm, that feels nice." You slightly jump at the sudden voice, not expecting for him to be actually aware of what you're doing. You hit his back with your fist lightly, a small laugh emitting from you.
"Thought you were sleeping." You huff, going back to raking your digits through his hair.
"I woke up in this position, figured I liked it so I didn't move." He reasons with a grin before positioning his head closer to where your right mound is. Before you know it, he's taking your nipple in his mouth, lazily playing with it by flicking his tongue over it, sucking softly or gently tugging on the nub with his teeth. Despite the action, the both of you find the atmosphere relaxing, not really in the mood to continue last night's activities. The both of you just lay there, enjoying each other's presence as Suguru plays with your breasts like they're his personal stress ball.
It takes about a few minutes before he pulls away to study your face. You look even more radiant to him– he doesn't want to be cocky but he knows it definitely has something to do with him. Not that he's complaining, if anything he loves the way you look right now covered in the lovebites he graciously gave you, face peaceful, completely taken, completely his. "Breakfast in bed?"
You nod at him, giving him a sweet peck on his smiling lips. With that, he places a quick kiss on your lips too, chaste, perfect and everything you can ask for right at this moment.
You watch him pull on his sweatpants from last night, admiring the way his back muscles flex when he moves until he's out of your room to make you breakfast just like he promised. As you wait for him, you think of all the possibilities that can happen in the future. This is a dangerous relationship, one that can ruin you both but you don't care and nor does he. He's willing to risk it all for you and so are you.
What more do you need anyway? He's a complete package. A brother who will protect you from everything, will listen to you whine at 3 AM, give you really good advices and a boyfriend who will kiss your tears away, love you unconditionally and will absolutely fuck you with his perfect dick.
He's everything you need and more.
And his pretty little sister is his forbidden you.
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  花 ‧₊˚ taglist: @resonancesoul @nanamiswhore @missroro @thedarkroseofficial @moirdior @fiona782 @bubbleteaproduction @cryformekitten @qudvxnkanx @linibambinii @sianakento @dilftaroooo @getomybeloved
join my taglist! ¦ ©thewordfae 2021 ¦ plagiarism is a crime
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Anthem of the Angels
Imagine this is what Mishiro sings. Obsessed with this song, period. I hope you enjoy <3
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On a normal day, Mishiro would not think to act on her impulses.
She's no Nashiro, who's run into more trouble than any of her sisters due to her rash nature, or Sashiro, who's simply too kind and gets dragged into messes unwillingly. No, she'd like to think she's more mature, more experienced, better at holding in on her urges.
And yet here she sits, by herself, on the roof of a high tower of a random castle in the Demon World humming the song of her ancestors. A melody of the heavens in the realm of demons, hummed by an angel who's positive she's gone mad when the words of the tune begin spilling from her lips.
An ancient harmony, meant to soothe the sharpest of pains, bring peace to the maddest of minds, and relief to the harshest of sufferings. Pure in rhythm and ancient in origins.
She doesn't even know all the words, but the tune, the melody, is embedded into her mind. As if it were beaten into her through a thousand and one rehearsals.
Singing like this is not the most mature - or rational - decision she's ever made. Especially given this castle is not devoid of life. She can feel the presence of several beings, some more powerful than others, and all reeking of the same rotten scent demonkind's magic has. Well, most.
Some's magic smells sweet, like spices, and comes to them so naturally that it's bizarrely curious. For an angel, all manners of demonic magic are meant to smell foul - or so she's been told time and time again by the scholars.
She's almost done with her humming and ready to fly out and away that very moment - there's no way she's gone undetected for so long and she'd sooner save the trouble of fighting some nasty creature or the other - but a voice breaks her off before she can.
"Hey?! The fuck are you doing here?!"
Who-? Or better yet, from where-?
"Hey answer me!! What's someone like you here for?!"
She finally looks down, ready for the worst of cases, and is met with the bloody gaze of a man. Judging by his smell, he should be one of those bat demons - vampires, was it? - and by his tone of voice, he wasn't exactly what Mishiro would call 'friendly'.
But he hadn't attacked her just yet - despite frowning so deeply that it made her want to warn he'd get wrinkles from it - so she assumed that was something to go by. A moment more spent in her silent blinking, and just as he was about to rage at her again, her words came out softly.
"Singing. Why, couldn't you hear?"
Surprise was written all over his face - a rather cute sight, she'd admit - before his face went even more furious than before. "How dare you-!!"
"How dare I what? Sweetheart, you asked a question, you got your answer."
It was his turn to blink at her - a few times for good measure. And then his cheeks went bright pink. She could hear him curse under his breath, averting his gaze from hers. This kid is quite the cutie, huh... He just has a major-
"Shut up and just get lost! This is no place for someone like you!"
... anger problem.
"Okay, okay. I was going anyway. Gee, you sure know how to treat a lady, little boy." She said as her wings appeared behind her, ready for flight. She hadn't even flapped them once before his response came.
"Hey!! Who're you callin' a boy?!!"
"There's no one here beside you and me, so whoever could I be calling a boy. I wonder." She put a single finger on the corner of her lips. She was mocking him now, and from the way his whole face had gone red, she was surprised he hadn't attacked her just yet.
But she wasn't in the mood to fight or flight, so she tuned her voice to a softer one, leaning over one arm to seem as innocent and cute as possible. "Say, let's drop it now, okay?"
Her words came out as smoothly as it could, baby blue eyes half lidded and staying on the albino's own cherry red ones. "I was just lonely and a little sad, and singing always puts me in a better mood. So can you not be mad at me for it please?"
He seemed about as confused as he could get. Not that she was surprised. She'd gone from mouthing off to playing all timid. Anyone would be baffled at the quick mood change. Or rather, acting prowess.
She'd always been good at putting on a show after all.
His brows furrowed again, though more lightly than before, and he clicked his tongue. "Whatever, just go away before one of the others show up. They won't let you go easily if they find you."
She smiled, and stood, flapping her wings behind her once all the while winking at the young man in front of her. "Thanks for the word of advice, bleach boy. See ya later~."
And with that said, before he could even properly process her sentence, she'd vanished from his sight. She was right to come here after all. Demons are such fun people to mess with.
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sunpopp · 3 years
Warm to The Touch | {CCH}
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→ Summary; it's not often that Chanhee gets sick, but when he does, he's a very big crybaby about it. That, or he really is in as much pain as he says he is—regardless that leaves you to take care of him, and funnily enough, it has its perks.
• WC/genre: 2K of smut + fluff
• Includes/cw: Chanhee being sick and reader taking care of him, no kissies on lips 😔, sub!Chanhee, gn!reader, fingering (m receiving), dick neglection (?), handjobs, brief praise, aftercare
Riding the bus wasn't your favorite thing to do, but it was soothing if you were in the right mood.
Sadly, you weren't. Mostly due to the fact that Chanhee was quite literally blowing up your phone with texts asking how much longer it'd take you to be off the train and on your way with his precious medicine, making you sigh and roll your eyes before shooting him a reply that you'd be there soon, but knowing nothing would calm him down until you were in front of him to prove it.
You can't help but smile.
Chanhee didn't complain much about anything, besides maybe you not helping him with washing the dishes or set the table while he made dinner, but everything else was, at most, a dirty look that softened relatively quickly. Sickness, though, was a whole other ballgame.
He would rant and rave about the tiniest of phantom pains, practically on the male equivalent of his period with the way his mood would get snappy and sour at the slightest inconveniences.
But maybe he really did just have a shit pain tolerance like he'd often hint at. Though it didn't stop you from still being baffled when he'd get a bad cramp in the middle of the night and whine about it until he'd fall asleep again.
Coming back to reality as you glance up to the bus's nearing destination, you stretch lazily and begin to stand, muscles aching from walking all day and back cracking loud enough for you to wonder if other people heard it. The bus slows to a stop before finally lurching against the sidewalk, and you take your leave through the opening doors with an appreciative thanks to the driver.
Almost immediately after you hop down from the steps, a layering of chilly wind washes harshly against your front and the familiar smell of petrichor into your nose, relentless rain droplets against your coat as you begin in a jog in the direction of your apartment. Chanhee must be freezing right now, you think, concern growing even heavier at the visible breaths of air you let out. If he's already got the sniffles, a sore throat, and headaches, he's probably getting worse considering you'd forgotten to turn the heater on before you left.
Stupid mistake.
It takes maybe a couple more minutes, less than it'd take if you were walking like normal, before you're finally at your door, punching in the code for the lock before shouldering it open and kicking off your shoes on the shoe rack. It's cold inside, you can tell by the way your cheeks still feel numb.
"Chanhee! I got your medicine!" Your words echo throughout the hall, spreading out when you keep calling his name as you move farther in; past the open kitchen and to the bedroom door opposite the bathroom.
When you come into the room, Chanhee is still in the bed where he was when you left, but this time, he's sat up, looking at you with hooded eyes and a thin sheen of sweat covering his face. He frowns, "It's about time. While I was here suffering, you were out with your friends. Unbelievable..," he pouts and shakes his head.
With a chuckle and now eased posture, you sit in front of him and set the bag of medicine beside you to check his temperature. He's extremely hot.
"Yeah, well, staying around you while you're sick is enough to drive me crazy so you can't really pin the blame on me for needing to leave. Plus, it's not like you tried to stop me, did you?" You smile at him, standing back up to go run him a lukewarm bath.
"I was asleep!"
"Your problem, not mine!"
"Alright, up you go."
"Ah, but my whole body hurts..."
"Too bad, you're sweating a bunch and you haven't done anything to clean yourself yet."
Another tug of Chanhee's hands, and he's stumbling into your arms with a raspy groan at the jerky movement. You pat his back, pecking his damp forehead, then drag him to the bathroom.
"Can you undress yourself or do you need my help with everything?" You half-joke.
"Don't be rude, it's actually hard for me to do a lot of things," Chanhee utters bitterly, but he does manage to pull his shirt over his head, albeit with your help, as well as his pants and boxers before stepping into the water.
"Or maybe you're just fragile as hell and the smallest things have you bedridden for a week."
"Oh my god I'm gonna-"
"Hush, princess, you won't do anything," you find yourself laughing as you lower yourself to your knees beside the tub, folding your arms on the side before resting your cheek atop them, "Just relax, okay? I know you're too tired to argue right now, so let yourself calm down for a couple."
He thankfully doesn't protest, and takes your advice for once; letting himself fall against the back of the bathtub and close his eyes, the sigh through his nose an indication that he's allowing himself to enjoy the water. He looks so peaceful like this. Doll-like eyelashes fluttering against smooth, heated cheeks, and head slowly lolling to face you.
You feel yourself reach out. You know it's happening, but you don't stop it when you run a hand through Chanhee's bangs, then swipe a thumb past his eyelid to trail to his nose, then lips.
He opens his eyes, but doesn't say anything, even if he probably finds it strange. He lets you touch him.
"You're very pretty," you mumble whilst pouring water onto his head using the wash bucket on the back surface of the bathtub. Drops trickle down into mini patterns on his face, and he drags a hand over it to clear them away.
"Even while sick?" He raises his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised at your answer.
You comb the water into his hair to wet it as you nod, "Even while sick."
Chanhee smiles, "So, how was your day out?"
"It was nice. Found a perfect place where I'd love to take you, actually."
"Oh? Where?"
"The bone zone-"
"Oh my god, you're so annoying!"
You erupt into a fit of laughter as Chanhee swats a hand at you, getting some of your shirt and arm wet where you shield yourself from his little attack. You pinch his cheek, flashing a toothy grin, "Oh, come on! That was a good one and you know it. Smooth as ever if I do say so myself."
"Yeah, and you're the only one saying so," He pouts, pulling away from your pinchy fingers and trying his best to hide the steadily growing smirk that threatens to break his face into a smile. Stubborn as always, you see.
"You can leave now," Chanhee gives you a pointed look.
"Alright, alright. I'll be in the bedroom awaiting any further commands, your highness," You shake your head, and make a grand display of leaving the room and him to his own privacy.
Chanhee doesn't take long in the bath anyway, so you knew you wouldn't have to wait long as you fall back against the bed, shifting around until you've made yourself comfortable against the strewn navy covers. You spare a glance out the window pressed against your side; still raining, and still bathed in a silver glow from the blanketing clouds. It'd make you kind of sad, if not melancholic, but you were in a good mood from coming home, so at the most, you were calm.
Calm, even when Chanhee emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam a half hour later, only wearing a pink striped button up pajama shirt and matching bottoms, hands raised above his head whilst he dries his hair with a small towel. He comes to a stop in front of you.
"There he is," you exclaim, looking up from your phone and patting the spot next to you with a mischievous glint in your eye, "C'mere."
"I wonder why I'm hesitating," he says, and you can practically feel the the sarcasm in his words.
"Because hot people make you nervous? Duh."
"Are you insinuating that you're hot?"
That's your queue.
Leaning forward, you grab Chanhee's wrist and tug him into your chest, causing him to stumble slightly, but you catch him and pull him flush against you. A flurry of kisses to his face, excluding his lips, ensue.
Chanhee squirms around in your arms and acts like he doesn't like the affection at first, but a few more seconds of the same treatment prove true to his soft side when he goes limp and begins to giggle at the ticklish feel of your butterfly pecks.
Oh, that giggle. How you loved to hear it; sweet and beautiful like the chime of the prettiest bell in your ears.
You pull him on top of you as you relax against the crevice where the mattress meets the wall, and rest your cheek on the top of his head, humming, "You saying that I'm not hot?"
"No you weren't."
"Yes I was."
"You- Hush!" Chanhee covers your mouth finally and you chuckle against his palm at his feeble attempt to silence you.
You press a kiss to it instead of bickering further, causing him to soften. Just then, you realize something as you touch down his wrist.
"Woah, has your fever not died down at all? You're even starting to sweat a little bit again, too..."
Your suspicions prove true when a closer inspection at the ruddy skin flushed from his cheeks down to his chest and heavier-than-normal breathing indicates that he's still hot, or at least overheated.
"Here," you murmur, already shifting him on his back so you can easily unclasp the buttons of his shirt, "Are you in any pain or is it still just the sore throat?"
"The headache I had earlier is starting to come back. It's getting worse, but that's about it so don't worry, I'll be fine," Chanhee tries his hand at reassurance, you can tell, but it doesn't do anything to stop you from crawling over him to scurry into the kitchen.
"I'm getting you some water, hang on!" You call out from down the hall, making quick work of filling up a decently sized glass before you return to him with some painkillers as well. He barely manages to sit up when you reach him; his face scrunching at the obvious pain that's beginning to hit him tenfold as he gratefully takes the pills and throws his head back when he tosses them in his mouth, chasing them with the cold glass of water you provided.
"Ah, it's actually really starting to hurt...," Chanhee whimpers and at the sound, you slide back into the bed to pepper his face with pecks once again. He's grateful for the comfort, if the way he gently drapes his arm over your shoulder says anything.
"Oh, my poor baby," you coo lowly, feeling the goosebumps on his back that prickle at your tone, "Is there anything I can do to make it better? Did you already take your medicine?"
"Yeah.. still hurts.."
"I can tell," you snort and trail a finger down Chanhee's sternum, looping it back up to flick at one of his nipples. He jolts, and you can't help but give a cheeky smirk, "Even your nipples have taken on somewhat of a hue. I wonder what other places are doing the same thing...," your words would hold suggestion to even the most clueless of people, spoken through lips now slicked with saliva as you roll your tongue across the tinted flesh and lower your head for a taste of his exposed breast.
"Ah!" Chanhee gasps loudly and his fingers find purchase on the back of your head, his body trembling when he arches his chest up into your face, searching for more when his mouth fails to ask you such a favor.
Teasing his nipple with a gentle nip before pulling away to kiss it instead, you caress his narrow waist, "You said it hurts, no?"
"It does...," Chanhee pants and nods as fast as his throbbing head will allow him.
"Where does it hurt most, baby? Tell me," You wet your fingers with a quick swipe of your tongue then reach under his lower half to slide your hand into his shorts, Chanhee helping you by taking one leg out, and glide down the seam of his ass to tease his rim, "Here?"
"Y-yes..!" you chuckle when he huffs and flings both arms around your head, pulling you close into him and meeting your forehead as he grinds down against your digits.
"Awe, look at you..."
And look at him indeed; Chanhee is already a mess before you. Staring at you with those big watery doe eyes of his, and silently pleading for you to continue doing things to his body that has him feeling like bursting.
You give him exactly what he wants.
Pushing your finger into him, slowly due to how tight the fit is, you press sloppy kisses to the underside of his jaw. The reaction Chanhee gives is a familiar one, with sensual lips dropped open to let out a high-pitched moan and legs trembling as he holds them open for you, fighting to not shut his eyes upon feeling you enter him.
"Good," you drawl, tilting your wrist at an angle once your index and pinkie meet the backs of Chanhee's thighs and gently curling your fingers upwards, "Just like that, baby. Is this okay? Are you okay?" Your eyes search his face for discomfort, and though you don't find any, you still your movements.
He nods and nuzzles against the top of your head with his cheek, "Mm-hm. Keep going, please."
You start back up at his polite request, as much as you love hearing him ask for more of something, and begin to drag the pads of your fingers back and fourth alongside his walls until you feel the telltale firmness of his prostate, then start on massaging it.
"Ah!" He emits a short, melodical whine at the burst of sensation now seething within him. It drives him one step from crazy as he scrunches his face and unconsciously slaps at your shoulder in a sort of mid-euphoria result.
You huff out a half-laugh, sitting back on your knees so you can get a better view of what you're doing, "Good?"
Chanhee tries to use his words, but by the way you pin him down to the bed with a palm flat against his collarbone before speeding up your hand, he can only manage a broken sob. It's followed by another of the same needy type, but this time, it's louder and causes your stomach to all but flip at the sound. Chanhee throws his head back, thrashing this way and that to somewhat get away from the overwhelming feeling, but also pushing down against it at the same time; all the while your hand keeps him in place.
"I'll take that as a yes," you jest, mostly to yourself because Chanhee sure isn't listening, then bend down slightly to finally turn your focus to his weeping cock. It's full-blooded from being hard for so long, angry red at the tip and jumping every once in a while, especially when you open your mouth to lick a strip from the base to the head.
"P-please I can't! You're gonna make me cum!" Chanhee rushes to sit up, but you push him back down as soon as he tries. He looks absolutely horrified at being so close already.
"And what's the problem with that?"
"I-I just- I don't want to disappoint you."
"Oh, baby," You take your hand from his chest in favor of jerking him off, which he all but chokes at, "It doesn't disappoint me at all. I find it very hot, actually."
"Plea-ease..! Oh!" Chanhee wails one final time before he lets go all over your hand.
It covers your knuckles, dripping white down the side of your thumb as you keep stroking him to help him ride it out. The orgasm must've hit him hard, you think when you look up to see Chanhee shuddering in time with the aftershocks that zap his body every few seconds, eyes closed and skin dewy with a sheen of perspiration.
"Hey, come back to me. You alright? Does your head still hurt?"
He takes a moment to open his eyes, but when they roll open and find your face, he does something that catches you off-guard. He latches himself onto your front, straddling your lap, and rests his head over your shoulder with a sigh.
"Chanhee, hang on a bit, my hand's still dirty and I need to clean you up-"
"In a second. I'm tired."
"You still haven't answered my question."
"Mm, I don't feel like talking right now."
"... You are such a handful."
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@vanillaknj @stealerhwa1
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(look you don't have to like this, I'm not expecting anyone to, I just needed to write and if there's the possibility that even one person was hoping I'd write more and enjoys it then that's cool, just don't be a dick about it, it's more house mate au stuff, don't hope for continuity by that I mean it's just all over the place and nothing makes sense , just expect what ever came to my head at the time lol)
Walter was sat at his work table, fiddling with one of his new devices working on to perfect it, no I can't think of anything specific so I'll let you fill in that with your imagination.
The day had been long, his lab assistant Timothy Lawrence (Yea that Timothy if you know him because reasons) had been pretty quiet but done as told so at least that made it easier.
He was tired as the day had gone on his mood had sunk, what was he doing teasing Killian like that, honestly spanking him with the hair brush, he knew some of the things Killian had been up to.
But it was more likely a sign of marking territory or just because he had needs right and it was exciting to do things where you shouldn't.
The blade he was handling slipped and ran across the pad of his index finger, he hissed in pain, seeing the blood smear under the blue latex, pooling to drip, focusing on the red colour he hadn't even noticed Timothy running to fetch the first aid kit.
Pulling his gloves off he discarded them and popped open the box that had been set on the table.
"Thanks Timmy."
Walter smiled a little as he tended to his finger, he hated how the skin felt parting every time he flexed his finger.
Cleaning up and applying what was needed, thankful it wouldn't need stitches.
He wondered what Killian was up to, watching TV, reading maybe, did he eat, did he have enough to drink, was he in a depressive mood, was he mad that hed spanked him, he really should send a message.
Pulling his phone from his lab pocket he texted him.
'Hope you're day has been good, hope you're well, sorry if I upset you this morning.'
He shifted and rubbed a shoulder, he didn't realise how stiff his back had gone, being in charge of a division meant he'd somewhat lost track of self care making sure to do his stretches.
Timothy stood here watching his boss, lot better than the last one, this one was kind and genuine, always looking out for people, honestly Beckett made him feel safe and relaxed, he wasn't looking for anything serious but even he could see that furrowed bow and the lean that spelt hey I'm exhausted let me die.
Walking around and behind him he slowly massaged his shoulders, they were small and rather petite for someone Walter's age but it was more lean muscle and just body build, he just hadn't seen many men like Walter where he'd come from, he was rather pretty.
Walter had considered telling him to stop but when his fingers pressed into that one perfect spot in his shoulder blades he melted, ooooh that just felt so damn good and shit when was the last time he'd had contact, had someone be closer to him...he liked Killian...wondered if they could be more, but he didn't believe for one second that they could be lovers or bed fellows for one moment...not that he wouldn't be interested in finding out but Killian had been there a month, like he wasn't going to make him uncomfortable and feel like that the only way he could stay was if he dated him.
(I keep forgetting times or how many days set shrugs just don't expect like decent continuity, I write these because I need to just write things and moments)
Walter leaned forward arms folded and face buried in them
"Sorry sir, am I doing that badly?"
Timothy's enquired nervously, his hands going still.
"No, please don't stop, I literally didn't realise how stiff I was, you have good hands, I'm just so tired Timothy, I could really use it if you don't mind that is."
"Not at all sir."
Tim smiled happy to know he was helping, yes much nicer than his last boss, Walter was smart but he was also fragile, like him he loved his mother and when he'd heard Walters mother had died when he was small he wanted to scoop him up and just hug him.
A talk with Lance at one point and he'd learned that was a natural reaction for anyone with a heart around Walter who didn't have their head up their ass.
Which had practically been the last tech department Beckett had worked in, that totally wasn't cool that they'd done that to such a brilliant mind, it was so much fun working on items that didn't kill people and actually helped them!
Walter was imagining the fingers loosening the knots in his back were Killian, wondered what that would feel like with those pretty metal claws, but he never forgot it was Timothy, after all Timothy deserved more respect than that.
Looking over his shoulder at him, auburn hair flopping off to one side, Tim's hands on his waist he noticed the subtle blush.
"You wanna go grab some dinner or something in a minute there's a corner café I know, makes steak sandwiches and baked potatoes with a perfect crispy skin, a warm meal sounds pretty nice don't you think?"
Tim in the angle he was in was trying not to think about how suggestive this looked, he would absolutely lean down and kiss Walter if he thought it was an option, it really was a casual thing he felt, but Walter just looked so pretty and like he needed someone to carry him right now.
Continuing to rub his back Timothy nodded
"Yeah that sounds pretty nice actually."
At home Killian had found plenty to do, he'd read, watched tv, all in Walters bed of course, just to feel close to him as he could, he did wonder after handling himself, if Walter could see him as anything more than a friend, someone more than a few passing jokes between the other...turning his head and taking in his scent as he buried his face into a pillow again, looking forward to seeing those blue eyes...he should really get out of Walter's bed and get the covers washed.
Beckett brought comfort to his mind after his years of suffering, the sunrise after the storm.
He'd talked to Lovey, wondering if she could understand him, she was surprisingly responsive to his rambling as he worked on his arm, updating the tech and keeping up with maintenence.
Living here with Walter and slowly working past things with Lance and seeing he had genuinely started changes of his own, it made it easier with how Walter talked about him on the job, that he considered all options before violence and discussed the situations with him...it was good to know Beckett had helped Lance to.
He was glad to know Walter's field partner was a good one, though his lab partner, this Timothy Lawrence seemed to be pretty chummy didn't he, he'd seen a picture, thick brown hair, heterochromia eyes, blue and green to be exact and a chiseled jaw, in other words a damn pretty boy and he didn't want him around Walter.
He huffed folding his arms, yes he was jealous he was going to be pouty, before his injury he had thick black hair and had been known to be a very handsome man, now he looked like he'd been put through a grinder when he took off his holo mask and this Timothy Lawrence just had to be Walter's lab partner, he'd be around him alot and-
His phone buzzed, it'd been put on the side table and he read the text that'd come through and there was another one.
'Going out to dinner with Timothy, don't know what time I'll be back, have fun you probably need a break from me anyway lol 😂'
Killian's eye twitched, he nearly threw the damn phone, but how would he explain that, honestly he couldn't, Tristan sighed, shoulders drooping a little and answered his questions
'It's been a relaxing day, did work on the arm, Lovey' s surprisingly easy to talk to, watched a little television but perhaps you could suggest something to watch, it's rather hard deciding with all these options and no Walter you didn't upset me, though you left in a hurry, you do not need to avoid me. You're not a bother. Are you alright?'
'I'm so happy you're warming up to her! That's awesome! Also it's good you have time to relax, ten years of hectic stress you're more than overdue! I...well I was more embarrassed than anything, I reacted on instinct, last boyfriend liked that well that's probably more than you needed to know, but yeah I'll help you pick something to watch see you later!'
Last boyfriend? Spanking, Walter had, he had...Killian shifted well the blankets were starting to tent, the idea of being put over Walters petite lap and being told he was a very bad man came to mind.
He liked it.
A lot.
He looked at his phone as it pinged again.
'And god damn it, make sure you eat something for dinner, don't just go picking out the cupboard!'
Killian snickered and replied
'Yes Daddy, I'll make sure to eat something.'
After sending the text he realised what he'd written and wished he could take back that text, wincing as he managed to look at the response
'Behave, eat dinner or I'll put you over my knee young man.'
Killian stared and stared at that answer, he knew Walter was just teasing but, his cheeks were warm and he was...was he blushing.
"You all set to go Timothy?"
Walter smiled, his back was feeling a hundred times better after Timothy had dug into the knots, it wasn't a surprise that he was good with his hands, you had to have nimble ones to work with the tech they used here.
"Yeah, just coming boss!"
He pulled his satchel over his shoulder after pulling on his old brown leather jacket
"Please Timothy don't call me that, call me daddy."
Walter laughed at how silly that sounded
"I'm sorry, pfffft don't call me that god please, no, Walter's just fine."
Tim had paused a moment a slight fear he might have a streak like his last boss after all but that laugh was too warm and giggly and just shook his head with a smile
"Wouldn't dream of it Walter, you're more of a kitten anyway."
Timmy felt his insides tighten a little and there was that hint of Jack Dna surfacing.
"So shall we go?"
Beckett enquired looking up at him, huh he kinda looked like Killian, just a little.
"Ready when you are."
And with that they were off.
(Alright end of this ramble, Timothy has been thrown in because I needed the gasp drama of prolongation and shit and didn't have the energy to create an oc and honestly I'll mash anything from anywhere if it's convenient bleh)
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