#or is it vaggastor?
flowerycoffin · 2 years
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Thanks for having YouTube channels like Lady Killface, Shi Fenn, Crunchyroll, Luz Plantar and Vivziepop for letting people watch at least some scenes for free
(I know that Vivzie is a creator of HH but credit goes to everyone in one paragraph)
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nightingale2004 · 7 months
Hazbin hotel fans and Alastor fans unite cause I got a heartbreaking headcanon for our favorite radio demon.
We all know that Alastor is Mama's boy, and we all probably know that he believes she's in heaven.
So my headcanon is that when he was alive. Every year on the day that she passed, he takes that one day for himself to be completely alone, and he will always play. "You are never fully dressed without a smile." Along with many of their favorite songs they would've listened to when they were still alive and cook their favorite meals. He would do this every year to where it was a tradition to him.
After he died, he never stopped his tradition, except now, he would get a bottle from Husker and either locked himself away in his radio tower and/or room or go somewhere in H3ll to be alone until the day passes.
The one day of the year where he no longer smiles, where he doesn't put on a face, isn't the fearful radio demon, and is just...human, and speaks with his mother as if she can hear him in the afterlife and at the end of the day, he is always grateful that she never saw what became of her little boy.
Sorry for the heartbreak but it was just on my mind.
Let me know what you guys think, and let me know what you think the characters of hazbin Hotel would think about Alastor's "day off".
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petitprincess1 · 8 months
I love their hate for each other. Canon-wise, they give such brother-sister vibes. Fanon-wise, I'm a multi-shipper, hun, and I love me a good polycule ^^
Whether it be sexual, romantic, or queer-platonic, I'll make it work /hj
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grimfurbybitch · 5 months
Radio silence Au
Alastor hanging out with various hotel members in public and Vox is convinced that they're dating, nothing will convince him otherwise
Alastor helping Charlie with the hotel? The hotel is a cover up for their secret relationship
Alastor going antique hunting with Vaggie? She's cheating on her girlfriend with him
Alastor taking husk out to a casino? They made out in the alley
Alastor picking Angel Dust up from a shoot? They fucked in the car on the way home
Alastor unleashing Nifty onto some bug sinner? Definitely dating
Alastor taking Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois on a nice stroll through the park? He obviously knocked Sir Pentious up and the Egg Bois are their children
Alastor and Roise eating the guy who ghosted her? They've been married for 10 years
Alastor and Lucifer not fighting for five minutes? The wedding is in 2 months
Alastor acknowledging Adam's existence? Rawdogging in the hotel lobby
Of course none of this is true, he's just bonding with them but nothing will convince Vox otherwise
(edit: changed tag)
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123puppy · 7 months
What if the next Bonding Exercise is trusting someone to hold you in the air
Lucifer: I promised (Charlie) I wouldn't drop you!!!
Alastor, burying his claws into concrete: UNHAND ME THIS INSTAN-
*Lucifer rips Alastor off the ground and they're as high up as the hotel*
Alastor: NOOO PICK ME UP PICK ME UP- *sinks his claws into Lucifer*
*Vaggie holding Charlie and Husk holding Angel Dust as they hover nearby*
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deadghosy · 7 months
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nameless-sovereign · 7 months
Charlie: look Vaggie! I made you breakfast?
Vaggie: are you sure this is food? *hits it on the table, the table scratches*
Charlie: it's made with love not skill
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A sequel commission to this short comic. Alastor and Vaggie can't stop teasing each other! 😆 (AU Pilot Canon)
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otsmosis · 13 days
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some doodles from a discord conversation about Vaggie being saved by Alastor instead of Charlie after her fall.
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cringefailvox · 2 months
vaggie + alastor friendship please please i need it so bad
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angelduffhazbin · 7 months
♥ Ship Popularity ♥
Wich Alastor Ship do you prefer. Little Texterrors.
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misterrttegrimborn · 7 months
A beautiful woman
(my edit)
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paperbag34 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel roleswap au concept? maybe?
Got bored, started thinking about "What if Alastor found Vaggie instead of Charlie", snowballed a little from there.
Edit: an expansion: How Deals Work
What's swapped in this AU:
For now, only Alastor and Charlie.
Alastor remains largely unchanged. He's still the Radio Demon, the terrifying overlord with a meteoric rise to prominence after killing multiple century-old overlords and broadcasting their screams, then disappeared after a fight with the TV Demon, Vox.
But, now after seven years of. well. Radio silence (lol). His radio has begun broadcasting once more. And unexpectedly, what the voice on the radio speaks of is not the brutal murder of Overlords, but instead, a pet project of his. The Hazbin Hotel, an establishment accepting all, and under his protection, with its insane goal of redeeming sinners.
No one really knows what made the Radio Demon take on such an impossible, foolish task, thuogh speculation is abound. Vox, in particular, likes to ridicule Alastor on his shows to the point where it's a bit of a running gag for his viewers. No one knows anything, except that these days, the Radio Demon is often seen around a winged cat, and an odd, gray-skinned girl.
Charlie, on the other hand, is the Princess Of Hell. To the common sinner, not much is known about her. She's more of an abstract presence since her role has her with responsibilities that don't et her get out as much. What is known is that sometimes appears after an Extermination, you can catch a glimpse of the third-most powerful demon in Hell looking around the devastated circles, cataloging the destruction.
While it's unknown how much of Hell's ruling she actually does, most of the things she attaches her name to have to do with the Extermination, or more accurately, the aftermath. Ways for sinners to get back on their feet after the exterminators pop in and trash shit, for example. Most of the Overlords don't really like having to do this, but even the greatest detractor puts the programs in place with some level of competence, after how the last Overlord to disobey her rules was... Punished.
So, why the change of heart? Why would Alastor suddenly decide to try to redeem sinners? In a word: Vaggie.
During that particular Extermination Day, Vaggie crawls in an alley, injured and in pain. Lute left her alive, but her eye will never grow back, and she left her torn-off wings to rot in a trashcan a few steps away. Leaning against a dumpster, she decides she needs to rest.
Normally, she'd be afraid of sinners finding her, but she knows from the few of her former colleagues that she's talked to that were trapped in Hell after the Extermination ended and had to be extracted, that Sinners actually have a bit of a grace period after an Extermination, where violence is at an all time low. (She doesn't know this, but this is actually a decree by the Princess of Hell).
As she begins to drift off, however, a shadow falls over her. In canon, this would be Charlie, deciding to help what she thinks is a demon lucky enough to escape the Extermination with only a missing eye for it.
Here, though, the responsibilities of the Princess keep Charlie in her office, working and unable to go see what's been happening with the devastation. Here, her eyes snap open as she senses the aura of an Overlord, and right before everything goes dark, she realizes with horror, that whoever this demon is, he knows she's an Exorcist.
When she awakes, she's tied to a table, restrained by dark tentacles that radiate demonic power in a room lit by a single bulb. The demon from before walks in, introducing himself as Alastor, and he asks for her name.
Naturally, she ignores him, instead demanding to know what he wants. She considers threatening him that she could call Exorcists down to extract her, but she knows that she's considered a traitor, and it'd never work. For some reason, the demon acquesious, and he explains that he's curious what exactly managed to harm an Exorcist so badly.
As an Overlord, he's seen and even fought off Exorcists before, and he's seen what happens when a demon harms one. They get back up. Tear an limb off and they regenerate, punch a hole through their chest and they'll be down for a while, but it'll close and they'll keep going. Suffocate one and given time, they'll start to breathe again. Even the more thorough methods of disposal simply result in the Exorcist turning into golden light and reconstituting themself or flying back to Heaven.
So, four years into his "sabbatical", when he followed the scent of an unfamiliar type of blood to the sight of an Exorcist missing their wings and an eye, he was naturally very interested. Knowing what, exactly managed to permanently harm an Exorcist is invaluable knowledge for an Overlord, after all, even though he's on a sort of sabbatical.
He threatens torture if she doesn't tell him how to kill an angel, even proposing a Deal where he won't use the knowledge against her (as long as she doesn't attack him) if she tells him. It's his turn to be surprised, however, when she just laughs, rejecting his deal only to just tell him the answer: the only thing that can harm an angel permanently is angelic power. He couldn't kill her even if she wanted him to, and with the guilt she's feeling and the pain she's in, she actually kind of wants to die.
Alastor, after some prodding, gets her to spill her story, and sensing opportunity, offers another Deal; for her to work under him in exchange for his protection, or if not, she can just leave, and he'll let her go. Demons gain power from having Deals, after all, and having one with an Angel is far too tempting.
Vaggie, believing that this is the best option she has, and that she'd probably not have to do that much more than what she'd have to even if she struck out on her own, accepts the Deal.
Two years later, the two have formed a sort of "friendship?"with each other. It helps that despite Alastor being Alastor, with all the cruelty that implies, since Alastor's basically decided to disappear from politics, he has no real need for any sort of "enforcer" role for Vaggie, and she's more of an assistant than anything. She's also friends with Husk, having bonded over the collective experience of Alastor having them in a Deal, though it is strained at times since Vaggie's Deal is so much more lenient while Alastor owns Husk's soul.
It also helps that Alastor did defend her during Extermination days whenever some Exorcists tried to attack them. He doesn't want to lose his Deal with an Angel, after all!
Eventually, the topic of what goes on in Heaven when they're not down in Hell exterminating demons comes up between Vaggie and Alastor. It's all well and good until Vaggie mentions a woman she knows, and how she talks about her beloved son, and Alastor freezes. That woman? It's his mother. After some talking, Alastor tells her that his only real regret to what he's done (being a serial killer) is that his mother would be heartbroken that he'd turned out like that.
The conversation eventually turns to if Alastor could do someting she'd be proud of now, and, well. He's in Hell, there's not much he can think of right now that'd have the large impact he would want it to have. And honestly, while it does eat at him, he's had decades to make his peace with the fact that his mother would be severely disappointed in him now.
But the idea of doing something that'd make his mother proud stays with him. And eventually, after a conversation with Vaggie he comes up with the idea of redeeming sinners.
And so, one year later, Alastor's radio comes back up, and sinners start hearing of the Hazbin Hotel.
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somegaystuff · 2 months
Rating ships from Hazbin Hotel from 1 to 10 because I have absolutely nothing to do :D
1. Chaggie - The best ship ever, They are precious and both deserve to be hugged, kissed and proposed ♾️/10
2. HuskerDust - Also a very good ship, they both have one common problem so they can support each other 10/10
3. CharLastor - No. I have nothing against people who just ship them, but when they start writing like "Charlie/Alastor canon!" Or "I want Vaggie to die and Charlie to start dating Alastor!"Then I’m ready to commit mass genocide against these people(Don't you dare wish my girl dead) 1/10
4. VelMilla - Although this ship is very unlikely to be a thing, but fans love it so why not 8/10
5. FallenWings - I am almost one hundred percent sure that after everything that happened they will most likely kill each other if they stand within a radius of 10 km from each other. This ship itself looks interesting but not mine thing 3/10
6. SeraMilla - Adore. I adore them. Just two hot women dating. And I like it 10/10
7. RadioApple - Uhhh, not that bad but I don't really like them 4/10
8. GuitarPrincess - Bruh, This is literally a pedo ship, He's the same age as her mother, so absolutely not.💀💀 -♾️/10
9. CherrySnake - They're hot 7/10
10. GuitarSpear - Adam is dead, sooo.. 2/10
11. LuciLith - Well, Lilith filed for divorce before she disappeared for seven years so... I don't see them as a couple to be honest 3/10
12. AdamsApple - No. Just no. 0/10
13. RadioStatic - One-sided Alastor/Vox is of course possible, but no 3/10
14. StaticMoth - They're cool I think 8/10
15. CharCifer - EWWWW, THEY'RE FAMILY. -♾️/10
16. Seraphim Angels - Ughhh.. No? I think 4/10
17. VaggAstor - No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. -10/10
18. SpiderMoth - Let's start with the fact that this is disgusting, and Vaggie is canonically lesbian and Angel is canonically gay, so they cannot relate to the word AT ALL 0/10
19. CharLith - I'm going to strangle whoever came up with this ship. But I don’t know why, but the more I think about this ship, the more I start to like it....(And it's really disgusting) 0/10
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hazbinrarepairs · 2 months
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Hope you all enjoy it!
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violetfeatherwind · 8 months
Let’s play a game I like to call “Ship-Tac-Toe” with this pin set (old photo)
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