#or is tumblr just broken and not showing me the previous ones... i can't tell
damnation-if · 2 years
Lithiana can sit in my demon's face 😍
i'm sure she'll be very happy for you to deliver on that offer, anon 😏 she might even reciprocate...
(glad you're enjoying the game!!)
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alwida10 · 1 year
Hey! I just saw that you reblogged a post of mine on Loki's powers a while ago. And while I completely agree with your tags (Loki's powers in the tv series among other things), you also write that the show was originally written for a different character and only the names were changed and the magic added later on. I've never read that anywhere, could you explain? It would make so much sense given how different Loki is in the show and how his previous experience is largely disregarded.
Hi there!!
It took me a while to answer this because of real-life stuff, but now I’m there!
By saying the show was written for another character I referred to this analysis on Twitter which again links back to another analysis on Tumblr. (The original link in Twitter is broken, but I found the post manually). I read this analyses a while back, and admire people who were able and willing to read Waldron’s original script. For me, it reads like an insincere column on what a deeply conservative person assumes would be what a left-leaning, progressive audience would like to hear without understanding anything about the points he tries to mirror. I can't add much to the original posts.
However, Waldron’s comments about Loki, including the “he’s an ass and that makes him easy to write” as well as his jokes on never having watched Thor 1 before writing the series can certainly give you the idea he never knew much about our beloved blorbo before writing him. The fact that he thought making Loki say “he doesn’t enjoy killing people but does it anyway for his personal gain” (rephrased) would make TVA Loki in any way redeemable is telling imo.**
Now, technically this is all I can say to your ask, BUT I realize I never truly elaborated on the stuff I mentioned in said tags, so here is an explanation for everyone who would like more about it.
I read those a while back and took my basic analyzing skills to the test by taking a look at Loki and how writing for a character works in general. This has two aspects (I can think of from the top of my head).
If a work is written for one special character it should be impossible to achieve the same plot if he was replaced by another character without the special abilities.
One thing I read a while back (and sadly forgot where) is that both sex and fight scenes are both character exposition scenes. This is true for magic as well, just it gets rarely used since in all of literature there aren’t that many characters who possess magic.
In the Thor movies, Loki’s magic is masterfully used, showing that the works were actually written with Loki in mind. Both Thor 1 and the dark world would simply not work if you put -let’s say Fandral- in Loki’s position. Loki’s skill to find the pathways between worlds is essential. And his ability to make himself invisible is essential for Thor 1. I could go on, but you get the idea, and I don’t want to get this too long to read.
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Regarding the character exposition, Loki’s magic in the first movies was a mirror for his characterization (as it should be). He could make himself invisible, for he has been invisible to his family. He could cast illusions since he learned that people preferred an illusion to his real self. He could make others manipulate into saying what he wanted them to say because that was how Loki survived on Asgard (post-credits scene of Thor 1).
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In TDW, we see Loki’s anger and frustration manifest in a telekinetic blast that ruins everything around him, and if that isn’t a masterful analogy for his arc I don’t know what would be.
Now coming to the series. All magic Loki uses is cosmetically or for show. He dries himself, he makes sweet little fireworks. How is that connected to his characterization? The show tells us he is insecure and loves only himself. If you squint real hard you might argue the drying is a sign of him being used to comfort. But I thought he was pampered and spoiled? Wouldn’t that mean he had other people to dry him?
And then there is the hiding/teleportation* scene on Lamentis. What does it say about his character? If it IS teleportation what does it say about him? That he can go distances without walking, perhaps, which would fit his line “I never walked so much in my life”, but doesn’t fit that scene from Thor 1 where we see how long he had to walk. And if he can teleport why doesn’t he spare them the walk? And if it doesn’t work for long distances, why does he run for cover right when they realize they are on Lamentis and doesn’t teleport? Why doesn’t he teleport onboard the spaceship? IF they wanted to use the fight as a character exposition, they should have made him use illusions. That’s his trademark.
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Next is the “lifting a building” stuff. What does that say? I guess if you limit the interpretation to the series, it could be considered foreshadowing for the “we are stronger than we think”. And like so many stuff of the show it lacks any connection to the former canon. Loki isn’t known for brute strength, either of the body or of the magic. That’s Thor. Loki is known for being the intelligent one. Interestingly, the scene spells rather “we are dumber than we think”, too, since making two steps to the side would have achieved the same effect without any flexing of inexplainable telekinesis muscles.
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The same goes for the fireworks in the train (characterizing Loki as sentimental, ok fine, and later as a dumb drunk who can’t control what illusion he casts, 😒). The plot would work without that magic. Just like it works without the drying, the building lifting, and all the other magic Loki used.
So, yeah, magic is Loki’s specialty that sets him apart from many other characters. Someone who writes a story with him in mind will use that automatically. They didn’t. Because it wasn’t him the show was written for. But the worst guy of all time.
Since I only talked about the magic here, I would like to recommend this marvelous analysis on Loki’s speech pattern and body language in the shown in comparison to the former installments.
* The only thing the “I don’t enjoy it” achieves is taking possible sadism out of the equation. TVA Loki is still irredeemable because he decided his sense of superiority would be worth more than the lives of the people in New York. This is egoism and a total dismissal of other people’s lives, something that cannot be “unlearned” by learning to love himself. That only removes the former motivation for the slaughter. Should something else motivate him to kill people, he would act just the same.
On the other hand, OG Loki has been coerced, not only by torture as we see it in The Avengers but also under the influence of the mind stone. Whenever we see him having the choice he acts morally better by sparing lives where he can.
**I don’t consider it teleportation since there is a time delay between Loki vanishing and re-appearing, and imo teleportation is instantaneous. Also, he vanishes feet first but reappears head first which doesn’t sit right with teleportation, and rather with making himself invisible and lifting invisibility again, but that’s for another post.
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jennyandvastraflint · 11 months
Xena Reactions S1Ep13! Bards, neat!
And we start with a flashback?
Ahhhh, Gabrielle as a bard relaying tales
Gabrielle your gay is showing
They're so gaaaay
A bard competition
Who is this boring white boy
I wanna punch the sexist prick
Gods Lucy Lawless is gorgeous
Xena is super gay
"the only family he ever needed was standing right beside him" GAY!?
Thank you for being my family (if I had a nickel for every lesbian couple saying something like that-)
Ah yes. "sister" sureee
"Draco. Nononooo"
Love how all of Gabrielle's stories are about her girlfriend
"Was your name in there someplace?" 😂
The was stabbed? Or... Not? Ah.
Ohhh, the Celeste storyyy
When I say I cannot tell all these brown haired men apart... Half the "attractive" men look the same... 😂 (maybe I'm just being a lesbian about this)
SHSHSHSHS PLS THE STORYTELLING OF THE GUY "There's like, all these guys fighting"
"The moral is... He kills all the bad guys"
Awww, a storyteller with a stutter.
What is this uncomfortable straightness.
"And then arghhhh, right in the gut!"
Holy shit? Can we maybe not torture Xena?
She's just like get OUTTTT I WANNA SLEEEEP Also I miss Xena :(
"If you don't like it, nobody else will" FUCKING RIGHT
....... Ffs. Shithead snitch
"Turns out we had a lot in common" You're both gay for the person you travel with
ATCH THE SOULMATE STORY (the aroace in me doesn't like it because it implies Aro and Ace people are "broken" for not craving that. Also non-monogamous people. But apart from that it's still a cute notion)
Autism honestly. Euripides and the other one.
Twickenham? I can't read his name, so... (It's fine I looked it up. Did think it was Trigonom because I have bad auditory processing)
Awwww she gets to perform
Right. She yeeted that baby a lot. XD
"It's madness that she was left out" SLAAAY
Art will never take second place to rules and regulations
Ffs you stupid father. Stop living through your son.
"He'd do better if he was allowed to be himself" EXACTLY
Love this monster costume XD
WTF is this man's problem!
"You're not alone" I'm gonna go sob again byeee
"Hu?" "I liked it a lot." Shdhsgsgs
I think I should care about this, but all I can think about is how that Spartacus guy looks old enough to be this girl's father at LEAST
Ohhhh, the Twickenham guy (or whatever) got in!
She didn't get in tho. But ah well.
Xenaaaa :D
"It's good to have you back" you missed Gabrielle so much it makes you look stupid, Xena
"This is gonna make a great story" indeed!
I love that this was a really Gabrielle centric episode? Well we had flashbacks to lots of previous adventures but y'know
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vanishedangels · 2 years
Blame it on the storm
Summary: After blowing up the Death Star Nineteen-year-old Luke Skywalker is dealing with his new popularity as he became the target of his squad mates' advances. Tired of that situation he asks Din Djarin, a bounty hunter he has just met, to pretend they're in a relationship.
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Grogu.
Rating: Mature (+18)
Warnings: Harassment, Descriptions of anxiety episodes.
Tags: Canon Divergence (AU), Fake/Pretend Relationship, Post A New Hope (Star Wars), Mutual Pining, Fluff and Angst, Protective Din Djarin, Tumblr Prompts.
Chapters: 3/3
Navigation: <- Previous Chapter • Next Part ->
A/N: Part 1 of Wonderwall series, this story continues.
"Do you think it's fair? That you can't feel my lips the way I'm feeling yours?"
That made Luke frown "I want to feel you, I won't lie, but I understand and respect your creed. Please Din, don't worry about me." He said resting his forehead against the base of the helmet, so close but yet so far from Din's mouth.
"I don't think it's fair." He said flatly and Luke startled.
"I want to kiss you Luke, my way and your way."
Chapter 3: Glimpses
Two weeks had passed since the storm broke, two weeks of spending their free time together, spending the nights talking and sharing stories and Luke was relishing every moment.
One of those evenings, inside the Razor Crest's cockpit Luke was sitting on the pilot seat as Din was teaching him how to use the console.
"And if you touch this we die." The mandalorian said pointing at a switch right in front of Luke's chest. The blonde frowned as his throat tightened and when Din was withdrawing his hand, Luke grabbed it, squeezing a little. He looked up with sadness in his blue eyes.
"That was a joke." Din said staring at his face.
"I know, it's not about that." He blinked sighing "You're gonna leave soon." Luke explained bringing Din's hand to his face. The mandalorian caressed his cheek and Luke hummed closing his eyes, leaning into the touch. The way they could be so comfortable around each other amused Luke to the point that he didn't need to fake any display of affection anymore, it came so natural and easily, especially knowing that Din would reciprocate him.
The corners of Luke's mouth quirked up as he started to feel those now well-known fluttering butterflies in his stomach when something oddish happened, a glimpse of a pair of brown eyes invaded his mind, taking him by surprise. He opened his eyes immediately, only to find Din cupping his chin in his hand, still looking at him. Luke swallowed understanding that he had just saw something forbidden, something he shouldn't have seen, Din Djarin's eyes.
Luke stood up slowly, knowing that he couldn't say a word about it since he hid the fact that he was a force-user from Din. He thought back to the morning the mandalorian asked him about the lightsaber. They were sitting on the floor and Din tilted his head down "I've never seen a weapon like that one." He said pointing at the saber hanging from Luke's belt. Luke couldn't tell him the truth although he didn't know why. He told him that it was broken, that he didn't know how it worked and that it belonged to his late father. They never touched the subject again since then. Deep down Luke believed that Din wouldn't understand about the force, mainly because he didn't know enough about it himself. What if Din rejected him because of his peculiar abilities?
And worse, he thought that he was breaking Din's creed by receiving those visions, even when he had no control over that. Nevertheless he felt a knot in the pit of his stomach, the feeling of guilt so great that it was engulfing his whole being. How and why the force was showing him that when it meant betraying Din's trust?
"No! I don't want this!" Luke's voice quavered as he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head energetically.
Din froze and took his hand away from him pulling back.
"Sorry." Din mumbled.
Luke opened his eyes, stupor written all over his face, his heart clenching realizing he might have hurt Din's feelings. "Oh, no, I don't mean this." He closed the space between them "I don't mean you, Din." He said seizing Din's upper arm and boring into his visor, then he rested his face and his forearms on Din's chest plate as the mandalorian grabbed him by his elbows. He was desperate to muddle through, his eyes widened when he finally knew exactly what to say "I was talking about you leaving. I don't want you to leave." He knew he sounded pathetic and maybe that desperate lie would discourage Din from keeping on with their agreement, but he couldn't say the truth "You think I'm stupid and a whiny kid, don't you?" Luke asked afraid that the mandalorian would find his behaviour ludicrous.
Din started rubbing circles on his back with his hands "No. I understand." He said in a low-pitched voice. "I think I feel the same."
Luke frowned and pulled back to stare at his visor "You do?"
"Yes, but don't let it go to your head, Skywalker." He said nodding and Luke sighed relieved because he got away with it and also because he unintentionally made Din confess that he didn't want to part ways either.
Two weeks had passed, some mornings Luke woke up sprawled all over Din's body, some mornings their legs and arms were tangled, and it never felt awkward, not even once. Luke didn't even mind when he went to the fresher and saw the edges of the beskar plates marked on his skin, it was a pleasure, he would walk into the multi-purpose room sporting those marks with pride, even when he was freezing to death, and Brando would look at his marked arms with round eyes and then look away. It was heaven.
Two weeks had passed and more often than not while Luke was minding his own business, the vision of Din's eyes came to haunt him out of the blue. Every time it happened, Luke closed his eyes allowing himself to remember them, reveling in the softness of Din's gaze, so deep and mesmerizing, he remembered every detail, the way that those brown eyes glistened, the way they transpired fondness and wonderment, and even when that was something prohibited, Luke couldn't help but love everything about them.
"No, the storm didn't end, Luke." Leia said through gritted teeth, narrowing her eyes "It didn't end, just like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before." She nodded staring into Luke's blue eyes.
Luke swallowed hard and looked down avoiding his friend's eyes "I'm just checking. I'm sorry if I bothered you by asking you that."
"Luke, I know you're worried sick about Din Djarin leaving, but you just need to focus." The princess said handing out some papers to Luke's comrades while she stared at the blonde. "We're in the middle of something here and, while I do respect you and your feelings, I need to remind you that we're stuck here but we're still working on the next step."
"I know." Luke said scratching his head, grimacing.
"Well, I'm glad you've found time for romance but we need you." She stated as she nodded and patted his arm, then she walked away.
Leia was right, Luke was pushing everything aside because of a fake relationship, the thing was that he didn't feel that it was fake anymore. He was developing feelings for Din and that was beyond doubt.
Talking with Din became his favourite pastime. They used to sit on the floor of the Razor Crest's docking port for hours, that afternoon Din was staring at Luke's hand in his when he absentmindedly started to interlace their fingers "I've noticed that your hands are as big as mine." The mandalorian said under his breath.
The blonde chuckled "Shocking, huh? Big hands for a tiny guy." He shrugged smiling.
"I didn't mean that." Din said looking up and staring at Luke's face.
The visor between them made Luke think back to Din's brown eyes, and his heart broke understanding that he could never really look into them.
"Din, what would happen if you remove your helmet?" He asked brushing his fingers tenderly across the back of Din's hand.
"I remove my helmet all the time." He shrugged, Luke was looking at him gaping. "When I'm alone." He added "But if I remove it in front of others I can't put it on, like, ever again. And my people wouldn't consider me a mandalorian anymore."
Luke gasped "You wouldn't be a mandalorian anymore." He nodded terrified knowing that he had already seen a glimpse of Din's features. He frowned staring down "Okay, what if you think you're alone and you take your helmet off and someone runs into you, by accident?"
"I'm not longer a mandalorian."
"But it would be accidental, not your fault at all." Luke insisted shifting on the floor.
"Even if an enemy remove my helmet in battle I'm not longer a mandalorian." Din said running his gloved fingers over Luke's inner wrist making the blonde shiver.
"Alright-" Luke hummed trying to ignore the way the mandalorian was making his skin prickle "What if someone dreams about your face? That's, uh-" Din stopped moving his fingers against him all of a sudden. "That wouldn't be your fault." He said under his breath.
The mandalorian was frozen, he looked away.
"Din?" He asked leaning into him.
"What are you talking about, Skywalker?" He asked looking at him again.
And Luke felt a cold wave all over his chest, he knew he was acting weird again and maybe this time, Din would definitely run away from him.
Luke tried to say something but he was babbling.
Din tilted his head "How can someone dream about a face that they've never seen?"
He was right and also very wrong because Luke's been daydreaming about his eyes for days now. Luke pressed his lips together and looked down holding Din's hand again.
The mandalorian sighed outstretching his legs "Alright, I think I understand what you're trying to say, and I thought about it a lot in the past." He crossed his legs at his ankles, Luke looked at his feet and then at his helmet again. "Let's just say that I'm taking my helmet off in the Tatooine desert to drink some water, I look around and I'm completely alone, right? If there's someone hiding peeking from behind some rock or whatever, and they've actually seen my face, then I put my helmet back on and I leave without even knowing about it, then there's no way to know I broke the creed. There, I'm still a mandalorian."
They remained silent for a while and Luke was overwhelmed by Din's openness thinking that, although he wouldn't say a word about the visions, he should say something about the force and how it affected his life. He felt like he couldn't hide that part of himself anymore, his stomach churned as he felt the need to tell Din his secret.
"Have you heard about the force, Din?" He asked sheepishly, blinking as his eyelashes caressed his cheeks.
Din took his time before answering, making Luke look up at him again.
"Force? Like energy?" He finally asked.
Luke's eyes glistened "Yes! Yes!" He nodded enthusiastically, moving to kneel in front of Din.
"Is this about those power converters you told me about?" Din asked resting his forearms on his own knees "Maybe I can bring some power converters next time Organa hires me."
That let Luke utterly deflated. He sighed rubbing his hand across his forehead "Yeah, thanks. That'd be great." He looked at Din as sadness clouded his features. Maybe I should leave well enough alone, he thought. Din reached out a hand to caress his cheek.
"Your eyes look sad." Din observed stroking his skin with his thumb, Luke sighed. "Please, don't think about the storm, mesh'la, just live for the moment."
Luke moved to sit between Din's legs resting his back against Din's chest, Din wrapped his arms around his torso, holding him from behind, Luke stroked his arms sighing leaning the back of his head on Din's pauldron.
Live for the moment, Luke. Live for the moment.
The sensation of knuckles caressing his cheek brought him out of sleep. "Wake up, cyar'ika, it's dinner time." He heard Din said. He wiggled his legs in protest rubbing his still closed eyes with his hands earning a chuckle from Din "Mesh'la." The mandalorian said under his breath and he sounded amused.
When Luke finally opened his eyes he found that Din was actually running his knuckles over his cheek and when he realized he wasn't wearing his gloves he straightened up as his eyes widened "You took your gloves off." He said turning around as his face lit up. "I like that."
The mandalorian nodded and hummed "Good to know."
That evening in the multi-purpose room, while Luke was sitting at a large table surrounded by his squad mates Din showed up and everyone went silent.
The mandalorian made a pause by the entrance and when he spotted Luke he kept walking. The man sitting next to Luke stood up and left the table in a blink of an eye, and Din took his place. Luke looked surprised, it was the first time that Din joined him for dinner since that evening when they agreed to pretend they were dating.
The questions were not slow in coming as one of the pilots at the table addressed them "Skywalker and the mandalorian." He said pushing his bowl to the side "How did you two meet? Huh? I mean you're an unlikely couple." The rest of the pilots didn't make a sound.
Luke laughed staring at his stew "He was visiting Tatooine." He looked at Din "Remember Tatooine, honey?" He asked putting his hand atop Din's on the table, the mandalorian nodded.
"Oh, so you know Luke since he was a kid?" Brando sassed sitting at the end of the table giving Din a dirty look "You're certainly much older than him, I find that a little disturbing, man."
Luke squeezed Din's hand and he looked at Brando as a line appeared between his eyebrows "Nothing like that, we met last year, if you're trying to call my husband-to-be a creep then you should look in the mirror." Din squeezed his hand back as the blonde's jaw clenched.
Brando looked offended "Are you calling me a creep, Skywalker?"
Luke faked a smile "You are." He rose to his feet as Din was craning his neck to stare at him, then Luke walked towards the end of the table leaning his hand on the table boring into Brando's eyes "You're the one that kept pushing and pushing, trying to get in my pants when you knew exactly that I wasn't interested and taking advantage of my numbness, but guess what? I'm not taking your shit anymore. Next time you try and mess with me or my partner, or anyone here-" He said gesturing around with his hand "I'll do everything in my power to kick you out of the rebel alliance." He leaned forward searching for Brando's reaction "Understood?"
Brando looked at the rest of the pilots and everyone was staring down "Guys?" He asked like trying to find some support.
"Brando, we're not playing here, we have a mission. Skywalker is right, just let it go, man. Let it go." Killian said shrugging.
Luke was holding Brando's gaze until the man looked down sighing "I understand, officer." He nodded and rolled back his shoulders "I'm sorry."
The words coming from Brando took Luke by surprise, he leaned back trying not to show how astonished he was, he was still staring at the pilot with piercing eyes.
Luke nodded and turned around walking towards Din, his eyes fixed on the visor as he was approaching him, completely avoiding the rest of the people around them, if he had a look at them he would have found that everyone was looking at him in awe "Din?" He asked under his breath and the mandalorian nodded standing up. He took Din's hand in his and they started walking to the exit. Leia was standing by the opposite end of the large table, crossing her arms over her chest, the blonde and the princess locked eyes for a second and Luke could see in her smile how much she was enjoying her friend's courage display.
They kept walking hand in hand and Luke didn't say a word until they entered the hangar, he started running forcing Din to do the same since he was still clasping his gloved hand. His heart was running fast and his breath was coming uneven but it was out of joy and satisfaction. He laughed merrily walking up the Razor Crest's ramp and when Din closed it behind them he felt a pull, Din was bringing him close to him. His eyes met his visor at the same moment the mandalorian was draping his arms around him and when he heard Din's chuckle his heart soared.
"Did you see that?" Luke chortled amused. He looked radiant and his blue eyes were shining, like they were suddenly holding all the stars in the galaxy within them.
The mandalorian nodded and cupped his face in his hands "Yes, cyar'ika. I'm so proud of you." He didn't sound as usual, Luke could hear that his wonted aplomb wasn't there anymore, his tone was high-pitched and that made Luke giggle and scrunch his nose.
I did this, I'm the reason why Din is dumbfounded. He couldn't believe it.
"I'm kriffing shaking, Din." He admitted smiling and leaning his hands on his chest plate. Din hummed.
"I can tell." He said now in a lower voice.
"Can't believe it! Can't believe I told him that he was a creep! Gods! I finally said it! I feel like I'm gonna float away any minute now." Luke didn't know that he was carrying a load burden until that moment and for the first time in weeks, he felt he was free. Then his heart fluttered when he realized that Din's hands holding his face were his anchor, he wouldn't fly away, because Din was there to keep him on the ground and in his arms. And safe. And loved.
Loved? Is that what you want?
"When you told him he should look in the mirror..." Din said bringing Luke out of his thoughts. He chuckled "When you told him that if he messed with anyone here you'll see to it that he's kicked out of the rebel alliance-" He nodded "That was amazing, Luke." He added stroking Luke's cheeks with his thumbs.
"How did I look? Because my heart was thudding like crazy the whole time." Luke asked frowning, absentmindedly brushing his fingers up and down Din's chest plate.
Din looked down sighing "You looked amazing."
Those words made Luke beam, he was delighted, laughing and tossing his head back "I can't believe I don't need you anymore!" He exclaimed and Din's hands felt tense against his cheeks all of a sudden. The mandalorian froze. Luke was still smiling and then he frowned tilting his head "Din?" He asked as Din withdrew his hands and pulled away from him. "Din!" He said in a demanding tone.
Din took a few steps back and nodded "Yes. You don't need me anymore." He said as his visor was fixed on Luke's eyes "Congratulations."
Luke swallowed around the lump in his throat, hearing the way Din's voice broke a little. He started shaking his head slowly, looking into the black visor, as he started closing the distance between them.
"No, Din. Please, I'm sorry. Please." He pleaded resting his face on his pauldron and grabbing Din's arms, moving them like trying to wrap them around his waist. Din stood stock-still, Luke frowned feeling a coldness that he'd never felt before around the mandalorian, let alone with his arms around him. "Please Din, hold me." His voice quivered as his heart throbbed and when he felt Din's fingers digging into his waist only to push him away, Luke looked up at him feeling tears prickling at the corner of his eyes.
"It's okay, Skywalker." The mandalorian said "It's okay." He said again and it sounded like he was trying to convince himself.
"Din..." Luke said as a he blinked back tears "You don't understand, this was painful, the whole time." Din was staring at him. "You don't know how hard it was for me to pretend you were my boyfriend and knowing that it was a damn joke! Because of them." He pointed at the wall "Because they kept harassing me and it made me feel like shit. And I didn't want to be with any of them, I wanted to be with you. I want to be with you."
The mandalorian flinched slightly.
"Yes, Din, I don't want to pretend anymore, I don't need you like that, because I don't want to pretend I'm not having these damn feelings for you, I need you in a different way, shit! In a real, honest way." He closed the space between them again and this time he encircled Din's neck with his arms "I want you." He said almost whispering and planting a kiss on his helmet, right beside the T-shaped visor "Do you want me, Din? Do you, please?" He moaned kissing the beskar again.
He could feel the way Din's chest rumbled, the mandalorian groaned grabbing Luke by his waist "Fuck, yes, Luke. I want you too." He sounded wrecked, he moved his hands to the blonde's small back and brought him close to him. Luke gasped felling knots in his abdomen as Din was pressing their foreheads together.
Luke's chest was tight and his hands were shaking. When they pulled their heads back Luke smiled softly at Din and then he nuzzled his neck, closing his eyes. Din helped him pull the fabric down exposing his neck, and the blonde understood that it was a silent plea and an invitation all in one. He kissed the skin that he once caressed with his fingers and Din pressed his hands against him a little harder, squeezing, encouraging Luke to experimentally press open-mouthed kisses and drawing circles on his skin with the tip of his tongue.
Din moved a hand to Luke's head finding his golden hair, running his fingers up and down the nape of his neck "Luke?" He asked with a hoarse voice.
Luke hummed still focused on Din's neck.
"Are you sure?" He asked digging his fingers into the flesh of his lower back.
Luke pulled back a little finding his visor "Yes."
Din stared at him for a while and brushed his lips with his gloved fingers "Do you think it's fair? That you can't feel my lips the way I'm feeling yours?"
That made Luke frown "I want to feel you, I won't lie, but I understand and respect your creed. Please Din, don't worry about me." He said resting his forehead against the base of the helmet, so close but yet so far from Din's mouth.
"I don't think it's fair." He said flatly and Luke startled.
"I want to kiss you Luke, my way and your way." Din said rubbing his helmet against Luke's face.
Luke couldn't hide the feeling of wonderment when he heard those words coming from the man that has been taking his breath away for days now "Gods, Din, yes." He said out of breath hiding his face in the crook of Din's neck "But you can't take your helmet off." He clasped him by his pauldrons.
"I can take my helmet off if you think you can keep your eyes closed." Din said and Luke pulled his head back gaping. The blonde nodded.
I can't believe he trusts me that much. Luke thought when he was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. He felt the soft touch of fingers on his chin, he shuddered realizing that Din wasn't wearing his gloves again. Then Din's finger ran down until it reached the dip below his throat.
"You're gorgeous, Luke."
He sighed closing his eyes even tighter and Din's lips were on his cheek. Luke frowned feeling a tickle "You have a moustache." He grinned holding Din's face in his hands.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't. I love it." He answered and then he felt those lips on his own, the touch was soft and warm, and their noses were brushing against each other in a way that made Luke melt against the wall, and he was sliding down, slowly, Din's hands around his waist holding him in place, hauling him to his feet.
The way Din's lips parted a little and the warmth of his breath against his skin sending shivers down Luke's spine. And then, the glimpses all over again. Luke frowned as the mental image of thin lips crowned by a well trimmed moustache emerged from a purple mist, he clutched Din's pauldrons in desperation. He panicked afraid that he would open his eyes any minute now "Wait. Wait. Wait."
His hands were still on Din's shoulders when the mandalorian was pulling back, he could feel Din's bewilderment through the force and it felt sickening.
"I'm sorry Din but I can't, ah, I can't keep my eyes closed, this is too good and I'm losing control." He said bringing Din close "So good, Din, you feel so good." He sighed.
"Alright. Don't open your eyes until I tell you so." He deadpanned pulling away from him.
Luke was feeling affronted by the way Din was backing down so easily "That's it? That's all? Wait!" He said arching his eyebrows, eyes still closed "What about a blindfold?"
Luke was waiting for him standing in front of the bunk, Din walked towards him holding a strip of dark cloth "I put this on my targets." He shrugged staring down at the piece of cloth "I don't know, it feels wrong."
"I'm okay with that." Luke said nonchalantly taking the blindfold from Din, smirking.
Din chuckled "Stubborn."
"Part of my charm, right?" Luke said boring into his visor smiling and Din hummed nodding, that was the last thing Luke saw before covering his eyes with the cloth.
They were pressed flush against each other and even with all the beskar plates on him, Luke could feel the mandalorian's warmth against his own body.
His skin was aflame with every shared kiss, the kisses were deeper now, and Luke felt a rumble inside his mouth every time Din groaned, their tongues tangled making his head spin, he nibbled at Din's bottom lip more than once and Din captured his lips between his own.
His heart was thumping against his ribs. Their chests heaved against each other, he trembled when he felt Din's fingers pulling at the collar of shirt, then those lips were pressing open-mouthed kisses on his now exposed shoulder.
The glimpse of Din's eyes and his eyebrows reaching Luke through the force "So beautiful." The blonde muttered and moaned feeling Din's curls in his hand as he was stroking his hair.
He heard Din groaning in his ear and the tightness in his lower belly was overwhelming him.
"Din..." He said whimpering as he rocked his hips against Din's and he felt the way the mandalorian was pulling apart and grabbed his hand, leading him towards the improvised bed on the floor. His knees touched the soft blankets and then a strong arm was hooked around his torso holding him steady and lying him down on his back. Luke relished in the softness of the blankets, resting his head on the pillow. He sighed feeling Din's hands traveling the sides of his body up and down.
"Are you sure, mesh'la?" The sweet breath of his lover so close to his still clothed navel.
The glimpse of Din's brown eyes invading him, looking up at him tenderly, adoringly.
With trembling fingers Luke undid his trousers and he heard a sigh coming from Din. Then Din's breath was against his forehead, kisses pressed on his nose, his skin prickled with want when he felt Din's hand closing in a fist around him and he arched his back moaning his name. He heard the sound of a zip and he swallowed hard in anticipation knowing that Din was surely freeing himself too.
"Luke." He heard Din saying over and over again as he took both of them in his fist, and he let out a gasp when Din started stroking and squeezing and rubbing them against each other finally finding a pace. Luke was coming apart beneath him and in his hand, between sloppy heated kisses and desperate touches, and when the darkness started turning into whiteness, he could finally see the vision of Din's face through the haze inside his mind, his moustache and his patched beard, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open, his eyebrows knotted together out of pleasure and his dark brown curls all messy, it was the most beautiful thing that Luke had ever seen. Luke felt Din resting his face against his own while he was still coming down and his heart leapt inside his trembling chest.
"Cyar'ika." He heard Din saying under his breath and he couldn't help but want to live in that moment forever.
Luke was roused from sleep by Din stirring beneath him, he blinked staring at his visor as a playful smile appeared on his face. He stroked the slopes of his helmet sighing, admiring every inch of his lover's beskar still reminding his gorgeous face, then he frowned, he was remorseful for the way he enjoyed seeing Din's face but this time he was convinced that, technically, he wasn't breaking his creed, therefore he tried to compose himself.
He couldn't stop hugging Din from behind when the mandalorian was putting his boots and gloves on, leaning his face on his pauldron, looking up at him with doe-y eyes. When Din finished he tilted his head down to stare at him, he sighed drawing his hand to Luke's face to caress his cheek.
"How do you feel, Luke?"
Luke frowned and then grinned devilishly "What do you think, Din?" He huffed "Now that this is real..." He added pressing his fingers against Din's chest plate.
That made Din grunt and shift a little "Don't label this, it wasn't fake then and it's not real now, and you know that." Luke's stomach clenched realizing that he was getting ahead of himself as usual and, most likely, daunting Din in the process. And there he was, wrapped around the man that rocked his world feeling like he was a naive kid who could only make a fool of himself. Din wouldn't be impressed if he was already planning their wedding after only one make-out session and their first encounter.
"Oh, right! You're right! Sorry." He finally said and then he drew his bottom lip between his teeth.
"It's just the way it is, cyar'ika. You don't need to overthink it." Din explained stroking his hair now eliciting a smile from Luke.
"I know." He said running his hands around Din's waist "Live for the moment, right?" He nodded.
"Yeah, live for the moment." Din replied turning around and bringing their foreheads together.
They were walking through the hangar, Luke was casting glances at Din, and he felt a sudden flare of joy, he bumped Din's arm with his shoulder, hardly suppressing his contentment by pressing his lips together, Din tilted his head holding his gaze behind the visor and Luke beamed, finally offering him a flirtatious smile as the mandalorian brushed his hand with his knuckles.
He chuckled shaking his head, closing his eyes when someone ran into them. They came to a halt, staring at Polina, Leia's right hand was standing in front of them "Good news Officer Skywalker, mandalorian, sir." She said shifting her gaze between them "The storm is over, we can go out. They're waiting for you, red five is almost ready, Officer." She nodded and then turned around leaving Luke and Din transfixed, rooted to the spot.
Luke's smile slipped from his face as sadness took him over, he blinked feeling that the spell was broken, that the man right beside him was suddenly unreal, his arms, his voice, his kiss, the past days, the fluttering butterflies, everything was falling down around him and a feeling of emptiness settled in his stomach.
"Luke." He heard him said and his voice was so soft and lovely that it sent shivers down Luke's spine.
"Luke." He insisted seizing his hand "They're waiting for you."
Luke looked up at him "I know." He said under his breath.
"You should go."
"What about you? This is a reconnaissance mission, I'm coming back in two hours tops..." He said not caring about showing his keenness "Would you wait for me?"
Din squeezed his hand "I'm late, Luke."
"You can leave tomorrow, just-" He frowned resting his free hand on Din's chest plate trying to convince himself that he was real, that Din was really there.
"My people are waiting for these credits, they depend on me to survive, Luke." He closed the distance between them as Luke's eyes starting brimming with tears "I gave you my link, you can com me."
Luke nodded sighing "I will."
Then those gloved fingers were caressing his hair and the nape of his neck finally bringing their foreheads together and Luke's heart was thudding heavily inside his chest.
"I'll see you again cyar'ika, I promise." Din said and pulled back, he looked at Luke for a moment and then turned around.
Luke stood still staring at his distant form until he disappeared behind the ships surrounding the Razor Crest.
Luke went to his bedroom and put his flight suit on, he came back to the hangar thinking that Din was already crossing the galaxy when he spotted Din's ship ready to leave the hangar. His lips parted when he looked at the ramp and saw Din standing on it, his visor fixed on him. He turned around and closed the ramp behind him, a few seconds later the ship crossed the gate and took off while Luke was standing right beside his X-Wing holding his helmet between his arm and his hip.
Once he jumped into his ship Luke's comlink was blinking, he pressed the button frowning.
"You look gorgeous in orange, Skywalker."
The message ended and Luke chuckled putting his helmet on. Even when his heart was broken, Din Djarin managed to give him those stupid butterflies again.
The elevator door closed before his eyes, he was holding his breath and his heart was running fast, he held the little one close to his chest, he could feel the little force-user's distress through the force.
He frowned confused, he couldn't believe that he has just ran into the man he pushed out of his life six years earlier on Dagobah, and that he was going to see him again soon, because Din Djarin was the guardian of his first Padawan and he promised the kid that he was going to visit him in a few cicles.
"Don't worry, Grogu. If there's something I know about your mandalorian friend is that he always keeps his promises." He caressed the baby's chest and the baby caressed his gloved hand back.
Luke narrowed his eyes walking down the hallway waltzing through the pieces of dark troopers he annihilated minutes ago, he kept walking until he was in front of his X-Wing. He climbed up his ship and got inside the cockpit. The kid looked at him with big brown eyes, they burned with sadness "I know Grogu." He said soothing his hand on the baby's back.
He looked at his comlink, it didn't blink, he found himself wanting to get a message from the mandalorian, even when he knew he was being selfish. He shook his head, trying to forget the desperation in Din's voice when he recognized him and asked him if he was a Jedi. Guilty started corroding him. A four-year long-distance relationship and he didn't tell Din he was a force-user, and now this remarkable child sitting on his lap brought them together, forcing Luke to admit that he was a Jedi, and Din's words were still stabbing him right through his heart.
"I've been looking for a Jedi for so long, I put the child in danger looking for your people, we've lost everything."
His heart sank realizing that he hurt Din without even knowing. He looked down, Grogu was sleeping, everything was silent, but Din's words kept coming back, haunting him.
"I'm so sorry, Din." He said under his breath watching the blurry stars before his eyes and he held on to the hope that they could settle things up. He frowned thinking that meaningful connections are created by design "What were the odds?" He asked to himself. Was the force trying to tell him something? The force, the same that he kept in secret in the past was now making their paths cross again. He held Grogu's tiny hand sighing, a little force-user calling him through the force led him to Din Djarin, the only man he has ever loved, again.
He blinked lost in thought.
"It's just the way it is, cyar'ika. You don't need to overthink it."
The galaxy felt not only smaller than ever that night, but also, a little brighter.
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declanlikesmusic · 1 year
Today's Listens: Episode 005
August 10th, 2023
So I'm writing this one the morning after and that makes it seem like I didn't have time to write because I was busy that day, but the truth was, I was on a day off and I wanted to marinate on my thoughts before putting pen to paper before, oops, my mood soured at the end of the night. Hopefully I'll get back on track in the coming days, or else I might end up having to skip days for this. Yay.
Just a content warning. At least one of the album covers here has depicted nudity, with a particular instance needing to be censored. I'm using a censored cover art sourced from Spotify, yet I don't even know if that's gonna be enough for this to fly under Tumblr's radar. Let's hope.
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Infinity Frequencies – Between two worlds (2018)
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I started yesterday off with an Infinity Frequencies album. This artist may very well be argued as being one of, if not the greatest broken transmission producer working today, but I was hesitant to go back to this one in particular. Namely because, on previous listens, the record felt a little too ambient and sparse to really captivate me. Luckily, since my last checking-out of this album, there was this phenomenon I call the Pad Chenningtonification (patent-pending) where a popular YouTuber shouts out a record that is not the artist's best work and it becomes commonly seen as their best work. Yay. Luckily I was fresh off of finding out that their 2015 album Into the light was way better than I initially thought it was, so I got to this one with an open mind and was treated to an experience that was only just barely consistently great. This is still not their best album in my view, but I'm glad that I can at least say I pretty much loved my experience here. Check this out, but also check out Computer Death and Into the light and I guarentee, you will find yourself a fan of InFreq at the end of the day.
7.5 / 10
Highlights: Under the city, Replica encounter, Between two worlds, Synthetic remains, Obsolete request, The time that remains Unraveling
Xepter Rose – Selenitic Landscapes (2014)
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This one's a little random, but if you know death's dynamic shroud in any capacity, you'll be surprised to find that one of the members James Webster has made some ambient music on the side! Just as the trio were taking off, he made a pretty decent progressive electronic experience. I'm a little biased because I really loved his Virtual Utopia Experience visual thing, but two of the best tracks here show up on that movie as well and of course, they're great here. Aside from those two and Clock Tower Ruin, I cannot say that I am fully enamoured with this one. It's often sprawling and sparse in a way that doesn't flatter it all too much for me. That said, if you like modern synth ambient music, I'd give this one a shot. I already like it, but you might love it more than I do.
7.0 / 10
Highlights: Meteor Storm, Perpetual Twilight, Pottery & Stairs, Clock Tower Ruin
Magdalena Bay – mini mix vol. 3 (2023)
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I wanted to cover more music from the current year, so I rolled upon this tiny mixtape from the rising pop duo Magdalena Bay. I wasn't expecting too much out of this one, just a one-off of decent tracks, but I found myself really in love with this one! It comes off as a mini mix, duh, of new material and they're all blended together very seamlessly while still coming across as their own songs! From the underrated intro to the simultaneously catchy and almost ascendent run of cuts by the end, they've knocked this one out of the park! It's not much (again, mini) but if you need a pop palette cleanser for just a quarter of an hour, this will undeniably satiate that for you!
8.2 / 10
Highlights: Slug Song, Top Dog, Tonguetwister
Torn Hawk – Through Force of Will (2014)
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This one comes from an artist that always allured me from the mysterious realms of hypnagogic pop and specifically this tape and its glitchy cover art ripping an iconic still from a movie, I can't tell which. We have elements all over this record that primarily pull from outsider house and some of the tracks here are honestly great. They don't seem that captivating at first, but as they draw on, they start to become hypnotic. I really dug this one. I don't think every track works for me, this one again straddled the line between like and love for me, especially with the ambient cuts, but if you're already a fan of hypnagogic pop and want to dive in further, I'd totally suggest this one!
7.5 / 10
HELLCOM – ACID MP3s (2016)
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Here's where things start to turn sour for me. I adore HELLCOM, I really do. His two concept albums under this alias, spanning mere months between eachother, are among the most creative, captivating and awe-inspiring vaporwave albums in the Business Casual catalogue! I'd recommend them to anybody, even non-fans of the genre who've already dipped their toes in. However, as a big fan of the format of DJ mixes, rating the two that he's put out before moving on to HDMIRROR are difficult. Timestamping this one specifically was particularly hellish; there are tracks listed that I'm convinced don't show up here, so that made rating this nearly impossible. I pushed through it though, but not without a little bit of a headache. His plunderphonic electropop and EDM sensibilities shine through here, but in the most surreal, glitch-centric ways possible that I struggle to fully recommend unless you huge fans of those sounds. Try it at your own risk; I liked it, but the more I thought about it, the less sense it just made for me.
7.2 / 10
Highlights: She Doesn't Mind, Hunter / N-Trance Forever, TIll I Come (Remix), Everytime
Xiu Xiu – A Promise (2003)
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I've always been torn on Xiu Xiu. They have albums that I fully love and I'll get to those when I do, but the reason why I haven't covered them yet was because I was very hesitant to find the right time and mood for their sophomore effort that I remembered really liking but also not knowing why. I bit the bullet and just decided to finally go for this and I really don't think this was ever meant for me. I think I was lying to myself then. Don't get it twisted, it's obviously good, but it is surreal and incredibly depressive. It's often sparse in ways that, again, don't work for me, but it can also be very noisy in ways that just don't capture me. The whole thing is completely unhinged and that's no thanks to the themes of suicide throughout that just really disconnect me from the experience. I at least appreciated the Fast Car cover and how the record was trying to start out, but as it went on, I almost stopped respecting it entirely. This is purely for fans of experimental and post-industrial music that enjoy records that are this sad and intense to listen to.
6.4 / 10
Highlights: Sad Pony Guerrilla Girl, 20,000 Deaths for Eidelyn Gonzales, 20,000 Deaths for Jamie Peterson, Fast Car
Deftones – Around the Fur (1997)
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By this point, I felt like I was ready for pretty much anything after that, so I thought: fuck it, why not tackle some metal? Nu metal specifically. We have Deftones' sophomore album here, I've already enjoyed other work of theirs, especially Ohms, so what could go wrong here? Well, it definitely sounds good. The recording quality is about as good as what you'd expect from any popular subgenre of modern metal. The performances are tight as well, they honestly put a lot of thought into the energy of the record. So what gives, how come I don't love it? Well, you see, they have to be songs. This is why metal struggles a lot for me, it hardly finds any hooks or riffs that function as hooks or riffs. One of the only moments that were at all memorable to me was the first ten seconds of it and I only know it because I know it was used as a sample; I don't love this riff! The only other thing I remember was the closing track and it's pretty cool use of back-and-forth backing vocals. I found that to be cool! Otherwise, this just functioned as a metal album to me and I can sadly say not much more. If you like metal, go for it, but that's not for me.
6.4 / 10
Highlights: My Own Summer (Shove It), Mascara, Around the Fur, MX
3RA1N1AC – H1551NG PRI95 1N 5TAT1C COUTUR3 (1996)
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So, how could my evening get any worse? Well, you see, I was approaching my 1,337th rating at this time, my leet rating as I was anticipating. I was given Hissing Prigs in Static Couture by a few friends and it looked like a perfect match for it! However, I am, as the doctors would say, an R slur and briefly missed that milestone when I heard Around the Fur. I didn't want to let that slide, so I cheated by swapping these two albums' placements, but I'm still gonna talk about this after Around the Fur because this was just not a good end to my night. I expected a pretty loud, semi-raucous, energetic and wild listen of a rock & punk and I'm glad to say that I've got it! But in a way that was not very good to me. At first, I thought this record was gonna be okay; not for me, but an enjoyable & worthwhile listen nonetheless, but um. It didn't even last long as that for me either. This listening experience was constantly diminishing returns and I'm too tired even now to fully express why, other than the noises, the instruments, the melodies and especially the vocals got more and more grating with each and every track. I thought by the start, I was merely losing interest and getting tired, but at a certain point, this album just lost it. By the end, this came off as completely obnoxious and irritably annoying. I know I disappointed my friends with that, but that's just how it felt to me. I'm sorry, but the way this closed my night was a complete letdown and while you're likely to enjoy it more than I do, I'd personally steer clear of it unless it interests you.
4.1 / 10
Highlights: 1ND1AN POK3R (PART 3), PU55YFOOT1N'
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So yeah, I'm sorry to rant, but that sucked. I couldn't muster up writing any of that until the following morning because I was just having a hard time comprehending how sour I felt by the end of this. I want to make it clear, this is not to the fault of any of the musicians and it's definitely not the fault of the people that recommended them either. This was all just me and not having good ears. Overtime, I've started to realise that my wishlist was looking less and less appealing as I've knocked more ratings out. I don't think I'm gonna purge it, but I might just try to clean it up at some point and realise where I've gotta draw the line for some of these artists, because over 750 of them unfathomable at this point. I'll see ya next time.
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deviantartdramahub · 3 months
Before I begin, I'd like to say the correction by the mod below the picture in my previous part/entry/post is correct enough to accept as speaking for what I meant (not to be confused with 100% correct). Can't believe a typo (caused by me trying to "pirate" some kind of Grammarly so they stop advertising in my face, I think a lot of people tried that, and then trying to make larger sentences) people would be obsessed with would inspire a conversation which in turn inspired a dilemma question about people being obsessed with perfect-score communication, with the friend I assume being Triagonal/Tri (whose situation, if true, is similar to another person's who was part of a revelation and realized she is the targeted individual, but it would be wrong of me to assume if that was her, with my two posts being a good teaching tool and demonstrator on why it's good to realize the only person who can speak for one's intentions is the one with the intentions, no exceptions, and why communication style proves nothing despite what they say thinking more than half of people care or buy into the claims of impersonation and doxxing and falsely identifying people based on typing, which as we can see again in the replies they don't). Tumblr desperately needs an editing feature on posts and comments, though fortunately, since this place is a court for settling disputes and not a circlejerking place, there is no high demand for perfection, as there would be if you're trying to intimidate people, which is the loss of the people trying to be our antagonists. Does even mildly broken English intimidate people?
I can tell at this point the way they think they've been slighted (and how they handle this, more often having to face the wrath of the mods themselves) is something they consider personal, even if they consider everything personal (while vowing to try to make everyone else feel likewise in places with what has been outed as having growing transphobia [which, along with a denial of other things, they have a history of incorporating as a part of their show] and Australiaphobia). Being ones to make it all about show, they often talk at length about Triagonal becoming banned from "several" (i.e. two, DeviantArt which the one gloating about her being banned is himself banned from, as well as Inkblot, forgetting Inkblot's mods got banned from Reddit trying to raid Triagonal, as well as the fact Inkblot is on its last leg not even a few years into its existence since Jay runs Inkblot like a porcupine runs a balloon factory, with everyone still having unlimited access to other exclusive places) sites, but if the goal has ever been to actually cause such a ban, either on her or especially on people associated with her, they are losing, only getting her banned from a server and a sub which, would ya look at that, themselves on the verge of getting banned just like Inkblot, weaknesses whose omission they teeter on all while claiming anyone who stands up for Triagonal is the same entity as her despite account removals demonstrating otherwise, which would prove they might not be the same individual as the one on DA who thinks anyone is doing anything to look smart and is so afraid of clowns they can't help but compare everyone they don't like to them (poor guy), if only they were willing to criticize each other. Nevertheless, they are about as bumbling as they would be if voiced in Portuguese and should follow the advice of Matt Foley.
They are free to speak their perspective here......... but in this situation I can almost hear them seconding Captain Ginyu's words, "Mamma Mia, no!"
0 notes
winderlylandchime · 10 months
I cannot believe there are people on this site that message you about some random man who happens to be my brother. I almost feel like I should apologize. I have been meaning to send you a message all week but he has been a moody little shit this week. He’s had that cast on for like 2 days and it’s been driving me crazy. I really wish I had a video of him falling because it really was the funniest thing ever. He like ran in like a little kid and then missed the foot rest and just FLEW over it. When my neighbor came over later that day and found out the whole story, she looked at him and went ‘you really thought this placement was a smart idea?’ And he went ‘clearly NOW i can see I made a mistake or two.’
Thankfully tomorrow we are getting back to our usual routine because even though he still had a few episodes of QE to watch, he is now angry at it and is refusing to watch or acknowledge it. I will say, that he has been talking about qaf and Brian and Justin so much this past week and I can tell that he is genuinely sad at the idea of finishing up the show. I honestly think that one of the reasons that he decided to take a few days off from it (mind you i caught him watching some other previous episodes) was because he doesn’t want it to end yet. And part of me respects that. The other part that knows how bad S5 is, thinks he’s dumb. But either way, I can’t wait for him to continue tomorrow because I am curious about certain reactions.
Oh and, i too wish I had a group of Drag Queens that loved me like that. I don’t know how he succeeded to get adopted by them but I want that too! When i was talking to our dad about them, he did tell me that they regularly ask him about how he’s doing and if he knows when my brother will come back cause apparently they miss him at their bar. It’s actually adorable as fuck and ngl I’m jealous
The person who asked me was on tumblr, deactivated, and we're friends, so I'm actually getting WhatsApp messages about your brother from Europe. LOL. He's an international star.
Yes, brother, you made a mistake or two. Bobby would be so disappointed.
WAIT. Does your father go to the queer bar in your brother's absence? How did your family start going to this bar? Was it while you were living there or are they really just that amazing of allies (makes fist - OMG does the broken wrist mean your brother can't make a fist when he says "ally?")
Look, if I didn't already know how bad S5 was, I would really feel his pain. His pain at finishing is going to be eclipsed by his pain of that awful season. But we are here for him when he's done and feels like crap about what CowLip did.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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Everything expressed in here is my opinion. It is not intended to be malicious or disrespectful to any of the parties mentioned in here. Please do not hate on or send hate anyone mentioned in her expressly or by inference.
In my previous posts, I pointed out how this past year, from August 2019 to June 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride for Jikook. Their relationship has been all over the place with some even concluding they have broken up for good- you wish!
My inbox has been flooded with questions such as: Are they still broken up, are they good, are they married...
Y'all think I'd be here blogging at 1 AM for Tumblr if Jikook were married married?- Ok, I would. Lol
But No, Sis. Jikook aren't married. Not that I know of. But don't be sad though because THEY ARE BACK! Fully back to function. By that I mean Jimin mostly. Jk never left. Lol- I'll explain in a bit. But yes, I'm happy to report that they are Jikooking again!
I refrained from posting about their new moments especially this July moments because even though they've been back together after a long period of on and off again relationship during ON comeback through to festa season, and then May when JM finally asked for space in their relationship(see previous posts for details)
I've being unsure about Jimin. I've been anxious to know what the outcome of his asking for space to think things through would be.
Jikook have a push and pull relationship dynamic. We been known. Mostly when one steps back from their relationship for whatever reason, the other leans in to pull them back in.
Same thing has been happening from January where Jimin would be pulling one minute, the next he would be like meh and JK would be push to pull him back in.
That was the case in this (June-July) Japan comeback interviews. Jk was front center with expressing interest in JM pulling him whereas JM was like meh, I'm down for this baby but let's keep it professional for the group's sakes.
Just look at them here... (Photo of them at 2020 Japan interview where Jk said he was looking at JM)
See what I mean? Now you may not notice at first but look at JM's demeanor and compare it to moments in past interviews whenever JK is talking about him or their relationship.
Jk was on his flirting game which he usually is when he wants to break the ice with Jimin if there's been tension between them or when someone around is making a pass at JM and he wants them to know what's up- he ain't slick. Lol
At times too he takes the initiative to flirt when he is feeling super confident and cocky and hella bold and just wants to. Trust me, when he flirts with Jimin, IT IS NOT FOR FANSERVICE. He means that shit.
Now compare JM's body language in that Japan interview moment this one right here: (photo of JM and Jk at the interview where JK said from now on together)
Jimin usually acts very coy, giddy and whipped even around JK when JK flirts with him but most importantly he seems to egg JK on in such moments. He enjoys being claimed openly by JK just as much as JK loves being claimed by JM publicly- which is why as nervous as that makes him he keeps going back for more.
Now this is gonna sound controversial but I have seen JM tell Suga off at times when Suga has tried to initiate skinship with him. I won't show you the picture but you can watch it for yourself during the On Come back where they wore Purple and black. It happened right at the moment Suga touched JMs back. JM mouthed 'Hajima' to Suga to stop touching him. That's all I'm gonna say y'all. Lmho. Don't want trouble.
My point is, these boys have a filter. If they don't want something done to them they won't hesitate to say it or show it. Much like when JK pushed Tae's hand away during a VLive- and he's pushed JM off sometimes too. He is assertive more so than all the members. If he doesn't want something he won't do it or allowed it.
Suga asked him not to get the tattoos when he first expressed interest in them way back in American Hustle life. But he told them if army loves him they would love everything he does and not try to limit him. Jk does as JK pleases.
So yea, if JK didn't like what Jimin has been doing with him he wouldn't be around him much less reciprocate those feelings and actions and initiating them on his own at times. Their interactions are MUTUAL.
And yes, that was shade.
Jimin understands the guts it takes JK to take such initiatives with him and so he kinds of encourages Jk to go on with it or acts in a way that boosts JK's ego. Like when JK shouted 'arrest me' in the middle of an interview. Jk... SMH.
So it was a bit unsettling to watch JM not even try to flirt back with JK in moments like this like he usually would. Dude wasn't even initiating their shtick during this period first of all nor was he responding to them in a way he usually would.
Not sure the aesthetics he was going for here but it screamed let's keep this professional on camera and get naughty when we get home. Or much like, dude I asked for space and I'm realizing I like you just as much but stop coming on too strong.
Which frankly, is what the members have been asking them to do since October last year when the hashtag to cancel Jikook in S.K trended. So JM wouldn't be wrong to take such a stand....
Given that the crux of their issue has been that Jikook is developing into a brand almost independent of BTS' brand and this in a way is affecting the dynamics of the group, a little discretion wouldn't hurt.
The cheers for Jikook moments are getting louder and louder each year even at events such as awards and not just on stage. Jikook is taking a lifeform of it's own. Its becoming a brand almost as powerful as BTS' brand. They are a power couple or becoming one. Like or not. Their fans are becoming loud and large too. So often, lately, it seems they tend to steal the show and direct attention away from the band. It's crazy.
Tae literally had the floor, delivering his speech at the MMA 2019 but people weren't even paying attention to that at all. They were more interested in Jikook and whatever they were doing and they went nuts the moment JK held Jimin and even wilder when he placed his head on Jimin which is what lead to infamous standoff with RM.
JM had literally bumped his butt against Hobi's crotch region moments before the Jikook moment but the crowd didn't lose it as much. Please go back and listen to the deafening sounds of the crowd for yourself.
As much as we love Jikook, there are some that don't and they can be very loud. I'll leave it there. Please support Jikook. Thank you.
BTS had a whole concert end of October 2019 and the hashtag that trended was 'cancel Jikook.' That took away from the hardwork of the band and reduced it to a few seconds of two boys fanboying over eachother. That's.... sigh.
When you see it this way, the RM separating them at Jingle bell red carpet, on stage or even BigHit trying to regulate their Vlives make sense.
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Moving on. So yea I wasn't sure about JM all this past few months especially as I believe he had asked for space in their relationship. You might not think much of it but given as JM had said in the past how if he had a lover he would want to be with them all the time and Jikook do spend a lot of time around each other but suddenly hear them talk about spending time apart and enjoying it and what not....
But I think I can stop worrying now because HE IS BACK! There is a new Jimin in town and he is taking names! Good for him!
And I don't mean his new hairdo this August. I mean the new attitude. This attitude:
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In this interview he says he would take JK to an island which smart decision. I would take JK too cos dude can do anything, cant he?! Bless him.
But thats beside the point. What I think is happening here is, Jimin finally took a stand. He made up his mind and he is not getting pushed around anymore. Because this Jimin hasn't showed up in a while now. Now he seems quite defiant most times if you've been paying attention to him, so rebellious, so sure of himself. Good for him. Spending time to himself has done him some good. It's given him room to reflect and sort out his priorities.
He loves his work, his band and he loves JK and it's hard when all of those start rubbing against eachother. But Fuck professionalism. He is in love with JK and that is professionalism too. Add loving JK till the end of time to his profession bishes!! :p
Sorry. I got carried away.
But seriously, he seems like his old self but it's also a new self because he hasn't been that self for a hot minute. This is JK's sweat tastes like holy water Jimin. This is I promised Jk I will go to the moon with him Jimin, this is I wanna go on a trip alone with JK Jimin- but badder. If you are a hardcore JM stand like I am you'd understand what I'm talking about.
HE IS BACK BABY! Our daddy is back!
The point of this post is to say, I believe JM finally figured out what he wants. So now hopefully the up and down should die down because quite frankly it's hard to keep up with those two I swear! We need a smooth sail Jikook. Make it happen!
I love it. I love where this is going and I can't wait to see more of their interactions so cheers to Jikookers and congratulations to Jimin for putting his shit together. We wanted rain. We about to be hit with a tsunami of Jikook moments.
Stay blessed. Stay beautiful. Jikook forever.
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lokewolf-father · 4 years
So I Listened to the First Five Insane Clown Posse Albums...
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And I really enjoyed myself! I tried this post already, but the Tumblr app is a piece of garbage and lost it somehow, so here goes again. To make a long story short, even though I didn't really enjoy the first two albums, Carnival of Carnage and The Ringmaster, I found a lot to enjoy about Insane Clown Posse, and can safely say I like them. Death metal guitar mixed with heavy bass, carnival sounds, and lyrics about necromantic clown sorcerers, killer toys, and cartoonish depictions of murder make their concept albums something that is both novel and undeniably cool when it isn't too crude or juvenile, which is more frequent than I would like.
I should probably state, especially considering I'm writing off the first two albums, that I am not the target audience for ICP. I do not consider myself a Juggalo in any definition of the word; I don't really listen to rap, and couldn't define hip-hop without looking it up. I do however enjoy horror movies and low-brow entertainment like comic books, and consider Marilyn Manson to be one of my personal heroes, so believe me when I say that I really do like aspects of the cavalcade of crazy that is the Insane Clown Posse.
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Riddle Box is awesome, and I find myself wondering if this is the album where people feel like ICP came into their own. Part of their mythology is that if the Dark Carnival, where sinners are judged by a cavalcade of characters before being killed and sent to their souls ultimate destination. Several albums are designated as Joker's Cards, and depict characters and elements of the Carnival.
The intro is awesome, introducing the Riddle Box, which is a magic box that either gives the slain a vision of God, warming their souls and sending them to Heaven, or a demonic fog that drives them insane and sends them to Hell.
One of my favorite songs, "Chicken Huntin' (Slaughter House Mix)" is on this song, and demonstrates ICP's understanding of their audience. A song about killing dumb, ignorant hillbillies, I have to assume it's cathartic to people who left behind wacky rural families behind when they left home. "Toy Box" is about a guy with murderous toys that turn on him, and makes me laugh. It sounds hokey, and that's because it is, hokey and worth a listen. A lot of this is appealing to me because I don't listen to rap music, partly because I don't care for the subject matter.
I like rappers like Kanye West and Eminem because I can't identify with or enjoy a lot of the gangsta-macho stuff that mainstream rap can't seem to get away from. With ICP, their personas are over the top killer clowns, and that's awesome! Because they're so goofy and have been pretty much rejected from pop culture, their music appeals to social outcasts and others who are down on their luck, something that Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J recognize.
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That being said, before I move into the next album, I should probably mention "Ol' Evil Eye", ICP's own adaptation of Poe's "The Tell-tale Heart". Good shit, even if it makes the master turn over in his grave.
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The Great Milenko is fantastic, and is a Joker's Card about an evil necromancer clown that tempts you into damning yourself. I'm told this is more of a hip-hop album, but as someone who isn't that familiar with this kind of music, I can't tell the difference. What I will say is there are more songs here that I like than on the previous three albums. The intro, which is read by none other than Alice Cooper, is excellent, as is the title track and "Hokus Pokus", both of which are sufficiently creepy and dark.
"Piggy Pie" is a song about murdering dickhead cops that uses a very, um, clever three little pigs motif. As a funny aside, this album was initially put out by Hollywood Records, and had to be approved by Disney, who forced them to change this song. The album was pulled from shelves anyway, making the whole exercise of censorship pointless anyway. It's just funny to think that Disney read associated with ICP at one point.
"Southwest Voodoo" is another effective song, featuring a black magic chant for chorus, which is to say nothing of "Halls of Illusion", which has Slash on guitar!
One of my other favorites off this album is the existential "How Many Times", which puts you in the mindset of the type of person ICP is talking to. Broke, down on your luck, arrested, your stereo stolen, it's hard to imagine things can ever really get better; in a world that rejects you and shows your no respect, why not remake yourself as a psychotic clown? As Manson says, "They'll never be good to you/bad to you/they'll never be anything at all". Any aging goth kid can understand where ICP is coming from here.
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The Amazing Jeckel Brothers is the first album I listened to, and probably my favorite one. "Terrible" and "Bring it On" have the heavy sound that I love, and "Assassins" is just an awesome, badass song in general. If hip-hop is just another word for tough guy music, these songs definitely fit the bill. The bass lines make the songs positively rock in a way I didn't think was possible for ICP. "Everybody Rize" is a cool Juggalo anthem, as is "Fuck the World", calling out a culture and industry that rejects and hates them like a boss. If you're on the fence about these fuckers, this is another great album to start with, especially considering the touching final song, "Nothing's Left", which reflects on the broken nature of the world, and wonders if there can be any real salvation for anyone. Considering ICP are Christian and ultimately incorporated they're religion into their music, I know what their opinion on this is, but just begging the question gives the song a universal appeal that even an angry atheist like myself can identify with.
At the end of the day, I have to figure that getting to know the Insane Clown Posse was rewarding for me. I'm not a Juggalo, but I understand their world a lot better and get how they can be kind to others and have something special with their subculture. I plan to listen to more ICP and write about them, but I'd like to write about Juggalo culture first. If you're a Juggalo or have any thoughts, I want to hear from you! Have you met the Insane Clown Posse or been to their shows? Have you been to the gathering of the Juggalos? An I wrong about anything I wrote above?
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
Toppat!Charles Part 5!!
Thank you all so much for your patience with this one, like I said, I've been going through a lot in my personal life, though things are getting better. 
If you haven’t read the previous parts you can find them HERE: 
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Henry has taken the CCC's offer, despite opposition from Galeforce, Ellie, and even Daddy Dearest Terrence Suave.
Meanwhile, Right has polished up Charles and set him up in an actual room for a change of pace.
Not really a headcanon this time but a MASSIVE, MASSIVE trigger warning for torture, violence, and a trauma truck load of angst; we're focusing more on Charles this part since he was more of a cameo in Part 4.
Got that? GREAT!
Like before we pick up where Part 4 left off, but with Charles in his new room across from Right, who has taken his position at a desk chair and is calmly talking to Charles. If this were a movie, we would only hear the music score before getting a close up of Right saying something to Charles, who reacts by raising his eyebrows and widening his eyes.
Right sighs as he rubs the non-cybernetic half of his head. "Do I got to repeat everything to everyone?" He recomposes himself and meets Charles once more, the pilot shaking his head as he curls his knees into his chest and holds his hands on either side of his head.
"No. No, no, no, nononono. I can't do that. You can't make me."
"So you'd rather go back to rotting in your cell?" Right asks as he raises an eyebrow. "I'm offering you the chance to have some form of freedom and you're willing to throw it away for your stupid government?"
Charles keeps his head down, but clenches a fist. "They'll get me out of here. Just wait and see."
Right grabs Charles's ankles and throws them down before grabbing his jaw, forcing his to look up. Thhe two are inches away from each other and Charles's instincts are telling him to run since fighting hasn't exactly worked out for him.
"Look at where you are and what's been happening. Any time the government tried sending a destroyer, it didn't work. You were left alone in that cell with nothing but your shadow on the wall to talk to. You have a chance to get out and not have to deal with that anymore. You're seriously going to turn it down because you think the government's coming to rescue you? Taking my offer would get you out a lot quicker. "
Charles only glares into Right's human eye before doing a very ungentlemanly and dumb thing by spitting in his eye. (Unsanitary as well, I might add. Really, Charles, get with the program!)
Right backs away slightly, though it's more like an angry flinch because he recoils and then freezes.
Charles, however, keeps his glare as his wipes his mouth off with his sleeve. "Never."
Right is still for a moment before backhanding Charles with his cybernetic hand, not enough to seriously injure him, i.e. a broken jaw or knocking him unconscious, but it does leave him seeing stars and in a good state of, 'that hurt a lot more than it should.'
Right stands back, takes out a handkerchief, wipes his face off, and then pockets said handkerchief before folding his hands behind his back.
"You'll come to your senses. If you can wait, so can I."
With that, Right leaves the room just as Charles picks himself up, rubbing his cheek.
"See you tomorrow, Charles."
As the door closes behind Right, Charles's face and the room's temperature drop.
Cut to Right, who is leaving the hall and going to that room we saw in the Free Man ending, that cafeteria- like room with the big window overlooking Earth.
Charles is sound asleep in his bed when a pair of toppats come in. One stays by the door and the other wakes up Charles.
The pilot, due to being out-strengthed and delirious from sleep, is pulled out of his room and can barely keep up with the toppats as they drag him to a different room.
In Charles's perspective, the world is dark and he keeps drifting in and out of sleep. He eventually opens his eyes to see he's back in the jungle, by the crashed helicopter. Right is nowhere to be seen, but Charles does see someone else, someone that he ACTUALLY happy to see. As in he smiles and tears up.
Henry stands still as he stares at a growingly flustered Charles, who races toward him.
"Henry! Man, are you a sight for sore eyes! You have no idea what these guys've done. C'mon, let's go-"
Just as Charles is about to hug Henry, he holds a hand and stops Charles in his tracks.
"Hen... Henry?"
Henry's face turns from blank to angry or annoyed and he shakes his head, backing away.
Charles tries to follow him, but he can't. When he looks, he sees his feet are sunken into the ground and panics.
"Henry! Help! I-I think I stepped in quicksand!"
Henry only backs away further, now glaring at Charles.
Henry finally approaches him and leans close to his his face.
Before he can say anything, Charles's breath catches and he quickly finds he can no longer breathe. 
Charles tries gasping and exhaling, but only blows bubbles out of his mouth. 
The jungle fades away into a very dim grey, almost falling. Henry falls away with it, much to Charles’s fear. 
The pilot tries reaching for Henry and is pulled away, seeing as Henry swims further away from him.
Charles gasps for real this time as he is pulled out of a tub of water and focuses his gaze on Right, who is standing over him with his arms folded behind his back. 
“Good morning. Sleep well?’” 
Charles tries to push himself away the tub only to find his hands are either tied or handcuffed behind his back, I’m noting an ‘either’ here because while I can see Right using handcuffs or restraints like the ones we see in the Free Man ending, to save on resources and because Charles is already pretty weak, he’d probably just use a rope.
The toppats that woke him up and dragged him here both hold his shoulders, one holding the back of his collar. 
Charles glares at Right and struggles against his bonds, but he stays quiet. 
Right sniffs and nods at the two holding Charles. “Give ‘im a wash.” 
The one holding his collar grips his hair, yanking it and making Charles follow his movement before dunking him back into the water. 
Right watches as Charles struggles both above and below the water, mildly impressed that he’s still strong enough to the point that the two toppats are having a hard time holding him under. If this were a movie or a game cutscene, the camera would hold on Right’s face, resolute and expressionless, and all we would here would be the score and Charles struggling. Right blinks and an icon appears on his cybernetic eye, a solid circle with a ring around it. 
A camera. 
After a while, Charles’s movements slow and nearly stop completely, bubbles leaving his mouth and nose. 
Right nods at the toppats pull him up.
If that first dunk didn’t wake up and alarm Charles, this certainly did. 
Charles gives one of those loud gasps and coughs up water as he catches his breath. 
Once his breathing goes at least to where he’s not huffing and puffing, he feels one of the toppats grip his hair again. He fights against him, but is ultimately pushed back into the water. 
The partner repeats itself for a while. 
Dunk his head in the water, wait for him to stop struggling, pull him out and wait for him to just about get his breathing normal, rinse and repeat. 
After maybe a half an hour of this, Right notices Charles has started shivering after his last dunk and is having a hard time getting his breathing even. 
“Enough. Get ‘ im to a medic.”
They do so, and Charles follows with barely any strength to keep up.
The next day isn't any better. 
The toppats are ordered to sit Charles in a chair, his hands on the rests, his head in a restraint, and his eyes held open with something like reverse clamps; if you’ve seen or read A Clockwork Orange, you’ll know what I’m talking about. 
Right takes a seat next to him, a medic on his other side to keep his eyes hydrated, and the two watch a simple movie. 
Just a nice, sit down, home cinema night 😁😊
“You seem too confident your government’s gonna save you.” Right turns his head to the screen and folds one leg over the other. “Let me remind you what they’ve done to us.” 
Charles follows his gaze as the film begins. 
I’m guessing the Toppat Clan has been around for a while, based on how many paintings/pictures of the leaders we see in Completing the Mission, so there would be PLENTY of news footage of the government using any means necessary to arrest any toppats they can get their hands on. 
The film Charles watches is nothing short of horrifying. I won’t go into detail, but just know that it’s pretty disturbing. Like, psychologically messed up. 
Charles is forced to watch as members of the government, something HE WORKS FOR, arrest, torture, and execute Toppat Clan members in extremely violent ways. 
Right is quiet as he watches because he’s seen this tape on more than one occasion; he also watches as a reminder as to why he joined the toppats to begin with. 
Charles, however, isn’t exactly that. After watching a clip of seeing a government official gun down a group of new toppat recruits, he finally snaps. 
“STOP IT!” Charles cries as he struggles in his chair and restraint, much to the annoyance of the medic. “PLEASE! MAKE IT STOP!” 
Right’s attention is now on the pilot as he continues screaming and crying, watching quietly as he takes note of his work. 
Charles screams as loudly as he can as the film keeps rolling, unable to look away as the government is practically used against him. 
Right uses this pattern for a LONG while. One day, Charles is physically tortured and the next he is shown more footage of the government hunting down toppats. 
This cycle is continued until, after maybe three months(it doesn’t seem like it’d be that long, BUT TRUST ME, IT CAN BE), when the toppats come for Charles, they find him standing, waiting for them. 
This time is different, though. 
Right is with them and approaches the empty eyed, silent Charles. 
“Learned your lesson?” 
Charles nods. 
Right holds out his hand, a smirk on his face. 
“Whaddaya say, kid? You want in?” 
Our multilived friend is lying in bed, having a very fitful sleep. I keep jumping to what we would see if we were watching a movie, but trust me on this, I think you'll really like this one.
In this dream, Henry stands in the middle of four mirrors, a different "ending" of him in the side mirrors and the ine behind him. In front of him is himself, on his left is the Toppat King ending of himself(I'm just calling him Toppat Henry), on his right is the Toppat Recruit endimg of himslef(Recruit Henry), and behind him is his Revenged self.
"You should've taken that offer," Toppat Haenry chides.
"Charles would've been safe, if you did," Recruit Henry adds with a shrug.
Henry hears his Revenged self cough behind him and hears his augmentations whirring. "We wouldn't be friends, if that happend."
"And that bothers you?" Toppat Henry laughs.
"Think about it," Recruit Henry says very smugly. "Since when have you needed friends?"
"Escaping the wall-"
"You got out alone before," Toppat Henry says with a tap to his hat.
Henry jumps when he hears glass shattering and turns to see his Revenged self has punched his mirror and cracked it.
"King, recruit, theif, it doesn't matter," he gurgles as blood oozes out if his mouth. "A toppat never keeps his word."
Revenged Henry hits hus mirror again and causes it to shatter, forcing our Henry to jump back and crash into his own mirror-
Henry wakes up and looks around his room, shaken and stirred. He checks his arm and back before sighing and hugging his knees to his chest.
"I hate when that happens."
Man, that was a psychedelic ending!
This took a very, very, very, very, very, very, VEEEEERY long time, but here it is! 
Thank you all so much for your patience and following this series. I am having such a blast writing this, you have no idea. 
Thank you all for reading! Stay safe out there! And HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!🦃🦃🦃
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tsuki-kirigakure · 6 years
My Top 10 Voltage Men
I had a really hard time in doing this I can't choose. 😥 I'm probably gonna shuffle this again next time I do this because there are still tons of guys I haven’t added. 😅 I also took hours in making this because Tumblr is being a btxh and won’t let me save nor post this. 😒
Thanks for the tag @mandyinwonderland ♥
10th: Riki Yanase ♡ [Love Letter from Thief X]
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Riki is one of the guys I've been very addicted to.  I would spend my days (if I'm not at school) and nights reading his stories. He kinds of come out as an arrogant guy but he's really sweet and loving and passionate about the people he loves. He would always make them happy and safe and would put them and their happiness first. 
9th: Huedhaut ♡ [Star Crossed Myth]
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When I first saw the summary or the preview for Hue’s story, I knew that I had to read it and I wasn’t wrong. This guy is a snarky hot and smart guy which rules the Zodiac sign Aquarius. He makes the best wines and all but he’s broken and refused to acknowledge love again after losing you, the previous goddess of fate, the love of his life. He sacrificed one of the stars in his life to make sure that you live. His sarcastic and funny comments would make you laugh, his painful past with the goddess of fate would make you cry, but his sweet and flowery words and gestures would definitely make you swoon. I swear.
8th: Ryota Mochizuki ♡ [Our Private Homeroom]
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Before I played this story I had reservations about playing this game. Since I wasn't fond of teacher-student relationships and only went for student-student and teacher-teacher types, but boy did this story proved me wrong. I was practically smitten with him for being such a cutie and A MATH TEACHER. HE LOVES MATH AND SO DO I. We instantly clicked y’know? What’s better is that he’s kind to all of his students and cheers them on and just shows how damn good of a teach he is. Then he can like see and recognize your hard work and would totally cheer you on when you’re losing faith on yourself. He would also prioritize you, your dreams and your happiness above anything and would sacrifice his job that he loves and fight for you.
7th: Kyohei Rikudoh ♡ [Scandal in the Spotlight]
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BBY KYO ❤ THIS GUY MAKES THE ABSOLUTE BEST FRIED RICE APPARENTLY HEHE JUST A FUN FACT. It was love at first sight with this guy. He’s the sexiest man alive I think? Well that’s true for me at least hihi. Kyohei loves to tease you and do sweet things for you. He would sacrifice everything for you and always put you and your happiness first. He loves seeing you blush and smile and make all those “cute expressions”. He would protect, care, love and cherish those important to him. He’s strict with work but that’s because Revance is really important to him. He’s hot and he knows it. He loves spending time with you especially alone times hihi 😉 He may come off as arrogant to other people but really, he’s just a handsome and easily jealous cutie pie. ❤
6th: Toma Kiriya ♡ [Irresistible Mistakes]
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HERE COMES ONE OF MY SNARKIEST MOST SARCASTIC BUT LOVING AND SWEET AND UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORTIVE CUTIE. He loves sugary drinks tbh he says it gives his brain the energy it needs. He loves to work and he’s good at what he does, usually handpicked for big projects. He’s unstoppable with MC beside him hihi. He’s so cute when he blush like he’s such a cutie pie. He’s probably the best guy to have a conversation with, like literally he cracks me up every time and makes me happy every time I see his face. I’m in love hihi. WHY CAN’T TOMA EXIST IN REAL LIFE?! HE’S JUST SO PERFECT.
5th: Tsumugu Kido ♡ [Our Two Bedroom Story]
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Here comes my awkwardly cute, blushes easily when he says or does something sweet or bold or when MC does the same, king of tightwads. He’s what you would call stingy but it’s just because of how hard it was for them in the past. He’s good with his work and has a “split-personality” hehe when he’s at work and at home. He loves the MC so much and knows how hard she works as well as how good she is at work but would never openly admit it in normal times. He’s such a cutie pie who loves strawberries and HIS SIBLINGS ARE SO CUTE AND PRETTY, sazuku being the cute and sakura and mizuki being the pretty ones. I love his puns and jokes. He loves seeing you happy and would be happy knowing that you are. HE’S SUCH A CUTIE I SWEAR BRO.  
4th: Izaac Martin ♥ [Gossip Girl Party]
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YOU GUYS, DO YOU PEOPLE EVEN KNOW OR REMEMBER GOSSIP GIRL PARTY? BECAUSE I CERTAINLY DO. THIS GAME IS STILL AND WILL FOREVER BE IN MY HEART AND MIND AND NOTHING CAN EVER MAKE ME FORGET THIS ESPECIALLY MY BABY IZAAC. Y’KNOW SEEING THE FAREWELL MESSAGES THEY GAVE US WAS DEFINITELY HEARTBREAKING. I WAS FREAKING CRYING THE WHOLE ASJAKDDGDSNVKDJBVUD TIMES I READ THAT MESSAGE. WHY DID VOLTAGE HAVE TO REMOVE IT FROM GOOGLE PLAY? WHY CAN’T WE JUST KEEP THEM EVEN IF THEY WON’T UPDATE IT ANYMORE? 😭💔 But okay let me just say that Izaac is my forever babe even if I hated one of his stories that led me to uninstalling the app and reinstalling it again right away hehe. He’s like perfect. He would tease you with his words but would also say and do the sweetest things. He loves you so much and knows you so well. He’ll support you in the things you wanna do and he’d be really proud of you. I love this guy so much you know and I miss him so bad 😭💔
3rd: My Forevs Inspiration and Smexiest Cool Baby, Kiyohito Shirakami ♥ [Kings of Paradise]
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OMG BABY KIYO OKAY HERE IT GOES WE’RE DOWN TO MY TOP 3. Kiyo is what would seem to be cold and indifferent. He would also be considered as strict and is like a robot who constantly works and doesn’t feel or show feelings at all. That’s what I thought at first too but his harsh words are actually very sweet in his own ways because he believes in you. He doesn’t want you to be sad and wants you to regain the confidence you lost. His story has inspired me to overcome my anxiety and do my best in the things I thought I couldn’t do. He would tell MC to decide on her own and he would grade her as well as to go beyond because she can. The story doesn’t just revolve around sweet stuffs tbh it also includes growth in both Kiyo and MC and it’s one of the best y’know. Kiyo also loves it when MC is being honest with him and is greedy with him as well. His ways have truly changed MC and you guys his story is really meaningful. And bro age doesn’t really matter here. I even forgot that Kiyo is younger than MC. hihi. 
2nd: My Precious Hot Ninja, Saizo Kirigakure ♥ [Samurai Love Ballad Party]
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OKAY LAST TWO WOHOO HERE COMES MY BABE SAIZO!!!!! Okay so this guy is one of the best. He freaking write smuts HAHAHAHAHAHA kidding aside you guys saizo would seem like a cold, heartless killing machine but that’s because he was trained to be like that. He was trained in Iga to be a fearless killing machine that would carry out missions without feeling anything. But HAVE YOU GUYS EVER READ HIS POVS?!?!?!?! BRO THAT IS NOT HOW AN EMOTIONLESS KILLING MACHINE IS BRO HE’S SO SWEET AND PRECIOUS AND WOULD GIVE AWAY HIS LIFE FOR MC EVEN IF OFC WE DON’T WANT THAT! I WOULD NEVER WANT TO SEE MY BABY DIE LIKE I WOULD CRY AND MY WORLD WOULD STOP SPINNING AGAIN @voltageparty pls don’t do anything stupid. And so Saizo loves his little lady so much even if he doesn’t say it often but he would let you feel it. Your smile would brighten up his day and maybe even his life. You’re the only reason he wants to live because he wants to go home to you. He always wants you to be safe and happy. Baby ninja, always remember that the moon is beautiful. ❤
1st and would probably be always my first, the King, Eisuke Ichinomiya ♥ [Kissed by The Baddest Bidder]
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AND HERE WE ARE TO MY FOREVER BABE EVER SINCE IT WAS RELEASED. Yes you read it right, I just fell in love with him before the game was released because at that time I thought that game was too mature for my age when I based it off their trailer. But I still tried it hehe Eisuke is known as the “King”. He owns the Tres Spades Hotel and the head of the Ichinomiya Group. He’s aloof, bossy and isn’t the type to be full on honest but he has a kind heart. He’s DEFINITELY HANDSOME and is a great leader and businessman. Despite his heartless facade, women would always surround him and beg for his attention even if he wouldn’t pay attention to them. He’s easy to misunderstand for being cruel and ruthless, but don’t be fooled, he’s doing things for a good reason.During his first season tho, he thought of you as a pawn, just something that he owns to be used, but the character development after passing through that phase was definitely tear-jerking and heart melting, all in a good way of course.  Another thing that I love about Eisuke is how his stories understands and helps solving one of the social problems in the world, shaming people, both physically, emotionally and also mentally. It has helped not only me, but many other people out there to love and accept who they are and that they don’t need to change and just be themselves. I’m really glad that I got to meet and fall in love with Eisuke for this long. He has and will always have a special place in my heart. The moon is beautiful, Eisuke and it will always be. ❤
I'm still wondering why people hate Eisuke like why
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