#or just moving in and dumping the things they decided dont fit their new place
yoshistory · 8 months
-___- i need to find a bookshelf thats been thrown out again .. theres no good trash here .. there's GREAT trash next door and i thiiiiiink enough time has passed that i feel comfortable walking over there sometimes and scouring their dumpsters every once in awhile
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I haven't forgotten. Since my last post, my sister boxed up all my stuff from my parents house so she can move in there, and under the cover of night without a word to me, dumped 5, yes FIVE, SUV carloads of my stuff in my driveway. And when I called her out on how shit that was to do without texting me, she sends this whole effing diatribe on how me being on a single income isnt her fault, me being a hoarder isnt her fault, me being LAZY isnt her fault. Apparently, leaving my stuff there when I was forced to move into a TENT was TAKING ADVANTAGE of my parents. I started moving stuff into a storage unit and even though Dad told me not to and that it could stay, I still did move out what I could fit in the storage unit. I continued paying board for MONTHS after I left because my stuff was still there, until Mum DEMANDED I stop. But yes, I'm 'taking advantage'. She decided she wanted to move in by the end of July but renovate first and I told her straight up that I had my first house inspection June 28th and couldnt move anything before then, I was still unpacking and cleaning my new house right up until the moment the agent arrived for the inspection. I even called in sick the night before and worked through the night to have it ready. My fibro and arthritis make me epically slow. I try my best but I cant just try the pain away.
Anyway, she 'gets' that I have pain but that doesnt excuse me 'making other people wait until I can be bothered'. I dont have a problem with her boxing up my stuff. So its out of her way. I dont have a problem with her bringing it over. I have a big problem with her not saying a word and sneaking over in the middle of the night to leave it all in my driveway. The driveway of my rental, on a main street where my landlord could drive past at any time. Just a simple text it would have been fine and she could have saved both our backs by not bringing the stuff that was to go in the trailer for the tip ( a trailer I couldnt fill with my stuff myself because it was still full of HER stuff).
Mum and Dad are putting the house in mine and my sister's names with a granny-flatting clause, so we can inherit the house while they are alive, not have stamp duty or capital gains tax on it, but we have to keep a roof over their heads the rest of their lives. It doesnt have to be THAT roof, we just have to house them. It surprised me when my sister said she wanted to buy ME out because she had always been clear that she didnt want it. But I'm glad because I could no longer live with Dad and wasnt in a position to buy her out. She asked if she could not pay me out until next year when she came back from Japan and I was like "hey thats fine" she was putting a lot of money to the renovations before moving in so why not have her being able to live rent free for a few months to save up for a nice holiday before having to buckle down under a mortgage. See, once the house is in joint names, if one of us is living there, the other is entitled to their half of the rental value. But she's my sister, I wasn't going to ask her to pay rent to me just because my name is on the title. Besides, I knew it would take me a long time to finish getting my stuff out. I even offered to leave the bed, TV, and a couple of cabinets, so my old room would already be set up as a guest bedroom. She never said no thanks, she actually said "ok, cool." Then, when she dumped everything here, it included those things, things she KNEW were never coming here. But I digress. Half rent for my parents' place would be about what I'm paying for rent in the tiny house I'm in now. It would make my life so much easier. I would be able to afford the physical therapies that I haven't been able to in a long time. It would do wonders for my life and my health. But it was money I wouldn't have had anyway, so I could wait another year to get my health back on track, if it made it easier for her. My only sister.
She doesnt think she's done anything wrong. And is now saying she doesnt want to move in there and she'll tell our narcissistic father that I'm coming back. I dont think that apple fell far from the tree. I cant get it through her head that ALL SHE HAD TO DO WAS TEXT ME TO ASK WHAT TO BRING AND WHAT TO PUT IN THE TRAILER INSTEAD OF SNEAKING AROUND. Now, according to my father and her partner, I'm the one in the wrong. Because I said that's shit and disrespectful behaviour and if she doesnt have enough respect for me to send me a simple text message, why should I give up a year of rental income that's almost as much as I earn in a year. Oh that's right, because it's not HER fault I'm poor.
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
Playing truth or dare with college!Peter and MJ dares you to give him a (private) lap dance
This turned out to be much longer than expected
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglists
Warnings : SMUT! (Lap dance?ish?kind of? i went a bit of script im sorry, thigh riding, grinding, dirty talk, dom!peter, innocence kink, corruption kink?, masterbation, oral[male rec], mild degrading), alcohol consumption, everyone is 18+, kinda fluffy in the beginning but we do be getting smutty real quick tho, MJ being your personal wing woman
Also please dont take drinks from strangers this is fiction and not real life, always drink responsibly :)))
Word Count : 4.8k
Behind Doors
Fratboy!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
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You tried to keep your staring to a minimum, you really did. But how could you when he stood in the middle of the crowd, glowing like an angel amongst everyone. He was laughing with his friends, his head tilted back with his eyes squeezed shut and a smile that could make anyone's day so much brighter. You wanted nothing more but to run your hands through his floppy brown hair bouncing on his head as he told his mates a story, his facial and hand movements lively when he moved them around, accentuating the words falling from his mouth.
His fit didn’t help either. A tight white t-shirt paired with blue jeans and a gold chain that hung from his neck, begging to be played with in any way. It was simplistic but made you swoon all the same. His muscles printed through the fabric didn’t help much either, his biceps almost tearing through the sleeves a mouth watering contrast to his cheerful face.
It was like staring at a greek god that radiated puppy dog energy.
“You’re not being subtle you know,” MJ whispered into you ear nudging your side with her elbow, “Just go talk to him,”
You shook your head, heat rising to your face as you averted your eyes from the brown eyed boy, turning to face your best friend, “You know i can’t do that,”
“Not with that you aren’t,” she pointed at the red solo cup you held in your hand filled halfway with orange juice. She quickly snatched the cup away from you, dumping the contents in the grass of the backyard.
“Hey!” You gasped, but made no effort to stop her.
“You need to loosen up,” she stabbed her finger into the middle of your chest, shoving her drink into your hands, “All of it, now,”
You took the cup hesitantly swirling the contents inside around for a bit, watching as the liquid moved smoothly around the sides of the plastic. You looked back up at MJ, feeling small when she stared you down with a stern look. You knew you weren’t finding a way out of this one.
“Fine,” you grumbled before tilting your head back, chugging the alcohol down. You let out a few coughs afterwards, giggling as MJ started to cheer.
“That’s my girl!” She wrapped her arm around your shoulder, pulling you into her side, “Now for about five more,”
Two hours and four drinks later, or maybe it was six you weren't keeping count, the party finally started to die down. The liquor running through your system did its job well in letting you loosen up so you could enjoy the party without being distracted by a certain brown haired boy.
You had lost MJ halfway through the night, your mind finally processing that she wasn’t by your side when you reached for her to dance with you. As you busied yourself by looking around the room, you felt someone place their hand on your lower back, sending shivers up your spine with the touch. You whipped your head around, expecting your equity intoxicated friend but only to be met with the same brown eyes you’ve been fawning over at the beginning of the night.
“Hey,” he said into your ear so that you heard it over all the noise. He moved his hand off your back after he got your attention. You tried your best to keep the tiny whine from escaping your throat at the loss of his touch. The free feeling you felt with the alcohol completely vanished with the sound of his voice turning you into that shy nerd all over again.
“Looking for someone?” He said, pushing the tips of his fingers into the front pockets of his pants.
You stood speechless, you mouth agape that Peter Parker, the Peter Parker was talking to you. MJ was wrong, no amount of alcohol could’ve prepared you for the moment. At least you didn't scurry away like a mouse like you would’ve if you were fully sober.
“I- uh,” you coughed, trying to get some words out but failing miserably.
“Sorry, It’s just I saw you looking around,” he scratched the back of his neck, chuckling at your flustered state. His cheeks starting to turn a light pink which made you swoon even harder, “I assume you’re looking for MJ, since you were with her for most of the night,”
“Oh, right,” you mumbled, laughing awkwardly, looking down to the ground, “How did you know I was with her?”
“You guys are always together!” He smiled showing off his pearly whites, “Around campus you know? I’ve seen you guys together in my classes as well,”
“You noticed me?” You whispered, mainly to yourself but he managed to pick up your words, making you even more embarrassed than before.
“Of course!” He passed his hand through his hair, looking straight into your eyes, “How could I not Y/n?”
You stood speechless, your mouth opening and closing as if you wanted to say something but changed your mind last minute. Millions of thoughts ran through your brain per second, the most frequent being your name rolling off his tongue.
“Anyways, uh, the main reason i came was to bring you to MJ,” he chuckled nervously, seeming just as flustered as you, “She’s in one of the spare bedrooms with some of the boys, we’re playing a good ole’ game of truth and dare,” he voice raised adorably, making you giggle lightly, “You don’t need to join or anything, but i don’t think you would want to be alone out here,”
“Yeah!” you replied a bit to quickly, shaking your head at your enthusiasm, “I mean, yeah, I would like to join you,”
“Sick!” He smiled brightly, grabbing your hand. Your eyes widened at the action as he pulled you through the crowd, you looked down at the ground, allowing him to maneuver you around the mass of bodies.
“Just so you don’t get lost,” he said, looking back at you, pointing out your intertwined hands.
“Of course!” You said back, holding back your squeals of excitement.
You were honestly surprised with how sweet he was acting towards you. Despite his status as part of the biggest frat on campus, his reputation upholded him as the good boy of the group, the one who helped old lady’s across the street or bought lunch for you when you didn't have the money. Sure, you saw this on multiple occasions but to experience it for yourself was a nice change, and just solidified your crush on him even more.
When he reached the stairway vacant of anybody, he still didn't let go of your hand, only tightening his fingers around yours. He walked down the dark hallway and approached a door ,giving you a reassuring smile before turning the knob and pushing it open, revealing around eight or nine people. Some laid on the bed, beers in hand as they laughed while others sat on the couch. You spotted MJ on the floor, laughing with Harry Osborn.
“Who’s the chick Parker?” One of the boys said, silencing the room and putting everyone's attention on you.
“This is Y/n,” he gestured towards you, “Y/n, everyone,” Peter finally let go of your hand, popped himself on the edge of the bed, picking up a beer from the side table and nodding his head at the empty space besides him.
You looked towards MJ panicked, but all she did was mouth ‘go’ with a shit eating grin. You sneered back at her, rolling your eyes as you walked up to the bed, bending your right leg back to sit on your calf while the other dangled over the edge.
“You’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Peter leaned into your ear, whispering gently, “Again, you don’t have to do anything you don’t have to,”
You pouted at his actions, melting at the fact that he was so observant with you. You looked down at his beer, before looking back up at him. If you were going to get through the rest of the night, you needed to be absolutely wasted.
“Do you have another beer?” You asked him, pointed to his bottle.
“You could just have mine,” he offered his drink, passing it off to you.
You bit your lip, taking a long swig of the liquid, “Thank you,”
Before the both of you could converse any longer, a girl with short blond hair you knew from English, called out from the corner, “Okay, okay, who wants to go next?”
“I think Y/n should go,” flash said, holding up his bottle towards you, “She’s the new one isn’t she?”
Peter looked at you, silently asking if you needed him to say anything. But you decided to take things into your own hands for the first time that night.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” you said, taking another swig of beer.
“Alright Y/n,” Harry said smugly, leaning back on his forearm, “Truth or dare?”
You thought about it for a bit, missing the smug look on MJ’s face as you muttered, “Dare”
“I dare you to give Peter a lap dance,” she said immediately, leaning back as she held in her laugh at your washed out face, “I mean we could send you to the other room if you want more privacy,”
You sat speechless and once again wanted to melt into the sheets beneath you. You felt Peter’s hand wrap around yours, giving him your attention.
“Only if you want to,” he muttered, giving you a soft smile.
“I-,” you took a deep breath, trying to gather the little confidence you had left, “Which room?”
Hollers and shouts bounced off the walls, as everyone hyped both of you up. Peter stood, pulling you up with him, leading you out the room.
“Take as much time as you need!” You heard MJ shout after you before the door closed, leaving you and Peter alone once again.
Your heart pounded inside your chest as Peter guided you once again to another room. You gulped, wondering if you had made the right decision so give a lap dance to your crush. He didn’t say anything as he knocked on a door, opening it when he didn't hear any noise come from the room.
“After you,” he said politely.
“Thank you,” you said shyly, walking to the middle of the room.
Peter closed the door behind him, leaning against the wood, “Sooooo,” he dragged looking you up and down, “I- uh, didn't expect you to say yes,”
“Me neither,” you chuckled, looking down to the floor.
“I mean if you don’t want to, it’s just a silly bet,” Peter said, fiddling with his fingers.
“Do-,” you coughed, “Do you want me too?”
“It’s up to you really,”
“But would you mind if i-“
“I mean I wouldn’t be against it-,”
You both laughed nervously falling into silence after that. You looked around the room, finding interest with everything besides him. You were fidgety, playing with your fingers while tapping your foot on the floor rapidly to calm your nerves. It was stupid, you’ve been dreaming about him for so long, and now that you were finally in a room together you clamed up, not knowing what to do in his presence.
Peter on the other hand kept his gaze on you, his eyes racking your body up and down. He wasn't going to lie to himself and say that he’d never thought of this moment, the moment where you and him were finally together, in a room, all alone.
You were different from the girls he was used to in the frat. You were untouched, well to his knowledge, you were a clean slate and from the small confrontations he’s had with you, he could tell you were obedient too.
He wanted so bad to just have his way with you, to absolutely ravish you like he did in his dreams. But he wanted to savour it. After so long of watching you pin over him, purely to feed his ego, he was ready to take things to the next level and what better way than with a good lap dance. Sure he was the good guy, both as himself and as his alternate persona as a hero, but when it comes to you, all his morals were thrown out the window.
Besides, you were both intoxicated and he didn't want your first time together to be at a stupid party in a room he was barely familiar with.
After a few more seconds of silence, Peter decided to take things into his own hands, to make his fantasy a reality, or to just get it started at least. He was the first to make a move, walking right up to you, taking your chin between his fingers, tilting your head up to look at him while his other hand made its way to the side of your waist, pulling you closer.
“Y/n?” He asked, swiping his thumb across your lips. He may have an unhealthy obsession with them but it didnt matter because in the next few moments he would make them his, “I’m not stupid you know,”
You blinked rapidly, tilting your head to the side at his statement, confused and slightly hurt.
Peter only chuckled, slipping his thumb between your lips for a split second before pulling it back out and resting it back on your plump lip, testing the waters, “I said i noticed you, and when I mean I noticed you,” he leaned forward, placing his lips near your ear, “I meant everything, down to the constant heart eyes,”
You held your breath, not knowing how to feel, what to think. Peter Parker, the Peter Parker, was standing in front of you, playing with your lips with such close proximity, telling you that he was aware of your existence. That there was a chance that he might feel the same way about you.
You had to remind yourself that this was just a bet, that he didn’t mean anything he was saying. He was only doing it because he had to. Even if he was a sweet boy by heart, he still had a reputation for sleeping around, that to him you were just another girl to add to his collection. 
But when he pushed his thumb into your mouth, you knew you'd fall victim as well.
“Mhh,” he hummed, “such a good girl, just like i knew you’d be,” suddenly, he pulled his thumb out of your mouth and sat back down on the bed, pulling you to straddle his lap, “Now, i believe you have a dare to fulfill,”
“I- uh,” you stuttered, hesitantly placing your hands on his shoulder as you settled into his hold.
“You’ve never done this before, have you princess?” Peter mumbled, hovering his lips over yours.
“i-,” you shook your head, lost for words when he called you princess.
He hummed, one of his hands gripping your waist while the other laided on your cheek, rubbing the soft skin with his thumb, “Let’s start off slow then,” his thumb moved to your mouth once more, playing with the bottom lip. You sat frozen, letting him take control. You didn't trust your body to move, you could barely even talk.
“I’ve always wondered what it was like to kiss these perfect lips,” he whispered, moving to kiss your neck, trailing his way up to the corner of your mouth, “I’d imagine you’ve though the same,”
You nodded, tightening your hold on his shoulders. Peter laughed, his breath hot on your face.
“You’re going to need to say something if you want me to continue princess,”
“Yes,” you squeaked, clearing your throat, embarrassed by your quick response, “Yes, I-uh, I’ve thought about this, yeah,”
“Hmm, good,” he mumbled before finally latching his lips on yours, keeping your face close with his hand.
His lips were rougher that you imagined, probably from constantly licking them for most of the night. But the more you kissed, your mouths opening and closing with each other like its own dance, the more wet and lustful it became. You could feel your body begin to relax into his, melting into the warmth. His confidence only grew with the soft moans escaping your mouth, quickly slipping his tongue inside when your lips parted, exploring your mouth with vigour and purpose.
Your breath hitched in response, using your own tongue to match his movements and tangling it with his, fighting for dominance you were sure he was going to win. Your fingers ran through his hair, tugging at the short curls at the base of his neck, smiling when he groaned into your mouth. You beamed at him when you finally pulled away, a string of spit connected your lips.
“This seems more than just a lap dance,” you let out a shaky sigh, resting your forehead against his.
He chuckled, using his hands to bring your hips closer to his crotch, your dress rolling further up around your waist.
“Then what are you waiting for,” he said cockily, leaning back on his forearms, looking back at you expectantly.
You let out a breath, readjusting yourself on his lap before moving your hips slowly. Your pussy barely made contact with his now hard cock poking through his jeans, teasing it ever once in a while when your panties brushed the tent. You smirked, despite not knowing what the hell you were doing, it seemed like you were doing a decent job.
“Don’t get to cocky princess,” he groaned, squeezing your waist tightly, “You forget that I’m the one in charge here,”
You bit your lip, muttering a soft sorry.
He hummed, nudging his nose with yours, “Let me help you then,” 
He grasped your hips, pulling your it closer to his crotch, grinding it against your core. You let him guide you with his hands, following his lead supporting yourself with your own hands clutching on to his shoulder.   
He let out a long sigh, his head falling back. You took that as the queue to grind faster, enjoying the effect you had on him with such a simple movement. Your confidence grew with the noises escaping his throat along with the occasional praise only fueling your need.
In a rush of the moment, you moved your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him into a needy kiss. It was much more sloppier and messier than the previous one, your focus more on moving your hips than keeping your lips in sync with his.
But you wanted more. As much as you enjoyed Peter’s eyes trailing your body, his hands exploring your waist and the angelic look on his face, you couldn't help but wonder if it stopped there. If you could make his moans louder, his hips jut against your with need, just as much as you needed him.
After a few more moments, an idea popped into your head with the faint sound of music coming from downstairs.
“Peter,” you decided to purr in your ear, biting your lip when his eyes fluttered open, dark and filled with lust.
“Yes princess,” He cooed, moving his hands back to your waist while keeping eye contact, brushing his lips over yours. But before he could fully kiss you, you pulled away, giggling at the little whine he let out.
“What is it?” he pouted, rolling his eyes when you didn’t respond, only biting your lip in thought. He grabbed your jaw, focussing your gaze back on him, “You were being such a good girl, what happened hmm?”
“I- I have an idea,” you gulped, the confidence you felt seconds ago melting away under his stare, “Do you have a speaker?”
He nodded his head, pointed to a desk in the corner with a small black speaker sitting on top. You smirked, hopping off his lap and running to the box. Peter leaned back on hands, watching with curious eyes as you pulled out your phone from your jacket pocket, tapping it open and typing in your password.
“What’s going through that head of your princess,” he mumbled, but loud enough for you to hear.
You only giggled in response, playing around with the speaker to turn in on. After a few more seconds of fiddling, you spun around with your phone in hand and a teasing smile on your face. Your finger pressed down on the screen, the room filling with the song Love Is A Bitch by Two Feet.
He scoffed, “And here I am thinking you were just an innocent little thing,” 
You bit your lip, looking down shyly and placing your phone on the table, your back facing him, “I just wanted to set the mood,”
“Was grinding down on me not enough?” he teased, “Are you always this greedy?”
You let out a breath before turning around, your heart practically beating out of your chest, “Only with you,”
You glanced up at the brunette face, nervous that maybe you took it too far. It was just a simple lap dance, nothing more and nothing less and you should've kept it that way. But the kiss was addicting, keeping you in a daze where all you wanted was more. More of his touch, his mouth, his taste.
You’ve wanted him for so long and now that you dipped your toes in the waters, you wanted to dive in and never come out. What really kept you going was his reactions to your touch, the small grunts and moans escaping his mouth because of you. He wanted this as much as you did or else he would’ve shut you down by now, right?
You were just getting ahead of yourself.
“Come here Y/n,” he almost growled, his eyes never leaving you while you shuffled your way between his legs, yelping when he gripped your waist and pulled you back down. Instead of straddling his waist, he moved you so your legs were on either side of his left thigh.
You went to speak but the gripped your jaw with his forefinger and thumb, forcing your eyes on him.
“You never fail to surprise me princess,” he whispered, his free hand trailing up your waist, brushing past your breasts, “I thought I had to treat you like a good girl, take my time with you” he chuckled darkly, “Turns out you need this just as much as I do, my greedy, desperate little thing,”
You bit your lip, tucking your head in the crook of his neck to avoid his stare. The pet names he gave you was already enough to leave you a mess but adding ‘my’ in front of it made you melt. You wanted to be his, you wanted him to take control of your body and use you as he pleased. He adjusted his thigh, having it bump against your clothed pussy. Heat rose to your face when you let out a small whimper, settling back on his leg, craving the friction but you didn’t move, waiting for specific instructions.
“You weren’t so shy before, what happened?” he kissed the shell of your ear, “Go on princess, ride my thigh like the desperate whore I know you are,” 
Without thinking you began to grind your pussy along his thigh, your face growing hotter when you felt the wetness seep on to his jeans. Peter kept his hands on your waist, keeping your movements at his own past, occasionally bouncing his leg, enjoying the little whines you let out. When you started moving faster, he knew you were nearing your high.
“Princess, look at me,” he grunted,“I want to see that pretty face when you cum,”
You let out a shaky sigh, pulling your head up to face him but you could barely keep your head up, too concentrated on moving your hips against the rough fabric of his jeans. He quickly recognised this and wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing lightly to get some of your attention. 
“Peter,” you whimpered, near to tears with how close you were to climaxing, “Peter please,”
“What is it princess? You want to cum? Is that it?”
You nodded quickly, “Please,”
“Go ahead princess,” he grinned, smashing his lips against your to swallow your moans as you came on his thigh, your hips moving in slow strokes to prolong the feeling. You pulled away after a few moments of feverish kissing, your arms falling limp around his shoulders.
“Fuck,” you sighed, your forehead falling against his with the breathless laugh, “That was-”
“Great? Amazing? The best experience of your life?” he laughed, falling back against the mattress, pulling you down with him. You giggled, shoving your face in his neck and inhaling his comforting scent.
“Yeah,” you turned your head to face him, pouting when a piece of his hair fell in front of his stunning eyes. You moved it out of his face, kissing his nose in the process, “I liked it a lot,”
“That’s good, that’s good,” he whispered, tightening his arms around you.
All of a sudden you felt something poke at the inside of your thigh. It took you a few moments to realise that he was hard and was probably aching to get off at this point in the night. 
“Do- do you want me to help?” you said shyly, sitting up on your hands to fully face him.
“You don't have to princess,” his hands passed up and down your waist, “Seeing you fall apart from my thigh is all I needed tonight,”
The twitch of his eye and dryness of his lips told you otherwise. 
“Are you sure?” you bit your lip, moving your hand slowly down to his hard on, “because I don’t mind helping Petey,”
You didn’t know where the nickname came from but it was too late to take it back. Judging by the dark look in his eyes and the almost cynical look on his face he didn’t mind.
“You want to help me princess? Are you sure you know what you’re in for?”
You shook your head eagerly, “Just tell me what you want,”
“And what if i want you to suck my cock?”
“I would do it,”
“Do what?”
“Su- suck your cock,” you replied bashfully looking down at your hands now intertwined on his stomach.
“Aww, is my princess getting shy?” he fake pouted, “After getting off on my thigh like a slut, you’re getting shy about taking me in your mouth?”
“It’s alright princess i’ll guide you through it,” he reached down to unzip his jeans, shuffling awkwardly to push them down so he could get his member out. You watched as his hard dick slapped against his chest, big and throbbing.
He moved your hips back so that you straddled his legs this time, taking your hand and raising it to your mouth.
“Spit,” he instructed, looking up at you with hunger, “Now,”
You hesitantly spit into your hand, watching in awe as the wad fell into your hand.
“Good girl,” he sighed, moving your hand to wrap your small finger around the base of his cock, “Have you ever jerked someone off princess?”
“Just two,” you respond hesitantly.
Peter gritted his teeth, trying to get the idea of you touching anyone else out of his mind, “Well let's make this your third and final guy hmm?” his breath hitched when you started to move your hand up and down his cock, “You’re mine now princess,”
In the spur of the moment you leaned down, licking the red tip of his member, “Only yours,” you whispered before taking him halfway in your mouth, gagging and pulling yourself back up.
“Take your time princess,” he gulped, “fuck but you could do that again if you’d like though,”
You giggled, licking and kissing the sides of his cock and taking it once more, reaching further than this time than you did the last. You bobbed your head continuously only raising your head to take a breath and going in again.
“Fuck princess, I knew your mouth would be good,” he groaned, “You’re doing so well, taking my cock so good down your throat, fuck!”
You smiled around his length, the back of your throat contracting around the tip making him moan your name. Before he could praise you even more, someone's voice cut his words off.
“Everything alright in there?” MJ said through the door but you were too lost in your daze to answer or recognise her voice.
“Yeah, we’re good,” Peter smirked, pushing you to take the rest of his cock, “We’re just going to take longer than expected,”
Part two maybe??
Permanent Taglist : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7@wakeupandsmellthelavender @kaithezaftig @theliterarymess @thirstiestpotato @i-love-superhero @lovewolfspirit @lowkey-holland @miltifandoms1019
Peter Parker Taglist : @ietss @itscaminow @dummiesshort @seutarose @cebaratn16 @lanceyfancypants @clara-licht @sadassflatass @usuck @yeah-seems-legit @lolasm0nst3r
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Owen Grady’s child
Owen Grady x child!reader
warnings: knives, guns
a/n: i cannot remember the plot bare w me
prompt: being owen’s child
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okay, let’s start with the fact that he’s a single dad
that did not stop him from raising you right
navy brat
after a little bit of instability during his years of service, he got a job as a raptor trainer
so you see, it wasn’t a typical childhood
you two moved to isla nublar so he could begin his work
“woah, that’s a dinosaur?”
“yeah, kiddo, she’s a velociraptor”
you were a bit older when you met the dinosaurs, so owen trusted you to be around them
“if you respect them, they’ll respect you”
blue took a liking to you pretty quick!!!
owen thought it was adorable the way you got along with the raptors
you were sort of like a co-trainer
living in that lil trailer
“this place is too small”
“quit your complaining and eat your mac and cheese”
your dad taught you how to fix cars and motorcycles
you did a bang-up job
“you really are my child. oh, my god, im so proud”
watching tv with owen all the damn time
it was usually cartoons though bc that was all he cared to watch
sometimes he forgets that you are not a raptor and you have to jog his memory
“can you get your hand out of my face before i tear it off?”
half of your holiday gifts are weapons
“look at this knife, y/n! it’s two inches longer than your old one. you’ll grow into it”
“dad, a knife is not a pair of pants...but thank you, i love it”
you’re pretty good at throwing knives, though. your dad put a target on a nearby tree for you to practice
every once in a while it’s gun practice, though
“okay, remember the proper foot stance...now arms. make sure not to lock up, make sure your fingers are clear from anything that could move...okay, go!”
there was a high level of trust between you and your dad
he ruffles your hair a lot, you used to care
you no longer care
you had free admission to the park, so sometimes you’d take the day off and wander around for a while
you always came home with a stuffed animal (or several)
“is that a stuffed pterodactyl?”
“his name is pterry”
back to raptor training: you loved it!!!!!!!
training a dinosaur was nothing like training a dog, lemme tell you
these lovely dinos made you so happy!!!
they’re pretty at-ease when you’re nearby
arguing when anyone talks about using them for some sort of selfish profit
“they’re animals, dipshit! stop treating them like weapons!”
“mr. grady, are you going to tell your child to behave?”
“no, no i will not”
claire popping over to see your dad while you were working on his bike
because she suddenly needed your dad’s help
and wanted to exclude you until your dad said he wouldn’t do anything unless you had the opportunity to come along
“you know, y/n, i have a nephew who’s about the same age as you visiting here right now”
“how old am i, claire?”
she did not have a response
your dad was stifling chuckles
“nice one, kid” *high five*
tHe InDoMiNuS rEx
you: 👀
owen: 👀
yeah this was not gonna be good
tbh you almost died when you were surveying the cage
why? oh, i don’t know...because there was a BIG FUCKING DINOSAUR IN THAT BITCH
“y/n! under there!”
you ran ahead of owen and ducked under a truck where he soon followed (and dumped gasoline all over yall)
terrifying, truly
your dad did not want to let you out of his sight
not todayyyy
“are you okay, yeah?”
busting into the control center :) tee hee
while owen was barking orders at people and telling them to not do what they were doing, you were sitting next to the guy with a bunch of dinosaurs on his desk
“you like them?”
“not really, i’m not five”
turning to the screen to see flatlining soldiers
“oh, shit. uh, that’s not good. you need to close the park maybe?”
they dont like listening to the child with the bright ideas ig
they did end up shutting off rides though. best they can do, huh?
claire couldnt get in contact with her nephews
you went after them together
it was a long ass journey
you almost died a few times
although your father did trust you to take care of yourself, even in a situation like this, he still was extremely worried for your safety
you got a gun :)
this was actually positively the worst day of your life
okay, it took a long while to catch up to claire’s nephews
“jesus, claire, you’re nephews sure know how to move. this is getting exhausting”
you didn’t find them until the......pterodactyls got loose
“pterry would never do something like this”
“not the time or place, y/n”
“sorry, dad”
finally finding those damn kids
“hey, i’m y/n, your crazy ass aunt just dragged me and my dad all the way around the island to find you!”
oh yeah a pterodactyl tackled your dad
whoop de do your gun was jammed
claire saved the day and all three of you witnessed their little display of pda amidst chaos
“wow, uh, maybe we’ll be cousins...”
your dad finally caved and agreed to use the raptors to find the indominus rex
and you got to prove your badassery out there
“you sure you’re up for this mission, y/n? you know you can stay with claire and the boys if you want”
“i’ll be okay, dad, i promise”
he gave you a hug
okay i cant lie, you and your dad riding motorcycles side-by-side among velociraptors was probably the coolest thing you’ll ever get to do
but they, uh, kind of turned on you and next thing you know, you were speeding after the ambulance claire was driving
zach and gray were relieved to see you
you gave ‘em a little wave
“do you think we’ll ever be that cool?”
“gray, not now”
“i’m gonna take that as a ‘no’”
it was an Experience(tm)
you were split up from your dad and the boys while she was doing that
so you were deathly worried
running over there when it was safe
“is everyone alright?”
“define ‘alright’” -gray
“we’re fine, y/n” -zach
“are you okay?” -dad
“yeah, i think so”
this final battle between the dinosaurs was a bit shocking to watch, but it was hard to keep your eyes off
it all wrapped up and the dinos were let loose
and......the park got closed down
you and your dad were unemployed effective immediately
but your dad and claire finally got together
“you guys are sweet but are we all going to fit in that little camper?”
“we’ll make it work”
they did for a while
but there was a lot if arguing
your dad wanted to reside in the camper forever, claire didn’t, they broke up, you stayed with your dad to help him out during hard times, he decided to build a cabin
he claims he was not affected by the breakup but you knew better
you and your dad had an unbreakable bond, you’d been through so much together
it was only a matter of time before the world had something new in store for you and dad
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
the manliest man
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— Hoodies and playlists, a simple and effective way to capture your heart. —
pairing: kirishima eijirou x reader
warnings: cursing, fluff
word count: 3,805
a/n: I had like a sudden kirishima fluff mood, and this was transpired. it was so weird because I typically dont get character moods for anyone who isn’t shouto, anyways enjoy my rewritten story because i did not save it HA
“Take your sweater, dumbass, you’ll get cold at night!”
The second those words left Bakugou’s lips, you knew that he was right, but you were never one to follow directions. Especially Bakugou’s instructions.
Today had been disgustingly hot. 
You were wearing your shortest pair of shorts and a tank top that was practically see-through due to your sweat and the ocean water. After all, there was nothing like spending the hottest day at the beach with your closest friends.
But like most hot summer days, once the sun began to set upon the horizon, the crystal blue waters fading from their crisp blue to emeralds and purples, and the sky becoming a rainbow of warm deep colors, did it begin to cool off. It was a gentle chill at first, a small tickle on your skin that you had believed to be just the effect of no longer having the blazing sun beating down on your skin. But it grew stronger.
Soon after the night sky had turn black, the only source of light coming from the firepit before you, and its illuminations against Kirishima’s brightly smiling face did you notice that your skin had turned numb with the cold. As a side effect of your quirk, your hands were always warm, but against your frozen skin, you yelped.
Kaminari, who had been in the midst of a winning argument against Bakugou solely because his ignorance was outpacing Bakugou’s irritation, stopped and looked at you. Your face began to heat up when all of your friends turned to look at you too. Sero, who never seemed to grow cold, smirked at you with his dumb short-sleeved sweater. Bakugou, who was wearing too many layers despite the summer night, frowned at you. Mina’s lips spread into a grin, her eyes shifting over quickly between you and… you couldn’t tell, but she had a mischievous look in her eyes.
“Are you cold?”
Kirishima’s voice was curious and concerned at your side. Daring to look over at the redhead who was sitting on the same log as you, your cheeks heat up more in your embarrassment. Kirishima had been another person who Bakugou had yelled at earlier to bring a jacket for the night time, as he often got cold too. Bakugou had cursed the two of you like some angry parent, swearing that if either one of you got cold that night, he wasn’t going to share any of the jackets he brought for himself. Together, you and your friend stuck out your tongue at the angry Pomeranian and skipped off to the van in merry joy. However, unlike how you were currently out of a jacket, Kirishima had a two-second conversation with Mina before eventually returning to the van with a hoodie.
So instead of two cold idiots, there was only one.
“N-No,” you stammer, your gaze dropping from his concerned red ones. “I just thought of something scary.”
“Oh, yeah?” Bakugou sneers, obviously taking his frustration of not being able to beat Kaminari in this senseless argument to beat you in your denial. “What’s so damn scary, dumbass?”
Your mouth screws up into a pout, you didn’t like to lose to Bakugou Katsuki, and at times like this, it showed.
For the next twenty minutes, the two of you would fire insults and debate at each other, the potent words holding no weight as the two of you held small grins on your face. But it was all for naught, the moment after you managed to get in a closing insult, the roaring laughter of your friends heavy in your ears, did a shiver run down your spine.
Fuck, it was so cold.
“SEE, DAMN IDIOT, YOU ARE COLD!” Bakugou roared.
You pouted, your arms folding around you, the need for warmth growing.
But you were surprised to feel something warm fall on your lap. Your eyes peered down to see the red hoodie that belonged to Kirishima, and you focused your attention on the red-haired boy who was pulling his orange shirt further down his stomach. 
Kirishima looked up, meeting your gaze once again, and he smiled gently.
“I’m not that cold, you can wear my sweater for now.”
“No!” you shake your head, trying to return the warm fabric back to Kirishima. “I’m the one that didn’t bring a sweater, I can’t take yours!”
You place the sweater on his lap.
Kirishima throws his hands up, skillfully avoiding the clothing back from you, “It’s not manly if I let you grow cold!”
He puts the sweater back on your lap.
“Kiri, please, it’s not manly if I let you get sick!”
It’s back on his lap.
“It’s summer, I promise I won’t get sick!”
And it’s on yours.
You shake your head, you were practically on Kirishima’s leg, shoving the red hoodie into his chest. “I’ll steal one of Bakugou’s!”
“Like hell you are,” Bakugou snaps, his eyes narrowing in on you, daring you to try.
You stuck out your tongue at Bakugou but decided to keep your attention on the man before you. “I can’t just take your hoodie.”
“Well, we can’t share it.”
You thought about how the hoodie was practically form-fitting on your friend, and in your memory, you can see how the fabric was taut around his muscle, highlighting the divets in his arms, the bulges in his arms, and the muscles on his chest. You blinked rapidly at that thought, did you just—?
“Hey, are you okay, y/l/n?” Kirishima asks, his fingers brushing against your shoulder.
Your shoulders were bare due to the tank top you wore, and you felt the sheer warmth of his calloused hands. His fingers pressing against your skin sent shooting warmth into your bones, and the next thing you knew, you were tumbling off the log onto the sand.
“Y/N!” They all shouted while you stumbled back onto your feet, the sand falling off your body while you squeaked out apologies.
“Put on the sweater, y/n,” Mina shouted while you were in the middle of a made-up explanation as to why you tumbled onto the floor like some clutzy child and not the Pro Hero you were.
“Yeah, of c-course,” you say, yanking the red hoodie over your head while you continue your conversation. Your actions don’t entirely hit you until the heavy fabric hangs loosely around you, so unlike the tight fit against Kirishima. It never really hit you how much smaller you were than Kirishima until then. 
But the conversation had moved, and they were no longer focused on the way that you were standing there. Warmth finally settling into your skin, but you weren’t quite ready to sit down. The lingering scent of Kirishima lay within the confinements of his sweater.
It was a clean scent, mixed with the tiniest whiff of floral and a muted spice. It invaded your senses slowly, and you swore you found yourself with your eyes closed, nose buried into the sweater, needing more. 
“Y/n?” A soft voice called for you, and you whipped around to see Kirishima sliding down onto the sand, his legs separated. An embarrassed blush sat on his face, and you willed your entire power not to stare at his arms that were not concealed with the muscle shirt he wore.
“Yeah?” You answer stupidly with your eyes wide.
“Do you mind, um, sitting here?” he asked, patting the space between his legs. “I have a feeling we won’t be leaving anytime soon, and I do get cold… if you don’t want to, I totally get it—!”
“You didn’t need to ask,” you interrupt Kirishima before he could start rambling, and you watched the red head’s face burst into a broad smile. 
The rest of the night, you stay wrapped in between Kirishima’s arms and legs, your head resting against his chest in your comfortable warmth. You would never understand the mystery behind how this man could get cold. He threw off so much body heat; it was almost a crime that he did get so cold. Wrapped in his sweater and leaning against his body made you extremely warm, not to mention that as time passed, his arms were now secured around your waist. While you had always known that he was muscular — his hero costume had never been modest in that regard — it was a whole new awakening when you could feel it pressed against you.
But as all things in life do, the time at the beach ended.
You held onto the wet towels, walking side by side with Kirishima all the way to the car. 
“I’ve missed hanging out with you,” Kirishima spoke out of the blue, the stillness of the night broken by those words.
It had been two years since you had graduated from U.A., and to say the least, you had truly missed your old friend group. No one in your class had gone to the same hero agency, well besides Bakugou and Midoriya, which no one would have seen coming for the longest of time. While Kirishima was finally going solo from the FatGum agency, you were doing the same from Edgeshot’s agency. The two of you had also learned that you were residing within the same apartment building as well last year. 
So of your old friend group, you saw Kirishima the most, but still, you missed the days where you would be up until the brink of dawn with your friends. Especially since most runs in’s with Kirishima involved one of you smelling like blood and grime and overall not ready for human interaction.
“We really do suck, huh?” you respond, dumping the towels into the trunk of the van. “We need to hang out more, but this hero life is a lot more time consuming than I ever gave it credit for.”
He nods his head in agreement, closing the trunk once you step back. 
“When else are you free this week? Or when is your lunch break?”
You smiled, looking over at your friend over your shoulder while making your way into the van.
“I always get Thursday’s off, and I take my lunch at two.”
You didn’t see the way that Kaminari clapped Kirishima’s back in a small victory while you climbed to the end of the van. You had opted to take the seat in the back. 
Bakugou had insisted that no one was allowed to sit next to him when he drove, as last time it happened, Kirishima was in front and well… long story short: the car was nearly forced off a cliff.
So an official ‘Bakugou-hangs-out-with-his-friends’ rule was: no one was allowed to ride shotgun with him driving. Bakugou was also the official driver in the friend group, so that meant that he was always in the front alone.
Consequentially that meant that Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima would take the middle row, and you and Mina were in the back.
“Kiri, go in the back with y/n!” Mina shouted, shoving the large man in behind you.
Having already been seated comfortably, you smiled up at the dark shadows that illuminated on Kirishima’s face. You watched the comfortable grin stretch across his face when he sat next to you. To be honest, you couldn’t remember much of the ride back, only that Bakugou had blasted his classical music to destress for keeping him up so late at night.
All you knew is that at some point, you had pressed up into Kirishima’s side, his arm draping around your shoulder, holding you gently to him. His chest hummed with his laughter while he and Kaminari continued to pester Bakugou, and you saw Sero and Mina out cold.
In the warmth of it all, the comfort of being pressed into Kirishima’s side and the soft warmth of his sweater, his scent, and the car, you dozed off. 
“Hey, y/n, wake up...”
Your eyes slowly blinked open, the light of the van was on, illuminating softly onto your face. Clattering noises of Mina, Sero, and Kaminari, making it evident that you were now back at the parking lot of your apartment complex. You and Kirishima had lived the closest to the beach, so everyone had met up at your complex. 
Your hand was fisted into Kirishima’s shirt, and that’s all you needed to tear away from him, a squeak muffled by his hoodie sleeve. 
“Sorry,” you mutter while his lips quirk into a gentle smile.
“It’s all good! It was actually very comfortable.”
“Would you both get the fuck out of the car and help out?! I’m fucking tired...” 
Grinning at Kirishima, you exited the car after Kirishima.
Going around, you hugged your friends' goodbye, laughing loudly when Bakugou tried to act like he didn’t enjoy having a hug. Finally, you reached Mina, who threw her arms around you like it was nothing, and she brought her lips to your ear.
“You and Ei are looking pretty damn comfy back there.”
Rolling your eyes, you pinched your best friend on the side, ignoring your beating heart.
“How would you know, you were knocked out?!”
“I have my ways, sweetheart, goodnight!!! Have some fun tonight!”
“It’s one in the morning, I’m taking a shower and having a fun sleep,” you sass. Mina scrunches her nose and presses a kiss to your cheek.
“NIGHT!!! Ei, get her inside safely for me!”
“You know, I will!” Kirishima calls from where he stands. It seems that he is in the middle of some slugfest with the boys, although you’re not sure who is hitting who.
It takes about five minutes more of verbal banter before everyone finally climbs into their cars and leaves. Waving goodbye until you could no longer, Kirishima opens the front door, letting you in first.
“I’ll walk you to your door,” Kirishima states, hitting your floor level on the elevator but not his own.
“You don’t have to do that,” you yawn, pressing your hand to your mouth to stifle the loud noise from your mouth. “Go to your place!”
As you reached to press his floor button on the elevator, he batted your hand to the side. Your eyes widened while you retract your hand.
The rest of the elevator ride consisted of you trying to press Kirishima’s floor level, but he managed to keep you away. It wasn’t until the elevator door slide open did he throw you over his shoulder and walked off towards your apartment despite your pleading. Your stomach pressed into his shoulder a bit uncomfortably, but you figured it was just his stupidly buff shoulder.
Placing you back on the floor, you huffed slightly, your arms folding while Kirishima grins down at you.
“I could’ve made it back by myself just fine,” you insist, your arms folding in front of your chest. But you don’t miss the way that his eyes drag down your body, a smile soft on his face, undisturbed, relaxed. 
“I know you could’ve,” he whispers, his fingers brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. Your eyes widen at the feeling of his calloused fingers against your cheek. He truly amazed you, how someone who took the mass brunt of the most significant attacks in their hero career could still be scarless beside the small one by his eye was beyond you. “Goodnight, y/n.”
He presses a small kiss to your cheek, and your face flares into a fire pit. 
“Goodnight, Ei,” you murmur, feeling disheartened when you push him away. 
He watches you walk into your apartment, and all you can see is his red eyes staying on you until the door is closed behind you. Despite the late hour of the night, you sank to the ground no longer able to contain the slight squeal in your voice. 
Years of having a slight crush on the red head man had been forgotten over your new life as a hero, but in a single night, those darkening embers had returned in blazing glory. Pressing your head to the door, you realized that you were still wearing Kirishima’s sweater.
Cursing, you rose to your feet, throwing open the door in hopes that he was still in the hallway.
He wasn’t.
Sighing, you closed the door. You could bring it to him tomorrow, it would give you another excuse to visit the smiling man tomorrow. Sliding your hands into the pocket, your fingers brushing against something cold and hard.
Frowning, you pulled out an iPod.
Your eyebrows furrowed, but it soon melted into a warm smile. Of course, Kirishima would still have an iPod, he was a man of… refined taste, after all.
Thinking back to your days at U.A., you tried to remember what music he was into. But besides a very, very fuzzy memory of the song he had used to try out for the class band’s performance during the culture festival, he was never one to control the music. 
Harmlessly, your finger pressed the center button, a small smile spreading on your face at the memory of your own iPod from a long time ago. Once the apple logo faded to the home screen, you slide down to the songs. But you had overshot it, and with your fingers used to the touchscreen technology you had, you accidentally entered his playlists.
Groaning to yourself, you walked into your bathroom, peeling off his sweatshirt while you took out your toothbrush.
There were only three playlists.
Your eyes widened.
Was that your name?
That couldn’t be you, right? You tracked your memory in an attempt to remember any other y/n’s that Kirishima could possibly know in his life, and to your thrill of your already pounding heart, there were none. Taking in a shaky breath, you hoped there was no intrusion when you selected your name. 
Now you were not a music fanatic. You knew your famous songs and every weird song that Mina enjoyed to dance to, but besides that, you were not educated in music, still there was no stopping your shocked glee when you began to play his playlist.
best part by HER 
How would you feel by Ed Sheeran
Mystery of love by sufjan Stevens
Old fashioned by Bruno major
Please notice by Christian leave
Cheek to cheek by Frank Astaire
Please notice by Christian Akridge
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift
Adore You by harry styles
Better Man by 5SOS
To Be So Lonely by Harry Styles
Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Work Song by Hozier
Strong by One Direction
beautiful by Bazzi
Strawberry Blonde by Mitski
Dance With Me by beabadoobee
One Sweet Day by boyz II men
Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley
Softly by clairo
Nobody like you by Little Mix
Yellow by Coldplay
Lo Que Siento by Cuco
Still Together by Mac DeMarco
Distance by Emily King
Flirting in Space by Brad Stank
Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg 
Someone To You by Banners She by Dodie 
Cherry Wine by Hozier 
Let’s Fall in Love for The Night by FINNEAS
Song after song played, the words of every song playing from the small device and into your ear. The words, the intention, of every single lyric swelled your chest, making your head spin while you lay in your bed. 
Kirishima Eijirou… liked you too?
It was soon four in the morning by the time you had gotten through every song, but you were nowhere near sleepy anymore. Grasping the iPod in your hand, you pushed up off your bed and ran out the door.
There was nothing that could stop you, you had taken the staircase instead of the elevator, climbing four flights of stairs until you crashed through the door. Your heart was in your throat when you pounded on his door, your breathing sharp and shallow. Although you had no idea whether it was from running to his apartment in less than a minute, or because this emotional overload you were experiencing.
He liked you.
“Wha— y/n? Are you okay? It’s four a.m. is something… is something wrong? Is it a spider again?” Kirishima yawned deeply when the front door opened.
He looked at you, sleep heavy on his eyes, but there was that alertness and concern that even sleepiness couldn’t contain.
“I saw your playlist for me,” you breathe, staring up at him, your eyes wide.
“Y-You wh-what?!” Kirishima squeaked, his cheeks turning redder than his hair, his eyes now gone of tiredness, but now worry and embarrassment.
“I listened to it,” you say, a shiver running down your spine.
The adrenaline of this revelation had left your body, and with you standing in the highly air-conditioned hallway wearing a tank top and shorts. The two of you stared at each other while Kirishima seemed to gulp thickly, his eyes flickering from random points around you when he settled.
“Fuck,” he hissed his hair raking through his unstyled hair. “You weren’t supposed to see that…”
“Why?” you question, a pit forming in your stomach, did you read into this wrongly? Maybe he no longer liked you?
“I was supposed to ask you out on a date first,” Kirishima admitted, his shoulders sagging a bit. “I’m not… I wasn’t manly enough to confess to you without help, and Mina suggested that I make a playlist of all the songs that reminded me of you! But whenever I tried to ask you out, I froze up, like a coward. I was going to try again on Thursday, actually! I’m so sorry if I put you in an uncomfortable position! O-Of course I’m not trying to assume that you like me back! If you don’t, that’s totally okay—!”
“I think you’re the manliest man I know…” you laugh, your eyes brimming with tears. “Kiss me, Eijirou,” you whisper, stepping closer to him, eyes blazing with a gentle need for the man before you.
Like a collision of color, Kirishima’s mouth slammed against yours, and your heart soared when his warm body pressed against yours. He brought you in like bright colors, capturing your attention, commanding your actions, and your arms wrapped around his shoulders. In his arms, you felt safe, the gentleness felt with cooler colors, and when the door closed behind you, you could feel his mouth stretch into a grin against your mouth. 
There were plenty more kisses that night, kisses that let the two of you learn and explore more about each other than words could ever attain. It would end when your body was cuddled into his side, the blankets of his bed doing nothing in comparison to his body heat. But your now tired fingers stroked his cheek, and his hand grabbed your fingers and pressed the gentlest of kisses against it.
“Sweet dreams...”
To think that tonight had only happened because you had forgotten your sweater.
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just-a-fangirl13 · 4 years
Why s5 *might* be the season MacRiley happens
Okay so...Hear me out! I'm not crazy I promise!!
Firstly, after 5x03 (and probably 5x04) it may seem very unlikely that MacRiley could ever happen. But I thought of a few reasons why they might actually happen by the end of s5 after all.... (it gets a lil long winded and kinda complicated but just stick with me till the end!)
1. All the MacRiley moments including the ones in 5x03.
[this Mac smile could not be an accident or something that slipped through both production and post-production right?! that in itself is a whole reason!]
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Every Macriley moment we have ever had- whether it's the hugs, Riley saving Mac, Mac saving Riley, the ultimate show of loyalty when Riley went after Mac during Codex or even just the looks exchanged between the two- to any outsider it would seem pretty obvious that they are dating or at least in love. Keep in mind the writers would have written each of those scenes and Lucas and Tristan have acted them out with a specific build up in mind aka MacRiley.(think about the date episode: Riley just got dumped but was still thinking about how Mac might be hungry. She didnt have to do that. She could have just shown up at his place..) I mean how can they write two people so perfectly in sync and so perfect for each other and not have them end up together? It would just be a waste of all that tension and slow burn. (not to mention all the hugs and glances)
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2. They know we exist. 
The MacRiley fam is very active on twitter with the writers and while they were writing 5x01 they knew we were around. They know we are a huge group. They would not want to risk pissing 90% of the fandom off by not making MacRiley endgame.
[P.S.yes 5x03 was a bait and switch but if you were paying attention you would have noticed that neither Lucas not Tristan live tweeted or hyped up the episode. They knew we would probably hate it so they didnt publicise it too much! so in the future if you have doubts about the episode being a MacRiley one just check their stories or posts on twitter/intstagram]
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3. Yes 5x03 happened. 
I really think it was an episode they HAD to write. Ok so after 4x13 they had 7 more episodes planned and were filming 4x20 (aka the finale) when the pandemic struck. So they have these 6 episodes but no finale for it. [Idk if anyone else has noticed but in 5x01 there were clearly some parts cut out. For example the conversation between Desi and Riley towards the end seemed a bit jilted. Riley asking Desi to forgive her but Desi replied with yeah we are cool (still no apology ofc) I feel like something happened during that which ended up getting cut out so it could fit with the final story.]
This makes me think that they have rewritten a few bits to tie into the new finale episode. In 5x03 when Mac asked Desi to come fishing with him which was clearly something very personal to him she was like no do better.. then we see Mac's disappointed expression. She could have easily said okay but maybe not for our first date? Or its not really my thing? Or just about anything else rather than laughing in his face like that. Eventhough MD is together they still arent compatible. Mac’s final words in 5x03 was him being desperate. I truly think he is so broken and lost that Desi is the only safe thing left, the only thing he feels like he can fix right now. Once he finds himself again and heals...then it's going to hit him like a pile of bricks!!
4. But Riley doesn't have feelings anymore...WELL doesnt she? 
When it comes to Mac, Riley is always in denial. We saw it in s4 when she tells Bozer not to make her say it. I think s5 will show her finally accepting it. Finally accepting that she is in love with her best friend and that it definitely isnt Codex adrenaline because she caught the feels when Codex wasnt even around. While Mac's arc would include realising he and Desi are never going to work and that he is unhappy and that RILEY is the one for him.
[why else would they give Riley feelings for Mac? Something has to come of it.]
5. The slow burn rule.[this point is a lil complicated] 
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Now season 5 is rumoured to have 13 episodes. So here’s what I think: If MacGyver follows the pattern that most shows do when it comes to slow burns, then technically MacRIley should have happened at the end of season 4. But since the season got cut short and they didnt get to air/finish their final episode the writers had to improvise. 
From what I know, 4x19 which is 5x04 for us is the episode where Mac meets Desi’s parents and 4x20 was supposed to be the finale that was left unfinished.(they are definitely moving the timeline ahead if a pre finale episode is suddenly a mid season one.) There might have been a 4x21 or 4x22 but I haven't heard anything about those....EVER.
So what I think they have decided to do instead is extend the MD storyline a bit longer just so they dont end up scrapping all their s4 episodes where they would be together and write a new finale that ties everything together, aka MacRiley.
If you think about episode counts, s4 and s5 together would have 26 episodes which is a how long a normal season runs. Basically what im trying to say is if we follow the ‘slow burns end by s4’ and take season 5 as an extension of 4 then MacRiley should get together in the season 5 finale or maybe the episode just before. (IM REALLY TRYING TO GET SOME LOGIC INTO THIS)
This would be a typical TV thing too where the couple finds out about each other’s feelings while the main arc of the show is also at its peak, which perfectly sets up a future season where fans are hyped but still has a satisfying ending.
6. So what about MacDesi?
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So far the macgyver writers have given us characters we love. Think of every character on the show apart from maybe Desi... Mac, Riley, Bozer, Jack, Matty, Leanna, Samantha, Russ and even Murdoc. WE LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. So then why is Desi such a strange character? I think shes purposely been written as an opposite to Mac or even Riley (I get she’s supposed to kinda replace Jack but Jack is really irreplaceable). 
It's not necessarily a bad thing its just not a great thing to do or have great execution. People have said things like Desi is a badass and shouldnt have to apologise or say I love you back to her boyfriend because she is a strong woman...I'm sorry but your opinion of who a strong woman is, is EXTREMELY skewed. A strong woman is someone who can make mistakes and when she does, she is ‘strong’ enough to own up to it, she is loyal and fierce and also caring while being a badass who can take down bad guys. And for GODS SAKE, RILEY DAVIS IS A STRONG WOMAN...people have called her mushy and feminine on twitter and I'm just very confused by that.....
Anyways before I go off on a rant, it seems like Desi is intentionally being written this way. Every opportunity they get to redeem her and make her more relatable or just a better person they just dont take it. While Rileys character arc is one of the best I've ever seen. Either its intentional or they’ve forgotten how to write characters...which is worrisome but ill give them the benefit of the doubt.
The writers also know we dont like Desi. The amount of times we've tagged them in the toxic posts or pointed out problematic things we can be sure they've seen at least half of those. So theres no way they dont know. RIGHT?
So why then is MD still a thing you may ask??
Well for one they cant break them up again off screen because of those unreleased s4 episodes. (not to mention the other parts of the audience who arent as invested in mac’s love life would probably be very confused.)
Secondly Mac has to be the one to pull the plug, not Desi. 4x13 made it seem like Desi was the annoyed one not Mac. He apologised to her which meant he wanted to fix things. 
Thirdly, they are opening the chpt one last time before they permanently close it. MD is going to be a stark contrast to macriley(it already is in every way possible). Every issue Mac and Desi had can be used to show how amazing macriley really is as two people who arent even dating yet.
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Fourthly, MD being together is a sort of commentary on Macs mental health as well. We can see how happy he is with Riley but around Desi he becomes some one else. If the writers are doing this on purpose or subconsciously still remains to be seen.
And Yes keeping MD around for a few more episodes seems like a necessary risk right now but I have a feeling its going to be worth it later.
[I know we have had like 4 desi entered episodes already but I really think 5x04 will be the last of it since 5x05 is the Jack episode and 5x06 is Mac+Riley+Bozer episode with no mention of Desi at all!]
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The writers know we are a dedicated bunch and they know that once MD breaks up for the last time the entire fandom will be waiting and watching. That's when the show will be at its peak. That will be the perfect moment to bring in MacRiley’s arc to a new start!
Congrats if you stuck with me through this whole thing! if you agree/disgaree with any of these or have other reasons why they could be endgame in s5 let me know!!
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Reader working in retail dealing with a rude customer and Erik is a regular who steps in to put the customer in their place.
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“Who the fuck is the manager for this place?”
An angry white woman with thin brunette hair wearing a floral blouse with navy blue slacks marches into a thrift record and book store located in Soho. She had an old record in her hand; a Hall and Oates classic. Looking around with beady angry eyes, she presses her thin chapped lips into a hard line.
“Hellloooo?!!! I said who is the got damn manager of this dump?!!”
Y/N, the manager in question, was ringing up a few customers, wishing them a good day before closing her register. She heard the loud woman loud and clear. Y/N had dealt with this same woman and her daughter on plenty of occasions but they still decided to show their faces. If you had a problem with the thrift store why continue to come back? She wasn’t going to entertain them today.
“Y/N, you want me to call the police?” Y/N’s cousin, Layla, came into the thrifted shop to help every now and then.
“No, it’s cool. I can deal with it. Just get the bat ready just in case I gotta crack some skulls open.”
Clearly, the woman and her daughter didn’t know who they were messing with. Y/N is skilled in jujitsu and she could swing a bat at your ass like you were a baseball. She had to do that to some drunk man one evening who thought he would come in and rob her.
“How about that African stick that Erik got for you? The Nguni stick?”
A sly smirk slid across her face at the mention of his name. Erik Stevens was a regular of hers at the thrift shop. He would come to see her almost every night since he lived in a fancy condo in Soho, Manhattan. Layla was convinced that Erik had a huge crush on Y/N but a man like him couldn’t crush on Y/N. He was gorgeous. Full head of short moisturized dreads, fresh shape up, smelling like coco butter and mango butter, skin smooth and blemish free minus the smooth cemetrical scars on his arms. Manicured nails, white teeth, smooth moisturized lips, muscles everywhere, a deep raspy voice with an allure that has her weak in the knees. Y/N could talk about Erik all damn day and swoon.
“Yeah, bring out the Nguni.”
Y/N adjusted her skater skirt before walking around the register to approach the angry white woman. Her daughter was just behind her with arms folded and a scowl on her face. Let the bitch try something. They were just jealous because Y/N made more profit than they did at that musty ass boutique they owned. Hating ass bitches.
“Can I help you?!” Y/N approached with obvious annoyance.
“I want a fucking refund!!” The woman shook the record in Y/N’s face with rage.
“This piece of shit won’t play!!! You gave me a fucked up record and I want my damn money back.”
“Non-refundable.” Y/N cut the woman off sharply.
“Excuse me?” The daughter decides th speak up now.
“I SAID. Non-refundable. Now can y’all please leave my fucking store this is a regular thing with y’all two.”
Both of their faces grew red like a beet. Y/N was ready to handle their ass if they tried anything.
“See, what kind of owner tells their customer that? You are supposed to be selling good quality items at a thrifted price and you can’t even do that?” The woman expected her words to cut deep but they didn’t.
“Sounds like hate to me. Now it’s time for y’all to go and don’t come back I’m sick of seeing y’all face. Y’all supposed to be running a boutique, right? Ain’t making no money coming up in here with all that bullshit.”
At that point, both the woman and her daughter walked closer like they wanted to do something. Layla walks around the counter, Nguni stick in hand. Luckily there were no other customers in sight. Too late, the door opens and in walks Erik Stevens dressed in an oversized denim jacket, white t-shirt, black cargo pants, and some black timbs. The smile on his face faded once he saw the angry glare on Y/N’s beautiful face.
“Y/N, what’s going on, baby girl?” Erik steps forward, shoulders squared. The sound of his voice made Y/N’s heart melt. She looked up at him, eyes softer now and eyelashes batting like an innocent girl.
“Don’t worry yourself handsome, they’ll be gone real soon.”
The woman looked over her shoulder at Erik, looking him up and down with disgust. Erik was used to that look and it wasn’t about to faze him at all.
“Got a problem with your eyes?” He says while taking his place next to Y/N.
“Are you her husband or something?” The daughter asks with interest. She was loving the sight of Erik and it made Y/N want to gag.
“Dont worry about all that. What’s the problem?” Erik folds his toned arms across his chest, legs in a wide stance.
“I want my money back that’s what,” the woman points to the record angrily again, “it won’t play! She’s selling items that are damaged! I need my money now or I’m not leaving.”
“Oh, you’re leaving. Now.” Erik says with a predatory voice. The woman and her daughter slightly jump at the change in tone. No longer was it smooth and hypnotic. It was dangerous and scary.
“Andrea, call your father,” the woman asks in a hurry.
“Bring your husband and watch I toss his ass out of here.” Erik laughs.
“ARE YOU THREATENING MY HUSBAND?!!” At this point the woman was beyond distraught. She looked like she wanted to cry. What did she think she was coming in here to get her way? It doesn’t work like that.
“You, your husband, your daughter,” Y/N says with a sly smirk, “step foot in here again and see what happens.”
“Free country!” The daughter, Andrea, yells over her mothers shoulder, a pinched look on her face and her chin held high like she was something.
“Layla, pass me my stick,” Y/N reached for the stick, grabbing it in hand to show them that she wasn’t all talk. She meant business.
“Look, she’s gonna use her stick. Do that and we’ll call the police.”
“Nothing new with y’all people anyway. Why don’t y’all just get the fuck out?! You don’t want Y/N and Layla to put hands on y’all, right?” Erik was just as fed up with the shit. Even in this moment Y/N was extremely turned on.
This was going on long enough. Y/N could tell that the woman and her daughter were loosing it, realizing that they weren’t going to get their way with this.
“Well? I don’t see y’all moving.” Erik barks out. The door to the shop opens and a stout man with grey receding hair and a mustache that reminded you of the end of a broom steps forward with his fists balled like he was about to do something.
“What the hell is the problem!!!” He yells. He sounded like a sailor. A fucking Popeye.
“Nothing, dear, go back to the shop.”
“Oh, there is a problem. Andrea texts me about coming here because some man is making threats to my family! My brother is a detective he will have you arrested, pal!”
He wagged his finger at Erik who stood there with a wide grin.
“Go ahead, super Mario looking mother fucker. Shit don’t faze me. All I’m saying is, your salty ass wife and daughter need to bounce. This ain’t their place, they are trespassing.”
Erik Shrugs, “so what’s it gonna be? Cuz y’all getting too comfortable.”
The woman and her husband share looks while Andrea watches from the door with a sour expression.
“...Becky, lets go.”
The mention of her name made Y/N laugh. Erik had to nudge her shoulder to stop her before he broke out into a fit. He needed to keep it serious if these people were to leave. Finally.
“No! No Robert!” She was on the verge of tears.
“Becky...we have to close up shop. Plus, let’s not get involved with these types of people. You don’t know what they are capable of. One of them has a damn stick dont be surprised if they don’t have a gun.”
His words cut deeply. He knew what he was doing saying that. Erik’s eyes squinted at the man, his jaw clenched tightly. He was trying his hardest to keep his cool after that purposeful comment. He wanted to provoke them so they could give him a reason to call the police or continue to stereotype them.
“FINE!!!” She throws the record down, the sound of it breaking catching all of their attention. Without a care, she turns, pushing past Robert and her daughter to leave. Robert gives Erik and the others one final look before leaving himself, stepping on the record with a stomp before exiting. Layla, Erik, and Y/N watch the doors close, all of them collectively sighing before shaking their heads.
“Some bullshit,” Layla says, “makes me wanna follow them and beat their ass.
“AINT worth it, shorty,” Erik says with an exhausting voice, “they gone, let them go back to that funky ass store and continue to hate on Y/N.”
Erik pulls Y/N in for a tight hug, “I don’t play with that shit. Fucking with my girl like that. Mad she flexing on y’all.”
Y/N allowed herself to smell Erik. He smelled just as tantalizing as he always did. He was so warm and big, big in a protective way. She loved the fact that she could feel every single muscle through his thick layer of clothes. His lips pressed into her forehead.
“You knew I had to stop by before I headed home, girl,” Erik pulls away from her, looking from the stick he gifted her to her pretty face. He never got the courage to ask her on a date but Erik knew she was feeling him just as much as he was.
“I was wondering when you would come by,” she looks away shyly, “thanks for sticking up for me, you didn’t have to.”
“What I just say?” Erik arches a single brow. Y/N licks her lips nervously.
“You hear me talking to you?” He grabs both sides of her face, making her look up at him.
“No body. Messes with. My girl.”
His words cut deeply like a sharp knife. She could feel it sinking deeply within her veins. His girl. That’s what he referred to her as.
“Okay...” she was being timid. Erik laughs, his hands on her waist.
“You got them books I wanted? The Malcom X ones?”
Y/N knew Erik could buy them online but he wanted to be near her. She fought to squeal about that.
“Yeah, I saved them just for you.”
“Good, show me.”
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kpop-pick-me-up · 5 years
How to loosely gauge where you stand on the privilege scale.
Everybody has some sort of privilege over someone else. It doesn't make you a bad person to have privilege. What makes you a bad person, is not being aware that you have a privilege and criticizing those who have less privilege than you for calling you out on it. So here is a very loose way to find out how much privilege you have. Feel free to add more questions in the comments I'll add them in!
Create a small "staircase" by laying out 21 pieces of paper on the floor, or just 21 small objects to mark the steps. (Have extra in case you need to add as you go)
Start by standing by/on the middle one.
Ask yourself these questions:
Am I white? If yes, take two steps up the stairs. If not, take two steps back.
I am female. If not, take one step forward, if yes take one step back.
I am straight. If yes, take on step forward. If not, take one step back.
I am naturally thin/fit and have no difficulty finding my size in stores or seeing models and celebrities that have similar body types to mine. If true, take a step forward and if false, take one back.
I am christrian. If true, take one step up, if false take one step back.
I live, and always have lived, in a safe neighborhood where I felt no danger on a regular basis. If true, take one step forward. If false, take one step back.
I have never been discriminated against because of my race, religion, or sexuality. Discrimination meaning; in the workplace, school, unprompted on the streets etc. If true, take one step forward and if false, one step back.
I can walk down to the street during the day freely without fear of being called out or attacked. If true, take one step forward. If false, take one step back.
I have a caring and loving family. If yes, take one step forward. If not, take one step back.
I have access to fresh foods that aren't canned, bagged, or prepackaged regularly, and never had to wonder when my next meal would be. If true, take a step forward. If false, take a step back.
I have never been scared of/had my power, cable, water, or electricity turned off because of insufficient funds. If true, take one step forward. If false, take one step back.
My parents/grandparents offer to help/Currently help pay some of my bills or funding. If true, take a step forward. If not, take a step back.
I have never not had a warm bed to sleep in, or a roof over my head. If true, take a step forward and if false take a step back.
I have access to things like the internet regularly, and the ability to further and choose my education if I wished to. If yes, take a step forward, if not take a step back.
I am transgender. Of true, take a step back. If false, take a step forward.
The top of the staircase is success. The higher up you are the easier it's achievable, the less stairs you have to trudge up to get there. You should notice by now you're probably rotating between the same 3-4 steps. Or you're continuously moving forward, or continuously moving backwards. This is where you loosely stand on the privileged staircase. If you're at the top, you are very privileged. It doesn't mean life is perfect or you've never been sad, it just means society has no reason to hold you back, and true oppression will never happen. You have little to no steps to climb. If you're at the bottom you don't experience any privilege in today's society. You are forced to trudge up every step, through every barrier to even just see the top. If your still directly in the middle, you're more privileged than some, and less than others. You get the gist.
This is just to make you more self aware and understand that you don't have to have a perfect life to be privileged, that having privilege doesn't make you a bad person. It means you need to be aware of the privileges you have and how it effects those that DONT have the same ones. To grab their hands and say "you're a person like me, I'll support you in whatever you need to do. I understand I'm privileged and that somethings may be harder for you even if I don't understand it. So please lead the way so I know how to use my privilege to make this better for you. To be equals. You have the floor because I know nothing about what it's like. "
You do NOT put yourself on a pedestal and say "I'm more privileged I'll be their hero."
You do NOT treat them like a disease or that there is something wrong with them and they need help all the time.
You ask them what it's like, you LISTEN to what they have to say with all of your attention because in this time, you don't completely understand and you never will. They are strong, independent beautiful people who don't need saving. Many of them have climbed from the bottom of the steps to the top and deserve every fucking second of praise and reward they recieve. They just need support and friendship. They need RESPECT. They need you to gently grasp their hand as they pass you in the steps, give them a part on the back and say "you're so fucking strong keep pushing yourself." And by listening to their stories when they pause on your step to rest and sharing them as they are said to you word for word is the only way to ever even think of changing the staircase.
You can be angry with where you stand. I want you to be angry. I want you to scream and rage and cry and say "this isnt fair" and then SCREAM EVEN LOUDER. if youre at the top I want you to be angry. I want you to be so mad that you use what you have to understand those below you, o want you to be so mad that you jump off the fucking staircase and say "how the fuck do I break it?" If you're at the bottom I want you to say "SCREW this staircase" and climb the railing to your own success. I want you to find a way to climb without it. To say "Fuck the stair case" and soar because you have just as much potential as the person in front of you and deserve to live and be happy.
Maybe we can never change it. Maybe we are stuck on this stupid staircase, so you give up and ignore it all together. But if we do that we won't ever know if we can weaken the cement holding it together. We never will know if maybe part of the staircase gets cut off or someone gets a chance to hop up a step.
But the first step? (The most difficult for some) is to acknowledge where you stand, and do something about it.
Edit: since I got some feedback Id like to make a couple things clear.
This isn't an exact placement. It's a social exercise. It helps people humble themselves or become more self/socially aware. The act of taking a step forward while knowing someone has to take a step back or even WATCHING someone else take a step back is enough to make a person think. It simply gives you an idea that: "maybe this DOES negatively impact people" or "I take that for granted." It's not an exact place. Of course, if you wanted an exact place you'd need to be severely tested, create multiple staircases for individual topics and then do math to find the average of where you stand. That's not what this is about. It's the action itself.
I would also like to mention that this is just a very basic outline. You can take this game and alter it, use it for specific topics like jobs, mental health, lgbtq+ etc. It's all up to you the questions you ask. Whenever I play this game I always start asking random questions I've seen discussed in the media to see how things going on effect those around me. There will be a couple questions I add up there because they are good valid questions, you can also simply create more and ask yourself them in the moment. Just like how the real world is there are no set structures or rules, just a basic outline.
Also, someone decided to comment on my Grammer and how I worded the questions lmao. I really don't care because posts like these are just brain dumps. They're stuff I just write out quickly on my phone and document for my own sanity. I often don't have the time to sit an plan out brain dumps they just happen, and I have to post them within the time constraints I have. For example I had to write this in less than ten minutes. I also never reread brain dumps because then I end up deleting them. So trust me, I know the grammar isn't great for any of my brain dump posts but that's what they are, dumps. This is just something I do to help connect with people since I have a lot of communication issues and difficulty understanding people, thoughts etc. This game and my brain dumps are how I get through them.
Please, if you think of any good questions feel free to add them in the comments or reblog with more. Check for new questions in the comments.
Again, don't take this too seriously, it's a brain dump and very quickly written. I never expect any brain dumps to get attention, so I feel no need correct grammar or make sure everything is 100% perfect all the time. I just write and go so I can focus on my task at hand. It's that simple.
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randomoranges · 4 years
hello, do you like long fics? do you like soft? here is a long soft fic.
so this started off - really, back in february when i was visiting my friends [when that was still allowed - lol] and we were discussing our ocs as we sometimes happen to do. that and how with time they get more ok with more “feminine things” and such.
i made a doodle inspired by that conversation.
then lockdown happened. and with my tablet i decided to digitally colour that doodle. i thought it looked pretty neat. as i looked at it i started to wonder what the “fem versions” of ed and ét would be like and look like and came to the realisation that NO ONE had ever thought of that.
then an entire fucking au was born from that because that’s the way i function, apparently.
i made a few art pieces and started writing this behemoth on april 12th 2020.
i got like 70% done and then stopped. got blocked or just didn’t have the motivation for it.
seeing as i go back to work tomorrow [god dont make me go] and this fic wasn’t done yet, i told myself that this quarantine fic would END NOW.
so i spent the last 3 nights hacking at the remaining 30%.
i could have split it up in parts, i know, but seeing as i suffered through the whole thing in one part so do you :) 
here we go for the genderbend au no one ever even asked for like literally.
evelyn = edward
éliane = étienne
also, how many song lyrics can i fit in one title lamao.
in total this one has more pages than keesha kee taen, but like 1000 less words.
Girl, You Really Got me Now [It’s a Love Story] [[The Ballad of Éliane and Evelyn]]
 Éliane Maisonneuve remembered the exact and precise moment that Evelyn Murphy waltzed into her life. She remembered the exact moment it happened for the simple reason that it changed her life. For the better.
 It happened one glorious day in September, about a week or so after school started, sometime after Labour Day. It was her senior year of high school, the world was sitting in the palm of her hand, and she had been busy recounting her rather exciting weekend to her friends, when their homeroom teacher had walked in, followed by a student. Éliane prided herself with knowing everyone and anyone in the school. Mostly, because she was a social butterfly, also because it helped when one was the vice-president of the student body (president had too many responsibilities, not enough fun). Therefore, she automatically knew that this was a new student.
 It was about as far as her analysis went for her brain stuttered when she got a good look at the new girl, while her teacher introduced her. God, but she was absolutely gorgeous. She had pretty, dark, brown hair cut slightly above her shoulders, a cute little barrette in her hair, the prettiest hazel eyes this side of the world, for sure, and the softest looking skin Éliane had ever seen. Her darker complexion went rather nicely with the colours of the school uniform and there was just something about the way she played with the hem of her sweater that tugged at Éliane’s heart.
 Before her homeroom teacher could even get to the part of asking for a benevolent soul to show her (her name was Evelyn Murphy – her brain had registered that much) around, Éliane had bolted out of her seat, only near tripping on herself to volunteer for the honour. She absolutely needed to become friends with Evelyn. It was a matter of life or death. She knew. Evelyn had offered her the actual cutest little shy smile Éliane had ever seen in her life and she had eagerly told her friend to change seats so that Evelyn could sit next to her.
 Even then, without fully knowing, she was already infatuated.
 Evelyn turned out to be a rather quiet girl. Éliane chalked it up to being new to the school and a little intimidated by it, but she vowed to herself that she would make sure everyone treated Evelyn right. She introduced her to all her friends, made sure she knew where all her classes were and gave Evelyn her phone number and e-mail address in case she had any questions. Éliane declared them friends by the end of lunch and the pretty little blush on Evelyn’s cheeks was a thing of beauty.
 Éliane even went as far as walk Evelyn home, despite her telling her that it was alright and that she knew how to get back, but Éliane wanted to spend more time with her and insisted, figuring she could tell her new friend about the cool hangouts around school (there were three – the dep’, the hamburger shack down the street and the alcove by the river (which was a good place to go make-out, but that was a detail – the rocks there were really cool, it was just a question of no one ratting you out.))
 Éliane, surprisingly, for once, managed not to spend the entire walk to Evelyn’s gabbing away about one thousand different trivialities and instead bombarded the new girl with ten thousand different questions. Luckily, Evelyn took it all in stride and patiently answered her questions. It was how Éliane found out that Evelyn’s father had been transferred and had started a new job here over the summer and how his position had been extended. The rest of her family had then moved over and by the time they were settled and her school papers were in order, school had already started, but here she was now.
 And goodness, here she was now indeed, Éliane thought.
 They became inseparable, fast, mostly due to Éliane doing her utmost best to include Evelyn in absolutely everything she did. Evelyn fit in nicely with Éliane’s group of friends, which was a good thing, otherwise she would have dumped their sorry asses and started a new, better group. But, the others took Evelyn in and Éliane called it a success.
 Éliane was head strong, brash, and impulsive and liked to stick her fingers in as many pies as she could. She liked to keep busy with projects that interested her and she was always ready to try something new. Therefore, even though term had already started, she decided, quite on an impulse, one day, to switch out one of her courses for home-economics, just because Evelyn was in it and had said nice things about it. It was a good thing Éliane was a well liked student by the faculty members and that this change actually made her advanced art program fit better in her schedule , but the secretary still gently scolded her and told her that she would have a lot of catching up to do.
 Luckily, Éliane had a plan.
 Her plan consisted on being her disastrous self in a kitchen and hope that Evelyn would take pity on her and help her out.
 Luckily, Éliane didn’t have to try very hard for her plan to work. During her first assignment, she managed to set the smoke detector off, twice. For the second assignment, she had to be rushed to the nurse’s office after she accidentally sliced her finger open. After the third assignment, she needed ointment for a rather nasty burn. Once the mid-term report cards came out and Evelyn found out Éliane was failing home-economics spectacularly, she took pity on her friend and teamed up with her for the following projects.
 It was a win-win, in Éliane’s opinion, even if she barely scrapped by and the class brought down her overall average, (but she was getting better – it had to count for something, right?)
 Éliane ended up spending a lot of time with Evelyn what with classes, hanging out together and after school extracurricular.  Evelyn ended up joining the theatre club and Éliane nearly lost her mind when she found out her quiet, mostly shy friend could act it out on stage like the best of them. It was a whole new side of her that she had only ever glimpsed and Éliane loved it. The girl had spunk. She was feisty. And slowly, slowly, Evelyn emerged from her shell as she got used to her new school and new surroundings. With time, Éliane got to get to know her better and discovered a treasure trove of other interesting things about her – like her sense of humour, which was dry and cutting and an absolute gift.
 Éliane wondered where Evelyn had been all her life.
 Once Christmas break rolled around, Evelyn’s mood took a dip, since for the first time ever, she would be away from her friends and family. Éliane took it upon herself to make sure her friend wouldn’t feel left out during the holidays and so she organised outings and parties with her and her friends to make sure Evelyn had a good time. The Murphy’s were even invited over for Christmas Eve and Éliane thought it was her greatest accomplishment yet. Throughout the rest of the holiday break, there were many outings to get hot chocolate, tobogganing, but by far, the best surprise came when Éliane suggested they go ice-skating, since the rinks were finally open and she found out that Evelyn could skate really well. Not only that, but the girl had a competitive streak to her as well and it was so very easy to get  her riled up if any type of friendly competition was presented to her. Evelyn had depth and personality and there were so many different sides to her that Éliane loved so much. It seemed that the more she got to know her friend, the more she found out about her and it was great.
 Winter break went by quickly, what with the myriad of activities Éliane orchestrated and it ended with by far, the greatest event to the start off the new year – Evelyn’s birthday.
 Towards the start of the break, Evelyn had quietly invited the inner circle of the friend group for a sleepover on the last Saturday of break, since her birthday fell on a Wednesday. They would be four in total and Éliane spent the better part of her days leading up to her friend’s birthday trying to come up with the Best Gift Ever, when she wasn’t busy spending time with her friends or stuffing her face with her grandmother’s baked goods. She was looking forward to the party and Evelyn kept reminding her that it would be a simple, quiet affair. They would get takeout, there would be cake, they would watch movies, they would eat too much candy and chips and chocolate – and eventually, they would all crash at some ungodly hour of the morning.
 Éliane still thought it sounded like the greatest thing ever.
 The party in itself turned out to be lovely and loud and boisterous. Mr. And Mrs Murphy put on brave faces and stuck around making sure everything was okay and to wish their daughter a happy birthday, while Evelyn’s younger sister had found herself a better place to be. They played games, spent the better part of the evening gossiping about school – their teachers, their classmates, another part worrying about which Cégep to apply to and what program, until Éliane declared that all “no-fun” school talk was banned. So, they watched a stream of movies, one of the other girls gave Evelyn a manicure and they ate too much candy and chips and chocolate.
 Somewhere around midnight, before it got to be too late, they took a break to change into their pyjamas. They were waiting for Evelyn to return and Éliane was waiting on the couch, wearing her own set of teddy bear patterned pyjama pants and long sleeved sweatshirt she had pilfered from one of her brothers (it was large, it was comfortable and it was warm), when Evelyn came to join them.
 Éliane cared very little about what others wore to bed. Normally, she wore boxer shorts and nothing else – unless it was cold outside, which it currently was. The thing was, she would have never associated Evelyn with the pyjama set that she was wearing. Evelyn rejoined their little group as if nothing was wrong with the world and went and plopped herself right next to Éliane wearing by far the most ridiculous (gorgeous), frilly (utterly inappropriate), matching set of what seemed to be lilac silk pyjamas. There was lace. There were motifs. It had little tiny straps that covered her shoulders (Éliane’s brain reminded her that this was the most skin she had seen on her friend and that she could see her clavicle and shoulder blades and the dip of her neck and – and then there were the shorts! The equally silk shorts that hugged her thighs just so and – maybe, maybe it was always really hot at the Murphy’s, which was why Evelyn slept in such a getup, because suddenly, Éliane found herself overheating. And then she had to give her friend one more (discreet – hopefully) one over and of course she had to notice the way the fabric hugged her chest, the shape she could guess underneath and – this really wasn’t fair.
 The thing was – the real issue here was – that Éliane M. Maisonneuve had accidentally gone and developed the stupidest of crushes on Evelyn A. Murphy and she was a complete goner.
 And now her friend was sitting beside her in her silk pyjamas looking like a goddamned gift and Éliane wanted to hold her close, furrow her face in the crook of her neck and ghost her hands over the fabric of her pajamas – and more. She was doomed. This was neither the place nor the time and she did her utmost best to keep her thoughts pure and innocent, but apparently, the universe hated her, because Evelyn slid extremely close to her, until she was half pressed on Éliane’s side and took a hold of her hand.
 “I get really afraid during scary movies,” She whispered in her ear and Éliane tried to suppress the shivers that ran down her spine and the sudden urge she had to turn around and kiss Evelyn’s stupid (beautiful, glorious) face senseless. Instead, she clutched at her friend’s hand in return, didn’t let go for the duration of the movie – and tried her best not to feel anything every time Evelyn gasped and clutched at her a little harder when she got scared. (And she tried really hard not to think of the way Evelyn’s body felt pressed up against her side.)
 Éliane knew what she liked – couldn’t care less about the gender of people. She had dated a little, had stolen kisses from girls behind cafés and had gone out on dates with boys. So long as she was interested, it didn’t matter and, apparently, her mind had decided that it was very interested in Evelyn. (And really, could she be blamed? Evelyn was mighty fine, thank you very much.)
 She was so screwed.
 Éliane swore to herself that she would keep her stupid crush to herself and bury her feelings so far deep inside of her that she would be long dead before they could ever resurface properly.
 Therefore, by Tuesday, over lunch, Éliane took her other best friend, Emma, aside, to spill absolutely everything to her.
 Now, Éliane and Emma had met on the very first day of kindergarten and had been placed in the same class. They had been sat next to each other and Éliane had declared her her best friend by the time lunch had rolled in. Emma had no idea how it was that they had remained friends for so long, but Éliane was her best friend and so, despite being quite exhausted by her friend’s daily ongoing complaint about whatever it was that was personally vexing her, she half listened to her friend.
 Normally, Emma would have been sympathetic and offered Éliane some advice, but Éliane was the absolute worst when it came to taking advice and instead preferred moping around and taking everything way too dramatically as if the world was against her.
 So she did just that and Emma couldn’t wait for Éliane to move on to a new hyper-fixation.
 Unfortunately, that never happened.
 “Why don’t you – and I’m just ball-parking it here – actually tell Ev’ how you feel and y’know, maybe she’ll feel the same way?” Emma reiterated for what felt like the millionth time. By February, Emma had heard her friend lament her unrequited crush so often that she could predict what Éliane would tell her almost verbatim.
 “But Ems, what if she doesn’t? What if she thinks I’m gross and then never wants to speak to me again? Emma, I can’t risk that!” She bemoaned, burying her face in her pillow. It was a quiet Friday night and Emma had done the mistake of throwing an impromptu sleepover between her and Éliane. She had hoped it would be a fun sleepover; instead, she was being privy to another round of Éliane’s love tribulations.
 “If she thinks you’re gross she’s dead to all of us.” Emma stated in her no-nonsense tone. The rest of their friend group knew of Éliane’s preferences and could care less about who she dated. If Evelyn had a problem with it, she would be more than happy to kick her out of the circle, “She’s not worth your time if she can’t accept you the way you are.” This was why Éliane liked Emma. She was straight to the point and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, even over controversial matters.
 “I knoooooow, but I like her sooooo much. Emmmmaaaaaaaaaaa, she’s sooooo pretty, it’s not faaaaaair,” She whined and put on her best kicked puppy expression. Emma rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at her. She was immune to that look by now. Mostly.
 “I mean, have we even ever heard Evelyn express an interest in anyone at school?”
 “Noooo, but what if – what if she has a boyfriend back home and she promised to be true to him? Or like what if she’s super conservative or something? Aren’t they conservative back in Alberta?”
 “Don’t you think she would have mentioned having a boyfriend – or someone special – back home after all this time? And even if there are people who are conservative back in Alberta, who’s to say that she is? God knows she follows you around on half your crazy schemed ideas. Maybe she likes you and she’s shy. Maybe she’s just a friend. Maybe you should just fucking talk to her and leave me out of your love life, please, Éliane, I’m not even your therapist.”
 Éliane pouted and threw the pillow back at her.
 “Big baby. Just write her a Valentine’s and play it off as a joke if she rejects you.”
 “That is the worst idea ever. My heart would be shattered and I’d never be able to face her ever again.” Emma sighed as Éliane went off another tangent. Sometimes, she wondered why she bothered.
 Éliane did not take up Emma on her advice and so, come Valentine’s Day, she did absolutely nothing and played it cool, by her standards. This meant that she kept a close eye on anyone who approached Evelyn with Valentine’s and she was only too pleased (relieved) when no one had made any outlandish love declarations to her. (Not that Evelyn didn’t deserve outlandish love declarations, but Éliane wanted to be the one to do them, not some other person.)
 It also meant that her heart sank when Evelyn didn’t get her any particular Valentine and that she only gave her a small chocolate, like she did with all of their other friends. It wasn’t that she expected anything, but if Evelyn had made a move on her, it would have helped ease her mind and given her some sense of direction. Still, Éliane had to consol herself; at least Evelyn was her friend. It could be so much worse.
 Her crush only kept growing as the days went by and even when she tried looking elsewhere, hoping that a distraction from Evelyn would help, it seemed her heart and mind were set on Evelyn no matter what. It was utterly annoying and Emma was ready to murder her if she kept this on.
 Therefore, Éliane came up with another of her Brilliant Plans, which Emma agreed was absolutely stupid. With prom coming up at the end of the year, Éliane decided to put her big move there and ask Evelyn to go as her date. Emma politely reminded her that prom was in literal months and that a million different things could happen between now and then. Plus, there was also the fact that Éliane would be even more insufferable until then.
 Éliane was pretty confident that it would give her enough time to gather more intel on whether or not Evelyn liked her That Way and hence, would only help her out in the long run. If anything, if Evelyn was dateless by then, they could just go as friends and Éliane could save face.
 In the meantime, however, there was One particular incident that left Éliane even more confused than ever before.
 It was a known fact that Éliane Maisonneuve liked to sprawl out when she sat down. Be it chair, sofa, couch or stool, Éliane took up as much space as possible. The other known fact was that Éliane Maisonneuve was a very tactile person. She had never heard of personal space when it came to her friends and if she was sitting with her friends, it wasn’t an uncommon sight to see her using her friends’ laps as extensions of the surfaces she was sitting on. She was known to sit on their laps, drape herself over them, lay her head on their shoulders or laps, and so on. No one was safe from her sprawling, not even Evelyn.
 During the winter months, Éliane opted for the school pants as opposed to the skirt, since it was too bloody cold outside and even with stockings, she froze. However, with spring back on the menu, she was quick to ditch the pants and go back to the skirt.
 It happened to be a skirt-wearing day, when, during lunch, Éliane had elected Evelyn’s lap to sit on, since she was the first to have finished eating lunch. Now, normally, when Éliane sat on Evelyn’s lap, Evelyn would put one arm over Éliane’s own lap, to keep her from falling off, and her other arm would either wrap itself around her waist, or rest against the back of the sofa they claimed for themselves for lunch, when they ate inside, in one of the school’s hangout spots.
 However, this time – this time something monumental happened.
 Éliane sat on Evelyn’s lap like always, and at first Evelyn held on to her as she normally did, but then, a few minutes later, Evelyn’s hand that was around her waist shifted ever so. At first, Éliane thought little of it, but then Evelyn placed her hand to rest on the side of her leg, underneath her skirt, right on her skin. Éliane stilled and tried to think little of it. Evelyn had just found a better way to place her hands, there was nothing to it – that had to be it. This wasn’t planned. This had been accidental, clearly. But then – then her friend went ahead and started – rubbing her skin? With her thumb? In a small, circular way? Or something. Because, Éliane felt Evelyn’s thumb rub her skin in a circular motion, but there was no way for her to see and she wasn’t about to ask (because it felt really good and she didn’t want Evelyn to stop and if she was hallucinating then she would look like a fool.) Plus, Éliane did try to get a read off Evelyn’s face, but when she looked, Evelyn wasn’t even looking her way, instead focused on whatever else it was their friends were saying, a small, gentle smile on her face.
 What. The ever loving fuck. Did this actually mean?
 Éliane tried to remain still, tried to brush it off as nothing and tried to play it cool, but for the rest of the day, she was a right hot mess and she spent the better part of the rest of the week (and month) replaying the feel of Evelyn’s hand on her bare thigh and it did not help any of her little fantasies one bit. (Because good Lord, someone help her, how she had wanted Evelyn’s hand to creep up her thigh, touch her elsewhere, make her feel good – how she had wanted to wrap her legs around her friend, grind against her, get her hands underneath Evelyn’s silly school blouse, feel her up – hear her moan –)
 This was really getting out of hand.
 Éliane kept pinning from afar, much to Emma’s annoyance, especially since she was the only one in their friend circle to know about her crush and no other major incidents of the sort came to throw Éliane for a loop. She still convinced herself that she would do something about it for prom, but Emma wasn’t convinced, and quite frankly, neither was Éliane.
 And then it was Éliane’s birthday.
 Éliane had a rather busy birthday schedule, what with celebrating with her family and twin sister, wanting to do something fun with her friends and also doing something lowkey on the actual day of. As was the standard amongst their friend group, one of them made a birthday cake to be had at lunch, there were presents and it was a lovely day overall.
 On top of that, she had all her favourite classes today and it was honestly looking up to be the best birthday ever. She was looking forward to the weekend and her mind was focused on the end of the day, when she got a note from Evelyn during class.
 “Meet me in the park by the swing set after class,” The note said and Éliane tried to get her friend’s attention, wondering what this could mean and what game her friend was playing at, but Evelyn never looked her way and so Éliane was left guessing. She even tried to ask her after class, but Evelyn went ahead of her, while the teacher asked Éliane to stay behind for a bit, since she wanted to go over some of the texts for the upcoming school play.
 Therefore, once she could leave, she ran to her locker to drop off her books, changed out of her school shoes, grabbed her sweater and backpack, and then ran off to the park next to the school. She hoped Evelyn hadn’t been waiting long and that she wouldn’t think she had stood her up, even though she had seen Éliane with their teacher. Still.
 Éliane nearly tripped down the stairs to the park and was ever so relieved to see that Evelyn was still there waiting for her.
 “What’s up?” She asked, slightly out of breath.
 “I wanted to give you your birthday gift.” She said, smiling at her and Éliane’s stomach did a funny thing at the sight. It always did a funny thing at the sight. It was such a pretty smile.
 “But, you gave me your gift earlier with the others,” She said, giving her friend a quizzical look. Not that she minded more gifts, but she didn’t expect her friend to get her multiple gifts.
 “I know – but this one is special. Close your eyes?”
 Éliane did as she was told even though her curiosity was eating her alive.
 “No peeking!” Evelyn cautioned and it was very tempting to, but Éliane remained still, with her eyes closed, heart beating wildly as she waited.
 Evelyn took her hands and Éliane figured she would place something in them, but instead her friend held on. Éliane was about to ask what this was all about, but the following moment, she felt the softest of presses against her lips. She gasped and her eyes opened on their own just in time to see Evelyn lean away from her, a lovely blush spreading across her cheeks.
 “Did you just – was that just –”There was no way Evelyn had kissed her. She must have dreamt the entire thing up and blacked out, or something. Maybe she had really slipped down the stairs, fallen and hit her head. It may have been her birthday and all, but these types of things only happened in trashy romance novels she liked to splurge on.
 “Look ,” Evelyn started, blush deepening across her face and Éliane stopped talking all together, while her brain tried to reboot itself, “I like you. A lot. And I have, for a while now... and well, I wanted to take a chance. Since it’s your birthday and all. And, yeah – I – don’t hate me?” She stammered and Éliane could only stare at her.
 Evelyn Murphy liked her.
 The absolutely wonderful person that was Evelyn Murphy liked her and had kissed her on her birthday. Éliane might actually faint and go into shock.
 Instead, she launched herself at Evelyn and kissed her hard. Evelyn stumbled back in surprise, trying not to fall over, and wrapped her arms around Éliane out of reflex.
 “I like you too, you silly goose, and I could never hate you,” Éliane blurted out when she pulled away, before cupping Evelyn’s face with her hands and kissing her again, this time much slower and softer. She let out a breathy little gasp when Evelyn held her, their bodies pressed close. It was everything she’d been hoping for months and everything she’d never, in her wildest dreams, think she’d get. She chased after as many kisses as Evelyn allowed her and silently swooned at the softness of her lips against her own. She knew, already, that she could never tire of this.
 “Go to prom with me?” She added, catching her breath, riding a high she never wanted to come down from. Evelyn’s eyes widened and then she smiled and it caught Éliane’s breath. It was such a lovely sight, so beautiful and pure, and she wanted to be the cause of those smiles for a very, very long time.
 “I’d love to,” Evelyn told her, before kissing her again. And again. And again and again.
 It was nice, finally being able to hold Evelyn’s hand whenever she felt like it. Éliane made it her personal mission to walk to every class she had with Evelyn by holding her hand and sometimes, if Evelyn let her, she carried her books as well. She was stupid in love with her and she couldn’t believe how lucky she was that Evelyn liked her – that they could hold hands and kiss and spend a stupid amount of time texting each other strings of heart emojis late into the night. Éliane never wanted the feeling to end.
 It turned out that Evelyn wasn’t out to her parents and she had no idea how they would take to her being attracted to girls, so they agreed to keep things under wrap around them when Éliane went over. Éliane had already done her own coming out to her parents, almost two years ago, but she supposed she had an easier ride, considering her eldest brother was gay and very much cohabiting with his boyfriend for the past several years now. She was thankful that her parents were okay with it and could only hope that Evelyn’s parents would be as well, whenever it was she decided to tell them.
 For now, it just meant that Éliane had to keep her hands to herself when she was over at the Murphys’, but she could make-out with Evelyn at her place all she wanted, (or until her sister told her to stop being so gross.)
 May also meant receiving Cégep admission letters and a whole flock of stress, anxiety, and high emotions. Evelyn found the idea a little dumb, but since her family was still in Montréal and she would have to do an extra year of high school if she went back home, she had found herself obliged to apply as well. She ended up applying to most of the Cégeps her friends wanted to go to, so that she could at least be with them and she surprised herself when their excitement turned contagious when her own acceptance letters started trickling in.
 The only problem was that she had no idea where it was she wanted to go.
 She was pretty convinced she wanted to be an engineer – maybe a civil engineer later on, but so long as she did something science and math related in Cégep, she would be fine. Where she did it didn’t matter. She kept her options open and waited to see where the others would go. Therefore, when Éliane got accepted into the program of her choice in visual arts at the Cégep she really wanted to, Evelyn quietly accepted her own offer at the same school. (And when Éliane found out, nearly two weeks later, she had been extremely happy and there may or may not have been many tears.)
 She knew that realistically her chances of having any classes with Éliane were slim, that their schedules might not even match up, but maybe they could share a locker and maybe they could take one of the mandatory gym ,or French, or English, or humanities classes together.
 They could make it work. (She really hoped they could.)
 Bu those were problems and thoughts for later and so Evelyn buried them deep in her mind and instead focused on the upcoming ministry exams, the end of the school year, finding a dress for prom, memorising her lines for the end of year school play, finding time for her girlfriend and her friends, and everything else that came with being a senior in high school.
 Emma decided to invite everyone over to her place, before they went to prom, to take photos and have cocktails, since she had the biggest yard between them. They agreed to meet up there and then make their way to the hall where the reception would take place.
 Despite Éliane asking, Evelyn had refused to show her any photos of her dress. Éliane had begged for hints, a description, anything, but Evelyn had remained tight-lipped, preferring to surprise her girlfriend at prom. Éliane had done her best pouting and pleading, but Evelyn was apparently immune to it all. Therefore, Éliane was an impatient mess when she got to Emma’s, eagerly anticipating the moment Evelyn would arrive.
 As per their plan, Evelyn had told her parents that she was going to prom with her friends, since “no boys had asked her” and her parents thought it was cute how the girls were sticking together. It was a perfect decoy and it meant that she could have all the photos she wanted with Éliane and her parents would never think twice about it.
 Éliane was about ready to text Evelyn, to ask her where she was and whether or not she had forgotten that they were supposed to meet up at Emma’s before heading to the reception hall, but then the doorbell rang and Éliane swore the entire planet froze in time when Evelyn walked in.
 Evelyn was wearing a midnight blue, long dress with cap sleeves that fell off her shoulders. It had a sweetheart bodice and a ruched waistline that did wonders for her figure and her complexion. The material of the dress was elegant and airy and it gave Evelyn a regal appearance.
 Her girlfriend was absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous.
 Her heart was going to explode from how full of love it was for Evelyn.
 Éliane did her very best to contain herself and not launch herself at Evelyn, but she did walk up to her and envelop her in the tightest of hugs she could manage, trying to convey everything it was she felt inside.
 “You are so breathtakingly beautiful,” She whispered in her ear as she pulled away. She grinned when Evelyn turned a lovely shade of pink and Éliane was far too pleased with herself.
 “And you’re absolutely stunning,” Evelyn murmured back, leaving a lingering touch to Éliane’s wrist, which left her skin tingling.
 Éliane had opted for something a little more party like. It was a champagne coloured, short dress with an asymmetrical bodice. It had one sleeve and bold folds that looked absolutely stunning on her. It was, after all, their prom, and she intended to party, dance and have the absolute greatest of times.
 Prom, delivered.
 The prom committee really outdid themselves, if Éliane did say so herself and it turned out to be a great evening. She got to sit with her best friends, got to dance with her girlfriend, took a stupid amount of photos with absolutely everyone she had ever spoken to during her five years in high school and only cried once – maybe twice, when she realised for good that this was her last few moments with these people – that one chapter of her life was closing and that a new adventure was right around the corner.
 But, before she got too lost in her own thoughts, there was still an after-prom, a million pool parties to attend and the greatest summer of her life to live.
 Most of the graduating class had decided to go camping for their after-prom, on some semi-remote campground a few hours away. The grounds promised privacy, no curfew, and a lax attitude towards underage drinking. Éliane had considered going, but then Emma had decided to do something a little simpler and had invited their group over to her place. Her parents would be out, they could pile up and sleep in the camper van in the backyard, eat all the junk food they could handle, talk late into the night, watch the stars and go swimming in the morning. The best part was that Mr. And Mrs. Dubois would even leave them alone, as they had decided to visit Mrs. Dubois’ sister back in Ottawa, which meant they had the whole place to themselves.
 They arrived at Emma’s place well past one in the morning and the girls were a flurry of activity as they changed into pyjamas and their graduating sweatshirts. High-heeled shoes, dresses and make-up were removed in favour of comfort as they crowded around each other to settle and keep the night going. Chips, cookies, candies, and soda were placed nearby as they munched on the snacks and laughed their worries away.
 It was nice, Éliane thought, and she secretly hoped that twenty years from now she would still be doing this with this same group of friends. Éliane tucked herself between Emma and Evelyn and found herself perfectly at ease. If time needed to freeze and stop and chose this particular moment to do so, she would be content.
 It didn’t, naturally, but Éliane found she didn’t really mind and was happy to snuggle up next to Evelyn when the sun started to rise and they could no longer keep their eyes open.
 “Love you,” She murmured into the folds of Evelyn’s arms and only registered what she’d said a moment or so later, when she felt Evelyn still beside her.
 She feared she’d let her mouth run wild once more and had an apology ready at her lips, but then she felt Evelyn hold her close and press a gentle kiss to the top of her head, “D’you really mean it?” She whispered for her ears only and Éliane nodded.
 “Yeah, I really do.”
 Evelyn smiled and it was a real thing of beauty that warmed her insides and made her heart soar. She levelled with her and sought her lips, before kissing her fully, “Love you, Evelyn,” She murmured, unable to stop herself from grinning.
 “I love you too, Éliane.” Evelyn whispered back, as if it was their secret alone.
 Seeing as this was their last summer all together, Éliane made her mission to make sure they would see each other as often as possible and create the best summer memories. Therefore, there were many pool parties (and nothing had ever prepared her for the sight of her girlfriend – her Evelyn in the actual prettiest bikini ever made on God’s green earth.), a handful of parties and even though most of them had part time summer jobs, they made it work and by the time summer came to an end, Éliane was ready for the next chapter of her life.
 Cégep turned out to be an interesting and roller coaster of a venture. For as much as Éliane pretty much enjoyed it – liked the freedom it brought her, the expanded horizons of possibilities and being able to have classes that she genuinely enjoyed, Evelyn found it pointless and useless. It was a means to an end – something she had no choice in doing and the only thing that made it tolerable was the fact that Éliane was in many of her classes, they rode in or out together when their schedules matched and some of their friends from high school were also at the same school.
 Other than that, she absolutely abhorred the time she spent there and kept reminding herself that in two years time, it would be over. It seemed that just as she’d settled in to the rhythm of her new high school, she had been yanked out and forced to adapt to what she considered a waste of education.  Éliane made the mistake of pointing out once that maybe it had to do with her disengagement with her own program, but Evelyn shut down that theory rather quickly.
 Still, despite her foul mood and deep hatred for Cégep, Éliane did her best to cheer up her girlfriend, left little notes of encouragement in their shared locker almost every second day and thankfully, with Éliane and some of her friends by her side, she was able to coast through her first semester without burning the building down to ash.
 However, for as much as Evelyn had nothing positive to say about Cégep, she had to agree that the winter break between the first and second semester was delightful. There was a little over a month and a half of time off and even though she had a few exams during the exam period, she still had a good month of vacation. When she found out, sometime after midterms, a great plan hatched in her mind.
 The truth of the matter was that Evelyn missed Edmonton something fierce. She hadn’t been back since her family had relocated to Montreal and even though she liked her new life – it didn’t always feel like home. She missed her grandparents, missed her friends, and missed her favourite hangout spots.
 Therefore, Evelyn did her research, contacted the appropriate people, and once she had everything in order, she brought up the idea to her parents of flying to Edmonton after the holidays for three weeks. She would be staying with her grandparents, who were more than thrilled at the idea of having her over, she had enough money for her plane ticket from her summer job and she would be able to do all the things she missed and loved. Her parents weren’t exactly thrilled with the plan, but eventually they agreed.
 It was then that Evelyn launched part two of her plan, which was to ask Éliane to come over with her. (She had asked her grandparents as well, had explained that Éliane wasn’t just her friend – that they were a couple and thank goodness, they had been very accepting of that and thrilled at the idea of potentially meeting their granddaughter’s girlfriend.)
 Of course, Evelyn was very much aware of the fact that her girlfriend detested winter, would probably have preferred to go somewhere warm, if she could and Evelyn didn’t even know if Éliane would want to go to Edmonton with her, or if she had the means to do it, but when she told her of her plan, Éliane had been one hundred percent onboard.
 They bought their tickets together, the moment Éliane had the okay from her parents and then, at least, Evelyn could keep a countdown to not only the end of her first semester of hell-school, but also to the day she would be going back home to Edmonton – even if it was for a short while.
 The moment they arrived in Edmonton, Evelyn was ready to show her girlfriend all the sights. She had made an elaborate schedule, had contacted all her friends and she only hoped that Éliane would like it.
Of course, Éliane loved it all, even if she did complain about the cold at every chance she got, but Evelyn was always there to lend her a sweater, tie a scarf around her neck or let Éliane snuggle up to her at night.
 Éliane enjoyed the city and loved meeting Evelyn’s friends. It was nice to see her girlfriend’s old stomping grounds and Evelyn’s grandparents took to her right away, which they were both thankful for. It was nice being here and it amused Éliane to no end that their first trip as a “couple” was to Edmonton, something Evelyn thought wasn’t quite as exotic or romantic as it should be. Éliane told her they could make up for it at a later time – for their next vacation and the thought of that – of something that would happen in the future sent butterflies to Evelyn’s stomach.
 Overall, despite her lack of interest in Cégep, two years ended up going by quickly, somehow. Éliane liked to refer to those two years as Evelyn’s rebel phase, for it was during that time that Evelyn decided to learn how to ride a motorcycle (something Éliane absolutely loved very, very much – there was just something so incredibly hot about her girlfriend dressed in nice, tight leather pants with nice leather boots and an even nicer leather jacket mounting a motorcycle. Éliane called it sex on wheels. Evelyn always turned the loveliest shade of pink at the comment.)
 It was also during their stint in Cégep that Evelyn decided, one afternoon, while bored between classes, to get the upper part of her ear pierced. One of her classes had been cancelled, and she couldn’t go home, since she had another class after that. Since Éliane and her other friends were all unavailable, Evelyn had gone out for a walk, had passed by a tattoo and body piercing parlour and had decided to get it done, on a whim and out of boredom.
 Éliane had a lot to say about the piercing. Notably, that it was very sexy and added an extra layer of badass to Evelyn. Evelyn thought her girlfriend was being ridiculous – Éliane had shut her up with a kiss.
 And perhaps, the other thing that happened over the summer between their first and thankfully last year of Cégep was that their relationship reached a highly more physical level.
 They had – fooled around some ever since that memorable time towards the end of high school, but, nothing beyond wandering hands and heavy make-out sessions. Evelyn hadn’t been fully ready and Éliane had given her all the time she needed. There’d been some touching, a very few topless make-out sessions which had left Evelyn yearning for more, but something had always held her back. Maybe the fact that her parents and sister had been home, or that Éliane’s own family could walk in at any time.
 But there came a weekend over summer after their first year of Cégep, when Éliane had the whole house to herself. Her brothers were officially moved out, her sister had gone camping with her friends, and her parents had gone over to her mother’s friend’s cottage for the weekend. Éliane had invited Evelyn over to use the pool and there hadn’t really been any thought that this would happen over the weekend.
 Éliane had been sunbathing on one of the lawn chairs, when Evelyn had gotten out of the pool and walked towards her girlfriend, with the intention of flicking water in her face. Éliane had (over) reacted just the way Evelyn had hoped – shrieking and protesting that the water was so very cold, which had prompted Evelyn to drape herself over her girlfriend to flick even more water all over her.
 Éliane had tried to push her off and get away from her, but she had been trapped. Finally, Éliane gave up and Evelyn settled against her, content, with the sun warming her up and her girlfriend running a hand up and down her back. They’d stayed that way for a while, peaceful and quiet, until Evelyn had nuzzled her way to her girlfriend’s neck and had started leaving feather light kisses on Éliane’s neck.
 The feather light kisses turned languid and hot when Éliane let out breathy little moans and wrapped her legs around Evelyn’s body. Evelyn left Éliane’s neck in favour of her lips when her girlfriend started grinding against her and her hands left her back to slide underneath the straps of her bikini.
 Evelyn had never gone all the way with anyone – had never lain naked beside someone else, even though she had had her fair share of fantasies and had done a bit of self-exploration over the past few months. They’d talked it over, a few times, about their experiences and lack thereof and Evelyn had known, all along, that she could trust Éliane – that her girlfriend would respect her, no matter what it was that they did or didn’t do.
 And so, when they parted for air and Evelyn took in the sight of Éliane’s kiss swollen lips and mussed up hair, she felt a deep hunger for her that swooped at her belly and made her want to touch and lick and taste and kiss and feel.
 “Should we go to my room?” Éliane asked, her hand kneading the skin of Evelyn’s thigh, her fingers hitching ever higher, playing with the strings of the straps of her bikini. Evelyn nodded at that, disentangled herself from her, and then helped her up.
 They’d made their way to Éliane’s room and once Éliane had closed the door behind them – in case – she had pushed Evelyn to her bed and they’d resumed from where they’d left off before. Evelyn let her girlfriend guide them both and let go of her millions of thoughts running through her head. She followed her gut, paid close attention to Éliane’s reactions, and let her hands touch and feel, let her mouth kiss and taste.
 Evelyn marvelled at the goose bumps over Éliane’s breasts, over the texture of her nipple on her tongue and over every little sound and noise Éliane made, which Evelyn meticulously catalogued and memorised to later replay in her mind like a favourite song.
 This was an experience she had never felt before and one that she would love repeating over the many years to come - hopefully.
 And later, afterwards, as Evelyn lay with Éliane running her fingers through her hair, Evelyn couldn’t help but be thankful that somehow or other, despite not being keen over the move away from her beloved Edmonton, she had managed to find Éliane along the way. She hoped, as she shared a tender kiss with her girlfriend, that theirs would be a relationship that would last, and that if it didn’t, they could always remain friends.
 The only thing that motivated Evelyn throughout their second – and luckily – last year of Cégep was the fact that she would be making university applications by the start of March. The drawback to that was picking which universities to apply. Éliane, once more, had her whole plan set out and her preferred university in mind. She was applying to one school and one school only, and if they didn’t accept her, then – well, her plan didn’t have a section for that, because she would get accepted. Evelyn envied her for that – was slightly jealous of the certainty and faith she had in her plan, even if she feared it would backfire on her. Not that Éliane didn’t have the grades or the talent for it, but there would be others who would be applying as well. Still, Éliane was convinced and Evelyn could only marvel at her.
 On the one hand, she could apply to the same place as Éliane again and go where she went, but Evelyn also wanted to go somewhere that would actually set her up on her desired career path. If she wanted to become an engineer, it would obviously help if she went to a university that was known for their engineering programs. The other problem was that after nearly three years, Evelyn was incredibly homesick.
 She liked Montreal just fine – was getting the hang of the city and its peculiarities, but – it wasn’t home. She missed her friends and family that were still in Edmonton, missed biking through the River Valley, and missed weather that actually made sense (to her). Therefore, on a whim, she decided to apply to the University of Alberta and figured that – if she got in – she could make her decision then and have that conversation with Éliane at that point. There was no need to cause alarm just yet.
 Evelyn kept telling herself that if she didn’t get accepted at the University of Alberta, then it would be a clear sign that she wasn’t meant to go back – not now anyways, and that would be that. It would make her life easier, Éliane would never need to know, and life would move on. However, every time she started thinking that way, part of her really hoped she would be accepted there.
 In the end, obviously, because life never played out the way she wanted it to, she was accepted at two of the three schools she had applied to – one in Montreal and the other one in Edmonton.
 Before she broke the news to Éliane, she sat herself down and made a rather long and elaborate list of all the pros and cons she could think of about attending both schools. The problem was that her number one con about going back to Edmonton was that Éliane would be in Montreal and her biggest con about staying in Montreal was that she really missed home and wouldn’t get to see it for god only knew how much longer.
 When she finally brought the list to Éliane – when she finally gathered up her courage for this conversation, her girlfriend was a little put off about having been left in the dark, if only because she didn’t like the idea of Evelyn going through this burden alone, but she was ready to find solutions.
 “I could get transferred to UofA; I’m sure they have an art program,” She said as she started tapping away at her phone, looking up the offered programs as though this was the easiest and most logical of solutions.
 “El, don’t – I mean, it’s not that I don’t want you to come with, but – you had a whole plan and you were super psyched about getting into UQAM. Plus, you even said, they only take a few people per year, so that means your portfolio was really good.”
 “Exactly. So if UQAM took me then it shouldn’t be a problem for UofA. I can apply to get transferred for winter term and then we can be together again.” She smiled brightly at that, closed off her phone as if the case was solved and shelved, but it didn’t sit well with Evelyn.
 Evelyn loved that Éliane was ready to drop everything to follow her, but at the same time, she knew her girlfriend was impulsive – that she came up with plans in a blink of an eye and didn’t always think the consequences through. She knew, deep down, that eventually, for as much as Éliane would be charmed by the city and enjoy it, she would feel like a fish out of the water. She wouldn’t have her friends, she wouldn’t have her sister and she wouldn’t have her bearings with the city.
 She knew that, for as much as Éliane liked to play the tough act, for as much as she was the life of a party, that deep down, she was very sensitive; that even if she made new friends (which she would) and even if she ended up loving her program, the pillars of her own life would be missing and it would slowly, but surely, eat at her. The last thing Evelyn wanted to do was make Éliane miserable and she didn’t Éliane to resent her for it, in the long run, either.
 She brought up these points to Éliane, but just as she feared, Éliane rebuked every one of her arguments, because on top of everything else, her girlfriend was absolutely stubborn.
 “But, if you’re all the way in Edmonton, that means a different time zone, I don’t get to see you as often and – you might never come back,” Éliane finally admitted, hours later, when it felt as though they were going around in circles with this discussion. She sounded small and – insecure and it was then that Evelyn realised that the real root of the problem wasn’t that Evelyn wanted to study outside of the city, it was that Éliane knew how much she missed Edmonton and Éliane feared she would never return once she went back.
 The real problem was that Evelyn, for as much as she wanted to reassure her that she would – that she’d go there for the length of the degree and then come back – wasn’t sure she could say so convincingly. Who was to say what would happen when she got there? Who was to say that she would find a job in Montreal post-graduation? Who was to say that she and Éliane would still be together that many years ahead?
 “Look, I don’t know what’s going to happen between now and then – but I want this to work, between us. I’m not running away to Edmonton to find some other girl or to replace you and I promise I’m going to do my best to make this long distance whatever work between us.” She started and gathered Éliane in her arms. Her girlfriend made herself small and buried her face in the folds of her sweater, taking in a deep breath, committing the scent of Evelyn to her mind, already knowing she would be gone within a few months.
 “I promise too,” Éliane added softly, not meeting Evelyn’s eyes, already fighting to keep the tears at bay, “I mean – I want this to work too and I want you to be happy, so do what you feel will make you happiest.”
 “But you make me happy, El,” Evelyn pressed a kiss to the top of Éliane’s head and that at least got a smile out of her, “I like having you around.”
 “And I’ll still be here – after you’re done, but I don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity. I don’t want you to have regrets, twenty years from now or resent me because in a way I kept you here – that you stayed back because of me.”
 “Are you sure?”
 Éliane nodded, “I’ll miss you. I already miss you. But we can still talk and text, yeah?” She asked as if it was a question – as if Evelyn wasn’t already thinking of having weekly video call dates, or something of the likes. She would be going from having Éliane around her nearly every day to being miles and miles apart. It would be a big adaptation – for both of them, but with Éliane’s blessing, Evelyn felt a little more confident that it would work out in the end.
 Their last summer together was – different, if they were to compare them to the previous ones. Knowing that Evelyn would be gone by the end of it, Éliane made it a point to spend as much time with her as possible and to create as many memories – good memories, so that Evelyn would want to come back.
 No matter how many times Evelyn reassured her that she would return, Éliane was still a little worried that this was it – that Evelyn would move on, but she still put on a brave face and did her best to be supportive and happy for her. (Which she was – but, why did Edmonton have to be so far away?)
 On the day that she left, Éliane went to the airport with Mr and Mrs Murphy and did her utmost best not to cry in front of them. (There would be time later – when she was home and alone in her bedroom. She didn’t want to cause a scene at the airport. She didn’t want to be that person.)
 “I’ll be back before you know it.” Evelyn told her when they shared one last tight hug. Her voice cracked a little and she did her best to swallow her own tears that threatened to spill forth.
 “I promise I’ll try to come over reading week.” They’d talked of the possibility and Éliane had been firm when she’d said she’d come to Edmonton at any chance she had – anytime they had time off. Evelyn admired her determination, but felt her girlfriend had forgotten how expensive the plane tickets could get.
 “Love you,” Evelyn chose to say instead.
 “Love you more.” Éliane stepped back and let Evelyn go. She watched as her girlfriend exchanged one more hug with her family and then went to queue up with the other travellers. She waved and waved again and tried not to think about the gap she suddenly felt in her chest.
 University turned out to be much harder than Cégep, but Evelyn enjoyed it a lot more. It wasn’t always easy, but the work was much more challenging and she felt like she was actually advancing with life. She got to reconnect with her old friends, made new ones and the only thing missing – the only person missing to make it all the more perfect was Éliane.
 They made it a point to have weekly video calls, just like Evelyn had thought of before she left, but it wasn’t always easy to keep with their schedule, what with different time zones, part time jobs, school work and the myriad of other obligations that got in the way. Still, every time they did talk, Evelyn felt as though the missing puzzle piece to her life was slotted into place.
 And, for as much as they settled into their new routine, slowly got used to not being around each other (Evelyn liked to say that absence made the heart grow fonder), there came a time when Éliane started to really think that Evelyn had moved on. When she would stay up far too late and see her girlfriend post photos on social media, out with her new friends, having a jolly good time, and some ugly thing inside of her whispered that Evelyn was replacing her – that this relationship would fizzle out. It also didn’t help that with time zones and busy schedules, midterms and projects, their weekly video calls became shorter and were sometimes postponed or cancelled.
 Éliane tried to tell herself that it was normal, that Evelyn had a life out there, that she was busy herself, but the fear kept gnawing at her and she hated that she thought this way. Deep down she knew it wasn’t true, but no matter how hard she tried to convince herself, there was still always an ounce of doubt that stayed.
 Eventually, it crept up in a conversation, just before winter break and Evelyn hated that her girlfriend thought she wasn’t as interested anymore.
 “Sweetheart, no – look, I know it’s hard, I miss you – a lot, but I promise I really want this to work between us and if ever, for some really absurd reason, I wasn’t interested anymore, I would let you know. I would never string you along, okay? And even if I’m in class, or asleep, you can still message me – I’ll answer you later, just like we’ve been doing, alright?”
 Éliane nodded and wiped the tears away from her eyes. She hated that she couldn’t be strong – that something so trivial had gotten to her, but at the same time, hearing Evelyn say those words comforted her a bit, “I love you,” She said instead, because it was true and because sometimes it felt like her heart was too small to contain all the love she felt for Evelyn.
 “Love you more, you silly goose. And I miss you. And I’m looking forward to seeing you this summer.”
 Éliane smiled a little at that – at the promise of two weeks with Evelyn mostly all to herself. It wouldn’t be the same as the other summers, but she supposed they had to make do with what they got.
 “Thanks for listening,” She said.
 Evelyn smiled softly and touched the screen for a moment, “Of course – I’m always here for you, just like you’re always there for me.”
 It didn’t suddenly get better or easier after that call, but Éliane felt just a little less alone. She stopped worrying that she was being extra clingy and reached out to Evelyn whenever she felt she needed it. She didn’t hold back when she wanted to send her a message, even if it was a simple heart emoji and the wonderful thing was that Evelyn replied to every single one and would send them back as well.
 For the first time since Evelyn had left for Edmonton, Éliane felt a little lighter and started to believe that they would grow stronger from this and that they’d find a way to make it work. It was hard work, sure, she didn’t always like the distance, but it made her appreciate the time they had even more and because it was worth it to her – to the both of them, it pushed them both to keep working towards it.
 If Evelyn sent her a sweater of hers for Christmas, well, maybe, just maybe it became Éliane’s favourite and she compulsively wore it all the time over the following four years, even after it stopped smelling of her girlfriend.
 Éliane still considered transferring to UofA, or at the very least, doing an exchange for one semester, just to be with Evelyn for a few months. When she told Evelyn about it, she suggested to go somewhere different – not to hold back just because of her. She didn’t want her to miss out on some great experience or opportunity and settle for this out of some skewed sense of obligation. She could always visit her in Edmonton, but how many chances would she have to go literally anywhere else in the world? Evelyn threw back at her the same words and wisdom she had given her a year before and, with Evelyn’s blessing, Éliane applied elsewhere.
 In the end, she went to study art in Italy, for the length of her second semester. She loved every moment of it, fell in love with the people, the food, and the culture, and sent too many postcards to Evelyn, until her entire wall was full of them.
 To top it all off, since the school schedule in Italy was a little different, Evelyn even managed to surprise Éliane at the end of the term, when she flew in to spend some time with her, and they got to spend two weeks together in Italy.
 And, somehow or other, they made it through undergrad together, even if they weren’t always in the same city.
 When Evelyn had to apply for her Master’s degree, she once more decided to apply to schools both in Edmonton and back in Montreal. After four years back home, she felt that she had found the catharsis and closure she had been looking for all those years, after her father had sprung the move on her back when she was in high school. On top of that, she had really missed Éliane and – to her biggest surprise, she had also missed her life in Montreal.
 She still wasn’t sure where she would eventually settle, how that would play with Éliane, but she figured, if she studied in Montreal, it would buy them both another two years before they had to figure it out.
 This time around, she was accepted to the better of the engineering schools in Montreal and so, she took that as a sign that moving back was the right course of action – at least for now.
 To absolutely no one’s surprise, Éliane was very excited when Evelyn broke the news of her decision to her, a few days later, once she had accepted the offer and weighed in all the pros and cons, and Evelyn had to admit that she was looking forward to going back – to picking up where things had left off and moving forward.
 She was still a little sad that she was leaving Edmonton behind yet again, but this time, it was on her own terms and she knew that she could always come back and that no matter where she lived or where she went, the city would always be part of her.
 Her first year back was – interesting, to say the least. For starters, she had to get used to living with her parents again, which seemed like a strange thing to say, but she had gotten used to staying with her grandparents during her undergrad degree. On top of that, the commute was different from what she’d known beforehand and sometimes, she cursed the suburbs. It was so very far away and there was so much wasted time.
 Another thing she had to get used to again, which was also a strange thing to say, was being around Éliane again – or at the very least, the possibility of being around her again more often. It took them a while to fall back into their regular old patterns, even if they were happy to be able to be together again. At first, Evelyn had worried that maybe being away for so long had changed her feelings for Éliane, but once they talked it over and figured things out, she settled in her new routine and got the hang of it.
 During that first year, Éliane moved out of her parents’ place and got one of her own, which Evelyn started spending more and more time at, since it was much closer to school and it also gave them more privacy than in their former bedrooms. She was there so often, in fact, that by the end of the first semester, she had her own spare key to the place, in case Éliane wasn’t around and she wanted to crash, and by the end of the second semester, Éliane casually asked her if she wanted to permanently move in with her.
 Evelyn had been surprised and shocked by the offer. She had thought about it, they had talked about it, but she hadn’t thought Éliane would ask her so soon. Then again, she supposed she hadn’t taken into account her girlfriend’s impulsiveness. Therefore, over summer break, Evelyn moved her stuff halfway across town and finally, she was settled in with Éliane.
 Her second and last year of her Master’s was just as interesting as her first and came with its own challenges and adaptations. For starters, there was the fact that she was now living with her girlfriend. For as much as it was great, for as much as she loved the idea of having a place that was her own and that she and Éliane could build together, there were also times when they’d find themselves butting heads over the most inane of things. It was a test and exercise in compromise, patience, and communication and even though they didn’t always get it right on the first try, they kept at it and eventually found solutions to their problems.
 Finally, eventually, she finished her program, somehow or other, and on graduation day, her parents, her sister, and Éliane were there to see her receive her diploma. There was something – oddly soothing about having them all there, about knowing that she could have this – that her parents were accepting and welcoming, that she had the chance and privilege to have this, when so many others did not.
 To celebrate the occasion, Mr and Mrs Murphy took them all out to a nice dinner and Evelyn thought it was the perfect ending to her academic career.
 It was only later, when they were back at their own place and her parents and sister had left that Evelyn received the surprise of her life.
 “I have a gift for you,” Éliane said, which surprised Evelyn, since her girlfriend had already given her a gift earlier that moment. Then again, Éliane was notorious for such things, so really, it shouldn’t have come as a shock. However, what did come as a shock was when Éliane walked up to her, got down on one knee and then proposed to her – ring and all – speech and hopeful smile included.
 And – they had spoken about this, before – had brought it up a handful of times under different circumstances; sometimes as a joke, other times seriously, but – it still took her by surprise for the simple reason that she hadn’t thought Éliane would ask her on the day of her graduation – or that Éliane would be the one to ask. If anything, Evelyn was convinced that she would have beaten her to it.
 She said yes, obviously, and Evelyn wondered if it was possible to bottle up the giddy feeling she felt inside of her and drink from it for the rest of her life.
 Éliane put the photo album she’d been perusing down when she heard the front door open followed by Evelyn’s usual “I’m home!” She craned her head back in time to see her wife remove her motorcycle helmet and put it down before she passed a hand through her hair. Éliane couldn’t help but smile, fond and still so very much in love after all these years, as she watched one of her favourite daily spectacles.
 She greeted her back and then watched as her wife then removed her leather jacket and put down her messenger bag before removing her boots and making her way towards her. “Hi,” She said, smiling wider as Evelyn bent down to kiss her properly in greeting. They went through their daily exchange of “how was your day” and “you’ll never believe what happened when,” as Evelyn settled beside Éliane and made herself comfortable, slowly unwinding from her day.
 “What have you been up to?” Evelyn asked as Éliane carded her fingers through her hair.
 “I was doing some cleaning and stumbled upon our old high school album! Ended up doing a lot of reminiscing and got a little distracted,” She admitted with a laugh. Evelyn chuckled and rolled her eyes, far too used to her wife’s antics, but was nonetheless fond. Éliane was notorious for this, but it was endearing in its own way.
 Éliane nodded and retrieved the aforementioned album from the pile of what turned out to be other photo albums and opened it up to a random page, “Look! There you are!” She said pointing at a photo of the theatre troupe.
 Evelyn took the album out of her hands and brought it closer to her face to get a good look, she groaned when she saw the photo, “Ugh, what was up with my hair?”
 “Hush you; you had very nice hair – you still have very nice hair,” Éliane reproached, taking back the album as though afraid Evelyn would say more bad things about her past self and somehow or other insult the album in the process.
 “You were very biased,” Evelyn teased, grinning wolfishly at her.
 “No – I just have impeccable taste.”
 Evelyn laughed and pulled her wife closer, despite her protests at being manhandled in such a way (even though they both knew it was mostly for show), before she pressed noisy kisses to the side of her face, “Very, very biased – so biased. So biased that there’s a photo of you beside the definition of the word, in the dictionary.” She went on, grinning, inches away from her lips, “The most biased, actually,” She added before kissing her softly. She felt Éliane cup her face and kiss her back, soft and pliant, and so welcoming and loving – like always, like it had been those first careful times what felt like a thousand lifetimes ago.
 “Just for you, darling,” Éliane murmured, moments later, when they parted to catch their breaths, “Always just for you.”
 Evelyn laughed and the sound of it thrilled Éliane who held her wife close, loving her more with each passing moment – with each breath she took. She still thrilled and marvelled that even so many years later, they still kept choosing each other, every single day and she knew that for as long as she lived, Evelyn would always have her.
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blkmxrvel · 6 years
Emergency Room
Pairing: Margot Robbie x Fem!Reader
Words: 1, 484
Request: Since it's your first Margot story maybe start out with something like the first time Margot and the reader meet/flirt? Or maybe a story about their first date? Or maybe they're already a thing but the reader is gonna ask Margot to be her gf? There's some ideas :) I'm sure you can make it super cute!
Summary: You bump into Margot on your way from school, but instead of asking for a picture or sneaking one (you know how she doesn't always want to take them), you ask for her autograph. She gives you both, ..... and a little something extra.
Warnings: None, surprisingly. Just fluffy stuff. Not edited.
A/N: Dont mind the ending its terrible. i tried to make this a brain dump, but the way my brain works... no ma'am. I’m sorry this is so bad, i haven’t been in the best mood to write lately, so this is really forced and really bad. Just to get me back into the habit. I always said I wouldn’t be the cliche this relationship is moving way too fast writer but here I am. Enjoy :)
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Walking through the streets of New York was something you always enjoyed. Being able to be lost amongst thousands of other people, scanning faces and you strolled with your hands in your pockets and headphones in your ears.
Today was a fairly normal day, you had woken up, gone to class and now you were on your way home. You didn’t get much sleep last night though so your brain was pounding inside of your skull. All you wanted to do was go home, eat, and sleep the day away. You were sure there was nothing that could change that.
You decided to walk with your head down, a bad idea, you knew, but the bright life of New York City was starting to make your headache worse.  You couldn’t walk with your eyes closed, so this was the next best thing. You had gotten lost in the music, subconsciously walking to the beat. Your head bobbed lightly despite the pain that continued to get worse.
Suddenly, your body had collided with someone else’s, sending you to the ground and into a few more people. Your phone fell out of your pocket, your headphones going right along with them. A chorus of “hey’s!” “watch it, dude!” and “what the fuck!’s were thrown your way.
You screwed your eyes shut, the noise and lights almost making you cry. You tried (and failed) to look for your phone, sighing when you couldn’t find it. Someone must have grabbed it.
“Oh my God!” A voice rang out behind you. You had heard that voice before, you were sure of it. A hand was placed on your shoulder, tapping lightly. “Here let met help you up.” Grabbing the hand, you stood up, giving a small thanks, not even looking at the person. You could it was a woman based on the voice and striking accent, she was behind you.
You looked around on the ground a bit more for your phone, but to no avail.
“Oh! I’m so stupid, you must be looking for this. It flew out of your pocket and I grabbed it before anyone else could.” That voice sounded really damn familiar. You turned around, eyes nearly popping out of your head when they made eye contact with the person you bumped into.
“I- You’re- What!?” Your face felt hot and you knew for a fact it had flushed. Your hands got clammy and your heart raced. “Margot Robbie!” Seeing her flinch and her eyes look around her, you felt guilty.
“Sorry.” You said in a more hushed voice, then you started to whisper. “Margot Robbie! Oh my god I can’t believe I just bumped into my favorite person ever!” 
She laughed, holding your phone out to you more. You took it from her, cringing at the cracks that ran through out your entire screen.
“Sorry about that.” She said, nodding to your phone. You looked up at her once again and you were floored.
She was a bit taller than you, but you could see the way her eyes glistened as they looked down at you. Her hair blew almost expertly in the wind, little stragglers from her ponytail framing her face. She was just in a simple jeans and hoodie, but boy was she pretty.
“No it’s okay! Don’t worry about it, I get a new one in a year anyways.” You placed your phone in your pocket. “It was my fault anyways, I should’ve been looking.” The headache almost became unbearable, making you clench your eyes shut.
“Are you alright?” She stepped a bit closer to you and placed a hand on your arm, eyes scanning over you. Your breath caught in your throat at the sudden closeness of your idol. But you got it together.
“Yeah! I’m fine.” Your voice was wavering. “I’ve had a headache since earlier and I might have hit it on the ground a little but I’ll survive.” Her eyes squinted and you looked away from her, trying to ignore your head.
“I don’t believe it. You look to be in more pain than that. Let me take you to the emergency room, please. Just to make sure.”
Your eyes immediately opened and looked at her. “No! I couldn’t possibly do that to you. You have much better things than to be doing. I’ll be fine.”
“Please it’s the least I could do.” She looked at you and you looked at her. Your heart was still racing and you felt like you could pass out at any minute. You weren’t sure if it was from a possible concussion or the fact that the woman you were so obsessed with still had her hand on your forearm and wasn’t moving it anytime soon. Either way you knew you weren’t okay.
“Fine, fine.” You relented. Hearing her light triumphant chuckle and seeing her smug smirk may have dulled your headache a little bit, but you weren’t sure. 
“This was not how I imagined spending my day.” Margot sat in the chair next to your hospital bed. The ride to the hospital was rather interesting. Margot’s driver was more than happy to drive, (it was his job so he didn’t really have a choice), but throughout the entirety of the ride, Margot couldn’t stop....touching you. 
She didn’t know what was wrong with her, it was like she had an itch, and her hand on your arm on her shoulder on yours was the only way she could scratch it. She wasn’t really sure what had gotten into her. A crush on a fan? That was something unheard of.
“You’re telling me. Who knew that concussion’s were so disgusting. My stomach still doesn’t feel right. I’m supposed to be at home, sleeping right now.” You sighed, throwing your head back and closing your eyes. 
“So you aren’t happy to see me?”
“Not what I said. Like I said you’re my favorite person in the world.” You laughed at yourself. “It would be my luck to literally fall in front of you. Can’t say I’m the most surprised.
Margot laughed at that, keeping her eyes on your profile. You looked so serene, in a way. Sure you had a bandage wrapped around your neck, IV hooked into your arm and hospital gown on, but she was still taken aback at you.
“See? It’s not all bad.” She sat back, still admiring your features when the doctor came back in.
“Alright,” He said as he came to stand next to you, your eyes still closed. The room way dark, to help your headache until the morphine kicked in. “Your x-rays look good, no bleeding, a little bit of swollen but that’s to be expected.” He went to go wash his hands and grab a light. He looked to Margot.
“She won’t be able to run, jump, eat anything too heavy or do any fast movements for about a week or so.” He stood over you, holding the light to your eye and flashing it back and forth. 
“You've got a great girlfriend huh?” He said as he switched eyes. “I know this trip will be one for the books. Make sure to get something to capture it.” Margot choked on air, coughing to relieve herself. A light blush came up to her cheeks.
“Definitely.” She mangled out.
“Okay! You’re all set. I will have a nurse come back with your prescription and discharge papers and you can go. Be careful.” He said to you before turning to Margot. “Take good care of her, Make sure she gets what she wants. Have a good evening.” He stepped out and you immediately went into a fit of giggles.
“So....Now that you’re my girlfriend and all, how about an autograph? I’m just following doctors orders.” You tilted your head towards her, smiling groggily. Your eyes here halfway shut and your lips relaxed. Margot’s heart jumped.
“Autograph? That’s a new one.”
“Well, I know you aren’t that fond of pictures, and I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” Her heart jumped at that one too.
“It’s alright, for you I’ll give you three things.” She leaned forward in her chair. “You live in New York, right?” You nodded.
“What three things?”
“A picture, an autograph, and my number.” You didn’t mean for her to hear your gasp, but you weren’t Wonder Woman.
“Okay,” You tried to sound nonchalant. “That definitely works. But why the third thing?”
“Well you know, now that you’re my girlfriend and all, I have to make sure you’re okay and doing what the doctor says. Plus I owe you a new phone and a proper meet and greet.“ She smirked, and you kinda sort got what she was hinting at, but you didn’t wanna push further just in case.
So you forced your heart to calm down and nodded your head.
“Doctor’s orders?” You smirked.
“Doctor’s order. Gotta give you whatever you want.”
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himbos-hotline · 3 years
maddie info dump?
Madelyn Scarlett Jena Orton was born in Hannibal Missouri to unknown parents on the 15th of April 1985. With no parents of the abadoned child, she is placed into the Lucky Duck's orphanage. Despite her hetrochromia, she lives a pretty normal infancy and goes through her milestones earlier than what is expected, apart from what the people working in Lucky Ducks assume is delayed hearing or Maddie just being a fussy baby prone to ear infects, she is a well child.
She was adopted by the Orton family when she was two and at first Randall was very against the idea of having to share his room with a girl, he didnt want a sibling. But after a few temper tantrums and a few awkward meetings, he settles into the idea of being a big brother and finally they adopt her. Elaine, their mother, sends both of her children to a private school for a few years where Maddie starts to learn piano at aged three.
When she is four, Madelyn is exposed to the family buisness and is instantly the apple of her fathers friends eyes, she adores micheals, hunter as well as edge and christian, finding them the most facinating people in the world. She is facinated by how the people her daddy knows can "fly like superheros!" but doesnt understand her brothers desire to get into the ring and be hurt.
Slightly after the time around the arenas with her father, her family start to notice that her hearing starts to get worse again, thinking it is just an ear infection, they take her to a doctor which than sends her to a specilist. There, the Orton family find out that Maddie suffers from a generic condition called Waanderburg sydrome. She slowly starts to loose her hearing and when she is five, she is fitted with hearing aids and at first she hates them because she wants to be a normal kid.
Hospital bills for Maddie roll in and with the cost of her aids, her and Randy can no longer be in the private school so they are transferred to a public school and because Maddie looks different she is bulled by the other children from everything from her father being around, to her looking different from her family, to the fact that shes disabled. She doesnt let this get to her, she just looses herself in studying and when she is seven, notices that theres another chair at the end of the table and the teacher introduces Finn Balor, an irish exchange student.
Finn is also bullied by the classes because he also is different and the kids dont like different or new things and Maddie feels compelled to help the new kid when an older boy takes finns comic.
The two of them become friends after that and they really bond to the point where they exist almost as each others shadows. Finn "accidentally" falls over himself and kisses madelyn when she is eight and he is nine, neither of them speak about it.
Maddie's life is going great until Finn doesnt turn up one day for school and since she didnt hear anything about him being sick, goes around to his house and finds out that the Balor's have moved back to ireland cuz Finns dad had got another job back in Bray.
She grows up still waiting for her only friend to call or write a letter or anything and sits on the stairs for days watching the mailbox and the phone and as randy describes it "watches his baby sister wilt like dying forget me knots." a part of her dies when she finds out that finn has left her and has seemingly forgotten about her. Turning her mind back to wrestling, since its the only time she now spends with her brother [thanks to randy being in the marine core and then dishonerably discharged] to try and numb that pain. Seeing people she considers family hurt, Maddie decides that she wants to do something and when she is 17, decides that she wants to go to med school and moves to Downtown montreal.
This is where she meets Sami, the two of them are roommates/dormmates and the two of them grow closer as Maddie tells him storys about her family and closes up wounds. This is also where she meets Kevin and finds the angry murder bear facinating and although he would never admit it, he considers maddie a friend.
Sami and Madelyn date when they are 18 and after 10 months they go through the natural breakup of "this isnt really working out, we have different things going on and we work better as friends." their friendship is very special and sweet and i love writing it.
after they break up, the two of them move on, sami with kevin and Maddie with baron corbin. who at first sounds like the kindest and sweetest person. Sami introduces the two of them and baron and maddie start dating straight away [something which is odd for Maddie since she is demiromantic]. so, their relationship is going great until he starts to abuse her, seperating her at first from friends and family and than telling her to leave classes and in the end hitting her and controlling every aspect of her life. Sami notices the change in his best friend but she just pushes him away.
Not sure how to help maddie grow again, Sami remembers her telling him about a kid from her childhood and once again plays matchmaker because finn made her so happy as a child, they must have missed each other. through a mutual friend he gets in contact with finn and starts up a conversation telling him things about Maddie but not really handing over number until he has asked her about getting abck in contact with an old friend.
Maddie does and begins to secretly start to talk to finn on another phone, hiding it in her and samis old apartment in one of his old gym bags.
when she is 22, sami and kevin spot that maddie hasnt been speaking to either of them and hasnt turned up for a coffee date which she has never missed before. the two of them find her barely alive on the floor after baron got mad at her, catching her on the phone to her mother. Sami tells finn that maddie is in hospital and only that, its not his news to tell that the boy that he introduced her too is some kind of wandering demon. Sami blames himself for what happened.
Madelyn knows that she cant leave Baron, thats not fair because he loves her, sure it hurts sometimes but love always hurts. her friends and family are powerless to change her mind and she willingly goes back into an abusive relationship, using her studying as a means to stay out of Baron's way, which works...for a little
Maddie is 23 when she doesnt turn up for college. Sami finds her after cutting her wrists and he sits with her until she wakes up. Kevin visits every now and again bringing up coffee and sodas and food as well as blankets and snacks from the other ROH wrestlers. She [with help of her brother and sami and kevin] breaks up with baron and spends her first christmas happy and at home with her family.
her and finn spark up a friendship online, talking and skying and despite their clear feelings for each other they stay as friends, Madelyn never once mentions how she got a scar across her face or why sometimes she looks so tired, almsot as if she was fighting some invisible person in her sleep.
eventually, she follows her brother into WWE as a medical professional and she meets Seth while training down in NXT. he becomes another brother and Maddie is highly greatful for another friend who reminds her of a golden lab puppy. at 27 her and finn start dating, secretly because maddie knows that randy would overeact, but hes just glad that his sister is growing again.
When finn signs to wwe, maddie is 29 and he surprises her, they start "offically" dating and in the end the two of them get married and have six children, two of them spawn of the demon king. Maddie and finn are stupidly in love to the point her friends find it slightly sickening but only playfully.
woah! that was a lot
theres a lot more about her that I could go into so just toss me your questions into my ask box ^_^
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the-abqhauler505nm · 3 years
Dumpster Alternative Dumpster Rental Alternative - Junk Removal Service And Cost | Albuquerque NM | ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/dumpster-alternative-near-me/
Dumpster Alternative: Looking for dumpster company in Albuquerque? ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving is an eco-friendly junk removal company. We are the dumpster rental alternative. Dont Rent A Dumpster, Rent Us. Call  for a free estimate and pricing! Should you use a dumpster or dumpster alternative to get rid of your junk. Junk removal specialists can make your clean up a breeze. Plus, we take junk the average dumpster rental company won't, including appliances, scrap metal, donation pick up, refrigerator, Dumpster Rental Alternative. If you're considering a dumpster rental for your junk removal needs, you might want to be aware of a few things. Cost of dumpster alternative? Free estimates! Call today book online or email us for a quick estimate!
Dumpster Rental vs Junk Removal Company Albuquerque NM
Need dumpster to get rid of junk furniture construction waste trash? Whether it’s your town, city ordinances or the rules of your garbage company, there is always a list of items they won’t take. They won’t take old computers, electronics, furniture or any other junk you may have accumulated. However, we are a full service hauling company that provides a garbage removal alternative; not only will we take the items they refuse, we’ll also clean up the area afterwards. So long as it’s not hazardous materials, we will do all the dirty work and you can consider everything else gone! Your trash company will leave you with extra work… we pick up their slack! Our company sets the standard for quality customer service so give us a shot and we will be your go to company for the future when you need a garbage removal alternative!
Dumpster rentals may seem like a good idea for your construction or home remodeling project, however they can come with a number of problems. First, you need to be the one doing all the heavy hauling. You risk injury to yourself and damage to your home trying to haul heavy items down the stairs and into the dumpster outside. Dumpsters also are unsightly eyesores that sit in your yard for days, attracting unwanted animals and glares from your neighbors. Finally, you often will be charged separately for any labor that goes into a dumpster rental.
ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving provides an efficient, safe and eco-friendly dumpster rental alternative - junk removal - to make the whole process easy for you. Book a one-time appointment or series of appointments for the length of your job. We will come to your property, remove your junk or trash, load it into our truck and dispose of it in a safe, eco-friendly manner. No unsightly dumpsters that your neighbors glare at or animals may decide to look through at any hour of the day or night. No hauling stuff to the dumpster and struggling to get it in. No extra fees for labor.
Ready to get rid of that junk? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3. You make an appointment by booking online above or by calling 1.956.587.3487 for free estimates and cost! Our professional and insured trash removal team will show up at your home or office; we call 15 minutes before we arrive on site and we’ll give you a free estimate based on how much room your items take up in our truck. You point and we haul your items into our junk removal trucks, with no hidden fees.
As your dumpster rental alternative, we specialize in all sorts of hauling, including:
• Appliance Removal • Furniture Removal • Yard Waste Removal • Hot Tub Removal • Trash Removal • Mattress Disposal • Television Disposal & Recycling • Refrigerator Disposal & Recycling • Construction Waste Removal • E-Waste Disposal • Foreclosure Cleanouts • Garbage Removal • And just about anything else you don't want!
Page is related to: • Albuquerque NM Dumpster Rental Prices • Dumpsters Albuquerque NM • Dumpster Prices Albuquerque NM • Dumpster Albuquerque • Dumpster Bellevue • Dumpster Elkhorn • Dumpster Papillion NE • Dumpster Ralston NE • Dumpster Gretna • Dumpster Albuquerque • Dumpster Blair • Dumpster North Albuquerque
For many people, simply choosing between the various dumpster sizes is the first challenge to getting started on their clean-out or remodeling project. Experts at Cork'd help you with any size dumpster from small 5-10 yard all the way up to 40 yard dumpsters for big projects. The starting point is always the same, asking yourself "Which dumpster size should I rent?" What are the actual size differences between each type of dumpster? What dumpster sizes am I allowed to place on a residential street? Read on below for an easy to use guide on getting the best dumpster rental.
Dumpsters come in many sizes, with the standard being 10 yard, 20 yard, 30 yard and 40 yard. What does this even mean? We used a standard pickup truck as a reference to how much each roll off dumpster size can hold. These dumpster allow you to not waste time by having to load up a truck and drop off to a dumping facility. Regardless of size, roll off dumpsters have an open top, which makes it especially easy to throw in large or bulky items. Simply load up a roll off dumpster and once it reaches maximum capacity, a service truck picks up and removes the dumpster from your
Smaller dumpster sizes below 10 yards are perfect for residential use so homeowners can fit them on their driveway or on the street in front of the home. Having a dumpster on your property during a move out cleaning, renovation or simply wanting to finally de-clutter your entire home and/or garage allows you to clean and trash anything and everything without having to worry about hauling it away multiple times during the process. Tip: If you are ever unsure of how much waste you have, always get the larger dumpster size so you do not have to deal with overflow. This will save additional delivery fees. Below are some examples of what can be placed inside of a dumpster rental.
   CONSTRUCTION/RENOVATION DEBRIS • drywall • wood • roofing scraps • concrete    YARD WASTE • wood from fencing • old lawn furniture    RESIDENTIAL DEBRIS • clutter from a move out • old furniture • trash from attic or garage, etc
While it may be easy to just toss everything into a dumpster, there are several items that cannot be placed in them. Due to city and/or state regulations, these items all require a different method of removal:
• Hazardous Waste Material: Paints or other toxins (such as asbestos, insecticides) that specify they are hazardous waste. Oils and grease also cannot be put into a dumpster. • Electronics: appliances such as refrigerators, washers or dryers, TVs, computers, monitors, etc all require to be e-recycled. • Household or Green Waste: trash from food or yard waste such as grass, leaves or dirt, should be disposed separately utilizing your municipal provided trash and recycling bins. • Others: car parts such as tires, batteries all should be disposed of separately.
You can always ask what items specifically can or cannot be dumped inside. Keep in mind that the size of the dumpster does not determine what can be thrown away, it is decided by local landfill regulations. Some companies allow items that others do not, so it is best to always ask for a list of items to be safe.
Avoid having to make unnecessary trips to a local dump site by renting a dumpster to be at your disposal 24 hours a day. Regardless of the length of your project, renting a dumpster can be an efficient and cost effective way to stay on track with your project and your budget. We can quickly match you to the roll off dumpster size that meets your criteria and falls within your budget. Contact us today to find out how much time and money we can save you!
#1 DUMPSTER ALTERNATIVE COMPANY IN ALBUQUERQUE NM ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING REQUEST MORE INFORMATION. CLICK HERE CONTACT: ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Albuquerque NM Open Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Albuquerque NM 87120 Website: http://www.albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/ http://www.serviceabq.com/ SERVICE AREA: Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico #junkremoval #hauling #moving #trashremoval #cleaning #newmexico #Albuquerque
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: He’s Tired of One Night Stands. How Does He Start Finding Relationships?
— Dear Dr. NerdLove:
3 and a half years ago, I used to suck at relationships. I was not the nicest person to be around, being selfish, entitled, needy… the whole package. My relationships, if any, never lasted more than 3 months and almost always ended up in the other person ghosting me, and since I apparently never got the message, breaking up in the worst terms possible. So I got coaching. Yes, this did terrible things to my life, but that’s another topic.
Anyway. after this coaching thing was over I met who I then thought was the perfect woman. She made me want to feel better, she was always fun to hang with, I never was tired when she was around, she had a crazy sex drive (which meant we almost never slept), she got me into art and movies, she wasn’t afraid of calling me sexy and hot, something that had never happened to me before… it was a wonderful year.
But then things changed for both of us. She started her own business and I was jobless, so seeing each other was hard. I had no reliable source of income, so I couldn’t afford the 2-and-a-half hours ride to her place that often, and she suddenly had way less time for me since she had to devote everything to other things. She ended things up, seeing how it was complicated to make it work.
And I fell hard.
I had to go to therapy. I cried many nights. I gained a lot of weight. I sabotaged a couple of relationships after her, just because they weren’t her.
Eventually, things got a bit better. I now know that what I longed for (still do, sometimes) was the “her” of that time, that was so compatible with the “me” back then. And we’re not the same persons we were.
But since being lonely after getting used to having sex almost everywhere, every day, is not a nice feeling, I somehow got good at the “one night stands” game. It’s not hard for me to get someone to spend the night with, but it always ends there. No second dates, no “stay for breakfast”… nothing. And I’m beginning to fear that I’m too afraid to open up again, just because nobody can measure up to the one relationship I had that did not suck. So, is there anything I can do? Am I past the point of no return? In other words, how do I get a relationship?
Thanks in advance.
Stray Cat Strut
There are a couple things to think about here, SCS.
The first is that you’re creating an artificial divide between one-night stands and potential relationships. I can’t count the number of people I know — both in my personal life and clients that I’ve worked with — who’s long-term relationships started off as one-night stands that just… didn’t end, really. The skills that help you find someone who is interested in a casual hook-up are the same skills that help you find someone who wants things that are more committed and more long-term. The only real difference is in how you apply them.
In fact, as odd as it may sound, the bigger issue people have is keeping things casual; more people try to create and maintain a casual, no-strings attached relationship and find themselves catching feelings by mistake.
So it’s not as though you can’t make the leap, if that’s what you want.
On a purely skill-based, mechanical level, making the transition from “casual” to “committed” depends on the expectations you set and the way you behave with your partners. One of the reasons why one-night stands tend to stay one-night stands is because the people involved aren’t that invested in the person they’re sleeping with. It’s less about connecting with a person and more about getting their rocks off, which means that they come to it treating the other person like a human-shaped masturbation toy. Focusing on connecting, treating your partner like a person with needs and desires from the get-go and getting to know them on more than a “let’s make squishy-noises” level all help make the leap from “Ok this was nice now get out” to “You know, I might like to see you again.”
Problem is, more people tend to just get off, wipe their metaphorical dick on the curtains and head out the door before the sweat’s started to dry. Small wonder a lot of folks either don’t like one-night stands or aren’t interested in seeing the other person again.
But I think the bigger issue for you is who you’re pursuing. I’m wondering if you’re actually interested in the people you’re sleeping with for more than just sex. It sounds to me like you’re not actively looking for someone who might be as awesome as your ex; you may have decided there’s no point, so why bother trying. And that could be equal parts Oneitis and feeling like you don’t deserve someone as good.
And if I’m being perfectly honest, I’m wondering if all those one-night stands are part of why you feel like you couldn’t find someone like her again. That you’re “not good enough” to date, so you only let yourself look for quickies instead… and since you’re the sort of person who only gets one-night stands, you’re not “worthy” of getting a “real” relationship.
Here’s the thing: I’ve been where you are. There was a point where I thought I had the perfect girlfriend, the perfect job and the perfect life. And then in short order, I got fired from the perfect job and dumped by my perfect girlfriend. And while it sucked worse than anything had sucked before… when I gave myself time to heal and recover and get some perspective, I realized just how wrong I was. The job wasn’t actually right for me — it was what I thought I wanted, but not something I actually enjoyed or found fulfilling. My “perfect” girlfriend was a great person — and we’re still friends today — but the relationship wasn’t one that actually met my needs; in fact, I was always terrified about it all falling apart. I wasn’t in the right place to be dating at all, never mind her.
With time, experience and distance, not only was I able to come to terms with all of this, but I started getting to know myself better. And despite losing all those “perfect” parts of my life… I was able to find a new career and new relationships that were actually right for me.
But a lot of it involved my being willing to forgive myself for “losing” all of that.
I think that’s what you need more than anything else. You need to forgive yourself for not being able to hold onto that “perfect” relationship, for the mess you found yourself in afterwards and the strings of hook-ups you’ve had since. Your relationship with your ex didn’t fail; it simply reached it’s natural end-point and you had to move on to the next stage of your story. And while she was amazing and you had some great times… there are many, many women out there who are just as amazing, and who are right for who you are now.
The key is that you have to be willing to give yourself permission to find them.
You don’t need to change up your game, as it were; you just need to start changing how you play it. You have the skills to find your next adventure; you just have to apply them differently. Instead of looking for folks who are just up for sex that night, prioritize meeting people who are just awesome. People who yeah, may be down to bang… but people you’d want to see again. And when you do find them… focus on connecting and commonalities more than the sex. The more you can build that sense of connection, the more likely it’ll be that hooking up that night will lead to breakfast the next day… and then dinner the following night.
You’ll find someone just as great as your ex. You just have to let yourself be open to it.
Good luck.
Hey Doc, I just wanted to reach out to you for some advice, I have never had any luck with women and at 25 I’m still a virgin not that it matters because it just means I haven’t had that experience. I have zero self confidence around women whatsoever, I have never fit in and have been bullied most of my life. I have always been the socially awkward, quiet, shy and weird guy, I have just recent been able to start making friends in college. I am really worried that I will say the wrong thing and appear creepy to women or I get consent and they regret being with me later and my ability to practice in my potential career will be ruined. There is a girl that I work with that is five years younger than me that I have feelings for but I won’t act on because I don’t want to make things awkward or uncomfortable. I also think she is way out of my league as she is funny, intelligent and really cute where as I’m weird, awkward, goofy, slightly below average looking and not the sharpest tool in the shed. This girl teases me all the time and work and makes me laugh but, I think just does it to make fun of me, I asked her why she did it over text and if it was because I’m and easy target and her response was “Could be 😉” “but I dont make fun of you!!”. This coworker has also randomly messaged me Love Yoouuuu out of the blue and randomly referred to me as “babe” at work when I asked her if it was a slip of the tongue and she said no. This behavior confuses me maybe I should just avoid her entirely if possible. The other thing that I fear is affecting me is being ginger, I don’t think most women like or even prefer ginger guys, gingers are popular with men not women. I also feel like I have to have a rhinoplasty to correct my crooked nose and braces in order to be even average looking to women. How would you gain confidence and get over someone who you shouldn’t have feelings for? Weird Awkward Nerd
Ok so this is one giant tangled knot of misconceptions, WAN. But I think rather than trying to pick things apart, we’re just gonna take the Alexander approach and cut straight through it. First things first WAN, let me help you put this fear to bed: nobody is out there consenting to sex, then deciding they didn’t like it and using that as a vehicle for destroying somebody’s life. The myth of “regret=rape” is bullshit being spread by folks who think concepts like “enthusiastic consent” give too much power to women to say “no”. Similarly, saying the wrong thing isn’t going to be the end of the world. Creepiness isn’t a one-off event, nor is it about looks; it’s a series of behaviors and attitudes that make people feel unsafe. Basic consideration and social calibration goes a long, long way towards avoiding being a creeper. Most of what you need to do is simply relax and be mindful of other people’s comfort. By the same token: there are no such things as leagues; there are people who are into you, and people who aren’t. If someone’s attracted to you and wants to date you, then by definition, you’re in their league… even if they’re a princess and you’re a cave troll. But at the same time: dude, where in pluperfect fuckery did you get the idea that women don’t like gingers? I mean, this is easy to dismiss by looking at the number of girls who went apeshit for Ron and George Weasely in the Harry Potter movies, or the women who get the screaming thigh-sweats for Eddy Sheeran. Or, for that matter, the fans of Michael Fassbender, Paul Bettany, Domnhall Gleeson, Robert Redford… I mean, I could go on.
(Also, dude. *I’m* a ginger and I can tell you from experience: that’s never been a problem for me.)
Your biggest issue is that you’ve convinced yourself that you’re unattractive and you’ve worked backwards from there. And look, if I had a nickel for everyone who’s written in convinced that they’re Phantom of the Opera level deformed and was actually perfectly average AT WORST, then Elon Musk and I would be having giant mecha fights off the coast of San Jose. Here’s the thing: 90% of being attractive is about presentation, not bone structure or physical features. All you have to do to see this is to do a search for “celebrities without makeup” or “instagram vs. reality” to see just how much conventional attractiveness is about how you present yourself. Shit, watch some episodes of Queer Eye and see just how transformative a change of clothes and a hair cut can be. You don’t need a nosejob to be attractive; you need to make changes to how you present yourself. People spend luxury-car amounts of money on plastic surgery and are still miserable. Getting a good hair cut and wearing clothes that fit and look good on you will do far more for making you feel like a sexy bad-ass.
All of these doubts and self-limiting beliefs are just retroactively justifying what you already believe. It’s confirmation bias in action; you ignore any signs that people might think you’re cute as “that doesn’t count”, while you double and triple down on anything that goes along with your belief that you’re an unfuckable troll. Which actually brings us to your friend at work. I think you’re radically misinterpreting what she’s doing and why. Yes, she’s teasing you… but teasing isn’t inherently malicious. In fact, a lot of people will use teasing as a form of flirting; they’re showing interest in a gently playful way. I strongly suspect that this is coming from a place of affection. Part of the fun is how flustered or worked up you get; I’m willing to bet that if someone asked her why she likes to nudge at you like this, she’d tell them that it’s because your reactions are cute. Because, straight talk: women don’t call folks “babe” or tease folks the way your coworker is teasing you if they don’t like them. This isn’t necessarily a sign that she’d like to date you… but it’s a damn sight closer to that than the idea that she’s taunting you or being cruel. The problem is that you don’t want to believe that someone you think of as attractive could like you.
If you were to start teasing her back, the way she teases you? Not only do I think she’d love it, I think you’d find the two of you would really connect. I can’t say that you’d start dating… but you sure as hell would have a much better time at work and make a very good friend. And that might lead to something new and amazing. But to do that, you have to start by accepting that hey, people think you’re cute, fun and like you. Because hey: they clearly do. You’ve got far more going for you than you realize, WAN; you just won’t let yourself believe it. Take some time to make some changes to how you dress and style yourself, let those changes sink in and make you feel awesome and open yourself up to your own potential. I think you’ll surprise yourself in just how much you’re capable of if you give yourself a chance. Good luck.
Previously published on doctornerdlove.com and is republished here under permission. —
Talk to you soon.
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The post He’s Tired of One Night Stands. How Does He Start Finding Relationships? appeared first on The Good Men Project.
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/he-s-tired-of-one-night-stands-how-does-he-start-finding-relationships
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blookmallow · 5 years
hello here is a post about my skyrim houses so far 
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i LOVE that butterfly jar ive never seen another one and i forget where i even found that one... i wish i could catch things and put them in jars myself 
i switched that shield with an ebony shield instead but i still like the dwemer one too 
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mushroom pile and a dresser with some cool stuff on it 
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end table ft mask i stole from a cultist who tried to murder me and some spooky alchemy stuff 
i dont like the bed in the whiterun house, sleeping on straw sounds horrible :’| like. why cant i buy a better bed i have the money 
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man this shit’s getting out of hand. is it possible for one to have too many skulls
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i have a better place for this now in my other house but i had lucia’s dagger here for a while 
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i bought the dining room upgrade and all the stuff on the table spawned like a tornado went through it lmao what the fuck, 
i just gave up on half this stuff i cant reach very far across the table, its REALLY hard to get things to sit upright, if i climb on the table to reach further i risk knocking everything else over in the process, putting objects on plates doesnt generally work very well (they fall off/glitch through/wont stay centered/etc) so i couldnt get this to look decent and just ended up putting away half the stuff that was supposed to go on the table 
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for a while i tried really hard to have a bowl of gemstones but... that many small objects all interacting with each other at once, in a very unstable bowl that does not seem to want to react well with any of them, did NOT go well lmao they were constantly glitching out of the bowl and pretty much every time i walked by it it was just sort of. constantly twitching slightly 
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god fucking damn it ok this is NOT working lmao
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my bookshelf so far
i have a system going where i have a note on my phone of all the books i have so when im out adventuring i can check to see if a book i found is one i dont have yet, i have one end table for dumping all the new books i havent read yet, one end table for books i have read, and the shelf for my favorite books
and also another end table for just like. random notes/journals/etc 
i got a shit ton more shelf space in markarth now though so ill have to figure out how i want to utilize those 
im also working on slowly replacing all my stolen books with legitimate copies lmao. i didnt realize how many places there were to get books without stealing them/the fact that theres like a million copies of the same books around 
you cant sell stolen items i dont think so ive just been kinda dumping them all in a barrel near my house :’  ) i assumed they would disappear after a while but they. have not. so theres just this barrel full of stolen books outside the blacksmith shop now 
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little pile of dwemer stuff i found and some cool weapons (i later switched out the glass dagger for a glass sword instead though) (i LOVE glass weapons visually even though i dont entirely understand them as a weapon. i mean i know theres some pretty strong glass out there and its definitely sharp, but) 
i hate how dark it is in my house i cant figure out how to get more lighting 
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i love these dynamo cores also 
then i bought a house in markarth which is HUGE!!!!!! 
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this was before upgrades/before i put anything in it so it looks loads better now but EEYY
also LOOK how many fuckin shelves i have now 
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i gotta decide how i want to categorize them but i can fit SO many more books in here 
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look at this shit this looks like a jarl’s bedroom
it feels wrong having my kids living in that tiny little shack of a house in whiterun when i have ALL THIS now but i dont want them in markarth... ive seen random murders occurring in the city and the guards barely cared, saw dead guards laying around for no apparent reason, theres possibly forsworn agents sneaking around, theres a strong chance of falling off the steps and dying on the stone (i dont know if that can happen to npcs or if children even can die but i dont want to find out) and theres only like one other kid there 
im thinking ill probably start working toward the solitude house since that seems to be. probably the safest place to be/ive heard its the best house anyway 
 then it was finally time to move the skull pile out of whiterun, BECAUSE: this house has an empty room, which is EXACTLY what ive been looking for, 
(you can turn it into an alchemy workshop or a kids bedroom but i left it empty intentionally)
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i found a random saw buried in all the skulls. not sure how that happened 
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in the end (at the time when i moved to markarth) i had a total of 67 human skulls and 31 troll skulls in my collection, 98 skulls altogether which means i definitely have over a hundred now 
i have a video of me dropping all 67 human skulls at once lmao ill post that later 
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beautiful..... my dream.... Realized 
im still collecting though theres more now. im gonna keep doing it until it starts making the game lag or something. hoping to have so many fucking skulls you cant even get in the room anymore but i dont know how many the game will let me have before it starts crashing 
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got my mannequin set up with some nice clothes. glad to find something to do with that werewolf armor bc i didnt want to wear it lmao 
he hasnt been moving as much but ive still seen him posing with the shield or like. slightly off center/etc so hes probably still a lil haunted but thats ok we love and support haunted objects in this house 
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gems have been relocated to a new bowl which is a STATIONARY OBJECT and it seems to be working out loads better :’  ) i havent had them fall out everywhere Once since i put em in there 
0 notes
newsnigeria · 5 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/acfta-top-5-reason-why-nigeria-should-not-sign-african-free-trade-zone/
ACFTA: Top 5 Reason Why Nigeria should not Sign African Free trade Zone!
African Free trade Zone.. huh! This would be the biggest mistake for those that signed and ratified it. Watch those who already ratified it, you will find out that they are permanent puppets to the Anglzionist empire, the globalist while I think Nigeria, a semi puppet country to the same anglozionist empire played a smart move here. (But it can still be reservisble just by removing the head and dictating the rules again to the newly installed puppet if that ever happens again) Also take note that the anglozionist powerbase OBJ ( A CIA forward formation in the heartland of Yorubas) and its cronnies are doing everything they can to get Nigeria to sign the deal.
1 ECOWAS Lets just take ECOWAS free trade zone as an Example. It even got to a stage they started importing plastic rice and immediately shipping it into Nigeria. A smaller ECOWAS never got it right for one reason or another (ECOMOG NEUTRALISED being one of the reasons) now the whole of Africa continent would be a maximum failure. Just go to the Boarder and see how many people you will pay before crossing the boarder which is suppose to be free movement for both body and goods. And yes, it should be free for goods only made by countries in ECOWAS but not imported goods from foreign Economic imperators. So lets not act as if this makes any sense or will help majority of the impoverished people in the already poverty striken continent. It wil only maximize dumping of goods and making locally developing industries die off. Controled central banks already killed many industries in Nigeria Now those are begining to come back then this. Nah 2 Priority So sorry this is not a priority now. First thing is to be able to stop foreign impostors from killing any head of state at their will and to also limit the power of thier puppets in the system, gone are the days of surrogates but we live in the days of Anglozionist empire’ puppets. Since Gadaffi died, Africa has been vulnerable militarily ( And Boko Haram military power also skyrocketed afteer his death due to free movemen of Arms from Libya all the way down to Nothern Nigeria). If Gaddafi was still alive, this deal would at least have a little potential. Those who signed it are mere puppets to the anglozionist empire who decides for the contininent. Until African countries find a permanent solution to foreign regime change. Sorry this is all a joke. This perfectly even fits the narrative of this anglozionist empire each time they talk about a country In Africa, they dont see any country, they see Africa as a country. 3 Military Militarily, Africa is not ready for this except if you are on the side of AFRICOM as the soul backer of this kind of trade which would be another carbon copy of NATO and EU failing saga in EUROPE. There is no country that has Economic freedom in the African continnet so why enmbark on something that is not even in top 1 Priorities of what the countries in African continent need. A strong military power to at least put a full stop to foreign backed regime change would be a good start.
4 Economy Flooding the developing markets in Africa with foreign established multi-national companies (or Goods) that is not traditional company is another slavery in the making and hijacking of whatever good that is left in the continent. First step to Economic freedom is for each country in Africa is to dedolarize and go back to the gold standard as the determining factor of any currency.* The good news is a revolution just happened and no one noticed, this nonsense agreement will hijack that revolution. Let me Share it after this post .
Basel 3, a revolution that once again no one Noticed Real revolutions are taking place not on squares, but in the quiet of offices, and that’s why nobody noticed the world revolution that took place on March 29th 2019. Only a small wave passed across the periphery of the information field, and the momentum faded away because the situation was described in terms unclear to the masses. No “Freedom, equality, brotherhood”, “Motherland or death”, or “Power to Councils, peace to the people, bread to the hungry, factories to the worker, and land to the farmers” – none of these masterpieces of world populism were used. And that’s why what happened was understood in Nigeria (as case study) by only a few people. And they made such comments that the masses either did not fully listen to them or did not read up to the end. Or they did listen to the end, but didn’t understand anything. But they should’ve, because the world changed so cardinally that it is indeed time for Nathan Rothschild, having crumpled a hat in his hand, to climb onto an armoured Rolls-Royce [a joke referencing what Russian Lenin did – ed], and to shout from on top of it to all the Universe: “Comrades! The world revolution, the need for which revolutionaries spoke about for a long time, came true!” [paraphrasing what Lenin said – ed] And he would be completely right. It’s just that the results of the revolution will be implemented slowly, and that’s why they are imperceptible for the population. But the effects, nevertheless, will be soon seen by absolutely everyone, up to the last cook who even doesn’t seek to learn to govern the state soon.
This revolution is called “Basel III”, and it was made by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Its essence is in the following: BIS runs the IMF, and this, in turn, runs the central banks of all countries. The body of such control is called BCBS – the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. It isn’t just some worthless US State Department or Congress of American senators. It’s not a stupid Pentagon, a little Department of the Treasury, which runs around like the CIA’s servant on standby, or a house of collective farmers with the name “White House” . BCBS is the Politburo of the world, whose Secretary General, according to rumours, is comrade Baruch, and the underground structure of the Central Committee is even more secret. It has many euphemisms, the most adequate of which is “Zurich gnomes”. This is what Swiss bankers are called. Not even owners of commercial banks, but namely those ordinary-looking men sitting in the Swiss city of Basel who Hitler – who tried to attach the whole world to the Third Reich, and who preserved neutrality with Switzerland during all the war – didn’t dare to attack. And, as is known, in Switzerland, besides Swiss rifleman, in reality there isn’t even an army. So who was the frenzied Fuhrer afraid of? The Basel III decision meant that gold as a reserve of the third category was earlier estimated at 50% of its value on the balance sheets of world banks. At the same time, all owners of world money traded in gold not physically, but on paper, without the movement of real metal, the volume of which in the world wasn’t enough for real transactions. This was done in order to push down the price of gold, to keep it as low as possible. First of all, for the benefit of the dollar. After all, the dollar is tied to oil, which had to cost no less than the price of one gram of gold per barrel.
And now it was decided to place gold not in the third, but “just” in the first category. And it means that now it is possible to evaluate it not at 50, but at 100% of its value. This leads to the revaluation of the balance sheet total. And concerning Nigeria, it means that now we can quietly, on all legal grounds, pour nearly 8 trillion Naira into the economy. If to be precise, it is 8.95 trillion Naira or $45 billion at the exchange rate in addition to the current balance sheet total. The Central Bank of the Nigeria can pour this money into our economy on all legal grounds. How it will happen in reality isn’t yet known. Haste here without calculating all the consequences is very dangerous. Although this emission is considered as noninflationary, actually everything is much more complicated. During the next few months nothing will change in the world. The U-turn will be very slow. In the US the gold reserves officially total 8133.5 tons, but there is such a thing as a financial multiplier: for every gold dollar, the banks print 20-30 digital paper ones. I.e., the US can only officially receive $170 billion in addition, but taking into account the multiplier – $4.5 trillion. This explains why the Federal Reserve System holds back on increasing interests rates and so far maintains the course towards lowering the balance sheet total – they are cautious of a surge in hyperinflation. Now how can u grow and have food security when u are in one union that could limit your potentials with Petro dollar ?. Get it right once and for all is the key. 5) Dangotes The main reason even Dangote did not sign to it is because he knows Tarrifs for now is not a problem in African countries. The issue is the same, you use a foreign $$$ in payments. <GET IT RIGHT FIRST WITH PAYMENT BACK TO REAL GOLD STARNDARD FIRST, Basel 3>. Meanwhile, the empire will kill anyone that is ditching the dollar and install its puppets. Creating a parralel and artifical demand for the mere printed $$$ that nothing but war is backing. So you now all see the issue. To have more of ‘dangote’ controlled economies in African country is way better than to have more of Rothschild hijacked Economic future and what Basel 3 holds.
Balogun Adesina
0 notes
Where can i get Cheap street bike insurance for first time riders?
"Where can i get Cheap street bike insurance for first time riders?
I just bought my bf a bike a i want to get insurance for it, but i'm not sure where to get insurance from all i want is that little card that says i'm covered.  i don't think i want full coverage.  We live in California i don't know of that changes anything.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?""
I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?""
Company Car - Insurance - Accident.?
Well, driving home last night from a club with my friends. Almost finished dropping my friends off we go through a puddle, me not knowing how high it really is so I assumed it was only little. Coming out of the puddle, the water was coming up-to the car bonnet (dashboard). So the engine and power, all cut out.. So we have to get out, and push the car to a higher ground. Obviously, the engine has flooded and after a few attempts of jump starting it, didn't work. So I had to ring the break down service to come pick us up. As this is my fathers car (company car), will I have to pay any excess? Considering that I am 19, will the cars insurance be valid? (Meaning, will I be able to drive it again?) Car: BMW 1 Series (118) Advice please?""
Good Insurance Policy for Newly Married Couple?
Me and my wife just for married. We are both 21 years of age and are in college. We know what having a good health insurance policy should be our highest priority. Is there any affordable and good insurance policy someone can recommend? Thank you.
Is it possible to pause a car insurance but resume it again?
I want to know that if I buy car insurance, will I be able to stop the insurance so that I don't have to pay, just temporarily as I might sell my current car and until I get a new car I don't want to be paying without even having a car yet.""
My son is driving his grandmother's car without insurance?
My son's grandmother allows him to take her car whenever he would like. He has no insurance and drives the car all over the place. I have told him to stop driving it but I have no control over her car or the keys. I have warned them both several times that this will get them both in trouble. How can I stop them from doing this and is there a way I can turn him in to learn his lesson? If he gets in an accident or gets caught for this, who will have to pay for this? Me or him and his granmother? I do not want to be responsible for his ignorant behavior""
What insurance quotes car auto online?
what insurance quotes car auto online? i want to know about this.
Exactly what would be wrong with letting each state determine it's own health insurance reform?
Is there some reason why DC is better suited to reform health insurance (obviously they aren't any good at it, given the debacle we've seen already) than Albany or Indianapolis?""
Car insurance in NY for a 21 year old? Please Help?
I would like to purchase a used car in NY. Im curious to know if I need to purchase the car before I get insurance or can I buy the insurance then decide what car I want. Im actually not sure what car I would like to get right now, but in NY you cannot register a car without car insurance. Also, I would like to know which insurance companies will give me the lowest quote for my age and despite me driving for years with a permit, I just recently got my driver's license. I haven't established any credit yet, because I know they look at that too but I do live on my own and im gainfully employed. Whoever gives the best answer gets 10 points. Thank You""
Would insurance cover it if i get my teeth bonded?
my teeth are chipped pretty badly, and it's causing me a lot of discomfort. i've had them sanded before to smooth the chipping, but they're already little. would insurance cover this? (united healthcare)""
Can you get a discount on motorcycle insurance if is has an alarm system?
I just go a 2009 zx6r and I was wondering if ICBC gives you a discount if it has a full alarm system and immobilizer? I live in vancouver BC canada thanks
How much would insurance be on a dodge stealth?
i am going to be sixteen and i may be buying a 92 stealth and i need to know how much insurance would be. it is only a 5,000 dollar car. but the speed meter goes to 160mph.""
Auto Insurance Question?
well I want to buy an E36 BMW M3 (1996-1999) in couple of months, but i want to know that how can i get an insurance quote from other insurance companies. My moms insurance name is Access, but i want to get quotes from different companies to see which one is the cheapest. the problem is that, i don't have the car yet and there are questions that the website asks that i can't say it because i don't have enough info about the car, and i can't bother the sellers if im not going to buy the car yet. so how do you think i can get an insurance quote online when i don't have the car yet. sorry if the question sounds confusing""
I am moving what do I do about my car insurance?
I am moving what do I do about my car insurance?
Question about insurance (car insurance).?
If im a new teen guy driver, would buying an old range rover (2000) cost a lot for insurance?""
Want free auto insurance?
Do what the libs do. Dont have insurance. Those that do pay will have to pay higher premiums to make up for uninsured accidents. When the premiums get too high, tax the people already paying for their own insurance to cover those that never paid.""
How much is average insurance for a year on a sports bike vs a regular crusier?
How much is average insurance for a year on a sports bike vs a regular crusier?
I have recently ordered a wind turbine. Any recommendations for insurance?
I ordered a use wind turbine from Germany. I was wondering if anyone had any experience doing this and where is a good place to get insurance. I found these guys through Google thoughts? http://www.northernalliance.co.uk/wind-turbine-insurance/
Cheap insurance for '99 mustang?
I'm buying a used mustang next month and need to get cheap insurance since I will be making payments. What is the best (and cheapest) insurance for an 18 year old young woman?
Need health insurance?
looking for private health insurance, what are some companies that are affordable? lists of companies and info about them please. Thanks to all who answer =]""
My insurer wants to charge me a lot for canceling my insurance?
My insurance company (Kwik Fit) tell me that if I cancel my insurance today I will have to pay the normal monthly rate tomorrow as I normally would and then the charge of 67 to cover the cancellation. As far as I can see this means would pay for a month of insurance that I neither want nor need. Is this right? I have looked over my policy and on the pages referencing canceling my policy and they speak f chrages but do not say how much and it is also quite confusing.
Cheap car insurance for teens?
I'm 17 and interested in either a Clio, Punto or Polo. I've looked everywhere!""
Car insurance for a 16 year old in ny?
Hey guys I just got a 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE how much will it be to get insurance and who would take a 16 year old?
How do i switch my auto insurance policy before my term is up?
I currently have Direct Auto insurance, but i would like to switch companies to get a cheaper rate. i never had to cancel my insurance before the term is up, and my term isnt up till november 2010. my question is, how do i do that (if i can), and will i be charged for it?""
Why are insurance policies with deductibles cost less than insurance policies without deductibles?
what two reasons for why insurance policies with deductibles cost less than insurance policies without deductibles, and then briefly explain your reasons.... micro economics is confusing""
Why is it the law to have car insurance?
I mean if I get into a car wreck. Will the insurance company really cover the cost of me getting into an accident? It feels like I will just be dumping money down their throats for nothing in return.
Where can i get Cheap street bike insurance for first time riders?
I just bought my bf a bike a i want to get insurance for it, but i'm not sure where to get insurance from all i want is that little card that says i'm covered.  i don't think i want full coverage.  We live in California i don't know of that changes anything.
How to get dental insurance in Alabama and how much it cost?
My friend doesn't have dental insurance. So i'm just trying to help out by asking for advice. What is the cheapest dental insurance she can get that is going to cover root ...show more
Names of good CHEAP! Auto insurance companies in New York State ?
I'm trying to look for cheap insurance companies for my bf who is way over the age of 25 and had two accidents. Due to the accidents from the past, their charging him an exorbitant amount. Could you please name a few.""
Divorce and custody questions in California?
My soon to be ex husband and I have a 3 month old son. I know we can work out the custody agreement but if either of us get married again, can the step parent adopt the child as their own even though both biological parents have custody? Also if not, is there a way to give the step parents rights to the child like authorizing medical care, to be on the step parents insurance, ect...""
Can i insure 2 cars by 2 different insurance companies?
i already have car insurance with my first car but i have just bought another. to insure it on my current insurance is expensive. iv looked at other insurance companies and its cheaper to insure with them. Am i allowed to have a different insurance company for each car?
""What happens if you have health insurance through your job, then have to get new health insurance?""
If you have health insurance with your employer then quit, how can you get new health insurance with your new employer because aren't they going to see all your pre-existing history from your old insurance company?""
How much does car insurance cost.?
I am 18 and ready to get my drivers license but how much does car insurance cost per month on average.?
How much will my insurance be if im 16?
Well im 16 and I just got my license 2 days ago and I want to get insurance on a 2005 wrx sti sedan and we just got this car no one is insured on this car yet and I want to know how much the insurace will be per month or year, I havent had any tickets yet and never crashed. Can someone please help more or atleast give me an estimate or educated guess if you dont know. Thanks to anyone who helps.""
Can you buy health insurance in California if you don't have a Social Security number?
It seems like in the USA, you can't do anything without a social security number... Can you buy health insurance in California if you don't have a Social Security number? If yes, please let me know where/how? I won't be able to get a social security number for another 6 months or so... Thanks in advance!""
Do you still have to be added to your parents car insurance if you just borrow their car?
I don't have my own car yet, so ill occasionally be borrowing the car. Do I still have to be added? We have All State if that helps.""
Affordable care act being implemented question?
How would you explain when/how the ACA is being implemented? I'm writing an article and here's what I've included in the first paragraph: As the new Affordable ...show more
What are the age miletones for car insurance? UK?
At what ages does car insurance drop more than usual?
What do the insurance companies(in Maryland) consider a sports car?
I'm looking into getting a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse or a 1997-2004 Toyota celica. I've talked to different people around here and some say they consider them sports cars and others r saying that they r family cars because they have 4 seats and you can put people in the back. So I'm thinking that cars like Nissan 350z's and corvettes are sports car to them. Pls help me! I don't want to pay the insurance of a sports car. Is there a way I could get around it if they are considered sports cars.
Do group health insurance plans provide for covering costs of auto insurance?
Do group health insurance plans provide for covering costs of auto insurance?
I was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 05 mustang gt im 14 and have my permit cause i live in SD?
i would like to know how much per month (Preferably State Farm) insurance rates would cost for a first time car buyer for a young teenager getting a sports car my mom is alright with the price of the car alone and monthly lease but wants to know the monthly insurance fee.
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance, also, do you support obamacare?""
Rough Estimate For Liability Insurance?
Roughly what would is cost monthly for a million dollar liability insurance policy for a lawn/landscape business. The owners of the business would be under the age of 25
What is the best company for mobile home insurance?
Need full replacement policy on mobile home over ten yrs old
Insurance rates with a paid speeding ticket?
I got my first speeding ticket ever yesterday and it was a $120 citation . Since I was nervous, I agreed to pay the $120 right there and then. What will happen to my insurance rates? Since I'm 18 and its my first offense will they stay the same? Also, I live in Illinois and got the cotation in Marengo if that helps. Please help! Thank you""
What are your insurance premiums monthly?
I am currently paying $54 a paycheck to cover my husband and myself. It would cost me $18 for myself only and $102 for family. We do not have any deductibles, only copays. Emergency room $125, urgent care $40, specialist $30, ob $15, and pcp $15. I have an epo from United. I am curious to know what other people are paying for health insurance.""
What is the best medical insurance for unemployed or self employed?
What is the best medical insurance for unemployed or self employed?
What would health insurance catagorize a house call as?
I was on vacation, and got very sick. Small rural area, options were low, so the concierge referred Mobile physician housecall care to the hotel room. they did not take insurance, but told me to submit it to my insurance. I don't know what to put on the claim form??? not an office visit...E.R.? urgent care?? help please...thank you""
""Car from 2003, 17 year old female driver. Car insurance average?""
I'm a B+ student, my car belonged to my dad and is now being given to me. It's a ford focus. I'm 17 and a girl from New York. Can someone please ESTIMATE how much car insurance would be for me? I tried websites but I'd have to put in my social security # to get an average and I don't want to do that yet.""
Cheap cars with a nice interior??????????
Hey im 18 and hoping to buy my first car soon (Living inthe uk) I'll probably buy a used car too I want a car thats cheap to run, cheap insurance, etc But with a nice interior :) This cars interior is perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can you guys reccomend any?""
How much does a No Proof of Insurance ticket cost in Arkansas?
How much does a No Proof of Insurance ticket cost in Arkansas?
Is it bad not to have health insurance?
Is it bad not to have health insurance?
Where can i get Cheap street bike insurance for first time riders?
I just bought my bf a bike a i want to get insurance for it, but i'm not sure where to get insurance from all i want is that little card that says i'm covered.  i don't think i want full coverage.  We live in California i don't know of that changes anything.
How much is required down to open a homeowners insurance policy?
I am getting ready to buy a house and I am getting ready to switch my car insurance into my own name from my parents. I have to add homeowner insurance on to the policy. If I stay with the same company will I have to pay money down like for a deposit?
How can I afored health insurance on a fixed income?It will cost me a thired of my income ?
I am on a very fixed income with no health insurance. Even the government subsidized is to much, and my income won't let me get medicade. So what are the people in my case suppose to do for health care? What can you do when a third of your income has to pay for your insurance.""
Where can I purchase affordable dental insurance that is effective immediately?
I would like to get braces or Invisilgn=]
Cheap car insurance for a 21 year old?
Okay, i am 21 and in August it will be 3 years since i got my New York State drivers license, Will insurance be chaper for me after the i have been licnesed for 3 years?""
Which company has the best insurance leads?
Which company has the best insurance leads?
Afordable health insurance for a person diognotis hep-c?
helth care provder
How is Car Insurance privatized ?
I live in Canada where is it Illegal to drive an auto without car insurance yet there is no crown corporation or non-profit organization that runs auto insurance. You are expected to go to private insurance companies who charge $300+ a month for car insurance. If the government has passed a law saying i must have it to drive then why are these companies allowed to make ridiculous profits off me?
What happens if you only have an expired Auto Insurance card on you while you drive?
Hi. I currently live in San Francisco to go to school, and in a few days, I'd leave to drive home to Los Angeles for my winter break. So my car's insurance card expired a few days ago, and there isn't enough time for my father to send me the new (valid) insurance card and for me to receive it before I leave. (So when I drive the 400+ miles home, I won't have a valid auto insurance card on me, though my coverage would be active & paid for.) (For some reason) I know that in other states, if you get pulled over and don't have a valid proof of car insurance when asked by the law enforcer, that you can get your license revoked/suspended and/or car impounded & it's a nasty hole in your wallet. Is there any way I can temporarily get around the California law?""
What will Insurance company do?
My brother got hit by someone while driving. He and this other person exchanged information and the other person agreed to write him a check, but never followed through. He isnt sure if the person who hit him had insurance, but has a feeling they didnt. He reported the claim to his insurance company, but decided to sue(small claims) the person who hit him on his own for the deductible. When he arrived to court he found out the person who hit him filed a counter-claim for damages done to their car, but they are the ones who hit him! Can he get the insurance company to give him a release letter to sue on their behalf or will they take over? I dont know what to tell him or how to help him. Help please!!!""
Good first car? insurance?
ok well i wanted an eclipse but they are classified as a sports car so im wondering about the dodge neon not the srt 4 just a normal neon, like are those considered sports cars? im looking for an 04 or newer because im gonna buy my first car sometime and i dont want insurance through the roof so if you can tell me i would appreciate it""
Roughly how much of a fine would this be if stopped driving a car by a police officer?
1. No Inspection 2. No Insurance 3. No License Plate 4. No Registration 5. No License for driver. 6. Speeding 7. No Seat belt. I had to do this to take my car to the junk yard. Luckily I didn't get stopped. How much would that have cost me had I been stopped?
Can anyone recommend a good Classic/Collector Car insurance company?
I'm looking for reasonable terms/conditions and rates to insure a 1967 Chevy Chevelle. Anyone have any experience or recommendations for insurance companies specializing in classic cars? Thanks!
Do you need insurance for permit in ca?
I am going to get my provisional driver license in california. Do i need to get it before i take the drive test? aM i covered under parents policy? How long do i have to have my insurance before im eligible to get my driver license?
""If I got a speeding ticket in my parents car, their insurance rates with state farm will increase?""
I got a speeding ticket, driving my dad's car, their insurance rates will be affected in any way?""
Help with car insurance?
I am 16 and my dad wants me to pay for my own and i want to i just want to know the cheapest car insurance so will you please post a url that i can go to?
What is the average of a full coverage insurance for a new 2014 sedan in NJ ?
What is the average of a full coverage insurance for a new 2014 sedan in NJ ?
Car Insurance Claim Help?
Car Insurance Claim Help? On the 4/7/2011 I was at a set of traffic lights that was (RED) of my way to the shops. As the lights went green I begin to move off slowly as I did another car came from the left of me and tried to turn right as he speed up he crashed into the drivers side of the car. He clearly jumped a red light (Clearly Seen on CCTV). I was in total shock at the time! After he crashed into my car he went to drive off by reversing, I jumped out of my car to stood in his was so he could not drive off the witness behind me called the police while I was stopping his from driving off he started to drive forwards trying to me me out the way. After the driver spoke to the police on the phone, he then gave me his Name, Phone number and Insurance information. The next day I called my insurance company they was vary helpful and I believe the clam would be settled in my favor as I had CCTV of the crash as I had a camera inside of my car and a witness that was behind my car at the time of the crash. After nearly 4Months I have now revived a letter stating that the claim has been closed on a Without Prejudice Basis. When I contacted Aviva to see what the 3rd party has not accepted full liability they said it was dealt with like this as the 3rd party who crashed into me was not responding to and calls or letters that have send him. Aviva did not asked to see the CCTV of the crash and did not take into account the witness statement. WHAT CAN I DOOO??""
Car Insurance For An 18 Yr Old Female.?
I am a full-time student, studying at Brighton University and currently commuting from Bexhill to the Moulsecoomb by train and I have actually underestimated how expensive it is. I am currently learning to drive, and I am hopefully taking my test within the next month so I can drive to and from Uni. However, looking at some of the insurance prices, I have been put off slightly! I am hoping to also do pass plus which will make it a little cheaper, and I believe there is a black box that monitors your driving that makes it cheaper also? For those who know, what are some cheap insurance companies, and other methods to make the insurance cheaper? I am looking for a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 (1999-2001), it will be kept at home on the driveway overnight, and will be parked in the car park at University, and I have no children under 16 (just things I have been told are some factors they consider). Any information will be appreciated. Many Thanks, Jade""
How much will i save on my progressive auto insurance by parking in a garage?
is it a big savings? any estimated dollar amnt? i live in an average sized city in MN if that makes any difference
Im turning 16 and i was wondering waht my insurance rates will be?
What are the average insurance rates?
Which car insurance doesn't charge for points?
I went to traffic school for two speeding tickets last year, however when I received a quote they ran my drivers license and saw I had two points on my driving record and my rates sky rocketed. The speeding infractions remained on my DMV record but I do not reflect any points because I completed traffic school. I heard that some car insurers don't necessarily go by the points, but they go by infractions... WHICH car insurer will ignore the points as a result of my completing traffic school? ps. i live in california Thanks in advance.""
Do I have to pay my insurance ticket if I drove an uninsured car while I owned another insured car?
Here is what happened: my mother drove my uninsured car and got a speeding ticket plus an insurance ticket. Since she owns a car with current insurance (its just this one time that she happened to drive my car) will I have to purchase insurance in order for judge to reduce her ticket? Or will the ticket get dismissed because she already had insurance (just on her car)?
Does the insurance rate go up if there's a gap?
I dont have insurance for the last 4 months.. I had it for 3 years before
What kind of coverage do I need for my motorcycle insurance during storage months? It has a lien on it.?
What do I need and what can I take off from my coverage during the winter months when I store and not riding it? It has a lien on it so obviously I need to keep some coverage. A ...show more
I have a question about health insurance?
if a contact is lost will health insurance get you another pair
Where can i get Cheap street bike insurance for first time riders?
I just bought my bf a bike a i want to get insurance for it, but i'm not sure where to get insurance from all i want is that little card that says i'm covered.  i don't think i want full coverage.  We live in California i don't know of that changes anything.
What health insurances would my sister and I qualify for in NY?
My sister and I are in our mid 20s. We both work and she lives with me at my apartment. i was curious if we could get cheap health insurance as a group. medicaid? or some plan that we could both pay into to get check ups and health care. we dont make much money. i qualified for healthy NY but never went through with it. Im waiting to see if i get a new job but sofar no good. I really dont know how the healthcare system works. we cant afford trips to the ER anymore for minor problems. I need to know what documents and proofs that we may need in order to apply for anyplan. i just dont know where to look or begin. Im talking at least 3 check ups a year each. Are there even plans for 2 people? thanks any info would be greatly appreciated!
Whats a cheap insurance In nj?
For a person with a new lisence thats 18 years old
Third party fire and theft car insurance?
Does third party fire and theft car insurance cover me for personal injury? Also if I was to be at fault in an accident?
Mustang GT Insurance?
I am now 15 and 9 months and when i turn 16 and 9 months around May next year i would like to get a new 2015 Mustang GT for 32k. There is a problem. My mom is worried about how much she will have to pay for insurance so i would like to get an estimate from you guys before asking her to call the insurance company. By the way we are from Poland( I am first generation born in New York Brooklyn now in Maryland). I was thinking maybe she could just tell the insurance company she is buying a second car for herself to maybe keep the insurance company from knowing its for a 16 year old they wont be able to trust.(Even though i have been driving my Mom's Camry for a few years now and am beyond responsible enough.) I was hoping below a 100$/month? (P.S. She is very responsible and had never been in an accident caused by her fault so her insurance company trusts her and i believe she is with Erie Insurance now after she switched from Geico who were overcharging her for the house coverage i believe...)
No insurance ticket in jeffco ?
What are the penalties for a no proof of insurance ticket?
Do i have to have collision insurance for a financed used car?
My coworker told me that I would have to have collision insurance if I want to financed a used or new car. Is this True? Can I just put it on liability even if the car us only 6000 and not payed off yet?
Health insurance?
i am 22 years old and i have no health insurance and a LOT of health problems. does anyone know any affordable health insurance plans that would cover pills or partial of the pills, doctor visits, or most of the doctor visit, and hospital bills. i live in new jersey""
Looking for health insurance for self employed person with hepatitus c?
I am self employed and have Hepatitus C, I am looking for health insurance""
How much would insurance be for a Porsche Baxter?
My parents will but me a new porsche boxter if i pay for insurance? How much will it cost?
Do you know of any extremely low cost car insurance for cars?
Please dont say companies like Geico, progressive, etc. i am looking for something that I have not looked at already- that maybe someone on here has experience with. i live in NJ, but that really doesnt matter when shopping for auto insurance.""
How much might will I pay for insurance at 25?
I'm 25 years old and I will be getting my liscense soon, How much could I expect to pay for car insurance as a first time liscense holder? I understand that 25 is the magic number for the costs to go down, but how will just now having my liscense affect my cost?""
""What do you do if you pregnant, and you have no health insurance?
could the baby be covered on the father's insurance?
Confused about car insurance.?
I recently got my license but my parents aren't getting me a car just yet. If i ask to drive one of their cars they say no because i don't have insurance. They said they will get me insurance within a month but I'm curious if this is correct. My friends dad said as long as that car i am driving has insurance i can drive it, but my parents are saying I need the insurance. I don't know, I'm really confused.""
""Why after almost 4 years in office, can we not get affordable health insurance that was promised us?
I have a preexisting condition which makes it difficult to get affordable Health Insurance. I have found that it is better in some instances to have no insurance then to have it and not get quality coverage. The limited indemnity insurance does not cover what it is worth to go to the hosipital. Pays $100 on a $4000 bill.
Will my insurance rates go up if there are mulitple cars registered to my address?
My Husband and I have both of our cars registered but.. two other people registered their cars to our address. I was concerned with our own insurance premiums and hope it doesn't affect us.
First traffic violation. How much will it affect my insurance?
So today I got my first traffic violation after 9 years of driving. I am 25 and have been driving since I was 16. I stopped to far in a stop sign and passed the line. How much will the ticket cost? I live in CA. How badly will this affect my auto insurance? Right now I pay $150 every 6 months for liablity coverage.
What is the minimum pricing for teenage car insurance?
ok, my car is a 1978 Ford Fairmont. I am 17, the car's previous coverage was basic liability. the limits i want for the car is just pretty much basic liability. i just want to be legal on the road. no fancy extras added to the policy, just basic coverage. the car so far hasn't gotten into any car wrecks. it's practically in perfect condition. this is my first car and i just got my license. I'm not aware of my credit score for i've just started working part-time. Also, i'm a very good student. My current GPA is 3.57and i'm still in high school, 12th grade. and yes, i've finished drivers education coarse. Please, if anyone can help me in finding a good car insurance company for my beautiful Miss Daisy, and the possibly price of how much it will cost for basic liability i would greatly appreciate it.""
Is there cheap health insurance for students?
If so does anyone know? or have it? best insurance?
Car Insurance Question?
How much would it cost to insure a used (2004-2008) Pontiac Grand Prix GXP (5.3L V8 305 hp) compared to a Pontiac Grand Prix GT (3.8L V6 260 hp) for a 16 year old male in Texas after successfully completing Defensive Driving?
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
i am 16 and live in Washington and I was wondering if I had to pay my own insurance to drive their cars.
Which car is cheaper on the insurance part and on the second hand car dealler?
i will be turning 17 soon i am i boy and living in somerset in the uk so im looking 4 a car but i want 2 no which car would be cheaper on the insurance and on the second hand dealership Citreon Saxo 1.1 desire 3dr/5dr Vauxhall Corsa 1.0/1.2 club 3dr/5dr Peogeot 106 1.1 zest 3dr any other car which would be cheap tell me thank you
""Getting my first car,without license or insurance?""
Hi i live in California and im getting alot of money to get my first car withing a 90 mile radius,the problem is that i have no DL or insurance.My question is what happens if i get stopped?Im only going to be driving it to my house and thats it until i get my license.Im also buy it off a person not a dealer.""
How much might insurance be...?
On a car like a 2008 Hyundai elantra for a guy under 25 if it was new?
If you get your drivers license do you have o pay insurance?
im 16 and my mom wont let me get my license because she says she would have to pay insurance
About how much does motorcycle insurance cost?
and is it more than car?...about...
Where can i get Cheap street bike insurance for first time riders?
I just bought my bf a bike a i want to get insurance for it, but i'm not sure where to get insurance from all i want is that little card that says i'm covered.  i don't think i want full coverage.  We live in California i don't know of that changes anything.
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