#or just to commit brutal murder tbh
cat-attack1701 · 2 years
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CW BLOOD!!!He’s just so happy to commit brutal murder in the name of science!
Clean Version: x
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Hey it's me again! How would you describe a normal day in hell ? Are there violence and psychopaths in every single corner or is it something similar to that.
It.... depends tbh? The upper 7 ranks (minus Lucifer's Kingdom/Pride) is like a functioning society where various sins aren't illegal, but in some ways are perceived differently.
Like in Satan's Kingdom/Wrath, murder is just normal. Because its viewed as survival of the fittest. But in Sloth, its viewed as a waste of time and energy, making murder pretty uncommon down there.
Unless the demon is a higher rank, you can't be arrested for committing a basic human crime, but its also just not as common as it was millions of years ago. back then, it was every demon for themselves. but now some of these demons have partners, families, pets, etc. Murder feels less inticing.
There are psychopaths in hell, but psychopaths aren't like these mindless sadists that love brutalizing people. It's a mental disorder they can't control and it doesn't mean they're inherently evil.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 months
I vaguely remember you mentioning something once about Color potentially getting kidnapped because he's too nice and honestly that idea has been living in my head rent free. How do you think everyone (Delta, Killer, Epic) would react?
(Also for the record I honestly think that at LEAST one of them would be absolutely willing to commit multiple crimes and/or murder to get Color back)
Tbh I think all of them would seriously consider murder and crimes to get him back. Especially Delta, Beta, and Killer.
Absolutely Killer. The man would absolutely decimate anyone who harms or is a threat to the very few things or people he cares about—Color is right up there.
But I think it’s Epic that actually attempts to convince them not to. Color would not like it if Killer was allowed let alone encouraged to risk his future, freedom, and recovery. Least of all for him, over some thugs who don’t deserve to suffer the wrath Killer would bring down on them. Killer’s therapist wouldn’t like it either.
Plans to attempt to go in unseen, get Color, and get out without encountering or harming anyone may not work simply because Killer wants to kill them. All of them.
Killer is immediately jumping to the worst case scenarios of what could be happening to Color, and he will stop them from hurting him or having fun with him. Color is too important to his stability, and he knows it, and will make sure Color isn’t used against him. He will figure out who did it, why they did, how they did it—and he will prevent it from repeating.
But ultimately Color is Killer’s main focus. He’ll be heading straight for him—and Killer will not care about his future, or his recovery, or anything of the sort if someone gets in his way and tries to stop him. They’re dying. Immediately.
So while Killer tries to get to Color as soon as they get there, I think Epic and Delta would be more focused on making sure a path is always clear for him. Heading off approaching enemies before they can engage Killer, knocking them out and pulling their bodies out of Killer’s path.
They do not want Killer doing something as brutal tearing off limbs or punching through bodies to crush hearts or souls like they’ve seen him do in STAGE 4. He does it all with terrifying, cold efficiency and steps over the bodies to find the next one.
So another goal would be attempting to keep Killer stable and firmly in STAGE 2. He would have a panic attack in STAGE 1 about his “failures” to protect Color—and then it’ll snowball into all his failures to protect anyone and the things in his head will seize the opportunity to only encourage those thoughts. And falling too deep into the past is just asking for STAGE 4.
But when Killer is in STAGE 2, he’s calm. He’s detached and efficient when he has a task. He doesn’t panic or care about mangled bodies and doesn’t slip on blood. His killing doesn’t waste time, a knife across the throat or straight through the soul and he’s moving on. He’s usually making quips and jokes, would gladly engage Delta and Epic on it, but I think this type of thing is where he’s just Determined to finish his goal. To find and save Color, to patch him and have him right back at his side where he can keep him safe.
Thankfully for Epic and Delta, Killer is good at compartmentalization. The man has endured and handle quite a lot of shit, this is just one in the bucket of shit. (Is what he tries to convince himself. Because he doesn’t want to think about what would happen if color would die. Color is strong and can handle himself, and death is merely an inconvenience.)
So I think, in the moment of “get Color back”, Killer would appear to be the one who has it the most together. Because he’s dissociating and detaching from anything that’ll hinder him—and once Color is back, if he had his way, they’ll never talk about it again. (Color will encourage him to let it out, reassure him that everyone is safe and it’s okay to feel what he needs to feel now.)
The one who’ll actually have it the most together would be Epic I think, and his joking and nonchalant attitude would actually keep Delta and Killer calm, too. I think Epic is actually the oldest of the Epic Sanses, and this is where it’ll show.
After Color is okay, though, where Epic can see him and hear him and touch him even, I think Epic would attempt to avoid sleeping for awhile. He doesn’t want to see anything in his nightmares. (Being vulnerable and open seems to be a hard thing for Epic, especially since the guys nonchalant about most things. I think he’ll seek comfort trying to go back to normalcy.)
Delta will attempt to hide his fear and worry, because look! Killer and Epic aren’t worried. But Killer so casually describes awful things that could happen to Color, things that have obviously been done to Killer and he’s saying them so matter of factly, that Delta wants to cry.
Today has brought to light just how awful Delta is as a protector—is what he believes. He’ll try to ignore his feelings of inadequacy and self doubt by focusing on Beta, since that seems to be the only person who he can help, only he seems to be failing at that too, because of course Beta doesn’t want to “stay inside” while the adults save Color. Of course they don’t want to talk to Delta after the fact because he did it anyway!
He was trying to protect them, but it made it worse. I think he’ll attempt to just stay out of everyone’s way—because he can’t help or protect anyone. He’ll focus on spending time on what can protect the people he loves—his gadgets.
Killer would put all the focus on Color and ignore anyone else. Including himself. He’ll swing back into that overprotective-ness and attempt to do everything and anything for Color. He avoids sleep, stays near color’s room (which is basically Killer’s room too already), convinces Cross to help him. Killer doesn’t want anyone coming back for Color, revenge, and even if he may not admit it or realize it himself—anyone else in their little nest.
He doesn’t eat or sleep or do anything that’ll take his focus away from Color unless Cross is there to take over. He attempts to feed, bathe, and cloth Color himself—which Color obviously protests against.
Stage 2 is doing it all with logical efficiency, and he doesn’t understand why Color is so upset about being back where he’s safe. Why he seems so upset with Killer. He didn’t kill anyone even when he wanted to. He did good. (He doesn’t realize that Color needs emotional comfort and help that he currently isn’t capable of giving his friend. He doesn’t see or feel the pain that he himself is in that Color can see.)
He avoids slipping into Stage 1 now that’s he in 2. He doesn’t want to be “weak,” he doesn’t want to be lazy. He won’t let anyone take Color when he’s here—like he did as his stage 1 self. I think this will bring up any fears he has about actually trying to go back into being Sans—that he can’t do what needs to be done. That guilt and morals willl hinder him, prevent him from killing those that need to die. (Of course, actually going back to being the Sans he was is impossible. But now he’s running from anything to do with Sans yet again—running from the past.)
The only ones who’ll probably be somewhat stable after would be Cross and Color, probably. And because Cross isn’t the one trying to pretend everything is fine, avoiding him, or hovering all over him—I think Cross would probably be the one Color goes to for some peace and quiet for now. An opportunity for them to get closer.
I can see a scene where Cross is training in the gym late at night, trying to stay fit and ready and keep his mind off everything, when he suddenly notices that Color—exhausted, still healing from his injuries—is had been watching him silently. And Cross is surprised to see that Killer isn’t nearby, but he doesn’t ask or attempt to send Color back to bed—just goes back training.
Everyone knows Color doesn’t like being stuck in one place, and Cross can only get imagine how trapped and caged Color had been feeling lately, so he just nods in acknowledgment at Color and goes back to punching a punching bag.
There will eventually come a time where, possibly with encouragement from a therapist, Color and Cross herd everyone together into the living room and they all sit down and discuss this—no matter how Killer doesn’t think it’s important (everyone’s safe, stop worrying, focus on the future and making sure this never happens again), how Epic is trying to brush it off (everyone’s been through worse, everyone is safe, Epic’s seen and been through a lot more than this, he shouldn’t be making such a big deal out of it), and how Delta wants to focus on his work. (He can’t be strong like them but his creations can. He wants to keep them all safe and happy and the creations can do what he can’t. ((It’s not all on him to protect everyone, his friends can protect themselves, he already knows this.)).
And Beta. Beta has been feeling looked down on and unheard. They may be a kid but that doesn’t mean the adults get to take their choices away from them. (It is okay for Beta to talk about their feelings instead of shutting down and ignoring it. And they are allowed to be hurt that Delta did what he did even if he was only trying to protect them, and a mistake doesn’t mean that Delta has failed them. Has failed any of them.)
(I can also see a scene where Killer instinctively attempts to discourage Color from being so kind in an attempt to protect him—by parroting everything Chara ever taught him. And Color tries to be understanding, that this is how Killer is trying to keep him safe and that Killer is obviously terrified of losing Color even if Killer isn’t aware of it, but..it’s aggravating. Color’s integrity demands that he not change himself for anything or anyone, that he stay true to himself and his beliefs and his morals.
And Color has to remind Killer that those beliefs he’s currently parroting at him is never what Color has ever believed. Remind Killer that he always knew that about Color, remind Killer that this what he respects about Color. That this is why he trusts Color, why he chose Color over Nightmare. That Color being who he is, is exactly how he got through to Killer and was able to see who Killer was beneath his act.
Color will not comprise himself to make Killer feel comfortable. And Killer knows that.)
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bestworstcase · 8 months
Hello and good day. I hope that this isn't too much to ask, but what are your thoughts about Adam? It has always been my belief that Adam and Yang are mirrors to each other. Well, Adam has a lot of things to connect with Team RWBY, moreso with Yang, I think. Just wanted to hear your thoughts about Adam, I guess. Thank you.
i rattle him around in my brain from time to time. a lunar eclipse. he and yang are absolutely character foils; power vs strength, cruelty vs compassion, spite vs love, revenge vs justice. he refuses to control his temper, yang is defined by her meticulous control over her anger. moonslice and burn are almost the exact same semblance, even. a dark mirror.
he’s also doing… something… thematically salient to summer rose. which is what i’m picking over in that linked post. i’m not sure what it is yet but the setup is pretty evident.
tbh i think the narrative is far more sympathetic to him than most of the fandom cares to admit. the triumph and vindication burns bright when adam realizes he’s lost in V5 and runs away—that’s the moment where the narrative framing is like “fuck yeah, the bastard got what he deserved.” but when he dies? there’s just exhaustion, pain, and relief that yang and blake survived. it’s not played as a proud or happy moment. it just sucks so much that they had to go through this ordeal and it’s pitiable that he chose to waste his life on this. blake breaks down crying and all she and yang can do for a moment is cling to each other.
like. -> “there’s no cause to celebrate/another soul consumed by hate and spite/another destroyed life/there’s no pleasure, there’s no joy/it’s just the story of a boy who lost his way/into shadows strayed/he’ll see the light of day/nevermore”
he chose over and over and over again to be cruel, letting his anger rule him. chose to be vindictive, chose to pursue vengeance over justice. chose to hurt people. every time he was offered an out, he refused to take it and brutally punished the people who gave him second chances. sienna, blake, yang. in the end, he left blake and yang with no other choice but to kill him before he killed them. but… the narrative still mourns the person he could have been, if he’d made better choices, if the world had been kinder to him.
there is no question that blake and yang made the right call. they did everything they possibly could to avoid killing him, and they had every right to defend themselves when he refused to stop.
it’s sad that they were forced to do that. it still weighs on blake’s conscience as a terrible ordeal and a choice she never wants to have to make again. because killing another person—no matter the circumstances—is horribly traumatizing. and that’s why the narrative refuses to frame his death as a triumphant moment. (the same thing happens with jacques’ murder in V8: it’s sudden and shocking and unjust and there is zero satisfaction in watching him die. and it’s terribly unfair to weiss, who specifically chose not to leave him to die. rwby is a story where every life matters and every death is sad.)
great character. the final battle between him and blake/yang is done really well and one of my favorite fights in the show mostly bc it brings the foiling between him and yang into really sharp focus. “what does she even see in you?” is such a raw fucking line because the things blake sees in yang are exactly the things she once saw in adam: he’s so consumed by his obsession his vengeance his spiteful rage, he’s strayed so far from the person he was that he can’t even recognize her when she’s staring him in the face.
i do think that when adam was 16-17 at the very start of his character short, he was genuinely a lot like yang. angrier and more aggressive, because his mentor encouraged him to be that way, but i think his ideals were true and his commitment to the cause of his people was genuine.
he was only a kid the first time he killed someone—sixteen, seventeen, about the right age to be enrolling in one of the huntsmen academies. and i truly do not think he meant to kill that man; he saw a dangerous person running towards his already-wounded leader with a gun and reacted. and this?
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this is a lot.
no matter the circumstances, killing another person is traumatizing. after this happens, adam slowly straightens up and sheathes his weapon, then just stands there frozen, staring at the body, until the other assailants make noise and he startles. his face falls when ghira says “that wasn’t necessary.” he’s slow to turn around, but he does, and he listens quietly to what ghira has to say to him. he didn’t mean to. he can’t be older than seventeen. he is in shock—he doesn’t know how to react, how to feel, and like any teenager would, he looks to trusted adults for guidance. (much like yang looks to ironwood and qrow after she hurts someone by mistake.) ghira starts to scold him (not ideal), but sienna cuts him off and calls adam a hero, and then everybody starts to fucking cheer; “that was amazing!!”
this moment, while adam was reeling and unsure, this is when adam desperately needed to hear from an adult in the middle. ghira is right that using lethal force wasn’t necessary; sienna is also right that adam likely saved ghira’s life by taking action. what adam really needed to hear was “you were right to take action, but this man was not such a grave threat that he needed to die. why did you react the way you did?”—not to be scolded or lionized, but to be treated like a teenager who made a bad choice for a good reason and given support and understanding so that next time, he would know what to do better.
instead he got swamped with praise and the came away from this experience having learned that Killing Humans is Cool and Awesome and Heroic, Actually.
(i have a secondary thought here that the white fang’s fatal weakness—under both ghira and sienna—is treating children like adults. if adam had been an adult when this happened, he wouldn’t have been so dependent on his mentor and his leader to guide his reaction and an adult would be better equipped to hold “that wasn’t necessary” and “he saved your life” as non-contradictory ideas. similarly, ghira and kali respecting blake’s decision to stay with the now expressly militant white fang when they left sounds great until you remember that she was twelve years old at the time and then they didn’t contact her in any way for the next five years. it is… probably not a coincidence that adam’s splinter group skews young.
not that teens can’t be good activists but good activism does require pragmatism and emotional maturity and an understanding of nuance, and if you throw a teenager into a high-stress organization where they’re involved in often-violent direct action and give them zero guidance beyond “here’s how to fight!” because they’re assumed to have adult-level maturity and critical reasoning, then… yeah, you’re going to end up with an extremism problem. the kids are not going to just magically know the difference between tactical violence and violent revenge.)
anyway, i really like his character short. i think the narrative is very sympathetic to the boy he used to be and the thread of sienna inadvertently enabling and reinforcing his violent tendencies is interesting. my sense is that in the beginning she sort of used adam to score a point against ghira in their clash of opinions over the direction of the white fang, and later made a habit of being overly indulgent with him and turning a blind eye to his excessive violence—like.
during the fight in the SDC building, sienna rips through the AKs just as ruthlessly as he does, but once the human security personnel arrive, her tactics immediately change. she uses her whip to snag a man’s gun and yank it out of his hands, flicks bullets away, disarms, trips, disarms, trips, disarms, trips. the only time she uses the bladed dart, it’s to disable her opponent’s weapon. meanwhile adam is hacking and slashing behind her. she stops him when he moves to kill an man who’s disarmed and on the ground. faced with living opponents, sienna holds back and fights strictly to disarm. adam is not like that, and she knows it and presumably doesn’t approve—she doesn’t kill anyone herself, and intervenes to stop him from killing—but it’s also clear that there were never like. Consequences. she never took him to task for crossing these lines. as his leader she had a responsibility to do so, but she kept letting it slide until it was too late.
(tbh i think the biggest disappointment i feel regarding her death is well never find out why she cut adam so much slack. did she want to believe he was better than that? had she known him for so long that her memories of what he was like as a teenager blinded her to the adult he was becoming? was it that she found him too useful or realized he was too popular to chastise, finding herself in the same trap she once sprung on ghira? did she, like blake, convince herself it was just “accidents” or “getting carried away” and ignore the warning signs that it was a deliberate pattern? was she like the albains, fully aware that he was dangerous and unstable but confident that she could control him? there’s so many possible reasons she might have had and i think it’s unfortunate that her motives and her side of the relationship didn’t get explored at all.)
also this is stupid and doesn’t matter really but he’s not a fucking bull 😭 those are goat horns. he’s a goat. A GOAT!!
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cephalofrog · 2 months
lore contemplation about messmer and the crusade
I agree with a youtube video I saw that the crusade probably happened between the march of the tarnished/godfrey being exiled (since messmer knows what a tarnished is) and radagon leaving rennala (since rellana came on the crusade and rennala was lucid enough to give her the hair).
I have a vague theory/headcanon about messmer having been born in the land of shadow, just after marika ascended to godhood. idk how that would work with radagon though. radagon's state of existence is so confusing man like how is he both marika and also related to the fire giants somehow
interesting that messmer is technically a bastard (as in a kid born to a non-married pairing of a monarch). makes me think that would heap upon the reasons for people to dislike him even before the crusade
contemplating the general implied public hatred of messmer makes me sad but I also find it funny. like average people with strong opinions on god-queen marika's stinky nasty oldest kid. "did you know he hangs out with snakes? and uses fire magic? why's he even allowed to have grace? marika should disown him tbh. who even is his father?"
then people who meet him and aren't super devout to the golden order are like oh wait this guy's cool actually
the characterisation of the people who went on the crusade is interesting. you have the implicitly super brutal and cruel people (see: messmer soldier's axe), the super devout people who are all in on the killing everyone without the grace of gold thing (see: queelign), prisoners presumably forced to fight (see: messmer soldier's ashes), and the fire knights who seem to be devoted to messmer himself (see: fire knight's helmet).
considering that death in the land of shadow probably doesn't result in returning to the erdtree (remembrances are hewn into the scadutree, not the erdtree, which is stated to be opposed to the concept of order meaning that the whole honourable erdtree reincarnation thing probably doesn't happen) it kinda makes sense that these are the kinds of people that would end up going
so people who don't care about the golden order and just want to kill and hurt and burn stuff even if that means a dishonourable death
people who are so devout that even dying without grace following a leader who seems kinda dodgy under the erdtree is worth it to murder all these people and make the golden order happy (which explains why some people betrayed messmer upon finding out he was a bit too much of a snake)
(related: wonder if queelign would also betray messmer if he found out he was a snake? I can imagine it happening. or maybe he already knows since he is a fire knight and he's just cool with it)
prisoners who don't really get a choice in the matter (not the worst warcrime committed by messmer)
and people who aren't really dedicated to the golden order as much as they are just friends with messmer like 'well if you're gonna go do a crusade and genocide a bunch of people we'll come along but we will also insist on preserving their culture. also are you okay man? like seriously'
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jupitermelichios · 1 year
What the fuck is Riverdale actually about anyway?
that's not an easy question to answer, but I've been asked it a lot, so I'm going to do my best.
disclaimer: while the plot summaries are accurate, my interpretation of the themes is just my interpretation. other fans might disagree, and that's valid. unless it's about season 6. if you disagree with me about season 6, you're wrong. archie literally sings bread and roses. union busting is compared to mass murder. that one's not up for debate.
Season 1
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[ID: a promo image for riverdale season 1, showing the characters of betty, veronica, and archie in the diner, while cheryl, josie, and jughead pose dramatically outside the window. The words 'riverdale series premier tonight' are superimposed over the picture]
The Plot: the murder of a highschool student leads his classmates to discover that the adults in their small town are all hiding dark secrets. also there's a love triangle.
What it's actually about: mostly just that, tbh. there's not a lot of subtext in season 1. This is the season where they let showrunner Roberto Aguierra-Sacassa (he of glee and pretty little liars infamy) write stuff, before the writers all barricaded themselves in the writing room and started writing plots which are just about how much they hate him and his ideas
Season 2
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[ID: a screencap, showing archie posing with the vigilante gang he starts. the gang is made up of shirtless men wearing red balaclavas. archie is wearing a blue shirt and his face is uncovered, because when you're bating a serial killer it's important to let them know what you look like]
The Plot: A serial killer, the black hood, begins terrorising the town. Jughead accepts his birthright and joins a biker gang. Meanwhile Veronica's gangster father begins trying to take over the town so he can commit crimes with impunity
What it's actually about: this season is mostly a series of increasingly self-aware riffs on different horror and thriller subgenres. It's the transition between the uninspired first season and the genre-parodies that make up the rest of the show, so it's not as tight as other seasons. It does feature an episode which is almost entirely just the writer being real pissed off about aguira-sacassa framing a teacher-student relationship as romantic and consensual in season 1, in which the teacher in question is shown to be a serial abuser and then immediately brutally murdered because of it, and ngl, that was pretty based.
Season 3
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[ID: a screencap, showing the main actors playing their character's parents in a flashback to the first gargoyle king murder. the characters are dressed as fantasy stereotypes; a paladin, rogue, warrior-king, nobleman, and wizard. they are pointing their weapons at someone off screen]
The Plot: A new serial killer, the gargoyle king, begins terrorising the town and seems to be connected to a ttrpg which mind controls its players. Meanwhile a cult which claims to allow its members to contact the dead has started recruiting at the school. Also Archie is sent to prison for a murder he didn't commit and forced to participate in an underground fightclub but that only lasts like 5 episodes.
What it's actually about: wouldn't it be ridiculous if the shit people believed during the satanic panic was true? wouldn't that be insane? wouldn't it be unbelievable. wouldn't be insane if, say, a huge portion of trump voters still believed in the satanic panic? tell me you believe in the satanic panic, i dare you, i fucking dare you-
Season 4
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[ID: a screencap showing the entire cast dressed as Hedwig from Hedwig and the Angry Inch, with blond wigs, blue eye make-up, denim miniskirts, and high-healed boots]
The Plot: Jughead gets involved in a murderous battle to become the new ghost-writer for a hardy boys parody that ends with him faking his own death. Archie starts a boxing club for underpriviledged youth but Veronica's dad keeps trying to shut it down because he thinks Archie might be going to uncover his illegal paladium smuggling ring. Veronica becomes a bootlegger and opens a speakeasy because she wants her dad to respect her and thinks the only way to get that is by being the fucking worst before she realises that actually he sucks and she shouldn't care what he thinks.
What it's actually about: rich people are the fucking worst and we should probably just kill all of them. Listen. Listen, they're evil. It's very important to all the writers that you know this. They're all evil.
Season 5
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[ID: a screencap showing what is referred to in the show as mothman, a boney humanoid with no hair, ridges over its eyes, and boney stubs that may be the tops of wings growing out of its back]
The Plot: following a 7 year timeskip, the gang return to Riverdale as adults and try to stop the town from being discorporated and demolished by Veronica's dad to make way for a new property developement. Betty hunts a serial killer who's been targetting sex workers in the area. Also Cheryl starts a Maple Syrup-themed cult and controls bees with her mind.
What it's actually about: Honestly, this season is mostly just about genre parodies. They're good genre parodies, don't get me wrong, but there's not a lot of coherent theming.
Season 6
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[ID: a screencap, showing archie topless and tied to a saint andrew's cross, wearing a crown made of antlers. cheryl is standing in front of him wearing a red robe, elaborate headdress, and holding a knife, as she prepares to sacrifice him to ensure a good maple syrup harvest]
The Plot: after riverdale colides with a parallel universe, the gang find they have developed superpowers which are all related to their key character traits, which they must use to battle an evil wizard called percival pickens who is trying to destroy the world using a magical train. the genre parodies get weird this season, because a lot of them are comics riffs rather than movie or tv riffs. also there's an extended alan wake parody.
What it's actually about: Unionize. Unionize right the fuck now. Why are you not already in a union? Don't you know joining a union will literally improve your changes of getting into heaven? Look at Archie Andrews singing bread and roses and tell me you still think unions are bad you coporate bootlicking piece of shit!
Season 7 (so far)
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[ID: a promotional image for season 7, showing betty, archie, and veronica wearing costumes based on the archie comics of the 1950s. They are sitting in the diner, and Berry and Veronica are each holding one of archie's hands]
The Plot: as a result of stopping the evil wizard in S6, the gang are sent back in time to the 1950s with no memory of their previous lives, where they are once again in highschool. Jughead has been told by an angel to make the town more just as this will help the angel bring them back to their own time, but someone is commiting murders and framing kids in the highschool for them. also there's an extended reference to alex hirsch's fight with disney S&P over gravity falls, which I did not see coming
What it's actually about (so far): oh, you think this show would be better if it was set in the 50s? You do know the 50s were the fucking worst, right? You do know the apple pie america the archie comics are set in never existed, right? you do know people who insist the 50s were a great decade are all racist homophobic sexist pieces of shit, right? right?!
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(Thoughts on the finale below! NOT spoiler-free!)
What a fantastic finish cap to a fantastic show. You may have seen me complain about the endings to the other arcs before, but you won't see me complaining about this one. We wrapped up just about every loose thread (no pun intended), and those left dangling seem to be saved for the afterparty.
Notable highlights:
THE ISABELLE AND IAN SIBLING MOMENT... I was so happy multiple people drew it; I want to animatic it. I cheered so fuckin loud, tbh. Ian IS the shitty older brother, and Isabelle is his darling twin sister who will keep him in line, and together they will murder their Uncle Hunterpalm <3
(I am specifically referring to him comforting and teasing her while she cried into his shoulder but ALSO, what is more sibling-coded than planning how to commit a murder and hide the body together?)
Unexpectedly delightful dynamic between Cadmus and Hutch. This whole time, Cadmus has been the only party member who really HATES Hutch with a vitriol, and the animosity with Cadmus trying to steal a buff from him (albeit while saving his life) was just so good. And then Hutch using his overclass to full-restore Cadmus (WHO FINALLY GOT TO NOT DIE DURING A FIGHT) and offering to help get revenge on Vice afterwards? Really good stuff.
(And like, we NEEDED that confirmation that Vice was gonna get his just desserts. I would've thrown hands if we didn't.)
Lots of good polycule bits. "If you were hitting on me, you're gonna have to get in line. There's forms and stuff." I fucking love these science freaks.
THE GROUP HUG... even though Florence was not technically a part of it, I'm pretending she was.
On the note of Roob being gone for so long—much as I also wanted them to get back, tbh? I think it provided an EXCELLENT excuse for (non-combat-planning) roleplay. Some of the best moments likely wouldn't have happened if Roob hadn't dipped.
God bless Craigor for INSISTING they all go out and get ice cream. In my head, Craigor's vital role in the found family is that he keeps everyone sane by forcing them to indulge in small pleasures like dairy queen.
Cadmus removing Florence's stitch for her was such a good casual moment of intimacy. It's like letting someone do your makeup for you, only in a more brutal and fucked-up scenario because it's RSR. Nobody fucking look at me I love their friendship and will talk about it for ages
I actually like how Isabelle's "dry anger" finally broke into crying. It feels more in-character that she's been trying to act tough and uncaring this whole time, but really, she's just overwhelmed. I also like how it's more obvious now when she's being possessed by Venutia. HUGE "the souls of the innocent" "a bagel!" energy.
On that note: there's a moment I've always loved where Isabelle uses a Beam of Unreality and deletes several rock fans, and Connor says to Cadmus "stick with me here: there might be something more dangerous to your health here than the goddamn rock and rollers," to which Cadmus (who didn't see the beam) replies "who, Isabelle? she wouldn't hurt a fly!"
What I'm saying is, I want that moment to happen again but now with both Isabelle and Cadmus having the knowledge that she IS a monster. But they both choose to keep quiet about it. That's Cadmus's work daughter, he is not losing ANOTHER person in his life—
Carol/Carmen in general was a really great antagonist. Sympathetic in nature, simple motivations that make sense to her character, and still a massive bitch who needs to be stopped. I don't have any brainrot over her but I felt the need to acknowledge her since, y'know, the whole series kinda hinged on her.
Congrats to that one person for getting their rat canonized
in conclusion,
RSR good
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aria-ashryver · 10 months
6. do you have a favorite quote?
20. favorite skincare products? (Reverse Uno! lol)
25. what inspires you?
6. do you have a favorite quote?
oooh not a quote per se, (and generally I can't settle on a favourite anything lol) but let me share a poem from Chris Tse in his anthology, How to be Dead in a Year of Snakes.
This one is my fav at the moment. I read the whole anthology in one sitting a few years ago and cannot praise it highly enough. [TW: racism, murder] - it discusses racism; murder; the way POC names are reduced to no more than representations of acts of violence done to them; the simultaneous glorification and spectacle of white murderers whose names and lives are remembered in the media for the atrocities they commit, while the voices of those they enact that violence upon are forgotten and buried.
It's so so so well written!! (also really looking forward to getting my hands on his queer anthology, He So Masc, which I haven't read yet, but I'll probably find my next favourite poem in ✨)
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20. favorite skincare products?
My skin is super sensitive (she's just like me omg), so I really love things that don't have fragrance, are super hydrating, and work to restore the skin's moisture barrier. KLAIRs as a whole is just *chef's kiss*, I freaking 💖love💖 that brand! But here are some of my personal favs
Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash
KLAIRs - Supple Preparation Unscented Facial Toner
NEOGEN - Real Ferment Micro Toner
SIMPLE - Micellar Cleansing Water
THE ORDINARY - Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% (actual godsend)
KLAIRS - Freshly Juiced Vitamin C Drop (another godsend)
THE PLANT BASE - Quesera Ceramide
NEOGEN - H2 Dermadeca Serum Spray
SIMPLE - Hydrating Light Moisturiser w Vit B5+E
MISSHA - Super Aqua Cell Renew Essential Moisturiser (WHY is it so expensive though 😭)
KLAIRS - Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask (love love love)
NEUTROGENA - Ultra Sheer Face Lotion SPF50+
I'm still looking for a good sunscreen tbh, the sun is brutal in NZ and I'm white, so... 😬 lmao
25. what inspires you?
omg, everything and anything!! I'm taking this in a "what inspires you in terms of your art/writing" kind of way - most recently, music is inspiring me tons, especially watching the MVs for DPR Ian's songs. He is such a talented artist, and the way he explores mental health through the visual imagery in his self-directed videos is just on another level of artistry. Dude is so cool. Everything he creates is so vulnerable and real while being so pretty, I love it!
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eattherichplease · 2 years
The Addams Nunnery Theory
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So, I'm no expert on Shakespeare or even the English language, which is unfortunate, because I'm going to make a half-hearted –but very brave!– attempt of deciphering the parallels and references to Hamlet in Wednesday (2022) that, I believe, are intentional, and can give us hints of what's to come in season 2.
(A warning: I'm smarter in Spanish. This reads like broken English because it is)
Anyway here's the facts: there are scattered references to Hamlet, or at the very least Ophelia, on the show. I have other things to do with my life so let's focus on episode 1 for now. The references are not subtle.
First of all, principal Weems sends Wednesday to Ophelia Hall, where both she and Morticia used to live.
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Ophelia from Hamlet? Kinda!
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Does Ophelia kills herself? Maybe! Most likely! Let's say yes. Most experts say yes, it makes narrative sense, and Wednesday seems pretty sure about it.
But is Ophelia driven mad by her family? Well it's been a while since I read Hamlet... but I won't say that's the main reason. Ophelia goes mad because she's in love with Hamlet, who a) doesn't love her back (maybe?), b) treats her like shit (as a bit?), c) rejects her brutally, d) kills her father (a dick move tbh).
So Larissa Weems sends Wednesday to "Unrequited Love that Drives You Crazy" Hall, where she and Morticia used to live together... Subtle, Larissa. Real smooth, girl.
Anyway let's keep going.
Enid gives Wednesday the tour, which includes the fountain in the quad with the carved image of Ophelia drowning inside! like this:
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Right there sitting with Ophelia we have our main girl Bianca Barclay, who is introduced to the viewer alongside the Ophelia statue/carving thing, and:
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Is this then our Ophelia, hopelessly in love with the tortured prince of Denmark, destined to (ironically) drown? (ironic because she is a siren you know). Well, that would make Xavier our Hamlet. He's a rich heir and tortured by visions... So maybe? That's an option! But I think that's the superficial reading. Bianca doesn't go mad, after all, doesn't commit suicide. She moves on. Xavier doesn't go mad either, he doesn't kill anyone, not even himself. I believe they are just a red herring, a misdirection. Or maybe an early prototype, an aperitif, a model of what's to come. It's a one-act play that happens before the real play starts, to warm the audience. Fascinating, right?
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After showing us the drama, the focus goes back –and remains– on Wednesday and Enid. And here's when Wednesday and Enid start showing their famous dynamic of vitriol & sugar, sarcasm & heart. Wednesday plays the insufferable Hamlet, endlessly monologuing inside her head, playing with the macabre for funsies and making comments about anything and everyone from her high horse without any regard for the feelings of the people around her:
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While Enid usually takes a deep breath and counts to ten inside her head:
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As she herself will say later, she's trying hard to be Wednesday's friend.... and Wednesday is not going to make it easy for her.
So the stage is set. Turn for the dramatis personae. Who is who in this drama? As you have possibly guessed, I posit that Wednesday is Hamlet. She is a rich heir, she is the most intellectual of all characters, she believes she's surrounded by idiots, she pretends to be "normal" or "mad" as she sees fit (and sometimes she seems to be truly unhinged), she has a dark sense of humor (alas, Yorrik), she thinks herself victim of a great conspiracy, she tries to unravel a murder mystery, she hates her mother, etc, etc, etc. She is also the "meta" character. She is writing a murder mystery inside a murder mystery.
And like Hamlet, Wednesday is visited by the ghost of her father (in this case her ancestor Goody), that tells her he's been murdered (colonized, genocided, burned alive). That's the start of the plot.
So Wednesday is Hamlet.
Who is Ophelia? Who is going to slowly go crazy of unrequited love for Wednesday? We have three candidates:
Tyler the psycho boy. He's not really in love with Wednesday (not really, his words) and he's not suicidal (quite the opposite)... True, his father do forbids him from courting Wednesday, which mirrors the scene where Polonius does the same with Ophelia (although for different reasons). But Tyler is not a victim, he's a real monster, a criminal. He doesn't even show remorse. And even if he's mad, he doesn't go mad because of Wednesday rejection... He was a bully and a crazy axe-murderer way before that. He's no Ophelia. Also, his father is not killed by Wednesday (he's police, which means he can't be killed by our beloved protagonist, because this is an American show! yikes!)
Xavier. A nice Ophelia indeed! He is obsessed with Wednesday to the point of being pathetic. He draws creepy, realistic paintings of her in his personal studio to admire. And he's brutally rejected by her. He's even thrown in jail by "Hamlet"! In the play, Hamlet threatens Ophelia with sending her to "the nunnery", or contemptuously sends her to "the nunnery" (as a joke??), to make clear he doesn't want anything with her. Wednesday seems to be doing the same here, sanding Xavier to horny jail (literally). So do we have a winner? Maybe! Xavier doesn't go mad with sadness after being rejected... well not yet at least. Also Wednesday hasn't killed his father... yet. She will probably in season 2... Vincent Thorpe is most probably the stalker.
But wait, we still have one contender in the match for the role of Ophelia! Our girl Enid!! My girl! I love her dearly. Is she in love with Wednesday? I'll say yes, but it's open to interpretation. It's Wednesday in love with her? Same answer. Things are complex in this world of compulsory heterosexuality where showing shappics loving each other in a screen can make Esther Sinclair (Netflix) send you to conversion camp (show cancelled). So everything depends of season 2! Is she in love with Hamlet!Wednesday? Will she be driven mad by Wednesday's attitude and constant rejection of her advances? I kinda doubt it. Wednesday seems to be warming up (the hug, you know). But maybe Enid wants more, Wednesday says no, etc? Enid could be Ophelia. Don't want her to be though. That would be a home of phobia.
Anyway the Nunnery Theory.
In the play, Hamlet says to Ophelia:
"I say, we will have no more marriages (...) To a nunnery, go."
Which basically means: "Girl, I don't want nothing with you, I don't even want marriages in the kingdom: that's how much I don't want to marry you. Go to a convent and get yourself interned. Also fuck you".
So Ophelia goes mad. Also Hamlet kills her father. And she commits suicide.
And so, three possibilities for season 2:
Wednesday rejects Tyler (done). He goes mad (he already was). Wednesday kills officer Galpin (why?). Tyler commits suicide (because he suddenly develops a conscience, because showrunners are lazy) or goes to jail forever ("nunnery").
Wednesday rejects Xavier (done). He goes mad (kinda?). Wednesday kills Vincent Thorpe (probably for unrelated reasons). Xavier commits suicide (because he is a drama king) or goes crazy and is interned in a mental asylum ("nunnery").
Wednesday rejects Enid (because he is a mess with emotions). Enid goes mad (lots of anger inside that girl, we love her for that). Wednesday kills Esther Sinclair (deserved, I'll give her a standing ovation to be honest). Enid commits suicide (I'll put a b**** in the Netflix headquarters) or is interned in werewolf jail (the home of phobia).
All of this IF and only IF Xavier is still a character in the show (maybe he'll be recasted), since Percy Hynes White seems to have been fired for being a creep and kind of a criminal (presumptive). So maybe he's not even there. Or maybe he commits suicide in episode 1 and that's the murder mystery of the season. (That's what I'll do but I don't work for Netflix).
Also Bianca could be Ophelia and she's still in love with Xavier and drowns which is the dumbest thing ever. Not even an option.
So who will be sent to the nunnery???? I sure don't know.
I'm tired bye!!! If you read all of this I love you!!!
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operation-penguin · 4 months
My hot takes are that
1- king juliens parents are hilarious and extremely fun characters . Yeah they neglected him and whatnot but god theyre hilarious i dont get why theyre so hated (well i do, but they do end up improving themselves)
2- Mort isnt an eldritch evil god and the theorisers videos made people extremely annoying about mort😭like u cant post about mort without someone quoting points from the theorizer like theyre canon when theyre not (i think ahkj fans agree with this so idk if its a hot take or not)
3. This is more about fan things but ppl shipping king julien with karl is just weird like he committed a bunch of brutal murder acts agains kj WHY DO U GUYS DO THIS
Thats it squire barnaby out
okay so, this one has been in the inbox since APRIL. im so sorry Anon ToT
#1 fair but i like being a hater so <3
#2 It's really only outsiders that hate on my husband. being a hater is fine, unless it's against my husband then im going to kill you. mort is the sweetest most kind character in the franchise please read any of my mort posts for more info.
#3 idc about the murders or whatever, I'm more concerned that Karl is in a committed relationship with Chauncey. dont fight me they're cannon, happy pride month you bastards. Then again they could be poly. tbh KJ can be shipped with anyone and it works in some way, i sorta ship him with most main characters except his family (parents, UKJ, etc..), any human, Sonya the bear, and Private since I hc him as being around 15 and KJ in his late 20s early 30s (no shade to ppl who hc them as both being adults and ship them tho <3)
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Lady Ignis Solon (@containmentbreach, art by @mechanomorphic) vs. Cadmus (@lesbx)
Lady Ignis Solon info:
Description: ignis is a member of a noble family from her home dimension, where shadowy, demonic creatures make their home and occasionally emerge to hunt, kill and eat lesser beings (who are pretty much anyone, by their standards). ignis takes a lot of pride in her position, despite not seeming particularly…happy. but "happy" is a relative word. she has mothered thirteen children (demon noble families are expected to be large and can include up to 20-25 children. twins, triplets, etc. are also more common) with the king of the realm, despite not being attracted to men in the slightest. she views this as her duty granted to her through her position. commoners from her realm are allowed to marry freely without regard to gender, but ignis isn't jealous of them.
not even a little bit. seriously like not at all.
ignis' preferred hunting grounds is the planet known as "earth," and she has personally trained each of her thirteen children to be the toothy shadows that hide in your house when you think you're alone. well, she's trained twelve of them. she's run into a slight hiccup with the thirteenth, who seems to be getting a little attached to her human target. but that's all right. she'll come around.
ignis enjoys black tea, playing the piano, and horror novels. she views them as some of the few things humans have gotten right.
-well the cannibalism. she did like tons of that. i guess it's not really considered cannibalism if she herself is not a human? but she ate humans is the point i'm trying to make
-she has also committed some regular murders. of humans and of other members of her species.
-does not understand her kids. she loves them but she does not Get them. it tends to frustrate her.
-she basically has very little regard for human laws in general and breaks them as often as she can get away with. if she does get in trouble she lies low for a little while in her dimension, then sets up a new place to live. this means of course that she does commit tax evasion often and well.
Other notes from the submitter: ignis is in a lot of ways a love letter to moms who get shit on by fandom for not understanding their kids. 90% of the time the amount of hate they get is just misogyny tbh! ignis is bad in a lot of ways but she's not a bad mom, even if she comes off as that at first because the story she's in is from the perspective of her daughter and the human she got attached to. people would probably still make discourse about her and shit on her but i do not care because i adore her and i adore fucked up moms in general. and if you don't that's a you issue.
Cadmus info:
Description: Cadmus is an oc I originally made as a character for Fallout New Vegas. She is tall and brawny, with short, nearly shaved gray hair. She's trans also. Very important detail.
Crimes: Cadmus fought for years for a group known as Caesar's Legion. She renounced them and devoted herself to bringing it down, but while she was still indoctrinated by them, she committed more atrocities than she could ever repent for, and she knows it. Most fight reluctantly for the Legion. Going to battle, because the alternative would be going up on a cross. Cadmus, however, killed for glory, and fought because she liked it. Wholeheartedly championing the Legion's cause, she was directly responsible for countless deaths and untold destruction. Even after leaving, she struggles with her rage and her propensity for brutality. The Legion's warpath to the West was inevitable, but was very notably hastened by her and her drive for war.
Other notes from the submitter: Not actually expecting her to make it in, but she's so awful, I feel like it would be a disservice to her not to at least submit her.
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
oc ask game: 4, 8, 9, 10 - for four AND/OR pearl (beloveds) pretty please!
Absolutely, my dear!! <3
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
Four freezes (gets away from reality by choosing to simply Not Experience whatever he's experiencing, thanks,,) and fawns. Fawn, for him, looks like gauging what the most powerful person in his life will like and then getting very good at that. He comes off as a "teacher's pet" kind of person. It can get annoying sometimes, especially when paired with his freeze response—if he isn't trying to appease or impress anyone, he's often miles away in his own head, which makes him seem like he simply Doesn't Care.
When physically scared, Pearl freezes. She physically can't run or dodge, and she's not terribly strong, so that's pretty much her only option. When emotionally scared, Pearl defaults to fighting. She has a brutal, deceptively calm way of verbally lashing out.
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Four? Yes. He has super-speed, which is just an unfair advantage, and no one would suspect him because he's so committed to being a good Catholic. If the Flashfam even figured out that a speedster had killed someone, everyone would be blaming Six, or Nine, or Five, and Four would be wayyy down on the bottom of the list. Even Inertia (his most impulsive alter) could get away with murder.
Pearl? No, probably not. She has few resources and her movements are easily tracked in and out of the clown homeless shelter she lives at. She would not find it easy to murder someone in the first place, let alone get away with it. However, Pearl is much more likely to try murder than Four is, haha!
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
YES. Four's lyric is "I was born a weary soul / already tired of this world / how did I end up here / how did I?" from Weary Soul by Young Waters. Also "My father's house shines hard and bright / It stands like a beacon calling me in the night / Calling and calling so cold and alone / Shining 'cross this dark highway where our sins lie unatoned" from Bruce Springsteen's My Father's House.
For Pearl, a new oc, I only have one lyric I strongly associate with her, and it's the chorus from Dirty Night Clowns by Chris Garneau: "I can't clear the leaves from here / They're too far under the brush this year..." It's less about the words, more about the vibes, tbh. Regret and self-disgust, pleading to be understood and helped.
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
For Four, it would be interesting to see an AU where he interacted physically with the other clones instead of just directing their development from afar. For instance, what about a sci-fi kind of AU where the clones were insectoid and Four (as a fellow worker) occasionally checked up on them / delivered food to them?
It would also be fascinating to set Four in a no-powers AU. See what his complicated backstory would translate to in a world where perhaps he was just the Favorite Child in a large family run by their grandfather.
For Pearl... oh boy, I would love to see Pearl in a fantasy AU! She'd be some kind of defective dragon, maybe, a lindwurm or a living doll. Whereas Rudy would probably stay a clown of some sort in a fantasy AU; he'd just also be a werewolf. Pearl's character concept isn't centrally based on being a clown, but on being beautiful at first glance and then horrifying—and then you get to know her and it turns out she's just a person.
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rosaluxembae · 1 year
Tbh I don't think the murder of Elia and her children is really an example of Tywin ruling by fear. It is ofc an example of not shying away from brutal, extreme measures but that's something different. It's also not a moral judgement, I'm more interested here in what he was trying to achieve.
It wasn't just revenge for Cersei being passed over for marriage, nor was it to scare people into supporting him. He knew it would create more enemies than obedient subjects but what he decided was that was a price worth paying to show his commitment to Robert after coming late to his cause, by burning any remaining bridges with the Targaryen loyalists. In a sense it's about building genuine alliances because the side he's picking sees it as a gift, not a threat to rule by fear.
Tywin conceding that the way they were killed was too brutal and Elia didn't have to die at all/claiming it wasn't his intention, also suggests that he's more interesting to consolidating Robert's claim than sending a message to his enemies.
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darthkvznblogs · 8 months
Total non sequitur of a question but what do you think of the DCEU?
I like the non sequitur! I hope y'all don't feel like you can only send me asks about the Kverse lol (though of course I'm always happy to answer those!)
I'll give you a very brief review of each:
-Man of Steel: I enjoyed it for the most part. I don't really gel with all the Jesus-y imagery, the bizarre choices with Jonathan, or the incredible amounts of collateral damage (you can't avoid everything but Superman would definitely try to limit it), but I kinda dig the look of all the Kryptonian stuff, I like Henry Cavill's more brooding Superman, and Zod was a cool antagonist.
-Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: wayyy too many things going on. I can't McFucking believe they made Jimmy Olsen a CIA plant and killed him off immediately. I don't completely hate that version of Lex Luthor but he gets grating pretty quickly. The Knightmare stuff is pretty eyeroll worthy IMO (especially once they double down on it later). The titular duel is pretty good, but very short, and leads into some of the worst stuff in the movie. Doomsday sucks!
-Suicide Squad: aside from some cool freaky stuff with Enchantress, and Viola Davis and Margot Robbie being great casting choices, this one's kinda nothing to me. Rick Flagg, Capt. Boomerang and Deadshot are various flavors of decent to good. Tried to do a Guardians of the Galaxy-y thing and failed miserably. Top contender for worst Joker adaptation of all time.
-Wonder Woman: Great, if very simple plot-wise. The Ares stuff at the end really lets the rest of the movie down, but most of the movie's very cool and fun. I still get chills from the no man's land scene! Chris Pine's Steve Trevor is pretty damn good (but Chris Pine is just good in general)
-Justice League (Whedon's version): I actually like the choice to have a more colorful look for a Justice League movie, but yeah, not good. To say nothing of the behind the scenes drama, they tried to do what the MCU did with the Avengers with half the build-up. Doesn't feel earned at all. Some good action and character interactions, but that's about it.
-Aquaman: Pretty fun, I really appreciate the commitment to being just kinda bonkers, from the more comic-accurate looks to the ginormous underwater battle. I don't really love Momoa's Aquaman but I didn't mind him too much on his own.
-Shazam!: One of my favorites in the DCEU. Doesn't overcomplicate itself, doesn't exhaust itself with references to other stuff, just a good story about found families with real heart, some good humor, and a decent villain.
-Birds of Prey: Other than the bizarre choice to give Cassandra Cain's name to a character that couldn't be more different, I fucking love this one. Very fun, great action, and it reminded me I have a crush on Mary Elizabeth Winstead lol
-Wonder Woman 1984: Sucks. I hate to say it, I went in thinking I'd really enjoy it but it was genuinely painful to watch for the most part. Not even the power of Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine combined could save this one.
-Zack Snyder's Justice League: Definitely an improvement overall compared to the theatrical release, but dear lord it did not need to be 4 hours long. Flash's turn-back-the-clock gambit was super cool. Legit kinda ruined by the Joker monologue in the Knightmare, lol.
-The Suicide Squad: Didn't watch it! I saw how bloody and murder-happy it'd be and just shrugged and moved on. I'm sure it's as good as people say, but I'd have to be in a very particular mood to wanna watch it, tbh.
-Black Adam: Enjoyed it quite a bit, though the presence of the JSA in the modern day with very little explanation is a bit jarring. The Rock's Black Adam is a bit too heroic and personable for my tastes but brutal enough that I'm okay with it. Kinda loved Pierce Brosnan's Doctor Fate (except for the suit design, I hated it)
-Shazam! Fury of the Gods: Haven't watched it yet, but I don't hear great things about it, so not super enthused about it. Probably will watch it eventually.
-The Flash: I categorically refused to watch this one because 1) I got spoiled on what happens to Supergirl and y'all know I love Kara so it pissed me off, and 2) the CGI nostalgia fest felt extremely cynical and cash-grab-y to me. Not particularly interested in watching this one, but maybe someday.
-Blue Beetle: Gods, I really wanted to watch this one in theaters. It was in my town for all of two days and I couldn't go :( I plan on watching this one soon-ish - even if it's really bad I'll probably enjoy it, I'm a Jaime simp haha :P
-Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom: Genuinely didn't know this one was coming out. Also not particularly interested in watching it, but also not against it, so I'll probably end up putting it on some really boring weekend hahaha.
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revclver-jesus · 10 months
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{{ Another thing before its thanksgiving and I forget ! I've been meaning to put on this blog from my old blog, and in case it ever needs to come up in the P5 verse
Takaya's Mind Palace ( and maybe his p4 shadow channel too tbh? ) in mementos would be... Gehenna. Yeah, imagine your own mind being named the ancient word for hell on earth-- but also it was the pit for which all dead and dying things were thrown, and fittingly, where many children were sacrificed specifically, to a non-greek god. ( note, they were sacrificed to what would be seen as a false god, just as Takaya would see the scientists as misunderstanding Nyx's purpose~ I thought this through lol )
Once again it is a mass grave where many things are buried under rubble, just like the lab, just like the place where Hypnos ( the god ) would live ( underground.) Befit a main-antagonist of this series, I like to imagine it being a very brutal and violent place, just very oppressive and chaotic, much like Adachi's world and shadow Labrys' stage with all the hanging bodies, because Takaya is another cynical serial killer-esque villain who also was abused in a lab. The same lab, amazingly
Despite the demonic name though, it looks like a winding, impossibly shaped, pale white gothic church under a full moon, slightly hospital-like in places, vaguely resembles the shape of Tartarus, and is filled with the constant blood stains of the dark hour and most eerie of all, idolized statues of humanoid figures in tortured positions or literally hung up by their hands, peaceful and pretty fountains pouring from bullet holes and/or stigmata. You know. Very catholic lmao.
I want you to just feel that you have stepped into the mental space of a suicidal cultist murderer that was tortured as a child, if for whatever reason you want to do that lmao. God-- nobody commits atrocities in all of the franchise quite like the Kirijo group dsfkgds. }}
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solitaireships · 10 months
okok two things i wanted to ask:
have you ever thought of an au where all your fos are put together in one big au? :0 i've sorta seen some modern aus around here and there where people do it so i'm curious if you've ever done that before!
i'm curious: how different is the role swap au to the actual canon between shepard and hoffman? does it all play the same in the end? different? (@eveningshards)
Hey Haze!
I haven't really thought of something like that tbh! I've been asked a couple of times on twitter about how I think James and Bruce would interact if they met each other, and tbh that's always something I've struggled to kind of think of, like I for some reason just cannot imagine characters from different media interacting with each other i say like i haven't written a ship fic for james and miguel. Like it seems cool in theory, but idk if it's something I'd be ever able to come up with ideas for
With the role swap for Shepard and Hoffman, in some ways it follows canon fairly closely, but in other's it's different. Namely bcs Shepard is not as brutal as Hoffman is, even when she's a serial killer. She would be very committed to the ideology behind Jigsaw, and that means that every test she makes is a legitimate test where it's hard to pass, but still possible to. This means there's no reason for John to basically put in his will to kill her if she gets out of hand the way he did for Hoffman, and it also means that the events of S.aw 3D would be very different from how they were. Maybe that means that movie would actually be good lol
But I do think that in the end, she would end up being in trouble with the law. Not bcs Jill tells the police tho, instead it would be because one of the people who managed to survive her traps ended up figuring out who she was. That or Perez didn't get killed during the equivalent of the scene where Hoffman's exposed, idk for sure since this is still a very undeveloped au like all of mine are lol
Either way, she ends up having to go into hiding, and that's how she meets Hoffman, paralleling how she ends up meeting him when there's an active manhunt for him within their canon. It's probably slightly lower stakes than her saving him tho considering she never gets locked away in the bathroom like Hoffman does bcs of the aforementioned not having her murder be part of John's will
But from there, things are pretty similar to the standard Shepard and Hoffman dynamic, just flipping things around to match with their differing roles of serial killer vs "I can fix them". But also Hoffman has more "damn she's a serial killer. Kinda hot. If she kills again then I guess I support women's wrongs" vibes bcs he can be inclined towards evil as a treat
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