#or like in the cafeteria or on buses or whatever
miroslavcloset · 2 months
The day Thomas Muller became a national hero in Colombia (South America)
Because of my husband Thomas Muller's NT retirement, I decided to remember that time when he became an icon in this unknown third-world country~
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Get something to eat because here comes my longest post ever and one of my favorite things to ever happen in this hellhole <3
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No introduction is needed for the 2014 World Cup. So let's just skip to the good part. One of the breakthrough teams was Colombia, a humble but passionate team, they were having their best run so far, and literally everyone in the country wanted them to go as far as possible.
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In a country where literally every day the government makes you hate every part of living here, the NT is always a beacon of joy to make us feel proud of being Colombian. And even more now, that we had the Best goal of the match and the Top scorer of the whole tournament.
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After an amazing run against teams like Uruguay and Ivory Coast, the day came, when we had to play against Brazil. I don't know how it was perceived in the rest of the world, but here in South America, almost everyone knew Brazil was winning the whole thing, even with rumors of the WC being fixed to favor them (ofc rumors or not but still).
In the Colombia V Brazil match, 3 important things happened.
Neymar was Injured
Thiago Silva was suspended via accumulation of yellow cards
And the catalyst of this story
3. An equalizer Goal from Mario Yepes was mistakenly determined as offside and annulled.
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Due to this last event, Colombia was automatically eliminated without the chance of going to penalties.
THIS is Colombia's Trauma™, you can ask any of us. We even have a popular saying we use to this day because of this 'Era gol de Yepes' (Like saying that goal was always legit). But we weren't sad. We were infuriated. We demanded vengeance, we wanted vengeance (We're way too passionate about this, what do you want me to say).
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After that, yeah, there were the other quarterfinals, whatever, we didn't care. All of us were waiting for the Germany V Brazil and due to the rumors I spoke about before, we were very scared of Germany losing.
As an important note here, while we were very angry, a very good portion of the Colombians just dropped the whole thing due to idk post-elimination depression. On a personal note, never in my life did I see my country in such silence. I went out to visit my family and the capital had the most depressing silence I've ever experienced. When I tell you this WC meant the world to us I was very serious, a lot of Colombians went to Brazil in buses or walking to see the matches, and some even slept on the streets or stuff like that to keep on supporting.
So, the day of the Germany V Brazil match arrived, and oh boy we didn't have an idea.
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At this point, very few of us were still watching the tournament. In the beginning, they were very balanced... And then the game started.
We already knew what happened in that legendary game so let me just tell you the story from our point of view. All of Colombia was rooting for Germany, we wanted, no, we needed Germany to win. Brazil started attacking first so we were quite nervous.
Then a certain player bested Brazil's clueless defenses and scored the first one for Germany.
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Everyone was celebrating as if it was our own country, we started calling other people to turn on the TV, our family, neighbors, everyone. The stores and cafeterias tuned the match to see the ones that (in our eyes) did us so wrong, get humiliated by such a great team.
Of course, almost no one knew who this guy was, but Javier Hernández (the most popular commentator here) felt exactly the same as everyone else and loved every second of that first goal, making sure every single Colombian heard this player's name loud and clear, the one that avenged us. Thomas Muller.
Here you can hear what all of us heard that day: (Turn on audio to witness the insanity)
(Sorry for the quality of the video, I know it's ass but this was a recording from a fan from a TV 10 years ago lol)
Then the goals came one after another, and the rest is history. But to us it was special, we celebrated as if it was our own country. Here are some comments from Colombians:
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T: Thanks for avenging us Germany
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T: Forbidden to forget this match, when all of us were German for 90Min, Thanks! (Germany x4 Trophies) I'll never get over him and neither any colombian, Thomas Muller 7-1 / 8-2
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T: Muller 2014: 7-1 Muller 2020: 8-2 He's always in every historic scoring in football
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T: In that match All of Colombia was Germany
And like those you can find hundreds and hundreds. The day after the match we kept on celebrating, the memes were everywhere, especially one where James (our star player) called Thomas and asked him to score against Brazil (ofc that never happened, was a silly meme that reflected the general feeling). Also, I clearly remember the news and variety shows on national channels opening their broadcast greeting in German (or at least trying lol). It was so funny and at the end, we received our NT and celebrated their progress and Germany won the cup.
Pretty much a happy ending for everyone.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 8 months
Randomly thought about how Mean Girls would work in Sweden.
First of all, ”get in loser, we’re going shopping” would not work, because no one under 18 has a driver’s license. Unless Regina drives an epa tractor (which is a car not allowed to go past 50 KMs per hour and that you can drive already at 15 years old). However, epa tractors are kind of more of a thing for the kids living out in the countryside that have a far way to school, and is more dominant in small towns rather than cities. And Regina I don’t know would have one. But maybe.
”Whatever, I’m getting cheese fries” is complicated to pull off. Swedish school food is free, and they serve a different meal every day. Never ever do they serve cheese fries. However, Regina could have 1) Gone to the city during lunch time and bought herself cheese fries at some fast food place or 2) The high school does not have a cafeteria and all students have to fix lunch themselves, so Regina got cheese fries that way
Oh yeah. High Schools in Sweden are different. You see, after ninth grade, everyone picks a program, a certain theme they wanna focus on more in their education. Whether it’s science, languages, social studies… there’s also performing arts, and you can pick more kallar practical programmes like building, handyman and even makeup and animal care. When you have picked a program, you’re assigned to a certain school that provides it. All schools are different, and some do not provide lunch at school so you gotta get it yourself, and others do.
I’m imagining the plastics doing the social studies program. It works really well for them. Cady has the nature program (this is for science and maths). Now, Janis and Damian does seem like the performing arts types, but also, not every theatre/art kid does go performing arts. You can still choose art classes and stuff regardless of your program (my school also put up a musical every year even if we weren’t a performing arts school). I’m gonna be a little biased and I’m gonna put them in the humaniora program (the program I also took hehe). This program focuses more on language, but also on culture, there’s two alignments you can choose between. I think Janis chose culture and Damian chose language. So he’s taking french classes + getting to learn latin and Janis gets to learn about art and culture history. In the last year everyone in the humaniora program also get a mandatory film and tv class.
Besides mandatory classes every program provides, they also have choosable subjects you can pick from (and these classes are often with kids from every program together, so this is ways the characters could interact despite having different programs). You get to pick several, but I’m just gonna go with at least one I know everyone would pick. I know Janis probably picked art. Damian I feel would take russian or japanese or italian (languages you could take at my high school). Cady and Gretchen def would take rhetorics class and learn debate. Cady would also take advanced math ofc. However, Regina and Karen I’m very unsure about.
Cady would be in mathlethes, it could be possible. Many high schools have clubs, and it’s possible a math championship would be arranged.
We don’t have school buses in the same way here, at least not for high school (school buses and school taxis are more a thing if you live out on the countryside and every kid in an area is going to the same school, and is more of a thing in elementary school. Not in high school). This means the buses are often public ones. And, absolutely that Regina could be hit by a bus, although it would be a much bigger deal because it would most likely be a public bus with passengers inside. It would be city news about dangers in the street.
Though, tbh, besides some details with the culture difference and stuff, the plot could have still very much played out the same. Mean girls exist in Sweden too, and there’s def swedish Regina George types. I’ve met some irl (although in middle school, but still).
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kinglazrus · 4 years
Therefore I am
Phic phight 2020
Submitted by @kili-kai-wox (kilikani on ffn): Danny is surprised when he receives an A+. I wonder what subject it could be from?
Summary: There are two things Danny never expected to get out of his philosophy class: an A+ and to be confronted about his never-ending existential crisis
Warnings: discussion of/thoughts about death and the meaning of death.
Word count: 2971
Today is a grim day for Danny Fenton. It just might be the end of him. He's backed into a corner, enemies approached from all sides. His allies have abandoned him. Friends, family, all gone. He's on his own out here and it doesn't look like he's going to make it. Rations are getting low.
Jazz slaps her hand against her forehead and groans. "Don't be so dramatic!"
Danny, pinned against the lockers by his friends and sisters, howls in outrage. "I'm almost out of gummy bears!" He shoves the near empty plastic bag in Jazz's face, shaking it furiously. "And look! It's mostly just the white ones! I might as well starve."
"Ooh, I love the white ones!" Tucker snatches the bag out of Danny's hand. Fishing a few gummies out, he pops them into his mouth and chews, a blissful smile on his lips.
Danny moans. "My rations."
Sam rolls her eyes.
Danny was on his way to the cafeteria for lunch when they cornered him. They came out of nowhere, surging out from the crowd of shuffling students, surrounding him before he could realize what was happening.
With Jazz in front of him, Sam to his left, and Tucker to his right, they block off all routes of escape. Except the ghostly ones, but too many students are milling about for him to safely use his powers.
Danny doesn't like the look in their eyes. Sam's eager glint, Tucker's grin, Jazz's stern frown. They all set him on edge.
"Can I just please go to lunch?" he begs. Thanks to Skulker, Danny didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning, except a handful of cereal. The only thing he wants right now is to go get some food, even if it's the crappy cardboard pizza they serve in the cafeteria. He needs sustenance damn it!
Tucker stealing his gummy bears is the deepest betrayal he could get right now.
"No," Jazz and Sam say at the same time.
Tucker stealing his gummy bears is the second deepest betrayal.
"Come on, man," Tucker says around a mouthful of gummies. "Just spill it."
"It wasn't my fault," Danny whines, wilting against the lockers. Jazz's frown deepens, turning from disappointment into a full-blown pout. Left with no other choice, Danny relents. "Fine! But I'm telling you, he was asking for it."
He's about to expose his plans but stops when he catches their confused faces. "What?" he asks.
"Lancer was asking for it?" Sam asks. She leans against the lockers next to Danny, eyebrow raised.
"Yeah. Mikey told us what happened in philosophy class. And we told Jazz," Tucker says. "What do you think we're talking about?"
Danny thinks about his parents' new ecto grenade—completely harmless to humans, of course—rigged up in Dash's locker, ready to explode as soon as someone opens the door. "It's not important right now. Philosophy? I got an A, yeah. Awesome, right?"
"And you didn't tell me!" Jazz says, offended.
Oh, Danny thinks. That's why she looked disappointed. He doesn't know how he was supposed to tell her, though, because this is the first time he's seen her all morning.
"Dude, you didn't just get an A," Tucker says.
"Okay, A+."
Sam, exasperated, grabs Danny's shoulders and forcibly turns him toward her. "Mikey told us how Lancer stood up at the front of the class and said your paper was the best he'd ever read in that class."
"Oh." Danny's cheeks burn and he ducks his head. "Yeah. That."
When he turned the paper in last week, he honestly thought he would fail the assignment. The night before it was due, Cujo managed to dig his way out of the Ghost Zone again and immediately wanted to play. Danny was happy to oblige since, for once, he had all his homework done on time and there were no ghosts to take care of that night. The real trouble came when he had to go downstairs for dinner, leaving Cujo in his room with a stern reminder not to leave it.
Miraculously, Cujo obeyed the command. But that meant there was a bored, excitable puppy in Danny's room, alone, for almost an hour, with nothing to play with. His room hadn't been neat when he left it, but it was trashed by the time he came back. His backpack was particularly mangled, and his essay ripped to shreds.
Danny hadn't thought Lancer would accept "a ghost dog ate my homework," as an excuse for not having the assignment done. But he no longer had the library books he used to write the damn thing in the first place. Which meant he had to replace his typed, carefully referenced, well-thought out essay with a rushed, handwritten mess that consisted only of Danny's personal thoughts.
Suffice to say, he wasn't too confident in the new essay. The last thing he expected was to get a passing grade for it, much less actual praise. Danny doesn't get praise, not outside hero work, at least. He gets lots of sighs and disappointed looks. Maybe a stern, "This is proof you can do better," when he pulls a grade higher than a D. But not praise. Never praise.
"It was... something," Danny says. He doesn't usually get embarrassed by attention, although that doesn't necessarily mean he likes it either. But getting called out by Lancer in front of the whole class was an entirely new experience.
Before Lancer started handing out the papers, he had stood at the front of the class and waved the stack in the air.
"I have to say, I'm very impressed by the work some of you did. Very thoughtful," he started. "But there is one paper in particular that I would like to bring up."
Lancer shuffled through the stack, shifting everything around until a bundle of loose leaf ripped from a notebook sat on top. The pages were stapled poorly, and the handwriting was borderline illegible. Danny knew instantly it was his and expected the worst.
"This paper was, perhaps, the most insightful essay I've ever read in all my time teaching this class," Lancer said. He beamed in Danny's direction. "It was speculative, introspective, and intuitive. Written purely from the student's own thoughts on life and death. This is what philosophy is about, and I hope I can see similar work from the rest of you in the future."
Danny sank into his seat as Lancer walked down the aisle, heading right for him, and held his paper out.
"Thanks," Danny muttered, taking his assignment. He couldn't bear to lift his gaze and meet the burning stares of his peers. The worst part, though was when Lancer asked to see Danny at the end of the day.
"Are you gonna go?" Tucker asks.
"I don't know." Danny's grip on his backpack tightens as he thinks about the paper stuffed inside. "I'm not in trouble or anything, and it didn't really sound like I have to go."
"I think you should." Jazz reaches out and ruffles Danny's hair, smiling proudly at him. "You did good, little brother. You're smart, and Lancer knows that. Whatever he wants to talk to about, I'm sure it's good."
Danny grumbles, shoving Jazz's hand away and fixing his hair. He doesn't make it neat, but he messes it up the way he likes it to be messed up. There's a difference.
"I guess. As long as no ghosts interrupt, I'll go," Danny says. Jazz is right—she usually is, much to his chagrin. Whatever Lancer wants, after what he said about Danny's paper, it has to be good. But he still hopes the Box Ghost shows up so that Danny doesn’t have to go.
"Can I have my gummy bears back?" Danny asks, turning to Tucker.
Tucker, cheeks puffed with gummies, looks down at the empty bag. He slowly shakes his head. "I don't think you want them back."
Danny hesitates outside Lancer's door. The final bell rang five minutes ago, and most students have already fled the school grounds. The football team is still here, somewhere, because they have practice in half an hour. Everyone else is out front waiting for their buses. Jazz left in the initial crowd. Sam and Tucker offered to hang around and wait for him, but Danny waved them off and told them to go ahead. They have better things to do.
It crosses Danny's mind that he can lie to them. If he skips out and only tells them he talked to Lancer, they will probably accept it and leave it at that. Jazz might probe him a little about it, but if he acts annoyed about it, she'll stop. But he's being ridiculous. There's no real reason why he can't walk through this door right now and get this over with. Jazz is right. It's probably a good thing. But something about it sets Danny on edge.
Sighing heavily, he reaches out and knocks on Lancer's door, standing on his toes to peek through the window.
Lancer, sitting at his desk, grading a pile of new assignments, looks up. He sees Danny and smiles, waving him inside.
Danny pauses for a second, then turns the handle and steps into the room.
"Please, Mr. Fenton, close the door and take a seat," Lancer says.
Danny does as told, closing the door a little too hard, and shuffles over to the desk closest to Lancer's. Swinging his backpack off his shoulder, he sets it down on the floor beside him and slides into the chair.
While Lancer makes a few more notes on the paper in front of him, Danny scans the classroom. Sometimes it feels like he spends half his day in this room. Lancer teaches a surprising number of courses. Danny's almost impressed by the range. Little hints of each course are scattered throughout the room. A poster about calculating surface area by the window, a cartoonish timeline of US history along the top of the wall, aperiodic table taking up most of the back wall.
For philosophy, there's a collage of famous philosophers taped to the front of Lancer's desk. Danny thinks a former student made it, because it's just some images cut out and glued onto a stiff piece of poster board.
Danny stares at each face in the collage, trying to recognize them. Friedrich Nietzsche is the only one he can identify by name. The only reason Danny remembers him in the first place is his wild mustache. Hard to forget something like that.
"Mr. Fenton."
Danny's head snaps up, gaze jumping to Lancer.
"I'd like to congratulate you again for writing such a wonderful paper" Lancer says. "But I had a few questions."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Are you okay, Mr. Fenton?"
Danny blinks. "I­­­– what?"
"In your paper, you spoke a lot about death, dying, and our perceptions of life now that we know there is some form of afterlife. Some of your points were rather... personal."
Danny thinks back over his paper. The moment he realized he had to make the whole thing up, he decided to talk about the one philosophical debate he was personally invested in: the significance of life after death. He mentioned his parents' views on the matter, that ghosts are mindless monsters, but mostly spoke about his own and what questions he had about it. Thanks to his personal experience with dying, he had a lot to talk about.
Lancer reaches for an open notebook sitting on his desk. Lifting it up, he scans the page for a moment, then reads, "'Some people falsely believe ghosts are not, and never were, human, but are instead creatures from another dimension connected to our own. While some ghosts definitely aren't human, I have met countless that were. They remember living and dying, and there is evidence of their human lives left behind. What does this mean for people who are still living? If we can die and nothing changes for us, does dying matter at all?'"
Danny immediately recognizes his own words. Lancer must have written down what Danny said in his essay. It makes him uncomfortable. He doesn’t want his thoughts lying around where anyone can read them. He especially doesn't want Lancer to pick and choose them at random for whatever this conversation is.
"That doesn't really sound personal," Danny mutters.
"No, it doesn't," Lancer agrees. "But the things you go on to say after this point are concerning, to say the least. Which brings me back to my original question. Are you okay?"
Danny's face scrunches as he thinks. So what if he got personal? It's a personal matter. That was the whole point when he wrote it. He doesn't understand what Lancer's getting at.
Lancer sighs and keeps going. "'Lots of people think about what happens after they die. Usually, they're talking about religion and what waits for them on the other side. Personally, I wonder about what happens to everything I leave behind, and what dying would do for me.' Would you like to expand on that?"
Danny leans away. "No?"
"What dying would do for you," Lancer repeats.
"What are you­­– oh." Finally, realization dawns on Danny. He squirms uncomfortably. "I'm not– I don't want to–"
He cuts himself off with a sight. How is he supposed to explain what's going on in his head without giving his secret away? Danny's not okay, but he isn't not okay, either. He's just... dead.
He died, but he lived, and it changed him. And yet, at the same time, nothing changed at all. In the grand scheme of things, Danny died and everything stayed the same. No one noticed, except his friends, who were there and are probably scarred for life.
Besides, Danny lived, in the end. So he's supposed to be fine, right? But he doesn't know how to deal with going through something that traumatic and realizing it didn't matter.
Ghosts look at life differently. They don't regret dying because once you're dead, whatever led up to that point no longer matters. They remember their lives, but they don't care about them. If Danny had died all the way that day, he wouldn't care either. Thinking about that messes him up.
Lancer watches him expectantly. Danny realizes he's been silent for too long, and he has to say something.
"It's complicated."
"We have the time, if you'd like to try," Lancer says.
Danny shakes his head. "I really don't. You don't need to be worried about me, or anything. I don’t want to die or anything. I just..."
My whole life is just one big existential crisis.
"Mr. Fenton." Lancer stands up, pushing away from his desk.
Danny keeps his eyes on the philosophy collage as Lancer approaches. Holding himself perfectly still, he doesn’t look away, even as Lancer crouches next to Danny's desk.
There's nothing special about the word, or the way Lancer says it. He has no clue what's going on in Danny's mind right now, but he's looking at Danny with warm eyes, offering him a comforting smile, and Danny actually feels like he could be okay.
"For whatever it's worth, Mr. Fenton, I don't think my days would be the same without you. But I understand."
He really doesn't, but Danny appreciates the effort.
"If this isn't something you'd like to talk about with me, I won't push it. Perhaps I could have approached you more delicately about the matter." Lancer pats Danny's shoulder. "I hope you will talk to someone, if you need it. And don't let this stop you from pursuing your interest in philosophy."
Danny doesn't have the heart tell Lancer he only took the class because he thought it would be easy.
"You have a knack for it."
"Um, thank you," Danny says.
Lancer pats him again, then stands. "Don't let me keep you. I'm sure, as you students would say, you have to get vibing."
Danny grimaces. "We really wouldn't."
Dismissed, he gathers up his backpack and practically sprints to the door, yanking it open. Halfway out, he pauses, looking back over his shoulder. Lancer is back at his desk already, resuming his grading.
"Thanks, Mr. Lancer," Danny says. "You're not really 'hip', but... you are kind of cool."
He runs out of the room before Lancer can respond. Lips pressed in a firm line, he contemplates whether today was good or bad after all. A+ on his essay? Good. Getting praised in front of the class? It sounded good, but it felt bad and it was awkward as hell. Tucker eating all his gummy bears? Definitely bad.
The talk he just had with Lancer? Debatable.
Danny rounds the corner, heading for the front doors, and almost barrels right into Dash. He swerves at the last second—thank you reflexes—and skitters out of Dash's way.
"Watch it, Fenfreak," Dash says.
Danny rolls his eyes. "You get more creative every day, Dash. Why are you even still here?"
"Practice tonight, duh," Dash says.
Right. Danny gives Dash a critical look. "Going to your locker?" he asks.
"My stuff's already in the gym, dweeb. Why do you care?"
"I just thought I saw Paulina put some in there early. Could have been a love letter or something." Danny shrugs.
An eager gleam enters Dash's eye. Danny almost feels sorry for the poor guy. He's probably the only person who can't tell Paulina is hopelessly in love with Star. Why else would Paulina say she can't date any boys because she's saving herself for the ghost boy? Seriously.
Dash runs for his locker, yanking it open. As a resounding bang echoes down the hall and green go splatters all over the walls, floor, ceiling, and Dash, Danny finally makes up his mind. Today is a very good day.
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eratobard · 4 years
Saved by the Bell: Chapter 2
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Geraskier, goth!geralt and pastel punk!jaskier
Rating: G
Summary: Geralt is used to getting good grades and staying out of trouble. It comes easier with his shy behavior and anxiety. That all changes when he crosses paths with the colorful Jaskier and his tendency for mischief.
Previous: Chapter 1
A/N: Was previously posted on my main: Panerato. Continuing the story on this blog for easier archiving on my part. 
Geralt set his tray down at an empty table in the cafeteria. He didn’t usually sit with anyone at lunch. Because of his demeanor most kids were too afraid to sit with him. As a result, school tended to be a lonely affair, but he was fine with it. He had friends outside of school.
He glanced up from the dry mashed potatoes to see Jaskier laughing with other students at a table nearby. Ever since their encounter in the school office it seemed Jaskier was everywhere. It wasn’t hard to pick him out in a crowd either, because of the bright clothes he always seemed to wear. Geralt wondered how he had never noticed him before.
Jaskier frowned when another student approached his table of friends, “Valdo.”
The boy he had addressed as Valdo glared at him, “Julian.”
“How’s your leg?” Jaskier smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Geralt looked the teenager over. So he had been the student Jaskier had stabbed. 
“It’s healing, no thanks to you!” Valdo spat.
Jaskier rolled his eyes, “Duh, that’s the point. You deserved it after what you said to Priscilla.” He motioned to the blonde sitting next to him. She was glaring at Valdo along with Jaskier’s other friends.
“Whatever, you only defended her because you want her to suck your dick like the slut she is,” Valdo smirked.
Geralt could understand why Jaskier stabbed him. He kind of wanted to as well.
Jaskier moved to charge at Valdo but his friends held him back. Priscilla shook her head, “Jask… you can’t…”
Jaskier frowned but complied as he moved back. He huffed as he placed his hands on his hips. He whipped his head back to move his bangs out of his eyes, “Is that all you came over here to say?”
Valdo ignored his question, a shit eating grin forming on his lips, “Oh? You can’t defend your cow like before? Can daddy dearest only protect you so much?”
Jaskier grit his teeth as he clenched his fists. Priscilla continued to pat his arm, “Just ignore him. He’ll go away eventually.”
Valdo glared at her, “Oh, I’m not going away. Not after what he did. I plan on getting even, and I know just how to do it.”
Jaskier clicked his tongue as he rolled his eyes, “How? You gonna stab me with a fork?”
Valdo grinned and shook his head. “No, even better. I’m going to get you expelled.” He reached down and grabbed a handful of mashed potatoes from Jaskier’s tray and splattered it onto his own shirt. He faked as gasp as he called out to the nearby lunch shift teachers. “Mr. Mousesack! Jaskier threw mashed potatoes on my shirt!”
Mr. Mousesack stopped his conversation with the other teacher and made his way over to the table. Jaskier glared at Valdo, “I did not! He threw it on himself!” Jaskier’s friends spoke up in his defense.
Valdo feigned innocence, “Of course they would say that. They’re his friends. I only came over here to make nice after our fight the other day, and then he threw mashed potatoes on me.”
The students all started to speak at once, trying to explain what happened.
Mr. Mousesack held up his hand to silence them, “How bout we take this to the principal’s office where this can be discussed calmly.”
Jaskier fidgeted nervously next to him, “The principal… I… I didn’t do anything.”
“The principal’s office isn’t always for students who are in trouble. She can mediate between you two and determine what happened,” Mr. Mousesack explained calmly. He escorted the two boys to the office. 
Geralt watched them walk by him. Jaskier was staring at the ground worriedly. Geralt fidgeted in his seat. He had seen the whole thing happen. He clenched his hands into fists. He could speak for Jaskier as a neutral viewer, but that would require him to approach the principal. Anxiety swelled in his chest. He shook his head. Jaskier would be fine without his help. The principal would see Valdo did it on purpose. She had to.
Several minutes passed and Jaskier and Valdo still hadn’t exited the office. He glanced worriedly through the large windows that made it easy to see into the room. The principal’s office was located off of the larger school office. It’s walls offered more privacy, but he could see a bit into the office through the window in the door. He saw Principal De Vries was still talking to Jaskier and Valdo about what happened. It did not look like it was going well from the expression on Jaskier’s face.
Geralt took a deep breath as he prepared himself and headed toward the office. The secretary forced a smile when she saw him walk in, “What can I help you with?”
Geralt’s hands fidgeted nervously in front of him, “I… I need to talk to Mrs. De Vries.”
“She is currently talking to some students, but you can talk to Mr. Stregobor--”
“No!” Geralt shouted. He was surprised at his own outburst and apologized. “I mean… I need to talk to Mrs. De Vries now. It’s concerning what she is talking about.”
The secretary frowned but nodded her head, “Alright…” She picked up the phone and dialed the principal’s office. He didn’t hear what she said, but the secretary mumbled something into the receiver when the principal picked up. She nodded her head then hung up the phone. “Mrs. De Vries said you can come on in.”
Geralt sighed in relief, but his anxiety wasn’t completely gone as he walked into the office. It came back 10 times worse when he was met with everyone in the room staring at him as he entered. 
Mrs. De Vries motioned to a nearby seat, “Geralt, you have something to tell me regarding this situation?”
Geralt nodded as he moved close to the seat but stood by it awkwardly. It felt better to stand for some reason. “I… I was sitting nearby…” He glanced over at the two. Jaskier was staring at him curiously while Valdo glared. Geralt quickly looked at the floor. He gripped his hands tightly in front of him, “I… I overheard Valdo come up and talk to Jaskier.”
“See?” Valdo interrupted, “It’s as I said. I went to apologize and--”
Mrs. De Vries held up a hand, “Let him finish.”
Valdo bit his tongue and frowned as he returned to glaring at Geralt.
“Continue, please Geralt.”
Geralt nodded. His anxiety continued to build, but he knew he needed to do this to defend Jaskier. It was the right thing to do. His voice wavered and he felt like he was going to cry as he spoke, “He… he told him that he was going to get Jaskier back for what he did to him. That he was going to get him expelled. Then he grabbed mashed potatoes from Jaskier’s tray and put them on his own shirt.”
Mrs. De Vries nodded, “Thank you for sharing that Geralt. I know public speaking isn’t your strong suit. Was there anything else you wanted to share?”
Geralt quickly shook his head. 
“You can head to class, and don’t let this matter worry you anymore. I will take care of it,” She smiled as she motioned to the door.
Geralt sighed in relief as he nodded his head. A weight was lifted from his chest as he exited the office. He had done all he could to help Jaskier. Mrs. De Vries was a reasonable woman. She would make everything okay. He clenched his fists as a bit of anxiety crept back into his chest. He hoped.
It was the end of the school day. With the distraction of school work Geralt had almost forgotten about Jaskier’s predicament. As he was on his way to the school buses he felt an arm wrap around his shoulder. He looked over to see bright blue eyes and a winning smile.
“Geralt, I wanted to thank you for speaking up earlier. I’m sure it wasn’t easy,” Jaskier grinned. “I didn’t realize we were in the same lunch. You and your friends should come sit with us.”
Geralt’s cheeks felt warm and he stared at the ground, “Ah, yeah… maybe.” Geralt didn’t want to reveal that he had no one to sit with at lunch. It would be too embarrassing to admit to the popular teen.
Jaskier sighed as he continued to lean on Geralt, “Despite your help I still need to do counseling. Mrs. De Vries believes that Valdo and I can work out our differences, and that we should learn to get along.” Jaskier grimaced, “So every day after school, starting tomorrow, I have to do “exercices” with Valdo.” His fingers motioned the air quotes as his arm was still slung around Geralt’s shoulder.
Geralt nodded, “That doesn’t sound too bad…”
Jaskier grinned and ran his fingers through Geralt’s long white hair, “Yeah, it’s better than boarding school.” Jaskier blinked as if he suddenly realized something, “Oh, I’m sorry.” He removed his arm from around Geralt’s shoulder. “Here I am hanging all over you like my friends and I didn’t even see if it was okay. My bad.”
Geralt shook his head. “It’s um, it doesn’t bother me,” Geralt mumbled.
Jaskier smiled, “Really? Good to know.” He bounced a bit as he sped up his pace to walk in front of Geralt. He walked backward in front of him as he pointed to the entrance of the school, “I better jet. My chauffeur is waiting to pick me up. I’ll see you tomorrow!” He waved before running down the hall.
“No running Mr. Pankratz!” a teacher called after him.
“Sorry!” Jaskier yelled back as he continued to run down the hall. The teacher sighed in exasperation.
Geralt placed his hand on his chest. His heart was beating rapidly. He smiled slightly as he headed to the school buses. He wondered what school would be like tomorrow.
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187days · 3 years
Day Two
There was no coffee at breakfast this morning.
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It’s really my own fault ‘cause I got there late. The food services folks were totally making more, but I didn’t have time to wait before Freshman Orientation. That took up basically my whole morning, but it was good. We checked all our incoming freshman in, got them some school gear and their schedules, and brought them to the gym for a welcome from The Principal. After that, we split them into four groups that rotated through different activities: a scavenger hunt to find the major stuff in the building, some get-to-know-you games outside, a presentation from school counseling in the auditorium, and a Q&A session with some volunteer upperclassmen. Mrs. C and I ran the Q&A; we had the kids get in small groups, fed them some candy, and let them ask whatever they wanted to ask. We had some cards with frequently asked questions, too, in case no one could think of anything. We think it went well.
After lunch in the cafeteria, the freshmen headed to the buses and we all headed back to our classrooms to do some prep and whatever else we had to do before a meeting with The Superintendent. That was quick- he just wanted to welcome us back and thank us for all our hard work- as were the department meetings we had afterwards. And then the day was over!
This one really seemed like it flew by, but it also wasn’t as tiring as yesterday- my body has maybe acclimated to being part of the workforce again, heh- which is good. I still went and got a coffee after school. One of our incoming 12th graders was behind the counter, so we chatted a bit about her schedule. She’s excited, and that’s so great to see.
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xan-hast · 3 years
“Together to Bloom”- July 3rd 2021
“Wake up; you’re going to be late!” I heard my older sister yell from outside my room. I can’t get up right now; it’s like six o’clock or something. I turned to grab my phone from the counter as I turned it on. Its harsh light beamed my delicate eyes. I blinked, trying to recover from the pain in my eyes. Alas, I looked at the time. It was seven-thirty! I hopped out of bed with no time to waste as the final day of school was here! I couldn’t be late for the last day of school before summer break! I’d worked so hard all year long, not just to waste it all for being late! I rushed, grabbing whatever I could get from inside my closet. I then went inside the bathroom to brush my teeth and grabbed my comb to fix my hair later in class. I put my phone in my pants right pocket, grabbed my backpack for school, and a granola bar before running through the front house door.
As I locked the front door, I started running to school. First period starts at eight-ten, so I should have about thirty minutes to make it to class since I probably only took ten minutes getting ready. This should be perfect because it takes less than half an hour to get to school. But it’s all estimates right now; I can’t check my phone right now because it’ll just slow down my time. I’ll just wait until I have to cross the street to check my phone.
So far, they’ve all been red lights! I’ve been lucky so far, but that would also mean the drivers aren’t sharing this same luck. I only need to cross the street one more time, and I’ll be at school. I’m praying for a green light because I’ve gotten tons of notifications coming from my phone. I know that I’m not late, but there must be some big news! Maybe Eric’s mom finally let him get the gaming PC he wanted. Or maybe River finally wants to talk about what happened this week. Or Jake (my online friend) finally got the new game we planned to play during the summer! Or maybe Brittany jus-. You know what, I could just keep guessing the endless possibilities. But from the void of possibilities, I really hope it’s River.
As I was approaching Breeze High, I could see students around the entrance of the school building. With the usual people staying outside until classes started, the students already inside, some buses being late, and parents dropping off kids. But I would be a mix of two; I would stay inside sometimes or outside depending on what friend I saw first. This time there wasn’t anyone outside waiting for me. So I would go inside, but I’d rather check who was spamming me with text messages. As I turned on my phone, I saw the top message from Eric saying, “Zachary come to the cafeteria know!” I scrolled through some other text messages, but the top fifteen were from Eric. They’re all the same text with the exact grammar mistake of know instead of now; he must’ve just copied and pasted the text. But I wonder what he would want so urgently. After that was one text message from Brittany saying, “If you can come to the Student Council class really quickly, I have some things to discuss.” I guess Brittany just wants me to help her again. Under her text were two messages from Marcel saying, “Hey Zachary want to meet before first period starts?” “We can meet right outside our class.” Well, now I have to choose between three people. But under Marcel’s text was a message from my mom saying, “Goooood Morning Hun! I hope you have an amazing last day of school! And I remember that you have thirty dollars in your backpack for the Farewell Bloom Festival! Have fun!” How could I have forgotten it was the Bloom Festival today! They even do it every year for the last day of school, but it always passes my mind. Thankfully Mom gave me money. Now I feel even more guilty for not checking hard enough for money for the homeless. But the first text message I got in the morning was again from Eric saying, “Meet me in the cafeteria!” Eric seems like an urgent matter, I could help Brittany after school, I’ll need to buy things for the Bloom Festival, and Marcel just wants to talk. He never wants to talk! I guess things change before summer break starts.
I looked inside my backpack for the money that Mom had given to me. It was located where she’d always put stuff for me. In a little section of the front of the backpack, that was easy to find.
As I walked inside the school, I could see tables spread throughout the hallways. These tables at the front of the school are always the most populated. And it was all in the spirit of Farewell to some and Later to others. The tables, filled with beautiful roses and little cards where you could add a message on them. But for those who weren’t as creative, the cards already had something sweet written. I looked through the hallways trying to find a table that didn’t have so many people. I then stumbled across a hallway filled with tables and the sellers, but no buyers. So I went over to one of the tables and said, “Can I buy five roses and five cards?” But that’s when I noticed the person wasn’t looking at me, but down on the floor. He then said, “That’ll be ten dollars, sir,” as he had his hand out in front of him. I don’t remember it costing this much! But it doesn’t matter because at least I’ll “Bloom a good smile,” which is the motto of the festival. I then placed the only two five-dollar bills I had on his hand. He swiftly took the money and said, “Thank you.” As he grabbed the roses behind him and the cards on the table, he continued, “Here are your roses and cards.” “Thank you,” I said as I left. I don’t really know who that was because they didn’t show their face, but they did it so well.
Now on who to go to; Eric or Marcel. They’re both amazing friends of mine, but technically Eric messaged me first. So I’ll quickly see what Eric needs and then go talk to Marcel. Sounds like a game plan; hopefully, it doesn’t backfire!
As I went inside the cafeteria (which was near the middle half of the school), I saw it near empty. From all the tables, only one had students- Dillion, Rivier, and Eric. They seemed to be talking; maybe I should just leave them alone. River and I aren’t on good terms. As I turned around to leave the cafeteria, I heard someone yell, “Watch out!” I looked back and noticed that Amy (the vice principal of Student Council) and Gregory had bumped into each other creating a mess around them of red roses. I walked over to help the two as everyone else was just watching.
As I went to pick up a rose, Amy said, “You don’t have to help Zachary. If anything, Gregory over here should be helping!” With a strict emphasis on Gregory’s name. As I stood back up, I saw that Amy was looking at Gregory with a strict look; Gregory was looking away and seemed like he’d run away any second. I then responded to Amy, a calm look and tone, “It really is okay. I can help out. But remember not to be so harsh on your tone,” as I handed her a rose I picked up. Amy grabbed the rose I handed to her and continued to pick up the other roses. Gregory looked up at me and nodded his head as if he said, “Thank you.” I then handed him one of my own roses and the card attached. He then approached Amy with the rose and card. Amy turned to him and grabbed the rose in a more calming way. I guess my work here is done. Now to go find Marce-.
I then felt a slight tap on my shoulder, I looked back and saw Eric. “Zachary, where’ve you been! I’ve tried texting, but nothing! You’re so late! Anyways, come and have a seat,” Eric said as he pointed at the table River was sitting at. Before I could say anything, he was already walking me to the table.
River seemed to be on his phone and didn’t look up. Eric then sat me down across from River. Eric tapped his shoulder, and in an instant, River looked up. We made eye contact which felt like my own eternity until he said, “What are you doing here Zachary!” He then turned to Eric and said, “You promised we were only going to talk! Not Zachary'' Seems like I should just go. But before I could leave and before Eric could say something, River already left running. Eric then said to me, “Sorry, I thought this would help you two.” I responded, “It’s okay. Thank you for trying.” Before I could give Eric a rose and card, he’d already left running after River. I got up from the blue table I was sitting at and started walking to English class to talk to Marcel.
How did I mess up so badly with River? It all started on a very blue Monday, just after lunch. As I was walking to the Student Council class, River came up to me with tears. He said the exact words, “It’s over! I can’t believe I could even trust you!” And he ran off without another word. I was shocked at what had happened, I looked over to see people whispering at their blue lockers. Eyes from all directions made me question what I did. It was later that day when Eric came up to me to talk about it. A rumor, breaking the forever bond that I had with River. It was finally found out that River and I had been dating. River and I had already been dating for almost the whole school year, but his parents weren’t as supportive. On that day, River and I faked breaking up, it was like a little bump in the road. Luckily no one from the school noticed that we were dating as we had just been dating for a month. But during that same day, I promised to never tell another soul that we were dating. That once it was all over, we’d live the life we imagined.
Now, the whole school knew, but the thing is that I didn’t tell anyone. Not even Eric! Actually, the only person that I did tell was Jake. He was extremely supportive of how I found out my true self so fast and young. And Jake doesn’t have any way to contact anyone at this school except for me since he lives in New York. I don’t know how this person found out or why they would spread it, but it does hurt to see him gone.
I tried explaining to River, but he doesn’t answer any of my texts or calls. Even at school, he wouldn’t talk to me all week. But I guess he was talking to Eric for comfort. My biggest concern is how hurt is he. Especially with this school spreading this rumor outside of school and onto social media. I know that by now, his family must’ve seen the rumor. I just wish I could talk to him and tell him the trut-.
“You okay, Zachory?” I looked over and saw it was Mr. Johns, the English teacher. I then said, “Yeah, I’m okay, just a little lost in my thoughts.” “Well, Mr. Lost, you’re late for my class. The bell rang. But since it is the last day and I’m running a little late, it’s okay.” Wait, the bell has already rung! That means I wasn’t able to talk to Marcel! I’m just lucky that Mr. Johns is giving me a break. As I walked into class with Mr. Jones, I saw Marcel laying down his head on his desk.
“So it’s just a free day today. I’d be happy to sign your yearbook. If you need to go outside, just ask,” Mr. Johns said. He then sat down at his desk and started reading his book. First, let me write something on these little cards. On this first card, it had a hand’s palm on the front. I opened it and it read, “I’m a friend that’ll always help.” On the bottom, I added with a pen, “We can talk now?” Which was specifically for Marcel. I then brought all the roses with me to talk to Marcel. As I tapped his shoulder, he looked up with a face of concern. I then said, “Sorry, abo-.” “Can we go outside?” Marcel asked while interrupting me. I then walked over to Mr. Johns’ desk. I then tapped his desk and he looked up from his book. I then asked, “Is it okay if Marcel and I go outside?” He looked over at the clock and said, “Yeah sure. Just don’t cause any trouble.”
I walked over to Marcel and tapped his shoulder. He looked up at me, and we left the classroom. As we did, Marcel said, “So I finally learned how to use my phone for more than just sending messages.” “Oh, that’s good,” I added. He continued with a sad tone, “Yeah, but I saw this post thingy on social media, and it was all about you and River… is it true?” Wait, Marcel didn’t know this whole time! He doesn’t talk to too many people, but even for him, it’s kind of much. I then responded with a soft tone, “The rumor about River and I is true. We were dating, but I never told anyone.” He then responded, “It’s okay. The post went into deep detail about the rumor. I just wanted to tell you, but I guess you already knew.” I then concernedly asked, “Actually, it all started on Monday; haven’t you heard or seen anything about River and me?” “No. I’m not that big on rumors or anything. But you should’ve told me. I wanted to help,” he added. “Well thank you. And before I forget,” I said as I handed him the rose attached with the card, “here is your rose!” Marcel then said, “Aw, thank you. Let me check the card.” Wait, the card just has-. Marcel then giggled, “Well, I’m here talking to you now, aren’t I?” I quickly responded, “Yes, but I was supposed to give you that before we talked.” Marcel giggled again and said, “Well, we should get to class now. Just remember I’m always here to talk.” We entered the classroom, Marcel, with a rose, and I had my three roses left.
As the bell rang, Mrs. Jenkins said, “Have an amazing break, everyone!” That’s fourth period done. I just need to get through lunch, fifth period, and sixth period then I’m free from school. I sadly don’t have any of the classes with Eric at all. And for the last two periods, I don’t have any close friends. So lunch is going to be a good time to talk to someone; I hope River and I can discuss. I also still have these three roses.
As I walked into the cafeteria, I didn’t see Eric, Marcel, Brittany, or River. Where is everyone, it’s not like I’m early for lunch. As I was about to look around, I saw Dillon and Gregory talking to each other. I walked over to their table and before I could sit down, Gregory stood up and said, “Can I talk to you real quick?” “Yeah, sure.”
Gregory then took me to an empty hallway where he finally spoke up, “All I wanted to say was… thank you.” In shock, I said, “Oh, you’re wel-.” But before I could finish, he’d already left. I didn’t even notice he left so fast! I guess I helped him; it’s something to lift my spirit. And right now, it helped more than he could imagine.
As I was finally leaving sixth period, I noticed that some left a book on the floor. I picked it up and noticed it was Quincy’s notebook! Quincy is one of the top students in the school, he’d never just leave his notebook on purpose! I need to go find him in this avalanche of people in the halls! But I think Quincy always goes to Ms. Berkeley’s class before leaving school. So I should find him there!
As I finally made it out of the avalanche of students, I noticed someone sitting down in the middle of the hallway. As I approached them, I noticed it was Quincy! You could tell from his light gold hair, skinny pants, and back shirt. As I got closer, I heard him sobbing! As I was next to him, I said, “You left your notebook in class and ar-.” He then interrupted with loud sobs, “Thank you,” as he looked up at me, his face turned pale, he continued, “oh don’t look at me, Zachary.” He then grabbed the notebook from my hands and went in the same position. I then sat next to him and said, “I’m here to talk if you want?” “What, so you can just tell the whole school!” he said with an angry tone. “What do you mean?” I asked in confusion. “I heard the rumor,” he said with big sobs. I then took a deep breath and said, “Quincy, do you really think I would do that to my boyfriend?” He quietly said, “No.” “Exactly, there was just someone that told everyone. I’m in a rough state, but I still want to help you.” He then said, “But we’ve never even talked outside of school.” I then handed him a rose, he looked up and had a brief smile. He then read out loud the card, “It’s never too late to start things.” Then his brief smile turned into a blooming smile. He added, “What is this some kind of proposal?” I then said, “A proposal to become your friend.” He looked over at me and said, “Thank you, this really did help. It’s just that my girlfriend broke up with me. So I guess we kind of share a memory. I hope everything goes well for you. And thank you again for this and my notebook.” But before I could say something, he handed me a little note from his pocket. As he handed it to me, he said, “This is my phone number, maybe we can talk during the summer?” As I grabbed the piece of paper, I said, “Thank you, I’ll make sure to text you when I get home.” He stood up, and we departed ways, Quincy to Ms. Berkeley’s room while I was going to leave school.
As I was walking out of Breeze high for the last time this school year, I saw Eric running towards me. As he was running, he yelled, “Zachary! You really need to go talk to River!” Once he was in front of me, he was out of breath but trying to say something. I then said, “First catch your breath and then you can tell me.” After a few seconds of Eric panting, he then said, “I really messed up with you and River today. You need to talk to him. I’m so sorry, but you might be the only person to make him happy.” I then calmly said, “It’s not your fault at all Eric. Than-. Actually,” I then grabbed from my backpack one of the last roses and continued, “this is your rose. The card will do the talking.” As he took the rose from my hand, he smiled and said, “Thank you, Zachary. Also, River by Café Venteux.” Eric’s French has gotten so good! Even if it’s his third year in French class. “Okay, bye! Talk to you later!” I then left running towards the café.
As I made it near the café, I didn’t see River. But I saw the same homeless man in the morning outside the café. I walked towards him and he said, “Hey again, I hope you have a nice day.” I then searched in my left pocket for the twenty-dollar bill that mom gave me. Once I touched it, I said, “I actually got something for you,” as he looked up, I handed over the twenty dollars. He then smiled with great joy, saying, “Thank you! May God bless you!” He then went inside the café. As my eyes followed him, I saw River at the far end of the café.
As I walked inside the café, it made its little jingle. I walked over to where River was sitting and took a seat across from him. He didn’t look up until I tapped his shoulder. Once he looked up and saw me, he stood up. But before he could run away again, I stopped him. He was weaker now, not like usual, so I was easily about to sit him down on one of the wooden booths. I then sat next to him.
Before I could talk, he sobbingly said, “Why would you do that?” I then quickly responded, “I would never do that. I hope you can understand that I didn’t tell anyone about our relationship.” He responded, “Then how did people know! How come I got hurt!” He’s deeply hurt. “River, I want you to remember who I am. I never would do such a thing. I love you with all my heart. I just,” I started to tear, “I just don’t want it to be over a rumor someone started.” River then hugged me; I hugged back. I then let go with my left hand to grab my last rose. As I did, River looked up at me. As I handed him the bruised, color fading, few pedaled rose, I said, “I don’t ever want to lose you. Let us get through this together.”
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malaysiankpopfans · 4 years
The School Nurse Files might become your new favorite high school drama!
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The highly buzzed about series The School Nurse Files is finally here! The School Nurse Files centers on high school nurse Ahn Eun-young (Jung Yu-mi) who works with Classical Chinese teacher Hong In-pyo (Nam Joo-hyuk) to protect students. High school dramas have a special appeal that attracts a variety of different people.
From coming-of-age stories to youthful romance, there’s something relatable for everyone. Signature scenes and locations add to the familiar charm. We love the memories from high school as we adults would like to escape to simpler times. Check out some quintessential high school k-drama scenes and locations here:
The Classroom
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High school dramas involve students so, of course, they need to spend some time in the classroom. But did you notice that there is a specific part of the classroom K-drama students tend to sit in? They tend to sit near the back and often close by the window just like Oh Ji-soo (Kim Dong-hee) in Extracurricular and Hyun Tae-woon (Kim Jung-hyun) in School 2017.
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New Student Introduction
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In Korea, new students introduce themselves in front of the classroom on their first day. It’s especially nerve wracking for Jo Kang-ja (Kim Hee-seon) because she’s pretending to be a high school student in order to find the bully who tormented her daughter in Angry Mom. Having a new student definitely shakes things up and makes it interesting. Choi Joon-woo (Ong Seong-wu) is a lonely transfer student in Moment of Eighteen.
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School Infirmary
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Is it just me or do K-drama characters get hurt and sick more often than us? Whatever the case, there’s plenty of scenes at the school infirmary. The School Nurse Files centers on school nurse Ahn Eun-young (Jung Yu-mi), so there’s plenty of fun scenes where she works. Kim Jo-jo (Kim So-hyun) and Lee Hye-yeong (Jung Ga-ram) also have a secret infirmary encounter in Love Alarm S1.
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Locker Scenes
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You use lockers to store books and belongings, but they’re also a popular place to chat and gaze longingly at the object of your affection. Ha-ru (Rowoon) gives a swoon-worthy look here in Extraordinary You while Cho Sang-hoon (Kim Do-wan) shows angsty vibes in front of his locker in Moment of Eighteen.
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Water Fountain
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School water fountains are frequently found in high school dramas. You can drink water, wash your hands, clean stuff, and peek at cute students there. Hyun Tae-woon (Kim Jung-hyun) and Ra Eun-ho (Kim Se-jeong) have a sweet water fountain encounter in School 2017. Ha-ru (Rowoon) and Eun Dan-oh (Kim Hye-yoon) also look cute beside a water fountain in Extraordinary You.
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School Rooftop
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K-dramas certainly love their share of rooftop scenes. While rooftop access might become more restricted these days, there are plenty of locations where students try to have a space of their own. Student X is overlooking the view from the rooftop in School 2017. Park Sun-ho (Nam Da-reum) and Oh Joon-seok (Seo Dong-hyun) have a dangerous argument on the rooftop in Beautiful World.
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A part of being a student naturally requires spending some time studying. What better place to study than the library? The library is an important place where Eun Dan-oh (Kim Hye-yoon) discovers the truth about her identity in Extraordinary You. Choi Joon-woo (Ong Seong-wu) focuses on studying in the library as well in Moment of Eighteen.
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Extracurricular Activities
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Well-rounded students take on extracurricular activities outside of studying. You can’t help but swoon when you see good-looking characters excel at a variety of skills. Lee Do-hwa (Jung Gun-joo) looks super handsome while playing the violin in Extraordinary You. Han Yi-han (Nam Joo-hyuk) is a star swimmer in Who Are You: School 2015.
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Physical Education
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Physical Education, also known as P.E., is a mandatory part of school so it’s no surprise that it appears in high school dramas as well. To amp up the drama, special sports events are often used in scenes. We see this on the field of Moment of Eighteen. Baek Kyung (Lee Jae-wook) and Eun Dan-oh (Kim Hye-yoon) participate in a three-legged race in Extraordinary You. It’s a nice change from their everyday school uniforms.
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Dressing Casual
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Speaking of not wearing school uniforms, there are always scenes where we can see students dressed casually outside of school. Sometimes it leads to romantic scenes in an almond farm like in Inheritors or down-to-earth fun with friends in Reply 1988.
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Dressing Up
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Other times, we can see characters dressed up for fancier occasions. This usually results in someone being stunned by the beautiful transformation and they end up seeing the other person in a different way. In Extracurricular, Oh Ji-soo (Kim Dong-hee) is blown away by Bae Gyu-ri (Park Ju-hyun) who is dolled up. Oh Nam-joo (Kim Young-dae) puts on a spiffy bowtie in Extraordinary You.
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You have to eat to fuel your brain and body for the school day, so there are plenty of cafeteria and lunch scenes in high school dramas. It’s always fun viewing appetizing meals that sometimes look better than our own lunches. Choi Joon-woo (Ong Seong-wu) eats a typical high school lunch in Moment of Eighteen. On the other hand, Eun Dan-oh (Kim Hye-yoon) and Ha-ru (Rowoon) enjoy a fancier lunch at their school in Extraordinary You.
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Convenience Store
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Students typically don’t have a ton of cash, so they’ll opt for cheap and tasty eats at convenience stores when eating outside of school. Yoo Soo-bin (Kim Hyang-gi) sits inside a one in Moment of Eighteen. You can also see high school students working at convenience stores like Han Dong-soo (Seo Young-joo) in Beautiful World.
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High school students in Korea usually aren’t old enough to drive cars, so they’ll ride bikes or motorcycles instead. Kim Jo-jo (Kim So-hyun) and Lee Hye-yeong (Jung Ga-ram) have a sweet bicycle ride in the snow in Love Alarm S1. Choi Joon-woo (Ong Seong-qu) uses his bike for transportation in Moment of Eighteen.
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Buses and Bus Stops
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Not all students own and ride bikes, so buses are another common form of transportation for high school students. Being in close proximity with your crush can easily lead to heart-fluttering moments. Kim So-hyun shares a gentle moment with Nam Joo-hyuk on a bus in Who Are You: School 2015. She also stands with Song Kang at a bus stop while it’s raining in Love Alarm S1.
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Which of the quintessential high school K-drama scenes do you like most? You can watch all of the mentioned shows on Netflix.
List of mentioned shows: Angry Mom, Beautiful World, Extracurricular, Extraordinary You, Love Alarm S1, Moment of Eighteen, Reply 1988, School 2017, The School Nurse Files, Who Are You: School 2015
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swampgallows · 4 years
like man i specifically remember what our “funding” was, it went to a fucking air-compression weights room, like it used concentrations of air instead of physical weights, and the whole school got to use it, so that was good. and we got a giant fucking mural on the side of our gym for no fucking reason. but the ‘gifted kids’ and the homeschool took a lot of the same classes together, used the same resources and materials, still had bungalow ‘classrooms’ with no a/c where it got up to 105 F in the summer and we had wildfires every year, still rode the school buses together. the only difference was that for two out of the six periods a day i had to take graduate thesis-level courses and was assigned way more work that i ever got in college. 
for my gifted classes we had to buy our own books, and this was the pre-amazon era so that meant i had to go to a store to physically buy a copy, unless someone from the previous class donated theirs. this was generally not the case considering we took so many notes in our books that they were practically illegible; for instance my own copy of hamlet from senior year of high school looks like a journal from se7en. i dont think i could even read my own handwriting now.
my art history teacher also taught a university course and gave us the exact same curriculum, minus a handful of pieces. so tenth graders were getting the same course material as university graduates working on their master’s. our test would just be a couple of sheets of paper with black and white print-outs of the pieces on them, and we were required to explain everything about the piece: artist, title, date, medium, cultural impact. i remember in comparing the kritios and kouros figures we had to know at least 15 differences between them, one of which was the notch in the collarbone. 
our written tests compiled the semester’s information between the four gifted courses (2 per quarter) and were essay questions. like the art history test, there were multiple questions, so you had to prepare outlines for each. whichever question you got the day of the test was random. 
here was one of the questions for the midterm in ninth grade. this was a copy of the question to study a week beforehand which is why i doodled all over it.
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Colonization in South Africa took a different form than in the rest of Africa, in particular because large numbers of Europeans settled and stayed. Begin your essay with the history of how the Dutch and British colonized South Africa. Next, discuss the purpose of apartheid and the nature of violent and non-violent resistance to it, including Steve Biko’s ideas, Amandla, and Nelson Mandela. Then cover the role of the Trials of Truth and Reconciliation. Conclude your essay with a reflection on how your views have changed as a result of our study of Africa.
we had two hours. the majority of the class—handwritten, of course—wrote anywhere in the realm of 8-16 pages. again, this was ninth grade. I couldn’t begin to answer this question now, let alone write 12 pages on it.
meanwhile, i was still taking standard courses for science, math, p.e., and so on. in fact, i had to re-take geometry because i was being raped every day by an adult student in the class, and nobody noticed until my grades started falling. you know, because i was miss smart gifted student, and so everyone assumed that as long as my grades were good that i wasnt struggling. 
by 11th grade my nightmares had gotten so bad that i was sleeping in class and having daytime walking hallucinations. that’s when i saw shadow people the most, and the shadow people i saw scared me so bad that i, cyclically, got even less sleep. so i hallucinated more, and so on, struggling to stay awake in class. once i fell asleep in class and i went up to the teacher afterward, so guilt-ridden that i apologized and hoped she’d be able to help me catch up on notes (since i didnt have any friends in my gifted classes; they were all in the homeschool).she looked me in the eye and said “I don’t give a shit.” i had never had a teacher so point-blank speak to me that way before. i was sheltered, sure. teachers say worse shit all the time. didnt change the fact that i kept having persistent nightmares and fucked up sleep patterns well into my 20s, and lasting even til today. i’m still terrified to go to bed at night, even though i dont get the nightmares as often anymore. i had first started getting nightmares after the first time i was raped when i was 12, but they got so exponentially worse in 11th grade.
 i mean, yeah. kids who ate in the cafeteria didnt get spoiled milk or moldy bread, and most of our bathrooms were clean and stayed clean, and we didnt have asbestos in our ceilings. so yeah, there was privilege there, and i dont deny that. but that’s why i also think it’s a stupid fucking argument to say that people cant lament their stolen childhoods to a bunch of rigorous academic bullshit that ultimately amounted to nothing, didn’t make us employable, didn’t make our teachers care about us more, utterly annihilated any of our leisure time and quashed our hobbies (had a teacher pull a sheet i was doodling on from me and rip it up announcing THIS ISNT ART CLASS but i digress), and resulted in overwhelmingly asynchronous development from our peers. me being told i was ‘so smart’ and ‘so mature’ made me a target for groomers and pedophiles, me having zero time or accessibility to hang with real life friends planted me online and had all my social interaction come from socially-exiled freaks on world of warcraft and deviantart and 4chan, having hours upon hours of homework and studying every night and every summer break gave me little to no leisure time or even time to do something like get a job afterschool or over the summer to build real-world experience. yes i am grateful i didnt have to be the breadwinner of my family at 16 years old; yes i am still traumatized by the amount of stress and busywork and isolation that has left me still estranged from my peers and in arrested development even at age 30.
no career or job prospects, sitting on a worthless degree with a pitiful gpa. but hey at least my high school has a mural or whatever
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christas-notebook · 5 years
City of Light, City of Night... (pt 2)
The rest of the ride goes in silence. People are probably tired after long days at work, and noone are talking with eachother. To Liv this is still a bit unusual. The bus were always a place where you met and caught up with neighbours, people from school and its like. Not that she really had talked much to anyone in her hometown the last years before she moved - but still. She was used to the chatter around her, it be on the bus, or the cafeteria. Or at the grocery store. As she drifts off to thoughts about long gone days the man next to her clear his throat and speaks. - Excuse me. This is my stop. Liv slides out from the seat and stands up. She looks out the window and realizes that this is also her stop. She follows the man off the bus. As they stand on the pavement she try to start a conversation. She can’t really understand why - but she do find this person interesting. - Are you ok? Does your face hurt? His cheek is still red from the incident on the bus. - Oh. Yeah. That’s fine. Nothing to worry about. - That was such a horrible thing to do. I am so sorry you had to go trough that. - I’m used to it. He murmurs and look down. - I think people often get scared or unconfortable when I do that. That laughing. And some get angry. - That is still no reason for such behaviour. He shrugs. - I suppose.
They both fall silent. Liv looks around. The street is still busy with traffic and people. On their way to or from something. Like bees in a hive. Evening is approaching and the sky is getting darker. There is rain in the air. A few metres away an elderly man in a ragged suit is rummaging trough a garbage can. She tries to think of something else to say when the bum strides towards them. - Hey, Arthur! What happened to your face? You got beaten up again? - It’s OK really. He looks a little ashamed. - Just some kid on the bus showing off. - I hope he looks just the same. Or preferably a bit worse. The old man shakes his finger to Arthurs face. - You got to stand up for yourself boy. God knows that noone else will do so for you. - Well, actually... Arthur sniggers a little -This young woman here, gave him one on the nose. He was last seen bleeding all over himself and his comrades. - Good! Mighty Good! The old man beams, and slaps Liv hard on the back. - That, that was a, an accident, she stutters. - Not that he didn’t deserve it, but they were just kids really, and  I am not a violent person.... I just fell into his nose... and... The old man looks utterly happy. A broad grin on his face, nodding like a wind-up toy.- Oh, I would have love to see that. Liv smiles carefully towards him and decides to just let him think whatever he wants about the whole thing.  He pats her on the back again. - So, young Lady, he says - You are new in this neighbourhood, right? I haven’t seen you around here earlier. Or, are you just visiting our Arthur here, perhaps? - I moved here in February. - We are in August now. He wrinkle his eyebrows like he is concentrating real hard. - That is 6 months. Half a year. How can I not have seen you? Maybe you drive your own car, so this is your first ride on the bus then? I know all the passengers on the buses here. And the drivers. And the tenants in the appartments around here. He rambles on. - I have mostly stayed inside. I got a job now tho. A new one. I got to leave a little earlier today, and ended up on the bus with your friend. She smiles friendly towards him again, and hopes he will let it be with that. - So.... She turns to Arthur. - I haven’t even had time for a coffee break today. I think I will head over to that café for a cup. Would you like to join me? He looks like she have asked him to pick the sun down from the sky. - I have to go to the pharmacy get some stuff... -Oh, sure. Of course. I... She feels her face burn again. -Well, you have a good evening then. She hastily turn around and walk to the café, embarrassed. She can’t understand what have gotten into her today - speaking without thinking, like that. Is she really that lonely? And needy for other peoples company? No. She do not believe that is the reason. It was him, Arthur. There was something about him that appealed to her. Something fascinating.
On the busstop the old vagabond taps his foot on the ground.... - So, tell me Arthur, are you all out of pills? Or just out of your mind? -What? No. What are you talking about? - Well then. He now taps his finger into Arthurs chest. - Is the pharmacy closing down for the rest of the year - along with every other one in this city? - I don’t understand what you are on about. - Answer me. - You make no sense! -Neither do you! Answer the question. -No. -No what? -No, the pharmacy is not closing down. -Then I just want to know - do you have nice young women waiting around every corner inviting you out for a coffee? Seeing you so nonchalantly declined on this one... Arthur makes a groaning sound. -Oh, Oscar, she surely didn’t really mean to.... -I think she did. -She just saw me loosing control completely on that bus, laughing till I choked! -And still she invites you on a coffee. That is a GOOD thing! You need to recognise the nice things when they happen. Listen son, there are some times when life hands you something good, and then you have to grab it. With both hands. Arthur shakes his head. He finds a crumpled packet of cigarettes in his pocket and light one. Inhales deep. Again. Liv sits down in one of the window booths. She discretely kicks of her shoes under the table, trying to feel if she still have movement in all of her ten toes. The coffe is hot and dark. Just like Arthur she giddily thinks to herself. Jeez, she just can’t get him out of her head. . - I changed my mind, a voice says. She lifts her gaze and there he stands, -I would love to have a coffee with you. She smiles at him, as he sits down at her table.
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sidlyrics · 4 years
Organizing the trip
If the events you'll be going to are in the same city as the one you're travelling to, it'll probably be very easy to organize everything, but if you have to move around or go to more than one live, you'll have to look for transport, acommodation, food, etc., so I've made this guide sharing a bit of my experience in case it is useful for someone when they are organizing their own trip.
Even though it's possible to buy a JR pass, which enables us to take any JR trains, some metro lines and some buses for the period we get it for, we thought it was a bit too expensive. Also, once activated, you have to use it in a certain period of time (that is to say, if you have a 7-day pass, you can't use it on 7 random different days, it will last exactly for a week since you first used it). However, it's true that travelling on train is really comfortable and fast, so if you don't mind spending a little bit more, maybe this option is worth it for you. Thinking that the tickets had been already quite expensive, we tried to look for other alternatives and we found a bus company, Willer, that offers passes for more affordable prices. There is a 3-day pass, a 5-day pass and a 7-day pass, but they don't have to be consecutive days, you have a few months when you can use them any time. Depending on the dates you'll be travelling, you can also get a discount: if you travel only from Monday to Thursday, passes are cheaper. Each day you use the pass, you can take up to 3 day buses and one night bus. After checking our live plan, we chose the 5-day pass including weekends. Also, we always took night buses, so we could sleep on the bus and save some money from the hotel. Night buses usually leave between 10 pm and 12 pm from Tokyo's city center and arrive at the destination around 7 am, so it's possible to use the rest of the day to go sightseeing. Plus, busses are adapted, so seats are more comfortable, they have a thing to cover your head in case you want more privacy, they have lockets to charge your electronic devices, etc. They'll also make a few stops and you can get off the bus to buy something or use the bathroom at the service area.
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However, we didn't go to every live by bus, so I'll briefly explain our travel plan:
Bus to Sendai (July 5th) - Day 1 of the bus pass // Live at Sendai // Night at Sendai (July 6th) and train to Utsunomiya (July 7th) // Live at Utsunomiya // Train to Tokyo (July 7th)
Train to Saitama (July 9th) // Live at Saitama // Train to Tokyo (July 9th)
Bus to Kanazawa (July 11th) - Day 2 of the bus pass // Live at Kanazawa // Bus to Tokyo (July 12th) - Day 3 of the bus pass
Bus to Nagoya (July 14th) - Day 4 of the bus pass // Live at Nagoya // Bus to Tokyo (July 15th) - Day 5 of the bus pass
Bus to Osaka (July 17th) // Live at Osaka // Bus to Tokyo (July 18th)
As you can see, the last two trips Tokyo-Osaka-Tokyo weren’t included in the bus pass and I had to buy them separately, but doing that by train can be around 15000 yen, while it was only 5000 yen by bus. For Saitama, since it's only half an hour from Tokyo, you can easily get there by train for around 500 yen. On the other side, since the lives at Sendai and Utsunomiya took place one after the other, we decided to spend the night at Sendai and go directly from there to Utsunomiya (it's half-way between Sendai and Tokyo). In any case, Willer doesn't have buses from Sendai to Utsunomiya, so going by bus wasn't even an option. At first, we thought that it was possible to take local trains, which are slower and, therefore, cheaper, but when we arrived to the train station we were told that there were only shinkansen (bullet train). When you buy your tickets, it's possible to choose a carriage with reserved or unreserved seats. We chose the latter because it was a bit cheaper and, since the train had such a high frequency (maybe it's just that it wasn't rush hour, I don't know), there were a lot of empty seats, so we could sit down. If you look for information about the tickets and timetables online on Hyperdia (you can only check, you can't buy tickets), it might be understood that the price of the tickets will be the one that pops up when you select your seat type.
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However, it isn't like that, to that amount on that menu, you have to add the base price that is written in the "fare" column (then, if we choose an unreserved seat, it won't be 3530 yen, but 8040). You can probably picture our faces when the lady selling the tickets told us the actual price. In order to go back to Tokyo from Utsunomiya, there are local trains, so you can choose between going on a bullet train (40 minutes more or less) or take one of those local trains (an hour and a half), which are also a lot cheaper (1500 yen one-way).
As I mentioned before, we were travelling on night buses so we didn't have to pay for a night at a hotel. However, we did have to stay for one night at Sendai. The original plan was to not spend a cent on acommodation and just find any way to spend the night there, but when we arrived to Sendai we saw that it wasn't that simple. At first, we thought that, being summer, since it's hot in Japan, we could just stay at a park or something. But rainy season was a bit longer that year and, once there, it was raining and cold. Since we couldn't stay in the open, we tried to find a place to stay. We thought that, since konbini are open 24 hours and some have an area with sofas or seats to eat, we could just stay there. This might sound like a good idea, but in fact that area will be closed by 11 pm, probably to avoid people doing what we were planning to do. Therefore, now out of options, we finally faced the fact that we would have to look for a real acommodation. Being only one night, we didn't mind sharing the bathroom or bedroom, so we ended up choosing a hostel that was 2000 yen per person. In case someone goes to Sendai and wants to stay there, it was the Sendai Guesthouse Umebachi. It is a traditional house, rooms are for four people and the bathroom was shared (there were two showers, but they are closed so no one will see you). In the mornings they offer coffee, milk and toasts, so we could grab some food before leaving. Plus the staff speaks English. The only problem we encountered was the bed, since it was a futon. It was okay at first, but not being used to sleeping on a hard surface and given that the sun rises early and there are no window blinds, we were already awake at 5:30 am.
Depending on your budget, you can either go to restaurants or find cheaper options. Among those, konbini food is okay. For 300-400 yen there are premade dishes (and they are surprisingly yummy), but for 100-200 yen there are sandwiches, small bento boxes (with omelette, chicken, sushi, etc.) and onigiri (the tuna and mayo one is a hard drug). If you buy cup ramen, you can ask them to prepare it for you, and you can also ask them to heat the premade dish you've picked. If you go to restaurants, there are some Japanese fast food chains, like Yoshinoya, CoCoIchi or Tenya, but I admit we just went in whatever place we found, be it a konbini, restaurant or fast food chain. If it helps, we found out about some traditional food from different cities and I can link to some restaurants we went to, in case someone wants to go to the same place.
Tokyo: Our criteria to pick restaurants was completely random, but we went to some that we liked. In Asakusa, at Kaminarimon Maruka we had some cold noodles. In Shibuya, we ate at a sushi restaurant, Uobei. It is not the best sushi ever, but it's okay and cheap (it will arrive to your seat on a conveyor belt), and in Shinjuku we went to a yakiniku restaurant, Rokkasen. In Ikebukuro, even though it's a chain, we went to Tonkatsu Wako. I love tonkatsu, and the rice, cabbage and miso soup are "refillable", so you could ask for more, it was awesome.
Sendai: There was a restaurant near the hostel that they recommended to us. It is quite small, but the owners were nice and they were fascinated about us being there. The staff doesn't speak English, but they asked if yakitori and sashimi were okay (I loved the sashimi), and we ate that. Some salarymen found us entertaining and ordered typical dishes from Sendai for us to try. I don't remember what the first two were, although one was some kind of oyster and the other one was fish, but the third one was fried tofu (I remember because it was super dry and I didn't like it, but the other two were good).
Utsunomiya: The typical food from this city are gyoza. There are a lot of restaurants in the area near Heaven's Rock, so it'll be easy to find one. There was also a mall (and even though we couldn't find the source, it smelled like there was a pastry shop) and there is also a cafeteria called Barisai Cafe where they sell pancakes, cakes, etc.
Nagoya: Eel is typical from this city, but we were a bit disgusted by the thought of it, so we ended up having lunch at a Okinawan-style meat restaurant.
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Travel insurance
Even though it might seem useless, we hired a travel insurance with IATI because we had read that health service in Japan is expensive. After all, it was worth it, because my friend got sick and they wouldn't even sell paracetamol at the pharmacy without a prescription, so we had to go to the doctor just for that and we weren't charged anything, even the insurance company helped us get an appointment for that same evening. Also, the doctor who helped us spoke perfect English and she was really caring.
Internet access
Being two people, we decided to rent a pocket wifi. It is a portable router that works anywhere you go. The battery lasts around 10 hours, but it had an extra battery to recharge it, so it could last a whole day. The good thing about pocket wifi is that there is no data limit and you can connect more than one device. We rented it here. It is also possible to buy a data SIM card. You have different options and prices, depending on the period you want it for, the number of GB, etc. You can order them online, before starting your trip, or just get them already in Japan, since there are shops at the airport where they'll install it for you.
Places to visit
Since we arrived early at each city, we could seize the morning to go sightseeing. I'm writing below the names of the places we visited in case you'll be going to any of these cities and want to check this out.
Sendai: Aoba castle, Zuihoden
Utsunomiya: Oya-ji (you can take a bus directly from the train station), Utsunomiya castle
Kanazawa: Kanazawa castle, Kenroku-en, geisha district (there is also a temple district here, it's signaled)
Nagoya: Nagoya castle, Atsuta-jingu
Osaka: Osaka castle, Dotonbori, Amerikamura
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Warnings: Nosy little kids, brief mention of people arguing
Word Count: 2445
Author’s Note: Day two! Today’s chapter has plenty of wild antics for y’all to enjoy :)
*     *     *     *     *
Your ears were filled with the ringing of Jenna’s alarm. You slowly sat up and stretched your arms out behind you, releasing some of the tension that had built up after sleeping on the stiff mattress.
“Good morning,” Jenna smiled.
She reached up and brushed her messy hair back from her face. You swiveled your body and rested your feet on the cold wooden floor of the cabin, wincing a bit as you did so.
“We’re supposed to be down at the cafeteria in twenty minutes.”
“Ok, I’ll get ready.”
You pulled on your camp t-shirt, a pair of shorts that were already covered in dirt, and some sneakers that had become your iconic camp shoes. Jenna was nice enough to help you out with your hair, making sure that it was done in such a way that it wouldn’t be constantly falling in your face during activities.
“I can’t wait to meet all the girls today,” Jenna smiled. “They’re always so sweet.”
“That reminds me, I need my name tag.”
You walked over to your bag and dug around until you found the small wooden name tag. It was covered in beads and stickers from previous years; to be honest, you were surprised that you had managed to keep track of it over the years. It had quickly become one of your most prized possessions.
“Y/C/N,” Jenna read. “I have to remember to call you that from now on.”
“And I have to call you Daisy.”
“Only when the kids are around,” she laughed.
She pulled on her name tag, which was covered in its own variety of beads and stickers. You packed up your day bag while Jenna fixed her own hair, making sure that you had a couple snacks and anything else that you might need while you were out. The first day was always the busiest and trying to keep track of twenty excited eight- to ten-year-olds never made it any easier.
“Ready to go?” Jenna asked.
You grabbed your bag and pulled it on over your shoulders, “Let’s do this.”
Jenna grabbed the cabin keys and the two of you walked out into the morning air. The sun had still yet to come up, but the clouds were just beginning to become covered in bits of pink and orange. You could just barely hear a few other counselors exiting their own cabins.
Josh and Tyler were already sitting at a table with Brad and Mark. All four of them looked exhausted, but still managed to smile as you and Jenna took a seat across from them with your bowls of cereal.
“Today is the big day,” Tyler muttered.
“Are you four feeling alright?”
“We stayed up until two in the morning messing around,” Brad explained. “Josh wouldn’t let me into the cabin before then.”
Josh pursed his lips and stirred his cereal around, “There was stuff to explore!”
“And now we only got three hours of sleep because of it!”
“How did you two sleep?” Tyler asked, temporarily putting an end to the debate.
“Pretty good,” Jenna nodded. “It’s a lot quieter out here than it is at home.”
“Agreed, although the mattress isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world.”
“It will be after you’ve been chasing sugar-fueled children around the forest all day,” Mark chimed in.
Josh nodded, “He has a point.”
“Hey, y’all! I need your attention!” one of the camp supervisors called.
The next hour was spent finishing up your breakfast and listening to the supervisors go over the camp rules. It was all information you had heard before, but there was no getting out of going over it. Josh and Tyler passed the time by making snarky comments and thinking of loopholes to the rules, which never failed to make the rest of you laugh.
“Alright, the kids will be getting here in half an hour. Finish up whatever you need to do and be at the top of the hill by then to welcome them! And remember, there are to be absolutely no romantic relationships this week! Keep your pants on.”
“Aye, aye, captain!” Josh yelled, gaining an eye roll from the supervisor.
“Y/N - I mean, Y/C/N, we should go grab our bandanas from the cabin,” Jenna said.
“Agreed, let’s go do that.”
Each year, the cabins were assigned a color for their “team” and got to pick a mascot to represent them throughout the week. Your color this year was yellow, and you and Jenna had decided to go with a cheetah as your mascot.
“Here you are,” Jenna said, passing you a yellow bandana.
You took the bandana and wrapped it around your bicep, figuring that would be the best tactic for keeping it out of your way. Jenna, on the other hand, opted to put it in her hair. It looked nice paired with her braids and blonde hair.
“What else do we need to do?” you asked.
“Well, all the beds are made, our station is set up, and we didn’t get stuck with doing a performance at the bonfire tonight, so I think we’re good to go!”
“Sweet, let’s go wait at the top of the hill then.”
You and Jenna found a nice spot to sit under a tree. Thankfully it wasn’t too warm yet since the sun had barely come up, but you knew that would quickly change as the day went on.
“I’m so excited,” you grinned, happily tapping your fingers against your knees. “This is always my favorite part of the week.”
“Mine too! I love seeing the kids’ faces when they hear that they’re in our cabin.”
“Hopefully they like the mascot we chose.”
“I’m sure they will, kids love cheetahs, right?”
“Definitely,” you smiled. “Hey, do you have our schedule for the week?”
“Yeah, it’s in my folder. One second.”
You watched as Jenna pulled out a bright blue folder covered in stickers. Inside was all the notes that you would need, including the schedule for each day’s activities. She carefully pulled it out and handed it to you.
“Arts and crafts tomorrow, nature walk on Wednesday, music on Thursday, and capture the flag and the bonfire on Friday. Seems like a pretty good schedule, if you ask me.”
“Definitely,” she smiled, taking the schedule back and placing it neatly inside the folder.
You were glad that Jenna was so organized. If it wasn’t for her, you weren’t so sure that you would know what you were doing half the time.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Y/N and Jenna,” Tyler said as he walked over to where the two of you were sitting. He was now wearing a bright red bandana around his bicep, just above the tattoo he had gotten the month before. Josh, Mark, and Brad were all trailing behind him, having their own conversation.
“That’s Y/C/N and Daisy to you,” you said, flashing your name tag at him.
“Right, sorry.”
“Come on, Vulture!” Jenna teased.
Tyler threw his hands up in defeat, “Hey, it’s day one! Give me a break.”
The rest of the counselors began to file in, paired up with their cabin partners. Everyone seemed to be getting along, which was a welcome change from last year. The supervisors had been afraid that there would be a physical fight by the end of the week, but they managed to avoid it. Those counselors hadn’t been invited back this year.
“The kids should be arriving any minute,” Josh said.
“Help me up, would you?” you asked, holding a hand out to him.
Josh grabbed your hand and pulled you up to a standing position. You dusted the dirt off your shorts and adjusted your backpack on your shoulders before helping Jenna stand up.
“Hey, y’all! Gather over here! Stand with your cabin partners!”
Jenna grabbed your hand and led you over to where all the counselors were supposed to gather. Tyler and Mark were standing next to you, and Josh and Brad were on the other side of them. Tyler reached over and bumped you with his elbow.
“That obvious?” you giggled.
“Little bit.”
All of the counselors began to cheer as the buses rounded the corner and came into view. They slowly pulled up, kicking up lots of dust. Excited kids were peering through the windows. Those who recognized you from past years were waving excitedly.
The kids slowly filed off the bus and lined up outside of it, holding onto their backpacks tightly. The supervisors were having troubles keeping all of them in a single place, since many of them were trying to run towards their favorite counselor. One little girl that you recognized from the year before kept waving and giggling at you. Poppy, that was her name.
“Alright, y’all, who’s ready for your cabin assignments?”
The kids immediately started to scream, causing Jenna to jump and grab your arm. You laughed and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Next to you, Tyler was yelling and just generally making the kids rowdier.
You and Jenna stood patiently, waiting for the moment that you would be grouped up with your twenty kids.
“Alright, yellow cabin!”
Jenna linked her arm with yours and turned to you excitedly. You both listened as the names were read out, and the girls came and gathered around you. They all seemed happy, if not a bit shy, as you handed them their bandanas. Jenna helped most of them to put them in their hair, meanwhile you helped all the little girls who wanted them around their arms or wrists.
“Y/C/N!” Poppy called, running over to you and colliding with you in some form of hug.
“Hi, Poppy!” you grinned, giving her a hug.
“I’m so excited to be in your cabin again!”
“I’m excited too! Here, take your bandana.”
As soon as all the cabins were assigned, you led your group to your cabin. A few of the bolder girls grabbed onto your and Jenna’s hands as you walked, bouncing excitedly along the grass. There was still a lot to be done - going over rules, making a buddy system, and assigning bunks, to name a few - but you were looking forward to every minute of it.
*     *     *
“Come on, yellow cabin!” you announced. “Find your buddies!”
All the girls looked around frantically until their hands were linked with their assigned buddy. You took the hand of the nearest girl and began to lead all of them out of the cafeteria. Next to you, Jenna had taken the hands of a couple of the other girls. She smiled at you when she noticed you looking.
“I would say this is going well so far.”
“It’s only day one,” you laughed. “There’s plenty of time for something to go wrong.”
“Shh, don’t jinx it!”
Up ahead, you could see Josh running with one of the boys from his cabin on his shoulders. His hair was pushed back with a pale blue bandana, which proved to be a nice contrast to his dark hair. He stopped running when he noticed your cabin getting closer.
“Hey, Y/C/N!” he called.
“Hi, DJ Spooky.”
“Sing it, Spooky!” the kid on his shoulder yelled.
Josh shook his head and set the kid down before jogging over to join you for a moment. Brad shot him a look, but Josh wasn’t paying enough attention to notice.
“How’s the first day going?”
“Better than expected. How’s your day been?”
“Great,” he smiled. “I love these kids. They’re hilarious.”
“DJ Spooky!” one of them called.
“That’s my cue,” he laughed. “I’ll see you later, though?”
“For sure.”
He turned and ran back to his group, immediately scooping up another one of the kids and throwing them over his shoulder.
“Do you like DJ Spooky?” a young voice asked.
You looked down towards the little girl that had asked, “Huh?”
“I said do you like DJ Spooky? It kinda seems like he likes you.”
“No, we’re just friends,” you answered with a smile, knowing that any other answer would cause trouble.
“Oh, ok.”
You and Jenna led the girls to your assigned spot in the amphitheater. A few of the girls fought over who got the honor of sitting next to the two of you, but you managed to alleviate the conflict by saying they would get a chance to sit next to you at breakfast the next morning. They seemed happy enough with that answer.
The first part of the ceremony was just full of the supervisors going over rules and schedules. They eventually made their way off the stage and gave the counselors their opportunity to perform. Josh and Tyler were one of the last ones to take the stage.
“Alright, I know most of you are tired and want to head to bed, but we have just a quick song for all of you,” Tyler said as he messed with his ukulele. Josh was sitting on top of a box that would serve as his makeshift drum set. “Feel free to sing along if you know it.”
Tyler began to strum and you recognized the beginning of one of your favorite camp songs. It didn’t take long for all the counselors - and a few of the returning kids - to join Tyler in singing the lyrics. Those who didn’t know every word would join in when they could, making the chorus sound that much better. You couldn’t help but smile as you sang.
They finished their song and took a bow before leaving the stage, letting one of the supervisors begin talking again. He went over the schedule for the next morning before letting all of you head back to your cabins to get some sleep.
You bumped into Tyler and his cabin as you headed for the opposite side of camp.
“Hey, Vulture!” you called.
“Nice job tonight.”
You gave him a thumbs up and he did the same in return, “Thanks!”
One of the little girls next to you gasped, “I get it!”
“Get what?”
“You don’t like DJ Spooky, you like Vulture.”
“No, I don’t like Vulture either,” you laughed. Evidently this was a topic that was not going to be dropped anytime soon.
“I know you like one of them.”
“Do not.”
“Do too!”
“Do not!”
“Hey, why don’t we stop bothering Y/C/N about who she likes. It’s none of our business, is it?” Jenna chimed in.
“No, I guess not,” the little girl sighed.
“Thank you.”
You turned to Jenna and mouthed a silent, “Thank you.”
“Alright,” Jenna announced. “Last one to the cabin is a rotten egg!”
*     *     *     *     *
@faceofcontvsions @ohprettyweeper @addictwithaheavydirtycheetah @addictoftwentyone @svintsandghosts @patdsinner33 @gaiatheroyalrabbit
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lollercakesff · 5 years
Happiest Place
PT 3 / 3
For @katia-dreamer - here's the last instalment of your secret Santa gift! I hope you've enjoyed it and it brought a little light to your day. Have a wonderful day!
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We eat our way around the mock globe of Epcot, tasting everything we can fit in our bellies from the Holiday Feast and then relaxing under the hot sun as Diana, Bash and Mary test out all of the virtual reality rides that are available to them. By the time evening rolls around on our fourth day in the parks I find myself content, the growing camaraderie I feel with Gilbert and the Lacroix’s something I hadn’t expected from this trip. I know Diana feels it too - her friendship with Mary having bolstered over the sweet Dellie she dotes on like her own kin. 
By the time the weekend arrives, I'm ready to take a break and relish the idea of a vacation for a few hours by the pool. It’s not hard to convince the others and we order in take-out and eat and drink in the hot sun. 
“Did you want to go check out one of the resorts and get dinner with me tonight?” Gilbert asks as we walk back together from the lobby, our hands full of food from the cafeteria. 
“That would be cool. I’m assuming Bash wants to go to Sebastian’s at the Caribbean resort?” 
“Oh, I mean, maybe he does. But I was thinking just, um. The two of us, if you wanted,” he adds hastily as I stop and look up towards him. My mouth hangs open as he slows and turns to look at me, his smile hesitant. 
“Like - one on one?” I sputter, disbelief in my voice. Was he asking me on a date? In Disneyworld of all places? 
“Well, kinda yeah. Just the two of us. I thought maybe - It’s okay if not, I just - “ 
“No. I mean. Yes. I mean - that’s not clear at all. Yes. I’ll go to dinner with you,” I blurt and feel my cheeks heat, my feet starting to carry me forward with a clipped pace as we near the pool. 
The afternoon rushes by and when I tell Diana about the dinner back in our room she nearly collapses from excitement on my behalf. 
“Oh, Anne! If my Jerry were to have met me in Disneyworld I think we would already be married! This is so romantic! You absolutely must choose somewhere amazing - I’m going to start looking now!” She squeals and drops onto the bed. 
Two hours later and I’m brushing my hair frantically back from my face, trying to contain it as I ready for a night out. Diana has taken to assuring me - repeatedly - that she is dying for a night where she doesn’t have to do anything, her feet already propped up as she reclines in her bed. 
“Have fun. Make good choices,” she bids as I open the door to Gilbert’s knock. He looks fresh and bright, his eyes sparkling in the low light of the evening as he bids goodnight to Diana. 
“Where are we going?” I ask as we head past the pool and towards the lobby. Where I expect to head towards the buses, we instead veer towards the front entrance where Gilbert steers me into an Uber. 
“It’s a surprise,” he says as the driver leaves the round-about. We drive for almost ten minutes before turning into the Wilderness Resort, the treeline becoming dense as we head by campsites decorated with lights and beyond little cabins adorned with bows and puffs of smoke rising from the chimneys. 
Pulling up outside of a brightly lit restaurant that’s designed like a frontier-style western eatery dropped in a snow globe, I glance at Gilbert as he smiles wider and pulls open the door. Inside the waiter takes our names and settles us onto a bench with 20 other guests wearing their holiday best, all seats facing towards a stage with bright red curtains fluttering in the breeze. 
“What is this place?” I ask over the crowd’s noise, my senses trying to take in every detail, every delicious smell and sight. 
“Well what do we have here Otis?” A voice calls out around us before there’s a crash and a puff of smoke from the stage. 
“It’s dinner and a show. A Hoop-de-doo Musical Review,” he adds and I can’t help the laugh that escapes me, the idea so preposterous and yet so amazingly delightful that I couldn’t even have thought it up myself. 
The show is spectacular and the food delicious, my spirit running high as we finish our third drink and start heading out for the rest of the evening. To say the night was magical was an understatement. It had been amazing. Gilbert had been the perfect gentleman, funny and kind, smart and generous. Though I’d offered to go dutch, he wouldn’t hear of it, sneaking off to the till and paying before the check could even be brought to our table. 
When it was time to head home we crawl off of the benches with our bellies full, our cheeks red from the liquor and the laughter that had kept us occupied for hours. 
“What a show,” I sigh as we walk along the dirt road, heading in some direction that I’m not sure which. Not that it matters. I don’t want tonight to end. 
“It was pretty good. I’d hoped for something decent but that so much more then just time well spent. Good food, good entertainment, exceptional company…” He trails off and I spare a look towards him, enjoying the view of his profile in the moonlight. “What do you say we take the boat across to Magic Kingdom? We could probably catch the fireworks from the ferry, if we’re lucky...” 
I don’t hesitate to follow him across the road and down the pathways towards the water, willing to follow him anywhere he was ready to lead me. I couldn’t help but think about how quickly I was falling, how easy it all seemed to be in his presence and the way we fell into sync with one another once I gave him a chance to not be the bane of my existence. 
Gilbert Blythe had snuck up on me and now that he was here I didn’t want to let him go. Maybe it was the ease of life here, or the magic of everything surrounding us, but when we step onto the ferry and lean over the front rail to watch the castle light up in the distance I can’t help but lean into his side and relish the feel of him next to me. When the first firework cracks across the sky I turn to him and catch his gaze already on me, his fingers lifting up to brush the loose hair back from my face. 
He leans in first, hesitating a breath away from my lips, before I exhale and tug him towards me for a kiss that nearly knocks us overboard. 
All of us spend the last few days together, revisiting our favourite places and getting as many Fastpasses as we can manage in the few hours we have left in the parks. It’s easy to be with Diana and the Lacroix’s, even easier to be with Gilbert whose light demeanor and quick-wittedness make the days seem brighter than they do at home. 
On our last night in the park it’s simple to get lost in the magic of everything, our minds spinning as we eat as much as we can and ride all of the rides just to feel the glow of happiness seep into our bones. 
“Are you ready for the fireworks?” Diana asks as we spill off of Space Mountain for the last time. 
“More than ready! Though the fireworks also mean it’s time to go home and I’m markedly not ready for that!” I answer and spin my friend around as we walk up the ramps. It was our last ride with just the two of us, our plans to meet up with Gil and company meaning these were the final moments we could soak in this trip together. “Did I tell you yet how happy I was that you came up with this idea, dearest Di?” 
“Only a few times,” she replies, slowing to link our arms together. “Did I mention how excited I am for you after this week? I know it’s not why you came here but it’s a lovely turn of events, wouldn’t you say?” Her words make me pause, the realization that going home also meant leaving the cocoon of Gilbert too. 
We hadn’t really talked about any of this. How could we have? It was only a blur of a week with so much to do and so much excitement and wonder and beauty there was no way I could have thought about returning to reality. But we’d have to, tomorrow, and I didn’t want to. 
“Oh, Di… It’s been such a bittersweet week. I’ve just met him only to say goodbye already. It was such a thrilling time and yet it’s over so soon!” I exclaim as she leads me towards the main entryway. 
“Well, yes, goodbyes will be had, but surely they don’t mean forever? You can keep in touch!” 
“I know, but it won’t be the same,” I lament as she sighs and pulls me closer. 
“Nothing back home is ever the same as Disney, darling. That’s why they call it the happiest place on earth - because the real world can’t hold you back here. But what they don’t talk about is that you can take the memories with you and create a new piece of happiness for yourself back home made just from them. Even if it doesn’t work out, you still have the memories you made and that’s what counts.” 
“When did you grow so wise?” 
“Right about the time you came into my life, I presume. Made all the difference,” she adds as we slowly come upon the group. I pull her in for a tight hug, holding my best friend close as I try to remember this moment in my mind. 
“How was space?” Gilbert asks as I lean against the railing and into his side. His arm comes around my hips and I pull his hand tighter, not wanting him to let go. 
“It was fine but I’m happier here just like this,” I admit and look up at him with a cheshire grin. 
“Me too. Hey - I was thinking, since you like writing and all, why don’t we try being pen pals when we get home? Would you be interested in trying that?” He questions just above a whisper, his breath tickling the side of my ear. 
“That sounds like an excellent idea, Gil,” I murmur and shift closer to him so his arm crosses my chest. 
Bound against him, I look up at the sky as the first burst of light shines overhead, the castle's Christmas lights flickering and shifting to display a story of hope, friendship, happiness and love. It seems fitting to end the week here, with new friends and new dreams. A nearly missed flight had lead to this moment and I couldn’t have timed it better. Magic had been spun around us all and whatever came next was bound to be another great adventure that we could face together. 
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donttellstiles · 5 years
Pack Mentality
Previous chapter --- Next chapter
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(gif credit to owner)
''So you killed her?'' Stiles questioned his best friend as both him and Scott walked into school, though Stiles casually said it as if it was a normal question to ask.
''I don't know, I just woke up'' Scott replied, shifting his backpack on his back.
''And I was sweating like crazy, like I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream were I woke up like that before'' Scott explains to Stiles in slight worry, wondering if this dream has anything to do with the new... supernatural development.
''Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently though'' Stiles being Stiles piped up, earning a look from his best friend.
''A, I meant I never had a dream that felt that real and B, never give me that much detail about you in bed ever again'' Scott glared over to Stiles as they continued to walk down the busy hallway.
''Noted. Let me take a guess here though''
''No I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm going to lose control and rip her throat out'' Scott cut him off, staring straight ahead.
''No, of course not'' Scott turned to face Stiles and give him a look.
''Yeah, that's totally it'' Stiles confessed, Scott's head lulling down as both of them kept walking.
''Hey come on, it's gonna be fine, alright? Personally I think you're handling this pretty freaking amazingly. You know, it's not like there's a Lycanthropy for beginners class you can take'' Stiles continues.
''Yeah not a class but... maybe a teacher'' Stiles bit his lip in anger.
''Who, Derek?!'' He shouted, catching a few on lookers attention. Stiles clipped Scott over his head.
''Are you forgetting the part where we tossed him in jail?''
''Yeah I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real'' Stiles sighed.
''How real?'' He asked.
''Like it actually happened'' Scott spoke up sadly. The both of them soon walk out the other double doors and both froze in their spots at what they saw. One of the school buses was covered in blood, the back door being half ripped as forensic units and police officers surround the scene.
''I think it did''
''Allison! Have you seen my curling iron?'' I called out from the bathroom. I glanced up and down and searched all cupboards but nothing. I huffed before turning to leave to walk into Allison's room. She wasn't there so I decided to go into her bathroom to see if she had stolen it.
''You could at least ask to use my bathroom'' I smirked to my older sister but continued to rummage through her bathroom for the iron. I smiled in triumph once I found it tucked away underneath the sink.
''Aha!'' I whipped it out and looked over to Allison with a look.
''Technically it's mine'' I just rolled my eyes and walked past her, heading back to my bathroom to plug it in, waiting for it heat.
''Come on you piece of shit...'' I mumbled underneath my breath, noticing the curling iron was playing up.
''Ready to go?'' Screw it. I threw my hair into a low messy bun and walked out of my bathroom after turning off the power switch.
''Your hair...'' Allison commented as I walked down the stairs. I groaned and rolled my eyes.
''I think my curling iron is broken'' I huffed.
''You mean MY curling iron''
''Whatever'' We both laughed before hoping into her car heading, off towards school.
I was too busy chatting to one of my friends when I hear a collision right beside me. With a frown I turn to the side to see both Scott and Allison on the floor, collecting her stuff.
''Clumsy on your feet are we, McCall?'' I sassed, now leaving my friends, which I was surprised I had made seeing it was like only the second day of school, to walk over towards your sister and her guy.
''Something like that'' Scott replies, glancing at me with a look I couldn't really decipher before turning to face Allison again.
''You okay?'' He asked. He was kinda sweet I guess, in a nerdy type of way.
''I'll see you at lunch girl'' Alex said before leaving my side, sending a smile my way.
''Okay'' I replied, ignoring the stares I was now beginning to receive from the school body, mainly the guys.
''Ugh boys are so disgusting'' I exaggerated a little, rolling my eyes at one guy who sent me a wink from across the hallway. Allison looked up at me and laughed while Scott just awkwardly smiled.
''Not all of them are'' She says, obviously referring to Scott. I rolled my eyes once again and glanced down at her and Scott who have now finished collecting her things neatly. They were looking into each others and smiling like idiots.
''I'm going to barf, see you in English'' I said before leaving their side. I took one last look back as I was walking and smiled softly. I'm glad she has someone.
I soon collided with something heavy and almost tripped in my heels when I felt hands quickly snake around my waist, keeping me upright. I turn to face the front and smirk once I saw who it was.
''Hey cutie'' I flirted, watching his cheeks go a crimson red, his arms soon leaving my waist,
''I'm s-so s-sorry, I -didn't-'' I smiled at him which seemed to catch him off guard.
''Relax, I'll live dork'' I rolled my eyes at him, probably making him grow more flustered. I quickly maneuver myself around him and headed over towards my locker.
''She hates me'' Stiles was complaining to his best friend all the way towards lunch. Scott had zoned out after the first minute, not really believing he was talking about someone other than Lydia.
''Or... finds me cute I don't know, she's giving me mixed signals'' Scott sighed before speaking.
''She's Allison's sister dude, she doesn't hate you'' he completed as they made their way to Chemistry.
''How do you know? I mean, for the love of god this... Olive-skinned hottie doesn't even know my name-''
''Olive-skin hottie?'' Scott questioned with furrowed eyebrows and a small smirk.
''Yeah, as in tanned skin, cold as ice, perfect complexion, she has-'' Stiles rambled, taking his seat behind Scott.
''Okay stop, before my ears start to bleed'' Stiles glared at his best friend but dropped the subject.
''Okay well... what about last night?'' Scott sighed.
''That's the last thing I want to talk about right now'' Scott dropped his head.
After a few moments of silence Scott spoke up again.
''Maybe it was my blood on the door...'' Of course he was quiet so only Stiles could hear him.
''Maybe it's animal blood'' Scott turned around to face Stiles with a confused look.
''Maybe you caught a Rabbit and ate it'' Stiles suggested, twirling the pencil in his hand.
''Raw!?'' Scott answered in a 'really' tone.
''No, you stopped to bake it in your little werewolf over, I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything!'' Stiles replied.
''Mr Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while'' Mr Harris, their chemistry teacher spoke up in front of the class.
''Earphones...'' Stiles mumbled underneath his breath in annoyance.
''I think you and Mr McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?'' Mr Harris spoke with his hands now on his hips.
''No'' Stiles argued. Harris pointed his fingers and Scott and Stiles sighed, picking up their things to move. Scott soon found himself sitting in front of Jackson. He felt himself beginning to tense.
''Hey, I think they found something!'' Scott ears perked up at the girl beside him as the class rose and all rushed over towards the windows. They all hovered around trying to see what was going on.
''That's not a Rabbit'' Scott spoke up, turning to face Stiles momentarily.
Once the man in the stretcher sits up and yells, everyone gasps and steps back from the window, Scott's eyes widening in realization.
''This is good, this is good'' Stiles tried to calm his friend down.
''He got up, he's not dead. Dead guys can't do that'' Stiles tried to soothe.
''Stiles, I did that''
''But dreams aren't memories'' Stiles countered, walking with Scott hurriedly towards their lunch table.
''Then it wasn't a dream'' Scott said, placing his tray down on the table.
''Something happened last night and I can't remember what'' Scott continues, placing his back on the seat next to him as he sits down across from Stiles.
''What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?'' Stiles asked, now sitting down himself.
''Because, during the full moon, he didn't change. He was in total control, while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy'' Scott replied.
''You don't know that'' Stiles bit back.
''I don't not know it'' Scott freaked. Scott glanced to the side and sighed sadly to himself.
''I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel'' Stiles frowned at this.
''No you're not cancelling, okay? You can't just cancel your entire life. We'll figure it out'' Stiles encouraged, picking up his apple.
''Figure what out?'' I pipe up, hearing the end of their conversation. Cutie's eyes widened as I took a seat next to Scott, Allison sitting on the other side. Lydia took the one at the end of the table while Danny sat next to brown eyes.
''Just, uh, homework''
''Yeah'' I furrowed my eyebrows at their lame save but let it go, smiling over towards Jackson as he came over, sending a smile back.
''Get up'' Jackson spoke to the guy who was sitting next to Lydia.
''How come you never ask Danny to get up?'' The guy whines causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance. I open up my backpack and reach for my lunchbox, beginning to eat. I always hated cafeteria food since being served raw chicken at my third last school in Texas.
''Because I don't stare at his girlfriends coin slot'' I smiled at this and looked up to Danny as he sent me a friendly wink.
''So, I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack?'' Danny spoke up, obviously referring to the school bus. During class we get an announcement over the P.A from the principle explaining in minimal details of what had happened last night.
''Probably a Cougar?'' Danny wonders aloud to the group.
''I heard Mountain Lion'' Jackson joins. I bow my head down and softly laugh.
''A Cougar is a Mountain Lion... isn't it?'' Lydia speaks, obviously acting dumb. Just another reason why I didn't like this girl.
''Who cares?'' Jackson spoke. I lent back in my chair and looked at the guy across from me who sat in between Danny and Cutie. He stared back and smirked, sending me a wink. I rolled my eyes in disgust and turned my attention away from him.
''The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway'' Jackson said without any sensitivity.
''Actually, I just found out who it is check it out'' Brown eyes spoke up, showing his phone to the whole group. I lent forward along with everyone else, watching the video clip.
''I-i-i know this guy'' Both Allison and I turned to face Scott confused.
''You do?'' the both of us spoke in perfect sync. Scott did a double take before continuing.
''Yeah, when I used to take the bus, back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver.'' I frowned and lent back in my chair.
''Can we talk about something more fun, please?'' Lydia spoke in boredom.
''Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night?'' Lydia asks, turning to face Allison. I frowned and also faced her with my eyebrows furrowed.
Allison gulped on her water and slowly placed it back down in surprise.
''You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night right?'' I gave Allison a 'really' look a she glanced my way before Lydia's.
''Um, we were thinking of what we were going to do'' Allison speaks nervously, glancing at Scott.
''Well, I am not sitting home again watching Lacrosse videos so if the five of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun''
''Five?'' I questioned, turning to face Lydia. She beamed at me and nodded her head.
''You're coming with us too silly'' I gotta give it to her, it did feel like she was being genuinely nice to me.
''Yeah I guess... sounds fun'' Allison still seemed on edge.
''You know what else sounds fun?'' Jackson asked rhetorically,
''Stabbing myself in the face with this fork'' Lydia quickly snatched it out of his had and gave him a stern look. I laughed softly again and glanced across the table.
I watch brown eyes roll his eyes as he drank causing me to smile and laugh slightly more. He looked my way and seem to choke on his water making me laugh more.
''How about bowling? You love to bowl'' Lydia speaks.
''Yeah, with actual competition'' Jackson replies.
''How do you know we're not actual competition?'' Allison sasses back at Jackson with a smile.
''You can bowl, right?" Allison turns to ask Scott. I glance away from cutie over to him, seeing his face drop.
''Sort of''
''Is it sort of, or yes?'' Jackson pushed.
''Yes, in fact, I'm a great bowler'' I had a feeling he wasn't and bowed my head once again, hoping this lunch was going to be over soon.
''Mmm pass'' Lydia sighs, shaking her head. The three of us had been in Allison's room for the past hour watching her go through her clothes finding the perfect outfit for tonight.
''I can't believe I'm saying this but maybe you should wear something of Avery's'' Lydia speaks causing me to smile.
''Nawww, babe'' I mocked towards Lydia but the both of us laughed anyways. Allison just huffed and turned around to face her wardrobe with a frown.
''Okay, let me see'' Lydia stood up and walked over, deciding to go through the wardrobe once again.
''Mm pass, pass, pass, pass.. pass on all of it'' Lydia says as she goes through each top.
''God, Allison, respect for your taste it dwindling by the second'' I tried not to laugh at the whole scenario. Allison was always the better dresser out of the both of us so it boggled my mind that she didn't have an outfit for this group date.
''Hmm, this'' Lydia pulls out a sparkly top for Allison. Allison takes it and walks over towards her wall length mirror and puts it up against her front.
We all hear the door click open as dad enters the room. Allison's eyes widen.
''Dad, hello?'' She questions, though she probably gave him a look.
''Right, sorry, I forgot to knock'' Dad says, slipping on his jacket.
''Hell Mr Argent' I heard Lydia's preppy voice sign as she falls onto the bed. With this I roll my eyes. Just as I was starting to like her...
''Dad do you need something?'' I spoke up, sitting up on the bed as I looked over his face for any signs of anything. I'm an observer.
''I wanted to tell you girls that you'll be staying in tonight'' I groaned as I slumped back into Allison's bed.
''What? We're going out with out friends tonight'' Allison began disappointed.
''Not when some animal is out there attacking people'' Dad, the over protective parent.
''Dad, dad I-''
''It's out of my hands, there's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30pm'' Allison rolled her eyes and threw her shirt onto the bed next to me.
''Hey, no more arguing'' He sternly replied to Allison before sending me a look as well. He turned around and walked out the bedroom door.
''It's not fair, why does he get to go out?'' I whined. Allison turned to face me curiously.
''What do you mean?'' She asked confused.
''He was putting on his everyday jacket, duh, he was heading out too'' I gestured towards the door.
''Daddy's little girls'' Lydia speaks up to both Allison and I.
''Sometimes, But not tonight'' My eyes widened once I saw Allison look over to her closed bedroom door and reach for her beanie. I sat up and stood next to Lydia. We both watched as she walked towards the window and climbed out onto the roof, doing a double flip onto the grass. Lydia's eyes widened when mine rolled. Show off.
''8 years gymnastics, are you coming?'' She whisper shouts from the ground.
''Yeah, I'll take the stairs'' Lydia speaks, allowing me to go past her to also hop out the window too.
''You're not going flip down too, are you?'' Lydia asks.
''I prefer a more subtle approach'' With this I walked over to the edge and bent down. I reached for the guttering and gripped, pulling my body off and then let go, swiftly landing on the ground with no stumble. I wiped my hands against my jeans.
''Let's go''
My date was going horrible. The guy found an excuse to put his hands on body every five seconds. He even had the nerve to show me how to bowl when I already knew how to. He made me lose, big time.
On the other hand I was happy for my sister though. Her and Scott seemed to be having a good time despite Jackson practically being a dick to them the whole night. Once it was my date's turn to bowl again I quickly moved to sit beside Allison. She looked at me slightly worried.
''Are you okay?'' she asked, leaning in to me so that Scott couldn't overhear our conversation.
''Yeah, I'm fine, dickwad over here keep trying to touch me every five seconds though'' Allison softly laughed at the nickname I used but quickly became serious once again.
''It's whatever, let's talk about you'' I quickly threw this conversation onto Allison. I wiggled my eyebrows at her as she began to blush.
''Your date seems to be going extremely well'' She blushed more.
''It has been... one of the greatest dates I've ever been on'' My eyes widen with happiness. I was about to squeal in excitement for her but she quickly hushed me.
''It's not a big deal'' She mumbles.
''It's a huge deal! I am so happy for you Ally'' I lean in and hug her, the both of us smiling. I pull away and glance at her.
''God I envy you, sis'' She looks at me weirdly before I continue.
''You got this whole.. guy think down pat. I've tried since we came here but... all I'm finding is-'' I was cut off by the sound of my date hollering as he scored a strike. Jackson went up and petted him on the back, the both of them doing a bro hand shake thing that was too over the top. I turned around back to Allison in disgust.
''That'' Allison laughs softy.
''I could have set you up with a really great guy'' My eyes brighten at this.
''Scott's best friend'' My eyebrows furrow together in confusion. Allison looks at me as if I had grown two heads.
''You know, the brown haired, skinny guy who is always with Scott...'' She trails off, looking at my expression to see if anything clicks. Nothing.
''He drives a jeep...'' I shake my head.
''He's sarcastic and always staring at you?'' Still, nothing.
''He has brown eyes-'' My eyes widen in realization.
''Oh, you mean cutie?'' I asked. Allison looked at me weirdly.
''Stiles'' She says, leaving me very confused.
''What the hell is a Stiles?''
word count: 3393 edited; not yet
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sauntering-down · 5 years
bits of random dreams i’ve had lately:
the last day of high school, leaving the building and walking out to the rows of buses out front only to realize i had no idea what bus to take.  i wandered through, searching for anyone i knew lived near me, then noticed bus 99 and saw my brother sitting near the front.  obviously that was the right one, so i got on board.  it was so crowded almost every seat had three people in it; i wound up sitting on the very edge of a seat, next to a girl i didn’t know and my brother.  after a few minutes of this, i’d had enough, so i got off super early and started walking home.  stopped in some kind of bakery or cafeteria along the way, but left almost immediately because they didn’t have what i wanted (whatever that was).
i went to a mall that was well on its way to the grave - there were maybe a dozen open stores near the entrance, but as i walked further into the mall, just about every unit was empty.  a janitor actually stopped me and pointed out there was nothing at all down this way, so i turned around and went back.  close to the entrance was a KB Toys, of all things, but it too was going out of business and selling everything in stock.  just before i left the mall, i decided to check out the KB Toys quick just to see if there was anything interesting on clearance.  for some reason, the store only seemed to sell things from Minecraft and The Nightmare Before Christmas, and there was a lot of jewelry.  looked around to see if i could find anything with Zero on it for my mom, had no luck, started to walk out past the Minecraft section... and i’m not sure if i walked into a kid or got in the way or something, but this entire family suddenly got really pissed off at me.  so they tried to kill me!  i blacked out and when i woke, i was in a hospital room (which looked exactly like the KB Toys, minus the toys).  there were tubes stuck in me everywhere, i was on a respirator, my parents were both in the room... but i really wasn’t in pain or anything?  like, i knew i should be, but maybe they had me on the good drugs.  i remember someone taking the respirator tube out of my throat before i woke up for real.
i was reading what i guess was a modern AU of Star Wars Rebels.  Ezra and Kanan were in a public pool and when they decided to leave, Kanan (who was already blind) put his hand on Ezra’s shoulder so it’d be easy for him to find his way out of the pool.  and then there was this really sweet paragraph with Ezra thinking he used to be uncomfortable when stuff like that happened, because he wasn’t used to having anyone really care about him, but now he was proud of it - like he always wanted to brag to people yeah, this is MY family and they’re awesome, i bet you’re jealous.  there was also a bit where he’d thought Sabine was hot when he first came to live with the rest of them, then he met her girlfriend and realized he never would’ve had a chance anyway, but it was all cool because they taught him how to make spray paint bombs.
speaking of SWR dreams, Kallus showed up twice... once when i was trying to find my lost phone, which was at the bottom of a zipline for some reason.  i don’t remember why he was there.  in the other one, though, he and Zeb got stranded - again - on a random planet, though this time they were in this huge, misty birch forest.  there were all these big sheeplike creatures around and Kallus was like oh, we don’t have to worry about getting cold now, they’re ready to shear and we’d probably be doing them a favor since they’re clearly feral and nobody’s taking care of their coats.  so Zeb’s reaction to that was ‘how does an ex-Imperial from Coruscant know so much about sheep’... but it turned out that while he let everyone believe he was from Coruscant (the accent helped), he was really from a farm on some tiny Mid-Rim planet.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
SchoolAU! Mark x Reader
Summary: Mark is the captain of the basketball team, this is his first year and there’s already trouble. Along with him having to deal with three new members to the team he also has to deal with the love of his life dating a member of the soccer team, Yuta. He loves seeing you happy but hates knowing that Yuta has a secret.
    “Ugh!” Chenle fell on his butt once again, Jeno came over helping him up. “Why do you keep pushing me!” He yelled at Haechan, he gave him a confused look. Chenle scoffed while Haechan turned and laughed a bit. Chenle ran over to him nearly choking him as they “fought” on the floor.
    “Guys come on,” Mark said in a exhausted voice, “We don’t have much longer until the volleyball team has to practice.” They both got up with the help of Jaemin and Jisung.
    “Why are we even still practicing? It’s not like we’ll be any better if we work a bit harder now.”
    “Yeah, we should have been working this hard to begin with.” Jaemin added.
    “I would have if they had told me I was going to be the captain this year.” Mark paused, “But we have the rest of the season to practice hard, still we should do our best for this match.”
    “I say we just forfeit it.” Chenle said throwing the ball up but missing the basket above him, “We’ll just try harder in the next game.”
    “We can’t seem like we’re not taking the other team seriously, how would you like it if that happened?” Runjun said, Chenle shrugged.
    “Like they didn’t practice?”
    “No, you’d be mad.” Jisung said while laughing, before their conversation could go on for any longer the door opened up. Mark sighed and turned to greet what he thought was the volleyball team.
    “Sorry we’re taking a long time.” When he stood up he nearly choked on his next words. You smiled and walked in over to the team, they all greeted you happily. All expect for Mark who stood stiffly in your presence.
    “You guys are fine, no I came in here to talk to you Mark.” He said nothing, “Do you know if you guys have a home game or an away game this time?” He nodded.
    “Y-yeah, home, this time.”
    “Thank you, at least someone remembers anything around here, we’re just working around schedules so everyone has rides for away games.” Mark nodded to you, “Alright, well see you guys!” You waved to everyone and promptly left out of the gym. When the doors closed everyone went around Mark pushing and pulling on him.
    “You totally froze in front of her!” Jisung said laughing on the floor.
    “You don’t have to be scared Mark she won’t bite you!” Jeno said.
    “Guys.” They all looked to Haechan. “Don’t make fun of him…” He walked over putting his arm around Mark’s shoulder. “This is obviously a serious condition he has, we should go bring her back here.” Mark harshly pushing Haechan’s shoulder as everyone resumed laughing at him.
    “Yeah, very funny.” Mark said softly, they calmed down after a little bit.
    “I don’t see why you don’t just ask her out, it’s not like she has any reason to say no.”
    “Actually she does.” Mark said, Runjun suddenly made a noise.
    “That’s right, isn’t she going out with Yuta?” Mark nodded, everyone nodded remembering the fact now.
    “So I can’t ask her out even if I wanted.” Mark looked at the net and threw the ball up before running to get it as it went through.
    “It’s hard to think they even go out, I mean they’re never together and whenever they are it’s more like they’re just good friends, not dating.” Mark sighed,
    “Don’t get too down about it, maybe they’ll break up and then we can talk about you guys like that behind your backs.” Haechan said.
    “Could we just not talk about this anymore.” They all looked to each other, Mark went off and started to practice on his own before soon everyone else joined him and their practice went on as normal.
    Though things seemed as if they couldn’t get any worse Mark was constantly reminded of his crush on you since you were apart of the athletic committee. Outside of being the powerhouse couple with Yuta, a member of the soccer team that never seemed to lose a game, you also worked with the coaches in organizing events, fundraisers, and other things like renting buses to travel. Though he didn’t start to like you until recently, about as recent as his second year being on the basketball team. This was his third year and now he was tasked with having to get Jaemin back to his regular spot after he was forced to rest for health reasons, as well as Runjun and Haechan who joined this year for almost no reason (he guessed it was just to annoy him). Essentially, he was tasked with having to work with three new members all who had their own share of difficulties.
    At the moment, Mark sat alone at his lunch table while looking over their game, he was trying to see what they could all improve on in their next practice. He took a small break to eat and looking up he caught you standing alone next to the vending machine. You were looking around aimlessly and paid no mind to him staring at you. Mark was almost tempted to go up and talk to you but then Yuta came over slinging his arm around you and your beautiful smile came out. He changed his mind and finished his food before leaving out of the cafeteria.
    Yuta was a great guy, he was friendly for the most part and didn’t make many enemies, if you could look past all the joking and teasing he did. He was actually a really nice person to be around. You certainly thought so, why else were you dating him? Mark’s issue wasn’t that fact of you two dating, in fact he liked seeing you happy, with or without him. No, his issue was that he had found out something about Yuta and knew that if it ever got out it would ruin your relationship with him. He was almost positive only he knew about this but he didn’t doubt the possibility of others knowing either. He walked around with music playing in his ears, he stopped at a window and looked outside seeing the overcast. It was going to rain the following week. He sighed and thought about you. He felt like it was only a matter of time before the most well known couple in school would be single.
    Taeil and Winwin had been talking in the locker room after school, since Mark got there pretty early it wasn’t abnormal for him to be there. But hearing them he didn’t want to interrupt the conversation since it sounded important. And boy was it. Winwin had explained that Yuta confessed to him, much to Taeil’s confusion since you and Yuta were dating. Winwin couldn’t explain anything else but that but came to Taeil since he was their senior, Winwin was hoping he’d be able to help him since he had no clue what to do about the situation. Mark didn’t hear anything else but that as he left right after that.
    How would you react? Did you already suspect something? How bad would it be if Yuta broke up with you and later him and Winwin were together? Mark worried about all of this, you two did know each other but nothing more, he couldn’t even say you were really friends since Yuta was really jealous and pretty much only let you hang around certain guys. He wasn’t one of them. Though he had still managed to catch feelings for you and they only got worse as the years went on. You were in the same graduating class as him so it wasn’t like he could get away from you that easily. Mark figured things would get out eventually, either by Yuta himself or Winwin and Taeil, he just hoped you wouldn’t take things too bad.
    Within the next two weeks nothing seemed to come out of you and Yuta, they seemed normal, but it wasn’t until one day when something seemed off. You and Yuta were not hanging out as you normally did, Yuta didn’t even show up to school for two days and on the third day Mark was concerned about you. You seemed as if you didn’t get any sleep, and your normal upbeat attitude was replaced with a dark and oppressed one. You spoke to no one, not even your friends and just sat in class without taking any notes. No one else seemed to really care about your demeanor and your friends could get nothing out of you. So Mark decided to take a crack at it. As you all were getting ready to leave for your next class Mark caught you before that, you forced out a half smile to him, something that hurt his heart to see. He returned a smile to you anyways.
    “Hey, um, do you think we could talk after school?”
    “What for?”
    “Well, it’s just my coach said something about wanting to talk about something for new equipment we’re getting? He told me to tell you about it.” You nodded and paid no mind to it as nothing seemed too off.
    “Alright, where are we meeting?”
    “The gym, after school.” You nodded to him and then turned to walk off giving him a small wave before fully leaving out with everyone else. Mark sighed. He really did hate seeing you upset about anything, that’s why he was more than alright with you and Yuta. Even if he wasn’t the one making you happy, someone was. Mark shook his head and told himself he couldn’t get too caught up in that, something had to have happened, he needed to be there for you now more than ever.
    After school you found Mark in the Gym, Mark had been running around, practicing shots and other things despite not having to. He almost needed something to ease himself into asking you why things had seemed so bad, he didn’t notice you in the gym and slipped on the sweat he produced. He somewhat swore at the pain before pushing himself up, that’s when he felt your hand on his arm.
    “(Y/N)!” He jumped seeing you, you smiled halfheartedly .
    “Sorry if I scared you.”
    “No, I just didn’t know you were here yet.” You guys fell into an awkward silence, you moved and grabbed the basketball that rolled off and walked back over to Mark holding it in your arms.
    “Is coach Soo-man here yet?” Mark sighed a bit.
    “Actually... he’s not coming.”
    “Did something happen?”
    “No, it’s just…” He wiped the sweat off his forehead, “I kind of just wanted to talk to you alone.” You let out a small sigh.
    “Mark, whatever you want to ask me you could have just done it in class.”
    “I don’t think I could have…” You stared at him. “I really didn’t want anyone spreading rumors about you especially since… things with you and Yuta don’t seem so good.” Mark was afraid to look up and see your reaction, but he did just so it wouldn’t seem like he was being insensitive to the situation. Looking up he found you biting your lip, it seemed like you were going to cry as well but you held most of that back.
    “What do you think is going on between me and Yuta?” He decided to test the waters.
    “That you guys aren’t hanging out as much.”
    “It’s only been a week.”
    “I know, but you guys used to be pretty much joined at the hip and suddenly it just stopped.”
    “Maybe it’s just because he’s not at school Mark.”
    “Yeah, but even then you’re still normal, you’re never like this.” You looked off.
    “Am I really that obvious?”
    “No it’s just… look we’ve known each other since we got into highschool, even if Yuta asked you to not hang around guys like me it’s not like I avoided you. I knew that’s why you never really talked to me.” He paused, “I’m just saying I pay more attention than you think.” You said nothing and kept your eyes elsewhere. Mark felt like he was kicking a dead horse at this point, but if he wanted to get you talking he had to deal with the feeling. “... Did you guys break up?” You turned your head to him. “If you didn’t I’m sorry-”
    “No… it’s just, everyone else thinks we got into a fight. Why do you think we broke up?” He dug his own grave saying that, so why not be buried alive?
    “I really hope I’m not wrong but… I kind of know Yuta might be bi.” Your eyes lowered at that, when you said nothing he felt like he had said something wrong, but he waited for you.
    “... Did anyone else know?” He sighed.
    “I think maybe just Taeil and Winwin, I overheard them talking about it.” Your head came back up, and with a sharp breath, you crossed your arms over the ball.
    “Well thankfully it came out like this… I wouldn’t want Yuta to be with someone he doesn’t love.”
    “(Y/N) don’t say that.”
    “Why? I don’t have any problems with him liking Winwin in a romantic way but… why go out with me then?”
    “Maybe he didn’t think he was bi when he asked you out.”
    “He did.” You said, “When he broke up with me he said he always had a feeling he liked Winwin more than just a friend, but he asked me out trying to confirm that.” You paused and with a bitter smile you went on. “He pretty much used me to find out his sexuality, he never even loved me.”
    “You know that’s not true.” You looked to him now with watery eyes, “Yuta was always talking about you! You guys are still great friends everyone even talked about how close you guys were.”
    “What does that matter? I’m like that with everyone because I care about you guys, but who knows if Yuta even felt something close to that while we were dating!” You were crying now having no more control over how you felt, “I loved him for a year and a half, putting aside our differences so he could be happy! Doing everything just so I could see him smile and he decides to let our relationship go on for that long knowing that he possibly didn’t even love me?” You threw the ball hard against the wall hitting something you didn’t care for. You walked off and fell harshly against the ground quietly crying. Mark could say nothing more to you, he walked over and sat down with you. You felt his hand gently push you to rest on his shoulder, you did so and cried against his arm. Mark let you cry and asked nothing more of you.
    After a while, your crying died out, you started talking again.
    “You know… I kind of figured he liked Winwin like that.” You paused, “I’m actually happy that he knows he could be bi or even gay.” You sighed. “I just can’t get over that we were together for so long and he didn’t bother to do this sooner.” Mark choose his words carefully.
    “Do you really like him?” You nodded.
    “Of course I do, we are still friends.”
    “I mean… in a more romantic way.” You relaxed more against Mark’s shoulder.
    “I don’t know, he was someone I’d consider my first love but knowing this now I don’t know if it’s right for me to assume we were in love.”
    “I think you can.” You glanced over to Mark. “I mean you had a lot of skinship with him and you guys almost acted like a married couple when I saw you so I think there’s some kind of love… even if he didn’t love you romantically I think he did love you like someone would a family member.” You said nothing, Mark kept his eyes forward and didn’t look down to you.
    “I really hated not getting to be real friends with you… do you think we could hang out sometime and catch up?” Mark kept his cool, he realized he was more relaxed against you before this.
    “Uh, yeah! I mean, sure thing.” You nodded and he felt your head shift.
    “By the way… thanks for talking to me. Even though I had to avoid you, you’re one of my only friends who tried to talk to me.” Mark smiled shyly.
    “It’s nothing, really.” You both said nothing. You guys sat in the empty gym together. Mark wished this would never end, but it would, eventually. For now, he enjoyed this time he finally got with you.
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allfandomxreader · 6 years
Watching From the Door
Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader
Request: Since you're taking requests... I would like some awkward Peter Parker where he's helping the reader study for a science test and the crew (avengers) are "watching over them" (read stalking) to see what the reader is like? You can do it in whatever style you'd like (hcs, fic, etc.)! I just got the idea and fell in love with it. Love you and your work! -🎃✒
Warnings: language, duh
Words: 2.1k
A/N: THIS TOOK ME AGES I’M SO SORRY I WANTED TO MAKE IT PERFECT FOR YOU AND I REALLY HOPE I DID. Also, I’m so sorry for not uploading recently, writing has been so, so hard but I have a crap ton of ideas and I promise I’ll start posting more!
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The cafeteria buzz is no place to study for an exam. Teenagers laugh too loud at all corners of the room, completely ignoring you, the one sitting with her nose in a textbook, cramming for the chemistry test in two days.
You groan, slamming the thick book shut and shove it away from you, mind reeling with element names and equations you’re positive you’ll never use after graduation. “I swear, Mr. Lumar didn’t even teach us this unit,” You complain, resting your chin against your palm to face your three friends. “I’ve never heard of oxidation-reduction reactions in my entire life.”
“Lumar is the worst,” MJ comments, poking the mash potatoes that are quickly growing cold with her fork.
“I seriously feel like I’m learning a foreign language, guys. There’s no way I’m going to understand this by test day.”  You can’t help but feel helpless, the knot of failure unraveling quickly that’ll soon overcome you.
“It’s fine, really, I’ll just fail this test and the tests from here only get harder so I’ll probably fail those too which will bring down my whole grade and I’ll be so focused on bringing my chemistry grade up I’ll forget about my other classes and all of those grades will plummet and then I won’t get accepted into any colleges which then means I won’t have a good paying job and I’ll be homeless.” Ned, Peter, and MJ stare with wide eyes, brows raised at your sudden outburst. “I need to pass this test. I can’t be homeless!”
“Okay, seriously, chill,” MJ rolls her eyes, dropping the plastic fork onto the tray and pushing it aside, “That made my head hurt and this has nothing to do with me.”
“MJ what am I going to do?” You hate the desperation dripped words the moment they tumble through your lips.
“Peter can help you study!” Ned quips, earning head turns from you and your friends.
“W-what?” Peter’s eyes widen at Ned, seemingly talking in code through blinks and eyebrow scrunches, a language completely useless for MJ and yourself to understand. “I-I mean, yeah. Yeah sure, I can help you study.” Ned nods slightly in approval at his best friend, unbeknownst to you.
“Oh, no, that’s okay Peter, you don’t have to. I don’t want to inconvenience you or anything.”
“Are you kidding? The only plans Peter had for the next two days was to build the LEGO Millennium Falcon with me and honestly? I can just do it myself. He’d love to help you study.” Ned waves his hand, talking for Peter.
“Isn’t that like eight thousand pieces?” MJ questions, silencing your response.
“7,541” Ned corrects.
“Nerd.” She says with an eye roll before they dive into a heated conversation you don’t bother to listen to.
Instead, you turn towards Peter, who’s fiddling with his earbuds and refusing eye contact.  
“Really, Peter, it’s fine I don’t want to bother you, I’m sure I can figure it out on my own. I’ll look it up online or something.” You ramble, trying your best to get out of hanging out with Peter all by yourself.
It’s not that you don’t want to spend time with him –the complete opposite actually. The thought of being with Peter excites you, it sends your stomach into flips, even makes your hands clammy, but alone? Without MJ censoring your words, helping you cover up the crush you’ve been hiding since freshman year? It was daunting.
“Y/N, I promise you, you’re never a bother.” Pink dusts his cheeks as his eyes fall, suddenly becoming very interested in his half-eaten yogurt. “Would after school work? My apartment? Or—or if you feel more comfortable going to the library maybe? Or even that coffee shop on 33rd street –I know you like their bagels—”
“Peter,” You interrupt his rambling, placing a sweaty hand on his wrist, “Your apartment would be just fine.” He smiles sheepishly, the pink on his cheeks only growing darker.
Truth was, he was just as nervous as you, if not more.
“You know, I’m really happy you want to help me, Pete, but shouldn’t you be doing your ‘friendly neighborhood Spider-Man’ thing?” You tease, bumping his shoulder with your own as you step onto the sidewalk.
“I’m helping an innocent citizen ace a test, Spider-Man would do the same thing!” He leads you through the crowded school yard away from the buses where you normally part ways.
“Is May picking us up?”
“No, Happy is.” Peter’s steps quicken as he spots the black car Happy always drives.
“The guy that always ignores you? Why would he be picking you up now of all times?”
“Dunno.” He shrugs, opening the door to the car he hasn’t been inside for ages. “Hey, Happy!” The man only grunts ignoring your presence before speeding off into New York’s traffic.
The car ride is full of a suffocating awkwardness. You don’t utter a word since Peter fills the air with all his lingering questions to Happy, not giving anybody a chance to speak, and when he does, Happy refuses.
You’re not surprised when the car comes to a stop in front of the doors leading to the Avengers facility. You feel as if you can finally breathe when standing in the fresh air once again, able to be away from the one-sided conversation that lasted thirty minutes too long.
“Why’d you bring me all the way out here?” You ask once Peter’s beside you.
“Well, I—I just thought that maybe if I couldn’t help you maybe Tony or Bruce could.” His hand finds the back of his neck, itching awkwardly, not knowing what answer to feed you.
In reality, Peter knows exactly what oxidation-reduction reactions are and how they work, it’d be a breeze to teach you. He didn’t bring you here in fear of not understanding the topic, no, he brought you here just to impress you. To introduce you to all his superhero friends, to show you that he was indeed cool and not some nerd you can call a best friend.
Little did he know, you already think he’s the coolest person you’d ever meet.
He leads you through the long hallways and past empty labs before making his way into the common area, gaining the attention of his friends and colleagues. They shower him with warm welcomes and cheerful ‘hello’s before their attention tears away from him and to you.
“Guys, this is Y/N. I told her I’d help her study for her chem test and brought her here just in case it’s a little over my head.” He chuckles, earning nods from various people throughout the room. “Y/N, I’m sure you’ve heard of everyone before, this is Wanda, she’s read my mind a few times, this is Natasha but she lets me call her Nat. Steve and Bucky—”
“Nice to meet you.” Steve flashes a smile while Bucky only offers a nod.
“Sam, Scott, and Clint,” Peter points to each of the Avengers seated comfortably on couches, “I’m sure Quill and Gamora are somewhere but this is Rocket, and that’s Groot.”
“I am Groot.”
“Dude, that’s so inappropriate. Think with your head up here before you talk next time.” Peter rolls his eyes, tapping away at his temple while Groot only shrugs.
“I am Groot.”
“I don’t care if she can’t understand you –I can! And that’s my best friend –please just never say that about her or anyone ever again.”
“Oh Peter,” Rocket says clutching his stomach. “You act as if you weren’t thinking the same thing!”
“I wasn’t! I –okay you know what? We’re leaving, we’ll be in a lab.” Peter mumbles, pushing you out of the room, shielding you from Groot’s stare while the room fills with Rocket’s laugh.
You follow Peter down more halls and series of doors until footsteps cause Peter to halt. “Underoos!” Tony grins at the young boy, “Rodgers said you were here, oh, who’s this?” His attention suddenly on you.
“M-Mr. Stark, this is my best friend, Y/N. Y/N, Mr. Stark.” He quickly introduces, “I’m helping her study for a chemistry test.”
“Mr. Stark, it’s nice to finally meet the man Peter won’t shut up about.” Peter stays silent while you and Tony chuckle, the blush from earlier reappearing to his cheeks.
“Studying, right, right. Well, I’ll let you crazy kids get to it.” Tony winks towards Peter, only making his cheeks grow redder before continuing his way down the hall, leaving Peter and yourself standing in silence.
Peter says nothing as he pushes you into the vacant, blinding white lab. He pulls out chairs for the two of you, throwing his backpack by his feet and gestures you to sit. “I’m so sorry if I knew they’d be like that I wouldn’t have brought you here.” You can only laugh, dismissing the embarrassed boy.
“You don’t have to apologize, I just met most of the Avengers, that’s pretty fucking cool.” You pull out the heavy textbook and open it to the correct page, shoving it towards the boy, already annoyed with the concept.
Each one of the Avengers made sure to take a peek at the cute girl Peter randomly brought by. It was out of the ordinary for Peter to even be here himself, they weren’t going to miss an opportunity to stare at the nervous boy around the girl he was clearly into.
If your backs weren’t facing the entryway, the two of you would’ve seen the eight times Tony paused just to check in on his favorite teenager and his friend. On the ninth time, you would’ve seen his frozen silhouette wanting to hear pieces of your conversations.
You would’ve seen Groot standing in place, staring at you for far too long, a pang of jealousy growing as he stared at the fellow teens brushing shoulders just a few feet away. You would’ve seen him take a step forward, only to be stopped by Gamora’s hand, holding him back.
You would’ve seen the smile Gamora wore as she watched the way Peter stares when you concentrate. You would’ve seen her own Peter making his way towards her and the finger she pressed against her lips warning him to stay silent.
You would’ve seen Rocket aiming random objects towards Peter’s head, his arm arching back only to have his hand emptied by Scott.
You would’ve heard Steve and Bucky’s conversation quiet as they too stopped to watch, not wanting to disturb the two of you. You would’ve seen Sam head over purely to annoy Buck, but stop and watch when you cheered at getting an answer right.
You would’ve felt the almost unnoticeable presence of Wanda swimming through your thoughts, though she didn’t need to see much to know you’re a great girl. You would’ve seen Natasha silently shaking her head, the slight tug at Wanda’s arm to stop her invasion of privacy.
“Wait, remember you need to balance H by adding a positive H,” Peter reminds as he watches you work through another problem. “Good, okay, what next?”
“Balance the charge by adding a negative E?”
“Yes, you got it!” He cheers, watching you continue to write what once was gibberish between the thin blue lines. You place the pencil to the side, earning a confused look from the boy, “You’re not done with the problem yet, what are you doing?”
“Thank you for doing this,” You ignore his question, not having an actual answer. “I don’t know what’d I’d do without you, Pete.” You offer a shy smile, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Y-yeah, no problem.” He chokes, suddenly noticing how close he actually was to you. He desperately wanted to lean in, to close the gap keeping you away from him. “Can,” His voice breaks, speaking with a surge of confidence he hasn’t felt until now. “Can I kiss you?”
“What?” You breathe, not sure if you heard him right or you dreamt his question.
“Sorry, never mind. It was a stupid question, I know you just see me as a best friend and I respect that. Just forget—”
You don’t hesitate to kiss him or to cut off his usual rambles, body growing warm when he kisses back.
It’s not surprising that his lips are chapped or that he tastes like the mint gum he always chews or that Peter Parker is a damn good kisser.
If your backs weren’t facing the door, you would’ve seen the whole group silently cheering, nodding in approval, or Groot’s annoyed eye roll before they all disband away from the door, keeping their footsteps as quiet as possible.
Forever Tags: @superfrankie111 // @rueinn // @lemonadeorange73
Marvel Tags:  @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy
If you want to be added to any taglists, feel free to let me know here!
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