#or mira vent rather
sixthcav · 9 months
signalis spoilers warning
i feel stupid discussing my feelings in public so i'll post them here where a. people seem to do it more often and b. no one really knows me. but what broke me the most about signalis was the tragedy of ariane's character. elster, of course, is also extremely tragic in her own right but ariane felt so relatable to me on a personal level that i can't watch that train ride scene or hear the music without bawling. the two happiest times of her life were when she was isolated from the world, on top of people picking on her she just didn't fit in with the society the eusan nation fostered, she was a misfit and looked like one, and to top it off her bioresonance likely turned these spoken words into a shout, so to speak. there was so little peace in her life, and even then the penrose mission was originally little more than a prolonged death. if not for elster, ariane would've likely decided to die alone in space. and even on top of that she had what little peace she had ripped away at the end. i don't think there's a story that breaks my heart more than hers.
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smol-lizord · 2 years
I just had to do a recorded interview and that was the most uncomfortable shit ever >.<
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wandermit · 1 year
its the way that adam, mira and kai care about each other from the moment they meet for me ,, without even knowing them, adam smiles fondly at kai and mira bickering in the room while he's checking out the vent, and mira and adam laughing together at kai's clumsiness, them also running towards him in panic, mira immediately taking his hands when he gets electrocuted, adam remembering kai's name before kai himself does, all of adam and kai's fights feeling more like the way two friends with repressed feelings about their own roles in the group would fight when lost rather than strangers ,,,, its like they remember loving each other before they remember who each of them are :((
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any hc on how the titan army would play among us?
I didn't before, but now I do:
Normally Chris is a total idiot but he's a gamer and amazing at among us
When they first played they all assumed he would suck but he completely destroyed them as the imposter
He knows where all the vents lead and all the best tricks for winning
His favorite map is the Skeld because it's the original and you just can't beat the original. He like Polus and airship too but thinks the airship is a little big. He hates MIRA HQ because you can go anywhere trough any vent
He's that one person in the group who's just like "where was everyone" and then proceeds to completely expose the imposter easily while everyone else is just like "how do you know this???"
He always knows what tasks are common, short, and, long so he knows if someone is lying about tasks super easily which the person who's imposter hates
Luke: I was doing download data
Chris: bullshit! Long tasks are off
Luke: Can you please stop knowing everything for like 10 seconds?
He totally has the mini crewmate and a bunch of skin
His favorite color to play is purple
Luke is awful at among us
He's totally the imposter who tries to fake asteroids and immediately gets caught
If it comes to sounding like he isn't the imposter he's a great liar but he can never remember the necessary information to back up his lies
At this point he just tries to say the truth as much as he can
The first time he got imposter he literally asked why task weren't working and why his name was red since he hadn't been paying attention to the part that told you 'imposter' or 'creamate'
He always seems to think Chris is sus because that's what siblings do (also he hates how Chris always catches him)
Luke: guys I think Chris is the imposter
Ethan: the game started like 10 seconds ago what could he have possibly done?
Luke: I don't know, but he's sus and we should vote him out
His favorite map is MIRA HQ because he can go anywhere in the vents when he plays imposter
His favorite color to play is cyan
Silena is surprisingly good at among us
She's really nice and good at acting innocent so no one ever thinks it's her
Children of Aphrodite are definitely great liars and Silena is no exception even if she avoids lying normally
She is great at fix comms and Can get it lined up in seconds
Her favorite map is Polus because she likes the snowy look and think it's better then the Skeld since it's bigger but not too big like airship
She never uses vents but still almost always gets away from bodies
He favorite colors to play are white and blue because she likes the color blue and she thinks most of the hats go well with white
Ethan is great at among us until he gets mad at someone
He normally stays pretty chill but the someone will kill him while he's downloading data and he'll make it his goal to get revenge rather the to win
Alabaster: why would you kill me in front of Silena?
Ethan: I don't care who sees you die! You stopped my download so I had to stop yours!
Other then that he's great at it and is almost always one of the first to finish tasks
He is that one player that always kills in electrical.
Ethan's favorite map is Skeld because he thinks the others are too big and the layout of MIRA is weird
His favorite color to play is black
Alabaster is very mediocre at among us
He's not amazing but he doesn't suck either
He loves sabotaging especially the reactor
After the reactor gets fixed he shuts all the doors so pretty much everyone gets trapped by reactor and can't do tasks
Sometimes when he's annoyed at Chris he'll do something stupid like fake swiping card when he's a crewmate so Chris will call him out while he insists Chris is wrong and he didn't so Chris looks like an idiot for calling him out
Chris doesn't not find this amusing because as he like to say "he has a reputation to uphold as the god of among us"
Alabaster frequently does stack kills and normally doesn't get caught
His favorite map is Skeld because it's the original
His favorite color to play is green and he wears the witch hat every time
Here are a few for the whole group:
Chris using the April first hack where you set the date on your device to April 1st so the Skeld is backward
He tells everyone accept Luke and they all pretend it's normal and Luke is crazy
Luke: guys the map is backwards!
Ethan: no it's not
Chris: yeah it's fine for me too. Are you sure you're getting enough sleep?
When they play just them (and sometimes other demigods from the army) they don't use the chat they just sit in the same room and don't talk unless it's a meeting
Silena and Chris are the best among us imposter duo when they play with two imposters. They win every time
Chris is always the host and Luke keeps trying to convince everyone to let him host, but no one does
They all start just using sus instead of suspicious in casual conversation since they use it among us
Luke accidentally saying sus when he's talking to Kronos
Wow that was a lot. I did not expect to write that many but it was fun! Thanks anon
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fallen029 · 3 years
Adult Swim
Laxus was very careful as he sank into the steamy water of the bathhouse, hissing as his muscles and wounds all cried out momentarily from the heat, but this was quickly quelled as the soothing affect of whatever the water had been infused with won out.
It had been a long, hard few days for him.
It was rare for a job to go so poorly.
Sneering some to himself as he played back the vents of the past week or so, Laxus was certain that this was not only a fluke, but one that he wouldn't easily come across again. It wasn't even that his opponents had truly bested him a battle, but rather outsmarted him. Though this should have made it hurt less, the sting felt more sharp, as he could always prove his magical prowess, but mental was much more difficult.
He felt ashamed.
When he was a little boy, if he returned from a job unsuccessful, he'd do so with his tail between his legs, avoiding his father and grandfather as not to admit to them his folly. As he grew, he stop returning from those sorts of jobs at all. Rather, he had pretty sound record for doing all that he could to take care of anything he was hired for.
It was very rare for him to be bested.
Much less outwitted.
"It's going to hurt your teeth in the long run, if you keep doing that, dragon," he heard a voice through the steaminess of the room and though it was difficult to place her, his mind was calmed at the sound. "Grinding them like that. Are you in that much pain?"
Instead of answering, he called out to the woman, "What's with the temp, huh? And what's in this water? You do this all for me?"
"Of course, Laxus." And he found her now, edging into the giant pool of water the room was mostly filled with. At the sound of her sinking into the water as well, he stiffened some, listening in rapt silence as she assured him, "I'd do anything for you."
Stifling some, he coughed a bit before questioning, "Are you sure we're alone?"
"Would I be here," she questioned as water sifted around had he could hear her, swimming towards him, "if we weren't?"
"No," he gave in as, even if their relationship was more public, he couldn't imagine her risking such a stunt around the others. "But…"
And she was before him now, completely visible even in the heavy steam and Laxus reached out to brush his bruised knuckles against her pale cheek, getting just a hint of red to appear at the gesture. She was as nude as he was, the water only hiding everything just beneath the mid-level of her breasts and Laxus was disappointed that the steam did keep him from any glimpses of more.
"But," he went on as he smiled for the first time in days and it hurt a bit, all of him hurt a bit, maybe, treading water there with the demon, it was the good kind. "We could pretend."
"Mmm," she hummed as she turned her head, when he tried to kiss her. This was no problem for the slayer though as he only pressed his lips to her rosy cheek instead, humming some himself as he heard her continue, "I don't like that much, Lax. Pretending."
"Is that right?" he whispered with an edge of husk. "Demon?"
"I like things that are just more," she remarked as she ran a hand down his chest, dipping a bit lower, beneath the water level, "real, you know?"
"It's all pretend, demon, if you think about it," he reasoned, maybe a bit, hissing some as her hand deviated at the last moment, coming up a bit to stroke at one of his bruised hips instead. "What the fuck even is magic? Or this? Any of this? A guild. Jobs. What the fuck ever happened to running a shop or a store or fuck, do people even raise cows anymore? And chickens and shit? Why is it all magic and bullshit? I want to be a farmer."
She was quiet the entire time he was speaking, letting the man get it all out of his system, before the most feminine of giggles escaped her lips and he cupped one of her breasts, sighing some at the sound.
"Do you always give up when something does go your way?" she asked. "Dragon?"
"What are you talking about?" he questioned as his toothy grin fell a bit. "Just spending time with my woman. My demon."
"You're sulking," she told him softly and, annoyed by this, Laxus shifted away from her somewhat.
"I'm injured."
"Are you?"
"I am."
"Then why did you not come into the infirmary?" Mira asked. "Huh? Gone up stairs, gotten all bandaged up and medicated-"
"When I could have you just put some sorta shit in the bathhouse water? Heat it up for me all nice?" Snorting, Laxus questioned, "I'm a very important person, ain't I?"
"The most important," she offered.
"You kid."
"I'm not."
"But," he insisted, "I'm serious. I want you to make over me, demon."
"Well," she began with a click of her tongue, "I'm not one to judge, but you could do for a some concealer and your lashes are so great, but could you imagine them fuller? Because I have."
"What?" Laxus frowned down at her for a moment before remarking, "Mira, I mean I want you to tell me how great I am and how I need to keep my head up and I'll get them next time and that I'm still the greatest slayer of all time and-"
"I get it." Mira even smiled. "You want me to stroke your ego."
"I want you to stroke a lot of things."
"But yes." And his grin returned, toothier than ever before. "My ego is so bruised."
"Mira." Laxus made a face, confused by her language. "What-"
"You've been hurt before." This time when her hand pressed against his chest, it was to push it, hard. "Badly. Been down to some of the lowest of depths."
"Why are you-"
"And you've felt bad about yourself," she kept up and he was shifting backwards, until his back was against the pool wall and he took in a deep breath. "A lot, actually. You hide it better, usually, but I've seen you when you're really upset. Lax. When you get all quiet and reserved and you won't even talk to your little body guards. Or me."
"You studying me, woman?"
"I know you. From being around you." She pressed herself against him and Laxus shut his eyes for a moment, as she added, "From being in love with you."
He took in a breath, Laxus did, before whispering, "What is it then, doc? What's wrong with me?"
She hummed again and the sound felt heavenly, as she almost seemed to do so in a tune. It had been a long week, as Laxus has surmised before, but now he longed for a late night, in apartment, with the demon strumming at her guitar as he laid around, listening. Watching.
It wasn't unlike how they were now.
He wanted her so badly now, in that moment, and whatever he'd originally been angling for was beginning to get edged out. But just as he was planning on making a real move, the woman spoke.
"I think you're worried about something."
"I think," Mirajane kept up, "that something has you worried. Dragon."
"I don't worry about shit," he grumbled. "I'm the fucking top dog around here."
"Top dragon."
"Damn straight." He puffed out his chest. "I run this place. I control it. Me."
"Laxus, you only show up like once a month. If that. And that's only to flirt with me."
He didn't dispute this, but rather countered, "And yet I'm still the most fucking important. I always has been. I'm the Dreyar. I'm the reason this whole thing exists. Me."
"All that and you're just a farmer."
"So what the fuck," he kept up, "do I have to be worried about?"
"It's gonna be a cold autumn," Mira mused, "so I suppose your crops."
"I'm practically a Wizard Saint."
"Sure," she agreed, "if you don't include any of the glory or voting or prestige and you're only even in the consideration because of Master-"
"Fuck, Mira."
"Sorry." She was the one to shift away then, tossing up both hands. "You can play pretend about being a Wizard Saint if you want to."
"It's not that." Huffing, the man told her, "You know that I don't wanna fucking hear about him right now. The old man."
"You can't possibly still be fighting with him."
"Why do I have to be anything about him right now?" Laxus questioned. "Huh? I mean god, Mira, we're about to fuck."
"Are we?"
"Are we?" He questioned back with a raised eyebrow, but Mira only made a face.
"You both are so stupid, you know that?"
"You are," she insisted. "You're fighting with an old man, Laxus."
"I'm skinny dipping with my girlfriend, Mira."
"What did he even do to you, huh? Just because-"
"You always take his side."
"He's my Master." She was acting as if he were the stupid one. "Of course I do."
"I'm your boyfriend." Laxus frowned. "I'd think that trumps that."
"Boyfriend, master, boyfriend, master, boyfriend, master." Mira held her palms out, lifting them on alternating intervals, as if weighing her options." Boyfriend-"
"Knock it off," he finally remarked. "Your wording is kinda creeping me out."
"Master wasn't trying to pick a fight with you," she tired instead. "Honest. He just-"
"What are you now? His parrot?" the slayer complained. "And what is this? A setup? Did you purposely lure me here?"
"Lure?" She snorted. "Hardly."
"Tricking me with implications of sex-"
"You," she remarked with a sharply pointed finger, "got naked in this pool first. Not me."
"You stripped down in the men's section and got into it with me!" He couldn't believe they were now arguing over this, but, well, Laxus never rightly could let someone else feel as if they had one. "I'm not the one in the wrong here. If anything, considering you work here, you're kind of abusing your privileges now."
"Who are you going to tell? Your grandfather?" Mira huffed, not liking the idea of being beaten either. "No, considering you won't even talk to him."
"You did set me up!"
"This is unbelievable." He shook his head. "I have half the mind to leave right now." When Mira glanced at him though, he added, "I mean, I'm not going to, but-"
"You've been acting like an asshole for two solid months," Mira interrupted. "You know that? And everyone's been worried about It. And then you came back from this job unsuccessful and I just thought.."
"You just thought what? Huh? That you would corner me and make me and my grandfather make up?"
"I thought that I would figure out what's been up with you."
"But yes," she admitted then and she shifted closer to him once more, staring up into the man's hard eyes. "I did kinda sorta know it's been about the Master this whole time."
"That's shady." And he got to wag his own finger then. "You know that?"
"He's old, Laxus," she defended then. "And has been all bent out of shape too, this whole time, because the two of you are on the outs."
"Has he ever heard of apologizing?"
"Have you?"
"That's not-"
"What was it even about? Huh?" Mira reached out and up then, for his cheek, but Laxus turned away and the affects were wearing off. In the water. He could feel it. Whatever magic she'd infused was dissipating and now they were just in a boiling pot of steamy water for no reason. "Dragon…"
"You don't know everything, Mira." Laxus still refused to look at her. "He's my grandfather. Yeah, he's something to you. He's something to all of you. But I'm different. He's different, to me. You don't understand."
"That's true," Mira whispered after a moment of allowing them man his moment to feel just in that assessment. "But I know that I love the two of you, very much-"
"Awe, gross, demon-"
"I do. Your grandfather is very special to me-"
"You're intent on ruining this moment, huh? Just absolute deadset on it?"
"It would just make me happy, Laxus," she decided, finally, to land on. "Alright? Seeing both of you bent out of shape at the other bothers me. I know that he can be overbearing and obnoxious and perverted-"
"Yeah, one of those, thankfully, isn't as big of an issue for me-"
"-but he's my master." When she reached out that time, it was to physically grab his face, holding his jaw in her grasp as she forced the man to keep eye contact with her. It truly did feel like being in the death grip of a demonic force. "And you're my boyfriend. Who I think is handsome and caring and generous and powerful and strong-"
"Go on," the man tried to get out, but it was difficult around her grip.
"No buts."
"-you're also stubborn." She released his jaw then, but he didn't look away. Only glared as the woman insisted, "You have the ego the size of a small village and you can never swallow even an ounce of your massive pride."
"Yeah, well, you cry sometimes and it really bums me out. What about that, huh? And you have dorky siblings. So there."
"What do you want me to say, Mira?" he asked defensively.
She only shook her head. "You're both Dreyar men. Which means that you're hardheaded and have a hard time making up with others. I get that. I've seen that. I've lived that. But it would just mean a lot to me if I didn't feel like I was walking on eggshells between two of my favorite people in the whole world."
He slumped some, in the water, and all she'd wanted had escaped her now, leaving the two of them in a steamy bath, alone still, in an empty guildhall, how they always liked to be, but the mood was off and neither saw it being recaptured.
The night ended with Mira leaving him alone in the bath area, while she finished closing up the hall and when Laxus returned to her, it wasn't with malice or disappointment, but just a dreary tiredness that she felt as well.
Makarov was around the guildhall that next morning, grumbling into his first mug of coffee Mira presented to him, but she merely forced a smile for the old man and, well, it was hard ot stay mad at that.
But somehow he managed.
It was a normal day of there ever could be one in the Fairy Tail guildhall regulars intermingled with those returning only for a short stay while Mirajane and Kinana served them the warmest of breakfasts in the early hours and stiffest of ales the rest.
When Laxus showed up around noon, it was to find the Thunder Legion already there, prepared to lick the man's wounds for him, and he would attend to that, of course, eventually, but he had something of a ritual in those days. Mirajane was his woman after all, and it was hardly an uncommon sight in those days to glimpse the slayer leaning against the bar as he gruffly flirted with the woman in a way only a demon could appreciate.
But when he leaned against the bar that day, it wasn't to complement the woman on her dress or request one of those stiff drinks for himself.
Though Mira was before him in mere seconds, Laxus wasn't rightly looking to her as his vision was instead on where the old man sat, perched atop the bar with his staff in one hand and a mean look in his typically jolly eyes.
"Ay, Gramps."
Makarov seemed equally surprised as he was apprehensive and defensive, right out of the gate, as he turned his dark eyes onto his grandson, prepared for whatever the young man might send the way. It was difficult for him to even remember, really, what the two of them were so mad about now, weeks out, but oh, he knew he wished he could go back and tar young Laxus' hide even more, if it meant putting even the smallest amount of respect into the boy's future self.
But he threw the old man off, Laxus did, as he smiled in a rather comfortable way, toothy, but not exactly showy, offering simply, "You ever think about doing work around here or what?"
It would've felt tense, were it anyone else, but this was hardly a true slinging of words out of the mouth of Laxus, especially to his grandfather and Makarov lost the anger behind his eyes, it instead being replaced momentarily by confusion though that quickly morphed into something else.
But a pretend one, as his brows weren't even furrowed and his grumbled voice felt far more mellow than when the man truly was agitated.
"And what do you know of work, Laxus?" he huffed. "Nothing much, from what I hear."
"What do you hear, old man?"
"More than you do, with that damn music always playing in your ears."
He laughed, maybe, or at least Laxus made a strange noise as he said, "Every time I come around her recently, you're sitting around doin' nothin' while my poor demon's working herself damn near to death on your behalf. Why is that?"
"Laxus," Mira warned, finally speaking up some, but Makarov only snorted at his grandson.
"Mirajane enjoys helping me," the man defended. "She's actually grateful for my presence, unlike you, you big brat. Always have been. So ungrateful."
"I'm grateful for plenty, Gramps." His smile for Mira felt different, when Laxus looked at her, but it was brief as he was quickly remarking, "Not exactly the conversation to be havin' in front of everyone though. Showing you up."
"Why you-"
'So," Laxus kept up, not allowing the older man's gripes as he said, "how 'bout I take you out to dinner tonight?"
"W-What?" This stopped Makarov short.
Laxus merely shrugged "Me and my demon have been thinkin' about trying that new place down by the canal. The one that replaced the old card shop? But if you don't want to join us-"
"I didn't say that." Makarov looked to Mirajane then. "Did you put him up to this?"
"I don't know anything about this, Master," she told him honestly before, tilting her head, she admitted, "Although, I have been wanting to try that place. But it's rather expensive and with how slow things have been around here recently-"
"Good thing you have a flashy boyfriend that can't wait to treat you to it then," Makarov remarked to the woman. "Not to mention his grandfather-"
"Is that what I agreed to?" Laxus griped himself a bit before, leaning across the bar once more, it was to press a short kiss against Mira's cheek. Then, taking a step back, he only glanced between the two of them before saying, "Buncha leeches, the two of you."
"Yes, well," Makarov began as he jumped down then, from the bar top so that he could stare up at his towering grandson. "I guess I do have some paperwork I should attend to. Before the evening rolls around."
"I left a stack on your desk, Master," Mira called after him as, with a sharp nod at the by then void once more Laxus, the man set off for his office. "And Laxus," she called after him as well, when he headed over to where his three best friend were trying hard to not appear as if they had been eavesdropping on every last thing that had just taken place between the two Dreyar men, "I'll be over in a minute with your drink."
It would actually be more than a few, but that was fine, as by that point Freed had set into the job board, Evergreen had found herself busy definitely not flirting with Elfman Strauss across the bar, and Bickslow busied himself with torturing whichever sucker in the bar would tolerate him and his strange dolls.
Mira came over bearing the man's favorite ale. As she leaned down to place it on his table though, she reached over to grasp one of Laxus' headphones, pulling it away some so she could whisper in it instead.
"Thank you."
"Ay, demon." He moved to snatch the headphone back. "Don't know what you're talking about."
"Sure," she giggled while Laxus glanced about, checking it seemed for listening ears before speaking again.
"My muscles," he told her in confidence, "are still rather tense. Even after last night. Maybe tonight, after dinner-"
"I'll have to come back here afterwards, I suppose," she hummed with a glint in her eyes. "To help Kinana clear out the late night crowd. I could be persuaded to adjust the water to your liking, while I close up."
"Taking the old geezer to dinner was the persuasion, demon."
"Just count on a late night swim, huh?" He moved to grab his ale then while the woman was distracted by the call of someone on the other side of the bar, complaining about refills. "I'll be leaving on a job again, pretty soon, you know."
"You'll have to." Mira was leaving him then, off to deal with her daily toil. "Me and Master are planning on eating you out of house and home."
"Yeah, well," he sighed softly to himself as he brought the mug up to his lips. "It's what I get for consorting with a demon."
I think Makarov is one of my favorite extra person to add to Mirajane and Laxus, right beside Lisanna.
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intotherumiverse · 3 years
Chapter 2
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: I’m still on my fae bull shit so yee have fun with this  ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: blood, violence, pov changes ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ: @lilsparkyswife​, a brief mention of @katsumiiii​ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.9k 
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Yvonne’s Pov
The Summer Court was known for a lot of things. Yes, we did the dirty work for people who didn’t want to be seen doing it. We lied for liars, stole for stealers, and cheated cheaters. But we were big on loyalty. I mean if we couldn’t trust one of our own, who could we trust? But driving back home, knowing what we had to tell Bakugou….
Maybe it was better if we lied.
We found him training. Sweat dripped down his face as more and more holograms blur around him. His muscles tighten in frustration as the holograms look like they are about to win.  Power training was something I always hated. We were already fast and strong, why work yourself to the bone to gain some other ability. But some people did it, Like (Y/n), but others have tried every day to improve themselves to no avail. All of us has given up at some point, Bakugou was just a matter of time.
The hologram knocked his sword out o his hand, and he glances at it as if something miraculous was going to happen. When he realizes nothing is happening, he lets out a grunt of anger.
“He’s rarely happy anymore,” I think to myself. “ Well, it wasn’t unusual, well for Bakugou at least, but his obsession was going a bit too far”
“Good luck with him,” Mina says while Mira walks away.
“If you live we’ll see you in the meeting room. You know where, so don’t die.”
“Gee, Such wonderful friends,” I say back.
. Turning back towards the entrance of the training room, I walk, cleared my throat, and spoke up
All I get is another grunt as a reply, knowing he was somewhat listening. He continued his workout, concentrating on summoning a weapon in his hand.
He gives me a glare. Well, that got his attention.
I hated when he was like this, not wanting to listen to anyone else even his friends. Steeling myself, I spit out the ugly truth to him
“What? You said that too fast for me to even hear.”
“(Y/n) got kidnapped-”
“Will you shut up and let me explain?”
Rolling my eyes I wanted until Bakugou was calm, well calm enough, to begin.
“We had a mission. One assigned to us by the King. Someone from Spring Court wanted someone from Autumn off their back and they had enough money to pay for it. Shit went sideways and long story short, (Y/n) got taken… by Izuku Midoriya.”
I barely had time to doge before the knife was embedded into the target behind me. Such primal behavior, attacking me without warning.
“So you’re telling me… Izuku Midoriya took (Y/n) and you and the rest of the team, just fucking stood there?”
Another knife dodged. He’s making it harder and harder for me not to hit him
“Will you stop using me as target practice long enough so we can get her back?”
“It’s the Autumn Court. Who knows where they took her? She could be halfway to the gates of hell and back before we figure it out.”
Walking over to the target and prying the daggers off of it, I threw them back in rapid succession. He dodged the first one, but the second one scratched his face, leaving a thin line of blood in its wake.
“Next time you throw a knife at me make sure it hit its intended mark”
And with that, I leave the training room.
(Y/n)‘s POV
Being interrogated by the Autumn Court was… It’s an experience, let's just say. They had a lot of ways of making you talk, and once you open your mouth there is no stopping them.
Due to their power, vocals are the thing that they focus heavily on. It’s easy to fall into their trap but easy to evade it if you know what you’re doing. Just don’t say anything. I’ve been doing that for three hours now.
Granted it was hard. They tried everything short of laying hands on me. Ripping my dress, threatening my family and friends, you know the usual. But they couldn’t get me to talk. Then they called the motherfucking prince, who also happens to be the person I wanted dead.
“Just answer the question, doll, and you can go home.” Stupid motherfucker, staring down at me with that condescending smile I think.  The haze of his power swirling around me, deep and smoky. Izuku was powerful, yes. But against me, he was nothing.
Smiling at him, I think to myself ‘You’ll get me to talk when I’m dead and gone’
Tracing his hand on my jawline slowly, like I was glass, brittle and ready to break. He stares deep into my eyes and for a moment, a hint of a second, I see the pain in his eyes. Something indescribable, intangible, but somehow there. And the moment is over. Harshly grabbing my chin, the pain is covered with feral, oddly flat green eyes.
“Tell me. Or else we’ll have to resort to… uglier methods of gaining information from you. And trust me, darling, you won’t like those methods.”
I took the saliva from my own mouth, aimed carefully, and spit on him. It landed directly on his eye.
“You fucking cunt!” He recoils in disgust, wiping his eye fervently. I smile in pride, knowing I got under his skin.
He backs up away from the cell I was in, taking one more look at my triumphant face, before saying to the guards, “Make sure she doesn’t escape.”
I heard his angry footsteps echo, and finally, the silence came.
The guards snicker at the recent events, before one of them saying,
“You’re going to regret that, you know? No one messes with Prince Midoriya and lives to tell the tale.”
“Guess I’ll be the first,” I replied back.
And then I broke the chains.
Izuku’s Pov
Fuck I missed her. She was the part of me that I never knew I needed. She was my blood, my bones, framing me into what I am now. And seeing her now, it made my bones ache, my blood sing. An agonizing, beautiful song. Placing my head into my hands, I bite the insole of my palms.
‘Where did it all go wrong?’ I thought to myself.
Sorting myself out, I walk through the quiet corridors of the Autumnal Palace. The sun shining through the high glass windows, mocking me with its beauty. It seems fit, having such a wonderful day go on outside as I suffer internally. With hastened pace, I make my way towards my personal team.
Stopping in front of the common room, I fix myself, running my hairs through my hair before walking in.
“Oh hey man,” Sero was the first one who saw me, giving a toothy smile “How’d the interrogation go…” he trails off, seeing the scowl on my face.
“So not well” One of Shoji’s many arms pops up and says.
Choosing my words carefully I say “It didn’t go as expected. (Y/n)’s a difficult one.”
Difficult wasn’t even the basis to cover it. She was infuriating, complex, and every time I see her it spurs my heart on erratically. But how could I say that in words?
My team was a good one, personally trained by myself, but sometimes they were a little too bit much.
Ochako pipes up from where she was sitting “Izu, don’t worry. We finally caught (Y/n)! After two and half years no less. All your hard work won’t be for nothing.”
“Yeah, man! This is cause for celebration! We finally caught (Y/n), Summer Court’s deadliest assassin. It’s time to kick back and celebrate-” At that moment, Ojirio storms in, face in pain as blood soaks his normally white clothes. The look on his face said that something was clearly wrong.
“(Y/n) escaped)”
Cocking my eyebrow I stare at Sero.
“Celebration huh?”
(Y/n)’s Pov
I hated being chased. Everyone talks about the exhilarating feeling of almost not making it but does anyway, but all I feel is annoyed. Turning another corner I hear in the distance. Luckily the guards tattered the ends of my dress, so it was easier to run in it
“Don’t let her escape! We need her alive!”
‘Autumn Court’ I thought to myself ‘One person escapes and they go bat shit crazy. Well, it is me.”
I look around looking for a place to hide out until the guards’ pass. Then looking up I spot...
“A vent. Perfect.” I whisper to myself. Working quickly, I made my way into the ventilation system. I keep myself there, holding my breath until I hear footsteps. It was two of the workers there.
“It’s such a shame,” one says to another. “King Toshinori has never done anything helpful since the Prince had been announced.” The other one shakes their head shamefully.
“I know right? Even since Izuku became prince, he’s nowhere to be seen or heard. It’s like he just placed all the burden on Prince Izuku and moved on with his life.”
Oh? Izuku’s being packed with the burden. I guess Von will find that information useful. Waiting until I couldn’t hear the voices of anyone, I get down from the vents.
“Easy as pie.” I smile at my genius.
“Spread out and find her! She couldn’t have gone far!” I see one the second in command, Ochako Uraraka yells. My smile turns into a grimace at her figure. I’ve never liked her but after the incident three years ago…
I didn’t let myself think of it, rather waited until I couldn’t hear footsteps anymore before dropping out of the vent.
Corridor after corridor, I run the palace. The orange-gold of the palace becoming a blur as I see the doors towards my freedom.
“THERE SHE IS. AFTER HER!” Fuck they found me. I was almost there, just a little more… Then I feel a large object knock into my back.
Giving a little as I went down, I turn quickly. Seeing the familiar hair of…
“(Y/n) don’t do this,” His soft voice rings out, power laced in it even now. “Just come back and we can get you home safely” Gritting my teeth at Izuku, I clench my fist and throw a punch. All the while my other hand summons a small dagger before dipping it in some poison and stabbing Izuku in the thigh.
How dare he. How dare he pretend that he cares, after all, he did to me, to my Court.
“Fuck!” Izuku screams.
Pulling him up by his collar I spit it out.
“Rot in hell.”
In the back, the rest of his team runs, seeing their leader hurt.
Not sticking around, I take off running, getting the doors of the front of the castle.
The night was dark as I fumbled slightly down the stairs of the castle.
‘Shit, shit, shit. I need a place to hide’ I think.
Running towards the car area of the courtyard, I see a black party bus sitting fairly near the gates. Sneaking into the back doors, I sit in the darkness.
“She couldn’t have gone far, split up and search.” I hear the voices agree before splitting off in different directions.
“Well, Well, WELL.” I’m suddenly knocked off my feet, and without another chance to regain my balance, my chin is grabbed. Sharp nails meet my flesh, threatening to make me bleed.
“What should we do with her Dabi?” a feminine voice reaches my ears.
“Drug ‘er. We’ll deal with her when the others come back. Shiggy will know what to do with ‘er”
“Sure.” Something stabbed into my neck and everything goes dark.
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onto the next chapter? | the last chapter 
Taglist: @xetou @kunikida-kun @asaincy @ryuvanaka @katsumiiii @lilsparkyswife @katsumox @silkylious @inkwicke @myhoodacademia @mypimpademia @readergurl20 @angiebug101  @artof-apollo @namjoonswifeyy @moonlit-xio
Crossed out means I couldn’t tag you ; Send an ask to be added >:D
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Hi! To answer your last answer to an ask, I agree 100%. The gr*uvia situation makes me very uncomfortable. I haven't lived anything with stalkers or harassers, but I'm very invested in respected people's boundaries, so it's just nice to be able to vent and underline what's wrong with this ship, without actually attacking the shippers; they just need to block the tag.
I'm so disappointed to see that FT, that used to be a fun show with lots of fun/cute gags and about friendship, has become filled with dubious humor and concentrates on ships only nowadays. Gray is really the worst part of the show, as he was the most versatile character: you could see him interacting with so many people (Cana, Elfman, the team, Loki, Mira, his fangirls on Galuna Island, he easily talked to members of other guilds despite seeming aloof at first etc.) and it showed many parts of his personality. After a while the only character he was allowed to interact with was J****. Even when he starts talking to someone else, she's behind him, or she interrupts them. It's just... it kills all the joy for me.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm very grateful that you created this blog. I don't follow the franchise or Mashima anymore, but I still like the first arcs and read fanfictions, so once in a while I just need to "share" my feelings with people (and simply reading similar opinions does it for me). So thank you :)
I think venting about something that makes you uncomfortable or upset is an overall healthy thing to do. Personally, I'd much rather people get those opinions out than to bottle them up until it becomes too much. (As we've stated over and over again, this extends over the vast majority of subjects but it does not extend over actively harmful opinions such as racism or homophobia. I bring this up because however slim the chances, I do not want to even indirectly encourage those behaviour).
We're not going to cave to the threats and hate of GrUvia and Juvia fans. This is not the place for them or their opinions. They can take those elsewhere.
This blog is a place for the two people who run this blog and people like you who are frustrated with Fairy Tail's handling of GrUvia and Juvia.
Thank you for sharing your opinion with us, and here's to healthier representation moving forwards :D!
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Hello there! It seems that you have stumbled into my blog!
Please read this before interacting with anybody here!
Rules :
~ Do not do anything NSFW when interacting with anybody, though I can accept gore, just try not to put too much of it if it is an image.
~ Please be patient when I don't answer your asks, I might be busy or forget to answer! But I will try my best to answer each and every one of them.
~ Please specify who you are interacting with.
~ Be nice to everyone, nobody likes mean people here.
~ You may ask secrets and touch us, but it's better if you ask before doing so.
~ You may vent, but it's best if we take it to PM instead.
Now that we are clear with the rules, let's move on!
Here are the characters you can ask!
Niagsamoricasethim :
~ Delilah Nightingale (Nightingale)
~ Agatha Nightingale (Agatha)
~ Savestar
~ Morse (Would possibly still be in text, due to not having a design yet)
~ Rigel ~ Callisto
~ Season
~ Thought
~ Imagination
Extras : ~ Mira and Madison
~ Arise
~ Ben
~ Eleanor
(I'm only putting in these five because there are too many qwq)
The Creator :
~ Rai
~ Creator (Wari)
Alternate Successors :
~ Aloven Nightingale
~ Crash
~ Braille
~ Morse
~ Cliff
~ Ravine
~ Soulstar
~ Whisper
~ Mist
Tips :
~ When asking Delilah Nightingale, use Nightingale for their skeleton form and Delilah for their human/spirit form! Just so you know, Night's a female spirit inhabiting a male monster's body.
~ There is a friendship meter! Try your best to keep leveling up the meters to unlock more secrets about them! But, if it is your first time asking or if you are an anon, then you will be counted as a stranger to them.
~ Don't mind the dots at the end of Callisto's lines, she just speaks in a really low volume!
~ Roleplaying with them is definetly allowed! Though, if you'd like, try to participate in the upcoming events I will set up in the future! :3
~ Be careful around a few who don't seem rather friendly! Most of these characters are faster and stronger than ones in the original multiverse (All of them, really XD), careful not to piss them off, otherwise, you'll end up in shreds.
~ Shipping is allowed! If you'd like to know their sexualities, then just PM me! Though, I don't really care much on who you ship them with, it can be anyone.
~ All of the Alternate Successor characters don't have a design just yet, excluding Soulstar, Braille, Ravine and Cliff of course- So most of them would probably still be in text until I can find a good design for them!
I guess that's all I have to say! Have fun interacting with them!
- Creator
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rayveewrites · 3 years
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Guess who's created another Among Us OC! This is Saffron, AKA Yellow.
Yellow is an imposter. More specifically, she's a human imposter- a mercenary hired by one of MIRA's many enemies.
She's quite small for a human, allowing her to squeeze through vents where most people would get stuck. Yellow is not as skilled with the gun as she is with a knife, and tends to favour blades over bullets as a result. She's not massively strong, but she's fast and she knows where your arteries are and how long it'll take for you to bleed out, so watch your back.
Yellow's pretty competent at spotting her fellow imposters, and she's fine working with them. Typically they're aliens of some description; it's rare she finds herself working with other humans. She's never afraid to throw her fellow imposters under the bus if things go pear-shaped, and she can manage fin on her own.
Yellow chose her colour because her name is Saffron; not the other way round. She's not much of a talker; because of this, most people don't hear her voice enough to pick up on any tells.
Yellow went into mercenary work out of desperation- she was born into poverty and would do anything to claw her way out of it. She knows full well that if she gets caught, she''l be dead, and she's learned to accept that. She's paid both by MIRA and the company she works for, and has a pretty sizeable amount saved up (MIRA pays well because it's the only way they can keep astronauts on; Yellow's shadowy organization pays well because they're basically hiring a serial killer). Yellow has learned to not care about any life other than her own, which is pretty much the only way someone can deal with being an imp.
She has a rather one-sided rivalry with this one Purple botanist; when the aliens tell Yellow pretty directly not to kill her, Yellow just wants to kill her more. Sadly, she's never had a good chance on a crew without an imposter that won't sell her out. So she waits, because she'll get her chance. One day...
(Purple, on the other hand, either doesn't know or doesn't care, and blatantly ignores Yellow for the most part.)
Saff saves most of her spare cash, but she does splurge occasionally on her sword collection. She has a sword collection. Even better, she can use those swords! She has a place on Earth where she keeps them, because trying to smuggle a dozen swords onto the dropship is not happening. MIRA may be spectacularly stupid, but even they will notice something like that.
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
Alright, one, who is Hana and how does she tie into Excalibur's past, two, how is Mira a kishin risk and why was she locked up, three, the fact that despite not knowing how to read Mira has Excalibur's legend memorized is adorable, four, don't thknk I didn't see the Penndragon earlier, I just didn't think much about it at the time, and five, WHY DID EXCALIBUR REPRESS ALL THE EMOTIONS SINCE HE WAS 19 THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF HEALTHY!?!? UNTIL HE STARTS HANDLING EMOTIONS BETTER HE'S TRASH SWORD!!!!
Hana is an old one who currently is at the dwma teaching the NOT class because she's able to mitigate anyone's soul wavelength so she uses it to help the students out. She actually poses as a man while teaching using a pair of enchanted glasses. (the fact she is an old one is kept secret. She doesn’t want people knowing who she is. She’s only at the DWMA because she wanted to be near Shinigami-Sama and Death the Kid)
She was part of the 8 warlords, that's how she knows Excalibur
Tbh Hana has more to do with my shinigami and kid hcs but she provides a good venting spot and voice of reason for Merlin. She's a real mom friend. But she doesn't beat around the bush either. She's also the only one who actively calls Excalibur Merlin
I don't have much art of Hana but here's an old pic of her without her glasses on
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I do have a small snippet of her chiding Merlin for being a dumbass:
“Mira won’t give me kisses anymore!” he sighed, “I think I made her angry somehow. Ever since I went back to human she just. Doesn’t seem to want to be as close.” he sighed heavily and covered his head.
Hana stared, “Mira adores you why do you think otherwise?” she sat in her chair and removed her glasses. Her features softened as she shifted her coat, her shadow arm appearing as she took out some papers.
“As I said, she won’t kiss me anymore! And she’s barely holding my hand. She seems just. Afraid…”
“You’re a handsome young looking man and the holy sword, she most likely thinks you’re too good for a potential kishin.” she chewed on her pen as she worked, “Merlin, as for the other point, the kisses. Have you forgotten something?”
“Like what?” he looked at her with tear-stained eyes.
She sighed, “Okay, so let’s do a little reminiscing. Do you recall Shin and I’s relationship?”
“How could I not?’ he scowled, “how’s this…”
“Do you remember how bleeding tall Shin is in his actual form? Rather just him or his damn puppet.” she raised a hand. She stood up and drew a diagram on the board, “We kissed a lot. Obviously. And you know what I had to do? Pull his damn side pieces so I could reach.” she sketched Mira and Merlin on the board and tapped her chalk above Mira’s head, “Notice any similarities?”
He paled before he turned bright red, “I um.. I’m not the shortest man alive.”
“Correct. Mira most likely isn’t sure HOW to go about dealing with a human of your caliber.” she drew his smaller form, “Mira is used to toting around a weird deformed penguin who weighed like, what, you weighed maybe 50 pounds soaking wet?”
“I think I weighed about 30.” he frowned, “Considerably less than now…”
“Mmhm. So consider, if you want kisses.” she slammed her hands on the desk making the man flinch, “why don’t you kiss her yourself?”
He paused and thought about it, his dark eyes growing wide, “ah… I can.. Can’t I…” he got up, “Thanks Hana!” he waved and ran off.
She sighed and put her glasses back on and sat down. “What a Fool.”
That is actually explained in chapter one so I'm gonna leave you in the dark for now. Mira being a kishin risk is one of the main driving plot reasons she's allowed to pair with Excalibur because he's a holy weapon and purifies. She was locked up because she's a kishin risk and crimes she committed
This is old as well but you can see Mira’s soul has some issues (also some of my other soul eater ocs whoops) (you can also see Merlin’s actual height compared to mira thus proving Hana’s point above Mira is only like 5 feet tall):
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Mira is a very soft girl but her swordfighting skills are unmatched. She's been raised as a weapon to the point her father literally calls her his little sword. The girl has a deep love of swords and it's been instilled in her since she was small
Mira's mom used to read it to her often as she had a special fondness for the arthurian legend. Mira's last name is actually chosen by her mother since her mother's last name wasn't a real last name and her father didn't really want to have mira attached to him so she was named penndragon!! Excalibur also notes this and gets a little hopeful she’s king arthurs descendant (she isn’t. but she’s still related to the arthurian legend just not how he ever thought possible)
He was 19 when he met arthur and worked as a wizard. He thought emotions got in the way of his actions and started to repress them and when he was the sword all sensations were numbed so he further repressed them.
He gets a lot better namely cuz he sees how worried his meister is. He lets himself cry, get mad, be protective etc. He even has to deal with being a lil jealous but it's dealt with cuz end of the day mira adores him most of all and he relishes in it.
He also is aware he’s a bit unbalanced now that he’s back to letting his emotions out.
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Daybreak Academy: Chapter 97
This Time Next Year...
Summary: In which Ephemer and Annie form a blood pact during New Year’s to get their respective caretakers hitched. Word Count: 1,357 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
This was just a stupid children's book, so why did Ephemer feel so attached to it? The Raspberry Princess and the Snow Prince. The pictures were rather decent, he'd give it that, but the story? Super cliché. It was all about this particularly stubborn princess that resided in a kingdom nearly overrun by raspberry fields. Then in comes a prince that was able to control snow. He and the raspberry princess constantly butted heads on various topics- mostly about the raspberry fields surrounding her kingdom. Despite this, they slowly started to become friends. When the snow prince had to leave, the duo parted with tears.
It was really stupid.
And yet, Ephemer kinda understood why Anora had given it to him. The snow prince and the raspberry princess were able to be friends while there were so many things they disagreed on. Even if the book was ambiguous on whether the prince and princess would be able to meet in the future, their bittersweet partings were illustrated to look hopeful. It reminded Ephemer a lot of how he and Anora parted before she went off to spend the holidays with her family.
He should have been the one to go home with her. He then shook his head. He didn't deserve to meet Anora's family after what he's done to her. Not that he really knew what he did to her. For the few months they were together, Ephemer just wanted to see Anora smile. Was that such a selfish want? Anora would have said something if she didn't want to go out with him, right?
But then again, Anora didn't really speak more than three words to him until the formal. Maybe he had been pushing her a bit out of her comfort zone. He could faintly remember -or maybe imagine- that every time he took her to a nice outdoor restaurant, she shrunk a little when too many people would crowd in close to them. He had to tell the waiter their order because Anora would suddenly decide that her voice didn't exist. The only way she chose to communicate were through delightful bobs and shakes of her head. Adorable as Ephemer found it, he was sadly coming to the realization that it had been a sign of distress.
Anora was… a friend. He wanted her to be a friend above all else. But not as another Skuld. He only had room for one smart mouthed best friend, thank you. No, Ephemer wanted Anora to be an even deeper friend than Skuld. He wanted to be able to go to her if something was wrong and just vent. They'd go somewhere just so they could smile so wide and for so long that their faces hurt. Saying he wanted to grow old with her was a bit too drastic to say right now, but the idea was becoming more appealing the longer he thought about it.
What would Anora look like as she got older? What would he look like when he got older? Would they find out together? Maybe even happily pointing out each new wrinkle with each other? Thinking about it put an awful pit in his stomach.
“Why you lookin' so sad?” a voice in front of Ephemer piped up.
Ephemer snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Ms. April's daughter, Annie standing rather close to him. The 12 year old was wearing a baseball cap to keep some of her frizzy hair out of her face. Or tried to, if the baseball cap didn't look like it was about to pop off her head the moment she turned it too quickly. She had one eyebrow cocked at him in a similar manner Ms. April did when some student tried to get out of drama class.
“No,” Annie decided, “I take that back- why'd you look like you're about to puke? Did you have some sauerkraut? I hate that stuff.”
“You wouldn't understand, pipsqueak.” Ephemer mumbled as he looked away from her for a moment.
“Excuse you!” Annie huffed as she placed her hands on her hips. “That's Miss Pipsqueak to you!”
Ephemer couldn't help but look back at her and laugh. Annie was almost a mini April. It was rather hilarious the more he spent time thinking about it. He wondered how much of Ava he carried on. Maybe since he'd known them for so long, he carried traits from all the headmasters. Not that he'd be the one to know that.
“Do you mind if I sit with you?” Annie asked. “I'm trying to give Mom and Headmaster Aced some 'alone time.'” She made a point to emphasize the last two words with finger quotes. “And you're the only one from DBA that I trust.”
“You don't have any friends?” Ephemer wondered, patting the spot beside him for her to sit.
“Oh, I do.” she huffed as she took her spot. “But Mira is sitting with her family, and she's the only one I care about.”
“I see.” Ephemer chuckled. He waited for Annie to get situated before getting a bit more comfortable himself. He looked up at the night sky and let out a wistful sigh. “It's a nice night for some fireworks.”
“Yep.” came the absent little answer as Annie also looked up at the sky. She also let out a deep breath- hers sounded a bit more prudent. It didn't take long for her to wonder, “What'cha think stars are?”
“You've taken science classes.” Ephemer snorted. “Most are literally just a collection of space dust and...”
“No, you dingus. In a metaphorical kinda way. What do you think stars are?”
At this, Ephemer reclined a little as he thought it over. The near full moon out almost made it impossible to really see the stars, even with every house and business in Departure County in a ceremonial black out.
“Different worlds.” Ephemer decided. “Every star is a different world.”
“What kinda worlds?” Annie asked him, rocking back and forth a little as she observed him.
“Dunno.” Ephemer admitted. “Maybe a world where it's mostly desert with a single song that plays on a loop. Or maybe some coliseum high up in the sky where breaking pots counts as training for one on one fights.”
“That's stupid.”
Ephemer shrugged. “Never said all of them were nice.” He looked over at Annie and smiled at her. “What do you think stars are?”
“I think they're the hearts of a bunch of people. And shooting stars? They're when someone's lost the love of their life because they died or something.”
“That's kinda sad.”
“Never said all of them were happy.” she shot back, a wide grin etched on her face. Ephemer almost gave her a rather snide retort, but he was stopped by the first firework of the night going off. Both of them had jumped at the bang.
“Well,” Ephemer sighed. “Only ten more minutes until the new year. Are you going to stand up for when they do the countdown?”
“Nope.” Annie declared with a shake of her head. “Too lazy.”
Ephemer chuckled a little before asking her, “You mind if I be lazy with you?”
“Not at all.” she cheerfully agreed.
The two then went on to watch the rest of the fireworks show. Ephemer was the most impressed by the display, Annie was more surprised by the fireworks that let off louder bangs than others. When it came time for the countdown, the fireworks led the crowd into the last five seconds and went into a massive torrent of bursts that spelled out 'Happy New Year' to the occupants of Cable Town.
“This time next year, Mom and Headmaster Aced are going to be married.” Annie thoughtfully said with a small click of her tongue. She turned to Ephemer with a little glint in her eyes. “Wanna help me?”
Ephemer looked back at Annie, lulling his head from side to side as he thought about it. “Only if you help me get Gula and Ava together.” he decided with a nod.
Annie grinned. “It's a deal.” she agreed before the two shared a fist bump.
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mizutoyama · 4 years
Angst Alphabet
Thanks @unfortunate-arrow for the tag! 
I tag @aleksia-aries-hogwartsmystery @mira-shard @samshogwarts @that-ravenpuff-witch & whoever wants to do it and hasn’t been tagged yet.
A- Accident (Would they blame themselves if their s/o died or got into an accident?)
Depends on the situation. If it was related to the vault, both Alice and Charlie would blame themselves if their s/o died or got into an accident, though for different reasons.
Alice would blame herself because she dragged Charlie into that mess. Charlie would blame himself because he didn’t prevent Alice from doing whatever dangerous thing she did because he trusted her.
If it wasn’t related to the Vaults but to something linked to them, they would blame themselves. If it wasn’t related to something they are involved in, it depends. If Alice died doing her job as Curse-Breaker, Charlie would maybe blame himself a little, thinking that if he had pushed her a little toward taking the healer trainee position at the dragon reserve, she would still be fine. But if she got into an accident just doing her daily activities (shopping, walking around town, etc.), he’d be crushed, but wouldn’t blame himself. In Alice’s case, if it was either because of his job as a dragonologist or just while doing normal things, she wouldn’t blame herself, but she’d be devastated.
B- Bad Habits (What are some things that make their s/o mad, or irritated?)
One thing that annoys Alice, but she manages to hide it, is when Charlie suggests dragons as a solution to something where clearly dragons are NOT the answer, like when he suggested the use of dragons regarding the final vault that is probably in the lake.
For Charlie, what irritates him a little is Alice’s tendency to basically go looking for trouble. (Says the guy who goes in the forest looking for dragons…) He trusts her ability to defend herself, but he wished she would at least tell him what she’s planning. He doesn’t need her protection, he wants to stand by her side.
C- Crying (What would make them cry?)
Alice basically cries when she has an overflow of certain emotions. Too stressed? Cries. Too sad? Cries. Too angry/frustrated? Cries. (This means that any events creating those overflows will make her cry.) (Also certain songs and movie scenes can make her cry…)
For Charlie, if anything horrible happened to his family, Alice, and his friends.
D- Death (How do they react to their s/o's death?)
So many variables possible…
If they witnessed the other one’s death, I think they would cradle their loved one’s body, refusing to let go, refusing to accept the other is dead. I think that scene would haunt them for the rest of their lives.
If they were told of the other one’s death, Charlie would probably need to sit down and just remain in a state of shock for sometime, hoping someone will tell him it’s a joke or that Alice will walk through the door. Alice would faint, and spend the next days in bed, either sleeping or crying.
In either cases, they would go after whoever is responsible for the death (unless it was an accident). Charlie would probably cremate the murderer using a dragon. Alice would use all the curses (except the unforgivables) she knows on the murderer. After that, they would throw themselves in their work.
E- Emotion (what emotion do they tend to push away the most?)
For Alice, she pushes nearly all away (stiff upper lip…), the ones she pushes away the most are sadness and discouragement.
For Charlie… That’s harder. He doesn’t seem like someone who hides that many emotions. His feelings for Alice at the beginning… Maybe he tempers his excitement when it comes to dragons because he knows most don’t share his enthusiasm for them?
F- Fear (What is their biggest fear?)
Alice’s biggest fear is that everyone she cares about will suddenly disappear or turn their back on her. (Thanks, Jacob…)
For Charlie, I think while most people would expect his biggest fear to be dragon-related, I believe his biggest fear is most likely related to his family, something along the lines of them being dead or gone. (Remember when Fred & George went missing?)
G- Guilt (What's the biggest thing they feel guilty about?)
For Charlie, breaking up with Alice so she would take the MACUSA offer instead of the one from the Dragon Reserve in Romania. When Andre told him she was going to take the MACUSA offer anyway and ask him to have a long-distance relationship, he wanted to hit himself and find a time-turner to go back in time.
For Alice, in regards to her relationship with Charlie, maybe the fact that she discussed MACUSA’s offer and what she was planning to do with Andre before discussing it with Charlie? (Dragon Boy overheard part of that conversation, hence the breakup… though other things led to the breakup.) Something else she feels guilty about is dating another one of her friends after her breakup with Charlie, because she knows she won’t ever love him like he loves her. (They didn’t start dating straight away and he went after her.)
H- Heartbreak (What would cause them pain in the relationship? How would they deal during a break up?)
The thing that causes pain in their relationship is the fact they keep worrying about the other’s safety. Charlie can’t help but feel worried when Alice goes after a new vault, and Alice worries when Charlie follows her, as she would never forgive herself if anything happened. (It gets better in adulthood, their time apart allowing them to grow.)
Neither of them dealt really well with the breakup. Charlie regretted it as soon as he did it, Andre’s revelation exacerbating his guilt. As for Alice, she managed to maintain her cool in front of Charlie, but broke down the minute she was in her dorm. She cried during the train ride, to the point of falling asleep. Once home, she basically locked herself in her room. At some point, she decided to go clubbing to just forget about everything, but all it achieved is her friends worrying about her and her not feeling any different. That’s when one of her friends tell her how he feels about her, and they start seeing each other casually.
I- Injured (How do they handle themselves/each other when injured?)
They would take care of the other. (Finally! A short answer!)
J- Jittery (What part of their past makes them flinch or even worked up?)
For Alice, the Vaults and her brother’s disappearance.
For Charlie, what happened in the portrait vault and, later on, his break up with Alice.
K- Kill (Would they kill for revenge?)
Depends on the revenge, but if it’s to avenge someone’s death, definitely. Neither would use an unforgivable curse. Charlie would choose cremation by dragon, while Alice would probably use all the curse she knows to make her target suffer.
L- Lie (What's their tell for lying? How do they feel about lying to their s/o?)
Alice looks away when she lies, while Charlie fidgets with his hands.
As for lying to each other, neither feels great about it. Alice probably does it more often than Charlie, as she doesn’t always want him to follow her in her vault adventures to protect him.
M- Mistakes (How much do they want to fix the mistakes of their past?)
Well, if you read all the previous letters, you probably have figured out that Charlie would like to fix his mistake of breaking up with Alice. Except for that, I think he’s rather okay with learning from the mistakes in his past.
As for Alice, while she’s also more the kind to learn from her mistakes, the one thing she wish she could fix from the past is Rowan’s death.
N- Nightmare (How often do they have nightmares? What are they about? How do they deal with it?)
Charlie doesn’t often have nightmares, perhaps a bit more after the portrait vault’s event.
Alice, on the other hand, has had nightmares nearly every nights, thanks to her brother’s disappearance and the vaults. After finding her brother in the portrait vault, her nightmares don’t happen as often. The presence of some people also seem to calm her enough that she doesn’t have nightmares.
O- Outrage (What makes them angry?)
For Alice, bullies and injustice.
For Charlie, feeling powerless and probably also injustice? (Hello cliché!)
P- Pressure (What stresses them out to their breaking point?)
For Alice the responsibility of the vaults.
For Charlie, worrying about his little brothers (mostly Fred & George)
Q- Questions (Do they question their romantic ability)
All the time.
R- Rejection (How would they handle rejection?)
Romantic rejection, I think it would sting, but they would get over it since you can’t force someone to love you.
Rejection in other areas would probably hurt for a longer time, especially if it involved a lot of work prior to the rejection.
S- Scars (Battle or Self-inflicted)
One is a curse-breaker since basically the age of 11 and the other works with dragons. Of course they have scars, but none are self-inflicted.
T- Time (How would they react when finding out their s/o had limited time left to live?)
They would spend all that time with them, and try to create as many memories as possible.
U- Urge (How badly do they get the urge to see s/o after separating?)
Here I’m going to assume is when they are apart and not actually broken up. I’d say they don’t always need to be next to each other. The urge would appear if they saw their s/o talking to someone they see as potential competition.
V- Vent (How do they get rid of feelings they find unnecessary?)
Alice finds a place where she can be alone and lets it all out.
I imagine Charlie just grabbing a broom (or a dragon when he’s an adult) and flying around.
W- Wildcard (Random Headcanon)
After Charlie tells Alice why he really broke up with her, Alice will quickly realize that she still loves him, but won’t break up with the person she’s seeing at the time as she cares about that person and doesn’t want to hurt him.
X- X-ray (How readable are they? Can they see their s/o's emotions easily?)
Alice has basically no poker face, especially for people close to her. So Charlie can easily read her emotions, except when he suggested dragons to help with the final vault. He was too excited by his own idea to notice Alice’s face which clearly read as “are you for real?!”.
Alice isn’t as good as reading Charlie’s emotion, but not because he has a poker face, though I imagine he’s less readable than Alice. I think she can be so into her own head to figure out how to solve the current problem, she won’t notice the small emotional cues in Charlie’s face.
Y- Yearn (What do they want but can't have?)
Charlie: Get back with Alice after their break up.
Alice: Get back with Charlie after he tells her why he broke up with her.
Z- Zero (How do they spend their last moments with their s/o?)
In each other’s arms. (Let’s embrace the cliché.)
7 notes · View notes
libera nos a malo Chapter 5: Mari Lwyd
A fanfic Novel by la-topolina
Rated for Mature Audiences
Warnings: Language, Violence, Sexual Content
Chapter 5/20
libera nos a malo masterpost+
unstoppable force/immovable object masterpost+
<< Chapter Four+
Chapter Six+ >>
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“Mira, are you ready yet?” demanded Finn.
“Almost. Are we late?” Miranda replied as she dawdled in the bathroom, braiding her hair and adjusting her cloche hat. Since she’d been a child she’d been slower than molasses on Sunday mornings, and today was no exception. Driving her brother insane was just a side benefit.
“Seeing as you can get us there in an eye wink, not yet. But in another five minutes we will be.”
“How long do you think we’ll be out?” she asked, half to herself. “I should probably pack my evening regimen in case I need it.”
“Good God, woman! Do you ever plan ahead?”
Finn muttered under his breath while she moseyed to the potions closet. She took her sweet time selecting the vials and balms, being sure to charm them against breakage before putting them in her woven handbag. While she was double checking her list, a terse knock and the sound of the cabin door opening broke her concentration completely.
“Howdy stranger,” Finn said, sounding entertained and frustrated together. “Sis, it’s your boyfriend. You comin’ with us?”
“It would appear so,” Severus replied.
His tone was so neutral that, without the benefit of his facial expression (however subtle it tended to be) Miranda could not tell what had possessed her lover this morning. A volatile combination of pleasure, surprise, confusion, and exasperation coiled itself in her chest, like an adder ready to strike; and it took her some minutes to master herself, lest she embarrass him by too great a show of affection in front of her brother. Sometimes Severus reminded her of a skittish colt; one that had been hurt one too many times and required a firm but measured touch.
She did allow herself a satisfied smile when she came out into the main room and saw that the Englishman had taken the trouble of dressing in his No-Maj-style Sunday best. In his well-cut gray suit with his hair pulled back he was a pleasing study of angles and lines; even if he was a trifle on the thin side from lack of care. His dark eyes were brewing with a mixture of resignation and irritation; but they warmed when they made contact with hers. It was a little thing, but it was enough.
“I’m glad you came,” she said simply.
He gave her the barest of nods, and Finn muttered something she didn’t quite catch but that she thought included the accusation “moon-eyes.” To her surprise, Severus offered her his arm, and she took it eagerly, ignoring her brother’s amused snort.
“Seein’ as now we are late, do you think we could get a move on?” Finn asked as he pushed past them and out the cabin door.
“Relax, Finn,” Miranda replied. “If we get there by the Sanctus bell, it counts.”
“Good thing, too,” he said, but the grin he gave her over his shoulder bespoke his good humor over the familiar situation.
It was an unseasonably warm winter day; one of those false springs that give rise to foolish hopes, no matter how bleak the times. At the end of the lane Finn reached out to take his sister’s hand, and the three of them disappeared together.
Miranda’s knees buckled when they appeared behind the squat stone church where it crouched like a lopsided mushroom sprung up in the sandy soil; and Severus was quick to slip his arm around her waist to keep her from collapsing completely. Landanwg was far enough from her cabin that she’d had to Apparate them all to a half-way point before making the final plunge, and the effort had literally taken her breath away. She panted, clinging to Severus’s sleeve while her magic spilled out of her like blood from a wound.
“You alright?” Finn asked, his brow furrowed in concern.
“I just need a minute,” she snapped, frustrated by her weakness. “Go on ahead. I know you hate being late to Mass.”
Finn looked dubious until Severus insisted, “Go. I have her.”
“Fine. But if y’all ain’t in there in ten minutes I’ll be comin’ out after you,” Finn warned as he set off for the front of the church.
When her brother was out of sight, Miranda allowed her head to rest on Severus’s shoulder, and he pulled her close as though he might help her put herself back together by force of will. Her head was still spinning from the trip, but as she forcibly slowed her breathing, she could feel her magic start to wind itself back into her core.
“Are you steady now?” Severus asked after she’d stopped trembling.
“I think so,” she replied, smiling up at him. “We’d better go in before we miss the whole thing.”
It was later than she’d thought it was, and the little church was filled to the gills. Severus’s arm tensed under her hand, and she knew he was irritated at being put in the unwanted position of disturbing the proceedings; but he soldiered through the embarrassment, leading her up the middle of the simple room where Finn was saving a spot for them both. They managed to settle themselves on the worn pew just in time for the Sanctus bell; and Severus sat rigidly upright as Miranda and Finn knelt on either side of him.
As the minutes ticked by, Miranda’s mind started to wander; and not even the hearty Tantum Ergo sung by the tiny, but stalwart choir could help her bring it under control. Soon she spotted Rachel pacing in an alcove with a very squirmy baby in arms, and she made good on her escape from the tedium of the pew.
“I’m going to go help Rachel with the baby,” Miranda whispered to her disgruntled lover, and was up and away before he could fully register his displeasure with the arrangement.
“Good morning Maggie, you look smashing today,” Miranda said when she reached her goal.
Maggie babbled a string of vowels attached to the letter B and reached for her godmother.
“Thanks,” whispered Rachel distractedly as Miranda scooped the child into her arms and began arranging the frothy pink skirts of the little one’s Sunday dress.
“Yes, that is an angel right there on the wall,” Miranda said, following Maggie’s gaze and guessing at her babbled questions. “Oh, and look! Here’s a little daffodil along the window. Isn’t it nice?”
“I didn’t know Severus was coming with you today,” Rachel murmured, looking rather distressed.
“I didn’t either. He showed up right before we left.” Miranda whispered back. “I hope it’s not a problem he’s here.”
“No! That is, it wouldn’t be, except for Robert.”
“Robert? Robert Walker? What’s Severus’s being here got to do with him?”
“He invited himself along.”
“He didn’t.” Miranda’s eyes quickly scanned the room, and there indeed was Robert Walker, standing shoulder to shoulder with Aaron at the far end of the front pew.
“If I’d known Severus was coming, I would’ve put Robert off.”
“It’s not your fault,” Miranda reassured her, even as her heart started to pound. She had no idea how far she could trust the Ambassador, and today was not the day that she wanted to find out. “We’ll think of something.”
Even as she made this empty boast, the Mass ended, and the congregants streamed out of their pews with their Deo Gratiases barely out of their mouths. There was nothing the Americans could do besides be swept along with them, and Miranda winced as she caught sight of Aaron, Robert, Finn, and Severus coming together with the terrible inevitability of a train wreck. Aaron’s face was as flushed as hers felt, and the last thing she witnessed before the movement of the crowd brushed her outside to await the damage was Robert sticking his hand out to Severus in friendly expectation of being introduced.
The ladies extricated themselves from the flood of humanity and gathered together beneath an old ash tree. Rachel started tugging Maggie’s little cloak in place, and Miranda fussed with the folds of it in order to give vent to her nerves.
“I’m so sorry,” Rachel said.
“Don’t be sorry, you didn’t know,” Miranda replied. “But when they get out here, follow Severus’s lead. He’ll have come up with some sort of cover, I’m sure of it.”
Maggie was squirming in Miranda’s arms and would not be content until Rachel took her back. Miranda regretted letting go of the child, though. Now she could only watch with growing apprehension for the men to exit the church.
“Are you ever going to tell me what that man really does?” asked Rachel, putting on a brave smile and encouraging Miranda to do the same.
“I hope so. But not today.”
They caught sight of their party at last, and Rachel busied herself with putting Maggie in the baby-carrier and fastening all the ties. Miranda kept her face as immobile as possible, fairly confident that she looked less anxious than she felt. Aaron’s smile was obviously forced, Robert’s expression was enigmatically pleasant; Severus’s face was blank except for the periodic twitch of an eyebrow, and Finn looked like he’d never been more amused in his life. Her brother gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking a little downwind of them in order to light up a cigarette. She’d be joining him as soon as humanly possible.
“Miss Rose, what a pleasant surprise,” Severus said with a suavity that she’d not realized he possessed. “I did not know you were such a close confidante of the Lees.”
“It’s a small world,” she replied in kind. “Nice to see you in the open air.”
“Likewise.” He turned to Rachel, effectively dismissing Miranda. “Rachel, I thank you for the invitation, and for the most recent pages of the Nagasaki potion text. It is truly fascinating reading.”
“You’re so welcome, Severus!” Rachel replied, her voice a little too high. “And thank you for joining us.”
“Miranda! Good to see you this fine morning,” Robert said, shaking her hand and flashing her a grin that reminded her uncomfortably of the Cheshire cat.
“Good morning, Robert. I didn’t know you’d be here,” she replied, pleased at the way she kept her observation from sounding at all pointed. Severus, if he noticed, didn’t show it; and he determinedly engaged Rachel’s attention about potion minutiae.
“Wouldn’t miss it. It’s been too long since I’ve been down to Wales.”
“I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m starving,” said Aaron, sweeping in and taking charge of the situation.
“You read my mind,” Robert replied. “Where do we get a bite around here?”
“There’s a little pub over yonder. The cawl there’s not to be beat.”
Robert and Aaron set off at a good pace, and soon were deep in a conversation about Embassy matters that were of no interest to anyone but them. Rachel, Maggie, and Severus fell in behind them, still discussing the potions text, and Miranda allowed herself to linger behind with her brother. Finn handed her a cigarette, and as soon as the others were out of sight, he let out a boom of laughter that he’d obviously been restraining for some time. Miranda couldn’t help but join him.
“That boyfriend of yours is quick on his feet,” Finn said when they’d recovered enough to set off towards the pub.
“It’s one of his better qualities,” she replied.
“I hate to say this, but I think I’m starting to like him. Maybe you oughta try not to fuck this one up.”
She rolled her eyes. “Maybe you oughta keep your opinions to yourself.”
He let out a low whistle. “Fuck me runnin’, it is serious.”
“As a heart attack,” she said, letting the sarcasm sharpen her words to protect the grain of truth inside.
Finn shook his head at her, but minded his tongue for the time being, apparently pleased to have harried his sister into admitting even part of the whole.
“I don’t think I could eat another bite if you paid me,” Robert groaned, pushing his chair back from the wide table littered with empty plates. “Good call on the restaurant, Aaron.”
“I thought you’d like it,” Aaron replied.
Maggie babbled her agreement from her perch on her father’s lap while Rachel took the opportunity to finish the last of the eggs on her plate. She and Severus had been deep in a heady potion debate since the group had left the church, and Miranda had to admit that she was impressed by his performance so far.
“What’s next on the agenda?” Robert asked.
“We should take a walk down on the beach since it’s not too cold,” Aaron replied. “Rachel and Maggie were hoping to see some seals.”
“I’ll meet you down there,” Finn said, finishing his coffee. “After I’ve had a look in Mari Lwyd for that album Seamus wants.”
“I’ll come with you,” Miranda said.
“I would not be adverse to perusing the shop with your party,” Severus said.
“Then it’s settled,” Rachel said. “Robert, why don’t you come down with us, and the others can catch up later.”
Robert’s eyes were on the wad of Muggle currency that he was counting as he replied, “I think I’ll head over to the shop first. But you go on ahead. Then you’ll be ready to give us the grand tour when we get there.”
Miranda stifled a groan and Severus continued to appear blandly polite, as though he spent all his Sundays on excursions with people he supposedly barely knew. Rachel mouthed an “I’m sorry” behind Robert’s back when they rose from the table, and the group split in two with the Lees heading away from the little town towards the shore, and the rest of them winding up the narrow streets to the shop. Robert took the spot next to Miranda, leaving Finn to walk with Severus, and even though the Ambassador kept up a steady stream of conversation, she fancied she could sense Severus’s silent irritation emanating from his person. She was never going to hear the end of this.
The Mari Lwyd was a squat little building, and would have been lost in the crowd of similar gray stone companions, except that she boasted a bleached-white equine skull strapped to the end of a long stick above her door. It took Miranda a moment to realize that the bizarre thing was a hobby-horse (albeit a grotesque one). The inside was crammed with an odd collection of ghastly hobby-horses, clownish marionettes, No-Maj records, musical paraphernalia ranging from the practical to the sublime; as well as a staggering number of bookshelves that were packed to the gills with dusty books. Severus excused himself (and politely too!) and escaped into the maze of literature, and Robert let him go without a glance. For all the inanity of Robert’s questions (What baseball team do you follow? Ever been out to California?) Miranda had the distinct feeling that she was being cross-examined, although she was aware that she might simply be irritated with Robert for becoming an unintentional third (fourth?) wheel.
Finn zipped off to do business with the ancient shopkeep; but once he’d secured Seamus’s prize, he took pity on his sister by engaging Robert in a humorous debate on whether Quidditch or baseball were the superior sport (baseball, obviously). As the two men talked and explored the contents of the record bins near the front of the store, Miranda slipped away, ostensibly picking over the novels further inside. Near the back of the shop, she discovered an open door leading to a basement filled with more towers of books; and as she descended the stairs she found Severus reading a thick tome, apparently oblivious to the world around him.
Something told her that apologizing about the current situation would only further annoy him, and so she simply said, “You handled yourself splendidly this morning.”
He replied without glancing up, “Of course I did. What kind of spy did you think I was?”
She started exploring the stack of books next to his, careful to give him plenty of elbow room. “I think you know I’ve always thought highly of your abilities with regards to espionage.”
He seemed to grow several inches under the light of her praise.
“Whenever I take it into my mind to do something spontaneous, it never fails to end in disaster,” he observed with an ironic smirk.
“I hope you won’t let it stop you from trying.”
He brushed past her, and she felt his lips drop onto the back of her neck for an instant, causing a pleasant shiver to run down her spine.
“One would think that today’s lesson would be sufficient to prevent such foolish decisions in the future. Unfortunately I do not seem to retain such lessons consistently.”
“That does sound troublesome.”
“I assure you, it is.”
He did not linger, and she supposed it was for the best. If they’d gotten this far into the day without arousing Robert’s suspicion, maybe it wasn’t too much to hope that they would get out of this unscathed. She dawdled in the basement until she had a stack of curious novels almost too high to carry; and when she emerged from below to purchase them, the others were nowhere to be found. The shopkeep was quick about his work, and she was more annoyed than concerned to have been left behind. When she had her books packed away in a sturdy paper sack, she went out into the weak light of the afternoon.
“There you are,” she said, spotting the men loitering in a narrow lane next to the shop.
“Took you long enough,” Finn said, brandishing one of the deathly hobby horses. “Like it? I think I’ll give it to Susan for her birthday.”
“You would.” Miranda shrank her books with a quick wand flick, and stuffed the diminutive shopping bag into her hand bag before any uninitiated No-Majs could notice. “Are you ready to head down to the shore professor?”
Severus had taken a seat on a low stone wall, and was deep in the same book he’d been reading in the shop. But he nodded distractedly, “That would be agreeable.”
“I wonder if they’ve found any seals yet,” Robert commented as they started towards the main street.
A shining hummingbird darted into their midst, and Miranda had to blink before she realized it was Rachel’s patronus and not an overbold animal.
“There’s a giant down by the sea caves. We could use a hand.” Rachel’s voice said with the bird’s mouth.
Everyone started talking at once.
“A giant?” asked Robert.
“Of all the…” muttered Miranda
“Hoo boy!” whooped Finn.
“Did any of you get a good enough look at where they went to Apparate us to them?” Severus demanded.
“No,” Miranda admitted.
“I didn’t,” said Robert. “And there’s probably too many No-Majs around to take the risk.”
“Of course,” sneered Severus. “We wouldn’t want to disturb the Muggles with a bit of Apparition when there are giants wandering about their shores.”
“Pardon me, professor,” Robert said, his voice a tad too edgy to be truly polite. “I’ll leave the potioning to you, and you leave the international law to me.”
Miranda could see that Severus was about to completely lose his temper, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. She grabbed Finn’s arm, dragging him away from the argument.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” she asked, scanning the lonely lane for a likely prospect.
“I sure as fuck hope so,” Finn replied gleefully.
“That black one over by the hedgerow?”
“That’s the one.”
Finn set off towards the hedgerow as inconspicuously as a man with one arm and a skull-headed hobby-horse slung over his shoulder could possibly do, while Miranda inserted herself between the arguing wizards, cutting them off in mid riposte.
“Sorry to break up your fun, gentlemen, but I think we’ve found an answer to our problem,” she said.
“Action would certainly be preferable to continuing this inane altercation,” Severus replied.
“I’m all ears, Miss Rose. And I wouldn’t mind seeing you earn some of that money I’m paying you,” Robert said irritably.
She ignored the dig and took the ambassador by the arm, half leading and half dragging him up the lane while Severus followed alongside. “Finn’s gone ahead, and we’ll be on top of him in less than a minute. When we get there, you two keep watch and we’ll take care of the rest. But I need you both ready to jump when I say jump.”
“You seem to have mistaken me for someone beholden to you, Miss Rose,” Severus said icily.
She snorted impatiently. “Let me put it into small words for you. We’re borrowing a car, and your job is to keep any No-Majs from getting in the way.”
“Somehow I doubt this falls on the legal side of any Statute, International or otherwise.”
“The professor’s right. Do have any idea the amount of parchmentwork that kind of a stunt would generate?” Robert said, but there was an interested gleam in his golden eyes.
“Are you a Thunderbird, or aren’t you?” Miranda shot back. “And more importantly, do you have a better idea?”
“Unfortunately, no,” Robert admitted.
“Then best not to think too hard about it,” Miranda reasoned
“What an excellent philosophy,” Severus said. “Is that the Thunderbird motto?”
“I’m pretty sure,” Miranda replied. “Or whatever that is in Latin.”
They had caught up to Finn and his victim by then, and the wizards positioned themselves at either end of the vehicle to watch for wayward No-Majs. Finn was already in the front seat and had most of the steering wheel column exposed.
“Are you about done in there?” Miranda demanded, sliding into the seat behind him.
“Almost,” he said, shoving the hobby-horse into the back with her. “Here, hold this.”
“Thanks, just want I want to do—be shoved in the back seat of a stolen car with a horse skull.”
“Shh, you’ll hurt her feelings.”
“I named her Peggy Sue.”
“And proud of it.”
Finn shoved a large safety-pin through two of the wires and the car sputtered to life. In the next instant he’d jammed his hybrid screwdriver/hammer into the ignition, and overpowered the lock on the steering wheel. Miranda rapped on the back window once, and Severus entered the back of the car with all the dignity he could muster, while Robert clambered into the front seat, his eyes shining like a child’s.
“Buckle up for safety, kids,” Finn crowed as he steered the car down the twisted lane towards the main street.
“Try not to hit anything this time, would you Finn?” Miranda said, attempting and failing to maneuver the hobby horse in some direction that wouldn’t cause either end of it to jam into Severus or herself.
“Give me that thing,” Severus snapped, jerking Peggy Sue out of Miranda’s hands. He muttered an incantation, and the thing shrank to the size of a lima bean.
“You’d better not lose that,” Finn warned.
“I’ve got it,” Miranda said. “I’m putting it in my bag right now. You just watch the road.”
“This really isn’t a bad way to travel,” Robert commented, once the four of them were vaguely settled, and the street had smoothed out before them.
The cobblestone gave way to asphalt at the edge of the town, and the hummingbird patronus sped along just in front of them. Finn hit the gas to take advantage of the wider road, looking exceptionally pleased with himself. Robert seemed torn between the thrill of the novelty of stealing a car, and apprehension at the trouble this was likely to cause him later. Miranda was bouncing in her seat while she craned her neck to watch for signs of either the Lees or the giant—and Severus was beginning to look quite green about the gills.
“Are you alright, professor?” she ventured.
“Indubitably,” was his strained reply.
It was about this time that the sirens started.
“Shit, I knew this was a bad idea,” Robert said, glancing over his shoulder at the traffic car behind them.
“Mira, you wanna take care of that?” Finn said, unconcerned.
“On it,” she said, turning around in her seat to squint out the back window.
“What in Merlin’s name are you doing?” Severus demanded, looking quite ready to be ill.
“Don’t distract me,” she said. “Or better yet, give me a hand. I’m going to take out the tires, and you see if you can catch their car so they don’t flip.”
“This is the worst plan I’ve ever heard.”
“Worse than stealing the car in the first place?” Robert asked.
“On three,” Miranda said, her wand in hand.
“If you count to three one more time, I’ll not be held responsible for my actions,” Severus muttered under his breath, but he took out his wand and turned towards the back of the car.
She squinted and slashed her wand, and the first tire blew. Severus swore loudly and drew his wand through the air, while she took out the second tire. The traffic car swerved wildly as Miranda destroyed the final two tires, but it came to a halt in the ditch next to the road without crashing into anything, or flipping over. The policemen fired a few shots after them, but Finn quickly outstripped them. Severus gingerly faced forward, looking more green than ever.
“Motion sickness?” Miranda asked.
“Don’t talk about it,” he snapped.
“I see them!” Robert cried.
They crested a hill and beheld both the ocean and the giant in all their gruesome splendor. The foamy waves crashed against the rocky shore, and the giant was crushing the stones in its path into powder as he tromped over the landscape that rumbled with every thunderous stomp. Finn skidded across the road and onto the sandy turf, sending sprays of dust behind them as they squealed along the beach.
“I shall never accept another invitation for the rest of my life, so help me God,” Severus said through gritted teeth.
“Good to know a little churchin’ this mornin’ did you good,” Finn quipped.
“Finn, leave the professor alone,” Miranda warned. “For all we know he’s as pious as a monk.”
“Beggin’ your pardon professor. Can’t take me anywhere,” Finn replied.
“We’re going to have a bear of a time covering this one up,” Robert interrupted, gesturing to a group of bystanders huddling next to a tiny stone church on the shore. “Look at all the gawkers.”
“We’ll deal with that later,” Miranda said. “First we have to stop him. Wait, is that Aaron up ahead?”
A black bloodhound shot out from behind a dune, barking madly at their tires.
“Looks like it to me. Hit the breaks, Finn,” Robert ordered.
“Don’t know who made you boss,” Finn muttered as he pulled the car to a skidding halt.
The hound bounded towards them, shifting painfully into Aaron’s stricken form in mid leap. The instant the car stopped rolling, Severus bolted out of the back seat, his legs folding beneath him as they hit the unmoving sand.
“The giant’s got Rachel and Maggie,” Aaron panted, bracing himself on Robert’s door. “Scooped ‘em both up and stuffed ‘em in his pocket.”
“Get in,” Robert said. “We’ll catch them, don’t worry. Come on professor.”
“No,” Severus said firmly. “I would not get back in that demonic machine if my life depended on it.”
“Your life doesn’t,” Aaron fairly shouted. “Theirs do.”
Severus dusted the sand off his trousers and stood up to his full height. “Some of us have other means of pursuit available to us. I leave you to yours.”
Without another word, the Englishman muttered an incantation unlike any Miranda had ever heard. As he spoke the strange words, a black cloud enveloped his extremities, engulfing him until the bulk of his body was a semi-solid mass. He gave them an ironic bow and sped up into the ether, cutting through the sky after the giant like a malevolent cloud.
“Those teachers over here are hard core,” Robert said wryly.
“Not bad,” said Finn as Aaron scrambled into Severus’s vacated seat. “Not bad at all.”
“Let’s not get too far behind,” Miranda said; and she couldn’t stop the swell of pride in her heart. Severus really was quite something, and while she might have wished for a quieter Sunday, she wasn’t sorry to show him off to her brother.
Their speed was hampered by the rough terrain and the fact that the old sedan was not made for off-road adventuring. Severus caught up to the giant while they were still maneuvering over the sand dunes, and Miranda held her breath as they watched the giant swat at the black cloud descending on him with his club-like arms. Severus was as nimble in the air as he was on earth (and perhaps more so) and he avoided the clumsy blows as he landed somewhere on the giant’s ragged shirtfront. The creature paused in his raging, and for a moment it seemed that they might finally catch up to him; but then he was off again, and disappearing into the mouth of a cave that skirted the edge of the sea.
“It’s a perfect day for a little spelunking, do you think?” Miranda asked grimly.
To her surprise, it was her own brother who twisted the knife.
“Sure does. Too bad you’re not going,” Finn said as he drew the car to a halt on the rocky shore.
“Finn!” Miranda protested
“Miranda, don’t you Finn me, or I’ll get that boyfriend of yours to put you in time out,” Finn shot back.
“He’s right,” Aaron said firmly. “You’re only cleared for light duty. Giants are heavy lifting.”
“Besides,” said Robert, “we need someone here to deal with the No-Majs if they catch up.”
Much as she bristled at being left behind, she knew she was outnumbered and that arguing would only waste more precious time. “Fine. Just get going.”
Aaron gave her shoulder a quick squeeze, and then bounded out of the car, shifting to his animagus form as he did. Robert was hard on the bloodhound’s heels, and soon both of them had disappeared into the cave after the others. An eerie silence descended on the beach, punctuated by the constant crashing of the waves as the minutes ticked by. Miranda got out of the car and started pacing, wand drawn, but waiting at her side. Finn left the car idling, but got out to pace alongside her. After a moment of this, he pulled out a cigarette for the two of them, and she lit them with two shaky finger snaps.
“What do you wanna do when we’re done here?” he asked conversationally.
“I don’t know,” she replied tensely. “Go dancing I guess. Prospero’s is a good time even on a Sunday night.”
“That’d do. Or we could drag your boyfriend back to the cabin and try out the new televideo you got for Christmas. I think some pizza and a little Die Hard sound like the only chaser worthy to wash this day down with.”
She snorted. “If we want decent pizza we’ll either have to go to the Embassy or make it ourselves.”
“Well, I haven’t given you a Christmas present yet, have I?”
“You’re a prince among men, Finn.”
A pair of loud cracks startled the siblings. They whirled away from the caves to face the new attack; Miranda brandishing her wand, and Finn a pistol that he’d somehow managed to slip past MACUSA security. The men that at had appeared at their backs were both grizzled, but it was the more haggard of the two that Miranda recognized first.
“Auror Moody,” she said, lowering her wand slowly and nodding to her brother to do the same. “Nice to see you. Out for a Sunday stroll on the beach?”
“The alarms at the Ministry’ve been blaring for half an hour, Miss Rose,” Alastor replied. “Interesting that we find you here in the thick of it.”
“You know each other?” demanded the other man.
“We’ve met. This here’s Miranda Rose,” Alastor said. “Don’t know who the other bloke is.”
“He’s my brother,” Miranda said as her mind scrambled to place this man’s vaguely familiar face. “And you must be Minister Scrimgeour.”
“A quick thinker. But, then Alastor told me as much about you earlier.” Rufus’s sharp eyes darted to Finn, who was holding the pistol lowered at his side. “MACUSA seems to have an interesting interpretation of our firearm laws.”
“It’s been an eventful day,” Miranda deflected.
“So I gather. Be so good as to explain what’s happened.”
She bristled as she always did when given an order, but attempted to keep her temper under control. "The short version is there’s a giant on the loose. There’s several people back on the beach who saw it, along with a pair of policemen maybe a mile back who saw us…borrow this car. Oh, and someone probably ought to return it.”
“Interesting. It sounds as though you’re attempting to tell me my business.”
“I was merely suggesting a course of action. We’ve got the giant under control here.”
“Who is we?”
A series of pops like a Fourth of July firecracker saved her the trouble of explaining, as Robert, Aaron, Severus, Rachel, and Maggie all appeared on the beach, apparently unharmed.
“Miss Rose, the hobby horse, if you please,” demanded Severus without preamble.
“The what? Oh, right,” Miranda said, and began digging in her handbag for Peggy Sue.
“What do you want with my hobby horse?” asked Finn.
Severus ignored the question, taking the toy and returning it to full size with wave of his wand.
“What…” began Rufus.
“You Yanks sure have some interesting taste in souvenirs,” said Alastor.
“Will it do?” Severus asked Rachel.
“It’s perfect,” she replied.
Severus gave a short nod, and promptly decapitated the unfortunate horse.
“Peggy!” cried Finn, but Miranda dug her elbow into his side and he gave no further protest.
The ground beneath their feet began to tremble again, and Severus handed Miranda the leftover stick while Rachel gave Maggie to Aaron. The baby was waving her arms and babbling excitedly, and all of them turned to see the fearsome giant emerge from the cave—with a similarly proportioned headless dog at his heels. Working in tandem, Severus and Rachel charmed Peggy’s head to a size suitable to the beastly canine, and attached it to the scarred skin of the creature’s neck. The dog leapt and gave a raspy bark; and the ground shook as it landed on its massive paws. The giant scratched the beast just behind its new head, and uttered a string of guttural sounds. Rachel replied with a wave and a few scratchy words of her own, and both giant and dog trotted off towards the northeast and home.
“Robert Walker, you’d better have an explanation for all this,” blustered Rufus.
“And I do, Rufus,” Robert replied with an easy grin. “Why don’t I give you and Auror Moody a hand tying up the loose ends, and then I’ll tell you all about it over dinner. My treat.”
Rufus did not look at all pleased with this arrangement, but as the sound of No-Maj sirens were clearly discernible in the distance—and getting closer—he capitulated ungraciously.
“Fine. Let’s go,” he snapped, and disappeared with an angry pop.
Alastor followed suit, and Robert paused long enough to shake hands with the party.
“Professor, it was a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to having a chat with you in the near future. Really fine work today. Rachel, Aaron, thanks again for inviting me. Miranda, I knew I wasn’t wrong about you. Finn, don’t worry about the pistol or the car, I’ll get it taken care of for you. Maggie, you were perfect,” he said without pausing for either breath or acknowledgement; and disappeared.
“Severus, I’m…” Aaron began sheepishly.
“Keep your apologies and your thanks, Aaron,” Severus interrupted. “Only, be sure to inform the Ambassador that I have no interest in speaking to him, ever.”
“Will do.”
“I’m sorry about your hobby-horse, Finn,” Rachel said. “But it went to a good cause. That dog has been lost here in Wales for centuries without a head. By reuniting her with her owner and doing our best to heal her, we may have helped sway human-giant relations somewhat in our favor. The work’s not over by any means, but it’s a good start.”
“It’s alright,” Finn said. “If I had to loose Peggy, at least I got to witness her apotheosis in the process.”
“I’m not going to thank you in words,” Rachel said, turning to Severus, “but I’ll have the next translation in your hands by the end of the week.”
The corner of Severus’s lip twitched briefly into a smile at this. “That would be most agreeable.”
There was a blur of handshaking, hugs, and fair-wells as the Lees prepared to depart. Miranda was half expecting Severus to take the opportunity to escape as well, and much as that would have disappointed her, she wouldn’t have been able to blame him either. But when her friends had all disappeared home, she was pleasantly surprised to see Severus still standing on the beach, and looking no more irritated than he usually did.
“Come on, kids, what do you say we head back to the ranch and I’ll get some pizza made while you two neck on the couch,” offered Finn.
“Finn! We’re not going to neck in front of you,” Miranda protested, her cheeks turning pink.
“Why not? He’s one of us now, ain’t he?”
Miranda’s eyes darted to Severus’s, and she felt her face flush hotter as she tried to divine what on earth was happening behind that enigmatic mask.
“Well, Miranda; am I?” asked Severus in a perfectly neutral tone.
Her face relaxed into a little smile as she replied, “You are if you want to be.”
He bent his head to brush his lips against her cheek, and though they were cool where they touched her skin, they sent a spark of heat running from the point of contact all the way to the depths of her heart.
“Then I suggest we depart before I think better of it,” he said, but he couldn’t quite keep his pleased expression hidden from view.
Finn made good on his promise, and later that evening they ate the best homemade pizza that any Englishman ever tasted. And while Miranda did not neck with Severus on the sofa while her brother labored over dinner; when the three of them were settled there, watching the action film in all its glory, there was a moment amidst the explosions, car crashes, and destruction that Severus took her hand and laced their fingers together—and didn’t let go.
It was a little thing, but it was enough.
End Notes:
Many many thanks to Jane/Bunbury for supporting me through writing this chapter! You’re the best, dude.
Mari Lwyd is a Welsh wassailing custom. The wassailers ride a hobby-horse with a horse’s skull for a head as they go caroling about the neighborhood.
The giant headless dog looking for its master is from Welsh folklore.
libera nos a malo masterpost+
unstoppable force/immovable object+
<< Chapter Four+
Chapter Six+ >>
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mrsarnasdelicious · 5 years
Character Drabbles - Gelfling College AU
She’s always drawing. There is ink on her fingers and she coloured in one of her nails. She has a messy braid and little make up, her outfits are pastel coloured, ankle boots and denim. She sometimes wears a bun with paint brushes shoved through. She’s waiting on Rek’yr because he has theater practise. She sits in a windowcil and looks at him from across the room, trying and, in her own opinion, failing to capture his beauty in her drawings. She hangs out with her sisters. Tavra might be the fun one, but Seladon know a lot of underhanded hokes that always make her laugh the loudest. Deet and Rian are her best friend in the whole world and she texts them good morning and good night every single day.
A bundel of joy, really. She has no concept of personal space and tends to sit too close to people, or plops down on their laps rather unexpectedly. Plays with people’s hair a lot and carries the weirdest shit in her pockets. The weather has changed in a matter of minutes. Rian offers her his flimsy cardigan, which he had best keep on himself. Gurjin shrugs out of his hoody and drapes it around her. She is about to protest, but one shake of the Drenchen’s head silences her. And if she were to admit, Gurjin’s hoody makes her feel warm and protected. She shares a dormroom with Brea. It is full of drawings and paintings and potted plants and there is a terrarium with crawlies in it on the large desk, where the girls do their homework. They drink tea and gossip and giggle until midnight. 
A true gentle giant. Everyone’s friend and caretaker of the hard core. He is a surprising good cook and all the gettogethers are held at his and Rian’s dorm. He can be quite messy, but that is because he is thinking of a lot of things at the same time.  He hands Rian a bottle of water after rugby practise. “Stay hydrated.” He says gently. He tosses his clothes into his locker and pads into the shower. His throat is the first under the water, his gills opening to get hydrated. He sleeps in, Rian and Deet tucked against his sides. He snores a little bit, turns his head and noses at Rian’s fragrant hair. His grip on Deet’s waist sometimes relaxes, sometimes tightens. He is dreaming of chasing his sister around Great Smert.
A straight up geek. He wears those thick rimmed glasses unironically. And he is in band. He plays all sorts of flutes and kicks ass at it. He is one of the smartest students of the campus. He is a straight A student and still has time to party it up with the center group. Kylan sometimes wonders how he managed to land himself in this group. These are the popular people. In High School, the jocks used to pick on him, but here, they not only treat him as one of their own, but like he invented sliced bread.  He shares a room with his best friend Naia. If anyone ever dares to pick on him, they will have to deal with her. He loves her to bits, but in a very platonic way. Maybe someday soon he will find himself a special gelfling to play his songs for.
He is in the Rugby team, like Gurjin and Rian. He is a very good player and also a good student. He is mostly rule abiding, but is most certainly not above attending the main group’s parties. He is sociable, but also takes a while to open up about himself. He carries Selandon’s bag while they walk to class, hand in hand. He smiles indulgent at her, while she vents about whatever vexes her. He brings her hand to his lips and kisses her knuckles. He says she is cute when she is angry and she huffs, but her ears fluster all the same. This makes him laugh softly. He rooms with Rek’yr. They don’t always see eye to eye, but they agree on one thing, Madame Mayrin’s daughters are hella fine. They have a good symbioses going and keep their dorm very clean. 
A cybergoth, like her twin brother. She is on the track team and everyone bites her dust. She is with Rian’s ex Mira and the two are positively the most kick ass couple on campus. She does not take shit from anyone, especially not from her brother. She has given Gurjin noogies in spades. She waits outside Mira’s class, leaned against the wall with her hood up. She laughs and swats when Gurjin comes by and yanks playfully at one of her dreads. She promises she will be there tonight, to watch the game. He says he will watch her next training. She is laid back and as easy to get on with as her brother. But if you cross her, she will make your life hell. She is very high key about her passions and is she does not like something she will not put any effort in it. 
She is leather jackets and sow on patches of her favourite bands. She has one of them hell machine bikes that scares the hell out of the good kids, but she knows Tavra loves it. She is quite an astute mechanic and can fix whatever breaks down in the house. She throws her arm around Tavra’s shoulder and talks just a bit too loud. Tavra jabs her between the ribs. They share a look and burst out in a gale of loud laughter. Then Tavra leans in and kisses her on her nose. They are so in love. Tavra and Onice share a room as well. It is their little love nest, with candles as well posters of leather clad women on large motorcycles. They do their coursework together and have very good grades. 
Is a theater goth. Leans very much to dark blue and bordeaux red colours. Still wears a manbun half of the time tho. Very ornamental earpiercings and bone necklaces. Very poetry, much romantic. Puts pens behind his ears and is reading over scripts and musical plans half of the time. He knows Brea is drawing him, so he puff out his shoulders a little, brushing his hair out of his face for her to have a better view of his face. There is this secret smile on his face. He quite likes when Brea is watching him when she thinks he does not notice. He does not get along with everyone, quite a few think he is weird and rather stuck up. His main friends are Kylan and Onica. He gets along very well with Seladon and Tavra though, for which Brea is especially happy.  
A hipster, with his beanies and his latte and his checkered flanels. He twiddles his pencil when he does not know an answer on a test. There is blue in his soothy hair that sparkles when the sun shines on it. He is quick to fluster, but just as quick to tease back. He leans into Gurjin’s side and pulls Deet on his lap. Deet giggles and stretches her legs on Gurjin’s lap. Rian looks up at Gurjin and the two share a smile. Rian could not wish for anything better. He noses at Deet’s hair, inhaling the scent of her flowery shampoo, probably something Brea recommended. He is on the Rugby team, one of the star players in fact. He is very popular, but doesn’t revel in it. He is sociable to everyone he meets and such a kind heart. He is a teacher’s son, so he sometimes he feels like he has to live up to that. Maybe that is why he gets in so much trouble.
Always on top of the latest fashion. Pencil skirts and pretty pumps with heels that could crush a gelling’s nuts. She struts the halls like they are her personal catwalk. All the gellings crane their necks when she comes by. But it is Maurix at her arm. She waits for her sisters in the cafetaria. Maurix strolls down to her and kisses her cheek gently. There is a small smile on Seladon’s lips, a smile she always saves just for him. Brea and Tavra come over as well. The sisters hug each other. In her last year and sometimes a little surperior to others. Fortunately Maurix is there to keep her down to earth. She is the oldest of the main gang, but not always the wisest. She does her best to care, but it does not always come out right.
Has a lock of Onica’s hair braided into hers. She always looks out for both her sisters, texting them to remember not to fight. She wears a bracelet with Onica’s name and gave Onica one with hers. She is one for wearing practical fashion, but likes boots with killer heels. She finds Onica waiting by her motorcycle. They share a kiss before heading out into town. They sit in the back of the pub, close against each other and just vent about the day. They make a spot of homework and drink virgin colada. Tarva is on the fence team and will kick anyone’s arse. She does not back away from any dare and that sometimes got her into some trouble. She is an amazing friend, though, even to both of her sisters, especially to both of her sisters.
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itslmdee · 6 years
Fic: When Fans Collide
Mira meets a fellow female fan with a secret at a convention.For the allbingo meet-ugly prompt "we have been chatting online for three years and today I learned your profile picture isn't you"
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Mira loved going to conventions and meeting other fans, buying merchandise, attending the celebrity panels, and joining in with the amazing cosplay; those who liked to dress up as a favourite character could get very inventive with their costumes.
Mira had chosen to dress as Domino from "Deadpool 2" this year, having previously cosplayed as characters including Wonder Woman, Zoë from "Firefly" and, last year, Valkyrie from "Thor: Ragnarok". She hadn't gone so far as to add a contact lens as another Dominio cosplayer she'd met at the registration desk had, but she'd carefully applied the white makeup around one eye and fluffed up her hair.
She'd hoped to meet her online friend of three years, and fellow fan, Erica, but at the last minute Erica had said she wouldn't be able to make it this time, adding a sad emoji to her instant message. Erica hadn't been to a fan convention before and was anxious about it, so Mira wondered if it was nerves that led her to back out.
"I'll take lots of photos for you," Mira had promised. She already had several of the building and a couple with some fans, including the other Dominio, who had gushed over Mira's elbow-length fingerless leather gloves as more authentic than her own.
Mira browsed some of the stalls full of comics, signed photos, Funko Pops and other figurines, Blu-Ray box sets, and more. She'd got some money saved up especially to splurge on merchandise.
"Sorry," someone said as they bumped into her. Mira looked up at the woman who was wearing a "Burr shot first" T-shirt and a beautiful dragon necklace.
"No problem. I love the shirt," Mira said. "Both "Hamilton" and "Star Wars", what's not to love? My friend Erica has the same one." Erica had proudly photographed the shirt laid out on her bed being admired by a plush Pikachu.
The woman paled a little. "Thanks," she mumbled and walked away.
Mira was surprised by the reaction but didn't take offence. People could get nervous around strangers, especially if they felt intimidated by the crowded halls. She continued browsing.
Several stalls later Mira had only purchased a couple of keyrings though she'd seen a lot of things she'd like. She'd probably buy more things tomorrow once she'd seen everything on offer, and had her eye on a "Stargate: Atlantis" print and a colour-changing "Supernatural" mug.
Stopping for a coffee, Mira spotted the Hamilton fan again, huddled in one corner and glancing at the convention leaflet and then at the room as if lost. She wandered over slowly, giving a wide smile.
"Hi," Mira said. "This your first time here? It's a bit overwhelming when you first get here but most people are really friendly and you'll have a great time."
The woman nodded, one hand moving to fondle her necklace.
"That's a great piece," Mira said, "I'm Mira."
The woman nodded again. "I know."
That was unexpected. Mira glanced down at her ID badge; it was readable close-up but the woman must have good eyesight to have seen it from this distance.
"I'm sorry," the woman said and launched into a ramble. "I'm so ashamed. I kind of hoped I'd see you here, but I said I couldn't come because then you'd know what a liar I am, and so I said I wouldn't come and then I got here, and it's so crowded and you know I don't like crowds, and I regret everything right now and I'm sorry."
Mira blinked a few times, taking all this in. "Erica?" she asked when the woman finally stopped for a much needed breath. It was the only thing that made sense except the woman didn't look like Erica's profile picture. She leaned in and peered at the woman's badge. Erica Staywell. Her friend.
"Yes. You look amazing," Erica said. "Just like the pictures you showed me when you were preparing your costume. And I look…" She gestured vaguely.
"You look a little different to your profile picture," Mira agreed. Her own pic showed her dressed as Princess Tiana from when she and some of her friends had all dressed as Disney Prince and Princesses for a Halloween party.
"That's because that's not me," Erica said miserably. "It's a picture I found on a stock photo website. I was making a vision board to inspire me and I chose her because she's younger, thinner, prettier than me. I put her as my avatar because that's what I wanted to look like, that's how I wanted to feel, happy like she looks in that picture. It makes me feel good to look at her when I post online."
That was understandable, but Erica wasn't finished. Before Mira could ask why she'd never mentioned the photo was inspirational rather than based in reality, Erica explained. "We'd only been talking for a while when you said something nice about me and I didn't want to admit I didn't look like that; I'd just lost my job and was feeling miserable enough without having to show you how I really looked."
Mira stared at her, aghast. They'd still been getting to know each other then but she remembered Erica getting made redundant and how it had in fact brought them closer with Mira sending her gifs to cheer her up when she was low, letting Erica vent about the struggle of hunting for a job, and being thrilled when Erica got her new job which turned out to be better in every respect than her old one. They'd even talked a bit about the vision board which had at first seemed to fail Erica by letting redundancy occur before delivering the better pay and flexible hours she'd been asking the Universe for.
Now she understood why none of the photos Erica had shared in the last three years had shown her face.
"Oh, Erica," Mira said with sympathy. She was still reconciling this woman with her friend – and since they'd only ever communicated via text, no doubt Erica was getting used to hearing Mira's voice too. Meeting someone in person was always an interesting experience. "I would have understood."
Erica shook her head. "The longer it went on it just seemed like this huge thing that I'd have to tell you and I was embarrassed."
"Enough that you'd come to the convention alone?" Mira had already planned her trip and booked a single room since it was a longer distance for her to travel and she wanted to attend both days, Erica only initially agreeing to come for one day because she could get the train from her hometown to the hotel where she could meet up with Mira.
"I almost didn't come but I'd paid for the ticket," Erica said, blinking away tears. "I'm an idiot."
"Yes," Mira said because they'd become close enough for her to tease. "You're an idiot for thinking I'd care what you looked like. Which is amazing by the way."
Erica shook her head again and Mira pulled her into a hug.
"Look, of all the people here we found each other," Mira said, releasing Erica. "We have the rest of the day to enjoy the convention together. It's going to be so much fun."
"Okay," Erica said, summoning up a smile and wiping her eyes. "I'd like that."
"And I got you something so this will save me mailing it," Mira said, rummaging in her bag. She held out one of the keyrings.
Erica took the Lego Loki keyring, eyes wide with surprise. "Oh, thank you!"
"I've got Lego Wonder Woman," Mira said with a grin. "So, do you fancy the "Lord of the Rings" panel? It starts in ten minutes."
Erica clipped Loki to her handbag. "I'd love that."
They walked, arm in arm, to find a seat.
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saturniandragon · 2 years
imagine there is a volcano emoji here
This has to be the same anon again lmao, not complaining though <3 except I have a billion ocs so I'm just gonna list all of them, or at least the ones I know best.
🌋 - What’s your OCs temper like? Are they a slow boil, or an instant explosion?
Elder Scrolls OCs:
Merri'sa (Skyrim): Merri'sa is *very* slow and difficult to trigger. Being raised by Imperial parents and being an archer mean she has the patience of a saint. Being calm and collected are the only things keeping her alive, and how she has dealt with conflicts both in and out of combat.
Zanri al-Anaqi (ESO): Same with Merri'sa, calm and collected are the things keeping him alive. Although in his case it's being enforced by the fact that he's part of the Dominion military, where decisions made in anger can and will cost lives. Although when handling his chaotic step sister he can get a little fiery, but only a little.
Vani al-Karim (ESO): Zanri's step sister, a clear contrast of her brother. Very easy to set on fire, often resorting to blades first before words. Despite that, she still can be compassionate when she needs to be. In combat or when dealing with an armed individual however, rules are pretty much out the window. Somewhat bizarre because Vani al-Karim is canonically the ancestor to Merri'sa, but then again the time distance between ESO and Skyrim is about 1000 years.
Adrastea (ESO): Stoic is probably the best word to describe his temper. He cares about very little. As long as you don't interfere with his Dwemer research or you don't accidentally step on his Dwarven spider pet, he may just spare your ribcage from being used in his future project.
Personal OCs:
Adrastea: Right, where to start? Almost 120 human years of living in the 6th planet from the Sun, he's been through quite a bit. But his blood still runs cool and outbursts are relatively rare, though some say he has a little bit of ego problem. But he's trying his best. Only way for him to cooldown after having a fit is with pastries, or trance music. Or both.
Mira: There's an ongoing joke that Mira turns anger into muscle, from rumors that the first gym she got into banned her from visiting again because she broke an exercise equipment from using it too furiously to vent her anger. Slightly difficult to predict on what things can offend her and what will not, but she's far from being the angriest individual you will ever meet.
Jesse: Jesse is more difficult to trigger than Mira. Often she will just flick sass at you rather than throw a hissy fit. She figures that people will leave you alone if you're just cheeky enough, and she's also found the fun of doing it correctly.
Aeryx: Aeryx doesn't know what angry is. If anything it's impossible for her to be angry. She's just a cinnamon roll.
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