#or rude
borderlinereminders · 6 months
i feel like trying to get a response from you in asks or message is impossible. you are just someone i want to be friends with.
I can't guarantee responses to all asks. I get a lot of them.
If they're advice asks, send them to @aprilsadviceaskblog.
I also have been reluctant to make friends on here because ever since my blogs have gotten so big, I seldom find someone who wants to talk to me that doesn't want to just treat me like a person for free advice/endless support. And that's exhausting.
That said, I met my husband on Tumblr, and my best friend, so I know friendships can happen. I do try to answer messages if they're casual things like if someone talks to me about dogs, or something they know I'm into, or share something they're into.
I just don't really answer messages looking for advice, or that just say "hello" because I don't want to respond and then feel pressured to give advice because I've learned that 9 times out of 10, the person is next going to ask for support or advice.
So, if you want to genuinely talk to me to talk to me, go ahead and message me. Tell me about your pet, or ask about mine. Tell me about some of your interests and stuff like that. I really love having casual conversation.
If you are looking for someone to talk to for advice, or to have a more supportive chat, reach out to me for my 18+ recovery server or my trauma server. There are a lot of amazing and supportive people in there. And I also go offer support and advice when I have the spoons.
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alterhuman-buddies · 4 days
Ferocious beasts of tumblr
I took a video of you guys. Do you like it? 👀
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fahye · 2 years
this is a bit of a random question but im weirdly curious, the book mentions that edwin's sexuality is an open secret in his magical circles. so i guess i was wondering if his mother knows and if she or anyone else sort of has... suspicions about his and robin's relationship past the conclusion of the book
similarly to the last ask: if it's not stated specifically in the books, you get to decide for yourself!
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
i lowkey want a bf but i’m scaredddddd
sometimes i do, sometimes i don't.
after the barbie movie i kinda woke up and stopped caring so much about the male gaze lmao.. like i don't really care anymore -- men are going to disappoint 90% of the time, no matter who you are or what you look like !!
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hugsandchaos · 2 years
I don’t know if this is actually a thing or not, but I keep thinking about the idea of Offenderman having... followers, you could say? Splendor man has Buddies and Slenderman has Proxies, so what can we call Offenderman’s “followers” without it sounding inappropriate? They kinda do the same thing as him, but he doesn’t treat them the same as his victims. Instead, he sort of... helps them?? I really don’t know how to explain it without examples, so here are some things he’d say.
“A lady never lets a scumbag get the best of her. Chin up, darling.”
“Never let anyone make you feel less of a person, dear.”
“Not that one. He’s not going to let you have any control. Let’s find you someone better.”
“Perhaps this one? I’ve kept an eye on her, and she seems just your type. Not to mention you’re most likely her type from what I was able to gather.”
“If it’s not something you want to do, we won’t do it.”
“I set an example of what my (followers??) should expect in any future partner if they so wish for one. If they find anything less in that commitment, they know to walk away.”
“It’s called aftercare, sweetheart.”
“Being into other men or not wanting to do the dirty doesn’t make you any less of a man yourself.”
Do you get it? Does this make sense?
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dredsina · 4 months
Ive said this before but swear the biggest skill to learn as an adult is how to resist high-pressure sales tactics. You do NOT have to answer questions with anything other than "Sorry I'm not interested." No matter how nice they are or no matter how many follow up questions they ask or even how agitated they get when you stand your ground. Just keep saying I'm not interested. Don't answer their questions. Don't give them an opening to try to push back on your reasons. Be a fucking brick wall of I'm not interested.
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james-p-sullivan · 8 months
the older i get and the closer i am to reaching 30, the more the people around me try to deny me my age. it’s a constant ‘oh you’re just turning 29 again teehee 🤭’ or ‘dont tell your SO that, he’ll leave you for a younger model 😉’ and i just???? hate it?????????
i spent my entire teenaged years fighting for my life. i crawled through the deepest pits of my depression to cling to the promise of a life beyond that pain. i was so convinced that i was going to die young, that i would never see the grace of my age starting with a 2, let alone 3.
so im going to turn 30, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me from loving it.
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taffywabbit · 10 months
they should invent a new type of "staying in bed for 2-3 hours after you wake up repeatedly opening and closing apps on your phone" where it makes you feel awesome and energized and emotionally fulfilled
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mylittleredgirl · 11 months
my new thing whenever an embarrassing memory jumps up out of some backwater neuron to t-bone my present-day thought process is to declare a statute of limitations. like i can burn down an entire building in the state where i live and the law deems it both unfair and illegal to prosecute me after six years have passed, i think that thing i said in high school can be expunged from my record.
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callisteios · 7 months
i made a character uquiz. i 100% promise you that you will get a character you know AND like
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elyfonart · 2 months
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When your homie goes non-verbal at the function so you gotta whip out the 'i would understand you in any universe'
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greelin · 9 months
i think two weird freak bisexuals can do whatever. Save the world, even
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akashicrecord · 2 years
no offense but if your friend is trying out a new hobby be fucking nice to them
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ato-dato · 1 year
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One mans barber can be another mans nemesis.
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bet-on-me-13 · 2 months
The weirdly competent Doctor
So! The Watchtower's Medical Bay is a hub of constant Activity. With the number of Heroes who work under the Justice League, there are always injuries, health check-Ups, and illnesses that need healing.
But with the amount of Variant Biologies that those Heroes have, it's always a guessing game as to how to help them best. Some Metahumans react positively to penicillin, but others react like it's their Kryptonite. Some Aliens have anatomy similar to Humans, others are so different you can't tell the Stomach from the Bladder.
So when they hired a New Doctor for the Medical Bay, they had to run him through an entire Course on Variant Biologies and how best to treat specific Heroes. It was long and difficult to remember fully, but it was necessary for him to know.
But then the new Doctor started correcting Them.
"Actually, Martian's react better to the Syrup of Eucalyptus Plants better than Penicillin, since Eucalyptus is very similar to a medicinal plant from Mars which they used in many of their antibiotics."
"I don't think just pumping double doses of sedative is the best way to calm down a Speedster, that could have adverse effects on their body. Perhaps try Psychic Intervention? Their minds move a Mile a Second, but if you can calm them down their bodies will follow suit."
"Of course you use Micro-Doses of Kryptonite to operate on Superman! What else would you do?! I don't know, maybe ask JLD to enchant your Equipment to make use of Kryptonian suseptiblity to Magic? The Kryptonite is just gonna give him Cancer!"
Of course the Doctors didn't take kindly to being rudely corrected by a newbie, and Fired him on his first day.
Then a few days later their usual Treatments don't work, and they decide to give those strategies the Quack Doctor gave them out of desperation.
And Lo and Behold, they work! Martian Manhunter is fully healed and feels much better than the previous times he has needed surgery. Apparently they used a different Antibiotic that worked better with his Biology. Which was incredible, how had they figured it out?
Another Doctor you say? One who was experienced on Martian Biology and Medicinal History? He would very much like to meet with the man!
What do you mean you fired him for talking back?!
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celestialalpacaron · 6 months
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