#or standing on scales with a face like >:(
upper-admin-scp · 2 days
A pathway opened, and out stepped the first of Tempest's overseers. Bearing a roman numeral one on her lapel, it seems she was the first overseer, the Archivist. She seemed to be dressed in average garb for an overseer.
Right behind her stepped a tall man with violet hair and fox ears, wearing a beautiful silk kimono with a roman numeral two stitched on it. The others are probably arriving in sequential fashion. Two gives a respectful bow, allowing all nine tails to unfurl themselves.
Next came Three, who looked to be a bit of a modern hipster, wearing glasses and a scarf and giving a chipper wave. His hands were covered by a set of victorian gloves, ones that barely withheld the Wondertainment tattoo on his wrists.
With a loud stomp, a herculean build ducked through the portal. Standing at 14 feet was the large werewolf deity, Four. His heavy antlers nearly scratching the ceiling, some petals from his antlers falling as they made contact.
In a complete contrast, out came a small child, the one and only Five. With a polite bow and spin she skips her way out of the way of the portal.
Two individuals come out next, Six and Seven. Six comes through in his human form, the only marker of his true nature being some scales along his neck. Seven is dressed in a full business suit, taking the casual out of business casual. Her outfit hides methods to kill, lest the assassin needs it.
Eight comes out next, who like Three, bears a more modern outfit. They smile before signing a thankful message of being invited here. Nine stumbles out right after them, hunched over and looking a bit miserable. The skittish alchemist is wearing a half-mask, trying to cover up something wrong with his face.
Ten arrives and is dressed in almost completely modern attire. He still looks professional, taking his job serious, but it seems he's having a bit of fun with it.
Eleven and Twelve arrives next. Eleven is dressed in an expensive Italian suit, while Twelve is dressed in more shabby clothing to hide his wings. Eleven makes a joking read about Twelve, earning a hiss from the insectoid, who reveals his mandibles in anger.
The last three arrive and shut the portal behind them. Thirteen gives a salute, stowing away her titular sniper rifle on her back. She holds up a laptop displaying 13-ii. The screen flickers, showing a familiar duo-chrome face briefly.
"Greetings Alternate Council."
He speaks in a familiar robotic fashion. Three Fourteens, dressed like Ten, begin to chatter among themselves before the center one claps and the Fourteens merge into a single one. Then he gives a polite wave
[Zero meets the group at the enterance to Site-01, which appears as a large mansion. The building's front door visiblly grows in size to accomodate the newcommers.]
(Greetings! It's a pleasure to meet all of you in person! I am Zero, the Administrator of this world's Foundation. Please, come inside.)
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marlynnofmany · 4 hours
Not Special, Part Two
(Part One is here)
Oscar Tennyson grabbed his purchases and hurried after the rest of his crew. As usual, they were walking quickly on their longer legs and bellowing for him to keep up. The teeth-and-scales Mighty had no patience for human weaknesses. Of which there were many.
But, as Oscar had just learned, there were some strengths as well. And he couldn’t wait to show them.
He scampered onboard before the door shut, wondering if they would actually leave without him if he dawdled too long. Probably not — who would handle their finances and hunting permits? They’d have to hire someone else, because they certainly didn’t want to do it themselves. But he didn’t want to test that.
He had much better things to test. While the stark metal walls vibrated with the engine’s revs, Oscar wove between scaled biceps and tails to his own quarters. He pressed the panel by the door, which was oversized and cracked like all of them on this ship. The Mighty were not fans of fiddly little buttons or keys. Not when they could have panels big enough to punch, which only broke sometimes.
When Oscar stepped through and closed the door behind him, he felt immediately relieved. This was his private space to decorate as he chose, without worrying that someone would take things down or make fun of him. Ship rules were clear about personal quarters. Oscar’s fake orchids and real cactus made the room homey, along with more posters than the walls could hold. They spilled onto the ceiling, lining it with nature scenes from Earth, sports figures he admired, media announcements, and a good number of fluffy kittens. This was the one spot on the ship where he could feel comfortable, and he was making the most of it.
The bag of refueling station supplies crinkled as he set it on his small table to remove the contents. A high-end store might have had Waterwill bags that evaporated after a day, but this place used regular old plastic. Inside were food cubes, bottled water, and the purchase he was most excited about: six cans of very weak caffeine.
He scanned the label. It was just like the other human had said. Tall cans in dramatic colors, but not much of substance inside. At least, not as far as the average human was concerned.
Oscar couldn’t wait until dinner time.
Before then, he had a permit to submit and several other things to check. The ship should be on the way to Argosha, which was notorious for welcoming outsiders in to hunt the Dagger Birds that were giving everyone so much trouble, but he had better get their paperwork in order anyway.
He grabbed his tablet and left his safe haven, heading back into the public parts of the ship where he could face taunts from any direction. Really, these guys were just like his cousins. At least it was familiar.
Fending off tiresome conversation — “How’s the weather down there?” “Why don’t you ask your mother?” —he reached the bridge and found a corner to stand in. The captain and the pilot were arguing about where to land when they reached Argosha.
“The main site will have more people to admire our ship!”
“The new one is closer to the hunting grounds!”
“Dagger Birds are overrunning the place; everywhere is a hunting ground!”
“Do you want to pay the damages for shooting a building instead of a bird? We can take it all out of your pay, if you want!”
“Fine, but if we land on some overgrown hedge and the ship is scratched, you get to pay for that!”
The pair of them stopped yelling and sat back in their seats as if nothing at all was the matter, because it wasn’t. Polite disagreements were always held at that volume.
In the brief lull while the pilot manipulated the controls with more force than a lesser console could withstand, Oscar spoke up. “I’d like to come too.”
Both dinosaurian heads turned to stare at him in surprise. “Why?” the captain demanded. “One kick from a bird, and you’re useless to us.”
“Thanks,” Oscar said flatly. “I’ll keep out of the way. I want to take photos of your fighting prowess; I should be able to sell them.”
Both of the Mighty preened at that, as he’d known they would. Ego was big here. The captain agreed, and Oscar didn’t let slip any hints of his secret plan. He just finished working on his tablet, then retreated to his quarters to practice Dagger Bird mating calls.
The air on Argosha was breathable but hot, at least this part of it. Oscar was ready with his Tool in his pocket. (He’d gotten out of the habit of calling it a phone, since the Mighty were right in that it did a near-infinite number of things.) (He still smirked quietly at the potential innuendo, but it was a conversation he didn’t really want to have with giant dinosaur aliens, so he kept that to himself.)
“This way,” announced the captain, pointing in what looked like an arbitrary direction into the wilderness. Whooping with the alien equivalent of testosterone, the crew raised their blasters and tromped off the landing pad with Oscar following close behind.
True to his word, he did take some pictures as he went. But he was waiting for his moment.
It didn’t take long to come. The shouting scared off all the wildlife, then the Mighty found a boulder to crouch behind and wait for the creatures to come back. They played a silent counting game to see who was best at guessing when they’d spot something worth killing.
Distant footsteps on leaves made them smack each other in excitement, but nothing appeared between the trees.
Now or never, Oscar thought. Knowing better than to startled his crewmates, he whispered, “Here, let me.” Then he took a deep breath and let loose with his best imitation of a Dagger Bird seeking a mate. “Woarrrrrrk!”
While the Mighty shushed him and wondered what he was doing and started to figure it out, an answering woarrk sounded from nearby.
Then another, then, three.
Oscar wondered if he’d overplayed his hand.
No less than five large and eager Dagger Birds crashed through the undergrowth at once, croaking and flapping, taking offense at each other’s presence. The Mighty all roared and leapt out, firing in every direction.
Oscar dashed for a tree he’d been eyeing, the one with lots of branches, and didn’t stop climbing until he was out of beak-stabbing range. He held tight to the trunk, catching his breath and watching the chaos. Belatedly, he remembered to take out his Tool and snap some photos.
This was actually a good angle. He got a great shot of the captain aiming down the throat of a wide-open beak, then another a split second later when the beak snapped shut inches from his head. Another of the engineer shooting one from beneath. Two of the pilot tackling the largest bird and sinking teeth into the back of its neck where it couldn’t reach to stab.
Other species did their trophy hunting from a distance. The Mighty liked the fight as much as the kill. Their blasters were set on a deliberately low setting, and their teeth were sharp.
Safe up in his tree, Oscar grimaced at how bloody things were getting down below. He yelled another bird call to distract the one about to spear the crewmate who’d been knocked to the ground, and he got a cheerful “Nice save by the little guy!” which was as close to a thank you as he was going to get. The crewmate scrambled up and bit off a chunk while the bird was distracted. A couple of the crew looked like they were bleeding their own blood, but most of it was coming from the Dagger Birds, which were just as stubborn as the stories had said. Not one of them ran off. The last to die fell on top of somebody, which just added laughter from the rest of the crew to the triumphant cheers.
Oscar took a picture of the bird being dragged off his disgraced crewmate. That photo he wouldn’t sell, but would keep as minor blackmail if he ever needed it. Sticking it up on the wall to remind everyone of this moment could be a valuable strategic move.
“We are the MIGHTY!” bellowed the captain, and the whole crew joined in with a deep-voiced cheer. Oscar climbed down to more approval than he’d gotten in the last month.
“Good work by our human here! Who knew you could do that?”
“That’s sure an efficient way to hunt!”
“We should bring you out every time. That was great.”
Oscar took the praise with pride, not bothering with modesty. That was just another word for weakness as far as these guys were concerned.
He managed to dodge when one of them made to slap him on the back with a large bloodstained hand, which just made them laugh more. Luckily the captain directed everybody to gather their kills for dragging back to the ship, rather than chasing the human and messing up his clothes.
Oscar took a position on the lowest branch of his tree, taking a couple more photos as the victorious hunters figured out got to get it all home. If anyone had asked Oscar, which they never would, he’d have suggested going back for a hovercart, or taking them one at a time. But of course they did neither.
Definitely the type to insist on carrying all the groceries in at once, Oscar thought as his crewmates strained to drag the giant carcasses through the undergrowth. He hopped down and kept pace out to the side where there was no blood on the leaves.
They finally made it back to the ship, doing nothing to clean up the smears of blood they left on the landing pad. Oscar darted off to his quarters as soon as the door opened. The rest of them could handle getting the birds into cryo storage, or chopped up right away, whichever they saw fit to do. The lowest-ranking one without significant injuries would be in charge of clearing the blood from the hallways, but only after they’d all taken a walk through the water-and-air blast chamber that passed for a shower here. It had always reminded Oscar of a car wash.
He kept to himself until dinner, sorting his photos while everyone else dealt with the catch and the mess and the injuries. The mechanical medsystem on this ship was just as efficient as the shower. They’d all be in decent shape by mealtime.
And mealtime after a successful hunt was also drinking time.
Oscar usually ate in his room, wanting nothing to do with the raucous meat-tearing and drunkenness. But today was different, because he’d learned something valuable about the liquid they were getting drunk off.
Oscar considered the cans he’d bought, then decided it would have more of an impact if he just took one of the communal supply. So instead he grabbed his new food cubes and a premade tin of spaghetti from his mini-cryo, and followed the sound of laughter.
They were already a little drunk when he got there. Sprawled across chairs with a table full of meat slabs spilling over the edges of the plates. And as expected, there were tall purple cans everywhere.
“Heyyyy, it’s the little guy! Let’s hear it for the human with the surprise talent! Maybe you’re not useless after all!”
“Thanks,” Oscar said as they pounded fists against anything in reach as a form of applause. He leaned against the open doorway and shuffled his belongings so he could get a fork in a meatball without setting down the food cubes. “That was pretty easy where I’m from. You guys really can’t do that?” He popped the meatball into his mouth, casual as you please.
The Mighty of course, thought this was funny, and took it in stride. More gulps from their drinks, more savage mouthfuls of food, and a few questions about the surely-excellent photos he’d gotten, which would make them all look amazing.
Oscar said he’d share the best ones. These would make fine decorations in their own quarters, and would probably be appreciated by the right paying audience.
Then came the moment he’d been waiting for. The captain raised his drink in another cheer, and somebody noticed that the human was the only one without a can in his hand.
“Get the human a warrior’s drink!”
“Bet you he passes out after one sip.”
“Nah, he can take at least two.”
Oscar smiled quietly. If they’d been paying attention, they might have changed their bets at that smile. He set his food down in the hallway to free his hands. When one muscular, taloned arm offered him a can of their most potent intoxicant, he took it. Oh so casually.
Then he whipped his head back and chugged the whole thing.
“Oh! Human’s gonna die!”
“I’m not cleaning up the puke!”
“What the supernova! There are better ways to go than that!”
“Somebody drag him to medical so we don’t have to find somebody else to do the boring stuff.”
“Yeah, he was just getting interesting.”
Oscar ignored all of them, giving the empty can a thoughtful look. It felt like the same thin aluminum he remembered from Earth. And if there was anything his cousins had taught him, it was the proper way to dispose of a beer can.
He dug his fingertips in and crushed it against his forehead. Then while the room reacted to that, he wiped off the drips and threw the can across the room. When it went into the trash on the first try, he was internally very glad, but he didn’t let it show. Instead he picked up his food and resumed eating. “What’s the big deal?” he said. “Is that what you guys have been getting drunk off? How quaint.”
“How in all the black holes—”
“No, he’s gonna fall over any second; just watch.”
“Quaint, that’s hilarious.”
“He’s totally bluffing. Just wait and see.”
Oscar was enjoying being the center of the crew’s attention today. He made a show of sweeping his eyes across the various cans in the room. “None of you has finished a can yet, I see. Was that supposed to be strong?”
There was widespread laughing and elbowing of each other, most of them still clearly convinced that the silly little human was going to throw up and die any second now.
So Oscar set down his food, walked over to the table, and chugged a second one. It was a bit more liquid than his stomach was really happy with, but that was a small price to pay for the uproar that followed.
They exclaimed; they renewed their bets; they drank from their own cans; they got visibly drunker and abandoned their bets.
Oscar leaned against the doorframe, eating spaghetti and food cubes.
After one particularly unsteady crewmate tripped onto the table full of meat, and someone pointed out that the human wasn’t wobbling at all, Oscar said, “You guys don’t know much about my species, do you? Half of what I eat would liquify your insides.” He held up a food cube, eyeing the different colored specks of all the ingredients that made it balanced for an omnivorous digestive system. He laughed. “You guys just eat meat. How boring!”
They only got drunker after that. Oscar was pretty sure that the nearest two wanted to pat him on the back, but the floor was moving too much for them to make it all the way to the doorway. Somebody offered him a raw slab of Dagger Bird. He turned it down with casual scorn.
“Nah, meat isn’t worth eating unless it’s passed through fire. That’s weakling meat you’ve got there. Get back to me when it’s cooked brown.”
They loved that. The party was an epic one, only winding down when most of the crew was too drunk to reach more drinks. Oscar demonstrated his steadiness by picking through the mess to drop his food containers in the trash, then move back to the door.
“Well, it’s been fun,” he said. “I’ll send in the med-drone to make sure nobody’s going to wake up dead. Let me know if you want to get your tails handed to you by any more Dagger Birds. I’ll call ‘em in close for you again.”
He got groggy approval to that.
Oscar left with a smile on his face, and a mild amount of caffeine in his blood. Maybe after stopping by the medcenter, he’d use that energy on some exercise. Thoughts of the run to the hunting grounds, and the way his crewmates had paced themselves, suggested that it wouldn’t take much practice for him to out-endurance the Mighty on the VR treadmill.
I wonder what else I can do?
By popular request, this is the sequel to the story I posted last week, which is part of the ongoing series of backstory for the main character in this book. (It started that way, at any rate, and turned into a sprawling series in its own right. Fun stuff.)
Patreon opens the day after tomorrow, on May 1st! There's a free tier and everything if you want to keep up without strings attached! And you can even request more delightful nonsense like this.
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sflow-er · 1 day
I heard people are mad because they feel like August should be apologizing to Simon also, and I think that’s like, a no-brainer because of course he will – – he’s changed now. He’s not the same person who did that thing so – – we saw him suffer and now he apologized to Wille whom he knows and then – – I’m sure when [August and Simon] meet, he’s going to talk to [Simon] about it too. Linnéa Roxeheim, director of S3 eps 5& 6, PRP interview 59:00-59:22 (– – used for legibility, the redacted phrase is 'you know')
So...this kind of seems to confirm something I've been thinking since I watched the season: the lack of apology from August to Simon feels less like an intentional, character-defining writing choice and more like a mishap overlooking or even retconning the August-Simon conflict.
Some thoughts under the cut.
That conflict was one of the central building blocks and driving forces back in S1. Simon wouldn't have ended up selling drugs if it wasn't for August looking to buy, Wille wouldn't have found out about August's finances and been able to use them against him, and Alexander would not have been framed to save Simon. And for that matter, August's eagerness to pin the blame on Simon was likely fuelled by the fact that he wasn't just a sosse sleeping with Wille, but also a constant thorn in August's side. Someone who had even physically roughed August up at one point.
Still, I do believe August's decision to post the video mainly concerned Wille. I've written about that too many times to rehash it again; let's just take his dismissive reaction when Sara says Simon is distraught in S1E6 at face value. And that made perfect sense for his character, considering his only moral code at the time was (elite) loyalty.
However. From S2 on, the history between August and Simon has been sidelined, and the focus has been on the conflict between August and Wille.
We didn't see Simon suffer any more daily consequences from the video in S2. He could already sing karaoke in Bjärstad without people giving him dirty looks, and both the rumour mill at Hillerska and the hate comments online had stopped. Not being allowed to sing his song at the Jubilee was a concrete consequence, but even that felt more like an obstacle for Wilmon and an opportunity for Wille to stand up for them. Simon and August barely even interacted over the season - but at least Simon did refer to Sara knowing everything August had done to him in the gun range scene, so that was something.
I had hoped for the August-Simon conflict to be picked up again in S3. Even if the writers wanted to focus on other relationships and tensions, to me, it felt too essential to pass up. It would have been a clear sign of August learning the accountability and empathy that he needed to grow, and it would have also provided some much-needed closure for Simon (and tied the series together as a whole). I guess the writers felt differently.
Even though the focus on Simon getting hate on social media again could have provided an easy tie-in, the vile hate messages focused on his and Wille's relationship, as well as him being a POC. Apart from Linda's comment in the settlement negotiation, I don't think the video was even mentioned once in all the hate comments we saw. There was no indication of the media or the public having dragged it back up either (or asked who filmed and leaked it, but that's another matter entirely). Nor were there any references to Simon having already received some hate after the leak - on the contrary, it seemed like he was completely blindsided by all the vitriol. I do realise that the scale was much bigger this time around, but still.
Circling back to the August-Simon conflict, there's also another aspect that is easily overlooked. Namely, that Simon himself actually seemed pretty content to just put all his dealings with August to rest after the settlement was finalised. The only time the two of them even interacted after that was all about Sara. It could have also been an opportunity to show Simon's own feelings, but that didn't materialise.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Simon could still use that apology, but I never got the impression that he needed it the way we fans needed to see it. Based on S3, you might even think their only source of conflict was Simon coincidentally being on the video, and when that was settled, Simon was okay just moving on with his life.
Which brings me back to the ending.
I always figured that August was portrayed as genuinely remorseful towards the end. Yes, I would have liked to see more of his growth and development (even just showing his reaction to the sale of Årnäs instead of having Simon say that Wille said it was a fitting punishment would've worked wonders)... But the authorial intent seemed to be that he had already taken enough steps. His and Wille's reconciliation was as sincere as anything could get, with Wille not forgiving him as such but agreeing to move on, start healing, and even wish each other well. Wille was sincere when he congratulated August upon graduation and tapped him as the next king, thinking he was well suited for the job (it's the narrative that frames it as a sort of punishment, not Wille).
Crucially, Simon doesn't seem bothered by this. If both Wille and August had truly just ignored the harm caused to Simon and reconciled amongst themselves, with Wille essentially giving August the position that everyone but August still thought was all August ever wanted...while Simon was still hurting and needing the closure of an apology...well. That would actually make Wille look like kind of a terrible partner even right at the end, which clearly wasn't the intention.
We can't be sure if Wille told Simon about the reconciliation when they talked at the lake, but Simon will still know that Wille stepping down means August stepping up, and he is happy about it. Wilmon are off to start a new chapter in their lives, and we don't get the feeling that the lack of an apology to Simon is left as an unresolved issue between them (or between them and August).
So...yeah. I guess I'm just trying to point out that this seems to be another example of a previously important plot line being dropped from S3, and to a lesser degree, also another example of execution vs. authorial intent.
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reallypleasanttree · 2 days
Demon Slayer spoilers- Obanai's reaction following Mugen Train Arc and obviously Obamitsu content. 🩷🖤🤍💚
Several of the Hashira were in residence in the corps headquarters including Shinobu, Gyomei, Sanemi, and himself. In the last letter he received from Kanroji, she was coming back today after visiting her family. It was possible she was already back and unpacking her bags. They had plans to go out with the rest of the Hashira tonight. He sighed. It had been a month since he last saw her. They regularly exchanged letters, but it was a poor substitute for speaking in person. He missed seeing her wide smile and cheerful voice. Even the way she met his gaze out of the corners of her eyes during Hashira meetings.
Tomorrow, Master Ubuyashiki was sending him out on a patrol further north around Fukushima. There were accounts of several lower level demons ambushing travelers. Two demon slayers came back severely injured when they went to investigate. Weaklings. 
From his perch on the roof, Obanai glowered as he thought of the younger demon slayers. With every Final Selection, the corps grew weaker. It was one of the reasons they had not been able to kill an Upper Moon in the past 100 years. 
To his knowledge, the last person to have contact with an Upper Moon was Kanae Kocho. It had been four years since she was killed. He only met her a few times in passing. Sanemi spoke highly of her though he was biased. Sanemi had planned to confess his love when the Flower Hashira returned from the mission that ultimately killed her. 
An ill omen for any Hashira that loved someone. He closed his eyes and saw Mitsuri’s face in the afternoon light. Obanai was never going to tell her, not when it was his fate to die. She would be disgusted if she ever knew. A filthy, pathetic man pining after her. Mitsuri could never love a person like him. They were friends. Besides, she was in love with someone else. His mouth twisted and let his thoughts drift back to his original train of thought. 
Since Kocho’s death there had only been rumors of the higher ranked demons. His blood boiled. Every year that passed, the demons grew stronger while the corps grew smaller. He gritted his teeth. Mitsuri asked him to give the new slayers a chance to prove themselves. It was difficult when one was a nervous wreck, a boy raised by boars, a girl who could not make a decision without tossing a coin, Sanemi’s brother who had no swordsmanship skills, and the last one. Kaburamaru hissed, recognizing the shift in Obanai’s mood. 
The last one was the Kamado boy who carried the box that contained a demon. He claimed the demon was his sister. She may have been his sister, but she was long dead. The creature that replaced her was a cruel, sadistic demon. It was only a matter of time before the girl went on a rampage and murdered innocents. A muzzle would do nothing if she was enraged, not even her brother would be able to stop her. At the trial, Master Ubuyashiki ordered him and Sanemi to stand down and not to harm the boy or demon. He clenched his fist. He respected the leader of the corps, but he was making a mistake in trusting Kamado and the box demon. 
Three of the new slayers were sent out to assist Rengoku with a mission along with that demon. Rengoku was one of the strongest Hashira and would have no issue killing the girl if she acted out of line.
Obanai tapped his thumb to each of his fingers. Out of the corner of his good eye, he saw a lone crow soaring towards him. Great. Let’s see how this crow can make my day worse. The bird landed and stared inquisitively at the Serpent Hashira. 
“Get on with it,” he ordered gruffly. Kaburamaru turned to stare at the bird, flicking out his tongue in displeasure. He reached his hand up to stroke the white scales as a means to calm himself. 
“Cawww! Kyojuro Rengoku is dead. Upper Moon Three killed the Flame Hashira,” a crow called out. His eyes narrowed on the crow as his heart froze.  
“I won’t believe it,” he said as he frowned at the bird. He stood on the roof of his house, staring at the clouds. There was no way Rengoku was dead. It was not possible. Kyojuro was one of the strongest Hashira. An ache built in his chest, one he was unfamiliar with. 
“Kyojuro Rengoku is dead,” the crow said again as if Obanai had not heard it the first time. The bird flapped its wings and flew off the roof. It kept announcing to the world that the Flame Hashira was dead. The crow would not lie. This creature did not have the capability to lie or be malicious. What purpose would it serve? 
“I won’t believe it,” he whispered to Kaburamaru, repeating the phrase. I don’t want to believe it. Obanai was raised with Kyojuro and Senjuro following his family’s deaths. Kyojuro always wore a smile and spoke with unmatched enthusiasm. He was one of the only Hashira that even matched Obanai’s logic and intelligence when it came to battle strategy. He would never get to talk to his friend again. 
Obanai stepped to the edge of the roof and stared at the ground before jumping off. The ache in his chest was building and he could feel the corners of his eyes stinging. The other Hashira would be hearing the news as the crow flew from estate to estate. 
He needed to check on Mitsuri. She had been Rengoku’s tsugoku and they shared a close bond. She would be devastated when she heard. He turned and ran in the direction of the Love Hashira’s estate, ignoring the looks from the people he passed. 
Before long, he stood in front of Mitsuri’s estate. It was bright and inviting, much like its master. The wood stain was a warm tawny shade with an open concept. He could hear the crow still announcing the news. If she were here, she would know. Mitsuri, please, be okay. 
Obanai knocked on the sliding door and waited. It was not long until the door slid open and he saw Mitsuri’s attendant. The woman’s dark eyes widened seeing the Serpent Hashira, but bowed deeply as she moved to the side to allow him entry. 
“Miss Kanroji is in the kitchen, Sir,” the elderly woman said. Obanai barely glanced at her as he swept her and sped towards the kitchen. He smelled a mixture of vanilla, matcha, and ginger. His nose wrinkled at the contradictory scents. He stepped over the threshold to see Mitsuri sitting in the middle of the floor. Her eyes were red, cheeks puffy from crying. She held a bowl in her hands as tears fell. 
“Miss Kanroji,” Obanai greeted her in a concerned tone. Her head turned towards him, green eyes haunted. 
“Iguro-san,” she hiccupped. She set the bowl aside and moved to sit up, but he raised his hand to stop her. He put away his usual restraints. The Serpent Hashira sat down beside her and brought her into his embrace. Grief made her shiver against him. “He’s gone,” she buried her face into his chest. 
“I know,” he murmured calmly. He hardly ever let himself touch her unless she initiated it. His hands were stained with the sins of his family. He covered his hands with his haori often to avoid tainting anyone, especially her. Except she sought out his touch whether it was to hold hands or hug him. It was during times of distress he let himself hold her, like now. Kyojuro had been her mentor and friend. They were similar. Kind, generous, empathetic. Better people than him. A snake slithering in the dark seeking to steal their warmth. He glowered at himself. There was no room for his self loathing when the love of his life needed support. Miss Kanroji was his priority. 
“Rengoku was one of the best people I ever knew,” he began. He felt her inhale sharply as she tried to control her breathing. Tears stained his haori. “He was easy to talk to, made friends easily, and never let people down.” 
“He looked out for me and-” she hiccupped. “He always gave me the last dumpling when we went out. He was like my brother,” she sniffed and tightened her hold around him. Her strength pushed the air out of his lungs and he coughed. Mitsuri loosened her grip and gave him an apologetic look. 
“It’s okay,” he murmured. He bent his head and held her gaze steady. How and what he felt did not matter, only Mitsuri mattered. Seeing her this sad and defeated was not something he ever wished for her. He touched her cheek, wiping away a tear with the sleeve of his haori. “We’re all going to miss him,” he added, his voice cracking. 
“When- When we were younger, Kyojuro liked to act out some of the plays he read. He forced me and Senjuro to join him and threw Shinjuro’s old clothes over us as costumes. It was comical, really. Three young boys in clothes too large and tripping over themselves. It was one of the few times I felt normal-” Obanai paused, studying Mitsuri’s face. Her mouth opened slightly and waited for him to continue. 
“Kyojuro always knew how to make others feel better. It’s who he was. His last action was to protect his juniors. It would have been his honor to do so,” Obanai swallowed. Kyojuro’s mother, Ruka, instilled a strong sense of justice and the need to protect others into the Flame Hashira. The strong were meant to protect the weak. Mitsuri grasped the back of his striped haori and he brought her head into his chest again. 
“You know wherever he is now, he’s not alone. He made friends wherever he went. People were drawn to his charisma and outgoing nature. Not even death will keep him down,” Obanai said.
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oozeandgoo-art · 17 days
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kithj · 10 months
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clear's tattoos
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biblicalhorror · 6 months
The most frustrating part of engaging in any of this discourse with pro-Israel people is that they claim there's just something ineffable about "seeing and understanding" how supporting Palestinian liberation is directly calling for the eradication of Jewish people (as if that type of rhetoric isn't exactly how actual antisemitism often manifests in online spaces but that's a topic for another day)
They get through people debunking the "the land belongs to the people of Israel anyway" argument and the "LGBTQ Palestinians are safe in Israel" argument and the "Genocide isn't what's happening here so you should educate yourself" argument and when all of those points are meticulously disproven over and over they still stand with "Well, myself and your Jewish friends see the hate you have in your heart for us" and it truly doesn't matter what you say at that point because even if you yourself are Jewish they will claim that refusing to support the state, government and military of Israel is inherently hateful and bigoted, as if a religious ethnostate is some inherent human right that is being taken away from them. I know many of them are blinded by the relentless propaganda that's been around their whole lives and how hard it is to break free from a belief system that is so tied to your core identity as a human being but it is so frustrating watching people being led straight to the point over and over again and just turning around and refusing to see it.
It's also so frustrating to see people using the momentum of this movement to casually tack on actual antisemitism to these discussions, as if having Jewish people in positions of power is why the US bends over backwards to excuse the actions of Israel and not, yknow, the fact that our government directly benefits from having a military stronghold in the middle east. I've talked to some well-meaning pro-Palestine friends irl who casually use antisemetic talking points because they've ALSO bought into the narrative that Israeli = Jewish and so they blame the actions of Israel and the IDF on Jewish people's "religious values" and ignore the fact that this conflict really has almost nothing to do with religion itself and everything to do with capitalism, imperialism and maintaining the US's status as a so-called "global power".
#dont get me wrong there are lots of people on the pro palestine side who are very much aware of and vigilant against antisemitic rhetoric#but i genuinely worry about some of my non-jewish leftist friends and allies falling down some super shady pipelines because of all of this#i spend a lot of my time on my public facing social media sharing articles and graphics and whatnot about antisemitism#and how careful we need to be when calling out these atrocities and our government's complicity in them#but when one side is genuinely claiming with no evidence or argument that being against colonial occupation is just antisemitism#it makes it so hard to call out actual antisemitism within these spaces bc it delegitimizes antisemitism as a concern#i just want to scream#like. im not even jewish and i vividly remember when we had a special lesson in girl scouts about how wonderful Israel is#and they had us make little mini versions of the israel flag and they told us that israel stood for the safety of the jewish people#and i came home and i told my mom about how cool israel was#and she promptly pulled me out of girl scouts#which at the time felt unfair because she didnt explain why#but also how do you explain the horrors of colonialism and imperialism to your newly zionist 10 year old#anyway the point is that if i as a non-jewish girl scout was exposed to that kind of propaganda#i can only imagine how inescapable it must be for many american jews in the US#and i truly empathize with the amount of unlearning that needs to be done#and how hard it must be to let go of some of these ideas#but that doesnt make it any less frustrating to watch these dynamics play out on such a massive scale#and i hold so much respect for people in white jewish communities re-educating themselves and standing on the right side of history#as well as for all of the people of color and especially American Palestinians standing up and using their voices as much as they do#personal
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give me a Jing Yuan fueled by spite. give me a Jing Yuan whose words absolutely drip with venomous sarcasm. give me a Jing Yuan who speaks with fangs bared. give me a Jing Yuan who looks down at you like he just might be considering how to best rip into your throat and tear it out. give me a Jing Yuan so fucking angry the static in the air causes metal to spark.
Jing Yuan is so good and so generous and so kind, give me a Jing Yuan that shows more of his negative aspects bc ohhhhh my god he is so done with everything I think he deserves to snap a little I want a scary Jing Yuan I want a bitter Jing Yuan do u get me
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princezam in trad goth makeup. roshambogames with corpsepaint. there is corn starch all over the team awesome base and mapicc keeps having coughing fits
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padfootastic · 1 year
will never understand why james running his hands through his hair is considered so bad.
(esp when some anti-james people run w it like dudes ur fav is a fash murderer, pls prioritise)
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redjaybathood · 1 year
Every fucking westerner, and easterner, and both southerners and northeners too, on this god forsaken website, who said anything at all about how the world manages to discern politics from art for Ukraine but not other nations or ethnicities, based on, idk, Russians being banned from Eurovision which is surely because Ukrainians are white, and not, you know, the full-scale invasion that happened in the ninth year of Russian war against Ukraine, the ninth year of my hometown being occupied, and is still ongoing, and is a real fucking genocide on the scale unseen in Europe since WWII or Serbia, owes me, personally, to donate to a charity of their choosing:
Donate to Come Back Alive Foundation (life-saving defense)
Donate to Leleka Foundation (life-saving medical supplies)
(do not, under any circumstances, donate to Red Cross)
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newts-and-sharks · 2 years
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And they were roommates
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WHISKEY I VALUE YOUR OPINION AND ALSO I JUST REREAD UR MONUMENT MYTHOS PROPAGANDA THATS BEEN SITTING IN MY INBOX BC IM A DUMMY WHO FORGETS TO ANSWER THINGS SOMETIMES. is it a good idea to watch monument mythos before bed. is it gemini home levels of "do not watch this before bed" bc its like 10pm rn and i really wanna watch scary things bc i have idiot lizard brain that does not realize that watching scary things before bed makes u . well. scared of things when ur trying to then go to bed. eyes emoji
hmmmm good question!! i didn't find it that scary until later episodes in s1, it's just chock full of lore and story and stuff to piece together and it's so so so fascinating, there is horror yes but the LORE, MAN. THE LORE!! it probably won't scare u enough 2 keep you up (but that depends on ur scare tolerance ofc), if anything it'll fuck u up and make u lie in bed thinking "ok but WHAT THE FUCK how is it all CONNECTED" and have u makin conspiracy boards in ur brain about why the fuck there are people hired to look through the eyes of an abraham lincoln painting and why there are things hiding in the statue of liberty and how the walking radioactive suez canal evergreen ship ties into it all and also james dean is president. THERE'S A LOT OF STORY and a lot of it is disturbing but it'll probably just fuck you up emotionally instead of make u scared that monument mythos will be at the fridge
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femme-malewife · 1 year
How do I let someone know that their fic has actually helped me feel like I can probably come to term with my religious trauma without actually trauma dumping them?
Asking for a friend.
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insanechayne · 9 months
~ ~ ~
#I’m at a weird point with my partner#like she’s slipped and called me her girlfriend before#literally day one she said it during a conversation later in the day#and we’re very comfortable with each other and flirt over text and call each other cute names and stuff like that#but face to face it’s a little harder simply because I don’t know exactly where we stand in her mind#like we’re pretty much acting like we’re already together#but at the same time we do work together and also have most of our time spent together at work#and I can understand not wanting to be overly affectionate in our workplace of course#but I don’t want it to seem sterile and strictly professional either since it’s a bit more relaxed here anyway#and I do kinda wanna tell people or refer to her as my partner in conversation but I don’t want that to make her uncomfortable#it’s at the point where I feel like I’ll need to ask her if we’re telling people now or something like that#maybe when she’s comfortable enough to put it on Facebook then I’ll know for sure we’re telling people and being open about it#cause so far I’ve only told my mom and my best friend and idk if she’s told anyone at all yet#it’s only been a few days so it’s not like I’m upset that it’s low key and everything#it’s more like needing clarity about where we’re at on the dating scale so I know better how to behave#haven’t done this whole dating thing since I was like 22 which was six years ago#and that only lasted two months and then he cheated on me#and I only ever had one other relationship before that which was in high school with a girl who also cheated on me after two months#so you know my knowledge and confidence for relationships is very minimal and I kinda need some guidance on these things#but also like how do you ask someone when you can start bragging about being with them? that’s probably weird right?#I wish I knew what I was doing here#personal
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murdrdocs · 3 months
FOOLISH LOVERS. luke castellan
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description. luke castellan has betrayed camp half blood. luke castellan has made an enemy out of those around you. and unfortunately, luke castellan has always held a place in your heart that you can't close off. at least, not until you meet with him one final time.
includes. SMUT 18+, fem!reader, daughter of hypnos reader, oral (f and m receiving), brief anal rimming (f receiving), implied p n v, dreamscape sex again, angst galore, some arguing, references to pjo ep 8. inspo from wicked game by chris isaak
wc: 5.8k+
a/n: a dreamcatcher: daughter of the god of dreams installment.
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Before you can realize the change, you’re standing on a hill. 
It takes you a second to notice, but the area is much like your dreamscape. Low, waving blades of grass that travel through the air with the wind brushing against your bare ankles. The ocean is loud and to your right, down beneath a steep cliff. From just a quick glance, you see a storm brewing off into the distance. The water swirls angrily as if it’s ready to disrupt anything that dares to come into its path. 
You can’t help but think about the betrayed son of the sea god back in reality who surely feels the same. 
When you take your eyes away from the entrancing scenery of the ocean, you notice a cabin directly in front of you. It’s small, and made from long wooden logs, although there isn’t a forest nearby to identify the source of the frame. The exterior is slightly shabby, appearing manmade with a few imperfections. 
It’s not on a comparable scale to the cabins back at Camp Half-Blood, but something about it feels cozy. It gives implications of a simpler life. Maybe what summer camp could have been if you weren’t the offspring of a god. 
That and the clouds rumbling with warnings of an approaching storm is what encourages you to seek refuge in the four walls. 
Step by step, you don’t fail to notice how a focus subject has yet to appear. 
Your hand wraps around the doorknob and you push the slab of wood open as you wonder who’s dream you could have been pulled into tonight. 
You haven’t even stepped foot over the threshold, you have started to convince yourself that this is the dream of the son of the sea god, and then someone speaks. 
You stop. 
Your foot hovers for a second before you place it back beside the other. 
That voice. You hadn’t heard it for months now, but you know it. Day after day, you lay at night with your eyes closed, cementing the memory of the way he spoke and how he sounded as he laughed at your jokes into your mind. Forcing yourself to recall the inflections in his tone as he teased you, and how his words flattened out and got hard when he gave orders to yourself and others. And then, completely involuntarily, you would force yourself to pick through every single intonation and word that you could remember, attempting to find signs. Any hints or clues that Luke Castellan wasn’t the person he made himself out to be. 
Each night, you grapple with the fact that you couldn’t find any clues. You tried to reconcile with your blindness, all while telling yourself that you could have attempted to prevent it all. 
But hearing his voice now, none of that returns. Unexpectedly, your body floods with warmth. 
Luke sits on a small loveseat. The shape of it is a bit of a blur at first, but you blink and it cleans up to present a busy patterned textile couch. It’s well loved, there are a few tears in the bottom of the fabric at the back, and if you’re smelling it correctly, there’s a slight waft of cigarette smoke. 
Strangely enough, it’s inviting. 
You hate to admit it to yourself, but the boy sitting at one end of it makes it even more inviting. 
You step into the cabin and close the door behind you. 
“Hey, Luke.” 
He turns around to face you at the sound of your voice. You sound stronger than you expected. More casual, too. 
You realize that he’d been looking out a large set of windows before facing you. There’s only two but they take up most of the small wall. Outside is a perfect view of the land you’d just come from; bright green grass in the foreground and deep blue salt water off into the distance. 
Luke stares at you. 
The cabin is a little dark—there’s a lamp in the far corner that illuminates the room, washing out the otherwise blue light from outside—but you think his eyes are shining. As if there’s unshed tears barely held within them.
He smiles at you. It’s soft and almost mournful. 
You should leave. 
You shouldn’t be fraternizing with Luke at all, even if it is within a dreamscape. You couldn’t trust yourself in a room with him, especially with the things the two of you used to do when you were in dreamscapes alone. 
Just looking at him reminds you of all of those times. Sweat sticking his hair to his forehead. The feeling of his muscles beneath your inquisitive hands. The deep and smooth sound of his voice. The way everything felt so real and so tangible as he rocked into you, and then as euphoria swept over your bodies you felt so infinite and surreal. 
Your teeth find your lower lip. Your body urges you to get closer to Luke. Stubbornly, you stay in your spot. 
“What d’you think?” He lifts a finger and circles it around in the air. Your eyes lift and you finally take in the rest of the cabin. 
The main room is spacious, but comfortable. Lightly furnished with hardwood floors. Though almost every surface is covered in some sort of rug, most of them persian. There’s a small kitchen to your left, and then the living area that Luke sits in on the right. There’s a few bookshelves but there aren’t many books on them, and there’s a fireplace that looks to have never been used before. A few picture frames sit on the mantle of the fireplace, but from afar they just appear to be showcasing blobs of people without any distinctive features to identify an identity. 
Admittedly, for this to be the created dreamscape of the son of a messenger, it’s impressive. 
You tell him as such. 
This time, Luke’s smile is appreciative. 
“Means a lot coming from you. Especially with the things you can create.” 
Your skin heats up and you block the memories out of your head before they can firmly cement themselves once more. 
“You might have me beat, Castellan. Giving me a run for my money.” 
You don’t know why you decide to fall into the old routine with him. Maybe it’s because you can’t push Luke away for the life of you. He was once your friend and so much more at the same time. It’s impossible for you to completely forget the times you shared together. 
Maybe it’s the home making you feel this way. 
How comfortable it feels. How protective it is. 
You’ve spent weeks pulled into unfortunate dreams. Nightmares have plagued even the toughest minds of Camp Half Blood as of late, and you’ve been unable to fortify your own mind enough to prevent slipping into the mind of others. Which has left you to fight against unbeatable monsters, fortify the barriers of Camp only to have them knocked down by Zeus over and over again, watch those you love die in horrible battles, and much much more. 
In comparison, there is the possibility of a simple conversation with Luke Castellan giving you what you’d been desperately missing even if you wouldn’t admit it to yourself: Luke’s company. 
It’s how you reason with yourself whenever you take a seat atop the cushion of the couch. Instantly, it feels as if you’ve never truly known comfort before. This couch conforms to the curves of your body. You lean back against it, pull your feet up with you, and you quickly decide to stay a little while longer. 
Up close, Luke looks even prettier than you remember. Dark curly hair a little more grown out, unruly and hanging over his forehead like low hanging fruit, begging for you to latch onto it. His face looks a little slimmer as if he’s lost weight, and the angular planes of his cheekbones and jawline accentuates the dark shadow he has along his chin. The mark of facial hair that was previously present. Beneath his clothes—a faded black, almost gray hoodie, and black sweatpants—he appears larger. His shoulders wider, his neck thicker, his wrist and hands veiner. 
(Compared to his covered body, you feel bare in nothing but long socks, and a matching shorts and tank top set.)
He looks virtually the same, but his aura is different. There’s more confidence in him, a larger ego, glory even, that wasn’t there the last time you’d seen him. You know what has caused the change, and it should be something you despise. But his new glory makes him more attractive. It dries out your tongue and lodges something in your throat, pushing it further down until it sits heavy in your stomach. 
“Thought this could be our new spot.” Luke speaks softly, almost in a scared whisper, as if he fears that you’ll reject him. 
(You don’t know if you could ever reject Luke)
Your eyebrows furrow. “Our spot?” Confusion drips off of your words. 
Luke nods once. He licks over his lips and you’re quick to peel your eyes away from the sight and back to his eyes. That’s not helping you much either so you instead try to figure out what books are on the shelves afar. 
Since the little amount of time that has passed, there have been a few more added. From the ones that have already been there, the titles are too far away, too dream disoriented, and your dyslexia hasn’t escaped this dream, but you think you find novels on Seeing. Guides on how to decipher the visions that come to humans, or how to channel them. 
You focus back on Luke. 
“Yeah. Like the old bedroom. But a little more …” he hesitates to find the word then lands on, “Casual.” 
The bedroom. 
Your lower stomach stirs at the mention of it. The large bed, how warm it always was in there, the cold leather of the couch, the things the two of you did to each other on all surfaces. 
This spot is definitely a lot more casual. You’re not instantly compelled to straddle Luke here, although you do have a few thoughts about throwing your legs over his right now and reconnecting in ways you’ve missed since he left. 
So badly do you want to agree. This could be the one place where you get to experience what you’ve been missing without anyone else knowing. This is the only place where you can see Luke without anyone else knowing. 
But it’s wrong. 
He’s the cause of all of this. He’s caused the nightmares you’ve been pulled into. He has betrayed everyone on levels you could have never imagined. And who’s to say that he won’t betray you again. 
“We won’t need a ‘spot’, Luke.” Briefly, his eyes flash as if he’s hurt but in your eyes, Luke has proven himself to be a formidable actor as of late so you ignore it. “This is a one time thing.” 
A moment passes. And then another. 
You turn to watch the sea out in the distance. It appears as if the ocean has lulled for the time being. The sky is still dark, but it has yet to deepen in color. 
Luke takes a breath and you give him your attention again. 
“Why won’t you join me?” 
His eyes flash betrayal, his lips twist into something sorrowful. 
Your answer comes easy. The same one you’ve told yourself over and over again, night by night when you considered reaching out to him. 
“Because it’s not right, Luke.”
When he stands, his newfound power becomes even more clear. It leaks from his pores, spews from his mouth with his words. 
“How could it be ‘wrong’ when you feel the same. All that time you spent telling me about your father. How neglected you felt. What happened to that?” 
Your head shakes. You stand, too, evening out the field for both of you. 
“This is not what I meant. I–” The words don’t find you. Luke takes notice. 
“You what? Love your father? Love the gods? After how they treat you. How they treat us.” 
“Don’t say ‘us’. We aren’t together, Luke.” 
That same look flashes in his eyes once more. He takes a step forward, you take one back. 
He doesn’t say anything. You watch his hand reach behind his back. 
“What, are you gonna fight me like you did with Percy?” 
His head shakes. His eyes harden. He pulls his hand back and it comes up empty. 
“He attacked first.” 
Your voice starts to rise. “And you tried to kill him, Luke. He’s twelve. What don’t you understand about that? ” 
“Twelve and a forbidden child. In the grand scheme of things, his age doesn’t matter. He’s powerful. More powerful than both of us combined.” 
“So is that why you tried to kill him? Because he’s a threat?” 
“I don’t want to have this conversation with you. Not here. Not now.” 
“Yeah? Well then when? And where? Because this is the last time you’ll be seeing me, Luke.” 
Your eyebrows raise. Disbelief paints over your features. You’d expected more of a fight. For Luke to disagree or attempt to convince you to return to him a few more times after this. Maybe that’s what you wanted. Maybe you wanted him to convince you that you needed him. Maybe you wanted to hear him tell you that he needed you. 
Either way, your reply is the same as his. 
“Okay.” You turn and take the few steps it takes to get to the door. 
Your chest heaves with large gulps of air in and small breaths of letting them out. Your body is buzzing, the same feeling you would get before sparring with Luke. The same feeling you would get before your bodies joined together. 
You tell yourself to reach out for the door handle. You tell yourself to lift your arm, connect your hand with the metal, and pull it open. You tell yourself to return to your own dreamscape, maybe even reality, and forget any of this ever happened. 
Maybe you would’ve done it if Luke hadn’t spoken. 
“You can walk out that door but that won’t change how you truly feel.” 
He doesn’t add on. You don’t move. 
“And how do I feel?” 
The adrenaline is overwhelming you. You need to expel it out of your body somehow. 
As Luke is speaking, you’re already approaching him. 
“I’m sure I don’t need to answer that for you.”
When he speaks, it’s with arrogance. His confidence is heavily laced in his words, overflowing until it drips out into the air and lodges in your chest. Running through your body and down to your fingertips. It annoys you, makes you want to battle it out with him in a fight you’re sure to lose. 
Your feet thud against the floor with each step until you’re close enough to cup his cheeks in both of your hands and pull his face down to yours. 
There’s no hesitation in the kiss from either side. As if both of you were expecting it to happen eventually. 
Luke kisses you back vehemently, his lips messily sliding against yours as he presses into the center of your back, accentuating the curve and drawing your chest into his. His free hand glides down your side to your hips. He circles to your back, dragging his palm down to rest over the curve of your ass. He grips the flesh through the soft fabric of your shorts, digging his blunt nails in before continuing his hand—open palmed—down to grip the back of your thigh. 
His other hand mirrors his previous actions until he has a hand on either thigh. He tugs once, and you collaborate to wrap your legs around his waist and hook your ankles behind his back. Your hands dig into his hair, and your core tightens as you prepare to continue holding yourself up. But Luke takes most of the load. 
He places his hands on your bottom to keep you lifted. You expect him to walk you back to the couch, or maybe pin you to a wall. But he doesn’t. 
He holds you against him in the center of the living room, kissing you like he’ll never get to kiss you again. You don’t fail to realize how he likely won’t. 
His tongue slides against yours, your teeth knock together at least twice, both of you refuse to pull away to breathe which results in heavy exhales through your noses against the skin of the other cheek. 
While it may be uncoordinated, it’s not primal. 
There’s copious amounts of longing beneath each pass of your tongues against each other. There’s human emotion behind the way you tug on his hair and how he uses one hand to pull your hips closer to him. There’s raw longing in the soft sighs and gasps you both let out into the other’s mouth, taking it in and replicating the noises over and over again. 
When you finally do part, it’s with a wet, pronounced smack. 
“Luke,” you gasp his name before you can realize it’s happening. One of your hands moves from his hair to hold his cheek. Your fingers spread around his ear and your thumb probes into his jaw. 
He hums, his eyes still shut. 
“I want you,” you admit. 
You watch the smile spread across his lips, his eyes flickering open to look into your soul. 
“Took you long enough to admit it.” 
You suck your teeth and roll your eyes. Your other hand, previously resting on his shoulder, slaps his bicep. 
“Don’t be an asshole about it.” 
He laughs as he apologizes, knocking his forehead against yours. “Sorry, pretty girl.” 
He takes a moment.
When he speaks, his eyes are nothing but earnest. His words are slow and careful, despite how simple they are. They fill your chest with warmth. They comfort you, possibly in slight delusion as you instantly believe him without caring about what repercussions his promise could come with. 
“You have me. Always have. Always will.” 
You’re quick to surge forward. 
Luke is quick to reciprocate. 
This time, he walks you back to the couch. He settles you on it carefully, not lifting his hands from your bottom until you’re seated securely along the loveseat and pulled to the edge by his hands hooked under your knees. 
His own knees dig into the rug beneath the furniture. His head is tipped up to continue kissing you, this one lacking the over enthusiasm from before. Now, he takes his time, having confessed his desire to be with you as long as you’ll let him. 
It’s not long until he pulls away and trails his lips down, kissing along your decollete, not stopping when he comes in contact with the fabric of your small shirt. He presses his lips into the fabric firmly, as if he’s trying to reach your skin beneath the layer.
You feel the pressure he has beneath each kiss as he trails down, and you arch into his touch, excitement spreading through your lower half whenever Luke digs his fingers into the elastic of your shorts and pulls them off of your legs before he even reaches there. 
You’re quick to leave your legs open, even going as far as to spread them a little more to give Luke more room. 
His wide shoulders fill the space. They nudge against your knees and instead of letting you spread your legs even more, he throws them over his shoulders, effectively caging himself in with your limbs. 
If the small smile on his face is anything to go by, he’s happy about his position. 
You’re still wearing your panties. Your hands trail down to get rid of them, but Luke stops you with a hand on your lower abdomen. 
“Let me,” he tells you, voice soft and light. 
You remove your hands and do as told. It’s a simple system you have worked out, Luke slowly but surely working his way down to where you want him. He's eager, and you know he wants himself there as much as you do. 
It’s strange what desire could make you do. 
You’ve never been anything but loyal to Camp Half-Blood. To both of your parents. And in normal circumstances, you wouldn’t allow yourself to do this.
 But you’ll simply have a final time with Luke. That’s it. Sharing your body with him, and having his body shared with you, won’t make you forget his transgressions. 
As your panties are pulled off of your legs, and your skin is once again placed above the thick fabric on the shoulders of his sweatshirt, you tell yourself that this won’t change anything. 
You’ll never be able to forget what he has done. What he’s planning to do. 
Except, perhaps, you can push it aside for as long as you’ll have to while you let yourself get lost in his touch. 
The first pass of his tongue is a long stripe between your folds. He spreads you open with his thumbs, pulling at the skin on either side to expose your center. Then he flattens his tongue and licks up from your entrance to your clit. 
He puckers his lips, sucking twice before flicking his tongue against the bud. 
Your hands card through his hair, ignoring the way your fingers get stuck on a few stubborn curls that refuse to separate in favor of grounding yourself. It feels too good, and you haven’t been in this position for too long. There’s nothing you fear more right now than getting too lost and waking up in the real world before you’re even satisfied. 
Luke brings his attention back down to your entrance where he laps up what you’ve been leaking. He groans, peeling his mouth away and you stare down at him, entranced by how grateful he looks. 
Eyes closed, face completely relaxed, his scar laid flat against his cheek, his pink lips parted and glistening. 
He looks ethereal. The sight is addicting. 
“Missed this so much,” he admits, tongue flickering out to lick the remnants of your arousal off of his lips. 
You feel the same, but you refuse to tell him that. Instead, you scrape your nails at his scalp lightly and shuffle your hips, hoping that alone is enough to capture Luke’s attention again. 
Either he catches the memo or he had the same idea as you because his lips are right back between your legs.
You’d expected him to behave like a man starved, licking and sucking your cunt like you would disappear any moment. Instead, he takes his time with you. He utilizes the best part about being in a dreamscape: the lack of concrete time. 
He savors the taste of your cunt, and the little sounds you make. His fingers press into the tops of your thighs as he holds them down against his shoulders to prevent you from squirming. His nose nudges against your clit and digs into the short hair you have on your mound. 
He presses his tongue everywhere that he can, sometimes even sliding further down to rim areas still unexplored. Each time, you would tense up just a little less, until eventually you were trying to subtly urge his head further down for him to do it just one more time. 
And when he does, that’s when the coil in your lower belly gets as tight as it could get, just before snapping from the tension. You would have warned him. Or, maybe you did. You were so focused on getting there that any words that came out of your mouth weren’t even considered. You weren’t aware of anything other than your mouth moving at the same speed as your hips as you dragged your cunt against Luke’s face, using him to guide your orgasm to full completion. 
As soon as your hips stop twitching you swing your legs off of his shoulders and slide to the floor beside him. You pull your shirt off, then do the same for Luke, throwing both of your tops off to the side. 
Unsurprisingly, he’s not wearing another layer beneath the sweatshirt, allowing you to run your palms down his chest, feeling the familiar definition along his abdomen. 
You sit in front of him with your legs folded underneath you, and since he’s on his haunches, he towers over you just a bit. You have to tilt your head up to kiss at his jaw and neck, your hands busying themselves with urging his sweatpants off of his hips. 
Luke does the rest of the job for you, hesitantly pulling away from your touch to stand and slide his sweatpants off of his legs himself. You’re left on the ground, hands politely resting in your lap while you stare up at Luke with wide eyes. 
He slowly reveals more and more of his legs until he’s wearing nothing but his briefs. They hug him well, like they always have. A prominent outline of the muscle definition in his thighs, elastic waistband hanging low enough on his hips for you to see the ‘V’ that connects his hips and abdomen. And of course, the tight material reveals the prominent boner confined within the crotch of his briefs. 
You want to reach up and palm him. You want to pull the final layer off of him. You want to take his cock into your mouth and relax with the heavy and warm feeling of him against your tongue. 
But you decide to be patient. And it’s worth it. 
Luke slides his briefs off himself, never breaking eye contact with you as he throws them to join the rest of your clothing. His stare is strong and heavy as he spits into his hand and puts his dick into the same place, wrapping his palm around the center of it and stroking a few times. 
There’s the prettiest, most picturesque bead of precum at the tip and you’re practically salivating just looking at it, praying deep down that Luke doesn’t run his hand over it so you can have it for yourself. 
As if sensing your inner turmoil, Luke takes a step closer, holding the base of his cock right in front of your face, allowing you to get the perfect view of how his tip is a light pink around the almost clear drop of precum. 
“You want?” he asks you simply, smiling a bit when you nod eagerly. “Then open.” 
You’re quick to do as told, lacking any shame whenever you open your mouth and stick your tongue out. As soon as Luke presses his tip to your muscle, you wrap your lips around him and eagerly suck him clean. 
Another good thing about the dreamscape is that everything either tastes like absolutely nothing, or like pure honey. And when you’re with Luke, things are usually the latter. 
You start to get lost in it, enthusiastically beginning to suck Luke off even though you were only meant to be getting a taste. 
You can see that Luke is close to commenting on it. His eyes shine like they do before he has something to say, but just when his lips part and he takes a breath to speak, you hollow your cheeks and sink as far down him as you can and any words he could have conjured up are suddenly gone. 
He lets you do what you want, eyes fluttering shut and one large hand cupping the back of your head as you continue to suck him off. He lets out the smallest noises, pretty grunts and groans and sighs. 
Luke was clearly just as wound up as you were. Within a couple of minutes he’s already starting to spew out praises like he does when he’s close. Some of them are fragments, broken words strung together in incomplete sentences. 
“So … doing so .. you’re–” when you swirl your tongue at the tip and tease his balls just a bit. 
“Gods, you’re so good at this,” when you jerk the majority of his dick with one hand and focus your mouth on his tip with the other. 
“Close. So close. Almost there, dove” when you take all of him into your mouth once more, throat molding around the definite shape of him. 
And when he cums down your throat, you’re so satisfied that you can’t help but moan unabashedly along with him. 
You’ve only just swallowed his cum before his cock is pulled out of your mouth and he’s back on his knees in front of you. 
His arms wrap around your waist, he pulls you into his lap, laying his head on your chest and just letting himself be. 
Just existing. 
After a couple of minutes, you stop expecting him to speak and decide to just exist too. Your breathing eventually matches up, in and out, in and out, over and over again in tandem. Outside, rain starts to thud against the roof of the small home. Distantly, there’s the faint sound of thunder, and you’re sure the ocean is swirling angrily. 
None of that matters, though. You’ll be left to decipher the metaphorical meanings of it all later, when you aren’t coexisting in the shared warmth from you and Luke. 
When he isn’t kissing the tops of your breasts and holding you securely in his arms. 
Eventually, Luke does break the silence. His voice is low when he does, both in volume and tone. 
“Can I have you? Just one final time?” 
He talks into your skin without looking directly at you. But as you start to respond, you cup his cheeks and force him to look at you. 
The entire time, you’ve been fighting this battle. Knowing you wanted Luke, knowing you wanted to be with Luke, but also knowing it was wrong. All of it was wrong. 
But right here, right now, you let go. You nod unashamedly. You kiss his forehead then the tip of his nose then his lips, before landing on the bottom end of his scar. 
You tell him, “Yes. Of course, Luke”, as if he didn’t even have to ask in the first place. 
And truthfully, you don’t think he did. 
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” 
Luke is in the middle of pulling his sweatshirt back over his head when you speak. There’s a second where the fabric is hiding his face, slowly revealing the curls at the top of his head, then his dark eyebrows, and finally his eyes. They look as they have the entire time: despondent. 
“I know you didn’t. Neither did I.” You have a feeling that neither of you are speaking about the same specific thing, but the overlap in your conditions is so wide that you don’t bother correcting him. 
He reaches behind his back once more and when he pulls his hand back around, he has his camp necklace dangling from his fingers. He undoes the knot, and holds it open, waiting, until finally you turn around and let him delicately tie it around your neck. 
Your hand touches the beads. You want to thank him, but it doesn’t feel right. 
Instead, your lips twist into what you hope comes off as a thankful smile when you turn around. When Luke replicates it, you feel a little better. 
There’s a moment, just a brief moment there where you’re both staring at each other and the memory of Luke’s hands and lips and tongue and his everything engrossing you, taking your everything and combining them together, is still fresh on your mind. The warmth of his eyes and the warmth of his camp necklace around your throat heals you. And you consider that your feelings for Luke were stronger than you ever forced yourself to acknowledge. 
He was more than a close friend to you. More than someone you looked up to. More than someone you shared your body with in the dreamscape. 
He was more. 
It feels unfair for you to have these emotions. The wrongness of it all—your feelings for Luke Castellan, how he’d turned out—has rage fueling deep in your gut. With no one else to blame it on, you can’t help but briefly curse the gods. 
For they were the ones to cause this. To instill deep hatred into Luke’s chest. To prevent either of you from ever having a normal life where you could live and breathe and love without the burdens placed upon you both. 
A life where you wouldn’t have to love and lose someone like Luke. 
But there’s nothing for you to do about it now. 
You don’t want to leave. But your time together is up. You should’ve left a long time ago, and your choice to stay before resulted in something you could never take back. 
You turn and walk to the door. And once more, Luke speaking causes you to stop. 
“You are the only one who could make me change my mind.��� He says it in a small whisper, as if he doesn’t want to admit it even to himself. As if he shouldn’t be admitting it at all.
‘Are’. His feelings for you still haven’t changed. You don’t know if they ever will. 
Either way, you’re forced to change yours.  
You don’t know what to say. So you don’t say anything. Your hand reaches for the doorknob. You take it in your palm, gripping and turning at the same time until the latch is undone. 
The door opens and fills the room with the sound of rain falling. It’s loud and fills the empty space. Up until Luke speaks and the baritone of his voice joins it. 
“This is it?” 
You nod once. Luke’s scoff sounds painful. It’s bitter with an edge of hatred. Maybe disbelief. 
It makes tears brim at your eyes. Your nose stings. Your throat feels as if it’s constricting with the effort to hold your tears back. 
Luke takes a breath. You step one foot out of the door. 
“Dreamcatcher,” he calls to get your attention, the nickname giving you that fuzzy feeling you used to get from just seeing him around camp. “We’ll be seeing each other again.” 
And then your foot lands on the dry green grass of your own dreamscape. 
Just a few hours later, you rise with the morning sun, sneaking off to the showers before everyone else to get rid of the stickiness between your thighs. 
The dream might not have been real, but the evidence between your legs certainly was. Strangely enough, that and the additional chord of beads around your neck. You only notice it when you’ve undressed and stepped beneath the shower head, scrubbing at your skin and running into additional jewelry you hadn’t expected to have been there. 
You take it off and slip it with the rest of your clothes as a keepsake, carrying it around in your pocket for only you to know about.
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