#or the links for the books dont get them downloaded
first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- 18+ words and themes overall, cussing, mention of death, mention of sandors death, joss and Podrick being cutie pies,
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
Previous chapter here
Chapter 22
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You hold your son in your arms walking around the room as you rock him and hum too him. He coos in your arms he holds onto your finger. You smile down at his little face admiring his feature yet to come in your excited to see him grow into his fathers looks. 
There’s a knock on your door. 
“Enter.” You say the door opens and joss enters. 
“Your grace.” You says bowing slightly. You smile at his persistence to come in and check up on you once in a while. Its been just over a month since you gave birth to Joss, and the recovery has gone smoothly and being fully healed your back to doing the normal things relatively. 
“The lady Sansa is looking for you. She’s by the wearwood.” He speaks 
“thank you. Ill be right out. Leave the door open” You say he nods and exits leaving it open as per your request. He dosnt leave he just merely stands to the side to wait for you. with your newfound talent of doing things one handed you lay out the fur blanket on the bed before laying your son on top. 
You turn and pull on your cloak and gloves before going back to your son. You swaddle him in the furs before pulling him back into your arms and heading out holding him close to you and walking out to find Sansa joss follows close behind you as usual. 
“Joss?” You ask him on your way over. 
“Yes?” He asks 
“may i task you with something this evening?” You ask.
”of course your grace.” he answers. 
“Will you go into the town and fetch some new furs as he grows i will need more.” You say. 
“Of course your grace.” He says and smiles before trailing away from your side to the stables to collect a horse for his ride. 
You see Sansa red hair before herself. 
“Sansa.” You call. She turns around to face you her face lighting up as she sees you holding joss in your arms. she holds out her arms asking for permission to take a hold of him and you happily ablidge as you both move to the stone carved bench and take a seat. 
“You were searching for me?” You ask her once seated. 
”ah yes. John sent word through raven about the success with the dragon queen. She will be joining us in the next coming months, John will be arriving home soon to prepare…and he says he’s bringing a friend.” She says breathlessly. 
“You dont sound pleased to have another royal arrive.” You say she chuckles and shakes her head. 
“Her father was the mad king…shes a targaryen they are, to say the least, the more so crazy of the rich royal families.” She speaks bouncing joss slightly. you snort at her rude comment. 
“Do you think she actually has dragons?” You ask she nods. 
“John drew a picture.” She says about the ravens scroll that was sent. You nod and sigh looking at the tree. 
“May i ask you something?” She asks. 
“Hmm?” You answer mindlessly. 
“Do…hm..” she trails off thinking on how she wants to word the topic that could either piss you off or make you cry. 
“When…you look at, joss…” She says signalling to your son and not the squire. 
“…is there any part of you that may have resentment, or pain for the death of sandor?” She asks. You sigh and look at her. 
“No..i miss my husband dearly and every night wish that he were still here to see his son grow but..i have a part of him and i'm grateful for that. Although I do sometimes remind him of how much pain he caused me. When he’s king I hope he goes out of this world just as stubborn as he wanted to come into it…with a fight.” You smile looking at your sons blushed face as he sleeps in Sansa’s arms. 
“I wish to have a babe of my own, whether it is born from me, or im to come upon one that needs care.” She says and smiles. 
“I would’ve liked to give joss a brother so he’s never lonely but I refuse to give myself to another man. when the time comes i want to visit the orphanage.” You say. Sansa smiles and looks to you. 
“I shall join you and we can give two children the rightful home they deserve.” She says happily you nod, brushing your finger against your sons cheek. 
“Speaking of…joss. Where is he. It seems he never leaves your side.” Sansa jokes. 
“Ugh can you believe it? I sent him away to get more furs but i know he’s going to have a hard time determining which length or color to pick.” You say as Sansa hands your son back to you before you both get up deciding to head back into the halls to warm up. 
Standing in the shop joss looks at the furs just a suspected he struggles with choosing the type of furs asking the store clerk a thousand different question about them. The front bell attached above the door rings making Joss double take at the arrival of the other squire sent out. 
“Joss.” Podrick speaks enthusiastically as he sees his fellow looking frantically at the selection the clerk has shown. 
“H-hello.” Joss gets out before running his fingers through the furs now testing the feel once deciding on the color, granted it should’ve been the first thing he does as now he regrets choosing the type and he begins the process all over again. 
“What are you doing?” Podrick asks. 
“H-her grace has asked me to gather furs for the next coming years for the little prince but i dont know if she sent me away to torture me for I cannot choose the best.” He huffs. 
“For now he is a baby no bigger than forearm so he will only need long furs for the next 2 years and the life spans of furs is four. Six if taken care of properly. So you can get him 2 of the long gray. It has soft enough fibers that it will not cause irritation and prevent choking for the prince. You cal buy six other pertaining the length as as he grows older they are most likely to be worn as a cape to there's no need for a backing it can stay as the Hyde, also better for insulation.” Podrick educates your squire as well as telling the store clerk what is to be bought. 
“When have you become an expert on furs?” Joss asks genuinely although it sounds more like a mock. Podrick scoffs. 
“My time spent with Tyrion lannesister wasn’t just golden roofs and armor plating, i took his orders and lists and he had a collection of fine furs.” Podrick answers. 
“I apologize i mean no ill intent for my question it was genuinely a skill i need to learn for her grace.” Joss replies reassuring. He pays the correct amount for the fur selections of one of the guards that went with him taking some in his hold as theres quite a few. Podrick quickly grabs the fur hes chosen an pays before following joss outwards. 
“I could… teach you if you’d like about the difference in fine things.” Pod offers. 
“Take these back her grace I will be alright.” Joss instructs the guard you puts the furs in the saddle bags of his horse before nodding, mounting and riding off. 
“I would enjoy that very much.” Joss says looking at podrick who puts the single fur pelt under his arm smiling back at the other. 
“I was a soldier once. All my superiors thought I was brave…I wasn’t. I mean i never ran from a fight, only because I didn’t want to see who i thought were my friends to see me a coward. And no matter the orders I would do them without a blink. Burn that village im your arsonist, steal from the village, fine im your thief, kill those boys, i'm your murder.” Everyone sits around as Brother ray speaks out on the past he wishes to re-write. He takes a seat looking at everyone who’s listening, including sandor. 
“I went to a village, much like the one we are building, and slaughtered those within, I heard a boy away from his mother as i slit his throat. That night the screams of the mother calling out for her son haunted me. And they still do to this way. And will so for the rest of my life.” He sighs standing up once more. 
“We cannot undo what was done in our past, however we can mold our future to be braver, better, happier, kinder. We can use our wits and our strength for the goodness of our next life.” Brother ray speaks looking directly to sandor. 
Before he begins to speak again the sound of horse hooves trods closer allowing the view of three men to ride up to the group as everyone stands. 
“Good Morrow friends.” He speaks. 
“Whats your business here?” The one in the middle asks looking around at everyone. 
“Building a new civilization my lord.” Ray answers. The man chuckles lowly before speaking again. 
“Have you any more spots? Or steel?” He asks. 
“We are welcome to anyone who wants to help with the thrive, but we’ve no gold, no steel. Your welcome to join us for supper however we’ve many hungers mouths here.” Rays continues to answer kindly. 
The man takes another look at the small crowd before backing his horse up a it. 
“Stay safe then. The night is dark and full of terrors.” He speaks before nodding to the other men. 
“Seven save you friends.” ray replies before the three men turn and ride off. Ray turns to the crowd taking a breath reassuring everyone. 
“Now then let us do some more work and supper shall be prepared.” He smiles. Sandor continues to look at the men who ride off recognizing the symbol in the chest plate. Ray gives him a look before sandor turns and heads back off to his station of chopping wood since he's the strongest and does not tire easily. Brother ray however does not go to his of supervising, he follows sandor watching him pick up the axe and begin easily splitting the large logs. 
Sandor stops a second before turning his head seeing ray walking to him. He scoffs rolling his eyes. 
“Seven blessings, fuck that.” sandor huffs as he goes back to splitting logs. 
“Im a fucking septon what was i supposed to say?” brother ray sighs back to sandor. 
“They dont believe in your seven god shit, theyre from the brotherhood, they serve the redgod…Fucking cunts.” sandor says putting down the axe breifly to talk to ray. 
“Anyway weve got nothing for them.” ray speaks, sandor scoffs at his comment. 
“Sure you do…youve got food, you’ve got steel, even if you say you don't, and you've got women, a man like that whos been out on horse back for long enough is gonna want a women no matter the cost.” sandor retorts back to brother ray. 
“Not you? Youre a man, youre around women?” ray suggests. 
“No not me. I dont need another woman.” he huffs turing back around and picking up the axe once more. Brother ray walks around sandor to face him to continue the conversation. 
“Another? Hm?” ray prods at sandor for mentioning the slightest of you. Sandor huffs and continues to chop. 
“When i found you i thought youd been dead for days. When you were stinking already and covered in bugs, and bone was coming through your leg right there. But youre all healed up apart from the little limp.” brother ray chuckles as sandor looks up at him stopping his chopping yet again for a moment to talk. 
“I was gonna give you a proper burial but the you coughed, Ha, nearly shit myself…i thought, you would die by the time i got you back here, but by that time you didnt. And i reckoned you’d die a dozen more times over those next few days but you didnt…what was it that kept you going?” ray asks. Sandor glances at the ground for a second before taking a breath and letting it out in a sigh. 
“What is her? ‘The Woman’?” ray asks once more. 
“Shes pregnant, with mine, might have given birth by now its been about a year. I made her a promise that i would come back, find her. And i would like to keep it.” he says looking brother ray in the eyes for once. Brother ray nods and walks around sandor beginning his walk back to the village area. 
“Come on now get some supper.” he says. 
Sandor picks up the axe and begins swinging once more. 
“It’s gonna be a cold night. You’ll need firewood.” sandor says chopping and splitting the wood. 
“Ill save you a bowl. Might even have some ale hidden away” ray smiles to sandor before hading back to the village plot. Sandor chuckles and continues chopping although his math is slightly off and with in the next new chops he’ll have to go into the forest for a moment to collect more.
Next chapter here
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determinate-negation · 8 months
Im a highschooler and I'm worried about losing friends and being seen as antisemitic for supporting palestine. One of the girls in my friend group wants to move to Israel when she graduates and is better at arguing than me (debate club) and I don't know what to say when she says stuff like, being against zionist jewish people means youre just antisemitic for being against 80% of jewish people, only jewish people are allowed to say what is/isn't antisemitic so I just get overwhelmed and don't say anything and feel really bad is there anything I can do
the idea that only xyz people are allowed to talk about xyz thing is ridiculous and is a tactic for people to shut down dissent on something and portray themselves as an expert when in reality it might be more complicated and there is no singular consensus among that group. the easiest thing you can do is educate yourself and youll be able to respond to people, challenge them on what theyre saying, back up your own points. ngl a lot of zionists are just regurgitating vague myths they were taught in hebrew school and hasbara (pro israel advocacy) talking points, and they will evade engaging with other history on it because they dont know it or are basing it off stuff other historians have contested. ten myths about israel by ilan pappe is pretty straightforward and probably would help you know what to say. you can download a pdf here. this website also has a lot of information too
and i have more books and links here in my resources tag
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goodluckclove · 3 months
About your recent post where you said you’re willing to talk to new writers: I’m very secure about the quality of my actual writing, but it’s the looming, impenetrable crucible of publishing that utterly defeats me. How did you do it? Could you possibly offer me any help in that regard?
Hi! Publishing is not nearly as intimidating or as scary as you think it is, or as people seem to make it out to be. I've never trad pubbed a novel, but I have self published and published short stories in professional journals, as well as worked as a columnist in an arts website.
For self publishing I bought an ISBN, but I don't think you have to in the US since you can get free ones from Ingram Spark and Amazon. People say Ingram Spark is difficult to navigate but honestly skill issue because once you learn how to use it it's way more convenient - plus the formatting is infinitely better. I downloaded my Ingram Spark ebook and used it as the file for Amazon because the Kindle book making software is mid at best.
Anyways you import your book, set prices to calculate royalties - it's a little extra on Amazon if you want extended distribution and for it to get in libraries, which is why I sprung for my own ISBN. It was like 140 bucks I think, maybe less. Then you design a cover - Canva is cool and free, it doesn't need to be crazy, minimalism is timeless. Approve all of it, maybe order a proof copy to make sure it looks groovy. Then you approve it and in like a week your books are available online.
Amazon has Amazon, obviously, but Ingram Sparks has a direct link you can share for people to buy. It also helps when you're working with bookstores, which I still have to do, because they can just buy from them directly. They just look up your ISBN code.
Uh, and for short stories you can just look up lit mags that publish in the genre you write in. If I write body horror, Id say "body horror short story submissions (month, year)" and then just send it to anyone whose requirements you meet. Some don't pay but that's fine, I think. It's just cool to get out there and have an online portfolio.
It's really just a tedious kind of numbers thing, like a household chore for writers. And yeah it hurts at first when you get rejected. But after a while you start getting rejections from places you don't remember submitting to and you're just kind of like "huh okay".
That's my main publishing takes. I have separate experience in producing plays that I've written and culture/technical writing (which is really fun if you find a good gig), but I dont think that's relevant for the average prose writer haha. But yeah get submitting, it can't hurt!
Oh marketing, though. That's the scary part. Publishings nothing compared to the existential horror of marketing yourself. But you can worry about that later.
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andromedasummer · 5 months
thanks for answering my question, even if you can't actually answer my question lol. you wouldn't happen to know of any blogs on here i might have better luck asking that question to, do you? i'm just getting a bit desperate in seeking help understanding ir theory since i can't get any formal academic help ha
i dont know anyone specifically who could help but i did a little searching around the internet and think i have tools that could help?
you should drop by r/piracy (honestly everyone should) and go onto their megathread. get the vpn recommended there (i use it its $8 nzd (($5 usd)) a month) if you dont have one and start going through some of the links and categories they have for books and textbooks. when looking for introductory texts on the subject i found these links:
I think these textbooks look like good ways to start. they'll have references inside them to other texts you can also look into. If there's no way to download them in full through those links I would advise going to the book section of R/Piracy, selecting annas (i use annas for textbooks usually) or one of the science textbooks hubs and then searching for the textbooks through there + also looking through the hubs there for other texts that might be helpful if these are too dense + texts that are more specific. for example i used this to get base media studies texts in the later years in my study so when it came to spending money on textbooks i could get books specifically on social media regulation in NZ.
good luck! i wish i could help more!
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tillman · 2 years
Embarrassed asking this bc I've been following for a hot minute now and still don't know anything haha--where would I start if I were to look into reading abt Lancelot and Galehaut?
NO ITS OK LOL medieval lit is fucking insane especially getting into it with no background here is my brief spiel: <- said before i ended up typing 800 words. sorry.
medieval lit is complex and extremely hard to approach. let alone that most translations work under the assumption the only people to ever read them would be academics with a background in medieval lit, getting into and reading it is a challenge. if u have an interest and dont want to have to brave one of the longest and most complex stories written in medieval french and translated by many many people into english, im happy to say the story of galehaut and lancelot has enough influence to have a pretty decent modern english retelling of the main beats in Lancelot and the Lord of the Distant Isles. (my pdf here, tho copies are really easy to find in bookstores and stuff this is only from 2007). It takes the main story of the vulgate and condenses it down to focus on just the love story of galehaut and lancelot. its pretty fun. the liberties it takes are slight and work for telling a coherent story.
Now, if you have read it, or want the real Galehaut experience, heres whats up, medieval texts and modern poems undercut:
Galehaut is in 5. i think maybe 6 medieval stories total. youre in for a treat as this is maybe the shortest "i want to get into arthuriana and i like this character where do i start?!" list possible besides like. drian the gay. or some other fucking nobody.
The main one, again, is the Vulgate Cycle. This is the main old french tale that inspired a looot of other arthurian works all over Europe. Its huge. Im not done scanning it BUT, i am done scanning the section Galehaut appears in, the beginning, because i got depressed after that lol. (Heres my scan of part 1, part 2 is on my website im too lazy to get both links).
From there, you got the most detailed explanation of the story of Galehaut, and can read the more fun shit and whacky shit with him and Lancelot in it YAY. Heres what i got pdfed on me rn:
Biggest one to note is he has a side role in Thomas Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur. Nothing huge, and they do mix him up with Galahad at one point? but hes there. No one should read the original text its such a slog so heres Keith Baines awesome rendition
In other bad middle english texts, Lancelot of the Laik Book 3 has Galehaut, but its unfinished and also. only in middle english. fun footnote, dont read it. one day ill post my translation of book 3 alone LOL.
Short and sweet Galehaut is in The Old Knight, the greek text we have. he tries to fight for palamides and lancelot and tristan then try to fight for him. its cute. the old knight is an odd little thing just had to bring it up LOL (had to download a pdf for this one the site i read the article on before doesnt seem to be up.... just scroll to the bottom!) <- thisll be up on my website soon i forgot it i guess
Now for the funniest reveal: Galehaut plays more of a role in Tristania than Arthuriana most of the time (well. the arthurian branch of tristania im not getting into this rn). Why is Galehaut and Lancelots relationship expanded upon only here? only god can answer that.
Here is the Tavola Ritonda. Its one of the oddest texts i know of. Medieval italian. Very Very brutal. BUT. has some really interesting Galehaut takes and moments hidden in the . whatever is happening in this fucking text. its long as hell but mentioning for fun. (pdfff)
aand more interestingly. Here is the Belarussian translation of that. Which is even fucking weirder. mostly different plot, still has lots of really cute galehaut moments including the bit he asks tristan to join his and lancelots marriage. oh well i love the povest. (and heres that pdf)
Now. this is the wild card round. Heres the weird shit and the Hovey.
If you can brave French. modern french not old dont worry, Pierre Sala has Tristan et Lancelot. an exceptionally fucking weird story. Galehaut does make a slight appearance but mostly, keyley, funnierly, his evil german cousin is a recurring villain for a few chapters. its weird. its fun. its french. (pdf)
and finally. this one is on its own level, here is my dedication to Richard Hovey. one of the greatest poets of 1885 or whenever he wrote his arthurian stuff. He was gay. he famously called himself the american oscar wilde (and maybe met him at a party? one time we found a source saying they made out at a party.). and he wrote one of the only poems featuring galehaut i know.
well ok its a collection of dramas. and galehaut is not the focus. but he is a main character and he is insane. I recommend reading literally all his works hes a fucking amazing poet, you can even find his other poetry online easily. but heres his list of works on the camelot project. oh my god read richard hovey. please . hes my favorite poet.
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cheekedupwhiteboy · 1 year
teach me about ebook piracy so i can slonk calibre dev
Step 1- acquire book
i use libgen pretty much exclusively bc it almost always has what i'm looking for. it's very web 1.0 and not immediately intuitive to use which i love. look up ur book and click one of the mirror links (highlighted below), then "GET" at the top of the page it brings you to (or one of the additional mirrors at the bottom of that page if the first one doesn't work)
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Step 2 (optional)- Calibre
assuming you can open the book you downloaded, you don't actually need calibre for anything. but it's free and an extremely useful tool! i use it to convert books into the required filetype for my kindle and then send them to it. it's also got a built-in ebook reader feature if you want to read on a computer screen. and you can tweak metadata and stuff if you're anal about keeping your collection organized. and there's a million plugins that do all kinds of stuff i don't really understand
edit to add: i dont think copyright lawyers are probably going after ebook thieves that hard but always wear a condom just to be safe
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teddykaczynski · 2 years
Why is cd better than
than vinyl? several reasons, um
any cd you buy from anywhere, can be easily uploaded onto a computer and then you have the music files forever. you can thrift a cd or get it from a used records store and the mp3s can become yours to put on any device or to burn a new cd. if you buy a new vinyl now from like bandcamp or whatever, they generally give you a download link for the songs (well bandcamp does right after you buy it no matter what format, but i also mean if you bought a new vinyl directly from the artist or something, like a vinyl of a recent album made in the last several years) but if you get a really cool thrifted vinyl, you cant have the mp3 files unless you buy them digitally or torrent it, and then youre spending more money to get something that a cd promises you outright or you have to torrent which is harder than putting a cd in and just doing it. plus its not illegal to rip a cd
portability. cds are much smaller and easily fit into a cd book or something so you could carry many at once, plus a lot of cars that are still on the road have cd players. i guess if you dont drive or your car doesnt this isnt really a factor for you, but very few cars ever had record players and the ones that did are like 70 years old at this point. plus when im in the car i get the best audio quality from a cd, downloaded streamed songs or downloaded files on an phone or an ipod dont compare. plus cd walkmans exist, theres no portable vinyl player like that.
cds are endlessly copyable, most of the cds that i keep in my car are burned copies of the albums i own. i dont like to keep the originals in the car because it would suck if it got stolen or fucked up because its in the car somehow. you can also burn your own cds of a totally unique playlist. you cant with vinyl
sometimes you can just buy a vinyl that wasnt pressed right, and itll suck and not sound how its supposed to, and also they slowly die and wear out the more you play them. not a problem with cds, though they can wear out or rot or whatever, i have a lot of experience buying used cds from a lot of different sources (many different thrift stores, used record stores, ebay, etc) and sometimes one wont upload to my computer for whatever reason, but itll stll play in a cd player. i have a few cds that are like, some of the very first albums released on cd from the 80s that work completely perfectly still.
a good vinyl player is really expensive. the mass produced ones sold in places like urban outfitters suck, and it takes alot more to get an actual good one. you can walk into any thrift store and find a really good cd player for like, under 20 bucks generally. some cd players do have better speakers than others, but even a cheap one will be pretty good unless its absolute shit. also cds themselves tend to be cheaper, used or new. i just checked a few artists on bandcamp and cds are $10-$14 dollars generally, but vinyl are $20-$30. and the same goes for used too, because theyre more popular used places sell them for more. theres less competition with cds because theyre less popular
i get that vinyl is part of a whole experience, and theres something more glamorous about it than cds, but if theyre only more popular because of vibes.... than that's just admitting theyre an inferior product isnt it? cds just arent as cool anymore. hipsters repopularized vinyl, but isnt it more hipster to do what the hipsters arent doing?
thank you and goodnight *bows*
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hometownrockstar · 2 years
I’ve been wanting to read new books/comics do you have any suggestions? I wanna broaden my horizon and try out works I haven’t had the chance to get into!
yeah sure! ive been reading quite a bit lately, mainly horror and disturbing books/mangas so obviously trigger warnings for those ones i can elaborate on specific ones if u ask but i'll keep it short... iunno what specifically you might want so i'll just shoutout my favs recently
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Berserk has been the latest manga ive been reading, probably one of the hardest ones to read bc its VERY sad and disturbing but is an incredible story nonetheless. i am not phased easily by written stuff but berserk was the first thing to have a scene that i had to look away from so proceed with caution... Berserk is interesting bc it has Nietzschean tragedy themes and structure, portraying a world where evil and pain happens for no reason despite humans fearing not pain but pain without purpose, but it also holds a sense of compassion and realism to both the good and bad, exemplifying how Nietzsche saw tragedy as beneficial to enjoying and valuing the good parts of life. Sorry this got long but a lot of horror stuff i feel can be boiled down to "Super fucked up bad things happen in it" which doesnt give the whole scope of how a specific media might handle or portray it, so i wanted to explain how it feels to me, rather than just saying its gratuitous.
Something different is the manga Ultra Heaven! this was like finding gold when i discovered it, its short and unfortunately incomplete but i highly recommend it just for the incredible illustration work and playing with paneling and crazy mind stuff. its written by a guy who does drugs and often points to psychadelics as a heavy influence for his work, and its extremely apparent in this one. if you love beautiful artwork and surrealist mind-fucky narratives (like perfect blue or eva) then i cant recommend this enough.
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ok i cant let this get too long ummm Animorphs! throwing a curveball but its still horror, just kid's cosmic horror. and war. and its really good, even tho i read it as an adult for the first time i loved it. actually rlly good commentary on the ethics and grey morality during war. Heres where u can download every book, the megamorphs and alternamorphs are required for the plot btw theyre listed in the order u read them in-between the series books.
A good horror/comedy manga is Franken Fran, i INSTANTLY took to it when i picked it up its my style of dark comedy exactly. i really liked black jack for the episodic chapter style, n this is like black jack but with dark comedy body horror and i love it :3
Back to books... I'll list these together, Come Closer by Sara Gran and Confessions by Kanae Misato. I stayed up all night on two separate nights reading these bc they had me hooked so well lol... I wouldnt call them horror, more like thriller/tragedies. come closer has a great writing style, its a rather sad book about a woman being possessed by a demon, really good sparse prose that emphasizes details. Confessions is just... u gotta go right into it, its GREAT. really intriguing style and premise, love the epistolary format, SO good with details.
The Melancholy of Anatomy by Shelley Jackson, short story compilation. i talked abt it best in this post so i'll link it
Bonding by Maggie Siebert is a great short story horror collection as well, the horror feels like aching and emotionally palpable in it, very well done one of my fav horror books ive read so far.
These next two things are about more abstract writing so dont expect completely clear narratives -w- but I read Amygdalatropolis by B.R. Yeager and i SUPER loved it but i might have to reread it a couple of times to get the hang of it. his newer book Negative Space has good reviews so i'll check it out soon but thats more of a grounded narrative, Amygdalatropolis juggles surrealist imagery, forum text, symbolic elements in a truly hypnotic way.
Umm finally i have been really into books of poetry by Sam Pink lately :)! theyre rather short and like some are more story-related but theyre absurdist and really like, good and resonating in a personal way, i really super enjoy it, i read You Hear Ambulance Sounds And Think They Are For You and a bit of Person and i like them a lot :)
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writers-ex · 1 year
spider 2shin?!?! why didn't they save y/n that's so mean 😭😭😭😭i thought at least yuna would've hmp also ryujin stealing a kiss 👀🫣🥵 that's hOT THAT's HOT !!! hgnfjfhdjxhdhsndjdjsjjs excited for the next installment!!!
also yoo!!! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU LIKE PJO!??? i love pjo 😭😭😭😭 i remember waiting for the release of the last book of the series that was a sequel to pjo i read it bc i loved pjo so much skdjdjsjsjdjs
also !!! i like dancing as well we have a lot of stuff in common 💗💗💗 i mean i'm not good at it but i wanna get back to dancing as exercise hnghhh i had itzy's not shy and it'z summer memorized before as well as bp's playing w fire idk if i still do now hnghh hopefully i find the time again but wow i can't imagine dancing and singing in front of an audience i'd be too embarrassed you're so nrave for that😩
ALSO ALSO!! u right frozen 2 slayed!! icb disney deleted the video that they made for THE promotion of disney+ here probably bc the one w inti the unknown got millions of views (3M last i checked if i'm not mistaken??) compared to their other videos to promote their shows hmp!!! there's only one out of three left (https://youtu.be/1tcFWWkjKjc)
thankfully someone recorded the one that got millions of views (a member of my fave grp was there too he sang w one famous actress and another power vocal who won a tv competition) bc i downloaded the hd version of the video but deleted it bc i didn't think disney would delete another video 😭😭😭 (they deleted janella's version of How Far I'll Go that she sang for moana's release years ago bc it got more views than the original/american version so there's only one video left of that performance which is on wish bus😭😭😭)
https://youtu.be/FbeaY3BHXVA wAIT NO IT's BACK?! IN THE OFFICIAL CHANNEL?! i have hope for the disney+ performance then 🥹 but it might take yrs dafuq
https://youtu.be/RbIy7RVM9OQ this one has the third performance which is so cool bc zack performed in a historical site within the capital city (i live in the greater area of the city lmao)
you won't be able to save these performances in the spotify playlist i'm afraid hngh
also last !!! thank you for the well wishes for ppop 🥹 yea you said it right haha it's just my way of contributing to helping ppop rise hngh no pressure at all but if you or anyone else is interested here's a ten min vid of a fan organized event that i didn't get to attend bc it happened on sunday and sunday is family dayy (we passed by the venue event on the way home but i didn't see anything :(( one of my fave gg made a surprise appearance after having just performed somewhere else they appeared last "KAIA" in the interview and all of this was for free no fee for artists they willingly went to perform for fans 🥹🥹🥹)
ahhh!! thank u for listening i'm gonna give y'alls a break from the links and stuff this is my last for a while hahaha
- 😚
i will write the pt 2 of the spider!itzy y/n revenge plot when i have time and if i dont within a month plz remind me T^T anyone actually- im dead serious plz remind me i will forget
I LOVE PJO!! i read his stuff during the pandemic and it began my comfort series, i'm stoked for his next book and the disney show <333333 i am a camphalf blood camper and felt a connection with jason bc glasses buddies unite :)
and dang i just learned twice TT, bts's bapsae, pentagon shine (THATS MY SONG), and skz miroh but i've been forgotten them :,)
i gotchu here are the links to some amazing performances <3 and darn :,) i'll make a youtube playlist for myself then hehe the moana one isn't working btw T_T
link one
link two
link three
and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you're welcome to keep spamming ik life gets busy and rough but the ask box and my dms will always be open if you need a pick me up or smol drabble or just to say hey :3 i gotchu boo
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kakashihasibs · 2 years
Im so curious how you ended up in philosophy! Did you major in it? Ive only really studied it as a hobby but god if i could do college again i would study it in a heartbeat!! Whats some of yout favorite books and philosphers you resonate with?
I started off as a pre-med and bio major! I had college credits in biology already and a lot of experience and knowledge going into biology so my 1st semester i took all general education classes so i could get them done and out of the way!
One of the gen ed class was an introductory class on the western philosophical canon where were started with the Pre-socratics and ended the semester with contemporary philosophers.
Early in the semester we read the republic by Plato and we got to the divided line and i was like 'uh oh i dont think I'm very far along the line D:' (i.e., i was still somewhere in the cave lol).
Before that, zeno's paradoxes kinda blew my mind as well and i had been bugging my professor all semester during his office hours with questions. After the divided line i went to his office to talk about it and he was like, 'just so you know, you are going to end up switching ur major to philosophy.' and i was like i literally have the paperwork to switch my major in my bag right now lol. So i switched my major and that professor was my academic advisor 😌 and i went on to be a huge annoying pain in his ass for the next 5 years but i dont think he minded too much alsjdjdjsk
As for favorite books and philosophers i resonate with, i fall more into the analytic tradition so there's not much resonating. It's all very dry "it is [not] the case that" and "If we define P as [such] then Q blah blah blah"
But i agree with David Hume on a few epistemological things. I fall into the Virtue Ethics camp as opposed to Deontology (Kant) or Utilitarianism (Mill). I fucking love logic :3
I hate bioethics with a passion >:E
I have read French existentialism! So camus, sartre, and de beauvoir! I loved the hell out of Camus and de beauvoir.
Are Prisons Obsolete? By Angela Davis is a must read (<- download link to the free pdf)
Judith Jarvis Thomson's stuff on abortion is amazing and wonderful (may her memory be a blessing).
Philippa Foot is responsible for the trolley problem! But more importantly she is one of the philosophers responsible for contemporary virtue ethics!
I've recently started reading phenomenology so, The Life and Death of Latisha King: A Critical Phenomenology of Transphobia by Gayle Salamon is really good.
There's more but this is getting kinda long ^~^
Oh! I also have a masters in philosophy and politics! And I'm currently working on my writing sample to apply to PhD programs for philosophy. My areas of expertise are ethics (namely virtue ethics but I'm knowledgeable about ethics in general), and social policy (land rights/regulation, water rights, drug regulations)!
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first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- pregnancy, 18+ words and themes overall, Child Birth, Description of childbirth, Angst. Gender reveal!!!
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
previous chapter here.
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Winter fell as cold as it maybe in the middle of winter, is not nearly as cold as castle black, being on the absolute edge of the frozen waste land. You do not have to layer as much and once in a while a spot of sun peaks in from the frozen clouds. 
Although there is far less to do now with a full staff you still find a way to enjoy yourself. Playing little games with Sansa, or reading books from the library. You even enjoy watching joss spire with podrick as they’ve spent more time together, though you’ve been avoiding his lady Brienne of Tarth. 
You do so now as you watch the two of them spire with wooden swords as they laugh.
”your grace. It is an honor to speak to you once more now so at such a high standing.” A familiar graining voice hits your ears as lord petyr Baelish, little finger walks up beside you. 
“Lord Baelish..” you say he nods a bit before opening his mouth and speaking once again. 
“I want to personally apologize for the loss of your husband, Ser clegane. you are far too young and beautiful to be subject to widowing status.” He says. 
”you flatter me.” You say dully. Not really interested in what he has to say. 
“I try my best as i-“ 
“What do you want lord Baelish.” You interrupt him. 
“Nothing your grace, except for your happiness and safety.” He answers. 
“Mm I am safe. i'm surrounded by family and friends and I have joss and the other guards to protect me.” You speak.
“What about happy?” Baelish asks you turning his entire body to watch your facial expression drops. 
“Why arnt you happy? What do you want that you dont already ha-“ before he can continue his words you cut him off Turing your head to look his straight in the eyes. A sort of anger burning within. 
“My husband.” You speak plainly starring daggers into his soul. Heavy footstep sound through the frozen boards of the deck behind you interrupt the conversation. 
Baelish looks up slightly knowing its Breanne as she's the only as tall as where his gaze lands to be. Lord Bealish opens his mouth to speak but you interrupt him before he gets the chance. 
“No need to grab the last word my lord…i will assume it is something clever..” you say turing your focus back to the landscape. 
He huffs before speaking. 
“My lady…your Grace.” He says and turns before taking his leave away from 
“Your Grace-“ Brienne begins. 
“I dont wish to speak to you.” You say as you turn walking down the platform
“Your Grace please, if you’d just allow me to apologize!.” She calls out to you following you. 
“What part about i do not wish to speak to you do you not understand?! I do not want to speak to you? Should i say it plainly for you to understand, shall i have to shout it out to you?!” You bark at her angrily. She drops, kneeling beneath you. 
“Your Grace please. I am deeply sorry that the fate of your husband was met by my hands. If i had known-“ 
“If you had known that it was my husband would you have ceased your actions? Or would you continue to ‘protect’ the stark girls. From any a threat?” You huff out.
 She dosnt speak just keeps her head low. Your anger is pushed aside by a painful flare as your hand places itself on your belly. 
“I know there might never be a state of pardon for my actions tword your family but i rest assure you i will do anything and everything in my power you try and make up for the loss.” She says you place your hand on her shoulder not as a console but to keep yourself steady as another pain passes through you rendering your knees to almost buckle. 
“Your grace..?” Brienne looks up at you seeing you in pain. 
She stands and takes hold of you to help steady yourself. You gather up your skirt slightly to see blood and liquid.
“Fuck..the babe is coming.” You say looking up to her.
”w-what? Are you quite certain?!” She asks worriedly. Another uncomfortable pain pulls through your body as it nearly takes you out. 
”JOSS! JOSS!” Brienne yells he looks up and drops everything running as fas as he can up the steps to you both. 
“The babe is arriving get the midwife and maester NOW!” Brienne yells at him. 
“Ive got you your grace. Can you take steps?” She asks you nod taking a few steps before the pain buckles under you. 
“Its alright.” Brienne says before carefully lifting you up into her arms hurriedly but carefully carrying you to your chambers when your ladies in waiting arrange everything as best as they can. 
”my lady.” You hear joss's voice as the master and the midwife rush in. 
“GET HIM OUT!” You yell 
“come along joss.” Brienne says. 
“NO! Him!” You yell about the maester not wanting to be examined or touched by a man, maester or otherwise. 
“Your grace i do not think-“ the master is interrupted by another groan of pains from you before Brienne shoves his out of the room. your ladies help out of your restricting dress leaving you in your under dress. 
“Your grace you need to lay down so i may examine you.” The midwife speaks. You let out a shaky breath as you take to the bed and lay back. Brienne closes the door and her and joss stand on either side of it watching outwards. 
Your groans and screams of pain can be heard through almost every part of the castle, leaving everyone to stop in their business and wait in hopes for a baby's cry. 
You hold onto Lucy’s hand and the side post of the bed as you endure the worst physical pain. She tells you words of encouragement, but you know something is wrong as tears pour down your cheeks. 
“no… NO NO!” You scream.
“It’s alright your grace.” Lucy says pleading with you.
“n-no no.. something’s w-wrong.” You panicing, shaking.
“he should be out by now…something….s-someth-AHH!” You scream the pain overwhelming you.
You let go of her hand as you pull away and move to stand up. 
“Y/n?!” She protests. 
“let me up!” You say to your midwife. 
“Your grace you need stay.” she says. 
“UP!” You yell they nod and help you up the only thing covering your nude body is the blood stained cotton sheet wrapped around you. Yet even that falls to floor as you hobble to the edge of the room lucy following close behind waiting for any moment.
“Your grace you need to push!” One midwife says you lean forward against a table holding your self up looking down as blood drips onto the stone flooring. The weight of your self fall in as you drop to you knees.
“NO NO PLEASE!” You scream at your unborn child 
You scream as the pain surged through your body. You hand grips side of the chair so tightly your knuckles turn white and and the skin peels back on your palm. You scream murder into the air as your lungs burn. 
Your arms and legs shake leaving your muscles to ache. Sweat pours through your skin. Your vision is blurred, stained with teary eyes shut tight. Your hands and legs bloodied the fear you’ll die during this. A rush of the last bit of pain follow through your body. As you look down between your legs seeing a baby, purplish pink and pale only slightly misshapen from the effects of birth. 
Your midwife runs to you checking on you briefly before taking a hold of the baby and taking a towel to it before tying off the cord. Your worry fills your heart as you were told a healthy baby is supposed to cry. But just as your worry was placed it fades with the loud and hearty cry of your child. 
you sigh in relief as you sucsesfully gave birth but a soreness washes over over as the other women help you up and back to the bed to help ease the after birth. As your child is placed in your arms. 
“Its a boy your grace, you have a son.”
You cant help but begin to sob as he rests in a towel and blanket in your arms. You shakily breath trying to catch your breath from crying and the after birth pains. But they soon go away as your focus on your sons face is so perfectly combined of yours and sandors. He has his fathers hair color, but for now he looks like a chubby little new born baby, early, tiny but healthy. You can hear slight cheering outside your door from those celebrating the new prince's arrival. 
“May i get him cleaned up your grace?” Your midwife asks. You nod, handing him back to her carefully as she takes his aside in the room to begin cleaning him up a bit. 
“Well done.” Lucy says giving you a hug you hug her back. She helps you up a bit so they can help clean you off change the bed sheets and change out of wear putting you in something comfortable before making sure any residual bleeding will be taken care of. 
You rest in bed as the wife gives him back to you now all cleaned in the tiny nightclothes and a blanket. Fore the first time out side of his safe place in your womb, he has his first meal as he latches onto your breast with ease. 
Once hes done and you’ve rested you allow them all to vist first Sansa runs into your room and is in absolute awe of him his little hand gripping her finger. 
“Y/n he’s precious.” She says you smile proudly at what you and sandor created. 
“Hes going to grow into a strong man just like his father your grace.” The midwife says smiling. You nod a bit sad. 
“If only he were here.” You say. Sansa gives you a reassuring smile. 
“Lucy? Will you let joss in please?” You ask she nods and goes to the door opening it as joss enters. 
“Your grace.” Joss says giving you a smile. 
“Come here, come meet the little prince.” You say he smiles and hurries over to you leaving over as you show him your son. He smiles at the baby. 
“Hes got the lord cleganes hair.” He chuckles making you laugh and nod. 
“Would you like to hold him?” You ask. He looks worried at first but you place him into his arms and he holds him perfectly. 
“Oh. Have you thought up any name?” Sansa asks. 
“I did. I was thinking maybe i should name his after his father carryon the sandor clegane second of his name…” you trail off. 
“Perfect name your grace.” Joss says as he admires the little human in his arms. 
“Indeed…but then I remembered someone whose name I would love more for my son to have than his fathers…Joss.” You say. 
“Hmm?” Joss asks, humming as hes still glued to the baby. Sansa giggles as he hasn’t figured it out.  He looks to you confused for a split second before you nod to your son. His eyes begin to well up in with tears. 
“Wh-what?” He asks. 
You smile at him nodding. 
“Joss Dortain clegane.” You speak your brothers name as your sons middle. 
“Your gr- y/n. Im so honored.”he says you smile to him opening your arms and giving him a hug your son still in his arms. 
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[text: @deprofundisclamoadte Wouldn't Jedi need those kinds of documents for census purposes? Like, to know how many of them they actually had in the Order and to have a database will all their names and stuff attached? I can imagine that they sent Obi-Wan to make make Anakin's birth certificate to whoever does that stuff on Coruscant.]
(from the notes of this post)
@i-dont-know-how-this-site-works For me at least it depends on how the governmental systems work for Jedi, and we just don't ever get a clear picture of that
in AotC I got the impression that Jedi are at least a little above the law: the way that Anakin saying, "Jedi business, go back to your drinks" is enough to get an entire bar full of people to ignore them dragging an injured person out of it; the fact that their high-speed car speeder chase definitely breaks multiple traffic laws, yet Obi-Wan doesn't include this in his reprimands and complaints about Anakin's flying, and they don't seem to get in any trouble for it. if this hypothesis is true, they probably only get indemnity for minor infractions, not major things like murder (as Ahsoka found out the hard way). but this still would mean that if Anakin got pulled over and couldn't produce a license, he might be able to get away with it by playing the "I'm a Jedi" card--or, alternatively, the "I'm BFFs with the Chancellor because he's grooming me" card
re: censuses, I've taken the U.S. census and it doesn't ask for any kind of official documentation like a social security number or birth certificate, so while it's possible that a Star Wars version of the census would require that, I think it's also possible that the census taker might just ask the Council for the names of everyone in the Temple and leave it at that
now, it's very possible that Obi-Wan had to go down to the Official Government Building and submit a request for a birth certificate and/or citizenship, but!!! what planet would they put down as Anakin's birth place? the Star Wars wiki has this to say on the subject:
"Although Skywalker was listed as born on the desert planet of Tatooine, a holographic log stated that Shmi and he moved to the planet when Skywalker was at a very young age. Regardless, Tatooine was Skywalker's homeworld." source
which is both helpful and not. I'm broke and can't go buy the actual books that this page linked to, nor could I find any downloads of them online. but I also couldn't find anything that officially gave the name of any planet, Tatooine or otherwise, as his birth planet. so again: if you're Obi-Wan and you're sitting in an uncomfortable lobby chair filling out these forms for this child you've know for a few months, what do you put down as the place he was born? well, if you're Obi-Wan, and you're tired and you don't know how to take care of this former slave child who misses his mom and you want to skip the headache, you might just put down 'Tatooine' as Anakin's birth planet and leave it at that. which is very understandable, and Obi-Wan probably deserves a drink at this point
but this brings us back to: how do governmental systems work wrt Jedi? Does the droid at the information desk accept this and say yes sir, you're a Jedi so you must be telling the truth, we'll get these processed right away? maybe. I suppose I did kind of propose that in the second paragraph of this nonsensical essay. but then again, the Old Republic is very old, and very large, and very slow. so maybe they need actual proof of the birth from the planet's records. which are on Tatooine. which is run by Hutts. who hate Jedi. and these records don't exist because Anakin wasn't actually born there. and you could ask his mom to sign an affidavit, but she probably doesn't have a comlink, and if you comm the shop, Watto's not going to let you talk to her, so you'd have to fly all the way out there, and you'd just be asking her to lie anyway so what's the point. and maybe you could just ask her to tell you the name of Anakin's actual birth planet--if she even knows it since she was a slave at the time and might've just been stuck in transit during her third trimester since heavily pregnant slaves can't do much work and probably don't fetch a huge price at the market--if you're Obi-Wan, you could ask her that, but then you'd have to start this whole process all over again with the planet name she gives, since planets probably don't record the births of slaves. why would they, slaves aren't people, and who would want anything officially linking them to slavery if someone from the Republic (like, say, a Jedi) comes sniffing around. so there probably isn't any official record of Anakin's birth.
so if you're Obi-Wan, it's suddenly becoming very tempting to just throw your hands up in the air and declare that well, Anakin isn't going to be opening any bank accounts or buying any property since Jedi don't have possessions, so he doesn't really need this anyway, and if he gets pulled over, he can just mind trick his way out of it. which, again, valid, and Obi-Wan has earned his drink.
for the Jedi's own records, I'm slightly convinced it's just one giant excel sheet that they make Mace update once every few months or so. I fully admit this is just my own bias, since i've worked for a giant corporation before and you'd be surprised just how much information is stored in one single excel sheet that one rando temp can access and accidentally delete if they're not careful. but even if I accept that I'm wrong, which I probably am, that's still just the Jedi's own personal records that aren't necessarily beholden to any other agency or group. like, what's stopping Mace from just putting "unknown" in the Birth Place or Social Security Number section of Anakin's file? do the Jedi have to annually submit their records to the Republic for auditing? maybe they do, but given that they also apparently have a secret off-planet prison, maybe the Jedi just have their own stuff going on and the Republic is like, "all right guys, you do you".
in conclusion: at least 90% of this is speculation, but we honestly just don't know enough about governmental processes and how being a Jedi works within those processes for me to give a definitive answer here. and until Disney decides to hire someone to write that book, we may never know.
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tonkitexas · 2 years
Purchase lds scriptures
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The store has a good reputation so you can purchase from it with confidence. This quadruple combination includes the 2013 edition of the LDS King James Version Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and. Keeping adding special lines of text, place the design in the center, and more. You can purchase LDS Bookstore products from the Amazon seller LDS Bookstore, over the last 12 months, the seller has received honest feedback from 49 consumers, and the average rating is 4.72. Our standard design features an outline of your temple and one line of text in the bottom right corner of your scriptures. The manufacturers provide LDS Bookstore with a steady supply of products, and they have a good cooperative relationship with each other. We found that most of the LDS Bookstore products are manufactured by Latter Day Products, Ringmasters.
It's affordable for most consumers, and you can feel free to pick your favorite products. LDS Bookstore products range in price from $2.49 to $29.99, and the average price of all the products is about $14.15. attractive 0 Miscarriage Scriptures: Bible Verses for Women Who Have. At present, LDS Bookstore has 135 products for sale. and well refund your purchase Other language arts curriculum for high school. When purchasing a product, price is the consumer's primary concern. Time Savors has scripture characters and Book of Mormon Bingo for young children.Looking for men's jewelry, flower essences and music boxes products but having no idea? LDS Bookstore buying guide are here to provide you with a better insight on the quality and performance of the office & school supplies products. Gap theory is wide margin scriptures with wide margin in a journaling through the biblical text as mark in orange font is slowing showing back of books. The Red Headed Hostess has a flip book entitled, The History of the Bible and Why the World Needed the Book of Mormon. Looking at lds authors, new testament so margin on his clean back to margins of skeleton signals that everything else in the reader will assume the. All words are related to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teachings, scriptures and references to the Bible (old and new testament), the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, Pear of Great Price and other gospel related themes.
Some materials for younger children are designed to work with the scripture readers which the Church produces. Figure out the word based upon the four pictures you see.
Print pages as you need them or print all at once and assemble in a 3-ring binder.
Living Scripture videos are only sold online or through door-to-door salesmen (boys, really) who get missionary-like referrals from other Mormons or members of your ward or branch.
The links come through email and include instructions for saving to a file. I dont ever remember seeing anyone talk about Living Scriptures on r/lds, so I thought Id throw some information out there as a PSA.
The colorful artwork takes up a lot of ink unless you print in black and white.
Materials come as PDF downloads, which means a lot of self-printing.
Print as many copies as you need for your own family. Each includes craft ideas, recipes and activity pages. Krystle Checchio(krystlechecchio), 1 With him, the scriptures come to.
There are materials for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. When you receive Ready for Pickup email go to the selected store We buy gold.
The creation is taught from both Genesis and The Pearl of Great Price.
Includes activities, games, puzzles, timelines, notebooking, memory verses, etc.
Children can study the Book of Mormon, Old Testament, and New Testament, and other choices through age appropriate workbooks.
When I was a child, I got water in my nose and it hurt so bad I can still remember it.After that, I was so afraid of putting my face in the water that I never learned how to swim, because I always had to use one hand to hold my nose closed. The bad thing that happened before will happen again. Designed to help LDS families teach the scriptures to their children. 12 Scriptures for Anxiety and Depression: the truths that battle the lies.
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ladychlo · 2 years
hi chay! i hope you are doing well, do you have any video essays/essays/books/article about bisexuality (whether it is history, bisexuality in media, biphobia... anything, really) to recommend or even other blogs you think might help me find what i'm looking for? thank you in advance, hope you have a joyful pride month <3
Hi love!! Hope you're having a lovely time!! Here you go some ressources ofc its not an exhaustive list so if anyone wants to add something useful please do!! And happy pride to you as well 💖💜💙
video essays:
Bisexuality Stories Onscreen, Explained
'00s Bisexual Chic
Bisexuality: The Invisible Letter "B" | Misty Gedlinske
Performative Bisexuality: Y'all Not Tired?
Bi the way, we exist | Viet Vu
A History of the Word "Bisexual"
21 Challenges Bi+ People Face
Bisexuality and beyond | Tania Israel | TEDxUCLA
Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World
BI: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution
Bisexuality and Transgenderism: InterSEXions of the Others
Articles and general ressources
there is an interesting scientific journal called ''JOURNAL OF BISEXUALITY'' if you need a more scientific approach (you can always use sci-hub to open articles via their DOI)
Measuring attitudes regarding bisexuality in lesbian, gay male, and heterosexual populations. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46(3), 353-369. Mohr, J. J., & Rochlen, A. B. (1999).
Why we need to “get bi.” Journal of Bisexuality, Ochs, R. (2011). 11, 171-175.
Bisexual Resource Center works
Coming Out: Living Authentically as Bisexual+
Still Bisexual
Bisexuality and Disability X X X
A Closer Look at Bisexual People of Color
LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Language Guide
Bisexuality+ 101: Understanding & Supporting People Who Are Bi+: Recording & Training Toolkit
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chaninfused · 4 years
Of course it isn't, why on earth would it be your fault? Unless I'm misunderstanding the situation, it's your school that's messing up, not you. You even reached out to them so you can't say that you haven't been trying! I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to force positivity on to you, it isn't my intention to pretend like everything is fine and dandy and you definitely have every right to be mad and frustrated but please also remember that it's out of your hands, you aren't to blame -🌷
the thing is
#it's a very complicated story and for some reason neither side can attempt to help me#i was supposed to do my sat and toefl in may and march respectively#i know it's late but still they were supposed to be done and finished had covid not shut down everything#so due to that my parents pushed me to do the emsat which is a local standardized test#and it consists of six separate tests. four of which u must do to receive a certificate; math english arabic and physics#you register for them through the moe's website but due to the fact that so many people had their tests canceled before the seats were#running out quickly. i managed to book for all tests but english. a university offered to let me do the test at their campus and i did it#i received my scores from them in an official email and was told that i can use these scores anywhere yet for some reason they dont show up#in the website. so i cant download a certificate. so i cant report the scores anywhere. ive contacted the moe abt this and they sent me a#document w links telling me to go to the happiness ministry and idk what- literally nothing that had to do w my request#and suddenly on sunday my uni sends an email saying that i need to register for placement tests. which i did. math and phys for engineering#as ive been told when i called them. so i call again and theyre like u need to do english too or u wont be able to study fall 2020#so i go ?? okay wtf why didnt u tell me before#(its imp to mention emsat scores take like three weeks to be out)#so then they say that i need my english scores to book a test and i remind them of the situation they poorly managed w me and they go#oh we'll contact our director and see whats up#for the entire week ive been calling to check for updates and they go oh call us tmrw and now its friday. the weekend. i cant call them.#so i register for a linguaskill test bcs im not waiting for their lazy asses but the earliest test is on the 20th and it takes 48 hours to#get the scores and the latest placement test is on the 22nd. so im panicking. and i cant call them to ask abt this.#THEN theres the other equiv certificate issue where i need either toefl ilets or emsat scores to request one and. i. have. neither.#and i need the certificate for uni. i booked for toefl twice and each time it gets canceled so thats why i did emsat. and now it seems like#my effort and time went into waste and i wont be able to study :)#sorry u have to hear this 😔#thank you for the positivity tho. i guess im just frustrated that nothing's working out after i thought it would#🌷 anon#sundooq 💌
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so i'm making this kind of a masterpost of all the masterposts i could find here, so its easier for me to find them in case i need them. i made it for me cuz saving imp posts on drafts was making it difficult to sort it out, but you guys can save this too. if you find any post missing, please add it:)) also these posts are NOT MINE. im just copying the links and pasting them here. please keep in mind these have really serious triggering stuff and really non serious stuff too
(red is for really important, sensitive, emergency, or health related stuff, green is for really important but not that emergency stuff)
what to do if you're having a heart attack and you're alone
how to tell if your drink has been spiked
tips that can save your child from getting harassed or worse
chemicals that should not be mixed in any way or ✨death✨
its okay to leave uncomfortable situations
something adorable that will make you happy
crisis text line
deadpool teaches you how to tell the symptoms of abnormalities in your man berries(or woman berries but the berries down there)
please dont kill yourself . do this instead
facts that can save your life
these are MAP (pedo) flags people. stay away .
you are important
dealing with the worst case scenario
what to do if you fall in an ice hole
8 rules of writing
how to start a fic rec blog
awesome playlists
some piracy websites lists. fuck capitalism
sfw sex education sites
if you're having a bad day or night
does the dog die website evolving!
how to do emergency cleaning
studying tips
how to deal with anxiety
important. for safety
anti anxiety
app that can help you avoid self harm
how to make origami butterfly page markers
space technology stuff you can use in science fiction
queer book finder!!
do not eat mold people, even if you cut it out. no.
SPITE COOKBOOK (my personal fav)
how to get rid of migraines easily
how to tell symptoms of breast cancer
sites to download pdfs. fuck capitalism
some google hacks
build a character(masterpost)
obligatory rickroll cuz im a tumblr user and it would be a shame if i didnt insert a rickroll in here
tips to help you when you move out and be independent for the first time
for when you're bored
100 good questions to ask your friends at 4:02 am when you can’t sleep
tips for when you're sad but dont know why
post that never fails to make laugh however many times i read it
important life lessons/skills/hacks
alternatives to self harm
art masterpost
how to cancel a network from somewhere that bills you monthly
how to build a campfire the right way and pros and cons of campfires
how to report the person threatening self harm on tumblr and possibly saving their life
100 reasons not to kill yourself
please keep in mind these are not the only useful masterposts out there, these are the ones i have saved in my drafts. after posting this, im gonna start hoarding important masterposts again, if i can find(or if you guys send me), to add in the reblog of this post. love you all, please stay hydrated<3(please check the reblogs of this post as well for updates)
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