#or the way he drew over the statue i cant
choiwonder · 1 year
so are we gonna talk about the 5 star trailer or what
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ess-presso · 1 year
your fic recs have been absolutely superior so ty. my turn! engraved upon my heart (in letters deeply worn) by inkpot_winters - jegulus little women au. need i say more. (also bc little women was in your top books)
taylor time! sad beautiful tragic, the moment i knew, and the way i loved you! ( i keep thinking im repeating ones ive already said so if i give u one i already said just ignore it LOL)
chat time!
drarry being a guilty pleasure is so real. like drarry and jegulus is same ship different font so u cant go wrong.
and being used as a personal grammarly by friends? SO real. my best friend cant spell for shit and ive been her dictionary and autocorrect since we kids.
okay but red converse is so james of you. i have red converse as well (i think i wore nothing but my red converse for an entire year when i was 16) but i like to change it up with my green or black converse too (i drew stars and moons all over the rubber part on my black ones because. i have to make everything in my life about wolfstar obviously)
GREEK MYTHOLOGY KIDS UNITE! this makes me so happy. truly a superior breed. i guess my obsession just bled into my academic career and here i am LOL. and dont worry, caecilius est in horto is a joke here too (at least it was in my intro to latin class, i feel like the average canadian would be lost)
love that u want to save lives. thats so cool of u. my best friend is a nursing student and shes the most badass person ive ever met so maybe its a prerequisite to be cool if u save lives.
(also wanting to be an agent after watching a spy movie is SO REAL like i swear my divine purpose becomes being a cool ass kicking agent, until reality dawns on me and i remember im just. a random person)
your top books list is so good. i love little women SM & ive heard so many good things about if we were villains (i really need to get on reading that)
also JUMANJI i love that movie. so good. and the hunger games movies ofc just classics at this point. and help the woman calling herself the kim k of businesswomen in the apprentice is so funny some people say the funniest things.
id love to visit new york too. concrete jungle where dreams are made of, obviously. the big gulp cup. god i want one too. (we have them in canada but i think ours are way smaller?)
your jewelry sounds so cool. i love the hp pandora bracelet thats so cool & rings! i love rings sm i cannot leave the house without them.
pop tarts & chinese takeout is such a good combination. perfect comfort food fr.
and a fellow cat person! i like dogs but i love cats sm. i have 3 and theyre my most favourite little creatures on the planet.
an INFJ! very remus of u. (at least i think hes an INFJ? idk i saw a tiktok about it lol) im an INTJ so im living up to my reg kinnie status.
stars is such a good choice. i will always be a star person too (and hello? im an ex-astronomy student too thats so funny). theyre just so pretty and i swear i could stare at them for hours.
christmas is my fav holiday too!! ive actually always wanted to visit london at christmas time it sounds so nice. do you get much snow during the winter? we dont get much snow here so honestly anywhere that gets snow at christmas sounds great to me.
I ACTUALLY DONT KNOW WHY I THOUGHT JAMES OPENED THE DOOR??? i think i read some dumb thing somewhere where he opened the door wearing a lightning mcqueen costume and it really stuck with me😭 i guess i decided that was canon to me LOL
question answer time!
fav rarepair - oh god i dont even know. i tend to always enjoy the more popular ships. although i did read a fake dating fic where james and evan fake dated to make barty and reg jealous, and ofc barty and reg fake dated to make james and evan jealous. (a star for a summer's day by moony_reggie if u wanna check it out!) so ill say james x evan. they had more chemistry together than i would've expected.
fuck marry kill james sirius remus - GOd. i cant even answer that question thats like the hardest thing anyone has ever asked me. uhmmm ill fuck them all, and then marry them all. if i had to kill someone itd be myself because i cannot be responsible for any of their deaths THEYVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH!!
place i wanna visit - id love to visit new zealand. im a HUGE lord of the rings fan and they filmed the movies there so id die if i ever got the chance to visit. ive actually always wanted to visit london too (and a lot of the UK in general, especially wales and scotland) as well as italy & greece! i visited both on a school trip a few years ago and it was a dream come true but id love to go back.
fav book/book series - another brutal question but ill try:
picture of dorian gray
song of achilles
percy jackson series
shadowhunter chronicles (yes its the incest series NO THEYRE NOT ACTUALLY SIBLINGS I SWEAR! we dont talk about it.)
mara dyer series by michelle hodkin (underrated and so good)
hp series ofc
hunger games ALWAYS.
six of crows duology my beloved <3
most embarrassing thing ive ever done - oh man. okay lets see. when i was in 10th grade i had to take a spanish oral final at the end of the school year but i am an ANXIOUS woman and did not wanna do that so i skipped my spanish class until the end of the year. my best friend was in my class and my teacher kept asking her where i was until one day she told my teacher i had CHLAMYDIA and thats why i was gone. i guess her excuse worked because the teacher never asked again. the next year any time i saw that teacher in the hall she gave me a funny look but . i guess mission success? i never did have to take that final so. LOL
favourite thing i own - i have a set of lightsabers (yes im a star wars nerd (derogatory)) but also i have the ring from the lord of the rings! my precious truly.
if my life was a movie - i truly dont think my life is interesting enough to have an exciting title. i think the best i can come up with is "the underwhelming adventures of a crazy cat lady and her books". and thats just like abysmal so.
do u have any pets?
fav fanfic trope?
do u have any weird talents?
whats your gas station order?
fav flower/plant?
fav planet?
and simply because now i have to know, most embarrassing thing youve ever done?
fav instrument sound? (like what sounds most pleasing to your ear)
and thats all! i eagerly await your responses and in the meantime ill be over here doing a little dance.🕺
bee hello hello hello 👋 i missed u <333
jegulus little women au ??? on god , sign me up for this right the fuck now. (& little women is genuinely so good. amylaurie truther 5ever>>>>)
(fic rec for u - no bright line by lady_grey - w/ sirius being an actor, remus being a historian & lily being the filmaker & matchmaker who fixes them up. james and harry are just there for the vibes honestly.)
tay tay -
sad beautiful tragic - JEGULUS - ‘long handwritten note’ - HELLO???? mr rab with the locket?? ‘kiss me try to fix it’ james trying to tell regulus to come and come that he’ll save reg , but reg already knowing he’s beyond repair. ‘for the life of us we can’t get back’ WHAT WHAT. they should’ve been happy your honour. ‘we both wake up in lonely beds in different cities’ the different places they wake up in especially during the summer holidays. ‘beautiful magic love there. what a sad beautiful tragic love affair.’ THEM THEM THEM THEY HAD SOMETHING SO SPECIAL AND THEY WERE SO TRAGIC.
the moment I knew- BLACK BROTHERS- i had to think about this one because I didn’t think anyone of my ships would betray each other like in this song. just not turn up or anything. BUT OF COURSE ! black brothers angst. i can just imagine sirius being like ‘bro i’m coming to your party bro’ & reg waiting but he doesn’t come because he’s getting smashed with the marauders. AHHHHH OH MY GOD NOW I’M ALL HURT. ‘your close friends seem to know when there’s something wrong’ - James being all ‘sup reg what up with u dude u seem a little depresso.’ i can just feel this song. very them .
the way i loved you - JEGULUS - i love this in the context of that jegulus had to break up and bartylus begins but then reg keeps thinking of james , like to me ‘frustrating intoxicating complicated’ is something reg would SO use to describe james. (ps - i’ve heard people use this for remus-grant in which it’s remus singing the song about sirius which i also agree with!)
now chatting time-
drarry ! i love them so much ! ‘harry had never been less interested in quidditch, he was rapidly become more and more obsessed with draco malfoy’ like BRO . i know what you are. ‘the boy who lived’ more like the ‘bi who lived’
and the personal dictionary thing is so real , isn’t it? it’s always like ‘ess check this’ ‘ess is there an a in definite’ ‘ess why is there a red line under this word’ .
and yes i agree red converse is very very james of me ! i love them so much they’re very dear to me. and green and black converse ??? very slytherin of you (i think the stars are so real of you #wolfstar5ever) i actually have a pair of stars converse !! on the little flap thingy , there is a little moon stitched on as well! when i saw them i was like ‘ i must own these’.
AND YES GREEK MYTHOLOGY FOREVER !!!! WE ARE THE BEST !!! the trojan horse was my obsession as a kid lmfao. i love that you took it to the next step though i could never do latin for so long ! (and i’m glad caecilius est in horto carries everywhere. it’s a staple of latin classes honestly.)
AND YESSSS saving lives is for cool people only ? are u a loser ? do you want to save lives ? if yes then u are no longer a loser ! (and nurses are definitely badass good on your best friend for opting for that)
(after the movies end i always be in the toilets staring into the mirror having an existential crisis like ‘well i’m gonna be in the mi6 now better get to training’ then the toilet flushes behind me and i get back to reality.)
little women ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (the 2019 movie >>>) ( and yes you must read iwwv that book changed my brain chemistry forever)
AND JUMANJI JUST SLAPS SO HARD HONESTLY!!! kevin and the rock together >>> . AND THIS YEAR’S APPRENTICE is on crack fr. if you watch it , you’ll notice there’s one guy who looks exactly like the hyde , honestly. and lord sugar saying ‘i hear you own a pest control business. any tips on how to get rid of piers morgan’ LIKE BRO YOU WENT HARD.
yes new york oh my god new york seems like the place that would make or break u. (not to mention that americans are a bit of a novelty here . like the candies , the cheetos the accents >>>) AND THE AMERICAN BIG GULP IS LIKE HUMONGOUS. HUGE . I must try it. (you have them in canada ??? that’s so cool)
RINGS ARE SO COOL. makes me feel all mysterious n shit , but i do too much lab work to handle wearing them all the time.
pop tarts & chinese takeout are simply superior. i don’t make the rules??
YOU HAVE CATS ??? I DON’T (yet. i plan on getting a black cat with green eyes. but a black cat) THAT’S SO SWEET AND AWESOME AND COOL AHHHHH. cats are so adorable honestly. (what are the kitties names ? i must know them and shower them with love from me !)
and yes INFJ !!! i love chocolate , but unfortunately i am not a werewolf so not totally remus. INTJ?? you little reg kinnie i see you there.
stars honestly i love them. light pollution is just so damning in london though. (and what??? that’s such a freaky coincidence oh my god !!!)
AND YES CHRISTMAS I LOVE CHRISTMAS !!! we did get snow last year but it melted pretty fast. We actually got frost a couple days ago , but not proper snow. i’m waiting for a real proper snow day again where the snow actually stays for ages. and lmfao you don’t get snow in canada ?? whenever i imagine canada i always think of three things - snow , maple syrup & mooses. it upsets me that not all of these things are everywhere in canada.
AND LMFAO NOT THE JAMES DOOR THING ??? it’s such a funny little thing because i see people bashing him for being dumb and opening the door and i’m like ‘guys.no’ (but he defo was wearing a costume.like that’s just the truth .)
your questions -
just enjoying the popular ships and not having a rarepair is so real of u. like yes i’m a basic bitch and i just want my jegulus + wolfstar. so what?? (and james & evan?? hmm never heard that before , i’m gonna have to check it out.) my rarepair is really really weird. brace yourself. it’s pansy x percy. i read one fic with them and i thought that was really cool so i think they’re sweet to read now and then! (the fic was the secretary by pacificrimbaud btw - recced by me but do read the tags for extra warnings ik not everyone likes that. it has wild child personal assistant pansy and rude controlling boss percy.)
not being to choose between them is so real . (me however ?? fuck james marry sirius kill remus. love u moonpie but mummy’s got a job to do.)
visiting places where movies got filmed is so surreal though isn’t it ?? and a lotr fan?? my mate’s one and she gave me the silmarillion to read for xmas . (it’s going to take me at least seven months to read because i read (1) page and got confused already.) AND VISIT LONDON YESSS !! very cool here usually , as long as you don’t bump into any roadmen. (I also want to go to italy and greece. Especially venice and athens >>>)
your fave books , i’m going through one by one
podg - isn’t ben barnes in the movie ?? so many edits i’ve seen of him with potd scenes , honestly i’ve got to read the book (& watch the movie of course , to sate my desire.)
‘name one hero who was happy’ & ‘ i am made of memories’ haunt me forever.
pjo is honestly so iconic. i’m waiting for the big old series to come out now.
IS THIS THE ONE BASED ON RON X GINNY FIC ?? like the one that goes ‘you’re my sister , my blood , i should want to protect you’ 😀😀😀 but i trust your judgement here bee!
never heard of this one. but i did just search it up , and the blurb is interesting so i’ve added it to my tbr !
hp did have my little year five self in a chokehold.
THE HUNGER GAMES OH MY LORD >>>>> peeta mellark and his baby bombs my god>>>
and soc ! i would read it except i have been spoiled for a certain chapter 40!
NOT YOU SKIPPING THE SPANISH CLASSES BECAUEE YOU DIDN’T WANT TO DO THE ORAL??? just say me llamo been and pass the exam 🤨🤨🤨🤨.now u got chlamydia too . and the teacher looking at you like ‘damn how she get chlamydia , this bitch be getting around.’
OMG LIGHTSABERS ??? i would so fight with them all the time that’s so so so awesome. (just looked up the lotr ring. it looks so elegant!)
ahhhh being a crazy cat lady >>>> (not abysmal cats beat people anyday.) my movie would be ‘drunk procrastinator’ because honestly i never do things on time and a little bit of sippy sip does release the stress sometimes. (the things i’ve done when under the influence will haunt me. my best friend has so much blackmail material on me .)
unfortunately not yet. but i do want to get a cat , so i’ll get on that asap.
when person a smells person b in amortentia , or when person a is given veritaserum and admits they like person b. i’m a sucker for that shit >>>
my weird talent is that i can eat an entire bowl of cereal in under ten seconds !! not useful at all , but it’s weird so yes , i consider it a talent !
i had to look up what a gas station was i got so confused. we call them petrol stations here so i was like ‘tf is a gas station’ BUT ANYWAYS! I don’t even have a car unfortunately, but my chauffeur (best friend) does and obviously i abuse the best friend privileges, and whenever he needs petrol i always get a pack of gum , a can of sprite (+ a diet coke for the driver man). (this is what you mean by gas station order , yes ? gas stations in canada don’t have restaurants in them right?)
favourite flower - poppies ! i adore poppies ! + lavender they’re so pretty // favourite plant - hyrdrangeas ! (they’re classified as shrubs so they count) very sweet and nice.
favourite planet - gonna be a real one and choose my gal pluto. she’s still a planet to me , okay???
i was at a funeral when i got a phone call . my phone was NOT on silent. and the worst part ? my ringtone was baby got back , so now the deceased’s family have a memory of ‘turn around stick it out even white boys got the shout , baby got back!’ in the middle of someone’s eulogy.
saxophone ! that shit RELAXING AS FUCK !
q’s for you to answer next time you come around -
what the fuck is putin (not the president)
unpopular opinion about the marauders
unpopular opinion in life
Dream car
do you watch the apprentice?
do you believe in soulmates ? (romantic or platonic?)
what’s your hidden talent?
Favourite villain ?
ever had your heart broken ?
ever broken a heart?
(bee you know the drill by now !! don’t be too long , I’ll miss you<333)
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haitaniplug · 2 years
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summary - you really want to go abroad for the summer, but your grades fucking SUCK, so your parents won’t allow you to until you get them up. you were so ready to focus on the rest of the year until you get partnered up with Rindou Haitani. The boy that comes into school once every blue moon. And to make matters worse, it’s a project where participation counts. So now it’s your job to harass Rindou into getting his shit straight.
tags - enemies to friends to lovers , angst , crack , college au, eventual smut , fluff.
status - ongoing
series masterlist
Taglist: @q-the-rockaholic @crown5 @gumiwaka @hiimviolet @gulfkfl @espinahei
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“Okay, lookie here.” You pointed at the red squiggly lines on the screen, “Just click that and it fixes the spelling for you.”
“I feel so fuckin’ dumb.” Rindou rolled his eyes, leaning forward towards the laptop to fix his mistakes.
“Don’t feel that way! It’s kinda cute.” You said without thinking and Rindou turned to look at you.
You stared at him, not realising what just came out of your mouth. Rindou probably realised you had no clue what you said and felt like he was making a big deal out of it and shook his head, refacing the laptop.
“Do you live alone Rin?” You asked, “Everytime I come here, you’re home alone.”
“I live with my brother actually,” he said, eyes still fixated on the screen.”
“Ahh okay.” You nodded, looking around his house. “I really like your place. It seems so comfy and inviting.”
“Thanks.” He responded, not knowing what else to say to that. “When will I be able to see your house?”
“Um, maybe when pigs start to fly.” You chuckled, “my parents would never let me bring a boy over.”
“Your parents really suck hm?” He turned to face you, leaning his face on his palm, “not to be rude or anything— just you’re always complaining about them.”
“Well,” you began, “they’re the worst. But I love them. They’re so strict and care about my future more than me and my well being.”
Rindou nodded, staying silent letting you rant. “I could be passed out on the floor and they wouldn’t bat an eye, but if I fail a test— that’s bound to get a reaction from them.”
“Well damn—,” Rindou said, “sounds pretty hard to live like that.”
“It sucks yeah—,” you chucked, “but I’m used to it. Which is why I want to pass school and leave this place. Start fresh somewhere across the world.”
“Anywhere in mind?” Rindou grabbed a pen from the other end of the table, biting the lid off and starting to draw random shit on paper.
“USA to be honest. I always had a dream to just be somebody yknow? Cant be somebody here. It’s like, setting me back.”
“USA isn’t all that you know?” He turned to face you, “not to put you off or anything— just telling you to not be surprised if you spend all your money tryna get there just for it to suck.”
“Yeah but I’m willing to take that risk.” You smiled at him and he simply nodded. “Anyways, want to take a break?” He asked you.
You leaned over to look at the laptop, “you didn’t fix your mistakes Rindou.”
“Later, I want to go out. I’m bored.” He stood up from the table, tossing the paper he drew on into the bin.
“Go where?” You asked, your eyes following his own as he went to the front door and grabbed his shoes. “Anywhere I don’t care.”
As soon as he put his shoes on, Ran burst through the front door, almost hitting Rindou in the face. “Oh, my fault.” He laughed and rubbed Rindous head. “Where are you going?” Another voice came from behind Ran.
“Oh fuck no. Get out.” He pushed Sanzu out, but Sanzu shoved him aside, dramatically entering the living room. “Oh, hello there ma’am.” He winked at you and you simply waved, “hello.”
“RAN!” Sanzu shouted, “Rin has company,” you could practically hear the wink in his voice.
“Wait! No me and Rin aren’t—,” you stuttered, being too embarrassed to put the words together. “We are just working on the project!”
“Oh, so you’re his project partner,” Sanzu said, “Y/N was it?” He said the last part, turning to face Rindou, remembering the conversation they had the other day.
“Yeah, my name is y/n,” you shook his hand, “how did you know?”
“Rin’s been talking about you,”
“No!” He called out, removing his shoes, “No I haven’t. I just told you her name cause you’re NOSY as fuck.”
“Ran please get this pinkie out of here.” He faced Ran who just leaned against the wall, watching the entire thing.
“Y/n?” He suddenly called out to you.
“Mind heading upstairs with Rindou? I gotta take care of some things down here.” You nodded before he stopped you, “actuallt no— here.” He handed you some money, “you and Rindou go do some bonding, me and Sanzu have business to take care of in here.”
“Okay.” You smiled and took the money, walking over to the front where Rindou was too— putting on your shoes.
“Ready?” You asked and he sighed before putting his shoes back on and dragging you outside.
“Hehe, I love making Rin uncomfortable,” Sanzu’s scars stretched as he grinned from cheek to cheek.
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
As unlikely as it may be, if Sammy told Joey he loved him what would happen?
Golly, this is so hard to say….
Like, we can be pretty sure, I think, that a lot of his HAHA WHOA THERE CANT HAVE PPL FALLING IN LOVE WITH ME that exclusively happens around ladies is due to Joey’s huge amounts of gay. But at the same time… for obvious reasons, his gay feelings are never directly acknowledged, so it’s hard to say how he’d respond to someone he’s actually interested in declaring their love? Like, does he even want this?
I do believe that he is definitely having some gay experiences with his employees, but a declaration of love makes things complicated, ties him down in expectations, in a way that the occasional night together does not. It might actually freak him out a bit? A declaration of adoration is fine, but love? Tying your lives together is a kind of sharing, and everything he’s said about Henry and Bendy has made it really clear that Joey Drew isn’t good at sharing. He doesn’t want to compromise anything, for anyone.
And then there’s the question of whether he wants this from Sammy in particular. Like, for one thing, Joey never got over Henry -- if there’s anyone he wants a declaration of love from, it’s HENRY (maybe????), not Sammy, and Sammy’s devotion is never going to feel like enough. Plus... Joey is obviously attracted most to the people who don’t back down, the people who surprise him, the people who don’t play their expected roles. If Sammy has some fun with Joey and then actually falls in love and declares his love for him? How boring. He’s seen that story a million times, a played-out cliche. Sammy isn’t interesting anymore.
It’s so so easy to imagine Joey like, channelling his confused displeasure with this turn of events into some kind of overcompensating “hahaha well of COURSE I know i’m charming and brilliant and it makes sense that people are falling for me when I’m not even trying but you Sammy?? Haha oh man, I didn’t take you for the lovesick type!!” and just generally making it so weird and condescending that Sammy is like WOW NM I REGRET SAYING ANYTHING and then, hey! PROBLEM SOLVED!! Either Joey and Sammy are no longer an item and Joey seeks out someone new to obsess over, or Joey eventually misses him and tries to re-initiate, and Sammy’s aloofness after being brushed off makes him potentially interesting again, and we get back to a resentful status quo.
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depths-of-your-soul · 4 years
Hiii! I saw that requests are open so how about artist S/O? Like the reader would be very bored in class and they just, doodle todoroki, bakugou, and tamaki from afar with little notes beside the doodles like "i can't do his hair wtf is this" "why is he so adorable" "stOP MOVING I CANT GET YOUR HANDS RIGHT" and then one day they just saw the little doodles? Idk the thought of it makes soft- unless you already did something similar then I'm stoopid dhxbhxhd.
#Artist!S/o who doodles them during class
Pairs: Katsuki bakugou x reader, Shouto Todoroki x reader, Tamaki Amajiki x reader
Notes: I can personally relate with this s/o HAHAHA I always get annoyed whenever my subject moves around so much that it messes with the anatomy of the previous pose and I would ALWAYS get so irritated that I give up
A reminder that request is open y'all!! :D
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Katsuki Bakugou
• Katsuki with his resting face is simply angelic
• You wouldn't think that such a person would cause such havoc around him
• And one of the few places where he has his guard down would be during class
• So naturally, you cry internally trying to draw his unnecessarily spikey hair because IT'S JUST ALL OVER THE PLACE  H E L P
• Where in the world does his hair even come from? It's just a bunch of spikes
• Does it hurt to touch? òmó
• Anyways, you just find his resting face so precious that before you knew it, you had 5 pages dedicated to just him
• And him alone
• Little did you know, Katsuki has been feeling your intense stares throughout the lessons
• 'What are you doing???'
• 'Stop staring at me stupid'
• Those were all in his head
• To be fair, you were being blatantly obvious
• So after class, he couldn't take it and went right to you with his iconic "ònó" face
• Swoopty Doodle Doo you have achieved "Bakuhoe fanclub prez"
• Seriously. That is embarrassing. Not for you but for him
• Everyone knows Katsuki has an 'above average' face (we all know he be hot)
• Expect curses and new found words to be thrown at you while everyone around hears of a daring fan who came out of the closet and presented their fanart to thy lord explosion murder
• It's not the drawings that made him embarrassed
• Oh no dear it's not
• It's the fact that YOU drew him when you could've just asked him in your free time at his dorm
• Truth be told, he might shout at you, but he never raises his fists against you when neither are sparring
• God please stop being oblivious
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Shouto Todoroki
• Alright simps, let's get down to simping
• His face, oh so perfect
• Every nook and cranny, it's so beautiful that we cannot explain it in words
• His scar? Merely an addition to his hot and cool nickname
• Those red burns in contrast to his beautiful arctic coloured eyes tells a story that made him for who he is
• Such fine hair strands that flows oh so serene against the gentle breeze that flew great lengths to bless him with their cool element
• Okay I'll stop-
• Shouto is simply a living statue, it's in his genes
• He knows he doesn't look bad but that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate compliments
• Drawing him will literally be a blessing in and of itself
• Such art should be loved by all forms
• Unlike Bakugou, he won't pretend to not feel your gazes
• He will make eye contact with you at some point and smile at you as a form of greeting
• Being so pretty is a sin
• After class, he would go up to you and ask what you are doing
• After you tell him and apologize, he will assure you that he doesn't mind and that he appreciates it
• He will however ask that you let him see it afterwards
• Of course, that is only because he wants to spend time with you
• This mochi is so cute I love him uwu
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Tamaki Amajiki
• Don't lie to me
• I know you can see how cute and adorable he is
• His elven ear is his icon
• Your sketches have certain details that never fails to be missed - it's those blush at his ears and the way his mouth seem to always be pursed
• But then again, throughout your sketches, you would constantly go "OMAGAD STOO BEING SO CUTE I CANT HANDLE THIS CUTENESS OVERLOAD" and "Babey I love you but PLEASE stop moving"
• Those frustrations are worth it though, you know love it
• The way he stares off into space at times are the best times to sketch those details
• He may accidentally see you looking at him while he tries to glance at you from time to time
• But that doesn't really do anything except for the fact that his face will burn and he might cover his face out of embarrassment
• To be fair, you know you love seeing that side of him
• It just makes anyone go \(>w<)/
• Honestly, his movements are joy in and off itself
• This babey elf does enjoy the fact that you, too, glances at him
• Though he will admit, the attention does get a bit too much at times
• He won't go up to you after class though, he will instead hide in the comfort of Mirio's presence seeing as he might melt if you stare at him too much
• How did he find out you ask? Well, simple
• It's the cliche bumbparoo. But not with Tamaki oh no my dear not with this elven baby
• Mirio was too busy laughing and accidentally bumped into you... And voila you sketchbook went flying to the wall and opened at one of the countless pages of Tamaki
• Of course he saw, my dear. But... He may or may not have fainted from the affection
• Go talk to him! He may be shy, but he will be so glad that you even look at him
• I love this elf uwu
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I was looking over your comics recently and I really am fascinated with how you drew Eclipsa when Toffee was thinking about her what do you think their dynamic was? Would really love to know! Also can we reblog your work or do you not like that? If you don't I understand entirely as always amazing work!
Hello again, justscrolling765 Thank you so much again
"what do you think their dynamic was?"
I was trying to keep their dynamic close to the one in the show: basically Toffee and Eclipsa never really met, but Toffee knew of her before, he just didn’t know she was the one behind the darkest spell until he got access to the book of spells, but even after then he tried to protect his ego by denying that information, to keep himself sane. In my idea, Toffee has an extremely fragile ego, to the point he dissociates very often and anything that could imply someone used him in any way, stings his pride and makes him unhindged. That’s why he remembered Eclipsa and held incredible grudge against her, even though they never really met. Essentially, Toffee was very indifferent toward her as a person and very hostile toward her as a mewman. A mewman that took part in making him mortal and making him lose all respect and status he had as a septarian
The reason Toffee calmed a bit and settled down after Ludo kicked his butt, was partly because Ludo was a monster, and Toffee would never listen to a mewman because he hates them THAT much, the idea that mewmans are evil and irredeemable is engraved in his mind to the point no matter what they will do, Toffee will think they’re wrong. He believes mewmans win because they cheat and because they are privileged and unfairly overpowered. Ludo being a monster like him actually contributed to Toffee admitting defeat. Other reason was bc there was nothing Toffee could come up with to counter what Ludo said to him, and the truth has been lingering and dragging for so long, Toffee was practically cornered and could no longer ignore it. In a way Ludo was lucky because at the time he decided to confront him and tell him everything, those truths have been sinking in inside Toffee’s mind, which caused deep unrest in him and which helped Ludo win. in that silly comic thingy, the events happen after the events of the show, maybe somewhere before Star destorys magic but after the whole thing with Eclipsa and Globgor situation; and Toffee is practically dead and alive, he's kinda..what was left of him, and he's stuck in a dimension where time works strangely and things that no longer exist can still exist there.. I cant come up with proper explantion for it, maybe..,magic. He's there, is made of flesh, but he's not alive; its more that maybe, his conscience(mind?) was left there, and the magic in that dimension gave that conscience a physical form
Addition that has been circulating in my head was an idea that is absolutely non-canon and is very out of character for him so I felt I shouldn’t add it; but ill voice it: - In one of my drafts, Toffee used to feel more sympathetic toward mewmans when he was a teenager (before the Meteora’s lesson age), and although he had talent and was taken in by Seth, he disappointed him few times by being hesitant to kill. And in one of the battles, Toffee saw a mewman baby and tried to talk Seth out of killing it because “its just a baby, just like a lizard baby” but Seth attacked it. In panic, Toffee retaliated(?) being too scared to think straight and fought Seth, who was taken aback by Toffee’s sudden outburst which is why Toffee was able to hold him back. When the two were in a state of confusion over what just happened, Solaria arrived and was engulfed with rage and hit Seth as hard and as much as she could. Toffee was able to escape with Seth, but Seth’s body was riddled with wounds caused by Solaria’s sword. Monsters were devastated and confused and they thought Toffee fought off Solaria and saved Seth which made them respect him a lot but both Seth and Toffee kept silent about what really happened. Even since then Seth was no longer able to take action so Toffee was left in charge of armies instead. Being filled with guilt and shame, and having witnessed a mewman queen during her rampage, made Toffee much more resentful and filled his heart with darkness. In a way Seth was proud of what happened because he knew it affected and broke Toffee, made him the way he wanted him to be. Also, in order to keep himself sane and to be able to move forward, Toffee dissociated himself from that traumatic experience and put the blame on mewmans, he redirected his feeling of deep shame and guilt into hatred toward others. Toffee fully gave himself into the brutal ways as a way to cope, and overtime his initial soft feeling wore off and his hatred and determination took over and were nurtured even more. Soo.. in this AU if we take the whole story I just wrote into consideration, Toffee was acting mean and like a punk bully later on as a way to cope and , since he was a teenager, he didn’t know how to properly deal with his emotions so his growing mind and his pride ("its hard to admit I messed up so I will shift blame on mewmans." And: "I was stupid to be nice to mewmans so I will not be nice anymore") mistakenly redirected all blame on mewmans.
So if we take this hc into consideration, Toffee being upset over Eclipsa would make sense too. The deeply buried feelings resurfaced once again when Ludo reminded him about her, and that definitely messed with his head. It was because of HIM (Toffee), she survived and became a queen that used the dark magic and possibly killed monsters and used it on him through Moon later on.
So to answer your question shortly: in case of the closer to canon version – Toffee saw her as an enemy he knew nothing about except that she was a mewman queen who contracted Moon; for the second version – Toffee deeply regretted having saved her and he despises her as a result of his own uncompromising anger and resentfulness and partly of his guilt (that he subconsciously suppresses)
*also I wanted to make a kinda wholesome headcanon based on my own idea, that Eclipsa’s love for monsters started from Toffee. I mean, when someone asked why was she so keen to getting to know monsters, she replied by telling them that she felt as though monster’s arms held and cradled her gently when she was a baby, and then she joked off by saying that it may have been her rich childhood imagination
>"Also can we reblog your work or do you not like that? If you don't I understand entirely as always amazing work!"
Thank you so much again, I can't believe you like it and thats huge honor, it means a lot Yes, you can reblog my posts, its okay; Hope your week is going well /gen
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neostriatum · 3 years
All we are, and all we have...
[AO3] [Dreamwidth]
Title taken from these photos (archived version here) in one of photographer @rabbitinthemeadow's series. All Mando'a translated at the end.
Maul inhaled.
This was unusual, given his certainty that this time he had died. It had not quite been the death he had been craving, but it had been an honourable one at the hands of his arch-enemy, and the peace it had granted weighed heavily in his hearts despite their absurd insistence at beating.
Exhaling, he stretched his senses out into the Force. It was the surest way to place himself, and the thrum of the living against his mind was enough confirmation for him.
So. Alive again. And not even on Dathomir.
The walls of the palatial bedroom were obscenely Kryze’s, still holding the decorations and gilding he hadn’t the presence of mind to change early on in his reign. The confirmation laid bitterly on his tongue, and abruptly he was fed up with the idea of living on a planet he had already spent roughly twenty years on the first time.
The Force was a strange beast, and the idea that it could punish him by undoing so much of his life as he had breathed his last sounded about right. But- and he clenched the ridiculously expensive sheets in his grasp, but-
Light seeped into his skin, a thready but still present brush of warmth against his skin and senses. It reminded him of Kenobi, the gentle reassurance of peace as he died. It was almost cruel, how comforting the memory was, especially now that the destruction of the Jedi hadn’t happened yet.
His comm chirped, fracturing the euphoria of the revelation at hand. Maul clapped a hand to his mouth, not sure whether he was restraining a laugh or a sob. The Light was fracturing his resolve to the Sith, and all he could feel was relieved.
Forcing himself to steady, he pulled the comm to him, answering with a brusque, “Maul.”
Hope. What a strange feeling.
It was difficult, trying to undermine the goals Sidious had so deeply impressed on him that they were etched into his bones. But no longer did the man’s edicts reverberate in his lungs with every breath he took, filled instead were they with an unrestricted buoyancy that threatened to make him hover at the slightest provocation.
Was this how a Jedi felt? It baffled him, but also explained the way they seemed to flutter through the Force, a marvel of nature instead of a tragedy shaking the ground beneath their feet.
Meditation was at once easier and excruciating. The Force had always been a soul-sucking entropy, to be treaded carefully and yet bent to one’s will. But these shards of light burned, forcing growth in the holes in his soul that had been scraped raw where Sidious had laid claim. Where a grave once stood now blossomed a garden, and beauty caught his eye more often than grief as he accepted the Light making itself comfortable.
His thoughts strayed often, his deaths compounding and overlaid. Many times did he force himself to put his comm away, to restrain the urge to howl in the direction of Obi-Wan Kenobi and bring the entirety of the man’s formidable army upon Mandalore’s heads.
Perhaps, Maul pondered, it would provide suitable vengeance for Kenobi. To conquer the world of his once-lover and reassert balance sorely lacking in this galaxy.
The thought clung to his mind, a thorn catching on cloth, and it unraveled the loose plan. Kenobi - despite his once harshly-denied ties to the Dark - was not the type to exact his rage upon the world, no matter how deeply routed the ditch of grief ran in his heart.
No, only hope would attract hope. And Maul, with his own hearts still thudding painfully at the still-burning loss of his brother, knew Kenobi now better than the man himself did.
With a smirk, Maul gestured one of his soldiers close. There was a trap to be laid, and he knew just the bait.
Obi-Wan stared in bewilderment at the missive tied to the trooper in front of him. It was, to put it politely, unhinged chaos.
The trooper wasn’t even one of his - he had checked. And then handed the very long roster of the entire Third Systems Army to Cody to double-check. And then, on Anakin’s insistence, to R2.
“Well, Lieutenant,” He sighed apologetically, “It does indeed look like just a spot of bad luck.”
“If it helps, sir, I’ve got a clean bill of health.” Smoke offered, still looking a bit pole-axed to be in the same room as him and Cody, but faring rather well, all things considered.
Cody sighed even deeper than him, which had the expected impact of Smoke straightening his back to parade-perfect straightness. His commander waved the trooper back to at ease, pressing a thumb to his temple in an attempt to relieve the burgeoning migraine from this shit-show of a situation.
“Healthy except for a shaved head.” The commander commented, and wasn’t that the crux of it. No injuries, nor signs of surgery, though that was no guarantee given Smoke’s… transit time, and that in itself was a bundle of issues.
The good lieutenant shrugged, and, well- that did seem to be that. Only a lingering sign of sedation, but then being sent through the absurdly mundane postal system in an admittedly well-equipped box did carry that sort of assumption.
Helix, moving aside the privacy screens to perform another check on the trooper, patted them on the back, “Think about it this way, vod. You were important enough to be mailed first-class.”
Cody gave up all pretenses at maintaining an authoritative façade and groaned, “Usen’ye, vod.”
The medic made a wry, rude gesture back, chuckling. Helix clicked a few things on his datapad, and gestured to the trooper, “You’re good to go, vod. I’m recommending to put you on light duties in case anything crops up, but everything seems to be in order.”
“Oya!” Smoke grinned, looking forward to their unintentional vacation. Hopping off the cot, they grabbed their helmet and left, a bounce in their step.
“Well at least someone’s enjoying this,” Helix shook his head. He glanced at their Jedi, who was still scrutinizing the honest-to-gods paper that had come with Lieutenant Smoke, “What’s on that thing, anyway, General?”
Obi-Wan startled, smoothing his beard absently. “Oh, some sort of message,” He surmised, “I think someone’s asking for help.”
Cody grunted at that, sidling up to the general to peer over his shoulder. The message itself was in Mando’a, written neatly and precisely. “It is paper, though.” He said, “Are you able to-” “Check it for signatures?” Obi-Wan hummed, already switching the paper to one hand so he could remove the glove from his other. With glove sufficiently bitten and removed, the man mumbled, “Not quite as well as Quinlan.”
The two clones exchanged an amused look at the man’s single-minded intensity for a new discovery. It was dropped as quickly as the glove from their shocked general, a strangled gasp mingling with the dull thud of Obi-Wan’s glove as his hand laid as if riveted to the paper.
“General,” Cody said, tone stiff and demanding information.
Obi-Wan shook his head once, muttering the message out loud, a lilting cant to the words as he absorbed the new information. “K'olar, Kenobi. Jorhaa be mirjahaal.”
The intervening few moments were tense, and Cody wondered whether he should tap out an alert as a preemptive measure when his general’s gaze snapped to his. The blue eyes seemed to glow, something physically impossible for the man’s species and yet perfectly understandable for the scope of his mythological status.
It drew that familiar stirring of faith forth, and Cody nodding in acknowledgement. Whatever the General saw, he approved of, for he nodded back, seeming to fold himself back into his mortal form.
“Gentleman, I have a call to make.” Obi-Wan announced, “I believe we’re going to Mandalore.”
This lure of hope was maddening, tugging at his spirit in a fluctuating jerk of attention. Maul took to pacing more, which in turn drew the attention of Kyr'tsad and the few New Mandalorians that lingered in Kryze’s court.
“Alor.” Bo Katan interrupted him while he prowled in search of some way to release all of this damnably energy. Sparring had ceased to entertain him days ago, the thorough victories and the sheer fact that his rage was no longer reliable fuel.
Brave warrior that she was, the Kryze sister merely stared placidly back at his scowl. “Who is it, precisely, that we are expecting? There are rumors growing, and it would be better to quell the dissent.”
He exhaled sharply, feeling the burning warmth of the Light sinking deeper with the action. “Haatyc or'arue jate'shya ori'sol aru'ike nuhaatyc,” He chided her, a distant part of him relishing her shock at his smooth handling of this system’s language. “We are heading into a war, Kryze. And I have invited a powerful ally to bring us all to glory again.”
It was interesting, how stark the hope was that flooded his senses. And pleasing - for Maul was right. Hope brings hope, and only shall it grow when given room.
He felt the insistent tendrils of Light settling in his own hearts, and smirked at joyful look that greeted him.
Obi-Wan felt it difficult to meditate. He sighed, glancing in the direction of his desk, where that damnable paper was carefully stowed away.
The Force was an insistent swell, burgeoning with ultimately welcome but distinctly unhelpful feelings like joy and anticipation. He appreciated the encouragement to rest his worries, but feeling the remnants of Maul’s Force signature was only ever going to be unsettling.
Should he trust the sincerity ringing forth from Maul’s message? It wasn’t something that could be easily faked, but then specialists in Force artefacts like Quinlan were too far away for a quick consultation, and whatever was brewing now on Mandalore, it needed immediate attention.
Anakin was worried, and that in turn set himself on edge, dredging up the feeling of Satine’s cooling body in his arms and how much it had hurt to breathe through the fracturing of his heart.
And now, exactly like last time, Maul was at the center of it. But now, only Maul was at the center of it.
That in itself was a quandary, for Maul had become so prevalently obsessed with him since their first fight on Naboo. Not that Obi-Wan could say much, for a twin flame burned in his own spirit at the mere thought of the other man. Grief at lost opportunities, yes, but now he had to contend with an overture of… what?
Peace? Was that what Maul truly wanted, now? The Force seemed insistent that it was no lie, and the Force had never led him astray, no matter how confusing the path.
He inhaled, loosing his spirit into the currents of the Force once more. One tone stayed with him, and it was the consistent feeling of hope.
Whatever it was, it would be alright. Obi-Wan had to trust that.
Entering the Mandalore system was nerve-wracking on its own, their only steering the stark thread of faith beating along with Obi-Wan’s heart. With Cody at his right hand, and Anakin at his left, he managed to feel unmoored from the reality of how quickly access was granted to the Negotiator as they made their way to the capital planet.
His troops seemed to sense that they were about to escort their general into some battle they couldn’t accompany, and the Force surged with the echo of their prayers as they worked in calm, professional tandem. Obi-Wan found that his heart had room to swell in pride, listening to their manda as they passed checkpoint after checkpoint.
Eventually, though, all good things must come to an end, and he regretfully withdrew from the jatne manda his troopers unintentionally enveloped him in. He inhaled, steeling himself for the upcoming meeting.
“Olarom at Manda’yaim.” Echoed through the Bridge from Mandalore’s flight control.
Obi-Wan nodded in acknowledgement, clapping a hand to Anakin’s shoulder with a smile at the press of well-wishing from his old padawan. He met his commander’s eye, watching the man draw himself up in anticipation.
“You have the bridge, Commander,” He ordered, knowing that the Negotiator and everyone on it was in the safest hands they could possible be.
“K'oyacyi, General.” Cody assured him. The Force bolstered his commander’s sentiments, and Obi-Wan found himself smiling.
“I will, Commander.”
Although their assigned diplomatic partner was… unusual, Obi-Wan had still insisted on peacetime protocol rather than the loose-handed play at reconnaissance and body-guarding the 212th had become accustomed to during their general’s usual diplomacy. It had brought sour looks to even the High Council when they had convened at his request, but if Obi-Wan was going to throw all of his faith into the Force’s will, then he was going to follow its pull to the letter.
And with that notion in hand, he arrived with only a complimentary guard and his lightsaber as bodily protection, armor shed and cloak donned. It almost made him nostalgic for the first time he and his master had arrived, guileless but with heightened awareness.
The trip to Sundari was mostly quiet, and it felt good to practice his Mando’a with those who had grown up through the same Mandalorian turmoil as he had, a common ground by which to foster good relations with the guards accompanying him. The variety of dialects was pleasing, and the stories fulfilling.
It made him miss with distinct fervor his own troopers, the camaraderie so similar it was at once dissociative and yet yaim’la. The guards were attempting to be polite to their Alor’s guest, but curiosity was a trait every sentient shared, and so Obi-Wan whiled away the time between his shuttle’s designated landing spot and the palace by sharing tales of home and the front lines, cultivating rapport in the manner he had learned as a Padawan.
The flutter of hope settled warmly across his shoulders with each smile and laugh, Mando’a settling on his tongue as if it had never left from that year traversing the system with Qui-Gon and Satine.
(Maybe Anakin did have a point about that year here.)
New friends tentatively made, they traversed the corridors to deliver Obi-Wan to a very familiar room. Bo Katan Kryze lounged in front of the closed doors, a moue twisting her features despite the curiosity burning in her eyes.
“Kenobi.” “Lady Kryze.”
She scoffed, but stood aside with a nod of her head that still managed a respectful tilt. He nodded to her, feeling the mantle of the Force’s direction settle in his bones.
It was time to see what Maul wanted.
For all his planning and treading the edges of Sidious’ intimidating scope of influence, Maul still couldn’t help the stutter of his breath as Obi-Wan Kenobi walked through the doors of this room exactly as he had hoped.
He had abandoned the idea of the throne room as soon as it had occurred to him and his overeager advisors. They were meant to meet on equal grounds, and this antiquated room with its oblong table, seats of the same height, and walls illustrated by tapestries of famous monarchs past would make its mark.
The impression was certainly gathered by Kenobi, curiosity flitting across his face as he recognized that this was neither throne room nor the one more popular for meetings with advisors. He gestured for the other to sit across from him, taking his own seat.
In lieu of speaking, Kenobi instead pulled the missive out of his pocket, sliding it across the table with a flick of his fingers until it sat in the middle, slouching in his chair.
“Tion gar vercopaan par ... me'jorbe?” The Jedi drawled in askance, “Jorhaa'ir be mirjahaal?”
Maul ticked a brow upwards, catching how loaded the tension was between them. He leaned back himself, matching Kenobi’s posture. “Elek. Haatyc or'arue jate'shya ori'sol aru'ike nuhaatyc.”
And that irrevocably caught Kenobi’s attention, a considering frown and nudging at his shields the other’s reply. Maul lowered some of them, where the Light was the most enduring, and felt the ripple of stupor from Kenobi at the revelation. The Force bounded between both of them, a thought-quick upending of expectations.
Kenobi broke his gaze, glancing around the room before twirling a finger. He nodded, flicking his wrist in dismissal.
The Jedi leaned forward, “Sidious.”
Maul leaned with him, “Is Palpatine.”
Kenobi made a punched-out sound, not questioning the answer as he tugged at his beard. The Force was an insistent undulation over his senses, now, the familiar press of the Jedi’s signature settled against his own as the other man thought.
It reminded him of the last time he had died, weariness eclipsed by the Light and Kenobi’s own spirit as he was sent off. The sensation coaxed him to close his eyes, mellowed by the reassurance that Kenobi was taking significant part in the future.
He drifted in the Force for a while, buoyed by the Light surrounding and binding him. It was calm, a gentle warmth while he waited for his next directive.
And interrupted by a firm hand on his shoulder, somnolence shaken from him with determination by Kenobi himself.
“Maul. Maul.” The Jedi called to him, looking altogether too relieved for an accidental meditation. “I was about to call for your guards. Are you alright?”
He gusted out a sigh, ascribing the trembling in his hand as he grabbed Kenobi’s to weariness. While the Force still sung to him, a clarion call of peace that rung in his ears, Kenobi’s presence pressed more forcefully upon him, a rousing direction to bring his senses to bear.
“I’m fine, Kenobi.” He muttered, sitting up and ignoring the way the other helped him do so. The nudge the Force made to speak the truth, however, wasn’t so ignored, “It is no easy thing to change alliances in the Force, Jedi. Not for a Sith.”
The searching, concerned look he bore as gracefully as he could, pulling the paper on the table toward them both. Maul read the words he wrote once more, turning to hand it to Kenobi.
“I can bend Mandalore to my will, Kenobi.” He said, firmly twisting his words together with his memories of the Jedi Purge, “But it will be more difficult to bend your army to yours. We have a common enemy, and I will help you with this.”
“Because they will not listen to me?” Kenobi questioned, frowning.
“Because their will is not their own,” Maul corrected, withdrawing the control chip from a pocket, holding it up and watching the pieces come together on the other’s face, “This is in every clone’s brain. It is Sidious’ doing.”
The lash of Dark intention was unnerving, not only from its originator, but also how aberrantly different it was from the Light he had grown accustomed to. It sat bitterly on his mind, but heartened him at the resolve this Jedi tempered himself into before his own eyes, how similar it was to their last meeting on Tatooine.
It was that blend, that knife-edge Kenobi strode, that spoke hope to his senses. And it made him smile, bouncing that emotion back at the Jedi before him, something real and earnest that drew a sigh and tentative smile from Kenobi.
“You removed one.” Kenobi stated, a cunning light in his eyes. “How do we remove the rest?”
Maul grinned, “Very carefully.”
Mando'a Translations
Usen'ye, vod - Piss off, mate
Oya - Many meanings: literally *Let's hunt!* and also *Stay alive!*, but also *Hoorah!*, *Go you!*, *Cheers!* Always positive and triumphant.
K'olar, Kenobi. Jorhaa be mirjahaal. - Come, Kenobi. Speak of peace. -- mirjahal - peace of mind, *healing*, general term for emotional well-being especially after a trauma or bereavement
Kyr'tsad - Death Watch (lit. Death Society) - breakaway Mandalorian sect
Alor - leader, chief, *officer*, constable, boss
Haatyc or'arue jate'shya ori'sol aru'ike nuhaatyc - Better one big enemy that you can see than many small ones that you can't. (Mandalorian proverb.)
manda - the collective soul or heaven - the state of being Mandalorian in mind, body and spirit - also supreme, overarching, guardian-like
jatne manda - good mood - a complex sense of being at one with your clan and life
Olarom at Manda’yaim - Welcome to Mandalore
K'oyacyi - 1. *Cheers!* 2. Can also mean: *Hang in there* or 3. *Come back safely.* Literally, a command; *Stay alive!*
yaim'la - comfortable, familiar, sense of *at home*. Can also mean local to the speaker.
Tion gar vercopaan par... me'jorbe? - You wish for... what reason?
Jorhaa’ir be mirjahaal? - To speak for peace (of mind)? -- mirjahal - peace of mind, *healing*, general term for emotional well-being especially after a trauma or bereavement
Elek - yes
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princessjungeun · 4 years
Fallen Angel: Olivia Hye x Reader
TW// violence, blood
I had a dream like this and also, A LONG time ago i read a demon jinsoul au but idk who wrote it or where it is on here. If you’re the writer pls message me so i can give you credit for inspiring me.
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Life for you here in Paradise was beyond perfect. You sat at the highest rank of all young angels. A status that many dreamed of but never reached. You weren’t like most seraphs, most of them were extremely rude. They liked using their status against other angels, knowing they would get treated differently if they played their cards right.
However you weren’t like this, many other angels, seraphs, and archangels knew. You were friendly, warm, and extremely nice. Many believed that’s why you’re so beautiful.
Your brown skin was kissed by the sun and shone like pearls in the light. The long black tendrils that crowned your head flowed down your back, dancing in the breeze. Your chocolate brown eyes, sweet and luminous while the sharp almond shape captures everyone’s attention. It was no secret that you were seen as the most beautiful angel in paradise.
Everyone agreed on that statement except for you.
The one you found most beautiful hid in the depths of Paradise. She cowered on the borders of Paradise and the Underworld, never showing her face intentionally.
Her tanned skin was once a bright ivory color, presumably from the lack of light she received day to day. Her deep raven colored hair made her look even more pale. The deep pink tint of her triangle shaped lips remained the most defining feature upon her face. However, the one thing that many noticed first, were the broad, onyx colored wings flecked with silver that rested on her back. One of which was tattered, missing a large portion from the bottom.
Everyone called her a demon but you, as a seraph knew that she was not. Demons can’t survive up in Paradise, and if they do, they are removed quite quickly.
Although it might seem foolish or extraneous, all angels in paradise must attend school. It’s not a normal school like what mortals do on Earth, there aren’t subjects. It’s simply a place where angels learn how to be better at what they do. Angels are divided into three divisions and instructed in said divisions.
Academy started two months ago and you never once saw the one you’d always kept an eye on. As much as you wanted to find her, as you knew where she resides, you never did.
Until one day you were called by the highest seraph. He requested that you find the missing angel and bring her to academy.
All of that to explain why you’re standing outside of a dusky and sullen cave. A small light shone in the very hind of the dim tunnel leading to the open end.
You hesitated, lowering your wings, not certain if you should have come alone. Nevertheless you proceeded, mumbling to yourself “Son Hyejoo you’re needed at the academy” in hopes it’d help you not blank upon seeing her.
As you rounded the corner you stopped completely, your body froze not able to move one step more. The feeling of terror flooded your body upon seeing her, facing backwards. Her wings were erect, much broader than yours, definitely more powerful. Candles were lit in a circle around her, illuminating the small space. The light bounced off of the walls of the cave, the small flecks of silver in her wings drew you closer without thinking.
“What do you want” she spoke, her voice monotonous and plain.
You asked “how did you know I was here?”
She responded “I could hear you 8 kilometers away, you’re not exactly good at whispering.” Taking her voice up an octave she spoke in a mocking tone “Son Hyejoo you’re needed at the academy...and if you ever refer to me as Hyejoo without my permission again, you won’t be returning to Paradise. You call me Olivia.”
You told her “O-ok... I was sent by the head Seraph. So. Olivia...you are needed at the academy, there is no exception for anyone.”
She rose from her seat prompting you to step away slowly. As she turned around you locked eyes with her, your heart plummeted when you saw them gleam a deep crimson.
This time as she spoke her voice deepened, “I do not attend the academy. Leave now and never return back, is that clear?” The only time you’ve ever heard this inflection was from the devil himself, no angel can forget it.
Your mouth went dry as you stood in fear, although she was no bigger than you, she clearly held more physical power than you.
Without thinking you turn your back and flew out the cave, faster than you’ve ever in your life.
Days passed and you’d been instructed to go back to Olivia’s cavern. You followed the directions given to you however everytime your arrived, she was never there. You convinced yourself she just found a new cave to reside in, but something felt off every time you went.
Until the last day you attempted to find her. The second you step foot into the dim cavern, her voice echoed down the channel.
“I thought I told you not to return here. Why are you back.” Her voice sounded weak and broken, unlike the time before.
You didn’t respond, only walking further in hoping that maybe she would actually come with you.
The Olivia you saw last time was definitely not the same one that you were looking at now. The long raven locks that once flowed down her back were now bluntly chopped just above her shoulders. Her skin was littered with scratches and bruises. The once broad wings that adorned her back were tattered on one while the other was completely gone.
“Hye-I mean Olivia! What happened are you alright?” You approached her reaching out to touch her.
Pressing her two hands down on the ground, she held her body up on her two arms. You looked closer and scanned the area of her back where her wing was severed from her back. It was clearly new, judging by the blood stains on her shirt.
“Ple-please leave...he’ll come back if you stay any longer. Y/N...go.” She wheezed out her words, the last two coming out in faint gasps.
You responded “what does that mean? I cant let you die here...let me help you okay, I’ll leave and never return after. Just let me help you. Please.”
Her arms shook beneath her, just as she collapsed you caught her in your arms. You told her “I have to tie something around it since it already stopped bleeding okay?” She nodded weakly as you pulled a blanket from the ground and wrapped it tightly around her back, right where her wing used to be. A whimper left her lips, you could tell she wanted to scream but she was far too weak to do so.
You tended to the rest of the scratches and scrapes that dotted her skin. She had dozed in and out of sleep as you did so, but now she was wide awake. Her head rested on your lap, your hand carding through her hair gently.
“Who was it?” You asked gently hoping not to overstep.
She responded “my father...we um-hes not the easiest to talk to.”
You asked “what happened....”
She told you “he saw me talk to you. He got upset that I didn’t um- handle... you differently.”
You replied “I don’t usually say this but does he know i’m a seraph?”
A small laugh left her lips and she whispered “the devil doesn’t care about your status.”
You froze and stuttered out “wha-what?”
She told you plainly “my dad is a demon. I’m half angel, half demon. My mom was young and stupid...kinda rebellious. My dad knew and he liked that about her. But angels aren’t meant to be with demons...that’s why she’s gone.”
You lifted your hand from her soft locks and said “I’m sorry...I- I should go. I don’t want you to get hurt again.”
She reached up and grabbed your hand, bringing back to her head before telling you “he won’t...please just- don’t go yet.”
You smiled softly to yourself and said “okay but I do have to go back at sun up for academy...speaking of which you’re still being summoned.”
She replied “why don’t you just come after and teach me what I need to know? I cant be around other angels without my dad showing up...even right now is risky.”
You told her “I can ask but I should be able to do that...you need to rest. I’ll leave once you’re asleep okay?”
She nodded and scooted closer to you, reaching her hand up she grasped your free hand, holding it in hers.
For the next few months you found yourself with Olivia Hyejoo every single day. The two of you spent every minute together when you weren’t in academy. You’d learned a lot about Hyejoo, like that she has two sisters but they live in the underworld as they’re 100% demon. She had never had an emotional connection to someone like the way she did with you. Also that she hated her birthday, you never knew why, but she did.
You loved being around her and she loved being around you, even though she was terrified of hurting you. What she never told you was that for her, a Nephilim, she’s constantly battling internally to balance the good and evil. Sometimes she loses control, and other times she has a hold of herself.
Since meeting you she’d been working harder, feeling an imbalance constantly. She knew it was because she loved you deeply, something that is absolutely forbidden. Hyejoo knew that if she let her feelings get the best of her you’d both end up gone, so she tried her best to control her feelings.
But it was hard to control her feelings when you were so perfect. She loved when you laughed, it was like music to her ears. She absolutely adored when you held her in your arms at night to protect her when she felt a certain presence among the two of you.
Eventually, Hyejoo reached her breaking point, she knew if she saw you anymore she would end up acting on her feelings. So she decided it was time to let you go, especially because her birthday was in two days.
“Y/N?” She was laying on her stomach across your lap, your hand on her bare back, running over the scar where her wing once was.
“Hmm?” You hummed happily as your nails lightly trailed over her skin.
She sat up and said “you can’t come back tomorrow...or any day after.”
Her words felt like daggers in your chest, you never wanted to leave her, even for a minute and you knew she felt the same.
“What? Why?” Your voice cracked as you tried to suppress your sadness.
“I can’t be around you anymore.” She turned away from you, facing the wall.
“Why not?” You weren’t giving up until you got a full answer.
She told you “It’s to protect you, I don’t want to hurt you...”
You asked “protect me from what? Hyejoo don’t shut me out like this...please.”
Hyejoo’s one wing rose, the same way it did the first time you encountered her. Her voice deepened to the same demonic tone, “get out.”
Without hesitation you responded “no. Hyejoo I love you please-”
The ground shook as she yelled, the walls of her cave trembling as she spoke.
You got up and walked out, looking back to see if she’d change her mind but she didn’t.
The truth was Hyejoo didn’t want to let you go, but she had to. When half demon half angels are born, they’re given a number 16-20. On that birthday is when they either turn into a full demon, or full angel. However, because Hyejoo’s mother didn’t survive her birth, there was no way for her to even be considered to be an angel. It was the parent’s choice for which they turn into. Unless an agreement is reached between the Nephilim and it’s parent.
Hyejoo went to see her father in an attempt to request that he doesn’t turn her into a full demon. He didn’t talk it lightly, hence the reason why you found her so injured that day. It was Hyejoo’s 19th birthday soon and the only way she could possibly not become a demon was her completely controlling her internal balance of good and evil, resulting in her internal balance being 100 to 0. No nephilim has done it before but it was worth trying. However, if she failed, the end result was becoming a full fallen angel.
The two days leading up to her birthday you listened to her. You didn’t go to find her even though you really wanted to. However on the day of her birthday you found yourself outside of her cave.
You didn’t wander inside but she knew you were outside. Part of her wanted to shoo you off but the other part missed you and felt comfort by you being present.
Hyejoo waited for the clock to strike midnight, for her birthday. She knew what was to come as she’s seen how her older sister’s dealt on their birthdays.
She pulled a pair of metal shackles that had been in the cave since her sister’s lived here with her. Hyejoo remembered the way she had to watch Byul and Mina chain themselves out of fear of hurting her.
The second the clock struck midnight she felt her father’s presence. Pain coursed through her veins as she felt her internal balance starting to become more and more uneven.
She fought with herself for hours, she’d been able to keep herself as steady as she could but there were still 20 hours left in the day. Thankfully these types of things happened in bursts. She was probably only going to deal with this 2 more times at most. She knew she was too weak to hold it off but she wouldn’t give in.
You could hear her heavy breaths and strangled whimpers from outside the cave. But when they subsided you relaxed, knowing that she was probably fine.
It was the last two hours of the day when you heard an ear piercing shriek ring through the cave. Not wasting a second you flew inside, definitely not prepared for what you were about to see.
Hyejoo’s eyes were completely black, her veins coursing what looked like black blood. Her one wing was starting to fall away, bent at the top indicating that she was losing this internal battle. One singular horn was already protruding from her head, the other already starting to form.
You froze in fear, now understanding why she didn’t want you here.
She turned and saw you, immediately grabbing you by the throat. You clawed at her hands, trying your best to choke out her name.
“H-Hyejoo...stop- please.” You whispered trying to release yourself from her grip.
Her one eye faded back to the deep crimson you loved and remembered, “Y/N?”
Immediately she let go, but the second she did her eye faded back to black. You knew that there was nothing much you could do to help her but watch and hope for the best.
You watched in terror for an hour as Hyejoo went through what was clearly excruciatingly painful. It was when she fell onto her back and started floating above the ground, tears falling from her eyes, and strangled screams leaving her mouth that you cracked.
Pulling her back down you pulled her into your arms, you remembered that as a seraph that there was a possibility of you helping her. She fell limp in your arms, too weak to try and fight it any longer.
Calling out her name you repeated “Hyejoo, please I love you” at least 400 times before you saw her eye fade back to red.
She weakly asked “Y/N? I love you too.”
You held her tighter and begged her “please please just push a little more...it’ll be fine okay? You can be an angel with me please.”
She shook her head and said “I-I cant Y/N...he’s too strong. This is it, I can’t do it any longer...I’m sorry.”
You held her closer and noticed her other eye faded as she came to.
Looking down at her she said “I put up a good fight...but I can’t fight anymore. I’m going to be with him tomorrow, you’ll never see me again.”
You replied “what if I will? I come with you.”
She knew what you meant: when an angel falls in love with a demon, the angel descends into the underworld as a Fallen Angel. The only thing sealing it, is a kiss.
Hyejoo’s eye started to fade black again, but she tried her best to stay with you.
“N-No you’re not doing that. You’re a seraph.”
You wiped a tear from her eye as the clock almost struck midnight indicating the end of the night. She had five minutes which you spend holding her in your arms. Looking into her eyes as she started to lose herself.
It was ten seconds left until you told her “I was a seraph, but now I’m a fallen angel.”
Capturing her lips between yours, you kissed her softly. Her hand laced with yours as both of your eyes faded black. You fell limp against her body indicating that you were no longer alive in Paradise.
She wrapped her arm around your body, feeling herself fade. A smile made its way to her face at the realization that she’d be with you again, just in another world.
As her eyes closed for the last time, she mumbled to herself:
I love you, my fallen angel.
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wickedmilo · 3 years
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PLACE: A Gala TIMING: A couple of months ago SUMMARY: Milo agrees to attend an event with Luis, and the two find the setting to be oddly intimate WRITING PARTNER: @ontheluis CONTENT WARNINGS: Addiction tw, alcohol tw
 Luis’ footsteps were duly muffled on the intricate Ottoman rugs, all sound seeming to be soaked up by the thick window hangings and mahogany walls of this Harris Island manor. Everything he’d done for the syndicate thus far had been in the city's grimy underbelly, the kind of places the society liked to forget existed. None of the people he worked with seemed like they knew what silver spoon to use for what, Luis included. But here they were, attending a ball with some blue bloods in a place whose ceiling fixtures were probably worth more than his kidneys.  
What did the boss want here? Luis had a feeling he didn’t want to know the kind of ‘discrete favors’ a monster like Vathnek Beckford was providing to White Crest’s upper crust.  
Luis looked down at the ghoul-mark on the inside of his wrist, a misshapen scar from Vathnek’s claw that’d sealed their magical pact. The nauseous sense of accusation Luis felt on seeing it caused him to fiddle with his cufflinks and adjust his suit’s sleeves to cover the mark.  
Luis entered one of the many lounges with thick sofas and smoking chairs. Exchanging nods of recognition with several fellow criminals masquerading as gentlemen, Luis went into one of the men’s fitting rooms and rapped softly on the wooden sliding door.   
“Hey Milo? You good?”  
Milo stared at the floor length mirror opposite him, completely devoid of his reflection, wondering, not for the first time, how he had managed to get himself into this. It wasn’t unusual for him to wind up in places he shouldn’t be. He had put himself in danger more times than he could ever hope to count, but this felt different somehow. When he had been human he had known the risks, or at the very least convinced himself that was true. He understood the chances of being mugged, or taken advantage of, or injured in some way. But he didn’t know this world, he didn’t understand the endless ways the evening could go wrong, and if he hadn’t started it with a cup of blood, and a pain pill, then that would likely be making him nervous. Instead he was curious, ready to throw himself into whatever was about to unfold. Tugging at the sleeves of the suit Luis had bought for him, it felt far more expensive than any item of clothing he had worn before. The Dracula cufflinks he had chosen to amuse himself were in stark contrast with the rest of the outfit. He almost wished he could see himself in it. Maybe he could take a few selfies before the end of the night. Letting out a quiet sigh in response to Luis’ question, he reached out to open the door for him, offering him a sheepish grin. “I’m good.” He confirmed, gesturing vaguely to the mirror, knowing his lack of a reflection would be incredibly obvious. How many other vampires were there currently in the room? Would anybody notice? Would anybody even care? “It’s just- fuck, I’ve been trying to tie this for like five minutes now and apparently I cant do it without a mirror…” Slipping the strip of material from around his neck, he handed Luis the tie, feeling both ridiculous, and amused by the prospect of what he was about to ask. “Any chance you want to do it for me?”  
Dad had shown Luis how to tie a tie for church, the only time besides weddings and funerals where the Martinez family went in for nice clothes. Luis crossed the threshold into the small dressing room and slid the door shut behind him. Two walls were covered completely in mirrors while a dark wood closet and cushioned sofa occupied the other. He hadn’t completely understood what Milo meant until seeing only himself reflected in the mirrors.  
Luis had to resist the dumbass impulse to poke Milo while looking into the mirror, wondering if his finger would vanish if he stuck it in Milo’s ear or something.  
Luis was no scientist, but so many questions started popping into his head about what the hell was happening with photons here.  
However he spared Milo ameture science hour, and slung the tie over his friend’s shoulders. “Thanks for coming here with me,” Luis murmured and glanced into Milo’s eyes before returning the silken knot. “I’ll uh...figure out how to make it up to you.”  
Milo could almost pinpoint the moment Luis realised what he was talking about, the exact moment his friend’s gaze landed on the mirror and found only his own reflection staring back at them both. It would be comical if it wasn’t such a constant source of frustration for him. So he allowed a tired smile, pushing his hair back away from his face with no way of knowing whether the move had done anything to tame it. Maybe he would have to admit defeat and pull out his phone camera, though he always felt so ridiculous doing so. What if people thought he was filming a Tiktok? Honestly, he would rather die all over again. His smile growing exponentially when Luis took the tie and threw it over his shoulders, he couldn’t help catching his gaze. The close proximity felt strangely intimate, especially given the fact that the door to his dressing room was now closed, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. And he appreciated that, he didn’t have that with many people.  
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes when Luis eventually lowered his gaze, he shook his head. This wasn’t the first time he had shown his gratitude, but as far as he was concerned he had no reason to thank him. “Look… you bought me a suit, if anything I should be thanking you.” He pointed out, intentionally keeping his tone lighthearted. He knew the room was filled with dangerous people, maybe his death was leading to him finding crazy new ways of being reckless, and self-destructive. But he was here entirely through his own choice, and in some twisted way he was excited. Not only was this a part of the world he had never been exposed to, underhand dealings, and intelligent power plays, this was a whole new part of the supernatural. And he was always desperate to learn more, always desperate to know. “It’s going to be fine… and I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be. I couldn’t exactly turn down a dinner date with Luis Martínez, could I?”  
Luis couldn’t help but wonder about this situation if Milo and himself were both still human. Would they be preparing for some dance? Some fancy college donor reception? Would they just be nervous about some social or dating drama while getting suited up here, rather than whether Luis’ mob connections were about to get them both killed? When exactly had two perpetually stoned accidental monster kids gotten to the point where this was the new normal? 
Luis knew deep down that Milo Summers was a predator, no matter how unthreatening that wholesome off-brand Draco Malfoy face seemed. Milo hadn’t asked to become a killer any more than Luis had, but the curses in their veins hadn't asked permission. Luis had been brought up to think of sin as something you chose, a temptation to stray from the honest clean life God intended human beings to lead. But Luis didn't have the chance to choose innocence, just as Milo now had to fight against the urge to rip the lifeblood out of people for an eternity. Empathy for the brokenness that came with loss of agency had turned a casual acquaintance of vice into something more.  
But he actually needed Milo Summers the predator tonight. Luis knew just enough about the paranormal underworld to know he was walking into danger at this posh meeting between criminal outfits and rich clients, but not enough to really know exactly what form that danger would take. Luis needed another pair of eyes and someone to have his back that wasn’t also on Vathnek’s long list of indentured debtors. It wasn’t fair that Milo being a friendly murder-corpse made him a good candiate, but Luis would find a way to make it up to him later.   
Milo’s assurance that he wanted to be here and broad smile evoked a reflection on Luis’ own face. The expression deepend in warmth at Milo’s teasing about a date. “Crime, nice clothes, and an upscale venue,” Luis replied airily as he attended to Milo’s tie. “I really do know how to show a guy a good time huh?”  
The date thing tugged at the back of his mind, as Luis looped one end of the tie up by Milo’s neck and drew it down again, palpably aware of their closeness in here and how Luis could've brushed against the base skin of Milo’s neck if the mood struck him to be purposefully clumsy. The unsentimental part of his brain knew this wasn’t technically different then when they'd toked up in the dark of abandoned buildings together, but that didn’t stop it from feeling like something else entirely.  
Yeah, there’d been times back when they’d known nothing about each other that Luis’ had considered offering to share more than pills with Milo for pleasant distraction without any strings attached. Ironically, coming to care for Milo on a deeper level had actually made Luis more hesitant. Luis didn’t have many connections left, let alone friendships, and he didn’t want to jeopardize what he had with Milo. Sure, it didn’t make a whole lot of sense, especially since Luis would’ve happily added benefits to friendship if Milo had asked. However, dread of seeing confused surprise in Milo’s eyes or feeling an unrepairable change in their emotional relationship after sharing that intensely physical part of himself, kept Luis content with the comfortable wingman status quo.  
Besides, he should probably focus on the party with the monster mobsters.  
Luis stepped back and looked Milo over before reaching out to straighten his collar and a shoulder to keep things even. “Well you’re in luck,” he continued, knowing that Milo didn’t want yet another rehash of the ‘this is very dangerous thank you’ routine. “There’s legit blood wine being served, aged with additives and everything.”  
Milo couldn’t be sure what Luis was thinking about but the expression on his face seemed deep, and distracted. He was so clearly lost in his head, and he was hesitant to interrupt what he could only assume was some kind of personal reflection. He had been there, hadn’t he? He found situations like this brought out an introspective side of himself that for the most part lay abandoned and forgotten, pushed away by substances, and his own sheer force of will. There was something about the quiet of the changing room, knowing what lay beyond it, knowing what the evening held in store for them both, that felt vulnerable. For a brief moment in time they were kids again, not two people who had been forced to grow up, who had been attacked against their will, and left to deal with the trauma. Luis too had become the very monster responsible for tearing into his flesh. It was something they shared; a dark, and twisted connection. As terrible as it was, he couldn’t help feeling grateful that his friend was able to understand. Wasn’t that why they had become so close? “Hm,” he hummed quietly in amusement, offering Luis a smile as he continued to tug at the tie around his neck. “Usually it’s just crime on its own, so… a nice change of pace.” He teased, raising his eyebrows as his company stepped back to survey his work. Resisting the urge to shrink in on himself, he feigned confidence, holding out his arms, and turning on the spot. “So?” His smile grew, and he pointedly caught Luis’ eye. “Am I presentable?”  
Glancing towards the closest mirror, it was a habit he still hadn’t managed to break, and he stared at the place where he should be standing, annoyed by the fact that he couldn’t see himself. He wasn’t sure why being a vampire needed to come with so many minor inconveniences. Weren’t the major ones enough when it came to making a person suffer? A frustrated huff of breath escaping him, he refused to let his demeanour fade, turning back to Luis with a shameless grin fixed firmly in place. “Blood wine?” He echoed. “I don’t know if I could drink that without sitting in a dark dusty castle somewhere- probably Transylvania. I feel like it has to be Transylvania.” He pictured himself sitting atop an old wooden coffin, lightning storming outside as his cape fell around him, and he sipped blood wine from a beautifully ornate glass. It was outright laughable, but it only made him more eager to try the drink. “Jeez, I’m not even pretentious enough to drink regular wine.” They both knew that wasn’t true, if it had an alcohol content then he was game, but the comment was intended to make Luis laugh. Whether or not it was accurate didn’t feel relevant right now. What mattered was the fact that they were together. What mattered was the fact that, no matter what happened tonight, or on any other night, they were always going to have each other.  
Luis instinctively looked with Milo towards the mirror, the reflex of following another person’s gaze overtaking him before he realized the dumbassery of it. “More than presentable,” he assured. It was the truth, tacky buttons aside, Milo was one of those guys who “cleaned up well” as Grandma Martinez would say.  
Luis chuckled as Milo turned the conversation towards levity. In truth, Luis had never appreciated wine before being bitten. Ever since his sense of smell had become doggishly keen, all tastes had become more intense. Most colors had faded from Luis’ vision, but flavors had become so complex and distinct that even something boringly bougie like wine now made sense to him.  
But it seemed real assholely to share that anecdote with a dude who couldn’t eat and taste as much anymore, so Luis kept that to himself.  
“Hey Milo I got something for you..real quick.” 
Luis took a handkerchief from his pocket and began to unwrap it. On the white cloth was a switchblade, a lightweight yet viciously edged toll of backalley violence. Luis took up the small flip-knife with his free-hand. Immediately, veins of irritation and necrosis began to climb up the tips of the werewolf’s fingers from where he touched the silver knife.  
“I’m not the only one here that silver hurts,” Luis explained in a low voice as he offered the switchblade to Milo, pale metal gleaming in dressing room lights. “Just in case.”  
Milo caught the gaze of Luis’ reflection although he knew Luis wouldn’t be able to see him, smiling sheepishly. It wasn’t often he was deemed presentable, let alone more than presentable. He almost felt like a different person, a new person. Not the Milo who passed out in gutters, and crashed in dirty apartments with no memory of how he had gotten to them. This was the Milo who combed his hair, who made the effort to shave, who scrubbed his face with cleanser, and actually worried about creasing his clothes. Raising his eyebrows in a silent question, he turned back to Luis, curious about a potential gift. It was only as his friend carefully unfolded a handkerchief that he realised the gift wasn’t something he wanted. The blade was short, and sharp, his clear vision allowing him to see just how deadly the edge of it was. “I-” He broke off, every instinct telling him to reject the offer, to insist Luis keep it himself. He wasn’t a violent person, it didn’t come naturally to him. He was far more comfortable on the sidelines, or actively running from a fight. But he knew that wasn’t why Luis had asked him to come, he knew they both needed to be smart tonight. Smart, observant, and prepared. As much as he hated to admit it, he might need the knife. He might have to use it. Why was the prospect of danger only ever fun until it became real?  
Pushing his glasses up his nose, he watched as Luis handled the weapon, staring for a second too long as his body began to react to the silver. He wanted to ask whether it burned but the werewolf wasn’t showing any sign of pain. Regardless, a new instinct took over, and he reached out to snatch it away, hoping to spare his company from any further damage. “You didn’t have to touch it!” He insisted. “Drama queen.” He added, a smile still tugging at his lips. Looking down at the knife, it felt so alien, so uncomfortable in his hands. But he knew he was in no place to set it down, not now. “Are you sure?” He asked quietly, his smile fading, replaced by a serious expression. What they were walking into, as exciting as it felt, was no joke. “About- y’know, all of this?”  
“I uh,” it seemed to occur belatedly to the werewolf that he could have just picked the knife up in the kerchief and handed it over. “Didn’t think about…,” Luis shrugged while his features gave way to a broad sheepish smile, dimples winking into existence on his cheeks.  
But the moment of bashful levity passed as Milo succumbed to seriousness. “Yeah,” Luis answered. “I can’t keep hurting people like this I uh.”  
The werewolf ran a hand through his sandy hair, some strands coming loose as a nervous habit quickly undid his efforts to slick it all back into presentableness. “I don’t know how you’re handling your change Milo but I’m…”
Why was he confessing this now? This wasn’t the time! Shit, but the worlds felt like they needed to come out now. But how could he burden Milo with one more thing to worry about when they were about to walk into danger? It felt selfish. “Losing me, like what made me human,” Luis confessed anyway, turning to face the mirror briefly being unsettled by the sight of his own reflection talking to himself alone in an empty room. “I can’t control any of it,”  
The phone in Luis’ pocket buzzed but he ignored it, briefly pacing in the small dressing room like a caged beast chained in an evening suit. It seemed to take Luis a minute to realize that the stress was letting out the thing inside of him. The werewolf paused, fighting down the burst of freneticism as his shoulders rose and fell with long steady breaths.   
“Milo,” Luis began when his mind was more still. “I’m...uh..I’m one of the ones the Hunters talk about,” the rabid wolf confessed quietly.  
 Luis swallowed letting the implication speak for itself. “I don’t want to die,” he assured. “But I can’t keep waking up covered in blood either.” Self-revulsion and determination made a painful interplay across Luis' face but the later seemed to win out, a long exhale adding steel back into the young man’s posture. “That’s why I’m doing all this, risking getting mixed up with these people,” the budding criminal insisted.  
“Vathek’s got a cure,” Luis asserted with the quiet fervor of the truly desperate, those souls who’ve been pushed so far past the breaking point that now nothing could be too impossible or extreme to risk everything for. “And if I have to deal with mobster politics and do some sick stuff now so I don’t have to ever kill anybody else ever again for the rest of my life? Yeah, I’m in.”  
The phone in Luis’ pocket buzzed insistently again, signalling the approach of the deadly dinner date.  
Luis tried to meet Milo’s gaze and moved away from the door in case his friend wanted to get the hell out after everything he’d shared. “I didn’t want you to go in there with the wrong idea about me, what I really am, or why I’m doing this,” the killer said. “If you're not comfortable now that you know it, and need to head out, like that's ok. I’ll understand,” Luis promised.  
Milo smiled at Luis, comforted by the fact that he seemed to be clumsy and unsure of his own condition. It was something they shared, something they had in common, and it made his friend infinitely more likeable. “I do the same thing sometimes.” He admitted. “I’ve had to stop halfway through opening the curtains before, it’s this weird instinct to let in the sunlight… I guess it’s just what humans do. You don’t even think about it.” As quickly as his smile appeared, it began to fade, stolen by the change in atmosphere, by the sudden, unfamiliar look in Luis’ eye. It was the first time he had ever heard Luis explicitly confess to hurting others, and he knew he needed to be careful when it came to his reaction. The information was personal, Luis didn’t have to share it, no doubt he would be watching to see whether he looked horrified, or upset, or disgusted by the revelation. Waiting patiently as he ran a hand through his hair, creating a tousled look that almost seemed intentional, he eventually stepped forward, reaching up to brush a few strands back into place. His friend’s hair was soft, and every time he ran his fingers through it waves of his natural scent seemed to roll off of him. But it wasn’t unpleasant, quite the contrary. “It’s okay.” He said quietly, although he wasn’t sure it was fair of him. He wanted it to be okay, but what about Luis’ victims? The people who had lost their lives to his wolf?  
Letting out a gentle sigh, he slipped the knife into his pocket before lowering his arms, stepping back again so that he could properly see his company. The man before him looked so broken, so lost, he wanted to wrap him in his arms and hold him until he found a way to put himself back together. He still wasn’t sure the cure was real, but it definitely seemed more possible than a cure for vampirism. He was dead, Luis’ body had only changed. Could it be treated like an illness? Could it be reversed somehow?  Why didn’t more people know about a cure if there was one in existence? He had so many questions, but he held his tongue. Luis needed support, not doubt. Faltering briefly as he heard his phone buzz, he swallowed, debating how much he wanted to tell him. “Luis… when you lose control, that isn’t your fault, you know that, right? I know it’s your body, but you aren’t responsible. You don’t know how I’m handling my change because- because if I talk about it I feel like I’m going to go insane. But you aren’t alone in feeling… I don’t know… hopeless.” Glancing up at the mirror, at the place where his reflection was supposed to be, he frowned, turning away from it so that he could move to sit on the cushioned bench lining the wall. Patting the space beside him, he encouraged Luis to sit down too, even though he had a feeling they were running out of time.  
“When I woke up… I didn’t know what I was, or even what had happened. I just knew I felt… really fucking terrible. I hid in an alleyway, railed my entire stash- I kept thinking this is the worst comedown of my life...” Laughing bitterly at his own ridiculous assumption, he shook his head. If only it had been a comedown. “It got late, people started showing up for the clubs, and bars, and one person- they probably thought I was tweaking or some shit-  they tried to help me. The next thing I know they’re-” He broke off, choking on his words as his vision became blurred by tears. Brushing them away with the sleeve of his suit jacket, he steeled himself. It was the first time he was ever saying them out loud, fully letting somebody know the true extent of the damage he had caused. And it was far more painful than he ever could have anticipated. “I watched them die, I’ll never get the image out of my head… and all I could think about was drinking their blood. I’d just killed them, I’d just drained them of their blood, and all I could think about were the few drops that I’d missed. If another vampire hadn’t found me I don’t think I would have stopped. I probably wouldn’t even have noticed that they were…” He exhaled, his breath shaky as more tears began to run down his cheeks. “It took me so long to stop blaming myself, but the truth is… if whoever did this to me had chosen to stick around, it wouldn’t have happened. I didn’t know what I was doing, it wasn’t my fault. And now that I know how this works, I’m making an effort to ensure it never happens again. You’re doing everything you can, Luis… you aren’t a bad person. The blood isn’t on your hands, not in the that way you think it is.”   
“I have the power to stop the killing,” Luis said finally after a time staring blankly at a mahogany wall while Milo spoke. “At any time I could’ve put an end to it and saved so many more lives.” He swallowed down the tenseness in his throat. “But I’ve been too much of a fuckin coward, and other innocent people have kept paying for it with their lives.” 
Luis turned his head to look at the vampire beside him, features steeled with the bleak strength that comes from looking self-annihilation directly in the face, perhaps holding its gaze for far longer than was healthy. Already reckless even before having every emotion dialled up to a fever pitch by lycanthropy, it hadn’t taken Luis Martinez long to realize that so many more people would be alive right now if someone had put a silver bullet in him early on.  
“It isn’t about if it’s my fault,” claimed one young killer to another. “It’s about the people who’re being hurt. Does me being innocent or guilty do anything for the grieving families? I could be completely blameless but the people I ate and keep eating will still have been torn apart by a monster,” Luis said.  
He let out a long shuddering breath before saying the part that probably should have been left unsaid. “Our lives aren’t worth any more than any other person,” the lapsed Catholic asserted. “So many of the supernaturals I’ve met make excuses, they kill people all the time but then go and on about how they are real victims, that they can’t be judged for they can’t control,” said the fledgling werewolf who’d perhaps spent too much time among fellow predators in the Bloody Stake. “Human lives are just expendable extras to them now, they’ll get all upset when a supernatural gets killed, but then shrug off slaughtering a buncha humans like it's somehow not as bad.”  
“I don’t want to get that far gone,” Luis insisted to Milo, words becoming more heated and erratic as the normally amiable young man got too close to the spiritual unravelling inside of him. ‘But I can feel myself slipping...I can’t...remember their faces like I used to. The more I kill like...the more I acclimate to it.”  
Although along the way Luis Martinez had come to hold onto his remorse, that capacity for recognizing the essential humanity of his victims, as the anchor to his own personhood. But matter how empathetic you are, doing anything enough times and it starts to lose impact, and Luis had done a lifetime of killing in the space of a year. As he grew numb to death, Luis became ever more unmoored from his sense of self.  
Luis reached up to brush away some tears from Milo’s face if the other guy let him. “Thank you Milo,” he said softly, only able to guess at how much it took Milo to admit to all that. “I appreciate it man like...seriously,” he said with any scorn for his companion’s breakdown. “I don’t think you're a bad person either,” Luis assured. “I’m trying to find a way to keep that from happening again,” he gave a toothy smile that hinted at bitterness around the edges. “And I’m choosing the one that makes sure we can still do that roadtrip later,” Luis teased, gentle humor hiding the reassurance that he had chosen this road of vice and moral compromises over the lethal purity of a final alternative.  
“That’s not fair, Luis.” Milo said, his voice barely louder than a whisper as he considered the terrifying implication behind his friend's words. Would the world be better without him? Without either of them? You could use that perspective to force so many things, to blame so many people for accidents, and mistakes that were far, far beyond their control. “You can’t think like that…” He trailed off, unsure of what else to say. Luis was more than capable of thinking in such a way, and he was absolutely powerless to stop it. He had his reasons, and he couldn’t imagine living through the horrors he had suffered. He had witnessed one person die at his own hands. Would he be okay, would he still be functioning if it wasn’t just one person. What if it was two people? Or three? Or five? Or ten? At what point did it become too much? At what point did the horror consume you? “I don’t think you’re a monster…” Holding Luis’ gaze for as long as he was able to, he finally looked away, staring down at his hands as he thought about his life, and what it was worth now that he had taken somebody else’s. Nothing was going to change the fact that he had killed somebody decent, somebody willing to help a stranger. Why did he of all people deserve to still be here? Still be somewhat alive, somewhat living... 
“You aren’t that far gone…” He murmured. “We aren’t that far gone.” Chewing on his bottom lip, it hurt to hear Luis talking about becoming so desensitised. But not because he was considering the forgotten victims. Selfishly, he was upset because it told him just how much his friend had experienced. Just how desperate his brain was to stop processing the trauma of his situation. His expression softening, he tilted his head, looking back up at Luis as he brushed away his tears. His touch was surprisingly gentle, and definitely not unwelcome. It felt good to know he wasn’t being seen as a terrible person. That Luis was still willing to touch him, to be near him. It would be contradictory if he decided otherwise, but sometimes it was so easy to believe he was a waste of time. People could definitely do better than Milo Summers, and it often only felt like a matter of time before they realised that. “You don’t?” He asked, unashamedly needing the confirmation. If he could ask Luis to say it a thousand times over, then he would. “You’re the first person I’ve ever… I’ve never talked about it before. I still don’t know how to get over it… I’m not even sure I want to. Does that- does that sound stupid?” Offering a weak smile in return, he pushed his glasses further up his nose, tugging at his shirtsleeves in an attempt to compose himself. “I’ll do whatever I can to help you… you know I will.” He insisted, needing Luis to know he would always be there for him. It felt like the very least he could offer. “Hm… when you’re human again, you’re not going to want to go on a road trip with a vampire.” He was half teasing, though part of him felt guilty for encouraging what was potentially false hope. Another part of him was worried what he was saying might be true. If Luis ever became human, he would be mad not to put as much distance as he could between himself and the world of the supernatural. “Don’t let me hold you back.”  
“No,” Luis shook his head at the admission. “It doesn’t sound stupid,” he assured. “Thank you for trusting me.” 
There’s been a time where Luis’ had been clear, as open and bright as the sky over his father’s ranch. Honesty, hard work, love, and faith has been enough. If you kept to these things, you’d always find your way home.  
Maybe back then, Luis would’ve been pretty sure what kind of person Milo was. His heart had been clean and the thought of taking another life was unthinkable. 
But now? Everything seemed like a fog he was stumbling through, looking for a blue sky to show him the way but only sinking deeper into grim moral compromises.  
Was Luis unable to condemn Milo because of empathy, or was Luis just so totally lost that he couldn’t tell right from wrong? Did Milo and Luis deserve to take up space in the world if it cost others lives? How could Luis justify allying with criminals simply for hope of a cure? Was there moral weight in any of this, or just desperation searching for answers that didn’t exist?  
All Luis knew is that dad once said you have to keep walking in a snowstorm, because if you lay down you're as good as dead. Life right now was a blizzard, and all Luis could do was keep walking no matter what, and have faith his feet would find their way home. 
“Milo when I’m human, I am going to take you south on a road trip,” Luis reiterated stubbornly, accepting the risk even in some future time where he might be powerless against Milo should his friend lose control. “We’ll go to my place in Texas…and I’ll invite you in,” Luis finished with slow emphasis on the words, a promise to wager his safety for the sake of trust.  
Tonight Milo was risking everything for Luis’ humanity. Why would Luis hold anything back in return?  
His phone buzzed again. Time to face the serpent’s nest.  
“You won’t hold me back,” Luis said, momentarily squeezing Milo’s shoulder before rising and giving himself one last look-over in the mirror. Luis straightened his collar and painted on a carefree smile, the look of a better man who never felt lost.  
“C’mon dude, can’t wait to seem them shit themselves when they see your lapels.”
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Lockdown
“Anthony, mijo you are ten years old. You should know this multiplication shit by now.” You hear Oscar say as he sits in the dining room with both school age boys and Junior who had his own work to get done. Angel sitting at the table as well as he pretends to do school work by coloring,”Do the problem again and actually show your work.”
You guys have been stuck in the house for three weeks now due to the virus, the only person that was able to leave being Oscar since he still had to go to work. Thankfully it was Friday afternoon so that meant he was at home and could take over the role of teacher. It was fun being able to teach your kids at first, but after three days you wanted to pull your hair out. Carlos and Anthony, your two sweet boys, hated anything to do with school and put little to no effort. The only good thing that came out of this virus was that your oldest son was now home, his campus closing down for the time being. Even though you were glad he was back, you couldn’t wait for things to go back to normal. You were going a bit stir crazy and needed time to yourself. But alas the mommy role was a never ending one.
“I have snacks.” You smile, coming in with a tray of finger sandwiches you made and a bowl of chips. Oscar has been at it for the last hour with them and you figured they could use a break.
“Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Give me.” Angel says and drop his crayons excitedly, Carlos and Anthony sighing in relief that you came to the rescue.
“Say please.” You remind as you set the items down
“Please mommy.” He says and holds his hand out
“Good boy.” You smile and pass him one of the smaller cut sandwiches, letting the boys eat while you go check on Alexander who sat in his pack n play in the living room.
“Hi fat boy.” You coo at him, making him giggle as he wobbles to pull him self up,”Do you want to come with mommy?” You ask, picking him up and giving him a kiss,”My happy baby, yes you are.”
“I will switch right now.” Oscar says from behind you,”I’ll take the baby, you take them.”
“Hmmm let me think.” You smile as you turn around, Alexander snuggling into you chest,”No.”
“Mami please.” Oscar begs,”I love our kids, but they are going to make me jump through the fucking window.”
“How do you think I feel? I’m here 24/7.” You say,”With ALL of them. At least I offered to watch the baby while you help them with their work.”
“Fine, but if I start yelling and shit starts getting thrown you can’t blame me.” He groans
“If you yell at any of my baby’s.” You start, setting Alex down on the floor to scoot around,”You’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight.” You finish, wrapping your arms around your grumpy husband,”So you better take a few deep breaths and remember that you asked for this life. You put those kids in my stomach so you can’t get frustrated with them when times are hard.”
Oscar sighs and looks up at the ceiling in thought before meeting your gaze,”I’ll try my hardest to not go crazy.”
“Good.” You smile and pucker your lips, Oscar rolling his eyes before pressing his own against them,”Love you, now get back in there.”
“Yeah, yeah, love you too.” He mutters, turning around and heading back to the dining room. You can’t help but laugh as he sulks, sitting down on the floor with Alex while you pass the time by watching one of your shows.
“Mommy! I’m done with my work.” Angel says about half a hour later causing you to exit out of the program, no way you would be able to pay attention now.
“Oh yeah? Let me see.” You smile and take the page from him, the once white paper now filled with random color scribbles everywhere,”Good job baby, it’s so good. What color is this?” You ask him as you point to a green line that he drew.
“Um green. Like the grass.” He answers with a smile,”I’m a smart boy mommy.”
“The smartest.” You say and set the paper down on the coffee table, letting him sit across from you. Alexander sitting a few feet away while he plays with some toys.
“Can we go to the park?”
“No, you know we can’t Angel.” You sigh,”Why don’t we go play in the backyard?”
“Backyard is boring.” He says with a shake of his head,”I wanna go to the park. Park!” He yells his mood instantly changing as he grabs one of the toys that laid near him,”Park, park, park!” He repeats angrily as he cries, the toy flying across the room.
“Go to timeout, you don’t throw things.” You say and stand up, grabbing his arm and helping him up to his feet, Angel trying to pull away with all his might,”Now.” You say more sternly
“Let me go.” He screams,”Play at the playground!”
“Angel, stop.” You sigh before your husband swoops in and picks the toddler up, holding him at arms length.
“A quien le gritas?” He asks,”Are you screaming at mommy? You are a kid and you do what she says, no questions. So go get in timeout now.” Oscar says as he sets him back down, his little feet taking off to the corner and facing the wall,”Stop crying, o te daré algo para que llores.” He warns, all noise ceasing from Angel.
“Thanks.” You say not meeting his gaze, you knew the kids needed discipline, but that was the area you failed in when it came to parenting. Oscar was usually the punisher which is why the kids never questioned his authority,”I feel like we’re all gonna snap any day now.” You admit, running your fingers through your hair messily.
“Yeah, but he still needs to listen and he can’t be popping off like that.” Oscar shrugs,”Even before all this lockdown bullshit started he always threw a fit when he couldn’t get his way. I’m tired of it, you need to stop babying him.”
“I don’t baby him.” You lie with a shake of your head. It was true, he was probably the one you babied the most out of all of the kids. Even when his brothers were his age you didn’t have to treat them like you do Angel.
“So you don’t carry him around on your hip all the time? You don’t let him sleep in our bed still? You don’t pick up every single thing after him? You don’t...” Oscar continues before you cut him off.
“Alright so maybe I do just a little.” You say, glancing back at him,”I don’t know why I do it, maybe it’s cause he has a different personality than the boys did. He lets me baby him. He can claim big boy status all he wants but he loves being my baby. I know I need to stop but it’s just so hard.” You groan, resting your head forward on Oscar’s chest, letting him embrace you.
“I like when you baby me too mami.” He chuckles softly,”But there has to be a limit.”
“You’re right.” You sigh and pull away,”Can I start tomorrow though? I just wanna cuddle him right now.” You admit, Oscar playfully rolling his eyes and not even bothering to respond before going back to the other kids.
You walk over to the sulking boy and pick him up,”I’m sorry mommy.” He sniffles and rest his head on your shoulder as you hold him,”I hate inside.”
“I know baby, me too.” You smile sadly and press a kiss to his forehead,”Are you going to be a good boy now?”
“Yes. No more timeout pwease.” He begs, even though he wasn’t even there for more than two minutes,”I’ll be a good, good, good boy.”
“Works for me...How about we build a fort? A huge one?” You ask him excitedly,”It’ll be so much fun.”
“Yeah!” He cheers,”Come on! We need to get blankies.”
“Go get the ones from my room, I’ll stay in here with Alex.”
“You got it.” He laughs before running down the hall and disappearing. You grin happily and go over to pick up the baby, heading to the dining room to ‘let school out.’
“Enough work, come help me and Angel build a fort.” You say, Anthony and Carlos darting up and racing to the living room,”You guys too.”
“Sure, why not?” Junior shrugs as he closes his laptop and goes to join his brothers.
“Come on.” You grin and hold your free hand out for your husband.
“I’m coming.” He reply’s, nonetheless taking your hand in his. The two of you joining the rest of the household for some quarantine fun.
“I know they are a lot to handle, but I think we would be bored if we didn’t have all of them in here with us.” You whisper to Oscar, all five of your kids spread out around you and fast asleep in the makeshift bed. After building the fort you guys spent the rest of the inside of it watching movies and eating junk food. Each kid falling asleep one by one until it was just the two of you awake.
“Yeah, I thought about that too.” He yawns,”We’re pretty lucky. Even luckier if you finally gave me my babygirl.”
“Stop.” You whine, Oscar bringing up this conversation at least twice a week,”We don’t need another kid. Are the five we have not enough?”
“They are enough, but I wouldn’t mind one more.” He chuckles
“That’s easy for you to say when you’re not the one carrying a whole human for nine months and then pushing said human out.” You remind him,”Besides what if it’s another boy? Are you still going to want to try again after?”
“If it’s a boy then it’s a boy.” He shrugs,”I know it’s going to be a girl though.”
“You said that about Alex.” You laugh,”And he’s most definitely not a girl.”
“Oh my god, just have another baby. Who cares?” Junior groans from somewhere in the fort,”I’m trying to sleep.”
“Aye, callate la boca.” Oscar says amusingly,”Don’t be listening to our conversation fool.”
“Kind of hard to do when your two feet away from me.” Junior retorts, turning on his side as he try’s to fall back asleep.
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, but the answer is still going to be no.” You say to Oscar,”Now go to sleep, you have a class tomorrow morning Mr.Diaz.”
“Nah, I’m going to play hookie. One day isn’t going to kill them.” He chuckles,”Lets go for a drive or something, we don’t have to get out of the car. We could just drive along the beach.”
“That actually sounds fun. Let’s do it.” He agrees.
“Awesome.” You grin excitedly,”I cant wait, we all need to get out for a while.”
Oscar hums in response, lightly rubbing his eyes tiredly,”Night mi amor.” He says moments later
“Good night.” You reply, kissing his cheek before letting your eyes close. Angel’s foot digging into your back, but you didn’t care. You were too tired to move him. Each day since being in lockdown making you more and more exhausted, but it was okay. Being trapped in the house with the people you love most is way better than being stuck all alone.
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sirsharp-a · 3 years
Tell Me a Story. ❜
Summary:  He could see her in a way that she wasn't comfortable with--  could undress her soul like he could his women.
Trigger warnings:  Implied physical abuse/assault, power abuse.
Drabble 1 / 10.
    “Tell me a story.”
    The hand that was wiping down a table paused, ocean eyes swivelling until they could rest on her superior.  He was busy dusting behind the counter, meticulous as always, his focus anywhere but on her.
     “I’m sorry?”
     “It’s been a long day.  I’m bored.  Talk to me,”   he said, voice light, distracted.  Somehow, it filled the space, made her realise that they were alone.  Was it intentional?  She didn’t know.  Before she could ask:   “Don’t pretend you care about wiping down tables, Miss.Adler.  I know this job bores you to tears.  You could use the conversation too.”
    Consideration creased her brow for a moment.   "What kind of story?"
     "I don't mind."
     Suddenly, she felt as if there was a lot of pressure on her.  Edgar, by all accounts, was a sophisticated man with plenty of stories of his own.  Though she felt little need to impress him, his spotlight burned.  What exactly does one say to a man who’s heard it all?
    "Um…  Well…"   The scout racked her brain quickly, eyes locked onto his back as he worked.  She would have done unspeakable things to feel even an ounce of his confidence.  Stress never seemed to touch him like it did her.   "I suppose…  when I was in my old-old creed…"
     His ears suddenly stood up straight, and what alertness had been missing before was definitely present then.  After a moment's pause,  Edgar turned to face her, rag forgotten as his hands curled around the lip of the bar.  He leaned against it a little, a brow raised inquisitively.
    "You never speak about where you're from.  I've been trying to pry it out of you for years."
     "Shut up and listen,"   she scolded, hopping up onto the table she’d previously been cleaning.  His eyes subtly followed the curve of her legs as she draped one over the other, arms crossing over her chest.   “Back in my old-old creed--”
     “Just one question before you continue!”
     Grace groaned dramatically.   “What?!   You’re making me not want to continue!”
     “Hehe,”   he trilled.   “By ‘old-old’, you mean that you’ve been in two separate creeds before mine?”
     “... yes,”   she replied after some amount of thought.  There was no way to take back the tidbit that she’d unwittingly bestowed him with at this point.  Somewhat sourly:   “May I speak now?”
    “You may,”   he  retorted, offering her the floor with a wide, theatrical sweep of one arm.  After a brief roll of her eyes, she continued.
     “My Alpha was a reckless fool.  He was strong, like no other Alpha I’ve seen, but he was selfish and careless.  Mean, too.  The kind of person who enjoyed throwing his weight around.  You know the type?”
     “Yes, I know Arthur.”
     “Hm.”   She tilted her head for a moment, seemingly torn between saying something and remaining quiet.   “... yes, I suppose that’s a fair comparison.  But he was even more of a brute, if you can believe that.”
     “I find it difficult, but you don’t seem the type to needlessly embellish stories.”
     "He used to make his own fight each other.  He'd make us pick sticks;  the two with the shortest draws would be forced to brawl in the centre of the circle until he was satisfied.  We lost a couple of members because of that, but it didn't faze him that much.  He tried to make it out like it was a sporting event;  some sort of morale boost or something.  We knew better though.  He was just always itching for a punch-out."
     She shifted, feeling the ice in his gaze spreading through her.  He could see her in a way that she wasn't comfortable with--  could undress her soul like he could his women.
    I don't like feeling naked in front of you.  It's disgusting.
   "... one time, it was me that drew one of the short ones.  I wasn't worried about it,  but I didn't want to fight my comrades."
     "You disagreed with him openly,"   Edgar said with a nod, listening to her scoff as if he'd predicted that too.
     "Of course I did,"   she muttered ruefully.   "I knew it was stupid.  This brazen display of in-fighting was such a huge waste of time.  It proved nothing.  It created rifts between members.  We lost people for it.  We could have been hunting, or seizing new turf, or growing as a group.  Instead, we were killing ourselves.  I couldn't keep my mouth shut.  I turned around and told him that I wouldn't fight--  that he couldn't make me strike my own."
     "So you've always been like this…"   
     "Yes.  And I will stay like this.  I don't elect somebody into power just to have them behave like a spoiled idiot,"   she replied spitefully, internally urging his eyes away from her.  Whatever he thought he had on her, he didn't.  She wasn't willing to let him see what resided in her heart--  not unless he earned it, which she wasn't convinced he could do.
    I don't need an Alpha.     I don't need anyone.     Least of all you.
    "So let me guess,"   Edgar spoke up, retrieving a shot glass from behind the bar.  A bottle of whiskey followed, posture straightening as he crossed the distance to her table.  He noticed her gaze lock onto his hands as he poured a shot.  For a short while, it hovered between them, before he offered it to her.   "You rose up above the ranks.  He met his match.  Hence why you don't put too much stock into what Alphas say."
     Her eyes blazed as she accepted the glass, downing the contents all at once without so much as a flinch.  Then, she laughed.  It was a terse little sound, more bile than sunshine.
    "Did he hell,"   she murmured gravely, a bitter smile shaping her lips.   "He punched me.  He punched me so hard that I fell over and didn't get back up.  Like an idiot."
     "Oh."   Given what little he knew about Grace, he hadn't expected her to tell him something so…  revealing.  She prided herself on appearing tough, untouchable even, and though he knew that she wasn't, she sold the image well.  He grimaced slightly, head canting slightly in an expression of pity.   "...  this story is somewhat depressing, Miss. Adler."
     "You said you didn't mind what kind of story it was."
     "That I did,"   he conceded, the neck of the whiskey bottle spun in his fingers.   "... is there at least a moral there?"
     "Of course there is,"   replied the scout, reaching out and plucking the whiskey out of his hands.  After taking a sip of it, she fed it between her knees, her hand idly stroking along its neck as she searched his face.  He seemed taken by the movement of her fingers while she remained silent.   "I learned that sometimes, you can be right and still lose.  You can stand up for what you believe in, you can put everything on the line for your integrity because you're certain that you'll come out on top, and then you just don't.  You can do everything correctly and still wind up the fool.  But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't defend your principles.  If anything, it should make you fight harder."
    "You got all that from being punched in the face…?"  Edgar asked, vaguely impressed.   "The way your mind works is most admirable, but it eludes me still."
    "I'm not a Rubik’s Cube, Mr.Strahv.  You don't need to solve me."
     "And yet, I feel you've shown me one of your faces."
     A silence hung between them, one oddly charged and passionate in spite of her disdain for his status.  She didn't want him to look at her as if he didn't think similarly to that foolish man.
     You're an Alpha.  That's what Alphas do.
     "Either way,"   she quipped, a smug quality creasing her lips;  just barely a smirk, as if she was trying oh-so hard to hold it back.   "He got what he deserved in the end."
     "Mhm.  His bullshit eventually wound him up dead.  He bit off more than he could chew, finally, and paid the ultimate price for it."   She would have been even more smug had she not possessed the knowledge that they had all paid for it too. 
     Don't think about Nyx.      Do not  speak  about Nyx.      It didn't happen.  It didn't happen, it didn't happen, it didn't happen--
    "Well, good riddance!"   Edgar exclaimed, a hearty guffaw offered in return for her divulgence.   "I suppose, in the end, you did win.  It just took a while."
     "Maybe…"   But now she was distracted.  Her mind was wandering, upturning stones that were best left stationary.  The way her Alpha had perished was embarrassing to say the least;  one might have expected it to be some epic battle, two powerful creatures locked in a hateful tango until one of them finally emerged victorious.  Instead, he'd charged into the proverbial ring like a bull and been subsequently knocked off of his feet, the jaws around his neck squeezing tight until his throat had exploded like a juice box that had been stamped on.  Near instant, akin to a threatening wildfire being put out with one solitary bucket of water--  a fitting death for such a lacklustre leader
     "He was wrong, you know."
     Slowly, Grace tilted her head upwards, her eyes finding his in the low light.  An ear flicked, her hesitation plain.
     "The way he was acting, it belonged to that of a burden, not a supposed leader.  You were right to be angry with him.  Even if you didn't come out on top that time, I respect your principles.  You have a good head on your shoulders."   He watched her keenly, noted the slight changes in her expression.  The twitch of her lips;  the slight crease that had formed in her brow.
     In a voice like oncoming thunder:   "You respect it until it's you."
     A soft laugh left her leader, his head shaking.   "No.  I would hope that you would speak up if I was acting that stupidly.  It is unbecoming of a man to speak with his fists."   He thought about it for a moment, then tilted his head slightly:   "…  unbecoming of anyone, actually.  I would express the same disappointment in a woman, too."
     "...I didn't expect such sound logic,"   Grace admitted.  The woman popped the cap off of the whiskey once more, the lip of the bottle pressed tenderly against her lips.  The smell entered her long before the taste did, thoughtful eyes only sparking to life when alcohol finally touched her tongue.  After a single swallow, she put it aside.   “Well.  That’s my story.”
     “You have quite a way with words,”   Edgar replied.   “And you can hold your drink.  You’re a woman after my own heart.”
     “I’m after nothing from you,”   she uttered, an impossible mix of defiance and playfulness burning in her eyes as she stared up at him.  Her lips curled into a smirk. “Besides.  I can’t go after what you don’t have.”
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la5t-res0rt · 4 years
Wanted to ask about beetlelyds, sorry, I thought it was technically cannon? Like in the old comics after the show ended she grew up and married him. Sorry I’m an old school fan and have no idea why this whole thing is such a big deal. Wasn’t the actor like 20 too? I’m sorry if I sound very dumb. I’m not used to this new tumblr.
youre fine you are one hundred percent allowed to especially when you do it civilly as you have done here
first of all the biggest issue faced in the whole what is and is not canon debate is the fact that there are three (four if you count the limited comics run) publicized iterations of my media
i will go over each very briefly just kidding this is going to a long answer so i will spare the dashboard with a readmore
there is the movie which im sure you dont need me to explain the plot since youre an old school fan but basically the climax is that yes beetlejuice does go for the marriage angle in exchange for stopping the exorcism of adam and barbara and his motive for this is so that he can cause as much chaos as he wants on the mortal coil but his plan is thwarted when barbara rides a sandworm into the house which promptly eats beetlejuice sending him to bureaucratic death limbo
the end of the movie features the deetz and the maitlands happily living together with lydia havign a new appreciation for her situation and beetlejuice gets his head made real small which is very funny haha 
so no in the movie they are not canon editors note the actress who played lydia winona ryder was a teenager while filming the movie she turned 17 the year it released 
the next is the cartoon which i will admit has the most grounds for being considered canon but in the end the show is about a middle schooler and her best friend who is a ghost which in itself is a pretty iffy gray area sort of thing but for a childrens cartoon to work a friendship is better than the obvious enemy status they held in the movie
anyway in the cartoon they are potrayed to be very close friends with lydia being the person beetlejuice cares about the most and honestly if you were to watch it with no prior knowledge of the media and if you ignored their massive and obvious age difference than yeah you probably would read it as a romantic relationship 
however lydia is a middle schooler and that is simply immoral
there have been writers for the cartoon who have been credited to say that a relationship is what they were trying to invoke but for obvious reasons they couldnt exactly move forward with that angle with them establishing that lydia is a child in middle school and a fully grown adult man dating a child who is in middle school is immoral and also illegal in the united states and in canada 
this isnt a good argument for whether or not something is canon and i will tell you why with one simple name and that is luke weber
if you dont know who luke weber is he was a storyboard artist on the cartoon steven universe he is known for making a lot of self ship artwork of him and the character pearl
he worked on the show isnt his material canon no of course it isnt it wasnt put in the actual publication and also if memory serves he was eventually asked to leave the project after he drew art of the shows creator giving him permission to date pearl and calling them her otp and a lot of fans hated this because the most generally accepted interpretation of pearls character is that she is sapphic so a lot of people took issue however that again is just a widely perceived headcanon it is never stated what her actual sexuality is no one in that show is because it isnt a show about that its about wait im getting off topic sorry
what im saying is what can truly be considered canon is what you see on the screen and with the cartoon they are definitely the most friendly with each other and that is why so many people in the beetlebabe shipping community take so much stock in the cartoon because it is the easiest to read the relationship between the mas romantic although that is not what the show actually provides in black and white terms
interpretation does not equal canon and in this case no matter what anyone says the fact remains that in the cartoon itself they are friends good friends yes but friends all the same
it is definitely not a show about a grown man grooming an adult and if it were you definitely shouldn’t be stanning it the extreme because grooming a minor is wrong and it is apparently a problem in the fandom
anyway if the cartoon and the movie are both products of their time and there was more leniency on content bear in mind this was the same era as notorious animation powerhouse and known predator john k who was a showrunner on ren and stimpy and he maintained a relationship with a teenager which was an open secret that nobody really took issue with because in that time being a woman in the animation industry was tricky business and your career could be ended easily if you rejected advances luckily time has moved forward and the animation industry although still full of problems of a similar nature at least people are getting called out and punished for it
you can look more into that yourself its really upsetting though
as for comics i havent been able to find good scans of them and im not willing to purchase them but in my search i never found anything about the two of them ever being married in the cartoon again because she is a child i did find a cover where he appears to be getting married and hes asking lydia to get him out of it but im not sure where the comic actually goes all i know is she is standing off to the side shrugging and looking like she doesnt really care
anyway that brings us to the musical which is set in the modern day 
in the original libretto lydia is described as thirteen but since they got an actress who was older in the updated librettos she is listed as 15 and the story is pretty similar to the movie the young girl befriends ghosts and they try to scare her family out etc etc
the major difference between the film and the musical are that lydia and beetlejuice are more like friends like in the cartoon 
she summons him to help scare after the maitlands attempt doesnt really work so he shows up and they have fun terrorizing people together however she drops him for the opportunity to perhaps get her mom back but when no one will help she goes back to beetlejuice who tricks her into almost exorcising barbara
she agrees to marry him in order to stop the exorcism and he only wants to get married so he can be alive again and cause problems on the mortal coil like in the movie in the musical he states several times its a green card thing whihc obviously doesnt make it okay but still
anyway lydia tricks him and runs off into the underworld before the wedding can happen blah blah blah she goes back blah blah and she agrees to go through with the wedding to save her friends and family with a plan to make him go away for good
theres a very tongue and cheek song called creepy old guy which points out how wrong the whole thing is but everyone is going along with it in a very comedic matter and it includes the line 
i cant believe some cultures think this kind of things alright
basically saying yeah this is very very wrong anyway they do get married and beeltjeuice is alive for like 6 seconds before lydia stabs him to death with bad art and he dies thus nullifying the marriage because death do you part etc
so in the musical no at the end of the show they are not canon because he is dead their marriage is nullified and they go their separate ways
anyway sorry about that i just need to make it very clear that these three properties are all very distinct from each other and basically all three are indeed canon since they are publicized material and arguing the validity of which one is pointless editors note all actresses who played with the exception of dana steingold were minors for the majority of their runs as lydia with sophia ann caruso the originator of the role turning 18 during the run and dana being in her late twenties presley ryan however was a minor the whole time and still is one
tldr no they aren’t canon but to the credit of some people in this fandom their interpretation isnt too far of a stretch thanks to the era and some of the writers wishing to imply a relationship between an adult and a child
i also need to address how this is all a big deal and i suggest you take a peak through my discourse tag and check out @leedia‘s blog to see some of the more harmful things done by beetlebabe shippers
the beetlejuice fandom is home to many minors after the musical came out since musical fandom is vast and the ages of its members varies and normalizing pedophilia is harmful to them not to mention the people who have been effected by sexual harassment at the hands of adults
both sides have victims of csa but one side continues to perpetuate the cycle by showing time and time again that this behavior is normal and easily romanticized in the name of coping and literally anyone who has ever been to a good and credible therapist could tell you that posting cp even if it is simulated cp isnt a really good way to cope and you can get mad at me for saying that its totally fine but and im going to remove my character veil here for just a second as a csa survivor myself i think its harmful to not only myself but many others ok the veil is back down
tldr again there is a lot of bullying and harassment going on with both sides having their own issues but there is one side whos issues run a bit deeper in my humble opinion 
thank you for your question it allowed me to talk a lot you are welcome to discuss further with me in dms if you wish i honestly recommend giving the musical a listen because it is very fun and despite what some people say its very clever and if you get a chance to see a boot of it its visually stunning
one last note that i couldnt really fit in here but a large portion of the beetlebabes shipping community ignore the musical because it openly condemns the idea of beeltejuice and lydia having a relationship and a lot of the antis take issue with much of the writing and characterizations of the cartoon just a note that i think is important since were talking about canon
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
join me?
Tumblr media
title: join me?
pairing: Jared x reader
rating: 18+
fluff: single parent AU
kink: shower sex
tags: shower sex, single parent x single nanny, vaginal penetration, climax, asking someone you know to become your partner in raising your child
summery: not telling
mentioning @sweetness47​
created for @spnfluffbingo​ @spnkinkbingo​
kink list   fluff list
the following AD you had placed on all the job boards:
“if you are a Single parent in need of someone to move in to help look after your kids, clean, cook for you Im that person. obviously i can cook, clean, drive, shop for groceries you know the esentials. basically anything you would require of me i can accomplish. call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx, to discuss details. sincerely YN. PS im willing to relocate if needbe. thank you for reading this.”
just like that it was done, it was posted. now, all you had to do was wait. someone was bound to call eventually. 
after 3 weeks you were about to re-post the ad, your phone rang. someone from san Antonio, as far as you were concerned you knew of no one who lived in that corner of the world. 
you took a chance and answered the call. 
YN: hello!
Jared: yes, im looking for YN
YN: thats me
Jared: perfect, my name is Jared Padalecki. i’m a single father to a 4 year old boy named Thomas. he’s my mess maker & i love him to bits. but balancing between work and parenting is alot harder than most people think. my wife had divorced me she felt like i didnt care enough about her or the foundation she built, so one night she walked out and i havent seen her since. so anyway i was looking through the ads for live in nanny when i came across yours. your ad drew me to it, im sorry if this sounds too forward but its been hard. 
YN: not at all. so what are the terms of this job?
Jared: well, as we speak im just finishing the details of your flight to San Antonio which first of all i need your current location like where you are coming from and how much baggage you are bringing. 
YN: thats very kind of you to book me a flight. im coming from San Francisco with 3 suitcases and 2 carry ons. most of it are small keepsakes and other sich clothing items i pick up along the way. but not a big deal i just dont have a permenant home to leave anything at. so if you dont mind me coming with all my little nik naks and figurines...
Jared chuckled in the background before he spoke.
Jared: girl, i think we can deal with that. ill buy some wall shelves and a special case for your statues and figures, with enough room that should you want more you can get more. There will be a vehicle you can use to transport my son to school and do errands and stuff like that, there will be a spare room included for you with your own bathroom. The shopping can be done by you after you drop my son off to school on a day of your choosing. If you like all that your duties do not include yard maintenence. You are free to take my son out for shopping trips as well, you get a shared card to my all expense account to do all your spending for the house and for yourself. It goes straight to my account it's all good. I want your time here to be awesome.
YN: this is my cell, please tell me you have some good news about my flight details. 
Jared: check your texts. 
You check your messages before you go back to the call.
YN: thats a good flight, so what kind of plans are for when i get there. 
Jared: well if you want we can go get the groceries when you arrive, after we leave the airport. then we can go for lunch and get you a few pretty things. sign some bank papers to put your name in my accounts. 
Yn: that sounds good, I've just sent notice to my landlord, I'm just packing up some of my figures now. I'm gonna have to get my license and stuff switched over to Texas state license but I'm excited for this.
Jared: i know as am i its been a while since we had any type of female presence in the house. we havent any such thing, but tomorrow that all changes. i know that you are gonna bring a light into our lives that hasnt been here in well ever. 
YN: glad i can help, now lets see whats the day tomorrow yields. 
Jared: i am so excited, so is my son. he keeps asking when you are gonna be here. but it is gonna be a happy day tomorrow. i know that this is gonna sound strange, but i hope your the one that can save me.
you heard his tone change instantly, you felt the power coming from it. you felt the wet in your panties. you were not okay in the slightest. but you felt amazing at the same time. 
YN: i guess ill let you go. ill shoot you a text when i get to the airport. cause i want to help you. i want to be the one to save you. 
neither of you knew what the hell just happened, neither of you would remember what was said, at the end of it neither of you would be able to state the words of the other. it will remain that way till a different day in the near off future. 
Jared: ill see you tomorrow... YN.
YN: jared.
the call ended, it was the moment when you felt like you could breathe again. the moment when you felt as though it would be your last. the moment when you felt like you were on cloud 9. 
you went to the cornerstore to get a few travel items. a few other things as well. a lot of times before you travel you do this kind of big shop, but this time was not like most times. Jared was providing everything for you, you had to bring you and what you currently owned, as well as your documents and stuff like that. 
after cleaning most of what you could in the apartment, you set your alarm and went to bed. you woke up to your 6:00am alarm. it was a long time but you were also a good half hour to the airport. you wanted plenty of time for check in and travel distance. 
finishing packing, leaving your keys to the apartment in the hands of your landlord who helped you bring your bags out the front door. she wished you a safe trip and to call if you were ever in the area again. 
you brought your bags to the cab and got in. you told the driver to take you to the airport. upon arrival at the airport, the cab driver helped you load your bags onto a cart and drove off.  you pushed the cart into the airport, went to the check in desk. 
check in lady: may i see your ticket and passport please?
You hand over your ticket and passsport. the lady scans your ticket and hands both your passport and ticket back to you. 
check in lady: alright your good to go, the gift shop is open if you want to stop there, its just on your left passed security.
Yn: do I give you my suitcases! Well at least the ones that aren't carry ons.
Check in lady ushers for a security guard to come round to take the 3 suitcases from you. To which you smile and thank them and head off to go through security.
Security guard: please put all your bags in a bin, your jacket and shoes as well as your jewelry in this bin and then you can stand on this square we will bring you through and go from there.
you did as asked. you complied you went to stand on the square, were waved through, the thing didnt beep but you were still patted down and then given your stuff back.  sent on your merry way, you were happily walking through the airport again. 
you went to the gift shop, you were buying a few puzzle books to keep you entertained on the flight. as well as a dress off the rack and some playing cards (one of each type), and some statues. these ones were small but made you smile.
you paid for everything and then went to the bathroom to change and organize your bags. you come out of the bathroom, your hair is up in a ponytail. you go take a seat holding your passport and ticket. 
after half hour of sitting there, your flight number was called. You pulled out your phone, texting Jared.
Yn (by text): morning, I am about to board my flight
Jared (by text): morning, I hope you have a safe flight, Thom and i cant wait to see you. Thom made you a sign we will be holding it, you have my word and honor that we will be good, we will all get along quite good. 
YN (by text): of course, as do i. i look forward to getting to San Antonio and beginning a new life. the pre flight is starting ill let you know when i land. 
Jared (by text): have a safe flight. see you in a few hours. i gotta bathe the kiddo. 
The pre flight took a bit longer than you thought it would, but Jared's message was one you ended up saving as a screenshot. You listened to your music when the flight attendant said we were free to use the screens ahead of us and whatever else. 
You even did some puzzle books and wrote in your journal. 
You were nervous, of course you were nervous. This was the first time you were gonna meet a single dad and a son. Thoughts of what they might look like floated through your mind. The thoughts of the life you were stepping into were beyond what your mind could conjour. 
But the way he spoke to you said something about saving you, made you wonder if something more was happening to him. 
Something maybe in his past that might be coming after him now. There was a darkness in his voice that you couldn't shake. 
But you shoke it off, you were not gonna let these thoughts consume you. You waited for the hours to pass, and they did rather quickly. 
For what was once 30 mins that had passed, became an hour and a half. You were almost there. 8 am quickly turned into 1030am there was still half hour to go. 
This was it the landing checks the whole pack up whatever you took out, close the trays un recline your seats, take out and shut off your music speech came quickly. You put away the books and things, you held your phone in one hand using the other to get up form your seat. You followed the people out of the plane. 
You walked out onto the concourse and made sure you were lookin good before you stepped onto the escalator. 
Jared was watching, but when his eyes landed on you coming toward him he smiled. He couldn't help himself. A little voice in his head told him not to smile, but to jump you instead. Jared ignored that voice for he didn't want to do anything harmful with Thom around. Even then he wouldn't. he instead watched you walk toward him. 
Jared: YN.
YN: you must be Jared. It is a pleasure to meet you. 
You both shake hands but a spark flows between both of your hands. Before you place your bags on the ground and look at Thom. 
YN: you must be the little cutie. Did you make this sign all by yourself?
Thom nods and gives you a hug which you graciously return. You were feeling happy. 
Jared: i think we should go wait by the luggage bay so we can grab your luggage. Then we can head off for lunch and shopping and paper filling. 
YN: the luggage should have started coming out by now anyway right?
Jared: possibly. But i want to hear more about you, your adventures and can i just say that dress is delectable. 
There it was again, that deep dark tone to his voice. He now held his hand out for your bags as Thom was urging for you to carry him. Jared carried your carry ons, you carried Thom who just smiled happily. 
Jared: ive never seen Thom take kindly to anyone before. This is gonna work out just fine. 
YN: thom is so sweet, i look forward to working with him on a daily basis. I also look forward to helping you with the house. 
You smiled as thom came up to you and sat in your lap. Jared just watched amazed by your skill with kids. 
As the luggage came round you pointed out your suitcases to Jared who grabbed them placing them on the cart. 
You held thom who just contently hugged you. He nestled himself against the crook of your neck, soft snores filled yours and Jared's ears shortly after. 
Jared: he barely slept last night he was too excited. I'm not surprised that he is sleeping now. 
Jared says as you all walk to the car, Jared with the luggage cart, you holding thom. You gently placed thom in the car, you watch Jared place the luggage in the trunk. 
Jared: and you are the miracle worker, he is asleep. He will sleep till we wake him for lunch. He will also hopefully sleep through the bank and licencing appointments. 
Before he could say another word you went over and gave him a kiss to his cheek. The air between you both was growing thin. 
This would have been your first kiss if not for the fact that jared’s watch went off. 
Jared: we have to be at the bank in half an hour. Which is perfect but first i want to try something. Just dont move.
You didnt move you stood there as Jared slid his hand around your waist. And placed a soft kiss to your neck. Then moved to whisper in your ear. 
Jared: a little bit of food for thought. The darkness is growing inside me and i swear i will hold it back as long as i can. But you need to understand you are the only one who can stop the darkness. 
You went round to your side of the vehicle. Feeling a little flustered. Jared was behind you, you turned to see him, his eyes starring at you. His hand on your own, you feel a spark, you feel that same spark that you both had felt back in the airport, when you first met. 
The ride to the bank was good, you and jared talked and went over a list for shopping and made a list of things to do when you arrived to Jared’s home. You were done the bank & licensing appointments.
 Deciding that it would be easier pick up take out for lunch as Thom was still sleeping. Like he was out like a light. You guys were able to quickly go in follow the list and get everything on the list. Finally on the road with lunch and heading home to Jareds. 
YN: so i guess i will need to set up some stuff and unpack. 
Jared: ill even help you set up and build the shelving and things. Believe me your suite is gonna be your style when we are through with it. We are almost there. Then we will get you settled. And its still early in the day. 
YN: lets hope that we can get a majority of this done before thom wakes up. 
Jared: or at least un pack the car or have the lawn care people help with that as well. Ill just pay them extra for it.  
Within a few moments after that you guys pull dup to a gate, where Jared used a key card to open it. 
Jared: welcome to your new home YN! 
From that point in the day you and Jared and thom spent it getting acquainted, you did some schooling with thom, jaredd helped you set up your suite, Jared and you celebrated with a glass of wine each before bed from then on.  More little moments were stollen like the one that happened in the airport. 
Something worse would be a drift in the near future. you didnt know what but you had a feeling that something would come to light that you would never expect in a million years. 
~its now been 8 months and 12 days since you came to live with Jared and Thom. you settled in quite nicely. you drove back and forth to get thom to and from school, you cooked, cleaned and you happily did all the laundry. now we start our story again on the last day of school, with you just having picked up Thom from school and are in the car driving back home~
you had just gotten on the freeway Thom had passed out a while back for his afternoon nap. you were just happy for a small moment of peace and quiet. but your bluetooth came through the car at a volume that thankfully didnt wake Thom. 
you saw it was Jared so obviously you answered. 
Jared: hey hows it going?
Yn: good, thom is having a nap, im just on the freeway. how was work?
Jared: good, i couldnt wait for the day to be over. i have a surprise for you. 
YN: for me or for me and thom or for all 3 of us
Jared: call it a family surprise. 
YN: wait im part of the family. none of my jobs previously had ever considered me part of the family. its nice to finally be included in an actual family. 
you could hear jared chuckle before he continued to speak. 
Jared: i know you are new to the whole permenant family thing, and we are always gonna have a home here for you. but i want to celebrate the start of summer with a tradition. 
YN: something new or something old?
Jared: a new tradition one that starts as soon as you guys get home... 
YN: and will i need to pack a bag?
Jared: yes although i had my assistant at work go out and buy you a few new things for this trip today, so how long till you guys get home... 
suddenly thom pipes up from the background. 
thom: hi daddy.
Jared: hey little man, ive got a surprise for you when you and YN get home. 
YN: we will see you in 10 minutes jared. 
Jared: see you in the driveway 
the call ended and you handed thom a sucker from your center console. he smiled and giggled all the rest of the way home. you pulled into the driveway parking in your normal spot. 
Jared comes round to bring thom out first, after spinning him around before setting him down on the ground, he comes round to your side. he opens the door and extends his hand to you. 
he helps you out of the car, and walks you to the door. where you all enter before Jared send thom up to his room to get ready. guess he had told thom the secret before he told you, but you were now standing in the living room with Jared who turns to you.
YN: what is the big surprise, i assume you told Thom and thats why he ran upstairs all excited. 
Jared: i bought us a vacation house about 2 months ago. it is all season, and we get to go there and spend these next 6 weeks there. its in canyon lake about 2 hours by car. thom will probably sleep at least part of the way there. but YN i want you to know that i have a secret one that has me flustered enough to internally keep it from you for he is the glue that holds us together. but i wonder if perhaps we as in us 2 have a few things we can be together. 
before you could respond Jared leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to your lips, for those 2 seconds it was like heaven had shot you with an arrow.
Jared pulled back and began to walk toward the kitchen to pack some trip snacks and drinks. but before leaving you alone in the living room he spoke.
Jared: ill leave you with that food for thought for it will be something to definately make conversation about later.
That kiss, your only real first kiss. Made you extremely excited. But the drive the 2 hour drive had you all hot and bothered. you went to pack your stuff in your bag. well at least thats what you thought, when you got to your room, you saw a suitcase, one filled with yours and Jareds stuff. maybe you guys were traveling light or there was already stuff out there for you guys.
you packed your journals, some games and a few books and of course a deck of cards in your backpack. you wheeled the suitcase out of the suite while carrying the backpack. then you went back in to put your hair back.
you heard someone calling your name. you answered the call and heard footsteps coming to your room. you turned to see Jared standing there, like nothing had happened downstairs.
Jared: are we almost ready to go?
YN: almost. just gonna get into something a bit more vacay less public appearance. meet you down in 2... 
Jared: wear something sexy. i guarantee that you will be the hottest thing in the car. and you can pick the music. 
you grabbed something out of the closet and took it into the bathroom. you came out to see Jared standing not  facing you. till you would speak woulkd be when he would know you were there.
YN: does that mean we are bluetoothing it all the way there.
Jared: got the wireless charging pad installed and all ready to go. plus i hooked your phone to the bluetooth already. now when you are ready we will head out.
YN: i know. jared are we gonna discuss what happened between us downstairs?
Jared: that kind of talk is better suited for vacation. 
thom is waiting by the door, you and jared bring down the last of the stuff. thom just as excited about this vacation as any little child should be. everything was loaded in the car, you went to lock the house and set the alarm. but before setting the alarm, you said the one word that you were sure might confirm your suspicions. 
YN: christo!
the cross on the wall near by turned upside down. you finished setting the alarm after salting the doors and windows. only hoping that this would be easy, but now you were certain that you had figured out the darkness that Jared kept mentioning. 
you went to the car, sitting down you nodded at Jared to start driving. and it was declared right then and there that you all were officially on vacation. Thom sat quietly and eventually passed out. your music playing in the background, Jared realizing that Thom had fallen asleep moved his hand to rest on your thigh.
this made you look at him, the darkness in his eyes faded when you placed your hand on his. the darkness that starred at you, the way his hand tightened on your thigh. you were the luckiest girl in the world. you hoped that this vacay would yield the answers you hoped you didnt need. 
over the last little while you had done research on what you thought might be the darkness latched to Jared. after what happened in the house before you left with the cross. you were certain. Jared was possessed. and you had to stop this thing from doing something he would regret. 
your mind circled with those thoughts, but a voice brought you out of your own mind.
Jared: you have been quiet, is everythign alright?
YN: yes everything is fine. just going over the list and making sure we dont need to have the lawn people do any extra tasks while we are gone.
jared: why do you think we forgot something?
YN: its just a feeling. but its nothing to worry about. now when we get there i assume that we are gonne have a tour and a chance to unpack before we decide our first vacation activity.
Jared: i also hope you dont mind sharing a room with me. its a little 5 bedroom cottage but the 3rd, 4th and 5th rooms are supposed to be guest rooms. they only has a cot and no closet. we are just waiting on a few parts to be reno’d in there. 
YN: i think i can live with this arrangement. thom i assume is gonna be in a room close by.
Jared: yep he is at one end of the hall we are at the other. you know when i called you all those months ago, asking you to fly out here to help me, i was ready to give up on finding someone to help me take care of the house and Thom. but your ad made me have hope that maybe you would be the one that would save me.
YN: i think i know what darkness follows you but i wont know forsure until i can run a test. 
Jared: what kind of test
YN: one that would need to be done when Thom is asleep. one that i hope will either prove me right or prove me a liar. that is if your willing to try.
Jared: im willing to try anything.
YN: well then we will try it tonight after Thom goes to bed. 
neither of you had realized how much time had passed, then you saw a sign. Jared smiled.
Jared: we are close now.
YN: that sign that i just saw is that where we are going?
Jared: yep. once you se the place you will understand why i got it. and i sound proofed the master, just in case...
he winked at you as he slowed down at the edge of a driveway. he then guided your gaze to look ahead at the cottage that now stod before you.
Thom woke up shortly after you had pulled him out of the car. he rubbed his eyes and smiled as he ran toward the house, screaming happily as he approached the steps. where he waited for you and Jared. 
you both brought what you could while still having hands to open the door and help Thom up the stairs. jared unlocked the door allowing you and thom to walk through first. your eyes went wide at the first glance of your home away from home with Jared and Thom. 
this was gonna be an amazing vacation. you put down what you carried, as well as let go of Thom who was running around looking at everything. you spun round and somehow landed in the arms of Jared.
Jared: what do you think?
YN: what do i think.. this is amazing. i love this. this is incredible. i wouldnt trade this vacation for anything. honestly i would rather be no where else. im quite happy here. 
Jared: as in this home or my arms.
YN: both. jared, i i... 
just as your about to speak again. you and jared are interrupted by thom coming out of a nearby room half dressed. 
Thom: daddy, YN can we go swimming now...
jared set you back on your feet and you both laughed. 
Jared: in a few moments bud we gotta find the swim suits first. 
as Jared said that the attendants brought up the luggage. you looked at Jared who just smiled and whispered in your ear.
Jared: you have the summer off to relax for 6 weeks. just be normal with me and Thom. these next hours could prove several things for us. starting with lets take Thom swimming and then go from there. we will hopefully eat when we return. the attendants are already preparing supper. 
you could do nothing except smile. it was already turning into a really steamy vacay. you went to where you saw jared going through your shared suitcase. first chance you got you grabbed your bikini and cover.
you went into the nearby spare room closing the door behind you. you get changed, you could hear Jared ask one of the attendants to take Thom to find him a life jacket from the boat house. then you heard silence. 
then you heard the sound of the door knob turning, you were only half done tying your bikini. when Jared walked in shirtless and wearing his swim trunks. 
Jared: need help?
you froze in place at his words it was like your actions were not your own. it was a few seconds after that you felt his hands around your waist sliding slowly up your back.
Jared: i wish we had this place to ourselves. we would not be leaving that master suite for a while. 
YN: i wish Thom was asleep so i could take away your darkness. 
Jared: so you know what it is...
YN: yes and i need you alone when i take away the darkness, Thom would be in too much danger. dont worry you will be darkness free soon. you will be back in the light and free to live your live happy with me and Thom. im not gonna let this darkness ruin your life any longer. tonight it gets banished.
Jared: just gotta tire Thom out enough that he will sleep tonight. 
YN: well then lets not keep him waiting any longer. 
you and jared walk outside and down the path to the lake. you were amazed at the wonder and beauty before you. bout halfway to the lake, you were pressed against the back side of a nearby tree. Jared’s eyes darkened at the sight of you, the feeling of your body beneath his hands had him hard, you could feel it against your lower back. 
Jared: once Thom is gone to bed, I'm gonna make Jared watch through his own eyes as I fuck you into next week. Jared will never inhabit his body again.
You struggled slightly before speaking.
YN: i address the entity within, who are you?
Jared’s form just smiled evily at you, his hands still freely roaming your body. 
YN: well you should also know that you wont live long enough to fuck me into next week. im gonna expell you from Jared’s body and send you back where you came from. now i command thee for all that light brings give me Jared back immediately.
once you finished speaking Jared’s body fell to his knees, you kneel down to only be hugged by Jared.
Jared: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry
YN: don't worry, just calm down. That demon is gonna be gone when I do the ritual. Take a few moments to breathe, I'm gonna go sit on the dock where the attendant is in the shallows with thom. Just take your time.
You placed a kiss to his cheek, then walked the rest of the way to the lake. Upon arrival at the lake, you watched the attendant and Thom, playing in the shallow water.
Attendant: miss YN. Where is Master Jared?
YN: he will be along shortly he just wanted to check his messages make sure everything is running smoothly.
Attendant: then I shall stay down here with you both till he arrives. How do you like the place Miss?
Yn: it's gorgeous. I love it. I have never been invited to go on any type of vacation. Not even in my own family. So this was a really awesome surprise.
Attendant: that is so sad... Well to many more times like this then. Thom here is a amazing little kiddo, you have been working so hard master Jared just wanted to give you a vacation you wouldn't soon forget.
Thom meanwhile was just enjoying the water, his expression had a huge smile on it. He was wet head to toe and absolutely having fun!
You kept waiting on the dock for Jared to approach and for 10 min he didn't till you, looked and saw his form approach.
you sat on the dock and felt him slide down behind you, his legs are on either side of yours, his arms round your waist. you both sat there enjoying the view while Thom played with the attendant in the water below. neither you nor Jared felt like moving knowing that in a few hours you both would be expelling the demonic force that lay now dormant inside Jared. 
Jared: do you know what is better than sitting here on the dock.
YN: what
Jared: sitting on the dock with you surrounded by nature, this will be the best vacation ever once we get rid of the demon.
~time skip to a few hours later. after some swimming you all went back to the house for dinner. after dinner you guys played a game or 2 with Thom who then went with one of the attendants and had a bath, then it was time to put him to sleep. you and Jared read him a story, then he fell fast asleep. for he truely was tuckered out, you and Jared dismissed the attendants and locked the doors for the evening. you both went to the master suite as we return to the story.~
YN: i need to set something up first can you wait like 5 minutes before you enter the bathroom. oh and dont plan on showering in your trunks, and bring towels with you. i have a feeling like we will need them when we are done. 
Jared: ill see you in there.
you walk towards the bathroom, holding the prayer beeds in one hand and un doing your bikini in the other. you placed the bikini on the ground and set your phone on the counter. 
YN:  Exorcizo te, creatura aquae. In nomine dei patris omnipotentis et in virtute spiritus sancti.
you finished the incantation and placed the rosery on the shower head so it lands in the water. then you took one look out the window and just let the water run over your body. 
Jared walks in with nothing on he places the towels on the counter, you see him out of the corner of your eye.
Yn: join me?
Jared didn't need an invitation he was already climbing in behind you. For he knew that this was the only way to expell the demon.
You turned around and now faced him, you looked up at him holding his gaze you move him round so he is under the water.
His body starts shaking that's when you spoke again.
Yn: please let this work...
You had him lift you up so he was holding you as you slid down onto his cock, and spoke the incantation that hopefully would save his life. In other words bring his light fuller to push away the darkness.
Also there was a Devils trap in the floor where jard was standing you had the attendantz draw one, for the demon to be sent straight back to hell. With a clear voice the following words were spoken by you.
Yn: exorcisomus te, omnis immunus spirits, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursion infernalis adversarri, omnis legio, omnis congregato, insectas diabolicas, ergo dracto malidicte, eclesium secura fascious liberate, te regamous, audinos
At that point black smoke came out of Jared's mouth, and went straight through the floor. When Jared looked at you again his eyes were clear and he leaned you against the wall.
He began thrusting his hard cock in and out of your pussy. It was something that both of you had dreamed about for months.
His hard cock pounding your sensitive tender pussy. With each thrust you climaxed. But it was the kisses that left you both breathless.
The more he thrust the more he came. After 45 minutes and 16 climaxes for the both of you.
Jared set you down, helped you rinse off, both of you getting out after Jared turned off the water, Jared wrapped a towel round you, then he dried himself off.
Jared: thank you. Thank you for saving my life. But where did you learn to do that.
YN: too much research on the paranormal. I knew something was off and when that demon named himself I knew what I had to do. 
Jared: would you consider making your time here a role more permenant than just a nanny?
YN: what kind of role would that be?
you are immediately pickd up and placed on the bed with Jared crawling on top of you. he made love to you for a few moments before just curling up with you in his arms and muttered only 2 words before he crashed.
Jared: marry me
you used voice command to turn out the lights before passing out yourself. when you both woke the next morning with just a sheet covering your still cuddling forms. you blinked a bit before moving a piece of Jared’s hair out of his eyes. 
it was a few moments later that Jared stirred. 
YN: morning handsome.
Jared: that was the best ive slept in years. 
YN: do you remember saying anything after we hit the pillow last night.
Jared twists away from you for a moment and pulls something out of one of the drawers in his nightstand, before coming back to your embrace.
Jared: all this time i felt empty and now i want nothing more than to have you stay permenantly. YN will you partner with me in raising Thom full time, not as a nanny but as a step mom to him. YN i believ i already asked you this but will you marry me?
he reveals a small rose gold band with a 15k diamond in the center surrounded by your birthstone and Jareds birth stone. this made you nod alot, trying to find your voice as the cool metal band slid on your finger. 
YN: yes! yes yes yes!!!! but umm does this mean we dont have to leave this bed right away. 
Jared: i think that can be arranged besides its still early. its only 6am... we are still on work time. 
going back to cuddle mode you admired your new ring as Jared now once more wraped your form in his own, your leg draped over his hip and you guys were basically a free range pretzel. so to speak. it became the start of the life you always wanted something permenant and stable. not loose and ragged. 
goes to show love strikes when you least expect it.
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littlebitoffanfic · 4 years
Be Safe
Fandom: The Hobbit Characters: Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Bilbo Relationship: Bifur/reader Request: Hiya! I love your writings. By any chance could you write some Bifur (the hobbit) x reader? Honestly I think he doesn’t get enough love. My idea is maybe Bifur has a crush on the reader, who’s in the company, possibly because she listens attentively to him, even though she doesn’t understand kuzdul. (Is that how you spell it?) all the dwarves in the company notice especially Bofur. And can bofur be like a bff of the reader? Thank AN: with this author, everyone lives.
 The company had stopped for the night, settling in a large cave on the front of a mountain. It had been a long day, with a rain that soaked you all right through. but the evening was filled with a warm fire and pleasant conversation. Most of your time was spent with Bifur, Bofur and Bombur. Ever since they rolled into the front door and Bilbo’s, you had been close with them. They didn’t intimidate you like the others did. Well, Bifur had at the start, but Bofur had quickly shown you there was nothing to fear even if the dwarf did have an axe lodged in his head. Bofur had taken you under his wing. Your brother, Bilbo, was useless when it came to anything outdoors, so Bofur had acted like a mentor for you both. Which worked out well considering Bilbos fondness for Bofur and his friendship with Bombur – shared over a love for food. Bifur scared Bilbo slightly, but he couldn’t deny that he felt a little safer knowing that Bifur would protect you if needed. He proved it countless times already on the journey. Bombur and Bilbo was cooking dinner for the company, but they spoke of other meals beside the meat in the pot. Bofur was sitting with Nori, smoking a pipe that had not long dried out. Which left you with Bifur. you sat in a comfortable silence as you mended a shirt of his that had been torn. “Hows this?” You ask, holding up your handiwork for him to inspect. He mumbled words in Khuzdul, nodding and smiling as he took the item from your hand, apparently happy with it. Bofur appeared, dumping himself inelegantly at your feet. “When are you going to fix my gloves. I have more holes than fingers.” He held up his hands with the gloves on, wiggling his fingers at you. “You don’t ask nicely.” You shoot back with a raise eyebrow. “Neither does Bifur!” Bofur acted shocked and hurt by your comment. “And how would you understand him even if he had?” “Well, he seems like he asked nicely.” You reason, smiling a Bifur who shot one back, mumbling something under his breathe. “Hey! We’re family.” Bofur points a finger at him, his face pulled into one of mock shock. Apparently, whatever Bifur said, it was an insult. You giggled, pulling the gloves off Bofurs hands before setting to work. Bofur chatted to Bifur, the conversation seeming to flow despite it being in two languages. You watched them speak, wishing that you could fully join in. You wished you could understand what he was saying. He was very animated when he spoke, and you loved it. His eyes danced as he recanted tales in his native tongue, but you just couldn’t understand. You tried a few times to speak Khuzdul, and butchered it every time, much to the amusement of most of the company. In fairness, they tried to help, and you had started to pick up a little here and there. But Bifur spoke as quick as lightning, and your brain just couldn’t keep up with translating him. In truth, you could spent the whole night listening to him speak, even though you didn’t have the foggiest clue what he was saying. When Bilbo asked why you would sit by Bifur every night, you lied and said ti was because you were fascinated with the language. Well, it wasn’t a complete lie. You were fascinated with the dwarf who spoke it.
---------------time skip --------------
Sitting beside Bifur, you felt the dread building in your stomach. This time tomorrow, you might still be fighting. This time tomorrow, you might be dead. There was no joyous meal tonight. There hadn’t been since you got to the mountain. You were all set to work, trying to find this stone. And Thorin never let any of you spend more than a passing moment with any of them. Bofur and Bombur tried their bests. Bombur snuck you extra food, in an attempt to show he was still there for you. And Bofur would smile at you no matter what. Bifur was never far away from you. He was always just around a corner or in the next room from you. You didn’t know that when Bilbo had escaped, he had asked Bifur to keep you safe no matter what. But how safe could Bifur keep you on the battle field? Sitting on a bench in one of the many corridors, you tried to concentrate on mending the small hole in your sleeve. But your hands were shaking too bad. Cursing, you were about to throw down the needed when someone took your hand. Looking up, you saw Bifur. Immediately, you smiled. Despite the tears in your eyes, or your shaking hands, you smiled at him. Bifur returned the smile, but you could see there was worry in his eyes as he sat next to you. He took your arm to see where the needle was connected too, which was a hole in your forearm. It wasn’t too big. He grumbled something before picking up the needle and, much to your surprise, started to sew the hole closed. “I didn’t think you could sow.” You speak aloud, more out of curiosity. Bifur chuckled, shaking his head before looking up at you. He spoke in Khuzdul, which you didn’t understand. But he gestured to you, then to his eyes then the hole. “You learned from me?” You smile, your cheeks burning as he nodded and continued. He must have spent a lot of time watching you considering what a good job he was doing on the stitching. When he finished, you smiled at his word as you inspected it. “Not bad at all. Im very impressed.” You grinned, stretching out your arm and admiring his work. Noise drew both your attentions to the end of the corridor, and you saw Dwalin walk past. In full armour. even after he past, the weight of what that meant stayed on you both. But, for the briefest of moment, you had forgotten about everything. Bifur had a way of doing that with you. He could distract you, making you smile and laugh even when you didn’t think you could. And if something happened to you tomorrow, you wanted him to know that. You wanted him to know everything. Glancing to Bifur, you knew it was now or never. “I love you.” You whispered it as though it were a secret and your cheeks burned. You didn’t dare look at Bifur as his head snapped to you, instead finding interest in the floor. “I just needed you to know that. In case anything happens tomorrow.” you rose to your feet, ready to leave, when a hand grabbed your wrist and you were stopped. Bifur stood in a hurry, words in Khuzdul falling from his lips like he was spitting fire. You smiled, looking at him sadly. “I cant understand you.” You giggled, despite the pain in your chest. You desperately wanted to think he was confessing and undying love for you, but you were a realist. It was far more likely that he was trying to explain how things could never happened, or how he cared for you in other ways. Bifur fell silent, the frustration in his eyes apparent as he seemed to grind his teeth. then, the frustration faded from his face, as if a realization had dawned on him. You were curious and despite the part of you that wanted to run away, you wanted to know what he was thinking. Like you always did. “Bifur?” You asked, drawing his attention back to you. He suddenly leaned down, pressing his lips to your own. You froze, out of sheer panic and surprise. Never, in a thousand years, would you think he would kiss you. You felt him pause, about to pull back when you realised you had been still as a statue. You allowed yourself to dive into the fantasy you had dreamt about for so long, and kissed him back. His bread made your skin itch a little, but you didn’t care as you reached up, your hands finding his chest. A large hand covered your left one while his other hand touched your hip, slipping around to your lower back and pulling you closer. You mewled into the kiss, enjoying the affection and attention, the war that was on the doorstep long forgotten. A voice called through the large hallways. Thorin. It made you jump and step back, panting slightly. Thorin scared you now because he was unpredictable now. The dwarf you had followed seemed long gone, and the stranger who now lead was a far cry from the original. You had hoped that you were wrong and the others who had known him longer would deny your fears. But they didn’t. Thorin called for Bifur to go to the armoury. He didn’t bother coming to search for the dwarf, instead just calling his orders and expecting the echoes to carry them. Bifur looked to you, his eyes silently asking if you were okay. You smiled, giving a small nod. Reaching out, you took his hand for a moment. “Be safe tomorrow.” You said, not posing it as a question but as a statement. He smiled, giving a small nod before mumbling something in his own words. You suspected it was similar to your own statement. and then the two of you parted, and the dread returned to your stomach.
 --------------------- time skip – after battle --------------
  Racing through the battle field, you couldn’t hear anything as you searched for the dwarfs you had grown so close to. The moment you spotted the floppy hat, you barrelled across the land, throwing yourself at the unexpecting dwarf before he laughed and hugged you back. “Good to see you’re alive too, lass.” Bofur chuckled as you pulled back, his eyes twinkling with relief, happiness and a bit of mischief. “You too. And the others?” You held your breathe for a moment, but Bofur smiled. “Yeah, they made it too. This way.” Bofur grabbed your forearm and pulled you towards the mountain. You saw Bombur resting on a large boulder, a little bit away from all the commotion at the entrance to Erebon. Bifur was standing not far, looking around anxiously with his back to you. But you’d recognised that mass of black hair anywhere. Bombur was the first to spot you, pushing himself off the boulder and engulfing you in a hug. “Thorins sending for family soon. You’ll meet my wife soon.” Bombur pulled back with a smile, and you could see the excitement in his eyes at reuniting with his dear wife. “I cant wait.” You grinned. Movement behind Bombur caught your eyes as you saw Bifur. You ducked under Bomburs arm, you raced to Bifur, throwing your arms around him before you could get a good look at him to make sure he wasn’t hurt. Before you could apologies, his arms locked around you, not allowing you even think about pulling away. “Come, brothers. Lets see if Bilbo is around.” Bofurs voice wasn’t enough to pull you away from the embrace but you saw him and Bombur leaving towards the entrance. Something seemed a little odd about it, and you thought back to the twinkle of mischief in Bofurs eyes, but didn’t want to ruin the moment. “I was so worried about you.” You spoke just above a whisper, blinking back tears of relief. “You cant get rid of me that easily, lass.” The words that met your ears were strange when paired with the voice you were so use to hearing speak Khuzdul. You pulled back, wide- eyed, earning a chuckle from Bifur. “You- you…” you trailed off, but something looked off. Dropping your arms, you frown as you stare at him, trying to figure out what was different. Bifur waited, a smirk on his lips as he held back laughter at your reaction. Then you noticed the dent in his head. “The axe!” You raised your hands over your mouth to cover your surprise. Bifur nearly keeled over as he laughed at your reaction. Proper laughter. Infectious laugher. You smiled fondly, then giggled, then started to laugh with him. In dirty clothes, covered in blood and dirt, with small cuts and nicks and a hell of a lot of bruising, you laughed wholeheartedly for the first time in what felt like a long time. The world fell still around you as you lived in the moment. As the laugher died, you found your feet closing the distant to hug him again. He pulled you tightly against himself, tighter than before. “I love you too.” He breathed in your ear, speaking with adoration and fondness. As if he had said them a million times to you. “really?” You smiled hopefully as you pulled back. “Aye. I tried to tell you before, and again last night, but-“ He pulled one hand off your waist to gesture to the indent that use to have the axe. You ducked your head slightly, smiling like an idiot as your cheeks burned red. He had tried to confess before now? You thought of all the times he had mumbled something to you, looked to you expectantly but always seemed disappointed. Bifur leaned forward, drawing your attention back to him before kissing you again. Neither of you noticed his cousins cheering from the distance.
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ashsinmywcke · 3 years
A billion, trillion stars away, a team of people were hired specifically in the task of devising the introduction of the daughter of one Empress Kwok An to the world, so that they may–one day soon–crown her Empress. Convincing New Imperial China that their figurehead has an adult daughter that they knew nothing about was a full time job, but convincing the world? Even trickier. But everything was made all the more difficult by the daughter’s unwillingness to abandon her life’s work. …How does one remain a Shadow, an agent of espionage, while sitting on a throne for all the world to see…?
Ella couldn’t possibly know the parallels she drew to Pan’s life by asking. It was likely that she never would.
At her host’s invitation, Pan sat nearby and pondered the answer, herself. “Willingly? No. I like life here on the ground. But I could. Many people here whisper that the title wields no power, there’s a lot of good to be done with the influence that comes with it. I think that’s something the people fail to understand: the Empress inspires, and inspiration is, itself, a superpower. It leads to loyalty, loyalty breeds a body of strength and any body of strength is a force that can lead to change. Me, personally, I would use what power I had for the benefit of others and once you absolve to that– power folds. Increases. It helps more people. So on and so forth. If anyone had that initial courage, it could yield something grand.”
In an instant, she understood Vermilion’s angle.
“I don’t surmise to known Orlain’s inner thoughts and machination” she lied, ”but I know that she is in the perfect position to reshape the world for the benefit of those she’s meant to serve. All she needs is courage in the face of the status quo. If I had money to wager, I’d bet she has plenty of courage.”
From where she sat, she imagined the inside of the palace, Vermilion making her way through each of the halls. She was a child when she arrived, and she spent five years learning the machinations of the world. In this instance, Pan was a betting woman: She’d wager a healthy sum that even as she came into adulthood as Orlain’s handmaiden, no one except a select few had even seen her face.
Hite would be proud. If he were still living.
Ella’s gaze went back out over the vast city. It spread for hundreds of miles, tapering out only a little at the border, beyond which lay the great lake Ashara. Beyond Ashara was the South City, the actual birthplace of The Dagilachian world. 
This once wellspring of life was being gradually drained by the imposing capital, The South was riddled with mines, industrial plants, refuse centres and nuclear facilities. Even the water which the earth naturally yielded was increasingly tapped and stolen away by northern pipelines.
The debutante raised her glass to the glimmering twilight city, toward the palace. “A toast to Orlain, may she find that courage.” The words seemed sincere, but the weary edge remained in Ella’s voice. She finished her drink.
“You know I’m not sure I know your name?” She rolled her eyes. “And I don't mean those irritating pet names my mother likes to give all the staff, by the Lords I don't know why she does that-”
A hushed, panicked voice cut her off and Gopal was suddenly there, grasping his sister by the elbow. He was a year younger than her at eighteen. Ella might have been worldly, but Gopal was a great deal more mature.
His sister frowned at him and pulled her arm away instinctually. “Gopal what is it? You startled me!”
“You have to go, you have to go now!”
Silence fell steely over the three on the balcony. Ella frowned at him. She knew her brother, he wasn't one for games. He was genuinely terrified.
“What are you talking abo-”
“I just heard father in his study with Gaspar Khuder, he’s furious. He says he wont let the marriage go ahead unless there are consequences for this...” He gestured desperately to the crimson cascade around Ella’s neck. “No marriage, no business deal between our families. They said something about a mental institute and correction treatment.” Gopal’s voice was fast and thready. He fished in his pocket and withdrew a square metallic card which he pressed into his sister’s hand, all the while he looked directly past the other woman as if she weren't there, as he had been trained to do.
Ella looked at the key card in a far off way, then back to her brother with the same expression.
“No...” She shook her head. Nothing seemed real. “Mother would never let him.”
“Ella!!” Gopal grasped his sister by the arms and tears welled up in his eyes. “This is real. It always has been.” He began to cry. “Lords damn you for this. You have to go and you cant come back. Ever. My ID will get you into the underground garage and it’ll start my car.”
“You know I don't know how to drive! I don't know my way anywhere! They wouldn't let me learn!”
His gaze slid sideways to the other woman suddenly, as if only just becoming aware of her presence. “I swear on all the Lords if you say anything about this, I...I will make you and anyone you care about suffer more than you could possibly imagine!” It was an empty threat, and it showed. Unlike his father, Lawrence Ardente, Gopal had no use for violence and no real desire to utilise intimidation.
“Gopal.” Ella said softly, but firmly, grasping her brother’s shoulder. She looked past him to the woman who had brought her the glass of brandy. Ella’s face was a picture of both dreamlike disbelief and stricken realisation.
Ella knew that such things happened. Everybody knew, and yet she had always assumed that somehow, it would never happen to her. If what Gopal had heard was true, it could mean something very close to a death sentence...In which the ‘patient’ was so utterly altered by the process that one would be hard pressed to say that any personality remained.
“Will you help me?” She asked with a vulnerability that was most uncommon. 
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rqs902 · 4 years
enyu’s mom calls him "公子哥" is he rich or is this a JOKE LOL and his mom is at a bar IM CRYING HAHA 
i just get a feeling youku eliminated shiwei for dramatic effect... 
but aw xue en crying over weihao and mxy saying star master kids are all worthy to lin mo 
L O L i was gonna be like oh thats nice enyu’s dad asked about his friends, he’s really been paying attention but then he starts throwing these
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omg xikan wanting to call luo zheng!!!! im grateful theyre still close, theyre doing such different things now
awww mubo !!! being all supportive and protective of zuo ye 
hHAHAHA omg fan yu talking on the phone to renyu is so cute, so expressive with the gasp when renyu says they just recorded elims and then the AHHHH and OH MY GOD when he says he and zaixi were eliminated and the ALSKJLAKS and loud sigh when renyu reveals he just tricked him hahahaha theyre so cute omg can fan yu pls show up at the next perf, id die
lin ran’s “new world new me” im cry
lol renyu’s getting roasted by his team mates but at least they didnt really ditch him 
what is this set up anyway? theyre given a mission to leave, so theyre allowed to run around... but not? who planned this lol youku......
LOL jin fan tryin to reason why theyll be ok going to guangzhou 
did their group just get special permission bc director li hao?
hahaha ayyy zhan yu jumped first, you go child! not surprised somehow that he’d love it
lin mo’s group went to the same place? LOL but also they seem so much more under control LOL such a guai group 
LOL WHY ARE THEY SO LOUD HAHAHAH i dont think ive ever seen people that loud on a roller coaster LOL 
LOL why am i not surprised enyu is the one carrying xzx 
i cant with xzx and his heelys omg
leave it to csp to relate bungee jumping to some great deeper meaning for zlj’s personal growth hahahah but good on the kid for going through with it. interesting that zixin said he sees himself in zlj so much
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when reminded he’s the hormone representative his face changed so fast im crying 
ycw is laughing his butt off and i love how it says “children’s playground” in the background
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when ycw gets thoroughly ignored
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i just realized theres an english speaking line in this group :’) syh, xue en, oscar 
awwwwwwwwww them all planning to sing him happy birthday on the dot and setting it up so he can be at the top at that moment awwww thats so fun
LOL the way that oscar cursed his way to the top and is sweating so hard LOL the poor kid omg HAHAHHA
aw he can tell syh drew the card
get you a friend like ycw who’ll tell you that you can decide how to pronounce words right, just because its your birthday 
struggling to read xue en’s handwriting LOL 
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i feel the need to just say huang junrong looks so adorable in his bright yellow outfit hahah
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there’s two types of kids in this group: hjr and enyu screaming their butts off, and lin mo and xzx wallowing in regret of their life decisions
hjr and enyu always saying its too short when the ride ends LOL
lin mo talking real talk over dinner about their feelings BC HES A REAL LEADER and knows how important it is to address this. these concerns are obviously very present in his mind, even when theyre out having fun to relax, and he’s still trying his best to figure out how he can help them and motivate them. 
makes sense that they would include enyu interview clips bc hes surely spouting the real talk, but i think its interesting its mainly him and lin mo getting screen time. 
enyu would be the one to speak up and say something when lin mo is trying to talk to them though. i think theyre both right though, im guessing lin mo is in part too nice, bc he doesnt feel comfortable enough with them to be as strict as he normally is, bc he knows they have reason to not be motivated and he feels bad for them. but at the same time, he brings up a good point that they themselves need to have their own motivation. it cant just be him putting in effort. and i HUGELY respect that he is telling this to them straight up bc its a hard conversation to have, esp bc im sure he wants them to like him as a friend. but i respect that he knows if they have problems they have to air them out bc lack of communication will be too costly. 
momo is lucky he has someone like enyu on his team who’ll actually talk to him with real opinions rather than just hide in fear of disrupting the status quo. literally enyu is the one voicing that he doesnt want takeout and he doesnt want to stay up late, and other people agree, but the surprise on lin mo’s face just tells you that he wouldnt have even realized these are things that are bothering his teammates unless they straight up told him, and thankfully enyu did, bc lin mo thankfully is reasonable and willing to change his habits for the sake of the group TO HELP THEM. hes willing to do anything he can to help them, as long as they tell him what they want from him. huang enyu’s lesson in communication, dont let people guess, just tell them straight up 
its interesting bc its clear enyu respects lin mo a lot, says he has the experience and the skill and the right to yell at them to get it together, but hes still not afraid to tell lin mo he thinks lin mo should be more strict with them. and then i respect lin mo for not backing down when being criticized and for strongly insisting that they need to put in effort themselves too. he cant force them to do anything they dont want to do themselves. they themselves have to want to do well. 
lin mo is really out here taking care of his group of children and leading them and helping them and looking out for them and im just floored by his leadership yet again. i really hope they can pull it together. 
lin mo is a dork and stanning him leads to mostly either second-hand embarrassment or disappointment. from qcyn to snzm, it just always feels like he’s being mistreated and taken advantage of and stepped on, and sad things just keep happening to him. but then he has these moments where he reminds you of why he’s worth stanning. why it’s worth waiting for something good to finally actually happen. and why he deserves those good things. its just so nice to see hes getting some appreciation and recognition for the things he does. at least youku let us see his leadership in action. 
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totally not surprised akey is there to drive the conversation for their group’s real talk time. tyger co-leader translates clearly hahah
im like not surprised xikan’s group got the least adventurous adventure bc hes not afraid to show how serious hes taking this competition, but also somehow still feel like hes not getting better treatment relative to being number one?? maybe im just overthinking 
honestly all things considered im okay with this being the debut group
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i mean i love ycw and zry but i feel like this makes sense to me.
this looks scary lol lin ran wyd
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but yea even the way they framed the cliff hanger for next week... why do i just feel like xikan is not being treated with the respect he deserves?? 
anywayyyyyyyyyyyy for 少年營業中
LOL gz’s impression of zlj watching scary movies sounds so accurate im ded
zixin is so adorable!! i love his outfit too ahhah 
LOL gz’s sassy response to zlj responding when xue en says he’s gonna talk about a cute trainee with highly regarded visuals 
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why am i totally not surprised xue en didnt get scared but zixin got scared AGAIN lol 
why do i suddenly get the realization that we hardly ever see ycw and zlj interact 
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it just feels weird to see them together even tho they obviously have overlapping friend groups lol....
poor shiwei isnt even here and they keep talking about him LOL at least theyre not even really roasting him LOL ycw and yzx too nice for that
im just DYING at the cto gege’s laughing SO HARD HAHAHA 
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and ycw’s face LOL 
xue en’s laugh made this ep worth it LOL
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wow should i be happy that lin mo is finally in the next ep of this side show, or sad that jin fan never got to appear and itll be the last ep :( im also excited to see lin ran again! wow its weird to think that snzm is ending soon, it felt like the first 7 eps were like a slow burn and now its a mad rush to the end 
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