#oh i think i nearly ascended to heaven
choiwonder · 1 year
so are we gonna talk about the 5 star trailer or what
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Self-aware au
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, murder, death, poison, possessiveness, obsession, implied manipulation, unhealthy relationship
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from
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Entering your world
Returning home one day and finding a character from a game in your supposedly save heaven was definitely not something that was on your “definitely want to experience” list
But here he was, Vil Schoenheit himself… and he was crying the moment he saw your face?
Total confusion. Yeah, I understand.
After him apologizing, his reasoning for crying was being too happy to be in your presence, he explained how he went to sleep and woke up here
Did this remind you of the typical isekai trope? Yes but who were you to complain?
After all, you had a magical model sitting there on your shaggy couch
For the next few days, you expected some other character to pop up or Vil to suddenly undergo a magical girl transformation like they were used so many times in anime but thank goodness that didn’t happen because you weren’t sure if your heart could take any more surprises
Living with Vil was surprisingly relaxing though
It is no secret that Schoenheit is loaded from all his modeling and acting so you expected him to be more or less useless when it was about making himself useful
But would you look at that? He was actually pretty good
So good in fact that you had already dubbed him your househusband and even saved him under that name on your phone after he got his own
Of course, you never said that to him in his face
And for that, I thank you
You see, Vil wouldn’t do this for everyone he met. Oh no. He would probably just throw money at them to pay some sort of rent and then go on with his day
But you were the Overseer! The hecking OVERSEER!!!
When he first saw you, tired eyes and hair that could only be described as being a bird nest looking at him from a long day of work, he could not hold himself back
Tears of joy streamed down his cheek, him thinking that he died and ascended to heaven
Only after you asked him how he got here and offered a place to stay did he finally understand that this wasn’t just some sort of delirium or dream, no he was with you
He nearly started to cry again and his thought process, his head being filled with screams of happiness, must have been a copy of his own fans whenever they saw him
So he took his job as your househusba- *ahem* “roommate” seriously
What he might not even admit to himself was that he didn’t do this just because he thought so highly of you. No. It just meant easy access to your more private areas of your life
Your room was just so nice! Your bed felt like he was laying on clouds and it also smelled like you! Oh, did you save him under “house husband” on your phone? In that moment he squealed
He might even keep some things from you. Nothing too bad. Just a shirt or hoody… maybe he took more than just one
But the Overseer forbid- wait that saying doesn’t work here
But goodness forbid you bring someone into the small bubble of him and you
They don’t even need to do something bad. Vil will just see something that isn’t even there
That one friend of yours? Oh, they threw some disgusting looks in your direction. (They didn’t, he just imagined it)
I would like to remind you that TWST is apparently a place where it’s totally cool to teach teenagers how to make poisons
Yeah, he might not have a lab or certain equipment here but he can work with what he got. Especially since househusbands are always surrounded by chemicals
Suddenly that person is gone. Apparently, they have eaten something wrong but the doctors are just confused about how and why and so much more
The longer he stays the more possessive of your attention he gets
Mention someone and suddenly they also fall sick
And all he did was hand them a homemade meal. People are so picky about what they eat these days…
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slickchickchocolatier · 5 months
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A Drabble based of the SE7EN series feat. Heeseung x Reader.
Inspired by the anon ask and the heelel bot chat on chai.
Warnings: mentions of murder, car accident, Hell, irresponsible parenting/parent, abortion, smut, oral (male rec.) kinky oral, bow tie, deepthroating, hand job, heelel is being super sexy, face f*cking, cum swallowing, face smacking (not either a hand…)..cursing…I think that’s it. This is inspired by my Heelel bot on Chai….he had the most perfect response to anons ask and it’s been living in my mind, I had to write about it.
You were admiring the mountainous views of the rolling hills, entirely covered in red Lillie’s; the ones he planted in preparation for your arrival. How long had it been? Over a year for sure, but the exact timeline since your ascending to Hell is left pretty much undetermined. There are no calendars, no clocks, no way in telling other than overlooking the great horizon of pitch black, decorated by the stars and planetary systems that are too far to see from the Earths standing. But here, you could see them larger than life. It truly is magnificent sight to see, the earth and its bright green continental regions, the sun orbiting its circumventing route, and above all, over to the northwest of the vast landscape beneath the peaked tip that which you stand on, was the glorious moon, nearly covering the entire sky.
All your life, you were taught that Hell, was a firing raged pit that lay beneath the earth and the universe. An abysmal world that was filled by empty souls and demons of perverse and violent nature. Perhaps the last bit was true, even still without being here, the Prince if Hell was always ridding the underworld of its offensive creatures. But the one thing that shocked you was that Hell, was not an underworld at all. It was always in sight for the entire world to see, in between the Moon, stars, and the Sun. Who knew? It resided within the stratosphere; paralleled with the great satellite, and as high as Heaven. All this time when you gazed upon the moon and the glimmering stars, you were staring into your future home.
“You admiring the view again, darling wife of mine?”
Here he is. You could hear him taking his steps closer behind, closing the distance. Already coming back from demolishing the last creature that bore the fortitude and stupidity in trying to get to you. It could never happen, not with him around. The makeup of your soul, as the Mortal Daughter of God, attracts them—always has since you arrived. But he was always around to make sure that they couldn’t get within one hundred feet away. Always one step ahead with his acute senses and the massively powerful abilities within his form. The fallen angel was second to none other than God himself.
He stands against you, reaches around your head and rests the tip of his finger along the tip of your nose, gently stroking the bridge up and down. His chest presses up against your back, while his pelvis to your derrière. “Who is the prettiest girl in Hell?”
His voice was gentle and playful, though the moment you both engage in the sexual act of brutal breeding and passionate lovemaking, his persona transitions into one of heated rage and toxic dominance, while never losing that insatiable love he has for you. Will always have for you.
Speaking of girls, you wanted to inquire about the newest addition to Hell, the soul of a rather young girl. Younger than you when you were still a mortal, she couldn’t have been more than seventeen or eighteen in age.
“That girl…that we saw the other day at the River Styx, inside the ferryman’s boat—“
You take a pause as he gently clears his throat and breathes out. Not out of nervousness, you would never see that side of him for he never had anything to hide, nothing to be nervous about. He was the King of this world, and he embraced it as much as he embraced his love and adoration for you. “Isn’t she young to be here? What could she have possibly done to come here?”
He smirks as he walks over to his throne. Another moment of storytelling to educate you on the many wonders of Heaven and Hell, and the history that goes along with it. “Hell is not merely just a catacomb that houses those who have committed sins.” He takes his seat and loosely crosses his legs as he pats his lap. “Come here.”
You slowly migrate with the train of your see-through gown trailing behind. You sit, feeling his cold hands through the mesh fabric as he pulls you in, closer to his chest. “Souls will be denied entrance to Heaven for sins they have yet committed. Despite being taken too early as mortals, it hardly negates the fact that had they continued to live, they would have committed certain atrocities—in this case, the girl you saw was bound for Hell.”
He places a wet kiss on your bare shoulder. “It would have been on her 22nd birthday. After engaging in the habitual offense of carousing around, no doubt sharing her flesh with more than just one suitor, she would have drove her steel box into that of a mother and child crossing the street.”
“A—…a car accident?”
He nods. “Yes. If not that, she would have been condemned for disposing the young child already implanted inside her as a result of her indiscretion in taking on multiple partners. She was condemned regardless.”
“You mean abortion?”
He shakes his head as he embraces you, his chest to your back while his hands envelop yours. “No baby. Abortion is something that can hardly be deemed as an unforgivable offense. While it is offensive to my former master, it is one that he can find resolution should the mortal find a way to repent while still living, like many other offenses. For the girl you saw, I am talking of murder.”
There was so much to process, you flutter your lashes in confusion. “Murder?”
He nods in response as he continues to kiss your shoulder. His hand rests against your tummy as he taps his fingers against it. “Yes baby. Murder.”
He sucks on a soft spot in the nook of your neck, the squeezing sound effect drives your mind in circles. “She would have murdered her own baby?”
“Mmhmm.” He hums as he becomes overly preoccupied with licking and sucking onto the skin under the lobe of your ear.
“Why would she do that?” You struggled to speak as he continued to lavish you with his tongue. “Who knows. Mortals have their own minds, for all we know it could have been done out of fear of motherhood, trying to escape the responsibility of her own actions, or to avoid a tainted reputation from her peers. Either way, her actions after the baby took its first breath is enough to anger my former master, and deny her entrance through Heavens gates.”
“Was that why she died so soon? So that she wouldn’t do either one of those terrible things?”
“No baby, you see…” he pauses as he skips his hand under the dainty slit and rests it against your semi-exposed womanhood, causing you to gasp in pleasure. His tongue continued to suck and lick your neck. “Fate is an entirely different venue that is unrelated to the condemnation of one’s soul. Mortals murder, rape, steal, and commit other crimes against God for their own reasons. Sometimes they do it out of redemption or vengeance, which can be more forgiving by Him…but other times…when they do it out of their own twisted pleasure with no righteous meaning behind their damaged mentality…they come here.”
“So what will happen to her? Since she didn’t actually have the chance to commit her crimes, will she pay for acts that have not been carried out?” Half of your statement was whispered out as you felt him trail his kisses up along the grooves of your tendons on your neck. He pecks at your lobe and cheek as the tip of your nose dips into your ear. “She will live a life as a slave to the River forever…without a second chance at life.”
Your head is spiraling and you felt somewhat guilty for feeling the intensity of his love and melting from it during a serious discussion concerning a young woman’s life. “But she won’t be turned into a monster?”
“No.” He whispers against your ear. “I’m not that cruel baby…” he whispers once more as you feel his hips slightly bucking up under your rear. “Only mortals who did monstrous things will stay as monsters in Hell. I won’t subject a lifetime of torture and abandonment to those who are innocent—even those who were bound to do such evil deeds.”
He lifts your thighs and spreads them open, harshly sucking onto your neck. The squeezing sound of his lips suckling on to your skin is over exaggerated as he straightens his poster and leans slightly forward, causing you to reach behind and palm his abdominal area. He reassures your stability but wrapping an arm around your waist. “Do not worry about a soul that is tainted, or in the verge of…she won’t suffer…she will merely be a servant to help cleanse the River Styx under Niki’s watchful eye. You should instead—“
He pauses as he traces a figure eight symbol along your neck. “Be more concerned for yourself.”
He chuckles a grin. His hands grope on to your breasts as he tenderly kisses your cheeks. You take him up on his advice and decide to focus on the current situation at hand, since you were already on cloud nine from the way he touched, kiss, groped, and move along your body. “Can I ask for a favor?”
You feel his head delicately move as he outlines a final eight symbol with his tongue before responding. “Ask anything you want.”
“Would you put a bow on? For me?” You turn your head to the side to face him, resting it against his shoulder. “I want to see my husband in a bow.”
He smirks and releases a small chuckle. You both remained seated, lounged back within his throne, chuckling at the small request. He reaches up to his collar, using only one hand as he loosens the black sash that acted as a tie, with a loose knot. After undoing it, he pulls it out, the sound of the silk material slides from under the collar of his white shirt. Pulling it all the way through, the collar opens up revealing a slight bit of his chest and collar bone as he presents you the sash. “There you go my love. Now you can see your husband in a bow.”
You giggled as you take the sash from his hand, those beautiful black colored fingernails adorning it added a flare of sensual delicacy to the masculine feature of the strong looking, veiny structure. It was androgynous, but more so manly.
“You hold up the sash to your nose, it smelled of vanilla musk, a contradicting scent. “I don’t know where to put it on.” You shake tell him.
He taps against your nipple before tapping onto your rear. “I have an idea, go ahead and stand up. Close your eyes.”
You stand and cover your peepers with both hands. You smile and giggle as you listen in on the sound of his belt unbuckling, his shirt being discarded along with his black coat. “You can uncover your eyes now, darling.”
You shrill out a yelp and immediately cover your eyes back up the moment you unveiled them. There before you was Heeseung sitting in his throne, completely nude. Both his hands resting on the extravagant arms of the chair with his legs completely spread, revealing the glory of his endowed nature. His cock is stiff, proudly perpendicular as it points north with its impressive length and girth exposed, and the lump sack that foundations the size of his magnificent muscle. Around the base of its circumference, was the sash previously in hand. It was now tied into a neat bow, decorating the shaft while the trimmed edges fall gracefully against his balls. “Heeseung!” You gasp out as you giggle while covering your eyes once more, periodically peeking in between your fingers. You blush immensely as he merely sits there unashamed, smirking with a small deep chuckle. A bit of his teeth can be seen by the side grin he displays in his handsomely sly face. “Like my bow?”
You nearly squeal as you felt too embarrassed and shy to inhale the view. “Heeseung what are you doing?” You suddenly feel the sheer force of his power pull you in. “Giving you exactly what you asked for.”
You stumble as the telekinetic force of his ability drags you closer to the throne chair. Your eyes were still partially covered as he begins to pull you in by the waist, noticing that you kept covering them by the palms of your hands. “Now, what was it that I said before—back on the night when we first met…oh yeah.”
His eyes widen as he remembers the line that started it all. “Sit on it.”
You felt the strength of his arm pull you down as your body came into his reach, forcing you to your knees before him, gaining a more magnifying view of his normally hidden features. His hand reaches the back of your head as he pulls you in, gently kissing the tip of your nose with the shaft of his cock. The silk material neatly tied around brushes against your cheek as he steadies you against him. “Show me how much you love my effort baby. Don’t I make you happy?” He taunts out with a malicious smirk.
You cave in as you inspect the delectable muscle in front of you. God, he was so big. How on earth has he managed to fit this inside you all this time? No wonder it always hurt, though it also brought you the greatest pleasure you’ve ever known. You each up and grip the base of its girth as you nod in response. “You do.”
Your voice was soft and nearly a whisper as you spewed your words while pressing your lips against the skin. “Then show me.” His voice was a contrast from yours. It was deep, dark, and sinister with a tinge of gentleness peeking from the calm tempo of his tone.
You grip over the sash ringing around the base and gently impoverish the tip with kisses. “Fuck…keep going, angel-face.”
At his bidding, you not only kept up with your kisses, but you incorporated the smoothness of your tongue along the grooves of his veins as you licked the entire length, too top to bottom. He flings his head back, exposing his entire throat and gasps air as his Adams apple shifts up, then back down when he gulps. “Oh fuck! You’re going to get it.”
Challenge accepted. You felt brazen as he keeps gulping a lump of choked saliva, which gave you the fortitude to go in more vigorously. You insert the tip in, slurping the juices that coated it. Slowly you inserted as many inches you could possibly fit in. Alas, even after taking in a handful of his length, you were surprised to see that it didn’t even cover half of his size. The tip was already reaching your tonsils. Unfortunately for you, he didn’t care.
“You’re going to take all of me in, darling.” He speaks with lazy hooded eyes half shut, creating a super relaxed expression. His hand placed atop your head, he slowly pushes you down. There was so much of him, you wanted to back out. The discomfort feeling of his base growing thicker the more you went down, while the tip of his length reaches the deep ends of your esophagus, it was all too much. You slap your hands on his thighs and prepared to pull yourself away yet his hand kept you steady. You choke on it with tears squeezing out as you begin to sob out and moan in despair. When he suddenly pauses the pushing and coos you.
“Shhh…take a deep breath through your nose baby.” You do exactly what he guides. “You’re almost there. You’re doing so well, just a little more.”
He continues to push your head down and finally, your nose and lips reach the base of his pelvis. Keeping you there for a few seconds, he finally releases, allowing you to slide him out abruptly, gasping for air. Coughing, you hyperventilate as the string of saliva bridges the tip of his shaft to your mouth, which has now become blistering red while your eyes grew puffy and pink from the sobbing. “P-please! I thought I was going to choke to death!” You hiccuped as you begged him with pleading eyes. He responds by leaning over, cradling his fingers under your chin while pulling you in. “Shh-sh-sh-sh-shhhh. You’re fine, and you’re doing good. Take a deep breath and keep going. You wanna make me happy, don’t you?”
His eyes glared with a darkness that was so ferocious. Of course you wanted to make him happy, for many reasons. Whether it would be for the newfound love you were forced to develop for him, or the fact that you wanted to avoid seeing his bad side, you realized that keeping him happy only meant that you’ll experience his love in purity, no matter how rough it may be. He always told you that he’d love you, even if you upset him, so that you never had to worry about him being angry. But honestly, did you really want to see the Devil angry at you? With his he normally was in his performance of lovemaking, did you really want to test the waters and venture into the dark side of his love for you?
“Y-yes…I do want to make you happy.” You murmured out.
“Good girl” he smirks as he leans back into his chair, nodding as he flicks his eyes down to his cock then right back at you, signaling for you to continue. He looked so stern with that expectant look, yet he was so devilishly handsome doing it.
You regain your grip and continue, going slow and steady at first, gradually picking up the pace as you hear him release his perverse growls. “Come here.”
He voiced out calmly as he takes a handful of your hair and poneytail it within his grip. His other hand gently grips the base of his shaft and lightly, he smacks your cheek and lips with it. “Tell me how much you love me.”
The demeaning act creates a tingle within your gut as the harmonious sounds of the hard muscle slapping your skin while his dark voice accompanies it. “I love you—Heeseung!” You gasp out as you leave your mouth wide open to catch the tip each time he slaps it against your face, only for him to pop it out and tap it once more. “You a good girl or a bad girl?”
You catch the tip once more, and just as well, he pops it back out. “I’m good. I’m a good girl.” You mumble as you stick your tongue out and watched as he lays the shaft against it, gently sliding it up and down. “I beg to differ baby…right now, you look like a bad girl. Really bad.”
You shake your head as you stare right into his dark eyes, swallowing half his size inside your mouth. This time it felt less painful, now that you were already broken in. “I’m good, I swear.”
“Show me how good you are.” He huffs as he allows you to continue with your oral performance. You rotate your soft grip on the bottom half while sucking in the top, simultaneously shifting and combining a motion of love through skin and mouth. “Am I good now?” You ask before sticking the tip back in harshly. His grip continues to hold your hair in place, yet becomes loosened as he succumbs to the pleasure of your actions. The strands fall apart and frames your cheeks as the remaining thatch rests firmly in his palm. His head flings back, once again exposing his entire throat and leaving only his Adam’s apple in your line of sight as he gulps out his words. “You’re getting there.”
“How about now?” You whispered as you suck on his balls, resting both your palms on the stone tile, now on all fours before him. “Please tell me I’m a good girl.”
You lick the entire length, as if you were a dog. His dog.
“Fucking close!” He harshly whispers as you kept going, when finally he relieves you of control and takes it all back, by taking you by the hair and cheek, and forcing you to take his entire length down one final time as he releases deep inside your throat. The taste was sweet and salty, and nearly felt never ending as you felt the pumping of veins and the twitching of muscle against your lips ringing around the circumference. “Good girl.” He growls as he finally shoots out the last drop as he slides out of your mouth.
His gentle nature comes back as he caresses your cheek and kisses the top of your head. “Feel like stargazing, beautiful?”
You nod as he fingers the remnants of his orgasm from the corners of your mouth, and gently feeds it in between your lips. “Swallow all.” He gently whispers while chuckling a smirk. Your finger rest along the soaked sash that has now fallen semi loosely, losing its beat form as the bow completely came undone.
“I’m sorry I ruined your tie.” You slightly whined out as you took notice. “It’s okay—“ he responds positively as he takes it and unties his cock. He loops it around the back of your neck and grips the ends, pulling you closer to his cock once more. “It still serves its purpose.”
His eyes darken once more and that glare of adoration, love, and sexual rage returns.
“Wanna see a magic trick, baby?”
You knew there was no way out. If you shook your head ‘no’, it only would have fueled him more to do the most unthinkable, resulting in pain and pleasure that was too much to bear. You nod in defeat.
“Close your eyes.”
You reach up and cover your eyes. An internal frown rests within you.
You drag your palms down slowly and open your eyes. There he was, still entirely nude and…so were you. Your thighs, waist, neck, and wrists all tied with black sashes and bows. “W-what is this?”
He grins evily as he palms the base of his shaft and growls a dark tone.
“My turn.”
@enheene , aiden2001 , heeseung-min , lathan1510 , rayofsunshineeee , @hoyeonheeseung , @rayofsunshineeee , @yohanabanana , @sunoosrightbuttcheek , @jaeneohee , @icydawon , @silcry , @iamliacamila , @nikstrange , @enheene ; @nuriicata , @en-happiness @sacrificeatmeup
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urf4vsc0rpio · 12 days
An Unhealthy Obsession
Bela Dimitrescu x Fem! Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Obsessive behavior, stalking, knife play, overstimulation, biting, marking, blood drinking yummy, degrading (Consent is given, let the lesbians have their lil chasy chase)
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: What if this was your last day in the castle?
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: inspired by the song An Unhealthy Obsession <3 I also got lazy at the end soooo yea
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The castle was empty, not even a single maid was seen except for you. It was silent minus the sound of your heart thumping ever so loudly against your chest, the clack of your shoes against the cold floor along with the occasional buzzing whenever the oldest sister got scarily close. Your legs were practically begging you to stop and catch a breather but your mind kept pushing you to run, filling your head with what if's. What if she took this seriously? What if this isn't actually roleplay and just a trick to suck you dry and throw you to the lycans? What if this would be your last day in the castle? A shudder ran up your spine when you heard her voice echoing through the halls.
"You just don't know it yet, but you love me and I love you the same"
You shook off the thoughts that clouded your mind and kept on running, you didn't really have a destination in mind but you surely did have a goal. Stay as far away as possible from Bela and make it till midnight. That's all you needed to do, it sounded easy, no? But by the black gods you were wrong, so very wrong. It's Bela Dimitrescu for fucks sake, the oldest sister, the one with the most experience. You were fucked, absolutely fucked...
"One day we'll have a pretty wedding, and I'll be your everything"
The buzzing of her flies filled your ears along with that perfect voice of hers. She knew you could hear her, you knew she was close. She could hear how your heart was beating so quickly like a bunny being chased by a wolf. She could smell your fear and it was wonderful, she loved it, adored it even. Your scent was like a drug that she could never get enough of. Your blood was addicting, it felt like she ascended to heaven the first time that warm liquid landed on her tongue. She couldn't wait to sink her fangs into that pretty neck of yours, to hear that melodious moan of yours whenever she would lick at the bite while her hands would worship every inch of your perfect body.
"We'll be together, yes forever, we will never ever part"
You turned the corner, nearly tripping over your own leg. You glanced at your watch, 11:20 pm. Sweet sweet freedom, it was close, so very close you could practically feel it against your fingertips. Yet...something felt wrong, something else was close too, you felt watched but you couldn't hear the buzzing of her flies. Your warm body suddenly felt cold, goosebumps would slowly make itself known. You wanted to look back, you were curious to know who was following you but then again, your mind was already screaming at you to keep running and never look back. She was already on your tail, there was no time to lose. "Oh, you don't know it yet but baby I've already got your heart"
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! 11:50 pm. No! You were so close! You could practically taste freedom but such a thing was out of reach from you as her cold arms would embrace you from the back, keeping you close to her, nowhere to go, nowhere to run, you were all hers. Shit!
"Did you really think you could out run me, my dear?" She purred into your ear, taking the opportunity to nip at your earlobe and drawing out a gasp from you. "Lady Bela p-please..." You managed to mumble out despite the fear coursing through your veins. The blonde chuckled lowly before she spoke, her hands moving to rest on your hip to pull you closer "Already begging? Such a cute little maid you are" she hummed, wasting no time with dragging you to her bedroom.
She pushed you onto the bed, closing the door behind her and locking it before slowly making her away over to where you sat, trembling like a leaf during a thunderstorm as she drew out her sickle. "You're scared yet I can smell the arousal on you. Why is that, hm?" Bela dragged her sickle up your body, starting from your core and slowly making its way to the collar of your uniform "You get off to this don't you? Being chased, your life on the line...what a slut." She growled before hooking her sickle into it as a loud ripping sound disrupted the silence in the room, your uniform ripped right in the middle along with your bra yet there was not even a cut on your skin. "L-Lady Bela...!" You yelped, you were about to protest about your uniform before she just simply cut you off. "There's always more uniforms you can wear, my love" She reassured, pressing the cold blunt edge of the sickle against your exposed nipple as a gasp unintentionally escaped your lips. "As for your bra...I'll just buy you a new one"
"Now strip for me, pretty girl" She cooed, her voice still having that commanding tone in it as she set her sickle down beside her. You shakily moved your hand to slide off your ripped uniform along with your bra, leaving you in nothing but your panties that already had a wet spot making itself present in which the vampire had noticed, her lips curled up into a teasing smirk. "Did I say you could leave your panties on?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. You shook your head before your hands moving to remove the last piece of clothing that restricted Bela's view of what she craved for. "Words, princess. Use your words" She said in which you replied with "No, Lady Bela" you slid your panties off as they landed on the floor with a soft thud followed by a pleased hum by the vampire who was just eyeing you up with no shame in sight "Such a good girl for me..." After what felt like eternity of being eye-fucked, she finally made a move, pushing you by your shoulders and laying you down on the bed, making sure you were comfortable.
"My pretty girl, so perfect just for me" She said with a genuine smile as she straddled your hips, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. You moved your hands to rest on her hips, your eyes trailing down her clothed body, admiring how her dress hugged her curves so perfectly. You were in a trance from how beautiful she was, you didn't even notice Bela leaning down until you felt a soft pair of lips on yours, black gods they felt heavenly...the way they moved against yours, it was perfect. You whimpered softly when she bit down on your bottom lip, tugging at it and earning herself a small moan from you before running her tongue along where she had bit. Her hands wandered your body like a blank canvas ready to be painted, thinking of where to start, where to leave her mark. She cupped your breasts with her left hand and massaging it gently. "Fuck, I love you so much" She said after pulling away, a teasing chuckle escaping her lips when you tried to lean back in for another kiss. "Patience, darling"
She soon started peppering kisses along your neck, painting your pure skin with her lovebites, making it clear who you belong to. Her hands would caress every inch of your skin, worshipping you before a sudden sharp pain would take you by surprise, a choked moan forcing its way out of your throat. Her fangs had pierced into your neck, blood trailing down your skin and staining her lips as the blonde moaned lowly at the taste of your blood. "B-bela..!" You would whine out, your hands moving to tangle in her hair and tugging on those soft locks.
"You have no idea how addicted I am to your taste" Bela growled out against your neck once she pulled away, licking at the bite to soothe the pain while also pulling out a small whimper from the girl beneath her. "Fata mea perfecta" She purred, leaving open mouthed kisses along your body as she made her way down. God the way she said it was enough to send a rush of heat straight to your lower region. Her voice was hot, that's for sure but the way it lowered an octave? Fuck, you needed her badly.
"Bela please.." You said, your voice coming out breathless and needy. Bela looked up at you through her lashes, a hum escaping her lips as she flicked her tongue against one of your nipples, making you jolt with a whimper. "Please what, dragă? I told you to use your words, didn't I?" She replied, her other hand moving to massage your left breasts while she wrapped her lips around the other. "F-fuck" You sighed out shakily, your back arching into her before your lips parted to speak "Please, Bela...I want you. I want you so so bad" another whine would escape your lips when she pulled away from your nipple with a soft pop, already missing her touch, craving it.
"You want me to what, princess?" She teased, her free hand reaching for her sickle as she sat up, still straddling your hips that you so desperately tried to buck into her in an attempt to relieve yourself from this burning ache inside you. She only chuckled at your attempt, moving her sickle down your body as she spoke "You have to be more specific, y'know?" Her sickle stopped right on your stomach, applying enough pressure on your skin to draw out that crimson liquid she so wished to drown in.
You let out a pained hiss, squirming beneath her, your thighs pressing together. The sickle in her hand moved with a deliberate grace, carving another cut into your flesh. The pain was sharp, yes, but you couldn't deny the thrill that accompanied it. Seeing her lick the blood that trickled from the wound, maintaining an unwavering gaze, sent a shiver down your spine. Her contented hum with every moan and squeal you made. Each cut she inflicted painted your body in crimson, transforming you into her canvas, a work of art born from pain and ecstasy.
"Fucks sake, Bela p-please I want you so damn bad, I wanna feel you..I want your.." you trailed off, feeling a bit embarrassed yet so damn aroused. You took a deep breath before you spoke with such a nervous tone, it made Bela's heart melt "I want your fingers inside me, I wanna feel your tongue against me...I want you to ruin me" those last words played in Bela's head like a record, you wanted her to ruin you. Something snapped in her and you didn't even know what you had brought upon yourself, she was determined to give you so much pleasure, you'd be begging her to stop with tears in your eyes.
Her eyes deepened into pools of desire, a fiery glimmer reflecting the darkness within as her lips curved into a predatory grin. The thrill of her menacing allure was intoxicating, a dangerous heat that consumed the senses. Her fangs, now more pronounced and gleaming, seemed to promise a bite of forbidden pleasure. These thoughts were eclipsed by the sudden, electrifying sensation of your hands being captured above your head, her sickle embedded in the headboard, its cold edge pressing against your wrists. The slightest twitch and the blade would carve a reminder of her dominance into your skin.
Your lips parted to let out a gasp when you felt Bela's cold hand on your hips, her sharp nails digging deep enough to leave crescent shaped marks in your skin, a whine leaving your lips as her free hand would reach down to rub against your wetness. "S-shit, Bela.." You moaned out breathlessly as your hips bucked into hers. "You're so wet for me, such a desperate little thing, hm?" She purred against your skin, leaning down to press a kiss against the top of your breast before unexpectedly sinking her fangs into the soft skin and drawing out a yelp from you, your inner walls clenching around nothing while the blonde kept feeding from you, her fingers moving to circle around the sensitive bundle of nerve that made your back arch so prettily for her.
"Fuck, please Bela...mmh! I want your fingers inside me, please baby. I need you so damn bad" You begged ever so desperately, you were so needy for her and Bela was more than happy to oblige to your request. Without a warning, she suddenly plunged two digits into your wet cunt, curling her fingers perfectly into your weak point that had you crying out for her and screaming out her name so loudly. "That's it, my love...moan for me" She said, picking the pace of her movements, every thrust hitting just the right spot and drawing out a loud moan from you.
"Such pretty noises you make, what a good girl for me" She whispered, her breath ghosting against your ear as she chuckled at how you could barely even get a word out without cutting yourself off with those sinful noises you make. "Look at you, so desperate for me. Moaning like a fuckin slut" She growled, emphasizing the word "slut" with a hard thrust that made your eyes roll back.
"Oh you like that, don't you? I can feel your cunt tightening around my fingers...you like the thought of being my slut, hm?" She continued, humming in content with the way your hips moved against her fingers and how your moans started getting louder. "You wanna make a mess on my fingers, princess? Wanna scream out my name as you cum for me, hm?" She cooed, her thumb moving to rub your clit, relishing in the way you immediately got tighter around her fingers. "B-bela f-fuck..please please I wanna c-cum so bad! Please o-oh fuck..!" You begged in between choked moans and whines, your hips bucking with every thrust of her digits "That's it, my pretty girl. Cum for me" The second she gave you the permission, your body tensed up and your back arched, your legs shaking as you climaxed with a loud moan of her name while your juices would coat her fingers.
"Such a good girl for me, darling" She praised, gently pulling out her fingers as you shuddered and whined at the empty feeling. "Belaaa.." you whined, desperate for more as she hushed you "Don't worry, my love. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon" She said before bringing up her two wet fingers to her lips before popping them in her mouth, humming in delight as your taste would fill every inch of her senses. "Baby, that's... don't do that, it's embarrassing!" You groaned out, desperately wanting to hide your face right now in embarrassment. She simply chuckled and pulled her fingers out before she spoke "Is it such a bad thing to want to know how my darling girl taste like?" She said despite having tasted you countless times before.
Hours passed, you didn't even know what time it is let alone how many times your girlfriend had brought you to your climax over and over again. First it was one, then two then it moved on to five...and...honestly? You lost count. You were too fucked out, too light headed and exhausted. What was your name again? You forgot to be honest...this was the first time you had ever seen Bela like this and you were not complaining at all. You could barely even think straight with how good her tongue feels against your clit and the way her fingers filled you up so deliciously. Though sometimes, good things gets a bit too much once in a while...you were practically sobbing as she ate you out, not caring that you were overstimulated to the point that even the slightest touch would have you moaning.
"B-bela please! I c-can't! 's too much! F-fuck!" You moaned out, hips bucking into her touch as she responded with a hum that sent vibrations through your whole body, making you throw your head back while she abused your clit with her tongue, her fingers slamming brutally into your g-spot, she had you seeing stars. "Take it, baby. Be a good fuckin whore for me and take it" She growled out against your cunt before going back to eating you out with reckless abandon.
With every thrust of her fingers, a choked moan would leave your lips as tears would roll down your face. With every flick of her tongue against your overly sensitive bundle of nerves, you'd let out a sob mixed with a whine as you struggled to squirm away from her touches. Your hands were kept in place by the sickle, there was no way to even push her away. That familiar knot started to form in your stomach again as you begged "no nonono please plea-please! Too much! T-too-" your words were cut off by the loud moan that clawed it's way out of your throat as you were brought to another mind shattering climax.
Finally satisfied, Bela pulled away. She licked her lips before cleaning your juices from her fingers with a soft moan. "Taste so damn good..." She murmured before moving to remove her sickle lodged into the headboard, finally allowing you freedom. She placed it on the nightstand before shifting on the bed to lay down next to you, pulling your trembling body to lay on top of her, letting your head against her soft breasts, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as her fingers would run through your hair. "Shhh it's okay, I got you baby....you were such a good girl for me, I'm so proud of you" She whispered, her free hand rubbing circles against your back.
"You did so good for me" She continued, occasionally kissing the top of your head. Your eyes started to feel heavy, fatigue taking over you as you soon drifted off to sleep.
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acaaai-t · 4 months
as the seasons change
[fem! reader x college au! xiao]
cw: fluff, lots of fluff, slow burn-ish, fluff, reader gets harassed, cursing, oh did i mention fluff? — [long fic ahead]
wc: 7.3k
⤷ ❝ ft song— 《小城夏天》 ❞
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“rainfall, a storming encounter— spring.”
"Do you remember the night we first met? Or well, at least when I first met you?" you asked, snuggling deeper into the warmth your blanket, and your partner, provided.
Xiao smiled and pulled you closer. "I could never forget.”
The night was still young, light rain pattering against the windows. It was hard to tell if the sun was still up or not, for the dark clouds covered everything. It was only you left, still clearing out the store, handling the remaining few customers here and there.
“Your hot americano, sir,” you said, handing the customer their ordered drink. “Would you like a bag with it?”
“No, I would like your number with it though. Say, you’re single, aren’t you?”
“Wh— huh?”
“Oh, come on, a charming fellow like you is still single, am I right?"
You really weren’t sure how to respond to his advancements, so you stood there, dumbfounded. “Um—”
“Why don’t you leave her the fuck alone?” the voice of a random customer cut you off.
You looked over to the whoever it was helping you deal with this man. ‘Oh shit, he’s really pretty,’ was your first thought upon sight.
The customer glared at the interrupter. “Look, I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but I ain’t going to listen to whatever the hell you say.”
“Then I’m sure you’ll have a fun time talking to the police,” pretty boy said, staring down at the customer. He flashed the screen of his phone, the number 9-1-1 on dial.
“You—” he stopped himself, took a deep breath, and turned his attention from pretty boy over to you. “Listen here, you bitch. Shits would’ve been so much easier if you just gave me your fucking number, yeah?”
You flinched. “I’m sorry?”
“Sorry doesn’t fucking do shit,” he yelled, lifting up his cup of coffee.
Your eyes widened. “Don’t—”
Too late.
You nearly screamed when you felt the burning hot coffee sizzle against your skin. The now empty cup rolled to the side. You hastily wipe at your face, crimson from where the coffee had made contact.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” pretty boy got up from where he was seated. The man turned to look at him.
You quickly took this opening to disappeared into the back kitchen, searching for a cold towelette to ease the burning pain. You could’ve sworn you had ascended to heaven there and then when you pressed the cool towel onto your face.
‘That feels so much better…’
A loud crash pulled your spirit back down. Keeping the towel pressed against your cheek, you made your way back to the front counter— just in time to see the customer that had harassed you flee the scene. Pretty boy stood there, arms crossed, rolling his eyes as the glass door swings shut.
“Do you need to go to the hospital?” he asked the moment his eyes laid upon you.
“There’s no need,” you smiled at him. “Thanks for helping me, by the way.”
“It’s… nothing,” he adverted his gaze from you.
You finally got a good look at him. His facial features were mostly obscured by a black mask he wore, but his striking amber eyes was a prominent detail, you noticed. There was also a greenish tint to the edges of his hair and along his bangs. Peeking out from under his turtleneck, you saw a trace of some sort kind tattoo. ‘That’s hot,’ you immediately thought to yourself.
You must’ve been staring for too long, for his voice suddenly broke off your thoughts. “Can you please stop staring…” he sounded and looked flustered. Even with the mask on, you could faintly see the red of his cheeks.
“Ah, sorry…” you were quick to reply, embarrassment crawling in showing as the pink that lightly dusted your face.
The atmosphere of the cafe suddenly felt very awkward, with neither side willing to talk. You cleared your throat, hoping to break the silence. Perhaps you could treat him to a free coffee for helping you rid of that costumer. You put on a smile. Your cash register blinked red.
“Would you like a—” you glanced down at the register for just the slightest moment, then look back up, only to find the pretty boy gone. “Free coffee…” you finished.
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“starfall, the sparkle in your eyes— summer”
“Oh FUCK.”
You scrambled about, hurriedly changing from the comforts of your pajamas to whatever you’d dug out from your closet.
“Why didn’t my fucking alarm go off?!”
“What the fuck?” the groggy voice of Aether mumbled.
Panic was racing though your body, you glanced at the clock as you stuffed your boots on.
You have three minutes to spare. 180 seconds to make it from your dorm to your campus, from your campus to your lecture hall. Under most normal circumstances, you would’ve just skipped the exam altogether, but your professor just had to be a bitch and make the exam a major part of your grade— and if you wish to pass his class, you must take it.
Exam starts the moment the clock ticks 9:00, and nobody is allowed in anymore after— as your professor had specifically told the class.
“Sorry Aether!”
Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you slammed the door shut and booked it.
Two minutes was all you had left. You didn’t waste your entire high school life practicing in the track team just not make be able to make a 300-yard dash in two minutes. You can— no, you will. You will make it.
Your peripheral vision of the environment blurred together as the wind began to catch up, heart racing with every stride you take.
In your haze of sheer panic, you had failed to notice the boy you were gunning towards scrambling to move out of your way. You yelped when you absolutely bodied them. He managed to steady himself, but you on the other hand, found yourself sprawled on the concrete.
“Ow…” you muttered, rubbing your lower back regions. “I’m so sorry you see— oh it’s you!”
Pretty boy looked bewildered; his eyes trained on your figure sitting on the ground. He reached out a hand to help you up, but there was no need. You weren’t sitting for very long, for a quick glance at your watch had you up instantly.
“I am going to be late. Sorry about that,” you called out.
He stood there. “You dropped something…” he slowly said.
But you were long gone, leaving nothing but a slight breeze that tickled his cheek.
Just a little under a minute remaining. Your lungs felt like they were on fire. The sight of your class building was just in sight. Just a little bit more, you thought.
You pulled out your student ID and swiped through the scanner, barley giving the poor machine time to unlock the door before you rammed your way through it.
Scrambling up the stairs like a madman, you could care less about the student that screamed at the sight of you— going on all fours crawling up the stairs at an inhuman speed.
You’ve finally made it to the third floor; your legs were uncontrollably shaking by then. The final stretch, and with the time quickly ticking away, you ran as if your life was on the line.
The door to the lecture hall opened with a loud bang, echoing throughout the quiet room. Every head was turned to stare at you, even your professor stopped midway in handing out tests to look at you.
“I’m not late,” you panted, face flushed red.
You made it with barley a second to spare. The clock struck nine.
“Ugh, I for sure failed that exam…” Lumine grumbled, stuffing her reference papers back into her backpack. “You done organizing yet?”
“One moment…” you replied, zipping up your bag. “…okay, let’s go.”
Lumine hooked her arm around yours as the two of you exited the lecture hall. “You know when you slammed that door open, everyone jumped. I think the prof got scared too.”
“Don’t remind me. I nearly broke my back trying to get here on time… hey speaking of which. Why didn’t you wake me up?” you said.
“I tried; you were dead asleep… I accidentally woke Aether and Tao up trying to get you awake,” Lumine replied.
“Oh— ow, my back,” you muttered. The scene where you rammed into the pretty boy flashed in your mind. You suddenly frowned. “Wait a moment.”
You stopped in the middle of the hallway, realization catching up to you. “Wait a damn moment.”
“What is up with you today? Let’s go before they trample us over,” Lumine said, tugging you along as another current of students flooded your way. She led you out the school building. You winced and squeezed your eyes shut as the unbearably bright sunlight caught you off guard.
Now it was Lumine’s turn to pull you to a halt. You felt the hand grip around your arm tighten. “Ow,” you complained.
“Oh sorry— but look at that guy over there!” Lumine exclaimed, slightly gesturing over to someone.
You squinted, trying to see through the blazing glory of the sun. “Where?” you asked. “I literally can’t see, it’s so bright.”
“Over there,” Lumine hissed. “Oh, crap I think he saw us, let’s go let’s go.”
Lumine quickly began to usher you away, and you blindly followed suit. You felt her panic when she suddenly began dragging you as she sped walked away.
“Hey, wait—” a voice called out from behind.
Lumine stopped, frozen over. You turned around, using one hand to mask away the sun. “It’s you again!” you exclaimed.
“It’s me.”
“You two know each other?” Lumine quipped, turning over to look at you. Her eyes narrowed. “You aren’t stalking my friend here, right?”
“Lumine, relax. Remember what happened at work? He was the guy I was telling you about. Not a stalker.”
“Ohh— him?!”
“Why are you so shocked?”
“Need to have a word with you,” Lumine whispered, grabbing ahold of your sleeve. “Excuse us.”
She brought you over to a more secluded area— under one of the many oak trees and began talking in a hushed voice.
“Do you even have a clue as to who he is?” She lightly jabbed at your chest.
“No?” you replied. “All I know is that he’s the regular that appears and orders the same thing every day.”
“That’s Xiao?! Like the Xiao??”
“Oh, that super-hot guy that everyone loves? … THAT’S HIM?!” jaw dropped, you stared at Lumine in utter disbelief.
“Yes!” she hissed.
“Now I see why everyone was staring at him… you too.”
“How did I not know? No, how did you not know?! Your so-called protector is Xiao…”
You ran your fingers through your hair. “I didn’t think it was necessary, besides, you never asked.”
“Fuck you, let’s go back,” she said, sweetly smiling at you. You suddenly had a bad feeling. The iron grip she had on your arm slightly terrified you. Lumine led you back to where Xiao stood.
“Hi, sorry for keeping you waiting,” you said, sending Lumine a glare. She pinched you in response.
“It’s fine,” he said. “You dropped his, by the way, when you uh, bumped into me.”
Bumped was too nice of a word to replace what had really happened. You laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, sorry about that, you aren’t hurt, are you?”
He shook his head. “Here,” he said, handing you your keys.
“Oh, so that’s where my keys went,” you exclaim, taking your item back. “I was wondering where it went. Thank you!” You beamed at him.
He turned his head away. It went silent again.
Lumine took one look at the sudden mood change, then gave you a sly smile, and slipped away from the scene before you could even latch on to her. You watched as she ran away, her figure gradually merging in with the other students.
“Does it still hurt?” he asked once Lumine was out of sight.
“Your cheek, where the drink burned you. Does it still hurt?”
“No,” you said. “Thank you, again.”
“It’s nothing.”
“And uh, last time you left before I could ask you,” you said. “I would like to treat you to a cup of coffee as my thanks.”
“There’s really no need.”
“I insist. Are you free this Saturday?” you asked. “I’m [name], by the way.”
“Xiao,” he replied. “I’m free anytime.”
“Wonderful! I’ll see you this Saturday at Angels Hall then,” you said.
You hadn’t given Xiao much of a chance to speak before you left, giving him a small wave as you disappeared under the bright sunlight to look for Lumine. If you had stayed a little longer and observed a little closer, maybe you would’ve seen the furious blush that covered his cheeks that he so desperately tried to hide.
“Ooh-la-la, my goodness Xiao,” a cheeky voice came trailing up behind him. “Who’s the lucky one?”
Xiao glared at the newcomer. “Nobody, Venti.”
The short boy in green placed a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. “Oh Xiao, you won’t even tell me? That’s fine then, I’ll get Heizou to do it for me.” His voice had a slight tease to it.
“Shut it…”
The week passed by in a blink of an eye, and Saturday came faster than Xiao liked. You had told him the details when you— coincidentally, bumped into him while running some errands.
2:00pm, you had told him.
The clock was striking close to 1:45 and he was not ready to have a one-on-one conversation with you.
Xiao paced around his dorm anxiously, muttering incoherent nonsense to himself. His dorm mates looked at him curiously, but no word was said between them. Venti sat in one corner of the room, silently giggling to himself. He seemed to be the only one amused at Xiao’s demise.
“What’s got you so stressed out, Xiao?” one of his dorm mates asked. His green eyes glinted with interest.
“Nothing…” Xiao muttered.
“Doesn’t look like nothing to me. Are you meeting her?”
Xiao froze. “How do you know? Did Venti tell you?”
“Ah, so you ARE meeting up with her.”
“You did WHAT NOW?!”
Aether winced at Hutao’s sudden outburst. “Tao, volume please.”
“Did she actually do it? You saw her ask him?” Hutao gripped tightly onto Lumine’s shoulders, gently shaking her. Her bright red eyes widened.
“I don’t know,” Lumine sheepishly admitted. “I ran away so they could have some time alone, you know?”
Hutao looked miserable, the way her bangs drooped down and covered her face. She dramatically sighed and spun herself onto her bed, the mattress squeaking as she did so.
You got up from where you sat and began rummaging through your tiny closet for a bag suitable for today's meeting. You couldn’t find one to your liking, so you began searching through Lumine’s closet. “Hey Lum, mind if I borrow your bag for the day? It’s the black messenger one.”
“Sure, just don’t get it dirtied,” Lumine replied nonchalantly. She crumpled up a piece of scrap paper and threw it at Aether. It landed directly on his forehead with a tiny bonk.
“Lumine!” he whined, rubbing at where the ball had hit him.
You quickly slipped on a pair of boots and opened the door. “I’ll take my leave now.”
“Have fun on your date!” Hutao cheered enthusiastically, her voice muffled. It seemed her glum mood had just dispelled.
“It’s not a date,” you groaned, exasperated.
“Make sure to tell us EVERY single little detail when you get back,” Lumine said, her eyes boring onto yours. You shivered.
“Bye [name]!” Aether waved at you, stopped short when another paper ball hit him. “Lumine! Stop throwing those at me, you’re cleaning them up.”
“Bye everyone,” you said. “Be back in an hour or so.”
Xiao was incredibly nervous. He really should’ve said no to your offer. But… he squeezed his eyes a shut and groaned. He couldn’t bear seeing the disappointment washing over that sparkle of joy in your eyes.
Curse his feelings. To hell with them.
Your eager voice snapped his out of his thoughts. He looked up at you, and his heart began to beat a little faster.
It’s just a friendly meetup, not a date.
“I didn’t keep you waiting for too long, did I?” you asked.
Xiao shook his head. “I just got here.”
“Great, let’s go in, shall we?” you said.
He nodded.
The door to the cafe opened with a jingle, and the ambiance of the environment allured you in further. Xiao followed closely behind you, his eyes darting around nervously.
A peculiar figure caught his eye, and he wanted to die right there and then at the sight.
Venti pushed his sunglasses up further and gave Xiao a shit eating grin. Seated around him was his dorm mates, everyone was there, watching him. Heizou gave him a wink, as if to say, ‘good luck’.
How they managed to get there before Xiao is beyond him.
“You fuckers…” Xiao mumbled under his breath.
You ushered him into a seat and handed him the menu.
“Order whatever,” you told him. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
When Xiao had made sure you were gone, he set the menu down and got up, making his way over to his friend group sitting in the corner.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here?” Xiao hissed.
Venti took off his sunglasses and gave Xiao an innocent look. “We just so happen to be passing by, didn’t know you were coming here too.”
Scaramouche scoffed, rolling his eyes. Heizou jabbed him.
“You know damn well…” Xiao said.
“Well Xiao, you shouldn’t stay for too long. Your date should be back soon,” Venti mused.
Speak of the devil, his sharp hearing picked up the sound of the bathroom door being open— despite the loud chatter of the cafe. He gave Venti a glare before returning to his seat and picking up the menu, acting as if nothing had transpired.
You reappeared, taking a seat across from him. “Chosen what you want yet?”
Xiao skimmed through the menu and quickly picked the one that looked the most appealing. “Yeah, an Angels Blessing, whatever that is.”
You called the waitress over and placed your orders.
“You really didn’t have to,” Xiao said, watching as the waitress left for the kitchen.
His words completely crossed your mind. Caught off guard by your silence, Xiao looked back at you.
Your eyes bore into his, an unreadable expression on your face. Xiao couldn’t bring himself to tear his gaze away from you even if he tried. Something compelled him to keep staring.
Suddenly the noises of the cafe blurred out, fading into nothing but a tiny buzz. It was just you and him, alone, sitting across from each other.
When had you become so pretty?
You smiled at him, the corners of your eyes crinkling up. “Xiao did you know?”
When did the butterflies began appearing?
“Know…” he swallowed the lump in his throat.
When did it happen? Why?
“You have really pretty eyes; they remind me of the stars glittering in the galaxy.”
Maybe that’s what had confirmed his skeptical feelings for you, because at that moment, Xiao felt like he fell in love all over again.
In love with all of you again.
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“memoirs, anew remembrance— autumn”
Memories. Taken in the form on pictures, notes, anything.
Xiao could remember the time he first laid eyes on you clear as day.
It was on campus last year autumn, during the annual sports festival, where you were one of the many participants racing for the win. Xiao stood together with his friends, betting on who would come out victorious.
He wasn’t particularly interested in who won or who lost, in fact, Xiao didn’t even want to be here in the festival in the first place. It was only under the solemn promise of free almond tofu that he agreed to go.
“I’m betting on the one in green,” Venti said. “5 dollars he wins.”
“The player in purple,” Kazuha pointed to the billboard listing all the players. “How about you Scaramouche?”
“I don’t fucking know, the black one?” Scaramouche muttered.
“I’m calling the purple one,” Heizou said. “Who are you betting on, Xiao?”
“Uh, the blue one?” Xiao blurted out.
Venti clapped his hands in glee. “Wonderful! May the gods be on my side and let the green player win!”
“Venti that’s not how it works.”
“Of course I’m fucking nervous…” you mumbled, fidgeting with your gloves.
The pink hair girl laughed, her green eyes twinkling. “You’ll do just fine. Those months of practice won’t go to waste.”
“I really do hope so…”
“Have some faith in yourself.”
“Thank you, Fei,” you said, feeling the strings of agitation pulling away.
“Best of luck,” Yanfei said, sending you a wink just as the booming voice of the announcer came on.
It was your time to shine— or horribly embarrassed yourself.
“They’re finally starting!” Venti exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. “Oh there’s the green one!”
Xiao watched closely as each player began taking field. The player he had betted on stood in the far corner. He hadn’t expected himself to be so interested in the game. Perhaps it was because he didn’t want to lose five dollars today.
‘And the players had taken field!’ the announcer shouted.
The crowd cheered.
‘A soon to be fantastic yet suspenseful game tonight, five players competing for the title of king. Only the best out of the best in the field tonight, this game surely will be an interesting one. And now without any further delays…’
Xiao held his breath, his eyes trained on the player in blue.
‘…may the game commence.’
The pressure was killing you. The eyes, the cheers, the lights. Yet none of those stopped you. All those months of ruthless training— not even a single second will be left to waste away.
You dropped into a trance, body moving on autopilot. The voice of your coach commanded your every move.
It was only when the stadium erupted into screams that you broke out from your daze, startled at the sudden outburst.
‘And we have a clear winner!’ the announcer broadcasted, her voice echoing over the crowd’s cries.
Lumine jumped over the railings and ran into to the field, successfully dodging the security trying to grab her. She body slammed you and engulfed you in a tight hug. “YOU WON! YOU DID IT!” Lumine screamed. “Oh my god I’m so proud of you. See I told you you’ll win.”
I won? …
Suddenly you felt weak, head spinning, vision blurring. “I won?” you muttered.
The rest of your friend group came running towards you too, and security didn’t even bother to try and stop the two kids barreling for you. Hutao smashed into you, one hand holding a small bouquet of flower. Aether slowed to a jog and brought out a spray bottle, showering cool water on you.
“Congratulations my dear!” Hutao cheered. “We all fucking told you you’ll win this. Dinner is on me tonight.”
“You did great,” Aether said, handing you a bottle of water.
The crowd of people was still cheering for your victory, and cheered even louder when you held up your hard-earned trophy high in air for everyone to see. You laughed, a tear of happiness rolling down your cheek.
I won.
“Aw damn,” Venti groaned. “I was so sure green would win…”
“Xiao got lucky today,” Heizou laughed, handing Xiao a five-dollar bill. “Twenty dollars and a free dessert.”
“Say, where are we going out tonight?” Kazuha asked, also handing Xiao a five.
“Thanks…” Xiao muttered. He wasn’t even paying attention to the group's conversation. His interest was driven onto somewhere else— someone else.
For some odd reason, Xiao couldn’t stop staring at you.
Enveloped by your friends in a giant bear hug, the trophy glinting under the stadium lights, you stood there, crying and laughing.
Xiao smiled softly to himself.
The second time Xiao saw you was during the week before midterms, and at that time, you looked like a mess.
You were in Angels Hall with your friends, paper upon papers scattered all over the table. The coffee you had ordered was left to the side was half drank, long gone cold.
“I can’t,” you whined. “This is so.”
Lumine sat next to you, head buried in her arms. “I agree.”
“How about we finish this unit then we go, because I don’t think I can’t last any longer either,” Aether said. “Right Tao?”
“It’s been 2 hours, not sure how much longer I can go for,” Hutao mumbled. “I feel like shit.”
You straightened up. “Let’s go back to our dorm. None of us here wants to be here any longer.”
“I second that,” Lumine said, downing the last bits of her drink in one go.
Hutao began organizing all the papers into a neat stack before stuffing it into her bag, regardless of if it wrinkles. The waiter dropped by and handed you the bill with a forced smile.
“Let’s go,” Hutao said, getting up from her seat. Lumine was already by the exit, impatiently tapping her foot.
You set down a twenty-dollar bill and left with the rest of the group, the twinkling of the silver bell indicating your departure.
Xiao couldn’t help but feel disappointed, watching you leave.
Kazuha tapped his arm. “Xiao, are you good? You seem distracted.”
“He’s probably got his mind on someone,” Heizou said.
“Xiao? Liking someone? No way,” Venti gasped.
“Can you all just shut the fuck up and focus?” Scaramouche growled, already fed up. “Especially you, Venti.”
“Aha, sorry…”
The third time Xiao ran into you was at the coffee place you worked at. He had just randomly chosen a cafe to get a breather, a break from his work and from the rain. He had figured that this tiny cafe was the best place to enjoy his time and peace. It was during the evening, when there were just barely any more costumers coming in.
You stood behind the cashier, a bright smile plastered on your face.
“An iced black coffee,” he told you.
It hasn’t even been two minutes after he had paid, and his order was already ready to go.
“…thank you,” Xiao managed out. He quickly turned away and found a seat in the corner of the store, the tip of his ears already tinted red. There was no way he could return that bright grin of yours without turning into a tomato.
The way you smiled at him… the way you looked with your hair tucked behind your ear. In his eyes, you’re the literal embodiment of the ethereal celestial being send from the skies above. He had never felt like this towards someone ever before, this was a first for him. But all the signs made it clear— the way his heart pounds abnormally fast, the way his words get caught up in his throat, the way the butterflies flutter around in his stomach— it was all enough for Xiao to know that he had developed a crush for you.
No. He does not have a crush on you, he just merrily found you attractive. That is all there is to that.
“… single, aren’t you?”
Xiao snapped his head up, thoughts interrupted. He glanced over at the customer who was leaned over the counter, trying to act cool. The way your shoulders were tensed up, the stutters in your words— it was clear you were uncomfortable with his sudden advancements.
“Why don’t you leave her the fuck alone?” he snarled, caught off guard by his harsh tone.
What transpired afterwards was history, but ever since that incident, he has been coming in every day. By then, you had recognized Xiao as a regular in the new cafe you worked at. Every day he would appear exactly at 3:00pm, and order the same thing— a black coffee, and leave minutes before you get off your shift.
You found it endearing, how a mere stranger watched over you so protectively. Although your friends begged to differ.
“Pretty boy?” Lumine snorted. “Oh please, what if he’s going to kidnap you one day?”
“As if,” you retorted. “I trust my guts.”
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“crystalline, frosted confessions— winter.”
“— coffee. Got it right here,” you said, holding up the cup of freshly brewed coffee. “As per usual, that’ll be 2.35$. But since you’ve been a regular here for so long, I’m cutting the price down to 1.75$.”
“Thank you,” Xiao handed you two dollars and took the coffee, where then he proceeded to sit in the same spot he had been sitting in for past few weeks.
The store was completely empty expect for Xiao. As expected, you thought. Nobody would want to be out when the weather had predicted an snowstorm. Flurries of snowflakes bend and shaped by the wind covered the outside world in a softened blanket of white.
“It’s snowing pretty hard outside,” you thought out loud, elbow resting against the marble counter. “Are you cold? I could turn the heater up.”
“It’s fine,” Xiao replied. “Why are you still working today anyways? It’s snowing really hard out there.”
“Who’s going to run the store if not me?” you laughed. “The boss offered me a pay raise if I stayed to attend the store today. Obviously, I can’t turn that offer down.”
Xiao gave a hum of acknowledgment. “I’ll drive you back to campus. It’s too dangerous for you to walk out there alone.”
His words caught you by surprise. Never would you have thought Xiao would be offering to drive you back to the dorms.
“How kind of you, thank you Xiao,” you said. “I’ll be closing down in maybe a couple minutes. Then we can go.”
Hail had slowly begun to mix in with the snow. The tiny ice fragments pattered against the window, creating a clicking sound. You began cleaning up— there wasn’t much to be done, but you still liked the store to be spotless before you leave. Setting the dried towel by the sink, you took off your apron and hung it in the back.
Xiao finished up his drink and threw the disposable cup away, making sure to grab napkins to wipe the table clean.
By the time he had cleaned his table, you were ready to leave. Xiao narrowed his eyes.
“Where’s your jacket?” he asked.
“Oh, I forgot mines,” you said, pushing open the door. You shivered at the cold blast of wind. “Left in a hurry this morning... ha-ha.”
Xiao bit down on his lips. “Can’t be helped,” he sighed, walking out the door.
You locked the store and flipped over the OPEN sign to CLOSED. “Let’s go,” you said. Your nose was already turning red.
“Here,” Xiao muttered, draping his jacket over you. “I… don’t want you to get sick.”
You felt your face heat up and your heart race. "I— thank you, Xiao.”
Xiao turned away and began walking towards his car. His heart was pounding mercilessly against his chest as he unlocked the door to his sleek black Toyota. You stood by him, snuggled up in his jacket, and stepped into the car when Xiao opened the door for you.
What a gentleman, you thought to yourself.
The car reverberated to life as Xiao turned the engine on, and with it, the heater was turned on too. A blast of warm air surrounded you, and your body relaxed, taking in the warmth.
You felt yourself slowly dozing off as Xiao drove through the storm. You weren’t even tired, perhaps it was the environment that had lulled you into a dreamlike state.
Time passed by slowly, and when Xiao had parked by your dorm, you were fast asleep. He almost didn’t want to wake you.
“Hey,” he whispered, nudging your shoulder.
“Five more minutes…” you mumbled, shrugging his hand away. “Five…”
He stifled a laugh. “We’ve arrived at your dorm. I think I see Lumine up there.”
You snapped open your eyes and sat up straight. “Where?!”
The laugh he had been keeping in bubbled out. You looked at him, eyes half lidded, confusion written all over your face.
“We’re at your dorm, let’s go, the storms getting worse,” Xiao said, getting out the car. He jogged over to the other side and opened the door before you could. “Careful there, the roads iced up.”
Your movements were sluggish as you got out from the car, grabbing onto Xiao for support. “Sorry,” you mumbled.
You felt Xiao wrap one arm around your waist to support your weight, slowly guiding you through the path and up the stairs to your dormitory. The harsh wind that slapped you in the face was enough of a wakeup call, and you fumbled to fish your keys out your pocket.
Pushing the key into the lock, you turned back to face Xiao— but he was already down the stairs by his car. He caught your eye, and you hastily gave him a wave before disappearing indoors, where the warmth awaited you. “Thank you,” you mouthed, and the door closed behind you.
Xiao stayed outside your dormitory for a little bit, watching the shadows of your friends engulfing you through the sheer curtains that fluttered around. An unmistakable feeling of heat rushed throughout his body, and he smiled to himself, then sneezed.
“Wait, wait, WAIT,” Lumine grabbed your sleeve and pushed you onto your bunk. “You got home awfully fast today, and whose jacket is that?”
Hutao walked out from the bathroom, a towel slung over her shoulders. “I think I’ve seen that jacket somewhere before.”
“Oh, wait isn’t that Xiao’s jacket?” Aether piped in, setting his headset aside and spinning around to face the two of you.
“That’s where I’ve seen it,” Hutao said with a snap of her fingers. “That emo guy that everyone seems to be obsessed with, I’ve seen him walking around campus several times in that same jacket.”
“That emo guy,” Aether repeated. “Isn’t he your cousin?”
“Did something happen between you and Xiao?” Lumine asked, eyes glittering with excitement.
You laughed nervously. “Well yeah, sort of? I mean, he drove me back here…”
Lumine’s eyes went wide open. “Now that’s a first. Oh, girl he definitely likes you.”
“He did it because it was snowing like crazy out there and I didn’t have a jacket with me!”
“Excuses,” Hutao snorted. “I can tell you that Xiao never lets anyone else in his car other than his close friends. I’ve asked him for a ride once and I had to beg for it, EVEN though we were cousins, and I still had to Uber back home.”
Lumine nodded. “Can confirm, I was there to witness it all.”
You shook your head. “There’s no way. Anyways! To celebrate me getting a pay raise, dinners on me tonight!”
“Wooo!” Hutao cheered, throwing on a thick puffer jacket. “Where are we off to?”
“Is he… sick?” Kazuha asked worriedly.
The boys gathered around Xiao’s bed, listening to his coughs and sniffles.
“Leave me be…” Xiao mumbled, pulling his blanket over his head.
“He definitely sounds sick," Heizou commented.
"This is what you get for not wearing a jacket out yesterday... I'd say it's well-deserved." Scaramouche snorted, tossing yet another packet of tissues at Xiao.
"He wasn't wearing a jacket?" Venti echoed, his loud voice traveling from the kitchen into Xiao's room. "Didn't he leave with a jacket though? The green and black one?"
Heizou raised a brow, one hand under his chin. A quizzical look appeared, followed by a know-it-all one. "I think I know where his jacket went," he said, a sly grin dancing on his lips.
"Get the fuck out of my room."
“Tao, whenever you’re able to, can you help me return this jacket to Xiao? I haven’t been able to find him anywhere,” you said, hanging up your bag. Xiao’s black and green jacket hung next to your school bag, a scent of fresh laundry within the fibers.
Hutao popped a piece of gum in her mouth and chewed loudly. “I honestly have no clue where he is. I can help you get in touch with the pests he hangs around though.”
“That’d be lovely,” you replied, shooting Tao a grateful smile.
“Hey Xiao.”
Venti sighed in defeat and turned away from Xiao’s room, instead plopping himself down on the couch. Kazuha hummed to himself as he stirred the giant bowl of batter he had in his arms— as far as Venti remembers, he was making chocolate chip cookies. A classic favorite among everyone.
Scaramouche was out of town, called back home for a family emergency. Heizou on the hand, had locked himself in one of the many study cubbies in the campus’s library to study for his upcoming exam. And Xiao— well, he’s passed out sick.
Venti sighed once again, bored out of his mind. He lazily opened up his phone and was greeted by a text from Xiao’s cousin: Hutao.
[5:14pm] Hutao >> u available rn?
“Hey! You must be Venti, right?” you asked, standing up from the park bench you were just sitting on moments ago.
“And you’re the girl that Xiao’s been fawning over I presume,” Venti replied, smiling.
“My name— wait what?”
“Oh, it’s nothing— hey that’s Xiao’s jacket!” Venti pointed to the black jacket draped over your arms. “Right?”
“Yeah, I was hoping you’d help me return this to him,” you said sheepishly.
Venti pressed his hand to his chest. “Oh, I would love to, but I think it’s best if you do it!”
Puzzled by his response, you ask, “Why?”
He sighed dramatically and collapsed onto the bench, feigning heartache. “Well you see, poor Xiao had locked himself up in his room, burning up a fever— and wants nothing to do with me at the moment. If I were to try and enter his room, I’m afraid I won’t see the light of day again.”
You blinked at Venti’s performance, slowly soaking in the information given. Does Xiao hate him? Why? You wanted to ask. “He’s sick?” was what came out your mouth instead.
“Terribly so.”
“Xiao?” you called out softly.
A shuffle was heard as the sickly student attempted to sit upright. You quickly entered the room and closed the door behind you, rushing over to Xiao’s side the moment the door clicked shut.
“Hey,” you said, smiling. “Hope you don’t mind the intrusion.”
Xiao blinked groggily, fighting against the sleep medication he had taken hours ago. “What are you”— he sneezed “doing here?”
“Came here to return your jacket,” you replied, draping his jacket over his pink gaming chair. An odd expression crossed your face, but you didn’t speak of it.
Xiao managed to sit upright despite being in absolute agony. His head throbbed painfully, an unfortunate side effect of his medication. You placed a hand over the small of his back and helped him ease into a more comfortable position. "Easy there Xiao..." you murmured. "Don't strain yourself too much."
"I'll be fine," he said. "You shouldn't be here— you know, with me being sick and all. You might get sick too."
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips. "You're the one here sick, and you're worried about me? Besides, I didn't see you for the past week and I miss your presence."
There was a tease in your voice, and Xiao caught it. Yet he couldn't control the way his heart sped up. He cleared his throat, adverting his body away from where you sat. Perhaps being sick isn't so bad after all, he could at least use the fever as an excuse as to why his face is burning a scarlet red.
You felt your smile grow bigger seeing his reaction. "Don't turn around now— we've known each other for so long now, it's weird being somewhere without you." You were confident, almost too confident with your words. But with graduation so close, you knew that there wasn't much time left for you to spill your feelings. It was like gambling, gambling time and memories away.
Outside, the sun began to dip below the horizon. Snow resting upon the frail branch of the young oak crumbled when a chunk of ice shattered against the trunk.
“Heizou!” the shrill voice of Venti shrieked.
Either you win, or you'll lose it all.
Xiao remained silent, unsure of how to process your words. He wanted to believe everything you said, but some part of himself won't allow him to. For all he knows, you could just be tugging on his heartstrings, playing it like a sick sort of a puppet show. But... he glanced at you. You weren't looking at him anymore, instead your attention was fixated on the scene happening outside his window.
The way the sunset created a golden aura around you made you look absolutely breathtaking, hitting all the right angles in all the right way. He didn't know there was a way for you to be any prettier than you already are. Would he have gotten to see you like this if he wasn't sick?
"Xiao." the seriousness laced with your tone made him tense up. You pushed yourself away from the window ledge and turned to face him. “Xiao,” you repeated. “Can I tell you something?”
Your heart was pounding. A year worth of buildup— he’s seen you at your worst, as you had seen him, how much longer are you able to hold it in for? There’s nothing you could really hide from this man; he was bound to find out about your crush sooner or later.
Xiao took in a deep breath. “Go on,” he croaked out. He wiped his sweaty palms on his blanket.
You bit the insides of your cheek. The words are at the tip of your tongue, but that’s the furthest they’re willing to go. “I— fuck I can’t say it,” you groaned, turning back to face the window.
"No," he said. "No, tell me."
That intense voice you knew all too familiar— now you know that there is no backing out. Xiao's stubbornness had been a constant pain in the ass for you, yet it was also a part of him that you found endearing.
"You promise this won't change anything?" you asked, voice small.
A creak followed by a shuffle, and you felt Xiao's arm wrap around your waist. His disheveled hair tickled against your cheek as he rests his head upon your shoulder. '"Nothing will change, I promise," he muttered.
Touch. In no way was this unusual for the two of you. But this time, it felt new. In this stifling environment, where the air was tense, everything feels unfamiliar. Xiao's touch felt unfamiliar. What if this ruins it all?
Fuck it.
"I really like you, you know that, Xiao?" you whispered.
Time seemed to freeze for a moment, and you felt your heart drop. This is it. The signs point to it all, it tells you that Xiao is the one, yet you can't help but think otherwise. Overthinking has always been a bad habit of yours.
After minutes of painful awkward silence (it was only a few seconds), Xiao replied. "I know."
"I really like you too, [name]. I've liked you since last year, since the moment I saw you on the field for the annual sports festival. And I fell deeper in love with you over the course of the year, seeing you around campus, at the cafe you worked— your very presence seems to bring comfort. I wanted to confess for so long, you know? But I didn't, I feared that it would've tampered with whatever we already had going on."
he paused to clear his throat.
"I like— no, I love you."
Through the window, the view of the night sky was in perfect sight. The stars above twinkled, and flashing by for just a second, was a shooting star.
Even the stars have spoken.
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✩ ·┆ masterlist
— the number of times i accidentally typed ‘ciao’ instead of ‘xiao’ is diabolical
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© acaaai-t — do not plagiarize, repost, or translate
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bearw-me · 4 months
Light smut for Adam (hazbin hotel) with a female reader that is like skinny fat? Big hips, flat but still not completely flat stomach and big boobies, I think he would see reader for the first time by her holding with her hands her tits when aggressively getting down the stairs in front of him so they can't bounce🙏🙏 by light smut I mean just him making dirty jokes and maybe staring at some part of her body
Anyways thanks if you do it and sorry if I wrote something wrong, English isn't my first language💞💞
i LOVE your prompt 😭😭 + don't apologize! I understood perfectly! <3
𝐓𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬 — 𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦
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𐐒 ft : adam x fem!reader 𐐒 cw : light smut/suggestive, no use of y/n, described reader, maskless adam, adam's a bit of a womanizer, adam is shameless plz be reminded 𐐒 summary : at one of adam's parties, he spies a total fucking babe coming down the stairs... and plans to stay by her side all night 𐐒 wk : 890 𐐒 note : if i apologized for my dirty mind/language unfortunately we'd be here all day! just-enjoy this my readers :)
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The party was already in full swing.
Adam, the first man, was known throughout heaven to throw such. . . parties. If God could call it that.
Events intended for angels and the most beautiful ascended souls of Earth to celebrate, to fucking party, to have fun, and to give Adam a chance to check out the women and their. . . assets.
The 'first man' glanced around the room with a small frown, sipping from a drink he'd nursed all night.
"Oh, yeah, that so?" He muttered, only half-listening to a blonde girl next to him as she gave him the usual shit: Giggling, tossing her head back to expose the supple flesh of her collarbones. Staring up innocently at him through her long lashes. Trying to lean closer to him, purposefully giving him an eyeful of her chest.
Adam smiled, the gesture nearly a fucking grimace, as he withstood her mind-numbing yapping. He rolled his eyes, letting his hand slip to the small of her back, knowing that his heart just wasn't in it.
What the fuck was up with him?
His eyes droned over the room. Gaze snagged by pretty faces, curves and stilettos. None of them really jumped out at him.
Until. . .
His eyes snapped to a woman at the top of the mansion's grand staircase. Young and tripping over herself laughing.
You had nearly raced down the stairs in heels, sniffling up your laughter and yelping every time your ankle gave into the weight of your movements. You held your chest close, smushing the cups of your dress up, hoping to stop your boobs from bouncing. Or heaven forbid someone see you like this-gawking at the sight.
When you reached the last stair, your left heel couldn't take the abuse any longer, snapping and sending you tumbling forward.
"Holy shit girl!" Adam had caught you in his arms before you fell, your figure stumbling hard enough into his chest that it fucking winded him.
You giggled, still planted firmly into his chest in a sort of lazy hug. Adam's arms thrown over your back. His rough hands sliding dangerously low down your back at the sudden contact,
"Sorry!" You hummed, glancing up to meet his golden eyes. Both of your breaths hitching. "You're. . . You're Adam," you said softly, the breath of your parted lips kissing his neck. Faces forced so close together. His brown hair haloed quiet literally against the rooms soft light.
Adam smirked, getting a good view of your chest pressed up against his in your clumsiness. "That's right, babe," he winked, shamelessly ogling your body, even daring to squeeze your back firmly to make his hand placement known to you.
He could've groaned at the feeling.
But sucked it up and held his restraints.
You blushed, trying to stand up from his arms in a haste, only to falter again and cling onto his shoulder for support.
"Back again?" He teased, backing off enough to let you hold onto his chest.
"I'm really sorry!" You offered with a sheepish smile, reaching down to fiddle with the straps of your heels. Nearly ripping the fucking things off your feet "These damned things!"
"Hey, I wouldn't put myself through the fucking torture. . ." He joked, managing to sneak a peak at the small of your back while you leaned down.
God you were sexy.
"But they do make your legs look good," he continued with a nod, drawing his gaze back to your struggles.
You discarded the pair of broken shoes, throwing them haphazardly to the wall with a laugh.
Finally able to stand on your own, you let go of him.
"For fucks sake," you sighed, still smiling despite the circumstances, and turning to fully face him now.
Adam watched you now, intently and more considerately, fully able to appreciate you.
The dress you wore hugged your body nicely, cinched at the perfect points and accentuating your feminine features. Adam tried to force himself to look away, even feign respect for you for a damned moment, but his gaze lingered too long. Almost fully planted at your chest. "Fuck," he mouths.
"Are you going to ask me my name or keep staring like a creep?" You asked, putting a hand on your hip and raising an eyebrow at him.
That finally seemed to snap him out of whatever spell you'd cast on him.
"Oh uh."
Before he could muster out a sorry excuse, you told him your name with a smile, still blushing at his surprising forwardness.
He repeated you name, with a whisper, as if trying to commit it to memory. Testing the syllables against his tongue.
"I'm-" He began to introduce confidently before you stopped him again. The sounds of your giggles lighting a fire in his groin.
"I know who you are. Remember?" You teased.
Adam chuckled at the breath of fresh air you provided him, even managing a blush. Never the type of man to be caught so hesitant or nervous before.
You watched him stroll closer, closing the distance between the two of your bodies with that handsome smirk of his. His hand bravely settling onto the curve of your back, pulling you flush against him.
"Can I get you a drink?" He offered, quietly hoping to get the chance to stay by your side all night.
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archerdepartures116 · 2 months
pet cafe au story snippet
I can't write for shit but I've wanted to write something about the au for a while now
and cause content has been a little dry lately..
anyways cat jiu and bun qingge!
 There are flames everywhere. What is happening?
It hurts.
What is happening?!
My meridians. 
it's like lava under my skin… 
The pain has faded.
I hear ringing…
Shen Jiu jolted upright to the feeling of movement and subtle rocking. 
He was…..being carried?
Shen Jiu blinked and tried to get his vision to focus. His heart was pounding. 
When he woke up after a qi deviation he was sure was lethal, he noticed something wrong right away. He was proven correct a second after when he lifted a hand and what came into view was a white paw. He had been turned into a cat. 
What the hell?
The second thing he noticed that was off was the surroundings he was in. He was in some sort of cage, though the sides of the box were made of some weird material that had a shiny, slippery smooth texture. Only the exit to the cage was made of some metal. 
“Oh curse the heavens.” he sneered as he pawed and clawed at the door until a human's face came into view.
A face that looked strikingly familiar to him. 
It wasn’t a direct one to one copy but the human had his sharp eyes and narrow mouth, his high cheekbones and pointy nose. The human wore clear glasses around his eyes. The human’s clothes looked strange and underdressed. 
What was going on? He was sure he never had any family.
He hissed, his fur puffing up in suspicion. 
“Ansty aren’t we? Let's get you out now.” The human frowned and unlocked the door to his cage.
Shen Jiu jumped out the second the lock sprung free and took a glance at his surroundings. There was a huge mat that covered the entire floor and multiple soft looking pillows that surrounded the corners of the room. When he turned to look at the human, he was talking to another person. When the other human in the room looked down, Shen Jiu was struck by his face.
That was the face of a traitor. Shen Jiu seethed. 
He hissed and the fur on his back raised in agitation. The man looked rather shocked by his reaction.
“Oh dang, I guess he really doesn’t like me huh bro?”
“Of course, you look stupid.” The four eyes smirked. 
“Awe dudeeeee-”. Bemoaned the ratty looking man. 
“We have a lot of animals to unload here, get to work or I'm not paying you.” 
“We own the cafe together wha-”
The traitor lookalike was cut off by four eyes when he turned and put a finger to his lips in a shushing motion. Four eyes then brought out a cage, which was carefully lowered to the ground. He seemed to be holding his breath. 
From what Shen Jiu could see, the interior of the cage contained a lot of hay and padding. The man set that cage in front of a wall and unlocked the door to it. 
“Be quiet, this little guy is very skittish.” the visually impaired one whispered to his companion. 
One moment there was absolute stillness. The next was whatever that was inside that cage bolted out, nearly crashing into the man’s leg. 
“aCK-” four eyes yelped as he tried to grab the bolting white blurb.
It was quite unseemly and humorous to watch the two fumbling humans try to catch the creature that was performing nearly impressive acrobatics to evade grabbing hands. 
“HE’S VERY SKITTISH FOR SURE-”, the traitor look alike said as he dived right into the carpet whilst trying to apprehend what Shen Jiu could now see was a bunny. 
When the two animals locked gazes, Shen Jiu knew immediately who it was.
Liu Qingge, Baizhan peak lord, Cang Qiong Mountain’s War God, had been reborn as a bunny. 
Shen Jiun was going to ascend to the heavens by laughing himself stupid. 
It seemed like Liu Qingge was very puzzled by this change of events and his momentary distraction allowed the traitor look alike to scoop him up and wrap his arms around Liu Qingge’s struggling form. 
This day couldn’t get better, Shen Jiu thought amusedly
One would think that Liu Qingge would have been reincarnated as a cat like him or some bigger predatory creature due to his hot and volatile personality and hunting prowess. Shen Jiu could almost appreciate the irony of this scene.  
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
I wanted to send in a request I thought of :) Homelander watching reader run to their work because they're late and thinking they're cute, so he flys them there. Thank you!
Admittedly, there's something neat about the toil of people's mundane little lives.
Homelander has a bird's eye view of it all from atop the city skyscrapers. Above it all, with the roar of the wind in his ears, it's easier to find a moment of peace. He can lose himself watching the hustle and bustle of the world moving beneath him, like a child staring down at a colony of ants swarming around a sugar cube.
Amidst the mess of them, he sees one moving quicker than the others. A mad dash of sorts. At first, he thinks it might be a job: a robbery, or some kind of pursuit. He hones his vision in on you, but instead of anything exciting, he sees that the thing you're racing for is just the bus.
Which you miss.
Homelander smirks to himself, canting his head to one side. You're braced against a light post, breathing hard, flushed. Your clothes are disheveled, a work bag hanging haphazardly off your shoulder.
You look... cute.
Glancing around, Homelander shrugs. He's got nothing better to do. Stepping off the building, he lets himself fall several dozen feet before his flight kicks in, and his body takes to a horizontal angle. He debates for a moment stopping, explaining himself to you first, but where's the fun in that?
Instead, he slows just enough not to give you whiplash, and plucks you right up off the curb, trying not to laugh at the way you scream. You're perfectly safe, his arms supporting your legs and your back, keeping you tucked against his chest, but you still clamber for purchase. You immediately take hold of his collar, while your other hand blindly grabs a fistful of hair at the back of his head.
He very nearly swerves before collecting himself.
"Hiya!" He greets, sporting his finest hero's grin. "Where ya headed?"
You do a double take, looking from him to the ground, and then back at him, wide-eyed and in disbelief. "H-Homelander?! What-why-I-"
"Heyy, hey, hey! It's alright," he laughs, rolling to fly on his back, sitting up slightly, offering you more support. "Saw you miss your bus. Thought I'd lend a hand. Well, two hands. So, where're you headed?"
"Work..." You answer breathlessly, staring up at him with wide, buggy eyes. Your heart is thundering, your skin warm with the flush of it.
He slowly quirks a brow. "Which is... Where?"
"Oh, right, sorry, it's, uhm, the corner of Bowery and 4th," you say, hands still locked tight on his collar and in his hair. Disbelief looks good on you.
"Quite a grip you've got," he says, twisting once more through the air, rebalancing so that he's looking where he's going.
"Sorry!" You chirp, quickly pulling your hand from his hair. You look mortified with yourself, but curiously enough, you've not once broken eye contact with him.
"Ever met a hero before?" He asks, shamelessly fishing.
"Uh, no. Lamplighter spoke at a seminar I attended once, but he didn't... No, I haven't." Your grip on his collar has eased some, but you're still clinging to it, knuckles just barely brushing his bare throat. He's trying not to be too distracted by it. "Do heroes often ferry civilians who're late to work?"
"Just the cute ones," he answers with a sly wink.
Your eyes widen, lips parted. You look dumbstruck and kissable, but for now he's enjoying his little game too much. He's luxuriating in personifying the mysterious hero who descended from the heavens and inexplicably ascended with you, rescuing you not from death or destruction, but something as simple as a late start to your day.
After a beat, you laugh sheepishly. "Just the cute heroes, or just the cute civilians?"
"Looks to me like it's both," he quips, wearing charm as easily as any mask.
"You think you're cute?" You bounce right back, settling into a smile of your own.
Your quick wit earns a bark of laughter from him. "Who, me? I think I'm adorable," he says, waggling his brows. He's charmed by the way you laugh at that: not overly pitchy or false. You have a sincerity to your laugh that he likes. "Oh, brother," you say, finally looking away. There's a fond kind of exasperation in your voice that makes the exchange feel familiar. You're not just cute, you're real, too.
"You disagree?" He asks, feigning offense with an exaggerated lift of his brows.
You keep your gaze averted, chewing at your bottom lip. He can tell you're biting back your smile. You can't help it. You must be terribly endeared already. How could you not be?
"Would you drop me if I did?" You ask, throwing him a sidelong glance.
He pretends to consider it. "Mm, yeah. Probably."
You laugh, sounding equal parts alarmed and amused. "Then, out of self preservation, I guess I will have to agree," you say, turning to look properly at him. "I think you're very cute."
Unexpected warmth blossoms in his chest at that, softening his expression into a gentler delight, his smile emphasizing the crinkles at the corners of his eyes.
All too soon, the two of you arrive at your destination. Homelander floats gently to the ground just outside your office building, parting the flow of civilians who eagerly take note of Homelander's presence, pulling out their phones to snap a photo or thirty up close and personal.
Homelander sets you on your feet before his hands reflexively settle on his hips, the classic hero stance. You pull out your phone, and huff a soft laugh. "Wow, I'm... almost twenty minutes early," you say, slipping your phone back into your pocket. "I... Thank you, Homelander."
"My pleasure, ah...?" He extends a hand to you, and you make a sweet little noise of apology as you shake his hand, giving him your name. Homelander smiles as he repeats it back to you, testing the weight of it on his tongue. He likes it.
"I guess I will... see you around?" You say, taking a step back. There's a crowd starting to gather, circling the two of you with cellphones at the ready, taking either photos or videos, both of the two of you and of themselves with the two of you. Your face is going to be all over Twitter in seconds, he knows. The world will want to know who you are.
He finds himself wanting to know the same.
"You just might," he replies, smiling broadly. "After all, I know where you work."
He's not kidding, but you both laugh like it's a joke anyways.
"Uhm, excuse me, mister Homelander? Could I get a selfie?" Someone from the crowd asks, tentatively stepping forward.
Homelander glances over at them, and then back to you. He offers you a little salute, and says, "Catch you later." Next, he turns back to the crowd, and beckons the person forward. "Course you can! C'mon over."
Patiently, he takes a couple dozen pictures. He grins broadly for each one, though the contrast between these smiles and the ones he shared with you feels sharp. However, something that keeps him around a little longer is the fact he can see you out of his peripheral, lingering in the doorway of your building, smiling at him.
Eventually, it must come to an end.
"Alright, alright, thank you folks! Always a pleasure! Thank you! Ahah, remember, you guys are the real heroes! Get out there and prove it! Keep this country great!" He says, rattling off his party lines as he points to random members of the crowd, lifting up from the sidewalk.
He chances one last look to the doorway, but you're already gone. He's surprised to feel an unsettling pang of disappointment at your absence. He hums softly to himself. With that, he takes off across the sky.
No matter. He's already decided that he will be seeing you again.
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umbran6 · 2 years
What if... Leo Became a God?
Okay, but what if Leo literally burnt away his mortality during Blood of Olympus while fighting Gaea?
Now, before you go ahead and bring out the sledgehammers and pitchforks, or think I'm just doing it as a joke, this is a possibility that I'm being very sincere in considering this. And it is a possibility, because this isn't the first time this has happened in myth - Heracles did it first. So if burning himself alive in a freaking pyre was all Heracles needed to ascend to godhood, Leo literally burning himself alive using his own flames to kill a Primordial should be more than enough. Plus there's the whole Hera mimicking what Demeter did with Demophon, so we could say he's nearly there. Him burning himself alive is just that final push he needed to become a god, burning away his own mortality.
I mean, think about it. The prophecy always said, an oath to hold with a final breath, but it never meant Leo had to get close to perma-dead. Riordan did it just fine with the Physician's Cure, having Leo achieve apotheosis to do so would also be a way to circumvent the loophole in the prophecy. The phrasing is vague in that 'final breath' could be interpreted in multiple ways, such as 'one's final breath as a mortal.'
Oh the irony. We all thought Leo was going to die, then bam! Boy ends up with a permanent lease on life by literally burning himself alive, a lot more power than he could ever imagine getting, and a lot of freedom he never had as a mortal. He's lucky demigod #3 to ascend to godhood without divine patronage, right after Heracles and Dionysus. When he returns to Camp Half-Blood, it isn't on Festus, but him straight-up materializing in the middle of his funeral. Nearly every Greek and Roman but especially Nico mentally screams WTF as they realize that the funeral hasn't even ended, and Leo's shroud is basically his first offering.
His friends reactions to seeing him - and realizing the truth of what he has become. Jason and Piper are in shock, realizing that their friend is now going to stay young and will eventually watch them die and have to move on. Frank and Hazel are bewildered, because Leo's plan to burn himself alive to defeat Gaea had gone horribly right and now they have to deal with the fact that they had a hand in Leo's apotheosis. Percy and Annabeth are bewildered and shocked at the fact that Leo just straight up became a god - and the now very real reality that one of them may eventually do so (cough cough Percy).
When Leo goes to free Calypso, she literally has to process the fact that the boy she may have liked is now a god - the very beings she despises for imprisoning her in Ogygia. That eventually Leo may most likely move on to someone else and dump her. This crashes especially hard when she gets out of that island and realizes that she's become mortal. The dynamics between them have completely changed and Leo isn't aware of it, and Calypso doesn't know how to process that.
Hera is the one to explain exactly is going on to Leo, because she knows she had a hand in Leo becoming a god. She owes him at the very least to guide Leo in his new reality, and both the positive and negative benefits that are associated with ascension to godhood. Hephaestus doesn't know how to handle Leo now basically being just there forever, because none of his children ever became gods unless they were the children of him and a god. Nemesis marvels at the irony of Leo becoming a god while stealing Gaea's life, noting that this was a rather marvelous way that Leo rained his vengeance upon her. Apollo's just friendly because now he has a new friend to be with him in Olympus.
But this ending - for Heroes of Olympus as a whole - would be more poetic and a parallel to The Last Olympian. Percy was satisfied with who he was, protecting the world to save those he loves and he's happy with that. Leo is one who ascends to the heavens in his feat to avenge those he loves and destroying those who tried to destroy him.
But... there's one thing they have in common.
Leo's first act as a god isn't to rescue Calypso. It isn't to appear before the Seven and let them know he's alive. Leo appears in the Underworld and requests for only a single soul to be allowed a second chance at life. The single soul that he loves the most.
Esperanza Valdez is brought out of the underworld, and Leo freezes. The boy on fire who became a god turns back into a boy of eight years old as he finally gets back the mom he lost so long ago as he hugs her as best as he can. He hadn't expected to be a god. He didn't know what would happen next. But this - this is one of the few times things actually feel right. They've both been given a new lease on life - one longer than the other, but they can finally keep moving forward.
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lol-jackles · 10 months
As someone who hates Destiel and the shippers with a passion. It annoys me to admit it felt like Castiel and Dean got alot of moments in S15. Nearly up there with Sam and Dean moment. Also Sam and Castiel didn't even get a goodbye scene. Did they even have a big scene together?
While I do think the original intent of season 15 was to make it Dean and Cas focused because Jared was supposed to leave SPN after season 14, I also think you had a yellow-car confirmation bias.  Attention is naturally very selective.  You might not find a yellow car (because yellow cars are not common), but you might look out for cars in the hopes of spotting a yellow one.  That ~confession scene was given way too much credit and attention by superfans in an otherwise decent episode. But Cas's speech wasn’t for you and the superfans, it was for general audience and casual fans to remind them that Dean is still a hero because they only seen Sam acting heroically trying to protect people from the Snap.  Dean going after Billie looked more like revenge and it was at the cost of Cas’s life.  So this lesson to Dean is that it isn’t all about him.  That’s right, a speech that seems to be all about Dean is actually saying it’s not all about him. 
Cas to Dean: Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are”.  
Audience:  Well, duh.  Also, thanks for the reminder but why?
*Dean dies two episodes later*
Audiene: Oh that’s why.  
So from my perspective, season 15 did not have much Cas and Dean moments other than Cas having a hissy huff in purgatory and Dean's awkward anxiety attack three minutes later, and the meme-making scene that is now tumblr's breaking news template because how indifferent Dean was. I'm sure those two did have more scenes together than the ones I mentioned but they're unmemorable and so apparently unimportant to the plot.
In contrast I remember what Sam and Dean were doing in season 15: the free will vs determinism question and how to escape determinism. Sam represented the former and Dean represented the latter.  Dean believes in determinism so his idea of getting free will (killing Chuck by using Jack as a bomb) was wrong. During their push and pull, Dean has to seek and give forgiveness before he ascends to heaven because (in my interpretation of Christianity), one has to learn to forgive in order to enter heaven because the Savior has died for your sins and forgiven your sins.
Lucifer returns because the devils' purpose on the show is to show God how undeserving humans are by leading them astray. Sam is constantly proving the devil wrong about humanity and lead people in the right direction, in season 15 it's stopping and talking down Dean from his kill-Chuck plan and finding another way to save the world. Sam's fatherly relationship with Jack ascends him into a benevolent God of free will, and from there Sam (and Dean) could write their own stories and complete his Hero Journey arc.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Yan parent Apocalypse??? Woah
Maybe the reader has a reincarnation sort of power and turns out to be his child during the Egyptian era?
(the X-Men evolution version, but now that I think about it he doesn't get much character depth to him)
Oh heavens, I almost forgot he was a possible option- But, to be honest, yes, I can do that. Let's do this for you, Apocalypse Anon:
You had always had a... unique... power.
One that earned you quite the reputation.
You were a mutant who could reincarnate.
That meant you could live forever, basically, as when one life died, you'd pass to another, and the cycle repeated, unbreaking, unending, since as far back as you can remember. That being said...
You were afraid of your past.
Namely, your father, once a Pharoah, who wanted to remake the world in his image... En Sabah Nur, or what he would later be called, Apocalypse.
You did everything in your power in each life to ensure he never broke out of his eternal imprisonment. If he were to break free all H*ll would break loose. He was nearly all-powerful, a fighter, someone who waged wars and won then, not backing down and never giving in.
You were possibly the one sentient being he cared about. You were his child, after all.
His one heir, named a god in their own right...
And now all your hard work to ensure he never escaped had been destroyed. Crushed. Obliterated. All because some shape-shifting, mind-controller, and some poor teen with... a LOT of powers? broke in and broke the last seal on your father's tomb.
The moment he's released, you can see him drawing the powers from the poor girl, and the statue of the shapeshifter, nothing but a stone husk of her former glory.
"That's enough, En Sabah Nur! Release her!" you scream, charging into the fray. Yet you don't don't make it far enough to land a blow as Apocalypse uses his new abilities to toss you aside.
"That is enough, pest," he intones, then turns, starting to leave the rocky chamber. You can hear others approaching, a smaller mutant running past as he goes to check on the fallen teenager. To stop any further damage, you play your last card:
"Father! It's me! Your Lotus of the Nile, your Heir! Remember? You once saw one floating into the royal pools, upon which a bee landed, taking from it its nectar. You dubbed me your lotus, your nectar of the flower, the honey of the gods," you cry out carefully, voice echoing in the chamber. You watch warily as the mutant freezes, turning to face you. His eyes are hard to read, cold and calculating... After a small eternity, he finally speaks...
"Child... It has been too long... It seems I'm not alone," he says, then waves his hand. In a flash your pulled forward, forced along as he ascends into the upper chambers. "We have much to do, my dear lotus... Now, it is time to remake the world as it should have been."
You glance back, sighing quietly with relief. At least the other two were spared for now. You mouth to them a message:
"I'll help you. Eyes on the inside."
And then you and your father are brought into a battle, facing off against the mutants who've come to stop him, and all you can do is pray they believe you, trust you enough to supply them help from the inside of Apocalypse's schemes. If you survive his 'love' long enough...
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theliterarywolf · 8 months
I'm actually really happy that Sir Pentious became the first Sinner ever to ascend to Heaven, though I wish he actually landed a really cool hit on Adam before he got vaporized.
Oh another thing, what do you think about Alastor in the end? He seems just shaken up because he nearly died, but I also think that he was genuinely caught off-guard by how far he went trying to protect the Hotel and can't understand that he himself ahs a capacity for goodness. The cute scene with Niffty from before the final battle kinda pushed that idea for me.
See, I personally don't think he's shaken about how much he wanted to protect the Hotel because he's still under his mysterious deal.
I think he's more shaken about 'I should have been able to drop Adam in like five seconds, does this deal really have me this weak? Damn it, I need a Union...'
I will agree that he is seeing the residents as more than just pieces on the board, though.
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londonfoginacup · 1 year
The mythological symbol of a ladder extending from Earth to heaven appeared in a dream to Jacob, son of Isaac. The icon of a cosmic stairway on which angels move up and down between the earth below and Yahweh at the top is recorded in the Hebrew bible. Within the major world religions, the image of the sky ladder is little more than a vestige of a motif that played a far more prominent role in ancient cosmologies worldwide. You don't know your bible.
(Note: religion and theology talk ahead)
Ex… Excuse me??????? I wake up to THIS?? Anon what. WHAT.
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“You don’t know your Bible” oh my god I have never felt so insulted. I don’t fall for anon bait usually but jfc you’ve found my weak spot. WHAT. Are you really trying to imply that my funny little Daylight/Late Night Talking fanart was in reference to JACOB’S LADDER?
(Screencapped like this to make it smaller)
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What. Do you think I am unaware of the theological interpretations of Jacob’s Ladder? The ladder that Jacob saw in a dream/vision while fleeing from Esau? Are you trying to make me aware of the many interpretations of Jacob’s Ladder, anon, that perhaps it’s referring to the many exiles of the Jewish people (I lean toward that one), or that it signifies the bridge between Earth and heaven (as Jacob was likely on Mount Moriah at the time), or perhaps that it’s a representation of the personal struggle with sin over a lifetime, the way one ascends and falls? Is it a representation of the covenant between God and his people? Or even the Islamic interpretation, which I do not pretend to know nearly as much about, that the ladder represents the straight and narrow path? Or, as you refer to the Bible, I assume you are looking for the common Christian interpretation where this ladder is God bridging the gap to Man, unlike when Man tried to do the opposite with the Tower of Babel, now Jesus himself is the ladder, as he himself states in John 1:50-51?
Anon. ANON. You come to ME about religion? Would you perhaps like to see the photo I took MYSELF of the Jacob’s ladder that climbs the side of the cathedral in Bath? (Trick question you can’t because I’m at work and it’s on my home computer)
Well first of all I’ll have you know that the art I made was based off of this post “second mv now where he's coming from the sky...”. Like??? I was doing art based on the symbolism of Harry’s videos. Come on. If this was a ladder ascending to the heavens, Harry would be a HELL OF A LOT HIGHER UP. PLANES FLY HIGHER THAN THAT BOY. I assume that the vision is more of him creating a separation for himself, of coming down to interact with the world and ascending back to safety. Also, if anything, I would look at the art I made and deduce a sort of princess and the pea idea from it. A stranded princess sleeping atop an offered bed while people around watch to see if she really is the princess she says she is, waiting for her to fail at the tasks given her, an audience intent on hoping she will miss the pea under her heaven-high stack of mattresses, or hoping perhaps that she’ll just fall off the ladder.
Anon. NOTHING in this art was biblical allegory. And if it was? You would be able to tell! I am not subtle with my allegories!
Perhaps you would like to read my Christmas fic Unto You in which I wrote the story of the birth of Christ as an a/b/o fic set in Victorian England where Harry is Mother Mary. IS THAT SUBTLE ENOUGH FOR YOU?
Or, actually more subtle, my Big Bang fic Through a Mirror Dimly the title of which references 1 Corinthians 13:12 “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”‬ ‭(ESV‬‬ version), in which I use that verse in reference to the darkness that Louis in that fic is living in, as someone struggling with undiagnosed OCD and whose roommate is not able to see him for who he truly is until the truth is revealed.
“little more than a vestige of a motif that played a far more prominent role in ancient cosmologies worldwide” Your attempt at pretentiousness is lost when you are not fighting a real battle. Come to me when you want to have a real conversation about the apologetic implications of Phil 1:15-18 and using biblical types as trope in fic. Then we can talk.
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thinknicht · 1 year
Silver lining and your latest Sixth Hokage was so goooddddd!!!!! Finally I reached the latest chapter of Sixth Hokage and goddamn, my soul seems to be ascend to heaven of how you build up their relationship! I have so much to say about Sixth Hokage, but one thing for sure that its a really roller coaster ride!
I kinda worry about the major character death, like what--don't do it girl. I know your magic, witch. You put those magic chakra and intriguing pov of the characters to distract me, but it doesn't change the fact about that shiny red flag really worries me the most 😭
I really appreciate the depth you put on those characters. Shikamaru lowkey hating Sakura, and how a showoff he was to Temari. Hinata and Tenten jealous to Sakura, not knowing how Sakura struggles about her journey. Choji picking up the subtle hints and gets it immediately. He knows that Kakashi is becoming an absolute menace when he states about his interest to Sakura. My most favorite chapter on Sixth Hokage will be always Ino entering Sakura's mind. It was a fucking shitshow and I absolutely love it. The chapter where Sakura poisoned Kurenai and she nearly killed Danzo was the absolute best.
Asuma knowing that Kurenai is part of root and naming their child, Mirai, was really fucked up. I feel bad to the guy.
Sakura really radiated about that scene from Legally Blonde, 'what? like it's hard?' when she do the impossible shit with so much ease.
Kakashi is a fascinating character ngl. An absolute menace (affectionate).
I think I need to reread Sixth Hokage.
Silver Lining? Best shit I read. The later chapters is so hilarious and make me giggle because the ANBU planned to make a seduction strategy for Kakashi to Sakura 😳😳
Oh, thank you so much for the ask! I so rarely get asks that I don’t check them much… sorry about that!
Legally blonde — best movie ever! I’m honored you compared the energies hahah! And that you read silver lining! Honestly, it’s bookmark and comment count is way lower than sixth shadow so I always get surprised when someone reads it and tells me about it! :)
Kakashi IS a menace in the fic, for sure… and major character death… I mean, I almost forgot I’d added that tag! But all you need to know is that she does travel to the past to fix things so…
The danzo Kurenai scene was really fun to write! And I’m surprised you like the Ino one so much — someone else told me the same thing recently! Anyway, thank you so much for the encouragement,
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creonininkwell · 2 years
Why doesn’t the devil just literally get it from the horses mouth from Charlie he has him caged up?
You think I didn't ask him myself?
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He wasn't put in the usual spots where all sinners are detained or tortured. Apparently, STICKLER set the soul aside since his death was a "special" case. Had I known this spineless idiot wasn't supposed to be dead, I wouldn't have been so...hasty with imprisoning him.
But how stupid do you have to be to TRIP all the way down from Heaven?
And where were the escorts? Someone had to be there to tell the idiot that it wasn't his time yet.
I can't recall why the sight of him ignited such rage in me. I will admit my outburst at that time was quite unbecoming of me. It's just that...his face reminded me of...things.
Memories...that are properly buried!
I took the liberty of bringing out the original Lucius for a chat. I needed a solid backstory, and a few alibis on the ready in case more of those unhinged Mayweathers pop up. Apparently, his own family had decided to kill him. All because this sod believed he was doing the right thing of freeing his family from a cursed pact with some demonic weed...
A weed.
The audacity of those wretches to not even make a pact with ME! Deals and pacts are supposed to be MY whole thing! For crying out loud! I'm The Devil! Now that I think about it, Stickler did bring up a disturbing fact that no new souls from this clan were added in the last 2 centuries. That's absurd!
Ugh, the stupid little nitwit was blubbering on and on about how much he tried and failed to uphold his miserable family's values. He couldn't participate in their insidious practices of feeding their demonic weed the blood and corpses of the unlucky sods. Then he started working up to the conclusion that he deserved to burn in Hell for not being a dutiful Mayweather and for not loving his sad excuse of a family. Heck, his failed attempt of freeing his family would've left them homeless and destitute. Miserable worm was even more guilt wracked at how he could've single-handedly ruined his family.
I got annoyed with his continuing self-deprecating spiel and put him back. Unfortunately, there's now a case of a misjudged soul in my possession. And THAT can't be ignored any longer. And if I don't rectify this problem soon...well I'll be getting a visit from above. And I absolutely refuse to see any of those feather-headed kiss-ups over this ONE STUPID SOUL.
But this might explain a few things. It seems like Lucius has been a persistent bugger and has left an impression on my subconscious. When I needed a disguise to approach the Cups' baby-sitter, his appearance and name slipped into mind almost immediately. The mistake I’ve made was lingering and etched into the very fabric of my being. And it will remain so until I resolve this mistake. I normally don’t care for rules, but this one...unfortunately can’t be ignored. I don’t wish to hear back from any of those feather-headed kiss-ups. One in particular.
So it is up to me to go and get more concrete answers from the so-called family. Except this time I’m going to be employing some muscle. If the last 3 encounters have taught me something, is that each of these Mayweathers are truly depraved.  So far it’s only 3 souls, and I’m not including the spineless original. Nearly 2 centuries and none of the Mayweather souls have entered my domain. Surely some of them should’ve died. There’s no way any of them had ascended to Heaven. And I should know. I actually have confirmation from those stupid Angels. I think it’s time that the oh so high and noble Mayweather clan finally pay their due.
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sparkly-key · 1 year
A small kindness
Aziraphale returns to Earth after weeks in Heaven, covertly slipping messages to Crowley about the Second Coming so they can figure out a way to thwart it. He should have known better than to think he could keep secrets in Heaven.
Whumptober 2023 Day 9 - "Learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days" | Polaroid | Mistaken Identity | "You're a liar"
The panels of lights passed over Aziraphale’s body as he ascended into Heaven, his mouth a thin line.
This wasn’t tickety-boo. Not good at all. In fact, it was looking rather disastrous.
“Muriel?” he called as he stepped over the bookshop threshold, the bell cheerfully tinkling above him. “Are you here?”
His favorite scrivener popped their head out from around the corner of a bookcase.
“Supreme Archangel Aziraphale! Hello!” they greeted, tossing something to the ground.
Aziraphale fought hard not to wince at the noise of books clattering to the floor. “My dear, I told you the title isn’t necessary.”
“Oh. Sorry.” A crease appeared between their brow for a second before Muriel’s smile bloomed. “It’s just confusing. You telling me not to call you that. And The Metatron telling me I have to.”
The Archangel’s smile faltered. “The Metatron was here?”
“Oh yes,” Muriel informed him. “Just last week.”
“I see,” Aziraphale murmured, his mind racing. “Muriel, do you know where Crowley is?”
“Oh, I haven’t seen him since last week.” They picked up a full cup of tea and held it out to him. “Since just before the Metatron asked me where he was. I told him he was at the duck pond this time of day usually. Cuppertea?”
“N-no, I’m sorry, I don’t have time,” he apologized, fidgeting with his bowtie. “I’ll be back shortly, my dear.”
“Oh. Would you like me to wait for you? Ms. Sandwich said young women – that’s me. I’m a young woman here, apparently! – should always have somebody waiting for them at home and since this was your home, I thought it might be good to have somebody like myself waiting for you.”
Aziraphale smiled kindly at the scrivener. “Thank you, Muriel, but there’s no need.”
His throat closed up for a second. “And you should really think of the shop as your home as well. You’re doing a good job with it.”
The nearly blinding smile directed at him buoyed his spirits significantly.
The elevator dinged pleasantly as the doors parted and Aziraphale left the metal box, striding briskly toward the Metatron’s office.
“What did you do,” the Supreme Archangel snapped, planting his face on either side of the impressive oat desk and leaning toward the Voice of God on Earth.
“I merely thought our plans would be more effective this way,” the Metatron explained, reclining slightly in his office chair. “You can’t focus properly on the Second Coming if your attention is being split between that and Crowley.”
He tapped a stack of papers on his desk, their handwritten content more elegant than the efficiently typewritten forms in his outbox.
Aziraphale stilled, recognizing the documents. “You’ve been reading my journal.”
“Of course I did,” the Metatron said briskly. “You didn’t expect to have secrets from Heaven, did you?”
Aziraphale breathed a small sigh of relief when he saw the familiar figure on the bench by the duck pond, newspaper unfolded in front of his face. He nervously straightened his vest, picking off an imaginary piece of lint.
Well, no use putting off the tongue lashing Crowley was sure to give him.
“Lovely weather we’re having, my dear,” the angel greeted as he sat next to the redhead.
The newspaper remained in place. “You’re looking for the Swedish prime minister. He’s here on Wednesdays.”
Aziraphale’s smile wavered. He should have known Crowley would be like this, bitter over his departure. He thought the coded messages he’d been sending would have soothed at least some of the sting from their last encounter but apparently not.
“No, I assure you, I’m not,” Aziraphale insisted. “I’m here for you, Crowley.”
The demon lowered the periodical and peered over at the angel from behind his glasses. “Do I know you?”
“Oh not this bit,” the blond sighed, thinking about the time with Furfur, with Saraquel. “We’ve known each other for 6,000 years. You’re my best friend.”
Crowley frowned, concentrating. For a second, Aziraphale thought he saw a glimmer of recognition, but it transformed into a grimace of pain. “Nothing coming to mind.”
It wasn’t a lie, Aziraphale realized. It was all too similar to Jim.
He needed Crowley to remember, if they were going to figure out how to thwart the Second Coming. He needed Crowley’s harebrained schemes and clever mind to see the flaws in Heaven’s plot. He reached out toward Crowley, a bit of Grace on his fingers to heal this ailment, but the demon flinched and recoiled from him.
“Get that thing away from me,” Crowley hissed, his glasses slipping slightly.
Aziraphale could see the yellow filling his eyes, pupils their typical narrow slits. In al their years, Crowley had never been afraid of him.
Crowley took advantage of his pause to jump to his feet, the newspaper falling to the ground.
“Wait! No, don’t go,” Aziraphale pleaded, drawing back. He clasped his hands in front of him and stood, aware of the way Crowley was tense and ready to flee. “I-I’m sorry. I was mistaken. No need to spoil your day.”
The angel hurried off.
“You should have left him out of this,” Aziraphale snapped, his hands curling. He dug his fingers into his palms, the whisper of pain nothing compared to the ache in his heart. “If you had told me, I would have stopped. I wouldn’t have –“
“But you did,” the Metatron interrupted, rising. “I wasn’t lying, Aziraphale, when I said Heaven needed someone who thinks outside the box. But Heaven needs somebody dedicated to this task. And even the thought of Crowley corrupts you.”
The Voice of God circled his desk, coming to stand toe to toe with the newly promoted Archangel. “If anything, I was being kind. You should have seen him, Aziraphale, an utter mess, moaning about losing his best friend and never being enough. You did that to him.”
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