#or they tell me their whole life story like 'yeah i actually can't eat a lot in the morning either' 'i have trouble finishing sandwiches'
non-un-topo · 7 months
No one talks about this so here's a small reminder to keep your eyes on your own plate. If a skinny person is refusing food, it does not necessarily mean a) they have a restrictive eating disorder or b) they are calling you fat. Mind your business.
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fanttasttica · 7 months
One plus one makes three
Rhysand x reader
After your one night stand with the High lord, you hadn't expected to see him ever again, but fate had other plans. You are pregnant, carrying the High lord's first child and you need to tell him. How is he going to react? And what will that mean for you?
Warnings: nothing (I think.. If you find anything, please let me know :D )
Words: 4129
Authors note: Thanks for participanting inthe voting! Since this idea got the most votes, i wrote it first. My next story will be on theme "enemies to lovers" :D
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You weren't that type of a girl who got drunk every weekend and had a sex with males whose names you haven't bothered to learn. No.. So why was the universe punishing you for this? It was one night, only one. You were celebrating your birthday with some friends at Rita's, when you spotted the most beautiful male that ever existed. He was tall, seemed strong and there was this dark aura around him. He was undoubtedly powerful, but instead of fearing him, something dragged you to him. After some time you were watching each other from afar, he came up to you and asked you to dance. It was during your time on the dancing floor, when you found out it was no other than High lord or the Night cour, your High lord. It was the first time you saw him, the first time you talked to him and you thought it would also be probably the last. Maybe you ended up in his bed that night, but it was supposed to be only a one night stand, but fate decided otherwise. 
You weren't feeling well for a couple of days. Your friends were pushing you to see a healer and today you finally gave in. You visited your healer on the other side of the town, thinking she will brush it off, tell you to rest for another couple of days and eat chicken broth, you hated, but no. This wasn't only some illness you could get rid of after a few days. This would last for at least a couple of months and then the real fun would begin. You were pregnant. Carrying an heir to the Night court in your womb. Your stomach was still flat and if it weren't for your morning sickness and tiredness, you wouldn't have noticed you were pregnant yet. After finding that out, you thanked and said goodbye to your healer, leaving in a hurry. As if running from her would also mean that you would run from your situation. Unfortunately for you, that didn't happen. Symptoms still bothered you in the following days, reminding you about how screwed you were. 
“What are you going to do?” Your friends were curious, of course. And honestly you were too. “I have no idea. I am.. I only saw him once.” You answered her while running your hand through your hair. “Yeah, you saw him once. You slept with him once and you ended up pregnant.. I can't believe your luck.” It was hard to say if she was speaking ironically or not, because you wouldn't call yourself lucky. This wasn't some blessing. You weren't against children, you actually liked them and hoped one day you will have one, this was simply quite early for you and certainly with the wrong man. He maybe was a High lord, but you were an ordinary fae. He probably already forgot about your existence. “I don't even know how to contact him. Should I go back to Rita's in the hope I will meet him there? Should I send him a letter and tell him about this? And what should I write in it? Do I really have to tell him?” Not telling him anything and running to another court was an idea you were also toying with. “You can not possibly mean that! He deserves to know. And besides that, lies or secrets are always exposed in the end. He is the most powerful High lord of all times.. Do you really think you can keep this as a secret your whole life? Your kids' whole life?” You sighed in defeat and shook your head. “No, that's stupid.. I.. I just need another few days to collect my thoughts and think about ways to contact and tell him.” 
Few days passed by and you still weren't sure what to do. Why does it have to be so complicated? If he weren't the High lord, you would already have told him. It would make everything so much easier for both of you. It was pointless to cry over a spilled milk, but you couldn't help yourself, blaming it on your hormones. One day, you had enough of it. Enough of hiding in your room, crying and cursing on him and yourself. You were determined to find him, tell him about this and return home, so you could finally have some good rest without constantly thinking about this, because currently you were losing your head. You decided to try to find Rhysand again at Rita's. It seemed better to ask him for a minute there than marching to his house and demanding he would see you. You friends were supportive, not leaving you to be all alone. There always was at least one of them by your side, although you weren't finding it necessary, it was a nice gesture you appreciated. The first night you spent here looking for you, you hadn't had any luck, likewise the second or third night. But after sitting on the bar stool for the fourth night in a row, you finally saw him. He was talking to his friends, with a smile on his handsome face, unaware that his life was about to change drastically. 
Your heart started beating faster than ever before. In normal situations, you were a calm person, but obviously not today. “You should hurry and go speak to him, before other girls start to throw themself on him.” You swallowed hard.“Yeah.. I am going right now.” You tried to put on a neutral face and started walking towards him, even though everything in you screamed to run away. Suddenly, you were standing right before him and his friends, who were measuring you with interest in their eyes. You simply nodded at them in greeting and looked at the High lord. “You probably don't remember me, but we met here a while ago.. And I need to speak with you. It's urgent. ” At first you were worried he was going to send you away. He raised one eyebrow, but nodded and put away his drink, following you outside. Cold air hit you immediately, so you hugged yourself, before turning to face him. “I remember you, don't worry.” You weren't expecting that. “Yeah.. that's good.” It made a few things easier for you. Now you know there isn't a need to explain to him when you met and what you did together that night. “So? What did you need to tell me?” He was curious, of course. Maybe expecting you to try to seduce him, as many girls certainly did in the past, but there was nothing that could prepare him for this. “I am pregnant and it's yours.” 
There weren't many people who managed to surprise the High lord of the Night court. And even the least people managed to surprise him so much that he couldn't think of a reaction for the first few seconds. He was stunned, looking at you as if you were from another unknown world, so you took word once again. “To be honest.. I expected a worse reaction..” You sighed and looked at the ground. “I don't want anything from you. I want and will keep the baby, but if you don't want to, you don't have to be involved in the baby's life. I have people who will help me and also have enough money to take care of it. So.. It's up to you.” And with that, you left him standing outside alone, returning to your friends.
“How did it go? Did he take it well?” Immediately after your return, you were flooded with questions. You shrugged and drank water from your glass. “He was clearly surprised. I told him I don't expect anything from him and assured him it's his choice, if he wants to be involved or not and then left.” They laughed. “You told him this and just left him standing there alone? Oh my Cauldron, I would pay to see his face.” Maybe you would also laugh at this, only if it weren't you who was in this situation. You put one of your hands on your stomach. It was weird and also.. magical, knowing that right now, you are creating a new life. “He returned to his friends and is talking with them.” Your friend whispered to your ears. You could feel several pairs of eyes watching you. Shaking your head, you smiled at them. “Let's talk about something else for a while and try to enjoy this night.” You desperately needed some distraction and opportunity to think about anything else. In the end, the reason why you were here today was done and you deserved some break from this too. 
The next day, you were woken up by the Sun. After you forgot to close the curtains last night, there was nothing that could stop morning rays from tickling your eyes. Like any other day before, you were thinking, if you weren't dreaming this whole time, but morning sickness was clear evidence that in fact you were not. After brushing your teeths and hair, you dressed up, put on black leggings and your favorite jumper, you were ready for the day. For the last couple of days, you took time off from your job. It wasn't that hard,since you were running a small bakery with your friends and they almost forced you to stay at home. But today, you were determined to return. You wanted to start living normally again. There isn't a chance that you will spend a whole pregnancy locked in your room. You will take things slowly, so there is no chance for something to happen and it will all be good. 
Your day has been going just fine. After coming to work, you could finally be able to feel like a few weeks ago, like nothing was going on. Well, that was until the bell rang, announcing the arrival of another customer you should greet. After you look up, you find no one other than the High lord himself. “Shouldn't you be resting?” You raised your eyebrow. “Hello to you too.. I assure you I am rested well enough.” He came closer, the only thing between you was a counter, behind which you stood. “You don't need to work. I will take care of both of you.” You shook your head. “There is no need for that. I can work, what's more important, I want to work. I love my job.” Something in his face told you, he took this as a challenge. “You are pregnant with my child. I think I should have a say in this matter.” This whole conversation was uncomfortable for both of you. You both were very determined to do it in your way. And the fact that you were strangers had not been helping at all. You didn't know how to treat each other. “Then I guess we need to find some compromise.”
You weren't exactly thrilled with how some things turned out in the end, but on the other hand, it could be worse. After a long talk with Rhysand, how he told you to call him, you end up agreeing to stop working when you are halfway through your pregnancy, but that is not all. During those few weeks you will still be working, there will always be someone with you, during your shift. Practically, members of Rhys's Inner circle were supposed to babysit you. You knew it would be very unusual for you, but you were hoping that in a couple of days you will be able to ignore them or befriend them. You also agreed on moving in with Rhysand and his Inner circle, three weeks before the baby was supposed to be born and staying for at least a couple of months. “Honestly, I am surprised that you want to be so involved..” You mumbled. You two were talking almost your whole shift, which was coming to the end right now. “It's my baby, of course I want to be involved. We have to take care of her or him. Which brings me to my last point today.” He took your silence as a cue to continue. “We should get married.” You weren't sure what you were expecting, but this was certainly not it. Almost dropping a tray with two last gingerbreads, you turned to face him. His face was serious, there was no sign that he was just kidding, but you laughed lightly even so. “Good one. I am not marrying only because I am pregnant.” But he didn't let you brush that off so easily. “Why? It would be better. You would live in luxury for the rest of your life and I would have an heir.” Without this union, this baby would only be a bastard in the others eyes, you were aware of that, but you couldn't do this. “I already told you, I am comfortable with the life I am living. I don't need jewelry or fancy dresses. I was always determined to marry for love or not at all. And I am not changing my mind.” 
The weeks passed one by another. As Rhys promised, from the very next day, his friends started accompanying you, during your work. Sometimes, it was Morrigan you befriended quite quickly. It was because of her friendly personality. She was treating you like a friend from the start, promising you to always help you with the baby. Almost every time she came, she was bringing something for you or the baby. You It almost didn't make sense for you to go shopping for things for the baby since she was the one doing it. Then there were Cassian and Azriel. They also were friendly, but it took a little longer to get used to them, but after you started feeding them sweets from your shop, they warmed up to you and you were chatting like an old friend. The last person who you saw maybe two times was Amren. She wasn't rude, but when she was there, she was doing her own work and since you didn't want to disturb her, you hadn't talked so much. As for Rhys, he was visiting you every other day before and after your shift. The communication between you two was better and sometimes, you caught yourself staring at him, when he was talking to his friends and since that was exactly what got you into this situation in the first place, you weren't happy with yourself. 
“This is your last day, isn't it?” Morrigan was sitting on a table, smiling at you as you were counting the money before closing the register. “Yeah.. I still can't believe it.” You were half through your pregnancy and your bump was already showing a little. Fortunately, the morning sickness and tiredness have passed you by now. You were feeling great. “I don't know what I am going to do with my free time.” She shrugged. “You can read.. Paint.. Shop for the baby..” You chuckled at the last thing. “Thanks to you, the baby has more than enough clothes. And I pursue all my hobbies even when I am working.. Rhys is thinking that I will only lay in bed, eat and sleep, but that's simply not possible. I would lose my head after one week.” She smiled at you sympathetically. “My cousin behaves sometimes like a mother hen. I believe you, when you say it's annoying.. But you have to endure it only for another couple of weeks..” That wasn't helping. “I am not like a mother hen. I don't know what you two are talking about.”  You only noticed Rhysand, who was leaning against the door frame, now. “Yeah, you are worse.” You mumbled, after recovering from the shock he gave you. “You are hurting my feelings, dear Y/N.” You pursed your lips at him. “How are you going to recover from this?” His laughter filled the room and forced you to chuckle a little bit too. “When will you two finally get together? You are perfect for each other.” Neither of you answered her. 
As you expected, you were bored only after a week of not working. Sure, you had your friends and also new friends from Inner circle, but it wasn't enough. They also had work and their lives. So you decided to go bother the man who was responsible for your boredom, Rhysand. You already visited his home, he gave you permission to come and go as you pleased, so you decided to pay him a visit today with some sweet desserts from the bakery for him and a jar of pickles for you. The other symptoms of pregnancy passed, but this one, love for pickles, remained. You knocked twice on the mahagon door that led to his office and waited for his response, before opening them and walking in. “I am bored and it's your fault.” Rhys leaned back in his chair and narrowed his eyes. “How is that my fault?” He obviously wasn't understanding your logic. Maybe it was because he was a male or maybe because his brain was not affected by hormones. “You didn't want me to work anymore, so I don't have anything to do and in addition to that, I am already sick of some things that I normally like! It's frustrating.” You sat on the chair across from him. “I need to finish these papers, but once I am done, I actually know what we could do together.. Until then, you are welcome to stay.” You thought about it for a while and nodded. “Okay, I will wait. And I would almost forget. This is for you. Morrigan told me you like this.” You moved the dessert tray across the table in front of him. He looked surprised and also very happy. “Thank you, it's nice of you, but you didn't have to do that.” You shrugged, picked up one pickle and ate it before replying to him. “I wanted you. Sweet is good for the nerves. And you'll need a lot of nerve to put up with my moods.”
There was a comfortable silence. Rhys was working, you were eating pickles and watching him. During this time, you found out some other new things about him. For example, every time he tried to concentrate intensely, he furrowed his brow, when he was thinking about something, he tapped his pen on the table.. “I didn't know I was so interesting to you.” You blinked a few times, before you realized he probably noticed that you were staring directly at him for the past few minutes. “I was just thinking how can I protect our child from inheriting your crooked nose.” He chuckled and looked at you, still smiling. “Your love for me is touching.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Are you almost done? I am running out of pickles.” He put the papers aside and nodded. “Lucky for you, yes. We can go now.”
You had to admit that his house was beautiful. It was so spacious, but cozy at the same time. It felt like home. During the tour Rhys gave you, you were imagining your life here. Imagining a little girl running around the corridors and Rhysand following her, while they are both laughing.. “There are only two other rooms I want to show you.” You offered him a small smile, “Okay, lead the way.” After climbing a few stairs, you reached the next floor of the house Rhys walked to the end of the corridor. “This is my room and right next to it..” He opened the door and let you walk in first. You gasped at the sight before you. It was a nursery. The walls were white and decorated with painted gold stars. Everything was ready. Closets full of baby clothes and other necessary things. Crib was in the middle of the room, filled with some stuffed animals and more blankets than needed. Tears welled up in your eyes. “It's so beautiful! Did you do it by yourself?” You asked, turning to Rhysand who was watching you with a happy expression. “Most of the things, although Cassian and Azriel had to help me to build the crib.. I am the most powerful High lord, but that thing is terrible.” You laughed at the idea of ​​the three strongest Illyrian warriors having trouble assembling a crib. “And Morrigan got the clothes.” You nodded, recognizing some pieces. “Thank you, really.” He walked towards you and carefully took your hand to his. “You don't have to thank me. I was happy to do it. After all, I promised you that I would spoil both you and the child.” The fact that your child was going to be spoiled was certain. And probably no amount of strictness couldn't prevent that. “As for spoiling you.. I also have room ready for you.”
It wasn't until Rhys pointed them out that you noticed a door not far from the crib. “This door leads to your room. And the door opposite.. to mine, so I can come and help you with the baby during the night or you can easily come to my room, if you would need it at any time.” It was practical, better than having to run to the hall and knock on his door there. “Are you ready to see it?” With this, he caught your attention once again. “Of course.” 
You fell in love with your room the first second you walked in. Rhys made sure the walls were painted in your favorite color. There was a table, not so far from the window. On the other side is a bookcase with a rocking chair next to it. The walk-in closet was the same size as your bathroom, which was as luxurious as everything else. “Okay.. Now I am really looking forward to moving in here.” You joked and lay on your big bed. Blanket was so soft you wanted nothing else than getting tangled up in it and never getting out. Rhys sat on your bed, watching you with a grin. “And I thought you said you didn't need a life of luxury..” He said playfully. As a response, you slapped him gently on his hand. “I don't need it. But I have to admit, it's nice.” You sat up and rested your head on his shoulder. He hugged you, with one of his hands, around your waist and placed his hand on your stomach, stroking it gently. “Only the best for you.”
Many weeks passed and now.. As you predicted, you were holding a baby girl in your arms. Your and Rhysand's baby girl. Your birth was quite easy, thankfully. You were happy. Rhys was all over the moon, not leaving you alone for one minute. The others were not better, they pushed each other away, only to get a better view of her, before Madja told them to leave, since you need to rest. So now, it was only you, Rhys and your little star. “I know I already said it.. But thank you.” You looked in his eyes and smiled. “I thank you. Afterall, this takes two.” Although most of the job was done by you, Rhys was amazing to you this whole time. Treating you like a queen. “I am really.. glad for this. Finding out I was going to be a father was shocking, I will not lie, but.. I am just really happy.” Hearing this made your heart jump with joy. “Yeah.. I am too. I am glad I met you. And I have to admit.. I grew fond of you.” He chuckled deeply and kissed the top of your head. “Does that mean you will marry me then? And I assure you.. I am not asking out of some obligation, because we have a child together.” Rhys was ready to give you time to think, but you didn't need it. It wasn't love at first sight with him. You were falling in love with him for a while, but now you were sure that he was your happy ending. Well.. him and your daughter. That's why there wasn't a trace of hesitation when you answered him, “I will.”
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I think the reason Rick fumbled with writing Jason's abilities/personality is because he was too focused on Jason existing as Percy's rival to focus on Jason as an individual character. And the funniest thing is, in the end, Jason was not considered satisfactory rival to Percy by the fandom either, which is ironic since that was the whole point of his character.
Rick seemingly screwed up the whole rivalry thing because, though he wanted someone to challenge Percy's power, he didn't want that person (Jason) to be more powerful than Percy or more enjoyable than Percy either, in the fear that the audience might start enjoying Jason more.
When you write a rival, you have to make sure that the rival character has equally powerful personality and strength/abilities compared to the person that they're rivalled with.
But Rick? The way he wrote Jason was like a half done updo. He dumped all the cool power on Percy (like potentially implying that Percy has bloodbending,can control water inside of someone, making sure Percy wins ALMOST every fight (and i mean, almost, there is a very rare time Percy ever loses) while limiting his power with Jason in every way possible, making the stupid brick jokes to make sure Jason always passes out in a fight, the whole "I only get one lighting bolt a day from my father" (it's a dumbass logic too, Jason should've been able to summon that much power of lighting on his own, he does NOT need his dad for that shit c'mon now) like it's an obvious effort to make jason appear weaker. Rick did all of this while lazily trying to shoehorn Jason's achievements in the plot by implying it but not actually showing it, like a "yeah he did this cool shit once ig" which makes it less impressive compared to Percy's achievements, which is something we've actually witnessed firsthand. Rick intentionally never brought up or expanded upon Jason's achievements much. He only emphasized everyone's awe of him being the son of Jupiter, which made it seem like Jason had the 'big three child privilege' where people didn't give a fuck about his efforts but instead his position.
Alright Rick, don't give him power, but atleast give him a personality? Nope he isn't getting that either. Jason had the potential to make DARK jokes about his controlled millitary life in Rome, and explore his past. Like I badly wanted a passage of Jason getting his memories back in fragments, Rick could've added flashbacks of Jason's past in his pov in a way that he gets his memories back. Instead he went "yeah yeah jason got all his memories back, it's all good" like SHOW us that wtf?? sure let's make sure he's as stale as possible to the audience, we can't have anyone liking the underdog over Percy Jackson!
He also made sure that Jason had it super hard in life aswell but never emphasized it or gave him anything good compared to Percy.
Don't get me wrong, percy definitely had it rlly hard, but Atleast Rick made sure Percy had a loving mom and a stepdad, a loving girlfriend and a cute adorable sister that he could play and spend time with, he got to celebrate birthdays with Sally, he got to eat her tasty blue food, and he actually had an ambrosia taste. You mean to tell me that Jason's sister barely had time for him, that he hasn't had a single birthday and that ambrosia tastes like sawdust for him while you give the other members of the seven, delicious ambrosia taste? 😤
Jason Grace has gotten the worst life in his own story, he wasn't "powerful" enough for a child of Zeus, he was "boring" , nobody properly trusted him, he died painfully, he didn't have parents, he barely talked to his sister, he didn't have a childhood, he was abandoned to blood thirsty animals when he was TWO, he didn't have a birthday, he didn't have an ambrosia taste, his girlfriend dumped him, he never got to see his best friend before he died, and he is terribly hated by the fandom who are simply turning a blind eye to his struggles because "no Percy will always be better in every way" yeah. I could go on and on.
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raineydays411 · 11 months
My Father's Daughter
Part 9
Summary: You've been at the Wayne Manor for over a month.
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In some weird way you understand Christine.
You understand why she tries so hard to spend time with you while you're in her home. Why she begs for you to get off of your phone and cook with her. You get why she tries to make the other kids be nice to you. Scolds them harshly when they make snide comments underneath their breath about you.
Truly, you do.
You just...genuinely don't give a shit.
You don't care that she feels bad that she abandoned you for a completely other family and you don't care that she feels like she's losing time to create a bond with you.
You did not care.
Really, you didn't.
"Um,kid... you know I love you but I'm really not that kind of doctor" Bruce Banner said awkwardly over facetime.
You sigh. "Yeah I know B. You were just the first one to pick up the phone."
"Ouch." Banner laughed, " you know, you really are your fathers child."
You smile, one of the rare times you actually did nowadays. " How is the old man?"
You haven't been able to call him since he was paranoid whoever wants you would track your phone calls and find out where you are.
"Your father is even more annoying now without you than he ever has been in my entirety of knowing him" Banner deadpans, " He misses you a lot kiddo, we all do."
You smile sadly, missing your family.
It was hard, seeing these people you barely knew, with a mother you barely knew, stuck in a house you barely knew.
And the fact that they feel like a family. They argue and play jokes on each other. They eat with each other every afternoon ( Bat activities at night), Bruce kisses Christine goodbye when he goes to work. It was so domestic in its weird little ways.
But you didn't fit in.
They laughing and the jokes stopped whenever you walked into the room. The conversations were stale.
It was depressing.
It's not like they ignored you, oh no. That would've been preferable.
No half of them trip over their feet to try and include you in whatever they're doing.
Dick will turn blue chatting your ear off about whatever he thinks will get you to open up to him and Christine?
She will bend over backwards, frontwards, and sideways just to get you to acknowledge she gave birth to you. Every night she comes into your room and tries to talk to you about your life. And every question is met with a dull answer
"So any boys that catch your interest here?" " I don't know, I can't leave the premises"
"Were you in any sports? You look like you'd be a cheerleader like your momma!" " I was in mathletes and debate like Pepper"
"You really are beautiful my baby" "Thanks, everyone says I look like my dad"
It really was a struggle to get you to open up. Almost everyone at the manor had a hard time even starting a conversation with you.
Everyone except of course Alfred and surprisingly Jason Todd.
Alfred won you over as soon as you moved in. He vouched for you when you needed time alone and brings you snacks>
Jason is a whole different story.
See, the reason why it's so hard for everyone to talk to you is because they all refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room. They're treating you like you were some other orphan Annie they decided to adopt and you just have no family waiting and missing you.
Jason doesn't.
In fact, it was him who caught you trying to sneak out of the mansion the first week you were there. Instead of scolding you or telling on you, he took you out.
"A cap and sunglasses? Kid, that's not a disguise."
"What do you mean?"
He took you to a diner he frequents, a tour of the rooftops to avoid people, and to the safe house he took over from Bruce.
"Tell me about your life." He demands, not asks.
You smile and tell him about it. Your life growing up with the Avengers, school and what major you're going for, that brief fling you had with Pietro before you had to move to Gotham.
It was nice. To be with someone that didn't want to change you. He didn't try to force you into forgiveness and let you vent. He even gave some pretty sound advice.
"You know, at some point you are going to forgive her." He says ignoring your indignant stare, " You don't gotta be bestfriends with her or anything, but that anger is going to either slowly consume you or slowly go way. And believe me, you want it to slowly go way."
And he was right in some ways. The longer you're there, the less anger there is and the more hurt replaces it. It festers inside you like some disease. The symptoms slowly leaking out every time one of them calls her mom.
Every night she comes into your room and tries to pry into your life as if she didn't voluntarily leave it, you feel it.
Everytime you see her brush Cassandra's hair out of her eyes, or kiss damian on the forehead. It's the gentle way she smiles whenever she sees Tim hyperfocused on mission reports, and the way she gets so excited whenever Dick or Jason walk through the front door. Hugging them and chiding them for not visiting more.
It hurts you that they truly are a family.
And after a while, it gets hard for you to try and say that you truly didn't give a shit.
Because honestly, you did
Taglist: @stupendousnightmaretrash @opheliaas-stuff
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
if theres anything i love more its chaotic sweetheart oml its so fckin funny
i just thought of like during TF 141 missions, meetings or just out of nowhere sweetheart will sometimes say "omg this reminds me of when i got ban from the aquarium in [where ever tf] cause i jumped into the shark tank to pet the sharks" or she hears that they're going to a place like italy or europe for a mission and shes like "im actually ban from like 3 of their museums" or whatever
and the team think shes fucking with them but they find out its true because she has videos and pictures of her doing these things and they're all like : 😦😟😀 huh??
like imagine they're at a zoo or aquarium and shes like "bet me $20 to jump in?" and they're all actively trying to hold her back so she doesn't get banned again 😭 they have her on those backpack leashes when they go out 💀
THIS IS SO HER 100000%%%%
She said something unhinged before, but they didn't believe her
(TF 141 watching the american news. Someone was arrested for trying to steal a fish from the same aquarium Sweetheart stole from)
Sweetheart: HA! Oh my god, my brother and I did that once there.
Gaz: Go to the aquarium?
Sweetheart, reminiscing: Yeah, and we went fishing there to catch some sea creatures. We caught this japanese spider crab and started running cause the police and workers started chasing us. But we got away! AND GOD THAT CRAB WAS SO GOOD-- I don't know why people don't eat those more!
AHAHA ...girl please
So they all kinda chuckled at that, but Soap kinda prods at it more because he thought she was making up a story 💀
Soap, smirking: So... you stole a state protected Japanese Spider Crab from an aquarium. Got away with it. And ate it with your kin.
Sweetheart, smiling like a dummy: Yuh huh.
Soap, questioning her thought process: And only your brother?
Sweetheart, nodding: Yup! My mom said that since we had a brother-sister hangout day, he should get food and he did! OH OH WANNA SEE PICTURES?? I HAVE A FULL ALBUM
Sweetheart: of course I was! You thought I was lying?
Soap and Gaz: YES
She was showing them pictures of when she was younger, like 13 years old, with her third older brother. And she was legit fishing in the aquarium with him 💀 she even has a video of her ACTUALLY CATCHING THE CRAB
And then some pictures of her brother boiling it in the back of his pickup truck and eating ALL OF IT (JAPANESE SPIDER CRABS ARE HUGE MIND YOU)
So they believe the stories she says UNLESS she has pictures (and with every story she does 💀💀)
And omg her being banned in some places-- IN SOME STATES AND OUT OF COUNTRY BECAUSE OF THE UNLUCKY LUCK
Sweetheart, raising her hand: Wait where are we going?
Graves, rolling his eyes: To America.
Sweetheart: Uh huh yeah I got that but which state?
Graves: Ohio?
Sweetheart: Ahhhh okay. I can't go.
Graves, leaning on the table: And why is that, Sergeant Sweetheart?
Sweetheart: Well, Philip Graveyard, I'm banned.
Alex: What, in the facility?
Sweetheart, scratching her cheek: No the whole state.
Soap: WHAT
Ghost: HUH
Sweetheart, shrugging like she's talking about the weather: Yeah. Ohio, Florida, Wyoming, couple of other states, and some out of country.
Sweetheart, whispering: ...Alot out of country, honestly.
They're like what 🧍‍♀️
Soap, in disbelief: wh-why?
Sweetheart: Turns out, going on a plane with matches and a baton can cause a heck of a panic. And...
Sweetheart: ...It's illegal.
She showed pictures obviously.
Price, tired and confused: Why do you take pictures of everything you do.
Sweetheart: For the memories!
Graves, wiping his face: Oh my god...
Sweetheart: And evidence so I don't go to prison.
Soap, under his breath: Good lord
Price has to study on Sweetheart's past, so one: she won't get arrested anytime she goes out and two: so he can learn about this "unlucky luck" that's been happening for centuries in her family
(He still doesn't understand it)
And when they go on vacation together as a team it's a nightmare 💀
Sweetheart: Can't go on that.
Soap, smirking: Why? Awww, Sweetheart are ya scared?
Sweetheart: Nah, I'll get arrested. Restraining orders go craaaaazy stupid in London.
Soap and Gaz:
Gaz: How-- How do you get a restraining order on a ferris wheel...?
And then when they went to a zoo in Scotland (because she's not banned or has any restraining orders there) and this is so iconic
Sweetheart, looking in the cage and smiling: Bet me a twenty to jump in?
Gaz, snaps his neck and has a heart attack: Sweetheart, no--
Horangi, putting his hand on her shoulder: Please don't.
Sweetheart, scoffing playfully: I'm not! Oh my gosh. You actually have to bet me the twenty to actually do the--
König, Pulls out $100 because he wants to see this actually happen:
Sweetheart, looking at his hand:
Everyone looking at König's hand:
Sweetheart, looking up at König with a straight face:
Everyone looking at Sweetheart:
Ten seconds later:
Soap, struggling with Sweetheart: SWEETHEART NO STOP
Horangi, pulling Sweetheart's foot: DONT ACTUALLY JUMP IN THERE
Ghost, trying to push Sweetheart off the cage: GOD DAMMIT KÖNIG WHY DID YOU ACTUALLY GIVE HER MONEY TO DO IT
That was the last STRAW for price. So he ordered a human leash backpack for Sweetheart 💀
Sweetheart, holding the contraption: What is this?
Price, frowning with his arms crossed: It's a leash.
Sweetheart: Okay?
Price: For you.
Sweetheart, dumbfounded: W h a t
Price: When we go out for vacation, you're wearing this.
Sweetheart, brain loading the information she just heard:
Sweetheart: Are you... SERIOUS???
Sweetheart: I'm not some child, Price!
Price: Yet you act like one everytime we go out as a team!
Sweetheart: I'm just having fun!
Price: You're wearing it.
And she wears it. Luckily it was in pink and she decorated it with stickers and charms.
Sweetheart, huffing and sitting on the ground with her arms crossed: This sucks cactus balls, man.
Ghost, walking with the leash: Come on, Sweetheart.
Sweetheart, whining: Weeeeeehhhhh...
Ghost: Mhm.
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thegnomelord · 3 months
was thinking about drawing Ifrit from "Hell has a basement floor" and had some headcanons on his appearance.
on one hand i was thinking to make him tall and burly, built big to store all the mana and power he has, make him built like a volcano.
on the other.... what if and hear me out.... Ifrit.... skinny. tall and gangly, long limbs, underfed, outlines of bones poking out from underneath the skin, sunken eyes for that extra unsettling factor. besides magic does have a cost. maybe it's just your body that needs to be exchanged.
now i thought of the second hc because tall and skinny isn't exactly associated with the kind of brute force Ifrit has but he's still strong even if his lifestyle is gonna put him in an early grave. now imagine when he's finally part of tf 141 they notice that he's not very well in the food and weight department for his height and the amount of energy he spends so... they start feeding him (especially Price and Soap because protect and care hoard/pack)......
i've also been getting into the trope where characters gain weight as a sign of health and living a better life. so yeah tell me what you think
and maybe share your hcs on Ifrits appearance because i don't want to butcher your creation on accident
Okay 1: you have no idea how happy it makes me when I hear ppl want to draw fan art of my stuff :DD, internally I'm like that dog video where the dogs happily tapping his paws lol bc he can't contain his excitement lol. And also yeah, I'm a huge sucker for the trope and your little idea with Price amd Soap tickles my brain.
And 2: man you did some mind reading bc your hcs are actually very close to what I've made up for the lore of the whole au. While I want to overall leave Ifrit's body type ambiguous to give readers some space to imagine themselves in Ifrit's place, Ifrit is 100% underweight with more of a volleyball/basketball player type build, as mages focus on stamina and endurance rather than raw strength bc that can be augmented with magic. Also has stretch marks because their weight fluctuates a lot lol
Okay lore spoilers so if y'all want to find out through the story skip this-
Okay so— magic is increadibly taxing on the body, not just by eating away flesh and creating mage marks as a Mage's power grows, but just by simply existing inside the body magic stresses the body. Because fundamentally magic is toxic to humans, and even mages who have the needed adaptations to utilise magic are no better than our ancestors when they were first learning to stand on two legs.
The best metaphor I have for magic is chemo drugs. They're used to kill a cancer but they also damage healthy cells. Magic, similarly, damages the body by existing inside it, but also is used by mages to heal the damage as soon as it happens. This uses a lot of calories and also why mages have really irregular weights, losing 10kg in a week isn't an uncommon thing.
Someone possessing even half of Ifrit's capabilities would need to eat 3x that of a regular human of the same height and weight. Mages are literally Shaggy from Scooby Doo lol. And that's only to get the bare minimum their body needs, caloric need becomes much bigger if they're active like Ifrit is. So you'll find that many mages, but especially military ones, are underweight and need to regularly get Iv fluids and nutrients to help their body recover from using magic. They also need to eat a lot of highly caloric food, which isn't easy when one of the most common side effects of magic use is puking your guts up.
Most military mages don't reach 30. The average life expectancy is around 25, with active duty (i.e. constant missions and daily magic use) mages lasting on average 3-4 years before their body basically breaks down, but they can last longer depending on how conservatively they use magic.
Now, knowing all that, Ifrit has been actively using strong magic on par with military mages since they were 14-15 years old and while they're not the healthiest, they're healthy as a horse when compared to most mages. The reason behind their continued survival — their mage marks.
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iamjucie · 22 days
Astarion the Musical
Today, I spent several hours creating a playlist that tells Astarion's story (a version of it) through songs. I want to share the playlist with you, along with this post as a companion to describe the context.
In my mind it plays out like a musical would- context and dialogue happening between musical numbers. I hope you enjoy.
Song explanations:
The Code: Post game Astarion introducing his story to the audience. A synopsis of his story from the POV of the person who lived through it. 
"I, I went to Hell and back To find myself on track I broke the code, whoa-oh-oh Like ammonites I just gave it some time Now I found paradise I broke the code, whoa-oh-oh"
The story starts when he is attacked by the Gur and is approached by Cazador.
The Killing Moon: Cazador turns him into his spawn.
"Under blue moon I saw you So soon you'll take me Up in your arms, too late to beg you Or cancel it, though I know it must be The killing time Unwillingly mine Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him"
Dead Arms & Dead Legs: After he has turned, coming to terms with his new undead self. 
"I have been out walking with these Dead Arms & Dead Legs And the mysteries of the universe are patterned in my head The terrain becomes unbearable - too steep to stick your heel I imagine myself here again in 50 million years I run to the left... I run to the right And all my fears become a life And what is left... and who are you in the end?"
Queer: He is seducing victims and luring them to Cazador using his body and charm.
"Hey boy, take a look at me Let me dirty up your mind I'll strip away your hard veneer And see what I can find The queerest of the queer The strangest of the strange The coldest of the cool The lamest of the lame The numbest of the dumb I hate to see you here You choke behind a smile A fake behind the fear The queerest of the queer"
The Dead Come Talking: Feeling guilt about the victims he led to death. He can't seem to forget them.
"Feel the worms eating holes through my mind Like regrets that'll kill me in time Walking backwards is always a guess Distant faces burn holes in my chest, mm-mm, mm-mm Shadows floating, they're out in the hall They still haunt you long after they're gone Buried in the basement, cold cement Dead come talking, can't put them to rest"
rises the moon: Montage of his life as a slave under Cazador, time passes and his hope for an escape becomes less and less. 
"Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end Sun digs its heels to taunt you But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same Rises the moon Days fade into a watercolour blur Memories swim and haunt you But look into the lake, shimmering like smoke Rises the moon"
Abbey: He is out in the city hunting, daydreaming of freedom. 
"There is a light, I feel it in me But only, it seems, when the dark surrounds me There is a dream and it sleeps in me Keeps me awake in the night Crying, "Set me free" And I wake every night Crying, "Set me free" "
Kidnapped by the Nautiloid.  Nautiloid crashes. 
Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In!: He wakes up at the crash site and is freaking out. He is in the sun, and not burnt to ash.
"This is not enough, this is not enough to prove it yet No, I need to hit the bottom This is not enough, this is not enough to prove it yet No, I need to hit the bottom Gotta get to the bottom of this Gotta get to the bottom of this Gotta get to the bottom of this"
Meet Tav.
Survival: He realizes he has an actual chance at freedom now that he met Tav.
"You won't pull ahead I'll keep up the pace And I'll reveal my strength To the whole human race Yes, I am prepared To stay alive I won't forgive, the vengeance is mine And I won't give in Because I choose to thrive Yeah, I'm gonna win!"
Biting Down: Drinks Tav’s blood for the first time. His first time drinking blood from a thinking creature and he realizes why it was kept from him. He feels alive. He feels powerful.
"Skip a hit, don't make a sound (It feels better biting down) Breathed so deep I thought I'd drown (It feels better biting down) Listen to the beats resound (It feels better biting down) It feels better biting down (It feels better biting down)"
Little White Lies: Gaining Tav’s trust, making her fall in love with him for protection.
"Would you leave me for dead, or would you come to my aid? If I don't tell you some pretty words Should it keep you coming my way I never meant to lie, but there are things we do and say to get by Little white lies, a small surprise, how big they grow in size It all starts simple enough Your present is dark because your childhood was rough So you shed your skin and you change your name in the hopes of Putting air in between you and the pain, so grab a mask Fill up a flask, slither like a snake into the mascaraed"
Terrible Thing: Seduces Tav enough for her to sleep with him.
"I know what you're doin' here Made your intentions clear Oh you, you terrible thing, you Terrible thing, you Terrible thing, you Beautiful thing Honey, you're so cold You left me on patrol Lose my self-control with you (when I'm with you) Do things I don't want to do, ooh"
Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!): Feelings for Tav are growing, and the guilt of manipulating her is starting to get to him so he tries to justify his actions.
"It doesn't take a killer to murder It only takes a reason to kill We've all got evidence of innocence, it's "everything's coincidence" The difference twixt fate and free will is whether you're singing Ooh, could you take a look at me? Am I bad, am I bad, am I bad, am I really that bad? And now we're singing, ooh Whatever you think of me If you were in my shoes (yes, it's only natural!) You'd walk the same damn miles I do Oh, oh, right!"
Gilded Lily: After Tav does not force him to drink Araj’s blood. He is processing his trauma. He realizes that Tav cares for him more than anyone ever has.
"Haven't I given enough, given enough? Always the fool with the slowest heart But I know you'll take me with you We'll live in spaces between walls Every city's got a graveyard The service bought and paid for Now I'm sleeping in the backyard Passing out as night turns into day"
Against the Kitchen Floor: He confesses to Tav that he was originally manipulating her but now has genuine feelings for her. He has never known the feeling of somebody wanting him for more than his body and he doesn't know how to handle it well.
"I don't owe you my heart And I don't owe you my body But you should know that I'm sorry For being careless with you Lord knows I owe you more Than I'm pretty sure I ever could give anybody But I can't pin down what normal people want from foreign objects Bottom shelf erotic products like me So, I could hold your hand but keep you at arm's length Or hang me from a branch too high to climb and shake Less rare than scarce, less diamond than rough Unlikely to be more than just the coal you fail to crush, and I swear, I'm really trying It just don't come natural to me to think that you'd want me for me I swear, I'm really trying Oh, I'm sorry, I promise, I'm doing my best I just haven't learned how to be human as you are yet"
you should see me in a crown: They find out from Raphael what his scars on his back mean, and about the Ritual of Profane Ascension. He is fantasizing about what he would do if he managed to overtake it in private. He wants the power it would grant him.
"You should see me in a crown I'm gonna run this nothing town Watch me make 'em bow One by, one by one, one by, one by You should see me in a crown Your silence is my favorite sound Watch me make 'em bow One by, one by one, one by, one by one"
Perhaps Vampire is a Bit Strong But... : Astarion fights and confronts Cazador for the centuries of abuse he put him through. 
"'Cause all you people are vampires And all your stories are stale And though you pretend to stand by us I know you're certain we'll fail I've seen your eyes as they fix on me, full of confusion Your snarl is just so condescending Try to explain that we're onto a win If the fee we are in near recoups what we're spending"
He can choose to complete the ritual in Cazador’s place, or kill him. Tav convinces him to not go through with the ritual, he kills Cazador:
What Was I Made For?: He kills Cazador and doesn’t complete the ritual expecting a sense of relief and gratification but feels nothing. He thought he would feel free without a master to rule over him, but he feels lost.
"What was I made for? Hm 'Cause I, I I don't know how to feel But I wanna try I don't know how to feel But someday I might Someday I might"
Two Coffins: He is coming to terms with Tav’s mortality. He is mourning the loss of the opportunity to have her forever by not going through with the ritual.
"Two coffins for sleep One for you one for me We'll get there eventually In the dark of our graves our bodies will decay I wish you'd never change How lucky I ever was to see The way that you smile at me Your little moon face shining bright at me One day soon there'll be nothing left of you and me Two coffins for sleep Two coffins for sleep All the things that I have yet to lose Will someday be gone soon Back into annihilation All things will fade Maybe it's better off that way I wish you'd stay with me"
Rain: For a moment, he regrets not going through with the ritual and feels a slight disdain for Tav for stopping him. This song is when he comes to realize it was the correct choice and is thanking her. He knows that he would have just become just like Cazador, and thanks to her he is breaking the cycle of abuse.
"For so long, I have waited So long that I almost became Just a stoic statue, fit for nobody And I don't wanna get in your way But I finally think I can say That the vicious cycle was over The moment you smiled at me"
My Instincts Are The Enemy: He is confiding in Tav that he wants to be with her forever, but explaining what that means for her. He is tied to the night, and she is tied to him. Is she ok with that?
"I'm paralyzed, engaged in civil war What can I do? Either way, I lose You lose, too Days are nights, and nights are unbearable What can I do? Chained to this mood You're chained to me Keep asking different questions The same answer I receive I need you more than ever To tell me what you've seen"
Sunlight: The Netherbrain is defeated and the tadpoles are gone from their minds. Without the tadpole he is now unable to withstand the sun. He is coping with the lack of sun by replacing it with Tav. From now on she is his sunlight.
"I had been lost to you, sunlight And flew like a moth to you, sunlight, oh, sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight But it is sunlight All the tales the same Told before and told again A soul that's born in cold and rain Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight And at last can grant a name To a buried and a burning flame As love and its decisive pain Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight"
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oddballwriter · 2 months
Late Night Talk
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Summary: You and Marc have a hypothetical conversation about the idea of vampirism and what would entail if he were to decide that he wanted to join you in that un-life.
Warnings: Vampire stuff like mentions of drinking blood and other things. Some suggestive talk but it's mostly banter. Some talk of cnc if you squint at certain parts but this is not smut.
Author’s Snip: I wrote this last night while running off barely six hours of sleep and most of a Monster energy can at some time around midnight. If there are typos then I'm sorry. Enjoy the vampire YN though.
Notes: This one shot is not in the Dwelling in the Night canon, this exists on its own.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 876
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction (You too can join the taglist! Just ask!)
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"What do you mean it's complicated?" Marc asked after you gave a weird answer to his hypothetical question.
"Vampirism is a very hard thing to get used to for both parties. You'd have to get used to the new lifestyle and also there's the whole thing with fledglinghood," you explain before Marc cuts you off. "Fledglinghood? That's an actual thing?" Marc scoffs. "Believe it or not, Marc Spector. Fledglings are a legit thing in the vampire world and it's something alright," you say. "It's a whole thing. I'd basically have to teach you to adapt and get used to everything as a new vampire." you explain.
Marc lets out an amused scoff again, "I think I could hunt for my own. I had to track down people back before Jake took the job as Moon Knight for me and Steven." he says.
"Oh, that would be another thing," you exclaim. "I don't know how the whole fledgling thing would work because as the one turning you I would basically own your soul and body. Kind of...?" you drawl out, "And that would lead me and the old bird to have a custody battle over you." you add. Marc looks to you confused and slightly shocked. "Listen I don't know how DID works in regards to vampirism and going off the whole story you told me about dying for the second time I can't tell if you, Steven, and Jake count as three parts of a whole soul or you have your own. Also, you guys have the same body so all three of you would have it," you mention, "And I know Steven would hate the eating part of vampirism." you comment.
"True," Marc agrees. "But can we go back to the soul and body owning part? What the hell is that all about? Do I get it back or do you just keep it?" Marc questions. "Yes and no at the same time." you answer, "So if I were to turn you I would technically own you because I have your soul and you would be my fledgling. And in the old vampire world that usually spelled out servitude and other stuff. But in modern times we don't do that, but the soul owning is still a thing." you explain. "What usually happens now is I would own your soul till you were prepared to handle vampirism and control your urges just so you don't cause havoc when you're in a feeding frenzy state. Once you're out of that period I would give you your soul back and you then have autonomy over yourself again," you conclude. "Basically it's like a kiddie leash for vampires. You don't run off and cause trouble." you simplify.
"Huh." Marc responds. "Is that like in the movies? Where it's like trances?" Marc asks. You take a moment to think about it. "If I wanted to, yeah. But I don't usually do that when I can. I can make you do anything and I can control how conscious you are of it." you say. You expect Marc to just nod but something seems to catch his interest. "When you can?" he exclaims, "What the hell does that mean?" he questions. You realize that you've let something slip.
You sigh.
"Okay, don't be mad or freak out. But sometimes when you guys can't sleep or refuse to, I make you fall asleep. That's all I do, I swear. And I don't do it a lot. I only do it when you guys have been up for too long for it to be healthy and when I'm able to." you explain quickly. "And how are you able to?" Marc questions, seemingly slightly concerned. "Only when I've drunk your guys' blood recently." you answer, "I could also do it through eye contact but that's harder to sneak by you and also it freaks me out," you mention. "Freaks you out?" Marc echos. "When I do it through eye contact I can see your mind leave your eyes and you completely untense your body and it just looks freaky to me." you say. "It's not just you. It's when I do it to anyone in general." you clarify.
"I guess you never noticed because you assume someone else took the body and went to sleep," you comment. "Though..." you mutter. Marc looks at you with a quirked eyebrow. You smile nervously, "I think Steven's caught on." you confess. "I have no proof but I swear when I tell him that it's getting late and he should sleep, he kind of...", you pause to think, "He drawls out staying up sometimes. Like he doesn't do anything. Like he's waiting for me to do it," you explain. "I don't know though. I'm not trying to point fingers and accuse him of anything," you remark.
You pretend to not see Marc look towards a reflective surface to his reflection for a second. You don't know what Steven might be saying but Marc looks like he doesn't buy it.
"Well, Steven can get up to whatever he wants. I won't shame him for anything he wants to do." Marc shrugs.
"Jake, though? Oh, 100% he'd be into that kind of stuff. Everything is foreplay to him." Marc half-jokes.
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mrsketchydude · 7 months
OKAY HEAR ME OUT I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING This might be kind of obvious but, as always, I like to share my thoughts so that maybe others can share theirs too. It's really interesting how Vash is called "The Humanoid Typhoon", right? Like a straightforward name, a human-looking person who causes destruction wherever he goes, we get that. BUT hear me out, why don't they just call him the Human Typhoon..?
The majority of the people on No Man's Land don't know he's a plant so obviously that can't be the excuse. And I doubt Nightow was like "Well it would be confusing to call him the Human Typhoon when he's not really human" like cmon be real here for a second, he could've easily done that, there is WAY more confusing stuff in Trigun then calling a non-human character a human. I'm bringing in examples from Stampede because it's what I can recall quickly so sorry I cant bring up specific examples from the manga and the 98 anime, maybe later. Well, I mean, when you think about it, most people don't really see this 'Vash the Stampede' guy as a human. We LITERALLY have a whole scene with Meryl poking fun at people for making him out to be this wacky character and not as an actual human. Like she said in the eng dub:
"Real people aren't such caricatures. He's a man, not a monster."
The people of No Man's Land don't view 'Vash the Stampede' as a human. He's basically like an urban legend to them. A rumor you hear about amongst folk sitting on their front porches in the evening. A scary story older siblings tell younger siblings that if they don't behave the Humanoid Typhoon will come and get them. Even Rollo had heard of Vash being talked about this way. He said, after Vash was surprised the kid had heard of him,(again in the eng dub):
"Well, yeah, you're super famous. You're the real-life Humanoid Typhoon, everybody knows you!" "I heard something else, too! You're a walking disaster, a demon who wreaks havoc wherever he goes."
Even in the manga and 98 anime after the JuLai incident, they talk about him like he's this weird cryptid going around causing mayhem and destruction. He's destroyed two whole cities and put a hole in the moon. It would be hard for any human to believe something was capable of this unless they met him in person and saw what he is capable of.
Idk it was just something that literally struck me while I was eating dinner and I typed this up real quick after finishing my meal so sorry if this seems a little messy.
As always, I appreciate the attention to detail when it comes to the writing in Trigun. While this may seem like a small and insignificant thing, I really love how even the smallest of things seem to carry information throughout the story. Just makes it all the more special to me :,)
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hallowsden · 1 year
@f4nd0m-fun here
So, I was on the ship Wiki, and I'm wondering what your Crane ships are?
I stumbled on Scriddler and TwoCrow, and I couldn't help but peek at TwoRiddle, so now I'm thinking about TwoScriddler, and oh no.
I barely know these chars and yet here I am.
Now combine this with John barely speaking with his fam and... you got Danny showing up on his doorstep one day, and Crane may have forgot to tell his buds about it, and you've got a small mess.
Personally, if I had to ship Harvey with someone, it's Gilda or Bruce (or both) (Unless it's Batman Forever version, then definitely TwoRiddle cause HAVE YOU SEEN THEM!?)
But honestly? This made me thinking... (Long ass rant ahead that may or may not make sense. This is written while being sleep deprived)
Jonny boy here ain't the only one who suffered abuse as a child. Both Harvey and Edward have as well. They both have Daddy Issues while Jonathan, depending on how you interpret him or which backstory you use, have granny issues + religious trauma or also Daddy Issues.
That being said, Harvey gives me the "this family ends with me" vibes, especially after he became Two-Face, and may be put off with Danny's presence for a while. He doesn't want to continue the cycle and become his dad. He'd likely would have liked, at the very least, to have been informed about the new addition to their family so he can... Prepare essentially/get used to the idea/plan how to avoid Danny. He's... For the lack of better words, cautious/careful around Danny, as to not accidentally trigger himself by accidentally hurting the kid. Does this make sense?
It'll take a while for Harvey to relax around Danny but for sure, he's gonna be very protective, if because he's Jonny's kid at first. He'll come to adore the kid and while not see him as a son but like... Oh, who's he and Harv kidding, that's his kid now and too hell with a coin, fuck with one of his then you'd get instant death penalty with him as the Executioner.
Harvey is gonna try and teach Danny law, specifically how to use loopholes against the system and evade arrests and such cause what else is gonna try to do to bond with Danny? Man's life had always revolved around law... Though... there are times where he'd go into this sort of story mode, recalling his experiences with Danny. He's soft and distant here but this is his way to fully open up, if that makes sense.
Harv, on the other hand? Teaching Danny how the criminal world works. Kid needs to learn how Gotham works. Can't have him die (er- turn fully ghosts? Yeah, he and Harvey don't understand Danny's halfa nature but they try and are supportive... They can't help but be reminded of themselves actually-) or Jonny's gonna be beyond pissed in a whole new level. Is actually rather strict, makes sure to put ground rules and boundaries with Danny compared to the rest of the parental unit that is Twoscriddler. Someone has to be the strict parent... How he and Harvey are considered the functional parent here is cause they actually practice self-care, well to an extent anyways, compared to his idiot lovers who would go days on end without eating, drinking, or sleeping, if the chance rises.
Harv, though rarely, would go into story mode as well to Danny, but in his perspective. There are many times he and Harvey hate each other but... They lived and went through the same life. Just differently. He mainly does this after something especially happened with Danny, like say, Danny nearly got shot...
Now, Edward on the other hand... Really depends on the version but in my opinion, he'd be indifferent with Danny at first, if a bit surprised. Jonny, with a kid? Now, isn't that interesting. Would definitely grow very fond of Danny very quickly, and if he learns that Danny's good with inventing and such, he is, for sure, gonna nurture those skills.
Eddie boy is gonna drag Danny to his workshop so they can bond over building shit. Also, VIDEO GAMES CAUSE YOU CAN NOT TELL ME OTHERWISE THAT EDDIE'S NOT A GAMER! Gets too competitive, too loud, just overall chaotic fun with Eddie also rambling about shit in the process. Just, the two are fucking gremlins and fueling each other's chaotic streak somehow cause while Eddie is an adult very full of himself, he acts too much like a child when he's relaxed and not trying to maintain his dignified image even though everyone has at least witness his childish streak at least once (this including his tantrums/meltdowns...)
The fun uncle/dad that managed to help Danny feel like a normal kid he wasn't able to be exactly due to living with mad scientists (who wanted to kill him later on even if they didn't know it was him). Eddie boy would also definitely help tutor Danny. Just that he may get impatient or teaches things too fast. Best that Jonny's there helping with tutoring so it's better paced and not going overboard.
But uh- yeah, it's gonna be a bit of mess when Harvey/Harv entered the shared apartment and see a random kid in there (who both resembles Jonny in some ways and also has the right coloration to be considered Wayne bait AND OH BOY-) huddled in blankets. Eddie would likely just walk past Danny, and after a few moments, walks backwards and stare at Danny, processing, before getting Jonny or Harvey, before trying to maybe interrogate? Depends if he slept or was hyperfocused on a project in his workshop.
[Also, @f4nd0m-fun, I swear, you've been fueling my need to create more Uncle Scarecrow content- DO YOU KNOW HOW HYPER AND EXCITED YOU MADE WHEN YOU @ ME!? Well, I think you're gonna see it when I do the reblogs... Just- XD, I'm having too much fun today/last night/lately (wtf is time anymore)]
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purble-turble · 10 months
Mk learning about love potions pre season 4 because red son tried using one on him. It didnt work because hes head over heels already, and its really a funny getting together story after the screaming and fighting is over with.
The idea of Red Son using a love potion is extremely funny to me because he clearly has such a huge problem with his own self-worth. So to him, using a love potion to get the person he has feelings for to love him back might seem like the only way he'll ever really get what he wants... however, that doesn't mean it's a good idea or that it'll work out like he thinks.
In this scenario, let's say Red Son doses MK with a love potion, then waits expectantly for MK to come to him... but it seems like nothing has changed. (It hasn't, MK was already super in love with him and the potion didn't affect him.) So, Red Son wonders if perhaps he has to make the first move, so he just goes up to MK and asks if he'll go on a date with him. The excitement with with MK screams YES!!! kind of confirms to Red Son that, ah yes, his love potion did work.
They date for a little while and Red can't believe how deliriously happy MK makes him. They spend every possible moment together and it's everything Red Son could possibly have wanted in a relationship... except there's this nagging feeling in the back of his mind telling him that this isn't real.
MK doesn't actually love him. He's only behaving this way because Red Son gave him a magic potion... if he wasn't influenced by that spell then surely he would have rejected Red Son's advances outright. The thought that the love of his life doesn't really love him is eating him up inside and making him miserable. The more he grows to love MK the more guilty he feels about manipulating him in this way. MK deserves better, he's the warm sunshine that lights up Red's world and he doesn't deserve to be tied to such a wicked villain like Red Son who apparently cares so little for him that he'd change the very chemistry of his brain.
The inner turmoil is too much for Red Son to bear, and it's definitely noticeable because one night when MK asks him what's wrong because he's clearly upset, he confesses everything.
At first MK is stunned and believes Red Son that his feelings were actually just the influence of magic. He's having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that all the positive feelings he has about Red Son are apparently fake, and yeah it definitely makes him really angry. As they argue, something comes to light that throws this whole love potion starting their relationship thing into a bit of a questionable territory... MK reveals that he's had budding feelings for Red Son all the way back during their team up to defeat Spider Queen. He assumes that Red Son means that that is when he first gave him the love potion (I mean he did create a potion back during that adventure so it's not totally implausible) but when Red hears this it kind of shocks him and he insists that he only gave MK the potion like a day or two before he asked him out. MK insists back that his feelings for Red definitely did not change suddenly around that time and he already had a crush on Red by that time. There's a bit of confusion here where MK and Red are not entirely sure what that means.. MK thinks maybe Red is lying and Red thinks maybe the love potion has affected MK's memory of his own emotions going as far back as New Years.
They don't find a solution to this right away, they are both way too stupid and too emotional to realize in that moment what has really occurred. Red Son leaves and goes back to sulk in his parents' palace (miserably) believing he's ruined his relationship to the only person who's ever made him feel happy and loved, and MK decides to do his own research with his friends' help to figure out this love potion stuff. It's when they do a bit of digging on how the potion actually works that the possibility that the love potion did nothing to MK comes up. Turns out that if he loved Red Son already then the potion can't make him love Red Son because he already does! This is a huge relief to MK because he really didn't want his feelings to be fake, he really enjoyed being with Red! He goes to find the fire demon and share the good news.
For his own part, Red Son has just been moping in his room for a week, suffering in his own misery and fear that he'll never be as happy as he was during that short time he was with MK because he is not worthy of real love.. and one evening MK comes bursting through his window shouting that he figured out that he really DOES love Red Son and what they had wasn't actually fake and they can be together again! ...it takes some convincing for Red Son to believe him, and he probably also whips up an antidote that he forces MK to drink to assuage his doubts that this isn't just the love potion still talking.
In the end they do manage to stay together, despite the rocky start. It isn't without consequences, though. Sometimes Red's self-worth rears its ugly head and makes him question whether MK actually loves him and this isn't all just him deluding himself into thinking the potion didn't work... when that happens MK just kisses him a whole bunch all over his face and then tells him to stop being so fucking stupid :P
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lordarsonizzzzt · 1 year
I just wanted to write something cause im bored
characters: Jack Bright, Alto Clef, Kondraki, Draven, Iceberg, Gerald
✦ Jack strikes me as a funny guy when in a relationship, dates with him aren't fancy and shit, he doesn't want to go to a place where you have to waste tons of money for food
✦ She prefers going to McDonald, convencing the staff to give both of you balloons if they have any. Maybe go to an arcade or go bowling, fun dates are her thing.
✦ If you want to, she can book some fancy restaurant so you both can go, but it really isn't his thing. I'm so sure Bright just loves goofing around when not in the foundation cause those are the few times he gets to be out of the place.
✦ Don't get me wrong, he's loyal to the Foundation but it can be a bit too much plus the whole being inmortal thing, he preferes dates that involve going out and to places where you will have a fun story to tell.
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♫ Similar to Jack, he preferes fun dates, fancy never was and never will be his thing.
♫ But contrary to Jack, he prefers being indoors, that being said, he loves dates where you two cook together.
♫ HE IS going to mess with whatever you are doing, and YOU WILL have to try and stop him from putting weird shit into the mix.
♫ If you are baking a cake, he's going to try to put gummy worms in it, if you are making dinner, he'll try to put chocolates in the spaguetti.
♫ But that's perfect with you, because that's your man.
♫ If you both already planned to have a date but that day was kinda of shitty for him, he'll try to put through it anyways, most likely you will notice and it wil be time for cuddles and maybe a movie that is just there for background noise while both of you sleep.
♫ I headcannon Clef as a pretty clingy guy when in private, he needs constant praise but he'll prefer dying before admiting it, Lily left some pretty nasty scars on him (both mentally and phsically), so this 'dates' are more of a schedule for both of you, they happen once a week.
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⌛︎ So this one depends on how much you support his drinking habit.
⌛︎ If you are ok with it you both will go to a bar and have a few drinks, but make sure they are actually a few because he doesn't know when to stop.
⌛︎ If you aren't okay with it, then you'll have dinners in your home, same as Clef, Kondraki prefers dates indoors rather than outdoors, he craves that domestic life. Hell! he may even invite Draven and Talloran if it's cool with you.
⌛︎ If Draven comes, he is not buying any alcoholic drinks, not even beer.
⌛︎ If he doesn't, he'll buy probably two cans of beer or vodka, enough to not get him wasted.
⌛︎ Dates with him are filled with talking about this and that, a new book he got into, some dumbass in the Foundation, a guy you don't like from your work and so on.
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➳ Anything will do good with him, wanna go to the beach? Okay! Want to try out food in this new restaurant? Sure, let's go! Wanna do a picnic? HE'S ON HIS WAY.
➳ He likes to have dates at night time, maybe have some take-out and eat in a park while you both talk, walk around holding hands.
➳ He likes to gossip, no you can't change my mind. He'll call you up and will tell you to come to his apartment, when you are there, there are a lot of bags of chips, candies and sodas
➳ You'll paint his nails while he tells you about some weird break up that happened in the foundation, you will ask him to stay still because he uses his hands so much to get his point across.
➳ Probably the only one that will take you to a fancy place with no trouble, yeah it's not his thing but it doesn't hurt to act like you are both rich and important people for one night.
➳ 10/10 would date again.
❆ "Why do you wanna go out if we see each other every day"
❆ Don't expect going out with him, he has to be in a really good mood to take you out, if you wanna go alone or with friends he has no trouble paying for you.
❆ But he's just, not going out, not his thing at all.
❆ Similar to most in this list, preferes staying inside, he'll make breakfast for you and you can watch a movie on the mornings.
❆ At night time, he'll order something from your favourite place and probably some dessert, he'll tell you he got it because it was cheap and it was for him, but since he was going to get something might as well feed you too.
❆ He got himself something else tho, he didn't ate desseart because it was for you.
❆ This one also craves domesticity, but he won't say it. He loves kisses in the morning when making coffee, holding hands when coming home and cuddling at night.
❆ Hell! He may even tell you that he loves you, and verbal affection from him is one hell of an achievement.
⚠︎ Everything he gets is from the market, if he cooks he'll burn everything down and he just wants dates with you to be perfect, he feels like he doesn't deserve you and feels bad because there are so many guys out there that are better than him.
⚠︎ So he tries, he really tries to make these dates perfect, there is no way anything can go wro-
⚠︎ So, most of the time you end up going home and having the picnic on your backyard.
⚠︎ He gets attacked by bears, beers, steps on snakes by mistake, everything that could go wrong goes wrong.
⚠︎ He may even cry.
⚠︎ When you are in your backyard he'll try to feed you parts of the cake he bought, only to attract more fucking bees.
⚠︎ You'll feed him a strawberry and he'll choke on it, but that's to expect.
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lostonmari · 6 months
SUCCESS #2 - November
Success #2 -- Everything I manifested in November
November is when I started this blog, and also ACTUALLY started applying all of the things I learned started taking affirming and thinking in my favor seriously instead of just sporadically manifesting random things here and there because I was too lazy to put in the work. I never had issues w wavering, but I was just inconsistent as fuck (Hell, I'm still inconsistent with posting on my own damn blog, yall can't possibly think I'm consistent with affirming!) So here's everything I manifested…
Manifested back my old bestfriend/ex-gf after 4 years no contact She came back, apologized for mistreating me and told me basically everything I affirmed for LMAO. and that's one of the things that gave me faith in the law because ik this girl would rather die than ever apologize to someone. Now that she's back I'm manifesting away her friends and leaving her broke down and in shambles because I'm evil and believe in revenge. yall dont know the type of bullsh*t this woman put me through. Idc if everyone is you pushed out, some people don't deserve forgiveness 🤓
My mom is walking again I successfully revised her shattered ankle without the weeks of recovery time the doctors "thought" she needed. She's literally walking around just fine now and doesn't need to wear her cast or whatever that big bulky thing was.
Manifested my brother out of jail on a time crunch Now I'm not sharing my family's whole drama online but… yea. he's out.
No more social anxiety, cured one of my mental health issues I don't wanna trauma dump or go into too much detail about my life but, yes. for anyone also working on mental health, it can be done and you won't regret trying. Life actually feels like it has meaning now and for once in all my years of life, I can actually say that I'm happy. 💗
Stopped nail biting COMPLETELY! I used to struggle with nail biting for YEARSSS whether it was out of stress, anxiety, whatever the fuck. but now it's completely gone. my nails are no longer STUBS, like theyre actually long and healthy. I didn't even affirm for this so I kinda think it came with improving my mental health since I didn't really have the issues that *triggered* nail biting anymore yk?. I'm actually the happiest about this result like yall don't understand how long I've wanted the natural french tips look 💀
[TW: Discussion of binging, discussion of food]
6. WL + Maintained weight loss! I literally changed my entire way of viewing food, and subsequently fixed my lose->gain->lose-> gain again cycle. Ever since learning LOAss If I binged I would be like: I just have a fast metabolism so that's why I'm so hungry my body is burning everything I eat so fast! and I would also tell myself calories don't matter because food is only energy. Basically, reminding myself of what Abdullah told Neville: "If you ate as I did, you would be poisoned because of your belief." (heavily paraphrased because my memory is terrible.. yes I'm working on it 😭) and it keeps me from feeling guilty abt eating. I ate SOOO MUCH food yesterday and I mean SO MUCH. I ate an entire box of cheese sticks, two large chicken sandwiches, 2 pb & j sandwiches total throughout the day, and half a tub of icecream for dessert… Yeah I was going crazy.. to the point I looked 5 months pregnant at the end of the night. Fast forward to today, my stomach is back to flat and back to normal as if it never happened. Food literally will not effect you if you believe it doesn't! This was my main focus too so I'm very proud of myself :)
Moral of the story is, never give up.
YOU decide what happens in your reality and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There were times when I didn't want to affirm, so I didn't. If I felt lazy then I didn't consciously affirm or listen to subliminals, I just relaxed and went on about my day. I never made affirming feel like a chore. There were times when I had doubts too or thought it wouldn't work. I especially thought it wouldn't work for my mental health but I just affirmed anyway. When you're having resistance literally just know there's nothing bad that can possibly happen from believing in yourself and thinking in your favor. Just DO IT. Persist no matter what and you WILL get what you want!
I'll try to do better with posting my successes (but only ones that actually meant something big to me tbh. I don't see a point in sharing every little thing unless it was me overcoming some type of struggle) and answering messages but I refuse to download the tumblr app so yall just gotta see and hear from me whenever I feel like loading up this website. I'm just enjoying & living my life rn girl I used to dream about times like this and now I finally have them 😭
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rontra · 9 months
who The Fuck is manhunter
god this is such a good question. who the fuck IS manhunter. well okay so let me pose a counter-question. what if women sucked and were not fun to hang out with. do we still support their wrongs?
no okay (visibly trying not to laugh) heres the girlcrush of the day. she's got what ive jokingly called "bull-in-a-china-shop lifestyle". her name is kate she's a famous federal prosecutor who specializes in prosecuting supervillains. and brother she loves pushing for the death penalty. one day when she was pushing so so hard for the death penalty, the jury did not go for it. and she got so so so mad that she decided to go find and kill the guy herself
and she liked it.
so she blackmails some guy in the witness protection program into being her gadget guy & from then on she's the vigilante "manhunter" (yay!) who kills bad guys she thinks deserve it. when she's out there she's basically operating on a completely circular logic that goes like "well if i can't kill this villain here, i'll simply get him the death penalty in court (which i'm very good at), and if that falls through, i'll just go back to Plan A (killing him with my own hands)" and it's like girl i think you just kind of Like Killing. good luck with that
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it's like what if batman not only loved killing and jumped directly to it every time, but was also working With & Inside the system at the same time to ensure there is no other way for things to end. that's a weird thing to do, right? girl? this is weird?...
& like MAYBE in 2004 america this setup was written to appeal to a certain type of reader who'd go "yeah girl the System never gives the bad guys what they Deserve lets fucking go #justice" . i couldn't really tell you to be honest (and her murder mettle is proven entirely in scenarios that are like "well maybe she's morally in the clear here because the guy in question is a cartoon snake-man who eats people") (to me personally, on its face, this all reads like the origin story for a supervillain lawyer named Death Row or something. but that's just another part of her womanly charm in my eyes.) what i CAN tell you is that deciding to become a coldblooded premeditated killer in her spare time is Really cutting into both her professional and private life and now her ex-husband is suing for full custody of their son
oh yeah. she has a son and she is like a deadbeat mother she never shows up on time she forgets to pick him up and he hates going to her house when it's her weekend she is NOT doing a good job on this one. figuring out how to actually mom this kid is also kind of a thing for her and she DOES figure it out but i have to tell you. her Divorced Milf Who Totally Sucks appeal. VERY High
man. yeah she's always getting her shit pushed in during fights because She Is Just A Lawyer but she just like Walks it off (girl...). she's addicted to nicotine in a major way. she's cold and cranky and would not be fun to hang out with. she's terrible at banter. she actually sucks to the point it makes me feel Bad for her ex-husband who has to keep hounding her like "don't forget to pick up our SON" it's kind of a feat to be honest. she just sort of is charging blindly into things and wrecking her life because she has a chip on her shoulder and Maybe Enjoys Killing but at least she's also got a certain failgirl swag about it
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there is a major theme of like, legacy, but crucially (and most interestingly, imo) most of the time kate is completely ignorant of said legacies existing around her while she's stomping through the porcelain with her hooves until they rear up to bite her directly in the ass, which i enjoy very much. she is very much focused on her own thing and consumed by her own motivations and does not really give a shit about these things and it's a major issue every time. even "manhunter" itself is a name that's been used by multiple dc characters (sometimes simultaneously) (including a whole cult), which suddenly becomes a problem for her when someone starts murdering all the other manhunters until she's the only one left standing. uh oh! i was just doing my own thing and thought the name sounded cool! noooo!
there's also the very pointed matter of her gear which is all "borrowed" from just like. the lockup. (girl...) so she's wearing someone else's suit and someone else's gauntlets and using someone else's weapon (actually one of the previous manhunters! there's that manhunter lineage again!) and while the audience is treated to a whole issue elaborating on the backstories of these things, kate herself is completely unaware and uninterested in the significance and legacy of these hand-me-downs because she picked them out at complete random to go do premeditated killing. it's really underscored in an interesting way how much she just is kind of bulldozing straight through everything--whether it's her own life or her proverbial predecessors--towards her own ends
the whole lineage and legacy thing is something of a Theme i guess. especially when it turns out her own biological father is an absolute sicko with a murder charge and he's on his way right now to bulldoze her life for his own ends. that's funny. maybe she's got that serial killer gene from riverdale,
jokes aside i would give her a 10/10 failwife cringemilf rating, with ample extra points awarded for being divorced, for the broken ribs, and for how much i would hate hanging out with her if she were real. this is a certified manhunter post. i hope you enjoyed it.
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(reading manhunter 2004 and shaking my head sternly the whole time but also smiling. so people know i don't support the death penalty but i Do support women's wrongs)
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blueteller · 2 years
TCF Summary Arc by Arc (Part 7/8)
Every TCF story arc in a nutshell
Volume 7: chapters 600-699
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Eel Battle, Multiplied by Two [Electric Eel uses Split! The monster Duplicated!] The Koreans: *ambush* [Blue Head fled the battle!] [Yellow Head used Dig!] Cale: (…Well f***) Cale: Don't let them merge! Blue Head: *gets severely injured* Yellow Head: *eats the other one* [Yellow Head Fled the Battle!] Everybody: (…WTF) Cale: Okay so that's probably bad. Now we gotta wait for it to show up again. (But at least no one died) LSH: Hey Rok Soo, isn't it your birthday? Cale: Yeah, Choi Hans and Choi Jung Soo's as well The Koreans: Happy birthday! Cale: Thanks guys. For no particular reason, I'm going to go to an isolated place for a moment Choi Han: Cale-nim, are you o- Cale: *starts coughing blood* (…dammit, I knew it) God of Despair: This level of difficulty is clearly too easy for you, so I decided to change it to hard mode Cale: You bastard. I thought you couldn't interfere with the test?! God of Despair: I can't, but my lackeys sure can *Back in Endable* White Star: *after waiting for weeks for something to happen* Ok so the God finally gave us permission, let's just kill him The Black Mages: *drop no-magic-zone & blast spells at Orbed!Cale* Alberu: Ok so Cale said that on this specific day we're supposed to keep him alive. Let's move! Cale's group: *invades Endable* *Meanwhile, in Korea:* Cale: *literally coughing blood and dying from pain* …I'm fine Choi Han, LSH, CJS & PJT: (Like HELL you are!!!) Cale: We gotta finish fighting the Electric Eel today, we can't let the others know about my condition. We have to make sure no one dies Choi Han: Jung Soo, you take care of Cale. Make sure neither of you get hurt CJS: …sure (This guy is definitely related to me) [Yellow Head had evolved into Yellow Head with Blue Stripes!] The Ancient Powers: Cale! We finally re-connected with you! We can give you one full power now. We'll send you Vitality of the Heart right awa- Cale: Nope, gimme me the Shield The Ancient Powers: …you dumb self-sacrificial bastard Cale: *Mokuton-no-jutsus the trees to tie up the Yellow Head* [Yellow Head used Dig!] [Yellow Head Fled the Battle!] Cale: …third time's the charm, I guess Also Cale: *spits even more blood* Kim Rok Soo: *inside Cale's head* Hi, I'm the owner of this body and I've been here this whole time so I know everything. Cale, your life sucks Cale: (Couldn't agree more) *Back in Endable* Eruhaben: *charges in* White Star: Ha! You think one old dragon is enough to- Alberu: *turns Taerang into a gun* Parry this, you filthy casual White Star: Wait wha- Alberu: *rains bullets at him* White Star: …WTF!? Mary: *steals Orbed!Cale while the White Star is distracted* Raon & Lock: *steal Wolf child sacrifices* White Star: (…well s***) Cale's group: Later suckers! *teleports away* *Meanwhile, in Korea:* KRS: Anyway, I wanna smack that bastard Sealed God in the back too Cale: (Good to have you on board, buddy) The Ancient Powers: You can't kill a god, but you can use Embrace to seal him for good Cale: (Sounds like a plan) The Ancient Powers: Hey, the pain stopped! Seems like your friends rescued you on the other side already Cale: (Great!) I'm all better now- Everyone: No you're not. Lie down Cale: But- Everyone: LIE. DOWN. Cale: O-okay KRS: …what's with them? Cale: (I know, right?) The Ancient Powers: …you're both dense idiots KRS: We gotta tell LSH the truth. You know I won't have your powers once you leave, right? Cale: (…Good point) LSH: Ok, so what's going on with you? Cale: I'm actually from a parallel universe set in the future and currently possessing this KRS's body. He's still here and can see everything. Also I'm older than you LSH: … LSH: Seems legit. I'm still the Hyung tho Tiger!Alberu: Cale, let's finish this and get outta here! Yellow Head: *gets killed* Cale: *faints* *Cale coughs blood and/or faints counter: 24 (Triple Combo!)*
End Korean Side Quest God of Despair: You know this is not the end of despair in this world, right? Cale: I know. But you're actually a really good therapist? I never thought I'd say this to a god, but – thanks. You really helped me with my trauma God of Despair: … God of Despair: F***. You pass. Cale: Wait what God of Despair: Yeah, the test was actually about accepting despair, not defeating the monster. Good job. I'll give you time to say goodbye as your prize Cale: (Really? That's suspiciously nice of-) *wakes up and realizes he has barely 10 minutes left* (…I knew it. That a**hole) The Koreans: …Commander, are you okay? Cale: I'm fine. I lost all of my abilities tho The Koreans: *shocked and concerned* Cale: But no one died, right? The Koreans: …Right *extremely touched* Cale: Choi Han, let's go home Choi Han: Okay *vanishes* Cale: Ok, bye- *starts coughing blood* -Sealed God, you mother***ing son of a b****! *Cale coughs blood and/or faints counter: 25*
Cale's Official Hero Fanclub Cale: *wakes up* Everyone: Cale-nim's back!!! *tears of joy* Cale: (Ah, finally. Now, let's just quietly go back home-) Everybody: LOOK, IT'S YOUNG MASTER SILVER SHIELD, THE KIND OF HERO WHO WILL NEVER BE SEEN IN THE WORLD AGAIN!!! *throws a parade in celebration* Hilsman: *ecstatic* Young Master, you're become the most famous hero of the two Continents! Cale: *horrified* The Henituse Family: *acts normal* Welcome home, Cale Cale: (…oh thank God) Cat Tribe: *randomly try to attack in the background* Duke Fredo: *shows up wounded and falls in coma, for real this time* Deruth: Anyway, I hired some OP mercenaries to protect us, because we're super rich! Isn't that great? Raon: …Human, one of them is a dragon Cale: (…WTF) Dodori: Hi, I'm the extremely cool dragon who wants to join your hero party! Also I binged all the books about you Cale: (…A teenage otaku, huh) Cale: *eager to scam more dragons into joining their cause* Sounds great. But minors gotta have a parental permit to join Dodori: Ok, I'll bring my mom… Hopefully she won't beat me up too bad! Cale: (…am I making a mistake…?) Litana: *admiration mode on* Young Master Cale! Toonka: *tearful* FRIEND!!! Cale: (…oh s***) Chief od Staff: Young Master, there's an emergency! Cale: (Thank GOD!) *nopes out of there*
Dragons, Dragons Everywhere Dodori: Hi, I'm back! I brought my mom with me! Rasheel: *charges in with cute PJs on* Who DARES to disturb my slumber?! Mila: Is this a bad time…? Cale: *laughs hysterically* (THREE dragons showed up!! This is amazing!!!) Toonka & Litana: (Poor Young Master Cale… the pressure must be really getting to him…) Rasheel: I'll beat you up to a pulp!! Cale: *pats him on the shoulder* You're going to regret this in a moment Rasheel: Ha! You think a dragon like me would-! Raon, Dodori, Mila & Eruhaben: *stare down at him* Rasheel: *sweats* Mila: Hey, aren't you that thug dragon I once saw beating up some other dragons? It was really dope Eruhanen: … *embarrassed-by-highschool-hijinks vibes* Mila: BTW, I made holes in their cheeks and legs after you left. Lol, just kidding Cale: *doubtful* (…is she?) Rasheel: *realizes with horror he's the least violent and crazy dragon here* Cale: *smiling* Why don't you sit down and have some tea? Rasheel: …o-okay… Eruhaben: *explains how the White Star plans to summon the Sealed God and the Demonic Race* Rasheel: …WTF. How did this even happen?! (I shouldn't have gotten up this morning…) (Me: Rasheel is so relatable, the poor man) Mila: I'm in, so long as you officially become my son's Teacher, Young Master Cale: But- Mila: *vicious mom vibes* Cale: …okay.
Overthrowing Monarchy – Again! Dragon Half-Blood: *dying* Cale: Ok, time to cheat death again. Any ideas? Mary: ...We can turn him into a Bone Dragon Cale: Perfect Dragon Half-Blood: Are you really… going to save me? Cale: Well, you have to promise to abandon your desire for revenge and live to protect instead. Deal? Dragon Half-Blood: *shrugs* Fair enough Duke Fredo: *wakes up* Gimme your blood, pls Cale: No Duke Fredo: Worth as shot. Anyway, can you save the Vampires? The White Star is using them and the Dark Elves as sacrifices to summon the demonic monsters. They're at Mount Nex in the Sez Kingdom Cale: Sure *shows up at the Hope and Adventure Loving Inn* Bud: *looks at the bunch of dragons Cale brought with him* Bud: *jokes* Are you going to conquer another kingdom or something? Cale: No, but actually yes Bud: …Wait wha- Cale: Time to kidnap a royal and obliterate the Cat Tribe, I guess *Naru mode on* Cale's group: *infiltrates Sez Kingdom* On: *shows off being part of the Cat Tribe* Cale: *makes a show of kidnapping the king and dragging him towards Mount Nex* Sez Soldiers: These bastards, they dare step onto the Holy Mountain and abduct his majesty?! King Bakehe: *aware that Arm has a secret Cat Tribe base on the mountain* (…oh f***!) No, wait-! Cale: *shuts him up* If you continue your alliance with the White Star, your future will only consist of chaos, destruction and despair Rasheel: Heed our warning, human, for we are representing the Dragons King Bakehe: *looks at Cale* (…This guy is the leader of the dragons!!) *terrified* Cale: *at the Cat Tribe* Hello, friends~! We captured the king! Please stop the enemies behind us! Sez Soldiers: *also at the Cat Tribe* ATTACK!!! The Cat Tribe: (…well s***) No, wait-! Sez Soldiers: *go on a war path* Dodori: *throws pink boulders everywhere* Dorph: Fools! Even dragons are no match for my Darkness Attribu-! Rasheel: *Attribute Uno Reverse Card* Dorph: Wait wha- Rasheel: *beats him up to a pulp* (Heh. Cale Henituse is gonna be so proud of me!) *smug* [Enemy Dorph Got Captured!] *Cale mistaken for a dragon counter: 5*
Summoning the Unranked Monsters Raon: Human, half of the monster statues aren't here! The Dark Elves are also missing! King Bakehe: *spills* Sayeru took them back to Endable Cale: (Well f***) Cale: They're going summon the monsters in Puzzle City Alberu: On it *has evacuated everyone and gathered troops nearby* I'm going to Puzzle City then The Vassals: Your highness, you can't go! It's too dangerous!! Alberu: *thinks of Cale* I cannot retreat. They should all fight looking at my back (Me: 😭) Cale & Raon: *show up in Endable* Sayeru: Ha! You're too late! No one is fast enough to stop the summoning now!! Cale: Raon, take me back to the Raon Kingdom once I pass out. Don't be like me Sayeru: Wait wha- Cale: *uses Instant to destroy 2/4 statues & wrecks his whole plate and body* Raon: *saves him and takes him back home* Alberu & Choi Han: *watch the whole thing through video-call, horrified* (Me: 😭😭😭) *Cale coughs blood and/or faints counter: 27 (Double Combo! FATALITY!)*
Meeting the Original Cale Henituse (Also, Monster Fights) Electric Eel & Lion Dragon: *get summoned* Raon: *serves as the hub station for everyone* Alberu: Ok, the White Star timed everything so that all of our allies in other countries get attacked at the same time. They can handle it, but we have to deal with the monsters on our own now Taerang: Sir, at this moment, my prediction is that you're definitely going to die Eruhaben, Mary & others: *show up* Taerang: …ok, so now the chances of survival definitely increased Roan Soldiers: Gasp! We got a real Dragon on our side!! Electric Eel: *gets killed* Choi Han: *finds a Cintamani inside its corpse* Huh, that looks just like the one we found in Korea- PJT: *shows up inside the Cintamani* Huh? Lock: Huh?? Choi Han: HUH??? *Meanwhile* Cale: *dying from his plate being broken* [Mila used Mending! It's Super Effective!] Cale: *wakes up in his Korean office* …Huh? OG Cale/KRS: *looking back at him* 'Sup Cale: You're OG Cale? OG Cale!KRS: Yup, but I am KRS now. You should give up being KRS too to avoid confusion Cale: Sure OG Cale!KRS: Anyway, I was the one who made the deal with the God of Death to transmigrate Cale: I see, you really have been happy then OG Cale!KRS: Yeah. My mother actually reincarnated in Korea, so I'm trying to adopt her and be her uncle now Cale: Wow. OG Cale!KRS: The family, are they well? Cale: Of course OG Cale!KRS: Good. BTW, my mom had an Ancient Power Cale: Wait, what OG Cale!KRS: Yeah, I'm actually a regressor and when I was 40 the White Star won the war and by the end I realized he had my mom's Wood Ancient Power. It allows you to see the Annual Rings of Life of all living creatures. She broke her plate and died to hide half of it in Harris Village, which is why I hate that place Cale: Huh, so the White Star destroyed Harris Village while getting that power? OG Cale!KRS: Probably. You should go to mom's grave to collect the other half of it Cale: Got it. Live peacefully OG Cale!KRS: You too *shake hands with Cale* Bye! Cale: *wakes up for real* Mila: Teacher, I'm almost done fixing your plate. It's going to hurt a tiny bit Cale: Ok Also Cale: *feels incomprehensible pain moments later* (God DAMMIT I should have never trusted a dragon…!)
Monster Fights Continue Molan Assassin Squad: *finishes things up at Mount Nex* Cat Tribe Leader: Fools! Once the Temple Door opens, you will all die! Ron: (…ah, I get it now) *contacts Cale* The monster is guarding Sealed God's Temple, it seems. The White Star wants us to do the hard part and kill it for him *Meanwhile, in Puzzle City* Lock: *brings Cale the Cintamani* Cale: …the hell is this?? LSH: It seems we can communicate with each other now?? Cale: …that motherf***ing God of Death *Cintamani has been added to the Inventory* Raon: Listen up everyone! The Human woke up! Everybody: *relieved* Raon: He says, now we begin our plan: Goldie Gramps, play dead! Eruhaben: … Eruhaben: …What the hell?? Raon: Pretend to faint so we can trick the White Star into fighting the monster by himself! Eruhaben: Pff, this is definitely Cale's style, alright. That punk really is awake then Eruhaben: *dramatically pretends to faint* Choi Han: …should we help, too-? Alberu & Rosalyn: NOPE! Not you, you stay out of it White Star: *watches from the shadows* So even the Ancient Dragon was too weak, huh… Cale: We're at a stalemate, now
Thames Heritage Problems – Begin! Lock: So what are you going to do now, Young Master? Cale: I'm going to visit my mother's grave Everyone: … Alberu & Choi Han: *in-the-know about KRS and thus Be Confusion* Bud: *video-calling* (He's… he's gathering his resolve in case he dies!!!) Bud: Cale, you must absolutely not have weird thoughts like that! Cale: (…what the heck he's talking about??) Cale: *to Basen* Please lead the way, little brother (…because I don't know where to go) Raon: Yeah, let's go! Basen: *shocked at seeing Raon for the first time* Cale: How is everyone? Basen: Good. Lily is mad she can't participate in the fighting, since she's almost at High-Grade Knight level now Raon: Wow! Human's little sister sure is strong Cale: *faces the grave* (I guess now that I fully accepted my identity as Cale Henituse, I gotta get more invested in my family history, huh…) Cale: *digs up Jour Thames' Diary* Diary: "Hi person possessing my son's body" Cale: (She really knew everything, huh…?) Diary: "BTW, my family studied the cycle of life and aside from Immortals and souls who reincarnate without memories, there are three exceptions called Variables: Reincarnators, Regressors and Transmigrators" Cale (…the hell is this??) Diary: "Also there are Single-Lifers, who ascend after death. They have super long lifespans after they travel between dimensions" Cale: *thinks about Choi Han* (WTF???) Diary: "Anyway I knew my son would be either a Reincarnator or a Transmigrator eventually. Also, Reincarnators kick out the souls meant to be born in the bodies they steal and that causes those souls to have the same face as them once they are born somewhere else. The only known way to kill them is with the power of an Immortal" Cale: ... Cale: (…Good thing this dangerous information is definitely not in the possession of some evil megalomaniac I'm going to fight in the sequel!) Diary: "PS: There also might be some "Hunter" guys out there who may be going around killing Single-Lifers" Cale: (Well f***) Annual Rings of Life: *show up as a tree* Hi! You're cute! Cale: Excuse me? Annual Rings of Life: You look just like my brother and that cute idiot Deruth! Cale: Excuse me?? Annual Rings of Life: Anyway, you pass! Cale: Excuse me??? Annual Rings of Life: *get Embraced in Jour's Diary* [Wood Ancient Power: Annual Rings of Life (1/2), acquired!] Cale: *casually interrogating the captured Dorph* BTW, how DID you figure out how to eat a Darkness Elemental to gain its power, anyway? Dorph: A mysterious figure with red aura taught me Also Cale: (…I'm certain that's not something I'll have to get involved with anyway. This whole Thames heritage thing sure won't bite me in the a** later) *Cale's Ancient Power counter: 8.5*
Fourth World Tree Meeting Count Hubesha: *suddenly turns on Arm* Look, I might have been loyal to the White Star, but I sure didn't sign up for sacrificing our own citizens Cale: Makes sense Count Hubesha: I want to make a deal with you Cale: Mhhhh nah, your offer doesn't impress me. Think it over and make it better Count Hubesha: *Surprised Pikachu Face* Cale: Hi World Tree, I gotta talk to you about Single-Lifers World Tree: You mean like, Tribulators? Yeah, those dudes become gods after living though trials. Like that one who fought an evil Dark Elf and became a racist god as a result Cale: …The Sun God, huh? Makes sense. Was the God of Death also a Tribulator? *earthquake warning* World Tree: …Can't say Cale: Well, it doesn't matter anyway World Tree: Unfortunately for you, it's going to matter a lot for the sequel Cale: Wait what? Never-mind. I need your power to defeat a Reincarnator World Tree: Sure! There you go *World Tree Dagger has been added to the Inventory* World Tree: It's super easy to use. You just have to stab yourself Cale: …stab myself. World Tree: Yup! Right in the heart. You might have to do it several times if you miss, so it might be a bit messy Cale: … World Tree: Oh, don't worry about dying or anything! It's all gonna be fine. It'll even give you a health upgrade Cale: … World Tree: …what's wrong? Cale: …You DO realize my friends will have to see me stab myself, right? World Tree: … *realizes that his friends are all vicious, over-protective Yanderes*. World Tree: OH. World Tree: Um… good luck, then? Cale: (…I am so f***ed.)
Meeting Totally-Not-IronMan *Meanwhile, in Puzzle City* Cale: Ok, so Count Hubesha told me that the White Star finally got the an Earth Ancient Power that disguises him and he's pretending to be one of my father's subordinates… We gotta smoke him out Deruth: The Crown Prince wants to play dead…? If that's your plan, then I'll play along Alberu: Let's take the drama to the next level then Alberu: *falls dramatically* Roan Soldiers: YOUR HIGHNESS, NOOO-! Taerang: Slight damage sustained. Connecting to your "AS Representative" about repairs Alberu: Wait what Ahn Roh Man: *picks up* Who the HELL is the arrogant prick of a thief holding my item right now? Alberu: …did it seriously just connect me to Earth 3??? Alberu *smirk* (Well hello new source of info!) Lion Dragon: *stands down without strong opponents to fight* Cale: Ok, so now I know how to kill a Reincarnator… *omits the heart-stabbing part* Alberu: Ok, so now I know that Choi Han's uncle Choi Jung Gun stole Taerang from Earth 3… Also apparently, the Sun God's name is Angelina. Cale: Huh. The more you know Choi Han: *has an existential crisis about being a Single-Lifer and possibly becoming a god in the future* Deruth: *suddenly acts sus* Hilsman: *also suddenly acts sus* Cale: *eyes narrow suspiciously* *Among Us Sound Effect plays*
Cale, the White Star, and the Best Moment of the Whole Series Violan: *captures the fake Hilsman* You must take us for idiots, huh. I take personal offense to that *pets Raon in her lap like a magnificent bada**.* Fake Hilsman: Look, I don't work for the White Star, it was just a coincidence. I'm actually- Violan: I don't care, we'll deal with you later Cale: Ok everyone, either the White Star or someone working for him is definitely impersonating my father Cale's group: *pissed* Cale: The jig is up. Where's my father? Deruth!White Star: Still in town, but I can change that at any moment. Cale Henituse, I'm going to offer you a deal Cale: We defeat the Lion Dragon for you, and you return my father to me? White Star: That's right Cale: Wanna make a Vow of Death on it? White Star: … White Star: …no. Cale: Pff. I hate this, but very well. We will work together for once Everybody: ??? Alberu: (No way…) White Star & Cale: *shake hands* White Star: *smug* This is truly a meaningful day- Cale: *openly b****-slaps him* Everybody: !!! White Star: *shocked* White Star: …You hit me? …YOU hit ME? Cale: Heh. I slapped you so that it would feel even worse than being hit. How does it feel being slapped like the b**** that you are? White Star: You son of a b****…! Cale: Lol, you're not my mother Also Cale: *activates mana disturbance devices all over Puzzle City* White Star: Are you crazy?! Are you seriously planning on fighting the Lion Dragon without magic??? Cale: But you won't be able to snatch my father away, you dumb bastard Cale: *charges at the White Star* Jack: Your highness, by the way, the Sun God(dess) wants you to light up the night Alberu: Wait, wha-? Taerang: Holy Flashlight Activated! Alberu: Ha! Nice Also Alberu: *dramatically "becomes the sun" while wearing PJs*
White Star gets Embraced Cale: *uses the Blood-Drenched Rocks for the first time* Cale's group: *pauses* …the hell is that?? Cale: *remembers how the main condition to seal living people with Embrace is to either have them fear you or shock them* Cale: Hey White Star! You wanna know something funny? White Star: …what? Cale: You were right about your Transmigrator theory… White Star: I KNEW IT-! Cale: …but I've only been in this world for 2 years, you absolute moron White Star: !!! *completely taken aback* White Star: No… You're lying! Cale: Ha! For once, I'm really not White Star: It can't be-! Cale: Face it, b****. It took me only 2 years to dismantle your entire 1000-year-old plan White Star: No, that's not true! That's IMPOSSIBLE! Cale: Search your feelings, you know this to be true White Star: NOOOOO-! Cale: *seals him with Embrace in the Golden Plaque* Alberu: …Why are you covered in blood?! Cale: What-? Oh. No, this is just mud. …Your highness, why are you in your PJs?? Alberu: …I forgot to put on armor. Anyway! What happened to the White Star? Cale: Oh, he's right here *shows him the Golden Plaque* Alberu: … Alberu: PLEASE tell me you didn't Cale: *shrug* It was the first thing I could grab Alberu: You bastard…
Enter the Temple of the Sealed God Wind Elementals: Cale, we think we know where the Bears are hiding! Cale's group: *rescues Deruth* Deruth: I apologi- Cale: Don't say something so useless. (Why would anyone apologize for getting kidnapped??) Sayeru: *mockingly* What a teary reunion-! Cale: *deadpanning* Check your eyes, you dumb bastard. Neither of us are crying [Sayeru Fled the Battle!] Alberu: *uses up all of his mana heroically fighting the Lion Dragon* Lion Dragon: *gets killed* Alberu *faints* *Alberu bleeds and/or faints counter: 2* Cale: ...I can't believe the Crown Prince just let himself faint like that! How irresponsible Everyone: … Everyone: *looks at him and his "27" counter judgmentally* Cale: …what? Everyone: We have no words for you. Sealed God's Temple: *appears neatly at Cale's feet* Cale: …it gotta be doing this on purpose.
End Volume 7.
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futurecorps3 · 11 months
hello darling!
many congratulations on the 800 followers milestone, im so so proud of you for getting so far; it's entirely well deserved and for you to put in the time and effort to organise an evident with so much thought is incredibly considerate of you, thank you so much for doing so (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
on that note, i'd love to participate in your celebration if that's alright with you, my love
i'd like to request a 🩸 Kir Royale please for the Harry Potter Fandom, Marauders era, if you can, but im not opposed to Lightening Era either
and just some info on me :
i love men <3 ; i am open to listening to all sorts of music genres so long as it fits the mood, however, i tend to lean more towards R&B/Soul/Hip-Hop, Indie and Alternative Lo-fi, my favourite movies are all studio ghibli or animated movies, my top love languages are acts of service, quality and physical touch. i love deep conversations and listening to people tell me their story - getting to know more about other people is one of my favourite things to do. i want to be a mother one day, im a hopeless romantic who is very much into self-care and self-pampering, i also love baking, especially cookies and apple pie. i love art but enjoy paper crafting and watercolours the best and my aesthetic would be soft girl/light academia. i love my friends and family and value them above anyone else to the point where, if they were threatened/hurt in anyway, i would get incredibly angry and overprotective, which is rare for me to be.
some bad traits now... TT^TT time to expose myself - i can get pretty lazy, i tend to get into planning my life a little too much, i have perfectionist tendencies, im horrible at replying to people and can't resist chocolate and donuts or dairy products even though im lactose intolerant...i also tend to ramble sometimes for example, this paragraph XD
p.s thank you so so much for the kind mention in your celebration event post, you really didn't have to since you did most of the work, nevertheless, that was still so incredibly kind of you so thank you c⌒っ╹v╹ )っ huggies for my lovie!
Honey this means the world! Thank you so much mwah mwah kisses
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James! Like I can totally see him baking with you (while eating the ingredients as you do so hehe), spoiling you with art supplies under the condition you paint something for him, and that whole protectiveness of friends and family screams Prongs!! He also dreams of being a dad one day so yeah <333 I actually headcanon him being lactose intolerant too so dw, he’ll eat the things you shouldn’t with you shamelessly. ❤️
p.s Thats the least I can do to reciprocate how sweet and kind you’ve been! Huggies all the way back for u
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