#orca talks
flipclaw · 3 months
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Kicking off this blog with the T featured in my profile picture!
P. sp. Rufus
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transspiral · 2 years
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This is the most couple of all time
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timebubbles · 1 year
very tired. going to bed. hi i needed to make a first post
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paleorcas · 2 years
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happy tiktaalik tuesday to her and only her
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I love reblogging to the wrong blog.
Anyways you want consistency go follow my main @silver-tounges-and-golden-lies
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totallynotsarkaz · 7 months
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be a good girl, and let me take care of you.
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melverie · 1 month
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darewolfcreates · 4 months
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mmm... many thoughts...
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yandere-sins · 3 months
Just saw a video that said Orcas in captivity are being fed ice (and gelatin interestingly) because their food doesn’t give them enough fluids so they dehydrate easily….
Just putting the thought out there of you having to feed Nerrocan/Krill their daily ice portion and they start to refuse taking it by themselves and eventually even from your hands so you have to give it to them mouth-to-mouth and they start doing all kinds of playful things by keeping it on their tongue and exploring your body… ❤️
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naffeclipse · 9 months
I HAVE THR GREATEST IDEA!! Raindeer centaur!Y/n with orca!Eclipse and she finds two calves of sun and moon raindeer centaurs and bring to eclipse how would he react??
Oh my gosh, Reindeer Centaur Y/N!! You'd have a thick, brown coat and velvet horns. Strong and stout, you traverse the ice and snow with a silent forbearance.
Eclipse sees you before you ever see him. He's immediately enamored by the beautiful centaur trotting around snowbanks—he has to see you up close! It takes patience, but he follows from the coast, and he's rewarded. He finds you. He introduces himself the only way he knows how.
You kneel at the water's edge, hooves folded underneath your body as you wash your hands in the thick salt. The taste warns you to not drink it, but it does well cleaning away the sweat and grime from constantly moving. You lower your hands, cupping a gentle handful to wash the fine, velveteen fur of your neck when you realize a face is staring at you from below the surface, grinning.
You slowly straighten where you sit and he follows, emerging from the water in soft splashes and a gleaming gaze. He sizes you up as if deciding where to take the bite first. You, calmly, regard him, and listen to his gushing of how beautiful and handsome you are! He flicks his tongue over his teeth when he tells his name. When you share your own, you study how his claws thrum against the ice and how intently he locks eyes with you.
He often calls you 'my dear' and adores touching your antlers and stroking your thick, velvet fur. You take your time letting him close. When you're not racing along the ocean shore, you'll watch Eclipse breach, showing off with grandiose splashes before he pops up to catch your reaction.
On one rare occasion, he convinces you to lie down on your side, four cervine legs sprawled out, and lay your head on his stomach. You're both quiet the sight, a centaur and a siren, sprawled close together, but you don't mind his claws petting through your hair and scratching between your antlers so long as he's gentle. He sings you lullabies that lull you to sleep (you swore you wouldn't drift away so easily but he had other plans.)
When you're ready, you stroke his head fins and touch his flukes. He's practically beaming under your interest and snowflake-soft palming. He melts when you allow him to press his cheek against the velveteen fur on your reindeer half. He's clingy, but you gradually settle into his constant touches and affectionate affirmations with your treasured time.
Later, much later, when you cross a field, and discover two small bodies with bumbling cervine legs struggling through the snow, you calmly take a calf of beige and buttery yellow colors, and the other, blue metal and silvery, under your arms. They're just old enough to hold themselves up. They bawl, not yet having found their words. The twins nuzzle into your fur. It's not a pretty picture—two abandoned centaur young, but it's nothing you and Eclipse can't handle.
He accepts them without hesitation as you thought he might. It's not a question of acceptance but a matter of finding the right manner in which to tend to the children. You gently point out to Eclipse how the nub markings show how the buttery-yellow babe will have horns like a blossom of petals or a fan of sun rays, and the blue metal babe will have a singular horn like a shooting star or the crescent curve of the waning moon.
(He names them Sun and Moon, and you agree; it fits them fine.)
Eclipse watches over the three of you at night, quietly lapping at the ice's edge while you hold the babies close and provide them with warmth. (Eclipse laughs when the babes attempt to suckle on you, much to your bemusement.) During the day, he stows away though never too far and you find good moss and ferns that Sun and Moon can nibble on. You watch over them, minding predators and coaxing them to stabilize their gangly legs and hold themselves high. Evening falls, and you reunite. Eclipse plays with them tenderly, keeping them from falling into the sea but stimulating them to build their strength and their mind. They take to you both, much to your silent fondness. It's an odd little sight, but you're a family.
You wouldn't have chosen any other.
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flipclaw · 3 months
Howdy, I wanted a place to reblog and post pictures of arachnids, so here I am!
Orca | 23 | they/them, maybe he/him | main blog is @transspiral
I've owned tarantulas since late 2020, and I currently have 23 of them.
Note: I do handle New World species, though I don't actively encourage it. They gain nothing from being held and you put yourself at risk of being bitten. Keep them close to the floor if you plan to handle.
Handle at your own risk!
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transspiral · 1 year
Thinking about making my canon warrior cat name url a blog for posting pictures of my tarantulas/spiders in general, would anyone be interested
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•|| Seally Cute ||• (Mermay 2024)
Prompt 3: Seally Cute
Featuring: Geno, Goth, and Reaper!
Ship(s): Afterdeath.
Summary: Playtime with the kiddo! <3
Warnings: Blood from a hunt
Credits: Leviathantale and the Mermay Bingo I'm using are both by @skumhuu!
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"Dad? Dad??? Daddy!"
Geno woke up to a small, high-pitched voice yelling in his ear. He let out a tired grunt, then rolled over on his side as his tail gently swatted the other person away.
He smiled as he heard them let out a playful squeak, and he was almost immediately bombarded by a small body barreling into him. He yawned, then blinked blearily at the mischievous attacker as he rubbed his eyesockets. "Oh? What's up, my little clamshell?"
The young selkie in front of Geno puffed out their cheeks, flipping their black-and-white seal tail back and forth as they responded. "Mama's out huntin', and 'm boreddd! I wanna do sumthin'! Sumthin' else then jus' sleepin'!"
"You could practice walking, you know." Geno suggested, raising a bonebrow up at the child. He sat up and stretched, slight popping his bones as he did so. "You still haven't even tried taking your seal skin off yet, Goth."
Goth grumbled something under his breath, glowering down at the iceberg they were both on. ". . ."
Geno tilted his head to the side, wrapping his arms around his kid and hugging him close. "What was that? Is there something wrong?"
"...'s scary." Goth muttered quietly, burying his face into his father's chest. "A-an' I did try. Couldn't do it though..."
"Oh, Gothy," Geno squeezed Goth a little tighter in his embrace, wrapping Goth's tail around his own as he kissed the top of Goth's head. "It's alright, we'll figure something else out then."
"Swimmin'?" Goth asked hopefully, gazing up at Geno with big shiny eyelights. There was no mistaking it, the kid really knew what he was doing when he chose to pull the puppy eyes on his dad.
Geno sighed, giving Goth a defeated look. He didn't even attempt to resist, knowing that he would cave quickly anyways. "Okay okay, let's go swimming."
"Yay!" Goth wiggled his way out of Geno's grip, then proceeded to nudge and tug Geno towards the edge of the iceberg where the water was. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!"
Geno chuckled, relenting as he playfully shoved Goth into the icy sea before hopping in to join his kid. "Rather eager, aren't we?"
"You never lemme go swimmin' without ya, so duh!" Goth pouted, swishing his tail as he drifted around Geno in a lazy circle. He then sped up, swimming around Geno in faster loops. "C'monnn! Let's play tag or something!"
"Oho, you want to challenge me?" Geno asked in amusement, raising a bonebrow as Goth nodded in response. "Well then, let the games begin..."
Reaper was returning back home from... doing whatever he was doing while he was out, most likely hunting due to the blood on his teeth, and he surfaced to get a breath of air just in time to see a certain small selkie fling themselves out of the water to do a flip.
What the heck?
Diving back under the water, Reaper sped up towards the main iceberg that he and his family called home. As he approached, he could see the love of his life- ahem, Geno, ahem -and their child swimming around in circles, seemingly sportively goading each other on.
As Reaper watched, Geno suddenly thrashed his tail as he shot up towards the surface of the water, erupting from the sea and doing a double flip before he came crashing back down.
The leviathan let out a small, quiet laugh at the smug look that Geno shot at Goth, and at the pouty look that Goth had returned back at Geno.
Then Reaper had an idea. A smirk crossed his face as he dove down, deeper and deeper below his family. Once he was down deep enough to not be noticed if he shifted, he activated his leviathan form as he circled around in the icy cold depths, staring up at the two selkies above him.
He then silently and slowly swam up behind Geno, his now massive size absolutely dwarfing his mate. He watched as Goth noticed him, and he saw how the child's eyelights grew as big as saucers as his presence registered in Goth's mind.
Reaper held a finger up to his mouth, gesturing for Goth to stay quiet. He drifted ever so slightly closer to Geno, who seemed mildly confused by Goth's reaction since he hadn't realized that Reaper was behind him yet.
"Hello, darling~"
Reaper purred out an amused giggle as Geno yelped in shock, and he backed up a little bit as the selkie whirled around to face him.
"You-! Seriously, Reaper?! Ugh..." Geno groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nosebone in annoyance, glaring at Reaper in half-hearted anger. "I swear, you are so immature."
"Oh, my dearly sweet beloved, I'm so wounded by your insults!" Reaper whined pitifully, shrinking down into his normal form before dramatically leaning against Geno while holding his hand up to his forehead.
Geno grumbled something under his breath and pushed Reaper off, then narrowed his eyesocket at Goth, who had started giggling. He then sighed in exasperation and threw up his hands. "Both of you! Both of you are so immature! But at least Goth has the excuse of actually being a child."
He swam back up to Reaper and poked the leviathan in the chest, swishing his tail in mild irritation. "But you don't have any excuse!"
"B-but... Geno-senpai, it's just my personality!" Reaper blinked innocently at Geno, intertwining his orca tail with Geno's seal tail.
Geno rolled his eyelight and groaned again, pulling his tail away from Reaper and gently swatting Reaper over the head. "Don't even get started with that! Enough is enough."
Reaper sighed in mock defeat, backing away from Geno to give his love some space. "Alright, alright, if you insist."
Geno hesitated, then swam back over to Reaper to give him a soft, brief kiss before letting go again. "Love you, starfish~"
Before Reaper could sputter out a flustered reply, they both suddenly heard snoring coming from behind them. A quick glance revealed that Goth had fallen asleep, and Geno let out an amused snort. "I suppose playing around tuckered him out. We should be getting back to our iceberg anyways."
"I- uh- uhm, yeah! Mhm!" Reaper replied quickly, still blushing from the kiss. He rapidly flicked his tail and scooped Goth up in his arms, carrying the child as he started swimming to the homeberg. "Let's go!"
Geno followed suit, letting himself be half dragged in the current that Reaper's tail made since he was tired.
"You know, you should really wash up. You still have blood all over your teeth." Geno said with a small yawn, tilting Reaper's head with his hands on Reaper's chin so that he could see the orca's face better.
"Aw, what? Too shy to clean it off for me~?" Reaper purred teasingly, then hesitated and averted his gaze in shame almost immediately afterwards. "...Oh, yeah, right-- nevermind. Uh, forget I said that. Sorry."
Geno winced slightly, shivering not from the cold of the iceberg but rather from the reminder. ". . ."
Reaper shrank in on himself a bit, tears suddenly pricking his eyesockets "I'm sorry, okay? I- I really just can't help it... I'm sorry..."
Geno was quiet for a long moment, then he pulled Reaper into a hug. "It'll... it'll be okay. Just... let's not tell Goth, okay? I'd rather not scare him..."
"Okay..." Reaper muttered back, nuzzling into Geno's embrace. By the True Leviathans, he felt awful, but it wouldn't be an easy fix.
After all, it was his nature.
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paleorcas · 2 years
don’t know WHY I was putting it off for so long but I’m replaying disco elysium for the 3rd time......love wins or smth
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cold-neon-ocean · 1 year
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As for why Wolf has purple eyes (in case anyone was wondering lol), his eyes actually used to be brown when he was younger, but he was experimented on and and augmented to adjust to living in space- including his eyes, so that's why they're purple bc they're cybernetics
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aestheticaxolotl · 11 months
Wings of Fire Drug Headcanons
Dragon drugs are wild Seawings- Jellyfish, Sea Urchin, Little Spinefish, Psychedelic Frogfish, Synchiropus Spendidus, and Pufferfish are the most popular forms of drugs in the seawing kingdom. Most law enforcement will arrest dragons with the position of these fish and the average term in prison for these drugs is 4-6 months. Medics and other forms of doctoral care are allowed to host and keep these drugs for pain reduction uses but must have a license and a clean record, along with permission from the queen to hold. Seawing drugs are the second most powerful drugs in the kingdoms and are sold on a black market to the other kingdoms alongside the Rainwings. Most seawings have a higher tolerance to these drugs than other tribes, so when a dragon from a different tribe takes too much of these drugs, they often wind up overdosing and dying if not reached quick enough. Skywings- Hooded pitohui, European Quail, and Little Shrike-thrush are the choice drugs in the Skywing kingdoms. These birds are highly toxic to dragons outside of the sky kingdom, even hybrids struggle to cope with these drugs. Most sky dragons avoid using these forms of drugs, except outside of medical use on other tribes, because if taken too often or in high dosage they can lead to death. The use of these drugs is not outlawed in the Kingdom of the Sky since not many dragons take these drugs. Rainwings- Rainwings have two categories of drugs, Amphibia and Floral. Golden Poison Dart Frog, Blue Poison Dart Frog, Strawberry Poison Dart Frog, and Pickerel Frog are the most commonly found drugs in the rainwing kingdoms. These frogs are often not limited since they do no harm to the rainwings taking them. However, they are highly toxic to dragons outside of the rainwing kingdom and not sold on the black market to the tribes. These frogs are not monitored in the rain kingdom and there are no regulations on drug use, that is why the overdose rate in the rainwing tribe is so high. Salcia Divinorum, Peyote, Opium Poppies, Cannabis Sativa, Nicotiana Tabacum, Dura Stramonium, Psilocybin Mushrooms, and Myristica Fragrant are the flora drugs in the rainwing kingdom and can be sold on the black market to the other tribes. These plants can be used in many forms that do not require eating such as inhalation, injection, and consumption. Just like the amphibian drugs, these are not regulated or monitored in the rainwing kingdom. The rainforest is the drug capital of the dragon kingdoms and the center of the black market, the queens do not shut this down due to the mass increase of income to all the kingdoms. Icewings- Icewings are HARD on the NO DRUG RULES. The only animal in the ice kingdom that anyone can think of is Orcas. Orca whales are hard to hunt in the ice kingdom and only Icewings can take this form of drug, however, it is outlawed in the ice kingdom to take these drugs. Icewings frown heavily on the use of drugs and it is a criminal offense to use with punishment ranging between 6 and 14 months in prison with probation after release.
Sandwings- Africanized Bee, Coral Snake, Gila Monster, and Hyenas are the choice drugs of the Sandwings with a bit of a mixed reaction towards the collective whole of the kingdom. Some dragons want a ban on drug use excluding medical use while others do not see it as a major problem. Sandwings tend to get most of their drugs from the black market and trade their own drugs since it is not as toxic as most other drugs from other kingdoms.
Mudwings- Mambas, Puffer Adders, Carpet Vipers, and Platypus are the drugs of the mud kingdom and are often monitored heavily by law enforcement. The mudwings have a strict medical use policy stating that, outside of medical use, drug use is frowned upon and highly punishable with a 3-6 month prison sentence if abused. Mudwings tend to produce as many of these drugs as they can seeing as they're not as harsh on the other tribes, these drugs are the most common on the market.
Nightwings- Vampire Bats, Hedgehogs, Solenodon, Shrew, and Slow Loris are the nightwing drugs of choice. All are Mammalia that frequent the kingdom and are sold on the black market, similar to the mudwings. The nightwings have similar medical uses as the mudwings but tend to be a little looser with their free-use laws, stating that nightwings should stay home so as to not disrupt the flow of the kingdom. The nightwings also tend to buy and sell drugs at higher prices than originally bought to broaden income.
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