#organizational resilience
Engaging Learners: The Power of Double-Loop Learning
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Making learners active participants in their own learning is every training professional’s dream. A passive recipient of knowledge often fails to apply what they’ve learned effectively, whereas an engaged, inquisitive workforce continuously thinks, questions, and innovates. Achieving this level of engagement requires more than just effective teaching techniques; it involves a fundamental shift in how learning is approached. This is where Chris Argyris and Donald Schön’s theory of ‘double-loop’ learning becomes invaluable.
In this article, we’ll explore the concepts of ‘single-loop’ and ‘double-loop’ learning, highlight the differences between them, and demonstrate how ‘double-loop’ learning can transform a company into a vibrant learning organization.
Understanding Single-Loop and Double-Loop Learning
To grasp the significance of double-loop learning, it’s essential first to understand single-loop learning.
Single-Loop Learning refers to the process where individuals, groups, or organizations modify their actions based on feedback received, without altering the underlying beliefs or policies. This type of learning is akin to a thermostat that changes temperature settings in response to the environment but doesn’t question why it’s set to a particular range. For example, an employee might follow a certain protocol more closely after receiving feedback that they were not compliant, but they don’t question whether the protocol itself could be improved.
Double-Loop Learning, on the other hand, goes deeper. It involves questioning and potentially altering the underlying assumptions, values, and policies that led to the actions in the first place. It’s about understanding the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’. Instead of merely adjusting actions to meet a desired outcome, double-loop learning challenges the governing variables and redefines the problem itself. In our thermostat analogy, this would mean not just changing the temperature setting, but questioning whether the temperature range is appropriate at all.
The Distinction Between Single-Loop and Double-Loop Learning
The primary difference between single-loop and double-loop learning lies in their scope and depth of inquiry.
Nature of Inquiry:
Single-Loop Learning: Reactive and corrective, focusing on immediate issues and making incremental changes.
Double-Loop Learning: Proactive and reflective, addressing the root causes and potentially redefining the problem.
Single-Loop Learning: Concentrates on tasks, skills, and immediate performance improvements.
Double-Loop Learning: Emphasizes broader organizational values, strategies, and fundamental principles.
Single-Loop Learning: Maintains the status quo by fine-tuning existing processes.
Double-Loop Learning: Facilitates transformational change by re-evaluating and potentially overhauling processes.
Building a Vibrant Learning Organization with Double-Loop Learning
Creating an environment where double-loop learning flourishes involves fostering a culture of continuous reflection and open dialogue. Here’s how organizations can achieve this:
Encourage Critical Thinking and Inquiry:Promote a culture where employees are encouraged to ask ‘why’ and challenge existing assumptions. This can be achieved through training programs that focus on critical thinking skills and creating safe spaces for questioning.
Facilitate Open Communication:Establish channels for open communication where feedback flows freely in all directions. Leaders should model transparency and receptivity to feedback, showing that questioning is valued over mere compliance.
Promote Reflective Practice:Implement practices that encourage reflection on both successes and failures. Regular debriefings, post-mortem analyses of projects, and reflective journaling can help employees internalize double-loop learning.
Supportive Leadership:Leaders play a crucial role in fostering double-loop learning. They must be willing to question their own assumptions and support their teams in doing the same. Leadership development programs can help inculcate these values.
Systems Thinking:Encourage systems thinking, which involves understanding how different parts of the organization interact and influence each other. This holistic approach can help in identifying the underlying causes of issues and in developing comprehensive solutions.
Incorporate Learning into Daily Work:Integrate learning into the daily workflow rather than treating it as a separate activity. This can involve setting aside time for reflection during meetings, encouraging ongoing education, and recognizing learning as a part of job performance.
Case Study: Implementing Double-Loop Learning
Consider a mid-sized tech company facing declining customer satisfaction. Through single-loop learning, the company’s response was to improve customer service training and reduce response times. However, these efforts didn’t lead to significant improvement.
Adopting a double-loop learning approach, the company decided to re-examine their assumptions about customer satisfaction. They discovered that the core issue was not the service itself but unmet customer expectations due to a mismatch between marketing promises and product features. By addressing this fundamental issue, redefining their marketing strategies, and aligning them with product capabilities, they not only improved customer satisfaction but also enhanced overall brand trust.
The Impact of Double-Loop Learning on Organizational Performance
The benefits of double-loop learning extend beyond individual or team performance, influencing the entire organization’s adaptive capacity and resilience.
Enhanced Innovation: By constantly questioning and redefining problems, organizations can uncover innovative solutions that single-loop learning might overlook. This leads to a more dynamic and creative work environment.
Greater Agility:Organizations practicing double-loop learning are better equipped to adapt to changing environments. They are not bound by rigid procedures but are flexible in revising strategies based on reflective insights.
Improved Decision Making:Decision-making processes become more robust as they incorporate deeper insights and a broader range of perspectives. This holistic view reduces the risk of oversights and enhances strategic planning.
Employee Empowerment:When employees are encouraged to think critically and challenge assumptions, they feel more valued and empowered. This leads to higher engagement, job satisfaction, and retention.
Organizational Learning Culture:A culture of double-loop learning fosters ongoing learning and development. It promotes an environment where continuous improvement is the norm, and learning is embedded in the organizational DNA.
Double-loop learning offers a powerful framework for transforming how organizations approach learning and problem-solving. By moving beyond surface-level corrections and delving into the underlying assumptions and values, organizations can foster a culture of deep learning and continuous improvement. This shift not only enhances individual and team performance but also drives organizational innovation, agility, and resilience.
As training professionals and organizational leaders, the challenge is to create environments that support and nurture double-loop learning. This involves encouraging critical thinking, promoting open communication, and integrating reflective practices into daily workflows. By doing so, organizations can achieve the dream of having an engaged, inquisitive, and proactive workforce—one that is not just a passive recipient of knowledge but an active participant in its own learning journey.
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originbluy · 6 months
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nickbusiness · 2 years
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lepertamar · 2 years
#(the opposite of organizational tags are#echo tags:#)#and the self-laughing half-bowing half-curtseying to yourself standing with your song as you learn this learn it yet again#what intensity of extremity-of-its-kind creature i wish i had laid eyes upon years ago#i’ve never felt a dream that made me feel so dizzyingly desire mad i feel more brightly insane just thinking about it#it is the whole glory of life to be stamped with this Truth: YOU LIVED. desires lit and seals set from your world and lifetime ARE LIFE. of#ofcourse i@always had starson the insides ofmi eyelids about ‘we who wrestle with g-d’ but secretly even from other jews i have#‘wrestle and overcome and mount g-d like a bitch in heat BECUZ they are beautiful and powerful and huge and terrifying and everything’#‘surely They must laugh in glee if we ever truly succeed in doing so????’#what starts as resilience falls in love and symbiosis with what you were long-sufferingly wrestling with#all the truest parts of me blushedswollen in reaction and anticipation#the personal mythology of a human lifesoulminddesire is so so So intricate and full of willful implacable unanswerable power about what#infinitely complex and mysterious that no one else can fathom them with a mere violent and erasing dismissal about ‘u’ vs 'society'#we have reached heights far beyond the tower of babel but it is this thirst for understanding that marks us as like unto g d#being born and living. the truth of your longings are stamped like a seal upon your heart in ways so unique and precious and secret and#could be i am her.....i will sell it for no less than a third of your names....argghhh!#but is actually existing as the flaming friction intensity made in the grinding of extreme power#as a jew i say 'b'tzelem elohim' (in the image of g d') + ''ehyeh asher ehyeh' (i am that i am = i will be whatever i will be')#paradoxes and puzzles and wry defeats....they are everything#in a clever paradoxical twist of ponderinghood....what’s the term for it#this is what g-d says to Itself before laughing Itself into a manic break#coal sings#and if u don’t vibe u pivot to projecting and accuse this girl of making demands by dint of being visibly mutilated by a violent crazy#mystical thing she did that brands her as the type of person who likes that and is ruined irrevocably by a thing only insane(tm) people do—#— g d and tamar talking to each other while tamar is standing in the middle of the street with motorbikes honking at her—#this is what i meant in that post about gd being psychotic and the creation of the universe the reintegrative fusion ignition#this is one of my favorites...the casually incongruous lights going about their way is such a familiar and happy memory#yessssss.....infinity opened inside your body. a wormhole or a new big bang that you expand into. rich and dense and glittering.#in the occasional best case scenarios it allows your soul to blast and flower into its whole size and shape and you know its dimensions.
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jobsbuster · 1 month
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tinakp · 10 months
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lnk-and-lnspiration · 11 months
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censemaking · 1 year
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managerapproach · 2 years
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opticalforum · 2 years
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soular-sisters · 1 month
Your Moon Sign & Your Mama: Mother's Day Edition 💐
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hi guysss!! happy mothers day to all the beautiful mamas out there. 💗 in honor of mothers day, i did a lil series on how each sign finds deep connection to their mother.
to those who don't know, the moon sign in a person's chart shows not only their emotional & deepest side, but it also shows their relationship with their maternal figure. the moon very simply equals "the mother".
🤱 Aries Moon: “my mother is so strong.”
*having an aries moon means it is likely that you see your mom as a very strong & dominant figure in your life.
*it is likely you’ve always looked up to your mother’s strength, resilience, boss energy, & ability to get through any hardship.
*you may see your mother as being a little too aggressive or domineering at times, but it is important to remember through the hard times, your mother loves you fiercely.
**best ways to connect with your mom: enjoy a passionate debate, go out to do a fun physical activity, stand up for her when she needs you, & remind your mom of her strength through it all.
🤱 Taurus Moon: “my mother is so loyal.”
*with a taurus moon, it is likely that your mom is a very loyal & solid figure in your life.
*your mother is probably loving, practical, grounded, & an amazing provider as a parent.
*you may see your mom's stability & loving qualities to be sustaining to your soul. it is possible your mom may be a bit stubborn & uncompromising at times. regardless, her love for you shows through it all.
**best ways to connect with your mom: cook a yummy meal together, talk about fond family memories, buy her a bouquet of flowers to show your love, & remind her how consistent she’s been in your life.
🤱 Gemini Moon: “my mother is so funny.”
*being a gemini moon, your mom is likely intelligent & filled with silly stories.
*it is likely your mother’s best qualities is her humor, multifaceted personality, her colorful mind, & wonderful anecdotes.
*on the downside, your mom may be a little inconsistent or unreliable at times. but her love for you is there regardless of inconsistencies.
**best ways to connect with your mom: listen to her funny stories, play a fun board game together, watch movies you both love, & remind her how valuable her humorous mind is.
🤱 Cancer Moon: “my mother is so nurturing.”
*as a cancer moon, it is likely your mom has always been a caring & compassionate figure in your life.
*your mom’s best qualities is likely her sweetness, her caregiving nature, her softheartedness, & the overflowing love she’s shown you.
*at the worst of times, your mother may be moody & a bit overemotional. but her love for you has never been in question.
**best ways to connect with your mom: look at family photo albums together, treat yourselves to a nice spa day, gift her a nice piece of jewelry, & remind her what an amazing nurturer she is.
🤱 Leo Moon: “my mother is so passionate.”
*having a leo moon means your mother is likely fierey & outgoing.
*it is likely your mom is a loud, proud, independent, & charismatic mother filled with life.
*at her low points, she may be dramatic & over the top. but no matter how performative she can be, she loves you as passionately as possible.
**best ways to connect with your mom: go watch your favorite theatrical play together, listen to her talk about her latest drama of the moment, take her on a shopping spree, & remind her how beautiful her heart is.
🤱 Virgo Moon: “my mother is so intelligent.”
*with a virgo moon, it is likely your mother is a logical & practical figure in your life.
*your mom’s best qualities are likely her analytical abilities, intelligence, her organizational skills, & her ability to be a smart caregiver for others.
*at times, she may be a little bit of a perfectionist & an overthinker, but no matter what her love for you is without question.
**best ways to connect with your mom: have an intelligent conversation with her, engage in a brain game together, gift her a self-care gift to help her unwind, & remind her of her brilliance.
🤱 Libra Moon: “my mother is so beautiful.”
*as a libra moon, it is likely your mother is someone filled with love & beauty.
*your mother is likely charming, flirtatious, has great taste, & is sociable.
*at her worst, she may be a little superficial or overly friendly, but her loving heart has always loved your dearly.
**best ways to connect with your mom: take her to a lovely social gathering, treat her to get a beauty treatment, compliment her beautiful style, & remind her how gorgeous she is inside and out.
🤱 Scorpio Moon: “my mother is so deep.”
*being a scorpio moon, it is likely you see your mother as a very raw & real figure in your life.
*your mother’s redeeming qualities are likely her honesty, deepness, unbreakable loyalty, & strength through hardship.
*in dark times, your mom may be a little intense & overbearing, but you know with her intensity that her love for you is unshakable.
**best ways to connect with your mom: open up to her about hardships, take her on a private retreat, always be real with her, & remind her how her realness is cherished.
🤱 Sagittarius Moon: “my mother is so fun.”
*with a sagittarius moon, your mother is likely adventurous & a free-spirit.
*your mom’s best qualities is likely her youthful spirit, her taste for fun, her great sense of humor, & her openness to trying new things.
*at low moments, she may be a little out of control or wild to a fault, but her love for her remains in her spirit.
**best ways to connect with your mom: go on a fun adventure with her, try new foods you’ve never had before, embrace her wild spirit, & remind her how precious her adventurous heart is to you.
🤱 Capricorn Moon: “my mother is so hardworking.”
*as a capricorn moon, your mother is most likely a diligent & grounded figure in your life.
*at her best, your mom is probably consistent, determined, ethical, & always working to improve herself.
*in bad moments, your mom may be a person of tough love & little overly concerned with money. no matter the bad, her love for you in unquestionable.
**best ways to connect with your mom: talk to her about self-improvement, take her on a fancy dinner date, ask her about her goals, & remind her how her hard work never goes unnoticed.
🤱Aquarius Moon: “my mother is so unique.”
*being an aquarius moon, your mom is likely an innovative & one of a kind type of mother.
*your mom’s best attributes are likely her independence, her futuristic mind, her unconventional style, & her sharp intelligence.
*her unfavorable moments may be her unchangeableness & being emotionally distant at times. no matter what, her love for you is deep in her heart.
**best ways to connect with your mom: talk with her about new technology, explore new ways to do things, go stargazing, & remind her of how her independence makes her beautiful.
🤱 Pisces Moon: “my mother is so spiritual.”
*as a pisces moon, your mother is likely a kind & empathetic soul.
*your mother’s best features are likely her sensitive heart, her connection to the spiritual realm, her silliness, & her sweet temperament.
*at worst moments, she may be vulnerable to harshness & overwhelmed with emotion. but there is no question she loves you deeply.
**best ways to connect with your mom: talk about the spiritual side of life, share deep spiritual practices together, do a creative activity together, & remind her of how kindhearted she is.
happy mothers day to all who celebrates. 🤍
xoxo -A.A.
IG: @dredivinecreates 🤍 i would appreciate all your support. thank you so much!
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obsidian-pages777 · 3 days
Pick a Card: Career Guidance
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Top Left to Right--> Pile 1, Pile 2
Bottom Left to Right--> Pile 3. Pile 4
Pile 1
Current Situation: The Chariot
You are determined and focused on your career goals, moving forward with purpose and direction. There's a sense of control and determination driving your actions.
Challenges: Five of Wands
You may be facing competition or conflict in your workplace. There could be differing opinions and struggles that make it hard to progress smoothly.
Advice: Strength
Rely on your inner strength and patience to navigate through challenges. Maintain self-control and approach conflicts with compassion and understanding. Your resilience will lead you to success.
Ideal Careers:
Leadership Roles: Positions such as a manager, director, or CEO, where determination and leadership are crucial.
Entrepreneur: Running your own business where you can harness your drive and overcome competition.
Project Management: Roles that require strong organizational skills and the ability to navigate conflicts and challenges.
Military or Law Enforcement: Careers that require discipline, determination, and the ability to handle conflict and stress.
Athletics or Coaching: Where physical and mental strength, as well as resilience, are important.
Pile 2
Current Situation: The Hierophant
Your career path is currently influenced by traditional structures and conventional methods. You may be working within an established system or organization.
Challenges: Seven of Cups
There may be confusion or too many options available, making it difficult to choose the right path. Avoid getting lost in illusions or wishful thinking.
Advice: The Hermit
Take time for introspection and seek inner guidance. Reflect on your true goals and values before making decisions. Solitude and self-reflection will provide clarity.
Ideal Careers:
Education: Teacher, professor, or academic advisor, where traditional knowledge and guidance are valued.
Religious or Spiritual Leader: Priest, minister, or spiritual counselor, providing guidance within established belief systems.
Legal Profession: Lawyer, judge, or paralegal, working within the structures of the legal system.
Research and Academia: Careers that involve deep study and reflection, such as a researcher or academic.
Counseling or Therapy: Roles that require introspection and helping others find clarity, such as a therapist or counselor.
Pile 3
Current Situation: Ace of Pentacles
A new opportunity or beginning in your career is emerging. This could be a job offer, a new project, or a chance to start something new with strong potential for growth.
Challenges: The Devil
Be wary of falling into negative patterns or becoming too attached to material success. Avoid temptations that could lead to unethical behavior or burnout.
Advice: Page of Swords
Approach new opportunities with curiosity and a willingness to learn. Stay vigilant and gather information before making decisions. Be clear and honest in your communication.
Ideal Careers:
Finance: Banker, financial advisor, or investment analyst, where new opportunities for growth are abundant.
Real Estate: Real estate agent or property manager, involving new ventures and potential for substantial growth.
Technology: IT specialist, software developer, or tech entrepreneur, where continuous learning and vigilance are key.
Journalism: Reporter, editor, or content creator, focusing on gathering and disseminating information.
Consulting: Business consultant or analyst, providing strategic advice and insights to businesses.
Pile 4
Current Situation: Three of Cups
Collaboration and teamwork are currently significant in your career. You may be part of a supportive group or network, enjoying camaraderie and shared goals.
Challenges: Four of Pentacles
There could be a tendency to hold on too tightly to security or resources, leading to stagnation. Fear of change or loss may be preventing growth.
Advice: The Star
Stay hopeful and keep a positive outlook. Trust in the universe and your vision for the future. This is a time for healing, inspiration, and aligning with your true purpose.
Ideal Careers:
Event Planning: Event coordinator or wedding planner, where collaboration and teamwork are essential.
Human Resources: HR manager or recruiter, fostering a positive and collaborative workplace environment.
Creative Arts: Artist, musician, or performer, involving collaboration and shared creative goals.
Non-Profit or Community Work: Community organizer, social worker, or NGO worker, focusing on collective well-being and humanitarian goals.
Healthcare: Nurse, doctor, or therapist, providing care and support with a focus on healing and hope.
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13lunarstar · 3 days
The seventeenth nakshatra (17 out of 27)
Degrees: 3° 20' to 16 °40' Scorpio zodiac
The ruler of the Nakshatra: Saturn (sanks. Shani), governing discipline, structure, and perseverance
Deity: Mitra, the god of friendship and partnership, who represents cooperation, harmony, and compassion.
Nakshatra's guna: tamas (Tamas is associated with inertia, darkness, and materialism. In this case Anuradha has tamas guna primarily due to its ruler Saturn which has a malefic nature)
Anuradha keywords: resilience, growth, purity, cooperation, friendship, loyalty, discipline, determination, organizational skills, leadership, harmony, charisma, ambition, emotional security, empathy, assertiveness, strategy, wisdom, romance, responsibility, transformation, spirituality.
Symbol: The lotus flower signifies purity, resilience, and growth amidst challenges. The archway or triumphal gateway symbolizes success and achievement.
Career options: roles in management, politics, social work, business consultancy, human resources, education, healthcare, law, finance, technology, and logistics are particularly suitable.
Lagna (Asc) in Anuradha: is characterized by a resilient, determined, and disciplined nature. These individuals excel in strategic planning and coordination, often thriving in leadership roles due to their charisma and influential capabilities. With empathy and compassion as natural traits, they are supportive friends and partners. Their strategic and tactical thinking enables them to devise effective plans and adapt to changes. With an interest in mystical and spiritual pursuits, they seek profound self-understanding. Ambitious and goal-oriented, they tend to set high standards and are driven to succeed. Loyalty and trustworthiness define their character, making them reliable and dependable in all relationships. NOTE: In order to understand how strong and harmonious ASC is, we need to evaluate the strength and position of Saturn as the ruler of this nakshatra, as well as any planetary aspects to it and the first house in general (if there are any planets).
Sun in Anuradha: makes the individuals bestowing strong leadership skills. They have a natural ability to lead and inspire others, often earning respect from peers, and taking charge in difficult situations. Like the lotus flower symbol of Anuradha, these individuals can thrive in challenging conditions, displaying resilience and strength. The influence of Saturn, the ruling planet of Anuradha, instils a sense of discipline and responsibility. These individuals are methodical and diligent in their approach to work and life. Anuradha Sun natives seek balance and harmony in their relationships and surroundings. They value cooperation and strive to maintain peaceful interactions. This placement often brings a deep interest in spiritual and philosophical matters. These individuals seek deeper meaning and understanding in life. They are introspective and reflective, often engaging in self-analysis and personal growth.
Moon in Anuradha: suggests individuals who possess a deep emotional intensity and a strong desire for meaningful connections. They are empathetic and compassionate, often nurturing and supporting those around them. These individuals may have a magnetic presence and an intuitive understanding of human emotions, making them skilled at fostering harmony and cooperation in their relationships. Moon in Anuradha natives are also resilient and determined, able to navigate through life's challenges with grace and strength. However, they may experience periods of emotional upheaval or inner turmoil, as the Moon's influence can intensify feelings and sensitivities. It's essential for them to cultivate emotional balance and self-awareness, allowing them to harness their emotional depth for personal growth and spiritual development.
Mercury in Anuradha: signifies individuals with a strategic and diplomatic communication style. They possess analytical prowess and persuasive charm, enabling them to navigate complex situations with finesse and tact. These individuals excel in negotiation and problem-solving, often finding creative solutions to challenges. Mercury's influence here also enhances their intellectual curiosity and interest in uncovering hidden truths and mysteries. They may have a keen eye for detail and a sharp analytical mind, making them adept at research and analysis. However, they may need to guard against tendencies towards manipulation or deceit, as Mercury in Anuradha can amplify communication challenges related to trust and honesty. Altogether, these individuals are resourceful, adaptable, and intellectually curious, leveraging their communication skills to achieve their goals and foster harmonious relationships.
Mars in Anuradha: indicates individuals with a determined and resilient approach to achieving their goals. They possess intense drive and ambition, coupled with a strategic mindset, enabling them to overcome obstacles and succeed in their endeavors. Mars here imparts strong leadership qualities, as well as a competitive spirit, making them formidable in competitive environments. However, they may need to temper their assertiveness with diplomacy, as Anuradha's influence encourages cooperation and harmony. These individuals may also exhibit a passionate and intense nature in their relationships, seeking deep connections and loyalty from their partners. Overall, Mars in Anuradha natives are dynamic and resourceful people who thrive when channelling their energy into focused and purposeful action.
Venus in Anuradha: indicates romantic at heart individuals. They express affectionate gestures towards their loved ones. They possess social fineness and charm, making them well-liked and admired in social circles. They have a knack for creating a pleasant atmosphere wherever they go. With a desire for harmony, they often act as peacemakers in conflicts, using their diplomatic skills to reconcile differences and promote understanding. They value loyalty and commitment in relationships, striving to maintain long-term bonds built on trust and mutual respect. Beneath their charming exterior, they possess emotional depth and sensitivity, allowing them to connect deeply with others on an emotional level.
Jupiter in Anuradha: imbues individuals with a deep sense of wisdom, morality, altruism and spiritual insight. They possess a philosophical outlook on life and a profound understanding of ethical principles. Jupiter's influence here enhances their capacity for generosity, compassion, and benevolence, prompting them to seek opportunities to uplift and support others. These individuals may have a natural inclination towards higher learning, philosophy, or spirituality, and they often excel in teaching, counselling, or guiding others. Jupiter in Anuradha encourages them to expand their horizons through cultural experiences, travel, or intellectual pursuits, fostering a broader perspective on life. Their positive and optimistic nature inspires confidence and trust in others, making them effective leaders and mentors.
Saturn in Anuradha: bestows individuals with a disciplined and determined approach to achieving their goals. They possess a strong sense of responsibility and a commitment to hard work, often enduring challenges with patience and perseverance. Saturn's influence here fosters a deep sense of introspection and self-discipline, prompting them to seek self-improvement and personal growth. These individuals may face trials and obstacles in their path, but they emerge stronger and more resilient as a result. Saturn in Anuradha encourages them to build stable and enduring foundations in their lives, emphasizing the importance of integrity, honesty, and reliability. While they may face delays and setbacks, their steadfast determination ultimately leads to success and fulfilment, especially in endeavours that require long-term planning and strategic thinking.
Rahu in Anuradha: brings an intense and transformative energy to individuals' lives. These individuals may experience a strong desire for power, recognition, and material success, often pursuing their ambitions with relentless determination. Rahu's influence here can lead to a fascination with the occult, mysteries, and hidden knowledge, driving them to explore unconventional paths and delve into esoteric subjects. However, they may also face challenges related to secrecy, manipulation, and deception, as Rahu tends to amplify desires and obsessions. It's essential for them to channel this energy constructively, avoiding shortcuts or unethical means to achieve their goals. With self-awareness and discipline, they can harness Rahu's energy in productive ways, leading to profound personal growth and transformation. Ultimately, Rahu in Anuradha encourages individuals to confront their deepest desires and fears, facilitating spiritual evolution and self-realization.
Ketu in Anuradha: signifies individuals with a deep sense of introspection and spiritual insight. They possess a natural inclination towards inner exploration and self-discovery, seeking to uncover hidden truths and transcend worldly attachments. Ketu's influence here encourages them to detach from material desires and embrace simplicity and inner peace. These individuals may have a profound understanding and acceptance of metaphysical concepts and esoteric knowledge, often drawn to spiritual practices or mystical pursuits. However, they may also experience periods of isolation or existential questioning, as Ketu prompts them to detach from conventional societal norms and expectations. They need to cultivate patience and acceptance, trusting in the process of spiritual evolution and surrendering to the guidance of their inner wisdom.
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myrefugeblog · 4 months
The first samba school is Camisa Verde e Branco (Green and White Shirt).
More about the parade under cut.
The lyrics is about Black resistance and resilience.
The first part is about Oxóssi, the Orisha of hunt, animals, wealth... (and the patron of this samba school). The man in red is Exú, the Orisha that is know for being the guardian of crossroads. The man in green are warrior doing offers to Exú so him let them pass and visit Oxóssi.
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After the dancers we have a big block of people in green, they represent African forests.
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The first pair of "mestre-sala" and "porta-bandeira" (I'm so sorry I have no idea how it's tranlated to English) represent the love history about Oxum (Orisha of the and divinity, feminity...) and Oxóssi.
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The Baianas block is about the myth about the story of how Oxóssi was given the Keto kindom and his role as Orixá of arrow and hunting.
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She represents the bird.
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And the car is the kingdom.
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After the first car we have the band. It's formed for 200 people. And their queen.
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Then we have the part were the school represent the Egypt. And Piye, the first black pharaoh. I am so sorry, after this point the hosts don't talk a lot about what everything represents, and the lyrics is these lines.
No Egito, a luta por liberdade Um novo império se organizou O faraó liderou uma dinastia Pra dominar quem um dia te escravizou
In Egypt the fight for freedom / Building a new empire / The pharaoh led a new dysnaty / To master who one day enslaved you
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The second pair.
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The second car.
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The next block...
Quando a nobreza africana Escreve em ouro sua trajetória Brilha o Leão de Mali Luzindo a riqueza da negra história
When the African nobility / Write in gold their path / shiny the Mali's Lion / brightening the wealthy of black history
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