#Active learning
bienditt · 2 months
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-- study tips!
this'll be a bit of a longer post. during my time working at my learning center, we were taught to help students implement these strategies to have more effective study sessions. below the cut i explain all of them in a little bit more detail so hopefully you all will be able to try some of them out as the school year takes off!
how easy is it to remember the lyrics to a catchy song you hear all the time on the radio? even if it's not a song you particularly like, the chorus can wiggle its way into your memory. try transforming the concept you're learning into the lyrics to a song you already know.
everything happens twice: once in your mind and once in reality. try to visualize the concepts you're learning.
metaphor, analogy, simile
this method can be used to connect the unfamiliar with the familiar. (blank) is like (blank).
reciprocal teaching
this method is my favorite. grab a classmate, friend, family member (anyone that will listen really) and explain the concepts you're learning to them. encourage them to ask you questions to get yourself doing some critical thinking. we remember 90% of what we teach to someone else.
motivate yourself to more actively participate in your learning. put yourself in the shoes of your professor and make practice tests, or in the mind of whoever discovered the concepts you're learning.
we remember what we write much more than things that we simply read or even type. writing connects the brain and the body.
story telling
it is easy for the brain to remember stories with a beginning, middle, and end. this method works great for concepts that are processes. turn your concept into a little story.
mnemonic devices
mnemonic devices include acronyms and acrostics. these are great for remembering lists.
there's a reason textbooks these days have so many pictures! images help the brain remember and connect new information with something you may have seen before.
motion connects the brain and the body. make easy to remember motions to go along with the concepts you're learning.
graphic organizers
graphic organizers are another one of my favorite study methods. mind mapping helps to better organize the concepts you're learning and makes it easier to connect key points.
drawing and making diagrams helps to further visualize and organize information.
games help lower stress and increase retention. things like kahoots, quizlet live, matching games (etc.) can help you enjoy studying a little more.
project based learning is a very active learning strategy. think of things like science fair projects. when professors assign projects try your best to put your all into it.
field trips
field trips are another way to lower stress and increase retention. visiting museums dedicated to what you're learning is a great way to boost your interest and morale.
work study
getting more intimately involved in your field of study greatly increases your critical thinking skills surrounding it. for many fields this looks like getting involved in research, TA'ing, or becoming a tutor.
what's more memorable than a good joke?
this method is a lot like reciprocal teaching. find a classmate, or someone else how has about the same level of understanding and talk about the concepts you're leaning.
there's a strong connection between what our hands hold and brains comprehend. manipulatives includes anything that can be touched and handled, like science models or interactive kits.
using technology can look like a million different things, such as using apps to facilitate learning (like quizlet or duolingo).
i hope someone can find even one of these things useful as they continue with their academic journey. feel free to leave me any questions comments or concerns!
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chandrashaker · 1 year
Productivity:10 Study Tips for Improved Productivity
Are you looking to improve your productivity in studies? In this article, we will share 10 study tips that will help you maximize your study sessions and achieve better results.
Are you looking to improve your productivity in studies? Whether you’re a student preparing for exams or someone seeking to enhance your learning skills, implementing effective study techniques can significantly improve your productivity and retention. In this article, we will share 10 study tips that will help you maximize your study sessions and achieve better results. #1 Create a Study…
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tsusbengaluru · 6 days
What is child-centered education? How does it aid holistic development?
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What is child-centered education? How does it aid holistic development?
Parents today have high expectations from schools. They want their children to not just excel academically but also to become well-rounded individuals. Students, too, have their own aspirations. They want to learn at their own pace, explore their interests, and have fun while doing it. Recognizing these needs, schools are increasingly adopting flexible methods and customising activities to cater to each child’s unique learning style. This is why there is an importance of child-centered education across India.
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Importance of child-centered education in schools gains momentum
The Shri Ram Universal School, is one of the best CBSE schools in Bengaluru that has a hands-on approach towards child-centered education. It meets parental approval in several ways.
This blog explains how the teachers and staff are at the forefront of modernising this new system.
Understanding the need for a holistic approach
Child-centered education is a pedagogical approach that focuses on the needs, interests, and abilities of the child. It prioritises the holistic development of the child, encompassing their physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth.
Key characteristics of child-centered learning approaches include:
Learner-focused environment: The classroom is designed to meet the individual needs of each child.
Active learning: Children are encouraged to explore, experiment, and discover through hands-on activities.
Collaboration: Students work together to solve problems and share ideas.
Respect for individual differences: The teacher acknowledges and values each child’s unique learning style and pace.
Holistic development: Emphasis on physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth.
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Holistic child development begins in early school life
Holistic child development goes beyond the classroom
Today holistic education is beneficial to all students. We understand that besides the core academics children learn to adjust in society. Our teachers play a big role in this approach. When a child can be emotional, ethical, and social it will be good for the society as well. A single child reflecting on the action can have a positive effect on the growth as a human being.
Beyond academics, child-centered education also focuses on life skills. In our school we add and support the following ways:
Cultivating soft skills for students like communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking.
The timetables are flexible, allowing for a balance of academic subjects and activities that foster creativity and physical development.
Exposure to extra-curricular activities like music, art, and sports further contributes to the child’s overall growth.
As one of the Best CBSE schools in Bengaluru, we keep evolving with the needs of the students.
Why is this approach so important?
Child-centered learning approaches empower children to be active participants in their learning journey. They can get exposure to: 
Self-discovery and identity formation: Children explore their interests and strengths.
Responsibility: They take ownership of their learning and behaviour.
Social skills: They learn to cooperate, share, and empathise with others.
Emotional intelligence: They develop self-awareness, empathy, and resilience.
Risk-taking and problem-solving: They are encouraged to explore new ideas and find solutions. 
A good modern school like ours embraces the principles of child-centered education. By nurturing the whole child, these schools equip students with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to thrive in an ever-changing world. They prepare them not just for exams, but for life.
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Bridging Cognitive Theory and Microlearning: Applying Bruner’s Framework to MaxLearn
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Jerome Bruner, an influential cognitive psychologist, played a crucial role in shaping modern educational theories, particularly in how learners absorb and process information. His Cognitive Learning Theory, often called the Constructivist Theory, posits that learning is an active process where individuals construct new ideas and concepts based on their current or past knowledge. Bruner’s framework emphasizes discovery learning, scaffolding, and the spiral curriculum, all of which foster deeper understanding and long-term retention.
Incorporating Bruner’s cognitive principles into MaxLearn’s microlearning platform ensures that learners are not just passively receiving information but actively engaging with it to form meaningful connections. This helps mitigate the problems of the Forgetting Curve and increases the overall effectiveness of training. Let’s explore how MaxLearn applies Bruner’s cognitive framework to create a rich, impactful learning experience.
Bruner’s Cognitive Learning Theory: Key Elements
Before delving into MaxLearn’s microlearning practices, it’s essential to understand the core components of Bruner’s theory:
Discovery Learning: Bruner argued that learners should engage in problem-solving and discovery rather than rote memorization. This active involvement helps build a deeper understanding of the material, as learners are encouraged to explore, question, and find solutions.
Spiral Curriculum: According to Bruner, any subject can be taught effectively at any stage of development if presented in a structured and scaffolded way. The idea of the spiral curriculum suggests revisiting topics periodically, allowing learners to build on prior knowledge, expand their understanding, and apply it in new contexts.
Scaffolding: This refers to the support provided by instructors or tools to help learners bridge the gap between what they currently know and what they need to learn. As learners gain more competence, this scaffolding is gradually removed.
Structure of Knowledge: Bruner emphasized organizing knowledge hierarchically, from basic concepts to more complex ideas. This organization allows learners to integrate new information with their existing mental models.
Applying Bruner’s Framework to Microlearning: A Perfect Fit
Bruner’s cognitive framework aligns perfectly with microlearning, especially with a platform like MaxLearn, which focuses on bite-sized, targeted lessons designed to optimize retention. Here’s how MaxLearn applies the key elements of Bruner’s theory to create a powerful microlearning experience:
1. Discovery Learning in MaxLearn
One of Bruner’s most prominent ideas was that learning should involve discovery. MaxLearn’s microlearning platform promotes discovery learning by encouraging active engagement and problem-solving within short lessons. Learners are not merely presented with information; instead, they are given challenges or scenarios that require them to think critically and apply their knowledge.
For example, MaxLearn integrates interactive quizzes, simulations, and decision-making scenarios into its lessons. These activities push learners to use their existing knowledge to find solutions, leading to deeper cognitive processing. Rather than memorizing isolated facts, learners are exploring how the concepts they’re learning relate to one another and how they can apply them in real-world situations.
This problem-solving approach makes the learning process more engaging and ensures that learners are building long-term, actionable skills rather than simply recalling information temporarily.
2. Spiral Curriculum in Microlearning
Microlearning is inherently designed to deliver content in manageable, digestible pieces, which perfectly complements Bruner’s concept of the spiral curriculum. In microlearning, learners revisit topics multiple times, each time gaining a deeper understanding and refining their skills.
MaxLearn’s platform leverages the spiral curriculum by structuring lessons in a progressive manner. Initially, learners are introduced to foundational concepts, but over time, these concepts are revisited in different contexts, with increasing complexity. This ensures that learners not only retain the material but also develop the ability to apply it in various scenarios.
For example, a learner in a compliance training course may start with basic regulations, then gradually advance to applying those rules in different work-related situations. By revisiting and expanding on previously learned material, learners strengthen their knowledge base and improve their problem-solving skills.
The spiral curriculum also integrates well with spaced repetition, a core feature of MaxLearn, which is designed to combat the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve. By revisiting key points at spaced intervals, MaxLearn ensures that learners retain their knowledge over the long term.
3. Scaffolding in MaxLearn’s Microlearning
Scaffolding is an instructional technique that plays a significant role in helping learners transition from what they know to what they need to know. In microlearning, scaffolding is especially effective because lessons are short, targeted, and contextual.
MaxLearn incorporates personalized scaffolding through features like adaptive learning paths and targeted feedback. As learners engage with content, the platform assesses their current knowledge and adjusts future lessons to challenge them just enough to promote learning without overwhelming them. This allows learners to progress at their own pace, with the right level of support provided at each stage.
For example, after completing an interactive quiz, learners may receive detailed feedback on their performance, with additional resources or micro-tasks that help them address their weak areas. This adaptive scaffolding ensures that learners receive the guidance they need without being spoon-fed the information, which helps them build autonomy and confidence in their learning journey.
Over time, as learners become more competent, this scaffolding is gradually removed, allowing them to take greater ownership of their learning process.
4. Structure of Knowledge in MaxLearn
Bruner stressed the importance of organizing knowledge in a hierarchical structure, starting from basic concepts and building towards more complex ideas. This structure allows learners to develop a strong foundation before tackling more advanced topics.
MaxLearn applies this principle by ensuring that its lessons are organized in a logical, progressive sequence. Each lesson builds on the previous one, with content that is clear, concise, and cumulative. This hierarchical organization enables learners to understand how different concepts relate to each other, forming a coherent mental map of the subject matter.
For instance, in a sales training module, learners might start with fundamental concepts like customer engagement and rapport building. Once those basics are mastered, they can move on to more complex topics such as handling objections or closing sales. This approach ensures that learners can connect the dots between various aspects of the training and see the big picture.
MaxLearn’s Microlearning: A Cognitive-Friendly Approach
MaxLearn's microlearning platform leverages Bruner’s cognitive principles to enhance learning retention, engagement, and applicability. Let’s take a closer look at the specific features of MaxLearn that align with Bruner’s framework:
Bite-Sized Learning: MaxLearn breaks down complex topics into bite-sized lessons that fit into learners' busy schedules. This makes it easier for learners to process, retain, and apply new information.
Interactive Elements: With quizzes, simulations, and gamification, MaxLearn fosters active learning, aligning with Bruner’s discovery-based approach.
Adaptive Learning: MaxLearn uses AI and analytics to offer personalized learning experiences, ensuring that each learner receives the right level of scaffolding based on their individual progress.
Spaced Repetition: As part of the spiral curriculum, MaxLearn integrates spaced repetition to reinforce knowledge over time, which helps combat memory decay.
Knowledge Checks and Immediate Feedback: Learners receive immediate feedback on their performance, ensuring that they understand where they need to improve and how they can apply their new skills.
Conclusion: Transforming Theory into Practice
Bruner’s cognitive framework offers a rich, thoughtful approach to learning that focuses on engagement, scaffolding, and structured progression. When these principles are applied to microlearning platforms like MaxLearn, the result is an educational experience that goes beyond rote memorization, offering learners the tools they need to truly master concepts and apply them in the real world.
By leveraging Bruner’s insights on discovery learning, the spiral curriculum, and scaffolding, MaxLearn has created a dynamic, adaptive platform that helps learners not only retain information but also build long-lasting knowledge that contributes to their professional development. In a world where knowledge retention is critical for organizational success, combining cognitive theory with cutting-edge microlearning technology ensures that learners are equipped for both the present and the future.
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meditations on first philosophy (1641) - rene descartes
"who give a shit"
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raffaellopalandri · 4 months
What Jobs Have I Had? A Journey of Learning and Growth
Daily writing promptWhat jobs have you had?View all responses Forget the resume bullet points listing every job title I’ve held over the past 34 years. What truly matters, to me, at this point in my life and career, is the wealth of knowledge and personal growth gleaned from venturing into diverse fields. It’s a journey that’s far more valuable than any specific position. Photo by Pixabay on…
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catalyserindia · 5 months
Memory techniques that work wonders! Explore this blog for expert insights on enhancing your memory retention during IIT JEE preparation. Say goodbye to forgetfulness and hello to academic success!
For more such helpful blogs visit our blog page: https://www.catalyser.in/blog
And if you are looking for Top Coaching Institute for your IIT JEE Preparations, Reach us at: https://www.catalyser.in/
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Are movies good for English study?
Many students over the years asked if it is good to use watching movies as a way to study. Essentially I would say that it is a good thing. I have always believed that we need to enjoy studying English which acts as a self motivator. So interacting in English in a way that we enjoy is a great enabler for your language skills.
That's the key though. There has to be something active to the process. You could, for instance watch the movie once purely for entertainment and at that time you can pick up some listening practice and basic comprehension if you aren't focused on the Japanese subtitles. But they you should watch the movie again. Either with English subtitles or none at all. Have a notepad nearby and take notes of words, difficult to hear points or idioms that you encounter as you go. Pause the movie. This time you are studying. After you finish, watch it again, purely in English with no subtitles at all and just practice listening and use the points you took notes about as review opportunities.
The key to any study success is to do it actively and to review what you have learned, or even better use the new expressions. Studying passively can get some results but it will take far longer for them to be noticeable than if you actually approach it as a learning opportunity.
That being said, just watching the movies with English voices and hopefully subtitles is better than not doing it all. This is just my suggestion for how to get the best results.
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luminarai · 9 months
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Ringo says work smarter, not harder (also he replaced the pieces with delicious homemade cookies before the game even started. Taigen never notices)
stickers etc here
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justshipsandstuff · 5 months
Post canon spoilers!
Lately I’ve really enjoyed drawing Mithrun just living life and interacting with other people
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indiadiries · 1 year
Enhancing Study Concentration: Techniques for Academic Success
Introduction:In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining focus and concentration while studying can be a challenging task. However, the ability to concentrate is essential for effective learning and achieving academic success. This article aims to provide valuable techniques and strategies that can help individuals enhance their study concentration. Create a conducive study environment:Establishing…
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wombywoo · 7 months
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retired 🩶
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Leveraging Short Simulations for Highly Engaging Microlearning Lessons
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Microlearning has gained significant traction as an effective method for delivering bite-sized educational content tailored to the needs of modern learners. One of the most impactful ways to elevate microlearning is through the use of short simulations, or "short sims." These interactive experiences provide a dynamic and immersive way to engage learners, helping them apply knowledge in realistic scenarios. Here’s how you can integrate short sims into your microlearning lessons to maximize engagement and learning outcomes.
Understanding Short Simulations
Short simulations are concise, interactive scenarios that mimic real-world processes or decision-making situations. Unlike traditional simulations that may require significant time and resources, short sims are designed to be quick, focused, and easily integrated into microlearning modules.
Benefits of Using Short Simulations in Microlearning
Enhanced Engagement
Short sims capture learners' attention through interactive elements, making the learning process more engaging compared to static content.
Active Learning
By participating in simulations, learners engage in active problem-solving and decision-making, which reinforces their understanding and retention of the material.
Real-World Application
Simulations provide a safe environment for learners to practice skills and apply knowledge in scenarios that mirror real-world challenges.
Immediate Feedback
Learners receive instant feedback on their decisions, allowing them to learn from mistakes and understand the consequences of their actions.
Flexibility and Accessibility
Short sims can be accessed anytime and anywhere, making them ideal for just-in-time learning and accommodating diverse learning schedules.
Designing Effective Short Simulations for Microlearning
Define Clear Learning Objectives
Start by identifying the specific skills or knowledge you want learners to gain from the simulation. Clear objectives ensure that the simulation remains focused and purposeful.
Example: In a sales training module, the objective might be to teach effective negotiation techniques.
Create Realistic Scenarios
The authenticity of the scenario is crucial for learner engagement. Design situations that closely resemble challenges learners might face in their professional or personal lives.
Example: A customer service training simulation might involve handling a difficult customer complaint.
Keep it Concise
Short sims should be brief and to the point, typically lasting between 5 to 10 minutes. This aligns with the microlearning format and ensures that learners can complete the simulation quickly.
Example: A cybersecurity awareness module might include a 5-minute simulation on identifying phishing emails.
Incorporate Decision Points
Include multiple decision points where learners must choose from different options. Each decision should lead to different outcomes, demonstrating the consequences of their choices.
Example: In a project management simulation, learners might decide how to allocate resources, with each choice affecting the project's success.
Provide Immediate Feedback
Offer instant feedback for each decision, explaining why a choice was correct or incorrect. This helps reinforce learning and guides learners towards better decision-making.
Example: After selecting an incorrect response in a medical training simulation, learners receive feedback explaining the correct procedure and its importance.
Use Multimedia Elements
Enhance the simulation with multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and audio to make the experience more immersive and engaging.
Example: An environmental science module could use animations to simulate the effects of pollution on different ecosystems.
Allow for Replayability
Design simulations that learners can replay multiple times to explore different outcomes and reinforce their learning.
Example: A leadership training simulation might allow learners to retry handling a team conflict to see how different approaches yield different results.
Implementing Short Simulations in Microlearning
Integrate with Existing Content
Embed short sims within existing microlearning modules to complement and enhance the learning material. This integration helps contextualize the simulation within the broader learning objectives.
Example: A short sim on emergency procedures can be integrated into a broader health and safety training program.
Use a User-Friendly Platform
Choose a learning management system (LMS) or authoring tool that supports the creation and deployment of interactive simulations. Ensure the platform is accessible and easy to use for both developers and learners.
Example: Tools like Articulate Storyline or Adobe Captivate offer features for creating and integrating short simulations into e-learning modules.
Monitor and Evaluate
Collect data on learner performance and engagement with the simulations. Use this data to assess the effectiveness of the simulations and make necessary improvements.
Example: Track metrics such as completion rates, decision accuracy, and feedback responses to evaluate the impact of a customer service training simulation.
Encourage Learner Feedback
Solicit feedback from learners to understand their experience with the simulations. Use this feedback to refine and enhance future simulations.
Example: After completing a short sim, ask learners to rate the experience and provide suggestions for improvement.
Promote Continuous Learning
Encourage learners to revisit simulations periodically to reinforce their skills and knowledge. Regular interaction with the simulations can help solidify learning and promote continuous improvement.
Example: In a compliance training program, learners might be prompted to complete short sims quarterly to stay updated on regulations and best practices.
Case Studies and Examples
Healthcare Training
Scenario: A short sim for healthcare professionals focuses on diagnosing and treating a patient with a rare condition. Learners make decisions at various stages of diagnosis and treatment, receiving feedback on their choices.
Outcome: Increased diagnostic accuracy and confidence among healthcare professionals.
Sales Training
Scenario: A sales simulation where learners navigate a client meeting, handling objections and negotiating terms. Each decision impacts the likelihood of closing the sale.
Outcome: Improved negotiation skills and higher sales conversion rates.
Customer Service
Scenario: A customer service simulation presents learners with a series of challenging customer interactions. Learners choose responses, receiving feedback on their approach and its effectiveness.
Outcome: Enhanced customer satisfaction and improved conflict resolution skills.
Incorporating short simulations into microlearning lessons offers a powerful way to enhance learner engagement and improve learning outcomes. By creating realistic, interactive scenarios that mirror real-world challenges, educators can provide learners with valuable opportunities to practice and apply their skills. The combination of active learning, immediate feedback, and the flexibility of microlearning creates a dynamic and effective educational experience. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for short sims in microlearning will only grow, offering even more innovative ways to inspire and educate learners.
By leveraging the strategies outlined above, instructional designers and educators can harness the power of short simulations to create microlearning assets that are not only highly engaging but also deeply impactful. Whether in corporate training, higher education, or any other learning context, short sims represent a significant advancement in the pursuit of effective, efficient, and engaging education.
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cocoabell · 8 months
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i drew my fave boi
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japanbizinsider · 1 year
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filipinawanderer · 1 year
Digital Learning and Its Contribution to Deeper Learning
Explore how digital learning contributes to deeper learning, promoting critical skills and a lifelong love for learning. Discover the profound impact of digital learning with ESME Philippines. #DigitalLearning #DeeperLearning #ESMEPhilippines
In the intricate tapestry of education, the thread of digital learning has woven in elements that have revolutionized the way we learn. Not only has it redefined the landscape of educational resources, but it has also led us down the path of deeper learning, an approach that takes knowledge acquisition a step further. The Art of Deeper Learning Deeper learning is an educational concept that…
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