#original elite
Yandere Elite Serial Killer (2)
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Part 1
Like frightened deer you scatter
In your opinion, you get pretty far
At one point climbing up high to see where the lights of the small town were
You were making great time 
“(Y/n)! Down here!”
The sun was rising and while you were hesitant you did go to meet ‘Piggie’
She seems high-spirited for such a horrible situation
But she shares the berries she’s found that weren’t poisonous
And clues you in on some helpful camping knowledge
So you’re none the wiser when you feel a sharp pain in the back of your head 
 Waking bleary-eyed to the tight hold of a bloody rope around you 
The sun has long since set and all you can gather is that you're tied to a tree 
You hesitate to call for the girl only for somebody’s nails to dig into your scalp
It's her and she looks deranged covered in dirt and blood (it doesn’t look like it's hers)
Being sure to throw rocks and kick at you for emphasis she explains how she already knows the major twist of this hunt
They own the town 
No help would have been given if you had arrived there
Or even to the airport 
So she says she’s going to stand her ground to entrap them the second they come for the bait
And the bait just so happens to be you
When you ask her why it’s because she hates your pity
“At least when they kick me in the dirt they have the decency to know I belong there!”
She sounds demented 
But determined
So much so you’re sure if this was a movie she’d be the 'final girl'
But you’re here so that’s not happening
Hearing sticks snap and bushes shake you’re sure they’re on the way
So you shut your eyes in fear
Saying your final prayers as you feel the heat of another person stalking up to you
“How disappointing I expected you to get farther.”
It sounds like something he’d say before lobbing off your head
So you prepare for the oncoming blow 
Only to hear a shotgun fire off 
‘Piggie’ screams
So you look up to see Wille grinning madly in that direction before turning back to you 
He holds your face gently but firmly
Turning your head as he examines you 
“She really did a number on you.” 
He sighs snapping his fingers 
An unknown masked person cuts through the ropes 
Holding you on their back and securing the back of your knees
“Take them back to my room and patch them up I’ll gladly delight in my prize once I’ve finished.”
Wille takes off in a giddy sprint as he watches another masked servant drive off in a quad bike with you on the back
Now that the only real stake in this hunt is out he can really let loose
He’s been doing this for a long while
Enticing the masses at whatever new college or preparatory school he could 
Providing a plentiful harvest for his family 
And it’s great for a while but unfortunately, he just hasn’t found what’s missing 
His mother and father have each other and their pets respectively
His brother does as well
And then his sister…well she enjoys just hunting
But he was never like her
He took care of his appearance more, grew his hair long, and wasn’t pretending to be an apathetic prick
Though he could see how easy it was to become that way
He hates how forward people are when they want something from him or his family
He does admire the tenacity of the poor
But among the fellow rich? 
Absolutely unforgivable
He can only imagine the terrified faces he stalks being that of those hated elites
And of course, in the midst of a mission to harvest is when he becomes aware of you
It’s not really any one thing you do 
You just happen to exist close enough to his latest harvest grounds
It’s not your college but something of a rival school
And all it takes is one mutual and he’s whipped
Suddenly he’s decided that you're the perfect one for him
The prize  that’s greater than anything he could buy
To be Continued
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divorcedwife · 4 months
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card suits
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kerlhau · 6 months
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[ FR ] Ma lubie du moment : faire des dessins au crayon, avec des petites parties au feutre à pigment, et les contours et/ou motifs/fonds au posca ! ♥ ça donne un effet que j'aime beaucoup.
                                              ………………..    • 🟆 •   ………………
[ ENG ] My current fad: making drawings in pencil, with small parts in pigment marker, and the contours and/or patterns/backgrounds in posca ! ♥ it gives an effect that I really like.
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commission for @teraluceo!!! feat/ also my trainer oc fadnsf
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bluehoodedmousebane · 2 months
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Finished my first playthrough of Halo 2! Pretty fun. I think the only thing I could complain about are the lighting issues, since I was playing through on the original graphics.
The distribution of characters by the end of the game is. So funny to me. Poor Chief.
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deoxysacid · 8 months
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Made a Colress fankid oc. He may or may not be a clone he made for the lols and was then forced to raise. Oops
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alvxprodz · 9 months
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Manu Rios and Matthew Daddario as Sebastian Reed and Patch Walsh in 'Out Of The Darkness'.
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toastybugguy · 3 months
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No compass pointing home…
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thatowlhuman · 5 months
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Yandere Elite Serial Killer
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Thinking about the rich hunting the poor plot of thousands of movies
Popular and inexplicably vain it’s a surprise he goes to your college at all
But because of his status and immense popularity you never quite got close to him
Only knowing about him because of gossip 
His existence doesn’t matter to you until the college plans to take everyone on a cross-country trip
That happens to be sponsored by an anonymous donor 
You somehow end up in a travel group with him and his most loyal groupies
You didn’t even know you were in the same class
But when the school asks for a payment he generously pays for all expenses
“If all it takes is a bit of pocket change to have these nerds do my homework, then I’ll pay for it!”
He scoffs in your face if you try to refuse 
having the principal tear your check in front of your face if you try to pay yourself
But you pack your bags prepared to get on the plane booked for the class only for one of the nicer groupies to stop you
“Uh, where do you think you're going?”
“To the plane?”
“Our plane is on the tarmac. We’re not getting packed in like a bunch of sardines.”
“But I already bought the ti-”
“Look nerd stop complaining before he leaves you.”
When you do get on of course it’s a shock to have an attendant nicely handle your bag 
Of course, you fidget as you watch the groupies casually sit in specific padded chairs
As though those were their designated spots 
You’re watching them so intensely you miss the grey eyes watching you
“Huh? Me?”
“Where do you want to sit?”
“Uhm I’ll just sit over here.”
You randomly pick the spot farthest from them 
He scoffs again and snaps his fingers
“No, you won’t you’ll sit over here.”
The seat he’s pointing at is right beside him…
But a girl is already sitting there
You hesitate looking nervously at the girl who’s engrossed in her phone
Wille exasperatedly sighs before turning in his seat to kick the girl off it
It looked like it hurt
But no one reacts…at first
Before one of the groupies chimes in
“Move Piggie! It’s obvious Wille doesn’t want you here!”
The other’s laugh while ‘piggie’ slowly gets up moving her things she gives you a hard glare before moving to the row over
With Wille impatiently snapping his fingers you sit in the seat
Now being weirdly included in the conversation
Though it’s completely out of your realm of understanding they are seemingly including you
You don’t get the chance to ask  why he wanted you here but you couldn’t complain
When an attendant served you a hearty meal that happened to fit all of your likes and dislikes
You are made to hold someone’s bag or do the other’s assignments issued for the class but you can’t complain
Especially when ‘piggie’ is the one who keeps getting pushed around
Once the plane lands it’s constantly like this 
In museums, restaurants, and lectures 
The pattern continues and as expected you feel incredibly indebted to Wille
So of course you’ll look past the slightly demeaning tasks he sends you on
Or when the groupies need the opinion of a ‘commoner’ you answer
It’s never as bad as it is for ‘piggie’ 
Who ends up paying for some of the other groupies’ shopping sprees 
Or when someone deems their outfit ruined or out of style it’s ‘piggie’ who has to buy something new
You feel awful 
But you’re sure if you spoke up they’d absolutely leave you in this foreign country all alone
So you’ll try in another way
“Hey, I uh filled out an extra assignment if you’d like it?”
For once you might see them accept and start coming to you to talk
It’s nice 
To speak to someone more sympathetic to your situation
But things don’t really kick off until the last day 
And you by association are invited to the intense partying of your group who invite others from your college
There Wille demands that everyone in your group come to his vacation home where his family is 
To work off the hangovers and keep the party going he says 
He says it’ll be another week before you all head back to the college
Whether you drink or not you don’t mind the small extension on your trip 
after all, all of your expenses are paid for
So without being able to refuse you join the group  
a butler welcomes you as soon as the chauffeur drops you all off at the castle-like vacation home mansion
Unexpectedly there and looking at watching you all gawk are Wille’s family
His father, his mother, his older sister, and his younger brother
They all are just like him with long wavy hair and cattish grey eyes that seem to see all
They welcome the group but they’re honestly quite cold
You don’t mind all that much though
They’re polite enough for the first three days
But then as the end of the week approaches it just gets stranger
Not just for you but for the others as well
“H-h-hey did any of you guys notice Wille’s little brother has a lot of stuffed pets?”
“Well, did you see how that old man was looking at me? Creepy!”
Finally on the sixth day 
more accurately at midnight, the hunting really begins
Faced with Wille himself smiling wider than you could have ever imagined right along with his family with their own twisted faces
“You won’t believe how many social climbers cling to us like leeches! In our world. They have their protections and safeguards that stop us from bashing their brains in. But you–we could do that and so much more because no one cares about you. No one!”
It’s alarming, to say the least 
The dirt under your nails
The cries of the others
Wille continues
“But it's nice to imagine right? So we’re going to play a little game! You all get until midnight tomorrow to escape our property. If you do you get to keep your little worthless life. As a bonus, we’ll reward you an extra million for all the trouble! So, everyone ready to play?”
Screams are heard 
And a gunshot goes off
Someone else breaks down again
“Good energy, you have until sunrise.”
Like frightened deer you scatter
Part 2
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
Humans are weird: MMO’s
Alien: What do these letters mean? Human: “Massively Multiplayer Online Game” Alien: Shouldn’t there be a “G” in there as well then? Human: Then it would be “MMOG”, and that sounds silly when said out loud. Alien: *Looks sad* Human: Oh Christ your name is Mmog, isn’t it? ---------------------------
Alien: So this game is about the star wars religious fanatics fighting each other? Human: Pretty much. Alien: You would think the rest of the galaxy would have united and wiped them all out by now since it looks like the majority of conflicts are started by one side or the other. Human: Pretty hard to stamp them out when they can crush your windpipe from half a star system away. ----------------------------
Alien: So evil triangles fighting good spheres? Human: Pretty much. Alien: That doesn’t sound exciting. Human: It was before they put up a paywall around everything believe it or not. Alien: How so? Human: Well for one thing you got to punch an ancient worm god the size of a skyscraper in the face on Mars. Alien: Wow, that does sound like fun. -------------------------------
Alien: Friend human, I wish to start a fight but I don’t know hard. Human: Oh that’s easy. Human: Walk into any of those blue cities and shout in chat “Sylvanas did nothing wrong!”. Alien: Thanks. *An hour passes* Human: How’s it going? Alien: I’m not sure how but I may have started an in-game race war. Human: Ah; classic indeed. ---------------------------------
Alien: So this one is about flying around the universe and raiding people? Human: Yup. Alien: Isn’t that what we do now though? Human: Well when it came out it was depicting the future so it was more exciting. Alien: I’ll say. Alien: For being supposedly dangerous I’ve seen waiting lines at amusement parks on Florp III that were more harrowing. Human: They never did find that little girl waiting for the teacup ride. -------------------
Alien: Why are there fire pits everywhere?!?! Alien: There are not enough players to need so many. Human: you just don’t understand. Alien: Understand what? Human: You always need to leave a trail of fire pits behind you as you go in this game. Alien: Why? Human: *Points behind alien character to see angry band of players dodging way through fire pits trying to attack them* ---------------------
Alien: I don’t like this one. Human: Really? Human: You loved the two previous entries. Alien: Those were both offline games and this one isn’t. Alien: Plus it has a really annoying feature I hate. Human: Which is? Alien: Having to interact with other players to complete missions. -------------------
Human: They called this one a wow killer. Alien: How’d this get a name like that? Human: Well for starters they invested in decent writers. ------------------
Human: I heard that one is rather good. Alien: I guess. Human: You sound disappointed. Alien: Well I’ve yet to come across this black desert the title speaks of and I’m starting to get upset. -------------------
Alien: All I wanted to do was mine asteroids!!! Human: Yeah, but you did it in their territory. Alien: This is government controlled systems! Alien: Nothing is player controlled!!! Human: Probably explains why they are swarming you with cheap ships. Alien: Why!?!? Human: They’re probably hoping they can take you out before concord floods the system and wipes them all out. Alien: That’s crazy! Alien: They’d waste dozens of ships just to take out my lone miner? Human: Let me tell you about a little group called “Goonswarm”. ----------------------------
Alien: So everything is player created in this world? Human: For the economy at least.  Alien: That would explain a few things. Human: Like why there is super inflation for a bundle of wood? Alien: More so why every sword for sale is called a variation of “Buttsmasher”
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mintoxhitsuji · 3 months
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Some more day care clinic art, this time of Permafrostshipping again because I love them with my whole heart 🧡 The tree in the bg is inspired by the trees I saw when looking out of the window while drawing this.
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the-kipsabian · 11 months
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ahmedomar11 · 23 days
Help my family please 🇵🇸💔
Hello, I am Ahmed again I live in Gaza I live in a tent We have no water, no food, no medicine, no work, no money. Is there anything left for me to say? I have spoken all languages but I have not achieved the goal I want It meets the family's needs I hope you don't skip it and donate to my family even if it's $5, it's small for you but it means a lot to me Share my profile, donate to me and thank you to everyone who contributed to spreading my campaign
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unpretty · 12 days
So I finally had the finances to re-subscribe. Meaning I got to read chapter 8 and 9 of Hungry Roots. And......
Xavio, Xavio no. I get what you are trying to do, but this is not... this is gonna backfire so badly. Dude, you are literally invoking co-dependency.
(Also the "brooding chicken" scene had me in stitches)
..... Clara is totally gonna end up killing someone at the Solstice party
someone has fundamentally misunderstood the definition of traumabonding
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cardinalbiggles · 8 months
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