#original situation
drdtfuitgumies · 1 day
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arei has been jailed. expect her to NOT appear for at least two weeks! (actual explanation + bonus doodle under cut)
first of all: i LOVE drawing arei. she's always been one of my favorites to draw but i (like to think that i) have gotten even better. this was not a decision made out of hate, not at all, but you people just keep requesting her. (iirc, there's eight requests about arei currently in the inbox, and most of those are encouraging her to steal even More stuff...)
everyone needs a break. including me. including you. including the other characters, especially those she personally annoyed. this does mean that david's hairclips and charles' goggles have been returned to their rightful owners! though not for long, for that first one... you'll see soon...
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while a biased character distribution Really can't be avoided (see above table for a reference), i (like to think that i) try to be fair as much as possible, so i felt that restricting the invasive species would be best. you can still send requests for arei, it's just that they'll take even longer to be posted.
and this post marks the end of may! i'd like to make a proper summary for each season, but i'm currently away from my laptop and the summary might or might not be later than planned. regardless, thank you so much for sticking with me throughout the month; hopefully i can keep the daily doodles going until the end of july, at least...!!
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karagna · 17 days
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An elf girl with a gun could save me
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The Dungeon Meshi crew 'leap' into action!
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canisalbus · 5 months
Have you drawn Vittorio before? I'd like to see what he looks like pls.
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Vittorio's design has given me more trouble than I expected, I'm still not sure if I'm happy with his looks. He's Machete's trusted personal secretary, a small and modest but resourceful and resilient man. I think he's somewhere in his mid 20's.
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doubleddenden · 4 months
Apparently the Nijisanji situation is so bad, it's being used in REAL TIME as part of law school lessons and mock trials. Actual lawyers are pointing out that this violated several Canadian, Japanese, and possibly more countries's privacy and disclosure laws as well.
Like holy fuck. They have fucked up big time.
There's entire threads on Twitter and 4chan where lawyers are going over the specific violations Doki's lawyers could have a field day with, using Niji/Elira/Vox/Ike's "our side" video as very easy evidence to site some violation or another.
And for the third time, I'm not really into Niji and keep getting into talents right before or after they announce graduation or are reborn elsewhere, strange habit, but 1. I hate companies mistreating their employees, 2. I hate bullying, 3. This is now, honestly and truthfully, one of those literal garbage fires you can't ignore once you gaze at it. Every day so far the hole Niji keeps digging gets dug deeper and deeper-
We're watching a corporation collapse in real time and pay severely for the mistreatment of its employees. Honestly I'm invested and need to see how this shit ends. This has ramifications for the vtubing sphere and even sets precedents for how similar cases like this will be handled in the future.
Doki, I hope you can live a happy life, because I respect the shit out of you, and I hope you get a lot of money out of this that you can do wonderful things with. Thank you for surviving and being alive
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corantus · 6 months
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hilda, a little lesbian i have no idea what to do with. they/she
name is short for brunhilde. chose that name because they thought it was cool but now theyre insecure about it. transfem not on hrt. would not consider themself butch exactly just prefers to look androgynous. everyone thinks shes a gamer but she has played undertale 12 times and no other games. their job is being cute and talking about anime
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chatlote · 2 months
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You could have wished for the world
But you wished for me instead
What a waste, isn't it?
Art I drew in 2/2 I only realized today I forgot to post on tumblr oops
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layaart · 11 days
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a lichen creature
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we're all in this together
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[ID: An edited Lord of the Rings scene. In the first picture Gimli labelled "manga readers" says: "Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with anime-onlys." In the second picture Legolas labelled "anime-onlys" replies: "What about side by side with a friend?" Gimli labelled "manga readers" says: "Aye... I could do that." End ID]
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“Yeah, you see, my boss is directly responsible for my wife getting captured by a dark church of the deep that worships the very eldritch god I took part in slaying several years ago. So now most of the time my wife’s body is controlled by a separate consciousness that comes from the black crystals they implanted in her spine, and that consciousness believes itself to be of a nun of the church of the deep, which means she worships the very dark god that I slayed. And to make matters worse, when I killed the eldritch god it’s blood mixed with mine and now I’m its vessel and I have to resist giving in to its corruption to avoid bringing about the cataclysmic demise of the entire world as the oceans would swallow the land and creatures of the deep would devour and assimilate everything until there was nothing left at which point the hivemind mass of the dark god will spread across the cosmos seeking more worlds to devour. On top of all that, the nun in my wife’s body has my wife’s insatiable libido. and ever since she found out that I’m the vessel of her god she’s been constantly begging me to ‘fill her with my divine seed’ and to be honest the whole thing is making our weekly game nights really awkward for everyone.”
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drdtfuitgumies · 26 days
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motivational words from min
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corallapis · 1 year
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the-meme-monarch · 7 months
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hi (balling my fists and gritting my teeth so hard they’re bleeding) i like them
if you ship them go away 👍
under the cut is the drawing without the background, the screenshot this is based on + my talk sprites i made a while ago from here again. bc i had to redraw them <:]
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 days
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Teehee! (Spritesheets your Wangxian)
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bidonica · 2 years
These 23 seconds of local news from central Italy have literally become my favorite movie therefore I gave it English captions so that it could be shared with the rest of the world
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pastel-gothfriend · 6 months
is a doll you know being oh so sad? does it seem like it needs some love and care? is it being all mean to itself?
well there's a simple solution! just grab it by the tongue, spit in its mouth, and tell it that you love it and dont let go until it agrees!
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