Could you do a verison of your rule 63 Orjiro edit but with @mhafandomredesigns headcanons, since I know that they'll never touch nor colour any edits that you make even if they are good.
I'm sorry but I feel you should ask them yourself since they know their hcs best but also if they don't want to colour anybody's edits but their own then it is their choice and it shouldn't be coerced or taken from them because of someone anonymous.
I hope you take this respectfully and understand- Mid Nick
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duhragonball · 17 days
JoJolion Ch. 87-88
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These two chapters deal with Ojiro Sasame trying to meddle in the story, so let's just get him out of the picture before we move on.
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A major plot thread of this final quarter of JoJolion is Tsurugi beginning to succumb to the Rock Disease. The symptoms seem different, though. We saw Kid Jobin in a flashback and he was forgetting things that happened to him the day before. Here, Tsurugi seems to be losing control of his Stand. Or maybe he's just stressing out about losing control of his Stand. Everyone suspects him of hurting that classmate at school, and the flash forward suggests that he may have killed his own grandpa, but he didn't do either of those things. Likewise, he didn't push that baby in the fountain up there. The mother touched his origami frog, not realizing it was a Stand that can confuse her perception, and so she didn't see her baby crawl in.
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But Tsurugi is so stressed from the secret he's keeping about the Locacaca branch, and the Rock Disease, and the fact that his grandfather plans to sacrifice himself to save Tsurugi from the Rock Disease... well, there's a lot going on for this kid.
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That's when Ojiro Sasame enters the picture. Chapter 87 opens with him spying on the Higashikata Fruit Parlor, and then he shows up on the estate to taunt Tsurugi with the information he's gathered. Ojiro doesn't seem to be all that bright, but he still managed to figure out that the Damokan Laundry company got a 200 million yen payment to clean uniforms for the fruit parlor. But Ojiro's visited the Damokan business and found it deserted. I'm not sure why he's telling Tsurugi all of this, but Ojiro's a sick bastard, and he probably enjoys making his victims squirm.
Tsurugi gives Ojiro the slip and runs back home, where he tells his father Jobin about Orjiro. I don't want to get into particulars, but Tsuguri now knows for certain that Jobin used to work with Damo's smuggling ring, and now Jobin knows that he knows. He doesn't bother trying to make excuses for that, because they have to deal with Ojiro first.
What truly concerns Jobin isn't Ojiro himself. He's more bewildered that someone like Ojiro would try to get a piece of the Locacaca action now of all times. How did someone like him get involved with all of this? What he doesn't know is that Ojiro heard about the fruit from Kira, and he's dating whatsername, the woman who owns the baseball stadium, who despises the Higashikata family and covets their land.
I'm more interested in the number Ojiro mentioned to Tsurugi. 200,000,000 yen is the amount Mitsuba withdrew to pay for her visit to Dr. Wu a while back. That "treatment" was a running Stand Battle through the hospital, and Dr. Wu's dead, but we know she must have paid the bill because she was worried about Jobin finding out she withdrew the money.
I think the idea here is that when Jobin and Damo were still working together, they used the fruit parlor and the laundromat to launder the profits from the Locacaca smuggling. I don't know exactly how that worked, but it probably involved both companies writing big checks to one another for nonexistent services. The key here is that Mitsuba probably didn't understand it either, but she knew enough about it to try it herself, or maybe this was just standard procedure for whenever the family made big purchases. In any case, her misstep was that she didn't realize Damokan Cleaning was defunct, and somehow Ojiro managed to find that clue during his investigation.
So this is happening right now because Mitsuba tried to keep a secret from Jobin. She doesn't want her husband to know she got grifted by Dr. Wu all year long, or that she spent 200 million yen to turn her nose into a rock.
What makes this even more tragic is that the only reason she went back to Dr. Wu was because of her petrified ear. She had been willing to live with that, because her hair covered it up and Jobin never seemed to pay much attention anyway, but lately Jobin had been spending more time with Tsurugi, and Tsurugi likes to cuddle, and Mitsuba was worried that he'd discover her petrified ear and ask about it in Jobin's presence.
And why were Jobin and Tsurugi being so close lately? Because they secretly captured the Locacaca branch and Jobin has ordered him to keep quiet about it.
And how did Ojiro enter the picture? Because that girl got hurt at Tsurugi's school and Mitsuba was so defensive about it that the lady at the PTA told Ojiro about it. In other words, Jobin has brought this latest misfortune upon himself.
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Much of this two-part Ojiro story is just Jobin and Tsurugi finding out about Ojiro's Stand and his methods. We already saw all of that in his debut appearance, so I won't go over it again. He managed to cut Tsurugi's hand, which allows him to force Tsurugi to use a cell phone to record the Locacaca branch's hiding place. One thing leads to another, and Ojiro manages to take control of both Jobin and Tsurugi's bodies, and he forces Jobin to choke Tsurugi in a broken windowframe. Jobin appears to surrender the Locacaca to him, and then Ojiro demands to see his Stand just for added security.
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I'm not sure what the point of this is, since seeing a person's Stand doesn't actually tell you anything about its range or abilities. Maybe Ojiro simply doesn't understand that. Then again, he's kind of a sadistic freak, so maybe he's only doing this to humiliate his captives. The Higashikata family consider showing off your Stand to be kind of personal, and maybe Ojiro has the same attitude about it.
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Oh wait, Ojiro does understand that seeing a Stand doesn't do much good. He says exactly that in this scene. Yeah, he must have just been screwing with them. Anyway, he forces Jobin to slam the window shut on both Tsurugi and himself, slashing both of their throats with broken glass. Once he's satisified that they're dead, Ojiro finally drops into the house. Remember, his Stand only works if he's directly above the target, so he'd be defenseless if he tried this before. He then helps himself to the Locacaca and some cash from Jobin's wallet.
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He doesn't get very far, though, as he succumbs to whatever heat-stroke-like thing Speed King does to people. We've seen Jobin do this before, using it to knock out Yasuho Hirose and that bully Caato eventually murdered twenty years ago. But this time the effect is fatal.
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As it turns out, Tsurugi used his Stand to make it look to Ojiro like their wounds were more deadly than they actually were. I don't quite follow that, since there was a lot of broken glass in that window pane, but Ojiro did touch the origami frog right before they faked their deaths, so fair play to Tsurugi, I guess. From there, Jobin must have used Speed King to store up heat in the money in his billfold, knowing that Ojiro wouldn't be able to resist taking it.
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All Jobin has to do now is track down Ojiro and retrieve the stolen plant, but there is one last loose end to take care of. Later, whatsername is looking for Ojiro when she gets a phone call from him. Jobin is the one making the call, and he concludes that this must be the person Ojiro was sending his information.
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Jobin explains how his Stand ability works, and since she doesn't understand what he's saying, he concludes that she's not a Stand user herself. That saves him the trouble of hunting down the rest of her family, since I guess Jobin would naturally assume her family would become a threat if they all had Stands like his does.
The phone, of course, was booby-trapped by Speed King, just like that money was when Ojiro died. Whatsername dies immediately, and her daughter doesn't even notice because she's got her headphones in. Her corpse falls into her swimming pool, where Ojiro's corpse has been lying for some time now. I guess Jobin must have snuck into the place at some point, and dropped off the body before rigging the phone with Speed King. Did he just muscle the corpse up the stairwell? Or does Speed King have super strength?
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Anyway, Jobin has the plant back, but he had to murder two people to keep the damn thing. And this illustrates his ruthless outlook on life. It also demonstrates how sloppy and self-defeating this is.
One bit of trivia about Jobin is that he has the same spiky fashion sense as all of the Rock Humans in this story. At one time, I think there was even fan speculation that Jobin was a Rock Human himself, even though that doesn't really add up. I think the true point of Jobin's clothes is to signify that he sees the Rock Humans and their ruthless, secretive methods as aspirational. He sees them doing their thing and thinks "They know what they're doing. I want to be more like them."
So Jobin became more like them. His mother encouraged him, and he grew up to be selfish and ambitious. He tries to accumulate power and prestige through secret deals and mysterious plots. He's even shown here that he's willing to kill to maintain control over his holdings.
But for all he manages to imitate the Rock Humans, he can never truly be a Rock Human. He has a family to worry about, and too many connections to Morioh and too many obligations to society. He runs a fucking fruit parlor, for crying out loud, and he acts like that makes him a Sith Lord or Lex Luthor or something. What was he going to do when his heavy-handed tactics turned people off about shopping at his store? Did he even think that far ahead?
The thing is, the Rock Humans can afford to be corrupt, arrogant, and ruthless, because they can just disappear into the forest whenever they want, and assume some new identity to start over. They have to launder money and seek high status, because there's not much else for them to do in places like Morioh. Yotsuyu doesn't have a family to worry about, or a reputation for that matter. Also he's dead, so I don't know why Jobin would want to be like him in the first place.
Basically, Jobin's like those dudebros who watched Scarface and learned the wrong lesson. They see the wealth and power and the take-no-shit attitude, and I guess they must not understand the end of the movie where it all collapses and Scarface gets shot dead in his own home. The Rock Humans can actually live like Scarface because they can just duck out of that life before the movie ends, but Jobin's a normal human, and he's stuck with the only life he's got, and all the consequences that go with it.
I think the point of these little side stories in JoJolion is to show a sort of miniaturized version of the main story, and showcase how the supporting cast each deals with their own "curses". Joshuu got cursed with Milagro Man, and he just cravenly passed it back to the guy who gave it to him, without learning a damn thing. Yasuho was cursed by the hairclip, and she was rescued by the Kira family, which inspired her to save Josuke in Chapter 1. Mitsuba was trapped in a seemingly endless medical scam involving Dr. Wu, and she sort of learned her lesson when she managed to escape.
But Jobin's curse here is just the result of his own misdeeds and sloppiness. He never had to keep the Locacaca branch to himself, or any of the other dumb things he's done. He didn't need to kill Ojiro or his girlfriend either. But he keeps pushing things like this because he's obsessed with asserting his own strength and refusing to be pushed around, which will only cause more trouble for him as the story continues....
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strengthsapprentice · 3 years
What I think would be Class 1-A's favorite animated Disney/Dreamworks/Warner Bros movie would be (in no particular order):
Midoriya - Bambi. Soft deer boy rising to be king? Very much his flow.
Bakugou - Thinks Disney movies are crap, but lowkey loves Balto because he wants to be a wolfdog (but acts like Steele)
Ashido - Come on you KNOW it's Moana it's the VIBES for me
Tsu - Probably Shrek because- OH COME ON YOU KNOW I WAS GONNA SAY THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG! I feel like she'd relate to Tiana because she kinda has her own goals and doesn't care about romance (ace/aro headcanon)
Todoroki - Hear me out: Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimmaron. Stop the "Frozen" comments, he would SO be into the themes of freedom and escaping cruelty.
Kirishima - The Lion King. He thinks Simba is the manliest Disney prince of all time.
Kaminari - He will answer Minions to piss you off, but he actually likes Bolt. Electric dog go brrrr
Sero - Coco, because not only does he take family to heart (at least how I see him), he also ADORES the gorgeous animation that went into it.
Uraraka - Hmmmm Beauty And The Beast. A sucker for romance AND being saved by a handsome beast!
Aoyama - CINDERELLA STAN! I just imagine him as a sassy Cinderella for Halloween
Iida - Aristocats. Most of the music has that old style, and it's about adorable cat royalty! It's his soft spot.
Koda - Snow White and YES that's because he's in touch with animals
Shoji - The Black Cauldron, he's definitely a sucker for the lesser known/darker movies
Tokoyami - The Prince Of Egypt, it's an emotional movie with dark music, an accurate biblical depiction, and a perfect amount of light hearted scenes to balance the movie.
Hagakure - Big Hero 6! Honeydew is her favorite character!
Yaoyorozu - Mulan, the ORIGINAL. Hates what they did with the new one. Loves the themes about female power and family honour!
Ojiro - Peter Pan! A carefree boy who just wants to chill, though is kinda quiet about what he wants to do.
Mineta - Literally any sequal no one likes. Definately watches bad movies "ironically".
Aizawa - Hunchback of Notre Dame
All Might - The Incredibles
Thirteen - Wall-E
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Bnha crack headcanon #1
Shinsou always flirts with Tooru because it drives Ojiro insane, and because he feels like he can relate to Tooru. Tooru develops a crush on Shinso because he treats her “like a main character” and notices her. Shinso is horrible at flirting in general but with Tooru he finds it easy. 
Shinso- “Hey Haku has anyone ever told you your voice reminds them of song birds”
*ojiro engulfs in flames*
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suckmybigtoeoikawa · 3 years
Songs I think the BNHA/ MHA boys would listen to
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📼: I think that is approved that Sero should be latino
📼: I believe he adores Latin culture and he listens to music in Spanish
📼: if not music in Spanish then like summer time bops
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💨: I really don’t know what kind of music he listens to 🧍🏾‍♀️
💨: like musical 💀💀
💨: I feel like he be playin stuff from musicals
💨: or like stuff from 2011
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🕸: I think he needs to listen to clam music or else dark shadow finna be wildin’
🕸: but other than that he has a pretty decent music taste and he listens to stuff that makes his happy
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🙈: he listens to stuff you listen to underneath the sunshine💀
🙈: and he be bopping hard to like ayo pipe down a lil bit it’s just The Beach Boys man
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(^TikTok wokewango)
HAVE A GREAT MLK DAY 🤍 don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t beautiful because you are gorgeous 🤩
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bnhahq101 · 3 years
Mashirao Orjiro
Their love language
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
MHA Tsuyu Asui x fem!Reader - Lillies
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Summary: Tsu worries that you don’t want to be her friend anymore after you get upset during a picnic with the 1A girls.
Quirk: Water Manipulation.
It was a warm Saturday in Musutafu and many students had chosen to have a day on the town, including you, your best friend, Tsu, and the rest of the girls in her class. Although you were in 1B, you were never as close to anyone in your class as you were to Tsu. You didn't like all the noise that came with Monoma and TetsuTetsu, and since they were the most popular kids in your class, you just tended to avoid them all together.
You finished dressing yourself for the day ahead, you would be traveling to a near-by botanical garden for a nice walk and a picnic. You adorned yourself with a stripped t-shirt, short shorts, sandals, and left your hair down instead of your usual updo. Tsu had recently gotten you a dragonfly hair pin for your birthday and you wanted to make sure that she saw you with it.
You used the small accessory to pin your fringe behind your ear, blushing into the mirror. It had gone without saying, that you had a crush on Tsu. You had never met someone so graceful, so strong, so beautiful. You never felt like you had the right to admit to your feelings, however. You had always considered yourself to be straight, liking males only, but there was just something about her that made it impossible to ignore.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on your door. Opening it revealed Tsu, Ochako, and Momo. You smiled at them, stepping out of your dorm.
"Hi, guys. Thank you so much for inviting me." you flashed a sweet smile.
"Oh, It was no problem! We love your company!" Ochacko beamed as the group the four of you began to walk to the elevator.
"I see you're wearing the pin I got you, (Y/N), I'm glad you like it, kero." Tsu smiled at you, glowing at the fact that you enjoyed her gift so much, as she slipped her hand into yours. It wasn't uncommon for her to hold your hand, it's just something that best friends do, right?
About an hour had past, and you had at last made your way to the garden's gate, meeting with Jiro and Hagakure along the way. Mina had decided to run off with the boys. Making your way through the garden, you were on the look out for the perfect place to set up your picnic.
"Oh, how about over there? There's plenty of shade, and lots of nice smelling flowers around!" Ochako pointed to a grassy spot under a tree, near a bush of honeysuckle.
"That's perfect, Ochako." Momo agreed as your group began to head over.
You helped Momo spread out the blanket she'd made while Tsu and Ochako displayed the food, and Hagakure passed out drinks. Jiro provided a soothing quiet tune to play in the background as you ate.
As you ate, you and the girls chatted and share a few laughs about boys and who one another liked. Ochako was teased for her crush on Midoryia, and Jiro, for her crush on Kaminari. Hagakure rambled on about how perfect her relation ship with Orjiro was, and Momo hinted at a small crush on Todoroki.
"So, Tsu," the invisible girl began, "A little birdie told me, that a little birdie might have a crush on you!"
"Tokoyami, kero?" the happy frog asked, pointing to her lips, earning a nod. "Well, he's a great friend and all, but I just don't see him that way." You looked to your lap, secretly relived that she did not return his alleged affection.
"So, (Y/N), Is there anyone you like?" Ochako asked, sipping on a juice pouch. You blushed slightly, trying to avoid eye contact with Tsu, you could feel her intense stare.
"W-Well..." you began, only to be interrupted by Hagakure.
"Oh, don't tell us, I bet it's that Awase guy form your class, right?"
"Oh, yeah he's such a sweet heart!" Momo agreed. Your blushed deepened.
"Oh my gosh! It totally is! You should tell him! I think Oji has his number, I'll totally hook you guys up!" the chipper girl rambled, making you feel overwhelmed. You could see a sad look on Tsu's face as she turned her eyes downcast.
You stood up and excused yourself before walking away.
"I'm sorry, girls, I'll be right back, I just need some fresh air."
"But, (Y/N), we're outside, this is fresh air." Jiro pointed out, only to be ignored by your retreating form.
Tsu stood in response to follow you.
You trekked along the winding path until you met a small, quaint lily pond. Sitting yourself on a rock, you removed your shoes and slipped your ankles into the water, creating waves with your hand. You sighed, manipulating the water to rise into the air and take the shape of a heart.
"(Y/N)?" a voice shattered your thoughts and the heart rained back into the pond. "Are you okay, kero?"
"Tsu, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have run off like that...I just...got overwhelmed." She sat on a rock beside you, following suit in removing her shoes and wading in the water.
"That's okay, kero. I just wanted to make sure you were alright." she smiled, slipping her hand into yours again, only to have you pull your hand away from hers. She looked up at you with a shocked sadness in her eyes.
"(Y/N), did I hurt your feelings somehow?" she asked, a tremble in her sweet voice.
You turned to her, slightly panicked at the thought of making her cry. You held both of her hands in yours.
"Of course not, Tsu. You just...stirred them a bit, that's all." You looked away with a sigh.
"(Y/N), I don't understand...do you not want to be my friend anymore? Have I lost you somehow?" a few tears began to stream down her cheeks as you wiped them away.
"No, no, Tsu..." You sighed heavily. You had no choice. You had to tell her. You stood up, wading a bit further into the pond and plucked a lily from it's pad, before returning to her, and placing the fragile pink flower behind her ear.
"I don't to be your friend anymore, Tsuyu..." She treid to pull away from your grasp, tears now flowing freely, before you pulled her back. "I want to be so much more...I've been in love with you since the sports festival. When I really got to spend time with you, and saw how strong and beautiful you truly are. And ever since, I've made a point to be around you as often as possible...hoping that one day...you might like me too..." you confessed, feeling hot tears prick your eyes.
"(Y/N)..." her voice was soft and full of uncertainty. "I love you too...I always wanted to tell you...but I could never figure out how..." Tsu looked up into your eyes, hers full of innocence and a need for validation.
You could feel the urge in the air. "Tsu, may I kiss you?" you asked, timidly, as the two of you had already begun to lean in. With a slight nod of her head, your lips connected with hers, as she placed a hand on your knee, and you held the back of her head.
You pulled away to come up for air, cupping her cheek.
"I can't go back to being friends with you, Tsu. Friends don't kiss like this. Friends don't hold hands the way I hold yours." you sighed, trying to tear yourself away from her warm embrace.
"Well, kero," she began, smiling sweetly again, with a finger to her lips. "Could we be girlfriends?"
Your eyes softened. "I think we can, Lilypad. I think that'll be alright."
She nuzzled into your neck, enveloping you in a much needed hug. "I love you, (Y/N)."
You chuckled with content.
"I love you too, Tsu. More than anything."
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the-septic-maniac · 2 years
Are we gonna how hard Orjiro gut punched Tenshen? He left a fucking dent. Mind you I don't blame him for doing so >_> He at the very least wanted to adhere to the rules of XB and his tribe leader was clearly not doing that but damn.
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nuttdepikabnha · 3 years
His father's credit card
What crimes will he commit👀
🎺 he buys a vr headset🎺
Here's headcannons on how 1a would react to fnaf vr because I said so, I love this game
Deku: panicky at first. Yelling and waving his arms, but once he beats night one he's in the ZONE. He's dealt with far worse threats he's got this
Bakugo: "HA! THISLL BE EASY!!" *tries to punch the characters and dies* "FUCK"
Kirishima: nervous but up for a challenge. Jumpscares startle him every time and he almost breaks the vr stuff with his quirk
Tsu: is pretty neutral for most of it but silently panics when things get tense. Hops up from being startled
Uraraka: all you hear from her is nervous chuckling. She knew for sure she wouldn't be scared but she was very wrong
Mina: confidently gets through it, says BAM every time she presses a button
Iida: has to be convinced in order to get him to put the headset on. He dies on the first night because he was doing nothing and listening to phone guy. When he gets startled he throws the controllers across the room
Sero: "get away get away getawaygetawayGETAWAYYGETAWAHAHAHAYYY"
Jirou: felt forced into it. Only played the maintenance games. "Ew wtf why does it look like that"
Todoroki: will only speak by just adding weird comments about the atmosphere. Jumpscares make him flinch
Mineta: only does it to try to impress everyone, fails miserably and sobs
Tokoyami: at the start he's just- "how do I play this? Hmmm" by the end he's cursing the robots to the darkest trenches of the void
Sato: "HAHABDBABBFBBVBVBBOVOV GET OUUUTTTTTTT" *throws the cups and cupcake at the door* "HAVE A TREAT"
Koda: watched the others play for two minutes then left. He wants no part of this
Momo: "wow I've never played this game before :D" .. "TAKE IT AWAY I NEVER WANT TO PLAY THIS AGAIN"
Hagakure: hops into the game and chickens out immediately
Shoji: nails it without a word
Aoyama: is the last one to play so everyone kinda disassociates and leaves him in the dust
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burningablaze · 3 years
Ojiro and Kirishima - “It’s Time For Some Revenge!”
Thanks @tickly-trashcan for letting me use one of your sentence starters 😁
Lee: Ojiro
Ler: Kirishima
“It’s time for some revenge!” Kirishima shouted before scribbling his fingers all over Ojiro’s sides. “Nohohoho stohohohop plehehease!” Poor Ojiro began wiggling around and tried to block Kirishima’s tickly hands.
Some time earlier, Ojiro was teasing Kirishima a little by using his tail. One time when Kirishima was taking a nap on the couch, his shirt rolled above his belly and Ojiro happened to be passing by. But he stopped and looked at Kirishima being a cute sleeper. Then he used the end of his fluffy tail to graze over Kirishima’s belly. Kirishima giggled in his sleep then full on laughter the more Orjiro tickled him with his tail.
So now it was Kirishima’s turn to tickle him back for disturbing his sleep.
“OKAY EHEHEHE PLEHEHEHEASE!” Orjiro pleaded when Kirishima tickled attacked Orjiro’s underarms. Kirishima chuckled and decided to let him go. “Alright, man. Are you okay?” He asked. Oijiro breathed loudly, trying to recover from the tickling and held his stomach. “Yeah, I guess so.”
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duhragonball · 4 years
JoJolion Chapter 88
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So this chapter was a really interesting bit of writing, so I want to go over it in greater detail.
So way back in the early portion of Part 8, I think the first Enemy Stand User, actually, was Ojiro Sasame, a surfer with a grudge against Yoshikage Kira.   He laid a trap in Kira’s apartment using his Stand, “Fun, Fun, Fun.”   But he caught Josuke instead, and when he lost the battle, he revealed that he was after Kira because Kira made him eat his own fingers down to the second joint.  
At the time, the implication was that Yoshikage Kira was a sick fuck, which was bad news for Josuke, since there seemed to be some connection between them.   Later, we learned that Josuke is the result of Kira combining with Josefumi Kujo, thanks to some Rokakaka magic.  And flashbacks showed us how Kira and Kujo teamed up to steal the Rokakaka in a desperate attempt to save Kira’s mother, Holly.   So it seemed weird that Kira would seem to be a good guy in the flashback, and yet he somehow forced Ojiro to eat his own fingers.  
So then Ojiro comes back, and it turns out he’s been dating Makorin, one of the mothers of the students in Tsurugi’s school or something.    Recently, there was an incident where the kids were teasing Tsurugi about his grandmother’s murder conviction, and then coincidentally one of those kids got hurt in an iron gate.    No one could prove Tsurugi had anything to do with it, but everyone was concerned, and Mitsuba basically threatened to destroy anyone who tried to take action against her son.   Makorin tried to play peacemaker, but got rebuffed for her effort.  
As it turns out, Makorin’s ulterior motive was to find some way to get the Higashikata’s estate.   Their land is really valuable, and it bugs her that they squander it on an orchard, when a casino would make so much more money.  Incidentally, she owns a baseball stadium, probably the one Jobin Higashikata doesn’t want to buy season passes for.   She thought she could politick some way into getting their land, but Mitsuba’s aggressive posture makes it clear that this was never going to work. 
Fun fact: The Higashikata’s property was unscathed by the March 2011 earthquake that took place right before Part 8 started.    Makorin attributed this to the family’s good fortune, as well as local legends about the property itself having special powers.    She even knows about the whole story about Jobin’s mother killing another kid so that Jobin would survive an illness.   She can’t prove any of it, but apparently the story got around over the past couple of decades.    I bring this up because I thought Araki would never get around to explaining the “Wall-Eyes” that formed after the quake.   The implication here is that they’re the result of the Higashikata’s land being untouched by the earthquake, even while the rest of Morioh was affected.   
But she thinks it’s the land itself that has the power, while Ojiro knows that it’s some sort of fruit, because he heard Kira talking about it back when Kira was scheming with Kujo to swipe the Rokakaka plant.    He then realizes he knows enough to investigate further, and concocts a scheme to blackmail Jobin Higashikata into giving him the fruit.   
So what’s the deal with him eating his own fingers?    According to the narration box in Chapter 87, he did that to himself.    Kira used to press him over whether he was a man of the sea or a man of the land, and that apparently really stressed Orjiro out, to the point where he ate his own fingers.     Before, he blamed Kira for this, and sought revenge.    Now, he seems to think of Kira as an old friend for some reason.    The point is that Ojiro’s the crazy one in this backstory.   Kira never forced him to eat his own fingers, at least not intentionally. 
So this whole Ojiro return arc ties up a lot of loose ends.   The Wall Eyes, the finger thing, the grudge between Mitsuba and Makorin, and Ojiro himself, since it never made sense to me how one of the bad guys in this arc is a rando human with no ties to the Rock Humans or the Higashikata family. 
Anyway, Ojiro overplays his hand.   He uses his Stand to get Tsurugi to record video evidence of the Rokakaka’s hiding place, then he takes control of Jobin and Tsurugi and nearly forces them to kill themselves if they don’t give in to his demands.    Then he kills them anyway and takes the plant, as well as Jobin’s wallet.     But it turns out that Tsurugi used his own Stand, Paper Moon King, to only make it look like he and Jobin were dead.   This allowed Jobin to use his Stand, Speed King, to... I forget how Speed King works, but it makes things hot, so he burns Ojiro to death.    Then Jobin calls the last number dialed on Ojiro’s phone and kills his accomplice, which turns out to be Makorin.  
So that wraps everything up, with the main takeaway being that Jobin has killed at least two people to protect his control of the Rokakaka and the family estate.  Lately he’s been doing a lot of high talk about making their family even stronger, and Tsurugi growing up with the same ideals, but this is the first indication that he’ll totally follow through on his “strong over the weak” rhetoric.  
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class1akids · 4 years
Can I have an honest analysis on Bakugou’s friendship and relationship with BKDK and TDBK and how it benefits him as a character. One of the things that bother me is how they don’t benefit bakugo in a natural way. His relationship with a Deku feels forced because of the fact that these two weren’t close nor did they have a special relationship for their friendship to benefit bakugo in any type of way that the narrative is pushing. The thing between them feels forced just to give Deku a rival(1)
(2)But bakugo doesn’t need Deku as a rival. It’s like saying that nobody else in the entire series would be able to challenge Bakugou, which I feel is false. Not only would bakugo experiencing upper classmen worked, but Todoroki works as well. There’s nothing special about BKDK that makes me feel like it was needed because Bakugo’s character works without Deku around. It’s like saying the school setting does nothing for bakugo, and that his quirk is so strong no one can challenge him
(3) when it comes to TDBK, there’s really nothing there. Bakugo was an afterthought to Todoroki in the sports festival and then nothing happened after that. They had remedial classes and we only see one class and boom, friends. They could have worked off of one another, but they don’t for some reason. It’s all reduced to bakugo knowing about Todoroki’s family drama because he overheard it and that’s about it. They’re friends because the entire class is friends. Nothing more, nothing less
(4) Idk, Maybe it’s the fandom that’s actually annoying me because they make it out to seem like bakugo and Midoriya were best friends and that bakugo needed Midoriya when in all honesty, he could of had that same development without him. And I want to like TDBK but there’s nothing there for me to really like. They work well together, but the manga doesn’t do anything with them for me to really find them interesting. Idk, i just think that bakugo works better away from Midoriya.
Anon, I already wrote quite a bit on TDBK for you, but it feels like you are not reading anything I’m saying, so I really don’t feel like rehashing previous arguments. If you think Bakugou has the same relationship with Todoroki than with Sato, Hagakure, Orjiro, Koda, Aoyama, Tsuyu, Iida, Momo, etc, than obviously we are reading this manga in very different ways. 
As for BKDK - Deku’s character challenges Bakugou in much more fundamental ways than just in terms strength. He’s there to deconstruct every faulty notion that Bakugou built in his own head about what it means to be a great hero, and hold up a mirror to show Bakugou everything he lacks in his way of thinking to get there (and the opposite is true too - Bakugou shows Deku the bits he’s lacking). Their rivalry is about pushing each other not only in terms of strength, but also in their respective attitudes. 
It’s putting their relationship on a new foundation - a way to build a better dynamics. Obviously, they are not quite there yet and right now at this stage the shared secret gives them the cover they (Bakugou) need to work together, but their entire history is the real glue that holds them together. It’s an inescapable relationship that they didn’t choose, but exists between them (and I’m hoping in the endgame they will actively choose it). 
Btw, I do think that Bakugou ALSO needs relationships / experiences outside of Deku to grow, but the narrative gives him that too. His interactions with All Might, Kirishima, Kaminari, Aizawa, Best Jeanist, Todoroki, Endeavor etc. all give important bits and pieces for his character arc. In the latest chapters, for example, we see how profoundly his relationship with Aizawa affected him. 
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I’ve always seen Bakugou’s arc as his personal coming-of-age story - it’s a story where Midoriya is a very important part, but not the only part. It’s just those parts naturally feel larger, because like it or not, this is Deku’s story and he’s telling it (although obviously Bakugou haven’t realized it just yet)...
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do you support any bnha ships
you mean canon ships or ships at all? bc i mean i guess yeah for both of them.
izuocha is cute but also bland at the same time so good for them. Kiribaku is a cute canon ship
im not a big shipper, but I see the appeal in these ships though:
kaminari + any member of bakusquad (that includes jiro)
sero+ happiness
neijire+ beautiful girls =happiness
endeavor + consequences
erasermight (aizawa show all might how to fucking teach people challenge)
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balkanbitch · 4 years
Class 1a as things my friend and ramdom strangers have said
Izuku: "Does anyone else see All Might as there school father?"
Urakaka: *aggressively* "I have jam on my pants." Or " I'm going to break Neiko Nekio knees."
Iida: "Sero has a juel you know what that means.....He smokes cocaine"
Asui:*cough* "suicide" *cough*
Todoroki: " If your going to die might as well do it smoothly"
Bakugou: " WHY DO YOU HAVE THE LEGO STAR WARS CHARATERS GRID BOOKEDMARK???" or "I learned emotion from screaming at my mom about how I didn't want to take a shower."
Kirishima: "Here's the fish bowl that is the earth." Or "I may look like Tetsu but don't be fooled I'm actually funny."
Denki:*durning sex ed* "Should we be taking notes?"
Mina: "I'm not like other girls I'm addicted to heroin"
Sero: "You would be terrible at being addicted to cocaine."
Jirou: " You heard of a closeted gay but have you ever heard of closeted atheists?"
Tokoyami: "The birds work for no one, they work for them selfs."
Shoji: "What is this jojo siwa bizarre adventures?"
Aoyama:*screaming out a window on a high way* "MADAM"
Momo: "Who needs a personality when you have *slams hand on desk* big tities"
Mineta: *groping air*"Is this what steak looks like?!?"
Sato: "Don't focus on your stress, focus on the pillsbury dough boy."
Orjiro: "Only god can judge but I can listen." Or "Thank you for being normal."
Toru: "I'm crack rat and I can throw it back." Or "Orijiro does karate right? Can I pay him to beat the hell out of me."
Koda:*Someone jumps in front of him* "Ahhh a BEAR"
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bnhahq101 · 3 years
Their Love Language
If anyone wants more details for a character feel free to request that character!
- Physical Touch
- words of affirmation
Kugo Sakamato
- Quality time
- Gift giving
Shota Aizawa
- Physical Touch
- Acts of Services
Tamaki Amajaki
- Acts of Services
- Quality time
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
- Acts of Service
- physical touch
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)
- physical touch
- Gift giving
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
- Physical touch
- words of affirmation
Sero Hanta
- Words of affirmation
- acts of service
Katsuki Bakugo
- quality time
- acts of service
Mashirao Orjiro
- acts of service
- physical touch
Fumikage Tokoyami
- Quality time
- Words of affirmation
Izuku/Deku Midorya
- words of affirmation
- physical touch
Denki Kaminari
- Physical touch
- Quality time
Eijiro Kirishima
- physical touch
- words of affirmation
- acts of service
Tanya Iida
- gift giving
- acts of service
Juzo Horenuki
- words of affirmation
- quality time
Mirio Togata
- Physical Touch
- words of affirmation
Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
- words of affirmation
- acts of service
Hitoshi Shinso
- quality time
- acts of service
Yo Shindo
- words of affirmation
- Physical touch
Koji Koda
- Acts of service
- quality time
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
- words of affirmation
- physical touch
Enji Todoroki
- Gift giving
- acts of service
Tomura (Tenko) Shigaraki
- Physical touch
- words of affirmation
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
MHA Hanta Sero x Reader - Truth or Dare Pt 1
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Quirk: Mushroom, you can sprout different types of mushrooms off of your heard according to how you feel. For example, when you are angry, you sprout Death Cap mushrooms, and when you are nervous, you sprout Russula mushrooms.
After finally moving onto campus and settling into your dorm rooms, the girls of the UA class decide to gather in the common space and have a bit of a girls night.
It was currently 7:00 p.m. and you had just arrived in a cute set of mushroom themed pajamas. You were greeted by Mina, who ushered you to sit between her and Tsu.
"There you are! We were about to start without you!" Mina squealed as she pulled you down.
"Sorry, so what are we playing?" you nervously laughed.
"We were just about to play truth or dare, kero." Tsu said with he tongue hanging out a bit.
"O-oh, yeah?" you said. All these girls knew you had a crush on someone, but not who on, and you were afraid that they might use this as an opportunity to find out.
"And to raise the stakes," Mina began before standing on the couch and smiling "Anyone who does not complete their truth or dare owes Mineta a kiss on his head!" the pink girl laughed maniacally.
'Oh God..." you thought.
"So I'll go first!" Mina shouted. "Yoayorozou! Truth or dare?"
"Well...um...dare!" the raven haired creator tried to be brave. Mina thought for a moment.
"I dare you to...create a big dildo with your quirk!" Mina laughed again. Yoayarozou tried to protest before she was reminded of the conditions. She sighed and produced a large, andrather detailed piece of silicone out of her stomach and placed it on the table with a blush.
"Jiro, truth or dare!" she said to move things along.
"Truth?" Jiro replied.
"Who is your favorite band?" the moody girl blushed and looked away.
"A-Aqua..." Jiro mumbled.
"You mean that terrible 80's band that sings 'Barbie Girl'?" Ochaco piped up.
"Yes! Now Hagakure! Truth or dare!"
"Truth!" the invisible girl chirped.
"So...How do things work with Orjiro? Like you do you...do things with him not being able to see you?" The purple haired girl asked.
"Oh! That's easy! He likes it when I wear lingerie so he can see my silhouette! And as for how we have sex, I just put his hands where I want them to be!" she said enthusiastically.
'She wasn't even embarrassed...' you thought.
"So, Tsu! Truth or dare!" Hagakure asked.
"How about dare?" the frog replied.
"Hmmm...I dare you...to grab Yoayarozou's dildo with your tongue and go to the window and throw it into the window of the boys' rooms!"
"Wow, thats pretty specific, but okay." Tsu said before fulfilling her dare with a blush.
"Alright, its your turn (Y/N), truth or dare, ribbit." she asked, making you blush.
"Um...dare?" you ask hoping she wouldn't ask about Sero.
"Who do you have a crush on, kero??"
"W-what! Nobody, of course!" you tried to deny. The happy frog wasn't buying your answer in the slightest.
"Okay dare." you said sternly.
"I dare you to answer the question, kero."
Tsu was your best friend, and you knew she wouldn't give in until you gave her the complete truth. To be honest, she knew about your feelings toward the taping hero. She had observed the way you acted around him and the way you seemed to smile so brightly in his presence, and although you hadn't seen it, she had watched him smile back. She had watched him wait outside your door to walk you to class, only to quickly exit before he had the chance because he wasn't sure what he'd say. Tsuyu had steadily watch the two of you fall in love with each other from two desks away over the course of the first semester, like  a teenage drama show. She knew that Sero would make you happy, and as your best friend, that was all she wanted for you.
The rainy season hero gave you a knowing nod with an encouraging grin. You knew you couldn't get out of this one. You knew, that she knew. You inhaled deeply.
"S-Sero...there I said it! He is just so sweet and he always makes me laugh and-"
"(Y/N)." Ochaco interrupted.
"Wait, let me finish before you judge me! I just think he is super cute, especially his smile and-"
"(Y/N)?" Yoayarozou asked.
"Guys, you wanted to know so badly, so just let me talk-"
"(Y/N), there are mushrooms on your head." Tsu said as she plucked off a small red and white Russula, and popped it into her mouth, making you blush.
"Oh god, I didn't even realize!" you covered your face.
"(Y/N), you should tell him!" Ochaco said as she sat herself behind you to help remove the mushrooms.
"I've tried, I just can't ever find the words to say! He makes me so nervous and then this happens!" you sighed as you covered your face.
"Ya know, when I need a bit of confidence, I give myself a make over! Beautiful, dramatic make up, curl my hair, then put on a super cute that makes me feel like a baddie!" Hagakure said enthusiastically, earning a look from everyone.
"But...Hagakure...how do you see yourself to do make up...?" You asked.
"You know, that's not a bad idea!" Mina said with a twinkle in her eye. "We should make her over!"
"W-Wait guys...I-I don't know..." you protested.
"Oh come on, (Y/N)! It'll be fun! And if you don't like it, you don't have to confront him in it!" Ochaco encouraged.
"Well...Okay..." You finally gave in.
You didn't notice, but Tsu sat in her place with a bright smile on her face. She knew how you felt about yourself, and she was glad you had agreed to let the girls help build your confidence. The truth was, she had told the girls ahead of time that she was worried for your self esteem. Tsu wasn't one to meddle in the relationships of others, but it hurt her to watch her best friend hurt. She wasn't doing this for Sero, or even for the matchmaking aspect. She was doing it to show you how beautiful she thought you was.
After returning from their rooms with their own contributions to your make over, everyone began to huddle around you. You simply sat in the middle of them. Ochaco sat on the couch behind you, gently brushing and styling your hair, while you sat on the floor, with Yaoyarozou in front of you, applying make up. Hagakure and Mina stood in front of everyone, showing off the outfits that they'd picked from their closets.
Tsu and Jiro took turns giving you advice on how to keep from getting so nervous, as Tsu munched on the red and white mushroom that Ochaco had picked off of your head. You never liked them that much, in fact, they were mildly poisonous, but she loved having them as a snack, and that was just one of the many reasons that your were best friends.
"So, try not to focus on what you like about him, as much as what you like about yourself, that you think he'll like." Jiro advised.
"How do I do that? Actually, what does that even mean?" you asked.
"She means, since you like his smile, you should smile. Flash him a confident smile that he's sure to love!" Ochaco clarified.
"But...what if he doesn't like my smile...or my hair, or my clothes, or...me?" you worried as tears  threatened to ruin your fresh mascara, causing Yoayarozou to pull away.
Tsu furrowed her eyebrows. She hopped up from her seat to sit beside you. She held a mirror in front of your face with a hand on your shoulder, trying to hold back a tear.
"(Y/N), you are so beautiful," she began. You looked behind you in the mirror and noticed her wet eyes.
"Tsu-" she interrupted you.
"(Y/N), you are the best friend I have ever had, and I don't like to see you tear yourself down the way you do! None of us do. You're so pretty, and smart and funny, and if Sero can't see that, it doesn't matter. Because we do...I do..."
You hadn't seen Tsu cry like this since Bakugo got kidnapped. You felt a pang of guilt sting your heart. You had made her cry, and you felt so terrible.
"Tsu, I'm so sorry!" you hugged her while patting her back. You felt her return the favor.
"I forgive you, (Y/N), but please try to see your worth from now on, kero." you smiled.
"I promise!" you said happily.
"Well then lets get you jacked up, girl!" Hagakure jumped up.
The next hour or so was spent filled with the smell of hairspray and various other cosmetics. You chose an outfit that all the girls had collaborated on. It consisted of a short white and yellow sunflower patterned romper with spaghetti straps belonged to Hagakure, a pair of tan wedged sandals from Yoayarozou, a white beaded bracelet, borrowed from Jiro, a pair of similar earrings from  Ochaco, and ankle chain with a little flower charm from Mina, and lastly, a sunflower necklace that Tsu had given you, to keep.
Ochaco had curled your hair, while Yoayarozou did your make up, and Jiro and Mina painted your nails.
You looked in the mirror and blushed, mouth agape.
"Wow..." you whispered. Tsu came up behind you and put her hands on your shoulders.
"You see, (Y/N), you are so beautiful, ribbit." She said as the rest of the girls held their breaths waiting for your response.
"I-I really do..." you stuttered, still in awe of yourself. The girls giggled and shriek, excited that you like what they'd done.
"Now go get you that boy!" Mina shouted, making you smile brightly.
"I will! And if I can't, it doesn't make me any less!" you beamed. It made the happy frog want to cry to hear you speak so positively about yourself.
You headed for the door to the elevator with the excited pose in tow. They wanted to remind you of all their advice before you left. You flashed a determined smile at the group before the elevator doors closed.
This was it. You were on your way to Sero's room and you were going to confess to him. You began to feel doubt fall onto your happy aura once again.
'What if he doesn't like me? What if he laughs at me for getting so dressed up? What if he never wants to talk to me again?' you began to panic, feeling mushrooms beginning for pop up. You quickly popped them off before throwing them on the floor, out of sight.
You're thoughts were shattered by the gentle 'ding' of the elevator indicating that it had reached it's destination. You inhaled deeply before exiting without looking, suddenly, you crashed into someone.
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